#I’ll probably do Blackpink but I might do other love languages first
chocotonez · 2 years
skz love languages: acts of service
a/n: I have so many ideas yet none exist in my head,,that’s not meant to be poetic it just means I struggled with some of these
genre/warnings: I don’t think there’s any, gn reader (should be, pls tell me if there’s anything implying otherwise!!), swearing, guys I promise I know my grammar I just like casual language for my hcs
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-okay these will be short and sweet because I have so many thoughts
-folds your clothes along with his, or washes your laundry with his
-remembers your schedule so he can remind you of important events
-gives you tips if you ever go to the gym together and shares his water with you
-blows on hot food before he gives it to you
-takes photos of things he remembered you talking about when he’s at the store and asks if you want it
-holds your hands in his when it’s cold and rubs them to warm them up!!
-brings you water/snacks if you’re studying/working with little notes on them saying ur doing a good job <3
-brings extra tissues or lip balm or hand sanitizer just in case you need it
-okay this is kinda niche but like clearing out your phone tabs or compter tabs and scolding you if you have a messy layout or smth like that
-texts reminders to you regularly, drink water, eat, take meds, clean your desk when you get home…
-sends you cute gifs to cheer you up
-always checks in with your feelings in his own way “hey u big baby, are you okay? do you need anything?”
-pretends to laugh at the videos you send him because even tho they’re usually kinda lame it’s from you and that makes him smile but he’ll never admit that </3
-organizes any mess you left behind, puts your dishes away or puts your shoes away and then makes fun of u for being “messy”
-wipes away food you got on your face
-begrudgingly lets you have more blanket when you sleep/cuddle together because he doesn’t want to see u cold or uncomfortable :(
-takes your glasses/jewelry off if you fell asleep with them on
-opens jars/wrappers/bags for you
-lifts you into his shoulders at festivals
-because it’s October here’s a lil Halloween inclusion of him holding your hands at haunted houses and yelling at the scare actors for you <3 (also because it’s his way of coping lol)
-turns lights off/closes doors if you forget
-if you’re in the bathroom before bed he fluffs up your pillows so ur all comfy and cozy
-reads messages you got out loud if you’re preoccupied with something else, or alerts you if something seems important
-tells you stupid bedtime stories to help you go back to sleep if you had a nightmare
-begins to buy larger umbrellas so you both can stay dry together
-if you wear makeup he wants to help you by either by blending it or just straight applying it and giggling like a kid because “it’s fun”
-brushes your hair and styles it
-this might be also niche but holding onto your shoulders while you walk rather than your hand because it feels more secure?? also because he feels like he can bring you closer to him
-I never really write idol s/os but the idea of him looking over to you during an awards show to periodically make sure ur okay makes me melt
-feeds you and then pinches ur cheeks while laughing
-usually lets you choose the movie/show you want to watch, same with places to eat (unless you don’t know what to pick, then he’ll help you figure it out)
-runs you weekly bubble baths for you two to relax in
-holds/opens doors for you
-always wants you to relax, back rubs or nights off and doing face masks together
-he applies ur face masks for you :)
-he’s more of a receiver than a giver for this love language, his is mostly mixed with gift gifting
-making you playlists or untitled songs or coded titles so only you can find them on his Spotify :)
-he adjusts ur clothes, I feel like he’s the type of boyfriend to pick lint off of u without being promoted
-he’s a bit messy so he’ll tend to throw things into your drawer so it at least has the appearance of looking neat, he’ll help u organize if that’s what u want tho!! U just need to ask <3
-always checks in on you unprompted tho, makes sure you’re doing well at any hour of the day and whines
-he either spam texts u or shows up at your house with no warning to check up on you
-stands up for u but subtlety (English is not my first language it took me like seven tries to get that right pmg)
-BUT as I was saying, if you want to go to a restaurant but ur too shy to say it in front of the ppl ur hanging out with, he’ll be like “I WANNA GO TO ____” until they relent <3
-kills bugs for you
-teaches you how to bake and if he’s alone, he’ll bake extra treats for you (his fave thing to bake u r cupcakes !! )
-helps you build furniture and never teases u if you don’t get something <333
-if you play online games together he’ll try to always watch your back and fight off enemies for you
-or if you prefer taking the offensive, he’ll simply cheer you on :))
-sends flowers to your workplace/leaves them on your kitchen counter
-stargazes with you or plans out meaningful dates where he treats you
-makes you playlists
-sings you lullabies if you can’t sleep or just wanna hear him
-stays up after you to make sure you went to bed okay
-plugs in your phone for you before bed
-he always listens to your advice or at least takes it into heavy consideration, makes sure you feel heard
-asks if his jokes ever go too far
-“excuse me, they asked for no pickles”
-alway thanks you for acts of services that you do for him, leaves sweet texts or letters expressing his gratitude
-weirdly sweet remarks about how you’re so pretty it’s annoying or “who gave you permission to look so good tonight?”
-covers your eyes during scary parts of movies
-unless asked, he always lets you sleep in on weekends but never fails to be a human alarm clock if your digital one isn’t working
-wakes up before you 99% of the time so he can at least start a cup of coffee/breakfast for you
-pesters you into taking care of yourself (laying on top of you until you brush your teeth, tickling you until you relent to drinking water…)
-never breaks pinky promises, and always tells you in advance if there’s a schedule conflict so you don’t have to wait
-if he pays you back for anything he adds a little message “thanks for lunch, love you so much”
-tries new things for you because he trusts you, and encourages you to step out of your comfort zone as well
-asks if you’d like anything before he goes to the grocery store, and always remembers it
-thanks you randomly for being such a good partner or if you did something nice in the past few days
-always gives you a comfortable space to express yourself in, lets you talk and never interrupts you
-makes sure you stay uninterrupted as well, glares down anyone who speaks over u lolol
-makes a special handshake between the two of you
-very playful acts of services but they r still acts of services <3
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sundaywonder · 3 years
the lost song : yoonmin
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Getting ready to start fresh in life, physical education professor Park Jimin is just waiting to migrate to Australia with his daughter and girlfriend. Everything gets topsy-turvy when world-class music producer Min Yoongi—and also his secret ex-boyfriend—comes back home to South Korea to marry his it-girl fiancé. If that wasn’t bad enough for Jimin, Yoongi invites him to the wedding. It gets worse; it leaves him no choice but accept it to avoid spilling the beans.
Although the worst happened back then, it’s not enough for their forsaken what-ifs and unsaid feelings from making itself clear. The situation makes Jimin realize how jaded he was without Yoongi all the years they were apart—and vice versa. As they slowly pick up the broken pieces of the past, reality hits hard back at them again. There are two choices: to give up on love and live in the present or to run away and never look back.
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Genre: Romance, Adult Fiction, Melodrama, Erotica
Fandom: BTS, BLACKPINK, Red Velvet, IU
Pairing: Suga & Jimin, Jimin & Rosé, Suga & Jennie, IU & Jungkook, Wendy & j-hope
Rating: M or R-18 — contains sensitive themes, strong language and graphic depiction of sexual activity
Status: Ongoing — 6/12
Link: Wattpad, ao3
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Excerpt: The Flower Bloomed — 10 Years Ago
Yoongi, 20
I hurriedly go down the stairs while vigorously drying my head with a towel. I knew I would oversleep. Aside from being a deep sleeper, I’m also not used to waking up as early as 7 a.m. Nine is still pretty early if you’d ask me. The cool air last night made everything even worse. I shouldn’t have opened the windows.
Good thing my grandma heard Aunt Hyeja yelling outside our house. If she didn’t, I wouldn’t have even noticed that her and our other neighbors’ missed calls and text messages.
“Make sure none of the kids get injured, okay? We don’t have money for their hospital bills if ever,” reminds grandma as she followed me down. I don’t hear and comprehend what she said until five seconds later.
“Got it. Bye.” When I get out of our gate, I immediately see Aunt Hyeja who was waiting for me outside.
“We’ll get going, Auntie Dooshim!” exclaims Aunt Hyeja.
“Alright, have a safe trip!”
“I’m so sorry, Auntie. I really am.” She walks so briskly that I have a hard time catching up with her. Regardless, I feel like that’s how should it be; I must walk maybe two or three steps behind her after what I’ve done.
“Don’t think about it anymore. The kids are already in there. You know our numbers so contact us immediately if anything goes wrong. There’s a ton of food on the table so feed yourselves when you get hungry. Don’t leave at least one of them unattended. Never attend to the gate if it’s a stranger and refrain from telling them that an adult is not present—oh, how old are you again?”
“My bad. It slipped my mind that you’re already an adult. Anyway, did you understand everything clearly?” I just nod. Aunt Hyeja doesn’t seem to be mad but it’s fairly obvious that she’s already dying to leave. I discreetly peek at her watch which says 7:15 a.m. I can’t help but shake my head. I reminded myself endless times to do well in this babysitting gig but I still ended up ruining the first thing about it. There must be something really wrong with me.
After arriving in front of the home of my best friends, brothers Seokjin and Taehyung, she tells me, “Also, your Aunt Misun told me that Jimin won’t be able to attend the excursion because he’s sick. He’s going to be home alone today so I told him that he can contact you if he needs anything.”
I gulped as soon as I heard Jimin’s name and forced myself to act nonchalant. “W-what happened to him?” It was definitely hard to do so.
“He has fever,” she replied. “Don’t you guys get more written projects in lieu of not attending out-of-the-classroom activities?”
“So, does it mean you like completing paperworks instead of attending trips and such?” I just let out a fake chuckle and nodded. I’m sure it wouldn’t sit with her when I say that I don’t like socializing and going to places with a lot of people. Aunt Hyeja is a social butterfly and—I don’t want to sound like I’m judging her (but maybe I am)—she’s not exactly the type of person to bother understand things deeper if it doesn’t concern her. Besides, it’s lengthy and we’re not that close for me to open up to her. An awkward giggle is probably better than an explanation.
The Kims already left when I entered and all the four kids were sleeping on the sofa in the living room, not even noticing my entrance. I decide to just sit on the floor and watch TV in low volume. My body is asking for me to sleep so badly that pinching myself isn’t working anymore. A faint regret is starting to form in my chest but I cut it out immediately.
After getting bored of the morning makjang drama that I forced myself to watch, I turn around to check on them. Jingoo—a cousin of Seokjin and Taehyung, as well as Namjoon who is also a cousin of the two—is already up but still lying on his stomach while silently watching the drama with me. Our eyes meet but he doesn’t say a word and just shifts his eyes back at the screen.
“Have you eaten breakfast yet?” I ask. Jingoo just nods. “What did you eat?”
“Seaweed rice balls and jeon.”
“Tell me when you’re hungry.” He just nods once again.
Our conversation awakens Taejoon, Chanbin and Yeongyu. Unlike Jingoo, they wanted to eat so I prepared the food that was left for us. Being alone with these kids who I barely know suddenly makes me feel weird for some reason. It’s probably because I don’t have any experience in babysitting. So far, it’s an alright deal. The money is good and you practically get paid to stay at home.
I leave them and go back to the living room, sitting beside Jingoo’s feet who hasn’t moved an inch ever since he woke up. “Where did they go?” He asks, not moving his eyes from the screen.
“A trip.”
“Event aunt and uncle? I thought it was a school trip.”
I let out a sigh and close my eyes. Some sort of hot energy constantly forms in my head the longer I talk to this kid.  “I don’t know why. Ask them when they come back later.”
It got rowdy when they started to play. This is way worse than I imagined. Toy cars and guns are all over the place and I need to remind them every two to three minutes that they shouldn’t be shooting bullets on the TV screen, as well as the vases and figurines. None of my words seem to get to their tiny heads.
I take back what I said. I don’t want to this ever again. I wasn’t like this when I was a kid. Even my friends. We weren’t anything like this. Not even close. We were well-liked by the neighborhood in general because of that.
Out of the blue, my phone suddenly vibrated. My heart almost dropped on the floor when I read Jimin’s name on the screen.
All of a sudden, my heart started to pound like it wanted to get out of my chest. I took a deep breath before flipping my phone and pressing View.
Hey, can I go there? It’s getting a little boring here.]
[ME (draft)
Of course! Bring what you need!]
I delete it before I could even think twice. I cringed at what I just typed.
[ME (draft)
Okay, but it’s a little loud here]
Maybe not. He might end up not going if I say that.
I’ll bring ramen]
[ME (draft)
I press the end call button and just fold my phone instead. I immediately go to the bathroom and wash my face with soap and water. I run my wet hands through my hair as well. Just as I got out, someone knocked on the door.
“Don’t shoot on anything!” I yell before walking out the door.
“Hey,” greets Jimin as soon as I open the gate. Unlike his usual self, the gloomy aura surrounding him can be clearly felt. His face and shoulders seem wretched as well.
“Are you alright? You look so pale.”
“Trying to be.”
“Stay in Seokjin’s or Taehyung’s room if you want to get some rest. It’s a little rowdy in the living room.”
“Thanks. I’ll go text him.”
As soon as I hear Seokjin’s bedroom door close, I make an announcement to the kids. “Jimin’s sick. Don’t make any loud noises from now on.” It did subside but only for a short while. “You kids, anyone who makes loud noises will not get to eat lunch.” They stop playing tok look at me with a weird expression on their faces, as if they’ve never heard someone say such a thing to them before. A hint of fear can also be seen. I fucked up again, didn’t I?
Unlike what I said, I started to prepare lunch when the clock hit noon. The kids gathered at the table and chowed down as soon as the food was ready. Meanwhile, I got my own food and ate in the living room.
[ME (draft)
Hey, lunch is ready. Can you go down here?]
Lunch is ready, feel free to eat here.]
What’s for lunch?]
Pork belly, barbecue, dumplings, rice and kimchi]
Damn, will go there ASAP]
I wipe the droplets of sweat on my forehead. My breath keeps on running as if they are trying to get away from something… or someone. I don’t know. I don’t even want to think about this. It only makes me go crazier and crazier. Even my well-trained emotional suppression skills are barely working. Helpless, hopeless—that’s what I am.
“Shit!” I hold to my chest in shock and turn around. “I-it’s you.”
“Yes, it’s me. You okay? You’re deep in your thoughts that you didn’t even notice me pass in front of you,” asks Jimin.
I shake my head. “I just zoned out.”
“Shit!” Taejoon mimicks while the other three laugh.
“Shit!” Chanbin and Yeongyu repeat in unison which makes them laugh even harder.
“Are you kids an adult to say that?” I ask.
“Shit!” The three exclaim, not even bothering to answer me.
Suddenly, I hear Jimin giggle softly—making me look back at him. “So, you can already laugh. Feeling better now?”
He just nods with a faint smile and takes a spoonful of kimchi stew. “Mmm, delicious. Did you cook?”
“Nope, one their parents probably.”
Neither of us talked after that; I just pretended the focus on my food while his eyes wandered around the place. Even though it feels like I need to say something, not a single word’s coming to my mind. My mouth is left agape from the urge to speak but not knowing what to say. For some reason, it seems to me that he’s feeling the same way. But how can I know for sure?
The kids come back to the living room not long after they have finished eating. I couldn’t thank the heavens enough; this is the only time today that I’ve actually become happy about their presence. Before they can even settle on their seats, I stand up to play the first Disney DVD my hand landed on: The Incredibles.
Jimin passes behind me so I look at him. He’s bringing my dirty plate with him to the kitchen. “Hey, s-sorry. You didn’t have to.”
He looks back and says, “Huh?”
“The plate.”
“Psh. It’s nothing.”
I follow him to the sink where he’s silently washing the dishes. He almost looks like he’s zoned out and submerged in his deep thoughts.
“Hey!” I jokingly yell from his back.
“Sh—!” He accidentally loses his grip on the plate he’s holding. It falls back to the sink, causing a small chip on the edge. “Oh, no…”
“I’m so sorry,” I say as I try to catch my breath. The plate looks expensive with all those blue Chinese prints. It most definitely came from an expensive dinnerware collection and Mrs. Kim would kill me if she sees this. I might have to babysit for nine or ten more times just to pay for the damage.
“Don’t worry about it. It was an accident.”
“But it looks expensive!”
“I was the one who lost grip on it, what are you being so worried about?” Jimin says with a faint giggle. I’m not buying it; he doesn’t sound amused at all. “Also, wanna watch?” He nonchalantly asks.
“This?” I ask back, pointing at the TV.
He just shakes his head. “Seokjin has a big collection up there.” I just looked blankly at him, deliberately making it obvious that I need more details to get what he’s saying. “Sola Aoi, Asami Yuma, Haruna Hana and so much more. We have everything we need up there!” I feel my whole body suddenly heat up upon hearing what he just said and my legs seem like they want to give up on me. “Hey, you okay?”
“Th-the kids…”
He takes a peek at them. “They’re already asleep.”
I look back at the kids and close my eyes in panic. Images of him being half-naked while beating off instantly flash in my mind. I vigorously shake my head along those thoughts. I can’t count how many times I saw him naked in the past. We even used to take a bath together along with the other guys when were younger. But this time everything’s different, especially to me, and it sucks big time. “Okay, then…”
He opens the dish dryer and puts all the now-squeaky clean plates, glasses, spoons and forks. “Don’t be so nervous. They’ll probably stay asleep until twilight or something.”
“Maybe,” I replied to him even if his words just seemed to bounce against my head. Naked. Naked. Naked. My mind just doesn’t seem to get tired about this goddamn word and keeps asking for more. Now, even the way he looks and smiles at me is starting to mean something else.
Jimin grabs my arm and pulls me until we reach Seokjin’s room. Before I could even react, the door was already locked and his pants and underwear were on the floor. My manhood starts to throb and harden as soon as my eyes lands on his half-naked body. He’s grown much bigger and thicker ever since I last saw him. That was a few years ago—same situation as now but with Hoseok and Taehyung, minus the feelings. To stop myself from completely breaking down out of panic and ruining everything for good, including our friendship, I just turn my head at a random teddy bear on Seokjin’s bed.
I sit beside him on the carpet and before also taking off my short pants and underwear. A strange kind of electricity seemed to charge on my body when I saw him look at my manhood. His mouth slightly gaped but he immediately closed it and focused on operating the DVD player. Since the tapes weren’t labeled, we don’t know what those contained. Jimin chooses just whatever. The video begins, and we see Sola Aoi who was wearing a provocative nurse uniform enter the hospital room where the middle-aged male patient was in.
I lean on the bed to relax and force myself to focus on the film. Jimin’s already starting to touch himself. He looks back at me with an unexplainable expression in his eyes. It’s been a while since I did this with them but I’m sure we didn’t look at each other while beating off, or maybe I’m just forcing weird meanings. At this point, I can’t even trust myself anymore.
I couldn’t help but start to actually beat off as soon as Sola started to moan. All of us in our group likes her the most for how irresistible she sounds when she’s getting fucked. It makes the film feel like 5D.
The film already ended but neither of us reached climax yet. When I was almost there, I stopped. I don’t know why but I felt like I needed to do so. As I try to catch my breath, I watch him while he did his business.
To my surprise, Jimin also stops and joins me in leaning on the bed, panting hard. He looked at me straight in the eyes, then his gaze dropped on my lips. “They look dry…”
Before I even knew it, our lips were all over each other and his tongue has successfully penetrated my mouth. Jimin’s hands start to explore inside my shirt before pulling it off of me. He removes his own next. My hands are frozen on his groin in disbelief. Everything seems like a dream but all of these are a hundred percent real.
“Jimin…” I mindlessly say.
“Do whatever you want to do to me.” He grabs my hand and places it on top of his manhood. “Don’t hold back.”
I pull his head and kiss him hard before pushing him down. Only God and I know how much he looks good with nothing on but his golden rolo chain necklace. “As long as you let me, I won’t.”
If you’re reading until here, thank you so much! The Wattpad and ao3 links where you can read the whole story are available above.
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paraclete0407 · 3 years
Stuff I might never get to do (from books I read after I thought I had mastered the Bible / Scripture)
Theories of ‘political vision’ - ex. Obama’s ‘A Promised Land,’ or from someone I miss, UKPM David Cameron’s ‘For the Record.’  Also records of military careers and the consequences and lessons therefrom, particularly Gen., Prof. Stanley A. McChrystal’s ‘My Share of the Task’ - decades of one meal a day, utterly excellent love-letters and wisdom-writings to his wife, sweeping reports, culminating in the operation that ‘extrajudicially or para-judicially executed’ bin Laden.  I also never forgot the NYTimes photo of the SEAL operator’s back-muscles.  My giant Obama critique, however, was one of those ‘grandfather Hall of Presidents’ books that I want to postpone.
My mistakes and wishes.  Ex. the woman I wanted to marry in early 2011; I had cut off my parents for 6 months and called one night my mom; she got really drunk that night, flirted with foreigners from [ultra-mercenary cram-school that hires anyone], got terrorized by [b/Black man of the type who clearly believes ‘As I am b/Black I know everything worth knowing and can terrorize, antagonize, demonize anyone and anything for the greater glory of my own ego / Chairman Mao].  Culminating in me in the ladies’ room telling her to get up and I told her so, going back to the pub-room and threatening the mercenaries, and finally being ‘mogged,’ masculinity-compromised or eclipsed / overpowered, by the man who was either her surrogate father-figure, rapist, seducee-turned-wrist-breaking-controller, no one really knew, and my ex-father-figure who however either a) failed to bait the trap properly and/or b) failed to communicate the true meaning and message and purpose of his love for me, to me.  But, it was instrumental in blowing what was probably the best job I ever had, and the only job that ever asked me back. 
After that I started honestly trying to live for either a) the younger generation b) ‘just me.’  I also made a number of hard or soft promises to students involving me writing stuff.  Don’t say ‘will’ or ‘might’ to Koreans b/c it kind of spiritually translates in to ‘shall’ or ‘must’ or ‘has to.’  They’re the poor in spirit from what I can tell.  
I also drove around California for a while, missed a job-offer from a Catholic university in [central Korean city], and thought a lot about F. Scott Fitzgerald.  Studied Emmanuel ‘ethics-as-first-philosophy love-of-wisdom-converting-into-wisdom-of-love’ Levinas a bit, read ‘Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother’ and couldn’t sleep
Sundry ‘Teacher Dream(s).’  I’d been hoping in a way that ‘Free Food for Millionaires’ author Min Jin Lee, JD Yale etc, would put this all in her ‘American Hagwon’ but she’s been baking fancy cakes and writing offside / deflective lit. about Japanese gays for like 10 years while NK marched on in real life killing people and Koreans were also dying from numerous causes, running away from home, economically induced suicide, amazing shame- and rape-culture: cashing in.  I remember my last night at the hagwon, a time of bonhomie, when I perhaps might’ve even said, ’Y’know, can I un-resign-in-protest?’  Boss, What’ll you miss most about Korea, Korean women?’  Me (playing the fool), ‘There are Korean women in America.’  Boss, (sforzando), ‘Gyopo women.’
My ‘best guess’ anyway at ‘edubusiness’ was sth I labored at off and on for now like 6 years called ‘Three Kings’ which is partly about a white ex-literary agent family named ‘Foch’ after the French Generalissime who actually won WW1, famous for his ‘moral factor’ theory of war as well as his remark, ‘This is not a peace but an armistice for 20 years.  He makes 400,000 dollars in his 1st year of college by advising his roommate to publish his ‘freshman’ novel with an extreme ‘point,’ not worrying about winning every possible reader, just let me edit all the sign-post-phrases and tell you what I firmly believe you were trying to write, sell this novel for 2million dollars, marry the Korean girl across the hall, forget RU, cultivate life and love with your stylus, and I’ll continue to march on simultaneously trying to promote love while reading everyone and everything semi-against or [angle / thrust-vector to] their grain (for their own good).  Later he starts a school with his two friends, an MD/PhD program dropout from LA and an MBA ex-Samsung Managing Director or something.  But in the end his MD/PhD friend can’t stop thinking about [student’s] amazing breasts and [MBA] friend can’t stop hating and short-selling himself w/r/t marriage and self-regard b/c he’s stuck in the other-always-has-more-money-always-more-money-to-make mentality.  In the end the protagonist resigns in protest from the company he himself designed, developed, planned, etc. but didn’t have the money to call his own after reaching the position of ‘Joint Department Head’ which is kind of like ‘Chief of Staff’ to a president at a much smaller scale.  He’s a devout literal Christian or at least Christianist who wishes the world were Christian and he reflects in the end on the Longfellow poem about the Three Kings who ‘know King Herod’s hate’ and had to travel back to their homelands a different way.  There is also a possibly-to-be-deleted ‘Interludio Meridiana’ where he happens across the molested constantly male-gazed student in Nonhyeon (a neighborhood South of the Han River but not at all like the PSY song), starts to hear Palestrina’s ‘Sicut Cervus’ (listen to it on YouTube - Palestrina’s polyphony philosophy is one of the crowns of human art) in his head, wanders down to the bus depot and finds that his thoughts / creativity etc. have become cathected, chained to, or at least led by memory, and he has joined a ‘chain of being’ that connects the past to the future.  
‘Bethlehem Dream’ - kind of my homage to the forementioned Kim Minju of IZ*ONE, my last favorite pop-star before assuring Christian friend I’d stop following K-pop (I’m against BlackPink and their entire organization).  Connects to all my dreams and theories of education - including my extreme disillusionment with education, and sympathy for anyone made the ‘beneficiary’ of the latest theory or tool - as well my homage to the school that most closely approximates my dream school, Prof,. Pastor, Dr. Chancellor John Piper’s Bethlehem College and Seminary in Minneapolis.  And also, women’s desire to have children / babies, even without husbands, men’s desire to bear spiritual fruit with or without traditional fellowship.
Masculinity in novels.  Not Norman Mailer Philip Roth stuff but novels that can lens reality from the top down and not get addicted to some or other cupidity or method of endearing / charming the audience, which often makes them stupider or causes them to regard hidden truth as an outright lie and/or triviality.  MJL’s ‘Free Food for Millionaires’ was pretty masculine; better is billionaire Michael Kim’s ‘Offerings,’ a novel I wish I could teach someone only I can’t find a good student / reader and maybe I myself missed the point and only thought I got it.
Thinking quitting while ahead - I really don’t know whether adding to people’s minds and knowledge at this point in Time is good or whether writing amounts to feasting the already glutted, furnishing them further excuses for disbelief and inaction and alienating / dividing them from the hungry and poor.  I like a song called ‘Love Song for No. 1.’  Remember talking about a walk in the woods I took, understanding something about the Other’s first language the authenticity of this language and its nativity to their understanding and ‘originary’ or ‘birth-mother’ identity or ‘self-system.’  Not something to tell your Anglo-but-ish-they-were-Teutonic biological parents because they will make like they want to backhand your head off then spend years denying they’re either racist, non-believers, or what I have come to call anti-believers; people who amid ‘Delta Covid Summer’ are trying to destroy the beliefs of others.  Also Dr. R.C Sproul Ligonier Ministries, ‘Forgetfulness is apostasy.’
‘Flowers on Water.’  Kind of my homage to Krystal Jung Soojung of ‘hieroglyphic’ girl-group f(x) and later IMO excellent actress, her best moment perhaps the final episode of ‘My Lovely Girl,’ a shocking and awesome scene that appears to talk about Resurrection and Eternity.  The protagonist is another cynical edubusinessman who is thinking about mass-death, getting mad at mainstream American Christianity for singing songs while people were drowning, and finally on Google Books comes across a teacher-poem from 1881 titled ‘Flowers,’ for a group of rather hapless seemingly American Indian students in California as well as critiques of educational praxis which, in 1881, were identical to what they are today.  ‘God is sovereign in all things’ - such a difficult category.  I abandoned this novel for a number of reasons such as the belief that I might be able to reverse-engineer Brad Thor or something for a quick buck.  Went to Half Price Books (now closed) where they had a picture of the Jackson Five over the toilet in the men’s room.  I read a bit of a one-dollar Brad Thor book about Russia but on the way on home I once started once again dreaming mytically about Korean girls / women as it began to snow and thinking about ‘Lo How a Rose E’er Blooming’ (’Es Ist Ein Rosentsprungen) the German Nativity song which Michael Praetorius composed at least in part in response to the appalling Reformation Wars and out of a hope or wish that remembrance of Christ’s birth could somehow reunite the Church.  This also made me think about a high school I admire / respect and my old friend and his now-divorced wife with whom I many times fantasized about singing and talking with again; and whom I kind of wish I could tell the author of ‘All Quiet on the Western Front’ remarried his first wife eventually but IDK what good it is to give already-dreaming people more dreams either.  
It’s 9:35 AM and my ‘insomnia’ type notebook-postings haven’t made me any new friends in a while.  My last thing is just, if you care about Education or young girls / American women / culture / schools, achievement, heroines, stories, or for that matter Bible-translation or the latter-day odysseys of the nominal Episcopalian Church, with trembling heart, try to reflect on Headmaster Josiah Bunting III’s ‘All Loves Excelling.’  
One of my favorite Christian songs is ‘The Death of King David’
And God said that day shall dawn
to bring that flow’r newly born
from thy stem in fullness growing
in fragrance sweet night and morn
all My people shall adorn
with Breath of life bestowing
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
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grlsgen · 3 years
my favorite 2020 kpop songs
there were some bangers this year... this includes title tracks & bsides and everything else under the sun.
i always got shit to say and i always see youtube videos like this but i simply can’t edit so here we are
you never know - blackpink
okay yeah i didn’t really fw hylt or lovesick girls when i first heard them but when i listened to the album you never know really stuck with me... i never get sick of it. definitely the best track off the album imo. rosé’s prechorus has made me cry a few times ngl
alien - lee suhyun
alright miss thing... i was obsessed with this song when i first heard it... the pre chorus with the ooo ooo ooo and the switch to the chorus is so good it gets me every time. she’s cute i like her... while we’re here i’ll also mention i really liked her ost in your time for it’s okay to not be okay.. i loved that drama and that’s my fav ost from it.. but anyway
lalalilala - april
They Served. Big time. the music video is so pretty and the song was stuck in my head for 6 months straight... they really did the damn thing with this. kinda sounds like an apink song but that’s a compliment... overall this whole comeback was really good and deserved better. honorable mention : the bside on this ep you.zip is so good too
open your eyes - iz*one
this is all i listened to for months after bloomiz dropped... izone’s music is really a hit or miss for me and i didn’t really vibe with fiesta but i’m so glad i gave the album a chance because open your eyes is definitely in my top 5 releases of this year. their other bside dreamlike is really good too
the book of us : the demon - day6 album
now where do i start with this... to this day i am still obsessed with 1 to 10... like that’s gotta be the best off this album imo. zombie was so good and i really liked the lyrics. the album as a whole was really really good. i sound like a broken record
children - bvndit
oh boy... another one of my top 5 releases from this year. not only is the overall sound of this amazing but i love the lyrics too. these girls deserve so much better
d-2 - agust d/yoongi/suga mixtape
my king. i shit myself when this dropped ngl... i don’t even know how to elaborate on how much i love this. daechwita was stuck in my head for the longest time.. i think the highlights off this for me have to be people, honsool & dear my friend. this mixtape was really a moment.. i love yoongi y’all
love again - baekhyun / underwater - baekhyun
alright alright .. i put these two together since they’re from the same album idk but it took a while for candy to grow on me but i’ve loved these since i first heard them... i was Obsessed. the final bridge/chorus whatever the hell thing he does in love again put me into shock for 3 months straight and the beat in underwater is heavenly
the dream chapter : eternity - txt ep
this serve. has to be my favorite from txt yet... rookies with the best discography fr. i love dark concepts and really like that they did something different with this. can’t you see me was Amazinggg. fairy of shampoo has to be one of the best songs i’ve ever heard it’s insane. i also really liked eternally, who else has that range... Nobody. top to bottom this ep is really good, i hope they do another dark concept like this again soon bc this hit big time
eight - iu & suga
it took a while for this to grow on me but whew...when it did... kinda makes me feel like i’m in a coming of age movie and i like that, makes me nostalgic for that. eight soty, they both did great on this
# - loona ep
Now... Cmon. so what was either a hit or miss for a lot of people but something i think everyone can agree on is that the bridge is godsent. like that shit makes me cry sometimes. the music video was really good, i always come back to the subway/train scene. number 1 is also so damn good. overall i really loved this ep. they really ate with this one
eyes wide open - twice album
when i first heard this album i didn’t like it That much but it’s really grown on me lately. the whole retro trend was fun and then it got a little overdone so i was tired of it by the time this dropped but actually.. some of the bsides are insanely good. behind the mask is definitely a highlight for me, mina’s bridge is heavenly. i love mina so bad. but anyway, i can’t stop me took some time to grow on me as well but it always gets stuck in my head. i also really like up no more & depend on you, they’re cute
maybe - gidle
Y’all... i love this song. it’s short and simple but it was so addicting to me. i really like that one part in the last two choruses if you know what i’m talking about (i’m not sure who sings it ? some people say soyeon some say shuhua idk, shuhua my queen btw) and soojin’s verse in the bridge hits. to this day i’m still obsessed with this song
a song written easily - oneus
this is so underappreciated, this is easily one of my favorite title tracks released all year. i’m not a huge fan of beat drops but this one was really nice imo, i also liked the lead in before the drop and the final chorus. this was really good and i never get sick of it
wannabe - itzy
CUT THE DAMN CAMERAS.... no fr this is my #1 favorite song released this year. talented brilliant incredible amazing... itzy seriously ate up everyone with this. i keep going back to this song it’s insane. iconic choreo good mv good styling amazing song.. like everything here lined up. i don’t know how they’ll ever top this for me. definitely my soty (next to psycho)
black swan - bts
this is excellent idk what else to say. i thought it was just okay when i first heard it but it’s seriously so good, me being yoongi biased i loved that he got multiple verses but i love the do your thing with me now breakdown part too. the choreo is one of my favorite from them and the mv was really pretty. black swan is one of my favorite movies so the comparisons with it made me love this song more. overall, probably my favorite off mots7
my time - jungkook of bts
jungkook always has the best album solos fr. i loved this the second i heard it, kinda justin bieber esque but it’s so good. i love the lyrics and transition it takes thru the song. the chorus hits man.. this song always makes me a little sad but he really did amazing on this
monster - red velvet irene & seulgi ep
my queens what can i say. i was so excited for this unit and they did not disappoint. monster still hits, aged like wine. the best track is fr feel good, i still have it on repeat.. insanely good. seulgi really delivered with uncover, it’s so beautiful. i think sm’s intention was always to have a subunit this year but i thought it was smart to do while wendy was recovering, hoping for ot5 soon y’all..
never gonna dance again : act 2 - taemin album
taemin my king wtf!!! i loved criminal so i was really excited for this and of course... he always delivers. top to bottom i loved this album, he really did amazing on it. identity might be the best song i’ve ever heard... and of course i loved the collab with wendy 🙏 overall such a good album, taemin always serves the best
pporappippam - sunmi
what can i say i love a little retro tune. even though i just said earlier i was sick of it idc i loved this. sunmi always shows up, i don’t know what else to say. this song never gets old
dystopia : the tree of language - dreamcatcher album
i didn’t expect to love this album as much as i did... i don’t listen to it as often anymore but i can’t deny that scream was a major serve. every time i hear it it’s like the first time... their bside jazz bar was so good. dreamcatcher’s bsides always hit what can i say
12:00 - loona ep
Yes. why not is not necessarily my favorite title from them ever (it’s butterfly, btw) but it’s always stuck in my head... obviously i loved voice/star, was obsessed for weeks and i was happy they decided to promote it a little. styling on those stages were so cute btw. i also loved fall again from this ep, chuu sounds angelic on it. loona had some amazing cbs this year
la di da - everglow
Obsessed. i watched every stage as they dropped and listened to this every 5 seconds, Amazing. sihyeon really owned this era for me and shes my bias so of course i ate this whole thing up. this was definitely one for the books, what more can i say
literally everything gfriend released this year
this might be their best year yet for releases imo, i really liked how they tried out different concepts and sounds this year, i’ve always loved their music but the switch was refreshing yknow. crossroads was so good, i loved that mv. here we are is still on repeat almost a year later... and now APPLE. apple was so mf good. i love that they decided to do a dark concept, this song really fit them well, still obsessed w it. mago might be my least fave out of the 3 but it’s still so good. don’t even get me started on yuju in the mv.. Queen. i liked the subunits on walpurgis night, especially better me. gfriend had a really good year imo, they deserved more for it.
Anyways. that was my 2 cents.
wannabe & psycho soty
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fanficwaifu · 4 years
Tokoyami Fumikage | BLACKPINK
Pairing: Tokoyami Fumikage x OFC Warnings: Blood/gore? Mild Language. No smut. Poetry inbound. Cheesey? Probably cheesey lol. Words: 3.4k
A/N: I think I might make this into a miniseries, just really into this aesthetic. This was supposed to be like really sweet and romantic but I unno my brain went here lol. This started as a response to a couple asks for Tokoyami and a sweet fluffy reader- but I am gonna respond to them with a different thing! (Part 2 prolly?)
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Bloody bandages lay strewn across the wooden floor. Assortment of ointments and gauze half used. Yuna lay on her stomach, sweat layered across her body. Topless. Unbuttoned jean shorts. Deep breaths seemed to do nothing against the pain in her back. Two angry gashes on each side of her spine, delicate pink feathers forcing their way out of the slashes in a bloody wreck.
While everyone seemed to be overjoyed at the sudden sprout of wings, all she could think about was how she would rather had been quirkless. The pain did not seem to match the advantage. There was only a month before graduation, and a sudden update to her quirk did not appear like a blessing.
It felt like a curse.
“God damn,” her quiet voice echoes into the bedroom. It has been weeks now since her wings slowly emerged from her back. Pale pink but coated in blood near the base. Every day several inches pushed out, and she did not understand where all these feathers had been hiding. Recovery-girl could only do so much. A bottle of pain medication sat neatly on her nightstand, but the consequences to taking them are muted quirk use. She could not afford to be holding back a month before graduation.
A month before she became an official pro-hero.
It all started with an attack. A villain got ahold of a quirk enhancing drug. Instead of applying it on himself, he began using it on everybody he could, in hopes to create disorder and destruction. The effects are to be temporary. In rare instances, however…it could help bring out the hidden power in quirks. The parts buried in the DNA.
She had been one of those unlucky cases.
“Yuna? You missed lunch again today,” A deep voice calls from her door. The monotone of her boyfriend always relaxed her. Glancing at the bright red digits of her clock on the wooden nightstand, she realized she was laying on the floor for several hours now. It was almost dinnertime. Funny how fast time flies when you feel you are dying.
“Sorry Fumi,” her voices wavers. She runs a hand through her pink hair, slick with sweat, and lays her cheek back down on the cold wooden floor. “…I’ll be down for dinner,” Her voice is barely a whisper, but she knows her boyfriend will hear it, regardless. The click of her doorknob catches her attention. Yuna moves to stand, but the pain quickly lands her back on the floor. The light from the doorway spreads to illuminate her painful expression before it closes.
“Oi… what are you doing on the floor??” Shadow calls, quickly hovering above her with a worried tone. Fumi crouches in front of her, moving a stray hair out from her face. It's hard to see what expression he wears.
“I told you to text me if you were in pain, my love,” Fumi lightly chastises. He reaches down to softly scratch across her head, tears well up in her eyes.
“It doesn’t stop hurting…” Yuna whimpers, clenching her fists. “…I wish I could just rip them off and be done with it,”
“But they are so pretty!” Shadow exclaims, moving to touch the soft fresh feathers.
“No Dark Shadow,” His companion whines at him, before moving around to clean up the mess laid around the floor. Fumi moves his attention back to his girlfriend. “…Hawks mentioned you can try having someone pull them out, but it is extremely painful,”
“How does he know?” She breathes through clenched teeth as a wave of pain hits. “…He was born with his right?”
“No, he developed them like this when he was young. Through puberty he would get minor episodes of them growing out like this. He said the commission always just pulled them out,”
“That sounds awful,”
“As awful as slow torture for what could be… months?” Fumi moves his hand down to massage her neck lightly. He eyes the angry base of her wings, red and bruising. “…it’s been two weeks already, my love,”
“Yeah? You gonna pull them out for me, Fumi?” She feels his hands still, and a deep sigh escape him.
“I think it would be better for a healthcare professional-”
“Rescue-girl said its better like this. She said you could risk damaging them if you pull on them,”
“But Hawks-” Fumi begins
“Do we believe Hawks or a Healthcare professional?”
Fumikage sighs heavily as a silence falls between them. He rubs her neck and shoulders, careful of her wings as his mind wanders around her room. He has been in here many, many times since they started dating, but it never gets dull.
The room is a clash of pink and black. Soft and harsh. Her and him. Various plants adorn the walls and sit on her furniture. The green of their leaves matches nicely against the black of the walls. Her blankets are light pink in color, with dark grey sheets.
Hanging above her bed are homemade pink clouds. He remembers when she made them, smiling brightly as she turned them on, and the tiny pink lightbulbs lit the room in a soft romantic glow. The same night they made love for the first time. The same night her soft, breathless laugh etched into his heart forever.
Her desk is lined with pink pens and notebooks, pink stickers and watashi tape. Her bookshelf filled with romantic tragedies and poetic adventures. A table next to it sat two tarantulas, one sheer black and the other a rosy pink. He remembers how excited she was when they spotted each other, both taping on the glass like they were giving each other high fives.
He finally spots the old and used Cthulhu anthology next to her bed, and a warmth spreads in his chest. One of the first presents he ever gave to her their freshman year.  
Dark Shadow is busying himself around the room, tidying and putting away her bandages. Yuna listens to him make her bed for her. When he returns and lies on the floor next to her, she gently pats his beak in appreciation.
“You didn’t have to do that Shadow,” she mumbles.
“He does what I tell him,” Fumi comments, watching the exchange warmly.
“I would have done it anyway, don’t listen to him,” Shadow grumbles, leaning into her touch. A painful shock goes across her back and she squeezes Shadows beak in discomfort. A slight whine escapes the companion as he looks to his master for help.
“It’s okay, Shadow,” Yuna whispers. She moves to stand again but collapses. Fumi rubs her head again, as he retrieves his cellphone and dials his mentor.
“What are you doing?” Yuna whispers, a sad, tired tone.
“Calling Hawks. Maybe he can talk me through it. We can take you to Recovery-girl afterwards,”
“But what about-”
“Hello Hello my fellow bird friend!” Hawks states loudly through the phone. Yuna immediately quiets.
“Hello Hawks. I was wondering if you could give me some… instructions,” Fumi moves to sit on the side of his girlfriend, staring intently at her wings. “…I think Yuna and I will pull the rest of her wings out,”
“Dammmn. It’s been like.. two weeks, now right? That sucks!” Hawks laughs loudly through the phone. Fumi can hear the flapping of his wings. “…I’m surprised you haven’t done it already! Real masochist in and out of the bedroom huh?” Yuna and Fumi blush together. When they lock eyes Fumi turns away, embarrassed.
“Back on point, Hawks. She is in a lot of pain here,” Fumi continues on. She watches the way his feathers fluff and fall from embarrassment.
“yeah yeah okay. Listen, I’m not gonna sugarcoat this. Its gonna suck. Like super hard, you know? She is prolly gonna pass out. There is gonna be a lot of blood. If you can knock her out beforehand, its gonna be easier. Should prolly have a bunch of ice packs on hand. Bandages too…you know all the good stuff,”
“Obviously,” Fumi replies.
“Don’t get sassy with me Tokoyami! I’m helping!” Hawks laughs. “…You should prolly do it somewhere away from everyone. I know her quirk effects plants and stuff, right? Its prolly gonna go off soooo…. yeah, that’s all I got,” Yuna snorts and rolls her eyes.
“I heard that sweetheart,” Hawks chuckles.
“Thanks for the help Hawks,” Fumi stands, moving to her dressers to pull out extra clothes for her. “.. I’ll let you know how it goes,”
“Please do! And don’t mention that I told you this, because I don’t need Eraserhead coming to kill me ya know?” Yuna laughs in the background. Fumi looks at her, surprised she can still hear the call from where he is standing.
“I understand. Goodbye Hawks,”
“Later!” and the call ends.
“What are you planning, Fumi?” Yuna begins, pushing herself up to one elbow. She watches him gather the blanket off her bed and fold it neatly.
“We are going to have a picnic,” Fumi replies casually.
“A picnic? Fumi it's almost sundown,” she glances at Dark Shadow putting her clothes in a bag. He floats over to her bookshelf to pull a couple novels and place them in the bag.
“The sooner the better. Plus, no one will be around. We can go deep into the forest,” Fumi pauses to think for a moment. “…Dark Shadow, don’t forget to grab the candles from the closet,”
“Yeah yeah!” Shadow calls back. Yuna watches them quietly, continuing to push herself off the floor. She takes it slow, slightly wobbly on her elbows.
When she finally stands, she is shaky, but stable. A hand runs through her damp hair. She feels exhausted. Turning her head to her window, she watches the sun setting in the distance. Warm oranges and pinks are spread along her room. Fumi turns around and is taken aback for a moment. Yuna stands with no shirt on, her pink wings framed against her arms. The sunset splashes against her chest and stomach. As messy as her shoulder length pink hair is, she is breathtaking to him.
“Prettyyyy,” Dark Shadow announces, flying up and around Yuna to land on her head. She laughs and butterflies swarm in his abdomen.
“You’ve seen me naked before Shadow,” Yuna replies, palming the side of the companion’s beak.
“Not since you had wings!”
“Yeah? You like the wings that much?” She playfully returns.
“They are exquisite,” Fumi supplies. He moves to stand in front of her, and palms one of her breasts in his hands. The touch is casual between them. “…with sunlight reveals the beauty of nature and what her plentiful fruits may give,” Yuna smiles in response, a light blush across her cheeks.
“Yeah yeah I have great tits,” She laughs. The action sends a stab of pain through her back and Fumi helps brace her in place. He gives her a moment to breathe through it before continuing, buttoning her shorts for her. The action is intimate and casual at the same time.
“Can you hold the bags for me? I need Dark Shadow to fly,”
“We are flying?” She replies, one eye closed against the pain. “…what about my shirt?”
“If I carry you no one will see my love, I promise,” Fumi is already reaching down to grab her legs.
“But my wings?”
“I can hold you beneath them. Just do not move too much,”
She braces herself in his arms, burying her head in his neck. The fluff of his hair-like feathers tickles the top of her head, and she snuggles deeper into him. The smell of his cologne makes her thighs clench. They have spent little time this close to each other since her wings started coming in.
“Are you all right? You heart rate has increased considerably,” Fumi mentions casually, as Dark Shadow encompasses his back, trying to ease her wing out of the way. She laughs against his neck.
“Quit hearing so much,” A dark blush appearing on her cheeks.
“My apologies, I forgot my cologne often excites you,” She does not have to look at his face. She can hear the smirk. She hides her face in his hoodie, clutching the bags close to her chest. The window slides open to her room, and she braces for takeoff.
“Here we go!” Dark Shadow yells, before Fumi jumps from the window.
Her stomach drops.
She fears heights.
 “Sit here for a moment while I set everything up,” Fumi sets her down gently, taking the bags from her arms.
“I can handle that,” She sasses back. Fumi nuzzles against her cheek before pulling away. “…Its awfully dark already though,”
“We brought candles,” there is a confident tone in his voice.
“This feels more romantic than what we are about to do,” Yuna laughs, a sting blooming across her back.
“It is romantic, isn’t it?” Fumi replies, lighting the candles and placing them around in a circle. Dark Shadow is putting down the blanket, setting up her books and pillows.
“Feels more like…you are about to sacrifice me, honestly,” She hears a small snort come from him.
“I suppose we are, in a way, sacrificing you. You will be a new version of yourself soon,”
“I like the old version just fine,” she mumbles, staring at one of her wings off to the side of her.
“I loved the old version of you,” Fumi states, placing the last candle down and walking over to her. When he crouches, he spots the embarrassed look on her face. He palms her cheek in his hand. “…I will love the new version of you just as much,”
“I don’t know how you are so chill about this. You know I’m probably gonna scream, right? Like in agony? Its gonna be loud,” Yuna mentions, a hint of fear in her tone.
“We don’t have to do it my love,” Fumi replies
“But I want to get it over with,”
“Then I will assist you,”
“Be careful?” she finally states, grabbing onto one of his hands and toying with his fingers. He squeezes her hand in response, bringing it up to his cheek so he can nuzzle against it softly.
“I am always careful with the love of my life,”
They move to lie on the ground, the grass tickling at her stomach. He instructs her to relax her arms down by her sides. While she breathes slowly, she can feel his gentle hands moving around on her back. Brushing her hair out of the way. Gently massaging all the muscles, he can reach, warming them up. Dark Shadow is cleaning away at the base of her wings, a slight sting from the anti-septic going to work. Yuna focuses on the denseness of the woods. The sounds of crickets and the blowing of wind. The sting from his hands bracing her wings pulls her back. She hears Fumi countdown, but quickly blocks out the sound to at least try to focus somewhere else. She holds her breath before he finishes.
Her vision turns red. A fire erupts across her entire body. A million of ants running across her back and hips.
Whispers float around her, like soft breezes blowing across her face. Her eyelids are heavy, they do not want to open. Barely lifting them, she spots the candle flickering at the edge of the blanket. Wax has melted and formed a base at the bottom. Blinking clears her vision more, but she still needs to force her eyes open the rest of the way.
“Yuna?” A monotone voice calls. She brings her hand up to her face, rubbing at the exhaustion in her eyes.
“…umi?” Yuna mumbles, groggy.
“Yes,” Is his simple response. She listens to him shuffle around, moving to sit in front of her. A glass of water and some crackers are placed in front of her. A hand gently rubs across her cheek and head, removing the hair from her face. “…when you feel up to it, try to eat and drink,”
“How long have I been out?” Bracing her hands against the ground, she is surprised how easy it is to push off. The pain is still present in her back, but the throb has gone down immensely.
“Its almost morning, we should head back soon. I was just about to carry you back to the dorms,”
“ah…I guess the picnic is a failure then, huh?” She eyes the red stain on his fingers, a tinge of guilt settling in her chest. “…Fumi-”
“Its fine, my love,” His voice is strained. “…I’m just glad it stopped bleeding,”
“It was a lot then?”
“Yes. I almost just carried you to the hospital, but Hawks helped me through it,” Fumi rubs his face, a tired expression in his eyes. “…Honestly, once I pulled the wings the rest of the way out, the bleeding stopped all on its own. I cleaned you up and placed antiseptic around the base of your wings. Hawks was on video, he assured me your wings looked great- told me to tell you to come see him when they heal so he can ‘measure you up’,”  
“Yeah ’cause they are super big now!” Shadow announces, plopping on her head. Fumi goes to scold him, but Yuna waves him off.
“I appreciate your help…Feel bad about the picnic though. Raincheck?” A yawn forces its way through her.
“We will try again when you are feeling better. Thought, it is not a total waste. I did read to you my favorite poems while you were sleeping,” Fumi laughs at her mopey expression.
“You read to me??? That’s not fair Fumi I was sleeping and couldn’t listen to you!” Her wings move on their own, feathers fluffed up and out. A sting courses through her back, but it is much more manageable now. They both eye them in interest.
Her golden eyes notice a single feather hanging from his neck.
“Is that my feather?”
“Yes,” Fumi replies, unbothered. “…It fell off. I thought it would make a nice souvenir, so I added it to my necklace. Does it bother you?” Yuna fingers the feather gently, its soft bristles rubbing against her finger pads.
“No I… just didn’t think you would wear something like that. Pink doesn’t exactly fit into your aesthetic, yeah?”
“A reminder of someone I hold dear, will always fit into my aesthetic, my love,” Yuna blushes, looking away to eat her crackers. Fumi eyes her curiously. He moves towards her, gripping her chin to look at him.  
“I love you as one loves certain obscure things, secretly, between the shadow and the soul,” Fumi whispers. Yuna’s ears light up bright red, as she realizes he was reading through one of her favorite poem books.
“You’re so n-nosy,” She counters, her voice wavering. “…I knew I shouldn’t have highlighted that part,”
“I particularly liked the note in the corner. ‘will sweep him off his feet’,” Yuna covers her face with her hands as he laughs. He nuzzles the side of her head before standing.
Fumi commands Shadow to gather everything up, as Yuna finishes up her crackers. Mild conversations come and go between them. It is not long before she is safe in his arms again, crawling through her bedroom window just as the first peak of the sun spreads. Yuna is asleep, cradled against his chest. He doesn’t have the heart to wake her. Moving towards the bed, he gently lays her on her stomach. Fumi holds back a chuckle as she immediately grabs at her pillows and clutches one close to her chest.
He planned on leaving back to his own room, but exhaustion pressured him against it. Leaving their bags on the floor, he quietly takes off his shoes. Stripping down to his boxers and tank, he carefully crawls into bed next to her. Her body immediately tangles with his own, naturally shifting to a well-known and comfortable position. Dark Shadow pull the blanket up around to their waists before dissipating.
Fumi is asleep when a pink wing instinctually covers his body and hangs off the bed.
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godjoohyun · 4 years
*tiffany’s voice* “Hey let me introduce myself”
Alright, so, I’ll just start with a BIG disclaimer, first thing first: I am baby when it comes to writing and my first language is NOT english (if anyone is intrested in being my beta reader I’ll love u forever), so be gentle with my terrible mistakes.
Second, I’ve never wrote anything longer than a rant text message without having a mental breakdown, this is a poor atempt of me to do something productive for fun. I’m just a very compulsive/imaginative person so don’t expect much guys, keep your standards low.
Lastly, as I said, this is for fun, I wil try to have a schedule, but if I’m being honest... I’m lazy, I procastinate too much, so no promises, again, I don’t wanna make anyone disapointed.
OK. Since we’re over my rant to take away any guilt i might feel in the future, here’s my RULES:
this is a safe space for the lgbt+ community if you have anything against it you’re not welcome
18+ only, don’t interact with this blog if you’re underage, it’s weird
girl groups only
i don’t really write requests, although you CAN send me prompts. i’ll consider writing about, usually i just write what pops in my head
reader x idol but I’m ok with poly
i´m willing to write both sfw and nsfw, tho I WILL NOT write nsfw for underage idols
specify what you want, or at least give me a lead of what you want to read, also if you want fluff smut etc
if you are a cis het men you’re not welcome, this is not for you
all my works will probably be with a top/switch reader or a power bottom idol,i really don’t know how to write in a bottom pov yet, sorry
don’t be weird, I’m not writing non consensual, incest or weird kinks, ask before requesting
Groups I write for:
please be aware that i know more about certain idols than others so if anything looks a little off you know the reason. Also i do write for some girls that are not from the groups above, so if you want a certain idol feel free to ask and we’ll see, but if i don´t, i’ll make sure to let you know. 😊 
That’s pretty much it, for now, since I’m new to this I will keep exploring my comfort  zone so I’m reserving the right to change the rules at any time
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thesunnyshow · 4 years
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Name: Mona.
Writing Blog URL(s): @jimjamjaemin.
What fandom(s) do you write for? In Tumblr, I write for NCT and WayV. In Wattpad, I still have an unfinished BTS and Blackpink that I'm not planning on completing anytime soon.
Age: 17.
Nationality: Indian.
Languages: English,Bengali, Hindi and a little bit of German and Korean.
Star Sign: Libra.
Favorite color: Black! Plus blue and white.
Favorite food: Fried Chicken!
Favorite movie: There are A LOT, but right now, it's Scent Of A Woman (1992).
Favorite ice cream flavor: Butterscotch!
Favorite animal: Dogs.
Coffee or tea? What are you ordering? Vanilla Latte!
Dream job (whether you have a job or not): A photojournalist/writer/diplomat/historian.
Go-to karaoke song: Unfortunately, I have never been to a karaoke.
If you could have one superpower, what would you choose? Telekinesis!
If you could visit a historical era, which would you choose? I'd like to go back to the Classical Antiquity, to the Greco-Roman world.
If you could restart your life, knowing what you do now, would you? Absolutely not. I'm happy with the decisions and mistakes I made till date.
Would you rather fight 100 chicken-sized horses or one horse-sized chicken? I think I'd rather fight one horse sized chicken. Getting trampled by a 100 chicken sized horses will not be the best way to go.
If you were a trope in a teen high school movie, what would you have been? According to BuzzFeed I'm the school nerd who's also hot and popular. According to me, I'm just the nerd.
Do you believe in aliens/supernatural creatures? Yes! If we can exist then it's probable that other creatures exist too.
Fun fact about yourself that not everyone would know? I broke my nose by walking into a solid, sturdy, wall when I was five. A painful memory, but a memory nonetheless.
When did you post your first piece? Not sure, but I think 18th April, 2020 on Tumblr.
Do you write fluff/angst/crack/general/smut, combo, etc? Why? I prefer writing fluff and crack over angst. Writing angst makes me unhappy, unfortunately. I've never written smut and I don't think I'll write it anytime soon since I'm uncomfortable with it.
Do you write OCs, X Readers, Ships...etc? I generally write × reader online, but for personal projects I write OCs. 
Why did you decide to write for Tumblr? I had a lot of ideas that I wanted to write and share, so I decided to share them via Tumblr! I can make friends and hone my writing at the same time!
What inspires you to write? The people around me inspire me to write. I like people watching a lot. Not like in a creepy way, but just little things, like a man working on the train, a mother trying to calm down her crying baby. That's how I click portraits too! By people watching. 
What genres/AUs do you enjoy writing the most? I like writing Hogwarts AUs the most! I feel like I'm the one wielding the wand and going on adventures in the castle. I also like to write fairytale AUs, where there's a prince and a princess, or a prince and a commoner, etc. I like to see my characters come to life in settings like these.
What do you hope your readers take away from your work? When they read, I hope my readers feel what I felt while writing the work! I want them to feel the love I put into the work, I want them to laugh and just feel good, overall. I hope they feel satisfied, like I feel when I read a good book or a story.
What do you do when you hit a rough spot creatively? I either listen to really really sad music, or observe the weather. Rainy days are my most productive days.
What is your favorite work and why? Your most successful? My most successful work is the father!Jaemin drabble while my most favourite work is 'Games', the cheater!Haechan oneshot. I felt confident when I wrote it. I'm a true romantic, so that particular work was a departure from my usual comfort zone.
Who is your favorite person to write about? Jaemin! His lovable nature is perfect for my usually fluffy and feel-good stories.
Do you think there’s a difference between writing fanfiction vs. completely original prose? I do think there's a difference between writing fanfiction and completely original prose. In fanfiction, I have a basic idea about the character of the idol I'm writing about. I know what makes him/her laugh, his/her quirks. But in original prose, I have liberty to fashion my characters however I want. I can make him/her weird, normal, etc. I can do anything I want with my own characters.
What do you think makes a good story? Imagery! I feel that not many writers have the power to make me see or feel like I'm living in their world. But those who have that particular skill, I like reading their stories the most! 
What is your writing process like? Suppose I get an idea, I first think about it, and then I start working. I haven't planned any fic thoroughly yet, but I try to get a good idea of what I'm going to write before I actually start writing.
Would you ever repurpose a fic into a completely original story? Maybe.
What tropes do you love, and what tropes can’t you stand? I love enemies-to-lovers, friends with benefits to lovers. I dislike the rich man falls in love with poor girl trope.
How much would you say audience feedback/engagement means to you? I'd say, a lot. Like, out of 100% , 95%. I really, truly, want others to enjoy my work and take away something from them. Feedback motivates me to write.
Do you ever feel like people have misunderstood you or your writing at times? Not yet, thankfully. I hope they don't anytime soon.
Do your offline friends/loved ones know you write for Tumblr? My parents and 1 or 2 of my friends know about it.
What is one thing you wish you could tell your followers? I wish I could tell them that I'm here, if they want to talk or rant. 
Do you have any advice for aspiring writers who might be too scared to put themselves out there? I'd tell them to do it. Take the risk. If you don't, you'll be left wondering"what if?" Life is not long enough to have regrets .
Are there any times when you regret joining Tumblr? Omg yes. The technical issues are a real headache.
Do you have any mutuals who have been particularly formative/supportive in your Tumblr journey? @elauniesdream has been really supportive! I haven't spoken with her much, but Elaunie, if you're reading this, ily and thank you!
Pick a quote to end your interview with: Nolite te bastardes carborundorum - Margaret Atwood.
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hyuckles-chuckles · 4 years
— the ultimate tag
i’ve combined at least 3 tags from my mutuals @neo-cult-ure @mistymark @ki-aechan @moondustaeil​ @jaextapose​ i’m literally the worst and haven’t done this for a few months, but i’m here to do it now
rules: honestly, answer whichever ones you want to because there are a lot + tag blogs you want to get to know better!
tagging: @junguws​ @jupitersmark​ @jenonctcity​ @macaroni-sly​ @vouisluittontrash​ @marculees​ @masterninjacow​ @ahgase55g7​ + anyone else who wants to partake in the ⁽ˢᵉˡᶠ⁻ᵖʳᵒᶜˡᵃⁱᵐᵉᵈ⁾ ultimate tag
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— personal
name: adiba 👉🏻🥺👈🏻
nickname: a nickname my irl friends gave me is adobe because that’s what my name autocorrects to lol + other friends and fam call me deebs or adeebs
birthday: july 1 like our king ty track
zodiac: cancer – don’t make me cry
nationality: south african + american
languages: i speak english and sometimes i’ll spout an afrikaans sentence but don’t ask me to translate complex sentences i’m bad at that. i can also read korean and know some korean words from binging nam joohyuk dramas😍
gender: female
sexuality: straight – but i’ll risk it for all y’all ladies and yeri and chuu
height: 164cm / 5’4” i believe
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— blog stuff
inspiration for muse: i honestly find inspiration everywhere, the latest have been music as well as tiktoks lol😳
meaning behind my url: i chose this url after it won a poll on here, but the reason why I had this as an option bc we have the chocolate candies called chuckles and chuck rhymes with hyuck so I just added les to hyuck and that’s how the haechan chuckle blog came to be🤭
blog established: i believe i’ve had this blog since 2014 bc my mom let me have one bc she thought zayn malik had one (it was just a random blog), i only really started using it in 2018 and posted my first fic on the 14th of march
followers: i have 1.6k right now, it’s slowly increasing thanks to that mark fic i posted last month lol💫 thank you king lee
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— favs
favourite animals: ferrets! they’re so cute and so dumb i love them! someone buy me one for my bday, it’s really soon
favourite books: you can probably tell from my writing, but i enjoy the harry potter and percy jackson series. i also like the series of unfortunate events
favourite colour: i like warm colours so like orange (absolute fav!) as well as brown + a cool colour i like is blue 🧡🤎💙
favourite fictional characters: nam joohyuk in weightlifting fairy kim bokjoo the only boy ever, stiles from teen wolf, satoru and kayo from the anime erased even though the bad guy was🥵, seth from twilight + i literally can’t think i like too many characters
favourite flower: idk, but i like daisies and sunflowers  but that might be the haechanctzen in me haha, roses and lilies are all really pretty!
favourite scent: my candles; i have vanilla ones as well as a strawberry and vanilla one which i adore but don’t use because it smells so good and my friend got it for my bday two years ago. i also only have strawberry flavoured lip balms so strawberry and vanilla final answer🍓
favourite season: i used to say it was winter, but now that my feet are frozen i’ll say spring + i like spring despite my allergies i just don’t like getting a sunburn
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— random
average hours of sleep: i’ve been getting 7-9 hours of sleep, but i’m also only going to bed at 3am so yikes
cats or dogs: i like both, but i guess i prefer dogs
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: i like hot chocolate and chocolate based coffee
current time: 16:44 / 4:44pm
dream trip: like europe, specifically the countries that i didn’t go to when i went in 2017, even more specifically greece where my inner demigod can thrive
dream job: professional musician for sure, like singing and whatever
hobbies: right now it’s just writing and finding new songs to listen to. i miss hanging with my friends
hogwarts house: ravenclaw (but i’m lowkey dumb so don’t listen to me)
last movie watched: the last movie i watched was call me by my name ⚠️ spoilers ⚠️ and i would’ve enjoyed the artsy fartsy movie if i didn’t know timmy was a minor and the love interest was 30 years old
last song listened to: sour candy by lady gaga ft blackpink i just love rosé’s voice in the last chorus like WOW🥰
no. of blankets you sleep with: it’s winter now and i can’t blast my heater all night long so i have one duvet, one blanket and a snuggie. i plan on getting another duvet but i’m too lazy to put a cover on it. when it’s warmer weather just one
random fact(s): (1) i have a blue freckle on my shoulder and i like to think i have a matching tattoo with phoebe from friends (2) i’m growing out my bangs and this is the first time in my life where they’re actually growing out nicely when i can’t see people so i think that’s unfair (3) i bought a moomin doll when i was in macau and it literally cost me the last of my money
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if you made it to the end; have some stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ you deserve it😘
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missartus · 3 years
Merry Christmas!
Figured that I should write a post at Christmas, given all the chaos that’s been 2020 lol. Well, for one, Covid’s still here and so it’s still been pretty hard for everyone. Personally, my Christmas obviously changed in a way that it’s more chill this time around. Not that I’m complaining ‘cause this is probably my most preferred way of celebrating the holidays, but I’d rather have a chill Christmas because I wanted it and not because the circumstances forced us to. I didn’t even bother to dress up nor put on some makeup because I was really lazy to do so, and to be honest, the Christmas spirit isn’t really as felt this time around. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who feels this. 
Anyway, I didn’t really intend to make a depressing post LOL. It’s the other way around, actually. I’ve been meaning to write something for a few days now but I’ve been lazy. I actually wanted to say that given all the chaos, thankfully I had a couple of things that kept me sane. They’re mostly new hobbies and interests, and some may come off as a shock, even. So here are my life updates so far. A list of things that helped me survive 2020 😌
It started with a box of pancake mix. A few months back, I was supposed to make some pancakes for an afternoon snack, but then I was kinda tired with eating pancakes that I wondered if there is any other way I can turn that mix into. I eventually ended up with these hard chocolate turnovers lmao. After that, I was suddenly baking almost every week. So far, I’ve baked coffee buns, lemon bars, pandesal!, pound cakes, cookies (ofc), and cinnamon rolls. I’m targeting to go for naked cakes but I am yet to buy an electric mixer. For someone who hates measurements and all, it’s a shock for me to be into baking. But it’s been so therapeutic for me. The kneading of the dough, the whisking, mixing, the rise, the waiting on the oven — so zen. I guess, it’s cause it keeps my mind off of things, and whenever I bake, I’m just so focused on what I’m doing. So it’s like, I’m in my own bubble of productivity for a long while. Also, I’d say it kinda helps with my self-esteem, as baking has allowed me to prove to myself that I can do something delish. Whenever I look at the finished products, I couldn’t believe that I, me, Mich, me, did that! I think that happened when I made pandesals and when I really liked the cinammon rolls. I was like, “Omg, I can’t believe I did this!” Aside from my fam, I’ve sent a few of my pastries to friends as well, and some say that I should start a business already lol. But that’s so far from my mind right now. I mean, I’d want to, in the future. But not sometime soon. I still want to enjoy this season where I’m plainly learning and enjoying the process of baking. I don’t, and am not, prepared for the pressure and hassle of it all yet. 🤪
I’ve been working out for a few years now but I wasn’t as consistent as how I’ve been the past couple of months. I used to workout every freaking day, but lately it would just be about thrice or four times a week. My past blog posts would give you a hint about my relationship with my body and food. It hasn’t been really nice in general, but working out really does help me improve my mindset towards my body image. Admittedly, I began working out because I wanted to lose weight, but eventually (and thankfully), it transformed into me working out because it makes me strong and it benefits my mental health a lot. I do a variety, although most times I’d do cardio, then I’ll just pair it up with either weights or another round of cardio but dance.
The process has been fun, and I don’t really pressure myself or limit myself when it comes to food. I still eat whatever’s there, but right now it’s all portion control, really. In all fairness, I think because I’ve been working out, my appetite isn’t as huge as it used to be. I get fuller fast these days, and I rarely binge-eat, unless I re-stock on Korean grocery food hahahaha. Anyway speaking of Korean, here’s my last interest update...
Yup. As in that K-pop boyband. As in Bangtan Sonyeondan. As in that band who’s taking over the world. What a plot twist, right? I’ve never been into K-pop to begin with, so BTS (and eventually, K-pop in general) is probably my biggest musical plot twist so far. I initially was supposed to write a whole separate blog post about this (because that’s how OBSESSED I AM WITH BTS) but I figured that I’ll just include them in this “life update” entry. But for real, it began back in October, when I saw this screenshot of RM’s WeVerse comment/reply to a fan. I’m pasting it here for reference lol.
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For some reason, I was really impressed after seeing this. I’ve known the band for a while already. I know how big they are and I even have friends who are huge fans. I’ve seen a couple of their online content in the past as well, but I think it was this image that made me really realize why they’ve been getting so much attention and why their fanbase just keeps on growing. This was the first time that I “got it”, if you know what I mean. Anyway, a bit after that my ARMY friends messaged me and I was immediately swooped into the world of BTS. I don’t regret any of it though haha! I have so much feelings about this topic (lololol) but I’ll try to hold back. Who knows, I might continue with that separate blog post anyway 💁‍♀️ My bias is Namjoon (my goodness, this man is such a dream), while my bias wrecker is Jimin. Although I think my bias wrecker changes everyday now lmao. 😂 I’ll say this though, it wasn’t their pretty faces that got me. If anything, I think that really comes as secondary, because what made me an Army was their talent, their story, and their character. These boys are really men of substance, and their songs and advocacy can attest to how principled they are. Their songs have also helped me so much as I am still in the process of improving myself, my mental health, and all these introspective things. I remember this one time where I bawled my eyes out when I was reading through the English translation of Answer: Love Myself. In a year when I almost lost myself again due to how depressing this year was, it feels good to root for something, or in this case, someone, and see them flourish in success. They really started at the bottom, and I guess in a way their story also inspires me to keep on doing what I’m doing, knowing that someday, everything will make sense and I’ll finally make it. 
BTS also led me to listen to other K-pop acts as well such as Day6 (another fave!), Monsta X, Shinee, IU, Henry, and BlackPink (very recently hahaha) Ok, I’ll stop right there. 😬 Funny how I just cannot get the K-pop hype for so many years, and now I’m genuinely enjoying it. It’s become my go-to work soundtrip also as I don’t get carried away by singing along to the lyrics as, ofc, it’s in a different language lol.
I remember last year when my colleagues at work gave me this plant and they assured me that it won’t die but it did. It kinda made me think that I don’t have a green thumb and that I can never maintain a plant. But guess what, I have about 7 plants now and THEY’RE ALL THRIVING SO WELL. I’m so invested in these plant babies and I’m so proud of myself that they’re all so alive and doing well. There were some scares, I admit. Like this one time when I attempted to re-pot my Syngonium Arrowhead and it almost died lol but I re-did it and thankfully it resurrected hahahahaha. Again, just like what I said about BTS and my baking, my plants are also testament to how it feels nice to root for (no pun intended) something and see them thrive, and how it feels so satisfying and reassuring to see something that I’ve been taking care of live healthy and happy. 
So yeah, there’s that. 
Those are what my life has been circling around these days. As I’ve said, I’m very grateful that I got into these things, little as they may seem as compared to others. But hey, they make me happy, and I think at this point in time, as long as something makes you happy and sane, that’s all that matters. You do you, girl. Wow, I can’t believe that I wrote this long. It’s been a while since I did! Anyway, I’m gonna end this here now as it’s getting late and I still have stuff to do. 
Merry Christmas!
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krreader · 5 years
BTS scenario → you being the blackpink maknae and meeting the boys.
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pairing: bts x idol!reader ; blackpink x maknae!reader (platonic) fandom: bts ; blackpink warnings: maknae of blackpink!reader ; language genre: fluff
a/n: hope you all like it, thank you @dontmessmeup for the request ♥
ask box | masterlists | faq | twitter | ko-fi | REQUESTS ARE CLOSED.
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kim seokjin
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Jin ran into you when you were backstage at an award show. This wasn't your first rodeo, but it was definitely nothing you've been to before.
You were set to perform in less than thirty minutes, yet you were wandering around backstage in hopes of finding your way to where you should be after you had desperately needed to use the bathroom. Rosie had told you she'd come with you, but you were too stubborn to accept it. You might be the maknae, but you could very well go to the bathroom on your own. Well, she'll laugh once she finds out you've gotten lost. 
If you ever find your way back.
“Hello?” a voice to your right made you turn your head, then stop breathing momentarily as you looked at a member from a band that you were very familiar with. And not just any member but the most handsome one.
“Uhm.. hello?”
“You're (Y/N), aren't you? From Blackpink?”
“I won't be for much longer if I don't make it in time for the performance,” you chuckled nervously.
Jin seemed to have liked your answer, since he started laughing as well, “I'll lead you back, what do you say?”
You couldn't tell whether he was doing this out of the kindness of his heart or because he had something else in mind. But because you were so stressed you couldn't exactly focus on anything else in that moment either. All that mattered to you was getting back to your members for your performance.
And he did bring you back just in time.
“What happened?! We thought you drowned in the bowl,” Lisa laughed, but then stopped when Jisoo hit her arm, but only because they were in the presence of Jin.
She quickly bowed and then pulled you behind her, “Thank you for bringing her back.”
“Always,” he bowed as well, but his eyes never quite left yours. And even as he left he turned around once more just to smile at you.
“I was going to laugh,” Rosé whispered, but then grinned, “But now I'm kind of happy for you that you got lost.”
It could have turned out a lot worse..
min yoongi
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“Guys? There's.. there's something in my sandwich,” you said in disgust, pulling out a piece of paper that definitely didn't belong there.
“Ooooh, our maknae got her first number,” Jennie giggled, immediately pulling it out of your hand, “I say it's from a Seventeen member.”
“I go for EXO,” Lisa chimed in, Jisoo adding: “Monsta X,” and then finally Rosé saying: “Hm.. no, I think it'll be a solo artist.”
“I'm glad you're all having fun here,” you said with a slight annoyance in your voice – to which your members only chuckled more – before wanting to reach for the number again. But Jennie was quicker than you and unfolded it.
“What's it say?” your members were all dying to know who the secret admirer was.
At first Jennie just furrowed her eyebrows, then she twisted and turned it as if she couldn't quite believe her eyes.
“Yoongi? From.. BTS?”
“SHUT UP!” and as if a lightning strike had hit, all three of them jumped up and ran around the table to properly look at the piece of paper, while you just sat there in confusion.
“I never even talked to him though..”
“You're pretty, you're smart, you're a rapper and you're probably everything he wants. And I can't blame him, baby sis,” Lisa chuckled, wrapping her arms around your neck from behind, “I'm glad it's someone as cool as him.
But while you and your members were swooning over this, Yoongi didn't actually know what was going on. Because it wasn't him that had shoved his number into your sandwich. He didn't even know someone – and by someone, I mean the maknae line who thought their hyung could use a girlfriend – gave out his number until that person texted him.
“Okay, who of you did this?” he walked out of his bedroom and into the living room with his phone in the air, “Who gave (Y/N) from Blackpink my number?”
“No idea what you're talking about, hyung,” Taehyung said with a full mouth, Jimin and Jeongguk only shrugging and shoving more popcorn into their mouths.
He could have argued more, but what good would that have done? So instead he just rolled his eyes, muttered some curses under his breath and returned to his bedroom.
And instead of deleting the message or number, he sat back down on his bed, carefully read over your lines again and then replied with a smile: “I'm glad you texted..”
jung hoseok
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Parties with other idols right after your debut were a bit hard because nobody knew you yet and everybody already had their friends. Nobody was really in the mood to converse with the rookies.
And so you and your members were sitting at the side somewhere, the four of them chatting with each other while you just stared ahead of you, already dreaming of your warm bed and some nice sleep.
That is until two guys suddenly sat down on the couch next to you.
“Sorry,” Hoseok. Jung Hoseok. He smiled as brightly as you can imagine as he sat down and had accidentally touched your shoulder and you just smiled back because that was literally all you could do.
He then turned back around and continued talking, while you just dreamily stared at his back, not quite believing what just happened.
You might be an idol now, but that didn’t mean that you didn't have your own idols either.
“Talk to him,” Lisa whispered, Rosé giving you an encouraging smile.
But you just furiously shook your head.
What were you even supposed to say to him? You'd just stutter, probably embarrass yourself and you were looking forward to a peaceful night, not one filled with anxiety over everything you've done wrong that day.
And because Lisa was the best and because she knew how much you liked Hoseok, she crossed the room to talk to BamBam and before you knew it, half of GOT7 was now talking to Hoseok and his friend before BamBam sneakily said: “By the way, have you met the Blackpink girls yet? Lisa is one of my oldest friends and the others are really cool too!”
“Oh,” Hoseok turned back around, that same smile from before on his face and god.. he smelled so fucking good, “I'm sorry I didn't recognize you, it's kind of dark here tonight.”
“Oh, that's alright,” you chuckled, blushing from ear to ear, but being eternally grateful for that disgusting light right about now.
And so the first step had been taken with you two talking all night and getting to know each other. 
kim namjoon
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“Please, please, please, please,” you begged, running after Jennie as she was walking through the apartment, “I'll do anything for you for the next three months, just come to that concert with me.”
“Why don't you go alone?”
“If I go alone and someone see's me, they'll come up with rumors, but if there's more of us they might just think it's one idol group watching the concert of another!”
Listen, you had been meaning to go to so many of BTS' concerts, but your schedule had always clashed with their concert schedule.
Now? Now, tonight, you could finally go.. if only your band members were in the mood to accompany you.
“Fine,” Jennie said eventually after you started pouting. And she could never say no when you did that, “But you won't run off somewhere okay? We're just there to watch the concert and then we'll go home. No backstage visit.”
“No backstage visit. Got it.”
Or maybe not.
But come on, what were you supposed to say when their managers found you in the VIP area and asked you if you wanted to say Hi. No?
Not even Jennie would have done that.. well, maybe she would have, because she's not as starstruck as you are by them.. despite the two of you having debuted the same time and having met BTS an equal amount of times.
But maybe it wasn't the band in general but just one member that continuously flirted with you. And maybe you had wanted to watch that concert tonight because of that member.. and because he had said he was hoping he'd see you there..
..but you obviously hadn't told Jennie that.
And so while she was talking to Jimin and Taehyung, you smiled as Namjoon walked over to you.
“You actually came..”
“You asked me to,” you said shyly, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear, “It was such a good concert. Honestly. There's so much we could learn from you guys.”
“I don't know, I think you're doing quite well on your own, actually,” Namjoon chuckled, quickly turning around to look at Jennie, before he looked back at you, “Hey, I was wondering.. do you maybe want to grab something to eat with me? Just.. you and me?”
You almost choked when you heard that, but immediately told your body to relax as to not show any signs of surprise. Instead, you smiled and nodded a little.
“I'd love that..”
And as you two walked away, Jennie just watched you leave with a smile.
Maybe she had known after all..
park jimin
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“I hate you so much, honestly,” you threw a pillow at Lisa's head, Jisoo clicking her tongue in disapproval.
“Hey! Don't talk to her like that!”
“She sent Jimin a message from my phone. She told him that I was interested in him. She asked him to go out with me.”
“Uh, technically, you asked him to go out with you,” Lisa laughed, but then quickly screamed when you attacked her and began to tickle her.
Yeah, you were interested in him. So much that it actually hurt seeing him anywhere at this point because you felt as if he didn't even know you existed. And quite honestly, you only had his phone number because of that massive dance break you had participated in a while ago and someone had created a group chat for it.
“It's going to be so awkward seeing him now. You ruined everything!”
Did she though?
Come on, you should have known your sisters better than that.
Lisa would never do something to hurt you. She wasn't stupid. None of your members were. They could all see the way Jimin looked at you when you weren't looking at him. And that's why you didn't know, because he was so sneaky about it that you were never able to tell that he threw you glances.
He was probably just as shy as you were, otherwise he would have messaged you a long time ago.
And because he hadn't, Lisa thought she might just start rolling the ball.
You were lying in bed on your stomach later that night, completely depressed and re-thinking your life decisions, when an incoming Kakao message made you raise your head, all hair falling into your face.
But once you saw who the message was from, you sat up straight, brushing everything away to see what the response was.
“Sorry it took so long to respond, I had dance practice. But I'm so surprised to see that you're interested. In a good way of course! Because I'd love to go out with you and get to know you properly.”
And when Lisa heard you let out a scream a few seconds later, she looked up from her laptop with a huge grin and patted herself on the shoulder, “Good job, Lisa. Good job.”
kim taehyung
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Yours and a few other groups were on this huge reality show tonight. Well, not all members, but a few.
Tonight it would only be you, Rosé and Jennie, the other two were busy with practice.
But because there were so many idols, it took a long time for everyone to get ready before the show.
And while you were already done, your two members weren't. And instead of waiting in the filled make-up room, you had decided to go outside and take the elevator upstairs, enjoying the nice summer day on the rooftop terrace that the studio had to offer and sitting down somewhere on a bench to read.
You were so focused on your book that you didn't notice someone else having the same idea.
Only that this someone didn't come up here to read, but to take photos.
And when the sound went off, you looked up a little startled, even more so when you saw who it was.
“Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you,” Taehyung chuckled, looking at the picture he had just taken of you, “It just looked perfect to me.”
“It did?” you laughed, “Can't imagine, but okay.”
“Trust the photographer on this. It looked perfect,” he nodded to himself, sitting down next to you, “What are you reading?”
“Nothing special,” you shrugged, closing the book to show him, “Just something to pass the time with. What about you? Are your members all done as well and now you have to wait on them?”
“Funny how we seem to be in the same situation,” Taehyung chuckled, “But maybe that's a sign that you and me should finally talk properly, not just exchange greetings.”
“Oh? Talk properly, huh? About what exactly?”
“I don't care,” Taehyung shrugged, smiling happily at you, “Tell me about yourself, (Y/N).”
And so you two ended up talking for so long that you completely lost track of time and because you were in your own little world, you didn't even hear your phones ringing. Continuously.
“What the hell, (Y/N)? We've been looking all over for..- Oh!” Jennie, along with your manager suddenly stood behind you, both of them slowly beginning to smile when they saw how close you and Taehyung were sitting next to each other, “Are we interrupting something?”
“You always are, but that's okay, because I still love you,” you got up, Taehyung following your motion with a chuckle at what you had just said, “I'll message you alright?”
“I'm looking forward to that.”
And you can bet your ass that you had to tell your band members about every little detail of today, because goddamn, you had just spent two hours with Kim Taehyung on your own and they wanted the tea.
jeon jeongguk
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Because you two were the maknae's of groups that were extremely popular, people seemed to ship you quite hard.
And while you usually steered clear of shipping and other things about you on the internet, there came a point where you couldn't ignore it anymore. People all over the world apparently wanted you to be with Jeongguk, despite you never having actually had a conversation with him that lasted longer than two minutes.
“Look at this one,” Jisoo giggled as she showed you the edit of you, Jeongguk and a baby in your arms, “It does kind of look like you.”
The two of you – or rather, Jisoo – have spent the last two hours lying in your bed and looking at various photoshopped pictures of you and Jeongguk and Jisoo really enjoyed herself.
“I'm too young to have a baby.. and too busy.”
“But in the future..-”
“In the future, maybe. But definitely not with Jeongguk. He probably doesn't even realize I'm in a room when I enter. It's like.. he's this god and then I'm the worm under his shoe.”
“Hey,” she sat up, now upset as that frown on her face showed, “Stop talking about yourself like that. You are one of the prettiest, most talented and smartest girls I know, okay? Everyone knows that, even Jeon Jeongguk.”
You would like that.. these pictures did something to your head that made you think you might even be a nice couple, but you had to remind yourself that these were fan-made. Things that fans wanted to happen. Not you..
It was only three weeks later though when you got a random follower request on your private Instagram, the one that only your close friends knew about, but you saw that some of your friends, your idol friends, were following that account as well and were followed by that account. So you figured it might just be another idol and accepted it without realizing that it was the one you had been dreaming about these past weeks.
At first he just followed you and you followed back. Nothing more, nothing less.
But then he sent you this meme that included you and him with the caption: “Sometimes they're actually funny.”
And it was the perfect ice breaker. A meme always is. After that day, you messaged each other every day and well.. the fans’ hopes and dreams became true eventually.
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silverlightqueen · 5 years
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The Other Half - Teaser
badboy!Jimin x richgirl!reader ft. bts, nct 127, twice, red velvet, got7, blackpink and exo
Word Count: 2.4k+
Summary - In Winchester, y/n has it all. Gorgeous and glamorous. A friendship group just as gorgeous and glamorous. Fantastic grades. A handsome boyfriend with a family just as successful as hers. A doting dad and a brother just as beautiful as she is. An amazing school, and an even more amazing house. As many cars and clothes and bags and shoes, and as much makeup and money she could ever ask for. But when Winchester Academy puts on an exchange programme with Burnley Tech School, a high school in an underprivileged area, two completely different worlds collide, and y/n has her hands full, practically overflowing, dealing with her exchange partner, bad boy Jimin with a whole lot of baggage...
Warnings - nothing yet except some offensive rich kid talk, a hint of classism and some mild bad language
a/n: I literally got this idea less than 24 hours ago and have already produced a two and a half thousand word long teaser for it so as you can probably tell, I am very excited about this ! lmk what you think so far and hmu if you wanna be on the taglist x
au masterlist
silverlightqueen masterlist
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‘And then I told them to deliver it to my house and you know they said? They said they don’t do home deliveries,’ Nayeon wraps up her story, the rest of us girls gasping in shock. ‘You’re kidding?’ Mina asks, one hand flipping her hair over her shoulder, the other clasping Jaehyun’s hand. ‘Nope. I was like, bitch, do you not know who I am?’ Nayeon says, a laugh running around the group at that. ‘So what did you do, babe?’ Johnny asks her, arm around her shoulders, and she grins. ‘I asked to speak to her manager, and she went and got him. As soon as he saw me, his face fell, and he asked what he could do for me. I told him that his employee had told me they don’t do home deliveries and before I could even finish talking, he said that they could make an exception for me, of course,’ she says, a satisfied smile on her face as she inspects her fingernails, pristine no doubt, due to the award-winning nail tech we all share. ‘And did they?’ Tzuyu asks. ‘The clothes were in my room before I got home,’ she replies, all of us laughing. 
We’re sat out in the courtyard in our usual spot; a few benches in a huddle, half in the sun and half in the shade, close enough to the sports pitches and courts for us to keep an eye on the boys during the warmer months. It’s only April now, and sports start up again in May, when the air gets warmer, the days get longer, and our skin gets darker. Only half of our group are sat here at the moment, Nayeon, Johnny, Mina and Jaehyun taking up one bench, Momo and Sana on another, Tzuyu and Mark sprawled across another, and myself and Taeyong in another, my legs stretched across it and Taeyong sat between them, head resting on my chest. We’re all dressed in the tragically unfashionable uniform, the girls in black cardigans, blue blouses, green and blue checked skirts with yellow and red on them and knee high black socks (though we ditch the cardigans at any possible opportunity, our blouses tight and skirts rolled up so we don’t look like conservative catholic school girls from the Victorian era or whatever), the boys in tailored black trousers, light blue shirts and black ties, blazers the same print as our skirts slung over their shoulders. Other students pass us by with eager ears, trying to hear any hot gossip, and eager eyes, desperate to make eye contact and earn a smile from one of us.
I spot the others ambling over towards us, and wave as they near us. Chaeyoung practically bounds up to Mark, inelegantly landing on him and pressing a kiss to his cheek. Tzuyu makes space for Sicheng as Jeongyeon, Doyoung, Jihyo and Taeil take up another bench. Yuta joins Sana and Jungwoo joins Momo, Dahyun and Donghyuck taking up the last bench, and we are all as we should be. With our friends, in our couples, picture perfect as we’ve always been and always will be. ‘Oh, have you heard the news?’ Jihyo says, her fingers toying with Taeil’s tie as she speaks. ‘What news, Ji?’ Taeyong asks, his back vibrating against my chest with his words. ‘I don’t know how true this is, but I overheard Jennie speaking to Jackson and, apparently, we’ve got exchange students coming,’ she says, conversation erupting as soon as she utters the words. ‘No way! I don’t want anyone in my house!’ ‘Foreign bitches? Cool.’ ‘You’re fucking kidding, Ji.’ ‘Ooh, I hope they’re French!’
‘Why?’ Mark asks Chaeyoung, raising an eyebrow. ‘She’s got a kink for French boys,’ Dahyun whispers loudly, all of bursting into laughter. ‘No!’ Chaeyoung exclaims, a blush tainting her cheeks, ‘I just want to practice my French.’ ‘Oh, yeah, she’s fluent, Mark,’ Johnny teases, coaxing more laughter from the rest of us. ‘You can practice your French on me if you want, Chae,’ Taeyong teases with a wink, and I slap his forehead playfully. The jokes go over the two’s heads, both of them looking confused, and I take pity on them. ‘Being fluent in French is way of saying that someone’s… good at… you know?’ I explain, the realisation dawning on their faces, swiftly followed by annoyance. ‘You embarrassed to say it, babe?’ Taeyong says quietly, so only I can hear, as Mark and Chae begin to rant. ‘You weren’t embarrassed to do it,’ he teases. ‘Shut it, Tae, not funny. My brother’s right there,’ I reply, motioning to Jaehyun as Taeyong chuckles to himself.
‘Well, I hate to break it to you, Chae, but, no. They’re not French. They’re actually not foreign at all,’ Jihyo says, and we all frown. ‘What’s the point then?’ Sana asks. ‘Well, they’re so different to us, they’re practically aliens,’ Jihyo grins, loving keeping us all on edge like this. ‘Spill it, Ji, what are they?’ Yuta demands, getting impatient, as we all are. ‘They’re… poor,’ she says, everyone silent for a few seconds. ‘You’ve gotta be kidding,’ Momo says, and Jihyo shakes her head. ‘Oh, my God, I cannot have a poor person in my house!’ Jeongyeon exclaims as Nayeon starts to hyperventilate, Johnny getting the Chanel Grand Extrait perfume from her Hermes clutch and spraying it over her to help calm her down. ‘Jihyo, please tell me you’re joking. I don’t need this stress right now. I’ve got a shoot tomorrow and I can feel myself getting stress hives,’ Tzuyu says in a shrill voice, Donghyuck trying to do a breathing exercise with her. ‘I’m telling my father about this. He won’t allow it, not for a second,’ Jungwoo says, getting his phone out from his blazer.
‘Guys, relax. It’s not the end of the world,’ I say, all of them except Mina and my brother looking at me like I’m insane. ‘y/n, it might not be the end of the world, but how can we relax? What if they rob us, or give us fleas? Or Ebola?’ Taeyong asks, and I have to hold back a scoff. ‘Don’t be ridiculous. First of all, it might not even be true so there’s no point getting all worked up yet. Even if it is true, you can probably opt out if you want. If we did each have a poor person in our houses, imagine how good it’d look on our University applications. We’d look amazing for being so hospitable and charitable, and I bet we’ll even win awards in August at the banquet for it. They won’t rob us, and they won’t have any diseases or fleas. They wouldn’t be allowed to come if they did,’ my brother says, always managing to put a positive spin on things. Not that I thought it was negative anyway. Almost as though Jaehyun’s just said some sort of magic incantation, the others instantly agree with him, now excited to ‘have a poor person’. I zone out, used to tuning out when their rich kid talk gets unbearably stuck up, and it’s only when the bell rings to signal the end of our lunch hour does my mind re-join them.
We all rise up from our seats, heading towards the door into the school, and Taeyong puts an arm around me, his hand resting dangerously close to my ass. I can smell the Tom Ford cologne I bought him for his birthday, and I inhale the subtle scent deeply. ‘What lesson do we have now?’ I ask, and he laughs. ‘We’ve got tutor, babe, it’s Wednesday. Switch your head on,’ he teases, tapping my temple. ‘I forgot. I was thinking about this exchange student thing,’ I reply, and he looks at me thoughtfully. ‘You excited?’ he asks, and I shrug. ‘I guess. It’ll be fun. I hope I can take her shopping and get her some stuff. Maybe she’ll become a really good friend of mine,’ I say. ‘What if it’s a boy though?’ he asks, and I think. ‘Then I’ll take him shopping and get him some stuff. And become really good friends with him,’ I say, wondering what his point is. ‘What if he’s cute? What if he’s your type?’ he asks as we walk through the door into the busy corridor, heading towards our tutor room, our friends making a racket behind us. ‘Then he’s cute and my type,’ I reply. ‘So you wouldn’t do anything?’ he asks, and I sigh. ‘What are you trying to say, Tae?’ I ask, and he takes his arm from around me, holding his hand out to me. I clasp it, wrapping my arm around his so his arm is clutched against my torso.
‘If I get a girl, and I sleep with her, would you be mad?’ he asks, and I raise an eyebrow. ‘Why would I be mad? It’s not like we don’t already sleep with other people,’ I say, and he nods. ‘Yeah, but like, we sleep with strangers from clubs. We don’t sleep with people that our friends know, people that will be living with us, people that will see us being in a relationship,’ he says, and I laugh. ‘Okay, but the people we meet at clubs see us as a couple before we go home with them. Just do what we normally do. Just say you’re cheating, it’s not like the girl will feel indebted to me to tell me, and vice versa,’ I say, and he nods thoughtfully. ‘How did I get so lucky to have a girlfriend like you?’ he says, leaning down to press his lips to mine, and I kiss him briefly, breaking away when I hear my brother call, ‘Stop defiling my sister, Lee!’ ‘I’m not your girlfriend,’ I reply as our friends laugh, and he grins. ‘Okay. How did I get so lucky to have a future wife like you?’ he says, and I laugh. ‘You have our parents to thank for that,’ I reply, and he chuckles under his breath as we enter the classroom. We take our normal seats, Nayeon on one side of me and Taeyong on the other, my brother in front of me and Dahyun behind me. We chat and gossip for a while, our teacher, Miss Jung, walking in a couple minutes later.
‘Class, quieten down please. I have an announcement to make,’ she says, looking around at us over the rim of her glasses. Due to our parents donating a lot of money to the school, we get certain privileges to keep us happy. Because when we’re happy, our parents are happy, and when our parents are happy, they spend. One of those privileges include our entire friendship group being put into one tutor group, just the twenty of us. ‘Is it the exchange thing, Miss? Because we know,’ Mark says, swinging on his chair. ‘You seem to always know things already,’ she says drily before lifting a paper up to read from it. ‘On Monday 4th May, a group of students from Burnley Tech School will arrive at Winchester Academy as exchange students,’ she begins, all of us bursting into chatter. ‘Wait, so are they all like computer programming nerds?’ Doyoung asks, eyebrows raised, and Miss sighs. ‘No, that’s just the name of the school. As I was saying, they’ll be staying for a month-’ ‘A month?!’ we chorus in shock, and she rolls her eyes. ‘And if all goes well, the period will be extended to two months-’ ‘Two months?!’ we exclaim, looking around in shock. ‘Won’t they like… miss their parents?’ Jungwoo asks. ‘Well, they can call them,’ she replies. ‘They have phones?’ Sana asks, all of us looking at her incredulously. ‘Obviously, Sana they’re not that poor,’ Tzuyu says. ‘Who told you they’re poor?’ Miss asks, all of us silent.
‘They’re from an underprivileged area but they’re not poor. It just means they’re not as privileged as you. They can probably still afford all their necessities, and most likely some luxuries too, but they don’t live the same way that you all do. For example, they probably have to commute to school because it’s unlikely their parents can afford to buy them a car. And they probably all have part time jobs,’ she says, gasps running around the room, myself included. Growing up in such a privileged environment, the thought of commuting to school or having a part time job makes me feel faint. Call me a spoiled brat, but I don’t think I could ever. ‘Oh, my God, I feel so sorry for them. Are we allowed to buy them things when they come?’ Chaeyoung asks. ‘That’s to your own discretion, we can’t dictate things like that. But anyway, as I was saying, this exchange programme is to enrich your knowledge of different lifestyles and understand the importance of acceptance and equality. It’s also to show to us the kind of knowledge you all already have of other people’s situations and lives. So far, you’re not instilling much confidence in me, but hopefully, I’ll see an improvement,’ Miss Jung says, all of us listening for any more juicy details.
‘Wait…’ Sicheng says, catching all of our attention, ‘does this mean… we’ll have to go live with them too?’ he says, this development filling us with horror. ‘I’m afraid so. If the programme succeeds, they’ll spend two months with you, and you’ll spend a month with them before coming back in August,’ she says, all of our mouths open in shock. ‘Miss, please say you’re joking. We’ve got to spend a month being poor?’ Taeyong asks, and Miss tuts. ‘Now, now, Taeyong, that’s not very kind of you. As I’ve said, they’re not poor, and you must be open-minded. This’ll be a learning curve for you. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it greatly. We have an evening next Monday for your parents to all come in, get some more information about the programme and sign you up, if they wish,’ Miss Jung says, and I exchange a look with Jaehyun, both of us knowing our father would sign up for it in an instance, always wanting us to take part in these kind of things. ‘I know you’re all very unenthusiastic about this but give the students a chance.’ ‘We’ll give them a chance, obviously. It’s just unlikely we’ll get along. We’re so different,’ Taeil says, and Miss Jung eyes us all before she speaks; ‘You’d be surprised.’
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The Ultimate Guide to Using Genius for Language Learning
Genius. You know, that lyrics website with the viral memes spawned from their sometimes very odd YouTube ‘Verified’ interviews. Not exactly the first thing that comes to mind when you think of language learning. But, it could be worth adding to your bookmarks. Here’s my guide to using Genius for language learning.
Spoiler alert before we dive right in. What I found in my research for this post is that this is only a useful technique for popular songs, and even then it’s not guaranteed to be a useful tool. But…when it does work, it works really well. So that’s why I’m sharing this with you.
Free Music Study Pack
Do you like to use music for language learning? You’re in luck! Loads of people love the Netflix Study Pack I made a while back, so I figured it would be a helpful addition to your study resources to have a (free!) Music Study Pack too.
Click the image below to get your copy now.
Step 1: Picking Your Artist
Like I mentioned above, this tool doesn’t work for everyone. So toss aside that obscure Korean indie band and embrace the mega huge K-pop, just this one time.
When I tested this for artists in a few languages, I found varied luck with Rosalía, Stromae, BTS, and BLACKPINK among others.
So to pick your artists, first start with a song you actually like (always helps). Then search it on Genius. Simple!
I’ll be using Rosalía as my example for this article.
Step 2: Read the Artist Page
When we look at Rosalía’s artist page, we’ve got links to her most popular song lyrics on the right side, and any video content featuring that artist and a short bio on the left.
For Rosalía, we’re really lucky because the bio is in both Spanish and English!
Also, we’ve got a couple of videos. These are in English but we do get to hear bits of Spanish when she recites lyrics.
Step 3: Song Lyrics and Description
We’re going to click on MALAMENTE because that’s the most popular, so likely to have most annotations, comments, and other helpful stuff.
First of all on the next page, you’ll see the lyrics and a short overview of the song to the right with any additional information not applicable to specific lyrics, but to the song in general. It’ll look like this:
You might also spot translations under that description on the right. Again, we luck out here and have English, French, and Italian. But more on that later.
Below that (out of view on the image above) you sometimes get a little “What has the artists said about this song?” section, with links and explanations too.
Related: 12 Spanish Bands and Singers to Learn Spanish (If You Hate Reggaeton)
Step 4: Annotations
After a first look through the lyrics to check what you already understand, click any lyric that’s highlighted grey (which on this song is all of them, but on others may be less).
When you do this, you’ll now see annotations on the right side, including comments underneath. It’ll look something like this:
Most will likely be just words but some will include links out to sources, videos, and more about the song. For example, on the chorus of this song, we get a video embedded with a 30 minute explanation from Rosalía responding to a YouTube video analysis of the song. It’s like meta meta meta.
Step 5: Translations
Coming back to the main page, after really diving into the lyrics and annotations (hopefully including some target language annotations!) you can check out the translations.
You might get some additional annotations on the translation, but probably not as much. Here’s the English translation, which has a couple of additional annotations explaining a Spanish expression and an Andalusian expression. You likely wouldn’t find these on the original lyrics.
Personally, I still prefer Lyrics Translate when it comes to translations. Hopefully Genius will improve in this area in the future, but it’s all community led so depends on that.
Step 6: Community
As I just mentioned, Genius is quite community-led in terms of annotations and translations. To support that, certain regions and countries have public forums. And, of course, the majority of posts will be in the language(s) of each region.
Here’s a full list of those forums.
To take a look at one, simply click and scroll down the right side bar that appears until you see ‘Genius Forum’. Click that.
Here’s what you’ll see…
Another useful community feature on Genius is this list of users who have submitted their language info.
You can use this list to click through to their profiles, which lists their annotations. This makes it easy to find songs with annotations in different languages. Woohoo!
For example, here’s the Spanish Community Leader’s profile with their pinned annotations starting on the right side.
Step 7: Learn Song Terminology Vocab
There’s a really helpful list here of song terminology vocabulary in different languages. (And it really gets me thinking how well this format of website would work for learning multiple languages…!)
Things like verse, chorus, bridge etc. Take a look…
Step 8: Contribute yourself!
Quite advanced with a language and feeling really confident with your knowledge of a song or two? Try contributing annotations yourself!
Much like you’ll see when you start searching for annotations of lyrics, this could be in your target language or native language.
This is the one step of using Genius I haven’t tried myself yet, but feel free to give it a go!
Here’s some key community guidelines to get you started.
Free Music Study Pack
Ready to take music and language learning even further? I’ve made you a little something: the Music Study Pack.
This Study Pack gives you worksheets to use before, during and after listening to your new favourite song. So you’ve supported throughout. And it’s totally free.
Click the image below to download your free Music Study Pack.
Watch me Walk You Through All This!
I made a little video showing you how I used Genius with Rosalía’s MALAMENTE. Take a look here to see how this all works in reality.
Related: The Ultimate Guide to Spotify for Language Learning
The post The Ultimate Guide to Using Genius for Language Learning appeared first on Lindsay Does Languages.
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cosmo-era-yuto · 3 years
The Yuto-Wooseok-Yanan triangle is so great ;w; And the raw talent of Jinho and Hui <3 I agree, Shinwon is such a wild card!
tbh I legit cannot pick a bias, I love them all. I could go on a mini essay for each member about how much I love them. I love them loving each other!
Thanks for your b-side breakdown! It's exactly what I wanted to hear. And don't apologize for writing something lengthy! I'm the same, and I love to read everything, so it's really nice to find a kindred spirit! Give me those essays!
"Lose Yourself"-- I love this song a lot and I'm glad someone else does too. That's funny, liking "Like This" too much! But yeah, it goes hard and makes you Feel Things, hence it being probably my fav PTG song. And I agree, Shinwon needs to write more music! "Worship U" is so good, it could have been a title track if it had been on another album. I keep forgetting to put "Dazzling" on my ipod, so I haven't listened to it very much. I should rectify this. You seem to favor the Japanese tracks, haha! Do you speak it, or is it just coincidence?
You know what's funny, I didn't really like any Triple H stuff...I'm sorry Hui and Dawn...but I'm glad that it was a gateway to PTG for you!
I really applaud you for giving Pentagon a second chance and trying a second song. So many people out there would only listen to one track and then drop the group if they hated it. I can see how past you hated "Humph!," it's got a very simple melody with a basic repeated motif.
omg, "Can You Feel It" also made me a PTG convert! At least, music-wise. The decision to stan Pentagon as people/a group came after that. Summer 2020, some friends were visiting me and they were playing a bunch of k-pop, which was something I hadn't been into for years. So I was like, "Yeah, maybe I should get back into this, can you make me a rec list?" So one friend made me a playlist and I played it at work on YT for like 3 months. Ironically, there was no Pentagon on there, but PTG was connected to a bunch of other groups on the rec list, plus RTK had just happened, so PTG kept showing up on the suggested videos list on the side. I don't know what song I listened to first, but I remember "Violet" was one of the first ones, and I wasn't into it. But once I listened to "Can You Feel It," it was all over. I must have listened to that song like 5 times in a row at work (I usually hate listening to a song on repeat) and actually started searching out their music instead of just casually picking them out from the suggested videos. But then one day I saw the performance video for "Shine," and my life changed. They looked so happy! They were actually enjoying themselves and having fun! They were shouting along with the music and laughing with each other! It was so different from all the other groups I had seen in their performance/dance practice videos. Like, Pentagon members were *real people,* not just performers. And that's when I fell in love and actually started stanning them. I immediately started watching all content I could find of them on YT and began to memorize their faces and names. And now here we are, hahaha!
(I like plenty of other groups' music, but I don't try to learn members' names or watch their non-MV content. That's the difference for me.)
So in the continued string of coincidences, I think we both became Unis around the same time XD
Maybe I'll get into the b-side question another time, I feel like I've gone on long enough already, haha
Yes we seem really similar, maybe too similar
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Nah I’m kidding! It’s actually a really neat surprise
My favoring the Japanese tracks may have to do with the fact that I like the sound of J-pop music or maybe the fact that I’m half Japanese 🤠 As for my speaking it, hahahaha funny you should ask 😅 So my mother never taught me Japanese or spoke it around me because she didn’t know that I’d be able to learn it alongside English. She thought I would get confused and that it would hinder my own English. She’s trying to teach me now as a teenager but it’s a very slow process. However I will admit that I get ecstatic when I’m able to read a sentence written in the language (albeit a really short sentence with basic Kanji characters)
Oh that’s interesting, I actually love 365 Fresh and Retro Future is good as well, I haven’t heard any other song from them, though. Even so, the music can never compare to how Hui looked. OH HOW I MISS TRIPLE H HUI SO
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And thank you! That’s what I usually do when it comes to listening to new groups. If I hear a song a like I need to hear other songs to see if I actually like the group’s music, or just that one song. Same with if I don’t like the first song I hear.
Yessssss Can You Feel It was the moment. I also remember not vibing with Violet the first time I heard it. Once again I’m fine with it now, but I might skip it if it comes on the playlist 😬
Can I just say that Pentagon was the first group with a lot of members I tried to stan, so learning their faces was so hard 😭 Blackpink is what got me into Kpop in 2019 and they were the only group I listened to before Pentagon. I, for the life of me, could not stop mixing up Hyunggu and Hongseok. The only way I could tell them apart was because Hongseok was tanner, so if the lighting in a video was weird it was all over for me. Then I realized that Hongseok had a longer neck, so that helped. On the other hand Shinwon, Hui, Dawn, and Wooseok I could identify right away. Shinwon has a fox like face, Hui has a very straight (almost Greek) nose, almost every time I saw Dawn he had bleach blond hair, and Wooseok has wide eyes and a bigger nose. I would actually like to know, if you remember, who you had trouble identifying and who were easy for you? I always find that different people have have trouble with different Kpop idols which is interesting.
I actually don’t really indulge myself with content from other groups. Sometimes I’ll listen to songs from other groups, for example God’s Menu by Stray Kids is staying on my playlist even though all I know about the group is that there’s a guy named Felix. Also while we’re on the topic, who else do you listen to? I consider myself stans of girl groups Blackpink, Wooah, StayC, and Twice (I just started getting into the last two), boy groups TO1 and Kingdom, and I go HARD FOR KARD!!! Pentagon happens to be my ult group, though.
Anyhow, I can’t wait to hear your answers for the b-side questions! I hope you have a good rest of your day and until next time 👾
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blxcklee · 4 years
It has been quite a long time since i ever posted something here. Not to mention that its is obvious that no one would ever read my blog but here’s a blog post i feel like posting today. On 1:06 AM in the morning.
I might actually write more posts after this because i somewhat sense that I’m no longer know how to write perfectly in English (not that i’m a pro before), especially the fact that its been almost a year of me learning Japanese Language. The rate of me writing and speaking in English or in fact reading is decreasing for me day by day. So might as well document this journey of me losing my English gradually.
Today, i wanted to write something about the things I love currently and probably for the next several of months. 
I used to be so secretive of what i love before, because i feel like its not worth sharing to people.To me, if you share something, there’s gonna be two types of people; first, people who literally don’t care or two, the judgemental type. So, naturally i don’t tell people what i enjoy to unless they ask me out of the sudden. In 2017, there was a day when somebody randomly sang Playing With Fire by Blackpink and i continued her and everyone that was in the room were shocked. They asked me, do you listen to K-pop? and obviously my insecure ass would just ‘yeah, to some.’ which at that time was true, i listen to only BlackPink’s songs.
But I realised that every time i shared with people what do i listen to, i will ended up talking to them for hours about the shit we enjoy together! And i finally realised that is not THAT bad to tell people what i like. On a bonus point, I found people who would enjoy the thing i also do and i no longer alone! to find people who enjoy the same thing as I do is a satisfaction for me! 
I used to judge people who loves K-pop but now, look at me I breathed to K-pop songs only. To fangirl on my main account on twitter is hard because i believe some of my followers are K-pop hater so, I made a twitter stan account for Treasure (please stan treasure, roty 2020!) and I’ve talked to a bunch of amazing people there, and made some treasures in my life too! no pun intended haha.
I also hated telling people that i watch anime these days because i used to judge people who love watching them!  As I mentioned above I’m currently learning Japanese. Naturally, my course is full of people who loves watching anime. Believe me for several months I’m entered my course i envied people who have watched anime since they are kids, they tends to pick up words and they way of a Japanese would talk like. so I decided to watch one. and now i can assure you, i watch anime every single week! and believe it or not, my Japanese is improving and there’s nothing happier than seeing only -5 on my practice test! 
People will have this prejudice to girls that we love to watch romance movies right? We love to have these imagination of having the best romance life. And girls keep the standard high because girls enjoys watching romance movie. When i was around 15, I don’t want to be ‘the normal girls’ who would’ve loved watching romances rather than watching more of a suspense show. But to be very honest i’m lying to myself because hell yes i enjoy all these type of movies. I love crying when they finally got the happy ending they want. i enjoyed when i feel like my heart is also broken when the heroine started to realised that she should’ve like her best friend instead. And these cute scenes, it just magical in my eyes. i love cringy ass movies and series oh my. 
Whoever are reading this, please enjoy what you love, please post whatever you feel like to, please do unapologetically feel the excitement when you’re talking to your friends about what you genuinely love. Because the things you love is very important. When i was being secretive about liking K-pop, it was the time where i feel like nobody would understand me because i love K-pop, and people would judge and call me immature just because i enjoyed a genre a music, and guess what? No one would even care.
And to all the judgers (like me, once), stop focusing on what peple loves and put that energy to what you love. It will make you realise that judging people based on what they like is just a waste of energy and time. and even your thinking. also, stop saying K-pop stans are immature or stupid. Stop saying people who watch anime are perverts (because not all anime are sexual). also can we all stop this judging people behavior, it is plain stupid and a waste of time.
Therefore, share what you like, share what you love. Be respectful towards others’ likings. and keep doing you! stay safe and stay home. let us win against covid-19! i’ll write more after this haha.
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btspromosquad · 7 years
Our Team!
Who are the members of the BTS Promo Squad?
What are their roles? What do they like? From where they’re from?
In this post you’ll find out everything you need to know about our little, yet strong team!
The introductions are written by our members, wich means that they’re the most thruth-saying possible!
We hope you’ll appreciate our team.
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Nicole ~ Leader
안녕하세요 everyone! I'm Nicole, the leader of the BTSPS. I'm fourteen and I currently live in America. My amino profile name is “니콜 (TaeIsBby)”. As you know, I'm the leader but I also run the twitter account (and monitor the other social media accounts) . My bias in BTS is Taehyung but they all have a special place in my heart! Even though Taehyung is my bias, I can relate to either Yoongi or Jin most of the time.
In October of 2016, I found out about BTS because of a friend. She showed me Blood Sweat & Tears and I instantly fell in love with them. Ever since then I've been obsessed. I also love kdramas even though I don't have much time to watch them due to school.
I'm learning how to speak Spanish and Korean. I would much rather just learn one language but since a foreign language is required at my school and they don't offer Korean, I chose Spanish. I'm in love with Korean culture. I think Korea is a beautiful place and I even plan to travel there one day. When I'm in college, hopefully I'll get the opportunity to study abroad.
In my free time I like to sing and dance. I believe that I'm alright at singing but I do dancing just for fun. I cannot dance good at all. I took dance lessons for 4 years, it's sad that I still can't dance. But I enjoy it! Singing on the other hand is something I'm considered ”good” at. I need practice and to take lessons. In the future once I am better, I want to audition somewhere. Preferably in Korea? But anywhere is fine for me. As long as I live my dreams that I've had since I was young, right?
I like to listen to many other groups and celebrities. For example: GOT7, NCT U, NCT 127, NCT DREAM, BLACKPINK, Shinee, Jay Park, Mino, and so many more! The two main groups I like, other than BTS, are GOT7 and BLACKPINK. Jackson is my bias in GOT7 and Lisa is my bias in BLACKPINK. I actually love those two groups. They are my lifeu. But BTS will always have my hearteu!
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Saiko ~ Co Leader, Italian and Polish translator, Tumblr’s page curator
I’m Natalia, but you can call me Saiko or Nat.
In our team I’m in charge of being wild & sexy (who gets the quote will receive a cookie), translating to Italian and Polish, taking care of the Tumblr page and trying to find a way to make our posts look more clearly.
I am an artist, sort of, I love foreign languages and cultures. I've quite a knowledge about geeky stuff and I love to talk about it. I always say what I think, I hate when people cheat or are jealous. I'm open minded and I like to listen to other opinions, arguing is probably one of the things that I hate the most. I'm not someone who gives up and I always forgive mistakes.
I really like being between people and in my heart: I’m a tomboy.
I'm into K-POP from September first of 2016, getting into this magic world thanks to a random YouTube channel and GOT7′s “Fly”. I'm an A.R.M.Y. from a week after the release of “Blood, Sweat and Tears”, but I feel like BTS are some sort of old friends that I’ve met again after a long time. My ultimate bias and role model is Suga. I really like his mentality, the way he speaks out his mind and I respect him for his work and the passion he puts in doing it.
I really like other celebrities too, some examples are: Heechul (Super Junior), Taemin (SHINee), Woozi (SVT), Zico (Block B), Jackson (GOT7), Youjin (KNK), Amber (f(x)), Xiumin (EXO) and Do Ji Han (actor).
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Florencia ~ Spanish translator, Tumblr’s page curator
My name is Florencia and I’m the Spanish translator of the BTS Promo Squad. 
My Amino profile name in Flor (I know, so original), I live in Argentina and my Bias in BTS is Min Yoongi but I love all of them. 
I’m in love with Asian culture in general, I want to learn more about it and be able to visit some of its countries one day (but Korea is my main goal). I also love languages, I’m currently studying to be an English Translator in college and I’m learning Korean and Portuguese by my own. 
In my free time I like reading, watching Kdramas and singing. 
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Darla Anne ~ Tagalog translator
My ARA profile name is Jungkookie. 
I’ve been living here in the US for 3 years now and I’m from Philippines (Two hour away from Korea by plane T_T). I��m currently learning 3 languages (English, Spanish, and Korean). 
I know BTS before they even debuted but I became their fan June of 2016. My bias in BTS is Jungkook but I love all of them. 
And also I’m a fan of different groups like Astro, Got7, Blackpink and Monsta X. I like to listen to music and to read. My goal is to study college in Korea and live there.
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Maya ~ Arabic and French translator
Amino Profile Name: MoonSungRa
Languages: English, French, & Arabic.
Few things about me: I’ve been into Kpop for almost 10 years and an ARMY since predebut. I don’t have a bias in BTS, I really love and admire each one of them. Aside from Kpop, I also like: watching Anime, Drama (Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, and Turkish) and K-Variety Shows, reading Manga (Shonen, Shojo, Seinen, and Josei) and Books (mostly YA and Crime Fiction).
I used to listen to Visual Kei and Jpop before I discovered Kpop, but I don’t anymore. I also like learning foreign languages. I’ve been trying to learn Japanese, Korean, and Spanish for years now, but school always gets in the way.
Ultimate Biases: Lay (EXO) - Soyeon (T-ara) - Krystal ( f(x) ) -  BTS OT7
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Pika ~ Slovene translator, Facebook’s page curator
Hello. My name is Pika and I am your Slovene translator.
I was “born” in the A.R.M.Y World during Fire Era. If you ask me who is my bias in BTS, I wouldn’t be able to answer you the question, since I love them all equally. Ladies’ Code is my bias girl group and they deserve so much more.
In real life I am quite shy and awkward, but if someone asks me for my opinion I am never quiet. I enjoy watching Korean Dramas and Anime. My hobbies are; drawing, Rhythmic Gymnastics, dancing, learning new languages (currently I’m learning German).
Biases: All BTS Members, Ashley (Ladies’ Code), Joshua (Seventeen), Bambam (Got7), Amber (f(x)), Daesung (Big Bang), Rosé (BlackPink),...
You can find me on A.R.M.Y Amino under the nickname “i suck at nicknames”.
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Lina ~ Korean translator
Hi my name is Lina and I live in the US but I am Korean. I am fluent in Korean and English so I will be the Korean translator.
 My ultimate bias from BTS is Jungkook he is such a talented human being lol!!
 My Army amino profile name is Jungkook_00.
I am a k-drama addict like there is no k-drama I haven’t watched(it’s seriously a problem).
 I do taekwondo and am a 4th degree black belt. I also like to play other sports as well (tennis,yoga,gravity yoga,pilates...etc.) and I love to play video games. I also at a young age learned various musical instruments (violin,piano,flute,and a traditional korean instrument). I also like to cook and bake whenever I have time. 
I've been an Army since their debut but really started to hardcore stan BTS during their “Most Beautiful Moment” album era. BTS is the only male group I stan but I like to listen to other K-pop groups/singers/rappers as well like Big Bang, Mamamoo, Blackpink, Dean, BewhY and so many more. I don’t really like to be involved in fanwars because I think it’s a waste of time and everybody should respect each others opinions. 
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Nisrin ~ French, Arabic and Catalan translator, Twitter’s page curator
Hi everyone!
My name is Nisrin and I’m a translator, and my Amino name is “ChimChimGirl”. I’ve been a translator before in my other fandom (for the American band called Linkin Park, which is my other favorite band, and if you like their music let’s be friends), and I loved working with other people who are as passionate as I am about the group.
I speak 6 languages fluently; arabic, amazigh (for those who don’t know, it’s an official north African language), English, Spanish, Catalan, and French. I’m originally from Morocco but I’ve grown up in Catalonia (Spain), and now I’m living in France, where I study International Business in college and work as a Catalan teacher at elementary schools. 
My bias is Jimin but I relate to Suga on a deeper level, even though at the end of the day I end up praising and loving all of them equally, because their story, their hard work, their passion and their talent is amazing, and that’s why I fell in love with them.
I’ve been into Kpop since October 2016 with the release of Blood, Sweat and Tears, and an ARMY since then as well. I occasionally listen to Big Bang, Blackpink and Got7 (and I love Jackson!).
I love languages and even with lack of time, I recently started learning Korean because I find it really interesting. I’m a TV shows addict, I mainly watch American shows but I started watching Hwarang and I’m in love with it. I might give other Kshows a try during summer break!
I’m a very open and honest person, I talk a lot and I speak my mind with no hesitation. I’m good at teamwork and I’m a hard worker. I’m a feminist because I believe in equality, I love football (or soccer), animals, food, working out, cooking, and reading books.
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Erika ~ Swedish translator
Hello everyone!
 I’m Erika and I am 18 years old, (soon to be 19 on the 18th of February! *feeling blessed*) from Sweden, so I will be the Swedish translator lol.
 My amino is Erika K and I found out about BTS last year in April when my friend from Canada was shook and sent me the music video for “DOPE” and just said: “Choreo. THE CHOREO DAMN.” At that point I had to check it out and boy, I was impressed by them. After that I stumbled across “Young Forever” and I just started crying while I read the lyrics, they were so good! And it became even more special when I found out the members themselves had written the lyrics and Rap Monster producing it. (Still is my favorite song today). And I just knew, from that day forward, there was no return lol. 
My bias is Namjoon, simply because he’s just the most wonderful human I have ever gotten the chance to know. He’s everything from intelligent, to sweet, humble, to savage, to clumsy (can 100% relate lol). He’s everything. Although I must say I love all of them and I would probably sob like a 4-yearold if I ever got the chance to see any of them in real life. 
Despite for my love of BTS, I am also a huge language loving nerd. I study at the moment Swedish, English, Italian, Chinese and Latin. My goal in life is to be near the level of fluency in at least 3 or 4 languages. 
Aside from that I adore K-dramas even though I’m a newbie, there is just something so magical about them. I have to restrain myself to focus on my school work sometimes, the life of a fangirl *sigh.* But I absolutely adore Lee Jong Suk, Ji Sung and Seo In Guk. Apart from BTS I’m also a huge multifandom, and my top 5 faves (except BTS), GOT7, Monsta X, KNK, SHINee & Pentagon. But BTS will forever be my ultimate bias group. <3  
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