#Kiley May
yourdailyqueer · 1 year
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Kiley May
Gender: Two Spirit (she/they)
Sexuality: Queer
DOB: Born 1986
Ethnicity: First Nation (Mohawk, Cayuga)
Nationality: Canadian
Occupation: Writer, screenwriter, producer, director, actor, activist
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olivegardenmenu · 4 months
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bookwyrminspiration · 11 months
As I hope you know, I love getting your opinion on random things. Today I am asking your opinion on the song A Better Son/Daughter by Rilo Kiley. Thank :)
I've never heard of that song or artist before (somehow mistook it as Kylo Ren as first...), but it seems nice. I enjoy the message of overcoming, of fighting for the good at the end of the tunnel, of persevering. It pairs well with the force of the voice--it's not aggressive, it's not trying to be overly flowy and pretty, but it's firm in what it conveys. And the solid, rhythmic drum beats contribute to that too
But it's not unrealistically happy either, it has its ups and downs, acknowledging the hardships we endure and the efforts it can take to be happy at times. How your perspective can warp and make things look worse--not as a "it's not really that bad!" but as a "yeah sometimes it makes things look really bad and that's hard to deal with". The song appears to be rooted in a lived reality of the artist, giving it a certain weight
I don't know if I'd heard it out in the wild that I would've looked for the song, and it didn't personally rewrite my brain chemistry, but i can see its charm and enjoy it :)
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mivones · 2 years
I’ve had it with you and Mexico can fucking wait
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sepublic · 9 months
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So the ending of The Puffle Kerfuffle goes with the running gag of Hailey and Scott having lookalikes all over town to foreshadow via parallels that, hey! They'll get together, right? But what if... What if we're being tricked with an option so obvious, we miss the other one right under our nose? What if Thatcher isn't meant to be a parallel to Scott... But rather his sister, Becker?!
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Becker, Thatcher. Their names are more alike than Thatcher and Scott... Just as Hailey and Bailey are so similar! Not only that, but in Catching Felines, where Becker’s romantic connection to Hailey is teased, Hailey is mistakenly referred to as Bailey at one point! Just like the Bailey who married Thatcher… And if you combine Becker and Hailey’s names, Bailey is a potential outcome!
The similarities between Scott and Thatcher also technically apply to Becker, too; Growing up next door to Hailey, and Hailey unwittingly confessing her 'crush' to Becker, inspring Becker's to kiss Hailey in return! Becker and Thatcher have the same punk vibes and nearly identical spiked bracelets, have built birdhouses in the yard with their -ailey… And while Becker doesn't resemble Thatcher as much as Scott does, she's still his sister, and this may change when she gets older.
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This possibility goes with the theory that the Professor is Hailey’s child from the future… There is a resemblance to Scott, but potentially an older Becker as well. And the Professor and Becker both share that hardcore “take charge” attitude and punk vibe. They’ve got the badassery to casually destroy things, being flippantly tough and sassy, AKA traits Hailey and Scott wouldn’t contribute to a hypothetical kid. Now Hailey and Becker are both girls, but this is the future so the Professor could be a test tube baby made from DNA samples.
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Hailey and Becker both have a penchant for engineering and technological genius… And this last bit is a stretch, but the lighthouse made by Hailey’s ancestor, that features in various shots and promo materials? It’s Becker who inadvertently fixes it’s too-bright spotlight, contributing to Hailey being able to save her family heirloom; And in Becker’s debut, she’s responsible for manning the spotlight, which she makes too bright at Kristine’s request!
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(Note Becker’s graffiti…)
Catching Felines even clarifies for us that Hailey and Becker are only a year apart in age... So there's more chance to it than just a precocious crush by a kid much younger! And we know from Along for the Slide’s synopsis (an episode coming out this week) that Becker has a rival named Kennedy… In other words, the Kiley to her Thatcher? Someone else she could be friends with, but not too close to?
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slafkovskys · 2 months
thinking about the panic cassie probably goes through when her baby calls sway dad
there’s just this invisible monster eating at her inside that she’s letting her kid call someone else dad, even though that’s exactly what sway has been for the baby
hell maybe she even books a hotel for a night or two, because regardless of the fact that cassie and sway have been together for as long as the baby has been alive (aka not long, maybe a year if that) the guilt of essentially lying to her baby and letting them think sway’s their dad is soemthing that eats at her
and sweet little quincy doesn’t understand why she’s with her mom in a hotel when they could be home with the dude who always makes sure her bath is just the right temperature and shows her the sky every morning. jeremy tracks them down after two days (thank you so much kiley mcavoy) and he’s surprised that cassie actually opens the door for him. he sends her a gentle grin, “i thought that we weren’t doing this anymore, cass.”
“and i thought that it was my turn to run,” she turns her head when her daughter lets out a little squeal. she sends jeremy a quick glance before turning back into the room. the man catches the door before it can close and slips in behind her. she picks quincy up from the blanket she had laid out on the floor and avoids jeremy’s eyes when she speaks, “you shouldn’t have come.”
“haven’t you learned that i’m always going to?” like he hadn’t spent five summers chasing her before convincing her to boston. like he hadn’t worked his ass off to convince her that he had changed. like he hadn’t spent the last eighteen months since they had become roommates again trying to convince her that they could be good. she turns away from him when her daughter reaches for the man, “cassie-”
“we aren’t your problem and you aren’t her father,” the words cut through him like a knife. his arms fall slowly as quincy continues to stare her big brown eyes at him, confused why she wasn’t in his arms.
“dada!” she grunts, wiggling in cassie’s arms.
“i’m not her father?” jeremy scoffs, “i built her crib. i fed her food for the first time. she held my hand when she took her first steps. cass, i’m the one who cut her fucking cord when she was born. i may not be her father, but i am her dad.”
“no, you are not running from this. call kiley, call danielle, call whoever you trust to watch her because we are talking about this and whatever is causing you to think like that. we haven’t worked as hard as we have to give her something good to let it it slip through our fingers.”
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bekkachaos · 1 year
the upside to freefalling (grey's au)
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E | 16.6k | Chapter 1/11
read on ao3
Chapter 1: A Hard Day's Night
“Oh no,” Buck said, his stomach churning. “Oh no, no, no.” “Don’t tell me it’s too much for you already,” Hen grinned, giving him a questioning look as he plastered himself against the wall. “What are you doing?” “You remember how I said I spent last night celebrating with some crazy, hot, mind-blowing casual sex?” he said. “I’ve been trying to forget.” Buck looked around the corner to where the Neuro attending was standing, his stomach may actually fall out at this point. “It was with him,” he said, nodding towards him with a grimace back to Hen. She looked over, and then back to Buck with an eyebrow high. “Dr Diaz? You sure it was him?” “Look at him,” he hissed. “Do you really think I’d forget that?”
Buck is a surgical intern, and on his first day things go from troubling to downright awkward when the man from the night before at the bar turns out to be a surgical attending at his new job. As he tried to keep his shit together for the rest of his shift, he wonders how he's going to get through it at all when the beautiful (smart, talented… you get the drift) Dr Eddie Diaz is there every way he turns.
He won't let himself turn back into Buck 1.0, and he's not ready for anyone else to come into his life after the disaster of a love life he's had, but there's something about Eddie he can't get out of his head.
playlist: it's a beautiful day to save lives
songs for chapter one:
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Wes Anderson’s Fantastic Mr Fox is the best anthropomorphic media about gender identity and it does so without making animal species a metaphor FOR gender in fact that’s kind of the whole point and beauty of it and why it works. Their animal natures all reflect their human natures, their personalities, in a way reminiscent of classic folktale while allowing gender to exist amongst animals the way it does among people, making it easier to resonate with these themes rather than pulling an anthro bunny girl “radicalization of gender” (because gender and race operate very differently when taken as individual attributes of identity, and by presenting the two as comparable facets of the same dynamic, the way a writer may decide to compare the history and dynamics of African American identity to Native American identity or to whiteness as a construct——because the way the white man oppresses the non white man and the way he oppressed the white woman are fundamentally different and these sort of “what if woman was a fantasy race” analogies obfuscate that and the oppressive relationship between white women and non-white men AND women)
Like the movie basically presents Mr. Fox’s notion that a fox is 2 things
-a wild animal
-a gentleman thief
And it’s no coincidence that one is a product of nature, you’re either born a Fox or you aren’t, and the other is a fully social construct. It is also a gendered construct. Mr Fox (and others) correlate foxhood and manhood throughout the film and in ways consistently demonstrated to be harmful to everyone
Because Mr Fox correlates his Fox identity wi h his gender identity he feels isolated from both sectors as the only adult male Fox in the movie, he doesn’t attempt to reach out to his wife about his foxy dissatisfaction, his cravings to hunt and outsmart humans, because he is correlating these feelings with both his foxhood and his masculine ego, and in recognition of his wife’s femininity determines that she is inherently incompatible with understanding these feelings, despite them both being foxes
It’s also representative of his office-kilter friendship with Kiley and his pseudo-antagonism with Badger, both other adult men, one a husband and father himself, but neither foxes, and so Mr Fox feels frustrated when neither empathize with his fox-based feelings and needs despite them all being men
It’s also reflected in how the children are treated by Mr Fox and those around them as a whole. Ash is by and large shown to be TERRIBLE at performing masculinity while also extremely aggressive, irritable, and desperate TO perform ‘masculinity’. Because despite his poor athletic abilities on the field he is a natural in the actual hunts themselves, and is shown to genuinely enjoy them both as a bonding activity with his father but also of their own merit. He is clever and fast on his feet and a creative thinker, he also has that natural drive to “prove” himself that Mr Fox also describes in the waterfall scene as a fundamental Fox-prone temperament. Mr Fox, Felicity, and Ash are fundamentally extremely similar people with extremely similar temperaments and complimentary skills and inclinations. Ash is an EXTREMELY good and natural Fox, it helps that he has maybe the most “wild” appearance when mask-less, dark circles under the eyes and rough fur that gives him a wild edge the other foxes lack in their design
Comparatively Kristofferson is a young gentleman in the making but not very foxy at all. He is a very skilled athlete, very composed emotionally (contrasted with the wild emotional outbursts of his wild Fox families and their weird games of emotional repression and run around) yet the people around him constantly reinforce the idea that these are natural FOX attributes because foxes being “gentlemen thrives” has been correlated as an inherit aspect of foxhood, being a Fox who is good at being a gentleman must indicate a Fox who is good at being a thief and at being a wild animal, when neither could be further from the truth for Kris, who has few natural instincts, and morally opposes stealing itself. He is rather similar to Kiley, a non Fox man who Mr Fox continuously pushes into Fox scenarios because he wants a companion in BOTH his foxhood AND his manhood because he has determined they are one in the same. It’s also why Kristofferson excites him so much, because if the kid is a Fox and this good at being a young gentleman he must clearly also be a “wild” animal and a great thief when he ISNT because those traits are all differently and not inherently linked. Mr Fox is so swept up in his belief that masculinity and foxhood must me inherently linked or one in the same that he unintentionally hinders his own plans of thievery by enlisting poor poultry thieves and ignoring the sheer Fox talent in his own family
It’s also why his marriage with Felicity nearly falls apart, because Mr Fox insists that foxhood is an extension of manhood he ignores the own Fox related feelings and needs of his wife and presumed that his nostalgia for stealing chickens and his need to feel clever and “fantastic” are concepts that she could not empathize with because she is a woman, meanwhile it is because she is a woman, and a wife, and a mother, that Felicity keeps those feelings controlled enough to keep her family and community safe. She recognizes her gender and her foxhood as separate aspects of a single identity and therefore is able to balance them to what she feels is appropriate, she is self aware and therefore able to express self control. What’s really interesting is the film also suggests that her experience with prefect helped In her recognition of this relationship, her sudden fan unexpected introduction of a third identity that conflicted with the needs and desires of another, yes foxes love to steal and outwit farmers and escape danger, but mothers also need to keep their children safe and cared for and she recognized that she could not maintain both the life of a thief and the well-being of her child, and that the latter was simply more important to her. This is why she’s so upset and angry with Mr Fox and tells him she loves him but she shouldn’t of married him, because by failing to recognize these roles and manage them Mr Fox has communicated that he does NOT share this same value, or doesn’t possesses the maturity and self control to properly practice it. He cannot get over his masculine ego to express his discontentment with his non-Fox-esq life to the other adult Fox IN his life because she is a woman, and by failing this his cannot keep his Fox-feelings in-check to prevent himself from putting his family in danger.
It’s also why Felicity is the one who is able to get through to Ash, because she doesn’t correlate gender and foxhood she is able to recognize that Ash is very much 100% red blooded Fox just like his parents are, but because he cannot perform traditional masculinity this aspect of himself gets overlooked by his father and misunderstood by other adults as Ash tries to cope and overcompensate this disconnect with aggression (something both masculine AND Fox like)
There are some readings that Ash is trans (specifically a trans woman egg) and both readings absolutely support each other. The beaver bully also addresses Ash’s lack of masculinity as femininity but this is also based off a binary model so a NB reading of Ash is also possible. We do not get enough of Felicity or Agnes to really comprehend what “Fox femininity” looks like as a whole to compare Ash’s behavior with. Ash could be equally unsuited towards both. Ash also wears a costume throughout the movie and this can be read as discomfort with Ash’s own identity and body, another failed attempt to project masculinity that doesn’t feel right to Ash.
The lack of other foxes in the movie also helps to convey that Fox-ness is less of a cultural construct, while the animals certainly all have a shared cultural understanding of what a Fox is, the preterition for thievery, risk taking, and cunning that all three red foxes show in the movie is framed more in the way that shared family behavior is often understood. Being “a Fox” is less comparable to “being a Texan” or “being a man” as it is to “being a belcher” or “being a Simpson”. However Mr Fox is too self centered initially to recognize this relationship and instead correlates foxhood to his other most important identity, his manhood, and comes to the conclusion he is the only “true” Fox because he is the only Fox man in his family or community
It’s also been highlighted in other readings that his phobia of wolves is likely a metaphor or derived from his fear of wild inadequacy, that his failure to live up to his standard of what a real Fox, a real wild animal is, is due to him being inadequate at those roles rather than—-as pointed out by the Felicity analysis—-simply the sign of a multifaceted man balancing different identities and values. Felicity doesn’t fear wolves because she knows her dedication to her family and to painting over stealing were choices she made based on other aspects of her identity and other values outside of how Fox-like she is, while for the first half of the movie Mr Fox has yet to come to this understanding and instead internalizes his failure to live in a fancy house off of his earnings as a wild farmer outsmarting bird stealer as his failure to be a Fox, a wild animal, and a man, or in his conflated logic, his failure to be a Fox
The inherent conflict in this conflation is even something Felicity highlights in their real rate discussion, she likes living in a hole because it’s Fox-like, she has a Fox instinct to burrow. Mr Fox presumably does too but is valuing the “value” of a home as the value of a man and his ability to provide for his family OVER his value of his Fox instincts, AND is valuing his Fox-based desire to “show off” and “flaunt” in front of danger OVER the OTHER Fox instinct to burrow away from predators to stay and keep their cubs safe. He is making a choice similar to how his wife has made choices with her life however he is doing so in the most self-centered of ways. He is more in control of his values and identity-expression than he admits because it benefits him personally to play stupid and powerless, “foxes will be foxes” which is where Felicity’s anger with him and Ash’s frustration with himself stem from,
Because Mr Fox refuses to recognize them as fellow foxes, because doing so would require him to acknowledge the inherent responsibility he has for his behavior.
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ohwhataniight · 1 month
The Good that won't Come Out - a trans Sherlock fic - Part 2
This is the second part of my shamelessly self indulgent trans!lock fic.
Contains descriptions of transition, top surgery, coming out.
Click here for Part 1
for @gaylilsherlock and their trope suggestion "wound dressing"
I do this thing where I think I'm real sick
But I won't go to the doctor to find out about it'
Cause they make you stay real still in a real small space
As they chart up your insides and put them on display
They'd see all of it, all of me, all of it
All of the good that won't come out of meAnd all the stupid lies I hide behindIt's such a big mistakeLying here in your warm embrace
Oh, you're almost home
I've been waiting for you to come in
Dancing around in your old suits
Going crazy in your room again
I think I'll go out and embarrass myself
By getting drunk and falling down in the street
You say I choose sadness
That it never once has chosen me
Maybe you're right
The Good that Won't Come Out – Rilo Kiley
You need to come home at once. - SH
It is urgent. -SH
I require medical assistance. - SH
I curse lightly under my breath, throwing myself up from the couch in the middle of the movie. I was never a Star Wars fan but I agreed to this marathon for Vicky’s sake. We’re halfway through the first film and I’m already letting her down. Again. For Sherlock. Who has never in the past allowed me to take care of him when he needs a doctor. Now he's the one asking for me. This must be bad.
“Emergency at home. I’m sorry, I’ve gotta go, Sherlock needs me,” I tell her as she looks at me dumbfounded. I stumble down the stairs and hail a cab to 221B, my mind racing over the most horrible scenarios - strangulation, explosions, head trauma - hell, he might have given himself third degree burns from spaghetti water, for all I know. He does that thing where he tries to cook sometimes, and I’ve got to deal with the casualties.
I rush up the stairs with my heart catching on my throat and burst through the half-opened door, only to find him sitting on the couch cross-legged, his shoes off, no nightgown, with a gash on his white shirt that’s sticking with half-dried blood. I grab my medical kit from the coffee table by the door and stand before him, trying to catch my breath. My leg is burning, so are my lungs. “Up. Kitchen. You know the drill,” I eventually manage to command him, and he obliges, standing up and following me to the other room.
I turn on the light in the kitchen. I place my bag on the corner of the table, next to a china bowl full of human toes. A feeling very much like fury is also starting to burn in my chest. Of course he went along and got himself into trouble without him despite me very explicitly asking him not to do so. Of course he didn’t get his own ass to the ER and called me here, ruining yet another date. So selfish, that man and his blood.
He’s already unbuttoning his own shirt as I lay down the saline and the gauze before leaning over him to help him as he winces in pain when the bloodied fabric sticks to his skin. “You did it again, didn’t you?” I huff. “Putting yourself in danger right after I asked you to behave, for one night, just one night, Sherlock.” I help him remove his shirt and lean over him to closely inspect the wound. “May I ask what you were up to?”
“I was merely doing my duty as a law-abiding civilian, helping out a fellow human being whose future was about to be tainted by blackmail. You know I despise foul play,” he says, but there’s something missing - both his usual nonchalance and his alternative bouts of histrionics. He is dead serious, pensive, even. I feel him cold and rigid under my gloved hands, growing more distant by the minute. “Besides, it is but a scratch, as you can observe yourself.”
“Indeed, it is quite superficial,” I say as I quickly inspect the skin over his ribcage and assess the damage. He shudders under my fingers, short hair on his chest sticking out, skin pale with goosebumps. “You’re lucky. May I ask how you got it?”
“Climbing off of some railings,” he complies dutifully.
“You’ll need a tetanus shot. Christ, Sherlock,” I sigh, as I turn around to grab everything I need to disinfect the gash.
“Never call me a girl again, John.”
I look up at him in utter disbelief, wondering if I’ve misheard. His silver blue eyes pull me in like a vacuum under the transparent light of the kitchen. His Adam's apple bobs as he swallows. He looks disorganized, ruffled hair, shaking hands and all. He also looks... is that angry? - hesitant?
“Sorry, what now?” I momentarily stop the process of taking care of his wound to register what he is telling me.
“Earlier this evening, at Scotland Yard, you called Gale and myself girls during one of your frequent bouts of sarcasm. It's something that you've done again the past. I am asking that you never repeat that. It is imperative.”
“What... what is this about?” I ask, feeling a wave of defensiveness rush over me. “Were you offended?”
“Yes, I was.”
I’m staring at half-naked Sherlock Holmes with my mouth agape. “We are not in the Victorian era, Sherlock. People have long ago stopped considering the term “girls” as a derogatory one.”
“The implications of what you said were derogatory.”
“I... no. You know what? We’re not doing this. I have to dress your wound, and if one of us needs to work on his misogyny, that’s you, not me. I see how you talk to Donovan, you know. Impertinent.”
Now he looks positively pissed off. His eyes are sparkling dangerously, the muscles and tendons on his neck and shoulders have tightened, his hands are clenched into fists. Is he going to fight me? “I am not. A girl.”
“That’s fairly obvious, Sherlock. What I did is called a joke.”
“Never make that joke again.”
“O-okay. Now will you let me do the thing you called me here for or should I let you bleed out on the carpet?” That man is driving me insane. I should be the one who’s angry after tonight’s fiasco, and here I am, apologizing to one of the rudest, most offensive men I know for having pulled innocent fun at his masculinity a couple of times.
“I am not going to bleed out, John, and you know that better than I do. You agreed it’s just a scratch.” He winces as I return to him with the gauze, trying to clean the scratch that starts from his left side and reaches over the edge of his nipple as gently as I can.
“You’ve had much worse, it's true," I tell him, my previous annoyance returning in full force. “Can I ask what gave you the good sense to call me here for this... scratch, then?”
“I was worried about it,” he says, holding his breath as I open the hydrogen peroxide bottle. He hisses when I touch him again with the dreaded ointment. “I needed you to have a look at it”
I try to ignore the way the word needed finds me so helplessly receptive, how it immediately disarms me and calms me down. “I was on a date, Sherlock,” I say in a softened voice. “The ER at Bart’s is full of competent...”
“I don’t trust them with that.”
“What is that? Are you hurt anywhere else? What happened? Sherlock, talk to me.”
Sherlock grabs my wrist and pulls my hand that is holding some clean gauze away from him. “I am indeed planning to talk to you.”
“What are you doing - what do you mean, Sherlock?” I ask, feeling alarmed. His fingers remain tangled around my wrist, holding it up in the air and the dust that hovers between us. I wonder if he can feel the hammering of my pulse and I try to catch my breath. “I don’t understand what got you worried about this scratch. I’ll finish patching it up, give you a tetanus shot, and you’ll be right as rain.”
“I will be administering the injection myself, thank you very much.”
“What - no. What are you talking about? I don’t know what experiments you’ve made with needles in the past, and frankly I don’t need to know. I am a doctor...”
“And I am a chemist who has been giving himself injections on his own backside once a month for years.” He’s still holding my hand, and is not reaching out with his free hand and pulling my fingers open, placing the gauze back on the table.
“What are you talking about?”
“John, as always you look but do not observe.” And with that, he guides my hand back on his chest, guides my fingers to trace over his left nipple where I can see the pink, inflamed skin around the scratch that fades out just there. My fingertips lie brush over his areola, and I feel the ever so faint, hair-thin oread of scar tissue. I lean closer and his warm breathes on the nape of my neck makes me shudder. I suddenly realize I am inspecting the delicate craftsmanship of an incision. An identical one one his other nipple.
"What are these, Sherlock?"
I feel him inhale under my fingers. His gaze avoids mine. "My battle scars," he breathes out eventually, the hint of a smile appearing on his otherwise troubled face.
His battle scars.
“The keyhole technique, then,” I murmur, raising my eyes to quiz his for an explanation. “You're lucky, this is superficial and has not affected the incision but we'll have to keep an eye on it. Exquisitely performed, your surgeon must have been a true artist. Gynecomastia?” But then, had he not said something about injecting his backside once a month? “Oh.” Oh.
“Yes, oh.” He’s staring back at me with his expression now that of pure terror laced with anticipation. The brief smile has disappeared from his face and he looks as breathless as I am. “Took you long enough, John.”
To be continued
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girljeremystrong · 3 months
barnes and noble doing major discount if you pre-order books. here's what i think you should pre-order:
all the colors of the dark by chris whitaker (out may 21st)
interesting facts about space by emily austin (out jan 30th)
the hunter by tana french (out march 5th)
table for two by amor towles (out april 2nd)
come and get it by kiley reid (out jan 30th)
wandering stars by tommy orange (out feb 27th)
long island compromise by taffy brodesser-akner (out july 9th)
piglet by lottie hazell (out feb 27th)
into the uncut grass by trevor noah (out oct 15th)
henry henry by allen bratton (out april 2nd)
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ansonmountdaily · 2 years
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds behind the scenes photo via Costume Designer Bernadette Croft
Pictured are: Anson Mount (Captain Christopher Pike), Christina Chong (Lt. La'an Noonien-Singh) and Ethan Peck (Science Officer Spock). Their characters are wearing away team outfits to better blend in with the people of Kiley 279, a planet shown in episode 1 of the series.
The costume designer said on her Instagram: "The planet Kiley had a distinct retro futuristic aesthetic. We focused on tailoring and a mid century colour palette."
Source: Bernadette Croft, May 9 2022
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sorberts · 9 months
thanks to the amazing @dear-indies, who is currently trying to piece together a list of the native/indigenous resources lost, you can expect to see the following packs from me: — forrest goodluck — quannah chasinghorse — kiley may should see at least one of these by this weekend! if anyone else has native/indigenous fc they'd like to see resources for, my askbox is always open.
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jojea · 10 months
characters/pairs and songs under the cut 🤙🏽
Kaname Date: Hourglass by Set It Off & Dirty Mind by 3OH!3
Aiba: I Am Not A Robot by MARINA
Mizuki Okiura: A Better Son/Daughter by Rilo Kiley
Iris Sagan: U by millennium parade
Ota Matsushita: Out Of My League by Stephen Speaks
Hitomi Sagan: In My Daughter’s Eyes by Martina McBride
Mayumi Matsushita: Homesick by Dua Lipa
Shizue Kuranushi (Boss): Woman by Doja Cat
Futa Amanoma (Pewter): Words Fail by Ben Platt
Hayato Yagyu (Falco): The Grey by Icon For Hire
Saito Sejima: devil may care by fae
So Sejima: Karma by MARINA
Moma Kumakura: My Family by Migos, KAROL G, Snoop Dogg, & Rock Mafia
Rohan Kumakura: Bury Me by Huxlxy
Shoko Nadami: Self-fulfilling Prophecy by Maria Mena
Renju Okiura: Unholy by Sam Smith
Manaka Iwai: My Immortal by Evanescence
Mama: I Like Boys by Todrick Hall
Ritsuko Enshu: Coconuts by Kim Petras
Araya Kagami: That’s Not My Name by The Ting Tings
Date & Mizuki: Neptune by Sleeping At Last
Date & Aiba: Whenever Wherever by Shakira
Falco & Iris: Suddenly by Hugh Jackman
Hitomi & Iris / Mayumi & Ota: Mother by Voices From Mars
Mizuki & Shoko & Renju: Older by Sasha Alex Sloan
Boss & Date: Woah by Jonny Glenn, Ally Hills
Boss & Hayato: Again by Flyleaf
Boss & Date & Pewter: Drunk With My Friends by Ashnikko
Date & Saito: Replay by Lady Gaga
Falco/Hitomi: Queen of the Night by Hey Violet
Renju/Pewter: Lover, Please Stay by Nothing But Thieves
Shoko/Renju: Where I Come From by Maria Mena
Hitomi/Manaka: Six Feet Under by aeseaes
Hitomi & Renju & Manaka: ilomilo by Billie Eilish
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mynameischalie · 4 months
My Favorite Concerts of 2023 (#20-#15)
I think it is fairly obvious how much I love going to live shows. I got to see a bunch this year but I am going to break it down to twenty. I will start off from 20 and make my way down to 15 for now.
20. Thrice with Holy Fawn @ The Fillmore Philadelphia May 30th, 2023
Thrice has always been an extremely hit or miss live band. There has been times where I saw them where I thought they were just OK however on this particular tour with them playing all of "The Artist In The Ambulance" the band sounded the best I ever heard them dating back to 2003. Dustin's vocals were incredible and the sound was heavy. I was in absolute bliss watching them crush this record front to back. The only reason why this wasn't higher was unfortunately the crowd was super lame. I felt like they weren't really going off for the band and were pretty much standing there lifeless. That being said, I left that show thinking "damn, Thrice surprised the hell out of me".
19. Bully at the First Unitarian Church September 23rd 2023
Bully put out one of my favorite records of this year so I was excited to see them for the first time. This was an extremely gritty performance as their singer Alicia was battling sickness but still gutted it out for a tremendous performance. The tour after this show was postponed due to her being sick but I look back at this one and admire her for carrying on the show when others would have folded. I would 110% love to see them again.
18. Paint It Black with Pegboy at the First Unitarian Church November 4th 2023
Philly's own punk and hardcore legends Paint It Black playing a hometown show at a sold out Church. Pegboy was quite a pleasant surprise considering how long in the tooth they are as a band. I snicerely enjoyed them. When Paint It Black came on the entire room went completely off with bodies flying everywhere. It was an excellent way to spend a Saturday night in November.
17. Jenny Lewis at the Met Philadelphia July 20th 2023
You better believe I wouldn't miss a chance to see Jenny Lewis live. I absolutely love her as she is one of my favorite songwriters. She just played an absolutely flawless, lively, and overall satisfying set. Did I mentioned she did a couple Rilo Kiley songs too? Great show that cracks the top 20 here at number 17!
16. Weezer at the Mann Center June 27th 2023
I did not think the weather was going to cooperate for this show to even happen. Joyce Manor and Future Islands got washed out as the communication was awful by the Mann Center on will this concert be played at all. The answer was yes and luckily the rain let up as I arrived to the Mann Center right as Weezer was going on. Weezer knew the assignment and that was to play a steady diet from Blue and Pinkerton. It was everything I wanted and more so!!!! Long live Weezer!
15. Amyl and The Sniffers at the Union Transfer November 3rd 2023
This band rules and if you haven't checked them out you need to make sure to do so if you're into punk rock. The crowd was good for this one and a lot of people I felt were seeing them for the first time so it was nice to see the reaction they got this time around. I got nothing but love for Amy and the guys from Australia. I wish them the best of luck opening for the Foo Fighters this upcoming summer!!!
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ek playlist sentence starters part four
info: sentence starters from my eddie kaspbrak playlist; part one part two part three :
come on mess me up - cub sport
"we were walking on sparkles street growing up real fast"
"i left it behind pretty quickly, still the farthest thing from pretty"
"i fell in love with avoiding problems"
"we were riding on smith street we were right on track"
"i left it behind without sinking, they all said i wasn't thinking"
"but i want this, you know i want this"
"so come on, mess me up"
"you can break me, if you'll still take me"
"if you'll let me be one of the ones you say you won't forget"
"i was stumbling on suffolk throwing up real hard"
"inside was kind of misty, i knew none of the history"
lovesong - the cure
"you make me feel like i am home again"
"you make me feel like i am whole again"
"whenever i'm alone with you, you make me feel like i am young again"
"you make me feel like i am fun again"
"however far away, i will always love you"
"however long i stay, i will always love you"
"whatever words i say, i will always love you"
"i will always love you"
"you make me feel like i am free again"
"whenever i'm alone with you, you make me feel like i am clean again"
sedated - hozier
"just a little rush, babe"
"just a little hush, babe; my veins are busy"
"my heart's in atrophy"
"any way to distract and sedate"
"adding shadows to the walls of the cave"
"you and i, nursing on a poison that never stung"
"we are deaf, we are numb"
"free and young and we can feel none of it"
"something isn't right, babe"
"i keep catching little words, but the meaning's thin"
"i'm somewhere outside my life, babe"
"i keep scratching, but somehow i can't get in"
"so we're slaves to any semblance of touch"
"lord, we should quit, but we love it too much"
"darlin' don't you stand there watching"
"won't you come and save me from it?"
"darlin' don't you join in"
"you're supposed to drag me away from it"
better son or daughter - rilo kiley
"sometimes in the morning i am petrified and can't move"
"the weight is crushing down on my lungs, i know i can't breathe"
"hope someone will save me this time"
"your mother's still calling you insane and high, swearing it's different this time"
"you tell her to give in to the demons that posses her and that god never blessed her insides"
"then you hang up the phone, and feel badly for upsetting things"
"crawl back into bed to dream of a time when your heart was open wide"
" and you loved things just because"
"sometimes when you're on, you're really fucking on"
"your friends, they sing along and they love you"
"the lows are so extreme that the good seems fucking cheap"
"it teases you for weeks in its absence"
"you'll fight and you'll make it through"
"you'll fake it if you have to"
"you'll show up for work with a smile"
"you'll be better and you'll be smarter and more grown up and a better daughter or son and a real good friend"
"you'll be awake, you'll be alert, you'll be positive though it hurts"
"you'll laugh and embrace all your friends"
"you'll be a real good listener"
"you'll be honest, you'll be brave"
"you'll be handsome and you'll be beautiful"
"you'll be happy"
"your ship may be coming in, you're weak but not giving in"
"you'll fight it, you'll go out fighting all of them"
i wanna be yours - arctic monkeys
"i wanna be your vacuum cleaner, breathin' in your dust"
"i wanna be your ford cortina, i will never rust"
"if you like your coffee hot, let me be your coffee pot"
"you call the shots, babe"
"i just wanna be yours"
"secrets i have held in my heart are harder to hide than i thought"
"maybe i just wanna be yours"
"let me be your 'leccy meter, an' i'll never run out"
"let me be the portable heater that you'll get cold without"
nightmare - set it off
"they're coming, creeping from the corner"
"all i know is that i don't feel safe"
"i feel the tapping on my shoulder"
"i turn around in an alarming state"
"but am i losing my mind? i really think so"
"not a creature in sight"
"what you don't know is that my breathing gets faster and so does my heartbeat"
"i wish this was over, i wish that this was a dream"
"i created a monster, a hell within my head"
"with nowhere to go, i'm out on my own"
"i'm so scared"
"i created a monster, a beast inside my brain"
"awake me from my nightmare"
"wait, something doesn't feel right"
"no, something seems wrong"
"i've been feeling this way for far too long"
"oh that's too bad"
"as my vision gets blurred, my skin's getting colder"
"appearing young, while i'm growing older"
"i collapse to the floor and scream can anybody save me from myself?"
"walking to the ledge, i find myself looking down"
"frozen still with fear, now i'm plunging to the ground"
"if only i knew how to fly"
"i could convince myself this isn't my time to die"
"insead i'm rocketing faster and faster, i dive-bomb to the floor"
"when my body crashes to the pavement, i'm right back where i was before"
gives you hell - all american rejects
"i wake up every evenin' with a big smile on my face"
"it never feels outta place"
"you're still probably working at a 9 to 5 pace"
"i wonder how bad that tastes"
"when you see my face, hope it gives you hell"
"when you walk my way, hope it gives you hell"
"now where's you picket fence, love?"
"where's that shiny car?"
"you never seemed so tense, love"
"i've never seen you fall so hard"
"do you know where you are?"
"truth be told, i miss you"
"truth be told, i'm lyin'"
"if you find a man that's worth a damn and treats you well then he's a fool"
"i hope it gives you hell"
"tomorrow, you'll be thinking to yourself yeah, where did it all go wrong?"
"the list goes on and on"
"now, you'll never see what you've done to me"
"you can take back your memories, they're no good to me"
"here's all your lies, you can look me in the eyes with the sad, sad look that you wear so well"
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but there’s no one to equal - playlists for gus the theatre cat’s mates, for @bombawife‘s OC week (album art by @the-cat-at-the-theatre-door)
andromeda: 01. the sweetest sounds - diahann carroll and richard kiley | 02. silver threads and golden needles - the seekers | 03. poor wand'ring one - valerie masterson | 04. anytime, anywhere - sarah brightman | 05. roots - the arcadian wild | 06. keyboard concerto in g minor bwv 1058, i. allegro - johannes sebastian bach | 07. the lusty month of may - sierra boggess | 08. ela - andromache | 09. barcarolle: belle nuit ô nuit d’amour - fatma said and marianne crebassa | 10. movement - hozier | 11. i got rhythm - dorothy dandridge | 12. connais-tu le pays où fleurit l'oranger? - denyce graves | 13. what do the simple folk do - julie andrews and richard burton | 14. hourglass - mindy gledhill | 15. the joys and sorrows of life - johannes bornlöf | 16. a world without love - postmodern jukebox | 17. you and me against the world - helen reddy | 18. when i am laid in earth - jessye norman | 19. move on - bernadette peters [listen]
 lila: 01. mountain sound - of monsters and men | 02. shy - megan loughran | 03. el mirar de la maja - montserrat caballé | 04. right hand man - heidi blickenstaff | 05. una voce poco fa - pretty yende | 06. sa’altak habibi - fairuz | 07. cigarettes in the theater - two door cinema club | 08. courtyard lullaby - loreena mckennitt | 09. where do we go from here - philippa soo and adam chanler-berat | 10. ah, je ris de me voir (the jewel song) - angela gheorghiu | 11. i remember - betty buckley | 12. divino - carla morrison | 13. horn concerto no. 3 in e flat major, k. 447: III allegro - wolfgang amadeus mozart | 14. people - barbara streisand | 15. the magic wood - joan baez | 16. o namenlose freude - jessye norman and reiner goldberg | 17. fear no more the heat of the sun - robin hendrix | 18. saturn - sleeping at last | 19. c'est l'amour, l'amour vainqueur (the violin aria) - angela brower [listen]
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