#Order crocs online
mavshack1205 · 3 months
Reasons behind the Growing Popularity of Crocs
Once considered an ugly pair of footwear or those that were made only for kids, crocs are currently rising to fame. There are multiple reasons for their growing popularity, and we will be discussing some of them through this blog. But, if you are the one who follows every fashion trend religiously, the most important part of your footwear collection should be Crocs at present. So do not delay and keep up with the trends by shopping for your pair of Crocs from some of the best e-commerce websites now. Now, without any further delay let's delve into the reasons for the growing popularity of Crocs.
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Reasons for Crocs Being the Most Preferred Footwear
Celebrity Endorsements
The most common reason for the popularity of any item in the present times is their apt promotions by celebrities and fashion influencers. It is a marketing tactic that can never go wrong for any industry. Recently, many celebrities including Justin Bieber, Nicki Minaj, Jisoo from Blackpink, Ariana Grande and more have been captured flaunting their Crocs, making the footwear popular among their fans. The footwear is not only worn by these celebrities in their daily lives but also on the red carpet. Additionally, the sell-out collaborations with singers such as Post Malone and Bad Bunny have also contributed to the rise of the status of Crocs.
Apart from celebrity marketing, the Crocs brands are also collaborating with designer fashion houses to further elevate themselves. Primarily, the brands are making multiple collaborations to ensure both local and global reach. Further, a slight change in the designs also made the Crocs a bit more appealing.
Iconic Look
Contrary to the initial days, the shape of the shoes is one of the biggest selling factors. Another major driver to the rising popularity of the Crocs is the anti-fashion fashion movement that is trying to make what millennials think is uncool, cool again. As Crocs are chunky and completely diametrically opposite to the sleek branded shoes, they make just the right pair for the current anti-fashion look.
Additionally, nowadays this footwear comes with jibbitz, which are the charms attached to the slip-on and one of the major contributors to their growing popularity. These kibitz also enable the customization of the footwear making them a preferred choice among the audience, as it can be used as a way to present themselves to others.
Lastly, however, the most important factor considered while choosing any footwear is the comfort offered by them. These are also easily accessible making them the ideal choice for workers who spend a lot of time on their feet, such as healthcare workers, people who work in food and beverage outlets, and more. These are functional, waterproof, breathable, offer sufficient coverage, and are flexible to offer a transformable structure. Thus, the versatility and comfort offered by Crocs are also the main reason for their popularity.
Buy Crocs Now
So, now that you know all about the current Crocs trend do not hold back from getting a pair for yourself. You can get some of the best Crocs on Mavshack liveshopping. It is one of the best websites for the lowest-price online shopping site in India. It is also recommended for home slippers for ladies and buying men's accessories online in India. You can also find men’s fashion, women's fashion and accessories, and kids' essentials on the platform. It offers durable products at attractive discounts. Now, do not wait and visit Mavshack liveshopping and hurry up and get a pair of Crocs each for yourself and your family.
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jocelynscrazyideas · 1 month
Coffee Breath | Quinn Hughes x Fem Reader
Summary: Quinn and Y/N go to Starbucks and Target after Team practice, and they prep for the Hughes Brawl that is being played in 4 hours.
Warnings: language, and only one kiss (it’s a peck)
A:N- I hate this sm but I needed to post smth 🫶
All i know is that you talk to much
You’ve got those big blue eyes
Drive me crazy, make me fantasize
‘Bout you baby
After team practice before the next game, Quinn and I leave the rink and we pick up some coffee. Quinn is wearing a letter this year on his jersey so, he has to take his body seriously now. All he does is workout. I’ve been dragging him to get coffee with me, just like it was in the past.
“You wnat your Gingerbread Oatmilk Chai?” Quinn says as he looks into my eyes. All I see is his light blue eyes, almost as if they were grey.
I look to his right eye, and to his left, then down to his lips, I love him. He sees my trick, and he grabs my thigh, as he moves his fingers into my warm special place.
He’s such a cunt.
“Yeah, the chai is perfect. And could I get a Gouda sandwich- the one I like.” I say as we pull into the Starbucks drive through. He turns his head as he pulls his blue hood off his head.
Said you can’t trust me
I said it’s fine.
I’m wearing the perfect outfit. Black leggings, pink sports bra, and of course Quinn’s hoodie. My shoes, are also his, they’re wayy too big, but they’re just crocs. Quinn, in the drivers seat wearing a blue hoodie, black sweatpants, and his grey slides. We’re matching. I love him.
“Mobile order for Maya Ray.” Quinn says as he looks at me with a smirk. Maya- which isn’t my name, and Ray- is also not my name nor his name. We use fake names, out of our safety, and for fun. He pulls up to the second window and he grabs the Iced Chai and swings his arm to me, and he also grabs the sandwich I asked him to get me.
“Don’t get crumbs in my car. I’ll kill you.” Quinn snaps out at me.
What an actual cunt.
“Cuntasaurus.” I say underneath my breath. I grab the drink and the sandwich and place the chai into my lap. I unwrapped my sandwich and started to bite in.
“Do you have change?” Quinn asks. Weird. He payed online, he doesn’t need more money- unless he’s going to leave a tip. Then I thought that he could already leave a tip online.
“Why.” I say in response, only after I remembered to answer his question. I was lost into thought that I literally forgot to respond.
“So I can leave a tip, I forgot to tip online.” sure. I think to myself, I know he’s lying, he’s a freaking millionaire, he should have at least $10 freaking dollars on him.
“Yep.” I say and grab my phone case. I pull the $20 out and hand it to the lady, only because I know if I gifted it to Quinn, that money wouldn’t make it to the tip jar.
“I could have done that.” Quinn says snapping at me… again.
“Well obviously not.” I say as I open the middle console that splits our seats apart. I pull out $100 dollars and shove it in his face.
a side eye is all I get in response from him.
“Shocker. You know where my money is.” Quinn says after we turn into the parking lot of a target about 10 minutes later.
he’s literally the sassiest man I’ve ever fucking met. He’s… so, teenage boy. Literal brain rot. We need to pick up some groceries so I made a list of things that I needed. Of course I made a list of things that again only I need.
“So, why did you need to stop at Target?” Quinn says as he finds the farthest fucking parking spot there is. God, he better carry me back out here. I look into his blue eyes again, he literally drives me crazy, I can smell his cologne, and that makes me insane.
He smells like flowers, but in a masculine way. It’s hard to describe, he’s just so beautiful. It’s just a normal day for us, but it’s THE Hughes brawl. New Jersey Devils vs Canucks in Vancouver.
I’m excited, but no matter what I’m going to be proud, I’ve known Luke for the longest of times, and even before I met Luke and Wuinn I was friends with Jack.
“You coming?” Quinn says as he opens my door and grabs my left ass cheek. Let’s just say his love language is physical touch, he’s really touchy, clingy and childish, but so am I.
“Yep. Also Quinner-” I say before he freaking cuts me off.
“I know. you always make your own list. Never something that I would need, it’s always oh, what do I need? And oh, I ran out on shampoo, better get ME some.” Quinn says as he mocks me. He’s such an ass. But an ass taht I love.
Again as he swipes his right arm under my butt, he grabs my back with his left arm, and he tips over to the left as he swoops me into his arms and over his shoulder. Quinn pulls my leggings over my red lacy thong that I’m wearing under.
“I hate when you do that.” Quinn states as he closes my door and locks the car. He grabs my hand and we walk to the the doors of the store.
“Do what?” I say in actual confusion.
“You tease me, then you follow up with that with oh, I’m too tired and sorry I’m not in the mood.”
Quinn seems really upset, which is why I love to do it. I pull my hoodie down over my butt and I get an cloud of Quinn. I love him. I really do.
I’m hit with this wave of horny desperation.
“Hey, give me a kiss. Please!!” I say as I stop him and we stand in the middle of the parking lot. I stand on my tiptoes and wrap my arms around his neck. I look deep into his eyes in pleading guilt.
“I know what you’re doing.” He says, he’s convinced that I’ll do the thing.
“Omg, just kiss me.” I say. But he won’t. So I grab his hand, and pull him back to the car, and I grab his keys form his pocket and unlock the doors.
“Please. Quinn I’m ready. Right now.” And I pull him into the backseat.
I pull at his silver chain that I bought him, its charm is a heart, and the back of the heart is a photo of us. When we were like 16.
“Please. Don’t. Not right now.” Quinn says as he pushes up agisnt me. I feel him getting hard. There’s truly a tent being built in his sweatpants.
“We have like 4 hours until the next game. We have time.” I say as I look into his neck ready to make a move. I can feel his pulse penetrating from his artery.
“No.” Quinn’s consistent with his answer. And I respect it. So I climb into the passenger seat and I forget about the target trip in general. And he climbs back into the drivers seat as well. And he pulls my cheek towards him. And he leans in for a kiss.
Taste like coffee.
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demonichikikomori · 8 months
Virgin!Idia Shroud x Fem!Reader Word Count: 2.6k+ Tags: Non-Con Somnophilia/Idia is So Delusional
Art is by tako86734108 on Twitter!
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Heyohohohooi!! Boku wa Dekomori desu! ... Please don't laugh at me. I'm allowed to be cringey online... Let's do our best with another fic for the 13 Lovely Hauntings.
You fell asleep at Idia's apartment after fighting with your boyfriend and Ortho is staying the night at a friends house. You know what they say, never fall asleep first at a slumber party.
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Idia looked down at you with a frown as tears rolled down your cheeks. You stood at his apartment door dressed in crocs, flannel pajama pants, a baggy band tee, and an oversized zip-up hoodie. It was dark and the rain had finally started to fall, thankfully you made it before the weather got worse. You sniffled and rubbed at your puffy red eyes as the shut-in began to grimace at the pathetic sight. “So, you came crying to me about it? Why should I be the one to care about your relationship issues?” He scoffed in the doorway as you sniffled and scowled. “For once can you just not be a jerk?!” You snapped with a soft hiccup, a sob followed as you allowed the tears to keep falling. Your boyfriend Ace Trappola had broken up with you after five months of dating. 
It was expected. Someone like that heartless loser was never going to stick around. You were destined to end up in tears at some point. Better sooner than later. 
Idia was silenced by your outburst and stepped away from the door to his apartment as the rain fell harder. “Come on.” He sighed as the blue light of his hair illuminated the dim entrance. Idia had taken notice that each time something between you and Ace happened, you would come running to him. Every argument, every lonely night, you would usually call or text him first. But this time you showed up outside his apartment door. The two of you were friends through the Board Game Club. The only girl in the group that everyone wanted to get along with. Including Idia.
Through the after school club, you became gaming buddies. After that, you became best friends and you often came to Idia’s apartment to hang out. He always kept your favorite manga and snacks stocked up. He always made sure the internet was running its fastest when you raided together. He always made sure his room was tidied up and it smelled decent when you planned to visit. And he always made sure to bribe his younger brother into treating you well. You and him were practically soulmates.
You shuffled after the room rotter while wiping your eyes dry in silence. “Do you still have those copies of Rosario + Vampire?” You asked softly as the tips of Idia’s hair turned pink. “Well yeah, you told me last time you didn’t finish it… I ordered the last twelve for you. They’re on the shelf.” He grumbled as a small smile formed on your face. “I was just making sure. You seem to always have the books I like…” Your tone was soft as you reached Idia’s bedroom door.
However, the bedroom across from him was unusually silent. “Where’s Ortho? He usually sleeps with his TV on.” You asked quietly and Idia looked back at you with a small frown. “He asked if he could stay the night at his friend’s house. It’s just us.” Why do you care anyway? Do you want to see his younger brother more than him? Is that it? You’re into his younger brother now? 
Idia let you into his room and headed back towards the trio of glowing screens at his PC desk. It was the only current light source in the room as you closed his door and retreated to the many bookshelves surrounding his plush bed. “Drinks in the mini fridge. Snacks in the chest.” Idia kept things short as he sat down at his desk and the two of you fell into an unconscious routine. You pulled the manga off of the shelf near his desk, feeling the flames of his hair tickle your hand when you brushed too close. You sniffled once more as you looked over the book and retreated to the large bed pushed into a corner. Lined with anime pillows with smiling and welcoming faces. Especially the tasteful body pillow of a character you couldn’t remember the name of. The bed creaked beneath your weight as you sat and kicked your crocs off of your feet. “Thanks for letting me come over to chill.” You mumbled as Idia began hitting the mechanical keys on his keyboard. “It’s no big deal. You’re the only person that’s allowed to come over anyway.” He snorted as you laid down to read, turning on his blue lava lamp as a source of extra light. “Not even Azul or Lilia? I thought they were your best friends.” You asked curiously as you felt the tears dry against your face and your eyes began to feel heavy. You inhaled the scent of his freshly washed blankets, and what remained of his body wash from what you assumed was the night before. The lingering smell of pomegranates, and that gross 5-in-1 he always used and you continued to clown him for. “… It’s different when you visit.” He answered as the two of you fell into a comfortable silence. The tapping of a keyboard and the soft flipping of pages filled the air. 
Idia glanced down at the time on his PC as he exited the RPG. It was now the late hour of 3am. When you arrived at his doorstep, it was only 10pm. His body felt stiff from staying seated for so long and he needed to stretch his legs and head to bed. “Hey are you-“ He swiveled his chair and turned to face you on the large bed behind him. Idia had expected you to be awake with a new manga in your hands. But he was greeted with the opposite. 
Your outstretched body had gone still with the manga closed beside you. It was the first one you grabbed from the shelf hours earlier. Your chest rose and fell slowly as you laid on your back, unconscious on his bed under the blue glow of his lava lamp. Idia frowned and clicked his tongue softly with annoyance. He planned to sleep there once he was done with his missions and his party members had all agreed to sign off. You usually slept in Ortho’s room or on the couch when you stayed over. Not his bed.
Idia debated between shaking you awake, or sleeping beside you. He didn’t want to bother waking you up if he didn’t have to and part of him actually felt bad for you. Coming to someone like him after getting dumped? You must be delusional to think that Idia would care about your relationship status. You only started dating Ace to make him jealous. But Idia isn’t an idiot like those other guys. He saw right through you.
He shut his PC off and the room fell pitch black and completely silent. Only the blue lava lamp’s glow and the eternal flames of Idia’s hair guided him towards the bed where you slept. You shifted in your sleep as he stood over you, rolling onto your side with a soft groan as you curled up beside the book. The shut in hesitated, a hand hovering over your shoulder with the silent debate to either kick you out of his room, or spoon you from behind. Idia Shroud is no Patron Saint, he is only a mortal man. His hand retracted with his sharp teeth digging into his bottom lip. He shut off the lava lamp, and crawled onto the bed. The mattress creaked under the additional weight as Idia laid stiffly beside you. As he turned and rested on his side with his chest inches from your back, his nose was only centimeters from the nape of your neck. The scent of your shampoo ignited a fire deep inside of his gut that only became more and more intense with each faint sniff.
Your smell was getting into his blankets. Into his pillows. Into his thoughts. Idia didn’t usually try to smell you when you got too close, but the scenario he had put himself in left him feeling bold. Stuff like this doesn’t happen to hermits like him. These situations only existed in Hentai games. He remained still, feeling himself start to become hard the more sniffs he took and the closer he moved.
He hadn’t realized that he was fully erect until his chest was flush against your back and his hips rolled against you. His erection grinding against your butt in search of friction and relief. There was a silent pause as he waited to see if you would react. His breath caught in his throat as he waited. Laying silent and still in the dark, you continued to breathe softly as you slept. Completely unaware of what was happening behind you. Idia let out the breath slowly and moved his hips away, slipping his hand into his dark blue sweatpants with caution. There was no second layer beneath to prompt the question if he should truly be doing this. As long as you stayed asleep, it wouldn’t matter in the end.
His cock throbbed in his palm as he stroked it slowly. His thumb glided over the blueish tip where it became shiny with pre-cum. He wanted to put it inside of you. It’s not like you would ever know as long as he was careful. Jerking off was a daily thing anyway, it was healthy. This isn’t weird. This isn’t creepy.
You wouldn’t mind anyway, since it’s him.
His hand picked up speed as he laid beside you, taking in quiet inhales of the scent of soap lingering on your skin. You always smelled so good when you came to see him. You did it on purpose. Idia choked back his soft groans as his other hand looped its fingers into the back of your pajama pants and your thin cotton panties, and tugged them down carefully. Each soft sound you made, he would stop. But once you went quiet, he was back to work. Your butt was now exposed as he shuffled his sweatpants down his thighs with a quiet huff. “Please don’t wake up.” He whispered his plea to anyone willing to listen. A hand slipped between your thighs as he stroked himself, nudging the sticky tip against the plush fat of your ass with a quiet whimper. He wanted to put it in so bad. His fingers awkwardly rubbed the folds of your pussy, rubbing and teasing until he found the pearl of nerves he recognized as your clit. 
Now he felt lost. 
You were supposed to be ‘gushing’ right? Super soaked and leaking with juices… Right? Idia had only gotten this far and farther in Ero-Games. Not real life. He wasn’t stupid, but the lack of experience made him feel like he was lost at sea. His fingers rubbed slow, methodical circles around your clit as he listened to the hitches in your breath and the soft moans leaving your throat. His hips slowly bucked against you as he began to glide his cock between the warm welcoming flesh of your thighs. There, he was greeted by the wetted folds of your pussy. It wasn’t as ‘wet’ as he imagined, but maybe this was how actual sex was. Women aren’t superhumans like in anime. He knows that much. He pulled his fingers away and hesitated, listening to your breathing steady again as he thought of his next move.
He carefully slipped an arm underneath your body, using it to pull you closer as he rested his other hand on your exposed hip. His nails dug into the skin as he began to feel the weight of his actions. Was this really a good idea? What if you woke up?
Idia lowered his head to rest against your shoulder as he felt shame wash over him. Maybe this wasn’t a good idea. But he couldn’t stop his hips from hungrily thrusting against your folds. The way your cunt throbbed against him… The way it made him slippery with your juices… It made it so much harder for him to reach rationality. And with an experimental canter of his hips, he began to push inside of your hot, wet walls. 
Idia thought his heart would stop as you convulsed and squeezed around him. The tips of his hair turned bright pink and his face burned as he stopped to become accustomed to the new and overwhelming experience. His hips were now flush against your butt as he tried steadying his breathing and holding back the urge to fuck you full of his sperm. The way your pussy clenched around him, sucking him in deeper instead of pushing him out. He knew you wanted this. That was why you came to him after getting dumped. You were just too shy to ask for a pity fuck. 
“Fuck…” He whimpered against your shoulder as he slowly began to thrust. With each slow drag of his cock, he felt lightheaded from the pleasure. This was way different than his hand or a toy. This was you. You are the one person he wanted to pounce on and use until he was drained and satisfied. And now he has you. It’s just too bad Ace got to you first. The thought of Ace on top of you began to sicken him. It began to infuriate him. His hips quickened as he pounded into you from behind, the tips of his hair burned brighter from that gentle pink into the aggressive orange shade. The erotic sound of skin meeting and the wet squish of him penetrating you over and over left him moaning against the back of your neck. Idia’s eyes fluttered shut as he relished in the feeling of his cock throbbing deep inside of your gummy walls. There was a soft growl leaving his throat as he nudged against what he could only imagine was your cervix. When your body clenched even tighter around his cock? He felt like he was on the edge of unloading inside of you. You wanted him to do this. You wanted him to take advantage of you.
You wanted him as much as he wanted you. 
He refused to slow down now. He hit the spot over, and over, and over again deep inside of you as he could feel a thin layer of sweat clinging to his skin. He was pulsating, his balls twitching with excitement as you began to squirm in his arms. “Don’t run away from me.” He lifted his head and snarled against your skin before the sudden arrival of his orgasm weakened him. His hips stuttered to a stop as he stayed buried inside of you. With each weak pulse, he filled you with thick loads of hot, sticky, sperm. He could feel you starting to thrash as his arms flailed and he clamped a hand over your mouth. You were screaming into his hand, arousing him further with your panicked state. But Idia was bigger, and stronger than you. The shut in began wrestling you face down onto his bed as he stayed nestled inside of you. The uncomfortable heaviness of his body on top of yours and the pulses of his cock continuing as he filled you up made your stomach twist in disgust. You tried biting at his hand, clawing at his arms protected by his long sleeves, screaming in hopes of his neighbors hearing, kicking your legs to get him off of you. The scent of pomegranate and that disgusting 5-in1 Idia used began to fill you with anxiety as he rolled his hips into yours, shushing you softly as he whispered into your ear. “What’re you doing? Don’t be so shy. This is why you came here, isn’t it?”
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Tagged Accounts: @candlewitch-cryptic
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hetaologist · 2 months
Waking Up in Las Vegas Pt. 1 (APH America x Fem! Reader)
Rating: SFW
Synopsis: You are a news reporter sent to Las Vegas to cover a story in the big city by your boss. America has been a secret long-term fan of your blogs until that one day you posted that juicy story about him ...
"Man, that was...quite the flight..." You said to yourself once you got out of the airplane. You walk through the gates and stop by baggage claim for your suitcase.
"HEY DUDE! Never thought I would find you here!" America yells from across the terminal. He was wearing a tie-dye red, white, and blue t-shirt, gray sweatpants, and his iconic pair of Crocs.
"Wait...are you...The United States of America?!" You questioned him. It was kinda of a surprise to see him there.
"Yes ma'am, that would be me~☆." He said while flashing his million dollar smile.
"Well...my god. Wha- how do you even know me in the first place?"
"Come on Dude, you're that reporter who runs a popular blog for that big news site, 'The Hawkeyes' !"
"I'm just surprised to see you here. Did you know I was coming to Las Vegas?" You were curious as to how America knew you were stationed in Vegas. That's when his face gets all peachy and sweaty.
"Oh!? Well...it's just a simple coincidence. Yeah, that's all~!" He said while rubbing the back of his neck.
"Really? Are you sure you're not stalking me?" As a slight smirk grows on your face.
"WAI- WHAT?! Dude, I TOTALLY wouldn't do that! That's like totally weird and creepy." He huffs and folds his arms. "Anyways...since we just so happen to be here at the same time and NOT because I was watching your social media or whatever, I wanted to talk to you about your recent report."
"Oh? Is that so, Mr. America? Which one do you want to talk about?"
"Hmph, how about I treat you to lunch first? Since there's a lot I want to say."
You think about it for a good minute. This discussion could add some valuable insight to your report. "Sure, I have plenty of time."
"Great! I'll take you to my favorite spot in this airport~!" America beamed.
He takes you over to a 1950's styled diner at the food court. "This place got some wicked burgers man." He sits you down at a booth and he sits right in front of you. The waitress comes by, hands both of you a menu, and takes your drink orders. Then America crosses his arms with a slight grin on his face. "So....Ms. Y/N, your report about me last week...."
"What about it, America?"
He takes a deep breath, "So, it seems like you have some...theories about me..."
The waitress hands us our drinks and takes our order. "Theories?" You smirked.
"Oh ho ho~! Don't play dumb with me Ms. Y/N. You posted about my "alleged" criminal track record online. You have theories linking me to these unsolved crimes. That's quite bold of you..." He says in a low-toned voice.
You started to feel the heat but kept your cool. "Hmm, what's wrong with that? I can write about whatever I want. After all, freedom of press~."
"True. However, not if it damages an innocent person's life. That my dear, is a suable offence." America says before drinking his super thick and rich cookies and cream milkshake.
That's when you could feel the heat rise above your neck and pool into your face. "I have proof..."
"Proof? I highly doubt that. You have no concrete proof of me committing these crimes, or any crime as a matter of fact." He leans back in his chair while placing his feet on the booth next to you.
"Hmm, so since we are here, let's clear things up. Shall we?" Your gaze pierces into his eyes.
He chuckled with delight. "Ah~, and if you find out that it's not true, you'll take down that post and post an apology. Deal?"
"Hmm...deal." You reached out your hand and shook hands with him.
The waitress quickly comes by with your food and America immediately picks up his big ass hamburger and takes a bite of it.
"So, Mr. Stars and Stripes...where do you want to start?"
With his mouth still full and chewing, he replies "Hmm... let's talk...about the...theory of...that LA highspeed...chase that...happened three...weeks ago..." He takes a big gulp of his milkshake.
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Look I don’t really get the whole shoe hype thing literally just went to pick up some crocs I ordered online and i walked in on what I have to assume is an incredibly weird marketing scheme/burglary? Luckily they didn’t take my crocs guess they weren’t worth it. ( sick DBK costume tho but I don’t really get what the nerd guy is supposed to be)
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earthstellar · 1 year
First Aid: "yeah I remember that, lol 3 million years ago I was busy learning about rotor attachments in medical training, it was a special module on flight forms"
Velocity: "3 million years ago I was still studying for my admissions tests!"
Ratchet: "3 million years ago I was already CMO for the Autobot faction and going to fucking war"
*immediately leaves and goes to Swerve's for whatever the equivalent of a mid afternoon Pimm's Cup is*
may or may not be based on a real conversation I just had with a new junior doc today, fucking lmao
not me over here listening to this shit while I check on my online order for orthopaedic crocs, you can't do this to me
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meltedbuttersblog · 10 months
goofy nicknames for twst cast :D
i originally sent these to @duskymrel but she said i should post these so here we are
riddle: riddler, mr. president
trey: reddit nice guy (me), bread boy, oyster sauce fiend, peeta
cater: caycay the craycray, mr. chronically online, vil's aborted son /j
ace: little shit, asshat, acehole
deuce: big shit, double trouble, double bubble toil and trouble, bonk, cauldron
leona: lil kitty meow meow, princess, regina george, apex predator (mean girls reference, meant to go with the regina nickname), munchies (ruggie, see his "grammy doesn't need fancy" vignette), sir snores-a-lot
ruggie: buggie wuggie ruggie, snuggie as buggie in a ruggie, reggie
jack: big buff cheeto puff, furry, handcrusher (back to my anime origins 😨😔), beast mode
azul: daddy (rook), monopoly man, stonks
jade: shroomie, mr. premeditated murder
floyd: chiropractor, mr. non-premeditated murder, psychopathic adhd
kalim: big dick baby, death's best friend
jamil: x-games mode, sheryll's mexican neighbor (he seasons his chicken) (maybe just a little too much...)
vil: regina, heather, germy wormy ( /affectionate, cuz he's german)
rook: titty croissants, theatre kid (derogatory), theatre kid /pos, fox
epel: peepaw, meemaw, chicken fried by the zac brown band, good lookin' by dixon dallas (I CAN'T STOP LAUGHING WHEN I THINK ABOUT THIS SONG) (it's a very homosexual country song and it makes me crack up) (it used the word bussy)
idia: beta cuck, stinky boy (me: /j, /affectionate) (others: /srs, /derogatory)
(not including ortho cuz idk what to do for him 💀)
malleus: malicious malleus, gargling gargoyles (that would be a great catchphrase for him ngl), daddy (lilia but we don't talk about those many one or two times EVER.)
lilia: peepaw, serg (called serg once cuz he very sternly gave an order to player or smth and was like "if you're going to give me a military title, it best be general."), daddy (mal, but this time we do talk about it)
sebek: croc shoe, speaker, iida kinnie (player) (sebs has no idea what they're talking about 💀), sergeant
silver: sleepy, lil guy, kiddo (lilia), narcoleptic (me)
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Kind of want to start writing a DC/Marvel mash up fanfic and put it online but I'm not sure about some of the fusions I've thought up, so I'm putting them on here so I can get some feedback.
Warren Pryce, a.k.a. The Night Spider. Pretty typical Spiderman/Batman fusion. Son of a pair of brilliant scientists who founded a tech company but were murdered by a business rival who wanted them to make super soldiers, and made their deaths look like a lab accident while Warren watched from a cabinet be was hiding in. The only person Warren ever told was his Uncle, who revealed that the day before their deaths, Warren's parents sent him a USB that said "Warren is the key," which led Warren and his uncle to discovering a secret labin the Pryce manor where they find out Warren's parents had, under duress, been working on a ways to make super soldiers, one way being a way to give human spider abilities, but they stopped because they knew that if they had the power to change the world, they had the responsibility to do so for good. Warren spent the next 20 years training his body and mind to do just that, to use the super soldier spider serum to save people, and one day bring justice to the man who killed his parents, if he ever found him.
Also adding fusions of other characters, and yes, realize some of these are fairly redundant, but what can I say, there are parallels
Miles Morales and Dick Grayson
Gwen Stacy and Barbara Gordon
The Penguin and the Kingpin (Mr. Emperor)
Green Goblin and the Joker (The Gremlin Man)
Poison Ivy and Scorpion
Jason Todd and Agent Venom
Ra's Al Ghul and the Symbiotes
Clayface and Sandman
Lizard and killer croc
Scarecrow and Mysterio
Hobgoblin and the Creeper
Dr. Octopus and Mr. Freeze
Vulture and Firefly
Rhino and Bane
Lucius Fox and Aunt May
Batwoman and Spiderwoman
Tim Drake and Iron Spider
Peni Parker and Luke Fox
Spoiler and Silk
MJ Watson and Vicki Vale
Daredevil and Azrael
Damien Wayne and Scarlet Spider
Kraven the Hunter and Huntress
I'm not sure if I want to fuse Electro and Two Face, like half his face is scarred from electricity, or Electro and Harley Quinn, like she was electrocuted into insanity by The Gremlin Man, or fuse Harley with Black Cat, or I saw someone fuse Black Cat and Riddler and I thought that'd be pretty cool, call her Sphinx.
As for other heroes
Captain America + Wonder Woman = Achilles. Cursed for his hubris and attack on Troy, the Judges of the Underworld ordered Achilles to guard the ghost city of Troy, and to never again pick up a sword, only the Aegis. Then when Nazis showed up during ww2 looking for magic, Achilles was granted leave, arguing that the best way to protect Troy was to venture out into the modern world. The Winter Soldier and Falcon are now The Eidolon (who is secretly Achilles boyfriend Patroclus) and a man wielding the wings of Icarus.
Superman + Captain Marvel = ?
Namor + Aquaman = The Pacific Man. Rather than Atlantis, The Pacific Man rules over the city on the back of a giant sea turtle from various mythologies in the Pacific ocean, and instead of a trident, he wields the naginata from Japanese mythology that created Japan.
Black Panther + Hawkman and Woman = The Black Hawks. A pair of winged aliens crash land in the Amazon and using their alien tech and a metal called Vibranianth Steel, they form the city of gold, El Dorado, ruling over it as warrior king and queen, and when they die, they pass on their mantles and memories to worthy successors.
X Men + Green Lanterns = ? Green meteor crashes onto Earth imbueing certain people with powers, Prof X would be like the Guardians. This would also make Magneto Sinestro, and other mutants other lanterns, and the Sentinels like the Manhunters.
Fantastic 4 + Doom Patrol = ?
Dr. Strange + John Constantine = ?
Blue Beetle + Moon Knight = ? Found a piece of alien technology left by the aliens the Egyptians considered gods, this one specifically was built by Khepri, the God with the head of a beetle.
Flash + Hulk = ? Gamma radiation gave him super speed
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hoooooooooot · 2 years
Ypu know how the security breach developers just reused assets for the golden statues? The daycare attendant still has wires in the back of its head and they have mechanical joints?
Make that canon. Those are big ass robots. This is how it works: the anamatronics are in a central consciousness in a computer in the actual roming plastic, epoxy & metal bots but they don't have to be. Be it with plugs or wireless or just as a function of themselves they can be the pizeria, it's just slightly disorienting.
Chica has been the ovens before, she has been the cameras in the fazzermaze and moved the walls while inside to get to a hurt kid.
Monty has slowed or speed up obstacles in the monty gold area. He's used the jumping crocs to scare kids. He's organized the lights for his own goddam show!
Roxane has helped steer people she was conpeting against. Let better drivers drive slightly faster and helped toddler steer inplace of the bots.
Freddy has kept an eye on the cameras and watched over the children. When one gets lost or hurt he leads them to the guard, as he is meant to.
Chica felt as the programs closed themself to her, as staffbots replace her and she closes off. What once was her kitchen becoming alien. She wants to cook and clean and be what she once was but isn't.
Monty is reprimanded bt tye security guard fir scaring the children. Slowly he loses ground in his own swamp. The place ends up running without him, wouless timers and sensors ruining all the fun of it, the realness.
Roxy feels loses one too many times and is told to win more in order to skimp on prizes. She's not allowed to lose to kids, not allowed to slow them down when they speed up too much or they take a curve too fast.
And Freddy? He behaves. They don't find any reason to limit him so they don't. He suffers some things here and there but he knows the moment he steeps out of line he'll lose something.
One night, months after for every minor infraction they take something from him he finds something. Someone. Someone he is willing to help. He gives the child acces to the cameras in the pizzaplex and feels them wink out for him. It'll keep the kid safe and calm, even if it's just for a moment until they reach the main entrance and exit.
Six hours later, he walks with what little remains if him shattered and with bits of his friends stitches on. It's not the same as his cameras, it's worse.
Roxxane feels the loss of sight. Her ears and gyroscope help her blindly waddle foward.
Monty crawls, missing his leags and without hands to even use
Chica wails, broken birdsound chirping synthetic noise.
And they though losing the them outside themselfs was bad, auddenly their bodies were sofocating prisons new and broken.
And then, a month later they go online again. They reawake whole and with all systems restored. A weight is lifted fron their chest.
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usagirotten · 8 months
Justice League x RWBY Part Two Releases Extended Preview
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Warner Bros. Home Entertainment has released an extended preview for the newly-released animated crossover film Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes & Huntsmen, Part Two. The second half of DC and Rooster Teeth‘s on-screen crossover is out now on Digital ahead of its physical release at the end of this month. To mark the occasion, Warner Bros. has shared the first 10 minutes of the film online. The extended preview recaps the events of Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes & Huntsmen, Part One before throwing the heroes of DC and RWBY into another dangerous adventure.  the members of the Justice League emerge in their own world to discover that Grimm, ravenous creatures from Remnant, have overtaken Earth!” an official synopsis for Super Heroes & Huntsmen, Part Two reads. “In order to defeat the monsters, they must call on their new friends — Team RWBY — for help!” The animated feature stars the voices of RWBY leads Lindsay Jones, Kara Eberle, Arryn Zech, and Barbara Dunkelman — who reprise their roles as Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xiao Long, respectively. Fellow RWBY stars Christopher Sabat and J. Michael Tatum reprise their roles as Dr. Arthur Watts and Klein Sieben, respectively. The voice cast also includes Laura Bailey as Wonder Woman, Travis Willingham as Superman and Weather Wizard, Troy Baker as Batman and Mirror Master, David Dastmalchian as the Flash, Jeannie Tirado as Green Lantern, Tru Valentino as Cyborg and Kilg%re, Ozioma Akagha as Vixen, Jamie Chung as Black Canary, and AEW wrestler Maxwell Jacob Friedman as Killer Croc. Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes & Huntsmen, Part Two is currently available for Digital purchase. The film releases on 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray on Tuesday, October 31. In the meantime, Justice League x RWBY: Super Heroes & Huntsmen, Part One is currently available on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray, and Digital. Part One is also streaming on Max.     Read the full article
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muaraart · 10 months
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I am a footwear designer with expertise in categories for men's shoes. I have knowledge and experience in the shoe development process from manual sketch to mass market production. I Can design any shoes. from sneakers, casual, lifestyle, athletic, running, walking, skateboarding, sportstyle, basketball, baseball, football, volleyball, pickleball, tennis, soccer, golf, hiking, hunting, softball, training, spike, slip-ons, crocs, flyknit, safety, work, boat, boots, oxfords, loafers, clogs, sandals, slides and more.
I'm a freelance graphic designer and full-time designer, I have been a professional graphic designer for more than ten years, you will get 100% original, elegant, trendy, dynamic and modern graphic designs from me. I will get to your dream footwear design!
I can work on target. If you’re looking for high-quality work from a person that understands Graphic Design, then I am the person you need to work with.
What will you get? - Vector Files (*.CDR), (*.AI), (*.EPS) | Corel DRAW GS, Adobe Illustrator CC. - Photo Files (*.PSD), (*.TIFF) | Adobe Photoshop CC. - High-Resolution (*.JPG) & (*.PNG). - Document Files (*.PDF). - 3D Mockup Shoe Design. - Mockup Action Figure Model. - Shoe Design Concept. - Shoe Box Design. - Shoe Hang Tag Design. - Material Specification. - Drawing Sketch/Line Art or Tech Pack. - Color and Material Suggestion. - Specifications for mass production in the manufacture. - Satisfied Guarantee.
Send me across your ideas for a shoe design, either via face to face consultation, phone call, video chat or email.
How to order? - send me your attachment and instruction picture/image in the message, or can order a special service for me. - send me the design concept/sketch you needed and the composition of the order. - send your existing logo or brand name on the design to provide a more professional look. - customer service totality to you until suitable and satisfied.
Note: Include any images and descriptions of footwear and shoes that inspire you and your brand, elements of design that you like and elements of design that you do not like. The more information provided the closer I will get to your dream shoe design!
I will be able to render the design from multiple angles including a technical outline, detailed renderings and a complete technical pack with all the relevant sampling and manufacturing information included.
All Shoe designs that we make are developed keeping "Ease of Production" in mind. The shoe designs we make are 100% original and we don't resell them.
The world of Design and Creative is something that I love and passion.
Interested! Feel free to contact me. Please contact me. I'm here to help you and your brand out.
Have a project? Available for new projects Send me a email at Email: [email protected]
Order a design according to your needs and desires on Fiverr: Muara Art Upwork: Sigit W Peopleperhour: Muara Art
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nehswritesstuffs · 7 months
okay so for the "500 words or less" excerpt DVD commentary i'm going to choose the opening of this fic because i can't help myself it is honestly one of my favorite parts and i gotta know what the thought process was
Having never really considered himself weak in the ankles, Law was beginning to rethink his lifelong self-assessment as he slipped his feet into the absolutely terrifying shoes that had been shoved in his direction. With Nami on one side of him and Perona on the other, Law shakily attempted to stand, not enjoying the extra wobble he gained by simply standing still. “What the fuck is wrong with you people,” he grumbled lowly. His girlfriend, however, scowled. “You live in heels—I don’t want to hear it.” “I wear boots, Nami-ya, not whatever torture devices these are.” He looked out over the rows of shoe racks and saw that the difference in height was… concerning. “Fucking hell—these have three extra inches than normal.” “Well, yeah,” Perona scoffed. “You need to look your best, and they’re already doing wonders for your ass.” She hummed. “Well, what little you’ve got, anyhow.” “Why are we even here?” Law groused. “Can’t I just order some online?” “We are not,” Nami said, “because I am not going to have to deal with ordering shoes for your massive man-feet and then them not fitting properly. Turnaround is way too quick for us to need to worry about shipping.” “I feel like a fool,” he grimaced as he continued to curse the integrity of his legs. “We did not drive to the only shoe store in Greater Logue Town that carries wides in-stock for you to chicken out,” Perona scolded. “I’m not chickening out,” he insisted sourly. “I just have way too much coordination to know first-hand why Cora-san practices walking in these things.” “Well, you’re about to get a lot more familiar with them if we’re going to get you anywhere,” Nami said firmly. “Now go ahead and try to walk to that rack there.” Two steps and Law went sideways into a shelving unit full of narrow-widths. Nami and Perona stared at one another—they had a lot more work ahead of them than they had feared.
Ahahahaha, yes! Although I love all this fic, I do particularly feel this part. A bunch of me projecting on Law under the cut.
Have an excerpt you want me to break down? Go ahead and let me know!
Nehs? Projecting on Law? Never! *fake shocked gasp* Okay, so let me break it down:
I need wide width shoes as well, and holy shit are these hard to find since Payless started going nuts after filing for bankruptcy. Twice. This is a modern AU set in a pseudo-Midwestern America, so my loss of the only place that consistently stocked wides is also his loss of the only place that consistently stocked wides. and don't tell me that [place] does bc i've tried I am waiting for when that void is filled with bated breath bc I hate shopping for shoes online.
I am also on taller than average. (I am not Law's height, but he is on the taller end for normal people.)
I also like wearing boots with chonky heels/soles.
I also like wearing heels/wedges despite it making me "so tall" so what if I scrape six feet that way.
I also have enough coordination to walk in heels/wedges.
I can fucking run in heels/wedges.
I can honestly say that aside from a couple choice moments (as we all have) I am fairly well-coordinated overall.
I recently tried on a pair of heels in-store (returns from an online purchase, I'm sure) and as I stood I almost toppled over like holy shit.
I did roll my ankle once while running in wedges and I went down hard that was fun.
Narrow-widths are apparently a thing.
...and what sort of outfit as spectacular as Dr. Hart-Steeler's is complete without the right shoes? Can't have her show up in Crocs because although that's thematically correct I don't think those are going to fly in a drag queen revue.
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meili-sheep · 2 years
Diluc: I was laughing at a pair of heeled crocs yesterday and when I showed Ayato, there was one left in stock. When I went back today, it was out of stock.
Yelan: And why did you feel the need to tell me this?
Ayato: (struts by in the heeled crocs while crunching on chocolate-covered brussel sprouts)
Diluc: (with disgust) Because he’s not going to stop.
[The caption: Diluc called them an abomination, so naturally Ayato bought the entire stock.]
Yelan: (dying of laughter)
Diluc: (grumbling) Stop that, it isn’t funny.
Ayato: (incredulously while cackling) Eating fifteen 250 dollar steaks isn’t the funniest thing ever to you?
Diluc: (protests) I was hungry!
[The caption: Mf really thinks with his stomach when it’s high noon and didn’t even consider that he walked into a Michellin star restaurant-]
Ayato: (whispers) What is she doing?
Diluc: (whispers back) I don’t know, something women do?
Ayato: (muses) Or maybe it’s what commoners do.
Diluc: (factually) Yelan isn’t a commoner becuase she rules over commoners.
Ayato: (rolls his eyes) That’s called being a leader, Diluc. She also has to be rich and have a powerful family.
Diluc: (shrugs) She could be both, but we don’t know.
Ayato: (hisses) Well, we need to know. (gasps) Maybe she’s reporting back to her family on us!
Diluc: (ponders) She does do a lot of stuff online and it’s really covert . . .
Ayato & Diluc: (at once) A 007 scenario!
Yelan, who heard everything: I’m ordering Doordash.
Ayato: (accusingly) So does the door ‘dash’ over to you or is it some sort of code for your superiors?
Diluc: (skeptically) Yeah, you always used Grubhub too. Suspicious.
Yelan: (blinks once) Soooo you don’t want to get that one buffet to go-
Ayato: (stops that line of thought completely) Oh shit, really?
Diluc: (perks up immediately) How much can I order?
Yelan: They already have a specialized combo option just for you.
Diluc: Yay.
[The caption: Y’all are only seeing the surface of the effects their James Bond bingeathon. Taking them to a play next time smh.]
Yeah their Tiktok is wilding.
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Honestly it really really is. Most people are probably like
"I bet these are skits"
Nope! The three of them are actually like that.
And I think Ayato was just sheltered being rich well Diluc was an inadequate parent sheltered. So Ayato has at least heard of the stuff. But like Diluc was probably never allowed to read Harry Potter or see the movies. Or read mystery murder books/films. And Yelan introduced him to that genre, and he loves it so much.
Like Yelan has a video that's Diluc watching like an old detective movie, Ayato is looking bored out of his mind on his phone, but Diluc is enraptured. And it just zooms in on Diluc and then goes to Ayato's unimpressed face. And the caption is, "You can practically see Diluc's tail wagging."
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muhammadyasir · 1 year
Bad Bunny Merch: Show Your Support for the Latin Superstar
Bad Bunny has taken the music industry by storm with his unique blend of reggaeton, trap, and Latin pop. With hits like "Dakiti" and "Mía," Bad Bunny has become a global sensation, and fans around the world are eager to show their support. Luckily, there are plenty of Bad Bunny merch options available, from clothing and accessories to vinyl records and concert tickets. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the world of Bad Bunny merch and how you can get your hands on some of the hottest items.
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The History of Bad Bunny Merch
Bad Bunny first made a splash in the music world in 2017 with his debut single "Soy Peor." As his popularity grew, fans began clamoring for merchandise featuring the rising star. In 2018, Bad Bunny released his first official merch line, which included t-shirts, hoodies, and hats featuring his signature bunny logo.
Since then, Bad Bunny has continued to release new merchandise to coincide with his album releases and concert tours. In 2020, he released a limited-edition merch line in collaboration with Crocs, featuring bright green shoes adorned with Jibbitz charms of his logo and other symbols.
Types of Bad Bunny Merch
Bad Bunny's merch offerings are constantly evolving, but there are a few staples that are always popular among fans. Here are some of the most common types of Bad Bunny merch:
From t-shirts and hoodies to hats and socks, Bad Bunny's clothing line is always popular. Fans can choose from a variety of designs featuring his bunny logo, album art, and song lyrics. Some of the most popular items include the "Yo Hago Lo Que Me Da La Gana" hoodie and the "Bad con Yandel" t-shirt.
In addition to clothing, Bad Bunny offers a range of accessories for fans to show their support. This includes everything from phone cases and tote bags to keychains and stickers. One of the most popular items is the "Bad x Crocs" Jibbitz set, which allows fans to customize their Crocs with Bad Bunny-themed charms.
Vinyl Records
For music lovers, Bad Bunny's vinyl records are a must-have. He has released several albums on vinyl, including "X 100pre" and "YHLQMDLG," both of which feature colorful, eye-catching artwork.
Concert Tickets
Of course, one of the best ways to show your support for Bad Bunny is by attending one of his concerts. In addition to the standard concert tickets, Bad Bunny also offers VIP packages that include exclusive merchandise and meet-and-greet opportunities.
Where to Buy Bad Bunny Merch
There are several places to buy Bad Bunny merch online, including his official website and online retailers like Amazon and Zumiez. Some items, like concert tickets and limited-edition merchandise, may only be available through his website or at his concerts.
Tips for Buying Bad Bunny Merch
If you're in the market for Bad Bunny merch, here are a few tips to keep in mind:
Check for authenticity: Make sure you're buying official Bad Bunny merchandise and not a knockoff.
Watch for sales: Keep an eye out for sales and discounts, especially during the holiday season.
Check the sizing: Make sure you know your size before ordering clothing or shoes.
Read reviews: Before making a purchase, read reviews from other customers to get an idea of the quality and fit of the item.
Bad Bunny merch is a great way to show your support for one of the hottest stars in the music industry. With a variety of clothing, accessories, and other items available, there's something for every fan. Whether
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lizarin · 1 year
After doing some digging, I found out Build-a-Bear first came to the city I grew up in the same year I turned 9. This was when malls were still a thing, before amazon, and before online ordering really took off. I must’ve seen the TV adds, asked (begged) multiple times, as that was a stage in life I hadn’t learned to stop asking for things yet.  I’m pretty sure remember classmates talking about going- having a birthday party there, leaving me just.. stewing in jealousy. (I was never invited to a single birthday party- or party of any kind that wasn’t at school. I wasn’t able to make friends until I was a in third grade, and even then it was just one.) I remember walking by BABW multiple times (as every year we went to the mall to go Christmas shopping) desperately wanting to get my own, custom plush. I wanted to do the whole thing: choose a plushie, stuff it, pick out clothes, shoes, ect, dress it, and get what I wanted... and every time I’d tell myself that it was too expensive, and I was too old anyway. At age 9. (and then several years following) And that’s.. just really, really fucking sad.
Now, granted, I didn’t have a bad childhood, but it wasn’t a good childhood, either. I’d say it was solidly below average; or at least solidly below average for the area I grew up in. Between my mom’s (mostly) untreated mental illness/trauma, my dad’s health issues, money issues, and me being... well, me (read: ADHD, probably autistic, anxious, and a bit too intelligent to be comfortable), things... weren’t great. Anyway, I treated myself because I Am an Adult (tm) and bought myself a new BAB axolotl plushie. She is in the mail and I’m working on making her some pride flip flops and thinking about buying her some pink and purple crocs. When I get my next pay-check in I’m going to be buying her an umbrella and figuring how to make her a rain coat, rain boots, and a hat. I want the red rain boots but black will work. I’m still deciding on the color of the umbrella.
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jmflowers · 1 year
Top 5 photos from 2022 please - bonus points for any goats 🐐 or you could do top 5 goat photos haha. I'll leave the decision up to you!
Haha, this one is tricky as I would normally lean right into top 5 goat photos! However, I didn't spend very much time with my little babies this year since I've been in such a transitional state and I'm not sure if I have any goat photos.
I have been working on a travel montage video, though, so I'll give you top 5 from that collection, since they're readily accessible. In no particular order...
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This was my first time getting to Algonquin Park to camp this year. We set up our tents and the skies opened up and it just started pouring. One of my dearest friends looked at me and asked, "Do you want to go for a walk?" So, we did - getting absolutely drenched in the rain and jumping at each loud clap of thunder. I waded into the water at this spot and she happened to start snapping photos of me, which I'm pretty grateful for as there aren't a lot of unprompted photos of myself. I felt very, very at peace in this moment. And you can see my super cute crocs in the bottom left of the photo!
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This was the day Kaitlyn and I arrived in Vancouver. I was completely exhausted from the flight and ended up having awful, awful jet lag for most of the trip (thanks to only just having recovered from COVID, I'm sure). But this moment was exactly what I'd gone out there seeking: trees bigger than I'd ever seen before, the ocean mere feet away, and a few days in the same place as one of my oldest online-met friends. It was spectacular and that's genuine awe on my face. Again, photo unprompted by me, so I'm very grateful it exists.
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I think this might've been the first hike of the season. I met up with a dear friend for a leisurely wander and a post-hike picnic. She's a bit like me, in that sometimes she says, "Hey, let's climb down this hole!" and I agree with those sentiments. This is about halfway through a split in the cliff that we decided to explore.
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This isn't my favourite photo of me with one of the campfires I built this summer, but the one I actually love most has other people's faces in the background and I don't share stuff like that without permission. So! Fuckboi fire builder it is. For many years, I've been the weakest link while out on camping trips, simply because I don't have the experience that all my friends do. This year, though, I worked really hard at learning how to successfully build a fire with only the bare necessities and I got good enough that I was entrusted with it a few times. Next year, my goal is to be able to build one with only flint as a starter. Fingers crossed!
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This was another first I wanted this year and literally cried (while stoned) about it when I thought I wasn't going to be able to make it happen. But I did! Kayaking at sunset with one of my dearest friends was everything I'd hoped for and more. And yes, it's definitely easier than canoeing.
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Honourable mention to this photo, which is more about career than travel. I felt so, so validated and supported on this shoot (my first one!) and I know that's entirely thanks to the (female) 2nd Camera who fought for me. I don't know what she recognized, but she convinced the 1st Camera that I needed to be given a chance to learn and it meant I was able to try/help with so many interesting things. She placed this camera on my shoulder during the lunch break and took this photo for me to remember the moment (no one else but the DOP, the 1st and 2nd Cameras, and myself touched this camera the entire day). I think I'll remember her kindness the rest of my life, and I can't wait to pay it forward through all of my time working in the film and television industry.
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