#This is really js for me and nobody else
deritosmi · 5 months
I think I’m a transmasc lesbian bc I mean dudes are great and whatever but only when they’re fictional and/or I want to be them
but I spent like at least a few weeks of my life sighing and swooning over the idea of having a relationship with literally anyone who’s not a dude (before I knew I was trans, mind you)
I actually identified as lesbian then too, but then I changed it to biromantic because I mistook gender envy for attraction, and when I was first transitioning I felt like if I embraced my full gender instead of just the boy bits I would be less valid
So yeah
it’s difficult to explain when you feel like ur a dude but also not
like yes I’m masculine and I’ve got that ‘HELL YEAHH AHHHH’ energy about me but I am not like
I don’t feel comfortable with the idea of being called a man
Now being called a BOY is OKAY because for some reason it just feels more neutral to me
but I’m not like… a *boy* boy
and I’m not a girl
I’m just pierce
(And calling myself just Pierce makes me WAYYY more happy than being called a boy js saying)
yk I got that boy in me I got that girl-adjacent in me and I got that dawg in me
So I’m comfortable with the labels Multigender, transmasc, and queer, but my favorite one is JUST ME :)
Birl life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
another update: this is still about right lol
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lesbianlenas · 7 months
listening to this song age 23 feels exactly like how i felt when i listened to all time low when i was 15 😭
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gloxk · 8 months
Please give us sum eren & armin toxic hc Like armin and eren would be two different types of toxic. Ex!boyfriend eren blowing ur back out n sending it to ur bf or whoever ur talking to n ex!boyfriend armin not being able to take you talking to someone else so he fucks you a party or smth idk go crazy. 🤰🏾.
“Yeah my ex is crazy.”
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A/N: No bc they are two completely different types of toxic. Like idk how to explain it? I js feel like eren is the type of ex to be petty and trifling. But armin..omg..armin goes off the fucking deep end. But i love my lil psychos🤭.
WARNING!: A lil fluff , toxic behavior, unhealthy relationships, smut, unprotected s*x, Blackmailing, Mentions of offing someone, obsession, controlling, plus other things . +17 mdni
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EREN! Please for the love of god don’t let Eren find out you fucking with someone else. This man will go from nonchalant to crazy. “Oh word? This what we doing?”. He disregards the fact yall broke up a whole month ago.
He would definitely blow up your phone after seeing a post on instagram. “Who is he?” & “He fuck you better then me?”. Oh and please don’t tell him yes. Because let me warn you. He will be right there at that door knocking.
“You know you fucking lyin. But ight we gon see.” He hung up the phone and you laughed at him. Who gave this man an ego? Did he really think he was the only man with good dick?
You were confused when you heard a knock on your door but to your surprise, it was eren. “What the fuck?” he pushed right passed you walking into your apartment. “Nah, don’t fucking play with me y/n.” You could tell he was pissed just by his voice.
This man wasted no time bending you over the couch and fucking you right there.
“Nobody could fuck you better the me.” He grabbed a fists full of your hair pulling you up to his mouth.“You belong to me. Don’t ever let me find out there’s someone other than me fucking you like this.” and to be quite frank, nobody could fuck you like eren.
Eren talked you through the whole thing. He knew he was rough with you, but god he couldn’t help it. So that’s why he praised you for taking his dick so well <3.
He took out his phone and pressed record. His hard thrust drove lewd moans from your lips. “Fuck right there!” you screamed every time his hips slapped your ass. He made sure he got glimpse of your face so the guy knew it was you. He made sure you screamed his name just to prove who you belonged to.
You got so many miss calls while eren fucked you to sleep. Every time ole boy called eren went faster. <3
You woke up alone, your bed empty. Your phone notifications were through the roof. Over 100 notifications from that guy. It was crazy. But a simple text from eren stuck out. “Let me hear word about you fucking w some again. Next time ima put em in a casket.”
You weren’t sure if he was joking or not. But one thing you did know was he made every threat a promise. And he always kept his promises.
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ARMIN! Lawd, you let armin find out you even thought about some one else fucking you, it was over.
This man went full psychotic when word got to him about you talking to someone guy. Apparently you were at a party grinding all up against him.
The first thing armin did was collect every drop of information he had on this guy. His home address, His mother’s facebook, His phone number, Job number. He knew too much on the fucker who decided to touch his pretty “girlfriend”.
It pissed him off, how dare you try to replace him. He blew up your phone to the point it crashed. “That’s so fucking cute, y/n. You think that you can just go fuck some other guy?” , “Please don’t make me do something crazy.” . The crazy part was you didn’t even fuck the guy, he was just fucking crazy. He always assumed you were cheating for some reason.
When you didn’t answer his calls he pulled up expeditiously. if you didn’t answer within the 30 minute window he wouldn’t wait to show up to your door.
“Y/n open this goddamn door.” He banged on the door. It was 2 am- oh yeah he knew you had work later, he didn’t care.
As soon as you open the door an argument ensued. “Pick up the fucking phone when I call you y/n” He yelled at you slamming the door behind him. “You ain’t my fucking boyfriend Armin. Ion gotta do shit.”
He never made you regret your words so fast. His nails dug into your hips as his pace increased. “Ain’t yo fucking boyfriend huh? Then why you letting me fuck you raw?”
Your bed was a mess after he made you cum over and over again. After he was done all you could do was mumble incoherently ‘Nobody is better then you’. He was rough but his after care made up for it <3.
He kissed your forehead before he nuzzled into your chest. “You’re the best I ever had.” he soon fell asleep after those words left his mouth.
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I love my cute lil crazy guys <3
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kvrokasaa · 24 days
omg i was js thinking abt timeskip kaiser, a renowed pro football player, attending some celebrity event and seeing his mother there SKDJEK 🫨 can you plspls make it a short angsty(?) story w a happy ending pls our boy deserves it :(
take care <3
I tried to make it as angsty as I could, but I probably just made a comfort fic, I'm sorry!
Cw: mention of food, mentions of mother's leaving, kaiser being sad, crying, comfort, angst(?), happy ending, comforting kaiser helps cope with the recent chapter :(, not proofread, 1.5k words
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“I seriously don’t know how you do it,” you whisper over to Kaiser, your voice trailing off to a quiet giggle. A smile reaches his face when he hears your giggle, you never fail to brighten his mood. “Do what, meine liebe?” He questions, the pet name rolls off his tongue with such ease, that you’re sure he practices saying it every day.
“I don’t know how you manage to attend these events and functions all the time. It’s my first time and it’s so tiring already,” you hum, grabbing a strawberry covered in chocolate. “At least there’s good food,” you finish. 
Kaiser snorts quietly. That’s what got you to come in the first place. He almost begged you to come with him, but every time he asked he was met with your quick ‘no.’ So, like the man he is, he went to underhanded tactics. He promised to get you good food, and promised that there’ll be really good food there.
You’re thankful that he didn’t lie.
“It’s about keeping up with appearances, meine liebe.” His arm circles around your waist when he sees some nobody looking at you with obvious intentions. “Do you think if I didn’t blow so much money on these stupid things people would still respect me? No. I have to come to these to show people that I’m richer and better than they will ever be.” You almost wanted to roll your eyes. But would it really be Kaiser if he didn’t say something super egotistical?
He chuckles when he sees how close you are to rolling your eyes. Although most of his words were false, some of them were true. If he didn’t come to these and spend so much money, people would not respect him. The world truly is in his hands.
“Okay you goof, I have to use the restroom,” you pressed your hands against his chest as you raised yourself onto your tiptoes. “Make sure to stuff some of that food into my purse when I’m gone.” You joked.
Kaiser followed you with his eyes while you walked to the end of the ridiculously big room for the bathroom. His eyes show everything, especially his love and adoration for you. He laughs a little as he turns his attention back to the speaker. 
But something catches his eye. A slightly tall woman, with blond hair but almost gray now, no. That’s not what makes Kaiser freeze in his spot, that’s not what makes his heart beat ten times faster. It’s the unmistakable red eyeliner. 
Anyone could apply red eyeliner, he tries to reason with himself. Kaiser tries his best to divert his attention back to the speaker, but his eyes cannot seem to leave the woman. His gaze must have alerted the woman because the next second she is looking around for the person.
And when her eyes fall on him, he immediately panics. No way in hell. She can not be here. He must be hallucinating or something. He needs air, fresh air. Why can’t he breathe? 
Kaiser leaves the mansion as quickly as possible, trying to get away from the stuffy crowd. But just his luck, she follows him out. 
“My son, I have been looking for you.”
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You leave the bathroom, with your disgust intensified. Why are rich people so weird? Couldn’t that couple have gone home? Who in their right mind would be doing that during a fundraiser? 
A sigh escapes your lips as you make your way to the crowd, ready to tell Kaiser what you just witnessed. 
But when you get back to the table of food, he’s gone. You swear that he wouldn’t just leave you, and he would’ve texted you if he moved somewhere else. Maybe he had gone to the restroom too?
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After searching for a little, you end up spotting his blonde and blue hair. But you see a person standing if front of him and he isn’t moving at all. Your brows furrow in a quizzical manner, who is that?
“No.” You hear him say, it was more of a demand than anything. “You’re lying.” The woman in front of him shakes her head, a soft expression on her face. “You may think that, but we both know it’s not true.” She opens her arms, her hands awaiting his shoulders as to pull him into her embrace. 
“It’s me, your mother.” Your eyes widen, why is she here? Why did she decide to come back now of all times?
“I’m sorry for interrupting,” your tone is soft while you look at Michael, a worried expression on your face. “But Michael and I should really be going.” “Who are you?” Her soft expression never falls, almost like she got it implanted onto her face. But you can see the truth, the deception, the root of her lies. She’s only here for the spotlight. She wants to be seen as his mother, as his savior. But you know that she will only ruin him. She will only make him fall deeper into the black hole.
“Oh, I’m guessing you haven’t seen the news,” you start. You look at Michael’s mother, your soft expression immediately faltering. “I’m Michael’s fiancee. It’s very nice to meet you.” You give her a fake soft smile. You don’t want to seem too rude, but you know kindness with a person like this will only lead to your ruin.
“Ah, I thought you were his chafure. You seem awfully-” “Stop.” She turns her attention back to Michael, her faux softness resurfacing. “My dear, you seem tired. Why don’t we-” “No.” He can’t get his head around this whole situation. Why has she come back? Why did she choose now to come back? Does she want money, is that it? Maybe she just wants to be seen with him. Maybe she needs her acting career back and the only way she can get noticed is with Michael.
But he doesn’t want any of that. He tried so hard to look for her, and now she shows up out of nowhere. 
Michael feels like he’s on the verge of a breakdown. 
His mom tries to reach out again, but Michael is too preoccupied to notice. So, you step in, your body in the middle of both of them. Your glare is icy, never relenting when you see his mother’s expression falter. She seems to be caught up in her own little world. Does she not know the damage she created? How dare she walk back into his life like he owes her everything.
No, she owes him everything.
“I don’t know you, but I know of you. I know what kind of person you are and it’s fucking disgusting.” Your tone is sharp as if laced with venom, and it cuts right through her little facade. You can see the second her fake kindness leaves, and you’re left with the disgust and hatred that Kaiser should have. 
“You are not allowed to walk back into Michael’s life when it’s convenient for you. You don’t get to do that. That’s not fair to him at all. 
Do you know how many times he’s tried to find you? You don’t, do you? He’s tried almost his entire life to find you, to find some sort of comfort in his mother. But you left him. You left a child all by himself with someone neither of you could’ve trusted. 
Do you know the first thing he said to me when I first hugged him? He thanked me. He thanked me for being there, for letting him breathe. He has constant thoughts that I’m going to leave him because of your mistakes.
And if you’re a good mother, if you truly missed him, you would’ve reached out in the past and apologized for everything. But you didn’t.
So no. I’m sorry, but not. You do not get to walk back into Michael’s life right now. He can reach out if and when he truly wants to. Please leave.”
Michael’s mother juts her chin up, a little huff leaving her mouth before she walks away. You truly thought that you wedged a block between Kaiser and his mother. You’re scared that if you turn around, you’ll see the hurt and betrayal across his face.
But that’s not it in the slightest. Kaiser is so proud to be called yours at this moment. He’s so very grateful to you. He has never had someone stick up for him in this way before.
Yes, he always acts as if nothing can bother him, even if he shows it on his face a little. But at this moment, he realizes that he wants to be held by you, he wants you to nurture him and to care for him. He wants to turn to you for things he has never received in his life.
Before he knows it, tears gather in his eyes, threatening to spill along his cheeks. His body moves on its own as he makes his way to you.
“Thank you,” his arms looped around your waist, his hold tightening ever so slightly. You thank the Lord that everyone has left or else everyone would see Kaiser crying and you know that he hates showing that to the world. 
You let those thoughts leave your mind, your smile growing back onto your face. “No need to thank me, my love. I meant every word and I will protect you until you’re ready to see her again.”
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crystcrm · 1 year
i share ur struggle.. i ACHE for gepard or welt content so hopefully i could request for something like that? im js gonna throw a bunch of ideas and you can choose whichever
relationship hcs (what he’d be like, how does he show his love etc)
sleeping together (take this whichever way you want)
cooking together in the kitchen (im a whore for this stuff idk why😭)
bedroom hcs (kinks, fav positions, literally anything i need it so bad)
anon i hope you know this ask gave me like 5000 braincells. like suddenly i am THINKING. it's so insane how one little ask full of random blurbs gave me so much life to write even just the smallest things.
literally welt and gepard are my two faves rn, i'm fr just waiting for jing yuan to come out. jing yuan my beloved <3<3
but anyway, as for this little ask, i think we'll ease into the hsr content with some fluff ( i am all due for it anyway, i have Not been writing and i also need the fluff because my god does life hit hard ) so sit tight >:)
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love and cherishing you ♡ ;; various x gn!reader headcanons
content;- sfw , fluff , headcanons list , how some hsr boys show their love for you ♡♡ , overall just really fluffy because i need toothrotting stomach ache inducing head swirling sweet fluff sometimes... , nothing about getting together but just general hcs on what they'd be like in a relationship , reader is nooooot...? the trailblazer but could possibly be interpreted as such if you squint
characters inc:- welt yang , gepard landau ( includes post-belobog arc content, not extremely spoilery but take note that i chose after the jarillo-vi conclusion to open up more opportunities >:3 )
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together with welt yang . . .
welt has lived life longer than perhaps anyone on the express, being from another world and used to living as the first ( second generation ) herrscher of reason, a herrscher that sided with humanity. he didn't expect to get sucked into another adventure, one where he'll meet many companions, see unbelievable sights or even... fall in love.
he's an old soul, yet his heart still has a grand passion for what he does. the fire within him burns, and perhaps, you stoke the flames. a motivation unlike any other to show you the wonders of the galaxy— of every world.
his love is not the most openly shown, an old man can be embarrassed sometimes. especially in the face of his family of the astral express. his affections for you are for you two only. his touches, his words, the little things that make sparks fly are all special and meant for your ears and eyes only. be it in the privacy of his room, or late nights when everyone else is fast asleep, he'll always find a way to make his love for you known when nobody else is looking.
time together with you is always time well spent. he enjoys it perhaps just a little more than going on adventures with everyone. you could be doing anything, and he wouldn't mind simply sitting in silence together with you. it's comforting, relaxing. it's moments like these where he gets to unwind with you. it's essentially a recharge— he doesn't even have to hold you ( but if you'd like that, he'd be more than happy to ).
he used to be an artist— an animation storyboard artist. his skills on paper would definitely outmatch the rest of the crew. he already likes to have his experiences captured in little drawings in his notebook. well, you happen to be one big, long lasting experience. one that he can't wait to see what more comes while experiencing it. you swear that you can catch him gazing at you every other day, and you always see his pencil moving across the papers in his book. inside are sketches of you in all your beauty, how he adores you, even complete with little notes about the things you like.
he wishes to show you the world, all there is to be seen across the entire galaxy. he will be there, to guide you, to accompany you. it's not that he doesn't trust the rest of the crew, but really, this is the closest thing to a date you've ever gotten. taking in the sights of new worlds, creating new memories together, and maybe getting tossed in a bit of trouble along the way. sure, it may be tiring or troublesome, but he wouldn't want to face it with anyone else.
those that come across him know him as welt yang, but this is the name he has inherited. he doesn't tell it often, perhaps, but at least you know him. the real him. he's not just welt to you, but also joachim. it is something he entrusted to you, who he is, who he once was, who he shall become— everything about him.
he adores you, and all your entirety. you are like a burning star in the galaxy above, one that burns with him.
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together with gepard landau . . .
gepard, captain of the silvermane guards is a busy, busy man. between his duties as captain and his daily life, he does his best to find time for you. his lack of charm is exactly what makes him charming, some may say. he's no nonsense, stubborn, "famously uncompromising" ( as his sister claims ) with an unmatched loyalty. it sounds horrendous, but perhaps that's exactly why you love him.
you tell him he should prioritise his duty first and foremost, he is an important figure in belobog, after all. and he does, he stubbornly commits to it. even if he can see in your eyes that you're hesitantly letting him go again. it's in these rare moments that he gives you a small, warming smile and a gentle embrace— he tells you that he'll do his best, for the preservation of belobog, for its people— and most importantly, you.
bothering him on patrol isn't one of your favourite activites, there are definitely more enriching things out there, but you still do it from time to time. usually, it's when the nights are a little colder and you can't seem to sleep. it's the same old thing, each and every time. he tells you you should get home, but not after a quick walk together with him. you'd chat about the little things, and he'd even shyly try to hold your hand in such a moment. after that, he personally escorts you back to your residence, and never forgetting to leave without a kiss goodnight. it may be a simple kiss on the back of your hand, or you might get up for a quick kiss on the cheek. you don't know what you do to him.
gepard doesn't strike me as a type that knows a lot in this area. he was born and raised as a noble child, and then went straight into becoming a protector of the city he grew up in. he'd feel a little flustered at a few things, the ideas and thoughts that come to him while together with you. he's even more embarrassed as he goes to his sister for advice on how to deal with such emotions. he reads books, fiction of romance that he does best to turn into your reality. it's not perfect— he's still clueless on what's a really good date— but he's always trying harder just for you.
it's not often that he gets free time, but once he does, he's quick to seek you out... after his sister of course. for many good reasons, actually. other than the usual check in with his sister he loves so dearly, she is more helpful than most others despite her teasing. serval is a big source of support in his relationship with you, not to say you two can't handle it yourselves. he's just rather clueless about love as a whole sometimes, and she's there to give him a little nudge in the right direction. thanks to her, gepard brought you flowers once, and he does it every so often.
never underestimate the lengths he'd go for you. he may be constantly out there in the front lines trying to combat the antimatter legion and the fragmentum, and he may be busy with training the guards or some other silvermane business, but he would always keep you in mind. you're part of his motivation, and you've grown to be the biggest part of it. you could tell him it's nothing important, if you ask for something, like a favour or likewise, but because it's you, he'll put it right at the top of his priorities. you are his priority.
dates are difficult, especially when you're captain of the guards. walking around with him attracts more attention than any other thing, but it doesn't stop him from inviting you out. the luxuries of belobog would be easy for him to indulge in, as a landau and as captain, but truly, simply spending time with him is enough. your favourite dates are ones where you freely walk aimlessly in the day, perhaps after a bite to eat. fresh snowfall is light upon the city streets, unlike the eternal freeze. you find it hard to resist temptation, letting yourself be swept off your feet for a sweet kiss in the everlasting winter snow.
gepard landau has an immense lack of charm. he's stubborn, he's uncompromising, and maybe even a little dense or a little blunt. but the brighter side of these qualities always show around you. he'll find a way to see you, and he won't rest until he has. his lack of knowledge in this department has him cutely flustered from time to time, but also has him doing unknowingly romantic things. he loves you, and he wants you to know that.
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fictoculus · 2 months
Dunno if you've done this before, but characters with tall reader!
This is mostly me being sick and having OC obsession brain rot, but the majority of my OCs are 5'9–6'0+ for reference by what I mean for "tall".
Love your writing, by the way! Keep yourself safe and make sure to treat yourself for all the joy you bring your viewers with your writing<3. Also, this is my first request:D
(Thinking about characters like: Venti, Diluc, Zhongli, Traveller, and whoever else you want to write/if you don't write for some of these characters, that's fine!)
౨ৎ them w a tall partner...
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send a request!┊masterlist┊taglist applications
FEAT... aether, venti, itto, alhaitham, diluc
A/N... hiiii anon tysm for the request!! i loveee this idea it's so cute so i'm more than happy to write it ^^ unfortunatelyyy i wasn't able to write anything for zhongli as i js couldn't think of anything, i hope that's ok!!! also thank youuuu! i'm so glad you like my stuff, nd please make sure you take care of yourself too!! hope to see you again soon, enjoy ♡ alsooo i tried out some new colouring!! i hope you guys like ittt i think it's prettyy :3 oh and disclaimer these heights may not be accurate!!! i got them from this website but it seems pretty reliable to meee
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✧ aether. - 5'4"
the traveller, the honorary knight, the swordfish II captain, the first sage of buer: just a few of the multitude of titles aether has earned from the many battles he's fought for teyvat. he's always fighting for people, protecting people, blindly jumping head-first into danger; he needs someone to protect him for a change, and that someone is you.
he always feels safe with you, and the way you stand behind him when he's chatting with friends or purchasing items from vendors makes him feel untouchable; evident by the way he practically melts under your touch.
one of the first things people tend to notice about you is your height, and although it doesn't really bother you, aether thinks it's ignorant and unfair. don't get him wrong, he loves your height, but there's so much more to you than that. he wishes people would notice your style, or your personality, maybe even your smile, anything. as long as nobody tries to steal you from him, he doesn't mind.
he'll often find himself being the little spoon while cuddling, and honestly, it's the thing he most looks forward to after a long day of completing commissions and collecting resources.
he loves how tall you are, how gentle you are, how loving you are; he loves all of you, and he hopes you love all of him too...
✧ venti. - 5'5"
venti loves the way you tower over him, and finds your subsequent protectiveness rather endearing.
your height sometimes intimidates people, and discourages them from wanting to strike up conversation with you. venti, however, was never bothered by it, and had no problem shamelessly flirting with you the very second you entered angel's share that fateful day.
the bard struggles to understand how people could possibly be afraid of you. of course, he knows how strong you are, and is aware of the lengths you'd go to in order to protect him, but nothing about your personality was something to be scared of.
the more he got to know you, the quicker he came to the realisation that you're really just a big softie - a gentle giant, if you will.
your impressive stature also means that you can carry him around. venti loves nothing more than being in your arms, face nuzzled into your chest as you take him to bed after a long day, or resting his head on your shoulder and forcing you to lift him up when he 'falls asleep''.
all in all, your boyfriend views your height is anything but negative. he loves you the way you are, and, as cliché as it sounds, wouldn't change anything about you for the world...
✧ itto. - 6'1"
no matter how tall you are, itto will give you piggyback rides. and you will enjoy them. to put it quite frankly, you don't have a choice.
even though you're taller than him, he still loves to have you in his arms, whether that means cuddling, carrying you around, or simply just hugging you from behind. something about having you in his hold makes him feel stronger and more confident than he ever has before.
the members of the arataki gang were shocked when they first met you, genta mistaking you for itto when he caught sight of your silhouette. nonetheless, they have all grown to be quite fond of you, and often leave small gifts on your doorstep which never fail to bring a smile to your face.
your height was something you sometimes felt ashamed of, however, itto always makes sure you feel happy within yourself, and will do everything in his power to wash the insecurities away; showering you in kisses and telling you just how perfect you are...
✧ alhaitham. - 5'10"
at first, alhaitham was slightly embarrassed that you were taller than him, not because of your appearance, but because of how he'd been relentlessly teasing his roommate for his height while having a partner who stands at an impressive 6'5"...
nevertheless, the scribe truly admires everything about you, and will often just stare. even though he wants nothing more than to have you in his arms, he's more than happy to admire you from afar, to watch you go about your day or make idle chit-chat with the local vendors so that he can just take you in; "archons, they're beautiful".
even though he stands shorter than you, he is extremely protective over you; intertwining his fingers with yours whenever he has the chance, and staring down anyone who 'looks at you wrong'. you often tease him for this, poking fun at his pout before kissing it away with a smile, only for it to return as you pinch his rosy cheeks.
the love alhaitham has for you is immeasurable, and the (not so) little things like your height only make him fall harder for you. his heart skips a beat when he feels your arms snake around his waist from behind, being pulled into your chest as you rest your head on his shoulder. yes, you could still do this even if you were shorter, but for him, nothing compares to being able to sink into you; he rather enjoys feeling smaller when he's with you...
✧ diluc. - 6'1"
you and your husband, diluc, stand at a similar height, him just slightly taller than you at 6'1". people often stare when you walk into a room hand-in-hand, but the darknight hero couldn't be more proud.
he never misses the chance to show you off, introducing you to everyone he knows while making sure to subtly flash the wedding ring he oh so gently slides onto your finger every morning. however, as soon as someone dares to make a rude remark about you, your husband has no problem stepping in front of you and handling the situation himself. yes, you're capable of looking out for yourself, but the redhead always feels the need to protect the ones he loves most.
the two of you are a package deal, and are rarely seen apart from each other unless absolutely necessary. diluc can't stand being away from you, and often finds his mind flooded with thoughts of you when he should be focused on the financial papers spread out on the desk before him.
being the taller ragnvindr, diluc often takes it upon himself to hand you items from higher up shelves, knowing full well you can reach them just fine by yourself. "given my stature, wouldn't it be rude not to hand my partner the things they couldn't possibly reach?", he always asks, pressing a loving kiss on your forehead and handing you whatever you were reaching for. such a tease...
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thanks for reading ♡ want to read more? my requests are OPEN, so please feel free to let me know what you’d like me to write next!
TAGLIST... @maopll . @nyxmainex apply here
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© FICTOCULUS 2024; please do not steal, translate, or repost my works as your own
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gnwookieee · 1 year
hi ‼️ can u pls try writing ZB1's reaction to when their s/o calls them dude/bro (only if u aren't busy! no rush : D) — also what do u like being called as ? i dont really see u saying a name anywhere or maybe i js didnt look enough. anyways, thank u 🗣️
: zb1 being called bro/dude !
📁🖇️ : hi anon! thank you so much for requesting, i hope it is ok but i decided to go for the members either being the reader's boyfriend or having a crush on the reader!
📁🖇️ : also to anyone wondering you can call me rose! it's my real name, i was very happy when zb1's fandom was annouced as zerose hehe
genre : fluff, some hurt, a little comfort
pairing : zb1 x gn!reader
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: 김지웅 // kim jiwoong
look of pure confusion on jiwoong's face
man is the boyfriend of the decade and he gets called bro? he is highly confused, was not the name he thought he would be getting
tries to be smooth, brushes it off and plays his own game with you
responds by calling you the sweetest of pet names there are
darling, baby, gorgeous, sweetheart, prince/ss you name it, he is going to call you it
new life goal: be the most romantic and un-bro like he could possibly be
he probably catches you off guard with his reaction, nobody is prepared for maximum flirty jiwoong
: 장하오 // zhang hao
hao honestly thought you were talking to someone else
continues whatever he was doing until he hears you say it for the third time
looks at you to discover that your eyes staring right back at him
shocked to find out you were addressing him
me? i am the bro? really? you sure?
not sure how to react, is this a good thing or a bad thing?
mini internal conflict calms when he sees you break into a smile, realises you did it on purpose
makes you promise not to call him it again
: 성한빈 // sung hanbin
hanbin hides his disappointment at the name really well
his crush just called him bro, this was not a good sign
inside he is really confused, keeps going back and forth thinking of all the possible explanations for why you just called him bro
do you see him as more of a brother type? as a friend? do you in anyway see him as a potentially romantic interest?
but on the outside he laughs, smiles widely at you
joins in and calls you it too despite being the last nickname he wants to call you
“hi bro”, “of course bro”, “see you later bro”
feels very deflated, maybe he was being ridiculous thinking you could like him
: 석매튜 // seok matthew
matthew cannot hold back, he just laughs in your face when he hears you call him dude
laughs so hard and hysterically he probably cries
okay. not the reaction you expected.
doesn’t calm down for a good 10 minutes
every time he looks at you he starts to laugh again
matthew’s laugh is contagious, him laughing causes you to laugh. now both of you are just laughing at the situation together
now you call each other ‘dude’ all the time
admittedly not the most romantic pet name but it reminds you both of this time
he probably changed your contact name in his phone to ‘dude ❤️’
: 김태래 // kim taerae
taerae gets a little teary eyed when you attach ‘dude’ onto the end of your sentence when you two are talking on the phone
he quickly makes a blatant excuse explaining that he has to end the call
you made taerae cry?!? immediately you rush over to his dorm as quick as you can to talk to him in person
seeing him sniffling makes your heart break
tell him that you were only joking and trying to be playful, give him a big hug and do anything to try and get him to smile again
gets a little embarrassed that he got so emotional at a silly name, he just really likes you and he hated the idea of only being a friend to you….
: 리키 // ricky
gets sooo flustered
probably interprets this as your way of flirting with him (i mean he’s not wrong)
he cannot look at you without blushing, his ears turn a bold pink colour
turns away from you, hiding his face
if you try to peek at him, he just keeps turning the other way
‘aaah don’t do this to me, i can’t handle it’
honestly who would have guessed it was so easy to turn him into a blushing mess
one semi cute nickname from you and he has become 10 times more whipped for you
: 김규빈 // kim gyuvin
ok it’s time for gyuvin and his iconic (dramatic) reactions
when he hears you call him ‘dude’, he literally malfunctions and stops working, you can practically see the little digital loading wheel appear above his head
he looks at you with wide eyes
flops. yep the boy just flops onto the floor
acts as though he is allergic to the name
whines so bad ‘why dude?!?!?’
just lays on the floor for a little bit
you may need to give him a little tap, ask him if he is ok. make sure he didn’t hit his head
: 박건욱 // park gunwook
gunwook (playfully) tackles you with a hug when you call him bro
picks you up while shouting ‘really, you are going to call me bro?!’
the two of you are laughing so much
has enough confidence to believe that he is not just a ‘bro’ to you
clicks immediately that you are just playing with him. smart boy cannot be fooled
uses his strength to keep you in place while he tickles you
refuses to stop until he hears you admit that you were joking and you take it back
very statisfied with himself
: 한유진 // han yujin
yujin has a huge crush on you and honestly he thought that maybe you liked him back
but when you called him ‘bro’
boy is rethinking every single time you two had interacted
he thought you liked him back but now he thinks maybe you only see him as a friend
probably pouts a little
when he gets back to the dorms he rants to his older members about this new nickname you called him and what it could indicate about your feelings about him
‘but what does that even mean?!?’
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bbunivxrse · 5 months
AHHH I LOVED UR "HATED HIM" GOJO FIC ITS SO CUTEE🥹 I WANNA SEE A PART 2!! im curious will the reader date gojo or js continue to hate him lmao
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pairing: gojo x f!reader contents: pt 2 to this fic although you dont need to read it to understand this one. no warnings js fluff here !!! word count: 2.5k on the DOT a/n: HII NONNIE IM SSOOO HAPPY U LIKED IT!!! im sorry this took so long ive been busy with work and exams coming up :( hopefully i can post more often soon :((( ANYWAZ ENJOY
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so maybe you don’t hate Satoru Gojo. not anymore. since that moment you shared with him, you thought everything would go back to normal, and for the most part it did. well, you think it did, but everyone else saw the changes clear as day.
as time passed, from an outside perspective it seemed like the two of you suddenly had a… “stable” friendship. both “stable” and “friendship” being used very very loosely. although gojo prefered “happy relationship” and “loving marriage”. the yelling matches (you yelling at gojo while he just sits there and smiles like an idiot) that used to occur multiple times daily went down to only once a day, if at all. you didn’t seem to shoo him away as much or rant about how annoying he is. it was almost like you were warming up to him.
if nobody knew what had happened between the two of you it would’ve seemed like a random switch that went off one day, except everyone did know what happened, cuz gojo’s big mouth went and told everyone the next fucking day. to escape being made fun of to no end, you told everyone you only kissed him so he’d shut up and there was no feelings beyond that, which was half true. the other half of you knew that being all bandaged up by him after a mission gone wrong, sitting in his bed while he tells you how much he cares about you, a man who’d usually piss you off and act all goofy. to see him like that was like a breath of really fresh air and kinda changed the way you saw him.
obviously he was still super annoying and pissed you off, but he seemed to finally get the memo and tuned it down so that it was actually manageable. his laugh was suddenly cuter, his face was less punchable and his flirting was almost starting to fluster you. almost. he still made those stupid comments and monologues for waaayy too long but he got a lot sweeter in his teasing and actions. he somehow found out what your favourite foods and places to eat were and bought you food after long days of school, training sessions and missions and took you to places around tokyo on outings “dates”. your friendship with him was finally tolerable. 
waking up on a sunday morning, you hear the sound of buzzing from your phone on your bedside table. 
incoming call from gojo.
its way too early for him to be bothering you already, but you know very well that if you don’t pick up now he’ll keep calling til you do. you silently curse shoko for giving him your number when he asked her, since he already knew you’d say no to him. “what do you want?” you answer his call, putting the phone to your ear as you sit up in bed. “good morning to you too i guess..” you can hear the pouting in his voice. “what are you up to today??” 
“i’m training a bit with nanami and haibara later.” you check the clock on the table, mentally starting to plan when you’re gonna start getting ready to meet the two of them. “nanami!? why would you train with him!? he doesn’t know anything.” he seemed to completely tune out the second name you mentioned
“he knows more than you.” you laugh at his dramatic gasp over the phone, picturing the look on his face. “whateverrrr. you should train with me instead!” 
“what!? why not?? im soooo much better than him!” you can hear the passion in his voice and you begin to wonder how he can have so much energy so early in the morning, especially on a sunday. “please humble yourself, and i already told nanami i’d train with them anyway.” you glance back at your clock, continuing to consider how long you can stay in bed for. “fiiineee. we can train together next time. what’re you doing after that?” 
“after training i’m gonna…” your voice trails off as you think back to earlier this week, trying to recall if you had made any other plans with anyone for today. “not doing anything later. i’m probably gonna go back to my dorm.” you confessed, forgetting exactly who you were on the phone with. “oh so you’re free later? perfect! we sh-“ 
“no, i’m not free. i’m going back to my dorm gojo. and i’m staying there. all day.” you make sure to give him the details of your plan to stay in your room so he doesn’t have any wiggle room to plan anything. “hmmmm.. okay! ill just come over then!” 
“what?? n-“ 
“cyalaterbye!!” you hear the phone beep as he hangs up, now looking down at your lock screen. 'god he’s sooo annoying.'
getting out of bed after looking down at your clock again, you decide you have more than enough time to watch a bit of the show you’ve been catching up on. maybe about two and a half episodes?
checking the time halfway through the first episode, you decide you’re not in the mood to continue watching and you’ll watch a movie instead after training. you get up and begin getting ready for the scheduled training session you had, lightly fixing up your hair so you looked presentable and throwing on your uniform before heading out. 
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training with nanami and haibara went well, and you were all surprised gojo didn’t show up to bother you but you figured he was busy with his own thing. coming home you immediately threw your uniform onto the floor and went to take a shower, feeling all gross and sweaty. ‘ill pick it up later.’
you turn the water on, allowing it to get hot before stepping into the shower. you decided to use your favourite body wash that smelled like heaven in a bottle, the scent filling up the entire bathroom and making all the air around you smell like your favourite fragrance. you linger in the shower for a bit, the hot water feeling therapeutic against your skin. once you were done you headed back to your room, throwing on some comfy flared sweats and a random tank top from your wardrobe. looking in the mirror, the outfit was surprisingly cute, and really comfortable.
in a good mood from the nice shower and already feeling pretty after only putting on some  random clothes, you decided to have fun and do some light makeup. maybe you’ll run a few errands later? you were a bit low on snacks at the moment.
finishing off your makeup with a pretty lipgloss, you look in your little snack drawer to see what you had left. some gum, a few candies and one bag of your favourite chips you’re planning to save. maybe it was time to restock. 
you throw on a light jacket and grab your bag, gathering your essentials and getting your shoes on before leaving your dorm. you decided to go to the little convenience store only a few minutes away since they had all the snacks you like. 
within a few minutes you made it to the store, picking out a bunch of snacks and candies you liked. as you were looking at the new flavours of candy they had, the bell by the door jingled as someone entered the store. “y/n!!” you heard a familiar voice behind you. “why are you here?? you said you were staying in your dorm. all day.” gojo mocks the tone you used with him on the phone earlier. “i changed my mind. why are you here?” 
“satoru wanted to get some candy on the way home.” suguru appears from behind him, giving you a smile and a polite wave. “hmm.. they have a nice selection here, what do you think i should get?” gojo puts a hand to his chin as he looks through all the candies. “the sour green apple candy from this brand is really good. and the lemon flavour too, they’re my favourites.” you say as you point to the candies. “then they’re my favourites too,” gojo immediately picks up two of each flavour you recommended, before picking a few other candies he knows you like.
“you do not need all that sweetness. think about your health.” suguru grimaces at the amount of sweets in gojos hands. “i’m not gonna eat all of it! do you really think that low of me? i’m sharing with my girlfriend.” he plops his purchase on the counter for the cashier, smiling down at you “and i’m still coming over,” 
“i didnt agree to that, nor do you have girlfriend.” 
“don’t care,” gojo shrugs as he takes his bag full of your favourite candies, cheerfully skipping out the door followed by you and suguru. the two of you followed as he happily pranced down the street and back to school. 
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“you’re really not gonna leave me alone?” 
“nope!” you and gojo stand outside your dorm as he waits for you to unlock the door. you sign at his persistence, grabbing your keys from your bag and opening the door. he had never actually been in your dorm before so this was like a new world to him. “kinda messy in here. you needa clean up a bit y/n” gojo steps inside as if it were his own house, yet looks around at your space as if he were at a museum. “do you ever shut up? and take your shoes off. don’t step on my nice carpet. if it gets dirty i will kill you.” 
“yes ma’am.” he obeyed as if his life was truly in danger. you take off your own shoes, putting your jacket and bag away before plopping yourself on your bed. you watch gojo pace around your small dorm room, picking up random objects to inspect before humming and placing it back down. you know he should be monitored carefully while in proximity of your stuff but you really can’t be bothered to babysit right now and just allow him to stimulate himself.
after a few minutes of replying to missed texts from a few of your friends, you hear gojo sigh, dropping the bag of candy on the floor and placing his glasses alongside the makeup you put on earlier. you realize he hadn’t said a word for those few minutes. “you’re being too silent, what are yo-“ gojo fully drops himself on top of you, his hard head hitting your chest so hard you swear you heard a rib crack. “holy fucking shit you fatass, get off me!! you’re heavy.” you try to push him off you but he doesn’t budge. “but ‘m tired baby,” he whines as he made himself more comfortable on top of you. “i will kill you.” 
“m‘kay..” gojo yawns, wrapping his arms around you. now you’re stuck, great. you honestly didn’t think the word ‘tired’ existed in gojo’s vocabulary since he somehow always has energy. you had never seen him sleep before, which sounds somewhat normal until you remember the overnight trips and missions you and your classmates went on frequently, where gojo never slept. or he never let anyone see him sleep. you didn’t really realize it until now, with him on your chest already seeming close to knocking out.
as much as it annoyed you that you couldn’t get up to eat the candy he’d bought for the two of you to have, you figured if you woke him up he’d just bother the shit out of you until you let him sleep again, and you honestly realize how cute he is when he’s quiet. sighing in defeat, you open up your laptop that you had left on your bed earlier and throw on a movie you had already wanted to watch today. “hm..? what’s that?” gojo mumbles as he’s half asleep. “the movie suguru recommended me the other day. the one about the samurai?” 
“ohhh.” gojo turns his head away from the screen to rest on the other side of his head “that one sucks. and the main character dies.” 
“ugh, spoiler warning next time??” you flick the top of his head as he laughs. you scroll through the selection of movies on the site, humming occasionally while adding interesting movies to your watch later list. eventually you find a random movie that you had never heard of but it looks interesting enough and decide to watch it. the large boy laying on top of you turns his head back to the screen once he hears the new film playing. this time he doesn’t say anything, but you notice his eyes struggling to stay open as he yawns literally every waking minute.
“gojo why don’t you go back to your dorm to sleep? you can barely keep your eyes open,” you giggle at him as he tries to look offended but clearly doesn’t have to energy to. “mn-mm. ‘m watchin… with my wife.” he yawns mid sentence. “well i’m not your wife, soooo…” 
“you are my wife… we’re married… you remember.”  you know he normally only says stuff like that to get under your skin, but sometimes it sounds like he truly believes it, which is a bit scary. you can’t even pay attention to the movie with how hard you’re contemplating to get him off you and in his own bed, but it seems there’s truly no solution. he’s a freakishly tall and muscular man with 100% of his body weight on top of you, so you obviously can’t push him off. and he clearly wont willingly get up, and you know you can’t convince him to get up, so you begin to accept that you might actually be stuck here. 
“ill let you stay if you grab the bag of candy for me,” gojo seems to be too tired to remember that there’s nothing you can do to force him to leave and he easily could’ve refused. he lazily throws the bag onto the bed beside you before plopping himself right back where he was before. “now lemme stay.” you roll your eyes instinctively, grabbing the bag and picking out one of the candies gojo had picked for you. he lets out one last yawn before allowing his tiredness to consume him.
as you open up the sweets and start eating, you look down at gojo. you never really took a moment to actually realize how pretty he really is, and especially how cute he looks while he sleeps. as creepy as that sounds. you think it’s because his mouth is finally shut and he’s not saying the most annoying sentences he can come up with, or constantly blabbering to you about stuff you never asked him about and have no interest in. you honestly didn’t mind this heavy man peacefully asleep on top of you as you eat candy and watch a movie. it was quite nice, actually. maybe you’ll start to allow gojo to do things like this more often. 
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i really had no idea how to end this :SOB: but it turned out well i hope. pls send requests btw i have ZERO idea what to write neext
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teamnick · 4 days
Charles talking about his friendship with Pierre in the Jay Shetty Podcast - transcript under the cut
Jay Shetty: Everyone is quite competitive, like I can't imagine drivers being friends and hanging out afterwards, because…I dont know, I mean you tell me…
Charles Leclerc: Actually I’ve got a really good friend on he grid, Pierre Gasly. We grew up together, we started in karting with our first race together in 2005…
JS: Wow…
CL: …so yeah like 7-8 years old…we did the French Championship together and we became super good friends, our families are super close as well, so we used to go on holidays together…and then we find ourselves in Formula 1 now, so…but trust me, as soon as I close the visor, and I’m with a helmet, he is nobody anymore, and that’s the same for him and we know that! But whenever we are outside the car, we have a really really strong friendship. So you can have friends, but it’s very difficult to create friendships if you didnt know that person before getting into Formula 1, because it’s such a competitive world, everybody wants to have the upper hand, everybody wants to do everything in his own benefit…because at the end we want to win, we want to be the best on track, so…there’s a lot of respect, but we are not giving anything away to the others. And as much as I am friend with Pierre, I’m not giving him any advices or whatsoever. I just want to beat him as much as I want to beat everybody else on track. But lonely sport? I dont think it is.
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transmascaraa · 2 months
lyney... kissing... ur moles.... 🙏🏻
bf!lyney headcannons!
they make you cuter in his eyes.
bf!lyney x gn!reader
author's note: this req. LOOK I REALLY WANTED TO DO ANOTHER REQ RN BUT THIS ONE WAS TOO ADORABLE OKAY???? js basically reader w a lot of moles on their bodies!! (i love having countless of them i swear) ALSO THIS INCLUDES A BIT OF NUDITY BUT NOTHING SEXUAL OR NSFW SO IT'S UP TO YOU IF YOU WANNA READ IT OR NOT‼️‼️
"one houndred moles equals one hundred kisses..."
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-you have plenty of moles all over yourself
-your arms, your legs, you back and belly, chest, basically everywhere
-on your face too
-and even tho nobody mentions it a lot, it's still true; they make you adorable.
-so, with lyney being the simp he is, only for you, he decides to call you from your guys' shared bedroom
-just randomly in the middle of your free time(watching the tv or something)
-"mon amour! do you have an hour? i need to do something really important and i need your help!"
-and of course, you headed towards the bedroom.
-there, you were met with lyney laying on the bed all sprawled out, until he sat up normally, and gestured for you to sit next to him
-"so?" you asked.
-"basically, my dear, i want to admire you. and let you know how much i love you. and adore you. and how i think you're so attractive and cute. and adorable. and-" you cut him off.
-"okay, so basically, you want to rant to me about how you love me like you basically do every 2 or 3 days?"
-"well- something similar. this time, i'll kiss every single one of your moles." he sounded serious, but you were still a little surprised.
-"oh? i mean- i have no objections. sure, but do you really need a whole hour for that?"
-"you never know, my dear~!" he smiled warmly at you, as the two of you slowly just laid back down on the bed.
-you took off your clothes, leaving you in nothing else other than your lower underwear.
-first he started kissing the moles on your face. there weren't a lot, but there was enough for lyney to kiss the both of your cheeks a few times.
-what a shame that you don't have moles on your lips.
-then, he moved to your neck and shoulders.
-his hands were on you, sure, but they were just resting there. one behind your back and the other on your belly for now.
-"mon cœur... you're so perfect..." he was really looking for them, wanting to kiss you more and more.
-the more, the better.
-a bit of kissing your chest moles until he moved to the both of your arms, slowly going down to your hands.
-"my love, have i ever told you that i love you so much?" just a dramatic question, don't mind him.
-"mhm.. many times..." and with that, he continued his work.
-now, on the places where you would let out a little laugh, where you're ticklish, he'll start laughing too.
-yeah, he won't miss a single one, no matter how ticklish you are.
-finally, moving down to your legs and kissing all of them left there.
-"mmh... how can you be so mesmerizing, my love?.." he said as he got his head back up to look at you directly.
-"i don't know. but what i do know is that you're obsessed with me."
-"it's called adoration, mon amour."
-round 2 is your back and it's what's coming after all of that.
this is fucking adorable
one of my favs i swear
i missed writing for chars individually i swear lmfao this was so fun but it was probably mainly because of it being lyney nvm
| @mariaace <3
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8myass · 3 months
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.. egotistical .. pairing. jeong yoonoh/jaehyun x female reader genre. angst, smut (w some plot) pov. second person (you, yours, yourself, etc.) (‘y/n’ usage) synopsis. you were too cocky, so jaehyun decided to put an end to that superiority complex you seemed to illude. wc. 2.3k cw. yandere!jaehyun, brat taming dom!jaehyun, bratty sub!reader tw. cursing, name calling (‘bitch’, ‘idiot’, ‘trash’, ‘lowlife’, ‘whore’, ‘slut’), mentions stabbing, reader is such a bad person ngl, degradation (smutty terms and not so smutty terms), manhandling, slight strength kink, blood, pet names (‘honey’, ‘baby’), slapping, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap your meat fellas), dirty talk (js jae tbh), dacryphilia, nipple play, daddy kink, sucking on fingers, dumbification, breeding, biting, hickeys a/n. fifth work for jae’s birthday! omg i literally couldn’t stand writing the mc, but i love this and i think it turned out PHENOMENAL 🥳
You scoffed, rolling your eyes in the most condescending way possible, “Really? Were you dropped on the head as a baby? Are you really so stupid as to think I’d be able to fall in love with someone like… Well, like you?”
God, you made his blood BOIL. You were such a fucking bitch, he just wanted to smack you, smack some damn sense into your smartass. You were so conceited, it irked every bone in his body. This wouldn’t be the first time you’d said something like that to him, it wasn’t much different from anything else you’ve ever said to him, really. I mean, anything along the lines of “How could someone with as much to offer as me be with such a lowlife?” Or maybe even something like “You fucking idiot, are you seriously degrading me so much as to say I’m worthy of being with trash like you?” Sometimes it’d even be “Oh, so now you’re calling me ugly?”
You’d take his eagerness to be with you as an insult to yourself because he was nothing to you, not even near the level you were on. You were so great because you were rich, that’s fucking it. All your confidence and cockiness and ego built up over years, it was all because of the amount of green you had to your name. Fucking pathetic, that’s what that was.
Sure, he did love you. More than he can even put into words. But he loathed you all the same.
I mean, you insult him, call him names, bully him into some puny form of obedience like some trained mutt, you’re awful to him. He just loves your beauty, that’s all he can really say about you anymore because he hates that wretched personality of yours. Something’s gonna have to change about that if he’d ever want to see himself with you for the rest of his life again, without stabbing you fifteen times for one single comment.
“Why is it that you have to insult me all the time?” he finally spoke up, causing your laughter to echo through the halls as you strutted along, not paying much attention to his rageful gaze burning holes into the back of your head. 
“Are they really insults? Honey, I feel I’m just speaking facts here. You are a nobody to me, nothing but a mutt that I simply bend in whatever way I choose to,” you weren’t even phased by his question, heels clicking on the hardwood floor up until you stopped in front of your door, pulling your keys out to unlock it before spinning around to look at him with an all-too-amused expression. “Besides, I find it really difficult to fall in love with anyone other than myself because I’m so fucking amazing.”
You stepped into your place as soon as the door was opened, but you were unable to close it, a foot being trapped between the door and the doorframe.
“Get your damn foot out of the door, what the hell is wrong with you?” you snorted, but then his hand found contact with the door, shoving it open all the way so he could walk inside. You were easily shoved with the door because of your weak frame, your strength was nothing compared to his. You watched him with narrowed eyes as he shut the door behind him gently, turning to you with those same rage-filled eyes that he gave you earlier. “Why the fuck do you think it’s a good idea for you to be in my dorm? Do you not have any common decency?”
“For being such a rich bitch, I’m surprised you chose to stay in the dorms,” he muttered, taking a few steps toward you until he could easily place his hands on either side of your torso, holding you in place, even as you started squirming in protest, an expression of disgust displayed quickly over your features. He was so close to you now that he could smell that whorish perfume you always wore that you claimed was so expensive but you really just bought it at a corner shop, your hot breath warmed his chilled lips, the blush spreading across your cheeks at such an intimate interaction was fully available for him to see now that you were directly in front of him, in his grasp.
“Unhand me, dickhead,” you punched at his chest as soon as you realized squirming wasn’t getting you anywhere, but he just laughed. His laugh was deep, low, it sent chills down your spine, your fists hesitating their movements, and eyes meeting his piercing ones. In an instant, you were picked up, practically thrown over his shoulder. You were fighting; kicking and screaming for him to let you go, put you down, at least, but he didn’t listen one bit. You had wound up in your bedroom, thrown onto your bed in the midst of the chaos. But as soon as you attempted to stand up, you were quickly pinned back down, a pair of lips locking with yours.
You struggled under his hold, his tongue bickering with yours in such a callous way that made you whimper underneath his strong hold. Soon, it became too much for you, losing your breath, desperate to be freed from his unforgiving grasp, you bit hard onto his bottom lip. His grip on your wrists only tightened as his lips moved against yours rougher now, the taste of metallic seeped into your mouth, more whines and soft cries falling from you as his knees assisted in spreading your legs apart so he could press his clothed cock against your already soaked panties, grinding against you until your skirt was fully lifted up and he could feel the moisture seeping through his pants.
Finally, he pulled his lips away from yours to smirk down at you, your eyes fluttering shut as your lips had become swollen, coated with the crimson that you caused to escape his own lips. His eyes trailed down your body to catch sight of the patch of wetness you transferred onto his pants, mumbling, “So you like being treated like a little whore, is that it?”
“Don’t talk to me like that,” you snapped, eyes locked with his, only for a second because you weren’t able to watch the cockiness bubbling inside him. “I-I’m no whore.”
“You’re my whore, how’s that, baby?” he leaned down toward your ear, lips brushing against your lobe as he seductively whispered. You subconsciously tilted your head so he would have more access to your neck. One of his hands left its grip on your wrist to trace down the center of your stomach until his fingers were able to slip into your panties, two fingers quickly curling inside you. 
You let out a breathy gasp as your free hand grasped at his shirt, “N-no, Ja-Jae, please. St-stop it.”
“What’s the matter? You don’t like this?” he hummed, leaving gentle kisses along your jawline. “Or do you want more? Is that the problem?”
You shook your head, unable to deny his question with your words. Every time you tried to speak, the air was only met with another choked-out moan from you.
“Jae, pl-please, don’t wa-wanna cum like this,” you cried, finally managing out a jumbled-together sentence with the last sane fiber of your being.
“You want my dick instead? It’s okay, baby, just say it. Say you want me to fuck you like the whore that you are,” he chuckled, adding a third finger into your cunt as soon as you began clenching around the first two. “I’ll give you what you want if you just ask nicely.”
“N-no,” you squeezed your eyes shut tightly, shaking your head over and over again, your brain scattered. “F-fine, fine. I-I want your dick, Jae, pl-please, fuck me.”
“Good girl,” he praised, pulling his fingers out of you to fumble with his pants, shoving them off of him, shirt coming off next. You wanted to help him, but you had so much shame built up inside you that all you could do was keep your eyes shut, waiting for him to make the next move. Your face was brightly flushed red, lips pink and swollen, remnants of wet droplets rolling down your cheeks. 
He shoved your panties to the side, pushing his erect cock between your folds, hissing at the way your walls clung to him out of desperation. He had let go of your other wrist by now too, using that free hand to massage your boob from overtop your shirt as he slipped himself into your tight hole. You squealed as you covered your face with your small hands, which he allowed only until he had fully bottomed out, balls sloppily slapping against you as his pace was fast from the start. He grabbed your hands away from your face, pinning your wrists above your head with one hand as the other pinched at your nipples. 
You cried in pure pleasure, wincing from the level of bliss you were experiencing.
“Do you like this, bitch? Hm? Gonna admit that you like being treated like a whore yet? Gonna admit that you’re my whore yet?” he growled, smacking your cheek weakly, gripping your chin to force your head to the center, your eyes popping open to lock with his at the impact, which caused you to sniffle. “You’re letting such a lowlife, a loser, a piece of fucking garbage fuck you like a slut and you’re fucking loving every moment of it.”
“Don’ li-like,” you slurred, mind blurred and vision fuzzy as an overwhelming knot grew in your stomach. 
He smacked that same cheek again, a soft cry falling from your parted lips, “Why can’t you just fucking tell me the truth, huh? Why do you have to be so fucking difficult?!”
“I-I’m so-sorry!” you squealed, a train of tears rolled down your cheeks, the saltiness from them stinging the newly reddened hand marks on your face. “I-I love this! Yo-your slut, your wh-whore! I-I’ll be whatever you want, daddy!”
A smirk formed on his face the moment he heard your words, the same three fingers he had inside of you not too long ago slipping past your lips and all the way into your mouth, choking you only a little before you began sucking on them out of comfort as your moans vibrated his flesh, eyes rolling back, head dizzying, legs trembling more and more with every thrust he made into you.
“Try acting all high and mighty when you talk to me now,” he scoffed, moving his fingers in and out of your mouth slowly, gagging you each time he pressed them down the back of your throat. “Every time you do that shit, I’m just gonna have to remind you what a good cumslut you are for me and fuck you stupid, just like this.”
You whimpered against his rough movements, yet you really were loving every moment of it. You choked out some incoherent phrases against his fingers, but no one would even be able to understand you by this point, you were long gone, losing yourself in the pleasure you were feeling.
“Goddamn, I’m gonna cum so deep inside you that you’ll fucking bleed my seed,” he groaned, teeth making contact with the skin on your neck in rough bites and sucks. You shook your head as soon as you heard his words, the thought of him cumming in you was too much for you to handle. You tried to shake him off you, but your panicked attempts were met with a dark chuckle as his fingers exited your mouth. “Go ahead, speak.”
“N-not inside,” you whined, more tears streaming down your face, leaving behind paths of moisture on top of the dried tears.
“Nonsense,” he snapped, smacking your face as harshly as the last two time combined. You cried loudly, squirming aggressively under him, but his hips didn’t slow down for even a second. His thrusts might’ve gotten sloppier, but his movements, if anything, got faster. “You’ll take everything I fucking give you with absolutely no complaints, do you understand, whore? You will take all my fucking cum and you won’t waste a single drop.”
“Pl-please, no, no!” you cried, yet your body was opposing your protests, shaking in pure esctasy. Giving up, your next phrase moaned loudly was, “Shi-hit, fill me up, daddy! Need your cum in me right now! Need it all!”
“So demanding,” he purred, fingers rubbing circles around your sensitive bud as his mouth collided with yours. You cried against his lips, body convulsing violently underneath his strong body, head spinning. Soon, your warm cum soaked his cock, his own cum shooting out as strands inside you. He made sure he held you tightly in place with both hands gripping your hips to fuck his cum as deep as possible, head thrown back. Your own hands trailed along his perfectly toned abs out of curiosity, running along the bumps with a soft smirk falling over your beautifully curved up lips.
“Fuck,” he muttered, popping out of your cunt, leaving you clenching around nothing, missing his cock filling you up, feeling empty without him. He fell down onto the bed next to you, gazing over at your gorgeously glistening body, layers of sweat coating your delicate skin.
“We… had sex…” you shakily spoke out, too afraid to look over at him for even a second. You were ashamed of yourself and how you acted, and reacted, with him. 
“I ruined that cocky ego of yours, huh?” he chuckled, sitting up to look down at you exhausted figure, now being in your line of vision. 
You blinked repeatedly as you stared into his now cocky eyes, rolling yours, “You’re a douche, you know that?”
He laughed again, crawling back on top of you, causing your breath to quickly be caught in your throat, unable to spit out a reply to his disgustingly egotistical laugh.
“Oh, honey, I’ve only just started.”
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mikalame · 10 months
Heyyyy I’ve been reader some of your stuff and I really like it!!🫶🏻 Could you write 2005 Tom and same age reader are Friends and she finds out Tom has already had his first kiss and reader is kinda embarrassed that she hasn’t yet so one day she goes to toms house and they start talking abt their life’s and they get to the topic of kissing and she confessed that she hasn’t had her first kiss yet and we’ll dosent know how to kiss and Tom decides to show her how to kiss like the good friend he is and it js leads them to making out and getting caught my Bill! Please and thank you!!🖤
OMG thx so much anon 🫶 this migh be a lil rushed but np
taglist: @oppopotamus @violentnewmarley
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'BAM' Tom rushes in the room, the door slamming behind him "TOM HAS GONE IT AGAIN GUYS, UGH ARENT I AMAZING" Tom yells his voice echos though the house "ugh tom shut up whats happened now" Georg groans sitting next me placing his phone on his leg looking at tom with a bored exspression while rolling his eyes as Tom drones on about how he was making out another girl while proudly showing off the hickeys adored on his neck.
Bill and Gustav come into the room, bill sits down on the opposite side of me and Gustav leans on the table in the living room bit. After a while Georg gets annoyed at Tom and starts talking about all his kissing rendezvouses, Bill desides to join in aswell they spend a few good minutes talking about this when Bill desides to ask Gustav if he had any storys to share Gustav looks down a bit embarssed before sharing his storys.
' Buzz' you look down and see your phone buzzing you answer the call after telling the boys to be quite, you hear your dad talking about how you need to come home and stuff, you bid the boys your fair wells and hug them good bye. Just before you hug Tom you look at his neck and feel as if you should of had a story to share aswell, feeling as if you are behind in life by not having a first kiss.
On your walk home you keep thinking about the convo from before feeling a weird feeling in your stomach still thinking that your behind when you reach your house you start up the computer and google 'when are you supposed to have your first kiss' you see it say that it says fifteen (this is just what google said dont feel pressure to have your first kiss) this just adds even more feeling of dread in your stomach you shut off the computer and walk to your room you get ready for bed and lie there you think back to all the storys the guys were saying today and knowing they probably have more storys they just didnt share you try to think about somthing else to get your mind off of it but cant you go to with the same strong feeling of dread.
it had been a couple of days since that incedent you still feel a bit embrassed that you havet had a kiss and so when ever one of the boys rom the table talk about a new kiss they had gotten you unknowingly zone-out trying not to draw anyattiention to your self in fear they would ask you and would think of you as less because you haven't kissed anybody yet. You though that nobody had seen you zone-out when they talk about it and how you were acting more down then usuall but somebody had the infamous Tom.
He had seen the way you look down and how you were more quite then usually, he had always love your bubbly personaity and he wanted to see what was up and what was making you feel down.
You were walking down the hall on friday ready to go home and wollow in your self pity before a pair of hand grab at your waist scaring you making your sqeal. "AH" you turn around trying to see who had done that and see Tom standing there with a grin plastered on his face "HAHA, i scared you so bad ____ should of seen your face" He says. You roll your eyes before you contiune to walk home you hear heavy footstomps behind to and see tom again in your peripheral vision "awe im sorry i scared you didnt mean it promise" he says placing his hand on his chest over his heart. He continues to speak when you dont "you should stay at our house tonight we havent had a sleepover just us in ages, we could watch movies i just rented a new one forgot the name tho and we could get snack and just chill humm how bout it" he looks at you with puppy dog eyes begging you to say yes "uhm idk..-" "comeon you seem so sad and who would be more fitting then your have person ever" "um okay fine" you groan "YAYYY" Tom yells he grabs your hand running dragging you along with him to his house.
I get pulled inside and see bill in the kitchen making a snack "help me" you mouth he shakes his head and laughs at you before heading to his room upstairs "my parents are out for the night so we can pretty much anything right now" tom says while he gets the snacks ready in a bowl "oh cool " you say still feeling a bit bummed. You grab the snacks and head to his room its not the first time you've been in there but you see new posters on the wall and a couple photos of just you two or just the band on his bedside table. "You can wear my top and and some shorts to sleep in, yk cuz you dont have anything else to wear" tom says throwing some clothes at you, you catch them "yeah and whos fault i that hmm your the one that dragged me hear, turn around so i cant put these on" you say tom turns around and puts his hands over his eyes as you put on the clothes "mabey i just wanted you in my clothes hmm" he flirts raising his eyebrows up and down you hit his shoulder playfuly".
You chuck on the movie he rented and played it, it was the new King Kong you havent seen it yet so you were very exsited. You had been so engrosed in the movie that you completely forgot about what you were feeling bad about just a hour prier to the movie. After the movie finished you and tom were talking about how good the mvie was and so on until he says the question you were dreading.
"So___whats been up with you lately you seem real sad" Tom asks worry laced in his tone, you wait a second stunned as you had completely forgot about the whole ordeal and now its coming back to you "oh um nothing im all good" you mumble before grabbing a handful of popcorn and munching on it "you can tell me ___ im your friend after all" Tom say reasuringly wrapping an arm around you pulling you close to him "no its nothing i-its stupid" you stutter realy not wanting to have this conversation "please tell me __ it seems to be really getting to you, your so quite at lunch and down really handout with us as much, did we do something to upset you, d-did i..." he says now anxious to know if they really did something bad. You pull away desiding to say this to get it off your chest " um no you didn't do anything tom um it just god this is so embarrassing, y-you remember a couple days ago when you and the guys were talking bout all your like kissing story's well it kinda made me feel like i was behind the curve and that i should of had my first kiss by now" you mumble the last bit while you look anywhere but tom. You feel him move "that all oh my days ___ you had me thinking someone was bulling you" he chuckles your face turns bright red from embarrassment and you hide you face in your hands
"If that was all it was i can kiss you if you want then you can say to people you has the awsome tom kaulitz as your first kiss" he says while pulling your hands away from your face, you look at him with a shocked face trying to think if he had really just said that "okay" he say before leaning in a bit "I dont know how to or what to do" he pulls back and say "ill teach you okay" you puts a strand of hair around your ear and wait for you to say okay once you do he slowly leans in.
You feel his lips pressed agaist yours, you take in the feeling of his smooth lips and you flutter your eyes closes wanting to really savour the feeling you, a couple seconds later you feel his mouth open and he says "just copy what im doing" you do just what he is doing just a little bit hesitant tho still unsure but feeling as if a weight had been lifted of your shoulders. After a couple minutes of that you pull away both of your guys lips swollen and i bit red you look away giggly and tom smiles before grabbing your jaw to kiss you again.
"Hey guys to got any M&M's i ate all of mine...." Bill says after opening the door and just stands there hodling his balcket around his shoulders like a cape while trying to prosses what he had just seen "uhm ill- ill come back later, have fun you to" he says winking before walking out closing the door behind him.
"We should do this again" Tom says leaning back "you getting better but i still think you need mabey a couple more lessons before you kiss anyone else" you hit his shoulder playfully "agreed" while leaning against the headboard aswell.
AHHH I hope you like anon i spent my afternoon on this (dw about the spelling lol) ❤🫶😝
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l3viat8an · 11 months
hear me out- i have different ideas for each brothers in how they act during sex (pls add things / tell me ur opinions & if i’m wrong 😭😭)
lucifer - DEFINITELY dominate. very rough. I feel like he’s definitely very primal and animalistic. i feel like he’s either very vanilla or very very freaky no in-between.
mammon - 100% a switch and will whimper for u but would also fuck you so hard you wouldn’t be able to walk for a week. 50/50 vanilla and freaky
levi - extremely submissive nobody will ever convince me otherwise. he definitely whimpers and gets embarrassed but in the best way possible. i feel he’s into a lot of weird shit (i mean that in a good way)
satan - angry sex. VERY ANGRY SEX. he totally could be gentle if that’s what you wanted but i just know he’d ruthlessly pound you from the back and pull so hard at your hair you’d think it would rip out. definitely into SOME freaky shit but mostly vanilla
asmo - don’t even get me started he would fuck u so silly until you cried and begged for him to stop, even then would he rlly stop?? he’s 100% into the freakiest, sickest shit you’ll ever hear in your life
beel - he’s such a sweetheart but i js know that he is hands down the roughest fuck ever and is one of the freakiest (besides asmo) + he’s definitely a munch & would be submissive but is mostly dom. i feel like he definitely growls or grunts or something
belphie - i cant rlly pinpoint a lot of stuff on him but i feel like he’s dom but too lazy most of the time and prefers you on top of him. i feel like he’s more freaky than he is vanilla?
- 🪰
Nsfw content MDNI
I mean I don’t really have much to add tbh-
Lucifer prefers the dom role but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t sub if you get him in the right headspace. Anything else depends a lot on your behavior and if he’s rewarding you with soft sex or punishing you by tying you up and edging or overstimulating you for hours-
Mammon wants to do whatever you want. To the point of trying kinks he’s not really into if it’ll make you happy. Tho he does prefer being submissive and getting praised <3
Levi what can I say about Levi that I haven’t already said at some point djhdjsh Definitely a TON of weird kinks and pervy things he wants to try. But I do think if he was jealous enough he’d be more dominant :)
With Satan you might get angry sex once in awhile- but mostly he wants to be soft and romantic with you. He never wants to do anything that’ll hurt you. (Unless you’re into that ;))
Asmo is Asmo He’ll do it all, anything you want. He always puts you first because, your pleasure is his pleasure.
Beel is the roughest simply because he doesn’t know his own strength sometime and can’t help himself when he’s with you. Lots of grunts~ a switch imo
Belphie is a lazy, bratty, switch. Sure he loves the idea of having you crying underneath him, but sometimes that’s just too much work and he ends up being the one crying underneath you ;) definitely has kinks he wants to try but is slower about asking / trying new things with you.
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angelshimaa · 5 months
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@driaswrld :: could i get maybe a meet ugly w kuroo? where like he cuts reader in line cs they were so short he rlly didn't notice em 😭😭 idk i js think that would be funny
a/n :: dria bby hai ! i'm so sorry this is coming out so late, but i hope it's what you wanted :) gn!reader, reader is short(er than kuroo)
event (closed).
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maybe he should stop making bets.
the thought sits on kuroo’s mind as he scans the video game store, looking for the games he owes kenma. he doesn’t even remember what the bet was about— proof of just how long he’d put doing this off.
however, tetsuro fancies himself a man of his word, no matter how long it takes him to get there.
after some help from the staff, he finally has the game series in his hand. kenma had been smart about his conditions; this one would do a number on his wallet. regardless, kuroo goes to stand in line, eager to get this over and done with.
as if he had any plans.
“excuse me.” he hears a voice call out, to nobody in particular it seems. he thinks nothing of it, focusing on the moving line more than anything else, until someone behind him taps on his shoulder, repeating their words with a more urgent tone.
when kuroo turns and looks down, he’s met with a less-than-pleased expression on a pretty face.
“oh, hey— didn't see you there. what's up?” you watch his lips curl up into a grin, one that you don't take too kindly to, regardless of how attractive this stranger might be.
“you cut into the line. the end is behind me.” you deadpan, gesturing backwards and kuroo’s eyes follow— there are two people that come in to line up behind you. his eyes trail back to you and you stare pointedly at him, arms folding over your chest with the game you plan to buy clutched in your hand.
“...sorry, beautiful, but i’m pretty sure i didn't cut.” play dumb; that was his plan. he was here now, and he just didn't feel up to losing this spot. even if it wasn't his. amber eyes look over you, trying to see if the nickname might have flattered you even in the silence.
the way you glare at him hints at quite the opposite effect he wanted.
“i’m telling you that you did.”
“...and i’m telling you that i’m sure i didn't.”
“i don't really care how ‘sure’ you are, it doesn't change the fact that you pushed into the line. now, i don't know if your eyes always fail you, but i said the end is right there.” you hope you're articulating your agitation as much as you feel it spreading through your body, it was making your fingertips tingle a little. you had places to be, and you weren't about to let some jerk delay you any longer.
kuroo watches the way you try to tell him off, tracing over every word your lips form— you're cute. cute enough that your sentence practically bounces off him and though he knows he probably shouldn't, he lets his grin spread wider, suddenly entertained.
“my eyes work pretty well, darling— they just aren't used to picking up such... small things.”
he likes watching your face contort into offense; your eyebrows furrowing and creasing your skin, your lip dropping a little so you're gaping at him the slightest— looks like he found a trigger.
“excuse me?”
the cashier, who looks too tired to really care about this disagreement, calls for the next in line, which now happens to be him. you can smell the smugness in how he takes a step closer and pays for the games he's purchasing, and you feel like hurling a few colourful words at him.
irrational? maybe, but such an antagonising face brought it out of you so unexpectedly easy.
“well then,” kuroo has the nerve to keep smiling at you while he grabs his plastic of purchases, the little shit. he heads towards the exit, tossing you a half-hearted wave goodbye with his back to you. “see you around, shortie.”
“i’d rather not, you pig,” you huff, getting a little annoyed with yourself for not biting back with venom. your eyes follow him out the door, narrowed at so much audacity.
kuroo grins— you're sure to remember him now. he reaches into his pocket and gets his phone out before notifying kenma that he's finally got his games.
maybe he'll accompany kenma whenever he visits the store from now on. he probably (definitely) owes you an apology of some sort, and he can't say he doesn't feel intrigued at the thought of your paths crossing again.
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pineappleandcake · 2 years
i legit js got this fanfic idea 😭😭 BUT ANYWAYS!!
imagine if like u were a harbringer, and like u were in a relationship w pierro, but yk nobody rly knows that, cuz the relationship isnt publicccc !!!
so like imagine if like a harbringer (any of ur choice) tries to make a move on the reader, and when they do, pierro sees it and tells them that the reader is his ..
idk i js randomly thought of it LOL!!
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When another harbinger makes a move on you...
Pairings : Jealous Pierro x Harbinger Reader
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You and Pierro had been dating for a few months. The both of you kept your relationship a secret for obvious reasons. When the both of you had to gather with the other harbingers you had to keep it professional.
Pierro was always quite rather possessive over you. For example he got really jealous when a certain banker tried to talk to you and give you gifts. Which is exactly what happened during one harbinger meeting.
You were standing and Pantalone walked over to you and began striking up a conversation with you.
You noticed that Pierro's gaze was shifted over to Pantalone and his eyes were digging holes onto his back.
"By any chance are you single?" Pantalone asked.
"They're taken by me." Pierro said as he put his arm around your waist while shooting a glare at Pantalone. "Back off."
The other harbingers saw the scene playing out infront of them. Most of them were shocked after all. Two harbingers dating each other? Unheard of.
Pantalone's expression turned into a frown as he took the hint and walked away to talk to someone else.
Your face was bright red because you were really embarassed at the events of what just happened.
"You know you didn't have to do that right?" You said while giving Pierro a kiss on the cheek.
"I happen to be really possessive of you my dear." Pierro hummed as he nuzzles his face into your neck. "Hopefully now the other harbingers won't make a move on you."
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tainted-liquor · 7 months
this was specifically requested BY Bree, so here we go🤷🏽‍♀️
“Hood Princess” bree
For starters, I wanna just get a little background info out the way before I do anything. Bree is Bahamian, says she doesn’t experience racism, and its v likely that she has never lived outside of the Bahamas. The official language of the Bahamas is English and Haitian Creole, as many people of Haitian decent LIVE on the island. Haitian Creole derived from FRENCH, lets keep this in mind.
so first I wanna address Bree’s ignorance/marginalization of Caribbean people.
In the DC server I said “maldito mamaguevo” right after having a disagreement over…this message
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I thought it was obvious this was in a playful/joking manner, but maybe she took this as a personal attack/accusation. I would just like to say that if I suspected Bree abt this anon (which I didn’t because she had Honey BLOCKED for some reason during this), I wouldn’t have made a joke abt it. Not sent the SS to her. I would’ve made a mental note of it and kept it pushing.
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When Bree first sent this message I was confused, because as you know I have Dominican family. I speak Dominican Spanish, and generally only rlly know Dominican slang that I’ve learned from my brother and his side of the family. So obvi I was confused because Bree makes it known she’s very much Bahamian, so I googled what language the Bahamas speaks and if it’s anything like Dominican Spanish !
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As you can see, they don’t speak Spanish…so what was the point of saying “I’m Caribbean I know what this means?” Anyone can be Caribbean…White black Asian Latino. If you’re born in the Caribbean you’re Caribbean…so why does this equate to her speaking spanish?
so naturally i went to Dalia abt it cuz even tho I myself could feel this was iffy, I wanted to ask someone else who is more submerged in Dominican culture. And Dalia said this felt iffy, because she has marginalized the Caribbean before and hopped between different dialects that are…not her own! Like Jamaican patois
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But besides that, lets address another issue w Bree before we dive into her history of supporting a miles smut writer.
As some of you may know, Bree used to refer to herself as a “hood princess” and used PLENTYYYYY of AAVE and african american culture in her works…lets break this down rq
Bree has earned herself a reputation as a rather aggressive and obnoxious blogger, doing absolutely nothing but fighting w gwiles Stans and “speaking her mind” abt things nobody really paid any attention to. She said she was a pale “natural blonde” girl (I haven’t seen shawty so idk wtf she looks like)
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So why does she run around claiming the title of a “hood princess” when she 1, did not grow up in an American hood, and 2, is probably white passing from her own mouth?
for black children who grew up in the hood, you know it’s nothing to brag about. It’s a low income neighborhood, a “bootleg” version of a neighborHOOD. Hence the name. It’s an incomplete neighborhood.
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When I had a general discussion w her about the fetishization of African American culture a week ago, she seemed mad avid to defend making the hood be your whole personality..trying to justify it by saying it “makes you think and act a certain way” which is v true! However I’ve never once tried to make myself into a sexxyred “hood princess” js cuz I grew up in a low income area. She even agreed that african american culture was fetishized, so I’m so confused as to why she was offended by my post yesterday?
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So as to why she’s mad…idk. When I’ve talked to her abt this issue before, and I’ve literally just taken the issue online this time as a black creator
now let’s move on to Bree’s ableism☠️
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I got her so mad she tried to tell me I was “half a chromosome away from a learning disability”…ok!!
But besides that, lets talk about her defending Anika!
So this summer, a popular creator by the name Anikaluv made a fic where miles had readers…nudes in his phone😭
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Children should not be sending, keeping, or taking nudes of themselves or anyone else. Wether that’s 14, 15, 16, 17. Just DON’T! It’s illegal, and this fic glosses over the fact that it’s a disgusting crime. Not only that, but miles mother SEES the readers nudes…so😭
Bree immediately took to defend Anika, showing her support for her and saying if we keep complaining we won’t have anything to read☠️☠️
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When this is Anika…and Bree DEFENDING Anika
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Anika also wrote about the reader buying miles a thong?? At 15?? You don’t “read miles smut” but you sure read anikas work !
FYI…Anika was going to write about Reader and miles GRINDING in said lingerie. And Anika said she despises miles smut, and so did you! But at the end of the day that doesn’t change what you said
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Here’s the screenshot you wanted ms. “People are gonna do what they do”
mouthful, but there we go
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