#Medical Aspirants
argroup6 · 6 days
St. Johns Medical College: A Premier Institution for Medical Education
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St. Johns Medical College, found in Bangalore, India, is one of the foremost prestigious medical schools in the nation. Set up in 1963 by the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India, the college incorporates a wealthy history of giving top-notch medical instruction and healthcare administrations. Over the decades, it has developed into a centre of greatness, eminent for its academic meticulousness, inquire about commitments, and commitment to community wellbeing.
History and Legacy
St. John's Medical College was established with the mission to prepare healthcare experts who would serve the underserved and marginalised communities in India. The college's proverb, He Might Live Since of Me, reflects its commitment to the all encompassing improvement of medical experts who are not as it were gifted in their creation but moreover compassionate and moral in their practice. Since its initiation, the college has delivered thousands of specialists, numerous of whom have gone on to create critical commitments to healthcare both in India and all inclusive.
Academic Excellence
Undergraduate Programs
The essential undergraduate program at St. John's Medical College is the Single man of Medication, Single man of Surgery (MBBS) course. This program is outlined to supply a solid establishment in medical sciences and clinical aptitudes. The MBBS program at St. Johns is known for its thorough educational programs, which incorporates a mix of theoretical information, viable preparation, and hands-on involvement in different medical disciplines.
Postgraduate Programs
St. John's Medical College too offers a wide range of postgraduate programs, counting Specialist of Medication (MD), Ace of Surgery (MS), and different recognition courses. These programs cover multiple specialties such as Common Medication, Pediatrics, Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, and more. The postgraduate courses are designed to prepare students with progressed information and specialised aptitudes vital for their individual areas.
Research and Development
Research may be a foundation of academic life at St. John Medical College. The institution energises both staff and students to investigate exercises that contribute to the headway of medical science and healthcare. The college has a few inquiries about centres and research facilities prepared with state-of-the-art offices. Over a long time, St. Johns has been included in various noteworthy research ventures, especially in zones such as irresistible illnesses, open wellbeing, and tropical pharmaceutical.
Clinical Preparing and Offices
One of the key qualities of St. Johns Medical College is its accentuation on clinical preparation. The college is associated with St. Johns Medical College Hospital, a 1,350-bed tertiary care healing centre that gives a wide run of medical administrations. The clinic serves as an imperative preparing ground for students, advertising them the opportunity to pick up hands-on involvement beneath the guidance of experienced clinicians.
Community Wellbeing Activities
St. Johns Medical College is profoundly committed to community wellbeing. The institution runs a few outreach programs aimed at improving healthcare get to and quality in country and underserved zones. These activities not as it were give fundamental administrations to those in need but moreover uncover students to the substances of healthcare conveyance in assorted settings, cultivating a sense of social responsibility and empathy.
Faculty and Mentorship
The staff at St. Johns Medical College comprises exceedingly qualified and experienced experts who are devoted to educating, research, and patient care. The mentorship given by the staff is one of the trademarks of the college. Understudies advantage from the direction and back of their guides, who offer assistance to explore their scholarly travel and proficient improvement.
Campus Life
St. Johns Medical College gloats about a dynamic campus life, advertising an adjusted blend of academic, extracurricular, and social exercises. The college features a run of offices, counting cutting edge classrooms, well-equipped research facilities, libraries, sports complexes, and inns. Students are empowered to participate in different clubs, social orders, and occasions that advance social, mental, and physical advancement.
Extracurricular Activities
Extracurricular exercises play a critical part in understudying life at St. Johns. The college organises various social celebrations, sports occasions, and academic competitions all through the year. These exercises give students with openings to grandstand their abilities, create administration abilities, and construct enduring companionships.
Admission Process
Admission to St. Johns Medical College is exceedingly competitive. The choice process for the MBBS program includes a combination of entrance exams and interviews. Candidates are required to sit for the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET), and those who meet the cutoff criteria are welcomed for assistance assessment. The college moreover encompasses an organised admission process for its postgraduate programs, which incorporates entrance exams and interviews particular to each strength.
St. Johns Medical College stands out as a head institution for medical education in India. With its wealthy legacy, commitment to greatness, and centre on community benefit, the college proceeds to deliver well-rounded medical experts who are prepared to meet the challenges of present day healthcare. For aspiring specialists who seek a comprehensive education grounded in moral practice and social responsibility, St. Johns Medical College offers a perfect environment to realise their objectives.
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 MBBS in Russia with Study Palace Hub: Your Gateway to International Medical Education
Dreaming of a career in medicine that spans international borders? Consider studying MBBS in Russia with Study Palace Hub as your compass to guide you towards a world-class medical education. In this blog, we'll delve into the exciting opportunities that await you when you choose Russia as your destination for medical studies, with the trusted support of Study Palace Hub.
Unleashing Global Medical Excellence Russia is renowned for its top-notch medical universities, offering a world-class education in medicine. These institutions boast cutting-edge technology, experienced faculty, and a rich history of producing highly skilled doctors. By enrolling in an MBBS program in Russia, you open the door to an international medical education that is globally recognized and respected.
Study Palace Hub: Your Trusted Companion Study Palace Hub understands that venturing abroad for education can be a daunting prospect. That's why they offer comprehensive support to international medical aspirants. From application assistance and visa guidance to cultural orientation and academic mentoring, Study Palace Hub ensures a smooth transition into Russian medical universities.
Cultural Enrichment Studying MBBS in Russia isn't just about academics; it's also a cultural immersion. You'll have the chance to interact with students from diverse backgrounds, broaden your horizons, and develop a global perspective. Exploring Russia's rich history, art, and culture will be an enriching experience that complements your medical education.
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vari-medical-academy · 10 months
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Turning Setbacks into Comebacks📢 Exciting News! 🎉 Vari Medical Academy is now welcoming NEET repeater students to join our second batch! 📚💪 Boost your NEET scores and pave the way to a successful medical career with us! 🚀🩺
Contact: 7339093846,9043152030
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linastudyblrsblog · 4 months
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Fifth week in anaesthesiology and ICU care unit
Spending half of the day in the hospital’s library to revise and take notes
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tmedic · 20 days
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ICU & ED simulation training -challenging but great experience!💪
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smol-blue-bird · 2 months
today in insane anti-intellectualism: I just saw a post about how aspiring healthcare practitioners shouldn't take classes in biology and chemistry because those subjects are useless and bad. ????
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foggyscholar · 1 year
warning: this post is very unpleasant
hello and welcome to 40 Days of Suck, in which i go through 40 consecutive horrendous days before i'm released to my first ever summer break from medschool. dear reader, i'm sorry to say that the post you are reading and its subsequent reblogs will be extremely unpleasant. there will be no aesthetic notes content as i don't have time to take aesthetic notes anymore. there will, in fact, be little to no positivity around medschool (a matter i am generally quite optimistic and positive about - much as a resort town is lovely and crowded except during the off-season, medschool is quite lovely except during exam season.) there will be no aesthetic or joyous content, but there will be tests, retakes and exams. and caffeine, and tears, and all-around unpleasantness. it is my sad duty to power through this and blogging about it my way to cope, but there is nothing stopping you from unfollowing this blog at once and following a happier blog instead if you prefer that sort of thing - may i suggest that of an art or english major. is this a cautionary tale? who can say. a tale of woe most certainly. a tale i would advise you to look away from unless you are the sort of person to enjoy stories rife with misfortune, misery and despair.
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crimeronan · 3 months
my physical therapist, clearly worried he's imparting bad news: okay, so with systemic conditions like this, we uuuusually want to do long-term maintenance check-ins, so once you're doing better i'll still probably want to see you every month or so....
me, so so so physically disabled: ....oh. thank GOD.
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littlequeenies · 27 days
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New Demri photo!
A previously unseen Demri Parrott modelling photo can be seen in the background during an interview to her mum Kathleen Austin for the 2005 educational video "Medical Consequences of Addiction" by CNS Productions. We don't know who's the photographer.
Kathleen Austin, CDP, RC, Addiction Therapist at the Harborview Medical Centre in Seattle, Washington, talks about her daughter Demri and the endocarditis she suffered because of addiction, a subject sadly she knew too well.
Here's more information about the DVD and its contents (not listed on the IMDB), and CNS Productions.
Very special thanks to Memories of Demri on instagram for allow us to use the pictures and give us the information!
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bumblingbabooshka · 5 months
Tuvok noting that the number of crewmen with framed photographs of captain Janeway is alarming. There's nothing to really DO about it but it is alarming nonetheless.
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bulgeun-wihyeob · 9 months
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i felt it was important for me to share this
it's my lock screen now
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argroup6 · 27 days
Disclosing Excellence: Karaganda State Medical University in Kazakhstan
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Within the heart of Central Asia lies a diamond of medical instruction and investigation at Karaganda State Medical University in Kazakhstan. Built up in 1950, this regarded institution has been a reference point of healthcare education, reliably creating talented experts who contribute to the improvement of healthcare around the world. Let's dive into the wealthy embroidered artwork of history, academic excellence, and worldwide effect woven by Karaganda State Medical College.
A Legacy of Excellence
Karaganda State Medical University's journey started over seven decades back with a vision to support competent healthcare experts. Over a long time, it has advanced into a head institution famous for its scholarly ability and research commitments. The college gloats a wealthy bequest of creating profoundly gifted specialists, drug specialists, medical caretakers, and other healthcare masters who serve their communities with kindness and competence.
Academic Programs
Karaganda State Medical University offers an assorted run of undergraduate and postgraduate programs custom-made to meet the energetic needs of the healthcare industry. From Pharmaceutical and Dentistry to Drug store and Nursing, the college gives comprehensive preparation that mixes theoretical information with viable involvement. The educational module is fastidiously planned to instil basic thinking, moral values, and social affectability in aspiring healthcare experts.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
The university's commitment to excellence is reflected in its state-of-the-art offices prepared with advanced civilities. Progressed research facilities, reenactment centers, and research offices give understudies with hands-on involvement and cultivate advancement in healthcare conveyance. The campus vibe advances collaborative learning and empowers students to explore unused wildernesses in medical science.
Research and Development
Karaganda State Medical College is at the cutting edge of logical research and development. Staff individuals and students lock in in groundbreaking inquiries over different disciplines, tending to squeezing healthcare challenges and progressing medical information. The college collaborates with worldwide accomplices to use ability and assets, improving its worldwide effect in healthcare advancement.
Worldwide Perspective
In an progressively interconnected world, Karaganda State Medical College grasps differences and develops a worldwide viewpoint among its students and workforce. Universal trade programs, collaborative inquiry about activities, and multicultural learning situations improve the instructive involvement and plan students for worldwide healthcare challenges. The university's graduated class arrange ranges over landmasses, embodying its commitment to cultivating worldwide citizenship among future healthcare leaders.
Community Engagement
Past the limits of the campus, Karaganda State Medical University effectively locks in with the community, tending to healthcare aberrations and advancing open wellbeing activities. Outreach programs, wellbeing camps, and volunteer initiatives enable students to create important commitments to society while sharpening their clinical abilities and sympathy.
Future Prospects
As we explore the complexities of the 21st century, the role of healthcare experts gets to be progressively significant. Karaganda State Medical College stands balanced to meet the advancing requests of the healthcare scene, creating competent experts prepared with the information, abilities, and kindness to create a difference in the lives of people and communities.
Karaganda State Medical University epitomises excellence in medical education and inquires about. Its wealthy legacy, academic programs, state-of-the-art offices, and worldwide viewpoint recognize it as a leader in healthcare education not only in Kazakhstan but moreover on the universal organisation. Because it proceeds to support the following era of healthcare pioneers, the college remains enduring in its commitment to progressing healthcare and progressing lives around the world.
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Women won a battle over abortion rights in Montana on Friday, after the state Supreme Court upheld a lower court’s decision that a law banning advanced-practice registered nurses from performing early-stage abortions was unconstitutional.
Montana Supreme Court Judge Laurie McKinnon wrote in the court’s opinion that the “state has failed to meet its burden” showing that advanced-practice registered nurses (APRNs) providing abortion care “present a medically acknowledged, bona fide health risk. The state has failed to present any evidence that demonstrates abortions provided by APRNs include more risk than those provided by physicians and physicians assistants.”
McKinnon continued: “The district court correctly determined that no genuine dispute of material fact exists regarding the safety and efficacy of APRNs providing early abortion care.”
Plaintiffs Hellen Weems, owner of All Families Healthcare in Whitefish, and another woman identified as Jane Doe, are both APRNs. Weems did not respond to a request for comment by press time.
Medication and aspiration are the most common forms of early abortion care. The medications used are mifepristone and misoprostal. An aspiration abortion involves inserting a tube through the cervix into the uterus and using suction to remove uterine contents.
The state argued that while APRNs can perform an abortion, they are not trained to handle complications that may arise.
One of the state's experts, Dr. George Mulcaire-Jones, a family medicine and obstetrics physician in Butte, said the aspiration method involves the removal of tissue from the uterus with instruments, which can cause bleeding, cramping and possible infection. He said that there is an unacceptable risk to women when the abortions are performed without emergency backup policies, such as when APRNs perform the procedures in their offices.
Mulcaire-Jones also said that even medication abortions carry risks, including hemorrhage and bleeding, which could require surgical care beyond what a APRN could provide.
Bolstering Mulcaire-Jones’ views was Dr. Kathi Aultman, an ob-gyn licensed in Florida who serves as a fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecologists.
“Allowing less qualified practitioners to perform abortions, especially when they cannot handle the serious and life-threatening complications that can occur, creates an unacceptable risk for patients at any location, which expands exponentially in rural area without the necessary facilities and expertise to handle complications,” Aultman said.
One of the plaintiff’s experts, Dr. Suzan Goodman, disagreed.
“Legal abortion is one of the safest medical procedures in the United States. Complication rates of abortion are similar to or lower than other outpatient procedures,” Goodman, a California-licensed family medicine physician with a master's degree in public health, said.
The state Board of Medical Examiners has previously concluded that “medication and aspiration abortion procedures are not significantly different than the procedures, medications and surgeries the nurse practitioners currently perform without significant issues.”
McKinnon ultimately sided with the plaintiffs, citing the Montana Constitution's guarantee of the right of privacy to seek abortion care.
"The state argues that, while APRNs may be able to perform the abortion procedure, they are not capable or qualified to handle the 'unacceptable' risk of complications arising from an abortion. However, the same risk of complications exists in miscarriage care, which the state has not argued presents a threat to public health and safety when performed by APRNs," she wrote.
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Looking to pursue MBBS abroad? 🩺
Samarkand Medical College in Uzbekistan is now accepting applications for their MBBS program!  🎓
☑️ State-of-the-art facilities 
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Studying MBBS at Samarkand Medical College can be a great opportunity for aspiring doctors. 
Apply now and get one step closer to achieving your dream of becoming a medical professional! 
Contact: 7339093846, 9043152030
Website: https://www.variacademy.in/
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linastudyblrsblog · 5 months
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Just another day in the OR : can’t believe that I’ve spent almost 07 hours in the operating room today
The procedure was Nephroureterectomy
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spellbound-fanfics · 8 months
Writer's Block & Chronic Pain
I've been in a real slump recently. I've barely written a thing - just a paragraph here and there on various different projects but never anything substantial.
For the last month or so I've suffered quite badly with my lower back. Somehow (and I still don't really know how), I badly pulled a muscle in my lower back and it keeps spasming and essentially crushing my right sciatic nerve. The pain going through my right leg has been excruciating at times, sometimes even making me fall down when I'm walking. It just catches me off guard and suddenly my whole leg has this very intense burning ache. Other times, it's a very sharp pain that shoots down the back of my leg.
Sleeping with a firm cushion between my knees has been making it a bit easier, but I'm still having to take the stronger medication for it. I have physio booked for this Friday, the 20th. I'm trying to remain optimistic but it's hard.
Trying to write with this pain has been nigh-on impossible and it's making me feel like such a failure. I know that I'm more than my writing skills... I'm just struggling with it, I guess.
This morning I carefully rolled over in bed and saw my lovely kitten Loki watching me from my bedside table. He's such a good boy - he knows when I need him. And he's an excellent writing buddy.
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Loki says hello!
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The (not-so) little guy thinks he's helping me write... I don't have the heart to tell him otherwise!
Anyway - here's to hoping that things get better soon. Because I'm not sure I can handle the alternative. What are your best tips for Writer's Block? I tend to do some written (text-based) RP with friends on either Discord or World of Warcraft. But even that has been a bit of a struggle.
I hope you're all okay and having a great day!
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