#Michael’s siblings wanted to gift him a gift!
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The Afton children are siblings forever in FNAF
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quietwingsinthesky · 6 months
Prompt: the archangelcule celebrating Jack's birthday 🙏
Lucifer runs himself ragged all week getting the party set up (and despite the fact that he’s done this for Jack every time he needs it since he came back into Michael’s life, it still leaves Michael surprised and wondering what happened to the boy who only knew how to bite the hand that fed when Michael abandoned him, when did he learn to be gentle and reliable, why did Michael waste all this time not seeing him?) to the point that he looks like he might fall asleep in front of the birthday cake before Raphael nudges him with their elbow, and he wakes up to sing.
They sing quietly — loud noises hurt Jack’s ears, one of many little oddities, but they rearrange their lives around his needs: no vacuuming unless he’s out of the house and no yelling from room to room — while Jack looks like he’s about to jump right out of his seat with how much he wants to blow out the candles. Gabriel scoops him up in one arm after, lets Jack’s tiny hand curl around the handle of the (dull!) cake knife while his lays over it to guide him, and helps him to cut pieces for them all himself.
(birthday 3 sentence ficathon! come toss a prompt!)
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on-my-vigilante-sht · 4 months
Follow Me
Luke Castellan x daughterofares!Reader
Summary: Luke's girlfriend is excited to finally become a year-round camper so she can spend it with him. But Luke has other plans for them.
Warning: Major spoilers if you haven't finished the first book(/season depending on when you read this), canon-level violence, weapons, injuries, angst
Word Count: 5.5K
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A/N I haven't watched the show because I don't have Disney+ so I'm working from (memory of) the books. No characters are specifically book or show so descriptions are left vague. Imagine whatever you want.
I stumbled my way up Half-Blood Hill, determined to get to Thalia’s tree. This was my last year being a summer camper. After I graduated high school I’d decided to become a year round camper seeing as the real world was getting more and more dangerous for me. And I'd be damned if I let myself be killed right before I was in the safety of camp for good.
I was in so much pain, there was blood pouring out of my abdomen caused by the crocotta’s razor sharp claws slicing at me. My short break gave it enough time to catch up to me so rather than continuing to flee, I was forced to turn and face it. I pulled out my father’s gift to me, a sword made of celestial bronze that grew from a steel knife that could harm mortals. When he claimed and gifted it to me I found the steel useless. Why would I ever need to harm a mortal? The reasoning behind the dual blade still eluded me. The only reason I could think of was just that Ares had a penchant for violence.
As the crocotta bounded closer to me, all I could do was stand and wait for it to get within range. But upon reaching me, it just swiped the sword from my grasp, pouncing on me. I felt a tear slip down my face as I realized I’d failed to reach safety one final time. As it growled in my face and opened its jaw, I sent a silent prayer to my father and a goodbye to Luke. But before it’s jaws could clamp down on me, the weight lifted and a shimmery cloud of ichor rained down on me.
As the golden dust settled, I could see my boyfriend’s face above mine, standing over me, clutching his dagger. “Luke,” I practically sobbed in relief.
“Oh my gods,” he exclaimed, kneeling down next to me. His hands went to my stomach, pressing against the open wound, trying to stop the bleeding. “Can you walk?” he asked, fear in his eyes.
“Yeah,” I nodded, letting him take my hand as he stood. Truthfully I probably couldn’t really walk but it was either walk 10 feet to the tree or lie here waiting for someone else to help Luke carry me in and potentially getting attacked by another monster.
I let out a groan as Luke slung my arm over his shoulder, pulling me up from the ground. “C’mon,” he urged, “just get to the tree and then we’ll get some more people to help you.” I nodded, not bothering with a verbal agreement as I let my boyfriend practically carry me just past Thalia’s tree. “There we go,” he said gently as he eased me to the ground.
“Go. Go get Lee or Michael,” I urged him as he kneeled by my side again.
“No,” Luke immediately shot down. “I’m not leaving you like this and so close to the edge of the barrier.” I glanced to my left. We were about three feet from the edge of the camp’s protective barrier. “Help!” I heard him yell towards camp.
“What? Do you think I'm accidentally gonna roll down the hill?” I tried to joke. But my chuckle made my wounds hurt even more.
Seeing my pain made Luke even more unamused. Soon enough a few other campers ran up to us, having heard Luke’s call.
“Y/N, oh my god.”
“What happened?”
“Another one?!”
I heard the various reactions from other campers. Another one? What did they mean another one? But I didn’t dwell on my questions for long because Lee Fletcher and Michael Yew were running towards me. A few of my siblings followed them carrying a stretcher. As the Apollo boys started to try to stop the bleeding, I was moved onto the stretcher. But the pain of being lifted was so bad I blacked out.
When I came to in the sickroom of the Big House all I could feel was pain. I let out a soft groan, snapping Luke to attention. He was slumped over on my bedside, seemingly sleeping. He immediately grabbed a piece of ambrosia off the nightstand next to the cot, bringing it to my lips. I immediately rejected it, not feeling like eating anything.
“C’mon, it’s ambrosia. It’ll make you feel better,” Luke pleaded. Reluctantly I let him coax the food into my mouth and ate it. The comforting taste of my mother’s chocolate cake filled my mouth. Despite the fact that it tasted good, it felt heavy in my stomach and I pushed the food away. “You gotta eat more than that,” he tried again.
“Let’s start with water or nectar,” I suggested, my throat sore.
Luke looked at the floor angrily. He sighed. “We’re out of nectar for a while. Ambrosia is all we have.”
“What?” I asked in shock, sitting up in surprise. Luke was quick to coax me back down.
“Grover and the kid he was helping got attacked by the Minotaur on their way here. Just like the crocotta attacked you.”
“Oh my god,” I murmured. “Is that why someone said ‘Another one?’ as they were bringing me here?”
He nodded once again. “His name was Percy. He showed up the night before you did.” He suddenly stopped talking. Like he had something more to say. I urged him to continue and he did so reluctantly. “Poseidon claimed him the second night he was awake… and now he’s on a quest.”
I looked at him sympathetically. I knew all about Luke’s anger about going unclaimed for so long. And then when he finally was claimed and had trained to be a great hero, all Hermes could give him to do was steal some golden apples. But after countless rants about this I knew he wouldn’t want sympathy. “You said he’s on a quest already? How long have I been out?”
“A couple days. Chiron and Lee kicked me out for a while.”
“What’d you do?”
“Well, we already need new practice dummies for combat training,” he admitted sheepishly. I laughed and fortunately Luke did too.
By now, Chiron had sensed I was awake and entering the sickroom. As he ducked his way through the door he shrunk down back into his wheelchair so as to not overwhelm me. “I’m glad to see you’re awake. You gave us quite a scare for a few days,” he smiled.
“So I've heard.”
“How are you feeling?”
“Like my guts were ripped out by a crocotta,” I answered.
“Well the ambrosia should help the pain and scarring. Lee stopped the bleeding and stitched you up but he said you’d be out for a few days.”
“Can you get her some nectar?” Luke interrupted. “She’s not exactly in a place to be eating solid foods.”
“Mr. D is trying to get into contact with Apollo. Apparently he’s concerned that Dionysus is overindulging.”
“That’s crap!” Luke suddenly burst out.
“Luke!” Chiron immediately cut him off. “I know you’re concerned for Ms. L/N, here but the food of the gods is in of itself a privilege.” He then turned his attention back to me. “I’m sorry you’re not feeling well but ambrosia will have to do until we’re able to get more nectar.”
“Thanks, Chiron,” I tried to dismiss him, giving him a tight lipped smile. Sensing my disappointment he took his leave, wheeling out of the room.
Luke was back by my bedside with more pieces of ambrosia that I reluctantly took.
Thanks to the godly food I was up and walking within two days much to cabin 5’s relief. So many of my younger siblings were saying that Clarisse had been a terror in my absence. Something about a bathroom exploding and then she apparently tried to electrocute the new camper. I made a note to talk to her later but for now I was focused on getting my cabin back in order. They responded best to authority and a routine so I quickly had them out in training, telling them that I wouldn’t tolerate us losing capture the flag again.
We made our way down to the arena for sword fighting lessons. Luke and I were both instructors seeing as we were the oldest two campers and the best with blades. Our childhood competitiveness had eventually grown into love but for a while, we hated each other. We used to spend hours trying to get the upper hand over one another.
But now that we were dating, the younger campers always tried to goad us into sparring with one another. We always said that we’d save our sparring match for our own training or a reward for the others doing well but usually a few teasing comments had our swords pointed at one another.
I was correcting a Hermes camper’s form when he asked me to try fighting Luke. “Not today,” I laughed.
“Why? Is it because you’re scared?” he asked, knowing exactly what he was doing.
“No,” I corrected him. “It’s because once we fight, none of you will care about what we teach you.”
“Sound like you’re scared,” the boy just repeated.
I just rolled my eyes, prepared to dismiss him when Luke’s voice interrupted. “Yeah, Y/N. It sounds like you’re scared.” I rolled my eyes again as he approached. “I wouldn’t want to fight the capture the flag champion either.”
“You only won because I was recovering from being chased across the country by a monster. Just wait until the next game, I’ll show you how Cabin 5 does it.” That elicited a few cries of encouragement from my cabin, eager to win their flag back.
“You need a bit more time to train, I get it,” he mockingly offered. A few of his siblings joined in on the taunting with their exaggerated reactions.
“I don’t need time. I’d just rather not cut you up this early into the summer,” I smiled. A few ‘ooh’s came from our audience.
Luke bristled a little at that. “C’mon,” he gestured to the arena, “let’s settle this once and for all.”
I picked up one of the practice swords that resembled the size and weight of my real sword, stepping into the middle of the arena. “You say that every time.” Luke smiled, taking his spot in front of me with his practice sword as the other campers backed up.
I barely gave him a chance to settle before I was moving. I had the advantage of my father’s knack for fighting and aggression but I wasn’t as strong as Luke. Unfortunately, he knew all my moves and tricks so he was able to block me. But that also meant I knew all of his moves and tricks because I could anticipate his subsequent moves.
We continued on, trying to outmaneuver each other. He kept forcing me out of range, protecting his body, whilst I tried to find an opening to get close to him. The other campers had been within the walls of the arena but we moved around so much they were forced to jump out.
The only reason we stopped was because our little “lesson” had gone on too long and Chiron was wondering where his students were. Neither of us noticed him until he yelled our names. “Y/N L/N! Luke Castellan! What are you doing?” We both immediately stopped, facing the centaur like guilty children.
“We were just introducing them to technique,” Luke offered. I could tell Chiron saw right through his excuse but it was good enough reasoning.
“You both know you’re supposed to hold off on sparring one another. Children,” he turned to the other campers, “what did your instructors teach you?”
“What to do if your opponent has a longer sword!”
Those were the answers our siblings offered but one Aphrodite camper’s answer ruined the whole thing. “How to waste time.” Luke and I both sent her stares.
Fortunately Chiron didn’t take it too seriously. “Save the sparring for your own sessions,” he warned us. “Everyone move on to your next activities. I’m sure your instructors are waiting.”
As everyone else filed off, Luke and I looked at each other. “You’re disgusting,” I laughed, observing his sweaty shirt.
He looked baffled at that. “Wow. I was gonna ask if you’re okay but clearly you don’t value me that much,” he answered in mocking offense.
“No, no, no,” I corrected through laughs, going to him. But as soon as he tried to hug me, I pulled away with a wrinkled nose. Seeing my disgust, he forcefully hugged me, drowning me in his B.O. When I finally wrestled my way out of his arms I was disgusting. “Ugh we both need showers.”
He smiled. “I’ll see you at dinner,” he promised. He stepped closer to me, kissing me quickly before heading off towards the showers. I watched him leave for a moment before heading to my cabin.
Later that night at dinner, I was talking to my cabin-mates when Luke came over, crouching by me. “Hey,” he smiled up at me as if this was the most normal thing in the world.
“Hi,” I laughed. “What are you doing here?”
“Being a good boyfriend. I’m just giving you a heads up that our spar from earlier isn’t over yet.”
Chiron stood up and so did Luke. “Gotta go, bye,” he said, pressing a kiss to my temple before scurrying off.
Bewildered, I looked up at Chiron. “We have a special activity tonight per the request of the reigning capture the flag champions. We’ll be playing again tonight seeing as some claimed our last games were unfair due to a missing counselor.” Cabin 5 erupted into cheers, eager to win the flag back. “Luke Castellan and Y/N L/N are captains. Same rules as the prior games.”
Not willing to let my cabin lose again, I jumped into action. “Cabin 5, armor on, get to the creek in 5!” They all quickly scrambled off. Our allies for this game, Dionysus, Aphrodite, Demeter, and Hephaestus followed their lead.
I followed after them to get my armor as well and soon enough I was stood by the creek, discussing strategy with my teammates. Once our discussion time drew to a close, I faced my opposing captain. “You’re going down, feather feet,” I sneered.
“We’ll see, hot head,” Luke taunted.
I laughed. “Oh yeah, one more thing,” I told my teammates. “Bring me Luke’s sword and helmet.”
“In your dreams,” he taunted back. He looked at his team. “Bring me Y/N.”
“Okay,” Chiron interrupted us. “Before we begin I think we need a reminder that killing is not permitted. Are we clear?” A few unenthusiastic agreements came from the crowd. Nodding, Chiron blew into the horn, signaling that the games had begun. Some of my campers who hadn’t already been stationed bolted into the trees, doubling back so they could hopefully sneak through Hermes’ cabin’s defenses. The others stayed with me to defend the most obvious point.
One Hermes kid immediately jumped at me but I slashed him in the chest, (his armor protected him so he just got the wind knocked out of him) knocking him back into the water.
He got back up, running at one of my campers but he was immediately disarmed and taken prisoner. By the time I looked back, the other campers and Luke were gone. I realized with a frustrated scream that this kid was a distraction. “Find them!” I yelled at the others.
“Their territory or ours?” I observed the 5 campers in front of me. “You three, stay on our side. Fan across the creek, look for signs they crossed into our territory. The rest of you, we’re gonna either hunt them down in their territory or take their flag.”
My group leapt over the creek, running into the forest.
As we searched, we picked up a few of our own teammates, running through the woods and strangely finding no opposing campers. We continued on nonetheless until Athena and Apollo campers all of a sudden started darting through the trees.
Eventually they stopped moving enough for us to have a proper fight. I faced Malcom Pace, easily disarming him. But suddenly his older brothers were on me. As I was busy fighting twins, Leo and Cato, another one of the boys found an opening. Quinn wrapped his arms around me, a dagger at my throat. “Drop the sword,” they told me.
Seeing as I wasn’t getting out of this but my teammates were gone while many of the Athena and Apollo campers were still here, I dropped the sword. Most of my campers got away and were likely hunting down the flag.
Before they could decide where to stash their prisoner, the horn blew again, signaling the end of the games. But as I tried to leave, the others stopped me. “Woah, Luke said he wanted you so we’re taking you.”
I rolled my eyes, letting them lead me to the creek. “Yeah, well when my cabin gives me his stuff and the flag, you can apologize to me.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Quinn dismissed. “You’re just mad I beat you.”
“You only ‘beat me’ because there were three of you. And you guys still lost the rest of my team.”
“We still got you!” Leo taunted in a sing-songy voice. By now we had reached the creek and I saw Clarisse holding the flag, a helmet, and a sword. Luke was kneeled beside her looking humiliated, clearly a captive.
Both sides let us go and I went to Clarisse. “Your spoils,” she presented me the flag, helmet, and sword. I smiled, wrapping the flag around her shoulders and taking Luke’s stuff.
“Thank you!” I said emphatically, pointing a look of victory at Luke.
He just shook his head, standing up. As he approached me I figured he was grabbing his belongings but instead he wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me in for a kiss. When he pulled away he explained. “You’re my spoil.”
Camp life continued on as normal for a while. I finally met the newest hero who had returned Zeus’ masterbolt— he did not like my father. He seemed surprised that Luke and I were dating and I learned that Luke had become a sort of mentor to Percy over the days that I had been asleep. That also surprised me, given how resentful Luke had seemed towards him when I first woke up. Regardless, everything seemed normal as we continued our routines throughout the summer until I was woken up one night.
“Y/N,” a voice whispered, shaking me. “Y/N.” I reluctantly opened my eyes, finding one of my younger brothers, Aiden, shaking me. “Luke’s asking for you.”
“What?” I asked, sitting up.
“Luke wants to talk to you. He gave me a coke if I woke you up.” The boy excitedly held up a shiny red can as if to persuade me to go.
I rubbed his messy hair as I sat up. “Don’t let Clarisse see that,” I advised, throwing on a hoodie. He nodded, going back to his bunk as I headed outside. “Luke!” I whispered into the night upon exiting the cabin. I didn’t notice him sneaking up towards me until his hands were around my waist. “Luke!” I exclaimed in surprise.
He quickly hushed me. “Do you want the harpies to find us?”
“Well we wouldn’t have to worry about that if you weren’t trying to talk to me in the middle of the night. What’s wrong?” I asked, knowing it’d be serious. He let his playful facade drop as he urged me to follow him, taking my hand. I went with him, silently trusting him until I realized we were heading to the woods. I stopped, letting my hand fall out of his grasp. “What? Are you gonna kill me in there?” I laughed shallowly, trying to lighten the mood and quell the alarms in my brain.
Luke returned my shallow laugh, clearly nervous. “Of course not. Look, I have to talk to you. It’s serious.” I could see the genuineness in his expression so I let him retake my hand. “I’d never hurt you,” he promised. So I followed him further into the woods until he deemed us far enough. “The nymphs may hear us but it’s kind of impossible to avoid them,” he chuckled.
“Hear what?” I asked.
He took a breath, seemingly composing himself. “You know how I went on that quest? For my dad?”
“Yeah. What? You want to go out into the world again?” I asked, a little relieved.
“Sort of,” he offered. “But on that ‘quest,’” he mocked the word, “I realized something: the gods are useless.”
“Luke!” I immediately reprimanded him.
“No,” he cut me off. “You don’t have to pretend like not fawning over the gods is a crime. We shouldn’t be blindly worshipping them. Y/N,” his hands were clasping my shoulders as if begging me to believe him, “your father waited for the last day of summer your first year to claim you. Why? Just to mess with you? Because he just couldn’t be bothered to do it until he remembered at the last second? That’s messed up. The gods aren’t fit to rule. The West is going to hades. My quest? To repeat Heracles’ quest? All the gods know how to do is repeat the past. Their glory days.”
“Luke, you’re scaring me.” I was practically begging him to stop talking so we could go back to the way it was. This was the first year I’d be staying year round. We were supposed to be celebrating Christmas together for the first time in a few months. Yet here he was, spouting off heresy.
“Open your eyes,” he insisted. “The gods are poisoning the world and they’ve been using us as pawns to do it. The only way to fix it is to destroy it and start over with something more honest.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve been having dreams sent by the Titan Lord.”
A shiver ran down my spine and I stepped out of his grasp. “No,” I heard myself whisper. “Luke, he’s using you. You remember what Chiron taught us. We are not better off, no one was better off when the Titans ruled. We didn’t even have fire. He will kill all the humans. He’ll kill us.”
“Not if we join him willingly,” Luke promised, trying to take my hand again but I pulled away. “He said when I bring down the gods he’ll reward me. He’ll make me immortal. He promised you’d become like me too.” He quickly grasped my wrist tight enough so I couldn’t escape, pulling me closer. “We can rule together, forever.” He was pleading with me to take his offer, his hands finding a stray lock of hair to tuck behind my ear.
“Luke… this isn’t- you can’t…” I was at a loss for words.
“Please, Y/N,” his voice was cracking.
“I can’t. I’m sorry. This isn’t right. This is dangerous, can’t you see that?”
“This isn’t me just trying to get back at my dad. I’ve thought about this.” He stiffened, still tightly grasping my wrist. “Y/N, I need you with me.”
“Then don’t go,” I begged him. “I won’t even tell anyone. We can just go back to how things were.”
“No, we can’t,” he shook his head. “Because you’re gonna try to help me by telling Chiron and he’s gonna turn me in.”
“No he won’t! Luke, he trained you. He’ll want to help you.”
“Camp isn’t safe for us anymore. We have to go.”
This was the first time I actually started fearing for my safety. I tried to pull out of his grasp but he held firm. “Go where?”
“Our Titan Lord got us a ship. We’ll be safe there until I get my next orders. The monsters on it won’t harm us.”
“What?!” With a hard wrench I pulled my wrist out of his grasp. I immediately started running, hoping a nymph would find me before a monster did but Luke was on me in seconds. He knocked me to the ground and after a little struggling he had me pinned. “Luke, please don’t do this,” I begged as I saw him reach into his pocket. When I saw the milk of the poppy I began to thrash underneath him but I couldn’t manage to throw him off of me. He forced my mouth open, dropping the liquid onto my tongue and forcing me to swallow. Before I blacked out, I could vaguely hear him speak.
“You’ll be okay in a few days and then we can talk.” A few days???
The next morning Luke was woken by frantic cries of his girlfriend’s name heard throughout camp. He immediately rushed out of bed, putting on a concerned boyfriend facade. Finding one of his brothers, he asked what was going on. “What? Did you just wake up?” Luke nodded frantically. “Oh, I’m sorry man. Uh, Y/N wasn’t in bed this morning. No one can find her. One of her little brothers said you asked to talk to her last night.”
“Yeah to talk about potentially allying for capture the flag but she went right back in,” he insisted frantically. He ran a hand through his hair, acting stressed. He kind of whished he’d be gone by now but he needed to get rid of Percy before he could go.
He ran out of the cabin, immediately going up to Cabin 5. Clarisse spotted him, her expression becoming sour. “What’d you do Castellan? Aiden said you wanted to talk to her last night.”
“Yeah, we were talking about capture the flag but she went right back in 10 minutes later. You sleep 20 feet from her, where’s my girlfriend?” he challenged. Clarisse sent him a scowl but otherwise stormed off, the other Cabin 5 campers following her with similar expressions.
“Luke, I'm so sorry,” a young voice called. He turned, finding Annabeth running towards him. As she hugged him, Luke couldn’t help but think about how much he’d miss her. She was too smart for her own good but he still couldn’t help but think of the seven year old he had found hiding from monsters. “She could just be out somewhere?” she offered, trying to console him.
“I hope so,” he smiled down at her. He then spotted Mr. D and ran over to him. “Mr. D, can you find where she is?”
The god gave him a tired expression. “I’m not omniscient in this state. All I know is she’s not in camp.”
“Well can’t you get a god who is? Surely her father wants to know where she is,” he insisted. But Ares had plenty of demigod children and most of them went missing in action or died tragic deaths. Y/N would be just another hero child that fought in his name.
“Lord Ares has other concerns,” Mr. D at least tried to soften the blow. “If she hasn’t returned by the end of the summer then we must assume she is dead. Even if she left of her own volition.”
“But summer is ends tomorrow. You can’t do this. She could still be out there. She could need our help. Let me go out and search,” he pleaded. By now, Chiron, Clarisse, and a few others had joined them.
“No one is leaving,” Chiron declared. “I’m not letting anyone else go missing. Luke, I understand your concern but her blade was found in Cabin 5. If she’s not in camp she is likely already dead.”
“No,” Luke insisted, putting on the performance of a lifetime, “you’re wrong.”
After nearly two whole days of searching camp and the closest borders, (that was the furthest Chiron would let anyone go) Y/N L/N was declared dead. Her siblings reluctantly built a funeral pyre, decorating it with some of her things. Luke did his best to look devastated and it seemed to be working because no one looked at him twice other than to offer their sympathies. That at least made it easy to lure Percy off into the woods just before he left.
When I woke up I was in a strange room. It looked like a hotel room except for the fact that the floor to ceiling windows showed that I was on the ocean. That triggered all the memories of Luke. A sense of hopelessness came over me and I was immediately breaking down in sobs. I didn’t want to believe that he had joined Kronos and turned his back on everything he knew or that he was determined to drag me with him.
Once I finally managed to compose myself I went to the door, hoping to find a radio so someone could get me. Or maybe even find Luke so I could talk him into letting me go. But once I opened the door I was met with the massive jaws of a hellhound. I immediately shut the door and locked it.
Still feeling unsafe I went to grab the dresser to block the door but either it was too heavy or bolted down. I tried the desk next resulting in nothing. I was running out of time as the monster was probably just trying to process what it saw. Soon it’d smell me and start trying to break down the door. So I resorted to the chair, dragging it across the floor and jamming it under the door handle. I then went to the massive windows, realizing there was a hidden door. I wrenched it open, stepping out into the fresh air. I looked around, seeing no land I’d be able to swim to. But just as I was considering my chances, I noticed the body of a massive whale-like creature. I was willing to bet that whales weren’t just swimming around a cruise ship, this was a cetus.
Seeing as I had nowhere else to go, I went back into the room. I went to the attached bathroom, searching for something to defend myself. There wasn’t really anything in there except bar soap and toilet paper. Luke must have removed everything, even the towels, so I couldn’t hurt him or anyone else. Frustrated, I went to the closet, finding it completely empty. Not even a hangar to pull apart and stab someone with. So I reluctantly grabbed the soap seeing as it was literally the only thing remotely resembling a weapon, and sat on the bed, watching the door.
I don’t know how long I sat there but eventually I heard the door shake, like something was trying to get in. As I was preparing to clobber the monster with my bar of soap, a voice I recognized called through the door. “C’mon, Y/N! Open the door,” Luke said. I didn’t dare move. I didn’t want to see him. “Open the door or I break it down!” he demanded.
It was either open the door or have absolutely no protection from the monsters so I reluctantly got up. “Okay, okay!” I answered. “Just give me a second.” I climbed off the bed, removing the chair. I only twisted the handle, letting the door open slightly before going back to the bed to put some distance between us.
As Luke was locking the door again, I took my chance. Jumping, I tried to bring the bar of soap down on him but he turned, grabbing my wrist. “Come on, you had to have known that wouldn’t work,” he smiled.
I only gave him a burning stare. “It was worth a shot,” I said, trying to pull my hand away. But his grip held fast, not letting me pull away.
“So I guess you still hate me?”
“Yeah,” I answered. “You kidnapped me and are now holding me hostage on a monster infested ship.”
“You’ll understand soon enough,” he dismissed, once again brushing a piece of hair behind my ear. “Then we’ll be together forever.”
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runnning-outof-time · 11 months
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Thanks for sending another GIFt my way, Cia!! 🥰 I know I say it every time, but these little surprise presents put the biggest smile on my face! I decided to write a little something with John on this one because I’m currently in Tommy land with my requests and wanted a little break. I…I’m not quite sure what it is, but it was fun to write. Enjoy!
Stop Showing Them!
John Shelby
Warnings: death-threats jokingly made
(Y/N) gets the embarrassment of a lifetime when she finds her boyfriend showing his family her childhood pictures.
“What’re we all doing in here?” Tommy Shelby questioned as he entered the living room of his family home to see that it was packed with people.
“Come take a look at this, Tom!” John waved him over with one of his hands while the other balanced the large book he was holding.
“What’s that?” the older of the two questioned, his eyebrows furrowed as he moved to his brother’s side. It didn’t take him long to realize that what John was holding was a picture book, full of pictures of a young girl. He couldn’t help but laugh at some of the things John was explaining to him.
“And you see this one is…”
“What have you got there, John?” (Y/N)’s voice came from the archway to the kitchen, cutting John off and making the room go silent.
“Nothing…” John trailed off, shutting the book quickly, making it let out a loud clap.
“John…” she looked at him with a deadpan stare, like a predator that had eyes set on its prey.
“There ain’t nothin’ in this book, love,” he insisted, trying to smoothly transfer both his hands and the book behind his back. His attempts failed though, so he just awkwardly held it at his side, like a schoolboy would hold his materials between classes.
“Then why are you hiding it? Hmm?” she questioned him, popping her right hip out so that she could rest her hand on it, her eyebrows raising as she did so. John let out a sheepish chuckle, looking down at the ground as he nervously scratched his top lip with his thumb. “John Michael Shelby, tell me what’s inside that book,” she demanded now, her voice flat.
“I’d give it up, John, before you make things any worse,” Polly suggested from where she was sitting, an amused smirk present as she watched the couple go at it.
“She’s going to give you hell if you don’t tell her, John,” Ada added in, also invested in the situation that was unfolding.
John looked from his aunt and sister to his brother, who was still standing by his side. He hoped that Tommy would have some guidance, but he knew he was on his own the second the elder Shelby sibling raised both of his hands. “This isn’t my war,” he mumbled, unable to stop himself from chuckling at his younger brother’s misfortune. John sure knew how to get himself into the worst of situations. He was going to have to get out of this one by himself.
“Well?” (Y/N) asked again, waiting for him to give her an answer.
“Your mum gave it to me…the last time we visited her,” he offered some details, but not the ones (Y/N) was looking for.
“What’s in the book, John?”
“It may or may not be pictures from when you were younger,” he spoke quickly and in a low voice as he scratched the back of his neck, hoping all of the things he was doing would have made it hard for her to hear him.
“You’re kidding,” she gasped, telling him that she heard his words loud and clear as she rushed over to grab the book out of his hands. “John!” she shrieked as she flipped through it, seeing all of the embarrassing portraits that had been taken of her throughout her younger years. She immediately knew that this was the book that her mother had kept of all of the ‘mess-ups’; of all of the purposefully terrible pictures.
“It was your mum who gave it to me,” he stated, holding his hands up in surrender while trying hard to conceal the grin that was threatening to break onto his features.
“I can’t believe you went and showed them to your family though!” she exclaimed, trying (and failing terribly) to not let her flustered nature show.
“It was so hard not to,” he defended himself.
Arthur and Michael walked into the house then, and were immediately confused by the situation that greeted them. “What’s going on in here?” Arthur was the one to ask.
“(Y/N)’s got some pictures from when she was younger…she was just showing them to us,” John stated, a smug grin now present as he gave them a botched description of what was going on.
“No, that is absolutely not what was going…John!” she stopped herself when John took the book from her hands and began walking over to where the other two men were standing.
“Wanna see them?” he asked, glancing behind him and hurrying up his step when he saw that she was following him.
“Stop showing them!” she exclaimed, smacking his shoulder and grabbing the book back from his hands just as he started showing them the photographs. “I’m going to kill you, John Shelby…and I’m going to use this book to do it! Ugh!” she exclaimed, wielding the book as she showed him what she meant.
“Wouldn’t be the first time someone’s told me that, sweetheart,” John brushed her statement off, grinning at her.
“I can’t believe you,” she huffed, shaking her head and rolling her eyes as a smile tugged the corners of her lips upwards.
Tagged: @the-anxious-youth @mystcldydrms @look-at-the-soul @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @stevie75 @dark-academia-slut @zablife @cillmequick @letal-y-poetica @depxiety @shelundeadxxxx @areyenotfondofmelobster @padfootdaredmetoo @crabat-the-queen @sebastianstangirl01 @valentinabloom @wildheartsalwaysburn @dragons-are-my-favorite
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agendabymooner · 5 months
dadventures with the schuminis: rock it, minnie! || ms47 scenario (1)
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dad!mick schumacher (x ofc) centric
Summary: A series in which Mick Schumacher tackles the challenges and moments of being a father to his little carbon copies with his father Michael Schumacher (alongside his in-law Sebastian Vettel, who continues to deny that he was a grandfather while accepting his role as the Schumacher kids’ Opa).
Scenario summary: With Minna’s first birthday coming up, Mick struggles to find the perfect gift that she’ll learn to cherish forever. Thankfully, Michael still knows how to make Gina’s old rocking horse and Sebastian knew how to operate the electric sander. AND Michael and Sebastian are insufferable as in-laws.
Content warning: dad!Mick Schumacher, grandpa!Michael Schumacher and Sebastian Vettel being competitive as grandparents, Seb denying he’s a grandpa, terms of endearment, fluff, mentions of pregnancy, Mick making a dirty joke, brief German translations, mentions of grandma!OFC (Bel Vettel) spoiling Minna
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Mick Schumacher knew that his off days were numbered. He hated that he had to count his days and immediately head back to the road and race. 
But he did what he had to do for the sake of giving his daughter a better future— whether it had something to do with their financial situation (they were rich as hell) or her desire to follow Mick’s footsteps to become a racer (Mick was praying to god she didn’t want to be a racer), he persisted on staying and racing for the season for the sake of his family. 
Regardless of his limited days off, he did what he could do and participated in the event planning for his firstborn's first birthday celebration. His wife, Barbie, insisted that she and Gina were handling it well, but he wanted to do something special alongside them. 
And so Barbie and Gina assigned him to find his daughter a special gift for the celebration. “Something that would mean to her in the long run,” his sister said. 
His face paled a little when she said that. It was so cryptic and vague. It was just vague. 
He thought about the theme of the party at first. Minna Elisa’s first birthday party was running with the farm theme.
When it was first suggested by Gina, Mick almost snorted to ridicule the thought. “We already grew up around them,” he said, “I don’t think Minna would appreciate that. Why can’t it be just horses?” 
Then Barbie and Mick’s mother Corinna agreed to Gina’s idea. After all, Minnie was already showing a great interest in animals! Specifically horses.
RIGHT! Mick almost yelled and stood up, looking for his old photo albums. He skimmed through the pages and wondered what his and Gina’s rooms looked like before in Texas. The Schumacher siblings loved their home in Texas— especially their rooms. Mick’s room was converted to be Kimi and Stefan Vettel’s guest rooms but they remained with the same theme of western style and horses. 
Then, just as he browsed through his pictures with Gina in her bedroom, his eyes immediately zeroed in on the pink and blue wooden rocking horse that his baby self sat on while Gina stood next to the boy. 
He knew what he wanted to get his little girl now.
And so the first thing he did was phone his parents. He called Corinna’s phone, but it was Michael who had answered the call.
“Oh, hey Dad, is mom there?” Mick nearly facepalmed. This was literally Corinna’s phone he had called.
“Am I that boring to you, Mickie?” Michael scoffed, making Mick roll his eyes. “I can hear your eyes rolling from here. Seriously, is there anything I can help with? Your mom is out at the back right now.”
“Yes, actually,” Mick cleared his throat and stared at the picture of him and Gina as he continued, “I saw this photo of me and Gina in the ranch— her room actually. Gina had this wooden rocking horse and I’m wondering if we still have it there. I’m hoping to ask Gina if I can get it and restore it as a gift for Minnie’s birthday?” 
“Oh. That pink and blue one?”
“Yup, that one.”
“Gina broke it when she was five and we had it thrown out,” Michael almost sighed at the memory.
Mick winced when he learned the news. “Why- ugh Gina.”
“We told her that she can’t ride it anymore but she was persistent,” Michael chuckled. “Why would you restore it when you can just buy one?”
“Because it would mean a lot more if Minna got the same one her Aunt Gina has,” Mick murmured. “She’ll see it in the pictures and be like ‘Wow this was my Auntie G’s!” 
“Huh,” Michael let out a hum. “That’s… that’s very thoughtful, Mick. But sadly we don’t have it in Texas, anymore.” 
Mick let out a sigh of defeat. He could just always get Minna a new one, but it would mean a lot if his daughter got something from their childhood that she would enjoy as well. 
Michael had a different thought, however. 
The 7-time world champion had spoken up again after hearing absolutely nothing from his son, “It was something that I made from scratch, Mick.” 
Mick’s eyes quirked at the sound of this as he asked, “You made it?” 
“Ralf and I did,” Michael replied, referring to Mick’s uncle as Michael continued, “I still remember what it looks like and if you’d like, we can make it. Though I doubt that you’d have time to—“
“NO, NO, NO!” Mick panicked, wincing at the volume of his voice as he looked back at the entryway of the living room. Barbie would kill him if his tone woke the baby up. Then he began speaking as quietly as possible, “I’m not busy on my next off— surely it won’t take us long to make it right?”
“You have to rest for the—“
“—Dad, I’m begging you right now please help me,” Mick pleaded desperately. “I have a doubleheader after my next off and I wouldn’t have time in the future like Dad please.”
Michael immediately interrupted Mick, “Mick for the love of god, stop freaking out—“
“—Sorry,” Mick muttered. “Didn’t mean to freak out. ‘S just… I haven’t done anything for Minnie’s birthday and this is her first birthday. My first kid’s first birthday. I’m already missing out on most of her life and I can’t even do anything for her first birthday? What kind of a father would I be?”
Michael understood. He understood fully what Mick felt and he wouldn’t deny that. He was a father as well, and he rarely saw Gina and Mick during the season— he had often labelled himself as a shitty father for it. It was only fair that Michael understood how Mick felt now that he, too, was a father. 
But instead of expressing his empathy outright, Michael only sighed and spoke, “Lassen Sie uns morgen mit klaren Köpfen beginnen.” Let’s start with clear minds tomorrow.
“Was meinst du, Dad?” What do you mean, Dad? Mick asked. 
“We’ll plan out what to do in two weeks then start,” Michael told his son through the phone and instructed, “It’ll take us a while to figure it out so I need you to clear your brain and sleep it off. Don’t get too stressed, Mickie. ‘s not good for you— Minnie’s a baby but she can feel stress when it’s nearby.” 
“Okay,” Mick cleared his throat, now determined to stay sane for a little while. “I’ll do that.”
“Don’t get too antsy about not being able to do anything,” Michael reassured him. “Everyone around you already knows you’re doing more than you think.” 
“Alright,” Mick murmured softly, “th- thanks dad. Say hi to mom for me, yeah?”
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“You guys~” Barbie had walked into the deck of their home, her face offering her husband Mick and father-in-law Michael a puzzled look. 
“You two have been here for hours,” Barbie told them as if she was worried. She had been hearing some strange noise at the deck earlier today alongside the murmuring. Knowing Mick and Michael, she assumed that they were just relaxing at the back. 
Yet here she was, looking at them with a baffled look as she watched Mick’s hand pull away from the half-cut lumber and electric saw.
“No we’re not,” Michael quipped, “we’ve been here for two.” 
“Hours,” Barbie emphasized. “Minna just—“ 
“Da! Da!” Corinna had followed suit and walked out with eleven-month-old Minna in her arms, grinning as the baby continued to babble happily.
“Yeah, what Minna said,” Barbie murmured, stepping back as she said, “she just woke up from her nap.”
“Aw, is that right, meine kleine Minnie?” My little Minnie. Michael cooed, arms extending to reach for his granddaughter as he carried Minna in his arms. He grinned heavily as he began to move around with the little girl. “Did you have a good nap, liebe?”
“Pip!” Minna shrieked, only knowing that word alongside ‘Ma’ and ‘Da.’ “Pip!”
“Is that a yes or a no?” Michael hummed before pressing a kiss on the little one’s chubby cheek. “I assume it’s a yes.”
“Oh definitely a yes,” Barbie chuckled, “I know what Mick looks like waking up from a nap— she's definitely a Schumacher who had a good nap.” 
Mick groaned playfully, earning a giggle from Barbie. 
“By the way,” Barbie brought up, “Seb is coming over with Kimi and Stefan.” 
“Oh great, look, Dad, Seb’s helping us,” Mick looked at Michael. 
“What’re you two doing anyways?” Corinna asked, her eyes looking at the scattered tools and piled-up lumber. Barbie found herself looking as well, curious eyes now trained at the cans of paint as she looked back at the father-son duo. 
“Stuff,” Mick shrugged nonchalantly.
“Wow aren’t you specific,” Corinna muttered.
“It’s for Minnie’s birthday,” Michael waved off the two women, “don’t worry about it. It’ll be done by the end of the day.”
“Minnie’s birthday is in four weeks,” Mick continued, “I wanted to make something for her so… yeah.”
“You don’t even know how to make something wood-related, Mick,” Barbie replied with a raised brow.
Mick then murmured, “I’ll show you something wood-related— ow, Mom!” Corinna smacked Mick on the back of his head and glared at him, gesturing back to Minna. 
Michael snorted aloud, making Minna laugh at the sound. 
“That’s your child in front of you, Mick,” Barbie warned with a cheeky grin. “Careful with your words now, yeah?” 
Mick only rolled his eyes. It wasn’t as if Minna could understand that easily. 
“Besides,” Barbie continued, “shouldn’t you be talking to Seb about… lumber stuff? He’s made an impressive apiary before.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Michael scoffed and waved off the offer, “I’ve made this before. It’s nothing I can’t do. Sebastian’s never done this— he wouldn’t be that good without any instruction.”
Corinna and Barbie traded looks. If there was something that the Schumachers and Vettels knew, it was that Sebastian was good at a lot of things— so the fact that Michael was underestimating his woodworking skills? That definitely wouldn’t sit right with Seb especially if he’s heard of it.
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Sebastian Vettel wasn’t usually like this, but when Corinna brought up Michael’s comments about his skills the 4-time world champion couldn’t help but lean against the deck railing with a smirk. In his hand was a bottle of beer, watching the Schumacher men struggle with sanding the wood surfaces that they’ve cut. Or rather, they didn’t know how to operate the electric sander. 
Mick groaned, “Seb— some help please?” He turned to look at the driver, who kept leaning against the railing with a cheeky smile.
“I would but Michael said I can’t be good without ins—“
“Oh come on, have a laugh, Seb,” Michael looked at Sebastian in annoyance, making the man finally cave in and laugh. “Just come help— this is your granddaughter’s gift too—“
“No, don’t call Minnie that,” Sebastian interrupted Michael and shook his head. “Don’t call her my granddaughter.”
“Is she not?” Mick raised a brow. He was merely teasing. After all, Sebastian proudly called himself Barbie’s (foster) father — therefore he was a proud Opa to the little Minna Schumacher. 
Seb just refused to be called a grandfather. He wasn’t that old yet. Fernando Alonso was literally older than him! He sometimes denied that he was a grandfather— but he wouldn’t ever deny Minnie the right to call him Opa.
“Step away,” Sebastian said, now handling the sander as he started it. “You should’ve called me earlier today— I would’ve gone and done all of this.”
“Dad said he could do it, that's why I thought we didn’t need some help,” Mick reasoned.
Sebastian gave his mentor Michael a look and said, “Minna’s not just your granddaughter, Michael. Learn to share responsibilities. I have to spoil her too.”
Michael rolled his eyes, “Just sand the whole thing so we can paint it.”
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Minna Schumacher’s first birthday party was anything but simple. The little one had charmed people with her signature Schumacher grin and had giggled at almost anything. 
But it wasn’t just her adorable and charming being that turned the environment of the party up a notch. Her little heart-studded cowboy boots gathered the attention of most guests as she slowly walked and stomped around the venue, smiling up at whoever she came across as her mother Barbie assisted her. 
“Oh my, is that my Minnie baby?” Barbie grinned at her mother Bel Vettel as the little one excitedly stomped her feet down. Minna immediately sped up her steps and leaned forward to be reached by Bel. 
The older woman, despite not looking the part, took Minna in her arms and hoisted the baby up with a light grunt. Bel grinned and squealed at Minna, “You are such a big girl now, Minnie! Whatever will Oma do about it?!” 
“Oma,” Minna babbled repeatedly before putting her little hands over Bel’s cheeks. The baby continued to babble as Bel nodded along. 
Bel then looked over at her daughter and smiled, “And you? I’ve heard you’re feeling sick lately.” 
Barbie rolled her eyes playfully, “It’s hard to keep things a secret in this family, huh?” 
Bel chuckled, “You know that we’re only worried. Are you okay though, Barbie? Corinna said—“
“Nina!” Bel and Barbie chuckled at Minna’s excited expression. 
Bel then continued, “She said that you’re feeling ill— or at least Mick’s been telling her.”
“Mm, yeah,” Barbie hummed, reaching to fix Minna’s pigtails as she continued, “I’ve been throwing up and all that… I think I know—“
“—I knew it,” Bel squealed, bouncing Minna in joy as she cooed at the baby, “Minna’s gonna be a big sis huh? Are you?” 
Barbie chuckled happily, “I have a hunch. Let’s just not tell Mick or the others yet, if that’s okay. I don’t want them to get their hopes up.”
“Yeah, of course,” Bel grinned, pressing kisses on Minna’s face. “I’ve got more babies to spoil— and I thought Stefan and Kimi’s gonna be the only kids I’ll be able to spoil!” 
“I still can’t believe you got her a bag,” Barbie rolled her eyes, making Bel giggle as Barbie continued, “She won’t be able to use that for a while, Bel. She's only a year old.”
“Yeah, but she’s my Minnie baby,” Bel pouted dramatically. “You know I wouldn’t pass up the chance to spoil my little Minnie, no, Bebe?” Bel grinned at the toddler as Minna replied with a laugh.
“Bel,” Barbie sighed, “you got her a Hermes.”
“Only the best from Oma Bel,” the older woman grinned, making Barbie sigh again.
Barbie then said, “Only the best for Minna— I feel like I’ve heard everyone say that.” 
“Of course,” Bel quipped, “everyone wants to be Minna’s favourite. But it seems like her Da and Pippa will win that title sometime soon.” 
They both looked over where the wooden rocking horse was. It was majestic— the handiwork that Mick and Michael made for the little girl. 
It was similar to the one that Mick showed Barbie. But instead of the pastel blue and pink, the rocking horse was painted with the colours of Michael Schumacher’s racing suit back when he won his first world championship— the Benetton blue and yellow accentuated in the wooden horse while his driver number was painted on the sides of the horse.
Barbie chuckled softly, “Don’t say that out loud— Seb might hear. You know that he wants to be Minna’s favourite grandpa no matter how much he refuses to get called one.” 
On the other side of the room, the birthday girl’s dad Mick, and her grandfathers Michael and Sebastian (who still called himself ‘Opa’ rather than ‘Grandpa’) stood as they looked over where the wooden horse was. 
“I’m surprised that it turned out well,” Mick mumbled. Sebastian and Michael hummed in agreement. “Minnie wouldn’t stop going to it since she found it.”
“Well that’s good,” Michael joked, “otherwise I wasted hours of my time for nothing.”
“This was an eye-opener for me, you know?” Mick told the two, making the older men shoot him a puzzled look as he continued with a grin, “Who would’ve thought that it’ll take being Minnie’s grandpa for you to fight over the little things?” 
Sebastian scoffed and Michael rolled his eyes.
Sebastian then grinned, “Had I known that Michael was going to be this insufferable as an in-law, I simply wouldn’t have let you date Barbie—“
Michael’s eyes widened and he looked at Sebastian with a baffled look, making Sebastian and Mick laugh aloud. 
“Oh you two,” Michael muttered. “It’s no wonder why I’m Minna’s favourite.”
“Yeah, yeah, keep lying to yourself, Michael.”
“Yeah, whatever, Dad.”
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♡ moony’s reminder 🅶 (general): @hiraethrhapsody @avaleineandafryingpan @topguncultleader
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n3onwraith · 2 months
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I forgot to post that I drew Needles! You can't tell, I haven't made the HC doodles comprehensive yet, but hisbneedles hide under his skin and eject when needed, like those spike traps but millions of needles!
I'm gonna put all my HCs below the cut just to spare yall
He's def a natural redhead to me, but bleached it a lot before becoming an avatar
Technically, this would only be his human disguise thing. Full eldritch is reserved for attacking ppl and defense, which is rarer than attacking people, and in that form he's all lanky with all his needles out all the time like a fucked up longhorse and pincushion had a baby and it got possessed
He just has no sense of pain most of the time, at least related to intrinsic issues. Getting stabbed or shot hurts, but when his bones constantly break as Eldritch Needles or when his limbs fall off (like Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas) he doesn't feel all the pain, just a tinge or a pinch
Can remove his needles from his skin, but their 'slot' stays open until he puts them back or replaces them (like shark teeth, he grows them but can also swap them out for found ones) and he uses that to sew himself back together as needed
Lots of piercings, most home-done. Really only his lobe and one of three cartilage rings is professional, he did the rest as an angsty teen for fun
Was turned as a late teen/in his early twenties, and therefore his disguise stays looking that age because that's the only way he really remembers who he is and what he looked like. Eldritch Needles is just a fucked up skinsuit really, a puppet for what he needs to do, and Needles himself can't remember or guess what he would look like by now (bones, probably, with his luck, but he was taken as an avatar/eldritch in the 90s/early 2000s so realistically only around 40-50 or so)
Got in a ton of accidents as a kid, always was and always is banged up somehow
Flashes his needles and puffs up on instinct when things piss him off, has to stop himself from doing it around people
A gifted kid for the institute who ended up being neglected outside of schoolwork and what he could do (projection?)
Glitters in the sunlight even with the needles put away. Its just bcs he's got so much metal in him and the sunlight catches the slots weird enough to glint briefly
The jacket reacts the same way his hair and needles do, like an external organ, but it's only due to it being part of his avatar influence shit and its not actually a part of him. It goes dormant when removed or unwanted
Like a hedgehog hair-wise, it's harmless and like regular hair until it's Needle Time (TM)
Easily offended/angered, as seen in the 911 call, and likes to fuck with people. I'd guess older sibling if he had any, but the kind where you matured too fast and then slowed your roll so late you were the immature one (projecting)
Likes to be colorful but in a dull way. Washed out colors just suit him better in his opinion and let him express himself without drawing attention to himself and the fact he's not quite human anymore
Gap teeth <3 Wanted to get braces as a teen but didn't, still pissed about it because now he can't and it doesn't matter since hes not human anymore anyways. slowly learning to like the gap when his angel fangs don't get stuck in em
Didn't draw it but he has snake bites too, just rarely wears them. It's either angel fangs or snake bites but never both because they tend to snag for him
A parallel of both Nikola and Michael, kind of. He's got little bits that Norris, Chester and Augustus would recognize if they ever met him, like his speech pattern and penchant for never giving straight answers, but he's got his own thing going on more than the parallels ever could be.
Rip off Cheshire Cat. Alice in Wonderland, the animated one, was his favorite movie growing up for the colors, and when he got older for the story
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cuntypyramidhead · 2 years
Can i maybe have headcannons about michael afton’s darling hugging michael because michael started crying about how darling is scared around him? (bonus points if he starts crying more and doesn’t let darling go for hours unless absolutely necessary) crybaby yanderes are just so cute lol. thank you so much for reading this request!!!! have a good day/night
What was he doing wrong? He never laid a hand on you or abused you in any way. Why? Why? What did he do to make you so afraid?
He always worked extra shifts, constantly straining himself to do anything to make you more at ease. He bought you gifts, trying to make the room comfier for you. But his efforts always fell useless, as you always were afraid, shaking whenever he came close.
When he was a child, he was constantly compared to his siblings No one ever treated him as an equal after the incident. It was always brought up, nothing he ever did was good enough after that. His father rarely looked him in the eyes, if he ever did, it was always full of disgust, shame, and repulsion.
When he arrived home that day and saw you on the bed, curled up, crying. He went to try to comfort you, but once you heard his footsteps you instantly tensed up and started to cry even harder.
The tears slowly welled up in his eyes, the feeling of disappointment and self-hatred became overwhelming. Hearing the man who took you away from your family and friends sobbing shocked you. Why was he crying? What did you do?
"I-I'm so sorry... I don't know what I'm doing wrong but... I'm sorry. I'm trying to do my best to keep you safe, to make you happy." He cried in between sobs, shaking as his hands covered his face. He collapsed against the door, hands running through his hair.
"I never meant to scare you or hurt you in any way, please, forgive me."
You were stunned, feeling unsure of what to do. Should you approach him? What if he was trying to manipulate you? What if he was trying to let your guard down? So many questions ran through your mind. You were so confused, he was your kidnapper, why was he acting so vulnerable?
Although you despised the feeling, you pitied him. You found it difficult to be there, but you did recognise his attempts to make this situation easier for you. Slowly you stood up from the bed, your legs wobbling as you walked toward him. Every step you took the more you felt sick. Your stomach churned, wondering if this was the right decision. But, as you stood in front of him, you realised there was no point in turning back.
You crouched down and wrapped your arms around him. His hands lowered from his face as he stared through his tears. He was confused as to why you were so close, why you decided to touch him. He has wanted you to approach him, for you to not fear him. He's been craving affection for so long as he hasn't received it in years.
He basically melted under your touch. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you onto his lap as he leaned his head on your shoulder. "You're so perfect Darling, I've loved you for years. I've been hoping you'd one day feel the same way I feel." He mumbled as he played with the locks of your hair. It was oddly comforting for you, maybe things weren't as bad as you thought they were.
The both of you sat there for at least an hour, till the both of you finally calmed down. He eventually carried you onto the bed, sliding underneath the sheets with you. He pulled you close to him, which you didn't mind. His warmth was comforting, you preferred his company more than being alone.
As time passed, it became difficult to keep your eyes open, you yawned as you snuggled closer to him. He smiled, feeling a sense of happiness, something he hasn't felt in so long.
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aziraphales-library · 2 months
Lost Fic #171
1. once I came across a fic where heaven told aziraphale to "cure" crowley and make him an angel again or they would kill him (crowley), and at first tried to do it secretively but eventually came clean and the whole process was extremely damaging to crowley's self esteem. I'm pretty sure he came clean, anyway? I didn't actually read it - just took a skim of the last chapter - because that kind of dynamic was the LAST thing I wanted to explore in their relationship. I still don't want to read it. I just want to comment and ask the author how it feels to be right. - @hakureiryuu
2. Hi mods! I was hoping you could please find a fic for me? Unfortunately, it's a bit vague, but I think it was a Crowley was Raphael fic where at some point (after falling) Crowley comforts Michael but she doesn't realise it's her sibling. I think they were in a crater or on another planet or something. Thanks in advance, but no worries if not! - anon
3. Good evening! Thank you so much for all the wonderful work you all have done!! Today, I am looking for a fic that was largely in Aziraphale's POV, but what was most memorable for me, and the reason I was looking for it was a scene near the middle where it shifts to Crowley's POV driving in the bentley, imagining and reimagining scenarios with Aziraphale, going to the Ritz for their anniversary, and Aziraphale calling him my dear, my dear, and eventually, my darling. And at these moments he imagines, he speeds up his driving and steps on the accelerator with "my darling" echoing in his mind. In his drive-daydream, he acts all suave in front of a blushing Aziraphale, who considers him his darling, and eventually "to the world" becomes "to us". When he reaches the bookshop after his mad drive, Aziraphale is wearing something cute to keep himself warm and Crowley is enamored with him. Gosh the whole scenario is adorable! I'd like to find it again, and it would be awesome to have your help!! - @purple-patches
4. Hiya! I was hoping you could help me find a fic! I don't remember a whole awful lot about it, but it features Aziraphale, Crowley, and a female angel whose name escapes me, and the plot is basically that Crowley was *part* of Raphael and the female angel is trying to convince him to reclaim the half of Raphael that is still comatose up in Heaven. I recall that the Dowlings were involved briefly, and that Aziraphale/Crowley passed the other angel off at their adult daughter who was in the military/traveled a lot. Any help is appreciated! Ty! - anon
5. I am looking for a crossover from good omens and supernatural that was on ao3. Aziraphale and crowley are husbands and have the gift from god from both hell and heaven. So the most powerful being. And the winchester brothers have scripts written in henoric. They need help from the angle to translate it and they summond crowley to contact him. He does help them with crowley but his side. They found the last dcript paper is so dtrong that it can destroy everything and they take them to the garden. - anon
If you know any of these fics please include the number in your reply! Thank you :)
- Mod D
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ubblemon-kibb · 3 months
“ Getting Caught ,,
ubblemon-kibb • cobi
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SUMMARY • Your boyfriend Michael and you have chosen to take the next step in your relationship. However, there was just a tad issue … it was the 1980s and William was a “grumpy old man” in Michael’s words.
DISCLAIMERS • fear of homophobia, coming out unintentionally, NSFW suggestions/action, illusion to sex, 1980 concepts and views, etc… You can in-vision movie Michael if you want, but it’s whatever - all up to you (personally I don’t see Josh like that 💀), unproofread.
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The sound of rumbling asphalt was deaf on your ears.
It had been nearly 6 months, sure a short time, but almost a year was a big deal.
He had asked you while the two of you trailed behind your group of friends. Michael and his goofy grin- his bright eyes and tan skin. It was that look that made your heart stop - that was the moment you knew your dynamic would change forever, and friendship would merely not be an option any longer.
In that moment, you quickly twisted your head away from him, face flushed and heart pounding.
Jacob, Anissa, Wilson - what about them?
What would they think?
Your hands clutched your jacket (it was really Michael’s, but the sudden drop in temperature had him lend it to you).
You remember seeing Michael’s smile drop, he looked away and his face twisted to one of nervousness.
The other three of your friends ran ahead of you guys, jumping and screaming about something.
He stopped.
You stopped.
You stood there together only a mere block from his house, you could see the warm lights peaking through the rooftops in front of it. Michael’s face grew warm, under the cold night sky, you didn’t think of it — not until he grabbed your hand and patted you shoulder with his other, a crooked forced smile on his face.
You remember being warmer than you ever were, more hyperaware of everything around than you had ever before. The night he asked you was the day your life changed forever - when you finally got the grab of notice and that feeling of satisfaction. Knowing, knowing one hundred percent, that he felt the same way.
That night you two met the others outside of his house, his father on the porch scolding your friends for being so loud. By that point Michael took his jacket back, not wanting William to see. Your flustered face was excused to be from the cold, and William offered for you boys to head inside for the night.
Truth be told, it was probably the most awkward sleep over you probably ever had or will have.
6 months is huge. An accomplishment of sorts. 6-months of hiding your relationship; kisses in privacy, discreet hand holding in the darkness of the movie theater, and stolen touches as time went on.
Everything was perfect — too perfect. It made you anxious, as if this was the honeymoon period and that one day this would all end, as if Michael was playing a trick on you - you knew of his mischievous ways and his bullying tendencies to those he and his friends deemed weaker, and while you weren’t one to condone it (and of course never participated), you never had it in you to hold it to him.
His room was full of games and comics. He even had a little arcade machine in there. His shelves were full of flashing game-boys, action figures and comics with possibly nude scenes or awesome action sequences. His door was plastered with posters and “do not enter” signs — he was the epitome of an edgy teen with a jock lifestyle.
Your favorite thing about his room, though, was its solitude. His younger siblings were on the first floor, his him and his father were on the top. So the two of you could be as flirty as you wished without worry of anyone being around.
As the moment, your anniversary gift laid forgotten on his desk, hand on your back drawing all of your attention.
His father wasn’t home, the driveway abandoned by any vehicle, and his siblings were still in your last hour of classes.
You solemn leaving soon.
Your fingers entangled themselves in his hair and his arms were wrapped around you.
Your lips molding together, the slow glide of your teeth together and the taste of his tongue drawing sighs from your mouth.
He groaned and pulled you closer while leaning back, you got on top of him, your hands still resting in his soft hair.
He removed his belt began to unzip his jeans, still pecking at your mouth as you remove his varsity jacket from your shoulders.
Your faces were hot and breathing became faster as you felt one of his hands on your hip, a single to take this further.
You bit your lip.
By this point you’ve only ever kissed or sloppy made out when the cost of clear.
But this..
This was uncharted territory.
You obliged and nervously rocked your hips into his, both of you quietly moaning at the sensation. The feeling of your jeans on his, grinding down on your clothed cock — it sent a light headedness feeling to you.
You could feel him wrap his arms around your waist as you hugged his neck, pressing you mouth onto his in slow long motions.
Your breath hitched for a moment and he took over the kissing.
Your legs straddled his lap as you put the same slow hard motions into your hips; grinding down deeper until you could feel the tents in both of your pants rub against each other.
You whined and he moved to your neck, his teeth nipping at the skin there, your hands pulled at the back of his shirt.
You closed your eyes felt a rumble, it was in your chest, had to be. Your heart of pounding and you breath became harder to keep up with, the feeling in your lower abdomen growing tighter.
Michael joined your motion, drawing out a guttural groan from the back of his throat as he closed his eyes and breathed in the scent of your hair.
Your sighs ended on high notes, the feeling of your burning cock against the confining fabric of your boxers drawing you out of your head.
You reached down and undid your belt and unbuttoned the fly of your pants. Michael saw and pulled his leaking cock through his own boxers. Doing the same, you could’ve nearly been done just by the feeling of springing free. The sight of his own and his breath on your face.
Whining, you began to hump your hips against hips again, him drawing you nearer until you both touched, skin to skin.
A needy whine left your mouth, he throbbed against you and your movements became sloppy. He sped up, his breath shaky and his hands gripping at your sides.
The hot pool in your gut was like it could seer through your stomach.
The sound of creaking coming from somewhere afar.
You were practically being bounced on his lap every couple of motions, both of you lost in the pleasure of the moment, grasping and panting into each other’s mouths.
“a-ah— hh..-“
He sucked in a breath and his hips faltered, he grabbed both of you cocks and began hastily pumping them. You loudly moaned and threw your head back - the rope in your gut snapping and strong ropes of white cum landing on his shirt and some on his face.
He kept going to chase is close release and you held your eyes shut, clenching your jaw shut, shaky moans stringing from your mouth at the continued friction.
Finally, with ending thrusts into own, he left out a breathy string of moans as his pencil shot hot into your own tank top and face.
Heavily panting, you swiped your hand across your shin and licked it off.
He shakily chuckled and kissed you. The tingling feeling of his lips on yours ending when the sudden sound of thudding ripped you from your moment.
Michael shot you a nervous look before doing up both of your pants and moving you aside. You leaned against the headboard and tried to catch your breath, having difficulty at the sight of Michael getting up to change his shirt and to clean his face.
“What was.. was that?” You asked quietly.
“I- I, uh, don’t know. ‘mma check it out.”
He hated being sent home early from work.
William dragged a hand over his face as he neared the front door — and after today, he would make a point to call before coming home.
Whatever chick Michael had over was none of his business…
William sighed and shook his head.
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qinluofu · 11 months
⊹﹒blue lock boys + younger sibling headcanons ♡
michael kaiser, sae & rin & oliver aiku reacting to a gn!younger sibling who just received an anonymous confession letter
masterlists ^o^
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KAISER would think the confession is mid. it's just a letter and you're already fawning this hard ?? the person should've at least paired it with a rose bouquet and some nice gifts too. but noo, it was just a simple letter.
he outright snatches it from you and tells you it's a waste of time and you shouldn't be trying to investigate who sent it to you any further. you think he's being mean but really, he'd never admit he's just protective of you.
after taking the letter for himself, he quickly investigates it on his own. he WILL be texting all his friends about it & asking allll the players in the soccer club. so thanks to kaiser your confession is basically public now.
a few days later, the situation died down and no one brought it up anymore but kaiser never seemed to let the situation go. he started to pick you up from school everyday, waiting for you outside the locker room and also visiting you at lunch to tell you the most random and unnecessary things ever .
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SAE & RIN said "lukewarm" at the same time, and stared at each other - giving the "don't copy me" look while you stood between them, letter in your hands. rin thinks the confession is absolute bullshit and sae thinks the confession is someone pranking you and they would be so confused like ??.
these two would always get over each other's personal beef just to protect you. everytime you were alone at lunch they'd automatically be at the seat right next to you, doting on you. not to mention that your social media is always stalked by them too, they see your every post & story, they check your every follower and following and the following of the followers too. they know your every friend and your every gossip and as far as they're aware, there's only 2 guys who you were close with, one being gay and the other already taken.
so who the hell was this anonymous person that just decided to randomly plop in out of nowhere and write a shitty letter to you ?? they were very frustrated the next few days and you were just like :|, the letter wasn't anything special to you but to your brothers it was like the devil had knocked on their door and had taken your soul away.
even as you grow up, they still bring it up, at least twice a month, and they would have the most serious expression ever, telling you, "don't ever accept random confessions without telling us beforehand, okay?" and you'd just nod along wanting them to drop it already. jesus.
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OLIVER AIKU is happier than you are. he thinks it's like god has given him a blessing, that you and him are the world's undefeated players. on your way home, he tells you all the tips and tricks about how to get someone whipped for you, how to gaslight someone, how to appear offline in instagram even if you're online, et cetera.
and you just want him to shut the hell up already, giving him the "are you serious?" face. your brother was hot, he was those stereotypical jock guys who has had 25 different partners, every week there'd be a different one knocking at your door and you had just received your first confession letter, seriously.
when the both of you arrived home, oliver went to social media to flex about his younger sibling getting a confession letter. something along the lines of "following my footsteps" and "rizzler" ( you blocked him after he tagged you on 5 different posts about it ). you were slightly embarrassed as you walked into school the next day as his friend group teased you about it.
nevertheless, it was a funny experience for the both of you.
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note : definitely went overboard with sae & rin but yolo , should i write more siblings au or should i write romance more ?
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thekatebridgerton · 8 months
Speaking of which, if I ever had to do a collab with someone I would do a Labyrinth au with @sea-owl
Where the Bridgertons are the rulers of the Goblin court and their spouses are adults who have drawn the attention of the fae, as either kids or adults and the fae court wants to lure them into the fae lands by making them run the Labrynth, so they kidnap their ‘children’ aka, their younger siblings.
Kate went to a town fair with her little sister and in the process of getting rid of a guy that was way too confident in himself, she insulted the Goblin king, probably told a glamoured Anthony to his face that he wasn’t that attractive and that his flirting didn’t work on her. So Anthony took little Edwina as petty revenge and now Kate has to brave the fae lands to rescue her. But she’s not letting him win, and she sure isn’t letting him have her sister! That overconfident jerk.
Simon actually was rescued from the Labrynth by his Aunt Danbury when he was a kid, apparently ‘the little Duchess Daphne’ of the Goblin court took a linking to him when his father wished him away, but Aunt Agatha rescued him. Now as an adult, with the disappearance of Aunt Agatha, Simon was left as the sole guardian of his 14 yo cousin Gareth, and somehow the fae have taken him as payment for Simon. And now, it turns out, that the little duchess who used to like him, is not so little anymore. And Daphne still thinks he’s handsome.
Penelope actually broke a promise when she was a child to one of the members of the Goblin court. As a kid she used to think they were imaginary friends, since she lived in a very old house near the forest, so she had no problem promising she would marry the handsome boy who liked to play with her in the garden in exchange for having someone in her family who loved her. When her sister Felicity was born, Penelope’s family moved away, and she forgot her promise, now she’s back in Mayfair, and it seems like her handsome imaginary friend, isn’t that imaginary,  or that benevolent anymore. How was she supposed to know Colin was the most chaotic brother of the Goblin king? Or that he’d take his gift back, in order to force Penelope to come to him.
Phillip didn’t know that the very pretty girl who used to sit by the lake with him when the twins were born, was some sort of magical creature. Eloise was kind, a little eccentric but she listened to him when he was a struggling new dad. She seemed to like the newborns too. So when Marina started to lose her temper more and more, with the onset of her illness, it was natural for Phillip to confide in his nice mysterious friend. He didn’t expect Marina to have an accident in the lake shortly after that. He had to move away because of the accident. He knew something was wrong with the lake and feared something could happen to him and the kids. He didn’t know Eloise could be patient, waiting until he came back to Mayfair, with his cute little twins. Ready to be fully lured into the Goblin court.
Araminta always told Sophie that one day the Goblins would come to take her back because she wasn’t really her father’s kid, but rather an unnatural bastard left on their doorstep and sure she sometimes dreamed about being spirited away when she was asleep, but she didn’t want little Posey to be stolen by the fae when Araminta wished for Sophie to be gone instead. A very handsome Goblin offered to help her find and rescue Posey, but the thing is that he also seemed to want her to be his mistress in the Goblin court. Ugh what had she gotten herself into?
Finally, wickedly flirtatious Michael, who lost all his family in a freak house fire that left him and 6 yo Lucy as the sole survivors. Michael only survived because a beautiful fae girl from the Goblin court was there during the fire and let them live because she used to like his dead cousin John (who in that house had offended the bloody fae??, Michael always suspected it had been Lucy’s uncle). Michael of course raised Lucy as well as he could, far away from Mayfair. Until he came back for a visit and the messenger from the Goblin court appeared, letting him know that the lady Francesca was no longer satisfied with their last bargain and now she wanted Michael to provide a playmate for her little brother Gregory. But Michael didn’t want Lucy to be taken forever by the Goblin court. So if the sister of the Goblin King wanted him to be wicked, he would show her wicked.   
Cue Kate, Simon, Penelope, Sophie, Phillip and Michael teaming up to run in the Labyrinth and survive the respective traps set by the fae in order to rescue their siblings. Maybe I just want to see the Bridgertons hosting the most decadent fae masquerade ever, while their significant others are decked to the nines in the most exquisite finery known to men, dancing to music that’s too good to be true. But also extremely suspicious of these very powerful fae that claim to love them, but are still, technically kidnapping kids to keep them from leaving the fae lands.
(In Eloise defence, she always planned to adopt Phillip’s cute twins, it’s not kidnapping because she technically never planned to give them back.. Anthony, Colin, Benedict and Daphne yes that qualifies as kidnapping, and Hyacinth is getting way too chummy with Gareth but look at Francesca, she never intended to keep Lucy for long, sure, Gregory did get a strange fixation and he did want to keep Lucy forever, but the point is, Francesca was okay with returning Lucy to the human world after a few days, Michael just took her summons the wrong way and that’s the story they’re sticking to if he survives the labyrinth)
 I just think this is an au that’s been running through my head and @sea-owl would understand why.
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b-lightwalker · 6 months
FNaF Movie Ramble
Long story short, I really like the movie, I really like Mike, Vanessa, and Abby, and I want them to be happy.
There be spoilers beyond this point.
I love the little found family that started forming between Vanessa with Mike and Abby. I know it hasn't gone anywhere yet, but we all know the signs. Please, Mr. Cawthon, let Vanessa take on an older sister/mother figure role like Mike.
I love how Mike has a roundabout way of talking when he's being emotional. He doesn't just say, "I love you," or, "Thank you," to Abby and Vanessa respectively, he rambles and goes on whole tangents about why he feels that way and it works. It works so good. And I am also talking about game Mike.
I love how William was handled. I was surprised he didn't get a lot of screen time, but it works. William is a behind-the-scenes guy. It's not until he comes on stage, front and center, that you realize what he's been doing this whole time. And the scenes he is in, he kinda steals the show. I didn't expect William to have an outburst near the end when the animatronics started turning on him, but of course he would. In his eyes, he made them better than they were ever going to be alive, and not even seconds ago, they considered him a friend. And the sheer confidence of this man to put the Spring Bonnie head back on while actively being spring locked is insane. (Anyone else think William may have forced Vanessa to learn how to treat wounds for whenever he had issues with the spring lock suit?)
William giving a young Vanessa the toys from his victims makes me wonder if game William did the same. Of course, when game William started killing, his kids were long since dead, but still. Imagine, Michael going into his siblings' rooms that aren't touched unless they're being cleaned, and he starts seeing these toys that don't belong to Elizabeth and Evan, but they look like toys they'd like. At first, Michael ignores it, thinking he just didn't notice it at first, even though he knows. He knows everything that's supposed to be in that room and he knows those toys aren't supposed to be there. Eventually, he asks William and he just says he bought them 'cause they reminded him of Ev and Liz. It doesn't 100% work for Mike, but it works enough, so he leaves it alone. After all, people celebrate a passed loved one's birthday, so why wouldn't they get gifts too? Even if they just stay in their old rooms. Then one day, Michael randomly gets a gift from William. I can't think of anything better, so let's just say a cassette tape for his Walkman. It's a tape that Michael would actually listen to, and it's relatively new, so Michael's confused why it's just the tape and no case, but since a gift means a good day, he doesn't question it. At least, not out loud anyway.
I wonder what happened to Aunt Jane. I know she was most likely killed by Golden Freddy, but there's a chance Mike brought her to the hospital and neither him or Abby are visiting 'cause neither of them like her. Imagine your niece and nephew visiting the hospital almost every day, but to see someone who is borderline a stranger to them and not you. I'm absolutely "making" a game counterpart to Aunt Jane, though. She's William's younger sister and she's almost as vile and manipulative. Just not keen on murder. Directly, anyway. Though in the games, she wouldn't have a trigger to want to get rid of someone like she does in the movie, but if she did have one, she'd be willing to kill. Maybe she could talk William into it. She still smells like cigarettes and is the reason the Afton kids hate the smell.
I initially thought Garrett was Abby's imaginary friend, but--save for the fact that it was essentially deconfirmed--it wouldn't make sense for Garrett to haunt his sister and not his brother who he would've known was kind of losing his mind from the trauma of his kidnapping. In any case, I'm currently going with the theory that Garrett is the Puppet and the one behind the "Come find me." message at the end of the credits. We'll see.
Since FNaF 2 is a prequel, I wonder if the FNaF 2 movie will also be a prequel. And if so, will Jeremiah be our protag? I know he was probably just a reference to Jeremy Fitzgerald and nothing more, but if he's not, then game Jeremiah and game Mike are work buddies. And if he is movie Jeremy Fitzgerald, I wonder if he wanted the dream theory book Mike has because he also had weird dreams while working at Freddy's. Maybe. Maybe not.
Tutorial Lady/VHS Lady/Kim and Phone Guy are totally married and their kids are Phone Dude and Tape Girl.
I know Mike being an Afton is basically impossible now, but if another twist is Mike and Vanessa are twins or related in some way, and Mike was given up while Vanessa was kept, I'd be 110% down. Then it'd be found family in the most literal sense. It doesn't 100% work, sure, but it'd be neat. (Imagine recognizing the son you gave up 'cause you recognized his last name 'cause you killed his brother.)
In any case, I really love this movie, and I want Mike, Vanessa, and Abby to be happy. Family dynamic, please, Mr. Cawthon.
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pain-is-too-tired · 11 months
Will Solace Hcs
Will was practically a demigod gifted kid, he quickly got the handle of being a medic and he was rarely seen away from Michael Yew's side.
He got a lot of his calm exterior from his mother, why he didn't get either his parents music expertise he got the healing ends of both. The calming nature and mental healing of his mother's music and physical healing of his father who also gave him the more stubborn side of him.
Micheal Yew had hung Lee Fletcher's bow in the cabin when he died, Will did the same for Micheal's when he died.
After the Titan war Will got help carving a Yew wood trinket that he carried around his neck, he'd give it to younger patients to hold off they were nervous.
Other then his bow the only thing found of Michael's was his camp necklace, Percy gave it to Will after he manage to wash it up and Will wears it around his wrist like a bracelet.
Will stayed up late after the Titan war soothing his younger siblings' nightmares, there was so much lost in their cabin it was hard for them not to have nightmares in the emptiness of a once overcrowded cabin.
Will sees himself in the trainee medics, remember the times he worked and learned beside Micheal.
Despite telling others to take care of themselves Will overworks himself constantly. He's so use to taking everything into his own hands he doesn't even think twice.
He earned Clarisse respect multiple times from seeing him during the BoM, so she didn't hesitate to get his help when Mellie went into labor. Will had managed to keep her and couch hedge calm by telling them to hold onto Millie's hands. Chuck came out kicking his legs.
Will constantly deals with guilt complex and imposter syndrome, he always feels like he didn't do enough when he loses someone.
Will is Audhd, you want to get a point across to him you got to tell him he can not read faces all too well other then if you're in pain.
On birthdays of now dead siblings Will can always hear Cicadas (one of Apollo's sacred creatures) singing outside.
Will can cook incredible well, he sometimes cooks for his patients that stay overnight.
I just have lot of Will thoughts I love him so much 😭
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merethessc · 10 months
Small hc about Aftons?
I honestly think William hates dad jokes.  Unless Elizabeth makes them, then he can tolerate them.
I am a sucker for good ol’ tragic family relationships so, I like to think that William actually cared about his family, but obviously couldn’t fully show that, due to having some underlying issues even before starting the pizzeria chain. William was most likely the middle child in his family, always being left behind and not paid attention to, so he would do close to anything to get any spec of attention for himself (which really boils down to an inferiority complex that leads him down a path of a showman/business dude).
 He can’t really show affection other than through gifts or little things he does for his children. Like his kids were always stacked with toys, had food on their plates, clothes to wear and the craziest birthday parties you can imagine with half of town coming to celebrate only you. With this crazy crowd giving you all the attention you could ever ask for, something Will himself never had. But he would never ask if the kids ever wanted that, Evan for example would prefer to have a nice small celebration with his siblings and parents (yet, i don’t think Will could ever believe that).  William drowned in his work and of course with mrs. Afton being absent (mentally or physically or even both) he couldn’t take proper care of his kids, other than spying on them with cameras, aaand giving the youngest a freadbear plush with a walkie talkie he could use to comfort him (which is a whole other topic to tackle) 
William loves displaying his kids’ art at the restaurant! Out of three of them Elizabeth loves to draw the most, something she got from her mother, she even designed her own animatronic that her dad promised to make one day!
Elizabeth has a weak stomach so anytime she’s in a pizzeria the chefs have to make the best damn pizza they can, or they’ll have to talk to the big papa bear of a boss. 
Evan and Elithabeth have motion sickness, which Michael teases them a lot for, unless William is there, because William has the power to remind Michael a bunch of embarrassing stories from when he was a toddler. 
Most of the artwork and first design sketches were done by Mrs. Afton, she loved William’s ideas and doodled them. Together they both would polish those to perfection. That’s one of the reasons why Will hated when Henry criticized his blueprints and ideas for not being practical or possible, Henry is just unoriginal and uncreative afterall…
Afton brings home all the prototypes and faulty merchandise. The kids love it and mrs. Afton got tired of it after a while. Since the kids are the only ones who own those prototypes they immediately become envied by other kids. Eli and Evan are too young to be in school, so they show off their toys in their kindergarten classes. Michael mostly brags about it and always tries to get his friends some stuff too, so they can all be cool kids together. 
Michael is about 13 yo, Elizabeth is 6 and Evan is 5ish.
Afton’s and Henry’s name badges have little top hats that signify that they’re the owners
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ynisreal · 6 months
wires (3) - michael afton x reader
summary: Michael and Henry argue. You and Michael argue. But, everything works out in the end. Even too much. (~8k)
Chapter 3
Michael Afton, after many years, could finally say that he woke up looking forward to what the next day held. He was perhaps shutting his own head in the loop that the moments he had shared with you had created in the man's memory; Henry himself had already noticed the airheaded behavior that Michael was displaying. In the few late-night hours that Henry came to visit, all Michael could do was talk about you. Henry knew it was good for Michael to distract himself a little and smile at life's simple gifts, but he was increasingly afraid that the younger man's blindness would fail to realize the absurdity of the situation. Michael was dead, not completely, but he didn't have a heart, or blood, or even the freedom to walk around freely.
"You think I don't know these things?" Michael replied, a little annoyed at the truth being thrown in his face like a bucket of cold water. Henry hadn't even realized that he had vocalized his own thoughts, always letting his body react in protection mode for the man he saw as his own son.
"I hate to be the one to take the smile off your face, Mike, but we have to be realistic," Henry continues, voice laden with affection for the man he watched grow up, "It's all too risky, she could find out about your lies, how will we handle it if she reacts negatively? How will you handle it?"
Michael wasn't stupid, as stupid as some of his actions were, he wasn't stupid himself. He knew that the closeness he desired with you and was actively seeking to find was absurd, a dream reserved only for his sleep. After your conversation at Parts & Service, you and the night security guard had struck up a friendship. Michael now made a point of always showing up for you 40 minutes before your shift ended with the excuse of helping you clean up and organize the mess that the architects were starting to leave behind. It was no lie he enjoyed helping you, doing the manual labor while you watched and entertained him with stories about your sister and your past jobs. If you were too inattentive to notice the time (which was most days), Michael had the opportunity to talk to you for a while longer, your workday over and his beginning. The conversations you had were the best, Michael found you amusing and interesting, never failing to draw a small laugh from his lips or to immerse him in the subject you were telling him.
He was careful, though, always wearing the mask that covered the lower half of his face, the hood covering his brunette hair that was a little too long for Michael's liking, bandages covering his hands and the fabric of the pants and sweater he wore always hiding his purple skin. Of course, there were times when Michael felt his already stopped heart stop again when you got too close, offered to change the bandages on his hands or even asked about his deceased siblings.
"She wouldn't react negatively," Michael says, a little too quickly, almost interrupting Henry before he's even finished speaking. Okay, maybe Michael was saying it more to comfort himself than to convince Henry, because, in truth, he had no fucking idea how you would react. You were empathetic and caring towards Michael, and he had already noticed how your eyes lingered on the figure of him carrying the heavy materials for a relatively long time. You were attracted to him, just as he was to you, but you were also human, with a sister to look after at home and bills to pay, you probably wanted a partner who would help with these problems, a partner who could pick your sister up from school and look after her until you got home, someone to take you out for dinners and then make you forget all your worries in one night, letting your little body turn practically to mush, drunk on the pleasure this person could give you. Michael could certainly make you forget the world for a few hours, but now, the rest of the items on the list? How could he provide a comfortable life for you without even being able to leave the establishment, besides, he doesn't even know if you would still be attracted to him if you knew the true form he was hiding.
"Okay, she reacts happily, you kiss and get married the next day, now what? Are you going to let her and her sister live in constant fear of some other animatronic deciding to use their bodies for cover?" Henry was angry with Michael for being so naïve, "-No, or even better, how are they going to protect themselves when fucking William Afton shows up at their perfect house to cut off both their heads in fulfillment of his mission to torment you for the rest of your days by putting their lifeless bodies into a fucking animatronic?"
"Oh shit, Henry, I forgot that I can't move on with my life, that I can't have a fucking happy ending, I'm sentenced to live in hiding because of the shit my father did," Michael returned the sarcasm, the anger, as always, leaving his mind blank, "Did you ever stop to think that this shitty situation can't get any worse? I died, Henry, I have no goddamn life and yet, I couldn't escape this constant nightmare that is living behind monitors watching the same pizzerias to make up for my father's mistakes!" the younger man was on his feet now, his tone loud and pissed off. He had always felt a lot of anger, ever since he was a teenager, knowing that the people closest to him would always fall victim to his aggression, even as an adult.
"Yes, Michael, you're trapped in this nightmare, just like me! Like it or not, we're not the only ones who have lost lives or family members to your crazy father, but, unfortunately, we're the ONLY ones who can really do something about it!" Henry was shouting back, aware that this subject was sensitive for both of them in every way. Honestly, they didn't know who their anger was directed at, they were just taking it out on each other because it was the only option at hand. Henry and Michael never seemed to stop suffering from the mistakes they didn't make.
"Get out," Michael says, his voice dangerously quiet and calm. Henry hears the heavy breaths escaping the younger man's lips. "What?" Henry asks, unable to think because of the explosion of emotions he was experiencing.
"Get out now before either you or I do or say something that we'll both regret," his completely black eyes met those of the older man. It was true that Michael felt a lot of anger, but he had learned from his own mistakes what acting without thinking can bring into one's life, and frankly, he couldn't bear the pain of losing Henry.
Henry nods, understanding the reasons Michael brought up. They were both very overwhelmed and vulnerable, with Michael's violent nature and Henry's eternal grief, this conversation could escalate to a bad ending very quickly. Henry would never leave Michael's side, no matter what gigantic shit he does, it's always been like that, ever since the man in front of him was a tiny teenager with a Foxy mask stuck on his head. Henry will always fight for Michael, and no argument could ever change that.
The older man got up from the chair he was sitting on at the control room and began to make his way towards the main entrance, leaving Michael alone with his thoughts frantically hammering his own mind. His head was so heavy that he let it fall into his palms, feeling his breath hitch with the anger growing in his empty body. He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes and letting the images of his childhood flood his sight. He remembers it almost perfectly, he has drawn the scene almost down to reality, Freddy's animatronic seemed so much taller than him at the time, the heavy, golden mouth with drops of blood almost painting the robotic bear in red and Evan's body completely still. He could hear the laughter and swearing of his friends fall silent almost immediately, traumatized by the image they were witnessing. Michael didn't cry, at least not immediately, finding the whole situation too absurd to be real. He had never wished so much for him to be impaired by the alcohol his friends had stolen from Henry, perhaps it was a hallucination or his altered vision. But it wasn't, he had killed his brother by accident. Truth be told, Michael Afton had killed his brother.
Mike can't even remember what happened afterwards, only how he was badly beaten by his own father and how his family was never the same again, William Afton was never the same again. The rest being an eternal extension of Michael's traumas, damned by the fact that if he hadn't let his anger build up over the years at his father's favoritism, he would never have turned into the combative, aggressive teenager he became, nor would he have bullied his younger brother or placed Evan's head in Freddy's mouth. There's no point in lamenting the life he would have had if everything had been different, he knows he has to find peace in the present, otherwise he would really go mad tonight, the same way he felt every night he spent in the same place where he had lost his life. Michael doesn't even notice, unconsciously letting his hands search his pocket, finding the note you gave him yesterday.
"I kept my promise," you said, your voice sounding like a melody in Michael's memory. You looked so beautiful yesterday, cheeks flushed due to all the material Noah had sent to the office, Michael helping you bring in the boxes and organize the materials, a small layer of sweat on your face that made your face shine when it faced the light, making your beautiful features even more apparent to Michael. He still had his hood and mask covering his face, so he allowed himself to smile every time he looked at you, knowing that you wouldn't be able to see how happy he was to be spending more and more time with you.
"What promise?" Michael replied, focused on the manual labor of opening the boxes and taking out the various tools that the company's employees were going to use for the redesign process regarding the next attraction. You were responsible for telling Michael where to put the items he found, a little frustrated again by the man's order to leave all the heavy lifting to him, making you sit in one of the many chairs in the main hall.
"I drew you - well, I tried to draw you to be honest," he recalled your reply, a little embarrassment tinged in your voice. Michael hadn't forgotten the promise, he was just concentrating too hard on organizing the materials in a way that would be accessible to you, preventing you from tripping over them (which, frankly, Michael thought was quite likely) or getting in the way of the clean-up that the two of you always did at the end of your workday.
"Great, let me see your masterpiece," the man replied, getting up from the floor where he was opening the boxes to turn his body towards you, his hand outstretched, waiting for you to hand him the small piece of paper.
"You have to promise not to laugh at me," you say, eyes staring at Michael's faceless figure. "I know you asked me in a joking tone, but I really took it seriously and tried my best," a half-hearted smile forms on your face, showing that you've accepted defeat even before exposing your drawing to Michael.
"Well, if you really made an hour out of your busy schedule to draw a mere mortal like me, how could I laugh?", the sarcastic tone of the man in front of you didn't pass by unnoticed, causing you to let out a small chuckle cursing the night security guard for not being able to take your efforts seriously, in which Michael heard and emitted a small gasp pretending to be offended.
"Yes, asshole, here's your drawing - at least try to not judge me so much," you give up on making him take your struggle seriously, dropping the small piece of paper into his bandaged hands. The paper looked even smaller when Michael took hold of it.
Well, the drawing really was a mess. But Michael didn't have the heart to tell you that, seeing as you'd even tried to draw a more humanoid body than the lanky stick figure you'd drawn previously, horribly imitating the shadowing he'd done on your drawing. However, his hair still looked like black spaghetti stuck to a human head. You had drawn his hood over the spaghetti, a mask that looked like a brick explained the lack of mouth or nose in the drawing. Michael was surprised by just one detail: his eyes in the drawings were black.
"Why are my eyes completely black?" he asked, nervous to hear your answer. In all honesty, he was already mentally preparing himself for your screams, calling him a monster and all sorts of worse things that would make his heart die all over again. He didn't raise his head to look at you, even though he knew the hood would hide any glimpse you might have of Michael's completely dead skin; in fact, he was afraid of recording your face as you shouted at him, forever trapped in the memory of your hateful face, and not the thousands of smiles that he already replays in his mind before going to rest.
"Ah- the shadow of your hood always makes your eyes look completely black, and since I thought it looked super cool, I decided to draw it," you babble, a little nervous that he'll think you're a complete weirdo. "I don't know, it makes you look like a super-powerful movie villain, sorry if that came out weird-"
"No, no, I liked it," Michael interrupted before you could sink into the insecurity of possibly making him uncomfortable, another smile invisible to you forming on his face. He never thought he'd be grateful for not having any more blood circulating in his body, otherwise he'd be completely red in your eyes. Michael pulls himself together quickly, not wanting to show how your comment affected him, messing up any thought other than you complimenting his lifeless eyes.
You seem to happily accept Michael's comment, positively surprised that he expressed that he liked it, expecting him to either laugh out loud or simply mock your hard-working attempt. Satisfied with the result of your drawing, you leave the paper in Michael's possession and return to your chair, ready to get back to your job of admiring the strength of the man in front of you and telling him where he should place the item. Michael also returns to his old place, sitting on the floor, surrounded by boxes to open, but he can't pass up the opportunity to ask you:
"So you're attracted to villains and bad guys?", his question meets your ears after the blood has rushed to your cheeks, painting your face red and your eyes wide in surprise. Michael was trying to provoke you, and when he saw that he had succeeded, he let out a laugh at your expense. He seemed to enjoy seeing you blush, completely embarrassed and vulnerable, it was a side of you that was completely adorable to Michael. You were easily flustered by the tall man, showing him the effect he was having on you, how little phrases or actions could make your body and mind stop working.
"Fuck you, Michael," you let out, frustrated at his success in making you blush and embarrass yourself once again. This seems to make him laugh louder, which frankly, you couldn't care less that it was at your expense.
The small drawing was in Michael's hands, and the memory seemed to quieten the violent and traumatic thoughts that had invaded the man's mind because of the disagreement with Henry. In fact, the memory didn't quieten the thoughts, it frighteningly silenced Michael's mind. The only images running through his head at that moment were you, your inattentive manner, your humor, your flushed face, your words of comfort and your rosy lips. You, you, you.
Michael quickly put the drawing back in his pocket, startled by the effect you had on him. It had been a long time since his mind had been this quiet, it was almost a glimpse of the peace he could have had. You were messing with him in a dangerous way, Michael couldn't afford to fall in love with you, shit, how was that going to work?
Not wanting to enter another state of panic, he got up and started walking to the hidden room that belonged to him. The new movies that Henry had brought seemed like a good distraction to pass the time. Time passing quickly meant that he could see you again more quickly too. He would be able to feel that silence again.
Michael ended up spending the next few hours of his workday watching the movies Henry had brought for the young man, but no matter how many scenes of action or romance were stimulating his vision, his mind seemed to be in a constant zig-zag: remembering the fight he had with Henry, bringing all his traumas back to life, or thinking of you, flooding his head with memories he had spent with you.
The younger man seemed a little frustrated at his inability to calm down. Before, you seemed to have been a remedy for his anxiety, but now, thinking of you meant thinking of the impossibility of your future together, images of you in danger, the disgust on your face as you learned the truth about him or of his involvement in the madness of his father, blinded by his grief for Evan. Michael felt that he had gone just as crazy, foolish enough to get close to you. Henry was right, it was unfair and dangerous for you, after all, how was Michael going to protect you when William came knocking on your door, intent on ruining all the happiness his eldest son had ever felt? Michael had already tried to kill his father and free the poor souls from the constant suffering of being trapped inside animatronics, it hadn't been easy, how could he keep trying when he had to worry about your safety or the safety of your sister? He couldn't even protect his own sister from their father's evil deeds.
Michael could hear the doors to the main hall opening, your little squeal of surprise announcing your arrival, as always. Michael wasn't going to come after you today, he wasn't going to hide in the shadows of the rooms or the corridors to watch you, or talk to you when your workday was over. It will be unbearable, given that you were the only source of happiness and entertainment in Michael's life recently, but he can't be selfish. Not with you, anyway.
You arrived at the building, the noise of the doors not failing to startle you, but it irritated you more than usual. You were tired, your evening had been anything but peaceful due to Cassie's homework, a difficult model of the solar system, in which the two of you had to turn the house upside down looking for materials to build the planets and stars. Cassie seemed to like the result, but you were too tired to judge whether Jupiter was in the right place or not.
You and the night security guard seem to have grown quite close, and, given your immense attraction to him, it has had an effect on your behavior. You may not have noticed it, but you were more giggly, smiling at little things, more optimistic and in a good mood. It had been a few months since you last went on a date or took a deep interest in someone, always preferring to spend all your energy on paying the bills and looking after your sister. Your old partners were always hesitant when they heard you mention that you were responsible for your little sister, perhaps afraid of the idea of taking on such a responsibility so soon. However, that didn't stop you from looking, the idea of building a solid family for Cassie being very important to you, she needed a reliable figure besides you.
"Are you taking someone to the Halloween party?" Cassie answered your question with another. You had asked your sister if you could bring a companion to her school's Halloween party. The institute always threw parties for the children and their families, and this year, you thought you'd ask someone to go with you and Cassie. That someone was called Michael.
"I'm thinking about it," you replied, shrugging your shoulders and smiling at the little girl as you glued the little planets to toothpicks. Cassie became even more curious, grabbing your arms as she asked:
"Are you dating someone?" Your sister almost screams, advertising to all the neighbors about your love life. You flinch at the noise.
"No!" You reply almost immediately, eyes wide and cheeks flushed. "I just met someone interesting, that's all," you add, trying to get your sister to drop the subject, otherwise you would become a source of gossip between her and her friends.
"So you're in love?" Cassie asks the right question, the same question that's been on your mind. Were you? You hadn't even seen his face, despite spending hours talking to him, you felt you didn't really know him the way he knew you.
"I don't know, Cas," you answer sincerely, aware that it's a subject your sister has no maturity to advise you on. "I think he's funny, caring and I like the way he carries heavy things," you tell her, smiling when she makes a disgusted face.
"Ew, adults are such weirdos, I thought you were supposed to say he's handsome," Cassie looks away from you, confused by your statement, going back to painting the wooden board black.
"You'll understand when you're older," you conclude, smiling when she denies it, disbelieving that you would compliment the way someone carries heavy things.
The memory makes you smile, finding your sister's reaction comical but sincere. You had little information about the man you were interested in, but you had more qualities to list than defects. Even though you hadn't seen his face, you already found him extremely attractive. He looked after you, made you laugh and seemed to be interested in what you were saying. He was funny without being insulting and made you feel comfortable, as well as all the physical qualities you could list.
His height was enviable for any man, his arms clashed with the thin fabric of his jacket to make themselves noticed, his husky voice made you wince and his bandaged hands infiltrated your dreams. Perhaps you were acting on impulse, but you wanted to get to know him better, after all, no red flags had been raised by now, with the opportunity to learn more about the man, you could accurately assess the situation. So you arrived at the establishment with a firm decision in your head: you were going to ask him out.
Tiredness is still bearing down on your shoulders, but the memory of your motivation for having applied a little more make-up today quickly cheers you up. You wanted to surprise the night security guard in a positive way, hoping that he would accept your request even if he felt sorry for your efforts.
Your workday went smoothly, Alice and Noah arrived in the main hall to check the boxes, you cleaned the corridors and watched the monitors. Everything was going well, even if your stomach was twisting with nervousness at being the first to take action. He seems to be interested in you too, you notice that some of your comments get an almost instant reaction from the man. Perhaps this is a good sign, an indication that he'll accept. But, shit, you were fucking nervous.
With just one hour remaining, you make your way to the main hall. Michael has been arriving at work early to spend more time with you, using the excuse that he wanted to help you organize the boxes and materials brought in by the company's employees. Cute, how eager he is to help you. But a few minutes pass and no Michael. You start to tell yourself that maybe he's decided to be on time today, but when the clock on your wrist shows the end of your workday and the beginning of his, Michael still hasn't come through the door.
Your motivation and stubbornness were something to behold, because even though the night security guard was late, you decided to wait. The courage you'd built up during the day wouldn't last until tomorrow, you had today and only today to ask him to go out with you. Obviously you were nervous or afraid of his response, but if you procrastinated or kept putting it off, you might never find the right moment to do it.
You were fearless, but Michael was confused and nervous about you waiting for him. He knew that you would find his lateness or his absence from your office strange, but the promise he had made to himself was not to look for you again. But when your workday ended and he didn't hear the sound of the doors opening and closing, he thought you might be busy or had missed the time. Well, Michael thought wrong, because 30 minutes had passed and you didn't leave.
Okay, Michael was definitely nervous. You were totally committed in your decision to ask him out, but Michael was losing any motivation whatsoever in the promise he'd made to himself to leave you alone. With every minute that passed, more questions popped into his head: Well, she seems to be waiting for me, it would be awful of me not to answer. Or I don't need to expand any deeper into our interactions, maybe just being by her side during work is enough.
Michael knew the last one was a lie, but the idea that maybe he was exaggerating by ignoring you completely started to make total sense to his heart. After all, he didn't want to hurt you, did he? Honestly, he knew the moment he opened the door to the hideout that no decision he made when searching for you was with you in mind, only him. He was attracted to you, he wanted to feel you, he wanted you around, he wanted to talk to you and he wanted to see you now.
When you start to hear someone's footsteps coming from the hallway, you immediately rise to your feet. You hadn't heard the door open or anyone announce their arrival to you, so your first theory was formed: it was an intruder. The footsteps were getting louder and louder, showing that they were approaching you, which made you shout:
"Who's there?!" Your nervous voice disguised in a hoarse, confident tone reaches Michael's ear, who responds with a laugh as he makes himself seen at the end of the corridor.
"The boogeyman, Y/n," he says, as he leans on the arch that merges the end of the corridor with the main hall. Michael crosses his arms and stares at you, who are clearly still nervous about the fright he gave you.
"Fuck- Michael, I didn't hear you enter the establishment, I thought you were an intruder," you say, putting your hand over your pounding heart. Your pulse was a little elevated due to the possibility of an intruder.
"Don't worry, I would have known if there was someone else here," Michael says confidently, which makes you roll your eyes at how lightly he took the subject. He notices your slight irritation, once again impressed by how he manages to have an effect on you.
"I see, Batman, I forgot you have eyes everywhere," you recompose yourself, sitting back down on the chair where you've spent the last few minutes waiting for the man.
"I thought you liked villains?" Michael asks with the intention of teasing, which he succeeds in doing, making you roll your eyes again, drawing a small laugh from the night security guard. Man, how he wanted to make you roll your eyes in a different way.
"Why are you late?" You ignore Michael's last line, wondering where he was, given that you were waiting for him to come through the front door.
"I'm not late," Michael replies, " I was actually a bit early and got some things organized at Ballora's Gallery," he lies. You notice, but you don't say anything. Maybe he was embarrassed that he was late for work?
"Hm, I see," you reply, not wanting to dwell on the subject. "I was waiting for you", you say, a little quieter now, exploring the territory before you drop the bomb. Perhaps, during the conversation, he'll give you some indication that he wasn't interested.
"Thanks, you didn't have to do that," the night security guard says, coming a little closer to you and leaning on the table in front of you, making a point of keeping a safe distance so that you couldn't see his face.
"I know, but I wanted to," you almost whisper, the nervousness that had once been overpowered by your motivation and stubbornness now making itself present in your body, burning the palms of your hands and making your stomach turn in every direction of your body. Has it always been this hot in the main hall?
"Cute. Do you want to distract me from my work?" Michael replies, far too confidently for someone who was freaking out back at the hideout at the thought of even seeing you today. You really had a major effect on him.
You don't even realize that you're not answering, your restless mind making you more and more nervous and insecure. Unconsciously, you start rubbing your sweaty palms on your pants, looking down at the floor, away from Michael. The blood rushes to your cheeks as you realize that you need to ask the question before your body simply stops working and you fall hard into the floor in front of the man who was the target of all your thoughts today.
Michael winces when he hears you let out a sigh and count from 3 to 1 in a quiet voice. Before he could even think about asking if you were all right, he hears:
"Why are you hiding your face from me?" It comes out of your mouth instead of the question you wanted to ask, and Michael notices, because you place your hand over your mouth as if your body had acted without your consent. Your wide eyes also prove that.
"What?" Michael asks, his mind going too fast to understand your questioning. No, actually, he didn't want to believe that's what he'd heard.
"Well, um, why do you hide your face?" The question didn't come out as coherently as you wanted, your nervousness getting the better of your voice, making you stutter a little. You couldn't face him, your body taking you by surprise. As much it was a question that had been on your mind, you didin´t plan on bring it up today, even more so abruptly.
"Yes, I heard," Michael said dryly, not caring how it sounded to you. His head was being invaded by a thousand worries or lies that he could tell you. He wasn't expecting this, well, not for now at least, but Michael knew that it was inevitable that you would start to suspect on why he always lived in the shadows and hid.
But, fuck Y/n*,*** did it have to be today? He wanted more time with you, Michael wanted enough memories with you to live out the rest of his days in peace, he didn't have an exact number and maybe it didn't even exist, but in his traumatic logic, one day he could live away from you just replaying the happy moments that he had with you. Michael thought he could delude his own mind with memories of you, pretending that you would still be there, in the establishment where you work, sitting in the chair that Michael pointed to, letting him hear all the subjects that came into your head. He wanted to memorize your personality and your appearance so that he could leave you alone.
Michael was panicking. Henry was right. He didn't have that privilege, Michael couldn't be distracted, being one of the only ones who knows the truth behind this whole shitty franchise, and maybe getting too close to you would only hurt you and hurt him.
You start to worry when the man in front of you is unresponsive, frozen in place. The establishment was so quiet that you couldn't even hear his heart beating. Maybe he got so nervous that he had a heart attack.
"Michael, look, I only asked because I was curious, you're always hiding, and anyway, I thought I could ask why, since we've been getting closer in the last few days -“ you begin to explain yourself, something you never had to do when you were with Michael. There is a first time for everything, you guess. You get up from where you were sitting, to gently get closer to Michael, still worried about the man's complete stillness.
Michael hesitates as he hears you come closer, his eyes glued to his own feet. He was nervous, did not know what to tell you, did not know what to answer in general, how would he get out of this situation without disappointing you? Michael was never good at explaining himself, or rather, Michael was never good at reacting on emotional situations, like the ones right now. So his body reacts as it always has, almost as a ready-made defense mechanism. He gets angry.
"Yes, I understood the question, I'm not stupid,” the voice full of poison comes out of Michael's lips, and makes you immediately stop in your tracks. What? You can't believe the roughness of his voice when responding to your explanation.
You take a deep breath, not wanting to further stress the man who already seemed to be angry. "Yes, Michael, I know you're not stupid, but I thought I'd better explain myself to not make you more uncomfortable-", again, you try to rationalize with the night security guard, since he was clearly annoyed by your question. The evening was not going at all as you wanted.
Even Michael didn't want that. That's why he got angry, angry at you for not keeping it quiet, angry at you for popping the question and angry at himself for being naive and having these expectations about you. Anger at himself for being angry at you.
”It´s none of your business, Y/n", Michael hesitates with his own tone of voice, anger and irritation filling the small distance you two had. He didn't want to be treating you like that, but that was all he knew how to do. Getting angry was the feeling he knew best.
"Yes, I get it-“ you were going to apologize for apparently overstepping an inner boundary for him, but he interrupts you before you can.
”Don't ever ask me anything like that again", Michael's thick, dry reply comes in your ears, and you start to feel a little frustrated at the way he was treating you. You didn't mean to upset him, and even if you did, it was unintentional, he genuinely didn't need to be treating you like that.
“Why are you talking to me like that?" You ask, frustration evident in your voice. Michael lifts his eyes as soon as he hears your stress, allowing his gaze to meet yours behind the hood and the shadows. If he wasn't sure it was impossible, he'd think you were staring at all of his sins.
”You were being noisy, I reacted as anyone would react", Michael shrugs, once again not taking the situation you were in seriously. You didn't know he was actually masking his own fear.
"Noisy? Michael, I asked you a question, you didn't like it, you could just had told me, you didn't have to be rude”, you cross your arms in irritation, upset with the way the man had reacted.
Michael knows that if he doesn't change the course of the conversation, he would end up arguing with you the same way he fought with Henry in the morning. He didn't have the guts to argue with you.
The night security guard in front of you takes a deep breath, and says, “Look, Y/n, I know we're getting closer, but I have - erm, skin problems that I don't like to comment on,” Michael lies, and lies badly by the way, not having prepared or rehearsed any of this lie with Henry.
You noticed, just like you noticed all of his lies before this one. This seems to add fuel to your pending frustration.
“Why do you always lie?”, your voice coming out louder than intended, filling the main hall with your words and your feelings. Michael feels his heart stop for the second time in his life.
“You always lie! Michael, I think I'm mature enough to hear that you don't want to tell me or that you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to lie - damn, it frustrates me!" You unwittingly explode in front of Michael, feelings and suspicions accumulated since the first time he lied to you.
Michael doesn't respond, just brings his hands to his face in, what? Frustration? Irritation? Appeal? He no longer knows what he is feeling, nervous about the direction this conversation was taking. You wanted to know, and honestly, Michael knows that if he keeps getting close to you, you deserved to know. But he didn't have the courage to tell, he didn't want to have to face the possibility that you wouldn't accept him or not look at him the same way. You had such beautiful eyes, how he would live the rest of the his days after seeing the same eyes fill with disgust at the sight of Michael's true form.
“I was going to ask you out on a date today,” you say softly, your outburst seemingly easing some of the nerves you were feeling. You weren't even angry anymore, just sad, sad at the illusion of the man you created in your head.
If Michael had a functional heart, it would have stopped beating for the third time at that moment. You were going to ask him out on a date? He almost found himself feeling excited about the possibility, however, the reality hits him in the face so hard that he remembers: he can't leave the establishment. Michael was not alive, he was an anomaly in biology and science, a zombie from comics and horror stories. How would he go on a date with you?
"You don't have to answer", you lower your head, averting your gaze from Michael's eyes, returning to face the floor tiles of the main hall.
Think of something. Think of some answer. Do something. Michael was frozen in place, a roller coaster of feelings built in his mind. You were interested in him, he realized, you wanted the same thing he wanted, you wanted him on a date with you. Damn, the idea seems so delicious that he can almost taste it.
You turn your back to him, ready to leave the man alone and return home, consequently giving up the possibility of you and Michael having anything but the long conversations and tickets exchanged. Before your heart can break any further, you hear:
“If I ask for you to do something, do you promise to trust me?", the man's voice fills your ears with hope again. He didn't sound as confident as he always sounded, in fact, fear was, for the first time, apparent in his voice.
You stop in your tracks and looked at him, assessing whatever kind of body language he had. Honestly, you couldn't identify anything, but your heart was so hopeful that you didn't even evaluate the proposal when you answered, “Yes.”
”Let me blindfold you, then I will tell you everything", Michael says, approaching you, with cautious and unsure steps. Insecurity does not match with Michael.
It was a lie, you notice almost immediately, but before you can ask or get frustrated with another lie from him, you are startled by how close you two were. Because of Michael's height, your head was on his torso, meaning you could smell the fabric of his coat and the men's perfume. This closeness with Michael seemed illegal, so much so that you couldn't even make yourself look up, as if it was forbidden to look into his face with such a distance.
Your excitement only got worse when you felt his big hands meet the tie on your security uniform. The touch was delicate and cautious, as if at any moment you were going to push him or pull away. You didn't have the courage to do that, not when, in so long, you wished for that small distance between you and him. You wanted his touch, you wanted to smell him, you wanted to see up close the height difference between you two. And damn, how huge he was made all the functioning of your brain fail.
You only became conscious again when you felt the small tissue touch your eyes. You decided to surrender, accepting Michael's conditions, not moving at all in fear of scaring him or that he would decide that this distance was too close. The smell of him flooded your nose, the perfume making you lose any kind of sanity present in your body.
When Michael managed to bind the tie behind your head, he breathed a sigh of relief. You were totally blind, there was no possibility that you would end up seeing him or any glimpse of his dead skin. You trusted him, that said a lot to the man, and honestly, he was thanking any entity he knew for allowing that, because now Michael could do what he really wanted from the moment you confessed.
You were nervous, uneasy at the sudden silence of the man who blindfolded you. Your hands glued to your body due to lack of vision. Michael's body was still close to yours, you could feel it, his gaze burning into your figure, making you blush. You were embarrassed, not knowing what to do.
“Hm, Michael?" You call to him, but he wasn't going to answer you, having another idea in mind. His lips meet yours. Michael Afton had finally kissed you.
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catsthepope · 8 months
Hey you! Do you like FNAF? How about Michael Afton having a decent relationship with his siblings?
Here’s a wholesome little blurb about Mike and Evan(CC) (rest is below the cut)(there’s slight angst at the end)
“Psst.. Mikey!” I felt a light punch on my shoulder. “Mike wake up!”
I opened my eyes a bit before being blinded by my lamp. “Ev, shut that off-“
“Its important!”
“What time is it?” I reached for the cord on my lamp, and missed. That little shit moved it out of my reach.
“12:01!” He looked so proud. God fucking dammit.
I sat up, rubbing my eyes as they adjusted to the light. “What’s going on Evan?”
He smiled, holding out a folded piece of paper. “Happy birthday!”
“Hap- oh my god Evan,” I will not cry from this little bastard telling me happy birthday. “What is this?”
“I didn’t have money to get you a gift, I hope it’s ok?” He looked so incredibly worried.
I ignored the tears filling my eyes as I unfolded the paper.
It was a picture. Drawn pretty decently for a 6 year old. I assume it was me and Evan, at fredbear’s. Back in parts and service working (I think) on one of the animatronics. It was either fredbear or springbonnie.
“It’s like how you help dad!” He climbed up onto my bed to sit next to me, pointing to each figure in the picture. “That’s me, and I’m helping you!”
Well shit now I’m crying over a crayon drawing at 12:04 in the morning. “Is it bad?” Evan looked up at me as if the very idea of upsetting me was tearing him apart.
“No,” I tried to wipe away my tears quickly. “No of course not, Ev. I love it, it’s amazing.”
“I wanna be just like you one day, Mike,” I felt him pull me into a hug. And I hugged him back.
“You need to go to bed.”
“Nuh uh!” He smiled into my side.
“Uh, yeah huh, get to bed before Fredbear finds out you’re in my room.”
He shrieked and giggled as he hopped of my bed.
“Goodnight, love you Evan.”
“Love you too Mikey!” He smiled, waiting by the door.
“Get the hell outta here!” I reached for my pillow
I heard him giggle as he shut the door. I found myself crying again as I pinned that drawing up to the wall.
He wants to be like me when he grows up. Not mom or dad, or even Uncle Henry. He wants to be like me.
I smiled as I slowly fell back to sleep.
Now, I find myself sobbing looking at that fucking drawing.
Now, I can’t even close my eyes without seeing it happen again.
Like the blurb? Check out my work on AO3, “Just like you”!
If you aren’t interested,at least consider liking and reblogging!
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