cait-unicorn · 2 years
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Daily Life of agents "Boba Tea Alliance"
a little comic i did 🥺🥺the idea is I just really loveeeeeee boba tea
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cait-unicorn · 5 years
okay hear me out
so I was in the shower and I was thinking about Hercules (I was just watching it before I hopped into the shower). And then it struck me. What if Santa was a god, which was how he watched over all the children. ANDD the elves are actually just his oracles or priests, and they only seem small to him because he’s a god. The North Pole is just a cover up for Mount Olympus because he never thought anyone would bother to look through the North Pole for him.
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cait-unicorn · 6 years
okay so what do former Hogwarts students do with their robes once they are done with school? do they pass them down (Ron’s case) or just wear them around (like a sleepwear robe)? would George try to wear his robes, hop onto the Hogwarts Express and pretend to be a student? I have so many questions
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cait-unicorn · 6 years
For the artists who went unnoticed, who filled margins and sketchbooks but never let the pictures see the light of day. For the writers who never could get the people they loved to read their work; who spent hours a day pouring effort into pages only to never have readers, never have positive feedback. For the dancers with the “wrong” body type. For the actors who only ever got small roles. For the musicians who had choir voices or ninth chair skills or nobody in the audience.
For hearing “what’s the point of taking a class that easy,” for not being allowed to take the class at all. For hearing “I can do better,” or worse, that noncommittal “oh”. For hours working not even given a second of someone’s time. For parents that occasionally glanced it over but mostly waved it off and said “it’s fine do your homework.” For knowing you’re not good enough to make a profit from it, for being told a lack of commission quality was the same thing as being worthless, for believing it. For not being considered “talented” but somehow remaining passionate. For the not-good-enoughs, who never got famous, never got seen, never got anything.
For the creators. Even when you were unnoticed and unloved and embarrassed of your passions. Even when it hurt and got annoying and felt foolish to be doing. Even when nobody was looking: you made things. You saw empty space and pulled from the ether. You put your heart and soul into things other people never bothered knowing. You were told you were wasted on what you loved; you loved what other people considered a waste.
No more making in the dark. I want to see what you do even if “it’s bad”, even if nobody else ever asks you to. Come into the light. Make to spite them. Make for a younger you that didn’t have the energy, make because they couldn’t kill what burned in you even after years of suffocating, make because the idea of not-making is scary. Make for the sheer sake of making, because all art is an act against entropy. Make and be happy. It doesn’t need to be amazing. Do you know what you’re doing every time you’re creating.
The word “abracadabra” means “I create as I speak.” Tell me you aren’t magic. You force something from nothing. You made. And you make. How much more powerful can one person be?
And you deserved better than what you received.
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cait-unicorn · 6 years
Yo peeps, so as you can probably tell, I’m about to blow your mind. You might want to sit down, grab some water, you know, keep yourself hydrated. Maybe do a few stretches.
Now that you’re all ready, let’s begin! A girl who wrote about hotdogs and Costco got into Stanford and most Ivy League Schools, a student who wrote about his love for food got into Stanford, while Cornell’s admissions officer’s favorite essays were about lint and failing the driver’s test four times. Observing a pattern here? All these people chose kind of silly topics to write about. You might be wondering, “Yo,why would I want to sound stupid in front of the admissions officer, this doesn’t make sense!” . Well, that’s a valid argument. Now read this excerpt from one of the essays I mentioned above.
“While enjoying an obligatory hot dog, I did not find myself thinking about the ‘all beef’ goodness that Costco boasted. I instead considered finitudes and infinitudes, unimagined uses for tubs of sour cream, the projectile motion of said tub when launched from an eighty foot shelf or maybe when pushed from a speedy cart by a scrawny seventeen year old. I contemplated the philosophical: If there exists a thirty-­three ounce jar of Nutella, do we really have free will? I experienced a harsh physics lesson while observing a shopper who had no evident familiarity of inertia’s workings. With a cart filled to overflowing, she made her way towards the sloped exit, continuing to push and push while steadily losing control until the cart escaped her and went crashing into a concrete column, 52” plasma screen TV and all. Purchasing the yuletide hickory smoked ham inevitably led to a conversation between my father and me about Andrew Jackson’s controversiality"
Yes, yes, she’s literally talking about hot dogs and Costco. Now don’t underestimate her, this girl got accepted to 5 Ivy League Schools and Stanford. Jeez, that’s impressive. So now, you might be thinking , “Okay, enough of this, just get to the juicy part, give us the magic potion!” . Luckily enough for you, I’m getting to the point.
If you want to write an essay that slays everyone else’s like Beyoncé, first you gotta be true to yourself. You’re 17 or 18, you don’t want to end poverty or save the world. Maybe you enjoy pepperoni pizza, maybe you love watching horror films, maybe you love shopping at Macy’s, whatever it is, write about it.
The key is to choose a seemingly silly topic and present it in an intellectual light. Your ability to turn something silly into something genius will impress them and make you more memorable. In order to do that, you need to have a lot of knowledge about the topic you chose, which is why you need to be true to yourself. But then again, don’t write a pointless essay, don’t tell the officers that you can stuff 20 cheese balls in your mouth. Although I think it’s impressive, the admissions officer will beg to differ.
So there’s the secret formula to write a winning essay. Best of luck and I hope you get into your dream school!
Diyanshu Emandi
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cait-unicorn · 6 years
An Au where Deku has a sibling, either older or younger. The sibling has the ability to control external fire, A combination of mama Deku and Papa Deku quirks. Does this have the potential of a quirkless Villain Deku?
Hi anon, thanks for the question! Here are my thoughts and opinions:
I do rather think having a sibling that has Quirks won’t be enough of a reason to “tilt” Deku into being a Villain. There has to be something else, enough of an impact to destroy Deku’s personality because it’s really not his character.
THAT SAID, I think the effect of having a sibling with Quirks…well. Quite the opposite. Regardless of the sibling’s personality, I think Deku would feel the need to protect, furthering his desire to become a Hero. Quirkless or not.
Now you made me think anon. I’m a sucker for Twin AUs so because of your ask, a Twin OC was born. Meet Kiji!!
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He’s a younger twin of Izuku. His name was patterned after their mom, (Inko = Parrot, Kiji = Green Pheasant, also Japan’s national bird). His hair is mostly straight plus the bangs were after his mom, but there’s a still of waviness at the back (probably the curly hair was from their dad). He mostly resembles their dad they say.
Quirk: He can control fire with utmost precision, however he can’t create fire, and he’s not immune to it. So his hands have lots of burns and he wears gloves to protect them when using his Quirk. He has a lighter with him at all times and matchsticks.
His Quirk is different to Shouto’s because Shouto can create huge areas of fire, whereas Kiji can control said fire to pinpoint accuracy. So he can direct Shouto’s fire through small spaces and avoid contact with things that doesn’t need to be burned.
Personality: Incited by Bakugou’s bullying, Kiji became overprotective of Izuku. When they were kids, Kiji was essentially Quirkless because unless there’s a source of fire, he really can’t do anything and can only use his fists to fight back (still gets beaten up through sheer numbers). Even during middle school, carrying around lighters and such is very suspicious and he can only use his Quirk sparingly.
So yeah, Kiji hates Bakugou. Kiji is. Very protective. Of his older twin. Very, very protective.
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He’s the leader of the Deku Protection Squad.
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cait-unicorn · 7 years
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cait-unicorn · 7 years
Concept: a movie theater that only shows Harry Potter films. The movies will be in 4D. The temperature will drop when dementors are present. Fans will blow on you during quidditch scenes. Enticing smells will be pumped in during feast scenes but don’t worry about feeling hungry because the theater will serve Bertie Botts, treacle tart, drumsticks, butterbeer, chocolate frogs and those tiny little pies that Mrs. Weasley makes. Instead of loyalty cups, you get discounts if you wear a Weasley sweater.
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cait-unicorn · 7 years
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The evolution of Ronald Weasley…
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cait-unicorn · 7 years
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really old drawings that i didn’t feel like submitting…
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cait-unicorn · 7 years
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From this post [x] by @randomcreativitybursts
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cait-unicorn · 7 years
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i made my august haikyuu themed for my journal!!💕
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cait-unicorn · 7 years
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That is why all the girls in town 
Follow you all around
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you
a sweet, messy little iwaoi comic for oikawa’s birthday~!
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