#Minor character death
cw: offscreeen minor character death
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my thing for the ghostsoap server soulmate event
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cpt-winters · 22 days
*That Hidden Injury Trope*
Leader forced the grimace off his face, expression neutral as he pressed his hand to his side, head kept down as he opened the door.
Of course, Teammate was still there, arms crossed and eyes glued to him.
"What do you want? I'm tired." He sighed, brushing past the other.
"I want to know that you're okay."
Leader momentarily paused, pursing his lips as he kept a steady pressure on his side. "I don't need this right now. I'm fine."
"Come on boss," Teammate pleaded, taking the silence as their queue to push. "The whole team's worried about you. You won't even look at us! And you've- you've barely said a word since-"
"Since I got Youngest killed?" Leader finished for them, slow to swallow the lump in his throat. "There's nothing to say."
"...What?" Teammate's voice was little more than a whisper. "How can you even say that? It wasn't your fault!"
Leader shook his head, gritting his teeth as he fought the urge to say something.
"You did everything you could. Everything."
"Yeah, well it wasn't enough!" he finally snapped, a wince swift to escape him as he turned too quickly.
Teammate stilled, immediate words dying in their throat as their eyes fell on Leader's hand still cradling his side. "Are you.. are you hurt?" they started, voice torn between outrage and concern.
"It's nothing." Leader took a half-step back, the stumble doing nothing to further his point. "Just leave it." The blurring figure closing the distance paid no heed to his instruction, a cold hand lifting his damp shirt before he could swat it away.
"Leader-! What th....-ell?"
Leader's brows furrowed, Teammate's voice muffled as they pulled back red-coated fingers. He lifted his gaze to the other, their mouth moving, but no noise reaching his ears.
"Jus.. drop it," he insisted, vaguely aware of the hands shooting towards him as the ground rushed to greet him.
2/3 (Part One, Part Three)
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ladykailitha · 8 months
Grief (A Friend Indeed) Part 1
Hello! Sorry it's been nothing but one-shots lately, but as I said in this post here I haven't abandoned anything, my life has just got a little crazy lately.
This was conceived because my sister's former mother-in-law passed away due to massive heart failure a week ago and I chose to write this story as a way with dealing it. I didn't know her well, but I did know her and that's enough I think to feel some grief at her passing. She was a year younger than my dad.
Summary: Eddie and Wayne have to go back to Kentucky when Eddie's grandmother (and Wayne and Al's mother) passes. Steve comes along when Eddie suggests that he would feel better if he came. Along the way they learn about each other's pasts and find out that they are each other's future.
Eddie walked into the Family Video and had to stop and gaze fondly at the sight before him. Steve was draped over the counter reading a magazine and steadfastly ignoring the bell above the door that announced his arrival.
He got up to the desk and greeted affectionately, “Hey, Stevie.”
Steve bolted straight up and ran his fingers through his hair. “Oh hi, Eds. I didn’t realize that it was you.”
Eddie smiled for the first time in days.
Steve grinned back. “You know, a boy could start to think you were avoiding him. You know, since I haven’t seen you around in days.”
Eddie winced, shoving his hands into his jean pockets. “Sorry, man. I had family stuff.”
Steve’s teasing grin slid off his face. “Shit. I’m sorry. That was a dick move.”
Eddie waved his hands. “No, no. There was no way for you to know. In fact, that’s why I’m here. To make sure you don’t think that I’m avoiding you. Because I wouldn’t. You see Wayne and I have to go back to Ashland for a funeral.”
Steve’s already contrite expression softened further. “Oh, Eds. That’s awful. Are you okay? Do you need anything?”
Eddie’s eyes welled up and before the first tear could fall, Steve was over that counter and wrapping him up in his arms.
“I’ve got you, Eds,” Steve murmured. “I’m here now.”
Eddie sobbed and sobbed as Steve just gently rubbed his back until he calmed down enough to talk.
“It’s Uncle Wayne’s mom, my grandma,” he explained, clutching Steve’s shirt like a life line. “She was just the sweetest old lady and now she’s gone. I’m going to miss her.”
“Oh, Eds,” Steve murmured. “I’m sorry. That must just be awful for you. If there is anything I can do, just let me know.”
Eddie chuckled into Steve’s work vest. “Too bad you can’t come with. I think I’d feel braver about seeing all Dad’s family again if you were there.”
Steve grabbed his biceps and pushed him back gently. “Done.”
Eddie stuttered and sputtered. “Stevie, no...”
Steve picked up the phone on the counter and dialed a number. “Stevie yes.”
And Eddie watched in awe horror as Steve’s eyes suddenly welled up with tears and he rubbed his nose.
“Keith?” Steve said, his voice rough as if he had been doing the crying. “Yeah, I just got a call from my mom. My grandmother has died and I have to go to Kentucky for the funeral.”
Eddie’s jaw dropped. He didn’t even know that Steve knew where Ashland was.
“Yeah, my mom is from Lexington,” Steve said with a wink at him. “A real southern belle. I’ve seen pictures of her debutante ball and everything.”
Eddie snorted, because of course she was.
“I would need at least a week,” Steve was saying. “With the reading of the will and all.”
Eddie scoffed. If there was a will, he very much doubted there would be anything as formal as a reading of the damn thing.
“Oh thank you so much,” Steve sniffled. “I’ll even call Robin and let her know about her needing to pick up a few shifts.”
And like that Steve had gotten the week off.
“And the award for best crocodile tears to get out of working goes to Steve Harrington!” Eddie said, waving his hands back and forth. “Holy shit, man, how did you do that?”
Steve snorted. “As any good actor will tell you in order to cry on command, you just need to think about something that makes you cry.”
Eddie frowned. “What did you think of?”
Steve just shrugged. “What time are you guys leaving?”
“Tomorrow, early,” he said. “But serious, dude, even after that stellar performance, you don’t really have to come. Take the week off. Enjoy life for a change.”
Steve shook his head. “I would just be at home worried about you. Don’t make me stay. Please. Not when you said you would feel better with me there.”
Eddie’s shoulders slumped as he gave in. “Of course I want you there, but I would be selfish to take you away from your family for so long. Robin, Dustin...the rest of the them all need you too.”
Steve sighed heavily. “You’re part of that family, Eds. And I’m not dumb enough to think that they aren’t going to make a run for it the second they’re able to. As they should. I have to live my own life and not be afraid to go places.”
Eddie threw his arms in the air. “I hate when you make sense.”
Steve grinned. “Now the only remaining question is which vehicle we’re taking, Wayne’s truck, your van, or my car?”
Eddie laughed. “God, Stevie. I am so glad you’re coming with me. I needed that. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
Steve’s grin turned soft and fond. “Let’s hope you never have to find you.”
“Damn straight.”
“I can’t believe you’re leaving me,” Robin groused when Steve called her after Eddie left.
“What was I supposed to do when he asked?” Steve questioned, twirling the phone cord around his fingers. He leaned against the counter, keeping an eye on the door.
The last thing he needed was Keith finding out he fucked around after giving him the week off.
Robin scoffed. “Not go?” she questioned. “He obviously wasn’t serious about you coming with.”
"You know I would do the same for you," he said with a sigh. "For any of you. Plus his life has already been turned upside down enough, don't you think?"
Robin sighed. "I'm not really mad," she said. "It's just that this will be the longest we've been apart since the Russians under the mall."
Steve pinched the bridge of his nose. "Just think of it as a trial run for when you go to college."
"Yeah okay," she said resigned. "Just call me before you leave and again when you get there, okay?"
"Aye, aye, captain!" Steve said with a grin.
Robin giggled. "Shut up!" She paused for a moment. "I'll miss your stupid face, dingus."
“I’ll miss yours, too,” Steve said with a sigh. “I’ll call as often as I can okay?”
“You better.”
They talked a little bit longer until a customer came in and he had to hang up.
When he got home he started calling all the kids and packing for a week long trip. He wasn’t sure what he should bring in terms of clothes and ended up calling Eddie.
Eddie who laughed when he asked. “Just bring what you would normally wear this time of year.”
Steve chewed on his lip. “So I won’t get mercilessly teased about my preppy clothes?”
“Oh no, you will,” Eddie confirmed. “It’s just you don’t have to change yourself to fit in with a bunch of assholes who would make fun of you. Okay?”
Steve let out a slow breath and his anxiety went with it. He could handle that. Those assholes had never met a bitch like Steve Harrington before.
“Yeah, okay,” he said after a moment. “You and Wayne decide which vehicle we’re taking?”
“Yeah, he suggested we take his truck and your car,” Eddie said. “He knows he’s going to be taking a lot back and thinks your car will make it better than my van.”
“Sounds good,” Steve murmured, a little disappointed. “So who will you be riding with for the trip down?”
He could almost feel the grin from here. “With you, of course, darlin’.”
Steve laughed. “Yeah okay. What time do you need me at your house?”
There was a beat and then two before Eddie said, “I was thinking that you should spend the night so we could leave first thing in the morning.”
Steve’s heart sped up as his breath caught in his chest. “Yeah. Sure. That’s a good idea. I’ll show up at eight tonight, give myself a little bit more time to pack.”
“Sounds good,” Eddie replied. “Wayne suggested it because it’s a six hour drive and we want to leave as early as we can so it’s not too late when we get there.”
Steve felt a jumble of emotions at that statement. It was a relief that it was a practical reason, but at the same time it was a disappointment that it wasn’t Eddie’s idea.
He took a deep breath. “I hear that. I remember the trips to Lexington when I was kid before we started flying. They were a bitch.”
“It really surprises me that you have family in Kentucky. I don’t know why, a lot of people in Indiana do, it’s just...”
“Harringtons are so entrenched in Hawkins it’s weird to think we have connections outside of it?” Steve supplied.
Eddie laughed. “Yeah, that.”
“My parents met in college and I didn’t move to Hawkins until I was eight,” Steve said.
“Wait,” Eddie said. “No way. You aren’t a Hawkins native?”
Steve chuckled. “Nope. I’m more like you and Dustin then the Wheelers and the Byers. And the Sinclairs.”
“Huh,” Eddie said after a moment. “You certainly have hidden depths, my friend.”
“You have no idea,” Steve teased.
“Then I’ll just have to use this trip to dive deeper,” Eddie teased back.
“I have to pack, you dork,” Steve said fondly. “I’ll be over at eight.”
“See you then, Stevie.”
Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 5|Part 6|Part 7|Part 8|Part 9|Part 10|Part 11|Part 12
Permanent tag list: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @goodolefashionedloverboi @messrs-weasley @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @emly03 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @littlewildflowerkitten @vecnuthy @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst
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olinblogin · 7 months
Hello! If the request are open, may I ask for a Yan Wukong x Fem Reader x Yan Macaque (romantically) where Reader tries to avoid them to have a time for herself or being with her own friends? I just imagine those two monkeys being the clingy and jealous cats they are XD
Thank you so much! ♡♡♡
Of course! Thank you so much for your request! I really enjoyed writing this one, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it!
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TW/CW; mentions of alcohol/drinking, slight for, vomiting (because of alcohol), very minor character death
Clicking open the lock to your bedroom window, you took one last glance back at the two simians splayed in your bed; both clutching pillows you’d put in your place. You were thankful for those house canceling earmuffs you got for Macaque…
If not for them, he’d certainly have caught you trying to sneak out by now and dragged you back under the covers.
But you weren’t going to let that happen… you’d waited for too long to go out clubbing with your friends again. Carefully ducking under the window you’d opened, you shuffled out onto the sidewalk and carefully shut the window back.
You grabbed your bag off the ground and made your way down the sidewalk, heels clicking against the concrete rapidly as you made your way to the club.
Finally making your way there you squinted at the fluorescent lights that displayed the name; “The June Joint”.
You opened the door and were met with the scent of what you could only assume was a mix of BO, alcohol, and fruity vapes. You got over it soon when you saw your friends, rushing over to them and saying your hellos. It soon progressed to you all dancing drunkly on the dance floor… you couldn’t even hear the song playing; let alone if they were playing one at all.
You’d promised yourself you’d only have one drink tonight, but that one drink soon turned into two, and a few shots. Feeling a bit queasy you wobbled your way to the bar to get ahold of yourself. The were playing ‘Copacabana’ and as much as you wanted to dance right now, a migraine was starting to form at a splitting pace.
You fished your phone out of your bra, immediately sobering up in horror when you read the notifications… 13 missed calls, 57 unread messages.
“Oh, shit.” You scrambled to the entrance of the club; only to be dragged back by a clammy hand. “C’mon pretty girl, no need to rush… come dance with me and my guys and we’ll give you something worthwhile..” the man slurred. With a grimace you tried to take your arm back… but he had a real good grip.
“I’m sorry… I’d love to. But I’m taken, I need to get home too.” And at those words it almost seemed like it summoned two other men, tatted out and brooding. “He doesn’t gotta know. Besides I’m sure I can give you so much more than a shrimp-dick that you’re dati—“
His clammy hand fell from your arm as you stared down at the crumpled figure in horror, silence wafted over the club before screams rang out. You noticed a familiar staff end cascaded with golden clouds embroidered into it. uh oh..
Amidst the chaos you were tugged back by another hand, craning your neck to see Macaque holding you close and glowering at Wukong, who was beating the corpse of the man who dared to touch you to a bloody pull.
“That idiot… he could’ve gotten that disgusting man’s blood on you.” Macaque snarled lowly as he lay his head on top of yours, waiting for Wukong to finish beating the hell out of an already dead man.
When finished, Wukong looked back at you while slightly panting from exertion… “[Y/N]! What the hell were you doing out without us?! You could’ve gotten hurt!”
Before you could reply you felt the floor below you vanish; falling through on of Macaque’s shadow portals and back to your house. Still having alcohol in your system, that definitely didn’t work in your favor.
They were both about to scold you when they watched you scramble to the bathroom and hurl into the toilet. Wukong and Macaque looked at each other with their ears flattened, both immediately going to your side on the bathroom floor. Wukong held your hair back for you and Macaque rubbed your back while you emptied the contents of your stomach.
It felt like hours until you’d finally come to a halt, leaning back against the bathtub while Macaque whipped your mouth and readied a toothbrush. “I’m so sorry… I should’ve known you’d get sick when we went through my shadows. Can you ever forgive me, Starlight?” Macaque asked quietly as he carefully brushed your teeth for you.
Wukong soon came back with armfuls of food. Sitting down by your side he sifted through the foods. “Wukong what the hell is all this?! She needs something light! Like toast or crackers!” Macaque scolded as Wukong’s tail flicked with panic. “I-I didn’t know what to get her— you’re the one who knows stuff about nutrition and stuff!” Wukong shoveled everything back I to his arms and scurried to the kitchen once again.
Wukong scrambled back in with some crackers and water for you. Whatever they were angry about earlier they’d completely forgotten about when you’d gotten sick.
“Are you feeling any better, Sunshine?” Wukong asked as his tail curled around your leg. “Not really… the. Crackers are helping, though.” You mumbled hoarsely.
“Well at least it’s helping..” Macaque muttered, carefully scooping you up and laying you in the bed, pulling the covers over you and getting a bucket just in case. “Are you sure you’re okay? Do you need anything? Snacks? Drinks? Kisses?” Wukong asked frantically, sitting at the edge of the bed by your side. “No.. it’s okay. I just wanna sleep off this migraine, please.”
Wukong nodded and shuffled to snuggle into your arms, Macaque snuggling up behind you as you lay sandwiched between them both.
“Good night, [Y/N],”
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topsyturvy-turtely · 2 months
turtely's OTP challenge!
now on AO3! (tumblr link)
read the (slightly improved) 7th part here:
summary: When Mrs. Hudson passes away, the unusual family of three is devastated. Sherlock shuts off, Rosie cries every day and John is desperately trying to keep it together for their sake.
Until one day, Rosie asks for "Lock", and the great detective shows a talent John wasn't aware of yet.
General Audience, 2112 Words. Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Slash, Parent!lock, Minor Character Death, it's sad i am sorry, but it is REEEEAAALLLLY sweet, i promise you won't regret reading this. (i mean you never know but i tried my best to make this rude prompt into something wholesome still)
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tag list! (tell me if you wanna be added or removed please 💚) @justanobsessedpan @helloliriels @catlock-holmes @fluffbyday-smutbynight @inevitably-johnlocked @hisfavouritejumper @rhasima @forfucksakejohn @ohlooktheresabee @turbulenttrouble @so-youre-unattached-like-me @totallysilvergirl @peanitbear @train-mossman @loki-lock @smulderscobie @timberva @grace-in-the-wilderness @chinike @jawnn-watson @whatnext2020 @escapingthereality @missdeliadili @kettykika78 @musingsofmyown @7-percent @speedymoviesbyscience @astudyin221b @francj15 @ladylindaaa @we-r-loonies @mxster-jocale @sherlockcorner @noahspector @our-stars-graveside @jobooksncoffee @baker-street-blog @macgyvershe @myladylyssa @battledress @a-victorian-girl @dreamerofthemeadow @oetkb12 @ohnoesnotagain @mutedsilence @jawnscoffee @raenchaosandcozyadashofmurder @lisbeth-kk @quickslvxrr @compact-and-beautiful @kabubsmagga @sunshineinyourmind
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profoundbondfanfic · 2 months
Dark Side of the Moon
Dark Side of the Moon by imogenbynight (@thevioletcaptain) Rating: Explicit Word Count: 55k
Five months into his six month mission, an accident leaves Flight Engineer Dean Winchester stranded on the moon. It comes down to a man he has never met to bring him home.
This fic has The Martian vibes, so if you like your shipping paired with the inherent horror of being stranded in space, I have great news.
Dean is the sole survivor after an accident kills his crew. His hope for survival rests in a stranger, Cas.  Dean and Cas bond immediately and it makes for a compelling love story. The fic is also well cast with deeply likable characters.
In the end, if you are looking for tense drama with a happy ending, this is a great choice. There's a real Cas saving Dean from Hell vibe to the fic that hits so very right.
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jasmines-library · 8 months
Let It Linger
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WHUMPTOBER 2023: Prompt: shock/dissociation.
Fandom: Supernatural
Summary: after a rough hunt resurfaces some unwanted memories, you slip into your own mind. But Sam is there to help you through it.
Warnings: Dissociation, ptsd, mild depression, character death.
Word count: 1.1K (short but sweet.)
Note: not too keen on this one but it was written in a hurry. Not my best work - not proof read.
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
The hunt couldn’t have gone more wrong. 
You had been hunting a shtriga; a nasty, humanoid creature that feeds off of a human’s lifeforce- usually a childs. This one had attached itself to a young girl no more than five or six. The issue with shrtrigas was that they were hard to kill, only vulnerable once feeding. So, much to your reluctance, the three of you were forced to rely on allowing the creature to feed on the girl so that you could lace it full of iron rounds. 
You watched through the crack in the wardrobe as the window slid open, pushed by a bony, tree-like hand. The shtriga floated across the room, positioning itself above the small girl. You watched wide eyed as her life drained out of her body slowly, white tendrils drifting into the air like smoke and into the creature's scarred face. You pushed the door open and slipped out of the small space, cocking your pistol and standing behind the shtriga. You aimed, finger poised on the cold and worn trigger. But then your eyes settled on the pained expression of her fragile body as the creature continued to feed. And you froze. 
The creature loomed above the girl who lay helpless in the bed before you. It was tall and shrivelled with dark eyes. You watched frozen as the wisps rose from her body and tried into the creature's mouth. You had only stepped out for a minute to get some water. 
You screamed, a loud blood curdling scream, but still it made no move other than to hover closer to the girl. She shared some of the same features as you, your nose, your lips. Her eyes were different though. You had always admired her eyes and the way that their hues shifted as they hit the light and how they lit up when she smiled. Though now, as you stood helpless, her eyes were almost completely white, bloodshot and rolling into the back of her head. Her lips were parted as she tried to suck in air that refused to enter her lungs. You would never forget the way her body slumped back onto her pink sheets as the creature slunk back out of the window. Despite her whimpers and weak cries of your name your body refused to move. It took too long for you to snap out of your own mind and rush forwards towards your sister's limp body. She trembled as you lifted her into your arms. You rocked back and forth slowly, whispering assurances into her ear and pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. By the time the denim-clad man and his son appeared in the doorway, her heartbeat had already stopped. 
The men exchanged glances before taking a step towards you. It took a while to coax anything out of you between your sobs, but after pushing they managed to get a name.
Dean was yelling at you. At some point he had scrambled out from under the bed and had gripped your shoulders tight. You flinched at the gunshot as Sam fired at the creature which howled and slunk away. Your eyes shifted from staring vacantly to Dean’s greens. Your pistol shook in your hand, so you dropped it, sending it clattering to the floor. 
The room was silent. Too silent. 
Pushing away from Dean you moved towards the bed where the girl lay morbidly still. 
Taking the girl in your arms, you cradled her head. Tears spilled from your eyes. You had fucked up. You had frozen and it had cost this girl her life. 
You were silent the whole way back to the bunker. Just staring blankly out of the rain covered windows of the Impala, knees hugged closely to your chest. The brothers both cast glances from the front seat, and had even called your names a few times, but you were seemingly oblivious to the world around you. 
When you arrived back at the bunker, you almost mechanically retreated into your room to curl up on your bed. 
Time didn’t seem to move. Nothing seemed to matter. You didn’t feel like you. The world around you had begun to feel like one giant blur. Your body didn’t feel like your body. You felt as though you were moving and seeing through one giant lens or through another person. Nothing seemed sane and quite frankly you didn’t even care anymore. You couldn’t stop thinking about that girl- about your little sister all those years ago. 
You fiddled absentmindedly with your fingers, picking out the dirt from beneath your nails. You were laying on top of the covers with your knees pulled up to your chest. You weren’t sure how much time had passed before there was a gentle knock on the door. It barely registered in your mind and you made no move to get up to answer it, only continuing to stare blankly white wall opposite. Your lack of response made Sam furrow his brow
“Y/N?” His tone was tender but cautious. 
Your eyes shifted towards the heavy sound of his boots padding across the floor. He knelt down beside you on the bed, calling your name again. There was still no reply. You moved your head when you felt his hand enclose around yours, warm and calloused against your skin. He had those puppy dog eyes set about his face as he studied you. 
For a while you said nothing, just clutched onto his hand. Sam didn’t leave your side as you tried to fight through your own mind. 
He twisted round to face you resting his chin on the mattress so that they were inline with yours. You were silent for a moment after that. Struggling to think of what to say next. You felt a lack of control within your body. It felt like you were learning to use your body all over again. 
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled. Tears cascaded down your cheeks. “I couldn’t… I just couldn’t.”
Sam wiped away your stray tears. 
“It reminded me too much of her.”
“It’s okay, kiddo. We can’t save everyone.”
“But if i hadn’t-”
“Shh.” Sam cooed. “It’s okay.”
“Sam… stay with me. Please.”
“Of course.”
“No, I mean really stay with me.” You manoeuvred your body to face him. He could see the way your bloodshot eyes struggled to settle on anything for too long. He could see the tracks that your tears had left as they rolled down your cheeks. “Promise me you’ll never leave me…please.”
“I promise.”
🕸 ⋆ ⁶𖤐⁶ ࣪⋆🕸
🏷️ Taglist:
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atimeofyourlife · 6 months
Come one, come all to this tragic affair
written for @steddieholidaydrabbles prompt: hurt/comfort (heavy on the hurt) | rated: m | wc: 1000 | cw: minor character death, car accidents, death of parents | tags: established steddie, emt steve, death of steve's parents This was the worst shift Steve had faced since starting his emt training. Facing down a car accident that included his parents' car. title from The End by MCR
Steve still felt a little out of place sitting in the passenger seat of the ambulance as it sped down the highway with the lights and sirens blaring. He was still in training, and every emergency seemed new. He knew this would be bad from the little he'd heard over the radio, a major car accident that sounded incredibly serious with multiple casualties.
He couldn't help swearing loudly as the ambulance slowed to a stop at the scene, instantly recognizing one of the cars.
"Most people save that until they know the status of everything." His mentor, John, responded as he moved to get out.
"No, it's just. The Mercedes. That's my parents' car." Steve replied hesitantly, unlatching his seat belt and reaching for the door.
"Stay in the truck for a minute." John said, climbing out and slamming the door, Steve watched as he made his way over to the police and other ambulances on scene.
Steve waited anxiously for John to return, watching as he spoke to another paramedic. He tried to get a gauge on what was being said, but their faces didn't give much away. He was terrified of what the outcome could be. When John returned to the ambulance, Steve could see from his face that it wasn't going to be good news.
"Harrington. I'm relieving you from duty."
"What-" Steve started to ask, but the words got stuck in his throat.
"It, it's not good news, kid. For the Mercedes, there's a male driver that's DOA. And a female passenger in critical condition. You should be with your mom, not worrying about duty. I'll walk you over, then I'll radio base to let them know what's going on."
"Oh." Steve felt numb as he climbed out of the cab. There were people scattered everywhere, working on the people that had been in the other cars. Near the crumpled shell of the Mercedes, a body was covered by a sheet and Steve knew that it was his father. A few feet away, laid his mother, covered in blood. "Mom." He gasped, hurrying to her side.
"Stevie?" She whispered, opening her eyes for barely a second.
"Yeah, Mom. I'm here." He rested his hand gently on her shoulder, keeping out the way of the paramedics as the worked on her.
Once his mom was stable enough to be moved, she was being loaded into the back of an ambulance.
"Harrington." John came jogging over. "I've spoken to base, you're signed off duty for at least a couple of weeks. Go with your mom, someone will catch up with you later."
Steve just nodded, before climbing into the back of the ambulance with his mom, taking her hand for comfort as the doors slammed.
At the hospital, Steve was directed into a side room to wait for updates as his mom was rushed into surgery. He knew it wasn't looking good. The paramedics that brought them in offered Steve their condolences before they had to leave to get back out. He knew he should phone Eddie, but he didn't know if he could find the words, at least until he knew.
After a couple of hours, Hopper walked into the room. Steve vaguely recalled noticing him at the scene, but his focus had been elsewhere.
"Any updates?" He asked, taking the seat next to Steve. Steve just shook his head, not wanting to talk.
It was only a few minutes later that a doctor walked in. Steve got to his feet, wanting to be ready for anything.
"I'm sorry, Mr Harrington. We tried everything we could, but your mother's injuries were too severe. We were unable to save her."
"Oh, I." Steve could feel himself crumbling, tears running down his face and his knees buckling. The only thing preventing him hitting the floor was Hopper darting forward to grab his shoulders.
"I've got you." Hopper wrapped him in a tight hug. "I've got you."
The rest of the day passed in a blur, Steve just moving on instinct following whatever Hopper or any of the hospital staff told him. It felt like he could blink and he would be in a different place, with different people. He'd never had a great relationship with either of his parents, but he just couldn't process that he'd lost them both in just a few hours. He felt like he was just seeing snapshots through someone else's eyes. He came back to himself when Hopper shook his shoulder, somehow he'd lost getting into the car and the drive home.
"Let's get you inside. D'you want me to explain it to Munson?" Hopper asked gently.
Steve just nodded as he got out and walked up to the small house he was renting with Eddie.
"Steve, is that you?" Eddie called as the door shut, stopping short when he saw Hopper. "What's going on?"
"We should probably sit down for this." Hopper replied.
Steve followed Eddie into the living room, curling into his side as they sat on the sofa, not caring about his bloody uniform or the fact he hadn't bothered to take off his boots.
"He responded to a major car accident. His parents were in one of the cars. Neither of them survived."
"Oh, Stevie." Eddie wrapped his arms tightly around Steve, feeling the tears start to soak into his shirt. "I've got you baby. I've got you."
"If you need anything, just let me know. And I'll check in everyday." Hopper said as he got to his feet.
"Yeah, thanks Hopper." Eddie replied, still holding Steve close.
"You need anything Stevie?" Eddie asked after Hopper left.
Steve shook his head. "Do I even get to be sad? I don't- I've barely seen or spoken to them for months. Why should I be allowed to be sad?"
"You can feel however you want. They were your parents and you loved them, you're allowed to grieve." Eddie murmured, running his fingers through Steve's hair. "And I'll be here through it all."
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the-common-cowgirl · 2 months
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Summary: The Peaceful King Viserys hears word of a Targaryen Princess that resides in the broken stronghold of Valyria; which has since become an immature kingdom after of the doom befell their land. Feeling the tension between his house and believing the long night may soon come, Viserys proposes a betrothal between the Valyrian Princess and his second son, Aemond Targaryen, believing his daughter’s prophetic dream that the child born of this union will become the prince that was promised.
Pairings: Aemond Targaryen/FemOC (Anikyra Targaryen)
Warnings: Slow Burn, Eventual Smut, Revenge, Period Typical Sexism, Blood Magic, Sacrifices, Murder, Major Character Death, Minor Character Death, Non-Con/Dubcon, Period Typical Racism/Valyrian Elitism, more tags to be added later
Author’s Note: Hey guys! If this looks familiar, it’s because it’s my first fic! I’ve wanted to rewrite this fic for a long time and to really do the idea behind this fic justice…so I am doing that!
Although the work was already written, I am going in and changing some ideas and things in here to better do the work the justice it deserves! I hope you all will enjoy the new and improved, False Dragons!
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Chapter 1 - Intro
Chapter 2
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For updates when I post new chapters, please follow fics-by-the-common-cowgirl!
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stusbunker · 2 months
Spotless: Trill
Chapter Seventeen
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader
Other characters: Rufus (mentioned), Annie/Bobby, Kevin, Cas, Billie, Kelly Kline
Word Count: 1944
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, dream sequence in italics, minor character death, grief, Non-Jewish people trying to honor a Jewish friend's life, reader keeps putting out fires, unbeta'd
Series Masterlist
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Dean leans over the edge of the hot tub, dripping wet. He is smirking and coaxing you to join him. It’s warm, the height of summer somehow and you tell him it’s too hot for it tonight, but you can’t stop looking at him, at every exposed inch of his torso.
He pushes up on his forearms, thick shoulders somehow distracting you from his husky voice. He tells you it will be alright, it will feel better once you’re in the water.
With him.
You look over and Sam’s coming onto the patio, fully clothed in jeans and a flannel, hair flapping as he starts asking you about an interview. You look for your phone, but you look down to find you have no pockets, a swimsuit you wouldn’t put on on your best day is all that you’re wearing.
Dean chuckles and suddenly, you’re beside him, water warm and soothing as he drags you onto his lap. Your phone buzzes somewhere and you can’t find it on the ledge of the hot tub. Instead you feel Dean’s hands running over your hips, and he’s gone quiet, waiting for you to look at him again.
“You deserve to be kissed,” Dean’s voice reminds you and you look down and find he disappeared. A phantom kiss on the nape of your neck is what finally makes you look behind you and you’re standing in Elizabeth’s cafe, staring at the mural you’d been mesmerized by on New Year’s Eve.
Your phone buzzed again.
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You stared at the screen, dumbfounded, then quickly got out of bed.
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You made it to Bobby and Annie’s in less than an hour, which was practically a miracle even in the middle of the day. You didn’t even knock, instead you let yourself in through the back gate and stepped into the now somber kitchen.
Annie appeared suddenly. “So you heard?” she asked softly, pulling you into a hug.
“Yeah, I — How is he?” Bobby was the only thing on your mind the whole way there, not bothering to even post a condolences post from the band until you knew how he was handling the loss of his best friend and biggest pain in his ass.
“Oh, you know, fine— if you ask him. He hadn’t seen him in months, but the secret diagnosis and the shock has him more pissed than anything,” Annie filled you in as you sat down at the island and let her pour you a cup of coffee.
Bobby had known Rufus for over thirty years, having worked as his roadie for most of the eighties. A prolific piano player and notorious grump, Rufus had been one of the first actual celebrities you’d come to know through the band family. Now that he was gone, it felt like one of the elders was missing from your California tribe.
An end of an era.
“What’s he doing?”
“Sitting Shiva. Though I think that’s supposed to be after the funeral,” Annie added offhandedly.
“Have you heard anything about services?”
Annie shook her head. “I texted his daughter asking if she needed anything and she just said that they’d be in touch.”
You wanted to go give Bobby a hug, but you knew it was best to let him sit with the quiet for a while longer. Unfortunately, Dean didn’t get that unsent memo.
A loud banging rattled the front door and before you or Annie could rush to open it, Bobby was yanking it open and bellowing “what in the hell is this all about?!”
Dean gave him a pointed look. “Lunch,” was his only reply before stepping into the foyer, arms full of take out.
“What’d you get?” Annie asked, trying to ignore Bobby’s aghast expression as everyone returned to the kitchen.
“I stopped by that little Kosher deli Rufus always liked, and got one of, well, everything. I figure, whatever we don’t eat will keep,” Dean explained, unpacking submarine sandwiches and more sides than you tried to count.
Bobby tried to storm back to his study, but Annie wouldn’t let him. You all ended up just eating in contemplative silence and letting the food soothe some of the ache. You were so grateful for Dean’s thoughtfulness in that moment, you almost forgot about your racy dream and everything that led up to it.
It wasn’t the time or the place to get all hot and bothered anyhow.
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After the food was done filling your bellies and Bobby’s and Annie’s monster-sized fridge, you pulled out what you had brought along to honor Rufus’ memory, an unopened bottle of Johnny Walker Blue.
You set the bottle down in the middle of the table with a thunk. Bobby whistled and Annie tried to get up for glasses but you waved her off, you knew where they kept them. Dean was reading the label when you returned with four cut crystal tumblers and a side of ice, you could never remember if Annie took it straight, she drank the hard stuff so infrequently.
He cracked the cap open and then your phone buzzed, but you ignored it. He poured doubles all around, but served Bobby first. 
“To that dick, may he play on in glory,” Bobby toasted.
“L’chaim,” Dean replied and you and Annie followed suit.
The stories started after Bobby’s second glass, with Dean filling in bits he’d heard from Rufus or had witnessed himself from after he’d earned the man’s rare respect.
One time Rufus actually asked Bobby to help him bury a body, but it turned out it was Rufus’ neighbor’s dog and the lady was too heartbroken to do it herself. Another time they had been mistaken for federal agents due to their matching suits, but that was just because they had to walk passed an active crime scene on the way to Bobby and Annie’s wedding ceremony.
It felt good to laugh, even while it still hurt.
You got up to get everyone some water and finally checked your phone. What greeted you was a huge reminder that it was still a work day. And you needed to get back to it.
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“Oh, fuck me,” you groaned, scrolling through the rest of the comments.
“Where’s the fire?” Bobby asked, the managerial voice coming out strong.
You looked at Dean and he could tell it wasn’t great, but you weren’t sure if you needed to bring Cas up at a time like this.
“Everybody alright?” he asked, testing the waters.
“For now, until I kill them,” you muttered, thumbing your screen until you could get to your contact list. You felt everyone’s eyes on your back as you started to pace as the phone rang, but Annie was the only one with the sense to find out what had made you so upset.
“Those morons,” you heard her say as you got sent to Kevin’s voicemail.
You hung up and called a different number. After three rings, someone finally picked up.
“Castiel’s phone, how can I help you?”
“Trouble?! Why are you listed as Y/N Y/L/N?”
“Cuz that’s my name, dumbass,” you snipped. “Where are you? Is Cas there? Why didn’t you answer your own phone?”
“Relax! I just got out of the chair, Cas’ stencil is just getting set. I would have called you back in like five minutes.”
You exhaled. “Okay. Few things. Field trips with rival schools require prior permission, you get me?”
Kevin had the nerve to laugh. “It’s just Cas, it’s not like I’m dating Ruby or hanging out with those wannabe Ghostfacers.”
You rolled your eyes. “Okay, but the band does have a designated artist. Who you— very publicly— didn’t use. You don’t piss off somebody like Billie, Kevin, you just don’t.”
“How was I supposed to know?!”
You did not feel sorry for the kid. “Put Cas on the line— speaker if his arm is busy.”
You turned around and raised your eyebrows in question to Dean, mouthing, ‘you want to hear this?’
Dean swallowed and shook his head. And you kept the phone call one-sided for your audience.
“I’m here,” Cas’ deep voice greeted you over the line, low and private.
“Who's your publicist?” you asked, not bothering with formality or reprimanding a forty-year-old man who knows better.
“Kelly, she’s also our manager and—.”
“Jack’s mother. Oh, Cas.”
“Don’t pity me, it’s fine. She’s good at what she does.”
“Okay, well text her my number and we can try and ease the backlash, but you’re gonna have to grovel to Billie on your own.”
“Right,” Cas bit out like he forgot who had covered half of his body in color.
You let the awkwardness hang in the air, but sighed when your curiosity got the best of you, “what’re you getting anyway?”
Cas hummed. “A quote from ‘Good God, Y’all’ looping around his earring.”
It was one of Rufus’ most loved albums, but not the most popular.
“Inside my left upper arm— Kevin’s is just below the seam of his elbow.”
“Did he cry?”
Cas sounded like he shifted positions, or maybe he was distracted watching the artist’s hands. “No, but it wasn’t his first one.”
“Pity. Okay, well I will be in touch. Don’t forget to talk to Kelly for me.”
“I won’t.”
“Bye, Cas.”
“Goodbye, Y/N.”
You hung up and slumped in annoyance and minor relief.
“What’d they say?” Bobby asked, breaking the silence of the room around you.
“Nothing too damning, but still enough to piss me off,” you replied. “I’ll talk to Cas’ people. Figure this out. I’m sure I have a million messages from Becky and Billie and probably even Crowley to sort through. Assholes couldn’t give me a day off.”
“You want me to talk to Kev?” Dean’s voice broke through your mini-rant.
“Only if you want to, I kind of gave him a piece of it already.”
Dean nodded and finished his glass.
“Damn idjits, even when they mean well.”
“Tell me about it,” you said over your shoulder, heading to Bobby’s study to get to work.
As it turned out, Kelly Kline was a stand up manager, both competent and protective. You figured out their niche and tried to work with it, though your fans were louder and more numerous, you didn’t want the frenzy of the matching tattoos to become a question of loyalty, for either Cas or Kevin.
You had Bobby read over your post memorializing Rufus and got that out into the world before you left to head back home. Dean offered to wait with you on the porch. You sat, once again, in silence, letting the sunset and breeze off the ocean ease some of the tension from the day. When your driver was two blocks away, he finally turned to face you.
“How’s he doing?”
You sighed and shrugged. “He seemed good. But from what I gather, he’s got a lot on his plate.”
Dean nodded. “Right, new band, new set list to master.”
“No, Dean, I think over everything else, the music is the easiest thing Cas has to deal with.”
Dean spotted the little hybrid approaching and he stood to give you a hug. “Thanks for coming, I mean, I know it was for Bobby, but it was nice to see you on a day like today.”
“You too.” And you meant it. You squeezed him one last time as the driver called out to you through the passenger window. “Thanks for lunch.”
“Be safe.”
“Take care.”
You felt Dean’s eyes on you as you were driven away, back to the house he had bought with Sam way back when, where you were always, glaringly alone.
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Chapter Eighteen: Mordent
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ladykailitha · 8 months
Grief (A Friend Indeed) Part 7
And now you see why I waited until I had this part written before posting the last one? That was one hell of a cliffhanger. Also everyone gets a dig at Al in this. It's family bonding event. But Steve has the best burn I think.
Just a heads up, Steve talks about being abused...heads up if that's a trigger for you.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Steve placed his hand on Eddie’s back the second he felt his friend stiffen next to him.
“Deep breath, Eds,” he murmured. “There is nothing he can say to you that I will let him get away with, okay? Deep breath. Let me and Wayne handle this.”
Eddie let out a deep breath. “Just careful, Stevie. He’s been known to charm snakes out of their skin.”
Steve’s jaw clenched. So that’s the kind of man he was. He knew that kind of man intimately. His own father was like that. He knew what to watch for now that he had been forewarned.
He plastered a solemn expression on his face, that to everyone who didn’t know him well enough would think sincere, but to Eddie and Wayne, they could see the hard set line of his jaw as he kept one eye on Al and the other on the proceedings.
The funeral wrapped up and everyone lined up to throw dirt on the now lowered coffin. Al tried to get directly behind Eddie, but Steve seamlessly inserted himself between them.
Al bristled but the portly man next to him coughed and he was forced to back down.
Finally the family was all that remained as they all walked back to the church.
The portly man stuck to Al like glue and Steve felt a sudden warmth for the boys in blue at that moment. Because he was pretty sure that even though Al Munson had been granted a furlough, someone was paying to keep that man on a short leash.
The family and a small handful of friends arranged themselves on the pews and waited.
It wasn’t too long until a funny little man with thick bottled glasses came hurrying in.
“I’m sorry Mrs Nelson,” he twittered to Penny. “I had a hard time getting to the church.”
Penny just nodded. “It’s all right Mr Mulbury, you’re here now, that’s all that matters.”
He walked up the pulpit and put his briefcase on it. He pulled out a piece of paper of it and then walked back around the pulpit, leaving the briefcase where it was.
“Ehhm,” Mr Mulbury coughed. “The last will and testament of Gina Munson goes as follows...”
He read it out, people getting little trinkets and things that were meaningful to them, instructions on what to do with her clothes and other things that wouldn’t be given to friends or family.
And then it came time to divide up her meager savings. “My savings of five thousand dollars will be divided three ways. To Penny, you get a thousand to repair that lovely house of yours. I know you didn’t want anything, but use it for your family, dearest girl. Love you all the best.”
Penny laughed a watery little chuckle. She shook her head fondly.
“To Wayne, you get two thousand dollars to finally get that motor home you always wanted. When the time is right, retire and see the world like you always dreamed of. See the stars, my beautiful boy. You deserve stars.”
Wayne teared up, coming down in rivers down his face. Both Steve and Eddie hugged him tight.
“To Allen, who had squandered every good thing he every had, his loving wife, his devoted son, his talents and his good sense, you get nothing. You deserve nothing. If you are here to hear this, I hope it is because the state of Texas deemed it so, and not because you have been set loose again on the world.”
There was a gasp from those gathered and they descended into harsh whispers as they wondered aloud who got the remaining two thousand dollars.
Mr Mulbury cleared his throat. “Instead the remaining two thousand will be given to your son, Edward. Through your actions that boy has suffered so, and because of your actions he will receive not only the money, but all my love as well. Live your dreams, Eddie. Be that star for your uncle. Shine brighter then even that of Polaris. Butterfly kisses into the sunset, darling boy.”
Now Eddie was crying too. Two thousand wouldn’t get him far, but it could get him started. He raised a shaking hand to his quivering lips. Steve grabbed his shoulder and squeezed it.
Eddie looked over and Steve mouthed, “you deserve it.”
He nodded back.
Finally there were some other little things to be wrapped up in the will and then it was all over.
Everyone stood and Steve looked over at Al for the first time since they entered the church. The man had a smile plastered on his face that sent chills down Steve’s spine. Whenever his father wore that expression it meant trouble for someone, usually Steve.
They mingled for a bit, waiting until Penny’s friend came back to tell her that dinner was ready for them. Penny, Wayne, Steve, and Eddie all clustered together while everyone else gathered in other groups.
People were coming up and telling Eddie how much he deserved the money and how much his grandmother loved him. It made Steve puff out his chest in pride.
Finally Al came over and all four of them stiffened.
“Eddie, my boy!” Al greeted warmly. “You’ve grown so much since I last saw you. You’re spitting image of your old man.” He lifted a handcuffed hand with a jaunty little wave. “I’d hug ya, but I’m on a bit of a leash.”
Penny bristled. “I paid good money for that leash, I’m glad to see it working.”
The men turned to her in shock.
“Did you know,” she said through gritted teeth, “that the state of Texas was going to let him come to the funeral without a guard to make sure he didn’t escape? And that you actually have to pay for that service?”
Al grinned. “Ah...Penny-elle-oh-pee, you shouldn’t have.” His voice dropped low and menacing. “You really shouldn’t have.”
The portly man nudged him with his elbow. Al straightened up, his charming mask firmly in place.
Wayne shook his head. “Al, Al, Al...you never did know when to fold and when to call.”
Al turned to his brother for the first time. “Big brother always watching out for everyone and never getting ahead. How much they pay you at that workhouse? You know the one, the one that took Dad’s life?”
Wayne grinned. “Pretty good considering we union’ed up about five years ago. Which would have known if you actually read any of the letters I sent you. Just like you would have known about what Eddie looks like now...”
Steve hurried to cover his snort, but Al whipped his head his direction.
“And who the hell are you?”
Steve eyed him with a raised eyebrow. “Steve Harrington, my mother is Sophia Kincade, of the Lexington Kincades and a good friend of your son’s.”
Al turned to Penny. “Why he is here with family?”
Wayne bristled. “This is the boy that saved your son during that major earthquake we had earlier this year. Another thing you’d know if you’d read my damn letters. He deserves to be here just as much as you if not more so.”
Just then Penny’s friend came in and told them that dinner was ready for the family.
Al ran his tongue over his teeth and grinned. “Hey, Bernie, how much time have we got?”
The portly man looked at his watch. “We’ve got about an hour before we have to leave to catch our flight.”
Penny furrowed her brow but knew she couldn’t deny him dinner as much as it grated.
The friends that had been at the reading made their goodbyes and soon everyone else was filing into cars.
Penny and her family in her blue Chevy, Steve, Eddie and Wayne in his BMW, and Al and Bernie in an unmarked Crown Vic.
They get to the house and the scents of a home cooked meal waft from the open front door.
They all go sit down at the table, Danny and Wayne pulling out two more chairs for their unwelcomed guests.
Steve was disappointed to see that not only was there enough food to feed Al and Bernie, but that there was enough food to feed a fucking army.
Penny’s friend’s name is Lucy and her daughter Beth is one of Lauren’s friends, too. They’re both blonde with bright blue eyes and curvy bodies.
They are bustling around the table making sure everyone has enough food.
About half way through dinner Al speaks up. “So you still playing that guitar of yours, Ed?”
Eddie stiffened. “I’ve got a red NJ Warlock that I play now.”
“Ooh...fancy,” Al whistled. “You steal it?”
Lauren and Wayne bristled, but Eddie scoffed. “No, but I did steal an RV once while on the run wanted for murder, but they were a bunch of pricks anyway.”
Wayne and Steve stifled a laugh while the rest of the family looked as though they weren’t sure if he was telling the truth or not.
“Cleared of all charges,” Steve added with a sly smile. “Court ruled it extenuating circumstances.”
It was Eddie’s turn to hide his smile in his napkin.
Al’s mood darkened. He didn’t like being out of the inside joke. “You gonna do anything with the talent I gave ya, teaching you how to play on that beat up ‘ole six string?”
This time Eddie rankled. How dare AL imply that he had anything to do with his ability to play guitar? As if the real reason wasn’t sitting right there at the table.
Steve put his hand on Eddie’s shoulder, calming him.
“Was that before or after you taught him how to hotwire a car?” he asked, faux innocence.
Al sputtered.
“See, I always got the impression,” Steve continued, “that instead of teaching Eddie how to play guitar or throw a ball you were too busy trying to make sure your son followed in your footsteps straight into the penitentiary.”
Eddie’s eyes went wide with barely contained glee.
“While Wayne on the other hand,” he said scratching his temple, “was working hard to put on the table, get Eddie through school, and give him the best life he could given the hand you dealt both of them. Now, I’m just some outsider, but I know what it’s like to have a shit dad.”
The room was stock still. Steve didn’t think that they were even breathing at this point, but he pressed on.
“Didn’t fit into the box he built? He hit me. Didn’t get captain my sophomore year, something that had never been done ever? He hit me. Didn’t date the right girl? He hit me. Ditched my asshole friends? He hit me. Now, I don’t know if you’re cut from the same cloth or not. I don’t give a fuck. But you tell another lie like that one to these honest folk, and Officer Bernie here will be taking you back to Texas in a body bag.”
Al jumped to his feet, but before he could even twitch Steve’s direction Bernie whipped out a taser and zapped him with it. Soon he was doing a different kind of twitching.
On the floor.
Bernie began clapping and soon everyone else was too.
Steve blushed. “To think I could have been like that asshole if it wasn’t for getting some sense knocked into me by people who actually gave a damn. I’m sorry he ruined dinner.”
Penny scoffed. “Dinner isn’t ruined. Wayne, Danny please help the kind officer take out the trash.”
Officer Bernie chuckled. “Much appreciated, ma’am.”
Wayne and Danny stood up and helped him take Al back into the Crown Vic.
Wayne went through and made sure that Al didn’t steal anything or had anything that might be a danger to the good officer. He never had trusted Al, even as kids and he sure the hell wasn’t going to start now.
Soon the officer was on his way and the family sat down to eat the dinner that was so wonderfully prepared in peace. Like Gina had always intended.
Wayne smiled at Steve. He was proud of how he had stood up to Al for his boy.
Pt 8|Pt 9|Pt 10|Pt 11|Pt 12
Tag list: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @artiststarme @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @pyrohonk ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson @chaoticlovingdreamer @messrs-weasley @goodolefashionedloverboi @maya-custodios-dionach @val-from-lawrence @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @rozzieroos @emly03 @wonderland-girl143-blog @justforthedead89 @bookworm0690 @itsall-taken @bookbinderbitch @redfreckledwolf @vecnuthy @littlewildflowerkitten @scheodingers-muppet @mira-jadeamethyst @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @gutterflower77 @genderless-spoon @hel-spawn @ellietheasexylibrarian @anne-bennett-cosplayer @mamafaithful @yikes-a-bee @dragonmama76 @flaming-reauxster
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Hello! I have a request
I recently forgot to bookmark this specific story and I erased my history before I even noticed. :(
I was wondering if you might know what the name is:
Law used the immortality surgery on Luffy during battle knowing he would die, but ended up surviving because I believe he had luffy's heart in his chest while Luffy had Law's in his own. If it helps Luffy was in gear 5 during battle.
Hey there, we got you!
Hearts Spring Eternal by riverofnara (E) Law swore he'd never perform the Perennial Youth Surgery. But in a desperate moment during Luffy’s final battle against Blackbeard, the opportunity comes and Law doesn't hesitate to take it…only to wake up alive afterwards. He deems it a failure, though in the end it doesn’t matter - Luffy still defeats Blackbeard and becomes the King of Pirates. But Law’s fateful decision that day leads to consequences he never could have imagined. And as he faces the rest of his life, he realizes he can’t escape what he’s done…nor the man he did it for.
-Mod Raiya
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wangxianficrecs · 3 months
The plagues of Jiang Wanyin by Lyna_Mei
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The plagues of Jiang Wanyin
by Lyna_Mei
T, 54k, Wangxian
Summary: The morning he was supposed to make a visit to Lanling Jiang Cheng rose from bed earlier than usual and was confronted with the harsh reality of being a sect leader. He was getting ready for the day when a sharp and urgent knock on the door distracted him from his morning routine. His first disciple, Jiang Qingmei, entered the room in a rush with a troubled expression on his face. Or, Jiang Cheng is forced to face consequences of his actions of the past sixteen years. Things go down very quickly. Kay's comments: This is THE story for everyone wishing that Jiang Cheng would have gotten some permanent and not just emotional damage post-canon. It's mostly CQL-canon, but it also follows the plot points of the novel about how Jiang Cheng was hunting demonic cultivators in the years Wei Wuxian was dead. Now, his actions are finally catching up to him and it's beautiful to watch his house of cards collapse. Very satisfying all around. Also, I adore Lyna_Mei as an author - chef's kiss. Excerpt: "Lotus plants, zongzhu," Jiang Qingmei answered immediately. "Some of our disciples noticed something strange with lotus plants yesterday while taking a late swim. I sent people to check in the morning and they discovered that lotuses in our lakes were struck with some disease". This was bad. Obviously, some plants die every season but for Jiang Qingmei to run to him so early in the morning it must be massive. He should skip breakfast and go and see for himself, then if things are truly that bad - write a note to Jin Ling telling his nephew he wouldn't be able to come. Jiang Cheng didn't want to start imagining how big the problem was. Besides, it was always better to know for sure than to build suggestions and then come face to face with reality. So he quickly finished his hair and reached for Zidian and Sandu. "How much are we talking about?" he asked. Jiang Qingmei looked at him with something akin to fear before finally answering. "We might lose seventy to ninety percent of our harvest, zongzhu".
pov jiang cheng, post-canon, the untamed compliant, mdzs & the untamed combination, cultivation sect politics, not jiang cheng friendly, family feels, implied/referenced child abuse, minor character death, torture, canon-typical violence
(Please REBLOG as a signal boost for this hard-working author if you like – or think others might like – this story.)
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I very honestly think that anytime the Impala is permanently totaled in a fic that minor character death should be used
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profoundbondfanfic · 4 months
When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth
When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth by Mishafied Rating: Mature Word count: 68k
Dean and Sam are Paleontologists; Castiel is a writer. So none of them are quite sure why Gabriel, Castiel's brother, is inviting them out to get a sneak peek of his newest 'nature theme park'. But their fascination with the creatures that haven't walked the earth in 65 million years quickly turns to terror when a betrayal sends the whole island into turmoil, and when the fences come down, all bets are off.
One of my favorite flavors of fic are those written based on movies. I’ve even reviewed a few for this blog so sharing one of my top fics based on a movie I’ve loved since I was a kid was a lot of fun this week. 
That said, I’m thrilled to share When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth with the blog. Based on the classic movie Jurassic Park, this fic delivers in ways even the movie didn’t. Aside from being endgame Destiel, it also incorporates bigger baddies only seen in sequels and a perfectly replaced cast of Supernatural characters. 
Fair warning, if you’ve seen the movie, you know the “minor character death” tag isn’t a joke, a lot of people get eaten by dinosaurs in this fic and there are some pretty graphic descriptions of that happening so… mind your tags. If you don’t mind reading about a few people getting eaten and you like dinosaurs and DeanCas (including Dean carrying Cas bridal style through the jungle), then this is a fic you shouldn’t miss! 
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thepariahcontinuum · 7 months
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MARZ Rising - Chapter 137: Jailbreak
Exactly what it sounds like.
FF Net
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