#Agravein Arc
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Team RWBY had arrived in a village where there were several creatures made of crystal that resembled a star shape.
Ruby: What are those things
???: We are Genial Gems
One of these crystal series appeared next to the girls.
Weiss: What is it called and where are we?
Ren: My name is Ren and this is the Gems village
The girls looked at each other.
Until the girls' bellies started growling.
They were all ashamed.
Ren: I see you are hungry, come with me
Weiss: Thank you very much
Ren: No problem
Team RWBY started following the Ren gem, as they walked through the village they noticed something peculiar.
A statue made of stone of a knight riding Jackalope, with the sword in his left, an expression of pure HATE on your face.
Blake: Jaune?
The girls looked at the statue and were surprised to see that it was Jaune but older.
Weiss was impressed, as well as the statue being very well made, full of details. Jaune's face showed "new things" the first was that he had a cut on his right cheek, he had a goatee and his hair had grown past his neck.
Ruby: Ren, Can you tell where Jaune is?
Ruby completely ignored Weiss.
Ren: The knight left these lands a long time ago. He and his wife left a long time ago
The girls looked at the Ren gem.
RWBY: Wife?
Ren: Yes. A woman with pink, white and brown hair
There was only one person with these hair colors.
In Remmant
In a city that was growing quickly, this city was very close to become a kingdom, this city was in Vale but this city was east of the city of Vale but far east between the city of Vale there was a mountain that awaited the two cities.
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Both cities were on the coast, but there is a stark difference, this city called Orleans and was located in the Meuse valley region.
Orleans was founded by Agravein Arc known as Black Knight ( Particular the knight of misogyny ) before the great war.
After the monarchy ended, he came to this place that used to be just a farm but it became a refuge for those who didn't believe Councilmen would be of any use because there would be a lot of corruption.
Over time more and more people came to this place that strangely didn't attract so many Grimms.
After the destruction of Vale ( Now this shit is official hahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahauayayahahhahahahahahahahayayayayayahahahahahahahauuahahuahuahahhauahahauahauauauau)
Many people came here, this only happens because Michelangelo Arc, Jaune Arc's father went to the rescue of the population after learning that Councilmen ran away.
Michelangelo, as soon as he heard that Vale was attacked, was the first to leave the village and go to the aid of the people of Vale.
It was difficult to convince people to move even though Vale was destroyed, it was still their home.
But thanks to teacher Peter Port, Doctor Bartholomew Oobleck and Headmistress Glynda Goodwitch. He managed to get people to move to Orleans.
But now Orleans could already be considered a kingdom but the situation in the world doesn't "allow it" because everything is in chaos .
But........ Always a but not everything is black and white, there are shades of gray.
With the return of "communications" and after Ruby Rose's disastrous warning, Orleans was preparing for the worst faster than ever.
But (again ) a light appeared amidst the chaos.
Jaune Arc and Neo Arc
The family reunion was beautiful, there was a slap in the face, swearing for everyone, father vs son, mother vs son.
After all that, let's get to what really matters.
House of Arc
Jaune was sitting in an armchair and his wife was sitting on his lap.
His parents and sisters were on the sofa to the left of the armchair.
" So.... " Michelangelo Arc was sitting on the couch looking at his son, beside him was his wife Angelica Arc and behind the sofa were his daughters
" How they both met " Angelica Arc has already cut her husband out of the conversation.
" She tried to kill me " Jaune said with the greatest calm in the world.
The whole family was silent.
" This is a family thing " When Michelangelo said this his wife's face turned red and she slapped his arm.
" Why? " Jaune asked.
" Your mother and I were on the same team, I was a leader even though I didn't want to be but she wanted to be the leader and she tried to kill me to steal my position as leader " Michelangelo told, while Angelica was embarrassed by her past.
" My old interesting loving also wanted to be the leader of your team and she couldn't either, but she and I are not on the same team " Jaune said remembering Weiss in their first year at Beacon Academy.
" She won't say anything " Angelica asked looking at Neo.
" She is mute mother " Jaune said looking at his wife.
Neo smiled.
Letters appeared in front of both of them as if it were a caption.
It's true, I was speechless after trying to swallow the colossus he has between
Jaune and his family's eyes widened.
" NEO! " Jaune screamed in anger.
After this scene where Neo was laughing, the Arc couple's daughters noticed that the atmosphere changed.
" Jaune— " Before Michelangelo could have his question.
" Vale was completely destroyed, we already know we came from there. We took advantage of the fact that we went and picked up some things from Vale and then we went to Vacuo and picked up something very special "
Around Neo's head reality shattered like glass, revealing a golden crown with a peculiar form.
Crocea Mors the family heirloom began to disappear like smoke. Then, next to the armchair, the air began to rotate, revealing a large sword that was being hidden.
The Arc family stayed because that sword looked a lot like Crocea Mors but only bigger and the scabbard that could become a shield looked very different looked more like a blade than a sheath.
" Dad, we have a lot to talk about. I have revelations about our family "
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