btspromosquad · 7 years
#BTSonKISSFM [French]
ARMY de tous les coins du monde ! Nous avons besoin de vous !
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Beaucoup d’entre vous savent qu’Europe n’attire pas beaucoup l’attention de BTS, c’est pour quoi BTS PS a décidé de collaborer dans le projet d’ARMYNATION #BTSonKISSFM.
Beaucoup d’entre vous reconnait probablement l’une des stations européennes les plus populaires – Kiss FM. Le projet d’ARMYNATION consiste à mettre la chanson de BTS « Not Today » sur cette radio !
Cependant, nous avons besoin de votre aide pour mettre cette chanson sur les stations de Kiss FM, alors I-ARMYs, il est temps de collaborer !
Nous avons commencé avec la station du Royaume-Uni, donc même les AMRY non-anglais peuvent envoyer des tweets !
Maintenant, nous allons continuer le projet dans d’autres pays. Le prochain pays est l’Allemagne, avec le compte de Twitter respectif @988KISSFM.
ARMY, nous avons besoin de vous, envoyez des tweets aux stations de radio en disant au moins « Please, play BTS Not Today ! » (« S’il vous plait, mettez Not Today de BTS ! »). Rappelez-vous de ne pas spammer les stations, écrivez un tweet par jour ! nous voulons pas de représenter Bangtan dans un mauvais sens.
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Si vous voulez savoir pourquoi nous voudrons se concentrer sur « Not Today », la réponse est simple ; cette chanson sera aimée par les européens grâce à sa mélodie, même s’ils ne vont pas comprendre les paroles !
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btspromosquad · 7 years
#BTSonKISSFM [Spanish]
¡A.R.M.Y de todo el mundo! ¡Los necesitamos!
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Muchos de ustedes saben que Europa no recibe mucha atención de parte de BTS, es por eso que BTS PS decidió colaborar con el proyecto de ARMYNATION #BTSonKISSFM.
Muchos de ustedes reconocerán una de las más populares estaciones de radio europeas - KISS FM. El proyecto de ARMYNATION consiste en llevar “Not Today” de BTS a esta radio.
Como sea, necesitamos su ayuda para pasar esta canción en alguna estación de KISS Fm, así que I-ARMYs, ¡es hora de colaborar!
¡Si triunfamos, contactaremos a la próxima estación!
A.R.M.Y te necesitamos, manden tweets a KissFMUK diciendo por lo menos ‘Please, play BTS Not Today’ (por favor pasen Not Today de BTS). Recuerden no spamear a las estaciones, solo escriban un tweet por día. No queremos representar de una mala manera a Bangtan.
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Si quieren saber porque queremos concentrarnos en “Not Today”, la respuesta es sencilla; esta canción le gustara a los europeos gracias a su melodía, a pesar de que no entiendan la letra.
¡BTS PS, ARMYNATION, A.R.M.Y y BTS, fighting!
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btspromosquad · 7 years
A.R.M.Y. from all over the world! We need you!
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Many of you guys know that Europe doesn’t get much attention from BTS, that’s why BTS PS decided to collaborate to ARMYNATION’s project #BTSonKISSFM.
Lots of you probably recognize one of the most popular European stations - Kiss Fm. ARMYNATION’s project is about bringing BTS’ ‘Not Today’ on this exact radio!
However, we need your help to actually play this song on some Kiss Fm’s stations, so I-ARMYs, it’s time to collaborate!
We started with United Kingdom’s station, so even non-English ARMYs can send tweets! Every week we’ll contact a new station.
Now we are going to continue the project into further countries. The next one is Germany, with the respective Twitter account @988KISSFM.
A.R.M.Y. we need you, send tweets to the radio stations saying at least ‘Please, play BTS Not Today’! Remember to not spam the stations, write one post per day! We don’t want to represent Bangtan in a bad way.
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If you want to know why we want to concentrate on ‘Not Today’, the answer is simple; this song will be liked by Europeans, thanks to its melody, even tought they won’t understand the lyrics!
BTS PS, ARMYNATION, A.R.M.Y. and BTS, fighting!
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btspromosquad · 7 years
Vi är BTS Promo Squad!
둘 셋(2, 3)… Hej allihopa! Vi är BTS Promo Squad! (BTSPS)
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BTS Promo Squad (BTSPS) är en grupp ARMYS från hela världen. Som många andra personer, fokuserar vi på att planera projekt och aktiviteter för att marknadsföra BTS. Men istället för att bara marknadsföra dem inom vissa specifika områden, planerar vi att marknadsföra dem internationellt. Internationell marknadsföring innebär att vårt mål är att få så många personer som möjligt att erkänna BTS. Enligt vår åsikt förtjänar BTS allt vi kan ge dem! Vårt nya projekt kommer att kallas #BTSRadioDomination som går ut på att få BTS på radion över hela värden. Vi kommer börja vårt projekt i USA för att förhoppningsvis kunna påverka andra länder. Vi försöker också komma på ett sätt att få BTS på tidningsomslag! Vi kommer hålla er uppdaterade om våra projekt och aktiviteter. Vi kommer alltid använda hashtagen #BTSPS så att ni enkelt kan hitta våra inlägg.
Du kanske tänker: ”Jag vill vara en del av BTSPS”. Oroa dig inte! Du kan alltid ansöka om att bli en ny medlem. Ifall du inte vill vara en medlem, men skulle vilja hjälpa till, ta en titt på våra projekt! Du kan alltid hjälpa oss genom att delta. Här är länken ifall du skulle vilja ansöka:
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Tack så mycket för att du har läst denna introduktion. Vi hoppas på att se er alla delta våra uppkommande projekt och aktiviteter!
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btspromosquad · 7 years
BTS Promo Squad!
تحية للجميع. نحن فرقة برومو لبتس (BTSPS)
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فرقة برومو لبتس هي مجموعة من [أرمس] من جميع أنحاء العالم. مثل كثير الناس، نحن نركز على تخطيط المشاريع والأنشطة لتعزيز و رفع مستوا BTS فالعالم. ولكن بدلا من التركيز على تعزيزهم في مناطق معينة، نحن نخطط لترويجهم في جميع أنحاء العالم. هذا يعني أن هدفنا هو الحصول على أكبر عدد ممكن من الناس ل التعرف ب بتس. في رأينا، بتس يستحقون كل ما يمكنن أن نعطي! مشروعنا  الجديد القادم قريبا يتم استدعاؤه #BTSRadioDomination. ان الهدف من هذا المشروع هو الحصول على تقديم بتس على أجهزة الراديو في جميع أنحاء العالم. سوف نبدء مشروعنا في الولايات المتحدة بامل للتأثير على بلدان أخرى. نحن نحاول أيضا ل ايجاد وسيلة للحصول على وضع BTS على أغلفة المجلات! سوف نئتيكم بالمستجدات على مشاريعنا و أنشطتنا. سمف نستخدم دائما الهاشتاج #BTSPS حتى تتمكنو من الوصول بسهولة إلى مراكزنا.
اذا تريد أن تكون جزءا من BTSPS؛ لا تقلق! بئمكانك أن تكون عضوا. إذا كنت لا تريد أن تكون عضوا ففرقتنا، بل ترغب في المساعدة، راجع مشاريعنا! يمكنك مساعدتنا من خلال المشاركة. هنا هو الرابط إذا كنت ترغب في العمل معنا.
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شكرا لكم على قراءة هذه المقدمة. نأمل أن نراكم جميعا تشاركون في مشاريعنا وأنشطتنا قريبا!
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btspromosquad · 7 years
Nous sommes BTS Promo Squad!
둘 셋(2, 3)… Salut à tous. Nous sommes BTS Promo Squad! (BTSPS)
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BTS Promo Squad (BTPS) est un groupe d’ARMYs de partout dans le monde. Comme plusieures personnes, on se concentre en planifier des projets et des activités pour promouvoir BTS. Mais en lieu de se concentrer sur la promotion dans certaines zones, on prevoit de les promouvoir dans le monde entier. Les promotions globales signifient que notre objectif est d’obtenir la reconnaissance de BTS de la part du plus grand nombre de personnes possible. À notre avis, ils méritent tout ce qu’on peut donner! Notre prochain projet sera appellé #BTSRadioDomination. Le but de ce projet c’est de réussir à avoir BTS dans des radios du monde entier. On va commencer notre projets dans les États Unis pour influencer d’autres pays. On essaye également de trouver un moyen pour réussir à mettre BTS sur des couvertures de magazines!
On vous tiendra au courant pour nos projets et activités. On utilisera toujours le hashtag #BTSPS alors vous pouvez avoir un accès facile à nos publications.
Vous pouvez vous dire, “J’aimerais faire partie de BTSPS”. Eh bien, ne vous inquiétez pas! Vous pouvez toujours candidater pour être un membre. Si vous ne voulez pas être membre du groupe mais vous voulez quand même aider, consultez nos projets! Vous pouvez nous aider en participant. Voici le link si vous voulez envoyer votre candidature.
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Merci pour lire notre poste d’introduction. On espère de vous voir tous participer dans nos projets et activités bientôt!
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btspromosquad · 7 years
Nosaltres som BTS Promo Squad!
둘 셋(2, 3)… Hola a tothom. Nosaltres som BTS Promo Squad! (BTSPS)
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BTS Promo Squad (BTSPS) és un group d’ARMYs de tot arreu del món. Com molta gent, ens concentrem en planejar projectes i activitats per promoure BTS. Però en lloc de concentrar-nos en promoure en certes zones, hem planejat promoure’ls a nivell mundial.
Les promocions mundials signifiquen que el nostre objectiu és de fer que el màxim nombre de persones possible reconeixi BTS. En la nostra opinió, mereixen tot el que puguem donar! El nostre pròxim projecte serà anomenat #BTSRadioDomination. L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és d’aconseguir poder escoltar BTS a les ràdios de tot el món. Començarem el nostre projecte als Estats Units i esperem que això pugui influenciar altres paîsos.
Estem intentant també trobar una manera per posar BTS a les portades de revistes! Us mantenirem actualitzats sobre els nostres projectes i les nostres activitats. Utilitzarem sempre el hashtag #BTSPS perquè puguis tenir un accès fàcil a les nostres publicacions.
Et podràs dir, “M’agradaria formar part de BTSPS”. No et preocupis! Sempre et pots presentar a ser membre. Si no vols ser membre del grup però vols ajudar igual, fes un cop d’ull als nostres projectes! Ens pots ajudar amb la teva participació. Aquí és el link si desitjes participar.
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Gràcies per llegir la nostra publicació d’introducció. Esperem veure-us participant en els nostres projectes i les nostres activitats ben aviat!
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btspromosquad · 7 years
Our Team!
Who are the members of the BTS Promo Squad?
What are their roles? What do they like? From where they’re from?
In this post you’ll find out everything you need to know about our little, yet strong team!
The introductions are written by our members, wich means that they’re the most thruth-saying possible!
We hope you’ll appreciate our team.
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Nicole ~ Leader
안녕하세요 everyone! I'm Nicole, the leader of the BTSPS. I'm fourteen and I currently live in America. My amino profile name is “니콜 (TaeIsBby)”. As you know, I'm the leader but I also run the twitter account (and monitor the other social media accounts) . My bias in BTS is Taehyung but they all have a special place in my heart! Even though Taehyung is my bias, I can relate to either Yoongi or Jin most of the time.
In October of 2016, I found out about BTS because of a friend. She showed me Blood Sweat & Tears and I instantly fell in love with them. Ever since then I've been obsessed. I also love kdramas even though I don't have much time to watch them due to school.
I'm learning how to speak Spanish and Korean. I would much rather just learn one language but since a foreign language is required at my school and they don't offer Korean, I chose Spanish. I'm in love with Korean culture. I think Korea is a beautiful place and I even plan to travel there one day. When I'm in college, hopefully I'll get the opportunity to study abroad.
In my free time I like to sing and dance. I believe that I'm alright at singing but I do dancing just for fun. I cannot dance good at all. I took dance lessons for 4 years, it's sad that I still can't dance. But I enjoy it! Singing on the other hand is something I'm considered ”good” at. I need practice and to take lessons. In the future once I am better, I want to audition somewhere. Preferably in Korea? But anywhere is fine for me. As long as I live my dreams that I've had since I was young, right?
I like to listen to many other groups and celebrities. For example: GOT7, NCT U, NCT 127, NCT DREAM, BLACKPINK, Shinee, Jay Park, Mino, and so many more! The two main groups I like, other than BTS, are GOT7 and BLACKPINK. Jackson is my bias in GOT7 and Lisa is my bias in BLACKPINK. I actually love those two groups. They are my lifeu. But BTS will always have my hearteu!
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Saiko ~ Co Leader, Italian and Polish translator, Tumblr’s page curator
I’m Natalia, but you can call me Saiko or Nat.
In our team I’m in charge of being wild & sexy (who gets the quote will receive a cookie), translating to Italian and Polish, taking care of the Tumblr page and trying to find a way to make our posts look more clearly.
I am an artist, sort of, I love foreign languages and cultures. I've quite a knowledge about geeky stuff and I love to talk about it. I always say what I think, I hate when people cheat or are jealous. I'm open minded and I like to listen to other opinions, arguing is probably one of the things that I hate the most. I'm not someone who gives up and I always forgive mistakes.
I really like being between people and in my heart: I’m a tomboy.
I'm into K-POP from September first of 2016, getting into this magic world thanks to a random YouTube channel and GOT7′s “Fly”. I'm an A.R.M.Y. from a week after the release of “Blood, Sweat and Tears”, but I feel like BTS are some sort of old friends that I’ve met again after a long time. My ultimate bias and role model is Suga. I really like his mentality, the way he speaks out his mind and I respect him for his work and the passion he puts in doing it.
I really like other celebrities too, some examples are: Heechul (Super Junior), Taemin (SHINee), Woozi (SVT), Zico (Block B), Jackson (GOT7), Youjin (KNK), Amber (f(x)), Xiumin (EXO) and Do Ji Han (actor).
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Florencia ~ Spanish translator, Tumblr’s page curator
My name is Florencia and I’m the Spanish translator of the BTS Promo Squad. 
My Amino profile name in Flor (I know, so original), I live in Argentina and my Bias in BTS is Min Yoongi but I love all of them. 
I’m in love with Asian culture in general, I want to learn more about it and be able to visit some of its countries one day (but Korea is my main goal). I also love languages, I’m currently studying to be an English Translator in college and I’m learning Korean and Portuguese by my own. 
In my free time I like reading, watching Kdramas and singing. 
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Darla Anne ~ Tagalog translator
My ARA profile name is Jungkookie. 
I’ve been living here in the US for 3 years now and I’m from Philippines (Two hour away from Korea by plane T_T). I’m currently learning 3 languages (English, Spanish, and Korean). 
I know BTS before they even debuted but I became their fan June of 2016. My bias in BTS is Jungkook but I love all of them. 
And also I’m a fan of different groups like Astro, Got7, Blackpink and Monsta X. I like to listen to music and to read. My goal is to study college in Korea and live there.
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Maya ~ Arabic and French translator
Amino Profile Name: MoonSungRa
Languages: English, French, & Arabic.
Few things about me: I’ve been into Kpop for almost 10 years and an ARMY since predebut. I don’t have a bias in BTS, I really love and admire each one of them. Aside from Kpop, I also like: watching Anime, Drama (Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, and Turkish) and K-Variety Shows, reading Manga (Shonen, Shojo, Seinen, and Josei) and Books (mostly YA and Crime Fiction).
I used to listen to Visual Kei and Jpop before I discovered Kpop, but I don’t anymore. I also like learning foreign languages. I’ve been trying to learn Japanese, Korean, and Spanish for years now, but school always gets in the way.
Ultimate Biases: Lay (EXO) - Soyeon (T-ara) - Krystal ( f(x) ) -  BTS OT7
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Pika ~ Slovene translator, Facebook’s page curator
Hello. My name is Pika and I am your Slovene translator.
I was “born” in the A.R.M.Y World during Fire Era. If you ask me who is my bias in BTS, I wouldn’t be able to answer you the question, since I love them all equally. Ladies’ Code is my bias girl group and they deserve so much more.
In real life I am quite shy and awkward, but if someone asks me for my opinion I am never quiet. I enjoy watching Korean Dramas and Anime. My hobbies are; drawing, Rhythmic Gymnastics, dancing, learning new languages (currently I’m learning German).
Biases: All BTS Members, Ashley (Ladies’ Code), Joshua (Seventeen), Bambam (Got7), Amber (f(x)), Daesung (Big Bang), Rosé (BlackPink),...
You can find me on A.R.M.Y Amino under the nickname “i suck at nicknames”.
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Lina ~ Korean translator
Hi my name is Lina and I live in the US but I am Korean. I am fluent in Korean and English so I will be the Korean translator.
 My ultimate bias from BTS is Jungkook he is such a talented human being lol!!
 My Army amino profile name is Jungkook_00.
I am a k-drama addict like there is no k-drama I haven’t watched(it’s seriously a problem).
 I do taekwondo and am a 4th degree black belt. I also like to play other sports as well (tennis,yoga,gravity yoga,pilates...etc.) and I love to play video games. I also at a young age learned various musical instruments (violin,piano,flute,and a traditional korean instrument). I also like to cook and bake whenever I have time. 
I've been an Army since their debut but really started to hardcore stan BTS during their “Most Beautiful Moment” album era. BTS is the only male group I stan but I like to listen to other K-pop groups/singers/rappers as well like Big Bang, Mamamoo, Blackpink, Dean, BewhY and so many more. I don’t really like to be involved in fanwars because I think it’s a waste of time and everybody should respect each others opinions. 
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Nisrin ~ French, Arabic and Catalan translator, Twitter’s page curator
Hi everyone!
My name is Nisrin and I’m a translator, and my Amino name is “ChimChimGirl”. I’ve been a translator before in my other fandom (for the American band called Linkin Park, which is my other favorite band, and if you like their music let’s be friends), and I loved working with other people who are as passionate as I am about the group.
I speak 6 languages fluently; arabic, amazigh (for those who don’t know, it’s an official north African language), English, Spanish, Catalan, and French. I’m originally from Morocco but I’ve grown up in Catalonia (Spain), and now I’m living in France, where I study International Business in college and work as a Catalan teacher at elementary schools. 
My bias is Jimin but I relate to Suga on a deeper level, even though at the end of the day I end up praising and loving all of them equally, because their story, their hard work, their passion and their talent is amazing, and that’s why I fell in love with them.
I’ve been into Kpop since October 2016 with the release of Blood, Sweat and Tears, and an ARMY since then as well. I occasionally listen to Big Bang, Blackpink and Got7 (and I love Jackson!).
I love languages and even with lack of time, I recently started learning Korean because I find it really interesting. I’m a TV shows addict, I mainly watch American shows but I started watching Hwarang and I’m in love with it. I might give other Kshows a try during summer break!
I’m a very open and honest person, I talk a lot and I speak my mind with no hesitation. I’m good at teamwork and I’m a hard worker. I’m a feminist because I believe in equality, I love football (or soccer), animals, food, working out, cooking, and reading books.
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Erika ~ Swedish translator
Hello everyone!
 I’m Erika and I am 18 years old, (soon to be 19 on the 18th of February! *feeling blessed*) from Sweden, so I will be the Swedish translator lol.
 My amino is Erika K and I found out about BTS last year in April when my friend from Canada was shook and sent me the music video for “DOPE” and just said: “Choreo. THE CHOREO DAMN.” At that point I had to check it out and boy, I was impressed by them. After that I stumbled across “Young Forever” and I just started crying while I read the lyrics, they were so good! And it became even more special when I found out the members themselves had written the lyrics and Rap Monster producing it. (Still is my favorite song today). And I just knew, from that day forward, there was no return lol. 
My bias is Namjoon, simply because he’s just the most wonderful human I have ever gotten the chance to know. He’s everything from intelligent, to sweet, humble, to savage, to clumsy (can 100% relate lol). He’s everything. Although I must say I love all of them and I would probably sob like a 4-yearold if I ever got the chance to see any of them in real life. 
Despite for my love of BTS, I am also a huge language loving nerd. I study at the moment Swedish, English, Italian, Chinese and Latin. My goal in life is to be near the level of fluency in at least 3 or 4 languages. 
Aside from that I adore K-dramas even though I’m a newbie, there is just something so magical about them. I have to restrain myself to focus on my school work sometimes, the life of a fangirl *sigh.* But I absolutely adore Lee Jong Suk, Ji Sung and Seo In Guk. Apart from BTS I’m also a huge multifandom, and my top 5 faves (except BTS), GOT7, Monsta X, KNK, SHINee & Pentagon. But BTS will forever be my ultimate bias group. <3  
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btspromosquad · 7 years
Kami ang BTS Promo Squad!
둘 셋(2,3)... Hello sa inyong lahat. Kami ang BTS Promo Squad! (BTSPS).
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Ang BTS Promo Squad (BTSPS) ay ang grupo ng mga ARMYS sa buong mundo. Gaya nang maraming tao, nagfofocus kami sa pag plano nang iba’t ibang proyekto at aktibidad para ma-ipromote ang BTS. Pero imbis na mag focus sa isang lugar, balak namin sila i-promote sa buong mundo. Para mangyari yon, kakailanganin namin nang maraming tao para mas makilala pa ang BTS. Sa opinyon namin, karapat dapat naman sa BTS ang lahat ng ginagawa namin para sa kanila! Ang upcoming proyekto namin ay tatawaging #BTSRadioDomination. Ang point ng proyekto na ito ay mapa tugtug ang kanta ng BTS sa buong mundo. Sisimulan namin ang proyektong ito sa Amerika para mas mabilis ma influence ang iba pang mga bansa. Gumagawa din kami nang paraan para maicover ang BTS sa mga magazines! Lagi namin kayong iuupdate sa mga proyekto at aktibidad na gagawin namin. Gagamitin namin ang #BTSPS para mas mabilis nyo makita ang mga post namin.
Baka nag tatanong kayo, “Gusto ko maging pahagi ng BTSPS!”. Wag na kayong mag alala! Pwede ka namin sumali pero kung ayaw mo maging miyembro at gusto lang tumulong, tignan nyo ang proyekto namin! Pwede ka naman sumali sa pamamagitan ng paglahok. Ito ang link kong gusto mo mag apply.
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Salamat sa pagbasa ng introduction post namin. Sana makita namin kayo na sumali sa mga gagawin naming mga proyekto at aktibidad sa susunod!
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btspromosquad · 7 years
Wir sind die BTS Promo Squad
둘 셋 (2,3)...Hallo zusammen. Wir sind die BTS Promo Squad! (BTSPS)
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Die BTS Promo Squad ist eine Gruppe von ARMYS aus der ganzen Welt. Wie viele Leute, konzentrieren wir uns auf die Planung von Projekten und Aktionen zum promoten (Werben) von BTS. Doch statt dass wir uns nur auf das Werben in bestimmten Regionen fokussieren , planen wir sie weltweit zu promoten.
Weltweites Promoten bedeutet, dass wir so viele Leute wie möglich BTS erkennen lassen möchten.
Unserer Meinung nach verdienen sie alles was wir geben können!
Unser neues aufkommendes Projekt wird #BTSRadioDomination sein. Es geht darum, BTS weltweit in die Radios zu bekommen. Wir werden das Projekt in den USA starten, mit der Hoffnung, damit andere Länder beeinflussen zu können.
Außerdem suchen wir nach einem Weg, BTS auf Magazin Covers zu bekommen!
Wir werden euch über die Projekte und Aktionen am laufenden halten. Wir werden immer den Hashtag #BTSPS benutzen damit ihr leichten Zugang zu den Beiträgen habt.
Vielleicht denkst du dir gerade “Ich will auch Teil der BTSPS sein.”
Keine Sorge! Du kannst dich immer noch als Mitglied bewerben. Falls du kein Mitglied werden willst, aber trotzdem gerne helfen würdest, schau dir einfach unsere Projekte an! Du kannst uns durch deine Teilnahme sehr helfen. Hier ist der Link falls du dich bewerben möchtest: **CLICK**
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Danke für das Lesen unserer Vorstellung. Wir hoffen, euch alle bald beim Teilhaben an unseren Projekten und Aktionen zu sehen!
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btspromosquad · 7 years
Introducción del grupo BTSPS
둘 셋(2, 3)… Hola a todos. Somos BTS Promo Squad (BTSPS)
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BTS Promo Squad (BTSPS) es un grupo de ARMYs de todo el mundo. Como muchos, nos concentramos en planificar proyectos y actividades para promover a BTS. Pero es vez de centrarnos en promoverlos en un área específica, queremos promoverlos mundialmente. Promover mundialmente significa que nuestra meta es conseguir que tanta gente como sea posible conozca a BTS. En nuestra opinión ¡ellos merecen todo lo que podamos darles! Nuestro próximo nuevo proyecto se llamará #BTSRadioDomination. El punto de este proyecto es que las canciones de BTS estén en radios de todo el mundo. Nuestro proyecto empezará en EE.UU lo que, con suerte, influenciará a otros países. ¡También estamos tratando de encontrar una forma de que BTS aparezca en las portadas de las revistas! Los mantendremos al tanto de nuestros proyectos y actividades. Estaremos usando el hashtag #BTSPS, así podrán tener un acceso fácil a nuestros posts.
Quizá pienses, “Quiero ser parte del BTSPS” ¡Bueno, no te preocupes! Siempre podrás aplicar para ser un miembro. Si no quieres ser un miembro pero te gustaría ayudar, ¡chequea nuestros proyectos! Puedes ayudarnos si participas en ellos. Este es el link por si quieres aplicar. **CLICK**
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Gracias por leer nuestro post introductorio ¡Esperamos verlos participando en nuestros proyectos y actividades pronto!
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btspromosquad · 7 years
BTS Promo Squad
둘 셋(2, 3)... Pozdravljeni smo BTS Promo Squad (BTSPS)!
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BTS Promo Squad (BTSPS) je skupina ARMYjev po našem planetu. Kot veliko ljudi, se tudi mi osredotočamo na planiranje različnih projektov in dejavnosti za promoviranje BTS. Namesto, da bi se skoncentrirali za oglaševanje na določenih mestih mi planiramo, da bi jih promovirali po svetu. Naš cilj je, da bi čim več ljudi po vsem svetu vedeli kdo so BTS. Po našem mnenju si zaslužijo vse, kar jim mi damo in še veliko več. Naš naslednji projekt se bo imenoval #BTSRadioDomination. Bistvo tega projekta je da spravimo BTS na radie po svetu. Naš projekt se bo začel v Združenih Državah Amerike (ZDA), upamo da bomo vplivali na druge države. Iščemo tudi pot, da bi BTS spravili na naslovnice revij! Mi vas bomo obveščali o novih dogodkih, ki jih bomo organizerali. Vedno bomo uporabljali #BTSPS, s tem boste lažje dostopali do naših objav.
Morda se kdaj vprašate, “Rad bi bil del BTSPS”. Brez skrbi! Vedno se lahko prijavite za člana. Če ne želite biti naš član, vendar bi nam radi pomagali, nam lahko s tem, da si ogledate naše projekte! Vedno nam lahko pomagate z sodelovanjem. Tu je povezava, če se nam želite pridružiti.
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Hvala, ker ste prebrali naš opis. Upamo, da boste vi vsi sodelovali v naših projektih in dejavnostih v bližnji prihodnosti.
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btspromosquad · 7 years
Jesteśmy BTS Promo Squad!
둘 셋 (2, 3)... witamy wszystkich. Jesteśmy BTS Promo Squad (BTSPS)!
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BTS Promo Squad (BTSPS) to grupa A.R.M.Y. z różnych zakątków świata. Jak wiele osób, skupiamy się na projektach by promować BTS. Lecz zamiast skupiać się na tym żeby promować ich w tylko niektórych okolicach, planujemy promować naszych chłopców na całym świecie. Promować ich globalnie znaczy, że naszym celem jest przyciągnąć uwagę jak najwięcej osób możliwie i przedstawić im BTS. Uważamy, że zasługują na wszystko to, co możemy im dać! Naszym nowym, zbliżający się projektem będzie #BTSRadioDomination. Glównym celem tego projektu jest doprowadzić do puszczania muzyki BTS w radiach dookoła świata. Zaczynamy swój projekt w USA żeby, miejmy nadzieje, miało to wpływ na inne kraje. Szukamy także sposobów aby BTS znaleźli swoje miejsce na okładkach magazynów! Będziemy was informować o naszych projektach i zawsze będziemy używali naszego hashtagu #BTSPS (dla wyłącznie polskich postów, użwywamy hashtag #BTSPS PL) tak, aby było łatwiej znaleźć nasze posty. -------- Możesz sobie myśleć “chciałbym być częścią BTSPS”. Nie martw się! Zawsze można ubiegać się żeby zostać członkiem. Tutaj znajdziesz link do dokumentu, który pozwoli Ci do nas dołączyć! Pamiętaj, jesteśmy A.R.M.Y. z całego świata, co oznacza, że jest potrzebna podstawowa znajomość języka angielskiego, żeby komunikować z innymi członkami! Kliknij tutaj, aby do nas dołączyć!
Jeśli nie chcesz zostać członkiem a chciałbyś nam pomóc, sprawdź nasze projekty! Możesz nam pomóc uczestnicząc.
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Dziękujemy za przeczytanie naszego postu. Mamy nadzieję że będziecie uczestniczyć w naszych projektach!
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btspromosquad · 7 years
Siamo il BTS Promo Squad!
하나 돌 셋 (1,2,3)... Salve a tutti! Noi siamo il BTS Promote Squad (BTSPS)!
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Siamo un gruppo di A.R.M.Y. provenienti da tutto il mondo e come per molte altre persone, il nostro lavoro è alla base del famoso gruppo Sud-Coreano “BTS” (conosciuto anche come Bangtan Boys o 방탄소년단). Siamo decisi a creare progetti ed idee che promuovano tale gruppo; non in qualche Paese del mondo, bensì su tutto il globo!
Promuovere su tutto il mondo significa che il nostro obiettivo è cercare di attirare ed interessare il maggior numero di persone possibili a questi sette ragazzi ed alla loro musica. Pensiamo che meritino il nostro lavoro, che meritino di essere conosciuti.
Il nostro primo progetto verrà chiamato #BTSRadioDomination (I BTS dominano la radio!). Lo scopo del progetto è portare i Bangtan Boys alle radio di tutto il mondo.
Partiremo dagli Stati Uniti d’America, sperando di riuscire ad influenzare (almeno parzialmente) gli altri Paesi del mondo.
Stiamo anche pensando a qualche modo per portare i BTS su varie riviste e giornali!
Vi terremo sempre aggiornati su tutte le novità, attività e tutti i nostri progetti. Useremo sempre l’hashtag #BTSPS (se volete i post solo in italiano, cercate #BTSPS IT), in modo che possiate trovarci nel più semplice modo possibile!
Se siete interessati ad unirvi al nostro gruppo, ne avete sempre la possibilità! (Ricordate, siamo persone da tutto il mondo, ciò implica il bisogno di una conoscenza almeno basilare della lingua Inglese per poter comunicare con gli altri membri!)
Se vuoi unirti a noi, clicca il seguente link: **CLICCA QUI**.
Se non siete interessati a diventare dei membri, ma volete aiutarci lo stesso, tenete d’occhio i nostri progetti! Potete sempre aiutarci partecipando ad essi!
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Grazie per aver letto questa introduzione al nostro gruppo! Speriamo che parteciperete presto ed in molti ai nostri progetti!
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btspromosquad · 7 years
We are the BTS Promo Squad!
둘 셋(2, 3)… Hello everyone.  We are the BTS Promo Squad! (BTSPS)
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The BTS Promo Squad (BTSPS) is a group of ARMYS from all around the globe. Like many people, we focus on planning projects and activities to promote BTS. But instead of focusing on promoting in certain areas, we plan to promote them worldwide. Worldwide promotions mean that our goal is to get as many people as possible to recognize BTS. In our opinion, they deserve everything we can give! Our new upcoming project is going to be called #BTSRadioDomination. The point of this project is to get BTS on radios worldwide. We will be starting our project off in the USA to hopefully influence other countries.
We are also trying to find a way to get BTS on magazine covers! We will keep you updated on our projects and activities. We will always use the hashtag #BTSPS so you can have easy access to our posts.
You might ask, “I want to be a part of the BTSPS”. Well don't worry! You could always apply to be a member. If you don't want to be a member but would like to help, check out our projects! You can help us by participating. Here is the link if you would like to apply. **CLICK**
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Thank you for reading our introduction post. We hope to see you all participating in our projects and activities soon!
Different language versions: Italian, Polish, Arabic, French, Spanish, German, Slovenian, Tagalog, Swedish, Catalan.
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