eddiesghxst · 8 months
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pairing: rockstar!eddie x journalist!reader
summary: wayne is in town and eddie thinks he kind of hates you... maybe
contains: enemies to lovers trope, smoking, drug and alcohol use, scary and sticky feelings, king richie being king richie, and eddie thinks you taste sweet <3
word count: 3.8k
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Eddie’s going insane, he thinks.
There’s something wrong with him. Something seriously wrong.
It’s been two days since Eddie slept in your room. Forty-eight hours have passed since you so graciously offered him the peace and solace of your extra hotel bed, and Eddie has yet to stop thinking about you.
The morning after sleeping in your room, Eddie snuck out as quietly as possible to avoid any awkward conversation, even if nothing was particularly awkward about the situation. He didn’t want to have to thank you for letting him stay with you, and he knew that if he’d waited until you woke up, he would have to thank you. So, he escaped first thing in the morning, as any avoidant and coward-like person would do.
He spent all day with fleeting thoughts of you— remembering the sight of you smiling under the light of the TV, the sound of you laughing, the visual of you swallowed beneath fluffy sheets and pillows, pouty lips parted to let out the cutest, most annoying, and fucking nerve-grating snores that gently lulled Eddie to sleep. 
He spent time wondering what you were doing, how you looked and sounded in the morning, and being annoyed with himself for depriving himself of the chance to witness that. He wondered if you looked for him when you realized he was no longer in the room— if you were annoyed that he left without saying anything, or if you didn’t care. God, why does he care? It’s not like you two fucked, he just crashed in your room.
That same morning, Eddie had the phantom of your scent all around him. Soft, inviting, and all things alluring, and Eddie wanted to sink his teeth into it and gnaw at it like some fucking teething dog. What the fuck?
There’s something wrong.
However, those weird and unwanted feelings have died down since Eddie hasn’t seen you in the past forty-eight hours. Granted, that’s probably because he’s been subconsciously avoiding you like the plague, which has been relatively easy, considering they’ve been on a short break.
Thankfully, Eddie had a solid reason as to why he fled your room so early that morning— to pick up Wayne from the airport. He took Wayne to a breakfast diner and treated him to a warm meal and coffee to ease the stress of traveling from his bones. 
And Wayne has never been to New York, so Eddie took the time to show him around. Eddie’s been to the city many times, and he likes to think he’s somewhat of a pro now that he knows his way around the subway. Eddie swears learning the subway was easier than passing senior year, and that says something.
After breakfast, Eddie took Wayne to the Brooklyn Bridge, where they could see the Statue of Liberty in the distance. From there, they took a cab to Times Square so Wayne could witness the absolute chaos that is New York City. They spent some time in Times Square, watching street performances and snacking on greasy foods, and they had a good time until a few people spotted Eddie.
Wayne always tells Eddie he doesn’t mind fans coming up to them and enjoys watching Eddie interact with his supporters. Still, Eddie gets weary of crowds becoming rowdy around anybody he loves, so he tries to keep the interactions to a minimum when he’s out with company.
And Wayne isn’t much of an expressive person, but Eddie’s been around him long enough to read his microexpressions easily and understand that Wayne seemed to like New York so far.
Eddie hasn’t told Wayne about Gareth, partly because he knows he’ll get a long talk about how violence solves nothing, but more importantly, because Eddie doesn’t want to admit that Wayne was right about Chrissy. 
Wayne never trusted Chrissy all that much. Chrissy was friendly, respectful, and all things socially acceptable, but she lacked in the caring department. Wayne didn’t like that Chrissy never supported Eddie’s dreams, never showed up to a single show, or didn’t even bother learning the lyrics to at least one song. She didn’t care to show up for Eddie, but Eddie was always there for her. Always.
Chrissy was greedy with love, and Wayne saw right through her innocent act.
And given that Wayne is quite the expert at seeing people for who they really are, Eddie doesn’t understand why he doesn’t see through your innocent act.
It’s Wayne’s third night in New York when you finally cross paths. You’d been passing by each other in the hotel lobby; Eddie, Wayne, and Richie leaving while you were on your way in— and Eddie was content with ignoring you, but god, you just couldn’t help yourself, could you?
 “You must be the infamous Wayne,” You smile as you shake the older man’s hand. Eddie stands between Wayne and Richie as he stuffs his hands in his pockets while Wayne greets you, pursing his lips and rocking on the heels of his feet as you and Wayne share a short introduction— Richie snickers beside him.
“You three look fancy; what’s the occasion?” You wonder aloud. Wayne smiles, and Eddie doesn’t know when Wayne became so kind to strangers, especially annoying strangers. “Eddie here is treating us to dinner,” Wayne explains, reaching over to pat Eddie’s stiff shoulder. Eddie thinks that may be your indication to leave, but he’s sadly mistaken when Richie adds, “Have you eaten yet? Would you like to tag along?”
Eddie thinks the age is getting to Richie’s head because Richie must be out of his fucking mind. 
His head snaps to glare at Richie, about to cut in until you speak up, “Oh! I couldn’t; I don’t want to impose.” You shake your head with a kind smile. Good, Eddie thinks. Don’t impose, stay far a-fucking-way.
But Richie— god, Eddie can’t believe Richie, “Ah, the more, the merrier,” he waves you off, “And the rockstar will pay for us. Who turns down a free meal?” Wayne jumps in, causing you to erupt in soft laughter.
Eddie has to end this, obviously.
“The reservation is for three,” Eddie chips in, and finally, the three of you acknowledge his presence, turning to him as he shifts on his feet. “And we don’t have time to wait for you to get ready.” He adds, pursing his lips and shrugging in an ‘oh well’ gesture.
If Eddie weren’t watching you so intently, he wouldn’t have noticed the tiny shift of you caving into yourself, but he does, and he kind of feels bad for a quick second. He doesn’t know why he feels bad because he wasn’t even lying. The reservation was for three, and with New York traffic, they should’ve been on their way roughly fifteen minutes ago.
You open your mouth to respond, probably throw in the flag and let the three men be on their way, but Richie opens his fucking mouth again, “Well, we can wait, and I’m sure you can pull some strings for a third chair, son.”
And Eddie could. He can definitely get a fourth seat because he’s friends with the restaurant owner, but Eddie doesn’t want to. And he sure as hell doesn’t want to pay for your goddamn meal, but, as always, despite Eddie’s wishes, Richie insists you tag along. 
He, Wayne, and Richie end up sitting in the lobby waiting for you to get dressed in your room. Wayne and Richie are sitting on opposite sides of the couch, Wayne quietly flipping through a magazine and Richie mindlessly people-watching as Eddie impatiently bounces his leg and pouts in the seat across them. Wayne doesn’t bother looking at Eddie when he says, “You’re gonna leave a dent in the floor, son.”
Eddie glares at Wayne and Richie, “Why did you invite her?” He snaps.
Wayne flips the page of the flimsy book, heavily sighing and shifting in his seat, “This is the girl you mentioned at breakfast, right?”
Richie snickers and raises an eyebrow at Eddie, “You mentioned Birdie at breakfast? That’s interesting.” He jokes, to which Eddie grumbles a short and snippy, “Shut up.”
And yeah, maybe Eddie did mention you to Wayne, but it wasn’t… it wasn’t like that, okay? You just piss Eddie off, and now that he’s not on good terms with Gareth, and Jeff is too busy with his head stuck up his girlfriend's ass, Eddie has nobody to turn to for a good rant, and Wayne— well, Wayne was just there. 
“Yes. But did you also hear me mention that I can’t stand her, or did you just stop listening after I said her name?” Eddie grumbles. Wayne smiles behind the magazine, and Eddie can hear it in his voice when he responds, “No, I heard it all… sounded like a load of bullshit.” 
Richie laughs, but Eddie ignores it as his face twists in confusion at Wayne’s words, “Excuse me?”
Wayne closes the magazine and looks at Eddie, “Boy, did fame take away what little common sense you had? You don’t hate the girl.”
Before Eddie can respond to Wayne’s encrypted comment, you appear, pulling their attention, “Thank you for waiting; I hope I wasn’t too long,” you huff while hastily adjusting the strap of your bag over your shoulder.
For a moment, Eddie doesn’t remember what he was groveling about or that he kind of hates you.
And you’ve always been pretty. Eddie never thought you were ugly, and quite honestly, if you’d met under different circumstances and you weren’t a pain in the ass, Eddie might’ve fucked you. But Eddie’s hatred for you outshined your beauty… most of the time. However, that film of dusty and grey disdain has been clearing recently, and Eddie’s not sure if he should turn away or keep looking because you’re breathtaking.
He doesn’t know what it is. Maybe it’s the dress you’ve chosen and how perfectly crafted it is for you, how the colors compliment your skin in an achingly perfect way. Maybe it’s the way your eyeliner is slightly smudged and smoky from your rushed movements to avoid being late for the reservation. Or maybe Eddie’s just lost his mind right along with Wayne and Richie. For now, he’ll stick with the latter.
Eddie stands up with a loud huff, “Let's go. Before they give someone else our table.” He grumbles, brushing past you and walking off without another word.
Eddie misses the slight and amused smirk on Wayne’s lips.
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Wayne, you come to learn, is funny.
You’d thought the ride to the restaurant would be awkward, given that Eddie clearly doesn’t want you here, but Wayne and Richie left no room for the tension to rise. They both told stories and jokes the entire drive, and by the time you arrived at the restaurant, your stomach was sore from laughter. Honestly, you’re not sure how Wayne raised Eddie only for Eddie to end up like… Eddie. Wayne is kind and inviting and all things opposite of Eddie. You almost believe they’re tricking you.
“Since when did you become a stand-up comedian, Wayne?” Eddie sarcastically asks as he opens the door to the restaurant. Wayne had just made a joke about how Eddie was a troublemaker in high school, which Eddie clearly didn’t think was funny, given the scowl on his face.
“I’ve always been a comedian, son.” Wayne pats Eddie on the back as he steps into the fancy establishment. You glance at Eddie and thank him for holding the door as you follow behind Wayne, Richie stepping in behind you.
Eddie was able to get a change of tables, so you were able to join, and you thanked him on your way to the table as the waiter walked you all to your new designated seats. Eddie either didn’t hear you, or he didn’t care to respond; either way, you don’t take it to heart.
Once you reach your table, Wayne and Richie take the seats on the other side of the table, leaving you no other option but to take the seat next to Eddie. Eddie scoffs upon this realization, and you subconsciously chew the inside of your cheek as you settle in the chair.
For the most part, dinner goes by smoothly. You suppose Eddie’s distasteful attitude diffused once the food satiated his hunger— and you think Eddie has the character of a toddler that’s missed their nap time, and a part of you thinks it’s cute, watching him huff and fuss until he’s happily eating. You try your best to focus on the plate of food in front of you and the conversations between the four of you, but you often find yourself glancing over at Eddie. 
Because the way Eddie moves is like a movie.
Animated and smooth and all things annoyingly beautiful. The way he speaks with his hands, the way his hair brushes and sways back and forth over his shoulders when he shifts, the sound his rings make when clinking against the silverware. The way his cheeks carve lines when his lips stretch in a smile-soaked laugh, and his eyes widen when he gets excited while telling a story.
It’s captivating.
And a few days ago, you’d thought the wine was the cause for your unwanted attraction, but alas.
You blink away the haze of your short-lived trance and resume eating. Better to leave that road untouched.
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Despite Eddie’s low expectations, dinner was good.
He had a nice plate full of food he couldn’t be bothered to learn how to pronounce and a glass of whiskey to wash it down. Wayne and Richie held a good conversation, though those two have always gotten along well since Richie entered Eddie’s life. Richie and Eddie tell Wayne all about life on the road, updating him on the craziest shows and sights, and Wayne informs Eddie about everybody back home.
The kids are soaking up their last weeks of freedom before college, and Max even got a nose piercing, “Somehow, that made her even more of a firecracker, that kid.” Wayne joked.
Wayne says he doesn’t know much about the older half of them, but he runs into one of them every now and then at the grocery store and such, and Eddie makes a mental note to call and check in before the holidays.
And then there’s you.
Eddie wanted to believe you were ruining the vibe of dinner, but you annoyingly made it… better. 
You eased into the atmosphere as if you weren’t a complete stranger, asking questions about Hawkins and adding stories of your childhood in Michigan. Eddie had expected you to shy away for most of the dinner since they were mostly discussing things you weren’t there for, but you were as involved as the three of them, if not more.
And Wayne and Richie adore you.
Richie has always made it known that he has no problem with you, and some might even think the two of you have a relationship akin to a father and daughter. But Richie has always been that way. He’s always quick to accept people into their circle and give them a chance. 
But Eddie didn’t expect Wayne to warm up to you as quickly as he did.
Wayne is usually wary of strangers, and just like Eddie, Wayne hates the media. Wayne witnessed the hell Eddie initially went through with the press— messy rumors and misconstrued words— and when Eddie almost threw in the towel for good, Wayne was there to wrap it back around Eddie’s knuckles and shove him back into the game. So, you can imagine the confusion reeling through Eddie’s mind when Wayne immediately becomes fond of you.
It’s annoying and stupid, and Eddie thinks you might be a witch because you have everybody under this weird spell that makes them like you. 
After dinner, everyone decided to enjoy the nice weather on a walk back to the hotel. Even though Eddie would’ve much rather liked to call a car and make it back to the hotel in less than ten minutes, he can admit that it feels nice to just walk around in light conversation. He doesn’t get much of this anymore. Most days, Eddie is busy doing shows, writing songs, talking to the press, and rolling through each day, so he doesn’t have the time to have simple and lighthearted moments like these.
He’s walking beside Richie, blowing through a cigarette and listening to Richie ramble on about… well, Eddie’s not sure what Richie is talking about because he’s so focused on you.
A few paces ahead of Richie and Eddie, you and Wayne walk together, wrapped up in an intriguing conversation, considering how intently you seem to be listening. You’re watching where you’re stepping, but you routinely turn to Wayne and nod to let him know you’re listening, and every now and then, you even glance back at Eddie and Richie with a soft smile.
And you’re so fucking cute for that.
Eddie thinks he might admire you for that— for being so kind and attentive to Wayne. And you’re like that with everyone: kind and perceptive in a way that makes people feel like they matter, like every word they speak matters. But this… this is different, Eddie thinks.
He’s unsure what it is, but seeing how you interact with Wayne makes his chest warm— like he’s drinking tea on a cold autumn day. Like he’s spent the day shivering in a cold building only to step out into a sunny sky and thaw the cold from his ribs.
It’s endearing, watching you.
Chrissy was never close with Wayne in any way, shape, or form. And although Eddie would’ve loved to see Chrissy interact and get along with Wayne, it just never happened. Not because Wayne was adamant about hating Chrissy or because Chrissy hated Wayne but because they just… never clicked. (And yeah, maybe Wayne disliking Chrissy had something to do with that, but that’s neither here nor there.)
And Wayne is a big part of Eddie’s life. He’s the main reason why Eddie is where he is today and not following in his deadbeat father's footsteps. 
Wayne is Eddie’s family.
And the fact that you can acknowledge that and treat their relationship with such respect and care— it makes Eddie feel things that he’s not very keen on feeling.
But the moment of admiration for you is quickly shattered when he catches a snippet of your and Wayne’s conversation.
“You’re a good journalist, I take it. Will I be getting interviewed for this article, too?” Wayne jokes, and you laugh, “If you’d like to, I'm sure I can make the time before you leave.” You respond.
And Eddie doesn’t like that. He hates that actually.
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It’s nearly one in the morning when Eddie knocks on your door. They returned from dinner hours ago and called it a night, but Eddie is standing at your hotel room door, knocking at one in the morning. It’s a heavy and loud knock, enough to wake you out of the deep slumber you’d been in, given the way you grimace when you open the door.
You rub your eyes, blinking a few times before settling into a visible state of confusion once you realize the person in front of you is Eddie. You clear the sleep from your throat before sleepily blinking at Eddie and asking if everything is okay. 
Eddie doesn’t waste time cutting to the chase, “Are you trying to get my uncle in your piece?”
And yeah, maybe the question could have waited until tomorrow, and maybe the question is dumb and not all that serious considering it was clearly a joke, but Eddie smoked a blunt and couldn’t stop thinking about you— and looking at you now, god, Eddie believes if he hadn’t smoked too much to teeter on the edge of paranoid, he’d kiss you. You’re so cute; painted toes digging into the plush carpet (he thinks he should ask if you’ve iced your ankle tonight), oversized shirt hanging over your body like a blanket, messy imprinted lines of sheets on your cheek from your slumber, and a cute little frown gracing your lips. Eddie’s chest tightens.
Eddie almost forgot you were stupid.
“Wayne. Are you interviewing him for the article?” Eddie repeats.
You blink a few times, glancing around the empty hallway and shaking your head, “Eddie, this— this couldn’t have waited?” Your voice teeters on the edge of whiney as you speak.
Eddie raises an eyebrow, and you huff, rubbing your eyes again before shrugging, “No, I— I don’t think so. I mean… he’s the one who offered to talk. I’m down to do it if he’d like—” “That’s not happening.”
Your eyebrows pinch together in confusion, “Excuse me?”
Eddie shakes his head, “Leave Wayne out of your stupid piece, okay? I don’t want you interviewing him, asking him stupid questions, and twisting his words. He doesn’t need any of that shit.”
And you blink up at him like you’re having trouble processing what he’s saying, and Eddie really wants to fucking kiss you. 
Too much weed, he thinks. He should’ve never smoked that much after such a long T-break.
“Um,” you hum, taking a moment to register Eddie’s words before speaking, “Okay… I didn’t realize I had overstepped. I won’t interview Wayne.” You respond. Kind, polite, sweet, and all things that make Eddie’s brain waves spike.
You yawn into the back of your hand, “Can I— can I go back to sleep now?”
And you’re standing there, blinking up at Eddie with these soft and pretty eyes, and Eddie thinks… Eddie thinks, fuck it.
Now, Eddie hadn’t exactly planned to come here and kiss you. Or maybe he had; he’s not exactly sure at this point, but he can’t find it in himself to care because kissing you feels better than any drug Eddie could ever get his hands on.
Your lips are soft and sweet and taste like the lip balm you’d applied before bed. And here, this close to you, Eddie can smell the shampoo in your hair, the clean, scented body wash you use, and the fresh linen lingering scent of the hotel sheets, and it’s intoxicating. 
You’re shocked at first; Eddie can tell from how still your lips are, but when you realize that Eddie is kissing you, god, Eddie nearly melts.
You kiss like nobody Eddie has ever kissed before. Like you’ve spent years perfecting every single move, calculated and precise and all things electrifying. And if this is how you kiss when you’re grumpy and sleepy, Eddie can’t imagine how you kiss regularly.
But he shouldn’t be imagining that, and he shouldn’t be kissing you, and he shouldn’t even be here, for fucks sake! 
It takes nearly everything in Eddie's body and soul to pull away from you, and it pains him when he loses the feeling of your lips against his, but Jesus Christ, Eddie doesn’t know what came over him.
You look at him in shock, almost like you’ve seen a ghost, and Eddie doesn’t know what to do or say.
All he can do is turn around and go back to his room without another word, leaving you speechless and confused, with only the echo of his door slamming to aid both of your whirling thoughts.
part five
cutie lil taglist: @mastermindmiko @whataboutbibi @ryanmxrie @ihatepeanutss @tlclick73 @motherfckerrr @emxxblog @jesssssmaybankk @eddiesguitarskills @bibieddiesgf @chloe-6123 @micheledawn1975 @demxnicprxncess @emma77645 @sidthedollface2 @mvnsonslvt @s-u-t @hereforshmut @welcometohellsock @lma1986 @animechick555 @sheneedsrocknroll92
575 notes · View notes
grandlinedreams · 6 months
It's rare that Law falls asleep before you.
Even rarer still that he's even in bed before you ㅡ because when you trudge into his room (which is yours too now, you suppose), you fully expect him to be awake and at his desk, working on something.
The room is in the usual disarray, stacks of books everywhere ㅡ but still comfortable in the dim luminescence of the porthole. And Law is not at his desk ㅡ he's already in bed, jeans and cap shucked to the spare chair you often curl up in, Kikoku propped up against it.
You stare at the sight before you, wondering if you should be concerned ㅡ after all, it isn't every day that you don't have to wrestle your boyfriend into going to bed. You glance at the clock on his desk, then wince.
For once, you're the one who's lost track of time.
You sigh softly, scrubbing at your eyes before you move towards the bed to join him. Law doesn't stir at the dip of the bed or tug of the blankets, breathing still an even cadence as you settle beside him.
Law's face is made softer in sleep, no furrow to his brow or irritated pull of his mouth, and you reach to thumb at the shadows underneath his eyes. They're not as dark as you've seen them, but their presence still makes your heart ache. You know that he has a lot on his plate as a captain, but you also know he struggles to share the workload.
Your touch drifts over the bridge of his nose to his cheek, then to his jaw, stroking gently. In sleep, he offers a soft sigh and the subtle shift to your touch, subconscious movement sending butterflies through your stomach.
You love him. You know that you do, as certain of it as you've ever been of anything ㅡ you love him with every fibre of your being. And you know that he loves you, too. How else would you be privy to this, the softer, unguarded sides of him? It's an honor to be trusted this much, especially when you know how much effort it's taken to get to this point.
Law shifts in his sleep again, reaching ㅡ and you squirm closer carefully, feel the drift of his arm over your waist, the tuck of your head beneath his chin. Comfortable, easy ㅡ and oh so very welcome in this wee hour of the morning.
You snuggle as close as you can, pressing your lips to his shoulder in a soft kiss before you close your eyes, content to let yourself follow him into sleep.
855 notes · View notes
m3talmunson · 1 year
It started with babes. Babes is completely platonic right? Nothing out of the ordinary there. Eddie was known for being over dramatic, why would nicknames -or in this case, pet names- be any different?
Babes wasn't even that over the top, so why was Steve blushing like a school girl after it was said in passing?
Steve definitely knew why, although, he was going to pretend he didn't. But he knew, about himself, about Eddie. A couple months after spring break '86 Steve had a very enlightening talk with Robin about his feelings. Towards Munson. Those completely and totally platonic feelings.
And a couple weeks later, as though Eddie was so in tune with Steve's discovery, Eddie came out to Steve at a campfire with Robin and Nance. Those two had wandered off, Eddie made some comment about "Good for Robs," before realizing his mistake. That was, until Steve said "Yeah, good for Robs," and Eddie just had to ask.
"You know about her? Y'know..."
"What? Eddie? Of course! She's my best friend."
"And you're ok with it?" Eddie was kind of shocked. Great 'King' Steve wasn't going to sick the dogs on Hawkins Local Lesbian? And it seemed like he had known longer than Eddie?
"Yeah, when you survive hell and back enough it's pretty hard to hate anyone for being gay." Steve left off the part where he was also into guys. He knew Eddie was ok with that, clearly ok with Robin, but Eddie might not be ok with being the guy Steve was into.
"Oh. Well," Eddie didn't know if it was the couple beers he had downed, or his newfound safety with this big ol' group of misfits, but he was comfortable asking Steve, "What if I was like Robin too?"
"Are you?" Steve asked. He wasn't going to get his hopes up over hypotheticals, but he could admit he had feelings for the older boy. He wasn't sure what feelings to be honest,but he was figuring that out as he went. He just knew they were more than platonic.
"Well, technically I'm the opposite of Robin, y'know. Not attracted to women. But yeah, I am." Eddie stared into the camp fire, torn between hoping that it would eat him alive, or that it would simply stare back.
"Okay, thanks for trusting me." Steve responded, plain as day.
He had asked Robin, if someone were to come out to him (granted they were not just drugged by Russians), what would she have wanted to hear. And he finally got the chance to use it, seeing the way Eddie's shoulders dropped in relief.
"So you're like actually ok with it?"
"Like I said, been to hell and back with you, who you love doesn't mean a thing over that."
" Yeah," Eddie said,"But most straight guys don't like it when gay guys flirt relentlessly with them."
"We'll keep that one between us then, won't we?" Steve wasn't entirely ready to correct Eddie on the straight thing, so he just didn't acknowledge that part. He chose to ignore the blush rise on his face, blaming it internally on the heat of the fire.
He also tried to ignore that at that point, the nicknames picked up.
It started with babes. Then baby, which made Steve's brain flutter. Then sweetheart. Eddie only used that one when he wanted something, and yet Steve still loved it. Stevie was one of the fan favorites. Not really a pet name, but used just as lovingly as one. Sometimes Eddie held out the end, in a sing-song voice. Made Steve weak in the knees. Eddie knew what he was doing.
It was babe that made Steve do something about it. Eddie used sweetheart, baby, Stevie, around everyone. In front of the kids, on his various trips to Family Video (whether to buy or annoy, who knew). But babe. Babe was just for Steve and Steve alone.
So of course, the only logical order of events was for Steve to start using them back.
It started with babe, the obvious choice. Fight fire with fire, or whatever. The meaningless pet names ended with babes too.
Because after Eddie kissed Steve to shut him up, they suddenly had meaning.
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formulafics · 7 months
Scenario: in which max verstappens little sister thought she was doing a good job hiding her relationship from her older brother, but the hard launch isn’t surprising to him.
Pairing: logan sargeant x fem!verstappen!reader
A/N: guys i love logan sargeant sm, and this requests was super cute and fun to make. enjoy!! 🫶🏻
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liked by maxverstappen1, logansargeant, alex_albon, and 201,432 others
yn_verstappen just a late night track walk…plus a silly little picture of max since the max girlies in my comments are begging me for it
view all 2,453 comments
formulamax HELP i feel so called out by the caption
grillthegridddddd slide three? 🤨 who is that yn?
⤷ rizzciardo me thinks logan sargeant
⤷ norrizzlando nah that doesn��t look that much like logan
⤷ supermax33 maybe it’s max?
maxverstappendefender yn feeding us once more. thank you @/yn_verstappen
⤷ yn_verstappen your welcome 😌
⤷ sargeantformula riddle me this is that logan sargeant? pls answer i have to know
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liked by logansargeant, maxverstappen1, oscarpiastri, and 142,320 others
yn_verstappen just enjoying the view (oh and a beach and logan’s friend is there)
view all 2,342 comments
logansargeant idk i’d say my view was better
⤷ yn_verstappen of course you would (ilysm)
formulasargeant i would kill to know what max’s response to this was LMAOO
⤷ mv33lvr he’s definitely fed up LMAO
oscarpiastri this is not the post i expected from you, yn.
⤷ yn_verstappen i’m sorry i’ll do better
⤷ maxverstappen1 no you won’t
⤷ yn_verstappen yeah youre right i won’t.
*liked by yn_verstappen*
f1girlie YN FEEDING US LOGAN CONTENT 👏 logan girlies please rise
godblessls2 MOTHER IS MOTHERING - thank you for the content, yn
sargeantformula GIRL did you edit logan’s shirt in that soft launch? 😭 you were working hard trying to make it less obvious
⤷ yn_verstappen HELP no one has to know i did that
formulasargeant Who else saw logan’s post of yn
⤷ ynswife BRO SHES SO FINE HELP ME i did not expect to be blessed with yn in a bikini today
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984 notes · View notes
lilacxquartz · 1 month
Roommates | One Shot
Satoru Gojo x Fem!Reader x Suguru Geto [MMF]
ABOUT: You’re late on rent again and rather than evicting you, your roommates figure out a different way to make you pay.
TAGS/THEMES: Roommates AU, threesomes, dubious consent, one shot smut, doggy style, blowjobs, sexual coercion (to keep the rent free), kissing, 18+.
Final warning for dubcon, the reader is implied into it but the consent isn’t made clear.
You were late on rent again.
A couple months ago you had the excuse that you lost your job so you were short on your share, last month you missed it entirely.
This month you still didn’t have anything and your bank account was running dry, finding absolutely zero luck on the search—living frugally as a result.
Satoru always collected rent in the middle of the month as he was the one who owned the unit. His friend Suguru, lived in an adjacent room to his while you took the smaller room opposite.
Living with two men had certainly been an experience, but they both for the most part kept to themselves and would never bother you, but then you lost your job and your presence became more of a nuisance than just being someone in the background of their lives.
”Again?” Satoru asked as he maintained a friendly albeit strained smile, his tone not quite a whine but you could tell he wasn’t pleased either.
“I-I’ve been trying, but it’s so difficult to find work right now,” you replied, even though that excuse was starting to get stale; it was the truth, but the truth didn’t fill your pockets and that much was a problem.
His demeanour tightened as he struggled to remain polite; you knew that money wasn’t an issue for him and he could afford the entire place alone if he had to, but at the same time you could see where he was coming from.
He wasn’t usually so serious, but he did what he had to do when he needed to. The Satoru you would usually see, so carefree and vibrant, stifled down due to your own misfortune.
Suguru in the midst of this ate breakfast in utter silence as he watched the entire thing unfold from the kitchen table. You would meet his gaze every now and then by accident as he would then try to avoid you, staying quiet as he tried to eat through his good friend doing his best not to scold you.
You mustered up the courage and swallowed away the last of your dignity once more, surrendering to asking for one final chance.
“I know that it’s a lot to ask, but can you please… please give me just a little bit more time?”
His icy blue eyes flashed over your body for a moment, his body language thawing as a new idea came to mind. Instead of going back on forth with you on the topic, he took a deep breath and removed himself from your company momentarily.
His smile grew curt, laced with unreadable intent, “One moment.”
You sat yourself down on the arm rest of the sofa, watching as Satoru went off to whisper something off to Suguru. You considered genuinely just moving back home rather than bothering him further, the other prospect of couch surfing seeming daunting.
Every now and then you’d glance back to the kitchenette from the open plan area, watching as Satoru planned something with Suguru. Their expressions were a little too casual for it to have been something serious and your stomach coiled at the possibility of mockery.
Suguru seemed hesitant about something as his dark eyes landed on you every now and then, his gaze meeting with yours and then disconnecting. Satoru continued to dispense his trademark smile, eyeing you up and down from head to toe, settling on some type of resolution.
The two men then approached you, planting an an uncertain sort of feeling in your gut—your instinct begging for you to choose flight as they both closed in.
“It’s your lucky day,” Satoru announced, his voice suddenly playful and teasing, “rent’s on the house.”
There was definitely a catch.
You stood up and took a step back, “Why…?”
He took a step forward, following you in your tracks as he cornered you.
“You’re gonna do something for us, that’s why,” he added, his words doing nothing to settle your quickly building unease.
“Do what?” you dared to ask.
“You’re a smart girl, [name],” Satoru purred, “you can figure it out, can’t you?”
You weren’t an idiot; you could put two and two together to understand exactly what it was that he was implying—rent was on the house and you weren’t a total prude, understanding that he wanted you to pay your dues with a favour instead.
You just didn’t think it would ever come to something like this. How humiliating, almost.
It was the fact that Suguru seemed to be involved too that further worsened your feelings on the issue. You were already barely into the idea of trading sex for a place to stay, but you now had the influence of two slowly approaching guys who had a different sort of idea of what to do with you.
As you pondered all of the possibilities, you found yourself so distracted that you didn’t even have time to react properly—wait.
Satoru already gave into his building curiousity with you; his wandering fingers pinched at the hem of your top, rolling up the fabric to reveal your bare stomach—your arms protested by anchoring down, but his strength relented and he pulled it off of you completely.
His cruising pursuit moved towards your shorts next, revealing the finishing piece for your bra’s matching set—how cruel it was of such fate to align on a day when you’d be wearing such a thing; both of their eyes shining with a delighted glint.
You blushed as you scrambled to cover up, your cheeks burning cherry red as your temperature turned feverish from the events that quickly unfolded.
“You look so cute when you’re all embarrassed like that,” Satoru commented as he flashed you a cheeky grin, his frosted lashes fluttering as he continued to stare at your now exposed skin.
He slipped right behind you, pulling you into his chest—his arms wrapped around your stomach, his cock pitching against his trousers, feeling his hardness pressing against your back; he wanted you so much, so soon. His lips sank as he nibbled against your neck, leaving behind rosy love bites from suckled flesh.
“Can you feel how hard you’re making me, [name]?” Satoru asked as he continued to grind—you didn’t dare reply, your voice caught in the back of your throat whenever you’d try.
Suguru moved closer at this point too, finally giving into his own thoughts within the company of your exposed form. His dark eyes brightened as he glossed his gaze over your frame, reeling his focus back onto your chest—curious hands unable to resist a feel for a second longer.
His fingertips would then trace towards your upper body, finally parking at your jaw as his fingers settled on a pinch against your chin; he wanted to keep your sights pointed towards him and him alone.
Suguru then lowered his lips to meet with yours, his tongue slowly pushing into your mouth as the wet fleshy muscle wrestled with your own to keep you subdued, pulling strands of webbing saliva back as he disconnected the kiss, just as though to take in his sight of you before going any further.
He took a step forward with intentional purpose and drive, you stepped back as he herded you, finding yourself perfectly sandwiched in between both Satoru and Suguru with absolutely zero wiggle room to spare.
It was then that Satoru once again didn’t give you any room to think as his hands brushed around your waist; greedy hands palmed around your hips before retreating to to the base of your shoulders, pushing you down to assume an entirely different position as your body listened.
Before you even had a chance to react even further, you were on your hands and knees before them both. Your knobbly joints tanking the pressure from the wooden floor, a sensation slightly painful as it rubbed you raw.
Through it, you felt some type of deeply rooted shame as you didn’t even protest, instead accepting the pursuit—you liked this, not quite knowing nor understanding why; feeling so wanted, so desired by both of them at the same time.
Satoru’s trousers fell to his knees as he too surrendered to the floor, his sweatpants gathering by your legs as moved closer in. You felt the tip of his length tease you as he prodded against your opening before sliding into you with such welcomed ease; your pussy already soaked and taking him in without a single hint of a struggle.
“You’re loving this, aren’t you, [name]?” Satoru couldn’t help but tease, “—you’re so wet for me already~!”
Your breath hitched as you once again couldn’t reply, instead eliciting a rushed gasp as he rammed the rest of his cock into your gushing heat, filling the otherwise silent room with the sounds of smacking pleasure as his rhythm quickly surrendered to something hurried, rather than taking the time to savour you.
Suguru was next; his face continuing to focus on yours as he looked down, towering himself above you. He slowly lowered himself to his knees too, succumbing to a certain type of idea that he had in mind.
“Your eyes are so pretty,” he spoke, tweezing his fingertips to turn your chin to face him once again, “can you keep looking at me?”
You obeyed as you felt pulled in by his voice, focusing your sights on his eyes as his own hands trailed elsewhere, eager to give you a taste of himself.
Suguru aligned himself with your lips, teasing his tip as he slowly pushed himself in and filled out the rest of your mouth—you took him in so well as he continued to pack his meat inside.
He moved himself further in as he bucked at your skull with his length, delighted by the noises you made as you struggled to take him in. He relented regardless as searched for your throat, his hands weaving through your hair, brushing away stray strands to keep looking at your pretty face.
Satoru at the same time continued to pound into your pussy from behind, his hips slamming against your ass, fingernails sinking into your bruised flesh. Your ass rippled as his pursuit continued, palms hitting your cheeks causing your eyes to water while you gagged on Suguru in the meanwhile.
Struggling to maintain your balance, Suguru lifted you by your arms to keep you right where he wanted you; continuing to slide his meat into your throat, finding an almost sadistic joy in how you reacted.
High pitched whines and breathy moans harmonising with their own grunting pleasure.
His demanding gaze narrowed, his lips trembling as he succumbed to a desperate chant, “eyes on me, eyes on me—“
Satoru seemed to be close to the edge of climax as his thrusting reached relentless pace, his grip against your once blank flesh now canvassed blotched watercolour markings all around your thighs, leaving behind signatures of bloodied etching from such passionate consequence.
He groaned as he half moaned your name; his hold tightening as your own cries meshed with both pleasure and pain—he drilled into you with such anticipated drive before delivering one final pump, milking himself dry into your sopping warmth, before finally pulling out, gasping and entirely spent.
It didn’t take long for Suguru to catch up next as you adhered to his wishes quite well, taking him in like such a good girl—sucking on him as your cheeks clenched, sending him to places he could only dream to go, feeling his cock hit the back of your throat as he continued to fuck your mouth the best that he could.
His release was sudden, emptying thick loads of a hot mess that pooled in your mouth, trailing against your chin as he finally pulled out—his eyes laced with utter affection.
You succumbed to the floor as Satoru pulled you closer, eager to help you recover, Suguru sat close by as he too, surrendered to creeping exhaustion.
Neither one of them could let you go, at least not yet.
“Now, wasn’t that fun, [name]?” Satoru asked as he brushed his hands along your legs, feeling tempted by a second round. “Maybe you should skip next month’s rent too?”
You didn’t reply yet again, but both your expression and flushed complexion along with your relaxed form all pointed to a definite yes—the feeling so wrong, so right, something you wouldn’t quite mind to revisit again and again.
“You should,” Suguru encouraged as he moved closer next to you, “I’d love to see more of those pretty eyes.”
As you settled into an exhausted stupor, wedged between them both, you couldn’t deny that you loved that idea.
So maybe, you shouldn’t rush in finding a job after all.
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licorice-tea · 4 months
Pairing: Sabo x reader
Content: fluff, a little kissing, gender neutral reader, short and sweet <3
Word Count: 0.7k
A/N: just a little something i wrote about sabo! i rlly thought about making it longer, bc usually i write at least 1k words or so even in one shots, but i am happy with it as it is now. i hope you like it too, thanks for reading! :)
The warmth of the sun in winter.
Sabo drags you out of bed at the “ass crack of dawn.” Or at least, that’s what you describe the time of day as when you complain about him waking you up so early. You grumble and groan until it’s clear you’re not getting out of this early morning excursion.
“The sun is barely up!” Yet, it still momentarily blinds you with its rays when you walk out onto the deck.
He holds your hand- be it to share warmth or so you don’t turn back, you’re not sure. “It’s about a third of the way to its high point-“ then he turns so he’s walking backwards to face you, “and if the sun is up, we should be too.”
The two of you come to a stop on the starboard deck. “No,” you move one of his hands to your waist, “I should be tucked in bed under my warm covers” then the other, “with my warm boyfriend,” and finally looping your arms around his neck, “and we should both be asleep.”
Sabo smiles and nuzzles his face into your neck. “I’ll keep you warm.” His hair tickles your ear, but you can’t giggle as you’re still trying to be annoyed with him.
“Hmph.” His hands start to rub up and down your sides as the two of you take to swaying in some type of rhythmless dance. “You don’t even like this kind of cold weather.”
“I know.” Sabo finally shows his face again, much to the chagrin of your chilly neck region (and to the pleasure of your eyes.) “But, I do like when it’s cold and I can feel the sun on my face or back.”
His confession is just cheesy and poetic enough to make you smile, albeit softly. “Hm… Like a cat?”
“How dare you! I think I’d be a lion if I were an animal, at the very least.” Sabo says this all very matter-of-factly, causing you to fall into a fit of quiet giggles in his arms. His eyes track your movements- your smile, the way your eyes crinkle, the very sound of your laughter- while wearing a smile of his own.
You quiet yourself again, still grinning brightly, and shrug. “Still a cat.”
He just stares at you for a moment after that, and you think you must have something on your face. “Sabo? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing.” His blonde hair falls over his eyes as he shakes his head to reassure you. “Everything’s perfect, love.”
Such a simple little pet name, but it still manages to make you blush. You push the hair out of his eyes and end up cupping his face in your hands. Now you’re the one staring, but he doesn’t seem to mind the intent observation. “What was that thing you said about the sun earlier?”
“Hm? That I like how the sun feels in the winter?”
“Yeah.” You place a chaste kiss on his lips. “I think I get what you mean.” It’s freezing outside, and the wind chills every exposed inch of your skin, but none of that seems to matter right now. From the way his smile and his eyes shine; warming you from within, while also squeezing you gently to share his body heat… it’d be impossible to not understand the feeling he describes.
“Good.” Sabo kisses you back, gentle and slow. Like you have all the time in the world- which, you suppose you do. It certainly feels that way when everything is cold; it’s the type of weather where you really just want to stay in bed all day. And yet, here you are outside, entertaining your boyfriend’s desire to feel the sun in winter. “But I like kissing you more, just so you know.”
With the sweetest expression you can muster and a tilt of your head, you ask; “Does that mean we can go back to bed?” Alas, your question is only answered with laughter.
But hey- maybe winter isn’t so bad anyway, when you have the warmth of the sun right in your hands.
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harry-styles-obsessed · 9 months
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Daddy to the rescue
Request: hii! Could you write something with Harry as a dad?! Please and thank you! I LOVE your dad! Harry fics THEYRE THE BEST!!! TYSM ILY
This is a pretty random one and pretty short too but it’s cute sooo enjoy!(:
©️ please do not copy or translate my work.
“Hey,” Harry’s voice was sharp and stern yet remained soft and careful as he gently grabbed his oldest daughters wrist, pulling her gently back towards him. School had just kicked out and his youngest, Lola was happy but tired but his eldest, Sophie was unhappy and clearly struggling through something so had just yelled at you. You were surprised of course but Harry was quick to deal with the situation,
“we don’t shout… do we? Use your inside voice sweetheart. I don’t know what’s wrong if you don’t tell me… we just want to help.” Harry searched her eyes Sophie’s bottom lip trembling as she stared at Harry for a while before finally breaking down into loud painful sobs, Harry pulling the small girl into his arms, holding onto her securely as he rubbed up and down her back “shhh shhh I’ve got you. I’ve got you…” he soothed gently the girls body trembling as she sobbed into his T-shirt her hands fisting at the material of his shirt. “I hate school!” She soon cried out making Harry’s heart drop as he slowly stood up lifting her up with him “hey… shhh… why’s that?” He asked carefully tears streaming down Sophie’s cheeks before Harry took a seat, sitting Sophie down onto his knee as he looked at her, you standing with a very tired Lola in your arms your eyes full of worry and concern. You hated any of them being upset… it tore you to pieces.
“Talk to me…” Harry spoke “please,” he whispered more softly hand rubbing up and down her back. “w-we had to write a story about our best friend..” the girl hiccuped out emotionally “I wrote about Millie…” her shoulders jerked as she tried to control her cries. Harry listened eyes growing more worried and concerned by the second “m-Millie was first to read her story… i-… I wasn’t in her story…. She’s got another best friend… not me…” the girl was completely distraught Harry’s heart aching as he pulled her into his arms
“Ohhh baby girl… oh shhh. Shhhh sweetheart. Hey listen… listen to daddy for a second yeah?” He made her look at him, using the pads of his thumbs to wipe away her tears as he smiled sadly at her “I have lots of best friends! You can have lots too… likewise with Millie… you’re one of her best friends… she has lots… and you do too I’m sure huh?” The girl shook her head eyes full of sadness and Harry sighed sadly, there wasn’t much he could do. He couldn’t go force other kids to be friends with his children and so instead, he immediately thought of a plan B: divert the attention to something else.
“How about mummy, you, me, and Lola go out tonight yeah? Get McDonald’s?” The man offered knowing the little girl always cheered up with a happy meal and a toy the girl nodding her head “yes please daddy.” He smiled and stroked her cheek gently “how about we be extra naughty… you go get your pyjamas on…. Mummy and I will do the same… we can go on a midnight drive yeah?” Of course it was only early but still… it was about making it fun and exciting Sophie’s attention now on the happiness she was about to experience as she sprung up off of his lap sprinting up the stairs to get her pyjamas on “super hero..” you teased with a small smirk before kissing his cheek gently.
The drive to McDonald’s was fun, a lot of singing, and Sophie and Lola just being happy. They went through the drive through as Harry didn’t fancy getting spotted by anyone and so he ordered what everyone wanted and once the food had been collected he handed out everything to everyone, Sophie immediately tucking in, her toy being a little Lego superman
“Daddy!” The girl spoke fry in mouth, the man looking back at her “yes sweetie?” “This is for you!” She spoke with a happy smile and he took the small superman figurine “because you’re my superhero!” She exclaimed immediately melting Harry’s heart… oh what else could a man wish for? He had everything he wanted and needed… but the one thing he was especially grateful for was the beautiful little family you and him had created.
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muzzlemouths · 7 months
I know the meaning of the words ever after
This was a small oneshot I wrote up for the DCAH server's writing contest, which I've since tidied up some to post here! It takes place somewhere between 1940-1950 — which isn't super relevant to the story, but it's important to me that you know. lol.
There is a song mentioned in the fic that I feel really adds to the atmosphere when listened to while reading. I am so insistent on you listening to this song that I've linked it in the fic's wording below. please do this one thing for me I promise it's worth it
Sun&Moon centric // wordcount: 1109
This house is full of ghosts.
Nothing ghoulish, mind you. The floors have been swept of evil fiends long before now. Rather, these old, yellow walls are haunted by the ghosts of memory. Like dust embraces the morning as it pours through open blinds, here before your eyes and gone by the afternoon, so, too, do the inhabitants of this old home move within it.
Even now, your hands buried in the kitchen sink and worrying over a piece of china, can you see them dawdling your peripheral vision. The sunflowers on your table dance on invisible strings and arrange themselves with endless repetition.
You hum, “Leave them be,” your words undeniably hidden behind the fondness of laughter. The arrangement stills, its orchestrator caught red handed. You settle the rinsed teacup on a cloth to your left and return to the sink for the two that remain. “They’re already perfect, Sun,” your insistence brings with it a smile, “stop fussing and help me set the table, won’t you? I’m almost done with this.”
Though normally eager to lend you a hand, today it seems they are all too happy to ignore your request. The gentle ting of a bell precedes their arrival at your back, instead, where they waste no time in stealing the cup right out from under your fingers.
“Hey,” you make a lazy grab for it only to see the cup raised just out of reach, a lighthearted taunt that doesn’t go unheard, “that’s not what I asked you to do, mister,” you tut. There’s no real anger behind your words. You know this, and they certainly know it, too, because the cup remains where it’s at. “Fine, fine, be that way. You can finish washing up, then.”
You expect to be thwarted for a second time, teased a while longer. They answer with the song of more bells, instead, the noise like a windchime carried through an open window, and — to your pleasant surprise — it’s followed by the unmistakable sound of your china dipping beneath the faucet.
Offering them a satisfied thrum, you begin to collect the readied teacups from where they rest, dry and ready to find their way to the table. One by one you arrange them until each cup is in its place. Sun offers you the final cup a moment later, patted dry by hand, and you hesitate in setting this one down. Its starry pattern catches your eye and for a moment, only a moment, you’re brought back to a time when these cups held more than memories.
Sun grounds you with a sympathetic touch to your shoulder. It’s impossible to miss the expression you know is there. To worry is their second nature.
You wave them off with a dull smile, “just getting sentimental,” you promise, and the cup is settled into place a minute after. With this, the table is finally set just how you like it. The centerpiece breathes life into the picturesque assembly of it all. Life that is welcomed as much as it is necessary, for the bread bin is only stale crumbs and the door creaks with the weight of a decade. Your pantry has gone stale over the years. 
The frames that hold up this home of yours have forgotten what it feels like to keep a gift which is new — alive, but you remember, and you aren’t going to let yourself forget any time soon.
Having already noticed your dwelling again, you find Sun’s hand has slipped its way into your own and, just like that, the thoughts pass quickly as they came before they’re given the chance to become anything worse. All too soon are they leading you out of the kitchen, an insistence in each step that has you tripping over your own feet with anticipation and laughter.
The fireplace roars to life following your arrival to the livingroom. Though the wood in its castiron mouth has long since been devoured, your chime-tongued companions somehow find a way to recreate the wonderful flame time and time again.
Across the room, your zenith radio clicks and coughs through a thick layer of dust, untouched by any hand. It chugs along, filtering through countless voices before landing on something specific; Frank Sinatra's Polka Dots and Moonbeams.
“I love this song,” you croon. But they already know. They know you like no one else. “We used to dance to this song, do you remember?” Your chest warms as nostalgia plays the memories for you like an old record. The many times you’ve spun circles over this same carpet, ragged now beneath weightless feet, and the first time you heard its wonderful tune. That day they helped you fold new wallpaper into place, the way in which it peels away after all this time now something like small petals along the wall.
“Do you remember?” You repeat yourself with more insistence this time, a breathless whisper. Tears begin to stray from the corner of your eyes — not anguished, but grateful. You can’t imagine anyone else you would rather spend the rest of your days left, regardless of if those days are few or forever.
You’re answered with a hollower bell’s ting and the wonderful scent of lavender. The tattered blinds fold together on their own, enveloping the room in a darkness only broken by the fireplace at your back. Cool, lithe hands sneak beneath your palms, fingers curling between your own. 
You’re lead a step backwards, then forwards once more, a graceful motion that is all too familiar. 
“You do remember,” said in such a whisper, tucked behind a smile, you aren’t sure they even hear you. It doesn’t matter, anyway. Moon guides you across the room in small, rhythmic circles, your footsteps leaving no trace in their wake. The voice in your radio sings of lilacs and laughter. When your dance slows and your cheek rests pleasantly against their chest, you come to decide the only thing that matters is already right here in front of you.
One day, inevitably, this house will no longer have the strength to stand. It will crumble and it will fall, and it will take with it your teacups, and your music, and your fancy vase with its old, dried flowers, but it will never steal away this moment. All too soon the day will come when someone stumbles upon the ruins of this home, when the tap has run dry and the frame is brittle as an elder tree, and beneath the garden, between the roots, they might just find each of you forever in each other’s reach. After all…
this house is full of ghosts.
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marleysfinest · 1 year
levi x y/n, fluff! no content warnings. as always, characters aged up to 21+
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ever since introducing connie to the wonders of a facemask, you've inadvertently become the scouts' personal physical therapist. for a fee, of course, you've become accustomed to helping an aching solider relax their muscles, minds, and come out smelling great in the process. many scouts have never had the luxury of a pamper session, and it was only through sheer privilege that you had. despite coming from a wealthy family inside wall sina, you chose to join the scouts through an obligation to help humanity. it's tiresome and gruelling work, but that didn't mean you couldn't help out your comrades where you can.
jean is a fan of a head massage. reiner enjoys some gua sha. hange finds some relaxation with the help of a foot rub. even erwin hasn't been able to resist investigating the rumours, and lets you carry out some light eyebrow threading one night - while sworn to secrecy, of course. everybody has sought the help of your relaxing touch at some point so far. all except one.
levi scoffs at connie's repeated suggestions that he relaxes, even for twenty minutes, and has taken to physically rebuking hange's suggestion of a foot rub, grimacing at the thought. his argument is always that as long as he can sleep, he can relax, and that's enough for him. no amount of arguing over the physical benefits of acupuncture was going to change that.
one night following a particularly gruelling day of training, wherein you'd all been subjected to cross-country stamina tests, sparring, and riding, you cause grief among your comrades by declaring your services closed for the evening, feeling simply too weak and needing to rest yourself. the force needed to satisfy jean's desired pressure for his massage would be too much on its own; they'd all have to wait until tomorrow. you collapse into bed in your now private bedroom - your roommate had been granted furlough to attend a family funeral - and relished sleepily in the silence for a few seconds. that was, until a gentle knock at your door stirred you back to life with a sigh. what part of 'no' didn't they understand?
"I told you, you assholes!" you bark, marching for the door, "I'm not doing anything today..."
you swing the door open and feel the blood run from your face, as captain levi haunts your doorstep. you stumble backwards and hastily salute.
"captain!" you stutter, "I'm sorry, I thought you were..."
"at ease," he mutters. silence falls between you both, as you notice something different about the captain tonight. he's without his usual air of distain, seeming much more... well, embarassed. he glances down the hallway before addressing you again.
"I hear... I hear you're good at getting knots out of people's backs..."
the way he speaks is laden with hesitancy, as if he hated that he was even there at all. he probably did; in a roundabout way, he's asking for help, which you can't imagine he's accustomed to doing. you raise your eyebrows before you have a chance to think.
"uh... yeah, yeah that's right."
you step to the side to silently welcome the captain inside, and with another glance down the hall, he obliges. when you make sure the door is securely locked, you turn to see him stood awkwardly in the centre of the room. how bad must he have been feeling to push him to come here? he clears his throat, and does everything to avoid eye contact.
"how do you usually do this?" he asks, arms firmly folded across his chest. you feel your mouth go dry as you realise what you're about to ask of him.
"well, for the back, I usually need people to, uh... remove their...y'know..."
asking levi to remove his shirt wasn't something you thought you'd ever do, and so actually coming out with it proves difficult. with a gentle nod, however, he unbuttons his shirt and removes it, folding it neatly before placing it on your bed.
"do I need to lie down?" he asks. you nod, still in utter bewilderment over the situation you find yourself in. remembering that you had a job to do, you quickly snap yourself out of your daze and go about preparing yourself. you wash your hands in warm water and make sure they stay warm, and you fetch your best massage oil from your cupboard - jean certainly never got the best stuff, he didn't pay enough. it smells of lavender and camomile; the best mix for relaxation. you pull up your desk chair to the side of the bed and massage some of the oil into your palms, still not believing you're about to touch captain levi's skin.
"this might be a little cold," you warn. levi turns his head away from you to face the wall, half burying it in his arms as he does so.
"it's fine."
with a deep breath you begin, unable to stop yourself from shaking just a little bit. with the gentlest touch you can manage, you begin, starting at his shoulders. as you get a feel for his structure, you reluctantly notice the canvas in front of you is peppered with small scars and bruises, some old, some new. his skin is surprisingly soft, but heavily flawed, revealing more about himself than he perhaps wanted. you tear your eyes away and turn back to the job at hand; he ha some intense knots that needed to be worked. his shoulders are painfully tight, and you discover a particularly large knot between his shoulder blades that makes him wince as you apply pressure.
"sorry!" you bleat, "that one might be a little painful to get rid of."
"it's fine," he reassures, "do what you gotta do. that's the thing that forced me to come here."
taking this as permission to proceed, you lay your hands back on his skin and resume working, melting away the smaller knots and softening the tense muscles. he winces again as you increase the pressure between his shoulder blades, but don't stop this time. you eventually finding yourself needing to get to your feet to find the right angle to apply the right pressure, and just as you start to break into a sweat, the knot begins to dissolve, and you stand in shock as you see levi physically begin to relax, released from the grip of tension. you ease the pressure and take your seat again, now simply calming his muscles with a gentler touch across his back and shoulders.
levi hasn't felt physical relaxion like this in a very long time. not ever, probably. it had taken everything he had to even ask, but he finds himself grateful that he did. the years of running, fighting, killing, torturing, had finally started to take a toll on him physically, and that damned knot in his back was what had finally forced his hand. he wasn't able to even sit at his desk without being in excruciating pain, and it was only a matter of time before it would start affecting the way he fought. he lay face-down on the bed, eyelids feeling heavy as they fluttered closed, absolutely melting beneath your touch. the experience wasn't all that unfamiliar. the smell of lavender was bittersweet as it soaked into his skin; he vividly remembers his mother using bags of the dried flower to ward off damp and moths, and so she always smelled of fields lavender. confident that you can't see him in the dark, he smiles gently at the memory, and decides that he doesn't want it to be over yet.
"listen, if you don't mind," he utters, "jean... said you do head massages?"
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bl-inkstone · 1 year
changed my tune so fast just bc of youtube autoplay lmao ok here have some sagau diluc thoughts
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the player, diluc thinks, is an incredibly endearing being.
he's come a long way from the curt and wary attitude he used to put on around the traveler (and by extension, you), and today is one of those days where he finds himself privately thanking whatever powers there may be that allowed your paths to cross, with him staring at the reflection of you hidden deep within the traveler's eyes in the wake of his fight with the abyss that fateful night in mondstadt.
as one of the first people to have their constellations manifest in the sky of teyvat, diluc is more than aware that the fact that you still choose to ask for his company in your (or, well, the traveler's) journey is a gift he must treasure deeply. he knows that it is your presence in this world that gives vision bearers a chance to become something greater than they presently are. he also knows that he is no longer as impressive of a companion in battle as he used to be from back when the sky wasn't as bright as it is now (when the world you knew was smaller and he was still a figure that you could look to and proudly call "your main").
but you always come back to him. when he least expects it, you invite him back to your party and diluc can't help but privately think, privately wish, that it's because you're as fond of him as he is of you.
standing in silent prayer while you bestow upon him artifacts that thrum with divine power is an experience he can never tire of. the claymores you give him, the food he eats, all the materials he needs to reach a breakthrough in his capabilities... he understands that you aren't teyvat's creator, but this world and everything in it seems to exist just for you. you, the provider, the sustainer, the beloved of all. sometimes, diluc feels that everything he has and ever worked for have all been for the sake of one day meeting you.
he's not a religious man by principle, and he loathes people of absolute power. the only exception to this, however, is you. he's not foolish enough to believe you're some omnipotent, omniscient being that lords above all. no, you're not like that. he knows this because the longer he journeys with the traveler and feels their bond strengthen, the faint whispers he used to strain himself to hear grow clearer and clearer until finally, one day, he hears you.
you're both nothing and everything he thought you'd be. you view the world of teyvat with so much awe and joy that it's infectious, and he finds himself smiling more often than not to the privilege of finally hearing you. the traveler always looks at him with an understanding smile when diluc slows down in their travels to listen to you. he lives for the moments when you talk to yourself or to someone else (a companion of your own, maybe? from your place beyond the stars?) because this is how he learns. your favorite food, your favorite nations, your favorite "characters" and more. he holds every morsel of information you unknowingly give close to his chest where all his affections and wishes hide. he likes to think that this way, he can be closer and better for you.
but he knows he's not the only one who hears you, and it is the traveler that is closest to you out of all them. even so, diluc harbors no ill will to the avatar you chose to see and travel the world through. you're so fond of the traveler, and how could he ever come to loathe anything graced by your love?
he knows how to play nice. it helps that most of your other chosen are people he can find himself enjoying the company of as well. diluc understands that as much as he wants to be the sole holder of your attention, the world does not function that way. he's willing to extend an olive branch so long as they can all work together to keep you present in teyvat. he can worry about his more aggressive competition later when they aren't at risk of being caught in such an unsightly state by you — all that matters to him, right now, is how to keep your gaze on him for just a little longer and keep you from leaving him again.
it's a daunting thing to be so close to your grace. you take diluc to lands he'd never thought he'd visit again, to ruins of civilizations long past, domains with unimaginable horrors and have him run, claymore and vision burning at his hip, into fight after fight at your command. it's tiring at best and painful at worst, but you always take care to heal him and his companions before leaving, and you always lead them somewhere safe to rest until teyvat brightens and you come again.
his current companions (his "supports", he inwardly preens) rest and talk amongst themselves once they feel your presence leave. it used to be something they, your chosen, would panic over, but now that they've gotten more used to you and all the signs that pointed that yes, this is your will, they've grown to be able to tolerate the harrowing chill that comes when your warmth leaves them. diluc leans back on his chair in front of good hunter to observe them. they're all people he's come to grow fond of in time: diona was prickly, yes, but ha become pleasant to be around once they grew past their misunderstandings. the young master of the feiyun commerce guild, xingqiu, was also a reliable companion both in and outside of battle, and for all his faults, venti has proven himself to be a devout believer, unwilling to be a burden to you or the party you've guided him towards.
under normal circumstances, he never would've met and forged such strong bonds with these people. if not for your own interference, he never would've bothered getting to know any of them at all. though he may have his own gripes and complaints at times of how their dynamic works when you're not around, diluc is still fond of them. he's grateful for the opportunity to grow close to people again, and traveling the world alongside them and the traveler has become one of the few things he's begun to look forward to outside of his duties as "diluc, master of dawn winery." when the day is done and he can sit and relax with them in the tables in front of good hunter, he can rest in the company of others who understand the near-maddening pull in his chest that draws him to try and get closer, closer, to you.
it's days like these where diluc quietly thanks whatever it is brought you to them, and prays that one day, he will no longer have to search through the traveler's eyes to see you.
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56 and 59 with Lewis!! ❤️
56 - "Just marry me already,"
59 - "H-how long have you been standing there?"
this is adorable. 0 warnings
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"And I mean seven years is a long time right?" You paused to take a sip from the drink in your hand, grateful that you weren't the one not allowed to drink alcohol in the paddock. "Especially for someone in this industry, yeah?"
"Yeah," Charlotte agreed. You were having what was affectionately referred to as a 'Wag Club' meeting. It was exactly how it sounded, where a collection of the wives and girlfriends of the F1 drivers gathered in the paddock and got drunk together whilst the boys did whatever it was they did best.
"He has girls throwing themselves at him all the time - surely if he doesn't actually want me he can drop me? Why is he keeping me in this limbo?"
"I don't know, sweetie," Luisinha patted your hand affectionately. But you were on a roll by then.
"Like, I don't get it. One minute he's all domestic asking me to move in with him and telling me he loves me so much, the next he's gotten on a flight and is halfway around the world without telling me because something caught his fancy!" You loved Lewis with all your heart, and you'd follow him to the ends of the earth and back, there was no doubt about that. But you'd watch nearly all of your friends get married, and some even have babies with guys they'd not even known when you and Lewis had first started dating. It was fair to say you were starting to get a bit bitter and soaking your sorrows in gin with the only other women you understood your situation seemed like the best thing to do.
You sat quietly, swirling your glass in your hand and staring into the depths as Isa raised a similar point about Carlos.
"His dad drops hints all the time, it's like he's deaf," she giggled, her infectious personality pulling a smile out of you and you found yourself laughing along.
"I know right! I wish he'd just marry me already," there was a murmur of agreement from the girls around the table and then because you were girls, you burst into hysterical giggles at how you would meet every other Sunday throughout most of the year and whine about your privileged lives. Until Charlotte's eyes widened and her smile dropped. She looked like she'd seen a ghost.
She hadn't seen a ghost. She'd seen your boyfriend, Lewis fucking Hamilton, standing right behind you.
Your stomach sank through the floor and you had no interest in the rest of your drink.
"H-how long have you been standing there?" He wasn't smiling.
"We need to talk,"
Shit. Those four dreaded words never preceded anything good. You bid a quick goodbye to your friends who all sent you sympathetic good luck smiles as you stood and followed Lewis. He walked a few paces ahead of you, leaving you trailing behind him with your head down like a scolded puppy.
You didn't say anything until you'd walked all the way through the Mercedes block and up into his driver's room.
"Lewis, I'm so sorry-"
"Do you really think that?"
"That I don't want you? That I'm just stringing you along?" You sighed and dropped your head into your hands for a second. This talk had been brewing for a while, or at least you felt like it had. It seemed funny that the hardest decision of your life was one you made in a split second as you decided you didn't want to hide how you felt anymore.
"I don't know, Lew. You're so inconsistent. One day I think you're taking me out to dinner to propose and the next you're on the other side of the planet without so much as a note," you swallowed hard because the next bit was even worse "And you're so famous. You could have any girl you want, whenever you want. It's stupid and it's childish but I get worried sometimes that you just see me as a good placeholder, you know? A nice enough girl with a decent career that the media will see as a good choice,"
He was looking at you like you'd just ripped his intestines out, his eyes scanning your face at lightning speed. You could physically see him deflate as you spoke your mind. His head dropped, his gaze focusing on his feet.
"I'm so stupid," he mumbled, and if you didn't know him inside you would have missed it. He turned away from you and started rummaging around in his wardrobe. You weren't sure what to do with yourself, but it didn't matter because you found yourself frozen to the spot. He turned around, a funny look in his eye you'd only seen a couple of times. "This isn't how I wanted to do this," he sighed
"Wha-" before you could even finish the question he sank down onto one knee, and your mouth dried up and your heart started pounding because holy shit he was holding a small black velvet box.
"I'm an idiot, and you don't have to say yes now,"
"I bought this at the start of the season," he explained, nodding to the box in his hand. "I was gonna do this properly, at dinner or something after I won my first race of the season. I just haven't won yet. That was dumb, I didn't need to win a stupid race to know I want to be with you for the rest of my life," you didn't know what to say, because then he was opening the box and holy shit that was the most beautiful diamond ring you'd ever seen in your life.
"Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?" He was rolling his bottom lip between his teeth, the way he did when he was nervous, and he was looking at you with those brown eyes virtually begging with you.
"Of course I will," you rushed out because it wasn't even a thought for you, you'd been dreaming of this day since your third anniversary when he'd planned the most elaborate picnic you'd ever seen and your best friends had been daft enough to convince you it was going to happen then.
"Oh thank god," his eyes closed and his chest heaved in relief and then he was standing up and pulling you towards him in one of the most passionate kisses of your life. You were breathless when he finally pulled away, your hands shaking as he carefully grasped your left one and slid the ring onto your fourth finger. The ring was a perfect fit, and it looked even better on you.
You felt like you were floating as he led you back into the paddock. You didn't go back to the girls, instead of walking hand in hand with Lewis straight to the driver's car park and the back exit, because you needed him in his hotel room right there and then.
The whole week after you were convinced it was a fever dream, every time you stared at your left hand, now adorned with the ring it felt like it wasn't your hand. You didn't believe it until the first paparazzi post came out, and there it was. A photo of you and Lewis out to dinner in your favourite restaurant in Monaco, the photo zoomed in on your hand where the ring was brightly reflecting the camera's flash.
It still took your mother calling you, screaming at you down the phone because how dare you let her find out in a silly magazine, and could you please come home at the earliest convenience because you had a wedding to plan.
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buggyandthebartoclub · 7 months
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NSFT Trafalgar Law for @mandiemegatron bc the art that goes w this just isn't ready yet RIP - but I got a Law topper up! look at me go! AND AN AO3 VER NOW?? wow @ me
Content warnings: female reader, oral sex Word count: 457 Rating: E AO3 ver here
male reader Ver here
It would start with a  foot rub after a long day, with you sprawled on Law’s bed in your panties
His nimble fingers digging into the knot on your foot making you throw your head back and close your eyes with a moan
you’d be unable to keep from making noise as he continued to tease the tension from your legs as he worked his way up your calves, blissfully unaware of the effect you’d be having on him, completely lost in the feel of his fingers going from one leg to the other until you feel warm lips pressing against the inside of your thigh, His tongue gliding up your skin, biting just below your panties into your soft flesh and making you writhe and whimper beneath him. 
He’d take his time in unraveling you little by little, running his hands up your thighs, lightly dragging his nails down your hips and relishing in the way you quiver at his touch before he dips down to tease his tongue along the edges of your panties before slowly pulling them off to expose your aching core to the cool air 
Groaning as he takes in your scent, his hands sliding back up your thighs, fingers brushing against your clit making you moan as he dips his slender fingers into your dripping cunt, sliding them rhythmically in an out to the symphony of your noises as his thumb rubs circles over your clit and he watches with hungry eyes
His other hand would grip at your hips, grounding himself as your scent and sounds driving him wild, removing his fingers and diving down to taste you, running his tongue along your slit and moaning into you as you spiral higher and higher under the heat of his tongue
He’d make your back arch and your legs shake as he swirls his tongue over your clit, lapping up your burning arousal as your hands tangle in his hair and pull another groan out of him. 
He’d wrap his hands around your thighs as you clenched around him, pulling you impossibly closer, eating you like a man starved, his breath hot and heavy on your core, you’d cry out his name and you’d feel his fingers dig into your skin as you spiral high and higher until you’re falling over the edge with a shout, Laws tongue not slowing for a second as you orgasm, only stopping when you begin to whimper from overstimulation 
You’d tug him up by his hair, pulling him into a deep kiss, tasting yourself on his tongue as he explores your mouth with a groan, you’d feel his arousal pressing against you and he'd shiver when you whisper 
“Now how about I return the favor?” 
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horce-divorce · 4 months
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Help two (2) homeless, disabled trans guys survive the winter for the cost of one!
For less than 1/4 the average monthly rent, you can help me AND my boyfriend get all the otc stuff we need that our benefits don't cover-- meds/supplements, soap, tp, gas, etc! Our med regimens keep us both off a feeding tube & are not fully covered by insurance.
I made a longer post on kofi about the living and art sales situation, but the long and short of it is: we still don't know what's going to happen! We're staying with a good friend for now, but the future is very uncertain. We're just doing our best to roll with the punches, bloom where we're planted, and any other applicable metaphors.
I'm hoping to have some more art for sale soon, but until then, we still need all the help we can get! If you have any cash to spare, absolutely any amount goes a long way for us! 💕🙏
♡ venmo ☆ paypal ☆ cashapp ♡
&& follow me on Insta & Ko-Fi !
⭐️ 20 / 250 ⭐️
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hwaitham · 14 days
scored the Cutest ever most perfectly fitting apple bottom jeans at the thrift tonight this is the bestest friday ever ! ! !ヽ(>∀<☆)ノ
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rightpastnowhere · 1 year
A Random Assortment of fluffy cute headcanons:
One of the Kashra kids has a bat familiar/companion. It was latched onto Trinket's fur when they returned from a patrol, one wing broken after one of the arboreal wildcats around Whitestone got to it and... well, the Kashra kids take after their parents. They don't leave the needful to suffer alone: they try to help.
Percy used to make music boxes for his sisters. Cassandra still has hers. On the five year anniversary of Whitestone being freed, Percy makes her another (it's partly a trial run for some of his ideas for the clocktower, but it's also a harkening back to their childhood. After all, they're healing).
They do end up setting up a library in Whitestone. With Percy there, there's soon a reasonable printing press as well, and when Vesper starts shadowing Cass in the Chamber of Whitestone, she also starts making a little newsletter to go around. An early iteration of a newspaper.
Some nobles are shitty about Gwen and the Kashra kids. Some of them have tiefling kids of their own that they're ashamed of. Given Zahra and Vex, any time Gwen and the Kashra kids get an INKLING of this, they find a way to befriend said kid and get them free of their parent, if they want it.
Vax watches from beyond the divine gate. He's so proud of all of them.
There's snowdrops around the raven tree in Zephrah every spring. Keyleth never quite gets over it.
The women do periodic holidays any time any of them seems to be getting too mopey. Keyleth is getting too buried in work? Beach holiday. Cass is falling back in bad habits? Beach holiday. Vex is having a trauma anniversary. BEACH HOLIDAY. These are usually organised by Zahra, who is far and away the most on top of her issues, and Pike, who loves springing a surprise on upset friends.
Sometimes Kima and Allura join them. These rapidly turn into cocktail holidays that result in needing at least two days more holiday for "recovery" time when they return.
Percy learns how to make earplugs, not for himself, but so Vex can recover from those hangovers.
AWWWW the kashra kids going full goth aesthetic good for them <33 bats are SO CUTE so this is PERFECT
MUSIC BOXES,,,, something beautiful percy can make......... something beautiful that makes something beautiful, and can make people happy.................... and fuck, imagine him making music boxes for the babies too, and then giving them More once they grow old enough to have things like favorite songs or genres
vesper being a pioneer of something in her own right is SO COOL!! whitestone would end up as the origin of so many little modern thingamabobs, wouldn't it. the ruling family are all braniacs
THOSE NOBLES ARE GETTING DECKED!! i have headcanons about an orphanage/shelter/care system in whitestone that zahra and vex help out with (and i can't for the life of me remember if this is a headcanon inspired by someone else or of it's from canon somewhere) and i imagine it's only because they can't take in all the kids that they want to. and this is the next best thing they can give them, some place safe where they can be protected from the family that tried to - or that did - hurt them. no child deserves that, and vex n zahra (and the rest of the hydris-de rolo conglomerate) will love them twice as much and twice as fiercely to make up for how they were treated
I MISS VAX SO MUCH AND I'VE BEEN SO EMOTIONAL ABOUT HIM RECENTLY SHUT UPPPPP he watches over them.... his family and then his nieces and nephews............ even when he doesn't have much of himself left................. the snowdrops..............................
;;; percy keeps innovating ways for vex to be as happy as she can and he loves his wife SO MUCH
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todayisafridaynight · 2 months
I’m fairly new to the fandom, but I do have a question if you can answer it! Why do people ship Daigo with Aoki / Masato? I tried looking to see if they’ve interacted before, but couldn’t find anything! Sorry for asking I’m just </3 dumb AND I LOVE YOUR ART OF THEM!!! Nerd looking ahhhhhh
hi ! welcome to the community i hope you're having a lovely time so far and ty for enjoyin my stuff :) no need for apologies it's a very fair question to have :]
i cant speak for everyone (all. ten people into masadai anyway) but Personally To Me i just think the idea of them together is very funny. thats quite literally it im afraid..
#snap chats#//twenty page google doc in the background// ignore that. it's mostly for comedic purposes#might also be my fault idk sorry about that. allegedly. idk ive had like three people tell me they started to ship them cause of me 🧍‍♂️#@mementoasts is another person who's drawn masadai and whose stuff i love and am inspod by .. i love their disneyland fic sm ...#there was another artist on twitter who posted a neat drawing of them but i cant remember who they were and i didnt bookmark it //screams//#recently there's been ANOTHER masadai artist ive started following on twitter - @wifekiryu. his account's n/s/f/w fyi before you go looking#he has a tumblr too @foxdies. i say cause i realized as much recently vjeaKLGJALKGJ#oh but I GUESS ill get deeper into why. /i/ personally ship masadai or whatever#first off they're opposing factions yet their character alignments Do Not Match their roles. stereotypically anyway#aoki who leads the 'surface' of society and is meant to be an admirable figure and someone 'just' when really. he sucks LMAO#though that's not atypical of politicians but just from a stereotypical This Is A Respectable Individual perspective of his role#daigo on the other hand leads the 'underbelly' of society- yk comprised of dangerous criminals and outcasts and whatnot#yet as we know him daigo's compassionate and considerate of his men- he doesnt treat them like tools like aoki does#if put in a room with the two daigo would be most people's choice of person to hang out with. probably open a trapdoor on aoki tbh#and i think thats really cool and epic i always love that kinda Subverting Expectations thing#theres also the fact they both started off like. edgy/angsty in the franchise and then brush up down the line#masato does a stronger 180. publicly. obviously but its still really funny they both have to get their act together#if you wanna talk about in-text reasons. there really is none LMAO I TELLS YOU masadai is pure crack#but if i wanted to pull a muscle reaching then there's daigo being on aoki's side while everyone else is on arakawa's during the funeral#im lying of course. mitsu was behind him. rgg tryna make me forget mitsu exist .... put him back in y8 ....#and ofc ichi joins that side to even out the seating but moving on another Goofy Reason is arakawa being like#'the chairman and my son are like p much the same age Surely he knows how he thinks :)'#and then i just think daigo being all smarmy about outsmarting aoki is really goofy and im choosing to interpret that as personal#they both also have issues with their dad. s. dad/s/. anyway.#tbh the google doc tag was a joke but i really could sit here and list every dumb reason why i think theyre funny together#like i started going over the tag limit so uhhhh yeah needless to say i have a lot of. dumb reasons 💀💀💀💀#one day ill use the main text for long rambles like this but todays not that day Point Is my imagination is rampant im afraid#so the short and sweet of it is I Think It's Funny. And They'd Be Terrible Together. Which Is Why It's Funny.#and the unfortunate part is anything i find funny i obsess over for a year so. //gestures to the mountain of bullshit thats my masadai tag/
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