#London Calling|Legend Au
brooklynislandgirl · 6 months
Advent Day II ~ Many Times, Many Ways @ronmanmob
Things are a lot different in London than they are New York but even so, Ron tries so hard to make her feel connected to her lifelong traditions and rituals even if they are a little alien to him. Thanksgiving was shared with his family ~the only thing that near spoiled the lovely supper was Reg's comment about not really knowing why they had to move up Sunday dinner though a singular look from Ron had removed the prickly bits from the panini as it were~ and there was a certain cosiness to it, even if the food was a tad different. For years now he'd listened to her stories of Shaka Santa and him arriving in the islands on his outrigger canoe, pulled by dolphins rather than reindeer which has always seemed a little odd to her. Maybe because she'd seen more dolphins in her life than she had real reindeer. He'd gracefully accepted that from that night forward there needed to be carols on the radio, that she wanted to get her tree as soon as was reasonable and all the questions about where to get a living one that could be planted after the season. He did say February was a touch excessive for the end of Christmas but he conceded to at least waiting until Epiphany before he'd help her take it all down. What was a relationship if not a series of loving compromise? Beth hadn't had much shopping to do on the ominously titled Black Friday as she was the kind of person who simply bought a gift for someone when she saw something that reminded her of them, or that she thought they might like. She spent most of that day in fleecy pyjamas, watching American football ~she assured him, it was the first time ever that they had a game on this particular day~ and otherwise grazing on left over bits from the night before. She isn't so very hard to please. So by the end of the first week of December, all the major tasks for the holidays had been accomplished, except for the tree. Their Christmas card which boasted Ron and herself and the entire pack of pups in holiday sweaters were already sent out, each one with a personal hand written note. She'd chosen to take the month off, and had listed herself as absent but for case of emergency. The forecast was fairly warm for the approach to winter, with overcast skies and the potential for a slow, all day sort of rain. Everything was almost perfect. She brought two mugs of cocoa ~whipped cream and a dash of cinnamon atop~ to where he sat and climbed into his lap, nestling herself against him and resting her head on his shoulder. One hand rests on his chest, soaking in the feel of his heartbeat, and she sighs with blissful contentment. "I know is still two weeks out," she begins when he finishes his article and folds his paper, setting it aside in favour of enveloping her in his embrace. His thumb comes to rest just below her ring, in the space of that finger and her littlest one. They haven't rushed yet to set the date. "But you still haven' tole me wha' ya wan most for Christmas." She might mean the Solstice, she might mean the actual holiday, she might mean Boxing Day. "I wan it to be perfect." Exactly the way he's shaped her life and how she feels about this, him.
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tarnishedhalo · 10 months
"get in here."
Home is Where the Hurt is || Accepting
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"Heya Rawnie," he drawls in that way of his, though as far as sight and scent can say he's completely sober. He's also a little banged up, has a sea bag slung over his shoulder, and maybe, maybe he's a little apologetic. "I know you said I could drop in any time, and I hate to do it...but I'm on leave for the next three weeks, but it's a couple days before I'm up for a ride back state-side, and I was wondering if...you didn't hate the idea, if I could hang with you." He absolutely could get a hotel room. He could fly first class commercial, or worse case, he could lean on his aunt and her private jet. But honestly, what better way to spend time in a city than hanging out with a friend, when you don't have a curfew or fire watch or an alarm going off at 0-Four Hundred. "I mean, if you're engaged already or otherwise busy, I can catch a cab. I don't wanna be a problem."
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aziraphales-library · 3 months
Dearest ineffable mods
Thanks for your amazing work! Long time lurker, first time asker. This is my favorite library by far!
Do you have any recommendations of fics focussing on the staff of the Ritz? And how they view our favourite idiots throughout the years/dinner? Preferably not AU. I checked the outsider pov tag but didn't find any.
If you could recommend some, it'd make me immensely happy ❤️ thank you in advance!
Here are some outsider POV Ritz fics for you...
The Ritz's Biggest Ineffable Husbands Shipper by frogfaced (G)
The staff of the Ritz had created a name for the couple once, a long time ago, it had to have been at least twenty years or so ago by now. It stuck, whispered fervently when they appeared in the queue. “Did you hear?” A comment passed from one hostess to a waiter, whispered quietly almost like a secret kept close to her heart, almost like a prayer. “It’s them.” ----- Or, Aziraphale and Crowley have become something of a legend at the Ritz, and have become the basis for many of the employee's gambling problems.
The matter of the Definitely Not Husbands by plainrefillnotepad (G)
The waiters and waitresses who worked at the restaurant at The Ritz weren’t what you would call a tight-knit group. If there was one topic of conversation, however, which every staff member had at least heard of, it was the matter of the Definitely Not Husbands.
An Angel Dining at the Ritz by misslmf (T)
The staff at the London Ritz become quickly familiar with the regular customers that come into the establishment, especially if those regulars were polite and easy to remember in some way or another. A pair that stood out to every member of staff after a while were the two men that came in at least a few times a month, always seeming to have a reservation despite never ringing to book one. Which is why it was so unnerving when neither of them showed up for a month. *** Or, how the staff at the Ritz are also children of divorce since Aziraphale left Crowley
Table For Two by JM_Finnigan (G)
Thomas Kinsley has known the two regulars - the red-haired man and the blond one called Fell - for as long as he's worked at the Ritz, so he is caught quite off-guard when only one of them makes an appearance one night. The aftermath of Aziraphale's return to Heaven as told through a Ritz waiter's eyes.
Code Angel by orphan_account (G)
She didn’t fully understand this kind of miracle but she knew one thing for sure. When a Code Angel came to The Ritz, they should expect miracles to happen.
There Were Angels Dining At The Ritz by AstersLibrary (T)
The employees at the Ritz have their favourites. And they're no so subtle about them.
- Mod D
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allwaswell16 · 3 months
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A fic rec of One Direction fics that take place in the Victorian era as requested in this ask. If you enjoy the fics, please let the writers know through kudos and comments! You can find my other fic recs here. Happy reading!
~ Louis/Harry ~
🌿 A Taste of Desire by @casuallyhl
(E, 104k, omegaverse) Harry is the owner of the most successful cotton mill in Manchester, and Louis is an opinionated social activist about to disrupt Harry’s world.
🌿 Victorian Boy by @audreyhheart
(E, 101k, murder mystery) Victorian AU. Harry the virgin Duke of Somerset knows little of love, while Louis the sly Duke of Warwick knows too much. 
🌿 The Rose of Whitechapel by @itsmotivatingcara
(E, 100k, murder mystery) Jack the Ripper au - Detective Constable Harry Styles and his partner, DC Liam Payne, lead the case on the Whitechapel murders. Louis Tomlinson, the Rose of Whitechapel, is harbouring secrets of his own, along with a dark and sordid past. 
🌿 And down the long and silent street by whimsicule
(M, 86k, hurt/comfort) Wherein Louis and Harry are on the opposite ends of the social ladder, but their paths still cross on the filthy streets Louis calls his home. The odds are staked against them from the beginning, and even more when Louis' past finally catches up with him.
🌿 Coax the Cold by MediaWhore / @mediawhorefics
(M, 86k, mermaid) When he hears whispers of a travelling freak show newly established in London claiming the existence of a monstrous sea hybrid, half-man, half-fish, Louis sees it as his ticket to credibility amongst his peers. 
🌿 Secrets in Winter by @softfonds
(E, 82k, omegaverse) If Harry Styles thought he was going to have a peaceful winter while staying far away from the rake who lived across the street, he was sorely wrong on two fronts. A Victorian AU.
🌿 An Ever Fixed Mark (series) by My_words_fly_up
(E, 66k, sex work) Harry Styles lives quite scandalously in the slums of London and never expected to cross paths with a kind, well-bred gentleman like Louis Tomlinson. But once they meet neither will be the same again.
🌿 these still waters run deep by @levelofcharm
(E, 64k, aristocracy) Having accepted his engagement to Viscount Andrew, Louis is aware that it isn’t a love match and has no wish to be swept off his feet… until he meets the viscount’s brother, Harry, who makes him second-guess everything.
🌿 an everlasting eclipse by you_explode / @nobodymoves
(M, 63k, adaptation) Anne of Green Gables/Anne With An E AU. In 1891, orphan Harry is adopted by the Teasdales and goes to live on their small farm in Holmes Chapel. In his new life he finds supportive relationships, he finds himself, and eventually, he finds a home.
🌿 saw some things on the other side by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
(M, 61k, mystery) Louis’ plan doesn’t take into account the fact that instead of writing murder mysteries, he will find himself in one.
🌿 Forever Never Comes by Larry_you_know / @larryyouknow
(M, 25k, friends to lovers) Victorian au, where Harry Styles, the youngest son of the Duke of Sutherland, was always a little in love with his childhood friend Louis Tomlinson, the young Earl of Doncaster, though he would never have told him in a million years. 
🌿 The Four Seasons After You by neptune rising / @thelesserneptune
(E, 14k, adaptation) Corpse Bride inspired story where, after months of grief and guilt eating away at Harry’s soul, he finds forgiveness and tentative happiness in an advantageous marriage; only, Louis hasn’t quite caught up yet and isn’t ready to let him go so easily, not till death do them part - if that.
🌿 Even Supposing - by @casuallyhl
(M, 14k, established relationship) a Dickensian London AU where Harry and Louis overcome illness, small budgets, and their own stubbornness to give each other an unforgettable first Christmas together.
🌿 You Light Up the Path by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(T, 12k, mermaids) Harry, or so he likes to be called, is the myth and legend himself known as the Staithes Mermaid. No one has laid eyes on him, but everyone loves to tell tall tales.
🌿 lead me out on the moonlit floor by @scrunchyharry
(E, 12k, Christmas) Victorian!AU where Louis is a wealthy lord throwing a masquerade ball for his birthday and Harry is a toymaker who's only confident when he's wearing a mask.
🌿 We Never Said Our Love Was Evergreen by Pumpkinspice_Lou
(E, 9k, kidnapping) A Victorian Masquerade Ball AU where Harry is basically the Phantom of the Opera
🌿 You're Already Home by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(G, 5k, historical fantasy) It's Christmas Eve and Harry's life is normal. Then he finds someone's barred the door to his favourite hiding spot -- the old groundskeeper's cottage -- and suddenly Harry's life isn't normal anymore.
🌿 Unto You by LadyLondonderry / @londonfoginacup
(T, 3k, winter) Louis is a lamplighter celebrating the saturnalia season in his own way. Harry is heavily pregnant and new in the city. The holiday of Christmas is yet to be created.
🌿 a rose by any other name by delsicle / @eeveedel
(G, 3k, omegaverse) Harry is a sheltered omega who is the pinnacle of good breeding, but the flowers in his family’s garden – and the alpha gardener who keeps them – prove to be his greatest weakness.
🌿 Rapture by @allwaswell16
(E, 3k, vampires) It was New Year's Eve in Victorian London, and a lonely vampire could no longer resist the stunning lamplighter he watched night after night.
🌿 Too Great a Temptation by QuickedWeen / @becomeawendybird
(E, 2k, girl direction) Harry and Louis attend a fancy dress ball.
~ Rare Pairs ~
🌿 for years or for hours by narryblossom
(G, 8k, Niall/Harry) a Corpse Bride AU in which Harry wants to marry for love, and does, after The End.
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headcanonsandmore · 3 months
Thasmin Fanfic Recommendations, a master post
Hi all! A fandom is at its healthiest when we share things, so I thought it'd be a good idea to share a list of all my favourite Thasmin (Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan) fanfics that I've read over the past few years. I'd highly recommend all of these. And, if you have any to add, please reblog with the links!
I Think You Might Like Me by Holie47. The Doctor asks Yaz to try and help her figure out what's going on and ends up coming to a realisation. Rated G for General Audiences. Cute Thasmin first kiss.
In This World Of Strangers I Belong To Someone by timetravelbypen. Autumn, 1904, London. Yasmin Khan is newly arrived in the city, eager to start the law degree she's spent so much time working towards. Determined to prove her worth to sceptical classmates and professors, she throws herself into her work. But a chance encounter with eccentric clockmaker Johanna Smith - and a mystery surrounding a progressive pamphlet written by someone called the Doctor - might just remind her she's worth more than her doubters could ever imagine. Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Edwardian!AU with human!Thirteenth Doctor. One of the best Thasmin fics I’ve ever read (if not THE best!). There’s also a series of short sequels which you can find here.
to know how it ends and still begin to sing it again (as if it might turn out this time) by  Eriadu (@eriadu-in-the-wildwood) and timetravelbypen (@timetravelbypen). They’ve been here before. The Doctor always sidestepping, always avoiding; Yaz always following, always hoping. But in a museum simulation of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, confronted by an all-too familiar tragedy, the cracks begin to show. If they’re going to get out alive, something has to change. They’ve been here before… this time, can they make it through? Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Thasmin fic, set inbetween ‘Legend Of The Sea Devils’ and ‘The Power Of The Doctor’; some really interesting and in-depth characterisation for both Yaz and the Thirteenth Doctor, with some awesome sci-fi elements too.
Flying Lessons by timetravelbypen. A series of vignettes set between Ryan and Graham's departure in Revolution of the Daleks and the end of The Power of the Doctor. In which Yaz learns to fly the TARDIS, and learns just how capable - and how loved - she is in the process. Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Just a word of warning, to quote the author; “there is a reference to an attempted suicide/self-harm in line with its depiction in Can You Hear Me as Yaz and the Doctor encounter someone else in a similar situation and Yaz deals with some flashbacks. If you would prefer not to read that, you can skip Lesson Five: Controlled Fall.”.
falling down the stairs (of your love) by timetravelbypen. The gravitational pull Yaz has over the Doctor is unavoidable, inescapable. The Doctor is falling for Yaz... and the Doctor is also falling. Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Thasmin sweetness set after ‘Legend Of The Sea Devils’. Fluffy with a bit of angst; very sweet.
Two Idiots In A Box by timetravelbypen. Dan realizes quickly that, if left to their own devices, Yaz and the Doctor are never going to just talk to each other like functional adults. So he and the TARDIS hatch a plan. Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. So funny and so sweet!
In fact, just read anything by timetravelbypen; they’re an amazing writer and understand these characters and Doctor Who so well! Their Tumblr blog is here; @timetravelbypen; send them some love!
Miniature #13 - The World Will Wait For Us by vaelerius. Yaz and the Doctor go on a totally-not-an-actual-D.A.T.E in Sheffield to Yaz's favourite restaurant. What could possibly go wrong? Rated G for General Audiences. Easily one of the funniest Thasmin fics out there; this is a good one to read when you want cheering-up.
You Have A Wife??? By LonelySpaceAce. Yaz asks the Doctor about something that she's been wondering about since they fought the Sea Devils. Rated G for General Audiences. This is written by one of my awesome Tumblr friends, so please check it out.
You Have Kids??? by LonelySpaceAce. Yaz learns that not all the Doctor's companions have been in love with them A sort of sequel to "you have a wife???”. Rated G for General Audiences. It also scratches my particular itch for having Thasmin with a side helping of Tegan/Nyssa.
(Un)familiar by EvvieJo. Yaz is trying to settle into her post-Doctor, UNIT life. Rated G for General Audiences. Less of a Thasmin fic per-say as opposed to a bit of closure for Yaz after leaving the Doctor, although it does have a lot of Thasmin elements to it.
The year of the cat by zurau. post-lotsd. thirteen disappears, again. a cat appears. it's some consolation. Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Funny fic about a mysterious cat that appears whilst the Thirteen Doctor has disappeared; you can probably guess where this is going…
Candy Floss And A Carousel by 13beautifulghostmonument. Team TARDIS make a festive stop over in Cardiff. Yaz and the Doctor finally admit to their feelings. Rated G for General Audiences. Very cute and sweet.
Courage & Stupidity by seaunicorn. Yaz was his best friend and, much like the Doctor, Dan would do anything for her. Four years marooned in the past can forge quite the friendship, and he would go to great lengths to protect her from anything, or anyone, that hurt her. Including the Doctor herself. After Dan learns what happened on the beach, he confronts the Doctor. Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Set after ‘Legend Of The Sea Devils’ and with some excellent character work.
giving up and giving in by seaunicorn. It takes Yaz almost dying for the Doctor to actually confront her feelings. Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Really sweet fluff and first kiss stuff.
All The Time In The World by Metal_Gear_Steve. Yasmin has developed feelings for the Doctor, but she isn't sure how to bring this up with anyone. Ryan and Graham have settled after their first few crazy adventures, so it's not like she can rely on the "adrenaline and whimsy" excuse to explain her standoffish behavior forever - sooner or later, she has to bite the bullet and confess her feelings to the Doctor. But there's so much that she doesn't know about the Doctor, and any number of factors could get in the way of a potential relationship. Will Yasmin's confession be successful? Is there room in The Doctor's heart for a new love after a multitude of relationships, most ending in disaster? Will Graham get to try that alien ice cream again, with what's-its-name seeds in it? I guess we'll find out - we've got All the Time in the World. Rated G for General Audiences. Some really wonderful fluff; super sweet.
Our Moment on the Beach by docwhovians. When Yaz and the Doctor find themselves held prisoner a hostile pirate ship, there's not a whole lot they can do except talk. Feelings that have been brewing come to a head. When the moment is interrupted by an order to walk the plank, things get interesting. Rated G for General Audiences. Really cute fluff with some pirate stuff.
A Home For The Holidays by mag_lex. In which Yaz and the Doctor visit Yaz’s family for Christmas after the events of the Flux, and Najia decides to intervene when she realises something is going on between them… Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Sweet domestic fluff and a little bit of angst thrown in (since it is related to series 13 of the modern series).
i will always hold you close but i will learn to let you go by jodieoswald. Yaz listens to Dan's advice, and takes the leap, hoping that the Doctor will listen. Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Angst with some fluff and a happy ending. Very sweet and tender.
The One With The Hen Do by isabrella. Yaz takes the Doctor to a friend's hen party to cheer her up. Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Angst with a happy ending; very tender. 
Confessions by SimpleSapphic. Set directly after Eve of the Daleks (and directly after thasmin becoming canon may I add akshakdhsksh), Dan does what Dan does best: he plays wingman to get those two to *finally* confess their feelings and actually do something about it. Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. A fair bit of angst but with some really sweet fluff at the end. Gotta love wingman Dan!
The Lodger by bells_n_roses. The Doctor moves in with Yaz to investigate the mysterious upstairs lodger. As they spend more time together, however, feelings start to build. Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Very cute and sweet, but with some mild angst mixed in.
I Still Burn For You by timelostdoctor. Yazmin Khan and the Doctor's relationship has been over for ten months. Ten months in which they haven't seen or spoken to each other. With Sonya and Ryan getting married, they are both part of the wedding party. How can they find happiness for their friends when they both wish it was their wedding instead. Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Oooh, mate; this is one of the tenderest Thasmin fics I’ve ever read (complete with a human!Thirteenth Doctor); sweet with just the right mix of angst, and a good bit of humour as well! Always worth a read when you want something to get lost it (and, yes, I hope that Mandip Gill has read this one since she asked for fanfic recs).
Love is a lottery, and I’m betting on you by riptheh. The Doctor knows how it is with the female companions. Lived it dozens of times before. And this time, she's determined to make sure it doesn't happen. Or, five times the Doctor was so busy making sure Yasmin Khan didn't fall in love with her, she failed to realize that the opposite was happening. Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Tons of fluff, mistaken-for-a-couple, bed sharing, this fic has it all!
February by softestbutch. The Doctor stepped a little closer, still partially obscured from view, still animated in the quiet orange glow. ‘Oh, it’s a little silly,’ she said. Yaz raised an eyebrow for her to continue. ‘I can go,’ she said, and Yaz breathed an endeared laugh.‘What is it, Doctor?’ she asked. A pause. ‘It’s snowing,’ the Doctor said. In short: the doctor is incredibly excited about the snow, and yaz is incredibly in love with her. Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. A cute fluffy fic about Yaz and the Thirteenth Doctor having fun on a snowy day.
Live inside my mind forever by timelxrd. Yaz fell asleep precisely ten minutes and thirty-two seconds ago. The Doctor knows, because it’s been ten minutes and thirty seconds since she’d had to consciously regulate her breathing and the rise and fall of her chest against Yaz’s soft cheek so not to jostle her. Rated G for General Audiences. Cute fluff about cuddling and hair-plaiting.
A trusted place to rest by multifanwho. After she manages a prison break, the Doctor finds herself exhausted with her feet carrying her to the one place on Earth she feels most safe. Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Fluff with a side ordering of angst.
Cuppa? by softly-penned-valkyrie (softly_speaking_valkyrie). The Doctor's slipping and she knows it. Everything's getting too much for the first time in thousands of years and she's finally having trouble coping with it mentally. How often does that happen? Following a double adventure involving the Judoon, incredible revelations and alien birds, it all becomes too much to handle, and when the TARDIS itself nudges at Yaz to go help the Doctor alone, it becomes a little too much for the copper too. But when the Doctor lands in Yaz's kitchen desperate for help, how can she refuse the woman she loves.... Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Fluff, hurt/comfort and some mild angst.
not-so-fake-feelings (and their very real consequences) by ActuallyMe. Yaz needs someone to pretend to be her partner whilst some really annoying family friends are in town. Turns out, the Thirteenth Doctor is happy to play along… Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Fake dating scenario, with some hilarious fluff.
astronomy in reverse (it was me who was discovered) by transboytwelve. Fake dating, bed-sharing, camping fic; Thirteen has to pretend to be Yaz’s partner for a family get-together. Hijinks and definitely-not-just-platonic confusion ensues. Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences.
Around The Rink by sheregenerated. The Doctor and Yaz get a bit competitive, Graham has some cocoa, and Ryan rides a reindeer (sort of). Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Cute fluffy goodness.
The Changing of the Seasons by rubyofkukundu. The Doctor gets her first period. Thankfully, Yaz is on hand to help. Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Fluff with a bit of hurt/comfort and humour.
Hooked on all these feelings by Moonlightkitten (orphan_account). In which Thirteen wants a set of earrings to match Yasmin's and won't take no for an answer. The only problem? She doesn't have pierced ears. Yet. Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Very sweet and very funny. The person who wrote this has since orphaned their account.
Erlebnisse by Val_Creative. The Doctor surprises a very ill Yasmin with a visit. Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Very cute and sweet.
I Met Her On The Beach by C1ashi1dr. While Graham and Ryan are taking a break from traveling, the Doctor and Yaz head for a relaxing day on the beach. Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Some really lovely fluffy goodness.
Trick or Treat by HalfBakedPoet. What do the court of King Louis XIV, a futuristic pumpkin-based religion, a secret pumpkin carving society, and a two-person horse costume have in common? The Doctor and Yaz celebrate Halloween in a variety of ways. Apple bobbing ensues. Leads up to (presumably, hopefully) the beginning of Flux. Rated T for Teen and Up Audiences. Some fun Halloween fluff.
Hope you all enjoy these fics; I know I certainly did! Remember, if you enjoy a fic, please leave a comment; authors love it when we recieve comments and it inspires us to create more!
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laiqualaurelote · 10 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
1. World Enough And Time (MFMM/Doctor Who, Phrack, 51k)
This will always be my favourite of my fics. It's the Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries/Doctor Who crossover where Phryne is a Time Lady, Dot is from the past, Mac is from the future and Jack is just trying to work out what is happening. It's an AU that contains eight other AUs (including a Regency AU, a Mad Max Fury Road AU and a fake-marriage-with-aliens AU) and it represented an enormous milestone for me in my writing.
2. all the men and women merely players (Ted Lasso, Ted/Trent, Roy/Keeley/Jamie, 50k)
The Ted Lasso Station Eleven post-apocalyptic AU in which, in the wake of a devastating global pandemic, American comedy actor Ted Lasso leads a Shakespearean theatre troupe across the ruins of England. It combines my love of Ted Lasso, Station Eleven, Shakespeare and theatre, and it's probably the fic I've worked hardest on.
3. I Live And Lie For You (Good Omens/James Bond, Bond/Q, Aziraphale/Crowley, Adam/Eve, 13k)
The fic in which Wensleydale grows up to be Q. Features avocados, cats named after mathematicians, car chases in the Bentley, questionable ice-cream flavours, far too many spies at St James' Park, the Antichrist in his fuckboi era and tardigrades. I don't even like James Bond but I loved writing this.
4. The Legend Continues (Rivers of London, Michael Cheung/Sahra Guleed, 8.5k)
A closer, canon-compliant look at how a hijabi cop might have inadvertently apprenticed herself to the legendary swordsman of London's Chinatown and then started dating him. I always wanted to write an wuxia in English! Features my holy trinity of subtle Asian traits: bubble tea, passive-aggressive aunties and an original character clearly based on Michelle Yeoh. Fun fact: this fic was named after an actual Chinatown restaurant called Leong's Legend Continues, a spinoff of Leong's Legend (ironically Leong's Legend is still around but the Legend Continues has since, well, failed to continue).
5. Best Revenge Is Your Paper (Daredevil/The Punisher, Frank Castle/Karen Page, 15.5k)
In which Karen Page gets a bunch of bylines, pisses off a lot of people, tries not to fall in love with her newsmaker and fails. Kastle was the ship that brought me back to fandom after a five-year hiatus, and Karen remains one of my favourite fictional reporters of all time (the others are Trent Crimm, of course, and Hildy Johnson from His Girl Friday). It's been another five years since this fic and oh, I've had such a time.
Thank you for this ask!
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valleydean · 2 years
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Raise the Black - posting begins on 9/2/22
a deancas pirate au by valleydean (emmbrancsxx0) look out for this banner! playlist | ko-fi
SUMMARY: Nassau, 1717. Captain Dean Winchester of the Impala is a born and raised pirate, committed to disrupting commerce and civility on a global scale. After a battle at sea with the Royal Navy, Dean discovers a stowaway on his ship: Castiel Novak, an officer from Carolina with a secret. As their relationship grows, so does England’s determination to end piracy in the New World. This is the story of how men can become legends and how love can ignite a revolution.
Fifteen years ago 1702
The foremast was cracked, its splintering wood resembling jagged teeth. It had been the collateral of the first cannonball that hit the ship. A massive hole was ripped through the canvas sail, eliminating any prayer of outrunning the galley with its battered black flag shivering in the winds sweeping off the waves.
It wasn’t long before white smoke sat like thick fog over the deck, despite the sunlight winking on the sea. There was even less time before the pirate ship crashed into the starboard of the merchant vessel Castiel had boarded three days ago.
His father, mother, and sisters had waved to him from the docks in Charles Town as the ship sailed from the harbor, headed to England—a place Castiel had never been and had only heard stories about. But he was sixteen years of age now, and his father had been adamant that it was time for him to continue his schooling at the naval academy in London. As a soldier, his father said, Castiel could truly serve the empire.
As he’d watched the land sink into the wild blue depth, Castiel determined once and for all that he didn’t want to be in the Royal Navy, to fight for a crown and a country that was as foreign to him as the golden coasts of Africa and the forests of Asia. But his father was a navy man, as was his grandfather, and Castiel didn’t know what else he’d be.
“The sea is who you are,” his grandfather used to say. “It’s all there is.”
But, as the pirates with their painted bodies roared and chanted while jumping onto the ship, Castiel’s legs were still unsteady from the unfamiliar rock and sway of the waves. He wished he’d never left the land.
Shadows moved like specters through the smoke. The paltry crew of merchants unwisely put up a fight when they should have surrendered, most of them gutted for their efforts. Castiel heard their cries and shouts of the remaining English-bound passengers as they scattered—just as loud as the choking, gagging noises of the crew, the clanging of swords, and the ear splitting bang of bullets. All of it was so clear, unmuffled by the ghostly fog, and if not for that, Castiel might have been able to trick himself into thinking the smoke was a barrier. That all of it was happening on the other side of the wall, and he was safe from harm.
The quickening of his breath and the pressure over his heart knew differently. He stayed low, hidden from the pillagers as he made his way toward the hatch into the hull of the ship. He would go past the silks and tobacco stored there for trading, which is likely what the pirates were after. He’d find a place to hide in the afterhold.
Maybe his father would have been ashamed of him taking the coward’s way out, but survival seemed more strategic than failing to defend himself at the moment. He knew it the second the flags were raised on their assailants’ ship, and a shudder went through the merchant crew. “Black John,” one of the men had whispered in fear.
The newspapers detailed John Winchester’s crimes in detail. He was painted out to be more than a murderer; he might as well have been a kraken that had sprouted up from the deepest depths of the ocean. His crew was without mercy, without conscience. They never took captives, and they never left witnesses.
Castiel had often scoffed at the reports, calling them sensationalist attempts at vilifying pirates. However, right now, he wasn’t so convinced he’d been right.
A strangled shout came from close by, and a man stumbled backward before Castiel. There was a cutlass poking out of his gut akin to a stuck pig and he was coughing blood from his lips. Castiel froze, remaining crouched down next to the rail of the ship as the merchant hit the wood and slumped downward. The man wheezed, his glazed-over eyes searching Castiel beseechingly in an unanswered prayer. His head lolled. Dead.
Remorse bled through Castiel’s fear, telling him he should have helped the man. He should have been helping every innocent man and woman on that ship—whether it was brave or stupid or a little of both.
But all those people were as good as dead, himself included. Maybe the only brave and stupid thing to do was die. But the least he could do was take Black John and his crew with him.
He grabbed the cutlass and tore it from the merchant’s belly, the blade singing as it sliced through the air. The hatch wasn’t far, but the cannon and grenade smoke was thinning to let the light back in. He could make it if he moved quickly.
As swiftly as he could, he slid toward the hatch and slipped inside. He shut it behind him, the wood an inch above his nose, his feet planted on the planked stairs. Briefly, he allowed his eyes to slip closed, his breath loud against the hatch door. Beyond it, the screaming had mostly stopped. The pirates were calling for one another, some barking out orders, others with laughter in their tone.
He didn’t have much time.
Turning, he surveyed the barrels and trunks located in the hold. Oil lanterns swung from hooks, their flames no match for the dusty sunlight that streamed through the splintered wood where a cannonball had pierced the side of the hull.
He rushed to the first barrel he saw and used the cutlass to pry off the lid. A foul stench hit his nostrils. He covered his nose with his sleeve and looked in, finding a cask of whale blubber. It hadn’t been what he’d been searching for, but the odor meant it was old enough to be flammable and therefore would aid his cause. He pressed his back against the cask, heaving until it toppled over. The fat and sludge pooled sickly on the floor.
Panting, Castiel didn’t allow himself a moment to think. He caught sight of the barrels toward the back of the hull, away from any lanterns. A thrill of excitement and the stone-cold grip of dread battled inside of him. He snatched a lantern off its hook and made for the barrels nestled in the corner.
When he pried open the lid, his suspicions were confirmed. Gunpowder. There was enough of it to blow the entire ship to Kingdom Come.
Maybe he would never become a navy man like his father and grandfather. Maybe he’d never even make it to England. Maybe the ocean would be his grave, but he could swallow his fear. 
Death by fire while surrounded by water. It might have been poetic.
“The sea is who you are,” his grandfather had said. Now, Castiel would never leave it.
Metal hinges creaked as the hatch opened up again. Instantly, Castiel’s bravado shirked away. He crouched behind the barrels.
His breath felt too loud in the small space as footsteps slowly clapped down the steps. In the patch of sunlight hitting the opposite wall from the cannonball hole, Castiel saw the shadow of a man. It stretched tall, filling the space like a painting on canvas. The pirate paused, likely seeing the toppled cask of whale blubber. 
Then, after the short beat, the planks began to whine under the man’s boots again. Castiel bit down on his jaw, his fist tightening around his weapon. His heart skipped with every slow step the man took in his direction, as if he were true north and the pirate was the needle point of a compass.
He was close now, and Castiel knew he only had seconds before he was discovered. Until then, he had the element of surprise. He steeled himself in preparation—then jumped up, swinging the cutlass toward the pirate in an arc.
Metal hit metal with a reverberating clang. The pirate’s sword was locked against Castiel’s, and Castiel wasn’t certain if the man had it out already or if he’d been fast enough to pull it from its scabbard. Castiel hardly realized he was holding the lantern over the open barrel of gunpowder until time slowed.
The pirate before him was just a boy—around Castiel’s age, maybe a year older. He was tall, with short brown hair and freckles smattered on sunburned cheeks. There was blood splattered on his frock coat, on his neck and collar. But the first thing Castiel noticed was his eyes.
The sunlight cut a line across the pirate’s face, lighting his eyes up like treasured emeralds.
His gaze traveled to where their swords met, then flickered to the lantern Castiel was holding over the gunpowder. His hardened expression softened somewhat at that, like he was either humored or impressed. 
Castiel tried to keep his arm from shaking. All he had to do was release his fingers, let the lantern fall. They’d all be dead. He kept himself steady, kept his face firm and threatening. He’d do it. He knew, deep down, he’d do it if he had to.
He should have done it already.
But then a slow, lopsided grin formed on the pirate’s face. His green eyes swept back up to meet Castiel’s.
It was unnerving. And something else, too. While he held the pirate’s stare, Castiel didn’t know how to place the emotion skimming over him like fingers causing ripples in a still pool.
Then, a booming, rough voice called in from the hatch, breaking the trance. A shadow suddenly blocked out the light from above. “Dean! See anything?”
The pirate—Dean—kept looking at Castiel with curiosity, but the smile snapped off his face. He pulled his shoulders back, standing straighter.
And that was it. Castiel was a dead man. His fingers twitched, ready to open his fist and blow them up.
But then Dean called back, “No.”
His voice was as gritty as sand, as big as the Atlantic. 
Castiel’s grip tightened more around the handle of the lantern.
“There’s nothing down here!” Dean went on.
Castiel didn’t know if Dean was being sincere. He narrowed his eyes, trying to puzzle the pirate out.
“What?” the voice from above called, and Castiel got the creeping suspicion it belonged to John Winchester himself.
“Info must’a been wrong,” Dean told him. He winked at Castiel, some of his mischievous smile returning. Castiel’s chest collapsed in what he told himself was relief. “Hull’s empty. Guess they planned on loading inventory at the next port.”
There was a pause. And then, “Damn it. Alright, let’s go.” The shadow over the hatch disappeared, and Black John called out to the rest of his men: “Move out! Back to the ship…” His words were lost to the wind.
Dean stepped back, lowering his blade away from Castiel’s. Castiel dropped his sword arm, unaware until that moment how much tension his muscles had been under. His eyes flashed to the lantern before suspiciously moving back to Dean. He decided to keep the flame hovering over the gunpowder, just in case.
But Dean kept backing up toward the stairs.
Castiel wanted to stop him, to ask him why Dean had spared his life. Briefly, he wondered if Dean would ask him to join the pirate crew. Castiel had heard such stories: of pirates giving their captives the option to join them on the open sea.
Later, Castiel told himself the answer would have been a resounding no if he’d been asked. But in that moment, and for many years, he knew in the most secret part of himself that it wasn’t quite true. 
It didn’t matter. Dean never asked.
When he was far enough away, Dean turned and rushed back up the stairs, then out of view altogether.
Above, Castiel became aware of the footsteps on the deck. He looked at the lantern, knowing there was still time to kill whatever pirates were left on board. To kill Dean.
He couldn’t do it. Dean had spared his life, after all.
And Castiel still didn’t know why. Maybe he would never know.
He lowered the lantern and listened until the footsteps petered out, leaving him alone on a hulk of a ship full of ruin and blood. Alone. But alive.
Part of him wanted to rush above deck and watch the pirates’ black flag disappear into the horizon. He wondered if he’d catch one last glimpse of green eyes.
Tagged: @lovercas @donestiel @wanderingcas @wayward-angels-club @thetiredstuff @skella-bro @casthegrumpy @celestialcastiel @bluefirecas @jiminthestreets-bonesinthesheets @that-one-fandom-chick @haru-park96 @alejandriaiqq @no-aesthetic-all-aethetic @amirosebooks @epple-benene @agus-likes @the-ship-haz-sailed @justkissalreadyforfucksake @madimoo31 @an-angel-in-love-with-a-hunter @gracelesstars @bazghetti @wayward-waffles @theojaxons @jenmishrob @all-or-nothing-baby @auttownblue @leftistdean @sargafust @wannabe-loser @jessalrynn @splicedthoughts @castielss @that-dumbass-on-a-horse @passionfruixts @fabreagab @princesswinchester100 @superduckbatrebel @hopefuldreamers-world@theangelwiththewormstache @casandeans @mylovelydame21 @confusedisaster @superduckbatrebel @destielwentcanonomg @highest-brightness @i-put-the-ayyy-in-asexual @darkacademiagay @imthedoctorlove @freckledean @youcanteverknowenough @chicken-kebabs @myguardianangelisatrickster @hotactiongirlcoded @wingsandimpalas @casandhumanity @tploz @dontsgotalifee389 @on-a-bender @castiel-mybeloved @siriusseverusdeservedbetter @doctorprofessorsong @castielshotgirlsummer @toomuchheartcas @paintdriesfaster @lesbiancowboyy @angelinthefire @transdeantruther @fluffy-alpacaness @rogue-cas-whore @winchester-derangement-syndrome @lizzybennettdarcy @kineticpassion @i-love-books-and-so-do-you @dascean @llamasdumpsterfire @psychicbouquetblaze-stuff @im-some-lionheart @charlie-bradburi @bunnymcbunnister @gothanna @afeelingsosweet @sinnabonka @artsymoth @cassandrablah @sweetpeaalena @goiwantamuffin @rauko-is-a-free-elf @jessalrynn @ungcl @highwarlockofinnsbruck @deancaskiss @caddy-coo @bloodydeanwinchester @hannibalsthembo @proudpigeon
Please let me know if you’d like to be tagged in chapters or if you’d like to be taken off the list.
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carriagelamp · 1 year
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Man I got lucky this month, I got to read a bunch of excellent books, including some really neat queer novels. Nothing like a break to really get to kick back and enjoy reading for the sheer pleasure of reading rather than a desperate escape
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Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation manhua v1
Unsurprising to absolutely anyone who’s been reading these, I picked up the first book of the manhua adaptation of Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation. It covers the first part of the first book, which basically amounts of Wei Wuxian’s revival and his flight from Mo Manor to the mountain and the Night Hunt. Besides for WWX, we get to meet Lan Wanji, the juniors, and Jiang Cheng, all of which have great designs. Like the rest of this series, it was a pleasure to read, the adaptation was done really well, and I’m excited for the next volume.
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The Ice Monster
This book was very… meh. I was pretty disappointed, because I’ve really enjoyed the other two books I’ve read by David Walliams so far, and this was probably the one I was most excited about, but it was… incredibly middling compared to the others.
The Ice Monster is about a Victorian orphan, Elsie, who escapes from the brutal orphanage she had been raised in and was making her way on the streets. During this time, a great mammoth that had been found in the Arctic was being transported to the museum for display. Elsie feels a kinship for this “monster” and begins a series of events that lead to it being freed from the ice and set loose in London.
There were good moments in this book and I’m sure a kid would enjoy it, but ultimately it felt like way too many fart jokes and not enough substance compared to Walliams’ other books.
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I Think Our Son Is Gay v2
A very sweet manga series I’ve been reading from the library. It follows the POV of a mother who suspects that her son is gay but who isn’t quite ready to come out yet. It’s a nice balance of humour — the art is cute and the characters have fun reactions to various silly things that happen in their lives — and love while still asking what it must be like to be gay in a homophobic society. A good read.
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Legends & Lattes
SUCH a fun novel, it was exactly what I needed this month.
The story is about an orc mercenary called Viv who, after 20 years of fighting and killing, has had enough and is ready to settle down. Using the mysterious reward from her last adventure, Viv leaves her old company to find what she hopes will be the perfect city to open a coffee shop. Which is a daunting task in a part of the world that has never ever heard of coffee before and is suitably leery of this “bean water”.
If you want an action-packed, edge of your seat adventure book… don’t read this. This is the epitome of “cosy” fiction — its tag line is “high fantasy and low stakes”. If you want a dnd coffee au in novel form that’s about friendship and food… then this is THE perfect novel. It made me feel so warm and happy (and hungry).
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Lucky Luke: The Oklahoma Land Rush // The Man Who Shot Lucky Luke
Lucky Luke is a BD series I’ve heard a lot about, and after seeing a couple episodes of it on Prime I decided I needed to actually pick up a volume or two. I’m delighted I did and I think I’ll need to read more now! 
The general premise is that of a western. The titular character, Lucky Luke, is a clever and nearly unflappable gun-slinger who can “shoot faster than his shadow”. Luke gets into a range of silly, comedic Wild West adventures and inevitably comes out on top for the sake of justice. Naturally, the genre being what it is, the whole First Nations thing is… rough, but the books were enjoyable if you can look past that.
The first book I read was The Oklahoma Land Rush which is fairly indicative of the series I believe and is about Luke being hired to help police the desperate rush of settlers to claim land in Oklahoma. The second was The Man Who Shot Lucky Luke which was written by Matthieu Bonhomme instead of Morris and is a slightly grittier, more serious take on Luke. I enjoyed this one just as much — it still managed to be funny, but the stakes felt much higher. And the art was just stunning.
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The Night Gardener
A fun, creepy middle grade horror. A story about two young Irish immigrants trying their best to survive in the absence of their parents. In a last desperate attempt to get work they find themselves way out at a desolate, crumbling English manor that has been almost completely consumed by a strange tree. The family there is as desolate and strange as the grounds, pale and sickly and carrying a mysterious secret. The siblings realise just how strange and dangerous this estate might be as they’re drawn deeper into the secrets and begin to suspect that there’s something else living and working on the grounds…
I really like Jonathan Auxier's writing and I’ve been meaning to try this novel for years. I was glad to have finally done it.
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Doctor Who: The Runaway Tardis
Just a cute little picture book. Pop Classics does some fun work and the art style really worked for Doctor Who. It’s about a little girl who has moved and is struggling with needing to make whole new friends in a place she doesn’t know. The themes of loneliness and goodbyes and needing to move on and make new friends was actually perfect to pair with Doctor Who; despite being quite simple and silly looking, it actually made me feel things for both the Doctor and the little girl.
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Sandman v1/2
Everyone has been so hyped about The Sandman! I’ve been wanting to get in on it but I’m not very good at sitting down and watching shows so I thought I might try the original comics. Honestly I should have known better. I don’t really like this harsh style of American comics and if we’re being totally honest I don’t generally like Gaiman’s longer prose. This, unsurprisingly, combined two things I don’t like and ended up with a comic I didn’t like. Things only went down hill when fucking Batman appeared. It didn’t even really feel like it had the humour I would at least expect from Gaiman besides for a few brief glimmers. I appreciate that other people really like this series but oof. Not for me. 
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The Secret Garden
I love The Secret Garden, it’s one of those comfort books that I need to reread every few years. I was listening to it as an audiobook this time and it was so lovely to see the first signs of spring appearing while listening to this story. If you want something feel good I highly recommend starting it because we are in the season for it.
If you’ve never read The Secret Garden, the premise is of a young, spoiled, but horrifically neglected child who was raised in British-occupied India. She is a bad-tempered, sour, and demanding child known to others as “Mistress Mary quite contrary”. When her parents die of a cholera outbreak she is sent back to England to live at her uncle’s manor on the Yorkshire moors. This relative is also distant and bitter, apparently hunchbacked and widowed. Once more alone, Mary is suddenly expected to do things for herself and isn’t given her every demand — instead she begins to befriend the cheerful, plain-spoken maid and starts spending time outside, exploring and playing for what feels like the first time in her life…   
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Wallace & Gromit: Crackers in Space
I stumbled across this as an audiobook. After the fact I realised it’s also a comic. Oddly enough, the comic seemed profoundly bad — I’ve never really liked any of the Wallace and Gromit comics — but the audiobook version was a delight. It has the actual voice actor for Wallace, so it sounded completely like I had just put an episode on in the background that I had never watched before. They were also very clever about giving Gromit a “voice” despite him being a non-verbal character! It was actually a lot of fun!
Wallace decides to attempt making his own cheese out in the garden shed… only things go badly, as they’re wont to. Instead of making a lovely cheese, the whole thing ends up getting launched into the atmosphere because of a helium mishap… which might not be so bad if the zero gravity wasn’t making the Home Brew Cheese Kit kick into overdrive. They’re going to have to figure out how to deal with the massive, mutated cheese comet that’s now threatening all of West Wallaby Street. 
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Wave Me Goodbye
An absolutely charming book, I didn’t want to put it down. This book takes place at the beginning of the Second World War, when children were being evacuated from London (which was at risk of bombing) and being sent out to live with volunteers in the country. Shirley is one of the children being sent out, but right from the beginning she finds herself struggling with feeling like the odd one out. She doesn’t feel like she fits in with her rough-and-tumble classmates, and when she does make a new friend on the train it’s clear that she doesn’t properly fit in with the posh covenant girls either. Things only get worse when she is one of the only children not picked to go with a family, and suddenly she and two other unwanted boys find themselves foisted on the unwilling inhabitants of the Red House. But in wartime, one has to make due, so she, Kevin, and Archie begin to explore this strange, half-empty house and get used to a very different way of life way out in the country.
Shirley is a huge reader in the book, and it actually made me pause reading to go and read some of the books she references! It was a lot of fun! Some of the books I read last month that Shirley reads are Ballet Shoes and The Squirrel, The Hare, and the Little Grey Rabbit. It’s also what made me decide to reread The Secret Garden, since they feel like similar genres.
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When the Angels Left the Old Country
I read some great books this month and it would be hard to say for certain which was my favourite since they were in quite different genres, but this would be a strong contender. Holy shit was it good. The tl;dr is that it’s a bit like a Jewish Good Omens but also nothing like that at all.
The Angel (as angels don’t have permanent names, but rather names that describe what they are currently doing) and the demon Little Ash have been study partners for centuries, happily existing in their little Shtetl without feeling much need to change things. But things are changing and with the press of poverty and rise of violent anti-Semitic feelings many residents of the Shtetl are now leaving for America in the search of work and safety. Little Ash is determined that they should join these immigrants, and when a member of their Shtetl goes missing on her own voyage it seems inevitable that they go and track her down to ensure she is safe and well.
At its heart this is an immigrant story about people and prejudice and love, and it’s really written beautifully, the way you see all the hardship that goes into such a voyage even for supernatural beings.
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pizzainator · 6 months
34? :0 And if you wanna sketch a character, how about c!Tommy :)
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okay funny thing- #34 on my playlist was the Wizard101 Celestia Combat Theme so here's a silly au type drawin of tommy and wilbur (I know u only asked for Tommy but I had to draw both once I had the idea) if they were in w101. Also I've thought wayy too much about what w101 schools each dsmp character would be so extra info below the read more :-)
Okay I went for Fire school for both Wilbur and Tommy. The W101 website says this about pyromancers:
Fire is passion, the bright, burning flame of raw emotion sweeping over everything. Those who follow the School of Fire, known as Pyromancers, are tempestuous, quick to anger, and consumed by whatever drives them at that moment. They tend to walk a fine line. Having great passion and enthusiasm for one’s loves in life is good, but watch out! Passion can burn you up and consume you, leaving nothing but a charred husk of your former self. Pyromancers use Incantations to dominate and convince Fire creatures to do their bidding.
I felt like out of all the schools fire fit both of them pretty well but I thought it would be interesting to give them a secondary school as well, so Tommy has Ice and Wilbur gets Myth.
Ice: Ice Magic is all about persistence, slow but steady progression and advancement, like the great glaciers forever sliding across the landscape. Those who embrace the power of Ice, known as Thaumaturges, exhibit great patience and strength, but as a result they sometimes become rigid and inflexible. Thaumaturges use Chants to bargain or plead with Ice creatures to serve them.
and Myth: Myth is imagination. The power of the mind, and everything it can create, drives Myth Magic. It is illusion and dreams made real. If the Wizard can conceive it, it can be brought forth and even brought to life. Beware, though, for when imagination becomes too fanciful and whimsical, dreams can escape control and run wild. Wizards of the Myth School, known as Conjurers, use Naming to summon beasts of legend by memorizing and calling out their True Name.
Some small interesting things with this is obviously Fire and Ice are opposite elemental magic. Myth is instead a 'spirit' school not elemental and according to the website: 'Myth dwells between Fire and Ice, for that is where the shadows lie, and Myths are the shadowy forms of thought made real.'
For their outfits- Tommy is in the default first outfit you get at the start of the game, very much a beginner wizard. While Wilbur is wearing Meowiarty's Intense Robe which you get from the end boss of Marleybone which is a London themed world.
I gave Wilbur one of the sword wands, I just think they look cool. But now that I've clicked the wiki link to the wand I chose I realize that its the Valor Wand which was a veterans day special item...
anyways- I'm gonna reblog one of my super old posts about my dsmp w101 school headcanons.
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cmrosens · 1 year
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I've activated "Pay What You Like" on my Ko-Fi shop, but it made me set minimum thresholds. All my novels are min. £2 each, all short fiction = min. 99p each (short stories and novellas).
Grab EVERYTHING for min. £6 in one bundle of epubs/pdfs that you can download and gift to people as separate files. Or keep for yourself! (You can pay more than £6 if you wish, but that's up to you!)
So for less than the price of a paperback, you can have:
The duo eBook of both THE CROWS and THIRTEENTH novels in one, with 10 interior illustrations by Tom Brown (artist and co-creator of the Hopeless, Maine graphic novels) - Book 1 is contemporary Gothic Horror with tentacles that doesn't take itself too seriously, and Book 2 is an Eldritch coming-of-age dark comedy drama. THE CROWS has a twisted, slowburn queerplatonic relationship at the core of it with polyam vibes (the sentient house is very involved) and THIRTEENTH features a non-monogamous main POV character in an established open V. Reader Advisory for THE CROWS [plus links for paperback, hardback and audiobook formats] Reader Advisory for THIRTEENTH [plus links for paperback format]
The AU contemporary novel BIRDS OF A FEATHER that reimagined the central relationships of THE CROWS in a modern-day pseudo-London borough, with feuding tradesmen, a stalker ex, a spite-filled ex-sister-in-law, only one bed, and a good dog called Boss. Queerplatonic endgame. Like Guy Ritchie wrote an ace/allo rom-com for (mainly) messy working class queers who like nights out.
The novella THE SUSSEX FRETSAW MASSACRE, a tongue-in-cheek slasher where the killer isn't allowed to kill anybody, but the bodies hit the floor regardless as he sits back and makes friends with a hapless, anxiety-ridden aromantic bisexual disaster boy caught up in the cruel web of fate. Good, clean (/jk), eat the rich fun.
Short story OVEREXPOSURE, a prequel standalone short story that introduces Wes Porter, the eldritch, insanity-inducing playboy, and the effect he has on his girlfriend Charlie - a detail-orientated photographer who quickly slips into a dark obsession with him.
Short story THE SOUND OF DARKNESS, a standalone short linked by setting only, in which a man faces his childhood fears and attempts a bit of exposure therapy alone in his flat one dark night.
The companion collection of [fictional] folklore, THE FOLKLORE OF PAGHAM-ON-SEA VOL. 1, a coffee-break read of hyperlocal folktales and urban legends from the fictional setting of Pagham-on-Sea.
You can drop reviews on Goodreads/Storygraph etc!
Book 3 in the main series - THE DAY WE ATE GRANDAD - is coming soon (2023).
EDIT: the link might help: https://ko-fi.com/cmrosens/shop
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envihellbender · 8 months
Hunt!Sebastian paying John a visit
Characters: Sebastian Moran, John Sims
Verse: The Magnus Archives, TMA AU of Sebastian Moran / Moriarty (MorMor)
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I found a tape on my desk. I have checked and double checked with security and with the CCTV coming into the building and everyone coming in or out of the building is accounted for. Was it posted here? It wasn’t in an envelope or anything. Maybe Ma- someone thought they were being helpful. But he- they wouldn’t open my mail, would they? Anyway. Here it is. Statement of Sebastian Moran. Regarding how he met James Moriarty.
I found one of your little tape recorders, Archivist, so thought I’d give you something to listen to. You know me. Basher Moran. Moriarty’s Tiger. The most feared sniper in Europe. Prince of London’s Underworld. That one is weird I think, if Moriarty’s the king, that would make me his son? Anyway. Yeah. It’s me, and I hear you’ve been tracking down me and Jimmy, listening to all our victim’s statements and all that. So I thought I’d give you something straight from the tiger’s mouth. There have been quite a few stories about how I met my Jimmy. Urban legends really. Is this one of them or is this a lie just to get under your skin? Only you’ll be able to tell, right Archivist?
Let’s quickly skip through the really boring stuff. Yeah, yeah, son of Augustus Moran and a servant he knocked up in his house in India. He actually had quite a few bastards you know, for some reason he took a shine to me and that’s not the compliment you think it is. He was a faggot, pretended not to be, and whether I killed the fat cunt or not is a little secret you already know the answer to, Archivist. Anyway, I’m the best shot you’ll ever find. Spent most of my teens at a shooting range and didn’t get sped through the army ranks cause of my surname. When your as brown as me and your dad dun’t wanna talk about you a name as common as Moran don’t help. So. I get quietly discharged cause if a nasty event that don’t have anything to do with this story, but you need to picture me as being out Army in my twenties and making a comfortable living selling my services. With a gun, by the way, not my dick sucking lips.
The thing about sniping, is it’s mostly waiting. You set yourself up somewhere high up and out of sight, if you’re good at it you can be low down and no one will find you. Sometimes it’s just you, snacks, drinks, your headphones, and that spare empty bottle you brought to piss in. Audiobooks are great for that. I got through all Chuck Palahniuk’s stories that way. Anyway. Got distracted. So. Most people assume Jimmy hired me, and nah, course he didn’t. He doesn’t do anything like a normal person. First, it was messages in my phone. A text message from a number that didn’t exist and any time I tried to call it instead all I got was a loud screeching noise. The text itself was just a set of coordinates and a time. I decided to ignore it, and five minutes after the deadline, I got left a voicemail without my phone ever had been rung. Weirdest thing about that? It was my voice.
Yeah. Apparently I had rang myself and left a message threatening me about what I would do to my eyeballs if I didn’t pay attention to the next text message. So that was fucking weird. But message received. The next time I got some coordinates I went straight there. First ones led me to a tube station. And when I looked at the train times screen, there was a message for me instead. No one else seemed to see it. But I swear to God it said “Moran. Go to the payphone I’ve marked.” Which is fucking annoying. God damn treasure trail without the treasure. Anyway, so I found it, and clever fuck had written “hi” with a heart drawn on it. Fucking fag. So when I got to it, it started ringing. I answered it and this soft lilting voice was in the other end.
He gave me a job. A good job. With a lot of money. And I said yeah, even though I asked why he didn’t just tell me instead that of playing some stupid game. He giggled and said it was fun. Now I get it. That’s just how he works. When you’re running around anxious and confused he’s feeding off you. That’s just a small way he gets a quick snack. So we went on like this for a while, giving me job after job. I got a bit sick of it, and whilst yeah the Web is really fucking powerful. But. Well, I’m the Hunt. And finding shit is what I do.
So I laid low for a while and between and during jobs I started tracking down my Jimmy. He knew, kept making jokes about how close I was. Maybe he thought I wouldn’t make it to him, maybe he wanted me to, or maybe he didn’t care. Honestly, Jimmy might not even know. Maybe he didn’t think about it. But. Eventually I found myself just outside of this big fancy flat building. One of the types in zone one where the front is fancy as fuck and the back is meeting the quota for affordable housing. I don’t care, if they live in the shithole they can’t pay me. I took the lift up to the top floor. The huge, massive, modern screen door greeted me when I got out. He has a penthouse you see, and the dramatic fuck has a spider web pattern all over it.
I was planning on being subtle, but the moment I got to the top floor, I heard a lilting giggle. I looked up to see a camera pointed directly at me. He didn’t say a word, just ended up with a click to show the door was open. I walked in. His house is pretty great but I’m not gonna tell you shit that might lead you to him. You know what’s funny? I hate spiders. I hate them. I hate them so much of course I noticed their was a lot hanging around my flat since this started. But I didn’t think they had anything to do with Jimmy. His penthouse though? Let’s just say he’s gone all out on the theme.
Anyway. I mostly came here to kill time because gotta shoot one of your librarians. Just some dickhead who stuck his nose where he shouldn’t. By the time you hear this, you might wanna make sure someone goes up to clean up. I knew this would be a great way to distract you. Once the statement started you wouldn’t be able to put it down. Hope you enjoyed my story, mate. There’s plenty more where that came from. My Jimmy? He’ll be in touch.
Statement ends. Carson Throw was found with a very clean gunshot wound through his temples. The bullet was found lodged into a book about spider webs. Hardly subtle. There wasn’t much of a mess. Carson was very wrapped up in jobs for James Moriarty, nothing special just owed him a lot of money from card games and he was slowly trying to work off. It seems Carson tried to get out before his debt had been paid. As for what Moran and Moriarty want with me… Only time will tell.
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brooklynislandgirl · 5 months
"--D'you get--?" Ron's question paused as he reached for Beth, glancing up from his book towards the kitchen. It was a recipe book he had open that contained some delicious sounding ideas he fancied trying, but the moment his mind lit on that notion and his eyes flicked up to the kitchen...something inside him sort of...felt...heavy? Overwhelmed but not in the I gotta escape sense, just...
The vocabulary wasn't with him. He needed another brain on this. Hence, a gentle touch of fingers to Beth's forearm.
"...Is it wiv cookin', luv, i's all...too many steps? Got th'step by step-" He gestured to the book, regarding Beth curiously as he tried to explain the grief he was having. "Got th'energy. Wanna do it, jus'...Y'go t'do it 'n it becomes a billion steps 'n which is first? Where'd I start? S'too many, so put it dahn 'n get a cuppa instead?"
Beth has been hovering on the edges of the counters. Her rather problematic relationship with food being what it is, she can't help but to want to nose around. Settle into the idea of a meal much in the way some folk do a too-warm bath. Just a bit at a time. Acclimation. The spinach looks fresh, the cheese does not immediately put her off, were it not for the tomatoes coming in a tin, she would have gleefully crushed them in her own small fists and letting the juices run between her fingers. Not a thing wrong with the ingredients, then. Of course maybe the wine is the star, but she doesn't touch for lack of knowing if it's going in, or to be savoured along side the food. Ron graces her with the herald of touch and that moment allows her not to flinch. She likes that better than she likes the wine, and so she abandons her project of stacking the penne noodles in little log cabin configurations. She nods in her silence. Follows his shepherding toward the cookbook, then right back to his face, his mouth. Her lips part and close a time or two, almost like a goldfish as she searches for her own contribution. "Madmatics all wrong. Fractions an' decimals for ingredients. Ratios, yields, percentages. Dey beautiful an' precise...it's da moving parts dat don'...don'...Algebra all wonky. Results...non-Euclidean." She frowns. Ron understands the need for numbers to bear true. In many ways his life tends to run on them, especially eights. Infinities. Another pause, an even quieter voice. "Andy says always start wi' prep. Have every kind in its...mise en place. Dat is where ya start. Cut veggies. Measure an' mix up dairy. Boil waddah for pasta, pinch of salt for flavour an' for some alchemy I don' understand dat make it not stick. I can chop if you give me da kine... dat needs cutting. I know how to dice, chiffonade, all kines. But I t'ink we should have a cuppa togeddah, an' start ovah. No Colonel go into battle wi'out his armour, yeah?"
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tarnishedhalo · 1 year
"Go'orn then lad" Ron snickered, toasting this latest offering from the table-top get to know your pals better game Pat had left out round Ron's. It's not like he and Riley needed Ice Breakers - that was the name of the game. But it was a hell of a laugh seeing what the cards put them up to next. "Giv us a pro 'n a con'a datin' yah. Extra points if I agree wiv th'pro."
Guilty of a Good Time || Accepting
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The prompt and question earned Ron one of those exceedingly rare full and unguarded smiles that both emphasized that Beth wasn't the only one of the Rileys who was fangy, and that brought to life his own deep dimples. The way he turns his head causes the bar lamps to cast him in golden light, tarnishing his dark hair with its natural blonde highlights. The tip of his tongue rolls against the back of his teeth.
"Yeah, okay, Rawnie," the New York Irish drawl of his friend's name is nothing he can help, but it's still a intimate step-up from the the whole 'Kray' part. As if he's never known anyone to have a given name. Of course Riley keeps a list in his head of qualities both good and bad. Each of them slivers beneath the usually pristine veneer he wears though his hair's getting a touch long, and he's not been too careful with the razor.
"The pro is...I know like hundreds of different love songs, any genre or era you like, an' not just American ones." He spreads his hands on the table-top, gives them a flex. "Acoustic, electric...can play any guitar. Can play the piano, drums ~including the bodhran. Violin. Harmonica. And everyone loves a music man, right? Plus I'm hell in the kitchen, and I'm house-broken." He doesn't elaborate on what that last means but delivers it with a chuckle.
"The Con? I'm old-fashioned. I don't really do one night stands, and I'm very careful who I let in my inner circle. Introducing someone into the family can be hard, what with my sister, and because it takes me a while to get used to someone new. Especially after havin' danced with the Devil and the mess she made when we divorced. Also...I'm told I'm bossy as fuck, take with a grain of salt or three." There's a split second where he's unguarded and there's something fairly young and vulnerable resting against the back of his eyes that shades the rest of his mien. It gets shrugged off with a lift of his whiskey, and a snake-like strike at the next card in the pile. "Hypothetically speaking, if you could ask your future self one question, what would it be, and why?"
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the-au-collector · 1 month
Random AU idea that has consumed me:
Linked Universe x Lockwood and Co.
So for those of you who don’t know, Lockwood and Co is a book series by Jonathan Stroud. The first 2 books got turned into a Netflix show that got wrongfully cancelled but was very very good (I seriously recommend it.) And the basic jist of the books are ghosts are real, they kill people, and only kids can see them and can get rid of them. There’s also slow burn, government conspiracies, and fancy swords. I could ramble on and on about this series but I’ll just leave you this recommendation: Read them. They’re so good. If you don’t want to read them at least watch the Netflix show. It’s so good. Cannot recommend it enough.
Anyways the brain worms yelled at me that I should fuse it with LU.
Oh boy lets go:
So the idea is a fusion with the Lockwood and Co. world so it takes the basic concepts from it: ghosts are real, they kill people (called Ghost Touch), and kids/teenagers are employed in agencies to get rid of them. Most agencies have adult supervisors who do jack shit. There’s the top one or two agencies, the big corporate guys, but most are smaller. There’s multiple variants of ghosts falling into one of three categories: Type One (harmless, mild annoyances, don’t go out of their way to hurt people), Type Two (will attack you, angry things, very scary, usually have violent deaths), and Type Threes (legendary, only one is confirmed to exist but there could be more…). Also there are 3 main skills called Talents for detecting ghosts: Sight (you can see them), Listening (you can hear them) and Touch (by touching something important to them, you can feel what they felt. Can get very vivid, almost like hallucinations). You also have people who are agent material whose Talents are very strong, but you also have sensitives whose Talents aren’t very strong. Almost forgot those lol.
Oh and it’s all centered around one country. In L&C, it’s England. In this it’ll be Hyrule. The same ideas of keeping ghosts at bay will remain: lavender, running water, etc. and you still fight them with swords, iron chains, salt, and explosives :)
(Can you tell Lockwood and Co is my favorite book series?)
So the stuff that comes from LU/Legend of Zelda would be the country (Hyrule) and the ghost variants, which are taken from the monsters that appear in the game (so Bokoblins, Lizalfos, etc.). And of course the characters and I’ll try to pull the agency names from them as well. The OG books are centered in London, but occasionally do travel around England, so the other cities can come from other existing LoZ place names.
This already got really long but I did some character sketches earlier that I'm going to link with info about these versions of the characters here:
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What are your Charlie headcanons? If you don’t mind me asking
ofc i don't mind my dear beloved anon
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canonically genderfluid and pansexual; to me, they're also quioromantic, aceflux, polyamorous and dates exclusively queerplatonically, as well as switching pronouns often. in the polycule au, notable partners of theirs include zari tomaz, frost, nate, sara, ava, amaya, etc etc
obviously her sisters were abusive to her. lachesis was mentally manipulative and atropos was more on the physical side. they were also transphobic toward her, unaccepting of her fluidity and the way she utilized her shapeshifting. part of why charlie broke the loom was so she'd never have to be forced into being only and forever the gender the fates were assigned.
idk what he's got but its not neurotypical
xe considers "clotho" xyr deadname
^on that point, the legends have a running habit of desecrating statues of cl*tho with xyr real name, as well as any textbooks that include it. zari joys in fighting wikipedia articles, citing "dude i'm dating xem trust me" as her source
the reason i headcanon charlie as quoiromantic is because how similar this hairstyle is to the colors of the quoi flag, and i think charlie would get a kick out of quoiromantic's original name being wtfromantic;
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considering charlie chose to stay in the 1970s, nowadays you can see her fighting in various movements of that time; women's rights, queer rights, etc. if there's a riot, protest and/or march in london, charlie's going to have been seen there. no legend is surprised when charlie shows up in photographs of those times, and they regularly reach out to her if there's a mission in her area/time. she's still something of a part-time legend in that aspect
she likes the marvel show cloak and dagger; she likes how whimsy it gets with new orleans mythology
when visiting the present, she's in a band with black siren and the canaries called the big bad aftermath.
charlie and the enchantress have definitely hooked up at least once. in fact, i think the enchantress was one of the first women that truly caught charlie's eye and made him realize he liked girls
john and charlie often talk shit abt the greek deities like gossipy little bitches
that's all i can think of rn comrade 🫡
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lumiereandcogsworth · 5 months
okay I know it’s technically weeks away BUT valentine’s day has been in my mind and I’m curious how Adam and Belle celebrate 👁️ (did this holiday exist back then? I have no clue)
LOVELY okay so every valentine’s day since i’ve been writing for these two yahoos, i just generally assume they go all out for the day. adam’s love language is gift giving so whether it’s in canon or modern au, you know that guy is getting belle a million gifts and they’re going to fancy dining establishments and seeing a show and all that good stuff. but your question made me want to dig in and actually look into the history of valentine’s day, SO I DID THAT!!
as i suspected, it is super super old. the oldest story is in 270 AD, when the roman empire had been at war for some time. apparently the soldiers were tired of fighting and wanted to marry their sweethearts and settle down with families. but emperor claude ii was like uhhhmmm No. so he made marriage briefly illegal?? but there was a priest called valentine who was still secretly performing weddings, defying the law for love!!! but emperor claude ii found out and threw him in jail. BUT THEN valentine fell in love with the daughter of his prison guard!!! and supposedly, according to the legend, right before his execution, ON FEBRUARY 14th, he left a heart-shaped letter to the daughter and signed it “from your valentine.”
AND THAT IS SOOOOO ROMANTIC HELLO!!!!! defied the law AND died for love. A KING!!
valentine was declared a saint by pope gelase i in the 5th century, after the collapse of the roman empire.
the holiday didn’t become a thing until the middle ages, when the catholic church was trying to fight a pagan holiday for the roman god luperculus that was celebrated feb 13-15. the church was afraid of losing their power amidst europe so the pope made feb 14 st. valentine’s day to honor the guy who sacrificed his life for love.
there is ALSO a story specific to france, that in 1415, the duke of orléans was captured and taken prisoner in london and while he was there he was apparently writing love letters to his wife in france. and i guess there was one (or multiple?) specifically dated for valentine’s day, so it’s considered some of the first Valentine’s Day Letters™️ in france. because before that, in france, letters weren’t really exchanged on the day, it was more a social thing, like a singles mixer in the streets. single people go out and try to pair up. and anyone who is bitter can have a little bonfire and burn images of their exes. but that got out of hand quickly and the government banned that. hence the letter writing became more common.
and this is my own speculation but i would assume that gift giving only took place amongst the upper class at first, and then eventually the trend caught up in varying levels for everyone to the point that we’re at today! where a gift for your beloved on the day is quite common 💝
but anyway there’s your little history lesson!!!!!! was fun to flex my historian muscles thank you 🤓🤓🤓
to answer your question, basically, adam spoils the heck out of his wife and belle lets it happen because she’s as head over heels for her husband as he is for her. in canon they’re probably always in paris. they save their bigger trips for their anniversary and also they just travel a lot in general for king & queen reasons. paris is their home away from home ❤️ they probably stay for nearly a week, (this may vary depending on the ages of their kiddos, of course, they don’t like to leave their Babies for too long 🥺), go to a couple different shows, opera, theater, dance, etc. go for horseback rides, go to a ball (i’m debating if they put on a valentine’s day ball or if they attend one already happening. it’s super likely that adam wants to host it though because he loves hosting. But i could also just see a ball already taking place since it is a Known Holiday. but EITHER WAY THEY’RE DANCING!), and yeah just in general they’re being super in love and gross. i enjoy thinking about this day for them in modern au too, just because it’s a tad easier for my mind to picture, but yeah it’s definitely a holiday they love. they love a day dedicated to love ❤️
also i wrote this last year, it’s short and QUITE lovey dovey, Of Course.
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