#TERF Stuff
I'm not convinced Mituna isn't bad representation. Of course, there is a lot of dubious stuff in Homestuck. And I'm not saying you can't consume something critically. But I can't help feeling a hypocrite for boycotting Rowling and continuing to ignore the dubious stuff in homestuck (especially the use of the r*t*** word). I guess you could say that at least Hussie developed and learnt from their mistakes (not true for Rowling is it)... Is that a good enough excuse to continue to like Homestuck?
Yeah no, I said I don't think I could say he's good rep, at all.
However, I am going to make my stance on this very clear. 'Especially the use of the r slur'.
Homestuck is an indie Fandom Internet thing, that started as a parody of CYOA comics of the era, and has humor that is very of its era, as well as inherent biases of Hussie being a white American- Including, as you mentioned, the use of slurs, or racial insensitivity, and ableist stuff through the entirety of its run.
It doesn't matter how much you hate Homestuck. It doesn't matter whether you think any of this is redeemable or forgivable. Without even looking at the Authors and what they've done with their fame, Harry Potter is a mainstream franchise to an extent Homestuck could never be. Homestuck is an Internet Meme. Harry Potter is a Cultural Phenomenon. If you find a lone Homestuck reference in some new TV show, you point at it in surprise like "WHAT?". If a series has an Entire Episode parodying Harry Potter, it's almost basically expected. Even if they were equivalent in what they do wrong- With they're not- The reach and impact of these two franchises are entirely incomparable.
But then take, also, the Authors of the content. Hussie grew up alongside their work, work which queer youth related to, and they embraced it, and even eventually came out as non-binary themself. They let WP handle the franchise, with Hiveswap and HS^2- Regardless of what your personal opinion on the WP Team and any of what they've done may be, it's a largely queer group of artists and writers and musicians, who were given an 'official' blessing by Hussie to go wild, and they brought a lot of creativity and good rep to the table and interesting talking points. Take Homestuck. Take Psycholonials. At its core, there's an inherently queer, leftist narrative, interesting conversation regarding identity and what it means to Be, and growing up in different circumstances, and being friends with a bunch of people online, and dealing with the climate of world around us.
Then take Rowling, who's used her fame to promote blatant transphobia and cause harm- Tangible, real harm in UK Politics, to trans youth, who's emboldened transphobes and strengthened the TERF Movement, and whose work is entrenched in antisemitism, among other things, whose most recent work reads like an 'I'm not owned, I'm not owned!' scream villifying trans disabled youth and painting an analogue for herself as some helpless victim, and it's like...
I'm not saying Homestuck is perfect, god no. I am not saying you have to like it. I'm not saying you have to forgive Hussie for any of the times they have fucked up, or that they're beyond criticism. But dear God they're not the same, they're on two completely different scales, and if your sense of morality makes you feel that liking Homestuck is the same as liking Harry Potter, you need to re-evaluate how you gauge morality and harmful media.
And on that topic...
'Is there an excuse?' Why are you seeking, externally, for an excuse to consume media? Why do you need external validation in order to determine whether media is 'redeemable' before you can consume it? Only you can determine how much you can put up with Something until it becomes Not For You. Personally? I think what Hussie tried to convey with Homestuck, its themes, its characters, and the kind of author Hussie has shown to be, as well as how Homestuck has developed in general over the years, is really nice, and I still enjoy Homestuck, and I am going to keep enjoying Homestuck, no matter how many prior points are framed as problematic, or how many times something Hussie said once is brought up, unless Hussie did like, a 180 turn and started weaponizing Homestuck for queer hatred and an overt call to genocide or shit like that, which... Doesn't just happen, you know- Meanwhile in that same vein, Harry Potter has become entrenched, in my mind, with all the harm Rowling has caused, its monetization is being actively used to harm people like me, and Terfs have co-opted it entirely as a Dogwhistle. Those are my values. That's what I believe. Your values and what you believe may differ from mine.
Don't look to the Internet and Popular Opinion for advice. Don't look for 'problematic points' and 'redeemability'. You can enjoy absolute trash that has a lot of problems just because you like it and you don't think it's like, harmful. You can be uncomfortable by problematic points in a series others tell you is good, because you can't handle that kinda stuff, and decide not to watch it.
There's no gauge.
This is not to mean you shouldn't trust people's opinions or anything but like... Don't look to others for morality trying to excuse yourself like it feels shameful otherwise. Inform yourself through what they say, but make your opinion yourself, once informed.
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the-biornicles · 2 years
TERFs when someone says birthgiver or uterus owner: There’s more to being a woman than our uteri! Are we just child makers to you?
TERFs when trans people exist: Actually you are a woman only if you can give birth and have boobs. And if you can have babies you’re a woman. That’s the essence of womanhood :)
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foxxfaggotry · 1 year
I asked that TERF a reasonable question and they never answered it. They’ll just keep posting hate. Hopefully someday they’ll be a kinder person. :(
Yeah, I really hope someone near them can teach them love. That’s all we can hope, because I know I can’t and I know that no online stranger can, it’s gotta come from within the community and then within the self.
it makes me so sad how many people don’t know our history and how many people feed into these ideas that come from colonialism, racism, sexism, ableism etc. and do exactly what the machine wants, this infighting, this lack of love, support and respect for those in our communities we don’t understand. It saddens me and I always always hope for Love.
We are strangers over the internet, but I want to make her a meal.
I want to invite her over for dinner and break bread together. I want to learn about her and why she holds these beliefs and I want to teach her about me and my beliefs. I want us to have the opportunity to meet as people, yknow? I always hope for love
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heritageposts · 1 year
before we get carried away with this new unironic love for tumblr maybe we should question why staff never seems to enforce their 'community guidelines' when it comes to terfs/transphobes
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willgrahamscock · 1 month
you will never be a biological woman lolol
someone forgot to give my biology an update on this
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Just had the misfortune of running across a terf blog, and whew, they really aren’t terribly bright people are they.
Imagine thinking that “women” are being erased while trans women are fighting for ALL women to be treated with more respect, while ALSO trying to ensure that trans men and non-binary or two-spirited folks are treated with the respect they deserve.
And, without fail, these people are racist pricks. “Trans women saying they’d rather experience being the target of misogyny than having to adjust their body and go through being misgendered is the same as me saying I want to experience slavery” bitch do you even hear yourself just shut up lmao this is just sad
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pyrotechnicdarts · 1 year
puss in boots’ (and also shrek universe movies in general) takes on fairy tale characters is so good. the way they make them grittier and darker by making a lot of them bounty hunters/crooks/etc without making it overly edgy and still keeping the fairytale whimsy of it all and keeping elements of the original fairytales/nursery rhymes is FANTASTIC i love these movies so much
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hardleywhelmed · 1 month
I've spent an hour scouring this guy's blog and there's ALWAYS something else omfg. My brain is mush but I cans stop the tea is just so SCALDING
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jodistorian · 1 year
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they match <3
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mockingmolly · 5 months
ok not to be all “ignore the bullies” but we have GOT to stop engaging with aphobes. like I promise the most effective way to combat this “new wave of aphobia” is to block and ignore them. actively engaging them and debating them is doing nothing but giving them a bigger platform to be even louder than they already are. which is what they want. we cannot kid ourselves into thinking that this is some massive new age wave of aphobia. it isn’t!! it’s a small but loud minority of the same old exclusionary bigots as last time trying to test the waters with their hatred.
and like, I’m happy to see so many people sticking up for us ofc but I guarantee you that engaging with them or even acknowledging them at all is as good as giving them a soapbox and a megaphone to further spew their bullshit. the only way to protect our communities from their abuse is not by giving them a seat at the table and debating them but by cutting them out of it completely. fucking block them. Do not give them a seat at the table and do not make them feel like they have any ground to stand.
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typhlonectes · 11 months
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dougielombax · 1 year
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TERFs can fucking die and go to hell mad about it!
Fuck them!
It’s not their future!
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Dear terfs, if every trans person is your enemy in your fight to save every person who believes they’re trans, who are you fighting and who are you fighting for?
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it’s telling that the only people who have ever told me that turner’s syndrome isn’t really intersex are terfs. every single trans-positive intersex person I have encountered - which are most intersex folk, in my experience- have told me “heck yeah that’s intersex!”
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galactic-rhea · 12 days
Seriously you give me the ick, if i somehow missed blocking you this is your sign to leave right now, thanks.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 1 month
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And now we're gotten to the point terf's are claiming now our choice of toys is biological based, aka somehow our hormones choose our toys I guess.
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