#SNEAKER (gets messed up in the snow)
7ndipity · 5 months
Holidays With Yoongi Headcanons
Yoongi x Reader
Summary: What spending the Christmas season with Yoongi would be like.
Warnings: swearing, not proofread
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon who requested this!
Holidays with Yoongi would be soo cozy, I feel like he would lowkey go all out to embrace the season and try to share as many experiences with you as possible, even a few of the more cliche tropes and traditions.
If you live somewhere with snow, I think he’d want to do the whole “walk in the first snow of the season for good luck”, partly because it’s romantic, and partly bc it’s a great excuse for cuddles to warm each other up afterwards.
Picking out a tree together tho is a surprisingly serious mission for him. He’s checking the height, the fullness from each side, shaking the limbs to see how many needles fall, etc.
“Doesn’t it look a little lopsided tho?” “Who cares, I can’t feel my toes, Min!”
(This would only happen for your first year together tho, unless you’re really set on ‘real’ trees. The next year he’d decide it would be better/easier to just invest in a pre-lit, artificial tree)
Decorating together would be so fun tho, especially if you have some older ornaments from over the years or from your family, so you can share stories about holidays from when you were younger.
“Raccoons with soup-can phones? How is that Christmas-y?” “Idk, but they were one of my dad’s favorites!”
I don’t know that he would necessarily wear matching sweaters or anything like that, unless you bring it up first(and then he’d end up kinda loving it, but won’t admit it), but I think he’d get a little soft about having something like stockings or mugs with your names on them.
Catching him under the mistletoe every single chance you get, because you’ll be damned if you pass up any opportunity to kiss him, and turning him into a blushy mess is way too much fun!
Man would be lowkey stressed about what kind of gift to get you, even tho you’d probably be happy with a pack of gum if it came from him. He worries about being too basic or cliche with something like jewelry(even tho he already bought you smth months ago and has been trying to figure out to give it to you)
He would likely get something that seems super random to anyone else, but has some sort of meaning for the two of you, like a pair of sneakers and some waterproofing spray, cause you spilled coffee on your shoes on your first date, or dvds of all your favorite movies from when you were a kid.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
Christmas mornings would be the softest tho, both of you still sleepy and not wanting to leave the bed, snuggled down in the blankets, and him just sitting a little velvet box on your lap that has a special necklace(or maybe a ring) inside.
Almost falling asleep together before midnight on new years. I imagine him waking up with like two minutes to spare, and going to wake you quickly until he sees the way you’re sleeping on his shoulder/chest and just melting and realizing how happy/content he is. He ends up waking you gently and gives you the softest, sleepy kiss. “Happy new year, Babe.”
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bittersw33t-lotus · 1 year
Foot Prints in the Snow
Simon “Ghost” Riley x Fem! Reader
Cw: pregnancy, fluff, ooc! Ghost, cursing? I mean It’s ghost.
An: second Ghost fic and I’ve already succumbed to having a baby fever-induced fic 😔 also this is short so let me know if you guys want a part 2. This is based off a tik tok i saw of this guy making footprints for his girlfriend in the snow so she doesn’t slip🥹
(I promise for you guys waiting for part two of great timing, I swear it’s coming out soon😭🫶🏼)
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“Its just slush Sargent, you’ll be fine.”
“Nuh-uh, I’ve fallen one too many times on my ass Ghost. One more fall and I will break my tailbone.” You grip onto the railing already feeling your feet starting to slide underneath the slushy snow.
Ghost sighs and walks back over to you, he turns back around, his back facing you, before he takes a step and shimmies his foot side to side before lifting it and taking another step and repeating his actions leaving visible footprints on the ground, making the gravel more accessible to get more traction on the ground. You didn’t have to ask your lieutenant what he was doing, he was making a clear track for you to follow without walking in the slush.
You didn’t want to admit it, but your heart skipped a beat when you realized Ghost was putting in the effort to help you out instead of just leaving you to deal with not having to fall on your ass. As you began to follow him setting your foot in the tracks he left, you could see how your foot couldn’t fill his footprints entirely. You focused your eyes on the tracks below and soon enough the tracks lead right up to the passenger side of the car door and leading off to the other side where Ghost made his way to the driver side without sparing you a glance and acknowledgment for what he just did for you, like it was nothing.
“You really should get some boots or even ice cleats to walk in this weather, sneakers aren’t going to help you.” He says unlocking the car.
You smile and open the car door, “Why would I when I have you to help me out now.” You say sliding into your seat as Ghost starts to turn on the car.
You hear him huff out a laugh with but miss the way his gaze lingers on you for a second too long.
“You’re up late.” A deep voice booms through the darkness of the lounge room, the lights off with only the source of light coming from the fridge and moonlight seaping through the windows.
You’re squatted down as you rummaging through the fridges contents, at the sudden intrusion of silence from Ghost you gasp as you jolt and turn around. As you turn around, your eyes try adjusting in the dark, the lighting from the fridge having messed with your vision so it was hard to see Ghost in pitch black nothingness. His dark attire not helping much either. “Jesus Christ Ghost you’re gonna give everyone a heart attack if you keep going that,” You breathed out going back to rummaging in the fridge. “I got hungry and can’t sleep.” Ghost rolled his eyes, turning on the kitchen light before walking to the cupboards and pulling out a glass cup, “Why are you still up?” You ask eyeing him as he pours water into his cup.
“Bold of you to assume I even sleep.” He mumbles lifting up his mask revealing his blonde scruffy beard and soft pink lips, taking the cup up to his mouth and drinking the cold liquid, watching as the glass made contact with his soft lips. You quickly turn your attention back to the fridge deciding on a little snack that Gaz was probably saving but you couldn’t care, before you closed the fridge door. You stand back up and began to eat the food.
Once you finished chewing, you look over to your lieutenant to see the the mask was pulled back down covering his face once more, “When’s the last time you slept sir?” You asked, the silence was long as he stared into his cup.
You began to question if he even heard you until he shrugs and sets the cup down on the kitchen counter. “Probably three days now.” He says, leaning against the counter and crossing his arms. He looks away upon seeing your concerned expression at his answer, dismissing your concern with the wave of a hand. “Don’t be surprised, I’ve gone longer that this without sleep.” He says.
“You really shouldn’t continue feeding into the habit Ghost.” You say, however it’s nothing but silence on Ghosts end, you can see his body becoming tense and his eyes tell you enough he’s becoming a little agitated so you back down and shift the topic of conversation . “You wanna go for a walk?”
He looks at you with a raised brow. “What for?”
You shrug and look down at the food in your hand, “I dunno, I can’t sleep and you’re obviously not going to sleep at all- so instead of just being in our rooms, I’d think going outside for a bit would seem better.”
Ghost thought on your offer, “eh,” he breaths out leaning off the counter, “why not.”
The smile that made it way to your face almost made him crack the me himself, “Okay, let me get my jacket real quick.” You say not wasting a second and heading to your room.
Ghost waits by entrance door putting on his jacket and boots when you come out of your room sporting a jacket and the new pair of snow boots you bought. Ghost opens the door letting you go out first and following you, closing the door behind him.
You both agreed to walk near the forests, his flashlight lighting the path, the snow crunching beneath your feet leaving a trail of foot prints behind.
You decided to have some fun and slowly trail behind him and tried your best to walk in his footprints, a small smile on your face as you found amusement in it. Ghost didn’t even need to see what you were doing, this was a little habit you began to pick up ever since the day he helped you. He spaces out with thoughts of you and the little moments he savors with you outside of the field. He sees how you make an effort to talk and interact with him more but he’s honestly holding back in fear of being hurt should anything happen, weather you drift apart, leave the force or join another or even worse… you die.
Ghost wishes he wasn’t so closed off as he was because now it’s back fired on him since now he struggles to break free and open up to others, and he feels bad when he sees how you attempt to conversaré with him only for him to struggle to keep up with the conversation and leave due to embarrassment. As Ghost is lost in thought you began to drift off into thoughts as well.
You felt the walk was filled with a nice silence, but you’ve noticed how Ghost hasn’t even spare you a single glance or peeped a single word to you. Your mind began to wander as your pace began to slow not noticing how ghost was watching you. As you walked you began to think about how he hardly really talked to you, he talks to Johnny, Price and Gaz more often than he did with you maybe it was because he knew them for longer, but you wondered if maybe you annoyed him or you’re just to plain and boring to be around. ‘Is he uncomfortable? Is the silence awkward for him? Should I say something? What if I end up annoying him if I do try and talk? Does he hate walking with me? But If he didn’t want to be near me he would’ve declined my offer and gone by himself or stayed back at base. Unless he didn’t want to seem rude? No he definitely would’ve declined if he wanted to..’
Ghost eventually snapped back into thoughts and took notice at how faint your footsteps grew, he sees you’re a few feet away as you stare at the ground with a blank look, like your spaced out. “You alright?” Ghost spoke, breaking your train of thoughts, you look at him with a confused look before you nod. “You seem to be more present n’ your head then here. You space out a lot when your not in the field.” He said, he didn’t turn to look at you’re dumbfounded expression and opted to keep looking up at the sky.
“How could you tell?” You say as you began to pick up your speed and catch up to him making you way back to walking beside Ghost.
“You always stare at things wit’ a blank stare, and your don’t blink for hours on end like you’ve gotta starin’ problem, and when someone talks to you, you look lost.” He says finally turning his head to look at you.
“Is it really that obvious?” You cringe at the thought.
“Very.” You groan and turn away, feeling heat rush up your face in embarrassment. “‘S alright, I used to do it a lot when I was younger…” he says, his voice faltering a bit at his last words.
You look back at Ghost, “How’d you do it?”
He looks back at you with a confused look.
“How’d you stop spacing out I mean.”
He looks at the floor now, ‘My family died and I focused my entire life and thoughts into the army so I don’t have to think about them-’ He thinks. “I joined the army and set my sights on the military, basically burying myself in work.”
“Huh, seems like I should do that then.” You chuckle at your own joke but Simon doesn’t think so.
“No, wouldn’t recommend it. You’ll end up fucked in the head like me. You won’t be human.” He says.
Silence. Ghost begins to worry that maybe he’s gone too deep.
“You’re not.” You say, Ghost cant bring himself to look at you and looks at what little scenery he can see. “You’re not entirely fucked in the head, you still show us that you’re still a human being. I’ve seen how you act Ghost, you show glimpses of the person- the man you are under that mask. Like right now.”
Ghost hears your footsteps stop, so he stops. He turns around and looks you in the eyes. Your smiling at him and his heart skips. He feels a rare feeling bubbling in his stomach, one he hasn’t felt In a while. ‘The man I am under the mask…’ He thinks.
“You noticed how I act out of work and you asked if I’m alright. When I got shot for the first time durning that mission in France, while we waited for evac, I was loosing my shit thinking I was gonna die even though the bullet was in my thigh,” You laugh at the memory. “You talked me through the pain and anxiety I was feeling and told me I was alright, you taught me the breathing techniques and proceeded to make shitty military jokes all to distract me from the chaos ensuing around us as I sat there bleeding.” Ghost remembers that time, you were on the team for almost a year, a rookie on the team but you were one of the best soldiers Price ever saw and that’s why you made it to the task force, you could handle being harmed by the hands of others, wither it be by their hands, being sliced by knives, pepper sprayed, tasered, or hit with inanimate objects you took it like a pro but you never got experienced the power of a bullet before, so when you finally got shot for the first time, the shock made you hysterical and the anxiety wasn’t helping you. It was just you and him teamed together. Despite seeing multiple things in his time in the army, seeing others shot, including himself, it wasn’t new. He was almost desensitized to it minus the pain that came with it, but when it came to you, he was almost scared. Hearing your scream in pain and fall to the ground he never felt his heart drop so hard in his life. He remembered breathing out in relief seeing the bullet was only in your thigh knowing you’d be okay, that you’d live.
“And there was also that time last year when it snowed and rained, the snow turned into slush, I didn’t have my snow shoes at the time and complained about not wanting to fall on my ass. You made a path of your foot prints from the building to the passenger side of the Jeep for me to walk in just so I wouldn’t slip. There’s times where you worry about the well being of Johnny, Gaz and Price and I during missions, especially when we got separated after the whole fiasco with Graves turning on us. Those are the moments where I don’t see a ghost of a man. I see Simon.”
Hearing you say his name made his heart skip a beat, now Simon knows for sure that he’s in love with you. “Thanks (yn).” He says with a small smile hidden behind the fabric of his balaclava.
This was the first time he’s heard you say his name, after the time in Las Almas when they were set to kill Graves, you were there when you saw his face for the first time and when Price used his real name. You got a glimpse of the real Simon for the first time. His eyes met yours and that was the first time he couldn’t tell what you were thinking but that was the day you knew you were in love with Ghost and Simon, the day you both finally gained each others trust, the day you smiled at him for the first time and made him fall even harder for you without even knowing it.
“Simon I can’t find my shoes again.” You call out from your bedroom you share with Simon. Looking inderneath you bed you can’t find your snow shoes to help you track through the ice.
“I think it’s still in the car with all the snow gear from last week.” He calls out from the kitchen already ready to head to the store but waiting for you to find your shoes.
You grunt and slam your head against the side of your mattress, the cushion bouncing your head. You remembered, last week you and Simon had gone snow boarding with the team, Price, Johnny, and Gaz, as a little gathering since you’re all on leave for a month. You and Simon had left all your gear including your snow clothes and shoes in the back of Simons truck. You heard footsteps thumping behind you, you turn your head around to see Simon entering your shared bedroom.
“Can you get them.” You plead. Simon chuckles before walking back out of your bedroom.
“Fine.” He agrees walking out the house.
You sit on your bed and wait for Simon to come back. After a few minutes pass, you grew confused, ‘Can he not find them? He’s been out there for a minute’ You think which makes you groan. Finally you hear the front door close and hear his footsteps approaching the room. You look back up at your boyfriend and don’t see your boots in either of his hands. “Are they not there?” You ask.
Simon shakes his head ‘No’ throwing his hands up in defeat. “It’s alright though, let’s just go.” He says as you sigh. You follow him out the door and wait beside him as he closes the door. You take a look at the truck when you notice a trail of his foot prints leading up to the passenger side of the truck. “Go on.” He says placing a hand on your lower back.
You stare at him for a few seconds until it clicks in your brain. You smile at Simon and kiss his cheek, “Thank you Si.” You say before walking into the snow, you place your feet in the tracks he’s already placed in a range wide enough for you to walk in, memories flooding back to you to that one winter, before you got your boots. You smile at the memory as Simon stands by the door watching you step in his tracks with a wide smile on his face. You finally make it to the passenger door and turn around to look at Simon and see the smile etched on his face. “Cmon doofus hurry up and unlock the door I’m freezing my ass off.” You laugh out.
Simon chortles a laugh, he presses the button allowing you to open the door and climb into the truck taking your seat on the already warmed seat, Simon opens his door. You turn around to place your bag in the back seat when a certain item caught your eye. “Heyy, my boots were back here.” You say grabbing the boots and looking at Simon, whom suspiciously acted surprised.
“Oh, I’d didn’t see them there. My bad.” He looked away and focused on buckling his seat belt.
“Uh-huh…” you squint your eyes at him before you paused. Simon was outside long enough to check the entire truck, you also remember hearing the truck doors open and close before it was silent for a minute. “You purposefully left them here just to watch me struggle to get to the car didn’t you?” You deadpanned.
You couldn’t miss the small smile that made its way to Simons face, “It’s entertaining to see you walk in my foot prints and as much as I hate saying the word, it’s kinda cute to watch.”
You roll your eyes at him before buckling yourself in, as Simon pulls out the driveway, you take off your shoes and replace them with your boots.
“Simon I’m fine, I walked perfectly fine at the house.” You sat in the passenger seat of the truck with the door open as you watch your husband set out tracks for you on the snow again. The first show of winter arrived yesterday with 5 inches of snow fall over the night. You had an appointment the very next morning to get a check up, but due to the unexpected snow the snow plower trucks were delayed until late morning to arrive at the hospital and the staff couldn’t bother to shovel the gigantic parking lot only the side walks and front entrance.
So Simon ‘forced’ you to stay on the porch as he made footprints for you to follow as you bring out your phone to start recording Simon making tracks, you silently slide off the seat and onto the ground the best you could, placing your feet in his footprints you began. You try to capture your feet but your protruding belly gets in the way, it’s been difficult to see your feet for quiet some time ever since you hit 7 months into your pregnancy. You angle your camera back you to Simon and began to waddle your way towards your husband. He could hear snow crunching and snapped his head back towards you to see you a few feet away from the truck and struggling a bit.
Without a second thought, Simon quickly makes his way to you taking hold of your free hand to help steady you, “I thought I told you to stay on the truck until I’m done.”
You scrunch your face at him as you stop walking. “I told you I was fine, I’m still perfectly capable of doing things Simon. I’m not the baby here so there’s no reason to worry so much.”
He rolls his eyes and grumbles, “I’ll give plenty of good reasons; you can’t see your bloody feet which makes your balance arse, you waddle like a penguin, you walk slow,” He lists off things in a ‘matter of factly’ tone. You glare at him as he smirks and snakes an arm around your waist with the other holding your hand. “Do I need to bring up the amount of times you’ve almost tripped and missed steps on the stairs and little cracks in the sidewalks?”
“Okay, okay- I get it.” You glare at him as he began to lead you up to the entrance, “You’re a pain in my ass.” You jokingly laughed out.
Simon let’s out a chuckle, “Yea? It’s a pain in my ass having to make tracks for you just so you don’t fall on your ass.”
“You have the choice to stop but you don’t, you love me too much to stop.” You purr out giving him a kiss on his cheek.
Simon chuckled and kisses your forehead, “That I do love,” his hand on your waist shifts forward the the side of your belly, rubbing your bump covered by your jacket. “That I do.”
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simpingforthemm · 9 months
being blair waldorf's girlfriend hc's
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bullets: 43
warnings: none
summary: dating blair waldorf would include / blair waldorf dating hc's
a/n: I love blair sm and I enjoyed writing this for her! I got inspired since I'm currently watching gossip girl while sick and it's a nice series though it has a lot of drama lol. anyways enjoy!
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blair loves to boss you around but not in the "oh do this and that for me" way but more in a "no don't touch that, y/n! y/n I told you to stay by my side!" way
blair is super protective of you and she's kind of like a helicopter mom whenever the two of you are together
she holds your hand the entire time when you're out at a party, acting like you're in danger and keeps you away from alcohol at all costs
if someone messes with you, she won't hesitate to dig up some dirt about them and expose them in front of everyone
she wouldn't do it anonymously on gossip girl though, she would make sure the person harassing you would know it was her, your girlfriend, and that they should stay away from you
or else
you two have sleepovers a lot, you love doing each other's makeup, watching gilmore girls together and cuddle a lot <3
she definitely brags about you in front of her clique and serena
"while you losers are out going to this stupid party, I'm going to the theater to watch a play, with my girlfriend"
she loves to spoil you (her love language is probably gift giving or words of affirmation + physical touch)
she knows exactly what you like so it's very easy for her to buy gifts for you
probably has a list in her room somewhere of things that you hate / love / dislike / like
she knows what beauty products you like, what smell is your favorite, your favorite colour, favorite author, favorite kind of clothes, gold or silver jewelry
when the two of you are in an especially good place she'll probably come to your apartment (or your shared apartment who knows) and just yell "Honey, I went shopping!" and then just have like 10 shopping bags in the living room, full of stuff just for you
she gets pretty easily annoyed with you when she's not getting what she wants or when she's frustrated with her friends (yes, sometimes she lets it out on you)
she's always very quick to apologize, knowing that you're her sweetheart and that you only want the best for her 🩷
you are one of the only people that can help her get through her mood swings and calm her down when she feels like the whole world is crashing down on her again
when her parents got a divorce, you were right by her side, holding her hand throughout the whole thing and being more her best friend than serena ever could
christmas or any other holiday is always so amazing because she puts in a lot of effort to make them special
will do romantic festive dates with you like go to the christmas market, take a walk through the snow in central park, got to festive little parties together
you probably have a lot of traditions
like on the first day of school you both will get donuts for breakfast or when there's a ball coming up, the both of you will go shopping together
I could picture that you're not that into shopping (which blaire thinks is a total embarrassment) so she will pick out a few dresses for you (since she knows what looks good on you)
she will let you choose the dress you want but will whine if you don't choose the dress she thinks is best
"but y/n!! the blue one looks so much better on you! choose that one!"
blair is very bossy and probably wears the pants in your relationship
she likes to be in control
but you make her step out of her comfort zone sometimes and "make her do crazy things", like she would call it
one time blair whined about her high heels hurting her feet and that she couldn't dance in those goddamn shoes
so the next day you took her to buy sneakers, so that she could dance properly and not be hindered by her heels (pic in the collage with the two girls in the red and blue dresses, they're wearing sneakers hehe)
"No, y/n, no! I won't be wearing this monstrosity of a shoe to a party! What if someone will see, huh?
"Come on, babe! No one will see, I promise! And if so, there's no shame in wanting to not hurt your feet and dance!"
She groans but puts on the shoes regardless
and the both of you have the best night ever, dancing until dawn
also, dorota loves you and thinks you're such a sweetheart
whenever you come over to Blair's apartment, she gets really excited, asking you how you've been and telling you how "Miss Blair missed you very much"
you're also probably good friends with Serena and Chuck, since these are the people she's closest with
also you and Blair love to gossip, especially about other people
you always have some kind of drama to discuss or some person to embarrass and take down
you're sort of "partners in crime" even though she hates getting you involved in that stuff
you're probably the most iconic couple at your school and there's a lot of attention on you two because on the upper east side, there aren't a lot of lesbian couples
but you're so in love and there's nobody that could not be jealous of your jealous of your relationship
because you're literally perfect together
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hapuriainen · 11 months
Some comparisons of the “Disney girls if they were the player character in a pokemon game” designs, the earliest being from 2012.
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Snow White - hasn’t changed much from the initial idea. For the most recent version aside from the improved colours (which really goes for all of these) I made the pocket a bit more sensible in size and less bland with the logo and changed the sleeves into something a little less costume-y looking. And apparently I had never bothered to check what her eye colour is supposed to be before?
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Cinderella - I think the first one is way too tomboyish for Cinderella so it was a good idea to give her a skirt instead. And stop trying to copy the hairstyle as is, how is it supposed to work anyway? The most recent version is supposed to be wearing see-through plastic sneakers which was the closest equivalent of a glass slipper I could think of, but I don’t think you can see that well enough from this far.
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Alice - I also like the original idea but it does look a bit too much like a costume. The more recent version is one of my favourites of the set, both with the design and how the art turned out overall.
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Tinkerbell - I remember being dissatisfied with the first version (mostly for being boring) and thought I should have given her shorts instead, so here is that now. The top could still use some work though.
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Aurora - She feels like she’s incrementally getting towards my ideal design but isn’t there quite yet. I probably should have done more with the half pink-half blue thing.
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Eilonwy - not a lot to work with about her, though what is up with the shoes on the middle one?
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Ariel - I don’t know what I was thinking with the turtleneck in the middle one, it’s supposed to be a warm weather design. Though to be fair sandals would be a better fit for that, but I like the stockings to represent her tail. Also apparently I got obscenely lazy with the shoes with the most recent one.
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Belle - has barely changed at all, I remember being very happy with the initial design. Though now that I think about it the bag probably should use a different shade of blue. I’ve also done an earlier design with the yellow dress, but it’s so monochrome that it’s a bit hard to work with it.
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Jasmine - I clearly wasn’t even trying with the first design, it’s just her canon outfit with very minor tweaks and a pokeball, and the second one isn’t any better. But to me Jasmine had one of the biggest glow ups with the most recent design and the art turned out cute as well.
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Pocahontas - I really like the pants and would have liked to use them again, but then I thought, “is this problematic”, and ended up not using the tassel fringe thing. Overall she was a huge struggle and I’m not happy with the result at all, Pocahontas’ canon design has a lot of elements to work with, but I tried so many versions of one sleeved/one sleeve off the shoulder/layered tops and they all looked like a dancer or a figure skater. And I also attempted a tunic-like design like Yellow but that just looked like a LoZ oc. So this design is definitely subject to change if I redo everyone again in ten years. At least her face turned out cute..
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Esmeralda - Another mess in both attempts, her canon design also has a lot of interesting details but somehow the best I could do with ended up being a schoolgirl? In my defense she was among the last characters I drew for this set and at that point I was just burnt out and ready to move to something else, so it was either this or not being drawn at all. Better luck next time!
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Megara - the first attempt is pretty random and lazy and I don’t like it at all, but I do like how the second one turned out. Overall it does skew a bit too young though especially for a character like Megara, but she’s a kid here so maybe it’s ok?
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Mulan - she is my favourite Disney heroine so it’s always frustrated me that I had never been able to really get the Poke design to work. But this time it somehow clicked that I could take inspiration from the male protagonists instead. I think the details could still do some workshopping but overall I like the result this time around.
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Jane - the first one isn’t a Poketrainer at all, it’s just a jungle explorer anime girl. Though I guess there’s not much change in the second one either...
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Kida - this has always been somewhat of a “just throw random ideas in there” kind of design and especially the first one I clearly had no idea what I was doing. In the most recent version I think the decision to move the mark to her hat was the best update, a facial tattoo on the supposed average kid feels kind of strange. 
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Giselle - I really like the most recent one, it’s one of the most dynamic poses and I think it has a nice balance of “fine lady” and “going on a Pokemon adventure”. Not sure if any of them are properly recognisable as Giselle though.
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Tiana - as you can see I have no idea what to do with her. I don’t know what’s wrong, there’s so much to work with her canon design but nothing ever works out properly. Many of my ideas, like poofy pants (because of the dress shape) also felt too kiddy and so out of character for Tiana who is at the more mature end of Disney princesses. Still, with the most recent attempt there is a lot I like, but somehow it doesn’t quite fit together and I now notice that repeating the flower shape everywhere is pretty awkward. Sorry Tiana! Maybe fourth time is the charm.
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Charlotte - the first attempts feel too much like a formal party outfit instead of something for an adventure, so I had to lose the updo at least. The hat is a little silly but I figured it would fit the goofier Charlotte. I do like the bubble skirt (one of the abandoned Tiana ideas) but the top could still use some work.
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Rapunzel - very pleased with how the most recent one turned out apart from the hair looking a little too brown, it’s supposed to be just shading and not two-tone hair. 
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Merida - I’ve never figured out how to do her hair in Pokemon form and her canon dress is pretty stingy with workable details. I got the idea of using plaid from Sword/Shield, but I noticed everyone and their mother already drew Merida in a plaid shirt so I put it on her shorts instead. But in hindsight maybe I should have just gone with the flow.
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Vanellope - her design is really fun to work with and the result is one of my favourites. With the newer version I realised that I tend to use white a lot when I don’t know what to do, which usually is at least inoffensive, but that there could be a more interesting option if I dare to try something else (talking about the socks here).
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Anna - quite pleased with how the new version turned out but it could still do with some work, what was I thinking with black boots and almost-black tights? 
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Elsa - I really like how the cardigan thing turned out, except for the fact that I realised I had already used practically the same thing for Aurora (but hers is more boring so it’s the one subject to change). Meanwhile the dress is pretty bland. The leggings use the ice type uniform design from Sword/Shield.
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Moana - Another victim of the “I have to churn out something” project finale. I think I already had this queued and had to go back to doing at least some fixes because the initial version was somehow even more boring. I think the loose pants idea is very workable but she’ll just need more time and effort.
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Raya, Mirabel - they’re too recent to have a comparison but let’s have a few words on them anyway. I just couldn’t get anything out of Raya’s design (though she was one of the last characters  to be drawn and also I really don’t like her movie so I was very much not in a mood to try very hard) so the result ended up pretty boring and definitely waiting for a redesign. As for Mirabel I like her look a lot more and especially the skirt practically designed itself, but this still kinda feels like a first draft. 
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sunnynwanda · 6 months
hello!! i hope your day is going well <33 :D
could you please write a story about a hero and villain who are academic rivals? and one day before their final exams the villain finds the hero in the library late at night, really stressed about their exams. maybe the villain comforting a panicking hero?? :'))
i would really appreciate it if you could write this!! its completely fine if you don't want to :D
p.s your work is amazing!! 💙
Even Odds
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Hero shivers and shifts in their chair, folding their legs under them for warmth. They look up for a moment, noticing the snow cap on the lamppost outside the window, and rub their red eyes. It had been snowing for several hours now, and they had no idea how they were going to get home in their light coat and sneakers. It was warm in the morning when they ran out of their dorm room - not that they had time to look for winter clothes in the mess that was their wardrobe. The last month has been hectic, between classes, work, confrontations with Villain and all the catching up they had to do because of it. Not to mention that the smug bastard kept teasing them in class. They had no problem fighting Villain outside the classroom, yet facing them in class seemed infinitely more challenging and infuriating. All at the same time.
Christmas is coming up. Hero shakes their head at the thought. So are the finals. They close their eyes for a moment to let the wave of panic flash by them before returning to the subject matter. It takes Hero another two hours to realise the letters are blurring in front of their eyes. They can no longer discern the lines, and the paragraph looks entirely unfamiliar. They are doomed. Villain is going to destroy them with hungered passion, tearing into their flesh with snide remarks until Hero is left teary-eyed and defeated. And to think they enjoyed all of it once. They even went so far as to await the bickering arguments that followed after every class they shared.
With an exasperated sigh, they let their head fall onto the book. The panic returns with a fresh vigour, as do Hero's doubts. They want to cry from the helplessness that overwhelms their entire being. Their ears start ringing, probably from lack of nutrition. Hero presses their hands to their temples, trying to remember when they ate for the last time when a cough interrupts the flow of their thoughts.
"You look desperate," Villain muses, seemingly satisfied with the atmosphere in the 'enemy territory'. "I like it."
Hero has nothing to offer them but a deadpan look. They are too exhausted to muster any expression other than utter fatigue.
"What? Still trying to beat me?" They quip again, turning the chair to face their rival despite taking the seat right next to them. Hero doesn't react, much to Villain's dismay. They sigh, choosing another tactic - one that never fails to unnerve Hero. "Drop it, babe. No one can top me. Not in physics, at least."
Hero's eyebrows twitch, and Villain can't help the triumphant smirk that graces their thin lips. Gotcha.
"Sod off," Hero scoffs, flustered by their flirting and, more so, by their proximity.
Villain places their hands on the table and lays their head over them, mimicking Hero's position. "Says the one desperate to compete with me."
"Bold of you to assume I study for you," Hero's retort sounds surprisingly genuine. Villain isn't sure if they should find that offensive or not.
"Oh," their mouth forms a perfect round shape, and Hero almost reaches to touch their lips. Almost. They drop their hand over their eyes, trying to shake off whatever haze took them over. Sleep deprivation must be getting the best of them. It's sheer luck that Villain doesn't seem to have noticed. "Then why are you still here?"
"Because I have a lot of catching up to do, dimwit!" They don't mean to be mean, but they are just so tired, and Villain's nagging doesn't help. Not to mention that Hero is not ready for the exam, and both Villain and their professor will take their sweet time chewing them out tomorrow. Amazing start to the holidays!
"Shouldn't have missed the classes in the first place," Villain snaps back but softens upon spotting Hero's distress. Come to think of it, they had no idea why Hero would need to be absent so often. It's not like their confrontations took that much time out of their own week. So what was Hero so busy with? "Why did you miss so many, by the way?"
"None of your business!" Hero cuts them off rather harshly. They seem riled up for no reason, so Villain turns away towards the window, scrolling through possible distractions Hero might have been facing this semester. They're not fighting anyone else, and Villain was pretty damn sure they weren't dating. Or were they? Did Villain miss something? Should they be jealous?
Hero's low mumble draws their attention back to the matter at hand. "I'm still gonna score higher than you."
"Keep telling yourself that," Villain chuckles. Their brain is working overtime, trying to figure out how the smartest person they have ever met was behind the programme. "How long have you been here anyways?"
"I... don't know," the conclusion stuns Hero enough to get off the desk and sit straight. They have no time for conversations, but they also have no energy whatsoever to get up and leave. "What time is it?"
"Almost eleven..." When Villain glances at their watch, their eyebrows furrow in concern. "Wait, have you spent the entire day studying? Have you even eaten anything?"
Hero shakes their head instead of replying. Villain's eyes turn awfully round, and Hero smiles softly. This shouldn't look this endearing! They must have lost their marbles.
"Are you an idiot?" Villain questions, shaking their head when Hero attempts to answer. "That's not even a question, it's a statement."
"We have finals, dammit!" Indignation colours Hero's features, shading the weariness away. "I can't afford to fail, not after all the effort I've put in!"
"You won't fail," Villain sounds absolutely sure of their statement. They believe it, too. Hero, however, does not.
"How do you know?!" They break character, looking more panicked than Villain has ever seen. In fact, they haven't seen them scared, ever. Not even when they were hanging upside down from a skyscraper because Villain dared them to.
"I just do," they reassure, placing their hands on Hero's shoulders to get their attention. "I know."
"How?" Hero asks weakly. They look drained of life, and Villain hates to see the most cheerful person they know like that.
Fuck, is it them? Did they overdo it with the battles? Maybe they shouldn't challenge Hero so often. But then again, they only do that because they miss seeing their rival, and Hero has been skipping classes because of their job.
And then it strikes them. Their job. How could they forget Hero has to work? Ever since they lost their father, they took it upon themselves to support their family. And Villain had to go and add more to their plate - as if balancing classes and work wasn't bad enough. Shit.
They sigh at their stupidity, shaking their head to collect their thoughts before speaking.
"I've seen you ace every test, Hero," they cup Hero's chin, urging them to meet their eyes. "Not a single mistake, no cheating, nothing. You've got this. Trust me."
"What?" Hero's mouth is agape. Villain assumes their unexpected sincerity to be the reason but is proven wrong sooner than they can justify themselves. "Wait, do you cheat?"
"'Course not." They wait for Hero to nod before continuing. "I don't need it. You don't either."
"Well, I might this time," the claim makes Villain chuckle, baring the neat row of their teeth with slightly prominent fangs. Why the fuck do they keep noticing all this about Villain, of all people?
"Stop, Hero, stop," Villain catches their chin again, their stare intense when they speak. "You're not gonna fail. I promise. Now come on, you've got to get out of here, or your brain is gonna melt and drip out of your ears."
With that, they let go of Hero, and get up. Hero scrunches their nose at the graphic images that flood their tired head and starts collecting their books and countless pages of notes. Villain takes the last heap, shoving it into their bag while Hero fetches their jacket.
It's only later, after running through the showy courtyard back to their dorm and taking a hot shower to warm their limbs, when Hero pulls everything out of their bag to begin their night of studying, that they notice a few stapled sheets of unfamiliar notes. They are expertly organised and precisely what Hero needs to learn to pass the test. They stare at the pages for several seconds before shaking their head with a lopsided grin at the obnoxious and frustratingly sneaky little shit that slipped their notes into Hero's bag while they weren't looking.
They pull out their phone, sending a short "Thank you." text to their rival, only to receive a cheeky reply in mere seconds.
"Simply wanted to even out the odds. Let's see if you can top me now, babe."
Hello, dear!
Thank you so much for this request! I've wanted to write academic rivals for some time now, and this was the perfect opportunity for it. So yeah, thanks xD I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it :)
xo Sunny
P.S. I wasn't able to find the owner of the photo, credit to the owner.
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vilslover · 2 years
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ No home for the holidays (Papa Crewel)
Notes: this was insp by @adrianasunderworld papa crewel stuff so if you want to hear a summer vacation version of this read theirs!! Also I wrote this for comfort so sorry if this gets confusing ☹️
CW: It’s pretty angsty
You woke up in the morning freezing cold. Winter was already there and everyone had somewhere to go for the holiday except you! Even Grim found somewhere to go! He said he was gonna be “studying abroad” or something like that. So you’d be all alone for 2 and a 1/2 weeks and the heat didn’t even work! You woke up already aggravated.
You got up and walked down the stairs clutching the hoodie Crowley gave you to “survive the winter” to your body. It was a school spirit hoodie that didn’t even really conserve any heat, it just has long sleeves. You observe your surroundings and see the mess in front of you...maybe you could clean it up now that everyone was gone? At least that’s what you told yourself to try and make yourself feel better.
As you try to force the heater to work you hear a knock at your door. Who would be here right now? The only people here are teachers. Unless maybe Grim got kicked out of his study trip? You walk to open your door to see the two people you definitely didn’t expect to see standing on the doorstep of your dorm. Headmage Crowley and Professor Crewel, “Uh hi?”
“Y/N!” Crowley says oddly excitedly.
“Yes?” You didn’t think you could get anymore confused then you already where but you did.
“I have great news! I found somewhere for you to stay over the break!” He did an excited clap but you could hardly register what he was saying because of how tired you where.
“Staying...with who?” You rubbed your eyes and looked at the two men in front of you.
“Professor Crewel! He has graciously offered to host you for the break. So go on! Pack your stuff!” You didn’t have enough energy to say anything back so you let them into your frigid living room as you collect the small amount of non school stuff you owned into your backpack.
When you walk downstairs your professor seemed shocked by the state of your room and probably felt faint when he saw all your stuff fits in one backpack.
“Let’s hurry out of here.” Crewel muttered, getting out of the messy dorm as soon as possible. You follow after him outside as soon as possible. You follow him outside into the thick snow. As soon as your sneakers hit the snow you started to shiver. You really didn’t have the clothes for this weather, You didn’t have anything to handle this weather.
You finally reach your professors car, numb from the cold. He had bright red vintage car in surprisingly great condition.
“You can sit in the passenger seat pup.” You nod and sit down. The chairs have extremely comfortable covers on them and even a soft headrest. Crewel got into the driver seat turning on the heat and starting to drive. Once the heat started to finally defrost you a wave of drowsiness comes over you and you let yourself sleep.
Once you woke up you where pulling into the driveway of a huge mansion. Snow covered the grass all along the property but the driveway was totally clear. He probably had a bunch of people who shovel it, or he just uses magic. Once you pulled up outside a guy hurried over to get the keys from Crewel. You get out quickly so the car could be put away, your backpack on your shoulder. Once you get inside you get led to the room you’ll stay in so you can unpack. You didn’t have much to unpack so when you where done you took a nice hot shower and to your surprise a set of silk pajamas was on the bed and under that a new phone?! What was this about? You also notice that there’s a note with beautiful handwriting on it that read, “An early birthday present sense Crowley has only givens you rags - Divus Crewel.” The note made you giggle despite it being 100% true. He really did leave you in rags. You turn the note over and right a thank you note to slip under his door.
Over the past few days you and Crewel had grown close. You went on many shopping trips because as Crewel said you didn’t have enough clothes and he even got your new phone set up. You honestly loved your new phone a lot with the quality of your magicam stories improved so much even Vil noticed! But even if you where happy here you couldn’t help but get sad looking at how happy your friends look surrounded by their family. You wish your holiday could be like that but instead your stuck in your potions teachers huge house. Not that you where ungrateful. You felt extreme gratitude for him being so kind to let you live here. You just couldn’t shake the homesickness.
These thoughts kept you up late at night so you decided to go on a walk across the house until you got tired without your phone or anything to remind you of how you feel. Yet that horrible feeling would not go away. It was unfair. You couldn’t help but ugly crying right there in the hall, you felt pathetic.
Surely no one would walk in on your cry sesh, right? Wrong. As you kept crying Crewel walked out of his bedroom probably just to investigate who was breaking down in his hallway. He looked extremely confused before going into comfort mode. “Pup? What’s wrong?”
You couldn’t even get words out without being interrupted by an ugly sob. He pulled you into his room so you could just let it all out and you did. He held you until you exhausted yourself from crying. “Why don’t you sleep in my bed and I’ll sleep on the couch?”
You where in no mood to protest so you climb into the bed behind you. Deciding at the moment you’d decide to try and spend all your breaks in twisted wonderland with Crewel.
Reminder that I put in every single one of the end of my stories, remember my requests are open!
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sweetiesicheng · 1 year
seventeen - band mate
word count : 1,890
a little 14th member au. thought it was a cute idea.
it was late...
like, three in the morning late.
you were used to your long hours as a trainee under pledis, so coming home when the sun came up was almost normal most days. however, you were able to nail a performance down and were on your way home a littler bit "earlier" than usual.
you checked your phone, seeing a bunch of texts from your roommates. most of them were sent hours ago with the last one coming in a little past one o'clock.
after a quick walk, you were back to your dorm. you hurried into the building since it was snowing, making sure to wipe your sneakers on the mat.
you went upstairs to your dorm and reached the front door. you unlocked the door and opened it, noticing light coming in from inside.
you walked in and took your shoes off. then, you walked in and found s.coups sitting on the couch, but you noticed his eyes were closed. he had a hoodie on and his hands were in the pocket of his hoodie while the hood was scrunched up from the drawstring being pulled right.
"you're awake?" you immediately spoke.
your leader opened his eyes and looked over at you. he nodded and stretched the hood out so he could take it off.
"i was waiting for you to get back. you didn't text any of us saying what time you'll be back. i knew you'd be back late, but i expected you back earlier since you have practice all day tomorrow too," he said. "did you eat?" he asked.
you nodded and joined him on the couch after taking your coat off.
"i'm so tired," you mentioned, laying your head down on his lap.
"but all of your effort is gonna lead to one hell of a debut," s.coups said to you.
you were joining seventeen. despite being a trainee for years, you would have never thought you would have debuted, let alone in one of your favorite groups.
you were still intimidated by some of the guys, but the three leaders were the ones who made you feel like you belonged. you didn't think they would like you, but they love you instead.
"when did woozi come home? i thought he would've been working still, but i peeked in and no one was inside," you asked.
"he has to get up for a schedule at seven, so he figured he should get some sleep for once. he texted me asking why you were still practicing," s.coups said. "you should go to sleep too."
"but i didn't get to see any of you guys besides from this morning. i get lonely you know," you said to him, leaving him to chuckle in response.
"you and your quality time," he said with another chuckle.
"oh shut up," you said to him and finally sat back up. "i'm going to sleep."
"shower first. you stink."
"you stink too."
"i do not!"
"y/n? want breakfast?"
you turn around and see to see joshua peeking his head into the bathroom. you nodded your head while brushing your teeth.
"what about coffee?"
you nodded again with a hum.
"you got it," joshua smiled before closing the door.
you finished getting ready before going into the kitchen, where joshua was cooking.
"myungho, come eat!" he yelled, calling for the dancer.
"where's s.coups?" you asked as you picked up one of the mugs of coffee. you poured creamer and sugar in before mixing the contents together and drinking the beverage.
"he already left, think he went to the gym," joshua answered.
"oh? he doesn't have a schedule?" you asked as joshua put a plate of food out.
"i guess not," joshua replied and finished up cooking.
the8 came out of his room, wearing sweats and a t-shirt. "ready for today?"
"huh? oh, are we practicing together today?" you asked him with a smile, excitement almost boiling.
he chuckled, "yea, we are."
"the rest of us will be there around two o'clock," joshua mentioned as all of you started to eat breakfast together. "aren't we learning new stuff?" he asked.
"yea. to add into the performance for next weekend," the8 answered. "how's your shoulder?" he asked you, knowing that you had messed it up a smidge the other day.
"it's okay. i've been putting that ointment stuff jun gave me on it and that seems to do the trick," you replied and took a sip of coffee.
"really? i should try some next time then," the8 replied. "come on, let's eat up," he said to you.
the three of you ate breakfast together and walked out of the dorm together with joshua going to the floor where one of the other dorms was. you and the8 were taken to the company building by one of your managers. once you were at the hybe building, you two went to the practice rooms and started rehearing the new title track as well as your solo stage you would have for some of the music shows and events.
"watch your elbows," the8 commented while watching you dance. he had helped choreograph your solo with you since your dance styles were similar in some aspects. "make it more soft. you're being too sharp," he continued, "softer. you know the details, just go with it.”
once the song ended, you got ready to rehearse it again since the music started replaying. you continued practicing with the8 watching you; him dancing along to the parts he knew for fun.
at some point, the guys started trickling in, meaning that it was almost time for the second rehearsal. you still continued practicing, nervous about accidentally messing up in front of everyone else.
"woah! look at y/n go!" hoshi commented when the song ended.
you smiled while taking deep breaths, having your hands on the back of your hand.
"hey, drink some water," woozi spoke up, grabbing your water bottle off of the guard and bringing it over to you.
"thank you," you replied and moved your hands to grab the bottle. woozi nodded and walked back to where he put his phone down. you took a sip while different music started playing from the sound system.
"hey, this part?" the8 spoke up while moving his arms to show a move, "try doing this instead," he suggested, demonstrating the move differently.
you closed the water bottle and put it on the floor. you tried the move out and the8 nodded.
"i think that would look better," he commented and you nodded in agreement.
"yea, i think you're right," you replied.
he gave you some notes and you practiced some more before the second rehearsal started with everyone else.
"like this?" you asked hoshi, who was helping you with a section of the choreography for the title track.
"yea, and then boom," he said, demonstrating the next move. you followed him, "good." he said with a smile, "you're doing really good," he said, suddenly hugging you and messing up your hair.
"hoshi!" you laughed as he continued messing around with you. "stop it!" you said while laughing.
then, you were pulled away by someone. that someone was jun.
"is hoshi being annoying again?" he asked you.
"hey! y/n!" hoshi yelled at you, making you laugh. "come on, you need to learn this part," he said.
"but this part is still weird to me," you said to him, demonstrating the part you were talking about. "see?"
"well, you're doing it right. you just look a little weird," he commented and looked around, "dino! come here!"
"huh? what?" dino asked from across the room. he put his phone down and started walking over.
"how can we make y/n look less weird for this part?" hoshi asked, showing the move off again.
"that part? y/n, do it," dino said as he stopped next to jun, who was also observing.
you did the move and the three of them stared. you faced the mirror and tried fixing it yourself.
"ah! do this," dino suddenly said and slowly demonstrated. you followed him but at a faster pace. he shook his head, "no, go slow."
you slowly demonstrated the move, and dino nodded his head.
"that part is really weird though," jun commented, "cause then we have this part too," he said while doing the next moves.
"i can talk to hyung about it when he comes back. he probably noticed it too," hoshi said. "guys, let's go through all of it with the music," he said to the rest of the guys.
with practice over, you sat against the floor with your back against one of the mirrors. your eyes were closed? and you could tell you were getting really sleepy.
"y/n? come eat with us,” you heard s.coups call for you. you nodded your head in response but didn't make the effort to move.
"should we let her sleep?" you heard mingyu ask, "think she needs a nap."
"if she sleeps, then she's not gonna sleep later," joshua replied. "her sleep schedule is all over the place right now too," he added. "s.coups, when did she get back last night?" joshua asked out of curiosity.
"it was like after three. she was tired then too," s.coups answered, "but she's been rehearsing day and night for the day the album drops."
you heard the guys talk at a lower volume while eating dinner that all of you had ordered earlier. you were hungry, but you were even more tired.
"y/n, here."
you managed to open your eyes when you heard jeonghan's voice. he stood in front of you before sitting down with a takeout container of food in his hand.
"come on, eat," he instructed, holding the container out to you. you took the chopsticks that were in jeonghan’s other hand and started eating.
eventually, jeonghan stopped holding the container, so you held it instead. he stood back up and walked back to where he left his food but returned to sit next to you.
once you finished eating, you left the empty container in front of you and laid down on the floor next to jeonghan, who had stayed by you.
"can you stay up a little longer? we'll be able to leave soon," jeonghan asked you, waking you up from dream world.
"sleepy..." you mumbled.
all of a sudden, you felt water being poured on your head and sat up. you immediately noticed vernon and seungkwan standing in front of you, both of them holding water bottles.
"what the hell?" you mumbled. "i'm being bullied again," you announced, even though only some of the guys had heard you.
"we aren't bullying you," seungkwan spoke, "just playing around. right vernon?"
"yea, just fooling around," vernon replied before drinking some water.
"that was just cruel," wonwoo spoke up while laughing.
"then stop laughing with them!" you whined. dk got up and walked over to you, placing a towel that he had on top of your head. "thank you," you said to him.
"mhm," he smiled with a chuckle. “you can throw water at them later,” he whispered and you nodded with a smile.
"hey, let's be ready to practice again in fifteen," s.coups announced, receiving some gruff responses, "stop whining."
"are we allowed to complain instead?"
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freeuselandonorris · 4 months
just fully lost my mind and spend an hour making a nortrell playlist and it's bleak
dorian electra - touch grass they told me, “touch grass outside” told ‘em, “ratio, go cry”
lcd soundsystem - i used to you led me far away and let me go
sneaker pimps - sick i’ll play your games, learn to get on with your backward fans stick my body in the sun and help to get rid of the white tan and maybe then you wouldn’t get so sick of me
charli xcx - hot girl (bodies bodies bodies) i travel ‘round the globe paris fashion week and i’m in the front row but i’m going skiing even when the slopes are closed cos i’m so hot with snow up my nose
drake ft. SZA& sexxy red - rich baby daddy real bitch held me down ‘fore i had a name
soulwax - do you want to get into trouble? is it always on time? is it always on? is it not what you want? does it make you come? do you want it tonight? do you want it all? does it make you feel sad? does it turn you on?
RÜFÜS DU SOL - on my knees (adriatique remix) looks like there’s rain up ahead like there’s a crack in the heavens feels like my day could be turning like i can tell that my luck’s gonna change
drake - sticky when everything is put to rest and everybody takes a breath and everything gets addressed it’s you alone with your regrets all that pumpin’ up your chest all that talk about the best you know how sticky it gets
charli xcx - good ones don’t want the kisses unless they’re bitter i’m hooked on touches that leave me weaker i swear that i love nothing more than broke i always let the good ones go
lynks - NEW BOYFRIEND we said we were gonna be friends sing it with me: friends don’t give each other head!
st vincent - los ageless how can anybody have you and lose you and not lose their mind too?
run the jewels - job well done so i think we’ve burned our bridges, but it’s difficult to tell i’ve been walking through the ashes, saying “didn’t we do well?”
self esteem - how can i help you? how can i help you feel better about you? how can i help you do what it is that you always hoped you could set out to prove?
radiohead - ful stop why should i be good if you’re not? / the truth will mess you up
not linking to my spotify here bc it's linked to my name/photo but msg me if you want it ig?
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thefluffychipmunk · 1 year
Snow Ball 1978
Fruity Four Advent Challenge, Day 22! Hawkins Middle Snow Ball! I finally wrote something! So I missed several stories I had planned, for several days over the past few weeks, because writers block is kicking my ass. But this one came pretty easily. And I'm so glad it did because I was starting to get mad at myself. Maybe I'll get those other stories out. Incredibly late. Maybe I won't. That's okay. I managed this one. And I had fun writing it. That's what counts.
    Steve was tired of this stupid dance already and he’d only been here half an hour. Three different girls had asked him to dance and he’d given them one dance each before retreating back to the bleachers with Tommy and Carol. They continued to mostly ignore him in favor of each other. He didn’t know why he was there at all. 
A seventh grade girl asked him to dance and he waved her off. Sixth grade was hard enough without having to worry about girls, but it seemed like all any of them was thinking about was him. Being the popular kid in elementary school was fun. Being the popular kid in middle school seemed like nothing but trouble. 
“Steve! Look at the freak!” Carol nudged him and pointed towards the door, not even trying to hide her laugh. There was a boy walking in, tall and lanky, in the darkest suit Steve had ever seen. It didn’t seem to fit him quite right… too long in the jacket, too tight on the shirt collar, too short on the pants. And he was wearing beat up dirty sneakers instead of dress shoes. His hair was brown and curly and all over the place. Completely unruly. He had a small bouquet of half wilted flowers clutched in his hand with a death grip. He was a mess. An absolutely beautiful mess and Steve couldn’t stop staring. 
The boy was looking everywhere, giving each face no more than a second long glance. Steve couldn’t look anywhere but at him. His heart was hammering in his chest and his stomach was doing flips. He didn’t know what that meant but he was pretty sure it wasn’t good. 
“Where’d he get that suit? The funeral home?” Tommy laughed. 
“I bet he stole it off a dead body.” Carol was ridiculous. Steve tuned them out. He didn’t like it when they got mean like that. So the kid’s suit didn’t fit right. That shouldn’t matter.
He watched the boy finally find what he was looking for and stumble his way over to a group of girls on the other side of the gym. He tapped a girl on the shoulder and smiled as she turned. Steve’s stomach dropped. He didn’t want that boy to be talking to that girl. But he couldn’t figure out why it should matter. It shouldn’t matter. He didn’t even know him. He knew the girl, she was a total snob, but that shouldn’t matter either.
The boy held the flowers out and the girl laughed. It wasn’t a nice laugh. Suddenly all the girls in that group were laughing. The boy’s face fell. Steve didn’t know what was going on. He couldn’t hear much over the music, but he could tell it wasn’t good. Something about a joke and stupid and freak. Freak. Everyone kept saying that word and finally a boy came forward and knocked the flowers to the floor. The beautiful boy, the one they kept calling freak, pushed the other boy and suddenly there was a fight on the dance floor. Kids crowded around, teachers scrambled to intervene, even Tommy and Carol stopped what they were doing to join the chant. 
The principal was finally able to push through the crowd of kids and snatch both boys by their shirts. He hauled them up and dragged them right past the bleachers towards the door. Right by Steve and Tommy and Carol.
“He started it! He punched me first!” Steve recognized that kid. His name was John and he was nice to Steve and Tommy and some others, but mean to pretty much everyone else. 
“He knocked my flowers down!” The freak tried to defend himself. His voice cracked. He looked like he was going to cry.
“Yeah well you shouldn’t have brought flowers for my girlfriend!” John yelled. 
“Well your girlfriend shouldn’t have invited me to the dance!” The principal shook them both and dragged them out of the gym. Excitement over, kids started dancing again. Steve was smart enough to know what happened. He’d watched stuff like this happen before. The girl had invited the boy to the dance as a joke. He believed her. She just wanted to embarrass him. And it worked. It always worked. Steve felt sick to his stomach.
“I need to take a leak.” He shoved his drink at Tommy and stood up.
“You okay? You look like you’re going to ralph.” Carol asked. 
“Yeah. Too much punch. I’ll be back.” He waved her off and left the gym, his hands in his pockets. He didn’t go to the bathroom though. He grabbed his coat and wandered the halls looking for the boy. 
He saw the principal lead John back to the gym, but the other boy was nowhere to be found. Steve kept wandering. He finally found him by the payphones outside. He was glad he’d had the forethought to grab his coat.
“Please, Uncle Wayne? Dad just dropped me off, you know he won’t come back to get me already.” He was quiet for a minute, tapping his foot and drumming his leg with his fingers. “He’s probably at the bar.” Another beat. “Yeah, okay. I’ll be outside waiting. Thank you.” The boy hung up the phone and leaned his forehead against it.
“You okay?” Steve asked. The boy jumped about a mile and glared at him.
“Why do you care?” he asked suspiciously. Steve held his hands up in what he hoped was a non-threatening gesture. 
“What they did in there was mean. I just wanted to check on you. I’m sorry.” The kid visibly relaxed. He moved towards Steve but stopped just short of the door, leaning against the wall. Steve let the door close behind him and joined him. He was at least a head shorter but he tried to look like it didn’t bother him. Like he didn’t care that he was still small.
“You’re a little shrimp of a kid, aren’t you?” The other boy looked down at him. Steve frowned.
“I’m only eleven. I’ll grow.” The kid laughed. 
“Yeah, well, I’m nearly thirteen and I can’t seem to stop growing. You’re a sixth grader then?” He asked. Steve nodded. “You like it here?”
“It’s alright.” Steve shrugged. The kid hummed in the back of his throat and put his shoe up against the wall, bending his knee and leaning his head back. Steve mimicked him.
“That’s good, I guess. Me? I hate it. But I won’t be here for long. My dad, he’s going to get his big break soon and then he said we’re out of here. He’s taking me to California and I’m never coming back.” The boy slid one hand right off the other with a whooshing noise. Steve nodded, not sure what to say. They were quiet for a minute, the kid twiddling his thumbs and Steve chewing on his bottom lip.
“You can go back to the dance, y’know. I’m just waiting on my uncle.” 
“I can wait with you. It’s a lame dance anyway.” The boy looked at him long and hard, humming in the back of his throat again. Steve had no idea what any of it meant. But every time the kid looked at him, his heart stuttered and his stomach jumped.
“Yeah, dances are pretty stupid. All fancy clothes and terrible music.” 
“I like some of the music. Don’t really like the clothes though. My mom made me wear this.” It was a lie. His mom hadn’t made him wear anything. He’d picked it out himself. She hadn’t even known there was a dance, nevermind that he was going to it. Tommy’s mom had given him a ride. He wasn’t about to tell this kid that. He didn’t want to seem pathetic. This kid was cool. Steve wanted to be cool too. Cool for him.
They were quiet again for awhile, Steve wasn’t sure how long. At some point the kid started shivering. It was the middle of December and he didn’t have a coat. Steve handed his own over. It was too small by a lot but the boy put it on anyway. He stomach did that flip flop thing again seeing the boy in his clothes. If he were a little bit taller, a little bit wider, he could share all his clothes. He really really wanted to hand over everything. 
“Why did they call you a freak?” Steve finally asked. He knew he probably shouldn’t have, but it was cold and it was quiet and they were waiting an awfully long time.
“Because I am, I guess. I don’t conform to what they think I should be. I have to be myself, y’know?” Steve didn’t know. Not really. He wasn’t ever allowed to be himself, not even at home.
“I don’t even know who myself is.” He hadn’t meant to say that out loud.
“You’ll figure it out one day.” It was Steve’s turn to hum. He wasn’t so sure about all that. His life had already been planned out for him. He didn’t dare step out of that little box.
“I’m sorry they were so mean.” He didn’t know what else to say. The boy squinted down at him.
“Why are you apologizing? You aren’t the one who lied. Besides, girls are stupid and you aren’t a girl.” Steve tried to stop a laugh and it came out more like a cough. The kid thumped him on the back a few times.
“I was just thinking the same thing.” he choked out. The boy looked at him, hand stilled on his back. “Girls. They’re stupid. They all want to dance with me and make googly eyes and put notes in my locker. But I don’t want to talk to them. I don’t want anything to do with them.” 
“You might change your mind one day.” 
“Did you?” The boy laughed at him.
“No. Boys are better.” Steve got the feeling they were talking about two different things, but he kind of hoped they weren’t. Steve didn’t want to change his mind about girls, even though he knew he was supposed to. His parents made it very clear what was expected of him, what was acceptable and what wasn’t. And the way he was feeling right now was far from acceptable. But he didn’t care, not right this minute anyway. His parents weren’t here and this boy was. He wanted the way this boy made him feel, with butterflies and his heart beating every which way. 
“There’s my uncle.” The boy pointed to the parking lot by the high school. An old truck was rambling its way down the lane to the middle school. He handed the coat back to Steve. “It was nice talking to you. Thanks for waiting with me.” They both pushed off the wall and Steve moved back to the door. He hesitated, his hand hovering over the knob. He didn’t want this to be it. He liked this boy. He wanted more.
And suddenly he knew what all those feelings meant. What more meant. What he wanted to do.
He turned back to the boy. Grabbed him by his ill-fitting suit jacket. And tugged him down to his level. He leaned up on his tip toes and kissed him. It was fast and it was awkward, the surprise of it meaning he didn’t really get a kiss back. But that was okay. It was Steve’s first kiss and he’d been the one to initiate it. And he loved it. It was soft and warm and sent electricity tingling all the way through him, right down to his toes. 
“I’ll see you Monday?” he asked, walking backwards to the doors. He didn’t even know the kids name, realized he’d never given his either, but that didn’t matter. He’d find him.
“Yeah…” the boy whispered, reaching up to touch his lips. Steve beamed at him and vanished behind the doors, back into the school. He practically ran back to the gym, back to Tommy and Carol, and though he didn’t tell anybody why, he was smiling for the whole rest of the night.
He spent all weekend planning out what he was going to say. How he would find the seventh grader in the hallways when the sixth graders weren’t supposed to interact with them.
But then he didn’t see the boy on Monday. Or Tuesday. Or the whole rest of the days before winter break. He looked for him, even asked about him a few times, but nobody knew what happened. Rumors flew about the freak, about where he went and what happened that night. Some said he’d been suspended. Others said he’d been expelled. A couple people thought he got arrested or he ran away from embarrassment. Steve knew none of it was true. He’d just have to wait.
He didn’t show up to school for the second semester either. Steve gave up looking. Gave up asking. Eventually, everybody else gave up caring and the boy vanished from middle school gossip. When a boy showed up in eighth grade, at the start of Steve’s seventh grade year, he didn’t think much of it. The kid had the same brown eyes, but his hair was buzzed and he was shorter than Steve. And sure, Steve had shot up several inches over the summer, but his boy must have as well. This kid couldn’t be him. This kid wasn’t friendly. He was mean. Angry. Steve ignored him. 
Eventually he’d forgotten. Forgotten what the kid looked like, what he said, what he did. Forgotten all about that sixth grade Snow Ball dance. He didn’t forget the kiss, though, or the way it made him feel. He spent the rest of his middle and high school years chasing that feeling. Trying to find it. And somewhere, in the back of his mind, subconsciously, he remembered that boy. Remembered the curly brown hair and the honey sweet brown eyes. Remembered the smile and the butterflies. Subconsciously he knew he could find it, that electricity, if he just kept looking for soft brown curls. For soft brown eyes.
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bambimargera · 1 year
Hell or Helsinki (Bam x Ville)
Bam finds out his girlfriend has been cheating on him and decides he needs to get away to clear his head.
prt. 1 of ?
contains: crying, drinking, slight smut
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“I know dude, I’m so sorry..” Novak tried as hard as he could to keep Bam from exploding, having learned from past experiences that the rowdy skateboarder doesn’t typically handle bad news with grace. “I thought it would be best if you heard it from a friend, and not some stupid tabloid..” The blondes concern continued, watching with caution as Bam paced around his room frantically throwing a few things in his bag. “You could do way better than her any-“
“I fucking know i can, that’s why i can’t believe she would cheat!” Bam interrupted and threw a shirt at Novak, taking little effort to knock him down onto the bed. “I’m leaving, don’t follow me.” He warned, slamming the door of the bedroom behind him. His stomps echoed through the castle, alerting everyone that something was wrong. “Bam! Bam where are you going in such a hurry?!” April yelled as she ran towards the front door, hoping to block his path before he would inevitably do something stupid. Bam stomped down the stairs to stand in front of her, his eyes glossy and bloodshot. “Hell or Helsinki, I’ll figure it out.” He grabbed April by the shoulders and moved her out of the way to fling open the door, leaving without so much of goodbye. “Bam take your jacket! Please call when you get to where you’re going! We love you!” April yelled into the snowy sunrise, watching as Bam wasted no time in zooming off in his Lamborghini.
The snow against his face felt like an attack from a million frozen little bees. Bam was warned by many flight attendants to be careful once they landed, Helsinki had just been hit with the worst snow storm of the season. The street lights illuminated the blowing snow like billions of frozen confetti pieces under a spotlight. Bam didn’t care, he needed to be in the arms of someone who understood about him better than anyone else. He trudged though the snow in his frozen sneakers, sinking deeper into self hatred as he thought about the parka he had basically thrown back in April’s face before leaving. Bam stopped and attempted to read the street signs; wishing he would’ve brushed up on his Finnish, he trekked on. His grey blazer was throughly soaked and caked with snow, ‘just make it to the hotel’ he thought.
Bam walked for what felt like hours in the storm, all of his exposed skin turning a bright shade of purplish red. How much further could it possibly be? He asked himself as he sat down on the stairs of a beautiful antique stone building to collect his thoughts. Bam knew he couldn’t sit for long, he was cold and only getting colder- he needed to get to that hotel. If only he had remembered his phone, he could’ve called Ville. If only he hadn’t of turned down the coat from his mom, he’d probably be further away from hypothermia. Maybe he did deserve to get cheated on, he was the worst boyfriend ever. Just like that, the all consuming negative thoughts came crashing down. Thoughts of giving up completely and retreating into a snow bank for a long nap crossed his mind. Bam didn’t even try to hold it back anymore, and let himself sob as the snow blasted all around him. The tears stung his cheeks, freezing before they could even complete their journey of rolling off of his chin.
“Bam? Bam is that you?!” Bam Instantly recognized the voice, and his swollen doe eyes squinted around to get a glimpse through the snow; nobody there. He put his head back into his hands and began to cry even harder, was he so crazy he was just hearing voices now?? Bam was a mess.
“Get up dummy! You’re gonna die out here!” Ville shouted out the window of a black Audi that had been hidden through the thick sheets of falling snow, and motioned for the crying skater to join him. Bam’s head shot up like a deer in head lights, and he slowly got up and waddled his way to the passenger side door. Ville studied the smaller mans movements with concern as he settled himself in the seat, his face was nearly blue and stained with frozen tears. The pair didn’t say a word to each other as Ville began to drive down the road, and the pent up negative energy in Bam was begging to be unleashed. Ville had been furious with Bam, searching and calling for hours with no answer had made every fibre in his body anxious. He didn’t expect to find his friend in this state, and really didn’t want to set him off any further.
Bam had locked his gaze out the side window, attempting to hide his pathetic break down from Ville. He softly wiped his cheek and sniffled quietly, the emotions working their way back up the poor mans throat. “Do.. do you wanna talk about what happened? You know you can tell me anything buddy.” Ville’s soft voice was nearly a whisper, hoping to chip away at the obvious walls Bam had put up around himself. “No!” The skater barked, “I just got off a 10 hour fucking flight, my fucking girlfriend is cheating on me, and i forgot my phone!” The hot tears began streaming down his face and he collapsed into his hands. Ville screeched the car to a stop and pulled to the side of the empty road, instinctively placing a hand on Bam’s knee to comfort him. “Am I a bad person? I.. I don’t know anymore.. Is this karma for being a bad person? Ville I’ve never been in so much pain in my life..” Ville’s eyes widened in shock, completely gobsmacked to discover these dark thoughts that Bam was having, it was so unlike him. “I need a drink. Take me to the drinks.” Bam’s voice was strangely monotone as he attempted to compose himself, his face almost fully thawed. Ville smiled softly and pulled back onto the road towards the hotel.
“Something strong that doesn’t taste like ass!” Bam yelled towards the bar as he trudged his way to the back, taking off and tossing his jacket deep into a booth. The waitresses all stopped and stared at Ville as he sheepishly walked up towards the bar, hoping he would clarify what his grumpy friend had shouted at them.
“Luckily, they were out of ass juice. I got us double vodka pineapples.” Ville smiled as he slid into the open end of the booth, sliding the glass over to the sulking skater. Bam grunted, meaning ‘thanks’, and chugged the entire glass and threw it across the bar sending broken glass shards everywhere. The entire bar got quiet, shattered glass littering the floor. “What?! Mind your own business you fucks!” Bam screamed at no in in particular, attempting to shimmy out of the booth. Panicked, Ville grabbed Bam’s hand and held him at the table. “Bam please, relax. We can drink as much as you want, as long as you don’t get us kicked out!” He chuckled as he looked Bam over with a mixture of worry and pity, and began softly rubbing his hand with his thumb.
A waitress brought over another round of drinks and shots, hoping that liquoring up the pair would calm the smaller one down. Bam instantly downed his drink and the shot like water, and slammed the glasses down on the table. He sighed for a moment and looked down at the contrast between his small hand in the large Finnish mitt. “Fuck me.” Bam declared, locking eyes with Ville. “What?!” The taller man choked, completely caught off guard. “I want you, to fuck me. Rail me into the headboard, break my fucking back- use me... please, i want to feel desirable to someone that cares about me..” The drunken desperation became more evident in every word, Ville sipped his drink and thought of how he could politely let his already hurt friend down gently. Bam didn’t appreciate this silence, and leaned over the table to get closer to Villes face. “Y’know..” He stuttered, “I’ve always wanted to know what it feels like to be came in..” Bam whispered just centimetres from Villes face, obnoxiously breathing in his scent.
Ville audibly swallowed his anxiety. “Bam you’re drunk, and you’re in pain.. We should just get you up to bed and safe.” Ville’s deep voice rattled as he worked up the courage to meet the pained blue eyes, still batting their eyelashes only inches from his face. “I think you’re just scared you’d fall in love with me..” Bam smirked and he threw himself back down in the booth. Ville was almost relived that the drunken flirting had ceased, he knew he would give in eventually if it was kept up. He took a few gulps of his drink until he felt fingers delicately walking up his thigh; and looked down to see Bam under the table eagerly looking up at him. Ville grabbed Bam’s hand and pulled him up to sit on his lap, deeply embarrassed of how Bam was behaving in such a nice place. “You don’t have to beg me baby, be careful what you wish for.. Now, get your ass upstairs.” Ville whispered into the crook of Bam’s neck, feeling him shiver with every word. Bam smiled and drunkenly hopped out of the booth and hobbled towards the door, “Charge 210 babe!” Ville followed the wobbly skater on his quest to the elevator and tried his hardest to contain a laugh; they were in room 417.
To be continued~
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sweetandsourfics · 2 years
Show Stopper
Eddie Munson x Theatre Kid Reader | SFW | 1 of ?
Summary: The Freak and a Theatre kid. Who knew that Eddie would find his Princess behind some poorly constructed props?
Warnings: Explicit language, fluff, Eddie being a sweetie as usual.
Author's Notes: This is part one of 2 (maybe more, idk) of Eddie and his little Theater kid lover. Yes, you heard me! Lover. Feedback would be very much appreciated. I love hearing everyone's thoughts and opinions. PS. Eddie would 1000% call you his princess.
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The Hellfire Club conducts their sessions in the auditorium hidden amongst the props.
Often they are entering just as you and the other theatre nerds are leaving.
Polite smiles and shy waves are exchanged between you and the Hellfire members.
Tonight was a night where the Hellfire members crawled into the shadows and tested their warriors. Unknown to the members, a lowly drama club member stays behind from her pack.
With the school's production of 'The Snow Queen.' Only a month away. You had volunteered to stay behind and try and finish painting the Ice Queen's castle with a few others. Who all left an hour ago.
The Hellfire Club chattered away. Their voices bouncing off the high ceilings. Hearing them made you feel less lonely as you painted another layer of blue onto the plie wood.
That was until they went silent. It was eerie how quiet they all went. You swear you could hear a pin drop.
The silence was cut down by Eddie's booming voice. He narrated passionately of where the players last left their campaign.
Eddie's voice pulled you into the scene. It didn't matter that you have joined the story many hours deep.
The stoke of your paint brush began to slow. No longer dipping from water, to paint to board.
You winced has players were injured and cheered to yourself as a few Nat 20s were rolled. You'll have to ask what it means but you have picked up from their victorious cries that it was a good thing.
You got so lost in Eddie's words that you didn't realses time slipping you by. It wasn't until Eddie announced that they should stop for the night you looked at your watch.
10:08 pm
Shit. You curse under your breath. Collecting brushes. In your haist you didn't see the tin of Fresh Ice Blue.
With a deafening clang the tin tumbles spilling it's contents painting your sneaker and the stage floor.
"Shit! Fuck! Shit!" You string out a line of curses discarding the brushes to quickly stop the spill from pooling.
You didn't hear Eddie leave the Hellfire's sanctrume until his voice comes comes from behind you. "You okay?"
"Yes-no." You panic, "I've knocked over some paint."
Eddie pears around you, cringing at the splattered paint.
Without being asked Eddie peels off some pages from a pile of news papers and starts to clean the mess.
With Eddie's help you manged to sort of clean the paint from the wooden stage.
"It's...not bad?" Eddie winces through his teeth.
Rubbing your eyes, you let out a defeated sigh. "It's questionable."
"Very questionable but I didn't see anything. I was the only one here." He says moving dramatically. "No theatre nerds in sight."
You couldn't help but smile. He always manged to put a smile on your lips. Even if he or you didn't realise it.
Tossing the balled up paper in the bin you look up at the leader of the Hellfire club. "Thank you- for the help."
Eddie flashes you a toothy grin. "It was not a problem."
A silence falls between the two of you. It wasn't awkward but it was heavy with unspoken thoughts.
Eddie clears his throat, kicking his scuff shoe against the stage. "I've got a game to pack up so, I better get started with that."
"I'll help. You helped me with my mess it's the least I can do."
You follow Eddie as he disappears behind the false brick wall. Moving through the maze of probs he leads you to his throne.
You're jaw drops as you see the remance of the Hellfire's game.
"This is some set up."
"Nah, it's not that impressive."
"Yes! Very King Eddie and his knights of the....rectangle table."
He laughs proudly, flopping onto his throne. "A king? The princess of the drama club has growend me king!"
You play along with his dramatics, "and may I say your majesty you can spin a good tale."
"You heard?"
Shyly you pick at the miniatures. "I didn't mean too." You gesture to the ceiling, "acoustics."
"Blame it on the acoustics." He teases.
You can feel your cheeks grow warm with a blush. You hope Eddie doesn't notice.
Once the Hellfire's mess has been tidy the two of you leave side by side. The night's air nips at your skin.
"Do you need a lift?" Eddie asks.
You try to sputter out a polite decline. You don't want to be an inconvenience but he swoops in with his kind words before you find your voice.
"I wouldn't rest not knowing if the princess has or hasn't made it to her castel."
You stutter out. "I would really appreciate it if you could."
"Then follow me, princess."
Again with pet name. If any other boy called you Princess you would have destroyed them verbally but when Eddie says it. It sends the butterflies in your stomach wild.
"That's my ride." Eddie gestures towards a beaten van. "I know that it isn't the type of steed that is worthy of a Princess but-"
"A trusty steed is better then a shiny one."
Eddie's van spuuters to life. The head lights eating the shadows and a drum solo shaking the quietness.
You look down at your shoes faking interest in the new paint splatters. Squeezing your fingers, you scold yourself for being so awkward.
You can sing and dance in front of hundreds of people with unbreakable confidence, yet an audience of one Eddie Munson has your confidence eating itself.
You are grateful for Eddie's music as it makes the silence less tense, and Eddie's fun facts about the song or band does force you to squeak out a few words.
Eddie turns down the radio as he pulls into your driveway.
"Thank you again, Eddie." You like the way his name feels on your tongue.
He smiles softly. Those dark eyes observing you. "It was my pleasure. "Til next time, Princess."
Climbing out of his van, you wave goodbye as you close the door. You took two steps before the glow of the headlights started to recede. Spinning on your heel, "Eddie!"
You shouting his name forces him to slam on the break. Eddie pokes his head out of the driver's window, "what?"
"Come to the play, yeah?" You squeeze the strap of your backpack.
"I'd love to!" A smile breaks out on his face.
You can't see them, but you know his dimples are on display.
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majicmarker · 2 years
wip whatever-the-fuck-today-is
tagged by: @agentmmayy @carry-the-sky @chrissy-n-eddie @hangon-silvergirl in various snippet games as of late, but my docs are a fckin mess so i’ve hodgepodged them all together here
anyway here’s a li’l smthn from the next chapter of wish he would get over you that i’m workin on rn instead of my job that i do for money:
Her jeans are acid-washed and high-waisted and they look a little big on her, but then again what doesn’t? She’s wearing that red stuff on her mouth again (Christ), and a cropped Hawkins High tee that shows off a tantalizing (because Eddie’s a loser) strip of her stomach when she stretches. Her scrunchie is just as pristinely white as her sneakers.
Eddie doesn’t know how she keeps herself so clean. It would make him want to mess her up a little, y’know, if he had any idea how to mess her up, but—again, despite appearances, maybe, because plenty of people think he’s sacrificing virgins on the weekends rather than being the virgin, even though Eddie personally and humbly thinks it’s pretty obvious that he’s as pure as the driven snow, thankyouverymuch, but anyway—he’s pretty clueless when it comes to… all that. Porn and a vivid imagination will take you places, sure, but it only goes so far and his stamina’s complete shit, anyway.
The best he can do, really, is say that he wants to kiss her, and that would probably be enough to mess up her lipstick, at least.
tagging: whoever feels like sharing a li’l smthn of their own!!
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cosplayinamerica · 2 years
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Plow King & Mr. Plow from The Simpsons / Cosplayer: Chris M & @dondiaz98 // Photo: tascena
Chris D (@dondiaz98) Chris M and I were attorneys working at the same firm and became friends bonding over various fandoms, the most significant of which was The Simpsons. I had cosplayed at several NYCC's and other cons and had mentioned doing Mr. Plow and Plow King to Chris M. When he responded yes, I was so excited that I had to double check to be sure he was serious! Thank God he was! He agreed to be Plow King and we were off to the races!
Chris M: I gotta give credit to Mr. Plow on this one. I had never even been to NYCC. He told me about his intention to do Mr. Plow, and I said "I'll do Plow King." He called me immediately and locked me into it lol.
Chris D: I'm almost ashamed to say that this wasn't an incredibly difficult cosplay to assemble for me. The hardest part was deciding whether to go full yellow body paint or use masks. After researching other cosplay attempts at nailing The Simpson "look", I was convinced that masks had to be the way to go. You just can't capture the distinctive eyes without the masks... plus makeup would be a mess. Once that was decided, finding the Mr. Plow jacket and Homer mask and bodysuit online was a piece of cake. I got the yellow hand gloves from a party store and the cans of Duff from a novelty candy shop!
Chris M: It was both easy and kind of involved. I googled Plow King and then started cobbling the pieces together. Fortunately they make a Barney mask. I got a yellow full body suit and then cut the arms off to use as gloves. The Plow King jacket surfaces online every now and then so I was fortunate to find it in time. I found blue and white sneakers, then hit up Party City for the crown and inflatable hat. Once again, Mr. Plow gets all the credit for finding the Duff cans!
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Chris D: My favorite moment from NYCC this year was when we came upon a guy cosplaying as Eddie from Stranger Things, complete with an electric guitar and amp. My ever enterprising pal, Plow King asked him to play the theme from The Simpsons and he graced us with a few bars. It was so surreal and cool.
Chris M: This was the second time we'd done this combo, and if anything it was even more popular this time around. The moment the masks come on, you get stopped constantly for pictures. My favorite part is when you get a diehard fan whose face just lights up when they see it, and they run over going "ohmygodohmygodohmygod!!!" lol. People who get it appreciate all the little details, like the bat and crown, or Mr. Plow's snow cap. My favorite moment, however, had to be when the promoter for the new Back to the Future stage show ran over and insisted we take pictures by the Delorean. Nobody else was even allowed behind the rope!!
Chris D: I'm just so appreciative of all the love people showed us at NYCC. For me, this is a homecoming every year. I feel so genuinely happy to be around people who share the love of the event and costuming. I'll likely be doing this for as long as my feet can carry me, so thank you to the Hardcore and casual fans who support cosplayers at these events.
Chris M: Would love to see more Simpsons cosplay!! I think we were the only two all weekend. We are kicking around the idea of Sideshow Bob (or Cecil) and Krusty next year!! Also, I'd like to mention that it's not about the attention or pseudo-celebrity status for me. I don't really care if someone with millions of followers posts our picture, though of course it is cool and appreciated. For me, it's about the sense of belonging and bringing people joy. There's nothing like seeing all the smiling faces when people ask for pictures, and there's definitely an immense satisfaction from walking into the doors of the Javits Center, seeing all the other cosplays, and thinking to yourself, "I'm home." When you have someone tell you how Mr. Plow was their favorite episode and that we just made their day, there's nothing better.
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The one where Rosé saves Denali
It took every ounce of self control Denali could muster up not to let out a tirade of swearwords. But there was a mother with four little children right next to her and she was a well mannered person with enough decency to hold herself back for their sake. Even if she had to tell herself that under her breath as she ran to the little plastic hut by the bus stop repeatedly.
The rain had come out of nowhere. All morining had been bathed in sunshine, not a cloud in sight. Then, all of a sudden there had been nothing but clouds and before she knew it it had already begun to pour like it was the last day on Earth. Wrapping her arms tightly around her groceries, Denali had made a run for it, trying to not get completely soaked before reaching the bus stop. Not that it had helped a lot, her frilly white blouse was stuck onto her skin in a disgusting wet smudge, she didn’t even want to know how seethrough the thin fabric had gotten. Her hair was one frizzy mess, baby hairs stuck to her forehead as the rain ran down her face and dripped down her nose and into the already dissolving paper bag she tried to hold together with both arms. Overall, this day absolutely sucked. Denali missed the weather in Alaska, where she could always expect it to either snow or be clear, usually pretty aligned with the seasons. A sudden downpour in the middle of August would never occur there. Maybe that was why she had no clothes for this kind of weather, suddenly feeling goosebumps rise all over her bare legs, shivering.
A can of soup tumbled from the top of her stuffed grocery bag to the ground and began rolling down the sidewalk. Denali sighed. Her eyes fell shut in frustration, it proved really hard not to swear at least a little right now. The can rolled off the sidewalk as if it had a mind if its own, only forced to a halt by the huge wheel of a large, shiny black van stopping right in front of the little bus stop. The window rolled down and before it was even all the way there, Denali already recognized the bright pink curls behind the steering wheel. Of course, out of all people, Rosé had to happen to stop by. Judging by the wide grin on her face, she thought the same, but felt very differently about it. Denali had to breathe out strongly through her nose to prevent herself from rolling her eyes.
„Hey there“, Rosé chirped in a sing-sang voice, clearly more than happy about the situation.
At this point, Denali didn’t even care about anything anymore, stepping out into the rain to lean down and grab her can. At least it didnt burst open. She was about to turn back around to hop back under the roof of the bus stop again when Rosé leaned forward and pushed the car door of the passenger seat open. „Girl hop in“, she groaned, clearly annoyed she didn’t get the time of day from Denali.
The brunette raised a brow. „You mean I’m supposed to get into a van with tinted windows with someone I barely know?“
„Nali“, Rosé stretched the nickname out like bubblegum, rolling her eyes, „Get in, the bus won’t come for at least Half an hour, you could be home by then.“
As much as she hated to admit it, Rosé was right. And if the clattering of her teeth was any indication, Denali would probably be sick by the time the bus arrived. She really didn’t want to sit in a closed space like this with Rosé, annoying, indifferent Rosé who kicked her feet up in the back of class and always smelled of smoke and Christina Aguilera perfume (Denali totally didn’t look that up). But it was still better than freezing to the bone, she was already soaked and shivering. So with a huff she wrapped her arms around the groceries a little tighter and stepped into the car. Her sneakers made a disgustingly wet sound as they hit the car‘s carpet floor, a little puddle forming around them immediately. Denali wasn’t sure if she’d ever get them to dry off again.
As soon as she closed the door behind her, Rosé turned up the heat, warm air blowing in Denali’s face through the AC like a blessing from the heavens themselves. Her teeth finally stopped clattering.
Rosé glanced over at her, Denali noticed her eyes on her from the corner of her eyes. Was that a worried crease between the other girls brows?
She took one, two, three deep breaths before cocking her head to the side to shoot a look at Rosé. „Girl drive, you’re not even allowed to stop here!“ Something in the pink haired girls eyes shifted, but it was impossible for Denali to put a finger on it. Before she had the chance to comment on it, Rosé began to shift in her seat, peeling herself out of the same horrid pink leather jacket she had worn to the club just a few days ago.
„Here“, she handed it over to Denali, „I can’t stand you shivering like that.“ It sounded genuine, not snarky, not sarcastic, just genuinely, honestly worried about Denali. And to be fair, she sure was freezing. When she wrapped the jacket tightly around her shoulders, her smile was just as genuine as Rosé‘s.
„Thank you.“
„No biggie. Campus Dormitory?“
By the time Denali stepped into the common area of her dormitory, the rain outside had calmed down into a gentle, almost non existent drizzle. Rosé‘s jacket was still wrapped around her shoulders just like her arms wrapped around her groceries. Despite the wet sounds her soles made on the wooden floor, Denali‘s steps were light, just as her mind. The drive out of town and to campus was just about twenty minutes long, but Rosé had blasted her music, a wild mix of bubblegum pop, Brit-pop, and RnB. Totally different from what Denali had expected from the other girl, but a pleasant surprise. Suddenly, not even the way her hair stuck to the back of her neck in a wet, tangled up smudge of a bun bothered her all that much. She had thanked Rosé at least three times for driving her, but the other had simply waved it off, saying she hadn’t felt like going to her social studies class anyways. At that, Denali couldn’t help but roll her eyes again, admittedly maybe a little more affectionate than she used to just a few days ago. When she said thank you, she meant it. Rosé had driven off with a wave and a „See you on Thursday.“
So she planned to come to the next club meeting as well? Denali put a mental pin on that information, saving it to think about another time. Right now, she really couldn’t think about Rosé much more. Not only did she not want to admit to herself that she was thinking about her at all, no, it was usually hard to impossible to form a coherent thought on their floor anyways.
And indeed, before she even got to close the door behind her, one of the bedroom doors swung open and slammed against the wall, revealing the small yet fuming frame of Jasmine Kennedie. Her hands were curled into fists, eyes ablaze with fury. „For the last time“, she was shouting from the top of her lungs, „If I say I need the desk for the afternoon, then I need the fucking desk for the afternoon!“
„We only have this one desk though!“, another, even louder, yet slightly darker voice yelled from inside the room Jasmine had just stormed out of, „Why don’t you go to the library like a normal person?“
Denali closed her eyes in exasperation, sighing into her groceries. Not these two again.
Jasmine let out an angry huff, hands thrown over her head in frustration. „Why can’t you just accept the way I do things?“, she retorted before storming off towards the showers, her stomping so loud, the dust must be falling from the ceiling in the room underneath them. Denali sent a silent prayer to the heavens that they wouldn’t get a noise complaint again.
„You know what?“, Jasmine turned around on her heel to shoot another deadly stare towards her bedroom door where Daya stuck her head out to do the same to her, „Have the fucking desk if you want! I’m taking a shower.“
„Oh“, Daya‘s jaw tightened, „So you can block the showers for everyone for a solid hour again? Very nice of you Jasmine, absolutely great! Roommate of the year!“ Jasmine ripped the door to the bathrooms open with so much force, the door slammed against the wall violently. Denali almost expected a crack in the tapestry.
„And by the way“, Daya continued yelling, even after Jasmine disappeared in the bathroom, „You forgot your towel!“ Whether or not there were any words in the frustrated cry Jasmine let out, Denali couldn’t tell.
But she had heard enough of them anyways, strutting towards her own bedroom and leaning against the door once she had closed it behind herself. Olivia, her roommate sat on her bed (Liv had claimed the lower bunk before Denali had arrived), headphones in and a pained expression on her face. When she saw Denali enter, she took one of her earplugs out, shooting her a smile. „Welcome back, everyone is still crazy here!“ Denali chuckled, dropping her groceries on the one chair that fit into the small room. They could wait until she had changed into dry clothes. „I can’t believe they haven’t split Daya and Jasmine up yet.“
„Well, Willow, Angie and Camden refuse to give up their room. Understandable, its so obviously bigger than ours, I wouldn’t give that up either.“ Her chocolate brown eyes found Denali’s and she smiled at her, „and I’m so happy you moved in after Mik left, I’m not giving you away to anyone else.“ Denali couldn’t help but smile back at her. Olivia had told her that before Denali moved in, her boyfriend Mik had been her roommate. After he had moved to the boy’s dorms for his second year, Denali had gotten the room. She was glad Olivia wasn’t annoyed at her and more happy for both her boyfriend and Denali, who she had already declared her new best friend, despite the two of them having almost no overlapping classes. Olivia had also been the one to take Denali with her to the Philosophy Club, insisting that Ms Monsoon was already worth it all on her own but the other members were also amazing and could totally become her friends. And while she was right that everyone was lovely, Denali found herself struggling to insert herself in the already established friend groups.
In the other room, yelling erupted again and Denali sighed heavily. How did these two even have the energy to fight this much?
She shook that thought off as she rummaged through her drawers for a sweater and some dry pants. Stripping herself off Rosé‘s jacket, she didn’t pay attention to Olivia until the other girl cleared her throat loudly. Turning around to face her, Denali raised her brows upwards. „What?“
Olivia had a wide grin on her face. „What are you doing with Rosé‘s jacket?“
„Oh“, Denali hung the jacket up on the frame of the bunk bed, shrugging. „Got surprised by the rain so Rosé drove me home.“
„She did?“, Olivia‘s grin widened, her tongue between her teeth. „Interesting.“
Honestly confused, Denali frowned. „Yeah, why?“
„Oh“, Olivia waved dismissively, „It’s nothing. Just that the only person Rosé has cared for apart from her sisters was Mik, and not even he got to see her daddy’s precious van from the inside.“
„Oh please“, Denali shook her head at Olivia‘s insinuation. „She just saw me struggling and decided not to be a dick about it.“
„Exactly“, Olivia reached for her phone, beginning to type excitedly, „Not like her at all. Oh Dee, Mik is gonna love this.“
„Olivia!“, Denali whined out as she pulled the dry, warm sweater over her head, „It’s nothing!“
„We will be the judge of that“, Olivia retorted, dropping her phone back onto the mattress next to her. „By the way, Symone asked if we wanna hang out tomorrow. You should totally come with me. She lives in the lake house with Nicky and Jackie, it’s awesome there.“
Hesitantly, Denali scanned her drawer for a fresh pair of socks. The lake house was one of three larger, more luxurious dormitories. The people living there had their own bathrooms, more space in their rooms and way more privacy than the people in the regular dormitories. She’d never been inside the Lake House or any fancier dorm before, but from the windows of the main complex the little huts scattered on the College grounds looked like little vacation homes to her. Of course, renting a room in the lake house was way more expensive too, far out of Denali’s league, who had only made it here due to winning a scholarship. Suddenly, Denali felt nervous. „If you think they’d be okay with it … I don’t want to disrupt you guys.“
„Oh please“, Olivia shook her head as if Denali had said something really stupid, „They’ll love you, girl! Most of them already do!“ Her smile turned into a small mischievous, almost wicked grin, „And Symone knows Rosé pretty well, if you know what I-“
„Liv!“, Denali whined, running a hand through her still wet hair, „Shut Up!“ She wasn’t ready to admit that she enjoyed Rosé‘s presence. At least during their second encounter she did.
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moonchild-things · 1 year
Chapter Twelve: Night of the Soul
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Summary: Living in Detroit, the capital of androids, constantly reminds Natalie Tyler of the accident that changed her life for the worst. Her world is overturned after deciding to adventure out of her apartment and back into the cruel world. When androids start to peacefully protest for their rights, she is asked to work with a RK800 prototype android that goes by the name Connor.  
Word Count: 5194
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NOV 10TH, 2038
PM 07:31:04
SNOW GENTLY FLUTTERED TO THE GROUND AND painted the ground a pure white. The calm atmosphere contradicted the hell that Natalie had just been through. Running for her life with hundreds of other androids was not something she wanted to add to her bucket list, yet she could check it off. Her hands were dug deep in her pockets as her sneakers crunched the snow underneath her feet. Had she been completely human, there was no doubt that she would be cold. She wiped her forehead and grimaced at the small amount of blood that was on her fingers. Her self-inflicted wound had healed up enough to stop gushing out blood, but there was still a small enough. Just not enough to cause any concern.
The cyborg stood in front of her godfather's house next to Markus who looked at the building with a longing gaze. Of course, they were there because Markus had one goal he needed to get done: 
Natalie turned to her friend as they stood in front of the large Manfred mansion. "Are you sure you want me here?"
Markus' mismatched eyes tore themselves away from his former home to face the woman. "Of course," the rebellion leader smiled, "he's your family, you should get to see him."
"All right," She chuckled before turning back to the house, "if you say so."
They approached the mansion hesitantly, "Alarm deactivated." The system said to them as the door slide open, "Welcome home, Markus."
Natalie and Markus shared a glance with each other before they entered the home. It was eerily quiet in the foyer as the sky started to turn an inky black as it became later. Each of them surveyed the room and realized that Carl couldn't have been downstairs, meaning he was in his room. Something caught Markus' eye and approached the desk that was to the left of the stairs and saw that there was a message left. Markus hit play on it.
"Hi, Dad..." The glitchy message started reveling that it was Leo Manfred, "I'm getting outta the hospital tomorrow... They told me that you stayed with me while I was asleep... I... um... I'm really sorry about everything that happened..." Natalie's eyebrows furrowed at that. Leo was in the hospital, she didn't know about that. Ethan told her that Markus and Leo had gotten into a fight, perhaps that's why he was being treated at the hospital. They watched the bandaged Leo as he took a deep sigh. "I'm gonna stop all that shit... It messes me up, it turns me into somebody I hate... Hey, I'd like to come by and see you tomorrow... If that's all right with you... I... I just wanna let you know... I'm... I'm proud to be your son..."
Natalie hummed in continuation, "it's about time he tried to clean up."
Markus turned to her with a raised eyebrow, "Do you think he'll be able to get sober?"
"I don't know." She shrugged her shoulders as they walked up the stairs. "Though it does seem like the impossible has become possible nowadays."
They walked onto the walkway towards Carl's room only to see the new android come out of the old man's room. Natalie didn't know his name and barely cared to find it out, as she and Markus walked over to him.
"Who are you?" He asked more towards Markus, "How did you get in?"
"I need to see Carl." Markus insisted and ignored the question.
The android shook his head, "Carl isn't seeing anyone. You need to leave. Ms. Natalie, you will have to wait to see him another time."
Natalie's eyes narrowed and she had half the mind to start yelling at the poor android. She almost did just that, if it wasn't for the hand that was placed on her shoulder. Her eyes met Markus', who tried to convey calmness to the young woman. Natalie begrudgingly stayed quiet at her friend's silent request.
Markus then walked over to the android as his artificial skin peeled back and placed it on the other androids arm. Obviously the leader of the android revolution was converting another trapped soul, to Natalie's astonishment. She had never seen Markus actually do this, hell, she had no idea that he could do something like this. This was definitely something that she wanted to look into.
"Please." Markus pleaded, "We need to see him. I need to see him."
"He's very weak..." The now freed android said, "I'm not sure he'll be able to talk to you..." He then stepped back to let the two enter Carl's room.
Once they entered, Markus was in horror of the state that Carl was in. Natalie wasn't surprised because she had visited Carl not too long ago, but it was still upsetting to see. The man she has looked up to her entire life, a father figure, reduced to this frail state caused her stomach to churn.
Markus rushed over to Carl's bedside and grabbed his hand to hold. "Carl... No..." Natalie stood behind Markus and placed a hand on his shoulder for support. She knew that it was tough to deal with emotions, she had a tough time dealing with them herself. So having to deal with a negative feeling like sorrow after only just realizing what they are, must be horrible.
The old man opened his ancient eyes and stared at the android and cyborg. "Markus! Natalie!"
Markus jumped at his greeting, glad that he was okay enough to speak, "Hey..."
"I was hoping you'd come..." He turned his gaze to his pseudo-daughter, "both of you."
Natalie smiled slightly as Markus continued to talk. "I've missed you so much, Carl..." The android felt like he was going to start crying, "You don't know how much I've missed you..."
"What's wrong, Markus?"
Markus shook his head in frustration, "I just wanted my people to be free, but... Instead, I've led all of them to disaster... Carl, I'm trying to find answers, but everything around me is falling apart..."
"World is ruled by fear, Markus... Fear of others... Fear of the future... It's like me...too old... It's time for it to end." Markus sighed at that and stood up to pace. Natalie watched him with sad eyes. Markus appeared to be so lost at the moment.
"Oh, what should I do?" Markus asked with a heavy sigh, "Carl, they're killing my people... I don't want to answer violence with violence, but tell me, what choice do they give?"
"Being alive is making choices... between love and hate, between holding out your hand or closing it as a fist..." Carl said wisely. "I don't have any easy answers, Markus... You have to accept the world as it is... or fight to change it." Markus walked back over to take a seat at Carl's bedside again, "You're my son, Markus... Our blood isn't the same color... but I know a part of me is in you... When the world falls into darkness, some men have the courage to lead it out... You're one of those men... Face the abyss... but don't let it consume you." He patted Markus's hand lovingly before Markus nodded his head and stood up. The rebellion leader then left the room, leaving just the ill man and the cyborg. "Natalie."
She quickly took Markus' spot that was now vacant. "Hey, Carl. Hanging in there, right?"
The old man chuckled, "of course, my dear." He surveyed Natalie with the same fatherly look he had been giving Markus. "You're just as troubled as Markus, aren't you."
"Well, I'm not leading a rebellion like he is." She chuckled humorlessly.
He shook his head, "that doesn't mean your troubles are less important."
The image of the damaged female android popped into her head, "It's just... something someone said..." She pursed her lips in contemplation for a moment, "I don't know what to do right now. I mean, I'm not considered human anymore, but at the same time, I'm not an android. I... I don't know where I stand."
"You have to choose for yourself, Natalie," Carl hummed, "you can't let anyone else dictate who you are."
Natalie huffed, "I know that, but... I can still hear their voices."
Carl nodded his head as he understood what she meant. He knew that she was referring to her family. The words that they said to her had cut so deep into her that they left scars. He knew that she wasn't completely healed from what they had said to her, the abuse that they dealt to her, but he also knew that she was strong. Especially now.
"Then tell them differently," he suggested with a small shrug. "Show them that you are stronger now, tell them your decision."
Natalie considered it for a moment. Tell them? Show them? Why? She let the idea simmer in her mind for a little bit. Going to them was something that she never thought of doing after they told her to go away. But as she considered it... Maybe it was something to consider doing.
After reluctantly leaving Carl's home, Natalie quickly made her way to her parents' home. Now, Natalie glared at the house in front of her. The middle-class house looked to be in perfect condition with it being perfectly clean and proper. Natalie despised how perfect it looked when she knew that it was anything but.
Her anxiety almost got the better of her as she stared at her former home. However, she kept her head high and approached the pristine home with determination burning in her eyes. There was no way she was going to back down now.
She approached the house and stepped up to the front door. For a moment, she hesitated but made up her mind and rang the doorbell. Natalie was able to hear some shuffling and footsteps on the other side of the door. There were also some muffled words from voices that Natalie had grown to fear and despise. Of course, the whispers started to come back now.
"...not my daughter..."
"...Should be dead!"
The door then swung open. Natalie found her self staring at a young blonde woman. Her hair seemed to shine with the dim light and reminded Natalie of gold. Her eyes, which were a light green, surveyed her closely as recognition crossed her soft features. Even though the woman was twenty-three-years-old, Natalie could see that she could easily pass for a teenager.
"Natalie?" Penelope Tyler asked in confusion and awe.
They disowned Tyler pursed her lips at her half-sister, "Hey, Penny. Long time no see."
Penelope only continued to stare at Natalie for a moment with her lips parted in surprise. Neither of them had seen each other in three years and they didn't really leave off on good terms. Much like the rest of the family, Penelope had decided that Natalie was an abomination. She had agreed that Natalie should have died during her accident instead of "coming back for the dead". Penelope even went as far as to stop talking to Ethan, her twin brother, after he decided to stick with Natalie.
A moment passed as the two continued to stare at each other. Penelope could see how Natalie hadn't changed much since they last saw each other, and Natalie could see how Penelope had grown taller and her hair had become longer. Before either of the sisters could say anything else to each other, some more footsteps came bounding towards the door.
A head of auburn hair and wide hazel eyes poked out from behind Penelope. The toothy white smile that was plastered on the man's face suddenly froze once he caught sight of his older sister. George Tyler's jaw slowly dropped in shock. He certainly wasn't expecting to see Natalie every again, especially after what they had all done to her. Considering he was only eighteen when he last saw her, the twenty-one year old was ecstatic to see Natalie.
"Nat!" He shouted before pushing passed Penelope and embracing his half-sister in a tight hug, to her surprise.
Natalie became stiff at the sudden hug. She didn't think that they would greet her like this. At the least, she thought they'd just shut the door in her face. Yet she patted George's back awkwardly while glancing at her sister in confusion.
She chuckled lightly, "you know, I wasn't expecting this sort of greeting, Georgie."
He finally let of her and shook his head vigorously, "look, I know, I know. We were terrible to you after the accident, but we know now. Well, Pen and I do, anyway. We know that it was a horrible situation that you were in and with us pushing you away definitely didn't help. I mean, we can't excuse what we did, 'cause we still did it and-"
Penelope placed a hand on George's shoulder to stop his rambling, "Calm down, Georgie."
"Right, right, sorry..."
Penelope then turned to Natalie as her shock subsided enough to allow her to speak. "We were terrible to you, Nat. We should have been there for you, and we know that now."
"Well," Natalie sighed and dug her hands into her jean pockets, "thanks, I guess."
"Why are you here?" George asked.
Natalie was about to answer when more people came over to the door. Specifically, their parents came up to the door. Marian Wilson-Tyler was the first to appear at the door with wide eyes at the sight of her oldest child. The woman who Natalie had once called her mother had brown hair that matched the oldest daughters. Her green eyes were wide in shock at the sight of Natalie. They had only just spoken a day or so ago on the phone but they hadn't seen each other face to face since Natalie packed up her things and left.
The next was Ronald Tyler. The man that Natalie had come to despise since he had disowned her from the family. There was a time when Natalie could say that she did love having Ronald as a step-father. He did care for her despite the fact that he wasn't her biological father. Ronald took care of her when she was little, was there to see her at band concerts, supported her at award ceremonies, and was proud of her at her graduations. Yet now, as he glared at her from the doorway, that man was gone. 
"Get out of here," Ronald said with a dangerous tone in his voice.
Natalie raised an eyebrow at him, "hi to you too."
"Why are you here, Natalie?" Marian sneered.
The twenty-nine-year-old just clicked her tongue, "I'm here to tell you that I don't care anymore."
They all stared at her in confusion. "About what?" George asked as Ronald pushed him and Penelope behind him.
"Your opinions," Natalie said cooly, "I can see that Penny and Georgie have realized how cruel you all were to me three years ago. Yet you two," she pointed at her mother and step-father, "are just as bigoted as you were then."
Ronald snarled at her, "why you-"
"Oh shut up!" Natalie barked as anger started to consume her. Surprised by her sudden outburst, Ronald stayed quiet. "I don't care what you think of me anymore. I don't care if you've decided I'm no longer apart of the family, because I've found a new one. One who cares for me as me. They aren't going to judge me for something that was out of control and value my life, unlike you people."
The four Tyler's in the doorway stared at her in shock. "Is that all you have to say?" Marian asked while licking her lips in uncertainty. 
"I have plenty more to say," Natalie told her with a smirk, "but I don't have much time to say it. We're in the middle of a revolution after all. I just thought it was time to let go of this... hatred I had for you guys. I need to move on, without you. Just know that I did love you all at one point. Not so much anymore."
The four others shared glances with each other. Ronald was obviously furious with Natalie's appearance which was evident from the way his nostrils flared and his face started to turn red. Marian was conflicted as she stared at Natalie with something akin to regret in her eyes. Penelope was obviously upset with herself and how she treated Natalie as tears started to build up in the corners of her eyes. George looked to be somewhat happy with Natalie. He was proud of her for standing up for herself but at the same time, sad that he had helped cause her so much pain.
Satisfied with how her family had taken her words, Natalie clicked her tongue. "Now, I've got places to be. Stay safe, or not, I don't care. Probably won't see you ever again!" 
She hopped off the stairs and started to make her way back to the taxi she had left on the street. She took one last glance at her former family still in the door. She raised her hand and wiggled her fingers at them with a sarcastic smile before climbing into her ride and letting it take her away.
Natalie sighed and rested her head on the back of the seat. She let out a long breath in relief now that she was able to do that. She tried to keep a cool facade up in front of them, but on the inside, she was nervous beyond belief. However, the thought of her siblings willing to be civil with her, wanting to seem to make it up to her, was a happy thought. Ethan came to her mind and would be excited to tell him what she had done. Also, the fact that Penelope and George seemed to want to reconnect with her meant that they would reconnect with him.
She always felt bad that Ethan had ostracized himself from the family to stick with her. He had voluntarily shunned their family to be there for her and left his twin sister behind. He was strong enough to do it, she knew. However, he wouldn't forget the sorrowful looks he had whenever he mentioned Penny or George. He missed their younger siblings, that was obvious. And now she would be ecstatic to tell him that it seemed like they could patch things up with their siblings.
Though she couldn't let that distract her. She had to head to where Markus and Connor was with the rest of the deviants. She may not be completely android, but she also wasn't completely human. She had to choose a side, and she's quite sure she had.
The androids who remained from the attack at Jericho were all gathered in an abandoned church. Everyone was solemn at the moment now that their situation has seemed to become worse than it already was. Sprits were low at the moment but Markus was going to do what he could to try and rouse up his people and make sure that they are ready to fight for their independence.
In one of the back corners of the room, Natalie was huddled up with Conner. He made sure to keep her close to him ever since she had gotten back. Connor wasn't entirely sure where she had gone, but from the air of confidence that clung to her, he could tell that it was a good thing she did. He wanted to know where she had gone, of course, but he'd let her tell him when she felt like it. Connor didn't need to push her on something she may not want to talk about.
"It's not your fault, you know." Natalie tore him out of his thoughts with a small smile, "the police would have found us eventually."
Connor sighed, "I lead them straight to them, Natalie. It is my fault."
She shook her head, "no. It's no one's fault okay. I'm not going to let you blame yourself for this. If anything, I could have tried to prevent this, I am a CyberLIfe engineer I could have-"
"No!" Connor exclaimed, "there's no way that you could have caused this."
Natalie smirked, "Then I guess it's neither of our faults, hmm?"
The two were silent for a moment as they stared into each other's eyes. Natalie leaned against the banister behind her while Connor stood in front of her with his arms crossed. She pursed her lips and look away from him, already seeing the scolding in his eyes. He hasn't been a deviant for more than two hours and he's already showing so many different emotions.
Connor uncrossed his arms and brushed the hair from Natalie's forehead to see the cut she had given herself. "You always get yourself hurt somehow, don't you?"
Natalie chuckled, "guess I'm just a little bit reckless."
"A little?"
The two of them laughed with each other. Though Connor couldn't help himself but be worried for her. Natalie usually placed herself in dangerous situations if it meant she helped someone or got what she needed from it. She has proven multiple times that she was able to get hurt during many different chases or fights. However, she also proved that she could take care of herself to an extent. Yes, she got hurt but it wasn't like she was getting herself badly damaged in any way. Though Connor did wonder what exactly would happen if she damaged the remaining human parts of her to an unrepairable state. He wouldn't want her to be stripped completely of what connected her to her humanity, no matter how much she may want to deny that her humanity meant nothing to her.
Natalie could see the conflict on his brow and his mind started to wander to certain topics. They were no doubt topics that they needed to discuss right now, from her perspective. They needed to focus on the situation at hand, which was this revolution. She sighed through her nose and took his hand into hers.
"I'm going to talk to a few of the others, see if there's something I can do, alright?" She asked him. Connor tilted his head for a moment of contemplation before nodding his head. As much as he wanted to keep Natalie by his side the entire time, he figured she would want to go off on her own for a bit. Besides he had something he wanted to talk to Markus about.
Natalie smiled at him one last time before walking over to the crowd of androids around them. She caught sight of the familiar android that she had been running for her life with and walked over to her. "You're North, right? I think I remember Markus saying you're name." Natalie smiled and tried to make polite conversation. After all, if she was going to side with androids, she would need to make friends with them which she could easily do.
"I don't know why you're here," North said in confusion and disgust. "A human helping androids. What do you gain from this?"
Natalie couldn't help herself but chuckle in disbelief, "Nothing. Except maybe helping people like me, helping the oppressed, finding my life's purpose."
"Like you? You can't be like us, human."
The cyborg just stared at her and the disgust that laced North's eyes. She had seen that look plenty of times from her own family. Humans despise androids in a similar way that androids despise humans. Each group hated the other because of what they were able to do and weren't able to understand. Androids wanted nothing more than freedom, which humans couldn't understand because they see androids as just plain old robots. Humans wanted to keep life simple which included creating androids to help with that. In turn, humans viewed androids as appliances and now that they are evolving, the humans are terrified of change. Overall, humans and androids were far more alike than what some would like to believe.
Natalie's lips twitched in amusement as she walked closer to North, "yes. Well, when I say like me, we're not entirely the same, are we?" Her eyes surveyed the tense figure of the female android. "I can tell you, I'm not human. At least not anymore." North looked up at her in shock before it was consumed by skepticism. "I don't feel like telling you everything. I've only just met you and I'm tired of explaining myself. However, I will say that I'm not a human nor an android. But that doesn't matter. It shouldn't matter what I am, but who I'm willing to support, and I can assure you, I'm wholeheartedly on your side, North." North stared at her in surprise at the small speech that she had made and couldn't come up with anything to say. "I'm just trying to make friends, North."
As Natalie turned away from North, she caught sight of two androids that were familiar. The two appeared to be a mother and daughter, which were the AX400 and the YK500 that she had chased a few days ago. Natalie rubbed at her forehead as she remembered the cut she got from the mother and grimaced lightly. However, Natalie was glad to see that the two of them were able to survive this long and were safe. She hesitated for a moment before walking over to the pair. 
Alice noticed the woman walking over to them first. She looked at her with wide eyes before recognition flashed through her. "You're the lady who was chasing us..."
Kara looked at the woman who approached after Alice's words and instantly recognized her as well. Being a protective and cautious mother, she tucked Alice closer to her in order to try and create some distance between them.
Natalie raised her hands in a gesture that said she was no threat to either of them. "I was," Natalie said sheepishly, "Sorry about that. I wasn't going to let them hurt either of you though. I wouldn't let them arrest a mother and child."
Kara watched her for a moment, "And why are you here now?"
"To help any way I can," Natalie smiled kindly. "Freedom and acceptance are all you want from humans, right? Well, so do I."
While Natalie tried to make conversation, Markus approached the former deviant hunter whose eyes were glued to her back as she spoke with a few other androids. Noticing that the leader of the deviants was walking over to him, Connor turned his eyes down to the ground in shame.
"It's my fault," Connor started as he leaned against the banister, "the humans managed to locate Jericho... I was stupid... I should've guessed they were using me." He stood up straight to face the leader, "I'm sorry, Markus... I can understand if you decide not to trust me..."
"You're one of us, now." Markus strongly told him, "Your place is with your people."
Connor was silent for a moment as Markus turned to walk away before he spoke up again, "There are thousands of androids at the CyberLife assembly plant. If we could wake them up, they might join us and shift the balance of power..." 
He knew that he had to make up for what he had done. He had damned this revolution and most likely caused the deaths of hundreds of androids because he led the authorities to the androids. He needed to prove that he wasn't a bad person. 
Markus turned back on his heels to stare at the android with wide eyes, "You wanna infiltrate the CyberLife Tower? Connor, that's suicide..."
"They trust me, they'll let me in." He instead, "If anyone has a chance of infiltrating CyberLife, it's me."
Markus considered it for a moment, "If you go there, they will kill you."
"There's a high probability... but statistically speaking, there's always a chance for unlikely events to take place..."
"Will Natalie go with you?"
Connor shook his head, "I want to keep her safe. Going to the tower is dangerous, I can't let her be put in a situation like that again." The thought of placing Natalie in another environment like the one they just escaped from was horrible. She may have been able to get out of there, but she was hurt regardless. He didn't want to 
"You care for her, don't you?" Markus asked with calculating eyes. He felt a wave of protectiveness wash over him. He didn't want Natalie to get hurt. Being involved in this sort of thing meant that she was certainly going to get hurt at some point, but he wanted to try and limit any risky situations she was placed in. 
Connor nodded his head. He did care for her. He was still trying to figure out his new emotions, but he did know that he cared deeply for the engineer. Connor wasn't sure when he started to, but he had a feeling that it was before he became a deviant. For some reason, he knew that he needed to prove that to Markus. Connor was aware that Markus and Natalie were close to each other. Connor wanted Markus' approval in some way to say that he was good enough for the engineer.
Markus surveyed Connor one last time before placing a hand on his shoulder. "Be careful..."
The other android could see how grateful Markus was that Connor was trying to keep Natalie safe. At the thought of her, Connor looked over to see her speaking quietly to the pair of androids that they had been hunting earlier in the week. He watched as Natalie tried to make the little girl smile and laugh while talking with Kara with reassurance in her eyes. Connor admired her for a moment and knew that he wouldn't get to say good-bye to her face to face. If he did, Natalie would not leave his side, no matter how much he insisted that he goes alone. So instead, he settled for watching her for a moment before slipping out of the abandoned church to start on his mission to the CyberLife tower.
After speaking to a few other androids, Markus walked up the steps of the stage to address his people.  "Humans have decided to exterminate us..." Everyone became quiet as they all focused on their leader, "Our people are packed in camps right now, being destroyed... Time has come to make a choice, one that very well may determine the future of our people. I know... I know you're all angry. And I know you wanna fight back... But I assure you violence is not the answer here. We are gonna tell them peacefully that we want justice. If there's any humanity in them, they will listen. And if not, others will take our place and continue this fight. Are you ready to follow me?"
His words of encouragement and hope inspired them all as they yelled out their agreement. "Markus!" The androids started to cheer and shout, "YEAH! YES!"
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thedeepweb · 2 years
killing myself im killing myself im killing
Killing myself im killing myself im killing
I'm with some ball girls lookin' back at it
And a good girl in my goal bracket (Uh)
Got a yellow card that'll let Saudis have it
These Chanel shorts is a bad habit
I-I do balls, Dal Mavericks
My football sneakers, black matted (Uh)
Bitch, never left but I'm back at it
And I'm killin' myself, go messi
Killin' myself, back off
Cause I'm killin' myself, jack off (Uh)
He'll be thinking about me when he misses a goal
Wax on? (Wax off)
National anthem, hats off
Then a bad toss (Uh)
Lemme get a number two, with some chimichurri sauce
Screaming at some bar with my mask off
I'm killin' myself, I'm killin' myself, I'm killin' my
Killin' myself, I'm killin' myself, I'm killin' my, killin' my
Changed the game with that digital goal
Know where you were when that digital popped
I stopped the world
Male or female, it make no difference, I stop the world
World stop... (💚🔪)
Carry on
I'm whippin' that goal
He diggin' that goal
I got it, 11 of that team. Packer full of that ball, baby
Come get you some of that goal, baby
I'm killin' myself, I'm killin' myself, I'm killin' my
Killin' myself, I'm killin' myself, I'm killin' my, killin' my
Cookin' up that field (Field), lookin' like a messi (Mess)
He just wants a tie (Tie), biggin' up my ego (Ego)
(Ridin' through Qatar...) Ridin'-ridin' through Qatar
Smoke it all off, talkin' bout that high-grade
Baby, hold up, I can be your migraine...
Bitches ain't got defense or flow
They have both and an empire also
Keep gettin' gifts from VAR codes at the match
Today I'm icy, but I'm prayin' for some more snow
Let that goal go, let that goal count
(He's in love...) He's in love with that world cup
Why are these bitches never scoring?
You bitches will never get what we've been yearning (Uh)
I'm still gettin' plaques, from my neck damage
Ain't gotta rely on top 11, I am a argie legend
Just go ask the Kings of Qatar, who is the maradona and things of that
Goaling? Look at my finger
Qatar is a glacier, hits like a laser...
Drippin' on that field, trippin' off that goal zone
Flippin' up my shorts and I'll be whippin' all that work
Takin' trips with all saudis, car keys got cars key'd (Uh)
Stingin' with the Qatar Beach and we'll be whippin' all of that D
'Cause argie team are not flawless
We're the poster girls for all this (Uh)
We run around with them ballers
I'm the big worldcupper, go let them whores know (Uh)
Just on this song alone, bitch is on their thirteenth failed goal
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