#I'm sure they're having the time of their life with their new limbs
a-random-warrior · 5 months
Texty time!!! Ft. The limbs they deserve and Taylor
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hairmetal666 · 1 year
Steve and Eddie.
Eddie and Steve.
After Vecna, they're inseparable. They share a bed. Always. Twine their legs together and sleep close. No reason to pretend they don't need each other when they so obviously do.
Eddie loves him. He knows it's stupid. Doesn't know how to protect his heart when Steve is everything.
Spring fades into summer, and between nights spent with entangled limbs, Eddie starts to see more in Steve's hazel eyes; soft fondness and gentle care, a flash of heat. Their physical affection goes beyond casual touches--arms around waists, fingers on hips, faces nuzzling against necks, kisses pressed into hair.
It feels like they have all the time in the world, but Robin asks Steve to move to Indy and Steve never mentions it. Eddie pretends like the silence doesn't hurt. They've only ever been just friends, after all.
Then, one night, "I'm moving to Indy."
"Okay, yeah." Eddie tries to keep his voice even, the tears from spilling. it was always a mistake, falling for Steve Harrington.
"Come with me?" Steve's hands are clenched in the duvet.
"I'm moving to New York." He had no plans until this very moment.
Steve falls quiet. "That's nice, Eddie. That's--yeah, you should do that, if it's what you want."
He nods. Ignores the lump in his throat. "Maybe I can really be somebody."
Steve smiles. Eddie's not sure why it looks so sad. "You'll knock 'em dead, Ed."
They stay friends, of course they do. There's phone calls and visits, and it's not the same, but it's still good.
Eddie tries to get over him. He does. There are dates, men, possibility. But they're not Steve.
Steve meets a girl--nice, pretty, wealthy--the kind of girl made for a King. It sticks. Eddie likes her. And nobody needs to know that he cries himself to sleep, thinking of what might have been.
The invitation comes in the mail. He throws it in the garbage without a thought, before standing against his counter, knuckles going white where he's gripping into the laminate. Tries to remind himself to keep breathing around the shattering of his heart.
He's not going. Knows he can't take it.
Then, a phone call.
"I'm getting married," Steve says.
"Yeah, just got the invite. Congrats!" Bile in his throat threatens to choke him.
"Will you--you'll stand up there with me?"
Eddie smacks his head repeatedly against the wall. "Of course," is the only possible answer.
The wedding is fine. During the ceremony, he tries not to listen to the vows, keeps his eyes on Robin's back and never, ever on Steve. He drinks through the reception. Knows it's too much, knows he's losing control. Can't take watching Steve dance with his new bride, so he sneaks out a side door into an alley, lighting his last cigarette. The nicotine barely hits his lungs before a scuffle of feet interrupts his moment.
"Can I get in on that?" Steve asks.
Eddie squeezes his eyes shut, handing over the cigarette. "What're you doing out here?"
"Haven't really talked to you at all today."
"Well. You've been a little busy." He means it to be a joke but it falls very flat, his bitterness too close to the surface.
Steve exhales a cloud of smoke. "Yeah. Didn't realize weddings were so much work."
Eddie doesn't know what to say, so they fall into silence, passing the smoke back and forth until it burns down to the filter.
"You happy?" Eddie asks. Doesn't think he meant to, doesn't want the answer.
"Ed..."Steve swallows.
"So, yes," he chuckles. It's the most hollow thing he's ever heard.
"It's just--It's normal, you know?"
And it's like Steve punched him, to know they never could've been because Eddie--being with Eddie--would never be normal.
"Right, of course, Harrington. Normal."
"That's not what--I'm not saying--"
"What else could you possibly mean?"
"I want quiet. No monsters, no secret dimensions. Something regular. Easy."
"Six-fucking-nuggets, right? Still a pretty lady in the front seat next to you."
"What's wrong with that? Huh? What's wrong with kids and stability and a fucking life. Not bartending until 4am and playing the occasional gig and living with 18 goddamn people."
Eddie straightens at that, fingers twisting in his button-down. "Sorry my life doesn't meet your exacting standards, King. Sorry I can't be what you want."
He storms away, Steve shouting after him, but he leaves him there with his promising and bright and normal future unfurling before him.
They don't talk. One month. Six Months. A Year. Two.
For lack of better to do, for stability, he writes a book. Fantasy. About an Adventurer who helps a group of kids save the world. They're joined by a handsome, mysterious man who seems like an asshole, but helps them selflessly every time. He and the Adventurer are something, but before it's anything real, the stranger is revealed to be their Prince. They save the world, but the Prince has to leave the Adventurer behind.
The book is a hit. Spawns a series. Eddie's somebody.
Eddie comes home from the store, paper bag of groceries balanced against his chest.
Steve Harrington, not looking a day older than at his wedding, stands at his door, hands wringing.
"Steve?" He asks.
"Hey, Ed." The nickname twists Eddie's stomach, but he doesn't say anything.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm getting divorced," Steve says.
Eddie almost drops his groceries, his hands shake so hard. He busies himself with the lock, ushering Steve inside.
"Is that all?" He asks.
Steve blinks at him, dazed expression on his still pretty face. "What?"
"You came all this way just to tell someone you haven't spoken to in almost eight years that you're getting divorced? What's it to me?" He stomps into the kitchen with his groceries.
"I wanted--I thought--"
Eddie snorts, makes it mean because he feels mean, wants to make Steve hurt the way he has for years. "You thought? We haven't spoken since your wedding day, man."
"She was ready for kids, and I realized that she's not--she's not who I picture having a family with."
The words pierce him like shattered glass, and he whirls into the living room, into Steve's space. "What the fuck are you doing?" he hisses.
"I wanted you to know, Ed. After all--"
"Stop calling me that. Stop acting like we're friends, for Christ's sake. And I don't give a damn about whatever realization you had once you realized normal wasn't for you."
"I'm trying to make this right!" Pink splotches highlight Steve's cheeks, his anger spiking to match Eddie's.
"There's nothing to fix, Harrington. We're over. It's fine."
"It's not fine," Steve is breathing hard. "I wanted you so badly, and you fucking ran away--"
"Bullshit! I waited for you. And you moved to Indy with Robin without a thought."
"I asked you to come! You were the one who said no."
"You asked a week before you left!"
"I was scared!"
"Of what, Steve? Not having that normal, easy, life you wanted so badly?"
"Of course not!"
"Then why?"
Steve chuckles, steps back. "I always thought you of all people would understand, and now--"
"Not when you come to my house unannounced to unload on me about your divorce because you expect us to pick up like none of it ever happened."
"That's not what I want!"
Eddie turns, pinching the bridge of his nose to cut off the stinging in his eyes. "I can't do this. I think you should leave, Steve."
"Fine." Steve won't look at him, storms to the door. "This was a mistake."
He slams it hard enough it makes the walls shake, picture frames rattle. Eddie can't stop the sob that rips out of him. Entitled, selfish, Steve Harrington, the only man Eddie will ever love. Steve Harrington who thinks love comes with strings attached. Steve Harrington who was afraid of asking Eddie to move away with them. And Eddie, always the coward, stifled by the weight of his own impossible love.
Eddie moves on autopilot, just knows he needs to find Steve, to see if there's a chance.
He skids down the stairs, almost falling a time or two, out into the night. His eyes scan the sidewalk, searching for familiar tall hair, but there's no sign of Steve, no sign--
A soft sob cuts through the air and Eddie's eyes fall to the steps in front of him, to the beautiful man sitting with his head on his knees.
"Steve," he says.
He stands, whirling, face a wreck. "Eddie?"
He doesn't know what to say at first, swallowing and swallowing around nothing. "I--I'm sorry I said no, when you asked me to move with you."
Steve's face does a funny, fracturing thing, even as he gives a little laugh. "I'm sorry I took so long to work up the nerve to ask."
Both of them take a step forward, then stumble together in a clumsy, tear-soaked hug.
"I'm sorry I got too drunk at your wedding," Eddie whispers against his friend's neck.
Steve giggles, but quiets quickly "I'm sorry about the 'normal' thing. I didn't mean it. I was--it doesn't matter. I'm sorry."
They hold each other for a long time on the steps of Eddie's building, rocking gently back and forth. When they finally let go, Eddie pushes Steve's hair off his forehead, asks, "wanna order a pizza and catch up?"
The answering smile is blinding as a sun, and Eddie is just as hopelessly in love as he was at 20.
They walk inside, fingers still entwined, lit up with hope.
"Hey," Steve says as they walk up the stairs together. "Are the Adventurer and the Prince going to find each other again? Because it's been four books now, and I'm still wait--"
Eddie twists his fingers into Steve's t-shirt, pushing him against the stained stairwell wall. "Fuck, Steve, I--"
He's interrupted by Steve closing the distance between their mouths, pulling them together in a searing kiss.
"They get forever, sweetheart" is Eddie's answer.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
Can we get some Timkonbart sharing one braincell?
They have 4 YouTube channels
Tim does in-depth unsolved mystery theories with compelling evidence and field visits. His most viewed video is visiting the Zodiac Killer site with Bernard
Bart's has detailed explanations of quantum physics and debunking scientific misconceptions. His most popular video is him (figuratively) ripping apart a flat-earther
Kon candidly talks about the ups and downs of superhero life and gives advice to younger vigilantes, including his most famous one where he puts on a Justice League drag show for Pride
Their joint channel? Tortilla slapping, grenade football, meat smoothies, 3-person sweaters, duct tape leg waxing, blindfolded biking, stair sledding, plugging in a suspicious USB…
They get in trouble after saving a city
Tim receives intel about an alien attack in Paris and comes up with a complex battle strategy on the flight there
Kon takes out the flying drones in a single calculated laser zigzag while catching a falling citizen
Bart clears the area and uses his powers to shoot the bad guys back into the prehistoric era after distracting them
Post-battle, they get stopped by French police who ask for their passports and they're like "uh…"
Tim falls asleep on the break room couch. Kon comes in and puts a blanket over him. Bart adds a blanket on top. Kon adds another. Then Bart adds another. They keep adding blankets, forgetting there's someone underneath until Tim rises like a zombie
They sneak alcohol from Wayne Manor, forgetting Kon and Bart can't get drunk. So it's just Tim half-asleep and stumbling after several drinks and they have to cover it up before any adults figure out, so Kon controls Tim's limbs like a marionette with his TTK while Bart does a ventriloquist trick he learned at circus camp to make Tim seem like he's talking
Every year, they have a Young Justice picnic. And every year, there's zero coordination. Which means all of them bring paper plates and no one brings food
Bart asks for a hot dog. Kon suggests they make it a footlong. Tim then adds double of each topping. Then it's spilling everywhere so they wrap it in a tortilla. But then the tortilla starts coming undone so Tim texts Alfred who suggests using egg ad a binding agent. But they can't leave it raw so they dip the whole thing in egg and bake it. Then for fun, Kon adds salsa and melted cheese. And that's how they get cheddaregghotdogurrito
Tim and Bart start a group chat for Kon's surprise party… with Kon
The same thing happens for Tim's birthday
One time they see a subway train out of commission so they're like "can we have it" and the city's like "sure" so they take it and convert it into one really long bed
They try to fish in the desert. They're convinced (in part by Bernard) that there's a lake under the desert with New Secret Fish so they drill a small hole for a fishing line and wait
The first time washing blood out of their uniforms, they go on google and get a whole list of things to remove bloodstains then make the Ultimate Turbo Stain Remover by mixing detergent, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, ammonia, Coke, cornstarch, and baby power in a hot tub. Then they climb in and regret everything
They talk about what they wanna name their kids. Kon says he wants 3 kids and he'll name them all Tim Jr. and Tim's like "they can't be Tim Jr. if I'm not their dad, that's not how it works" and Kon's like "can too" and they go back-and-forth, meanwhile Bart says he wants to name his Snorlak
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epickiya722 · 6 months
So I just read a meta about how Yuji is not at all parallel with Getou. "Because Yuji is really kind from his heart unlike Getou...." Can I ask, is there really an interview where Gege said that Getou is too kind in the cruel JJK universe? Do you agree with the parallel between Yuji and Getou?
[I apologize beforehand, this kinda got long because I got into the topic and I'm running on low HP. So this may be a little all over the place. 😅]
Okay, so I don't know if there is an interview of such a topic (I'm still "new" to JJK, like I'm just being more active again enough though I had been into the since it premiered and picked up the manga, not important right now though) but I can answer that second question!
I disagree with the fact that Yuji and Suguru can't be compared because Yuji is "too kind". Don't get me wrong, my boy is so kind. And the same be said for Suguru once upon a time.
So I do agree with the parallels.
The thing is, Suguru didn't start off as some evil guy. And even if he did, that doesn't mean him and Yuji can't be parallels to each other, let alone be compared.
Sometimes, it seems forgotten that Suguru was just a child, too, when his life took a whole different course. He was just a year older than what Yuji is when he witnessed the death of Riko. At 17-18 years old, he finally snapped.
Sure, they're totally different characters on the surface. When you see Suguru, you wouldn't think Yuuji and vice versa. It takes sitting down and letting your mind wander and seeing those similarities.
If there are hero characters that serve as parallels to their villains, I don't see why Yuji being "too kind" would be an issue to why he can't serve as a parallel to Suguru.
Now, I don't know if Gege wants us to see them as parallels, but I do see that the characters share some similarities. Wrote a post of said similarities way back when, but I'll do a recap here!
Small details are that they're both are/have been in a trio that consists of them (Suguru and Yuji), a girl with a bob (Shoko and Nobara) and another guy who comes from a high-status clan with a string technique born in December (Satoru and Megumi). They both lost a limb (Yuji lost a hand and Suguru lost a whole arm), fought some old guy, has fought Yuta, and has a thing for loose clothing.
Now, I see those more as coincidences. But there are bigger details that more-so dwell into and shape into their characters.
They have witnessed someone die in front of them and someone's death had set them off somehow to the point of Suguru and Yuji being enraged and questioning how things work.
Suguru was less than a yard away when Riko was killed in front of him and moments later, Toji tells him about Satoru. Suguru was already still in shock with Riko's death since it just happened and then Toji pushed him further with Satoru's "death" (yes, Suguru didn't see Satoru die, but his "death" was a trigger for him, like that's his other half right there). There's also Haibara's death. Haibara's death was definitely another tragedy for Suguru given that Haibara was kinda the hope spot for their group. He was literally the sunshine and then that dreadful mission happened.
Yuji witnessed both deaths of Junpei and Nanami at the hands of Mahito. And as had death had been for Suguru, their deaths affected him greatly. Junpei's demise kicks off Yuji's hatred for Mahito and it's just the beginning of how his character begins to change. Yuji starts off more optimistic in the story, by the time the Shibuya Incident Arc ends, he has pretty much dulled. He already accepts his death in the beginning, doing what he can to save people. But then, he lost his fight against Choso, Sukuna did what he did and then Mahito came and killed Nanami and (seemingly) Nobara.
Both characters came to the realization that the jujutsu world sucks. They're just tools ordered by others (the Higher Ups 🙄) who don't do a damn thing really, to kill curses that will just keep coming. They accept that, but in different ways. For Suguru, he deflects and decides to "fix the problem" by killing the cause of Curses. Which is humans, or to be specific: non-shamans. For Yuuji, when he accepts it, it's when he has his final battle with Mahito. He doesn't decide to kill humans. He just accepts that "Well, Mahito, you're right, I am you. I am a killer."
Crazy thing is, when both Suguru and Yuuji hit their breaking points and kill/attempt to kill someone (Suguru with the village and Yuji with Mahito), it wasn't like they're enjoying it for revenge purposes or anything. They're both emotionally drained and just act on the simple nature of being a jujutsu sorcerer/curse user. They have those dead looks in their eyes.
Another trait they share is swallowing cursed things, which, again, plays into shaping their characters.
Suguru swallows curses and does not enjoy the taste at all. And it's something he has to do over and over and over. Curses are nothing but trouble for him. In his past, he uses his technique for saving, to do good as he believed he should do. When he chooses to be a curse user, he uses his technique in exchange for money. As a teenager, he pretty much was using a technique that slowly was mentally destroying him for people who wouldn't even know he was saving them and for people who wouldn't care less about him. If he's going to swallow the thing that he hates most just as much as he does for non-shamans, he might as well do it benefit himself.
His technique, piled on with the deaths he witnessed as well as the ugliness of people changed Suguru for the worse.
Same could be said for Yuuji. While he doesn't have to do it as often Suguru does, he still gets just as much mental damage as Suguru. At first, he handles it a little better, it's even played for laughs a little. When he first swallows one of Sukuna's fingers, it's to save his friends and Megumi. He doesn't think about it, he acts on it. When he swallows the second finger, it kicks in how gross it is, but he brushes off the taste. The third finger, he wasn't even conscious for. Sukuna swallowed that one. Four finger, again, Sukuna did that. However, even though Yuuji is aware that the more fingers he swallows, the closer his execution date is, and isn't sure how many fingers it would take for him to lose control of Sukuna, he just asks "should I eat it"?
It's when fingers 5-15 are consumed when things really hit Yuuji hard. He loses his fight against Choso, and is unconscious and close to death, which allows the Hasaba Twins to feed him finger #5. Jogo comes along and feeds him the next 10 fingers.
Sukuna takes over and we know what happens after that.
After Sukuna destroys Shibuya, he dumps that trauma on Yuuji who blames himself for the destruction. It goes down even further down hill for him.
Speaking of Sukuna, that's another thing they share. Not Sukuna, but body possession.
Both Suguru and Yuuji's bodies become vessels for 1000+ year old beings that cause nothing but problems for everyone else all while they're being used for other's advantages.
Kenjaku possesses Suguru's body to use his technique. Sukuna possess Yuuji's body as a way to be brought up into the world. Although he doesn't have control of Yuuji's body all the time, whenever he does, he makes sure to make the most of it.
(And if you're a manga reader, you know he definitely have done that.)
It also strikes me as interesting that both characters have a connection to Kenjaku in some way. As mentioned, Suguru's body is possessed by Kenjaku and Kenjaku is responsible for Yuuji existing. And I just know that had to be foreshadowed, too.
That part when that the Worm Curse Toji had comes in contact with Suguru can calls him "mommy"? Yeah... Suguru becomes a mom, alright. Adopts twins a year later, dies years later after that, body gets possessed. And what do you know! Suguru's body gets possessed by Kenjaku... who just before taking Suguru's body had been parading around as Kaori Itadori... Yuuji's mother!
Really, what sets Suguru and Yuuji apart is that Suguru ended up from being a hero character to a villain.
For two characters to never had interacted, they do have similar stories.
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universe-prime · 1 month
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At long last it's finally DONE😩
For anyone who's been following my old Fugitoid doodles, you'd probably notice that the design has been quite inconsistent between each drawing, so I finally made myself solidify just HOW I wanted my Rise iteration to look. It's kinda funny tbh because I originally started this entire journey thinking "man I like Fugitoid, it's a shame that it's only used as a plot device or exposition machine" to essentially building up an entire new backstory and lore as if this were my own child LOL
Anyway, here are some of my doodle notes and concepts for this lad, as well as other notes to expand even more!!
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○ this version of Fugitoid doesn't possess any weapons, except for the tazer-like attachment that their hand can turn into. This is mostly for self-defense and as a last ditch effort because(for obvious reasons) they aren't physically very strong
○ speaking of self-defense, although they don't/can't fight, the Fugitoid is INCREDIBLY bendy and agile to the point that you gotta question if there's even any solid mechanisms in there at all. They can extend and shorten their limbs to an unknown length, all in an effort to be as hard to grab or hit as possible
○ along with these mechanisms, there are so many other attachments and configurations that the Professor is capable of!! What I've drawn is merely a fraction of what they can do, and the stuff I've thought of is about 80% practical and 20% just comedic effect. For instance, the built in skates and extending eye-microscope is totally a daily use thing, but I imagine if it was on the show, there would be gags where a button would be pressed and it'd have a toaster oven in its chest or a full knitting set stored away. My reasoning is mostly that A) the Fugitoid has had a lot of time with this body and wants to be prepared for any situation and B) I just think it's funny°☆
○ on the topic of being in this body, this Fugitoid is WAY older than they might seem. I can't accurately say if they're older than other iterations, simply because I'm not sure if an exact age or time was ever given for those bots, but I can say that the Professor has been dealing with this for many, many, many years. Too many to even count on one hand. It can't stay in one place for long or else it'd risk being found out, but its travels span across many different plants across many different galaxies, all with their own sense of time and distance. Not to mention the time dilation that goes on in travel like that, but needless to say...this bot is incredibly old LOL
○ for those that are curious, "my" Professor goes by any pronouns! They/he/she/it, it doesn't really care at this point. Maybe in its early life it did, but by now, there's bigger things to worry about
○ for any of those also wondering about how this Fugitoid looked before this whole...robot body situation well..👀 I plan on making a separate post for that, but for now just know that they won't look humanoid in the slightest. It always irked me a little seeing the Professor "alive" and he's just...a human or some pointy-eared guy because!! Come on!!! This is an alien! Let it look freaky!!! Where is the spice!! The flavor!?
○ Lastly(and this is mostly just notes on the design) but I added more teal/green to the look cause I liked the color and thought it was such a shame that the only use of it on the Fugitoid was in the face. I just thought it'd be nice to use it more to kinda break up the monotonous white and grey of their usual body
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Feral Hunter
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I wrote most of this in a reblog but thought it deserved its own post as my unwieldy response took on a life of its own, which they have a tendency to do. I’ve added more to it as well so there’s some new extra ramblings on one of my favourite ideas/headcanons/theories for season 3 of The Bad Batch. 
Give me Feral Hunter. My kingdom for Feral Hunter. Completely unhinged, vengeance fueled, feral Hunter. He can go on his Joel Miller/The Mandalorian/John Wick/Liam Neeson in Taken/The Punisher arc, as a little treat.
I've been trying to figure out why I love this idea so much. I think it's because we never really see any of the Batch actually, properly unleash. Sure, they're unconventional and a bit bonkers in their approach but they're still a very well-oiled machine. When they're on a mission, they all know exactly what they're doing, what their roles are, and where their squad mates are. Even when they improvise on the fly, they all adapt fairly easily and smoothly. Everything is still all rather professional, smooth, and efficient. Like they're all operating on muscle memory, which they basically are given how many countless times I'm sure they've trained and done missions together.
Even when the Batch is fighting their way through Kamino, they still operate with that same smooth, efficient, hyper competent professionalism. Despite their unorthodox approach, there's still this sense that they're contained. Never throwing off the shackles and being completely unrestrained. The full unbridled force of their abilities and skills simmering just below the surface, waiting to be given free rein and just obliterate everything.
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There's a little hint of this in the opening scene of episode 2x14 'Tipping Point', where the ARC Trooper in Echo comes out to play. But oh, how I would love to see more. From all of them, but especially Hunter. 
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Look at his face. Look at that expression and all those emotions from Sergeant Stoic himself, who is usually fairly reserved and contained. Dorito Bod Bandana Space Dad on the warpath to get his ad'ika back, cutting a swathe through the Imperials, leaving a trail of bodies in his wake, and taking out anything and everything that even thinks about getting in his way. Hunter goes full Space Rambo mode, ruthlessly taking out Stormtroopers, blood dripping off his vibroblade, eyes wide and deranged, as he turns into a complete animal. His half tattooed skull now completed by the blood of his enemies covering the other side of his face. For extra angst, when he finds Omega, she doesn’t recognise him. The figure standing in the smoking remains of the door to her cell looks like Hunter. Is wearing Hunter’s armour. Is holding Hunter’s vibroknife. But that’s not Hunter. That’s not her buir. Not anymore. And she’s afraid of him. We get a little hint of this at the very end of season 2 and oh ho ho, I am so ready for more. I am so ready for Hunter’s descent into vengeance, revenge and rage. Not just Hunter either, I’d love to see the rest of the Batch unleash as well.
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Can you just imagine Wrecker properly unleashing? All of that strength and power finally freed as he rips limbs off Stormtroopers, snapping necks and crushing skulls with his bare hands. The crumpled, pulverised bodies of his enemies discarded behind him as he rages down corridor after corridor of whatever Imperial base they’ve infiltrated. We got a hint of how damaging Wrecker can be when his chip activated but that was chip controlled. This would just be pure Wrecker. 
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We see a little more of this in Crosshair's actions and you could also argue that this is chip controlled. Or if his chip has actually been removed, then Crosshair’s actions are definitely still clouded by his Imperial mindset and blind delusion that the Empire is right. Right up until it all goes horribly wrong on Barton-4 and he finally wakes up to the reality of his nightmare. Either way, that unrestrained part of him is still there. The amount of rage and anger that must be building up and festering inside Crosshair is eventually going to explode. When he snaps like he did at the end of 'The Outpost' then there isn’t going to be an Imperial left without a blaster bolt between their eyes. When Hemlock ends up dying (he better), my bet is on Crosshair taking him out and getting revenge. And it won't be pretty. He'd shoot him execution style at the very least. 
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I'd love to see Tech (shut up he's alive) completely lose it and finally snap off every ounce of his carefully crafted control. I've written about this before but Tech's combat is exceptionally efficient and precise. He only ever uses the minimum number of shots or moves to take out an enemy because he doesn't need to expend anything beyond what is necessary. Complete economy of form. His combat style is very contained, almost like a mirror of his personality and character. Can you just imagine him snarling and growling like a beast, teeth bared, eyes dark, face distorted in rage, as he slams a Stormtrooper's head into a control panel desk with enough force to crack their helmet and shatter their visor. 
I mentioned above that we've seen a tiny bit of this slightly unhinged quality from Echo. There's another little hint of it when they're all in that training simulation on Kamino.
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This gifset from @starqueensthings shows this perfectly, especially the above gif. I love the line they wrote at the top of their post as well, which I'm going to quote in part here: "I’d like to introduce my scomp arm TO YOUR JUGULAR WIRE." This perfectly encapsulates the unhinged quality lurking in Echo. He just leaps onto the back of what looks like the Kaminoan version of a B2 super battle droid and then proceeds to flail and stab madly before plunging his scomp arm into the battle droid's chest and ripping out the droid version of its jugular. Absolutely unhinged behaviour. The absolute madlad.
Now picture Echo finally snapping and doing this to a bunch of Imperials and just absolutely annihilating them. There is so much in him that is screaming to be let out. The general batshittery that comes with being an ARC Trooper. The insanity and chaos of coming from the 501st and Torrent Company. The unconventional, yeet-the-reg-manual-out-the-airlock, bonkers existence of The Bad Batch. Plus all that trauma, fury and rage of what has happened to him, what was done to him, and everything that he’s seen, experienced, endured, suffered, and survived. When the last few frayed threads holding Echo back finally snap he is going to go completely postal.
Is it healthy? No. Is it "good"? Probably not. But my god, would I love to see it.
The Clone Wars has a history of tackling and portraying difficult, multilayered and nuanced topics and we've seen that in The Bad Batch as well. More recent Star Wars series, such as Andor and The Mandalorian, have also had a real interest in showing the murky areas that exist between the good (Republic) and the bad (Imperial). There's been a particular focus on showing that there's a lot more grey than we think, rather than the pure dichotomy between cliched black and white. That sometimes there is no right or wrong decision. That sometimes everything is awful and everyone is stuck in a shitty situation from which there is no way to escape unscathed. In order to make it out alive, lines are going to be crossed. The battle of good vs evil takes on a new edge and the line between good and bad gets very murky.
That quote about how “You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain” comes to mind. In this instance, the Batch are still fighting tooth and nail for each other but their sacrifices and actions are starting to take them to much darker places. It’s a classic example of good people being driven to do bad, awful, terrible things when those they love are in danger and they will do whatever it takes to save them.  
The whole 'deeply flawed parental figure seeking vengeance' is a popular trope at the moment as well so Feral Hunter would make sense narratively for a number of reasons.
Will we actually get it? Probably not. And even if we do, it'll probably still be a watered-down kid friendly version.
But oh, just imagine if we did.
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fountainpenguin · 2 months
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"And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem... but if I know you, I know what you'll do..." (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 29 - “Melt (Jimmy, Pearl, Sniff)”
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Start from Chapter 1
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
Jimmy's NOT about to lose this game. He takes the slimes' turf war banner where no one will ever find it... outside New Star Station's perimeter. Meanwhile, Pearl and Rhetoric visit Mumbo's flat to borrow his llamas. Scar and SnifferMyFeet unwind after a long evening of glitchy code.
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
SolidarityGaming - Canary (Ex-Cockatiel)
Status: Not losing
Event planner & health teacher at New Star Station Education building
🖤  🧡  💚
They'll never find him. Never, ever, in a billion years. Jimmy muffles his giggles in the crook of his sleeve, snuggling up in the sky blue wrinkles of his jacket. Overworld's sky, anyway. Voices echo outside the cave, half drowned in the noise of the moat from up the hill…
This is fun. Everyone's looking for him. They think they'll catch him - think he'll make a mistake - but they're not going to win. Nah, not him. It's like playing Decked Out all over again, except this time he's without Tango or Etho shouting encouragement in his ears. Jimmy wedges his shoulders back against the bedrock blocks, keeping every breath slow and even. His fingers curl more tightly around the banner in his hand. It's blue and green, marking slime territory. It's not a real rule about borders and where different species can go. Everyone's just having fun. It's a game. It's a point system. It's currency. It's play.
And I'm winning. He's staying alive. He's not getting caught; he's not the first one out. He hunkers in his long-legged ball of limbs, fluttering his wings, and listens with a tight-lipped smirk to the people walking around outside.
"Do you think he's hiding in Tango's room?"
"They'll be exes by morning, then. Can you imagine walking in on your blaze boyfriend with a slime border flag? What do you do- Thump it in front of the toilet so he can't use it this month? 'Babe, c'mon! Don't be like that!'"
Uproarious laughter. Jimmy breathes softly in his sleeves, smiling only to himself. It's not his place right now to correct them on the whole "boyfriend" thing. See, they'd catch him then. That's how he'd lose the game. He stays on the other side of the bedrock wall, rolling his thumb across the banner wool.
"Maybe they had a fight," chimes in a third voice. "Maybe Jimmy wants to bother Tango. Maybe he's breaking up with him."
"Didn't see him with a token tonight."
"I don't think he's seeing anyone."
New voice: "Yeah, he- I guess he thinks he'll be waking up betrothed any day now. Urges must be getting pretty serious. Not sure why he bothers, though. The chances his partner's in New Star must be astronomical."
"Didn't he use to date the mayor?"
Jimmy's fingers twitch. He doesn't open his eyes. Doesn't answer. He is winning this game, no matter what they say about him. It's the most important thing in the world. Everything pulsing in him is screaming for it. To burrow. To win. To stand up and fight, though he's trying to keep that urge tamped down.
"I think ZombieCleo's dating him now."
"Yeah, what happened to his ex? Wasn't he married to a bat girl?"
"I think so- I heard they divorced." The voices start moving away, heading farther along the border road. Someone kicks a rock. It bounces, smacking, and the last speaker lifts their voice again. "Say he is in Tango's room. Does that mean we own the turf all the way out here?"
"If it does, he's wrecked the borders. It's going to be a pain to manage a huge spike in the path."
The words fade out. Jimmy loosens his grip on his limbs, breathing deeper breaths. His foot comes down with a thump, heel pressed tight to bedrock. He unfolds his wings. The banner's soft and squishy in his hand. He gets off the block he's been sitting on and starts to stretch. It's dark in the cave, even with his brightness settings turned all the way up. But…
… It doesn't look so dangerous. Scott always made it sound, well… like this place was a death pit crawling with mobs. Jimmy turns his head, gazing farther up the path. He's definitely win the turf war if he took the slime flag all the way up there. The other slime hybrids are fussy tonight, but they'll appreciate this when everything is said and done. War isn't about who's right, but about who's left, isn't it? And there aren't any mobs. Jimmy pulls his britches up a little higher for the show of it, sticking his thumbs in the waistband. He's got the belt, though he could really use a cowboy hat and some boots with spurs. It's too bad Ranger's off the clock tonight. It'd be fun to get a little recording done.
Every step he takes up the bedrock path sends a shower of bedrock down behind him. It isn't steep, though sometimes it's easier to grip the walls and pull himself along that way. Luckily he has wings. His aren't too big. The tunnel's narrow, but flapping them helps him keep his balance. He wrinkles his nose, crumpled fingers pinching, and moves step by step up the path. At one point his foot skids. His hand scrapes the wall- he nearly lands on his wings. Jimmy hisses. He adjusts himself, bracing his palm against his knee, and starts moving again. And you know why?
"I'm not going out first. I have to do this. They're never going to find me now."
The cave doesn't smell damp or moldy. It's quite dry, actually. Almost unnaturally so. No dripstone. Jimmy listens for throaty witch cackles, ravager grunts, or passing wardens. None echo back at him. Maybe they're not real. Only the whirr of the bullet path. It hums and crackles with snapping white energy. Leaping. Guzzling. I didn't know the bullet path reached all the way out here. Is this a different one?
It only takes a minute or two of walking before he's at the top of the bedrock path. The ceiling's not as high as he'd like it to be, but it's high enough. The cave glows. The bullet path gushes, spraying data stream particles in the air, and rubs against its banks. There are no rocks in its center. Nothing but pure, empty energy. Jimmy takes every step with smothered breaths, dangling the slime flag from his hand.
[Full chapter on AO3 - Links at top]
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camlannpod · 4 months
Character Playlist: Peredur Green
Happy off-week! We'll all pretend this one was on time. If you're new, hi! Since Camlann releases every two weeks, on the off weeks I'm posting these breakdowns of the character playlists. You can find Morgan's here and Dai's here.
This week it's time for our favourite knight, Peredur!
Brother by The Brilliance
When I look into the face Of my enemy I see my brother I see my brother
Perry's big problem is that they're a knight. And they love the other knights. They feel a siblinghood with them which is incredibly hard for them to ignore. The knights are their family, their home, their story - the place they're meant to be. But it's a family that won't accept them as they are. Perry so badly wants the knights to change their mind.
2. Battle Cry by The Family Crest
Oh, my love, my heart don't cry We were born to die But for this moment, for all time Oh, I will fight for you I will die for you
Perry's a knight! They very much see it as their duty to fight and die to protect the people they love. Right now, that especially means Morgan and Dai, who they've been travelling with since their escape from the Knights. Perry will risk life and limb to keep them safe. (This song is also about Dai. A lot of these songs are about how Perry feels about Dai)
3. Cypress Queen by The Last Bison
On and over the northwest river We go trusting in the Cypress Queen She'll keep us afloat We retreat into our fortress gold To a sanctuary in the trees That i call home
I'm 90% sure this song is about a boat? But I took it literally - this is Perry's feelings about Guinevere, or Shújūn - a woman who they certainly do not trust for us, but to whom they are drawn by their story and with whom they, deep down, have a lot of sympathy. Perry knows exactly what it's like to have a major role in someone else's narrative.
4. See You Through My Eyes by The Head and The Heart
Until you learn to love yourself The door is locked to someone else I'm just as damaged as you are
Perry is just as traumatised by the apocalypse as everyone else, they're just better at hiding it. In general their approach toward their emotions is to pack them up tightly in a box and pretend they're not happening, which is obviously wildly unhealthy. Perry spends so much of their time inspired by and loving their friends, especially Morgan and Dai, but they never open up when they need to and trust them with the more 'difficult' parts of themself.
5. Carry by Branches
I'm feeling like Moses and my arms are getting heavy Brother, would you come and lift them up for me?
Perry has been single handedly carrying Morgan and Dai through the apocalypse. They would never admit it, but this is exhausting, and they desperately need a break. Unfortunately for them, they live in a riddle-twisted landscape full of magic and monsters, so they can never truly relax. They need to stop and they can't, and sometimes they think hey, if they lost the next battle at least they wouldn't have to get up and fight another one.
6. House a Habit by We Are The Guests
Let's make this house a habit Let's make the sun shine
Partly because Perry is Permanently Exhausted, they very badly want to turn the cottage into a real, meaningful home base that feels safe. Perry has always been the kind of person to put down roots, and the last six months of trekking back and forth across Britain has really worn them down. They desperately want this place to be a real home.
7. Selkie-Boy by Spell Songs, Julie Fowlis
Go now, Selkie-Boy, swim from the shore Rinse your ears clean of human chatter And empty your bones of heather and moor And your mind of human matter
Honestly, Dai fascinates Perry. He is completely unlike them in almost every way and they find that beautiful and addictive. They've always felt that there was something ethereal about him and his ability to find hope and love in even the darkest places. Perry would follow Dai anywhere.
8. Church Key by Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
Have you gone farther looking in the dark For a fire that can keep you warm Wander off the trail, lose track of all the details Till we make it to our door, where we can sleep
Oh Perry wants answers. The Cataclysm is an apocalypse of contradictions and mysteries and Perry so very badly wants to untangle the cat's cradle of stories in which they are caught. They are also exactly the kind of obsessive academic who will wear themself thin looking for the information they seek. Eventually, they just need to rest.
9. We Will All Be Changed by Seryn
We can write with ink and pen But we will sew with seeds instead Starting with words we've said And we will all be changed
The song on every main character playlist! For Perry, the apocalypse is a lesson in moving from theory to applied learning - from writing about flowers to planting seeds in the soil. It's fieldwork! In more ways than one, and in more ways than one, it's good for them, despite everything.
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farity · 7 months
In the Red of Night, part 8
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"They're fighting."
Alys looked up from her desk, her two monitors displaying various surveillance cameras, but her focus had been on her laptop, where she was arranging for a new ally to bend the proverbial knee and swear fealty to her.
"Who is fighting?"
"Aemond and that girl."
One corner of Alys's mouth lifted, but then she narrowed her eyes at her lackey. "How do you know this?"
"They had an argument at a restaurant. Some other friend of theirs threw water in Aemond's face, then the girls left together and Aemond and some guy went bar hopping."
Alys gave him a look. "Aemond Targaryen having a lovers' spat in public. I don't think so."
"I have video."
"I'm sure you do. That will be all."
The man left dejected, having hoped for some reward for bringing such a juicy morsel to his boss, but Alys glanced at the monitors. She had two cameras aimed at Aemond's building - one aimed at the door and the other aimed at his loft, although no matter what camera she used she couldn't see through the damn windows.
The Aemond she had met, all pent up rage and resentment might have entertained, even enjoyed, an argument in public, but the man he had become was much different. Colder, more unfeeling. He was like an iceberg, and was far more likely to walk out of someone's life than to allow a scene to be made.
Alys tapped her long red nails on the desk. She had spent centuries trying to get Aemond back. If he was so unsettled by this human girl that he didn't care about a public argument, maybe his emotional mood was back to where she could manipulate him.
Or, it was some sort of trap. He knew she was always circling, because she would never really let him go. He had been her prized trophy, the jewel in her cache that made all the others dim in comparison. If she could have him back, they would be invincible.
Or maybe he had in fact gotten tired of the stupid girl. Gods knew what he saw in her. Alys was far more beautiful, far more clever, and she knew Aemond far better.
She rubbed her hands up and down her thighs. She missed him. The vitality in him, the feel of his long limbs against hers. The times she angered him and he'd wrap those fingers of his around her throat and fuck her until she passed out. She missed his mind, too. Always searching, always seeking.
No human girl, certainly not this boring little basic bitch of a girl, could ever be deserving of him. He was a king, and he deserved no less than a queen.
* * * * *
Two weeks later
"Arya, I-," you collapsed onto the ground, your every muscle screaming.
"Get up."
You wanted to cry. Even with your newfound strength, Arya had been brutal in her training.
"You want that fucking witch to stab your ass while you lay around moaning? Get the fuck up."
Taking a deep breath, you rolled onto your knees and hands and got up.
"Run to the top of the hill and come back."
"Go before I make you do it twice."
You started moving, not sure if it could be called running, but it was one foot in front of the other.
"By all means, move at a glacial pace, you know how that thrills me."
You threw your arm back, flipping her off, as you began to gain some speed.
These had been the hardest two weeks of your life. Physically speaking. From having Aemond turn you, and the agony of the physical transformation, to realizing that yeah, you were stronger, but you couldn't break a boulder in half or anything like that.
"This ain't Twilight," Arya had said when you smashed your hand into an unrecognizable shape after attempting to punch the trunk of a tree. "You're not the strongest, it's the ones who have been around the longest who are the most powerful."
And if you were stronger than you had ever been, then Arya's training course was designed to take you to those very limits.
After the restaurant scene, you'd left with Arya, who was still shouting curses toward Aemond and Gendry as she shoved you into the car while you pretended to sob hysterically.
Once you were a few blocks away you'd lost the car that had been tailing you and gone back to Aemond's place, going in via the subterranean service entrance. Gendry had kept Arya informed of how many of Alys's goons were following him and Aemond, and then you had gone into the loft and readied yourself for the turning.
* * * * *
His flight was on time, which he appreciated, but he had felt the distinct stench of two fairly new vamps trailing him so obviously a child could have figured it out.
He walked around the concourse three times until they figured out they'd been made and left, and then we went into the first class lounge.
The moment he had seen the property in Scotland he had wanted it. It was rugged and wild, and he'd have acres of land at his disposal.
He scented her the moment he walked inside the lounge, the combination of copper and pine that was hers alone. It took him but a second to locate her, without turning his gaze, and when he sat at the opposite end of the lounge, he knew it was only a matter of time before she approached him.
He scrolled through his phone as she stood, reveling in the attention she got. She had a magnetism about her, Aemond couldn't deny that, but the rest of the men and women that turned to stare at the woman clad in black as she walked through could not know how bitter the lure would be if they dared bite.
"Aemond." Her voice was silk and sex, and he fought the urge to recoil. "I know you know I'm here."
He looked up, met her gaze. He blinked, and after a couple of seconds, turned back to his phone. "Oh. Hey Alys."
She flicked at her nails, as she always did when impatient, and sat next to him. "How I've missed you."
"Can't say the same," he replied without looking at her, and stood.
Alys followed him as he went to the lounge bar. "Aemond. Why don't we have dinner, like in the old days?"
"Whiskey, neat, please."
"Got bored of your little barista slut?"
He paid the bartender for his drink, tipping him well, and took his drink over to the windows.
"You and I know she could never give you what I can."
"What's that, regrets?" he snapped.
Her hand touched his arm and he wanted, oh so badly, to grab that hand with the red nails and bend it backwards until it snapped off of her wrist.
"Be glad she wasn't in the building when I burned it down. Although, you never know," she said sweetly, "anything can happen to a boring little human."
"Leave her alone, Alys. She's nothing to you."
He felt her fingers tighten on his arm. "But she's something to you. And I cannot have that." She followed him again as he paced up and down the wall of windows. "I know where she lives."
He turned, "don't bother. It's over."
"So I hear. How very unlike you to have a public fight," she grabbed his arm again. "Remember when we used to fight? And make up? Those are some of my favorite memories." She smiled coyly up at him. "I think you wanted me to know you were done with your little pastry puff," she placed the tip of her finger in her mouth, undoubtedly thinking it made her look irresistible. "Come back to me, Aemond, you know there is no one else for you."
He stared out at the aircraft being readied for boarding, telling himself every second he had to endure of her presence would be worth it in the end.
"You owe me."
At that, he smiled, and turned to her. "Is that what you want. An obligation fuck? 'Thanks for saving my eye, Alys, I'll put my dick in your sub zero temperature hovel of a cunt?'" He laughed, startling her. "You know, you should have just said that. It might be entertaining to finally pay my bill when it comes to you."
She looked at him, wide eyed, "no, Aemond. Not like that. We're not like that. You and I," she leaned in and he ground his heels into the floor to keep from leaping back, "we're better than the rest. There is no one else like you, my Aemond. And there's certainly no one else like me."
The announcement was made for boarding, and Aemond stared at the woman who had, once, meant something to him.
"I'm back in a week."
He turned away and went through the ticket check while Alys smiled to herself, and slowly sashayed out of the lounge.
* * * * *
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* * * * *
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Scrooge: GIVE IT AWAY!?
Webby: More like putting it mostly back?
Scrooge: BACK!
Webby: Yep! I'm calling it "re-adventuring!"
Webby: Well it’s kinda hard for any else to enjoy it right now-
Scrooge: ENJOY!?
Webby: -what with it all being locked up in bins and stuff...
Scrooge: I- bins? Lass, are you hearing yourself? The beasties in the other bin are dangerous monsters of magic and menace!
Webby: Exactly! Fun!!!
Scrooge: And the money in the bin is MINE. I collected it-
Lena: cough stole cough cough
Scrooge: -fair and square!
Webby: I know. You’re a self-made man.
Scrooge: That I am!
Webby: You worked hard and took risks and made an amazing life for us.
Scrooge: See? Bless me bagpipes, I didn’t risk life and limb gathering gold and trapping terrors just so anyone off the street could squander them- I did it for our FAMILY.
Violet: Hmm.
Scrooge: Oh alright, I did it for the adventure- which I then SHARED with my family! Happy now?
Violet: That is more accurate, yes.
Webby: And wonderful! Growing up in manors and going on adventures with you is great! But what about, you know… everyone else?
Scrooge: If someone else wants to run from a bloodthirsty unicorn, or earn-
Lena: Steal.
Scrooge: EARN treasure from an accursed temple, then what’s stopping them, eh? They can go right ahead and do it on their own dime!
Webby: How?
Scrooge: What?
Webby: How is anyone else supposed to do what you did, if there’s no adventures left in the world for them? 
Scrooge: …well…
Webby: How can they earn what you got if you’re hoarding it all in the bins?
Scrooge: … ah’m, ah’m sure there must still be, something…
Violet: There is not.
Lena: the nerds have spoken.
Webby: We've checked.
Violet: Multiple times.
Lena: and that pun is still the only fun thing to ever come out of your stupid finances
Scooge: Maybe you could check again..?
Webby: Dad, you asked me for a family business plan. This is it.
Scrooge: 'This' is also me life's work, Webby.
Webby: Exactly! It's AMAZING! But it's just sitting around gathering dust! Let’s stop wasting all your cool adventures and DO something with them!
Lena: Epic burn.
Violet: Unhelpful comment.
Lena: Sorry.
Scrooge: … just, put it all back? Give it up?
Webby: No. Invest it.
Scrooge: I'm not seeing much profit in it for us.
Webby: You will. There's always something new and fun and frightening to look forward to! So when the world needs saving, again, and a whole new generation of self-made adventures shows up to help fight for it- that'll be like the best investment security of all! Right?
Scrooge: …… ah suppose…
Lena: also like, we’ve already snuck out the sword horse, sooo
Scrooge: you wha- You’ve WHAT
Webby: It was antsy!
Violet: Your other bin is severely lacking in adequate environmental stimulation. And alarmingly lacking in security.
Lena: And Webby wanted a rematch with it
Scrooge: She wanted a- o' course she did. Did you win, lass?
Webby: We had to reattach it’s horn with super glue so I think so!
Scrooge: That’s my girl.
Webby: Thanks! Am I also your girl of sound financial investments??
Scrooge: That's...
Scrooge: ... aye, lass. That you are. Truly.
Violet: 'Aww'.
Webby: My name's Webby?
Lena: Ooooh~
Webby: Wait- my name ISN'T "Truly", right? I don't have ANOTHER secret name do I? Having a clone name is fine, and getting the McDuck name is AMAZING, but they're really starting to stack up now and Scrooge wants me to work on my signature only it's really hard to fit it all on one line and I also kinda wanna add another one someday maybe depending definitely not having anything to do with YOU Lena I'm just staring at you right now because it's really FUN and ENCHANTING and wait, what're we doing right now...?
Scrooge: Will you two miscreants get this girl out of the manor before the air in here does her any more harm.
Violet: We require no prompting.
Lena: C'mon Webby, delight of my dark and accursed existence, let's go bankrupt your dad.
Webby: Okay!!!!!
Scrooge: Just- just some of the money now, not all of it. NOT ALL.
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blue-howlite · 1 year
Being Jaha Lee's significant other headcanons.
You being in a relationship with this walking menace but it's his second life.
Author note: I just want to awaken the Jaha Lee simps out there, I need someone to talk about him and simps are the best when it comes to talking about fictional characters.
So, in a way or the other you ended up in a relationship with this absolute menace. Good luck.
Because he has the habit of killing people just because he feels like that, so you either don't care about it or you'll have to always be vigilant to save people.
Aside from that, let's imagine the actual relationship.
First of all: he confessed before you.
I can imagine it as a completely normal day, you're doing your own thing, then he comes up to you and just asks you "Will you be my lover?"
He might add some romanticism to it, maybe praising something about you but if he does it's probably going to be about the way you fight.
"The way you knocked out that guy the other day, your movements and precision... Pure art."
"Sir, I literally smashed a vase against his head."
"Yes, and it was beautiful."
"Your blood-covered figure after killing those men... I thought an actual demon finally descended in this world."
"...is that a compliment or...?"
"What else?"
Now, he got himself a lover, you.
He knows he's better than everyone there so he doesn't worry if you give other people attention.
So he doesn't get jealous. Actually, he would probably think that it's good for others to be around you, because if you have a good influence on him you will surely he a good influence on them.
But is he possessive?
He will have public displays of affection with you at any given time. It's something between showing you off and showing others that you're his.
If someone else touches you, they're losing a limb. He wants people to respect you the same way they respect him. Only his commanders and his "siblings" can touch you in a friendly way, because he respects them and trusts them enough.
Not Sungtae tho. He gets drop kicked if he tries anything funny with you or makes you slightly uncomfortable. Unless you want to be friends with him, which Jaha Lee will disapprove of but won't stop, Sungtae better keep his distance.
Except for the ones mentioned above, every other subordinate risks to lose their hand. Because of how hard it is for you to keep Lee at bay and remind him that his subordinates need their hands, everyone respects you and kind of fears you.
"I'm cutting his arm off."
"Jaha Lee, no."
"His hand?"
"No, he needs it to hold his weapon, remember?"
"What about a finger? He doesn't need all the fingers for that. I'm sure he can fight-"
"You're not cutting anything."
"...not even the tip of his pinky?"
He loves cuddling. No I won't elaborate on why or how I know this.
He loves to just lay down, rest his head on your lap, wrap his arms around your waist and feel you. Bonus if you pet his head or play with his hair, he'll be in paradise and will name a new technique after you.
Most of the time you're cuddling he'll let you spoil him.
But sometimes he won't.
He'll get grumpy for something (maybe you didn't let him kill someone he really wanted to kill) and is just sulking, ignoring you.
Come one he's a big baby we know that.
Anyway he becomes cold and grumpy, if you ask to cuddle he'll just ignore you. In general he won't let you close.
But he can only last for a while without you.
He'll come back to you, but still grumpy and instead of asking you for cuddles as his lover he'll command you to cuddle him as his subordinate.
He gets over it after the first twenty seconds you agree.
Pet names? He probably gives you the weirdest ones ever existed but when he explains them to you they are actually very sweet.
"My sheath"
"I'm sorry?"
"It's because even when I'm covered in blood and my purpose is accomplished, you still embrace me and put me to rest."
Also food names are on the table, because you give him energy. And he likes food. AND he likes you.
If he takes you along when he goes to fight it's because he knows you can handle the situation, otherwise he leaves you with someone to guard you.
Bonus for all the haphephobic people out there.
I'm not haphephobic even though I don't like people just coming and touching or hugging me. Like there are literally two people that can touch me any time and one that is some times ok and some times not. But normally I just flinch away the moment someone touches me.
If you don't like or you even fear physical contact, he will have a hard time with that. He will try to make you accept his affection and cuddles, but if it doesn't work then he'll just give up and find other ways to enjoy your company.
If you like reading he will ask you to read to him.
You like singing? That's great, he likes listening.
In general he will use any hobby you have as a way to spend time together.
Also now anyone that touches you is dead. Even a slight nudge can mean a death sentence.
When you two are together he'll make sure everyone keeps their distance and if someone gets too close he'll just shove them aside.
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tokiro07 · 5 months
Undead Unluck ep.15 thoughts
[Trauma Dump]
(Contents: immediate reactions - additions, analysis - OP/ED)
Only a chapter and a half this time, huh? If y'all hadn't wasted time with that recap last week, we could've gotten to the juicy bit as the cliffhanger this time...ah well, guess that'll just be how next week's episode opens
Despite the fact that this was pretty much just an exposition episode, I do think it was one of the better executed episodes overall, particularly because of my favorite thing: adaptational additions!
They were all pretty brief, but the little added bits of seeing Under up close rather than just really tiny in the background was greatly appreciated, and I think did a lot to help build up the type of threat they are
Juiz was also standing before the tablet, which, funny enough, has never actually been shown in canon! We've had it alluded to and represented visually, yes, but we've never actually seen a character in the same room as it. It almost felt like a hypothetical up to now, but nope, it's real and absolutely observable, at least in this adaptation
The real highlights of this episode are the new opening and ending themes, though. I'm really digging the new opening with how dynamic it is. I do miss the more abstract imagery, but what it lacks in symbolism it makes up for in intensity! Andy's limbs exploding into Parts Bullets, the meteor flying down to Earth, the title carved into rubble, Andy vs. Victor culminating in a frankly awesome shot of Fuuko staring down an oncoming meteor; it all looks so cool!!! My main problem is just that it ends kind of abruptly and the music and visuals feel kind of mismatched right at the end. I'm not sure how it could have been done better, but it leaves me with an awkward feeling upon finishing it
The ending theme isn't nearly as visually powerful as the first one, but I think it's meant to contrast it: whereas the first ending was about Andy's loss of self and search for death, the second one looks to be Fuuko's search for companionship. The first half of the videos features her alone on a bridge, possibly contemplating her death, until she sees Andy off in the distance and runs to him, with the two proceeding to walk through the autumn leaves with smiles on their faces. Andy woke up in the first ending to realize that he was with Fuuko, as if he had trouble accepting that as reality or was anxious he might lose her, while Fuuko is shown here actively spending time with Andy and the two enjoying each other's company. This is also intercut with Juiz and Victor sitting together in snowy ruins, a vision of days long since past vs. Andy and Fuuko's blissful, if destined to be short-lived present in the dying leaves of autumn
Overall, I enjoyed the new OP and ED, but they're definitely not perfect. I'll probably come to enjoy them more and more as we go, and I definitely look forward to seeing full translations of them (which I wouldn't be surprised if they already exist) so that I can understand the messages they're trying to convey
See you all next week, let's enjoy life!
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day-at-rhodes-island · 8 months
Why I'm not a fan of the seaborn: complaint 2. This is definitely the less important issue, but I'm not going to let that stop me.
Before I get into it: I am currently doing real studies with evolutionary modeling, like publishable academic stuff, so I know what I'm talking about.
Evolution cannot happen to an individual creature. Ever. Pokemon lied to you. Evolution is the gradual change of gene frequencies in a population over time due to natural selection. Anything else is not evolution (in the context of biology). Whatever the endspeaker is doing is not evolving... unless it is.
One of the very few ways what we see might actually be evolution is if the seaborn are actually a symbiotic microorganism with a very short life cycle which can rearrange the cells of it's host (sort of like the Thing from The Thing). This would explain how so many things with radically different structures can be considered the seaborn, and it also quite handily explains how people can become seaborn. This headcanon alone allows me some relief from these fucking things.
For this next bit I'm going to put aside the fact that they can somehow just create meat when they need more, because if I account for that the "evolutionary" pathway they take makes even less sense.
So let's actually apply the concept of natural selection to the sea terrors shall we? To start off I would like to address the fact that the AEgirians didn't use their advanced technology to fight these things, because the seaborn would then evolve to that level and become unstoppable. That is not how this works.
Do you know what happens if you shoot a fish with a laser cannon? I'll give you a hint: it doesn't grow a laser cannon. Natural selection doesn't produce "better" gene frequencies, major negative traits disappear first and optimization or the emergence of new beneficial traits happens slowly afterwards.
The scenario is they are invading another creature's niche, and that creature is very effectively fighting back. So, which strategy is more likely to get you removed from the gene pool: continuing to push into enemy territory but with slightly better armor, or just staying the fuck away from the people with laser cannons? Evolution always takes the easy way out, not the best way, the easy way. Want to know why every terrestrial vertebrate has 4 limbs? Something crawled out of the ocean with four limbs, and it was simpler to move those ones around than make new ones.
Would the fish growing a laser cannon help them take over new environments, thus out-competing the ones who just stayed away? Sure, but there's no easy path to get there, so they would never get the chance to reach that point. (When talking about genetic algorithms, this is called a local maxima, look it up!)
In even a mildly realistic scenario of creatures like this actually being driven by natural selection, the situation would become a case of dealing with an exceptionally dangerous invasive species, rather than an existential threat to all other forms of life. As per my opinion in part 1, this would have been better.
The seaborn are presented as this purely natural selection driven menace, when in reality they're just the evil army of an ocean god-monster. The driving will to consume all other forms of life isn't natural selection talking, it's at best an excuse Ishar'mla uses so that He can get what He wants, and at worst a case of the writers genuinely trying to write a natural selection driven antagonist, assuming they understand the concept, and not bothering to check if they are right. And it really looks to me like the second one is more likely.
All they had to do was not make them the focus, not make them an existential threat. You can still do the themes of individuality vs conformity with a smaller-scale hive mind. You don't need another planetary-scale environmental threat, you have originium! I could forgive the poorly applied scientific principles, if they weren't such a mess narratively as well. If they had taken this approach the seaborn might have even been one of my favorite parts of this game (they have actually hinted at the possibility of the seaborn deciding that coexistence is actually the best survival strategy, and that would be super cool!). Unfortunately, as it is, the seaborn are bad.
Part 1
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rhersimp · 1 year
Rating Every Monster in the first Fear and Hunger on how Hard they Fuck:
For the sake of simplicity, I'm specifically using this list only to talk about Fear and Hunger's Monsters. Gods both new and old won't be included, but humanoid or formerly human beings like the cavedwellers or Pocket Cat will be. Got it? Cool. I’m only making a part two if Miro sees this and demands it of me.
1) Maneba - Something something tentacle sex monster joke yada yada. But for real tho, you'd probably get the same amount of sexual satisfaction jacking off into a plastic grocery bag in my opinion. Plus, talking to them reveals that they aren't very passionate creatures overall, so foreplay would probably suck. 4/10
2) The Guards - Probably some of the most intense dick game you're ever going to get in your life, provided that you survive it of course. Otherwise, they're pretty graceless, they can't dirty talk you, and you might lose one or more limbs. Not a great package deal for most. 5/10
3) Ghouls - Probably your most sympathetic option. The fact that they were once normal humans can abate some of the horrors if you're into fucking corpses. Not to mention that showing them love through marriage to become a more powerful being entirely. Truly a romance endorsed by Sylvian. Just keep in mind the corpse smell is there forever. 7/10
4) Lizardman – A beast for the scalies out there. These guys fight hard and fuck hard, but it's probably a little crude and simplistic. If you're a human, they're probably going to skin you alive at some point, though preferably after the sex? Don't overestimate the lizard tongue thing tho, it's not worth the hype. 5/10
5) The Night Lurch – There are just a lot of rapists in the dungeon aren't there? Like it's not just me? The dungeon must just be primo real estate to these guys I guess. Anyway, their spiny cock is probably a masochist's dream, and the extra prehensile cocks are def a nice touch, but unless you're a biastophile, they might come off a little too pushy in the long run. It would probably be a one-and-done and he wouldn't kiss you goodnight. 6/10
6) Cavedwellers  - Despite the weird, semi-racist implications of their origin, I think these guys are real gentlemen underneath it all. They're likely very practiced from having nothing to do but fuck all day to stay busy, and they'd make sure that you got off before they finished. They've also got some incredible endurance, so they can wait out the long game if you need to. So long as you never attempt to have a conversation with them they'll probably love you long time. 6 or 7/10
7) Miner Spectre and Other Spectres– Something tells me that the combination of existing only as ethereal beings plus the downside of being in a constant state of bitterness and agony isn't a recipe for good head. 0/10
8) Mumbler – This is a case of 'don't judge a book by its cover'. It's sad too, cause they're constantly erect and they've definitely got the goods, but even without the explosion hazard they're pretty unwieldy and hard to smash, plus fucking them is just an increased chance of brain-eating syphilis. Also, they're just terrible kissers. 2/10
9) Greater Mumbler – Now this is a creature of charisma, of elegance and joie de vivre! Unlike their counterparts, they've really got everything going for themselves: supple bodies, sexual versatility, free will from the god of the depths. I really don't think you get much sexier than that. Yes, there's still the explosion risk and the brain illness to consider, but also consider the depthussy. High 7 to 8/10
10) Scarab – I mean, if you can talk to them it might be down to clown. They're pretty reasonable manners wise, so they'd probably try to make sure you were having a good time. There's just no real way to do anything other than hands and mouth stuff, and you can't even get them off as a thank you so the whole affair just feels one-sided and awkward (unless maybe they cum acid?) Don't get me wrong, it's okay if you do tap it, but if I were you I wouldn't brag about having done it, you know what I mean? 4/10
11) Moonless Guard – Considering that the reason this thing exists at all is because a guard convinced a moonless wolf to a marriage is probably a sign of what you're getting into here. Trying to fuck this thing looks like it comes with more downsides then up ones though, mostly thanks to a giant mouth that cannot suck or smooch you. Is the half-animal half-guard dick good enough to risk the endless track marks and the very possible limb loss? Eh. 4/10
12) Body Snatcher – This thing knows the human body inside and out for sure, and it can use its multiple arms to tickle your ass into willing submission. Additionally, as a follower of the depths, it can probably hit your prostate/g-spot pretty fast and hard. If anything, this guy is probably a show-off with how much skill its got. The only turn-off comes from the fact that it's more insect than it is a doll/humanoid puppet figure, and that's more of a matter of perspective than anything else wouldn't you say? 8/10
13) Lord of the Flies - They've good a lot of strong qualities for sure. Big and burly, fluffy, Gordon Ramsey's face, ect. They could also manhandle your ass real good to be really domineering if that's your thing. It's too bad that they're insanely smelly tho, cause unless you get hot for the smell of wet dog rot, you're probably gonna puke all over him and that might kill the mood. Still, if you can stomach the smell, they might be worth it, provided he doesn't just kill you on sight or whatever. 7/10
14) Uterus – You know, I thought these things were called mannequins before looking more into their origins. That was a simpler, kinder time of ignorance. These things were created by a very bad person for extremely niche sexual reasons. Yes, you can sex it up, but know that if you do fuck it, you've earned every bit of judgment and revulsion that comes your way babe. 5/10
15) White Angel – Now this is hunk, pure and simple. Not exactly everyone's first choice what with the lack of genitalia and their dopey-looking arms, but just look at the fucking build of this thing! This guy's prime material for rutting up against on a cold night for sure, and who says hand stuff is off the table completely? He looks like he's got a couple of malformed fingers he could stick up your holes. The whole 'him being born out of your grudges' thing is also incredibly sexy all by itself like c'mon. 7 or 8/10
16) Lizardmage – With the proficiency of the yellow mages and the lizardmen's strength you've got something special on your hands if you manage to swing one of them. It'd be an interesting challenge to make out for sure, but this is probably the closest chance you're going to get to suck and fuck a magic dinosaur. Don't you dare tell me that you'd pass that up just because 'you can't get into a comfortable position' or 'the whole affair feels a little too close to having sex with a horse' or whatever. Pussy excuses! I will actively mock you if you turn down this incredible opportunity. 7/10
17) Cavemother – If you tell me that all you want in life is to smash your frothy sex organs up against the Cavemother, my only response to that will be 'Good, about time'. This poor creature lives for the sole purpose of getting laid and if you make it your mission in life to help them fulfill that goal I think that says a lot about your good and moral character. However, this is definitely a charity project, cause I get the impression smashing this creature probably just feels like rubbing yourself down with beef jerky before you get crushed under their weight anyway. They do have nice tits that can be milked, however. 5/10
18) Crow Mauler – Easily everyone's first choice, and how could you blame them? This dude's got train engine hips that can body you in a minute and abs like a garage door. The fact that he stalks you through the dungeon determined to decapitate you in a single blow is just the cherry on top of it all really. Honestly, your chances of getting laid before he kills your ass are fairly low, but it really comes down to the kinda bets you're willing to take. If you manage to pull it off and still have a pulse you're a goddamned sigma chad beast. 10/10
19) Molded – If you've got a thing for fucking raw meat I guess these are your guys. The whole thing does vibe on like an ero guro type level or whatever. I just feel like you'd also have to be aroused by misery too though, cause these things are sad to just look at for fuck's sake. No hands, arms, dicks, or even a decent fighting strategy, they're truly pathetic. I mean idk dude, feels a little mean-spirited to entertain the thought even. 3/10
20) Blights – They're literal god dinosaurs that can fly around and eat your face off. You could probably manage a much more viscerally graphic and sensual 'magic carpet ride' scene if you were seeking romance beforehand. I'm not seeing much in the way of 'fun stuff to stuff your genitals in' however, and what's more, they kind've have a similar texture to the molded which is kinda ehhh. A unique choice and it'll give you an interesting story, but I don't see it developing into romance or much else after the deed's been done. 6/10
21) Cavegnomes -   The cavemother's kids, but lord are they hella dumb. They seem so unenthusiastic about doing basic shit like even just engaging with you that I have a difficult time understanding where the apple fell in relation to the tree. If you manage to track one down and put your hot bod anywhere near them it's probably not going to last longer than a few minutes and you'll have nothing to show for the wasted effort. Good job genius, you basically just tried to fuck a bird. 2/10
22) Butterfly – Honestly fuck the cockroach king, what a fucking loser. The butterfly is sweet and has an earnest goal they're working toward. If the prospect of becoming their final form came through the two of you fucking they'd likely be down, but I somehow doubt the God of the Depths is that good-natured. If you're anything like me you'll probably want to baby him and make the whole affair very sweet, especially rubbing his lil wing nubs a bunch as you kiss his proboscis. If you are anything but gentle and sweet to the butterfly I will hunt you down myself. 7 or 8/10
23) Human Hydra – Now I know what you're thinking, 'Isn't this thing basically already just a big orgy ball of people as is? What will adding my weight actually do in the long run?' The answer is nothing! It's virtually useless! You'd have a better time losing yourself to the Sylvian bunny cult, cause at least they're not going to taunt you with COD lobby-level insults about your mom or whatever. 1/10
24) Black Witch – Just your average working-class gal living it up in the dungeon. Probably into some freaky pain-play magic stuff thanks to Gro-goroth so if that's up your alley then you're definitely in for a good time for sure. Not gonna lie tho, her lips look hella chapped and while I can completely sympathize (chapped-lipped girl gang for life), it does raise the question of how much bodily maintenance she's up kept to this point. Then again, you're fucking monsters in a dungeon so like…why am I even bringing this up? Whatever, she's got a mad sexy laugh. 7 or 8/10
25) Iron Shakespeare – The Statue of Liberty's sexy serial killer cousin. While kissing is probably off the table unless you like the taste of rusty coins, it looks like it'd be a lot of fun to spank his iron butt armor just to hear the 'PTUUUUUUUNG' sound that would come out of doing so. The fire is a bit of a hazard, and maybe you don't want to get too serious in the throes of passion as a result, but grinding up on some semi-warm metal probably isn't too different from your average night alone amirite y'all? 7/10
26) Trotur – This guy was definitely banned from most BDSM munches and it really shows. The dude does not have a safe word and does not care about whether or not you get off or not. Just a really horrible dom all around and I would not recommend giving him your Fetlife account. Like yeah, I get that there's someone for everyone out there, but I promise you that endurance is a finite resource and eventually this dude's 'I'm going to torture you past your human limits' act is going to get old. 3/10
27) Skin Granny – I'm just thinking that if that's what it'll do to your face imagine what it'll do to your foreskin amirite? 1/10
28) Salmonsnake – It's got good voring potential, and I imagine that its skin is probably very self-lubricating which gives it some points. The tongue also has some interesting capabilities, but truthfully, it comes across as a monster you'd have more fun eating seasoned than eating out. Then again, there's no rule saying that you can't do both, just make sure you tell people you fucked something closer to a dragon than an axolotl so that people will be more impressed. 6/10
29) Double-Headed Crow Mauler – I wish I could say that there's never too much of a good thing, but in this case I feel like you're not going to get a double dose of all the good stuff if you know what I mean. Still, it might be nice to have a partner coax one of the heads into some heavy petting while you go nuts on it from the other end. He'll definitely murder you both once you're done so it's absolutely worth the effort imo. 9.5/10
30) Red Man – Poor little guy, fuck Ronn Chambara's sadistic ass. This dude just needs some kisses and loving whispers and he'll be super sweet on you. It'll probably be the first pleasurable experience he's had in a long time, so don't take it too personally if he tries to smash you with his big fists at first. It might be kind've brutal foreplay, but patience and care will turn this angy boy into a gentle pile of salami.  7/10
31) Nameless – This guy is very much about quality control, so he's not going to let just anyone slob his knob. I like to imagine that he holds the exact same trials to bone him as he does to pass through the Golden Temple. Suffice to say the man (golem?) has high standards, very much so for what ultimately boils down to fucking a giant rock. Also, unless you're really into the taste of grit, this might be a make-out session worth skipping. 4 or 5/10
32) Old Guardian – A big ol' Alll-Mer simp, he's definitely going to play hard to get. Still, I don't see why that should restrict the guy from getting some game on in the meantime. Aside from his amazing fashion sense, I imagine that he and the Nameless are probably alike in many ways, the biggest of which being that they're both sentient rock people who probably fuck like rocks and have very high standards. The main difference between them is the patience of the Guardian, so chances are you can stand to fuck up a little more moves-wise around this guy and he'll be less judgemental. Well, you know, hopefully. 5/10
33) Harvestman – ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 10/10
34) Lady of the Moon – Normally I'd just chalk this up to being a Maneba on classy mode, but there's genuinely some sexual provenance here. She's got three very kissable faces and I imagine it would probably feel really nice to run your fingers through her tentacles. Sure, she might ask you to commit some child trafficking, but that's just the sort of trade-off you have to decide is worth your while or not! How far are you willing to go to get sloppy toppy off one of Rher's finest minions? And is anyone really gonna blame you for falling into the temptation? Probably, but fuck 'em. 8 or 9/10
35) Pocket Cat – Speaking of Rher's finest minions and all, I'd be remiss not to include the man, the myth, the legend himself. He's a gentleman, a man of consent and good standing and good breeding! It's too bad that you're probably too old for him in this go around, but again, I'm sure that for the small price of child abuse he'd be willing to give you a little peck on the cheek. Is it worth it? Yes. 10/10
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blorbologist · 16 days
9, 11, and 12 for the writer's ask game!
9. What writing advice do you think is worth following?
Write what you know *
* And if you don't know (because you've never built a gun, or killed a dragon, or cast magic), learn! I don't remember much about the internal anatomy of a hand, or what removing a section would do to the limb as a whole - so I researched anatomical diagrams, looked for testimonies of people who had shot their own hands (thanks Reddit!), and bugged @fatal-blow for insight about physical therapy for an injured hand. And with thousands of hours of Critical Role, sometimes I'm not exactly sure how a scene I want to reference went - so I find what episode it's in, rewatch the section and go over the transcript. I make sure I know the characters I'm talking about, even though they're not really real. But I know how the white flowers of the plants outside look like thick snow as they begin to bloom, and I know how strong a snake feels when it coils around my hand, and I know the ache of heartbreak - so I find ways to hold those close and incorporate what I've learned (both through research and through life) into my work. When you find enough scraps of knowledge, you can make anything feel pretty real.
11. What’s the biggest surprise you’ve found related to your writing?
Percy and Vex are my favorites to write for a number of reasons, but part of it is that both keep bucking the script and surprising me! The very first fic I wrote of them was intended to be a meet-cute until Vex took the reins; in Get your hands dirty, Percy was supposed to vehemently Not want the names of any loved ones on him give his prior association with only awful people being on his skin (but if Vex was suggesting the idea, oh, it suddenly sounded healing). The fact the characters can dig their heels in or bolt in a direction you didn't expect is so much fun!
12. Now that you have more experience, is there anything new you’d like to try (a trope, genre, style etc)? What is it?
One of my all-time favorite fics is The Wise Man's Tree. It's a stunning AU that offers a great mystery that is so strongly tied to canon! It uses our familiarity with certain characters to derive tension or trust and guide the reader's expectations about the mystery - until you realize what you knew actually kept you from realizing what was up!
Architects of our demise is me attempting something of similar-ish caliber. I'm trying a sort of mystery-adventure, and balancing information reveals with plot is tricky but a lot of fun. I don't think I'm quite pulling off the 'oh I recognize these characters/parts/plot points I know where this is going - WAIT SHIT' because I love mirroring canon too much, but I do hope I can nurture some dread (Aeor, the timeline putting this near the Calamity, FCG's murderbot-ness, etc.) :3
Ask me about writing n stuff? :D
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minhos-harness · 2 years
Trapped Together {Part Two}
Part One | Part Three
Tumblr media
pairing: minho x fem!reader
word count: 2.8K
warnings: swearing, violence, mentions of blood & WCKD being bitches
description: during their time in WCKDs hands, (Y/N) and Minho have unexpectedly become close. As the tests they're subjugated to become increasingly harmful, they become each other's anchor for survival.
Waking up in a bed next to Minho was a scenario (Y/N) never would have foreseen - yet there she was, nestled into his side with his arms cocooned around her. They'd curled up under the sheets together the previous night in an attempt to raise her body temperature which, after a while of shivering limbs and chattering teeth, they succeeded in. But alongside the warmth, Minho brought a sense of unexpected comfort (Y/N) was both caught off guard and pleasantly surprised by. It was a forgein feeling, one that, had she experienced before her life as a Glader, she couldn't recall. 
Lying still so as not to disturb him, (Y/N) carefully peered up and took the opportunity to study Minho, resting her cheek against his arm as she did. She had to admit to herself - rather begrudgingly - that he was attractive.
A few seconds passed before Minhos eyes suddenly popped open and a cheeky grin cracked across his face. (Y/N) gasped in surprise and jumped upright. 
"I know I'm pretty, but you don't have to stare so much," Minho whispered teasingly as his eyes followed her. 
"How long were you pretending to be asleep?!" 
"Long enough to know you were getting a good look, ya creepy little shank," he sniggered whilst sitting himself up. 
(Y/N) felt her face burn in embarrassment. "I- I just didn't think it was possible for your mouth to be shut for so long, so I was just appreciating the silence." 
"Whilst lovingly staring at me?" Minho queried with an arched eyebrow. He made no effort to hide his typical smirk. 
"I wasn't staring," (Y/N) insisted firmly, though she found she couldn't look him in the eye. ''And there was certainly no love," she added in a mumble. 
"Look, don't worry about it. I'm used to people gawking," Minho lightly shrugged. "It just comes as part of the pretty package." 
"The pretty package?" (Y/N) scoffed. 
"Yup. It's hard work providing the world with such beauty, y'know."
(Y/N) simply threw her eyes to the ceiling and shook her head. Though she continued to outwardly express her annoyance toward Minho, she couldn't help but feel oddly charmed by the way he teased her. Never would she have imagined feeling anything but irritation towards him, but there she was with her stomach flipping due to the way his warm, brown eyes trained on hers.
Shrugging the sensation off, (Y/N) leaned back against the wall and began thinking of the events from the previous day. She recalled the scientists experimenting on her body and, of course, injecting her with the very thing that resulted in her and Minho sharing a bed in the first place.
"You said they injected you as well," (Y/N) spoke, steering the conversation in a new direction. She could now ask the questions she hadn't managed to the night before. "The scientists, I mean. What else did they do?" 
Minho explained everything, which mirrored her own experience. The one thing that didn't align was her encounter with the Rat Man. Her face creased as she thought it over.
Why did they attempt to intimidate her but not Minho? Perhaps they thought she was an easier target. 
"You know, before I was taken to the scientists, Rat Man talked to me," (Y/N) informed Minho. 
"Rat Man?" Minhos face twisted with contempt at the mere mention of the man.
"It was nothing more than him trying to rile me up, I'm sure, but...I can't help but think he was being truthful about one thing." 
Minhos eyebrows perked up as a sarcastic bark of laughter leaped through his lips. "Rat Man being truthful? Ha, well, let's hear it. I could do with a chuckle." 
(Y/N) hesitated. If it somehow was true, the guilt she'd feel would be immeasurable. She'd never want anyone to be captured by WCKD, especially not because of her. But she needed confirmation of the truth, regardless of what it was. After a moment, she inhaled and released the words from her throat:
"He said it's my fault you're here." 
As she looked to Minho for his reaction, (Y/N) found him averting his gaze from hers. He shook his head and waved a hand absently as though swatting the idea from the air. "Nah, the Rat lied as usual. He's just trying to get into your head."
(Y/N) eyed Minho closely. With his instant dismissive behaviour, lack of eye contact and, most of all, her intuition, she didn't believe that was the case. She had no doubt Rat Man was trying to get into her head, but she couldn't shake the feeling that what he said was factual as well. 
"No, there's something you aren't telling me," (Y/N) said. She was determined to get the truth from Minho and would pester him all day if she had to. "What is it?" 
"There's nothing to tell," he denied. "Just forget about it. Like I said, he's trying to get to you, so don't let him." 
"Stop lying, Minho. I know there's more to it, so tell me." 
Minho inhaled deeply before finally looking at her. "It isn't your fault I'm here. Alright?"
"Well, what did Rat Man mean by it, then?" 
"All you need to know is that you didn't put me here." 
"That doesn't answer my question," (Y/N) pointed out impatiently. The frustration of him gripping onto the answer was rapidly mounting. "Stop being stubborn and just tell me, Minho. Please!" 
"Alright!" He cracked. 
(Y/N) swallowed against the lump that'd risen in her throat and tried to ignore the knot in her abdomen as she awaited his explanation. He sighed, propping his head back against the wall. A few seconds passed before he spoke. 
"When you were shot down, I ran over and tried to get you to safety. I'd managed to carry you just a few feet before the damn shanks got me, too."   
(Y/N)s heart dropped as his words sank in. "You tried to save me," she acknowledged quietly.
"Well as you can see, it wasn't exactly a giant success," Minho laughed slightly as he gave a vague gesture to the room around them. 
Little did (Y/N) know that Minho felt ashamed for his failure and kicked himself each day for allowing it to happen. To him, he was the reason they were there. The scene played through his mind often, the last thing in his memory being his hand outstretched toward (Y/N) after they'd fallen to the ground.  
"So it is my fault," (Y/N) inhaled deeply, rubbing her forehead. She shook her head at the realisation. Had she taken less risk in her shooting positions against WCKD, she wouldn't have made herself as vulnerable and Minho wouldn't have entered the line of fire to retrieve her. They'd both still be with their friends, safe and far away from those who sought to harm them.
A pang of sadness seeped into the guilt flooding her. 
"Minho, I'm so sorry…I should've been more careful, I-"
"No," Minho cut in sternly. "It's WCKDs doing, you got that? If it wasn't for them, none of this would've happened to begin with. None of it. Not the Maze, not the Scorch and not the deaths of tons of other kids. They gave us no choice but to fight, so that's what we did."
A wave of admiration crashed over (Y/N) for the boy sitting next to her.
Despite the strained history between them, Minho had gone out of his way for (Y/N) on multiple occasions. Not only did he risk his life and freedom for her and wound up captured as a result, but he also protected her from the inevitable guilt of knowing about it when he had the power to easily throw it in her face and use it against her at any time - especially during their spats. 
So that's what he was talking about, (Y/N) thought as it clicked in her mind. It now made sense as to why he told her she didn't know everything, that she had him all wrong - because that was the truth. 
"I can't believe you did that," (Y/N) told him. Their eyes met. "But why, Minho? We were never even friends. You should've just left me." 
"Well the thing is, shank, you don't leave family behind." 
In that moment, the sense of admiration within (Y/N) transformed into something else she couldn't quite latch a label onto. It was unlike anything she'd ever felt for Minho - or anyone else, for that matter - before. It was more than respect and gratitude. It was beyond the appreciation she now felt for him and it was more than the new-found understanding she had for him.
It was affection. 
(Y/N)s eyes strayed to Minhos lips and she found she didn't care that she was staring. In fact, she wanted him to see. In that moment, all she could focus on was the sudden, rising urge to find out how his lips felt against her own.
(Y/N) began to lean toward Minho, glancing between his lips and eyes to communicate what she was thinking and planning. 
"Just between you and I, I've always wanted to do this," Minho admitted in a low whisper as he eyed her lips in return.
"No you haven't," (Y/N) laughed with a slight roll of her eyes.
"I've always been at least a little curious."
"Oh yeah?" 
"Well you were the prettiest shank in the whole Glade, after all. Besides me, of course." 
(Y/N) grinned as they inched closer to one another. Minho smiled softly and rested his hand on the side of her face, gently running his thumb over her skin.
Just as their lips were about to come into contact, the door swung open, causing Minho and (Y/N) to jump apart. The familiar voice of a particular guard filled the room.
"Pardon us for interrupting," the tall man jeered. "But there's more important business to attend to than your little love fest." 
Minho got up from the bed, followed by (Y/N). "Aw, must be hard for you being so shuckin' ugly. Can't imagine you get a lot of ladies lining up at your door - or any for that matter." 
A false smile twisted onto the guards face. With a simple jerk of his chin, one of his companions stepped past him, handling the familiar spark of a taser. "You'd think you would've learned the first time." 
"You'd think you would've, too," Minho retorted before dodging the oncoming guard and tackling the tall man behind. They crashed onto the ground and Minho, locking his legs on either side of the guards torso, began pounding his fist into the mans face. 
(Y/N), seeing the taser headed for Minho, threw herself at the person holding it. It didn't take long for her to be on the receiving end, however, and her knees buckled underneath her. 
Alarmed by the yelp that tore into the air from (Y/N)s throat, Minho whipped around to see her body thud. He immediately jumped up and switched his aim, only to be met with a tase of his own. He collapsed next to (Y/N), who automatically reached out for him.
Minho pushed his own hand towards hers before it was yanked onto his back and bound by handcuffs.
The battered guard, now recovered and looming over them, spat out a wad of blood before returning his attention to the two Gladers. He stepped toward Minho before launching a foot into his side. 
"Janson wants them alive, remember," the guard with the taser cautioned with an uneasy tone.
"That doesn't mean we can't teach them a lesson," the tall man dragged the back of his hand across his mouth, smearing the spittle of blood beading his lips. He kicked Minho yet again.
"Leave him alone!" (Y/N) strained as Minho groaned in agony. He gave a weak cough from the impact of the kick. The guard redirected his attention to (Y/N). He pressed his foot down on her hand that remained outstretched toward Minho, causing her to cry out as he doubled down on the pressure. After a moment, her hand was relieved before her own set of handcuffs clasped her wrists. 
"Now you know what to expect if you insist on making trouble," the tall man sneered down at her before pulling her to her feet. Minho grunted as he was yanked up by the other guard. "Time to move. The two of you have a long day ahead." 
And so began the simulations. As the days went on, (Y/N) and Minho were consistently taken from their room and subjected to differing experiments within the mental hell they were forced into. At first, they were both taken together, but it soon turned into being one at a time. Whenever the sound of approaching footsteps came into range, it was simply a toss up as to who would be dragged out by the guards. 
Despite the effect WCKD and their relentless methods on the two Gladers, they found comfort in knowing they'd return to one another at the end of it. 
"You're okay," Minho told (Y/N) softly as they lay together on his bed. She gave a little nod in response as she nuzzled into his neck. She was the latest to return and was gradually recovering from a panic attack. 
"You're okay," Minho repeated as her breathing began to hitch once again. He reached for her hand, taking it gently and guiding it to his chest before resting it on his heart. "Just take a breath and focus." 
The simulations were eating away at their realites and the anxiety that came as a result was overwhelming. But when they were in their shared cage, (Y/N) and Minho had each other and in that time, nothing else mattered. 
Concentrating on the feel of one another's heart beats and engaging in breathing exercises together had become their primary grounding technique and proved effective thus far. As they did in being taken, they took turns in comforting each other, too.
(Y/N) squeezed her eyes shut and felt the pulse of Minhos heart underneath her palm. As she did, she attempted to align her breathing with his, focusing on the way his chest expanded and fell. After a couple of minutes, the anxiety began to subside. Minho caressed her head as it remained buried between his chin and chest. 
"We'll get out of here, (Y/N)," Minho told her. "We'll get away from these bastards and we'll get our freedom back. It'll be okay."
(Y/N) remained silent. She'd discovered she was far more pessimistic than Minho, having little hope of ever seeing the outside world again. Despite this, Minho assured her they would. He promised her that he would do everything in his power to make it happen. 
Little did he anticipate just how much damage WCKD would inflict.
It didn't take long for (Y/N) to recognise that Minho was being taken more often than herself. She didn't know why, but guessed Minho may be a more suitable "candidate" for whatever it was WCKD were torturing them for. No matter the reason, the toll on Minho was becoming increasingly worse and seeing him decline was incredibly hard. The confident boy (Y/N) knew slowly became a shell of himself. 
As usual, the door opened. The guards dumped Minho on his bed and left without a single word.
"Oh, Minho…," (Y/N) whispered, her voice breaking at the sight of him. Getting up, she carefully approached him. Reaching his bed, she crouched before him and gingerly lifted a hand to his arm. He flinched in response. (Y/N) retracted her hand and attempted to reassure him. "Hey, it's okay, Minho. It's just me." 
After a moment, Minhos eyes slowly trailed up to find hers. (Y/N)s heart sank as she caught the glistening in them. Never before had she seen him so vulnerable, so hurt. Tears began to swell in her own eyes. 
It would've been so easy to succumb to the heavy helplessness within her, to break down and give into the sobs bubbling in her chest. She would have fallen apart already if she didn't remind herself that she needed to be strong for Minho. He'd taken care of her, so now it was time for her to return the favour. 
Forcing a small smile onto her lips, (Y/N) reached once more for Minho. This time, he didn't flinch. He simply closed his eyes as she gently ran her fingers through his hair.
"You're gonna be okay, Minho. I promise."
The next day, (Y/N) was - unsurprisingly - taken. Before the guards escorted her away, she gave Minho a gentle kiss on the forehead and told him she'd be back soon.
Though she did return later that day, she found the room empty on arrival.
Minho was gone.
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