#Mayor grimm
margaret-the-sylvia · 7 months
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So I took some screencaps from the sweepstakes video and I noticed something with the second one.
Quasar looks like he’s getting possessed? by Mayor Grimm while Nebula kinda watches in horror. Let me know what you think is happening. I’m interested.
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yamikurutto-official · 2 months
Nebula and Fun-Sized Grimm (not really a ship)
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aurelion-solar · 2 months
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Legends of Runeterra: Dreamlit Paths - Vex Followers The Family Reunion - Shadow - Uncle Milty - Allay - Grimm - The Beautiful Disaster - Grotesque Gift - Beefcake Mayor - Gloomsprites - Glare - Existential Dread - Withering Affection
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lioriel · 11 months
Day Nine: Save the Princess
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(Or not. Maybe she can save herself?)
For the Sisters Grimm Sketch & Drabble Challenge
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maraschinotopped · 2 months
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happy easter. im not christian or anything but i did some egg decorating for it with family and the fact that ive been thinking about naq recently caused the two ideas to collide. have a little scene doodle about n&q + celeste doing egg decorating. nova and starstraw are there in spirit (couldnt fit them in)
bonus doodle
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katlimeart · 1 year
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Made in 2021
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as characters from Grimm’s Fairy Tale Classics
1 + 2. Greedy Princess (The Six Who Went Far in the World)
3. Princess Martha (The Frog Prince)
4. Princess Agatha (The Frog Prince)
5. Princess Leonora (The Frog Prince)
6. Princess (Puss in Boots)
7. Princess (The Crystal Ball)
8. Princess (The Four Skillful Brothers)
9. Princess (The Iron Stove)
10. Princess (The Man of Iron)
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bloody-shadow666 · 4 months
Diana really said you two will get along whether you want to or not and that's FINAL
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scratching92 · 1 year
I got my hands on Hunter’s Guild: Red Hood Volume 3 and man.
I’ve been enjoying the little author’s notes in these volumes but Vol. 3 feels so sad. Every short character bio is accompanied by a comment along the lines of “I wish I could have done more with this!” and it hurts to see. Especially as, for as much as the Hunter Exam arc wasn’t the best step forwards, I did still really like a lot of the characters it introduced.
The little epilogue chapter was a nice little peek in at what the characters are up to, at least.
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itachi86 · 1 year
hank was like staring at nick as he walked into the precinct
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sakurakoneko28 · 3 months
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Viendo que ya es casi un año ahora imagino un HC de Chayanne en sus primeros días 🥹💕
Supongamos que en lugar de huevitos eran niños (o al menos en apariencia porque, ajá, híbridos de dragón xd) y en ese momento eran unos bebés, muy apenas tendrían algunos meses.
Entonces, Missa siendo un Grimm reaper, se siente extraño teniendo algo de lo más frágil que puede haber en el mundo de los vivos a su cuidado, en su trabajo se encarga de llevarse las almas al descanso eterno y ahora le han dicho que, contrario a su naturaleza, debe preservar esa vida y que si por alguna razón no lo logra sufrirá consecuencias, y no solo él, sino la otra "desafortunada" persona que tuvo que ser emparejada a su lado.
Mucha, demasiada presión a decir verdad...
Aún así intenta no externar sus temores y acepta con gran disposición la ayuda que su nueva pareja le brinda, incluso siente un poco de culpa por creer que solo vuelve más difícil las cosas al no saber nada sobre cuidado de infantes y que Phil prácticamente se debe encargar de dos personas.
Al principio sostener al niño lo asusta un poco ¿y si lo lastima al ser brusco por accidente? ¿si de alguna forma se le cae? tantos pensamientos catastróficos pero vaya, el pequeño y regordete bebé es absolutamente ajeno a eso, de hecho ha mostrado tener un gran gusto por estar en su regazo y además parece muy interesado por la curiosa particularidad del mayor en su piel traslúcida que a cada rato pellizca con sus deditos.
Philza también se encarga de alentar, a su ahora, esposo y le asegura que confía en su juicio para cuidar a Chayanne cuando los deja solos, entiende que a diferencia suya el nunca antes había estado a cargo de otra persona -hablando en términos de mantenerlo vivo- (mucho menos de un bebé) y no desestima sus miedos, hace lo posible por darle confianza, y aunque no lo hubiese dicho en voz alta, también le enternece demasiado cada ocasión que regresa a casa y se encuentra con la bonita imagen su nueva familia que siempre le recibe con alegría.
También se ha fijado que Chayanne siempre está muy calmado cuando Missa lo sostiene, no llora y hasta se queda dormido más fácil cuando él lo arrulla, es la envidia de los otros padres desvelados con sus respectivos niños. En realidad desde el principio fue curioso como el bebé conectó tanto con su papá, aún si no era capaz de verbalizarlo se notaba en como sus ojitos brillaban con solo escuchar su voz, eso y que Phil se había fijado como "curiosamente" el pequeño pide toda la atención de Missa ni bien se da cuenta que está cerca.
Y claro que Missa no le va a negar nada a su pequeño guerrero, se siente tan feliz de recibir todo ese cariño, es un tipo de afecto que nunca antes había experimentado y es hermoso ¿como una cosita tan pequeña había movido tanto su mundo? y claro, ni hablar del encantador esposo que se consiguió también 😎
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margaret-the-sylvia · 5 months
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More screen caps, yay
Some more stuff from the blooper/“SMG4 style” video. One of them shows Nebula’s idle animation where she yawns and stretches. Wonder why we haven’t seen any idle animations for Quasar yet. Maybe it’s possibly the same or similar idle animation? We might never know. Also Nebula after fighting with Pinhead, appears in a world we haven’t seen yet. Also another pic of Zeno too.
Also, the pic of Nebula in a white room also appears in the solo mission blooper vid. Is this the supposed "white room"? Is NAQtube hiding something?
I also have some screencaps from the “It’s On” commercial. (Btw The Prodigy music goes hard) I wonder who Nebula is chasing at the end of the commercial? Planet Sahara appears with the duo getting chased by someone. (Probably Pokie tbh) The scene of the duo near the end goes really hard tho.
Got some screengrabs of the IGN "Know the difference." commercial with Nebula in Greenworld and some gameplay of an unknown world with Quasar. The one where they both face off against Mayor Grimm goes pretty hard.
Only two screengrabs from the 2001 Sweepstakes commerical which include Nebula and something related to the world (maybe it's a boss? a passageway? a temple?) and Quasar getting zapped in another unknown world.
Enjoy some screencaps as a gift for 2024!
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howlingday · 8 months
swashbuckler au: weiss and jaune end up having a duel, and while weiss can't say he's the best swordsman she's ever faced she can say that he's the most adaptable fighting she's ever seen tldr: jaune pulls some jackie chan improvisation using the environment in unorthodox ways to win fights. slapstick action comedy ensues
Part 1
You know those awkward family dinners? The ones where the room is tense and feels like it's filled with gunpowder, and all it takes is just one word to set it all off? Yeah, those ones.
Well, Jaune usually felt that every dinner since taking up his father's mantle as the Hero of Aquadia. Tonight, however, was especially tense since the four people hired to hunt him down were also here, eating his mother's special occasion chicken and spice. Now there was heat to help the spark.
"Hah... Hah..." The girl in red huffed as she reached for her glass of milk.
"Is it too hot?" Mom asked. "I usually cut back when we entertain guests."
"My sister never really liked spicy food." Joked the older girl. "Dad used to joke they're the reason she drinks so much milk."
"You sure he wasn't just milking you for a laugh?" Jaune's dad pointed at her with his fork, receiving a fork-point back.
"Please, don't give her any material." The girl in white said with a sigh. Jaune couldn't explain what it was, but there was something about her that seemed... familiar. "Anyway, what exactly is our task in Aquafia? Beyond the scope of capturing this "folk hero" running around in the city?"
"He's not a folk hero."
The room was quiet at that. Everyone was staring at me. Why was everyone staring at me? Don't tell me I-
"Care to elaborate on that, Mr..?"
"A-Arc." Jaune gulped chicken. "Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, and rolls off the tongue. The ladies love it."
"Do they, though?" Ruby asked.
"Yes, do they, Jaune?" His father sneered with a sinister grin. Sometimes, Jaune hated his father.
"Please excuse my son's outburst." His mom stated, dabbing her lips with her napkin. "He's a fan of La Lama Lunga de la Aquadia."
"The who the what?" Ruby asked.
"The Longblade of Aquadia." Blake answered. "The hero we met in the street earlier."
"And failed to capture." Mother said over folded fingers. She wasn't happy. Trust me, I'm an expert at making Mom not happy.
"He's crafty." Yang replied. "Really gave us the slip in the harbor after that Grimm attack."
"Haha! Oh, I wish I could have seen that!" Jaune's heart swelled at his father's words, even if these girls were giving him too much credit.
"And the city thanks you for protecting her citizens from the Grimm." His mother tried to get the discussion back to the mission. "But in regard to your real task, you can discuss the details in full with my son and my husband. I try not to involve myself in these childish escapades of heroism."
Jaune sank a little at that. "Sit up straight!" Okay, he sank a lot at it, but could you blame him? His mom just called him, as fancy as possible, out as a child playing hero! Still, his dad was stillin his usual high spirits. Kinda made him wonder how she never caught Dad when he was La Lama Lunga.
"It seems weird, though," The young girl said, "that the mayor of Aquadia would want to capture the hero of her city."
"He's a relic of the past, Ms. Rose." Mother dabbed her lips as she stopd up. "And though we are grateful for his protection in ages past, we must look to the future. If we wish to establish good relations beyond Aquadia, we must prove that we do not rely on fairy tales for our protection, and certainly not on vigilantes, either."
"So to make Aquadia a viable trading partner and member of the kingdom, you want us to hunt down the city's only protector?" Blake asked with a raised brow.
"We have guardsmen and a militia of retired soldiers acting as our reserve defense." Circling the table like a shark, the mayor made her case. "If Aquadia can prove we are just as capable as the northern cities in Vale, then we can prove that we are not merely a tourist trap of a bygone age."
"Oof, politics." Dad said. "Think it's time I called it a night. This talk of fairy tales and whatnot is giving me indigestion."
"We should also head back." Ruby said. "Thank you for the meal, but now it's time for Team RWBY to get to work! Starting tonight!"
Jaune swallowed his chicken a little hard, and started coughing up spices. Everyone stared at him again.
"S-Sorry." He said. "Uh, wrong hole."
You know what the best part about being a hero in your city? The nighttime patrols. Just you, the chirping creatures of the night, and the pale moon shining into the caldera city at midnight. It's almost therapeutic.
Jaune understood what his mom was getting at, bringing the other cities closer to them by getting rid of the one aspect that separates Aquadia from everywhere else on Remnant. Kinda like how Mistral has that famous sport lady. Pyra, or something.
Still, he doubted she would be getting hunted down just so her city can build economic ties to the rest of the kingdom.
Coming from the docks where an old woman was saying her prayers in a window beneath him, Jaune kept being reminded of why he loves this city. The teenage kids sneaking around after curfew, the young lovers holding hands in gondola rides, the white glyph shining right in front of hi-
Wait a minute.
"Hold it right there, llama loonga!" The girl in white from before swiped her blade at him. Jaune barely had time to catch it as he brought his own blade to his defense.
"It's actually La Lama Lunga, princess." Jaune shoved her away.
"It's heiress, actually." The girl held a fencing position, and judging by her stance, she meant it.
This was bad for so many reasons.
First, this would be completely different from Grimm or rowdy thieving hooligans. He was fighting a genuine huntress, an actual fighter. What little he learned about them ws in one ear and out the other. What? Huntsmen just aren't as fascinating as La Lama Lunga.
Second, his opponent was not only a trained warrior, but she was actually trained in the same weapon as he was! And making this particular dilemma even worse was Jaune didn't know how to actually fence. Sure, he's got the basics from what his dad taught him, but this was a huntress with a semblance.
And that semblance was-
"Are you going to just stand there and stare at me while I arrest you?" She asked, getting closer. "If so, then by all means, continue."
Taking his own stance, he gulped. Come on... Remember what Dad taught you. 'If you ever find yourself outmatched, there's no shame in running.' Jaune took a step back. 'Unless your opponent is smaller than you, then you definitely should feel ashamed.' Jaune kept his feet planted.
She got closer. Oh crap, this really happening to him, isn't it? Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap-
"CRAP!" Jaune leapt out of the way of her thrust. He stepped on his back feet over and over until he caught himself on the edge of the rooftop.
Suddenly, nothing came to his mind. All of his father's lessons fell away as he realized this would be how he died. How the legend ended. He wanted to cry. He wanted to curl into a ball. But neither option was available. So instead...
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!" La Lama Lunga ran forward, swinging his blade wildly at the foreign girl. Fear filled her eyes as she backed away, unsure of how to respond! His movements were too sporadic, too unorthodox! She'd never seen a fighting style like this before!
Suddenly, he tripped and fell over, dropping his weapon. He rolled forward, almost falling over the edge. Reaching down, he grabbed a potted flower and tossed it at her. She ducked, narrowly missing a bruise, only to be forced on the backfoot by the vigilante once more when he grabbed his blade again. Then...
"AGH!" She fell off! Jaune ran over to the side and looked down, finding the girl landed safe and sound... into a compost heap.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Yang couldn't stop laughing at breakfast, smashing her fist on the table.
"IT'S NOT FUNNY!" Weiss screeched from inside the shower, on her third attempt to clean herself of the stench. "WHY WOULD THIS CITY EVEN NEED COMPOST?!"
"Apparently, the compost helps improve the soil development for the farms outside the caldera." Blake answered, reading the info pamphlet on compost provided. "The humid air compounded by the naturally occurring chemicals produced in the water make for an improved-"
"Jeez, this guy really is no joke." Ruby sighed. "Not only to escape all of us, but he managed to beat Weiss, too!"
"N... Not really that hard, Rubes." Yang breathed.
"But don't you worry." Yang pumped a thumb to herself. "With me and Blakey on the case, ain't no way sword boy is gonna last another night."
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kydoesthings1 · 4 months
McGillis and the Pied Piper
because February 24th’s Wordle was piper and I am procrastinating on school work
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At 16:57 of S2E21 (E46) Gaelio says this to McGillis before charging him.
(Gaelio is speaking through the comms offscreen.)
(Apparently this line was also used in a game. I forgot which one. I don't play Gundam games.)
Gaelio literally says something along the lines of "Are you still going to play the pipe of Hamelin even when the battle is going like this?" Not sure why this is the subtitle. But they mostly mean the same thing so maybe I'm just nitpicking.
To refresh your memory a little, this is when the Revolutionary Fleet is very clearly losing to Arianrhod, and McGillis just made his pep talk and this iconic frame. They are preparing to retreat and regroup when Gaelio shows up to fight McGillis.
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Gaelio referencing the Pied Piper of Hamelin (Hameln, same thing) is of course connected to McGillis's and thus his love of myth/folk tales. Because of McGillis's influence, Gaelio also has a strong liking for stories. He names himself and Gundam Vidar/Kimaris Vidar after Vidar, the Norse god of revenge and silence, son of Odin and slayer of Fenrir (Fenris, same thing but IBO uses Fenrir) the monster wolf son of Loki during Ragnarok. The same side story 'Eve of Vidar' also tells us he used to hit on girls using Norse mythology fun facts, including Yamazin Toka when he was a test pilot for the Schwalbe Graze.
Although these are relatively common knowledge for us, the viewers, they are probably niche facts however many years in the future the Post Disaster timeline is (in UC0079 Hitler and WW2 is considered "middle ages" despite being historically quite recent for us). This is one thing Gaelio and McGillis have in common and it is because of McGillis.
(Also this is kind of a weak diss? Like if you're gonna insult McGillis why compare him to something so cool. "Snake on the moon" - now that's an insult. But I digress.)
But what is the Pied Piper exactly? The Pied Piper, or the Ratcatcher (der Rattenfänger) is a legend of the town Hamelin in Lower Saxony of Germany. There are dozens of variations of this tale, but I'll only be talking about the most popular versions that relate to the events of IBO.
In 1284, Hamelin had a rat problem. Basically there were a whole bunch of rats, and they made life suck for the townspeople, as large numbers of rats tend to do. According to Robert Browning's poem, the people were mad at the mayor for not being able to solve the problem, and were about to kick him out. Then a man wearing a coat of many bright colors (Browning's version says yellow and red, both in McGillis's palette at some point) and holding a pipe showed up. The Piper promised to get rid of all the rats in exchange for 1000 guilders. He then played his pipe and all the rats came out and followed him into the river Weser and drowned.
The townspeople did not follow through on their end, however, and came up with all sorts of excuses to not give him the promised 1000 guilders. This angered the Piper, and he played his pipe again, and this time all 130 of the town's children came out and followed him away dancing and they never returned, nor were they ever seen again. Versions disagree on what happened to the children. In the Grimm Brothers and Browning's versions they went to Transylvania. Others say they went to a land like paradise in a cave. Others say they drowned in the river like the rats.
So how does this relate to McGillis and IBO? Well actually it's pretty obvious - Gaelio is simply saying McGillis is luring Isurugi, the Revolutionary Fleet and Tekkadan to their doom with false promises.
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However, the point of this post is to point out some interesting details of this parallel. The Piper lured the children of Hamelin away as an act of revenge on the adults of the town because they didn't pay him what was rightfully his for his service. McGillis's coup can be framed as revenge on the corrupt system of the world Gjallarhorn maintains, and those who personally victimized him.
Interestingly, some accounts describe the Piper as "a miracle of God" and that he was sent to test the townspeople, and punish them when they didn't keep their word. Others call him the devil in disguise, who intended to trick the people and take their children. This is like how McGillis can be seen as a charismatic leader aiming to change the world for the better, or a ruthless, cold-blooded, lying, backstabbing, power-hungry traitor who will stop at nothing.
Additionally, Bael, the demon king, is a fallen angel who was cast out with Lucifer for rebelling against God, and Gundam Bael's gunpla box describes it as "a demon with the appearance of an angel" (this could also apply to McGillis himself).
In many versions of the story, some children are left behind. Which ones exactly vary, but Browning's focuses on a boy with a broken leg who couldn't keep up with the other children, so he was able to tell the villagers where he saw them go. The boy said they went into a portal on the side of the mountain, and on the other side was a paradise where everything was beautiful and peaceful. The boy was very sad he couldn't join his friends there because now he was all alone and couldn't return to that land.
Sounds kind of familiar, doesn't it?
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In the epilogue, Gaelio is in a wheelchair and his bandaged neck suggests that his Alaya-Vijnana implants had been removed fairly recently. Supplemental info reveals that McGillis injured his spine during their fight at Edmonton, and Gaelio was only able to be up and about in S2 thanks to his AVS.
If the land the Piper and the children went to is Heaven, then this could be read as Gaelio being the only one not to follow McGillis into death, and being the sole survivor of his friends (for the sake of this argument Julieta doesn't count because Gaelio wasn't fighting for or against her).
An important difference is the boy longed to follow the Piper, while Gaelio rejected McGillis because he schemed to kill him and his friends.
The Piper's other name, the Ratcatcher? Tekkadan are space rats?
Also McGillis's true name Montag, presumably his surname before Iznario's adoption, is German for Monday, hinting at his heritage, and the Piper is a German story (obviously).
The Pied Piper is a legend that originated in the Middle Ages, and Gjallarhorn's leadership, ideology and overall aesthetic is reminiscent of that.
There is a version of the story that the Piper will return in 300 years. Which he did not do, but 300 years? McGillis, the self-proclaimed successor to Agnika Kaieru after 300 years?
I can't be bothered to write a separate piece on Gaelio's legs so I should also mention that Vidar, the Norse god defeats Fenrir by stepping on his lower jaw with his shoe made from all the collected pieces of leather people cut from their own shoes, and grabbing his upper jaw and ripping him apart at the mouth.
Vidar's special shoes are like how Gaelio says he’s carrying all the wishes of Carta and Ein, and the AVS Type-E also serves as his literal feet. (Also he wears very striking white thigh-high boots that are very hot. What they're not is part of the Gjallarhorn uniform, just to make this connection, in addition to exacting revenge in style.)
In many carvings, Vidar is shown stabbing Fenrir through the heart also, and Gaelio/Kimaris Vidar defeats McGillis by pinning him against the Arianrhod flagship and stabbing him/Bael through the torso.
Proposed origins of the Pied Piper
Now obviously there was no piper guy dressed in goofy clothes that stole all the children of a town with magic music. There are several theories about what the legend is based on. This has nothing to do with IBO anymore and I just thought it was fun so feel free to stop reading if you don't agree.
Plague: According to this theory, all the children died because of illness and the place they went to is a mass grave. The Piper's many-colored clothing represents the sores and discoloration of skin of those who contracted the illness, and he is the personification of the plague/death. Rats are carriers of fleas, which spread the plague. 1284 is a bit too early for the Bubonic Plague (Black Death) though, so it may have been something else.
Emigration: The emigration theory suggests that much of the people of Hamelin moved to eastern Europe in search of better opportunities as only the eldest son had inheritance and the others could only be serfs. In this theory, "children of Hamelin" are not actual children, and it's just a figure of speech to say they were of a certain place. This correlates with some versions where the Piper and the children he took were sighted in Transylvania.
Human trafficking/the Children's Crusades: In these two theories the Piper is the recruiter/trafficker and the story was made up by the town to please their officials.
Dancing mania: There have been records of dancing mania in about the same time period in the surrounding region, and children were among the affected. Dancing mania can sometimes result in death due to exhaustion. It was originally attributed to a curse by a saint (St. John or St. Vitus) and you had to pray to them to lift the curse. Modern explanations for dancing mania are neurological disorders or collective mental disorders.
Pagan ritual: supposedly the pipe music and dancing children are part of this ritual that took place in the mountains, and the children died from a landslide or similar accident.
"You're reading way too much into Gaelio's one line" no actually I am reading exactly the right amount into it and everyone else isn't reading into it enough
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lioriel · 11 months
Day Thirty: Noble Fugitive
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alexglitches · 2 months
Ldb,host Yuu!
It happened after Yuu (or yune) had a really bad day dealing with the work Crowley gave him, Grimm's egoism,and all the shit the NRC students and some housewardend give him that he just go to ramshackle and has a severe mental breakdown (like Azula from ATLA) and then lady bone, feeling the grief and how unstable yune was become she take advantage and offers the boy be her host exchange the power and respect that the most of NRC refuses give him
Yune,on his unstable mental state accepts with a sad smile and teary eyes
ohoho anon this is good!
the whole lady bone demon thing happens before twst, they get transported there when they’re still healing from the possession
but having her ghost possess them again is MAJOR ANGST and I’m so here for it >:)
it starts off slowly, with Yune feeling a coldness in their chest and shivering ever so often, and for a while they think they have a cold, so the teachers let them off easy for a bit to rest up
doesn’t work
then they start hearing a ringing in their ear, and the coldness intensifies, they start growing in white hair and their eyes turn a brighter shade of blue
and that’s when they panic
the lady bone demon then takes the opportunity to possess them AGAIN while they’re vulnerable and successfully disguises as Yune and she begins waltzing around like everything is fine
the only ones who really know are the ghosts, but they’re too terrified of her powers to even think about speaking up against her
and for a while, everything is normal
Grim starts to calm down a bit and become less egotistical and everyone takes that as him finally going soft for Yune
nope, lady bone demon just possessed him too, much like what she did with the mayor
(fun fact: the grim possession idea was part of a twst x lmk headcanons thing that never saw the light of day outside of wips XD)
and it isn’t until the final overblot is complete that she finally reveals her true intentions
she’s been spending her entire time possessing Yune as a way to rebuild her legacy and bring about this worlds true destiny by giving it a clean slate
• • • and that’s all i got :)
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katlimeart · 1 year
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Made in 2023
If you’ve seen this anywhere else, I posted it back on my deviantArt when it was made.
Mario girls cosplaying as the Princesses from Simsala Grimm (The Twelve Princesses)
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