#SIR i would have a hot water bottle prepared for you!!!! with pleasure!!!
sebbyisland · 2 years
i will literally learn how to draw suits in order to make people appreciate Shimada Kai
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Please Me Oikawa's Oasis: Part 1
Welcome to week 4 of the Please Me Series!  A collaboration with @axoxtxhxh! This weeks theme is Virginity Loss featuring Oikawa and Goshiki!  This weeks fics are broken into 3 parts! Please check out Joey’s fic, Guiding Goshiki!  I will link it in the Please Me master list!  
Warnings: Swearing, bad pick up lines
Word Count: 2,000
The sound of Volleyball hitting the floor and shoes shuffling around in the hard wood is all to familiar to Toru Oikawa.
He was finally, living out his dreams as a professional volleyball player. It’s all he ever wanted to do, all he had ever thought about from the time he was a young kid.
After high-school, his goals became centered around making his dream a reality. To accomplish this, he knew he would have to sacrifice a lot. Forgoing his personal life in order to pursue his main objective.
The thought never really bothered Torū. He was always popular with his fans, however none of them seemed to understand his deep desire for the sport he loved so much.
After countless failed high school relationships, he put his personal life on hold in order to pursue something more favorable.
He was given the opportunity to move to Argentina and become a member of Club Atletico San Juan. He jumped at the chance to further is professional career and move abroad, gaining citizenship to a country world renowned for its athletes. His dream was finally becoming a reality
Entering the training gym, Oikawa was anything but nervous. He knew his skills as a setter were exceptional and he always aimed to improve in any way he could. His specialty outside of setting was serving, which is what attracted the recruiters to him. Taking a deep breath, he walked into the bright gym for the first time, preparing to achieve his goals.
“Ahh Oikawa! It’s great to finally meet you” the San Juan teams head coach said as he greeted Oikawa with a smooth smile and a firm handshake.
“The pleasure is all mine sir” Oikawa says as he watches the various members begin to practice.
Oikawa was amazed at the level of skill he saw. These players were on an entirely different level, a level that only served to excited him more.
“Well, it’s probably best if you just join in. I’d like to see your abilities up close” coach says as Oikawa nod, running over to great the members of his new team.
“Hello everyone! My name is Torū Oikawa and it would be my pleasure to set for you” he smirks as the players study Oikawa closely.
Torū had always had a rather flamboyant personality. Often being the stand out character in a room. It never bothered him when others made comments about him because he was confident in himself as a person and as a setter.
The team looked at him, nodding as the captain made his way towards Torū.
“Show us what you’ve got Oikawa” the captain says as he signals for the spikers to form a line “the best way to learn is by doing.”
“I couldn’t agree more” Oikawa smirks as he turns heading close to the net.
“By the way, I prefer if you can get the toss as high so I can have time to correct the positioning if needed” he remarks as the men prepare for spiking practice.
One by one, the players toss the ball to Oikawa as he sends set after set to the players.
“I’m sorry, that one was a little long” he signals to one of the spikers “I can tell by your approach, you favor balls close to the next. I’ll adjust.”
The player nodded to Oikawa and the next player stepped up, tossing the ball to Oikawa.
“Man his adaptation skills are incredible” on of the assistant coaches says as the head coach watched Oikawa closely.
The door opens as the men shift to see a figure pushing open the door with their foot, emerging into the gym with a basket full of freshly laundered jerseys.
Letting out a deep breath, you sigh as you set the basket down, moving onto your next task of refilling the now empty water bottles.
You had been the team’s manager for almost 3 years now. You loved your job so much. The perks were fantastic and the pay was stellar. You worked long hours and traveled a lot but that never hindered your life. You actually enjoyed seeing the world with your team.
Grabbing the bottles, you begin to head for the fountain when the coach approaches you.
“YN, I’m going to need you to prepare a jersey for our newest team member. His name should be on the sheet I gave you this morning. Please have it ready by the end of the week” the coach asks as you nod in agreement.
“I’ll work on it as soon as possible sir”
“Thank you YN. We would really be lost without you” he says as you smile back, eyes glancing towards the gym floor.
You knew a new member would be starting soon. You had heard rumors of one, Torū Oikawa. You had seen his skills on many videos as the team prepared for his arrival. You took notes from what you could see so that you could immediately start helping the promising new setter.
You eyes glanced towards the net as they were met with gorgeous chocolate orbs. The young setter stared at you in wonder as you smiled sweetly, moving towards the door to fill the water bottles.
God you are so pretty Oikawa thinks to himself as he fails to hear the shouts of his teammates, as a tossed volleyball hurls straight for his head.
As you reach the door, a loud SMACK sounded causing you to turn your head towards the men to see the new setter rubbing his head feverishly.
Oh, this one’s a klutz you think to yourself as you roll your eyes, setting the bottles down and running to see if the setter was ok.
“Are you ok?” You ask running up to the new setter, trying to ignore the snickers of the other players as you check him over.
Oikawa rubs his head as he looks up to you.
“I hope you know CPR” he says looking up to you.
“Omg is it that serious?”
“No, it’s because you just took my breath away” he says smiling at you as you roll your eyes walking away as the rest of the players laugh at Oikawa’s cheesy line.
You get up, moving back to the door grabbing the water bottles and walking out.
Great another Romeo you think to yourself as you snicker lightly, remembering the young man’s pick-up line.
“He is pretty funny I’ll have to admit” you under your breath, smiling a little as you fill the teams water bottles.
“Hey Oikawa, are you sure you’re, ok?” the captain says laughing lightly.
Oikawa shakes his head smiling “if there’s one thing I’m accustomed to, it’s getting hit in the head with a volleyball.”
The team laughs as Oikawa looks to the door where you exited.
Of course, you were stunning. Oikawa had seen his far share of women but none quite gave off the radiance you did.
“Hey man” the captain said placing his hand on Oikawa’s shoulder “don’t worry about YN. She just takes her job serious. She’s not really one for screwing around.”
Oikawa nods as he looks back at the door, watching you reenter the gym. He had to admit, he admired how determined you were to do your job. And your cold tone wasn’t going to deter the great king, Torū Oikawa.
“Okey doke then guys, let’s get back to it” he says shaking his hands as he returns to his spot at the net as the next spiker tosses to him, sending a set perfectly to the spiker.
You watched in awe at the new team member. You have to admit, the man was good. He seemed to take the sport of Volleyball more seriously than his pick up game. You smiled as you watched the men hit spike after spike, kill after kill. It was refreshing to have such an invigorating member join the team.
“Alight guys, time to wrap it up” the coach yells as he grabs his clipboard “YN will you lock up tonight after your done please? Also leave the nets up tonight. We will have the gym open early for practice.”
“Of course, coach” you say smiling as the team grabs their towels and water bottles, leaving to change.
You went about your business, finishing laundry, logging notes and filing a few pieces of papers.
“Just mopping left” you say as you sign, leaving your office and heading to the gym.
The sound of volleyballs hitting the gym floor radiated from down the hall way.
What is someone still doing here you wonder to yourself as you walk into the gym, checking your watch.
You see a panting Oikawa, tossing a ball up, serving over the net with such intensity.
Your eyes widened as you body jumped at the power he held. His serves were so strong, so intense and so fast. How can anyone stop them?
“It’s not polite to stare” he says as your concentration is broken as you look over to him, smiling at you as he wipes his face off.
“Oh, I wasn’t staring- I just came to umm, I just came to mop up the gym floor” you said stuttering as you walk in, putting your bag down.
“Oh, I apologize. The coach said it was ok for me to practice” he said as he continues to try and cool down.
“No worries, I have sometime. I can wait” you say as you turn heading to sit down. “Oh and by the way, that last serve was out by like a centimeter” you say sitting down, pulling your phone out of your bag.
“Ughhhh” Oikawa says as he grabs his hair and pulls on it as you snicker.
You continue to watch Oikawa practice, 10 minutes turns into an hour, which turns into an hour and a half. While you didn’t want to interrupt his practice, you knew he needed to rest. You could tell he was overexerting himself.
You got up to talk with him when he sent up a serve, landing incorrectly on his leg and wincing.
Your eyes widen as you run to him.
“Ok that’s enough tonight, Oikawa. You’re going to hurt yourself” you said as you grab the ball from him.
“It’s fine YN, this happens all the time” he says wincing at the pain radiating from his knee. He really did overdo it.
“Alright well I don’t care how often it happens, I’m closing practice” you say grabbing his arm and pulling him towards the bench.
“YN –” he says before you interrupt him.
“It’s my job to make sure you don’t overdo it. I’m not doing my job if our setter can’t set after his first day” you say as you help Oikawa to the bench, running to grab an ice pack and a hot pack.
“Here, we will do 15 minutes cold, 15 minutes warm. Then I’ll wrap it” you say as you check his knee.
“Thanks, YN” he says sweetly as you smiley at him.
“No worries, Oikawa, it’s my job” you say as you out the ice on his knee, helping to reduce the bit of inflammation that was forming.
“When you get back home, you’ll need to take anti-inflamories. Do it every 4 hours and you should be ok!”
Oikawa looks at you as you help ice his knee, you really were something else.
“Alright” you say as you wrap his knee up “let’s get you home.”
You help Oikawa to get to the changing room, as you quickly go to mop up the gym floor. You turn off the lights to see Oikawa waiting for you at the doors.
“yoo-hoo Yn-chan” he says waving frantically at you as you roll your eyes at him braking into a smile.
“Yn-what?” You say as you help Oikawa out the front doors, locking the building behind you.
“It’s a personal greeting in Japanese. Often used for close friends” he says smirking at you.
“Oh so we are close friends now are we?” You say as you walk with him towards the dorms he was staying at
“O f course, we are YN-chan! Why wouldn’t we be!” he says smiling at you as you laugh lightly.
“You really are something else Oikawa” you say as you wave him off, heading towards your own dorm.
So are you YN, so are you.
Taglist: @serostapesweat @chaotic-nick @lovelyzabrak-meadow @yep-seeyalaterbranflakes
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electronicgrowth · 3 years
Can’t Get Enough Part 8
The two most stubborn people in Knockemstiff, Ohio have eyes for only each other. Lee Bodecker is determined to become the town’s next sheriff. He knows that image is everything. Billie Dechswaan doesn’t care about her image at all. All she wants is to leave Knockemstiff and never come back. But Lee has other plans for her. Both are far too stubborn to give up their own plans. What happens when they can’t get enough of each other? 
A/N: So, this is a long one. If I’m honest, I’ve lost a lot of my vigor for this story. I still have quite a bit of story written, so maybe I’ll find the inspiration again. But if I’m totally honest.... I’m wildly depressed. Like barely functioning. I’m going to keep posting what I already have written, but I’m not sure if I’ll finish what I had initially planned out. 
That day started like any other for Lee Bodecker. He awoke with a headache. A consequence of drinking too much the night before. He peeled himself out of his bed, before stumbling to the bathroom for a shower. He was disappointed. Nearly a week since John passed and Billie had yet to show her face. Maybe she didn’t care. Maybe she really had cut off all contact with her family. Maybe she even found a new guy and had already given him a whole bunch of babies. 
The last thought made Lee feel nauseous. And not in the hangover kind of way. 
After the shower, Lee shaved. He may feel like a mess but he couldn’t show it. Then he proceeded to pick up the beer bottles from the counter and dispose of them. He liked the house clean when he got home. Even if he just proceeded to make the same mess all over again. 
He made his way to work. Nobody at the station greeted him. It was a well-known fact that Sheriff Bodecker was not a morning person. Lee was able to enjoy two cups of coffee while he did some paperwork. The morning passed without incident. Miss Edna, the receptionist came in at exactly noon with more paperwork for Lee, a fresh cup of coffee and a sandwich. She’d worked at the station for 30 years. And no matter who the sheriff was, she always made him a sandwich for lunch. Edna was the glue that kept the station running. No one dared talk back to her, not even Lee.
After lunch, Tim Mitchell rushed into Lee’s office. Not even stopping at his desk. 
“You alright, Mitchell?” Lee asked the deputy. 
“Yes sir,” he responded, “Thought you’d wanna know I dropped Sylvie and the baby off at her mama’s house this morning.”
“Why would I need to know that?” Lee hissed. 
“Joy had a vistor. One I think you would be very interested in seeing.” 
“Billie?” Could it be? Lee didn’t dare let himself hope.
“Yes, but I think the person with her might be of more interest to you.” 
A husband? A boyfriend?
“Just spit it out,” Lee groaned in annoyance. 
“Billie had a little girl with her,” Tim answered, “She’s probably about four. Thought you’d wanna know.” 
Lee was shocked. So, that letter Billie had sent him about losing the baby wasn’t true after all. A four-year-old. She had to be Lee’s. That meant that Lee was a father. Of a child. Not a baby. He was utterly gobsmacked. 
“Thank you, Mitchell,” he dismissed. Mitchell nodded before exiting the office. Lee took a moment, not to collect his thoughts, no. A moment to collect his jacket and run out the door to tell the undersheriff that he was leaving and not to disturb him. Lee sped to the Dechswaan farm. He broke every traffic law. It was a good thing that he was sheriff. 
He practically ran from his car to the door. Lee proceeded to pound on the door with his fist four times. Not caring if he was rude. He was here for something that belonged to him. 
She opened the door as Lee resumed his pounding. He looked shocked that she’d open the door. Almost like he didn’t believe she was really here. He was dressed in his sheriff’s uniform. He’d gained a bit of weight since she last saw him, he was still handsome though. And Lee surveyed how much curvier Billie was too. She really looked like a woman.
“Let’s go for a walk, Lee,” she said before he could speak. She closed the door and walked down the porch. She marched through the yard, arms crossed. He followed silently, he was fuming. And yet, he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. The way she swayed as she walked. Lee let her lead him all the way to the barn before saying anything. 
“Okay, talk,” he commanded. 
“What do you want me to say?” Billie asked, turning to him but keeping her distance from him.
“Tim said you had a little girl with ya,” Lee accused. 
“I do. My daughter.”
“How old is she?”
Lee nodded and tenses his jaw, “So, she’s mine then?” 
“Yeah,” Billie conceded, no emotion on her beautiful face. 
“Why? Why didn’t you tell me? You said you miscarried,” Lee muttered, feeling betrayed. 
“Because you are a steamroller. And heaven help anyone who gets in your way, Lee. I wasn’t about to let you take away all my options. I owed it to myself to try my hand in New York.” Her face was scrunching up in angry. 
“And you owed it to me to tell me about my kid!” 
“You think I don’t know that? I regret it everyday, but I can’t take back the past now!” She shouted. 
“That’s it? That’s all you regret?” Lee countered, stepping closer to her.
“Of course not,” Billie scoffs, rolling her eyes and turning away from Lee. But he was quick to grab her, pull her back towards him. 
“What then? What do you regret,” he growls, his face just inches from hers. Her eyes flicked down to his lips. She swayed closer. Lee thought, for just a moment, that she might try to kiss him. But she regained her composure and met his eyes once again.
“Alright, you listen here Lee Bodecker. I’m only gonna say this once,” she begins quietly, “I was wrong. And you were right. I should never have left. And I’m sorry.” 
“Oh, sugar,” Lee laughs bitterly, releasing his grip on her arm, “I’m definitely gonna make you say that all again.” 
Billie crosses her arms, and smirks at him. 
“I knew you’d say that,” she says, “Good thing I’m prepared to beg.” He’s shocked at her tone, she’s toying with him. She knows just what buttons to push to get him right where she wants him. He knows he’ll be putty in her hands soon enough, he’ll give her anything she asks for. But she deserves a little punishment for all the years he was forced to live without her.
“And why was it a mistake, sugar?” He coaxes. 
“There are a lot of reasons it was a mistake,” she counters, looking at her hands, picking at her cuticles. 
“Tell me,” Lee demands. 
“Well, no one in New York wants some hick with an accent teaching their kids. I got a useless degree. And I surely know how to pick my men. The first boy I ever went on a date with tried to rape me months later with his buddies. You got me pregnant on purpose. And the one I dated to try and forget you used me as his personal punching bag.”
“He hit you?” 
“It’s been awful, Lee. I-I can’t do anything right. I always think I’m making the right decision, but it’s always the wrong one. And if you want me to say it then I will. I’m at rock bottom. And I shouldn’t have left you,” she murmurs. 
“Why?” Lee challenges. 
“You know why.” 
“No, tell me.”
“The biggest mistake was thinking I could stay away from you. But don’t think for one minute that it’s because I need you.”
“Then why can’t you stay away if you don’t need me,” Lee narrows his eyes. 
“B-because I love you,” she mutters the sentence so quietly Lee almost couldn’t hear her. 
“You love me?” He smirks. 
“Yeah,” she shakes her head. 
“Alright darlin’. I’m gonna tell you how this will go.”
“We’re going to the courthouse tonight and making this official. I don’t care if I have to haul the judge in myself. When people ask, we’ll say we reconnected recently and decided to keep it small given the circumstances.” 
“Just like I said, you’re a steamroller,” Billie chuckled, “You think you have all the power. But I know what you’ve been doing here.”
“Oh yeah,” Lee challenged, “What have I been doing?”
“I heard all about Sandy and Carl, and you killing Leroy Brown and you taking bribes,” Billie spat. 
“Well, we’ve both made mistakes. I’ve only done what I’ve done for you. To provide for you. I take those bribes because it makes me more money,” Lee yelled. 
“And you got yourself in some hot water in the process. I heard you even fucking got shot. Do you know what that was like for me? I nearly came home when I heard that, I thought you were going to die. You need to be more careful Lee,” Billie shot back.
Billie realized that she had Lee right where she wanted him. He was her ticket away from Larry. He was more than capable of protecting her from that bastard. And she’d be lying if she said she didn’t want him. Billie walked forward to Lee and pushed him up against the side of the barn. She looked up at him with her big doe eyes. 
“Do you love me, Lee?” She asked, pressing her body against his. 
“Do you love me?” He countered, suspicious of her. 
“I do. I really love you,” she whispered, her hands rubbing down his chest and stomach until she cupped his cock through his pants, “So, let me tell you how this is gonna go. We’ll go to the courthouse when I’m ready. You’re not going to punish me for leaving even though I know you really want to.” She undoes his belt and pants, her hand slips into his underwear and she grips his cock, slowly jacking him off. His head lolls back to hit the barn wall. “You are going to be more careful going forward. No fights that involve guns. You are not getting shot again. Because you’re gonna have a wife and a baby that need you.” Lee groans, eyes shut, enjoying her hands on him for the first time in five years. “I’ll let you fuck me raw. Let you get me pregnant again. I’ll give you all the babies you want. I bet you would like that wouldn’t you, honey?” Lee nods pathetically. Her hand is moving up and down his length at a brutal pace, Lee jerks his hips, chasing the pleasure. “But you have to protect me. And you’re going to give me anything I want.” Billie leans up and licks Lee’s neck. “You’ll give me a nice house and pretty dresses. And I’ll just be at home all day, dripping for you. Waiting for you to come home and fuck me so good. Keep me full of you. Don’t you wanna be inside me, Lee?” Lee groans loudly. Billie sucks a hickey into Lee’s neck, and forces his lips down to meet hers. “I’m gonna help you become mayor one day, so just tell me you love me. And I can make all that happen for ya.” 
“Shit, baby. I love you so fucking much,” Lee grunts, his arms locking Billie against him, “Don’t leave me again.” 
“I promise I won’t,” she gasped, as she started to get down on her knees, but Lee grabbed her elbow and kept her upright. He grabbed her and slammed her against the barn. He caged her in and caught her lips. He holds onto her waist like he may never let her go. Her tongue is everywhere. It’s becomes clear to Lee that Billie is just as desperate for him as he is for her. Billie pulls away, panting for air and stares into Lee’s eyes. All he can see is how much she loves him, and he wonders if she sees the same thing in his eyes. He bends down to pick her up, her legs wrap around him. With one arm he holds her up, with the other he moves her panties to the side and grips his cock, preparing to plunge inside her. He rubs his length against her slit for a moment. Then rapidly shoves himself inside. He’s brutally fucking into her and she’s a mess. Desperate for anything he’ll give her. 
“Lee,” she whined. He smirked. 
“You like that baby?” he teased. She nodded. 
“You feel so good,” she cried, her head lolled back to hit the wall of the barn. Lee can see in her eyes that she’s totally lost in pleasure. Her eyes are unfocused and glazed over. He continues to pummel in and out of her.
“Did he fuck you like this?” He growled into her neck.
“He never fucked me,” she moaned, “I wouldn’t let him.”
“Why?” He teased.
“Because why?” He was just being cruel trying to get coherent answers at of her at this moment.
“Because I only ever wanted you.” If there was one sentence that ever made Lee’s cock so hard and warmed his heart so much it was that sentence. 
“Honey,” he murmured forcing her to pay attention to him, slowing his thrusts, “tell me that you love me.” 
“I love you so much, Lee,” she sobbed. 
“You gonna cum, honey?” He asked. 
“Play with your clit,” he demands. Billie is quick to comply. Her fingers skate down between them to find her clit and she rubs circles against herself. Lee speeds up again. 
“What do you want, baby?” 
“I want your cum, Lee. Please give it to me.” Lee wasn’t about to leave his girl hanging, as soon as she begins to tighten around him, he lets himself go. He comes inside her with a grunt of her name. She’s quick to follow, letting out a high pitched shriek. 
He pants against her lips, before taking out a handkerchief from his back pocket. He wipes off his cock and cleans between her legs and shoves the handkerchief into his back pocket. Billie leaned up against the side of the barn, desperately trying to catch her breath. 
“You want to meet your daughter?” Billie asked, as Lee tucked himself back into his pants. 
“Really?” Lee looked shocked at the offer. 
“Yeah, of course,” Billie scoffed. 
“What if she doesn’t like me?” 
“She will. She likes most people,” Billie promised. 
“Most people?” He questioned. 
“She only ever dislikes people that give her a reason,” Billie answered. She grabbed Lee’s hand and pulled him back to the house. His thumb dragged across her knuckles. He didn’t know if he’d ever let go of her hand. 
“Just grab a seat,” Billie said, gesturing towards the couch in the living room, “She’s just napping.” Billie sat down next to Lee. She kicked her shoes off, and draped her legs across his lap. 
“So, what’s it like to be sheriff?” she smirked, the way her eyes lit up was the same as when she was eighteen. When she used to tease him in the front seat of his car. 
“It’d be better if I had less idiot deputies,” Lee chuckles. 
“Well, you better get on that Sheriff,” Billie teased, “But you like it?”
“I do. It’s nice to be in charge,” Lee responded. Billie hummed. She knew that he liked to be in charge. 
“Sheriff Bodecker,” Joy sighed, as she entered the front sitting room, “How are you doing?” 
“I’m good. How are you holding up, Joy?” Lee asked. He allowed concern to flash across his face. Even though he knew of his role in her grief. 
“Much better now that my Billie is home,” she answered, petting Billie’s hair. 
“I feel the same way,” Lee smiled dreamily. 
“You gonna make an honest woman outta my daughter then?” Joy joked. 
“I think I will,” Lee laughed. 
“Good, good. We could use the happiness of a wedding around here. Or more babies,” Joy beamed as she went back to the kitchen. 
Lee smirked down at Billie after the baby comment from her mother. Billie toyed with Lee’s hands, avoiding his gaze, and intense blush colored her cheeks, despite the fact that Lee had been balls deep inside her ten minutes ago, coaxing her to promise him more babies.
“Mama,” called a small voice. 
“I’m right here, baby,” Billie answered getting up from the couch and going to the stairs. Beth took each step down slowly. Her hair and dress were rumpled. When Beth reached Billie, she attempted to smooth her daughters hair and clothes. 
“I have someone I want you to meet,” Billie cooed. Picking her daughter up. Billie went back to the couch and sat down with Beth in her lap. 
“Lee, this is Beth,” Billie said. Lee smiles down at the little girl. Beth decides to take the opportunity to lean as far forward as she can to see Lee. He’s surprised that she’s not shy. He’s a stranger after all. She reaches out to touch his badge. Seemingly intrigued by the star-like plaque. 
“Are you a policeman?” She asks him. 
“Yeah, I’m a sheriff,” he tells her. 
“What’s that?” She asks. 
“That means he’s in charge of all the other policemen around here. Uncle Tim is a policeman and this is his boss,” Billie says patiently. 
“Do you catch the bad guys?” Beth quizzes, looking up from his badge to his eyes.
“Yeah, I guess you could say that,” Lee chuckles. Beth wriggles out of Billie’s lap and closes the very small distance between her and Lee. She climbs onto his lap and continues to play with the edges of his badge. 
“I have a bad guy for you to get,” she tried to whisper, it comes out less quiet and more like a stage whisper. 
“Sure thing, peanut,” he said affectionately. He’s expecting her to tell him about the monster under her bed. Or a criminal in a story. 
“It’s mama’s boyfriend. He’s mean and he hurts her,” the little girl told him. Lee attempted to keep his features schooled. He doesn’t want to scare the little girl. For a moment he considers hunting down the bastard and strangling him with his bare hands. He wants to make him suffer, and be the reason that asshole would never see the light of day again. But he needs to take care of the little girl in his arms for the moment.
“Well, I want nothing more than to keep your mama safe,” he placates the small child. He looks at Billie and she looks guilty. 
“Baby,” Billie scolds, “You know that we’re here because mama isn’t with Mr. Larry anymore, because he’s a bad man. We’re moving back where all of our family is.” Beth slowly nods, but continues to play with Lee’s badge, small fingers skating over the edges.
“Beth,” he says as he directs his attention back to the little girl on his lap, “do you want to color?” Beth looked up excitedly at Lee. She hurried Billie out to the car to get her favorite coloring books. Billie, Lee and Beth sit at the mismatched dining room table and color together. Beth talks Lee’s ear off. She spends that time telling him everything about herself. Her favorite book, her favorite animal, her favorite color, all the information she deems the most important. Lee just soaks in everything she tells him. He’s ecstatic to be learning about his daughter.
That evening, Billie digs out her old apron. She and Sylvie make dinner while Lee and Joy occupy Beth and Rose. After having dinner and cleaning the kitchen Beth looks almost dead on her feet. But she returned to the table with after dinner coffee. She sat down next to Lee. He was quick to rest his hand on her thigh. 
“You look exhausted, honey,” he observed. 
“I am,” she sighed, “I should probably get Bethie ready for bed.” 
Upon hearing this Beth shrieks, “Noooo. I want to stay up and keep coloring with him!” Crocodile tears began welling up in Beth’s eyes. 
“Baby it’s okay,” Billie tried to placate. But Beth was not having it, she looked like she was about to start wailing. Lee stood up and picked Beth up from her chair and then sat right back down with Beth in his lap, she was far more content there.
“Beth,” he began, hesitantly, “How do you feel about you and mama living with me? And me being your daddy?” 
Beth’s tears dry up quickly and her eyes light up, “Really?” She asks excitedly, “Can we mama?” Lee catches Billie in a dreamy daze. He only ever saw that look every once in a while. 
“Of course, sweetpea,” she smiles. 
“Can we go now?” Beth begs.
“We probably should be getting this one home,” Lee said, petting Beth’s hair soothingly. 
“Home?” Billie questioned. 
“What? You thought that I wouldn’t have you two come home with me tonight?” Lee chuckled. 
“Isn’t that inappropriate for the sheriff to let an unmarried woman stay at his house?”
“I was just re-elected. So, I’m not too worried about what people say. As someone in law enforcement, only I can speak to where is safe for a young woman to stay at night.” 
“Alright,” she says, amused, “You still live in the same place?”
“I do.”
“I’ll drive my car over there then,” she smiles, standing from her seat, “Beth, it’s time to go. Hug Grandma goodbye.” Beth slowly gets up and hugs Joy. Billie kisses her sister and mother on the cheek. 
“Do you need anything before Wednesday, mom?” She asked Joy quietly. 
“No, the funeral home did want us to come early. They said 2:00, I believe,” Joy sighed. 
“Alright, well if you think of anything just call me at Lee’s, okay?” Billie commanded. 
“I will, honey,” Joy promised. Beth is standing close to her mom, while Lee waits for them at the door. 
“Mama, up,” Beth demands making grabby hands. 
“Baby, you’re getting too big for mama to carry,” Billie tries to reason. Beth’s bottom lip quivers and Lee can see that she’s about to cry again. 
“Beth, why don’t you let daddy carry you,” he offers. Beth beams up at him, rushing over so he can pick her up. Billie mouths “Thank you” to him. Lee grabbed Billie’s hand and led her out of the house with his daughter in his arms. He’s on top of the world. 
Billie follows Lee to his house. He lives in a simple ranch style house. It looks the same as the last time Billie saw it. Lee always said that this was just a first home. That he wanted to live there until he’d had a couple of kids. Then when the third baby was on its way, he would buy a bigger house. 
Lee is quick to help Billie with the bags. She doesn’t have many. And she’d sold her furniture to a young couple down the hall. They enter into the living room and it’s just the same. Same furniture, just a little more worn down. Lee locked the door and led them towards the bedrooms. He set the suitcases down in the hall, between the master room and one of the spare rooms. Lee had furnished both the spare rooms with items he’d inherited when his mother died. 
“Beth can sleep in this room,” he said pointing to the room next door to the master, “I’ve got some sheets for that bed in the closet. I don’t keep them on the bed unless I have company.” Billie nodded. 
“It’s getting close to her bedtime. Do you mind getting her bed ready, while I give her a bath?” She asks, gesturing towards Beth, who is tiredly leaning against the doorway. 
“Of course,” Lee says eagerly. Billie takes one case and begins digging through it. He can see that it’s Beth’s clothes. Billie is quick to find a small little night dress for Beth, before picking up another bag and finding Beth’s shampoo and toothbrush. She leads Beth to the bathroom where she fills the tub and starts directing Beth into the tub. Lee smiles to himself at how right this feels.
After her bath, Beth demands a bedtime story. Billie sits in the rocking chair in the corner, Beth in her lap, gently rocking as she reads the story. Lee watches from the doorway. He’s not paying attention to what she’s saying. He’s enthralled by how maternal she looks. She looks like she was made to be a mother. She happily makes a new voice for each character, Beth fights to keep her eyes open. She, too, is captivated by her mother. But the exhaustion of the day wins, and her breathing evens out as she falls asleep. Billie carefully tucks Beth in with a gentle kiss of her forehead. She turns to Lee, shooing him from the room. She quietly closes the bedroom door. 
Lee stares at Billie. Her baby blue dress brings out the blue in her eyes. Her hair is starting to fall from its perfect style. She looks as beautiful as always, but Lee knows her well enough to see that she’s completely exhausted.
“Let’s wash up and get to bed,” he coaxed. She nodded in agreement. Lee went to the bathroom first, quickly splashing water onto his face and washing up. Billie went next. She removed her makeup and brushed out her hair. She hated the way she looked without makeup. She knew she wasn’t nearly as pretty. But she also knew it was just better for her to take it off. She changed into a nightie, as well, before she exited the bathroom and went back to the bedroom. Lee was already in bed, and Billie was quick to crawl in next to him. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into him. 
“I have something for you,” he hummed. 
“Lee, I swear to God if you pull out your cock—“ Billie threatened. Lee laughed heartily and as quietly as he could with Beth in the next room. 
“No, something else that I think you’ll like,” he smirked. Billie rolled her eyes playfully and shook her head. Lee got out of bed and went to the closet. Billie could see that he was looking for something. She saw him pull a shoebox from the top shelf, he quickly took what he needed from the box and put it back where he had found it. Whatever it was that he got from the box, he hid it behind his back. His eyes glinted mischievously as he approached the bed. 
“So, I got this for you a while ago. And I kept it because I always hoped you would come back and I could give it to you,” Lee murmured as he kneeled down next to the bed. Finally, he revealed a small box. Billie had a feeling she knew what this was. 
He opened the box, and revealed a beautiful ring. It was set on a thick gold band. In the center was a diamond that sparkled impossibly, an asscher cut. It wasn’t as large as the diamonds all the women in Hollywood got, but it was far larger than anything in this region of Ohio.
“Lee,” Billie gasped, “How long have you had this?” 
“I got it a couple of weeks before you told me that you were pregnant,” he answered, smiling bashfully. 
“I can’t let you give me this. It’s so extravagant,” she protested. 
“Sugar, I’ve been dying to give you this ring for five years. So, marry me, let me give you this ring, and make me the happiest man alive,” Lee smiled, “Please.” 
“Of course,” she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes. Lee slid the ring up her finger. It fit perfectly. Lee got up from the floor and got back onto the bed. He crawled over Billie before kissing her deeply. When she cupped his cheek he could feel the extra weight of the ring. It spurred him on, his bit down on her bottom lip before kissing down to her neck. Her hands raked through his short hair. His fingers went to the apex of her thighs, he slid her panties to the side and plunged two fingers into her. He was shocked that she was already quite wet. He kissed her neck, as the room filled with obscene noise from her pussy. 
“Lee, please. I need you inside me,” she begged. 
“I am inside you, baby,” he teased. 
“Your cock. I need your cock,” she mewled, “I need to feel you inside me.” Lee wasn’t about to argue with a beautiful woman in his bed. He helped her out of her nightdress and underwear. She yanked on his boxers until he helped her get them off. He settled himself between her thighs. He lazily rubbed his cock over her slit, wetting his length. He pushed just the head of his cock in before removing it again. Billie pouted up at him. 
“I think you may owe me a little something, darlin’,” he teased. 
“Please, please,” she pled, clawing her fingers into his ass. 
“Aww, look at my little baby. So desperate for my cock,” he mocked, he continued to rub himself against her pussy lips. “What would you do for my cock right now?” 
“Lee,” she groaned. Billie was not interested in this game at the moment. Maybe a different night, but she just needed him to fuck her into the mattress. “Just tell me what you want and I’ll do it.” 
“I wanna make another baby with you, right now,” Lee growled in her ear. 
Seriously? That was all he wanted. From how he was playing it, she thought he might want anal. 
“Well,” she began as she moved her hips up and down, forcing him to take more friction, “then you better get to work, daddy.” She whispered the last word directly into his ear, before licking the shell of it. That was all it took for Lee to push into her abruptly. He stilled and looked down at her. 
“Tell me you want me to get you pregnant,” he demanded. 
“I want you to get me pregnant,” she whimpered. 
“What?” He goaded. 
“I want you to get me pregnant, daddy.” Lee began pumping in and out of Billie brutally, hitting that sweet place inside her that made her gush all over him. 
“Fuck, did you get tighter?” He groaned. His hands palmed her breasts. Lee was sure it wasn’t just the five years of separation, but he was enthralled by how beautiful she was. She was perfect. His hands couldn’t grip all of her breasts, her hips flared out in delicious curves. Her tummy was soft, softer than before, it was an aftereffect of having his baby, Lee was sure. Her thighs were thick, he couldn’t help but imagine those wrapped around his face as he fucked her with his tongue. But that was a task for another day, or maybe just later. 
His hands skated down her figure to grabs her hips. He held onto her so tight, he knew it would leave bruises but he used his grip as leverage to fuck her harder. Her legs locked around him, as he thrust in so hard it pushed her farther up the bed, until her head hit the headboard. Billie threw one hand up to stop her head from slamming harder into the headboard, but that action just forced the headboard to slam into the wall. 
“Lee,” she moaned, “We have to be quiet.” They had a little one to worry about now. Lee slowed, but the headboard kept hitting the wall. He pulled out and stood next to the bed. Billie immediately pouted at the loss of him inside her. 
“Come here,” he cooed. She crawled over to him and began to lay back before he stopped her. 
“No, back to me, feet on the floor,” he commanded. She followed his directions and stood so her back was pressed to his front. He held her tightly to him. Kissing her neck, as one hand held her hip and the other ran over her belly. 
“Can’t wait til you’re all swollen with me,” he hummed in her ear. He pushed her forward onto the bed, before pushing back inside her. Billie turned her face so she could moan into the bedspread. Lee used this new position to fuck her deeper. And as hard as he could. His hands held her hips tightly, and he bent over her, kissing her neck and back. She got wetter and wetter the more attention he paid to her back. That was something he’d never discovered and he loved it. He started sucking bruises between her shoulder blades and the curve where her neck met her shoulder. 
“Oh, fuck,” she gasped. Her juices were starting to trickle down her thighs. 
“So wet,” he smirked, one hand curving around her body to rub her clit. Lee could feel her legs starting to shake. 
“You gonna come for me, baby?” He teased. She nodded desperately, not able to speak. Her hands went to the bedspread and gripped it tightly. Lee kissed the back of her neck, and felt her clench a bit tighter around him. He laved his tongue over the same area, before sucking a bruise in the same section. Billie’s eyes rolled back and she came with a shout. It took all of Lee’s self control not to follow her. He slowed his thrusts as she came down. He pulled out, very pleased to see her dripping as he did. 
He rolled Billie onto her back. He wanted to look at her when he came. He cupped her face, she was still in a daze, but she looked up at him dreamily. He pushed back into her, and she moaned, quietly. 
“I love you,” she whimpered. 
“I love you, baby,” he told her. Tears sprang to her eyes, as he rolled his hips slowly against her. 
“I’m sorry,” she murmured, “I wish I never left.” 
“Shh, it’s okay,” he reassured. She reached up to touch his face. 
“You need to know, I missed you everyday. I regretted it everyday,” she sobbed, “I was so stupid. You are the only man I ever could’ve loved and I left you.” Lee stopped moving, but stayed inside her. 
“Honey,” he said, “It’s okay. I promise. I’m never gonna stop loving you. Not even you leaving could change that. Just be with me now. We don’t have to worry about anything else but the future, okay?”
“Okay,” she whispered. He kissed her forehead. 
“Do you want to stop? We can just go to sleep if you want.”
“No, I want to keep going.” 
“You sure?” He asked. 
“Yeah, please,” she begged, “I want you to feel good.” She leaned up to kiss him. Her hands lightly scratched over his back, encouraging him to keep going. Lee hesitated but picked his movements back up, he was going slow. Slower than Billie wanted. 
“Faster,” she commanded. Lee complied, slamming into her. 
“Say my name,” he growled. 
“Lee,” she breathed in a high pitch voice. 
“Tell me what you want, honey,” he grunted. 
“I want you. I want you to cum inside me,” she gasped. 
“Are you mine?”
“Yes, yours. All yours.” Lee was pummeling into her now, chasing his orgasm. 
“I love you, Lee,” she whimpered. And those words sent Lee careening over the edge of the cliff. His hips stuttered into her, as he came. Rope after rope of hot cum painted her walls. Billie fluttered around him. Lee panted above her, but leaned down to capture her mouth all the same. His tongue tangled with hers. 
When they broke apart, Lee pulled out. Billie started to sit up, but Lee pushed her back down. 
“Stay on your back,” he ordered, “I want it to take.”
“Honey, we have all the time in the world to try again,” she laughed. Lee didn’t care. He picked her up from the edge of the bed, and set her down, so she could lay against the pillows. He helped her get under the sheets before joining her. He thought about pushing inside her again so none of his cum could leak out. Billie turned onto her side so she could lay across his chest. He scowled at her for ignoring his directions. 
“Don’t worry. I’ll let you fuck your cum back into me in the morning,” she sighed, burrowing her face into the crook of his neck. Lee chuckled, and wrapped one arm around her. He was dragging his hand up and down her back when he felt it. He wasn’t sure what it was, but it was a bumpy spot on her back. It didn’t feel like the rest of her soft skin. He peered down and saw several dots. They were in clusters all over her back. He hadn’t noticed them before, he’d been too preoccupied.
“What are these?” He asked her. Billie stiffened. She was like a board in his arms. 
“It’s nothing Lee. Let’s just get to sleep,” she hummed. 
“Tell me,” Lee said sternly. 
“Just… just don’t freak out, okay?” She murmured, pulling away to look at his face. “They’re healed cigarette burns. Larry was an angry drunk.” Lee felt a murderous rage race through his blood. He had half a mind to get dressed and go find that bastard that very instant. “Honey, please just stay calm.” 
“Stay calm? How do you expect me to stay fucking calm?” Lee hissed through gritted teeth, trying to stay quiet for Beth’s sake. 
“It’s okay. It’s over. I’m here and he’s back in New York,” she soothed. 
“I could just kill him,” Lee growled. 
“I’m okay,” she promised, “Let’s just go to sleep. Please.” Lee nodded begrudgingly. He pulled Billie back into him. She quickly fell asleep, but Lee was content to just hold Billie for a moment. Happy that after so long she was back in his arms. 
@greeneyedblondie44 @bxnnywriting @kitty4860
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angelliev · 4 years
Lover Boy - JJ Maybank x OC - Part Two - Cherry Popping
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Word Count: 2.7K
Summary: Aria learns a little more about the differences between the social classes of the Outer Banks and is exhilarated to see JJ once again. The chemistry between the two teenagers increases and so does their burning passion for each other.
Warnings: Smut, some cursing, unprotected sex. (Don’t be a fool, cover your tool) ;)
A/N: GIF is not mine. Belongs to the rightful owner. I don’t own the show or any of the characters. Hope you enjoy and thank you so much for your time. :)
Lover Boy Series Masterlist
The universe is definitely a mystery to me. I tend not to believe in fate, but that seemed to change when today took a surprising turn. It started out with having brunch with my family at the country club with the Camerons. Normally I wouldn’t mind going, but I my skin is still decorated with hickeys. For the past few days I had to cover ALL of them with makeup. Damn you JJ. He’s all I’ve been thinking about ever since the sleepover. I want to see him again. Just thinking about him makes my heart skip a beat and my cheeks turn red. Part of me wonders what he would do to me if we were to see each other again. God the things I’d let him do to me are absolutely sinful.
A snap of someone’s fingers displayed in front of my statue face pulls me back into reality and away from my forbidden fantasy. I turn to the young woman sitting next to me with a confused look. She nods towards the waiter who is waiting for my order. “Forgive me. May I please have your pesto mushroom crepe? Thank you.” I can practically feel the burning gaze from the young woman sitting beside me. My dear older sister.
Jennifer Prescott. My father’s picture-perfect daughter. Intelligent, graceful, pretty and popular. That’s how my parents see her, me on the other hand, I know her true nature. She can be mean, materialistic and manipulative. We’re always getting on each other’s nerves. She’s quite the party animal too, but my parents trust her too much to think that she would go out and do stuff like that. Even if they did now, they probably wouldn’t mind. After all, they seem to adore her matching picture-perfect asshole of a boyfriend, Rafe Cameron. When he’s not hanging out with his friends or doing business, he’s cheating on my sister and doing cocaine. Sitting on the other side of me is Sarah who whispers discreetly into my ear, “I still can’t believe they’re back together. They fight more than the kooks and pogues combined.” I nod in agreement. Sarah excuses herself to go to the bathroom and I sit while listening to the agonizing grown up talk that bores me to death. That was until a rather impolite conversation was brought to the table.
“Would it kill for these people to hurry up with our order? I swear all they do all day is sit around like sloths.” I felt ashamed to hear those words come out of my father’s mouth. I felt even angrier to hear what Rafe said next. “I understand sir. Those pogues are an absolute nuisance, they cause nothing but trouble.” I glare at Rafe. “They’ve worked more than you ever have.” I squeezed my way into the conversation, everyone turns their attention to me. “Excuse me?” Rafe asked astonished. “You heard me. They’ve worked harder than you ever have. They have grit. They’re determined. They accomplish things. What have you done besides waste your money and,”
“Aria!” My dad interrupt. “That was uncalled for.” “So are you and Rafe talking down to people like they’re worthless.” I can practically see the steam erupting from both my dad and sister. “You guys don’t know shit about them. What gives you the right to say such things?” I continue.
“Stop it Aria! This is embarrassing.” Jennifer says in a hushed tone, not wanting to attract more curious stares. “So is being related to you Jennifer.” Her jaw drops. With my anger over flowing within in me, I stand up and gather my belongings. “And where the hell do you think you’re going?” My dad questions me. “Anywhere but here.” I march away despite my father’s protest. I let out a frustrated sigh as I enter my home.
Maybe I should’ve waited for the food to arrive before stomping out. Now I’m hungry. I scan the fridge only to see that we barely have anything. I suppose now would be a good time to order some groceries. Thank god for Heyward, the lord and keeper of all the holy groceries. (Lmao sorry I love him) While I wait, I decide to scroll through the channels on the tv, finally coming to a decision.
I practically sprint to the door when I hear the bell ring, stomach growling. What I definitely wasn’t expecting was a particular handsome blonde hair blue eyed guy to be standing in front of me. “JJ?” I pause for a moment. I couldn’t believe I was gazing upon him again. “Nice to see you beautiful.” He smirks as he can see he still has an effect on me.
“Likewise, please come in.” I take a few bags from him. My hand brushed against his. “Nice place you got. What do your parents do again?” He asked looking around the luxurious home. It’s too much in my opinion. “My dad is a CEO of this pharmaceutical company and my mom is a physician.” “And what do you want to do?” “I don’t know yet. What about you?” He just huffs. “Don’t know. Something that doesn’t require college. Military probably.” I watch him help put groceries away, I can’t help but gaze at his beautiful body, with the way you can see the veins in his arms or his toned abdomen under his shirt. His fit to join the military.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you again.” I say. “Awe, did I leave insatiable?” His eyes burn into mine. I’d be the biggest liar if I said no. “Perhaps. Couldn’t get enough of you I guess.” I decide to play along with his game of flirtation. “Oh? Is that so? And just what would your parents think if they knew their daughter was getting hot and heavy with some pogue?” He says backing me up towards the counter. “Don’t know. Wasn’t planning on telling them. I figured this,” I close the distance between us and gently bite down on his earlobe. “Could be our dirty little secret.” This seems to rile him up a little. He looks me up and down. “I like the sound of that.”
He finally closes the distance between us, lips crashing together. Hands exploring every curve and muscle of each other’s body. God, I missed this. His hands on my waist. Tongue caressing mine. Being so close and intimate. This whole thing felt scandalous. Me sitting on the kitchen counter making out with the hot delivery boy. I can’t even imagine what would happen if my parents found out. Who knew fate would bring us together again?
I want it to last forever, but the sound of the front door opening makes us both jump back. “Aria?” My mother calls for me until she finds me in the kitchen. She was taken by surprise to see JJ.
“Oh, I wasn’t expecting any guests.” “Sorry, I ordered some groceries. This is JJ.” I apologize. She just smiles. “No need to apologize. And it’s a pleasure to meet you JJ. I’m Elaine, Aria’s mother.” She offers a hand shake which he takes. “Nice to meet you too ma’am.” He flashes her a smile. She pays him and tips him nicely before handing him a cold-water bottle.
“Take some water with you love. It’s hot out there. You need to stay hydrated, especially if you’re being active.” This took JJ by surprise. “Thank you. I really appreciate that.” “My pleasure love, and take this with you. You must be burning so many calories after working all day.” She hands him a zip lock bag of some of the leftover sandwiches we made last night. “Oh, that’s fine Mrs. Prescott. You really don’t have to do that.” JJ attempts to decline. “Nope I insist.” She ignores his protests. He finally gives in. “Thank you again. That’s very kind of you.” “I’ll walk you out.” I say. When we’re out of her hearing distance he says, “Your mom seems really nice. Looks I’ll have to deliver here more often.” “Speaking of that when can I see you again?” “There’s this kegger party tonight. What do you think?” “Sure. I’ll see you tonight lover boy. “Better.” He winks before strutting off.
I enter the kitchen to see my mom preparing to make dinner. “He’s a sweet kid.” She compliments. “Yeah, he is.” I was a confused to say the least. I thought that she would bring up the incident at the club. “You’re not mad at me?” She simply looks up with confused eyes. “If you’re referring to what happened at brunch, no I’m not mad. You did nothing wrong.” Well that’s not what I was expecting. “I doubt that dad feels the same way.” She just chuckles.
“You’re right about that, but he had absolutely no right to be so disrespectful and neither did Rafe. If anything, it surprised me that your father and Rafe would say such thing in front of Mr. and Mrs. Cameron.” “Why’s that?” My curiosity gets the best of me. “Because they’re actually from the cut.” That came as a shock. “I’m sorry if I overreacted, but I just didn’t think that was fair of them.” She looks at me with nothing but care in her motherly eyes. “Don’t every apologize for speaking up against something that’s wrong. I gave your father a piece of my mind before he went golfing with Mr. Cameron.” “Thanks mom, for understanding.” She simply smiles. “Of course. Now enough with that. You go enjoy the rest of your day.”
And that I did. My leg was bouncing the whole way there. It didn’t take much to convince Charis and Sarah to come. “Trying to impress someone?” Asked Charis referring to my rather revealing short sundress and hair down. “Can’t a girl feel pretty once in a while?” I hope JJ likes what he sees, and boy did he. I was satisfied to see that he was impressed. His predator like eyes roamed every inch of my body. He licks his bottom lip, making me weak in the knees. The night went on with JJ staring me down. Watching my every move. Most likely fantasizing about what he’d do to me if he had me alone.
I take a seat next to him by the fire. My naked leg brushed against his. Sending a shiver up our spines. “Wanna get out of here?” His hot breath, that smells like weed, mint and booze, whispers into my ear. I didn’t hesitate to say yes. That’s all he needed before taking my hand and leading me towards this cute fish shack by the marsh. I didn’t have time to say anything when he slammed the door shut and pushed me against the wall.
His lips attack mine like he’s been holding back all day. My hands go straight for his hair, pulling at the ends. “You have no idea what that dress does to me babygirl.” “I thought you’d like it.” My eyes flicker into his lustful ones that seemed to grow a shade darker. This time he kisses me a lot slower than the last one. It was gentler, like he wanted to take his sweet time with me. His hands clutch onto my ass. Making me gasp and giving him the opportunity to slip his tongue past my now swollen red lips. When we pull away to breathe, something in me finally awakened. Like a hidden voice that I’ve been holding back for so long. Something only he was able to awaken. “I want you JJ. I want all of you.”
He waste no time to scoop me up in his arms and begin to walk towards what I assume is his bedroom. He throws me on the bed before crawling on top of me, our lips connect again in a passionate kiss. I tug at his shirt, which he gladly takes off, along with my dress that he throws across the room. He takes his time to soak in the girl in front of him. I didn’t bother to wear a bra, which seemed to take him by surprise.
He begins to play with the harden buds, the feeling of his rings making my breath hitch. “So fucking beautiful.” His words make me blush, all the insecurities that seemed to cloud my mind vanish. Even when he pulled down my panties. My hesitation disappears when I unbuckle his belt, pulling down his pants and boxers, his erection no longer hiding. I silently gulp as I look upon the member.
“Jay?” His eyes flicker to mine. “I’ve never um,” I can’t seem to find the right words, but judging from the look on his face, he already knew. “We can stop if you want.” “No. I want this. I want it to be with you.” This makes him smile, I can practically see a spark in his baby blue ocean eyes. “I’ll be gentle. I promise. We’ll go at your pace.” His hands hold my legs open as he aligns himself at my entrance. I watch as he begins to disappear inch by inch until bottoming out. I focus on my breathing, hoping that it would distract me from the discomfort.
When I look up at him, his jaw is clenched, resisting the urge to plunge deep into my smooth folds. He leans down to litter kisses on my face as an attempt to distract me from the pain. “Just relax. It’ll start to feel better soon.” Who knew he had such a sweet side? My walls finally begin to adjust to him. The discomfort begins to fade. I move my hips and am introduced to a pleasurable sensation resulting in me letting out a surprised moan. It increases as he pulls out only to plunge back in, almost knocking the wind out of me.
He finds a rhythm that I was comfortable with. The speed of his thrusts increase as the volume of my moans grow louder. The sound of skin slapping, raspy breaths and pornographic moans fill the room. Our bodies fit perfectly together, like puzzle pieces, as if we were made for each other. He smiles at how well I’m taking him.
The sight above me was breath taking. His biceps flexing every so often along with his abdomen tightening. His skin practically glowing. Hair messy and falling in front of face. Head thrown back, mouth agape and a vein on the verge of popping. The heavenly sound of his occasional moans and grunts, a pleasing melody.
Wanting more, I pull him down so our chests meet and wrap my legs around his waist, creating a new angle that reaches the sweet spot that lurks deep inside me making me moan louder. He once again bites down on that particular spot located on my neck. This action causes a tight feeling to form in my stomach. “Mmm JJ. I’m so close.” “Cum for me babygirl. I’m right behind you.” His thrusts become faster and sloppy. With him grunting against my ear and thumb rubbing against my sensitive clit, it doesn’t take much for me to reach my peak. My eyes roll to the back of my head, which is thrown back against the pillow, and a wave of euphoria rushes through my body like electricity.
“Fuck.” The feeling of my walls gripping around him even harder was enough for him to find his own release. He stills inside me, his seed coating my what was once pure and innocent walls, and are now tainted and marked by him. The rest of his body goes limp as he lays against me trying to catch his breath. The two of us lay there, our bodies slick with sweat, taking in the warm air. A whimper escapes my lips at the lost feeling when he pulls out, some of his cum leaking out of me. Neither of us say a word. Our naked bodies tangle together under the sheets and he turns the light out. I let the rhythmic sound of his beating heart guide me into a deep and peaceful sleep.
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mf-despair-queen · 4 years
Never Give Up - Lee Taeyong
Author: @mf-despair-queen
Pairing: Lee Taeyong/Reader
Word Count: 20,984
Summary: When Y/N joins SM Entertainment as a trainee, she didn’t think she would make it. Nor did she think Lee Taeyong from NCT would be assisting in training her class. But most of all, she didn’t think that he would step up to help her achieve her dream. 
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Unprotected Sex, Oral, Shower Stuff, kinda sweet stuff all around because Taeyong is just a caring baby?
Notes: Only like... 3 months in the making. But I hold this fic very close to my heart because Taeyong’s story of becoming an idol is very precious to me. And just as an overall person, he’s very inspiring to me. I wanted to represent that side of him, not giving up when you have a dream and a goal, to be the best you can be and not let anything bring you down. 
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Happy chatter filled the room, the voices echoing off the walls and mirrors located all around. Each small group stretched together, joyously preparing for the first day as a trainee. Some showed off their moves at each other while others just kept a pleasant conversation to pass the time.
And here you were, sat alone in the corner. Our fingers tapped anxiously while reaching for your foot extended in front of you, feeling the muscles in your back stretching out and loosening. Sweat was leaking from your pores, keeping your skin moist and uncomfortable despite the lack of dancing you had actually done. 
When the door opened, everyone instantly stood at attention, including yourself whom scrambled up to stand at attention. Lines had formed, each trainee stood one by one as the instructor waltzed in, eyes glowering slightly as he scanned the crowd.
“Good morning, sir,” the trainee group said in unison with a bow, the teacher nodding in approval.
“Good morning,” he said, voice slightly gruff and deep, throwing you off for a moment. The instructor placed his stuff aside - a notebook and pen combo, water bottle, and towel - before turning to face everyone. “My name is Kim Jihun and I will be your dancer teacher. And may I start by saying congratulations on being admitted to be a trainee of SM Entertainment.”
The girls around you clapped happily, smiles on their faces. Your hands were slow to come together, your nerves on edge. His words seemed to haunt you, sending a shiver up your spine. You were questioning why you even showed up to the audition in the first place. You weren’t expecting to get through when they approached you on the street, telling you that they were looking for potential recruits. 
You weren’t anything special in your mind. Sure, you loved to dance and sing in your free time, but compared to the people around you, you were miniscule. You wanted nothing more than to shrink into the background and disappear, running from the room and never returning.
“Let me warn you that this will not be an easy course,” his words filled the room, making you snap back to attention. Jihun walked back and forth in front of the group, speaking slowly and intently. “SM Entertainment has very high standards for its artists and you are expected to work hard to achieve that. Fail, and you be let go. Succeed, and you will be trained until you are ready to debut.”
You swallowed thickly, eyes falling to the ground before you. You toe dug into the shiny hardwood floor, afraid to look up. You knew that the look in the mirror would show just how stressed you were while everyone else looked determined to do well. Your hands rung around the bottom of your shirt, wrinkling the loose material in the tight grip. Your fingers twisted around the material, disappearing into the white fabric.
“But, don’t let that discourage you. Everyone here is at a different level, but you can’t let your inexperience stop you. I’ve had trainees in the past that have come in and I thought they would amount to nothing. I figured they would not make it to be an idol. But I was wrong. Through hard work and determination, he was able to overcome those challenges and become the leader dancer of her group. He is the epitome of the term “never give up on your dreams” and I want you all to remember that.
“I want you to remember that because he will be training you as well for the next few months. His group is on hiatus for the time being after having finished their recent promotions and he expressed an interest in helping train for once. So, don’t think he needs any further introduction. Please welcome Lee Taeyong from NCT.”
Your heart stopped when you watched him open the door carefully, a nervous smile on his gorgeous face. It made his soft cheeks uplift, contrasting against his sharp jaw. He uttered over a dozen hellos as he entered, bowing continuously in his normal polite manner, hands clasped together in front of him with every bend of his back and step of his feet. Each bow made his bright blue hair bounce around, falling to rest against his forehead when he stood straight. His brown eyes twinkled in the lights of the practice room, the glimmer they shone making your heart race. His large hands rubbed together as he took his place next to your instructor, trailing his eyes over the crowd. It felt like his eyes lingered longer on you, his smile curling further. The male idol was wearing a simple pair of black skinny jeans and a loose white shirt that said “Rare”, black shoes adorning his feet.
You let out a shaky breath, unable to believe that Lee Taeyong was standing in front of you. You had watched the man grow and succeed since his days as an SM Rookie, He was one of the reasons you enjoyed dance as much as you did. Seeing the way he moved, the joy it brought - you couldn’t help but move yourself. You aspired to be as good as him, sadly accepting that you never would be. He was a god among men, and you could only wish that you could be on his level one day.
Now, he stood before you in the flesh, ready to help you learn and improve. If you weren’t nervous before, you would be now. Too bad you were already sweating bullets before he walked in. Your face felt hot and you were ready to pass out. From across the room, you could feel his presence. HIs aura was intimidating, even though the face he gave the crowd was soft and he bounced between his feet anxiously. His hands rung together, picking at his nails slightly, but he stood proud. 
“Hello,” he greeted officially. Your heart thundered heavily at the sound of his sultry voice. It was deep and smooth, a husky undertone that you were familiar with from his fabulous rapping skills. His infectious smile made you crack a small one of your own, feeling your cheeks light up with a bright burn. 
“My name is Lee Taeyong, leader of NCT. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He finished his greeting with a bow, you and the others following his gesture. When he stood up, he ran a hand through his hair, pushing it away from his forehead while speaking. “I’m really looking forward to helping train you guys for a while. I remember my days as a trainee and how nerve wracking it can be, so I hope that I can help you guys grow and improve like I was able to.”
“I will leave this to you, Taeyong,” Jihun told the idol leader, who nodded in return. Jihun took a seat in a chair to the side, his notepad and pen in hand. His dark eyes stared daggers through the room, ready to assess your first day.
Taeyong made his way to the front of the room, everyone turning to face the mirrors and rearranging themselves to a more comfortable location to begin the lesson. You slid to the back of the group, hiding yourself from the mirror as much as possible in the small group of people. Taeyong slid a black headband on his head to keep his hair back, turning to stare at himself - and your group behind him - in the mirrors.
“Alright. We’ll begin by teaching you the moves to this choreography that I helped to create. It was something I dabbled in when we did the song So Am I with Ava Max, so I hope you all like it. We will start off slow and practice each section a few times, but it’ll be pretty quick to learn the entire piece. By the end of today, I want to test run this dance with the music.”
You dry swallowed, shaking slightly. It was time…
He wasn’t kidding when he said the learning curve was steep. The speed that you were intended to learn the choreography was fast paced, even with Taeyong’s slow and methodical teaching style. He showed each step multiple times, explaining thoroughly what he was doing and how your body should be moving with the movement. He allowed ample time for you to practice the movements before moving onto the next move, He would even sing his own rap part when he picked up the pace to show the entire section as it should be performed, your eyes wide in awe. Taeyong made the dance look simple. 
The steps themselves weren’t hard in reality, but you couldn’t help but wonder if you were doing it right. As pieces started to get linked together, more of the choreography coming together, you couldn’t help yourself from turning your eyes to those around you, trying to pick up on how they moved, imitating their postures and strides. The more parts that got added amplified the difficulty, aiding in your downfall, your progress slowing, stopping and receding. 
You were struggling to follow the full dance, resorting to following those around you in an attempt to complete the dance. You felt weak compared to them, lacking power and precision, your steps sloppy and uncoordinated. You were off beat, arms swinging slowly, body rolling with less exuberance than the other trainees. You were crying internally from the difficulty and underwhelming results.
Taeyong stopped everyone for a water break, readying the music. “One last run before we end for today. I know it’s been rough for the first day, but this dance course is no easy feat. We will do one run of the choreo with the music then you guys are free to head to your vocal class.”
A resounding grunt of acceptance was heard, but all you could do was puff out a sigh. You prayed that you could mimic those around you enough to get through the dance, all while hoping Taeyong’s eyes didn’t find you in the back of the crowd. When the music started, you struggled, just as you thought you would. Your eyes followed everyone else, a beat behind just like during the practice runs. You struggled your way through the dance, wishing with each passing second that it would be over. 
Taeyong’s dutiful eyes, a deep, chocolate color, scanned the crowd unknowing to the trainees as he danced, taking in every incorrect step, bent leg during a kick, and lackluster sway of the hips. But, amongst all the trainees, he couldn’t stop his eyes from being drawn to you shielded in the back of the crowd. He pouted slightly to himself, fixated on the slow movements and turned head, pausing to get the steps of your colleagues.
His heart ached for you.
Taeyong uttered a thank you to the group once the song was over, everyone bowing before parting their ways to collect their belongings. Taeyong strode away to Jihun, the two muttering softly together, the dance instructor jotting things down as Taeyong talked. You let out a sigh, knowing that you had been caught red handed by the instructor. Soon, Taeyong would know as well. You were disheartened to know that you had failed your role model at his own choreography. Your feet, aching and sore, moved towards your bag, missing how Taeyong glanced your way, Jihun’s eyes following.
You collapsed to the ground, ignoring everyone around you grabbing their stuff and making their way to the door, the room growing quieter by the second. You pulled out your phone, frowning at the text you had received from your mother asking about how your first day went. She had always supported you, encouraging you to pursue this unrealistic dream - that was quickly transforming into a nightmare instead. You didn’t know how to tell her it didn’t go well. 
Yeah, the first day was horrible. That’s just what she’d want to hear.
“Excuse me,” you heard beside you. Your head whipped to the familiar, deeply pleasant voice of Lee Taeyong. The idol had removed his headband from his blue hair, allowing beads of sweat to drip along his facial features, running along his jawline. His dark eyes bore into your soul, his sweet smile making butterflies rage at you. “Sorry to disturb you. Your name is Y/N, correct?”
You blinked, unsure how he knew who you were. “Yeah…?” You placed your phone down, standing slowly. Your feet were yelling at you for doing so, but it didn’t feel right to sit while talking to him. You bowed at the young man, though he waved at you in dismissal. 
“No need for that. It’s fine,” he chuckled happily. “I just… want to talk to you really quick. If you have a moment.”
Your brow furrowed, opening your mouth to find no words escaping. Your throat felt dry, swallowing once before managing to get something said. “I mean… I have to get to my vocal training…”
“I will walk you there and explain the situation,” he offered. 
“A-alright,” you weakly muttered.
Taeyong gave a sad smile, licking his lips before speaking. “I just… I couldn’t help but notice you during the training.” Your heart plummeted. “You looked like you were really struggling.”
“I-I…” you started, fighting back tears. “I was, I guess…”
“No need to be sad!” he exclaimed quickly, biting at his lower lip. “That’s why I wanted to talk to you.”
“You wanted to talk to me because I suck horribly?” You uttered sarcastically, earning a chuckle from the man.
“Kind of, I guess,” he teased. You pouted. “I wanted to make you an offer actually.”
“Yeah,” he cooed softly. His hand ran through his hair, cheeks puffing with a burst of air before continuing. “I wanted to see if you’d like some extra lessons. You know, with me?”
“What?” you asked without hesitation. Taeyong laughed, shaking his head. 
“I wanted to give you some extra dance lessons, just the two of us. That way we can focus on what you need more than the others. That way we can get you on a higher level than you are at now.”
You blinked at him, turning away slightly, avoiding his sharp gaze. “Why would you want to do that?” you whispered lowly.
“Because,” Taeyong spoke calmly. You turned to look back at him when he didn’t continue. His face was serious, but he smiled at you, stuffing his hands in his pockets. His foot kicked the wood floor aimlessly, digging the toe of his shoe into it. “I know what it’s like to be in your shoes. I know what it’s like to struggle and feel like you aren’t good enough. I know how it feels to think you aren’t cut out for this. 
“I was called a blank sheet when I was a trainee and I felt insulted. I felt like I was being told that I wasn’t good enough and I wouldn’t amount to anything. But I overcame that because I realized that as much of a blank sheet as I am, I could draw my own path on it. And I want you to be able to do the same. I was in the same boat as you once, standing at the back of the crowd, following everyone else. Now, I can stand on my own two feet. I want to help you do the same.”
You contemplated his words, never straying your eyes from him. Silence enveloped the room, apart from the steady breaths of the pair of you. Finally, you spoke up. “But why do you want to try so hard with me?”
Taeyong grinned, freeing a hand to ruffle his hair. “Because I can see the fire and desire in your eyes. This is what you love to do, and I want to make sure that you can enjoy every bit of it. I’m not going to give up on you because I want to see you overcome this and make it big one day.” He let out a heavy breath, licking his lips. “So, what do you say? You up for some extra dance practices?”
After a moment of hesitation, you nodded slowly. Taeyong’s face lit up, grinning widely. “Alright. I’d like the extra training if you’re willing to help. I… I don’t want to give up.”
“Don’t worry. I won’t let you,” he laughed. He grabbed his phone from his pocket, handing it to you. “Go ahead and put your number in. We can set up a secondary schedule around your vocal and dance practices. And we can use this room as our go to. Sound good?”
“Sounds good,” you told him, taking his phone and typing in the number. When you handed it back, contact name complete with a smiley face, your fingers brushed, making your skin tingle. Your cheeks lit up, backing away slightly to grab your stuff. “I appreciate the help, Taeyong. I’m looking forward to it.”
“Same here,” he grinned, leading you to the door after you gathered your belongings. “You’re going to do great, Y/N I just know it.”
“Ugh!” you huffed in exasperation. Killing the music on your phone, your hand a sweaty hand through your hair, pushing the loose strands away from your forehead in anger. You had stumbled again, much to your dismay. Despite the extra practice you were getting, and the additional coaching you had been gifted, you were still struggling, grasping everything too slow for your liking.
Training for Taeyong outside of the normal practice had been a blessing. You found yourself doing better, learning the dances more and more each time, but you still had difficulties during the classes themselves, finding yourself still following the others to move your feet and hands to the beat. You continued to stay to the back, even though Taeyong encouraged you to step forward more and show the skills he believed you had.
Speaking of Taeyong - you never realized just how caring the man was until you agreed to this ordeal. You found yourself getting daily text from him after having exchanged numbers to discuss your additional practice regimen, the older male never failing to give words of encouragement amongst his own busy schedule. The texts came without fail before every dance and vocal lesson that he wasn’t there for, using silly emojis, dancing gifs and memes he found online to keep your low spirits elevated as much as possible.
That was just one aspect of the sweet man. Once your private lessons began, you learned how patient he was with you. Seeing your struggles, he slowed down his own movements, taking more time to show you what to do and how to do it. He pointed out every detail you would need to know for the dance before stumbling over his own feet, ears turning red.
“I meant to do that,” he would claim, earning a laugh from you. Hear your laugh just made him smile.
Taeyong over the few weeks you had been a trainee, under his tender loving care as a mentor, became a close friend that you could confide in, no matter the time of day. During water breaks, you would find yourself talking about everything and nothing with the idol, both of you sharing every little fact you could with each other. At this point, it felt like Taeyong knew you better than you knew yourself, and vice versa. You learned many things about the humble young man, your heart thumping harder every day for him. Your adoration for him had grown the more you learned about him, every day getting better.
Until now.
Letting out a deep breath, you restarted the music, turning to face the mirror. As the beat began, your foot slid across the floor, toes pointed, and leg extended outward. Your arms raised, beginning to sway to the beat just as you had learned not even an hour before in your class. Your hips rounded, turning in circles to the thumping music. Your eyes closed to concentrate on what you were doing, counting the steps as you moved.
Your body stumbled when the chorus hit, feet tangling around each other when you went to take a step. You let out a loud grunt, feet stomping in annoyance. “Why can’t I get this right?” you exclaimed to no one in particular, venting the pent-up frustration you felt.
“You’re overthinking it.”
The words caught you off guard, your body whipping around to face the door, only stumbling to the side in the progress. Taeyong chuckled, pulling off the white hat he had on his head, placing the plastic bag in his hand against the wall. You pouted at his laughter, trudging over to pause the music. The idol ruffled his blue hair, taking a seat against the wall. Wordlessly, you joined at his side, taking the iced coffee he offered to you.
“Don’t laugh at me,” you scowled at him playfully. Taeyong smiled at your words.
“I’m not wrong though,” he stated firmly. “Also, sorry for startling you. That wasn’t my intention. And I’m sorry I was running late. I was finishing recording a new song.”
“I know. I got your text,” you teased. Taeyong made a sour face, sticking his tongue out. 
“And here I was nice and brought dinner because I was running late.”
“Depends what you brought,” you told him. Taeyong moved the bag in front of you, pulling out a platter of japchae, gimbap and mandu. You watched him eagerly open the japchae, snapping his chopsticks apart so he could take a mouthful of food. “How do you stay so skinny when you love food so much? Especially sweets. I’ve seen you eat nearly a dozen cupcakes before and you lost weight. I don’t get it.”
“Dancer metabolism,” he joked. 
“Don’t be mean,” you huffed, biting into a warm dumpling. “So, what did you mean?”
“Hm?” he hummed, tilting his head cutely. You shook off the adorable face, shoving his shoulder with yours instead. 
“You know,” you scolded. “When you walked in, you said that I was overthinking it. What did you mean?”
“Exactly what I said,” he pointed out. “You’ve gotten better, but I can see how you are still struggling. And I think you are trying too hard to do well at it now. Because you are so worried about doing well, worried about learning to choreography fast enough, and worried about not messing up, you’re pushing yourself too much. When you stress, you are bound to make more mistakes. When you worry, you’re more prone to mistakes. I would know. I did it a lot when I was a trainee.”
Taeyong gave a small, lopsided smile. “Hey, it’s not a bad thing. It’s understandable and kind of to be expected. The stress that being a trainee for SM is insane sometimes and when you don’t believe you are doing enough, it hurts a bit.”
“Yeah,” you sighed. “I’m scared of the first evaluation next week.”
“Don’t be. Just do your best. That’s all you can do. Practice and do what you can. You can’t let yourself get down about this because you need to make your own path with this.”
“This coming from a blank slate?” you teased. 
Taeyong chuckled, nodding vigorously. “Absolutely. I was hard on myself all the time, YN,” he said, turning to look at you better. “I didn’t think I’d make it. But I never gave up because I love what I do. I love to dance. I love to rap. I love to sing. And even though I felt insulted, I turned that around. I decided that I would write my own story. And, I know you have that same drive.”
“How do you know?” you asked after a moment of hesitation, pulling your eyes away from the bowls in front of you to look into the dark eyes of the young man beside you. His lips upturned, showing his glistening white teeth.
“Because I can see how much you love to dance. I can see how much joy it brings. I can see the passion you have for it. And I want to see you succeed,” he told you. Learning back on his hands, Taeyong stared up at the ceiling for a moment. “Honestly, I can see how good you are too. Even though you take a bit to learn the moves, I can see how strong your movements really are. You follow others for the steps, but when you have them, you are the best at them. And, if you ask me, you stand out the most among the trainees.”
“Really?” you asked, shocked.
“Of course,” he chuckled. “If I’m being honest right now, you were the first one to draw my eye on day one. Not because you weren’t doing well. There is just something about you like I enjoy watching. And when you can get the dances, it’s even better. I can’t pull my eyes away because you have this… I guess you can call it beauty, to you that just makes me smile. I love watching you dance and enjoy yourself. And I can’t wait for others to see what I see.”
Your face burned with the blush that rose to your cheeks, curling your hands in your lap. “Thanks, Taeyong. That means a lot to me.”
“You don’t need to thank me. I’m only stating the truth,” he mused happily. Rising to his feet, his hand extended towards you. “Now, shall we get started so we can show the world one day what Y/N is capable of?”
“I guess,” you huffed, playfully reluctant. Your hand fit perfectly in his, allowing Taeyong to pull you to your feet. 
“No one overthinking your steps, right?”
“No guarantees.”
Taeyong pouted, moving over to your phone. He didn’t even have to ask, unlocking it with ease. “Fine. Be that way.” The music started, a smirk forming on his face as he leaned against the wall. “Show me what you got. Come on.”
Letting out a breath, you turned to start the dance, beginning strong. As the music progressed, your movements wavered, unsure if they were correct or not. Taeyong followed your form silently, not interrupting you as you went. You managed to complete the dance, not perfect by any means. The music trailed off, the final notes fading through the speakers. Your chest heaved with uneven breaths, turning to the idol for the judgement call.
“Not bad,” he called, taking slow steps forward. “Definitely better than you’ve done before. You’re getting a lot better, Y/N.”
“Are you sure?” you asked.
Taeyong chuckled, shaking his head. “Stop doubting yourself. You’re an amazing dancer, Y/N.”
“I guess…”
“You’re impossible,” he laughed. “Do me a favor. Show me beginning from verse two.”
With a confused look on your face, you did as he requested. Your foot and arm extended to the right, ready to bring your other arm around as you stepped. But Taeyong told you to stop, making your body freeze, tightening to hold the pose. He stepped closer to you, standing behind you. You could see him through the mirror, his gaze reflecting back on you.
“What are you doing?” you asked quietly.
Your already tense body from the stress and anxiety of training tightened more, your breathing shortening. His fingers danced their way up your arm, ghosting along your skin lightly, tickling you in the process, before taking your wrist in his hand, raising it slightly.
“Your stance is off,” he spoke lowly, words somewhat raspier than normal. “Your arm should be a bit higher here. And your leg should extend a bit more.” His foot nudged yours out, making you slide against the wood flooring. Luckily, his free hand was on your waist to keep you steady, his fingers pressed into bare skin from where your tank top had ridden up. 
You turned to look up at him, Taeyong glancing down at you. His hot breath could be felt against your skin, making you blush more. Slowly he dropped his hand, letting you hold the stiff position while he examined you. Slowly, he got you to start dancing again, following your movements on his own directly behind you. His movements were more fluid and cleaner than yours, but the entire time, Taeyong helped to guide you, never once hesitating in what he was doing. 
When you stopped, you turned to look at him, watching the young man silently run his fingers through the sky lit locks on his head, fluffing the strands inadvertently. “What are you thinking?” you voiced, watching him ponder. Taeyong tilted his head back and forth, cracking his neck as he did before speaking up.
“I think I know the issue.”
You snorted out a laugh. “Oh really? We’ve been are this for a few weeks now and you just now know what the issue is?”
“Yup,” he laughed, stepping behind you again. His hands found their place on your shoulders, turning you to the mirror. “You, my dear, are too tense.”
“Well, that’s a given,” you laughed. “I’m a bit stressed.”
“I don’t think it’s just that,” he said. “I think you are working too hard. I think you just need to relax a bit and just let go. Enjoy the music a bit more.”
“Enjoy the music?” you asked.
Taeyong nodded, moving over to connect his phone to the speaker. He flicked through his music playlist a bit before turning on some soothing, but fun, music, bouncing on the balls of his feet to the sound.
“Honestly, I find myself dancing the best when I can just relax and enjoy the music. I like to be able to feel the music and just move to it freely. It’s very calming and just helps me loosen up. But I think it helps me connect better to what I’m doing.” Taeyong started swaying to the music, beginning to freestyle to the song he put on. You watched in awe at his motions, the man smiling the entire time. “You should try it too, Y/N. Just freely dance and let yourself go to the music.”
“I don’t know…”
Taeyong huffed, not accepting your answer. His feet moved quickly, long strides drawing him closer to you. His hands took yours, pulling you closer to him, still within arm’s reach. “Come on. Just let yourself feel the music. Just have fun!”
He started swaying back and forth, your arms swinging with the motions. He made your body wiggle with his, neither of your actually dancing to the beat of the song. But, deep inside, it felt right just to do the silly dance with him, enjoying the music around you. There was not a care in the world for the next few minutes as your danced in crazy circles, arms waving in different directs, your body loosening up with the fun. 
Taeyong smiled down at you, tugging you closer until you were crashed against his body, hugging you closer. Your bodies moved from side to side in no real pattern, losing yourself to the soft music. 
“Ok, but, that worked,” you said, words muffled by his chest. It rose and fell with his laughter, making you giggle.
“I told you,” he teased. His arms never left your form, keeping you close to him. The music continued to play around you, smooth tunes filling the room that you natural moved to. “It’s calming. And it’s best to just feel the music inside you. When you can connect to it, you will be at your best. And your shoulders are significantly let tense. I can feel the knots you had before are almost gone already.”
“The power of music.”
“The power of dance.”
You glanced up at him, his gaze on you. His tongue poked out between his lips, licking them slowly. You followed the trail of the pink article tracing the plump, cupid shaped lips, biting at your own lip. The music seemed to get drowned out, everything disappearing around you.
“What’s going on in here?”
Your body separated quicker than lightning, pushing away from Taeyong instantly at the sound of the voice. You let out a low shriek, hand on your chest, stumbling into a wall to catch your breath. Taeyong just laughed, pausing his music.
When you glanced at the door, your eyes widened, seeing Lee Donghae and his wife in the doorway. You bowed at the senior idol, the male returning the gesture. Taeyong spoke up as he moved to your side.
“We were just dancing, hyung,” Taeyong told him. Donghae’s brow rose, a knowing smirk on his face. 
“Ya!” Taeyong whined at the older idol. “We were! I’m helping her train! We weren’t doing anything besides dancing and enjoying the music! Right, Y/N?”
“Don’t drag me into this!” you yelled at Taeyong, learning a laugh from the two intruders. With another bow, you introduced yourself. “I’m sorry for being so disrespectful. My name is Y/N. I’m a trainee right now with SM.”
“Pleasure,” Donghae greeted. “I’m sure you know who I am. I’m Donghae from Super Junior. This is my wife, Nanda.”
“It’s great to meet you,” she hummed happily. 
“So, a trainee, eh?” Donghae laughed. You nodded at him. “You must be excited.”
“That’s one way of putting it.” Taeyong snickered at your comment. 
“Well, I take it that something is going on if you guys are hiding out and dancing all by yourselves,” Donghae teased. Taeyong’s cheeks flushed, swatting at his senior. 
“Hyung, stop!” Taeyong whined some more. “I agreed to help with some dance lessons because…” Taeyong paused, glancing at you. “She kind of reminds me of myself. I understood what she was going through and I want to see her do well because she’s very talented. So, I offered to help her learn.”
Donghae smiled at Taeyong words, nodding in acceptance before glancing at you. “Well, you are in good hands. This boy can really dance. And if he sees something in you, then you must be something special.”
Taeyong blushed harder. “Hyung”
While the two men bickered like children, though the senior was near a decade older, the senior idol’s wife tugged you aside. “He’s right though. Taeyong is a very talented young man, so you are in great hands.”
“Yeah,” you breathed. “I’m kind of lucky that he offered like this. It really has been helpful with these extra sessions. I feel like I’m not quite there yet, but I’m better.”
“Well, don’t give up at all. And whatever he tells you, don’t neglect the advice. He is one of the best people to know exactly how it feels to be in your shoes. I’m sure you will be on top of your group before you know it.”
“You have a lot of faith in me,” you laughed. Nanda smiled.
“I just know that Taeyong wouldn’t try this hard with just anyone. He sees something special in you, so I will be looking forward to when you are on stage with the others doing your own dances and songs. Just keep pushing till then. Keep practicing, keep training, and keep your head up. You got this.”
“Thanks,” you told her. Lowering your voice, you leaned closer to the female. “Not to be rude or anything, but are those two related at all?”
Nanda laughed, shaking her head. “Why do you ask?”
“I just…” you paused, staring at the two men with a furrowed brow. “How can two guys be so incredibly attractive?”
Nanda snorted with a laugh. “I think it’s that Lee name. There is something in the Lee family name that gives them good genes, I swear. They are insanely good looking.”
“That’s some good genes then,” you laughed back, your laughs joining in unison. 
The two men, hearing your laughter, glancing in your direction. Donghae made his way over, Taeyong on his heel, the older male taking his wife’s hand. “We should probably head out. The little one needs some sleep,” he said, patting Nanda’s protruding stomach. “We just heard the music and thought we’d stop in for a sec. It was a pleasure meeting you, Y/N.”
“It was my pleasure, sunbae.”
The man smiled, shaking his head. “Just Donghae, please.” 
“Alright… Donghae,” you uttered softly, a small smile gracing your cheeks. The older idol grinned, patting your head gently. 
“Stay strong, Y/N. Remember not to give up on your dreams, and I’m sure we’ll see you with us before you know it. And if you guys ever need a hand, you know who to call.”
“Eunhyuk?” Taeyong sassily sneered, jabbing Donghae in the ribs with his elbow. The look on Donghae’s face made Taeyong snicker, hearing the disgruntled huff he let out.
“Low blow, Yong. Low blow,” he joked, tugging his wife towards the door. “Don’t stay too late guys. You need rest too.”
“We know,” you both responded, waving off the couple. “Night guys.”
The door closed with a subtle click that echoed through the silent studio, ringing loudly off the walls and mirror. Taeyong let out a sigh, ruffling his bright blue locks before turning towards you. “So, shall we get back to practice?”
“Yeah…” you hummed, eyes locked momentarily on the door. Taeyong’s brow rose, but he didn’t question your odd behavior.
“Do you want to continue the dance from practice?”
The words from the couple sent tingles up your spine, a pit of warmth filling inside you. Their eager encouragement fanned the flame that Taeyong lit on that first day of practice, the candle burning brighter than ever before. A surge of confidence overwhelmed you. Wringing your hands together, fingers twisting around the bottom hem of your shirt. Drawing a lip between your teeth and turning to face the man, your gaze met his, a confident glint in your irises. 
“Actually,” you spoke up. Taeyong’s grin grew with the conviction in your voice, the strength you were suddenly portraying making his heart race, blood pumping rapidly. His dark eyes narrowed on you, nodding his head as encouragement to continue. “Can we… can we try something different?”
“Like what?” He pushed.
“How about… one of our group’s choreographies?”
Taeyong brow rose, but he smiled nonetheless. “Are you sure? We don’t exactly have easy dances.”
‘I’m sure,” you replied without hesitation. “I want to get better, Taeyong. And the only way to do that is to keep trying. To try new things, harder things. I want to master all I can and prove to everyone, and myself, that I’m cut out for this.” Pausing, you stepped closer to him, tilting your head up to look at him. Your hands took his, his returning the hold with a soft squeeze. “I will make you proud by taking the blank page of my life and drawing my own path.”
“That’s what I like to hear.” His fingers laced with yours, tugging you towards the stereo. “Now, what song would you say you fancy?”
Tapping your chin, you smiled cheekily. “How about a nice duo song. How about… Baby Don’t Stop?”
Taeyong chuckled, placing his phone down, selecting the song. “Perfect choice, milady.”
The surge of confidence that transpired thanks to the idol couple was let loose like a storm. Inspiration struck, and your skills grew stronger with each passing day. Taeyong noted how you grew stronger, more powerful, every time you danced together, praising you for your hard work and accomplishments. Your steps no longer felt sloppy, your body no longer felt sluggish. Every dance practice was better than the last, with movements becoming easier and quicker to learn - and master. 
The overwhelming confidence showed more during the actual lessons. With each passing week, you made your way closer to the front of the pack, no longer hidden in the back row. You managed to lead the others instead of following their motions, setting the bar for those around you. Your dance instructor even praised you for how far you were coming, patting you on the shoulder one day after a hard dance that you almost perfectly nailed. 
You were on cloud nine. Your dreams were becoming a reality and no longer felt like they were unreachable. They were within your grasp, your desire for the end product at your fingertips.
Lessons with Taeyong didn’t cease, even with how far you had come. On the contrary, they morphed into sessions to hone your creativity and enhance your abilities. Instead of repeating the days lessons, you would craft dances on your own, either freestyling to whatever random song Taeyong chose or developing a choreography with Taeyong’s help to improve the layout of the steps and flow of the body. 
Some days, you were dancing by yourself, putting the steps to the test while Taeyong happily filmed it, the two of you collapsing against a wall and munching on some snacks while watching the playback. Ideas bounced between the two of you on how to improve the dance until you were content with the outcome. Taeyong would share the final video with his children - well, his members - and each time, they were impressed with what you had come up with.
Other days, you would dance with Taeyong, twisting and turning to the same beat as the man you admired for so long. The gentle caress of his fingers running along your waist from where your shirt rode up when your arms rose. The warm, tingly sensation they left along your skin. The feeling of his body.pressed against yours as he held you close, your hips sway in unison. Your legs tangled but never causing you to falter as you spun across the hardwood floor. 
Every bit of dancing with him was memorable, and it only made your obviously feelings grow more until your heart was beating not from the intensity of the workout you were undergoing, but the pleasure he offered just by being by your side. 
Tonight was one of those nights. You found yourself in the studio late with him. Most of the staff and other idols had left, the clock nearly an ungodly hour. The sky outside was dark, dotted with stars and a crescent shaped moon hovering overhead, not a cloud in sight. But you didn’t care about the darkness. The lights overhead in the dance studio were more than enough to keep you awake, unaware of the minutes that ticked by while focusing on the duo dance with Taeyong you had begun crafting since the earlier parts of the evening.
Compared to other dances, it was more sensual to you. The song Taeyong put on was Say You Won’t Let Go from James Arthur, and it led to you being closer to him than any other dance. Taeyong propped up his phone to record your practice as you decided on moves, piecing them together until you had a section you were proud of.
The entirety of the song, you found yourself in his hold, allowing him to spin you around until you were pressed to his chest. Your feet would slide across the ground before separating from each other, dancing individually, but completely in unison. It always amazed you how he could get your steps to sync perfectly, each body roll to match in time. It made the image you were going for complete. There were lifts and hugs as he spun without issue on the balls of his feet, your heart pounding at your chest the entire time. You always held your breath when your feet left the ground, your arms sliding around his neck as you hugged him close you prayed he wouldn’t feel the thumps of your heart against his tone torso. You never failed to laugh when his hands would find your waist from behind lifting you for a walking motion through the air, enjoying the weightless moment of being in his hands.
The ending of the dance was an accident - but worked in your favor. You were going to turn off the camera after the air walk, Taeyong having slid to the ground in a very Regular-esque move, too flustered to continue. But he moved forward, wrapping his arms around your shoulders, face buried in the side of your head. Reacting on instinct, your hands moved up to clutch at his bare forearm, feeling the veins that ran along them from the extreme workout. Burying your face in his arms, you smiled, letting your eyes close. Taeyong, himself, couldn’t stop from smiling, inhaling your sweet scent.  
The second he saw that on camera, he knew that was how you had to end. Thus, every time you repeated the dance, wanting to perfect it, you wound up in his arms, uncaring about the heat of the room. His warmth was comforting, and you wouldn’t reject that, even if your heart thundered away inside you.
You were panting from the latest go, Taeyong stopping the music when you broke away from his hug. You grabbed your water bottle from your bag, pushing back the beet red blush along your cheeks as you sipped the cooling liquid. Your limbs were aching and your body was slick with sweat, clothes clinging to your frame. Your hair was knotted and messy from the thrills you had. 
Sparing a short glance at the blue-haired idol, he was in a similar state. Dark eyes were glued to his phone, probably watching the latest video, or checking his texts from his members. His loose black shirt was no longer that - it was clinging to his lean body, untucked and wet. When his hand unconsciously moved to ruffle his locks, he sticking shirt rose with his stretched skin, showing off bits of his toned stomach and scar on the right side of his abdomen. His boxers were peeking from his shorts, the dark bank contrasting the red athletic bottoms he had on. 
A low sigh left your lips. You couldn’t but to admire him. He was handsome after all; but your ever-growing affection stemmed from more than his looks. He was everything you wished for - and more. Staring at him became second nature because he was always on your mind. Your heart would beat unevenly with a single glance, a knot balling in your stomach from the rampaging butterflies you felt. Your cheeks heated once more, turning away before he caught you staring.
“Did you realize how late it is already?” he spoke. Light footfalls made their way over to you, the man snatching your water bottle from you. Your face lit up when you saw him take a sip, but you didn’t protest. 
“Is it?”
“Yeah. It’s nearly midnight,” he told you, showing his phone. He wasn’t lying; the white numbers read 11:37 PM. 
“Damn. I didn’t realize it was that late.”
“Yeah. Must have been too focused on this dance,” he snickered. “How early is your lesson tomorrow?”
“Not till ten luckily,” you told him, retrieving your water bottle and replacing it in your bag.
“So,” he began, pursing his lips. The evil grin you had come to know grew, the man leaning forward slightly. “We have time for one more run before we have to get going.”
Your eyebrow rose, but you giggled, nodding after a second. “Fine. One more run.”
The music began, your steps following the beat together. He held you close, the two of you sliding across the entire studio while the music flowed. A heat was radiating between you both that you hadn’t really noticed before, making it a bit hard to concentrate. However, in Taeyong’s arms, you felt like everything was effortless. The lifts, the kicks, the twirls - everything felt natural. 
When the final move came, you didn’t realize how unprepared for the hug you were. Something about it felt different, and yet, you found yourself sinking into his grasp. Neither of you cared about the sweat that coated your skin, or the way your bodies stuck together from the wet clothes. Neither of your cared when the music died away, the camera still rolling. Neither of you cared about the late time, or the exhausting that would soon hit.
In that moment, it was just about you and him. You and Taeyong. 
Turning slowly in his arms, your hands slid down neck to his shoulders, and finally finding home resting on his chest, feeling it rise and fall with heavy pants. He watched you silently, slightly parted pink lips gasping for air. You didn’t look up at him, keeping your eyes forward, memorizing the Adidas logo on his shirt. His hands sat comfortably on your hips, itching to move, fingers curling slightly against your skin. 
Slowly, one hand moved to push back a stray strand of hair that escaped the rat’s nest you called a ponytail. His fingers lingered, hesitating before tilting your head up to look at him Your eyes bore into his dark orbs, watching them glisten and twinkle. The heat around you intensified, but it was nothing compared to the blush that warmed your face when his fingers caressed your cheek softly. The touch singed you, the skin tingling violently from the simplest graze.
His eyes darted in different directions for a moment before he finally leaned down, connecting his lips to yours in a soft, sweet kiss. His eyes closed, yours shortly following from the eruption of pleasure you felt. The kiss was gentle, almost as if it wasn’t real. The connection was short, leaving you with a prickling sensation along your lips. Your lips rubbed together, wanting to confirm if that was real or not. 
He tasted like cherries.
His eyes cracked open to look down at you, finding your lips puckered slightly, eyes still closed. Seeing that, he couldn’t stop himself. The hand on your waist gripped tighter. The hand on your face got a better grasp, thumb smoothing across your cheek while the rest tangling in your messy locks. He leaned back down, more pressure into the kiss this time. His head tilted, hadn’t stopped rolling, meshing his lips perfectly with yours. 
And honestly, truly, you didn’t want to stop him. Your hands curled into his shirt, pushing up on your toes to return the kiss that you were hungry for. Your bodies pushed closer together, the world around you ceasing to exist in that moment. It was just about you and him.
You and Taeyong. Kissing each other like you were made for each other.
The camera hadn’t stopped rolling, something Taeyong would be grateful for later as he relived the moment the rest of the night, a pale pink blush on his face.
Taeyong frowned to himself, nibbling at his thumb nail anxiously. His eyes were glued to your form, not hesitating in his multiple notes of sluggishness and sloppiness. Rocking back and forth on the balls of his feet, he could only ponder why you had a sudden one-eighty before him. All the progress you had seemed to be dumped unremorsefully into the garbage, forgotten and abandoned with ease. The intimate dance the night before seemed like it never happened, though in his heart, he couldn’t forget the memory he held from it.
He was forced to watch your once dominant presence recede to the background once more. Your powerful stance was lackluster, and your willful eyes were dull. You followed others almost lazily, unable to keep up with the same choreography you had easily master days prior. His heart wrenched solemnly at the sight, gritting his teeth against his nail and squeezing his eyes shut unhappily. 
It felt like day one all over again took form. 
He hated that.
Once the music ended, all the trainees, including yourself, were hunched over, panting and sweating profusely. You ignored the tingle that came from Taeyong’s piercing gaze, knowing his eyes were locked on you. Pulling your lower lip between your teeth, your head fell further than before, tears welling in your orbs and clouding your vision. 
You couldn’t deny that you were disappointed in yourself with your performance, but your body was incapable of performing at its peak. The nagging voice in the back of your head kept echoing through your mind, the doubts you were used to having resurfacing at an amplified rate. Random cases of insecurity, seemingly unrelated to your current predicament, snuck in as well, aiding to your rapid descent to your day one trainee days. 
“Alright, let’s call it a day everyone,” Jihun called, gathering his belongings. “It’s already getting late out, and I’d like to make sure you all can get back to your dorms safely. Thank you for a wonderful class today.”
“Thank you,” everyone repeated in unison, your voice quieter than the others around you. The group began to separate, picking up their belongings while conversing with their friends. With a heavy sigh, you trudged over to your bag, white knuckling the strap. You were ready to run away, locking yourself in your dorm so you could wallow in peace.
“Do you have a sec?” 
Your eyes darted to the sorrowful brown ones of Taeyong. His hands were tucked in the pockets of his tight black jeans hiding the evidence of his anxious gnawing on his pristine nails. The toe of his Nikes was dug into the hardwood dance floor. Slowly, you nodded in response, Taeyong’s frown deepening at your silence. 
Once the last person left, Taeyong’s gaze narrowed on you. A shaky breath left his pink lips, voicing the thoughts that had plagued him since the music started. “What’s going on with you today?”
“Taeyong, I…”
The idol pouted at your weak voice. “I’m sorry,” he quickly apologized. “I’m just really confused, Y/N. You were doing so well. You showing everyone just how good you really are. All this confidence you had, being in the front during practice and learning the choreographies quickly and precisely, seems to have vanished. Everything that I’ve seen you do is gone and it’s like you are back at day one.”
“I just want to know what’s going on,” he whispered. “What happened for you to suddenly regress to this stage? What happened for you to lose everything you had worked on?”
“Taeyong, I just…”
His head tilted, eying you quietly. He noticed the way your cheeks reddened and you avoided looking at him. It clicked in the idol’s head. Hesitantly, he pulled his hands from his pockets, wiping them free of sweat before taking your softly. His grasp was warm, giving a reassuring squeeze. The idol tugged you forward, closing the gap between you both. Glancing up, you met his stare and gentle, yet somewhat sorrowful, smile.
“Is it because of me?” he uttered softly. “Am I making you nervous?”
“Is this… because of last night?” he asked again. 
“Is this because I kissed you?”
You blinked back tears, letting a shaky breath out. “I-I’m just nervous, I guess,” You told him. “Last night was amazing but… I can’t help but ask myself why. I wonder why me and I can’t help but to feel like I’m not good enough. You are just an amazing idol and I’m just me. I’m this pathetic trainee. I felt myself getting nervous and scared, and I just didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know how to think or to act, and I guess it got inside my head. I couldn’t remember anything from the second I walked in, despite all our practice, and I just felt shy in front of everyone again knowing they would judge me for this. I guess… I just lost confidence in myself.”
“Y/N, you're not pathetic at all. You know that. But, why didn’t you just say something? You know you can tell me anything” he asked with a light chuckle.
“Because I’m nervous,” you admitted.
“So am I. But I can tell you this flat out,” he hummed. “I wouldn’t have kissed you if I wasn’t sure that I liked you. I like you a hell of a lot, Y/N. You are talented, funny, smart, beautiful. I love being around you. I’ve never felt so connected to someone before, but with you, it’s easy because I see so much of myself in you. It’s so easy to be with you because you put me at ease with myself. I want to spend every waking second I can with you, seeing you succeed by my side. And honestly, all I want to do is kiss you again.”
 “You like me?” you asked. 
Taeyong laughed, pulling you into him. Arms wrapped around you, hugging you to his chest. “You have no idea,” he let out. “I like you so much and I don’t want to see you lose yourself to your nerves. I want to see you succeed and I want to be by your side when that happens.”
“So, what are you saying?” you asked, an embarrassed smile grow to match your flushed cheeks. 
“What I’m saying is that I want to be with you,” he hummed, “Because I wouldn’t have kissed you last night if I wasn’t sure that I completely and utterly had fallen for you.”
“But I will only accept you as my girlfriend on one condition.”
Taeyong smiled, leaning down until his lips were nearly upon yours. Your skin tingled from the ghostly touches. “You won’t let your nerves get to you like this again. I’m sorry I made you nervous and doubt yourself, but I don’t regret kissing you. I want you to promise me that you won’t give up, you won’t let your stinking nerves overwhelm you again, you will be number one and you will debut as an idol someday so we can perform together in front of our fans. I want to be able to sing and dance with you in front of everyone so they can see just how amazing I know you are. Deal?”
“Just kiss me, you fool.”
He didn’t need to be told twice. He knew your answer the second you demanded his lips to press against yours perfectly, your bodies pressing even closer than before. His foot snaked between yours, leg sliding between yours to sit comfortably. His arms hung from your waist while yours encircled his neck, your heads tilting in opposite directions. An exhale of relief made your nose flare, but that didn’t stop the passionate kiss between you. 
You mind buzzed the rest of the night. Hand in hand, you walked to Lee Soo Man’s office to tell him the news, agreeing to keep your relationship strictly private to avoid any scandals. Neither of you minded, wanting to avoid the news as much as possible. It meant more than you were allowed to date such an amazing idol - a man you and idolized for so long for his unique talents. 
Sending him a sideways glance as you walked down the hall, hands clasped together, you set forth your own conviction. Giving his larger hand a firm, loving squeeze, you smiled to yourself.
I will never give up on this dream. I won’t let you down, Taeyong.
He didn’t realize how fast his feet were carrying him down the nearly empty hallway the second he told the rest of his members that practice was finished. He didn’t stick around long enough to hear their cheers, nor their snickers at his overwhelming exuberance. The male idol had checked his phone briefly between songs, the water he was about to sip to wet his parched throat forgotten. 
Come to the normal practice room when you are done with the members. I want to see you, and I have something important to tell you.
His grin broke out, dropping his phone in his bag and zipping it shut. With a short call to the others, he was out the door, making a quick detour to the cafe before heading to his practice place - your practice room. The halls were nearly barren aside from some trainees headed back from their vocal lessons and some idols idly headed towards the exit to head back to their dorm. 
Taeyong knew the sky outside was pitch black aside from the lights of Seoul twinkling light stars. Practice had started later than usual because he had other matters to handle before calling the rest of 127 to their normal studio to do their normal routine in preparation for their upcoming performances and company activities. Better to start early than later, he always told them. The plan was to stay as long as their bodies would allow.
But, duty called. The others knew that from the bright shine in his dark orbs.
With two iced coffees in hand, he was pushing his way into the practice room, pausing to close the door quietly behind him with his foot. The straw for his coffee rested between his lips, the man sipping at it quietly while keeping his eyes trained on you. You were occupied when he entered, soft music playing through the speakers as you danced strongly. 
It felt like an eternity since he had seen you dancing, despite the amount of time you spent together due to your strong relationship. Since starting back up with group activity, his time with your class had petered off. When the day came that he said he would no longer be joining for dance lessons, it was a solemn goodbye from the trainees, each one thanking him for his time, expertise, knowledge and sharing his experiences in hopes that they would one day, too, make it as he had. You had given him the longest, most heartfelt hug, his hand running along your back before he whispered cheekily that he would see you that night for dinner at the dorm. 
He hadn’t really seen you dancing since that day. Your time together was more relaxed, spent cuddled together on the couch or in bed, watching silly shows, listening to music, or just doing your own things - Taeyong writing lyrics or planning choreographies while you prepared for upcoming lessons and evaluations. Occasionally, you would play games together in his dorm room, his solo dorm a blessing for times like that. 
And… other things too, of course. 
He felt a smile grow on his cheeks as he watched your smooth but powerful movements. His heart was racing. He always knew you were talented, but in the time apart, he was happily surprised at how much you improved. Your steps were firm, sliding across the polished hardwood without difficulty. Your arms extended into perfect lines. Your pirouettes rivaled those of the best dancers in SM that had trained in ballet, stopping on a dime without even the slightest wobble. Sweat made your face glisten, the man’s heart beating faster and a hot blush residing on his cheeks, running down his sharp jawline to his neck. 
You didn’t notice him until you caught a glimpse of his reflection in the mirror. Tumbling to the side with a yelp, Taeyong let out a hearty chuckle, moving to place the drinks he brought down, sliding his bag to the floor next to yours. Unlocking your phone, he stopped the music, the noise in the room replaced with your quiet grumbles. 
“You know better than to sneak up on me,” you huffed angrily, grabbing the coffee he held out for you.
“Didn’t mean to, baby.”
You snorted at him, shaking your head with a ghost of a smile. “I know,” you let out. “I didn’t expect you to get here so fast. You said you guys were practicing late so I figured I had some time to work on this choreography I’ve been thinking of.”
“You designed that?” he questioned, shock on his face.
“Yeah. Was it bad?” you asked, pouting. 
Taeyong grinned, grabbing the towel from your bag. Running the towel along your skin, he dried off the sweat that dripped along your face and neck. You giggled when he pat your chest dry as well, red cheeks from the sight of your sports bra clad features. When he dropped it back to your bag, his hands immediately turned to cup your cheeks, pulling you into a tender kiss. 
“It was beautiful and I’m so proud of you,” he murmured. 
“You’re too sweet, Yongie,” you cooed, placing your lips on his again in a brief connection. 
“Only to you.”
“That’s a lie.”
Taeyong huffed, pulling you close by the waist. You both swayed silently for a moment until he broke the noiseless minute. “So, what did you need to tell me? You said it was important. Is everything alright, babe?”
You happily sighed at his nickname for you, hugging him close. “Yeah, everything is fine. I just got some good news today and I couldn’t keep myself from telling you. The second I found out, I could only think of you. I wanted to tell you right then and there, but I couldn’t.”
“I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing,” he chuckled. The man ruffled his hair with one hand, giving a toothy grin. “Well, if that’s the case, I have something to tell you as well. Well… more like ask you, I guess.”
“Yeah. But, please, you go first. You seemed really excited about this so please share, baby. I’m all ears.”
You let out a heavy breath, nodding your head. “Alright. Well, I had a meeting this morning with Lee Soo Man and Jihun.”
“I don’t know if I should be worried or proud,” Taeyong cut in with a laugh. Scowling, his laughter only got louder with the light smack you gave to his chest. 
“Shush you,” you scolded. “As I was saying, we had a meeting this morning before I had to head to my vocal lessons. And they said some stuff about me and how I was doing in my training. And…”
“You said this was good news,” Taeyong exasperated. 
“I know, and it is!” you giggled. “Jihun mentioned how I have become such a leader amongst the group of trainees I am with, and how much I have improved since I started months ago. He showed some videos of our trainings and of my evaluations. And Lee Soo Man was very impressed with what he saw. And they said how they’ve been talking about it for a while now. And…”
“Babe,” Taeyong whined. With his arms draped around you, his face buried into your neck, his soft breath hitting your fiery skin. “Stop tormenting me. I can’t take it anymore. I need to know what’s going on!”
“You’re so impatient,” you giggled at him. Prying him from your neck, your hands cupped his cheeks, thumbs smoothing across his delicate features. “I’m no longer a trainee, Yong.”
The man blinked. “Wait, what?” he mumbled. “Does… what do you mean exactly?”
You smiled. “Thanks to you and all of that extra training, I’ve been accepted as one of the next SM Rookies. Because you never gave up on me, and you helped me when I was feeling like I couldn’t do this, I’ve managed to take that blank slate and write my own story on it.” Your fingers curled against his cheeks, a few stray, happy tears sliding down your cheeks. “Just like you, Yongie.”
“Oh my god,” he breathed, holding back his own tears. He wiped away the drops that stained your skin, pulling you forward into a deep kiss. “I can’t believe it, baby. You did it. You really did it.” His arms pulled you close, embracing you in a tight, but warm, hug. Your face was trapped against his chest, burrowed in the soft fabric that smelled slightly of Febreze. “I’m so proud of you. I knew you could do it. I’ve always known you could, but now, it’s so much more real. You’re going to make it big, Y/N, and I can’t wait to see that happen.”
“Thank you, Taeyong,” you breathed, wrapping your arms around his neck. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”
“Sure you could-”
“No, I couldn’t. It’s because of you that I was able to get better. It’s because of you that I had the push to keep trying and get better. If you weren’t here, I would have given up and quit weeks ago. But you wouldn’t let me. And because of that, I knew I couldn’t let you down. I told myself that I would make you proud and one day, I would stand beside you on stage as your equal. You’ve given me so much inspiration just by being you and I want to do that too.”
“And you will,” he breathed, smiling widely. His words confused you, making you raise a brow at him. “Let’s just say that you aren’t the only one that had a meeting with Lee Soo Man today.”
“Oh? Pray tell, what happened to you today, my sweet boyfriend?”
“Mmm. Say that again,” he cooed. 
Rolling your eyes, you complied, pushing up to whisper against his lips, “Boyfriend.” The second the word left your lips, he pressed his lips to yours in a sweet kiss, molding his mouth to yours. 
The connection made you mewl slightly, allowing yourself to be pulled closer by the normally awkward idol. He wasn’t one to show affection often in public, but in private he had trouble keeping his hands to himself. Delicate fingers danced along your bare sides, tickling the skin until goosebumps rose under the tips. His head tilted to deepen the kiss, pushing passed partially parted lips so his tongue could teasingly play with yours. 
Before things could get more heated, you pulled away from his kiss. A whine of annoyance left his lips, wanting to taste more of your lips. Yet, he held back. 
“Finish what you were going to say, baby,” you told him. 
“Fine. But only if I get more kisses afterwards,” he pleaded. 
“I think we can arrange that.”
“Good,” he said. “So, before practice today, I had a meeting with Lee Soo Man, the managers, the other group leaders about the upcoming SM Town in a couple of months. I’m guessing my meeting was after yours since I didn’t see you around and you were already at practice by the time I got out-”
“Focus, Yong.”
“Right, right,” he nervously laughed. “First, I have to say that you are bound to not say anything about this right now until they talk about this to everyone. But, because this impacts you, I was given permission to say this.”
“Go on.”
“I’m going to have my own solo stage during the concert,” he confessed.
“Oh my god. Taeyong! That’s amazing! I’m so proud of you,” you hollered, hugging him tightly. “You definitely deserve it.”
“Thanks,” he shyly let out, cheeks heated. “I’ve been working on this song for a while. I’m actually going in tomorrow to record if you are free and want to join.”
“We’ll talk about that after.”
“Right. Well, I’m basically set to do two performances - one more of a dance performance and one a rap and dance. And when we were discussing ideas...” he paused, pursing and wetting his lips with the dart of his tongue. “I asked if I could do them… with you.”
“Wait, what?” You asked. “Why would you do that? You didn’t even know that I was a Rookie. I was still a trainee, but you still requested that?”
“Well, it makes more sense why they were willing to comply,” he snickered. “I asked because I wanted to be able to dance with you - to perform with you. And I’m not just saying this because you’re my girlfriend. I asked because you are a talented young woman and I want to be able to perform these with you. What I have planned only works in my mind with you. And I think you’re ready to be up there with the rest of us. They said that they’d allow it… if you agreed.”
“It’s just two songs. One will be a collab vocal and dance, more focused on the dance than anything. Then the second one will be a dance for you while I do my solo song. I’ve been thinking about the choreography for weeks now and I can only pull it off if you are by my side performing it. So please, I’m just asking you right now to consider it. You have every right to tell me that you don’t think you are ready and want to wait. But we only have so much time to practice if you do want to do it…”
“Then, when are we meeting?”
Taeyong silenced himself, blinking a few times to process your words. His eyes bore into yours, a grin slowly forming. “Wait, are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“I’ll do it,” you told him confidently. “I’m nervous as all hell because I don’t want to ruin your stage, but I want to do it. This is what I joined SM to do. If I back down now, when will I be ready? When will I have the chance again? And, with you there, I’m sure I can do anything.”
Taeyong smiled, tugging you into another hug. “You have no idea how happy you just made me,” he whispered. “Though you know you make me happy every day, right?”
“I could say the same about you,” you giggled. “So, when should we start?”
Taeyong hummed for a moment before choosing you back you up, your back hitting a wall. His hands trailed down your sides slowly, passing over your backside before coming to a rest on your thighs. With a swift motion, he lifted you up, your legs instinctually wrapping around his waist, using the wall as leverage to keep yourself upright. Your arms hung around his neck, playing with the loose blue hairs on the back of his head. 
“We can worry about that later,” he breathed, leaning in until he was almost touching your lips. “I think for now, you owe me a little kiss.”
“Are you really wanting to start a make out session in the practice rooms?” you teased. 
“Why not?” he mused. “It’s late. No one is here.”
“You know, sometimes I think you are this sweet and careful man. Then I remember that you aren’t,” you joked.
“Is that a no?”
“That’s an invitation to hurry up and kiss me before someone does walk in on us.”
Taeyong chuckled before pressing his lips to yours hastily and hungrily. Your hands, tangled in his silky locks, pushed his head closer to yours, not caring that your noses squished a tad or your teeth clashed slightly. His hands roamed your thighs, glad you were wearing shorts in the moment. The kiss was open-mouthed, his tongue tangling with yours between your cheeks. His body rocked against you subtly, pressing your chests and groins together. Heat radiated between your forms, drawing you together like magnets. 
The room filled with lip smacking and quiet groans. Every time a kiss a broken, your lips would let out a wet noise, Taeyong giving a second to breathe before delving back in for another kiss. Your mewls of contentment were swallowed, the sounds reverberating inside him. His fingers dug into your skin, squeezing at your thighs and sides happily. His own groans came from your dancing of your tongues and the sting from the tug on his hair that he enjoyed.
Never in your wildest dreams did you think you’d be sharing such a fiery kiss in the middle of a practice room. But you weren’t going to argue the occurrence in the slightest.
You didn’t know how long you stayed there with him, but you were sure to enjoy the time.
The alarm on your phone blared from the side table, the room dark. You struggled to reach for the noisy device, your body restricted by the fluffy blankets and clinging boyfriend on your side that barely stirred from the blasting sounds in his dorm room. Letting out a sigh once the alarm was stopped, you glanced down at the sleeping bluenette, seeing his snuggled against you happily. His arm was clung to your waist, your legs tangled under the blankets. His face was buried against the side of your chest, gentle breathing fanning against the bare skin of your chest. 
Fingers raked through his locks, trying to urge him awake. “Yong, you have to wake up,” you cooed sweetly at him. 
“No,” he grumbled huskily, curling deeper into your side. Despite his protest to wake up, you stirred at the feeling of his lips against your chest, kissing at the side of your bare breast. 
“Is that so?” you whimpered at him, writhing slightly when his kisses increased. He smiled against your soft skin, trailing lazy kisses up to your perky nipple. “Really, Taeyong? You want to do this now?” 
The man stayed suckling at your supple breast for a moment before pulling away with a subtle pop. You could faintly see the lazy grin on his face through the darkness. 
“Can’t blame me,” he rasped, nuzzling his face between your breasts. “I just love you so much.”
The words made your heart jump, smiling down at him. “I love you too. But we have to get up. It’s the SM Town performance today, baby. We have to be there by noon to start getting ready. But you promised your members that you would make breakfast.”
“Can we just snuggle for a bit longer?” he asked, glancing up with a sleepy pout. 
Placing a kiss to the top of his head, you laughed. “Fine. But just a little bit longer,” you conceded. “But…” 
You forced him off your chest and onto his back beside you, twisting your legs between his and slinging an arm across his smooth stomach. Your fingers ran along his milky skin, smiling to yourself. “I get to do this.”
Taeyong laughed, adjusting his position to drape his arm behind your head. His free arm moved behind his head, propping himself up to look down at you better. He watched you skim your fingers along his stomach, the blanket pushed down to his hips. The tips of your fingers circled his belly button, pressing against his lean muscles. 
“You have such a nice, smooth tummy,” you mumbled. Taeyong laughed at your words, shaking his head. 
“Is that all you like about me?” he asked jokingly.
“Yup,” you teased. “That and your amazing personality, caring nature, mean dance and rap skills, and just overall you.”
“Well, I appreciate that,” he chuckled. Resting your chin on his naked chest, you traced your fingers up his body until you found his arm. You traced along the tattoo on his elbow, the word reading “Under” in contrast to the “Stand” on the arm behind your head. “Enjoying yourself?”
“Of course,” you hummed. “I just love feeling your body. You have the softest skin, Yongie.”
“I work very hard to keep my skin healthy,” he told you. 
“Nothing beats your tummy though,” you giggled. “Your outfit tonight is going to drive me crazy. You wearing a see-through shirt? With your stomach showing? How am I supposed to dance and sing while you are looking like a snack?”
“Snack? Really?” He chuckled. “What about you? The dress you wear? I love the design they went with for it. You’re going to look so good.”
“I hope so.”
Taeyong remained quiet for a second before kissing your forehead. “How are you feeling today?” he asked seriously.
“If I’m being honest?” you hummed. “Nervous as all hell. I can’t believe this is happening. Today is the day and I just… I don’t want to screw this up.”
“You’re going to do great,” he told you making you look up at him. “We’ve practiced so much. You know the song. You know the dances. You just can’t let your nerves get to you.”
“How are you not nervous?” you asked, frowning at him. Taeyong laughed, ruffling his already messy bed head.
“Baby, I’m always nervous before a performance,” he admitted. “But I know it’ll be worth it to perform because I know the fans will enjoy it. And as long as I try, I give it my all, and I have fun, I know it’ll be worth it. Being up on stage, all those people watching you, is the most nerve wracking but exciting feeling. But I guarantee once you are out there, seeing all those light sticks shining in the sea of fans, hearing their fan chants and their cheers for you, you will love it.”
“You better be right,” you scowled, escaping his grasp. Hovering over him for a moment, you placed a tender kiss to his lips. “If you aren’t, then I will…”
“You will…?”
“I don’t know right now,” you huffed. “But I will be very mad!”
He watched you climb out of bed, finding a pair of clothes to wear from his drawers. He smiled to himself. “You’ll enjoy it. I just know it.”
“I’m sure you’re right. You always are,” you confessed, glancing back at him over your shoulder. “Now, get up and get dressed. We need to make breakfast before Mark comes knocking asking for food.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Mere hours later, after a rowdy and loud breakfast, you were whisked away to the Seoul World Cup Stadium in preparation for the performances that night. Taeyong gave you a sweet smile, yelling ‘fighting’ before he was dragged away for hair and makeup with his group members. 
You were escorted in the opposite direction, placed in a chair while your face was dusted with makeup and your hair was pinned up stylishly but elegantly. Your eyes popped and your lips looked vibrant. You couldn’t believe how good you looked when they stepped away, allowing you to stare at your reflection.
After dressing in your dress, a low-cut black dress that shimmered with sparkles, ending at your thighs and a pair of shorts underneath due to the performance at hand, and a pair of glittery silver heels adorned on your feet, you stood on the side of the stage watching the NCT performance going on. A stage hand was preparing your headset for the duet you would shortly perform with Taeyong, placing the earpiece in your left ear to hear yourself as you sang. You shuffled in your spot, feeling the anxiety bubbling up inside you. Your hands rang together awkwardly, trying to avoid gnawing at your lip to ease your stress. 
“I can do this,” you told yourself repeatedly, letting out a shaky breath. “I trained for this. I’m ready to do this. I can’t give up.” 
I can’t let Taeyong down.
As the music on stage came to an end, the vibrations fading away with the last chords, the eight boys of NCT 127, apart from Taeyong, fanned off the stage, leaving the solo idol in the center of the large platform. The lights were beating down on him, the black, sheer, long-sleeved shirt twinkling to match your dress. His black skinny jeans hugged his hips and legs, neatly shined black boots on his feet. Despite the cheer of the fans throughout the stadium, he remained composed, face turned to the ground to prepare for the song. 
The gentle beat of the music started, a familiar tune of Senorita coming through the speakers. You were given the cue to proceed, just as you had rehearsed the day before. With one last heavy breath, your feet carried your forward confidently, stepping onto the stage and under the bright colored lights in front of thousands of fans for the first time. 
Taeyong slowly turned to you as part of the dance, your slow, near sensual steps towards each other bringing you face to face. You wanted to crack a smile at him, but you remained focused, watching him step aside as you started to sing. Your solo dance and vocal section came first, showing precise steps, powerful moves, and sexy curves and shimmies of your body.
Taeyong’s section came next. He stood across the stage from you as he sang, showing his handsome yet talented self. Every move was perfection, the man a natural with the dance. It was more sensual than his normal dance moves, but he had no issue rolling his body to the beat, a hand running along the length of his chest to his covered groin. 
Your duet was next - your bodies came together, arms encircling one another as you danced together for the first time. His hands held your gently yet firmly as you moved your bodies against one another, Taeyong twirling you around, dipping you gracefully, and spinning you into his arms before grasping your leg, bringing it up his side.
You broke for a solo portion once more, repeating the process of dancing to your portion of the song before Taeyong had his own section. You couldn’t help but marvel when he danced, almost forgetting to do your part before you came together for the last portion of your dance together. 
When you came together once more, you were elated with how the dance turned out. Your steps were perfectly in sync, never missing a beat with one another. Your bodies fit against one another seamlessly with each roll of your figure or advance on one another. Taeyong fingers grazed your carefully when he would trace along your body, leaving a trail of fire along the way. Your heart pounded the entire time, but you loved the feeling of being there with him. 
The dance ended with you forms back to back. The music died down, but the thumping in your ears didn’t. You didn’t even register the screams of the crowd as you walked off briskly, swapping shoes quickly and pulling on a sparkly black leather jacket. Taeyong was beginning his new solo song, his voice fading away for a short interlude. That was the cue for you to rejoin his side, his own black jacket in hand.
You helped him slide it on, his hand resting on your side briefly once it was on. This time, you didn’t hide the smile on your face, his own smirk rising. Your bodies separated, turning to face the crowd. Your eyes scanned the seats, inwardly grinning while eyeing the waving light sticks and cheerful fans. Your eyes rang with Taeyong’s voice, his rap beginning to pick up. 
With the start of his song came the start of the dance. The style was completely different than your first dance, the current dance being higher paced, along the lines of a hip-hop style. Your body popped more than before, feet swiveling on the stage - you were thankful for the switch for the sneakers over the heels. You still managed to match Taeyong’s moves perfectly, never missing a beat or disconnecting from his steps. The dance was more fun to perform, but still help a passionate edge when you got to pull him closer, standing chest to chest with the man of your dreams, or when he spun you around into his arms, his long fingers ghosting down your arm until he was holding your hand, sparks from his fingertips leaving goosebumps along your clothed skin.
You stepped away briefly before stepping together one last time. The song closed, you both turning to the crowd. As the music ended, your bodies heaving with heavy pants for precious air, they erupted into a sea of screams that consisted of not only Taeyong’s name, but yours as well. You saw people standing from the seats, bouncing on the balls of their feet as they chanted, waving the various colors in the sky. 
You wanted to cry. You wanted to cheer. You felt overwhelmed from the validation.
But you held it in as you and Taeyong rushed off stage for the next performance. Your head was pounding, and you were dripping with sweat from the heat of the stage, but you were thrilled. Your quick steps came to a halt as soon as you got backstage, away from the camera and fans. Turning to face the popular idol, he was giving you a smile, two hands raised to give you a high five.
You smiled, slapping your hands to his. You remained in that stance for a second, allowing everything to sink in. After the second passed, Taeyong pushed forward, his arms dropping and wrapping around your waist instead. You were lifted from the ground, your arms instantly flinging around his neck and hugging him close. Spinning in circles, you both laughed joyously. 
“You did it!” he cheered, hearing you laugh more.
“We did it,” you corrected.
Taeyong placed you back on the ground, pushing a few strands of loose hair back. “No. You did it. This was your first performance and they loved it. They loved you, Y/N. They were chanting for you, they were cheering for you. You were amazing out there and they saw that.” He hugged you once more, lifting you back off the ground. “I’m so proud of you.”
“Taeyong,” you whispered, burying your face in his neck. “Thank you. I couldn’t have done this without you.”
“This was all you, Y/N,” he said. He placed you back down, sticking his tongue out playfully. “Welcome to the big leagues now, idol. It’s good to have you with us.”
You grinned, smacking him jokingly. “It’s good to be here. I’m glad I can join such an amazing group of people to work with.”
“The world should be ready to see more of Y/N. Because this was just the beginning.”
You smiled at him, dragging him away. “You’re right, Yong. Because I’m never giving this up.”
Taeyong smiled, stealthily slipping his hand in yours as you walked towards wardrobe to change for the final stage, everyone sporting the same SM Town shirt. “That’s what I like to hear.”
You were high from the adrenaline, but you knew this is where you were meant to be. 
You returned to the NCT dorm with the boys after the concert ended, all nine spouting off about wanting to celebrate. However, the last thing you really wanted to do was party, and it was evident the others were just as exhausted. Feet trudged along to the door of the large dorm, holding it open for you to walk in. Taeyong stood behind you, his hands on your hips as he slouched forward against you. 
Despite their reckless desire to celebrate the night, all the boys went their separate ways, bidding adieu on their way to their respective rooms to collapse. A few stopped into the kitchen to grab a snack before disappearing to their rooms. Taeyong led you to his room, opening the door and allowing you to enter first.
He chuckled lowly when you collapsed to the bed, letting out a heavenly sigh of relief. “Who would have thought that being a rookie idol would be this tiring?” came your muffled voice, face smushed in his pillows. The bed dipped with his weight when he sat beside you, rubbing a soothing hand along your back. 
“Just wait till you actually debut and start touring and performing more often. It gets…” he paused, pondering his words. “Tiring.”
“I’d bet.”
“How about,” he hummed, turning you onto your back so he could hover over you better. He carefully reached out to pull a few pins holding your hair up carefully from your stiff locks, “You go take a shower first and relax a bit. I will shower when you are done.”
“A shower sounds nice,” you mumbled, taking his hand in yours. “But you can just join me?”
The phrase came out as more of a question, but it didn’t catch Taeyong off guard.
“You know I’d love to, but the others are home…”
“And they’re in their rooms, probably already asleep. You have your own bathroom. And it’s just a shower, Yong.”
Sucking his lips between his teeth, he tugged you up, stifling a laugh at the groan you let out even though you allowed him to drag you away. The light flickered to life, Taeyong pulling you in and closing the door behind your forms. He pulled two towels from under his sink, placing them aside. Your eyes followed him as he made for the shower, turning on the water to allow the heat to build, soft wisps of steams floating through the air. 
The lean idol stripped his head over his head, placing it neatly aside for him to hang later. Turning to you next, he helped to pull your shirt away from your form, placing it with his. Nimble fingers made quick work of the button and zipper on your jeans, your hands resting on his shoulders while he kneeled low enough to slide the dark denim from your legs. 
Being the gentleman he was, he turned to allow you to finish undressing yourself, though it wasn’t anything new for him to see, and step into the shower before him. You did so wordlessly, a glowing smile upon your cheeks the entire time.  Stripping free of your bra and underwear, you stepped through the glass door into the scalding watering. A giant sigh of delight escaped, almost the sound of a low moan.
Taeyong joined you shortly after, staring at you for a moment under the water. He admired the way the droplets cascaded down your body, your head dipped under the waterfall of water, allowing it to wet your hair. Your hands scrubbed at the makeup that caked your face, revealing your natural beauty that was one of the things he loved about you. 
He stepped forward, wrapping his arms around your waist and hugging you against his bare form. You smiled happily, leaning back into his grasp, your head resting on his shoulder. The water fell over your forms, the heat helping your bodies to relax from the stress and strain of the day. He held you for what felt like an eternity, just allow you to rest in his arms. 
The idol grabbed the shampoo from his neatly organized shampoo ack, lathering a few drops in your hair gently. You did the same to him, using the hair treatment shampoo for his colored hair. Repeating the process with conditioner, you moved on to soaping up your bodies, cleaning yourself of any sweat that clung to you still and any remaining makeup that was dusted to your skin.
The soapy suds circled your feet as it was rinsed away, spiraling down the drain. Taeyong hugged you close to him as the last of the bubbles vanished. His fingers ran through your hair, your head tilting up to stare at his handsome face. Your eyes traced along the sharp jawline and dark eyes, slowly pushing up to press your lips to his soft pink ones in a supple kiss.
His arms tightened around you, eyes fluttering closed while responding with his own force. He pressed into you, returning the kiss thoughtlessly. His head tilted to the side to allow himself more access, lips parting to share a steamy open-mouth kiss. Your tongues tangled together between your cheeks, lips dragging against each other. Each separation caused a low smack to resonate around you, amplified by the glass walls and heated air. Taeyong would then dip back down to repeat the actions, each new kiss growing more passionate than before.
Slowly, his lips began to drag down your jaw to your neck, placing loving kisses to your skin. A low moan escaped your lips before you attempted to seal them together, not wanting to alert the others of what was going on in the dorm. The idol didn’t seem to enjoy that. His frown was evident against your neck, and his actions portrayed the dissatisfaction from the lack of noise. His hands began to roam your body, thumbs brushing against your pert nipples and tracing the round curvature of your breasts.
“Taeyong,” you let out quietly. “The others-”
“They won’t hear,” he rasped. “You even said it yourself. They’re in bed. And if you are worried, then you should keep quiet.”
“You’re mean,” you fake cried.
“But you love it,” he cooed teasingly, his head traveling lower, kissing you along the way. “We’ll keep this short.”
Those were the last words he managed to utter before he connected his lips to your chest, suckling to your hardened bud. His hand toyed with the other breast, squeezing at it firmly. Your hands wound through his blue locks, low moans filling Taeyong’s ears. The attack of his mouth to your mound increased at the new noises, nipping and kitten licking at the tender skin of your chest. His tongue flicked at the nipple before tugging at it with his lips and teeth, a pop echoing in your ears.
The same process was repeated to your other breast, the idol leader playing favor to suckling at the nipple, latching onto it to give it plenty of attention. When he finally disconnected, the man sunk to his knees, gently parting your legs for him to settle between. You used his shoulders to stay upright, sighing contently at the feeling of his hot breath against your core.
He wasted no time pressing his lips to your center, dragging his tongue through your folds and into your throbbing pussy. Nails dug into his pristine skin, a short gasp of ecstasy released at the feeling. He lapped at your core, circling the wet article inside you for a bit before taunting you by pulling it in and out occasionally.
When his mouth finally met your clit, you moaned louder than before. A grin grew on his face, suck at the nub harshly. A hand slid up your leg, disappearing between them. Two fingers circled your entrance before pushing into you. The thrusts started slow at first, focusing more of his effort on his mouth attached to your clit, but the pace gradually picked up. The tips of his long fingers curled, scratching at your inner walls with each thrust. 
You moans picked up, one hand covering your mouth to shield the volume before you were screaming through the dorm for the other members to hear. Your body was on fire from how he made you feel, a knot growing inside your lower abdomen. The knot tightened severely when the curled fingers brushed to your g-spot, causing your body to jerk forward with a short call of his name. 
His licks got faster, his fingers speeding up until he was knuckle deep, pounding you furiously to get you to your high. Your own fingers curled back into his wet hair, giving it small tugs that did nothing to ease the smoldering fire within. Your heart was racing, thumping loudly in your ears. Your walls were clenching and unclenching alternatively, trying to hug at the digits inside you. Your stomach tightened at the overwhelming feeling of arousal that was washing over you.
“Yong… Taeyong,” you gasped through your fingers. “I’m…”
He nodded in understanding, flicking quickly at your clit, aiming for your g-spot with his fingers as often as possible to get you to the turn. Your sight went white for a moment when the knot unraveled, walls clinging around his fingers and spilling your essence around them. Some drops escaped and trickled down your leg, washing away with the cooling water that still fell from above. 
Taeyong’s mouth detached from your core, licking through your folds a few times before standing upright, pulling you against him. Any juices that were on his hand washed away, his clean hand tracing up and down your spine to soothe you through your climax. His lips pressed to your forehead, uttering a short ‘I love you’ before pulling away.
“I will leave you to finish. Take your time, alright? I will leave you some clothes on the counter.”
You nodded at him, hazy eyes watching him leave the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist and disappearing out the door, hearing a near silent click when it shut. Your eyes closed, allowing yourself to relax for a few minutes, your mind still buzzing from the aftermath of your orgasm.
You dried and dressed in one of his long sleeve shirts, a pair of shorts you had left in his room hugging your waist. You ran the towel through your hair as you walked back into his room, spotting him at his desk - dressed and comfortable a simple white tee and lounge pants. His hair was still wet, his eyes focused on whatever he was working on. His fabric markers were strewn across the top of his table. Soft music played from his phone, the man humming along to the Post Malone song. Your clothes had been hung up, ready for the wash. His hair dryer was plugged in beside him, resting on his desk with other random belongings.
He didn’t flinch when your hands met his shoulders, running down his arms slowly, feeling the goosebumps that prickled along his arms. Trickling your fingertips back up, one hand laced through his wet locks, the other moving to grab the hairdryer. Cautiously, not wanting to burn him, you clicked the machine on, threading your fingers through his hair as the heat penetrated them, the wet strands fluffing and drying. You were careful not to get to close to his ears or scalp, scratching at it lightly and soothingly. 
When he was fully dried, you proceeded to dry your own hair, watching him doodle on two pairs of white shoes. Each pair had the same markings, from words to pictures. The other difference was one pair had his name, the other pair not matching the elegant lettering on the side. The machine buzzed to silence when you turned it off, putting it down and unplugging it. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you rested on his shoulder, watching him closely.
“What are you working on?” you asked. Taeyong turned his head towards you, smiling sweetly, a bright blush on his cheeks. 
“You weren’t supposed to find out until they were done,” he huffed playfully. 
“Well, you’re the one that was working on them knowing I was just in the bathroom.”
“I know,” he mused. “I wanted it to be a surprise, but I also can’t keep anything from you. I’ve wanted to let you know about this little project for a while.”
“So? What are you up to, Lee Taeyong?”
“I was designing a new pair of shoes… for both of us,” he mumbled, almost embarrassed. “You know, a matching set for us to wear. As a…”
“As a couple?” you asked, the idol nodding. You smiled at him, placing a tender kiss to his cheek. “That’s sweet, babe. I love that so much.”
“You do?” he asked meekly.
“Of course,” you giggled. “Plus, they are coming from you. Why wouldn’t I love them?”
“I don’t know…”
“I think it’s sweet,” you hummed, hugging him tighter, peppering the side of his face in kisses that made him smile and laugh. “I can’t wait until they are done so we can wear them together.”
“I’ll have them done soon,” he told you, turning to stare at you. Without hesitation, he pressed his lips to yours in a simple kiss that didn’t last long, though a tingling sensation was left behind after your separated. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Yong.”
He grinned, kissing you again swiftly. The kiss didn’t linger long before Taeyong had broken away, hand scouring the desk for the polaroid camera you had gifted him one day. He used it regularly when he was with the guys and yourself. The pictures he took were lining his shelves on a string, and he was more than happy to add to them. He had mastered the art of taking a selfie with the polaroid camera, swapping it to aim towards you. 
Your face nuzzled against his, pressing your cheeks together. You each gave a toothy grin before the shutter went off, picture printing from the camera. Taeyong took the newly printed image, placing it aside to develop before aiming the camera again. This time, he turned to you, eyes closing as you shared a loving kiss. Your own eyes fluttered closed, relishing in the feeling he gave you. 
Even when the camera went off and the picture printed, you didn’t separate, allowing Taeyong’s lips to drag against yours. His lips completely covered yours, meshing together perfectly, giving them a soft, wet pop when he eventually pulled away. You instantly pulled him back in, sharing a heated open-mouth kiss that left him whining softly, shuffling in his seat. 
You pulled away from him, taking the developing pictures from Taeyong’s desk to hang them up. He put the camera away, gathering the scattered markers in one spot beside the two pairs of white shoes. Spinning in the chair, we chuckled as he watched you struggle to hang up the pictures, your tongue sticking out upon figure out where to place them. You managed to hang up the first photo of you both smiling before Taeyong joined your side, taking the second photo.
“I think this is my favorite one of us,” he spoke, admiring the photo. “I should frame it.”
“You’re a dork,” you laughed, kissing his cheek. 
“Don’t laugh at me. It’s cute!” he scowled, choosing to hang the photo in the middle of the line, adjusting those around it to properly showcase his idol family. He looked proud of his display, hands pressed to his slim waist. “There. It’s perfect for now.”
“For now?” you teased, collapsing on his bed. Hugging a pillow to your chest and curling into a ball, you watched him straighten up his room, giving a few squirts of Febreze to freshen the place before preparing to sleep. Taeyong stood in the middle of the room, glancing in your direction and snickering at the ball cuddled into his sheets. Slowly, his shirt was peeling over his head, placed with the rest of his clothes. 
A short yelp of surprise and joy left your lips when he tackled you to the bed, your bodies rolling around the covers until your back was against the small mattress, his body hovering over yours. His face nestled its way into your neck, nipping and kissing the skin. His hands traveled your sides, hips rutting against yours. A low mewl escaped, music to the man’s ears that urged him to push harder and faster, more kisses to delicate skin. 
“Taeyong, we can’t wake the others-”
The hands trailing along your sides began to tickle at your skin, making you erupt in laughter. Your body squirmed and writhed, trying to escape his grasp, but you remained trapped by his form. Taeyong moved away from your neck to watch you laugh, joining in on the hysterics when you attempted to tickle him back. 
His phone dinged from where he placed it on his bedside table before tackling you. With a deep groan, he paused and grabbed it, reading the message received. You watched him silently, panting to catch your breath from his relentless attack. He snickered slightly before turning it to face you, allowing you to laugh with him as well. 
“I told you we can’t wake the others. And here we are, receiving a message from Mark to keep it down.”
The text was a jumble of letters and numbers, obviously derived from sleep, but it was easy to make out the words Be quiet and go to bed already! from the younger rapper. Your hand covered your mouth, shielding yourself from laughing loudly once again. Taeyong put his phone back, biting at his lip to control his own laughs. 
The man rolled off you, resting on his side with one arm draped over you. To face you, you rolled onto your own side. Your fingers ran through the soft tendrils on his head, watching his beautiful orbs close. His fingers curled against your side, pushing up the shirt you wore to feel your skin. 
“Have I told you how proud I am of you for everything you’ve accomplished?” he spoke slowly, sliding closer until he was pressed flush against you. “Because I am. It doesn’t feel like that long ago that you joined as a trainee and I saw that nervous kitten in the studio. You reminded me so much of myself that I just… I had to help you. But as I got to know you, I couldn’t help just how natural it felt to be with you. I was so drawn to you from day one that I don’t know what I would do if you didn’t make it this far. 
“But look at everything you’ve managed to accomplish. All that hard work. You are just so talented, and you finally got to a point where you can show others just what you are capable of. And it’s not because of me. I helped you along the way, coached you and guided you, but it was all you, baby. You never gave up and now you are a rookie. You are up there performing with the best of us. And I’m sure in no time, you will be in a group of your own, touring across the world and doing what you love. 
“And I couldn’t be prouder to see how far you have come since that first day. I’m glad I could see how you progressed and how you developed. And I surely can’t wait to see where you go in the future.” He paused, rubbing his lips together. “And I hope I can be by your side along the way. As your company mate. As your friend. And as your boyfriend.”
“Taeyong,” you sniffled. “I know you said that it was all me, but I really couldn’t have done it without you. And you have no idea how thankful I am. And I’m glad that I could make it this far with you by my side.”
You paused, pulling him closer our noses brushed against each other. Your lips were nearly upon yours as you mumbled at him. 
“And I never want to give up this dream as long as I have you by my side as my company mate, my friend, and as my boyfriend.” You grinned, pushing into him more. Your legs tangled together, arms encasing each other. “I love you so much.”
He didn’t respond - verbally. His lips pressed to yours, pulling you as close as possible. The open-mouth kiss was steamy from the start, his lips dragging against yours in noisy smacks. Your tongues danced together, a moan caught in your throat. Your bodies rocked against one another, kisses growing sloppier by the second. Your hands tangled in his locks, giving them a tug as the intensity increased. Your legs curled around his, your toes flexing and coiling. His hands roamed your body unforgivingly, selfishly attacking your lips repeatedly until you couldn’t breathe. 
His hands pushed at your shirt, helping you to rid it from your torso and carelessly tossing it away. Greedy hands palmed at your chest, keeping you preoccupied and silenced with the numerous, fiery kisses you shared. While you choked on his tongue, moans were trapped in yours and his throats, enjoying the feeling of his hands on your body. Your eager form pushed into him, rolling together against his heated body. 
His lips broke from yours, tracing along your jaw leading towards your chin, and finally down your neck. He slid down your form to your chest, repeating the same process he had in the shower not long before. Already botched in red dots from his prior activities, newly left marks were left along your breasts as he roamed your mounds. Your favorite part was always when he found your pert nipples, wrapping his lips around them, tugging and nipping at them all while suckling happy at the sensitive bud. The overwhelming sensation of him attached to your breast, lovingly flicking his tongue around the bud, made you moan his name, coaxing him to continue what he was doing.
His lips broke from your breast with a not so subtle pop, smacking his lips together a few times before returning to your lips. The intense kiss made your stomach tighten, your legs kicking and squeezing in an attempt to relieve the sensation between them. Your reaction to his lips made him twitch with excitement, eager hands tugging at your shorts and panties. He managed to push them down without breaking the kiss, your feet kicking them over the end of the bed. HIs lounge pants and boxers followed, taking an extra moment to leave his long legs when they tangled around his ankles. 
One veiny hand was used to drape your leg over his waist, his erect cock pressed between your stomachs. His hips jerked forward, rutting himself against you, making himself twitch and harden more. Your lips broke from his to glance down, the image slightly blurred by hazy eyes. Even in the low light of his room, you could see the swollen red tip of his length between you, beads of precum seeping from the slit. Your mouth watered, core tightening with want. 
“Can I?” he asked quietly, somewhat panting from his excitement. “Please.”
“Yes,” you replied shortly, hugging him close to you. 
Gleefully, Taeyong aligned himself with your core, careful as he eased his way into you. An echo of low moans left you both, Taeyong enjoying the sensation of your tight walls around him and you relishing in the way his large shaft stretched you as he slid in, burying himself hilt deep. The feeling was raw, unlike your first time when the condom shielded his skin from yours. It was times like this you were glad you were on birth control. The feeling was amplified without the need for the pesky rubber. 
Taeyong still inside you, allowing you to adjust to his size, and to not lose control of himself too quick. It didn’t matter how many times he found himself in this position - you drove him crazy every single time. You brought him back up to short kisses, tangling your fingers in his hair as you did. The hand that was on your thigh over his waist squeeze happily, a way to tell you he was enjoying everything. 
When your hips jutted forward, telling him you were ready, he broke the kiss, focusing on his movements. Taeyong always wanted to please you. As much as he loved your kisses, especially during intimate moments like this, we wanted to focus on making you feel good. And one thing he learned was that when you felt good because of his powerful and quick thrusts, you were vocal about it. 
He pulled back slowly before pushing back in just as calmly. The mewls of protest made him chuckle deeply, steadily picking up his pace until he was pounding into you at a consistently strong rhythm. His hand help you close, clenching you so tightly that veins were beginning to run along his arms. Your hips clapped together, the sweat that produced between you making the noise grow. His large cock filled you completely, sliding along your soaked, sensitive walls and hitting every spot that made your head spin. 
He kept hitting the one spot he knew drove you insane. Your hand shot up to cover your mouth, near screaming-like moans leaving your lips, throat vibrating. Taeyong wished he could enjoy the noises, but knowing the others were in the dorm kept him from hearing the music of his angel to the extent he preferred. It didn’t hinder his thrusts, determination growing and more powerful thrusts used to slam him deep into your wet pussy.
He pushed you back until your back hit the mattress once more, the idol settling between your spread legs. His hands held your knees back, your feet left floating in air to flop around with each sloppy thrust. Not having anything to hold, your arms extended up above your head, Taeyong having a perfect view of your blissful face and bouncing breasts. The sight of your tits jiggling with every thrust he delivered made his mouth water, wanting to lean forward to attach to them, slathering them with love. 
But he focused on you. He knew you were tired. He was too. He didn’t want to drag out this love making session too long, but he wanted to give you a release. Hell, he wanted a release too, otherwise he wouldn’t be sleeping long that night. His head was spinning with ecstasy, your body burning with love and passion.
He panted, pistoning himself furiously into you. “You feel so good,” he let out as a gasp. “God, I love you so much.”
You couldn’t respond. The tip of his cock kept hitting the sweet spot into you because of the altered angle he was fucking you at. He managed to slide deep into you, directed towards your g-spot. Combined with the pulsing of his cock against your already tight, wet walls, you were a mess. Your core tightened, back arching. You were struggling to withhold as many noises as you could, though many moans, groans and whines filled his room, mixing with the loud slap of skin on skin from your lower halves. 
You both felt the fire. Your walls were convulsing around his large shaft, while his cock throbbed, ready to explode. Your stomachs coiled, burning away quickly before the final snap. Taeyong’s trusts were growing sloppier, never one losing their edge. He kept pushing until he could no longer see straight, blinking rapidly to keep his sight clear.
He eventually collapsed forward, placing a determined kiss to your lips. The hug of your walls was too much for him, and his seed exploded out in strands of white. His cream painted your inner walls in heated juice, slowing thrusts allowing each milky strand to shoot out, coating every part of your pussy. The heat of his cum swirling around inside you made you own will break, one final clench of your stomach pushing your own release out. Your walls clung to him, juices leaking around him and mixing with his own droplets that spilled into you. Your core kept him tightly embraced, milking him until every last drop escaped. 
With him still burrowed deep inside you, you pulled him into another his, arms wrapped around his neck and tangling through his hair., nails scratching at his scalp. The man let out a breath of relief from the orgasm he had, melting into the sultry kiss. His body nearly collapsed on yours, your bodies rocking against each other happily. Your skin stuck together from the sweat produced from the rigorous activities, but you never minded being close to this man.
You loved him.
And you never wanted to give him up.
You fell asleep in his arms that night, not caring to dress or clean up. You were content enough just being with him, a much-needed restful night shared after the successes you had that one day. 
Decorated white shoes squeezed their way down the hall, destination engraved in the owner’s mind. As soon as he got the text, he didn’t need to be told where to go. It was too often he found himself headed in that way after practice or recording. It was like another home to him at this point. And when the door came into view, Taeyong couldn’t help but to smile widely, despite his confused curiosity of why he was facing the practice room.
Your practice room.
He expected to find you dancing when he walked in. He always did. And when you told him not to rush because you knew he was working on writing a new song for his upcoming solo album, he thought you would be passing the time in ways you knew how to - dancing to random songs and singing along in the same voice he fell in love with forever ago. 
He was surprised to find you standing in the middle of the room, no music playing, and no shock on your face to see him walk in. You were waiting for him, grinning madly. He inwardly smiled at your appearance, the simple joggers and tank top matching with the shoes he designed for you that were wearing with age. It was nearing a year since you started wearing them and wearing them daily took their toll on the shoes. 
His were the same way, after all. 
You rocked back and forth, hands behind your back, waiting for him to enter and approach you. He did just as you thought, placing his bag down before making his way over to you. Arms instantly encircled your waist, your feet leaving the ground when he lifted you up. Your arms found their way around his neck, hugging him close and weaving your digits through the strands of hair on the back of his head without a second thought. His lips pressed to yours in a succulent embrace, keeping the kiss short but sweet.
“You rang, my sweet?” he teased, placing you down.
“I did. I’m glad you were able to come so quick too. Because I don’t know how long I could contain myself on this.”
Taeyong hummed at you, tracing his fingers along your sides. “So, something really good is happening then? Otherwise you wouldn’t be this excited about something.”
“Something great is happening,” you hummed. “Take a guess!”
The idol pouted. “You know I hate guessing games,” he pouted. “Just tell me, baby.”
“You’re such a spoil sport,” you huffed. “Well fine then. I had a meeting with Lee Soo Man today.”
“Oh? What happened?” he asked curiously. 
“I’m getting to it! Calm down!” you teased. “You know how I’ve been a rookie for about a year now?” 
“Well… I guess you can say I’m not a rookie anymore.”
Taeyong blinked one, then twice, before his smile grew, eyes twinkling with delight. “Wait. Are you saying what I think you’re telling me?”
“I don’t know. What are you thinking?”
“Are you…” he paused to wet his lips. “Are you going to be debuting with a group?” 
You nodded happily, tears begging to prickle the corner of your eyes from overwhelming joy. His smile grew larger than you thought possible, picking you up and spinning around.
“Oh my god. You’re debuting?” he screamed. “You’re really debuting!”
“Yeah,” you cried, burying your head in his neck. Taeyong ceases his spins, hugging your koala-like form tightly to him. “I’m really debuting, Yong. I’m really an idol now.”
“I knew you could do it,” he whispered, not bothering to wipe his own tears of joy. “God, I’m so proud of you. I knew you would make it one day and look where you are now. You’re at the top, baby.”
“It’s all thanks to you,” you told him, moving your head and kissing him softly. “You kept me from never giving up. You encouraged me to be my best and I’m here because you believed in me.”
“It was all you, Y/N,” he mused, kissing you sweetly before placing you down. “You never gave up.”
“I owe it to the best man in the world knowing my worth and giving me that push though. I owe it to the best man for seeing himself in me and knowing I would regret everything if I gave up. I owe it to him for loving me and helping push me to be my best.”
“Don’t flatter me,” he joked.
“I meant Donghae.”
Taeyong blew a raspberry at you before speaking back up. “So, do I get any other details besides you are debuting? Like when? What position? Does your group have a name?”
“How about I give you a yes to everything,” you joked, tapping his nose.
“Well, out with it!”
“Impatient young man,” you laughed. “Well, I’m pleased to announce to you, and only you for now because I was allowed to share this with you, that I will be the main dancer and lead vocal for a new girl group,” you told him. Taeyong gaped.
“Really. That’s so-”
“That’s not all,” you cut him off with a smile. “I’m also the leader of said girl group.”
“Oh my god,” he let out. “I’m so proud of you, Y/N! But you’re not telling me the name. What is my beautiful girl going to be the leader of?”
You grinned, blushing brightly. “Well, it’s been in talks for a while, but I will be joining your family.”
He blinked. “Wha-”
“You are the leader of NCT 127. And I will be joining you as the leader of the new NCT girl subgroup - NCT G.”
He gaped, eyes growing wide. “You mean…”
“I’m joining the NCT family with you.”
He let out a low sob, hugging you close again. You clung to him, petting the back of his head as his face buried in your neck. “You’re doing it, baby.”
“I am, and I couldn’t ask for a better group to be part of.”
He faced you, wet tears along his cheeks. But his smile was vibrant. “Well, welcome to the family, Y/N. We’re glad to have you.”
You grinned, wrapping yourself in his embrace. “I’m glad to be with you guys, forever and always. I’m glad I can be by your side through all of this, Taeyong. But you know, if I’m glad about anything, I really am glad that I never gave up on this dream because if I did, I wouldn’t be here with you.”
“Well, I’m never giving you up,” he joked.
“You better not.” 
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NCTzens Tag: @brien-odylan​, @goldenmndes​, @belleknows​
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shutupandshipit · 3 years
Sharpen Your Blades - Ch.14
Summary: “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
The thinning of Aizawa’s patience was evident in the twitching of his brow. “If you stop asking questions, maybe I could finish explaining.
”With a huff and roll of his eyes, Katsuki glanced away from their coach.
“City Hall and the SC want us to give them more variety. We are a team solely made up of single skaters. Every year, we dominate the rankings for single skate while Shinketsu dominates the pairs, so this year both cities are being required to split their skaters evenly between singles and pairs with at least one pair coming from out top five.” There was a collective intake of breath, but no one commented, choosing instead to remain silent. “Unfortunately, for us, it’s a lot easier to switch from pairs to singles. With our male to female ratio, alpha/beta/omega ratio, and those of you actually experienced with pair skating, we’re at a disadvantage. So, I’ve decided to choose your partners for you.”
Or where Katsuki and Izuku are forced to be partners so they can continue to compete, but the blood in the water may be thicker than anyone realized.
Pairing: Bakudeku
Rating: T
Chapter: 14/20
Previously <- Chapter 13: The Innocence of Children
Chapter 15: Gross Holiday Activities -> Next
Chapter 14: Fighting
Izuku smelled like nothing.
Katsuki, on the other side of the ice from him, jerked his head up at the intrusion. Everyone had a scent whether they wore blockers or not. Even betas whose scents and presences were typically more neutral, still had them. Being an alpha, Katsuki was specifically tuned to detect other alphas and omegas, but it wasn’t difficult to pick out a beta either.
In pre-rut, it was worse. He could smell pretty much everything. He could smell who hadn’t worn enough deodarant, who was on their period, who was in pre-heat or rut, even who was having sex with each other. Their scents told him everything on top of the natural scents produced by their bodies. Sometimes he hated it, but sometimes it was useful.
So, to have a presence completely unaccompanied by a scent was nearly impossible. Still, Izuku stood at the rink opening being completely scentless. The others seemed unconcerned with this lack of a scent. But fear burned hot in Katsuki’s body.
All he could see were dead green eyes. An orange pill bottle on the floor. Casts and bruises and broken skin. The complete and utter absence of scent.
Fear. Terror. Rage. All of those emotions flooded back into his body as if he was standing in that room all over again with Inko right behind him.
His mind went blank. In the next moment, there were strong arms around his body and the scent of blood in the air and pain in his knuckles and Kirishima yelling in his ear. “Woah, bro! What the heck? Calm down! He didn’t do anything!”
“Don’t you put Auntie through that again! Don’t you fucking dare!” he raged at Izuku.
The omega was on the ice, head tilted back at Ochako pressed a cloth to his nose. The cloth was stained red, and his eyes were wide and terrified as he stared up at Katsuki.
“Man, calm down!” Kirishima tried again, “What’s going on?”
Katsuki wasn’t listening as he continued to struggle against Kirishima’s hold. “I can fucking smell it on you! How could you go back to that? Are you fucking stupid? What about your mom, huh? What about her, damn Deku? Are you even considering her?”
Deku’s voice was garbled behind the cloth. “I-I-I’m sorry. Kacchan, I’m sorry.”
“I don’t give a fuck if your sorry!” Katsuki screamed. Kirishima finally got a solid hold on him, lifting him off his feet and turning to carry him away. “Go apologize to your mother’s face instead, asshole!”
Katsuki was kicked off the ice for the entire week after that, but Izuku never came to practice lacking a scent again even if at times the scent of suppressants still undercut it.
November Week 4
"That was good!" Toshinori called from the sidelines as Katsuki and Izuku came to a stop at the end of their program. Their chests heaved, arms wrapped around each other as sweat poured down their skin. "You're lifts are coming along. What I want you to focus on rightnow is sharpness, and not execution. If you have to slow down to prepare for the next movement each time, then do that. You guys have the basic movements down, so let's try to make them crisp."
Separating from Izuku, Katsuki glared at their coach. "What the fuck is wrong with how we've been doing it? It's fine."
"Kacchan!" Izuku reprimanded, but Toshinori already had a response.
"I'm on the outside looking in. You might think it feels fine the way you're doing it, but if you want to win uncontested, there are still some things you need to polish."
"Whatever, old man," Katsuki snarled, glaring away from both Izuku and their coach. He could feel their eyes on him, knew they were analyzing him for every broken thread in his quilt. He hated it. He wanted to hurt them. He wanted to fuck Izuku. He wanted to taste blood on his tongue. He wanted to go home and be alone to sleep.
Toshinori's reply was simple. "Bakugou."
Katsuki didn't turn to him. He shouldn't even be on the ice. He should have been home pulling out every soft fabric he had in his apartment to begin constructing the bones for a nest his omega would complete. He should be stocking up on snacks and water and other things his omega would need in his heat. He should be-
Snarling, he shook his head and pressed the heel of his hand to his temple. His head was beginning to throb, an early sign that his rut would be coming by the end of the week. There was the strange feeling that it was going to be agonizing like it never had been before, and that caused anxiety to flare in his chest which only pissed him off more than he already was.
"Bakugou," Toshinori said again, and this time Katsuki glared at the older alpha and bared his teeth a little. Their coach seemed unaffected by the display. "I know your rut is almost here, but we still need to continue. I know it's your alpha talking and not you, which is why I'm not taking this personally, but I'm going to need you to focus."
That pissed off Katsuki all the more. "Yes, sir," he ground out. He was trying, no one could say he wasn't. It was just that every time he put his hands on Izuku, his mind immediately went primal. All he could see was his hands wrapped around a naked waist. Taste sweet slick on his tongue despite never having the pleasure. Feel nails dragging down his back.
If he could have ripped his alpha straight out of his head, he would have.
“Okay, go again,” Toshinori said, restarting the music.
Katsuki and Izuku returned to their starting positions at center ice. Their performance only degraded after that with each successive constructive comment grating on Katsuki until he was only standing and nodding without hearing what the older alpha was actually saying.
After another thirty minutes of practice, Izuku couldn’t hold his tongue anymore. He could tell the exact moment that Katsuki shut down to Toshinori’s pointers and suggestions, and that made him angry. He wasn’t someone who got angry easily, at least not to Katsuki’s extent, but he could feel the effects of Katsuki’s pre-rut beginning to leak into him as well. Not only was his temper shorter than usual, but he could feel his body trying to fight against the suppressants in his system to respond in kind. He’d been pushing hard throughout the practice in hopes of forgetting the sensation.
That old injury of his hip throbbed in time with his heart, but the heat of anger dampened the pain.
He waited only long enough for Toshinori to say his goodbyes and leave the rink to whirl on Katsuki. The rink doors hadn’t even finished clicking closed.
“You’re not even trying, Kacchan!” Izuku shouted in Katsuki’s face. They were nearly the same height, Katsuki only having a few centimeters on him. In that moment though, those centimeters felt significant. Even if Izuku wasn’t intimidated by Katsuki anymore, he was still very well aware of the fact that he was an omega who was smaller bowing up to the larger alpha who’d been courting him.
Katsuki’s crimson eyes narrowed in a glare. “Who the fuck’s not trying, damn Deku?”
“You! You’re not trying, Kacchan! You’re letting your pre-rut control you! It’s sad. You’ve never been like this before. It’s like you can’t take the fact that you actually have to work for something for once!” Izuku shouted, shoving a finger into Katsuki's chest.
“What the fuck are you talking about? I wasn’t the only one gettting criticized! We’re both in this together!”
“Yeah, but I’m not the one shutting everything out! I’m actually trying to incorporate what we’re being given!”
Katsuki’s face was red with rage and a vein visibly throbbed at his temple. “We shouldn’t have to be getting criticism right now! We should be at the point where we’re just making minor adjustments!”
“Well, we’re not, and you’re going to have to deal with it!”
“We should be further along!”
“And who’s fault is that?” Izuku exploded far louder than before, voice echoing deafeningly around them, “Because it’s not mine, Kacchan! I’m not the one who refused to practice together! That was you! I’ll admit that I had to work through my fears, but I’m not the only one! We would be further by now if you’d let us practice together from the very beginning!”
Katsuki took a step towards Izuku, but seemed to stop himself. Instead, he snarled, “I don’t have to take this from you.”
“Then leave because I’m not going to stop you! Practicing with you when you’re like this isn’t going to get us anywhere, and honestly, I’d rather not skate with someone who gives up on trying!”
“Fuck you!” Spinning away from Izuku, Katsuki stomped off the ice to grab his bag.
Izuku stayed on the ice, body all but steaming in the cold of the rink. After a moment, he left out a long scream of frustration. He’d never been one to let his anger and frustration show so obviously, but in that moment, the scream felt good. It just wasn’t the kind of good he needed.
Taking off, he made round after round along the wall of the rink, increasing his speed until everything was just a blur and his breath was coming in exhausted pants. He made jump after jump, ignoring the twinge of his hip as his posture degraded. With each jump, he pushed himself to jump higher, spin faster, connect more jumps together, make them more difficult.
He should have stopped himself, but he didn’t.
He pushed off the ice, and panic shot through him as pain exploded through his hip. When he landed, it was in an attempt to compensate, and his ankle twisted beneath him.
He hit the ice hard, pain jarring up his leg straight to his hip. He gripped his hip with one hand, the other curled into a fist above his head. Tears stung his eyes, mouth hanging open as he fought the nausea that came with the pain. A single, harsh sob barked from his throat.
“Fuck, Deku!” Katsuki's scent filled his nose in the next moment. Warmth pressed over his back as Katsuki’s strong, calming purr vibrated along his back. An arm pressed into his stomach and a hand wrapped around the wrist above his head. “You idiot! Why didn’t you stop?”
Any other day, Izuku would have happily taken the comfort, but he was still angry. He allowed himself to soak in the contact for only a moment, memorizing the feel of Katsuki’s weight pressing down on top of him before he was shoving the alpha away and struggling back to his feet. The first thing he noticed as the fact that Katsuki wasn’t wearing his skates. “Get off of me, Kacchan! I don’t want you touching me!”
Katsuki pushed to his feet as well, shoes slipping on the ice. “I’m trying to help, you ungrateful asshole!”
“Well, keep it to yourself! I don’t need the help of someone who doesn’t want to try!” Izuku limped towards the rink entrance, digging his fingers into his hip to keep himself on solid footing. “Just leave me alone!”
“Are you fucking serious right now?” Katsuki shouted after him as he struggled to follow.
“Yes! Leave me alone! I don’t want anything to do with you!”
For the second time that day, Katsuki yelled, “Fuck you!” As soon as he was back on solid footing, he stormed passed Izuku towards where his bag lay haphazardly on the ground. “I should have known better than to come back! I knew this whole partnership was a shit idea! I should have just told Aizawa to go fuck himself!”
“Maybe that would have been better!” Izuku screamed after his back. As soon as the doors slammed closed though and the pain fully set in, he crumpled onto the bench and let the tears flow. When he finally made his way out of the building, he wasn’t surprised to find that Katsuki hadn’t waited around like he usually did nowadays.
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itsme-autumn · 5 years
Time’s Up | part 1
Author: @itsme-autumn Pairing: Jax Teller x Female Reader Reader Warnings: swearing, sexual harassment, smut
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You keep your head down as you walk back to your desk. You want to avoid the looks on your coworkers faces you know they’re giving you. Looks of question, intrigue, maybe sympathy or judgement. You quickly sit in your squeaky chair and try to find something on your computer to busy yourself with, anything to keep back the tears that were threatening to fall. 
It wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been, you tell yourself. You just hoped it would be worth it. You’ve been having a hard time proving yourself at work. You’re young. You’re a woman. Male coworkers that worked half as hard and had less experience still got put on bigger and more important accounts than you. You promised yourself you would do whatever you had to do to climb the ladder here. 
It was just a couple of buttons. That’s it. Your boss was slimy, yes. An asshole, for sure. But he didn’t force you to do anything. He never touched you. He gave you an opportunity and you decided to take it.
“So you want on the Madison account.” 
You sat up straight in the chair across your boss’ desk. “Yes, sir. I really think I would be an asset to the team. I think my track record proves that I can handle the work.” 
He looked at you, or rather through you, his face expressionless. “I’m not sure you are willing to make the sacrifices necessary for such a crucial account, Miss Y/L/N.”
“I can assure you that I will do whatever is required to get the job done. I really want this. I’m ready, let me prove it to you.” You try to keep your voice confident despite your discomfort. You hold your hands together in front of you to keep them from shaking.
He thinks for a moment before replying bluntly, “Drop a couple buttons and you got it.”
You hesitate, not sure if you heard him correctly. “I’m sorry, what?” Surely he didn’t just say…
“Look, Y/N, you gotta loosen up if you want to work on this account. They’re the clients that want to have their business meetings at the bar with a round of shots, not a conference room with cups of tea. You get what I’m saying?”
“Uh, I suppose so.” You pause while your brain tries to catch up with this conversation. “I don’t really see why that translates into my shirt being buttoned…?” Hoping he’ll drop it.
“Show me that you can loosen up. Come on, Y/N, you’ve got a great body, why not show it off? It’s a compliment.” He gets up from his chair and walks around his desk, leaning on it while hovering over you. Crossing his arms, he keeps going “If you aren’t prepared to do what it takes for such an important client, I’m sure I can find someone who will. Maybe Kaitlyn…”
You had to make a choice. While this was not exactly how you wanted to rise up here, you didn’t know when another opportunity would come up again. “No! I am!” You quickly blurt out. Fucking kiss-ass-Kaitlyn would get this account over your dead body. 
You move your hands up to the top button on your white button up. “I-I can see what you mean. I need to be a little more casual. I can do that.” You force your voice to remain steady and even. You try to ignore the look of satisfaction in his eyes when you’ve undone the second button You will him to confirm your place on the team so you can get the hell out of there. 
Well you got the account, now you have to kick ass and prove that you have what it takes. If you can do that, then it’ll have been worth it. You hope. You wanted to call Jax. Not necessarily to tell him-you knew how he would react-but just to hear his voice. He’s so busy though, you didn’t want to bug him or cause him to worry about you. Deciding against it, you sag your shoulders and let out a sigh. Looking at the clock, you count down the minutes till you can go home. You’re just ready for this day to be over.
You unlock the door to your apartment, immediately kicking your uncomfortable shoes off and throwing your bag down on the floor. You grab your phone and a bottle of wine and head straight to your bathroom. 
You’re already on your second glass when the tub is halfway full, your bubble bath filling the room in a warm relaxing scent. You take a deep breath and start to undress, wanting to soak until you no longer felt the stress of this clusterfuck of a day. Your phone buzzed then, the screen displaying Jax’s name. You smile and slide your thumb across the screen to answer.
“Hello?” You say casually. Your relationship--you guess it’s a relationship?--with Jax was new. You didn’t want to sound too eager.
“Hey darlin’.” You could practically see his smirk through the phone. You smile bigger, his voice already making you feel better. “What are you doing right now?”
“Well I had a pretty shitty day at work, so I am currently drinking my favorite wine and then I’m going to soaking in a bubble bath for the foreseeable future. I might die of old age in this bathtub.” You sighed and placed the phone on the counter, putting it on speakerphone so you could finish taking your clothes off. The sooner you got in the scalding hot water, the better.
“I’m sorry babe, do you wanna talk about it?” He sounded so sweet and sincere. It wasn’t a side of Jax Teller that you’d gotten to see very much. Your heart melted a little and you felt heat start to pool in your core. You answered him, your lady parts taking over your brain momentarily, “You can come over if you want and make me feel better.” You were grateful this interaction wasn’t in person so he couldn’t see how red your face was. You cannot believe you just said that. Who the hell are you??
The tone of his voice changed instantly as he chuckled lightly, “You got it babe, I’ll be right over.”
What were you thinking? You needed less stress tonight, not more. You stay still, not wanting to disrupt your strategically placed bubbles that were covering you up. Jax was on his way over and you are just lounging in your bathtub. YOUR BATHTUB. Naked. So very naked. You and Jax had fooled around some, sure, but you hadn’t completely seen each other sans clothing yet. Would this be the night you two actually had sex? He's been so sweet, letting you set the pace. He knew you didn’t want a casual hookup. 
But you did want him. Holy mother did you want him. And now you have basically offered yourself to him on a bubble covered silver platter. You weren’t completely sure you were ready for that step with him, all you knew was that you needed a release, and you always felt good when you were with Jax. 
You heard your front door open, Jax walking in, then closing and locking the door behind him. He took his kutte off and folded in on a chair. You heard his footsteps get closer until he pushed open the bathroom door just enough to peek his head in. The look on his face could almost be classified as nervous. You don’t know what he has to be nervous about, he still has all of his clothes on. “Hey, babe.” He says almost sheepishly. Your face warms at the sight of him and you tilt your head, signaling for him to come in. 
Seeming to have gotten his confidence back, he steps in the bathroom and walks over the tub. He gets on his knees next to you so you’re at eye level. His lips curve up in a small smile as he reaches up and pushes some hair behind your ear.
That heat that was pooling earlier had now kicked up a few notches. You are somehow even more aware of how naked you are. Suddenly you don’t want to waste any more time thinking about your shitty day or your shitty boss. 
Jax smiled at you sweetly, “You okay babe? Tell me what happened.” Instead of answering him you reached around him, putting your hand on the back of his neck and pulling his lips to yours. He didn’t hesitate, his tongue slipping into your mouth to deepen in the kiss. 
He brought his hand up to cup your cheek and kissed you a while longer. After a few minutes, he broke his lips from yours and pulled back slightly to look at you, a sheen of sweat already on your skin from the hot water. He couldn’t help but think how goddamn beautiful you are.
You spoke up again, wanting to get this new plan back on track. “I really don’t want to talk about it.” He gave you a questioning look. You paused, trying to figure out how to word what you did want. “I just knew I wanted to see you, that being with you would make me feel better.” 
You look at him, trying to gauge his reaction. His face lights up with that wolfish grin of his as he realizes what you want. That look should be illegal. You feel the blood rush to your face. Your thighs press together automatically, your body remembering the pleasure Jax is capable of giving you. 
“Well darlin’,” he starts, his grin getting bigger, “I think I can help you with that.” His hand dips down to the surface of the water and swirls his fingers around, moving some bubbles in the process. 
He leans in and captures your lips with his. You moan into the kiss and reach up to grab onto his hair. That spurs him on to dip his hand further into the water, finding your thigh. You gasp slightly at the contact, your need for him growing. He caresses your thigh up to your knee and brings it down again. He gently pushes one of your legs to the side, opening yourself for him. 
Jax leans back, a question in his eyes. He wants to make sure this is what you want. You’ve been a little more conservative than other girls he’s been with and he wants to respect that. You nod your head and bite your bottom lip in anticipation. He leans forward and takes your lip in with his teeth, biting gently. His mouth moves along your jaw and down your neck, placing wet kisses wherever he can reach. His hand continues its journey in between your legs, until he finally reaches the apex of your thighs. Your breathing getting more labored, you bite your lip again.
“You look so good laid out for me like this, Y/N” his voice low and husky, “I’m gonna make you feel good, okay babe?” Jax swipes a finger up your slit and a low growl comes out of his mouth when he feels how wet you are even under water. 
A sound comes out of your mouth that’s a mix between a hum and a whine. Your brain can’t form a coherent thought in this moment. You lay your head back and open your legs all the way for him. He releases a low chuckle. 
His fingers trace up and down your folds, teasing you. You close your eyes and push yourself towards his hand, wanting more. Jax ghosts his thumb over your clit and you jolt a little. He moves it back with more pressure, going in slow circles. You can’t help the small moan that escapes from your throat. You can’t remember the last time you’ve been this turned on. 
“You like that?” 
You hum in response.
He smirks. “I need words, Y/N.”
You force the words out, “Yes. Yes, Jax...please don’t stop.”
Satisfied with your answer, Jax leans in close to your ear and replies in a low growl, “I’m not stopping babe, not until I feel you cumming around my fingers.” He then pushes one finger inside of you, forcing a gasp from you. Feeling you clench around him instantly, he pulls out slowly and adds a second finger, slowly pushing into you again. 
“Jax” you moan, breathless.
He pumps into you, his thumb finding your clit again. “Jesus Christ your tight, babe.” His voice is quiet and strained. He reaches down with his other hand to adjust his erection in his jeans. He wants nothing more than to scoop you out of the tub, lay you out on the bathroom floor and sink his cock into you. He wants to take you, to make you scream. 
But as tempting as that thought is, this isn’t about him. He wants this to be for you, and only you tonight. Jax knows you wouldn’t say something about your job unless it really bothered you. He’s going to get you to talk about it, but that can wait. Right now he’s focused on you, specifically your pussy that has a vice grip around his fingers. 
He curls his fingers up inside of you, hitting a spot that instantly has you moaning, louder now, as he pumps into you faster. His thumb is rubbing fast circles on your clit and your not sure if you can handle the pleasure he’s giving you. 
Feeling you twist away slightly, Jax uses his leverage to pin you down.
“That’s it babe. Cum for me,” he says, his voice low and demanding. You feel his intense gaze on you. Your chest is heaving, exposing your breasts from the water’s surface. Jax wastes no time and leans over you to take one of your nipples into his mouth, sucking hard. 
“J-Jax...I’m so cose…”
“Let go babe. Cum. Now.” He orders you as he bends down to take your other nipple in his mouth, biting this time.
You arch your back as you reach your climax, gripping the edge of the tub as you clench around his fingers. He continues to move in and out of you through your orgasm, trailing kisses up your collar bone to your neck and up your jaw. 
You try to catch your breath as you come down from your high, sinking into the water more and releasing a satisfied sigh. You look up at Jax, feeling a little exposed. But, that feeling disappears when you see the lust in his eyes.
He leans in for a quick yet deep kiss. “You look so fucking sexy when you cum, babe. Feel better?” 
You smile at him, reaching up to cup one of his cheeks. “I like you.” Your voice dopey and dazed from your orgasm.
Not expecting that response, Jax laughs out loud, a genuine smile taking over his face. “I like you too, baby.” He presses a kiss to your forehead. Standing up, he grabs a towel to dry his arm off before holding it open for you. 
“How ‘bout we go settle on the couch and find a movie to watch.”
You grin widely and start to stand up. You legs are wobbly and he reaches out to steady you, wrapping the large towel around your wet body. You stand there for a moment, reveling in the feeling of him holding you as you look up at him. 
“Sounds perfect.”
A/N: This is my first Jax imagine! I had this random idea pop in my head so I just went with it! This is also my first attempt at smut. Let me know what you think!
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Only one daddy for me
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Summary: Trying to get over the break-up with your fiancée you spend a week with a foreign man. No names. No rules. No seeing each other again. What happens when you stumble into him again?
Pairing: CEO!Dean Winchester x Reader, OFC’s
Warnings: angst, smut, unprotected sex, daddy!kink, hair pulling, sex on/over a desk, doggy style, blow job, dirty talk, comforting, fluff, shitty father, language, protective Dean, arguments
What daddy doesn’t know Masterlist
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“That’s out of question, mom. I will not come to another ‘praise’ dinner for Jason to hear dad talking low about me. I love you; you know I do, but Jason and his lovely wife won’t make it easier for me.”
“Something wrong?” Dean pokes his head into your office, ready to drive you home to enjoy the well-deserved weekend.” Pointing toward the free chair in front of your desk you keep on talking to your mom.
“Mom, I would come, for you but I’m afraid I can’t bear more boring looks and another inquisition as I can’t do anything right according to dad. I didn’t give him grandchildren like Jason or managed to ruin thousands of people with shady deals.” Sighing you rub your temple and Dean moves behind you to gently massage your shoulders.
“Y/N tell her we will come around with pleasure. No problem at all. We just made the best deal of the century; nothing can shock me.” Dean is nibbling at your ear shell, loving the way you whimper silently.
“Okay, mom. Dean and I will come to dinner tomorrow, no problem. Do we need to bring anything? OH, Jason brings a salad…great…” Holding back a chuckle you shake your head, knowing about Erica’s awful food. “We better prepare our stomach’s in that case mom…Love you.” Hanging up the phone you groan, leaning into Dean’s touch.
“We are going to rock this party for sure, Baby Girl. I’ll bring an awesome wine, and my famous potato salad.” Dean pecks your neck softly, knowing you hate to be around your father since the last encounter.
“I hate he will ruin our weekend, Dean. I wanted a glass of wine, unhealthy food and dirty sex with you.” Turning your chair around Dean grins down at you. “Not here, Dean!”
“Hmm…I’m the boss, you know. Big bad CEO. I want you on your knees to keep your job, dirty girl. Daddy wants to see your pretty lips wrapped around his dick.” Dean husks and you whine low in your throat.
“Here…?” Glancing at the door you bite your lip. Everyone should be at home for hours, so you drop to your knees to unzip Dean’s dress pants. “Door?”
“Locked it when I entered your office, Baby. Now get to work. Daddy wants to take care of his pretty girl too. Never fucked you over your desk.” While Dean continues talking dirty to you, your hands drag his pants down.
Wetting your lips, you gently start stroking Dean’s cock, causing your boyfriend to hiss. He’s watching you swipe your thumb over his slit, licking his lips as you lick your fingers.
“God, you going to kill me, Sweetheart. Daddy loves you.” Smiling at Dean you kiss the tip before you lick him all over. Your tongue presses against the pulsing vein, teasing him to bring the angry dom out. “Don’t play games, princess.” Now you whimper, feeling Dean’s hand fist your hair.
Your lips part and you slowly wrap your soft pillows around the wide head, suckling at it for a while as you stroke his shaft. “Daddy wants to feel you all around him…now.” Dean’s eyes are fixated on your lips as his fingers slide through your hair.
Taking him down your throat, slow, deliberate you try to relax you. Tilting your head, you take a deep breath before you start bobbing your head, moaning as Dean plays with your hair.
“Good girl, going to make you feel so good.” Looking up at Dean you work his cock the way he likes it. Spit drips down your chin, mixed with Dean’s juices and you are close to making him spill his load down your throat as you feel his grip on you tighten and he drags you off his cock.
“Dean…” Panting you let him help you up, as he wipes the spit off your chin, smiling at you. “I wanted to make you cum.”
“I know, Baby Girl but all I can think about is to make you cum on this desk. Let me make you feel good.” Dean turns you around, kissing your neck softly while his hands move under your skirt to shove your panties down. “Daddy wants to feel your pretty pussy around him.”
He’s pressing his chest against your back, slipping one hand between your legs to toy with your clit. “You’re so wet for me, Baby. Does your boss make you ruin your panties? Huh? Is he hot…” Husking the words into your ear Dean moves his finger around your clit, causing you to shudder.
“I know, Y/N. Such a dirty girl I have.” Dean’s fingers press hard down your little nub as he uses his free hand to slip the tip in. “Feels so good…” Panting into your neck Dean slides into you with one hard thrust.
He sets a fast pace, rubbing the right place with his dick every time he enters your slick channel. His arms wrap around your body, holding you safe against his chest. “Love you, Baby. Just let go and forget about your shitty father.”
“Fuck…” Too worked up you can feel your walls pulsing around Dean. Your nails dig into his hands as you fall back against his warm body, just giving in to the pleasure…
“I swear you look breathtakingly, stunning - whatever, Y/N. If you do not stay in this dress and your heels I’ll drag you into your father’s house, bare and with a bite mark at your ass.” Dean threatens as you turn around to check your appearance in the mirror once again.
Wearing a simple black dress you bite your lower lip. It’s sleek and sophisticated. It has a square-neck, a knee-length hem and hugs your feminine silhouette perfectly.
“I like the hidden zip, Baby. It makes me feel like MacGyver when I try to get you out of it later…” Chuckling Dean places a beautiful necklace around your neck.
Kissing your sweet spot softly Dean tries to calm your nerves. “You’re beautiful, smart and not alone this time. Let’s rock this dinner and tomorrow we will spend the whole day as we want to.”
One last glance and you pick your purse up, along with your coat. “Let’s get this over with, Dean. I must warn you. My brother is very…uh…”
“An asshole as your father or worse?” Dean holds out his hand to help you get out of his favorite car. He chose the classic beauty as he didn’t want Benny to drive him to your father’s house. Tonight, is all about you, not him so he holds out his arm, letting you hold tight onto him.
“He’s very self-centered, just like his wife Erica. I never liked her, Dean. Since Jason is with her, his behavior got worse. Just tell me if it’s too much and we leave this awful family dinner.”
While Dean chuckles lightly he looks at the expensive bottle of wine in your hands and the huge bouquet of roses he bought for your mother. “Forget about him, Y/N. I told you that you are a shooting star and not as I like to do dirty things to you…or rather with you.”
Before you knock at your parent’s door you take a deep breath; Dean does the same, putting on his brightest ‘fake’ smile. “Okay, ready if you are.” Dean chuckles at your words, rapping his knuckles against the wooden door.
Your father opens the door, hating the fact Dean is right next to you. He had hoped your new lover, as he calls Dean, already drop you and he will be able to tell you he knew you were only fun to your powerful boyfriend.
“Mr. Y/L/N, thanks for your invitation. Where is your lovely wife? I bought her favorite flowers.” Dean is smiling, shaking your fathers’ hand, almost choking on his false politeness.
“She’s inside, taking care of the meal as a good wife should do.” Your father’s eyes land on you and he can see the uncertainty.
“A good wife, Sir? Hmm…I appreciate my girl smart, self-confident and without fear in her eyes.” Dean deadpans, walking past your father to enter the house.
Seeing your mother Dean doesn’t need to use his fake smile. He’s greeting her with a warm smile, handing her the roses.
“Whatever you cooked, ma’am it smells almost as if my mom made it. She was a great cook, just like you, Mrs. Y/L/N.” Dean barely talks about his deceased mom. All you know is she died when Dean turned ten in a car accident.
“You’re flattering me, young man.” Placing one hand onto her heart your mother giggles lightly and you can’t hold back the smile as her eyes water at the sight of the roses Dean hands her. “Thank you, Mr. Winchester.”
“Dean, Mrs. Y/L/N, just call me Dean. I’m with your daughter for almost a year so I’m slowly starting to plan a wedding.” Your boyfriend exclaims.
“I don’t think you will like her that long. Her fiancée got bored too. Y/N forced him to move to London and then she just forgot about him, treating him like he’s not even there.” Your father chuckles, trying to make you feel small once again.
“Seriously? I would follow your daughter everywhere she wants to go, even to the moon, Sir.” Smirking Dean walks to your side, slinging one arm around your waist. “She’s someone special, not a random girl. If you ask me, Scott was the one ruining his relationship with Y/N.” Dean pecks your cheek, smiling as you lean into his body.
“Well, he had no other choice.” Your father stammers, looking at his son and Erica entering the room.
“I beg your pardon, but you always got the choice to not be a cliché and bang your secretary, Sir.” Now Dean’s eyes narrow and he gives your father a warning glare. “Except you are an unfaithful bastard not caring about your partner's feelings. I can assure you, not all men are like that. Winchesters are, when they found the right woman, always faithful.”
“Let’s eat, the meal will be ready in five.”
Dinner is awkward as you feared. Dean is talking to your mother, ignoring your father or your nosy brother.
“The Singer deal, how much money did you make?” Jason asks once again, and Dean is close to losing his patience. Clearing his throat your boyfriend points at the food, shaking his head.
“We came here to enjoy your wonderful mothers’ delicious food and have a light conversation not to talk about a confidential deal. I will not tell you how many billions your sister made for Winchester Inc. or how everyone in business praises her abilities.” Dean is patting your thigh, giving you a peck on your cheek as your father snorts.
“My daughter good at business. You mean she’s a nice distraction during meetings or a business dinner.” Your father spats and Dean starts clenching his jaw, but he remains calm.
“No, I meant she made the deal with Singer Inc., Mr. Y/L/N. All ideas, the whole concept for the collaboration came from your talented and smart daughter. On top of all, she was able to get the CEO Mr. Bobby Singer to come to our meeting. Mr. Singer never attends a meeting, but he was impressed by your daughter and wanted to meet the woman saving his business.” Dean is balling his hands to fists, ready to attack your father if he says something wrong again.
“That’s…impressive. Don’t you think, darling? I know you always talked about how you want to meet the philanthropist and nomad Bobby Singer. To think Y/N met him.” Your mother smirks devilish and you need to hold back a chuckle.
“Maybe she…” Jason wants to say something, but the way Dean glares at him let his words die in his throat. “I guess that’s impressive.” Jason curses under his breath.
While you talk to your mother, Dean talks to your father. Your brother tried once or twice to get more information about the deal, but Dean is used to people trying to get information about deals, so he refuses to answer your brother’s questions, polite but stern.
When it’s finally time to leave you to walk faster than Dean. Only wanting to get away from your father and Jason.
“You did not exaggerate, Baby Girl. Your father is an ass, and the apple didn't fall far from the trunk in your brothers’ case. Let’s get you home and tug you into our warm bed. I’ll make you forget your shitty family.” Leading you toward his car Dean slings an arm around your shoulders, whispering loving words into your ear.
“Sorry, you had to bear this dinner, Dean. I like your family more. John, Sam and Jessica are nice people.”
“You are my family too, Y/N. I think I’ll keep you from now on. You look great in my car, my bed and…” Turning you to face him Dean brushes his lips over yours. “I love you, Y/N. From now on we will throw dinner parties and let your father play by our rules. You and me, Baby Girl…you and me…”
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SPN Forever Tags
@donnaintx, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22, @sister-winchesters99, @mogaruke, @the-is13, @helloitsmeamie203, @strayrosesbloom, @thewinchesterco, @hobby27, @kittycatlover18, @gh0stgurl, @marvelfansworld , @sandlee44, @hawaiianohana31, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt, @katpatrova17, @notyourtypicalrose , @heyitscam99, @flamencodiva, @echoesofpassion, @cocklesbelli, @voltage-my2dlove, @fandom-princess-forevermore @thenamelesschibi, @lauravic, @fandomsrourlives, @wittysunflower, @drakelover78, @lemondropirwin, @lonewolf471, @wronglanemendes, @spnhollis, @void-imaginations, @jay-and-dean, @shatteredabby, @juniorhuntersam, @helpmeluci, @neii3n, @goodgodimaweirdperson, @alltimesamantha, @chonisberonica, @supernaturalonice @stuckys-whore, @shadowkat-83, @officialmarvelwhore, @wecantgiggleitsafandom, @meganywinchester, @shikshinkwon, @miraclesoflove, @yolobloggers, @lu-sullivan, @maniacproffesor, @hollymac79, @straycuties9, @kayla-2000, @ilovefanfic86, @gracefultrenchcoat494, @babygirls-fav, @sadn0va, @spnwoman, @amiquette, @linki-locks11, @geekofmanyforms, @eggingamazinglove, @jessica-marsh09, @spnficgirl, @shut-themoonscone, @thequeenreaders, @countrygal17a, @kteelou, @soryuwifeyxx, @kricketc28, @heartislubbingdubbing, @atomicfandombomb, @defenderrosetyler , @shortwinchester, @maybesomedaygayyyy, @tmiships4life, @deanmonandnegansbitch, @exo-nova, @the-chocolate-moose, @laxe-from-outer-space, @sabascio, @that-place-called-middle-earth, @the-broken-angel-13, @bunnybaby89, @pandabiiissh, @maddiedott, @mblaqgi, @differentstudentrunaway-e70bf763, @certaindeanwinchesterforcastiel
Dean/Jensen Forever Tags     
@spnfamily-j2, @supernatural-bellawinchester​, @butifulsoul125, @lyinginthegingerlocks​, @deans-baby-momma​, @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester, @20gayneen​, @janicho88​, @thefaithfulwriter​, @dreaminemz​, @negans-lucille-tblr​, @akshi8278​, @hhiggs​, @midnightsilver16830​, @mrspeacem1nusone​, @ria132love​, @caligraphee​, @the-witch-in-silence​, @multisuperfandom​, @deansgirl-1968​, @justanotherwinchester​, @jadesupernatural​, @squirrelnotsam​, @gaveherhearttotheliontattoo​, @roonyxx​, @jason-todd-squad​, @thevelvetseries​, @spnsuper17​, @adoptdontshoppets​, @woodworthti666​, @frederikkeborup​, @psychicforest​, @luciathewinchestergirl​,  @michellemxndes​
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bohemiansweede · 4 years
Valentines Confessions
Valentines Confessions
Pairing Roger Taylor Reader
Warnings Smut 🔞
A/N Please like and reblog or if you want leave a comment
Thank You
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-Ohhh for f*** sake... Nooooo... Not now... Shit..
The old car maked a last sigh and made a stop on a the remote road
- No.. No.. Please.. Not here..
It was not even my car
My boyfriend was by now probably furious and sat at home impatient and waiting for me to cook his favourite valentine dinner
I sighed out loud and banged my head in the stearing wheel
Did I even love this guy anymore?
Past few months we had been arguing and dribbling back and forth with being together or not..
I went out from the car and slammed the door
Where the hell was I..
It was almost dark and thoose few houses near the road looked abandoned..
Probably eating romantic dinner with candles I huffed for myself and started to walk
Fuckin perfect.. His car choosed to stop functioning again.. today of all 365 days.... .
And of course it started to rain.. Wow..
Could it be any worse now.. Yes.. there it was... I suddenly lost my balance on the little gravel road.. fell and scraped both my hands
I'm the middle of everything my bad luck turned and it seamed was someone home in the last house down the road
I brushed of my knees a bit and rang the door bell
After a while the door opened and a blond man stared back
I could not believe my eyes
- Evening mam
- H.. Hi.. Ehh.. Exuse me Sir..
He must have seen that I looked like a drenched mess
- Are you OK dear? He saw my muddy hands, even if I tried to hide them in pure embarrassment
- Actually not.. M.. My car have broke down just down the road here and.. Shit.. I have to call.. Ohh no..
- S'alright.. Please come in, he took his warm hand on my shoulder and smiled gently.. I am Roger.. btw, you can borrow my phone while I have a quick look at your car OK?
I tried to smile back but it probably just looked odd, he nodded at me and grabbed his fur coat while I sat myself down on shaky legs by the phone
Shit... Shit shit... It was HIM!!! HIM!!! Roger FUCKIN Taylor!!!
I seriously had a crush on this guy.. But hey.. Honestly.. Almost every girl had.. No.. I could not do this to my boyfriend, even though he had cheated on me several times.. It was not my style.. but.. this could also be my one chance... Damnit...
Same time that I put the phone back down he returned through the door, he ran his fingers through his blonde hair , the little shorter style looked good on him
- Sorry love, I could not start it, and everything is closed by now
- That what was I afraid of.. My boyfriend is not happy at home .. He... I started to shake
I told him everything.. Peter had yelled on the other end, called me by many names but my own, he threatened me that I didn't have to bother coming home at all and he would spend the night with his ex
- Look.. I had a few whiskeys.. Otherwise I could... mmm.. So sorry.. I don’t know you, but you are freezing cold and it is dark outside, let me warm up some food for us while you take a bath ok?
I almost started to cry
Roger had a bad boy reputation but he also had a softer side, I had always known that
It was a big house but not a mansion, I knew his girlfriend just left him, everyone thought they actually were going to tie the knot and getting kids but no...
- Let me know if it's warm enough, he returned from the bathroom
- Ohh I'm sure it will be fine, thanks for your kindness
My both palms were OK, it was just dirt and clumpsyness
While I laid back in the hot bath I let my thoughts wander off and it felt like I been in there forever and soon my water was cold, I stepped out from the tub and wrapped myself in the robe that he gaved me, could I be that mischievous that I would tell Roger that I did recognised him and that I was a huge fan...
- Hi... Was it nice with a bath?
- Yes.. It was lovely, thank you
- Wine?
- Please... Thanx..
He had made an huge effort to set the table, lighted candles and all
- I hope you are not vegetarian
- God no... I love meat...
You both blushed, what did you just say
- Well... Dig in then... Bon appetite
He raised his glass and winked
- Wow, this was incredible.. And the sauce.. Just wow..
The meat was so tender and juicy I nearly moaned while eating, I guess he noticed because he watched me with a smile
- Was it that good huh?
- Mmhuhmmm..
We finished the plates and bounced down in the sofa with the remaining wine...
- I have an other bottle here love, just keep drinking.. For us lost souls.. Sooo... While we prepare for desert and the alcohol is kicking in... Anything you need to confess?
I nearly spat out the whole wine, it was like he already knew
- Ohh.. You first Roger, go ahead
- Hmmm... I thought I was supposed to be a gentleman here, well ok.. Don't get mad at me.. But I could probably fix your car ...
- Oh, really.. Why don't you?
- When I saw you so drenched from the rain and a broken shoe.. So wounerable.. And the final nail in the coffin was when I found out that your boyfriend was a prick... I could not.. But.. would you rather..
- No.. No.. I... I am so thankful for everything you have done for me.. really am..
- He is not worthy you... you know
- Roger... You don't know me.. I..
- So.. What's your confession?
- Ohh God.. Really? Damn it..
- How bad can it be hunnie?
Oh fuck this was it
- I know who you are
- Aha? Ok..Right.. So.. You like our music or are you a fan?
- Damn wine... I am a fan...
- OK... Hmm.. And who is your favourite member then?
- Omg... No... No you can't ask me... Ok... Shit.. You... It's you Roger..
He smiled with his whole face and touched his lower lip
- Hmmm.. So now you have your once in a lifetime opportunity here, what do you want to say or do? Autograph?
- Actually.. I know I probably gotta regret this both if I do and if I don't... But... ca... can I kiss you..?
I regret my blunt words at once, how could I be so stupid
My heart nearly bounced out from my chest, my cheeks burned
He didn't say a word, it felt like forever, but the magnet force between us grew stronger, his face were so close that I almost could count his thick eyelashes, his hot breath tickled my lips and I parted mine slightly, I let out a tiny whimper when the edge of his tongue nudged mine, his hand trailed through my hair in the back of my neck
My lips parted even more and he looked into my eyes
- Care for desert now love?
I could only nod, this man did something with me..on purpose and I was a trembling mess from just a look, I followed him like a lost puppy out in the kitchen
- I have Ice cream is that OK?
I needed to cool down so that was totally fine
He grabbed two bowls and two spoons and gaved me a soft kiss..
- How many scoops do you like my dear?
I stood close to him and could not resist to have a taste I took my finger and poked in the center of the bucket and then put it in my mouth, his eyes widened at once
- Oh.. Is it that game we are playing tonight.. OK..
He took his finger and dipped it down the ice-cream himself but instead of putting into his mouth he smeared it down my neck..
He bent down and licked it up with long strokes
I gasped of pleasure and grabbed my hands on the kitchen counter
His finger dipped once again but this time he let it trail down my sternum towards my heaving breasts
- Omg.. Omg Roger..Ohh shit... I want...
- You want what? Ice-cream?
- Y.. Yes..
Sometimes that smirk was so annoying..
Our lips crashed together again, this time it was more hunger, more frustration
I unbuttoned his shirt still kissing him, he moaned into my mouth
I dipped my finger once again in the melting ice cream and teased his collar bone with finger and tongue, then the ice cream dripped down towards his nipples I was fast to wrap my lips around it and circled my tounge in a rapid pace
- Ahhh fuck.. Baby.. Shit... I want you so bad... God..
His words made my skin prickle with goosebumps.. Roger Taylor. He wanted me...
He pushed me towards the counter and I jumped up on the cold marble surface
He stood between my legs and grabbed my breast in one hand and twisted the nipple with his fingers
- You're so beautiful... Cannot believe that prick..
- Ssscchhh Roger...I don't want to think of him now...
His hands started to wander down my belly and inner thighs
- Can I have my desert now hunnie
- Oh.. Yes.. Yes please...
He bent down and when he spread my legs the juicy labias opened up like a book and he could not hold himself any longer
He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to the edge of the counter, he open kissed my folds and trailed his eager tounge like trail of fire up and down before he pushed it in deep
- Ahhh shit Fuck Rog
I grabbed his blonde hair like my life depending on it and felt his long tounge bending inside me right on the spot that crawed attention his button nose nudged my clit over and over and it was just matter of seconds before I felt my walls start to collapse, the vibration from his moaning sended me over the edge and I wrapped my legs around his neck so I couldn't fall
- Omg omg shit Rog.. Ahhh damnit fuck...
- Mmmmm.. That was the best desert baby...
He licked his fingers and stood up
- Do you...
- Yes.. I have pills...
- Ahlright... Fuck..
He took his cock and pushed tiny tiny bits at a the time.. You're tight love...
Soon we became a rhythmic monster a trembling unison a thrusting wreck, we both moaned, phanted screamed growled.. I never had such an euphoric extacy before
He snapped his hips so fast that I thought my legs were numb he spanked my ass and I bit his neck almost so he draw blood we were like animals
I squirted over and over, it ran from his body down on the floor
He took one hand down between our bodies and started to circle my clit again, I was so over sensitive but I had to come again, one last time
- Oh God hunnie.. Fuck I'm close.. So close shit
- Ahhh Roger OMYYYGGGGODDD!! ...
I contracted around his cock and emptied him on his cum
His head fell in the crook of my neck and I felt his heart beating fast
He stood there for a long time, right there where he were supposed to be, we fitted together like a jigsaw puzzle
- Stay here... Don't go back to him
I knew he was right and I knew I wanted to
This was just the beginning...
I had found my missing piece of the puzzle
More Valentine reading
Enjoy more reading in my masterlist
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Not Alone (Crowley x Fem! Reader) - Ch. 3/?
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Characters: Reader, Crowley, Aziraphale, Gabriel and likely more once we get into the thick of it.
Relationships: Crowley x Reader, Aziraphale x Reader, Aziraphale x Crowley
POV: First-person
Warnings: Death of a family friend
Tags: @curse-brekker​, @oopstheregoesmysoul13​
*gif is not mine and neither are any of the characters or source material!
Y/N = your name
Y/N/N = your nickname
Y/L/N = your last name
H/C = Hair color
E/C = Eye color
F/C = Favorite color
A/N: Chapter three is here, my loves! Yay for relationship development! Honetly, I think being close friends with Aziraphale would be such a wonderful experience. I hope you enjoy!
Thank you to my lovely editor @aka-ellie ❤️
Lots of love! - TQD
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October, 2018
We went to a small Indian restaurant about half a mile from the shop. The food was impeccable, but it was shoved into second place by the lovely conversation.
This time he seemed much more interested in my upbringing. I told him about how I’d grown up with my grandparents, and how I still called my grams every day. I talked about how I had grown up in art and theatre classes, which had helped me with my anxiety and depression. I also explained that this was my motivation for working towards arts as a form of healthcare. I had experienced the benefits upfront, and they could be so helpful for so many people. I left a lot of the more unsavory details of my childhood out because it didn’t seem like the time to bear my uglier scars.
He asked me all kinds of questions about growing up in Seattle. He wanted to know all about if the seafood there was as good as he’d heard (I hate seafood, so I was the wrong person to ask about that) and I told him that I thought it might be. We talked about the interesting bookshops around the city, and I gushed that his was far better than any of them, which made him grin like a schoolboy.  
I was content wandering arm in arm with Aziraphale. I hadn’t had a meal that delicious or filling in weeks. I’d been subsisting off peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and instant noodles because of my limited budget. It was great to not feel hungry, and even better to not feel lonely. I was smiling despite myself, and there are few memories I treasure more than that one.
He walked me to my apartment and cordially held the door open once I’d buzzed myself in. His gentlemanly demeanor never seemed patronizing, always completely genuine. It was sweet.
“Would you like to come in? I have coffee and tea.”
“Oh goodness dear, it’s rather late. I do not want to take up any more of your evening,” he responded. We seemed to be caught in a dance of wanting to spend time together, but not impose. The best part was, it wasn’t just me.
“Really, Aziraphale, it’s no trouble. I stay up this late all the time. If it sweetens the deal at all, I can dig out some hot cocoa? Oh! You can even meet my bunny!”
“Well you didn’t tell me that you have a rabbit! That is all the convincing I need.” He giggled happily and followed me up the stairs.
My living space was quaint, and by quaint, I mean incredibly small. But it was all the space I could possibly need. After all, it was just me and Penelope, and I wasn’t entertaining much.
Penelope had a small hutch with a litter box and a bed, but I never closed the door. She hopped about the apartment most all day and night. I did lock her up when I was sleeping though. I had this nagging fear that she would hop into bed with me and I’d suffocate her by accident. Dark, I know, but real. Also, locking her up at night and covering the cage with a blanket meant she slept when I did, so we were on relatively the same schedule. It made life easier. Penelope had been my best friend for two years. She was a graduation present from my grandfather when I finished high school. I had hidden her in my dorm room secretly during freshman year, and against my family's wishes, I had paid the extra fees to have her travel with me all the way to London. She was more companion than pet. I read her all my papers and textbooks, I let her pee on the papers I’d gotten bad grades on, she cuddled with me on bad days and hopped around my feet in celebratory dance parties. We were inseparable.
I smiled unlocking my little red front door. The number fourteen was crooked. I should have told the landlord by now, but it added character, so I didn’t really mind.
“Where’s my little fluffernutter?” I called in a sing-song voice. I was answered with the skittering sound of bunny feet and Penelope made her way into the kitchen and slid across the tiles to greet me. She jumped straight into my arms and nuzzled against my chest. She often acted more like a dog than a rabbit. I wasn’t sure who was more co-dependent, but I didn’t care. It was nice to be needed. “Oh, hello darling! Mama missed you so much!”
“My goodness! That is the most affectionate rabbit I have ever seen! What is her name?”
“Oh, where are my manners? Aziraphale, this is Penelope,” I said hiking the small furball into the crook of my elbow, “And Penelope, this is Aziraphale,” I finished, grabbing a hold of her paw and extending it in a mock-introductory handshake.”
Aziraphale went right along with my dorky antics and shook Penelope’s paw. “It is lovely to meet such a refined lady as yourself Miss Penelope, I marvel at the pleasure.”
I couldn’t hold back my giggles. I knew I could laugh freely with Aziraphale. However, when I inadvertently snorted I stopped short and my cheeks flushed red.
“Oh well that was simply adorable,” Aziraphale giggled. “Don’t go getting all embarrassed, I have heard centuries worth of embarrassing laughs, and yours doesn’t even come close.”
I exhaled and continued my giggling fit. As I made my way into the apartment kitchen. I slid my shoes off and left them to the right of the door before padding across the outdated linoleum tiles the grab a few mugs. My kitchen, while small, was lovely. The cabinets were all a shade of robin’s egg blue and the countertops were a subtle white tile. It was the first thing when you saw when you entered and added a calming air to the room. It wrapped around into a small bar with matching blue bar stools to the left, and the rest of my studio sprawled out behind that. There was a large window facing north, which my couch (also my bed) sat underneath on the far wall. I had photos and cards from my family and friends back home as well as art pieces I’d collected over the years hung up all around. The coffee table perched in front of my couch/bed - we’ll call it my bouch - was covered in textbooks, papers and highlighters as well as a few empty bowls and a smattering of silverware. Across from the bouch was my television on top of my bookshelf. I didn’t watch much TV, but I had a Gamecube that I liked to play occasionally, to relax. At the far end of the apartment from the kitchen was my small bathroom. It was decorated all in lime green. Definitely a product of the 70’s when these apartments went up. Penelope’s hutch sat on the wall next to the bathroom door. It was just a basic black wire hutch with a hidey hole, a water bottle, food bowl and wood shavings.
I only had enough serving ware for two people, thankfully I had done most of the dishes. Usually, two-people’s-worth just meant I could eat another bowl of soup before I actually had to consider pulling out a sponge. I busied myself with tea while Aziraphale settled down on one of the barstools watching the odd dance I did to prepare everything with one arm occupied by my small rodent best friend. When she got squirmy, I set her down.
“I know it’s past your bedtime you little monster. Give me one second.” I huffed before walking over and grabbing her small blanket from the ground next to the couch. I laid it out in the hutch under the hidey hole cover where she liked to sleep and gestured at it with playful annoyance. “How’s that, your majesty?”
Apparently, it was fine because she hopped right in. I gently latched the door and flipped down the quilt that was folded on top of the hutch. She’d likely be asleep in minutes. She, like her human, loved to sleep. Naps were only second to food.
The kettle started to whistle, causing me to whip around and slide back to the kitchen. I had become an expert in the Olympic sport of sock-on-tile skating in my time, though I did smack my hip on the oven handle during my graceful finish.
“Oh, dear! Are you alright?” Aziraphale winced.
“Yeah, yeah! I am a bit of a klutz. I do stupid stuff all the time. Now! Your tea, sir. Be careful, it’s hot.” I smiled, placing a mug on the counter.
“Oh, thank you! Your apartment is beautiful. You’ve made it very welcoming. There is a lot of love in here.”
I settled down on the barstool next to him, and he started asking about all of my pictures. I pulled one of my favorites off the wall, a glossy 5x7 of myself and my grams in matching skeleton costumes. I was seven, and we went trick-or-treating around the police station where my grandpa worked. One of the officers picked me up shouting “Who left this skeleton out on the floor?! All human remains should be sealed in the evidence locker!” He tossed me over his shoulder and carried me all around the precinct. I laughed until I couldn’t breathe. He slapped an evidence sticker across my forehead and gave me a full-sized Twix bar.
Officer Peterson was a good man. He had passed away in the line of duty two years later. I was too young to really understand that. I remembered though, my grandpa had sat me down and talked to me for a long time about death and how it worked. He told me it wasn’t something bad. A lot of times it meant people weren’t hurting or scared anymore. Grandpa never backed away from the hard conversations. I was lucky for that.
This is how the evening went on. Each picture had so many memories and smiles attached. Aziraphale never ran out of questions to ask. He was so curious, as though domestic life was the most interesting thing in the world. I don’t know when three o’clock rolled around, but that didn’t stop anything. Neither of us considered wrapping things up until well after the sun started to peak through the window and Penelope started to stir in her hutch.
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Made for Me (part 2)
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Part 2 of Made for Me
Pairing:  Hayden Christensen x Lexi!OFC
word count: 2631
Warning:choking, hair pulling, oral (M/F) receiving,smoking,tied down,master/pet, blindfolded, ice use,toy use,unprotected sex.
Note: this is a fic I created for the amazing @thorne93​ since she’s been such an amazing friend and because she wrote me a steamy professor!tony x reader/ bruce x reader. I hope this lives up to the standards of smut seeing as it's my first time writing it! Enjoy!  Send me some feedback or some love.
Songs played while writing this:
Sexy Dirty Love- Demi Lovato
Come and get it- Selena Gomez
Boyfriend- Ariana Grande
Be Mean- DNCE
Addicted- Saving Abel
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She squealed and  took a few steps back. “Oh my god! I'm so sorry I thought you were still sleeping” she turned red realizing she had been taking in her view and she couldn’t deny he was packing a punch. “Here I’ll get out of your way,” she made  to cover her eyes.
He covered his lower half with a towel that was near him. “Oh dear I didn’t mean to startle you,” he looked at her in her tight spandex leggings and he couldn't help but moan seeing her voluptuous curves. “I probably should’ve locked the door, sorry about that.” he smirked seeing how cute she looked all flustered. “You could join me if you’d like?” he asked in a husky tone. 
“I-i’m not sure that’s a good idea Hayden, what if your girlfriend found out?” she peaked from between her fingers to see he was covered and slowly lowered her hands.
“Lex, I'm as single as a pringle darlin,” he laughs knowing he sounded so corny. “And it’s not like anyone would find out” he said in a seductive tone. “Come on love won’t you join me?” he asked.
“I’m sure you’d prefer some privacy” she couldn’t help but to stare at him she tried to memorize as much as she could of his body. She’d been quiet for a bit and the more she looked the more she began fantasizing about all the things she’d want him to do to her.
He noticed how she had started to rub her thighs together slightly which gave him a bit more courage to say. “You know we would be saving water if we shared the shower together, you know?” he shrugs “good for the environment and all.”
She moved her gaze up to his eyes and could see that his beautiful gray-green eyes were dilated and he looked ready to pounce her and how could she deny herself this chance to shower with him she might not get another one ever again.
“A--alright we can share the shower,” she blushed realizing she’d have to undress in front of him. “Do you mind if I close the door?”
“Not at all love,” he moved so that she could close the door. “I’m going to hop in i’ll see you in there.” he winked at her and got in the shower.
Mentally she was preparing herself she was too nervous about what was about to happen when she stopped mid taking off her shirt that she thought why is she so nervous it just a shower for christs sake! 
He had taken a moment to peak from behind the shower curtain to see her and he couldn't help getting turned on he was watching her take off those spandex of hers. Oh how he wanted to just rip those leggings in the crotch and just fuck her senseless against the sink he couldn’t help getting hard thinking about her like that, he moved back into the shower and started to wet his hair,
“Alright i'm coming in.” she announced. She pulled the curtain aside and walked in and she closed it he turned around and smiled down at her. 
“You want to get under the spray of the water?” 
“Yeah if that's possible?” she asked.
“Of course it is your bathroom after all” he moved to the side so she could pass.
While they had moved he had lightly caressed her side and she couldn't help but shiver.
“Thank you” she was still somewhat covering herself up, but she turned around and faced the water so she could rinse her body. Feeling the hot water felt so good on her body and she began to relax.  “Would you mind passing me the shampoo?” 
“No problem” he grabbed the bottle from being him and poured a good amount into his hands and began massaging it into her hair. “Hope this isn’t uncomfortable.”
“Ohh.. um thank you” she closed her eyes feeling so good as he shampooed her hair. 
Hayden got closer to the point where he was pressed up against her, causing the two of them to moan in pleasure feeling how they seemed to fit perfectly. He could feel his cock growing harder but he kept on going with the shampooing he wanted to see how long it would take to break her and get her to make a move.
Lexi  knew exactly what he was trying to do to her and she knew that there was no way she would last for long. He had his cock pressed up against her ass and her core was getting wet. She moved her legs hoping to create some sort of friction and bit her lip trying to cover up her moans. “I think that should be enough shampooing.” she stuttered.
“You sure about that Lexi?” he whispered in her ear causing a shiver to go up her spine.
“Y-yes i'm sure” she moved to get the shampoo out of her hair but kept her eyes closed not wanting to succumb to his teasing. ‘Do you want to hop into the spray?” she managed to get out without stuttering. 
Hayden had zoned out watching her large breasts bounce as she washed her hair. He smirked seeing as she had her eyes closed he couldn't help finding her adorable when she’s flustered.. “Sure thing.” was all he said. But rather than let her move to the side he wrapped his arms around her waist and slowly turned them around. “Don’t mind me just getting into the water.”
 She jumped at the sudden movement, and ended up pressed against him with the tip of his cock pressing up against her clit and that’s all it took for her to moan. “F-f-fuck” she leaned her head back and started moving her hips. 
He grabbed the soap and began lathering up his hands and moved his hands to her shoulders and agonizing slow he moved down taking his time rubbing and squeezing her breasts. “You doing okay?” He watched her reaction to his touch. 
She hummed  feeling relaxed and aroused under his touch.
He pinched her nipples. “I asked you a question baby girl.” he smiled again seeing her bite her lip. 
“Yes what?” He moves his cock away from her clit. 
She whines at the loss of pressure on her sensitive bud. “Yes, s-sir” 
He thrusts his hips forward hitting her clit harder than she had expected and then moved to rub his thick member between her folds letting her juices coat him. 
“Now we can do this one of two ways” he trailed his hands down to her hips and squeezed. “One I'll pleasure you until you're  a clinging mess.” One hand snaked down between her legs and rubbed her folds.  “Or we can finish this shower, I’ll add a little something to you and we can head out.” He’d planned on inserting a vibe into her and using it whenever he pleased. “So what's it going to be?”
Lexi was distraught she wanted both options but knew he wouldn’t let her choose both. “The second one.” Was all she said. 
“Alright my love let's get this finished then.” He finished lathering her body and proceeded to rinse it all off and do the same for himself. 
They got out of the shower and he took that moment when she bent over and he got on his knees and licked her whole length. 
“Hayden!” She moaned his name completely surprised at his action. 
He started pumping himself as he devoured her.  “Fuck you taste delicious.” And hummed causing her thighs to quiver at the feeling of his tongue circling her clit. 
“Hayden please” she pleaded feeling heat pour between her thighs. 
  A few moments later  lexi was a trembling mess twitching at every stroke his tongue made as he dipped it into her core. He sucked her clit into his mouth hard. 
Lexi gripped the sink hard she looked down at him and could see his lust blown eyes. He pulls back and she let a sob fall from her lips. 
“Ah ah ah” he moves his finger side to side. “ he stands up and aligns himself with a strong thrust he slams into her filling her up. He gave her a moment to adjust to him just to pull out  all the way and slam back in.  
“Harder please” she moans creating a rhythm with him. 
One hand goes up to her neck and chokes her a bit and the other hand snakes down to her clit rubbing circles furiously and he fucked her from behind. 
“I-I’m so close!” She yells feeling herself on the edge of her orgasm. She squeezes her walls around him in hopes to get him to go faster. 
“Your so tight baby girl.” He was coming undone and he knew she was too. His thrusts got deeper and he nipped and sucked on her sweet spot.  “Cum for me babygirl show me what this is doing to you.”
She saw stars feeling him inside her and her overly sensitive clit could take no more.  Screaming his name she came harder than she thought she could. He slowed a bit to help her ride out her orgasm. 
“I'm gonna come love” he grunted his movements became erratic and she felt him twitch insider her. She clenched her walls a few times causing him to come inside her coating her walls with his hot load filling her to the brim. “God your amazing Lexi” he kissed up her back and slowly pulled out. 
“You weren’t so bad yourself.” She teased him back after that mind blowing moment. That little remark earned her a smack to the ass that pulled a moan from her. 
“You like that pet?” He saw the lust in her eyes and knew he’d discovered another one of her kinks. 
She nods her head and a blush forms on her cheeks.
Another slap on her other cheek. “Respond pet.” He rubbed where it turned red to soothe the sting
“Yes sir I really do,” she wiggled her ass at him hoping to get one more. 
“Oh no, I'm not gonna give you what you want that easily you have to earn it.”
“Please just one more?” She gave him the cutest puppy dog eyes he wanted to cave in but knew better than that. 
“I said no. Now let's go pick out your outfit for the day.” he wrapped a towel around his waist and opened the door waiting for her to exit and follow her to her room.
“So what exactly are the plans for today?” she asked. She figured they would go where the road takes them. 
“I have a few places I would like to go see,” he sat on her bed watching her dry her hair. “But after what just happened I think there’s going to be a few changes.” he pats a spot on the bed next to him. “Can you come sit for a moment I’d like to talk to you.”
She walks over and sits wondering what  it was. “What’s on your mind?” she felt nervous
“Listen I want to apologize if I made you uncomfortable or if I went over the line we’re just starting to get to know each other and I have no idea what came over me.” he rubbed the back of his neck. “I’m not like this I swear, but there’s something about you that I can’t seem to get enough.” he cards his fingers through his hair. 
“Hayden I feel the same way too, there’s this connection that I’m feeling a lot stronger after that, but I’m not sure what to make of it.” she looks down at her hands. 
He lifts her chin up gently. “Hey we’ll figure this out together okay?” He gives her a smile. “I really like you and I want this to work out so will you trust me?”
“I know Hayden, and I do trust you.” she smiles up at him and leans into his touch. “So where do we go from here?” She was curious about what she had chosen. “What exactly did I get myself into with choice two?” she cocked her head.
“Well thanks for reminding me.” Smirking he stood up and walked out of the room. “Hold on!’ he yells from his room. He walks back in dressed in just a pair of shorts. “Alright so i'm going to need to see what clothes you have,” he opens his hands. “And also ask do you have any toys?” he wiggles his eyebrows 
“Anakin! ” she giggled seeing how dorky and cute he was being. “Okay most of my clothes are in the closet over there and…” she looked away.
“Your being a very bad Pet, you are not answering my questions.” he says with a faux stern voice. “Now will you be nice and tell me where you keep your toys.” he stands in front of her pinning her legs between his. “Did you just call me anakin?” he smiles.
“Yeah it’s he was the reason I fell in love with you as a kid and it’s been that way ever since.” She looks at him and smiles fondly. “Those movies were a big part of who I am today.”
“Wow I didn’t know my character would be so important to you!” he stopped what he had been doing to focus on her for a moment. “If you’d like you can call me that.”
“Are you sure Hayden?” She looked unsure. “I was just teasing.” she waves her hand. 
“I think it's really cute plus, I love  how it sounds coming from those beautiful lips of yours.” He leans forward and pecks her lips. “But back to  my mission where are your toys?” he raises an eyebrow.
“I keep them in a black box behind my dresses,” she gets up to show him. “There in here.” she whispers feeling him lean his head on her shoulder and nip at her neck.
“Alright now you go put on a sexy set of underwear and wait for me to pick some stuff out okay?” He kisses her cheek and  turns her around so she can’t see what he picks out. “Wow you have a bunch of sensual outfits gonna be hard to pick.” He laughs seeing how many of the dresses were very short and some were tight.
Meanwhile inside her room Lexi  knew exactly what she would wear underneath whatever he picked out. It was one of her favorite sets and it made her feel confident. “I’m all ready anakin,” she said in her most sexy sultry voice. “What have you picked?”
It took Hayden a few moments to pick out a dress but  in the end he went for the cute little black dress that off the shoulder long sleeves and then from there he searched in her box of toys for  a vibrator and he found  one.  It looked like there was a way to control it with his phone which was perfect for what he had planned.
“I’ve got what I need right here…” he was at a loss for words when he looked up from what he was holding to seeing Lexi standing there a sheer lace bodysuit. “L-lexi...wow..you look like a goddess.'' He stuttered, surprising himself. He couldn't help but to look her up and down seeing how the bodysuit just deliciously hugged all her curves and accentuated her large bosom.  
“What do you think?” She gave  him an agonizingly slow turn so he could see just how gorgeous she felt. “Hayden?” she turns her head to the side with an innocent look on her face. “If it’s too much I can change into something else..” she got cut off.
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maximows · 5 years
Against the Odds - Chapter I
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We could drink to first impressions!
MASTERLIST (mobile)  AO3
"You know, I left my home country when I was 18. To be honest, I didn't get to spend much time with my family before that, because I attended boarding schools..." I explained and took a sip from the water cup next to me.
"So, boarding schools are still a thing in the UK?" the interviewer asked. Oh, so she’s that kind of a person.
"Well, yes. I mean, it was quite a few years ago, but I think they provide you with a friendly environment which allows you to both make friendships and study very hard. My parents didn't force me to go there, I really enjoyed that experience."
She nodded at me and moved on to the nest question, as if my answer was boring. I have no idea what kind of exciting answer she was expecting. "So how do you feel about joining a huge franchise like Marvel?"
"Well, I do love comic books and superhero movies, so it was like a dream come true. Not many actors get to experience something like that at such a young age and I'm grateful for the opportunity." I answered, hoping we were nearing the end of our little interview. She continued asking about Marvel, my future, living in the U.S., which brought us to the end. 
"So, today is also February 13th. Do you have any plans for tomorrow? A special someone to spend Valentine's Day with." She inquired.
I sighed. "Not really, I'll probably just spend it with my cat or something." I don’t have a cat, by the way.
Half an hour later I was at JFK, waiting at the end of the line to get on a plane to LA. Hannah has just phoned me about a party that’s organized right after my meeting at the studios. She said it was being thrown by one of the actors, but she couldn’t remember which one. “I’ll send you the email. Text me the answer before you board.”
“Sure, so should I take some other clothes for the party? What should I wear for the meeting anyway? Should I do formal or more cas...”
Before I could end my sentence, some guy bumped into me. I almost fell onto the next person in line, but the stranger grabbed me in a nearly theatrical gesture. “I am so sorry, ma'am... I should stop rushing like that.”  
“Hannah, let me call you back in a second.” I said and hung up immediately. The guy was wearing a cap and sunglasses. Indoors. “Well, I’m sure these accessories are not helping with your awareness of your surroundings, are they.” I snapped. “There’s still plenty of time before the take off, no need to rush like that.” I already was in a bad mood because of the early interview and the interviewer, so this guy just kind of made it worse. Maybe I shouldn’t have snapped like that, but he was the one who pushed me. Instead of calling Hannah, I just texted her.
Sorry, some guy in line bumped into me. I’ll go to the party. Could you just prepare something for me to wear, so I can go to the studios straight from the airport?
I knew she’d text me right back, so I just put my phone in my handbag.
After I settled in my seat, I heard the now familiar voice talking on the phone, in the seat behind me. “Can you get red cups? And cold snacks? I want it to be like a real frat house... Dodger will be fine, he’s used to it...”
“Sir, I’ve got to ask you to switch your phone off.” A stewardess asked. “Our Wi-fi connection will be available after take off.”
“I’m so sorry.” He apologized. “Already switched off.”
“Thank you.”
What a twat, I thought. I’d rather spend the whole flight with crying twins flying couch than hear him again in first class. I found my earphones and sunk into my chair. My heaven...  
We landed in no time and I quickly found Hannah, waiting for me by the car. I hugged her. “Hi.” I whispered. “I had the worst day and it’s only 3 o'clock.”
“I got you hot chocolate and a chocolate fudge cupcake.” She smiled.
“I love youuu.” I whined. I looked over to my left and noticed the line guy entering a SUV car similar to mine. “That idiot made my day worse.”  
I changed my clothes in the backseat while on the way to Burbank. “How long do you think the meeting will be?  
“You'll have enough time to eat something before you go to that party.”  
“Yesss, I'm already starving,” I said. “Who's gonna be there?”
Hannah pulled out her phone and found the message. “Its organized by Chris Evans...”
“The radio host?” I asked.
“No, the actor who portrays Captain America, Anthony Mackie with his wife, Sebastian Stan...”
“Oh, he’s cute.” I noted, midway through my cupcake.
“Emily VanCamp, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Scarlett Johansson, Cobie Smulders, Hayley Atwell. And some other people.”
The meeting at Marvel Studios was about discussing Wanda's costumes, movements and overall some aspects of the character. I also scheduled some appointments with trainers, voice coaches and such. I had some fittings of prototypes, make up tests and hair styles. After 2 hours of talking, signing and scheduling, we finally got out and went to get something to eat. “I’d really love a hamburger now, but I'm afraid of an acne break out. Hannah, why is acne such a bitch?”
Hannah's is my agent. She’s nearly 40 years old, but also my best friend. We’ve been working together since I moved here and she’s been like a mum to me, when my actual mum couldn't be. And it also helps, that my mum actually likes her. So I have a Mom and a Mum. “You should eat something before the party, though. You can’t drink on an empty stomach.” She suggested.
“Excuse me,” I said. “Who said I'm even going to drink?”
She gave me that really? look. “No, I’m serious. Do I really drink so often that you have to point that out? I can have fun without alcohol, you know. I’m not going to drink tonight.”She just laughed at me and pulled towards a small Italian place, where I ordered a lasagne and lemonade. “Do you think I'm reckless?”
Hannah sighed. “Emily, I really didn’t mean it. I mean that you might not like the food at the party or that they might even not have anything sustaining. You are one of the most responsible people I know. And you’re 22.”
“Still 21.” I corrected her. I hate the thought of becoming older and older, so since my 18th birthday every birthday has become just more and more depressing.
I didn’t get too dressed up for the party. I thought that a black off shoulder top and jeans would do. I did wear high heels and some make up, but that’s just to make sure I look my best around my new cast mates.
The only other invited guest I knew was Aaron, with whom I’ve already had the pleasure to film a post-credits scene for Captain America: The Winter Soldier. I was hoping he was there already, so I would have someone to talk to.  
I texted him, when my car went through the gate, and told him to meet me outside.  
“Got a little shy, all of a sudden?” he grinned as I escaped the car.  
“Look, I’m not about to enter a house full of movie stars in their mid-thirties by myself, ok?” I laughed and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Do you think it was a good idea to bring a gift for the host?”
“Depends on what it is.”
“A pretty expensive scotch. Straight from actual Scotland.” I held up the bottle, wrapped in a Captain America gift wrapping paper.
“Perfect. Hope he'll open it tonight.” Aaron smiled. “Let's go, love.” He opened the door for me and I immediately heard music, chatter and laughter. “Guys, look who I found!” he yelled through the noise.  
All of the people turned around to look at us. I was grateful for the little research I did, because I didn’t have to awkwardly ask who everyone was. “Finally, our newest addition!” Evans cheered and I immediately recognized his voice. I also noticed the backwards cap on his head and red cups around me.
“Oh my God, are you the guy who almost tackled me down in New York today?” I asked, completely stunned.  
To be honest, now that I’ve taken a better look at him, I wouldn’t have minded him tackling me down. Even in public.
“He was just telling me that he was hoping you wouldn’t recognize him.” Sebastian laughed.  
“I did say sorry.” He held his hands in defeat. “And I was in rush. Anyway, I’m Chris.”
“Well, you can’t rush a plane to a earlier take off. I’m Emily.” I shook his hand and smiled. God, he’s handsome. I held out the whisky bottle. “I brought it as a gift for the host, but I’m not sure you deserve it now that I know who you are.”
He smirked. “That’s a shame, I thought we could drink to first impressions.”
It took me about an hour to get to know most of the people here. I spent most of the time with Hayley and Aaron, which was pointed out to us. “You three here are forming some sort of British alliance, aren’t ya?” Anthony yelled. He was quite tipsy at the very least. I didn’t mind that. It was probably the first “Hollywood” house party I’ve been to and it was much better than stuck up events I’ve been to.  
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, so I checked the caller. Mum. “I’m sorry, I have to take this.”  
I decided to go outside and sat on the furniture on the terrace. “Hi, Mum. What’s up?”
“Honey, I’m sorry. I know you’re out, but... I have to talk to you.” She sighed. “You know your dad and I haven’t been in the best place lately and...”
I did and I knew where this was going. “Mum, I know what you’re about to say. And I you really want to say it right now, please don’t. Please, I can’t talk about this right now. It’s not the place nor the time. Can I call you tomorrow?”  
She agreed. They always do that. I love my parents, but their timing is terrible.  
“Mind if I join you?” I heard Chris' voice behind me. “Is everything alright?”
I looked up from my phone. “It’s just family business, you know. Nothing unusual.” I shrugged and let out a nervous laugh.  
I’ve gotten really good at holding up tears. During my first year here I missed my family so much I cried every time I saw something family-related around me. I had to learn how to not show everything that’s going on inside my head. “My mum's just called me and she wanted to tell me that they’re divorcing, but it’s... nothing I haven’t noticed.”
“Families can be tough, I get that.” He agreed. “Maybe you want me to get you a ride home?”
“No, thank you. Being around people will help me forget about it.” I smiled faintly.
“Then how about I fix you that drink after all?” he suggested, stood up and held out his hand for me.
I nodded.  
He guided me to the kitchen, where I sat on the counter, while Chris prepared a drink for me. “I can make something with that Scotch you brought, if you want.”
“Had my dad heard that you wanted to make a drink out of his favourite alcohol he would be livid. And should I add that bit about harassing his youngest daughter...”
He laughed. “Again, I am so sorry.” He apologized. “I feel like you’re just going to torture me till the end of time. What can I do to make this right?”
“I don’t know, you have to think of something.” I shrugged and took the drink he made me.
Chris smiled and leaned on the counter next to me. I couldn’t not look at his bicep as he brought the glass to his lips. “What would you say to a date?”
I looked at his face, as Chris turned to face me. He seemed a little bit nervous. “I mean... Only if you promise to keep your balance.” I smiled.  
“Great,” he grinned. “How about tomorrow?”
I did remember that tomorrow was Valentine's Day. “You know that it’s February the 14th tomorrow, right?”  
Chris shrugged. “Well, isn’t it the best day for a date?”
“Can’t argue with that.”
“Whatcha doing, my little lovebirds?” I heard Scott's voice.  
“Just chillin...” I said, taking a sip of my drink. “Getting to know my fellow Avenger.”
Scott stayed with me while Chris left to say goodbye to some of the guests. We chatted for some time and went to the living room, where a few of the remaining guests were sitting on the sofas. “I really don’t wanna go, because the next time we see each other is gonna be in May or June…” Scarlett said. “And it was incredibly nice meeting you, Emily.” She turned to me and we hugged. I walked her to the door and we discussed when we’d get to film together. “Emily, I can bet you a weekend in SPA that by the time we see each other again, you will be a few months into dating Evans.” She smiled. “I’ve known him for so long, I know it’s gonna happen.”
I looked over at Chris, who was now laughing at something with Sebastian and Anthony. “I mean, we are going out tomorrow...”
“You can book that weekend for me already,” she grinned. “Look, he’s mostly dated women his age and it didn’t work out. I mean, that last girl... He went through so much with her and they broke up just 2 months ago. In my opinion, he should have ended it years ago.” She sighed. “Anyway, if you’re ok with it, then...”
“ScarJoooo,” Chris’ voice. “Are you leaving me already!?”
“You know I hate it, when people call me that. And yes, I’m leaving, because my husband is waiting for me.”
“You’re no fun.” He complained and put his arm around my shoulders. I think he was a little bit tipsy now and a bit more confident since I’ve already agreed to the date. “I’ve got a new friend now.”  
“I told you he would be snuggling against poor Emily before the night ends.” Anthony yelled as he was us. “Evans, keep it in your pants or she will run away!”  
“God, I hate them.”
An hour later it was just me, Chris, Scott, Sebastian and Anthony. We were sitting around the coffee table. They asked me a lot of questions since I was new, British and the only girl there. Sebastian was drunk enough to ask me if child birth is really more painful than a kick in the balls. Dodger, Chris' dog joined us after a while and chose to lay down next to me, which made Chris a bit upset. “I knew he would leave me for a girl someday. Not cool, buddy, not cool.” I stroked the dog's incredibly soft, ginger fur and listened to their conversations. I really didn't want to leave – Hannah couldn't stay with me tonight, so the moment I'd step into my empty flat I'd momentarily think about my partners’ break up.
We all stood up when Sebastian, Scott and Anthony said they’d be leaving. I got kind of anxious and hoped they’d want to stay longer. “Hey, how about we take Dodger for a walk and then come back to watch a movie?” Chris said quietly as the others were chatting in the doorway. “It's still early.”
“I don’t know, Chris... I...”
He bent down right next to his pup and said. “How could you say no to those eyes?”
Well, I couldn’t say no to neither Chris' nor Dodgers eyes, so it was an easy decision to make. “Fine.”  
I tried to avoid questions from the guys by saying that my agent is picking me up and she’s running late. They made some jokes, but bought it and we were walking around the neighbourhood in no time. “So do you want to talk about your parents now?” Chris inquired.
“Well, to be honest, it shouldn’t be a big deal for me. I’m a grown woman,” I started. “A year ago I noticed that my parents started to act different. They used to be very expressive in feelings towards each other and then it just stopped. So I asked them if everything was alright and they’d say that everything’s fine. Multiple times, so I dropped it.” I sighed. “When she called me today I knew why. I told her I’d be out and she never calls me when I tell her that.”
I shivered a little bit, when we turned right to the park. Chris immediately took off his sweater and handed it to me. “Look, I went through the same thing. My parents got divorced when I was 18. It didn’t get ugly and messy, but it was still hard for the family. You know, me and my sisters were already a bit more independent, they were in New York, I was about to graduate high school. But Scott had a hard time processing all of this.”  
I pulled his sweater over my head and discreetly inhaled his scent. Sweet heavens. “I'm gonna be the Scott I’m my family.” I sighed and watched Dodger play around with a ball. “I’ve got two older brothers and they’ve always been overprotective of me, so I wouldn’t be surprised if I had a million text messages on my phone right now.” I pulled it out. “I switched it off after mum called.”
“You know, you got me a bit scared with those two overprotective brothers of yours.” Chris chuckled and whistled at Dodger.
“I won’t tell on you if you let me choose the movie.” I said. “I feel like watching Scary Movie.”
“I was gonna let you choose anyway, but if that gets me out of trouble.”
Back at his house, Chris let Dodger off the leash and the dog claimed his spot on the sofa immediately. “Do you want something to drink? Or eat?”  
I sat on the stool by the kitchen island. “Do you have hot chocolate?”
Chris looked up at me and smiled. “And a pizza?”  
He’s perfect, I thought and nodded.  
We were bringing snacks and drinks to the living room when I realized, “You know, we discussed divorces and our parents, but we still know nothing about each other.” So we played 21 questions, while the movie played in the background. We started off with some safe questions.
“What is the best movie you've filmed?” Chris asked.  
“Well, I filmed Cinderella last year, so...”  
“You're Cinderella!?” he didn’t even let me finish.  
“Yeah, the movie comes out in 2015.”  
It turned out that Chris is a big fan of Disney and was incredibly excited to be going on a date with an actual Disney princess. “Oh my God, that is surreal. I’m finally gonna be a hero to my niece.”
“How many nephews do you have?” I asked.
“I have two nephews and one niece. They’re all under 5 years old, so when we’re all together with other members of the family, it gets incredibly messy.” He scrolled though his gallery to show me a photo of his laying on the floor with three children laid all over him, with Dodger standing next to them.
He had so many photos of them I got kind of scared. What if he wants to have children soon? I mean, I’ve known him or a few hours, but is it worth wasting my time if he asks me to have his child in a year? I definitely won’t want one in a year. Or in two years. Or three.
“I have two nephews. Both by my oldest brother. And they’re just too spoiled for me. I like children in general, but they are a pure nightmare.” I smiled. It was a small test. If he says they might not me as bad as I think they are, we will have a problem.
“I get it. Some kids are just real dicks.” He shrugged. “Worst breakup?”  
I finished my drink and pretended to give it a thought. “I don’t think I’ve ever had one. I’ve never been in a relationship serious enough to consider the breakup ‘ugly'.” I sighed. “What about you?”
“Last year. We had some different approach to how we wanted to live our lives and had difficulties synching our schedules.” He explained.  
“Live your lives?”
“She would call paps on us and stuff. She hasn’t been very successful as an actress, so this was the most publicity she could get.”
“Oh, ok.” I felt a bit bad for inquiring. “How about your first kiss?”
“Oh my God. I was 16 and I’m still shocked that the girl didn't just kick me in the balls. Too. Much. Tongue. I was awful.”
I couldn’t imagine Chris being bad at something. He’s definitely a pro now. “Mine was when I was 19. I was already in acting, but came back to my parents’ house for some time off. I threw a party for a few of my friends, but my former best friend brought her boyfriend’s friends. One of them was incredibly nice to me throughout the evening and we ended up making out the couch after everyone left. One thing he failed to mention was that the girl, who left 20 minutes before was his girlfriend.”
Chris was shocked. “What a dick.” He said. “Men are pigs.”
“Yeah, can’t believe I wasted my first kiss on him.” Well, I didn’t only waste my first kiss on him, but that’s not a conversation were going to have right now. “If you have bad experiences from dating actresses, why won’t you try dating outside of business?”
He smiled. “Well, only people from the business can understand moving to a filming location for a few weeks, kissing other people or rubbing yourselves against them.”
I nodded. “True. I get that it’s hard to understand, but that’s the job.”
I never thought I’d be able to talk so comfortably with someone 11 years older than me. I always thought it’s just different life experiences, different life phases, but it hasn’t been the case so far.
At some point we finally started to pay attention to the movie, but turned out I wasn’t interested at all and passed out on Chris' shoulder.  
Imagine my shock, when I woke up, still on the couch, with my arms tangled around Chris' torso, with a blanket over us. Oh my God.  
I lifted my head to see that Chris was still asleep. As slowly as I could, I sat up to see Dodger sitting by his leash, waving his tail enthusiastically with his mouth open. It must be way past his morning walk time. I looked at Chris as he just readjusted his sleeping position.  
Well, I guess I have a dog now. I went to the bathroom to check if my make up wasn’t smudged. I found the cap Chris wore at the airport yesterday, put it on and let Dodger out. I had no problem hooking the leash to his collar and we went out to the street. He was at my side all the time, until I let him off the leash in the park and sat on the bench.  
I was a little bit worried that someone would recognize Dodger and let the media know that a new girl I walking Chris’ dog. And she’s definitely not a dog walker, because no professional dog walker would wear high heels while on the job. I felt like I should be embarrassed, but I wasn’t. Should I be? I mean, we didn’t do anything wrong, my make up wasn't touched at all and my clothes were all in order. We just fell asleep on the sofa together.
Dodger brought me a stick he found. I took it from him and threw it as far as I could. I played with him for a little and decided to go back.  
Chris was already up, showered and changed. “I thought you were mad at me and stole my dog.” He joked. “You want coffee?”
“No, thank you. I don’t drink coffee.” I smiled. “You thought I stole your dog, but left my bag?”
He's just noticed it on a chair. “Oh, right.” He handed me a glass of water. “Ok, so I can make you a breakfast or... I can drive you to yours, you’ll get ready and then I can take you out.  
“You don’t want people to see you with me wearing yesterday’s outfit and barely there make up?” I lifted my eyebrow.
“You look incredible and being seen with you in any state will be an honour to me, but I know where we're going and you wouldn't want to go there in these shoes on.” He grinned.
“Chris, if this is something sport's related, I’m leaving now. With my bag and Dodger.”
“It's not sports related, there might be a bit of walking involved.” He teased.
I chose the second option and we were on the road in no time. I gave Chris directions to my flat. He lived in Studio City while I had a place in the centre.  
“So you live in LA?” Chris asked, when a red light stopped him.  
“No, I just come here for work and meetings. I also have a place in New York and I’m there most of the time.” I explained. “I don’t really like LA, to be honest. I haven’t been around for too long, but I get recognized a lot all the time here, especially since it’s been announced that I’m joining the MCU. It’s nice, but sometimes you just need a little more privacy in public.”
“I get that. I mean, I got used to it, but I still wear the cap and sunglasses and hope less people recognize me.” He sighed. “Do you think people recognize you less in New York?”
“Well, out of three cities I’ve lived in, the least people come up to me in New York. It’s the worst in London, because I was on both The Tudors and Downton Abbey. In LA, people are more forward and demanding. In NY, people are just too busy minding their own business to stop and ask for a photograph.”
We reached my flat and I immediately went to the shower while Chris sat on the sofa and turned the TV on.
After the shower I stood in front of the mirror for a while. It’s a date. What should I wear then? Should I wear make up? I should follow his lead and copy his outfit.  
So I wore jeans, a yellow sweater and a denim jacket just in case. I dug also out my cleanest Adidas trainers. After deciding that the shadows under my eyes weren’t that visible today, I only put on some mascara and brushed my eyebrows. Done.
I went back to the living room where Chris was looking through a comic book. He noticed me and smiled. “You look great. That huge bag isn’t necessary, though.” He pointed at my handbag.
“I’m gonna leave it in your boot, if that’s ok.” I said and moved towards the door.
“In my what?” he stood up, confused.
“In your trunk, Yankee.” I smirked.  
I didn’t know much of Los Angeles, so I couldn’t work out where we were going and Chris refused to tell me. “It's a surprise, you’re gonna love it.”
“You’ve known me for less than 24 hours, how do you know I’m gonna love it?” I raised my eyebrow.
“Actually, it’s more than 24 hours now. I bumped into you 26 hours ago.” He corrected me.
“Creep.” I laughed. “Oh my God, we're going to Disneyland.”
He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me. “Ok, how did you know that?”
“You said I’m gonna love it, probably because I loved playing Cinderella. You love Disney, I do too. There’s gonna be a lot of walking. Also, there was a sign, we’re 5 minutes away.” I explained and smiled.  
“Outrageous...” He sighed. “ Way to ruin a surprise.”  
As Chris parked I put on my sunglasses and he followed me by doing the same thing a adding a cap. “Just in case, it’s the middle of the week, barely after 12pm, it just can’t be crowded.”
Well, it was. Who would've thought that Disneyland is an excellent destination on a Valentine’s Day? I didn’t want to say anything out loud, because I knew Chris was very excited. It turned out that he bought tickets while I was taking a shower. I'm surprised he doesn't have an annual pass.  
I couldn't believe how a 32 year old man turned into an 8 year old so fast. He literally took my hand the moment we got in and pulled towards the nearest ride. To be honest, I was more focused on the fact, that his hand was gripping mine even when we were in the queue. I didn’t mind it, but someone has already given us a second look when they saw Chris. His strategy was to ignore everyone until they actually approach him.
Chris started to talk about all the rides we were gonna go to. “Do you remember the names of all rides?” I laughed.  
“Probably, I come here all the time with my nephews.” He explained. “I’m not just some creep who hangs around Disneyland alone.”
“No, you’re more than that.” I joked.
“When was the last time you went to Disneyland?” he asked.  
“I think it was like 10 years ago, but in Paris.”  
“10 years without the happiest place on the planet. Oh my God. We're here until they’re closed.”  
I hope he was only joking, because I was a bit nauseous only after three rides. “Can we go on the less speedy ones now?” I asked.
“I mean, I should just say you’re weak, at this point.” He laughed. “But I don’t want you to throw up on me during our first date.”  
“Oh, that would be fun.” I grinned.
“Definitely, “ Chris looked around. “How about we go eat something now?”
I nodded and followed him to a restaurant. We seemed to be a little underdressed there, but a waiter soon walked us to a secluded area, where we would have some privacy and no one else would see us.
“There you go, Ms. Dawson.” He handed me menu. “Mr. Evans. I’ll be back soon to take your orders.”
“Thank you,” I smiled. “How does he know our names?” I asked Chris.  
“Well, the reservation is under my name, but I didn’t give him yours, so I guess he’s a fan.” He shrugged.
I scanned the card, hoping to find something with chicken or with no meat at all. “I fell like you had to make that reservation like a month ago.” I said. The other, less intimate, part of the restaurant was packed.
He smiled. “I do come here a lot, so they may have made an exception for me. And I always take a selfie with their manager. Anyway, if I may suggest – they make excellent fish and orecchiette pasta.”
I ordered whatever Chris recommended me. He ordered a lot of side dishes and it had me think whether he thought I could eat that much or it was only for him. “May I suggest some wine?”
“Well, I’m driving,” Chris answered. “Emily?”
“Something semi sweet, perhaps.” I smiled and gave him my card back. “I’ll trust you on this one.”
“Thank you, I’ll choose something suitable.”
Chris kept looking at me as the waiter left our table. “Is there something on my face?” I asked.  
He grinned. “No, you just ordered what I recommended you and relayed on him to get you a good wine.”  
“I’m not very problematic or sophisticated. Just two or three years ago I was still drinking wine drinks from the nearest grocery shop instead of actual wine, because I saw no difference. Besides, I’ve seen their prices per bottle and it just can’t be bad.” I shrugged. “Oh, and don’t you dare think that you’ll pay for all of this. You paid for the entrance, I’m paying for food.”  
Chris raised his eyebrow. “We'll see about that.”  
“Christopher...” I started. “Wait, are you Chris or Christopher? Do you have middle name? I wanted to say your full name, but I don’t know it.”  
He just shrugged, grinning like a Cheshire cat. “Guess you’re gonna have to Google me or something.”
I didn’t give up. I pulled my phone out just to discover it was still switched off. “Oh my God.” I froze.
“What's wrong?” Chris asked, a worried look on his face.
“I switched my phone off after talking to my mum yesterday and I haven’t turned it on since.” I answered, horrified. “They’re gonna kill me.”  
After the screen light up I got a countless number of notifications: missed calls, texts, FaceTime calls, Skype calls, Facebook messages, WhatsApp messages. Everything. “They’re gonna strangle me. Wait... it’s 4:30 here, so it's 12:30am in London.”
“Go, call them.” Chris said. “They’re probably worried.”  
I looked up at him. He’s such a good guy. “No, it’s fine. I’ll just text my brother. He’s definitely still up.”
“I’m sorry I haven’t picked up your calls, I switched my phone off and forgot to switch it on again until just now. I don’t feel like talking to neither Mum or Dad. I’ll book a flight back to the UK and come later this week. I wish they had decided to tell me about the divorce last month, when I was there and not when I’m on the other side of the globe, at a party.”
“Done, it’s been dealt with. I’m gonna get the shit beaten out of me when they see me.” I smiled. “Anyway, I’m sorry.”  
“It’s no big deal.” He assured me.  
We decided not to talk about anything negative right now and moved on to talking about filming Avengers: Age of Ultron. After we realized that we haven’t even swapped numbers and had no way of sharing each other’s calendars, we did so. I also friended him on Facebook. You know, just in case.  
Our food arrived and we dug into our plates. The food was delicious and the wine was very well selected. I couldn’t stop eating until I’ve finished my meal. Then Chris told me to eat the sides and suggested what goes well with what. He moved to sit right next to me and we talked about comics and movies. I had no idea that a movie he directed could premiere at TIFF this year.  
“Yeah, if I'm honest I'm scared shitless, but it's all sealed already.” He admitted and ate a shrimp.
“I'm sure they will choose it and it will do well.” I said and, without reconsidering, took his hand. It was that moment. We started to lean each other’s ways. As our noses brushed against each other, Chris whispered: “Emily, I’ve been waiting for this for the whole day.”
“Mhm...” I murmured.
“And while I’d like nothing more but to just move those 2 inches and kiss you... I wanted to do this at a certain point this evening.” He explained. “You’ll know when.”
“Ok.” I’m gonna die.
Somehow, he managed to pay for the meal without even leaving the table. Because we decided we should have a picnic now, I went to buy sweets and a blanket, which featured Mickey and Minnie. We found a quiet spot, behind most people in the park. “Are we waiting for something?” I asked.  
“I’m waiting for you to eat all these cupcakes.” He joked, looking at my stuffed mouth.
“I hope that’s not a bet, because you will loose.” I snapped back.  
It was getting completely dark. I laid down and looked at the stars that started to appear on the sky. More people gathered on the grass around us as well as on the benches. I was sure that something was supposed to happen here, but I also knew Chris wouldn’t tell me if I asked. He laid down next to me, took my hand and brought it to his lips. I felt shivers on my arm as he pressed his lips against my skin.  
“I really enjoyed today,” he whispered. “And yesterday.”
I turned to face him. “Me too,” I smiled. “But it might just be this place...”
A moment later I realized why Chris wanted to wait for the kiss and why people were gathering around us. It was time for a special Valentine’s Day firework display. “Oh my God...”
I turned to Chris, who almost immediately pressed his lips against mine. After the initial shock, I open my mouth slightly. Chris' tongue slips inside my mouth gently as his hand cups my cheek. Our tongues tangled together is like nothing I've ever experienced. I move my fingers to run through his hair, as Chris gently pushes me to lay down. We’re making out, laying on a Mickey Mouse blanket in Disneyland. “Chris, they’re going to arrest us for public indecency or something...” I whispered, breaking the kiss for a second. Our lips connected again almost with hunger.  
“I really don’t give a fuck right now.” he answered breathing heavily against my lips. “I don’ even know if it’s the fireworks or my heart.”
I’m sure the firework display was incredible. I didn’t get to see much of it, but I'm sure it was.
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kwanisms · 6 years
Personal Trainer - lhs
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⤑ genre: smut/ personal trainer!au ⤑ pairing: Hoseok x Reader ⤑ warning: face fucking, slight?? degradation, some overstim, sir kink ⤑ summary: when your best friend begs you to go to the gym with her, you’re convinced she’s trying to set you up with her personal trainer and after seeing him, you might just be okay with that. ⤑ word count: 7.6k
a/n: i can’t believe it’s been so long since i posted this piece! i decided to revamp my blog and my openings got a huge makeover. all oneshots and drabbles now have title cards! anyway, thank you all for the attention you’ve shown this piece and in light of recent events, i’m reblogging this to celebrate the good news about our Wonho! ~K
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It was a well known fact you detested the gym. You hated the wandering eyes of the overly buff wannabe bodybuilders who clearly didn’t need to be there but instead were hoping to pick up women with their overcompensation. You hated the judging stares you received when you stopped running as if everyone else deemed it too soon for you to quit. Of course, you could be entirely wrong and they probably weren’t thinking about you at all. 
Still, you disliked the dirty looks girls gave you when you walked a little too close to their boyfriends as if you were going to snatch them and run; no one wants your poodle, honey, you thought as a girl with her long blonde hair pulled into a tight ponytail stood protectively in front of her boyfriend with his poofy and curly locks, sending a menacing glare your way. So it came as no shock that you refused to accompany your best friend, Emily, to the private gym at the country club her family belonged to.
You found yourself at one of the loudest and most popular clubs Friday night listening to her pleas as you tried to enjoy yourself and let loose after a taxing work week.“Please!! I could really use the encouragement and you could use the workout,” she said, giving you a once over. “Wow, thanks Emily, that wasn’t contumelious or anything,” you say, rolling your eyes. 
“Oh come on, (Y/N). You would be so much hotter than you are now if you had a killer body!” she said stirring her drink before raising it to her lips.”And stop using obscure words like some vocabulary hipster. I’m not best friends with a dictionary. Well,” she paused before her eyes turned back to you, a smirk present on her face. “Unless you count as one.” You smacked her arm, bursting into giggles as the music with loud pulsing bass swirled around you.
Emily had always been a very outspoken, very honest, and extremely blunt. It was never her intentions to hurt someone’s feelings, but more times than naught that was the result. You had been friends since you could walk. You knew each other better than anyone. You downed the rest of your drink and stood to make your way over to the bar and order another, Emily’s words still fresh in your mind. Returning to.your table, drink in hand, the words that next came out of your best friend’s mouth made it all too clear why she wanted you at the gym.
“Please just come with me! The new personal trainer is really hot!” Ahhh, there it was. You smirked as she revealed her true intentions to you. “You just want me to be your wingman, don’t you?!” you feigned shock, lacing your voice with mock betrayal. “Actually, he’s more your type than mine,” Emily said, playing with a stand of her hair absentmindedly. This piqued your interest and you sighed. It couldn’t hurt to go and have a look, right? “Fiiiiine,” you say, drawing out the vowel and your best friend smiled half in glee, half in triumph and you almost regretted your submission. 
The next day, dressed in some simple black leggings, your sports bra, an oversized long sleeve shirt, and your sneakers, you were in Emily’s car and ready to get this over with. The night before, still fresh in your mind, you mentally prepared yourself to deal with Emily’s whining about how hungover she was when she had all of 3 drinks. She pulled into a parking spot near the entrance and the two of you got out. 
You looked up at the natural stone façade of the massive complex, slinging your gym bag over your shoulder. The grounds were huge, a massive golf course spanning the sprawling hills outside. The drive up to the building was a long path hidden behind a huge line of trees, as if this place was hidden inside some dense forest when really, it was just inside a huge, heavily wooded city park. The cars parked in the perfectly painted spaces were all models you would never be able to afford with your measly salary as a bank manager.
Ferrari, Lamborghini, and BMWs. Think of any fancy car and they were all there. You had an intrusive thought of a middle aged woman driving her BMW to the grocery store to buy milk and tried to keep a giggle inside. You walked through the massive double doors with wrought iron and glass framed by thick, heavy black wood. Inside was just was grand as the outside with vaulted ceilings, polished marble floors, and dark wood paneling on the walls. The place screamed high class and reeked of old money. 
A massive crystal chandelier hung in the waiting area that was much larger than your one bedroom apartment. The marble on the floors was mirrored in the huge receptionist counter and a small, a girl in her late teens sat behind it. The patrons inside a small cafe area sat around small round glass top bistro style tables sipping on their caramel machiafrappuchinos or whatever the latest coffee trend was and you swore they looked at you with disdain when you passed by, as if you were some dirty thing hellbent on mucking up their precious club. Emily approached the reception desk to sign in and smiled at the teen behind the counter.
“I’ve brought a guest today,” she said sweetly. The receptionist sighed as if Emily was demanding she perform like a monkey for her, pulled out a clipboard with a sign in sheet for guests and jabbed it out at you. Taking the clipboard, you signed in quickly, handed it back, and then proceeded to follow Emily through the massive club to the gym. Inside it was moderately sized, filled with various workout equipment. 
On one end was a wall of mirrors with racks of free weights standing in front of them. To one side behind the treadmills were floor to ceiling windows that gave a view of the vast golf course you had seen from the parking lot. Several patrons were enjoying a day of golf on this mild autumn day. On the wall opposite the windows were several doors leading into smaller rooms, each door with a little plaque next to it giving insight as to what was inside.
There were only 4 people in the gym; a middle aged woman, a young man, Emily, and yourself. The woman sported a very blunt, black bob haircut that barely reached past her chin, strands of grey littered her pin straight locks. She moved at a steady pace on one of the ellipticals, her eyes trained on the television screen in front of her, old reruns of Grey’s Anatomy or some other soap opera playing. The only man in the room sat by one of the doors into a private room, his eyes glued to his phone. He had probably the most incredible body you’d had ever seen. 
He was ripped. Arms, chest, thighs, calves, you name it, he had it. He wore black knee length basketball shorts over grey compression pants, a black compression shirt, and a black baseball cap. On the floor next to him was a grey duffle bag, a black semi transparent water bottle resting on top. Suddenly, you felt very self conscious of your body and tried to unsuccessfully hide behind your own gym bag.
Emily shook her head, her long black hair swaying and she marched up to the man. He looked up and your heart nearly stopped. He was so handsome. His eyes shone brightly and his face broke into the sweetest smile. He pocketed his phone as he stood up.
“Hi, Emily, right?” he asked extending his arm, offering one if his large hands. She smiled and nodded, shaking his hand. “This is my friend, (Y/N), she’ll be joining us today.” You stepped forward shyly as the man held his hand out and offered you a warm smile. You were painfully aware of how your heart was hammering in your chest, wondering if anyone else could hear it, because damn, it was loud in your ears. When you took his hand and shook it, there was no other way to describe it; your body ignited, as if you were the latest victim of spontaneous human combustion. 
His eyes locked with your own and suddenly you found it nearly impossible to form any coherent sentences. The intensity of his stare sent blood rushing to places you didn’t exactly want it to. Damn it, you were screwed. Instead you nodded politely and returned his smile. He dropped your hand, and your body whined at the loss of contact.
“A pleasure to meet you ladies, my name is Hoseok.” You made a mental note of how his name sounded. “The pleasure is ours, Hoseok,” Emily smiled, and when Hoseok leaned over to pick up his bag, she looked at you and mouthed the words “oh my god!” You gave her a stern look, mouthing back “stop it!” and dropped it when Hoseok stood straight again. 
He led the two of you into the private room he sat by, shutting the door behind you, making sure to hang the occupied sign in place. Inside the room was larger than you had anticipated. The floor was the same as outside in the main gym, that soft spongy material, there were medium blue mats hanging on the wall to the left of the door as you entered and they vaguely reminded you of the mats that hung in the gym in elementary school.  
In the far left corner of the room, next to a large mirror that took up the entire wall across from the door, was a simple door that you suspected was a closet holding various workout equipment. Hoseok dropped his bag in the corner, facing away from you but you could see his face in the reflection of the mirror. He removed his hat and his blonde hair fell, bangs falling into his eyes. You hadn’t noticed you had been staring until Emily cleared her throat. 
“(Y/N), you can put your bag over here,’ she said and you tie your gaze away from Hoseok’s reflection but you could have sworn his eyes met yours briefly before you turned away and set your bag next to Emily’s, bending to grab your own water bottle. Emily knelt down, pretending to busy herself with something in her bag. “Don’t get caught staring,” she whispered so low you almost didn’t hear her.
Clearing your throat with a grunt, you stood straight and turned around to find Hoseok had already turned to face you. His eyes were trained on you, the ends of his mouth curled up as if he was trying to fight a smile. Emily followed you to the center of the room as she pulled all her hair up into a bun on top of her head. Hoseok tore his gaze away and moved to open the closet, retrieving three yoga mats. You glared at Emily and she smiled sheepishly at you. Yoga had not been part of the agreement. 
You had virtually no balance whatsoever and now you were expected to contort your body while maintaining your balance in front of this incredibly handsome stranger. No way. Not happening. Hoseok motioned for the two of you to join him and gestured at the mats. “Have a seat.” You followed Emily, who sat without hesitation. She grinned broadly as Hoseok sat on the mat in front of you and led you through a series of light stretches, warming you up before the workout began.
Hoseok had you remove your shoes and socks and stand on the mats, showing you the first yoga pose. It was relatively simple enough. You had to stand still. You could do that. “Press your toes into the mat and bring your shoulders back further,” Hoseok said softly behind you, his hands resting gently on your shoulders and he lightly pulled signaling you to stand up straight. You complied, your skin burning under his touch and you were certain he could tell. If the smile on his face wasn’t a dead giveaway, then the way one of his hands lingered on your shoulder after he had already corrected your posture definitely should have given him away. 
The next pose had you standing, feet wide apart, arms open, and you had to admit you felt like a real idiot. Hoseok attended to Emily, correcting her feet before focusing his attention on you. He complimented your feet being in the right position but he gently grasped your hips to move them in the right position and you couldn’t hide the involuntary gasp that left your mouth when his large hands touched you. 
He either didn’t notice, or he didn’t choose to notice but instead remained professional as he continued to correct your position. When he pulled away and circled around you to make sure you were doing the pose right he stopped in front of you and you dared not look up at him. This man was driving you crazy.
Hoseok moved into the next pose that had you sitting on the floor, legs together in front of you, and you had to bend your body in half. Emily, being the flexible former cheerleader, had no problems. You however had great difficulty. You were not on the cheerleading squad in high school, instead opting to focus more on your studies. Hoseok knelt behind you, “may I?” he asked and you nodded, trying to hide the blush that crept across your face. 
His hands were gentle as he slowly pushed you into position, stopping every so often to make sure it wasn’t too much. One hand on between your shoulder blades, the other at the small of your back. “If it’s too much, let me know. I don’t want to overwork you,” he said softly, his voice caring and sweet, mimicking the gentleness of his hands. You winced, feeling a burn in your hamstrings you’ve never felt before.
“Are you alright?” he asked, leaning in closer, his breath fanning the back of your neck. You could smell his cologne. A light airy scent that on it’s own wouldn’t affect you but mixed with another heavier scent, possibly arousal, you felt dizzy. You nodded quickly hoping it would end soon. Hoseok smiled and patted your back. “Alright, you can sit up now,” he said, his hands falling from your back as he stood and returned to the front of the room. He put his shoes and socks back on, signaling the yoga session was over. 
You and Emily also replaced your footwear before standing and allowing Hoseok to roll up the yoga mats, returning them to the small closet. You took the reprieve to down some water before moving on to the next part. The next part was cardio. You left the small room and back out into the now empty gym. He motioned for you to join him at two of the treadmills. 
He set the workout for you and let you get into position. You pulled your earbuds up into your ears, pressing play on your phone before starting off at a mild walking pace. After a couple moments, the walking pace sped up into a light run. You tried to focus on anything that wasn’t Hoseok’s face, ultimately focusing your eyes on one of the television screens.
You could see Hoseok watching you and Emily carefully out of the corner of your eye. His gaze lingered on you longer than you thought was necessary but eventually he tore his gaze away. He checked his watch as your pace slowed to a brisk walking pace and you tried to catch your breath. You continued, following the preset workout, keeping your eyes ahead but glancing slyly at Hoseok. 
Finally the treadmill slowed to a stop and you worked to catch your breath, taking huge gulps of water in between breaths. Emily gave you a big cheeky grin as Hoseok led you the rack with the free weights. “See? This isn’t so bad,” she said as she picked up her water and downed a few gulps.
Maybe she was fine, but your body was screaming. You were so incredibly turned on by this man who had been touching you, albeit innocently, all morning. You felt as if your body would explode if you didn’t find release soon. Hoseok grabbed two sets of hand weights that were on the smaller side and showed you both the next part. You tried your best to mimic him, wanting to avoid as much skin contact his correcting would bring. 
You did well up until the start of your third repetition. “You need to stand up straight, (Y/N),” Hoseok said chuckling and pressing his hand to the small of your back, his touch sending shivers down your spine. You visibly shuddered and immediately felt mortified. Hoseok said nothing, clearly choosing to ignore it because there was no way he didn’t notice. You finished your workout with the weights and moved on to squats.
Hoseok handed Emily a medium sized kettlebell and she set off, needing no correction. When your turn came, Hoseok showed you how to stand and gave you advice on how to keep your balance while squatting. “Keep your back straight, lower with your legs and lift with your heels. Keep your heels planted. Try not to lift them,” he said with a kind smile and handed you the kettlebell. 
While you did your squats, Emily went to refill your and her water bottles. You lowered yourself down, feeling Hoseok’s gaze burning into the side of your face. “No, you’re going to hurt yourself if you keep doing that,” he said and moved behind you. He corrected your position and gently lowered you, his hands guiding your body and you struggled to breathe evenly, letting out shaky breaths. Hoseok noticed because he ended your set early and let Emily finish hers when she returned. Your face set ablaze from embarrassment, Hoseok led the two of you back to the private room.
The next exercise required regular mats that he pulled from the wall and set down. Hoseok picked up two medicine balls and handed them to you and Emily. He sat between the two of you, demonstrating a movement called a Russian twist with your medicine ball. You watched in awe, your eyes trailing up his arms, across his chest, and down his stomach to his thighs as he twist back and forth, showing you exactly what to do. 
He handed your ball back and immediately Emily started, mirroring his demonstration perfectly. You tried to get into the right position but found you could not keep your balance for more than a few seconds. Futilely, you keep trying, eager to show you could do it, but ultimately failing with a loud sigh. Hoseok knelt down next to you and reached out. 
With one hand on the middle of your back, he encouraged you to try again and you did, his hand supporting your back and allowing you to execute a couple twists. You could see Emily’s smirk out of the corner of your eye but you tried your best to ignore her and the obvious heat emanating from his hand and spreading throughout your body, a flush forming on your face. You hoped Hoseok would think the pink tinge to your cheeks was from your exertion and not the fact that he was touching you. After a few more reps, the Russian twist part was done. Emily stood closely as Hoseok returned the mat to the wall, Velcro to Velcro.
“I think he’s noticed how badly you want him,” she whispered so softly only you could hear yet you still shot her a warning glare. “You want him too, I know you do,” she added and pulled away, smiling brightly as if nothing happened the moment Hoseok turned toward the pair of you. There was a knock on the door and Hoseok called out a “yes?” 
The receptionist opened the door, an apologetic look on her face. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but your car is being towed, miss,” she said looking at Emily who immediately yelled out a “what?!” “I tried to stop them but something about unpaid tickets and parking in a handicapped spot.” Emily cursed softly as she rushed out of the room, grabbing her bag and let the door shut behind her, not even sparing you a second glance.
Suddenly you were aware of how small the room was, Hoseok standing behind you. You slowly turned to him to find his eyes were already trained on you. “So, uh, do we just wait for her?” you ask softly, not sure if she was going to return. Hoseok said nothing, eyes glued on your face, his expression unreadable. You glanced around nervously, fidgeting with the hem of your shirt. 
You swayed awkwardly, trying to form a sentence. “Should I just go?” you asked and again were met with silence. You took that as a sign and moved to pack up your belongings. As you bent over, a soft voice called out “don’t,” and you turned to look at Hoseok. He was leaning against the mirror, arms crossed over his chest. “Don’t what?” you asked, your voice small. “Don’t bend over like that,” he said, his voice deeper than before. 
His tone was commanding, his eyes dark as his stare bore through you. When you didn’t speak, he pushed off the wall, making his way slowly towards you. “If you bend over like that again, I won’t be able to stop myself.” His gaze was almost predatory as he stalked forward, the intensity of it, sent heat rushing to your core.
“What?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. Hoseok’s lips twitched as a smirk appeared. “You think I didn’t notice? How often your eyes wandered? How your body reacted every time I touched you? How your breath caught in your throat? I’m not blind, sweetheart, and you’re not very subtle.” The amused hint to his voice caught your attention and immediately, heat spreading across your face. He slowly backed you into the wall, reaching out to rest his hands on each side of your head and leaning into you. You didn’t dare look up to meet his eyes.
“I can tell you want me,” his voice was a deadly whisper and still you refuse to meet his gaze, afraid of what might happen if you did. “Look at me at me,” he commanded and you found yourself submit to him, obedient to his words. The moment your eyes met his, your lips parted as a soft whimper left your throat. The look on his face had you melting immediately. The darkness in his eyes hooded with what you could only assume was lust sent shivers down your spine, your core tightening with want, no… with need. 
Hoseok searched your gaze, no doubt looking for any sign of discomfort before he spoke. “If you want me to stop,” his hand left the wall and gently, caressed the side of your neck as he made his way down your side, stopping at your hip. “Tell me and I will.” You sighed as his fingers slipped under the hem of your shirt, rubbing light circles against the skin of your side.
You didn’t want him to stop so you shook your head and said in a whisper, “don’t stop.” Expecting him to crash his lips to yours, you braced for impact but it never came, instead his lips pressed softly against your cheek, slowly making their way toward your lips in light, chaste kisses before he paused, lips centimeters from yours. He was giving you one last chance to change your mind. 
Any inhibitions you might have had before were now long gone with his skin against yours. You wasted no time, uncertain if Emily would return, and closed the distance, placing a quick peck. You were merely testing, not sure of how to progress. Hoseok’s hand moved to the back of your neck and pulled you back into him, deepening the kiss. Your hands resting on his sides, you moved your lips against his. It was a slow sensual kiss. The hand that wasn’t on your neck, was roaming, examining your body. He pressed his body into yours, pushing you against the wall before he rolled his hips into yours and you gasped.
He took that opportunity to slip his tongue past your parted lips and explore. Your hands moved over him with as much enthusiasm as he showed and you settled for resting them on his broad shoulders. Hoseok’s hand snaked down to your thigh and lifted, wrapping it around his hip as he pushed against you again, eliciting a moan from you. 
He smiled into the kiss and rocked his hips against yours again, enjoying the sounds of your moans, knowing it was all because of him. It fueled his ego and his lips left yours to pass over your cheek until he reached your neck and started to nip at the sensitive skin just below your ear. A quiet whimper escaped you as Hoseok soothed over the irritated skin with his tongue before he sucked which would leave a purplish bruise the next day. His hand that wasn’t holding your hip braced against the wall as he continued you grind into you and tease your neck. You moved your hips to match his rhythm and moaned loudly at the sensation, leaning your head back.
Hoseok bit harshly where your shoulder and neck met and you whined. “You have to be quiet, sweetheart. Unless you want everyone to know what a needy slut you are,” he hissed in your ear. Your core tightened at his words, walls clenching around nothing. He pulled away, inspecting your face to see if he hadn’t crossed a line but you encouraged him to continue. He let your leg drop before grabbing you by the wrist and leading you out of the private room, leaving all your stuff behind. 
He dragged you through the empty gym to the locker room. Your body burned with anticipation as Hoseok pulled you into one of the showers and shut the curtain before pouncing on you, meeting your lips hungrily. He pulled the hem of your shirt up above your breasts before pulling away and tearing the offending top off, discarding it somewhere on the floor of the shower before latching his lips to yours again. He cupped your cheeks with his hands and backed you against the cool tile.
Your fingers locked in his hair, willing him closer though the was no more empty space between you. Hoseok’s hand moved over your chest, lightly grasping your breast, causing you to groan and lean into his touch. He squeezed and caught your lower lip between his teeth. You suppressed a moan and tugged on his locks, a soft groan rising up from his throat. He pulled back and removed his own shirt, adding it to the ever growing pile of clothes. 
You released your grip on his hair and allowed your hands to wander, smoothing over his muscles, your eyes following every curve. Hoseok slipped his hand under your sports bra and your gasped at the feeling of his warm palm against your sensitive nipple. He rocked more forcefully against your hips, his erection digging into your pelvis.
“This needs to come off,” he said in a deep husky tone that dripped with lust and conveyed his desire for you. He pulled at the waistband of your leggings. “May I?” he asked and you nodded slowly, watching as he tucked his thumbs under the elastic and slid your leggings down to your ankles. His eyes traveled slowly up your body, stopping momentarily at your black lace panties, before continuing up to lock your eyes in an intense heated gaze. As he watched your chest rising and falling due to your labored breaths, Hoseok stood again before learning into you, pressing a kiss to your lips, positioning his thigh between your legs, and pushed up against your sex.
A soft cry skipped past your lips at the contact and you shivered. Hoseok smirked, resting his hands on your hip and pushed you down on him, guiding your hips to rock against his muscular thigh. You gasped, closing your eyes and losing yourself to the feeling. Hoseok chuckled above you and you snapped your eyes open. “Look at you,” he said, his voice laced with amusement. 
“Getting yourself off on my thigh. Are you that desperate?” he asked, cocking his head to the side. His hands left your hips and reached up to push your bra up, exposing your breasts. You flushed red and looked away from his gaze. His chuckled reverberated off the tile and he pulled his thigh away.
“Which would you rather have, sweetheart; my thigh or my cock?” his eyes had a mischievous glint in his eyes. Your eyes flitted down toward the prominent bulge in his shorts. You reached a hand between you, palm resting against his erection. “You mean this cock?” you purred. Hoseok’s eyes fluttered shut as his lips parted, a soft moan fell from his open mouth. 
You relished in your power over him temporarily before he gripped your wrist tightly and his eyes snapped open, finding yours instantly. “When I’m done with you, you’ll be begging for it,” he hissed, taking both of your hands above your head and pinning them in one of his own hands before letting his free one slide down your body, stopping to punch one of your nipples between his thumb and forefinger. You whined and pushed your hips against his. Hoseok grinned and dipped his head to take the other sensitive bud in his mouth, toying it with his tongue while his hand on your breast kneaded it.
You lean your head back into the wall, letting out another moan, and winced when Hoseok bit down on your chest. “Shut up, or else everyone will hear what a whiny whore you are.” You pressed your thighs together at his words and Hoseok resumed his ministrations. He pulled back, capturing your lips in another hearted kiss, tongues dancing together. His hand left your chest and continued down your body until he cupped your heat. 
You held in a gasp as his fingers moved, pressing against your soaked panties, rolling in agonizingly slow waves. You whimpered, muffled by his lips, at his touch. “You’re soaked right through your pretty lace panties. Do you want me that badly, babygirl?” You rolled your hips against his hand, desperate for some friction. “Use your words,” Hoseok mused. “Yes. I want you,” you breathed. 
“Tsk, that won’t do. ‘Yes, I want you, sir.’ Say it again and say it right, sweetheart,” Hoseok corrected you. You moaned when his fingers pressed harder into your wet folds, still not giving you pressure where you wanted it the most. “Y-yes, I want you, sir,” you pleaded. Hoseok gave in and delved his hand into your panties, sliding a finger along your wetness.
His skin made contact with your clit and started rubbing slow circles against it. Your breathing came out shallow, your chest working overtime. Hoseok smiled against your skin, pressing his lips to the crook of your neck as he continued to tease you. “Please,” you gasped, trying to wriggle your wrists free. “Let me touch you, sir.” Hoseok contemplated giving in but decided against it. 
“You get to touch when you prove that you can be a good girl,” he smirked, letting his finger flitted over your entrance cause you to shudder. “Should I give you what you want? I don’t know if you deserve it.” You tried to rock your hips against his hand but he pulled back. “If you can’t even stay still, how can I trust you to keep your hands to yourself.”
You whined, pleading with your eyes. “I’m sorry, sir. I promise I’ll be good,” you mewled. Hoseok bit his lip, the corners curling up. “You promise? If you don’t follow through, if you break your promise, I’ll have no choice but to punish you, sweetheart,” he growled and your body shook with want. “I know, sir.” Hoseok’s hand was back in your panties, finger pressed to your clit again. You moaned, arching your back. He slipped a finger inside your wet pussy and slowly pumped the digit in and out of you, eyes on your face, watching your reaction. He added another finger, picking up the pace as he fucked you with his fingers, palm rubbing against your clit.
Your moans grew in volume, bouncing off the tile walls. Hoseok pulled his hand away before your orgasm could come to fruition and wrapped his fingers around your throat, gently, carefully cutting off your air supply. “Since you can’t keep quiet, I guess I’m going to have to fill that pretty mouth of yours.” A dark blush swept over your face at his words and he released his grip on your throat. “On your knees, now,” he commanded. You were surprised by how quickly you complied, sliding down the wall until your knees met the cold unforgiving floor. Hoseok rid himself of his shorts and compression pants, leaving him in only his boxer briefs. Your eyes trailed up and down his body, taking in every curve of his muscles.
“See something you like, sweetheart?” he asked bemused. You gulped as he returned to you, taking your chin in his hand and brushed his thumb over your swollen bottom lip. “Open your mouth,” he barked and you obeyed him, your core tightening as you watched him palm himself over his boxers. 
“You look so pretty on your knees in front of me, mouth open like the cockslut you are.” You refrained from moaning like you wanted to, certain he might not give you what you wanted. You watched Hoseok stroked himself over his underwear, watching your every move like a hawk. “Arms behind your back,” he said and again, you obeyed instantly. It was arousing how much control his words had.
You watched in awe as Hoseok slowly removed his underwear and his hard cock sprang free. You tried to hold back a low moan but with your mouth open, it met no resistance. Hoseok glanced up at you with a lopsided grin before he let his boxers drop to his ankles and stepping out of them. He stood before you, holding himself at the base of his member, tip leaking with pre-cum and you tried to hold back from flinging yourself at him. 
You wait for instruction which came swiftly. “Tongue out,” he said in a low voice. You surrendered to him and stuck your tongue out, his cock dangerously close to your mouth now. You inhaled deeply and slowly, Hoseok set the head of his dick on your tongue before moving slowly inside your mouth.
You moved to brace yourself against his thighs but he hissed “you don’t get to touch yet. Hands behind your back, sweetheart.” You clasped your hands together behind your back as Hoseok moved deeper into your mouth. He groaned at the sensation of your wet mouth around his throbbing member and pushed inside further still. 
You felt the tip of his cock nearing the back of your throat and tried to keep your breathing steady. He stilled inside you, letting you adjust to the intrusion, his hand brushing a few strands of your hair out of your face before gripping your locks. He slowly pulled out and gently thrust into your mouth, his cock barely hitting the back of your throat.
You fought against your gag reflex as he continued to thrust into your mouth. You tried to keep your jaw as relaxed as possible, timing your breaths. Hoseok thrust deeper into your mouth, now fully hitting the back of your throat, his hand in your hair holding you in place, another hand placed against the wall, bracing himself. Another hit to the back of your throat and you gagged again. 
The lewd sounds of his cock hitting the back of your throat repeatedly filled the locker room before he shoved in and stilled, his cock buried in your throat. You swallowed around them, the sensation sending shivers up Hoseok’s back, his head thrown back as he let out a loud moan.
You tried to hold out as long as you could, your breath slowly running out. Hoseok pulled back and you gasped trying to catch your breath, saliva running down your chin before Hoseok pressed the head of his cock to your lips. “You aren’t done,” he growled and thrust back in once you opened your mouth. 
Your tongue brushed against the vein that along the underside of his dick and he moaned again, ramming back into your mouth before pushing your head until you settled at the base of his cock, effectively cutting off your air supply again. You swallowed and Hoseok grunted, staying completely still. “Almost,” he said. Your lungs cried for air and as you tried pulling back to breathe, an impossible feat because of the strong grip he had on your hair, Hoseok let out a loud drawn out moan mixed with a slew of curses as he came, his hot release shooting down your throat.
Hoseok pulled out once he had finished, panting heavily while you coughed as air met your lungs again. You fell forward, hands moving to brace yourself against the cold floor. “Holy shit, that was amazing,” Hoseok said breathlessly. He knelt down next to you and wiped your drool of your chin before he pulled you up and moved you to the small seat inside the shower. 
Sitting you down on the edge, he pulled your panties off, discarding them and knelt between your thighs. “What are you doing?” you asked looking down at him. “Rewarding you,” he said with a mischievous grin before leaning forward and pressing light kisses to your knees. His lips trailed along the inside of your thigh, stopping to bite and suck purplish bruises in the sensitive flesh. Your hands moved to run your fingers through his hair and he pulled back.
“No touching, not yet,” he said and resumed his teasing before moving to the other thigh and repeating the same actions. You moaned when his lips ghosted over your wet sex and he smiled before pressing a kiss to your abdomen just under your belly button. “Please don’t tease me, sir,” you whimpered, not forgetting to call him by his preferred title. “I promise I’ll be good.” 
Hoseok chuckled lowly before throwing your left thigh over his shoulder and giving you a soft kitten lick. You tasted even better than you smelled and he leaned in for one more little lick before spreading your lips and focusing his attention at the small bundle of nerves. He wrapped his lips around it, the tip of his tongue flicking against it lightly and you let out a high pitched moan placing your hands palms flat on the seat on other side of you and leaned back against the tile. Hoseok alternated between licking and sucking on your clit while his free hand roamed, traveling up to your breast and cupped it, his fingers kneading into it. You whimpered while he continued, eating you out as if it was his last meal.
It wasn’t long before you felt the familiar coil inside your groin telling you that your orgasm was building. As if Hoseok knew by some miracle, his hand left your breast and moved down to ease two fingers inside of you, pumping at a steady rhythm. He pulled back, grinning up at you, your juices glistened on his chin. “You taste so good, sweetheart,” he said, his voice husky and you felt your core tighten at his praise. 
He returned to your clit, flattening his tongue as he licked harshly against it. He softly nibbled and you cried out. He added a third digit, moving faster as he repeatedly rammed them into you. Your hips bucked to meet his hand and another moan tore from your throat, which was now hoarse from his cock being so far down it before.
Hoseok used his shoulders to nudge your legs, silently asking you to spread them further and you did, allowing more access. “You should see how you look, babygirl. Legs spread wide for me. You’re such a good slut,” he said lips barely leaving your dripping heat. You could only moan in response. “God I can’t wait to be inside your tight pussy. You won’t remember your name when I’m done with you.” As you neared your high, you whined out a series of moans and sirs before you threw your head back and whimpered “I’m gonna cum.” 
Hoseok looked up at you, a smile present on his face again. “I don’t think so, sweetheart,” and he was gone. You groaned, angry at him for denying you your release before he was pulling you up, only to sit down and guide you to straddle him, your wet, quivering core above the head of his erect cock. His hands pushed your hips down as he slowly slid inside you until he bottomed out. You sat still for a moment, adjusting to his size, the stretch of him more than you had anticipated.
When the pain ebbed away, you rolled your hips against his and he let out a strained moan and grasped your ass in his hands, his fingers digging into the soft flesh as you slowly lifted off him and slid back down. “Fuck, baby, you’re so tight.” Hoseok said, his eyes screwing shut as you rode him. Your hands settled on his shoulders, bracing yourself as you continued to bounce on his dick. 
You felt one of his hands leave your ass only to deliver a sharp slap against your ass cheek and you gasped, the skin stinging where he had smacked you. He gently ran his hand over the spot, soothing it. He found it increasingly harder and harder to keep up the sir facade as you continued to ride him and take his cock so well. 
His eyes fell from your face, the pink tinge of your cheeks and your bottom lip pulled between your teeth as you concentrated, down to your breasts that bounced each time you fell back down on his length, and finally further down where we watched himself disappear inside you. His jaw opened in a silent moan and he couldn’t help but chuckle when you leaned forward, hiding your face in the crook of his neck. “I can’t,” you whispered and Hoseok didn’t need telling twice.
He gripped your hips on either side and held you in place while he thrusted up into you, the sound of skin slapping against skin echoed off the walls. Moan after moan fell from your mouth as his dick rubbed against a sensitive spot inside. Hoseok continued thrusting as deep as he could. One of your hands locked in his hair, the other rested against his thigh and you leaned back slightly while he rocked up into your tight pussy. Your eyes locked and he could see that you were close. This time, he wasn’t going to stop because he couldn’t hold back anymore.
His pace quickened as he chased his own high, but not before he snaked a hand between you and pressed his thumb into your clit, rubbing to the pace of his thrusts trying to time your climaxes. You threw your head back and moaned out “oh god, Hoseok,” just as he let a groan fall from his lips. 
“God you feel so good,” he grunted and moved the hand on your hip yo hook around your waist and pulled you closer, his face buried in the crook of your neck this time as he thrust harder and harder into you. He was close, but judging from the tightening of your pussy, your walls clenching around him, squeezing his cock so nicely, you were close to coming undone, too.
A few more thrusts up into you along with the circles he rubbed into your clit had you crying out “I’m gonna cum!” Hoseok smiled into your neck and whispered “come for me, sweetheart. Come on my cock.” His words were the final pushed you needed and you cried out, walls clenching him as your orgasm hit you. White blinded your vision, an intense heat spread throughout your body as Hoseok continued to thrust, helping you ride out your high before chasing his own and his hips slammed up into yours.
It wasn’t long after that he moaned, more of a whine, as he released his load inside you and continued thrusting until he slowly came to a stop, you still on his lap, face still hidden in your neck. You softly stroked his hair while you struggled to catch your breath. 
“That was incredible,” he finally managed to say, pulling back and looking up at you. You blushed slightly and cupped his face in your hands before pressing a gentle kiss to hips lips, one he returned eagerly. “So, you wanna get cleaned up and get some coffee after? I know this really good cafe.” he asked as you gently placed kisses all over his face. “It’s not the cafe here, right?” you asked in between kisses. Hoseok smiled up, his hands on the small of your back as you arched, pressing your chest into his. “No, it’s not. The coffee here sucks.”
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a/n: Whew!! I finally did it! I finally posted this. It was something I had in my mind since those most recent photos of Wonho at the gym came out and I just…. hello, sir. I’m a huge hoe for Wonho and my love for him will probably never die since he’ll never let me just L I V E. LET ME LIVE WONHO. I hope you all enjoyed this! I had so much fun writing it. Let me know what you think! Feedback is always welcome! ~K♡
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prettyyyboyluke · 6 years
Locker Room
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~ (don’t worry if you don’t get swim context it’s v confusing)
300 swim
200 pull no paddles
100 kick
6 x 50’s @ :45
10 x 25 @ :15
5 x 100 @ 1:45
4 x 100 @ 1:35
3 x 100 @ 1:25
2 x 100 @ 1:15
1 start from the blocks race pace
500 breathing every 3
2 x 200 @ 2:25
150 cool down
today our set was a latter, and everyone hates it. we haven’t had a pool since monday and we finally found one, and today our coach is hitting it hard with our sets. we were on our 100 from the blocks and there was nothing more i’d love to do than just drown. i knew i should’ve made a bullshit excuse to skip practice for the holidays.
as soon as coach blew that whistle i was racing my best to try to get to the 500 sooner than later. i sprinted my last 50, finishing first thank god. “good y/n, 1:07:03! best time,” coach called out. my chest was rising as i caught my breath to prepare for this 500.
once i was ready i was off to my death. all i was thinking was how much i wanted to see luke. i haven’t seen him in a week since we had a huge invite in Chicago and he wasn’t able to come because of the album and other band priorities. time flew because i was on my last 100. i was practically sprinting to get it over with. once i hit the wall, i knew i could make this last chunk of the set.
“good practice tonight guys! i’ll see you wednesday, merry christmas!” our coach called before leaving. i took off my cap, letting my hair fall into the chlorine infested water behind me. i packed up my equipment before hopping out of the pool. i stood for a minute realizing how many yards we just did. “y/n you coming?” chloe called, heading to the locker rooms. “i’ll be there in a sec!” i yelled back. i grabbed my equipment bag before grabbing a towel. i felt a pair of hands on me and i quickly turned around.
“luke!” i was shocked and hugged him. “hi pretty girl,” he chuckled hugging me tightly. “i thought you were still busy, i was gonna come by tonight,” i smiled happy to see him. “i wanted to surprise you,” he smirked. i pulled him down for a kiss, “definitely a surprise.”
“ew you taste like chlorine!” luke laughed pulling away. “i did just have practice,” i said motioning to the vicinity we were in. “mmm i missed not have my biggest fan cheer for me at our invite,” i pouted, running hands through his hair. “i know baby, i’ll be at the next one. ash and i just wanted to finish this one song we couldn’t figure out.” luke explained. i know how much pressure they have on them. everywhere they go people are asking how their album is going, fans are getting impatient, everything was crazy.
“okay, let me go rinse off and i’m all yours,” i smiled grabbing my bag. “i bet no one is in the locker rooms sweetheart.” luke said. this was probably true, i’m always the last one out, it became a routine ever since i was in high school with my best friend. we would take the longest showers while gossiping about whatever the latest drama was. “only one way to find out,” i winked and headed right to the locker room.
“hello?” i called out, no answer. i stepped in peaking around, seeing everyone left. i motioned for luke to come in. i set my bag on my bench and grabbed a towel. “welcome to my hell away from home,” i said putting my arms up like i was cheering. “oh c’mon it’s not that bad, i’ve seen you race.” luke said, unamused by my joke. “you try waking up at 5:30 and practicing then having class and coming back to this,” i challenged crossing my arms. “watch the attitude little girl,” luke said sternly. “sorry sir,” i submitted.
i headed to the familiar shower i saw every morning and evening. i turned the water to hot, letting it trickle down my body as i sighed letting all the stress leave my body. “sometimes when i’m alone, i imagine you sitting right there, guiding me to touch myself just like you would. edging me until i’m begging you to come over here and take care of me.” i said raising an eyebrow to luke. luke stood, removing his shirt letting it fall to the floor. he began to undo his jeans slowly, taunting me. i followed his every movement, my eyes not leaving his body. as soon as he stripped down, i reached for him. “ah ah, not so fast. your suit needs to come off,” he tisked.
i can tell you i slipped right out of the suit like a glove. “much better,” luke smirked. he pulled me into him, his clear hard on resting on the insides of my thighs. luke grabbed the small bottle of body wash i had. “hold out your hands.” he said holding the bottle above me. i reached forward, palms open as he squeezed a decent glob into my hands.
“wash me.” he breathed out, setting the bottle down. luke was so open to the opportunity, i couldn’t help but feel nerves pulsing through my veins. i lathered the soap in my hands and pressed them to luke’s chest. i made sure to cover every inch on his upper extremities before making my way down. i glided my hands gently over the tops of his thighs, covering him with soap, before dropping down onto my knees to finish the rest of him.
i looked up at him through my lashes and i wasn’t surprised to see him watching my movements. i bit my lip to suppress a giggle, loving the power i had over him. finally i grasped his length in my hands and began to stroke him up and down. my hands easily glided over him, enough to make his head spin.
“shit,” luke breathes. “so fuckin’ good princess.”
he was putty in my hands and right there in that moment he was completely succumbed to me. luke was moaning and panting in my ear as i cupped his balls in my other hand, massaging them gently.
“oh baby don’t stop.” he moaned.
my movements suddenly stopped as i rose to my feet again and taking over the hot water. luke whined, watching me smile to myself as i let my body drink up the excitement. i rolled my head back, exposing my neck to luke. he took it as the perfect opportunity to decorate my neck with bruises i knew i’d regret later. he dipped his head down and took a nipple into his mouth before grabbing my neck. “i never knew why you got your nipples pierced if you can see them through your little thing called a suit,” luke said. “one it was a dare from chloe and two i never would’ve gone through with it.” i justified.
luke’s free hand slid down to cup my sex, slowly rubbing my clit sloppily. i threw my head back moaning in satisfaction as i twisted his wet hair in my hands. “lu, please.” i begged but i didn’t know what for. “what pretty girl, use your words,” he mumbled in my ear. luke loved to hear me say it. he loved when i was merciless. he loved being in control. “please luke i want you…” i paused. i hated the word more than anything, but luke loved making me say it. “where pretty girl, say it.” luke encouraged, squeezing my bum.
“say the words baby girl.”
“i want you in my pussy.”
i felt my cheeks redden. luke loves dirty talk, and boy so do i, but i can say dirty things without using dirty words. i was pressed up against the wall as luke slowly made his way into me. i whimpered at the feeling, never adjusting to his size. luke found the perfect rhythm, thrusting harder each time. “god you’re tight.” he gasped. he began to thrust harder, the sound of skin slapping against each other echoed throughout the locker room.
“luke, fuck.” i moaned.
“i know, baby.” he replied. luke reached his arm around me again as his fingers found my clit. luke began rubbing, harder than he had the first time, pushing my body to release. my mind clouded with pleasure as my high came closer and closer. my moans grew louder along with his before i released. my breath hitched in my throat as i opened my eyes to see luke already moving south. luke held my stomach back, making my lower back press against the tile more. “c’mere,” he groaned, pulling my hips towards his lips. i looked down at him, attempting to close my legs, i felt so vulnerable with him gawking at me.
“keep those legs open for me before i punish you.”
i did as told, and spread my legs a little wider. he looked up at me with a devilish stare before sticking his tongue out, hovering above my clit. i grew impatient waiting for him to devour me, so i pushed my hips towards him only to be slammed back into the wall. “wait princess, i’ll get there.” luke hummed. he soon flicked the tip of his tongue against my clit making me suck in a breath. luke repeated his motions, making sure his whole tongue covered my heat. his tongue swiped over me, licking down between my folds, poking inside, before gliding up back to my clit which he sucked into his mouth. he sucked hungrily like it was the last thing that he’d ever eat. my hands flew to his hair as he repeated his actions.
“fuck, luke!” i cried out. “don’t fucking stop baby oh my god.” but i didn’t know how much pleasure i could actually take.
i could feel the water and my juices run down my thighs. the only sounds in the room was the sound of luke’s lips and tongues smacking against me while he licked and sucked up everything i had. i couldn’t help but squirm and shake above him, my thighs clamping around his head as i tried to pull away as much as possible. luke looked up at me with hunger and disappointment in his eyes.
“i told you, don’t fucking move.”
i whined, hoping for some mercy. “i can’t help it!”
“actions have consequences baby girl.”
i was pulled down onto the shower floor, my legs up in the air and feet parallel to the ceiling. i was spread perfectly for him before him. i gasped when i felt him flick his tongue, referring back to when he started, i was practically grinding myself on luke’s face as he lapped up whatever was coming out of me. my legs began to shake again, as i cried out.
“luke!” i gasped, feeling sensitivity run all through my body. “luke, i can’t!”
but my cry wasn’t enough to stop him. rather he held me down harder and buried his tongue inside me, flicking it and pushing as deep into me as he could. i whimpered and cried beneath him, another orgasm as my hands raked down my body while my back arched off the wet floor. i was helpless against the amount of strength the blonde boy held underneath me. his tongue fucked me until i was panting and screaming, pleading with him to stop. i was over sensitive i was practically quaking. luke finally pulled away with a gasp, mouth soaked with my come, and smirked at me. he licked his lips clean before moving to shove his tongue into my mouth. he flicked it quickly against mine, letting me taste what he was just buried in, before pulling away leaving me panting.
“jesus luke,” i panted, trying to catch my breath. i laid back on the floor for a minute, trying to regain all energy. “think you can take one more princess?” luke asked, stroking my cheek. i nodded, holding his hand that was on my cheek. i sucked on his thumb as he tapped the head of his cock against my clit. “ready?” luke asked before entering me. i nodded again, preparing myself for another orgasm in about two seconds. i gasped at the sudden thrust and felt my eyes roll back into my head as luke moved without warning, not even giving me time to adjust. “you’re so naughty y/n, being fucked on your little locker room floor, such a naughty girl” luke groaned in my ear.
luke tilted my head and pressed our lips together as he continued to fuck me, i could feel his balls slap against my bum. i was so caught up in the pleasure, anything luke was saying was flying over my head. i let out a small cry as luke pulled most of the way out before slamming back into me again, my g-spot being prodded and pushed against. luke snaked his hand around my waist and rubbed circles on my clit, his actions anything but gentle.
he was going at it rough and it was because of the joy he got watching me struggle underneath him. “lu I’m close” i cried, slamming my hand against the wall as the feeling intensified the more i got closer to my orgasm. he rubbed my clit faster and soon enough i felt my self coming for the third time tonight. i felt my orgasm flow over me as i clenched around luke, letting pleasure roam through my veins. luke followed soon after me, gripping my body tight, pulling my hips towards his as he slammed in and out of me.
“god i should visit you way more often if this is the reward i get.” luke chuckled.
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ladyofmind · 6 years
July... Oh, July
Where did you go?
Seems like it was just the other day that I got home from that weekend trip and tried to find my routine again. Yes, I didn’t post much about my Nano camping or victory, but that editing work got done. The book itself isn’t finished, but I need a break!
Where else did July disappear to? Some good things came with my minor query attempt... I am waiting for more answers and managed to find myself an AMAZING editor to help me get this massive series into some shape. (Seriously, message me about her, I will be glad to share!) So yeah, that’s where I’ve been, plus or minus a sugar coma birthday weekend... 32 years old now, and that was way too much food. Well loved and over fed for sure.
As with any of my month end wrap-ups, I do like to keep those hashtag games in one place... For the above-mentioned reasons, I didn’t finish all my games this month so I will try my best next month...
More after the jump...
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1- Woods started tuning and testing his guitar before finally deciding on the one he wanted, a wicked little smile of his own forming. Two could play this game.
2- Pulling into the parking lot of Woods' building, Remmy stayed silent again, about what was ahead for Tweet.
3- Malta went in bounding search of Remmy, flying at the man for the second time that day.
4- Unfortunately, Malta took his compliment, despite his eyes traveling Tweet's form as discreetly as he could.
5- "He's certainly got my attention, cute little fishy he is." When both girls gave Tweety a look, she shrugged "You know like plenty of fish in the sea?
6- Tweety wanted to be Woods' muse, his sexy little siren, the thing he didn't take his eyes off of and drew inspiration from.
8- Rounding, she held the giggle at Brandon's confusion, even as the show went on. She felt a bit like those streakers that ran through sporting events, the way she was disrupting things. Though this time it wasn't her fault, but if you're already making a spectacle of yourself, might as well go full on.
9- Grabbing his music player and speakers, she continued on, shirt starting to climb up her back as she walked to the bathroom, tossing it just inside the doorway.
10- Woods wasn’t helping the cause, leaning against the door he held open, a mix of dented pride and cat with the canary.
12- She started to move again, softly swaying to the song.
13- He could tell Bebe was the type to do as Tweety wrote, and now Sly wondered if that was the reason miss Tweety sponged down that particular table so.
14- In Frost's mind, this was what a successful operating business looked like; something he'd been trying to have happen in the years he'd been the manager.
15- He had to think a moment to make sure he hadn't said anything other than a comment on food. He couldn't help but smirk, she looked as if he just said the smartest thing ever, and he knew himself well enough to know that couldn't happen.
16- That left Malta and Tweety to finish attempting to send the men on their way. Of course they were not being forced out, but the party had wound down nicely, and those boys needed to be up early to ship out, so they were trying to be mindful of this.
17- It could be called pretty, even if it sorely needed some updating. She looked past him, down the row of empty spaces, her own history easily meshing here too.
19- She somehow had bags of stuff again but knew the last stop she needed to make before getting to work; ordering two boxes of assorted cupcakes from her bakery boys, who seemed a bit surprised (she) came back.
20- Tweet just felt it more, the enormous mistake this would be.
21- That didn't quite help because he gripped the edge, and sunk down a little. "Maybe you should take ten first? You don't look so good."
22- Returning her attention to the drinkers, who had abandoned all the empty bottles, moving instead to the couch, swigging from some dented flask.
24- She'd lost count of them all now, and that probably wasn't a good thing to admit to. Just because she chased after one man, didn't mean she wasn't being tailed by more than enough of her own.
25- "Maybe if I could get another drink? I guess I can't drink through my skin." Deej gave the stink eye to Roger, before shrugging and rubbing the back of his head with a chuckle. "Anyone got an extra shirt?"
26- Woods laughed with a nod to the rest of the group, stepping a little closer to the microphone "I do believe the naughty nurse Trouble just issued another challenge, one we intend to take on."
27- Malta started to sway to the music, causing Tweet to do the same, and then they covered an ear each when the club could hear the way Frost boomed "Lass!"
28- Making a face as he downed the drink, Collar figured partying too hard wasn’t as bad as alliteration. "Good luck sir." He saluted and then wandered off, finding a nice table of random people to bother.
29- She could write a book about how to divert attention from yourself.
31- Her back ached as if she had jumped into a pool and met with the solid wall of water, stinging her all over.
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1/7- "Ballentine Rajneesh Siyamak, but you can call me Sly for short." In an old school fashion, Sly bent at the waist. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, and welcome to Soulful. Are you here to see Tweety about the Red Letters series?"
2/7- Sly- "Back in the old country, I slept under the stars, or in a tent a time or two. Now? I suppose one might consider me a hotel camper, if one sees the club's bedrooms as a hotel, even if I hardly use it…"
3/7- Sly- "I know my way around a few things, been around a while. I once managed a spider infestation with a loo brush and pail."
4/7- Sly- "I love the outdoors, big fan of walking around at night, contemplating life in the darkest time of day."
5/7- Sly- "I don't get scared, so I must be telling them? I am not aware I am telling scary stories though, given that I am already often told how terrible I am at noticing flirtatious behavior aimed at me."
6/7- Sly- "Cooking? I am more of a concocter. I make a mean milkshake, and have been known to mix up some drinks and make something new."
7/7- Sly- "I like music, I do, but I don't sing. Not unless it will lighten the mood, and that is a last resort option."
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8/7- "Oh? I've never been to camp! Hey fellow campers, I'm Raven, and I'm in a cabin all by my lonesome, stop by for a visit won't you?"
9/7- Raven- "Stargazing? I mean there was this one time, in an outdoor hot tub," *blushes* "We were under the stars but I didn't notice them much…"
10/7- Raven- "Why do we talk about me so much? I want to know about you. What's your favorite activity? I'll try anything once, twice if it's a good time…"
11/7- Raven- "Why ask me something like that? Do you want me to follow you? Because I totally would."
12/7- Raven- "Depends on if I'm taking that dip alone or not. Will you be joining me? I'd do it with you."
13/7- Raven- "Of course I am, anything you want, I'm willing to do, even change for you, so long as you love me."
14/7- Raven- "The bar that was home changed, so that sense of home is gone for a while now. But if you're offering to have me move in with you, of course I will!"
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15/7- "Cop" Collar- "Hm, the Intel said that scumbag was here. Better let Nira know Tim's still out there." *texts back and forth* "What do you mean go camping for a while? I wasn't prepared to camp here…."
16/7- "Cop" Collar- *chuckles while unloading car* "Depends on the mountains… More of a poolside camper lately, but apparently I'm stuck in this forest for a few days."
17/7- "Cop" Collar- *finishing pop up tent* "I flirt all the time, ladies love the man thong, men too. Unless you mean a different kind of tent?" *pulls half deflated blowup doll from trunk into tent* "Leftover from a prank, but a good mattress you pervs."
18/7- "Cop" Collar- "I really shouldn't because alcohol starts the party… but I am off duty for a few days before the big bash…" *Chugs a large high proof bottle*
19/7- "Cop" Collar- *bleary eyed* "Always… Where's my thong? WHO TOOK MY THONG?" *spies a guy lost on the path* "You! You must have taken it!" *gives chase to poor guy* (this author spares some details for PG purposes)
20/7- "Cop" Collar- "Oh, great with knots, not so great with shelters."
*finishes hog tying guy with only man thong as rope*
"Collar, dude, it's Nathan Winners. Chef Nathan, you know, your buddy? I never stole your thong! You gotta stop that. Man, Deej owes me for this mess."
21/7-"Cop" Collar-"Usually I'm great at weathering a storm, but in this case, I gotta head back, someone has to help with club security. The big bash is a big deal. If you can get free & bring my man thong, you can get home Wieners." *pats hog tied man & leaves.*
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22/7- Chef Nathan Winners- *struggles to get free* "It was a cute joke or pet name the first time. Haha, Chef Wieners. I am never helping Deej by delivering a meal to the woods again. Never stole the stupid thing!"
23/7- Chef Nathan- "I like walking thru the parks and taking the scenic route on my 4am supply runs. It's calm and quiet, plus who doesn't love getting the freshest food to cook with?"
24/7- Chef Nathan- "Did… did you not see what happened this time? That's the worst it's ever been for me. I prefer going alone and wandering the farmer's markets. No danger there, just me and the ingredients."
25/7- Chef Nathan- "I am not adventurous beyond my food. Unless you count navigating the strange people that are my friends, like Collar and Deej."
26/7- Chef Nathan- "I wander and take the long way home on nice days, but never get lost. Probably why a certain cat man calls me whenever he's hungry or lost but not lost."
27/7- Chef Nathan- "Urban legends? Not that I know of. I know a lot of food legends, and there are myths about some of the wilder things that happen in the bar's front of house."
28/7- Chef Nathan- "Is anything weirder than getting hog tied with Collar's man thong? Like seriously… I better get it back to him before he comes back to torture me more."
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29/7- Antag Raven- "OMG I SING!!"
MC Sly- "… I suppose that means I shall be forced to play music?"
30/7- Yes! NO!!
SC Collar- "What do you mean no?"
BG Nathan- "You are not someone I want to turn my back on, let alone close my eyes around…" *returns the rope thong*
31/7- Sly- "Tell stories?"
Raven- "Karaoke!!!"
Collar- "Can't we just drink instead…?"
Nathan- "Time to pack, definitely time to leave camp."
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2- Quick pitch? A women's journey through a life that is 'Cheers' crossed with 'Animaniacs' and surviving mostly sane. That's the Red Letters series!
3- Tweety took a breath before a gorgeously wicked smile spread her face. "Wouldn’t you like to know deary?" Shoulder lifting in a halfhearted shrug, "Probably will have to stick around to find out."
Song- Trouble for me/Britney Spears https://youtu.be/DQNm-P_1VVY
4- Woods started tuning and testing his guitar before finally deciding on the one he wanted, a wicked little smile of his own forming. Two could play this game. #RedLettersTeasers
5- Side char love?
-Malta the Cockney with a bold streak.
-Bebe that crazy friend who makes you do things.
-Roger the lynx cat with an attitude and cupcake addiction.
6- #1randomques Tweet's sorta done this before. But she'd say "It's just a woman's life, full of love, friends, and some legendary stories. It's up to you to believe me or not."
7/8- Tweet's care package includes:
-purple and red pens
-fun notebooks
-new music for her player
9- Tweet likes pancakes and bacon or chicken fingers with french fries.
10- Tweet's got some food issues, being a picky eater… But Woods, another MC is allergic to cherries.
11- …close enough lol…
"He's certainly got my attention, cute little fishy he is." When both girls gave Tweety a look, she shrugged "You know like plenty of fish in the sea?" #RedLettersTeasers
12- Cupcakes. Thank goodness there is a temperamental cook or two that can make real food too…
13- #1randommques I'm a Gordon Ramsey fan. So, one char would be in trouble for the "herbs" in his brownies. Another might have a distance contest about flinging food, while a third would just be trying to figure out how to frost the chef…
14/15- Tweet has a chef to cook, but left to her own devices, it's candy. Or basics learned as a kid- cereal, quick processed foods, the no cook, doesn't expire for 5 years types of things. So, might be going to the diner to eat.
16- Tweety- "Things were rough growing up, but I always enjoyed chances to be near the water. Pools, oceans, it always called to me.
17- Antag- Brandon- "That's simple. Get off the stage, drink until that night's groupie is ready to play, and pass out around dawn."
18- Collar stepped up to the sink, like he would wash out his shirt, careful to slur his speech as well. "Swell party, til your drink ends up on your gut, not in it." #RedLettersTeasers
19- Tweety- "I can't tell you that. I have a few regrets in my life, but I also try to be a private person, even in the middle of a crowded nightclub."
20- #1randomques - Let's see… My chars are glad that I have managed to overcome bouts of depression, and that I am progressively working on the crippling anxiety. But they are still concerned about what part of the brain "Tim" comes from, and the things he does…
21- Antag- Lady S- "I hired her."
22- Most tech savy- Nira, considering he runs and watching the security system
Least- Deej fries his fur on the jukebox regularly.
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owlish-peacock36 · 7 years
Dates and Deal Breakers- Coffee Shop AU
So, I promised @takemeawaytocamelot that this would be finished by the end of the week, and I always keep my promises!
This is a continuation of “Two Sugars, Extra Cream” which you can find here under Coffee Shop AU . Enjoy!
Chapter 2: Dates and Deal Breakers
           It was 6:30, and I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror contemplating what in God’s name I should do with my hair. Steaming milk for 6 hours did wonders for curls, and not in the good way. The only way to fix this was to shower, and I simply did not have time for that.
           “What do you think Adso?” I turned to the small pile of gray fur in the doorway. “Is it acceptable? Oh, gross!” He was licking his nether-parts. I wasn’t sure if he did that for business or pleasure, but it was disgusting either way.
           Adso turned at my exclamation, green eyes bright in his charcoal face. He stared unwaveringly, making me super uncomfortable after his previous activity.
           “I’m going to take that awkward stare as a yes, and assume I look all right,” I told him. He meowed happily, and rubbed himself in a figure-eight around my legs. “Okay, don’t trip me Addy. It’s one thing to have messy hair on a first date. It’s another to have a broken arm.”
           He continued his rubbing, anyway. Obviously, he didn’t care about my feelings whatsoever. But, what cat ever did?
           I pivoted to face the full length mirror on the door, and surveyed “The Outfit,” bottom to top. Black boots, black tights, black dress. Black on black on black.
           Classy, Beauchamp.
           My eyes made their way to my hair. Wild as ever, dark curls springing in every direction. There was no hope for it.
           Maybe I should put a headband or something in it…
           A headband? What are you, Beauchamp? Eight?
           I ran my hands through it, zooshing it up a bit.
           Shit, that made it worse.
           Before I could destroy my hair further, Adso startled me by yowling at the door.  
Shit. Is that him?
And then the doorbell rang.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
           Jamie drove an obnoxiously large, obnoxiously red truck.
“Compensating for something, my lad?” Jamie had my hand in his, carefully assisting me into his monstrosity vehicle. He gave me a pointed look and slammed the door, but otherwise did not acknowledge my hilarious joke. I watched the top of his red mane float across the windshield before he appeared fully on the other side.
“Nay, ‘twas my godfather’s. He sold it to me fer a guid price.” Jamie heaved into the truck using his grab handles. He wiggled a bit in his seat, before buckling up.
“And what did your godfather need a truck this large for?”
“I dinna ken. Tae hold his big balls, most like.”
“That’s foul.”
Jamie whipped his truck into the parking lot of a place called Iggy’s Steakhouse.
“Well, I suppose it’s a good thing I’m not a vegetarian…” I said, wrestling with the seatbelt. Jamie had already unbuckled and magically appeared at my side, opening the door for me. He held out his hand, and I used that as leverage to hop out of the truck.
“Aye… Perhaps I shoulda asked…”
“Perhaps. But you’re lucky. I eat meat like nobody’s business.”
“Good.” He placed a hand gently on the small of my back (!!!) and started leading me to the entrance. His hand was large, and probably took up half the space on my back. But it was warm, and his thumb was make tiny, almost imperceptible motions against my dress. I could melt, and would happily be the small English puddle in his life.
Despite the name (Seriously, what kind of name is Iggy? Is it short for something?), the inside was lovely and proper. Small tabled were arranged in rows, each with a candle and a white tablecloth. Small chandeliers littered the ceiling, creating a charming, dim ambiance. I heard, amongst the chattering of patrons, quiet orchestral music. This had to be the fanciest first date I’ve ever been on, and I told Jamie just as much.
“Wow. This place is wonderful! I’ve never heard of it before.”
“Well, it’s not a huge place, ken. My mate Angus owns the place. That’s how I knew about it,” Jamie responded, as we stepped to the hostess. “Two under Fraser, please.”
The woman guided us to our table. A table with a card on it that read “Reservation” in calligraphy. I suppose it pays to know the owner. Speaking of the owner…
“So,” I began, as I shimmied out of my coat. “Your friend’s name is Angus. And he owns a steak restaurant… I can taste the irony, and it tastes like cow.” Jamie chuckled, teeth sparkling in the candlelight.
“Aye. I dinna ken if he did that purposely.” He took a small sip of water. “But, he’s the type that would, so…”  He took another sip, this time including an ice cube. He bit down on the ice with a crunch, and munched on it happily, very much like a cow we were preparing to eat.
“Wow, Fraser. Hungry?”
“Bad habit. I’ve done it since I was a lad. Anytime I would get hot or nervous, I’d eat ice. Deal breaker?”
“No, my bad habits are much worse, just you wait,” I grinned. Jamie mirrored my grin.
“Nay, I doubt that. Ice crunching is probably the worst habit anyone could have. It’s irritatin’ and it’s bad for yer teeth.”
“You know what else is bad for your teeth? Smoking.”
“I dinna know you smoked.” I could hear the trepidation in his voice. Obviously, that was a deal breaker for him.
“I don’t. I’m just giving you a fun fact.” With that, he let out a breath.
“Yer always messin’ wi’ me, Sassenach.”
“I know. I think that’s just how I flirt.”
“Yer flirting wi’ me?”
“I’ve been flirting with you since we first met. Thanks for noticing.”
Our dinners came out perfectly arranged on silvery plates. A medium rare steak took up one half, a small salad took up the other. It looked simply mouth-watering. And I, feeling more than a bit peckish, started cutting into it immediately. Jamie, I noticed, did not.
“Everything okay?”
“Oh, aye. Everything’s fine.” He waved over the server; a blond boy no more than 17. “Excuse me, sir? Could I maybe have a bottle of ketchup?”
“Umm, aye?” The boy answered, perplexed, before scampering off. I was confused as well.
“What in God’s name do you need ketchup for?”
“My steak, o’ course.” I stared at him blankly. Surely he was joking…
“I’m sorry?”
“What? Have ye no seen a man put ketchup on his steak before?” He seemed slightly miffed by my attitude.
“No! Never!” It was the truth. I had heard of such blasphemies, but never experienced them first-hand. “You mean to tell me that you took me this nice place, all to drown your delicious steak in ketchup. And your friend owns the place, no less!”
“Are ye mocking my food choice?” Was he truly hurt by this?
“No!” I assured. “I’m just…concerned. Donald Trump eats his steak with ketchup, and I just don’t want you to end up like that…” He rolled his eyes at me. At this time, the young server popped in to drop off Jamie’s desecration, before leaving again. Jamie squeezed the ketchup in his plate, cut into his meal, dipped it in said ketchup, and took an enormous bite. Even more disturbing was him staring at me with wide blue eyes the entire time.
“You’re killing me; you know that?”
“Aye. It’s why I’m doing it. Hope this isn’t a deal breaker either.” I thought for a second, eyes to the ceiling.
“No, but you’re pushing it.”
Dinner tasted as good as it looked, and I, thankfully, didn’t vomit while watching Jamie eat ketchup drenched steak.
“We’re ready fer the check, please,” Jamie told the boy-server.
“Aye, sir,” he responded.
“It was delicious Jamie,” I said once the boy was gone. “You’ll have to tell your friend that he has a wonderful restaurant.”
“Aye, I will, Sassenach,” Jamie replied as he took the check-holder from the server, and deftly slid his card into the designated pocket before handing it back to him. “He’ll be pleased.”
           Jamie wrapped his arm around me as we left the restaurant, which left me feeling all safe and warm. He carefully maneuvered me back into his firetruck, before floating over to his side.
           “Claire,” he said seriously. This caught my attention. Usually we were playful, and banter-y. This was different. He reached over, and tucked a stray curl behind my ear. “I forgot tae tell ye how lovely ye looked tonight. I should have when I picked ye up, but I was too busy staring, ken? Truly, ye are the loveliest woman, inside and out.”
           I blushed. No one had ever spoken to me like that, with such sweetness and sincerity. I wasn’t used to it, and I didn’t know how to respond.
           “Thank you, Jamie. You look very handsome yourself this evening.” It was the truth. He wore a green and blue plaid shirt that simultaneously brought out the red in his hair and the blue in his eyes. His jeans were dark, and hugged his hips lovingly. But it was more than that. It was the twinkle in his eyes. The deep laugh. The small bump in his nose. The ears that stuck out just a bit. The kindness and humour that came so effortlessly to him. I was infatuated. He smiled brightly, pulling at the dimple in his chin.
           “Thank ye, Claire. Not just for the compliment, but fer spending the evening wi’ me.”
           “It was my pleasure.”
           “Mine, as well.”
           “Shit.” I wasn’t sure if I had ever heard Jamie curse, but I suppose there was a first time for everything.
           “What? What’s wrong?” But I could already feel it. The truck was slowing down, with no assistance from Jamie. He veered over to the shoulder of the road. “Did your truck just die?”
           “Nay. Ran out of gas.” I also don’t think I’ve ever seen Jamie angry, but tonight was a night of firsts, I suppose. His eyes narrowed, and I saw him clenching and unclenching his jaw. He jumped out of the truck, and slammed the door, hard. I know he was trying to keep his voice down for me, but I still heard the muffled profanities. Some I wasn’t even sure were real words. He circled the truck a couple times, before opening the door again.
           “There’s a station, up over the hill. I’ll have to push it. You scoot over and make sure I dinna push it into traffic.”
           “Jamie…” But he had already closed the door again, and positioned himself at the back. I felt the truck start to move forward, so I moved over to the driver’s side, and steered.
           And that was how we spent the next hour: trying to get the truck up the hill. I offered to push while he steered for a bit, but he was having none of it. So, I sat there steering when I needed to, pushing the brakes when I needed to, but altogether feeling quite useless.
           When we made it to the station, Jamie was red-faced with hair sticking to his forehead and neck. I wouldn’t tell him this, but it was kind of sexy.
           “Thank the Lord!” He exclaimed after filling his truck up. I could tell he was worn. He was breathing harder than usual. Gone was the alive twinkle in his eyes. It was replaced by glassy exhaustion.
           “Do you need me to drive? You’re about to pass out.”
           “Nay, I’ll be fine.”
           “Just let me help, Jamie.”
           “That’s verra kind, but I’m completely awake. My muscles just ache.”
           I could be as stubborn as any Scot, and he could see it too. I had my jaw set and my eyes narrowed, ready to be a mule.
           We ended up performing an odd sort of dance across the bench seat, so that we switched places. If this vehicle seemed big as a passenger, it was completely enormous as the driver. I carefully backed out of the space, and sped to a racing crawl all the way back to my flat.
           To Jamie’s credit, he did not fall asleep as a drove. He was, however, staring unseeingly at the street lamps passing by. When I parked at my flat, his reverie broke.
           “Can you make it back okay?” I asked as he walked me to my door.
           “Aye, I dinna live too far. Besides, I told ye, my body’s jus’ tired, no my brain.”
           “Well, if you’re sure…”
           “I am. Dinna worry. I’ll text ye when I get home, okay?”
           “Okay, that’ll make me feel better.” Now here came the awkward part. The part I was never good at: the goodbye after the first date. Do we kiss? Do we hug? Do we shake hands? High five? Fist bump? Jamie placed a hand on my shoulder.
“I had a wonderful time, Sassenach. Shall we do it again sometime?”
“You have my number.” I winked at him. He blinked owlishly back. And then wrapped me in his arms in a crushing hug.
No, that won’t do.
I pulled away from him, and pecked him lightly on the corner of his mouth.
“Be safe, Jamie.”
Iggy’s Restaurant is a fake restaurant. Any resemblance to other restaurants past or present is complete coincidental. 
Also, I did have the steakhouse written before today, but I just had to put the ketchup part in after ECCC panel. :) 
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