#Soulmate su
busterheadspace · 1 year
Soulmate Breagan Au
, my first time doing this trope. Not sure how good I did but oh well. 
Notes: I’m open to request. Just read my fanfic rules and send an as, 
Scars (in this universe there’s different ways to find your soulmate. Example: Hearing, and touch)
“Soulmates? Tch, it’s some stupid thing that exist in our world to find who’s the best match”.
That was an explanation Reagan was given as a child. At four years old she was playing alone at the playground when she saw two older kids together. They had the same marks on their arms that were glowing. Their eyes widened with happiness and exclaimed they found their soulmate. She didn’t really get what it was and asked her dad who begrudgingly told her.
“Every pair gets like a different way  to find who they’re in love with. Your mom and I had some hearing thing before we found each other. Annoying as shit and we probably would have found each other anyway but it’s gone so who cares. Now get back to your homework!“
That was the end of any soulmate discussion and it left Reagan confused on how she could find her soulmate or who it was.
— A six year old, Brett Hand was given the talk about soulmates. It was brief, not many details told as his parents said it was a waste of their time. Although to the young boy it was an interesting concept that he exclaimed he would find them.
"Hah! You getting a soulmate! Imagine! What girl would want you!"
His whole family laughed. He ran to his treehouse. Once Brett reached the top he rocked back and forth to calm the sadness in him, gripping his arms. He noticed something glowing on his hand. It traveled from the palm to the back before darkening into a scar
"Huh.. weird." He mumbled.
What could have caused that — The now six year old Reagan had just killed her pet turtles. All she wanted was turtle friends that would take her on adventures but instead they got sick.
She didn't want her parents to see her cry so she sat outside in the backyard. Dad had forced her to shoot them.  All that blood and organs flying out was terrifying.
Reagan sniffed, wiping her tears with her arm. She stopped when  a faint glow appeared and left a rather big scar on her arm. That was kinda scary. She didn't want to ask her mom or dad what it was. They probably would call her stupid for not knowing
"Maybe I can cover it. They don't need to know."
— Those scars would appear on both of them as they grew into teens. Although deeper connection came along
“This would be a disgrace to the family’s name!” His puppet was thrown against the wall, and fell onto the floor. Their poodle grabs it and begins shredding it apart. All Brett could do was look in disbelief
He thought a puppet shop would work. With their last name being Hand, he thought it could make a profit. Plus it was fun stitching and making designs. But his family just yelled at him and shredded the puppet he put weeks worth into.
“Don’t you dare bring that idea ever again.” They said before walking away. It left Brett holding back tears and looking at the stuffing that was left behind.
—- Reagan was staring at the mirror after her shower. Her bra and pants were on but her shirt wasn’t on yet.. A  faint glowing appeared and she knew it would be another mark and stopped. She sighed as it formed on her stomach . This one was arc and stopped at the side
That had to be the reason why she was getting these random scars. There was also  sadness and fear whenever it started glowing. She could feel her soulmate trying to hold back those emotions.
She did too. There was a fear of-. A loud bam breaks the bathroom door  and suddenly she’s scooped and pushed tightly against a cold metal plating. Terror kicks her mind as she screams and kicks.
“Bear-O! Let GO!” She yelled trying to break. The robot just repeated that Reagan needed a hug and she kept on yelling. Her dad passes by although didn’t seem interested in what was happening
— Brett was cleaning up the stuffing. When he bent down, he  felt terror and fear for a moment.. a sense of insecurity as well.  He noticed the glow and lifted his shirt. His side had a dark sharp scar on it.
“Why does this keep happening? Am I doing something wrong? Am I causing a problem?” He mumbled. He brought his shirt down. His family would probably kill him if they saw all those markings or even a simple question they would glare at him.
He probably deserved this. Whatever this was.
—- Years passed and the scars still grew. Some big, some small, some messy, or just straight. A lot of fear, pain, and anger came along with the two. They soon learn to just ignore the glowing and pray no one would notice it.
Thirty years old and Reagan is now a scientist working for the Shadow Government. She and just a man named Brett Hand who had taken her job. She was fuming knowing all her work was for nothing.
“Hey, uh Reagan!” Brett yelled. She didn’t bother turning around as his footsteps came closer.
“What the hell do you want?” Reagan grumbled.
“I’m really sorry. I mean you made that Robot? I shouldn’t have taken credit for it but uh., hehe. Sorry.”
“You’re sorry?! You’re not the one who wasted months working their ass off! And now for some unpaid intern to take my fucking job! What the hell!” She turned around and yelled. Brett looked startled and stepped back.
For Reagan she felt nervousness and guilt. For Brett he felt anger and sadness. Just for a moment. She knew a scar would probably form and ran off before the glowing started.
“Wait-!” Brett called but she was already far away. He stood there and sighs.
Hopefully the president mission will go well…
—- It did not go well. The president robot went insane and they had to destroy the machine or else humanity was going to get killed.
Now here they were, in a helicopter looking at the broken robot and a dismantled bomb. Reagan’s mood was soured by everything.
“Hey, this isn’t your fault. This is mine. You know how to work with these machines! And I’m just some guy that walked in and took your job.” Brett tries to cheer her up. Admittedly it did, she smiled.
“Thanks. You were pretty helpful too. You got the team to work and manage to get to the helicopter before Mr President here was about to take off.” Reagan replies. She held a hand out and Brett shook it.
“Truce” They both said. She noticed the scar on Brett’s hand. “Hey, did you get that?”
“Oh that? I don’t really know. It just started glowing when I was like six and it’s been there ever since.”
“I got a scar when I was six too,” Rolling her sleeve revealed the big scar on her arm.
Suddenly both scars glowed and shrank. They stared in awe as their scars faded away like they never existed. They let go of their hands looking at the clean spot on their skin
“Holy shit! Did you two just find out your soulmates!” The lady exclaimed.
“I guess we did..?” They both mumbled.
They might need to talk after this mission was done
—- “So.. ever heard of soulmates?” Brett started. They sat on Brett’s couch in his apartment.
“Yeah.. Kinda. My dad didn’t really tell me much about it.” Reagan mumbled. “Said it was stupid and all that”
“My family  too.. Geez. All they told me was that I was never going to get a soulmate and the first scar appeared and..” He stopped and took a deep breath. “Sorry, this is making me.. you know.”
“Nervous ? I think I can tell.” She showed her hand where a small scar glowed. Brett’s eyes widened. “Guess when we feel like shit.. this happens.”
“Oh. I’m sorry about that.. What happened before you got your first scar?”
“I.. killed my turtles.. My dad made me shoot them because I gave them cancer . Afterward I cried in the backyard and.. that happened.”
“Oh., uh. I’m sorry.
Silence between the two as they think about what they just learnt. All those scars were from their families who barely cared for them. Those sudden rush or emotions were caused by how they felt. Just knowing that they both had shit families yet felt the same. It was bad yet.. strangely comforting.
“Well at least we know it’s each other.” Brett says, breaking the silence. He grabbed Reagan’s hand and the scar glowed and faded. “And I guess we can get rid of these as well.”
“Yeah. This is nice.” Reagan replies with a smile. Warmth spread through both of them. A sudden rush of happiness as they come closer. Their lips connected and it felt amazing. The scars on their bodies glow and fade as they feel their first love with each other.
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yo-snap · 1 year
New otp 💐 AU for you
You can plant anything you like, but if you pluck your very favorite flower, you will turn to stone. Only a gift of the flower from your true love/soul mate will bring you back to life.
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booklaluna · 7 months
“Listen to the eyes, they have much to say”
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akkivee · 2 months
For the next BAT audio drama I kinda hope they put Kuukou through the horrors, I love Kuukou and all but I want to know what the absolute fuck is his problem. I really hope we get to finally find out what happened to Mama Harai. What I think happened to Mama Harai is something involving the ocean, I always found it ironic that Kuukou dislikes the ocean considering where he lives so I thought maybe that has to do with Mama Harai not being around.
all i want is for kuukou to have fun and live life but yeah, we have reached the point where it’ll be straight bizarre if we don’t get his backstory lol. kuukou enjoying nature to the point he takes solace in it but dislikes the ocean is soooo telling
and so i hope it’s mama harai too lol!!!!! whether the drama is she gave kuukou a reason to hate the ocean, or is the reason he hates smoking and alcohol, or is the reason he naturally turns to self sacrifice, or all of the above!!!!! i would like to know lol!!!!!
#vee got an ask#i saw a post that mentioned hypmic likes to make their very obvious soulmates the same age#with rosasa and dohifu being quite literally in your face lol and you look at them with their similar goals and experiences#and turn to ichiro and kuukou who are also the same age and have been called soulmates in the stage and it makes you wonder lol#we just found out mama yamada is still alive and is likely going to be a source of conflict in some capacity for ichiro down the road#with rosasa dual dealing with rei shit and dohifu dual dealing with honobono#it makes me wonder if ichikuu will be dual dealing with mommy drama lol#idk whether to assume she’s alive and left kuukou or she’s dead#and that’s mostly bc nemu is also 19 and her mother died by su*cide after protecting her kids#which is something i’ve been wondering about kuukou’s self sacrifice as a skewed version of su*cide this is a whole thought process lmao#but ichiro being shaken by sacrifice likely bc of his mom and kuukou very willing to stake his life on the line may also stem from his mom#and that tells me she’s probably not alive#which would make sense since the most pivotal people in bat’s lives are also not alive lol 😭😭😭#like big fear for me is that she couldn’t stand temple life and drowned herself in the ocean#and kuukou with his uncanny ability to be in the right place watched it happen unable to save her and almost died himself trying#i have questions lol!!!!!! it’d be nice if i finally got SOME answers!!!!!!!!!!!
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every date that suyeon has with a man fails because her soulmate is a woman <3
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wingsmadeforflying · 8 months
I am very much a Jeggie/Sun x Star shipper, but I see the appeal of Bartylus (Starkiller????) and I think it's valid. Just two very different types. Of ships. Jeggie feels more of a saving grace, "I don't need help, fuck you" x "But that's what I do, you can't get rid of me" vibes. Not exactly, not all the time, but. And then Bartylus gives. Insanity- Just insanity. 'cause Regulus is already insane. He's already unstable. Pair him with Barty Crouch Jr?? All hell breaks loose, it's them against the world. They'd loose their minds together to cope, release their anger and tension on each other. Comfort each other in weird ways that only work between them. The two ships are special in their own ways.
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not-a-kaleshi-saanp · 5 months
Ek baar ek mitra ne Dil Aisa toda ki aur kisi vyakti ko kabhi jodne ke mauqa hi na mila.
Phir ek ladki aayi, mere toote Dil ko ek Sangeet ke raag sa dhaal kar, mujhme praan se daal diye....
Meri pyaari saheli...meri Shreya! 💖✨
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s0undsinmyhead · 2 years
Weird no one seems to ship Peter and Regulus. Would make more sense than James and Regulus. Would actually add some more depth and story to why Peter betrayed James and Lily. And why Peter set Sirius up to take the fall.
Peter being in love with Regulus to the point where he considers joining the death eaters makes much more sense than James who loved Lily a muggle-born and loved Sirius as a brother to point where his family adopted him and saved him from a death eater family.
Peter blaming Sirius for not getting Regulus out of the same abusive house and not being there to save Regulus from his death is great motivation for framing Sirius for the betrayal.
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brainjuicey · 1 year
convinced that if i had been the one to fuck that old man when he was young i would've been able to fix him
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incorrect-losers · 2 years
fav au?
For It specifically I’m addicted to Single Father Richie AUs
(I want the losers to find out Richie has a kid and be like wtf?? And then meet said kid and be like,, actually this makes complete sense and also I’m your uncle/auntie now)
Broadly I’m ALWAYS down for Soulmate AUs and Social Media AUs (smau)
Speaking of It Social Media AUs
Y’all need to read this rn!!
Not only is it the best It social media au I’ve ever read but one of the best social media AUs I’ve read in existence. I swear I’ve read it like 10 times lol
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h-angst-er · 10 months
23. Bölüm...
Engin: Canın çok sıkkın.
Uzay: Yarın 14 Şubat abiciğim.
Su: Sevgililer Günü.
Ateş: Hııı.
Su: Buna mı sıkıldın?
Ateş: Ya ben sevmiyorum Su öyle. Şimdi ben de gidip ona...hediye almak zorunda kalacağım falan.
İkisi de Sevgililer Günü'nü sevmiyo. Farklı sebeplerden dolayı sevmiyolar, ama bu güzel bi ortak nokta<33333
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mazojo · 2 years
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I just experienced poetic cinema
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 years
Soulmate Survey ask/what if: With Miracle Queen becoming far less likely and Fu still being active, as well as LB/CN being closer and better trained, how would Su Han's sudden appearance in Paris and his quest to return the Miraculous to the order go?
Well that would be a lot of changes because I hate how Su han was portrayed so I would change a lot.
For one, Su han would arrive with several guardians. And the guardians would strike Ladybug and chat noir. Of course thanks to Fu they know about mirakungfu and are able to defeat the monks. They bring them to Fu, who then finds out about Su-Han.
Fu would probably be willing to part with the miracle box because his master has returned. Ladybug and chat noir would defend him. Su han, instead of being a massive dick, would test ladybug and chat noir. And after they past his tests he would accept it. I’d probably would have a monk against this that gets akumatized but it’s neither Fu or Su Han.
Su han gives his blessing, telling Fu that he is the guardian until all the miraculous are found.
There would be more to it, but that’s how it would play out
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bee-ships · 2 years
Also shout out to my dearly beloved wife (/p) because she sets me up to infodump about D.ST and gush about Wilson
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wiinterchiild · 2 years
forever is a long time
Reincarnation AU
Vampire JK & Human JM
Open Eding
Explicit Content / Smut
Jeongguk loved one man, and one only. His whole world shattered when he lost Yonseo centuries ago, arriving late to his love, only to see his corpse. He has resolved himself into solidarity after that, barricading himself from the world. Until Seokjin finally had enough and dragged him out into the world, what he hated so much for taking away his love. However, when Yonseo's face looks back at him for a huge billboard he freezes. This man looks like his Yonseo, but acts so differently, speaking in a tone his Jimin would have never. Jimin's sassy and strong and fierce and everything in between, and somehow Jeongguk can't get enough.
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missskzbiased · 2 years
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