#The Main Identity And Principles of Faith
ilyforallahswt · 8 months
ঈমানের মূল পরিচয় ও সূত্রাবলী।
যে জ্ঞান জান্নাত পর্যন্ত নিয়ে যাবে আপনাকে
আমাদের প্রতিপালক আল্লাহ সুবহানাহু ওয়া তায়ালা। আল্লাহ ছাড়া কোনো 'সত্য মাবুদ ' / 'সত্য ইলাহ' নেই। আল্লাহ তায়ালা আসমানে 'আরশের ঊর্ধ্বে সমুন্নত। কোরআন আল্লাহর বাণী। আল্লাহ এক ও অদ্বিতীয় একমাত্র উপাস্য। আল্লাহ ব্যতীত ইবাদত পাবার যোগ্য কেউ নেই । মুহাম্মাদ সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লাম আল্লাহর বান্দা ও রাসূল । ♥♥♥ ঈমান সমগ্র দ্বীনকে অন্তর্ভুক্ত করে। ঈমান শুধু বিশ্বাসের নাম নয় ; বরং মৌখিক স্বীকৃতি ও কর্মে বাস্তবায়নের মাধ্যমে তার বাস্তব প্রতিফলনকে অপরিহার্য করে দেয়। সুতরাং ঈমানের দুটি অংশ। একটি হলো অন্তরে স্বচ্ছ আকিদা পোষণ। আরেকটি হলো বাহ্যিক তৎপরতায় তার প্রকাশ। এ দুটি পরস্পরের সঙ্গে এমনভাবে সংযুক্ত যে কোনো একটির অনুপস্থিতি ঈমানকে বিনষ্ট করে দেয়।, আকিদা হলো ঈমানের মূলভিত্তি। সাহাবায়ে কেরাম ও সালফে সালেহিনের অনুসরণ করা হয় এজন্য যে , তারা যে আকিদার অনুসারী ছিলেন তা ছিল পরিশুদ্ধ আকীদা। সর্বোচ্চ লেভেলের ইহসান। সর্বদা আল্লাহ সুবহানাহু ওয়া তায়ালার উপস্থিতি সম্পর্কে সচেতন থাকা। যেমন, আল্লাহ তায়ালা সূরা আল-হাদীদের ৪ নাম্বার আয়াতে বলেন- "আর তোমরা যেখানেই থাক না কেন, তিনি তোমাদের সাথেই আছেন।" এহসান অর্থ সৌন্দর্যবর্ধন, সম্পূর্ণতা, পরিপূর্ণতা, চমৎকারিতা, দয়া, সদ্ববব্যহার, অবস্থার উন্নতিকরণ, কোন কিছুকে ভালো করা, উন্নত করা বা সুন্দর করা।
ঈমানের মূল পরিচয় ও সূত্রাবলী
The Main Identity And Principles of Faith
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myreligionislam · 8 months
ঈমানের মূল পরিচয় ও সূত্রাবলী।
যে জ্ঞান জান্নাত পর্যন্ত নিয়ে যাবে আপনাকে
আমাদের প্রতিপালক আল্লাহ সুবহানাহু ওয়া তায়ালা। আল্লাহ ছাড়া কোনো 'সত্য মাবুদ ' / 'সত্য ইলাহ' নেই। আল্লাহ তায়ালা আসমানে 'আরশের ঊর্ধ্বে সমুন্নত। কোরআন আল্লাহর বাণী। আল্লাহ এক ও অদ্বিতীয় একমাত্র উপাস্য। আল্লাহ ব্যতীত ইবাদত পাবার যোগ্য কেউ নেই । মুহাম্মাদ সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লাম আল্লাহর বান্দা ও রাসূল । ♥♥♥ ঈমান সমগ্র দ্বীনকে অন্তর্ভুক্ত করে। ঈমান শুধু বিশ্বাসের নাম নয় ; বরং মৌখিক স্বীকৃতি ও কর্মে বাস্তবায়নের মাধ্যমে তার বাস্তব প্রতিফলনকে অপরিহার্য করে দেয়। সুতরাং ঈমানের দুটি অংশ। একটি হলো অন্তরে স্বচ্ছ আকিদা পোষণ। আরেকটি হলো বাহ্যিক তৎপরতায় তার প্রকাশ। এ দুটি পরস্পরের সঙ্গে এমনভাবে সংযুক্ত যে কোনো একটির অনুপস্থিতি ঈমানকে বিনষ্ট করে দেয়।, আকিদা হলো ঈমানের মূলভিত্তি। সাহাবায়ে কেরাম ও সালফে সালেহিনের অনুসরণ করা হয় এজন্য যে , তারা যে আকিদার অনুসারী ছিলেন তা ছিল পরিশুদ্ধ আকীদা। সর্বোচ্চ লেভেলের ইহসান। সর্বদা আল্লাহ সুবহানাহু ওয়া তায়ালার উপস্থিতি সম্পর্কে সচেতন থাকা। যেমন, আল্লাহ তায়ালা সূরা আল-হাদীদের ৪ নাম্বার আয়াতে বলেন- "আর তোমরা যেখানেই থাক না কেন, তিনি তোমাদের সাথেই আছেন।" এহসান অর্থ সৌন্দর্যবর্ধন, সম্পূর্ণতা, পরিপূর্ণতা, চমৎকারিতা, দয়া, সদ্ববব্যহার, অবস্থার উন্নতিকরণ, কোন কিছুকে ভালো করা, উন্নত করা বা সুন্দর করা।
ঈমানের মূল পরিচয় ও সূত্রাবলী
The Main Identity And Principles of Faith
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allahisourrabb · 8 months
ঈমানের মূল পরিচয় ও সূত্রাবলী।
যে জ্ঞান জান্নাত পর্যন্ত নিয়ে যাবে আপনাকে
আমাদের প্রতিপালক আল্লাহ সুবহানাহু ওয়া তায়ালা। আল্লাহ ছাড়া কোনো 'সত্য মাবুদ ' / 'সত্য ইলাহ' নেই। আল্লাহ তায়ালা আসমানে 'আরশের ঊর্ধ্বে সমুন্নত। কোরআন আল্লাহর বাণী। আল্লাহ এক ও অদ্বিতীয় একমাত্র উপাস্য। আল্লাহ ব্যতীত ইবাদত পাবার যোগ্য কেউ নেই । মুহাম্মাদ সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লাম আল্লাহর বান্দা ও রাসূল । ♥♥♥ ঈমান সমগ্র দ্বীনকে অন্তর্ভুক্ত করে। ঈমান শুধু বিশ্বাসের নাম নয় ; বরং মৌখিক স্বীকৃতি ও কর্মে বাস্তবায়নের মাধ্যমে তার বাস্তব প্রতিফলনকে অপরিহার্য করে দেয়। সুতরাং ঈমানের দুটি অংশ। একটি হলো অন্তরে স্বচ্ছ আকিদা পোষণ। আরেকটি হলো বাহ্যিক তৎপরতায় তার প্রকাশ। এ দুটি পরস্পরের সঙ্গে এমনভাবে সংযুক্ত যে কোনো একটির অনুপস্থিতি ঈমানকে বিনষ্ট করে দেয়।, আকিদা হলো ঈমানের মূলভিত্তি। সাহাবায়ে কেরাম ও সালফে সালেহিনের অনুসরণ করা হয় এজন্য যে , তারা যে আকিদার অনুসারী ছিলেন তা ছিল পরিশুদ্ধ আকীদা। সর্বোচ্চ লেভেলের ইহসান। সর্বদা আল্লাহ সুবহানাহু ওয়া তায়ালার উপস্থিতি সম্পর্কে সচেতন থাকা। যেমন, আল্লাহ তায��ালা সূরা আল-হাদীদের ৪ নাম্বার আয়াতে বলেন- "আর তোমরা যেখানেই থাক না কেন, তিনি তোমাদের সাথেই আছেন।" এহসান অর্থ সৌন্দর্যবর্ধন, সম্পূর্ণতা, পরিপূর্ণতা, চমৎকারিতা, দয়া, সদ্ববব্যহার, অবস্থার উন্নতিকরণ, কোন কিছুকে ভালো করা, উন্নত করা বা সুন্দর করা।
ঈমানের মূল পরিচয় ও সূত্রাবলী
The Main Identity And Principles of Faith
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mylordisallah · 8 months
ঈমানের মূল পরিচয় ও সূত্রাবলী।
যে জ্ঞান জান্নাত পর্যন্ত নিয়ে যাবে আপনাকে
আমাদের প্রতিপালক আল্লাহ সুবহানাহু ওয়া তায়ালা। আল্লাহ ছাড়া কোনো 'সত্য মাবুদ ' / 'সত্য ইলাহ' নেই। আল্লাহ তায়ালা আসমানে 'আরশের ঊর্ধ্বে সমুন্নত। কোরআন আল্লাহর বাণী। আল্লাহ এক ও অদ্বিতীয় একমাত্র উপাস্য। আল্লাহ ব্যতীত ইবাদত পাবার যোগ্য কেউ নেই । মুহাম্মাদ সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লাম আল্লাহর বান্দা ও রাসূল । ♥♥♥ ঈমান সমগ্র দ্বীনকে অন্তর্ভুক্ত করে। ঈমান শুধু বিশ্বাসের নাম নয় ; বরং মৌখিক স্বীকৃতি ও কর্মে বাস্তবায়নের মাধ্যমে তার বাস্তব প্রতিফলনকে অপরিহার্য করে দেয়। সুতরাং ঈমানের দুটি অংশ। একটি হলো অন্তরে স্বচ্ছ আকিদা পোষণ। আরেকটি হলো বাহ্যিক তৎপরতায় তার প্রকাশ। এ দুটি পরস্পরের সঙ্গে এমনভাবে সংযুক্ত যে কোনো একটির অনুপস্থিতি ঈমানকে বিনষ্ট করে দেয়।, আকিদা হলো ঈমানের মূলভিত্তি। সাহাবায়ে কেরাম ও সালফে সালেহিনের অনুসরণ করা হয় এজন্য যে , তারা যে আকিদার অনুসারী ছিলেন তা ছিল পরিশুদ্ধ আকীদা। সর্বোচ্চ লেভেলের ইহসান। সর্বদা আল্লাহ সুবহানাহু ওয়া তায়ালার উপস্থিতি সম্পর্কে সচেতন থাকা। যেমন, আল্লাহ তায়ালা সূরা আল-হাদীদের ৪ নাম্বার আয়াতে বলেন- "আর তোমরা যেখানেই থাক না কেন, তিনি তোমাদের সাথেই আছেন।" এহসান অর্থ সৌন্দর্যবর্ধন, সম্পূর্ণতা, পরিপূর্ণতা, চমৎকারিতা, দয়া, সদ্ববব্যহার, অবস্থার উন্নতিকরণ, কোন কিছুকে ভালো করা, উন্নত করা বা সুন্দর করা।
ঈমানের মূল পরিচয় ও সূত্রাবলী
The Main Identity And Principles of Faith
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twilightsagasworld · 29 days
I need two people to Beta read a new fic Im starting for Twilight; I need ship suggestions, name suggestions for my main character (female) and if she should become a vampire and what tyoe of ability you guys would like to see her have and if she should even become a vampire or not.
Here is a summary so far:
Title: "Whispers in Twilight: A Twilight Fanfiction"
"Whispers in Twilight" is an enthralling Twilight fanfiction that follows the journey of OC, a deeply introspective and devout teenager, as she grapples with her inner conflicts and faith-based values upon discovering the existence of the enigmatic Cullen family.
When OC transfers to Forks High School, she is immediately intrigued by the enigmatic group of students known as the Cullens. As she unravels their supernatural nature and delves into their complex lives, OC finds herself entangled in a web of curiosity, danger, and unforeseen desires.
As she navigates the challenges of high school and the captivating world of the Cullens, OC's heart is drawn to a mysterious person whose identity remains shrouded in secrecy. Their connection deepens, challenging her beliefs and pushing the boundaries of her faith. OC must confront her own prejudices and question the principles she holds dear as her feelings intensify.
Caught between her unwavering devotion to her faith and the allure of the unknown, OC embarks on a personal journey of self-discovery. Along the way, she forges unlikely alliances, unravels long-held secrets, and faces formidable adversaries.
"Whispers in Twilight" explores themes of self-exploration, faith, and the universal struggle of choosing between the familiar and the unknown. Join OC as she unravels the mysteries of her heart and navigates the shadows of her own desires, all while trying to maintain the core values that define her.
Thank you✨ kindly leave your email below or in my submissions box.
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mariacallous · 2 years
According to Russia’s propaganda outlets, one of the goals of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine is to fight back against the "sexual permissiveness" and “moral decay of the West." Since the war began, Russian politicians and pro-government news net have flooded the airwaves with stories about the “depravity” of the Ukrainian army, repeatedly equated homosexuality with pedophilia, and presented Russian troops as heroes fighting for “traditional values.” But however absurd this rhetoric may be, it’s not new or unique: throughout history, these same ideas have repeatedly arisen in a variety of dictatorships, from Hitler’s Germany and Stalin's Russia to Gambia and Uganda in the 21st century. Meduza explains why authoritarians on both the right and the left can be counted on to persecute LGBT+ people.
Do we really want kids in Russia to have Parent No. 1 and Parent No. 2? Have we lost our minds? Do we really want our kids to have it drilled into their heads that there are more genders than sexes? Do we really want our schools to hammer perversions into their heads that lead to degradation and extinction?
So went one of Vladimir Putin’s numerous digressions during his speech at the signing ceremony for the treaties on Russia annexing four partially-occupied Ukrainian territories last month.
In recent years, the Russian president’s rhetoric surrounding LGBT people has gotten crueler and more intense. In 2014, for example, after signing the law banning “gay propaganda” among minors in Russia, Putin pointed out that “non-traditional relationships” themselves were still legal in Russia, denying accusations from human rights groups that the new law was discriminatory. On the other hand, in the same speech, he went on to name “homosexualism” and “pedophilia” as part of the same list, implying a similarity or connection between them. Even earlier, in 2013, he said that “in Euro-Atlantic countries, moral principles and traditional identity are being denied. [Those countries] are implementing policies that put multi-children families on the same level as same-sex partnership, and faith in God on the same level as faith in Satan.”
In addition to maligning LGBT+ people, Putin has told bogus stories about how, in Western countries, “there’s serious talk of registering parties that aim to promote pedophilia.” The party he was likely referring to was created in the Netherlands in 2006 and only had three members. It disbanded in 2010 after widespread public outrage.
Nonetheless, while Putin used to at least pretend that LGBT+ people have the same rights in Russia as everybody else (apart from the “propaganda” law), he now speaks about them as a force to be fought against. Moreover, in his annexation speech, Putin effectively said that one of the goals of Russia’s Ukraine invasion is to prevent the normalization in Russia of all sexualities not sanctioned by the state.
Meanwhile, for Putin and his propagandists, the idea that there are more than two genders has gone from a “perversion” to an “existential threat to the country and its people.” In Russian state discourse, homosexuality has rapidly became as inherent a characteristic of Russia’s enemies as their “commitment to Nazi or fascist ideas." On October 1, for example, pro-Kremlin film actor and Russian State Duma deputy Dmitry Pevtsov claimed Russian troops are fighting for “families to consist of a mom, a dad, and children — not some guy, some other guy, and some other who-knows-what.” And on a Russian talk show in May, he said that “militant faggots have become the main defenders of Ukrainian values.”
The Russian authorities’ rhetoric surrounding gender and sexuality bears a remarkable resemblance to that of numerous other totalitarian, authoritarian, and dictatorial regimes. To gain insight into why this form of intolerance consistently plays an integral role in how dictators maintain power, Meduza turned to history.
The Nazis simultaneously despised and feared LGBT people
The idea of a government-recognized union between one man and one woman as the only permissible kind of romantic relationship is one of the fundamental principles of most fascist regimes. What's more, both members of the relationship must understand their gender in a way that “matches” their sex characteristics; most fascist governments have considered cross-dressing and being transgender just as “deviant” as sex between two men, for example. It’s no accident that in Vichy France, the state motto was changed from Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité (Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood) to Travail, Famille, Patrie (Work, Family, Homeland).
In the Third Reich, LGBT+ people faced mass persecution and were declared a threat to the welfare of the state and of the people. In the minds of Nazi propagandists, gay people were the antithesis of everything Aryan patriots were supposed to embody: asceticism, masculinity, and a willingness to forego pleasure and entertainment to devote oneself to the homeland and the Führer.
Sexual “perversion” in Hitler’s Germany was seen as a remnant of the decadence and hedonism of the Weimar Republic. The Nazis sought to cut all ties with their predecessor state and tightened legislation criminalizing sexual relations between men. Beginning in 1933, when the National Socialist Party came to power and Hitler’s dictatorship was established, prosecution for homosexuality no longer required even physical evidence — it was enough to bring a witness statement from a “law-abiding citizen” who claimed to have seen a suspect look too intensely at another man.
Like in many dictatorships, the image of LGBT+ people that the Nazis pushed was based on two contradictory premises. The first was that LGBT+ people were weak, pathetic, sick people who didn’t deserve to be a part of society. The second was that homosexuality was passed down like a deadly virus and could destroy German society from within if the proper measures weren’t taken to defeat it.
Thus, on one hand, LGBT people were cast as subhumans who deserved contempt, while on the other hand, they were accused of being some of the most dangerous and insidious enemies of the state. The propaganda failed to explain how a group so weak could simultaneously be so powerful.
“In nazi propaganda, homosexuals were generally portrayed as soft, cowardly, cringing, and untrustworthy creatures,” Dutch historian Harry Oosterhuis has written. “[But] in Hitler's and Himmler's view they nonetheless appeared to possess an imperious character and to have at their disposal special intuitions and aptitudes which were withheld from 'normal' men. They were capable of strongly organizing in secret and thereupon making a grab for power.”
In the 12 years the Third Reich existed, according to historians’ estimates, about 100,000 men were arrested for allegedly engaging in “unnatural sexual acts.” Out of the 53,400 men convicted, between 5,000 and 15,000 were sent to concentration camps. The rest were given prison sentences or forced to undergo “treatment.” Persecution against LGBT+ people also got worse as time went on: from January 1933 to June 1935, about 4,000 men were charged for “unnatural sexual acts,” while from June 1935 to June 1938, the number rose to at least 40,000.
Communist regimes were no friendlier
In 1934, an openly gay Scottish journalist and communist named Harry Whyte wrote an open letter to Joseph Stalin. He wanted to explain to the Soviet leader why, in his view, “a homosexual [can be] considered someone worthy of membership in the Communist Party.” At the time, Whyte had been living in the USSR for several years, working as a writer for the English-language Soviet propaganda outlet the Moscow Daily News. Quoting letters written by Marx and Engels, as well as Stalin's own speeches, Whyte criticized the way gay men were treated under capitalism and fascism. He said that even when he had visited Soviet psychiatrists and asked them to “cure” him, they had admitted this might be impossible. He went on to liken the fight for gay rights to the struggle for women's rights.
Whyte expected Stalin to be receptive to his arguments — and to take a kinder view of gay men than that of the British authorities. Instead, the dictator’s response was brief and hostile: “An idiot and a degenerate.”
Shortly after, Harry Whyte left the Soviet Union and was kicked out of the Communist party — but not before Maxim Gorky published a response to his letter in the Soviet newspaper Pravda. “In a country where the proletariat manages courageously and successfully,” Gorky wrote, “homosexuality, which corrupts young people, is recognized as socially criminal and is punished.”
Despite universal equality officially serving as one of the principal ideals of communist and socialist regimes, LGBT people in the Soviet Union found themselves in similar circumstances to those of queer people in fascist dictatorships. The decade that followed the relatively free 1920s was marked by the passage of legislation even more reactionary and repressive than that of the Russian Empire. Like the Nazis, Soviet leaders viewed LGBT+ people with both contempt and fear. In official discourse, gay people were depicted as untrustworthy figures predisposed to deception and betrayal.
The year before Whyte’s letter, the USSR’s Central Executive Committee criminalized “sodomy," making voluntary sex between two men punishable by up to five years in prison.
However, unlike in fascist regimes, where persecution against gay and trans people took place primarily among the general population, "sodomy" allegations in the Soviet Union were frequently used as a pretext for political purges. Facing a “sodomy” charge under Stalin's government was tantamount to being accused of treason.
Over the next 60 years, about 60,000 people were convicted of “sodomy.” Having these charges on one’s record often made it impossible to find work or enroll in university.
Fidel Castro’s Cuba was another communist state in which LGBT+ people faced brutal repressions. For decades after Castro's rise to power in 1959, LGBT+ people were sent to labor camps and forced to publicly renounce their “criminal predilections.” Police arrested men whose behavior they deemed “feminine” or who dressed “like a hippy.” To extract confessions from gay men, investigators would wrap them in barbed wire or bury them up to their neck and deprive them of food and water.
Castro normalized and encouraged homophobia among the public as well. Like current Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, the Cuban dictator held that “there are no homosexuals in this country.”
The masculinity cult
Nina Khrushcheva, a professor of international affairs at The New School and the granddaughter of Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev, has attributed authoritarian leaders’ consistent persecution of LGBT+ people to their constant need to emphasize their own strength. The image of a man as the embodiment of masculinity, she writes, is connected in these leaders’ minds with the “natural order of things,” the violation of which poses an immediate threat to their continued power. For dictators and their devotees, queer people provoke not just disgust and confusion but also fear, because they represent an “alternative” order.
Under totalitarianism, homophobic discourse is usually predicated on the idea that if same-sex relationships or non-binary gender identities are normalized, there will be no place for “normal” people in the “new” world. Despite the fact that it’s LGBT+ people who have consistently faced persecution under fascist and communist regimes, dictators promote the idea that queer people are the ones who pose a danger to others. As Khrushcheva wrote in a 2021 column:
These leaders' reliance on “hegemonic masculinity” – the idea that men should be strong, tough, and dominant – to bolster their position should not be surprising. Authoritarian states are fundamentally weak, and dictators are fundamentally insecure. So, they constantly attempt to project strength.
But in today's fast-changing world, ordinary people are feeling insecure, too – especially those who think their traditionally “dominant” positions are being eroded. That makes them eager to embrace strongmen who promise a return to the order and predictability of a more socially rigid past. In other words, people are afraid of change, and think they need macho leaders and patriarchal rules to protect them.
The first order of business for authoritarian leaders seeking to scapegoat queer people is to convince the population that minority sexualities are dangerous. To that end, they usually claim that there’s a correlation between the sexuality or gender identity they disapprove of and some imagined negative trait. For example, authorities might claim that LGBT+ people are incapable of engaging in patriotism or living in society without imposing their “deviant” predilections on “normal” people.
To stir up homophobic sentiment among the public, propagandists try to convince the heterosexual and cisgender majority that LGBT+ people’s worldviews and psyches make them something akin to invaders from another planet. This is because it’s much easier for people to hate “aliens” than to hate people who have everything in common with the majority except their sexuality.
Leaders in authoritarian and totalitarian regimes frequently claim that LGBT+ people are a threat to demography, depicting homosexuality or nonbinary gender identities as a virus that can be passed from person to person. State propaganda traditionally seeks to scare people by asserting that the “spread” of homosexuality will lead to a decline in birthrates — and ultimately to extinction. But this is a fantasy: nothing remotely close to this has been observed in any democratic country where same-sex relationships are legal and socially acceptable.
One of the world’s most well-known homophobic leaders was Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s prime minister from 1987 to 2017. When trying to justify his repressive policies against LGBT+ people, Mugabe often presented the same arguments Vladimir Putin has begun using in recent years: that gay people are “harmful” and “unnatural,” and that their supporters are either “idiots” or “Satanists.”
In the years since Mugabe’s rule came to an end, Zimbabwe has seen the opening of its first health clinics for gay and bisexual men — a step lauded by the local LGBT+ community as a “historic victory.” In other African dictatorships such as Uganda, however, state-sanctioned homophobia continues to thrive.
After inculcating homophobia among the public, dictators themselves usually shape their own public image around stereotypes of masculinity, contrasting themselves with people who don’t fit into their “traditional” conceptions of manhood. And because citizens’ primary responsibility in authoritarian regimes is to buttress the state, LGBT+ people are stigmatized and demonized for not fitting into the model of the “classic” family and for showing their individuality — something authoritarian governments strive to suppress. 
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t-lane-writes · 6 months
The Characters of The Specters
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Allow me to introduce you to the main characters of The Specters, the story I’m working on now.
Characters make people interested in a story. Readers connect with characters and want to know what happens to them. With those characters they set out on an exciting journey, share hardships and joys.  
For a writer, characters are extensions of themselves. It is difficult to create a character that is fundamentally different from their author. Not impossible, but difficult. Then again, even if we make them extrovert instead of introvert, or a person of faith, while we are atheists, those characters still speak about some of our truths. Perhaps those we hide even before ourselves?
Those characters are a part of me, that’s for sure. I hope someday, some readers will connect with them as well.
Neve Kailash  
Neve is searching for her true identity. Orphaned as a baby, she never knew her parents and she believes, if she found them, it would give her clarity. She wields the power of elements, but her abilities were never officially validated. If not her origin, then perhaps her purpose could be her truth?
At the start of the story, Neve is a small caliber felon. As the story progresses, she becomes a catalyst of change for a few people who choose to help her – for their own, more or less selfish, reasons. Her life changes too. She finds friends, love and a new family she belongs to not because they share genetics, but because they share the same goals and principles.
Noel Anaher
Anaher is the Sovernguard Authority who decides to help Neve and officially validate her abilities. She reminds him of himself, when he was younger.
Anaher thinks he’s happy in his life. He has friends, high social status and a teenaged brother under his care, whom he loves very much. Obviously, something is missing, though, because he decides to risk it all, by helping Neve. Consequences are not what he expected — he doesn’t get punished by his superiors. Instead, he learns that his best friend was hiding an important part of her life from him, his brother runs away from home, and then Anaher has to take even bigger risk in order to avoid charges for endangering another teenager – his brother’s best friend.
Struggling with his deteriorating health, Anaher faces the danger. At least his old friends, as well as the new one – Neve – are by his side.
Emma Lee
Emma is Noel Anaher’s best friend. She is also the daughter of a man, who made history ten years ago – but not in a good way. He is seen as a bad person and an enemy of the state. And if everything people say about him is true, Emma should consider him evil as well. That’s why she tries her best to prove that all those tales are false – and she loses herself in that quest.
Anaher worries about her, so she starts to hide her research for him. That’s when Neve comes into the picture and Emma finds that some things from Neve’s – mysterious – past, seem connected with her father.
On her journey Emma has to learn that whoever her father was, does not define her. Her love for him, her fond memories of him, do not make her bad, even if he was bad. Or maybe he wasn’t? But that does not speak about who she is, either. Emma finds her identity alongside Neve – in her relationship with her friends, with the man she loves. And within herself.
Nersan Ziya
Nersan is the man Emma loves. And who loves her above all else. All he wants is her happiness. He wants to be happy with her, but a voice in his head keeps telling him he doesn’t deserve anything good. He’s a liar and a cheater and he is hiding a very important, and shameful, part of his past from everyone around him.  
As Anaher searches for his brother, Emma searches for the truth about her father, and Neve searches for her own truth, they come across Nersan’s secret. It nearly leads to their falling apart, but instead, friends choose to trust each other, because reaching their common goal depends on that trust.
In the end Nersan will realize how much he means to the people around him, and how much they respect him.
Would you feel connected to any of those characters?
As I was writing this post, I realized that they are all a reflection of me, at this exact point in my life. I’m still looking for my identity, separate from my parents – mother mostly. I’m still afraid to express my needs, because I see them as less important than the needs of other people. Is it because I don’t think I deserve good things? That, I don’t know.
But whoever said that writing is therapy, was definitely right
(give me a like on WordPress )
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sniper-childe · 2 years
Some notes of a chili role swap au that I will never write
AKA 1.3k+ words worth of headcanons ft. Archon Childe and Harbinger Zhongli :D
Rex Mare / Celestial Vanguard / Flawless Lily
Has served Celestia for six thousand years. And like his devotion to the Tsaritsa, this Childe has a seemingly unbreakable bond with Celestia.
As the Archon of Justice, he is their judge, jury, and executioner. He upholds the Heavenly Principles more than any of the other archons.
That doesn’t mean he doesn’t have his own morals and sense of justice. He firmly believes that the most certain thing about our world is we know nothing—that we are all just fools—and that only by continually seeking knowledge and truth are we virtuous. This means he likes learning new stuff and mastering it. Kinda like how og Childe is with weapons but with basically everything.
This is the main value of the Land of Justice and it is the foundation of the many Schools of Thought. This is also why Snezhnaya’s best scholars are called the Fatui :D
However, the god is not as flawless as his people think. He refuses to see what Celestia truly is because of his faith. [insert here the complexities of letting go of your devotion that ultimately boils down to fear. Fear of retaliation to a rebellion, fear of a stripped identity without your faith, fear of the loneliness when you learn your god never existed in the first place and she is merely a collection of ideologies that you hold so closely to exonerate yourself of your blind eyes and bloody hands]
If you read the second story in my Ajax: Champion of Dreams series, you might realize I have some kind of religious trauma HAHAHAHAHDJGKG (living in an Asian country that is widely Catholic and Christian will do that to ya ;)) this is why I need the Fontaine Arc to be Anti-Church. I’ve mentioned this before but damn it. I NEED. Or at least touch the complexities of faith (and losing it) as mentioned above. You know? Of course, I don’t want it to be heavy-handed and Honkai handled this stuff well so I just— aaaaaa
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Appearance: kinda like Taishakuten from Onmyoji but replace the lotus for the lily of the valley that actually chimes. They are the Damning Bells you hear before an execution.
Why lily of the valley? It’s the national flower of Serbia :D
Also, I know “cleansing bells” are more of an eastern thing but Catholics have bells too right? Bells are known to purify one’s soul or place of worship. If criminals think the god’s bells are damning, his followers revere them as their salvation. The cleansing of lilies in water—washing them of their impure thoughts and deeds. They are what gives them clarity so that they may hold court without bias.
To subvert the modern dystopia setting trope, Childe likes to come down from the White Palace to the valley and chill with the common people to ensure fairness among his subjects. This has made his country and its people endeared to him and he has become protective of them.
On one of his excursions, he meets a man from Liyue.
Fifth of the Seven Stars / Harbinger of Misery / Last of His Kind
五 (wǔ, the number 5) sounds like 呜 (wū) which is an onomatopoeia for crying. So number 5 in Chinese Numerology is considered unlucky.
Also yes, while the Tsaritsa needs Eleven Harbingers, Ningguang (the Geo Archon in this AU) only needs seven. She calls them the Qixing or the Seven Stars.
He is still a half-dragon, half-qilin but is far younger than og Zhongli.
About three thousand years ago, he slipped into a crack. He stayed in the Abyss for what seemed like 3 months but actually, millennia had passed in Teyvat.
In this world, Guizhong was the first Geo Archon but during the Cataclysm, she passed and Ningguang took the mantle.
Her death was not because of the Cataclysm though but because of her nature as an emphatic god—she didn’t approve of razing civilizations. She defied Celestia and paid the price. This is what sets Liyue’s vendetta against Celestia.
Appearance: He looks like White Asura. He wears a lot of white. A lot happened while he was gone and when he returned, it was tragedy after tragedy. And as a qilin-dragon and adeptus, he has a duty to Liyue and its people, so he’s immediately put to work. He hasn’t had the proper time to breathe and grieve. So he’s in an eternal state of mourning.
I actually have tried writing Zhongli, an immortal god who remembers everything, who is actively grieving (and it’s the hardest thing, let me tell you). I’ve imagined him trying to prolong his grief. I think he’d be the type of person to box it away because he has all the time in the world. Why should he have to face something that’s making him sad now? I think every stage of grief for immortals would take centuries.
So I think he actively supported Ningguang’s cause to not let himself breathe and grieve, not just to uphold the oldest contract. Because does he really deserve it when he wasn’t there to protect his family?
A younger Morax was brazen and callous was canon, right? So I guess this is also what this Zhongli is. And he fell into the Abyss before the Golden Age of the Guili Assembly. So I think he’s more of an isolationist here like how other adepti are. He probably acts a lot like Xiao but has more bite and bark.
He was sent to Snezhnaya to steal the Hydro Archon’s gnosis. There he meets a man, picking lilies by a stream that leads to the sea. And he makes the first friend he’s ever had in… too long.
PS. Here is a picture of White Asura LOL. Listen His and Taishakuten's story feels like a chili role swap au. Go look them up, you won't regret it.
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Some worldbuilding stuff that nobody probably will care about because it doesn’t have anything to do with chili BUT this is here so that you can imagine what would be their first meeting like, what would be their first impressions of each other, how would they act around each other, etc. (I actually have my own imagined scene at the bottom hajasdhh)
Snezhnaya is mountainous that is good for fortress-like cities. From the tallest mountain, water falls from the White Palace (even at such a high altitude, the Hydro Archon keeps the water flowing) down to a river that leads to the sea. This river cuts through the valley that the mountains surround.
The forts and castles in the mountain region are home to the nobles. While the valley is for the farmhands and common folk.
The class system is such that philosophers are considered the nobility. Social mobility is possible through the Imperial Exams. If you’re good enough to bullshit through essay questions that test your ethical, logical, and legal knowledge, then you can have a piece of land and a title :D
Ever since the Cataclysm, and the death of Guizhong, the diplomatic relationship between Liyue and the other nations has been strenuous. Maritime trading has become less ideal but there is a small port in Snezhnaya (Morepesok) that connects the country to the others.
Liyue’s main trade has become highly regulated. Export has become more expensive and has become a symbol of status among the rich and powerful outside the nation. Handwoven silk now sells at a minimum of 10 million mora!
Liyue has the best relationship with Mondstadt. The in-land trade between these two nations is the “only way in” to Liyue so to speak.
Liyue was the Land of Commerce so when it closed off itself from the rest of the world, there was an economic collapse. Self-sustaining cities have survived this but there have been less fortunate ones.
I mostly focused on class and symbols of status and wealth because I imagine that in their first meeting… Childe looks like a fisherman. And from an outsider, that must mean he’s illiterate, right????? Imagine the insult to everything sacred to Snezhnaya when Liyue’s diplomat actually thought that the Archon of Justice and Court Trials doesn’t even know how to read or write. Imagine Zhongli actually having so much money that he’ll splurge it on the poor fisherman he’s somehow befriended. IMAGINE!
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hopping-bug · 9 months
Turkey Public Holidays 2023 | Turkey Holidays 2023
This article delves into the captivating world of Turkey public holidays, exploring their origins, cultural significance, and the diverse ways in which they are celebrated.
Turkey, a land where rich history and vibrant culture converge, boasts a diverse array of public holidays that reflect its heritage, traditions, and values. From religious observances to national commemorations, Turkey's public holidays play a significant role in the lives of its citizens.
Here you can checkout Turkey public holidays.
1. The Blend of Secular and Religious Observances
Turkey's public holidays offer a unique blend of both secular and religious observances. This is a testament to the country's rich history, which includes its transformation from the Byzantine and Ottoman empires to the modern Turkish republic. Public holidays in Turkey are divided into two main categories: secular holidays, which have a focus on national identity and history, and religious holidays, which hold immense significance for the country's Muslim population.
2. Religious Holidays: Celebrating Faith and Tradition
One of the most important religious holidays in Turkey is Eid al-Fitr, also known as Ramazan Bayramı. This three-day celebration marks the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting. Families come together to share festive meals, exchange gifts, and give to those in need, adhering to the principles of generosity and compassion.
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Another significant religious holiday is Eid al-Adha, or Kurban Bayramı. This holiday commemorates the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God. Families sacrifice animals, and the meat is distributed to those in need, promoting solidarity and care for the less fortunate.
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3. Secular Holidays: Honoring National Identity
Secular holidays in Turkey are deeply rooted in the country's history and its transition into a modern, progressive state. The most prominent secular holiday is Republic Day, celebrated on October 29th. This day marks the proclamation of the Turkish Republic in 1923 and the abolishment of the Ottoman Empire. Festivities include parades, fireworks, and cultural performances that showcase the nation's unity and strength.
Another notable secular holiday is Victory Day, commemorated on August 30th. This holiday pays tribute to the military victories during the Turkish War of Independence. The day is celebrated with ceremonies, exhibitions, and historical reenactments that honor the resilience and determination of the Turkish people.
4. Cultural Festivals: A Fusion of Tradition and Modernity
Turkey's public holidays also feature various cultural festivals that celebrate the country's diverse heritage. One such festival is Nevruz, a spring equinox celebration that holds roots in ancient Turkic traditions. It marks the arrival of spring and is celebrated with music, dance, and colorful displays.
The International Antalya Film Festival showcases Turkey's contribution to the world of cinema. This event attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the globe, providing a platform to appreciate Turkey's cinematic achievements.
5. Travel and Tourism During Public Holidays
Turkey's unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty makes it a sought-after destination for travelers. Public holidays can significantly impact the tourism industry, as both locals and tourists participate in the festivities. Visitors can immerse themselves in the local customs, enjoy traditional cuisine, and witness the vibrant celebrations that unfold during these holidays.
6. The Economic Impact of Public Holidays
Public holidays play a significant role in Turkey's economy. Businesses often adjust their operations during holidays, and industries like tourism, hospitality, and retail experience fluctuations in demand. The careful consideration of public holidays is vital for maintaining a balance between celebrating cultural heritage and sustaining economic stability.
Postino WineCafe is a chain of wine bars, here you can typically enjoy discounted drinks and small plates. It’s a great time to grab a drink with friends or colleagues after work and unwind with some delicious snacks.
Turkey's public holidays offer a fascinating glimpse into the nation's history, traditions, and values. The blend of religious observances, secular commemorations, and cultural festivals paints a vivid picture of Turkey's rich and diverse tapestry.
These holidays not only unite the nation in celebration but also serve as a reminder of the past and a foundation for the future. Whether it's the joyous feasts of Eid, the pride of Republic Day, or the vibrant displays of cultural festivals, Turkey's public holidays reflect the essence of this captivating country.
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basicsofislam · 1 year
ISLAM 101: The Basic Concepts of Islam: Part 4
The Concept of Freedom
Freedom, both as a concept and as a value, has been denied by many individuals, groups, and nations. It has been often misunderstood and abused. The fact is that no human society can a man be free in the absolute sense of the word. There must be some limitations of one sort or another if the society is to function at all.
Apart from this general idea, Islam teaches freedom, cherishes it, and guarantees it for the Muslim as well as for the non-Muslim. The Islamic concept of freedom applies to all voluntary activities of man in all walks of life. As already stated, every man is born free on the fitrah or in a pure state of nature. This means that man is born free from subjugation, sin, inherited inferiority, and ancestral hindrance. His right to freedom is sacred as long as he does not deliberately violate the Law of God or desecrate the rights of others.
One of the main objectives of Islam is to emancipate the mind from superstitions and uncertainties, the soul from sin and corruption, the conscience from oppression and fear, and even the body from disorder and degeneration.
The course which Islam has enjoyed on man to realize this goal includes profound intellectual endeavors, constant spiritual observances, binding moral principles, and even dietary regulations. When a man follows this course, religiously, he cannot fail to reach his ultimate goal of freedom and emancipation.
The question of freedom with regard to belief, worship, and conscience is also of paramount importance in Islam. Every man is entitled to exercise his freedom of belief, conscience, and worship. In the words of the Quran, God says: Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth stands out clear from Error. Whoever rejects Evil and believes in God has grasped the strongest bond that never breaks. And Gods knows all and hears all things (Quran, 2:256).
Islam takes this attitude because religion depends upon faith, will, and commitment. These would be meaningless if induced by force. Furthermore, Islam presents the Truth of God in the form of an opportunity and leaves the choice for man to decide his own course. The Quran says: The Truth is from your Lord. Let him who will, believe, and let him who will disbelieve (Quran, 18:29).
The Islamic concept of freedom is an article of faith, a solemn command from the Supreme Creator. It is built on the following fundamental principles. First, man’s conscience is subject to God only, to Whom every man is directly responsible. Secondly, every human being is personally responsible for his deeds and he alone is entitled to reap the fruits of his work. Thirdly, God has delegated to man the responsibility to decide for himself. Fourthly, man is sufficiently provided with spiritual guidance and endowed with rational qualities that enable him to make responsible, sound choices. Such is the foundation of the Islamic concept of freedom and such is the value of freedom in Islam. It is a natural right of man, a spiritual privilege, a moral prerogative, and, above all, a religious duty. Within the framework of this Islamic concept of freedom, there is no room for religious persecutions, class conflict, or racial prejudice. The individuals right of freedom is as sacred as his right of Life; freedom is the equivalent of Life itself
The Concept of Equality
One basic element in the value system of Islam is the principle of equality or, better yet, equity. This value of equality is not to be mistaken for or confused with identicalness or stereotype. Islam teaches that, in the sight of God, all men are equal, but they are not necessarily identical. There are differences in abilities, potentials, ambitions, wealth and so on. Yet none of these differences can by itself establish a status of the superiority of one man or race to another. The stock of man, the color of his skin, the amount of wealth he has, and the degree of prestige he enjoys have no bearing on the character and personality of the individual as far as God is concerned. The only distinction which God recognizes is the distinction in piety, and the only criterion which God applies is the criterion of goodness and spiritual excellence. In the Quran, God says:
O mankind, verily We have created you from a single (Pair) of a male and a female, and have made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of God is the most righteous (49:13).
The differences of race, color, or social status are only accidental. They do not affect the true stature of man in the sight of God. Again, the value of equality is not simply a matter of constitutional rights or gentlemen’s agreement or condescending charity. It is an article of faith which the Muslim takes seriously and to which he must adhere sincerely. The foundations of this Islamic value of equality are deeply rooted in the structure of Islam. It stems from basic principles such as the following: (1) All men are created by One and the Same Eternal God, the Supreme Lord of all. (2) All mankind belong to the human race and share equally in the common parentage of Adam and Eve. (3) God is just and kind to all his creatures. He is not partial to any race, age, or religion. The whole universe is His dominion and all people are His creatures. (4) All people are born equal in the sense that none brings any possession with him, and they die equal in the sense that none brings any possession with him, and they die equal in the sense that they take back nothing of their worldly belongings. (5) God judges every person on the basis of his own merits and according to his own deeds. (6) God has conferred on man, man as such, a title of honor and dignity.
Such are some of the principles behind the value of equality in Islam. When this concept is fully utilized, it will leave no place for prejudice or persecutions. And when this Divine ordinance is fully implemented, there will be no room for oppression or suppression. Concepts of chosen and gentile peoples, words such as privileged and condemned races, expressions such as social castes and second – class citizens will all become meaningless and obsolete.
The Concept of Brotherhood
Another fundamental element in the value system of Islam is the value of human brotherhood. This value also is founded on the same principles which have been discussed in connection with freedom and equality. Besides those foregoing principles, human brotherhood in Islam is based on an unshakable belief in the Oneness and Universality of God the worshipped, the unity of mankind the worshippers, and the unity of religion the medium of worship. For the Muslim, God is One, Eternal and Universal. He is the Creator of all men, the Provider for all men, the Judge of all men, and the Lord over all men. To Him, social status, national supermanship, and racial origin are insignificant. Before Him, all men are equal and brothers of one another.  The Muslim believes in the unity of mankind with regard to the source of creation, the original parentage, and the final destiny. The source of creation is God Himself. The original common parentage is that of Adam and Eve. To this first parentage, every human being belongs and of it, he partakes. As for the final destiny, there is no doubt in the Muslims mind that it will be to God, the Creator, to Whom all men shall return.  The Muslim believes in the unity of Gods religion. This means that God does not confine His religion or favors to any particular nation, race, or age. It further means that there can be no contradiction or fundamental differences in the Religion of God. When all this is interpreted properly, it will leave no ground for pretended supremacy or presumptuous exclusivity. And when it is imparted into the human mind, it will provide man with a clear concept and a solid basis of human brotherhood. Because the Muslim believes in the Oneness of God, the unity of mankind, and the unity of religion, he believes in all the Messengers and Revelations of God without discrimination.
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
Martell’s stans pretending that they’re representatives of Global South in ASOIAF where instead they’re a region who’s constantly in clash with their neighbours cause they can’t stop looting and raiding the Stormlands and the Reach.
*EDITED* (11/5/23)
I haven't come across a Martell stan yet, in all my 7-month life here on Tumblr. But I already wrote a post on why the Martells aren't exactly PoCs (because race, as Americans and modern peoples know the thing, doesn't exist in this fictional universe) so much as "Others" are seen as ethnically different but not enough for there to be concern over "miscegenation" or "dirtying the blood" or losing actual social privileges the Martells still had like other "white", nonDornish nobles.
Ethnicity doesn't equal race, and "people of color" denotes "non-white" people, and "white"/"PoC" are racial terms.
Nationality also does not equal race, nor does it equal ethnicity.
"Race"--as in just the practical applications of their real modern realities and economic and social structures as a result--is not accurate or a paltry thing the further you go back in time. There were definitely racializations, racial & ethnic biases, and ethnic & racial tensions/violence, but religion and/or language more often defined a person's belonging and identity within a different hegemony until maybe the late 14th to 15th centuries.
The Rhoynish would definitely be considered PoC in our modern American & British racial categorization; in the world itself, yes they were a "foreign" and literally foreign people and a different ethnicity from First Men and Andal.
However, ONE -- Dorne is not progressive in terms of class, not at all, and TWO -- these two are both Essosi in origin while several of their original cultural aspects [the Faith, the symbols, chivalry, court culture, oaths, the kin slaying taboo, the importance placed on swords, guest rights, etc.] still exist in the main events of ASoIaF right now. These didn't change or get lost upon their arrival to the Westerosi continent.
Dorne, by virtue of the fact that their succession customs are equal gender, will inevitably be Othered and thus they have that sense of "not white-ness" but this doesn't really pin them down as "PoC" bc the emphasis of why the Dornish are Othered is much more about there being less misogyny than religion, region, etc. and the Martells still independently/non-coercively share Andal cultural aspects then they do Rhoynish. Because, how can the whites (nonDornishmen) racialize a region based on skin color or principles of "purity" seen through the outside (as this has been used to create current racial categories) with people with different skin colors?
The First Men are not Andals, the Andals and FM fought several times in past history, come from different regions of Essos, have different religions and both typically have paler skin. Both have misogynist practices and are more stringent about male primogeniture and able-bodiedness mattering to leadership.
The "salty" Martells and other Dornish--even those who are "sandy" or "stony" as Daeron I categorized them--are more analogues of both Welsh vs. the Anglo-Saxons or Normans (all "racially white" ) because of their constant wars with Reach people and Stormlanders. AND Spaniards (European people, so racially white) because Spain has a history of Moor, Hebrew/Jew, and pre-Moor Spaniards having intermarriages and other types of exchange or interaction LONG before King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella expelled the Jewish and Muslim peoples. Even then, she and her King husband were not at first the rulers of all of "Spain", but of the kingdoms of Aragon and Castile freshly uniting these to develop and become what we know as "Spain". Like how England used to be Kent, East Anglia, Essex, Mercia, Northumbria, Sussex, Wessex, the Welsh peoples (a Celtic people) before the Normans arrived (Northmen/Scandinavian/Swedish/Danish/Viking originated) and conquered the English islands.
Once again, do we consider Spain a "white" country, or not?
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llycaons · 1 year
Section Four: Possibilities
X. Wicked tricks and beyond: modern with magic AUs
XI: In another life: modern AUs - no magic
XII. Things that might have been: canon divergences/retellings (includes works with pre-ep50 getting togethers)
X. Wicked tricks and beyond: modern with magic AUs
*hide fox, and all after* by blackfeather (oogenesis)
summary: this fic!!!!! so this modern cutivation AU is mxy pov, he’s on the run and he’s going to get his revenge on the jins! this loosely follows canon so it involves dealing with nhs and bringing wwx back. this mxy is phenomenal, the worldbuilding and magic system is super cool, the action/thriller aspect is so gripping, the characterizations for nhs is incredible, the modern twist on canon events is really fun, and the kindness with which sensitive topics are handled is beautiful if I had to pick, this would be my alltime favorite cql/mdzs fanfic - it’s so beloved to me, which is funny since it focuses on characters I otherwise don’t care much for, and follows the novel while I prefer cql. the last time it updated it was right near my birthday, so I have even more of a personal fondness for it. even after years, I still find this fic so fun and compelling that it makes me lose my mind, so it’s a shame to say it’s unlikely to ever be finished, as the author has moved on from the fandom. I still think it’s worth a read. check notes: sexual assault/harassment/blackmail, suicide, and homophobia are mentioned work issues: none author issues: none
*NIGHT HUNTING* by detention_notes
summary: in a universe otherwise without magic, wwx and lwj start being haunted by mysterious references to cql canon. some drama but mostly lighthearted references and shenanagins. jc is hilarious in this one, and so is lxc. one of my old faves - spooky, tender, and silly. a perfect halloween read. cql characterizations work issues: none author issues: none
*this river runs to you* by aubreyli, sundiscus
summary: so wwx is a disgraced curse-breaker and lwj is a dragon in human form searching for something taken from him. the way that the cql plot was integrated into this narrative was so fun and surprisingly faithful to canon, and despite lwj being a bit too normal, I enjoyed the characters and their developing relationship. there’s some fluff, there’s some h/c, there’s some angst, there’s a dramatic finale. the misunderstanding at the end surprised me with how emotional it made me. a little schlocky, but a really good time. and I spent so long avoiding it since I didn’t like shapeshifting AUs, too. more fool me I’m reccing all works in this series; the first is the main fic and the others are shorts and oneshots. cql characterizations. work issues: none author issues: has written fuck or die and genderbends
*hold the fire in your palm by oogenesis
summary: wwx is an infamous demon a la bartimaeus, and lwj is a demon hunter. they’re mistakenly, magically bonded together when wwx is summoned to the human world, and have to figure out how to send him back to the demon realm while keeping his identity a secret. the better lwj gets to know wwx, the more he has to face his assumptions and principles regarding demons. the plot is really interesting and the romance is wonderfully developed. action scenes are a bit shaky but I think the worldbuilding and tantalizing mysteries more than make up for it. another sadly discontinued work, but I think it ends at a nice place anyway. novel characterizations, but not for the bad stuff there’s some discussions of homophobia, so mind the notes work issues: none author issues: none
*see you yesterday* by glyphic
summary: oh, boy. modern AU with cultivation - a russian doll-style death timeloop set in new york city following a wwx (believed to be dead) and lwj (studying for his doctorate) a few years after the roughly-canon adjacent events of nightless city. there’s some memory manipulation involved to make wwx and lwj forget each other after the war, but it’s easiest to just read it and see how it all comes together. the novel-inspired worldbuilding is absolutely incredible, and I was also impressed by the more cql-leaning characterizations and the wonderful relationship development. absolutely lovely descriptions of the characters falling in love and finding joy amidst some of the darkest lives I’ve seen them live. this is a very angsty and difficult version of the story and I did have to fight back tears more than once, but it was so worth it. currently unfinished but the last chapter took a year to come out so I’m holding out hope the final two chapters before hiatus went a little off the rails imo, wwx became just a little self-pitying for my taste and the plot was stalled in favor of longer-than-necessary flashbacks, repetitive descriptions of the showdown, and plainly stating the emotional state of the characters with writing less sophisticated and more cliche than I had come to expect. I hope that the next installment brings the higher quality of early chapters expect everything that happened to the wens, wwx, and mama lan in canon, plus child death. see notes for each chapter’s specific warnings; this is not a lighthearted or easy work work issues: none author issues: none
a bite of a vow, a taste of the truth by occultings (microcomets)
summary: kind of a guilty pleasure tbh because this is schlocky and tropey but modern AU wwx and lwj are cultivators who are assigned a case on the disappearance of all these couples and they have to pretend to be a couple in order to infiltrate and…yeah there’s succubi involved they have to 'prove' they're a couple. so they pretend? but there’s no actual sexual activity forced by situation or under the influence of magic when they do eventually get together I thought it was really sweet. the characterizations are good, there’s fun interpersonal drama/angst, and the ending made me smile a lot. I also liked the exploration of wwx’s backstory and I thought it tied in well with canon. what can I say, something this fanned fiction is kind of embarrassing but it's still fun work issues: several allusions to wwx's cnc fantasies. the actual sex scene isn't very appealing imo but nothing terrible author issues: allusions to cnc, genderbends, sex pollen
mdzs daemon au by natcat5  
summary: you know I gotta have a daemon AU on here. this one is more well-researched than any other I've read. unfortunately it only covers CR arc and a bit of sunshot campaign, but the characterizations are great. cql specific work issues: none author issues: none
*give up your shape to the falling snow by thistleghost
summary: a moody and introspective modern with cultivation work - wwx is experiencing serious derealization and depersonalization, which I think were portrayed quite effectively. it doesn’t have much of a plot but he finds lwj and they spend some time together and explore his needs and get together, and he ends up in a better place than where he starts. cultivation magic is present but more background than than character drama this is indeed the petplay fic I had to abandon despite it otherwise being very compelling, then came back to because damn, the good parts really were very good. this one is heavy, so mind the tags/notes. wwx experiences suicidal ideation and talks about it later in the fic. he also engages in a sexual encounter (not with lwj), which he ends up disliking and wishing to escape, and which he thinks back on later as something unpleasant work issues: none author issues: has written genderbends and xiyao (in an AU where jgy is presumably not evil)
silt, or scurvy by astronicht
summary: a modern take on post-sunshot wwx, who’s living with jiang cheng and, without a golden core, grappling with his chronic pain while using dc as a tool to keep his body semi-functional. a loose couple of vignettes with no overarching plot, it’s introspective and quite sad in a way that I think characterized the canon arc very accurately. I esp thought that wwx being resigned to, but not comfortable with, his experience of being exposed and without privacy, and his mental health in decline with loneliness and isolation on top of his pain was a good choice the wangxian here is well-written, but they don’t get together and the work has been abandoned, and wwx is not a headspace where it seems possible that it’ll happen anytime soon. so their relationship is a comfort and a relief, but it doesn’t go anywhere further even if the implication (in the tags, at least) is that it eventually will. moody, reflective, rather painful, but not devoid of warmth and comfort, and a worthwhile read for all that work issues: none author issues: genderbends
*a tide in two seas by occultings (microcomets)
summary: modern AU with cultivation and interdimensional travel (think the golden compass). lwj and wwx, high school acquaintances, reunite on a train late at night. after a strange incident, they stumble into a mystery that tears them from their reality and forces them to confront their relationship. tagged cql but definitely novel-verse, though not in the bad ways. the character writing is incredibly good and avoids every single annoying pitfall I see in fic, especially novel fic. the wwx, jc, and lwj are especially excellent. jc is actually not bad! the plot isn’t the focus, but it’s just thrilling and the worldbuilding is really cool as well two versions of the same character make out and there's a longer sex scene with multiple versions of the same characters interacting sexually, but it was honestly not as weird as it could have been. check the author notes for further warnings. it’s impossible to review this further without spoiling the big chapter 1 twist, so SKIP THE REST OF THIS REVIEW IF YOU DON”T WANT TO BE SPOILED - - - they’re sent to canonverse and meet their married novel selves. both of them, esp wwx is fucking incredibly written. I love when he rags on his younger and more ignorant self, I love his confidence and his air of danger and his love and his protectiveness. he’s in mxy’s body and the modern AU wwx is in his original body, so that makes for some interesting scenes. and the novel wx is impeccable. they’re joined at the hip, deeply loving, respectful of their guests but not embarrassed about being married or sexual. it’s some of the best parts of canon, no rape jokes or treating them as sexual maniacs who traumatize children. wwx does gloss over his past actions a bit but it’s clear he knew what he did was wrong. annoyingly, the height difference between them is a full head and there's a few references to lwj having big hands, but it's really not as fetishy as most fics where that's the case he and lwj can clearly see what’s happening with their AU selves, so they guide the other set of themselves to admitting what they want. they did steal the show a bit so by the end I was more invested in them than in the modern AU wx, but it was a nice romance anyway. and it was funny when they have to explain wuxia concepts to the modern characters and vice versa. there’s a lot of explicit scenes in this, including an entire chapter where the four of them have sex. I thought it would be weirder than it was but the closest to ‘selfcest’ was just the wwxs making out. and it’s a chapter that’s easily to skip if you’re not interested in it - - - work issues: there's some accidental voyeurism of questionable consent but the characters all end up being into it. wwx calls himself a wife once author issues: allusions to cnc, genderbends, sex pollen
counterpart by queensmooting
summary: similar to the above - parallel universes collide when a modern AU, single father lwj finds a canonverse wwx suddenly in his backyard. the two of them end up on a romp through time and space as they try to get him home, and become closer in the process. along with lwj’s young daughter, they see how again and again, versions of themselves find each other, and sometimes lose each other. it's a little bittersweet, but definitely has a happy ending. the anxious 'wangxian endgame 🥺?' part of me was not disappointed cql-specific characterizations, and really good ones at that. lwj is subdued but genuine, his daughter is a delight, wwx is a riot, and all the other versions of themselves ring true to themselves. original worldbuilding with exciting different worlds. and lwj is trans! work issues: one of the universes had a lxc who was together with a jgy but it was a very brief mention and no details about their lives were given author issues: A/B/O
Lan WangJi Baby Fever Nightcore Remix by foxcassius
summary: modern AU with cultivation, lwj pov - wwx reappears after years of the world believing him to be dead, and he’s got a baby! wangxian get-together, baby bonding, and a family reunion ensues. wwx is trans and written by a trans author, and I thought the intimate scenes were really well written. novel-verse work issues: none author issues: none. tho this is novel-only, the author is strongly mxtx critical
XI. In another life: modern AUs - no magic
*giant mancala* by astrolesbian
summary: wwx, jc, and jzx get locked in the basement the day before the xuanli wedding and proceed to get smashed. family bonding ensues. I just love this fic - very funny and heartwarming work issues: none author issues: has written genderbends
A Temporary Fix by bosgood
summary: short, and wq pov - she and wen ning and wwx are living paycheck to paycheck and on the run in the us from immigration authorities, who will deport them to face death if they’re discovered. it's a really harrowing and emotional journey, especially when they run into a familiar face while seeking medical care. this fic is devastating, but it's really well-done, it does not end on as depressing a note it could have, and it's not without its moments of levity and humor work issues: none author issues: jl/lsz
*Unstrictly Ballroom by Ariaste
summary: WOW. professional dancing AU. lwj rediscovers wwx after 13 years away from the professional scene and they embark on a quest to challenge heteronormative dance regulations. the characterizations are good! the writing flows well and is funny. the juniors are really a delight, jc is great except he’s maybe too heroic, and wq is a bit too mean :( also we never saw jyl which bummed me out. but mianmian had a really prominent role, and I loved how they incorporated sl and xx wwx is well characterized as a wonderful but not perfect teacher, and someone who masks constantly to avoid letting his true feelings or wants be heard. maybe a little more insecure than I'd like. lwj is correctly portrayed as an intense, obsessive, harshly disciplined professional who cares about doing right. however in the flashback part/his early 20s he was totally normal about stripping which I really don’t think would be faithful to his rigid, judgemental, traditional outlook as a younger man the drawn-out miscommunication plot is really annoying but their dynamic and chemistry is really good and the final scene is a brilliant amalgamation of the setting and canon themes and characterizations. really blew my expectations put of the water and definitely worth reading. either canon work issues: the issues with the drunk kissing scene were not as well examined as I would have liked but it was fine author issues: xiyao, jl/lsz
*strangers on the shore by seularen
summary: a super fun cold war-era spy fic where wwx and lwj, on the run, have to outmaneuver a blackmailer! not quite a modern AU, but close enough. I absolutely love the way this jyl is written - she’s personable, kind, bright, protective, daring, sneaky, and very human. switches between her pov and wwx’s. all the characterizations were excellent, especially lwj. the wx was really lovely. I enjoyed the drama and interpersonal tension and secret identities and intrigue, and the way relationship dynamics mirrored canon was very impressive. extremely well researched, and to my relief, not really taking the side of any country, but instead exploring the people and philosophies behind the conflict, and the injustices all government commit. all the spying in this fic is really for the safety of the characters, not to benefit any government there is some violence but really not as much as the tags make it sound. easily one of the best fics that actually confronts societal homophobia and how it would impact a wwx who knows he's into men and knows that's dangerous for his family. not ignoring homophobia, but recognizing it without making it gratuitous unfortunately the jc in this one is awful. just really disrespectful and ‘jokingly’ homophobic and he’s never called on it and he never apologized and I hate him, but him and wwx work together for some action scenes. and I think the writing also got a little away form the author at certain points, because the pacing got weird at the end and events seemed disconnected, and I could never tell where anyone was, country-wise. it was a bit confusing. still a satisfying finale, though! work issues: none author issues: none
你吃饭没有 / have you eaten? by heuheu_the_goose
summary: modern AU with lovely characterizations, about recovery from grief, and the expression of love through food, with a well-written trans lwj. so lwj hasn't seen wwx in almost a year, and neither has anybody else. he's still in touch with some of his friends, but hasn't contacted lwj once in all that time. why did he vanish? where has he been? is he okay? what was their relationship before he disappeared? what happened between them? and will lan wangji ever be able to speak to speak to him again? the mystery is fun in the first few chapters but I think it spends far too little time on actually dealing with grief and too much time getting really elaborate on the minutiae of self-analysis and guilt and ‘he’s going to hate me!!! he should hate me!!! which gets tiresome. it’s overall nice, and I liked it a lot, but it wasn’t quite as magical or romantic towards the end as I would have liked. the wq and a-yuan were really great though, as well as the lwj and wwx. worth reading for sure work issues: none author issues: none
on your marks, get set, bake! by BlackWiresOnHerHead
summary: if you don’t already like great british bakeoff, you probably won’t enjoy this fic. but I watch gbbo and I am just floored by how accurate this fic is to the show in terms of structure, dialogue, judging, tone, atmosphere, and food. a bit ooc by necessity, but not too much. mostly a lighthearted, funny, and engaging work depicting the characters we all know and love competing in this baking competition, with a satisfying conclusion. half of the fic is the juniors watching the show from the future and getting super invested, but I think that section is bad so I skip it. also there is wx at the very end, but I find the lwj and the romance very dull and forgettable, even cringe work issues: wwx (the juniors’ RA at college) just loves calling himself their mom author issues: well. see above. author is chinese, if that makes a difference? they’ve also written genderbends
Everything You Wanted to Find by brooklinegirl
summary: wwx and lwj visit the jiangs as a couple and things are good! it’s a sweet fic, I thought the character dynamics were all very natural and I enjoyed it a lot work issues: none author issues: age gaps, lsz/jl, and sex pollen
*and after all… by BlackWiresOnHerHead
summary: a funny little oneshot where characters keep trying to play wonderwall and other characters get mad and interrupt them before they can finish. that’s it. wangxian are cute. jyl is horny for her boyfriend. nhs is secretly a menace. jc is clowned upon. it’s good fun. note: this work uses the term ‘chengxian’ in the tags to refer to wwx and jc’s platonic sibling relationship work issues none author issues:: genderbends, wwx calling himself a mom
My Heart’s Desire by phnelt
summary: a funny and sweet ficlet about lwj taking a shot at some jin event and getting drunk and trying to steal a painting and wwx wrangling him to take him home. established relationship. either canon. really funny! I love how judgemental wwx is about the jins work issues: none author issues: has written genderbends, cnc, A/B/O, and sex pollen
the whole day alone with you by fantasiavii
summary: hurt/comfort oneshot - wwx is trans and having a bad period. a very loving little fic written by a trans author work issues: none author issues: none
merry christmas ya filthy animal by belovedmuerto
summary: jzx pov! he, jyl, and their baby fly from china to california to spend the holidays with wwx, lwj, and their baby. jzx is endearingly awkward in this fic and he clearly loves his family so much. it’s funny to watch him and lwj vibing without needing to talk while their respective spouses carry the conversation, and the writing for the babies was really cute work issues: it described wwx as a gremlin and make him kind of annoying and immature, but not to the point where it ruined the fic. also, wwx and lwj start celebrating christmas here, which I don’t love, but they’re taking it as a family holiday/tradition for themselves rather than a religious event. since this is modern AU and set in the usa, I can see it. my roommate does the same thing author issues: none
the thought of us seems wholly make-believe by fensandmarshes
summary: very short, very fun oneshot where wwx, jc, lwj, and some others play dnd. jc gets mad. it’s hilarious work issues: none author issues: none
XII. Things that might have been: canon divergences/retellings
here is a map with your name for a capital by zerodignity
summary: the second in the series that contains his hands keep turning to birds and flying away from him (him being you) postres, wwx and lwj are traveling while trying to solve the mystery of the cursed arm. lwj is full of feelings he doesn’t know how to name and embarrassed of the potential of them not being returned. wwx is likewise nervous to be vulnerable, and has an unnamed gender dysphoria to boot their conversations around wwx's identity while and after they get together are really lovely and poignant. I liked how wwx's dysphoria during intimacy was managed. I also appreciated how inexperienced lwj was - it always makes more sense to me that he wouldn’t know what he’s doing. overall a unique concept with impeccable cql characterization the one odd thing is that lwj went from extremely insecure and unsure about wwx's feelings to understanding exactly why he acts the way he does and being determined to tell him how he feels after just one drunken confession scene. the change was so abrupt as to be jarring the tag about ‘sloppiness in regards to consent’ concerned me but I think it was referring to them kissing while wwx had been drinking. during the actual sex scene there’s nothing to worry about. they went slowly and listened to each other really well and respected each other’s boundaries. it was sweet. work issues: see above - drunk kissing author issues: xy/xxc
some nights we open up the flood by WhenasInSilks
summary: post-yi city meanderings on xxc and sl, leading to a get-together and tenderness. atmospheric and poetic. very strong parallels that haunt wwx, and lovely characterizations there was meant to be a second chapter where they have sex (I guess) but it was never written, but the first chapter is tidy and functions perfectly well on its own work issues: none author issues: song lan/xy, xxc/xy, niyao, xiyao. one of their works has 'rape/noncon elements' but I don't know WHAT that means and I'm too scared to look. tread with caution. this looks like one of the only good fics this person's written
*while covered in mud by merthurlin
summary: a BM fix-it fic where nhs decides he has a moral compass and shows up to prove to his brother than the wens aren’t a threat. humorous and unsure about wwx's feelings to understanding exactly why he acts the way he does and being determined to tell him how he feels after just one drunken confession scene. the change was so abrupt as to be jarring, heartwarming even if it’s not very realistic that all other problems could be solved so easily work issues: none author issues: xiyao
hey brother by fensandmarshes
summary: a series focused on trans wwx that follows cql canon. I liked all the works, but my favorite is you may think you’re winning but checkmate - so raw and devastating. trans author. and unlike other trans works I've been able to find, lwj is trans too! work issues: none author issues: none
a quiet room, a night, a dawn by BarbV
summary: a sweet little get-together fic set during the snowy scene in the jingshi. pretty straightforward and nothing particularly remarkable, but the dynamic and dialogue is very similar to how imagine it would go. very gentle, very tender work issues: none author issues: none
*To love you is to know myself by natcat5
summary: oof, what a monster. essentially a retelling of the story from lwj’s pov. it blends novel and cql canon, which wrecks havoc on the characterizations, but the resulting characters and story are so interesting. I like the writing and dialogue quite a lot, and the ending is incredibly satisfying. it skims over things in canon we already saw, so its not too repetitive. also, the title rules unfortunately the section that covers the first siege of BM just drags on so miserably and for so long that I really had to apply myself to make it through. worth it, but whew. also the very end of the main fic has some really nonsensical and contrived conflict but overall it’s a solid work the second work in this series, where wwx and lqr have a confrontation postcanon, is absolutely phenomenal and my favorite fic, bar none, about their relationship this is a very brief line, but when wwx is talking about some ghost women he brought back he implies sexual violence in relation to them/their deaths work issues: none author issues: none
*A Silent Song by SpicyReyes
summary: Deaf wwx AU that otherwise follows canon. this is handled really well, imo. author is working from familial experience and the integration of a Deaf character into canon feels realistic and grounded. it only covers a few scenes in the CR arc of the show before being abandoned, but it’s still worth a read. I would have loved an entire retelling; it was so interesting and the characterizations for everyone, especially wwx, were spot-on work issues: none author issues: none
*Wangxian extra scenes by deliciousblizzardshark
summary: a series of extra scenes slipped into canon, in which wwx and lwj get together far earlier than in canon. the series starts back in the cold pond cave, with snippets up until the sunshot campaign. young wwx and lwj are really cute and lwj’s melodrama is endearing and VERY funny, and I like how conscientious and kind wwx is compared to how callous he’s often written despite struggling with a lot of internalized homophobia, lwj is a lot more communicative than in canon, and wwx knows what he wants, so their attraction and regard for each other actually goes somewhere. of course, by the sunshot arc that makes everything even more painful. I like how the emotion was written, and the angst in the last few were just so on-point. also the lwj pov in the last work was darkly hilarious. cql canon work issues: none author issues: none
Covered By Frost and Snow by Siamesa
summary: novel-verse AU where a-qing is taken in by lwj after being attacked and left for dead by xy. I love the a-qing in this - even after for living for years with the lans she’s still sneaky, a liar and a thief, slightly manipulative, and cynical. because of her street smarts she feels protective of the juniors and of characters far older than her, including lwj. since she’s so different from the gentry and since she has such a personality, her relationship with lwj (and the rest of the lans) is genuinely unique in anything I’ve read. I also liked the way her past trauma is treated, and how she actually does impact the plot. imagining a world where she survived is so rewarding along with the above, wrote something tagged ‘dark!lwj’ whatever that means3Cbr>author issues: this fic is extremely faithful to novel canon dynamic so all the wx scenes stressed me out. it seems like there was no drunk sex scene which is a relief, but it has everything else + the trope of ‘these adults are so stupid and they need me, a teenager, to get them to admit they like each other’ which made me cringe a-qing is physically disabled in this one, which I liked most of the time, but her method of communication is often treated exactly the same as speaking, which is annoying because speaking doesn’t have the same mechanics or restrictions work issues: none author issues: none
Resilience. by Vrishchika
summary: short novel-based time-travel fix-it in which, four years after wwx’s death, jc uses an array to return to the sunshot campaign and tries to arrange for wwx to be killed by the wens. his actions change things in ways he doesn’t expect. jc is very much his angry, entitled, and homophobic novel self, so the way that his and wwx’s relationship deteriorates as wwx sets boundaries and seeks better treatment for himself with other characters is extremely satisfying. a comforting and honestly quite warm little fic where everything goes right for wwx, nobody dies who didn’t have it coming, and all is well. author uses the phrase ‘silver eyes’ a distressing number of times tho work issues: spoilers ig but lwj goes back in time as well to try to stop jc from hurting wwx, so his eventual relationship with wwx feels slightly creepy to me since this is an older lwj in the body of his younger self. he’s older by maybe 8 years and we don’t know exactly how old wwx was at the time, but maybe 18-20? a bit weird imo author issues: genderbends
Warmth in the Snow, a Light in the Dark by names_for_dusk
summary: one part of a longer series that I didn't find much interest in. already-together wwx and lwj talk, and then sleep together after the snowy jingshi scene. it’s sweet, they’re nearly married. there are some hiccups along the way when wwx isn’t ready to be as vulnerable is lwj is, but they’re working on it. and wwx glad to be alive and present. the first two parts of the series are alright, but the rest look bad work issues: none. there's slight experimentation with using force during intimacy that freaked me out when I first read it, but when I went back I realized it was honestly fine author issues: wow this person has a lot going on...dubcon, sl/xy, jc/wen ning, all the juniors together, xiyao, niyao
Ask Me Again by moonlitten
summary: not a very memorable plot - typical lwj stays at BM and it solves all the problems - but I’m including it because it’s the only fic in this list that was based on the donghua. this is apparent through the language and characterization choices the author makes, which are rather different from either novel or cql canon. a unique and at times bizarre experience that I quite enjoyed work issues: none author issues: none
This Tornado Loves You by etymologyplayground
summary: a getting-together fic set just after wwx and lwj escape koi tower. there’s no plot, but the style is really fun and I just love the way wwx’s personality is written. strictly novel-verse work issues: not too serious: - wwx admits to kissing lwj when drunk and lwj admits to the pm kiss. obviously it’s good they came clean because they didn’t in canon, but I really don’t like that they did it in the first place, and it wasn’t treated as seriously as I would have liked. neither of them minded! author issues: genderbends
Back to Start || Section Five
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thephantomcasebook · 2 years
I think you're being negative, with the idea of romance in the series
while it is true the writers have their ego, the only ones who have been bothering them, have been those of Team Black, especially Daemon fans
In the Alicole group that I am in, I just saw that the director of chapter 9 gave a cryptic but positive answer about Alicent and Cole future relationship.
Although I have no clue what will happen with Daeron, I think it will be positive
about Martin, I would say that he claims that he gets involved and in the end he doesn't do it as much as he says
You could be right ...
I tend to be a very pessimistic and cynical person - life and tragedy has made me that way.
I think that anyone who has followed me for any appreciable amount of time knows that my politics and values don't really align with what most of tumblr and probably my followers believe. So, I've really hated the agenda and "Message" in the terrible media that many places have been putting out.
So, when people are positive about something when the writers are doing nothing but spouting Identity politics and promoting feminist ideals that I vehemently disagreed with on principle as the building block premise for a show on source material that really had nothing to do with gender or feminism - despite what they tell you.
I just don't have faith that they'll do anything justice, based solely on the writers and the two main actresses constantly trying to push their personal politics and beliefs on material that is basically a historical fable of the corrupting nature of power that is not limited to just men, but to everyone.
I've seen too many beloved franchises get destroyed by people that aren't interested in telling a story but pushing a personal message or cause and using someone else's story or something beloved to do it.
The absolute arrogance of say Emma D'arcy in her interviews and back and forth with Olivia Cooke really piss me off. It's okay if they didn't watch Game of Thrones - but you better fucking respect the fans and the people who did. And D'arcy spent the entire tour basically acting like all of this is just nonsense and that she's basically cashing a check. Not to mention both D'arcy and Cooke's incredibly fucking gross misandry that they just endlessly run at the mouth with.
I just have a low tolerance for the so-so, fair weather talented, airhead, London actress that is so arrogant in their vapid and self-important ignorance that it's almost shameful that they believe that spending years in a social bubble of the same stale people whose social politics is fashion over common sense, whose morals are accounted on the pros and cons of their own advancement. And whose causes and 'tolerance' is worn out in public like a luxury item or kept in a purse like a small yappy dog. Somehow makes them worthy philosophers and great thinkers of our time that we must somehow not just listen but care what they think.
I'm singling out Cooke and D'arcy, because, that kind of fucking attitude top to bottom was what sank GOT in the end. Telling fans they didn't know shit. Not giving a shit about the integrity of the show you're working on. Insulting and driving off potential audience members just so you look fashionably vitreous to your shitty, no talent, London friends that drink too much and are miserable cunts.
I saw it happen in real time with the Game of Thrones cast and producers. They lost touch, they grew entitled, and they actively disliked and insulted fans of the material - the book readers and core audience. And all the signs are already built into the HOTD writers room to reflect the worst aspects of agenda driven storytelling that has destroyed franchises forever.
Right now, I just don't see any accountability, no authoritative force that is nailing everyone's feet to the ground. No one telling Sara Hess to stop giving interviews. No one telling Olivia Cooke to shut the fuck up. Telling D'arcy to check her fucking attitude when she's out there representing the show. Telling Ryan Condal to quit acting like a tool to fans and just don't respond. Also, do an accounting of what worked and do an autopsy on what didn't and make sure that it never happens again - Aka Rhaenys murdering thousands of people for a girl-boss moment.
A retread of Season 8 is right around the corner and if they fuck up even an inch - this show will not survive.
People may have short memories but their instincts are intuitive when it comes to being reminded of bad writing and television.
I'm just being honest with you, Nonny. I'm a fan, not a stan. I get attached to fictional characters not actors or actresses. The only anomaly and irregularity is Michelle Dockery. I love her as an actress and watch everything she's in, but I've never really liked any of her characters, but I'll watch her religiously regardless because she's just that good.
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sister-mel · 1 month
The main scripture discussed in this Session is Ephesians 6:13-14, particularly the portions that says: "Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist...[NIV]" Priscilla groups the Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness and the feet prepared with the Gospel of Peace as the three pieces of heavenly armor that are set apart in the text as equipment we have already put on. This is indicated by the participle of the Greek verbs which are used to modify an imperative, or a command, so we can go into the study of the Belt of Truth, knowing that God has already fastened us with this by means of His Scripture, the very foundation of all Truth we know and learn as Christians. These three implements of our Armor of God enable us to Stand Firm in the Spirit of God, to take our position up in the Heavenly Ranks against the forces of wickedness spoken of in Session 1. Priscilla points out that the Book of Ephesians is really written in two parts. The first part, chapters 1 through 3, is comprised of indicative statements that tell us who we are, our identity as Christians. The second part, chapters 4 through 6, in which the Armor of God verses are written, delivers imperative statements that tell us what to do to carry forward our identity as Christians, to activate our spiritual purpose.
The major points Priscilla covers throughout this session are:
The over-arching principle present in all of Satan's attacks toward us is deception (the mark of the enemy).
Satan is the master illusionist.
An illusion is something that is deceiving by producing a false or misleading impression of reality.
Satan can craftily make you think that God does not mean exactly what He says.
The enemy depends on us leaning on our own understanding.
Satan's suggestions can never stand up against the light of God's Holy Word.
God's truth is the light.
We live in a world of relativity where people have their own interpretations of truth that depart from biblical truth.
The belt in Roman armor was critical for a Roman soldier to be able to carry the entire set of armor, which was usually an additional 70 pounds. It was a fortification and a support for the core.
For Jewish men of biblical times, they were familiar with the belt as a way to tuck up their tunics so they could have increased speed and agility.
Strapping on the Belt of Truth, therefore: (1) allows you to stand firm against the schemes of the devil; (2) gives you the freedom of movement you wouldn't have otherwise; and (3) restricting releases.
God has prepared the way set before us and as long as we walk in His Truth, our purpose can be brought to completion.
~*~*~Key Scriptures Referenced in Video~*~*~
Proverbs 3:5-6 :: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
Ephesians 5:13 :: "But everything exposed by the light becomes visible - and everything that is illuminated becomes a light."
2 Corinthians 11:14 :: "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light."
Joshua 24:15a,c :: "But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve ... But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."
John 8:32 :: "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
2 Corinthians 6:14 :: "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?"
1 Timothy 6:10 :: "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."
Ephesians 4:29 :: "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."
Galatians 5:22-23 :: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law."
1 Corinthians 6:19 :: "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own..."
Numbers 13 Reflection on the only 2 Scouts from the 12 originally selected from the Tribes of Israel who girded themselves against their fears and doubts to step into the Promised Land. These men were Joshua and Caleb and Caleb said with confidence in the Truth of God's Word, "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it."
~*~*~ Prayers from this Session ~*~*~
From Charles Spurgeon:
"Lord, help us to not only be able to discern the difference between right and wrong, but please help us to be able to discern the difference between right and almost right."
Priscilla's Prayer:
"Lord Jesus, will you help us as we go into this week of study to make a firm affirmation to be women who are girded in Truth. Lord, this is where the Victory starts and we want Victory. In Jesus' Name, Amen."
Questions for Discussion:
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Question 1:
Towards the end of her video, Priscilla explains how ancient Roman soldiers would have recognized the Belt of Truth as a form of core support that helped them carry the rest of their armor.
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What is your personal Bible Belt of Truth? What are the scriptures that have helped you stay anchored and engaged in the Truth? (Refer to these Bible Emergency Numbers as an example).
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Question 2:
Priscilla mentions how the enemy, Satan, is a master illusionist. What are a few Truths that the enemy seems to attack most for you? How did you buckle yourself with the Truth of the Gospel to resist these attacks? Let's praise God for the Victories in our lives!
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Question 3:
Priscilla also refers to the belt from the understanding of the Jewish culture (a couple examples of ancient Jewish clothing are pictured below). It was a means to gain mobility and to experience more freedom of movement. These days, popular culture seems to regard Christianity as restrictive, but we know different as Shield Maidens! How has the Scripture liberated you and, contrary to popular belief, how does popular culture restrict our inner growth?
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Question 4:
As Priscilla was talking about the Belt of Truth, I pictured those big iconic belt buckles that people are known to wear at rodeos (like the one pictured below). From this perspective, the Belt can be a form of identification. How do you allow the Gospel Truth to define you in daily life? How would you encourage fellow Christians to live the Scripture so we can be as we are called to be - a Temple of the living Word?
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Question 5:
Priscilla made a powerful point about how truth is commonly defined in modern times by the general public as something that is open to interpretation, or is relative to each person's experience. However, the Bible gives us a firm standing in Truth. Can you share any personal experiences in which you encountered an example of the popular perception or definition of truth clashing with scriptural Truth? What happened as a result of you standing firm in God's principles directly in those situations and, alternately, what happened for you in your prayer life as a result?
Question 6:
I'm borrowing this question from Priscilla's book, she asks, "During times in your life when your desires have not been aligned with what you know to be true from God's Word, what's been your typical response? Do you usually (a) do what you want to do and pray for forgiveness later, (b) grit your teeth and force your actions to God's standard, (c) try to massage God's Word so it fits in with your desires, (d) cry out in prayer and try to ride it out patiently, trustingly, (e) talk to somebody about what you're struggling with, or (f) something else entirely?"
Question 7:
This is another question from Priscilla's book about our spiritual posture: "When do you find it particularly hard to keep your spiritual backbone straight? (a) When under pressure from others to conform, (b) When put on the spot to defend my faith or opinion, (c) When carrying the extra weight of difficulty and struggle, or (d) Other.
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studiokultuurscape · 2 months
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Religious heritage stands at a crossroads in contemporary society, struggling with shifting social dynamics and evolving urban landscapes. The masterclass on Religious Heritage (7th-8th March 2024) explored these challenges and opportunities in transforming religious buildings during secular shifts within our societies. Experts discussed the dominant role of religious heritage in urban contexts and its modern relevance in towering above the main cityfabric.
Central themes included changes in religious buildings' societal role as our identities become more liquid with an importance of vulnerability. Churches are urged to create spaces for human connection beyond rituals, aligning with core faith principles and take up their function of care for humanity once more. Discussion becomes central instead of authority.
The role of religious buildings in shaping urban social environments nowadays should put the focus on community engagement and inclusive spaces over dominating a neighbourhood and working with exclusion. Projects like the multireligious house in Bern showcase religious heritage's continued relevance. The speakers emphasized adaptive strategies to ensure religious heritage's vitality and relevance in diverse urban landscapes. By embracing secularization and fostering inclusivity, religious institutions can contribute to community well-being and social cohesion, preserving invaluable cultural assets for the future whilst fulfilling their spatial anchorrole.
~ The masterclass was organized by the Future of Religious Heritage initiative and the University of Bologna with sponsorship from the European Union.
Secular Revival Beyond Belief: Redefining Religious Architecture for the communities of the 21th century PART III
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manchestertrust · 5 months
Islamic Educational Trust for Boys and Girls: Nurturing Minds
For many years, the Islamic Educational Trust—also called Muslims in Educational and Training, or MIET—has been a prestigious organization committed to fostering young minds and offering high-quality education. MIET is a school for boys and girls that upholds the values and principles of Islamic education to empower the next generation of Muslim community leaders. We will examine the special services and learning opportunities that MIET offers to both boys and girls in this article.
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MIET takes great pride in its dedication to giving boys a well-rounded education. The school is committed to character development, academic excellence, and the instillation of Islamic values. The following are some of the main components of MIET's male educational programme:
Holistic Education: MIET prioritises academic performance, making sure that boys have a solid grounding in the humanities, sciences, maths, and languages. They get the knowledge and abilities necessary to thrive in the contemporary world thanks to this well-rounded education.
Islamic Studies: With a focus on Hadith, the life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the teachings of the Quran, The Islamic Educational Trust for boys provides a thorough curriculum in Islamic studies. This education is necessary to foster a profound understanding and a strong faith.
Character Development: MIET is committed to helping young boys grow up to be kind, moral, and responsible people. Curriculum-integrated character development programmes teach virtues like empathy, integrity, and respect.
Boys are encouraged by MIET to participate in extracurricular activities such as sports, the arts, and volunteer work. Engaging in these pursuits aids in developing a well-rounded individual.
Girls from the Islamic Educational Trust
Additionally, the Islamic Educational Trust reiterates its unwavering dedication to girls' education. Given the Islamic tradition's emphasis on education, MIET provides a specific programme for girls. Here are a few of the crucial elements:
Empowerment via Education: MIET is adamant that educated women form the core of a robust and forward-thinking society. Girls can learn, develop, and thrive in a variety of fields in this secure and supportive environment.
Islamic Studies: Girls at MIET get a comprehensive education in Islamic studies, just like the boys. This enables them to form a solid Islamic identity by providing them with knowledge of the Quran, Hadith, and Islamic teachings.
Academic Excellence: MIET makes sure girls get a top-notch education in the foundational subjects, putting them in a competitive academic position and ready for challenges ahead.
Character Development: The foundation of MIET's approach to girls' education is character development. It instills virtues like modesty, respect, and self-assurance to assist them in growing into strong, moral people.
Extracurricular Activities: In order to develop girls' skills and interests outside of the classroom, MIET encourages them to engage in extracurricular activities.
MIET's Holistic Education Programme
The dedication of MIET to offering a comprehensive education that goes beyond merely academic instruction is one of its distinguishing characteristics. The establishment acknowledges that a holistic approach to education necessitates fostering a learner's intellectual, spiritual, and ethical growth.
Including Islamic Principles
Islamic principles are incorporated into all facets of MIET's curriculum. This entails daily prayers, Quranic studies, and a thorough comprehension of the teachings and life of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for both boys and girls. Students have a strong moral compass that directs their actions and decisions thanks to this spiritual foundation.
Academic Prominence
Boys and girls at MIET receive a rigorous and comprehensive education in subjects that span the spectrum of knowledge. This ensures that they are academically competitive and well-prepared for higher education and the challenges of the modern world.
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Character Development
Character development is a cornerstone of MIET’s educational philosophy. By emphasizing values like empathy, respect, and integrity, MIET equips students with the moral and ethical framework they need to become responsible and compassionate individuals. This character development is a critical part of preparing them to be leaders in their communities.
Extracurricular Activities
MIET believes that learning extends beyond the classroom. Extracurricular activities play a significant role in fostering a well-rounded personality. Both boys and girls are encouraged to participate in sports, arts, and community service. These activities not only help students discover their talents and interests but also teach them important life skills such as teamwork and leadership.
The Importance of Education for Girls
Education for girls is a fundamental part of MIET’s mission. In Islamic tradition, the value of educating women is emphasized, as it is believed that educated women play a crucial role in the progress of a community. MIET provides a nurturing and empowering environment for girls to thrive in their educational journey.
Empowering Through Education
MIET is dedicated to empowering girls through education. The institution recognizes the potential and capabilities of girls and is committed to providing them with the tools they need to excel academically and make a positive impact on society.
Islamic Studies for Girls
Just like the boys, girls at MIET benefit from a comprehensive Islamic studies program. They learn about the Quran, Hadith, and the rich Islamic heritage, allowing them to develop a deep understanding of their faith and heritage.
Character Building for Girls
Character development is an integral part of MIET’s approach to education for girls. The institution instills values such as modesty, respect, and self-confidence, helping girls develop into strong, principled individuals who are confident in their identity and ready to face the challenges of the world.
Extracurricular Opportunities for Girls
MIET recognizes that extracurricular activities are essential for the overall development of students. Girls are encouraged to participate in various activities, including sports, arts, and community service, to discover their talents and interests, build confidence, and develop essential life skills.
The Islamic Educational Trust, also known as MIET, is a beacon of quality education and character development for both boys and girls. By providing a holistic education that combines academic excellence with Islamic values, MIET is shaping future leaders who are not only academically proficient but also morally upright. The commitment to empowering young minds is evident in their programs for both boys and girls.
If you are looking for an institution that nurtures your child’s intellectual and spiritual growth, the Islamic Educational Trust is a wise choice. MIET’s dedication to quality education and character development ensures that your child will not only excel academically but also emerge as a responsible and principled individual.
For more information about the Islamic Educational Trust for boys and girls, please visit their official website at Manchester Islamic Education Trust
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