#I want to make it very clear
mistresskabooms · 15 days
Every time I see the flag of Israel it makes me sick to my stomach.
How it flies the Magen David while its government is actively going against everything the Torah teaches us.
How I wish I could tear it off, if nothing else, so I wouldn't feel shame to see a symbol I hold so dearly perverted.
Israel is a disgrace before the nations.
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public-trans-it · 2 years
CW drug use, abusive relationships, musings on predestination and life
Everything happens for a reason.
I really need to start drafting posts while the acid is still actively in effect and just post them afterwards cause I wanna talk about this stuff.
Like… I’m not kidding when I say this stuff is a miracle drug and is the single most effective treatment for depression I have ever seen. All those studies people spread around where it’s like “Yeah the study showed that a single good trip can be as effective as multiple months of therapy” are actually so incredibly true.
And it’s so so easy to internalize it and become a better person! It felt nearly impossible to see the negative in anything!
My keyboard MELTED. Charging port burnt out and melted through part of the keyboard. That’s a good thing.
Not “Oh I was incapable of processing reality so I mistook that as a good thing.” It WAS a good thing. It happened for a reason. Everything happens for a reason.
The charger that I was using to charge my wireless keyboard was also being used to charge my wireless headphones, my controller, and my phone. It melted down when the it was connected to the single cheapest thing. It also melted down the one thing that wouldn’t immediately impede me spending time with friends and people I care about. It melted down the part of my computer setup most in need of replacing, but that I wasn’t willing to replace cause it was still functional.
But most importantly, the new one won’t arrive for a couple days. We had planned to do the session zero of my new TTRPG campaign this weekend. Setting it up, getting everyone’s comfort levels, setting boundaries and expectations, etc. Session Zero’s rock. Please use them. However, one of the players just got back from a trip. They were stressed about not being ready for it. Not relaxed enough after that trip to jumó directly into setting something like that up. But wanted to attempt to instead of being the reason for canceling. A few others also have been having a rough time and want to hang out but can’t commit to something, but don’t want to be the reason for fault. If I were to cancel it, I know MULTIPLE people would have blamed theirselves as the reason, even if it wasn’t true.
But now it’s not anyones fault. My keyboard fucking MELTED. I can’t start a game like that! That’s absurd! And not a single one of those players could possible look at MY FUCKING KEYBOARD MELTING and go “Oh this is my fault.” But… I still have discord on my phone. We can all still hang out. Everyone can still hang out and relax and just discuss the game without it becoming a commitment to actually formalize it, and people can just shoot the shit and leave freely without feeling like it’s being in the way. It’s freedom in a moment where structure is oppressive not supportive. And it’s all because my keyboard melted. Because that was a good thing, and it happened for a reason. Everything happens for a reason.
I’ve always hated that phrase though. With a passion. It’s used by evangelicals to tell people to accept the pain and misery in their life. It’s always carried a pretense of religious conversion. A kind of “I know how the world really works even if you don’t.” But the truth is the core of the sentiment… isn’t wrong.
If you were given a button that could alter a single event in your life, which event would you pick? Would you make a shitty memory vanish away? Keep yourself from getting together with your shitty ex? Cause I wouldn’t. Every single shitty thing in my life lead to every single positive thing in my life. I had a shitty ex. He was a stalker, he was abusive, and was generally an awful person. But you know what? So was I. I was an awful person. Not in the same ways, but in my own ways. And I was just as bad to him. He fucking hates me and honestly? Yeah he should. I treated him like garbage. But I came out of that relationship with so much knowledge of the parts of myself I didn’t like, and the traits in a partner to be wary of. I became more secure with myself. I knew how to treat others better. I became a better person. I grew, as everyone does. And now I’m in wonderful loving relationships with people I love with all my heart. My girlfriend Paxte. My boyfriend Bear. My partner Jade. They are all incredible people and I’m so lucky to know them, let alone be so close to them.
Barenaked Ladies have a song about this. “Odds Are”. It’s a song about all the shitty things in the world that happen all the time. All the ways things can go wrong. But that it’s absurd to dwell on those things. They are real. They do happen. But so much good happens non stop in the world that we don’t notice. The news has been a nonstop relentless bombardment of crisis after crisis lately. But if someone asked you to bet on on “Which is more likely? Another crisis happening right now, or someone, somewhere in the world, finding love in the next few minutes?” Well… the smart money isn’t on the crisis.
Life is long. It is, by definition, the single longest thing you will ever do. It’s going to suck. Every single bad thing that has ever happened to you will happen while you are alive. But so will so so much good. Every nice meal. Every quiet moment of sitting next to a friend as you both look at dumb memes and occasionally show them to each other. Every vulnerability you show that is rewarded with the care and tenderness of the people you showed it to. And those things only happen because of the events in your life that brought you here.
I am living in the timeline where every horrible thing in my life eventually led to here. To this moment. I’m still alive. I’m happy. And I wouldn’t be right here, in this exact moment, without those bad things. Those are objective facts. I am who I am because of them. I wouldn’t be me without them. They happened for a reason. And it was to bring me to this exact moment in time. And then to bring me to the next one. It might not be predestination or the will of god or whatever else, but it is impossible to look back at your life and see all the bad things and not realize… everything really does happen for a reason.
Right now, that reason is that you are still here. And so am I. And I’m so glad we are.
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autumnal-prince · 7 months
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invasive · 3 months
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loumands · 1 year
I feel like many people have a fundamental misconception of what unreliable narrator means. It's simply a narrative vehicle not a character flaw or a sign that the character is a bad person. There are also many different types of unreliable narrators in fiction. Being an unreliable narrator doesn't necessarily mean that the character is 'wrong', it definitely doesn't mean that they're wrong about everything even if some aspects in their story are inaccurate, and only some unreliable narrators actively and consciously lie. Stories that have unreliable narrators also tend to deal with perception and memory and they often don't even have one objective truth, just different versions. It reflects real life where we know human memory is highly unreliable and vague and people can interpret same events very differently
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kilometresrufflefuck · 11 months
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compilation of ace attorney law school struggle tweets. please send thoughts and prayers while i wait to find out if i get to graduate so i can throw my textbooks directly into the fucking sun
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chattematsu · 9 months
[4.0 archon quest spoilers]
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zombie-bait · 2 months
I can’t believe Gideon and Harrow had like 3 weeks of something approximating fun before experiencing 2 solid years of endless suffering 😭 lemme tell you, nothing could’ve prepared me for that or the realization that post book 1 these poor fuckers just never get to spend any time together, I miss the old days of One Flesh One End Bitch!!!!! We had it so good and we didn’t even know it
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maddymoreau · 1 year
Thinking about how Diavolo’s feelings transcend time and how in the Nightbringer UR+ card Demon Lord’s Castle Tour this conversation happens.
When asked, “Do you wish to see your father?”
Diavolo responds:
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“I suppose I do . . .” isn’t the typical reaction to how a child would feel about wanting to see their parent. Especially when said parent has essentially been in a coma for a year.
Along with how Diavolo describe his father.
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It makes more sense why when you learn in Lesson 56 how Diavolo was treated by him growing up.
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Diavolo can tell when others are lying but is unable to understand his father’s intentions.
Diavolo mentions that he lived a very sheltered life growing up. That from a young age his father never allowed him a chance to talk to anyone outside the castle.
His childhood friend was Mephistopheles. A demon literally RAISED to be his friend. Putting a barrier between the two because Mephistopheles would put Diavolo on a pedestal.
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The isolating childhood he experienced riddled with his strict father constantly scolding him.
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Despite everything MC is so important to him he wants to see his father again so we can meet.
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algumaideia · 1 year
Frank in son: Nico is a little weird but he is a nice guy and a good brother to Hazel.
Frank in after Nico is rescued from the jar after living a lot of extremely traumatic experiences: He is so creepy, I cannot stand being near to him, ugh he makes me shiver.
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th3e-m4ng0 · 6 months
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let's pretend meg's face is covered in the last panel LOL. i rlly wanted to make his expression visible
from Second Chance Blues by @whatwooshkai !!
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ewwww-what · 2 months
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an archdevil and a presidential candidate sneak into a gay bar
flatcolor + closeups below :)
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wanna-b-w8lessss · 3 months
cant recover when theres no proof of anything TO recover from.
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sigsfigs · 4 days
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another close up for the masses ^_^ theyre too cute we looove mazey phaedra in this household
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ohara-n-brown · 3 months
Hey everyone,
'The New ThoughtCrime' is an anti-trans community detransitioner essay
Just wanted to give a heads up to the FTM community on here that a user named @mewthoughtcrime is trying to repost the 'New ThoughtCrime' think piece from 2017 - tagging it with this such as 'trans man', 'nonbinary' and 'transandrophobia'.
However this blog fails to mention that the main author of said piece is a lesbian who considers herself a detransitioner. While there is nothing at all wrong with that -
the problem more comes from the fact that said author also believes the trans community is a cult.
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This quote comes from the author's interview with Genspec - an organization that pretends to be trans supportive, while also believing trans kids are a myth, trans men are just confused teen girls, and pushing the book Irreversible Damage.
The author also believe in the idea of 'cotton-cieling' - a terf dog whistle that implies trans women intend to force lesbians to sleep with 'males who identify as lesbians'.
The think piece is NOT at all about trans men or transandrophobia.
It's about detransitioning from a woman who believes the trans community engages in 'thought reform' - in a way akin to cults.
The piece reads largely inspired by 'Irreversible Damage' - an anti-FTM shred-piece. This is basically J.K Rowling ideology.
They're in their right to repost whatever they want, especially if that piece of writing specifically spoke to them and other detransitioning folk.
However I do think it's incredibly disingenuous and sneaky to not include this information - or the true nature and intention of the work - in the Tumblr post, as the original author was very clear in stating so.
To post such a piece without tagging the detrans community is a disservice to them and a deliberate choice towards us.
The piece is not at all about transandrophobia - the OP is simply mistagging it to target particular groups - mainly, actively transitioning FTM who are looking for community.
This isn't to say you can't read and enjoy the piece, or connect to it. You absolutely can, it's about someones valid personal experience (well - some parts.) that's eloquently written.
What I do not support however is posting such material, purposely and vaguely mistagging it, while not explaining the contents, the context, and the intent of the author clearly.
I believe readers should always be informed about the source and intention of the writers of the information they received.
People should be allowed to make informed choices about what they read and involve themselves in - whether that be trans politics, or reading think pieces online.
That's why I am making this post.
'The New ThoughtCrime' is an Anti-Trans Community think-piece that targets trans men and lesbians by supporting TERF ideology.
Read with that information in mind. With the situation going on now with staff, I think it's important to be on high alert for indoctrination or misleading literature like this.
By all means, read if you like. I was just not at all impressed with the lack of transparency from @mewthoughtcrime when it comes to detailing the actual contents and source of that information.
It's one thing to call the trans community a cult - before turning around and releasing anonymous faceless think-pieces that you spread around without sources or actively informing others of its contents, in order to purposely get a demographic of people who do not wish to interact with you to unwillingly engage in your rhetoric.
As a essay that calls for 'transparency in the trans community' we can first start by lending some transparency to THIS essay.
Stay safe and stay informed y'all ✌🏾
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bacchuschucklefuck · 15 days
okay unironically I love so much that porter is like this world SUCKS its BAD here and it HURTS you why do you care abt it!!! and literally every single bad kid is like ngl we just hate ur ass it does not matter what ur philosophy is
#dimension 20#fantasy high junior year#not art#fhjy spoilers#its!!! gods I will Be My Ass in the tags rn. but thats so like. deliciously setting typical#like porter's desire is to transcend and his contempt for the world he's in feels. idk Real#like he plays the game bc he wants to win and be done with it. how do I word this#yknow. being a god would like. be his win state. when he gets that happening thats it his story is done he checks out#meanwhile the bad kids do actually just like playing the game lmao. like they love adventuring!#theyre so solidly Of This World. they carry the values that can only be born of it and they like having mastery over it#its a meta angle that I think is very fun specifically for d20 being in such a unique position in the zeitgeist when it first started#the rat grinders are from DnD Writ Large. porter wants to escape. but this is the bad kids' home its Their Actual Play Show#which makes it so fucking excellent to me that porter's question is somewhat of merit! its their show and it tries very hard to punish them#and they just straight up dont listen to him here lmao bc they hate him but! since the moment the academic track ended its been clear#that they save the world bc they Like Playing. With Each Others#thats what riz thinks the core of adventuring is! thats why fig stayed! and I also think thats why this hovers over elmville now and#a dead god is coming back in the school gym. porter is a shit evangelist but even if hes a good one I dont think it wouldve worked like he#wants it to. the only way he couldve escaped is if he'd not involved elmville at all. thats where the bad kids met dude#its a shitty place that fucks with them but they all come back here bc they wanna play with each others#and in that regard I think thats what the stress tokens ultimately means. Is This Game Still Fun To Play. ITS A RAGEQUIT LIMIT#Im literally running from one end to another of this conspiracy board Ive pulled out of nowhere#Ill draw after this I just wanna get this out. gods this episode has done nothing but furthering my delusion of grandeur actually#Im the hottest smartest manthing on earth Im king fucking midas over here. anyways uh! great ep!
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