#Mental Calculation
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comradekatara · 4 months
I think it’s so funny during the exchange on the balloon when sokka is like, “yeah being good at war seems to run in the family,” and zuko gets all defensive and goes, “hold on, not everyone is like that!” and at first sokka thinks he’s talking about himself, but then zuko reveals that he’s talking about his uncle. and sokka just has to sit there mentally calculating whether it would be a good idea to bring up the fact that historically, his uncle is great at war. if i had to attempt to transcribe his inner monologue in that moment it would just be “don’t bring up the dragon of the west don’t bring up the dragon of the west this guy is willingly sacrificing his life for your self-indulgent suicide mission you need him on your side don’t bring up the dragon of the west…” at which point he then looks back up at zuko and says thru gritted teeth, “haha yeah. no, cuz like, totally. for sure.”
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blueskittlesart · 7 months
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everyone look at this fish i had to draw for my illustration class. for a grade. i am going to get a good grade in therapy salmon, something which is both normal to w
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mentalmathdotme · 2 years
Mental Math | An Elementary Math App For The Online Abacus Tricks
Abacus & Mental Math which is an established program is very widespread in more than 115 countries across the globe. Mental arithmetic and abacus are very popular in India for the past two spans.
Mental Math is built for children which will definitely give them an Edge since we believe that children can only dominate the subject if they have the basics right. At Mental Math the app is built to teach calculation techniques and sharpen their skill. We offer a child-friendly introduction to the use of the Abacus, both the tool and ultimately the mental theory concepts. Thus maintaining the interest and also benefiting from the App. Mental Math is a new-age app for today's children which will keep them engaged along with developing their skills.
Our mission is to encourage positive growth in the children of this world, who are the future of this world. Support every child as they try to attain tremendous skills and strengthen their potential to excel, not just in academe, but also handle various other aspects of life in a smoother, healthier, and more positive way.
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porrigens · 25 days
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do you look like the devil, Brian?
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none-sex-left-gay · 1 year
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everyone talking about wtnv quotes, get on my level
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kadextra · 8 months
Some q!Bad quotes from earlier that I really liked and think give a good peek into the character’s mind ^^
“I don’t want to die. yet.”
“The line is: do I care about it or not? and if I don’t, then it’s okay to cross it.”
“Ron is family now, so it’s different! before he was family- well, you know…. but now he’s family.”
“I don’t want to cross lines either, I wanted to find an amicable way of getting the eggs back, but I have accepted… that we have to cross the line. that’s what makes it necessary.”
“Why wasn’t it okay? It worked out! And I needed to do it to help get the eggs back!”
“Whatever paths we need to take to reach that destination, I’m willing to take. I made up my mind about that.”
“I’ve got nothing left to lose, they took everything from me. :)”
“It’s gonna be the death of someone...”
“I’m expendable, Baghera. if it helps get the eggs back, helps me get my kids back, then I am.”
“It’s hard. It’s hard, hurting the ones you care about. But it’s necessary.”
“I just miss them... *voice breaking* I just miss them so much, I just want them back… *big sigh, shaking head* Alright! Happy face! :D”
“When does a house stop feeling like a home?”
“We need to find all the eggs. For our family, and our extended family, so we can help them. I’m seeing it. everybody is slowly being eaten up… devoured, like the whole server is in decline, just sliding down a slope.”
“Can we trust anyone else to be willing to do what needs to be done? ….no.”
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voidartisan · 8 months
what is even the point of foxiyo if at some point padme isn't like "this thing is dubiously legal but it must be done for the Greater Good but also we might get arrested" and riyo immediately goes "i know a guy"
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starredfishing · 9 months
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im not really feelin' like myself today
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waitmyturtles · 3 months
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I gotta admit, this scene still hits gives me the hibbly-jibbly-wibblies
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coochiekrab · 10 days
I’m so sorry if this is a big ask…but do you have like…a proper timeline for kuri + aubrey and their kids story..? I’m so sorry I love these little dudes so much and I’m so intrigued to know everything about them. on that note do you have a toyhouse?/gq
best i can offer you is their canonical wedding anniversary of june something'th 2019 and their birthdays are 12/16/94 and 8/27/90
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glowupwithamy · 2 months
Sharing My Weekly Productivity Journey and Goals
- So these are my weekly goals actually I have many other goals to work on besides these but the ones i need to focus on the most are these
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Here are my goals for 7 days plus 2 more days
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So i've shared my goals for this week also two additional goals for the next days because why not and nobody cares. My April is starting well and being productive and im happy about that ive been doing the internment fasting that I used to do daily just didn't mention it. I think my time management is going well and my screen time is also reduced. I don't procrastinate on social media so overall I'm doing well. Wish me luck guys for the next week :)
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raycatz · 9 days
hey hey hey guess what! I was hospitalized around this time in May in 2014 for anorexia nervosa. I spent two weeks in the hospital and then three weeks in an inpatient program. I struggled with anorexia through high school and college and returned to restrictive eating multiple times. Food for the longest time wasn't safe. It's something I thought about day in and day out and it brought me a huge amount of anxiety and distress.
It's been a decade since I was hospitalized. I've come a long way since then and I'm proud to say that food isn't something I'm afraid of anymore. For four years now I haven't restricted or done any of my anorexic habits. There are still things that trigger that ED feeling, and I think there always will be, but I haven't felt the need to listen to it. I eat what I want, when I want, without any guilt or fear. This is something that would have been unimaginable to 2014 me. I've come so far. I'm so relived to be able to find joy in food again. I'm really proud!
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wow who would have guessed that the racist author using fake accounts to review-bomb fellow debut authors (most of whom were POC) would then turn around and use neurodivergence as a shield for her actions after lying about doing it for weeks and crafting up elaborate lies to try to shield herself. last i heard, being deliberately and calculatedly racist and lying about it until you got caught wasn’t a symptom of mental illness!
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alwaysneedyforsir · 2 months
is a hug too much to ask for
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dailydegurechaff · 11 months
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Today's Daily Degurechaff is… in a hospital waiting room
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