the-puffinry · 8 months
look at this egyptian (80 CE-100 CE) figurine of a cat playing the lyre
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lokilysolbitch · 11 months
it is my god given right as an Apollos kid to ask for instruments every holiday
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variantia · 2 years
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          “   Say, what’s your FAVORITE SONG ?   Mine is ...   ”
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          “   Ehe, just kidding !   I love all of them equally !!   But here’s one of my original compositions for your LISTENING PLEASURE !   ”
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anemoi-i · 4 months
Venti’s Presence in Mondstadt and in Lore: A Comprehensive List
Barbatos is an Archon that does everything in secret and wants virtually no recognition for it. Desiring not to become like Decarabian, he "disappeared" so Mondstadt could be free and without a ruler, yet he has still done what he could to retain Mondstadt's peace. Here is a comprehensive list of everything of note that he has done.
Disclaimer: I may miss details. Some things such as character voice lines about Venti, save for Xiao’s are largely omitted. All sources are present.
I. Wind Gliders
“The ability of wind gliders to glide is reliant first and foremost on the Blessing of the Anemo Archon. Of course, it’s also been intertwined with human engineering.”
Wings of Companionship
II.  But I do not intend to make my readers think that we could do without archons. On the contrary, say, if Barbatos had not guided the warm monsoons to Mondstadt with his divine powers, would Mondstadt still be so bountiful as to produce the brews that it does?
The answer would be no. Mondstadt is an inland city and would have struggled to provide for itself if not for the grace of Barbatos. If we look back through history, we learn that Mondstadt is situated on a land that was once frozen, where the living conditions were harsh and brewing would be virtually impossible. It was the power of Barbatos that changed everything.
Along With Divinity: Prologue
III. The songs that had once flown joyfully in the wind were drowned by a venomous dragon [Durin]. In the wake of its earth-shaking footsteps, even the cries and the flames were ripped asunder. The Anemo Archon heard their agony, though he had refused to rule. But to protect his old friends' dream, and defend the wind-kissed fields of green,He woke from his long slumber anew, and with the sky dragon [Dvalin] in battle he flew...
Elegy For The End
IV. In ancient times, Barbatos softly strummed his lyre and summoned the pure thousand winds and songs. Charmed by the free-spirited winds and songs, Dvalin the high dragon descended and swore loyalty to him. Barbatos rejoiced in making a new friend, and entrusted the people of Mondstadt to Dvalin. And so, the wandering Anemo Archon and the Wind Dragon forged Mondstadt's dawn with their relationship.
Skyward Harp
V. On the cliff facing the eastern sea, the ancestors worshipped the masters of Time and Anemo together. The two are intimately related, as expressed in the saying, "Anemo brings stories while Time nurtures them." This bow tells the story of the pioneers and the hardships they went through.
Sacrificial Bow
VI. When Mondstadt was born anew, and the Church finally unshackled, the scriptures of the winds could bear no longer being confined to a shelf, and so the book took flight, left the Church's treasury and was gone. Like the winds of Mondstadt, and like the people of Mondstadt, it belonged to freedom and the winds. The elegant handwriting on the title page reads:
Children of the Anemo Archon, heed these words:
From the winds we have come, and with the winds we shall go.
Never, ever grieve for me.
'Tis but my flesh and bones which rest in the soil:
My soul has become one with the thousand winds.
When flowers bloom, when leaves sway,
That is me who sings the songs of freedom, of the winds.
Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds: Scriptures of the ancient winds, passed from generation to generation among the observers of ritual in service of the Anemo Archon.
VII. The Skyward Atlas consists of 100,000 odes to a single cloud or wind and calling it by name. The cloud atlas gave form to the winds, and odes infused them with personality. The myriad formless winds are now friends and family in the eyes of Barbatos. Legends tell that in ancient times, Barbatos summoned the four winds with the original version. He thawed the snow, drove away vicious beasts, summoned rainfall, and created Mondstadt.He permitted the atlas to be shared and copied among the people, giving it the name of Cloud Atlas.
­Skyward Atlas
VIII. In the days of the ruling aristocracy, the Church that revered the Anemo Archon was once split in twain by a schism: On one side stood the clergy, who ate at the lords' table, and overturned the archon's statues with them even as they wrote songs and hymns of praise. On the other stood the saints, who held no clerical office, and who walked the streets, the wine cellars, and the world beyond the walls. These saints drank cheap moonshine, blessing the slave and the plebeian with the original holy manuscripts that circulated amongst the people and with words that the wind brought to them.
And while they did so, they penned forbidden songs and poetry.
When the gladiator from a foreign land [Vennessa] arose together with the re-awakened Anemo Archon and raised the banner of rebellion, the aged saint known as the Nameless Shepherd mobilized the true adherents of the Church of Favonius.
Song of Broken Pines
IX. When he opened his eyes, he was in the sky above a mountain swept by roaring snowstorms, the green, tranquil land had already been painted crimson by fire and blood,and the song of that sky-blue bard's lyre was almost drowned in the howling tumult,and that bejeweled, lovely dragon, like a tender lover, had now pierced his neck through with its sharp fangs.
"Farewell, Mother! My journey is ended. I shall sleep beneath this white, shining silver... and perhaps this, too, is good. Farewell, O lovely bard! And farewell, O lovely dragon! Would that we had met in a different time and place, to meet, to sing and dance together!"
So he thought most sincerely as he lay dying.
Durin (Dragonspine Spear)
X. They say that a region's character follows that of its archon, and that this holds true both for the people and the land itself, but was it the unfettered archon who bestowed a love of freedom and wine upon the land and people amidst conflict? Or was it the people who nurtured the Anemo Archon's love of freedom as they pined for it amid the howling wind and frost?
This is a question that can no longer be answered.
Freedom Sworn
XI. Twenty-six hundred years ago was the era of Mondstadt's most ancient inhabitants. They swore a solemn oath, after the new Anemo Archon descended and reformed the world:
"For Mondstadt, as always. For the verdant plains, for the hills, and for the forests of Mondstadt. May they continue to flourish, as always."
"For Mondstadt, as always. For the everlasting freedom of Mondstadt from the blizzard and the tyrant, whose coldness and oppression are one and the same."
­­Royal Longsword (Refers to Gunnhildr Clan & the oath to protect Mondstadt.)
XII. Ludi Harpastum
Ludi Harpastum was established in commemoration of how Barbatos, the Anemo Archon, taught his people to brew wine and live freely. It was a festival meant for all people to enjoy. However, by the time of Vennessa's rebellion a thousand years before Genshin Impact's main story, Barbatos had long departed to avoid becoming a tyrant like his predecessor, while the aristocracy that ruled Mondstadt grew corrupt and abused their power.
The event turned into a mockery of what it originally was. It became an event enjoyed only by the wealthy elites. The head of the Lawrence Clan, the foremost clan among the aristocracy, cared not for the enjoyment of the people and canceled all the games, leaving only the climax of the harpastum. However, only Lord Lawrence's son, Barca Lawrence, had the right to touch that harpastum. Anyone else who dared even approach the ball would immediately face torture. Furthermore, Barca was also given the rights to take the maiden who will throw the harpastum home.
Barbatos awakens during the climax of the Ludi Harpastum in the manga and seizes the Harpastum.
Genshin Impact Manga
XIII. The Letter in the Chasm
Not as if I were to be outfitted as that guardian of Khaenri’ah,
Not as if my destructive self were made to be the lyre of Barbatos,
Not as if I were meant to soar like a Pegasus,
Not if I were the swift, snow-white pair of Morphes,
Add these to the feather-footed and the winged,
And likewise, call for the swiftness of the winds,
And though you should harness these, friend, and offer them to me,
Yet I should be tired to the bone, and worn away by frequent faintness,
My friend, while I would search for you,
The heavens fall to pieces,
And falsehoods collapse.
Mysterious Letter obtainable after completing The Chasm related Archon Quest(s) & World Quests (Information gathered by CatWithBlueHat)
It is important to note that each player who finished these quests only received one line of this letter in Abyssal Language, indicating this is a bigger part of something and made to be very secretive and hard to decipher if not for the efforts of players to translate it.
XIV. The Hexenzirkel
“Once upon a time, it even challenged the Anemo Archon himself, but he replied: “Let us make music, not war, and resolve our conflicts through song.”
Alice, The Mage’s Tea Party (Windblume’s Breath)
XV. Waterborne Poetry
“A soft breeze beckoned me unto a spring. “Sleep, weary wanderer. Your journey is over. May the dancing petals sweeten your slumber.”
Callirhoe, who recalled her journey to Springvale (Waterborne Poetry event)
XVI. Presence as a significant figure to Xiao
He longs for a day to come when he will wear the mask and dance — not to conquer demons, but to the tune of that flute amid a sea of flowers.
Barbatos appears as a cameo in Yakshas: The Guardian Adepti, playing the Dihua Flute. It suggests his music is powerful enough to suppress Xiao’s Karmic Debt. He also has a line for Barbatos indicaing he knows who he is, but cuts himself off.
Yakshas: The Guardian Adepti & Xiao: Mask (Namecard)
Other things to note:
As of Version 4.3 Mondstadt is the only nation that does not suffer from any “filth” that needs to be purged either by a Sacred Tree or otherwise. The battle that took place 500 years ago with Durin did not affect the nation in any way, instead, Durin died on Dragonspine which was already affected by the Skyfrost Nail and is an inhabited land that only Adventurers see as an area to explore. No one lives there. Even with the presence of his “heart”/”core” still beating, it would forever lie in the frozen wasteland unless someone were to deliberately disrupt it.
There are no storms in Mondstadt. Vind, one of the Sisters/Storm Watchers, says that she hopes she never has to do her job.
A large amount of npc’s around Mondstadt, especially in the area of the Anemo Archon statue, revere Barbatos and speak highly of him
It is important to note that during the second rebellion, Barbatos also forged Rex Lapis’ signature to dismantle the Aristocracy, indicating he would go to such lengths to establish freedom for the nation.
Barbatos’ voiceline about Albedo suggests that he knows close to “everything” about him, especially about his fear of “destroying Mondstadt.”
In addition to the above, Barbatos contradicts himself: “Ah, never mind! What goes on within Mondstadt's walls is up to Mondstadt's people to deal with!” Except that twice when the people cried out for help, he awoke to help them and has actively been helping Mondstadt with no recognition. From liberating Mondstadt to helping an Oceanid, this line will not hold any weight in any argument that suggests that Barbatos does nothing for Mondstadt.
Barbatos was already attempting to purge the Abyssal corruption from Dvalin prior to the Traveler’s appearance.
There is irony in Diluc and Jean finding out Barbatos’ true identity considering both the Ragnvindr’s and the Gunnhildr’s were primary protectors of Mondstadt.
The Skyward Atlas suggests Barbatos was originally a catalyst user while Amos’ Bow suggests he changed his weapon to a bow to honor Amos’ memory. He uses Der Frühling (E Skill) in a way a catalyst user might.
His appearance as his dear friend, the Nameless Bard is to honor his memory for the skies, bright sun and birds he could never see. To honor the songs he could no longer play.
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walkswithmyfather · 6 months
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Psalm‬ ‭150:1‭-‬6‬ ‭(NIV‬‬). “Praise the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.”
“Everything That Has Breath Shall Praise”
“Make it your daily habit to look for the good things God gives and does.”
“The desire to give praise is hardwired in the human spirit—it’s an impulse we can’t ignore. And as Christians, we’re called to direct that tendency to the One who made us. The apostle Peter says it like this: “You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Peter 2:9).
It’s a beautiful truth that we are God’s own people—created, chosen, and called by Him to live a life of praise, both on our own and with other believers. In Psalm 34, David says, “I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth” (Psalm 34:1). However, he’s not content to be a solo act. He exhorts other believers to join him: “Exalt the Lord with me, and let’s exalt His name together” (Psalm 34:3).
So let’s praise Him at church on Sunday morning and on our front porches at sunset—when we start the workday and each evening as we lie down to rest. Also, let’s remember to praise Him not only for what He has done but also for the excellency of His character. God truly is worthy of our adoration!”
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lunastrophe · 4 months
BG3 Drow Lore 🕷️ Kar'niss' Past - Eilistraean Theory
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We can probably assume that Kar'niss was born a szarkai (albino drow), but the game gives us next to no information about his background. We know that after being turned into a drider, he was "cast out", "erased" and "forgotten" - the reason of this punishment remains a mystery though, as well as his past from before change.
This is probably going to be a really, really long shot, even for a fan theory, but hear me out:
Perhaps there might be something in Kar'niss' past that connected him to the cult of Eilistraee?
🕷️ Spider's Lyre - Kar'niss can be called by the lyre music and does not appreciate butchering the tune. In such scenario, he even makes a snide comment, calling Tav a "torturer of lyres".
Maybe Kar'niss holds this instrument in such a high regard simply because he sees it as "his mistress' lyre", provided by the Absolute - or rather, by one of her servants - to summon him.
But maybe he cares so much also because the lyre - or music in general - reminds him on some level of his previous life and of his previous self...?
🌕 Eilistraee's followers are encouraged to nurture music and song, the goddess' favoured arts, and her priests are pretty much obliged to have some decent music skills . Eilistraee is also known to use "a silvery radiance, sometimes accompanied by a wordless snatch of song or a few echoing harp notes" as her iconic manifestation.
Also, Eilistraee sometimes manifests as a sweet, soothing, otherworldly beautiful tune to call to the drow - through this music, she tempts them to follow her ideals and seek a different, better life for themselves, away from the clutches of Lolth.
🕷️ Blessing of Light - Kar'niss speaks about "the light" he carries with great reverence, claiming that this is his goddess' benevolent blessing... even though everybody around him - even random goblin cultist - know that this is no real blessing. He was merely given a magic lantern.
Maybe Kar'niss' attitude reflects simply his fanaticism, his desire to be recognized and respected as the Absolute's favoured. A large part of his faith - his very identity, even ("Light of the Absolute") - is woven around the concept of this "blessing".
But maybe the light that offers protection and comfort in the darkness reminds him also of some real blessing of some other goddess...?
🌕 "Eilistraee has also been known to aid her worshipers by providing a faint silvery radiance when they need to find something dropped in darkness, or follow an unknown trail by night through dark woods..."
Eilistraee can also bestow upon her followers moonfire that "...can range from a faint glow to a clear, bright (but not blinding) light". Moonfire can have blue-white, soft green, white or silver colour and can serve as a source of light for "finding one's way, and attracting others to a desired location."
Moonfire can also serve as a rare, visible blessing or sign of Eilistraee's support, and can be manifested even by "beings without any priest powers who work to further Eilistraee's aims".
🕷️ Heart's Desire - from what we see in game, the Absolute doesn't warp her servants' personalities to the point of making them unrecognizable. Rather, she seems to be playing on their desires and ambitions, making them believe that she is everything they could ever wanted.
In case of Kar'niss, the Absolute clearly plays on his desire to belong and to be recognized as a worthy servant of his goddess.
It is logical to assume that before he was turned into a drider, he worshipped Lolth - but at some point, she labeled him unworthy, rejected him and punished. Who knows, maybe he refers to the Absolute as "his queen" not only because he sees it fitting, but because it is an echo of the most known title of Lolth: Queen of Spiders.
🌕 But what if the Absolute plays on Kar'niss' former devotion to another goddess?
🔹 Maybe he responds to the lyre music because in the past, a similar kind of music called to him.
🔹 Maybe he treasures the lantern's light in a spiritual sense because in the past, he experienced a similar "blessing of light" - a visible sign of his goddess' favour and protection, a guiding light in the darkness.
🔹 Maybe he was tasked with guiding the Absolute's followers because in the past, he was guiding followers of some other goddess through a different kind of darkness - protecting Eilistraeans when they were pilgrimaging from the Underdark to the surface, as was their custom.
🔹 Maybe one day... something went wrong? Maybe after whatever happened, he could no longer see himself as a worthy follower - and on the top of that, his Lolth-sworn kin found out that he turned to another goddes? Maybe that was the reason why Lolth changed him into a drider?
I know: many, many 'maybes', little evidence, few leads - but... Imagine the kind of backstory the Eilistraean accent could give Kar'niss - and the absolutely epic redemption arc that could follow it later 🥺
"If the DM allows it, a drider dedicated to Eilistraee (..) might even aspire to throw off its curse through the divine intervention of the Dark Maiden, perhaps by completing a great quest." (The Ecology of the Drider)
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Avatar of Eilistraee by Zhenvision
For more of my drow lore ramblings, feel free to check my pinned post 🕷️
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adiraargent · 5 months
Stargazing - Regulus Black
wc: 1.1k warnings: fluff, established relationship Summary: Regulus takes your stargazing, showing off his knowledge
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The night sky stretched above you like a vast canvas, speckled with an array of twinkling stars. It was Saturday night and Regulus told you he wanted some alone time with just the two of you and had suggested stargazing. So you both found yourselves nestled in a secluded corner of the Hogwarts grounds, away from the castle's hustle and bustle.
As you lay on a soft blanket spread across the grass, wrapped up in both Regulus' jumper and his right arm, Regulus pointed out the constellations one by one, his voice carrying a gentle cadence that seemed to match the serene stillness of the night.
You were so focused on where he was pointing that you didn't even notice the small, love-filled glances that he kept shooting in your direction. He couldn't help it, you just looked so beautiful, your slightly tired face, the reflection of the stars in your eyes, and your own constellation of freckles that kissed your cheeks.
"That cluster of stars over there," he began, his finger tracing the shape in the sky, his eyes shooting back up to the sky, "that's Orion's Belt. According to ancient myths, Orion was a great hunter, and those three stars mark his belt."
You listened intently, captivated by Regulus's passion for the stars and the tales woven within them. His explanations were accompanied by an endearing enthusiasm, his eyes sparkling in the moonlight as he shared the stories passed down through generations.
He continued, pointing out Cassiopeia, Draco, and Ursa Major, his voice laced with knowledge and fascination. Each constellation held a story, and Regulus narrated them with such vividness that it felt as if the stars had come alive in the sky above you.
As the night deepened, you found yourself lost in the beauty of the celestial display, but it wasn't just the stars that enchanted you; it was Regulus's gentle presence and the way he spoke with such reverence for the night sky.
He looked at you, a small smile playing on his lips, his eyes reflecting the starlight. "See that constellation there? That's Lyra, the harp. It's said to represent the lyre played by the legendary musician Orpheus."
You marveled at how Regulus's eyes lit up as he spoke, his passion for astronomy making the night feel more magical. His words painted a vivid picture of the ancient tales behind each star cluster, and you couldn't help but be drawn deeper into his explanations.
The conversation shifted from constellations to more personal topics. Regulus spoke about his dreams, his aspirations, and his deepest thoughts, and you reciprocated, sharing your own hopes and fears under the vast canopy of stars.
Neither of you were 100% sure what you wanted to do when you graduated, but you both knew you wanted to move out from home as soon as possible... the two of you spoke of running off together and then maybe starting a career in Quidditch. Regulus smiled softly as he watched you go on a mini rant about how when you get your shared house, the two of you could get a bunch of pets.
Occasionally, the conversation would quiet down, and you both would just lie there, side by side, enveloped in the tranquility of the night. The peace was punctuated by soft whispers, the occasional laughter, and shared glances that spoke volumes.
Regulus turned on his side, now wrapping both his arms around you and pulling you into his chest, "Reg?"
You were confused by his sudden movement, he had went from looking at the stars to now having his face buried into your neck, his warm breathes tickling your skin.
"Jus' don' want ya to get co'" he mumbled into your neck, his voice muffled
"Mhmm," you grinned sarcastically, yet you still brought your hand up to his head, burying your fingers into his dark locks and massaging his scalp softly.
Time seemed to stand still in that moment, as if the stars themselves had aligned to create this perfect harmony between you and Regulus. It was as if the night had paused just for the two of you to exist within its tranquil embrace.
The two of you wished that it could be like this forever, both in your own little world wrapped in the arms of your love. A world where there was no war, no death eaters, no school and no parents who couldn't care less about you.
As the night deepened, the air grew cooler, and the soft touch of Regulus's lips on your forehead brought a warmth that transcended the night's chill. His tender gesture was a silent reassurance, a whisper of care that made your heart flutter.
With the stars as witnesses, you shifted closer to Regulus, the blanket now cocooning you both in a shared haven. His arm around you tightened ever so slightly, pulling you snug against his chest, a silent invitation to seek solace in his embrace.
In the midst of the cosmic spectacle above, your gazes locked in an unspoken understanding. The night's silence was interrupted only by the hushed exchanges between you both, the soft murmurs and shared confidences blending seamlessly with the gentle rustle of leaves.
In a moment of daring, your fingers found their way to Regulus's, intertwining with his in a tender clasp. It was a subtle gesture, but the electric current that surged between your intertwined hands spoke volumes, bridging the gap between you in a language that words couldn't convey.
Regulus's touch was a comfort, a magnetic pull that drew you closer with an unspoken promise of safety and belonging. His fingers traced delicate patterns on your skin, a gesture that sent tingles down your spine and stirred emotions you couldn't quite articulate.
Under the starlit sky, Regulus leaned in, his lips brushing against your temple in a tender kiss, his silent declaration of affection warming your entire being. It was a gentle caress, a whisper of adoration that resonated deeper than any spoken words.
Regulus turned to you, a soft smile gracing his features. "Thank you for tonight," he said, his voice carrying a warmth that mirrored the celestial glow above. "I haven't felt this at peace in a long time."
You met his gaze, feeling a connection that transcended words, a sense of kinship and understanding that lingered in the silent spaces between your shared gazes.
"I could stay here forever," you whispered, a sentiment that echoed the unspoken bond between you and Regulus, forged under the infinite expanse of the night sky.
As the hours waned, Regulus shifted closer, his arm encircling you in a gentle hold. His lips found yours in a tender yet passionate kiss, a silent promise of unwavering devotion that lingered in the fleeting moments shared beneath the star-studded sky.
The night eventually bid its farewell, but the memories etched in the fabric of that evening remained—an intimate constellation of shared gazes, gentle touches, and stolen kisses that made the night an unforgettable testament to the love you both shared.
Written by adiraargent
Do not steal, copy or repost on another platform
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yoimix · 2 years
「 fireball whiskey 」
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DILUC has made it very clear he has no interest in bar talk. he cares for it as much as a cryo slime would care for water; which is nothing at all, they just make for a very troublesome mix.
however, it’s not one of kaeya’s detestable jokes anymore how his ears perk up at the mention of your name. even in a tavern inhabited by noisy idiots, his entire focus is occupied by your presence. could those drunkards not surround you? diluc clenches the glass he was polishing tighter, nearly enough to break it. they are your teammates, though a pestilent crowd, and you show no signs of discomfort. in fact, diluc seems to be the only one feeling discomfort.
“..luc! diluc!” 
he snaps himself out of his thoughts.
“good heavens, you’re enchanted. even my lyre has not had this effect on you,” the bard comments, face flushed from alcohol.
“and that poor glass is suffering the worst of it,” kaeya teases, a smile smug enough to drive diluc up a wall. 
“(name) is art of a different kind, eh?” venti giggles, lazily strumming the strings of the lyre harp now resting on the counter.
diluc feels flames lick at his cheeks, before clearing his throat.
“your tab, bard, is now at a total of four hundred and fifty thousand mora. i do hope you’ll pay up.”
“u-uh.. oh boy, is that a man trying to make his move on (name)? better play the knight in shining armor now!”
“don’t try to—”
“he’s not wrong,” kaeya interrupts, gaze trained on you shaking your head at a man who’s grasping your hand far too tight for diluc’s liking. “now’s your chance to finally stop staring longingly at miss (name) and—”
“don’t... say a word, kaeya.”
diluc sighs. it’s time to go home.
before he knows it, his legs have carried him over to where you are, hoisting you up with ease while you babble on and on about something he can’t quite hear. this is precisely why he dislikes crowds. he can’t even hear the sound of your sweet voice over the buffoons that inhabit this tavern.
the chill of mondstadt air hits him in full blast, and he holds you closer as your voice finally reaches his ears.
“...and he was like, whoa! i’m not the dandelion knight, i’m the windwheel bard! hahaha, get it? wait, no. i think i said it wrong...”
“(name)? are you alright?”
you blink, staggering to stand straight up. 
“of course, my dear. why wouldn’t you think i am?”
diluc tries to ignore the term of endearment you just threw at him and expected him to catch. you’re friends, for heaven’s sake. friends don’t talk to each other like this, do they?
“you chugged down four shots of fireball whiskey and a sunsettia tequila mix.”
“i did not.”
“i literally saw you do it.”
“ah, busted.”
diluc shakes his head. “do you have to do this? that thing’s terrible for your body.”
“i’ll stop when you promise me one thing right now! no questions, just promise me first.”
“...and what is it that i have to promise?”
you press a finger to your soft lips, a sheepish smile causing boundless flutters in his stomach. “now, i told you. that’s a secret, mr diluc.”
archons, you’re just so unfair. diluc can’t help the flow of fire to his cheeks, like he’s suddenly a teenager discovering puppy love, and he covers the lower half of his face with his palm. you’re bound to notice, right? when he’s putting on an entire fireworks show whether he likes it or not. the little sparks jump from finger to finger, and flames licking at his ears. it’s such an unfamiliar feeling. he usually has his vision under control.
the fire makes you jump, but thankfully not too far from him where can’t feel the calming warmth of your presence.
...thankfully? what has gotten into him?
“oh dear, diluc, are you okay?” you look at him with concerned eyes. once again, diluc has to struggle to keep his flames from going haywire. you stagger towards him, your hands finding his face with much ease as they cup his cheeks.
you giggle. “gosh, you’re so warm. i wish i could spend every winter night with you.”
“i’m... sorry?”
you step even closer, a guttural sound of surprise leaving his throat when you wrap your arms around his waist. he can smell your strawberry lip balm at this proximity.
“...i promise.” diluc barely has any willpower left in him. “now, may i know what it is?”
“kiss me!”
diluc nearly starts coughing, right on your face. barbatos help him because the wind has entirely left his lungs.
“ex-excuse me?” he must have heard you wrong.
“kiss. me.” you pout, looking up at him. “right now!”
“you’re quite demanding.” he clears his throat. “and drunk. i can’t possibly—”
diluc fears fire may stream from his ears the moment you grab his collar and press your lips to his in a chaste kiss. it’s far more than he can take and he pushes you away by the shoulder, an erratic gasp leaving his lips.
“i know you like me!” you huff, “and I’ve been trying so hard to tell you but archons, you’re dense.”
diluc opens and closes his mouth. “but i- mm- i- uh... oh.”
he wants to kiss you so terribly, his hands tremble in fear of what other strange desires you may unleash. this can’t be right. everything feels foreign, his senses gone awry and his mind the last defender of his heart.
“so...” you quieten. “did i perhaps get it wrong? i- i’m so sor—“
diluc cups your face gently but the force with which he connects your lips to his is anything but gentle. he does ease into his actions a millisecond after and the two of you grow closer to each other till the heat latches onto you too.
you pull away with a smile as soft as the moon above, your thumb idly brushing over his cheekbone. diluc nearly leans into your lips again but whatever self control he has left keeps him in line. 
“...hush! they’re gonna hear us!”
diluc’s attention snaps to bushes near the door of angel’s share, a harsh glare soon following. a certain bard, cavalry captain and... is that klee and amber? diluc does not like crowds.
but with you, and all that you bring, resting so peacefully against his chest, who is he to take notice?
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sprout-fics · 9 days
Teaser for the second and final part of 'Oh Muse'
The gods are fickle, you remind yourself. Not all of them kind to mortals. When eternity is cupped in your flawless palms, you find yourself bored easily. It’s not malicious, Soap’s challenge, but it is not kind. Even so, you know the purpose of the test lies within its cost. Devotion- proof of the things you’ll sacrifice.
Steeling yourself, you begin to play.
The string burn against your fingers, like viper fangs slicing through flesh with the heat of them. It sears against your skin, makes a cry bubble up your throat at how much it hurts to touch them. Even so, you focus not on the pain but on the notes of the lyre, of trying to summon a tune that had once floated through the empty, winding halls of Ghost’s obsidian palace. The song is sour compared to the melodies you once played on the harp, and even then it pales in comparison to the ethereal beauty of the ballad you heard minutes ago.
Your skin blisters, the acrid smell of burnt flesh wafting from the strings. Tears stream down your cheeks at the terrible agony, the pain festering with every note plucked from the instrument. Blood seeps through sores on your fingers, your knuckles, only to sizzle and evaporate on the strings of the lyre. You desperately swallow a hiccup for fear that your sobs will spoil the song you play, lip seeping red from the effort to contain yourself. You play only by memory, your vision wet and obscured by warm tears that feel almost cold in comparison to the heat of the strings.
Soap does not speak as you play. Even as red trickles down your palms, your wrists, he does not speak. You dare not stop, not look at him until he allows you to cease your playing. You do not see the pity in his eyes.
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kid-az · 24 days
Skyrim/Nords Headcanons (Very long)
Skyrim Headcanon 1: The coasts of the northern holds (Particularly Winterhold and Hjaalmarch) have a unique tradition in that clam and shellfish gatherers will strip most or all of their clothes and then smear themselves with the grease and oils of horkers and chub loons. By smearing themselves with horker grease, this not only traps heat within the gatherers bodies but also helps attract the small shellfish they harvest to feed their families or sell at the market.
Skyrim Headcanon 2: Those few farmers that live in Skyrim (Along with several Orsimer strongholds and Reachfolk tribes) have a complex trade system with the Giants, (Likewise for the Giants) with an equivalent exchange for whatever spiral-painted cows are sacrificed/gifted to the Giants. It is customary in Giant culture that the individual must grant the farmer that Cows weight in mammoth cheese or furs, that or they may stand guard and protect the farm during the night from wild animals.
Of course, this is just one example of the Giant and Nord trading system, and it is undeniably far more complex than that. For example, the Stormcloaks trade exchange with the Giants involves defending their mammoths from poachers. In exchange, several of the Giants are expected to help fight for the Stormcloak’s cause of an independent Skyrim. This exchange is kept so long as either party does what is expected of their duties.
Most small peoples/Giant relations often involve this trade and the duty of repaying that generosity, in whatever way they may be able to. Also, Giants do eat the Cows they are given.
Skyrim Headcanon 3: The Bards College within the Haafingar Hold actually had an extensive knowledge, history, and grasp in magic. Students learning from the college would learn spells that would allow them to pacify wildlife, boost the physical, mental, and spiritual abilities of friends & allies, and even counteract the effects of other spells and magic through their music. Indeed, even in the 4th Era where many Nords grew somewhat disgruntled by magic, the Bards College still continued on with its magical traditions, reasoning that the ability to counteract other magic with music would allow them to better fight the Thalmor.
As for instruments, members of the Bards College would use a large variety of them, whether it be the talharpa, the lyre, drums, the jaw’s harp, flutes, and musical horns. They’ve picked up a variety of other instruments and musical styles from around Tamriel as well, but they still mostly teach the traditional instruments used by the Nords. Folks from the Bards College also tattoo themselves with musical-themed tattoos, along with birds.
Skyrim Headcanon 4: Being a major hub for trade between Morrowind and Skyrim alike, the Rift has seen a small influx of creatures native to the former, in particular the Guar, (Due to their intellect, omnivorous diet, and the appeal of a giant lizard as a mount) a semi-giany (4 inch long) species of bee known as the Lightning Bees, (Make good honey for mead, but are aggressive and emit electric shocks through magic. Bards are needed to keep them docile) and the Kwama.
The Kwama in particular is a noted point of interest in the 4th era, as a third of all Kwama mining takes place within the Rift since the Red Mountain’s eruption, many members of House Hlaalu remaining in Skyrim after they lost their seat as a Great House. A breeding population of Silt Striders has also become established within the hold, snacking on the sweet leaves of the autumnal forests. They are a protected species within the Rift.
Although the members of House Hlaalu would become a house associated with the underworld and illegal dealings back in the home province, most of the members of the House in the Rift would be more honest Kwama miners and traders. Disturbed by their former compatriots openly and publicly turning to crime, these former House Hlaalu members would renounce their title, wishing to not be associated with the criminal underworld by proxy.
Skyrim Headcanon 5: Nords fucking love bees!!!
Okay, to be more specific they love bees due to their immense enjoyment of mead, so many of the southern holds would have many large bee farms. The northern holds (Or the rich) meanwhile create greenhouses to contain the bees and lots of flowers for them to pollinate and create honey out of. Riften is the unofficial capital of bee farming, as its pleasant environment compared to the rest of Skyrim allows for the largest and highest quality bee farms.
Of course, farming bees for honey isn’t their only use. For example, the Nords have quite a knack for snacking on the bees themselves, (Roasted) as they make a quick and energizing snack for both adults and children. The beeswax can be used to make candles and skin cream, the latter being of particular importance as Skyrim’s cold environment leads to dry skin. 
They’ll also use every part of a bee hive, such as bee pollen, propolis, and on occasion even royal jelly. The royal jelly is used to make particularly potent medications and can be distilled as a drink for the jarls and other high-status folk, even if it’s less sweet than honey.
Skyrim Headcanon 6: The Ice Tribes were strange, sapient constructs made of ice that suddenly appeared during the late 3rd Era, the only possible evidence to their appearance being several icebergs that drifted towards northern High Rock and Skyrim. Little is known about them other than the fact they wielded enchanted ice and snow in their battles against the peoples of Tamriel, and were also known to raise the dead as their personal servants in several different eyewitness reports.
They were invincible to all except for particularly strong soul-trapping spells, Daedric and Dwemer weapons, and certain glasses such as ebony, elven glass, and obsidian. Their undead servants meanwhile were extremely sensitive to heat, even among the fellow undead. Eventually, these strange beings would go extinct, unable to compete against the peoples of Tamriel and their superior magical knowledge.
In Skyrim, these beings were compared to the ancient ice demons that the Nord’s Atmoran ancestors historically fought against. Although notable for being called the Atmoran’s greatest opponents in the old tales, they were given no true name, only being nicknamed “The Others.”
Skyrim Headcanon 7: Eastmarch is a Hold famous for its extensive amounts of hot springs and geothermal activity, which the residents have made extensive use out of. Villagers would not take long, warm baths within the more modestly-heated springs, but they will also use these springs as a natural hotpot to steam/boil food, which saves on firewood and gives the food a rich taste. Minerals can also be harvested from the springs, though these are historically controlled harvests instituted by the Jarls in fear of the springs becoming destroyed or dried up.
Windhelm can credit its continued existence as one of Skyrim’s largest and oldest cities from these springs, as an extensive pipe system created during the 3rd Era allowed for the spring water to flow through, keeping the city warm and providing a constant and nearby supply of mineral-rich water for the inhabitants to use. Not all was well unfortunately, as the springs were historically used as a form of execution on criminals and Falmer slaves, their bodies boiled and then dissolved within the boiling pools of water. This practice has thankfully stopped.
Skyrim Headcanon 8: Historically, Nord culture emphasized the rite of adulthood through hunting. This came in the form of small groups of young Nordic men and women having to travel to the wilderness and work together to slaughter a large animal to bring back to their village/clan, either a bear or troll in most Holds. Usually, this small group of adolescent hunters is watched over by an adult warden, ready to jump in should the hunt end in disaster for them.
This practice waned during the 3rd Era, practiced only by Jarl successors or the High King’s inheritor. However, it would regrow in popularity due to the aftermath of the Great War and the nationalism of an Independent Skyrim, as well as the interest of the younger generation “going back to their roots” culturally. Ulfric’s commanders were chosen based on how well they led their comrades against bandits or Falmer.
Some of the Hold's adult rites involved hunting different animals, such as Hjaalmarch having the youth hunt a chaurus reaper or Winterhold’s rite of citizenship being given once a group managed to kill an ice wraith together. The Reach Once had its youth hunt Dwemer Anuminculi as an adult rite, which led to predictably disastrous results.
Skyrim Headcanon 9: Examples of Snow Elf architecture outside of the Chantry of Auri-El actually exist, but they are all underground! The Snow Elves alongside the Dwemer teleported most of their important buildings so that they wouldn’t get destroyed and repurposed by the Nords. As of today, these buildings are still utilized as places of worship or habitation by the modern Falmer, albeit the religion they worship is a little different, as they have included several Daedra (Most prominently Malacath) into their faith and sun worship has been abandoned entirely in favor of worshipping heat in general.
Skyrim Headcanon 10: Final and brief headcanon for Skyrim that being that Whiterun has a high werewolf population (Due to the Companions and the “lucky” few that got their specific strain of lycanthropy) but surprisingly few werewolf-related deaths. Because of this fact, Werewolves are given just a bit more respect and are given far less fear than in other regions, as many travelers and locals find themselves getting rescued from a wild animal or bandits by those blessed by Hircine.
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starspray · 7 months
White Flowers
written for @nolofinweanweek, also on the SWG
(minor warning for canonical character death)
“Do babies always take this long to be born?” Turukáno asked Findekáno. They were perched in the tallest tree in their mother’s garden, which gave them a great view of the house and the surrounding countryside, and the walls of Tirion not far off, gleaming white under Laurelin’s radiance. Turukáno had been banished from the house early that morning when Anairë had felt her first labor pains, and Findekáno had come out to join him after a while, claiming that he recalled how lonely and worrisome it had been for him when Turukáno had been born.
“I don’t know,” said Findekáno, swinging his legs idly as he leaned against the trunk. He had a lyre in his hands and was plucking at the strings absently. “You didn’t take very long, as I recall, but I have been told that it varies.” He strummed a few chords. To all appearances he was utterly unconcerned and at ease, but Turukáno could see his eyes flick toward their mother’s windows every few seconds. Figures were moving about inside, and occasionally a faint cry reached them in the garden.
At last, the windows opened, and Turukáno heard a sharper wail as their father leaned out to call them in. Findekáno immediately leaped to the ground, and caught Turukáno when he jumped after him. “Where are you going?” he asked, when Turukáno did not immediately follow him to the door.
“Wait for me!” Turukáno said as he gathered a bunch of flowers, tiny white ones with a sweet scent that grew in clusters like little stars, and one or two pale pink dahlias that his mother loved. He ran after Findekáno, inside and upstairs, where their Aunt Ëarwen opened the door to usher them in.
Their mother lay in bed propped up on a mound of pillows, and their father was beside her, holding a small squirming bundle. “Flowers! Oh, thank you, my love,” said Anairë, taking the bouquet and kissing Turukáno on the nose. “Come, meet your sister.”
“What is her name?” Findekáno asked as he leaned over Nolofinwë’s shoulder to peer at the baby. When Nolofinwë handed her back to Anairë, Turukáno finally got a look at her, little and flushed and wrinkly, her tiny hands balled into fists. She was the loveliest thing Turukáno had ever seen.
“Irissë,” said Anairë.
Irissë opened her eyes and cooed, reaching up for the flowers. Her grip was strong and tight, and once she had hold of the stems she would not let go, and tiny white petals rained down on her face, making her sneeze and the rest of them laugh. “Hello, Irissë,” Turukáno said, reaching out to run his fingers through the soft dark hair atop her head. “Hello, baby sister.”
The sun shone with blinding brightness and heat down upon Gondolin. All was quiet. No bells rang in the towers, and there was no music, no singing, no flutes or drums or harps. Even the flowing fountains seemed muted. Outside the city gates, upon the green grass of Tumladen, a cairn was being prepared. In life Aredhel had rebelled against walls, and so in death she would rest outside them, where the wildflowers grew and the wind passed whispering through the grass. How bitterly Turgon wished he had kept her inside the encircling mountains in life—that he had kept her safe.
The funeral would be held late in the afternoon, as the sun began to sink and the air cooled. Until then Aredhel lay in state, and all who wished could pass by to say farewell. Turgon stayed away. He did not want to witness others’ grief, nor to have witnesses to his own outside his own household. He did not know where Maeglin was—nor what he would say when he saw him again.
The flowers that had grown in their mother’s garden outside Tirion long ago did not grow in Beleriand. There were similar blossoms, tiny white things like stars, but their scent was not as sweet. Turgon still grew them, and he gathered a small bunch before at last descending. The crowds were gone, and the room empty. Aredhel lay upon silken cushions, clad in her favorite gown of white shot with silver brought across the Helcaraxë from Valinor, with a silver girdle and a circlet of diamond and pearl resting upon her dark hair. Her favorite bow and quiver had been laid at her side. Were it not for her unnatural stillness, and the grey pallor of her skin, she might have been asleep. The only sound was the whisper of Turgon’s own robes as he crossed the floor to stand at her side. Her hands rested one over the other on her stomach, and were cool when he laid his own over them. Carefully, he tucked the flowers into her fingers. “Farewell, Irissë,” he whispered into the stillness. “Forgive me, baby sister.”
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xerith-42 · 5 months
Minecraft Diaries Musicians
I have so many things to say about this!! In the show there's like a lot of characters who are musically inclined, but the series never does anything with it! We know bards exist in Ru'aun, but we literally never see one what the fuck!!
I want Vylad only ever lowering their scarf to play the ocarina when there's a quiet moment. Give me Brendan trying to romance women with his basic guitar skills and it finally works on Issa because she finds him adorkably charming. When Aaron is looking after the kids, he can get them to settle down by playing guitar.
Those are the canon characters who can play instruments, but I want MORE
-Zoey playing the harp and knowing strange and mystical tunes on it that she uses to draw people to her business (remember when Zoey was a merchant?)
-Travis knows how to play the lute and has his own style of music he learned in Gal'ruk, and he loves exploring the differences between the regions music and wonders if places like Tu'la also have a distinctive sound to them.
-Fiddle player Nana when? Playing songs for her dolls to dance along to to entertain guests? Dancing around with her husband while she plays them a little ditty??
-Aaron comes to understand others not by talking to them, but because he's sitting around the campfire and suddenly Travis starts asking him if they know any songs in common, and Vylad joins the two of them when he hears them playing together.
-I want Laurance playing the lyre during downtime and trying to romance Aph and Garroth with it even if he's just a little terrible at it sometimes!! He's trying his best!
-Cadenza really loves dancing, she likes making skirts that flow around while she's dancing, and she loves dancing to Laurance's playing when he's learning.
-Aph doesn't really have the spare time to learn an instrument, but when Garroth hears her singing to herself, he tells her that she should sing more. She's really hesitant at first, but others often sing along with her and she comes to love the sound of singing with others. I also like to think she sings lullabies to Levin and any of her other kids.
-Malachi teaching himself how to read and write music so he can transcribe Levin's music box into a melody others can play, and maybe even write lyrics to go along with it. Because he wants to hear his mother sing along to it.
-Literally forgot about it until now, Logan can play guitar! What if he was a grouchy old man but when his kids need to be put to bed he played them a very gentle lullaby. And you saw the wrinkles on his cheeks turn into smile lines when he can see them all start to doze off. And he was just happy. What if.
-And let characters play songs together!! Vylad's trying to calm Laurance down after he nearly loses control, so they whip out the ocarina and the lyre and the two of them just play together on the beach for a while.
-Aaron struggles to connect to people, but when Travis very earnestly asks Aaron if they can teach each other songs from their separate regions and he doesn't know how to say no to that. The two of them end up bonding over a shared love for this form of self expression. Aaron rather suddenly admits to Travis one day when he's playing a melody that he used to play songs for his wife and his son, that his wife played the violin with him sometimes, that his son was learning to play guitar. Aaron actually of his own volition tells someone about the past he has been running from for about twenty years.
-If I keep going with this I will just start ranting about how I would rewrite Aaron which is not the point of this post
-What I'm trying to say is that music is one of the oldest and most universal forms of expression. We MCD fans already have breakdowns over Flowers on the Battlefield, but imagine if that was a song someone played in universe!!! Imagine if it was a song composed by someone in universe, or a melody that just came to be associated with this group! What if it was literally their in universe theme, that would be amazing!!!
-There is literally no bad ideas that can come from exploring this possibility, like I keep trying to end this post but then I come up with a new idea--
-Like the idea of Zoey and Aph singing to their kids together!! When Levin has bad dreams one of the best things that can comfort him is his music box, but he honestly feels safer hearing the sound of his mothers voice and a gentle harp, even if he doesn't fully remember why.
-Okay this post needs to be over I am actually going insane
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kittenfangirl20 · 9 days
*Lucifer started to notice that Adam would carry a piece of paper in his pocket ever since he realized that he was pregnant with Lucifer’s children, every once in a while Adam remove the piece of paper and smile at it before putting it back in his pocket, Lucifer was curious about it and decided to ask about it*
Lucifer: So what is that little piece of paper for?
*Adam blushed and pulled it out of his pocket and handed it to Lucifer, on it in Adam’s handwringing was the note “Luke for a boy and Lyra for a girl,” Lucifer’s heart melted, Adam had already picked out baby names early on, he was always putting thought behind picking out names for things*
Adam: I picked Luke because it is pretty close to your name because it means light-giving and you are the light bearer. Lyra is connected to my love of music because it is connected to a harp or lyre.
Lucifer: They are both beautiful names and I love why you picked them. It looks like we will be using both names since I was able to tell you are carrying twins a boy and a girl even at such an early stage.
*Adam had such a bright and beautiful smile as Lucifer touched his stomach, the former Angel of Light just focused on the two lives growing inside of Adam, they were like two glowing lights filled with life, he also imagined Adam with a pregnant belly and it was the most beautiful sight he could imagine, he couldn’t wait to meet Luke and Lyra Morningstar*
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anemoi-i · 10 months
Thinking about the friendship of Barbatos and Dvalin because not only is it forgotten but I remembered a brain dead take which claimed that Barbatos let Dvalin become corrupted when that wasn't true at all.
We know that he already was looking for a way to save Dvalin even without the Traveler's help, but it goes beyond that.
One, Barbatos cares so much about Dvalin:
In ancient times, Barbatos softly strummed his lyre and summoned the pure thousand winds and songs. Charmed by the free-spirited winds, Dvalin the high dragon descended and swore loyalty to him.
Barbatos rejoiced in making a new friend. (Skyward Harp description)
The Skyward weapon series constantly reiterates the battle of Barbatos and Dvalin vs. Durin and how the corruption happened after that battle, as well as the Abyss Order's plot to manipulate him because of said corruption, making him believe that Barbatos did not want to help him while he were again, actively seeking to do so.
I know half of this lore is behind the weapon series, but still. It's right there and you can make the connection.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Hey, if it seems like a good thing to write about once you feel like writting the requests, what about a few Hermes headcanons about him with a humam reader on ancient times who was famous for playing Lyre? It could be platonic if you want, i guess writting that many romantic ones gets a litle tiring sometimes
Reader is famous for playing the Lyre
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[ Records of Ragnarok / Shuumatsu no Valkyrie ]
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OMG anon, the lyre is sooo beatiful, although I prefer the harp, still is so beautiful!!! Anon your request is beatiful 💙
You are right, as much I love writing the romantic stuff is good to take a break of it
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Hermes could be pretty curious so he doesn't decline any oppotunity to meet someone new, doesn't matter if is human or god, don't even if he just know about them or meet them directly, besides who is he to decline a gossip when it cross his path?
Just hearing the rumor of a human that play the lyre in a beautiful way already make him curious, but the rumors doesn't stop, in fact just increase, about you playing with such elegancy that make everyone around feel fuzzy, even going as far as comparing your skills to those of an angel, making increase his curiosity. Although, he knows how humans can be easy to impress so he waits a while before really searching for you, if the rumors actually reached the gods then his curiosity will be just bigger since catching the god's attention isn't exactly easy (or not at least do it in a positive way)
Disguised himself as a human he made his way to search for you, he won't have much troubles introducing himself as the god he is, that will even give him an advantage, but it could cause commotion and just will complicate his search
For the instrument you play and for how humans are so carried away for stereotypes or in what a gender should do a what not he will be expecting to meet a beatiful and delicate lady, although he won't mind at all if you aren't like that, it actually just make it more interesting
The first times he goes to hear you play he only mixes between people and goes away when he feel satisfaced, but as the times go by he start to feel more curiosity for who you are, he know all the rumors about you, but non of them talk about you as a person just about the famous musician
So, one day he decide to approach to you and he does it with being so polite and kind that even if you are shy it won't be much troubles for you to keep the conversation, first of all he compliment you for being so amaizing at playing the lyre, those rumors aren't lying after all. Little by litte start to ask more about you, he knows that he first has to win your trust, but if you are more bold and since the start treat him as a friend is fine for him
He wants to know more about you, and as the time pass and the more you two spend time together he just start considering you a friends too, he doesn't mind it much that you are a human and if you never discover that he is a god it won't be a trouble for him either, he just want to continue being with you (besides it would make him umconfortable if he is worshiped for the person he consider his friend)
Hermes really likes hearing you play the lyre and he tries to always be there to hear you play and compliments your skills at the end, he may or may not spread the rumors more and even make it sound even better (if you point it out he will play innocent)
He is interested in the songs you play as well and will ask you were you learned them and if they have an special meaning, also if you want he can teach you some songs he know and going as far as compose a special song just for you to play (but he won't say that to you or admit it if you ask him, he just smiles as an answer)
Also he will love to have the opportunity to play music with you, he knows to play the violin so he always ask you if you would grant him the honor to play some music with you, if you decline is not really a problem because he will insist until you give up, besides he has his own charming ways to convice you
Hermes is really good at reading people so if you try to keep a facade that match with the instrument you play or are nervous to just be yourself he will point it out one day, and he will be really direct with it just because he wants to mess with you, however if you are just yourself since the start he will start to loosen up soon
With time he will end up trusting you a lot so it reach the point where he could tell you a lot of things about the place where the gods live and even some things about the gods just gossiping with his friend, he isn't afraid of getting into troubles nor to befriend a human, even if they find out that he is reveling secrets about them he is smart enough to get away with it
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sarilolla · 5 months
Silly Trolls au idea that I might do more with (probably shouldn’t, I have a lot of other stuff on my plate lol) (Long post so more under Read More, this is just a ramble of an au honestly)
What if during the Great Escape from the Troll Tree, *Viva* had the Pop String? She was still lost along with multiple other Pop Trolls, and now her family have to deal with the loss of her, and the possible loss of ALL THEIR MUSIC
Would that mean that when they didn’t lose their music, they suspected she survived? Or at least someone else got it and there are some survivors? Or would the suspicion be that it’s buried in the tunnels to be forgotten, existing in a limbo as the Trolls are still able to sing and dance? Or maybe the Bergens got it, and they’re now finding a way to use it to make them happy, instead of eating Trolls?
Would they lose their music anyway, just from the assumption something bad happened? Would they be more open to gray Trolls, as it could be a possible after effect of their tribe being separated from the source of their music?
Would King Peppy reveal its existence to other elders, in case they lose their music and he needs someone to rely on? (Probably not, but let me imagine he has like two more brain cells and to not keep it hidden) Would the Pop Trolls know other music and Trolls were out there, but only know a false version of the story?
And then when Barb’s World Tour happens, how will that work out? Will Barb find a Pop Village without a String, and have no clue how to go from there? The Pop Trolls will be practically forced to reveal what happened to them, and how they lost so many Trolls over the years, and how it’s possible that the String isn’t even held by a Troll?
Will she go looking for this lost princess, or try to enter the Tunnels of Certain Death despite the warnings from Pop (if that’s because the tunnels are unstable, or that they haven’t befriended the Bergens, you decide)? Will she have to give up her whole tour, and now deal with the consequences of her actions?
The other tribes have to deal with the fact that because of the schism Pop caused, they lost many Trolls over the years to being eaten alive, cooked, baked, prepared in all sorts of culinary ways (headcanon that the Pop Trolls were captured for a LONG time, my own stories use 150 years at least). Obviously they didn’t deserve that, but in a twisted sort of sense, now they won’t lose their own music, since the Ultimate Power Chord can’t be completed
And then there’s Viva, probably only 12-15 years old, having defended her people, started a community, and hold the ENTIRETY of their music in her hands. Would she keep it on her at all times? Would she switch the harp/lyre for another instrument, one that’s not so suspicious? Would she find a way to hide it in Putt Putt Village, scared but content it’s the only way to keep their music safe? Paranoia says Bergen might show up, and even if she’s a happy-go-lucky Pop Troll, who’s to say someone might try to steal it? It’s powerful, honestly a weapon, it will keep her people safe and hopeful. And she promised her dad to take care of it, and she doesn’t want to disappoint. Her people’s legacy and music is in her hands, it’s a lot of responsibility. Might she even think that the other Pop Trolls lost their music since she has the String, and it’s clear they’re far away from each other. (She wishes she could share the magic of their music with her baby sister)
Anyway that was a lot of ramble for an idea that struck me 15 minutes ago
(Ps: if anyone wanna do something with this concept, feel free to do so, all I ask for is credit and to be tagged so I can see :D )
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