#Love how dedicated passionate and ambitious he is
Starlo's personality
I'm still confused about this man's 'true self,' gotta admit. How much of 'himself' IS there in 'North Star'?
What we know about real Star:
He's a nerd/geek obsessed with westerns; that's where he got the inspiration to build WE
He looks different than with the hat on and used to wear braces
Was shy in his teenage years around Ceroba (no idea how he acted normally) + couldn't confess to her
His mom (after killing him) says how he's never been the one to follow rules. I wonder what she meant by that. Rules, like, you're supposed to hate humans like everyone else or rules, like, no sneaking off to practice your shooting and lasso skills? Both?
Ed describes the 'old him' as a fearless leader and as a monster who could 'make his own fun in the little things' (you mean he used to be more humble but at the same time remained an ambitious risk-taker?)
Is insecure about where he comes from and what he looks like
We don't have enough info to know what he was like as a kid. I'm curious if absolutely everything about North Star is the opposite of Starlo (I don't think it is); both are kind and protective. Still, I can't help but wonder if the Starlo after Showdown, in both routes, is the real him or not. Maybe 50% yes and 50% no
Just from the end credits, the only thing I got about him was that he's kind and friendly and optimistic and charming (North Star is this way too, but more exaggerated). Nothing new
So maybe Starlo IS North Star, but more modest (aka not as exaggerated)
I'm curious about your thoughts guys.
Also I forgot to mention how he wanted to plan a PARTY for Kanako, in neutral says that the PARTY in the saloon was great (and the letter he sent was pretty charming), wants to accompany Ceroba in the Steamworks, is open about how he feels (immediately openly confronts Ceroba and calls her out; he's assertive), not afraid to get physical if it means protecting Clover & Martlet, can be pretty loud (like when he spotted Clover after sparing him in neutral, he was like "DEPUTY!!!"
I'm left wondering if all this is the real him or not. I think it is. Just maybe toned down a bit :) It's the only explanation for the fact he's been doing all this for a really long time and never showing signs of wanting to stop/that it exhausted him
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slytherinslut0 · 5 months
hey can you please do tom x hufflepuff reader hcs??
Tom Riddle x Hufflepuff!Reader headcanons.
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(A/N: idk how this ended up being so long. i got carried away. i love tom. i love his complexity. i could write about him forever. anyways, enjoy:))
tom riddle and a hufflepuff reader would be damn near polar opposites, and there are a few reasons why i say this->
tom is a very reserved man, yet undoubtedly driven by an ambitious and power-hungry nature, always seeking dominance and control in every aspect of his life.
hufflepuffs, on the other hand, are known for their kindness, their loyalty, prioritizing the well-being of others over personal ambition.
tom riddle is the type of man who is not afraid to deceive others for personal gain, while hufflepuffs value fairness and honesty in each of their interactions.
not to mention how tom is emotionally restrained, rarely displaying vulnerability or empathy, while hufflepuffs are known for being emotionally open and expressing genuine care/understanding for others.
i believe tom would be rather annoyed by hufflepuffs, perhaps even put off by their loud, outgoing nature, but i also feel as though he would respect them more than other houses because they are known for being more by-the-book.
i believe this pairing would be WONDERFUL for him, and i’d imagine it’d go a little like this->
perhaps you and tom would be involuntarily paired up for an assignment, an unlikely collaboration that tom figured would be an easy mark for him.
originally, he’d find himself irritated by your constant cheerful and optimistic nature; finding it rather absurd that you weren’t at all fazed by his cold, cunning attitude.
there’d definitely be initial clashes between the two of you, disagreements of methods, but tom would find himself stunned as you met every one of his suggestions with a positive, passionate attitude, not daring to get discouraged or frustrated with him.
your unwavering optimism would be shocking to him. especially in the face of his calculated cynicism. it’d be then, that tom would be astonished by your dedication and genuine passion for learning, a rare quality to obtain.
his initial cold, guarded demeanour would slowly begin to fade.
tom would find himself beginning to pay more attention to you, his curiosity extending to outside the confines of the classroom.
he’d begin to wonder if your genuine kindness is truly authentic or merely a manipulation tactic, leading him to question the sincerity of your character.
which he’d only question because that’s the way his mind works.
he’d never known someone so open and genuine like you. he’d convince himself you had ulterior motives.
however, tom would quickly observe that your authenticity extended universally, and was not just directed at him.
your small acts of kindness and interactions with strangers became evident, and he’d witness your unwavering positivity even in the most challenging situations.
he’d notice how thoughtful you are, how you’d spend your free time maintaining the Owlery, ensuring it’s well-kept and sanitary.
he’d watch you from a distance as you continually brought the owls food and water, giving them attention and love which was something you did upon your own accord, without expecting any compensation.
it became clear to him that you did these things because you genuinely loved to do them, not because you wanted praise for it. and at this, tom was completely taken aback.
your radiant smile, capable of lighting up any room, would become a revelation to him, leaving him puzzled about how he initially overlooked this aspect of your character for all those years.
it’d be here that inner turmoil would begin to brew within tom as he’d have no choice but to acknowledge your ability to see the good within everything and everyone, and especially within him. something not many people are capable of.
as time passed, you couldn't help but notice a gradual softening in him.
during your collaborative sessions on the assignment, he became more receptive to your ideas, actively seeking your thoughts.
surprisingly, he started engaging in conversations beyond the project, asking about your day and exhibiting small changes in his demeanour that were entirely new to you.
tom was breaking, his walls slowly being chipped away by your infectious smile and enthusiasm.
the unexplainable shift in his perspective both intrigued and unsettled him, as you became the catalyst for awakening emotions he never believed he could feel.
he’d try to fight back, he’d try to get himself together, but it was useless. you were in his head, and there was no getting you out.
however, given the fact that tom struggles with showing even the smallest amounts of vulnerability, he’d try to be as subtle as possible with his interest in you. hoping that you’d eventually catch on.
perhaps he’d begin with small gestures, like gifting you a book on rare and beautiful magical creatures, saying that he noticed it in the library and thought of you, believing you might like it.
it would not go unnoticed by you just how considerate this was, and just how much he’d begun to take awareness of your interests.
you found yourself engrossed in the book, a sight that never failed to bring a subtle smile to tom’s face whenever he spotted you across the hall.
observing you immersed in the pages made him quietly content, often requiring a conscious effort on his part to break himself free from the captivation.
his brain would be screaming, “what the hell am i doing?” but he wouldn’t be able to deny just how much he loved seeing you enthralled by the gift.
the feeling was intoxicating, and wholly unfamiliar; he needed more. he needed to do more.
perhaps the next move he’d make would be to gift you a rare enchanted plant, after having noted your love for herbology.
he’d present the plant to you in a subtle way, saying that he’d found it while taking a stroll through the forest and thought you’d like it.
he’d go into details about its properties, its rarity and how to effectively take care of it, even though he knew you already knew all of this.
he knew you absolutely loved the fact that he cared for these plants just as much as you did. this was all part of his plan.
and of course, at this point, you’d have the hunch that he was into you; but being as perceptive and intuitive as you are, you’d know that pestering tom or trying to force him to admit feelings would be useless.
the man moves at his own pace.
so instead, you’d invite him to join you as you cleaned the Owlery, wanting to spend more time with him. the two of you would gradually become closer and closer, tom’s harsh demeanour fading away with the wind with each passing day.
and even still, tom hardly made any advances. tom hardly wanted to put himself in a vulnerable position. he wanted to be sure you wanted him before he ever revealed his intentions.
if he was touchy with you, he’d never insinuate it was because he’s into you. he’d kiss you on the cheek after walking you back to your dorm for the night, and then act like nothing ever happened in the morning.
and this might have annoyed some, but not you.
you understood that this is how tom was, and you admired him for it. you were entirely understanding. you wanted him to open up on his own terms, and you were willing to wait for him.
eventually, tom knew he couldn’t hold back his feelings anymore. he knew he needed to make you his. he knew he’d do fucking anything.
and this feeling would only multiply as he spotted you across the courtyard, speaking to a boy from your house.
your smile was glowing, your laugh was radiating, and the feeling this sight inspired inside tom’s heart could have been enough to ignite the entire castle into pure fucking flame.
whatever he was doing at this moment didn’t matter anymore, he only had one objective in mind.
making you his.
without waiting for you to finish your conversation, he’d interrupt, stating he needed to speak to you.
you’d smile, sensing his urgency, and follow him over to the far side of the courtyard, looking out at the breathtaking view of the faraway valleys and mountains.
as soon as tom was content with your seclusion, he’d cup the back of your head and crash his lips to yours, kissing you with enough fervour to make up for all the days and weeks and months he’d wished he’d have made a proper move.
pulling back, he’d meet your eyes. “i need you to be mine,” he’d whisper, as though the words scared him. “you’ve made me feel things i’ve never known possible, you’ve broken me down without effort. you are the most beautiful, genuine woman i’ve ever met, and i have been falling in love with you for months…i can’t hide it anymore, i need you…”
the words would be music to your ears, the joy unfathomable.
of course, you’d be his.
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yuujispinkhair · 5 months
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Sin for Me
You know that dating Yakuza King Sukuna means he is often busy with work until late at night. But that doesn't mean you can't drive to his fancy downtown office and take his mind off work, at least for a little while. -> This is part of my Blog Anniversary Event (closed). @skunaskitten requested "Sin for Me" by TWNTYFOUR & 7INK. Omg babe, thank you so much for requesting Yakuza!Sukuna!! I miss him so much, and this song is so sexy and fits him so well!!
Pairing: Yakuza!Sukuna x Reader (female) Genre: smut + fluff Word Count: 1.5k Warnings: 18+, smut, sex in Sukuna's office, dirty talk, creampie, daddy-kink. This story is set in my Yakuza!Sukuna Universe, but you don't need to read that to understand what is going on. Sukuna is the Oyabun of one of Tokyo's most powerful Yakuza clans, and reader is in an established relationship with him. All characters are of age. This story is 18+. Minors don't interact.
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Your heart flutters as you stride down the large hallway of the fancy downtown office. It's long after sunset, the city is wrapped in night, a million little glittering lights lighting it up. And you feel on fire as you approach the heavy wooden double door at the end of the hallway.
The door to the office of the King of Tokyo's underworld. Sukuna's door.
Your man, your lover, your whole world since you met him.
Sukuna is a busy man, always giving his all and always so passionate about everything he does. So intense. He is still in his fancy office at eleven p.m., going through his documents, maybe preparing a new contract, or maybe signing someone's death sentence disguised as a business e-mail.
And you were feeling rather lonely in his penthouse, all alone, sitting on the luxurious leather couch, watching TV, and waiting for Sukuna to come home.
You know he doesn't do it to anger you. He would never do that. But he tends to forget about the time when he is busy with work. And a man like Sukuna has a lot of business to deal with. He is the King, after all.
You can't deny that it's incredibly sexy how dedicated he is to his work. Passionate and ambitious. Just like he is in bed.
But enough is enough. You are here now to take Sukuna's mind off work.
You feel exhilarated, a mix of adrenaline and lust pumping through your veins as you push open the double door to Sukuna's office. You can feel the sinful caress of the red lace lingerie you are wearing beneath the luxurious black coat.
Everything you wear was bought by Sukuna in the fancy designer boutiques of the city. The city that belongs to him.
You are already ruining those expensive panties, already so wet just at the thought of the Yakuza King's maroon gaze traveling over your body.
He is sitting at his mahogany desk, a glass of vodka in front of him, his suit jacket abandoned, his black tie loosened, the upper buttons of his red dress shirt open, revealing some of his buff chest and the sexy tattoos that mark him as the King of Tokyo's underworld.
A pair of beautiful maroon eyes lands on you. An elegant eyebrow gets raised. An amused smirk lifts one corner of soft pink lips.
"Decided to provide me some company, my love?"
You smile at him while your heart beats wildly in your chest.
"Yes, I couldn't let you be here all stressed and alone, could I?"
You lick your lips nervously as you slowly unbutton your coat and then let it slip off your shoulder and fall to the floor, revealing your red lace lingerie to Sukuna's hungry gaze.
His smirk grows bigger. He lets go of the pen he was holding and leans back in his leather chair, maroon eyes never leaving yours as he says,
"Then come over here, angel, and sin for me."
You smile at him and start walking toward him, but his low, velvety voice stops you,
"Uh uh, not like that. Take it all off for me. Be a good girl for Daddy. Leave those panties on the floor."
You can feel your pulse even in your pussy, wild and excited, so turned on by being here in Sukuna's office late at night, the nightly city twinkling outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the King's eyes on you, knowing he wants you. And you are eager to please him, eager to obey his every command.
Sukuna looks like a sexy devil, sipping his vodka while watching you, his cat-like eyes trailing slowly over your body as you slip out of the lacey bra, moaning softly when you feel the air brush over your naked tits. You look at Sukuna with your heart racing as you let your hands slide down your sides, hooking your fingers in the luxurious fabric of your red panties.
Your breath quickens, and Sukuna's eyes flicker to yours.
"Yes, just like that, my good girl. Take them off. Show me your pretty pussy."
You feel light-headed with those maroon eyes on you as you push down your panties, letting them drop to the floor before you step out of them, leaving them behind as you slowly make your way to Sukuna's desk.
He watches you with his burning gaze, taking you in as if you are his prey or the most beautiful thing he has ever laid his eyes upon. Maybe both at the same time.
You are so wet for him, so aroused by the situation, pussy creaming up so much that you feel it on your thighs as you slowly walk over to Sukuna.
The moment you have reached him, his strong hands grab your hips and pull you on his lap. You gasp, so turned on by being in his lap like this, wet and completely naked while he is still fully clothed, smirking at you like the devil that he is, his large hands so warm on your bare skin, his thumbs gently caressing your hips, making lust pool in your stomach.
But he isn't just the devil. He is also your lover, your man. His lips capture yours in a kiss that's equally passionate and tender.
Your voice comes out as a needy whimper when one of his hands slips between your spread legs to rub your wet swollen clit slowly, making your hips buck against him, smearing your cream all over his luxurious black suit pants.
You can hear the smile in his sexy voice when he says,
"Yeah, kitten?"
"I want to make you feel good… please… let me.. let me take your mind off work."
"I know, sweetheart, I know. And I guarantee you that you are very successful in your mission. I can't even remember what work is."
Sukuna pulls away from your lips to grin at you while his right-hand rubs those delicious slow circles around your clit, and his left hand opens his belt and pants. You moan softly when he frees his fat long cock, so gorgeous, so perfect, and all yours.
He gives it a few lazy pumps while he looks at you through his long black lashes,
"Come sit on my cock. Ride Daddy until every last trace of stress leaves his body."
His maroon eyes sparkle at you, his low voice soft like a caress, velvety and full of desire, as you gulp hard and lift yourself up enough to position your soaked, twitching pussy over Sukuna's swollen cockhead, slowly lowering yourself onto him, gasping when you feel his thick tip splitting you open.
You cry out softly when you sit down completely on him, taking his whole hard length into you, so deep, so perfect, making you feel so full. Your head is spinning, clit pulsing wildly. You could so easily get lost in pleasure. But you remind yourself why you are here. To take care of Sukuna, to help him de-stress, to help him forget about work. To spoil his gorgeous cock until he can't think anymore.
You lift yourself up again, moaning at the feeling of that veiny cock gliding through your wet heat. Your hands link behind Sukuna's neck, fingertips caressing the stubble of his undercut, and you look deeply into his eyes, gasping, when you sink down again, taking his gorgeous cock all the way into you again, clenching your hot cunt around him.
The low groan falling from Sukuna's lips is all the reassurance you need.
You moan his name as you bounce on his fat cock, riding the King thoroughly on his fancy office chair, taking him in so deep anytime you sink down on his lap again. Clenching around his fat cock, pleasuring him with your wet, hot cunt, spoiling his gorgeous cock like he deserves after a hard day at work.
Sukuna's large hands are on your naked ass cheeks, kneading them softly but not doing anything else, letting you take control, giving himself to you. Letting you ride him and take care of him just like you said you would.
His lips trail over your tits which jiggle in front of his face. His teeth graze over your hardened nipples, tongue flicking over them, making you cry out in lust.
And your horny cries get joined by Sukuna's low moans as he lets his head fall back against his leather chair, hands tightening on your ass, muscular tighs flexing beneath you as you feel his orgasm approach.
"Ah! Yes!! Oh Kuna, please cum in me, Daddy!"
A low growl escapes his lips as his eyes close and his hips buck, impaling you deeply on his gorgeous fat length. You can feel him cum in you, can feel his cock throb in you, shooting his hot seed into you in several strong bursts.
And you are spurred on by Sukuna's orgasm, riding him so sweetly through it, milking Sukuna's cock lovingly until he has given you every last drop of his hot seed. Fucking all the stress out of him. Serving the King of Tokyo's underworld like only you can.
You tumble over the edge a second later, crying out Sukuna's name loudly as your pussy shudders around him, and your cream gushes onto his cock and his fine suit pants, giving him your all too.
His large hands knead your ass gently as he slowly rolls his hips, fucking you through your orgasm, his lips claiming yours in another passionate kiss, kissing your lips and licking your tongue until your pussy stops spasming around his gorgeous cock.
Sukuna doesn't let go of you even when you pull away from your long kiss. His strong hands are sprawled over your hips, keeping you in place right where he wants you, on his lap, on his cock.
The nightly city is glittering beautifully outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, but you only have eyes for Sukuna. He looks so beautiful, his hair slightly ruffled from your fingers running through it, his maroon eyes filled with love, and his handsome face relaxed.
The smile on his face is so attractive and boyish that it makes butterflies flutter in your stomach. A soft laugh escapes his lips before he tells you in that warm, velvety voice,
"Thank you, my love, for helping me take the edge off after such a stressful day. You're so good for Daddy."
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AAAHHH YAKUZA KING SUKUNA MY LOVE!!! It was so comforting to write for him again after such a long time!! Thank you so much for requesting him!! I hope he made you happy too 💗
Comments and reblogs would be sweet!!
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blue-mood-blue · 6 months
I’ve grown to appreciate the aus where Shen Yuan enters the story as “Shen Yuan” - same name, probably similar face, generally able to interact with PIDW as himself and change the story through his added presence. I like the sense of “if only you’d been here, things might have been better the first time around” of it all.
And I was thinking, it’s a funny coincidence in that scenario that someone named Shen Yuan gets put into… another Shen Yuan. What are the chances? What a weird twist of fate that Airplane would pick out the name that his most dedicated critic could slip into seamlessly.
What about a version where it’s not coincidence at all?
Airplane goes to school with a kid named Shen Yuan. He’s prickly and hard to approach and a little intense, but Airplane is persistent. In fairness, Airplane is relentless - and maybe it’s a good thing that they end up being friends, because they’re a little too much for anyone else to handle. They balance each other out. They’re the “weird kids” in class and they’re okay with that, because even when they don’t have any words for it, they know they’re not like their classmates, not really. That’s okay; they don’t want to be.
Recesses and breaks are consumed with the elaborate stories that Airplane wants to tell, and all the holes Shen Yuan pokes into them. It’s not mean-spirited, though, even though Shen Yuan isn’t the kind to temper his words. It’s passionate. He cares about those stories the way Airplane cares about them, and it can’t be mistaken for anything else when they lean together conspiratorially across the lunchroom table. They’ve both got notebooks filled with details and characters and monsters. Shen Yuan’s practically got a whole bestiary sketched out in wobbly childhood attempts at art, entries fervently scrawled beside them. Airplane prattles out plots nonstop, always with the promise of shining eyes and being asked “what happens next?”
They come up with a whole world together. Airplane’s going to write about it someday. Shen Yuan is going to read every word.
Shen Yuan misses school. Shen Yuan starts missing school a lot.
Airplane goes to the hospital room instead. He doesn’t think to worry, because Shen Yuan is okay - that’s what he says. He looks okay, and he’s a kid, and it doesn’t feel real that anything bad should happen to a kid. He doesn’t think to worry. He doesn’t think to say goodbye.
It’s one of the older Shen brothers who catches him on the way up to the room one day, in the hallway just outside - snaps at him to go the fuck home, and when Airplane hesitates, pushes him into the elevator and tells him not to come back. “Tells” is a generous way to describe the way the words come out - a growl, a hiss, the sound an animal would make when a hand got too close to a wound.
(It’s not fair to name a villain after him, even if the name never really comes up in the story. He wasn’t trying to be mean. He’d lost a brother minutes before, and he was getting his brother’s friend out of the way so he didn’t have to… see. It isn’t fair, but then, none of it is fair.)
Death feels very real after that.
The notebooks get shoved into a closet, and it’s not until Airplane’s moving out and one falls on him from a high shelf that he thinks about it again. He’s written things, lots of things, but nothing as ambitious as this - nothing as important. It could be good, he considers. He’d promised. Shen Yuan wanted to read it.
The problem was that no one else does, not for a long time, not until Airplane has whittled himself and his art into a corner and into such an unfamiliar shape that he has to wonder how it’s still his own face he sees in the mirror. He has to eat. He has to pay rent. Shen Yuan would yell at him, but Shen Yuan isn’t there to yell at him, and who cares. Who cares if it could have been better? The people who actually are here love it, and it’s paying his bills, and sometimes stories don’t go the way they’re supposed to and the world is fucking unfair. It doesn’t matter.
(It does. But he shoves that thought away along with styrofoam cups and soda bottles to the bottom of a garbage bag.)
Authors are not gods and their power is limited, but Airplane exercises just a sliver of what he’s been granted and gifts an inconsequential sort of immortality. He thinks about making him a rogue cultivator, maybe the kind that goes around documenting beasts and compiling his findings. He thinks about making him someone too powerful for death to touch, or too important to threaten, but when Airplane looks at the world he crafted and everything that’s become of it, it feels like the kindest thing he can do for Shen Yuan is a childhood where he’s loved, and a death that’s peaceful. What does it say about that world, that he’d kill off his best friend too early again instead of making him live there?
(The best writing he ever does is the only, shining moment of humanity that his scum villain ever displays: a lament about death that comes too early, about a brother gone too soon. The commenters praise him. The commenters flatter over how real the emotions feel. The commenters don’t get any response from Airplane on that chapter.)
Death is incredibly real when it comes for him too early, too, still hovering over his keyboard with the story technically finished and incredibly incomplete. Airplane could tell himself that’s because the written version can never be the version in the writer’s head, always shifting and with every possibility still on the table, but he knows better than that. The System knows better than that, with its condescending message about “improving” his writing and “closing plot holes” and “achieving his original vision”...
…and he’s a child again. He’s a child in his own story, he’s Shang Qinghua now without the benefit yet of a peak or cultivation or anything, and maybe he’s a little bitter, and a little scared, and…
And Shen Yuan - with longer hair, with robes, with a couple of older kids watching him from across the street, but undeniably the prickly little boy who used to sit down imperiously across from him and tell him everything that was wrong with the chuck of writing that had been handed to him last period, but with that smile that said he was only invested because he knew it could be better and they were going to make it better - marches up to him with a fire in his eyes and a frown that warns of a coming tirade.
“You told it wrong,” is the first thing he says.
Shang Qinghua wants to ask how him how he’s here, how this is possible, or maybe laugh because, yeah - yeah, Shen Yuan has no goddamn idea how wrong he got absolutely everything.
(Shang Qinghua wants to say “I missed you” and “why did you leave so soon” but he’s here now. He’s right here.)
“I know,” he says instead. “I’m sorry. It all kind of… spiraled out of control.”
Shen Yuan frowns, but then it dissipates the way it always does, and his eyes shine with ideas the way they always used to. “That’s okay,” he relents, grabbing for his hand. “We’ll fix it. We’ll make it what it was supposed to be.”
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venusiancharisma · 2 months
Cult Classics vs Astro Notes
Which Cult Classic film would you be, based on your sign? You can look to your big 3, in terms of moon sign being your emotional state, rising would be the film you're perceived as, and sun would be most relateable... this is meant to be fun, so ENJOY <33
Aries - "Fight Club" (1999): An intense, adrenaline-fueled journey of self-discovery and rebellion against societal norms.
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Taurus - "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory" (1971): A story that indulges in the senses and teaches the value of practicality and appreciation.
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Gemini - "Pulp Fiction" (1994): A fast-paced, witty, and multi-faceted narrative with clever dialogue and unexpected twists.
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Cancer - "The Breakfast Club" (1985): An emotional exploration of the complexities of relationships and the importance of understanding and empathy.
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Leo - "Moulin Rouge!" (2001): A passionate, dramatic, and visually stunning tale of love, creativity, and self-expression.
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Virgo - "Inception" (2010): An intricate, layered puzzle that requires precision, analysis, and problem-solving skills to navigate.
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Libra - "The Royal Tenenbaums" (2001): A quirky, aesthetically pleasing story that explores the dynamics of relationships and the pursuit of harmony and balance.
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Scorpio - "Donnie Darko" (2001): A dark, mysterious, and psychologically intense journey that delves into the depths of the human psyche.
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Sagittarius - "Into the Wild" (2007): An adventurous, philosophical quest for meaning, truth, and freedom beyond societal constraints.
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Capricorn - "The Godfather" (1972): A powerful, ambitious, and strategic narrative that explores themes of loyalty, tradition, and the pursuit of success.
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Aquarius - "The Matrix" (1999): A revolutionary, mind-bending story that questions reality and champions individuality and innovation.
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Pisces - "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" (2004): A surreal, emotionally profound exploration of love, memories, and the blurring of fantasy and reality.
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These pairings are based on the general characteristics and themes associated with each zodiac sign, and how they align with the central ideas, motifs, and tones of the respective cult classic films.
Aries - John Bender (The Breakfast Club): Bender embodies the rebellious, independent spirit of Aries. He challenges authority figures and social norms, refusing to conform to the expectations placed upon him.
Taurus - The Dude (The Big Lebowski): The Dude's laid-back, pleasure-seeking lifestyle and his appreciation for the simple things in life align with the Taurus vibe.
Gemini - Ferris Bueller (Ferris Bueller's Day Off): Ferris's quick wit, adaptability, and ability to talk his way out of any situation are classic Gemini traits.
Cancer - Amélie Poulain (Amélie): Amélie's emotional depth, creativity, and desire to help others from behind the scenes reflect the nurturing, imaginative nature of Cancer.
Leo - Margo Channing (All About Eve): Margo's dramatic flair, confidence, and commanding presence on stage and in life embody the Leo spirit.
Virgo - Clarice Starling (The Silence of the Lambs): Clarice's intelligence, attention to detail, and dedication to her work as an FBI agent reflect Virgo's analytical and perfectionistic nature.
Libra - Cher Horowitz (Clueless): Cher's charm, social graces, and desire to create harmony and balance in her world align with the Libra archetype.
Scorpio - Lisbeth Salander (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo): Lisbeth's intensity, mysterious aura, and ability to delve into the dark corners of the human psyche reflect the depth and power of Scorpio.
Sagittarius - Buckaroo Banzai (The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension):Buckaroo Banzai is a true Renaissance man, embodying the Sagittarius traits of versatility, curiosity, and the pursuit of knowledge across multiple disciplines. He is a neurosurgeon, particle physicist, rock star, and adventurer all in one.
Capricorn - Michael Corleone (The Godfather): Michael's ambition, strategic thinking, and commitment to family and tradition align with the Capricorn archetype.
Aquarius - Neo (The Matrix): Neo's journey to question reality, break free from societal norms, and champion individuality and innovation reflects the Aquarius spirit.
Pisces - Edward Scissorhands (Edward Scissorhands): Edward's emotional sensitivity, creativity, and struggle to find his place in the world while maintaining his unique identity align with the Pisces nature.
These character-zodiac pairings are based on the dominant traits and themes associated with each sign, and how they are embodied by the respective cult classic main characters. Keep in mind that this is a subjective interpretation, and there could be various other characters that also represent each zodiac sign in their own unique ways.
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Random romance headcanons for the Lin Kuei Brothers
what do they search on a partner, how are dates with them, that sort of stuff
I tried to make this headcanons as accurate to what i think these characters would do canonlly
(I accidentally posted my draft but now i finished it, still learning how to write and use tumblr)
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Kuai Liang/Scorpion
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>Kuai Liang is an honourable grandmaster, he puts humbleness and passion over other traits. he is looking for someone with honour, kind and selfless, with the will to complete their goals, without sacrificing anyone in the process
>he prefers a peaceful person, one that he can spend quiet and tranquil nights with, he is a quiet person himself, he loves soft and peaceful chats, your voice calms him down and talking to you is the perfect way for him to distress
>he doesn't mind if you are in the Shirai Ryu or not, but he will consider you as a valuable ally to his clan, a loyal and truthful counselor, but it will sweep him off his feet if you decide to help him and the Shirai Ryu with their goals
>dates with him are difficult to have, he is the grandmaster of the Shirai Ryu, he often goes on missions or stays up late doing tasks or errands for the clan, training his initiates and ninjas too, Kuai Liang has little time for himself, but when he does he spends it with you, most likely in bed talking and staying up late playing with your hair, he loves late night talks with you, it soothing and comforting for him
>as for gifts, he will gift you meaningful things, he can gift you flowers or beautiful jewelry with gemstones and every single one has their own meaning, if he misses you he will send you forget-me-nots which means that he doesn't want you to forget about him or if he comes back to you after a long mission he will bring lilies of the valley with him, because it means the return of his happiness. he uses his gifts to communicate his feelings
>Kuai Liang is not really a jealous man, he acknowledges his negative feelings and doesn't let them get in his head, he is not one to do any sudden act or dramatic scene out of jealousy, he will talk to you about his feelings, try and make you understand why he feels the way he does, i picture him as the most emotionally mature out of his brothers
>he doesn't like PDA, he is a grandmaster and tries to maintain a honourable and diplomatic image, not that his love for you is not honourable its just he doesn't want others to see him being vulnerable to you, his vulnerability is a side of him that only his loved ones know of, specially you, and he likes to keep it that way, he secretly loves the fact that only you can tear down all his walls and see him when he is most vulnerable
>he makes it up to you when you finally get time alone, he will hold you tight and whispers sweet words in you ears, he will kiss your jawline and temple between his words, and so sweetly too, he will reassure any doubt you have, comfort your feelings, ease down your anxiety, to wash down any negative feeling you feel, he doesn't mind being the one to hold you or comfort you, he feels happy to be the one to spoil you
>a relationship with Kuai Liang its something that keeps you yearning for him, to have more time with him, he is so close and yet out of reach because of his duties as a grandmaster, but he does his best to return home safe to you,
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>Bi-Han is a disciplined, cold and ambitious person, he doesn't mind making sacrifices to accomplish his goals. he wants a person that is decisive and disciplined like him by his side
>he wants a partner that is decisive, confident and determinated. a person that is fully capable of giving orders, he wants a partner that will join and lead the Lin Kuei alongside him, like his father and mother did. to him having a partner means working in a team to accomplish both your goals
>he wants you to join the Lin Kuei, he thinks if you are going to dedicate and expend the rest of your life with him you'll need to become a member of the Lin Kuei, it means that you are dedicated and loyal to him, alongside his goals and aspirations, he sees it as a sign of not only respect but devotion and love aswell
>if dates with Kuai Liang are rare, is even worse with Bi-Han, he is as busy as Kuai Liang if not more, he is busy even late at night, he comes to bed in midnight, if you fall asleep before his arrival, he will prepare himself for bed and cuddle with you, even if he won't admit it he loves having you close, its his way of apologizing for having little time for you. if you stay awake to wait for him it would make his cold heart flutter but he will scold you, saying that your need for proper rest comes before him, and you shouldn't sacrifice it for him
>Bi-Han is not much of giving you gifts out of emotions, but out of necessity and need, he will keep an eye on you, do you need hygiene products? Health care products? Skin care products? He has you covered, he will sent his men to bring you everything you need, or what you say you need, he demonstrates his love by taking care of your necessities
>Bi-Han is not a jealous man either but he is protective, overprotective even, if Sektor or any other Lin Kuei tries to convince you to participate in the Cyber Lin Kuei project Bi-Han will tell cut them off immediately, and coldly scold them, he doesn't want you to be involved in overly dangerous Lin Kuei business. you will rule by his side, aid him, share victories and glory with him, but he will never let you make the same sacrifices he or other Lin Kuei members do, you are too important to him to let you
>no PDA, like never, he hates being vulnerable in general terms but more so in public, he wants to keep a cold and intimidating exterior, he is the grandmaster of the Lin Kuei, and he wants others to respect him, being it out of fear or admiration, he doesn't want others to see that you are his soft spot either, he fears people may use you against him
>even when you are alone, it is difficult for Bi-Han to let down his walls and fall apart in your arms, sience he was little he thought feelings like vulnerability made him weak, so he pushed these feelings aside, he thought it was the best for him, but thankfully he is slowly healing from that, you are making him heal, teaching him to be vulnerable to you, because you will never take advantage of him in this state
>being in a relationship with Bi-Han is rather hard, like with Kuai Liang being grandmaster has its duties, and they are heavy, plus his trauma doesn't help eiter, but if you manage to see pass and help him heal, step by step he will finally let you see that he is actually very devoted to you, he will do anything for you, he will kill for you if you needed, he would bring the world on their knees for you if you asked him to, he doesn't mind sacrificing anything or anyone to make you happy, because you make his cold heart beat with passion again
Tomas Vrbada/Smoke
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>Tomas is one of the most kindest soul out of the mortal kombat characters, he emerged of his tragedies as a genuine and caring person. he is looking for someone as kind as him, he doesn't like petty, rude or troublesome people
>he is attracted to kindness, compassion, humbleness and anything between those lines, he doesn't mind if you are loud or quiet, shy or confident, introverted or extrovert, as long as your actions are good and honourable ones and you treat people right
>don't ever expect expensive gifts or dates from him, he is a humble person, he belives love relies on thought itself, he can bring you a couple of flowers he picked off the ground because they reminded him of you or just write you a letter of how he feels about you, even if his gifts are small he gives them to you with all his heart
>like his brothers, he doesn't have that much time with all the tasks he has because of the Shirai Ryu, training his initiates or going on missions, but he always tries to make time for you, and when he does he prefers dates at home or places where there is little to no people, he also prefers when you two make the food together, so cooking with you or going to picnics with you are his favourite type of dates, he also loves stargazing with you
>Tomas is not a jealous person most of the time, he often tries to ignore the feeling, but if it affects him too much he would get self-conscious and insecure, probably trying to avoid you while he cleans his thoughts, he thinks his jealousy is immature of his part, you need to reassure him and validate his feelings because no one ever really did that for him
>he is not big on PDA, does more than his brothers thought, he can hold your hand, hug you or compliment you in public, but nothing pass that. he doesn't like when people see you two being so vulnerable and loving, the love you two feel are just for you both, no one else. he also doesn't like the idea of other gossiping about your demonstrations of affection, he thinks it will give you trouble and he doesn't want to be a burden to you at all
>when you are alone he would show you how much he loves you, satisfy your needs, spoil you, and will do what he can to accomplish every desire you have, but with one condition, you must do the same for him. he is not the type to be happy with only giving or only receiving, you both should give and receive love equally, so spoil him with love too, he can get quite needy and eager for you love, he loves when you spoil eachother rotten
>a relationship with Tomas is a slow burn type of love, not rushed, he wants to experience your relationship at your own pace, step by step, he will kiss you for the first time or sleep with you for the first time when he feels that you are both ready to take that step on your relationship, even if he is ready and eager to try new things with you, he won't tell until he feels you are ready too, he will always wait for you it doesn't matter how much time, he will wait an eternity for you, if it meant he finally gets to be yours
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skywalker1dream · 11 days
Obsession in Overdrive
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Jenson Button x journalist!reader
note: so I was writing part 2 of web of obsession and I accidentally deleted it, I really don't know how I did it (I want to bang my head to something like dobby banged his head with lamp)
Summary:You are a dedicated and ambitious journalist covering the world of Formula 1. Your latest assignment brings you face-to-face with Jenson Button, a charismatic and skilled driver. However, beneath his charming exterior lies a dark and obsessive personality. As Jenson becomes fixated on you, what starts as innocent professional admiration quickly spirals into a dangerous obsession, leading you into a web of passion, control, and peril. (you will find out that in part two)
Warnings: Im not good with warnings T_T sorry....
The roar of engines and the scent of burning rubber filled the air, the unmistakable ambiance of a Grand Prix weekend. You adjusted your press pass, the laminated card dangling from a lanyard around your neck. This assignment was a dream come true covering the world of Formula 1, where speed and glamour intertwined.
The paddock was alive with activity. Engineers tweaked car settings, team members rushed about with tools and equipment, and the drivers, the stars of this high-octane circus, moved with an air of focused determination. You had been following the sport for years, but being here, amidst the chaos and excitement, was a different experience altogether.
You were here for one reason: an exclusive interview with Jenson Button, the seasoned driver known not just for his skill on the track, but for his charm and charisma off it. He was a favorite among fans and media alike, and getting time with him was a coup for any journalist.
You arrived at the McLaren team’s hospitality suite, a sleek and modern area buzzing with activity. The room was filled with a mix of team personnel, sponsors, and a few journalists, all engaged in animated conversation. The decor was elegant but functional, with the team’s colors prominently displayed.
You spotted Jenson almost immediately. He was deep in conversation with a team engineer, but as soon as he saw you, his face lit up with a smile. He excused himself and walked over, his stride confident and relaxed.
“Ah, you must be [your name]” he greeted, extending a hand. His grip was firm yet gentle, his touch lingering a fraction longer than necessary.
“Yes, thank you for taking the time to speak with me,” you replied, trying to maintain your professional demeanor despite the fluttering in your stomach. He was even more handsome in person, his blue eyes sparkling with a mix of intelligence and mischief.
“Anything for a lovely journalist,” he said, his tone smooth as silk. “Shall we?”
He led you to a quieter corner of the suite, where a small table and two chairs had been set up for the interview. As you settled into your seat, you couldn’t help but notice how his presence seemed to command the space around him. He was effortlessly charming, his smile warm and inviting.
The interview began with the usual pleasantries. Jenson answered your questions with ease, his responses peppered with humor and insight. He spoke about his passion for racing, the challenges of the season, and his hopes for the future. His answers were thoughtful and articulate, revealing a depth of character that went beyond his public persona.
Yet, as the conversation progressed, you couldn’t ignore the way his gaze lingered on you, as if he were trying to memorize every detail of your face. His eyes would occasionally flicker down to your lips, then back up to meet your gaze, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
You shifted in your seat, trying to maintain your composure. This was just another interview, you told yourself, albeit with one of the most charming men you’d ever met. But there was something about the way he looked at you that made your pulse quicken.
“So, [your name],” Jenson said, leaning forward slightly, “what got you into journalism? And more specifically, why Formula 1?”
You smiled, appreciating his genuine interest. “I’ve always loved writing, and I’ve been a fan of motorsports since I was a kid. There’s something about the combination of speed, skill, and strategy that fascinates me. Plus, the stories behind the drivers and teams are incredibly compelling.”
Jenson nodded, his eyes never leaving yours. “It’s true, there’s a lot more to this sport than just racing. The dedication, the sacrifices... it’s a whole world unto itself.”
You continued talking, sharing stories and laughing together. Despite the professional nature of the interview, it felt more like a conversation between friends. Jenson had a way of making you feel at ease, his genuine interest and warm demeanor drawing you in.
As the interview came to an end, you thanked Jenson and began to gather your things. “This was great, Jenson. Thank you so much for your time.”
“The pleasure was all mine,” he replied, standing up and extending his hand once more. “I hope we get to do this again soon.”
His hand was warm around yours, and as he held your gaze, you couldn’t help but feel a spark of something more than professional admiration. You quickly pushed the thought aside, reminding yourself of your role and responsibilities.
“Take care, love,” Jenson said, his smile lingering as he watched you leave.
As you walked away, you couldn’t shake the feeling that your encounter with Jenson Button was just the beginning of something much more complex and intense than a simple interview.
Later that evening, you returned to your hotel room, still buzzing from the excitement of the day. You had a lot of work to do transcribing the interview, writing up your notes, and preparing your article. But before you could get started, a knock at the door interrupted your thoughts.
You opened it to find a hotel staff member holding a small, beautifully wrapped box. “Miss [your name] this was left for you at the front desk.”
Surprised, you took the box and thanked him. As you closed the door, curiosity got the better of you. You carefully unwrapped the package, revealing a delicate silver bracelet with a charm in the shape of a racing car. It was exquisite, and clearly expensive.
There was a card inside, written in elegant script: “A token of appreciation. – Jenson.”
Your heart skipped a beat. It was a thoughtful gift, but also oddly personal for someone you’d just met. You slipped the bracelet onto your wrist, admiring how it caught the light. It was beautiful, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that it meant something more.
Pushing aside your unease, you sat down at your laptop and began to write. Yet, as you worked, your thoughts kept drifting back toJenson his smile, his charm, and the intensity in his eyes. This was supposed to be just another assignment, but you had a feeling that it was going to be anything but ordinary.
Over the next few weeks, you found yourself running into Jenson more frequently. At first, it seemed like coincidence, he’d be at the coffee shop you frequented, or passing by the media center just as you were leaving. Each time, he’d greet you warmly, his eyes lighting up at the sight of you.
“You again,” you joked one afternoon, unable to hide your smile. “Are you following me, Mr. Button?”
He chuckled, a sound that sent shivers down your spine. “Just lucky, I guess. Besides, I enjoy our little chats.”
His attention was flattering, and you couldn’t deny the growing attraction. Yet, beneath the surface, there was something unsettling about his constant presence. It was as if he always knew where you’d be.
One evening, as you left the paddock, you found Jenson waiting by your car. “Let me take you to dinner,” he offered, his tone more commanding than requesting.
“I appreciate the offer, but I have a lot of work to do,” you replied, trying to keep your voice steady.
His smile faltered, a flicker of frustration in his eyes. “Another time then,” he said, but his tone suggested it wasn’t really a question.
The next morning, you received a text from an unknown number: Good morning, [your name]. Hope you have a great day. – Jenson. (-sent from my iphoen) (iykyk)
You stared at the message, a mix of emotions swirling inside you. You hadn’t given him your number, which meant he must have gone out of his way to get it. Part of you was flattered by his persistence, but another part couldn’t shake the feeling of discomfort.
As the days passed, Jenson’s presence in your life grew. He sent you flowers, left small gifts at your hotel, and always seemed to be around. It was becoming harder to focus on your work with him constantly on your mind.
During a press conference, you caught Jenson’s eye from across the room. He was surrounded by reporters, but his gaze was fixed on you. He smiled, a knowing look in his eyes that made your heart race. After the conference, he made his way over to you.
“Can I steal you away for a bit?” he asked, his voice low and intimate.
You hesitated, glancing around at your colleagues who were busy typing up their notes. “I really should finish my article.”
“It’ll only take a minute,” he promised, his hand gently guiding you towards a more secluded area. “I wanted to give you something.”
From his pocket, he pulled out a small, wrapped box. “Another gift?” you asked, your voice tinged with both curiosity and caution.
“Just a little something to remind you of me,” he said with a smile.
You unwrapped the box to find a delicate necklace with a pendant shaped like a steering wheel. It was beautiful, but the personal nature of the gift sent a shiver down your spine.
“Jenson, this is lovely, but you really don’t have to keep giving me things,” you said, trying to sound gracious.
“I want to,” he insisted, his eyes intense. “You’re special, love. I feel a connection with you.”
His words made your heart flutter, but also triggered a warning bell in your mind. “Thank you, Jenson. I appreciate it, really. But I.....I have to get back to work now.”
He nodded, but the look in his eyes told you he wasn’t giving up. As you walked away, you felt his gaze lingering on you, a constant, almost tangible presence.
Later that week, you were sitting in your hotel room, working on your latest article, when your phone buzzed. It was a call from Jenson. You hesitated for a moment before answering.
“[your name], I hope I’m not interrupting,” he said, his voice smooth and reassuring.
“Not at all. What’s up?”
“I was thinking we could have dinner tonight. There’s a great restaurant not far from your hotel.”
You bit your lip, considering his offer. Part of you wanted to say yes, to enjoy an evening with this captivating man. But another part of you was wary of how quickly things were progressing.
“I don’t know, Jenson. I have a lot of work to do.”
“Come on, just one dinner,” he coaxed. “You have to eat, right? Consider it a break.”
His persistence was hard to resist, and before you knew it, you found yourself agreeing. “Okay, fine. One dinner.”
“Great. I’ll pick you up at seven,” he said, a note of triumph in his voice.
That evening, Jenson arrived at your hotel right on time. He looked impeccable, dressed in a tailored suit that accentuated his athletic build. As you walked to the restaurant, he kept the conversation light and engaging, his charm easing some of your apprehension.
The restaurant was elegant and intimate, with soft lighting and a view of the city skyline. Jenson had reserved a private table, away from prying eyes. As you sat down, you couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness.
Throughout dinner, Jenson was the perfect gentleman. He listened attentively as you talked about your career and passions, sharing stories from his own life that made you laugh and feel at ease. Yet, beneath his charm, there was an intensity in his gaze that made your heart race.
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berryhobii · 5 months
Late for Work couple has become my #1 comfort couple and i always come back a read their stories cuz they're just so in love and passionate abt each other and OC/reader is so me coded. ur writing literally makes me weak in the knees i get so emoooo 😭😭💜 can i request a New Years (resolution) drabble with them? either OC or JK wants to work out more or tweak their habits at the gym for New years and i wonder if you could incorporate THIS REEL somewhere cuz i thought this was so them?!!? fluff or smutty smut smut!!! ty ty ty 💜💜
even tho i feel like both of them are the type to NOT wait for the "New Year" just to get started on their goals i thought it would be cute!!!
Hi! Wow, I’m so happy you love that couple! I try my best to make them as lovey dovey as possible. Thanks so much for your request as well! I pondered a few ideas but then landed on this one! Also, that reel is so adorable and overprotective Jungkook is equally as adorable. Enjoy and please tell me what you think!
Super cute gym bag? Check. FitBit to monitor your heart rate? Check. Your ONE Stanley cup because you didn’t need a thousand? Check.
Alright. You were ready to hit the gym.
Truthfully, neither you or Jungkook were the types to do resolutions. Both of your perfectionist and ambitious ways made it so if either of you wanted to do something, you’d do it. And you’d do it to the best of your ability.
You started working out a little bit during December, enjoying early morning jogs before work in the crisp air to get you pumped for the day. However, you haven’t really dedicated yourself to a complete workout regimen.
That’s where your husband came in.
He didn’t make resolutions either but he did want to start spending more time with you and the gym was a great place to start. So you suggested you two start working out together and he could have broken something from how fast he catapulted himself over the couch when you brought it up.
Since your husband was a certified gym rat, he was very excited about your interest in working out. It was no secret that he was obsessed with going to the gym; he always dedicated at least 2 hours a day to pumping iron and if he couldn’t go to the gym, he’d go jogging or do some exercise at home. He was dedicated to keeping his body fit and healthy, mostly for himself but also for you. He knew how much you loved his body and it definitely stroked his ego to see how you drooled over him.
While Jungkook drooled over you regardless, you still wanted to work out and maybe even spend some extra time with Jungkook. A couple’s workout sounded like a lot of fun to you, honestly.
“Ready to go, baby?” Jungkook asked once he entered the living room where you were tying up your braids into a ponytail.
You smiled at him, nodding your head. “Yup! How do I look?” You gave him a little twirl, showing off your new leggings and the matching jacket.
Of course, his eyes went straight to your ass which looked extra plump in those pants. A part of him didn’t even want to leave the house, contemplating just bending you over and fucking you against the wall.
You looked so excited to go though and he didn’t want to rain on your parade. Pushing down his desire, he flashed you a smile.
“You look adorable.”
“Thank you. Now let’s go! I’m totally going to bench more than you.” You teased as you two walked out of your apartment.
He bellowed a laugh. “Yeah right. You get winded walking up the stairs.”
Pouting your lip, you playfully pushed him. “That was only because my legs were tired from riding you.”
His lip piercing sparkled as he flashed you a wolfish grin, one that sent shivers down your spine. You seriously thought about getting in a quickie in before leaving.
“Guess we’ll have to work on your stamina then.”
“Oh yeah? I’ll show you my stamina when we get back home.” You childishly fired back sticking your tongue out at him.
“I’ll hold you to that.”
When was leg day again?
The drive to the gym was quick and checking in was even quicker. After putting your things away in a locker, you and Jungkook found an empty space to start stretching in.
“Let’s start with toe touches.” Jungkook instructed with a clap of his hands.
“Okay!” Inhaling a deep breath, you bent over to touch your toes. Easy enough. Then you felt a hand on your back, urging you to straighten it a bit.
“Don’t hold your breath.” He said, his warm palm sneaking up the back of your jacket. Heat spread across your body. Damn fat ma! Not right now!
After enough of that, you two moved into more stretches: arm circles, lunges, jumping jacks and a few more. Jungkook stretched alongside you, only stopping to guide you through whenever he saw your form was off.
Overall, exercising with Jungkook was a bunch of fun. He was an attentive workout partner, reminding you to stay hydrated and motivating you whenever you wanted to give up. Not to mention, watching him get all sweaty was a bonus. He had abandoned his hoodie a while ago, leaving him in a tank top that showed off those muscular arms and bulging pecs.
You were gonna swallow his cock like a python when you got home.
For now though, you were focused on getting in some good squats while Jungkook moved just a few feet away to go fill his water bottle back up. He made sure you remained in his eyesight at all times, heart warming at the sight of you being so focused. He was so happy you had come with him to participate in one of his favorite interest. It really showed him how invested you were in his life and his hobbies. He hoped this could continue and you two would spend even more time together.
Also, your ass looked fine as hell in those leggings. It jiggled everytime you came back up and it made him want to rip those pants right off you.
Oh yeah, you were definitely coming to the gym with him more often.
Just as he finished filling his water, he turned around to start his walk back to you, only to pause when his eyes caught something.
A man was coming from the other side of the room, walking straight towards you, his eyes focused clearly on your ass as you bent forward.
Jungkook knew you were gorgeous which meant people often tried to approach you. His overprotective nature never allowed people to get too close, however. You could handle yourself and he knew that, he trusted you completely and never doubted your loyalty to him.
That didn’t mean he trusted others though.
Quickly walking towards you, his feet taking long strides to get to you faster, he stopped at your side just as you were coming back up from a squat. Jungkook immediately wrapped his arm around you, leaning down to place a kiss on your lips. Never one to turn down a kiss, you reciprocated, laying a few more on his lips for good measure.
His eyes locked with the man who was approaching you, brow furrowing and eyes sending a message that said:
Try it if you want to
The man’s eyes widened, turning back around on the heels of his feet to scamper off somewhere else.
Ever so unsuspecting, you turned around to see what your husband was looking at, only to find nothing. You placed your weight down, removing the AirPod from your ear to ask him what was wrong.
He just squinted his eyes before finally looking at you, sending you his sweetest smile.
“Nothing baby. Let’s just finish up so we can go home.”
And because you trusted him so much, you just shrugged and nodded. “Okay. Let me do this final rep and then we can go.”
“Sure. Let me help you.”
Getting behind you, he ‘guided’ you through the squats. Although you didn’t really need the help, the feeling of his boner pressing into your ass was telling enough.
“I wouldn’t call this helping, coach.” You smirked, making sure to rub your ass harder against him when you went down.
“I would. 5 more.”
“J-Jungkook!” You moaned, your hands slipping off the wall where you were bracing yourself as Jungkook pounded into you from behind.
He barely let you cool down from your workout before he was forcing you into the gym showers, pushing you into one of the spaces and turning on the water. It was obvious you didn’t come in here to wash yourselves, judging by how quick he was on his knees and attaching his greedy mouth to your clit. Both legs thrown over his shoulders and your back pushed against the cold wall, he devoured your cunt like it was the last time he’d ever taste it.
Since it was so late at night, the gym was practically empty which meant no one was there to disturb you. Then again, it was only 35 minutes until closing so you didn’t have a lot of time before an employee came to check for any stragglers.
But that was all the time Jungkook needed.
Hands digging into the juiciness of your ass, he forced you back and forth on his cock, the tip hitting you so deep that you were sure he was rearranging your guts.
Your knees shook from the force, still a little weak from the orgasm he just ripped out of you from eating you out. Now another one was steadily building, ready to spill over like a full glass.
He couldn’t take his eyes off the recoil on your ass. He didn’t know if immediate results from squats was a thing(you sure acted like it was) but for some reason, your ass looked even better as it clapped against his pelvis.
“Fuck baby. This ass….” He groaned, swiftly bringing his hand down on it. The water caused it to sting even more but you loved it.
“Make me cum, Kookie.” You whined and who was he to deny?
His hips continued his rough pace, hands molding and squeezing at your ass as if it was a block of clay. As his head rolled to the side in pleasure, his eyes saw something, a mischievous grin that you couldn’t see spreading across his face.
Grabbing your body wash, he flipped open the cap. You were so lost in the sauce that you didn’t even hear it, too focused on the feeling of his cock jabbing into your soft spot.
Then you felt the cold gel hit your skin, a squeak of shock coming from you. You tried to turn your head to see what Jungkook was doing, only to drop it when he readjusted himself to start hitting your spot repeatedly.
Jungkook’s wet hands rubbed the soap all around, lathering it up all across your ass until the brown of your skin was covered in soapy bubbles. “Throw it back, baby.”
Using your arms as leverage, you tossed your ass back on him as hard as you could, the clapping noises drowning out the pounding water against the tile. It was too hot and hard to breathe but neither of you cared enough to stop, those delicious highs just over the hill. Your legs burned from your workout and you knew you’d be properly sore tomorrow but the feeling of Jungkook’s cock was just too good. You’d pop some IcyHot patches on later.
“I’m bout to cum, baby.” You cried, reaching a hand back to grip one of your soapy ass cheeks. Jungkook’s hot gaze followed the bubbles as they dripped down the crack and around his cock.
He was about to cum. Hard.
Reaching out to grab your shoulder, other hand still on your ass, he drove his cock into you so fast that the seat of your ass actually hurt from how hard his pelvic bones were hitting it.
Your orgasm hit before his, your mouth dropping open in a drawn out moan as fervid pleasure rushed down your back. Jungkook still didn’t stop as you came, a second orgasm hitting you right after the first. Your knees buckled inward from the pure force but Jungkook kept you balanced, thrusting a few more times before he reached his own peak.
“Ahhh….” He groaned, filling you to the hilt as his creamy cum painted thick ropes inside you.
After regaining your breaths, Jungkook helped you stand on your weak knees. You turned around to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck to place a smooch on his lips.
“My legs hurt.” You sighed.
“Told you you have bad stamina. Ow! That hurt!” He cried, rubbing the spot where you pinched him.
“Don’t push it, Jeon. Now let’s go home so I can rest my legs.”
“But I thought you said you’d show me your stamina when we got- ow!”
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manari-archives · 10 months
Fast Times | LN4
Couple days in, I call you "baby" Three stories up here contemplatin' But what the fuck is patience Give me a second to forget I ever really meant it
pairing: Lando Norris x Reader
word count: 1.6 k
note: again this isn't based on the entire song, just a couple of lines mentioned. also english isn't my first language so any corrections feel free to let me know and any feedback is welcome :)
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Lando Norris found himself caught in a whirlwind of fast times and fast nights. Lando had always been an ambitious soul, determined to make his mark on the racing circuit. He had fought tooth and nail to reach Formula 1, facing countless challenges and overcoming numerous obstacles. Now, he was living his dream, racing against the best in the world.
Lando had met you a few months earlier at a charity event. Your infectious smile and captivating presence drew him in immediately. You spent the entire evening engrossed in deep conversations, bonding over your shared love for adventure and passion for life. Lando had never felt such an intense connection before, and he couldn't get you out of his mind.
As the days passed, Lando found himself daydreaming about you during training sessions and team meetings. The thought of you gave him an inexplicable sense of joy and comfort. But he also experienced a whirlwind of emotions—an amalgamation of excitement, fear, and uncertainty. He was ahead of himself, dreaming of a future that was yet to unfold.
One evening, unable to resist his longing any longer, Lando picked up his phone and dialled your number. The phone rang, and his heart raced. When you finally answered, your voice greeted him with a warmth that eased his nerves. He couldn't help but call you "baby," a term of endearment that slipped from his lips before he realized it.
You, on the other end of the line, smiled at Lando's sweet gesture. You too had been thinking about him constantly since your encounter. You admired his dedication to his sport and his undeniable talent. Your connection was undeniable, and you wanted to explore where it might lead.
"Hey baby," Lando said with a hint of nervousness, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
You chuckled softly, "Not at all, Lando. I was hoping you'd call. How's everything in the racing world?"
Lando's voice grew more animated as he shared the latest updates on his training and upcoming races. You listened intently, genuinely interested in what he has to say.
"I wish you could see me race in person," Lando remarked wistfully. "Having you cheering for me from the stands would be a dream come true."
"Who knows, maybe one day I'll surprise you at a race," you replied playfully, feeling your heart race at the thought of sharing those adrenaline-filled moments with him.
As the conversation flowed, Lando and you talked about your dreams, your aspirations, and the shared excitement for life's adventures. The more you spoke, the more it became evident that your connection was something extraordinary.
"Hey, Lando," you said gently, sensing the underlying hesitation in his voice, "I want you to know that I'm not expecting you to choose between your career and me. I admire your passion for racing, and I believe in you. We can make it work, whatever comes our way."
Lando sighed with relief, feeling the weight of uncertainty lift from his shoulders. "Thank you for understanding, baby. I don't want to lose you, and I also can't imagine giving up on my dreams. With you by my side, I feel like anything is possible."
And so, days turned into weeks as Lando and you embarked on a journey of discovery, both individually and together. Lando's racing career took him to different parts of the world, and whenever possible, you would join him. You explored new cities, indulged in local cuisine, and revelled in each other's company. The exhilaration of Lando's victories on the track was magnified by your presence, his greatest supporter.
Amidst the chaos of Lando's demanding career, your love affair deepened. Lando found solace in your presence, a sanctuary in a world that moved at breakneck speed. But as the racing season neared its end, doubts began to creep into Lando's mind. The demands of his career were relentless, leaving him with little time for anything else. He struggled to balance his love for you with the pursuit of success.
You, too, grappled with your demons. You had always been a free spirit, tiptoeing past various stages in your life, refusing to be confined by society's expectations. You cherished your moments with Lando but couldn't ignore the nagging thought that your love might be overshadowed by the pressures of his racing career.
Amid your passionate affair, Lando and you faced the harsh realities of your chosen paths. The outlines on your bedsides told a tale of stolen moments and missed opportunities. Your love was like a flame flickering in the wind, uncertain and fragile. Lando was torn between his love for you and his relentless pursuit of success on the racetrack. The fear of losing you gnawed at him, as did the fear of sacrificing his dreams.
But as Lando's inner turmoil reached its peak, he had a moment of reckoning. He had to confront his demons and make a choice that would shape the course of his life. Would he choose the intoxicating rush of success or embrace the fragile love that you offered?
In a heart-wrenching twist of fate, Lando realized that his love for you could not be forgotten. It had seeped into the very fabric of his being, leaving an indelible mark. With a newfound sense of clarity, he mustered the courage to follow his heart, to take a leap of faith into the unknown. The racing circuit had given him everything, but without you, it would be empty.
On a starlit night, Lando found himself standing at the edge of the racetrack, searching for you amidst the sea of faces. As your eyes met once more, he knew that he had found his true home. The engines roared in the background, echoing the beat of their hearts as they embraced, leaving the world behind.
At that moment, Lando Norris and you embarked on a new journey, one where fast times and fast nights were replaced by the infinite expanse of love and vulnerability. You vowed to rewrite your story, to create a world where your love could thrive, even amidst the chaos of your chosen paths. Together, you would face whatever challenges came your way, united by your shared passion for life and a love that defied the limits of time and speed.
As Lando continued his racing career, you became an integral part of his journey. You provided him with the stability and support he needed, grounding him amidst the whirlwind of the racing world. Together, you navigated the highs and lows, celebrating victories and finding solace in each other during defeats.
In your quest for a harmonious balance, Lando and you experienced life's twists and turns. You faced challenges, made sacrifices, and celebrated milestones together. And through it all, your love only grew stronger. You knew that your journey would not always be easy, but your commitment to each other was unwavering.
As the years went by, Lando and you built a life filled with love, adventure, and shared experiences. You found joy in the simplest of moments and cherished the bond you had forged. Lando continued to race, his skills evolving with each passing season. You pursued your passions, carving a unique path for yourself while supporting Lando's career.
One evening, as the sun set over the racetrack, you and Lando found yourselves strolling hand in hand. The memories of your journey together flashed before your eyes.
"You know," Lando began, breaking the comfortable silence between you, "sometimes, I still can't believe how lucky I am to have you in my life."
You squeezed his hand, smiling affectionately. "And I feel the same way, Lando. Our love has been the guiding light through all the ups and downs."
"I remember those early days, filled with uncertainty and doubt," Lando admitted. "I was torn between my passion for racing and the fear of losing what we had. But you've always been there, supporting me and reminding me of what truly matters."
"It wasn't easy," you said, your voice tinged with honesty. "There were moments when I questioned if we could make it work, but it worked out, and it made us stronger."
"And you've taught me that taking risks, following my heart, is worth it," you replied, recalling the times you had embraced new challenges, encouraged by Lando's unwavering support.
As you continued your walk, the sounds of the racetrack faded into the background. It was just the two of you, wrapped in each other's embrace.
"You are my home, Lando," you said, your voice soft but resolute. "No matter where we go or what we face, as long as we have each other, we'll always find our way."
Lando pulled you close, his arms encircling you with a sense of security. "You're right. We've come so far, and our love has been the driving force behind it all. I promise to cherish every moment, to be present in this journey with you."
With tears glistening in your eyes, you pressed a kiss to his lips. "And I promise to be your biggest supporter, your pillar of strength, no matter where life takes us."
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catkyunie · 6 months
ateez's love languages (hyung line) ♡
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ATEEZ’s captain is ambitious, driven, and dedicated to producing and crafting work that his members and ATINY around the globe can be proud of. That said, Hongjoong has a habit of often neglecting his own needs in pursuit of this goal. Because of this, Joong feels and sees every little thing that you do for him to make his life a bit easier. Whether it’s bringing him his favorite coffee order or a meal over to the studio or refilling his water thermos for him, he feels it and appreciates your acts of service immensely. Though it is limited, quality time is also a huge thing for Hongjoong. Some of his favorite ways to spend time with you is in the studio, immersed in his passion while having his source of inspiration right there beside him. You could be reading, writing, or working on a project while he’s busy producing. That doesn’t bother him. Just knowing you are there, occupying the space with your energy, brings him so much comfort and happiness. Lastly is a love language that not too many are aware of. Hongjoong, despite how he appears on variety shows or when he’s public-facing, adores physical touch. But, mostly in subtle doses. A hand on your thigh while he works, your fingers in his hair while watching a movie or aimlessly scrolling through your phones. He especially loves napping in your lap, nuzzling into your tummy, and curling around your body. The biggest thing for Hongjoong and his love languages is being able to exist in a space with his person without feeling like he is being smothered or asked to divert his attention from other things that are just as important to him. While he loves the times between schedules when he can take you out and spoil you and devote all of his time and attention to you, it’s the comfort in knowing that you’re understanding of his busy lifestyle and are still willing to be present in his life, despite that.
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The eldest hyung has a soft spot for gifts, but not for the sake of being materialistic. The sentimental value outweighs the fiscal value tenfold. Every letter, card, painting, or hand-crafted item gifted to him by his someone he keeps in a box that he can look back on fondly and reminisce whenever he feels lonely or is missing them. Whatever book he is currently traveling with? His favorite set of four-cut photos of you is what he uses as a bookmark. He teases you and says it’s photocards of his ult bias. While he enjoys receiving gifts, he also enjoys giving them. Not just for his person, but for his members as well. That cute black cat plush he noticed in the corner store? That would brighten Sannie’s day. Happen to be passing by Yeo’s favorite chicken place? It wouldn’t hurt to pick up an order and drop it off to him. That cute bag you’ve been talking about for weeks now but can’t quite justify spending the money on it? Yeah, it’s your’s now, with no reason attached. Just because Hwa knew it would make you smile (and he happens to think it would look really cute with a few of your favorite pieces). It isn’t only the physical or material things that make Hwa smitten with you. It’s your reassuring words when he wasn’t even aware he needed them that sealed the deal for you two. Though his confidence has grown immensely over the years since his debut, there are still moments when Seonghwa falters under the weight of his past insecurities. Having you remind him of how gorgeous you think he is and how he should never feel the need to hide his smile does wonders for his confidence and his self-image, especially when you remind him that he was crafted from the stars and there’s nothing in the world that can dim his brightness. Like his captain, quality time means a great deal to ATEEZ’s co-leader. When Hwa has the time free from schedules and is able, he makes it a priority to spend as much of that free time with you as possible. While public outings and dates are difficult with his global status, Seonghwa still manages to plan the cutest of dates for the two of you. Evenings making dinner together before curling up for a movie and a nightcap of Animal Crossing. Takeout and soju while building Lego. It's the little moments like these in between that Seonghwa adores with his person and that reminds him how truly lucky he is to live this life with you and his members by his side.
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Yunho’s expression of gift-giving comes in ways that some may confuse for acts of service. Instead of super expensive or flashy items, Yunho prefers to buy his partner gifts that he knows they’ll have a use for. A fluffy blanket that he knows you’ll love because you’re always cold. New art supplies, such as expensive brands of colored pencils or acrylic paints. A larger, insolated thermos to replace the one that you drink through too quickly and that can’t keep your water as cold as you’d like. There’s a practicality to Yunho that is reflected in the way he spoils and loves his partner. This form of gift-giving goes hand in hand with another of Yunho’s love languages, that being Quality Time. He’s the partner who shows up on your doorstep to go walking the streets with you, hand in hand, enjoying the weather and scenery. Stopping to try baked goods from this shop, a beverage indicative of the culture and country at the next one. The fact that he gets to do it with one of his favorite people on the planet makes what would normally be a mundane experience memorable and enjoyable for him. He’ll remember that exact feeling he had in that moment with you the next time he passes that landmark or has that treat again. While the pair of you are exploring the cities and, at times, the countryside, Yunho’s hands are always on you in some way shape, or form. Whether his hand is held with yours or he’s holding steadfast to your arm interlocked with his own, physical touch is something that is so ingrained in Yunho that he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it half of the time. Hanging out at the dorms with his members? His hand is on the back of your neck, gently rubbing. Snuggled up on the couch with a movie on and your head on his shoulder? He’s absently tugging and rubbing the lobe of your ear. Don’t even think of trying to pull his hand from your thigh if ever he’s driving, it’ll make him pout.
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How Yeosang loves his partner is very indicative of his nature and character; softly, quietly, yet steadfast and true. Though this may be what comes the most naturally to Yeosang, it does not mean that it does not occasionally leave him feeling a bit self-conscious. What if he is not able to express himself properly when it matters most? If he is unable to convey to you just how deeply his affections run, will that perhaps leave you feeling unappreciated or maybe even doubtful of his fondness? This is where his need for words of affirmation is most appreciated. The reassurance that, though he may not feel comfortable or confident in grandiose gestures, you still know and understand just how much he adores you and your patience with allowing him the space to navigate the avenues in which to properly express them to you. One of his favorite ways to do so is by spending quality time with his partner, usually in some form of parallel play. You’ve got work to do, but want to spend time with Yeo? He’s totally okay with that. He has no problem sitting at the coffee table reassembling one of his drones while you’re busy typing away on your laptop. Occasionally he’ll lean his head back and nuzzle your knee, prompting a head pat or quick caress, but then it’s back to business. Yeo will also be the type to go out of his way to plan special dates for you. A picnic and painting in the park, an evening of viewing Christmas lights, and ice skating. As long as he’s spending it with you, Yeosang would be content doing just about anything. Yeo is also always appreciative and quick to notice the little ways in which you spoil him with acts of service. Helping him with getting the attention of his members, making sure the meat is cooked thoroughly and not too hot to eat when you go to hot pot. Even helping him organize his supplements or replacing them when he runs out are acts that Yeo sees and feels deeply in his heart.
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yopigeonflyerjo · 1 year
Dating Reggie Kray Legend headcanons
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First of all, thats not about real Reggie Kray. Thats only about fictional character played by TOM MF HARDY. So i gently please sick fuckers who idolize real Krays to leave now.
Also children, please leave. It's about Tom Hardy's character so I may go feral.
It's for my girlies
Once Reggie Kray appears in your life, he won't leave.
Mr Kray is known for his charm and charisma, and he knows how to make people feel special. He has a way with words and can be very persuasive when he wants to be. He will use his charm to woo you. And let's be honest, it worked.
Really fast you fall for him, as easy as he falls for you.
Being with Reggie means dedication, you must really love him.
There are times when you don't see him for weeks, sometimes he is with you for a month 24/7, or there are times when you see him in jail. Expect the unexpected - that's how looks life with him. You never know, that's why trust is so important in your relationship. You two are each other support.
You two are practically inseparable when he is around.
He is an incredibly loving and passionate person. Reggie pours all his positive emotions onto you. You are like sunshine in his life that he spoils with not only expensive gifts but mostly affection.
 He is passionate about his work, his family, and his relationships, and he will do everything in his power to make them succeed. He will inspire you to be more passionate about your own life and to pursue your dreams with determination and drive.
In bed Reg is old-fashioned. He is one in charge most of the time, but he really likes being taken care of. Aftercare is your thing, and he loves that. Not often this big bad mobster can be vulnerable but after sex that's the moment. Sometimes he can be rough, especially after alcohol (with consent obviously), or on a bad day. He loves quickies with you behind his bars or just before they will be open.
Reggie is fiercely loyal to his family and friends, and he will always stand by them, no matter what. When you are in a relationship with him, you can be sure that he will have your back and will protect you from harm. And with isn't so obvious when it comes to mobsters he would never cheat on you. You are the only stable point of his life.
Reggie is a traditional man who values old-fashioned ideals of loyalty, honour, and respect. He is a gentleman. Reg will also expect you to share his traditional values and to be loyal and honest in your relationship.
He's a highly ambitious man who is always looking for ways to expand his empire. He is driven and determined, and he will work hard to achieve his goals. When you are in a relationship with him, he will inspire you to pursue your own dreams and ambitions.
Kray is a gangster, and he has a dark side that can be intimidating at times. He is not afraid to use violence to get what he wants, and he can be ruthless when he needs to be. However, he will always protect those he cares about, and he will try to not put you in harm's way.
One of the worst things that exist is yall quarrels. There are times that he gets violent, and so are you. Maybe that is unhealthy, but no matter how far you two get in an argument, you always get back together.
The second worst thing that exists is Ron. In the beginning, you two even liked each other. After all, he was Reggie's twin, he may be unhinged at any point, but he could be also sweet and caring. You always try to make sure the brothers don't quarrel, you were a mediator. But as time goes by Ron was getting worse, you knew that was because of his illness, and you tried to help him. You took care of him, make sure he takes the meds, and often you justified him in others' eyes. With your and Reggie's help, he got up. Everything was all good until Reggie got arrested. That's when Ron lost his mind, he was provoked by all people around and became a monster. When Reg finally left jail and finds out how his brother is acting, he got furious. Ron missed a big part of what he did with Reg. Eventually, Reg cut ties with him when Ron offended you. They get into a fight which resulted in a hospital visit. Ron never again try to contact any of you, he became a taboo topic. Reggie, however, will always appreciate what you did for his brother, contrary to Ron himself.
After all these years, there is no you without him, or Reggie without you.
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soapskneebrace · 1 year
Idk if you were joking but tbh I would love to hear your controversial hc's if you're comfortable sharing them because I have some myself
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LMAO well okay, though I might disappoint you guys.
Gaz and Rudy are the only guys who want kids and would probably be any good at fatherhood.
Price thinks he might have enjoyed being a dad, but the truth is he’s too married to his work to really try. He thinks about that dream fondly, but he’s put it away now.
Soap wanted kids for a while, but after a few years in the service he decided he was less anxious about parenting if he just settled for being an uncle to his siblings’ kids.
Alejandro’s first love will always be Las Almas, and every kid in that city is his kid. He doesn’t need to make more.
And Ghost is deeply, deeply terrified of repeating the sins of his own father, so kids are absolutely off the table.
Gaz, Soap, and Ghost are turned off by the idea of a stay at home partner. They’re dedicated to their careers and can really only respect a partner who is similarly ambitious. They don’t need a partner in the service, however—just someone who is as passionate about their vocation as they are about theirs.
But Rudy, Alejandro, and Price—they’re a little more traditional, so a homemaking spouse would suit them just as well as a working one.
None, and I do mean NONE, of these characters are into piss or scat. Full stop. End of headcanon.
Only Soap is willing to try knifeplay, and very lightly. NONE of them are into gunplay. Keeping their job separate from their bedroom activities is essential to being able to compartmentalize. (Graves is probably into gunplay.)
Valeria and Alejandro were never an item like people seem to think they were. I think they connected via their shared love for Las Almas, and the fury between them now is borne of their very different opinions about how to make their home better.
Valeria is a lesbian, and swings masculine-of-center.
Probably not controversial, but I do interpret all of the men as bi- or pansexual. Realistic? No. But I want to live in a world with more multisexual men.
Probably not as controversial as one might expect, but a lot of people would disagree with me on a lot of counts because fandom these days venerates self-gratification over anything else. So characters today are mostly vehicles for one’s personal desires in a partner. I don’t subscribe to that school of thought, though—I prefer, in fanon, characters that feel like canon versions of themselves.
Of course, individual interpretation draws from every person’s unique life experience and personal context. I’m not suggesting that another person’s opinion about a character is blind heresy to my own word of god—but I do get to have my opinion, and I do get to be amused when I see something I find absolutely ridiculous.
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jilyarchive · 1 year
I’ve searched the tags but do you have any particular favourites of protective James and/or protective Lily?
I wouldn't say I have favourites, but the main ones that come to mind for protective!James are the following:
Title:Icarus Falling Author:clarewithnoi Rating: T Genre(s): Angst, Hurt/Comfort Chapters: 1 Word Count: 6,164 Summary: This time, the Death Eaters have made a critical miscalculation. This time, they’ve gotten too ambitious; they’ve flown a little too close to the sun. OR: abducting Lily Evans Potter is an error that Voldemort’s followers won’t make again. James Potter will see to that.
Title: It Happened in a Broom Cupboard Author:CokeBottleK Rating: M Genre(s): Romance, Smut Chapters: 1 Word Count: 4,483 Summary: James Potter was not happy, and it was all Lily Evans’s fault. 
Title: Guarded Author:Lady Eowyn of Ithilien Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Adventure Chapters: 14 Word Count: 49,650 Summary: When Lily Evans escapes a kidnapping attempt, she’s assigned a bodyguard, the last person with whom she would wish her life to be entangled, James Potter. AU
Title: Recuerda Me Author: drowning goldfish Rating: T Genre(s): Romance, Angst Chapters: 3 Word Count: 15,266 Summary: When a curse somehow backfires, and Lily Evans loses her memory, how will she react to the soft dedication and passionate protection of James Potter as she struggles down the road of remembering who she is, what she knows, and what she really feels?
And for protective!Lily, I'm at a loss, though I'm sure there are many! The only one I can think of is already tagged, so hopefully our followers will recommend some more.
Title: Force of Love Author: hogwartsclassof1978  Rating: Not rated Genre(s): Angst, Romance Chapters: 1 Word Count: 2,100 Summary: they were duelling death eaters and slowly losing until he felt a forcefield go up around him as lily shouted a fierce “nO” and blew the 5 death eaters surrounding him off their feet  - she was angry that they had attacked but my gODRIC she looked so much angrier that she had to save her moRON of a boyfriend from a battle on their anniversary.
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minoudrien · 7 months
a deep dive into my astrology headcanons for marinette and adrien <3
okay so first we have marinette, who i believe is an aries sun, libra moon, and gemini rising
an aries’ main traits are determined, bold, and ambitious. they are passionate and confident leaders. while these traits may be more obvious in ladybug, marinette shows them all off as well in the way she shines as class president, has big dreams for her future, and even just in her bold aggressing of chloé and lila when they do wrong by her or her loved ones. some of marinette’s flaws, like her tendency to butt heads with others and her impatience, are also explained by her being an aries.
then we have adrien, who i believe is a leo sun, pisces moon, and libra rising
a leo’s main traits are being lively, theatrical, and passionate and loving positive attention. these traits definitely show up much more in chat noir than in adrien, shown in his playfully flirtatious energy and how he never shys away from a camera. interestingly, i think it’s adrien’s rising sign that shows up far more for him in everyday life. some leo traits that DO show up very heavily for adrien are things like being a great leader of course, and also fierce loyalty and stability. adrien is a dedicated friend and lover whose biggest desire is to make the people he loves comfortable and feel as good as they make him feel.
aries and leo are VERY compatible signs. they are both natural leaders and can be a bit headstrong but i think adrien’s moon and rising sort of ground him a bit more which is why it’s usually easy for him to let ladybug take the lead in a battle. aries and leo have an innate understanding of one another, which shows in ladybug and chat noir being able to wordlessly communicate so well during fights.
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“it starts with the right amount of energy and shyness with the sprinkle of respect for each other” IS THAT NOT EXACTLY HOW THEY FELL IN LOVE IN EVERY ITERATION OF THE LOVE SQUARE???
i’m going to go into their moon and rising signs later but for now i offer you a sun sign analysis 🤲🏻
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egg-emperor · 1 year
Eggy's evil is like wine, it gets better with time. With each game Eggy's evil escalates. In Sonic 1 he just enslaved random critters to use as battery slaves. In the third game , he created the death egg which is capable of destroying the planet in order to force earth to accept him as it's superior emperor. In unleashed he broke the world apart. In forces he succeeded in taking over the world and turned it into a dystopian hellhole. Who knows what the future brings with Sonic Superstars?🥰
YESSS exactly, he always brings so much new exciting, creative, and unique evil schemes in each game, the endless amount of potential he has is so impressive! Enslaving animals and trapping and using them in robots is already nothing to scoff at but he then moves on to even bigger things, causing mass destruction of wildlife and pollution, bringing out bigger and crazier and deadlier robots/mechs, building his epic Death Egg, and more-
And that's just the classic games alone! In the Adventure/modern games he moves on to even bigger crazier things. Just when you think he's done it all and couldn't come up with more, let alone anything even eviller, more dangerous and destructive, and insane, he always comes back with even more and outdoes himself again and again! His passion and his imagination knows no limits! He's truly a real dedicated evil mad genius scientist hehe
He's so creative and ambitious, he's really imaginative to match how he dreams big and it's another thing that shows how much he's willing to fight to get what he wants. That along with his determination in itself is so admirable and those are some of the many reasons why I love him so much. I'm always so excited to see what he gets up to next and pleasantly surprise and thrill me all over again! 🥰 I can't wait to see what he does in Superstars!
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rosyvvoods · 1 year
Not that anyone had asked for it but I got hit with inspiration for a His Dark Materials / dæmon au for CoD characters so !! For those who don't know it's generally just the concept that you're given a soul companion when you're born and they take the form of an animal that is representative of who you are as a person- its a concept I love and figured I'd tack on to some characters I've come to love [:
Price ; Bateleur
Ghost ; Bearded Vulture
Gaz ; Red Fox
Soap ; Indian Grey Mongoose
Laswell ; Wolverine
Alex ; Rhodesian Ridgeback
Farah ; Crested Caracara
Alejandro ; Coyote
Rudy ; Kit Fox
Nikolai ; Wandering Albatross
Graves ; Beauceron
Shepherd ; Bloodhound
Valeria ; Black Footed Cat
Hassan ; Secretary Bird
And bc I can't not include ocs-
River ; Common Nightingale
Markus ; Beagle
Some explanations under the read more!! And sorry for the long post in general 😭
A lot of the animal analysis came from THIS website!!
A lot of it comes from actual in-universe lore about what kinds of personalities align with certain animals. In the His Dark Materials universe for instance, dogs and canines tend to align with those who dedicate their lives to being in service of others, because of basal attributes dogs have: loyalty, devotion, protectiveness, etc. Birds are sharp witted and driven, especially birds of prey- and they can also travel further away from their person than other dæmons, and for longer periods of time. They also tend to be solitary though they can work in groups. Dæmons also tend to change forms more when their person is young and discovering themselves, and they settle as they get older. This is both interesting, and very sad- considering characters with trauma can have dæmons drastically change from what they were as a child.
I also tried to steer clear of stereotypical answers as well. Animals like snakes, spiders, and insects have long been associated with "villainous" characters and associated with characters from locations like Mexico and the Middle East.
I'm still working on BlOps CW dæmons bc it's fun to figure out, and I don't know what any of the MW dæmons would be named per say, but!! On to the brief analysis.
Price & his Bateleur;
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Bateleurs are birds of prey, known to be hardy, thick skinned, and unflappable. They're associated with passionate individuals, loyalty, close bonds, and strong boundaries. Work ethic is resourceful and efficient, dutiful and cooperative while being ambitious.
Ghost & his bearded vulture;
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So first things first- aside from the fact that I think they're cool as hell and Ghost deserves a cool as hell dæmon- these things are STARTLING to look at. They're large, and very distinct in their appearance. They're extremely private, socially selective, slow to trust, straightforward, and non-expressive. That being said? They're also patient. They're cooperative and the bonds they make are close. In work ethic they can represent efficiency, dedication, prone to obsessive tendencies, and proactiveness. But despite its terrifying appearance, it only feeds on the dead- specifically on bones. They can get the reddish coloring seen above by mud bathing or drinking mineral rich water- despite how bloody it may seem, the reality isn't quite as frightening.
Gaz & his red fox;
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I think Gaz can be written off sometimes, overlooked and underestimated- but he's very clever, adaptable, cautious, and expressive. He's got a lot of big thoughts and feelings that he's had dismissed in the past. I went with a fox because they've got a similar loyalty to canines but have a bit of a skittish edge to them, are a little more opportunistic and methodical. They're tenacious and confident while being very perceptive- and I feel like Gaz would be represented well by a fox!!
Soap & his mongoose;
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Now, Soap initially seems like a canine type; ridiculously loyal, dedicated, so on and so forth. But I still uphold the bit from the original games that he and dogs do not vibe!! And he doesn't seem the type to not vibe with himself!!
That being said: mongoose are notorious for taking on enemies far larger than themselves or those that have some kind of an advantage, including venomous snakes (as in the notable story Rikki-Tikki-Tavi). They're capable of living independent lives and being solitary but are also capable of deep set loyalty and devotion to a family group. They're also scrappy and make use of their surroundings.
Laswell & her wolverine;
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Laswell is a force to be reckoned with, as seen in-game both in the field and behind a desk. She's happy to interact with her people, but outside of that she's a little more curt and to the point. Wolverines are confident, assertive, and opportunistic, and can even be a bit aggressive at times. Laswell herself I think is more willing to compromise than what this choice implies, but I feel like that's more of a learned nature; inside, she's ferocious, and isn't one to back down from larger and more formidable targets.
Alex & his Rhodesian ridgeback;
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Alex is loyal, willing to do what it takes to complete his mission- but for the longest time he was looking for something meaningful. Something more than just orders.
Rhodesian ridgebacks were bred for endurance, to protect against large predators, and are hardy in harsh environments. But too much alone time- too many orders that have no heart behind them- can make them unhappy and on edge. They prefer well known, trusted company over strangers. They're also notoriously stubborn. I don't know Alex as a character all that well but I think the connection is there!
Farah & her crested caracara;
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While Farah is very intrinsically tied to her people and her community, she stands out as a leader as being guarded and forward thinking. She has a keen eye for skill and tactic, and her loyalty is only to those she chooses and it's something she holds close to her chest. She works smarter AND harder, holding her duty above all else. Most of these traits are associated deeply with the crested caracara. She, and the caracara, can also both be thick skinned and untrusting (understandably so).
I can only put so many pictures into one post so 🫣 I'll have to continue on in another one!!
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