frickingnerd · 1 day
taking shinsou to a cat cafe
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pairing: hitoshi shinsou x gn!reader
tags: platonic or romantic, lots of cats, mentions of food
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shinsou isn't the type of guy who knows a lot of places to socialize, so he had never heard of a cat cafe before!
but when you mentioned that one wasn't too far away from UA, he was more than eager to accompany you there!
the moment you entered the cafe, he froze at the sight of all the adorable cats and kittens running around the place, yet trying to brush it off and act cool
he tries not to show just how excited he is, but you keep noticing him staring past the menu and towards the cats nearby, while the two of you place your orders
of course, the two of you get some cat themed cake, as well as something to drink
and while shinsou thinks the sugary cat faces on the cake are cute, they don't compare to the real cats in the cafe!
luckily for him, shinsou is like a magnet for cats! they just swarm to him, resting on his lap or rubbing against his legs
shinsou makes you stay with him at the cafe for much longer than initially planned, as he just can't get himself to get up and push the sleeping kittens off his lap…
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nekoo3001 · 2 months
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mymhameme · 8 months
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random sketch dump
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slayfics · 10 days
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Is this spider man?
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hexamendle · 1 year
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Hitoshi Shinso Arrives. Manga: My Hero Academia [Ch.382]
[Colored Chapters/Panels Here] [Patreon for support/exclusives]
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deleteddewewted · 5 months
How To Not Welcome The New Years (MHA)
(MHA Edition x Gn! Reader)
W: Everyone is Aged Up (18+), Cheating, Angst, Hurt/Injured, No One Is a Good Person Including the Reader, (C: Bakugou, Shinso, Monoma, Kirishima, Aizawa, and Hawks)
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He was always too busy for the smallest of things.
He was too busy to set up a date night.
He was always too busy.
He had no problem doing the interviews he hated but he had an issue if you asked him to go to bed with you if you wanted some affection.
Your relationship was wilting away right under him and he seemed to not care.
You checked out of it already. You were ready for him to end things soon since he didn't bother to get you a present for Christmas and he didn't even come home for the holiday either.
He didn't even bother to open them once he got home and instead went to his office to finish up some reports.
You thought that maybe he would try to put in an effort for New Year's.
His agency always hosts a party for the sidekicks and you, delusionally, thought he would take you.
He left you behind at home to greet the new year.
You called him.
He surprised you when he picked up. In the background, you could hear his friends talking.
Maybe once upon a time, it would hurt that he was prioritizing his friends but you were numb. It no longer mattered.
"What do you need Y/n?" He was annoyed. Maybe it was at you. Maybe it was because of how loud his friends were being. Kirishima could be heard in the background talking about some trip he had planned for after New Year's.
You dont remember the last time he ever took you on a vacation.
"I'm breaking up with you. I'll be out by tonight." You're to the point. There was no reason for you to prolong it.
He fell out of love and you were done with being in love with someone who didn't see you as worth spending his time on.
"W-what?! What are you talking about?"
"Bye Bakugou." You ended the call and began packing.
Your phone kept ringing as you packet. You turned it off after the 5th call.
You had an apartment already. You had it just in case you ended the relationship earlier.
You welcomed the new year alone and walking down the busy and joy-filled streets of Japan, bags in hand and phone turned off.
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He was so sweet when you both started dating.
He was attentive and patient with you. Never did he raise his voice even when you were in the wrong.
He coddled you and that was something you didn't mind too much as your relationship progressed.
It felt nice to be wanted and to be looked after but it began to change as you both got older and entered your respective careers.
He started snapping at you.
He was angry. He reminded you of Bakugou but he lacked the ego.
The once loving and comforting Shinso was now a brut who came home to get upset with you.
He yelled, he cried. He was frustrated beyond belief. He repeated as much to you.
"You wouldn't understand just how hard my job is." doesn't matter if you worked the same job or not, he always made you feel like you were not as hard-working or as overworked as him.
For the holidays he didn't bother to put on a happy face when you visited your family. He started arguing that you should have gone to his family for the holidays.
For New Years you had hoped he would've appreciated the reservation you made at his favorite restaurant.
You dressed up and made sure to make yourself look and feel good. You liked having an excuse to dress up, try something new, and see what might make him happy.
You both agreed to meet at the restaurant since he was out working.
And when you got there he was in his hero uniform instead of the suit he had said he was going to change into at the agency he worked at.
He was sweaty and dirty, and his hair had stuck to his forehead.
"Shinso, you said that-" You were cut off as he slammed his hand against the table, the drinks that had been set spilling onto the table and onto the floor.
"For fuck sake, Y/n. I just got off of work. Can I please relax?" He snapped at you.
You started the New Year crying. He kept muttering to himself about how upsetting it was that he couldn't eat in peace.
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He was gentlemanly with you. Always opening the door for you, taking his jacket/hoodie/coat off so you could wear it even if it means that he'd be cold.
He was always attentive even if he was self-centered at times.
As he entered his career he was bombarded with work all at once. He never had a moment for you and when he got home he would say he was tired.
You thought that maybe for the Holidays he would get a break but that wasn’t the case. He was working late, barely answering his phone and sleeping at the agency just so he could finish paperwork.
He told you that he would take you to the agency’s New Year’s party.
You were enjoying the music and the drinks, speaking to his friends and your friends when you realized he wasn’t by your side anymore.
You looked for him and in a hallway you found him kissing with someone who you knew to be a sidekick.
“Monoma” You didn’t know what to say or do. He jumped and pushed the sidekick away before trying to get close to you.
“Y/n! W-Wait! Let me explain. This is all a big misunderstanding!” He tried explaining but you were already walking away. He went back to the party and couldn’t find you anywhere.
No one knew where you were and he couldn’t get a hold of you. He started panicking thinking that you might have gotten hurt or worse.
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Kirishima didn’t know when to quit and that was the reason why you loved him so much.
He was always trying to push himself to do things that he might fear for the sake of someone else.
He was scared to ask you out and when he managed to get the word with he couldn’t help let out a cheer when you accepted to date him.
Once he started his pro-hero career it took a lot out of him. Physically and mentally.
He was constantly getting injured and every time you had come to the hospital not knowing how or why he got hurt.
There were times when he nearly died and it left you distraught. You never knew when it would be the last time you’d see him.
And he refused to tell you what he was doing or how hurt he was.
New Year's was no different.
He was hurt and bleeding out after fighting a villain. He was rushed to the hospital and when you arrived to check up on him he snapped at you when you began asking him what happened.
You had spent so long telling him that you wanted him to stop taking so many risks. His health and life were on the line and he truly didn’t need to be making brash decisions.
"Y/n, if I don't do this who will?" He was frustrated and you understood that but you also dreaded someday not having the chance to see him again.
"Eijiro, please-"
"Y/n, stop. Just please stop." He doesn't want to hear you complain and he asks you to leave.
He hears the fireworks outside his hospital room.
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He's always stressed out and that's how you met him.
He was feeding strays on his patrol and he saw you doing the same.
You started dating and it didn't bother you at all that he was absent often since he worked at UA and as an underground hero.
He made an effort to be there for the holidays but even if he couldn't be there he would make sure to tell you in advance.
The only issue with this was that he prioritized work and solitude more than being around people.
You could understand that he wanted to have his breaks in peace but it also meant that he would push you away.
It started bothering you after a while. You told him that you'd like to spend more time with him and he agreed that he could try but nothing changed.
UA decided to host a New Year's party for the teachers and students.
Aizawa went, not bothering to tell you, and when you tried getting a hold of him he didn't answer his phone.
You got into an argument when he came back.
"Why didn't you tell me you were going to the party? I could have joined you." You felt hurt.
"I only went to keep the peace. Hizashi made me go."
"And you could have brought me so I could meet your coworkers."
"Stop it. Im tired and want to sleep, Y/n." He cut you off.
He went to bed leaving you to sleep on the couch as you watched the news broadcasters celebrate the new year.
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He played the role of an attentive boyfriend well.
He felt something for you, he knew it was something positive but he didn't know if he could define it as love.
He was always good at pretending so it didn't hurt to try and be your boyfriend.
It was a new relationship and he liked the affection he got from you. it was nice.
He felt appreciated in a way he hadn't been before.
Your touch, your kisses, your hugs. It was warm and inviting.
It all came crashing during the New Year party the hero commissioned hosted for all ranked heroes.
He was getting pictures with fans, talking with possible investors for his agency, talking with heroes, and all while ignoring you.
You understood he had his priorities on his agency but ever since you two started dating, it felt like he wasn't really invested in the relationship. Like something was missing from it.
When the countdown began, you tried getting him to join you out on the balcony. You wanted to greet the new year with him but he wouldn't budge.
"Give me a second." He said before making his way over to Endeavor and Jeanist.
The clock hit midnight and everyone cheered as they congratulated each other.
Hawks didn't go back to you at all. You left the party without telling him anything and just went back to your apartment.
He didn't notice you were gone until they started clearing the space and the cleaning crew started cleaning up.
He looked for you and when he couldn't find you he tried calling.
You never answer him and so he left to search for you before leaving you a last text and heading home.
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remiruen · 2 months
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"i like you, shinso. honestly! we're so similar."
". . . disagree."
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Shinsou: Okay this is SUPER embarrassing, but I need your help.
Aizawa: What is it.
Shinsou: I need advice on how to rizz up a girl in my class. I want to ask her out for coffee.
Aizawa: What about me makes you think that I know anything about dating or romance? I'm an exhausted goth dad who spends every waking hour of his existence making sure a group of teenagers doesn't get killed by a group of psychos in costumes. I haven't gone on a date in years.
Shinsou: It was either you or Present Mic.
Shinsou: Actually, I already asked him for advice and he told me to buy her jewelry and to confess all of my feelings in one grand gesture in front of the whole school.
Shinsou: Obviously I am not going to do that.
Aizawa: *Sighs, exasperated with Present Mic*
Aizawa: I've taught you well.
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Shinsou: My therapist is selling their house so I’m gonna find the listing online and make her living room my Zoom background before our next session. You wanna get in my head? Okay, well, I’m in your home, babe. I’m in charge now.
Midoriya: Yeah… I see why you’re in therapy.
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azzo0 · 4 months
Nightly Routine
Summary: Shinsou loves watching you do your skincare. He also loves it when you do his skincare for him.
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Shinsou loves sitting on the bed, watching you do your nightly skincare routine, patiently waiting for you to finish so you can do his. He doesn't know the names of the serums you're dripping over your face, and neither does he know the order of application.
You turn around, cleaning your fingers with a wet wipe. You smile at him as he watches you eagerly, sitting with his hands under his thighs. You take the green frog eyes headband from the dressing table and put it on his head, pushing his hair back.
"Did you wash your face?" You ask.
"Mm," he nods, closing his eyes.
He feels you put drops of some mysterious serum on his face. Your cool fingers spread it on his skin. You lightly tap his face all over with your fingers, letting the serum absorb. He loves it when you do that.
You proceed to put some more different serums on his face. He doesn't get why there are so many. Can't one get the job done? But he's not complaining because his face is getting a free massage.
He opens his eyes when you walk away with the serums. You return with a tube of eye cream and the moisturizer. He closes his eyes again to let you rub the eye cream under his eyes, followed by the moisturizer.
"Done." You grin at him, removing the headband. "Thanks." He goes under the covers, waiting for you to finish putting your skin care products back. After turning the lights off, you climb under the blanket beside him, snuggling into his chest. He puts his chin on your head, shutting his eyes when he remembers something.
"You forgot the lip balm."
"I did? Do you want me to go get it for you?" You ask, propping up on one elbow.
"No," He brings his head towards you, pressing his lips onto yours. "Now we're good."
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frickingnerd · 8 months
comparing hand sizes with shinsou
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pairing: hitoshi shinsou x gn!reader
a/n: just a little drabble for shinsou <3
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"your hands are so big…"
you mumbled as you pressed your palms against your best friend's hand, comparing the sizes of your two hands, while shinsou just leaned back and watched you, with an amused smile on his lips. 
"is this your way of subtly hinting that you want to hold my hand? because it’s quite cute…"
he teased, intertwining his fingers with you and pulling your hands closer towards him. 
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nekoo3001 · 4 months
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Aizawa picking up Shinso from the party
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Close ups
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mymhameme · 8 months
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Found some more sketches for my undercover Shinsou!au.
My boy is not having a good time.
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z-mizcellaneous-z · 11 months
shinso [at a restaurant]: can i see the menu, please? kaminari [waiting shinso's table]: the men i please are none of your business. shinso:
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mintsbubbletea · 20 days
𝐇𝐢𝐭𝐨𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐨 - 𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬
Word Count: 976
Contains: Gender Neutral reader, no pronouns used,Nothing bad lol
Proof read and Edited
A/N: thanks to @slayfics for the idea tehehehehehehehhe
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You tapped your foot impatiently while perched on the edge of your bed, eagerly awaiting Shinso's message signaling the all clear. It had been a nerve-wracking 10 minutes since his last text, and your mind raced with worry that he might have been caught by a teacher - the worst-case scenario. Just as you were about to give in to your anxiety, a notification sound broke the silence. Snatching up your phone, you read his message with a grin, quickly throwing on a sweater before quietly slipping out of your dorm room.
After checking that the coast was clear, you shut the door behind you and made your way to the elevator. Stepping inside as soon as it arrived on your floor, you pressed the button for the ground level. The doors slid shut, and you descended to the lobby. As you stepped out into the lounge, you breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing that no one else was around.
"Where do you think you're going?" a voice suddenly rang out. Startled, you gasped and frantically scanned the room before your eyes landed on Tokoyami seated on the floor, engrossed in a book with Dark Shadow snoozing in his lap.
"Fucking hell, Tokoyami," you exclaimed, placing a hand on your racing heart. You could feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins. He chuckled, setting his book down on the table. "Couldn't sleep?" you asked, walking up to him. He nodded, his gaze fixed on you. "Always, and what about you? You didn't answer my question," he smirked, already knowing the answer. You smiled, rolling your eyes playfully. "I'm going to see Hitoshi."
"Again? Didn't you see him last night? Around the same time as now?" he inquired, his observation skills on point. "You're quite observant," you blushed. "Could you keep an eye out for Aizawa?" you requested. He nodded. "Of course. Have fun," he said as you quickly left the dorm, stepping into the darkness of the night. The cold air hit your face as you made your way towards Shinso's dorm, where you would meet halfway and spend an hour or two together before heading back and getting some sleep.
As you walked, you finally caught sight of the familiar face you had been longing to see. "Hey," he greeted you with a soft smile, his black hoodie pulled up to his chin to keep warm. "Hi," you smiled back, leaning up to give him a gentle peck on the lips. "What took you so long?" you asked, remembering the seemingly endless ten minutes you had spent waiting.
"Sorry, there were a lot of my classmates around. I had to wait until there were only a few left," he explained, and you nodded in understanding. Unable to resist, you wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your face into his chest, seeking his comforting warmth. His arms instinctively pulled you closer. "Are you enjoying yourself there?" he chuckled softly, feeling your face nuzzling against his chest. "Mhm," you chuckled, missing his scent even though you had seen him just yesterday. Eventually, you pulled away and settled down on a nearby bench together.
After 20 minutes of chatting and venting, a notification from Tokoyami popped up on your phone.
"Heads up. Aizawa is on his way," the message read. You quickly showed the text to Shinso, and both of you jumped up, ready to leave. However, your excitement was short-lived when you heard a voice interrupting your plans.
"Not so fast," the voice chimed in. You and Shinso turned around to find a tired and irritated Aizawa standing before you. "Mr. Aizawa," you began, but he cut you off. "Y/n, Shinso, you both know the rules. You can't leave the campus after hours, especially without a teacher's knowledge," he said, rubbing his weary eyes. "What are you two doing out here?" he questioned.
"We were just talking, sir," Shinso replied softly, sensing the tension in the air. "Talking?" Aizawa repeated, clearly not convinced.
"Yes, we just wanted to spend some time together. We don't really have the opportunity during the day, so this was our only chance to see each other," you explained, trying to gauge his reaction. "I'm sorry," you added, feeling remorseful.
"How many?" Aizawa asked, his gaze shifting between you and Shinso.
You and Shinso exchanged glances before turning back to face Mr. Aizawa. "What?" he inquired, clearly confused.
Aizawa let out a sigh, his frustration evident. "How many times have you two been sneaking off? I want the truth," he demanded. Shinso's gaze dropped to the ground, feeling a sense of shame for getting caught by his mentor while trying to see you. "It's been happening for the past two weeks," he admitted reluctantly. You reached out and took his hand, gently rubbing it with your thumb to provide comfort.
"Well, that ends now," Aizawa declared firmly, and you nodded in agreement. "It won't happen again," Shinso assured, his eyes still fixed on the ground. "I'll drop you off at the 1-A dorm every night and pick you up after two hours. Is that enough time for you?" Shinso's head snapped up in surprise, and after a few seconds of freezing up, you squeezed his hand and he soon replied, "Yes, thank you, Mr. Aizawa," with a soft smile. Aizawa nodded before walking away. "You have 10 minutes left. Then you guys have to part ways."
Once Aizawa left, Shinso looked down at you, his hands still holding your waist as he leaned in to kiss your ear. "I didn't expect him to make such an offer," you spoke up, laughing softly at his affectionate gesture. "Me either… but I guess he likes seeing me happy," Shinso mused mostly to himself.
"I'm just glad we don't have to sneak off anymore," you said, relieved. "As long as I get to see you, I don't mind."
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tags: @slayfics Lmk if you wanna be added 🐸
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theloveinc · 1 year
Lmfaoooo just thought about internet dating shinso and he’s so suave and cool online … then you meet in person and he doesn’t say a damn word
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