#On the bright side
nemkero · 4 months
kanpai funk omori edition!
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esperastra · 5 months
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random avalance gifs [20|∞]
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goosec0id · 3 months
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hey man can you come pick up your gerbil. he’s kind of freaking everyone out.
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floatinginzerogravity · 2 months
"Hey are you okay?" How would you feel if you found out two of your favorite characters you've been obsessing over for months and thinking about constantly were just fake personalities by created a demon entity possessing their corpses and the moral grayness and complexity was fake and their relationships with the other characters were fake and ALL OF IT WAS FAKE!!!!!!!
( Some clarification: This is an exaggeration of my feelings, I did like the episode)
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I’ve been having a bit of a rough week. My anxiety is acting up and I’m starting to realized that perhaps signing up for a bunch of large commitment extra curriculars isn’t such a great idea after all.
I felt super overwhelmed and had to pass off some of my responsibilities, but after a hot chocolate and making some to-do lists, it’s not looking like the end of the world anymore.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 10 months
genuinely it's crazy how you can tell that ushijima's mother's family and their influence on him is like a fucking leash. like a goddamned dog collar. like something he was trained to wear. like, we see him with utsui before utsui leaves and utsui tells him good things!! important things!! things that wouldn't have made ushijima an asshole!! he tells ushijima that a strong team is one that has interesting people!! he tells ushijima that he'll combat all sorts of types!! strong types!! strange types!! new types!! he tells ushijima that these encounters will make him STRONGER!! the implication is that ushijima shouldn't believe he's the end-all-be-all because he doesn't get stronger that way!! he's meant to grow from acknowledging the strength of others!!
but then utsui takes off to the other side of the fucking world and ushijima is left with family who don't quite know what to do with him and don't quite understand him but still try to drill every bit of whatever they didn't promise utsui into his head, and the only space he feels safe in is where he meets someone who tells him that being strong is the only way to survive and it's the only out ushijima has, and so he grows up believing he cannot be anything else and that nobody should be anything else with his memories of utsui buried beneath a grave . . .
. . . until he's up against a boy who beat the odds he never could, a boy who helps him realize that there's more than one way to be strong, a boy who helps him remember his father, helps him remember no matter what you choose, wakatoshi, i hope you'll come to like volleyball, and ushijima thinks that, maybe, he's always had what he's been missing this whole time.
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gensjunia · 5 months
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He said to tell you guys hiiiii :3
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jack-of-amulets · 6 months
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the-gamling-dog · 13 days
Now when someone asks "Does your disability impede you during tasks?", instead of saying "No, it makes me avoid them entirely," I can say "Yup, nearly fell off a ladder today for daring to stretch my human body out vertically instead of horizontally.
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baoshan-sanren · 1 year
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thatqueergarbagerat · 2 months
Born to cuddle boys
Forced to write scholarship essay
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kragehund-est · 4 months
my moringa is looking fucked but i know nothing about this type of plant idk what to do
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is it bad that this is actually the best it's looked in weeks?
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dwarvenchords · 7 months
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this isn’t fair. that’s not nice oscar. why’d you do this to me.
the hair is hairing???
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spacexseven · 1 year
demon dazai's reaction to demon nikolai tormenting darling? (I don't know if you answered this before T_T)
fortunately for you, dazai is fiercely anti nikolai. he helps you in restraining the demon (but nikolai is very good at slipping away), stays outside your door like a guard dog (nikolai comes in through the window instead), even attempts the tried and true method of meddling with nikolai's food (a little poison barely does anything for him), and when all else fails, he tries to stake his claim over you.
nikolai isn't easily scared off, though. the two of them only rile each other up more and more, so your best bet is having chuuya call in his followers to try some dangerous exorcism methods. it won't keep nikolai away for long, but any time away from him is very much appreciated
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friendofthecrows · 3 months
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The person I arranged a call with didn't show, but I look too good today for NO ONE to see it.
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thepenultimateword · 2 years
Biggest Fan
“So. You’re a villain,” Hero said.
Villain stretched their arms over their head and averted their eyes to the next rooftop over. “Yup.”
“How’d you get mixed up in the whole…uh…hostage situation?”
“Supervillain doesn’t really care?” Villain said. “They literally just pick people off the street. Doesn’t even check who they are. I’ve been an accomplice to their crimes for five years. They still don’t know my name. Or apparently my face. Or maybe they just didn’t mind if I died.”
Villain swung their legs back and forth over the edge as the hero took that in. For some reason, they felt guilty. Guilty that they weren't a civilian and that they'd put Hero in this awkward situation. Maybe that was ridiculous--it wasn't as if this was their plan--but they still couldn't shake it.
“Would you have still saved me?" they muttered at their knees. "If you knew?”
Hero immediately turned to face them, eyebrows scrunched into a ridiculous expression of concern. An expression meant all for them. “Of course. I…uh…might have left out the 'your hero is here to save you' part though.”
They blushed, and Villain chuckled.
“If it helps…I am a fan.”
“What? Really? Is that even allowed?”
Villain shrugged. “Villains don’t really do rules…or friends. So who’s going to stop me? Supervillain? They've never been to my house, and I keep the poster in my bedroom anyway, so--"
It was Villain's turn to blush now. "Th-there was a special at the store. The poster came free with a book I bought. I didn't just go buy a poster of you. I'm not weird. And even if I did, there are two thousand people in this city with the same poster, so what does it matter if I'm a villain? I'm still a person! I can think a hero looks attractive in their uniform. Not that I'm saying...you are..."
They trailed off into mortified silence, but when they finally dared meet Hero's eyes, they were smiling. So warm.
"Would you sign my trading card?" Villain blurted out before they could stop themself.
Hero actually laughed this time, and it was beautiful. "Only if you sign mine. Which villain are you? Sorry, I don't think we've even introduced ourselves properly."
Villain froze. They weren't prepared for this to end yet. For Hero's charming smile to morph into loathing and disgust. They didn't have to tell them, right? This memory didn't have to sour. It wasn't like they would really see them again anyway.
"Um...I'm new," they lied. "I don't have a card yet."
"But didn't you say you've helped Supervillain for five--"
"Henchman work!" Villain said. "I worked for Supervillain as a henchman. I only recently reached actual villain status. They don't really give you a card until you reach a certain level of notoriety."
"Then I'll make one for you!" Hero said. Their face was absolutely beaming. "Just for fun. What are you calling yourself?"
"I uh...well... Green...no er... Dark..." Villain gave up. "You know, I haven't really figured that out either."
"Then how about I just call you Savant? I mean, you know way more about me than I do about you."
Villain stared at them dazedly. They could be washed away in those ocean blue eyes. "Sure..."
Hero grinned wide, obviously pleased with themself. Silly thing, it was just a name. "I'll...see you next week? Same time, same place, with our cards?"
"Yeah," Villain said.
"Great! Then I better get going. More people to save." They swung over the ledge and landed on their feet in mid-air as if it were solid ground. "Can you get down on your own?"
Villain thumbed over the shoulder toward the stairwell.
"Ah," Hero said. "Right. Then...I'll...see you around."
They shot Villain one last smile then a blasting air current rushing beneath their feet carried them away.
Villain dropped their face in their hands, a late rush of warmth searing their fingertips. Their heart pounded loud and heavy in their ears.
They were in so much trouble.
Part Two
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