#The Grimrose Girls
aroaessidhe · 1 year
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Some more aromantic YA books
THE GRIMROSE GIRLS / boarding school/fairytale fantasy / one of the 4 MCs is aroace
FUNERAL GIRL / paranormal contemporary / aro-coded ace MC
FIRE BECOMES HER / historical fantasy / demi-demi MC 
THIS GOLDEN FLAME /  ancient greek insp high fantasy / aroace MC
ELATSOE / contemporary fantasy/paranormal / aro-coded ace MC
THE BUTTERFLY ASSASSIN / contemporary dystopian thriller / aroace MC (canon in 2nd book)
NOT YOUR BACKUP (sidekick squad #3) / contemporary superhero sci-fi / aroace-spec questioning MC 
NOT EVEN BONES / contemporary paranormal thriller / both MCs are probably aroace-spec, have qpr-like relationship (by book 3)
DEATHLESS DIVIDE / historical zombie fantasy / aroace MC (dual pov, she’s a side character in book 1)
*as a note, some of these only briefly explore aromanticism, and/or explore the ace part of the aroace character more. If you want more details on how much things are explored, see my database!    
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qbdatabase · 1 year
Check out these five titles to try next! The vibes are YA Fantasies with fairy tale slants, found families, and vibrant characters–that may hide a darker edge than you expect 🗡🔮 ✨
list of titles and notes on rep below the cut!
Ever Cursed by Corey Ann Haydu
A lyrical feminist fairy tale about a princess determined to save her sisters from a curse, even if it means allying herself with the very witch who cast it.
So This Is Ever After by F. T. Lukens
Carry On meets Arthurian legend in this funny, subversive young adult fantasy about what happens after the chosen one wins the kingdom and has to get married to keep it … and to stay alive.
The House in the Cerulean Sea by TJ Klune
An enchanting story, masterfully told, The House in the Cerulean Sea is about the profound experience of discovering an unlikely family in an unexpected place—and realizing that family is yours.
Golden Curse by M. Lynn
A curse. A hidden identity. A dangerous love. Inspired by the Rapunzel story, this is the golden-haired princess as you’ve never seen her before.
The Grimrose Girls by Laura Pohl
Four friends, one murder, and a dark fate connected to fairy tale curses that may leave them all doomed …
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First time I find these words in a book. It's a nice feeling.
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freckled-lili · 1 month
[Yesterday evening…]
Me: I'll just read a couple chapters of this book (The Grimrose Girls by Laura Pohl), and then I'll return to what I was doing on the computer.
Me: *ends up reading the entire book in one sitting and it's now 3:32 AM*
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I started reading a new series and one of the characters is a lesbian teenager who does fencing.
One of her lines in the book is literally "while you were off being heterosexual I was studying the blade"
I cackled so hard
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bookcub · 3 months
the goose girl chronicles: bonus book
the grimrose girls by laura pohl
spoilers below
the reveal that penelope was not penelope but in fact "the evil maid" from the goose girl story was probably my favorite part of this book, despite the poor execution
cause i totally called her as a bad guy from early on and it was annoying how long it took everyone on the book to get there and mostly on their own??
her motivation, perfect. the fact that she KILLED the original penelope instead of taking over her life, haunting but a good interpretation of the original story, especially by making it darker
the complete erasure of the original penelope is another haunting aspect, no one was close enough to her to realize she has gone and had her identity stolen
i would have loved to explore real and fake penelope more. we do see fake penelope fight tooth and nail, ready to kill over and over to get the life she wants, i craved to see the inside of her mind and how she was able to justify her actions
penelope was probably one of the reasons i read the next book (and regretted it)
anyways despite not liking this book, i thought it was a fantastic interpretation of the goose girl and would have loved to focus on faux penelope more
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silver-stargazing · 2 years
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aggressively arospec week 2022: canon arospec characters
↳ Yuki Miyashiro from The Grimrose Girls is aroace.
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tondiable · 2 years
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Hello everyone! I'm finally getting around to planning out book posts like I mentioned in a post the other week!
I figured that I would start with a general post showing you all of the books that I've read so far this year! They're in the order that I read them for the most part. I had to throw The Black Phone Stories at the top so that my stack wouldn't be too haphazardous.
I've talked on here breifly before that I would like to start posting more, and specifically post some bookish content. I've loved books since I was a child, and I've collected them my whole life.
I've always been a reader but I've found that the last two years of my life I'm starting to read just as much as I did when I was a child. This is something that I'm really excited about. I've discovered so masny amazing titles and authors the past few months and my To Read List is getting longer and longer.
I'm not sure exactly how these posts will go, I imagine they'll be quite rambly just like this one. I'll always warn before I spoil anything, but keep in mind that I will be posting spoilers!
Let me know if you've read or plan to read any of the books in this list! I dont know if I'll make a post on every book on here, but I'm going to for sure make posts on my favorite ones! If I'm being honest, most of them have become a favorite in some way. I feel like I've gotten so lucky with my book selections this year!
Reply with any book reccs you have for me!! :D
Also, I'm currently reading These Violent Delights, I'm a bit over halfway and I absoluuutely love it so far!! I can't wait to read the sequel, I have sooo many sequels to read!! A lot of the books in this list have sequels coming out this year and early next year!!
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reviewsthatburn · 1 year
There's something very satisfying about sitting down to read a series that's complete, ready and waiting for you to crack open and devour it. Finishing a series also requires readers to have supported each book along the way as they came out. Well, these duologies, trilogies, and series by authors of color are finished, available to be read entire. We've previously reviewed every entry on this list and included links to those thoughts for anyone who wants a bit more detail. While it's entirely possible that these authors may publish associated stories in the future (either sequels or just set in the same story universe), what's available now feels complete. Each entry includes the synopsis from the first book in the series.
Full post at link, book titles in tags.
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Canon Arospec 221/?: Reyna Castilla in Laura Pohl's The Grimrose Girls duology (quotes from The Wicked Remain 2022)
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Current Reading List
Legends & Lattes by Travis Baldree
The Grimrose Girls by Laura Pohl
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys
One Hundred Years of Solitude by Gabriel García Márquez
Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez
A Visit from the Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan
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qbdatabase · 1 year
After the mysterious death of their best friend, Ella, Yuki, and Rory are the talk of their elite school, Grimrose Académie. The police ruled Ariane’s death as a suicide, but the trio is determined to find out what really happened.
When Nani Eszes arrives as their newest roommate, it sets into motion a series of events that no one could have predicted. As the girls retrace their friend’s final days, they discover a dark secret about Grimrose–Ariane wasn’t the first dead girl.
They soon learn that all the past murders are connected to ancient fairy-tale curses … and that their own fates are tied to the stories, dooming the girls to brutal and gruesome endings unless they can break the cycle for good.
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vicbella-toria · 2 years
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Pretty covers are my drug
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bookcub · 11 months
so grimrose girls. . .
i just finished both books in the duology and the second made me realize how much i disliked the first. im very optimistic as a reader, so i was able to be like oh well I like the concept, and a lot of the rep is good, and the message is really nice, so i thought id be into the second one a little, plus i was curious about the ending.
slight spoilers below but tbh the synopsis all but tells you this in the first place.
my main and biggest complaint is that the book inside the book was just infinitely more interesting than what i was reading. theres a book that ties each of them to a fairy tale, condeming them to death basically. and i wanted it so badly. how is this book so relevant to plot yet so little of it is shared???? like none. none of it was shared. and generally when there is a secondary text in a book, it should either have excerpts for the reader or be properly summarized. yet, none of that with this book.
so. unsatisfying.
the characters felt so fake to me, they didn't feel real and they werent believable. i so wanted to because of all the diversity, but diversity doesn't save a bad book.
also the "who did it" was predictable in both books but the why was incredibly unsatisfying. the first one was a little better than the second but meh.
this book wanted to be so dark and edgy but it lacked any real teeth. i wasnt scared, i was sad, i was just frustrated the whole time.
conclusion: its not worth your time
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freckled-lili · 10 days
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Made a startling revelation about two books I read recently.
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