#Moving your house internationally
davidmarkweb125 · 9 months
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Moving your house internationall
TShipping dubai to Australiahe most popular techniques involve employing air freight, sea freight, or a mix of both top international movers in dubai Shipping dubai to Australia, cost of moving house dubai, international removals dubai and international moving company dubai. If you decide to pack your own stuff. If you choose to use a moving company, they will take care of this for you. https://shipago.co/blog/moving-your-house-internationally
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eloquent-edits · 3 months
🗡️ You give so much to others
It’s time someone gave back to you 🗡️ acts of service and fluff prompts
Character A hates washing the dishes and Character B hates cooking, so they do those things for each other
“You don’t have to do anything to pay me back. Your happiness is more than enough.”
A is going through a major depressive episode and B comes by to help clean their room and give them company
B sets up candles, a warm bath, and dim lighting for A to relax in after a stressful work event
B carpools with A a lot. They notice the gas tank is running low and plant a $20 bill in the console for A to find later (B vehemently denies ever putting it there, but A absolutely knows)
A is sick and B goes out of their way to grab medicine and extra tissues to drop off at A’s doorstep
After A ends up in the hospital, B makes sure A’s place stays clean, their pets are fed and taken care of, and that A will have nothing to worry about when they are well again
B automatically sets aside a larger portion for A’s meals because they know that A will be hungrier than they expect
A is sensitive to light and B buys blackout curtains for their room so they can sleep better
“I’ll handle this! You go have fun, I’ll be there in a second.”
B will always pick A up after they travel internationally for work so A can sleep and recover from jet lag
B covers the corner of sharp tables for A (listen it’s just THE SWEETEST thing I’ve seen done for someone ack)
A is busy putting on makeup, so B gently detangles and does their hair (and it’s not as simple as just putting their hair into a ponytail, I’m talking weaves and braids and intricate designs that show B paid attention to this)
“Let me take care of it.”
A complains about their back or neck pain so B gives them a massage (mainly to stop their complaining LOL)
B will occasionally take A’s bath towel while A showers and run it through the dryer so it’s nice and warm when A gets out
A is anxious about finances (they just got a new job) and B helps them work through it and understand all the confusing things
A’s new apartment is not on the first floor and the elevator is out of order, so B moves the big furniture for A up all those flights of stairs
Chronic pain makes it difficult for A to leave the house sometimes, but B makes sure they never run out of medication by picking up A’s prescriptions
“You really didn’t have to do that for me.” “Well, I wanted to. Now you don’t have to do it!”
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pliablehead · 8 months
(cw for deaths in the family)
My grandfather has until the end of this calendar year to move out of the house he's lived in for my whole adult life. While he's been living here, he's lost his wife, his son (my dad), and his oldest daughter, each of whom was living in this home with him at their time of death. The house is way too big and old and nasty for one nonagenarian, so we're honestly glad he's getting bumped somewhere else, but what this means is that all the accumulated STUFF of four people is in this house, and he absolutely cannot take it all with him when he moves into his new tiny apartment for one.
A piece of this project I have taken on is trying to help get rid of three HUGE boxes worth of DVDs. I know not a lot of people have DVD players anymore, but I also know that a lot of people here on the internet (myself included!!) are really passionate about media preservation in an age when Netflix and other streamer services can just remove your favorite programming at the drop of a hat and there's nothing you can do about it. I would REALLY love to send these DVDs to people who care about them rather than just trying to offload them at a media resale store or something. Everything is pay what you want, although I'd love if you'd at least cover shipping (though it's honestly fine if you can't), and ideally I will be giving anything I make back to my grandpa to help him with the transition into this new living situation.
** IMPORTANT NOTE TO KEEP IN MIND: Any titles marked with an asterisk are NOT official, commercially released DVDs, but are burned DVD-R copies made by my dad (an obsessive collector/tinkerer who in hindsight was so incredibly neurodivergent). They're still all in nice cases with legit-looking paper inserts that he made and everything.
This list includes things like: a lot of BBC or PBS public programming, classic films from before 1970, war movies, huge chunks of Monty Python, random sci-fi and horror offerings, and much more! If you or anyone you may know is at ALL interested, I encourage you to reach out, or to please at least share to a wider audience, and I will do my best to stay on top of people's requests, ship them out promptly, and keep the gdoc list up to date when things go! Thank you so much for helping me and my Pappap out! ♥
EDIT TO ADD: I am from the continental US, as are, I imagine, the majority of these DVDs. I am happy to ship internationally if I can be reimbursed for shipping, but I cannot guarantee the DVDs will play in another region.
OCTOBER 21 UPDATE: Visited again this week and picked up EVEN MORE DVDs! List in the original GDoc has been expanded to include the rest of the haul. Maybe take a second look if you were on the fence at first!
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reiderwriter · 4 months
This request is inspired by the season 1 finale when Elle and Morgan are on that tropical vacation:) could you do something where the team is somewhere like that for a case and after it’s closed they decide to stay another night and go to a club and the reader gets Spencer to dance with her and at first he’s really awkward but then they really get into it (can end however you want:))
A/N: I took this idea and RAN. When I tell you I was sitting furiously the entire way through this, I mean it 😭 thank you so much for requesting! 🥰
Warnings: smut, 18+ minors dni, semi-public sex, Munch!Spencer, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex, cum play, alcohol consumption, slight masturbation (m).
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The sun was bright and hot in Jamaica. You'd landed a week ago for a case which had now wrapped and were enjoying the cool breeze from the sea and the hospitality of Derek Morgan’s hotel-resort-owning friend. 
Travelling internationally was always a little bit tougher than working on the domestic cases, but the international team was spread thin, and somehow, no case had landed on your desk until this one did. Graciously, the FBI had let you have another 24 hours before your return. 
You'd spent the day stretching out in the sun, an incredibly large beach umbrella set up beside you housing Spencer Reid who had let you know early into the trip that he burned easily. 
“All I'm saying is, I've read enough papers on skin cancer to know the sun is a deadly laser.” 
“A twenty minute game of beach volleyball isn't going to kill you, kid. Come on, these ladies are waiting, and I will leave your ass here.” 
“Stop bothering him, Derek,” you defended Spencer, partly because Derek was casting a shadow across you and cutting off your sun, and partly because you didn't want to acknowledge the pit of jealousy bubbling up in your body when the women threw themselves at Spencer. “Besides, do you really want Spencer on your team for a physical sport?” 
“Y/N has a point, listen to Y/N,” Spencer whined, nodding profusely at your words. 
Derek held his hands up in defeat and walked away, wondering how long it would take the two of you to sort whatever attachment issues you had out. 
When the sun had eventually retreated, and you'd pulled the beach dress you'd bought earlier that day back on, Spencer was still at your side. 
“You know, I think you caught some sun, Spencer,” you giggled, running a hand across his now permanently rosy cheeks and feeling their warmth. “Your cheeks are so red. It's like a grandma just pinched them and held on.” 
“I told you I could look at the sun and burn, and we've been out here all day,” he grumbled, pouting slightly. 
You beamed up at him, though. You hadn't forced Spencer out. In fact, you'd been fully prepared for him to stay inside all day reading. But when he asked you your plans at breakfast, he'd asked to join you, and you hadn't protested in the slightest. 
Walking slowly back to the main part of your resort, you softly hummed the music that travelled from the outdoor beach bar. The music had been constant throughout the day, and you swayed your hips in time to the music as you walked. 
“Y/N…” Spencer started, a few paces behind you. You turned to look at him. His usual wardrobe wasn't exactly the most beach friendly attire, so you'd hunted down a pair of board shorts and a short sleeve button down when you'd bought your dress that morning. You thought they'd hang awkwardly off him, but he filled them out surprisingly well. As he spoke, though, you found yourself unconsciously moving forward to straighten a wrinkle in his shirt.
 “I think Rossi, Hotch, and Prentiss mentioned they were going to get drinks in the bar this evening. Do you want to go, too?” 
Your hand stilled on his chest, and you looked up at him. It was golden hour, and the sun had halo'd him perfectly in its dying rays, showing off its beauty one last time. 
You had to recapture the breath you'd hiccuped out when he'd held your gaze, willing your heartbeat to stay somewhat normal. 
“Oh, great! That sounds like fun, I was just thinking about how I wanted to dance.”
“I know,” he whispered softly as you turned away cheerfully. You almost didn't hear it, and though you desperately wanted to turn around and ask him why, you continued ahead toward the twinkling lights of the bar. 
Three hours later, you were in your cups. You'd worked hard on your case throughout the week, and now it was time for distraction. 
Besides, you knew that sun and alcohol weren't always the best pairing, so you'd stayed hydrated on the beach. Now the sun had gracefully set, you were happy to enjoy a glass or two of your liquid joy. 
Pulling Spencer Reid onto the dance floor in front of all your coworkers was just another symptom of your piña colada buzz, and he followed you with a small hesitation and a small laugh of protest. 
“Y/N, I can't dance.” 
“Shhhhhh, you don't have to dance, you just have to sway. Just sway.” 
“By my definition, swaying is dancing.” 
You rolled your eyes at him but pulled his hands around your waist always. Your coordination faltered, though, and you landed awkwardly high on your body. Without a care in the world for the trail of fire you were igniting down your back, you slid his hands lower, until his hands were sat nearer to your ass than your hips, and you stepped in. 
With his arms in position, you threw your own around his neck, and absent mindedly began playing with the curls at the base of his neck. 
“Now sway, Spencer.” 
His eyes locked with yours, and he obliged. Your chest had pressed up against his after all, your bodies practically flush, and now that you were moving in time to the music, it was inevitable that he should, too. 
Time travelled quickly as you stood in the glow of each other, laughing and joking about each clumsy step, each bump from other dancers. Your coworkers had each come up to wave a quick goodbye through the night, but you were still there. Still swaying. 
You were sure that his hands had travelled the length of your body, the heat that burned you from inside out having filled your body a millenia ago. 
He'd spun you out a couple times, and you'd giggled in delight at the motion, letting your dress raise and spin in the breeze, and returning to a closer position than before, more intimate somehow each time. 
The two of you were so lost in each other that by the time the DJ was shutting his system down, you hadn't even realised the music had stopped. You were now simply swaying along to the sound of the waves crashing in and out. 
“Y/N,” he finally whispered into your ear as the sun again began to show its head. “Y/N, the sun is coming up.” 
“I know. I think…. I think I don't want to let you go just yet, though.” You kept moving together in that silence for a few more minutes, but now your eyes were locked. 
It wasn't a surprise when his lips touched your own. After all, you'd seen them coming. But the jolt of electricity it sent up your spine stole your breath anyway. 
You opened your mouth to take in some air, and he saw that as welcoming. His tongue tangled with yours as his hand lifted to tip your head back, his back already bent slightly to accommodate your height difference. 
His guiding hand wasn't enough, though, he was still not close enough. 
You subtly lifted your leg and his hand instantly dropped to your thighs, hauling you up into his arms as you wrapped your legs around his waist. 
“Our flight is in six hours,” you panted as his lips left yours, suddenly sober again. “We should get some rest.” 
He nodded in agreement, but he was already walking back to your rooms. You each had your own, but he hadn't relinquished his hold on you yet, and you knew he wasn't going to. 
Good, you thought, because logic be damned but you weren't planning on letting him. 
He carried you like that all the way to his door, as you pressed chaste kisses across his face, head, ears, hair, anywhere you could reach on his body. Places you appreciated because they were beautiful and lovely. 
You longed to kiss everywhere else, too. 
“Y/N, we're here.” He said, meeting your eyes once more. There was an unspoken question there. An invitation to leave if you didn't want this. 
Your answer was a hand in his hair and hips pressed back against his. It was all he needed as he blindly pushed into the room. 
You thought he'd throw you down on the bed, but he was much too gentle for that. 
Instead, he sat himself down, taking care to make sure you were comfortable even as his tongue twisted and writhed against your own. 
With this new position, you could try to relieve some of the tension that had been burning in your body since you'd first pulled his hands to you. Your hips moved in slow circles, pressing down into the now obvious bulge in his pants, picking up speed with each caress of his hand. 
He'd pushed under the hem of your dress, his hands on your bare thighs gripping you tightly as you used his body to get off. 
You both moaned and whined through each wet kiss, the gentleness of your earlier encounters chaste in comparison with the animalistic need pulsing through yourself. 
You nearly growled when he lifted your hips again, but you let him continue his motions as he lay back, guiding your hips higher and higher until you straddled his face. 
“Shit, Spencer-” You lost the words as his fingers pulled the two ties holding your bikini bottoms in place, effectively discarding them and leaving you bare. You gasped as you held yourself above him, but he was strong and insistent.
Wrapping one hand around each of your splayed thighs, he pulled your core to his mouth and began to pleasure you. Your hands jolted to the headboard so you could steady yourself. 
Your dress still remained, spread across the bed and obscuring his face from view as he flicked his tongue against your clit, like a flower decorating the Emerald green sheets of the bed. 
“Spencer, fuck,” his hold on your thighs loosened now that he knee you weren't going anywhere, one hand sliding down to his own neglected cock. 
The looser grip meant you could move, just slightly, and so you began to ride his face. 
You moved your hips back and forth as he flattened out his tongue, and you heard the music that had carried you into the night start up again. 
Your moans were melodic, a tribute to your lust for him, an offering made to show him how truly desired he was. 
You came with a shudder, the full weight of your body falling down onto his tongue, but he didn't stop. 
His tongue started moving again now your hips had twitched to a stop, prolonging your orgasm by an eternity. 
You finally rose up on your knees when you felt a second orgasm begin to build, craving something different this time. 
He didn't come out from under your dress so much as rip the thing off of both of you. 
You'd already rid yourself of your bikini top earlier in the dar, so you sat bare above him as he pulled you again into his lap, his cock now free from his pants. 
Your lips came together again as you hovered over him, his length running through your folds, readying himself for the sweet moment he'd finally be inside you. 
“You taste sweet,” he said before you sucked on his tongue, desperate to taste your joint lust. 
The music played once again as he pulled your hips lower down and sheathed himself inside you, but louder, a crescendo of perfectly resonant notes sounding one after the other. 
You were too lost in it to be any help to him, and he kissed away your fatigue as he lowered you to the bed, gently placing your head on the pillow and smoothing the hair out of your face before pulling out until only the tip of his cock was inside you and again pushing in. 
His rhythm was steady, pulsing through your entire body. You felt the pleasure of his body inside you everywhere as his lips returned to your ear. 
You thought he would talk and say something again, but his teeth found you instead, his to gue licking the spot where your neck met your lobe before he gently nipped the side of your ear. 
He couldn't talk, but he didn't hold back any moans. 
Your whimpers, his groans, the steady rhythm of your hips meeting and pulling apart, the sound of your arousal slick between your legs, all joined together in a symphony of love as your hearts sang to one another. 
“Y/N,” he finally moaned, and hearing your name on his lips like a prayer was enough to send you over the edge. 
“Spencer! I'm cumming again, Spencer. Please don't stop-” You begged even as your body tensed up beneath him. 
He continued that rhythm, not letting your music end until it was absolutely necessary. 
But as the sun shone through the curtains again, you knew you were reaching the end of this song. 
“Where should-” he couldn't form the full question, elbows holding his weight off of you as he held back the full force of his orgasm. 
“P-Pull out,’ you whispered, and he did. 
It took him only a few strokes to find completion on your stomach. He sat back on his knees, mindful not to press his weight back down upon you. You wrapped your legs around his waist and grabbed at him anyway, needing to feel his lips on yours one more time. 
You wondered if your entire life would now be the moments in between his kisses. 
“Y/N, our flight is in 5 hours.” 
“We can sleep on the jet. We can't do this on the jet,” you said pulling his head back down for a kiss as you heard the music start up once again. 
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daisydoesfanfics · 2 months
|Simple Things|
Neuvillette x fem!reader
Description: A domestic lifestyle is not something Neuvillette imagined himself to have, but he wouldn't trade it for anything.
Genre: Romance & fluff
Warnings: None (lowercase intended)
the chief justice is a well-known figure, not only amongst those who live fontaine, but also internationally. he holds a reputation that he is quite proud of, especially since everyone sees him as an honest and reliable man. the name "neuvillette" never falls on deaf ears, instead turning heads rather quickly. neuvillette had always prioritized his job and his duty to protect his nation- nothing will change that. but that doesn't mean he does not have other desires or responsibilities.
because admist the quiet neighborhood, in the comfort of his home lives two people who hold a special place in the iudex's heart. his wife and his daughter, his two angels. he does everything in his power to come home at exactly 6:00 p.m. every night. the thought of seeing his beloved girls' smiles greeting him as he walks through the door is something he always looks forward to.
today is no different. he had finished his work early tonight and decided to surprise you and his daughter. he stopped by at the nearby cafe, picking up cinnamon rolls for you, a muffin for his little girl, and a slice of cake for himself. he pays for the sweets and bids the young girl at the counter a polite 'goodbye' as he exits the store and hurriedly walks home.
as he gets to the porch of your house, he reaches into his pocket, grabbing his keys and carefully unlocking the door. the moment he enters, the smell of dinner being made and the sound of laughter fills his senses. he smiles softly to himself as he hears his daughter's muffled voice. "honey, i'm home!" he calls out, walking over to the kitchen where he catches you singing a sweet tune to your daughter, her eyes sparkling up at you. neuvillette sneaks up behind you, his arms snaking around your waist as he presses a kiss on the side of your head. "hello, love." you turned to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for a quick kiss. his smiles against your lips, his hands giving your waist a slight squeeze.
the moment was interrupted as your daughter lets out a loud sound of disgust, making the both of you laugh and pull away from each other. neuvillette lets go of his hold on you, walking over to the cheeky girl who sat on the kitchen counter. he effortlessly picked her up in his arms, giving her forehead a little peck. "fleur missed you a lot. she kept asking when you were coming home." you chuckled. "did she now?" he asked in a teasing tone. fleur nodded, giggling as she nuzzled her head into her father's chest. "i missed you too. both of you." neuvillette's voice was soft and tender, full of love. he turned to look at you, admiring the simple way you stirred the soup. something about the way you moved seemed so enchanting to him. you placed the ladle down, striding towards them. "i'm glad you're home." you whispered, staring into neuvillette's eyes. he moved fleur into his left arm, using his right to hold you by your shoulders, gently pulling you into an embrace.
no one saw this side of neuvillette. and he'd rather keep it that way. not because he was ashamed, but because only his family could make him feel this way. his life has been full of stress, hundreds of years of judgement. but when he's in your arms, everything seems to fade away. he never understood the way humans lived their lives. now he knows, and he also knows that there's no place he'd rather be than at home. he's aware of the fact that he'd outlive the both of you, eventually losing you both. so for now, as much as possible, he tries to live every minute to its fullest. and no matter how old he gets, his family will remain in his memories for eternity.
A/N: Hi, yes I'm still alive and thriving. I have no idea why the end became slightly angsty tbh. And this is a bit short but I'm just indulging in my current Neuvillette fixation. This was also not proofread so sorry about that. I missed writing so much honestly. Quick side note, idk if dragons can have children with humans but let's just say they can☺️
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nicxl333 · 10 months
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depending on how this does i’ll continue this as a blue lock series :)
this is based on my opinion and also egoist bible facts about sae (hopefully it’s accurate enough)
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A= Aftercare (what they're like after the act)
even though he may not seem like it, sae is very soft when it comes to you. your legs are aching? best believe he'll massage them. his first instinct would be to draw a bath for the both of you, cleaning you up so you don't have to do so much as lifting a finger. after all, it was him who put you in this state. after you're both clean he'd put you to bed, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you into his chest where you both eventually fall asleep.
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
on himself, probably his thighs. they are impressively toned and a perfect spot for you to hold onto when pleasing him so it's only natural that he takes pride in them. on you? ass. (canon) in his opinion, there's no ass that compares to yours and he'll quite literally do anything in his power to see it move. if you wear booty shorts around the house best believe he's grabbing it. he also definitely has a hidden folder on his phone filled with ass pics from you for when he's abroad for football.
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it)
if you guys are doing it in doggy, he'll take the opportunity to cum on your ass. either that or inside you. he likes the risk, even though you're on birth control.
D= Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory)
he got wound up post game one day and took it upon himself to fuck his fist to the thought of you. specifically you last week being fucked by him in a state of overstimulation after he'd already made you cum twice on his fingers alone. that isn't the thing that makes this a secret he'll never share however. once he'd cum sticky ropes into his hand he reached for his phone and snapped a picture to send to you. but, in his post orgasmic state he misclicked and sent the photo to the one person he tended to avoid the most: shidou ryusei
sure, he could've deleted it and avoided the most embarrassing moment of his life, but, with shidou being the most desperate male he's ever seen of course he'd view it immediately, given the fact that sae never contacts him.
long story short shidou sent a surprise of his own and sae in a state of absolute rage made him swear to secrecy if he valued living.
E= Experience (do they know what they're doing)
sae doesn't know anything apart from soccer, so it's safe to say that he was clueless about anything sex related. doesn't mean he didn't learn though. you were also each other's first.
nowadays it's questionable if you were really his first and only lover the way he fucks you with such expertise.
F= Favorite position
anything where he can see your ass clapping with each snap of his hips. doggy style, reverse cowgirl, leap frog, the snake. he's not very particulate on just one.
however, if he's making love to you, it needs to be in missionary. he wants you to know just how much he loves you with each roll of his hips into you. it's also a way for him to feed off your reactions in such an intimate setting.
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
this is sae itoshi we're talking about. i can guarantee you whenever you fuck it will be a serious moment. that doesn't mean he won't tease you every once in a while though to stroke his ego. he is a massive egoist after all.
expect lines such as "you're about to cum again? i'm not even halfway through with you and you're already crumbling." or "stop holding back. just let me make you cum, it's not like you can do it on your own anyways. need me to do everything for you.”
H= Hair (grooming habits)
sae is the type of guy to stay well groomed. be it shaved completely or short wisps of hair that re uniformly trimmed.
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/ dirty)
he is away a lot, given the fact he's an internationally famous soccer player, so he most likely doesn't have enough time to always ensure the most romantic settings for you, resulting in many heated quickies. when the football season is over however and he has a lot of free time on his hands, expect lots of beautifully expensive dates which almost always end up in passionate sessions of love making.
he may not always show it, but sae really does love you so much, more than you can ever imagine, and the best way of showing it in his eyes is giving you endless pleasure so you can fully feel the effects of his love (mentally and physically if you catch my drift).
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
you have him constantly hard on the regular, whether you're with him or not (not that he'd ever let you know the power you hold over him) and he finds his hand wrapped around his dick more often than not. before practice, during practice games, when you're with him. just the mere thought of you is enough for him to spring a massive boner that has to be dealt with at least once every two days. other days he'll either pray that no one sees or take a cold shower.
K= Kink (kinks what they like possibly unusual)
dumbification. easily top of the board. he likes to see you completely lose yourself on his dick, fucked into total submission, to which he'd respond with a snarky comment.
"have i fucked you stupid? going dumb on my cock huh? i think you can take one more, can you do that for me? yeah?"
dacryphillia (in the good sense). he likes to see tears prick at the corner of your eyes due to how good he is fucking you. he'll reach down and wipe your tears away
"is it too much huh? don't worry baby it's okay i’ve got you"
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
as horny as sae gets he does have some form of rationality. given the fact he's bombarded by paparazzi a lot he wouldn't like to risk the both of you being next day headliners across the globe for something so unsavoury in their eyes.
he would fuck you most likely in the comfort of your shared condo or the safety of your hotel room if you have decided to travel with him.
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick/ turn ons)
it's you. you don't have to do a lot to turn this man on, just your sweet voice is enough or your bright smile.
if he had to choose however, probably seeing your ass in a nice pair of shorts. specifically if you’re bent over cleaning or picking something up, to the point where he can see your ass peaking out.
N= No (turnoffs or absolutely won't do)
threesomes. he is way too possessive (in a good way) and full of love for you that he'd refuse to see anyone other than himself please you. he believes he's more than capable of doing that himself.
bring it up to him one day and he will shut it down immediately, no fucks given.
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
definitely giving, although he wouldn't say he doesn't enjoy being on the receiving end every once in a while, particularly after a stressful day.
this guy is the absolute king at eating pussy, sucking on your clit while fingering you with curled fingers to hit your g-spot with each stroke. it's something about seeing you in total ecstasy because of him that really feeds into his ego.
P= Pace (how fast they are)
if you guys are fucking, hard and fast. he knows all the spots that make you scream so he's pretty skilled at bringing you to a quick earth shattering orgasm every time.
if you're making love, slow and deep. he wants you to feel every inch and every vein of him. he particularly enjoys the sweet whines you let out in his ear when he hits it just right.
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
like said earlier, he doesn't always have a lot of free time to spend with you so always expect a quickie if he's only there for a day or so. it would be wrong to say he prefers it however because if he did have the time, he would spend it pulling orgasm after orgasm out of you.
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
as long as they're reasonable. if he doesn't feel comfortable or confident with it he'll make it known to you. he is open to some suggestions though. particularly degradation if you’re up for it.
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
bffr. for starters he's a literal football player. this man spends almost every day of his career running up and down a massive pitch for a minimum of 90 minutes. best believe his stamina is absolutely god tier.
if he does have the time for it, expect 3-4 rounds of him going absolutely ham on you.
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
funny story. the first time he walked in on you using a vibrator on yourself he demanded the name of where you got it from, then finished you off with the toy, then himself straight after. it was the first time he got you to squirt.
the next time you saw him he had a box full of sex toys for him to test out on you. it was a long, pleasurable night.
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
he does enjoy opportunities given to make you beg for his dick. methods such as pulling out once he feels the signals of your orgasm coming, letting the heat inside you die down before he fucks into you again and repeats the process once more.
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
nah. he's pretty quiet as it is so expect small grunts in your ear, or slight panting from exertion. don’t get him wrong though, he will tease the shit out of you if necessary. you on the other hand, are very loud, which he relishes in. your sweet sounds are a need for him in order to cum.
W= Wild card (random sincannon of any sort)
as much as he hates threesomes i think he'd want to fuck you in front of shidou. not to the point where he can see your body, but so much so that he knows what's going on.
eg: you're sitting on his lap, wearing a skirt, where his dick can easily access your tight cunt. he'd probably engage in some conversation while he bounces you in his lap so he can show shidou just who you belong to.
X= X-ray (what's down below in dem pants)
easy. he's big in both sectors. he's very girthy, meaning you're stuffed to the brim each time he takes you. equally he's got a decent length, 7.2 inches, slightly curved to the right. the tip is quite an angry shade of pink while the rest of his dick is pinkish light brown. (#ca9f94 for reference) he deffo has a big vein running underneath which you do well to lick at every time you give him head, and his tip is definitely extremely sensitive.
lick the hole of his tip and he's cumming instantaneously.
Y= Yearning (sexdrive level)
due to extended periods of time away from each other his sexdrive is on an all time high. when he's with you it's gotta be at least once a day y'all go at it.
don't think yours isn't just as high though, he can barely walk through the front door before you're pawing at his clothes in desperation to take them off.
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
he's an athlete, it's mandatory that he gets some form of rest. he most likely falls asleep with you or just after you, softly stroking your hair or caressing your waist gently, before giving you a peck to the forehead and drifting off.
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starastrologyy · 10 months
Astrology Observations
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Hi everyone! Thank you for those who subscribed to my Patreon! I really really appreciate it! My readings are still closed as I was at capacity in June. However, I plan on opening them again in August xx This will be a brief post as I’m currently working on content for my patreon (if you would like to subscribe to get access to exclusive content the link is in my bio). I will still try my best to post on heat though! Thank you again for all your support :) I started this blog a year ago not thinking anyone would even see it! I’m so grateful for you all!
I get asked a lot about Solar Returns in my asks! Though some astrologers read them as stand alone charts, I always recommend that you interpret them using your natal chart as the reference point. I will say I have seen things manifest just using the Solar Return by itself (meaning you are reading and Interpreting it as it’s own chart). However, there’s a lot more accuracy when you place the solar return planets/rising signs in your natal chart. For example, if your Solar Return rising sign is in Leo but you’re a natal Sagittarius rising. Your 9th house will be activated that year (because Leo falls into your 9th house). Thus, themes surrounding higher education, international travels, and your beliefs will likely be highlighted that year. Your solar return Sun will always be in the same sign as your natal Sun. However, it’s house position in your solar return chart will change from year to year. Another thing to remember is that because the outer planets move slowly, it’s not uncommon to have certain aspects for consecutive solar returns. For example, you may see that you have your Solar Return Pluto squaring your Natal Sun for the third year in a row. As the years go by, the intensity will decrease but you will still feel the energy of the square (even if it’s subtle) until the orb is wide enough to not apply.
Whilst I’m still on the topic of Solar Returns, when you have your Solar Return Neptune conjunct your Solar Return Ascendant, you may take more pictures that year or find that you look better in pictures during that year.
Many people travel internationally for the first time or start college when their Solar Return Sun is in the 9th house. It can also be a year in which you are really focused on your religious or philosophical beliefs.
Mars square Pluto in synastry is one of my least favorite aspects (this is especially true of the orb is exact or at 2 degrees or less). If this energy is not properly handled/channeled it can create an extremely volatile dynamic between two people.
People with their natal Pluto in the 11th house tend to attract a lot of “frenemies”. They can also have a lot of really great friends in their lifetime but on the other hand they can also experience a lot of hurt, jealousy or betrayal in their friendships. Pluto is the planet of extremes. So, both are likely to occur when you have Pluto in the 11th house of a natal chart. These people may also come into contact with a lot of influential people in their life.
This is not really an “observation” just a little note on the Venus retrograde in Leo. I know so many people have been told to believe that their relationships will end or perhaps they’ll attract a new partner during this time. However, neither is necessarily the case. Of course Venus retrograde are about revisiting our values, finances, and relationships. However, you want to see where it is occurring in your OWN personal chart to see how it will apply to you. Those with their risings signs in Aries or Aquarius are more likely to hear from an ex or an old fling at this time as it is occurring in their 5th and 7th houses. Whereas, Leo Venuses are having their Venus returns so they will arguably be the most affected by this transit as they will need to reevaluate their relationships, finances, AND their values. If you have a Leo Venus you can pull up a Venus return chart online to get more information about how you will be personally impacted. If you are a Cancer Rising, this transit will occur in your 2nd house, so things related to finances, possessions, and values will be highlighted during this transit. If you are a Leo rising you may be reconsidering your physical appearance and how you show up in the world. You may be tempted to change your appearance during this time (however drastic changes to your physical appearance are not recommended at this time). I have a full post on how each rising sign will be affected by this transit on my patreon if you are interested 🤍
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buckychristwrites · 11 months
When the Rain Gathers | Prologue | j.t.
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↳  Pairing: Jamie Tartt x f!reader
↳ Word Count: 2k
↳  Summary: Pain hits like a downpour, but when a heartbreak from your past is what greets you at your new job at Nelson Road Stadium, it's more like a catastrophic tsunami.
↳  Warnings: Enemies to lovers, Discussion of parental abuse, fluff and angst.
Series Masterlist | Masterlist | Main Blog
Early August, 2017
“Do you have to go?” 
“I do. Or else I’ve wasted a lot of money on a flat and new furniture.” 
It was pouring outside, but that didn’t stop you from standing in the drive of your boyfriend’s house. Your car was packed to the brim with belongings, not leaving any space to see out the rear windscreen. He was standing with you, his hair matted to his forehead from the rain. The air was a weird mix of cold and hot, or maybe it was just you. 
You reached out to brush the locks back into place. As your hand fell back to your side, he caught it in his.
“Why’d ya have to go all the way to fuckin’ Harvard for uni?” Jamie asked loudly so you could hear him over the rain pounding on the sidewalk. 
“Because they have the best Psychology program,” You explained, though you weren’t able to say it with your entire chest. Two years had been spent at the University of Manchester, and while you had dreamt of the opportunity to go to the United States to finish your degree at Harvard, you never allowed yourself to believe it would actually happen. And now it was, with a full scholarship at that. While you were beyond excited, there was a lot to consider, and lot you were leaving behind.
Jamie, using your hand that he was still holding, pulled you towards him.
“I’m gonna miss the fuck out of ya,” He said gently, pressing his forehead against yours. You tried to smile playfully.
“It’ll pass. You’ll be too busy being a football star soon enough,” You muttered, averting his eyes. That was what had ruined the plan. Jamie had every intention to move to the US with you, even signing the lease to the flat with you and starting the process of packing up his belongings. What brought that to a screeching halt was the call from Man City. 
They were putting him on the team. A starting striker, at that.
His days in the Ametuar League were finally behind him at the worst possible time. 
Despite the immense pride you felt for him, you also were devastated over the change of plans. It was going to feel impossible. Going from seeing him every day to only seeing him when the both of you had the money and free time to travel internationally, which wouldn’t be as often as either of you would like.
The last year flashed through your mind. A lifetime was how long you had known Jamie Tartt, having been neighbors for as long as you could remember. But it was only just over a year ago that the festering feelings the two of you had been building for each other finally came to a head. He knew every piece of you, the good and the bad, and you him. The amount of laughs spent, the amount of tears on each other's shoulders, the amount of pointless arguments that ended with flowers from his mum’s garden scattered on your doorstep, they felt countless in this moment. 
It still didn’t feel like enough time. You found yourself yearning for another hour. Even another minute. 
“Any parting words?” You asked him, giving his hand a squeeze. He cocked his head to the side. 
“You’re gonna kill it at uni,” He mumbled, taking another step closer so there were no steps left between you and him. “Don’t get in ya head too much. You’re better than all of ‘em.” 
Despite the rain, you felt the warm dampness streaming down your cheeks. You tried to wipe away the tears, but they just kept falling.
“Are you still gonna call me before every match?” You asked, voice choked up from the pain. He looked so calm. Something about it killed you.
“I’ll have to, since ya won’t be at them.” 
“What if you have a pa-“
“I’ll call ya over paint dryin’, if ya want.” You laughed, shaking your head. For a long moment, you stared at your car. The one that you were driving for the last time. It wasn’t all that long ago that Jamie went with you to pick it out. The memory was vivid in your mind.
“What am I going to do without you?” 
This is where he kissed you, pulling you in with his hands pressed to your cheeks. The intention for both of you was clear: This kiss had to count, because who knows when you’ll get to do it again?
“You’ll always have me,” He said against your lips, as if he wasn’t knew he needed to say something but wasn’t ready to end the kiss just yet. he needed to speak but couldn’t bear to end the kiss. When his lips finally left yours, he smiled softly, though his eyes were wet. “I just won’t be next door anymore.” 
Your teeth were chattering while staring at him, but you didn’t complain. The anxiety ate away at your chest. 
Though the redness in his eyes suggested it wasn’t the time, Jamie laughed as he opened the door to your car, giving you a sad smile as he rested his hand on the rim of the doorframe. 
“Can’t stand here all day, can we?” He said quietly. 
It was overwhelming how real it all became in that moment. You threw your arms around his neck, his arms instinctively wrapping around your torso. His clothes were soaked through, as were yours. There wasn’t a single part of you that wasn’t unaffected by the rain, but you couldn’t seem to allow yourself to get in the car. 
Suddenly, Jamie was moving, forcing you to go with him. Your feet backed up as he moved himself forward so you wouldn’t fall. Your knees hit the side of the driver’s seat, and suddenly Jamie was lowering you down.
“You’re gonna miss ya flight.”
You shook your head before saying, “I’m gonna miss you.”
He closed his eyes as he said, “I’ll miss ya too.” 
The pain was searing through your chest and down your back as he shut the door. You were desperate for one last kiss, but you knew what his eyes were telling you. One more would just lead to two. And then three. And then you would never leave.
Finally, after lagging behind for too long, you turned the engine to the car on, your hands working in slow motion while you shifted into reverse. As you drove away, Jamie walked out into the street and waved. You wondered if he would run after the car, and found yourself disappointed when he didn’t. Instead, he continued to watch, hands in his pockets. Tears and rain water dripped onto the seat between your legs as you watched him through the rearview. 
Jamie got smaller and smaller as you drove away, until the road began to slope, and he disappeared from sight. 
Early August, 2020
You woke up alone.
The right side of your bed was empty. When you felt the sheets, they were cold, suggesting they had been bare for a while now.
With an arm holding the sheet to your chest, you sat up quickly. Your eyes were baggy and drooping, but you were alert.
Your feet hit the floor, which was no longer littered with his clothes, though yours still remained scattered. As you left the bedroom, you listened for any signs of life. Maybe he was simply having a shower, or making himself a bite to eat. But no such evidence could be heard. The only sound echoing through the flat was rain hitting the windows. Panic rose inside your chest. 
In an instant, you were down the hallway and entering the living room. 
His shoes by the front door had disappeared.
He’s out to pick up coffee, or breakfast, you told yourself. Or maybe he just went for a walk to explore. 
It wasn’t like him. To just disappear.
Although, the Jamie who had arrived on your doorstep the morning prior really wasn’t the Jamie you had known since you were in nappies. 
Despite your nonexistent free time since starting your masters degree in sports psychology, you did your best to continue to follow Jamie’s rising football career on the other side of the Atlantic ocean. He was now quite the commodity in England, though still relatively unknown in the United States. It was strange, getting a different reaction from your university friends’ to your boyfriend versus from people back home. 
As his stardom went up, however, your relationship with him seemed to do the opposite. It was now normal to go a week without hearing from him at all. A rare day in hell it was when he answered your phone calls, and usually they were brief. He didn’t keep his promise of calling before every match. In fact, he didn’t keep his promise of calling at all, because he simply didn’t. You tried to be understanding, but only so many excuses could be made for him, as you were also incredibly busy. 
When an opening appeared in his schedule that aligned with your own, it felt like an Olympic event to convince him to make the trip. Once he finally agreed, that was when you began to feel excited, yet also anxious about it. It was, in your mind, a last ditch effort to save the relationship. 
It wasn’t until this moment, as you came back from your thoughts, that you noticed his suitcase was also gone.
Sprinting back to your bedroom, almost tripping on the sheet multiple times as it covered your naked body, you ripped your phone from the wall. The tears had started leaking out long before you had the chance to hit his name to phone him.
Straight to voicemail.
Hanging up, you dialed again. Same result. When you tried to send a text, the text bubble immediately turned green.
Anger swallowed you whole, your chest heaving. Without really thinking about it, you dialed him again. It went to voicemail for a third time, but you didn’t hang up. 
It’s Jamie. Don’t bother. I don’t care.
“So that’s it then?” You said to his voicemail box, knowing damn well he’d never receive it. “Twenty three years of friendship, just down the fucking drain? Never mind four years of that being in a fucking relationship. You piece of shit. You absolute fucking piece of shit.” 
You stared at the floor, feverishly shaking your head. 
“I guess the word from home about how much you changed is true. Never wanted to believe it but… I’ve been thoroughly enlightened, thank you.”
You swiped a hand against your cheeks.
“Are the cheating rumours true then too? Might as fucking well be, right? Fuck you, Jamie. I really thought we could salvage this. When I saw you at the airport, I…” You were properly crying now, unable to hide the sobs from your voice. “All of those feelings came rushing back to me. I felt like I was nineteen again, and we were back home. Just two kids who loved each other. It felt that simple. Like all it took was seeing each other again to make things okay. Wrong again.”
You had run into his arms in picturesque movie fashion, and he had held you for a long time. Did he know then? Did he get off the plane knowing he was going to destroy you?
You straightened your back out and cleared your throat.
“Don’t worry. I don’t fucking need you. And you’ll never hear from me again. Fuck you, Jamie Tartt. Absolutely fuck you. I deserve so much better than this.” 
Once the call ended, you threw your phone on the bed and allowed yourself to feel it all, the anger and melancholy washing over you like a wave crashing onto the coastline in a thunderstorm. Bum hitting the floor, you curled your knees to your chest and rested your forehead on them. Your entire body shook with tears, and it stayed that way for a solid hour before you stiffly stood and moved to your bed.
That was the last time you tried to get a hold of Jamie, though it was not the last time you thought of him. 
And as life moved on, you never ended up seeing him again.
Until now.
@oncasette, @shiptheship, @ajkdjdnkekemfxj, @breepboopbap, @sssatorus, @jelleeyfish, @puckyou-forpuckssake, @ricciardhoe3, @buckybarnex, @loveslide, @hopefulromances, @sokkigarden
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stargirlstudio · 2 years
Dmitri recognizes you from his dirty magazines
Dmitri "Enzo" Antonov x fem!reader
Warning: graphic smut (praise, teasing, dirty talk, slight sub/dom dynamics, switch dynamics, thigh riding, fucking on the floor, unprotected sex)
Summary: Your modeling days have been over for about 5 years now, but who knew you would be loved internationally, especially the Russian guard you've been trying to find. Maybe you can make his dreams come true...
18+ ONLY. DNI if under 18.
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The moment Dmitri set his eyes on you, he knew you looked familiar. With Joyce and Hopper having their reunion, all he could focus on was you. With only a few days to get back to the states, he tried to get that thought out of his head.
I'm being ridiculous, I don't know her.
You mostly kept to yourself, opting to take in scenery and contributing where you could. It was a spur of the moment decision to come over after you saw your neighbor Joyce trying to smash a doll. You even helped a little with the Russian translation, albeit not by much. Community college courses helped with that and your career helped with that.
Once it was quiet, Dmitri took it upon himself to ask you “Do I know you from somewhere? I apologize it's just you seem so familiar?" He asked.
You laughed. "Hm, maybe? I guess if you’re a big reader,” He was still a little confused. “Do you read magazines?” Oh. Now he’s remembered. He's thankful that you two have taken refuge on the east side of the safe house. Grateful that the American man and his woman aren't here to witness his embarrassment.
I mean how could he forget, your pretty face in one of America's greatest contributions. Honey, was one of the most popular adult magazines aside from Playboy, finding their niche within amateur porn. The much more scandalous shots was easy money for Dmitri, selling magazines to guards and others alike. In fact, you were a fan favorite amongst the inmates.
"Didn't take you to be a pervert," You joked.
Dmitri shook his head, "I'm not a pervert. I didn't even look at your photos that much!"
"Naughty Dmitri, and I thought you were a scary guard," You whispered. Fuck, why did you have to say it like that. "Did you like them?" You asked. He nodded. So maybe he did lie, he loved them. You had no idea how many times he's jerked off to yours specifically. The special shots of you on your knees, fingering yourself with one hand and the other reaching out. He could imagine you palming him through his pants as you got wet, saying whatever he wanted to hear.
Please fuck me, I’ve been so good,
You’ve been very bad, do you think you deserve it, princess?
Cum inside me, please Dmitri I need you
You inched closer, “Do you have a favorite?” He turned his head, seeing you sitting on your knees. There’s too many photos of yours that were perfect, he didn’t have a favorite. Your hand, on his knee, moving incredibly slow.
“No uh,” He started. “They’re all very good,” Eyeing your hand. “I uh thought I was scary?” Dmitri joked. You smiled, coming closer to his ear.
“Maybe I was mistaken,” You whispered. “Maybe we can get to know each other? Only if you want,”
Dmitri placed both hands on your hips, “I want to,” he shifted you over his thigh as you kissed him, a soft moan coming out as you moved back and forth. “Take these off, I want to see you cum in your panties. Make a mess all over my thigh,” He helped you take off your pants, throwing them somewhere across the room. Guiding you across his thigh once again, he let your set your own pace. Groaning at the feeling of you soaking him through his pants.
"Fuck...these are cute aren't they," He said toying with the lace. "It's got a cute bow too. Fitting," Dmitri teased as he flexed watching your soft whimpers get louder. "You sound so pretty. We should get this off too," Lifting up your shirt. He reached for the clasp of your bra until you pinned his wrists against the wall.
You shook your head, "Take your shirt off. It's not fair if I'm the only one who's shirtless. I'm already ruining these for you, I wanna see all of you too," He complied. Dmitri would do anything for you. "For a man who hasn't seen a lot of my photos, you sure are eager,"
"I lied," He said quickly. "I've seen a lot more. Kept a lot more," You scoffed.
"I know," You said. "You're not good at lying," You got off, sitting on your knees in between his legs. "So selfish," You whispered as you palmed him. He groaned, he never expected this. He loved every second of it, trying to meet more of your touch. "You shouldn't have lied to me. I don't take kindly to liars love. So from now on, you do as I say or you won't cum," You helped him take off his pants.
"Please I want to cum, fuck...I need you," He pleaded. You laughed, taking off your panties, holding them in your hands. "I want you to ride me. I don't care if I don't cum, I just want to feel you. I've never wanted something so bad in my life" He continued. "Make my dreams come true,"
He looked good when he's desperate. The way his face is flushed and his soft moans. You couldn't get enough, he craved you. He needed you, it felt too good. "Do you think you deserve it?" You asked. He nodded vehemently, but you needed a verbal answer. "Yes or no?"
"Yes yes, fuck, please please darling I deserve it. I promise I'll listen, I won't lie anymore," bucking his hips up. You tapped his lips, stuffing your panties in his mouth. "Good, I need you to keep quiet okay. We can't wake anyone up. I can control myself, but I don't know about you," You told him, positioning yourself over his cock. The muffled moans reaching your ears as you sink down, your gasps making it harder for him to control himself. "Ah..you feel so good, where have you been all my life?"
Dmitri needed you to meet his thrusts, he went a little faster. Eyeing how beautiful you looked, fucked out as your tits swung in his face. He needed them in his mouth, but wanted to obey you. He held you closer, caressing every part of your body. It's everything he's ever wanted, he never thought in his life this would happen. Now you're here, he needed to prove himself. Just to make sure you wouldn't think of anyone else. He reached down, rubbing circles on your clit making you moan louder.
You took the panties out of his mouth, "Is it better than your imagination? Am I making your dreams come true?"
He gripped your hips harder, laying you on the floor with your legs over his shoulders, "Yes princess, shit, this is much better than my imagination. I didn't think you would feel so good around me. I can't get enough of you," He took one hand, holding the side of your face. You moved your head, licking his thumb and taking it into your mouth. "You're heaven sent aren't you? What happened to me staying quiet huh? You said I couldn't control myself," He said thrusting faster. "But here you are making a mess on my finger and my cock, angel,"
"I just needed to hear you," You whispered. Fuck, how could he resist you? Not when you say it like that. He moved faster, continuing to rub circles on your clit. "Right there, Dmitri! I'm gonna cum please don't stop,"
"Come on, cum for me angel," He whispered. "I'll make you cum as many times as you want, I need to feel you baby,"
You came, with his finger still in your mouth and his hand gripping your hips. "Where do you want me?" He asked you. "Need you to answer fast because I won't be able to hold out for much longer, you feel too good-"
"I want you inside. I need you to cum inside me Dmitri. It's okay," You whimpered. He positioned your legs at his hips, moving down to kiss your neck and your lips. "Please cum inside,"
He groaned into your mouth, whispering how pretty you are as he came inside you. "Thank you for making my dreams, reality,"
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ensemblesmile · 1 year
rockstar in love
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tags: best friends dad, age gap (reader in their 20s, semi in his 30s), fingering, hickeys, vaginal penetration, unprotected sex, infidelity, (and probably more that i can’t currently think of).
warnings: minor and ageless blogs DNI!! i will block any that do interact without ages in their bios or pinned.
word count: 10.6k
summary; famous rockstar semi eita is thought to be in a happy marriage with two amazing kids, however his life isn’t quite so picture book perfect as his fans might think. or, at least it wasn’t. but the moment he met you, he dreams of the actual picture book life he could have with you that finally comes true during your final summer break of college.
a/n: it's finally posted! it feels like ages since i posted this thirst of a rockstar!dilf!semi eita. it is definitely different from that post, however the dilf rockstar semi is still the same, and that he is also readers best friends dad. also, this was my first time ever writing smut so i would like to apologize if that part of the fic is not written well... also also, i may or may not write a second part depending on if this is well received or not as well as if i get any ideas... anyways, i hope you enjoy!
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semi eita, lead bassist and composer for the infinity order, had prided himself on the fact he had the most perfect family anyone could ever dream of. the perfect wife, an amazing son, and a beautiful daughter. or at least, that's the façade he's kept up for years because his manager didn't want him to ruin his image or his bands.
however, behind closed doors, his family isn't all that it's cracked up to be. his son hasn't willingly talked to him in years, his wife cares more about money and status than being a good wife, a good lover. the only thing good in his life is his daughter, the only one who's been by his side through everything.
when his daughter had gone off to an arts school in the states, he'd thrown himself into his work, hoping to distract himself from having to see his wife or son the few times a day they would come home. due to his newfound dedication with his work, his band mates had started to worry about their lead bassist and composer. they hoped he wasn't pushing himself too much, but they couldn't lie and say they didn't find his dedication to his work admirable. and because of this need to stay away from home, the band had been able to crank out single after single, eventually being able to turn out a few new albums before the year was up and gaining more and more attention from new fans, both nationally and internationally. and due to this newfound popularity, semi and his band mates had been able to quit their day jobs in order to focus solely on their band.
once semi quit his day job, he'd moved out of the penthouse suite he shared with his wife and son, buying himself his own house and a huge property, thankfully being able to afford it due to his bands rise in popularity.
the few times his daughter had come back to japan for breaks, she'd brought various friends with her, though only one seemed to always be by her side. that friend was you, a sassy dancer semi had started to get to know as incredibly strong willed, stubborn as all hell, and, at least in semi's eyes, sexy as fuck and intriguing as hell. whenever you were visiting with his daughter, he would always find himself secretly searching for or staring at you, sometimes feeling an erection start to grow if you happened to be trying out a new dance routine when you thought only his daughter, semi aiko, was looking. he'd always curse himself when he found himself growing hard to his daughters best friend, hating that you, someone almost half his age, had such an effect on him. he couldn't help that he once recorded a new dance you had been showing aiko, jacking off to the you in the video who's hips swayed tantalizingly and the look on your face which was pure sin in semi's eyes.
you, on the other hand, seemed oblivious to his growing attraction towards you. when you'd first met him, he'd been nothing more than your best friends father, the one person in aiko's family that she even still talked to. but as you started to get to know him during your visits to japan, you'd slowly started to find him attractive the more you got to know him. you, however, would always shake off your attraction towards him, cursing yourself for starting to feel something for your best friends father. honestly though, you couldn't keep shaking off your growing attraction towards the mysterious, tall, dark, and handsome male that always welcomed you into his home with open arms. you would have to face your feelings eventually.
so one spring break, when you returned to japan with aiko, your attraction for him (and he for you) started to bubble over, resulting in "coincidental" run ins, lingering looks shared over meals or conversations, brief touches as you passed each other in the halls, or random excuses to touch each other in...less than appropriate ways.
you had also found yourself dressing differently. not in a way that would show more skin, but in a way that showed off your curves without revealing skin. you were confident in your body up to a point, but once clothes started coming off, your comfort levels started to decrease. that was why you'd stuck with clothes that accentuated your curves. and boy did semi notice these changes, finding that he seemed to be getting harder a lot more frequently, finding more chances for lingering touches or chances to talk with you more just so he could stare at you in the guise of being a good listener.
these actions, however, did not go unnoticed by aiko, the one person who knew semi the best. the mutual yet hidden feelings had become clear to her one day during her second year of college when she and you had been visiting japan for a short visit during spring break. at first, aiko was a bit weirded out by this development when she'd first found out, however she had slowly started to accept it — and even silently support it — the more she realized her father had been happier than he had been in a while. if you, her best friend, were able to make her father genuinely smile — a feat he'd only been known to do when onstage nowadays — then of course she would support a relationship between her best friend and her father. how couldn't she? if you genuinely made her dad happy, she would help your relationship blossom.
so, after months of secretly planning, she invited you to visit her father in japan with her during summer break where she would finally put her plan into action. well, she would start working on her plan before summer break by getting you more comfortable with wearing clothes you were usually less than comfortable wearing. and one day, after you had agreed to visit japan with her for the third summer in a row, she had suddenly brought up you and her father which had caused you to blush bright red and stutter hurriedly to change the subject. however, with that reaction, aiko's suspicions had finally been confirmed — at least on your end. she would still need to confirm things concerning her father, but that could wait. right then, she had to grill you about those feelings you were feeling towards her dad.
"so, y/n, now that you've agreed to visit japan with me for summer break, is it because you know my dad will be back from tour?" aiko had suddenly asked one day during a sacred girls day you and aiko usually did after a rather stressful week of classes.
"wh- what are you talking about, aiko? of course that's not the reason," you'd quickly rejected, face heating up into a deep red blush, quickly turning away from her so she couldn't see the blush coating your cheeks.
"i knew it!" aiko cheered upon seeing your reaction, hands thrown into the air in triumph.
"shut up, i have no idea what you mean," you muttered, shaking your head at your best friend in embarrassment.
"oh, i'm not mad," aiko assured, reaching out to give your arm a squeeze of reassurance. "yeah, when i first found out i was a bit confused and concerned, but the happier i saw my dad get, the more i found i was okay with it. sure, you're my best friend, and sure, it would be weird to start thinking of you as my stepmom, but so long as my dad is happy and finally out of that toxic relationship, the better off he'll be. and i just know he'll be better off with you in the picture."
"wait, so you're actually supporting this?" you had questioned, dumbfounded at the way aiko seemed completely okay with whatever might happen. "and don't get ahead of yourself. i don't even know if eita-san likes me in that way."
"so long as you make my dad happy, then yeah, i'll support you," aiko nodded, sending you a smile so big and contagious, you felt your own smile grow in response. however, you felt it slip away the moment aiko had given you a serious look. "but i swear, if you end up hurting my dad, i will make your life miserable. and don't be ridiculous, if he didn't also like you in that way, do you think i would even be bringing this up?"
"of course, ma'am, i would never dream of hurting eita-san," you responded seriously, earning a quick attitude change from aiko in the process. this had you raising a silent eyebrow in concern, musing silently to yourself about how the semi family — at least the two you knew — were very strange people. but you knew for a fact that if given the chance, you would never choose to not meet your best friend, the first true friend you had ever known — your own siblings excluded.
and so, the rest of that girls day was spent discussing aiko's surefire plan to get you and her father together.
step one: get you more comfortable with wearing more revealing clothes so that by summer, you could confidently strut around in clothes aiko knew would drive her father mad. step two: get you both chances for those lingering touches to get bolder, more insistent. in aiko's words, "build up that sexual tension." step three: set up the perfect occasion for you and him to be alone, setting the most perfect atmosphere for all that built up sexual tension. in aiko's words, "that built up sexual tension needs to snap at some point, why not make it while i'll be out of the house so you have the whole place to yourselves? besides, i don't want to hear any of it."
after giving you the plan, you and her worked continuously on it to refine and rework the plan before heading to japan for summer break, where you would start to enact said plan into your daily life.
it started the moment you arrived in japan, wearing a much too revealing outfit in public for semi's liking. you wore black combat boots, black fishnets, short jean shorts, a black crop top decorated by a silver sun design that happened to reveal your stomach if you were to move or stretch a certain way, and a red flannel that hung low over your backside so that from the back angle, it looked like you weren't wearing any pants. never in a million years would he have guessed it was you walking beside his daughter as you both made your way to the baggage claim, talking excitedly to each other with bags slung haphazardly over your shoulders.
as he stood in the airport, he realized that he must've been standing out too much because he found himself surrounded by a sea of fans, all bombarding him with questions and requests, though he hardly seemed to notice them as he barely took his eyes off you and your — in his eyes — very appealing yet revealing attire.
"sorry, my daughter and her friend are here, thank you for supporting my band and i," semi quickly spoke up, pushing through the crowd to get to you and aiko's side.
"hi, dad!" aiko smiled, giving her father a bright smile and big hug, happy to see her father after the semester apart. "you didn't have to pick us up, we could've called an uver," aiko added, glancing towards the large group of people who all seemed to be staring at them.
"nonsense, i wanted to greet my daughter the moment she came back to japan, just like i always have," semi responded, ruffling the younger semi's hair in amusement.
"hey, not the hair," aiko protested, sending her dad a glare as she fixed her hair.
"thank you for having me again this summer, eita-san," you finally spoke, having been silent the entire exchange, but now finally finding the perfect opportunity to speak up — though it may have had more to do with aiko giving you a sharp elbow to the side.
"of course, y/n, thank you for continuing to watch over my daughter in the states," semi responded, giving you a warm smile.
"of course, i'd never leave aiko, she'd be in trouble if it weren't for me," you spoke teasingly, eyes twinkling in amusement as you smirked at your best friend due to the look she had shot you.
"shut up, y/n, like you're one to talk," aiko responded, elbowing your side, causing you to double over in mock pain.
"ouch, i'm wounded, aiko," you responded, placing one hand above your heart while the other went to rub your side as if to soothe a sharp pain.
"payback's a bitch, isn't it," aiko teased, a twinkle of amusement in her eye that semi had grown used to whenever you and her were together.
semi simply watched your and aiko's exchange, used to the dynamic you shared due to your closeness. it was something semi had no idea he was missing until it suddenly came back into his life. he was so lost in thought thinking about how much he had missed his daughter, and especially you, that he hadn't realized that aiko was heading towards the carousel to collect your and her luggage until you were pulling gently at his arm in order to move off to the side so you weren't taking up so much space. with a muttered apology for getting lost in thought, he quickly followed you, watching from the corner of his eye as you tapped away furiously on your phone. he had an urge to see what you were doing, but he knew he needed to respect your privacy, so he refrained, deciding to simply watch in amusement as you reacted to what was on your phone with minute facial details. a crinkle in your brow to show confusion, a light blush to show embarrassment, a huff and pursed lips to show annoyance, a smirk to show smugness. semi should probably feel worried that he could pick up on so much when it came to you, but he just couldn't find it in himself to actually feel that way. after all, you were a puzzle he just wanted to solve — or was there more to it?
"—ther, father you there?" aiko questioned, waving a hand in front of semi's face to try and catch his attention. "i got our luggage if you want to get out of here." aiko explained, gesturing down to the two bags that now sat at their feet. "and also, to get away from...this," she added, glancing behind her to gesture to the sea of people still trying to get a good look at half of the semi family.
"ahh yes, sorry," semi apologized, glancing from his daughter to the crowd gathering behind her then back to his daughter before sending her an apologetic smile and then taking both bags for the girls and leading the way to his car so they could leave. he could hear you and aiko whispering together behind his back, however it was too soft so he wasn't able to pick up on just what you might be whispering.
"you take the front seat, talk to him," aiko was whispering, urging you to make a move, even if it was just a small one.
"you'll be in the backseat though, so won't that be a bit awkward," you whispered back, glancing nervously in front of you to semi's back.
"as if, i'll have my headphones in and i am a bit jet lagged, i'll probably take a nap on the drive there," aiko responded, rolling her eyes at your nervous attitude in amusement.
"but-" you tried again, only to earn a sharp glare from aiko to stop you from continuing.
"look, think of it this way, this is step one of our plan to get rid of the sexual tension between you and my father," aiko hissed, shoving you towards the front seat upon the arrival to semi's vehicle.
having finished putting your bags into the back of the vehicle, semi had watched the particularly insistent shove from aiko with a raised eyebrow, a small smirk taking over his features as he notices the subtle glare you had sent aiko before opening the front passenger door and taking a seat in the passenger side of the car.
aiko simply rolled her eyes at you in reply as she got into the back seat, instantly pulling out her headphones and blasting her music, loud enough you could just barely hear it in the front of the car. reaching a hand behind you, you swatted at air, hoping to give your best friend a smack for being so obvious. aiko simply watched a you flailed around in amusement, making sure to keep to herself until semi got into the car, stopping your vain struggle in finding aiko in the back seat. she noticed semi's mouth moving, meaning he was probably talking to you though she couldn't hear anything over her music, not that she wanted to hear anything you or he would be saying. with that thought firmly in her mind, aiko stared out the window, letting her mind wander as she watched the scenery pass by, eventually letting jet lag catch up to her and resting her eyes.
you were in a similar position as aiko, though you tried to push through it in order to continue the conversation you'd been having with the rockstar. it was mainly about his career and your semester since you'd last seen him. small talk that slowly petered out as you, too, felt the affects of jet lag starting to catch up with you.
noticing the newfound silence, semi glanced at you from the corner of his eye, realizing you must've been tired though you looked like you wanted to fight it. with a small smile on his face, he reached over, placing a large, calloused hand on your thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze, urging you to go to sleep and that he would wake you when they arrived at his home. you sighed softly and nodded your head, resting it against the glass as you let your mind wander. absentmindedly, mind muddled with sleep, you had reached down towards his hand to gently start playing with his fingers as you felt yourself slowly fall asleep.
semi couldn't help the surprise that took over his face for a second before a soft smile made its way onto his face, stilling your fingers to gently turn over his hand and simply hold your hand, fingers interlaced as you slept. fleeting moments like these are what semi wished for, to bask in your warmth and acceptance of who he was and what he stood for. because that's what you did, accepted him for who he was the moment you'd met him.
semi silently lamented the fact you were his daughters age, because if you had been older, he would've instantly called for a divorce with his wife and had pursued you. no one besides aiko had ever accepted him for who he was, they were always too enamored with the fact he was a rockstar, too interested in his money or using him in order to get at his bandmates. they never seemed to see him as the man he was, but rather the man the media portrayed him as. but you were different, you had made an effort to get to know him, to understand the real him, who he was behind his rockstar persona.
upon arriving to the house, semi gently pulled your hand up to his lips where he pressed a gentle kiss against the back of your hand before he gently placed it back on your thigh and let go of your hand. you had made a sound of protest as he let go of your hand, though he couldn't tell if it was his imagination or not, so he simply leaned over, pressed a kiss to your temple, and then, in a whisper, promised he'd be back for you. then he got out of the car, grabbing both your and aiko's luggage, and bringing them inside and up to your designated rooms. then he came back for aiko, gently lifting her bridal style and bringing her to her own room and placing her on the bed. he knew he wouldn't be able to wake aiko so he decided he wouldn't bother. then he went back to the car in order to wake you up, though when he opened the passenger side door, he instantly found he didn't have the heart to. you just looked so peaceful, a calm look on your face instead of the worry that usually marred your beautiful features. sighing softly, he carefully unbuckled you and then picked you up bridal style, stiffening for a second when he felt you cuddle closer to him before heading towards your bedroom in the house. when he reached your room, he had carefully placed you down and then tucked you in, smiling to himself because you just looked so at ease while you slept.
as semi was turning to go, he froze as he felt a tug on his arm, causing him to slowly turn around to face you. "please stay," you murmured half asleep. semi silently cursed at the invitation, inwardly debating with himself on whether or not he should actually stay. he couldn't lie to himself, the thought of holding you while you slept did sound tempting, however he wasn't sure you knew entirely what you were saying as you lay there, half asleep, trying to get him to stay there with you.
sighing, he knelt down on the ground. "i want to, beautiful, but i don't want you to think i'm taking advantage of you or anything," he explained softly, cupping your cheek and rubbing his thumb on your bottom lip as he spoke.
"i don't care about that, i just want someone to hold me," you responded, leaning into his touch subconsciously. "please, eita-san, hold me, that's all i'm asking." honestly, you weren't above begging at this point, you just felt so touch deprived since your breakup that you didn't care who it was so long as they held you close. semi seemed to be debating with himself why he should and shouldn't give in, though he ultimately gave in to the desire to hold you close like he had when carrying you up to the room.
sighing, semi slipped off his shoes before lifting the blankets, urging you to scoot back as he climbed into the bed beside you and then enveloped you in his arms, smiling softly to himself the moment you shifted closer and buried your face in his chest. oh if only he could stay like that with you forever. finally holding you in his arms, softly tracing random patterns onto your back, semi felt at home, more at home than he'd ever felt when holding anyone — besides maybe aiko, though it definitely was in a different way from how he felt when he held you. you hummed softly, a content sound to semi's ears, as you slowly drifted off to sleep, your breathes evening out and lulling him to sleep as well. it didn't take long for him to fall asleep despite him trying to fight it.
it had been a few hours since you had arrived at semi's home when aiko woke up, slowly at first until she felt her stomach growl. after that sound, she quickly got up, dressed, and headed to your room to check if you wanted anything specific, though she froze in her steps upon opening the door, spotting her father cradling you against him as you both slept. a small smile took over her face as she whipped out her phone to snap a picture, forgetting that her sound was on and cringing when the shutter sound went off. despite the loud click her phone had made, she had managed to capture a sweet moment between them, smiling to herself as she closed the door and went towards the kitchen to make some food for herself, staring at the picture with a soft smile on her face.
in it, semi's back was facing the camera, his lower half covered by blankets. he had his arms wrapped around your midsection, with his chen resting softly above your head. she had managed to capture the picture at an angle, so she was able to just barely make out your face buried in semi's chest, a soft smile on your lips as if you were subconsciously reveling in the warmth semi provided as he snoozed right next to you.
"is that the picture you took of us?" a voice spoke up behind aiko, causing the young semi to jump in surprise and turn to face her dad who wore an apologetic smile at having scared his daughter.
"geez, dad, a little warning next time? i thought you were still asleep," aiko muttered, clutching a hand over her heart as she felt it racing beneath her hand.
"sorry, i thought you would've realized i woke up," semi grimaced, glancing away in embarrassment from his daughter. "but you have to admit, that click wasn't exactly subtle, im a bit surprised y/n's still asleep."
"oh please," aiko snorted, clicking her phone off and sliding it into her back pocket. "that girl can sleep through anything. it's a pain trying to wake her up in the mornings so she isn't late for classes."
semi hummed thoughtfully at this new information, enjoying the fact he was learning more about you, even if it was from his daughter and not directly from you. as he absorbed this new information about you, he made his way into the kitchen, grabbing pots, pans, dishes, anything he felt he would need when making dinner, aiko taking a seat at the island which sat in the center of the rather large kitchen. no words were spoken between the father daughter pair as the elder semi made dinner and the younger semi prepared a side dish, the pair working well together despite neither knowing what exactly the other was making.
when the meal was finally finished, neither semi had the heart to wake you just yet so they made sure to keep whatever needed to stay warm was nice and toasty in the oven while they cleaned up and set the table in the dining room that semi only ever used whenever the pair were there or he had guests over. the silence was broken by aiko who had been trying to come up with a subtle yet serious way to bring up the potential relationship between two of the three people who mattered most to her.
"so, you and y/n?" she had questioned, earning a raised eyebrow from semi as if asking what she meant by that. "like, what's going on? do you like her or..."
"why are you asking, aiko?" was semi's response as he continued to set the table, making sure not even the napkins were out of place.
"oh, you know," aiko responded, a teasing glint in her eye as she unlocked her phone and tapped on the screen a few times before sliding the phone towards the rockstar, a smirk on her face as she watched a light blush coat semi's cheeks as he glanced at the phone and then looked away. "i totally encourage whatever it is you might want to pursue with my best friend. just, yknow, don't do anything gross around me, that crosses the line."
"pursue?" semi questioned, eyebrow raised at aiko as if questioning why she was bringing up something like that now of all times.
"yeah, i saw the way you were holding her, and when you picked us up from the airport, don't think i didn't notice the look you were giving her," aiko responded, a smirk now permanently on her face as the elder semi just continued to prove her point. "look, i was a bit weirded out at first when i found out about your...mutual interest in each other. however, as i watched your interactions from afar, i realized that y/n makes you happy, more happy than i've ever seen you with...her. if she makes you happy, i won't complain. but if you hurt my best friend..."
"yeah, i guess you're right," semi mused, thinking back to the time when they'd first met and the many other interactions since. okay, so maybe she was definitely right. "look, i won't hurt y/n, i could never hurt her. and i promise not to show too much affection with her in front of you. however, i don't...does she really like me like that?"
"seriously?" aiko questioned, an unimpressed eyebrow raised. semi gave her a somewhat sheepish look as aiko sighed and muttered something unintelligible under her breath. "geez, it's like you're a lovesick teenager, dad. i'm not having this conversation with you. no, no way."
"alright, i get it, i'll figure things out on my own," semi sighed before turning towards the archway and leaving the room.
"where you going?" aiko called after his retreating form.
"to wake up y/n so we can eat," semi responded, striding towards the stairs and to your room. pushing open the door, what semi wasn't expecting to find was you curled into a ball, your breaths coming in short, shallow gasps, eyes squeezed shut as if you were in pain. "hey y/n-hey y/n are you okay?" he questioned, dropping to his knees in front of you in order to be level with you. he had never seen you like this, though, so admittedly he didn't exactly know what to do in this sort of situation. he shot a quick text to aiko who suddenly appeared in the room, shoving her dad aside so she could be at eye level with you if you were to open your eyes.
"hey, y/n, open your eyes for me and breathe," aiko spoke, her tone gentle yet demanding as she spoke to her friend. y/n cracked an eye open slowly, one after another, staring into a familiar pair of hazel eyes. "good, now breathe in slowly through your nose, and then slowly out through your mouth." when aiko instructed you to breathe, you followed what she said, over and over again as you slowly felt the pounding of your heart decrease. the three of you sat in your room for a good half hour as you slowly calmed down and regained your bearings, neither semi willing to leave your side until you were calm enough to move.
when that happened, you slowly pulled yourself from your ball and gently sat at the edge of the bed, smiling softly in thanks at aiko for helping you get through yet another of your panic attacks, before your gaze averted to semi, eyes widening at the pure, unadulterated worry and relief swimming in his eyes as he gazed at you, hands going up to reach up to cup your face as he stared into your eyes, searching them for anything that might give him a hint as to what had just happened. he hardly acknowledged when aiko spoke up, saying she would be getting their dinner on the table, instead keeping his full focus on the woman who was slowly starting to steal his heart for herself.
"ei- eita-san, i'm okay, really," you murmured, a sigh escaping your lips as you leaned into his touch, hands moving up to cover his own resting on your cheeks.
"you really worried me there, beautiful," semi breathed, thumb absently running over your cheek and causing you to sigh into the touch.
"i'm sorry, i think it was just the unfamiliar environment that caused the panic attack, or it could've been my dream...though i don't really remember what it was about," you murmured in response, closing your eyes as you tried to remember just what your dream had been about.
"don't worry about the cause, i'm sorry i wasn't able to help you with it, i felt pretty useless just sitting there staring at you," semi apologized softly, taking his hands from your face and instead holding them out for you to grab, pulling you up so you were almost flush against him. honestly, what he really wanted to do was lay back down with you wrapped securely in his arms, however he knew you needed to eat something and aiko was probably waiting for them so he instead settled for wrapping his arms around your smaller frame, chin resting on the top of your head.
"i'm sorry for worrying you, eita-san, thank you for staying though," you murmured, wrapping your arms around his waist and leaning a cheek against his chest.
"shhh, it's okay, beautiful," semi responded. "now let's go eat dinner, i'm sure aiko's getting impatient."
"mmh, she does this to me all the time with her boyfriend, she'll survive," you hummed despite pulling away from semi and heading for the door, pausing when you felt a tug on your hand to turn back to him.
"stay with me tonight," semi murmured, interlacing your fingers together.
"feeling lonely?" you teased, eyes twinkling in amusement as a myriad of emotions seemed to pass over his eyes before landing on adoration.
"i just want to be there for you if something like that happens again in the middle of the night," semi responded, pulling you along with him as he led the way through the large house to the dining room where aiko was no doubt waiting for them. your brain seemed to have stalled at the new information which had caused semi to lead the way, making sure you were following behind despite your still clasped hands.
"ugh, dad, what did you do to my best friend?" aiko muttered, catching the almost vacant look in your eyes as you took the seat across from her, semi to your right at the head of the table.
"i don't think i did anything, she was fine until we left her room," semi responded, glancing worriedly at you as you absently started scooping food onto your plate.
the three of you fell into silence, both semi's casting worried glances over to you every so often. it wasn't until after dinner when you had offered to do the dishes that both semi's seemed to breathe sighs of relief that you were fine. aiko blamed it on the fact you still seemed tired, and the way you woke up hadn't been the best way, either, wracked with panic.
"yeah, okay, you do the dishes then, i'll set up a movie or something in the theatre to watch before we go to sleep for the night," aiko nodded, heading for the archway after having cleaned up her side of the table, handing the dishes off to semi as she left.
then, with hands full of dirty dishes, semi followed you into the kitchen and over to the sink where he set them down and then headed back out for the leftovers, transferring them to tupperware and placing them into the fridge.
the two of you worked in silence, with you washing the dishes and semi drying them after you had finished washing them. it felt so domestic to you, almost feeling like something you could get used to if it was with semi. the dishes were done faster than you would've liked, wanting to spend even just a little more time with semi before joining aiko in the home theatre room semi had redecorated part of the basement into.
it seemed semi had the same thought, wanting to spend even just a little more time with you before joining aiko for a movie night. after you had dried your hands with a towel semi hadn't used to dry dishes, semi had caged you in between himself and the island, hands resting on the island countertop to keep you trapped there. your usually soft e/c eyes went wide with surprise as you glanced from his arms to the smirk he wore. his hands slowly travelled from the island to your hips, lifting you up onto the island and setting you down on it so that you were almost eye level with him, though he was still taller than your seated form.
"eita-san, what are you doing?" you asked breathlessly, eyes never leaving his gaze.
"i was planning on finally kissing you if that was alright," semi responded softly, hands trailing from your hips to your thighs, spreading them apart so he could stand between your legs so he could be even that much closer to you.
"oh please," you murmured, wrapping arms around his neck to pull him closer to you, your bodies almost flush with each other as you got your first taste of each other. you smiled into the kiss as semi groaned, loving the way you felt against him. his lips parted and his tongue shot out, licking at your bottom lip as if demanding entrance. you responded in kind, parting your own lips to allow him entrance, tilting your head slightly to allow for better access, hands going from around his neck and into his hair to brush through his hair. when he slipped in his tongue, it met your own, at first fighting for dominance before he won, almost finding himself moaning at the taste of you and feeling himself go hard to the taste of you.
"ugh, please stop biting each others faces off," aiko muttered from the entrance of the kitchen before she entered and went about making popcorn.
semi silently cursed aiko for interrupting, pulling away from you who quickly buried your face in semi's neck to hide your blush from your best friend.
"i'm happy for you guys, truly, i am," aiko continued as the machine started the process of popping popcorn. "however, if i have to see anymore of that, i will cut you. i do not want to see my dad going at it with my best friend, that's a picture my mind would much rather live without."
"shut up, ai, it's not like i wanted to see you and your boyfriend going at it either, and yet here we are," you spoke up lightly, still blushing like crazy though your face was no longer hidden in semi's neck.
"shut up, that was completely different and you know it," aiko sniffed, turning her nose up and away from you in mock defiance.
"really? because at the time, your boyfriend happened to be my older brother," you responded, earning a sheepish look from aiko in response.
semi, who was simply content holding you close after you had pulled away from the kiss due to aiko's interruption, raised an eyebrow at the conversation between the best friends. "oh? you dated y/n's brother?" semi interrupted their conversation, earning a small nod from y/n in response while aiko sighed.
"yeah, they ended on good terms though," you murmured, smiling softly over semi's shoulder at aiko who couldn't help the slight frown on her face.
"they may have been good terms, but you never really forget your first relationship," aiko sighed, cupping her face in her hands as she thought back on her relationship with sora.
"if only you could," semi muttered darkly, though he had to admit that two good things came out of that relationship, and they were both currently in the kitchen with him. if he had never been with that woman in any way, he never would've had aiko, and if he never had aiko, he never would've met you. so one good thing that led to another good thing had happened between him and that woman — semi refused to think of her as anything else now that he was finally able to hold you in his arms.
"hey, stay with me, don't think back to then," you murmured, moving a hand up to his forehead to rub at the worry lines that started to mar his features. "be with me, in the moment, not then with her."
"you're right," semi murmured, moving his head to your neck to give you some featherlight kisses there.
"alright, and that's my cue to leave the room," aiko declared, taking her newly made bowl of popcorn and marching from the room, calling over her shoulder how the movie was ready whenever they were if they still wanted to watch it.
"we're coming!" you responded, pushing lightly at semi's shoulders in order to make him move back to give you space to jump down from the island. semi grumbled about having to watch a movie, saying he'd much rather spend his time doing something else to which you just laughed at, commenting how it was true guys only have one thing on the brain when it came to the object of their affection.
semi watched you for a few seconds, admiring the slight sway of your hips as you followed aiko, calling over your shoulder if he was coming or just going to admire your ass to which he chuckled and quickly caught up, grabbing your hand to guide you to a couch behind the one aiko sat at and away. he then got comfortable, reclining back before pulling you down to sit between his legs, back resting against his chest so he could cuddle with you as the movie played.
or maybe he wasn't thinking of just cuddling because aiko had barely even started the movie before semi swept aside your hair and you felt lips on your neck along with the subtle scape of teeth against your skin causing your breath to hitch in your throat at the feeling. without much thought, you exposed more of your neck to the bold male, feeling a smirk take over as he continued his ministrations on your neck, growing bolder as he listened to your breathing hitch in your throat or the way you exposed more of your neck to him. loving the way you reacted to him, he continued on, growing even bolder by lifting your shirt with his hands so he could trace your hips and stomach without barriers between his hands and your skin. another bold action was him trailing kisses along your neck until he found the spot on your neck that you reacted to the most and then biting down, leaving a bruise in its wake. he was quick to soothe the inflamed area with his tongue, feeling himself go hard at the breathless moan you released at the feeling.
"if you guys start doing it on that couch i swear to god," aiko spoke up, throwing a handful of popcorn in their general direction. "are you even paying attention to the movie? go upstairs if you're going to do...that."
"yeah yeah, i hear you aiko," semi responded, standing up with you in his arms bridal style. "enjoy...whatever it is you're watching. i think we'll be busy tonight so don't bother us any." he called over his shoulder as the two of you left, you slinging your arms around his shoulders for two reasons. the first being so you could steady yourself, not wanting to risk possibly falling from his grip. the second reason being to hide your face in his neck, your cheeks burning as you heard over and over again the exchange between your friend and the man you were slowly starting to realize you were in love with.
"hey now, beautiful, don't go getting shy on me now," semi spoke softly, stopping in front of a door and swinging it open, maneuvering himself and you inside before gently laying you down on the large king size bed on one side of the room in the center of that wall.
you carefully scooted yourself up the bed so that your back was resting on many pillows. then you took a moment to take in the room around you. directly across from the foot of the bed sat a nightstand with a large tv. on either side of the nightstand stood two doors, one of which you assumed led to a walk in closet and the other to the bathroom. a few pictures hung here and there of him and aiko mostly, though you did see some of him with his bandmates and even some of you, him, and aiko. honestly, the room didn't look how you were expecting it to. you thought the musician might have more instruments in his room just in case he thought of a melody or lyrics late at night. 
semi could see your mind racing with questions, smiling softly at the sight of you slowly taking in his room. "what are you looking for, beautiful?"
"your room just looks...different from what i was picturing, i guess," you replied softly, turning your head to face him.
"really? how so?" he questioned, crawling into the bed right next to you, laying on his side so he could stare at you as you spoke.
"i don't know, i guess i just assumed, with you being a musician and all, especially being the composer for your group, that you would have more instruments set up around the place," you murmured, sighing at the feeling of his fingertips dancing over your hip as you turned onto your side to face him.
"that's a fair assumption," semi responded, loving to see how you reacted to his every touch. "my recording studio is right through that door though, so i don't really need them with me in order to compose in the middle of the night. however, i will tell you that this room is soundproof just like my recording studio, so you can be as loud as you want to and aiko will be none the wiser." he whispered against your lips, having moved closer as he explained where his instruments actually were.
your face instantly bloomed bright red at the implications, wanting to turn away from the shameless man in front of you, though he wouldn't let you because he was now kissing you, rolling you over so that he landed on top of you, using his forearms to steady himself so that he wouldn't crush you under his weight. but before the kiss could go any further, you moved a hand to his chest and pushed him away, a look of hurt flashing in his eyes for a millisecond before being replaced by worry. maybe he was too bold, maybe you didn't actually want this, maybe maybe maybe. many other possibilities flew around in his mind but before he could get carried away, you spoke up, speaking words he never thought he would ever hear from your mouth.
"are you sure you want me, you want this?" you whispered uncertainly, voice shaking with emotion as you looked anywhere but at semi. semi, confused on where this was coming from, sat up and then pulled you with him, sitting at the edge of the bed and pulling you into his lap where he could watch your side profile even if you tried to hide your face.
"what do you mean, dove?" he questioned, wanting to get to the bottom of this sudden hesitation from you.
"i- i just mean like-" you spoke, pausing every few words because you weren't sure if you were ready to share the sudden flash of insecurity you felt. "you could have anybody you wanted, literally anyone at all, so why choose me?"
"are you kidding?" semi questioned incredulously, almost throwing his head back and laughing at the question though refraining before he could tell you were serious about it and he didn't want to give you any reason to get mad at him or leave. "look at you, dove, you're the most beautiful woman on the planet, nothing can change my mind about this fact."
"no i'm not, i'm really just average, there are so many more beautiful women out there," you responded, playing with your fingers in embarrassment at the conversation you two were having.
"hey, no, look at me," semi spoke, cupping your cheek and tilting your face up to look at him, his thumb gently tugging at your bottom lip to pull it out from between your teeth. "are you listening?" you nodded at his question, albeit shyly. "good. the first time i ever laid eyes on you, you stole my breath away. i couldn't believe someone as beautiful as you could ever exist. but it felt wrong to think of you in that way despite you being a legal adult. but now, you're here in my arms and i wouldn't change anything for the world. let me show you the love i feel for you in my heart, please beautiful." semi finished in a whisper, forehead dropping forward to rest against your own. you sighed at the admission, truly feeling the sincerity in his voice.
instead of answering, you leaned up and pressed your lips to his, arms moving to wrap around his neck as you kissed. with semi not moving from his seated position, you carefully shifted your own position so that you were straddling his lap, your lips not leaving his own as the musician deepened the kiss, licking at your bottom lip to gain entrance to your mouth. you granted him the access he desired.
as the kiss deepened, you rolled your hips, moaning at the friction you feel against your clothed cunt. semi let's out a hiss, pulling back from the kiss to watch your eyes roll back at the feeling of his growing erection. he loved this side of you, a side only he would ever get to see as he vowed to ruin you for anyone else. as you lost yourself in pleasure, semi carefully lifted your shirt over your head, his own shirt following yours onto the ground.
"you're so beautiful," semi murmured, taking in the sight of you, shirtless, before him. a blush bloomed on your face as semi fiddled with the clasps of your bra, unhooking it and watching as a little more of you was revealed. semi groaned at the sight, he couldn't help it, you were just so beautiful, so tempting. semi stood up, almost so suddenly you would've fallen had you not had the quick reflexes to wrap your legs around his waist.
semi was quick to throw you onto the bed and then climb on top of you, using his forearms on either side of your head to bare most of his weight. with this new position, he couldn't help the groan that escaped him at the sight of you beneath him. with one arm, he started to fiddle with your pants, causing you to giggle and help take your shorts off, with his being quick to follow. with the hand that had pulled off your shorts and fishnets, he cupped your warm cunt in his hand causing a moan to slip from your lips and grind down on his hand, wanting to feel friction against your pussy. semi watched your reactions, loving the fact that it was him that made you react this way, it was him that you were currently under. all those years of thinking he wasn't good enough, that he didn't deserve any love went out the window the moment you had first moaned for him.
without any warning, semi dragged a finger along your sopping slit and then inserted a finger into your hole, almost coming on the spot at the beautiful moan of pleasure that left your lips. you really were so reactive to him, evident by the way you were clenching around his finger. you gave another moan of pleasure as he curled his finger inside you, mouth falling open in pleasure when he added a second finger. this had you absolutely creaming around his fingers, a sign you were close to coming. with a few more thrusts, he pulled his fingers from your dripping hole, smirking at the whine you let out as he moved his hand up to lick his fingers clean of you, eyes closing in pleasure at just how sweet you tasted. it was better than he ever could've imagined, you were better than he ever could've imagined.
"you feel and taste so good, angel," semi murmured before he leaned forward to give you a sweet kiss on the lips. "but however pretty you may look coming on my fingers, you'll look even better coming on my cock."
"mm whatever you want, eita-san," you murmured, slowly opening your eyes to look up lovingly at the man before you.
"good girl," he murmured, kissing the side of your lips before rolling off you in order to reach into a drawer on the nightstand next to his side of the bed. you whined at the loss of his warmth before you rolled over as well, landing on top of him so you were straddling him.
"no need for that," you murmured upon realizing what he might be grabbing, reaching over to hold his hand in yours, fingers naturally intertwining. "m' on the pill. want to feel you, no barriers."
semi cursed softly at your admission, groaning at the feeling of you grinding down on him before he was quick to roll you both over so he was again hovering over you. "do you have any idea what you do to me?" he whispered against your lips, hands still clasped together as his other hand trailed from your hip to your thigh, prying open your thighs so he could drag his painfully hard erection along your soaking slit before entering you slowly, moving in bit by bit to allow you to grow accustomed to his size.
semi wasn't painfully large nor was he unnaturally long. he also wasn't short or small, but rather it felt like you were the lock to his key, you slotted together so perfectly. it was like he was made expressly for you and you for him, it was that perfect. once you'd grown accustomed to his size, you started to squirm beneath him, needing to feel his length move as you clamped down around it. semi couldn't help the chuckle that rumbled his chest and then traveled to yours, giggling at the feeling of the vibrations it gave off against your own chest.
as he started moving, he wrapped your leg around his hip to give him a better angle, allowing him to hit different areas you never even knew you had. you moaned as he continued his pace, head thrown back in pleasure which semi found extremely sexy. it stroked his ego to think of the fact he alone was able to bring this reaction out of you, he alone was able to see the side of you. as he continued pistoning in and out of you, he found you clenching tighter and tighter around him, a sign he came to realize meaning that you were close. with a few pleasurable thrusts, you came undone around him, coming on his cock and arm sling around his neck, moaning beautifully against his neck.
he continued to thrust in and out of you, chasing his own high.
"wanna feel- inside-" you babbled, a groan leaving semi at your words, coming inside you and filling you with his seed. after all, who was he to deny you?
with a final thrust, his collapsed on top of you, his now softened cock still inside you and plugging up your hole, keeping both your and his cum inside you.
"so good f'me," semi murmured, peppering soft kisses against your neck that caused you to giggle. "can i make a confession?"
exposing more of your neck to him, you spoke up breathlessly, a quiet yes slipping between your lips as you started to drag your fingers through his hair, pulling softly at his his hair each time he kissed an especially sensitive spot.
"i'm in love with you, have been since i first laid eyes on you," he murmured, looking up into your now wide eyes before softly kissing you on the lips.
"i think i'm in love with you too," you whispered against his lips, a moan surfacing after your words as you felt his teeth digging into a rather sensitive spot on your neck as if in response to your submission.
"then marry me?" semi questioned, causing your eyes to shoot open as you stared at him with wide eyes.
"b- but you're still married," you sputtered. "and what about your fans? and aiko? and what about-"
"shh," semi murmured, silencing you with a finger to your lips. "i'm in the process of getting a divorce, it's just been taking a long while because that woman has been refusing to meet with our lawyers. my fans don't need to know anything, you will be my secret, i don't want to share you with anyone. as for aiko, we can talk to her if you wish, however she has said she approves of us so long as i don't hurt you, which i could honestly never do. you're too precious to me, i could never see myself hurting you, angel."
"so she threatened you, too, huh?" you murmured, almost to yourself though semi was able to just barely catch your words, a laugh escaping him as he realized aiko had used the same threat for both of them. "relax, i want this, i want you, and nothing will stop me from getting you. i will even chase you to the ends of the earth if i must."
"i want you too, eita-san," you whispered, pulling him down to connect your lips and his in a passionate and heated kiss. if he wasn't carefully, his softening cock would surely become erect again, especially considering your current intimacy. he was, after all, still inside you.
"so then do you accept?" semi questioned happily, peppering kisses from the corner of your lips to your neck where he gave you a fresh hickey.
"i do accept," you responded, a moan escaping your lips as he continued to leave hickeys along your neck.
needless to say, that night was very...busy, though aiko had been none the wiser to what was going on because true to his word, semi had in fact soundproofed his room.
it wasn't until the next day that aiko found out about the proposal, not that you or semi had said anything about it. if it hadn't of been for the large rock on your left ring finger, she would've been left in the dark until you and semi had decided to break the news to her. but the moment she saw the ring, she let out a high pitched screech which had alerted you and semi to her presence as she rushed from the doorway of the kitchen to your side where you sat on the island, not even taking notice of the fact you wore a large shirt that belonged to semi that covered your shorts.
"you- my dad- he- i- you- when-" she stuttered, picking up your hand as she studied the ring on your finger.
you and semi simply shared a loving look over her head, both of you smiling softly as semi responded that you'd made it official last night. if aiko had seen that look, she might've walked out of the kitchen in mock disgust, however her attention was too focused on the ring.
"actually, aiko," you spoke up softly, watching as your best friend continued staring at your ring. "we were hoping you would keep this a secret between the three of us."
"of course, but do you mind if i ask why?" aiko questioned, finally taking her eyes off the ring to look between you and her father.
"we have three reasons," semi responded, continuing to make breakfast for the three of you. "the first being that i'm still not divorced yet, so if she was to get word of this, she could use this to get even more undeserved attention."
"yeah, that sounds like something she'd do," aiko muttered under her breath.
"the second reason being my manager would have a fit," semi continued as if aiko hadn't spoken. "he was adamant on my keeping up my image of being a happily married man with a happy family. however recent events have persuaded him to allow my divorce and now he wants to sell me as a recently divorced bachelor with a kid to appeal to...other crowds. or something, i don't entirely understand what goes through his twisted mind."
"what a questionable manager you have," aiko muttered, moving to sit beside you on the island to read your twitter feed over your shoulder.
"the final reason is because, well, i don't want to share y/n with anyone," semi finished, sending you a loving look to which you blushed at, aiko silently gagging beside you.
aiko was quick to hop down from the island when she noticed semi walking towards you. she really didn't want to be in the room when you guys started kissing, that was a sight she would much rather live without so she stole a piece of toast from the plate semi had set the finished pieces on before she headed out to the dining room, calling over her shoulder for them to hurry up with their lovey-dovey shit so they could eat.
semi responded with a comment for her to be patient as he stood between your thighs, hands resting on the island countertop beside your thighs to cage you in and give you a kiss. you giggled into the kiss, arms flying around his neck to pull him closer to you, chest to chest as he moved his hands from the island to your ass, pulling you to the edge of the counter to pull you flush against him, tilting his head slightly to deepen the kiss. before the kiss could get any more explicit, you pulled back slightly, giggling as semi tried to chase your lips, though you kept pulling back, always barely out of his reach so that you could catch your breath.
"aiko's waiting for us, let's go eat," you whispered to a playfully annoyed semi who refused to allow you to move from his hold.
"she can wait, i cannot," semi growled, eyes narrowing at you as you continued to giggle.
"the food will get cold," you responded, not backing down. "besides, we can continue this after breakfast when my best friend isn't in the room next door."
"i agree, listen to her," aiko called from the dining room that sat adjacent to the kitchen. "besides, i'm starving so hurry up dad."
"what a cockblock," semi muttered as he pulled away, causing you to burst into laughter as you hop down from the island, collecting plates and cutlery that you would need for your breakfast while semi trailed behind with the food, all the while muttering about how he'd pay aiko back, just she wait.
the rest of that morning passed into afternoon where aiko soon left the house to meet with her boyfriend, leaving the newly engaged couple to continue what had been started in the kitchen.
needless to say, that summer break passed in a blur and you were reluctant to part ways with semi for another four months, the only thing pushing you to go being the promise of your secret marriage happening during winter break, as well as the promise of a spot in semi's bands dance group so you could travel with him during tours after you graduated in a semester.
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— 2023 ⓒ ensemblesmile, do not repost or translate my work. comments, likes, and reblogs appreciated
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channieandhisgoonsquad · 11 months
I think I speak for all of our squad when I say:
Minsung poly. Strangers to lovers. Hardcore smut. GO!f
Try to make even ME uncomfortable in my own undies. Hit me with your best shot boo!
LOL ALL OF THE ABOVE?!? Okay it’s short story time. 😂♥��
F!reader x Minsung
Strangers to lovers
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It’s been five years since Stray Kids disbanded. It wasn’t due to any issues or disagreements; it was just the end of an era and the men were all ready to do their own things. Whether it was to start a solo career or start a family.
Lee Know and Han were part of the latter.
They had realized later in their Idol careers that these feelings weren’t subsiding for each other, but becoming something more intricate. The love wasn’t just soulmates, it was true love.
They never really announced it to the public though. The two were still seen together in every dispatch photo and word got out that when the group separated they got a condo together. But everything they did was just normal for them.
After nearly five years officially together, they thought of what the next steps would be. They had both served already and knew what they wanted; a family.
The house was so full of love for all the cats and couple of dogs they have, but they wanted to expand that family. When they were weighing the options, they reached internationally looking for a solution.
They found a company they loved that helped with finding surrogate mothers and would work with them and their fame willingly.
After lurking through what felt like hundreds of files, they found you. You were perfect in their eyes. They only had a video of you discussing yourself like a well-conducted interview and a file of your DNA tests results, but they wanted to meet you.
You agreed to an NDA immediately when you heard there was a match, not understanding the need but curious nonetheless. When you were finally on the Zoom call, you were met with two extremely handsome men of an Asian nationality.
You had not known their faces, but you knew of the group. You were very excited for this opportunity. They asked all the usual questions, but added a couple interesting things that they wanted.
“Are you okay living in the house so we can take care of you throughout the entire pregnancy?” You agreed to that. Already excited about the possibility of moving to South Korea for a year or so.
“This might be a deal breaker, but we already discussed this with the company.” You waited for Han to finish his thought as he looked over at his partner.
Lee Know finished his thought, seeing the nerves on the youngest face. “We want to impregnate you ourselves. We don’t want to know who the father is because it doesn’t matter. But we want to take turns to ensure we both have equal chance.”
Oh. OHHH. “Like, not the tube shoved up there? Like you guys actually have sex with me???” It sounded so dumb but you were shocked. “Aren’t you guys gay? I don’t want you to do anything uncomfortable.”
Lee Know laughed at your comment but Han spoke up, “Baby doll, we are both proud bisexual men. We haven’t been with a woman in years, but we will find no discomfort in this. Trust us.” The older man had a devilish look on his face and you couldn’t help the feeling deep inside that felt both intimidated and intrigued.
Needless to say, you agreed to the terms and all the lawyers and workers made sure the paperwork was filed and taken care of. You had always wanted to help a couple that couldn’t have their own baby, but this was a very different circumstance that you found yourself in.
The house was beautiful. The men were lovely. The city was amazing. And everything seemed perfect. Until the first night you had agreed to try.
You were so nervous. The men had been courting you beautifully, though. Treating you like part of the family and making sure you were included in whatever they were up to, if you wanted of course. Their friends and family knew who you were and why you were around and it all just seemed so comfortable. Until now.
You stood at the foot of their bed staring at the king sized mattress. They had stood off to the side to try and figure out what to do. “Well, how do you guys want to do this?” You asked dumbly. Literally feeling like your first time.
“Well…” han looked over to his man and Lino knew to take the lead. He turned you towards him and asked if you still wanted to do this. You nodded and he continued. He let his arms on your shoulder slide down your arms until he had your hands in his. He put your palms on his waist and made you look up at him with his pointer on his chin.
“Baby girl, can I kiss you?” You said yes meekly and he smirked before locking lips with you. He was gentle, but you could tell he was holding back. For some reason, you had not processed that you would be making out with them. You thought ‘Put the babies inside. One and done.’ But this was so much better.
While Lino continued making out with you to loosen you up and make you more comfortable, Han came to your back and grabbed you around your waist. “You are so beautiful. We’re gonna make sure that this time is so good for you. You’re our princess now.”
You released your lips from Lino only for him to whine and try to get them back. “Are you sure you guys haven’t done this before?”
“100% baby,” Lino stated blankly, “But, we discussed this plenty and we want to make sure you are as comfortable as possible the entire time you’re with us.”
“We want you missing us when we’re gone. To make sure this baby only knows love.” Han whispered while he nibbled your neck.
Lino returned his mouth to yours as he added more ferocity to it. Eliciting a moan from you as you try to stay in the moment. Having four hands on you is new but so welcomed.
Han decides he wants more from you and picks you up to throw you on the bed. You huff as you take in the two men staring at you. Both in sweats and a tshirt. Both with tents that are dampening said sweats.
“Well then, show me what you got.” You beckoned the horny men with your legs widening and inviting them to do what they want.
The man that threw you is the first to react, obviously eager to have his way with you. He tears your joggers off with your undies and sees that you are neatly trimmed and already glistening from their actions.
“I’m going to make sure you’re screaming my name.” Han groans as he brings himself to his knees and pulls your ass to the edge of the bed. Wasting no time at bringing his face to your cunt. His kisses and hums are already making you whine out. You grab his hair to hold him there, but he has no plans of moving until you are blissed out.
You look at his counterpart and see he’s taken his pants off and is stroking himself. The urge to please him is overthrowing all other thoughts as you open your mouth and wave him over. “Can’t even say what you want, huh?” He says as he crawls onto the bed and gives you his dick. “So fucking eager to please.” He whispers as you take him.
“Oh god that’s hot.” Han heaves out as he looks at the two of you. He continues to watch as he returns his tongue to your clit and adds two fingers to your cunt. You moan over Linos dicks and he grunts. He’s very focused on not fucking your face, but you keep that up and he might not be able to hold back. But he tells himself to do that, because he knows he’ll have more opportunities.
While Han continues his ministrations, you feel yourself close. The magic that these two gorgeous men hold is something you had not experienced. Let alone having two beautiful men at once. You felt the tug of your orgasm approaching. “Han, please.” You said before returning to your blow job. He sped up and you screamed around Lino. You’re release caused you to slow down but Han watched as you continued to please Lino through your own bliss.
“Pretty lady?” You looked at Han as he grabbed his dick and lined up.
“Oh please Han. PLEASE.” He stood over you and sheathed himself fully. The scream you released was one of surprise and over stimulation. “My god, how are both of your dicks so perfect?!” You yelled and Lino chuckled.
He looked over at his man that was giving you a second to adjust. “Because we’re perfect for each other.” Han said through huffs of ecstasy. Lino leaned toward him and pulled him into a heated kiss.
The kiss was all tongue and while they made out Han started thrusting into you slowly. You took Lino back into your messy face and just moaned at the scene in front of you. They were so dirty with the kissing and you just felt yourself getting wetter by the second.
Han reached out and took one of each of your nipples between his fingers and began rolling. The simultaneous stimulation made Lino throw his head back, “Baby girl, where do you want me to cum??” You pulled harder and took more of him, telling him wordlessly where, “what a waste, I’m supposed to release my seed in that cunt that Han is deep inside. Don’t worry, I’ll have more for you if you guys keep this up. “
Seconds after, he released down your throat and you swallowed as much as you could. But some saliva and semen spilled out your mouth due to the fucked out feeling you were reaching with Han deciding to speed up and destroy you.
The man fucking you knelt over and licked your face clean while Lino watched. After he got you cleaned up, he finally kissed you. His kisses were different from the others’, but they were both phenomenal. You felt Han twitch inside and knew he was close. You wrapped both legs around his torso to pull him in closer to you. He got the memo and sped up. Jackhammering into your cervix.
You screamed his name. That’s all you knew at this point. He swallowed his name with his own mouth and made sure you knew how much he felt for you when he finally came into you.
Lino started using two fingers to roll your clit to help you get to another release with Han. The hot cum warmed every part of your body when he hit his boiling point and you finally hit another release with him.
The two of you panted as he collapsed onto your used body. You hugged him to you as you tried to come back to the reality of the situation.
Nothing helped you as much as when Lino spoke up though, “Alright, I love you Han. But let me show you how it’s done.”
You could get used to this. But still.
Oh fuck.
@lyramundana I may have used our story for inspo. Hahaha
@sweetracha you’re welcome too.
@2chopsticks2eyes challenge accepted.
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etherealdiva · 2 years
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Astro Observations: Solar Returns
Source: Predictive Astrology the eagle and the lark by Bernadette Brady
Aspect Edition: 2022
☀️Neptune- ascendant: changing your personality from how you’re seen from the outside perspective. This happens usually by an unfortunate event or when traveling to escape. Ending the image that you present to the world.
-how it manifested for me: my mom passed away this year and I feel I lost my identity and am just dissolving my upbeat positive personality that everyone saw me as happy go lucky. I feel my humor is darker and I just resonate more with despair and darkness even though in general I’m still a positive person. It’s like life is whooping my ass but I’m still smiling lol.
☀️Neptune- sun: confused about your role in life, wanting to escape and travel.
- how it manifested for me: I feel absolutely lost in life because of everything I’ve lost this year (my full time job as well) and I had identified myself as that role. I’m sometimes conflicted with my role in the astrology world as well. Anything in the esoteric because I feel I’m living a life in the 3D and then another life somewhere else (online actually). I don’t feel I fit in anywhere with people but I can mesh well with others. Also, I’m dying to travel and start a new life. I wanna travel internationally.
☀️Uranus- MC: expect a sudden change in your job/career and your social status. For better or worse.
- how it manifested for me: my company laid me and 109 employees off 🙃 I guess I’m not suppose to be there 😅
☀️Saturn- Uranus: frustrated because achieving your goals is a slow progress.
- how it manifested for me: I’m so impatient cause it feels like everything is so damn slow. I have goals I wanna reach but it feels like I have to work even harder. Normally with my fitness goals I’ve had great luck and maybe it’s because I’m not as strict as I was before. I still think for the most part I look good with my body but I was at my fittest in 2019. I was also frustrated cause I worked hard and I wanted a raise and then we all got laid off so now I gotta start over.
☀️Saturn- moon: feeling of loneliness and wanting to isolate. Feeling like no one supports you.
- how it manifested for me: I moved to another state all by myself. Despite it being a busy and social city, I felt alone and wanting to isolate myself. I felt like I met people but couldn’t make connections 🥲
☀️Saturn- ascendant: being seen as more responsible and mature. Being as an authority.
- How it manifested for me: despite my Leo rising mannerisms and how I get along very well the youngins, I feel my piscean old soul def came out more. Also much more responsible especially since I lived on my own.
☀️Uranus- moon: events occurring so fast that you don’t have time to process them or react. Being free of your emotions.
- How it manifested for me: so much happened this year that I don’t think I processed my moms death, losing my job, being dumped and also moving away. I know it happened but like I think I reacted for a bit and then moved on to distract. I’m in therapy which is nice but yeah. Also could be that my moon is in Taurus in the 12th house so I feel much more emotionally stable but also repressed cause I still don’t believe it or I do but I’m like idk…it happened?? Weird?? I’m dreaming right?
☀️Uranus- sun: wanting to be free and re-classify yourself
- how it manifested for me: literally moved away because I felt trapped at home. I was more open about my love for astrology in my new city than I am in my hometown.
☀️Neptune- North Node: finding your spiritual path and a group/your “tribe” that’s in the category of the healing arts and esoteric. Diving into the metaphysical which pushes forward the person into a new life direction
- how it manifested for me: met you all in the Astro tumblr community 🥹🥺❤️ also dug deeper into astrology! I’ve studied it since 2018 but I went 💯 on it this gear. I also have a 9th house stellium in Aquarius in my SR.
☀️Pluto-Venus: intense fated connection with an intimate relationship or an emotional ending of one.
Note: Pluto represents mother figures and family members and people connected with death & dying.
- how it manifested for me: I did meet a man and he has a Gemini rising and Taurus moon in the 12th in his natal. My SR is Gemini rising and Taurus moon in the 12th. He impacted me greatly and how I viewed men. He was great and I’m grateful for him 💛
2021: significant events
☀️Neptune- Venus: illusions in romantic relationships. Love life could be wonderful or will leave you to deal with the harsh truth after it’s ended. Could possibly be conned.
- how it manifested for me: met a guy who is an Aquarius rising (my ascendant sign was Aquarius that year also) and when we dated I felt happy when being with him. But he ghosted (then he came back again and ghosted again) and I had to face the harsh reality of that. I’m sadly still recovering but I’ve made a lot of healing progress! I just know better now.
☀️Uranus- ascendant: changes to a persons life such as name and physical body. A huge drive for change/freedom.
- how it manifested for me: I got cosmetic surgery 😅 but I love it 🥰
I love astrology 💛 enjoy!
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raquellemonsta · 11 months
Hi!! Just saw ur post announcing that you’ll be taking requests so I’d love to send one in! I would love love LOVE a timeskip! Tobio x supermodel/influencer/celebrity gf who is like the IT girl of Tokyo and is super gorgeous Bcs I’ve just forever had this thought that timeskip tobio just SUITS so well w like specifically a famous celebrity that compliments him yk?? And not to mention he’s also canonically attractive like YESS. It just makes so much sense bcs I def think Kageyama fits into the unpopular/quiet guy trope with the ultimate sunshine/popular gf yk?? So so excited to read it!! <33
i LOVEEE this idea. i think his personality perfectly contrasts a popular/famous cosmo girl. i kind of went crazy with this one, and it has it's own little twist on it so the two aren't initially dating (also enjoy the lev cameo <3). hope you like it!!
timeskip! kageyama x celebrity/model! reader
4.0k words
you live a pretty normal life. you have lots of friends, lots of clothes, and your very own makeup brand. plus, you have millions of followers on all of your social medias, enough brand deals and fan mail to fill up an entire house, and weekly photoshoots for fashion magazines. and not to mention a beautiful penthouse in the most expensive part of tokyo. okay, maybe your life isn't that normal.
at only 23, you've been on the cover of famous magazines (both in your home country and abroad), developed your own million-dollar beauty brand, and even starred in a few popular movies. the spotlight has always seemed to find you.
when you were younger, you participated in pageants, first locally and eventually moving up to larger-scale competitions. you would start to get spots in commercials for random products. you had become locally well-known, however it would be at the end of your teens that you would be catapulted into real stardom.
when you were 19, you were crowned miss universe japan and were the runner-up for the miss universe competition. ever since, you had become a national celebrity and were known internationally as well. you now lived a lavish lifestyle and surrounded yourself with glamorous possessions and people (though not to say you didn't appreciate and even miss your life before fame). as tokyo's beloved 'it' girl, your life is exciting and lots of business at the same time.
which brings you to now, you were sitting in the backseat of your car after just leaving your manager's office. you kept replaying the conversation you just had with mr. gushiken.
"i don't understand what you're trying to say" you admitted.
"you're going on 24 (y/n), and you've never publicly dated anyone! you're going to become less relatable if you keep it up" he warned. your manager has been on your case about getting into a relationship to boost people's view of you. personally, you didn't care how relatable you are, but the more you thought the more you realized people might find it weird that their favorite megastar hasn't shown any sign of a love life. that didn't mean you wanted a 'pr' relationship though. you want love to find you, you don't want to force it or fake it. if that means waiting for the right person then so be it.
when you finally come back to reality, your driver informs you that you're almost to your destination. your manager booked you a shoot for some designer handbag brand that's going to pay you a large sum for the photos. you're even getting a free purse from their new line, so you're not going to complain.
entering the studio, you're greeted by an intern and shown to the set area. you're caught off guard when you see lev haiba at the set with you. you are aware of him, though you've never collaborated with him before. you most often see him in perfume/cologne advertisements, while you usually appear for fashion brands.
with the context that your manager wants you in a relationship, though, you start thinking that maybe you're being set up. a sinking feeling in your chest causes you to consider what dating lev would be like, and then onto lev himself. what is he like?
"hey (l/n), it's nice to work with you!" lev excitedly greets you. he has a wide grin on his face and talks faster than you can even keep up with.
"i'm happy to work with you too lev" you smile back. you make your decision then and there.
lev is very handsome, he's a model for crying out loud! but he isn't your type. superficially, you've always been into tall guys with dark hair. but honestly, appearance didn't matter to you as long as he had certain other traits. personality-wise, you liked when guys aren't like yourself. you find yourself clashing with lev simply because the two of you are very similar in your dispositions. it's nice as a friend and colleague relationship, but you don't see it working out romantically.
"alright ms. (l/n), please follow me" a younger man calls for your attention and lead you to a dressing/makeup room. your makeup took a little over half an hour, and then you were helped into the elegant red dress you were given for the shoot.
following the same man back out, you see lev already waiting for you so the shoot can begin. you shake hands with the photographer before getting some individual shots with the bags. then, they decide to have the two of you do some photos together. at first, it's innocent enough, but then they start asking you to get into some slightly more intimate poses. for example, the photographer has their intern move you two into a pose where your back is to lev's chest. they have him place his arms around you while you hold a handbag (and he has one over his shoulder). it's a very couple-y pose and you can just picture your manager scheming with the shoot photographer.
the thing that finally puts you over the edge is when they expect you and lev to kiss. that basically confirms your suspicion that this was some sort of plot to make the public see you and lev as a couple and spark a pr relationship between two models. your heart picks up its pace, but not in a positive way. you start to breathe heavier and feel on the bring of an anxiety attack. the only thing really stopping you is knowing how it could affect your reputation.
it's too much. i need to get out of here.
you settle for a kiss on the cheek, before announcing that you're not feeling very well and rushing off the set and back to your dressing room. you chug from your water bottle and breathe deeply, knuckles white as you clutch the edge of the table. you give yourself a few minutes to breathe before quickly getting out of the red dress and slipping into a slightly more casual black one. you grab your purse and walk back down the hallway, saying thank yous and byes to people as you go.
you give a more personal goodbye to lev, and give him a kind smile to show that it's not his fault that you ran out. he smiles back at you in understanding as you leave the building, your driver waiting out front for you. the sun is getting lower in the sky, and the streets are still bustling.
after that interesting shoot, you really need to unwind. you have your driver bring you to an upscale club in the heart of tokyo. you aren't an alcoholic by any means, but you really wanted a distraction and didn't think you would find it in your quiet apartment.
finally reaching your destination, your bodyguard opens the door for you. you thank your driver before walking up to the entrance of the club. several of the people in line excitedly point at you, whisper-shouting that you're even prettier in person and various other compliments. you grin at them before happily greeting the bouncer. this is a club you frequent, and the bouncer is used to seeing you.
you walk inside and immediately feel the speakers vibrating the floor. this dark front hallway merely conceals the colorful dance floor and lit-up bar. one of your favorite things about this club is the lighting perfect for insta pictures. you say hi to some of the people you recognize before feeling the need for a drink.
you head to the vip section and take a seat. your bodyguard is hidden away in the back, giving you some semblance of privacy while still ensuring that he'll be ready at a moment's notice, though you doubt you'll need his assistance here. while waiting for the server, you look down from the indoor balcony that gives a view of the dance floor. there are actually a lot more people here than usual, now that you think about it. there's a lot of really tall, really hot guys here tonight on top of that. a server comes by and you order a drink before asking about all of the extra people here tonight. he tells you that japan's national volleyball team are here
you wait for your drink by doing some more people-watching. you look around the vip area from the chair you're on when your gaze falls on a man across the room. he seems vaguely familiar, but you can't put a name to the face you're currently openly staring at. he's insanely attractive and fits the tall, dark, and handsome archetype to a t. even from where you're sitting you can tell he's particularly muscular, and his features are sharply defined.
is it cheesy and cliché to say this is love at first sight? you can't think of another way to describe it. you feel your heart start to thump faster in your chest, and unlike earlier it's a positive feeling. you look back at him and to your surprise, find that you're making eye contact with him before he quickly averts his eyes.
did you just catch him staring at you?
now you have to find out about him. by going over to him and asking? well no, he had three other guys currently sitting at his booth with him, which runs the risk of him blowing you off even if he is interested. so you do what makes the most sense and ask random clubgoers about him instead of approaching him. like any drunk person down there would ignore a pretty girl anyway.
you head down to the dance floor, where the music is nearly deafening, and try to ask around to find out who this guy is. it takes only one person to find out the identity of the handsome 'stranger'.
a girl around your age is able to tell you that it's kageyama tobio, a professional volleyball player. that explains his excellent physique. you look his name up on your phone and sure enough find the man and numerous pictures of him throughout his career. damn is he hot, especially in his action shots. you also realize you've definitely seen him online before, probably in a headline as part of his impressive volleyball team without even realizing it. apparently, he's a very talented setter and a key part of his team, despite being one of the younger ones on the team (when you see he's 24 you want to yell out loud that finally an attractive guy is actually your age and not a questionable amount older).
you're told by others that he's 'emotionally unavailable' and that he is already in a committed relationship (with volleyball) though. you aren't going to let that stop you, plus he was actually staring back at you earlier. that has to count for something! besides, even if it doesn't work out, the chase itself is fun.
you make your way back up to your seat. you feel eyes on you and find him at the other side of the vip intently staring at you again. one of his teammates (you assume) is sat across from him, though his attention is clearly on you. you wave at him and give him a flirtatious wink, which causes him to furrow his brows. he looks behind and then around himself while you continue to stare at him. is he really so surprised you're interested in him? does he not know how attractive he is?
when he's finally alone, you decide to make your move. pushing your chair back, you make your way over.
"hi. mind if i sit?" you ask. you're not going to beat around the bush or worse- make him feel like he's wasting his time.
he looks at you, likely recognizing you as the beautiful woman across the room that seemed interested in him. he then takes in the rest of you, and you're happy you had decided to wear a short but flattering black dress that highlights your favorite features.
"hey. no" he shortly responds. he shifts over in the booth despite the entire rest of it being empty. you take the opportunity to be close to him and sit in the area he made space for. you bump his shoulder accidentally before placing your drink down.
you sit down and get a good look at him up close for the first time. you have to say, he's even more attractive in person compared to your phone screen. his eye contact with you is inconsistent, as you'll catch his gaze for a few seconds before he looks away with pink cheeks.
"i haven't seen you here before" you say, "what are you doing here tonight?" you question, taking a sip of your drink. you want to hear from him, even though you kind of already know the answer. you look up at him to find him already looking at you, for some reason surprised that a pretty girl is actually this interested in speaking with him. after several moments of his incredulous look, he finally answers you.
"i'm on japan's national volleyball team" he explained, "we're here for 'team bonding' or something". he doesn't say much but you find yourself hanging on every word he speaks. he has an alluringly deep voice that you noticed more with his longer sentence. "i know who you are" he says.
you're shocked by his sudden assertion. honestly, you shouldn't be because you're literally one of the most famous people in tokyo, but still. you honestly feel kind of bad that you hadn't really known who he was when he caught your eye from across the room earlier.
"really?" you ask.
"who doesn't?" he responds.
kageyama does know you. he knows a lot about you, truthfully. you've been his 'celebrity crush' for several years, ever since he happened to see you on the miss universe competition representing his country.
he had been visiting home, watching tv with his sister. miwa has always been a big fan of reality tv and beauty competitions. he hadn't really been paying much attention to what she was watching, opting to play some random game on his phone while waiting for dinner. that was until his sister started freaking out and squealing at the tv. who was the older sibling again?
"tobio it's her! miss universe japan!" she excitedly shouted. "she's so beautiful" she had quieted down a little, but still had her eyes glued to the screen. kageyama looked up from his phone and at the screen and was surprised to see a breathtakingly beautiful girl wearing the 'miss japan' sash. she was smiling brightly and he felt a thump in his chest even though the smile wasn't directly aimed at him.
words on the bottom of the screen came up: 'miss universe japan: (l/n) (y/n)'. he immediately went to look up your name online, and found plenty of pictures of you, along with your instagram with hundreds of thousands of followers. he only scrolled for a few seconds before following you and looking back up at the screen, entranced.
it was a whole new thing to see you in front of him now. slightly older from the first time he had laid eyes on you, but still just as alluring. your smile still makes his heart skip.
"well, i'm honored that the kageyama tobio knows me" you say. he merely stares back at you in awe at finally meeting you in person as he tries to think of something to say.
one of your favorite poppy songs comes on and you excitedly jump up. he gets slightly nervous at your quick action.
"dance with me?" you ask. you have a wide smile on your face and hold your hand out to him.
"i don't dance" he tells you. which is true. whenever he comes to clubs or bars, he feels out of place. while his friends and teammates are able to unwind and attract the attention of women, he finds it much harder to do either. he's much too quiet and emotionally reserved to hold the attention of most women, while others are put off by his 'unsettling' smile.
"it'll be fun! there's so many people here no one will be looking at you anyway, you have nothing to be worried about" you reason. you can clearly see the inner turmoil written on his face.
little do you know, kageyama is so nervous he's going to embarrass himself in front of you. he's never gotten this much personal attention from such a gorgeous girl, let alone a famous one he'd been crushing on for several years. he's almost always had fangirls, but people have always said he's unapproachable and too volleyball-minded for girls to ever have any attraction beyond physical. you've been talking to him for this long though, so he can't help but think this is different and you might actually be genuinely interested in him.
he mutters a small 'ok' and you take your chance before he can change his mind. you grab his hand and pull him from the booth and down the stairs all the way to the dance floor. turning around to face him, you have to look up to meet his eyes again. definitely over 6 foot, but he doesn't tower over you as much as lev does. it's a good, happy medium. he's standing very stiff and looking around at everyone before he looks back down to you. you give him a warm smile, encouraging him to loosen up a little.
you decide it seems like he needs you to help him. you grab his hands and sway back and forth in a goofy way. he only follows your actions, letting himself be wildly flailed around by you. he can't help the smile that breaks out onto his face, one he hasn't let himself show to anyone in a very long time (due to the many comments people had made about it). when you give him a strange look, he quickly tries to go back to his straight face and pulls his hands out of yours, turning around so you can't see his expression. he's already managed to mess up.
that's not how you see it. you're surprised at how his smile makes you feel. you finally understand what people are talking about when they say they have butterflies in their stomach. you feel light and airy, while also being tied down to this world next to him. your entire body heats up and you swear you're about to catch on fire. you haven't felt this way for a guy in a very long time, especially not this quickly. everything about him demands your attention and makes you wish you didn't need to blink so you never have to miss a glimpse of him.
"your smile is cute" you tell him honestly. it's a little unconventional, but you mean what you say. you can tell it's genuine and true, and that in itself is what makes it so beautiful. he gives you a strange look with something you can't really grasp. the best way to describe it is like he's really seeing you for the first time. not just your face, your body, your looks. he sees into you.
"you're gorgeous" he tells you. it's something you've heard thousands of times but it holds an entirely different meaning when you hear it from his mouth. you glance up at him and find him giving you an intense look of admiration and maybe even more.
"kiss me" you whisper. he doesn't respond verbally, and instead grants you your request. the butterflies in your stomach explode and go all over your body. it's an amazing sensation that leads you wanting more. his lips are slightly chapped, and you have to admit he seems slightly inexperienced, but you don't care. if anything, it's endearing. you hear some of the people (they sound like guys so you guess they're probably his teammates) whistle and holler in your general direction, but neither of you pay any mind to it. his arms fold around your back and pull you in closer, causing you to reach up and place your arms over his shoulders and around his neck. after what feels like forever, you pull away though he follows you. you hide your face and just embrace him. he's so warm and the feeling calms you. you feel safe with him, and wish the two of you could just be alone with each other.
you tell him as much, and he offers up his place for the two of you to go. you smile at him before texting your driver and your bodyguard (who was watching you now), telling them the address you would be heading to.
honestly, the rest of the night is history.
a package turned up at your apartment, something which at first makes you a little nervous. being as famous as you are, it's unsettling to think a 'fan' might show up at your door or have bad intentions with you. fortunately, the package is addressed to you from your manager. why not just text me, we're in the 21st century? you think, but pass it off as him being an 'old man' (he's about 50, so you decide).
you sit down with the package on the couch in your patio. opening it up, you find one of the most popular celeb news magazines and immediately recognize the two people on the cover. it's a picture of you and tobio walking down the sidewalk after one of your recent coffee dates. he had been walking you to one of your friends apartment buildings to visit her (and more importantly her dog). the photographer had caught you animatedly talking about god knows what, but you were more interested in tobio. he was looking at you intently with the faintest smile that most people probably wouldn't notice. if they didn't notice that, though, they definitely would notice the look in his eyes: lovestruck. if it was a cartoon you were sure he would have literal hearts in his eyes. you held your frappuccino in the hand not intertwined with tobio's. though you could find paparazzi annoying and even creepy at times, you have to admit you love everything about this picture.
the picture of course has a caption. in big letters it reads:
'tokyo's hottest new couple!: (l/n) (y/n) & kageyama tobio are official!'
you can't help the smile on your face. flipping through the pages, you finally come to the one about you and kageyama. a small slip of paper falls out when you do so, and you find it's a note from your manager:
congratulations on front cover again. he's a keeper - gushiken-san
"what's that?" a familiar voice behind you questions. you feel arms wrap around you and you smile. it seems someone's finally gotten out of bed.
"us" you show him the cover, to which he makes a low hum in response.
"i'm putting this on the fridge" you joke. you turn around to face him in all of his bedhead glory, wrapping your arms up around his shoulders.
"seriously? i look weird in that picture" he scoffs. you playfully swat him for making such an objectively wrong claim. you always help him with his self-esteem. he never doubts his abilities in volleyball, but in nearly ever other part of his life he needs some assistance. even now that the two of you are actually dating he doesn't feel worthy enough, friendly enough, attractive enough for someone like you. you do everything you can to convince him otherwise. he is worthy, sweet to you, and definitely attractive enough.
"you look handsome in it! but you always do so i'm not sure why you're surprised" you teasingly flirt. his cheeks darken and you reach up to pinch one. he moves his head away but moves back to gaze sweetly into your eyes. you look back just as sweet, and can't help but be lost in his beautiful blue eyes.
"if you say so" he responds with a kiss to your cheek. you respond with a kiss to his lips, followed by many more.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 6 months
by Dion J. Pierre Dozens of anti-Israel student groups at Harvard University, along with several allied campus groups across the US, have issued a set of demands to Harvard President Claudine Gay and given her until Monday to respond, adding further fuel to what’s become an explosive situation at one of the world’s most elite universities over the Israel-Hamas war. Earlier this week, students protested on campus and issued the list of demands, which included the reinstatement of a student proctor who three weeks ago participated in mobbing a Jewish student and screaming “Shame!” into his ears.  According to The Harvard Crimson, the campus newspaper, the university had suspended indefinitely Elom Tettey-Tamaklo, a second year student at the Harvard Divinity School, from his role as a proctor over his involvement in the incident, video of which went viral earlier this month. Tettey-Tamaklo reportedly has been ordered to vacate free housing he received as compensation for holding the position, which gives graduates the opportunity to mentor freshmen. This week, the students also demanded that Gay commit to pursue no disciplinary or punitive actions against “pro-Palestinian students and workers engaging in non-violent protest.” The letter came as, according to The Harvard Crimson, eight undergraduates students had been summoned to hearings as part of disciplinary proceedings against students who last week occupied University Hall on campus for 24-hours. The third demand in the letter to Gay was for Harvard to “disclose [its] investments in the internationally recognized illegal settlements in Palestine and divest from those holdings” — an apparent nod to the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel. The BDS campaign seeks to isolate Israel from the international community as a step toward the Jewish state’s eventual elimination. “Harvard University continues to attempt to silence the voices of those who refuse to watch idly by as crimes against humanity are committed against the Palestinian people,” said the letter containing the demands. “The university continually wants to ‘affirm their commitment to protecting all members of our community from harassment and marginalization.’ However, they are currently attempting to fire a Black first year proctor, Elom, for standing on the side of justice.” The letter additionally chastised Gay for earlier this month condemning the popular anti-Israel chant “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” — a slogan that has been widely interpreted as a call for the destruction of Israel, which is located between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.
Now we will find out who is in charge at Harvard, the administration or the spoiled, little, terror-supporting, Jew-hating motherf***ers,
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dwtdog · 2 months
Childhood friends
Live in some small town/suburb in florida
Georges family moved there when he was really young from britain and at first he hates it
But then he meets dream at school and they become fast friends
Very codependent friends -> tell each other everything, do everything together
In georges sophomore year his parents decide to move back to england
He doesnt want to go and he tells dream about it first
Dream says don't go! You can live with me and we can finish highschool together and then go to college together
George agrees and moves into dreams house
They share a room in dreams house, and somehow they get even closer
No one ever points out their strangeness, because its a small town and everyone knows dream and george are best friends
Until someone does their senior year- sapnap, a kid from texas who just moved to florida for a bit
Hes younger than them, and they only meet him their senior year because they help with a coding club
He’s like what the fuck is up with you two ?
And they’re liek ???? we’re Normal.
As the school year goes on, dream is growing less invested in the idea of going to college, while george is still very committed
Its the longest real fight they’ve ever had, and neither of them know how to deal with it
Dream ends up getting closer to sapnap in the time they spend not talking, and george feels like hes being replaced
In a moment of rashness, george commits to a college in england
Finally, they both reach their breaking points of being away from each other for too long, and they reconnect in a dramatic moment
From then on theres a shift in their relationship that neither of them can really name- they’re more touchy, more emotional
But george doesn’t tell dream that he’s going back
The school year is drawing to a close, and theres a lot of tension in dreams family over his choice to not go to college
Dream turns to george for reassurance, but george starts to pull away, afraid of hurting him
He’s fully decided he wants to go back, but he doesn’t know how to tell dream
It ends up being an accident that dream finds out, a week before their graduation when the school counselor sends out a list of everyone and the schools they’ve committed to to verify before graduation
Dream sees himself, listed at the very end with no college, and he sees george listed first, among the students going to uni internationally, and he feels the distance between them grow, until it’s all he can feel
George tries to talk to him, not even realizing he knows, and now dream is shutting him out and george doesnt know what to do
Graduation comes, and dream watches as george crosses the stage and accepts his diploma, as the crows cheers for him
It's quieter when he goes, and the lack of a commitment for college rings loudly around the auditorium
The rest of the day is a blur for dream, the afterparty feels hollow, and when he gets home he sees george packing his bags
Youre leaving. Dream says, and it feels like the world has already ended
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karimwillia · 7 months
Our Little Secret 🤫 Pt. 2
“It's on everybody's mind, about you and I They think so, but they don't really know”
Warnings: Teen AU
The week was turning out to be perfect. The pair quickly got into a routine. AZ’s alarm is smooth jazz that gently wakes them at 5:30am. From there they both get up to do some working out. Ri used the time to get film because AZ already had the home gym area equipped with a trampoline, and tumbling mats for Ri to do her cheer stunts on. AZ is a martial artist so she uses the time to get into shape. She is a 2nd Degree Black belt in Taekwondo, and lower ranking belts in Judo and Ju-Jitsu. AZ has competed in a few international competitions and won. She is also internationally ranked. All things no one knows at school. After workouts they shower and find clothes to match each other somehow. They do something for the day normally with friends, they then come home help cook, watch a movie and settle in for the night. The domestic life suits them; they can hug, touch, kiss, and cuddle with no limit. It's heaven.
A smooth jazz version of ICU is playing. AZ stirs awake with Ri in her arms not wanting to move “Baby come on time for workouts.” Ri scrunches her face with a whine. “Mmm not today let’s stay in bed.” AZ chuckles. “Why Baby you never want to stay in bed?” Ri finds AZ’s lips with her eyes closed pecking them. “I know but it’s day three and I just want to make this the longest week ever. If we never get it up, we will have a longer day.” “Baby that is not how that works but I will stay in bed with you. I like it here.” Ri licks her tongue along AZ’s jaw. “It is how it works.” AZ bites Ri’s cheek with no teeth in return. “You just licked me so you could be right. That’s not fair. If we never get up I won’t have to take you on the date I have planned.” Ri pops her head up and grins. “A date!? Oh yes please I want to have you on my arm so bad. Where are we going!? I don’t need anyone…” AZ cuts Ri off with a kiss to calm her. “Baby we are heading out of town for the day. Michigan City is about an hour away. They have a small zoo and some art galleries. We can make a day trip and no one will be there. Pack a bag.”
The girls pack and AZ gets behind the wheel to head out. “AZ Auntie is calling.” “Thank you Griot answer.” Holding hands over the armrest both girls smile as Okoye’s voice fills the car over the speakers. “Ahhh you two did not make this bed before you left. We have not hired the maid yet and Shuri Azari, you know better.” Both of them wince at the tone of Auntie’s voice. The girls have basically been living in AZ’s room like a small apartment so they have been lacking in the tidying up department. They will have to find a better cleaning routine. Okoye was not pleased at all by the unmade bed and blankets all over the couch. “Auntie, we are so so sorry. AZ and I were just in a rush. I wanted to spend this time with her, but I will personally clean the room top to bottom when we get back.” Ri always had a way with words that always made people forget what they were angry with her about. Okoye sighed knowing that this time is precious for them but still they have to do better. “Ahhh ok but as soon as you step foot in this house you will clean. As a matter of fact it will be Azari who does it. Be safe my iintsana.” With no verbal protest AZ shakes her head in disbelief how is it all on her?
The phone hangs up and the music starts up once more. SZA’s Snooze is playing over the speaker and AZ brings Ri’s hand to her mouth to kiss it. “You would be one hell of a lawyer, how did you sway her to give me the punishment? Also you smell like me.” Ri smiles warmly with no teeth. “I may have sprayed your cologne. I love to have it on me. But I don’t know how I just appealed to her nature. Auntie knows we don’t get the same freedom to date so I just made her feel bad.” Ri and AZ start to laugh. “Oh that is so wrong but soon no one will have a say in your life my Love. You will be 18 with money and a place to stay. We can love and live all we want then.” Ri huffs she hates this topic because while she understands the logic she wants to defy the logic. “AZ please I don’t care about being 18 if they kick me out they kick me out. I love you so much it hurts to be away from you. It hurts to act as if I don’t know you are at school or on the street. It hurts that I have to fear someone “outing me” to people who barely know me, let alone care for me. In order to be with you.” Tears start to well in her eyes. This has always been a conversation but AZ honestly does not want to convince her to wait anymore either.
The logic has been wearing thin over the past few months for AZ as well. She has only been trying to stick with her same song and dance to hide her true feelings. Losing T’Challa left her reeling and not having the ONE person she wanted by her side tore her apart. The emotions of grief were hard enough so the emotions of missing her girlfriend had to take a back seat. This has been causing her to resent everyone, especially Ri’s parents. In the moment of seeing her Love cry AZ could not hold back anymore. Pulling over into a rest stop AZ gets out of the car and walks over to Ri’s side with no words spoken. She just simply opens the door and pulls her girlfriend firmly into a hug. One they both needed. “If you no longer want to hide then we do not have to. I long to love you out loud so much Ri so whatever you want to do we will do it. I just need a few weeks to figure out how to protect your share of the company and money.” Ri cry’s softly into AZ's chest. “Baby I want to come out to my family, nothing crazy and I want to have pictures of us on social media.” She laughs at how almost silly it sounds. AZ cups her face kissing her sweetly. “We can do that in two weeks. Give me two weeks. I will post you every hour.” They dry their tears and continue to Michigan City.
The date was amazing. AZ arranged for them to have a pottery class, dinner and a walk along the lake at Washington Park. They held hands and kissed so many times Ri’s lips were numb. On the beach cuddled up they got a little more hot kissing a little longer than normal. It was getting dark so they thought it was fine only a few people walked by. Unknown to them Viv AZ’s arch nemesis and Ri’s frenemy was recording a live. All hell was about the break loose.
“Hey all out in boring ass Michigan City my family forced me out here to spend the evening. People are so gross it’s a couple out here kissing let’s get a look. Oh oop…is that who I think it is. A FREAK and Rihanna Williams out here kissing oh wow!!!” Viv zooms in, getting a clear view of them to the point they cannot deny it’s them. AZ and Ri both get a call at that same moment. It is Miles and MJ respectively. They are warning them in shock AZ calmly gets up and walks over to Viv who she sees maybe 20 yards away now that she is paying attention. AZ walks up and with no hesitation grabs the phone and shuts off the live.
Viv scrams. “You weirdo give me my phone! I will press charges for property damage if you break it!” AZ has a look of pure hate for Viv in her eyes. “No…” Rihanna speaks over AZ stopping the entire confrontation. “Vivian Greene you clout chasing bitch. She didn’t break it nor will she. You are weird for filming people without permission. That’s a criminal offense but we all know you are not new to being in trouble with the law.” Handing her back the phone. Ri stares at Viv with a smirk.
Notifications from everyone are going wild in Viv’s dms but the live’s recording has already been wiped. Viv smirks back, “Maybe so but you would never want your parents to find out about your little relationship. It’s honestly sick.” AZ steps up even though she would never use her skills to hurt someone she will use them to protect. “Vivian, you have two seconds to back away from Ri. Or I will just have to move you. The video was live so it may have already reached her parents. Just know that my lawyers will have contact with you soon about this matter.”
Viv glared at AZ and backed up seeing how muscular AZ actually is. “I hope they disown you for good Ri. You could have had any boy in the school but you wanted this thing!” AZ’s face is stern; she is ready to drop Viv if she takes one step. “Viv you’re just mad it isn’t you I chose or do you not remember the time you tried to kiss me in 8th grade. Also where is your daughter? Or are you still going with her being your sister?”
Viv stared at Ri with a mixture of embarrassment and hatred. “So what? She may be my child but at least I’m not gay!” Riri stands there with a smirk playing on her lips. “Oh so not only being denied a kiss by me in the 8th grade but having a threesome with a girl and the boy you got pregnant by is not at least bisexual? That’s cute.” Viv backs up more. “Fine Williams you win but I also hope you are prepared for your Mommy and Daddy to be on your case.”
@somethingcleaverandwhitty @mal-urameshi
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