#I write too much dad!buck tbh
diazsdimples · 5 months
Hey James!
Rain and eclipse!
Hi Saturn!! Hope you've had a fantastic day! Thank you for your ask 💙
💧Rain - What's the most emotional scene you've ever written?
So far, probably Buck responding a call of a 5 month old baby unresponsive and blue, only to find out it's his son in Buck's Baby (By Accident). But, that'll be followed swiftly by Buck realising he's lost all 3 of the kids in the tsunami. I've really put this man through it
🌙 Eclipse - What's the most common / reoccurring theme of your WIP(s)?
asdkasjd I feel like this one is fairly obvious considering my two biggest wips/fics are both of this but definitely Buck being a dad. BUT there's also a large number of Buddie getting together/ smut fics rattling around in my WIPs folder too so I guess that as well. What can I say, Buck is so dad shaped. I'd love to say single dads AU will be my last dad!Buck fic (it probably will be fore a while) but there's a high chance I'll write another if I can work out the plot for it!
WIP Weather Ask Game!
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papabearbobbynash · 7 days
Do you think there should be more love shown to Bobby when he was in a coma? I mean when Buck was in a coma even May, Athena, and Chris was there. Everyone came to see Buck. But when Bobby was in a coma no one wait beside him only Athena? It would be great if May continue telling Bobby she loves him like when she told Bobby when Buck was in a coma. Maybe that would be the push for Bobby to wake up. His (step) daughter asking him to come back home to their family. What if there was an interaction between Buck and May beside his bed and them discussing that Bobby is basically their dad. Even Harry, remember when Michael was asking the family about proposing to David, Harry said that he now had 3 dads so Harry sees Bobby as his father too. Have the kids interact with each other would be great. Since Bobby's main guilt is about losing his kids. It would shown that in this life he has kids too though not his biologicaly. Maddie and Karen were not in the hospital. It seems like nobody cares about Bobby even though Bobby has always been the anchor to them. It's sad actually. Instead of the date with Tommy, Tommy could've supported Buck by showing up in the hospital.
there were many questionable decisions on this episode regarding Bobby and I definitely think the biggest problem was the lack of emotion of a dramatic situation they build up for three weeks.
They promoted the hell out of Bobby being in danger in this finale and when it reached the moment for them to gut wreck us, they cut most part of it (Athena in his bedside almost crying, Eddie praying on his bedside while Buck looks almost catatonic). Not to count the complete wtf decisions regarding it other decisions, such as May and Harry not being there for the painful part? When the actors are in the episode and we know it's hard for Corinne to be on the episodes due schedule with her college? Not a single solo scene with any of the 118 who lost their shit before for way lighter injuries Bobby had? Buck "almost lost my dad" thought turning into a sexual joke? Really??
The fact Athena was out hunting whoever done it, I get it, because i expected it end on that. People who expected Athena to do different don't know her character well tbh. The moment she heard from the doctors that Bobby's heart stopped for 14 minutes, she already lost hope, she thought he wasn't waking up from that, and she had lost him. With that? She wouldn't sit there and watch him die for nothing, because in her mind this wouldn't do anything good for Bobby. She already went through that with Emmet and she definitly wouldn't wait 30 years to catch the culprit. This time she had to do something even though it's completely a bad call from her part, because its mostly a coping mechanism to shield her from the pain she is feeling while trying to compensate for the guilt (into believing Amir was the culprit when she invited him in their house + her last words for her husband being on a argument) and to mask her pain. So this part i get it, even if her ways of doing it are definitely not the best to watch. From Athena's part i think we got enough emotion, even if misdirected, however it could have been better. (Forever mourning the promo scene not making to the final cut)
Overall I don't think they made Bobby unimportant (Considering the "goodbye montage" makes it clear he is that much important even if himself doesn't see it). The problem of the whole hospital moments is they writing ooc scenes that don't feel genuinely the character we've watched so far (except for Athena, personally she was totally in character) in the middle of a rushed episode that did not need to be rushed.
Heck they could have left Bobby's life hanging till the premiere. They had the perfect chance of a wrecking cliffhanger if that is what they wanted. They didn't need to worry about being cancelled with such an unfinished story line.
It would stress the hell out of me, but would have killed as a starting anchor to the next season, because it's literally an emotional disaster for the team. It would also allow certain breath in the finale for Athena's character, May and Harry presence could be more meaningful and not only after the turmoil and we could have scenes with the team and Bobby as well.
Instead we got that.. Anyway, it had some bathena moments, but this was underwhelming after all that build up. And i definitely think this episode should have been more emotional. Like allow the audience to feel the pain of the situation before rush to solve it?
Thank you for the ask, and sorry for the venting.
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bvckandeddie · 6 months
Tumblr Fandom: A Year in Review 2023
i was tagged by @captain-hen, thank you! 🥰
i was tempted to skip the top five blorbos/fandoms/pairings section because let's be honest, it's really only been buck and eddie for the entire year, but i do have other interests even if i'm not as involved in them as i am in buddie. so enjoy learning more about my ao3 history, i guess? 😂
top 5 blorbos:
evan "buck" buckley (9-1-1)
eddie diaz (9-1-1)
roy kent (ted lasso)
clint barton (marvel)
billy butcher (the boys) (i literally started watching this show two weeks ago but y'know what? i'm adding it. butcher is just so blorbo shaped.)
top 5 fandoms:
avatar: the last airbender (for anyone who doesn't know, my atla sideblog is @zukkababey!)
ted lasso
teen wolf
top 5 pairings:
evan buckley/eddie diaz (9-1-1)
roy kent/jamie tartt (ted lasso)
clint barton/bucky barnes (marvel)
arthur/eames (inception)
billy butcher/hughie campbell (the boys)
shoutout to some new friends:
i've talked to so many new people this year who have really made me feel included in the 9-1-1 fandom, namely @devirnis, @colonoscopys, @shitouttabuck, @housewifebuck, @eddiebabygirldiaz, @vampbuckley and @buck2eddie. i love seeing you all in my notifications, and so many of you have been so encouraging, especially during my writing drought that's been persisting for months. y'all are great 🥹🫶
shoutout to some old friends:
i'm kinda new here but @eddiediaaz, i'm pretty sure you were my first ever 9-1-1 mutual that i talked to and you really made me feel so so welcome in the fandom when i posted my first buddie fic back in 2022. i will always be grateful for that and you!!! ❤️
favourite creation you posted this year:
it's definitely gotta be what a heart can do. i love dad buck so much, i had such a fun time writing it, and i think it's some of my best storytelling. it makes me really happy that so many people have read and enjoyed it!
favourite creation posted by someone else this year:
THIS VIDEO by @butchdiaz. holy fucking shit. i'm sure everyone reading this has already seen it, but ohhhhh my god. this video rearranged my molecules. i can't listen to ceilings without thinking about it. the way you edited it to match so many important buddie moments, it genuinely makes me feel so insane. i re-watched it last night and i'm still vibrating just thinking about it.
people who brightened your year:
so many people!!! @negansmiith made a graphic for hurt locker that basically made my whole year! it is saved in my camera roll and i look back on it frequently. 🥰 @housewifebuck made a beautiful hat that i am genuinely obsessed with. check out their shop!!! anyone who has ever read my silly tags on a post i reblogged and dm'd me to chat about it—i love you.
anyone else you'd like to mention:
everyone who has read my fics or commented on them telling me your thoughts, thank you. seriously. just know that when i read your comment(s), i was twirling my hair and kicking my feet back and forth and squealing and smiling so hard my cheeks started to hurt. every single comment made 2023 that much brighter.
five of your favourite authors this year:
@gayhoediaz - every time i get an email that you've posted a buddie fic, i know that i have a bedtime story for that night. i know it's gonna be a good one, every single time.
@devirnis - i read your fic about buck and eddie ring shopping and getting caught up in a robbery and i've never looked back. i've read so many of your fics this year (and tbh, thank god i still have more to read) and i'm looking forward to reading all the ones that you have in the works!!!
@colonoscopys - i’m pretty sure that i binged basically all of your fics this year and i don’t regret a single thing (except maybe going through them too fast). god, i love your writing.
@rewritetheending - gosh the way you’re able to get to the heart of emotions and describe them in a way that puts an ache in my chest makes me want to claw the ground until my fingernails break off. my fave fic of yours is still while we do what lovers do and i know it wasn’t posted in 2023 but i needed to shout it out here because goddddddd. i still think about it all the time.
@letmetellyouaboutmyfeels - i enjoyed reading your halloween fics this year so much, particularly your dark buddie au. sometimes you just gotta imagine your wholesome, already in love blorbos be absolutely unhinged and crazy about each other, and that’s perfectly normal. i actually remember looking for a dark buddie fic when i first joined the fandom and there were none, so i’m glad my wish was fulfilled, especially when it was done so damn well.
five of your favourite artists/gifmakers/podficcers/etc. this year:
@try-set-me-on-fire - you could have gone under fave authors too, but i fucking love your art style. i don't know art terms so forgive me, but something about the messiness and abstractness scratches this itch deep in my brain and they evoke such unnameable feelings that want to burst out of my ribcage. ugh!!!!!! if you sold prints i'd be checking out in two seconds flat.
@butchdiaz - i know i already waxed poetic about your ceilings edit, but i love your edits/gifs too, particularly this one. it's so simple but so beautiful and fucking devastating. the gif aspect is subtle but intentional (buck fading to black and white while the blood stays red?????? KILL ME!). i'd eat your gifs if i could.
@shitouttabuck - you could go under fave authors too (hello i love you like a dog fic) but i wanted to shout you out here because you are so fucking funny. every single edit you post makes me giggle out loud. tbh i didn't even realize they were all from you until i started scrolling through your edit tag looking for this post. i can't get over it. i literally laughed at it AGAIN when i found it.
@eddiediaaz - you are constantly feeding the 911 fandom. you make so many gifsets on so many different sideblogs that i'm sure no one actually knows how many gifs you're constantly making. and every single one is so goddamn good??? and they're so creative. like this one??? there are so many things going on, i can't even fathom how the hell you did it. gifmakers are magic, i swear.
@iinryer - YOUR ART FUELS ME. your style is so *clenches fist* fucking cool. the lines are simple but they still look like the characters?? i admire that so, so much because i know if i ever tried that they'd look so wonky, lol. i think about juice box chim all the damn time and i don't know where i've been lately but this one with buck and chris??? it's so soft and sweet and vulnerable, with the way buck is holding him and chris is nestled. GOD. everything you make is gold.
three (+1) things you're looking forward to in 2024:
getting my masters degree!
getting a job, maybe???
posting more buddie fic 👀
+ season 7 of 911, obviously.
i’m sure i’ve missed some people inadvertently but this was really fun to do! at this time of year, with the short days and cold weather (at least for some of us), i think we could all do with a little bit of joy and a brighter day. i really love this fandom and i'm so grateful to be a part of it!
tagging everyone i mentioned in this post, if you haven’t already done it and want to participate! ❤️
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bidisasterevankinard · 11 months
Oh man, I wanted to request every single one tbh 😂 but if it sparks joy will you write 21 for buddie please? 🖤
Hi, Dj 💙💙💙💙😘😘😘You can ask about as much as you can🫂🫂🫂
Here is Eddie insecure about his scars (btw I have idea for Buck's one. Want to be tagged if I will write it?) My hand is slipped so it's like really angsty, but don't worry Buck takes care about Eddie
…on a place of insecurity. From kiss prompts
show me your scars (so i can love them too)
(oh what it is ? another title I made myself?)
buddie / T / 1085 words
Eddie never was insecure about the way he looks. He knew he was attractive. He knew people would find him hot. Shannon always made comments about how he could easily make a career in modeling or acting just because of his look. The thing that he liked to work out helped too. 
He also had pretty much a lot of things to be insecure about, more meaningful like being a bad son, not mature enough, not masculine enough, not a good husband, awful dad, and so on. So Eddie never felt insecure about his body.  
Until one day, a month after he was shot on the street in LA, he looks in the mirror and sees two very similar scars on the shoulders from bullets. And he knows on his back he had another two. It makes him run away from the mirror and throw up everything that Buck made him eat in the morning. He looks awful, disgusting, but most importantly weak. He’s just so weak. Can't even protect himself, let alone protect his family. By a miracle, Buck was not injured that day.
Eddie doesn't understand how Buck can still be around, and look at him as before, when Eddie literally wears evidence of his worthlessness on his skin. All the things his parents told him. He drags Chris and Buck with him into the darkness. 
Eddie continues to sit by the toilet, trying to calm his breathing, beginning to doubt that it is knocked down only because of vomiting. He doesn't hear Buck coming home and going into the room looking for him, but he hears Buck coming through the door, which he left open when brushing his teeth in front of the mirror.
“Hey, are you Ok? You need something?” the gentle but very worried voice of his boyfriend comes to Eddie and he tries to stop the tears, but loses the fight and feels like tracks of tears are rushing down his cheeks, and there are real oceans in his eyes. 
He sits down leaning into the bathroom, pulling his knees up his chest, and trying to hide. He wants to run away so far to hide all the pain and self-hatred that is in him from the best person in his life. A man who loves him, but Eddie doesn't want Buck to see him like this, he doesn't want Buck to be disappointed in him and leave.
But Buck just sits with him and lets him cry as much as he can, hugging him tight. They sit like that in silence, Eddie cries his eyes out, and Buck hugs him. When Eddie is done, he gets to his feet and washes his face with cold water, feeling the look of Buck, who also got up and stands behind him, but he is afraid to approach, touch, to do something wrong. Eddie hates himself a little for upsetting Buck.
“Will you tell me now what’s wrong? Is that something with your shoulder? Your doctors called you? Something is wrong?” Buck plies him with questions as soon as Eddie turns to face him.
“Nothing is wrong, Buck,” Eddie hopes that's enough. He can't and won't tell the truth, the truth will push Buck away, show how much he deserves more than Eddie, and Eddie egotistically wants Buck to be only his.
“People don't have breakdowns in bathrooms when nothing is wrong,” Buck says and Eddie puts up with the fact that he won't back down. After all, it's Buck. He never gives up. That's why Eddie loves him, but now he really hates this trait of his partner a little. 
“Please, Eds, tell me what’s wrong. We had a good morning together, all three of us. I took Chris to school and when I came back home you were crying near the toilet. It makes me scared, babe, please,” Eddie sees how blue eyes are getting red and wet and breaks.
“I saw my scars. From Afghanistan and from the sniper. They are almost identical. Four scars from two bullets which makes me feel sick because I was so fucking weak. I look weak. I’m weak. And look disgusting.”
“Don’t say that,” Eddie tries to stop Buck and his attempt to calm him down. “No, shut up, it’s my turn to talk. Your scars are not disgusting. They don’t show your weakness. They show what …” Buck is crying and his breathing is erratic, but he continues.
“They show that you two times were so close to dying because people are awful and like violence. They show a little boy who was too young to be in the army but he tried his best to support his family and a still young man who cared about the little boy he met once too much to come to rescue him. They show that you were so fucking strong and two times fight death to come back to life. This one,” Buck points to his shoulder, which still has a fresh scar from a sniper's bullet, a scar that Buck saw how was inflicted, “this one shows that you fought to come back home to me. And that I was fast enough to save you. Don’t say they are disgusting,” Buck walks up to him and looking into his eye leaves an insanely tender kiss right on the scar. 
“Don’t call yourself disgusting,” another kiss. “Or weak,” another kiss. “Because you’re not. You’re not. Please believe me you’re not,” more kisses around his scar.
Buck then joins their foreheads and gives Eddie the right to decide what he wants to do next. Eddie hugs him tight and tries to convince himself that Buck's words are true. Maybe he needs help. Hell, he probably needs therapy, but he's willing to do it if it lets him one day see his scars the same way Buck sees them.
A year later, sitting on the beach on their honeymoon, Eddie takes off a T-shirt that hides his shoulders. He is proud to know that he has scars from the time when he fought for his family as best he could. But he feels even more proud of the scratches from Buck's nails all over his back. He wants them all to be seen and envied. And well, Buck blushes so sweetly every time he looks up to look at them. Eddie can't wait to get back to the room. In the end, you can sunbathe in LA. That's not what he's on his honeymoon for.
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matan4il · 1 year
If you don't mind I'm asking this, I started watch 9-1-1 when season 4 is airing. I kinda forget, did the post the sneak peaks before? I mean, four sneak peaks for an episode? Not that i hate it, I just think that's too much spoilers
Hi Nonnie! Of course I don't mind. TBH with you, before s4 aired, I was watching the eps live, but only starting with 3b (in order to write the meta). Before that, I waited like a normal non-American fan to wake up and find an option to watch that fits my time zone. Once I started watching live, I do remember there were promos, I remember the fandom reaction to them, I don't remember four in a row though, you're right about that, but I do think there were instances with two, maybe even three.
Is it too much spoilers? Quite possibly. I guess that as an ensemble show with differing storylines for each main character, they find it hard to figure out how to make us invested by only showing us what some of the characters are going through. That said, people's experiences of spoilers are different. For me personally, and without assuming the case for anyone else, I'll admit that as much as I do consume spoilers, it's only because I'm weak-willed. Once they're out there, I want to see them. But as an idea, I have no doubt that for me, less spoilers makes for a better viewing experience. For example, this season we got the promo for 611 with Eddie saving Buck's life and shouting "do more!" at the hospital staff. That was SO meaningful (which I tried to show in my 611 meta).
But once we all screamed about it as a part of the promo, we were not gonna be as excited about it during the ep itself, right? And then if there's an expectation for more of that from Eddie and it's not fulfilled, that's a let down. Even though it shouldn't be, because what we got is actually A LOT. It is more than we see ANY of the other members of the 118 do (Bobby is Buck's dad, but he doesn't lose it and scream at the staff. Hen is Buck's big sister and a medic, but she's not the one desperately pumping his heart to keep him alive).
My point is if you feel like you need to not watch the promos to enjoy the eps themselves more, that is a very valid choice! Thank you for your ask, and have a good day! As always, my ask tag. xoxox
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silentxxsoul · 1 year
the "oliver 'misha collins' stark and aisha feeding us and all the bts/stills/promos and the EDDIE IS GOING UP THE LADDER of it all" 6b reaction dump:
i am not ready in the slightest for tonight
like not even a smidge
i thought i was
but then the chris photos dropped and like
I might need a round on an aed device because gd the way it's got my mind S P I R A L I N G
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intubated? with his SON beside him? after his literal husband sprinted up a LADDER after him?
i cant wait to see the acting tonight yall
between the coma of it and the buckleys back in town and maddie and chim and the new house and the undercover May!!!
Theres so much potential this half of the season and I'm so fucking hypeeeeed
Also I'm like, 99% certain the lightning thing happens towards the end based of KR's comments, so I wouldn't be surprised at all if we leave off with a shot of the ambulance doors closing
v v dramatic
but kinda worth it tbh
Buck being gentle with them 🥺
I keep forgetting how gross this show is why do I keep trying to eat during it
Wait Albert and their dad is this episode too?! YESSSSS
I'm in love with that kitchen 😍
the look on Buck's face at the 'Evan', not once but TWICE
Man I'm so hoping for a family drama night where Madney goes to bat for each other pls pls pls
Ohhhhhh thats what the baseball and glove emoji was for - his bio dad has been playing ball with him huh
Talia Hale out here murdering people hmmm
Bobby you'll figure it out - I believe in you babes
Seeking his dad's approval over the chili🥲
Ooooh look at that detective work with May I see you
No no Chim is right it is unnatural - something is hella sus with the Buckley parents
that crash was hella dramatic
There's so much going on rn holy shit theres a missing baby and a crushed dude and gasoline and screaming like wtf is going
Wait, twice with Buck and kids????? This means something...
Was the emoji graph of it going up up meant to be the ejection?!!!!
Listen Bobby begging the baby to breathe with Buck in the shot is just foreshadowing for me to absolutely lose it okay
Buck why would you bring that up now lmao
Oh this is going to end so fucking poorly with his parents
theres going to be a conversation
And Phillip is going to bat for Chimney ?!
Denny come clean bud, this is not good
"If Daniel lived?"
It's too perfectly coincidental for foreshadowing
like Phillip and Margaret don't just do a complete 180 like it was nothing
and maddie saying how weird it was and chim saying how weird it was - that's buck's subconscious trying to clue him in
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AND! If not - its a great alternate 6B opener.... that I will never write to completion, but just know it lives in my head and my heart
Guys its almost time!!!!!!
oh fuck Chim's going to be so guilty about this isn't he
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scattered-winter · 1 year
me: oh i don't like fics where a main character dies they're too sad, sorry, pass :(((
me reading your ideas for a single parent buck au: ... go on
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right now this au is still very much in the initial planning stage where I don't have a lot of things set in stone yet but I have decided to make 2 aus of this. one where eddie dies and buck gets custody of chris, and the other is like....an au of the au. where everything's the same except eddie's just in a coma lmao. because the original version is gonna be basically pure unfiltered angst with a bittersweet ending and tbh I gotta have an adjacent version that ends happier. for me specifically <- was held at gunpoint in dms /j
but the thing I really wanna highlight in the death version is how the 118 sort of .. splinters apart and then comes back together a little stronger. with such a tight-knit group, losing one of their own is a heavy blow, and there's an empty space in the overall group dynamic where eddie should be. and grief is a funny thing and I can really see how they'd sort of split apart at the seams because they've all lost people before but never one of their own. and the grief and shock and guilt would all affect each character in a different way and there would be outbursts and fights and there'd also be comfort and support and reconciliation. they're family they fight and hurt and ache but they do it together, ya know??
and of course buck and chris will have more focus because chris has now lost both parents in the span of just a few years, and buck has lost his other half (even from a purely platonic standpoint you can't deny that buck and eddie compliment and complete each other) and now he has to take care of chris on top of grieving his best friend. and bonus points if buck hadn't confessed his feelings to eddie yet, so he has the horrible guilt of knowing that he never got the chance to tell eddie how he feels and now he never will. and it's basically just gonna be buck trying to be a good caretaker for chris and sort of step up into that parenting role that eddie used to fill while dealing with his own grief and chris' grief (I know chris loves buck, but to lose his dad and then have buck become his new caretaker??? chris is a KID who's grieving both parents I imagine he'd sometimes feel like buck is trying to Replace His Dad even though that's sooo not the case even if he perceives it that way). it's a very new dynamic for both of them to grapple with, and it'll be super interesting to explore how they adapt and shift to meet it over time.
the coma version is very much the same in a lot of ways (buck caring for chris, the 118 generally having a Bad Time) but everything's temporary, and the entire time instead of grief there's the question of "is eddie ever going to wake up" that's basically just hanging over their heads the entire time. so buck and chris' new and changed dynamic has the added element of "if eddie wakes up, then this won't be necessary anymore, but if we assume he'll wake up and then he doesn't, neither of us will be prepared for the very real situation that will put us in" and "if we assume he won't wake up, then he does, then he'll be upset at how much I've taken over in the parenting role/how I didn't do an adequate job of caring for his kid." and both of those standpoints have the caveat that both buck and chris are under extreme emotional distress so neither of them are really thinking rationally about anything. and that's what makes it fun to write :]
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dorefasolsido · 2 months
Do you ever worry about your future? (i.e.: college, marriage, kids, etc)
Well I can't say it doesn't happen, but it's not really worrying about marriage and kids because I know deep in my soul that these things just aren't for me. Whenever I try to imagine myself in those roles, I want to jump out of my skin, so no, I'm pretty sure that's out of the picture. Still, I do worry about whether people around me can accept me the way I am and whether everyone will move on and build their own families, leaving me utterly alone. Now those are the worries that keep me up at night.
Does your family use coasters? Is anyone in your family excessively tidy?
Usually we do. And yes, my mum is sometimes ridiculously tidy.
What’s your least favorite chore to do around the house? Do you have to do this often?
Cleaning the kitchen or bathroom sink or the shower drain for sure. I used to hate dishes, but I have a dishwasher now, and tbh, this is much much worse.
If you went to your mom/dad or whoever you live with and said “hey, I’ll clean the whole house if you give me 20 bucks” would they go for it? Would you raise the price?
I don't think my sister would go for it because: 1) she doesn't earn her own money yet and 2) why the fuck would she accept when I do it for free anyway
Are you usually late, early or right on time?
Usually a bit early, though it really depends on the traffic.
If you wrote a journal entry about your last date, what would it say?
I don't write journal entries.
On a scale of 1 to 5 how organized are you?
I think I come across as much more organized than I actually am tbh. So I don't really know. Maybe like 2.5 or 3.
Name a movie you can watch over and over again and not be bored with?
Let's say Mean Girls.
Do you wear pajamas to places other than at your house?
Well yeah, if I travel somewhere and stay at an apartment or a hotel.
Do you take showers in the morning or at night more?
In the evening usually.
What is the wallpaper on your cellphone?
It's just a white Samsung theme with a little cartoon cat.
Do you still have your tonsils?
What is the worst thing someone has ever done to you?
It's hard to remember the specifics since I'm currently in a pretty good mood and would rather not ruin it by reminiscing about the people that have wronged me in the past lol
Have you ever gone nude/streaked in public?
Not since I was a very small child.
Do you snore? Steal the covers? Roll around in your sleep?
I think I sleep like a corpse most of the time. Like, sounds do wake me up, but when it's quiet, I don't move an inch.
Why aren’t you with the person you love?
I don't love anyone romantically. Otherwise, I am with a bunch of people that I love.
Could you go out in public looking like you do now?\
I mean, I'm a bit of a mess but sure.
Do you like the rain?
Yes, sometimes it fits the mood.
What is your mom listed under in your phone?
I listed her as "mother" in Japanese because I don't want to forget how to write it.
Do you like going to the dentist?
I do actually. I'm a bit of a minority in this, but I find all those medical procedures and checkups kind of interesting. Like, I doubt I'd enjoy if anything was seriously wrong with me, but when it's these small things, I really don't mind.
Are you afraid of speaking to large audiences?
Yes. I'm afraid of speaking to small audiences too.
Are you afraid to tell the truth sometimes?
All the time.
What’s one quality about yourself that you feel sets you back but also helps you?
Uhhh, well sometimes I feel like my natural tendency to question everything might be it. Of course that's good, but it also makes me not really trust anyone, you know? Like, I have friends that I've known for over a decade and I still sometimes question their words and motives, which kind of sucks on my part.
Was anyone who had been in your company today in a bad mood?
I haven't been in anyone's company yet.
The last time you felt sick what exactly was wrong?
I don't remember the last time that happened.
What did you do today?
Got up, had my usual standup call, did some research for the next article, wrote like 10 words then gave up because I already met my quota for this month and it's Friday. Maybe I'll just catch up on Sunday, or maybe I won't even bother.
0 notes
justapalspal · 3 years
This accidentally became known as “The Report” in my head, so please have this bullet point list of notable and buck wild ygo fics and things I’ve compiled. @yuusaris pretty much challenged me without challenging me to think up some old fic things I’ve read and it turned into a labor of love about the many things I’ve found on my deep dives into old ygo fandom, as well as things I’ve been fond of for almost ten years. Then I had to show it to @ninjam117 and @millenniumringg as I wrote it.
So yeah *cracks knuckles* my time has come.
There’s the obvious mentions of old oof ygo fic tropes and brief descriptions of nsfw, so it’s gettin a #spicy and #spicy text tag for that (and also a read more tbh it’s pretty long). Also included is gender au and a brief mention of two fics with mpreg (in a tame way), the ygo 2000s suicide trope, the abuse once or twice, and a couple other things too elaborated under the read more. Tread carefully fam <3
I’ve gone across ffnet, AFF, ao3, mediaminer, and even the livejournal remnants, but haven’t had very much luck with the personal website side of fic and such. Most of those are lost to time, or only saved via patchy geocities mirrors or wayback machine snapshots. I do my deep dives for fun so you don’t have to, so let’s have a good time as we wonder at what the eng yugioh fandom has given us under the cut—some of it absurd, some of it endearing, and some of it very obviously oof.
Again, warnings for discussion of the following: bits of nsfw, gender au, mpreg, 2000s ygo suicide tropes (but not Ryou), 2000s ygo abuse tropes, one mention of (incredibly distant) incest and one other throw away line about the subject, and a couple very brief references to ships of Bandit Keith and Pegasus with Ryou. There is also one mention of Yami B with Mai.
Now that makes this all seem terrible but actually a lot of it is just funny. Like, in the most absurd way even though there’s a lot of instances of oof. I’m describing a lot of fics I’ve read over my time in the ygo fandom and a lot more I’ve found on my deep dives into the wilds of ygo. I don’t remember many of the titles. I’m sure some of them (aside from the confirmed ones) have been deleted. I focused more on the early 2000s era and put a cut off somewhere around 2015, since that’s an era of ygo I find particularly fascinating. Many of these fics are genuinely funny, and actually quite pleasantly oof free (or very minimal oof).
Some things I remember seeing:
One fic where Ryou decided he wanted to kill Bakura because he’d like snapped but along the way he became some sort of floozy (referred to much more ehhh-ly in fic) and decided to make out with every other male character conceivable, all while going after Bakura. Bakura was terrified. I think this was yandere Ryou 
I think there was a fic that gave Isis a yami in the necklace, and for some reason she had red hair(?) and she wasn’t brought up until like, chapter something-teen? There was no build up at all to her, but I remember distinctly being able to tell the author had the best time writing her. She was in love with Shadi iirc
Update: So turns out these two were the same fic and I shouldn’t have doubted my memory and also there’s YAMI SHADI
The one fic on mediaminer where Bakura committed suicide (or tried to) instead of Ryou. It was because Ryou didn’t come home on time.
The one very well written spellbook tender fic in which there was a completely random no holds barred genderswap arc where Bakura became a redhead girl and went to prom or something with Ryou because Ryou’s dad was so happy he knew a “girl” (but also angry because Bakura was “living” with him and so I think like. Papa wanted Ryou to make “an honest woman” out of Bakura. He found clothes there and them in the same bed and that was sCaNdElOuS.)
The ygotas personalities for no conceivable reason out the wazoo. Of Elevators and Muses comes to mind but good gosh for all its weird time capsule moments that fic is still fondly latched into my memory. I read it a whole year after it initially finished. I vividly remembered the hotel room scene where Bakura gets freaking flustered over seeing Ryou without his fancypants piano performance shirt and Bakura just kept rationalizing it away. Kyoko is my dream oc child. Bakura was a nervous anxious wreck and his pissed off attitude about it is something I still ridiculously adore to this day. He missed when he tried to kiss Ryou. I’m so sad it got taken down.
I won’t even get into the ancient, ancient Bakura gets mpreg’d fic(s) I am Thinking About
Or the Ryou mpreg ones
Here’s the tame one it’s the one fic where Bakura got pregnant by accident because neither he nor Ryou knew sex ed and “did it both ways to be sure” after Bakura drank the magic pregnancy potion instead of Ryou because their hot chocolate got swapped. Ryou cheated on Bakura later because he felt bogged down by the baby. The baby was named Rain. Actually it may have been because they had a second daughter but it was because Bakura cheated on him with one of the Maliks (I think it was after feeling ignored)
Hentai or Chikai Malik or something. It was some sort of “pervert” but not exactly pervert word, I think? Or maybe to do with love. Malik gained another personality after the end of canon and it was because he was horny and pent up (and repressed)
The bait and switch “genderbend” Ryou gemshipping fic. It was gay all along, fellas
The one fic that did a gender au of Bakura instead of Ryou but like, in a well thought out way actually. I’d have a surprising amount of nickels for the amount of times I’ve seen fics doing gender au of Bakura and not Ryou, actually.
That one dedicated vex shipper that is like what, still periodically updating their wip after 10 years? Mad respect 
Actually their host/vexship fic still lives in my head rent free sometimes. It was very well written and I was quite invested and read it in one night. Man, it felt like a novel
The hostship/thiefship combo fic where they ended up having a foursome but it was a threesome body-wise
 “Kaiba genuinely falls for Anzu and tries to woo her but Anzu is just like ‘wtf I don’t believe you?? you can’t win me with money? prove it? be nice to my friends???’ and he’s actually the worst at human interaction” gosh I need to find that again 
“Can you have a romance OC?” actually like the most well written OFC/main cast member I’ve ever seen, and that was after reading my then-fave Dr Who x OFC fic
No, wait, there’s also the slow burn yami b/OFC (yami b/OFC/malik love triangle) fic up there with the OC who got thrown into the world of ygo. Surprising amount of “I woke up in ygo” before isekai, fun fic trope, genuinely ppl having a good time. Fond memories of that and I still wish she’d returned Ryou’s brief crush on her man, rip my guy there homie 👊😔
AFF had that one fic where Ryou wrote fanfic of himself and Bakura and it was actually well liked by the in-universe fic readers but then Bakura found it and Ryou was mortified (then the M rating kicked in). Somehow, the fact that many ppl wrote fanfic of them—which implied they were somehow known and possibly known as a show(?)—did not come up coherently once
Actually I think there were two fics where Ryou pretended to be a girl and Bakura fell for him. One of them was on AFF. Not a bait and switch, but I think some real big fantasy power dynamics were in there
The Bandit Keith x Ryou fic where he thought Ryou was a girl and got pissed he wasn’t and then Yami B came out of the Ring and zapped him or something for being a dick and a creep
There is a surprising amount of fics where Bandit Keith meets up with Ryou somehow under the castle (at least three, maybe four)
Possessive and All That Glitters are my two all time fave ffnet only angstshipping fics actually because Ryou is like incredible in there, incredibly creepy and ic, I will take no substitutes, I will love no other, and this was in the ygo year of our lord 2012!!
The Incarnation of Zorc is gonna happen and oh boy Bakura is gonna make sure it happens (with mpreg and Ryou) like how is this genuinely the funniest 600 word drabble about Cthulhu horror mpreg I’ve ever read
AFF had a fic where Bakura knew Ryou was abusing him but stayed because he “knew he could handle him” and it made him love the fuck out of Ryou. Bakura did give him shit back with the silent treatment but it was pretty obvious he was getting the kermuppence kicked out of him and like, staying delusional about it?? Ryou was 100% terrible and physically violent, they weren't even dating(?), wtf lmao FHDJFHFJ
Then there was the AFF Ryou drugs fic where he put out cigarettes or joints or something on yami b’s hands while in the bathtub
Need I even go into the AFF/mediaminer fic where Bakura turned out to be Ryou’s great great great something great grandfather and they angsted about it being incest for like one chapter but that’s it? The author is genuinely interesting, I just found that a weird plot point to introduce and then smooth over like that without any lasting impact LMDJFJFJ
Modern day yami b gets a tan and that’s how he becomes tkb
Actually these all three are the same fic like the whole concept of a majority of the fic being spent on Ryou working up to “ok I’m almost ready to top you Bakura I know you’ve been begging don’t worry sweetie :)” in 2007-2009 of all times is WILD
Mad props to the dedication of Faust going through three iterations of the fic since the 2000s and finally getting completed a year or two ago like dang, that fact alone is unique as it is astounding, MAD respect, I gotta finish that one
Origins of Symmetry did it too
Ryuujitsu ily
The one double gender au where fem!Bakura was fem!Ryou’s sugar mama
There’s this other AFF one I’m distinctly remembering but the only part I remember is that Ryou gets his multiple boyfriends and he and two of them kiss each other at the same time, all three on the lips. I don’t think I’ve seen a kiss written like that since
There was one fic where Bakura basically played a long con of homophobic chicken for money and then Ryou found out and straight up killed him
The one fic where Bakura had to be the role model for Yami and say “hey, look at the good relationship I have with my light, look what you did to yours, look at him, you gave him depression” because tendies was the alpha couple and Yugi just wanted to die. Ryou’s urge to die got fixed by love like seven chapters in. Meanwhile Kaiba and Jou were stuck in super detention which was basically a whole week of detention straight, yet kept beating the shit out of each other (Jou fell in love with him in detention)
I’m not even gonna go into the throuple Amane one I read from the 2000s a few days ago (is it still incest if it’s not?) (no, it is not the new one that went up on ao3 dndndnbs)
The one where Ryou steals Bakura’s body after Bakura visits his hubby’s grave and befriends the spooky ghost Ryou there too much. It’s horror, it’s horrific, it’s well written, I’m never gonna read it again 😂😂😂
I might actually be having some nickels lining up for the number of fics that tackle “one day Ryou will top Bakura (but not today)”
I have no idea why at least two Pegasus x Ryou fics exist across multiple platforms that I know of, but if I had two nickels
as you can see, I would have a lot of nickels
Hey has anyone read Cadeau. It ripped me to pieces and it’s pretty heavy but also it just. It just. It. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I have never had a 2003 yugioh fic go as hard at me as this open ended “did Bakura fuck up” fanfic did, oh gee, oh gee, oh man
A surprising amount of instances of people trying to write fics titled “Ba-Ku-Ra!” (or some variation)
Ryou got banged by a knife at least twice on AFF (luckily the handle side)
An interesting character sketch of Ryou pondering the emotional failing of his and Honda’s college relationship (because he feels stifled by him)
Why are the Ishtars so often the providers of magic potions and spells and plot convenience things and stuff. Is it because they’re mysterious or something 
Actually there’s a surprising amount of like off to the side tendershipping with Ryou and his top/versatile tender shenanigans over the years, it really does just feel like it got drowned out by the Abusive Seme Bakura trope and Ryou Flanderization prior to like ~2015
There were two fics that pondered the question of “what if Ryou got the ability to keep Bakura out of his body during the canon storyline” that got published around the same time, but one ended in romance while the other ended in pretty obvious “this was a fucked up unhealthy relationship.” I remember being disappointed back then that they didn’t both end romantically but honestly looking back on them now it’s an interesting like, point of discussion for me, because the intent of the non romantic one was definitely “here is a supremely unhealthy dynamic,” yet somehow at the time I wanted them to end the same.
yes the first one is persistent shadow anyone who wants tendies content (with y’know the lemon/lime type stuff) should read it please go read it if you haven’t
The love potion one was quite funny actually. Ryou got exposed to one and the entire cast of ygo (and domino city) were all trying to get with him but like romantically. Turned out Bakura was the only one who wasn’t actually affected by it because he loved Ryou before the potion
Man I miss Philophobic. OCD Paralegal Bakura and Weirdo Quiet Malik was intriguing. I was ecstatic when Ryou showed up in like chapter 15/16. Little Bro Ryou. Baku Bros and Dead Amane. Bakura literally had the first name McJagger.
There’s the one old ao3 fic I’m remembering now that was tornship and Bakura and Ryou proposed together because they had the same body and it was during a day long ice skating date. I think it’s gone forever fellas ;;
The Kim Possible/Tendershipping + etcetera mega crossover, I’m so glad that author is living their best life
I took two steps in to an AFF fic where Bakura got kidnapped to be Ryou’s new present by Ryou’s dad and once I hit “won’t you give me some of your milk” I walked directly back out of there
Sometimes I still think about Opal, where Ryou betrays the human race to go off and live with his giant alien boyfriend who has claws and thus cannot perform fingering or anal prep, which Ryou also apparently can’t perform. It is a fond memory of a wacky sci-fi au (but it was definitely going for dramatic) (and tendies)
Bakura x Yami and one of them was the EMT but they were the only two ones from ygo canon in there and it was a thriller and every other character was Frickin’ American, I kid you not 😂😂
The hostship one where Ryou found a magic diary journal and ended up writing non-erotic friend fiction by accident (the first time) and got anxious when Anzu started acting out his crush writing iirc
Anyone remember those “the cast watches YGOTAS” fics. One of them had Ryou getting upset and hurt by the side character jokes ;^;
If you ever think everything hasn’t been shipped, I read an old fic where Yami Bakura didn’t want to tell Mai they were lovers in the past and so he just angsted pissedly about it instead while watching her from like across the park idk (but I think she was interested in the memory or him somehow still anyhow, IDK LMAO)
That one long Bakura and Jou fic. I thought it was over 700k words but I checked and it’s over 998k. My gosh, the absolute dedication
I need to end with a banger, but all I can remember is yugioh had an extensive crossover with death note on ffnet where they introduced the concept of light magic, everyone summoned their own monsters irl, and Yami Bakura had his purple eyes, which I thought was so beautiful and aesthetically pleasing 
There was one early early early fic somewhere way in the beginnings of the ffnet archive with Bakura and Ryou. Bakura was insecure and angsting—in bed—about Ryou and their loving relationship—in the same bed as Ryou—and all I can remember thinking about it while reading it is “wow, it feels like this was written before the Tendies Abuse dynamic even solidified into fanon canon.”
One time back before the Yahoo Groups shut down I ran across a Yami and Bakura fic from like 2003-2004(?) that just had them chilling without any trouble going on, and I can’t believe that that of all things surprised me by just existing
Then there was the Yami/Bakura one where Bakura was suicidal yet there was no way to read it because the author erased almost all of the previous chapters when they decided to rewrite it. When you go onto the wayback machine with the link to that fic you can see everything the author took down. This is the case for a surprising amount of old, old ygo fic
I remember a tender fic that also had this as the case for it (I think the author said something about not wanting to bother the people who had finished reading the story ages ago)
Actually. The gigantic, gigantic ripped file archive of ffnet might be the most astounding thing to end this at. Some guy took a huge bot program or script program crawler thing to the entirety of ffnet and spent possibly 2-3 years downloading everything from it. All the fanfic. Everything public at the time. The ygo archive stops around 2015. This is theorized to be the entire reason that ffnet switched to making it impossible to copy paste fic from the desktop site. Mobile, perplexingly, is still entirely copy paste block free 
Also, mediaminer still exists. It just has none of the art
This in no way represents everything out there, but man does it make for a fun list. The eng yugioh fandom is enthralling to scour through. All this fandom archeology and the deep dives into yugioh history are my passion 🐸 
Hope I could entertain ✨✨✨
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When the Universe Collides (Sam Wilson x Reader)
Summary: Every person has a soulmate. When your soulmate experiences pain, so do you, and any bruises, scars, or other markings that they get appear on your skin. Or, the story of how smacking yourself in the face with a cabinet was the best thing to ever happen to you.
Notes: Hi! Since the first episode of Falcon and the Winter Soldier comes out today, I wanted to write something for Sam! He’s super underrated and deserves more love! Also, this soulmate AU is extremely self-indulgent and has absolutely nothing to do with the TV show, but tbh I don’t care. Hope you all enjoy it too! (no y/n, no pronouns) (PS: any italicized text is Sam texting and the italicized and bold text is the reader texting!)
Warnings: mentions of a stab wound (nothing explicit), cursing I guess 
WC: 2.2 k
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Your soulmate must have one hell of a job.
Almost every day, you woke up with dark bruises covering your body. It seemed that whenever one faded, another took its place. At completely random times, you would double over in aches that you certainly didn’t inflict upon yourself. One time, in the middle of the night, you woke up with pain in your stomach so intense, it felt like someone had stabbed you! It turned out that it was a stab wound, but given that no one had stabbed you lately (or ever), you figured it was from your soulmate. You definitely didn’t appreciate that hospital bill.
But you still desperately wanted to meet them. Meet that person that completed you: your other half. As a teenager, you made your parents tell you the story of the day they finally met so many times, you knew it by memory. They were both in the library at college, and your mom dropped a psychology textbook on her foot! Her howl of pain was only matched by the “SON OF A BITCH” that came from your dad on the opposite side of the library. When the two of them made eye contact, they instantly knew they were the ones for each other (they were also immediately kicked out for making such a ruckus). You wanted to have that moment so badly; meeting your soulmate was a huge milestone in every person’s life, and you needed it.
Your best friend and roommate, Brianna, had met hers just two months ago. They had met at the beach, when out of nowhere, Bri had shrieked in shock and pain.
“A crab just pinched me!”
When you had looked at her foot and told her nothing was there, she was totally confused, until you saw a handsome guy with a crab hanging from his foot! He had introduced himself as Julian, and the two had been inseparable since. He was living with you now, and you had honestly never felt more lonely in your life. Sure, you had your dream career; you ran a music shop in New York City, selling instruments, making repairs, and meeting all sorts of interesting people. You had a decent apartment, a chill best friend, and the cutest Yorkie, named Muffin, on the planet. By all accounts, you had it pretty good. You were just missing your other half.
It was a rainy day in NYC. The chill of winter was still clinging onto the March air, and you shivered as you trudged from your apartment to your shop. Even though you had an umbrella to protect you from the rain, the wind blew right through the too-thin jacket you yanked off of the coatrack in a rush. Still holding your half-eaten toaster strudel in your hand, you pushed open the doors to Major Instruments and Minor Repairs, your pride and joy.
It was two floors: the first was where you sold instruments, and the repair shop was above. Acoustic panels were attached to the burnt red walls to help quiet down the place, since the hardwood floors didn’t do much to help with that. The checkout desk was directly in the center in the room. Surrounding it were reeds, bottles of valve oil, and guitar strings. Picks were placed in two clear, plastic bowls on the desk itself. In the front left corner of the room was a grand piano, situated right in the window so passersby could see whenever someone plucked its keys. The entire back wall was covered in guitars and basses. To the right of the desk was a large drumset, accompanied by a pair of drumsticks and brushes. On the right wall were string instruments; string basses and cellos were leaned against the wall, while the violins, violas, and bows were displayed on it. Woodwind and brass instruments were scattered across the room in various display cases. Instrument stands, bow rosin, and miscellaneous instrument parts were on shelves throughout the room as well. The spiral staircase leading up to the repair shop was in the back left corner of the room. Behind the staircase was the door to the back store room, where you kept your extra supplies and also where you took your breaks.
“Good morning!” called Andrew, one of your closest friends from college, from behind the desk.
You waved in reply, wandering to the back store room. You were lucky you had Andrew; you could rely on him to run the front desk while you and Brianna assisted customers on the floor. Unfortunately, Bri had the flu today, so it would just be you on the floor, which would make things a little more hectic. You hurriedly finished your strudel, took off your jacket, which left you in a black and white flannel, a matching black tank top reading “Music is Life,” black leggings, and black combat boots (you had an aesthetic to uphold), and strode back out to the main area.
“You seem in a bit of a rush. Everything okay?” asked Andrew, who was currently restocking bell covers.
You sighed, “Just a whirlwind of a morning. Bri has the flu, Muffin nearly choked on a chicken bone, I almost burned my toaster strudel, and I smacked myself in the face with my cabinet door by accident.”
“Oh, that’s where the new bruise on your eye is from,” he mused.
You snorted, “Yeah, for once it’s not from my soulmate.”
“Maybe he’s a spy. Or a superhero!”
“Yeah, or a criminal,” you joined in on the restocking, grabbing some trumpet mutes since the place opened in just half an hour, “thanks for opening up, by the way.”
“It’s no problem,” he replied, “you know I don’t mind.”
The doorbell jingled and two of your instrument repair people, Sarah (for strings), and Natalie (for brass), entered. Natalie was lugging what was unmistakably a tuba case, while Sarah carried both of their instrument repair kits.
“Morning, ladies!” called Andrew.
“Good morning,” Sarah replied pleasantly.
Natalie huffed out a “morning” and dragged the tuba up the stairs.
“Her tuba’s broken. The tubing that holds up her mouthpiece completely snapped off. She’s going to try and repair it before her appointments today,” explained Sarah.
You winced, “That’s rough.”
Sarah dropped off both of their jackets and followed Natalie up the stairs leaving you alone with Andrew again. Soon after, Erik, your percussion guy, and John, the woodwind repairman, arrived, and it was time for the shop to open. For a while, it was just another mundane Thursday. Customers came and went. People tested the piano and drumsets, someone bought $100 worth of jazz scores, and a teenaged boy came in who somehow got a ping pong ball stuck in their trombone (you learned to never ask). But at exactly 1:47 pm, a time you would never forget, two very unexpected customers walked through the threshold of your store. You were up on a ladder, carrying a large, rather heavy, box of violin bows to situate on the wall, when you heard their voices.
“I’m telling you, Buck, I’m a wizard at the saxophone.”
“Sure, Sam. I’ll believe it when I hear it.”
“I’m serious, dude! I played all the time before I joined the military, and I picked it back up a little bit again after the whole Avengers thing. I just need to get a new one.”
“Hmm, okay. We’ll see.”
You whipped your head around and saw the Falcon and the Winter Soldier themselves in your shop. Having superheros in your place was a first. And who knew Sam Wilson played the saxophone?
Andrew offered them a cheerful greeting and directed them toward the saxophones, which happened to be near the ladder you were teetering on. Every time you leaned up to put a bow on display, it wobbled so badly you thought you were going to fall. You really needed to allocate some funds toward a new one.
As you continued to place bows on display, you heard the conversation of the two gentlemen browsing the saxophones. Apparently, Sam much preferred the tenor sax (which you happened to play, quite well you might add). Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him pick up a Selmer Paris model and inspect it. Those didn’t come cheap, but you were sure that saving the world gave a man a pretty decent paycheck.
“You think I can test it out?”
“I don’t know, dude. You should probably ask.”
You saw him nod, “Yeah, I guess so. And there’s not a reed in here, anyway. Excuse me!”
You realized he was calling you, so you craned your head to look at him. Both men were looking up at you, both with kind smiles on their faces.
“Is there any way I can get a cheap reed to test this out with,” Sam asked, “and are we even allowed to test them in store?”
You smiled back, “Yes, you can. We have test reeds at the front desk, just ask Andrew and he’ll give you one. That’s the only one you’ll get though.”
“Cool, thanks,” he replied while looking around, “nice place you’ve got here.”
Your smile grew a little wider, “Thank you! It took a little while to get it off of the ground, but I’m really proud of how it turned out.”
It was almost as if the universe wanted you to suffer. You stretched up to display yet another bow, and the ladder toppled to the ground, taking you with it! You shrieked in surprise and braced yourself for the impact with the floor.
But it never came.
Instead, you were caught in a pair of (ridiculously) muscular arms. When you looked into the arms of your hero, of course it was Sam himself. He was too handsome for his own good. The thing that stood out most to you were his deep brown eyes. And how, on the left one, was a bruise that exactly matched the one that you gave yourself this morning.
“Are you alright? That ladder must have it out for you,” joked Sam, though you could tell that he was concerned for you.
“I’m okay,” you squeaked, “thank you.”
“It’s no problem. All a part of the job.”
You nodded distractedly, still fixated on the bruise adorning his eye. He couldn’t be your soulmate, could he?
“Are you sure you’re okay?” he questioned.
“I-yes. I just got a bit, well, distracted.”
“By what?”
Well, it was now or never. You might as well just go for it.
“When did you get that bruise?”
He looked a bit surprised by the question, “The one on my eye?”
You nodded.
“This morning. It just popped up. Hurt a little bit, like something hit me in the face. Can’t be worse than what I’ve given my soulmate, though. I got stabbed in the stomach once and all I could think about was how confused and hurt they must’ve been,” came his reply.
It was him. It had to be! All of your random, serious injuries made so much more sense now.
“It did hurt,” you murmured back, “but not as much as the hospital bill.”
His face went from apologetic to elated faster than you had ever seen, “Wait, that means it’s you?”
“I think so,” you said, “I hit myself in the eye with a cabinet door this morning, and that-” you gestured to his face, “matches mine.”
“Oh, it does!” he exclaimed.
“Are you two done over there?” complained Bucky.
Thankfully, the Winter Solider had successfully rescued your box of bows.
Sam stood you up, and you could feel the embarrassment slowly creeping over you, “Yeah. Sorry about that, guys. Promise I’m not usually that clumsy.”
“Seems like you need a new ladder,” Bucky told you.
“You don’t say,” you sassed back, prompting a laugh from Sam.
Bucky then strode off to return the fallen box to Andrew. He gave Sam a knowing look as he passed by. He wasn’t very slick, though, you totally saw him.
“Listen, since apparently we’re soulmates and all, I’d love it if I got your number. I’ll take you somewhere nice to make up for all of the times I’ve gotten you hurt,” explained Sam.
You smiled bashfully, “That sounds nice.”
He handed you his phone and you input your digits. As Sam and Bucky were in the checkout line, your phone buzzed.
Hey, gorgeous. It’s your new man.
You giggled softly and looked up at him. He gave you an exaggerated wink and launched finger guns at you, making you laugh a bit harder. You entered his number into your phone and decided to send a text back.
Looking forward to you making up for all of those broken bones.
Me too.
You knew you’d be happy with him. Whenever the universe collided in this way, it always turned out for the best. If your parents and your roommate weren’t enough proof, soon you would discover it for yourself. You couldn’t wait for all of the memories you’d make together.
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buddielove · 3 years
Hi! I'm a gay fan of 911 and I have a question about the whole Buddie fandom. As much as I like Buck and Eddie, it's frustrating that a HUGE part of the fandom is pushing for these two characters to get together instead of putting energy into supporting Hen & Carla and Michael & Dave. Not to mention Carlos and TK in Lone Star. Can you explain to me the appeal of wanting these two men together? Wouldn't it be more interesting to see two heterosexual males just be able to bond in a non-toxic fashion? That's something we don't get to see often on television.
Hey! This is MAD long lmao I am so sorry! You caught me on a day I felt like talking! Also this took like a year to answer you lolololol. This does have a few ʻhot takesʻ so please be warned! So like in this essay....
So first I am also apart of the LGBTQIA+ community, so I do understand how it could come across as a fetish or being non supportive of the current canonically LGBTQIA+ characters, however I think a lot of the interest around Buddie and the want for them to be confirmed as a couple is how they are being written. Me personally I knew since s2 e1 Buck and Eddie were written not as rivals but as two people who would eventually become friends, but it wasn’t until the Christmas episode with the elf assuming Buck was Chris’s dad and Eddie’s partner that I was like ‘hold on!’ because I was really hoping Abbey would return and I didn’t see Eddie as a possible Buck live interest because of that. The elf’s comment wasn’t played off like most other shows would (think Dean and Sam arriving anywhere in Supernatural) it made me go back and look at the other episodes to see exactly how Buck and Eddie were being framed/written. And as we have moved into further seasons I think there has been a shift in how Buddie is being written, in s3 it was very much like two people progressing into a deeper friendship then the blood clot/lawsuit gets in the way and they both have to deal with emotions surrounding that, then Buck’s response to Eddie being trapped (we see how is he when Boddy is trapped in a fire WITH A GUNMAN, it’s emotional but not to the point is is with Eddie), even the love interests feel very pushed on us and there’s so little banter between Buddie about their gfs and how they feel about these new beginnings. It feels off, not like a friendship in the slightest, more like two people trying to force something and not wanting to deal with any other feelings. Then when Eddie gets shot and reveals Buck is Chris’s legal Guardian in the event Eddie dies, that’s huge, and he did this after only a year of knowing Buck (I have friends with kids. I’ve known one of them for FIVE years, I’m at their house every week, the kid calls me family. I’m person #10 on the list of ‘who gets my kid if I die’, not #1 lol) It just feels like it’s all building up to something, and people are getting tired of waiting for that something! We’re all emotionally tired from the past two years, and probably from many shows queerbaiting us and this is something that could happen, seems to be something the actors are ok with and the fans want. So why do they keep drawing it out. This isn’t about us demanding they ignore the chance to write a healthy platonic male friendship, or forcing two characters to be gay, it’s about holding the writers to what they’ve implied and seeing what could come of it.
Also think of it like this; If Buddie is confirmed it will still be a good example of a healthy friendship which then developed into something else, like Booth/Bones! Showing the natural progression of friendship to relationship that happens a lot in real life. It’s two men who previously (on screen at least) have only been with woman, but now they have an emotionally connection with someone which they then develop and explore. This could be 911’s first nontoxic depiction of two gay characters coming together, because sorry not sorry the canon couples aren’t perfect (which does humanize them) but they also reenforce harmful troupes that plaque the LGBTQIA+ community, which I’m sure you understand: TK was a drug addict, who only got with Carlos at first cause he was hot and sex was TK’s new addition (all gay men are sex addicts who do drugs and sleep with anything that moves). Carlos was ashamed and wanted to keep TK on the downlow (poc gay men want to pretend to be straight but have free access to gay sex). Hen cheated on Karen seemingly the first chance she got (lesbians can’t handle monogamy when pushed, and cheat on their long term partners). All known and documented troupes that happen far too often.
I’m not saying Buddie is some gay jesus ship that’s gonna save the entertainment industry but if done right it could prove to be one of the few healthy depictions of two men getting into a gay relationship we have. If they plan it out correctly, show us the relationship development, like they did with Maddie/Chim for example, Buddie could be used as a positive example of a gay fictional relationship (I really could go into depth about this. I probably should tbh).
As for not supporting Hen and KAREN, or Michael and DAVID, I think fans do support them! The writers don’t. If you read fanfics Henren and Michael/David are featured heavily in many fics, and ik some people might say ‘well they’re only there so Buddie can talk about their gay side!!’ but both these couples have their own fans and fanfic tags! They aren’t just plot devices in Buddie stories. There is a huge side of the fandom that supports Henren and wants to see more of them and their family. Same with Michael and David, during the episode where Michael and Bobby team up to find that plastic surgeon who was working illegally many people where ecstatic that we were getting more Michael/David content and that David was getting more than a couple lines. But sadly it seems like the writers only want to delve into these story lines when they need filler, they even miss opportunities to include these other LGBTQIA+ characters when it makes sense;
(Someone came for me about this but I am going to bring it up again)
When Chris is sad and wants more human connection, instead of bring Harry + Michael/David and Denny+Nia+Henren back into the picture (and yes I understood at the time the pandemic was bad (lmao still is!!), but all the actors at some point would have/had crossed over into each other’s ‘bubbles’, so ALL the actors would have been exposed to each other so getting the children together with adults they had ALREADY been with during shooting wouldn’t have been a super spreader event) but instead they brought in Ana after only two on screen dates and pretended like it was a logical thing for someone who’s up to that point been extremely careful with their child.
They really could have pushed the ‘118 is a family!’ message here and included the canonically gay supporting characters, and the lesbian main character(s) but they did not and instead chose to push the Ana/Eddie coupling even though they hadn’t properly developed it yet. The writers themselves don’t seem to care about developing their canonically gay characters and including them more than they have to but fans are continuously developing Henren and Michael/David with hc and fics.
I’d like to use your logic against you for a second, in s1 we have a very healthy, platonic friendship between Chim/Bobby but that got written out to the point they are more like boss/employee unless the scene calls for them to seem closer, we now have Bobby and Michael friendship but again we hardly see Michael. On Lone Star we have Owen and Judd as a really, really good example of a healthy male friendship but we see Judd more often with Tommy now then we do with Owen, and in s2 it’s overshadowed by Owen trusting Charlie from Twilight and constantly getting fucked over! Why can’t the writter just be happy with these happy, healthy, emotionally well male-male friendship they’ve already included and expand upon them. There’s enough drama because the show literally involves burning buildings and people’s lives being at risk from some natural/man made disaster ever 12 seconds. Does it need to have so much interpersonal conflict and male peacocking??
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hmslusitania · 3 years
HAYLEY if you don’t mind sharing - Pac Rim is tied with Old Guard for my favorite movie, so of course I’m dying to know what positions my favorite author has given the 118 crew in a Shatterdome… no pressure though if you’re not looking to share any details at the moment, in which case pls just take this as a ‘happy Friday hope you are doing awesome’ message!
With the necessary caveat that I may or may not ever actually get around to finishing this fic, the casting went like this:
Marshal Bobby Nash, former jaeger pilot and current head of the programme.
Evan "Buck" Buckley as his now adult ward who he rescued from a kaiju attack as a child, along with Buck's elder sister. Buck, of course, wants nothing more than to be a jaeger pilot, but he wears his heart too much on his sleeve so it makes drifting with someone difficult
Maddie definitely works in the command centre, and I had put Albert there too because I hadn't seen the show yet and didn't know anything about him, but honestly, I kinda stand by it
Chimney and Hen were still paramedics, although tbh they would totally be drift compatible too
Athena and Bobby were married and I think she's a retired pilot as well, but with no intention of going back.
Karen worked in kaiju science, and I think now I might put David in k-science too, because as we all know, you must be queer to work in k-science, this is simply a given
and so of course Eddie was the retired former pilot whose copilot died traumatically and who doesn't want to do it anymore especially since he's also a single dad now and just wants to look after his son, but Bobby convinces him to come in, and gosh, but he and Buck are sure drift compatible aren't they?
I never got far enough into writing it to actually flesh out how closely it was going to true to the plot of the movie, but this was the casting I had.
And happy Friday to you, as well!
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homunculusalphonse · 2 years
actually i think i will put my encanto rants in one post so i’ll try not to post too many. ignore this if you don’t want to see me being too intense about things. here we gooooo
mirabel madrigal deserves way fucking better. i’m not the middle sibling but i sure know what it feels like your family sorta treating you like the “weird, unsuccessful” one
i actually don’t care about camilo. why the fuck do you like him so much. i’m tired of seeing camilo everywhere
i HATE isabela. i know her trauma but she treats mirabel like garbage in 2/3 of the movie. she only starts treating mirabel better after mirabel became her therapist. she’s practically isabela’s punching bag the entire movie. fuck isabela. i have a passionate hatred for her, even if it doesn’t look like it (since i continue to reblog art of her. at least i’m not a dick about it i guess)
tbh i don’t care about most of the characters. they’re just archetypes. pepa is the stressed aunt, felix is the good husband (i’m damn sure he’s called a himbo by fans though because everyone think every “big” man who’s decent to women is a himbo), camilo is the snarky little bitch, dolores is the sweet quiet one, isabela is mean little miss perfect, julieta is the sweet mom (the only adult that fucking respects mirabel for that matter), agustín is the nerd sweet dad.... and most of them don’t even have development at all iirc.
luisa, bruno and antonio are the only people i respect. actually i love julieta too, despite her not having so much screentime. noticeably bc they actually treat mirabel well despite their trauma. UNLIKE ISABELA- sorry i’ll stop
does bruno even get to sing? i mean an entire song for himself? no? fuck this movie then. /half joking WHY DIDN’T BRUNO GET A FULL SONG HE HAS A WHOLE CALLOUT SONG ABOUT HIM /srs
the songs are too distracting after a while. everyone gets their song. shut uuuuup I GET IT YOU HAVE TRAUMA PLEASE GO BACK TO THE STORY NOW.
the humor is so bad. it’s so shallow. like this is peak disney comedy: shallow comedy “for kids” for a quick buck. none of the children laughed when i saw this movie, just so you know how bad it is
disney (technically pixar but still disney) how did you release such a cliche movie after releasing luca. luca is somehow way more interesting than encanto even though it’s the simplest animated movie there is
as a brazilian i hate that encanto kinda glosses over racism and creates this utopia where poc are happy and that’s it. if you try to say “but this was the point” nooo i don’t wanna hear it. disney has been getting away with these utopias for too long. please actually acknowledge racism or die
encanto was made to be popular. they knew everyone would love it. this is the reason why encanto was made. disney boasts themselves how “supportive” they are of poc but all the latest movies starring poc have been the SAME plotline: family of color is not supportive of the youngest person so the mc has to go through this journey, meet a long lost family member, their other relatives are called out, someone almost dies, and then everything gets wrapped up in the end. THE ENDING is the actual movie. the rest doesn’t matter. *actually i think i’m gonna write a post about this soon
i think this is it. if i have more shit to add i’ll reblog
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hoodharlow · 4 years
Sé lo rica que se ve en ropa de gimnasio. A mí me encantan lo' tatuaje' en tus brazo'
AN: I was gonna scrap this tbh, but my lovely mamas @be-ready-when-i-say-go posted this. So everyone say thank you to my mamas 
Request: Hunter kinda put it but for grabs and I quickly snatched it, so yes lol [ I need someone to indulge me in a cal blurb where you don’t handle spoopy well. however he don’t know that—new relationship right at the start of the holidays or something—and he surprises you with a date to a haunted house and you’re like, how about no??? But he’s a little bummed so you do it. Piss your pants (not literally) but it does not go well. Youre visibly shaken, almost crying and he’s like yikes okay, let’s just get food and wait for the rest of the peeps to be done and he’s like I’m really sorry, didn’t think it’d go like this. because I need it. But I can’t brain anymore to write it my damn self. Yes this is a cry for help]
Warnings: SMUT and aspects of spooky stuff (cl**ns) 
Word Count: 2.1k words
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Calum and Claudia were waiting for his trainer in Calum's new G-Wagon. She was supposed to drop him off Griffith Park since she had a job interview at a dispensary and few errands to run. Fortunately the interview was in about two hours, so Claudia had some time to spare. 
His trainer forgot not to double book him with the influencer, who's name he had forgotten, after the fight he had with Claudia. Calum was quick to learn that she doesn't have a poker face when it came to people she didn't like, especially girls that always attempted to flirt with him. So when they saw her at the bench recording herself that she was going to workout, Calum had to find a way to remind Claudia he only had eyes for her. They may as well christen his G-Wagon. 
Their makeout session started out casual and lazy. Next thing they knew, they were climbing to the back seat, and Claudia was on his lap. 
Claudia slowly rolled her hips back and forth. With one hand, Calum bunched up her skirt and with the other he gripped her hip. Soft moans escaped her lips and mixed with the sound of Calum's groans. She greedily rode him at a slow, tortuous pace.
"Fuck, pretty girl," he grunted.
 Calum slid his hand inside her panties and roughly gripped her ass. He guided her along his length, loving how well she took him as he bucked his hips into her, meeting her thrusts. She let out a loud moan. Calum captured her lips, muffling her. 
They both sped up their movements, wanting to get the other off.  
“Calum!” She moaned out, her orgasm catching her off guard. She rested her forehead on his shoulder and slowly rode him through her orgasm.
He let go of her ass and pushed her down on the seat. He slid back into her and took her in slow deep thrusts. He wrapped her legs around his waist, so he had more room to maneuver them. He desperately rubbed her clit, egging her on as his thrusts sped up. 
Claudia pulled away from his lips and bit his shoulder as he brought her to another orgasm.
"Fuck!" She cursed. 
She moved her hands to his back. Digging her nails for some sort of stability as Calum increased his pace and pounded into her. 
"C'mon, Cal," she begged. "I want your cum deep inside of me. Please—"
"Fuck, Claudia," he grunted. 
His thrusts got sloppy and less rough. He chased after his climax. Moaning out his love for Claudia, he praised her for how well she took him. With one final thrust he came. He shoved himself deep in her until his high went down. He plopped next to her and closed his eyes. Wrapping his arm around her, he sighed in contentment. 
Claudia traced the dagger on the back of his bicep. She quickly remembered the lyrics to one of Benito's songs. 
"What are you thinking about?" Calum asked her. He lifted his head to look at her. 
"Bad Bunny— not like that!" she quickly added. "There's these lyrics that reminded me of you."
"Which ones?" 
"'Sé lo rica que se ve en ropa de gimnasio. A mí me encantan lo' tatuaje' en tus brazo' from the song 'Como se Siente.' It was just him saying how he knows that his boo looks good in workout clothes, and how he loves their arm tattoos. I was like mood because I know my boo looks good in workout clothes, and I love his arm tattoos."
Calum laughed. He hid his face into her chest, slightly shaking from the laughter.
"I fucking love you, Claudia." He said smiling brightly at her.
"I love you too." She said shyly. 
Calum shifted, so he was hovering over her. He sponge kissed all over her face and neck. Slowly he made his way down her chest, but Claudia stopped him. 
"As much as I'm down for round two, I can't. I can't have Ivan see these lovely hickies and snitch to my dad." 
Calum lifted his hands up in surrender at the mention of Diego. He sat on his knees and let her get ready. He heard a car approaching them, recognising his trainer. He cursed and reached for his shirt in the front seat. He handed Claudia his— their—Nine Inch Nails long sleeve. 
"Are those my leggings?" Claudia asked him when he slipped on his compression tights and shorts.
"Probably." He shrugged. He took her shocked look and tried to not laugh. "Now you know what it's like to have your clothes stolen."
"Vas a ver." Claudia stuck her tongue out and pushed him off. 
She pulled on her bralette, adjusting the straps and tucked in Calum's shirt in her skirt. She smoothed out the bottom of the skirt the best she could and grabbed her makeup bag. She touched up her makeup and redid her ponytail. 
"Here." She said handing Calum her headband. 
"Thanks," He said, wrapping it around his wrist. He looked outside and saw his trainer out of his car. "I gotta go. I'll see you in a bit. We're still going to Universal Studios with Ash and KayKay?"
"Yeah. Want me to bring you a change of clothes?"
"Okay." Claudia nodded.
Calum pulled her close to him. He smiled and traced his thumb over her bottom lip. He leaned in, feeling her sigh, and kissed her cheek. “I’ll see you later, love.”
Calum wrapped his arms around Claudia and rested his chin on her head as they waited for their turn to go inside the maze with Ashton and KayKay. 
Claudia tilted her head up.
 "Kiss?" she asked Calum. 
He smiled and leaned down to peck her lips.
Claudia turned around to kiss him properly. She held onto his cheek as her tongue gave into his. She sighed into his mouth as one of his hands lazily rested on her ass.
"This is a family park, not a place for you two to kiss like you're ready to make babies. Please go do that somewhere else." A woman behind them called to them, making Calum look back.
“You hear that this is a family park,” Calum turned back to Claudia. “Well, if it's a family park, guess we should make our own family." He pulled Claudia closer to him and wiggled his tongue against hers. Soon enough they were making out once more.
"Hey rabbits, let's go." Ashton said. He flicked Calum's ear, making them pull away. 
Calculus immediately linked her arm around Calum's as they made their way through the Stranger Things maze. It wasn't as eerie as the other two mazes they walked through considering  it was basically a tour through the set of the show. The Demagorgin did startle them when they passed through the lab, however.
Minutes later they made it through the maze. 
"Which one's next?" Calum asked Ashton, who was holding the map. 
"Clowns." He simply said.
Claudia stopped dead in her tracks. She hated clowns ever since Junior and Danny tricked her into watching the first It movie when they were younger and purposefully followed her around in clown masks to scare her. She never saw them the same. For Guito's birthday, Junior and Marlene hired a clown to make balloon shaped animals and face painting. With the excuse of studying for her AP stats class, Claudia immediately retreated to her room and hid there until it was time for the clown to leave. Now she had no idea how she was going to make it through the maze.
"You okay?" Calum asked her quietly.
"Yeah, just a bit tired from walking around." She responded.
Calum pulled her to his chest and pulled out his phone. He watched Claudia's face light up when she saw his lockscreen, a picture of them at the dog beach in DelMar with Duke and Panchito. He scrolled through the apps until he found Hulu. They had been binging One Tree Hill for the last couple of weeks. They made it through two episodes when it was their turn to go in. 
Claudia recognised the green cotton candy cocoon from the circus scene in the Killer Klowns from Outer Space. It started to move, revealing a clown taller than Calum with a raygun.
She whimpered, hiding her face into Calum's side. She held onto him, frozen in place. 
"Claudia we have to get going," Calum said.
"I don't want to," she mumbled. 
"Are you frightened?"
"Maybe," she grumbled. 
"Fuck, okay lets get to find the exit and I'll text Ashton. Yeah?" 
He felt Claudia nod on his side. He rubbed her back and guided them back to the designated exit for people that aren't able to complete the maze. They were almost there when a small herd of clowns ran in their direction. 
Calum tried to get them away, but they got ambushed along with another group of people. Next thing he knew Claudia wasn't attached to him. He quickly spun around and spotted her covering her face as another clown approached her. He trotted over to her.
"Hey, it's me. I'm here," he softly said. 
They finally made it out of the maze and Calum pulled her to a small table outside of Ben and Jerry's. He sat down, and she climbed to his lap burying her face in his chest. He felt his shirt get wet with her tears. He rubbed her back as she softly cried. He kissed her head.
"I'm not a baby, I swear," she sniffled after a few minutes. She wiped her face with her shirt sleeve. "I just, like, freaked out. I'm sorry for not letting you finish the maze."
"I could care less about a stupid maze. What's important to me is your safety and well-being." He shrugged. "Now why didn't you tell me you were scared of clowns?"
"Because I was embarrassed that I'm almost 22 and scared of something as mundane as clowns." 
"Claudia, fears are something grown ups have. It's natural to be afraid of things, or else the human experience wouldn't be so complex." Calum pulled her chin up to meet her eyes. "I want you to know that I'll always be here to protect you. Got that?"
Claudia nodded. "Can we get ice cream?"
"Of course." 
They got in line. Calum texted Ashton that the clown maze was a bit much for him, so he and Claudia will be waiting for them at Ben and Jerry's. Once in the shop, he wrapped his arms around Claudia and rested his chin on her head, swaying them to cheesy Halloween music. 
He saw a few flashes from outside. Lifting his head, he looked back. A small group of unsubtle fans were whispering and taking pictures of them. Even in his dark hoodie and gray beanie, they were still able to identify him. They tried to play off that they weren't recording, but one of them had their camera flash on. Calum cursed to himself and released Claudia. 
"Fans." He quickly mumbled to her. She nodded and took a few steps forward. 
Claudia was still subject to rude comments on social media, so they always tried not to be too affectionate when they're out. There were rare occasions that fans managed to capture them. He knew this was one of the cases. 
They quickly ordered and made their way to a table inside. Claudia sat across from him and watched his fans approach him as she ate her Netflix & Chill'd™ waffle cone.
One of them elbowed another, so they could get Calum's attention. 
"Um, we were wondering if we could get a picture?" One of them asked Calum.
"Sure." He looked to Claudia, "don't eat any of my ice cream."
She rolled her eyes and ate more of his. She watched him shove his hands on his pockets and crouch down a bit so he could be in the frame. While he went down the small line of fans, taking selfies, Claudia reached over for his Chunky Monkey. She tried scooping a small amount only for the spoon to get stuck and get a large amount. She cursed and frantically tried to get it unstuck resulting in the spoon breaking. 
"Seriously?" Calum quirked.
"It was like that when—"
"I'm sure it was." 
"I'm positive, Cal." Claudia reassured him. She swung their intertwined hands as they followed KayKay and Ashton into the replica of the Ghostbusters movie set. It was a mix of both the 80s and 2016 versions. Through the speakers the beginning of a certain song began to play. 
Calum and Ashton looked at each and seemed to telepathically communicate with each other. Suddenly they began singing along to Girls Talk Boys. A few people gathered around, watching them sing. Some were surprised at how similar they sounded to the people singing through the speakers, unaware it was them. Calum turned to Claudia as he sang, "Do you tell them I'm your lover, that I'm all that you need?"
"They're too cocky for their own good." KayKay laughed. 
Claudia giggled "Yeah, but the one in the gray beanie is cute." 
Taglist: @calpops @5-secondsofcolor​ @findingliam-o @calumscalm @sexgodashton @karajaynetoday @another-lonely-heart @cherryxwildflower @myloverboyash @spicycal @idontneedanyone
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matan4il · 2 years
Buddie and clothes in 513
Right, I don’t usually write about clothes in my weekly Buddie meta posts. A part of it is that I think some choices are very meaningful on the show, and some might be random. Like name meanings, some are SO important (like Evan, from the Hebrew name Yochanan, meaning ‘God has graced’, there is so much to unpack there! Or even his nickname ‘Buck’ bringing up the image of an animal with such formidable antlers that it can seem quite intimidating, but in reality most of the time it’s pretty docile, timid even. Still noble, and it’s worth acquiring its trust), but some aren’t (Carla, which comes from the Germanic word for ‘man’. I... don’t think 911 is trying to tell us Carla is secretly a man). Sometimes the clothes choices do strike me as VERY meaningful (like when we see Eddie wearing his nicest clothes for Buck in their flirtatious kitchen scene in 309). I thought 513 was one of those cases, however, I already crammed so much into my weekly meta for the ep, that I left out the topic of clothes.
But then the beautiful @mytherapybuddie​ and a lovely anon who signed their ask with “- forever screaming” asked me to write about this, so here we are.
TBH, the first thing that grabbed at my brain was Eddie’s shirt in the breakdown scene. Listen, I’m an army vet (service is mandatory here) and those specific shades of faded green are hardwired into my brain. This is def an army-colored T-shirt, possibly even an actual one left from his army days (I too still have some army clothes that can double as civilian ones and which I wear on occasion). So of course I noticed that!
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And my first thought was the show really wants to give his army past presence in this scene. But as it continued to play out, I also thought back to a gifset I made showing Eddie self-hugging in moments when he needs comfort, but can’t ask for it. It’s such a clear gesture, because not only does Eddie cross his hands in front of him, he’s also hunched forward just a bit, almost like he's stopping himself from going into the fetal position. When I made the gifset, I already noticed the repeated use of these shades of green during the break up with Ana and the talk with Bobby, but the breakdown scene really brought it full circle. In all of these scenes, Eddie is wearing his psychological “armor”, that “tough guy” mentality his dad first drilled into him and the army later reinforced. This is the only way he’s been taught how to deal with emotional pain, so that’s what he’s clinging to.
But the presence of this same color in Eddie’s shirt during the breakdown is even more heartbreaking, because that makes it clear that the army isn’t just the place that provided Eddie with his “armor”, it’s also a big part of the reason why Eddie needs one. It’s a bit like that girl in a Swedish children’s book (not sure what they called her when they translated the book into English) where she puts a tin can over her head to protect it in case she falls. Of course because she can’t see where she’s going with a tin can over her head, she stumbles and falls. She sits up and takes off the tin can. “See?” She asks her friends triumphantly. “Who knows what would have happened to me if I hadn’t put it on?...”
Then another thing that really stood out to me about these three scenes is that in the first two, Eddie is self-hugging after the conversation is over. But during the breakdown scene? He first confesses to Buck what’s wrong with him, next he self-hugs, but then they talk. And by the time they’re done, Eddie’s hands are down, they’re not a barrier between him and the other person anymore, he’s open and raw and vulnerable, he’s cried in front of Buck, allowing him to see Eddie doing exactly what everyone taught him he must never do, not even when he’s alone. The complete trust here leaves me SHAKING (and the way it’s been A JOURNEY, as I said in the 513 meta. Eddie didn’t call Buck over, but Chris did. And Chris could do that because Eddie HAS trusted Buck with his kid, over and over again. Buck is there for him, because Eddie has chosen repeatedly to allow all three of them to become one family unit. Before the scene is over, that indirect trust through Chris becomes direct trust in Buck, because Eddie could have calmed down after his breakdown, he could have gotten upset over how Buck saw him, he could have kicked out his best friend and pretended none of this had happened. Which would have been more in line with what he was taught to do. But he doesn’t. He trusts Buck fully). And even though Eddie trusting Buck and talking to him has not yet resolved anything, it does have a healing quality all on its own and leaves Eddie, for the first time, being honest and not having to self-hug in the last shot of the ep.
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How about Buck’s clothes? He comes into Eddie’s house wearing a combination of very vibrant red and dark blue.
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These are two of the three basic colors, and as such, they clash dramatically. Shows are much more likely to dress characters in a bright, basic color together with a neutral one, like black, but instead here they chose to have Buck wearing these two conflicting colors. Why? Maybe to express his inner turmoil when he sees Eddie falling apart. I think Buck has always looked up to Eddie, it’s both why Buck in 201 was both so intimidated by him and, after just one compliment, so taken in by him. So I think this is a truly difficult moment for him as well, and he was probably understating it when he said that Chris wasn’t the only one who was scared.
But at the same time, I also thought that the contrast serves to make the red even brighter. Chris is also in a really bright color in this scene, specifically yellow, which is the third basic color.
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That made me consider that maybe the show wanted to demonstrate how together, Buck and Chris complete each other in this scene. They both work together to help Eddie. The yellow choice for Chris also reminded me of the tsunami. He was literally this sunshine kid that cheered Buck up, especially in 302, and made him feel like things can get better even when the present appears grim. But then Chris and Buck both being in these colors also contrasts with Eddie, whose T-shirt is a very faded shade of green. Almost tired (interestingly, the clothes soldiers wear to battle are called ‘fatigues’, actually coming from the word for tiredness). Depressed people, who are struggling to hold on, drowning in their pain, are often shown in such muted colors (just think of Maddie in 512, for example). The vibrancy in Buck and Christopher’s clothes might mean they represent the appeal of life for Eddie in spite of everything, their call for him to try even when he’s so tired, to just keep swimming.
IDK, this is all from a very personal perspective, based on my wild associations. There are so many different, valid interpretations, my word is def not the Gospel Truth. But thank you so much for reading! And for any show of support, it’s always so appreciated. xoxox
(if it’s okay, I also wanna take a second to do a small shoutout to the sweet @judsonryder​, @evaneddie​, @aa-lionheart​​ and @buckleyirondad​​. You helped me with Photoshop and my confidence about using it, so I could edit some screencaps to add to this post. Thank you all for that! xoxox)
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richietoaster · 5 years
Review/Reaction of IT Chapter Two
Let’s just start right off the bat and let me just say that Bill Hader better get a fucking award for his performance.
Alright. Here we go y’all. im trying to stay in order with what happened but so much happened in the movie that my brain is just all over the place so excuse me while i try to form words
• first opening scene is a fucking LOT okay like i sobbed my eyes out and it was just not cool. adrian and his boyfriend? CUTE AF. Him getting brutally beat up and then killed by Pennywise while Don just watches? NOT CUTE AF
• Mike is a precious boy and I love him so. He cares about his friends so much holy shit. they all get mad at him for lying to them tho.But he only did it to protect them. Mike knew some SHIT(tm) our boy is so smart?? I’m glad they kept to his original storyline
• Older Bill gave himself so much shit this film and i just felt so bad. like we know it isnt ur fault okay?? We know you loved your brother, stop putting yourself down. also?? him becoming protective over dean? please stop my aching heart. 
• Jessica Chastain owns my whole heart and she can kick my ass anyday. She plays Bev so well and captures young bev’s personality so well. her scene with mrs kersh was very weird. i knew the second she ran naked in the hall i’d be seeing some weird fucking shit okay 
• Jay Ryan could kick me and I would personally thank him like?? wow what a man. He immediately recognizes bev when he first sees her and im just?? im happy. so many hidden new kids on the block reference and it had me fucking rolling in my grave
• JAMES FUCKING RANSONE MY DUDE OH LORD okay listen. he gives off young eddie’s panic and chaotic energy so perfectly i felt like i was watching him as an adult, who just never grew up. I think thats what he was going for honestly. He played eddie SO FUCKING WELL 
• I’m so sad about stan. THats all you need to know okay. I’ll talk about his letter later on in this. Stan deserved better. that’s all. 
• if you are not a fan of vomit you’re not gonna enjoy richie tozier. literally any time something bad happens hes just like ah shit here we go again *vomits* and honestly? that made me laugh. like hes just like oh shit something is happening let.. let me just.. no no its fine guys ill catch up.. EHBWFIJHDFSIJ no okay but bill hader stole the fucking show. his acting was phenomenal and,, again,, i’ll add more onto that later. 
• richie scares the shit out of dean. because he thinks hes pennywise. but can you blame him? the kid just. stared at him all creepy and shit. but its so funny. the losers make fun of him bc he doesnt know his own lines from his acts and richies just like “I dont write my own material” and eddies just like “I KNEW IT! I FUCKING KNEW IT” dead. goodbye.
• Young losers were still my favorite part honestly. Eddie kept bouncing that stupid ball in stan’s face in the clubhouse and i was waiting for him to get punched in the face tbh. That didn’t even seem like eddie, that was Jack’s energy bursting through the seams lmfao
• young eddie runs into a fucking box and shrieks and if that isn’t me idk ewhdfiajksjdoi 
• THE FUCKING. HAMMOCK. SCENE. okay listen to me. thats gay. hammocks are now gay. gays only. gay interacts only. the bickering between reddie had me in TEARS. eddie kept kicking at his face and just?? casually??? lays on him when richie wont move?? 
• stan’s fucking shower cap ehfdiujasdiosa and then richie being like “nobodys afraid of spiders stanley okay” and eddie slowly removes his because he cares what richie thinks more than spiders ok
• a flashback from after they defeated IT in the first move with reddie “eddie youve been gone for 24 hours your face is most likely on a milk carton by now” “shut up richie” 
• yong Richie has me weak af this whole movie, like always. just getting on Eddie’s case. HE PINES SO HARD OH Y GOD Like wow my sweet boy is so fucking in love ouch. which?? BRINGS ME TO MY NEXT POINT??
• THE ARCADE SCENE?? he checks out the kid standing next to him and tries to get him to hang out more and then the other kid tells him to stop being weird because he’s not gay, too, and then uses the F slur. richie was just so hurt. paul bunyun scene happens after that and hes just like “I just shit my pants” and i cried. 
• pennywise screaming “lets play truth or dare, you wouldnt pick truth! you dont want them to know your secret” gave off the same energy as eddie’s leper blowjob scene from the book. same energy. do with that as you will. 
• they had some flashbacks that included pennywise and im not sure if this was before or after they had defeated IT in the first movie but i interpreted it as after and if thats the case... hes supposed to be dead. but now thinking back on it, it was probably just more scenes before they put pennywise to rest for 27 years. 
• young richie went to the kissing bridge after that and we ALL KNOW WHAT HAPPENED THERE. fucking.. r + e :((( although we don’t see him carving the E. but reddie is canon so suck toes antis
• stephen king pretty much being like “I know u and ur endings really do suck” to bill when he comes to buy his bike was so fucking funny. it almost felt like a self insert lmfao. ALSO HIM MAKING BILL PAY 300 BUCKS FOR THE BIKE BC HE KNEW HE COULD AFFORD IT? iconic. 
• richie and eddie opening the door to the dog had me laughing. pennywise was just mocking them at that point. they’d be such good dog dads and now im sad
• i was really confused because they added part of stan’s bar mitzvah?? like it wasn’t even the same from the first movie. like they should’ve just put the deleted scene in from ch. 1 and then added that part. thats one of my very few complaints. im slowly hiding them in here. 
• henry bowers was kinda irrelevant in this honestly but thank you eddie for stabbing him and richie for killing him for trying to kill mike yall heroes 
• the big fight really disappointed me in all honesty. but i think thats because andy said he cut so much from there. i expect it to be better with the director’s cut
• eddie saving richie and then immediately being stabbed by pennywise’s claw? IM DEPRESSED.
• “Rich! rich, i did it! i think i killed him!” Our boy was so happy with himself :( 
• eddie’s last words WERE NOT “i fucked your mom”. he was talking to richie and you can hear them talking while the rest are preparing to end pennywise. so im hoping we get that as a deleted scene. 
• richie goes back to help finish pennywise but when he goes to check on eddie.. he’s dead. ://// and bev is like “richie, come on, honey.. im sorry” and richie does not want to believe him. he grabs and hugs eddie so tight i swear i could feel that hug from the audience. 
• another thing im disappointed in and am sliding in is some of the animations? Like. fucking weird. but okay. luckily i didn’t care too much.  
• THE SOB that richie lets out when he holds eddie really hurt my fucking soul jesus christ just kill me
• the losers try cheering him up after and like. thats their friend too but you can just totally tell he’s crying in a different type of grief. THAT WAS HIS FIRST FUCKING LOVE. 
• they all remember after and thats really important to me okay
• stan writes letters and its spoken outloud while the other losers get little montages of what theyre doing with their life after the battle. Richie goes back to the kissing bridge and recarves- YES RECARVES AND YOU CAN CLEARLY SEE THE E BEFORE HE DOES- he recarves the E and while doing it, stan’s voice says “be proud of who you are” and im fucking cry ibg okay
• in the end, i give this movie a 7/10 rating. although some of the animations were weird and some of the flashbacks had pennywise in it (like hes supposed to be currently dead but ok... maybe nightmares??) the actors were PHENOMENAL and the chemistry between older richie and older eddie made me so happy. my ship is canon. but im still sad about stan and eddies death. 
• ignoring canon in 3.. 2.. 1.. now 
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