#Jaune's sisters
lipeg · 2 months
Team RWBY had arrived in a village where there were several creatures made of crystal that resembled a star shape.
Ruby: What are those things
???: We are Genial Gems
One of these crystal series appeared next to the girls.
Weiss: What is it called and where are we?
Ren: My name is Ren and this is the Gems village
The girls looked at each other.
Until the girls' bellies started growling.
They were all ashamed.
Ren: I see you are hungry, come with me
Weiss: Thank you very much
Ren: No problem
Team RWBY started following the Ren gem, as they walked through the village they noticed something peculiar.
A statue made of stone of a knight riding Jackalope, with the sword in his left, an expression of pure HATE on your face.
Blake: Jaune?
The girls looked at the statue and were surprised to see that it was Jaune but older.
Weiss was impressed, as well as the statue being very well made, full of details. Jaune's face showed "new things" the first was that he had a cut on his right cheek, he had a goatee and his hair had grown past his neck.
Ruby: Ren, Can you tell where Jaune is?
Ruby completely ignored Weiss.
Ren: The knight left these lands a long time ago. He and his wife left a long time ago
The girls looked at the Ren gem.
RWBY: Wife?
Ren: Yes. A woman with pink, white and brown hair
There was only one person with these hair colors.
In Remmant
In a city that was growing quickly, this city was very close to become a kingdom, this city was in Vale but this city was east of the city of Vale but far east between the city of Vale there was a mountain that awaited the two cities.
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Both cities were on the coast, but there is a stark difference, this city called Orleans and was located in the Meuse valley region.
Orleans was founded by Agravein Arc known as Black Knight ( Particular the knight of misogyny ) before the great war.
After the monarchy ended, he came to this place that used to be just a farm but it became a refuge for those who didn't believe Councilmen would be of any use because there would be a lot of corruption.
Over time more and more people came to this place that strangely didn't attract so many Grimms.
After the destruction of Vale ( Now this shit is official hahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahauayayahahhahahahahahahahayayayayayahahahahahahahauuahahuahuahahhauahahauahauauauau)
Many people came here, this only happens because Michelangelo Arc, Jaune Arc's father went to the rescue of the population after learning that Councilmen ran away.
Michelangelo, as soon as he heard that Vale was attacked, was the first to leave the village and go to the aid of the people of Vale.
It was difficult to convince people to move even though Vale was destroyed, it was still their home.
But thanks to teacher Peter Port, Doctor Bartholomew Oobleck and Headmistress Glynda Goodwitch. He managed to get people to move to Orleans.
But now Orleans could already be considered a kingdom but the situation in the world doesn't "allow it" because everything is in chaos .
But........ Always a but not everything is black and white, there are shades of gray.
With the return of "communications" and after Ruby Rose's disastrous warning, Orleans was preparing for the worst faster than ever.
But (again ) a light appeared amidst the chaos.
Jaune Arc and Neo Arc
The family reunion was beautiful, there was a slap in the face, swearing for everyone, father vs son, mother vs son.
After all that, let's get to what really matters.
House of Arc
Jaune was sitting in an armchair and his wife was sitting on his lap.
His parents and sisters were on the sofa to the left of the armchair.
" So.... " Michelangelo Arc was sitting on the couch looking at his son, beside him was his wife Angelica Arc and behind the sofa were his daughters
" How they both met " Angelica Arc has already cut her husband out of the conversation.
" She tried to kill me " Jaune said with the greatest calm in the world.
The whole family was silent.
" This is a family thing " When Michelangelo said this his wife's face turned red and she slapped his arm.
" Why? " Jaune asked.
" Your mother and I were on the same team, I was a leader even though I didn't want to be but she wanted to be the leader and she tried to kill me to steal my position as leader " Michelangelo told, while Angelica was embarrassed by her past.
" My old interesting loving also wanted to be the leader of your team and she couldn't either, but she and I are not on the same team " Jaune said remembering Weiss in their first year at Beacon Academy.
" She won't say anything " Angelica asked looking at Neo.
" She is mute mother " Jaune said looking at his wife.
Neo smiled.
Letters appeared in front of both of them as if it were a caption.
It's true, I was speechless after trying to swallow the colossus he has between
Jaune and his family's eyes widened.
" NEO! " Jaune screamed in anger.
After this scene where Neo was laughing, the Arc couple's daughters noticed that the atmosphere changed.
" Jaune— " Before Michelangelo could have his question.
" Vale was completely destroyed, we already know we came from there. We took advantage of the fact that we went and picked up some things from Vale and then we went to Vacuo and picked up something very special "
Around Neo's head reality shattered like glass, revealing a golden crown with a peculiar form.
Crocea Mors the family heirloom began to disappear like smoke. Then, next to the armchair, the air began to rotate, revealing a large sword that was being hidden.
The Arc family stayed because that sword looked a lot like Crocea Mors but only bigger and the scabbard that could become a shield looked very different looked more like a blade than a sheath.
" Dad, we have a lot to talk about. I have revelations about our family "
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superiorsturgeon · 3 months
The Arc Sister Challenge
Jaune: *restrained at the top of an ornate pyramid* I’m sorry, Pyrrha! But for us to date, you have to defeat my seven deadly sisters in combat! No girl has ever succeeded!
Arc Sisters: *wielding various weapons and squaring up for an Arc boss-rush* 👿
Pyrrha: *rolls her shoulders and readies her spear* No challenge too great for my love!
One furious combat gauntlet later…
Pyrrha: *panting and leaning on her spear at the top of the pyramid, almost to her goal* You were formidable opponents…but you won’t stop me from reaching my goal…! 😮‍💨
Pyrrha: …now, who’s next?
Saphron: *steps forward* Just me…!
Pyrrha: *squares up*
Saphron: *holds up her baby*
Adrian: *baby noises*
Pyrrha: *screeches to a halt* Uh…
Saphron: To defeat me and claim the right to date our brother, you must hold this baby without him crying!
Pyrrha: *awkwardly holds out her hands* Um…all right…?
Adrian: *becoming fussy in Pyrrha’s arms* 😢
Pyrrha: 😨
Jaune: *manages to break free* Pyrrha! Quick, use this!
Jaune: *tosses delicious chocolate chip cookie*
Pyrrha: *snatches the cookie out of the air and quickly gives it to Adrian*
Adrian: 😃
Jaune: You did it! 😚
Pyrrha: YES!! *shifts Adrian to her other side and claims her victory kisses from Jaune* 🥰
Saphron: *sinks to her knees in defeat* 😞
Adrian: *enjoying his cookie with absolutely no idea what’s going on* 😋 🍪
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averagemrfox · 11 months
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lovingdabeessss · 10 months
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Also jaune both has an older sister and can definitely relate with this with Ruby and also is an older brother of many younger sisters so is probably happy to be seen like that again
Also he’s definitely used to being called the wrong name because he has a billion siblings
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Also poor Ruby is leaving home for what could be YEARS knowing yang CANNOT follow her or be with her or anything and she didn’t even say goodbye and she’s just completely without her sister for the first time ever like they can’t even CALL it’s got to be so devastating for Ruby not to mention she’s doing this after two or more of her close friends have died and she JUST WOKE UP FROM A COMA
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Yang has no idea calling other people Yang is a thing Ruby does and is very confused when people start to respond to her name when she gets to them
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Yang: my name
All of her friends: o u r name
Also I can’t draw jaune I’m not ashamed of this but it is true
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 4 months
Jaune: Women ... Prebby ... It is my sacred duty to Protect them *Chugs Clinical Levels of Respect Women Juice*
Jaune's Sisters: Ugly ass, Fake-Jordan wearing, hoe-ass bitch! You Can't cook for shit, clean for shit, and when you fight you look like a scarecrow in a wind tunnel! I've seen Birds Shit on peoples heads with better aim than you! Oh you wanna go, You wanna GO-
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spahhzy · 8 months
Jaune and Yang walk into the Arc household.
Jaune: Alright, babe, so this is dome of my family meet my mom...
Yang inwardly cringes at seeing the massive strong woman looking at Yang unimpressed.
Jaune: My sister...
Yang's eyes shift towards another of his siblings, this one looking ready to fight, and most importantly, she was still wearing a prison jumpsuit!
Jaune: annd my ex...she doesn't like to leave.
At least his ex is somewhat normal except for the whole 'hasn't left yet'.
Yang: Damn, I gotta deal with these girls... His mom looks crazy. Why does she have a boxing glove? Why does she look like she's ready to fight?
Yang: And then his sister looks like she just got out of prison, didn't even change yet, and then his ex...
Neo: 😉
Yang: Well, god damn it this bitch is beautiful.
The sister holds out her hand to the mom, who spits in it before slapping Neo across the face.
Yang: Oh shit his sister crazy as hell!
Arc sister: Alright, alright, calm down. I know we look like intimidating people, but we are friendly. I can assure you, right mom? Right Neo?
Arc sister, Arc momma, and Neo all began to laugh, In Neo's case, hold a sign with a 😆🤣 emoji.
Jaune decides to leave and let Yang interact with the family while he prepares dinner.
Yang just gulps as the three continue laughing.
And laughing.
And laughing.
Until the laughter suddenly stops.
The three look at Yang with a glare.
Neo's sign is now just a 😡 emoji.
Arc sister: GET HER!
Yang: What the fu-
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howlingday · 6 months
Lion!Faunus Arc
Ruby: Hey, Jaune, did you ever get bullied growing up?
Jaune: Yeah, a couple times.
Yang: Didn't your sisters do anything about it?
Jaune: No, not really. I guess they knew I would have to defend myself eventually, so they didn't do anything to help me.
Ruby: That's really sad.
Jaune: Yeah, but I think it was good. It means they thought I could protect myself, and they didn't need to step in. I think that makes them good sisters.
A long time ago...
Saphron: Hey... Are you the one picking on Jaune?
Bully: Huh? (Shoved into a locker) Ow!
Jade: Answer her, dirtbag!
Indy: Hey, hey, hey! (Pulls off Jade) Wait your turn, Jade!
Jade: No! I want a piece of him!
Viola: Huh? And who do you think you're talking to, little sister?
Saphron: (Tugs at Jade's cheeks) You're punching above your weight, baby sister!
Bully: (Sneaks away as the bickering grows, Runs as the fighting escalates)
Fun Fact! Lions have a very strict heirarchy that must be adhered to at all times. When a lioness steps out of line, all members of the pride present will engage in punishing her so she learns her place. This can occur anytime, including while hunting, and can lead to prey escaping while the fighting occurs.
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rocknroll7575 · 9 months
Ok... I had this interesting KnightFall story based on an image I found on Google but what if... Jaune was the Madam's son?
What if the Madam was part of the Arc Family!?
The Madam or Madonna Arc is just controlling and abusive to all of her kids, but since the daughters adapted and acted like their mother, they don't get beat as much or at all, because Jaune's still a kid and doesn't know better much, he gets abused a lot more like Cinder
Jaune's sisters (The Stepsisters) are called Anastasia and Sella Arc.
Sella Arc (15):
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Sella acts just like her mother, even being hard on Jaune when he messes up and actually took care of Jaune when he was a baby since their mother refused to, yet she seemingly despises him. However, this is all an act as she is actually terrified of her mother and of a lot of things but acts like her mother as a defense mechanism.
Sella cares deeply for Jaune but is very jealous and hateful to Cinder who she believes Jaune loves more than her due to how much Jaune goes to her for most things.
Anastasia (14):
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Anastasia only acts like her mother only around her mother, when her mother is nowhere to be seen, she is more relaxed and a lot less mean and cruel. She too cares for Jaune and comforts him when she can after he beaten, and tries to help him as much as she can stay strong. She protects him outside of the home but inside, she fears for his life because it breaks her heart when she can't stop her mother and sees the pain Jaune goes through.
She dislikes Cinder for the simple fact that Jaune relates to her more and begins to tell her things that he's never told her, but begins to come around to her as she sees how genuinely Cinder cares for Jaune and comes around to liking Cinder.
Of course, Cinder's backstory is very different and the events play out differently. For example, Rhode still trains Cinder and wants to save her as well as the rest of the kids but arrives too late as the Glass Unicorn is burned down but does find Jaune alive.
Of course, the fates of Jaune and Cinder are different.
Cinder actually is found by Summer and is taken in and raised so the story is also a Big Sister Cinder Au!
Jaune ends up being adopted by his Uncle (Who would be his Canon family) and is gifted Crocea Mors while also being trained by Rhodes as well.
I don't want to reveal what happens to Anastasia and Sella but trust me, I've got a basic layout of their fates after their mother's death and their home burning down.
But what do you guys think?
I haven't come up with a name for the story but a placeholder that I have is Glass Children
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the-god-of-nihon · 1 year
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Ruby & Jaune Vol 1-9
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novankenn · 9 months
Ah, come on!?!
Jaune sat before his secure terminal in his small bioengineering lab, slack jawed and totally dumbfounded. Head of and the sole staff member of the Inner Circle's Grimm Development Division, he just couldn't understand what he was being instructed to do.
Salem: I feel your proposal has merit, Executive of Espionage Oleander Arc.
Oleander (Executive of Espionage): Thank you, Lady Salem.
Salem: All in favour of this information gathering operation, please raise your hands.
Every Arc Sister plus Watts and Tyrian raise their hands.
Salem: All opposed?
Hazel raises his hand, along with Jaune.
Salem: Jaune I appreciate your desire to contribute to the discussion, you however are not an executive and your vote will not be recorded in the official meeting minutes.
Jaune: But...
Azalea Arc (Executive of Policy and Procedures): Jaune please, don't embarrass yourself. While you are head of the Grimm Development Division, you are not a member of the board.
Jaune: But why not? I'm the Head of the Department I'm the only member of... plus you're all deciding to ADD to my work load!
Jasmine Arc (Executive of Finances): Jaune as this operation will have the greatest impact on your department, it is only appropriate that you lead the operation. You will be compensated for your time.
Jaune: Compensated? Does that mean I'll get some staff members?
Daisy Arc (Executive of Human Resources) : I'm sorry that is not currently a priority. Combat and Liaison Departments along with Mobile Applications Development require such resources.
Jaune: But I'm the only...
Daisy Arc (Executive of Human Resources): I'm sorry, Jaune. It's not in our mandate for this quarter.
Jasmine Arc (Executive of Finances): Your department is constantly over budget and under performing, and as such we can not justify the additional resources to hire more staff.
Jaune: But... I would meet deadlines and budgets if I had staff to share my workload! I mean, I have six projects that are in limbo because I don't have the time to allocate to their development.
Jasmine Arc (Executive of Finances): It's not in this quarter's budgets. You'll have to make due. Sorry little brother.
Salem: We are getting off-topic. So as per the vote, I would like it noted in our minutes that the Proposal for Grimm Development to infiltrate Beacon to observe and analyze the training methods deployed by our foes in an effort to make more effective grimm as a countermeasure has been approved.
Jaune: This is not fair! What am I supposed to do with my latest project? Wolf Bete's brain is complete, I just need to work on fashioning his body...
Juniper Arc (Executive of Public Relations): I would like to introduce a counter suggestion and amend grimm Development's Wolf Bete proposal.
Salem: Please continue.
Juniper Arc (Executive Public Relations): We have conducted some focus groups about Wolf Bete's final design...
Jaune: Focus Group? How do have a focus group about grimm?
Juniper Arc (Executive of Public Relations): Simple, we structure it as the reveal of a potential new character for one of our mobile products. Regardless, while Wolf's abilities were well received and applauded, the consensus was that Wolf's appearance was not cute enough. So I suggest a reconfiguration of Wolf's body to one that of a young woman, preferably around Jaune's age.
Jaune: WHAT?!? DO you KNOW how much work that will require? Not to mention the reconfiguration of the brain to accept the new body structure?
Jasmine Arc (Executive of Finances): We can not allocate any further funds to this project, Jaune. You will have to make the needed adjustments with in current budget constraints.
Jaune: That is unaccepta...
Salem: All in favour of the proposed modifications to the Wolf Bete proposal?
Everyone raises their hands.
Salem: Motion unanimously passed. Grimm Development will make the directed modifications under the budgetary and time constraints originally agreed upon.
Jaune just slumped in his chair. It was just inconceivable the amount of overtime he was going to have to pull to reconfigure Wolf Bete's body along with preparations to attend Beacon.
Salem: If there is no further business (looks about seeing no one stepping forward) Meeting adjourned.
Jaune fell back into his seat as he watched all the holographic images blink out one by one. Until finally it was just him and Lady Salem.
Salem: Jaune, even though you are not an executive like your sisters, I wanted to reaffirm that you are a valued member of our organization.
Jaune: Thank you, Lady Salem.
Salem: This additional assignment will be rough on you, and as such aside from your Wolf Bete project, I am formally extending all your deadlines indefinitely until you return from this assignment.
Jaune: Really?
Salem: Yes. I look forward to seeing your bi-weekly reports.
Jaune: Bi-weekly? As in, one every two weeks?
Salem: (Chuckles) No, twice a week.
Any relief, Jaune had been feeling, fled his body in that instant. Even with his other grimm design projects shelved, he was still facing a huge backlog of work. As Lady Salem's hologram blinked out of existence, Jaune truly began to wonder if the choice his mother had made in talking Lady Salem out of World Destruction and into incorporating to facilitate World Domination... was really worth it.
/==/ 26 Hours Later /==/
The bio-pod drained and slowly rose into the ceiling. A pair of bare feet splashed through the small puddles of bio-fluid that has not drained away.
Wolf Bete: Finally! Those huntsmen and huntresses won't... hey? What's with my voice?
The nude figure rushed past the sleeping form of Jaune, and straight for the large mirror attached to the far wall.
Wolf Bete: What the HELL?!? (She reaches up and grabs her bare breasts) What the HELL?!?
Spinning about, the nude young woman with a wolf's tail and wolf ears, rushed over and yanked Jaune from his chair, and proceeded to start roughly shaking him.
Wolf Bete: What the HELL, dude?!?
Jaune: Ahhh, what? I'm up!
Wolf Bete: What did you do to me?!?
Jaune: Oh, you're awake, and... (Jaune's face grew bright crimson) naked!
Wolf Bete: Of course I am! I don't own any clothes! But that's not important! What happened to my body?!?
Jaune: Executive Decision.
Wolf Bete: Eh?
Jaune: I was out voted... but I can't vote, so does that count?
Wolf Bete: What did you do to me? I was supposed to be a hunk of a guy! Not... not this!
Jaune: The BoD amended your proposal, due to the feedback from a focus group. I was directed to give you the body of a young woman.
Wolf Bete: (Releases her grip on Jaune) A focus group?
Jaune: Focus Group.
Wolf Bete: Okay. Okay... this is NOT okay! I'm supposed to be a guy! I trained in all those simulations as a guy! Why didn't you fix my brain at the same time? I know I'm supposed to be a guy!
Jaune: Deadline and budget.
Wolf Bete: Er... what?
Jaune: The BoD wouldn't extend my deadline or increase my budget for your development... so I did what I could, and I think I did pretty good considering. I even came in under budget... just barely, but I'm under budget.
Wolf Bete: Eh?
Jaune: We should get you dressed. Now that you're complete, I have to present you to the BoD...
Wolf Bete: Why?
Jaune: Final approval, and quality assurance testing.
Wolf Bete: Quality Assurance testing?
Jaune: Yeah, they'll ask you some questions to make sure you have a functional mind, and can think independently, as well as a physical test.
Wolf Bete: Test? What type of test?
Jaune: You'll fight another grimm.
Wolf Bete: Fight... another... grimm?
Jaune: Yes.
Wolf Bete: And if I lose?
Jaune: Psh. You lose? Wolfie you are the most advanced bioengineered grimm I have EVER created! You can't lose! But try your hardest... I can't afford to have you lose.
Wolf Bete: Wolfie?
Jaune: What? Don't like it?
Wolf Bete: WAIT! You said I couldn't lose, and just said you can't afford for me to lose! Which is it?
Jaune: Both?
Wolf Bete: I'm confused.
Jaune: And cold.
Wolf Bete: And... HEY! Eyes up PERV!
Jaune: (Face cherry red) Sorry! Sorry! I suggest we get you some clothes...
Wolf Bete: (Covering herself with her arms and tail.) Fine clothes first, and then you're explaining all this to me... (pokes Jaune in his chest as he opens his mouth)... again.
(== Table of Contents ==)
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mrfathercoffee · 30 days
This au is now called "Sister Salvation"
And gonna be developing alot more lore than just "Gregor is genderqueer and dresses fem" Cause I'm INSANE!!
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thatorigamiguy · 1 year
Jaune: “So when I was a little kid, my second older sister became really addicted to oxytocin. She went from getting A’s to D’s and she looked horrible all the time, but mom and dad just thought that she was under a lot of stress and that the classes were just harder than she originally thought. But her habits ended up getting worse and worse, to the point that she was spending all of her savings and whatever pitiful amount she could get her hands on to support her habit. One day while everyone was out of the house, she grabbed me by the hand and said we were going on a “Field Trip.” I didn’t question it, I was a kid and I had thought that she had come back to her old self even though she looked like absolute hell.”
“So, we ended up taking a bullhead into Vale and went to what I still consider to this very day to be the shadiest looking apartment building, up several flights of stairs to the third floor and she knocks on the door. After a moment, the door opens up and she ushers me inside we’re a I see a really messy room attended by two guys: A super jacked up Tiger Faunus and a scrawny looking human guy. the human guy has a bag in his hand and he askes her with a dubious look “So, how you gonna pay for it this time?”
She immediately responds “I’m paying with him.”
“Him,” being me. That’s right, my sister tried to sell me to the what I now realize were her dealers in exchange for more Oxy. The silence that followed after was deafening and both her dealers could only stare at her in complete disbelief. Angered at their hesitance, she asks them “Don’t you assholes do trafficking or some shit like that? I’ll just tell my parents that he was kidnapped, just give me the damn oxy!”
Another awkward pause of silence as the dealers both share a wary glance at each other, before the Tiger Faunus mutters “It’s a deal” as the human tosses her the bag and she hightails it out of that shithole slamming the door behind her and not even giving me a second look. The tiger Faunus shakes his head muttering about how my sister was a “Crazy Bitch,” before looking down at me with an apologetic look.
“Listen, I’m really sorry about this kid.” He said as he pulled out his scroll, “Here, give me your home phone and I’ll have your parents pick you up. Were do you live anyways?”
I hesitantly tell them that I live in Ansel, causing them to both give me shocked look before the scrawny guy all but shouts “She dragged you on a two hour bullhead ride for this? For fucks sakes, I told you we should’ve stopped dealing to her the moment she started paying us in bags of quarters!”
The two dealers bickered with one another for moment, before the Tiger Faunus called up my mom and the Scrawny guys was kind enough to lend me his DS with Mario on it to pass the time. My parents come and grab me and man I thought they were going to grease the dealers then and there but they let them slide after putting the fear of brothers into the two of them and then took me home. They, quite obviously, learned of what my sister had done from me and the sheer unbridled rage from my mom and the absolute ice cold vitriol my dad expressed to my sister was something I’ll always remember to this day and they pretty much gave her two options: go to rehab and get cleaned up, or not only get kicked out of our home but to have her name banished off the Arc family name to forever be an exile and pariah of the Arc family for the rest of her miserable days in abject shame.
She chose to go to rehab, kicked her drug habit, and managed to get sober after two years and has remained sober since. My parents bought me Pokemon Black and Chrono Trigger for what I went through as compensation.”
Jaune took a drink of his water, a little parched from his rather long story only to take note of the horrified slack jawed looks of both his team and team RWBY. Both Pyrrha and Ruby had tears in their eyes and he swore he heard Weiss muttering under her breath something about “mistreating him to much,” whatever that meant. The awkward silence was broken when Yang, who Jaune had noticed her eyes were red and also a little teary eyed, finally broke the silence.”
Yang: “...Jaune?”
Jaune: “Yes Yang?”
Yang: “...What in the actual fuck?”
Jaune: “Oh you think that was bad? That pales in comparison to this one time-”
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superiorsturgeon · 5 months
Are You Sure About Her?
Pyrrha: *meeting Arc family for the first time, happily chatting away*
Mama Arc: Jaune, dear, can you come help me with something please?
Jaune: Hm? Sure, mom!
Jaune: *follows his mother to the kitchen* What do you need?
Mama Arc: …
Mama Arc: …Jaune, dear, are you really sure about this girl?
Jaune: …what? Of course I am! Pyrrha’s awesome! Why would you even ask?
Mama Arc: She seems nice, but…well…she’s a celebrity.
Jaune: Uh…yeah? Basically everyone but me already knew her when we started at school.
Mama Arc: *folds her arms* You don’t understand, sweetie. A few years back, a star athlete and a boy at her school hooked up, and because of her celebrity status they kept their relationship secret to protect him.
Mama Arc: Things went on like that until she unexpectedly got pregnant. They kept the child secret too, again, to protect them.
Mama Arc: But as time went on and the press celebrated her return to sports, she spent less and less time visiting that boy and her child. She was always out drinking, competing, and socializing, and eventually, things completely fell apart. That poor boy gave up his dreams for someone who left when she got tired of him.
Mama Arc: …And I don’t want to see that happen to my son!
Jaune: …
Jaune: …mom, I’m sorry you’re worried, but you’re wrong about Pyrrha.
Mama Arc: But how can you be sure? You’re both so young!
Jaune: Well…For one thing, everyone already knows that me and Pyrrha are dating! When she came to Beacon she told me she wanted to make real friends, and now we’ve both got lots of awesome people who know us both. We even go on double dates with our teammates!
Jaune: And…I guess the most important thing is that it’s Pyrrha, and I trust her.
Mama Arc: 🤨
Jaune: *quailing under the “Mom Stare.”* I-I mean it! When I first went to Beacon, nobody believed in me! Even you and dad talked like you expected me to fail and come back home any day and become a farmer!
Jaune: But not Pyrrha!
Jaune: *awkwardly rubs the back of his neck, trying to form the words* She…she came and pulled my sorry butt out of a tree during the initiation, when she could’ve left me behind and done the actual test! A-and then when trained fighters were teaming up all around us, she came and picked ME to be her partner!
Mama Arc: Well, that’s-
Jaune: *interrupting, Defend Partner™️ mode engaged* And after I made it through by the skin of my teeth and started acting like a cringy tough-guy jerk, she stuck by me! And once I realized what an idiot I was being, she offered to train me.
Jaune: Do you understand? Pyrrha Nikos, Mistral’s invincible gladiator, after everything I did wrong and how crappy I acted, believed I could be better! She believed in me when nobody else did!
Jaune: Pyrrha’s an absolute angel, mom. She’s the strongest and smartest person in the whole school! I watched her take on an entire team by herself and win without breaking a sweat!
Jaune: She could’ve done anything she wanted. She still CAN do anything she wants! And she-she believes in ME!
Jaune: And I believe in her! She’s the most caring, kind, and wonderful person I’ve ever met, mom. I know she would NEVER hurt me, and I trust her with my whole heart!
Mama Arc: …
Jaune: *leans against the counter, panting a bit*
Mama Arc: …it sounds like you really love this girl, Jaune.
Jaune: *drained from his passionate speech* I think so, mom. I know it sounds kinda dumb, but everything I do is more awesome when she’s around!
Mama Arc:
Mama Arc: *smiles and ruffles Jaune’s hair* My little boy has sure grown up a lot since he ran off to become a hero.
Jaune: *squirms* I guess, but it’s all because of the friends I made…but mostly Pyrrha!
Mama Arc: *smiles over Jaune’s shoulder*
Jaune: …what? *turns around*
Pyrrha: *standing in the doorway, sniffling and covering her mouth* 🥹
Arc Family: *crowded in behind Pyrrha* 😁
Jaune: …
Jaune: …how long-?
Youngest Arc Sister: Since the first word you big sappy dork!
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Family . . . Lost & Found - Prelude
Written with permission from @jboy44
Jaune stumbled out of the bullhead and into the terminal by himself.  All flights to Argus City had been cancelled, but flights from there were coming in quicker than could be expected.
But why?
Why were people coming from Argus, but not going?
He got an answer as he rushed towards the docking Bay.  
Lined up, lying on stretchers, missing limbs, bandaged in awkward places, or covered in dust and marred with cuts and bruises were the people of Argus City.
What had happened?
How had any of this happened?
Who was okay?
Then he remembered.
The reunion . . .
"Oh Gods . . ." He breathed.
His family.
They were all in Argus.  
His mother . . .
His father . . .
His seven sisters and their families . . .
"Uncle Jay-Jay!" The shout of a boy rang out.
It caught Jaune's attention.  He knew who that was.
"Anakin!" He hollered back.
And he made a mad dash towards the voice.  It didn't take long to find him.  There he was.
"Uncle Jay-Jay!" Anakin hobbled towards him, his baggy clothes were a mess.,
"Anakin!" Jaune was horrified.
Anakin was his eldest sister's eldest son.  He was short, his skin was fair, he had dirty blonde hair, and blue eyes.  Jaune wasted no time and effortlessly scooped him up.
"Anakin, what are you doing here?" He asked him, “Where’s your mom?”
The poor boy just screamed into Jaune’s shoulder, he’d already been crying.  Jaune felt surprised.
“Anakin?” He tried again.
He felt his nephew shake his head against him, then the boy leaned back, and pointed to a corner.  Jaune followed and looked, to his relief, he saw Terra there, clutching Adrian tightly.  Tucker was there too, sitting protectively in front of her and her son.  He rushed over through the crowd.
“Terra!” He shouted.
Tucker yipped and Terra looked up.  A look of relief crossed her face, but was quickly snuffed out, and she trembled as she set Adrian next to Tucker and Jaune wrapped her in his arms.
“Jaune . . .” She gasped, hugging him tightly back, “Oh, thank the Gods . . .”
“Terra, please,” He set Anakin down next to Adrian, “What happened?”
“. . . They . . . they’re gone . . .” Terra finally said, “They destroyed it . . .”
“What- destroyed what?” Jaune tried, “Who destroyed?”
“Argus . . .” Terra choked, “We were attacked . . . at the . . . reunion . . . Dad, he- he was . . . he tried to huh- hold them- . . .”
She couldn’t keep it up anymore, and with a heaving gasp, Terra buried her head in Jaune’s shoulder.
That one sentence collapsed Jaune’s world in a snap.
All of them?
He didn’t know what to think . . .
Or what to say . . .
“Mom and Mary Jane are in the hospital now.” Continued Terra, “But- but Mary, shes’s-”
Terra couldn’t say anymore, she just hugged Jaune as tightly as she could.  Hiccuping and whimpering, she began to cry.  Jaune, shaken from his stunned state, held Terra as close as he dared, fearing if he let her go now, she would disappear.
“Hey- hey,” He cooed softly, rubbing her back, “You- you’re okay now . . . we’re all here.”
“I tried.” Terra was a mess, “I really tried . . . I wasn’t fast enough . . . Saph . . . ”
Jaune said no more, he just kept holding Terra.  Anakin and Adrian, by their feet, held each other, and the Golden Retriever too.  Feeling them nearby, they brought everyone in, keeping them all close.
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lovingdabeessss · 10 months
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Yang died for like 5 seconds and Weiss had to turn into Blake control stopping void jump then murder I love Weiss so much what a trooper
Now she gotta deal with the people of vacuo rip like everyone else is a war hero but they HATE mrs millionaire jr they don’t know she arrested her dad
They love ex Bby terrorist Blake belladonna tho and why wouldn’t they?? I love her?? She’s baby?? Yang loves her?? Yang would probably pretend to be involved if Blake ever got tried for that, just so she could support her girlfriend
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ayoalex · 1 year
Some people don't get.
It's not that the girls didn't notice, WBY notice Ruby wasn't ok, WB specifically knew she wasn't that good or there at all and Yang knew her sister was struggling.
The problem, as Ruby pointed out, something else was always first.
The few times we have seen Ruby cry because of sadness, etc etc, has been with Yang at her side, because her sister is her safe space, her comfort.
Yang noticed rapidly Ruby was NOT ok in V8 and TRIED to make her cry that out, to talk but they got interrupted, everytime Yang was asking Ruby how she felt or trying to shift the attention to RUBY, something would interrupt her.
Yes, Ruby would constantly pushed them out BUT not Yang, because she feels safe with Yang enough to be vulnerable (see V8 again and V3 ending).
Yes, Ruby entire leader system SUCKS, and she needs to change it. She is safe with Yang but still has hard time to open and she doesn't open up to Blake or, worse, her partner.
Jaune does NOT have that problem because he learned the hard way that it just doesn't work, his V6 arc helped him to grieve Pyrrha and to start relying more on his teammates, thus extending that to Ruby, he sees her as a co leader.
Jaune is struggling is with Penny's death, with the loneliness (hey~ Britney).
So Jaune breakdown are more loud cuz he learned to let it out to rely on others even if he tried to keep it up together, but we all know he has never being good at it.
While Ruby is more quiet cuz she's not used to ask for that type of help but she finally snaps and her anger and bitterness comes out, which totally get it, poor kid had a panic attack few moment before and got yelled cuz of it.
And yes, Ruby is bitter at the bees but more in the sense "why can't I be happy too?" Than being upset cuz Blake took her sister, and YES, Ruby feels left behind as well cuz she feels her sister isn't there for her.
And YES, Ruby will cry her eyes out when she realizes what she told to WBY, she just need an alone time (tho Little is with her and I think he can help more right now than WBY can, he will help her build that bridge to get her to help herself).
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