#Nerdie went into great detail
nerdieforpedro · 26 days
Heyy Nerdie <3
So since I'm relatively new with writing, I wonder how other writers manage their docs, like what tool is good for writing stories with multiple chapters. And I know everybody will have a different answer and solution for their writing process but I was just wondering if you had any tips for a newbie like me (I'm writing in my notes but that doesn't works so great, also no word count etc.)
Thank you in advance!
I appreciate you ❤️
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Ooh! I'm excited1 A writing question! I feel honored that you're asking me. Full disclosure: I'm not the most organized person, even with my fanfic. I am trying to improve though.
I have found for all my fics, no matter if they're one shots or chapter series, I write them in Google Drive. The only reason I don't use Word or my notes app is because I find it easier to edit on my phone when I'm out and about having ideas randomly. (Always happens in places that aren't great to write in which is why I try and stay ready. Only works 50% of the time because of driving. 😭) I also tend to keep each fic even with all their chapters or parts in one very long document instead of a separate document for each chapter. That's just so I will be less confused. I get confused easily. 😳
Many writers use Google Drive so if you're brave enough to ask, you can usually send them what you have to review and they can either just look or comment on different parts depending on permissions you give them. To give your fic a good once over, you can pop it into Word for grammar and spelling corrections. Google docs does do that as well, but sometimes it misses things that Word catches. It's weird.
For on the go notes about vibes or random ideas, I feel your notes app should be good for that and also outlines if you want to plan out chapters or your one shot before writing it out. That way if you have it on your phone in your notes app, you can type in Word or Google while looking back at your bullet points to keep the story flow going.
Also if you like music, I highly recommend a writing playlist. It can be just your favorite songs, set to the mood of what you're writing, instrumental, anything that will help you focus and get your story out. it also could help inspire things (there's numerous fanfics written from songs - hundreds).
Maybe yourself a comfy space, enjoy a nice beverage (I like tea, hot chocolate or coffee if it's in the morning and a snack while writing) and remember it's supposed to be fun.
Sure frustrating sometimes especially when it seems like you have no ideas or the idea isn't coming out quite like you wanted. Take a break, might be hours, days or months, however long you feel you may need for it not to see like a chore. Writing, drawing and crating in general should be fun - in can require focus and work, but should still be enjoyable.
Try out some prompts, challenges or toss some ideas out to friends or people if you feel your creativity is lacking to you just want some different perspectives. We're all different, have histories that make us who we are so there can be as many ways to write a fic as starts in the sky. No one has thought of all of them, many reuse tropes (myself included) because they're fun and provide a template to work from and all sorts of themes can be explored. If you like to edit graphics and/or create moodboards, that can be a good way to distract yourself from writing while also focusing on a different aspect of your fic - visuals. It could help spark something too.
I truly hope I answered your question and didn't ramble too hard. Like this is... 8/10 rambling. 😆
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spidernuggets · 3 months
As someone who wants to read books and novels, whether it be classics, romance, action, horror, etc, but has a difficult time doing so because it takes a long while to do so; to read the whole sentence without misreading anything and then processing what the sentence is implying, and gets so frustrating all the time, I absolutely adore people who make headcanons that Jason Todd reads to you!!!
So I present
Jason Todd Reading to You HCs/Reader who Struggles with Reading
(Starts with Reader who struggles w reading and regular Jason reading to you HCs begin after the border)
Before it became a habit of Jason reading to you, he always rambled about the new books he has been reading.
He's always either adoring the writing or complaining about love triangles or is intrigued by the plot or questions a character's decisions.
And his rants make you interested, and soon enough, you ask more questions based on whatever he is talking about.
He opens certain pages, pointing to a quote or paragraph, and then showing you hus annotations to the side.
I think Jason would either a) have 2 copies of a book. 1 softback for annotations and 1 hardback for a clean copy. Or b) a clean hardback book and a notebook marked with the book title, the date he read it, and the chapter and page that he's referencing his thoughts from.
Seeing as you're so interested in his thoughts, he recommended you some classics he thought you might curious about.
You're excited, happy that your boyfriend is opening up his nerdy, literature side to you, and you promised him you'd finish the book as soon as possible.
But when you cracked open the clean hardback- the copy of Little Women that he wouldn't let anyone touch, your heart started racing.
You barely finished chapter one in three days. And when Jason asked during the day how it was going, you lied, saying it was great so far. This caused Jason to be suspicious as your reaction was far more bland than how you'd react when he was telling the basis of the story.
So when you claimed that you had finished it, he asked for your opinion. And when you did tell him what you thought of it, he thought that your answers sounded very familiar. And he realised that what you're saying was paraphrased from his annotations.
He laughed, telling you that you don't have to agree with his opinion. But when you didn't laugh back or state your own thoughts, he grew concerned.
You admitted that you only read the first chapter, and he said it was fine and to take as long as you needed since everyone reads at a different pace. But you shook your head, telling him that it could take you your whole lifetime to finish reading one book.
You sat with him, explaining that you find it difficult to read, that it takes you time to understand what the story is telling and what it's describing.
Jason thinks for a moment, and during this, you think that he now sees you as unintelligent and slow.
But he speaks up, offering the idea of reading to you instead. He noticed that you obtain information better when it's being spoken to you. You remember all the little details of the book when Jason went on his long rants about it.
But you tried to quickly turn down the offer, saying that you don't want him to baby you.
But he kisses your forhead in reassurance, promising that he's not babying you. Telling you that he's happy to read to you. Ecstatic even.
You and Jason are wrapped in a not too thick, not too thin blanket. You're sitting upright, Jason's leaning against the headboard as you lay on his chest.
He's got the clean copy open instead of his annotated one, so you have the freedom of developing your own outlooks on the novel as his finger glides across the sentences.
He lets you interrupt him every time you have a point to make or an outbirst reaction to a plot twist or unexpected scene.
He keeps those reactions in mind, remembering to pull out a new notebook, marking the pages with the book title, the date he read it to you, and the chapter and page that you referenced your thoughts from.
You hate to stop reading before the end of a chapter, so you try to stay awake as much as possible until Jason finishes the cirrent chapter, no matter how spft and soothing his voice is.
Your favourite part of your day is waiting for Jason to come home from patrol, sitting patiently on your shared bed, with the book on your lap while you watch the movie or show adaptation of the novel.
And when Jason does come home, he rolls his eyes, shutting the screen that's playing the film, scolding you that the book is way better.
He tells you to sit tight while he quickly changes out of his gear, putting on sweatpants and staying shirtless before scooching you over and sliding into bed beside you.
He takes the book from you, opening to where the bookmark laid- the last chapter you finished before continuing on with the story.
And when Jason finishes off another chapter, he notices you sound asleep.
He softly kisses your cheeks, forhead, then lips, bookmarking the book once more, before adjusting the two of you in a more comfortable position and holding you in his arms, whispering to you that you'll continue in the morning, before falling asleep with you.
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bonny-kookoo · 8 months
Finish Line request!
I find the first meetings fascinating, so I'm sorry if I always ask for them... But if possible, first time nerdyJK and MC met, please!
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"I think this one looks angry." You speak up, making Jungkook snap his head up towards you.
He's- a little taken aback. You.. do not look like the type of girl to really go to a motor show on your own accord. And, considering how utterly pretty you are, you're probably here with your boyfriend- who must be a total idiot to leave you alone like that, if one was to ask Jungkook.
"Don't you think?" You look at him now, curious smile on your shimmering lips. "It's frowning." You giggle, and he can't find words for a second, before he moves a little to stand next to you, looking at the front of the currently displayed race car.
It's a Ford Fusion- one of the cars with some of the most wins in Nascar history up until now. And now that he looks at it..
"It uh.. it does." He mumbles, making you laugh. At him? Or with him?
"See! Told you." You beam, swaying back and forth on your high heeled shoes. Your skirt is short, nails a pale pink. There's a hello kitty charm on your bracelet. Your entire outfit seems to be matched by the theme of that little cat, in fact.
"I guess.." He says, scolding himself. This is why he's fucking single. He just can't talk to girls at all, not at his school, not now. He's about to graduate for fucks sake, and he's still a virgin.
"Do you know a lot about cars?" You wonder, and he shrugs.
"A little." He admits. He actually knows a lot. But he doesn't want to seem nerdy.
"Heh, I don't buy that." You grin at him with a suspicious gaze. "I don't know shit about them. I'm scared to drive, actually." You admit.
"H-how so?" He asks. Keep the conversation going Jungkook, you're doing great!
"My dad and I went camping like, five years ago I think?" You say, tilting your head a bit in thought, before you lift your skirt a little- not enough to show off anything scandalous, but enough to show a clear scar, faded, but very visible on your thigh. "He crashed that car 'cause he was drunk. One of the metal pipes went right-" You turn your body and leg- another scar on the other side of your thigh, "-through my leg." You explain.
"Oh.." Jungkook doesn't know what else to say.
"I'm terrified of it now. My friends and I went here by train because I still can't stand driving in a car." You laugh.
"M-maybe.. you could start with slow steps?" He wonders. "Like- just sit in one for a bit. No driving, just.. I don't know, read a book. To.. make yourself feel comfortable little by little." He explains, muscles trembling a little as he forces his voice to stay strong.
"Huh. That.. sounds actually really smart." You pout to yourself. "I think I'll do that." You chirp, and he smiles in return, making you open your mouth to say something, when a friend calls your name, catching up to you, and taking your attention away as you wave at him as you walk away.
And Jungkook brushes it off in disappointment, unaware that just a year later he'd meet you again, at a coffee shop he'd visit with his friends.
"Oh." His eyes widen as he recognizes your pretty face, hair a bit different now, but still fitting you well.
You seem to think for a second, and then you smile that million-dollar-smile at him again, ceramic braces almost invisible to him if he wasn't so focused on details all the time.
"Oh, it's you!" You beam at him happily.
"It's me." He chuckles, friends behind him both confused and a little impressed that he seems to know you. "I uh.."
"Do you wanna go on a date?" You ask him boldly, and his eyes are as wide as they go. "I mean- this is the second time I meet you. Gotta be a sign from upstairs- or downstairs, I don't really care." You joke, leaning forwards a bit.
"I mean- yeah? Yeah! Yeah let's uh.. I don't know?" He stutters a bit helplessly.
"Cool!" You giggle. "That's.." You mumble, writing something down on his receipt. "..my number. Just text me whatever- just no dick pics please, those are kinda cringe." You say, making him frown a bit to himself before he laughs.
"Don't worry, I won't." He promises, before he pays for his drinks, and leaves with his friends-
His first date with you not even a week later, marking the beginning of a love that will last forever.
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just-an-anon-reader · 2 years
When nerds come together…
Summary: April finally introduces her “normal” friend. Although, she’ll have to redefine her definition of “normal”.
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When Donnie first met you, he had his doubts. Apil introduced you as her "normal" friend. But this was April. "Normal" for her was in the 0.0001 percentile. Not impossible, but you might as well have thought it was. You, being introduced as such, was within reason of suspicion. In his initial observations, you were shy and borderline introverted. It was evident with you hiding behind April as you greeted them all. You spoke with so much uncertainty that you even stammered. To put it simply, Othello Von Ryan was not impressed.
"You're going to get along great," she said. "You both have so much in common," she also said. You told April prior that this wasn't going to work out. Not because of this whole...situation. Okay, so maybe a little. Luckily, she briefed you a week before heading down to the lair. But it was mainly because of who you were as a person. You weren't exactly a people person. You often find them loud and messy, and even illogical. For example, pineapple on pizza. An abomination of the truest kind. It's for reasons like this that you preferred being cooped up in your laboratory. It's quiet, spotless, and promotes a higher level of thinking. Hence, the creation of your darlings. Beautiful works of art made from metal, programming, and a boatload of caffeine.
Of course, being a genius, people aren't fans of you as much as you are of them. The teasing, you could handle. After all, you had an armada of anti-bullying technology made by yours truly. It was the social interactions that got to you, i.e., April. Who somehow barged into your life. She found you working on your tech in the library once, and ever since, she has been your self-proclaimed best friend. She mentioned her turtle buddies only recently. When she walked into the same place, and saw you tinkering with your oozequito tracking goggles. She knew she had to introduce you. Particularly to a certain purple-clad turtle genius. Of course, you wouldn't say yes immediately. But after saying the words “mystic” and “mutant” in the same sentence, she had your attention. So that's how you found yourself here, in the NY sewers. Being scrutinized by four color-coded mutant turtles with epic ninja skills.
Mikey, being the overly-friendly orange turtle, hugged you in greeting before asking you for your pizza preference. A large Cheesy Supreme. Leo was next, laying on the charm thick. The cringe was real. Raph went third. The eldest, the leader, and whose mission plans always start and end with punching like a boss. And lastly, and somewhat reluctantly, was Donnie. Eyeing you over with his goggles, rather than offering his hand to shake like a normal person, a robotic one popped out of his battle shell instead. Carefully, you shook it, admiring the intricacy and sophistication of the details of the automaton.
"Is this t-titanium grade 4 alloy?"
The words came out of your mouth before you could stop them. April, quite desperately too, wanted you to be friends with her...teenage mutant ninja turtle gang. And, from experience, nobody like a smartypants. You were definitely not making a great first impression. But at least you tried. It's the effort that matters, right? You could feel the beads of sweat rolling down your back and, most likely, drenching your shirt. When he replied, it definitely wasn't what you expected him to say.
"Well, of course! Only a miscreant would use anything but the best quality!"
He isn't going to laugh at me? Or look at me weirdly? Could this turtle, in all of his purple glory...be a nerd? Description-wise, April had only revealed that “you two would get along” and refused to clarify any further. There is only one way to put a theory to the test.
"You know, i-if you used uranium as an e-energy source, you could level up these darlings b-big time."
You saying nerdy stuff? Donnie definitely didn't expect that. You didn't look the type. And, not to be judgmental, but you didn't seem the type. But you were. And you understood his sentiments exactly. He couldn't help the excitement that bubbled up inside him.
"I know, right?! Think of all the upgrades I could do with even just an iota of uranium! I would be unstoppable! But sadly, papa rat won't let me have some.”
Donnie got a good tail slap to the back of the head for that. Feeling a bit more comfortable now, especially with the science talk, you bravely continued. A smile slowly starting to spread on your face.
"What if you had more than an iota of uranium?"
At this, April’s head did a 160 from something Leo had said to you.
"Wait a minute, didn't you say that your nuclear stable thingy was in beta? Which, you so thoroughly said, meant that it was 'Off Limits'."
Pulling up air quotations as she quotes you saying the same thing to her no more than a week ago when she bugged you about your oozequito goggles. Smugly, you smiled at your best friend as you reached into your bag and pulled out the glowing device.
"You mean my beautiful portable nuclear stabilizer? Yes, yes it was. 'Til now. "
"You brought uranium to the lair?!"
"No, I brought uranium to the school, April. Which ended with you dragging me here before I could stow it away in a safer location. A.K.A., my lab."
You hear the gasp of horror behind you as you turn to face Donnie once more. The device in your hand had an ominous green glow that eerily illuminated his face. It was quite beautiful. The turtle in question had stars in his eyes with how excited he was. He made gimme-gimme hands before coming to some sort of realization at the last minute. Taking a deep breath, he recomposed himself.
"You're just going to hand me the uranium? That sounds suspect. What's the catch?”
The small shy smile that had adorned your face before spread wide. Almost menacingly.
"As I said, uranium is a wonderful energy source. If I am to give you some of mine, it must be for a worthwhile cause. So, I want to be co-creator. From frame, to wiring, to programming, alpha, beta, and testing. Think of it as means of securing my investment."
“And if I decline your conditions?”
“Then prepare to say your sweet farewell.”
"I see. Begrudgingly, I accept. However, I will have to demand that you keep my lab as prestine as possible."
With a gleaming and potentially dangerous device in hand, you marched alongside the turtle as he led you toward his beloved laboratory. The other five, completely forgotten and left out of the conversation, looked at you two in confusion.
"What just happened?"
"I think Donnie just made a new friend!"
"Ugh, April! You said that this one was normal!"
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄P.S. School has been so hectic lately (°▽°) I haven’t written anything almost 2 weeks. Here is some platonic? Rise!Donnie x reader. Might make a more romantic part 2 if y’all like this. And again, thank you so much for all the love my stories have been getting! Please enjoy!
P.P.S. The gif isn’t mine
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milkywayan · 5 months
Do you have any recommendations for books about the everyday lives of medieval people? The last two that I’ve read were just disappointing, leaning far more into sensationalism than anything, and not taking into account the changes in worldview and society between then and now. I love everyday history of how people went about their lives, from how they made breakfast and what they wore, to the games they’d play to pass time and what they thought of their place in the universe. I love your historical posting and was curious if you had any recommendations for non-disappointing books to read! (I read better in English than German, but either would be appreciated!)
Cool to hear you are interested in 'domestic history' as it is often called!
I read these kinds of books mostly in german as I am interested in central european medieval times, as most english books are about britain and france. So I am sorry, most of this stuff is German.
Personally I was very, very happy with 'Wien in Mittelalter' by Peter Csendes & Ferdinand Opll, which is as the title says about Vienna in medieval times (from ~900 until 1529, which is the date set as the end of the medieval times in austria). First half is a timetable for each year, based on documents found in the archives to state what happened. Not only what kings and dukes did, but also e.g. 'Frenz sued his neighbour because his window is built wrong'. Tells you a lot about things people cared about. Second half describes in detail how e.g. the city was divided, how it was governed, how people lived etc. I really, really liked it, but it is mostly about Vienna and its Bürger and thus does not go into detail of the world beyond.
In addition to that, speaking of Vienna, there is the Geschichte Wien Wiki, which is one of the best history wikis in the world! So much details and also images of a lot of maps and stuff, it is great!
Another book I am currently reading (and loving) is also German, called 'Unerhörte Frauen' by Henrike Lähnemann and Eva Schlotheuber, and is about medieval nuns, mostly of the late 15th century in Germany. It discusses diaries of nuns and also explains how they lived, how the cloister was set up, how their education looked like, etc. It is really nice and it is very well researched, putting attention to often ignored women!
When it comes to food I generally read the actual recipe books from the time, as it is the best representation for it. There are also a lot of blogs from reenactors talking about it. For example this blog where some of my friends are involved, focused in 14th century cooking (also german).
I also recommend this blog by an Austrian reenactment group, where they talk about a lot of cool medieval topics. They are very passionate and have a lot of references (also German but have some posts also in english)
Going more specific and maybe boring there is this 7 book set about the finds of excavations in London. I have two of them by now, and it is quite cool to see what people used, how it looked like, what was common, what stuff was made of. But it is very thechnical/academic, so maybe not what you may be looking for. My reenactment friends and I love these books because it helps a lot in recreating stuff authentically.
Otherwise I read not that many books about medieval life, I mostly read research stuff and read medieval literature (I made a long post about it a while back) and talk with my nerdy friends about it
I hope this is useful!
Any of my followers, feel free to add if you know cool books and stuff :)
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savage-rhi · 6 months
Ffxv headcanons whatever type you want just share with the class
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Noctis: When he was a kid, he used to lift up rocks to see what critters lived underneath them. He stopped around nine or ten when he accidentally pissed off a snake and got bit. It spooked him so bad that he didn't do anything like that again until he went on the frog side quest. Now that he's over his fear, Noctis is always flipping over rocks and ushering Prompto to come over and take photos of the animals and bugs he finds.
Gladio: There's a saying among the kingsguard that, "if you give Gladiolus a beer and a mic, you're gonna have a GREAT time!" He's quite good at karaoke, and despite the gruff voice, he can hit high notes. Singing was something Gladio and his sister did together while growing up. While Gladio didn't like her taste in music, being the big brother, he still sang her favs to and with her. He tried to keep this hobby a secret until he had one too many drinks with his comrades. He's since embraced his reputation over the years, and isn't as embarrassed about it.
Ignis: There are a few things in this world that can make this man mentally break, but Feng Shui nearly destroyed him. Ignis got into the practice initially in an attempt to get Noctis to have better organization in his apartment. Per usual, Noctis didn't appreciate the principles, but it rubbed off on Ignis to the point where he became obsessed with Feng Shui. He did it to all the rooms in the palace, much to King Regis's chagrin. It all backfired when Ignis attempted to Feng Shui his own residence. Nothing satisfied him, and after he didn't come out for almost 10 hrs rearranging furniture, Noctis had to give him an intervention. After that, he swore off the practice. Sometimes, he'll get irritated if he hears about it in passing.
Prompto: In his spare time when he's not with a camera, Prompto is on a computer learning to code. While he's not the best at it, Prompto enjoys the process cause it satisfies a mental itch (he gets that from his father...haha). It's his dream to one day make a game like Kings Knight. He has pages of concept sketches for apps, and other social media ideas he'd like to try creating one day. He seldom shares his passion with the boys, assuming they'll think it's too nerdy.
Lunafreya: It isn't considered "proper" by an means for someone of her status, but Luna enjoys watching duels on TV or in person. Ravus from a young age was always taught how to be a warrior, and she felt left out on numerous occasions when he'd be sent off to learn sparring lessons among other trainings. As a kid, she used to sneak away from her home in Tenebrae to watch people battle for fun. Observing others helped her hone in her own skills, and she's memorized different stances and techniques over the years. She also used to place bets on people who fought, and did get into trouble at one point because of it.
Ardyn: He's very aloof and no one knows what the hell he does in his spare time when not running a country. He has the craziest of rumors made up about him, and he ravishes in how it all scares and fascinates people. What people don't know is that he often sneaks around Niflheim and observes others for his sketchbook. When he was a healer, he had a book of medicinal plants that he'd catalog and sketch out himself. It's one of the few things that soothes his mind anymore with the daemons he has in his head. For a few hours, Ardyn can silence them by focusing on capturing the details from another person or thing in his work. It's also his only means of connecting with humans given how far he's gone. His style is kind of like Da Vinci's, very detailed with lots of notes here and there. When he's sketching its also the time where he'll snack on something sweet like candy from his pocket. In general he'll always have candy on his person, but he likes savoring it without an audience.
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blushblushbear · 6 months
cashew headcanons please im so so gay for him
TIME FOR DIS NUT aka our darling little bookworm
cut cause I went on for a bit and none of it is important OOPS
okay first off since he's a college boy let's start with the fact that he has zero alcohol tolerance
like none
he'll have 2 sips of a light beer or a half a shot of malibu and he's red in the face sweating and swaying like 'oh wow, I'm really feeling it haha'
Same with coffee
anything past a normal strength cup he's VIBRATING
he doesn't have a heart condition like Nimh but give him a shot of espresso and he'll think he does
is constantly waiting for someone to ask him for book recommendations
and when they do he is sponge bob's eager face BOY IS OVER THE MOON
also he doesn't just read good books
he'll literally read anything
he ADORES trashy novels
especially if they're spicy *eyebrow wiggle*
he recognizes they aren't good but they are so wild and out of pocket like
he'd love shows like gossip girl and pretty little liars if they were BOOKS instead
except OOPS they are actually and he'd love to infodump about that little fact to me if I let him (at least I think they both are?? I know pretty little liars is-- THAT PLOT IS /NUTS/)
honestly he loves when things are written well but he also loves when plots are NUTS
the only kind of nuts he can have
well... second kind
he'd be a secret college slut (respectfully and also def not actually a secret) if he wasn't head over heels for you
now he's just in your dms/texts constantly
his family is just as quiet and mousey as he is
everyone is just as nerdy
though his dad doesn't read as much-- he's more tv and movies and games nerd
he gets his love of books from his mom's side
he'd KILL to be a librarian
or work at a bookstore
English major vibes
but not just vibes that actually is his major lol
has def had a crush on 3 different librarians growing up and 1 creative writing teacher
can't math for shit
his favorite parts of campus friends taking him on nights out is him getting to read in little corners he can find and the 3am breakfasts at the local diner
I've talked about this before but him Nimh and Poe are in a book club together
he thinks Nimh is the coolest cause he's a PA for a publisher
can read a harry potter length book series in an afternoon (also hates terfs <3 )
his favorite genres are romance of any kind but he does have a special fondness for the trashier romances, fantasy, and he does love a mystery but mostly cause he can never see the twists coming
the smartest idiot you'll ever meet
or maybe he's the dumbest smart guy???
either way he is both very clever and very simple all at once
also very well meaning
incapable of wrong
only of oops
(a lot of oops actually, he's kinda clumsy)
once went a whole day without eating cause someone recommended a new series and he LIKED IT VERY MUCH
I wish for the life of me I could remember ANY book series atm
I know of a few by like--- vaguely what they're about but I can't remember their names
he could though
he will spend whole dates telling you the plot of a book series in great detail
loves pets
not great with them
also low key allergic to a few
big rip cause he loves cuddles
cries over a cat at a distance while sniffing
also really likes birds
met a few birds as a squirrel and now he knows Poe who was a bird so like--
birds are buds of his
can't say no to something cute
cute eraser, cute pen, cute notebook, cute cookie, cute you
just can't refuse cute
would totally rock a cottage core vibe if he could manage to keep a plant alive
he lost his ficus Marcel and he's still low key getting over it
uses a wallet sized photo of you as a book mark
def has you or a pic of you and him as a lock screen
the home screen is a pic of a page of a book
is very good at those 'name the book this opening line is from' challenge
good omens, both the book and the show, WRECKED HIM
actually good omens was his fav book to screen adaption thus far
he has a few others but he's more excited about good omens
wants to be friends with Aziraphale
I could ramble on forever but I think I'll end it here
loves that hack where you put cheese on ramen
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arainmorn-art · 6 months
Just binged the whole thing
Omigosh. "My Adventures with Superman" was super ADORABLE.
Never understood the apeal of a 100% Lawful Good overpowered invincible protagonist before, but now I do. I haven't even watched anything Superman-related before. Clark is such a good boy. A gentle giant struggling with his non-human strength, he went to the chess club to minimize any chances he would hurt anyone by accident. A shy polite clumsy and nerdy good boy from a good loving family wanting to protect other people and a nice girl he loves. Oh gosh, can I keep him?
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The way he's animated, the detailes of his whole body language, gosh, animators did wonders with Clark's character. I adore the first part of the show before the drama, because cheeses, I haven't seen such a cute romance progression in a long time, when they both obviously like each other and they also can see it in each other. Loved it! Giggled through their romance like a schoolgirl.
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I liked Lois, how both tomboyish and very feminine she is. This was so friggin' refreshing to see an energetic independant girl who is also sweet, soft, vulnerable and contradicting herself, not girlbossing relatability and feelings the hell out of any interaction these characters might have. In one moment I was displeased with her decisions, when she was hurt that Clark didn't tell her he was a Superman and told him there won't be any relationship between them because of that, it was a big "COME ON" for me, but I liked that actualy it was a product of a very girly tangled way of thinking, "You lied to me! Does it mean you were pretending to have feelings for me too?!" while crying. Yes. Yes, thank you, it was a very brief moment, but as a regular girl I felt itXD I love when emotional girls are depicted rightly: saying one thing, implying another, thinking the third, crying inside and outside how hurt she is on several levels over an idiot who hasn't thought about her feelings properly. Great stuff, approve wholeheartedly. Maybe the battle against brick-faced toxic masculinity in a female wig, oh, excuse me, Holliwood feminist never-wrong-doing girlbosses will be won someday with smart writing and kind-hearted life observations. We have a great soldier here. She also reminded me a lot of Roxana from Megamind, and I loved that girl a lot.
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I'm also surprised how there were little to no of Twitter SJW-ness. Very nice. I also joked on the phone with my friend, that it felt very ironic, how there are more female villains (haven't count, but it seems like that), than male, and those angry bitches are fighting against the sweetest himbo on Earth, who is saving kittens, infants and grannies all day long. I don't think it was intentional, but in a current climate of English-speaking media - very nice.
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Pacing wise, hm, with a purely comedic first part a really fast pacing was great, but on the second half with drama... eh. It felt very rushed. Also, well, as I don't know the lore behind Superman deeper than it is dispersed in the current pop-culture, I was confused with his alien origin, as it felt a lot like Invincible. I thought the whole schtick of Invincible was about, you know, the main twist, buuuuuuuuuut what's about Superman? I know it's kinda backwards to first watch Invincible then watch anything about Superman, but I had a big deja vu. Maybe I'll read some wiki about Clark, I was hella confused.
Overall great show, loved it. The strange, um, mad genius gay couple was something I wasn't expecting to laugh at so much today. And admiring anime Superman. Wow.
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vivithefolle · 1 year
Which Hermione are you talking about?
i think when describing Hermione as book-smart, nerdy, introverted, fussy and socially awkward that only breaks SCHOOL rules for Harry’s adventures because she’s his friend, is also very insecure and kinda cute that Ron would love and would LOVE Ron, people are thinking of the Hermione from book 1 and 2. Typical Virgo girl - like very stereotype tumblr horoscope described Virgo. They cant think too far ahead or the big picture, but will perfect any details on their work for their friends and those who need them. They do think by the book, literally. Ron, with his emotional and social intelligence and his jest for life, would help her to be more openminded and relaxed with her perfectionism.
And when people are saying she’s this vindictive, extroverted, ambitious, unapologetic activist, that has a penchant for breaking BIGGER rules as in LAW and ORDER in the wizarding world with sudden social vision and influence, they are talking about the “Rowling” Hermione who existed in book 4 onwards. She’s an Aquarius rising and is NOT a good partner to Ron. Whatever Rowling intended with her, the book 1 and 2 is NOT the second Hermione aka Rowling and would turn out very differently from Rowling herself. And after book 3, it seems Rowling lost touch and connection on who’s really Hermione and who’s herself. That’s why the “breaK” of the 4th wall, of Hermione’s characterization, and the loss of Ron’s. And why it’s so hard to get a picture of her in fandom : whenever you have book quotes as Romonie evidence for Hermione 1, people would have theirs for Hermione 2. Again which is she?  What the hell would Ron/Hermione become? 
Hermione 1 cant be paired with Harry because she’s so…nerdy and closeminded and cant be paired with Malferret because he literally called her Mudblood. But who is us to say anything about Hermione 2, who used Umbridge’s method to punish people, who not only nagged (Virgo) but also can lie and can trick adults into submission with her so-much-bigger-than-Hogwarts-and-Dumbledore “big picture” rule breakings and also solved anyone’s romance problems (Aquarius) ? She would and can fix 100 Draco’s because he lied and tricked people out of Hogwarts scope too, just that he’s so much more coward and incompetent than her. Also Fred/Hermione, the intellectual business man/intellectual business woman ship itself and even Fred died because he’s still a character that has no meta powers. No wonder Snape/Hermione exists. Even he cant break the meta like Hermione 2.  
Compared to Ron/Hermione. Harry/Ginny is much more consistently written throghout the books and same for any other ship, because Rowling remembers that they are characters and not herself and her problems.
To be honest, "Hermione 1″ was also VERY ready to fuck shit up and break the rules when it was convenient for her.
Remember how she set Snape on fire out of fear for Harry’s life? How she brewed Polyjuice Potion so they’d be able to interrogate Malfoy (and Ron himself, very justly, points out that this “a plan where so many things can go wrong”: they didn’t know the password, they almost got caught by Percy, Malfoy could’ve been doing his homework in his room).
But “Hermione 1″ IS extroverted, she’s bossy and nerdy and in-your-face, she knows stuff and isn’t afraid to tell you she knows, she’s not the kind of person that stays passive and lets herself get steamrolled (... unless the person steamrolling her is an authority figure).
The issue is that as Rowling went on, she started to prioritize both Harry and Hermione’s characters over Ron’s. Ron is constantly looked at in a “bit rubbish ain’t he?” fashion, almost patronizingly, a sort of “oh you’re so immature but there there you’ll grow up eventually, if you could hurry up tho that’d be great”.
Ron receives ZERO support from his friends as he goes around trying to figure out how this “growing up” thing works.
Harry and Hermione are meanwhile excused of everything bad they do, because “Harry’s got PTSD and such a difficult life”, and “oh well Hermione is so mature, she’s allowed to be impatient and annoyed with people who can’t keep up with her genius!! Plus they probably did something to deserve it anyway”.
What Hermione really needs is to be humbled. It could happen in many ways, some more cruel than others. Have her make a mistake that for fucking once has consequences on her personal life and fucks all her shit up. Have her need to accept defeat, to understand and internalize that it was no one’s fault but hers that it happened that way. Destroy the notion that “no but actually HERMIONE was the true victim-”.
The sad truth is, a lot of people want to be Hermione - “Hermione 2″. The girl who always turns out to be technically right, who puts the fear of God into those who offend her, who is such a key player in Harry's story, whom a Quidditch superstar would date, who constantly gets told how brilliant and clever she is but can also look so pretty but doesn't because "she's smarter than wanting to be pretty"... who would refuse to be such a girl? Especially if you idealize her so much that you forget she’s not supposed to be nice, approachable, unfailingly kind and all that crap (which is the image of Hermione we got thanks to the fucking movies).
I do enjoy the idea of Hermione being this feral gremlin that loves her friends and would set the world on fire for their sake - but a thing that happens starting from GOF onward is Hermione setting the world on fire more for her own sake than for her friends’. See how it’s only once Rita Skeeter made an article about her, Krum and Harry that Hermione goes truly on the warpath when at first she kinda was like “ugh people are so dumb to believe her”. How Rita Skeeter in OOTP is identified as “one of Hermione’s least favourite people in the world” when it’s Harry who was the most preyed on by Rita. See how Hermione Confunds McLaggen in HBP so Ron can join the Quidditch team (and so Hermione can feel like Ron “owes” her something). And of course see her wiping her parents’ memories and beating Ron up when he’s back...
The problem is that JKR thinks abuse, if done by a woman, is badass.
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winterspiderpurrs · 1 year
Part 1:
Part 2.
Nervousness wasn't even the tip of the iceberg. Biting his lip while looking down at his phone reading the latest text message. It was received early confirming the reservation at this small dinerplace in Manhattan. Exhaling loudly, closing his eyes for a moment, bracing himself.
When Peter accepted the blind date that Sam set him up on, he wasn't expecting much. Alpha pair that were searching for an Omega to join them. And when he met Bucky? He felt so relieved. The date was great, they got along, talked for hours, laughed. Bucky even walked him to his door. It was so romantic. And they knew the same people! While yeah Bucky didn't know all the nerdy details about engineering and biochemistry he knew enough to laugh to Peter's corny jokes.
Now it was time to meet the 2nd half of the pair. Peter hoped that meant that Bucky enjoyed the date as much as he did, and that the scent patch he offered to the pair worked for them. Straighening out his overly large blue sweater with tiny red hearts one more time before he walked through the door.
His brown eyes sweeped the room looking for the familiar face of Bucky and frowning slightly when he didn't see him. He looked back down at his phone making sure it was the correct location.
" Hey doll, your early "
Putting his phone away in his black jeans turning around to smile brightly at Bucky. " Hi! I mean hey. Heh I was worried I would be late.... either I'm early or I'm late" he laughs.
Bucky smirks a little nodding his head, before glancing back over his shoulder before looking back at Peter.
" Peter, I'll like you to meet my partner, Anthony, he goes by Tony though" he turns to the side so the pair could see each other.
Moving his eyes past Bucky to land on the smaller; but definitely still larger then him, Alpha. He had a bright smile on his face, reaching his hand out for a handshake.
" It's so nice to meet you! Bucky had so many nice things to say and.. omg.... " Then he whispered," Your Tony... Stark, " and he froze.
Tony had a smirk on his face, he glanced down at the hand being offered to shake, Tony's twitching his hand a little bit before making the leap to shake the hand of the little cute Omega in front of him. He lowers his red sunglasses down a little bit to get a better view of Peter before straighening them back up.
" And you are Peter Parker. After la mia prugna gave me such a glowing review, I went to Brucie Bear. Your new formula of webbing material is revolutionary"
Hope you like it! Maybe I will keep adding to this..... maybe I wont.... we shall see!
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inbarfink · 10 months
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Second part of my AT Roleswap AUs, after the Bonnieverse, it’s the Marcyverse! Finn-Marceline IK-Peebles roleswap!
Details under the cut:
Marcy Abadeer: The young half-human daughter of the Lord of the Nightosphere. Marceline "Marcy" Abadeer ended up stranded in Ooo. The idea of being a “hero” started as a goof, something she thought would annoy off her dad if he heard about it. But she ended up having to commit to it after the nerdy wizard she rescued turned out to be the King of the Ice Kingdom - who told basically everyone that there’s a new hero in town and is also generally like really nice to her. And eventually she became genuinely invented in helping people. Generally a very laid back person with a bit of a jerk streak she grows out of, prefers to use axes in battle. Coming back to the Nightosphere starts as her first priority, but it keeps shifting up and down as a priority depending on her current emotional state - eventually, when faced with the choice to leave Ooo forever, she decides to stay.
Hambo the Doll: Marcy’s favorite childhood toy, granted freaky magic powers (which basically match with Marceline's powers in the mainverse) and sapience by the dark magics of the Nightosphere to give Marcy a protector and companion. Her only real friend before coming to Ooo. A bit of a nervous stick-in-the-mud to serve as a foil to Marcy’s chill, rebellious streak. And seeing how he is literally a mess of demonic energy dressed in the body of an adorable doll, he can be kinda Evil at times. But he is a good, loyal friend to Marceline.
King Simon of the Ice Kingdom: Immortal founder and ruler of the Ice Kingdom, a winter wonderland of sapient penguins and friendly ice monsters. King Simon is an intelligent, fatherly man with a talent with both magic and science. Despite his long life and many experiences, he has not lost his optimistic and idealized view of the world. However, he is not handling the grief of losing his wife, Queen Betty, very well at all. Nor does he have much success in the dating scene. Sometimes those antics are just goofy and embarrassing in a middle-aged-single-dad sort of way. Sometimes the combination of bad luck, social awkwardness and the fact that most potential romantic interests in Simon’s age group are terrifying ancient monsters means his bad dates can snowball into actual threats to himself or even the whole Ice Kingdom - necessitating a rescue from Marcy or some other hero.
Bubblegum Princess: A semi-solid mass of sapient gum-blob who rules over a vast sugary wasteland known as the Candy Kingdom. Once a pre-War human scientist, Bonnibel Rosazucker was infected by a mysterious gum-blob creature and was slowly transformed into a candy monster. Now she is a sugary mad scientist interested mostly creating various freaky candy monsters, Bubblegum Princess has been also known to kidnap wizards in order to dissect them in her mad experiments (for SCIENCE and also out of a powerful obsessive hatred for Wizards in general) with King Simon being an especially favorite target (he secretly thinks she's kinda attractive in a weird way, although he'd never admit to that sober.)
Finn the Cyborg Lord: The once-human son of Dr. Minerva Martens, an old colleague of Bonnibel Rosazucker. Finn was put in her care after his mother’s apparent death - only surviving the post-Mushroom War landscape thanks to Bonnibel's cybernetic modifications. After parting ways with her, he tried to make a name for himself as a hero of the wasteland - but as the years went by, he became more and more jaded with heroism. He became known as a great warrior - but not necessarily the most principled one. In the Ice Kingdom, he is mostly known as the bothersome prankster King Simon is always demanding will get off his lawn. Marcy being around and doing good kinda gave him a new, more optimistic lease on life and he’s been getting back to adventuring and actual heroics. After all the various cybernetic mods Bonnibel and his overprotective A.I mom and various others gave him so he could survive a 1000 years in Ooo, basically the only human organic part oh him is (most of) his brain
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jazzythursday · 6 months
8, 19, 43, anddd 58 for the SOC asks ❤️
I don’t know how this got so long but be prepared for very waffle-y answers (hehe)
8. What crow do you think you are the most like?
Ahhh, I have never felt so decisive in my life as I do about this question. I think I took one look at Wylan Van Eck and immediately started projecting. (That usually happens with most awkward/anxious/nerdy/artist characters, but especially Wylan.
First things that come to mind: he’s both worryingly chill about some things and simultaneously an anxious mess, he can be sassy but also very reserved most of the time… Thinking about it now I really relate to how contradictory a lot of his traits/thoughts/actions can be.
Also low key the way he went his whole life with no name or explanations for his disabilities and grew up without anyone to tell him that it wasn’t because he wasn’t trying hard enough hits maybe a lil too close to home 😅😅😅
19. Who was the most compelling antagonistic character to you?
Hmm 🤔… this is hard because Leigh’s antagonists are all really interesting!
That being said, there’s SOOOO much about Dunyasha that gets me! Especially about her being Inej’s “shadow”. Since Inej is the Wraith and a lot of her skills already lie in being unseen/quiet/blending into the shadows…then what does her shadow look like? Like if the the question is what is the shadow of a shadow, then the answer we get is apparently this crazy, blond, self-righteous mercenary dressed in all shining white clothing calling herself the white blade and talking about being on a mission from god basically. All the ways she’s written to be Inej’s opposite are just… *screams incoherently*
Just… ahhh. It’s the symmetry, ya know?
(I’m forgetting details but I think also her background is super interesting. Very cult-y and ominous. 100/10. I don’t know if they ever get brought up again but I’d love for whatever group she came from to get used in a later plot as a Big Bad)
43. Do you have a favorite minor/background character?
I haven’t read the books where David and Genya feature as more prominent characters, but I love them. They’re…so in love? In the sweetest and most heartbreaking way?
Outside of the Crows they’re definitely my favourite ship and I’m still so sad we’ll never get to see David meet Wylan and Jesper because they would have SO much to talk about! I need Wylan and David nerding out about chemistry and blueprints and talking to Jesper about Durast stuff.
Side note: I love the way Luke plays David and all the mannerisms and quirks he used (him waving at Alina while handcuffed in a plank of wood makes me giggle every time) and I don’t know what it is but “Keiragan cut off Baghra’s finger!!!” — “We need to leave!!!” Makes me laugh so hard. Maybe because their freak out is the most realistic reaction to the Darkling lmao. No messing around just “this guy is crazy! I think we should run away! Yes?!”
58. Share your thoughts on (insert character/ship/plot point/etc)
Oh do I pick? Oh god, my ultimate nemesis: making decisions…
So, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how I’ll probably always gravitate more towards the show characters, but that the books do a great job of showing us the different cultures and nuances of the Barrel and (while I hope they’d get more into that in the crows spinoff 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻) I think it’s one of the things that I miss the most watching the show vs reading. The Komedie Brute, the crow and cup tattoo, the Barrel flash vs Mercher clothing, the Dregs, Ghezen and trade being sacred in Kerch… there’s just a lot of symbolism there that I wish we could have seen. The canals also aren’t mentioned at all? And maybe that’s me being nit-picky but they seem like a really big part of Ketterdam in the books and I think it would have been cool to see how it impacts traveling in the city and how they plan around it.
Thanks for the questions! 💖
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real-odark · 3 months
25apcsb enjoyers listen to me talk about(/kind of review it for you? except not really because i will never say anything bad about this production) my favorite production of the show!
MAD theater i LOVE YOU.
i saw their production live (the first time ive ever seen this show live or a production by this company) and it was AMAZING. this is my favorite cast for this show hands down and let me show you some stuff and why you should love them, too !!
here are all of the spellers! arent they the cutest :3 they all portray their characters PERFECTLY, and im currently on a hunt to see all of them in more performances because WOW . i know the point of the show is for it to be obvious these arent preteens playing them but all three of the girls were so cute honestly id trust them if they said they were it was so good. im gonna talk about all of them too !;;
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their leaf was obsessed with sonic (sporting a nice sonic cape), and had a very good dynamic with every character and audience member he interacted with ! he say by me when he was eliminated and we talked a bit, and met his actor after the show. ALSO, playing logainne's dad with his soda and being the soccer mom ever is 100% approved by me . the way he effortlessly exchanged between the two roles was . AH.
olive was PERFECT. i cried at the i love you song so bad her little pom poms and im just mhejkn, her fidgeting with the strings of her cat hoodie whenever she was nervous was a great detail just small things like that
CHIP. chip chip chip. boy scout of the year, and JESUS ON A SCOOTER. he was so sassy and his little shenanigans made this character so good hed bite his lip and do little faces like that all the time he never broke id trust this man with my life
barfee , so nerdy i cannot resist this guy. he looks like he smells like hamburger and you know what? perfect. meeting him afterwards, he said that his shoes (for magic foot) were glow up sketchers and both of them were supposed to glow but only ONE did (the other broke) a few nights before and what a champ because he just went with it and CHANGED THE FOOT HE WAS USING to match the one that glew. i wouldve had a breakdown but go richard brown. through the whole show his bad accent and wet dog looks intrigued me
marcy was literally perfection, she had ME stressin out for her. i was sitting by the actresses' grandma and she was so fond of her its so cute. her singing voice is AMAZING there is a clip online i know of its on the theatre's tiktok but to hear that in person when its the song that got me into the show was wow. i relate to her very much and she made this character so personal even with just being in bits and pieces of the show
and finally, logainne. god she was SO FUNNY. the interactions between her and her dads, as well as the other spellers, were hilarious but also so real feeling. her actress, taylor,'s dedication to this role really showed and it worked awesome in the character. her appearance and outfit is the BEST for logainne btw??? no ones talking bout that its so so her ...,
^ also since i mentioned leaf's water bottle, logainne had a pride one + barfee had a pokemon cup. i think olive had one but if she did it was in the bleachers so i couldn't see, but i love how all of their bottles (yes even something just SMALL LIKE THAT) represent their characters the details in this show are sjsjd
here is a picture with the adults too! ill talk abt those three next;;
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rona. again, had me crying in the stands. she was adorable the whole show though, with her little quips and interchanges !! her + panch were so funny and also shes GORGEOUS?? but her soccer mom teacher type deal is exactly what i picture rona as.
panch reminded me very very much of ron swanson. he was so sarcastic and hes just such a big guy with all these kids it played off so well !! i love so many different interpretations of panch like twink panch and butch panch, but i think this burly panch with his soft, creepy side for rona was my favorite !
and now, lastly, mitch. HE KEPT BUSTING OUT AS THE SIDE CHARACTER WITH THE AMAZINF SINGING VOICE AND IT CAUGHT ME OFF GUARD EVERY TIME ??? mitch himself was so so awesome, the tattoos and drug apparell (i am struggling spelling that) fit so well. and also, he just looks so mitch mahoney doesnt he?? like. the character fits the actor so well id be shocked seeing anything else from them because mitch was the perfect role... again, his brief dynamic with all the kids is so goofy
the set;;
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it was so cute and the details in the posters on the wall were so childish it made me giggle. they even advertised their theatre's next production, which will be urinetown!! they had seats ON the stage (which is where i sat, naturally), which i think makes for a fun and realistic effect !! when the spellers were eliminated, theyd sit there (they had reserved spots) :3
its evident that all of the cast members had very good relatioships and play off that REALLY well
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a little photo dump of them!! on the MAD theatre social medias, they have more and clips of them, too!! id definitely reccomend checking them out because the show's closed :3
overall; i have so much love for this cast and MORE PEOPLE NEED TO AS WELL!!! so here you go 😊😊
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https-chaos · 2 months
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my lego botanical collection is off to a great start! i had to find something nerdy to ask for on gift holidays, now that i'm regularly participating in those. so... i went with legos. the botanical collection is so freaking cute i could die so ill start there 🥰
detailed description in alt
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amarguerite · 8 months
ignore my Extremely Impolite Caps Lock Usage ahead but TLDR at bottom
TLDR: how tf do you know so much like. what. give me some advice here im a teen and it feels bordeeline awkward to say this oit loud but I wanna be a Funny Cool Smarty like you /gen /srs
Dang these are quite the compliments thank you! Ummm I’ve got anxiety rather than ADHD or anything of the sort so it isn’t hyper focus exactly— in a way (or at least early on), it was driven a lot by the fear of messing up something. There’s still some stuff I won’t write because I’m not convinced I can do it right.
In all honesty, I think it’s a mix of I got really lucky and went to a really great college and also just that I like reading and researching.
Weaving together all the historical details into one piece of fabric is honestly just many years of trial and error with writing. If you do it long enough, it starts to become instinctive and you find yourself adding in a detail about bombazine or using some kind of military metaphor for a soldier character becuase you’ve trained your neural pathways to automatically make those connections.
So I just tl:dr is “indulge your nerdy passions and then practice a lot”
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Chickens/Spirit of Blue Sky
Well look at that, a full trailer for CHICKEN RUN: DAWN OF THE NUGGET is finally here.
CHICKEN RUN is a long-time favorite of mine. I caught it in theaters back in the summer of 2000, at the age of 7. I must've watched the VHS copy I had multiple times. I even had, of all things, a CHICKEN RUN lunchbox depicting Rocky the rooster in the sky on his tricycle. To say I loved this movie is understatement, and to this day? It still *slaps*...
When I learned that CHICKEN RUN was getting a sequel way back in... I want to say late 2017? Early 2018? I was definitely curious and cautious. I was later dismayed to hear that Ginger's voice actress Julia Sawalha wasn't returning because apparently she was told that she was too old. She's going to be 55 in a few days... But her replacement, Thandiwe Newton, is 50. Soon to be 51... That's some nonsense that I'll never understand to this day.
That being said, a new CHICKEN RUN was cause for celebration anyhow. After some character posters and small clips and reveals, we finally have an idea of what this movie is going to be like. I'm definitely surprised that Mrs. Tweedy is back, instead of putting the chooks up against a new menace, and it appears to be retreading similar factory-farming perils and escaping a dinner plate fate stuff. This time, as the trailer and poster emphasize, with the mechanics reversed: A break-in movie rather than an escape, we went from THE GREAT ESCAPE and STALAG 17 homages to James Bond and MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE. "Chicken: Impossible"?
It actually makes a lot of sense. CHICKEN RUN is clearly set in middle-postwar England, a dreary midcentury setting that many peg at the late 1950s judging by the old tech and such, but it's actually set in - at the earliest - November 1961. How's that? Well, I am nerdy about certain things, and I know that the song Rocky is listening to in that scene where he pedals by the Mrs. Tweedy's Chicken Pies billboard came out in November 1961. That song, Dion's 'The Wanderer', was a #10 hit in the UK. So, CHICKEN RUN is set either in late 1961 or sometime in 1962. I'd imagine it doesn't go farther than that, at least not to the days The Beatles had finally made a splash. (Their first official single, 'Love Me Do', released in October 1962.) It's a small detail, I get it. I'm sure the filmmakers behind the original didn't think about it as much as I do, they probably thought "Oh, a '50s song, let's have him be listening to that!" Or maybe they did overthink it, too!
So... CHICKEN RUN 2 going for a mid-1960s James Bond spy movie vibe, completely with a very '60s spy movie-looking evil lair-like place, checks out. Either way, I'm game to see it. It'll hit different seeing it on a small screen, but that's just how it all goes, doesn't it? Aardman's previous feature, FARMAGEDDON: A SHAUN THE SHEEP MOVIE (which was very similar to CHICKEN RUN), played theatrically in the UK a few months before COVID hit. Here in the states, it hit Netflix on Valentine's Day 2020, just a little before the outbreak. Even in a world where COVID never happened, it probably still wouldn't have had a chance at hitting theaters. (Though the weirdest thing is, Lionsgate at one point was going to release it theatrically, like they had done w/ the first SHAUN THE SHEEP movie. If you saw EARLY MAN in theaters in February 2018, like I did, you saw a FARMAGEDDON teaser before it. It had no release date, but still...)
Anyways, heck yeah CHICKEN RUN 2!
Other cool news this week, Annapurna Animation has upped their game. Big time. After saving the scrapped Blue Sky Studios swan song NIMONA, with much of the same crew back to complete it, they have expanded and not only kept some key people from NIMONA (like director Nick Bruno and producer Julie Zackary), but also some former Blue Sky veterans... Like none other than Chris Wedge himself! Director BUNNY, ICE AGE, ROBOTS, ICE AGE: THE MELTDOWN, EPIC! The last thing he directed was a live-action movie with some VFX creatures for Paramount, called MONSTER TRUCKS... He'll be back to direct a new animated feature called FOO. It's been ten years since he directed/finished an all-animated movie, so I'm very pumped about this.
Nick Bruno has an original movie in the works there, along with more projects, so that's great. I wonder what his NIMONA and SPIES IN DISGUISE directing partner Troy Quane will be up to, then. Annapurna is also making an animated feature out of a game they released, STRAY, a tale of a stray (what else?) cat in a techy future. And that game came out rather recently, too, so it's cool to see the movie taking off this quickly. Coincidentally, Blue Sky at one point was considering adapting the creature creator game SPORE into a movie... I've never played the game, but I'm a sucker for weirdo futuristic stories and settings. NIMONA's take on a futuristic world was really cool, so Annapurna has this game down pat.
So let's see... Wedge, Bruno, Zackary... In addition to more Blue Sky alumni like Erica Pulcini, Robert Baird, and Andrew Millstein... Yeah, the spirit of Blue Sky Studios lives on at Annapurna Animation, and I think that's very nice. Annapurna took over and completed what was to be a Blue Sky feature film, and they have now landed some of the studio's key people. There's something kind of sweet about that, honestly... I wonder if this means certain canceled Blue Sky projects, such as the musical FOSTER, could live to see another day... Disney heads, namely Bob Chapek, made such an obtuse decision shuttering Blue Sky, so it's fantastic to see that NIMONA was saved by Annapurna and some of their existence as well...
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