foxstens · 10 months
wtf happened to layout
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suashii · 9 months
୨♡୧ ALL EYES ON YOU— little things you do that they find attractive ♡
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featuring. itoshi rin, shidou ryusei, michael kaiser, mikage reo.
warnings. f!reader, established relationships, suggestive bordering nsfw (minors do not interact), rin’s clothes are implied to be larger than reader’s, marking in shidou’s, kaiser is annoying and a bit of a masochist.
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there’s a short moment of possessiveness that crosses rin’s mind every time he sees you wearing something of his—a shirt that hangs down by your thighs or a pair of his pajama pants that you have to roll up so they can somewhat fit your waist. but it’s different when you sport his jersey, the one with his name and number printed on the back. you’re practically walking around as if you belong to him, so can you blame him for thinking so? when he comes home from a long and grueling day of practice to his jersey draped over your figure, all the fatigue he once felt fades from his muscles. the duffel bag situated on his shoulder is carelessly dropped to the floor as his feet carry him to you. you barely have time to welcome him home and ask about his day before his hands are on your hips, hoisting you up onto the kitchen counter, soft lips crashing against yours. you’re breathless when he finally pulls away but as you watch him kneel down before you, tongue darting out to wet his lips, you know he’s far from done.
shidou will never deny his lingering stares during those moments when you dress in clothes that showcase some skin; like when the neckline of your shirt is low enough to expose the curve of your collarbone or when the garment is cropped and leaves your belly on display. and he really can’t resist when your pants ride down so low that he can see beneath your navel; just almost getting a peek of what your pants intend to cover sparks a burning hot flame in ryusei. it’s no surprise when he catches your wrist and pulls you close to him, his lips wasting no time latching onto and sucking dark bruises into your skin and letting his tongue soothingly glide over the spots where his teeth happened to sink down and leave imprints behind. the purpling blemishes end up almost everywhere you left exposed—the top of your chest, your hips. the next day, he watches as you browse through your closet, curious to see if you’ll end up displaying the love bites or if you’ll opt for attempting to hide each of the meticulously placed hickeys.
he finds it entertaining to see you with a temper, complaining about the rude barista who tried to refuse to fix your order that they messed up or your boss who keeps delegating tasks to you that are far above your pay grade. really, he finds it the hottest when he’s the reason you’re annoyed or irritated. he never takes it too far, sticks to little things like moving the items you keep on your dresser or purposefully giving you trouble by standing in your way. something about watching your petulant pouts turn into a glare that practically shoots daggers at him brings a twisted smile to his face, makes his pants feel a little tighter than they usually do in the groin. he pushes at your buttons until your exasperation that was once level at the brim spills over the top. his antics lead to you pushing him down on the bed or the couch, straddling him with fistfuls of his shirt in each of your hands as threats of putting him in his place effortlessly pass your lips. he’s sure you know it by this point, but the show of dominance only turns him on more.
reo loves when you work out with him; the company is nice and he enjoys your presence over anyone else’s, but there’s another reason he’ll never tire of your joint sessions at the gym—and that’s because he loves watching you stretch. it’s like a little show you put on just for him. why else would you situate your mat right in front of his? you face away from him when you bend down to touch your toes, giving him a perfect view of the way your leggings hug your ass. you turn around when you lower to the floor, legs spread and arms reaching forward, granting him a pretty picture of your breasts over the top of your sports bra. the soft grunts that border moans pushing past your lips are too exaggerated to be genuine and the sensual look in your eyes is all he needs to see to know that each and every one of your movements is planned, intentional—you’re purposely trying to get him worked up. he’s far from ashamed to admit that your scheming was effective, but he hopes you’re ready for another, different kind of workout when the two of you get back home—one he’s sure to make much more strenuous than the last.
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thanks for reading! consider commenting or reblogging if you enjoyed ❤︎
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hidden-poet · 4 months
S. lands on top: chapter 3
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summary: Coriolanus returns home to the Capital with two women from district 12 plaguing his mind. One a (presumed) dead mystery but another well within his reach.
warnings: unco, dark!Coriolanus, possessive!Corirlanus, Dark themes, mentions of death, she/her pronouns, kidnapping, violence, somnophilia.
Editor: @hotline-to-hell
chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
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Mabel woke to an awful rendition of the Capitol anthem. 
She springs up, hitting Coriolanus who was sleeping soundly beside her,  with her flailing hands as she tries to catch herself. 
He wakes too, his hands going up to protect himself before he realizes there was no real threat. 
“Relax,” Coriolanus sits up as well, “It’s just grandma'am.” 
Mabel still felt her heart in her chest, “Crazy old bat.” 
She hears Coriolanus’s feet hit the floor with a hard thud. 
"Watch how you speak about her.” 
She instead watches her surroundings. She examines the bed she laid in instead of the floor. She examines her clothes upon her body and her relief turns into anger. 
“A Capitol dessert, you said.” 
“Would you have gotten into the bed any other way?”
“No! And you had no right to-”
“I had every right, or did you forget where you are?”
He puts on his dressing gown, and throws Mabel's to her. 
His eyes remained glued to her as she got out of the bed. Her hair was messy and curled slightly in front of her face. He was so used to it being slicked back in a braid. There was something so domestic about it being out. Almost reassuring of their relationship. 
He couldn’t touch her as a Peacekeeper and a worker. The braid seemed symbolic of it. As a worker, she needed her hair back out of her face, but as Coriolanus’ woman, she could wear it freely. She has shed her worker's clothes and sheltered herself with Coriolanus’ clothes. 
As she dressed warmly in his long dressing gown, it seemed official; Mabel belonged to Coriolanus Snow. 
Grandam’am finished the anthem and the music was shut off. 
“Does she do that every morning?” Mabel sighs. 
“Without fail.” He takes his keys off the table and unlocks the door, leading her out to the living room where Tigris sat sewing. 
Tigris greets them both but her attention goes to Mabel who quickly found comfort in her friend. 
Coriolanus leaves the girls embracing in the living room, going to the kitchen to press a button to let the staff know they are ready for breakfast. 
When he returns Mabel is fussing over a red dress held up by Tigris. Her hands float over the expensive material. 
“It’s beautiful, Tigris.” Mabel comments.
“I think so too,” she agrees, “I’ll have to make you one.” 
Tigris eyes her cousin at the table. 
“Breakfast should be up soon. Come to the living room, out of their way.”
The girls follow him to the couch, talking about the quality of the dress. 
Grandma’am had come out from getting dressed and looked upon Mabel with disgust.
“She’s still here?” Grandma’am refused to enter into the living room where Mabel sat. 
“Mabel is staying here, Grandma’am,” Coriolanus says. 
“But-But-” the old woman stumbles over her words. 
Coriolanus takes a deep breath before responding, “She’s staying here, Grandam’am, and I don’t want to hear anything else about it from anyone.” 
He eyes Tigris and Mabel across the space, meaning them. 
The bell to the penthouse rings. The Avox’s had made their way quickly from the servant's quarters to the Snow’s penthouse. Coriolanus unlocks the door for them. They bow as they enter to each household member as they make their way into the kitchen. 
Mabel watches them curiously. The older man in the white jacket and the older woman in a white long dress that covers her arms and neck don’t look back, but the younger girl, around the same age as Mabel does. 
She offers a kind smile before disappearing alongside her co-workers in the kitchen.
Mabel instantly felt connected to her. She half hoped she would be sent away with them after breakfast. 
Tigris tries to engage Mabel in polite conversation. How did she sleep? Was there anything she could do that would make Mabel’s stay more comfortable?
With Coriolanus only sitting on the other side of the couch, Mabel kept her answers short and positive. 
When the young girl enters back into the room, she begins to set the table with one large pretty plate, an identically smaller one and then tops them off with napkins in a gold napkin holder. She then goes back to the kitchen to bring out a large pot of white roses, placing them in the middle of the table. 
The older woman comes out after her, carrying a jug of juice, and a pot of coffee.
They place large amounts of food on the table. Too much for just four people. Mabel wondered if others would join, but the table was only set for household members. 
Coriolanus was determined to have Mabel sitting next to him and not Tigris this morning. He saw her attempt to follow Tigris to her chair but redirected her with a hold on his wrist. 
She had taken Grandama’am’s usual seat but she had let it go with a huff. 
As Coriolanus sits the older servant gives him the newspaper and pours his coffee. 
The young servant girl comes around to Mabel first and pours her a glass of orange liquid. 
“Hello.” Mabel greets her with a smile. 
“You don’t talk to them” Coriolanus instructs, unfolding his newspaper. 
Mabel rolls her eyes at the young girl but she doesn’t return the playfulness, quicking moving away from her. 
Mabel focuses on breakfast instead and takes the small plate off and places a slice of toast on it before collecting fruit from a bowl and throwing it on the large plate. 
“Mabel.” she could hear Coriolanus' disappointed tone. 
 The young girl looks up to see what she did wrong, 
“We don’t eat off those plates. They're for decoration.” 
Mabel huffs but scraps the food off the plate. “How stupid.”
“Stupid!” Grandma’am snarls, “A girl who can’t read or write calling Capitol society stupid. I won’t have it!”
“Ask me how to spell Coriolanus.” Mabel challenges, “C-O-R-I-O-L-A-N-U-S. 
Grandma’am looked shocked that she could spell the name. Mabel looked back smugly. Even if it was the only name at the table she could spell and had only learned it last night. 
“Enough Mabel,” Coriolanus warns. 
She had already won so she returned to eating in silence easily. 
“I have class at eleven today, Tigris. Then I spend the rest of the afternoon at Dr. Gaul's office.” He takes a sip of his coffee
“I’ll stop by on my way home to pick up the plans for the shop that need approval.” 
“I can do it, Coryo. You just come home.”
“I’d prefer it if you stayed home today. To keep Mabel company.”
Mabel looked relieved that Tigris would remain, and Coriolanus would go.
Tigris didn’t fight him. Happy with the arrangement. 
Watching Tigris take a sip of her juice, Mabel copies. It was sweet upon her tongue and before she knew it she was gulping air.
An Avox refills Mabel’s orange juice as soon as the glass is empty.
“Thank you,” she lifts the glass to the young girl, “Did you want some?”
The Avox looks startled, she eyes the table of socialites and shakes her head profusely before running back to the kitchen.
“Why don’t they speak?” Mabel asks. 
“Because they’ve had their tongues cut out” Coriolanus doesn’t look up from his paper as he speaks, “They are Avoxes.” 
“Is that what’s going to happen to me?” 
“Not an entirely bad idea.” Coriolanus jokes. 
“No.” Tigris interjects “Of course not”.
“Why’d they get it then?”
 He cringes at her sentence structure but it was a problem for another day. 
Coriolanus folds his newspaper, not allowing this teaching opportunity to pass him by, 
“Because they failed to follow Capitol order.” 
“Order? You call ‘do or die’ order?” 
Maybe he should cut out her tongue. Such talk could ruin his presidential run.
He could almost laugh. All the people he seemed to have a keen interest in seemed determined to stand against the institution he planned to one day rule; Sejanus, Lucy Gray. They also both ended up the same way. 
He would like to avoid history repeating itself a third time. 
“Yes. I think the stronger party gets to decide what order is.” 
He unfolds his newspaper but only stares at the words on the page, unable to read them. To emphasize his point, he barks an order at her, “Now finish your breakfast and go take a shower.”
She pushes back her plate in defiance but goes back to the bedroom to take a shower, singing the national anthem. 
“Gem of Panem! Mighty city through the ages you shine anew!”
Grandma’am hums in tune with her.
“Coriolanus humbly kneels to your ideals and pledges his love to you!” 
She disappears behind the corner after her verse and Grandma’am stops her humming.  
“Wicked girl,” Grandma’am was displeased with her remix of the anthem. Which in Grandma’am’s mind was perfect and should never be altered. 
“She was torn from her home yesterday, Grandam’am. You can’t blame her for being angry.” Tigris again jumps to defend her new friend. 
 Coriolanus feels blood rush up to his ears. Insolent, stupid, untrainable girl. She couldn’t take a hint to save her life. He folds his newspaper down again on the table and scrapes his chair back.
“Coriolanus, leave her,” Tigris begs. 
“She’s going to need fresh clothes, Tigris.”
For appearance's sake, he makes a detour to the spare room where Tigris had laid out some clothes. An old nightdress of hers, and a new creation out of her collection. A simple green dress that would reach Mabel’s ankle with a sweetheart neckline embellished with small designs. 
He takes it, leaving the night dress. If he had just been up to him, Mabel would only wear his clothes but Grandam’am already looked down on her, and Tigris wanted to remain in denial of Mabel's situation for as long as possible. 
He is quiet as he enters the room. He closes the door softly despite the loud sounds of the shower covering the sound of him entering. Tossing the dress on the bed, he sheds his own clothes as he walks to the bathroom. 
She doesn’t notice him at first. The steam from the shower fogged the glass window, and she seemed occupied trying to get the knots out of her hair, giving him the opportunity to join in. He yanks open the door with confidence, and steps in, getting as close to her as he could.
He expected a louder reaction but besides a startled sound, she made no other noise. 
She turns, of course, but Coriolanus grabs her chin and pushes her head against the bathroom tiles. 
With her hands covering her breasts, and her legs crossed, the only thing she could do was wiggle her head against his tight grip. 
“Are you mad talking like that?” he seethes. 
“Get off me!” She demands with the limited use of her jaw.
“You don’t talk like that to me or my family. You’ve been a brat from the second you woke today, and it’s going to stop.”
"Fine,” she struggles against him, trying to get out of his grip. 
He looks down to his desired view. The water dripped down her body now that she was out of the stream. He had imagined it many times before, but now it was just under his fingertips and he could feel his fingers involuntarily curl wanting to reach out and touch. 
“Did you want to reprimand me or did you just want a look?” she provokes him but her hands tighten around her body.
“Are you worried I’ll touch you?” 
Mabel scoffs. “You think you're special? You’re not even my first this week.” she spat. 
He feels more angry than he should. He knew, even in his Peacekeeper days, that Mabel was no virgin. 
He used to watch from the shadows of the Hob as she flirted and danced with multiple different men during the night. She could never be found buying herself a drink. She never had to. Many men were lining up for the opportunity. She deliberately avoided Peacekeepers. Choosing to ignore their existence. Many would offer to buy her a drink and she would turn to the nearest District 12 grunt and speak to him as if they had asked her. When Peacekeepers took her into their arms while dancing, she would stop immediately with a sour look on her face. One time, a Peacekeeper wouldn’t take the hint and she screamed into his face until he took his hands off. 
Needless to say, she was a beautiful woman. And a woman of an age where she could invite men into her bed, and why wouldn’t she? She had the pick of the litter. 
Still, Coriolanus didn’t want to hear it. Didn’t want the images of another man pressed against her in his head. He convinced himself that before he had her, she was nothing. Simply waiting in District 12 for an existence so those other men don’t truly count. 
“Do you want to end up a tongueless Avox?” He threatens. 
He knew her tongue was her sword. The only power she had in her weak frame. She wielded it fearlessly. What would happen to her if it was cut out? How would she regain control? It was a last resort for both of them. 
Coriolanus wanted the prettiest of creatures on his arm as he walked into rooms; as an Avox he couldn’t allow her to touch him in public. Her sharp wit would also be secretly missed. He wasn’t sure he could wait for her to scribble backchat with her terrible writing. Their back and forth wouldn’t be as entertaining. 
“Well?” he pushed, tilting her head back, “If you can’t use your tongue, I might as well take it”.
She sticks it out to him, although her belly formed knots. 
He laughs as he releases her, stepping back into the warm water. He lets it run over his face, his hands wash the water through his hair. Even through her insubordination, her silence told him that he had won the argument. 
“Pass me the shampoo,” he orders. 
She takes a crystal glass bottle filled with white liquid and tries to pass it to him.
It was the wrong one, but she had no idea what shampoo looked like. Back home she would wash her hair with soap. 
“The one next to it.”
She tries again and this time Coriolanus takes the bottle from her. He spins her with his free hand, beginning to lather the liquid in her brown curls. 
He passes the bottle back to her and she places it back on the shelf. 
“Close your eyes.” 
He presses her back against him as he washes the shampoo out of her hair. She had not taken to closing her eyes as told. The shampoo stung her eyes, and as she had never felt the sensation before, she panicked. She cries out as she struggles against Coriolanus, who keeps a strong hold over her.
He tilts her head up to the stream, and she relaxes as it gets washed out of her eyes. 
"When are you going to trust me on matters of the Capitol?”
“Oh, like the Capitol dessert last night?” she reminded, pulling her head away from the running water. 
“You want me to apologize?” He wouldn’t. She knew it too. 
‘‘I want to go home.”
“This is your home now, Mabel”. He moves from her, grabbing the conditioner himself, and lathering it in his hand. He is rough as he massages it into her hair. 
“You can fight it or you can accept it.” 
She removes her hands from her breasts and stands straight. 
‘‘What do I have to do to be sent back home?”. 
Coriolanus steps out of the shower, now that she bares herself to him. He wanted to touch and squeeze but it would give her too much power. She was at his mercy not the other way around.
“The only way you’ll be sent home is in a box.”
The words deflate her and she covers herself once more. 
He dries himself with a towel, before wrapping it around his waist and standing in front of his mirrors. 
“I’ll be gone again today,” he runs a brush that acts as a hair dryer through his curls as he talks, “You won’t repeat the behavior of this morning, or your family will pay the price.” 
He hears the water being shut off, and before long Mabel is standing behind him wrapped in a towel. She looked incredibly sad as she stared at him in the mirror. 
The dress fits Mabel immaculately. It distracts Coriolanus greatly as he tries to finish his paper at the table.
She sat in the living room with Tigris as they sewed the designs. They seemed like lifelong friends as they talked. There were no awkward pauses or conversation fillers. 
They talked about everything besides Coriolanus and Mabel's purpose here. 
The only pause in their talk was due to Grandma’am bursting in the room. 
“Girl, get my coat!! The black one” Grandma’am ordered. 
Mabel rose without issue and took a black feather coat off the rack. 
She helped Grandma’am put it on and Grandma’am shooed her away once it was done. 
“Are you going somewhere?” Coriolanus had followed his Grandma’am to the door. Mabel had returned to the couch as soon as he came over.
“Lunch and then shopping” The old woman pulls her gloves on. 
Coriolanus clears his throat as he holds out a hand, ‘I’ll just need your house key before you leave. The housemaid can let you back up.”
She looked puzzled at his request but soon pieces the puzzle together. 
“The district girl?” Grandma’am whispers and Coriolanus nods his head. 
It was persuasive enough as the woman dug into her bag and retrieved the key. 
He kisses her goodbye with the key in his hand. Closing the door behind her, he then goes to Tigris' room and takes her house key off her keychain. 
He was sure that Tigris would never betray him, but felt increasingly more secure knowing she couldn’t. For just today, until he could make other arrangements, both Mabel and Tigris would be prisoners. 
It was unlikely that Tigris would even notice. She would make her own lunch, hating the fuss of the Avox cooking crew, and she wouldn’t leave Mabel alone in her new home. Unless there was a fire, she had no reason to try and open the door. 
Checking the time on his watch, he realized it was time to leave for class. He ducks into his room to collect his new coat and reappears in the living room where Tigris and Mabel are comparing a running stitch and a backstitch. 
“I’ll be back at 6,” he interrupts. Tigris looks up at him but Mabel continues her sewing. 
He bends down to his cousin and places a soft kiss on her cheek. 
He had wanted to kiss Mabel goodbye but it was too soon in their relationship. Tigris wouldn't accept the quick progression between the two, and Mabel wouldn't take it as a sign of affection. 
His lecture was dull. The professor said nothing that was not in the textbook from the night before. Coriolanus' homework was of course perfect, and he brushes it off with fake modesty as he gives his Professor unearned praise back. The whole two hours were spent daydreaming of Mabel. 
He didn’t even notice when the Professor dismissed them until a classmate slammed their book closed too hard. 
He sighed as he packed up his equipment. He wouldn’t return home until late. He still had the rest of the afternoon at Dr. Gaul's office and then had to pick up the plans for Tigris. 
It soured his mood greatly when his classmate tried to engage in idle chit-chat, all Coriolanus could manage was a tight smile and head nods. He didn’t even want to acknowledge them to that extent. But You never know when someone might be important to you later so he played nice. 
Dr. Gaul was not in when Coriolanus arrived. The team meeting went smoother without her. They rewatched the last Hunger Games, trying to come up with ways to make the Games longer. Four days seemed to be the max. They wanted it to be at least a week-long event. Coriolanus suggested a bigger arena that they could change each year so everything was new for each year’s tributes. There would be no opportunity for strategy before the games. Each Tribute would have to rely on their own wit. 
It would give the weaker opponents a chance to run and hide. Even the playing field a little bit. And it would give the audience a game of ‘hunter vs prey’. 
If it had just been him and Lucy Gray out there, he could have easily killed the mystery. But the mockingjays and the wide space made it impossible to utilize his strengths against hers. 
Like his homework, his work was praised and the team split up for proposals to utilize his ideas. 
He had isolated himself in his office, glad to be alone. They would only distract his brilliance with their stupidity, and he planned to finish his work quickly and have an early start home. 
The plan was running on schedule until Dr. Gaul darkened his doorway. 
“Mr. Snow, I am surprised to see you here after yesterday.”
Coriolanus finishes his sentence on the page before putting his pen back. 
“Nothing I can’t handle.” 
“How is your little pet going?” 
Dr. Gaul sits on his desk next to him and Coriolanus wants to sweep her off like a dirty tissue. 
“Hm,” Dr. Gaul hums. She had a special talent for knowing when someone was lying. “Give me an hour, Mr. Snow. I would have her as docile as a lamb.”
Coriolanus doubted it. No doubt Dr. Gaul was up for the challenge but it would take more than an hour to subdue Mabel’s will. The more you shaped her, the more she bit back. 
“Still I shouldn’t.” She looked almost sad to admit it. “You need the practice for when you are President. There are plenty more Mabels in the world.”
Coriolanus tried not to flinch as she said Mabel's name. It shouldn’t be a surprise that Dr. Gaul knew. Knowledge was power, and she knew everything. 
“I assure you, Dr. Gaul. I have her well under control.”
His thoughts go to the shower this morning. Proof, he thought, that he could control her. 
Dr. Gaul grins back, “I am sure you do. I can’t wait to meet her. Let’s say at the reaping this year?”
She gets off his desk and heads back to the door. It wasn’t a question. 
July 4th. A month from today.. He could control the fire before then. At least stow it for the hour of the reaping. 
Dr. Gaul giggles as she walks, “From what I hear, you have your work cut out for you, Mr. Snow.”
Coriolanus fists his unfinished work in his hands as soon as she leaves. He was done, even if his work was not. Gathering his things, he dashes to Dr. Gaul’s pigeonhole in the office and shoves his proposal in. The office staff looks at him curiously. Normally his pace is slow and purposeful, but his long, fast strides take over his legs and he rushes to his car before anyone could ask him about it. 
His driver was not ready, adding to his irritation. He could barely get the door open in time for Coriolanus. He puts the divider up as they drive across the city. He couldn’t bear the thought of anyone seeing him in his uncontrolled state. 
He gathers himself as they reach the planner's office and manages to play nice as he collects the paperwork. But as he reenters the car, his temper flared again. 
He would truly hate to cut out Mabel’s tongue, but if she sasses Dr. Gaul what choice would he have? 
Dr. Gaul was sure to taunt her and threats to her family would only hold so much weight. It would be Reaping Day too. She was sure to be highly emotional. Her sister was too young to have her name pulled but Mabel was sure to have lots of friends whose name stood a chance. 
Could he cause a distraction while District 12’s ceremony was aired? Something to cause her to hide and miss it. He wondered if he could cause her to be sick enough to be excused. Parade her in front of Dr. Gaul for an hour looking sick. A testimony to his power over her; sick and performing for him. If he could get her to vomit or faint around the calling of District 9 or 10 then it would lower suspicion when he casts her off to the bedroom. 
Still, he had to first worry about getting her to perform before he worried about her stage exit. 
It had to begin work right away with her. 
He looks down at his watch which reads 4 o'clock. If he returned home now he would have to explain his early departure from work. They weren’t expecting him until 6. He could get away with 5:30 without raising any questions. The drive home would take half an hour, which left him with an hour to kill. 
He directs his driver to his favorite coffee shop, and takes a seat at the far back corner with his coffee, drinking it as he strategizes a way to get his songbird to sing a note in front of Dr. Gaul. 
He remembers back to Tigris’ words about Lucy Gray. 
“I wouldn’t sing a note for you if I was her. Not unless I could trust you”. 
Could they team up against Dr. Gaul? Gain her trust enough to point to the larger, common enemy. 
Show her the sweet life of Capitol living that he was giving her and show her the person who stood to tear it all away. He would have to be soft with one hand and strike with the other to achieve the desired result. But as Dr. Gaul had said, it would be great practice for when he ruled Panem. 
The time was close enough and he downs his coffee, sending a notification through his communicator that he was ready to be picked up. 
In passing he notices a jar of chocolate almonds for sale. He wondered if Mabel had ever eaten one before. He takes a jar to the counter as his car rolls up to the pickup line. His driver had left him to wait this afternoon and now Coriolanus was returning the favor. 
When he returned home, Tigris and Mabel were still sitting on the couch sewing, although their conversation had stopped. Material and half-finished dresses covered the room. A large box of sewing material had been strewn across the room. Normally, Coriolanus would chase Tigris back to her studio, but it was so packed, it wouldn’t have fit two seamstresses. 
Besides, he was glad to see his girls getting along, even if it came at the cost of a tidy living room. 
“Coryo!” Tigris greets, “How was class?”
She never asked about work, and it was a good thing as he never had anything positive to report. 
“Dull,” he admits. 
He hangs up his coat himself, using the arm of his good shoulder to do so. It was only Mabel’s second day so he didn’t expect her to take his coat for him just yet. 
“Mabel, come here,” Coriolanus demanded. 
She sticks her needle into the sleeve of the dress she was working on with a sigh but comes over to the door. 
He passes the chocolate almonds to her and she eyes the jar with a greedy stare. 
She pulls away from Coriolanus as if he were going to take them back and retreats to the living room. 
“Chocolate?” Grandma’am questions as Mabel comes near. 
She sits down next to the old woman and shares the chocolate almonds. A truce formed between the two while the jar lasts. 
While the born enemies share the chocolate, Tigris takes the moment of silence to approach her cousin. 
“She fits nicely into our family,” he comments as she nears. 
“She’s not a pet, Coriolanus. You can’t keep her.”
His cock twitches at the thought. 
“The threat in the district proves too intense to send her back. She’ll be staying with us for the foreseeable future.”
“How long do you think that will be?”
“A while. I’ve arranged for a tutor to get her up to speed with Capitol etiquette.”
“Surely, you don’t expect her to integrate into the Capitol? She has her family back home.”
“Yes, and I am sure they would want her to be happy and comfortable in her new life”. 
“New life? The foreseeable future is that long? God, does she know?” 
Coriolanus shakes his head, “It’s best if we don’t mention it. You saw how she reacted to being here in the first place.”
TIgris curls her hands up against her face in sympathy. She wanted what was best for her new friend but
“We should move her to the end room so she has her own space.”
“She’s expressed the wish to remain in my room.”
Tigris looked unsure. 
“Why would she do that, Coriolanus? Just yesterday you held a knife to you, and now she wants to sleep in your bed? You want her to sleep next to you?. All your life you’ve only held contempt for the districts. Now you invite one into your home. Into your bed,” she turns harshly to her cousin, her voice low and upset, “Are you protecting her from a threat or are you the threat?” 
He pushes the paperwork for her shop into her hands.
“You don’t think they had other buildings to fit before yours? I am sorry that you feel a little bit guilty now that we have power to throw around but I’ve worked incredibly hard to ensure that our family always remains ‘the threat’. You don’t get to pick and choose when we use it”.
Tigris crumples the paper in her hand. 
“You reap your benefits and let me reap mine.” His words come out harsh and he rests his hand on her shoulder to defuse the situation. 
“Don’t worry about Mabel. Just focus on your shop and leave her to me”
He leaves her at the door to collect herself, going over to where Mabel and Grandma’am sat. The jar was almost finished. Both Mabel and Grandma’am had a sweet tooth. 
Mabel ate faster seeing Coriolanus coming closer, but kindly offered Grandma’am the last one. 
“Get me a napkin for my hands,” Grandma’am directs Mabel, who rises without complaint to do so. Coriolanus stops her by taking her shoulders in his hands. 
“Actually, Grandma’am I need Mabel,” He looked at his grandmother as he spoke and the old lady looked back at him, “Maybe that’s a job for Tigris.”
He looked back to Tigris still silent at the door. She nods weakly upon his stare. 
He pushes Mabel forward, taking her arm and leading her to the bedroom. 
He bends down to her ear and talks as they walk. 
“You’ll play nice with Grandam’am who treats you like a servant but bite my shoulder when i stop you from harming yourself?”
“Yeah well, it wasn’t Grandma’am who joined me uninvited in the shower this morning. Maybe if she tried she would be sitting there with a matching wound.”
He knew her words were meant to be harmful but they oddly uplifted him. She had given away that she’d thought about biting him when he entered the shower but refrained from doing so. He was training her without even knowing. Perhaps he needn’t cause a sickness on Reaping Day. 
He locks the door behind them as they enter the room. She goes straight to the bed, sitting down and picking at the skin around her nails. 
He drops his bag at the desk, taking a seat as well. 
He takes out a notebook and writes in it neatly, “I, Mable, am learning to write.” 
“Come here,” he commands as he tears out the page. 
He flips open his textbook with his other hand as he holds the page out for her. 
“Write this out, neatly, as many times as you can.” 
She takes the page from him, only knowing her own name. 
“What does it say?”
“Never mind what it says. Go over there and do as you’re told” 
She picks up a pen next to him and follows orders. Maybe the 4th of July wasn’t an impossible goal. 
He hears her scribble as he reads and takes notes. The end of the semester was only a month away, starting on the Reaping public holiday, and continuing until the end of September. A decent holiday but he had much to do before then. He was hoping to finish one of his six assignments tonight. Years of practice and self-criticism had left Coriolanus a master at writing essays. He only ever needed one draft, and a couple of hours. The trick was telling the teacher what they wanted to hear from the essay prompt. This one, comparing and choosing between the benefits of a stealth attack vs a broad-scale attack, was an easy one. His Professor was a man of war. He wanted to hear about the fear-invoking, violent, glory-filled ways to attack an opponent. Coriolanus obliged, even if he thought a stealth attack was always the clear choice when available. 
He finishes it in no time and checks in on Mabel’s progress. She sat smug on the bed which he knew was a bad sign. He tore the paper from under her pen. 
She had been repeatedly scrawling ‘no’ across the page. His neat cursive was now buried underneath her messy scribble. 
He sighed, sickness was back on the cards. 
“Your governess will be here tomorrow morning. Maybe she will teach you ‘yes’”.
“Governess?” Mabel questions. 
“They are private teachers. She will guide you to be of passing quality to Capitol society.” 
He could see it now. A gorgeous, secret heiress, who only comes out with Coriolanus. The only one worth her time. The Capitol elite will eat it up. He will be the talk of the city. 
“Passing quality?” She stands up tall to him, “I have to be passing quality to a society that watches children die for entertainment? You can forget it”.
He pushes her back down on the bed.
‘‘I bet your sister wouldn’t scoff at such an education. Math, science, English. You’ll learn it all, or at least enough to not embarrass me. Fail to do so, and I’ll see if your sister is the brighter of the two.”
He attacked her soft spot, wiping the smirk off her face instantly.
“You leave her out of this.” 
“You leave her out of this,” Coriolanus returns. 
He walks back over to his writing desk and rips out another page. 
“I want both sides of this filled out. If you hurry you might finish in time for dinner”. 
He leaves her with the paper and locks her in the room to complete it. 
Soft with one hand, strike with the other. 
Once he gives her clear rules to follow and consequences for failing those rules, he could begin to show her that within his game, he held all the cards. She could have as many chocolate almonds as she wanted on a good day, and on a bad day, she could go to sleep hungry. 
He wondered which it would be tonight. 
She hadn’t finished in time for dinner so he left her there while his family ate. 
He and Grandma’am ate their fill but Tigris mostly poked at her food. He ordered a plate to be put aside for Mabel, but took his time in bringing it to her. 
Tigris went to bed straight after Coriolanus dismissed her from dinner, but he and Grandma’am took to the living room for dessert and tea. They watch TV together, Coriolanus in no rush to feed the starving girl in his room. 
He even waits for the staff to finish cleaning up and go. Only when Grandma’am yawns does he suggest that they retire for bed. He helps her up and sends her to her bedroom with a kiss. 
He puts the kettle on while he waits for the dinner to reheat. He makes a normal cup of tea, knowing that she will not fall for it again seeing as she seemed to like the taste.. 
Finishing his tasks he takes the items to his room, where Mabel had been working in his study chair. 
“Don’t get up,” he directs as she rises. 
He places the plate and the tea in front of her, leaving her to eat with only a fork. 
She eats but doesn’t drink as Coriolanus checks her writing.
It was still messy, but she had managed to pick up on his punctuation. 
She eats quickly and pushes away her plate, going to stand up but Coriolanus pushes down on her shoulder. 
“Drink your tea.”
“I don’t feel like dessert tonight.”
He picks it up and takes a drink himself. She waits for him to falter in movement before deciding that it is safe to drink. 
“Your governess will come early tomorrow. I will need to leave around lunch again but I will leave two Peacekeepers at the door”. 
Grandam’am and Tigris needed to move freely but after today he wasn’t certain that Tigris wouldn’t let her out. Peacekeepers would not only ensure that Mabel kept her temper in check but also act as gatekeepers. 
He grabs her chin, forcing her to look up at him, “You’ll do as she says. No back chat. No sass.”
“Do or die.” she reiterates. 
The lesson this morning was fruitful; The stronger party got to tell the weaker what to do. 
Reaping Day was fast approaching but between his university and work, he had little time to train Mabel. 
He had given her governess the power to withhold lunch for bad behavior and reward good behavior with chocolate. But Mabel didn’t mind going hungry so it shaped her very little. 
He is greeted by the sight of her teacher every afternoon as he returns home from work. 
“How was she today?” 
The plump, hard woman scoffs, “A nightmare today, Mr. Snow. I couldn’t get her to sit still. She seems more eager to be a maid than rise through knowledge.” 
“How many times?” 
“12, Mr. Snow!”
The number of times Mabel refused to listen, back chatted, or gave cheek only ever went up each evening, never down. 
“I understand your frustrations, Mrs. Fox. Perhaps if you tried an interactive way of learning?”
Mrs. Fox nods her head harshly, “I tried that Mr. Snow. I tried teaching her eight times table by playing a game. For every right answer, she got a chocolate, and for every wrong answer, I got a chocolate. She got to 3 x 8 before she told me I looked like I enjoyed them more, and should have the rest.”
Coriolanus sighs deeply. If Mrs. Fox quit he would have a hell of a time finding someone as discreet as she is. 
He places a hand on her back, “I assure you, Mrs. Fox, she will be better by the  next lesson”.
“The districts don’t scare me, Mr. Snow. I just wish you would let me use a firmer hand with her. These district scum only know violence.”
He didn’t trust her not to leave a mark on Mabel, otherwise a firmer hand would be no issue for him. 
He takes his hand off her and places it on his doorknob, “We’ll see how she is next lesson. My car is downstairs to take you home. Have a nice night, Mrs. Fox.”
She thanks him as he enters his home, and he turns to close the door on her with a charming smile.
Mabel had learned now to come to the door upon his arrival and help with his coat. He couldn’t reprimand her with Tigris on the couch, so he took her chin into his hands and spoke quietly, “I’ll talk with you later. I am very disappointed.”
Mabel doesn’t respond but he can see her swallow a lump in her throat. He greets his family like usual, leaving Mabel a ball of anxiety as she waits to be summoned by him. 
Dinner was rushed. People had barely taken their last bite before Coriolanus rang the bell for the next course. 
Mabel only ate enough to keep her out of trouble. She didn’t need another reason to be punished tonight. 
The main courses were over, and Coriolanus rose from the table, pulling Mabel up by her wrist. 
He bids goodnight to his family and pulls Mabel through the house. She turns back to the dinner table to see that Tigris has begun crying. 
She is pulled into his bedroom where the door is subsequently locked. 
“How many times do you think you think you made a mistake today?” His voice was frustrated, but he let go of her and she sat on the bed as expected. 
“12 times, Mrs. Fox tells me. Your lesson lasted less than five hours today.”
He takes off his vest, leaving it unbuttoned around his shoulders. 
“And she tells me you can’t progress past the eight times table, still.” He unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt. 
“I wash Peacekeeper's uniforms, why do I need to know the eight times table?”
He hated that she still referred to her past life in the current tense. It only added fuel to the anger he already felt.
“Because Capitol children know it!” 
His yelling was a call to action for Mabel.
“Then ask them!” 
He slaps her across the cheek, but she turns her head right back to him, ready for more.
He pulls her up by her arm, and then pulls her down across his lap. It was common practice at night now, so Mabel didn’t even flinch as he did it. 
Bunching her dress over her ass, he lays the first smack of 12 against her bottom. 
She bites back her yelps as she mentally counts out her punishment. 
As the final 12th strike landed, Mabel released the breath she was holding and went to get up. But he forced her back down instead, prolonging the punishment. 
“What’s eight times nine?”
“What?” Mabel answers. 
He smacks her harshly against her bottom again. 
“Eight times nine” he repeats. 
She begins to try to wiggle away from his lap but he keeps his leg over hers, and a hand on her neck pushing her down. 
“Eight” he smacks. 
A yelp makes its way out of her mouth and he shushs her. 
“16.” Another smack lands. 
“24.” She begs him to stop. 
“32.” He does not. 
“40.” A hand came back to protect herself against his blows but was yanked and pinned to her back. 
“48.” Tears pool in her eyes from the pain. 
“56.” A strangled cry.
“64.” The tears roll down her face but Coriolanus is undeterred. 
“72.” She tried to let him know she got it, but he continued over her.
“80.” “Please,” she pleaded. 
He smooths his hand over her reddened cheeks, “Your turn. Go.”
“Eight,16, 24” she pauses to count and another strike lands on her ass. 
“32,” he continues. 
“40.” She could count that one easily enough. 
“48.” She stops to count again and it earns two slaps. 
“56!” he growls with another tap. 
“64.” There was no need for quick math in the districts. But she could count easily enough with time. 
Frustrated, he finishes for her, smacking between counts, “72, 80, 88, 96.” 
He moves to gather both wrists in his hands, pinning them to her back. 
“Start again from the top.” 
Through tears, she does as he asks and endures the same treatment as she falters. It gets harder as the blood rushes to her head from her position and the fire on her bottom spreads to the back of her thighs. 
On the fourth go, she does get them all right and he releases her from his hold. 
Mabel lays on the bed, watching him as he stands tall over her.
“What’s eight times nine?” he asks again. 
“72,” she spat through gritted teeth.
He squats down to her level and places a kiss in her hair, “See I knew you could do it. You just need to stop being a brat.” 
He rises again and heads to the bathroom. 
“Come take a shower,” he demands. 
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abitterboy · 6 months
Rainy Daze
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Genre: Smut (Seungmin)
Summary: Seungmin drives you home on a rainy evening.
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: Pervert Seungmin, horny thoughts, masturbation, men whimpering/moaning
(unedited and written quickly as i’m super busy rn but this thought plagued my mind. i had originally wanted to write this for jisung because im obsessed with perv ji but realized i have nothing for seungmin so here we go)
“Shit shit shit!”
Seungmin looked up to see where that voice sounded from and saw you stressed out in your car. The engine wouldn’t start and it was pouring outside. You got out of your car and kicked the tire before looking up at the sky and remembering the rain that you had just walked through. Your hands shot up over your head as you opened the door to sit back in your car defeated. He stood there confused as to what he should do as he held his umbrella over his head. Seungmin and you worked together and he has always kind of had a thing for you. You had been very helpful to him when he first started working there and were always eager to lend a hand. On top of your good work ethic, you were also extremely sexy and he swears he's never seen anyone look so good in button downs and skirts. He knew it was ridiculous but he daydreamed about you all the time. Especially if he found you bent over to pick up something or saw you through your office window with your top shirt buttons undone and your hair down. You were his greatest fantasy. Before connecting his brain to his feet, he started walking towards your car. He honestly had no idea what he was gonna say, but he wanted to provide you with some sort of comfort or solution in your time of need. Once reaching your car, he knocked on the window and accidentally startled you. He put his hand up and mouthed a “sorry” before you lowered your window. Even drenched in rain, you were still so beautiful. The way your hair clung to your face and your eyelashes stuck together, created an entirely new beauty on you that he had never seen.
“I uh- I see you’re having some car troubles.”
You laughed pathetically and put your hands to your forehead in defeat.
“Well I knew this piece of junk would crap out on me one day. I just really hoped it wouldn’t be a day as soon as this one.”
Seungmin saw the stress in your face. He looked across the lot at his car, and the only solution he could think of blurted out of his mouth.
“I could drive you, you know? Maybe uh-um if you want me to I mean.”
You looked in the direction of Sungmin's car and back at Seungmin before smiling.
“I would really appreciate that. Let me just get my stuff real quick.”
Seungmin nodded and watched as you got your purse and other belongings out of the car. He found it odd when you folded up a sweater and held it close to your chest instead of putting it on.
“Don’t you want to wear that? You’re less likely to get as wet if you do.”
“It’s foolish of me to keep this dry isn’t it? It’s just that I really like this jacket and I don’t know if I’ll have enough time to wash it tonight and wear it tomorrow. I’d hate for it to smell like rain at work.”
You slowly got out of the car and Seungmin extended the umbrella to you. You tried to gently push it back towards him, but he insisted. You pushed it back one more time but this time inched your way closer to him so you could both be covered by the umbrella. He tensed up at how close you were. Your wet shirt allowed for your bra to show through it and he tried hard not to stare but he couldn't help but glance as the two of you walked to the car. Seungmin walked to your side first and opened the passenger door to let you in.
“Thank you.”
You lowered your head first and bent into the car to throw your belongings in the back. Seungmin held the umbrella above you as he stared at the way your back bent and the way your ass was sticking out the car so close to him. He didn’t dare move and had to hold back his lustful thoughts of you so he wouldn’t embarrass himself by popping a boner. Despite him being confident and brave in his head, he knew he was too shy to actually act on any of his thoughts or feelings. You slid into the car and he made his way to his side to get in and start the car. You put your address into his phone and he started on his way. You looked out the window at the rain falling. Usually you enjoy rain but this was absolutely not one of those moments.
“I really appreciate this, Seungmin. You're a lifesaver.”
He shook his head and looked over at you for a second.
“No it was just the right thing to do.”
You smiled and turned to look at Seungmin. His sleeves were rolled up and he was super focused on the road. He honestly looked kind of… pretty? His facial features were soft yet had a sharpness to him, huh you had never noticed that before.
The ride wasn”t filled with much chatter but you two made small talk about a lot of things. It was not awkward at all and you actually enjoyed the ride with him. Once you made it to your house you went to grab your stuff out the back seat and thanked Seungmin again.
“You’re the best. I swear.”
Seungmin realized that you now had no car and wondered how you were gonna make it to work tomorrow.
“Um, would you need me or maybe want me to drive you to work tomorrow? I’m not too far from here it wouldn't be too out of my way.”
“Oh my god I wasn’t even thinking about tomorrow. Again, you save my ass. Yes I’d appreciate that. I’ll put my number in your phone and buy you some gas to make up for it.”
You grabbed his phone as he insisted you didn’t owe him gas. You scoffed and stated that you would do it no matter how stubborn he was. You wanted to put a photo of you in your contact so you grabbed Seungmin and took a photo together. You didn’t like the photo as you were head on and you preferred your side profile.
“Do you have a girlfriend?”
He looked shocked at the sudden question and shook his head no.
“Good, wouldn't wanna upset her.”
You smiled before grabbing him again and pulling his face towards yours to plant a kiss on his cheek before snapping the photo.
He was frozen. What the hell just happened. His mind raced as he thought of what he would do if he was brave. He would have grabbed your face and kissed you. He would’ve thrown you over his lap and put his hands on your hips to roll them over his forming hard on. He would’ve kissed you so deeply you'd be gasping for air.
Meanwhile, you were pleased with the photo and gave him his phone back before casually hopping out of the car. The rain had calmed down but you still ran a little to your front door to avoid getting any more soaked. Once you unlocked your door you turned around and waved bye to Seungmin. He feigned a smile and waved back before pulling off.
He was so fucked right now. Seungmin was so lucky you didn’t look at him after you kissed him because he knows you would have seen the way his pants were straining against his dick right now. The softness of your lips was still faintly felt on his cheek and he didn’t dare touch it. He planned to jerk off to the photo of you two when he got home but as he pulled into his driveway Seungmin realized his roommate was home. Damn. He reclined his seat to lay all the way back and closed his eyes as he took a deep breath, hoping to calm himself down. As he took in his breath he smelled something familiar. He smelled you. He looked to the side to see your jacket was left behind, blending into the color of his seats. He grabbed it without thinking and held it to his nose. Your scent filled his head and he couldn’t help but moan.
“Fuck, she smells so good.”
Without registering what he was doing he slipped his hand down his torso and ran it over his clothed erection.
“Mm fuck~”
A whimper escaped him and led him to further his movements. Seungmin lifted his shirt and undid his belt buckle before reaching in to feel himself over his boxers. With another smell of your jacket that was almost covering his face, he stuck his hand fully into his boxers and embraced himself. His thoughts ran wild of you on his lap, kissing him and grinding down against his crotch.
“Ah that feels good.”
He would kiss down your neck and take in the scent of your hair and clothes while you moaned with your pretty voice. He would slowly slip off your shirt and kiss up and down your chest, loving every part of you with his lips and tongue. You would roll your hips above him just to feel him grow below you and then you’d beg him to fuck you. At least that’s what he imagined.
Seungmin placed the jacket on his face to free up one of his hands and lifted his hips to lower his pants, fully freeing himself to get sharper movements around his throbbing cock. The jacket slipped from his face where he had placed it and made it towards his chest. He knew this was wrong, and he knew he shouldn’t be doing this but he had gone this far already. He placed the jacket over his dick and started using it to get himself off. The soft material and the fact that it was yours and had been on your body and in your room drove Seungmin absolutely mad. He started thrusting quickly upwards into the jacket that his hands kept wrapped tightly around his cock and squirmed as he did it. Soft whimpers of your name escaped him as he felt his climax approaching. A small fraction of Seungmin’s logical brain returned when he realized he couldn’t release on the jacket or you would know what he did so before he was finished he moved the jacket out of the way and came on his stomach instead. His breathing slowed as he came down and the rest of his logic returned to him.
He could not believe he just did that. He grabbed napkins out of his glove compartment to clean himself up. When pulling on his pants Seungmin realized that the jacket had a little stain on it. Oh fuck, that was his fault. He had to come up with a plan so he quickly did. He was going to pretend the jacket fell out of the car into a puddle when he opened the back door and that he washed it to return to you in the morning nice and clean. It was perfect and he would look kind instead of like the pervert he truly is. Seungmin collected his stuff, straightened himself up, and opened the door to step out of his car. He closed and locked the doors and made his way to his front door when all of a sudden he felt his shoe slip and he actually did fall into a puddle of water. Once the shock washed over him he could only say one thing to himself.
“Yeah, I deserve that.”
(im sorry im so inactive i just started a new job and it takes up all my time. i hope you at least got to enjoy this and i hope to be able to write again soon!)
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m1dn1ght-jade · 1 month
Hello! This is the first piece of writing i've ever actually posted, so please be kind! There's no like heavy nsfw or whatever, too nervous to write that stuff yet, but just wanted to see if anyone would like this. Also apologies if the end is kinda abrupt or unfinished. If anyone does take the time to read this, please enjoy, and thank you for reading!
prof!abby anderson x reader // ~550 words // based loosely on this post I made // not proof read
includes (i dont know how to do tags, bear with me) : implied reader shower masturbation, implied shower sex, nudity, established relationship, neck kissing??
nsfw under the cut, 18+ only please and thank you! enjoy :)
Abby wasn't too proud of her decision to end her classes for the day early, but she certainly didn't regret the decision. She quickly packed up her stuff, and shot you a quick text:
Abby: "Class ended early! Omw back now."
When she didn't hear anything in response after a moment, she just clued up her belongings and decided she would meet you at home. She was hasty as she made her way out to her car in the parking lot, it was a nice day out, warm and sunny as summer was approaching, she made a mental note to ask you if you would like to go out with her this evening, perhaps for a nice walk together. She let out a soft sigh as she turned on her car, her hands smoothing over the material of her slacks, stretched over her muscular thighs. Once she was situated she finally began the short drive home, her thoughts on you the whole time. She wondered about what you may be doing right now, maybe you were making some food, or perhaps having a nap; she really hoped you hadn't left the house, she would understand if you had, but she desperately wanted to see you.
Once Abby made it to the complex she was quick to make it up to your guys' apartment. She unlocked the door and slipped in, she noticed your favourite shoes and your sweater by the entrance, and a smile spread across her lips as she figured you were home. She slipped off her own shoes before making her way through the apartment, undoing the top few buttons on her shirt she had worn to work, rolling out the tension in her shoulders. It wasn't long until she figured out where you were, as she heard the sound of the shower running from your shared bathroom, which was quickly followed by the quiet sounds of your moans, her own name tumbling from your lips, barely audible through the door, but she heard you.
She made her way to the bedroom instead, taking off her shirt and pants from the day, neatly putting them in the laundry bin. Once she was down to her boyshort underwear, and she took the elastic out of her hair, letting the braid it had been in fall loose, she made her way down to the bathroom. She knocked a couple times to announce her presence, before slipping into the bathroom, smirking slightly as she was greeted by the sight of you- beads of water all over your skin, your breathing slightly ragged, and most importantly, your hand nestled between your thighs.
She slipped off her final article of clothing before quickly joining you in the warm shower, her muscular arms wrapping around you, pulling you close to her. You asked her about her being home early, but her mind was already elsewhere, muttering that she had ended class early as her kisses trailed along your skin, down your neck. Her hands ran along your body, pride and arousal surging through her as she felt your hands gripping back at her, as she heard your moans echoing around her. Any thoughts or worries about ending her classes early to see you disappeared from her mind, only you consumed her thoughts now, and now that she was home, she could give you everything you craved.
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heartthrobin · 1 year
your kiss carries me home
javier peña x female!reader
wc: 1.1k
warnings: none, just fluff
an: this has been sitting in drafts for eons but i thought y’all deserved a little sm sm while you wait on the Hotch fic :)
summary: every day is harder than the last, but Javier’s got you to kiss him drunk as soon as he steps in the door and that’s more than he deserves.
The light in the hallway outside the apartment had stopped working, it steeped the entrance in darkness.
Javier's eyes flickered up to it. He'd been meaning to put in a new bulb for almost a month now.
He didn't know why he was so bothered by it. The apartment wasn't his own, not really. It had been DEA appointed and the rows of apartments down the corridor belonged to colleagues who's faces he passed every morning but who’s names he couldn’t be bothered to remember.
He'd felt weird when he asked you to move in - considering it wasn't really his own place - but you bounced on your toes with a soft “really, Javi?” on your lips and kissed him like he'd invited you to Buckingham Palace. The logistics of the matter were quickly lost on him. 
Evening wind whistled through the corridor and unstuck the hair that sweat had plastered to Javier’s forehead.
Yellow light peeked out from underneath the door, you were home. He could hear you rustling around the kitchen: cupboards closing and plates clinking.
A wave of guilt washed over him. It was almost midnight.
You'd probably waited on him to eat dinner. Every day he promised to be home earlier, and every day he managed to arrive later.
He reached to scratch at his top lip, where the bristly brown hair sprouted out under his nose, and sighed. It had been such a godawful long day. A narco had run him down what felt like the full length of Bogotá and they’d lost another informant he’d been using to monitor Pacho Herrera.
Javier’s eyes dared a glance down at his state: his cream button up was caked in dust, sticking to his chest with sweat, and he reeked like a tobacco shop. He knew how you hated the cigarettes. Javier was coming home to you a mess, as he did every night.
It scared him that it wasn’t enough. The late nights, the cigarette smoke, the broken hallway light. That he wasn’t enough. 
The sound of a distant crash pulled his gaze back up to the door, it was followed by a faint "shit!" and he smiled.
God, all he'd thought about all day was you.
About getting home and crawling into your arms and tasting your lips. About your hands and how they would trail down his back and feeling the rumble of your giggles when he kisses your neck.
You never complained about his tardiness, only wrapped your arms over his shoulders as if every night he was returning from war, and told him you missed him.
The thought was enough to urge his hand over the door handle and it squeaked as it twisted. The door pushed open, it was unlocked.
Cool air rushed over him, the AC was cranking loudly in the corner: fighting to ward off Colombia's heat of the night.
"Javi?" Your voice carried from the nook of the kitchen. The smell of food was wafting after it and Javier's stomach nudged at him in hunger.
He set his gun and badge carefully on the counter before following the sounds of dinner being made. "Baby, it's me."
The kitchen was small and you turned from where you'd been mixing something in a pot on the stove to look up at him, he thought he might melt through the floor at the look on your face.
Your smile tugged on either end of your mouth and the fuzzy yellow light made your eyes sparkle.
"How many times do I have to tell you to lock the door when I'm not here?" In two steps Javier had you between his large hands, squeezing at your hips and pulling you against him so he could stare unabashedly down at your face. His tone was playful. "Hm?"
"I'm sorry..." you grinned, "I left it open so when my boyfriend arrives he can come right in."
Your eyelashes bat up at him and Javier wondered how he ever managed to look away from them.
"Oh, yeah?" He inquired, tilting his head and pulling you closer against him. "And where is your boyfriend now?"
Javier felt your hands slide down his back and into his bum pockets. You shrugged, playing along. "I don't know. He said he was going to be here by nine, but he hasn't shown up."
"Is he always such a flaky asshole, your boyfriend?" His tone was gentler now, less playful, concealing a soft apology.
Your hands slipped from his backside up to either side of his face where your thumb ran softly over his top lip. "Most of the time, yes. But I love him so it doesn't matter."
Javier pressed down against your lips tenderly. You tasted like the white wine that was sitting in a glass not too far down the counter and the pasta sauce warming in the pot.
"I'm sorry, baby." He whispered against your lips.
You shook your head, kissing him again. "You're here now."
Javier's hand tightened on your hip and licked at the seam of your mouth. His tongue slipped in and he didn't think he'd ever get over the little sounds you made.
The first kiss you'd shared had been a menagerie of melodies that left Javier's head spinning for hours afterwards. He'd known just then that you had to be his.
The hands cupping his face moved to drag scribbles against his scalp with your long nails and he was sure he was dying and dreaming and melting all at once. 
He guided you carefully until you were leaning back against the countertop. You pulled off him with a slight pop, never wandering to far: close enough that you could offer short sweet pecks to his glistening red lips, wet with your saliva.  
"I thought about you all day." His words slipped out like hot steam from the mouth of a kettle.
"You did?" Your fingers twisted the curls at the base of his neck. "Shouldn't you be thinking about catching bad guys and keeping Colombia safe from narcos, mi amor?"
He let out a chuckle. "Not when I have the most beautiful girlfriend in the world at home waiting to kiss me drunk as soon as I step in the door."
The blush that chased over your cheeks made Javier's chest bloom with pride. Knowing that he could do that to you with just his stupid words.
"Eres demaisiado suave, Peña." You tutted, the grin of playfulness ever present. "Es muy peligroso."
"Just for you, baby." He swooped down for one more taste at heaven, sighing as your teeth caught his bottom lip before straightening up. "I'm starving. Let's eat before your boyfriend gets here."
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aheathen-conceivably · 7 months
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Violette, Josephine, and Giorgio spent the rest of the afternoon surveying the meager commercial offerings of Strangerville. They looked into every shop window and meandered down each street, showing their new home to Violette and enjoying one another’s company.
As the sun began to tilt ever closer to the tops of the red rocks, Violette started to grow visibly tired, so Giorgio led them to his farmhouse at the edge of town. As they drew closer, Violette’s steps continued to slow, so Gio picked her up to carry her the rest of the way as she dozed off on his shoulder.
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As they approached the house, they spotted Antoine on the porch, smoking a cigarette and surveying the surrounding desert. Violette seemed to sense his presence and her eyes sprung open, insisting on being put down so she could sprint toward him. He immediately kneeled down into the sand to pull her into a hug, “Well now Miss Violette, I do believe I’ve found your room. Would you like to go and see if it’s up to your standards?”
She shook her head in giddy agreement and Antoine threw Gio one last thankful look before he picked up Violette to carry her inside.
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Now alone with Giorgio for the first time since she arrived, Jo’s eyes began to linger on the peeling sideboards and sheet metal roofs shivering in the hot sun. Giorgio looked down at her hopefully, and she returned his gaze with a lifted eyebrow, no need to convey her trepidations with much else. Gio offered her his hand and led her across the porch, through the yard, and to the smaller home where he had been living. 
They stopped at the front door, and Gio turned back to her, “Listen, Jo, I hold no illusions that this is the home you want, but ever since I received Antoine’s letter I’ve done nothing but try and make it comfortable for you.”
She knew that now wasn’t the time for judgment, for fear or regret. So she gave him a small nod and he opened the door to the cabin, which smelled of strong alcohol and sunbaked wood.
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They entered straight into the living room, where she tried not to notice the cracks on the walls or the thinning lace curtains. Gio kept her hand firmly in his as he led her to the bedroom door. As he opened it, Josephine realized with a jolt that it even shabbier than the previous room; one whole wall was covered in nothing but newspaper, and the patches elsewhere told her that one day the rest would be as well.
To the right was a corner already set with some of her belongings and the drawing of her mother that she had mailed in a carefully wrapped package weeks before. She let go of his hand and walked toward it, running her hand along the nearby vanity, which had already been lovingly arranged with her jewelry, new magazines, and a fresh flower.
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He watched her hand move along the weathered wood, but stayed distant as he spoke, giving her space to take in the room on her own, “I restored it for you, Jo. I never thought I could, honestly, but there isn’t shit to do here but drink or work. So I found it, torn to shreds and thrown on the side of the road, and restored it for you, just hoping that you’d write, that you’d be here one day to use it.”
His expression was so earnest that it almost pained her to look at, even in the reflection of the mirror. He made no effort to hide his worry and pain or the flashes of desperate happiness that she was standing there at all, bedecked in pearls and makeup amidst the crumbling walls and stained carpets. It was impossible not to see the best of him in that moment, to remember all of the kindness and love that he had shown her while she withheld so much from him.
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She let her hand linger on the dresser for a moment more before she went to him. He immediately threw his arms around her and she felt his entire body relax in relief. As he brought his lips to her neck and hands to the buttons of her shirt, she closed her eyes; still through shut lids she could see the room around them.
No regrets, Jo. You told yourself no regrets. Just don’t look back. Never look back.
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pankowperfection · 8 months
For Rudy or Drew, you pick. You and him are best friends. He takes you to all the premiers and parties because he loves you so much and wants you to have the time of your life, but he always ends up taking someone else home afterward. One night, you decide you're sick of waiting for him to finally see you, so you decide to hook up with some random at the party. His own hookup doesn't go well (girl is too sloppy drunk or something) and he goes looking for you to go home. He finds you making out with some guy, becomes enraged and jealous, takes you home, and shows you in the most unholy way who you really belong to.
Tired of Waiting
warnings: smut, 18+, oral (fem receiving), slight choking
Another night, another party at some upscale club in downtown Los Angeles. You'd almost grown tired of this routine, Rudy inviting you to every event, even going as far as buying you outfits to wear. No matter what you did or how hard you tried to get him to see you as more than a friend or the "good time girl", he always ended up leaving with someone else. Tonight would be no different it seemed.
The laser lights bounce off of every reflective surface, almost making it hard to see as you wind your hips to the beat of the song the DJ is playing. As if your body can sense his presence, you turn around and spot the tall blonde man in the corner. Anger simmers in your system when you see a long legged brunette approaching him, quickly pulling him into a kiss while his hands slide to her ass.
You march your way over to the bar, ordering a double shot of tequila and catching the attention of an attractive stranger in the process. His eyes descend over your body, warming your skin from the inside out as his gaze lingers on your cleavage spilling from the top of your dress before sliding lower, taking his time to admire your bare legs.
"Damn sweetheart, you're this beautiful and you love tequila? Where have you been all my life?"
You laugh for the first time that night, enjoying the fact that someone can appreciate you.
"Well thank you. You look pretty hot yourself."
He's almost the opposite of Rudy. Short, brown hair. An intricate sleeve of tattoos working its way from his muscled forearm up until it disappears under his stylish button down shirt. He definitely works out, biceps threatening to rip the material to shreds if he moves the wrong way. His confidence is sexy, you can't quite put your finger on it but something about him screams dangerous and you are loving it. Your heart kicks into overdrive when he grabs your hand and pulls you onto the dance floor.
His hands make a new home on your hips, pulling your back flush against his front as you start to grind against him. His hot breath fans over your neck and tickles your ear, an involuntary shiver shooting through your body at the sensations. Without overthinking it you spin in his arms, placing your hands behind his neck and pulling him into a heated kiss.
If he was surprised he doesn't show it. One hand slides into your hair, angling your head before his tongue pushes into your mouth. The other moves to cup your ass, grabbing a handful before landing a soft spank that makes you gasp. You're so caught up in the moment you don't even notice Rudy emerging from the back hallway, the girl from earlier already forgotten as she was too drunk to even stand up.
He rudely interrupts the moment, clearly pissed about not getting a hookup tonight. "Come on y/n, time to go."
You jump at the sound of his voice, feeling guilty for a second before it disappears. "No thanks Rudy, I think I'll stay."
You give him your back, about to start kissing your new mystery man again before being pulled back by your wrist.
"I said let's go. Don't make me tell you again."
Something in his eyes tells you he isn't kidding. You mutter a quick apology to your date before being dragged out of the club, struggling to keep up with Rudy's long strides in your heels.
The ride home is deathly quiet, the tension between the two of you so thick you can taste it. When he takes a turn that leads to his place rather than yours your anxiety kicks up a notch.
"What are you doing Ru? You know this isn't the way to my apartment."
"Shut up y/n. Don't push me right now."
You've never seen him like this, eyes wild with you weren't sure what. His grip on the steering wheel tight enough to make his knuckles white. As soon as you pull up to his house he's out of the car, slamming the door behind him as you try to catch up.
"What the fuck is your problem today? You take home a different girl every time we go out and the ONE time I find a guy who is interested in me, you ruin it."
The words are barely out of your mouth before you're shoved against the front door that just shut behind you, hands easily pinned above your head with just one of his.
"You want to know what my problem is sweetheart? News flash, it's you. How can you not see that I've been trying to keep myself in control around you since the day we met?"
He cages you in, leaning his forehead against yours until he's so close that each word from his mouth brushes against your lips. The hard lines of his body somehow feel just right pressed against your soft curves, heat settling low in your belly at the feeling of his semi hard cock laying against your stomach.
"Everything about you drives me crazy. Do you know how many times I've had to take care of myself after being around you in a tiny excuse for a bikini or a super short dress? How many nights I've imagined what you taste like? How you sound when you moan? If you want me as badly as I want you?"
Pleasure replaces your initial shock, hot lust swirling through your veins as his words sink in.
"If all that is true, then what are you going to do about it? Hmm?"
You want to tease him, make him wait like he has you but the truth is you are tired of waiting, desperate to see if the rumors are true about how good he is in bed.
"I'm going to show you what you always should have known, you're mine sweetheart."
He doesn't waste anymore time, capturing you in a passionate kiss that you feel all the way to your toes. He moans at the taste of you and you take advantage, plunging your tongue into his mouth. Without breaking the kiss he easily picks you up, wrapping your legs around his torso before carrying you to the couch.
He gets your dress off in record time, hungry eyes taking in every inch of your exposed flesh. Your mouth dries when he pulls off his shirt and pants, leaving him in only his tight boxers with a very large tent in the front.
"Like what you see baby?" he taunts, pulling you back into his embrace before pushing you onto the plush cushions of the couch. The weight of his body on tops of yours feels so good, his sinful mouth making a path from your jaw down your neck, biting and sucking deep bruises into your skin.
Satisfied with his work he moves further south, eagerly licking and nibbling each of your nipples until they stiffen into hard peaks. Each flick of his tongue over your sensitive flesh sends bolts of pleasure straight to your clit, almost like an imaginary wire is connecting the two.
"God Rudy, feels so good."
You feel him smirk against your skin, your fingers winding their way into his hair while he trails kisses down your torso. You hold your breath in anticipation when he gets closer to your aching pussy, a small whine leaving your lips when he starts his torture over again, working his way from your knee up to the inside of your thigh, avoiding where you need him most.
"Such a pretty pussy," he murmurs, finally sliding two fingers through your slit, gathering wetness while he situates himself between your thighs, one leg over each of his shoulders. "Be a good girl for me and let me make you forget all about that guy at the bar."
You don't have time to respond before he's on you, tongue diving deep, teasing around your soaking hole before gliding up and over your clit. He devours you like a starved man, no inch of your sensitive flesh untouched by his skilled tongue. In no time at all you feel your high building, shameless grinding into his face while you tug harshly on his hair.
"That's it sweetheart, take what you need. You taste fucking amazing, want you to soak my face baby."
His dirty words do nothing to help the flames of desire scorching through your system. Two of his thick fingers sink into your wet heat and your back arches off the couch, loud moans echoing off the walls when he curls them just right to stroke your sweet spot.
He doubles his efforts, quickly flicking your sensitive clit up and down with his tongue while his fingers slowly pump in and out. Your orgasm hits you like a train, whole body shaking as you cum with his name spilling from your lips. He laps up every last drop of your release, your thighs trembling from the incredible pleasure before you finally push him away.
Before you can process what's happened he's all the way naked, stroking his huge cock through your wetness while his eyes stay glued to your face.
"Tell me you want this y/n. I need to hear you say it."
Your breath catches in your throat when the tip catches on your entrance, desperation taking over at just how badly you need him inside of you.
"I want you Rudy. Please fuck me."
You barely finish your sentence before he buries himself inside you to the hilt in one, hard thrust. You both are breathing heavy, a sexy groan leaving his lips at how good you feel wrapped around him.
"Shit, I'm never gonna be able to get enough. This pussy was made for me."
All you can do is nod, too drunk on the feeling of him filling you over and over to form a coherent thought. He sets a brutal rhythm, one hand wrapping around your throat while the other grips tightly on your hips, forcing you to remain in place.
Your hands circle his muscular biceps, nails leaving crescent moon indents in his skin. You start to clench around him, a second orgasm building quickly. His lips trail up your neck before melding with yours, his tongue thrusting into your mouth and making you moan.
"Come on baby, cum for me." Sweat glistens on his brow, making him look so irresistible you can't help but imagine licking every inch of his skin. The hand on your throat skates down your body to rub your clit in smooth circles, his other hand coming up to play with your nipples.
The extra stimulation is all you needed. You fall apart with a scream, clenching around him so hard he can't resist, filling you up with his warm release while continuing to give you soft thrusts. He reaches up to push your hair out of your face, leaning down to give you a sweet kiss while still buried inside of you.
"You realize there is no going back from this right? You're mine now y/n, I mean it."
You laugh, pulling his face back down to give him another slow kiss. "Of course you idiot, I've always been yours."
@adventuresinobx @starkeyobx @paradisehamilton @ailee-celeste @pankhoeforlife @outerbankspov @houseofperfecttaste @faithforgottenlxnd @maybankslover @maybanks-luver @blueicequeen19 @toystory2wasjustokay @onmykneesforrafe @penny4yourthoughts @maddie-routledge @ilovetheavenger143
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cellythefloshie · 2 months
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;; Icebreaker Chapter Three of Cool for the Summer
Table of Contents Chapter Two «« 🤍 »» Chapter Four
Summary: Harper has to work, but that doesn't stop Andrei from trying to get to know her. TW: No triggers apply. Word Count: 4k+
This series to be read in conjecture with @hockeyboysimagines I Loved You Three Summers.
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That heaviness your body has when you've actually slept through the night without interruption? Harper had it. It was a fog on her mind as she rolled over in her bed, her hand searching the darkness for where her phone had fallen after aimlessly scrolling through social media when her mind had been too loud to sleep. Blindly, she searched until the covers, her bare legs tangling with the blankets until she found it tucked until one of her too fluffy pillows that had been pushed to the other side of the bed. Her eyes squinted, preparing for the bright light of her phone as she pressed the power nutty again and again, but the light never came. It was dead. 
Cursing, she pushed her blanket aside, her mind and body now suddenly awake as she searched a nearby box for her digital clock. Her hands fumbled over familiar objects, catching corners and awkward shapes before she saw the deep neon green glow of the snooze button. She dropped to her knees; the carpet burning her knees as she fished out the box and read the big bold numbers. Then, as quickly as she picked it up from the box, Harper was dropping it back into her mess of belongings. 
She was late. 
Pounding against her chest, and up into her ears was her heart as she moved through the room like a summer storm. Harper tripped over boxes as she lurched for a light switch, but the harsh fluorescent lights were still not enough to keep her from kicking the bed as she walked by it, nor could she seem to find anything she needed for her workday. Every bit of her life was still packed away in a box in a room that was familiar, yet it didn't feel like her own. 
She stumbled through just as she stumbled through life, on the verge of tears and a veil of self confidence as she pulled on the same shirt she had worn the day before and a pair of yoga pants from the top of one of the boxes. Quick hands pulled her blond hair back in a messy ponytail and for time's sake she would go barefaced. Then, Harper was taking the stairs two steps at a time and moved straight for the kitchen. 
Makeup could be skipped, but coffee could not. 
Passing her sister, who sat propped up on the stool at the kitchen island, Harper envied her for only a moment. If only for her calm in the early morning, and the big bowl of watermelon that sat in front of her on the counter. 
Harper's stomach growled, her eyes shutting as she tried to ignore the feeling of hunger that became all the more consuming as she stood in the kitchen. Her hands fumbled around her cup, ice rumbling in the refrigerator as it spilled down into the cup. Some rattle there. While others missed and fell to the floor. She groaned, so close to swearing and tossing her cup into the sink. But she persisted. Even as the ice tumbled to the floor again, she did her best not to let it get to her - even if sitting in a drive through for an ice coffee just seemed easier. She needed to do it for herself. 
A heavy breath rocked her, the rush of hair blowing loose hair that had fallen out of her ponytail out of her face. 
“I won't be home until after dinner, running club tonight so don't worry about me-” Harper's words were rushed as she rounded the counter, one hand putting her coffee down to pick up her work bag before she was hugging her sister in a quick embrace - hoping that if her shirt stunk, Maddie would be bold enough to tell her before she left. But when they exchanged nothing more than soft, tired smiles and see you later, Harper was stepping into a pair of Crocs and running out the door. 
Stumbling down the steps, she almost lost one of the bright sunshine yellow Crocs. Her steps stuttered as she tried to fit her foot back into it just right as she jogged down the crowded driveway to her Jeep that was parked on the street, out of the way until she could return to U-Haul by the end of the night, hopefully. 
Her hand fell to the handle, pulling it twice before she realized she hadn't unlocked the door. Harper dug through her work bag, searching for her keys. It was with her head down, as she mumbled to herself about how she should just call in and cancel all her appointments to her day, that Harper was greeted by a thick low Russian accent that left her jolting with the sudden realization that she wasn't alone. 
“Where are you off to in such a hurry?”
Harper glanced back over her shoulder and to the driveway that neighbors hers. Seth and Andrei stood in it, fully dressed for their days and smiling. Smiling when she wanted to do nothing more than scream and cry and go back to bed when nothing seemed to be going right. She hated it. 
“Work,” she answered him simply as her hands wrapped around the keys. Her thumb pressed down on the fob, unlocking it with ease. 
“What do you do?” Andrei asked, his hands falling into the pockets of his shorts as he moved down the drive. 
Harper bit the inside of her cheek. He was a good kid; she was sure of it, but she didn't have time for this. 
“Physiotherapy,” she kept her answer short as she climbed into the front seat, leaving the door open as she settled in. Harper needed to go, but she wasn't going to slam the door in his face. 
“When do you get off?”
Second thought, maybe she should slam the door in his face. 
“Late,” she bit out as she reached up to fix her rear-view mirror. 
“So, you'll need a lunch date, then?”
Harper's eyes rolled at his boldness. Oh, how nice it must be to be so young, attractive and used to getting everything you wanted. And no one could tell her Andrei was treated otherwise. Not when the cocky, confident smile he wore said it all. The boy wasn't used to rejection, on or off the ice. 
“If you want to see me between the hours of nine and five, you'll have to make an appointment,” Harper took a breath, the professionalism in her words almost exhausting as her hand dropped to her cupholder where her cup of coffee was supposed to be. 
Harper leaned her back against her headrest, defeated. Her coffee was still on the counter. 
“Are you al-” Harper could hear the concern in Andrei's voice as he stood just outside the front door of her Jeep, her eyes watering, on the verge of tears as she started to get out of the car to rush back inside for her drink. 
But then she sees Maddie practically tiptoeing over the cold driveway, her iced coffee in hand. She's still in her pajamas, an oversized t-shirt that doesn't quite seem long enough and a pair of frilly pink shorts that Harper hoped was a big enough distraction for Andrei to forget that he was so close to seeing her cry. 
“You're a lifesaver, Mads!” Harper sighed, reaching out with one hand for the coffee before forcing a smile and looking up at Andrei, who still lingered nearby. Who still wore a look of concern as he looked down at her perched in her driver's seat.
Her skin crawled under the gaze of the unwanted attention, her hands reaching out to grasp at the steering wheel as she tried to divert his attention away from her. “I work today, but Maddie here, she's free all day,” she spoke quickly, hoping Maddie wouldn't mind. 
“Maddie, this is Seth's friend, Andrew-”
“Andrei,” he was quick to correct her. 
“Right,” she nodded, not even looking at it in fear that he would somehow see in her eyes or on her features that she knew his name, first and last. Or somehow learn that her curiosity had gotten the best of her and that she had spent the better part of her night scrolling his NHL stats page when she couldn't sleep. “You three should do something.” 
The suggestion seemed sweet, sincere, as she reached up and pulled her sunglasses from the sun visor. Forcing a smile, Harper slid them up the bridge of her nose and offered the pair a wave before she left them as nothing but a reflection of her rearview. 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Sweat dripped in beads down the back of Andrei's neck. Not the shade of the golf cart, or the ball cap he wore on his head, could save him from the heat of the sun as it continued to rise in the sky. They couldn't have been on the course for more than an hour, but it had already felt like it had been all day. Andrei didn't know why it felt that way. Maybe it was simply the heat, or maybe it was the fact they were only on the third hole and Seth was still busy trying to teach Madison how to hit a golf ball. 
The petite blonde stood in the tee zone, taking her time positioning herself around the tee as she shook out her thick hair that hung down her back in waves. Maddison had an effortless beauty, one that other women wanted and one any guy would have gone crazy for - and Seth was every bit of his attention devoted to her as he guided her every move with his words or a casual touch. But Andrei’s mind was still thinking of Harper. 
Leaning against the back of the golf cart, Andrei sipped back an ice cold water bottle and tried to rid his mind of the sad look in her eyes that she had when she drove to work earlier in the morning. It made his heart sink. He didn’t know her - and it was clear in the short time he had gotten to speak to her that she was far from interested in getting to know him - but that didn’t deter Andrei. A beautiful girl like her deserved to smile, and he wanted to be the one to do it. 
His hand dipped into the pocket of his shorts, grasping at it as he hesitated to draw it out. Andrei wanted to find out where she worked. He wanted to go there, to bring her lunch and try to brighten her day. But he also knew how weird that was. It would be creepy to stalk her out like that, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask Madison about her. Would it?
Leaning into the cart, Andrei put his water into the cup holder before approaching Maddie and Seth at the tee, interrupting the conversation they were having with his own selfish question. “So, your sister, she doesn’t like me. Yes?”
Maddie turned in place, her shoulders tensing, then relaxing as she looked him up and down with a small smile on her lips. “Now, why would you think that?” She cocked her head to the side, her wide blue eyes bright with the sparkle of mischief. 
Andrei’s shoulders slouched, his hands dropping into his pockets in an attempt to seem careless. But his scoff betrayed him. “She knew my name wasn’t Andrew.”
Her giggle was so sweet it turned his stomach sour as he stepped back to give Seth room to fumble around the cart. It left Andrei wishing he had his own distraction as his hands began to sweat as bad as the back of his neck. Maybe he shouldn’t have started such a conversation. 
“You caught that? It’s not that she doesn’t like you. Harper’s just been through a lot.”
Andrei leaned in, hoping to be given even the slightest insight. “Like?”
“I’d love to fill you in,” Maddie told him and he held his breath, only for it to release slowly and sadly, like a deflating balloon, “but that’s Harper’s story to tell.” But she indulged him in the slightest, “For context, her ex is an asshole, and she just moved back home. She’s still a little fragile right now, so if she comes across as being rude, it’s because she’s still hurting.”
There was a clamor in the back of the golf car, curing through the seriousness of the conversation with a swear and another curse from Seth before he joined the conversation. “Who’s an asshole?”
Seth was someone who could insert himself into anything. He had a charisma that was magnetic, and an approachability that left everyone comfortable no matter the situation. Which was probably why Madison was so comfortable as he reached around her to check his phone in the golf card, and why she didn’t even flinch as his body grazed against hers. A part of the entire interaction made Andrei jealous. He wanted a connection like that. 
“Darren,” Maddie told him simply, before her smile grew wider and her hand was reaching out to pat his forearm, “Your friend here has a thing for my sister.”
Seth shrugged. “Not surprising. Everyone has a thing for your sister.” His words had left his lips so carelessly that Andrei could see Seth’s eyes go wide before he could find the words to backtrack. “Not me though. I’ve never liked your sister. That would be, uh- weird.”
“Yeah,” Andrei agreed, his voice then dropping low enough for only Seth to hear, “because she is the wrong sister.”
Seth cocked his arm, ready to throw a punch at him, but it never came. If it had been just the two of them, maybe they would have come to blows. Nothing serious, just roughhousing until one of them conceded. In the presence of Maddie, however, they behaved. Or well, tried to. 
“Harper can be complicated,” Maddie spoke again as she leaned back against the golf cart, her arms folded over her chest casually, “but she’s worth it. She’s got a lot going on, but these last few days I’ve started to see the old Harper more and more. She’s healing, and father than I think anyone expected. She’ll come around. You just have to get to know her.”
“I want to, but she’s making it difficult,” Andrei’s words slipped from his lips in a sigh. His head hung for a moment at how pathetic they sounded. He should have been letting himself get so distracted by her. Not when she was so blatantly disinterested. Not when he had intended to spend his time in Winnipeg training, not yearning after the girl next door. 
And yet, when Maddie smiled, “guess that means you have your work cut out for you. Now, who’s taking me for a ride?” Her question punctuated with the shrill jingle of keys, Andrei was the first to jump at the opportunity because the time alone with her meant time he could use to get to know Harper. 
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
The wrapper of her lunch was left soggy from the steam of what was now a cold burger and fries from the McDonald's down the block. It was the downside of waking up late and having to get lunch delivered, and Harper was suffering for it. Its cheese felt like plastic on her tongue and the fries were stiff. The only redeeming quality of each bite was the extra pickles they hadn't forgotten, for once, and a generous amount of ketchup. But not even that one small feat could distract her from the notifications on her phone as she pulled it from her pocket and placed it face up on the table. 
Three missed calls and seven text messages. They were all from Darren.
Harper had left him the engagement ring. She had packed up all her belongings and left the apartment she had once lived in on her own before he moved in with her. And she had told him countless times that they were over. Yet, he couldn't seem to accept the decision that she had made to move on with her life without him. 
Her fingers danced over the screen, deleting each text and each call from her history. But when her finger hesitated over the last call, with his picture and his name so clear to her eyes, Harper contemplated calling him. She considered listening to whatever half-assed apology or excuse he had crafted for her. Harper even considered accepting it and going home to him just to feel a semblance of normalcy. To go back to a life she hated, instead of feeling so tired, and alone and sorry for herself. Because going back to Darren would be good, at least for a time. He would help cook, and he would clean, even buy her small gifts, just to remind her that he cared. And he would do all of that until he didn't. Those sweet acts of kindness would fade into nothingness, into heartache. So Harper deleted that last call, and his contact in her phone - as if she didn't have his number memorized - and instead, she texted her sister, Maddie. 
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Of course, Seth was a nice guy. He always had been, ever since he was a kid- Harper ran a hand over her face, her eyes shutting in a long, tired realization. Madison wasn't talking about Seth. She was talking about Andrei. 
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Harper noticed she wasn't blind. Andrei probably looked good in anything. It was the perks of being an athlete and well, good genetics. With his strong jawline, charming smile and soft eyes - if Harper was 5 years younger, maybe she would have considered taking the time to get to know him. But she wasn't about to fulfill Andrei's older-woman summer fling fantasy. 
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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
Crouched down in the middle of the sidewalk, Harper fumbled with the laces of her runners that had come untied somewhere between her dark and the sign-in station by the front door. She had swayed the loose lace back and forth as she signed in each runner, some she recognized and others that were new, but with only a few blank spaces on the list and start time drawing near, she needed to be ready to go. There was a patter of feet around her, then there was a rush of voices. So many at once she couldn't make out just one. But there was a sense of excitement in every voice. She could hear it, feel it even as she pushed up off the ground to stand and dusted her hands off on her shorts. And it excited her too, to get started on their run in the early evening, but when she looked at the running group that had clustered together in what looked more like a mob, it quickly became clear that it wasn't the run the group was excited for, but for an unexpected guest. Seth.
No. Two guests. 
Andrei was there, too. 
He was hard to miss, standing a towering six-foot-two in a group that was primarily women and their children who stood no taller than five-foot-nine. And he was a walking poster for the Carolina Hurricanes in black and red team branded gear that not even Seth had thought to put on for the run. For a moment, Harper thought that it might be all he had, but then she remembered the conversation they had in the driveway that morning. Andrei wanted to know where she worked, he wanted to take her out to lunch. He was there with Seth, so brightly dressed in red to be seen, not by the runners but by her. 
Gripping her clipboard tight, Harper left her post by the door where she had been waiting for the final runner to arrive and maneuvered through the crowd with a smile and a soft excuse when it was needed. She could hear the click of the exaggerated noise of a camera lense snapping on each smartphone as pictures of Seth and his teammate were taken. And she could hear each friendly exchange they shared with her runners. 
“-my son is never going to believe this-”
“-yeah let's get a picture to show him-”
“-I used to work with your mother, you know-”
“-I'll be sure to tell her you say hi-”
But not even their politeness could fully rid of the knot that threatened to take her face. They weren't supposed to be there. How they even found out where-
Harper sighed. Of course, they would find out. They spent the entire day with Madison, and if it hadn't been her, she wouldn't have put it past her dad to tell them, either. In the end, it didn't really matter who did it. The pair were there now, and she was being forced to deal with it. 
“Hey guys,” Harper spoke with a false pleasantry, her back and shoulders stiff as she looked between the two hockey players that were smiling as if they were children that had just been caught doing something wrong. “Are you on our participation list?”
Seth pressed his lips together, fighting back the smile she knew could so quickly become a laugh. “Should be. Check under Seth and-”
Her eyes rolled as her gaze dropped to the clipboard in her hands. She scanned over each name and signature and found the two blank spaces at the bottom of the list. They had been late in the day additions, written in her coworker’s scrawl: Seth J. and Andre S.
“Perfect,” Harper spoke through the grit teeth of her smile, “That's everyone then.”
Raising her clipboard up, she flagged down the attention of her coworker and shouted, “we got everyone! I'll take the rear!” 
It seemed like the smart thing to do at the moment. Hanging At the back of the group meant giving her enough time to tuck the clipboard away in the office and lock up. It meant avoiding having to lead the pre-run warm up and only really having to offer support and guidance to those who fell behind. Best of all, Harper thought it would give her the biggest distance between herself and the two athletes that continued to impress the group with their mere presence. But she was wrong. 
While Seth ran with the bulk of the group, his energy contagious and keeping morale high, Andrei fell back, his pace slow and steady to match her own. He ran by her side, silent and focused, only looking at her when he was spoken to two blocks into their route. 
“What are you even doing here?” She asked him, genuinely curious. Did they not have anything better to do with their time?
“Running,” he answered simply, smiling. 
“But why?” Harper asked.
Andrei answered. “It was too late to book the afternoon appointment.”
Harper's head snapped in his direction, her expression softened in disbelief. She didn't want to believe that he had even tried to make an appointment, because Harper couldn't understand why. He had only just met her yesterday, and his interest in her was unlike anyone else. Maybe he was just bored, or didn't like being told no - but he was kind, albeit a little awkward and unorthodox in his methods. 
“Usually, when people make appointments with me, it's because they need help with something. Not because they wanted to buy me lunch, and I said no,” Harper pointed out as a hand raised to push her hair out of her face. 
Andrei's smile split over his features, a low laugh rumbling through him before he spoke. “My ankle. It hurts from time to time.”
“What happened?” 
Sighing, his smile wavered. “Zdeno Chára.” 
“Oh,” Harper didn't press any further, her gaze dropping to the sidewalk to watch as the cracks in the pavement fell in their wake with every stride.
“It's good,” he assured her, and Harper swore she could feel the warmth of his hand reach out to her in a ghost of a touch that didn't reach her shoulder. “No pain right now. I will tell you if it comes. But next time, maybe we can just go out for lunch?”
Harper had to bite her lip to keep herself from laughing. She bit down so hard her lip began to swell, and the two ran together, side by side, for the rest of the run in silence. 
She didn't know what, but the kid was giving up on her just yet. Maybe Seth had put him up to it, like some kind of cruel bet to get back at her for making him go to bed early when he was ten. Or maybe Andrei genuinely wanted to take her out and a single rejection wasn't going to stand in his way. 
And would keep declining. She had to. Sure, the Carolina Hurricanes forward was cute, but he was young. Harper didn't know it was by a year or two or five, but her standard wasn't one that was going to be bent for anyone, not even an NHL player. Besides, maybe the second rejection would be enough to show she wasn't inserted. And if it didn't? Harper was sure there would be the opportunity for a third time. 
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Taglist: @starshine-hockey-girl , @wingedwheelprxncess , @mp0625 , @misunderstoodwerewolf , @callsign-denmark , @puckmaidens , @xciciix , @cixrosie
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 7 months
Semantic Error | A Jeon Jungkook Series | Chapter 6
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Based off of Semantic Error (bl) by J Soori Summary: Jungkook invites you over to work on the game but you but it's hard to focus when he's around Pairing: Techie inexperienced fem!reader x Artist fuck boy Jungkook Work Count: 1.9k~ a/n: So so sorry I've taken a longer break between posting but let me know what you think about this chapter ;) hardly edited but I figured I would get it out anyway Read from the beginning
I couldn't pay attention in class thanks to him. His stupid voice with his stupid flirting and his stupid face then to top it off having all of that up close and personal made my stupid brain go into overdrive, losing what little space I had left to combat his antics. I hate that he can make me feel like this. And for what? Because he called me pretty? More specifically used it as a pet name, which somehow amplifies the meaning, sending my sense of reason for a spin. I huff audibly as I gather my things and get ready to head out to meet 'he who shall not be named' at this point. I just need to leave class, work there for a few hours and then go home. Simple as that. 
"You okay?" I hear behind me in a semi familiar voice. I turn around perplexed as to who the voice could belong to and see the guy I had helped the other day. " I'm fine" I say and turn back around to continue packing up my belongings. "It's Jimin, we met the other day when you helped me carry all of the music books" he says, not sure if I would need the reminder. "I know" I say plainly and make my way out of the classroom. "Hey, where you headed?" he asks following me without a care in the world. "I'm done for the day so I'm going to go work on something" I say giving him the bare minimum, hoping he won't prod further but unfortunately that's not the case.
"What are you working on?" he asks, clearly curious but also kind of not, seeming happy to simply be making conversation with me for some reason. "A video game application" I say and leave the building with him trailing behind. "Oh wow that's really cool! I had no idea you were into that stuff" he says, clearly shocked learning what I'm capable of but blowing it somewhat out of proportion. It's not as hard as it seems but many people tend to lack the concentration, let alone have the desire to learn.
"Yeah well, bye" I say and walk a bit faster, heading towards the gates. "Wait, I could walk you to where you need to go. I'm done for the day as well" he says jogging a few steps to catch up to me. "That won't be necessary" I say and continue onto my destination but he walks with me anyways. "Why are you following me?" I ask, finally stopping to look at him and see what his goal with all of this is. 
"I just want to make sure you get to your destination safely" he says giving me a sweet smile. "She's safe with me" that stupid voice that I wasn't expecting to hear so soon says while taking hold of my hand. "Oh hey hyung, I didn't know you and y/n were working together" Jimin says, greeting Jungkook. "Well now you do" he says and then we all stand there in somewhat of an awkward silence until I pull my hand out of Jungkook's grasp. "Let's go" I demand and continue to walk towards the gates. "Bye y/n" I hear Jimin say behind me and I decide not to acknowledge it. "See you" Jungkook says to Jimin before following my lead. 
"Do you guys hang out often?" he says falling into step with me and guides us towards his studio. "No we don't and why didn't you just wait for me like I told you to?" I question still feeling uncomfortable from the situation I had been put into moments ago. "Because I wanted to walk with you, plus this way I could make sure you wouldn't run off or get lost. I promise next time I'll just wait for you to come" he says pressing the button at the crosswalk for us. "Whatever" I say under my breath, fixing the strap on my backpack but before I can settle it back into place I feel it being take off of me.
"Hey! What are you doing?" I say looking over at, surprise surprise you guessed it Jeon Jungkook now carrying my bag. "Give it back!" I say reaching for it but before I'm able to reach it he starts walking down the street, showing me it's time for us to cross. "Hey!" I yell after him but all he does is continues to hold it out of my reach. "Just let me carry it for you" he says, slinging it across his shoulder and widening his strides leaving me trailing behind him without much of an option to do otherwise. 
Once we get to his studio I'm met with another girl around our age blasting her music throughout the place and popping the bubble she just blew in her gum. "Hey Yuna!" Jungkook shouts, trying to be heard over the music. "Yuna!" he yells again and decides to just walk up to her to grab her attention. "So much for keeping to herself" I mumble under my breath. "Oh hey, sorry I was totally spacing out. Is this the girl you were talking to me about? You work in the computer science department right?" she asks, zeroing in on me. "Something like that" I say walking further into the room, taking a look at how messy it is.
 "Oh yeah sorry about the mess, things have been really hectic around here" Jungkook says walking over to his desk and clearing off some more space for me. "Pick up that trash first, and put away those books and..." I list off some ways to reorganize the studio into a more suitable working environment. "Clean up your desktop too. Seeing all the icons on the screen is giving me anxiety" I say and he surprisingly does everything that I've asked him to do without much trouble at all. 
"What did you do to him?" Yuna whispers to me, clearly impressed by how well he's following my instructions."I didn't really do anything. I told him that if this wasn't a suitable working environment for me that he would be working on this project solo" I say stating the facts. "Wow" she says not believing it, "Well I'm gonna get back to work, good luck" she says, amused at the dynamic already. 
"Hey" I say getting her attention before she gets back to work. "Can you please uses those headphones you have beside you? It'll be hard to concentrate with your music blaring in my ears" I say and go back to watching as Jungkook completes the list. Hearing what I've said Jungkook comes over to Yuna's desk and nicely puts her headphones on her so there's no argument to be had and she simply blinks at my sudden change in attitude towards her but goes back to work without another word.
I sit down next to him and place my laptop down on the desk and take a deep breath, opening it and turning it on after taking one more quickly glance around the place. "Begin" I say and he starts to open up one of his drawing programs and sketches out some various characters and background ideas while I continue to piece together the code for the whole thing. 
"How's it going?" he says after a bit looking over at my screen, interested in what actually goes into working on the behind the scenes stuff. "It's going" I say and continue typing the various strings of code working out how the character moves around the different environments. "Oh okay" he says, taking that as a sign of me not wanting to continue the conversation. "How are things going on your end?" I ask and lean over to look at his screen and I can see how he almost lights up at my question in my peripheral vision but decide to ignore it. 
He turns his screen towards me a bit so I can sit back a bit into a more comfortable position and explains all of the different outfits and ideas for power up items and he thoughts about what can be added to the storyline. "Yeah everything looks okay, but I don't want to settle for okay. You need to change this, it looks too crazy, I want something a bit neater" I say pointing out different flaws in almost all of his designs. 
"You do realize these are just the rough drafts?" he says rubbing his temples after going through and changing things as I give him one critique after the other. "Yes but I thought your work would look a bit better than this compared to what you've shown me before"I state pointing out a few more things to change. "Okay I need a break" he says standing up and stretching before laying down on the couch and pulling one of the blankets over him. 
"What are you doing? We've only been working for two hours" I say confused as to why he would need a break this early. "Exactly, it's been two hours and I'm tired, just give me like fifteen minutes and I'll start cleaning up the designs" he says and turns over giving his back to me and settling in to take a power nap. I roll my eyes at him and just decide to just go back and continue what I had been working on before I started checking up on his designs. 
Getting lost in work I notice that it's been almost thirty minutes instead of the promised fifteen and try to call him over to get back to work. "Jungkook wake up" I say but it seems to have no effect on him so I groan and get up and walk towards where he's laying down and find him laying on his back, sound asleep. With the position he's reclined in I'm given a full view of his face, leaving me a chance to study his features for a second. 
He really is attractive, I can't deny that but that cocky attitude he has on him turns me off. His flirting is a different story though, feeling myself starting to blush again. I kneel next to the couch to see if he's really sleeping but it really does seem like he's still passed out. I brush the bit of hair that has fallen into his face back a bit and lean towards him a little bit. "You're really sleeping right?" I say and still he lays still, not making a sound and an unknown force pushes me closer to him and I end up placing a light kiss on his lips. 
I pull back and cover my lips with a hand after realizing what I've done and quickly but quietly pack up my things and leave. I open the door and am met with the sight of Yuna coming down to hallway back towards the studio. "Oh y/n you're still here. Is everything okay?" she says clearly noticing the almost panicked look on my face and blush slowly creeping up on my cheeks. "Yes never better. Please tell Jungkook I'm going home when he wakes up" I say and without another word run down the hall and out the onto the street making my way towards my apartment as quickly as humanly possible.  
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necros-writing-stuff · 10 months
SERIAL KILLER EDEN WHO KEEPS YOU ON A LEASH AND NAKED ALL THE TIME! For anyone else curious, this came from a discussion Necro and I were having on making Eden worse lol
Okay okay what about him trailing his hunting knife up your bare thigh while he looks over you, a dark glint in his eye. You can't pull back any further, pressed against the cold hard wall of the cabin, a heavy weight around your neck as you try not to panic. Even though this could be the moment where he finally gets rid of you. Where he gets bored of his plaything and buries you beneath his gardening plot.
It never comes, though. You're stuck being pulled around by him for months - or neatly chained up when he hunts alone. You used to flinch every time you heard a scream in the forest, knowing the hunter's axe had found a new target. You used to feel queasy eating any of the food, unsure of where the meat came from. You used to sob and beg when he'd pry your legs apart, eager to use you. Used to.
It was a numb feeling for a long while. Counting to 5 over and over again in your head, congratulating yourself for getting through the last 5 seconds and hoping you'd get through the next. A sense of routine has settled in, though. A sense of comfort and belonging that should never have existed.
The soles of your feet have become rough, no longer aching as you walk around the cabin or the rocks around the spring.
When Eden presses himself against your back, his hand worming its way between your thighs, you spread your legs further apart without thinking and grind against his fingers with a sigh.
When Eden pulls you into his lap and keeps your face against his chest, the tang of copper staining his clothes doesn't make you upset anymore. Instead, you snuggle in closer, feeling appreciative of the warmth he provides your nude body.
When a gunshot rings out in the forest beyond the clearing, you continue about your set tasks while paying them no regard beyond wandering if Eden will bring you a blood-soaked ring or necklace to wear.
The temperature falls as winter rears its ugly head. You're begging Eden to relax more as he ups his workload to prepare for the snowy months, desperate for the warmth he provides. You push too far sometimes, being put over his lap and spanked until you apologise good enough for him.
You've accepted that you'll have to grit your teeth and suffer the cold, doing as you're told and keeping your home clean. Keeping Eden happy.
Until he opens his closet one night, the old hinges creaking as he rifles through the bottom while you clean the dishes from dinner. Your teeth chatter as you work, determined to keep moving to stay warm until you can get in front of the fire and bask in the flames on your husband's lap.
The soft feeling of fabric draping over your shoulders halts your movement as your head whips around. A fur coat. Big on you, but small for Eden, you think.
"One of the first I ever made," he mumbles as he does up a button on the front. "I was much skinnier back then. Wasn't eating a lot. Hadn't learned to hunt properly. This was the first bear I'd ever brought down."
He kisses the top of your head as you thank him with a genuine smile, burrowing into the warmth. Your turn in his embrace, cupping his cheeks and pulling him down for a kiss. That sense of belonging feels heavy in your heart. Even when you tut after bringing your hand away, finding a drop of red on your fingertip.
"You missed a spot," you chide as you pick up the washcloth and wipe the blood from his neck. It's a miracle he gets by without you, honestly. It's a miracle that you don't find fear knowing where the blood came from.
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heartsforsserafim · 9 months
genre ; smut
tw ; crying,overstimulation,orgasm denial, clit play, tit play, mommy kink, praise kink
dom!siyeon x sub!reader
this was requested!
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- Siyeon pov
I've been sitting here for the last 2 hours because they lost my luggage. "Ma'am we need another hour to look through everything to make sure we didn't see it, is there anyone who can come collect it for you?" I look at him, I'm obviously irritated and if someone could've came and got it i would've been home by now. "No. Now hurry and find it."
Soon the guy came back with her luggage, apologizing rapidly about the situation and siyeon just went towards her car. Speeding her way home, not caring about what comes in her way. She wanted to get home for one solid reason and that's to relieve her stress.
- 3rd person pov
Siyeon made it home, and was putting her clothes back where they belong before going to back hug you while you were making dinner, "How was your trip baby?" she began kissing along your neck instead of replying, "H-honey come on we should eat first" "I think I'd like my dessert before dinner tonight" you automatically felt your panties completely ruined. You turned off the fire, and turned your attention over to siyeon
Her hands went up to your chest area, fondling with your buttons on your shirt, soon taking your shirt off leaving you with just your bra. The entire makeout session led you two to your shared bedroom where you are currently under siyeon as she marks your neck with love bites and hickeys. "Siyeon a-ahh"
You moaned out, while she moved close to your aching core, "Hm? Want me here?" She said and began teasing your clit, your hips automatically bucking into her movement. "Oh no, beg for it." "F-fuck please. I need you so bad" "Need me where?" "I-inside. Anywhere fuck please mommy!"
You yelled out, she got from on top of you, doing down and removing your panties. A line of your slick following behind it, "Aww look at you, so wet"
Your hips bucked uncontrollably into her hand when she was rubbing your clit, "Princess, use your words." "F-fuck me." Her eyes became dark, and she placed two digits inside of you, doing the come hither motion, "O-ohh sh-shit i- o h g-od" you moaned out while siyeon used her tongue to flick across your clit.
You came quicker than the both of you expected, but that didn't stop Siyeon, her head moving between your legs, not even letting you calm down from your last orgasm. She lapped up all your cum, licking you clean before inserting her tongue inside of you, using it to pleasure you. She almost moaned because of how good you taste.
You tasted so sweet, just like candy. "M-mommy i'm cumming o-oh fuckkkk" You say and cum once more on her tongue. Siyeon began just demolishing you at this point, going faster while your body shook due to the afterglow of your last orgasms, you continue to moan her name aloud.
After two hours of making you cum, she saw how fucked out you looked. "Poor baby" she says and picks you up, running a warm bath for you. Using her own body wash on you, a cherry blossom one. Shampoo being bubble gum scented, after washing you. She used her own favorite lotion on your body, before putting you into a pair or her own shorts and her t-shirts.
She laid you into bed, her laying behind you and just hugging you close, "Y/nie?" your soft snores were heard, she secretly laughed and decided it was best to sleep, she hugged you close and went to sleep by your side
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daydreaming136 · 1 month
You Are My Amrâlimê
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Chapter 2:
Tags: modern reader female, isekai, waking up in the hobbit, death, romance, adventure, magic, dwarves, elves, everyone lives AU!, eventual smut
Authors notes: Thank you to those who read my first chapter, sending lots of love ❤️ I plan to update again soon so please be patient ❤️
Chapter 2:
“Y/N..” I opened my eyes seeing a pair of brown eyes. “Kili?” I sat up looking around seeing the dwarves and Gandalf gathering their belongings. “We’re heading out soon. Gandalf wants to speak with you before we leave.” I nodded Kili got up and walked to his brother. I got up to meet Gandalf. He was putting his belongings on his horse. “Gandalf?” He stopped what he was doing and turned towards me. “Ah, my lady i hope you slept well?” I nodded,” I did, thank you. Kili said you wanted to speak with me?” He began to walk back to Bilbos hobbit home and I followed.
“Ah yes, I noticed your clothes are a bit questionable I figured it wouldn’t hurt to give you some clothes.” Gandalf picked up folded clothes. “Here you are my dear. I believe these should work.” I took the clothes, “thank you.” He smiled,” go get changed we’ll be leaving soon.” I nodded and left to the rest room. Closing the door behind me I did my business and looked at the clothes Gandalf gave me. A plain white tank top, with a plain white long sleeve button down shirt, and a pair of black pants. “I wonder where he got these?” I took off my button down work shirt and looked in the mirror where I was stabbed still seeing nothing. I touch the spot for a moment only to stop myself deciding to stop thinking about it and move on. I got dressed the way I liked and threw my work clothes away. I looked at myself and smiled. I walked back outside seeing everyone. I noticed that the stuff Gandalf got me yesterday wasn’t where I last left them I walked to Gandalf. “Gandalf, where’s the stuff you got me yesterday?”
“Oh they’re on the ponies don’t worry about them I had they taken care of.” I nodded. “Are we ready?” I placed my hands on my hips. “We are. By the way Y/N do you know how to ride a horse? Or a pony?” I blinked, “ oh um, no I don’t, but I can walk! I can walk for miles.” I fumble my words and didn’t realize that Fili was behind me. I felt hands pick me up and place me on a pony. I immediately place my arms around the body in front of me, my eyes were glued shut. The person in front of me smelled woodsy, and of a bonfire. “Don’t be afraid Y/N, I will not ride too fast.” I recognized the voice in front of me. I blushed realizing that it was Kili I was holding onto. I kept my face hidden behind Kili’s back not wanting to show the dwarves my blushing face. After I felt the pony move for a good moment I removed my face and opened my eyes. I held onto Kili and watched the village grow smaller by the minute. The dwarves in the meantime told stories and talked amongst each other. I found peace in this moment.
Soon enough we were headed towards the end of the Shire. “Didn’t I say it? Waste of time.” I heard one of the dwarves say. “That’s true enough.” Another said. “Use a hobbit. Whose idea was it anyway?” I smiled at how wrong they are, Bilbo has courage.
“Wait!” We all heard Bilbos voice ring from behind us. “Wait!!” We heard again. I felt the pony stop and I turned to see Bilbo running past us toward Thorin and Gandalf who were ahead. Bilbo had the contract in his hand raising it up. “ I signed it.” Bilbo and I locked eyes and I smiled. He gave me a small nod and handed the contract to Balin. Balin looked at the contract and nodded. “Everything appears to be in order. Welcome, master Baggins to the company of Thorin Oakenshield.” Balin gave Bilbo a wink and a few of the dwarves lightly cheer. “Give him a pony.” Thorin orders. “No, no. No, that won’t be necessary. Thank you I’m sure I can keep up on foot.” We started to move again. “I-I’ve done my fair share of walking holiday’s, you know.” Bilbo went on to try to convince the dwarves that he didn’t need a pony. Bilbo started to walk but what he didn’t know was that two dwarves had other plans. “Even gotten as far as Frogmorth once.” He was then lifted into the air and onto a pony. I chuckled at Bilbo. Once he got used to the pony we continued on with our journey. I watched as the trees went by. “Are you still comfortable Y/N?” I jumped a bit at Kili’s voice. “Oh, yes, I’m as comfortable as I can be.”
“You really never ridden a horse before?” I shook my head. “No, where I come from there isn’t really a need to ride horses. Yes people still do but it isn’t really needed.”
“Where your from?” Kili asked confused. “Where in middle earth are you located.” I heard Gandalf cough from behind me. “Shit. I totally forgot that they all don’t know I don’t come from this world.”
“Oh um-“
“Come on, Nori! Pay up!” I heard Oin yelled and a bag of coins was thrown at him. “Thanks lad.” Then more bags of coins were thrown around. “Here Ki.” Fili tossed his promised coin to Kili. Kili was distracted by his sum of coin he had caught, he hadn’t realize I didn’t answer his question. “What’s that about?” I heard Bilbo asked Gandalf. “Oh, they took wagers on whether or not you’d turn up. Most of them bet that you wouldn’t.”
“And what did you think?” Bilbo asked his friend. “Well..” and at that moment a bag of coins was tossed to Gandalf. “My dear fellow, I never doubted you for a second.” Gandalf then put his coins away. I then heard a sneeze. “Ah. It’s horse hair. Having a reaction. Oh.” I remembered this scene from the movie. “No. Wait. Wait! Stop!” A horse neighs as we all come to a stop. “ Stop! We have to turn around!” All of Thorins company looked at bilbo. If I knew I was end in the hobbit I would have brought a napkin or Kleenex on me but all I had is packed away in a bag which I believe is on Fili’s pony. “What on earth is the matter?” Gandalf asked Bilbo. “I forgot my handkerchief.”
“Here. Use this.” I heard a small tear of clothing. “Move on.” Thorin called out and we began moving again.
“We’ll stop here for the night.” Thorin stopped his pony and so did all of us. I waited for Kili to get off first once he was one his feet he helped me down but as soon as my feet hit the ground my knees buckled. I fell forward into Kili’s chest I felt his hands on my shoulders to help steady me. I felt my face get warm, I pulled back once I got my footing. “I’m sorry.” He dropped his hands from my shoulders, I moved to make sure to give him space. “It’s alright Y/N. Are you okay now?” I nodded. “Yes, thank you Kili.” He smiled and sent me a wink. I rolled my eyes playfully at him. “Kili, go help Fili get firewood.” Thorin ordered Kili. “Yes uncle.” After Kili left I went to help the others cook our meal for the night.
Once the food was made I took my food and walked little away from the dwarves. I eventually found a log lying on its side. I took a seat and ate my food in silence while watching the sun set on the horizon. “What’re you doing all the way over here?” I jumped and looked behind me seeing Fili and Kili with their food and 3 cups. “Oh I just wanted to watch the sunset.” They walked over to me. “Do you mind if we joined you?” I shook my head. “Of course please.” I offered some room to them on the log I was sitting on. They took a seat on the log, each brother sitting beside me making me sit in the middle, not that I minded…
“I brought you a cup of ale.” Kili handed me the cup. “Thank you.” I took a sip feeling the alcohol burn my throat. I wince a bit at the feeling. “Not to your liking?” Fili asked as I took another sip. “No, no it’s okay.” I coughed a bit and they chuckled a bit. “Okay maybe I lied it’s a bit bitter than what I normally drink.” I put my cup down so I could continue to eat the rest of my meal. “Is your ale that different from ours?” Kili asked
“Eh, depends on where you get it I guess. I don’t drink too often.” I shrugged. “Oh I just remembered you didn’t answer me from before.” Kili’s face lit up, as I silently cussed myself for letting myself slip. “Oh yes, um.. I can’t really tell you.” I prepared myself for more questions. “What why?” Fili asked. “It’s kind of confusing and complicated and very crazy. Crazy like what happened to me should’ve been impossible and I should be in a psychiatric hospital for it but here I am.” They both just look at me with confused looks which just cause me to sigh. “It’s okay I don’t expect you both to understand.” I looked down at my food. I felt a hand on my shoulder. “We can try to understand.” I looked at Fili his blue eyes felt safe and warm. I took a deep breath, “I don’t come from middle earth. I came from a world where there’s no elves, no wizards, or hobbits. Where I came, from this place is fictional.. the fact that I’m here it should be impossible. You both look like the actors from The Hobbit which is a movie by the way. That’s why Gandalf said that I was his assistant. I know how this story ends. I just want to help you reclaim your home.” I stopped my rumbling. “Sorry that was a lot you can’t tell anyone what I told you. Gandalf and I didn’t really exactly plan this that great.” I mutter the last bit to myself mostly. “No, no you’re okay Y/N in a sense you’re like us.” I look at Kili and Fili confusingly. “Listen Y/N I don’t know if you’ll ever get back home but you’re welcome at Erebor. Once we take back our home you can start anew.” I smiled at what Kili said. “Really?” They both nodded. “Okay.” They both smiled as well. “Now let’s finish our dinner and get our rest we still have a long journey ahead of us.” Fili took a spoon full of food and put it in his mouth.
Once we were finished the three of us walked back to the rest of the group. I offered to clean Fili and Kili’s dishes while Thorin had them go scout around to make sure our camp is safe for the night. I noticed my belongings were with Fili and Kili’s belongings. I laid my stuff down and fell asleep.
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acewritesfics · 5 months
Hot Summers Day | Eddie Munson
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
Request: No
Warnings: Implied friends with benefits relationship, swearing, swearing, smoking, mentions of drug use, mentions of alcoholism, underage drinking, stealing a paddling pool.
Word Count: 1,906
Tag List: Open - acewritesfics taglist sign up
Stranger Things Masterlist
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Summer 1985 
Today is unquestionably the hottest day of the year. Y/N’s trailer’s air conditioning unit has broken again, and the local handyman is unavailable to repair it due to the numerous other air conditioning units in the trailer park that need to be repaired. She exits her trailer in search of some form of relief from the heat wave after deciding she can no longer endure it anymore. She finds the Ashburn children’s paddling pool to be empty and begging it to be used. 
Since the children’s mother is too inebriated to even notice where her kids are right now, Y/N is confident that she won’t even notice that the pool is missing. Sonny, the oldest of the three children, frequently takes her younger sisters out for the day, not wanting them to witness their mother’s utter stupidity in choosing the drink over them. She also knows Sonny wouldn’t mind if she “borrowed” the pool because they never use it since they are gone most of the time. 
She drags the paddling pool to where she wants it and grabs the hose, rinsing it out before leaving the hose in it to fill it up with water. She returns to her trailer and changes into the peach-colored bikini top she borrowed (but never returned) from her sister and a pair of light blue Daisy Duke denim shorts she cut up from her favorite pair of jeans to wear during the summer. She slathers on sunscreen, not wanting to deal with a painful sunburn that she could have easily avoided and gathers everything she needs to go outside. On her way back from her bedroom, she grabs her two deck chairs and a can of coke from the fridge and heads back outside. 
Y/N arranges the chairs, one of which serves as a table for her cigarettes, the book she’s currently reading, her Walkman, and sunscreen. She walks over to the outdoor tap and turns off the water before returning to the paddling pool and sitting on the empty chair as she dips her feet in the cool water. She takes a cigarette from her pack and puts it between her lips before lighting it. She picks up her Walkman and puts the headphones over her ears before pressing the play button. 
She closes her eyes, a cigarette in one hand and her can of coke in the other, as she loses herself in the soothing raspy sound of Ozzy Osbourne’s voice. 
Y/N loses track of time until she is startled by someone flicking water in her face. When she looks up, she sees Eddie Munson standing in front of her. The young man has a mischievous glint in his eyes and a smirk on his handsome face as he looks back at her. 
“What the hell, Munson?” She glares at him and removes her headphones. 
Smirking, he shrugs his shoulders, and holds out a can of beer to her. “Can you forgive me?” 
“You know, it’ll take more than a beer,” she quips as she takes the beer from him. “But please join me,” she says, shifting her belongings from the chair she’s using as a table. 
“I have some more stuff if you want to come over later,” he says. He’s referring to the weed he gets from his supplier, Reefer Rick. 
“Can we hang out at my trailer tonight?” she inquires. 
When she last stayed with him, they nearly got caught the following morning when Wayne arrived home early from work. They had just finished having sex, when they heard Wayne’s truck pull up outside the trailer. It had been a mad dash to gather their clothing and rush into Eddie’s room before Wayne walked inside. After almost being caught by Eddie’s only father figure, Y/N thought she’d die of embarrassment. Her embarrassment grew as she realized Wayne knew exactly what they had been up to when they finally emerged from Eddie’s room, her cheeks flushed and Eddie wearing a large smirk on his face after all his teasing. Wayne only shook his head and mumbled something about deep cleaning the trailer. 
Her embarrassment grew as she realized Wayne knew exactly what they had been up to when they finally emerged from Eddie’s room, her cheeks flushed and Eddie wearing a large smirk on his face after all his teasing. Wayne only shook his head and mumbled something about deep cleaning the trailer. 
“Are you worried we’ll almost get caught again?” he teases, picking up her sunscreen and puts some on himself after taking off his shirt. 
“No, I need you to fix my air conditioning unit again,” she responds, her gaze darting to the tattoos adorning his chest and arms. 
From the moment she met Eddie, she knew she was fucked. She was attracted to every part of him, from his tattoos, long wavy hair, brown eyes ripped jeans, and the hellfire club shirt he wore religiously. His big brown eyes revealed that he isn’t a complete asshole like most of the guys she knew that had his same style. Deep beneath that tough exterior is a sweet man with a kind heart who always makes her feel comfortable and safe, who can always make her laugh and smile, that gave the best hugs and makes her feel wanted and special. He isn’t overly confident, or obnoxious and arrogant. He knew how to read the room and could figure someone just by observing them. There is so much more to him than just being some freak with tattoos, that plays guitar in a band, and loves metal music and Dungeons and Dragons, with a family who was well known to the local police. If people took the time to get to know him, she knows they would like him. 
Eddie takes a seat in the empty chair, kicking off his shoes before dipping his feet into the water too. “Does Ashburn realize you stole her kids' pool?” 
“As if she’d be sober enough to notice it missing,” she scoffs, taking a drag from her cigarette and handing it to Eddie before opening her beer can. 
A silence falls over the two friends as Y/N considers the possibilities for tonight. They will undoubtedly get high, eat whatever snacks she has in her pantry, and possibly even cook something. They’ll watch a movie or listen to one of the many vinyl's she kept from her father’s collection.  
One of them will make the first move and they'll end up fucking on the nearest surface. There will be no foreplay in this first round, just rough, hard, and fast sex. Before the next round, they’ll move to the bed and share a cigarette. 
Eddie will put her needs ahead of his own in their next round, which will be a little gentler but still rough, and will last longer. When they first slept together, he paid close attention to all her reactions, learning about what she loves and hates. No matter what the situation or how he does it, he always makes sure she gets off before he does. 
He always makes her come more than once the second time, hoping to delay his own orgasm for as long as possible. Following that, he will take care of her, being as gentle as possible, cleaning her up before himself, being mindful of her sensitive areas, and ensuring she is comfortable, especially after a rough round. 
The third round will occur after they’ve slept or napped, whether for a few hours or all night. Their morning routine is always slower, and lazy with their bodies entwined and sleepy kisses exchanged in between soft gasps of pleasure. Eddie is at his most gentle during this time. 
What began as a bit of fun has evolved into something more for her. She wants to believe that she is the only one who sees the intimate side of Eddie. In their relationship, there was no commitment to each other and thinking of him with another woman hurt her. They both agreed at the start that they weren’t looking for anything serious, but as she got to know Eddie more intimately, not just physically, she found herself completely in love with him. She knows deep down that she needs to end it, and that tonight wouldn’t be a good idea if she’s going to try and distance herself from him. Eddie is her drug. She knows she’ll succumb to him as soon as he touches her. 
“Maybe we shouldn’t hang out tonight,” she says, her chest tight and her heart hurting hearing those words coming out of her mouth. “We shouldn’t do this anymore.” 
“What are you on about?” She feels his gaze on her, his beautiful brown orbs filled with confusion. 
“Forget it,” she says as she rises from her chair. She steps out of the pool and into the trailer, shutting the door behind her. 
Eddie, perplexed, worried, and irritated, throws away the finished cigarette before standing up and following her into the trailer, allowing the door to slam behind him. He finds her in the kitchen, with her hands braced on the counter and her head bowed.  
“What the fuck is going on?” 
She looks up at him, her eyes sad. “Nothing! Just-” 
“Don’t give me that bullshit!” he exclaims. 
“What do you want me to say?” she asks, her own voice rising. “That I think we should stop screwing around because it’s getting a little too serious for me?” 
“What are you trying to say?” he asks, puzzled by her words. 
She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath in and out, then opens them again and locks her eyes on him. She notices the concern and frustration in his eyes. Her heart begins to pound against her chest once more. “Eddie Munson, you have completely captured my heart and I’ve fallen madly in love with you.  I can’t do this friend with benefits bullshit with you because it means so much more to me. Just save me the heartache and just leave.” 
Y/N turns away from him, so she doesn’t have to watch him walk out the door. 
She doesn’t hear the front door open and close; instead, she is surrounded by Eddie’s distinctive scent of old spice, cigarettes with a hint of weed and the spearmint toothpaste that he uses. She bites her bottom lip to keep from gasping as she feels Eddie’s warm chest against her mostly bare back. His rough hands grip her hips as his soft lips kiss her neck before whispering in her ear. 
“I’m not leaving, baby, because I’ve fallen madly in love with you as well.” 
She turns her head to the side, coming face to face with him, his lips barely an inch from hers. Her gaze shifts from his lips to his eyes, searching for any hint of trickery in his eyes, but all she finds is relief and so much love that her heart soars. She twists her body in his arms as she presses her lips ferociously against his. He kisses her back with just as much love and passion as his hands move to her thighs. He slightly bends his knees and lifts her onto the kitchen counter. 
“I am fucking in love with you,” he says, pulling back enough to look her in the eyes. 
“I’m in love with you, too,” she says as she pulls him back into the kiss. 
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TAGGED: @rainydayteacups - @alexxavicry
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braveclementine · 2 months
October 10: Pregnancy Kink (Hatori Soma) ❤️
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Warnings: Mostly just fluff
Copyright: I do not own Hatori Soma or other Fruits Basket characters. I also do not condone this being copied.
Hatori Soma was the doctor of the main Soma family. You'd met at the cultural festival at your school when he had come to check on Yuki- who had skipped his appointment. You'd always been interested by the tall, brooding, indigo-eyed man.
Of course, you knew of the Soma secret and them being cursed by the Zodiac animals, so you weren't surprised to find out he was a member of the zodiac. Nor were you surprised that he was an animal as fearsome as the dragon. Although, having the form of a seahorse was definitely a surprise.
The two of you had gotten along well, despite Hatori's attempts to get you and Tohru away from the Soma family. But he was really just trying to protect the two of you from Akito's rath.
But then, Tohru had freed the zodiac members of their curse and they no longer belonged to God and that was when you and Hatori discovered that you had a mutual love for each other.
Which then led to where you were at the moment.
You were standing in the kitchen, baking one of your favorite cookie recipes, as they had become a rather unhealthy part of your pregnancy cravings. You weren't really supposed to have a lot of sugar or sweets in general, but the carvings were just to strong to try and avoid them.
Hatori was at work at the moment. Though he no longer treated the Soma family, he still kept up his practice in a small office that was about twenty-five minutes away from the small house that the two of you shared in southern Japan.
You hummed as you baked, and then read in the living room on your back as you waited for the oven to finish its job.
You were pulling the cookies out, just in time for Hatori to come home to smell them. He knew better than to taste them though. They were all yours. But that was fine. He wasn't a huge fan of sweets anyways- though he'd eat anything you made for him.
He put his bag down, hanging his white lab coat up on the hook in the front hallway. It left him in his black vest, white button up shirt, and black slacks. All of it tight fitting to his body, showing off his thin, muscular stature. You analyzed every part of him, drinking him in. You hoped that dinner was a very quick affair.
Hatori smiled when he saw you, sliding his glasses into the pocket of his lab coat, making a bee line straight towards you.
As always, the first thing he did was kiss you, his hands soft on your cheeks as he tilted your head back so that he could bend down to kiss you. Slowly he trailed his hands over your shoulders and down your arms before he knelt, kissing the bump of your stomach. He placed his hand on your stomach now, waiting patiently until the baby inside of you kicked his hand lightly. A smile of joy came over Hatori's face, lighting up his eyes, effectively making you smile. Whenever Hatori was happy, you were happy.
You were about six moths now and Hatori absolutely loved your body. I mean, he always loved your body, but there was something about seeing you so pregnant- pregnant with his child- and it excited him to no end.
Maybe it was because under the curse, he never thought he would get a wife, much less a child and family. Maybe it was because Akito had conditioned him that he would always be alone and without love. Maybe it was simply because Hatori was deeply in love with you, your body, and your future child. Maybe it was about the fuller breasts that had milk flowing through them, and the way that your waist filled out. But one way or another, seeing you pregnant was a huge turn-on for him, and you knew it.
"How was work doc?" You asked, running your fingers through his inky black hair before he stood up. He turned your body slowly so that he could hold you straight against his back, resting his chin on the top of your head.
"It was slow." He whispered, his extremely sexy voice sending shivers through your body just from listening to it. "I couldn't wait to come back home to you."
You rested against his tall form, closing your eyes. "I'm glad you're home. I missed you."
Hatori kissed your cheek. "Have you eaten? I want to go upstairs now."
You smiled, wondering if you should tease him or go with the flow. Nah, you'd go with the flow for this one. After all, you still had plenty more months of being pregnant. There was no reason to tease him tonight.
You would save that for the weekend. 
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hongjoongscafe · 1 year
For bitch hours can I request Poly!MinChan x reader? Where reader kind of slipped and fell on top of their friend and accidentally kissed them and MinChan got upset? Sorry if it’s vague and hard to understand heh 😅
I wrote it in the worst condition. My eyes are barely open😞. If you dont like it, plz, do send the ask again. I will happily write something better than this crap💓
Bitch hours
Pairing: bangchanxreaderxminho
Warning: double penetration, mean minchan, spanking.
“Hey! Welcome to my house, y/n!” Felix greeted you when you knocked on his door.
Chan and Minho, your two loving secret boyfriends, were sitting on the couch already. Their eyes were fixed on you. You looked hot in your shorts and a white button up.
“Thank you, Felix,” you smiled and went inside. You sat between your boyfriends, greeting like they weren’t just licking your mouth a couple hours ago.
“Lemme get you all some drinks that you all are here,” Felix got up.
“Ah, let me help you!,” you quickly got up to help your friend bring the drinks and other snacks.
Felix smiled and handed you some snacks to fill the bowls. You both talked about random stuff while he was pouring the drinks. Keeping in mind to give you non-alcoholic drink because you were going to drive the other two boys home.
He took the drinks first. As he was placing them down, he accidentally spilled some on the marble tiled floor. “Ah, be careful over here,” he sat down, not caring much about it.
You came back with the bowls filled with everyone’s favourite treats. You put the tray on the table and move towards the couch to sit next to Felix.
But your feet slipped on the wet floor and fell on Felix. Your eyes were tightly shut, waiting for the huge impact. But instead of something hurtful, your lips felt another pair of pillowy lips on them. Your eyes opened and met another pair of huge eyes looking into yours.
The room fell dead silent. Bang Chan’s hand was hovering over the chips bowl. Minho’s hand was in mid air with the flute of champagne in it.
They saw yours and Felix’s lips pushed together. Something burned inside their chests. Their eyes met and then snapped back.
You hastily removed yourself from him, “sorrysorrysorry,” you started chanting. More to your boyfriends than Felix.
“Uh,” Felix cleared his throat, “no, it’s okay! It was my fault, I should have cleaned the floor right away.”
The whole evening went awkwardly. You wanted to go back home and shower the feeling away. Your boyfriends were tense too. They didn’t speak to you the whole evening and were glaring at you whenever your eyes met.
Now, the three of you were at home. You made a quick journey towards your bathroom to take a good shower. Your clothes were on the floor in a pile, and you were about to step into the shower when you felt strong arms holding you and picking you up in the air.
In the blink of an eye, you were sandwiched between two hard chests, that were heaving heavily.
“You should stop whoring around too much, love,” Minho hissed, his breath fanning your face.
“How was the kiss, slut?” Bang Chan clutched your waist, fingers digging into your skin.
You knew this was coming, sooner or later. Their possessiveness was beyond your knowledge. They didn't want to disclose the relationship that was considered taboo but was a pleasure for the three of them.
“Chan, we gotta teach her who she belongs to,” Minho's voice dangerously fell low. The grumble in his chest vibrated against you.
Bang Chan chuckled darkly, “oh, she is in for a ride,” then turned you around to face him. He pinched your cheeks together making your pout pop out.
Chan bit your lips and kissed messily, tongue entering your hot mouth. Minho took his time running his hands over your body and finding their way towards your pussy.
Minho's palm harshly cupped your pussy and rubbed it. With his free hand, he pried your legs open and slapped your cunt. You flinched and moaned in Chan’s mouth.
“So wet already?” Minho tsked. “Bet it's because of that kiss that your pussy enjoyed too much.”
“No,” you whined.
“Shut up!” Bang Chan clutched your hair and pulled them back, harshly. “You can not get away from the punishment, you fucking whore. Gotta remind you who you belong to and mark you good,” his lips immediately attached to your neck. His teeth sunk into your skin, leaving a pleasurable sting. He was bruising your neck while sucking the skin. Soon he found your sweet spot that made you hum in pleasure.
You felt Minho's hands on your ass, trying to part them. His cold and slicked fingers rubbed your rim. Your eyes fell on the strawberry-flavoured lube on the washbasin.
Your mouth fell open with a silent moan when you felt Minho's warm cock circle around your rim and pushed inside slowly. “Fuck,” his voice shuddered. “Need to fuck this ass more… Doesn't feel like it has been ever used.” he bottomed out in your ass.
He didn't think twice about your comfort or discomfort. This was your punishment. You needed to feel it too. No matter how bad he felt about it inside but the image of you kissing someone else burned his veins.
You moaned half in pleasure and half in pain when his long cock thrusted into you. “You like that, slut?” Bang Chan rasped. “You like that cock in your ass?”
“Yeah,” your head rolled back on Minho's shoulder. He held your neck from behind and tightened it, choking just enough to make your head feel dizzy.
“I bet her other hole feels so neglected and useless,” Chan bit your nipple. “Shall I fill it up?”
You gasped at his words. They have never done that before, using your ass and pussy at the same time. Your puppy eyes looked into Chan’s raging ones.
“Looks like our slut would like it, won't you?” Chan rubbed your clit painfully slowly while Minho was thrusting deeper and steadier. “Or maybe we should call Felix too, no? Then we will have all of your holes filled,” his middle and ring fingers found their way into your pussy. And then he held his cock with the same hand and brought it closer to your slit before rubbing it over your cunt.
Chan was quick to fill you up with his cock. “Oh my God,” you hissed.
Minho felt Chan entering you, his face scrunched up and felt that his cock was being even more suffocated.
They both thrusted turn by turn. They plunged hard and fast into your holes. You felt the pain but you were too fucked up to even form a sentence.
“Fucking slut, so ready to open her legs for everyone,” Minho left your neck and kneaded your boobs. Their balls were hitting your skin. Their cocks were filling you up so well. You felt so full of them.
“Will you do that again?! Are you going to whore around like that again?!” Chan harshly asked.
“No!” your tears ran down your cheeks. “No, only two you,” you were fucked.
Their hips worked faster into you. Minho was feeling Chan moving inside you. If he was long and thick, Chan was longer and thicker. Minho felt like he was getting punished for some reason. He loved it.
“I'm gonna cum,” you screamed.
They stopped inside you suddenly, snatching away your sweet orgasm. “No,” you cried. “Don't do that!” your face was red and your nose ran down along with your tears.
The boys, deep down in their hearts, felt bad but the jealousy clouded their minds. They started pushing in and out again, picking up pace. They were trying to approach their high.
Your hot velvety walls hugged them so well. Your slick was running down your thighs and was slicking up Chan’s balls.
“Fuck,” Minho moaned when he felt you clenching around them. “Cum with me, Channie.”
“Yeah,” he later moaned. “Gonna fill up her cunt. Gonna fucking mark her and let her know she belongs to us and no one else. Wanna see our cum leaking out of her cunt and ass while she takes to every one of our friends.” the image of it pulled the both towards their high.
Your cunt and ass clenched around them, finally making them fill you up to the brim. Your cunt was throbbing and hurting, begging for a mind-blowing orgasm. You wanted to cum but they were quick to pull out and push you onto the counter.
Minho spread your legs open and they saw their cum dripping out of your cunt and asshole. Your ass was swollen with the force Minho used.
Chan slapped your ass once. “Ahhnngh,” you moaned. Then twice. Thrice. Till ten. He spanked you hard, releasing his jealousy on you.
“I hope tonight will remind you of us before you open your legs in front of anyone,” Chan said before he left.
Your ass was sore and your legs turned into jelly. But you still managed to clean yourself and took a shower. Your body was hurting and asking for care.
When you stepped into your room, no one was there. You felt like crying, covering your head with the sheets and letting the tears out. Then you felt the bed dip from two sides then you were pulled out of the sheets gently and settled on Chan’s lap. He caressed your body and Minho brought some food for you to eat. He specially hand-fed you.
“Be careful next time,” Minho gently caressed your head. “We hate to see others enjoy what is ours. We just love you.”
“Mhm, we love you a lot to see you in that situation, love,” Chan pecked your pouty lips. “Forgive me for what I said. You know I don't mean it.”
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