sierra-rose-poetry · 4 years
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When I wrote this yesterday, it just came so easily to me. My sisters middle name is Iris so I used it as inspiration for this poem. It’s also lightly based off of the Greek Goddess Iris. It just went perfectly together 🥰.
My sister has long, blonde hair and blue eyes. (Iris has golden wings and blonde hair) She was born in February which is the month of the Iris flower. However, last weekend she tried to commit suicide and it’s horrible. She relies on drugs too much (hence the realm of gods) and doesn’t know where her path is (the goddess is a messenger between the realms of gods and mortals). You also leave irises on the graves of women and children so that the goddess can help them move on the the underworld peacefully. It all felt too connected to not write this.
I’m spending time with her today to try and help her have an outlet. She needs some way of expressing herself without the use of drugs. I hope I can forge that path with her or at least give her a safe place.
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sierra-rose-poetry · 5 years
What is meant to be free
Wind is pressed To my ever moving body. I run through fields of wheat And fields of flowing flowers Chasing the stars as the forest calls me home.
I am wild I am free. A free that has no price No protector Except for my own.
A beauty lives in me That others do not understand. A beauty that they watch from afar That they lust for their own.
I run through these fields Trusting my wild heart Chasing those stars Ever gleaming in my eyes
When suddenly there is a Metallic clang, A haggered snap. No longer can I move. I whimper I call For those near that may hear my pleas.
But I am free A free that has no price No protector Except for my own.
Those that come Are dressed in their finest grins Who have watched from afar With lust dancing in their eyes.
Shiny objects are pulled from their ever talented hands. Hope lives as they reach For my paralyzed limbs Freedom just one step away.
But that hope dies As they use those Shiny objects To peel away Not the trap that holds me still But my sun-kissed coat.
Fear lives in my heart now As they tear away my identity While I live and struggle Against those talented hands Confusion whirling on my mind.
That was when I learned What real fear was. That my wild heart Had a price. That my beauty would leave me bare.
Yes, your wives will smile as you Adorn their bodies with my fur. Yes, Your pockets will sing with The same kind of metallic clang.
But How long will you leave me here Without skin or fur To wander the forest that I call my home For my grave instead.
Because when you raped me Of my freedom and beauty You do it while i live. While i scream and thrash Against your ever talented hands.
Watch me from afar But let me be. My beauty is here, Wild and free. Running through fields of wheat And fields of flowing flowers. Chasing the stars as The forest calls me home.
Because I am wild I am free A free that has no price No protector Except for my own.
-Sierra Rose
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sierra-rose-poetry · 5 years
“Fascinating” Arcana leaned forward to press against the iron bars so that Astaria could hear her voice over the screaming in her thoughts.
Her throat was so parched that the insides were sticking together to form an uncomfortable ball that made Astaria widening her mouth in pursuit of easing the pain. She even tried to bite her tongue to will saliva down her bone dry throat but no luck came. She continued to bite down until slow blood trickled from newly opened teeth marks. The sudden taste of the tart liquid left Astaria to roll it over her tongue, feeling the edges of the muscle now torn. It had been five days since Arcana last feed her leaving Astaria finding it hard to will anything from her own body. Even the cough proved pathetic as some of the blood decided to choke her.
“Since when have you been taking this?” Arcana held the thin white envelope between her two fingers,daunting Astaria with it.
Even if Astaria could answer over the blood spilling in her mouth, she wouldn't. As if Arcana could feel the resist in Astaria, she squatted down to her level and held Astarias earthly eyes in Arcanas cunning green.
“An answer for your troubles, darling?” A smile sprawled on Arcana’s pale face. One in which Astaria mimicked.
She pulled the blood to the tip of her tongue, letting it push the red fluid through her teeth and unto Arcana’s beautiful face.
But before the blood had even left Astaria’s mouth a hand lashed out to encompass her thin throat. The force clenching the dry walls together and air to cease feeding her lungs.
The red splatter seemed to highlight the green life of Arcanas eyes as she ran a thumb over the dripping mess. Then Arcana touched the blood collected on her thumb to her beating mouth, licked it and allowed the saliva to run down her mouth to mock Astaria.
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sierra-rose-poetry · 6 years
Excerpt from my current short story 😁
He sits down across from me so that we both can't hide from one another. The brown of the wood of the walls contain hints of the same color of his skin. The white of the table clothes match his white hair and I felt in this moment, that he was part of this restaurant and that it was part of him. That it had been made from his own blood and that they had merged long ago. I see myself in those deep black eyes that match my own black. He stares at his reflection and in that moment, time feels on a loop. Over and over the images in our eyes reflect like mirrors in a maze of mirrors. There is no beginning and there is no end. Who is to say this right now is not a fraction of that. That we are not just a reflection of time.
~Sierra Rose
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sierra-rose-poetry · 6 years
Old Letters
I remember the time I got told our handwriting Looked the same And I do remember The way you would write your letters. Always short but even. Your u’s had a line and your O’s always meet in a complete circle. You used to write to me, It could have been nonsense Or feelings of love towards me It didn’t matter Because in the end I burned them. Watched as they crumbled to ash And piled into black. In the end I ripped them, Letting them drift in the wind. What didn’t drift Was this memory of how You would dot your i’s Or the consistent size in which you wrote. Didn’t matter if they were lies or truth. Always consistent. Practiced. And I hated you for it.
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sierra-rose-poetry · 6 years
Cover me in wine silk
And let the color of my skin
Stand out against the pale of yours.
I want to watch the colors blend
So that I may understand
How passion is created.
Teach me how to feel
More than just your fingertips
Against the silk of my breast
Playing with my heart.
I am yearning to learn
What it is about this love
You crave the most.
Show me
What it is you want to say
In the moments our lips collide
Because I am craving
What they call
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sierra-rose-poetry · 6 years
Astaria and Talos moment
“I get these…” her breath stood in her throat. Oh how the unsaid words burned. The secrets ever demanding to be released. “These visions.”
She turns her head, her hair swaying in front of her ashamed face. She was scared of the look Talos might be giving her. She had gotten used to them, these burning images that kept her up at night. Yet she felt like crying here in front of Talos. She felt weak, vulnerable. Things she didn’t want to be.
“What are they of?’’ Talos eased forward as the words came out. His heart would not still and fear crept in between every beat of it.
When Astaria made no hint of explaining he pressed on. “Tell me, star.” Talos’ voice hardened, more demanding than he planned to be with the young girl. But he needed the answer, needed a way to quickly fix this new problem.
Astaria’s back straightened with resolution and of truth. Her eyes closed tightly to hold back the oncoming tears. Deep breaths she told herself. She repeated it until her throat felt more at ease and she remembered that she was here, safe, with Talos. Not in some murky dream.
“A girl.” Her face turned upward to his but still she avoids his eyes. “What looks, no feels, like it could be me. But its not me now. Because I can still feel myself here,” she looks around at the room unsure if the walls would crumble to prove she really was not here at all. “I can feel her emotions as if they were mine. Even her pain. I can feel it.”
Her hands wrap around her arms protecting herself from some unknowing force. She could even feel it now if she thought on it too long. Astaria was tired of the endless nights where all she felt was terrified. Talos would fix this. He knew things that could ease anyone's pain. He could make her medicine that stopped the feverish pain she felt. If he could cure any broken bone he could fix this. He could help her. He had to.
“They come for her at dawn but when its night, only he comes.”  She finishes by releasing a chilled breath. A breath that had been locked in her chest too long that had begun suffocating her. Talos would know the rest. He had to, he knew everything. Maybe that's why she finally looks up to him, hope in her eyes.
But his are half shut, thinking.
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sierra-rose-poetry · 6 years
Quick exercise from my writing class ~
I swear, I do try. I listen but my eyes wonder elsewhere than your always moving mouth. Some words didn't need said was my logic. Your mouth moves and my eyes drop to the floor. I stair into that multicolored rug in your living room.
The colors shift and swirl and turn this way and that to make shapes. If I did it long enough, it felt like I were the one shifting and turning. Maybe I could descend into it’s world, maybe if I looked hard enough I could convince myself I was already in it, had been all along and you were only my imagination.
“Will.” You say, bringing attention to a very important word.
“Ass” I say back. I don't call you one intentionally but it is the first part of your name, I do it because you only used my first half. “I am no Will. I have no balls.”
This time you roll your eyes, smirking, knowing better. And this time I try. I ignore the world sitting at my feet. Instead I stair ahead, toward your world, your always changing eyes and always shifting moods. I try to get lost in you like you want me to. And soon, I find myself shifting in the moments you and I share, racing between the memories we hold and that always moving mouth of yours.
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sierra-rose-poetry · 6 years
Part of my recent short story
Tell me what y’all think? Feel free to comment your thoughts!
The girl hasn’t stopped looking at me since I walked in through that door. She is staring and watching me pour in my creamer. The coffee turns to the color of my skin and that is when I know it is the perfect mix. I look up and meet her eyes. I don't look away, I stopped looking away since two years ago.
She picks up her glossy violin and places the end in the nuck of her chin and chest. Her hand raises and she puts the bow to the string. Still, those green eyes watch me and still, my black ones watch back.
It isn't until those first notes hit that the girl abruptly looks away. She plays and her eyes close. With the release of her gaze, I look away and into the liquid of my coffee. I relax into the cushion of the booth, finally appreciating the comfort of this cafe. The coffee sits in my hands and I ease at its warmth. I close my own eyes and listen along to the music.
It starts out shaky as if she does not remember how to play or how to move her fingers around the strings. Finally a note hits and it is low and long, the first true note that strikes out. Follows it is silence and then higher, sadder notes raise to the occasion. They quicken and run along the walls, a race among themselves. The fold in on themselves and somehow it feels like they begin to mix.
Images appear in my mind, images of grey faces and of snow; of death of a loved one. The notes slow and I imagine blackness swirling around snowflakes. I picture myself crying and the feeling of loneliness surrounds me. The music quicken and the notes turn defiant, flame shines in my mind. My heart burns and I am blinded by this rage. Betrayal hurls my soul into anger and I know where they come from. They pull at my heart and I wonder if that damn violin knows.
The music holds me prisoner, I cannot open my eyes nor do I want to. I want to stay lost in these pictures. I want to relive it all in hope it will change. But it does not, it can not and I cannot breath.
The music stops; my eyes snap open.
I turn my head and the girl is watching. Tears running down her face., tears that mirror my own. I look at her with pain in my existence because that is all I feel. I point the steel that I forged from those flames to her own heart, threatening in my mind if she talk about those memories I would harm her. She is the first to turn her head as if she felt those daggers piercing her beating bloody heart. She picks up her case and throws the instrument into it. The girl shoves on her white shoes I never noticed were off and before I know it she runs out the glass door.
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sierra-rose-poetry · 6 years
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Went for a two hour walk the other day and found some new friends 🐞🌿
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sierra-rose-poetry · 6 years
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Hello! Welcome to my Tumblr! I hope your day is great!
Im feeling hopeful and yet desperate today :/ It’s only because I want to get my work out there but I seem to be having no luck what so ever, but then again it has only been three days since creating this account. So stay postive? Ha, right?
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