#Richard x gn!reader
inkrabbit · 3 years
Praise Kink - Richard x GN!Reader
Working alongside Richard was an... experience. Was it pleasant? Sometimes. Did you want to bash his head against the wall? Usually. But loathe as you were to admit it, the man knew what he was doing, always being one step ahead of anyone in any missions. He had monitored yours a lot, and recently, he had been the only one to. You didn't question it. Even through his ego, you had felt safer with him. Nothing got past him and, in turn, nothing got past you. He was very vocal about everything he saw, and he always described things in such detail that you were able to find them almost immediately.
It wasn't something you noticed in the beginning. The “very good” compliment had sent an odd but somewhat familiar pang to your stomach and, for a split second, your knees had gone weak. But you brushed it off. You hadn't eaten before the mission, and it had taken a lot longer than you anticipated. You were probably just hungry and your body was reacting accordingly. That's all it was. It was just a coincidence.
Or that's what you kept telling yourself. You had kept making excuses, but every time Richard had opened his mouth and let words of praise slip past his lips, your body heated up and that same pang would either hit you in your lower stomach or right in the middle of your chest. You had cursed yourself, though you still didn't want to admit that anything this man made you feel hot.
This mission had been a journey in itself. Albion had called reinforcements and for a moment, your comms with Richard had cut out. You were left to fend for yourself against the wave of guards. You had set any trap you could in a panic, and whether it was lethal or non didn't matter to you anymore. What mattered if you got out of this stupid building alive with the information Richard had helped you scrape from their servers. The gun one of the operatives had lent you for this operation had felt heavy in your hands in the beginning, but after the first magazine had emptied and you were forced to reload, pulling the trigger had gotten a lot easier.
By the time the comms had been restored, you had gotten rid of most of the guards and was desperately making your way towards any exit you could find. Richard had led you through the maze of the MI:6 building. Your heart was pounding and your whole body was shaking from the adrenaline. The sirens in the distance was making you panic, but you finally started to notice something: you couldn't hear what the guards were saying to each other. Had something happened?
“Malik, what are they saying?” You hated how shaky your voice was when you asked, but you couldn't dwell on it.
“Nothing that's of your concern,” he tells you, his voice calm and steady. “Don't worry, they've lost sight of you.”
“Why can't I hear them?”
“I cut your comms with them. It was only making you panic.”
“A heads up would've been nice!”
“I knew you would've fought me. Besides, you did an exquisite job with your mind clear.”
“I...” There was that pang again. Your legs finally give out when you find yourself nearing the housing areas, and you sit down against one of the brick walls, tossing the pistol to the ground. You couldn't keep denying it. The way Richard spoke to you... it made you fee better, and it made you feel.You wanted to hate him. You wanted to hate his stupid voice and his stupid reasoning. But you couldn't.
“They've lost sight of you,” he continues. There's an unnatural pause. Normally he would've congratulated your victory and instructed you to come back to safehouse. But there's only silence.
“I'm here.” His voice lowers considerably, like he wants only you to hear what he has to say and no one else that might be in the safehouse. “I'd like to speak with you about a more... personal matter.”
“Personal matter? Whatever you wanna ask, just hurry up.”
“Do you like it when I praise you?”
He's patient, you'll give him that, because you didn't answer for a solid minute. Your mouth was hanging open, mind drawing a blank. You did like it. Of course you did, or else your body wouldn't react whenever he would tell you how good of a job you did on anything. But did you really want him knowing that?
“Of course, I already know the answer.” There's that smug asshole you didn't miss. You could just picture that smirk on his face. “You don't do a good job of hiding it, and while the more... dim operatives of DedSec might be blind to it, I'm not.”
“So what if I do?” you snap, snatching up the pistol by your side and pushing yourself to your feet. “It doesn't mean anything.”
“Oh, I think it does, subordinate.” He lets out a soft hum as you roll your eyes, pulling out your phone. Where the hell did you end up anyway? You needed to get back to the safehouse. “And I want you to know that I love it.”
“Sure you do. You love anything that lets you have the edge on someone.”
“Well, that, too. But no, I love that I'm the only one that makes you act like this. Tell me, do you recall ever feeling like this whenever any of the operatives simply tell you 'good job'?” Now that he mentioned it... “See? You only respond to my words; my praise.”
“That doesn't-”
“It is. Now, I want you to be a good little operative for me and come back to the safehouse. We have muchto discuss.”
And just like that, Richard disconnects. You let out a frustrating groan. He was right. Of course he was right. He never opened his mouth if he had doubts or thought he was wrong. You slip the pistol into your waist band, rubbing your face. Be a good little operative for me. You'd scream if your body wasn't scorching and you didn't feel a small part of you becoming aroused.
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Could I request a headcanon of treating their injuries for the batboys/batboy of ur choice ? Thanks !!
Of course! I'll do Richard, Jason, Tim and (obv aged up) Damian, because I can't decide 😅
Batboys x gn!reader
My Navigation is here.
Warnings: relatively non-descriptive injuries and a bit of blood
Richard Grayson
Pouts at you
He doesn't like you scowling, even if it's at the fact that he got hurt as you wrap his knuckles
Sometimes he even moves forward to face your downward glance, lips jutted forward and sporting dramatic puppy dog eyes
When he sees you roll your eyes at him, the corner of your lips slightly raising, he just jolts up to raise his arms in victory
Before promptly groaning, having forgotten his injuries
You just send him a deadly glare, surpessing the urge to playfully hit him, and he responds with an apologetic grin
Jason Todd
Just how he deserves
Watching your gentle hands take care of his rough ones
Leans into your touch when you take care of any cuts and bruises on his face
Heart blooming at your care
Also looks at you with big eyes, but for a wholly different reason
Honestly thinks you are an angel send from heaven every time
He gets really clingy after, wanting you to hold him close and play with his hair
Tim Drake
Sheepish as hell
Will drag himself into the apartment with an apologetic smile and a "sorry, baby" leaving his chapped lips in a rasp
Presses kisses to your cheek every once in a while as a quiet thank you
Nearly falls asleep on you, but does his best not to!
You nearly have to carry him to bed, where he finally collapses, glad to be engulfed by your shared smell
Wants you to face each other so he can see your face before falling asleep
Damian Wayne
It used to be a bit of an argument
Him telling you that he's fine with one arm hanging limply at his side and blood all over his clothes
Nowadays he just calmly tells you he needs to be patched up
Sometimes you don't even think it's serious with how calmly he informs you of his injuries
Until you see him, pale as the moon, on the verge of passing out
Overall, he enjoys watching you patch him up and, while he won't really say it out loud, likes the way you make him feel taken care of
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Mushy ~ Nightwing
A/n: So I haven’t written in a while huh? Well let’s not dwell on that that... or the fact that this request came in like centuries ago didkdkdkd
Request: “(a member of the team) and dick are already in a relationship but neither bothered to tell anyone. whenever the two are with the team or (anyone really) they just keep each other company & don't interact much in front of people (both are content with this tho) so the team find out by walking in on them when they're alone at the base and being lovey dovey dorks 💙 (a bet may have been made among a few of the members)” by anon!
Word Count: 2600+
Warnings: Brief violence. Pain. Kinda graphic.
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Dating was hard. So was being a super hero. Combining the two was a whole other level of ridiculous.
Dick had far too much experience with dating people he worked with. He had never been one to push separating pleasure from business if the opportunity arose, but Y/n always had been. They had watched Dick go through girlfriends one after the other - and it was always ruined by being a superhero. Seeing that Dick wasn’t one to be a player, and ended on good terms in all of those relationships, it was obvious that dating superheroes didn’t work. So when Y/n started to have feelings for him...
Listen having feelings for Richard Grayson was one thing. It was risky on its own. Dick was a great guy but he also had a lot of responsibility and it left little time for a relationship. Which meant that when Dick called Y/n out on their feelings, Y/n made him set immediate rules if they were going to date. He had to treat them like any of the other team - they could take care of themself, it wasn’t his job to take care of them. With that, no PDA. They couldn’t be coupley - it was distracting and if they didn’t end up working out it would mess up the team. Dick, more than willing to go through the relationship and try it out however it needed to go, agreed immediately. He had tried the open and adorable and flirty thing and it had failed, so why not try something new?
It was surprisingly easy. The two had already worked well before, but as they grew to love each other even more and learn more about the other, their trust and understanding grew. They went from functional to exceptional. Any team with both of them would succeed - no matter what. They didn’t have to talk, a simple touch or look and they understood each other. The team tried to communicate as much as possible and with Megan connecting everyone telepathically it wasn’t often needed, but when it was? Everyone was very grateful for the new dynamic duo.
As much as Y/n and Dick were very lowkey and casual, their growing connection went very noticed by everyone around them. It started with their closest friends of course, but very quickly branched out to even those who didn’t know them well. Even without the usual flirting and blushing and flusterness they were used to seeing with in-team dating, they had an undeniable chemistry. An energy, like a chord that tied them together. So thick and present that it was almost tangible.
They always sat and stood close to each other, and even if they never were touchier than with anyone else or didn’t explicitly move to be together, it was odd that they just happened to be side by side. Like they were subconsciously staying close by each other even if there was nothing going on. They came and left together a lot, usually passing it off as being engaged in some kind of conversation or plan. They usually went on patrol together unless they had a specific need for someone else or Dick was taking one of the other Robins for mentor stuff.
They just... clicked. And everyone could tell.
It became very normal for the two to be casual, even though they’d been dating only a few months. They went on dates, and the Batfam all knew they were dating of course - even without talking about it. They still had their domestic and romantic moments as well. They just got used to existing together. That was their love language.
That changed one day when Y/n got hurt.
Dick had been back at the compound. It was a big mission and Y/n had ended up with Tim. The two weren’t as fluid as Y/n and Dick, but they did have a certain flow that Bruce and Dick both thought would be a good influence for Tim. So the duo had set out, and for a while everything had been okay. It was only a recon mission - get intel, get out. They had underestimated security though and Y/n had barely pulled Tim out of the way of an arrow that sunk into a wood wall where Tim’s head had been.
The fight wasn’t too bad. The thugs were slow and awkward. They were used to Tim - this was Gotham after all and Red Robin wasn’t a new player in the game - but they had never seen Y/n before and as they were a super powered individual and not just a well stocked tool belt and incredible amount of smarts, the usual tricks that were used against the Batfam... didn’t work on Y/n.
The problem arose in numbers. There were so many of them, and it was far too soon that the two were outnumbered and back to back as even their combined efforts were not showing any openings to snag an upper hand. Y/n, whose powers were based on the flight their wings gave them, was not having an easy time maneuvering in such a small space as the thugs closed in. And they could have just flown off, but there were snipers on the roof and they couldn’t move fast enough to get out of range while also carrying Tim. They’d have been shot down. Even now it was risky - they were lucky they were in the cover of so many trees.
There was the sound of some kind of gun - not armed with bullets, as it soon became obvious, but anchors that caught Y/n’s wings and yanked. Hard. They dodged several of the things, but it made it even harder to fight while trying to hide their large target wings from such attacks while also fighting the other people. Tim eventually got caught up in the dodging, fighting, and trying to avoid messing up Y/n, and slammed into their back on accident. The space they both had was too small now and Y/n tripped, losing their balance. It left an opening for one of the anchors finally implanted into the side of Y/n’s right wing. All the person had to do was yank and they weren’t only thrown off balance - they were distracted by an incredibly sharp pain that wracked their entire body.
Dick was screaming in Y/n’s ear piece, something about back up coming and being careful and holding in there and- and something else, but Tim and Y/n couldn’t pay attention or respond. Tim was suddenly doubled up on enemies as another anchor hit the bottom of Y/n’s right wing, and then another hit their left finally. They were being yanked, this time in three very different directions. Not only the pain of being pulled like that, but also in near opposite directions - like being pulled in half - set their body on fire.
They were blinded by vision that was going white with agony, a scream ripping from them with every yank. It went from fighting to defending as they simply tried to pry off the anchors and push the other people away from them. But it was too much and another anchor caught them - this time sinking into their arm. Seconds later their opposite leg was caught too, and they couldn’t even move. Dick had gone silent and Tim had taken his place, screaming Y/n’s name. But they had been separated and he had his own problems to deal with.
In the end, backup got there just in time. Y/n had been caught in several places, and was immobile as they got the shit kicked out of them. Garth, M’gann and Zatana showed up in time for the rescue, finishing off the rest of the thugs and scooping Y/n and Tim onto the ship and away from Gotham. They all returned to the cave alive, even as Y/n had been very messed up.
It wasn’t long before Y/n was okay. They had been out of commission for about a week, more for psychological reasons than physical ones. The team had a healer now and Y/n had only let her in, wanting to be alone for a while to go through the course of events in their head and process what had happened. Black Canary had helped, and then they were back and just fine, if a little sensitive wing wise and a little jumpy when it came to missions.
Dick hadn’t seen his partner in a week. They had texted and called, but they had begged him to give them a second because they were having a hard time handling what had happened. Dick had tried to come out of costume and without the team, but things kept coming up - suddenly a week was gone. Y/n understood and soothed his worry and guilt, but it still didn’t change that when they finally were back, Dick was a little protective.
When one of the younger kids asked about it, Dick explained that as team leader he felt very guilty for being partly responsible for the harm that Y/n experienced that night. It was a good excuse, especially as everyone on the team cared very deeply about each other and everyone felt just as upset about Y/n being hurt as Dick did (if maybe a little less, as Dick was their boyfriend). Even as valid as it was, they all knew the truth. They couldn’t imagine what it would be like to watch someone you loved go through that, so everyone gave them as much space as possible.
It was early morning and everyone was either not awake, at school, or at work. Y/n had switched to online school, excusing it as being super sick. They usually bind their wings for public stuff and it was just fine, but with their new sensitivities it had grown from slightly annoying to suffocating and even painful. Not wanting to stay home and worry their parents, they had taken to doing school in the cave. Dick had graduated, so he no longer had school and he didn’t need to work so when he didn’t want to - he didn’t. That meant that even early like it was, Y/n was sat on the couch with their laptop, backpack, and notes out, wings stretch out and resting gently, when Dick entered the cave.
Immediately Y/n rose an eyebrow. “You never come over this early,” they pointed out.
Dick shrugged. “I know you’ve been having a hard time sleeping with your wings, so I gaurentee you slept in and haven’t eaten breakfast yet.”
Usually Y/n wouldn’t hesitate to call him out on such a blatant excuse to be around them, but honestly he was right and they were very happy to see him. On top of that, they hated to be alone and no one else was in the cave so they could be a little coupley without it being a big deal.
“Fine,” they relented. Dick, who had predicted as much, was already starting his work in the kitchen. Y/n didn’t bother him with questions or breakfast cravings - Dick knew their favorites and preferences. Instead they focused on class, headphones in and pen working across their sheet as they took notes along with the lesson. It seemed only minutes later when Dick appeared next to them. He set two plates down, and then left again to return with two glasses of orange juice as well. He set the glasses on the coffee table where he had put the plates before. Then he plopped onto the couch next to them. His arm went around their shoulders, holding then to him rather than just resting like they usually did. There was a desperation to it - almost like he was reassuring himself they were there at all.
Y/n didn’t give him crap for throwing them off balance and almost making them drop their laptop. They just readjusted and curled into his side. On one knee they watched the stream and on the other they balanced the plate they had grabbed. They ate as they watched and Dick watched with them. He snagged an ear bud and they listened together. When Y/n got confused - he could tell because they froze while eating - he would quickly explain it a different way and they’d nod before continuing.
Once they were done eating, Dick gathered the dirty dishes and left the couch. He cleaned it all up before returning with a large blanket. Y/n smiled as he settled next to them again, this time full pulling them almost into his lap. They chuckled, readjusting once again. “You’re being incredibly distracting Richard,” they teased.
Dick smiled softly. “How ever will you cope?”
They looked at him, an eyebrow quirked in an annoyed expression. Unfortunately their blush ruined it, especially as their lips curled into a smile. “I suppose I’ll tolerate you. Just a little.” They both chuckled and then leaned forward, stealing a long, gentle kiss. His hand rose to cup their face, thumb brushing their cheek and jaw over and over again. Comforting. Loving. They sighed into the kiss, melting into him completely.
Finally Y/n pulled away and they cuddled closer, Y/n’s head falling on Dick’s shoulder and their legs draped over his lap. They returned their attention to the class, Dick’s chin resting on top of Y/n’s head. He caught them up on what they’d missed while distracted by him and they laughed breathily. They were practically glowing as he held them. It was an incredible relief to be reunited after such a harrowing experience and time apart. Perhaps it was why they stayed like that even as the first class ended and the second started.
What they notice was that time was passing. They knew it logically, but both were immersed in the class and their own reunion and the relief and comfort and love they both felt - they didn’t even register the ticking of the clock or the rising of the sun, let alone Connor coming into the room to get some breakfast of his own.
Connor stopped in the doorway, surprised to see the couple so... coupley, I guess. There was something so tender and domestic about them cuddling up, chatting about class when Y/n needed it. Connor almost felt like he was walking into a personal bedroom, witnessing a very private and intimate moment. He had never seen them so like this, and his definition of love between them had become standing close and making eye contact while talking. This was a whole new level of precious.
When the shock wore off, a glowing grin took his place. Someone walked up behind him. “What are you-“ the voice that obviously belonged to Raquel cut off with a gasp as she noticed the same scene he had. “Oh my god.”
Connor chuckled. Y/n and Dick looked over just in time for Connor to hold out his palm, and Raquel, speechless, reached into her pocket and pulled out a ten dollar bill. She placed it in his hand and he smirked before going to make breakfast.
They had made a wager on whether Y/n and Dick were together or not. Interesting.
Dick smiled to himself. “We should do this more often. I like seeing their reactions to us.”
Y/n hummed, nodding. “Okay.” Their answer made Dick soften, and he sunk deeper into the couch like he had gone a little limp.
Raquel shook her head before moving to the kitchen with Connor. Now that she had gotten over her shock she was determined for breakfast as well. She simply looked at Connor and rolled her eyes. “Simp.”
Connor actually snorted in amusement. “You’re surprised?”
That made Raquel giggle. “Fair enough.”
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lovelybucky1 · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet- Ikaris
a/n: i’ve come out of hiding to post this. i saw eternals today and i am obsessed with ikaris, but i also hate him and hes an asshole <3 i hope you enjoy
warnings: degradation, humiliation, oral sex, (semi)public sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, ETERNALS SPOILERS, gender neutral reader
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A = Aftercare- if it’s a one night stand, ikaris wouldn’t do more than ask if you’re okay and maybe bring you a glass of water before kicking you out or falling asleep on the other side of the bed. if you’re together, he’d be more thoughtful. he’d clean you up and cuddle you until you fell asleep in his arms.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)- his favorite part of your body is your face. he loves looking at your face during sex so he can see the sweat on your forehead, the tears in your eyes, the way you bite your lip, and the expression you make when you cum. his favorite part of his own body is his chest. he likes to show off his muscles and he likes how his partners drool over him when he takes his shirt off.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)- he loves to cum on your face. he has a thing for humiliating his partners, and having you on your knees while he cums all over your lips, cheeks, and forehead makes you look pathetic in a way he loves. if he can’t cum on your face, then he likes creampie you so he can watch it all leak out.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)- very few of his past partners knew this, but ikaris secretly wants to be dominated. he loves being the one in charge and normally prefers it, and he is not submissive by any means. he wants someone he is unable to dominate, someone who gives him no choice other than to follow orders. he has never found anyone like that, though, so it remains a fantasy he only indulges in on rare occasions.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)- he’s seven thousand years old, it’s safe to say he has had plenty of experience with humans, aliens, and eternals alike.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)- he isn’t picky, but as long as he’s on top and he can see your face, he likes it. when you’re in bed, he likes when you’re on your back with your legs over his shoulders. if you’re outside of the bedroom, he’ll stand between your legs while you sit on the counter, fuck you against the wall, or hold you up and bounce you on his cock while standing.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)- he’s definitely serious. he may crack a smile here and there, but he is there for one thing and he wants to make sure he gets it. he’ll tease and playfully make fun of you, but he doesn’t joke or laugh very often.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)- he keeps his pubes trimmed regularly, but he is never bare. he has a good amount of hair on his arms, legs, and chest, but he keeps his face shaved clean. he won’t let his stubble grow for more than a few days, but that is the only part of his body that he shaves.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)- if you’re in a relationship with him, he is intimate. he wants to worship you, and he’s better at that physically than with his words. if it’s a one night stand or casual sex, you’d be the one worshiping him. no matter your relationship, during sex, he makes you feel like you are the only two people on earth.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)- he has had a lot of time to practice the art of masturbation, and he does it frequently. he averages once a day, but most of the time it’s for stress relief more than pleasure. he doesn’t care where he does it. he lives alone, so whenever the urge strikes, he does it. his favorite spot is the kitchen with one hand braced on the counter and the other one jerking his leaking cock.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)- ikaris has many kinks, and they all leave him in a position of power. he likes to humiliate and degrade his partners; to make them worship him like a god. he likes to have sex outside of the bedroom for the thirll as much as he likes to watch others. he secretly likes to be restrained, even though it is highly unlikely that any of his partners would have the privilege of doing that to him, and he has a praise kink bigger than anyone on the planet because he gets off on the ego boost.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)- against the window. it doesn’t matter the room or the setting, he loves to fuck you against the window so he can show off to everyone what belongs to him. he isn’t shy about his own physique and he knows he’s attractive, so part of the exhibitionism is showing off his body as well.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)- arguing, fighting, and tension. ikaris doesn’t like to lose, so if you challenge him, you can guarantee that he won’t stop until he has proven his point. he’s easy to get riled up, and the payoff can be very high.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)- be submissive. he is a dom, and it would take a lot to get him to submit, let alone behave. he isn’t entirely opposed to the idea of submission, he just hasn’t found anyone he trusts enough to give that power to.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)- he likes giving as much as he likes receiving. he loves when you’re on his knees for him, and he also loves drowning between your thighs as he wrings orgasm after orgasm out of you.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)- his speed changes depending on his mood, but he’s always rough and he leaves you sore every time.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)- he will fuck you anytime, anywhere. if he can take his time, he will, but if he only has a few minutes to wreck you, he will happily do that as well.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)- he likes to take risks because there are no real consequences for him. he doesn’t care if things go wrong and he doesn’t care if he gets caught. he is adventurous and he understands that not everything goes well.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)- he could go forever. his powers give him very high stamina, and he can go longer than any of his human partners. he usually stops around three, but if he is interested enough, he can go longer.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)- he doesn’t own toys and doesn’t use them himself, but he is not opposed to the idea of using a vibrator, plug, or other toy on his partner if they request it.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)- he teases as much as he thinks you deserve. if you are disobedient and talk back, he will tease you until there are tears in your eyes. if you do what he says, he won’t tease you and will give you what you want.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)- he does not moan much. he will moan quietly and whisper praises, but he is not very loud. he does like the sound of his own voice, however, and he likes to talk when he gets riled up. at that point, he can be loud.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)- he loves fucking you fully clothed, especially in his suit. it makes the power imbalance so much more prominent to have you naked in his lap while he’s dressed like an eternal.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)- he’s muscular pretty much everywhere, but not uncomfortably so. he looks strong, but he’s also soft enough to cuddle into and feel safe in his arms
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)- high. he isn’t human, and he has so much energy running through him that it’s almost impossible to keep up with him.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)- if you’re in his arms, he will fall asleep after you because he feels comfortable in bed and he knows you’re sade, but if you leave afterwards, he would say up for hours, wishing immortality didn’t come with insomnia
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dreaminginpastels · 2 years
Ikaris from Eternals x reader where he falls in love with someone who doesn’t believes he should lead
a little faith
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pairing: ikaris x gn!eternal!reader
summary: ikaris is finally content in your relationship when you betray him in front of the other eternals.
warnings: slight angst (if you count ikaris taking himself way too seriously) and fluff, hurt/comfort, some tense dialogue
reader pronouns: they/them
word count: 2k
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*✧ eternals masterlist | main masterlist | ask | taglist ✧*
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Ikaris was a damn fool.
He had actually believed for a moment that the two of you could be happy together. That you were his person. He had let his guard down and you had stabbed him in the back. In front of all of the Eternals.
The two of you had gravitated towards each other early on, you being drawn to his strong sense of justice and duty, and him being drawn to the way that you stood resolute in your beliefs. You didn’t back down even when you were outnumbered; in physical or intellectual battles.
Ikaris would never admit it to anyone but he always felt a bit isolated amongst the Eternals. He was always the strong and serious one. The one who came up with the plans while the rest of them all hung out and joked around and had fun. If they were a family, he was the stern father.
And then, you’d started bridging that gap. You’d included him in the jokes and the conversations, and, the thing that warmed his heart the most - you’d asked his advice when it really mattered.
Being an Eternal, and an isolated one at that, Ikaris had never really had someone be vulnerable with him, let alone someone to be vulnerable with himself. That was when his feelings for you had emerged. When you had slowly but surely forced him to open his heart and lay his soul bare.
Ikaris had first asked you out under the pretense that he needed to discuss your recent mission, but it became quickly apparent to you that he just wanted to spend time with you away from the others:
“Would you care to join me for a walk?”
You had nodded. His heart had skipped a beat.
The two of you spent hours talking. About your empathy for humans. About his unwavering faith in Arishem. By the time you made it back to the Domo, a crowd of Eternals acted casually in the hull, but their curious eyes gave them away.
You parted ways and as you headed to your room, you heard a muffled comment from Kingo before Ikaris’ low grumble “Don’t push me Kingo. Not unless you want to take this outside.”
“I think you’ve had enough fresh air for one night, big guy.”
You chuckled to yourself. No way Kingo was going to willingly fight Ikaris. He’d learn to keep his snarky comments to himself.
Ajak, noticing your bond, had started to pair the two of you in battle. It had worked perfectly, Ikaris serving as your lookout, and you delivering secondary blows when Ikaris knocked Deviants out from the sky.
You had bonded in what little spare time you had as well, spending every moment that you could going for walks, spending time with the villagers in each dwelling you inhabited, and deepening your connection. Ikaris had been just about ready to propose, convinced of his potentially infinite future with you, when you betrayed him and shattered his heart into a million pieces.
It had happened during an Eternals meeting. Ajak had called you all into the main dining area of your current village and had unsettled you with her proposed agenda.
“I am concerned that, in the event that I am no longer around, or if I have to go away, there is no one to succeed me. To lead you all. I am interested in who you all feel should take my place in these circumstances.”
A hushed silence settled over the room.
“I would be most comfortable with Ikaris leading us. His unwavering faith in Arishem’s plan and his dedication to us all reassures me that we’d be in safe hands with him in charge.” Sersi offered before adding, “If you weren’t here, Ajak, of course.”
She nodded. “Thank you, Sersi. Anyone else?”
Makkari stepped forward, and signed. “I think we’re safest with Thena. She’s literally a Goddess of War. Besides, we work well with a strong woman at the helm.”
She winked at Ajak, who smiled warmly. The sentiment was lost the moment Kingo opened his mouth.
“I nominate myself. It’s important that the face of the Eternals is a handsome one.”
Everyone rolled their eyes at Kingo’s vanity. Sprite laughed it off before patting the poor delusional Eternal on the shoulder in pity.
Ajak tried again. “Does anyone else have any helpful suggestions?”
You pushed away from the wall you were leaning on. “Why don’t we just vote? We’ll go around and vote against each Eternal, and whoever has the most votes can be the leader.”
“Great idea, y/n.” Ajak began. “Is everyone in agreement?”
There were scattered nods, so Ajak continued. The votes were tallied and you were flattered to find that Thena, Phastos, Gilgamesh, and, to your surprise, Druig, had all voted for you to lead.
By the time you all had to decide whether to vote for Ikaris, Druig was in the lead with only Sersi, Ikaris, and Sprite not voting for him.
Ikaris tied pretty quickly, and then the deciding vote was up to you.
The body language of the two Eternals up for leadership was borderline amusing to you. Ikaris stood proud, so sure that he had already won. Meanwhile, you could see the glimmer of insecurity in Druig’s eyes. You wondered if he had even expected to get this far, and you could tell he thought your loyalty lay with Ikaris.
He thought wrong.
With all of the Eternals’ eyes on you, your arm remained firmly by your side. “I’m sorry Ikaris, but my vote is with Druig.”
The energy in the room shifted from calm acceptance to chaos. By the expression on Druig’s face, it would have appeared to an outsider like you had proposed. Well that, or bought him a lifetime supply of twinkies. On the other side of the room, the depth of emotion on Ikaris’ face made you shiver with dread. He was furious, but you continued; determined that they would hear you out. You were never one to back down when stating your views, after all.
“My values align with Druig’s, I feel that it is our duty to protect humankind by way of ensuring that peace prevails over war. I can’t sit back and watch their needless conflicts any more than Druig can, and while I know Ikaris is the natural choice for a leader, I know that his duty to Arishem stands resolute above all else.”
Druig was clearly shocked, and thanked you with a gentle nod of respect. Ajak attempted to calm Ikaris to no avail. He flew out of the room, eyes raging. It was clearly taking a substantial portion of his strength not to use his laser beams to blast the room in fury.
He did not look at you as he left.
It had been a few days since your public “betrayal” of Ikaris, and he had not spoken to you since. You had expected him to take your vote badly, but you missed him and were deeply worried about him.
In some of your most vulnerable conversations with each other, he had confessed to you his loneliness and isolation - how he felt no one in the Eternals understood him, or even took the time to try, until you. And what had you done? Betrayed his trust in front of the very people he felt he had to put on a show of pride for. Curse your damn morals.
You wished you were more spineless, that you could keep your mouth shut. But you knew Arishem made you this way for a reason. Ikaris needed someone to challenge him. That’s the reason the two of you had gotten along so well. That was where your chemistry lay. And you were determined to get him back.
As you turned on your heels, ready to face him and to force the uncomfortable conversation until you had both come out of it ready to move forward, Druig nudged you as he walked past, “Battle in ten, suit up.”
You groaned. Great. None of the Eternals took battles lightly. Every battle was uncertain, and anyone could be lost at any moment. You privately thanked Arishem each time all of you made it back to the Domo with battle wounds but alive.
A sudden wave of panic erupted in the depths of your stomach. You had an awful feeling. You were not excited about going into battle without having made amends with Ikaris.
You quickly suited up and found Ajak.
“Ajak, please-”
She put a hand on each of your shoulders. “y/n, of course I’m still pairing you and Ikaris. The two of you work best as a team and he needs to realise that we can’t afford for hurt feelings to potentially compromise the safety of the humans we were created to protect.”
You nodded, reassured for the moment that maybe it would all be okay. That you were being irrational.
You were not being irrational. The Deviants had somehow evolved. There were more of them, and they were merciless.
You had been balancing fighting the Deviants with everything you had while simultaneously keeping an eye on Ikaris who refused to acknowledge you even in the heart of battle.
He was mainly fighting on the ground today. You were thankful for this both as it helped you stay aware of his location, and also because even your agility was being tested by the evolved Deviants.
Halfway through the battle, you briefly lost sight of him while performing a tumbling maneuver to confuse a particularly persistent Deviant and panicked.
Desperately scanning your surroundings, you caught sight of him just in time to sprint, flip onto the back of the Deviant approaching from behind him and pull it away from Ikaris before sending a cosmic blast into the back of the Deviant’s skull.
“Thanks.” He turned and looked at you, puzzled. “You saved me?”
You rolled your eyes, “You know, Ikaris, a little faith in me would do you some good.”
He scoffed. “Right. That’s funny coming from the person who proved how little faith they have in me mere days ago.”
“Really? How long are you going to hold that against me?”
“As long as I damn well want, y/n.” He replied, the venom in his voice like a knife repeatedly stabbing your chest. “You betrayed me. You know how I feel about the other Eternals and you go against me like that? I thought I knew you.”
A Deviant approached and you fought it as you shouted your reply. “You do know me, Ikaris. I’m the same person you had all those conversations with. The same person you said you admired for their unwavering beliefs. I thought you were better than this.”
You finished off the Deviant and turned to Ikaris with a pointed look. “Childish resentment doesn’t look good on you.”
“Well maybe I didn’t take too kindly to the person I’m in love with telling me they don’t believe in me.”
You gasped. “W-what? You love me?”
He rolled his eyes. An action that quickly morphed into a blast of laser beams as a Deviant charged at him. “Of course I do. You’re the only person that’s ever believed in me. That’s ever accepted me for who I am. Well, at least I thought you did.”
“I can love you and also think you’re not the best person to lead us, you know.”
His eyes widened. For a moment, all his attention was on you. “You love me back?”
You nodded, a slight smile teasing at your lip as you mirrored his words. “Of course I do.”
A Deviant roared as it ran to the space between you both. You looked at each other and smirked, taking it on together - Ikaris from above, you from the ground. You were a team again, and you knew he had forgiven you.
As the battle concluded, you walked back to the Domo hand in hand.
As you smiled up at him, Ikaris knew. He was a damn fool…for nearly letting you go.
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a/n: hello lovely, thank you for your request! it was a bit of a challenge to write for Ikaris but one that I really enjoyed. I hope that this story is everything that you wanted it to be ❤️
to all my lovely followers, thank you for your patience with this story! I’ll continue working through my requests in the order I receive them. as always, please feel free to request 🤍
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good-doctor-imagine · 4 years
Smug (Bradley Lewis)
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Pairing: Bradley Lewis x Reader
Requested by anon: “hi hi i was the one who requested brad from i am not okay with this if it’s possible could it be based of “Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.” “I didn’t know you’re ticklish… this is going to be fun.” “Your bed could be more comfortable than me.” “Nah, I’m good.” it’s okay if not though!! ❤️”
Prompt(s) from xxx and xxx:
14. “Am I your lockscreen?” “You weren’t supposed to see that.”
56. “I didn’t know you’re ticklish… this is going to be fun.”
57. “Your bed could be more comfortable than me.” “Nah, I’m good.”
Summary: Bradley invites you to go to a party with him and stays in your room as you get ready.
Word Count: 800+
Brad was known for not only being a football star but also a huge asshole. He didn’t have a good rep when it came to relationships, having broken up with Dina because of cheating on her with Jenny.
However, when you spent time with him everything seemed to be different. He was actually really nice to you and even if people would talk bad about him behind his back, nothing could change your perception of him. 
Brad was your friend growing up and you’ve been together since the beginning of time. He was one of the only ones that you felt you could talk to without being laughed at. Call it ignorance or whatever you want but you fell under his spell a while ago.
When you heard about his relationship with Dina, you were pretty upset. Dina was new to Brownsville and part of you felt that she was taking Brad away. Instead of you, Dina was the one that was by his side 24/7. It took a while to get used to it but soon enough his relationship with Dina vanished and Brad started to come back to talk to you about it.
You weren’t that thrilled when he came running back to you but you still welcomed him with open arms. He had his flaws and you had yours. Even though you didn’t spend much time with him for weeks, your feelings did not diminish at all. 
You could argue that your feelings were more prevalent. Every smile he flashed at you, every glance he would send your way, every hand he placed on your shoulder made your heart race. He was a sight for sore eyes, no one can deny that.
So when he invited you to go to his friend’s party with him, you immediately said yes. Brad didn’t specifically ask you to go with him as a date but you took it anyway.
You were taking a while to get ready so as you finished prepping in the bathroom, you invited Brad up to your room. Your parents didn’t mind for you to have Brad in your room since they grew up with you two spending time together alone plus they frequently tell you that you would be cute together.
As you were finishing up, you mindlessly skimmed your hand over the bathroom counter only to realize you left it on your bed.
“Hey, Brad, can you hand me my phone real quick?”
He didn’t answer but you heard some shuffling, signaling to you that he was grabbing your phone like you asked him to. A few seconds passed and you started to get suspicious. The shuffling stopped and there were no footsteps coming closer to you so you decided to see what was happening. Pausing for a second, you peeked into your room from the bathroom, catching Brad relaxed on your bed, smugly smiling at your screen.
“What are you doing?” You questioned, furrowing your eyebrows at his reaction.
His head quickly pivoted to face you. He looked proud but there was also a slight pink flush on his face.
“Am I your lock screen?” He presented your phone screen as you stood in the doorway almost frozen in shock.
You totally forgot about the picture, deciding to change your lock screen late last night. “You weren’t supposed to see that.” You felt yourself crumbling in his smug gaze as you weakly launched forward, attempting to take your phone back.
Being the football player that was known for working out and building muscle, Brad easily kept your phone out of reach. After a few moments of your struggling and Brad laughing, he tossed the phone across the room, not even thinking about damaging the screen.
“Brad!” You complained, embarrassment written all over your face. Before you could climb off of him, Brad wraps his arms around you, keeping you stuck to his side. As you tried to slide out of his grip, his hands skimmed your side, making you shiver a bit and a giggle escape your throat. Although it was pretty quiet, Brad was quick to notice it.
“I didn’t know you’re ticklish… this is going to be fun.” His grin widened as he kept you in his hold, fingers dancing along your sides. He dodged your legs and elbows as you swung them around, desperate to find a way to stop laughing. Your lungs and throat were beginning to burn as you overexerted them.
“Please stop!” You begged, becoming limp against him.
Brad stopped immediately despite the amount of fun he was having. You were busy recovering when your mom opened the door slightly, peeking into the room. 
“Are you two doing okay?” She asked, a bit of concern in her voice.
“Yes ma’am,” Brad said, offering a warm smile, “Sorry for being so loud.”
“It’s okay, I just wanted to make sure,” She smiled back, nodding at you before closing the door.
When she left, he flopped back down onto your bed. You took your time to grab your phone and walked back to the bed, making a point to fall on Brad. He let out a grunt, his eyebrows furrowing at your action. 
“Your bed could be more comfortable than me.”
“Nah, I’m good,” You dismissed him, a smug smile now forming on your face.
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sagexsenorita · 2 years
hey! could you possibly write an imagine about dwayne hoover and the reader being platonic soulmates/ best friends, and she came on the trip with them? about when dwayne finds out he is colour blind, and y/n is the only one that his family knows can calm him down/ comfort him, so they send her to talk to him?
Hold me
Dwayne Hoover x Reader
Dwayne x gn! Reader
This is an imagine based on the character Dwayne from Little Miss Sunshine.
Warnings: little bit of angst, cussing, fluff
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In a nutshell, things were tense. Richard was driving like a retired Nascar driver, Sheryl was yelling all sorts of things at Richard while also answering Olive’s questions and keeping her entertained. Your head was resting on Dwayne’s shoulder, you were just barely waking up from a long nap, your left arm was wrapped around his right. You and Dwayne had been close for while, months of friendship meant so much more than others realized. When he asked you to come on the trip you were ecstatic but at this point both you and Dwayne were very ready to have a moment alone from all the chaos. You watched him use his hand to answer Olive’s questions and take her tests. You didn’t open your eyes until Dwayne pulled his arm from you to grab his pen pad and quickly scribbled a panicked ‘what’ onto the page. He held it up to Frank’s eyes with a confused expression.
What’s going on?
Dwayne. I think you’re color blind.
Dwayne looked down, trying to process what he was hearing. He shook the pen pad one more time
Frank looked at Dwayne, he was eerily silent at that moment.
You can’t fly jets if you’re colorblind.
A silent gasp leaves your mouth and you turn to Dwayne, he was staring at nothing, and then he turned to the side of the bus and started to punch all of his anger and emotions into the car, almost as if he was trying to break a hole through the thing to get himself out. Frank and Sheryl were yelling at Richad to pull over and Olive had one hand in her hair and the other on top of yours, squeezing as tight as she could. Your hand was on Dwayne’s shoulder trying to get him to focus on you but there was no luck. He was back to sitting normally but he was now shaking the seat, you could tell he wasn’t in the right place to be experiencing these emotions. This car was a whole new hell for him.
As the bus parked on the shoulder of the road and slowed to a stop Dwayne was already jumping over you and through the door, his hands covered his mouth as an unfamiliar voice erupted from his chest.
As you and his family climbed out of the van he stumbled down the hill next to the busy road. His feet nearly gave out underneath him until he finally fell to his knees, sobbing.
You watched as Sheryl tried her best to get him back into the bus but that just seemed to cause more problems, he didn’t hold back when telling his family how he really felt at that moment. Dwayne stayed on the ground absolutely determined to stay as far away from his family as possible.
As the Hoovers conversed, trying to figure out what to do with the stubborn boy who refused to do anything but pick at grass and wipe the tears that slowly fell one by one, Richard suggested that you try something.
(Y/N), do you want to talk to him?
Richard! There’s nothing to say, we just have to wait!
But there was no time to wait, Olive looked terrified. You slowly started to make your way down the steep hill, Dwayne was still sniffling as you approached him. Your left hand met his shoulder as you kneeled down next to him.
What the hell do I do now?
His voice stunned you, but it was the most beautiful thing you had ever heard.
You just keep on going, Dwayne. This is horrible and unfair but it’s happened and you can’t stop it. I know you, you can get past this.
Your hand was now wrapped around his bicep, your right was resting on his leg. His hand made its way to yours, slowly intertwining your fingers with his.
His eyes finally meet yours and it's like the rest of the world disappears. your hand is burning from the heat of his skin and his gaze on you makes your stomach erupt with butterflies. You were so in love with him you couldn’t stop yourself from saying it.
I love you Dwayne.
His eyes went wide and his hand squeezed yours before he moved it to your cheek and brought you in for a soft, sweet kiss. His lips met yours, the kiss was warm and inviting, unlike nothing you’d ever experienced
I love you too
Your eyes brimmed with tears but you blinked them away and stood up, grabbing Dwayne’s hand and helping him off of the grass.
You and him made your way up the hill, still holding hands. He gave a monotone apology, it was good enough for his family, this had been a long trip. As you got settled this time it was Dwayne that was resting on your shoulder, his arms were wrapped around you as he closed his eyes and thought to himself. He wasn’t ready to talk yet, but he knew that when he was you’d be there for him.
Thank you for reading!!
Comment your thoughts!
A/N: ok first of all I’ve alwanted to make one of these and second of all omg!!!! This has over 300 notes I’m literally gonna cry. Thank y’all so much! I’m so happy so many of you enjoyed this.
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inkrabbit · 3 years
Aftercare - Richard x GN!Reader (Sorta 18+)
You're still seeing stars and panting heavily, hands rubbing up and down Richard's back absentmindedly. He's got his face buried in the crook of your neck, coming down from his high as well. He's still buried deep inside of you, one of his hands playing with locks of your hair as his lips press soft kisses against your skin.
“So good for me,” he murmurs. You let out a hum, just to acknowledge him, but your eyes are drooping. You're so tired, feeling like he had drained you of all of your energy. You slowly feel him move, but you don't register it until the air finally hits you. Your body is still covered in a thin layer of sweat, and without Richard there to keep the heat in one spot, you're subjected to the world. You look around, forcing your eyes to stay open as you locate Richard. He's walking back to the bed, a towel in hand with a small smile on his face. He nudges your legs apart, waiting patiently for you to comply. The soft material of the towel makes you whine when it's pressed against your abused hole, just firm enough to wipe away his release. Your thighs still feel like they're trembling a bit.
He presses a kiss to your temple, then your cheek, and he finally ends with one to your lips. He brings his free hand up, stroking your cheek with his thumb. He's still speaking softly to you, murmuring praise after praise as he finishes cleaning you up. He leaves for a bit, probably to toss the towel in the hamper, and you slowly start to realize how just how cold and damp the sheets are beneath you. You whine softly, moving your body so you're not laying on the damp spot.
A soft chuckle catches your attention as Richard returns. He slowly crawls next to you, laying on his side of the bed. He reaches out to gently grab you, tugging you over and letting you lay on top of him. You feel him shift more, pulling the blankets on top of you, his arms holding you protectively under the covers. Even though you're tired, you stay awake for a bit, your head resting on his chest as your fingertips trace random shapes on his body.
“Thank you,” you mumble. You hate how long it's taking you to register everything, just now realizing he had cleaned you up. You hear the amused huff from above you.
“Of course, darling,” You feel his lips on your forehead. “It's the least I can do for you. I know I can be a bit... much to handle at times. I do appreciate all you do for me.”
You let your lips curl back into a smile, nuzzling your face into his chest. You let out a soft hum as you press a soft kiss to the side of his neck. His hand is starting to gently rub your back, just like you had done to him, and it's enough to lull you to sleep, listening to the soft words of affection from the Arabic man.
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blaireis · 2 years
dwayne hoover x gn! reader
(1) (2) (3)
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warnings: self harm scars, references to untreated eating disorders, cigarette use, (y/n) is a whore in next chapter, referenced drug use.
Usually you didn't go out without long sleeves, courtesy of your anxiety not wanting to reveal your many scars upon healed wrists, but today it was hot. Sweating even though you were wearing a tank, only exposing more healed scars.
Sitting down in your room, all windows were open and you had a fan running, your cats body was hanging off your desk, where the fan was pointing.
putting a smoke in your mouth, you lit it. Flipping open your phone, and finding that Dwayne had messaged you, you smiled taking a puff of your cig and letting it rest in your hand. Eyes skimming over his message which seemed to be an invite for dinner.
flipping your phone back off and putting it in your front pocket, you sat up putting out your cigarette in the ash tray. Grabbing your half empty pack and stuffing them in your pocket and grabbing a flannel jacket, you refilled your cats food and water before yelling so your family could hear.
"Going over to Dwayne's!" you yelled, not caring enough to hear a response and shuffling out the house, walking down the block to the Hoovers house.
They were nice people, like each family they had their own problems. And the Hoovers were nicer than the stoned deadbeats your family popped out, one after another. You cant say much though, as youd stolen weed a couple times from them and almost receiving a beating. Best you got was a punch in the face and a black eye though.
Walking faster, not wanting to be in this heat any longer you could see dwayne walking out his house to his car. "HEY!" you yelled, waving your hands around and running to his car. He opened the boot, and looked behind him. Seeing you running towards him he smiled a bit.
He lost the need to say hello anymore, now he just smiled and maybe waved. "Chicken for dinner?" You asked, Dwayne glaring at you and going to pick up the bucket of chicken. You pushed him out of the way, "I'll take this, you go get me that book you wanted me to borrow, ok?" You asked, youve always been kinda bossy but when he took a vow of silence you started to take control of the friendship more. He didn't mind, youd asked him. Writing is sometimes annoying so when you can predict what he gonna say it means less work for him.
He nodded, running off inside past Richard and Sheryl "HEY!! Where's the chicken?" She yelled as dwayne ran back to his room. Richard telling her to keep quiet while he was on the phone.
Quickly putting the book on the table next to Frank and running back to the door, holding it open for you.
You smiled at him, putting the chicken on the table and yelling a greeting to Sheryl and Richard. "Hey," you panted, putting your hand out to the middleaged man with a peppered beard. "Who's this?" You asked dwayne.
"Frank, Dwayne's uncle." He stared at you, looking up your arms and biceps. You didn't mind, you saw the bandages around his wrists so you could only relate. "Cool, (Y/N). I live across the block, the shithole." You smiled and sat down next to Dwayne, picking up his book.
It was named 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra. ' he'd read it a couple times you could tell just by the cover. he'd begged you to read it and you'd be meaning too. Dwayne got up again, going to get another book probably by Nietzsche again.
"You got a girlfriend?" He asked you, you shook your head looking up. "Nah I like guys," you said as Sheryl came in, sitting down at the table and calling Olive in too. "You got a boyfriend?" He asked, you shook your head, staring and smiling at Dwayne as he walked out if his room to sit next to you.
Soon, Richard came to sit down. Olive gasped, you looked over to her seeing where she was looking at. "What happened to your wrists?" She said, "Olive." Sheryl scolded. "That's alright, I had a little accident, I'm okay."
"How's the uh, routine coming, honey?" Richard asked, changing the subject to something olive enjoyed. "Its good," she said. Still wondering about Franks arms.
"Oh yeah? When are you gonna show it to us?" He asked, shoveling salad into his mouth. You picked up a piece of chicken and put it on your plate.
"I don't know, its up to grandpa." She said as Edward came and walked around the table. "A couple of days, still needs work." he stood up, Yelling about eating chicken every night.
You couldn't help but agree with him as a avid chicken hater. You wished you could of blamed it on picky eating like your family does, but you knew it was because it was weird to eat an animal you had in your backyard, or something related to the bird you had in your childhood, before your cat got to it. I mean, western countrys find it weird to eat animals related to cats and dogs. So why do we still eat chicken? For god sakes." He plummeted down.
"So when did you start with the vow?" Frank asked Dwayne. "Been nine months, Frank." Richard started. "He hasn't said a word." You wished he did sometimes, you couldn't help but miss his voice. You picked the fried skin off the chicken and separated the chicken from the bone, looking down at your plate dissatisfied. "Not one, I think it shows tremendous discipline."
"Richard." Sheryl scolded like she did to olive.
"I really do," Dwayne looked over to him. "Really. I think we could all learn something from Dwayne." Dwayne looked over at you, and you moved your head to look at him too. He gave you a exasperated look, but all you could do was smile and give him a thumbs up as you sat in the corner of the table.
"Dwayne has a goal. he has a dream." He pointed his chicken stick over to dwayne. You felt like puking as you put some fried chicken skin in your mouth.
"It may not be my dream, it may not be yours. But he's pursuing it with great conviction and focus." You really couldn't stand to listen to him, yeah you were proud of him. But if your Step- mother talked about you like that you wouldn't feel proud, you would feel like puking and crying and carving your eyes out.
Tuning him out, you played with your food with a clear plastic fork.
It went quiet, for a second.
"How'd it happen?" She asked after a second of silence. "How'd what happen?" Asked frank, his eyes searching around the table even though he knew what she was talking about.
"Your accident."
"Honey , here." Sheryl put more fried chicken on her plate as you took out your phone to play Snake.
"Oh no, its okay. Unless you object." You could tell he wanted to get it over with. "No, I'm all pro-honestly here I just think, you know. Its up to you.
Trying to tune them out again, you heard this conversation before. With you and your mom, your younger siblings, and your cousins.
Tuning in again, was Richard trying to stop Frank from telling Olive what happened.
" he's a sick man, he's sick in the head!" You dropped your chicken and looked up at Richard. You wanted to punch him hard in the nose. "Richard!" Sheryl raised her voice. "Well I'm sorry! I just don't think this is an appropriate conversation for a seven year old!"
You wiped your hands on your cargo pants, and picked up Dwayne's note book and wrote on it. 'smoke break, u hav a light?" You knew you had bad hand writing, you didn't care. If you didn't have a cig right now you were gonna jump off a building.
He nodded writing a little 'okay' on the side. you could see frank looking over at you two and reading the writings. He took a light out of his pocket and you took and stood up. "Don't let me intrupt your guy's meaningful convo." And walking straight out the door, you sat on the houses steps.
Sighing you lit a cigarette. Inhaling it into your cheeks before letting it rest in your hands and inhaling it more into your lungs. You were pretty much unable to do it normally but you didn't mind this way. Resting your head on the houses wood you exhaled.
Dwayne inside, while Olive said that boys being in love with boys were stupid, quickly wrote he was going to sit down with you, showing the notepad to frank to read aloud and leaving with it. "Hey! No smoking!" Richard yelled at him as the door opened.
Dwayne looked down at you, you looking up at the roof. "Do you ever wonder what it would be like to fall asleep and wake up 3 years later? When high-schools over and we can be free of our family's?" You asked him, he nodded. shuffling to sit next to you.
You heard scribbling next to you, looking down more Dwayne had taken out his notebook and started writing something 'u ok????' You smiled at his hand writing and text like grammer he only uses with you. You shook your head, breathing in from your cigarette, holding it in your lungs before expelling it completely. The action calmed you.
'wanna talk ab it???' Scribbled on white paper and light blue lines. You knew he was concerned with you, he'd look at your plate almost as dissatisfied as you did. "No thanks Dwayne." You smiled, "you know I'll text you later about it."
Tilting your head up and looking at him, you smiled. You took another puff from your cancer stick, leaning in to his face. He closed his eyes and you held his jaw open, exhaling smoke in his mouth. You smiled as he coughed, eyes watering. Taking another one from your cig and smirking at him.
Putting out your half done cig by crushing it on the ground before standing up and crushing it with the tip of your boot, you put your hand down for him and pulled him off. "Ready for lung cancer?" You say dramatically as he pulled himself up by your hands, smiling slightly. Giving you a kind of glare at the same time. 'always ready when I'm w u.' You blushed slightly and laughed.
opening the door, Richard was talking about 'willing yourself to win' you rolled your eyes, whispering in Dwayne's ear. "How is that a job?" He laughed and shrugged, making everyone stop talking and look over. "Hey." You smiled as Dwayne walked in front of you to sit down. "Welcome back inside Dwayne, (Y/N)." Richard said loudly, Dwayne rolling his eyes at the action.
"Y'know, they're was a message on the machine from Cindy. I don't know, something about Little Miss Sunshine?" Richard casually said eating more chicken as you sat down close to Dwayne due to the fact they're wasn't enough chairs. "What? Little miss sunshine!?" Olive yelled, getting up and running to the machine, Sheryl had a laughing smile on her face as she followed suite.
Sipping from your diet sprite, you heard a large scream, spilling your diet sprite on yourself. "LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE!" Olive yelled, your eyes wide. "I WON LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE!" She ran into her room, still screaming.
You took your shirt off, Franks eyes widening. 'u can borrow a shirt n some pants from me' Dwayne wrote, standing up and you following him.
"What a gentleman." You smirked walking into his room and shutting the door, he gave you a shirt and you walked towards him, taking it from him before looking up at him and kissing him. Smiling as he also gave you some blue jeans. Usually you wore black but you didn't mind.
He exited the room, sitting down. Dwayne picking at his salad, "What's that big scar across their hip?" He shrugged, picking up his notebook. 'Ask them.' He wrote, you exited the room in fresh clothes.
"Hey kid!" Edward yelled at you. "Eh?" You said, this sounding more like two people about to fight than a grandfather and his step-grandsons friend talking. "What's with the scar?" He asked, it was a pretty large scar that went from above your pubis, to your side. You got it from stealing not much weed, not really worth it but if you got a free workout, knowledge that all your muscle hasn't disappeared, and free burnt calories from the blood loss and you were okay with that.
"Oh, stole some weed." You sat back down. "Uncle had to sew it up himself, don't have insurance." You explained, reminiscent of all the blood and the fat you could see through the wound. "That bad?" Frank asked, trying to drown out the arguing in the background. "Yeah." You smiled, seeing him grimace. "Don't worry, the weed definitely helped the pain." You joked,
"This is desert!" Sheryl yelled placing down a box of ice blocks the expensive kind, her herself eating the first one. You looked at the nutrition label, about 250kj for one serving. Taking two out and looking at the flavor, one was Orange and the other one was Berry. Giving Dwayne orange as it was his favorite.
"Alright, I'll drive the bus." Richard said after a second of silence. "Richard, I was told explicitly not to leave Frank by himself!" Raising her voice, just like home.
"No offense Frank. "
"None taken."
"No Richard! That's asking too much. I mean if something happened-" sitting there awkwardly next to Dwayne was you.
"What are you talking about? We got Dwayne here, they can look after each other."
"You expect a 15 year old to stop a middle aged man from killing himself?" You said, only to be ignored.
"Well then we can't go! Unless Frank and Dwayne come with us!" Dwayne shook his head, again and again. You had to agree with him, being trapped with this family in bus sounded like hell.
"Frank?" He was still shaking his head, you felt bad for him. "Okay." Dwayne looked at him offended, looking back up at Sheryl with open eyes. Shaking his head again,
"Oh come on Dwayne look, think of your sister." He shook his head more. "Oh look Dwayne it'll be fun, you can go to the beach and.." He trailed off. "We can bring (Y/N)," now it was your turn to look offended.
He started writing. "This in unfair, all I ask is that you leave me alone!" He looked overwhelmed.
"Dwayne. Flight school, I will give you permission for flight school." He looked down at the table for a second, before slamming both of his fists down and shaking Sheryl's hand. 'But I won't have any fun.' He scribbled down, flipping to the next page. "and (Y/N) has to come."
"(Y/N)?" Sheryl asked, looking at you.
Weighing your options, staying with your cokehead cousin at home, being forced to be in a van with a dysfunctional family, plus having to socialize witg Richard.
"I mean, if Dwayne's coming.." You muttered, crossing your arms in your seat.
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Headcannons of Kabedoning the Batboys + them doing it back? Of course if you're up to it ^^
🥺 yesss
Seperate Batboys x gn!reader
My Navigation is here.
Warnings: flustered messes and cockiness
You kabedon them
Richard Grayson
I think, no matter your height, his face will be so red when you do it
When you are a lot smaller than him, he might pet your head to play down his flusteredness
But he can't fool anyone
In the first moment his eyes will be really big and his mouth is slightly agape in surprise
Might even stutter a bit 🥺
Jason Todd
He will blush a bit
His cheeks and nose will have a rosy tint
His eyes will slightly widen, before giving way for a cocky smile
Tim Drake
He thinks it's so cute. Especially because there is practically no way that you're bigger than him
Literally stops working
Is it the lack of sleep?
Or is he that flustered?
I guess we'll never know
Slowly blinks at you
And then the tips of his ears, as well as his neck, turn red
Aged up!Damian Wayne
Just looks at you, eyebrows slightly furrowed, though not necessarily in a negative way
Might 'tch', but there is a hint of a smile on his lips
Also thinks it's adorable
Thinks about it when laying in bed later that night
Cheeks slightly flushed
He's so soft for you
They kabedon you
Richard Grayson
Definitely smug about it
He planned this meticulously
Grins down at you
(Jokes on him, you can see his slight blush and promptly tease him about it to distract him from your own nervousness)
Jason Todd
Sometimes he does it, but doesn't mean to, he's just that much bigger
If he does mean to, he usually leans down slightly, brushing his nose and his lips against yours
He likes teasing you like this 😖
Looks down at you, gaze intense
There is no way your heart isn't racing
Tim Drake
It usually happens when he's really tired
Pushes you up against a wall behind you and nuzzles his face into the cook of your neck, groaning quietly 🥺
Meanwhile you just stand there like 🧍
Your face heating up as his hand move to your sides to carress them
Aged up!Damian Wayne
A kabedon has proven effective when he wants you to stop talking/teasing for a second
(Imagine him in a suit, doing this to you 😳)
Will definitely lean down, mouth next to your ear, breath making goosebumps appear along your neck
And whisper:
"Please quiet down for a second, Beloved"
Sir I-
100% knows what he's doing, can't even surpress his little grin
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Hello! Ik you might be busy with writing other stuff so you can get to this whenever you want but I was wondering if I could request a trans!reader x Dwayne, maybe like they were friends as kids and y/n eventually came out to Dwayne and the Hoovers- maybe a little conflict with Richard being his usual Richard-y self or something and saying something kinda outta pocket or mjsgendering y/n. Can be masc, fem, or androgynous!! Also both hc style writing or just like usual story is fine, I'm sure I'd enjoy either <3 sorry this is long have a great day!! (Also sorry if this kind if a strange request lolz)
(Yay my first dwyane request thank you anon!!! i love this request :,) )
-Dwayne Hoover x gn!reader
-warnings: transphobic talk from Richard
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Growing up Dwayne was and still is your best friend :)
You two are attached to the hip and that's how you like to keep it
Growing up you guys always had play dates, the same classes, and going to each other's houses for dinner
You families knew each other well and loved seeing you two together, they kinda suspected you guys liked each other and who knew they'd be right
When you start dating it was still the same as before, but now loving gazes and small pecks on the cheek were added
Y'all loved it that way
But you feel... away from yourself. When trying on clothes, you didn't feel feminine or masculine enough. You didn't like how it made you feel.
You couldn't pinpoint but you didn't like yourself and then you start to feel off or upset when someone would refer to you as she/he...
You didn't some deep diving and self-exploring to figure out you are nonbinary and go by they/them pronouns
Then it came to tell Dwayne...you were so nervous and couldn't help but cry when telling him. You didn't want him to break up with you or think you're weird
Though at this time it was 4 months into his vow of silence, he had to be there for you, he gave you a tight hug "Listen, I don't care what you identify as. I don't mean that in a mean way but in a way that I fell for you because of your personality and you being you. You're still funny, smart, caring, and perfect to me..." he whispered into your ear.
You smiled, you haven't heard his voice in so long, but this was nice, but you wouldn't tell anyone he talked
If you have a preferred name, he will use it!
Though he won't speak he'll correct everyone that misgenders you or uses your wrong name
After the whole Little Miss Sunshine incident, Dwayne came home talking! This was such a nice surprise but his dreams of being a pilot were crushed...But you guys talked about everything that happened on the trip.
But this is the first family dinner back and without their grandfather...but everyone seemed changed, but one person really hasn't
“So what did you get up to when we were gone Y/n?” Sheryl asked you, helping Olive get her salad ready. “Oh nothing much, just kinda waited for you guys to get back.” you said, eating your food.
“That was quite the adventure wasn’t everyone?” Frank asked, laughing a bit afterwards. “What’s your name again...Y/n right? Could you pass me salad bowl?” Frank asks you and you nodded, handing the bowl to him.
“You know Y/n..I remember seeing pictures of you when you were younger and you always looked so cute dressed in dresses/overalls….What made you change that huh?” Richard asked looking at you.
No words could come out your mouth and you couldn’t bare to look at Richard. Why would he say that?
“Richard, stop it.” Sheryl looked at him with a look of disapproval.
“What it’s a simple question? Before all this they they crap it was normal she/he!” he exclaimed, this was the final straw.
The tears in your eyes fell, you sniffled as you said, “I’m gonna go to the bathroom…” getting up out of your seat as quickly as you could and walked to the bathroom, trying not to slam the door.
This was the straw that broke the camel’s back for Dwayne, “Don’t you ever say that again asshole! Just shut the hell up!” Dwayne yelled, getting out of his seat and making his way toward you.
You cried into your hands, why was he saying this shit to you?! Why now?! You then heard knocking on the door.
“Y/n…open the door, it’s me..” Dwayne’s voice said. You opened the door and he pulled you into a hug immediately.
“I’m so sorry… I don’t know why he did that but i yelled at him for you..” Dwayne mumbled, caressing your back as you cried. He didn’t know what it mean to be misgendered but he could only hear the pain in your voice as you cried.
“Just know I care about for who you are know, not who you were before…I love you Y/n..” he kissed your cheek. You couldn’t help but smile, Dwayne didn’t say those three words often cause he showed his affection in other ways but when he did say it he meant it.
“I love you Dwayne…you’re amazing you know that?” you asked, kissing his cheek. He shook his head as he smiled.
Dwayne wanted to protect you, always and forever.
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pairing: richard madden x gn!reader
warnings: complete and total fluff, maybe mentions of cheating? not really though
summary: richard comes home to a few furry surprises after being away for a few months
words: 786 (she's short and sweet)
based on a request by: @imma-too-many-fandoms
a/n: this started out as one thing and went a totally different way lmao so i'm sorry if this doesn't fit your request my dear xx
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"Y/N! Are ye' home?" You heard your boyfriend of two years call from downstairs. Richard had been away for the last two months filming a Marvel movie that he could tell you almost nothing about, and although he was constantly checking in and communicating with you, it got lonely.
A few months before leaving to film, you and Richard had just made the big step of moving in together in his favorite city, Los Angeles. The house you lived in before this was modest with just enough space for you to comfortably live your life. The new house, however, was the total opposite in size. The home boasted of six bedrooms, five bathrooms, a theater, two pools, and an impressive guest house--simply put, anyone would get lonely after a while in a house of this size.
All of this to say, two weeks ago while getting groceries you drove past a shelter, and with no logical being around to stop you, you adopted an entire litter of kittens. Four, to be exact.
You ran around your bedroom gathering the quickly growing balls of fur and placed them in their playpen before heading downstairs. You couldn't see him, but heard Richard's footsteps in the kitchen. Taking a breath, you tiptoed in, your heart fluttering as you watched him take a glass out of the cupboard and pour water into it. You waited until he took a sip to surprise him.
"RICHARD!" You shouted and watched in amusement as he jumped and coughed his water out, head whipping around to glare at you. You gave him a cheeky smile and crept closer to him until your arms were wrapped around his waist. Although reluctant, he soon hugged you close, kissing the top of your head.
"Yer an asshole." He mumbled against your hair, making you chuckle. "I've missed ye', love."
"Not nearly as much as I've missed you." You pulled away enough to look up at him, studying the tiny changes in his appearance since you last saw him.
"How do ye' figure that?" He asked with a grin, making you smile until you realized this was the moment that you had to deliver the big news. He must've noticed the change in expression because soon enough, he was squinting at you and tilting his head. "What..."
"So...you remember how I was feeling really lonely with you gone?" You began, feeling his body tense a bit.
"Yes..." He replied slowly, trying to solve the mystery himself.
"Well, a couple weeks ago I did something to help with that." You felt him let go of you, his lips parted but nothing coming out. "I feel like a visual would be helpful in making my case."
"A visual?" He asked, almost appalled. You didn't think much of his tone, instead you grabbed his hand and led him upstairs to your bedroom. You heard him take a deep breath as you opened the door and walked over to the blanket-covered play pen, lifting the blanket off and exposing the four kittens. When you turned to look at Richard, his face looked more confused than you'd ever seen.
"Are you mad?" You asked, heart thumping with anticipation as you watched him try to speak.
"No, I'm not mad! I thought ye' were cheating on me!" He finally burst into laughter and pulled you tight to his chest. You sighed in relief at his reaction as he swayed you back and forth. "Dear god, ye' had my heart pounding, love!"
"I didn't mean to!" You chuckled in defense as you watched him let go of you to grab one of the kittens. Richard chose the all-black cat with blue eyes, hugging it close to his face and looking at you with a pouted lip.
"Have ye' named 'em?" He asked, holding the cat out so he could study it.
"I've been calling him 'Little Dick' because he acts like you." You poked his stomach and watched as he opened his mouth, stunned. "Now that you've got a son, I guess that makes you 'Medium Dick'."
"I'm going to let that slide, only because Little Dick is listening and I don't want to argue in front of the kids." Richard replied in a posh and righteous tone as he held Little Dick to his chest. "Now if ye' wouldn't mind, I've got to bond with our children."
"Shall I leave you, then?" You joined in, mimicking a posh British accent as you walked out of the room.
"And bring a water, would you?! You made me choke on the last fuckin' cup." He added, making you chuckle as you did as told, the entire time thanking god that you had him back again.
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mauvefayette6 · 3 years
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Master List :)
includes: Charlie Dalton, Todd Anderson, Gerard Pitts, Steven Meeks, Neil Perry, Knox Overstreet, Richard Cameron, Chris Noel
DISCLAIMER!: The Dead Poet Society characters are NOT MINE the scenarios/one-shots I came up with. YOU belong to YOURSELF TW/CW will be in front of every scenarios!
QUICK TW/CW there will be kissing, mentions of food, hugging, and swearing! If any of these make you uncomfortable/you don't like it pls don't read the scenarios/one-shots!!
male!reader x character
fem!reader x character
modern AU
fantasy AU
future AU
different universe AU
song inspired one-shot/scenarios
polyamorus pairing
unrequited love (character/character or character x reader)
break up
smut (will have a warning!)
(can change)
teacher x child!reader or character
no having the white characters be a different race
ED character or reader (sorry)
not a fan of SH one-shots (sorry)
detailed abuse/neglect/etc
(can change)
How You Meet
Becoming Friends
They Asks You On A Date
The Date
Sneaking Out
They Asks You To Be Their Partner
They Meets Your Friends
You Meet Their Friends
First Kiss
Hanging Out With Them
Joining Their Secret Society
Jealous (you)
Jealous (them)
Your Song
They Meet Your Parents
You Meet Their Parents
Nicknames For Each Other
Texting Each Other
Wearing Matching Clothes
Getting High Together
Music They Listen To
Watching Weird Movies Together
Doing Their Makeup
Midnight Walks
Your First Time With Them
When You Get Sick
First “I Love You”
Cuddling With Them
Your Favorite Spot
They Invites You To A Concert
Late Night Calls
School Dances
Head Cannons:
Dating Neil Perry Wound Include
Dating Todd Anderson Would Include
Dating Knox Overstreet Would Include
Dating Charlie Dalton Would Include
Dating Steven Meeks Would Include
Dating Gerard Pitts Would Include
Dating Richard Cameron Would Include
Dating Chris Noel Would Include
Their Hogwarts House
How They Would React To You Breaking Up With Them
Going to the Beach With Them
How They Would React To Being Rejected
Charlie Dalton Dating An Athlete
Their Love Language
Being in the DPS Friend Group
What Piercing They Would Get
Their Way of Saying “I Love You” (w/o saying “I Love You”)
One Shots:
I Love You So (Knox/Charlie)
Dinner at the Anderson’s (Neil/Todd)
Charlie Dalton one-shots:
The Doll (fem reader)
Not So Secret (male reader)
The Professors Son (male reader)
Chris Noel one-shots:
She Looks Just Like A Dream (fem reader)
Gerard Pitts one-shots:
coming soon lol
Knox Overstreet one-shots:
Poems (fem reader)
Neil Perry one-shots:
Kisses (male reader)
The Singer (GN reader)
Promises (fem reader)
Richard Cameron one-shots:
I Need A Hug (male reader)
Steven Meeks one-shots:
Radio Date (fem reader)
Unrequited Love (GN reader)
Mr Keatings Daughter (fem reader)
Todd Anderson one-shots:
Somewhere Only We Know (male reader)
They Love Him (GN reader)
Best Friends Brother (male reader)
The River (GN reader)
Period. (female reader)
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raggedy-dxctor · 3 years
dating jason todd or dick grayson headcannons
pairing(s): dick grayson x gn!reader & jason todd x gn!reader (from someone who's only watched titans)
dick grayson:
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very in love, like im talking he's absolutely besotted with you
big fan of pda, but only around people he trusts
like around the titans he's constantly holding your hand, kissing you and wrapping his arms around your waist, but around bruce or acquaintances he's super wary about it because he doesn't want to give too much away about your relationship that would put you at risk
feel like he's absolutely the type to play with your fingers or hair
will wake you up in the mornings by brushing his fingers gently through your hair and kissing you, it never gets old
petnames like "sweetheart" and "love"
great gift giver, like sometimes he'll randomly come home with your favourite flowers and your favourite food, his only reasoning being "because i love you"
big fan of the reassurance that you'll never leave him
falls head over heels even harder when he realises that you love him for him, not for nightwing or robin, but for richard john grayson
he would literally pass out if he saw you casually wearing his clothes
really likes the fact that he can have a banterous relationship with you wjere he can tease you, it's never cruel teasing, but he finds it so funny and he'll always allow you to return it
big spoon vibes
he loves it when you fall asleep cuddling up to him
jason todd:
he would tell you about nightwing pretty early on i feel like, that's if you haven't figured it out already
the type to teach you how to fight so he can put his mind to rest with knowledge that you could easily fight for your safety
training sessions with him would be full of teasing and sneaky kisses
he'd always be gentle and often let you win, if you ever beat him when he isn't trying to let you win he'll just use it as an excuse
"i beat you dick!" "you did not i let you win!!" he's laughing the entire time so you know his pride is damaged slightly
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needy needy needy needy
not necessarily in the negative way though
he loves your attention and praise like he treasures it as if it's a rare and priceless trinket
no matter how much you give him, he's always so giddy about it
honestly i get little spoon and big spoon vibes, so it would probably just depend on how you're feeling
he's absolutely chill with either
big pda fan, he literally does not give two shits who's watching, he'll kiss you without hesitation infront of anyone
will boast about you to everyone
super protective over you, but not in a toxic way
jealous boyfriend™
the type to instantly be on guard whenever a stranger that he doesn't know approaches you
feel like he'd get frequent nightmares about you leaving him, he absolutely refuses to loose you someone else so the constant fear is always on his mind
like dick, he's so shocked when you reassure him that you fell in love with jason todd, not robin or nightwing
honestly he probably considered marrying you at that exact moment
feel like he'd really enjoy drawing you
absolutely adores your anti-hero suit and he'll never let you forget it
so whipped for you in his clothes like wear his hoodies and he'll be glued to you all day, constantly professing his adoration and complimenting you every minute
he would tell you about robin after he few months, it would take a lot of trust but he'd have no hesitation telling you once he's absolutely sure
redhood however, he would tell you instantly, he wouldn't recruit you or explicitly ask that you take his side because he'd be too scared of you getting hurt, but he does definitely hint at it against his better judgement
feel like you could easily be the one to save him from scarecrow and bring him back to the titans
or if you joined him you would be a power couple, causing chaos on the streets of gotham
either way you're his number one priority
he's constantly scared that harm is gonna come to you
feel like he probably tries to break up with you loads because he thinks you deserve someone better
absolute sucker for nicknames like "jay" and "jase"
would give you the world if he could
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astralflower-writes · 3 years
forgetting something
♡ feat. jackson avery x gn! reader
♡ genre: fluff
♡ warnings: none
♡ read arizona's version here
♡ check out my grey's anatomy masterlist here
you were having dinner with jackson, his mom and richard. having small conversations here and there. he officially introduced you over dinner after dating for a few months.
of course you were nervous meeting his mother which you work for. well, you worked for them as they own the hospital.
catherine was about to serve the dessert, but jackson was paged to the hospital.
attempting to come with jackson, but his mom insisted that you would not miss her blueberry cobbler. "oh come here dear, jackson wouldn't miss this."
so you ended up agreeing on staying for dessert.
"jackson wait!" catching up to him. "you forgot something..."
holding up his jacket but instead you were met with a chaste kiss on the lips. "i meant you're jacket but that's great too." you spoke which left him flustered as he saw his mother behind you watching the whole scene.
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soupbabe · 2 years
Dwayne Hoover dating plus size gn! reader? I love your writing so much
Dwayne Hoover x Plus size! Reader Headcanons
Thank you!! Also I'm so glad someone requested this cuz I had this exact idea in my fanfic/headcanon idea notes shdhsj
- Minus Richard's whole problem, Dwayne grew up in a pretty body positive space
- He knows your body isn't his business, holds a lot of respect for you, and encourages anything you want to do to it as long as you aren't hurting yourself
- Dwayne still falls into his habits of writing out his words, even after he stopped his vow of silence
- He definitely likes to give you small notes reminding you how much you mean to him <33
- Admittedly, they aren't the most poetic, but a simple "I don't hate you" means a lot in Dwayne terms
- He isn't the touchiest person, but you're one of the few exceptions
- He won't really engage it, but if you just so happen to hold his hand or hug him, he won't let go for a while
- He's like an odd balance between being touch starved and having an aversion to it
- He always ends up waking up holding onto, both of your legs tangled within each other
- Best mornings are when he finds himself laid on top of you, head buried in your chest or in the crook of your neck
- You just have that added softness and warmth that makes him want to go back to sleep
- Dwayne steals your clothes so much
- He doesn't even tell you half the time, he'll just show up with one of your hoodies on like it's no big deal
- Dwayne really doesn't have a favorite body part ?? It's more like he loves multiple tiny features of you
- He likes to trace your stretch marks, he loves how your cheeks compliment your smiles, he literally loves all the small dimples in your skin dbdjdb
- There's just so many aspects of you Dwayne enjoys observing and silently appreciating
- Dwayne is a good comfort if you have those times where you're not feeling the best too
- It's a bit awkward at first, taking a while to gather his words. But it's easy for him to get into the groove about how you're fine just the way you are and how harsh (and sometimes impossible) the beauty standards were at the time
- And if it's someone making you feel that way?? He has no issue in telling them to fuck off and getting confrontational
- Especially if it's towards Richard <3
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