#Spaces rambles
spacetravelingelf · 2 months
I finally finished Hannibal
I am changed forever
This show is absolutely stunning
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tariah23 · 2 months
Okay, I said I wasn’t gonna spend too much time on twitter but oh my god!?!!! This is so COOL!?? He looks amazing, omg…!
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I’m glad they gave the actor another hairstyle because every black person is absolutely tired of the Killmonger mohawk/comb over 😭!!! One day, we will be free- but anyway, it looks like the name of the anime is “Kawagoe Boys Sing!”
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puppetmaster13u · 16 days
Y'know sometimes I wonder what Ras reaction was to the Justice League. Like he practically offered Bruce the chance to be one of his generals, straight up offered for him to be his heir, and was turned down.
Do you think he's offended. Because oh, so his organization isn't good enough, but that merry band of idiots is?!
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halemerry · 6 months
Hey everyone what's your favorite mug look like?
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hylianengineer · 7 months
Hey, fellow space nerds, NASA just released its own free, zero-ad streaming service with all kinds of space-themed documentaries - and a few about Earth, too.
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artistsfuneral · 5 months
No, no, but don't you think it's weird how often we put things into our mouth just to hold them? It's even weirder if there's somewhere nearby where we could temporarily place those things but decide not to. It's a habit that's so engraved in human nature that it's even portrayed in all kinds of media.
I was sewing something a few days ago. Sitting at my very large desk that would have been the perfect place to hold my stuff. I still held the pins in my mouth.
When making myself tea I always put the wrapped teabag between my lips when I'm closing the cabinet door. Don't know why, I mean I could just place it on the counter, close the door and pick it up again, or close the cabinet after I've put the teabag into my mug. But no.
Then there's opening things with your mouth. Using your teeth to get through stubborn plastic wrappers. Sometimes your mouth just has more strength and dexterity than your fingers. It's weird but it's a thing.
And now imagine with me how aliens (possibly ones with more than two arms) would react to that. That sheer bewilderment and slight look of disgust. Fantastic.
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bluerosefox · 1 month
Gray and Graysons
One of the Bats has a secret. Something they never told to the others.
They were so very young but they have memories of a sibling, so small and tiny. They remember the burst of warmth they had in their heart when they held the tiny baby for just a moment.
But they weren’t allowed to keep them, their family couldn’t raise them. Money was tight, just enough for three but not for four, despite their shows always bringing in a crowd it was getting harder and harder for the world to be wowed by them in the new age and their sibling was too small and tiny and needed to be cared in a single place than for them to be on the road. Their lifestyle was not good for his tiny sibling apparently.
They had to watch as their parents gave his sibling away to people in suits, them promising to give his baby brother to a loving family when they find a ‘home’ for him. He watched his parents try to be strong only for his mother to break down once the car left down the road, his father holding her and apologizing, the rest of the circus troupe all silently coming over to give the heartbroken family condolences.
Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson had tears running down his face when he last saw his baby brother.
A brother he got to name before he had to be given away.
Daniel ‘Danny’ Grayson.
Dick never told the others. If anyone dug deep into his past they might find his brother’s birth records maybe, if someone got around to digitizing the paperwork for him but given the fact he was placed in the US childcare systems just a few days after his birth and the fact that Dick was still pretty young they most likely believed he didn’t remember his baby brother now. Not after so many years.
But they were wrong, Dick remembers. And he kept the secret close to his heart and memories.
And the only physical evidence he had was a single picture of him holding his brother, a smile on his tiny face towards their father who had taken the photo of them together. When he had lost his parents, lost most of the things that connected him to them, to his past in the circus that had been his whole life, had been taken from him in Gotham’s ruthless childcare system, he held on tight to the picture in secret. Hid it away from anyone trying to rip it from him, hid it from Bruce when the man took him in days later, hid it from Alfred despite how gentle the butler was towards him. He couldn’t, wouldn’t risk losing his photo at the time, he hadn’t trusted anyone and by the time he did he didn’t have the heart to reveal it.
So yes, the existence of his baby brother Danny was his most guarded and best kept secret.
So that’s why Dick, as Nightwing, nearly died from a heart attack when leaving a Justice League meeting he spotted a familiar face among one of the new engineers working in the Watchtower.
It was like seeing a young version of himself. Only, Dick could see that the young man was more than a copy of him, so much more than a clone. He held many traces of John Grayson but also had a bit more of Mary Grayson than Dick did. Small details that Dick foggely remembers taking note when he had held his baby brother.
“Hey, hurry up with that report Gray!” Shouted the head engineer from down the hall, his hand beckoning the young adult to come over.
“Coming! And boss, I told you Danny is fine!” Danny shouted back before hurriedly leaving a stunned Nightwing.
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ev-cupcake · 4 months
As someone who lives in a four generation home with 16 (almost 17 come April) people. I was wondering.
Please reblog for larger sample size. I am genuinely curious to know what normal is.
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ao3-shenanigans · 6 months
Shout out to all the beginning authors, don’t be afraid to write badly and to write for yourself
we will love you regardless
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spacetravelingelf · 2 months
How can two characters be so gay while talking about killing each other
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spacetrashpile · 6 months
i was curious about how many people know people with their EXACT SAME birthday the other day (i certainly don’t) so i decided to make a poll have fun
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one thing about ik is that she will always reach out
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maplemind · 7 months
Seriously, the way we watch Arthur's whole world change from the very first second he comes into contact with Merlin is so. damn. cute.
There's no doubt why Arthur let him get away with outright "disrespectful" and borderline treasonous comments and behaviour the first time they met.
I mean, look at the way he instantly lit up at the concept of verbal and physical sparring with this elfin looking dude with the real "couldn't give a sh*t- try me" attitude. Someone who not only took on a knight of Camelot in mid training, but didn't change his attitude one little bit when he found out he was addressing the goddamn prince of Camelot, in fact he doubled down and got worse.
And Arthur loved the challenge, loved the defiance, loved the concept of spending more time with this guy, especially time spent doing something he loves - sparring. There's nothing Arthur loves more than a physical activity - we see it throughout all five seasons. Search the whole castle on a wild goose chase? Absolutely. Train 15 new knights in a single day? Sign him up. Ride out to battle a magical beast? He's already out the door.
And even though he knows (thinks) he can beat Merlin into submission in two moves, he's finally going up against someone who doesn't give a flying f*ck who he is and will square up to him and give his absolute best. And he hopes this will be a regular occurrence.
And the dismay when Uther declares Merlin to be Arthur's new servant isn't because he doesn't want Merlin around - it's because he's afraid it will change the relationship they've already begun to establish. That Merlin won't develop into the one person he can trust to be real with him, and instead he will become reserved and "yes-sir-no-sir-three-bags-full-sir" like every. other. damn. person.
And you can't miss the way his eyes absolutely light up that first time Merlin does his servant duties and continues being defiant, honest, real.
I love these characters so damn much, and I couldn't love Colin and Bradley more for how incredible they are.
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dolleriumfluffle · 25 days
I just desperately want more recognition of traumagenic experiences that lie outside of the usual "childhood abuse" assumption that everyone forces on that label. what about trauma from bullying? what about trauma from undiagnosed illnesses? what about trauma from queer experiences like transphobia? what about trauma from medical experiences like surgeries, hospitalizations, psych wards, and other areas where the medical field failed you? what about trauma from eating disorders? what about trauma from racism?
there are so many experiences that can fall under traumagenic, but are yet swept under a rug in favor of a strict, stereotypical narrative that's easier to comprehend. I think we as a community need to make an active effort to expand our understanding of traumagenic, especially where it may overlap with experiences traditionally considered endogenic, and understand that trauma can come in so many different forms. so often people are shunned for trying to create roles and labels that describe their specific traumagenic experiences, and I don't understand why. there can be no progress towards acceptance for all systems if we don't accept that traumagenic is an umbrella label too.
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purrfectlycontent · 3 months
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how cruel of them to do this
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The original goat curry recipe I use was made by a white lady. I was making it for a cooking class I was taking at a local college.
I needed to make a practice run of it, but I was skeptical that the flavor would really pop, so I doubled all the spices from the recipe as it was written.
It came out… fine. But afterward I tripled the spices for the one we made in class which came out phenomenal.
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