#Operational Intelligence Market share
vijayananth · 3 months
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market-insider · 2 years
Artificial Intelligence For IT Operations (Aiops) Platform Has Emerged As A Way For IT Operations Teams
The global artificial intelligence for IT operations platform market size is expected to reach USD 33.82 billion by 2030, registering a CAGR of 17.7%, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc. Rapid digital transformations in global business organizations have brought about increasingly complex datasets. Businesses spend a significant amount of time, cost, and effort on processing large volumes of data. IT operations are also on the edge of this transformation, wherein IT teams are required to manage complex datasets to sustain their business. Besides, there has been a considerable increase in data loads over the last few years due to the distributed architecture and dynamic nature of business applications and services.
With the increasing IT agility requirement, the artificial intelligence for IT operations (AIOps) platform has emerged as a way for IT operations teams to keep up with business demands, trends, and aggressive digitization of IT infrastructure. AIOps platform refers to the AI platform for IT operations that combines human intelligence with automated algorithms to provide full visibility into IT systems' performance. For instance, in March 2022, HCL Technologies, a leading global technology company, announced a center of excellence in collaboration with IBM. This Center of Excellence will assist CSPs in modernizing their network infrastructure, simplifying operations, and transforming service delivery.
Gain deeper insights on the market and receive your free copy with TOC now @: Artificial Intelligence For IT Operations Platform Market Report
The COVID-19 outbreak has created significant challenges and uncertainties for several businesses. AIOps platform can align with the industries, operating in the digital environment amid such a challenging era of business infrastructural transformations. The increasing digital transformation during the pandemic has led to various challenges concerning user experience, security, and the downfall of the industries. Organizations are restructuring operational infrastructure as security-related vulnerabilities in the digital environment have increased, significantly.
Under such highly dynamic circumstances, the AIOps platform helps businesses to take vigilant security measures. For instance, security teams can benefit from AIOps for cybersecurity, where they can gain data security visibility and intelligence. These devices can perform various vital tasks, such as surveillance, threat response, and engagement.
The adoption of cloud computing has been increasing rapidly in recent years. Cloud-hosting services such as Microsoft Azure (Microsoft), AWS (Amazon Web Services, Inc.), and Google Cloud (Alphabet Inc.) appeal to many enterprises, owing to features such as the ability to scale up or down based on usage, pay-per-use, self-service, and high resiliency. These advantages, in turn, lead to lower IT expenditure, better service quality, and faster time-to-market than traditional IT offerings.
AIOps solutions enable new IT operations efficiencies by offering centralized visibility across all environments, which helps diagnose and resolve IT issues, faster. For instance, in February 2022, Deloitte, a consulting and advisory services company, has announced the launch of AIOPS.D. This "AI-fueled, plug-and-play modular" micro-services platform automates business functions such as procurement, supply chain, and finance.
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despazito · 3 months
could u elaborate on "parrots make bad pets"? not disagreeing (far from it) just interested to see your take! looking to learn more about this
(i've gotten this ask before so please don't mind i'm just gonna paste a writeup i did a while ago)
There’s a blog run by an animal behaviourist who specializes in parrots that i really enjoy reading, she has a very good writeup on the state of companion parrots as an industry: The Inconvenient Truth About Cockatoos
so basically the average person usually cannot meet the needs of a parrot, especially medium and ESPECIALLY large species. they are long lived, extremely social and intelligent animals who are very demanding if you are their only companion. in my mind the most 'ethical' pet parrot setup is having some pairs of budgies in a dedicated bird room filled with foraging enrichment and doing some basic command training as a bird-human bonding activity instead of cuddles.
most pet parrots are hand reared or even hatched in incubators by breeders and are never given a chance to be raised by their parents, and virtually none stay with their parents until a natural weaning age before getting sold. which is wild considering it is fucking ILLEGAL to do that to puppies or kittens.
A parrot isn't really born wired for human companionship in the same way that a dog or cat is. they imprint on their parents which sets the blueprint of their kin, and they generally want to only form extremely close bonds with others of their kin. To get a very people-oriented parrot, it has to think it’s people.
This is different from the socializing practiced in raising cats and dogs or acclimating ferals to people. socializing means exposure to things so that the animal doesn't grow up to see the target as a threat, and ultimately that the target is something that can be very rewarding to spend time around. A dog raised with its mother and socialized to people still understands that it's a dog, it can get along with other dogs, but can also form strong bonds to people. They actually read both dog and human body language and legitimately have an awareness that we are different species.
The companion parrot is raised to think it’s people, and as a result many lose the ability to form bonds with their own kind. in fact the reason many breeders remove eggs or chicks from the nest is arguing that the parent birds don’t really know how to raise their chicks- because they themselves were hand reared and never learned how to parent from their parents! it seems that, like us, parenting isn't perfectly hardwired in parrots and they need to learn the skill from their families, oftentimes even staying to help their parents raise younger siblings!
That's why it's not at all uncommon for pair bonded breeding birds to be sold as a completely separate product from companion birds in many aviary operations. there's so many ads for people selling breeding parrots that fucking hate humans or are semi tame specifically listed for sale as breeders not as pets:
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then their babies are bred for the pet market so they are taken either before or right after hatching to get hand reared and imprinted onto humans, because a parrot-bonded parrot just won't be as interested in forming those close human companionships you see in viral videos. this isn't the case for all aviaries, i want to acknowledge there are smaller scale breeders who have tamer breeding birds, but big producers can have borderline feral pairs and the point i'm trying to make is when you socialize a parrot to either the human world or parrot world, it's often at the expense of the other.
most trouble starts once the parrot begins reaching the age of sexual maturity. they stop being openly cuddly to most people, and will try to pair bond with their primary caretaker. It's not uncommon for this to lead to aggression towards other family members because parrots don't share partners, they can even do this to babies they are jealous of!
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But a human can't become a suitable mate substitute for a parrot, and some of their mating behaviours such as regurgitating on you can seem straight up gross so the human then shuns the parrot and shuts down their advances. this can make your bird become very sexually frustrated that can lead to more unwanted behaviours and even health emergencies such as prolapse. we lead them on by stroking their chest and backs (only something bonded pairs do, you are essentially jerking off your parrot when you do this..) then reject them with no other outlet for their natural urges, and spaying/neutering isn't an option either! so they're stuck in a psychological purgatory of being unable to fulfill their instincts. and if they're in an understimulating environment and left alone for most of the day in addition to all that, frankly i think that's just an awful life to give to an animal we allegedly love!
we essentially alienate them, and when they don’t have people around to meet their extremely high social needs because you work a 9-5, even if there are other birds around, the lonely or frustrated human-bonded parrot can become depressed and self mutilate.
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parrots that were left with their parents, are raised as parrots, and weaned at their own natural pace overwhelmingly do not exhibit these destructive behaviours.
 a productive relationship with a pet parrot is one that fosters independence, not dependence, on the human companion. the most responsible parrot owners should strive to act more as a zookeeper to their parrot instead of cuddling it and creating a ‘velcro’ bird glued to the hip, and socialize with them via training sessions instead of letting their birds indulge in pair bonding behaviours like petting and preening which leads to sexual frustration and aggression or self mutilation.
Ultimately I believe any parrot hand reared and imprinted onto humans is some degree of psychologically damaged and suffers from the parrot equivalent of a developmental trauma, they have been robbed of a normal parrot life and it cannot be undone.
SO many parrot rescues are completely flooded with unwanted pets, many with tough behavioural challenges (for example it's not uncommon for parrots to be reactive to an entire gender, so that cuts the adopter pool immediately in half). and these patterns can be difficult to break especially without the aid of a behaviourist. and the thing still has another 40 years of life left in it but nobody wants to adopt because it's another "crazy bitey bird that hates everyone", has reached sexual maturity so it's no longer as friendly, and it's much easier to start from scratch so folks choose to just buy another baby and keep the cycle going.
And none of that even touches on the rampant poaching that keeps supplying the trade in many parts of the world. and that's why everyone should have domestic chickens or pigeons.
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Love Lesson || Bucky Barnes (One-Shot)
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Character : College!Bucky x College!Reader
Words Count: 2,265
Summary: Y/N's academic challenges lead to an unexpected romance, changing her life and future in surprising ways.
Theme: Fluff
Main Masterlist || support: Ko-fi
Thank you to anyone who gave a like, reblog, and left a comment. It motivated me to write more. 
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Y/N and her friends were gathered at their favorite campus cafe, sipping on their lattes and chatting about the usual topics. Y/N was known among her friends for her beauty, and it wasn't uncommon for her to receive love confessions from various admirers.
Today was no exception. A fellow student approached her with a bashful smile and a heartfelt confession of admiration.
The admirer said, "Y/N, you're so amazing. I've had feelings for you for a long time. Will you be my girlfriend?"
Y/N, known for her kind and polite nature, smiled and thanked the admirer for their confession before asking a rather unconventional question, "What's your grade score in this semester's exams?"
Taken aback by the unexpected question, the admirer stammered, "Well, I'm not really into academics, but I'm great at other things."
Y/N's smile remained, but her response was clear, "I appreciate your feelings, but I'm looking for someone who's serious about their studies. I've had my share of handsome bad boys, and now I want someone smart and dedicated."
Her friends, who had witnessed this scene many times before, chuckled at Y/N's criteria for a potential partner. Y/N had outgrown the allure of handsome troublemakers and was seeking a different kind of connection, one that revolved around intelligence and academic ambition.
They couldn't help but playfully tease Y/N about the idea of her being with Bucky the famous campus nerd.
Emily: "Hey, Y/N, have you seen Bucky Barnes? He's like the campus nerd. Imagine dating him!"
Y/N, not thrilled with the idea, shrugged off the suggestion, "Come on, Bucky's way too quiet for me. I prefer someone more outgoing."
Steve and Sam, friends of Bucky, overheard the teasing from Y/N's friends about the possibility of Y/N being with Bucky. They couldn't resist sharing the humorous comments with Bucky.
Steve, with a grin: "Hey, Bucky, you won't believe what we heard. Y/N's friends were joking about her dating you, the campus nerd."
Bucky, who had always been reserved, smiled at the jesting comments. He didn't take them too seriously but was curious about this Y/N whom he had only heard of in passing.
Bucky Barnes was well-known on campus, primarily for his remarkable intellect and dedication to his studies. He was often referred to as the "campus nerd" by his peers, particularly in his computer science class.
Despite his nerdy reputation, Bucky was a kind and genuine individual. Whenever his classmates ask for help, Bucky will help them.
Y/N was in her dorm room, trying to enjoy a rare moment of relaxation when her phone rang. She saw her grandmother's name on the caller ID and answered with trepidation.
Y/N: "Hello, Grandma."
Mrs. Johnson, her voice dripping with frustration, responded, "Y/N, I just saw your latest report card, and I am absolutely furious! Your grades are abysmal, and I won't stand for this any longer!"
Y/N, attempting to lighten the mood, quipped, "Well, Grandma, at least I'm not the one making the family fortune disappear in the stock market, right?"
Mrs. Johnson, not one to back down, retorted, "Touché, my dear. But we're talking about your future here! If your grade getting worse I will cut your allowance!"
Y/N, now feeling the pressure, replied, "I understand, Grandma. I'll make studying my top priority from now on, and I promise not to invest in any more 'get-rich-quick' schemes."
The call from her angry grandmother served as a wake-up call for Y/N. Y/N's grandmother, the famous CEO, had always been a beacon of intelligence and success.
Johnson Corporation is a well-established and highly successful conglomerate that operates in various sectors, including technology, finance, and real estate. Under the leadership of Mrs. Johnson, the company has grown to become a major player in the global business landscape. Known for its innovative solutions and strategic investments, the corporation is renowned for its commitment to excellence and its dedication to pushing the boundaries of industry standards. It stands as a testament to the Johnson family's legacy of business acumen and leadership.
However, it seemed that this remarkable intelligence had skipped a generation or two. Y/N's father had chosen a carefree lifestyle of constant travel with her mother, making every day feel like a honeymoon. They prioritized adventure and leisure over academia.
On the other hand, Y/N, despite her family's legacy, found herself grappling with math and her academic performance. Her struggles with the subject only added to her frustration, as she tried to live up to her grandmother's expectations and overcome the academic challenges she faced.
Mrs. Johnson hopes that Y/N will embrace her family's legacy and take on the responsibility of continuing the hard work and success that she has built. She desires to see a positive change in Y/N to ensure the family's bloodline carries on the business legacy.
As Y/N pondered how to resolve her academic issues, she found herself in a conversation with her lecturer one day. Little did she know that this conversation would introduce her to someone who would change her life.
Lecturer: "Y/N, I've noticed you're struggling with your grades. I'd like to introduce you to someone who might be able to help. This is Bucky Barnes, one of our top students. He's known for his dedication to academics."
Y/N, taken aback by the introduction, looked at Bucky, who was standing there with his kind but studious expression. She couldn't help but feel a spark of curiosity.
Bucky, shifting nervously, managed a small smile and said, "Hi there, I'm Bucky Barnes. I'm not as interesting as my physics textbooks, but I promise I'm helpful with those."
Y/N, charmed by Bucky's humility and humor, couldn't help but chuckle, "Well, Bucky, I'm Y/N, and I promise not to make you as bored as a physics lecture."
Their lighthearted exchange during their first meeting set the stage for their unique connection, blending Y/N's outgoing nature with Bucky's shy, endearing personality.
Y/N and Bucky had started their regular study sessions in the campus library, with books and laptops spread across the table. Y/N, dressed in her stylish, confident manner, was determined to improve her grades, while Bucky, the campus nerd, was there to assist her.
Y/N would occasionally struggle with the material, but Bucky's patient explanations and tutoring skills made it easier for her to grasp complex concepts.
Bucky's friends, Steve and Sam, sat with him in the campus courtyard, discussing his recent interactions with Y/N.
Steve: "So, Bucky, we heard you've been spending a lot of time with Y/N lately. What's going on there?"
Bucky: "Well, I'm tutoring her, you know, helping her with her grades."
Sam, with a teasing grin, chimed in, "Tutoring? Is that what they call it these days?"
Bucky: "No, really, it's just tutoring. She was struggling, and I offered to help."
Steve: "Come on, Bucky, we know you're a brainiac, but hanging out with Y/N? It's hard to believe."
Bucky, feeling a bit defensive, said, "She's actually really cool once you get to know her. We're just friends."
Sam, raising an eyebrow, added, "Friends, huh? Well, if you say so."
Bucky chuckled seeing his friend's reaction. Y/N actually were cool. But he has to admit her understanding of mathematics needs help.
Bucky encourages Y/N to work on an exercise without directly revealing that it's challenging, with the intention of helping her improve her grades and spend more time with her.
Bucky: "Y/N, I've come across an exercise that I think could be really beneficial for your studies. Working on this will help you make great progress."
Y/N, eager to improve her academic performance, took Bucky's suggestion seriously and worked diligently on the exercise.
Y/N and Bucky were sitting in the campus library, their study materials spread out in front of them. The atmosphere was relaxed as they exchanged notes and discussed their coursework. Suddenly, Y/N dropped the bombshell:
Y/N: "Oh, by the way, Bucky, my grandmother wants to meet you."
Bucky's eyes widened in shock, almost dropping his pen.
Bucky: "Wait, what? Your grandmother? You mean, like, your incredibly successful and impressive grandmother wants to meet me?"
Y/N couldn't help but giggle at Bucky's flustered reaction.
Y/N: "Yep, that's exactly it. She's quite impressed with how you've been helping me improve my grades, and she's curious to meet you."
Bucky, still slightly overwhelmed, stammered, "I...I don't know what to say. I mean, that's...that's quite a surprise."
Y/N reassured him with a warm smile, "You don't have to worry, Bucky. Just be yourself.
Bucky felt nervous but excited since he had always regarded Y/N's grandmother as an accomplished and inspiring figure. The prospect of meeting his idol made him understandably nervous.
On the night of the dinner, Bucky arrived at Mrs. Johnson's elegant residence with Y/N, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. He knew this was a significant moment and hoped to make a good impression on the successful businesswoman who had also become Y/N's role model.
During a family dinner, Y/N's grandmother, Mrs. Johnson, couldn't help but notice the bond between Y/N and Bucky.
Mrs. Johnson: "You know, Y/N, Bucky here is quite the intelligent young man. It would be nice to have a smart son-in-law, don't you think?"
Y/N turned beet red with embarrassment, stuttering, "Grandma, it's not like that!"
Bucky, who had taken the comment seriously, smiled and said, "Well, Mrs. Johnson, I'll do my best to live up to your expectations."
As Y/N and Bucky's friendship blossomed, an unexpected turn of events shook their world. Y/N received news that her grandmother, the successful CEO of Johnson Corporation, had suddenly fallen seriously ill. Mrs. Johnson, aware of her condition, appointed Y/N as the temporary director of the company. This decision was based not only on family ties but also on Y/N's substantial ownership of the company's shares.
Y/N was faced with the daunting responsibility of managing the family business during her grandmother's illness.
Y/N had been thrust into the role of temporary director of her family's company, and the pressure was beginning to weigh on her. She felt overwhelmed and scared by the responsibilities that came with the position.
Y/N, her voice trembling with anxiety, turned to Bucky:
Y/N: "Bucky, I'm really scared. I don't know if I can handle all of this. My grandmother has put so much trust in me, and I don't want to let her down."
Bucky, ever the supportive friend, reached out and gently placed his hand on Y/N's.
Bucky: "Y/N, I know this is a lot to take on, but you're stronger than you realize. You've got an incredible work ethic and a smart mind. You can do this. And I'll be right here beside you, helping you every step of the way."
Y/N looked into Bucky's eyes, finding solace in his words and his unwavering support. His reassurance gave her the confidence to face the challenges ahead.
As Y/N and Bucky navigated the challenges of managing the family business and excelling in their studies, they found themselves drawn closer together. Their shared experiences, their support for each other, and the time they spent working side by side had forged a deep and unbreakable connection.
One evening, as they wrapped up another long day of work, they found themselves sitting in the office, a comfortable silence enveloping them. Y/N was the first to break it, her voice soft and full of emotion.
Y/N: "Bucky, I don't know what I would have done without you. You've been my anchor, my support through all of this. I've come to realize that you mean the world to me."
Bucky, his heart racing, couldn't hold back his feelings any longer. His eyes filled with affection, replied, "Y/N, from the moment we met, my life has been filled with light and joy because of you. You're everything I've ever dreamed of, and I'm deeply in love with you."
Y/N's heart swelled with emotion, and she leaned in to press a soft, romantic kiss to Bucky's lips. Their affectionate gesture gradually deepened, the passion of their newfound love igniting as they kissed passionately and shared their hearts in this intimate moment, cementing their bond even further.
In a surprising turn of events, it was revealed that Y/N's grandmother, Mrs. Johnson, had not been sick as initially thought. Instead, she had embarked on a long-planned vacation, taking a well-deserved break from her busy life as the CEO of Johnson Corporation.
Mrs. Johnson's phone chimed with an incoming text, and she couldn't help but smile when she read the message:
"Y/N and Bucky have confessed their love for each other."
Mrs. Johnson, with a sly grin, simply muttered to herself: "Well, isn't that a delightful turn of events! My matchmaking skills are impeccable, even from a beach."
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Forever Taglist:
@magnificentsaladllama, @esotericgalaxy, @xcaptain-winterx, @buckysteveloki-me, @cherrybubblebullet, @bagoffeelings, @darkofimagination, @starsofcloud @shamrockqueen, @shinytreefire, @thezombieprostitute
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sunshinesmebdy · 5 months
Pluto in Aquarius: Brace for a Business Revolution (and How to Ride the Wave)
The Aquarian Revolution
Get ready, entrepreneurs and financiers, because a seismic shift is coming. Pluto, the planet of transformation and upheaval, has just entered the progressive sign of Aquarius, marking the beginning of a 20-year period that will reshape the very fabric of business and finance. Buckle up, for this is not just a ripple – it's a tsunami of change. Imagine a future where collaboration trumps competition, sustainability dictates success, and technology liberates rather than isolates. Aquarius, the sign of innovation and humanitarianism, envisions just that. Expect to see:
Rise of social impact businesses
Profits won't be the sole motive anymore. Companies driven by ethical practices, environmental consciousness, and social good will gain traction. Aquarius is intrinsically linked to collective well-being and social justice. Under its influence, individuals will value purpose-driven ventures that address crucial societal issues. Pluto urges us to connect with our deeper selves and find meaning beyond material gains. This motivates individuals to pursue ventures that resonate with their personal values and make a difference in the world.
Examples of Social Impact Businesses
Sustainable energy companies: Focused on creating renewable energy solutions while empowering local communities.
Fair-trade businesses: Ensuring ethical practices and fair wages for producers, often in developing countries.
Social impact ventures: Addressing issues like poverty, education, and healthcare through innovative, community-driven approaches.
B corporations: Certified businesses that meet rigorous social and environmental standards, balancing profit with purpose.
Navigating the Pluto in Aquarius Landscape
Align your business with social impact: Analyze your core values and find ways to integrate them into your business model.
Invest in sustainable practices: Prioritize environmental and social responsibility throughout your operations.
Empower your employees: Foster a collaborative environment where everyone feels valued and contributes to the social impact mission.
Build strong community partnerships: Collaborate with organizations and communities that share your goals for positive change.
Embrace innovation and technology: Utilize technology to scale your impact and reach a wider audience.
Pluto in Aquarius presents a thrilling opportunity to redefine the purpose of business, moving beyond shareholder value and towards societal well-being. By aligning with the Aquarian spirit of innovation and collective action, social impact businesses can thrive in this transformative era, leaving a lasting legacy of positive change in the world.
Tech-driven disruption
AI, automation, and blockchain will revolutionize industries, from finance to healthcare. Be ready to adapt or risk getting left behind. Expect a focus on developing Artificial Intelligence with ethical considerations and a humanitarian heart, tackling issues like healthcare, climate change, and poverty alleviation. Immersive technologies will blur the lines between the physical and digital realms, transforming education, communication, and entertainment. Automation will reshape the job market, but also create opportunities for new, human-centered roles focused on creativity, innovation, and social impact.
Examples of Tech-Driven Disruption:
Decentralized social media platforms: User-owned networks fueled by blockchain technology, prioritizing privacy and community over corporate profits.
AI-powered healthcare solutions: Personalized medicine, virtual assistants for diagnostics, and AI-driven drug discovery.
VR/AR for education and training: Immersive learning experiences that transport students to different corners of the world or historical periods.
Automation with a human touch: Collaborative robots assisting in tasks while freeing up human potential for creative and leadership roles.
Navigating the Technological Tsunami:
Stay informed and adaptable: Embrace lifelong learning and upskilling to stay relevant in the evolving tech landscape.
Support ethical and sustainable tech: Choose tech products and services aligned with your values and prioritize privacy and social responsibility.
Focus on your human advantage: Cultivate creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence to thrive in a world increasingly reliant on technology.
Advocate for responsible AI development: Join the conversation about ethical AI guidelines and ensure technology serves humanity's best interests.
Connect with your community: Collaborate with others to harness technology for positive change and address the potential challenges that come with rapid technological advancements.
Pluto in Aquarius represents a critical juncture in our relationship with technology. By embracing its disruptive potential and focusing on ethical development and collective benefit, we can unlock a future where technology empowers humanity and creates a more equitable and sustainable world. Remember, the choice is ours – will we be swept away by the technological tsunami or ride its wave towards a brighter future?
Decentralization and democratization
Power structures will shift, with employees demanding more autonomy and consumers seeking ownership through blockchain-based solutions. Traditional institutions, corporations, and even governments will face challenges as power shifts towards distributed networks and grassroots movements. Individuals will demand active involvement in decision-making processes, leading to increased transparency and accountability in all spheres. Property and resources will be seen as shared assets, managed sustainably and equitably within communities. This transition won't be without its bumps. We'll need to adapt existing legal frameworks, address digital divides, and foster collaboration to ensure everyone benefits from decentralization.
Examples of Decentralization and Democratization
Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs): Self-governing online communities managing shared resources and projects through blockchain technology.
Community-owned renewable energy initiatives: Local cooperatives generating and distributing clean energy, empowering communities and reducing reliance on centralized grids.
Participatory budgeting platforms: Citizens directly allocate local government funds, ensuring public resources are used in line with community needs.
Decentralized finance (DeFi): Peer-to-peer lending and borrowing platforms, bypassing traditional banks and offering greater financial autonomy for individuals.
Harnessing the Power of the Tide:
Embrace collaborative models: Participate in co-ops, community projects, and initiatives that empower collective ownership and decision-making.
Support ethical technology: Advocate for blockchain platforms and applications that prioritize user privacy, security, and equitable access.
Develop your tech skills: Learn about blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and other decentralized technologies to navigate the future landscape.
Engage in your community: Participate in local decision-making processes, champion sustainable solutions, and build solidarity with others.
Stay informed and adaptable: Embrace lifelong learning and critical thinking to navigate the evolving social and economic landscape.
Pluto in Aquarius presents a unique opportunity to reimagine power structures, ownership models, and how we interact with each other. By embracing decentralization and democratization, we can create a future where individuals and communities thrive, fostering a more equitable and sustainable world for all. Remember, the power lies within our collective hands – let's use it wisely to shape a brighter future built on shared ownership, collaboration, and empowered communities.
Focus on collective prosperity
Universal basic income, resource sharing, and collaborative economic models may gain momentum. Aquarius prioritizes the good of the collective, advocating for equitable distribution of resources and opportunities. Expect a rise in social safety nets, universal basic income initiatives, and policies aimed at closing the wealth gap. Environmental health is intrinsically linked to collective prosperity. We'll see a focus on sustainable practices, green economies, and resource sharing to ensure a thriving planet for generations to come. Communities will come together to address social challenges like poverty, homelessness, and healthcare disparities, recognizing that individual success is interwoven with collective well-being. Collaborative consumption, resource sharing, and community-owned assets will gain traction, challenging traditional notions of ownership and fostering a sense of shared abundance.
Examples of Collective Prosperity in Action
Community-owned renewable energy projects: Sharing the benefits of clean energy production within communities, democratizing access and fostering environmental sustainability.
Cooperatives and worker-owned businesses: Sharing profits and decision-making within companies, leading to greater employee satisfaction and productivity.
Universal basic income initiatives: Providing individuals with a basic safety net, enabling them to pursue their passions and contribute to society in meaningful ways.
Resource sharing platforms: Platforms like carsharing or tool libraries minimizing individual ownership and maximizing resource utilization, fostering a sense of interconnectedness.
Navigating the Shift
Support social impact businesses: Choose businesses that prioritize ethical practices, environmental sustainability, and positive social impact.
Contribute to your community: Volunteer your time, skills, and resources to address local challenges and empower others.
Embrace collaboration: Seek opportunities to work together with others to create solutions for shared problems.
Redefine your own path to prosperity: Focus on activities that bring you personal fulfillment and contribute to the collective good.
Advocate for systemic change: Support policies and initiatives that promote social justice, environmental protection, and equitable distribution of resources.
Pluto in Aquarius offers a unique opportunity to reshape our definition of prosperity and build a future where everyone thrives. By embracing collective well-being, collaboration, and sustainable practices, we can create a world where abundance flows freely, enriching not just individuals, but the entire fabric of society. Remember, true prosperity lies not in what we hoard, but in what we share, and by working together, we can cultivate a future where everyone has the opportunity to flourish.
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boujeeceo · 2 years
Corporate Barbie Files- Begin
When I was kid I didn't know what an executive was but I wanted to be one so bad. Now that I know I've decided to aim a bit higher- Chief Financial Officer day job and small business tycoon. ✨🧿
Please do your own research, I'm no expert and I don't want to lead anyone down a weird path
Planning (business plans)
You can get an LLC for less than 200$, 500$ MAX. What makes LLC's expensive are the licenses, fees you pay when registered, and the state you register.
Sole priorerships (depending on your state) don't need to be registered but you forgo the protections that come from having a government recognized business.
Any small business template online is a great resource.
Plan it out for 3 years minimum but think of this business plan as a living document. As you operate your business it will have to change.
Business research!
You need to do your own research on each business you want to start if you want to succeed.
Topics/questions to research
Researching competitors (Strengths & Weaknesses/marketing strategy/Pricing/products and product features)
Market share
Strengths and weaknesses
Your window of opportunity to enter the market
The importance of your target market to your competitors
Any barriers that may hinder you as you enter the market
Indirect or secondary competitors who may impact your success
Who are your customers and why are they interested in buying your product or service?
What characteristics, interests, desires, pain points and needs do they share?
Where do they live?
How old are they?
What is their education level?
What is their income range?
Which types of websites do they frequently visit?
Where do they currently buy similar products?
Which languages do they speak?
What industry do they work in?
License needed
Growth projection 
Assessing the legal aspects of your industry
Can you reach your target audience? If you're selling inline skates, are you opening in an area with a population of the right age and disposable income?
Is the market saturated?
Your Brand 
Questions you wanna ask
Here are a few methods you can use to do direct research:
Focus groups
In-depth interviews
Ask potential customers 
Questions you wanna ask and answers
Demand: Is there a desire for your product or service?
Market size: How many people would be interested in your offering?
Economic indicators: What is the income range and employment rate?
Location: Where do your customers live and where can your business reach?
Market saturation: How many similar options are already available to consumers?
Pricing: What do potential customers pay for these alternatives?
Best ways to reach customers 
Suppliers, quotes and budget
Sources of funding, uses of funding
Finding funding, type in your demographic 'black woman/LGBT black woman, ect' and your state + small business funding. Apply for everything. Find space for inventory. Think up promotional material- Vistaprint is amazing for just cheapy slapping your brand on something that others want (candy, notebooks, pens, cute tote bags).
Skills you may need: Negotiation, Manipulation, Marketing, Social media handling, Emotional intelligence, Personal emotional control, Leadership and delegation, Networking, Memorization (names, position and places you met this people), Self discipline, Conversation, Communication.
Just do it
If I wanted until I felt 100% ready I wouldn't have two functional businesses at the moment.
Low risk low reward business ideas
These may not make you rich unless you market to high heaven or get lucky. But they are a great passive income opportunity/place to start.
Vending machine
Selling books on Amazon/Audible/Printing on demand services
Selling on a ready made sale site- Shopify/Amazon/Esty
Direct sales
High traffic blog for ads
Affiliate marketing blog/social media
Mid-Tier business ideas
Can be scaled up to make 7 figures but after taxes and fees will probably make a steady 6 figures yearly. (Please note that 6 figures can be any where from 100k to 999k. I've noticed a tendency to see 6 figures as only 100k.)
Small bar
Small restaurant
Ice-cream truck
Food truck
Website with subscriptions
A clothing line
Makeup or skincare (especially if it has mostly black women in mind- think Black Girl Sunscreen or Fenty Beauty)
Natural hair wigs (as in 3b-4c pattern, its not super common and the ones that are aren't very good nor last very long)
Small hair and nails salon
Haircare product line
Do your own research please, these are just the most common and least expensive I've found entrepreneurs start. They may not work with your skills/personal brand/time constraints/experience ect.
Have a vanity business!!! A business that matters because you like it so much. One where the success is not based off just money but personal satisfaction. This will keep you from getting bored, too frustrated or purely money driven. Of course a business is money driven but at some point you look up from your work and get distressed from dissatisfaction from being stuck working for money instead of pleasure.
You should be interested in each business you make/engage with a least a little bit.
Break down how much you need to make per day and per week to get to your goal amount. This has helped me mentally, I no longer freak out about the big picture when I'm focused on the main goal of the day/week.
Have a reading list in these 5 categories: Emotional intelligence, Your field of study (finance, tech, medical, beauty), Manipulation/Negotiation, Beauty/Dating/Self-esteem, and Money.
Don't try to build up more than 2 businesses at a time if you're doing it alone. You will drive yourself insane and burn out quickly.
If you do direct sales on the streets make sure you have an incentive for people to actually stop and look at what you have to offer. Something free pretty with your logo or information and matches your brand image. It can be hand made!
Mistakes I made
I relied on one business too much when my goal isn't to scale it too big
I didn't have a workable marketing campaign. People are tired of ads. I'm tired of ads, I had to get creative or rather make the ads less invasive.
I relied too much on online sales. There is way too much competition- I now make 90% of my money from in person sales, there's a 'rush' factor because the pop up shop won't be there tomorrow, and I can make a human connection before I make a sale.
I put too much money into some businesses and not enough into others. Now I have a budget of 200$-500$ for each new business unless I'm buying large equipment that I will own (vending machines, massive printers, ect).
I didn't have enough different types of products. I need variety but I shouldn't panic and make too much or else I'll lose money and have too much inventory.
My mentor had told me to make decisions quarterly (every 3 months) rather than weekly/monthly. This has helped her build her real estate business.
My journey
My motto when it comes to dealing with my businesses is Slow Progress Is Still Progress.
I’ve always wanted to be a higher up in a company- an “executive woman”- I would eat up all the songs and tv shows made for kids about business (Biz kids, Schoolhouse rock mostly). I started my journey with my vanity business because I tired of waiting to get published by a major publishing house. Why not be a major publishing house? As I've come into my own I've realized I want more- more money, more experience, better titles, more power ECT.
My method is to work smarter and never harder: I create a company, place 100% of my attention on it and create systems that make the work I have to do minimal. 1-2hrs of work per day max. Borderline passive income. Then I move on to creating another business when I’m comfortable leaving the previous ones without my direct attention for a while. Being a CEO is all about creating sustainable systems that are efficient, reliable and profitable.
I have 2 functional businesses at the moment, they have been planned out for 2.5 years (I started them at the beginning of the year). I have two more I’m working on both in the ‘finding a reliable vendor’ stage. Once I’m past this part I’ll be ready to launch. I don’t advertise online, I work with the areas I’m in and the small businesses around me. It’s easier and more effective than to interrupt other people’s days by doing online ads. No one likes them and a lot of people will straight up avoid your brand out of spite. I’m in the middle of a rebrand and expansion so that eventually I can reach my goal of making 5k a day from my small business empire.
My journey is a work in progress.
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How are dorms different? Pupils take the same lessons, so why is it so important? Maybe it was stated in the beginning but…
Oooh, thank you for the super interesting topic of discussion! 👀
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To begin with, there are superficial differences such as valuing a certain trait or looking up to a specific figure in the Great Seven over the others. (For example, students of Scarabia revere the Sorcerer of the Sands, who was known for his mindfulness it seems that the students try to uphold that mindful spirit.) Let's also keep in mind that each dorm itself is a unique setting with its own vibes and history! Additionally, we know of a few traits that dorm members generally share or talents that students of a particular dorm have:
Heartslabyul has nothing of note that I can recall 😅
Savanaclaw tends to have athletic students. Because of this, they dominate in sporting events and competitions.
Octavinelle and Scarabia are said to have very intelligent students; they are often competing with each other for the top marks. Scarabia's students tend to excel in astrology.
Pomefiore produces students that are skilled in curses and potion-making; one of the requirements to become Pomefiore's dorm leader is brewing a potent poison. Generally, Pomefiore students put forth considerable effort to maintain their looks and their manners.
Ignihyde's students tend to be introverted and geeky; they also work well with technology.
Diasomnia usually receives the magical all-rounders or those particularly gifted with magic. However, their students also tend to be extremely arrogant and think of themselves as better than students of the other dorms.
Beyond the details I just listed, I don't think the dorms are honestly that different (based on the information we have right now). The short and simple (and meta) answer to your question would be that the dorms exist because "it makes the game easier to market". Breaking a large cast into smaller groups with easily identifiable traits and color coding makes the characters stick in the mind better. (The almost immediate cultural association with a certain popular magic school with dorms that are heavily centered around certain traits is also sure to draw comparisons, and thus make TWST blow up by that association and word of mouth.)
Buuut that’s not a very exciting response, now is it? 🤔 Well, here’s my take (I’m basing this on my understanding of how public and private high schools, as well as some colleges/institutions of higher learning operate):
It’s not unusual for a boarding school like Night Raven College to have several different dormitories to house their students. Dorms are usually overseen by an RA (Resident Assistants), someone who also lives in said dorm and manages issues contained within it. The purpose of a dormitory is just to house students while they study, so technically it’s just... a glorified living space. Dorms in real life often aren’t often as segmented and defined by traits as NRC’s are; they’re usually named after some rich person that offered a sizable donation to the school or some important alumnus (though there ARE some dorms specifically for students of a similar major or broad organization to live together). In NRC’s case, the dorms are based on important figures: the Great Seven. It just so happens that the Great Seven are associated with certain traits, and so those trickled down into each dorm, as each was modelled after one member of the Seven. And, of course, the RA equivalent at NRC is the title of dorm leader.
From what I understand of NRC’s history, Pomefiore is considered the oldest dorm; this would imply that NRC did not start with seven dorms, because otherwise they would all be roughly the same in age. The logical sequence of events (to me) is that NRC was originally just a single dorm (Pomefiore), but as it grew over the years and gained prestige for itself, it had to expand to new dorms just to deal with the growing student population--and since Pomefiore honored the Beautiful Queen, why not look to the other six of the Seven for the other dorms? ... Then NRC probably capped off its enrollment so it could focus on educating the students their staff could handle.
Then we need to consider that the dorms may have formed over time just because... well, have you SEEN how NRC students behave? They’ll throw fists at a moment’s notice. Grouping them up by similar traits may help to alleviate the fights that break out on campus; when you’re part of a group and living with like-minded individuals, it can minimize conflicts (but unfortunately, it has the potential side effect of isolating students from those with different views than them, which is probably why they continue to have mixed classes to up the exposure).
With the practicality of dorms sorted out, let’s now look to how the dorms may impact the students’ academic and professional lives.
I noticed that the Anon mentioned, “Pupils take the same lessons, so why [are dorms] so important?” That’s an interesting question to pose because we actually don’t know a ton about NRC’s curriculum or their tracks of study 🤔 I’m guessing that this conclusion was reached because the gameplay of TWST (Alchemy, Flying, Magic History) has mixed classes, but I believe that the gameplay is not reflective of the classes the characters actually take because it would contradict the lore given to us elsewhere. For example, in the ongoing Glorious Masquerade event, it is said that second years taking Magic History learn about the Just Judge (which explains why the first years are not familiar with him yet). It is also said (this time in the main story) that first year classes focus on theory rather than doing actual magic, which is reserved for later years. I’m sure there are a lot more examples I could think of, but these two alone effectively illustrate why it wouldn’t make sense to toss students of different grade levels into most of the same classes.
It hasn’t been confirmed whether all pupils take the exact same coursework; in fact, I’d actually argue the opposite is true. I believe that there is a set of “base” or foundational coursework (like Magic History, Alchemy, and Flying) that every student is required to take to graduate; these subjects would be like the equivalent of math, English, history, and science in the real world. These would be “on level” (ie everyone in the same year takes the same class). However, just like in the real world, I think that every student has the opportunity to customize their track via electives so they can pursue their specific interests after high school. These are the classes that would be mixed, as there are instances (irl) of accelerated younger students having already met the prerequisites for more advanced classes. A notable example of a NRC elective is Poison Making, which appears to be an upper level Potionology course; in Cater’s Lab Wear vignettes, it is revealed that Cater, Vil, and Lilia are enrolled in it. Master Chef/Culinary Crucibles is another major example, as it seems to be an elective that students can take to prepare them for making their own meals and taking care of their nutritional needs after graduation.
Typically, the way you choose electives is broken down into different priorities. Older students and students in honors programs tend to get first pick over younger students (who still need to complete prerequisite courses) and non-honors students (who usually have less rigorous coursework). Additionally (in the case of colleges and universities), priority for certain classes may be given to students of a particular major. As an example, life science courses like biology and anatomy and physiology may have more slots for premed majors and other majors directly related to the life sciences before like... a journalism major may have a chance for the same courses. This is because it’s more important for students of certain majors to get their requires coursework done other students interested in taking a course due to individual interest.
“... Okay, that’s all fine and dandy, but what does this have to do with the importance of the dorms?”
Weeell... If we consider all of the previously discussed information as a whole, isn’t it possible that the dorms could actually factor into the students’ future prospects??
Like... think about it.
Each dorm is already designed from the get-go to focus on specific traits and skills, such that is it easy to immediately identify what the strengths of a person may be based SOLELY on glancing at the armband color they have. Then add in how electives are chosen. If you’re already sorting the students into dorms that define what their strengths may be, wouldn’t it make sense to give those students... priority for classes which will further improve those strengths (ie give a Pomefiore student, already presumed to be skilled in potions-making, priority for the Poisons Making elective course)?
And what about their mandatory fourth year internships? I’m assuming the hiring companies will want the best people for the jobs, but it may be difficult for them to parse through so many resumes. They could very well use dorms to help filter through applications, as some dorms are more well-versed in some subjects over others. (I realize that this disregards individual differences and sounds unfair on paper, but this is, unfortunately, sometimes the reality of the job hunt process.) Alternatively, NRC could use the specific traits each dorm boasts to help “sell” their students to employers for internship opportunities (ie NRC to a potion making company: “Pomefiore’s students are skilled at making potions, just like the Beautiful Queen!”).
Finally, let’s talk connections. If dormitories really do play a role in future prospects as I just described, then it means each dorm has a whole network of alumni in fields of specialization which can perpetuate the cycle. Picture a Pomefiore NRC graduate that goes on to start their own Magic Pharmaceuticals company, then their alma mater contacts them to ask about sending some interns their way. The graduate is more likely to say yes, and even more so to students of their same old dorm because the Pomefiore graduate already has established loyalty to said dorm.
Anyway...! I know that was a lot to take in, but I hope I was able to explain my thoughts well enough 😅 I kind of got excited when I saw this ask, so my fingers were struggling to properly type out all the speculation and ideas I had running around in my brain.
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jordanianroyals · 11 days
Crown Prince Hussein of Jordan's Interview with Al Arabiya on 26 May 2024
Crown Prince Hussein expressed his confidence in Jordan’s future and its youth’s ability and intelligence to build on past achievements.
In an interview with Al Arabiya’s Taher Baraka on the occasion of His Majesty King Abdullah II’s Silver Jubilee, the Crown Prince discussed the challenges that Jordan has faced and surmounted over the past 25 years.
His Royal Highness said that despite instability in the region and its economic repercussions on Jordan, the country has emerged safely from regional turmoil.
The Crown Prince added that the more imperative question today is what the next 25 years will look like, adding that, “It is critical that we develop our education and our industry, promote tourism, attract more investments, and open new markets.”
Responding to a question on how His Majesty was able to gain global respect and build Jordan’s international stature, the Crown Prince explained that His Majesty is candid and forthright and offers perceptive advice and insight to world leaders.
His Royal Highness added that His Majesty remains consistent and true to the stances he takes, which he described as a rare trait in today’s politics.
Commenting on the latest developments in Gaza, the Crown Prince described the world’s failure to stop the tragedy unfolding there as inconceivable. “To date, 35,000 people have been killed, 70 per cent of whom are women and children. What number will move the world to act?” he asked.
His Royal Highness underscored the importance of the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative, which offered Israel normalised relations with the Arab world in exchange for granting Palestinians their rights. He stated that genuine peace can only be achieved with public support, and that if people do not believe the rights of Palestinians have been fulfilled, they will neither trust peace nor accept normal relations.
During the interview, the Crown Prince addressed various regional issues. He affirmed Jordan’s openness to work with Arab countries and emphasised the security, economic, and political benefits that can be achieved through increased cooperation.
On Iran, the Crown Prince said that Jordan, along with all Arab countries, seeks amicable relations with Iran, based on the principle of good neighbourly relations and non-intervention in the affairs of other countries.
Commenting on recent attempts to smuggle drugs and weapons into the country via Jordan’s northern borders, the Crown Prince described these violations as systematic operations by armed groups with significant capabilities that aim to target Jordan’s national security. “Any infringement of Jordan's sovereignty is a nonstarter that will be confronted,” he said.
On Jordan’s relationship with Saudi Arabia, Crown Prince Al Hussein said, “We have a historic relationship and a shared future, and this is not just a slogan.” 
“It is in the region’s best interest for this partnership to continue on all fronts, political, security, and economic, because, at the end of the day, our security and stability are intertwined,” the Crown Prince continued, expressing admiration of the ambitious and bold vision of Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.
Responding to a question on the future of Syrian refugees in Jordan, Crown Prince Al Hussein said the future of refugees lies in their return to their homeland, noting that there are ongoing efforts to find suitable conditions for voluntary return, and calling on the international community to live up to its obligations toward host countries like Jordan.
On the domestic front, the Crown Prince emphasised that his current priority is improving the country’s economy.
His Royal Highness explained that although Jordan does not have abundant resources, it has the human capital and the capacity to integrate with regional neighbours and expand local markets.
The Crown Prince also highlighted accomplishments in the vocational and technical education sector, noting that this training will provide young Jordanians with more employment opportunities domestically and abroad, with shorter qualification periods and higher income levels.
The interview on Al Arabiya channel, broadcast on Sunday night, revealed Crown Prince Al Hussein as a type of leader whose personal style relies on building trust over time through actions not words.
Commenting on his recent marriage, the Crown Prince said that this union has changed his life for the better. “Finding my life partner has been a great blessing,” he said.
His Royal Highness also revealed his and his family’s excitement about the upcoming birth of his first child this summer.
The Crown Prince described the family he was raised in as “a normal, healthy environment,” explaining: “I hope I will be able to give my children the same attention my family gave me.”
The Crown Prince concluded the interview by expressing his deep optimism about the future of his country.
“Jordan is steadfast, and will continue to stand strong. I see hope and goodness in people's eyes. I am optimistic and believe that Jordan will be at a better place in the future,” His Royal Highness said.
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naturalrights-retard · 3 months
Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week:
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Story #1: Soros Preps Takeover Of 200 Radio Stations Ahead Of US Presidential Election https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/scary-soros-prepares-takeover-200-radio-stations-ahead-us-presidential-election
Billionaire Soros To Become Biggest Stockholder In US Radio Company https://archive.is/BvEgq
Huma Abedin and George Soros’ Son Alex Reveal Relationship In Valentine’s Day Photo From Paris https://nypost.com/2024/02/14/us-news/huma-abedin-and-george-soros-son-alex-share-romantic-valentines-day-dinner-in-paris/
Story #2: France’s “Pfizer Amendment” Could Turn mRNA Critics Into Criminals https://vigilantnews.com/post/frances-pfizer-amendment-could-turn-mrna-critics-into-criminals/
Sarkozy Gets Six Months For Illegal Campaign Funding https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-68293760
France Signs Security Pact With Ukraine, Pledges “Up To €3 Billion” In Additional Military Aid https://archive.is/3O24b
Sectarian Violence https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sectarian_violence
Lutte contre les dérives sectaires https://www.senat.fr/leg/pjl23-111.html
“COVID-19 Vaccines and Adverse Events of Special Interest: A Multinational Global Vaccine Data Network (GVDN) Cohort Study of 99 Million Vaccinated Individuals” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0264410X24001270
Largest Covid Vaccine Study Yet Finds Links To Health Conditions https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/ar-BB1iuvvi
Story #3: Scientists Resort To Once-Unthinkable Solutions To Cool Planet https://archive.is/MbDCr
Bill Gates’ Dark Dream of Blocking Sunlight Is About To Be Realized https://leohohmann.com/2024/02/15/bill-gates-dark-dream-of-blocking-sunlight-from-the-earth-is-about-to-be-realized/
Bill Gates’ Plan To ‘Fight Climate Change’ By Blocking The Sun Begins https://slaynews.com/news/bill-gates-plan-fight-climate-change-blocking-sun-begins/
NWNW Flashback: UN Supervillains Threaten To Dim The Sun (Mar. 3, 2023) https://corbettreport.com/nwnw511/
JPMorgan Chase, BlackRock Drop Out Of Massive UN Climate Alliance In Stunning Move https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/jpmorgan-chase-drops-out-of-massive-un-climate-alliance-in-stunning-move
The Magic Words – #SolutionsWatch https://corbettreport.com/solutionswatch-magicwords/
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0perfectimperfections0 · 11 months
Hi fellow doll, I hope you're doing fine. I've been quite busy lately, college and life in general have been kicking my ass, so I was forced to take a step back from social media for a while to try to contain the chaos.
Firstly, I'd like to share a fun fact with you! I don't know if you're aware but did you know that Lou's Mansion has a Pool? You can see it more clearly in the Mansion's Concept Designs/Art on this site:
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However, the real reason for this ask is to present a possible answer/theory in regards to how the doll-sized phones came to be in the world of your stories (you can tell this is still related to our chat on Wattpad).
Recently, I came across the images you're seeing on Pinterest. They're Wide/Aerial Views of the Institute of Perfection and one thing that immediately stood out to me is that Giant Eye-Catching Dome behind the TV.
I mean what's its purpose, why is it even there to begin with and what's inside of it? I've been thinking about this for a while and would like to hear your thoughts about it as well, if you're willing to share them.
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By any chance, have you seen the movie Wreck-it Ralph? There was a part where the villain enters the code of the game he's in and I think the Dome's purpose could follow a similar, if not equal, vein.
Now that I think about it, Lou and Vanellope's circunstances are almost identical, trapped in the same place for years without the option to leave, simply because of who they are and the traits they were born with, but didn't choose to have.
Sorry, I let my mind run on tangent there for a while, it wanders frequently which makes it hard to keep track of my line of thought.
To circle back to the main topic of discussion, what if the Dome is a Central Station of the Institute, like a Panel or Center for Command Control (or Command Control Center)? CCC for short? Ok, I'll stop trying to be funny...
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Perhaps it could be a subroutine of the factory's software, a program linked to its network and wifi that contains all guidelines and rules that govern the Institute and must be followed and executed to keep it functional - a blueprint if you will - and is in charge of all commands, protocols, activities and operations being compiled and run by its machinery, such as the doll-scanner, the robots, the washing machine, the recycling, the Gauntlet plus the mechanical baby and dog and the Portal, just to name a few.
This means that it'd also take care of overseeing the integrity and performance of said machinery as well as its maintenance. It'd even be responsible for generating clouds and the artificial weather because apparently weather is still a thing, even though the Institute is inside of a factory.
I wonder if this subroutine would be run by an AI or simply an intelligent system/computer program. This world's version of Siri? 🤣
Or maybe I'm greatly exaggerating its function/letting my imagination run wild and it literally only gives Electricity for TV and Institute. Where was I going with this? /were we again?
Morever, it could be a storage unit that contains all collected, analysed and reviewed data regarding the inhabitants of the Institute and their responses, physical or emotional, to certain pre-determined stimuli.
It could also have a list of the factory's Perfection Standards: what consists/constitutes a Perfect Doll / product, its traits...
what can go to the market and which flaws/imperfections can't be ignored/overlooked and have to go to the recycling immediately, kinda like separating fruit/food
To sum up, it's the Institute's "rulebook", but instead of being specifically made for the prototype, it's more expansive and focuses on the Institute as a whole.
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After the events of the movie, dolls with engineer role job created phones with recicled parts dangerous/turned the recycling into a good thing/while recycling was turned of and parts are human sized, plenty to spare and create phone since dolls come back now, have free time to assemble the parts and construct them and connected them to the signals/frequency emitted by the dome or they hack/steal or find out the password/'hijack' the signals🤣, use it to make them connect with each other but can't enter the dome without proper authorizations/permissions
Fun fact #2: Lou animatronic, would be a hipocrite if he called the Uglydolls "Ugly" has never seen a Mirror before
Scroll almost to the middle (pre-planned concepts: dome by TV and washing machine, Big baby, Lou, Mandy, Tuesday and Kitty, Victoria, Perfection Council/of Dolls=board of investors directors reference)
Had to restart Two Times... I hope you found this ask both entertaining and informative. Hopefully it'll give you Inspiration for your stories...
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Okay, I had to do quite a bit of research and asked someone who knows a lot more about computers than I do.
So, I do agree that the dome has an electronic purpose. It really surprises me that STX animated an entire dome within the Institute and literally spoke nothing of it or what's inside of it. Like, seriously, it's huge and can't just be empty on the inside.
My theory, after some research, is that the inside of the dome is essentially a hard drive computer tower. For you younger folk who weren't raised in a 90's home, here's what I'm talking about:
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These things right here used to be what would get hooked up to older Dell/Windows computers. The ones that weighed, like, 50 pounds and took up an entire desk.
Instead of a dvd player (which I didn't get one until maybe 8 years old) I would stick my Kidz Bop cd or movie into that slot at the top and watch the movie on the computer with Video Player.
Count your blessings.
But this is what I believe is inside that dome. These things are what holds the CPU (central processing unit), GPU (graphic processing unit), and stores the memory, data, audio, and everything of the computer.
@natalie-the-writer and I have a running fanon that the company is older. The technology is older, the building is older, and everything is set in a pretty retro time period. So, this hard drive tower is connected to those bulky take-up-all-the-space-on-the-desk-computers.
The GPU in this system is also what control the day/night cycle in the Institute and the weather. It essentially simulates a troposphere and an environment that makes the dolls comfortable and prepared for the Big World.
The CPU is how the data is transferred. Info from the robots is controlled and processed, the Individualization scanners are monitored, the portal is opened and closed, the TV runs, and the holographic tutorials Moxy and her friends see in the beginning are kept on, all of it.
It basically functions as the brain of the Institute, but the sole controller and monitor of it is the CEO (Greyson Everett).
I also like to think that Lou's microchip (another fanon thought between Natalie and I) is also monitored via this hard drive tower. Any information that Lou learns and processes is sent into separate files on the computers back in the company building.
This is why in my Shell-Shock series, when Lou's emotions go south, the Institute begins to get windy when he's hyperventilating or rains when he cries. The ground trembles when he has body tremors and the lights flicker when his powers are used. He is literally connected to the whole Institute because his microchip and its data accidentally grow and manifest themselves into the files of the other Institute functions. His programming basically goes rogue and infects the Institute system like a virus.
I'm veering toward the explanation that results in Lou being the first successful form of Artificial Intelligence. But, for the moment, he is basically acting like a virus and it's not until he learns to control this new system he's connected to that it stops becoming a deadly thing.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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2nd March 1938 saw the arrest by MI5 of Jessie Jordan, the Dundee hairdresser who would later be convicted as a German spy.
Jessie Jordan was part of a ring of Nazi spies and agitators who worked to undermine the Allies before and during World War II.
War widow Jessie Jordan worked as a hairdresser to support her family before remarrying and trying to make it as a singer and actress. But she became infamous for a performance of a different kind.
Jessie, along with Tory toff Archibald Ramsay, was part of a ring of Nazi spies and agitators who worked to undermine the Allies before and during World War  Two.
Jessie Jordan’s double life as a spy was exposed after her landlord found a map of Scotland’s military barracks in her handbag, with the hair stylist in the pay of German intelligence organisation Abwehr arrested on March 2, 1938.
Jordan was sentenced to four years in jail after admitting to sharing secrets of Scotland’s coastal defences with the German intelligence services.
At her trial in New York, the court heard the Fife depot was of first-class national importance to the defence services with the sketch of ‘very great value to the pilot of enemy bombing plane seeking out his objective,’ a report of the court proceedings said.
She met her first husband, Frederick Jordan, from Hamburg, while he worked as a waiter in Dundee. After marrying in 1912, she moved to Germany.
She was hired by Abwehr just before returning to Scotland in 1937. On her appointment, she wrote: “I was now approaching the most dangerous and exciting period of my life. I was about to become a spy in the interests of Germany. I did not take this step because I bore Britain any ill-will or had become pro-German. Nothing could be further from the truth. I only did it to oblige friends in Germany and because I felt it would afford some excitement ...”
Jordan told immigration officials that she returned to Scotland to track down details of her birth father given she needed an Ahnenpass, a certificate based on church records that demonstrated her family line contained no Jewish heritage. It was all lies. 
At her trial, the extent of German intelligence gathering in the United States ahead of the outbreak of World War Two emerged. Jordan sold military information to Nazi German for two years and was the central figure in a major espionage ring stretching throughout Europe to New York and Washington.
Letters from operatives were received at the hairdressing salon in Dundee’s Kinloch Street, which she set up after returning to Scotland. Former salon owners Mary and John Curran became suspicious of her activities given Jordan was “unusually keen” to secure the shop, offering double the market value despite its downmarket address.
The Currans surreptitiously searched Jordan’s handbag: inside they found a map of Scotland on which the location of military barracks had been marked in pencil. They showed it to the police before slipping it back in place
At the Dundee salon, letters postmarked New York were discovered, some which contained requests for spy equipment,blank American passports and cash. All were to be routed via the Dundee hairdresser.
After her arrest, she was sent to Saughton Prison but transferred to Aberdeen at the outbreak of World War Two.
She was described as a “model prisoner” who busied herself with needlework. Released in 1941 she was interned again for the rest of the war before being deported. She died in Hamburg in 1954.
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Mission complete for ESA's OPS-SAT flying laboratory
Launched on 18 December 2019, OPS-SAT was tasked with opening up the world of spacecraft operations to the widest possible audience. Its founding principle was to provide a fast, no-charge, non-bureaucratic experiment service for European and Canadian industry and academia.
It brought experimenters from companies, universities and public institutions across Europe and beyond into the heart of ESA's ESOC mission control center and helped them prove that their new ideas were up to the challenge of flying in orbit.
Flying ESA's most capable and flexible onboard computer, OPS-SAT showed us what future satellites will be capable of as they begin to carry more advanced equipment.
An in-orbit laboratory open to all
OPS-SAT was the first fully ESA-owned and operated CubeSat. A small, low-cost, innovative and open mission was unusual for ESA mission control, which typically flies Europe's largest and most complex spacecraft around Earth and across the solar system.
During OPS-SAT's four and a half years in orbit, the mission went from strength to strength, allowing 134 teams from 26 different countries to execute over 284 different experiments.
"Many experiments built on top of one another, and so the satellite became even more capable as time went on," says David Evans, OPS-SAT Space Lab Manager at ESA. "OPS-SAT was a research lab: Innovations and improvements made by one experiment could often be harnessed by others. If one team worked out a better way to operate the spacecraft's camera, the next could use that to improve their new artificial intelligence algorithm for image processing, for example."
OPS-SAT was the first satellite open to use by the public. It hosted experiments on AI and interplanetary internet and tested new software, some of which is now already in use by much larger missions. It was the first to conduct a stock market trade in orbit; the first to demonstrate that CubeSats can provide life-saving support during search and rescue activities; the first to demonstrate an active cybersecurity attack in orbit, and much more.
In 2023, the mission received international recognition when the OPS-SAT team shared the SpaceOps Outstanding Achievement award with the team behind NASA JPL's Ingenuity Mars helicopter.
Running experiments to the very end
OPS-SAT was impacted by the recent unexpectedly strong increase in solar activity that began in early 2024. The resulting increase to the drag experienced by the satellite caused it to begin an early descent into the atmosphere.
Teams from ESA and the organizations running the final experiments on OPS-SAT fought hard to maintain communication with the spacecraft as increasing drag threatened to steal away control at any moment. They worked night and day to wrap up the mission's final activities, doing their very best to squeeze out the final drops of science and technology return.
The University of Oxford, U.K., the University of Stuttgart, Germany, and others successfully completed experiments in the mission's final few days, with Hellenic Aerospace Industry (HAI) completing the mission's final experiment just 24 hours before contact with the satellite was lost for good.
"As the satellite descended through the atmosphere, it became much harder to control. The OPS-SAT Mission Control Team and the teams from our experimenters all worked long hours to close out as many of the remaining experiments as possible before the end," says Evans.
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usafphantom2 · 6 days
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Could the United Arab Emirates buy Chinese J-20 fighters?
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 05/27/2024 - 08:48am Military
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Although Israeli approval has finally been obtained for the sale of the F-35 to the United Arab Emirates, speculations are arising about a possible Chinese choice by the United Arab Emirates, despite restrictions on the export of the J-20. The head of joint operations of the UAE Armed Forces went to Beijing at the end of April to meet with the commander of the Chinese Air Force, a meeting that symbolizes a rapprochement between the two nations that could suggest a future collaboration in the field of military aviation.
The United Arab Emirates Air Force traditionally has two types of aircraft, so far they are the F-16 sold by the US and the Mirage 2000-9 from Dassault. While the 67 Mirage 2000 jets will be replaced by the 80 standard F4 Rafale of a contract signed in 2021, the issue of the succession of the F-16 remains uncertain.
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F-16 Desert Falcon.
In November 2020, the Trump administration approved the sale of 50 F-35 stealth fighters to the Emirates, for an amount of 23 billion dollars. This decision comes after the signing, on August 13, 2020, of a standardization agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, followed by the recognition of the Hebrew state by the latter in September. And although the media of the time rejoiced a future regional peace, the desire of the Emirates to acquire the American F-35 stealth fighter will initially compromise the normalization of relations with Israel, which is firmly opposed to the sale of the device to the Emirates, citing the policy of "qualitative military advantage" from which it benefits.
This policy, initiated by the United States in the 1960s, aims to ensure that Israel has the most advanced military means to maintain its regional superiority, so the sale was frozen by the Biden administration in 2021. Several reasons for this: Israel in the first place, but also the conditions imposed by Washington on human rights records and, finally, China, whose approach to the Emirates is viewed unfavorably by Washington. The United States is particularly concerned about the fact that China uses Huawei's 5G technology to spy on the capabilities of the F-35, while the Emirates refused to terminate the contract with the technology giant. Last but not least, the UAE are co-financing the development of the Russian Su-75 Checkmate fighter, derived from Su-57.
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Despite the abundance of petrodollars, the Emirates are struggling to reach the F-35 and, in turn, have threatened to cancel the contract. Pushed into the arms of other potential military suppliers, the Emirates' option for the J-20 then seems plausible.
Emirates/China Approach
Economically, the United Arab Emirates is the largest export market of the United States in the Middle East and North Africa. More than 1,000 American companies operate in the country and many others use it as a regional headquarters to conduct business throughout the Middle East, North Africa region and parts of Asia. The fact that the Emirates are approaching China is therefore not anecdotal. As The Hill reported last year, “the fabric of America's strategic ties with the Gulf region is tearing apart,” and it seems that the situation is only getting worse. If China is the largest non-oil trading partner of the United Arab Emirates worldwide, it is in the military domain that relations are evolving the most.
In 2021, American intelligence services discovered the existence of a Chinese military facility in a port in the United Arab Emirates. The Emirates agreed to end the project at the request of the United States, but construction would have resumed at the end of 2022. The Emirates also participated in the joint exercise "Falcon Shield 2023", with its F-16 block 60 and Mirage 2000-9 aircraft, offering several opportunities for China to learn about Western equipment.
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The recent meeting between General Saleh Mohammed bin Majren Al Ameri and Lieutenant General Chang Dingqiu of the Chinese Air Force illustrates this rapprochement between the two countries. Interestingly, the photos shared by the Ministry of Defense of the United Arab Emirates after the visit to China show a painting with two J-20 Mighty Dragon fighters, the real stars of this meeting.
J-20: an export candidate?
The recent acquisition by the United Arab Emirates of the Chinese Hongdu L-15A Falcon jet coaches and speculations around the potential interest in the Chengdu J-20 stealth fighter will go in the direction of rapprochement between the Emirates and China, especially since the UAE has renounced any partnership with Russia in the field of aviation after the poor performance of Moscow fighters in Ukraine.
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Chinese L-15.
The obstacles encountered in the acquisition of American F-35 fighters, despite the close ties between the two countries, led the Emirates to seriously consider other alternatives, including the Chinese J-20. Ironic when we know that the United States accuses China of having manufactured the J-20 using American technologies, acquired through espionage.
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J-20 Mighty Dragon jets.
At the moment, it is still too early to say whether the United Arab Emirates will end up acquiring the J-20 from China, given that this type of aircraft would be difficult to integrate with other means within its military power and that China does not seem to have the ambition to export it (favoring the FC-31). In addition, negotiations with China could also be a way for the Emirates to put pressure on the United States, due to the blocked F-35 agreement. For now, the sale agreement remains viable according to Daniel Mouton, a former employee of the United States National Security Council.
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J-35 jet, or FC-31, offered for export by China.
However, considering the regional crisis and other geopolitical reasons, the Arab countries represent a good market opportunity for China, which already maintains friendly relations with many of them and intends to become the main supplier of combat aircraft and drones in the Middle East. Unless the U.S. allows an increase in UAE power as a frontline army in the face of the Iranian regional threat, a threat shared by all states in the region, whether or not they recognize the State of Iran.
Source: Air & Cosmos
Tags: Military AviationChengdu J-20 'Mighty Dragon'F-35 Lightning IIUAEAF - United Arab Emirates Air Force/United Arab Emirates Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. He uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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spiritualsoul1969 · 13 days
Advaita Vedanta: Dissolving the Illusion of Separation
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Advaita Vedanta, an influential philosophical tradition within Hinduism, offers profound insights into the nature of reality, consciousness, and the self. Central to its teachings is the principle of non-duality (Advaita), which asserts that the essence of all existence is singular and undivided. This philosophy challenges the perception of separation and duality, proposing that the individual soul (Atman) is one with the ultimate reality (Brahman). This article will explore the core concepts of Advaita Vedanta and discuss how its principles can be applied in the business world to foster unity, ethical practices, and collaborative success. Additionally, we will provide a practical toolkit for integrating these principles into everyday business operations.
Understanding Advaita Vedanta
Advaita Vedanta posits that the world we perceive through our senses is an illusion (Maya), which veils the true nature of reality. This illusion creates a sense of separation between the self and the rest of the universe, leading to dualistic thinking. According to Advaita Vedanta, the ultimate reality, Brahman, is beyond all attributes and forms and is the singular, infinite essence of all existence.
The realization of this non-dualistic truth requires transcending the ego and recognizing that the individual self (Atman) is not separate from Brahman. This self-realization dissolves the illusion of separation and reveals the interconnectedness of all beings. It is a transformative insight that has profound implications for how we live our lives and interact with the world around us.
Relevance in Business
In the business context, the principles of Advaita Vedanta can inspire a shift from competitive, ego-driven practices to a more collaborative, ethical, and holistic approach. By embracing the concept of oneness, businesses can foster a culture of unity, mutual respect, and shared success. Here are some ways these principles can be incorporated into business practices:
Cultivating Unity and Collaboration
Advaita Vedanta teaches that all individuals are interconnected parts of a greater whole. By fostering a sense of unity among employees, businesses can create an environment where teamwork and collaboration thrive. Encouraging open communication, collective problem-solving, and a shared vision can help break down silos and promote a more cohesive organizational culture.
Promoting Ethical Leadership
Leaders who embody the principles of non-duality can inspire trust, integrity, and ethical behavior throughout the organization. Ethical leadership involves making decisions that consider the well-being of all stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and the community. By prioritizing ethical practices, businesses can build a strong reputation and achieve sustainable success.
Fostering Innovation and Creativity
The recognition of interconnectedness can lead to a more inclusive approach to innovation and creativity. By valuing diverse perspectives and encouraging the free flow of ideas, businesses can tap into the collective wisdom of their teams. This can lead to more innovative solutions and a greater ability to adapt to changing market conditions.
Practical Toolkit for Incorporating Advaita Vedanta Principles in Business
To help businesses integrate the principles of Advaita Vedanta, we have created a practical toolkit that includes actionable steps and strategies.
Mindfulness Practices
Meditation Sessions: Introduce regular meditation sessions to help employees cultivate self-awareness and emotional intelligence. Meditation can reduce stress, enhance focus, and promote a deeper understanding of non-dualistic principles.
Mindfulness Training: Offer training programs that teach mindfulness techniques, such as deep breathing exercises and mindful listening. These practices can improve concentration, foster empathy, and enhance overall well-being.
Collaborative Decision-Making
Inclusive Meetings: Ensure that meetings are inclusive and provide opportunities for all voices to be heard. Encourage open dialogue and create a safe space for employees to share their ideas and concerns.
Consensus Building: Implement consensus-building techniques to make decisions that reflect the collective wisdom of the team. This can involve facilitated discussions, round-table debates, and voting processes that prioritize unity and collaboration.
Ethical Business Practices
Code of Ethics: Develop a comprehensive code of ethics that outlines the company's commitment to fairness, transparency, and social responsibility. Ensure that all employees are familiar with these guidelines and understand their importance.
Sustainable Practices: Adopt sustainable business practices that minimize environmental impact and promote social responsibility. This can include ethical sourcing, waste reduction, and community engagement initiatives.
Leadership Development Programs
Values-Based Leadership Training: Offer leadership training programs that focus on cultivating values-based leadership skills. Emphasize the importance of integrity, empathy, and ethical decision-making.
Mentorship Opportunities: Create mentorship programs that pair emerging leaders with experienced mentors who embody the principles of non-duality. These relationships can provide guidance, support, and inspiration for future leaders.
Food For Thought
Advaita Vedanta provides a powerful framework for understanding the true nature of reality and our place within it. By dissolving the illusion of separation and recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings, we can foster a more harmonious, ethical, and collaborative approach to business. Through mindfulness practices, collaborative decision-making, ethical business practices, and leadership development programs, businesses can integrate the timeless wisdom of Advaita Vedanta into their operations. This not only enhances organizational culture and performance but also contributes to a more sustainable and equitable world. Embracing these principles can lead to profound transformations in both personal and professional realms, unlocking new levels of success and fulfillment.
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vickutz1 · 27 days
TITLE: PrismNET Asia-Pacific Leaders Symposium: Launch of the 319 Global Service Center Initiative
On May 7th, the PrismNET Asia-Pacific Leaders’ Symposium was successfully held at the Cordis Hotel in Hong Kong, bringing together service center heads and community leaders from various countries and regions within Asia-Pacific to discuss the expansive plans for PrismNET. At the event, Marlik Luno, the Chairman of PrismNET Global Development Committee and Chief Operating Officer, welcomed the representatives of the Asia-Pacific community and outlined the development plans for the upcoming months. Luno highlighted the current global societal transformation characterized by significant shifts in productivity. PrismNET is at the forefront of this transformation, leading the development in the AIGC artificial intelligence industry. The company has addressed the industry’s core challenge of GPU power supply for energy in artificial intelligence, having upgraded 13 GPU power clusters globally with a total capacity reaching 1100P. Furthermore, the platform is developing the PrismNET Chain (PNC), a global distributed power cluster blockchain network aimed at consolidating idle and redundant GPU power for scheduling and distribution, thus maximizing the application value of individual GPU capacities.
Subsequently, Tomy Tang, from the Platform Education and Development Committee, analyzed the current state and future value of the AI+DePin industry track for the leaders. He discussed how PrismNET positions itself as the first platform globally to implement an AI+Web3.0 ecosystem. The platform’s GPU power leasing service has already provided cost-effective energy solutions for more AI enterprises. Using AI for content publication, data streaming, and automated sales through e-commerce server rooms built around the world, along with matrixed account operations, the platform has achieved over $7000 in sales profit per account on TikTok, demonstrating the deep application of AI in e-commerce.
Following this, William delved into an in-depth analysis of PrismNET’s business model and its long-term value prospects. Many community leaders expressed that PrismNET’s business model fully meets everyone’s market expectations and that this mechanism is adaptable to various market conditions, ensuring the best possible outcomes for business expansion. The business model, being a core element of project development, features low barriers to entry, high returns, vast potential for imagination, scalability, user-friendliness, and strong promotional drive, which are significant characteristics of the PrismNET model.
During the banquet, the platform made a major announcement with the launch of PriamAI, an AI short video tool tailored for C-end users, integrating functions like IP creation, graphic generation, video conversion, and digital human cloning. PrismAI provides numerous entrepreneurs with powerful tools for easy use. Additionally, users can utilize PNC for exchanges to enhance their experience significantly, also greatly boosting PNC’s circulation and application value within the ecosystem.
At the banquet, the 319 Global Service Center Plan was announced, which, through the strong support of salons and sharing sessions, aids in the business development of service centers in various regions and rapidly propagates PrismNET’s vast ecosystem in the market. The banquet also recognized outstanding service centers for April, with Chief Operating Officer Luno personally distributing awards to the winners. Additionally, the development and evaluation plans for the community in May and a preview of the PrismNET Global Elite International Symposium scheduled for June were announced.
During this meeting, leaders from the Wutong Community and Xinxin International Community shared their experiences, insights, and market development strategies deeply with the attendees, setting goals and resolutions for May. All leaders present reached a high consensus to strive with full effort to discuss, build, share, and win together, and to collaborate in developing a grand industry ecosystem alongside the platform.
About PrismNET
PrismNET aims to provide cheap computing power and sustainable development super power for global AIGC entrepreneurs and developers in the AI field. It promotes the development of the artificial intelligence industry through the construction of distributed computing power cluster networks and computing power leasing services under trusted networks. Provide global investors with a convenient way to participate in the artificial intelligence track and an AI income path.
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t-jfh · 1 month
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Monks chat in the sun at the Ganden Sumtseling Monastery in Shangri-la. 
(Photo: Johannes Eisele / AFP / Getty)
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Mural at the Yangteng Gonpa monastery celebrating its “liberation” by the Red Army.
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China’s Plan To Turn Buddhism Into Communist Propaganda
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By Judith Hertog
The Atlantic- May 5, 2024
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In China, President Xi Jinping’s political will is exclusively propagated, implemented and enforced.
(Photo: Nanna Heitmann / Magnum)
Xi Jinping Is Fighting A Culture War At Home
The Chinese leader seeks to restore an earlier era of ideological indoctrination and national unity — whether his society wants it or not.
Xi’s push for communist conformity might seem anachronistic in the age of social media and the global digital commons. But it’s only one way he is dragging China back into an older, darker time. He has reversed decades of market liberalization in favor of renewed state intervention in the economy, returned to Cold War–style confrontation with the West after a period of fruitful cooperation, and reestablished one-man rule to a degree unseen since the days of Mao Zedong, the Communist regime’s founder. Now he is attempting to restore the intense ideological indoctrination of earlier years of Communist rule—the era of Mao’s Little Red Book—in a quest for national “unity,” as he defines it, and total Party dominance. 

By Michael Schuman
The Atlantic - December 20, 2023
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The former spy, Eric, is now in Australia. Eric worked as a spy for China's 1st Bureau for 15 years up until last year.
(Four Corners: Keana Naughton)
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The unit Eric worked for is one of the CCP's key tools of repression.
(Photo: Reuters)
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Edwin Yin moved to Australia in 2018.
(Photo: Four Corners / Keana Naughton)
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The attack on Mr Yin was caught on CCTV.
(Photo: Victoria Police)
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China’s President, Xi Jinping, has paid close attention to the Chinese population overseas.
(Photo: Associated Press)
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Thousands of Chinese citizens have been monitored and forcibly returned to China.
(Photo: Four Corners)
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The Chinese embassy in Australia.
(Photo: ABC News / Dylan Anderson)
Eric has been spying on people around the world for the Chinese government. Now he's telling all.
For the first time ever, an undercover agent for China’s secret police steps out of the shadows to tell all about where he’s been and who he’s been targeting.
The inner workings of China's notorious secret police unit and how it hunts down dissidents living overseas – including in Australia – have been exposed by a former spy in a Four Corners investigation, raising tough questions about Australia's national security.
It is the first time anyone from the secret police – one of the most feared and powerful arms of China's intelligence apparatus – has ever spoken publicly.
The investigation also found the existence of an espionage operation on Australian soil only last year and the secret return of an Australian resident to China in 2019.
By Echo Hui, Elise Potaka and Dylan Welch / ABC TV Four Corners program
ABC News - 13 May 2024
YouTube video >> ABC TV Four Corners program: Unmasking the man who's been spying for China | Four Corners | ABC In-depth [Released 13 May 2024 / 47mins.+23secs.]:
For the first time ever, a former spy for China's notorious secret police - one of the most powerful arms of the country's intelligence apparatus - goes public, exposing the covert and illegal operations he was ordered to carry out on foreign soil and the dissidents he was tasked with tracking, including in Australia, Canada, India, Cambodia and Thailand.
In a major investigation reported by the ABC's Echo Hui, the spy - who goes by the name Eric - comes out of the shadows at great danger to himself, revealing his face to expose how China has used its global network over the last two decades to surveil, silence and kidnap those its government and president Xi Jinping deems enemies of the state.
The spy divulges his double life and the secrets he's been guarding. He reveals the inner workings of the secret police, including the companies they use as cover, who his targets were, and the tactics he used to hunt them down.
It raises tough questions about China's global reach and Australia's national security.
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