#And 110% adores the role
Starlo's personality
I'm still confused about this man's 'true self,' gotta admit. How much of 'himself' IS there in 'North Star'?
What we know about real Star:
He's a nerd/geek obsessed with westerns; that's where he got the inspiration to build WE
He looks different than with the hat on and used to wear braces
Was shy in his teenage years around Ceroba (no idea how he acted normally) + couldn't confess to her
His mom (after killing him) says how he's never been the one to follow rules. I wonder what she meant by that. Rules, like, you're supposed to hate humans like everyone else or rules, like, no sneaking off to practice your shooting and lasso skills? Both?
Ed describes the 'old him' as a fearless leader and as a monster who could 'make his own fun in the little things' (you mean he used to be more humble but at the same time remained an ambitious risk-taker?)
Is insecure about where he comes from and what he looks like
We don't have enough info to know what he was like as a kid. I'm curious if absolutely everything about North Star is the opposite of Starlo (I don't think it is); both are kind and protective. Still, I can't help but wonder if the Starlo after Showdown, in both routes, is the real him or not. Maybe 50% yes and 50% no
Just from the end credits, the only thing I got about him was that he's kind and friendly and optimistic and charming (North Star is this way too, but more exaggerated). Nothing new
So maybe Starlo IS North Star, but more modest (aka not as exaggerated)
I'm curious about your thoughts guys.
Also I forgot to mention how he wanted to plan a PARTY for Kanako, in neutral says that the PARTY in the saloon was great (and the letter he sent was pretty charming), wants to accompany Ceroba in the Steamworks, is open about how he feels (immediately openly confronts Ceroba and calls her out; he's assertive), not afraid to get physical if it means protecting Clover & Martlet, can be pretty loud (like when he spotted Clover after sparing him in neutral, he was like "DEPUTY!!!"
I'm left wondering if all this is the real him or not. I think it is. Just maybe toned down a bit :) It's the only explanation for the fact he's been doing all this for a really long time and never showing signs of wanting to stop/that it exhausted him
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lily-sweet-dreams · 2 years
i will not be taking any criticism of doctor who at this point you can't tell me they didn't all have an absolute ball making that episode and it SHOWS
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isagrimorie · 3 months
I adore the crack-y Trek episodes. I love them because they always give it 110% but also while comedic and bizarre it usually says something about the characters.
(This is why I think SNW's The Elysian Kingdom didn't really work for me on two fronts, I didn't think they went far enough in the concept and didn't really tell me anything about the characters).
One of the few times the Voyager crew gets to be in an over-the-top scenario where they get to keep their memories -- Voyager crew's memories get erased and overwritten a lot. No wonder Seven made her own psychological assessment in season 2 of Picard-- is Bride of Chaotica.
As much as Janeway had to be dragged to the role of Arachnia, Janeway took to the role of a 1930s star like a fish to water:
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The production crew was BRILLIANT this episode:
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And then Janeway asked if she could sit on Chaotica's throne:
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"Somehow I feel comfortable here."
LOL. Janeway.
She was a theater kid for sure. Kate Mulgrew must have enjoyed this episode a LOT.
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And then Janeway pauses, and possibly wonders what that says about her. It's the look of, 'I hope this didn't awaken anything in me.'
Too late!
(It says you're a queen).
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I love how Janeway actually loved playing an over-the-top villain.
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And then she does this thing where she gives the wire of the mic a whipping flourish.
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Calmly watches as Chaotica is electrocuted to death.
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And takes a moment to gloat over his body, even telling Chakotay to wait before shutting down the holodeck. LOL. It's the most she's enjoyed herself, and to think earlier she was chiding Tom for enjoying this kind of entertainment.
Tom enjoys playing the hero but Janeway just gets to indulge this delicious side of her.
Remember when I said Janeway has no Mirror equivalent? I love her..
And then when her 'rescue' party arrives they find her just looking over Chaotica.
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Yes, yes you are the queen!
I think Janeway just learned, that if Tom likes playing the swashbuckling hero, Janewa loves playing the over-the-top villain. This is the most Janeway's enjoyed herself without being brainwashed into forgetting she's Voyager's Captain.
Seriously, I love Janeway. She's the most Extra. And she's learned to embrace the Extra.
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Julie Andrews (The Sound of Music, Mary Poppins)—Oh where to start .... I'm not sure I even know how. She's just perfection. And it's not fair I can't bring post 70s work into this, because she just gets better and better, and her drag performance in to die for. But in the era I CAN talk about, she shows she has THE RANGE. Beautiful, feisty, funny, holding her own against Christopher Plummer, Paul Newman, Rock Hudson. Oh she's luminous.
Nadira (Shree 420, Dil Apna Aur Preet Parai)— She had a blast playing the femme fatal in Indian films in the 50s. Also the costumes she wore in Shree 420 are absolutely iconic. It's important to mention that she was Jewish. She was born Farhad "Florence" Ezekiel in Baghdad to an Iraqi Jewish family. They moved to India sometime in the 1940s. The funny thing is that she originally wanted to convert to Catholicism and become a nun but joined the film industry instead as her family desperately needed money. Even though she was unfortunately typecast in femme fatale roles after playing the nightclub entertainer Maya in Shree 420, she always gave 110% to every role she was cast in. Apparently she acted in a German film as well? She was also one of the most highly paid actresses in the Indian film industry and was one of the few Indians to own a Rolls Royce.
This is round 3 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Julie Andrews propaganda:
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"She has such a simple but amazing beauty to her. Not to mention her amazing and melodic singing voice!"
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"Roles like nannies and governesses can make us forget how attractive she was! A perfect combination of elegant and adorable, with the most incredible vocal range to boot!"
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"Besides having one of the most amazing singing voices ever to grace the silver screen, Julie always had an understated beauty to her that wasn't always shown off on screen. But it's there nonetheless because her characters managed to pull some of the hottest men ever to grace the screen."
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"The juxtaposition between carefree Maria and stern but fun Mary Poppins shows the power of the acting of this HOT VINTAGE MOVIE WOMAN"
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"Charming, genteel, incredibly charismatic, beautiful, and has an angelic singing voice to boot. Her screen roles as Maria in The Sound of Music and Mary Poppins are absolutely iconic for a reason and she originated several well-known Broadway roles before those."
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"the most beautiful woman 12 year old me had ever seen possibly"
"OMG OMG OMG she’s definitely been submitted before how could she NOT but!!!! I loveeee her so muchhhh rahhhh prebby!!!! cool!!!! mary poppins the beloved <33333 some people dislike it but I love jolly holiday so much because it IS a jolly holiday with Mary!!! no wonder that it’s Mary that we love!!!!!"
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"I know many people who were taught in singing lessons "when in doubt, pronounce words how julie andrews would pronounce them." THATS CALLED INFLUENCE. THATS CALLED MOTHERING THOUSANDS."
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I just submitted a whole list of golden-era Bollywood stars without whom I thought this tournament could not conscionably be considered complete BUT Nadira has got my personal vote for Hottest of the lot. She played a bunch of delicious vamp roles in her youth before graduating to being a creepy spiderlady antagonist type in middle/older age. Rare is the still in which she looks like she's NOT about to gnaw your face off. Yow!
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mysticalsoot · 1 year
mission sims and missing cues
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a continuation of my self-indulgent boarding school au
A/N; i am so in love with this au.. I've got like two other fics for this ay in the works. lmk if yall want more of this-- totally did not expect this to be this long but I mean that's okay. also thanks to lilly and elliot for just being motivation to finish this-- and thank YOU for all the love on my writing cause holy fucking mother of gOD there's 110 of you now?? what??
summary; reader and wilbur are close friends and classmates but both have feelings for each other without the other knowing! they're thrown into a mission simulation together as commander and pilot and slight flirting ensues.
tw// swearing, maybe a smidge of suggestive flirting, definitely thoughts
words; 6.3k
pairings; cc!wilbur x gn!reader
pronouns; they/them and use of y/n!
You loved every part of your school, you loved the classes, the teachers, and the activities but you couldn't help but favor the Mission Simulations above all else.
They were the most laid-back part of your academics, and it was a hands on experience that you could have any part in. You had the opportunity to do anything and everything with positions and experience and outcome. 
Although you were truly partial to being commander, you didn't mind any other position you found yourself in. Missions usually spanned around a week but in sessions. First two sessions would be training, and test runs, the third session would start the first half of the mission running about three hours and then the second half would be in the fourth session. You absolutely adored how they did this and found you got the most out of it, a real feeling for the position and role you'd be in and you could make a decision on if you liked it or not—and if you wanted to try the same position on a different mission another time.
Today's session was the first half, a three-hour run of the school's Mars Mission Sim and you had gotten the commander position. Your pilot being Wilbur. He was rather ecstatic about his role, only been put in mission specialist or station roles before—he was excited to be front and center in the mission, though it didn't really matter, he was just excited for a change of pace.
"So, have you come up with a 'first human on Mars' speech or do you need me to come up with it?" Wilbur is snarky in a playful way in the tone he uses, tossing a hash brown into his mouth as he watches you from the other side of the cafeteria table. You roll your eyes at him and fold your arms over your chest.
"Well, no-" He cuts you off.
"Good! I've come up with one!" He starts by standing up in a grandiose manner, not paying mind to any of the students on other teams staring at him.
"One step for humankind, one great step for alien kind!" He makes exaggerated steps, only a few before your crew trainer, Andy, looks over at Wilbur with this gaze of 'please sit down or I'm telling Evan' and he's quick to find his seat back in front of you.
"You're one of my favorites Wilbur, but you should be in drama school," Andy scoffs, looking down at his tray before standing and walking away to take care of it. Your gaze follows him before landing back on Wilbur in front of you. His elbow rested on the table and his eyes look past you.
You hum, "He's right, you should've applied to drama school instead," Then you shrug, chuckling to yourself as Wilbur's gaze lands onto you, turned into a playful glare.
"And miss out on the opportunity to steal my brother's best friend away from him? Never." His eyes shine with a playfulness to them, and he smirks. 
"So I'm just a pawn?" You put your hand over your heart in mock offense, a smirk of your own curling on your lips.
"Oh yes, just a pawn," 
Andy finds his way back to his spot, and he opens his teacher's binder to check the schedule, "I don't want to know what you two are talking about, do I?" He doesn't look up as he adjusts his glasses and sifts through the different pages.
"Wilbur says I'm just a pawn," You tell him and Wilbur gawks at you, offended at how quickly you told on him.
Andy looks up and ahead and then at you and then back at Wilbur, eyebrows knitted together and concern glazing over his irises, "Pawn in what?"
"My master plan to steal them away from Tech," Wilbur speaks nonchalantly, his glare dissipating and turning into a look of pride.
Andy hums, looks over at Wilbur and says, "Good luck with that." His attention is brought back to his binder before checking the time on his phone. He begins ushering the team to finish up with their meal, take care of their trays and stand in front of the glass wall just a few feet behind you when they're done.
"First one to the wall gets to say the first words on Mars," Wilbur smiles at you, eyes glinting with mischief and you can tell by his body language, he's ready to sprint.
"Okay, fine," You shrug and let him get a head start, subtly speed-walking over to clean up his meal, and take care of his tray. Although, subtly isn't the most accurate descriptor, his legs are long enough all he has to do is take longer strides and he can beat you almost immediately. You take your time, walking normally and then speeding up for a second, but you're still behind. Wilbur looks behind him at you and frowns.
"Why are you walking?" He tilts his head at you, stopping in his tracks.
"I don't want to win," You shrug at him, taking a few steps forward and follow behind him in line.
"Why not?" He's still facing you, his back towards the front of the line and you both put the tray's on the counter, taking care of the dishes and trash and putting them in their respective spots. Plastics, paper, plates, utensils, etc.
"Everyone will hear me and only a drama queen like yourself should get to say it," You smile lightly at your own comment, and you're out of line a moment later. You both stand by the exit of the short hall, the glass wall a few feet away from you both.
"You're such a pussy," He smiles and shakes his head as he runs off over to the glass wall, and you follow, yelling after him.
"Wilbur!" You grumble as you follow him, hot on his heels and of course, he's the first at the wall, his hand pressed against the glass and he sticks his tongue out at you, "You can't say that!"
He smirks, leaning down closer to your face teasingly and your breath hitches in your throat, "And why not?" 
You huff, moving to stand against the wall next to him instead of in front of him. You fold your arms over your chest and tilt your head up to meet his eyes, an annoyed glare filling your own, "You could get us both in trouble with that language, mister."
He leans down again, "Doesn't sound like a horrible idea, at least we'll be in trouble together," He smirks slightly, attempting to avert your attention from how pink his cheeks are, and how nervous his breath is.
"Wilbur," You warn, poking his chest and he giggles, leaning against the glass wall with you as you both wait for the rest of your team to meet you.
The rest of the kids take their time with meeting everyone else at the glass wall, both you and Wilbur growing anxious at how long it was taking. You tilt your head forward to look down the line for Tommy, making sure he isn't causing any mayhem too great for Andy. And then you lean back when you see he's just talking with his friends.
It seems that both you and Wilbur found yourselves at the front of the line, the rest of your classmates assumingly lining behind you both as a buffer between them and their crew trainer. To keep Andy from hearing the things they say, probably. He's heard it all from you and Wilbur, so he's far from bothered by whatever stupid thing one of you may say next.
It's a few moments and then he's at the front of the line, leading the hoard of kids down the ramp and around the corner in front of the training room. As per usual, only you and Wilbur are the ones in a proper line and it doesn't surprise anyone. Everyone else could care less and it didn't bother you or Will to speak to each other without facing one another. Plus, if anyone got in trouble for taking up too much space, at least it wouldn't be you or him.
Andy stops the group at the fence blocking off the training room and he tells everyone to stay put as he leaves to go into the back and talk to the trainers running today's mission. You and Wilbur decide to take a spot by the wall, and sit on the floor. You're squeezed up against him slightly, the rest of the group causing you both to get a bit squished. You do your best to hide the red that begins to crawl up your cheeks, looking away from him in hopes he won't notice. He does the same, without you knowing. Both of you are desperately trying to hide any inkling at the feelings you both harbor for one another. Letting that truth through creates vulnerability and being jokingly flirtatious is easy. It can be brushed off as a playful platonic joke. So why not be flirty and break your own hearts at the thought of unrequited feelings?
"You think they trained us enough?" Wilbur breaks the deafening silence with a playful question, mouth quirking up into a half smile, half smirk. His eyes glint with something you can't quite place.
You huff a laugh, "Do you think you paid attention enough?" You turn your head to face him, smile soft but mischievous. You lean against the wall, trying to subtly slink yourself a bit away from him. You don't really want to be away from him and his touch, but it makes you nervous and you don't want to make him uncomfortable. But you don't move, you can't make it obvious. He doesn't mind the touch either, but he too fears the possibility of making you uncomfortable.
"Hm, I think I have a decent grasp on the concept. It's just button pressing and reading lines, right?" Wilbur nudges your shoulder with his, a soft laugh of his own rolling off his lips, ones held in a smirk.
"Oh, you think it's that simple, pretty boy?" You try your best to hide the pink of your cheeks, plotting a response if he asks. For a brief moment he simply looks at you, mouth slightly agape before he shuts it, bringing back his previous smirk.
"Well, that's what it seemed to be, so I'd say it's pretty simple," He brushes past the use of the pet name and he looks away, a nervous smile replacing the smirk as he looks down at his lap. Oh, he's infatuated and dear god—he wanted nothing more than to fall out of love, out of the feelings he felt. They weren't reciprocated, and any point he may have thought they were, could easily be shut down by the excuse of playful jokes.
"Well, we'll see about that," You push up to stand, catching your eye on Andy and another trainer walking over to the team. He makes the motion to move along and follow him with his hand and so you jump to stand behind him, Wilbur following suit.
The group is led around the corner and into the mission control room. Everyone's instructed to put their backpacks and whatnot on the table far behind the rows of desks. Both you and Wil put yours down on the far end, next to each other's and your shoulders brush together when the rest of the group pushes towards you both. You try to shuffle backwards, but hit the wall that separates the rest of the room to the trainer's desk. Wilbur puts his hand on the small of your back, and guides you to stand in front of him when you get startled by the wall. He rests his hands on either side of your upper arms. You know you're blushing, you know it's obvious but you just hope he doesn't see or doesn't care or doesn't notice and—
"Alright, Andromeda, everyone split into your groups of who goes where and a space ghost will lead you out to your positions, alright?" Andy speaks over the loud conversations of everyone in the group, his hands cupping around his mouth to somehow assist in making his voice louder and heard.
You and Wilbur stay in your place, Tommy, Ash, Niki and James join you both in your corner. Tommy starts chattering about his position and Wilbur is quick to shush his younger brother, and Tommy grumbles in response, crossing his arms and huffing.
The six of you are silent as you await instructions, and another trainer comes over to your group, muttering something about following her and so you do, you first, Wilbur behind and then the rest in a clump behind him. It's barely a few feet around the corner to the capsule. The trainer walking in first, ducking in through the doorway. She stands over to the corner, letting the rest of you walk in and find your seats. Wilbur attempts to duck down but still manages to bump his head, holding back a few obscenities that would definitely get him in trouble.
You chuckle at the sight and he keeps his head ducked down as he finds his spot at his seat. He buckles in the best he can, and then the trainer tells him off, reminds him he has to put his suit on first. He grumbles to himself, and turns around out of his chair and joins the rest of you as you put on the white painters jumpsuits over your normal clothes. Light costume astronaut boots being put on your feet and velcroed in.
You look over at Wilbur and catch your eye on him as he struggles, trying to get his sleeves to pull down all the way, same with his pants legs. You huff a laugh at the sight, "Don't worry about it," You shake your head at him and adjust his collar, hands lingering on his chest before pulling them away to rest at your sides.
His eyes go wide in a playful way, lips curling into a slight smirk, trying to hold some semblance of a fearful gaze, "I could die, y/n!" 
You huff a laugh, turning away from him and sitting in your commander's seat, him following and sitting in the seat opposite you, "You, die? Yeah you're too stubborn for that," You open the small binder you were given and review it as you wait for the signal to start, a clarification from every position that they too are ready.
Wilbur follows suit and you swear you see him gaze at you from the corner of your eye. You smile softly and pretend you don't notice, "Wilbur?"
He hums, looking up from his book for a moment and he looks to you, a quizzical look on his features, "Yes?"
You nod your head towards the comms, "Joe asked for confirmation from you, pilot,"
"Oh!" Wilbur rushes to put his headset on, and presses the speak button, "Roger that SOCOM," He rests his head back against the headrest, sighing.
"Alright, I'll leave you guys to it. Remember the call buttons if you need anything at all, okay?" The crew trainer assigned to the Orion capsule then leaves out the door, being sure to get a verbal confirmation or a thumbs up from each of you.
"You'll do fine, Wilbur," You reassure him, going about various procedures, buttons and switches being turned on or off. Codes being entered and lines of numbers and codes being typed out on the screen.
"You think so?" His voice shakes, unsure of himself as he flips switches along with you, referencing his binder every few seconds.
You nod, "I know so," It's all you need to say as you press the last few buttons before the computer switches the simulation to launch. Voices muffled in your ear as you focus intently on what's needed to do next, when you get into Altair.
It's a few minutes of launch and then the program switches to a screen showing the stars and planets passing by. More switches need flipping and more buttons need pressing. You glance over to your right at Wilbur, his eyebrows knitted in concentration and anxiety. His finger skims the lines of words and instructions in his binder.
"You alright there, Wil?" You put down your book, keeping your eyes locked on him.
"Uh, yeah, fine, fine," He keeps his gaze locked on the pages before him. 
You revert your gaze back to your own work, still checking on him in the corner of your eye every once and a while. Everyone in the capsule was ahead of schedule, all buttons pressed and switches flipped so all you had to do now was respond to Mission Control and wait for docking. Wilbur's leg had started to bounce by this point and he was biting his tongue. His hands kept running through his hair and he seemed oddly stressed for a simple simulation. If you could stand up and walk over to him, you would. But you're buckled in (more like strapped in since there were no buckles and both you and Wilbur were insistent that you were secure in your seats), you couldn't unbuckle yourself and walk over to him, risking an unnecessary anomaly.
So, you reached your hand over to his shoulder, having to lean to your side to even reach him in the first place. His head shot up to look at you, eyebrows creased in a wrinkling worry and mouth drawn in a thin line. 
"Are you okay?" It was merely a whisper, only meant to be heard by you and him. It was intimate and private and your eyes were soft as they looked into his. He didn't know what to do with himself, the amount of care you showed him was overwhelming. His heart racing with anxiety and nervousness.
His face flushed pink, "Yes-"
You cut him off, tapping his leg that bounces and hits the console a few times with how lanky he is, "Your leg says otherwise," You smile softly to him, the softness matching your gaze.
"I'm okay," He tries looking away, up at the screen and he watches the digital stars. The white dots scattered on black in the monitor before him.
You rub his shoulder gently, "Can't help if you don't tell me what's wrong."
He sits there, fidgeting with his hands in his lap, eyes closing shut and a deep breath being taken, and then his head turns to face you, "What if I mess it all up?"
You smile, shaking your head, "That's not possible, I promise you won't," You pat his shoulder gently, soft and assuring smile held on your lips.
"What if I press the wrong button? Or don't get secured well enough? Or what if I mess up the O2 transfer, or--"
You cut him off, squeezing his shoulder gently. Mission Control is sure to be watching this all, but most are probably running around chasing someone so the thought isn't bothersome to you or Wilbur. The camera can't catch the light pink tinted on either of your cheeks anyways.
"I'll be right there to help, you're not alone. It's a job for both of us, if one of us goes down we both do. Triumphantly," Your thumb rubs over his shoulder, back and forth in a manner of comfort and consolation.
"They need their commander more-" 
You shake your head, "They need their pilot too," When the closeness is overwhelming, you back up, ruffling up his hair and finding your spot back in your seat, "Now, relax and ask MOCR if they're like, dead yet."
Wilbur smiles, wider now and he shakes his head with a light chuckle.
"Part of me hopes they're dead."
"Wilbur!" You scold him, smiling wide. The rest of the Orion crew is in their own world, not paying mind to you and Wilbur's bickering.
"Okay, not Joe, the rest though--" He cuts himself off with a giggle and presses the speak button on his coms box, "Mission Control, how is it over there?"
There's a crackle in your headphones and Joe speaks over the mic, "What do you think, Wilbur?"
"Ey, it's Pilot to you," Wilbur, while speaking with a stern tone, is smiling wide. Joe huffs and a scream is heard muffled behind him, "How bad?"
"Zombies, Wil, zombies," Joe sounds tired, exasperated and he leaves his mic on accidentally and there's a shuffle heard and more yelling.
"ZOMBIES??" Tommy yells and the entire capsule bursts out laughing, you, Ash, Wilbur, James, Niki-- Tommy just stands there oblivious as you all listen to the chaos in Mission Control.
"I didn't know there were zombies," Niki speaks up, giggling and sifting through her own guide book.
"I hope at least Mark survives," James then pipes up, and shrugs.
"What about the rest?" You ask him, turning in your chair to look back at him.
"Eh, they can get eaten alive," Everyone's heads spin to look at him and James simply shrugs.
"James!" You scold him, "You are both children," You look between both James and Wil as you speak and then you turn back to face the screen in front of you.
The speaker crackles again, "Docking is in five minutes, Orion," Joe sounds out of breath as he speaks, "You're on your own for now, half of my crew is dying,"
"Thank God," James mutters and Ash smacks his shoulder.
"James! Your mic is on!" Ash glares at his friend, huffing.
"Yeah, that's the point,"
Joe grumbles and his mic cuts off, now no longer any inkling as to what's happening in Mission Control, the six of you sit in silence, waiting for docking to complete.
"I don't want to jinx it--" Tommy begins speaking but he's then cut off by the rest of you yelling;
"NO!" in unison.
And then he draws his mouth in a thin line and crosses his arms, puffing his chest.
Silence blankets the air, and then a clicking is heard through the loudspeakers.
"Docked!" Ash calls out and Wilbur instructs everyone to unbuckle and follow you through to Altair. You crawl through the 'airlock' door between yours and Wil's stations and slip into the Altair capsule. Wilbur follows you, bumping his head on both sides of the airlock and then again when he stands. You giggle at him as you shuffle to find all the mic boxes and helmets and set them aside for landing.
"I'm not sure how you passed the first Astronaut evaluation-- You're much too tall for this job," You playfully poke at Wilbur and he rolls his eyes, finding his spot at the front of the room, by another control board. He puts on his headset, gesturing for you to do the same and then the rest of your crew all files into the capsule.
"They needed someone decently charismatic," He smirks smugly, looking through his guidebook again, landing on the page for Altair arrival and he begins the usual routine of button presses and switches.
"You? Charismatic? Yeah, no, they just felt bad for you," You chuckle to yourself, and he drops his hands from the control board in front of him, crossing his arms and leaning against the wall next to him, his eyes locked on you.
"You are so mean to me," He shakes his head, eyes still on you and your cheeks dusted pink. You averted your gaze from him, down at the control board.
"All in a day's work," You shuffle through your own book, pressing buttons and entering codes.
"Stop flirting, you two," James chirps up, rolling his eyes and messing with the screen in the far back.
You both turn bright red, focusing your gazes heavily on the control board in front of you, doing your best to ignore the words from your friends mouth. Tommy, Ash and Niki, find their own spots on the floor against the wall--James is too stubborn to join them and determined to stand as long as he needs to before landing.
"James, just sit," Niki is stern and pats the spot next to her. James looks over, watching her and shaking his head.
"I'm fine up here, Niki," He looks through his own guidebook now, nothing new for him to do.
"Alright, well, suit yourself," Niki shrugs, looking across at Tommy and Ash and striking conversation with them both.
You continue glancing over at Wilbur, his eyes intently focused on screens and buttons and words typed on a page. His face contorted into a focused gaze and it's endearing. Watching him so focused, working in a way. He's in his element--while you can't deny he's meant for music, something about him being in this STEM environment fits. A leadership role. If you weren't so bad at communication and speaking clearly, you would've immediately opted for Pilot--Commander was simply made for him. But then again, so was the position of speaking and commanding and communicating--and wow, he's so pretty. 
A few stray curls fall onto his forehead as his head tilts down to get a closer look at a separate screen, finger running over the words next to the O2 symbol. He's rolled up the sleeves on his jumpsuit, and he's stuffed a pen he grabbed, in his hair on top of his ear. 
You catch yourself staring and look away before he can notice, and when you look back at your crew, they all look away as if they were staring too. Probably at you, and most likely going to gossip later. You huff and squeeze through to the back, grabbing helmets and mic sets, handing one by one to each person. James first, since he's closest to you, then Niki, then Ash and lastly Tommy. He huffs, mumbling something about how he's obviously your least favorite. Which isn't true by any means, but the child insists.
And then you hand Wilbur his, and he nods to you, a curt smile on his lips in thanks. Your stomach flips and your cheeks burn but you shake it away.
A few more moments and Mission Control comes through the coms again, Joe sounding stressed and out of breath, "Landing procedure will begin shortly, please put your helmets on and secure your suits. Thank you," And then his voice cuts out again and Wilbur shrugs before pressing his coms button, responding with a short 'roger that'.
All of you begin readjusting your suits and hooking up your comms. Wilbur rolls his sleeves back down and to you that's slightly disappointing--but it's better than him 'dying' so you suck it up for the sake of the mission. James struggles with his helmet, grumbling and Niki giggles, helping him slide it on and secure it around his collar. He mutters something about it being stupidly difficult but you can't entirely hear. Your focus is on the boy in front of you, stumbling with his comms box as he clips it onto his belt and then he puts on his own helmet. Yours has already been put on and is perfectly adjusted. You'd be a liar if you said your suit was too small--it was much too long. So you had to roll the sleeves and pants legs to make it so you didn't trip. 
Wilbur struggles with the collar, fidgeting with it to get it to sit right, over the lip of his helmet. You hum, walking over to him, "Need any help?"
He nods, "Dear god, yes."
You smile softly and help flatten his collar and pull it up over the lip of his helmet. You fasten it in the back after ushering him to turn around and kneel a bit so you can reach. He turns around after you pat his back, facing you and smiling softly. Your hands linger on his chest for a moment, fingers messing with the edges of his collar to put it in its final place.
Wilbur speaks up, "Thank you," He smiles softly and you pull your hands away, eyes looking away and face turning a light pink.
"Anytime there, Wilbur," You turn to face the control panel, flipping the final switches before you all get the okay to step out.
Wilbur steps out first, freezes and mumbles "Mars, a new frontier," and the entire crew bursts into fits of giggles--Wilbur included.
You walk up to him, pat him on the shoulder and look up at him, smirk pulling at the corner of your mouth, "You regret making that deal, yet?"
He looks back to you, eyes wide with anxiety, "Perhaps," and he ushers you to the dome base just a few steps aside. You step through, the rest of your crew following like a line of ducklings. You all get settled in at your stations, familiarizing yourself with where things are and what things do what. 
It's calm and quiet, just waiting on further instructions from Mission Control when you and Wilbur decide waiting is for the weak. You both head out the door, over to Altair and begin oxygen transfer.
The plan is simple: connect the hoses to the oxygen tanks, begin the transfer at the computer and move it over to the base and repeat. It's a two person job, one manning the computer and the other with the tanks. There's a computer inside the base for transferring the O2 onto the base from Altair.
"So, I'll go on computer?" Wilbur asks as you both stop outside the doors to the dome, you look up at him. Eyes soft and you nod.
"That was our plan, right?" You smile smugly and Wilbur rolls his eyes, walking off and into Altair. You get the hoses connected and then Wilbur yells out;
"Ready!" Your reply is loud, enough for him to hear but to not bother anyone else in the simulation room.
There's a simulated sound of hissing and the O2 transfers, a few moments pass and then you switch to the base and repeat everything you just did but in reverse, to empty it into the base's reservoir.
As you wait for the O2 to empty out, your mind begins to run off on its own accord. Wondering about Wilbur, if he's noticed any of your nervous glances, or the way your cheeks turn pink or red when he smiles--how you stared at him at his first volleyball game a few weeks back. Your dad told you off with a laugh--but it was hard to look anywhere but him. Anywhere but his ar-
You cut your thoughts short, bringing yourself back to reality when the O2 shuts off, and then you drug it back over to Altair. You looked around and noticed Wilbur wasn't in sight, nowhere near the base or by the computer--maybe he was inside of Altair, at the computer, waiting for you. You dropped the key to the O2 tanks and walked around the corner, sneaking into the door of Altair. No sign of the lanky nerd called Wilbur--you groaned in annoyance, hitting your head on the air lock opening when you stepped into the lander.
You shuffled yourself over to the computer, pressing a few buttons to get the transfer ready and you went back out; connected the tanks and went back in to press the final button for this transfer.
It was merely a waiting game as you patiently awaited the transfer to complete--if you were honest it was more impatient than anything, but no one needs to know that. You got bored, and partly frustrated and so you walked off while the tank filled and you went into the base.
"Okay, has anyone seen my Pilot? He's went missing and it's really difficult to transfer these," You wave your hands in frustration, "these, tanks!"
Tommy scoffs, Niki giggles and Ash closes the plexiglass door to the solitary bed James is laying in.
"Haven't seen him, sorry," Niki is the first to speak, going about her business grabbing medications and other things and handing them off to Ash.
"Not even an inkling?" 
"Nope," They all answer you at once, shaking their heads or shrugging. James' nope is muffled behind the plexiglass.
You groan and turn on your heels, dramatically exiting out the double doors. You drag yourself back into Altair, shutting off the transfer and continuing your previous routine, desperately looking for Wil as you do so.
"Y/n! I found it!" The familiar accent breaks through and you turn around to face him, a wide smile plastered on his lips and a small Mars Rover in his arms. He holds it up, smile still wide and warm.
"So that's where you disappeared off to?" You smile back, so soft and partially teasing. You fold your arms over your chest.
He nods wildly, "Yup! I'm gonna go fix it, I'll be right back out to help, okay?" Wilbur begins walking off and into the base, you chuckle to yourself shaking your head.
"You better, Wil!" You call back, desperately trying to hide the fluttering in your chest and the pink on your cheeks. There's no evident reason for your reaction other than just…him.
A few moments later and he's back out of the base, letting it loose on the floor and walking over to you. He pats your shoulder and slips into the lander, his legs sticking out for a few moments before he pulls himself all the way in. An ouch is heard along with a bang and you giggle.
"I'm okay!" He yells out, and you shake your head.
"It's already done, Wilbur!" You call out, the four words having been delayed by you until he got into the lander--just to mess with him.
You hear him huff and then slink out of the lander airlock. He takes a few steps down the ladder and walks over to you, "I dislike you right now," He holds a fake frown on his features, but his eyes are soft.
"Dislike is a strong word there, Gold," You smirk, arms folding over your chest again and eyes looking up, locking on his.
"Hm, it fits," He shrugs and turns on his heel, walking over to the satellite board, he stops and looks back at you, "Can you get the box underneath the medical bed? We need the pieces to fix this," If you didn't know better, you would've sworn he heard your thoughts back in Orion--maybe he did.
"I don't remember your role being commander?" You walk over to him, leaning against the board, a wave of confidence shooting through you.
"Might as well be," His lips curling into a smirk as he speaks, soft and quiet, "I'm better at taking lead, aren't I?"
This fucker-- You scoff, smirking to yourself and walking off into the base. You rub your hands on your face in an attempt to rid your cheeks of its burning redness and James looks over to you--
"Did you not notice how miserable I am? Or are you too busy with-" Ash yells at him, smacking the plexiglass before James could finish his remark.
"No-- sorry, both our mics are broken so we're pretty out of the loop," You mumble and kneel down to grab the box into your hands, "you dying or something?" 
"Yes!! I am!" James' tone is sharp and everyone giggles at his words, "Hey! Come on guys! That's what the Space Ghost told me!" 
Ash shakes his head, "No! They said you're having a severe allergic reaction, not dying."
James groans, throwing himself back on the bed flat, "I wish I was dying!" 
You laugh, shaking your head, "Alright, well don't treat him, Niki," and you walk out, box in hand.
You walk over to Wilbur, dropping the box in front of him and then putting your hands on your hips, "There you go, Commander, happy now?" 
He smirks, "Why yes I am, thank you," He leans down to open it and take out a few pieces, handing a good half of them to you and you huff, rolling your eyes.
"This power is getting to your head-- You're not even Commander," You start to place the pieces one by one in the way the instructions sheet requires-- it's not detailed instructions by any means. It's more or less an example of what it should look like which is plenty for you and Wilbur to go off of.
"Well, I might as well be. I thought you liked this?" His face never falls from the cocky smirk he holds, some sort of confidence of his own surging through his body. He looks over at you briefly, eyes locked down onto yours. "Me being in charge and all?"
Your eyes went wide and you hoped you were hallucinating-- or maybe daydreaming-- or maybe this was a dream. But you figured with how real it felt, your senses being in tact--that this was real. You felt your cheeks burn bright red and you simply stared, hand going limp and the piece of this big puzzle in your hand, falling and crashing into the box.
"I saw you staring, that's all," He smirks and shakes his head, moving along with his part of the puzzle and you swore you could see him blush too--
The thought is cut short when a Space Ghost comes out of the Mission Control room, ushering everyone to stop their roles for a moment and that we'll pick up where we left off next session. You silently thank the gods for this interruption-- keeping Wilbur from getting too cocky and you catch him wink at you as he follows the rest of the group into Mission Control.
Next session will be the death of you.
taglist; @sleepyburs @lillylvjy (just send me an ask or dm if you want to be added!)
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So what is your take on student x teacher this is like itching my brain with a need to know
I think that the student x teacher dynamic is adorable and quite hot, but it's rare to see someone put thought beyond just a teacher and a student. Can't you imagine someone admiring their gym teacher because of how strong they are? The way that their muscles glisten with sweat after joining the students in running a few laps around the track. Or maybe someone thinks that their home economics teacher is just so sweet and approachable, how their food is just so good, how comforting it is to be around them. The fun thing about the variations though is that the teacher's thought process is usually the same, wanting to show love to their favorite student. Not to say that there isn't the rare case of, perhaps an art teacher, seeing a student treat her class like a joke. Seeing them not put any effort into the process of creation. So she takes it upon herself to talk to the girl who has been treating the class like an easy A and tells her that if she starts to apply herself, maybe puts some effort in, she'd let her do a nude portrait of the teacher. The student, though, despite her complete disregard for the class, is completely infatuated with her teacher. So learning that this is her chance to see the body of the woman she has spent many, many lonely nights thinking about makes her put 110% into the class. End-of-the-year roles around and the teacher, who did not expect such a massive change in behavior from the student, is shocked but still holds up her end of the deal. Whispering in the student's ear after class "Come back here after school." The absolute second she can the student runs as fast as her legs can manage back to the classroom and with the amount of confidence only someone her age can have tells her teacher that she's "More than ready to do this." So now the student sits, with her leg bouncing eagerly and her heart thumping with anticipation, sitting in front of her easel and watching as her teacher begins to undress herself. Her body struggles to contain its lustful urges, her mind struggling to contain its lustful thoughts, while her teacher just sits so elegantly waiting for her beauty to be captured by her little artist. But behind the easel, sitting in her seat, the student is shaking as she puts brush to canvas. No thoughts other than those filled with infatuation are held in her mind as she draws. A breaking point is finally reached when she uses her offhand to move her skirt and stroke herself just slightly out of view from her teacher. The soft and muffled moans quickly give the student's desires away. But the teacher just tells her lone pupil "I think we've spent enough time on that pose, so grab another sheet and I'll change position." The student leaping quickly out of her chair and running over to one of the cabinets lining the wall to comply with the demands of her superior. It's only when she turns around to see how her teacher is spreading herself, nervously avoiding eye contact, and face flushed, does she completely stops what she was doing. The teacher, using her fingers to expose herself, sheepishly uttering the words "I know this is what you want to do, so let's just get it done with. . ." Dropping the canvas and running to the woman of her dreams, her cock bulging from her skirt, the student grabs the sides of her teacher's hips and excitedly nods, with the confidence only a girl in love can have.
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n-vrld · 1 year
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﹙ 🦋 ﹚ ✶ ׅ ESCAPE is the DEBUT mini album of NEVERLAND. released on MAY 21, 2021, the mini album consists of six tracks, including the title track : SECOND STAR.
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﹙ 🎧 ﹚ ✶ ׅ TRACKLIST !
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀CLICK HERE TO LISTEN !
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﹙ 🪡 ﹚ ✶ ׅ STYLINGS !
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photobook ( 110 pages ) + two random photocards out of eighteen + one random polaroid out of six + one group mini-poster out of two + one random member sheet of stickers out of six
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﹙ 🗣️ ﹚ ✶ ׅ THE HIGHLIGHTS !
obviously, everyone was surprised by the depth of mei's voice. her deep voice for a pretty girl has directly put everyone in agreement — her voice quickly went viral on the internet and aroused the curiosity of many kpop fans. in less than an hour, the girls saw their followers climb like crazy.
many were waiting very impatiently to see what the fantasy concept of neverland would look like, and we must admit that they were not disappointed — by the elegant but energetic choreographies, and the breathtaking fairy-tale stage decorations, the members of neverland quickly made a strong and impactful impression.
despite her young age, jinny has shown her determination and professionalism in every performances. many were impressed by her mastery and skills — she is obviously not called golden maknae of the 4th gen for nothing.
some people have quickly made the connection between the euni of nvrld, and the euni waacking star of tiktok — if some people already knew she was planning to debut in a group, others were more pleasantly surprised. with her impressive talents and amazing dance skills, she knew how to make the unanimity with the interested fans. quickly, people on the internet rushed to talk about her, but especially about her impressive and perfectly mastered dance break in their flagship song 'second star'.
many of their family members were there during their first live performance — people immediately spotted bina's twin brother who, not surprisingly, looks exactly just like her. but also some of their close friends. among them, the young member of txt, yojin, was present for the youngest of the group. internet users did not fail to immortalize their emotional reunion at the end of the show.
despite quinn's easily noticeable shyness, she was able to endure perfectly well the role of spokesperson during their first win. if the trembling of her tiny hands were visible to the naked eye, remi's reassuring hand on her hip was only noticeable for certain attentive eyes.
talking about remi, our awesome big sister ended up trending on twitter for the most adorable of reasons. indeed, photos of her proudly and tenderly admiring her members have melted tinkerbells' hearts. they were quick to point out that even though remi seems to be strict in her work, she is still like a second mother to her friends — a caring and loving one.
in addition to that, fans could see during these four weeks of promotion, that many friendships were created. especially between mei and the member of ateez, lua, who seemed very close after a performance. atinys and tinkerbells were quick to point out the difference in personality of the girls — but that didn't stop them from becoming good friends very quickly.
during an after show live, mei and euni told a funny and crazy story about one of their performances — while she was supposed to get ready, the stylists realized that euni's outfit was missing. panic was quickly felt, because there were only a few minutes left before the beginning of the performance. a chance for them : euni was wearing an outfit quite similar to the ones of her members. then after some touch-ups and accessorizing, under the wise advice of mei, her outfit had gone from disastrous to burn the stage. the fans didn't even realize it.
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( taglist ) : @starmaniic @lost-leopard-beanie @invuwrld @dreamingofkyu @darkestlovers @alixnsuperstxr
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lyramundana · 10 months
Ok, first of all, your chan analysis? Banger. Incredible. Perfectly said. Revolutionary. Marvelous.
But also I felt so happy to see that I'm not the only one who's *very* childfree but would give this man, and this man only, whichever amount of children he wanted. The desire I have to see this man as a dad, I truly feel he would be 110% in his element. I would combust spending the weekends watching his pure joy as he cares for his kids, completely his to take care of and dote on forever, the ones that literally need his care to live and the ones no one would ever be able to take away from him.
Sorry but I get a little unhinged thinking about domestic life with this loser of a man.
Ashdhdnhd thank you so much! ❤❤❤ The first paragraph got me so soft and giggly, like stupid. I don't even consider it an analysis, just some delulu thoughts of mine based on what I see in Christopher Bang. @whatudowhennooneseesyou has way cooler analysis. I strongly recommend you to visit her and take a look.
Of course you're not the only one, sweetie. Christopher Bang makes everyone considerate parenthood. He carries a certain aura on him that makes you want to birth this man's babies and give him a whole army if he desires, regardless if you like children or not. I think most of it is born of our desire to be bred by him and filled with his seed. That's my case at leasts.
I agree he'll be an awesome dad and this role has been made for him. He adores his children, sure, but there's also other reasons he wants to be a father so much. After all, these babies are a living proof of his claim over his partner. His breeding kink is motivated mostly by his possessiveness and urge to control. He knows having a baby undeniably ties two people together in a visceral manner. He loves his children mostly because they're extensions of his partner and also himself. They're completely his. His flesh, his blood, these little humans he created. The wolf in him purrs in delight at the thought.
With this, I meant Christopher Bang would be the most likely to baby-trap his partner in order to keep tied to him. He wants to be a father, but he also loves the dark aspect of it. Part of his adoration for the children is because they're a physical manifestation of his love for his partner and solid chains that keeps her by his side.
His possessiveness would, of course, pass unto his babies too. Since they've been born out of his lover's body, after he impregnated her, he treats them in very similar to his partner.
In short, Christopher Bang can fill me with his babies all the times he wants and I'll gladly give up on my feminism sentiment to be a good little mother for him the rest of my life.
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rouzuchan · 2 years
Hi! I read your "Teru Minamoto has an S/O based on Kamisato Ayaka & Hutao" and I really enjoyed it :)) Can you make a Sangonomiya Kokomi or Shenhe based one?
I'm sorry this took longer than anticipated. (┬┬﹏┬┬) I'll be doing Kokomi since I wish to save Shenhe for later. Also, Tumblr, I will strangle you in the f**king neck! I almost lost this request because of some saving issues >:(
Teru Minamoto with Sangonomiya Kokomi!Reader (Genshin Impact)
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𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈(𝐬): Teru Minamoto x F!Reader (ʏᴏᴜ/ʏᴏᴜʀ) 𝑮𝒆𝒏𝒓𝒆: short drabble; bulleted headcanons (general and relationship); fluff 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈: the reader is a part of the student council
Your family owned a shrine that worshiped Watatsumi, the God of the Sea. And you were next in line to inherit the tradition. Of course, you were proud and honored, but you were never keen on becoming a priestess. 
You were still a high school student, in your second year of Kamome Academy. And as someone who comes from a renowned family, the pressure was on. 
However, taking on this role would mean you could lead your community. You weren’t looking forward to the burden, but, for the sake of the people, you did your best in school and in training.
Maybe that’s why Teru was so drawn to you. The way you carry and present yourself with elegance and empathy, pulling everyone at ease with upcoming exams and events. You were just like him, placed upon a pedestal by all of Kamome, expecting the greatest from your efforts.
Once he got to know you better when that claim was correct.
Teru entered the Student Council office to retrieve some papers that the staff was requesting. He almost brushed past the dozing maiden on the other side of his desk. 
The seeping sunlight illuminated your slumbering figure, chin resting on your perched-up palm. Underneath you were unfinished files of this month’s financial reports, the pencil resting on your fingers marking the page.
He shook his head, he took the paper and pencil, with the stack on the side. He walked over to the couch and grabbed a throw pillow, sliding it between your head. You dozed deeper, your short breaths finally relaxing and slowing with serenity. 
Teru’s admiration hasn’t faltered. Of course, you’d be burnt out from all the effort you were doing. Once you were announced as the vice president of the student council, you tried tirelessly to take the majority of his workload. He knew you only wished to prove yourself worthy of a title, but, like any other human being, we forget to take care of ourselves when facing our adversaries.  He took the pile of papers and began to work. He copied the reports onto the page in a swift manner. When the table was complete, he placed it on your desk. ‘Sleep well, your excellency.’
From that day forward, Teru made sure to look out for you more often. Checking for signs of drowsiness and discomfort. 
As you continue to stick around him, you’ll notice his facade as well. You were eager to help him with any duties, which he appreciated lots, but didn't want to trouble you.
Fast forward: He confesses, you accept, y’all are a couple now.
I feel like because of your reputation, the students were anticipating some romantic relationships between you and Mr. Prince Charming. You let them continue with their theatrics.
Finding out about your love for sea creatures, especially fishes, Teru takes you to the aquarium for your first date. You both had an amazing time, especially Teru who learned many facts about sea life. You practically acted as his personal tour guide.
He never expected you to be so tactical. You both were playing chess, and you won by a landslide. But, he knew he was evitable to defeat.
Occasionally, you and Teru do your business in the library, great excuse to scope some new novels to read. He’s always surprised how straight your face is throughout your reading, even to plot twists. Were you already expecting it? He wonders most of the time.
Tiara ADORES YOU. 110%.
You had an aura and looks of a mermaid princess from her storybooks! You accompany her in dress-ups and tea parties she’d host.
Teru would melt at the sight of you and his little sister bonding. He'd participate in the role of the prince in love with the mermaid, he gets too into character if you were honest. But, how can you blame him?
As his older brother’s significant other, Kou swears to protect you if any supernaturals dare to attack you. Seems familiar? 🐶
When learning about the troubles and burdens you both carried, you acted as each other’s emotional and mental support. When days seemed slow and tiresome, you’d lean on each other and bask in the silence and comfort. 
His turmoil of supernaturals… you didn’t expect the composed Minamoto to have inhabited such rage, it almost scared you. But, you never had strong opinions on supernaturals, nor did you wish to be entangled by them. So, regrettably, you stepped aside.
But, being raised in a divine lineage, you knew a thing or two of exorcism. That’s why you sneak into some mysterious corners of the school and exorcize a couple of them to ease his workload, as always.
He caught you in the act but was more concerned if you were injured. I mean, you were born into a family guujis. Of course, you’d know about supernaturals and exorcism.
That night, you assisted him in clearing the area. Your divine waves make great synergy with his lightning, a power that could seemingly wipe out the Seven Mysteries.
No matter how the tides change and roar, you always pick Teru's side, as his vice president and significant other.
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isa-ghost · 15 days
if you do get finished with qsmp, where will you go?
Nowhere! :) I've always been multi-fandom here, it's just that my dominant hyperfixation prevails over the other posts! And that dominant fixation is currently and would still be mcyt.
I'm a ride or die Crow, Phil is always going to be my main, followed by Sneeg (though he's mcyt adjacent, I respect he doesn't want to be labeled as mcyt). I watch Tommy, Tubbo, I'm trying to make a habit of tuning into Fit, I still adore the ccs I've met through QSMP and I'd try to tune into them too.
And I'm a Hermit/Lifer enjoyer!
In short, there is still SO much mcyt to love, that I do love. If you're only here for QSMP, that's okay! I'm never gonna hate it, even if I'm unhappy or a bit bitter about how things have deteriorated. I'll still interact with art, and the better times of the server. And god, I will never shut up about my fic and other ideas I have floating in my brain, so long as people are interested in them. If I fully moved on it's not like I'd pretend I was never here and never liked it, I wouldn't suddenly go 0 content on my blog about it.
And I love the mutuals and friends I've made through it. :) I'd hate for moving on to create rifts between us, even if we're those kinds of mutuals who don't talk, we just nod at each other when we see ourselves on our dashes.
Hypothetically speaking, if i did just suddenly move on from mcyt 110%, I'd more than likely become Critical Role/Dim 20/D&D centric. But I'd still talk about the good times from mcyt, especially things related to Phil. It wouldn't be erased from my blog no matter how far I moved on. :]
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muttonthings · 4 months
Kdramas I have watched
110. My Demon
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This show was on my radar because Song Kang was in it and when I read the synopsis my expectations were through the roof. I love the contract relationship trope and mix that with fantasy...I was expecting an amazing show.
Right off the bat I was in love with this show, the comedy is totally my style and the chemistry between the leads was 🔥🔥🔥
By episode 2 I knew this would be a show I would rewatch (I don't typically rewatch)
I looooved that the fantasy aspect was carried throughout the show and done so well. Some shows keep the fantasy theme in the background with the romance taking centre stage. This show combined the romance, comedy and fantasy genres perfectly.
Can we just take a second to talk about Song Kang?? I have seen him in many shows but there was just something about him in this role. His comic timing is everything. I was just mesmerized by him the entire show. I hope to see him in a similar role soon (long wait, military service 👎)
*Spoilers incoming*
This show is amazing but let me be a little picky...
I didn't understand how the villain survived his fall, that building looked veryyyy high.
I know almost every show has the lead couple separated in the 15th episode only to be reunited in the 16th, but here they were seperated twice, for short periods of time so that angst that we usually experience...I didn't feel it.
BUT I do like that our couple was reunited at the beginning of 16 so that we could get that lovely ending. I adored all the fluffy scenes with the lead couple and how all the side character's storylines were wrapped up too. I would have hated if they were only reunited at the very end of the episode. 10/10 for the ending.
Highly recommending this one!
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tricornonthecob · 8 months
Ow my legs
LK 110: Warshington Takes Command
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awww Sarah is so excited to be doing a journalism with her crush.
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Ayyy! Its his pigeon phase!
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This frame has such an energy.
Also, he was kindly to pigeons as a street orphan. They kept him company while people shunned him. He is now a pigeon person.
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James is so concerned for his pigeon friends. I bet he can mimic their cooing sounds.
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I love this interaction I love sibling interactions I love feral little sibling irritating the older sibling energy.
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Dudemanbro is as unfazed by casual gunshot sounds as I now am after having grown up close enough to a base that occasionally tested artillery and would shake our windows, lived in Richmond for seven years, and then lived in a neighborhood with one person who really likes fireworks.
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The beagle/great dane puppy is so excited.
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Calm down, Lydia Bennet.
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womp womp everyone's injured because war were declared.
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And she would know what a good one looks like!
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Damn James laid into them alot more than what I expected him to.
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Fuckin' Yikes. Destroys the evidence.
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...You know I don't think it was a brave thing so much as a hare-brained, coke-nosed thing, go on though, there's a but in that sentence.
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Is this Moses' extremely diplomatic way of saying Benji Franx was being a dumbass.
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Okay but Benji, she's one of your reporters, too, and why does the girl always have to be the eye-rolling mom friend keeping the boys of the trio in line. What if its the blonde boy with main character energy that's actually supposed to be the mom friend??? He'd make a great mom friend when he isn't having ADHD teenager brain!
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I do like the visual of James going to Franklin, excited as hell and overwhelmed that his chosen Role Model supports his Interests, and excitedly chattering/brainstorming about his idea to use homing pigeons. It was probably adorable and I wish it was shown. In this house we stan Empathetic James and Excitable James.
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Quick someone get Lydia Bennet Sarah over here, she's missing the Army Sandwich.
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Wow this Keebler Elf really stands out. He must have been rejected by his clan for being so tall wait isn't this Aaron Carter's character
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Butterfliiiiiint he must have been too clumsy with the cookie dough in Keeblerville or wherever the fuck their tree is.
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Why was it loaded, Elfo???
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I'm very sorry, animation department, but what the hell.
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...This is a reference to some boomer shit, isn't it. I know they make a scooby-doo reference somewhere.
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Talking mad smack for the New England version of West Virginia. What secrets is Connecticut hiding in its forests, that it so jealously guards them from Pennsylvania???? Is it the location of the Keebler Elf tree.
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Colonial Walgreens Manager.
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Sarrrrrge you weren't supposed to tell anyone my occupation GOSH
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Why is this guy so ominous.
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Oh my god Striker? Even his name is edgelord.
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That is the correct answer, Henri!
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
Wooo congrats on finishing your exams!!! So naturally I’m obsessed with the poly!quartet and I wanna discuss Alex (my most criminally underrated blorbo) and his role in the relationship…. You’ve mentioned that Alex is the househusband of the gang, very much a service sub and YES absolutely!! He just has this calming nature about him that helps him handle the chaos of the other boys…. I also think that he plays a very important role in supporting you in looking after the others in ways you can’t…
We’ve spoken about Alex being a comfort person for charles before and I def think this applies to this universe as well!! Charles is the most sweet sensitive needy lil baby but he’s been hurt by his previous sugar daddy so when he enters the poly!quartet he’s shy and doesn’t know how to ask for what he wants… but he’s known Alex a while and feels so comfortable and loved by him, that when he’s struggling to express what he wants, Alex will gently pull charles into his lap, stroke his back to calm him down, and tell Charles to whisper to him what’s on his mind. Charles will blush and hide his face in Alex’s neck but he knows Alex would never make fun of him for being needy or clingy so he tells him… Alex becomes like the charles whisperer, able to interpret charles’ expressions and little sounds he makes when words are too hard, always knowing how to give charles exactly what he needs. Nothing is ever too much for Alex when it comes to charles….
I think Alex actually has a bit of a sixth sense for when something is wrong with one of the others, even if they try to hide it. And sometimes things get a bit Much for George (it’s a a noisy busy house) and Alex will pull him into an empty and just sit with him, turning the lights down low and holding George close to himself, sitting in comfortable silence until George can calm down and verbalise what upset him. Alex is also the CEO of the George Defence Squad- he’ll happily stick up for George and warn the others to quieten down if George is in a sensitive mood…
When Lando struggles with jealousy over your attention, Alex is always the first to notice- he sees lando’s pained little expressions when he keeps looking over at where George and Charles are cuddling you… Alex makes a big deal of scooping lando up in his arms, tickles him until he gets a giggle in response, and spends the rest of the afternoon doting on lando, giving him 110% of his attention until lando is so wrapped up in Alex’s love that he forgets he was even jealous in the first place..
I’m also thinking maybes there’s a time when you and Lando are out at an event so Alex is at home with George and Charles and they’re both fussy and clingy and missing you….. but Alex being Alex manages to calm them both and when you and Lando get home it’s to the sight of Charles curled up on Alex’s lap, swaddled in a blanket fast asleep and letting out tiny snores… George is laying flat on the sofa with his head also somehow on Alex’s lap and his eyes are drooping as Alex strokes his hair. The movie they’re watching is quickly forgotten as George jumps up to greet you, waking charles in the process who just sleepily clings to Alex, knowing he’s safe in Alex’s arms……
Sorry this got so long but I just!!! Have so much love for this au and especially poly!quartet househusband Alex that I couldn’t stop myself!! -🐬
YES MORE ALEX CONTENT AMAZING!!!!! Also I’ve missed 🐬’s thoughts so much oh my god.
Firstly, househusband Alex is incredible. Alex adores that role so much.
Alex thrives in that role. At first he nervous about how much he loved it, because he thought he might get made fun of for it? He thought you might think less of him because he didn’t want to be shown off or go to work with you like the others, and he doesn’t have his own career plans either. He just… he wants to look after everyone. That’s all he wants.
And so when he realises that you’re more than happy to let him stay at home? And that Charles, lando and George love it so much because they love that there’s always someone at home for them?
He’s just so happy with his role. And yeah he absolutely suppers the others as well. He loves helping them.
Alex really does have a sixth sense for when someone is unhappy or in need of comfort. He prides himself on looking after everyone (which includes you by the way).
Maybe it’s Alex who convinces Charles to join the relationship? You all want him there, but he’s so scared to admit it until Alex convinces him that you all want him there.
Alex makes sure to watch out for Charles, because he knows that Charles struggles to be open about his wants. Charles feels so good every time Alex notices him and gives him attention? Cause he just adores Alex so much. Charles knows he’s safe with Alex, even more he fully trusts everyone else, he knows he’s safe with Alex.
Sometimes Alex will even call you over? You’ll walk into the room because Alex called and find Charles curled up on Alex’s lap, clearly getting all the attention he could. And Charles is in heaven when you join.
And George!! Alex is SO protective of George? Especially when George first joins the relationship? He basically just hoards George for at least a few weeks when he joins, keeping George safe in the apartment, making sure he feels safe and loved.
No seriously, you needed Alex’s permission to take George to work with you for the first two weeks because Alex was so protective.
It also makes complete sense that Alex would see when lando gets a bit jealous. It just breaks Alex’s heart to see that because he knows that there’s no way you love lando any less than the others, but the others just sometimes need a bit more attention.
But that’s okay! Because he’s there! He can cuddle lando and kiss him and tickle him and hold him tight and make sure he knows he’s safe and loved.
Also, if Alex is feeling unhappy or vulnerable, then all of you notice instantly? Because no one functions without Alex. Absolutely no one.
Alex is the glue that holds you all together, and none of you ever take that for granted.
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shoppncarticles · 1 year
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Skipping 18 Pokemon in Pokedex order, since they’re all past evolutions I’ve covered already, brings us to Rotom! Rotom is quite the special little Pokemon, ripe with unique gimmicks and goofy charm. This little Electric/Ghost type seems like some kind of zappy wisp, only consisting of its orange core and lightning-bolt shaped trails. The Pokedex titles Rotom as the Plasma Pokemon, and true to that title and its typing, the place you’d find Rotom in the original games was inside a creepy TV within an old haunted mansion. Rotom is a dead ringer for electronic-dwelling poltergeists of popular fiction, but its connections to object-hurling spirits don’t just end there.
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Rotom’s unique gimmick is actually how it has the ability to possess old, unused appliances, changing its Ghost typing to reflect the element of whatever body its inhabiting and gaining a unique, powerful move to boot. The first is Heat Rotom, achieved by sticking a Rotom inside a microwave oven, giving it the Electric/Fire type combo. This one is easily my favorite, since not only is Rotom quite cute in its Easy-Bake Oven shape, but its electric limbs have changed shape into oven mitts. That’s the most clever and adorable thing it could be. The unique typing helps to elevate its charm too. The combination of red and orange in its palette ain’t bad either.
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What’s maybe Rotom’s most well known form though is the Electric/Water type Wash Rotom, letting you control a full washing machine in battle. Despite each Rotom form having the same stat distribution, Wash Rotom is the one that sees the most competitive usage thanks to the Electric/Water typing having very few weaknesses, helped by Rotom’s ability Levitate rendering it immune to Ground type attacks. I do find it quite funny that a living washing machine is a consistent metagame staple.
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Almost just as funny as controlling a washing machine monster is being able to control a refrigerator, obviously filling the role of the Electric/Ice form of Frost Rotom. I’m a little sad Rotom’s movepool doesn’t change to accommodate each form besides gaining the one special move of each form (Frost’s being Blizzard, for example), I’d love to be able to use Frost Rotom as a primary Ice type attacker in a given team. Or hell, use multiple Rotom on one team since their typings don’t overlap too much.
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The Electric/Flying Fan Rotom is next up, and also makes Rotom’s design fit the appliance a bit more by having its arms becoming windy curls. That’s cute. Fan Rotom actually only gets the move Air Slash when becoming this form. Air Slash isn’t a bad move by any means, but its 75 Base Power does pale in comparison to the likes of Blizzard and Hydro Pump’s 110. Why not give it Hurricane if we’re going all out on these forms?
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Lastly is Mow Rotom, the Electric/Grass type form. While the other appliances are pretty self-explanatory in their elements, being what you’d probably think of first when asked to attach one of the types to a real world appliance, I love that it was a lawnmower that was chosen to be Rotom’s Grass type form. Even more amusingly, Mow Rotom’s special move is Leaf Storm, as if upchucking all the leafy debris it’s chewed up in its wake. The big, triangle tooth smile of this form is a great addition too.
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All this is to say, really, that Rotom is an especially unique Pokemon that lives up to its special reputation quite well. I’m glad that Pokemon’s interpretation of the classic Poltergeist is so diverse and iconic in its execution, with a solid selection of varied forms and options. I do wish, though, that Rotom would get additional forms to explore further typings as more Generations came out, similar to all the love that Eevee gets (or, used to get, I suppose). By far the most amusing idea I’ve heard was an Electric/Ground type potato battery. That isn’t an appliance, sure, but wouldn’t that just make Rotom even better than it already is?
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Things don’t stop there, though, since while Rotom hasn’t gotten any more forms you can use in battle, it did get a few more cosmetic alternate forms in later generations, the first being Dex Rotom seen here. Gifted to players in Sun/Moon, the Pokedex’s (in-universe) Text-to-Speech capabilities seem to have been translated in such a way that this Rotom can actually talk to you, and guides you through the game while displaying a handful of helpful features. A couple people have proposed the idea of Rotom actually being the one who writes the ‘dex entries in these games, which would be a fun spin on the idea if you ask me.
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And in later games, you can even have a Rotom-infested cell phone that covers all your menu and UI needs. It makes enough sense for the Pokemon universe, I suppose, to let a little electronic spirit into personal electronics in order to boost their efficiency (even if Rotom has been shown to be pretty chaotic and unruly in its appliance forms), but having so much Rotom around in personal devices kind of makes it feel less special, y’know? If Rotom’s everywhere, it won’t feel unique anymore. Hell, the only way you could get Rotom initially was from a single timed encounter with that haunted TV I mentioned earlier! Now you can just find it anywhere without fanfare. Rotom even had the Legendary Pokemon battle music playing in its first encounter, though its ability to create eggs of itself kind of proves it isn’t a Legendary like the others. I just wish Rotom was treated with the same exclusive reverence as Spiritomb, I suppose, which would help it continue to feel unique and special in the modern day.
Score: 5/5 - PERFECT!
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Rotom still gets a perfect score though, because who can deny all of its amazing features and appliance applicability?
Also, Rotom’s name backwards is motor. Just in case you didn’t see it before.
[Gen 4 Archive]
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heartofsix · 2 years
got to see this miracle of a cast today! here's a recap on each queen and costume/tech notes at the end :))
bre was FANTASTIC! i haven't heard her since her first shows and wasn't too impressed by her, but wow. she has grown so much in the role and is such a natural onstage. loved her no way riffs that caught me off guard. she's so funny and so talented. love.
andrea was amazing as always. i've seen her twice before but she's still going strong! her portrayal has changed over time and it's so fresh i was still laughing at every one of her lines. i was doing the little head movements during DLYH and she saw me and was singing half the song making eye contact with me lol.
keri has the voice of a GOD. her heart of stone was flawless. no words. she fixed holli''s hair after AYWD which was a cute moment.
nicole !!!! i have been dying to see the og us alternates. this was her first show back after a long time for a foot injury and she fell right back into place! her get down is so fun live and i am obsessed with all the extra little riffs she did.
HOLLI' CONWAY. oh my god how lucky am i to have seen this. i have no words but i'm gonna talk anyway. such a funny and sassy howard. i'm not sure if a video boot exists but her mannerisms and facial expressions are on point 110% of the time. her AYWD was mesmerizing. she would sneak in the stress and anger of the song a little bit into the verses but go back to the naive and fun-ness in the chorus. her ponytail got messed up in the final chorus and it was so perfect it added so much more to the song. absolutely adore her.
COURTNEY PARR!!!!!!!!!!! i thought i was lucky to see holli' as howard, but oh my god to see court parr too is just!!! i've seen courtney howard before and was a little worried in her parr not holding up, but man she was so strong! she's honestly such a funny parr which is pretty different than most of the women who play her. i mouthed "sing girl" to her and she giggled. she also sang part of the megasix looking at me as well but i did not get it on video that well :((
tech and costume notes for nerds like me:
the kabuki (purple curtain) was still weird. normally it splits for the queens to walk through then it drops to reveal the set when they sing "LIVE". but lately it's just been risen completely when the house lights turn off during the greensleeves intro. i hope they change it back soon because it didn't have the same effect. the show started about 15 minutes late and i'm assuming it was an in-ear issue. the girls were playing with them the whole show or took them out completely.
holli' seems to have her own howard costume now! before she was wearing old 2020 pieces/other costumes. her choker did fall off during HOH. bre was the only one wearing flats, shoutout to nicole for wearing her heeled boots straight after an injury, and holli' had pink straps so i'm assuming the (new) broadway alts will be switching to the interchangeable straps like the tours.
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lovebirdgames · 2 years
Ya know, I really like Cadence so far! One she's fucking adorable I mean come on, look at her, and two she puts 110% percent of herself into her role and passions! She just cares a lot about the band's performance and the band themselves, and even when she makes the wrong decisions, it was made out of an attempt to help.
Of course their are downsides to this, as we see in game, when the band suffers even when she puts 110% of herself into it she takes it REALLY hard. As teens do I suppose. And her strong emotions can end up being detrimental in certain situations, while her unwillingness to speak up when she's getting a short end of the stick can also hurt her.
But she's a good kid, and I appreciate MCs that put their all in something, whatever that thing may be. These band kids are lucky to have her tbh, ESPECIALLY Mr. Wiley
YAY I love to see Cadence love!!!! <3 Thank you so much!!
I just adore writing her and all of her different dynamics with the full cast (not just the love interests)!
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