#I should’ve read the group chat
blckasf · 5 months
Everyone wore black while I’m wearing bright pink wooow
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gojonanami · 4 months
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✧ pairing: heian form! ryomen sukuna x good girl! reader
✧ summary: you've always been a goody two shoes -- or so your friends say -- so what happens when you decide to do the first bad thing you've ever attempted and try summoning a demon -- and it actually works?
✧ warnings: 18+, nsfw, smut, dub/con / non/con (dead dove, do not eat), reader summons sukuna accidentally, monster fucking, corruption kink, reader is a virgin, dom! sukuna, heian form! sukuna, four arms, mouth stomach, size kink, oral (f + m) (f receiving via mouth stomach), handjob (m! receiving), fingering (f! receiving), sex (p in v), creampie, degradation kink (slut, whore), overstimulation (f! receiving), description of violence (no violence happens), art by @/danXL4 (on dA), dividers by @/saradika
✧ wc: 4,916
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Summon a demon in your apartment, they said. It would be fun, they said. 
‘They’ meaning your stupid ass friends who were too fucking scared to stay here with you while you did it. 
Maybe you should’ve thought this through, preferably before you sat in a circle of blood (animal blood taken humanely that could not be used — don’t worry, you weren’t completely insane), and painted the symbols around the circle in the living room, your carpet rolled up, and on the precipice of unfurling, and your coffee table pushed aside. 
Your phone buzzed with messages in your group chat: 
Don’t do this, girl. 
Another message. 
What if it’s real? I don’t want something to happen to you - like I rather not have this on my conscience
What heartfelt pleas, you shook your head, as you put your phone on ‘do not disturb,’ and propped it up before opening the camera app and hitting record. 
Your fucking friends — it was all their fault to begin with. 
You grit your teeth, you are tired of being boring. You were always studying, always coming home early, always getting to class on time, always the fucking good girl, never getting fucked up or fucked for that matter. And your friends always taunted you for it — told you that you never lived a day in your life, that you’d always live sheltered in your apartment with your books and your streaming apps (which, you admitted, did sound pretty good to you) — but you wanted to prove them wrong. 
All the fuck they did that was daring was go to supposedly haunted sights and get the piss scared out of them — like yeah, that really was the wind, not some fucking ghost. If it was a ghost, pretty sure they would choose someone better to haunt — not a bunch of fucking pussies. 
You needed better friends. 
So for once — if only to get them to shut up — you wanted to do something crazy. 
You don’t know why a demon summoning was the hill you had chosen to die on, but you already climbed your way to the top of the hill, you supposed, so you might as well die on it. You looked through the Reddit thread you found on demon summoning (of course the most reliable of sources), looking over the incantation you were supposed to read, as you turned on your camera. 
Fuck. This was going to fucking dumb. You grabbed your lighter, lining up your candles around the circle, before kneeling in front of it. 
“To summon the King of Curses,” you read before you scoffed, what the fuck were you doing? ‘The King of Curses’ — they couldn’t even come up with anything more creative than that? Like no latin? Or even japanese folklore — no, instead the most generic ass of names, “To summon the King of Curses, you must read the following incantation,” you glance at your phone’s camera with lips pursed — you were going to prove a point — but why did it feel so goddamn stupid? 
You sighed, rubbing your forehead, as you suck in air between your teeth, and sighed, before reading the incantation: “Rise, Disgraced One — Oh, the King of the Golden Age that reigned supreme,” there was a chill that grazed the back of your neck, a slight breeze that raises goosebumps along your skin, “Open the Gate of Hell and let the King corrupt you. Fuga,” 
The flames on the candles shoot to the ceiling, as a scream lodges itself in your throat, as you barely scramble back enough to avoid getting your face burned off. The fire licks the ceiling, and a thick cloud of smoke floods your apartment, sweeping through the apartment, as you begin to cough, eyes burning with tears. 
“What the fuck—“ you reach for your phone in your pocket only to realize it’s still set up to record in that fucking mess of flames. You’re frozen, as you stand trying to recall what they taught you about fire safety growing up — is opening a window a good thing or a bad thing? Where’s the fire alarm? Do you even have a fire extinguisher? Thinking dangerous things through wasn’t your specialty, you supposed because you never did them. 
Fuck, if you died, you would become a fucking ghost and haunt your friends. 
But the flames ebb away, leaving some scorch marks on the ceiling (fun thing to explain to your landlord), as your lungs struggled to cope with the flood of smoke dispersing, the cloud so thick, you could barely see your hand in front of your face. The haze seared at your throat, drawing a smoker’s cough from your lungs, while your eyes could barely open, waterlogged by the sheer amount of tears spilling. 
You gently wipe tears away from your eyes, as you blink them away, until you stumble to your window to throw it open, coughing, as you stick your head out. 
“What the fuck,” you mumble, throat raw — was it the candles you bought? Were the candles somehow really fucking defective? Or did you somehow actually summon a demon? You snort, no, it was probably the candles. You leaned against the window sill, letting the smoke escape — as you finally were able to breathe again. 
You sigh, shutting the window, turning back around — only to find four eyes staring back. 
He was huge. A hulking mass of muscles, four arms, instead of two, and each one was possibly wider than your head, no shirt or covering to find the exposed skin — his dark blue pants hung low around his waist and above it was a weird groove in the middle of his stomach. 
Your eyes raise as he lifts his arm, as you flinch, but he only rakes his fingers through his dark pink hair, pushing it back roughly. showing off the hands of black around the middle of his bicep and his wrists. Broken lines wrap down from his shoulders into jagged points that end in the middle of his chest. Black dots adorn the sides of his shoulders, hollow vacuums that stared back at you. 
Two eyes on each side of his face — but his right eyes were raised, as if he bore a mask made of wood or raised skin — you didn’t know which — fused to his face. But something told you — as you took a step back — it wasn’t something you wanted to find out. 
“Are you the brat who dared to summon me?” And you freeze at the sound of his voice, ringing with such a weight, it nearly brought you to your knees. Your eyes fell to the ground, unable to bring yourself to look at him — your heart rattling against your ribs. His presence was a pressure, the air around you seemed to still, his voice ringing in your ears. Your muscles were drawn taut, unable to move — shivers ripping down your spine. 
“Yes,” you manage a whisper only, resisting the urge to squeeze your eyes shut. 
He gives a small chuckle, “So submissive for the one who dared to summon me,” his heavy footsteps out of the circle, melts the candles beside his foot to puddles of wax, “it has been eons since I’ve been able to roam free—“ he inhales, as you stand frozen, hearing his hulking form drawing even closer, “I can smell the humans, roaming free, wriggling like worms in the crevices of this place — I can’t wait to massacre them,” and then he pauses a moment, as he considers you. 
“Brat, look at me,” you swallow, as your head slowly rises to meet his gaze, his form towering over you, standing two steps away from you, letting you dwell in the void of his shadow, “tell me, what did you use to summon me?” 
You blink, “I found it—I don’t know—“ 
“Read it to me,” he orders — there’s no option to disobey, unless you’d love to be met with certain death. So you move slowly to your laptop, reading the incantation again, “‘and let the King corrupt you. Fuga,” 
His eyes narrow, as a slow smirk settles over his features, a smirk that sends an icy chill down your spine, “Woman, you have no idea what you’ve done, have you?” 
Two of his arms are crossed while one of the other’s reaches for you — and your eyes shut now — you are surely dead, but instead of a hand around your neck, you feel fingers grip your chin. 
You wait for the embrace of death (at least maybe you’d find better friends in the afterlife), but it never comes, instead you hear a deep chuckle, as another arm curls around your waist and brings you flush to him, “You humans are so tiny, so fragile, one wrong move and i could break you,” and another large hand is slipping down the curves of your body, “I suppose I’ll have to be a little careful — only for this to work, and I suppose for your benefit as well,” and your eyes finally dare to open and peek at him, only for his face to draw near, breath warming your lips, “I’m going to savor corrupting you, little one,” 
“What the fuck—“ you try to break away, but his grip is like iron shackles around your wrists, as he forces your arms around his waist, caged in by his own arms, “please let me go—“
Before you can even finish your plea, his lips meet yours, swallowing your gasp with a smirk. His large hands around your waist left no space for retreat, not that you’d make it far even if you tried. His kiss sent a slow burning heat throughout your body, a spark that grew in your belly that ignited when his tongue slid into your mouth. His touch only added fuel to the flame — his hands skimming over your sides slowly like warm honey sliding down your skin. 
He parts your kiss ruined lips, not before his teeth bite down on your bottom lip, a smirk on his lips as he sees your saliva slip down the corner of your mouth. Your lips parted and puffy as he drags his thumb down them, eyes blown out with pleasure. 
“That’s it, give in,” and the haze that settles over you is thick and unforgiving, unable to see anything but the King of Curses before you and unable to need anything but pleasure at his hands. 
“Please,” a small hint of resistance remained stubbornly — you couldn’t let this monster have his way with you — for fuck’s sake, much less lose your virginity to him, “I can’t,” 
“But you want to,” he hums, as large fingers tug at your flimsy shorts, the fabric tearing with ease, until it was in shreds, a shiver running up your spine at the thought that your limbs could have been too, “your mouth says one thing, brat, but your lower lips,” a thick finger presses at the wet patch on your panties, rubbing against your puffy clit, “say another,” 
You whimper, as his finger bears down harshly through the thin fabric, “please,” you swallow, as he leans down to lick the drool from your lips, “please—“ 
“Please, what, little one?” he chuckles, as he presses wet kisses up your jaw, “I can’t give you what you want if you don’t tell me,” your knees are beginning to buckle, as the ache between your legs only grows, “I know you must look pretty when you cry, so do you want to cry for me, brat?” and his piercing gaze nearly brings you tears along, “because I can give you something to cry about,” 
“Do you ever shut up?” you mutter, but that only seems to make the corner of his lip tug upwards. 
“I can make you shut up,” And two hands squeeze your hips roughly, while another slips under your shirt, “No undercovering? It’s as if you wanted this all long,” he chides, a huff in his voice, as his finger teases your pert nipple between his thumb and forefinger, pinching and pulling, drawing a yelp from your lips, “hoping for an incubus or some other curse or demon?” he’s tugging down his pants, revealing his dick—-if you could call it that. 
Fuck, was that a cock or another appendage all together? Far thicker and longer than any male anatomy you’ve seen depicted or described in even the filthiest corners of the internet — pretty veins running up the sides, as a mess of pre-cum dripped off the engorged tip, flushed red with need. 
“Why did you summon me?” he demands to know as he leans down to take a nipple between his lips, and you know you have no choice but to answer. 
“I wanted to prove to my friends that I wasn’t—” it was so pathetic now, as you stood before a literal deity of death, “wasn’t just a good girl,” 
He chuckles, a bark more than a laugh almost, as you swallow thickly as your eyes can’t tear away from the sight of his dick — would he kill you with it instead of his hands? 
“Well, you aren’t anymore are you?” he scoffs, and you fail to notice his hand shifting to tug your underwear off, a gasp ripped from you, as another hand brushed against your bare cunt roughly, “Look at how fucking wet you are already, slut, so much already leaking all over my fingers,” he shows you the strings of pre-cum connecting his fingers, before he brings his fingers to his lips and his tongue darts out to lick them clean, “I’d say no respectable woman would be dripping this much if she was so good,” he hums, before sighing mockingly, “although, perhaps I should preserve your sanctity, even a little. It would be unfortunate to leave you like this — even more so, to leave myself like this, but if that is truly what’s for the best—“ his grip begins to loosen, but your fingers find his shoulder. 
Two words manage to leave your lips — and you don’t know whether it’s that you’re under his spell or under your own — but you know that you need this “Don’t go,” 
His lips curl. He wasn’t going to begin with — but it was so much easier if you gave in. 
“C’mon little one, you were so eager only a moment ago,” The King of Curses chides, amusement threaded through his tone from behind you, watching as you nearly straddled his stomach — though you had realized it wasn’t just a stomach. A tongue flicked out over lips that formed over the middle of his abdomen, right under you. 
“I didn’t know—“ your cheeks warmed, your walls fluttering at that thought of that tongue against your leaking cunt. 
“Yet you’re so eager,” he scoffs, before using a large hand to tug you against it as two hands settle against your waist to hold you in place, “and I’ve run out of patience, so be a good whore and take my cock,” and he’s pushing your head down, sharp fingernails digging into your scalp, as his large cock slaps your face, smearing his pre cum over your cheek and lips. 
Your lips part, the tip of your tongue tracing his weeping slit, drawing a hiss from his lips, before your mouth engulfs the head, while your fingers curl around his thick base. And as you do, you feel his tongue drag over the length of your cunt, making you gasp around his cock. 
His mouth and tongue are even larger than the one on his face, slurping and sucking, as his tongue begins to work its way inside your needy cunt. 
“Don’t slack, brat,” his hand pushing your head further down on his cock, nearly burying your face in his pubes, “come on, do a good job, and I may even give you the pleasure of being fucked by me,” 
You force yourself to focus on sucking his cock, tracing the pretty veins with your tongue, before suckling at the tip, savoring the groan you draw from his lips. The squelch of your cunt as his tongue begins to fuck you open, thicker than even four of your fingers, fills your ears. Two of his hands find your tits, tweaking and twisting your nipples, squeezing as he presses the flat of his palms against your breasts, only for tongues to dart out from his palms. You gasp around his length, as his other mouths suck at your tits, swirling their tongue around it. 
His hips jerk against your mouth when your fingers cup his balls, and he thrusts, “You can do better,” he grunts, as his tip grazes your throat, his mouth closing around your clit and sucking, hard, and you’re grinding on his abs and mouth now, toes curling as you cum, and his mouth only eagerly swallows it, the sticky release coating his abs. 
His cock twitches in your mouth as you moan around it, as you recover from your orgasm, beginning to suck at his cock, nearly high off the pleasure, as you fondle his balls, bobbing your head up and down, until he’s finally groaning, his hot release flooding your mouth. 
“Don’t waste a drop,” he growls, as you swallow it, blissed out and panting, as your lips leave his weeping cock, slapping against your cheek as he lifts you easily and places you on your back, “don’t tell me you’re done after that, little one,” and your eyes slide down to see his somehow still erect dick, standing tall as he kneels on your bed, his hulking form burying you in his shadow, “because I’m far from done yet,” his cock twitches at the sight of your lips, a swollen mess from sucking him off, a mix of his cum and your saliva all over your face. 
“Please, I can’t—“ you whine, shaking your head, but two hands are already spreading your folds, your cunt fluttering around nothing, as if already craving to have his dick buried in it. 
“Your cunt seems to disagree, little one,” as he drags a thick digit around your clit, before pinching it, as you keen under his touch, “you’re drenched for me, begging for me to take you,” and his thumb is now rubbing circles around your puffy clit while he sinks a finger into you knuckle deep, “I just have to make sure you can fit me in this tight hole of yours,” your head falls back against the pillow as he’s knuckle deep, another large finger already pushing into your slick walls, “still so tight despite all the time I took to open you up,” he clicked his tongue, a smirk on his lips, as his fingers find the spongy spot that makes your fingers fist at the sheets, as your release squirts over his fingers, your body boneless as pleasure buzzes through every inch of your body, until you finally start come down. 
But as soon as you even begin to, his fingers begin to move again, fucking you through your orgasm, and quickly into another. 
“Ngh, no, no, not yet—” your voice is caught in your throat, words leaving your lips in a hurry because you know surely his fingers would rip any coherent thought from your mind in a moment. 
But he does not relent, only finger fucking you harder, “I have to be careful to open you up, otherwise, I very well may break you in two, wouldn’t I? Such fragile things, you humans are — already squealing? I haven’t even added a third finger yet,” he scoffs, as he hums, “have you not been deflowered yet, brat?” 
And your pussy gives a telltale flutter that only has his lips curling further, a flash of his canines sending a chill down your spine, “I-I—”
“No need for your answer, pet, your body gave me the answer itself,” he hums, “then this will take a bit longer than I thought—” as his fingers curl and drag over your walls, before scissoring apart, “I’d prefer for you to be conscious when I take your virginity, but I don’t mind if you’re not,” 
And a fourth finger presses at your slick hole, making you whimper, “Please, I can’t—” but he does not relent, four fingers now fucking you open, as your mouth parts in a silent scream, back arching as they work you open. Your body lies on slick drenched sheets, the smell and sound of your arousal only making his need grow, holding back if only not to ruin you completely — he needed you still, needed this to work. And he wasn’t sure what’d happen if he’d break you completely — and he knew he could far too easily. Already he could feel your blood rushing under his touch, the small gasps and moans could turn to screams with just a finger barely lifted, the slick painted over with scarlet. 
But he doesn’t. He can’t. Not when he’s so close. And soon enough he won’t need you — but he can only cross that bridge when he gets there. 
Or rather, when you get there. 
“Brat, c’mon, keep your eyes open, we’re almost there,” Sukuna barks, as his fingers grip your chin, and force your gaze to him. How many orgasms had he given you? Seven or eight ? Maybe more. Sweat and cum clung to your skin, sticky and hot, as he continued to fuck you open, “think this virgin hole is finally ready for my cock, listen to it,” the loud squelch of your cunt as he thrust his fingers in and out had almost become white noise to you — and the sweet stretch of your pussy around his fingers had become second nature. 
And finally he’s pulling his fingers from you, digits shiny and dripping with your release, sliding down your palm and wrist, as he brought them to his mouth to lick it clean, before offering it to his mouth on his stomach as well. He watches you all fucked out before him, legs spread along with your cunt that fluttered around nothing, waiting for him to slot his cock between your folds and sink in. He grunts, fuck, his balls still feel so full, even after cumming down your throat, aching to cum in your sweet cunt, see him fill your womb with his seed, the sweet release he had been craving for far too long. 
“You still want my cock still, little one? Or are you too tired for it now?” he drags his leaking cock over your dripping folds, letting it tease your swollen clit as his pre cum mixes with your own, “maybe I should leave you like this, let you beg and beg for me until you’re writhing for me,”
You’re panting, the ache inside your pussy too much for you to bear — you were melting without him inside, the only thing to quench your need, your thirst — he was the only thing that could even begin to make it ebb. 
“Please, please, my King,” your words are nearly sobs, pretty tears slipping down your cheeks, as your chest heaves with need — want far gone several hours ago, leaving only you with a desperation that would drive you mad, “I need you, need you take me, need you to fuck me,” 
And his lips curl, “I thought you’d never ask, brat,” and he’s settling himself between your parted legs, pressing them back against your stomach, “although even if you didn’t, I’d help myself — because you summoned me after all, didn’t you, little one?” As he uses another arm to cup your chin, “watch me as I sink into you,” 
Your cunt quivers as he presses his head to your entrance, as he uses your slick to wet his cock, “I’ll go slow at first, but once I’m inside, I have no intention of stopping, no matter how much you beg,” 
It was a warning, a warning that there was no going back — but there was no going back from the moment you summoned this curse onto your doorstep — there was a descent into depravity, and how quickly you’d make it to the bottom. 
The tip of his cock barely parts your folds, and you’re already whining about how full it feels — your walls fluttering as if trying to either  accommodate his girth or push him out all together. He saw the faint drip of scarlet as he worked himself in, inch by inch — as your fingers found purchase in his forearms, nails digging crescents into his flesh. 
“F-fuck, ngh, Too big, Sukuna, I can’t—“ and he can already feel your pussy give the telltale flutter of an orgasm, a cry ripped from your throat, as you cum, walls only pulling him in deeper and deeper — as if they never wanted to let go. 
And finally, finally, he bottoms out, his hips pressed flush to your aching cunt, and he stills — it had been so long since he had enjoyed the body of a virgin, but he was sure you were the sweetest and tightest cunt he’d ever had. 
Your cries made him scoff, tears streaming down your ruined face, it made his cock twitch —you were so small compared to him, a tiny pebble waiting to be crushed, but instead he held you in the palm of his hand. You were his to have, his to break, and his to corrupt. 
“I told you there was no stopping,” he grunts as another hand settles on your stomach, on top of the slight bulge that came with his cock sinking into you, “can you feel me touching the deepest parts of you?” And he takes the whimper as a yes, “get accustomed to it, because this cunt shall be my breeding ground for as long as I see fit,”
And he finally pulls out only to sink back into your sweet depths, knocking the breath from your lungs. He starts slow, if only to spare you from breaking — because he knows so easily could. The wet squelch of your cunt rings in his ears, as he watches his thick cock sink in and out of your pussy again and again. 
 “Look at you, barely able to take my fingers and now you’re taking my cock so well,” he groans at the sight of your stretched pussy, as it took his cock over and over, molding its very shape to his length, as the slap of your skin against his became like a metronome, “such a perfect little whore, aren’t you?” and you moaned at his words, the sound of which made your cheeks burn with shame — “don’t worry, even if you aren’t, little one,” his fingers find your clit, rubbing and twisting until you come again, hard, your back arching as you do, fingernails nearly drawing blood from his arms as you do. 
He hums, as he only fucks you through your orgasm, even as you try to squirm away from him, it’s all in vain — because you’re his now, “Oi, brat, where are you going? You won’t like what I’ll do if you try to get away again — your only place now is under me,” and his hands find his way under your ass as he shifts you onto his lap, “or on this throne,” and he fucks into you, brutally, again and again, your arms clinging around his neck desperately, as a hand on the back of your head guides your lips to his, “tongue out,” he orders, and you do as he says, as the two of you meet in a sloppy kiss. 
And his hands shift to your hips, bruising as they help you ride him, meeting his thrusts with your own, until he’s finally hitting your cervix that has you squirting, drenching him in your release as your walls shudder around him. And his lips leave yours a moment, before they kiss down your jaw to your neck, his teeth sinking into the soft skin at the juncture of your neck and shoulder, drawing a yelp from your lips. 
He groans, a guttural noise from his chest, as he notches himself as deep as he can before cumming, his hot release spurting out and painting your walls, as he continues to fuck it deeper and deeper, the snaps of his hips finally slowing, as he pulls away from your neck, enjoying the blood that pools in the ridges of his bite mark. 
“Such a good little slut, aren’t you?” he hums, as he cups your lolling head, eyes thick with sleep and body heavy with exhaustion, you hear his quiet voice murmur, “I was only going to corrupt you for the sake of completing the summons you gave — I had no choice if I wanted to stay on this plane, but,” he hums, as pulls his cock from you with a gasp on your lips, before he has you flipped onto your stomach in a moment, sheathing his thick length back into you in one thrust, “I think I just might keep you, brat,” your eyes flutter shut, as his words fade from your consciousness, until a mean spank to your ass jolts you from your retreat into Hypnos’s arms. 
No — as you turned your head ever so slowly to get Sukuna’s face in your periphery — you only answered to one god now. 
The King of Curses’ lips curled in a cruel smirk, as he drew his hips back before slamming back in, “Let’s show the world truly how depraved you are, brat, hm? Together.” 
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✧ a/n: this is my first time writing sukuna so i hope i was able to do him justice. i was gonna do the whole two dick thing, but i was already like...this is complicated enough lmao.
✧ taglist: @pricetagofficial, @kentocalls, @angie-1306, @fayyyrieee, @dontshuugo, @zz-snow-zz, @viveriens, @sunflowmaryam, @eclipsephase, @merrymonkey, @leilannnnnnni, @spider-fan72, @temptationville, @gojos-princesa, @yell0wdreams, @achelliescomedown, @hiyori-ii, @bunninio, @grunge-mo0n, @diogodxlot, @littlecrybabys-world, @esuz, @unnamedflwr, @lemonpoppy-seed, @corkedscrewslocked, @bsaeshell, @methodofawesome, @rinvrin, @noveltywilbur, @ch0c0bsess, @sarcasticbitchsblog, @simpingnbitching, @aethyrite, @aitheria, @sweetpanda15, @daddytojji, @kindadolly, @kimnamjoonsbigtoe, @catsgomurp, @dhoranbolt, @kariatenoh, @hanxyy
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knightyoomyoui · 25 days
[SMUT] TWICE x Male Reader - "One Of The Girls"
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The final one-shot of my TWICE smut anthology book is here. I think this might disappoint for some readers here because yall might be expecting it to be long, but I made it as simpler and unique as I can be because I don’t think I’ll be able to write a Part 2 of this anymore due to my lack of interest of writing smuts. Thank you once again for atleast giving a try on reading my smut one-shots even though I’m not really expert at writing mature stuffs. Still, I hope this might come into your liking. WARNING: contains smut, R+18, mature and sexual content TAGS: fuckfest, friends with benefits, eighteensome (with a bit of threesome and foursome), harem, pairing, messy sex, anal, rough sex, blowjob, lots of sex positions, futuristic, clones, advanced technology etc. WORD COUNT: 5,500
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You are currently hosting your own celebratory party with your only circle of friends in college. There’s a total of 10 people present around your house, which is the preferred location that was voted for by the majority since yours is the most spacious among them. Around your living room are Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Jihyo, Mina, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu, and you as the only guy in your squad.
Table occupied with bunches of snacks and empty cans of beer, some of the girls are nearing passing out from their drunken state, except the others, like Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo, who have a high alcohol tolerance, went on to continue chatting with you since they wanted to cherish this moment being complete together.
It’s been months since you’ve last seen them after getting graduated from college. Each went on to grab the degree of the profession they have chosen, and that brought them to achieve their dream job that effectively supports them even more in their personal life.
You were the one who initiated to invite all of them when few days ago, you unexpectedly encountered Jihyo in the grocery store and sulked about when will be there a time where all 10 of you will go hangout together again just like good old times. Since Jihyo is the one that all of you have been calling the “mother” of the group, you took note of her suggestion.
As you went home, chat app open, revisit your group chat with them, and send the invitation, which led you all in this predicament.
“Oh you’ve got to be kidding me.” Jihyo said as she looked at your window, waterdrops scattering as it disperses down through its surface. 
“We should’ve went home already after they passed out.” Jeongyeon said as she emptied her can of beer and peek at Momo and Chaeyoung sleeping both on her sides.
“Yeah, we got caught now by the rain outside. Nice.” Nayeon slumped her back on the couch. “Ahhh I hate it when I go home wet.” 
“Should we wake everyone up?” Jeongyeon asked.
Jihyo shook her head. “Maybe not yet, I don’t want to disturb their sleep just to get haggard going outside.” She said while stroking the wavy hair of sleeping Mina on her right.
“I think it’s much better if you guys should stay here.” You suggested. “You guys still have work, I don’t want to risk you all getting sick and take an absence.”
“Are you sure about it, YN?” Jeongyeon asked, lifting her brows in surprise. “Are we not gonna be a hindrance here around your house, I mean… we did put a mess already here but-”
“Nah, I’m positive. And I knew where you’re going at your words, Jeong. I’ll help you clean the place up tomorrow.” You smiled at her.
“Nice. Thanks for this, YN!” Jeongyeon high fives with you.
“Well that’s even better. I’m starting to like your place too anyway.” Jihyo joked as she looked around the interior of the house. “I mean, what do expect from our architect, am I right.” She smirked as you chuckled at her teasing.
“Aww, as expected, such a caring and thoughtful deed from our daddy~” Nayeon quickly cuddled your arm, much to your shock. You froze at your place, and Jeongyeon and Jihyo stopped laughing as their smile fades away with their eyes slowly stared towards the already drunk bunny that they thought was still with them.
“Did we heard it right?”
“N-Nayeon, what did you just call YN here?”
“My daddy YN~” Nayeon said as she rubs her face in your biceps. “He’s the only man in our group and he takes care of us, does that make her our daddy?” She raised her head and smiled at you with her and shiny teeth.
“How did you… just end up randomly calling him like that?” Jeongyeon stiffles her laugh while perturbedly questioning Nayeon’s weird behavior.
“I mean, she has a point though, you are the patriarch, the one who formed our group anyway. You found us, YN.” Jihyo shrugged her shoulders. “But cmon, unnie. There’s no need to call him like that.”
“I don’t care. I love to call him that always, besides…” Nayeon’s stare went strangely different, eyeing you with an unspeakable aura clouding through her pupils. Her hand planted on your chest and rubbed it gently, smelling your scent from your shirt. “Daddy’s has been looking such a very hottie these days compared back then, that’s why he’s just simply deserves to be called with it. Besides, you love to hear that too from one of your girls, right~?”
Her movements are like a choke hold on you, making it difficult for you to talk normally. You are stammering when you speak. Gazing at Jeongyeon and Jihyo, you saw that they were merely observing Nayeon as she moved her hands around you. Their gaze shifted to you, and all of a sudden, even theirs felt a little awkward.
To your astonishment, Nayeon gently caressed your face and turned it toward her, planting a soft kiss on your lips. When you felt Nayeon's lips start to move more around your mouth and extend an invitation for a passionate duel, your eyes opened and your body gradually melted.
Hearing some gulps from nearby, it was coming from Jeongyeon and Jihyo drinking more beer that was left from the table. Their breaths became heavy as they continued to observe Nayeon doing these things to you.
You never crossed your mind that Nayeon would do this to you someday, just like right now, but it is undoubtedly true that she is deadly gorgeous, and to share this kind of intimacy with someone like her, consider yourself to be the luckiest guy in the world.
Speaking of being lucky, it looks like you’re about to experience another once-in-a lifetime moment and something that will forever change your relationship with the girls when you hear Jeongyeon moan as Jihyo starts to grope her breast. 
Your hand rest on Nayeon’s hand and continued to mash your lips against her, syncing her movements along to make your kiss even more sultry. As you remove first from her face, you stared at her and looked at Jeongyeon who is now also massaging her other breast to join Jihyo playing on her body.
“Are you girls sure wanna do this?”
“I’d like to give it a try. We haven’t done this before, and it pretty much looks very interesting, especially looking at our r Jeongie here enjoying my touch here like never before.” Jihyo smirks.
“How about you, Jeong?”
“Quit asking, let’s stay here for the night and have more fun.” Jeongyeon said, huffing one more time before she tilts her head and captures Jihyo’s face for a kiss of her own too.
“I knew they will follow us.” Nayeon said as she satisfyingly watched her friends going out at each other. “I pretty much knew how their hormones can get intense, and now that you are our only man around here, will you like to accompany us to it?”
“Oh whenever you want, Nayeon.”
You pulled the hem of Nayeon’s shirt upward, revealing her baby blue silk bra that perfectly hugs her average-sized boobs. You gnawed at the crook of her neck; she gasped at how ticklish and warm your breath hit her sensitive spot. While doing so, your hand squeezed along the soft skin of her arms, feeling its smoothness.
Locating the lock on her bra from her back, you unhooked it and removed the garment from her. Setting yourself apart from Nayeon, you have found the first glimpse of Nayeon’s bare top, her breasts proudly presented to you and ready to be devoured.
You placed your palms on top of her tits, squishing them as Nayeon invited you again for another kiss. Jeongyeon and Jihyo are still colliding in each other's bodies. As you checked on them, you have found that Jeongyeon is now stripping off Jihyo’s skirt as she also gets rid of her shirt, exposing her black bra that traces the width of her wide, flawless back.
Lifting Nayeon off the couch and leaving Dahyun and Tzuyu on your spot, you gently placed Nayeon on your carpet. Now being on top of her, you undid her jeans and saw her matching pants tucked securely on her rosy petals. Running your hands through her legs, you found her waistband, taking them off and giving her pants a lustful inhale before looking at the now fully naked Nayeon laying for you.
You kissed her again, with one hand caressing her cheek and another returning to nuzzle with her left breast. You heard a loud whimper coming from Jihyo, who is now being eaten by Jeongyeon as her head is between her legs, sitting on the carpet in front of her.
With your clothes and jogging pants now gone too, all 3 women went on to watch you loosen your boxers, and there they had to see your erected cock for the first time, increasing their sexual desires that had them craving the taste of your meat.
Jihyo’s moans went constantly seductive the more she stares at your cock while her pussy is getting pleasured by Jeongyeon who is now fingering her own pussy also. Nayeon who is even more aroused, gripped your cock to give it a pump, eliciting a gasp on your mouth.
“My god, YN. After all these years, I couldn’t believe we were almost impossible to release this beast begging to be let out and gain some attention. We could’ve helped you with it after all these years.” Nayeon said as she watched her huge hands exquisitely covering the length of your cock.
“You girls never asked though. Well now, you girls can have it anytime you want. Atleast unlike before, every single one of you has a chance to take this all for yourselves.” You said confidently.
“And I will enjoy every single bit of it.” Nayeon bit her lip before she gave you a trusting nod, signaling you to enter her virgin cavern. She flinched and rolled her eyes back as she felt every inch of you entering her pussycat.
Now buried deep inside of her, you subtly fucked Nayeon into a missionary position. Your arms rested on each side of Nayeon’s head to give you stability. She was holding onto it at first until she decided to support you in continuing to fuck her harder by roving her hands around your toned torso and back and licking your nipples.
Meanwhile, Jihyo has just finished squirting on Jeongyeon’s face, licking off the juices that she caught before scooping some and letting Jihyo have a taste of it, sucking Jeongyeon’s fingers lewdly. After that, they changed positions, wherein Jihyo is now paying attention to Jeongyeon’s fat pussy while groping her heaving tits.
Back to your state, your pace went faster, creating loud claps of your crotch and her ass contacting with each pound. Nayeon’s moan and frantic noises go fast as she watches you pour your efforts into dominating her. 
"Ughhh, yesss, keep it like that, Daddy. Fuck me, fuck your one and only bunnyhop with your gigantic carrot.”
Your groans intensified until you felt a sudden surge of tightness in your stomach. Unleashing the last remaining forces you need to snatch that climax, you finally pushed into her very deep, and Nayeon felt some gooey substance flowing inside her walls.
As you remove yourself from her, you observe Nayeon breathing erratically with her pussy overflowing with your cum. You wiped the cream off your cock through her thigh before moving on to Jihyo and Jeongyeon who are still having their own fun together.
But just as you were about to reach them, you were prevented by a grip from someone on your back, holding your wrist, stopping you in your tracks that made you to only watch Jeongyeon squirt into Jihyo. You rotated your body and found Tzuyu looking up at you mischievously. 
Additionally, you discovered Dahyun slowly opening her eyes as Chaeyoung, Momo, Sana, and Mina all find themselves staring at your cock with fascination as they watch the embarrassed pair perform an amorous act.
“Do you guys really think we would let ourselves be left alone?” Sana said as her action encouraged the rest of the girls to strip off their clothes, presenting their bodies only in their ravishing set of bra and panties with different colors, tempting you to get hornier at the sight of their sexy bodies all prepared to be claimed by yours.
They formed a devious smirk and lick from their lips as they saw your hardened cock twitch. “Aww looks like our YN here is liking what he’s seeing right now.” Momo said as she knelt beside you and stared at your thick shaft all fired up to invade their pussies one by one…
… but you have thought of an idea to make things faster, easier…and unique.
“Wait, girls. Alright, I know all of you want to join but… I can’t do this for now with just only me taking you all each turn.” You said to them.
“So… lemme grab something from my room  real quick and come back here to show it.” You ran away from them and dug through your items until you have found what you are looking for.
Returning to the living room, you even adore the view more as you noticed that all of them are now naked, presenting you the contrast of their sizes and shape of their wonders but that doesn’t matter to you. You knew that all of them has one similarity and that is they all look breathtaking and fuckable tonight.
“What’s that, YN?” Chaeyoung asked as she looks at your hand holding a circular device.
“It’s a cloning device made by my brother who is an expert in robotics. He gave me this as a gift because I once shared to him that I feel bad sometimes that Alpha, my pet dog… I always left him here in the house alone.” You said as you looked around at its design, juggling it in your hands. 
“So he gave me this as a solution. Well basically as like what I’ve said… it’s a cloning device, which means I can create an artificial clone version of myself. He instructed me to use it as my replacement whenever I left the house for work, so that Alpha can still have me… but the other and fake “me” to still be his guardian. I can even use it to do some other errands while I’m away.”
They all are impressed at its purpose and quality. “Can I ask, YN? Is the clone you produce can touch something? I’m thinking that it may just be a hologram, so what if you have to feed your dog or bathe him while you’re out?”
“Oh, don’t worry. My clones can have a contact with anything around here. I’m not that much of an expert that’s why I can’t explain why but my brother probably inputted some system in this advance technology that doesn’t only shape my clones into a complete holographic-illusion type of figure.”
“A question also, uhm… does it only have a limited time to use?” asked Mina.
“Yup, it can only be set for a day if I’m only using it for one clone… but for multiple…”
“Wait, so you can also switch it to any number of clones of your choosing?”
“Yeah, but it’s only up to ten. So probably I can use it for like an hour and half or something since like I said, the more I activate a clone, the shorter the time I can only use it.” You said, until your lips form a sly smirk as you gave them a glance. “Which is why I want to use this for tonight…”
They all looked at each other until Jeongyeon understood what you are talking about, her cheeks blushed and eyes largened at the idea you have in your mind. “Oh this night just got even more chaotic.”
“... and make eight clones of myself so that instead of having you girls by turn, I can have all of you AT THE SAME TIME. Sounds good?” 
“Actually, that is brilliant. Atleast, we don’t have to wait for YN and… we can have him as our partner by pair.” Tzuyu applauded your idea.
“Wait, is it gonna work like… this is the first time you’re gonna use it on having sex, do you think it’s gonna function the same thing as what a real human like you can do?” Dahyun asked. “Like… can it even cum as you?”
“There’s only one way to find out.” You shrugged. Pressing the button of the device, you laid it on the floor and stood straight in front of it. The device scanned you from head to toe and set the number of clones to 8. It beeped repeatedly until to all of your amazement, you witnessed the device spawn a naked clone of you one by one until it reaches the necessary number.
The clones all look at you as if they are asking for your command. You felt something strange in your head, as if there’s a bunch of signals awaiting for your memory core to generate a thought that will be transported into the other end.
“Let’s continue where we left off.” You tried to use the ability you have just unveiled. You looked at your clones and then at the girls except Jeongyeon, and developed a thought in your head that commands them to have sex with the girls of their choosing.
All of your clones went on to approach the girls they have chosen. Since you don’t have any names to call them, you labeled them rather as your clone number based from the age order of the girls in which they partnered theirselves together. 
“Hi Jeong, looks like its you and I now.” You said to Jeongyeon who was left standing alone as the girls are now intimately engaging with your clones.
“Oh, so that’s why I was wondering why I didn’t get picked.” She scratched the back of her head, feeling embarassed at her dumbness. “Well, I like it much better that I get to have the real package right here.” 
She reached for your limp cock and gave it a few introductory pumps with her reversed hand. You kissed her while squeezing her ass from behind. Teasing her asshole, you inserted your index finger in it and fucked her slowly.
Her gasp enabled you to invade her mouth and swirl your tongue around inside. After licking her taste buds, you let Jeongyeon kneel before you and worship your cock in her own initiation.
As you looked around you, you were astounded that the girls also copied Jeongyeon; they knelt under your clones and checked if they could have contact with their artificial cock. Momo woah-ed aloud as she, along with the girls, confirmed that they can even touch their dicks too.
Jeongyeon chuckled and shook her head as she saw her friends enjoying your clones’ cocks for themselves. She slapped your abs to lure your attention back to her, and there she eyed you lustfully as she wiggled your now reawakened cock on her fist, slapping it on her cheeks before licking the underside of your shaft.
She ran her tongue through your length and traced the veins of your cock before slurping your mushroom head. She lifted your cock away to gain access at your hanging balls, not wanting them to be left out. She coated them with her saliva as she massaged the other one with care.
Back at your cock, she then proceeded to suck and gave you another blowjob of greatness that you will ever be thankful for your life. You patted Jeongyeon’s head as she dugs her face deep until she reaches your abdomen, giving you a deepthroat that is even par from her limit, but she still did her best to make you feel good as possible. “So big and thick… hope you don’t mind that I will always beg for this from now on, YN”, she said as she jerked it while grinning devilishly at you. “Good, because I don’t even know if I’ll get enough of your body too, Jeong.” You said as you grab a bundle of her hair and use it as your handle while she blows you hard once more. “Yes, continue to move that little mouth of yours. Show me how much you love my cock.”
The girls were now giving your clones their own style and direction of blowjob in which also lets out the satisfied feeling from them. Getting more aroused at the work Jeongyeon has been doing at your meat, you humped your hips and facefucked Jeongyeon until you blew your load, filling her mouth with your warm cum before you slip away.
Jeongyeon swallowed it all like a good girl and wiped off the remnants around her lips. After she presented her empty and clean tongue without any signs of your seed, you also found out that the girls each had the surprise on their face when they also felt some cum poured through their mouth and staining their face.
“Wait, so they can also feel what you feel?” Jeongyeon commented the same thing as you have discovered.
“Same as what I’m thinking.” 
“Heh, you’re the best, YN.” Jeongyeon shook her head and kissed you on the cheek before she pulled your arm to set yourselves up for a sex position. You also mentally commanded your clones to fuck the girls in any position they want.
She went close to Jihyo who is now being fucked by your clone in a sitting faceoff at the side of the couch. Jeongyeon spreaded her leg for you and invited you to come closer, standing between her and stick your cock at her pussy, which was very tight that sent chills in your skin. You savored banging Jeongyeon very deep that had her moaning uncontrollably at your massive length poking her womb.
Being too noisy, Jihyo teased her bestfriend by voluntarily stretching her body aside so that she can pull Jeongyeon’s head and forcefully have her suck her right tits with your clone who is playing on her left one. Jeongyeon continued to hum around Jihyo’s nipple as you went back and forth faster through her pussy.
You peppered kisses through Jeongyeon’s thick thighs and some sneaky squeezes on her butt until you felt your climax about to greet you again. Rapidly drilling her walls, you sent Jeongyeon into her world of ecstasy by filling her insides with your cum which led also to your clone to fire stream of its own load to Jihyo including the rest of the girls.
While you were busy with indulging Jeongyeon, Momo was being fucked by your second clone in a cowgirl, taking one of your couches all by themselves.
Sana and your third cousin are doing 69 beside the table. Her face has been painted white after she pointed the tip into her to empty the remaining area for some facials. Your clone also received the same treatment; his face got flooded with Sana’s love juices.
Mina is being ravaged by your fifth clone in a doggy-style way at the kitchen counter, her ass being roughly pounded with a thick cock while her pussycat is being sucked by Nayeon, who is being taken by her own clone of yours on the floor.
Dahyun is on the edge of the couch, getting piledrivered by your sixth clone as her body is positioned upside down, her feet being used as a handle while the back of your clone leans at the end of the couch for additional support.
Chaeyoung is on the front of the TV with her clone of yours, watching her reflection on the screen as she gets manhandled from behind, her body submitting from the full nelson demolition that is being applied on her own session of sensation.
Tzuyu is doing the same thing as Chaeyoung, but it's not her reflection she’s watching. She’s viewing the rainy atmosphere outside the streets of Seoul just to distract herself from getting penetrated by your clone in a one-legged standing. Her body is paralled with his body, and she kisses him to let your clone know that he’s doing a good job, filling her up to the brim.
As they all received your warm present oozing underneath between their legs, they decided with you to go on for one last round before wrapping up this party that became a sex-filled, erotic occasion.
You went on to find Jihyo, who has now abandoned by your clone on the couch, after you mentally commanded him to go after Jeongyeon next. Jihyo looked up at you and gave you a soft smile, to which you also returned the gesture.
To ride off her exhaustion, you sat beside her and took her tits all by yourself. You were definitely pretending to yourself if you were denying that Jihyo’s enormous mommy milkers aren’t distracting you whenever they look very evident and alluring at her clothes that felt too tight or revealing. 
It’s not because you are simply a pervert; being quite an introvert, you just don’t know exactly what to do to completely avoid it.
Now that you have her nice pair of bosoms resting neatly below her chest, it would be disrespectful of you to just continue ignoring such a pretty and sexy lady like her, especially if you are now free to have her for your own satisfaction as much as she has for you.
Without any further ado, you feasted a lot with her tits, kneading each of their softness and weighing them on your palm before you dipped your salivating mouth into her caramelized nipples and areolas.
Jihyo is just there, whimpering and sighing heavily at your mouth, marking her precious assets. She combs your hair like a good baby boy sucking off her mommy’s milk.
As you removed your face from her breasts, you stood in front of her and went on with another idea you had in store for her.
Presenting your engorged cock once again, you used her breasts to place it between them and sandwich it around your shaft before allowing you to titfuck Jihyo.
Jihyo lowered her head and spit on your cock as she attempted to catch your head with her tongue, giving it a few licks while you went forward. You didn’t go on for too long on going after her breasts because it's not only that who has to be recognized on. Her entire body should be praised for a goddess like her.
Now contented with the feeling of your cock passing through the deep valley of her cleavage, you pulled Jihyo with you and replaced her on the couch. You instructed her to climb on your lap, in which she sat down, gripping your cock and tucking it to her pussy.
“Ahh! Fuck me, augh yes just like what I imagined when I first had a look at your cock.” Jihyo said as she slightly twerked her plump ass.
You catched her waist and suddenly slammed her down as you made her furiously bouncing on your lap. “Shit, fuck you like that huh? You like getting hammered by my big cock don’t you, Jihyo?”
“Yes yes! YN go faster please!”
“Scream for me! Let everyone in this room know that no one can match my cock for your tight pussy!” You slapped Jihyo in the face and spanked her ass as you roared at her.
“G-GIRLS! O-OH GOD… OH MY GOD UGH YESSSSS!! FUCK, H-HE’S THE BEST AT THIS… I WON’T FIND ANYONE THAN YOU, YN! I JUST WANT YOUR COCK, NOT EVERYONE ELSES”  You pushed her closer to you and mashed your face at her tits as you rammed her like a madman.
You are fucking Jihyo so intensely that your groans of pleasure isn’t enough yet to let Jihyo know that she and the rest of the girls will get to experience whatever limits of sex they can reach just so they can feel like they’re locked up in heaven.
Sliding her ass out more, Jihyo became confused on why did you paused after the horrific speed you just gave on her. Her answer came shortly as she felt another cock getting inserted in her another hole.
Jihyo screamed in both pain and pleasure as she is now getting double penetrated by you and your clone. While you continued to suck her bouncing tits, Jihyo looks around to check what the other girls are also receiving at the moment.
On her front view, there’s Nayeon and her clone having tabletop sex at the kitchen counter. Sana is giggling and and moaning at the same time with her shaky voice as she is bouncing up and down beneath your clone’s cock at the stairs in a reverse cowgirl. Mina is having her pussy being eaten by Dahyun whose front frame and breasts are pressed on the floor while her ass is being fucked in a flatiron position.
On her back there goes the scene where Jeongyeon is bent in half like a seashell by your clone while having her tits sucked, Momo getting some spooning treatment, her tits swaying at every thrusts she receives, Chaeyoung moaning for mercy as she gets hogged by your clone in an upstanding citizen, carrying her small frame while having her limbs floating in the air due to getting hooked around in her legs.
Lastly, Tzuyu continues to admire the night view of Seoul through the windows while his clone is pistoning her pussy in a stand and deliver.
“I- I can’t take it anymore, I- I’m going to let it out, YN!”
“I’m getting close too, Jihyo…”
“Perfect fucking timing. Let’s end together.” Jihyo said as is staring dangerously at you before she reached your face for one more kiss. 
You and your clone plowed Jihyo to the brink of fulfillment as a few more strokes and rough collisions of your skin slapping together took yourselves into orgasm. Jihyo shouts lewdly as she feels streams of her slimy nectar squirt around your cock while it pulsates the last set of your pearly cum straight through her cunt.
The room resonated with synchronized screams, moans, and curses as everybody embraced their climax. You quickly grabbed your device and switched it off, making your clones disappear in an instant.
You sat beside Jihyo, who is now knocked off after having her energy spent just like the rest of the girls with you. The room smells like sex, with cum overflowing from their gaping holes and puddles of crystal liquid all over the floor. Bodies slumped and scattered everywhere around the house.
But then in some of their surprise, they noticed that the cum that came out from your clones disappeared next, making their snatch feel a bit lighter now than earlier, except for the trio Nayeon, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo.
“I guess those are also artificial and temporary just like them.” Jeongyeon said as she looked at the  evidences that gone missing.
“But not for us.” Nayeon smiled proudly and scooped some of your cum flowing on her thigh with her fingers, tasting it again.
“Ehhh that’s unfair!” Sana pouted as she looked at Nayeon, Jeongyeon and Jihyo with jealousy.
“You better give us next time, YN.” Momo challenged you.
“Yeah… I will, because for now I can’t do it anymore.” You laid down on the couch, and Jihyo helped you get some pillow. “I’m so goddamn exhausted.”
“Maybe that’s why the clones can feel what you feel and think what you think, because they are connected on your brain.” Jihyo said. “And since you mutiplied them, that goes the same with its effects to you.” 
“How ironic. I still felt like I had sex with you guys all by myself.” You panted. “You girls can sleep on my bed. Jeongyeon, remember to clean with me okay?”
“Yup. I know. Goodnight, girls.” Jeongyeon stood up on the floor. She also helped the girls to get up before they went towards you and sent a kiss to your cheek.
“Thanks for a hell of a time, YN. Goodnight.” Jihyo gave the last kiss and patted your chest before she left you sleeping on the couch. Few days later, you lived up to your words, You invited again the second batch consisting of MISAMO: Mina, Sana, and Momo and the School Meal Club trio Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu to finish what you started, a hot, wild, and exhausting hours of sex with all six of them. Thankfully, with the help of some expensive and strong viagra that Nayeon recommended for you to use, you were able to survive servicing these beauties, thrusting and spurting each one with a large amount of your irreplaceable cum within the depths of their pussy from dusk ‘til dawn.
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tomieafterdark · 1 year
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“fuck my ex..no literally”
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want more similar content? my masterlist is right here <3
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pairings: fem!reader x scumbag frat bakusquad guys (Kirishima, Bakugo, Sero, Kaminari) all aged up 21+
cw: double penetration, cheating, degradation, squirting, use of quirks during sex, dub-con/non-con ish, being filmed, sometimes they’re mean to the reader, being blindfolded, mating press, cervical orgasm, blowjob, spitroast.
summary: Your ex Bakugo is such a piece of shit, you hated him. Your new boyfriend was so much better, he didn’t let his friends degrade you meanwhile Bakugo had kept asking you to let his friends run a train on you back when you were dating. Bakugo didn’t care how the group chat was just his horny frat bros talking about all the positions they’d want you in, how they’d talk about how many dicks they’d put inside you at once. Your new boyfriend is a sweetheart. But if he is such a sweetheart why are you at Bakugo’s place right now, getting destroyed by four guys at once?
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Your phone kept buzzing. Your sweet boyfriend must be worried sick about where you are, and here you are betraying the love of your life.
Bakugo was lifting you up and down his length, you were a filthy moaning little mess..as always. There was never a time when sex would be dull with him, he was the only guy who could satisfy you so much sexually you’d say no to another orgasm. But sex isn’t everything is what you tried to tell yourself, it doesn’t matter if your current boyfriend refused to go down on you, or didn’t know how to fuck you dumb. He bought you flowers, he respected you, he invited you to meet his parents, he didn’t know you knew this but he was also looking for a pretty ring…
Every time you reached for the phone, Bakugo jerked his dick up into you faster and harder. You don’t even know why you were grabbing the phone as your boyfriend called, it’s not like you would answer. It’s like you were trying to convince yourself you didn’t want to do this, and that you wanted to hear his sweet voice so bad and just be in his arms... Tears were streaming down your face, you never wanted to cheat. Your ex is just…he is on a different level, and you were so sexually frustrated recently. Bakugo may be a piece of shit but at least he knew how to make you cum, at least he knew you were cumming and not faking it. Your current boyfriend is sweet but he doesn’t realise or care that you’re faking your orgasms…and he only does missionary.
Bakugo suddenly puts you in a full nelson, and stops fucking you for a minute. You look back at him all confused. “I was close-“
“I know y/n. That’s why I stopped.” He says as he grabs his phone to call someone.
Bakugo: “hey.”
Unknown: “what’s up”
Bakugo: “I have my slutty ex with me right now, tell the other guys to come up. I have a little surprise for you all.” He smiles, knowing your reaction must be priceless right now.
*hangs up*
You try to wriggle yourself out of his hold. He is such a scumbag you should’ve known he would do something weird. “Why did you fucking invite people over? Are those weirdos going to watch??”
He laughs. “No sweetie they’re not going to watch and they’re not weirdos, they’re my friends and I want to share this lovely moment with them.” He laughs and starts pounding into you as you struggle to get out of his firm grip.
The situation is so fucked up but you find yourself getting all wet and almost excited about it. Bakugo knows your body, he knows exactly how much you’re going to enjoy what’s coming.
*knock knock*
“Come in” he says, as he continues pounding up into you. Your grip around him tightens when three tall scumbag frat guys walk in. It’s the exact ones from the group chat Bakugo was in when you were dating. You start to have flashbacks of all the nasty things they had said about you, and it’s getting you angry, disgusted but also extremely flustered.
They are all staring at you like hungry wolves and you suddenly feel so small and helpless. Bakugo’s strong grip alone was enough to make you feel helpless and stuck but this is a whole different level. His friends are just like him, all athletic builds, super tall, and absolute scum.
“So guys” Bakugo says while tightening his grip on you even more and continuing to fuck into you, “this is my slutty little ex. She has a new man that’s apparently so much better than me, yet she’s here practically soaking my dick. Just look at her pretty pussy right now, look she’s dripping”
His harsh words have you clenching on him, fucking Bakugo he really knew how to rile you up and get you dripping at the same time. The guys are all staring at your exposed pussy right now. You just want to close your legs but the position he has you in won’t let you even move an inch.
He lifts you off his dick suddenly, and puts you down next to him on the couch. You feel ashamed to say that you’re disappointed being freed from his grip. “You can all use this whore however you like, she knew what was coming when she decided to come over to my frat house for sex when she has a loyal guy at home.”
He starts rubbing your clit, gosh he knows exactly how to rub it. Every little movement sends you closer to heaven. “Alright my little whore, tell my friends they can use all your holes and fuck you however they like or I’ll send you home right now and tell your dumb idiot boyfriend everything.“ He pulls up his phone, and plays a video of you two fucking earlier as you’re discussing having a boyfriend, how he can’t make you cum, and god knows what else because you block out everything you’re saying in that video.
He took the video earlier when he was fucking you from behind. “What a scumbag” you think to yourself.
He comes closer to your face. “Yeah I know you think I’m a scumbag and whatnot, but what are you? You’re literally cheating on someone instead of breaking up, and you’re cheating with the ex you claim to hate. I’m the guy you went to him and cried about” he gives a light slap to your pussy and asks for Kaminari to come over and hold your legs back incase you try anything.
You have your back against Kaminari’s chest right now, he’s spreading both of your legs and holding them back in a tight grip. It’s impossible to move. You sigh in defeat. You look up at his jawline, it’s sharp and attractive. You can’t stand your ex even his stupid friends are hot..
“Zap her with electricity if she acts up” Bakugo says coldly. Kaminari smiles.
Bakugo puts a camera in your face and starts filming. “Now, tell everyone here they can fuck you and use you exactly how they like because you’re a cheating little slut and that’s what sluts like you get.”
“Fuck you!” You yell into the camera instead, one second later Kaminari zaps you. “Nghh- Aaah Fuck” you cry out. Your legs shake from the sudden zap.
Bakugo wished he had zoomed in on your pussy during the zap because the way it made you squirt a tiny bit has his mind racing with nasty ideas on how they’re going to use you. He films your pussy and asks Kaminari to zap you again.
*zap* “Aah- oh godnghhh” you whine. You don’t know what the fuck is going on but it feels so good, you just wished your hole was filled with a big cock next time he’d zap you because you were twitching around nothing.
Kaminari is delighted to find out his zapping has such an effect on you, Bakugo notices you’d perhaps feel better with a cock in your clenching hole right now and looks at Kaminari with a sinister smile.
“Switch positions with me, I’ll hold her legs and you fuck her while you zap her. I know my ex well, she’s a whore and she can never get enough.” He says and puts the camera in your face again.
As Kaminari puts the tip in slowly your mouth forms an “o” and your eyes almost roll back. Even your ex’s friends feel good. But he stops there. Just as the tip is in. Your facial expression changes into a mildly annoyed one and they laugh at you.
Bakugo slaps your face not so lightly, and says “now, if you want Kaminari to fuck you and zap you again look into this camera and tell me exactly what I want to hear or we’ll end it right now. Don’t test me y/n.”
Your desire for pleasure takes over, because your ex is right. You can never get enough. You look at Kaminari, and plead for him to put his whole cock inside you. He gets closer to your face and chokes you, whispering in your ear to talk into Bakugo’s camera or he’ll choke you out right now and call for your pathetic boyfriend to come get you himself while you’re naked and wet on Bakugo’s couch. You clench around his tip, he looks so sweet and nice you’d never expect those words coming out of his mouth. You quickly look up into the camera, your eyes meet Bakugo’s very annoyed eyes.
“I give permission for Bakugo, Kirishima, Sero and Kaminari to use all my holes however they like all night long. Just please don’t tell my boyfriengh“ Bakugo got what he needed and shuts you up by gagging you with your thong that was on the other side of the couch.
Kaminari puts his whole length into you, he feels different from Bakugo and your boyfriend. You love a fresh new experience, you’re taking him in so well moaning loud even though you’re gagged. You look into his eyes trying to beg him to zap you but the gag isn’t helping your cause.
“Plwhs zwp mhwe” you cry out.
“What’s that? Bakugo help me decipher what that slutty little ex of yours is saying” he grins.
“Oh I think she’s saying, please don’t zap me and slow fuck me, it’s too much” Bakugo says with a wide sinister grin on his face.
You scream louder trying to get the words out but It’s to no avail. They just laugh and Kaminari goes even slower, it feels like torture.
“Alright cutie, I’ll go slower. I don’t want to ruin your cute little pussy yet” Kaminari laughs.
You try to move and get some type of friction on his dick but Bakugo grabs you tightly, you’re not really a match for him (or anyone else in the room for that matter) you’re way smaller and shorter and it’s so easy to stretch and fold you into any position they’d like and just keep you there for hours if they wanted to. “Plwhswe” you cry out.
Kaminari slaps your inner thighs, your lower body jerks upwards because of it but it’s not enough. You need more, your cunt is leaking all over him but he continues slow fucking you. He stares into your eyes with cold eyes. “Before we remove this gag from your mouth, I’m not fucking you until you beg for it into the camera.”
Bakugo starts filming your face, and removes the gag from your mouth. You gasp for air. “Okay speak slut” he says, looking down at you with an evil grin on his face.
“P-please Kaminari, fuck my pussy and zap me. Use me until I pass out” you cry out, with teary eyes.
“I don’t think you really want it y/n. What do you think Bakugo? Is she always this bad at begging??” Kaminari asks as he twists your nipples causing you to cry out.
“No, she can beg for real. Just keep messing with her, she has no willpower when it comes to dick she’ll do and say anything for it soon enough.” His words hit deep, he is right. If you had any self control you wouldn’t be here right now even though you have a loyal boyfriend. You want to cry, the moment this night is over you will never think back on the past. You will go back to your normal life and never mess with Bakugo or his friends ever again. Since this was the last night, you decided to let yourself go, have one last night of sin and then close this chapter.
You start begging. For real this time. “Please Kaminari, punish my slutty pussy. My boyfriend can’t satisfy me I need to be dicked down real good. He doesn’t even have a quirk to torture me with! Please, wear me out, fill me with cum do whatever you please just give me what my loser boyfriend cannot” you cry out. “Zap me, bottom out in me, use me as a fucking cocksleeve please I want it bad and rough!”
The smiles on their faces are priceless. Now you’re talking…
“What a nasty whore, do you kiss your loser boyfriend with that mouth too?” He chuckles and starts fucking you balls deep.
“F-fuck yess- fuck me- AaAh” your moans are filling the room, mixed with squelching sounds of your pussy. Those sounds coming out of you are surely waking up Kirishima’s and Sero’s dicks, they love the way you’re losing it while Kaminari is destroying you slowly.
Bakugo let’s go of your legs, and has Kaminari push them down for you as you’re folded into a mean mating press you just cannot escape from. He has fucked you enough and is just interested in getting a cumshot on your pretty face for now to send to your boyfriend later. He jerks off and shoots cum on your face as you’re a moaning mess. You naturally opened your mouth when he was aiming at your face, such a good whore. He really trained you well when you were dating..too bad the loser boyfriend doesn’t know how to put any of your training to use. He sits on a chair and lights a blunt, enjoying every second of his ex being ruined by his friends.
Kirishima and Sero start planning what to do with you later..
Sero: when they’re done with her, we should tape her to the couch legs spread and blindfold her. Fucking tease her holes and make her guess who is who, she hasn’t seen or felt our cocks yet. We’ll film it and send to her pathetic boyfriend.
Kirishima: holes?
Sero: I don’t know about you but I’m not leaving until I fill that pretty ass with cum, I bet her boyfriend never fucks her there. What a waste.
Back to Kaminari fucking you..
“Fuck- please zap me” you whimper.
“Not like that y/n” Kaminari says coldly. “You know what I want to hear” he says and pulls up his phone to record what you’re about to say.
“Please zap me Kaminari, I like it rough and painful please torture me and zap me I need it, zap me until I pass out”
He zaps your thighs and you start squirting all over him uncontrollably. But that’s not enough, he continues zapping over and over again within short time intervals barely giving you a break. At this point with every thrust he takes, he zaps leading to you squirting everywhere. Your body is at its limit, he can feel it but that’s just better. He positions himself so he hits your cervix, if he can zap it just right he can give you a cervical orgasm. He starts pounding your cervix, you don’t know how to react it hurts so bad but it feels so good. You look at him with wide eyes.
“That’s your cervix sweetie, never had anyone pound it for you before?” He says in a patronising tone.
“I’m guessing cervical orgasm is out of the picture too. You’re about to have your first one, remember who gave it to you whore. Maybe tell your loser boyfriend all about it as I record you?” He continues recording but he won’t let you have your cervical orgasm until you start degrading your boyfriend and you know it.
“Please Kaminari, give me the cervical orgasm my pathetic loser boyfriend never could” you cry out. Fuck you feel so bad for saying this about your everything but Kaminari’s dick is so good, you just have to have the full experience. Your cervix feels better and closer every time you degrade your boyfriend. Your ex and his friends are truly evil.
Kaminari loves seeing you desperate like this, he pounds into you and starts to slowly zap your cervix. The look on your face makes him want to cum into you right then and there but he keeps his cool, you haven’t experienced the full extent of the orgasm yet. This is just a part of the buildup. He puts more energy into the next zap, you’re grabbing his arm and crying out incoherent noises. This isn’t even the actual orgasm, there’s one more zap left but you’re squirting. Before he gives you the final zap he puts his phone down and puts a finger in your pretty little asshole. Three zaps and you’re having an anal orgasm, he laughs at how easy it is.
“Are you ready for the actual cervical orgasm or are you losing consciousness cutie?” He asks and laughs.
You are in fact losing consciousness which causes him to slap and zap you back to reality. “I said are you conscious??” He says in an annoyed tone this time.
“Y-yes” you’re still barely conscious but you’re holding on for dear life, this guy is something else. When he zaps your cervix for real your vision goes fully white for a second, this is what it must feel like to ascend to heaven. You’re shaking and whimpering as you come down from the orgasm, coming down to see him fucking into you at full pace. You’re clenching on his dick, grip so tight he feels like you’re sucking everything out of him.
He cums deep into your cunt, along with the hottest moans you’ve ever heard. Too bad your boyfriend doesn’t have those moans you think to yourself. As he pulls out, your pussy is so full of cum it’s leaking all over Bakugo’s couch. Kaminari snaps a picture of it along with your fucked out face. “I bet your boyfriends moans are ugly compared to mine” he snarks. What a meanie.
They give you some time to rest…
You feel yourself gaining consciousness again and the first thing you see is the meanie Kaminari is standing there with water and some apples. “Here, you’re gonna need the energy for what the others have planned for you” he says. He doesn’t sound sarcastic..what the fuck could they be planning that has him saying that?
After you’re done eating your apples and drinking your water, Kaminari places you on all four, but with your upper body resting on the couch, arms locked behind your back taped together thanks to Sero’s quirk. Both your calves are also taped to the ground, and your upper thighs on the couch making it impossible to move.
“Tape her neck too” Kirishima says. Bakugo is just looking at what they’re doing, making sure his annoying slutty ex is okay.
They tape your neck down carefully making sure you’re still comfortable. You don’t know what to think, on one hand you despise them but the way you’re taken care of gives you butterflies. You glance at your ex, looking over you as usual even if you’re not dating. It definitely feels safe with him here even though you’re being fucked by three complete strangers.
They blindfold you, and set up a camera.
Sero pulls your hair. “Listen up cutie, me and Kirishima are going to take turns fucking your holes and towards the and if you guess which cock belongs to who we won’t punish you. Get it?”
“Yes” you whimper. You wonder what the punishment could be, maybe it’s physical pain with their quirks?? Maybe I- “Aaah- oh my Fuck-“ one of them rammed his dick in. So fucking soon. Whoever it is he is HUNG, it is so fucking big. Your cervix is still sensitive from when Kaminari zapped it, it really feels like you’re having a second cervical orgasm anytime soon.
Your toes are curling, you look so hot stuck taped down to the couch with nowhere to go while a guy you don’t even know is destroying your pussy from behind. Your pussy is near swollen and is gripping tightly around his cock, you are so close to cumming all on him. Suddenly he pulls out.
You feel him moving away from you, the second guy must be next now. He starts fingering you to get some of your slick on his fingers as lube, he coats his dick in it and slips the rest into your ass. You scream out from the sudden intrusion in your ass, you haven’t had anything anal in a while.
Kaminari ends up degrading you for that sound since the guy who fingered your ass has to stay anonymous for now. “What? Don’t tell me your idiot boyfriend doesn’t fuck that pretty little ass regularly.” Whoever is fingering you shoves a second finger in there, making your toes curl. “I’ll take that as a no” Kaminari says. “Don’t worry pretty little whore, we’ll make sure to fuck your ass so hard you won’t be able to sit down for a week” he laughs.
The second guy puts more and more fingers in your ass, and fucks your pussy at the same time. He feels different from the last guy, not as long but definitely thick. It’s stretching you out, you can’t imagine that going into your ass but by the way he is fingering and gaping your ass it’s definitely going in there. You feel your ass cumming, right on his fingers. He really gave you an anal orgasm that effortlessly, just by prepping your ass. You’re in literal whore heaven right now. This must be the redhead guy Kirishima you think to yourself. He pulls out. You are almost disappointed, your ass is was more than ready for it…
Kaminari takes off your blindfold and removes all the tape. “Come sit next to me cutie, it’s time to guess who was who” he says as you crawl up on the couch next to him, they’re hiding their dicks so you won’t cheat.
“I think the second guy was Kaminari, and the first guy was Sero.” You say proudly. This shit was easy.
Kaminari grabs your neck and bends you over his lap. “WRONG! Time for your punishment y/n!” He says all excited. You don’t exactly look scared what would they even do? Spank you? Double penetrate you? Use a quirk on you?
Bakugo walks towards you now, with a phone in his hand. YOUR phone. “What are you doing Bakugo” you ask in a shaky voice. He doesn’t reply he just smiles at you.
Kirishima is right in front of you with that big cock of his, how are you gonna fit all that in your mouth..Kaminari pulls your hair back and tells you to open up or he’ll zap you for real this time insinuating causing actual pain. You try your best to suck him off, it’s so big you feel challenged for once when giving a blowjob. You moan all over him because of how big it is. You hear Kaminari in your ear calling you a good little whore as he strokes your hair. The faces Kirishima is making are enough to make you cum, it gives you such a power trip seeing his reactions every time you bop your head or take him in deeper while moaning.
Bakugo seems to be texting someone on your phone, before you ask though Sero slams his dick deep into your ass causing you to moan and bump further into Kirishima’s dick. Kaminari is in the middle, just watching your demise. He is really enjoying himself. He zaps your throat lightly causing you and Kirishima to moan, the electricity reached you both giving you tingly sensations.
“Hey slut, your boyfriend is FaceTiming you..” Bakugo grins. “It’s rude not to answer.”
You can’t believe what you just heard. Your vision got blurry for a second because of the huge amount of stress you felt in such a short amount of time, is that even fucking possible.
Bakugo opens FaceTime but keeps the camera on him.
Bakugo: “Oh hey dude.”
Your boyfriend: “Who the hell are you? Where’s y/n?”
Bakugo: “Who’s asking?” His tone is so sarcastic, mocking and rude all at once.
Your boyfriend: “I’m y/n’s boyfriend. Who the hell- “ he then realises who is talking to him. It’s that disgusting scumbag ex of yours. Why does HE have your phone. He screams into the phone if you’re okay, calling for your name. Bakugo has all of this connected to the TV in his room so you can see and hear it all very very clearly.
Bakugo: “Looking for y/n? Alright bro, here she is” he laughs and turns the camera over to you. To you getting spitroasted by two huge guys, while you’re a complete mess between them crying, moaning, whimpering. Your boyfriend starts crying.
Kaminari: “HA! What a loser, bro come get your slutty girl why are you crying”. He grabs your hair and spanks your ass. “You really need to fuck your girl better you pussy, look at how desperate she is for some good dick. She went to the ex that put her through hell and back.”
Your boyfriend: ”y/n..my love. My darling!! This isn’t you. Did they drug you? Please tell me they forced you. I can tell my dads lawyer..you’re not a cheap slut you’re just not” he ugly cries.
Sero is losing it, he is laughing so hard he almost messes up the brutal rhythm he has going on for you. “Bakugo give me the phone for a second!”
Sero: “hey dude, stop crying for a second I have to show you something.”
Your boyfriend: just stares at the phone screen.
Sero: flips camera and shows his dick going in and out of your ass. “Do you see this, your slutty girl is liking it. Look at the way her ass flutters ever so often around me. Don’t ever suggest we forced her into this you weirdo. She came over here first being all horny because you can’t fuck her right.”
Boyfriend: “fuck off that’s not true, my wonderful y/n has orgasms when we are intimate!”
Bakugo: “oh boy do I have bad news for you. She’s fucking faking them you idiot, you don’t understand women at all I don’t know how you bagged a beauty like y/n. I trained her well, I trained her to take it in all her holes and you can’t even use them..” Bakugo almost sounds disappointed.
Sero hands the phone to Kirishima.
Kirishima: “Take some tips for your next girl if you ever manage to get one, here’s how to fuck her throat right. Look up up the camera y/n, show your pretty eyes.” He fucks into your throat at a brutal pace, mixing it with a form of degrading praise. “Yeah that’s a good little whore, you’re taking me so well your ex taught you well didn’t he.“ Kaminari zaps your throat causing you to cry out with Kirishima’s cock buried in your throat. Your boyfriend is gasping, thinking they’re hurting you. He has no idea his innocent little angel is worse than all these guys put together. He cums in your mouth and fucks the cum into your throat until you’ve swallowed it all. They all praise you, while your boyfriend is losing his shit threatening to call the police.
Sero takes the phone again, since he came in your ass he wants to end the call with that beautiful sight. Your ass filled with cum dripping out. “Oh and don’t worry bro, we have proof she was the one who asked for it. We’ll send you everything, save you the trip to the police station and your worthless lawyer. Have a good night” he says and laughs his ass off as he ends the call.
You’re done, just laying on the couch with cum everywhere. “I fucking hate you guys, especially you Bakugo” is all you can get out.
“Whatever I prepared a warm bath for you, sleep over here tonight. You can fuck off in the morning though I’m having another girl over” he says. You can’t believe it. Your ex is still a scumbag.
I’m sorry I have not proof read this 😭
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© 2023 tomieafterdark | All rights reserved.
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AITA for asking my friend to stop bringing her religion into everything?
everyone in this story is 17, gender irrelevant.
so my friend A is heavily dedicated(?) to their religion (one of the branches of christianity, not sure exactly which). i’ve known this since pretty soon after we met a couple months and didn’t mind because i don’t care what people believe in to bring meaning to their life.
however, they bring up god all the time. i studied hard and got a good grade on a test? god blessed me with that. i dont live with my abusive father? god took him away for me. i keep my body healthy? i should be thanking god for that. it’s really frustrating to have things i worked for or that happened to me discounted and told were graciously gifted to me by some fictional man.
i’ve also had some bad experiences with religion (especially christianity), which i’ve hinted at with them. in the past many people have used religion as an excuse to be homophobic to be and tell me i need to experience eternal suffering because of who i like. like i said i’ve hinted at this to try and scope out if they’re homophobic, but they’re super dismissive of it and say god forgives everyone (???) which is honestly really weird but alright.
yesterday i had one too many “good morning may god bless your day blah blah” (after a terrible week all around for personal reasons) and i asked A if they could please stop with all the god stuff. it wasn’t worded meanly or anything but in case anyone wants to read the specific message i’ll paste it below
“hey could you please lay off of the god stuff a little bit? i understand and respect your religion but i’d prefer it if you didn’t bring it into and apply it to real events in my life, i hope that makes sense”
A went off on me and told me i wasn’t respecting the right to religious freedom and free speech, i can’t say i respect her religion if i ask her not to bring it up, i was implying god wasn’t real (which i do believe but again, that’s just my opinion), etc. another acquaintance in the group chat backed her up so i just didn’t respond because i didn’t want to make the situation worse
A and our mutual acquaintances are now ignoring me at school. i told a friend about the situation and they said i should’ve just put up with it and ignored it because free speech and all that, but i feel like i have a right to set boundaries. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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ellieluvr420 · 2 months
Friends? Never. Pt.22 (Ellie Williams x reader)
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MASTERLIST (and information about Palestine) Please read!
SYNOPSIS: You and Ellie had been bitter enemies for years now but before that you were best friends. You had always planned to be roommates one day but when that becomes a reality the situation isn't exactly how you both imagined it.
proofread kinda but this shit is like almost 9k words and i am tired so if there’s a mistake my apologies, will fix that tomorrow probs!
“Fuck I am so tired. I’ve been twenty for three weeks and I swear I’m deteriorating already.” 
“Ellie you are such a drama queen, you’re just tired because you actually ran laps with the group today.” Training with the group had been going well for the most part but watching Ellie come back breathless and rosy cheeked, though in better shape than the teenagers that followed after her, was the highlight for you. 
“Can’t believe you made me do that.” 
“You were being naughty and you know I don’t tolerate bad behaviour.” 
“I smacked your ass once and none of them even saw. You are so mean to me.” 
“Stop sulking, besides, would you have preferred to stay behind with Amber?” 
“Okay fair enough, how was that by the way?” Your mind cast back to the memory of your altercation with Amber and left a sour taste in your mouth.
“Amber, can you stay behind please?” 
“Why?” She snipped at you with a scowl. 
“Because I said so.” You grit as Ellie stifles a laugh. Ellie had been on a mission today to annoy you as much as humanely possible, lovingly but still, she had succeeded. She had done so well that she was now jogging away with the other trainees after you banished her. When they had all been doing target practise she snuck up behind you and landed a harsh slap on your ass that was so loud it was almost audible over the repetitive gunfire. You yelped and rubbed at the sore skin while sneering at her as she laughed.  
“Sorry babe, you know I love your ass too much to keep my hands off, you should’ve seen the way it jiggled.” She went to reach for it again but you slapped her hand away and huffed, only making her laugh more, you glanced at the group and when all of their heads remained facing away from you, you breathed a sigh of relief.  
“You are such a little shit, you’re running laps with the others while I talk to Amber.” 
“What?! No way.” 
“Yes way, I’ve had enough of you today.” 
“Oh come on babe don’t be like that.” 
“Too late and if you don’t go, no sex for a month.” 
“You’re joking.” 
“Wanna fuck around and find out?” She huffed and called the rest of the group over to announce the badly received news of their impending laps around the town. You almost regretted your decision when you were left alone with Amber, her attitude making you want to throttle it out of her. 
“I wanted to have a chat because I want to see what we can do to be better supporting you to get you up to standard for patrol.” 
“Excuse me? Why are you only asking me?” 
“This isn’t an attack Amber, this is for your safety but you aren’t progressing at the same rate as the others and I don’t want to see you fall behind.” 
“You’re just picking on me because you have it out for me so don’t give me all of that caring bullshit because I see right through it.” She hissed, you bit your tongue and took a deep breath, desperately trying to keep your cool. 
“Amber, your aim with a gun is nowhere near the standards of the others, you can’t hold your own in a fight even with one of the other girls, you struggle in the drills, you don’t understand tracking and you never know any of the answers to the questions we ask about survival tactics. I’m not picking on you, I’m stating a fact.” It was harsh but she needed to hear it. “I am willing, and so is Ellie, to put in extra hours with you to help but we can only help if you let us and stop being so stubborn.” 
“I’ll do the extra hours with Ellie but I’m not spending anymore time with you than I have to.” You snickered at her comment, a wave of insecurity crashing over her features. You’d happily let Ellie take her for the extra training, you trusted her with your life but then Amber would be getting her way and you just weren’t willing to let that happen. 
“Not gonna happen, nice try though.” You were going to leave it there but that eye roll and pout of her lip just sent you over the edge as you stormed over to her, closing the distance between you both. “Do you think I don’t notice your blatant flirting with my girlfriend? Do you think it’s going to get you anywhere? We live together, we have a child together, and when we go home together after training we laugh at your pathetic attempts on her. Stop being fucking delusional and get over yourself. I’m here to train you, not to be your friend so you either sort yourself out or I’ll tell Maria you’re not fit for patrol and she’ll find you some other boring job in Jackson.” She gulped and her eyes developed a glassy film. You had taken it too far but you were getting sick of her and she had just pushed you one too many times. “Now go home and come back tomorrow with a better fucking attitude because if you think I’m above kicking your ass you’re sorely mistaken. You saw how quick I took Harvey down, do you really think I wouldn’t crush you in a second?” She scowled at you before storming off, not quick enough that you didn’t see the fear in her eyes though. 
“Ugh she’s just- it was as expected. We argued, I scared the shit out of her and she ran away with her tail between her legs, she’ll be the exact same tomorrow. Same shit, different day.” 
“Damn, I don’t understand what her problem is.” 
“I do, she doesn’t like me because of us and because I have a position of authority over her, she’s the weakest of the group and it makes her insecure and I’m the only one that will call her out on it.” You eye Ellie pointedly as she smiles sheepishly. 
“I can take the next lecture, promise babe.” 
“Eh she won’t even listen to you because she’ll be too busy ogling you.” 
“Damn I’m feeling really objectified right now.” 
“Oh shut up, you love it.” 
“I only love the attention when it comes from you but I’d be lying if I said it didn’t make me feel good about myself.” She smiles smugly as she wraps an arm around your waist pulling you snug to her hip as she presses a kiss to your temple with a quiet chuckle. 
“Who would’ve thought I’d be the scary one out of us?” You chuckle but it dies in your throat as she quirks an eyebrow at you as if your question was entirely absurd. 
“Err everyone. You’re scary.” 
“I am not!” You pinch her side and she squirms away from you with a hiss. 
“You so are, it’s not a bad thing but you are terrifying. Do i need to remind you about you being a jailbird? My girlfriend is a convict, that’s scary, hot but scary.” You roll your eyes as the school comes into view and the bustle of parents awaiting their children is accompanied by the deafening squeals and yells of children bounding out of the gates like a stampede. You both stop and hold hands as you wait for Clem’s beaming face to come into view. 
You crane your neck looking for the strawberry blonde locks until they catch your eye causing a smile to grace your features. Ellie had already released your hand to kneel down in preparation for Clem’s leap into her arms that had become customary when you would pick her up. You both exchange looks of concern when her face remains angled towards the floor and she trudges over to you both dragging her feet. You immediately move towards her and bend down in front of her as Ellie joins you seconds later, cupping her cheeks you angle her face to meet yours and the sight sends shockwaves through you. Her face was red and blotchy, the remnants of tears evident all over her cheeks but what struck you both more was the slightly raised red mark on her cheek that looked like the precursor of a bruise.  
“Baby who did this to you?” Your voice was frantic as tears welled in your eyes at her sadness, it was the kind of sadness you hadn’t seen in her since the day you found her, the memory of that day cursed you and filled you with a rage you had never experienced before. She had been so excited for school this morning, it was show and tell and she had brought in a painting that her and Ellie had created with the watercolours you had gifted Ellie for her birthday, it was a replica of a polaroid taken on Ellie’s birthday of the three of you, Ellie holding Clem with her free arm around your waist as you all beamed at the camera. She had rushed you both out the door and practically skipped the whole way to school, babbling about how much she loved it and how interesting all her classes were and now she was sniffling and hurt, her entire demeanour oozing the pain she was in. You were so focused on the sorrow on her features you barely remembered asking her who caused her it until she answered you. 
“T-Timmy.” Her voice was meek and quiet, the opposite of how it typically was as she sniffled and wiped at her eyes before wincing as she accidentally pressed on the welt forming underneath.
“What happened kiddo?” Ellie’s voice was calm, unlike yours but the scowl on her face gave her true feelings away. 
“He made fun of me for having two mommies, so I told him he was ugly and smelly, because he is, then he hit me and pushed me in front of everyone. Please can we go home?” Every part of you wanted to chase Timmy and his parents down for what they had taught their child but Clem came first and she wanted to go home so that’s what you’d do. 
Clem perked up quick enough, after dancing to her favourite record with you both and doing some painting with Ellie while you prepared dinner, she seemed almost normal again though it was clear what happened today was playing on her mind as she looked up from the table with glassy eyes. 
“Why are people mean about you? I don’t understand, you’re the best mommies. Do they hate me?” 
“Oh baby, no one hates you, you’re our perfect angel, don’t ever have thoughts like that, ever, okay?” Ellie was the first to speak as she noticed the slight gape of your mouth though you snapped back into action when Clem turned to you expectantly. 
“Some people just don’t like that me and mama love each other. They don’t like that me and mama are young as well and we were so lucky to find you and make you a part of our family. They’re jealous and silly and I promise it’s nothing to do with you. I swear Timmy nor anyone is ever going to lay a finger on you again baby, some people are just silly and mean, do you understand?” She nods with a small smile before going back to eating as Ellie looks at you silently communicating the plan you knew you both had.  
“Clemmy, I’ve gotta go out for a little bit but I promise I’ll be back in time to say goodnight, okay?” Ellie stands and presses a kiss to Clem’s forehead as she strokes the soft hair on her head. 
“Okay Mama, I’ll miss you.” 
“Oh you know I’ll always miss you more.” You stand and follow Ellie to the door kissing her sweetly before she ducks out leaving you and Clem to start her bedtime routine alone. 
After her bath and three different books, Clem’s eyes were drooping and the yawn she tried and failed to hide was evident she’d be asleep soon. The sound of the door opening and closing let you relax and as Ellie walked in taking her place next to you at Clem’s bedside you smiled. She pressed a kiss to the girl's forehead. Clem cupped Ellie’s cheeks as she lazily opened her eyes smiling giddily, the love that was radiating from both of them warmed you, your heart sang, you could watch them forever and be perfectly happy with that. You were so wrapped up in your thoughts you didn’t notice them both turning to face you. 
“Can you both cuddle me until I fall asleep?” 
“Of course baby.” Ellie climbed over Clem’s body as you laid down on the other side of her. Clem cuddles into your chest as Ellie wraps her arm over the both of you, pulling you both in tighter to her. As Clem’s breathing slowed, you lifted your head slightly to look at Ellie who had been gently playing with Clem’s hair as she hummed a familiar tune to her. It reminded you of a time when your mother would sing the same song to you at bedtime. 
Hush little baby don’t say a word 
Mama’s gonna buy you a mockingbird 
And if that mockingbird don’t sing 
Mama’s gonna buy you a diamond ring 
And if that diamond ring turns brass 
Mama’s gonna buy you a looking glass 
And if that looking glass gets broke 
 Mama's gonna buy you a billy goat 
And if that billy goat doesn't pull 
 Mama's gonna buy you a cart and bull 
And if that cart and bull turn over 
Mama's gonna buy you a dog named Rover 
And if that dog named Rover won't bark 
Mama's gonna buy you a horse and cart 
And if that horse and cart fall down 
well you'll still be the sweetest baby in town. 
“I love you Mommy.” 
“I love you too sweetie, I always will, sweet dreams.” Your father had read to you after they both gave you your nighttime bath, indulging in your childish play letting you splash at them until the water went cold and you began to shiver. You smiled up at your father as he kissed your forehead goodnight leaving your mum to sing you the same tune she always sang to you before bed. Sometimes you'd sing along and sometimes you'd just listen to her melodic voice as you let her tune coax you to sleep.
The memory haunted you, it had always been such a fond one but now it burned your skin and stung your eyes. You pushed the thoughts to the back of your mind as you sang along to the tune Ellie was gently humming and you could feel the new memories being attached to the song that took the aching pain in your chest away as if it was never there. 
You and Ellie both sneak out of Clem’s room once she’s firmly asleep and walk downstairs to greet Dina and Jesse who were sat in your living room. 
“Thanks so much for watching her guys. We won’t be long.” You smile at them before going to slip your shoes on. As you return Ellie smiles grimly at you. 
“You ready?” 
“Fuck yeah.” Your eyebrows furrowed as the sudden fire ignited within you once again. 
“Oh I would be shitting myself if I was them right now.” Jesse laughed though it was clear he was serious. 
“Have fun going full mama bears on their asses!” Dina calls out to you as you both make your way out the front door and start the walk to Timmy’s house. You were never going to let his parents get away with teaching their child to be so hateful but you didn’t want Clem to see this side of you. 
Ellie knocked on their door and as it swung open revealing a disgruntled man you both pushed past him into his home without a word. 
“Erm excuse you, what do you think you’re doing?” 
“We want to have a chat Rick, get your wife and sit down.” Your voice was monotone and your face deadpan but his scowl did not fade and he remained unmoving. 
“Are you deaf? Get your wife and sit down.” Ellie repeated as she stepped closer to him, her face stony and her voice low and menacing. You watched as his face morphed into a picture of fear and it only made you smile, he scurried off returning with his wife, both seating themselves on their sofa, fidgeting and clearly unnerved. 
“I’m assuming the school told you what Timmy did today?” They nodded as a response to your question, their eyes flicking between you and Ellie. 
“Mm and I bet you couldn’t have been prouder right?” Their silence was adding fuel to the fire and as you observed Ellie pacing slowly beside you, it was clear she felt the same. 
“Listen, if you have a problem with us, we couldn’t care less. But if your issue with us ends with our child getting hurt again, then we need to do something about it.” Ellie's voice was calm as she came to stand over them. “If Timmy ever comes near Clem again, I promise you, you will be looking for a new place to live because I will hunt you both to the ends of the Earth. You’ll never be able to settle because I’ll always be just on your heels. Do you want that life for Timmy? Never knowing when he’d be left alone in the world because his parents hatred cost them their lives. This is your only warning. Keep your snotty little shit away from our Clem or we will make sure the last thing you see is us smiling over your bodies. Don’t give me an excuse to do it, because I’ll enjoy every last second of it.” Their faces drained of all their colour and the sight was exhilarating to you. Ellie was always so gentle with you and Clem so you rarely saw this side of her but the few reminders you got never failed to stick with you, knowing she was acting this way to protect Clem, it only warmed you more. She walked to the door leaving you scowling in front of them. 
“If you think Maria won’t be hearing of this, you’re wrong, expect a visit from her tomorrow. You’re the reason her niece's daughter was hurt today, she won’t take that lightly. I’d watch your backs if I were you.” You grinned as they visibly gulped before strolling off to meet Ellie at the door, her face matching yours. The walk back to your home was filled with childish giggles as you recounted the looks on their faces. 
Even as you walked through the door of your home to find Dina and Jesse cuddled up on the sofa, you still couldn’t stop giggling. 
“Assuming it went well then?” Jesse questioned with a quirk of his eyebrow. 
“Oh yeah you should’ve seen their faces. Ellie went all ‘ah I’m so scary, I’m gonna hunt you down aghhh’ it was amazing!” You mocked Ellie’s deep, raspy voice that she had used while speaking to Timmy’s parents before bursting into laughter once again. 
“I did not fucking sound like that! But it’s true, they shit their pants.” She looked smug as her chin raised to the air only causing you all to laugh more. You had been annoyed about yours and Ellie’s reputations after the few incidents over the past months that had painted you in a darker light but it served you both well today. 
“That’s our girls!” Dina was beaming at you both as they stood. 
“Thank you again for coming over on short notice. Did she wake up or anything?” 
“No no, she’s been out like a light. Don’t keep thanking us anyway, we can use all the practise we can get.” Jesse breathed out as he rocked on his heels. 
They said their goodbyes and left, leaving you and Ellie to collapse in bed, tired of the day. 
“I know I joked but you going all scary to protect Clemmy was super fucking hot.” You cupped Ellie’s cheeks as you softly rubbed your nose against hers before resting your foreheads together with a smile. 
“Hey it wasn’t just me, I heard what you said to them after I left the room. That was a nice touch.” 
“Why thank you.” You giggled softly before your face turned sour again. “I just can’t believe we’re having to deal with shit like this. I mean, Ellie, she got fucking hit today. How many homophobes are there in this stupid fucking town?” 
“I know, it’s ridiculous. This place is about as good as it gets and still, shit like this happens. I know what you mean about being done with it all but where do we even go you know?” 
“Well I was thinking about that, remember that farm we stayed at before we found Clem, how perfect it was, how pretty the stars were from up there, how good the sex we had up there was hmm?” You dropped your voice seductively causing her eyebrows to shoot up. “We never got to go back and lock it up because of our little bundle of joy but I was thinking maybe Joel could watch her for a day and then Dina and Jesse have her for the night so we can go have a look around and see if it’s a viable option for us. I love our family, more than anything and the more I think about it just being us up there, the more I warm up to the idea, but obviously it’s close enough that we can still see everyone regularly and be connected to Jackson, what do you think?” 
“Sounds fucking perfect babe. But I have one condition.” 
“Oh yeah?” 
“We have sheep, lots of ‘em, and a cow or two maybe, oh and we get to take Shimmer and Greg with us. We should have chickens too.” 
“Sounds like more than one condition to me but I’m in.” 
“You are going to make the cutest farmer.” She smirks at you as your eyebrows furrow. 
“You’re going to be the farmer. I will sit pretty and watch you get your hands dirty.” 
“Oh will you now?” 
“Mhm you’re the one that wanted all the animals.” 
“Well I suppose that’s fair. Do you think Clem will want to go?” 
“El she’d follow you anyway, that girl has stars in her eyes when she looks at you. I think after today especially, she’ll be happy to go be farmers up in the hills.” 
“Ah! So we will be farmers. I knew you’d see it my way.” 
“You are ridiculous.” 
“Ellie look! It’s just up ahead, it looks fine oh my god I’m so excited!” You rushed out as you spurred Greg on towards the picturesque farmhouse that you had been dreaming about returning to since you left. 
“Oh fuck yeah and it’s only taken us like an hour and a half to get here with the horses, it feels so far but so close at the same time.” 
“I feel really fucking good about this babe!” 
“Me too.” Ellie hummed and as you approached the gate you sucked a breath in, praying it would open freely. 
“Ah!” You squealed as the gate swung open and you jumped off Greg barely managing to stop yourself from jumping about as you seemed one step closer to building a life there.  
“Okay let’s stay alert just in case, you wanna sweep the house or the barn?” Ellie sounded serious but her voice failed to hide the giddiness in her as she hopped off of Shimmer and pressed a hand to the small of your back. 
“Let’s do the barn together first so we can leave the horses in there and then go through the house, I wanna walk in there with you, this is a milestone!” You beamed causing her to chuckle and start leading you round the house and towards the barn. 
Once the barn had been cleared and the horses were happily grazing on some hay you both walked back round to the porch, you practically leaping up the stairs and dragging Ellie behind you but before you could reach for the doorknob she yanked you back into her and pressed kisses from just below your ear down to your shoulder blade, swaying you both gently. There was a gentle breeze whistling through the air and it smelled so fresh and crisp, the air felt so much more cleansing than in Jackson, every breath you took making you feel light and renewed. A small white butterfly flew around you both before disappearing into the powder blue sky that was dotted with pristine, white clouds. There were patches of daffodils all over the field amongst other splotches of colourful flowers creating the most beautiful landscape. 
“El come on- ah!” You were interrupted as Ellie lifted you bridal style into her arms and started fumbling with the door. “What are you doing?” You said through giggles. 
“Practising for the real thing.” She nudged the door open and as you both walked through hearing nothing but sweet, serene silence you both snapped your heads towards each other and smiled. You grabbed her cheeks and pulled her in for a kiss that felt like you were melting into each other before she gently put you down and walked you towards the dining room table opposite the front door, her lips never once leaving yours, it started tender as she explored your mouth with her tongue, lapping at yours slowly, but it soon grew hungry and desperate, the passion radiating off of both of you, she still tasted slightly minty from when she had brushed her teeth this morning and it cooled the growing heat slightly. Her hands grabbed and squeezed at any expanse of skin she could find as she groaned into your mouth, the sound making your knees weak, relying on her to keep you upright as she reduced you to a puddle of desperation with just her lips on yours. You could barely think straight, your mind being clouded, everything becoming hazy as she devoured you. As your thighs hit the back of the table she grabbed at them and lifted you to sit on the oak, pressing herself between your legs and gently grinding her hips into yours, you whined quietly and wrapped your legs tighter round her waist, pulling her impossibly closer to you while gripping onto her hair like she was anchoring you to this plane of existence. The friction of your cores rubbing together could’ve generated electricity, it felt like it was as the hair on the back of your neck stood and you shivered with need. Shockwaves of energy rippled through you as the temperature seemed to rise impossibly higher between you both until you each pulled away gasping for breath, a string of spit connecting your lips together like the tether wrapped around each of your hearts that had kept you closely bound to her since the day you met, even when you hadn’t spoken all those years, the tether still tugged you in her direction.  
Ellie bit her lip as she quickly unbuttoned your jeans and yanked them down your legs with your assistance licking her lips at the sight of the wet patch on your underwear. “Someone’s pent up huh? All this from a little kissing? Need to take better care of you don’t I babe?” 
“Mhm, quit stalling, I’m so wet it’s uncomfortable El, need you to clean me up.” She groaned at your words and immediately kneeled down on the floor wasting no time slipping your panties to the side and burying her face between your legs. You’d think she hadn’t eaten for days with the way she was sucking you dry, your clit throbbing in her lips as her fingers teased your entrance. She knew your body better than you did, not even having to search for the spongy spot inside of you that made your insides turn to liquid. It was so easy she was chuckling into you as your hips ground themselves into her. Her tongue was her paint brush and your pussy was her artwork as she swirled it around every inch of you, she’d swap from flattening her tongue and almost making out with your cunt to small kitten licks that had you keening and whimpering. Her fingers curled as they pumped in and out of you, each time she’d hit your g-spot you’d jolt and gasp, the feeling was so intense you wanted to squirm away but she had you tightly pulled against her with her free hand gripping onto your hip hard enough there’d be faint oval bruises in her hands absence. “Oh fuck, right there baby, I’m so close, shit-” With a long, harsh suckle on your clit, her tongue working circles around it at the same time, it seemed to be the only occasion where she could multi-task, your body tensed with your release, your hips bucking onto her fingers as you ride out your high. “Ah fuck- OW!” You suddenly exclaim cutting yourself off mid-moan. Ellie quickly jumped up to face you, her lips and chin shiny with your slick that looked comical against her panicked expression. 
“Babe what’s wrong? Did I hurt you? Fuck I’m sorry-” 
“No, no you didn’t do anything. You were fucking amazing but I- I think I got a splinter in my ass.” You admit shamefully. 
“No you fucking didn’t, oh my god turn around, let me see.” She couldn’t contain her laughter even as you frowned at her while hopping off the table and turning away from her. She pressed a hand to your back, bending you over the table and gently easing your underwear down your thighs as she inched close enough to your behind that you could feel her breath tickling your cheeks. 
“Ellie stop being a perv, is there a splinter?” 
“Ohh yeah, big one too, could see it from a mile away.” 
“Why is your nose practically touching my ass then?” 
“Because it’s really pretty.” You could practically hear the smirk in her voice before she made a sorrowful attempt at whistling that just sounded like air escaping through a slightly cracked window. You laughed and she smacked at your uninjured ass-cheek lightly. 
“Ellie! Get the fucking splinter out!” 
“Alright, alright. Ruining my fun you are.” 
“I’m gonna ruin you when this splinter is out of my ass.” 
“Is that a threat or a promise?” 
“Both you heathen now hurry up!” She chuckled before quickly but gently removing the splinter earning a satisfied hum from you as you returned upright and faced her, unamused at her childish glee while inspecting the splinter between her thumb and index finger. 
“So errr we should probably varnish this table or sand it or something before we move in here. Wouldn’t want Clem getting hurt.” Ellie declares. 
“Oh yeah this is sooo about Clem and not just you imagining railing me nine ways to sunday on here.” You raise your eyebrows at her, you knew Ellie was thinking about making sure Clem didn’t get any splinters, but you also knew that wasn’t the reason for her comment. You were the one that worried about things like that, she was the one that would throw Clem over her head high enough that you’d gasp and scold her for how close Clem’s head was to hitting the ceiling. You frowned as she seemed completely unphased by your remark only staring at the splinter still. 
“I’m keeping this, it’s a memento.” 
“Ellie so help me god-” 
“Relax babe, someone’s prickly.” She hunched over with laughter as you simply rolled your eyes and redressed yourself. 
“You’re so unfunny.” 
“Why are you always laughing then?” 
“I really don’t like you right now.” 
“Hey that’s not fair, I just made you cum in under like five minutes, that’s gotta be a record, be nice to me.” 
“I’ll be nice to you when you drop the fucking splinter.” Without hesitation she turned away from you and hurled the splinter towards the front door. 
“See, it’s gone, now kiss me woman.” She shut her eyes and puckered up her lips dramatically while making loud smooching sounds. 
“You’re lucky I love you.” 
“Doesn’t sound like kissing!” She sang before puckering her lips again to which you relented and pressed your lips against hers, smiling into the kiss as her arms wrapped around your waist. “Goddamn I love you.” You giggled as you stepped away from her and spun round the room, taking in everything you had missed in your frenzied state. So much had happened in such a short space of time but the house, the house looked like it was frozen, everything exactly as you remembered it from before. It just felt right, it felt like home. 
“So er now we’ve christened the place, how about we take a look around?” You suggested, the heat in your cheeks barely subsiding. 
“Oh yeah, I wanna christen each room before we go.” 
“You’re an animal.” She laughed as she followed you all throughout the house until you were in the kitchen, both gazing out of the window above the sink at the field that surrounded the property. The long grass was swaying in the wind, two doves landed on the fence in front of the window and their chirps were a melody you could listen to forever. The sun was beaming making everything look even more vibrant than it already did, the mountains creating the most beautiful backdrop. “Imagine teaching Clemmy all about the animals and how to grow fruit and vegetables in the sun, nothing but quiet all around.” As you spoke you could picture everything in your head like it was already reality. 
“And sitting outside at night, looking at all the stars, looking for constellations.” She spoke into your neck where her face was nestled, her arms wrapped around your front, swaying you both gently. 
“We can read together on the porch, bundle up in winter and have hot chocolate out there while we watch the snow fall.” You add. 
“Teach Clem how to ride the horses, the fields big enough.” 
“Yes! She’ll love running around with all the animals, I bet she’ll love the chickens.” You both chuckle at the notion. 
“She’s gonna make one her pet and then we’ll have a house chicken.” Ellie huffed as if she was already being faced with Clem’s puppy eyes as she clutches the clueless chicken to her chest begging for it to be her pet. 
“Bet she’ll call it Eggbert whether it’s a boy or a girl.” 
“That sounds like something I would do.” 
“That’s exactly my point.” You turn to face her over your shoulder and smile as she purses her lips and nods slowly, her eyes narrowing at your smug face before breaking out into the widest grin. 
“Babe I fucking love it here, I can picture our lives here and everything. You still want this?” She spins you to face her, the smile adorning her features would have been enough to convince you to jump off a cliff if that was what she wanted. 
“More than anything.” 
“Then, as long as Clemmy’s okay with it, we’re moving.” You squeal and press your lips against hers as she squeezes you against her, lifting you from the ground slightly and spinning you around until she staggered to a stop. “Oh fuck I’m dizzy.” She rests her hands on her knees and takes a few deep breaths that have her back visibly rising and falling causing you to chuckle at her playfulness. 
“Okay, we need to look at the fence, the water, the gas and the electric, I’ve got used to some comforts in Jackson that I’m not prepared to give up just yet.” 
“Let’s look at the fence because I don’t know who you think I am babe but I will have no clue about any of the other things.” Ellie stands upright once again, her hands finding their place on her hips as she tilts her head slightly at you. 
“Oh right me neither, that can be a job for Joel and Tommy.” 
“They’ve got their uses.” She grabs your hand and drags you back outside where you both just stand for a minute admiring the view. 
“Look this can be Clemmy’s room! Maybe you could paint something on her wall for her El!” 
“Fuck yeah but come on you, it’s been a long day and we need our beauty sleep.” You groaned as Ellie ushered you towards the master bedroom, you just wanted to stay and keep fantasising, but Ellie was right, you were tired and you wanted to wake up bright and early to get back to Clementine tomorrow. 
You each slipped off your clothes, you climbed in bed as Ellie cracked the window slightly to let the cool, summer night air breeze into the room. The only sound that could be heard was the faint chirping of crickets and your breaths as you both settle into the bed, cuddling into one another. You looped your arms around Ellie’s waist and pressed your face into her chest as she softly scratched patterns into your back. Your legs entangled with each other's as your heartbeats synced, it was serene and you felt the calmest you had felt in as long as you could remember. It felt almost perfect, but you knew once Clem was here with you both it would be perfect. You breathed in, letting Ellie’s scent linger and blur your senses more as sleep dragged you further into its embrace, she had always smelt of fresh washing that had dried in the summer breeze, it was comforting, everything about her was comforting. Her soft skin moulding against yours, the steady rise and fall of her chest, the way she clutched onto you subconsciously, she was home to you, she was always home to you, even when you weren’t speaking for those years, she still offered the comfort you so desperately craved. 
“Are you okay?” You didn’t have to look up to know who it was, her voice was etched into your brain, all you wanted to do was leap into her arms and clutch onto her, never letting go but you couldn’t. You had already pushed her away until your time together was blurring memories swirling around your head. You had pushed her away to keep your relationship with your parents but it still wasn’t enough, it was never enough for them. You swore they wanted nothing to do with you, banishing you out of the house because you had got into a fight and refused to divulge why. Ellie was why, and that would’ve only angered them more. 
You had been sitting in the park, reading a book when Petra and Suze had enclosed on you, sitting down by your side with smiles. “Hey bookworm, what ya reading?” Petra questions. 
“Persuasion by Jane Austen, it’s so good, romance books will always have a special place in my heart.” 
“Another romance book huh? We gotta get you out in the real world, Jason’s got his eye on you, you know, we could set you two up.” Suze quirked her eyebrow as you grimaced. 
“As much as that offer is so tempting, I’d rather stab myself in the eye repeatedly than go out with Jason.” 
“What? What’s wrong with him?” He’s a guy and he’s not Ellie, you missed her every minute of everyday, Petra and Suze were a nice distraction but they were nothing like Ellie, you just wanted Ellie. 
“I don’t know, I’m just not interested in him like that, he’s so full of himself, there wouldn’t be enough room in the relationship with me and his huge ego.” They both giggled at your harsh tone. 
“Well that’s fair.” Silence settled around you as you watched the scenery, people-watching had always been one of your favourite pass-times but you found yourself doing it more now you were constantly searching for the auburn hair you used to run your fingers through, you had convinced yourself you’d seen her this time, that wasn’t a part of your imagination like it often was but Petra’s words confirmed you had actually been seeing her this time. 
“Ugh there goes the town dyke. God she’s so fucking weird.” 
“I know right, why would they even let her in? Throw her to the wolves I say.” Suze snickered and everything went red, your ears rang and your vision blurred, you only remember being yanked off of Suze as Petra lay just a foot away wheezing and coughing, cursing you under her breath. 
Your parents had screamed, thrown things at you, yanked you by their iron grip around your wrists to barricade you in your room when you refused to explain why you had so viciously attacked the girls that were supposed to be your friends. You sobbed and sobbed until you heard your dad shifting whatever he had used to keep your bedroom door shut tightly. He didn’t speak, didn’t look you in the eye, just dragged you out of your room and straight outside where he shut the door after uttering. “Find somewhere else to sleep tonight.” That was it. You were on your own and the rain that started to pour from the heavens mirrored your mood as you wandered aimlessly until your legs grew weak and you collapsed by a tree, desperately hoping it would shelter you from the torrential downpour. 
“Hey I said are you okay?” Ellie nudged your shoe with hers as you sniffled and spared a glance up at her only to bury your head back into your knees that you were holding to your chest with a small shake of your head. “Why are you outside in this weather? You’re gonna get sick. Go home.” Her tone wasn’t nasty but it wasn’t soft and sweet like it used to be with you, it was a slap on the cheek that you thoroughly deserved. 
“I can’t” You weakly whispered, barely loud enough for her to hear, she kneeled down and stroked a hand down your hair, beckoning you to meet her worried gaze. 
“They kick you out again?” 
“What was the reason this time?” 
“I fucked up Petra and Suze and I wouldn’t tell them why, they love Petra and Suze more than me so they’re really pissed.” 
“Why’d you fight them?” 
“Doesn’t matter.” You wouldn’t meet her eyes, you just stared off into the distance, occasionally hiccupping as a result of your sobbing. 
“Get up.” 
“Just leave me alone please Ellie.” She was too painful of a reminder of how alone you were, you’d rather be actually alone than in her presence. 
“Just get up, c’mon. You’re not sleeping out here tonight. If you get struck by lightning I’ll feel kinda responsible.” Her tone was lighter than it had been and you chuckled slightly as you took her hand and let her pull you from the ground, immediately turning on her heel and letting you trail along behind her back to her home. You considered just disappearing from your place behind her, you doubted that she would notice before you were long gone as she seemed to avoid looking at you like she’d turn to stone if she did. 
Her garage was exactly as you’d remembered it with a couple new additions to the trinkets that littered every surface and wall. You had always loved it here, it was so much more inviting than your home. You used to let yourself in and immediately flop down on her sofa like you owned the place but now you just stood by the door, shivering and fidgeting unsure of what to do from here. Ellie was busy at her makeshift kitchen, milling through cupboards and drawers. 
“Have you eaten?” She turned to face you for the first time since she had found you and frowned at your uncomfortable demeanour. “Just sit down or something, you’re making me feel weird just looking at you.” She snapped, immediately regretting it as you flinched and dragged yourself to the sofa like she’d throw you out if you hadn’t. “Sorry, have you eaten?” 
“I’m fine.” 
“That’s not what I asked though is it? Have you eaten? Yes or no?” 
“Fucking liar.” She bit her lip as your eyes flashed to hers, guilt painted all over your features. She couldn’t see you like this, it was too hard to not just wrap you in her arms and tell you everything would be okay, that she’s here for you, you wouldn’t let her do that and she couldn’t let herself so she just turned back towards the kitchenette and began making some dinner for you both. “You know where my clothes are, don’t sit in those wet clothes, if you wanna take a shower to warm up you can.” 
“For fuck’s sake can you stop being so fucking stubborn and just take care of yourself? Go warm up and put on some dry clothes.” She sniped leading you to rush away from her and into the bathroom without another word. “Shit.” She muttered as the bathroom door slammed shut, she was kicking you while you were down and she felt horrible but she couldn’t control herself around you, if she could she would’ve pretended she hadn’t seen you earlier and kept walking. She heard the shower turn on and faintly through the pattering of the water she heard sniffles and choked sobs that led her to press her ear to the door trying to listen in closer. It was clear as day, the sound of your sobs that you thought the shower muffled, her heart clenched and her skin itched as it felt like it was constricting around her, choking the air out of her. She stayed at the door, just listening, she knew she should’ve given you privacy but she felt glued to the wood separating you both, she only moved when the sound of the soup bubbling beckoned her over to turn the heat on the cooker down. She went to go back to the door but the sound of the shower turning off sent her leaping in the complete opposite direction, sitting at her desk and forcing herself to keep her eyes planted on the comic that had been resting atop as you walked out in a towel, her towel and shuffled over to the drawers where she kept her pyjamas.  
She dished up the soup and handed you a bowl wordlessly before going back to the desk to eat hers, the tension was palpable between the both of you, the only sound filling the room being small metallic clinks of your spoons hitting the bowls over and over again as you scraped the remnants of the soup from the bowl. “Sorry it’s not much.” 
“Thank you Ellie.” You walked over to her and took her bowl going to the sink to wash them up for her, it was the least you could do. 
“You can take the bed, I’ll sleep on the couch.” 
“No I’m not taking your bed too.” 
“Just-” She went to snap but sucked in a breath and calmed herself down. “Just take the bed, please.” You breathed deeply before nodding your head and skulking over to the bed where you had once stayed almost every other night, climbing in cautiously, subconsciously crawling over to ‘your’ side of the bed. 
“Thanks, night Ellie.” 
“Night.” It didn’t take long for sleep to overtake you, you were exhausted and your head was pounding, sleep providing the much-needed reprieve from the emotions of the day. 
The first thing your eyes focused on as you woke was Ellie’s sleeping form on the sofa, curled up under a blanket, her face was peaceful, washed of the scowl that typically took over her features around you now. Suddenly everything hit you like a brick and it felt like the air was getting sucked out of you as you rushed to change back into your clothes and get out of there as quickly and as quietly as possible. You were out of the door in under five minutes and the guilt only weighed you down with every step you took away from Ellie. She had been kind and helped you in a time of need and you ran off without a word. You didn’t know what you would say, how you could face her, it was too painful, going back to your home and facing the wrath of your parents would be kinder to your heart than staying with Ellie any longer. 
Ellie woke, eyes immediately scanning the room for you but as soon as she noticed you were gone without a warning, without a goodbye, she felt like she was losing you all over again and her eyes welled with tears as she pressed her face into her palms and cried softly. 
“Hi baby! Oh we missed you, did you have fun with Uncle Jesse and Auntie Dina?” You squeezed Clem to your chest until you heard a little squeak leave her lips prompting you to release her and tuck a loose strand of her soft waves behind her ear. 
“Yes! Uncle Jesse showed me how to play catch and Auntie Dina helped me make cookies, I have some to bring home!” Clem beamed before Ellie scooped her up and spun her around, eliciting giggles from the small girl. 
“Aren’t you a lucky girl? Say thank you kiddo.” Ellie pressed a sweet kiss to Clem’s cheek as she propped her on her hip and bounced her slightly. 
“Thank you! You guys are the best.” Clem’s happiness rubbed off on all of you as you all chuckled. You both thanked them profusely before leaving to go to Joel’s, you wanted to thank him in person also and you needed to discuss the move with him. 
As you walked, Clem in the middle of you both, gripping onto your hands, she rambled and rambled about her time away from you both until she hummed quietly, signalling she was done. “Can you swing me? Can we swing? Can we, can we? Pleaseee.” You and Ellie both smiled at her before swinging her into the air from her arms. She’d do a jump into it each time and giggled sweetly as she soared through the air between you both. By the time you reached Joel’s, yours and Ellie’s arms ached and Clem seemed tired and subdued, her tiredness only being confirmed as you entered Joel’s and she immediately took herself to the sofa to lay down instead of running straight outside to her playset. 
“Hi Joel, thanks so much for watching her yesterday. Didn’t give you too much trouble did she?” 
“Oh not at all, she was an angel as always, how was your trip?” You and Ellie glanced at each other before beaming at him. 
“It was perfect, you gotta see this house Joel, it’s a farmhouse with a fence around the property that’s completely intact, it’s got a barn, and the house has a wraparound porch, the view is amazing, it’s perfect.” Ellie rushed out as she sat at his dining table where he had already situated himself. 
“So you wanna move there?” You both nodded hesitantly, anticipating his reaction. “Well me and Tommy will have to get up there, have a look and see if it’s functional, but if ya wanna do this and it’ll make ya happy, I support ya. I heard what happened to Clem the other day.” He didn’t have to finish his sentence, you all understood what he was saying. It seemed you had outgrown Jackson and he wanted you to be happy, he wanted Clem to be happy and carefree. “We’ll all pitch in and get ya up there.” 
“Thank you Joel, we can’t tell you how much we appreciate this.” Your voice croaked slightly as you tried to hold in the tears of joy that welled in your eyes. 
“Well I can see this makes ya happy and that’s all I want.” 
“You’re really something old man.” Ellie chuckled, a smile so wide you expected her cheeks to ache as she looked between you and him, grabbing your hand and squeezing.  
“You told Clemmy yet?” 
“No actually, we wanted to speak to you first before we told her but we’ll talk to her about it today.” Ellie replied. 
“I’m sure she’ll jump at the idea.” 
“That’s what I said.” You looked to the girl dozing on the sofa as you spoke and everything felt like it was falling into place, your life being mapped out in front of you, the sight making your body buzz with excitement. 
tags: @emiliabby@readbydayana@radioheadfan699@lil-elliesgf@isitadinosaur@amberputh@maelovescashew@a-little-bit-of-everybody@moonspowder@bready101
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cod-dump · 11 months
Gaz creates a group chat called “simp squad” with soap Alejandro and Alex and then immediately dips
SoapGhost, AleRudy, FarAlex
They were all confused at first, then they noticed the group chat’s name and sighed. Gaz hadn’t stuck around long enough for any of them to say something to him or ask any questions. So, while the dust was still settling, soap chose to break the ice.
Soap: Soooo wanna see the gift Ghost dropped in my lap yesterday?
A month would pass without Gaz hearing anything from the three about the group chat. Everything was normal between him and them when he interacted with them, so he was curious if they actually started talking about their partners with each other. They definitely seemed to be closer knit recently.
Gaz was given the golden opportunity to sneak a peek into the group chat after finding Soap’s phone unattended in the locker room. Gaz knew his code and just couldn’t pass up the chance, so he grabbed the phone and ran. Gaz went straight to his office and made himself comfortable in his chair before he started snooping.
He found the group chat under a different name, “SSS”. When he opened it the messages were mostly Alex talking about a date he was planning for him and Farah. Gaz cackled, they were talking about their partners! He felt smug, satisfied by this. But while he should’ve backed out of the messages, he was curious about what all they had been talking about.
Gaz scrolls to the top of the messages. It started out with pictures of a stuffed animal Ghost had apparently gotten for Soap and it progressed to more causal messaged between the three. Alejandro was constantly sending pictures of Rudy just existing. Then it came up to the group chat name change.
Alejandro: What does SSS stand for?
Soap: Secret Simp Society
Alex: 🤣
Once Gaz got over the meaning behind the group chat name change that could only have been done by Soap, he continued reading. He was deep by this point, obsessed with what his friends had been up to since the group chat’s creation. So he continued reading. He watched the messages involve from them flaunting their partners, talking about every aspect they loved about them—
Then Alex brought up his, in his words, insane experience he had with Farah. Gaz never turned off and dropped a phone so fast before, eyes widened in horror. He lets Soap’s phone lay on his desk as he sat there, processing what he just read. Things had taken an unexpected turn and he now realized that Soap, Alejandro, and Alex were far more comfortable with each other than what Gaz realized.
Gaz would sit there for a unknown period of time, only snapping out of his daze when Soap would walk in.
“Lost my fucking phone- Whoa, you okay- Is that my fucking phone?”
Gaz just picks up the phone and holds it out for Soap, unable to look him in the eye. Soap snatches the phone from him, Gaz could feel the heat from his glare.
“What the fuck, Kyle!? Were you going through my shit!?”
“Trust me, Johnny, when I say that it will never be happening again.”
Soap blinked before opening his phone, quickly finding the messaging app still open. Soap started cackling, seeing what Gaz was reading.
“Oh my god-“
“I did NOT need to know what goes on in Alex and Farah’s bed.”
”That’s what you get for stealing my phone, ya cunt! Do that shit again and I’ll show you the video I took of me and Ghost last night!”
Gaz cringes and Soap laughs harder before leaving. Gaz remained sitting there, unable to think about anything else other than what Alex had said happened, and unable to chase away the thoughts of what potentially happened in the video Soap just mentioned. Gaz shudders, he definitely learned his lesson���
For now.
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ovaruling · 1 year
i had a dental cleaning today. my dental hygienist is super friendly, my age, has a husband and a baby, very bright. we get along really well and chat a lot. we got to the topic of hanging out with friends and i told her i had joined a feminist discord and met up whenever i could with a great group of women and how good it’s been for me. she then lowers her voice and says, “ok, i don’t usually get into morality and beliefs and stuff with people, cuz i usually don’t like to, but since you said you’re in a feminist group—” and my ears of course perked up. bc, i mean. anything could be coming after that prefix.
and she continues, “have you noticed, that, like, many major women’s positions and awards are going to, like… trans women?” and what ensued was an incredibly insightful conversation with her about how concerned she is for how women are being treated. i reassured her that she’s not imagining things, that there is a very definite disparity here that is seeking to silence women and instill fear in us for questioning the very real imbalance. she exhaled and went, “oh thank god! i didn’t know if i was being, like, offensive or something.”
and we talked at length about it, and even though she claimed she was not well-read on the subject material, her observations were right on the ball.
anyway. my point here is that i got the impression that this woman has been dying to talk about this with someone. she had so much to say, and it just all came spilling out in a huge tide. it took us an HOUR to get through what should’ve been a 20-minute dental cleaning.
she is a very “normie” woman who expressed a lot of fear around asking questions. and it just amazed me that she waited until she heard the sleeper agent activation word from me, “feminist,” to know she was safe to talk about it.
and i don’t really know what i mean to say here but it just gave me both sadness and hope all at once. sadness that she thought she wasn’t entitled to her observations, but hope that women all over are waking up to this and WANT very much to talk about it with each other.
this woman is someone i see all of twice a year by appointment only. but she WANTED to bring this up. she WANTED to be heard. it was just a really amazing moment to watch her speak up and find her footing strengthening as she went on.
it gives me encouragement to start emphasizing key words a bit more overtly, like “feminist,” or “women’s issues,” in everyday convo with other women. making sure that door is open for communication is so much more effective than i ever could’ve imagined, bc this is not the first time this has happened. women everywhere want to speak. i hope i get to greet and hear as many of them as possible.
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hqbaby · 2 months
two — you’re so pretty
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tag, ur it! — sakusa ? iwaizumi ? osamu ? 
*ੈ✩‧ love is a losing game your roommate, your ex, or the guy you totally haven’t been seeing—the choice should be simple, right? right?
previous — masterlist — next
word count. 1.2k content. mentions of sex, alcohol consumption, profanity
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It’s these moments that Sakusa loves best.
It’s late at night and the two of you are in his room. He’s on his bed, reading some book or other (he’ll totally forget the plot and have to reread it later), and you’re by his window, standing in front of his easel. From the bed, he can watch you paint, your body covered by an old shirt of his, drowned in the moonlight.
“You know, you could make the colors—”
“Are you really micromanaging my art right now?” you ask, but he can hear the smile through your voice.
You turn back to see him grinning at you and you drop your brush, launching yourself onto the bed beside him. He laughs as you start trailing kisses across his neck and down his chest.
Sakusa’s never been this happy before, it’s getting to be a little silly at this point.
“You’re so pathetic,” you tell him, burying your face in his chest to hide your smile.
“Oh, yeah, definitely,” he says. “Like so pathetic. You wouldn’t believe it.”
He places a finger on your chin and tilts your head up. He swears you’re the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen.
You scrunch your nose up, growing a little self-conscious under the intensity of his gaze. “You know, people are gonna start catching onto us.”
He kisses your forehead. “And would that be so bad?”
Your face drops a little at that. You probably think he doesn’t notice, but he does. The way your eyes lose focus, the way your smile falters.
You’ve never told him why you’re so keen on keeping this all hush-hush. It never used to bother him, especially when things between the two of you were just starting. But he can’t help the nagging feeling that he won’t like whatever it is when he finds out.
So he doesn’t ask.
“I should head home,” you say quietly. You’re still smiling at him, as if convincing him that everything is fine.
“Oh, right,” he says, holding back his disappointment. “Sure.”
You kiss him one last time and get up.
And just like that, the moment ends.
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You really should’ve read the group chat. It was blowing up a few hours ago, but you were too busy getting railed to even notice. If you had just checked your damn phone.
“Drink up, drink up,” Oikawa insists, handing you a shot glass of vodka. “I’m peer pressuring you. You have no choice.”
You roll your eyes as you down the drink. “How much have you had?” you ask, looking over at the other boys gathered in your living room. There are at least three other bottles of alcohol on the coffee table, all of them empty.
“Not a lot,” Hanamaki slurs. His head drops onto the table and Matsukawa forces it back up. “Quite a bit.”
You chuckle, dropping your bag on the couch and sitting down between Oikawa and Iwaizumi. You look over at your roommate. “Why are we doing this?”
Iwaizumi—also wasted, but trying to hide it—nods at Matsukawa. “Girlfriend dumped him.”
You grimace and reach over to pat your fallen comrade on the back. “Sorry, bro,” you say, taking the bottle of vodka and filling everyone’s glasses up. “Why’d she do it?”
Matsukawa lets out an exasperated sigh. “I didn’t answer her calls,” he tells you. “In my defense, I was just taking a shower. She’s the one who called like fifty times.”
“What did I say?” You tut. “Always—”
“—answer your girl’s calls,” he finishes for you. “I know. She just gets fucking insane sometimes, you know?”
You take another shot and nod. You know what he means. You only met his girlfriend a few times, but you could tell she wasn’t going to stick around for too long. She was a regular college kid, insecure and needy, just like the rest of you. 
You figure that’s why a lot of relationships at this age don’t last. Speaking from experience.
“So where were you?” Oikawa asks, his head falling on your shoulder. He’s all red and woozy, almost like he’s the one that has to drink his heartbreak away.
You frown. “Nowhere,” you tell him. “Library.”
“Not bullshit.”
“No, no,” Hanamaki chimes in. “Bullshit, baby, bullshit.”
You groan as all three boys now turn to you for a proper answer. “I was just visiting a friend.”
Oikawa wiggles his eyebrows and presses himself further against you. “A ‘friend,’ huh?”
“For fuck’s sake.” You reach over and drink his shot for him. “It’s nothing!”
Matsukawa leans over the table and moves his face right in front of yours. You can smell the alcohol on his breath, and you put your palm on his face to push it away.
“Holy shit!” he exclaims when he drops back down in his place. “Were you visiting him?”
Hanamaki gags. “I thought you were over this!”
Oikawa turns to you with a disappointed look on his face. “You were with him?”
You shake your head urgently. “Fuck no!” you exclaim. “I’m done with that.”
“Sure,” he says, unconvinced. “So you’ve just been sneaking around with some random friend.”
“Do you guys want chips?” you ask loudly, trying to distract them. You get up. “I’m getting chips.”
“I’ll help,” Iwaizumi says, dragging himself up and following you to the kitchen.
There’s a strange tension between you and your roommate as you both look through the cabinets to find something. You don't know what it is.
You’re grabbing a bag of chips when you hear a thud behind you. You turn to find Iwaizumi on the floor, a stunned look on his face.
“What the fuck happened to you?” you say, laughing as you go to check and see if he’s hurt himself.
He shakes his head and starts laughing. “I dunno,” he tells you. “Room is spinning.”
“You’re so drunk,” you say, joining in on his laughter.
It’s not every day that you get to see Iwaizumi like this, plastered out of his mind. He’s usually the one who keeps all of you in check, managing his liquor so he can make sure you don’t do something illegal or get yourselves killed. It’s refreshing to see him let loose every once in a while.
“Don’t tell me your girlfriend dumped you too,” you tell him, grabbing him a glass of water. You sit down beside him as he takes steady gulps.
“Don’t have a girlfriend, you know that,” he grumbles, placing the glass on the floor beside him. His eyes land on yours and he tilts his head to the side. “So you’re really not seeing him again?”
You furrow your brows. “No,” you say, then, “Would it bother you if I was?”
He hums, still staring at you. He reaches over and brushes a strand of hair from your face. His hands linger on the side of your face. It’s a drunken action, you’re sure, but you’d be lying if you said it didn’t have an effect on you.
And nothing prepares you for what he says next.
“I don’t want you to be with someone else.”
Your eyes widen. It’s the alcohol talking, you remind yourself. But, then again, a drunk tongue speaks a sober mind.
“Why?” you find yourself asking. Your voice is quiet. When he doesn’t answer you, you find it in yourself to press him. “Why don’t you want me with someone else?”
You become acutely aware of his hand still touching your face.
“Because,” he says, eyelids drooping a little, “you’re so pretty.”
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notes. 🫣
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ichasewaterfalls · 6 months
By reading this, you verify that you are 18+ years old, and understand the content you’re about to read is considered NSFW and omorashi-linked, and therefore unsuitable to minors.
I tried to keep the heightening urge to pee in the back of my mind as we sped down the highway towards the mountains. We’d only been driving for an hour or so, and I didn’t want to inconvenience Jake just yet. I was sure that I had a good few more miles left in me before it escalated to emergency status. I’d turned down the initial toilet break before we left, confident in my holding ability and wanting to keep to our strict schedule in order to get to Jake’s parents house before Christmas Eve.
Dismissing the thought from my mind, I instead scrolled the plan I’d written for our trip. Itineraries for each day, special activities for us all, and even a family photoshoot for the entire group. I’d taken joy in planning every family reunion since Jake and I got married 4 years ago. Admittedly, I’d also taken control the 2 years we were engaged, and the 3 years of dating. So with 9 years of planning under my belt, I was confident I knew how to create the perfect festive bash.
That wasn’t the only thing under my belt. My bladder reminded me of its existence as Jake merged rapidly into the left-most lane, and I shivered randomly as a wave of urgency fell down my spine.
‘What the hell? You’re supposed to be in the right lan-‘
Before I told him off for his directional mishap, I looked up quickly to see the lane was blocked off, a massive spill of hay all over the road. Should’ve thought of this as a possibility, since we were just passing the thresholds between country farms and mountainous ranges. My bladder seemed to be passing a threshold too, between uncomfortable and urgent.
‘We’ll have to go the back way. It’ll be about 45 extra minutes added to the journey.’
I sighed with frustration, 45 minutes? Not only did it throw us off schedule, it meant longer for me to hold my increasingly aching bladder.
‘I’ll text your mom.’ I scoffed, quickly shooting the group chat a text to let them know we’d be a bit late. As I put my phone down again, I crossed my legs and placed my hands on my lap, preparing myself to have to place a hand or two between my legs to hold myself.
I must have been shaking without notice, but Jake obviously did. He always did.
‘You alright there? Need a bathroom break?’
‘N-no, I’m fine. I- Yes I need a bathroom break.’
‘I’m not sure where the closest facility is on this road. I don’t normally drive the backroads to mom’s. I’m sure we’ll figure it out babe.’
The drive continued, and so did my need for a bathroom. I now had one hand between my legs, and another hand scanning Google Maps, trying to find any relief stops near us. But of course, rural mountain roads aren’t the most reliable source of internet connection. I thought about asking Jake to stop so I could get out and go, but since everyone was diverted, like us, we had cars in front and behind us. And with narrow, slippery roads, there wasn’t enough space to stop and pull over, or safely get off the road. A sinking feeling set in. My sense of chivalry was no longer important to me, he was my husband after all.
‘Jake it’s getting worse, I need to find relief ASAP.’
‘I don’t know how to help babe, I’m trying.’
He was obviously noticing the severity of the situation, as he placed his foot on the gas, going up to the safest speed limit for these roads. I watched him stare at me anxiously as I shoved both hands inside my pants, trying to hold back the pee from escaping.
As the car climbed higher into the range, my need for a bathroom reached a breaking point, and the urgency in my voice became palpable. "Jake," I gasped, my face contorted with discomfort, "I really can't hold it much longer."
"I know, Clara," Jake signed, his eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of civilization or a restroom. "Just a little longer, okay? Let's try some deep breathing together."
He reached over, placing one hand on my shoulder to guide me through deep, calming breaths. "Inhale deeply...hold it for a moment...now exhale slowly," he coached, trying to keep his voice steady despite the rising panic.
I squeezed my eyes shut, gripping the seatbelt tightly. "It's not working, Jake," I whimpered, my voice trembling with desperation.
But as the minutes ticked by, my resolve wavered. I clutched the dashboard, my face flushed with embarrassment and defeat. "Jake," I whispered, tears forming in her eyes, "I can't...I'm so sorry."
Before Jake could respond, the inevitable happened. My efforts to hold it in proved futile, as the pee rushed out of me, soaking my jeans and the car seat beneath me.
For a moment, silence filled the car, save for my muffled sobs and Jake's stunned expression. The weight of the situation hung heavy between us.
"I'm so sorry, Jake," I managed to choke out, tears streaming down her face.
Jake took a deep breath, reaching over to comfort me. "It's okay sweetheart," he said softly, his voice filled with empathy and understanding. "Accidents happen. We'll figure this out together."
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jadelion · 4 months
I need to know that you're ok
This is my first fanfic, I hope you like it.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53663482
1849 words
Adaine x Fabian
Mostly fluff and a bit of hurt/comfort
Summary: Fabian doesn't want to go home, Adaine wants to help him
(Junior Year spoilers)
"You guys wanna go to Basrar's?" Fabian asked, as nonchalantly as possible.
It was the end of their first week back at school and Seacaster Manor had only felt lonelier day by day. He didn't want to make it obvious, but going back to that empty home was something Fabian desperately wanted to avoid.
Fig was the first to respond, “Sure, I got nothing else to do!”
Each of the others responded in turn, until it came to Adaine. She paused for a moment, knowing that they all did in fact have quite a lot of work to do. However, as she looked at Fabian she saw something in his eyes that convinced her to agree.
As they all climbed into the Hangvan, Adaine sat next to Fabian. She bumped his shoulder to get his attention.
“You good?” she asked with a kind smile.
“Yeah… yeah! I'm good.” he responded, in a not very convincing tone.
She nodded her head, “Alright.”
She had decided to let it rest for now, but Adaine was determined to figure out what was troubling her friend and to help him though it.
They all sat around a table at Basrar's, sipping milkshakes and eating ice-cream.
“Do you guys think Squeem will make it back here?” Kristen asked.
Fig responded, “I believe in him.”
Gorgug nodded along.
Riz pushed some papers towards Kristen and she picked them up to read with a sigh.
“Oh, is that for the campaign? How's it going?” Adaine inquired.
“Yeah, it's going great. I really think we have a shot at this.” Riz answered.
“We're going to destroy that Kippercopper Whatever-the-fuck.” Kristen said excitedly.
“Hell yes!” Fabian yelled.
The bad kids went on discussing life and school, but every now and then Adaine shifted her focus to Fabian. She just couldn't get the thought of that look in his eyes out of her head. It was lessened now, but it still worried her. She needed to know that he was alright.
Later, they were all sat around the TV in Mordred Manor. They'd picked out some fun, shitty horror movie to watch. The sun was setting by the time the credits rolled and Gorgug got out of his seat.
“I better be getting home.” He announced to the group, “Fabian, Riz, you two want a ride?"
“Yeah, sure.” Riz responded.
“Ehh, I don't need to go home right away.” Fabian said, leaning back in his seat on the sofa. “I think I'll stick around here a bit longer.”
Gorgug and Riz said goodbye and the others went back to chatting. After a while, Fig jumped out of her seat, announcing that she had just come up with an idea for a song. Without another word she ran off to her room.
About half an hour later, Kristen left as well to do her pre-bed workouts, leaving only Adaine and Fabian in the living room.
“I can leave if you want to go to bed soon.” Fabian said.
“No, no, I actually wanted to talk to you about something.” Adaine responded, turning to face him on the sofa. “What's up with you?”
“You've been acting weird all week. You brushed me off when I asked about it earlier, but I know something’s wrong.”
“Adaine, I…”
“If you really don't want to talk about it that's fine, but I really just want to help you.”
Fabian sighed. “No, it's fine. It might actually be good to talk about it. So, you know how my Mama and Gilear went on holiday?"
“Well, I have no idea how to live on my own. I don't know how to cook, I don’t know how to clean my clothes… I don't know how to do anything.”
“Oh, you should’ve told us sooner, we can help you learn how to do all that stuff!”
Fabian lit up a little at this, but there was still something bothering him. “That's wonderful, thank you Adaine.” He said with some hesitation.
Adaine moved a little closer to him on the sofa. “There's still something wrong, what is it?”
“Well…” He sighed, “God this is pathetic.”
She put her hand on his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. “No Fabian, it's not pathetic to ask for help. Please, tell me about it.”
He looked away from her, fidgeting with his hands. The feeling of her hand on his shoulder made him calmer, yet somehow more nervous at the same time.
“I don't think I want to live alone. Each night in that empty house makes me more and more miserable.”
“I see, well I’m sure Jawbone and Sandra Lynn would be more than happy for you to stay here. Tracker’s old room is free now, or I have a spare bed in my room if you’d prefer that.”
Relief flooded Fabian’s body as he felt as though a weight was lifted. Though, his heart still raced for some reason that he couldn't quite understand.
“Oh, Adaine, you’re far too kind.” He said, but then he took a moment to think. “I thought Aelwyn was staying in that bed.”
Fabian’s question caught Adaine off guard, now it was her who couldn't look at him. She removed her hand from his shoulder as she stared at her reflection in the blank TV.
“Uh, not anymore. She moved out before we got back.” She paused for a moment. “I wish I could have spent more time with her before that.”
Fabian wished he could help her the way she had helped him, but there was no easy solution to this problem. So, he tentatively put his arm around her shoulders and pulled her into a hug, in hopes to at least comfort her.
His touch was warm and soft, breaking through the brave face she had being trying to put on. She leaned into the hug, struggling to keep her composure.
“We save the world and I reconnect with my sister, only to have to go out and save the world again and not get to spend any time with her. And to top it all off, I'm going to need to get about 10 jobs just to pay for school supplies.” She started crying as she buried her face into his chest. “I feel like we never get a goddamn break.”
“Adaine.” He said softly as he hugged her tighter. “I'll pay for your school stuff if you want.”
She sobbed softly. “I don't want to burden you.”
“It's not a burden. I have plenty of money, why not use it for something good?”
She was silent for a few moments, thinking it through, before she responded quietly, “Thank you, Fabian.”
They sat there silently in each others’ embrace for about 10 minutes, until they both suddenly became rather aware of their current position. Adaine could feel Fabian's heart racing and her mind wandered back to a memory that it often did, a memory that she was always trying to forget.
It was about two years ago when they had fought at the Durinson Mithral Factory. Fabian was talking to the Hangman and he made a comment about her that she wasn't really supposed to hear, but she did.
"She is rather cute”
It shouldn't have stuck in her mind the way it did, they were just friends. When he started pursuing her sister she tried to completely shove any other possibilities out of her mind. Though, that was extremely difficult to do when so much of what he did still made her heart pound.
At the same time, Fabian was trying to push away similar thoughts. That's what he had always been trying to do, attempting to find distractions that could keep his mind off her. First with Aelwyn and now more recently with Ecaf. He could let himself get caught up in those toxic relationships to keep himself from the possibility of getting his feelings truly hurt by someone who actually mattered to him.
However, he couldn't stop the fact that every time he saw her cast a powerful spell he would get a little flustered. He couldn't deny the fact that so often when he was showing off it was in an attempt to impress her. He wished these things weren't true and that he could just see her the same way he saw the rest of his friends, but they were and he couldn't.
Neither of the two knew the other’s feelings and they were both so sure that their feelings could never be reciprocated.
Adaine pushed herself away from Fabian as she felt her face flushing. His heart sank as he felt the space grow between them, but a part of him was thankful for it. However, as she turned away from him, he noticed something that made him a little worried.
“Adaine, are you feeling alright? Your whole face is red. Should I go get someone to help?”
“N- no no, I'm fine, it's nothing.” She stammered.
She stood up and moved a few paces away from him. He followed behind her, but stayed a little back, not wanting to overwhelm her.
“Adaine, seriously, what's wrong?” He asked softly.
So many thoughts were rushing through her head as she desperately tried to figure out some way to brush this all off. Without thinking, she suddenly blurted out the loudest thing on her mind.
“Do you still think I'm pretty?”
Fabian just stood there in stunned silence, trying to figure out how to respond. As soon as Adaine realised what she had said she began to panic.
“Oh, no no no no no no no.”
She started walking away, not able to face him, not able to face the look of disgust that was surely on his face. But before she could, he gently grabbed her. As she stopped in her tracks, he turned her to look at him.
“Wait, Adaine, I… yes.”
As he looked into her eyes, Fabian knew that he couldn't run from it anymore. Still holding her hand in his, he gently placed his other hand on her cheek and took a deep breath.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked quietly.
Adaine’s heart pounded in her chest as she heard those words and nodded her head. It felt like nothing mattered outside of this moment with him.
He leaned forward and kissed her softly. It was different to any kiss he'd had before. Not as intense, but just as, if not more, passionate.
As he pulled away they both took a second to process what had just happened. They each felt like they had been freed from something that had been trapping them for a while now. However, Adaine was still slightly anxious.
“What will the others say?” She asked.
“That's an issue for tomorrow.” Fabian responded, leading her back towards the sofa. “Let's just enjoy this right now.”
As they sat back down, they kissed again, this time more sure of themselves. They held one another tightly. After a while, they fell asleep in each others' arms, nervous and excited for what this change in their relationship might bring.
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bleedingichorhearts · 4 months
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𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗:I hope this boosts your ideas for Yandere, @kit-williams. (Also inspired by you.)
TW // Stalker, curse.
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“Hello there, MarsSolor42. Welcome to the stream.” I greeted the first viewer that joined. A group of viewers just joining right after. “How are we today?” I asked, leaning slightly back in my chair to read the chat.
-MarsSolor42: Hello, my lady.
-Bloody_Shrimp: Nodnrfknerj?
-baneSshadom: Eeeeagh.
-Xavusnova927: Hello! I’m doing fine how about you?
“I’m doing alright. Thank you, for asking.” I replied. Leaning back up to my desk and clicking onto a game file. Entering the games loading screen.
Having become a Streamer was quite the experience at first. Slow, and almost embarrassing. Yet with a lot of persistence, and will, the reward was worth it in the end with nearly 8,000,000 Million follwers. Almost 750,000 views per-stream.
-Bloody_Shrimp: irbebfidne, oandbdj.
“You’ll get there Shrimp. You’ll get there. I believe in you.” I encouraged the user as I peaked at their comment. Keyboard clicking while I moved within the game. Waiting for the rest of the viewers the join.
I knew some of my- if not most, of my followers were Astartes with a handful of humans here, and there.
How’d I figure that out? By the way the Astartes type like a toddler with a phone. Sometimes the autocorrect coming in with the clutch, and saying something else entirely different. Creating some rather interesting comments. Sending others spiraling.
Reaching over for my water bottle. I twisted the cap open, and read the chat for a second. Taking a sip of the water.
-Xavusnova927: What are we doing today?
-SpiderS1ayer: Aan eee horror?
-horngonegirl98: You’re very pretty today.
Ah, this person was back at it again.
“Yeah, we can do some horror games today.” I said, ignoring the pink user. Twisting the cap back on the bottle, and putting it to the side. “What games would we like to see today?”
-SpiderS1ayer: Alllieen
-MarsSolor42: Resident Evil.
-Xavusnova927: Please, not that one game.
-Bloody_Shrimp: oivxehkvgy
-horngonegirl98: How old are you?
“I’m seeing a lot of Alien suggestions in there chat.” I questioned. “Is that what we want to play today?”
-SpiderS1ayer: yeeeesss
-baneSshadom: eeees.
-MarsSolor42: That’s up to you, my lady.
-horngonegirl98: I saw you the other day.
-Bloody_Shrimp: dbgdfvhg?!
-Croissantweb: That’s weird, man.
-Xavusnova927: I agree.
“Alright chat, looks like Alien won. Let me just switch up the games real quick.” I announced. Leaning back up to click out of the previous game. Barely getting the glimpse of the user “SpiderS1ayer” typing randomly. Excited on their victory.
Pulling up the games loading screen. I glimpsed yet another comment by the pink user.
-horngonegirl98: I’ve dream’t about you.
-Croissantweb: Bro? What the f*ck?
These type’s of comments always made me feel…tense. Worried even, but I wasn’t too bothered about it like I should’ve been. They eventually ended up moving along with their ill lives. Quite quickly too.
Maybe it’ll take a week or two? Max? For one to just suddenly stop coming to the streams.
Was I disturbed about it? The more I think about it, yes. Just a little bit, but it wouldn’t even make sense. Anyone can get tired, and just up and leave, but that quickly though? I thought these stalking’s lasted years?
Maybe they got tired of pursuing? Maybe they finally found something better to do? I tried to reassure myself by the smallest amount. Yet everything suddenly felt dreadful.
-MarsSolor42: You alright there, my lady?
-Xavusnova927: Yes, are you alright?
-Bloody_Shrimp: abbysdnkddg wdcvgssc.
“Yes, just the games music getting to me.” I quickly playing it off with a wave of my hand. Moving my mouse to click ‘continue.’ The games loading screen popping up. “Let’s play the game shall we?”
-SpiderS1ayer: YAAASEEE!
-horngonegirl98: Do you have a boyfriend?
-Croissantweb: Dude, I’m gonna report you.
Eventually, “horngonegirl98” did get reported, but in a different way. The cause unbearable for the government to let out for the media to publish.
Not that they would even know anything about the body anyway. No, they weren’t that foolish. Quite competent actually, despite their differences.
Now, where does their darling live? She’s been very adamant about keeping them at bay with her technology.
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ℕ𝕖𝕩𝕥 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣: 𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗 I
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕃𝕚𝕤𝕥: “𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗” 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕷𝖎𝖘𝖙
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It Started With a Smile
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Title: It Started with a Smile
Pairing: Eddie Munson x female reader
Word Count: ~2,609
In which the reader sits in on a game of D&D, and fondly looks back on some memories that she’s made with Eddie.
A/N: My first ever fanfic! I hope you guys like it, but I’m open to criticism and advice if you have any.
Let me know if there’s any other fics that you’d like to read, just give me a character and a prompt!
If there was anything that you’d learned over the past two years, it was that D&D was a heartless, brutal thing.
You smiled lightly as you watched Eddie animatedly describe another challenge that the party had to face, while the group groaned and started talking over each other as they tried to figure out what to do next.
If you were being honest, you didn’t understand a word of what was happening. But you saw that it made Eddie happy, and that was enough for you.
You’d tried to get into D&D before, honestly, when Eddie had first caught your attention at school a few years before.
You couldn’t help but smile a bit at the memory.
It had happened when Jason was being his usual thickheaded self during your lunch period. He had been subtly poking at a young boy in the cafeteria that you now knew as Dustin Henderson. Dustin had tried to brush him off, and made some offhand remark about how the only thing Jason had going for him was basketball, and how he’d be lucky if he even got through high school.
It was a simple, stupid comment. Nothing worth getting truly upset about.
But of course, you can always count on Jason to over exaggerate and do something reckless.
Jason had shoved at Dustin’s shoulder, catching the attention of everyone within a few feet of the pair. Including you.
You’d stood- not sure what you were going to do, but certain that you weren’t going to let Jason pummel a child- when Eddie Munson appeared out of nowhere. “Good ol’ Dustin,” he’d said as he pushed the boy behind him. “Never knows when to shut his mouth.” He pointed a ringed finger at Jason as he slowly walked backwards, away from the jock. “Not that you’re any better, hot stuff.”
Eddie and Dustin continued their retreat, Eddie with a large smile on his face, leaving Jason angrier than before. Your eyes tracked them as they moved, your cheeks heating slightly when you got a good look at Eddie’s smile.
Luckily, Chrissy had suddenly appeared by Jason’s side, and had led him away before things could escalate any further.
Eddie and Dustin made it back to their lunch table unscathed, except for the slap in the back of the head that Eddie so kindly bestowed on his poor friend.
After that incident, you’d kept a closer eye on the person that Jason so fondly referred to as the school’s “resident freak”. You’d noticed two things right off the bat.
The first thing you noticed was his smile. The way that it transformed his face and made his eyes light up. It was common for Eddie to wear a smirk or to stick his tongue out at others, but the times that you’d seen him smile at his group with pure joy in his gaze confirmed that his smile was your favorite expression to see on him.
The second thing, obviously, was that Eddie was head of the school’s D&D club. As soon as you’d noticed that, you decided to learn everything you could about the game to try and impress him.
For the next week, you researched a few things here and there in between classes, gathering a few random facts and campaign ideas.
You probably should’ve double checked your sources. Or at least looked at basic rules and regulations. Like the fact that you were supposed to come up with a name.
One day, in between classes, you had seen Eddie chatting with his D&D group by his locker. You decided to mingle, hoping that at any moment, his friends would walk away and you would be able to show off your knowledge.
If your heart would stop trying to beat out of your chest, of course.
Before you could even blink, Eddie’s friends walked away, and he turned and started walking down the hallway in your direction.
Your brain short circuited, but somehow your legs carried you over a few steps, and your mouth started moving.
“Hey,” you said as you stepped directly in Eddie’s path.
Eddie had stopped in his tracks. He looked at you blankly, no malice in his eyes, but no joy or expectancy either. “Hey,” he responded warily.
You cleared your throat nervously. “I was wondering if I could join your club.”
At that, Eddie’s head tilted in confusion. He looked at you quizzically, as if he expected you to burst out laughing and run the opposite way. Or maybe he was just genuinely confused.
“Your D&D club,” you elaborated, silently thanking your brain for sending the right words to your mouth.
Eddie looked you up and down. “You don’t look the type.”
You flushed in embarrassment and stuck your chin in the air stubbornly, suddenly feeling your confidence come in waves. “That’s pretty harsh of you, don’t you think? Judging other people based on appearance.”
Eddie’s face had changed immediately, a small smile on his face and he looked back up at your eyes. He huffed out a short laugh. “We wouldn’t want that, would we?”
You could feel your cheeks heating up. “No, we wouldn’t.”
He paused one more second, eyes fixed on yours, before he finally shrugged. “Alright, then. I’ll see you tonight.”
To say that your brain had short circuited again was an understatement. It felt like your brain had just shut down for good.
He smiled then. The smile that had caught your eye that day in the cafeteria.
“Yeah, we’re starting a new campaign. Let’s see what you got.”
He walked away then, and your eyes tracked his receding form until he turned a corner at the end of the hall.
You’d practically jumped for joy then, before the bell had interrupted your celebration and sent you running to class.
You would have to brush up on some terms and spells and such, but you were sure that you’d be fine. You knew various spells, how the dice worked, and now you had a group to play with. How hard could it be?
Looking back on it now, you had to laugh. It had gone worse than you had ever expected.
It had started out smoothly. Eddie had asked for your name, and you had happily provided, and introduced yourself to all the other members of the group, including Dustin, who you remembered from that day in the cafeteria.
That’s as far as you made it without embarrassing yourself.
When Eddie had switched gears and asked your character name, you panicked and said a name that you would never repeat in public out of mortal shame. The party chuckled under their breaths, with Eddie waving a hand to quiet them down. When you were asked what class and level you were, you’d completely blanked. You had no idea that you were meant to create your own character with its own backstory. (Which, looking back, made complete sense.)
The party members obviously caught onto your ruse immediately, but when they tried to grill you, Eddie had slammed a hand on the table in front of them to silence them, and allowed you to sit in on their campaign to “watch and learn”.
And you tried. You really, truly did try. But even after an evening of sitting in on a campaign, you had no idea what in the world was going on.
You told Eddie as much when they were done for the day. He had laughed at first, but quickly grew serious and asked you why in the world you would lie and pretend to be interested in a thing like D&D.
You shrugged and looked away. Honesty was the best policy, right? “I wanted to talk to you,” you muttered. “And I knew you liked D&D, so I just…” you trailed off in embarrassment.
Eddie had smiled, then. That smile that you adored. He shoved his hands in his pockets and said, “I’m sure we can find something else to talk about.”
Your head whipped around to face him. “Really?”
He laughed lightly. “Hey, if you’re willing to deal with me and these guys, you must really want to talk. And you stuck it through tonight, so you automatically won yourself a bit of my time.”
You’d laughed, relief flooding through your veins. You didn’t notice the look that Eddie sent your way. Earlier, his glances at you had been full of uncertainty or confusion. But now? He couldn’t help the curiousness or the beginnings of happiness that crept into his gaze when he looked at you.
Eddie had walked you out to your car, the two of you talking as you slowly made your way across the parking lot. You found out about his uncle, and he found out that your parents were rarely ever home. You learned about his band, and he found out that you were music obsessed.
When you’d finally made it into your car and watched Eddie walk away, you gave a quiet squeal and covered your face. The campaign might have gone horribly for you, but at least Eddie was still willing to give you a chance.
Things had only gotten better from there. You and Eddie had exchanged numbers the next day at school, and it turned out that while you weren’t very skilled at D&D, you had other things in common.
For one, you genuinely liked the music he played and you fell in love with his band. He liked the fact that you knew how to crochet, and he enjoyed watching you as he worked.
And even though there were things that you didn’t share an interest in, you loved each other enough to support each other in everything that you did.
Not that you loved Eddie. Well, you did, but you weren’t sure if he loved you back, so you’d never said it out loud before.
You almost had, once. You cringed at the memory.
You and Eddie had been friends for about a year, and he’d finally summoned the courage to ask you on a date. You’d said yes, of course, and Eddie had taken you to the Starcourt Mall to watch a movie, get some ice cream courtesy of Steve, and buy you a beautiful spring dress that you planned to wear on your next date.
As Eddie drove you home, his hand wandered over to yours and he gently intertwined your fingers with his. You couldn’t stop the blush that crept up to your cheeks as you squeezed his hand lightly.
When you reached your house, Eddie was the perfect gentleman and walked you all the way to your front door, your joint hands swinging between you.
He smiled at you as you reached the porch, bringing your hand up to brush his lips against your knuckles. “Had fun tonight?”
You smiled back, taking a step closer to him. “Yeah. Lots of fun, thank you.”
“You don’t need to thank me, darling, it was my pleasure.”
You giggled and looked down. “Does that mean there’s going to be a second date?”
Eddie had smiled, his arm winding around your back to pull you up against him. He let go of your hand to brush a strand of hair away from your face and cup your cheek.
“Of course there’s gonna be a second date,” he said. “And a third,” he said before he kissed the tip of your nose. “And a fourth”, he said with a kiss to your forehead. “And a fifth,” with a kiss to your cheek. “And a hundred after that,” he muttered as he tilted his head down to press his lips softly to yours.
You swear you had felt fireworks explode in your stomach, with sparks shooting behind your eyes and your heart beating out of your chest as your brain turned to mush.
Things weren’t any better on Eddie’s end. His knees had turned to jello and he felt lighter than he’d ever felt before. He couldn’t think of anything but you, and the way your hands were pulling him closer and closer still, while your lips danced gently against his.
You gripped Eddie’s shoulders and pushed a hand through his wild hair as you continued to kiss each other in the dim light of your porch.
When you finally pulled away, you saw that Eddie’s cheeks were absolutely scarlet, and that his smile was bigger than you’d ever seen it.
In that moment, you’d felt no fear. Being honest about your feelings seemed so easy. You took a deep breath. “Eddie, I lo-”
A dog barked aggressively nearby, causing both of your heads to snap around. You tensed up as Eddie’s arm tightened around you. Once a few seconds had passed, Eddie let out a small chuckle. “You alright?”
You nodded, feeling your courage slip away.
“What were you going to say?”
You looked up at him, his eyes gentle as a smile tugged at his lips. You smiled softly and leaned forward to press one more kiss to his lips. “Nothing. I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
A flicker of something had crossed his features, and a small pit of regret settled in your stomach. But he masked his features quickly, and gave you a nod and a smile. “Yeah. See you tomorrow.”
You couldn’t help but smile at the memory now, though you wished that you could gather up the courage to finally tell your boyfriend how you felt. Especially now that you’d been dating for more than a year.
Your gaze focused back on Eddie, who, to your surprise, was looking right back at you. “What’re you smiling at?” Eddie asked softly. You saw that his attention was momentarily diverted from the game in front of him, his eyes focused on you.
“Eddie, pay attention!” Dustin shouted from across the table, the other party members clamoring in agreement.
Eddie ignored them all, his gaze steady.
You smiled at him and shook your head. “I’ll tell you later. I promise.”
Eddie smiled back at you, his hand reaching out to gently intertwine your fingers as he turned back towards the party.
Everyone muttered some variation of, “finally, Eddie,” right before Eddie threw another challenge their way that led to loud frustration and anger.
You settled back and got comfortable as Eddie let go of your hand to continue to gesture and speak.
Throughout the evening though, he would turn towards you, a loving smile or quick hand brush reminding you that he appreciated your presence.
And when he looked over at you, a smile on his lips as he blew you a quick kiss, you realized that it was time to tell him how you felt. Not now, of course, you would never interrupt an active campaign. But today was definitely the day.
Meanwhile, only half of Eddie’s brain was focused on the campaign. The other half was in a mixed up jumble, worrying about what would happen later when he took you stargazing and told you that he loved you.
He couldn’t help but smile to himself as he thought about what your reaction would be.
He glanced back at you once again. He could only hope that you felt the same.
A smile pulled at your lips as Eddie looked back at you again, his tongue poking out between his lips as he made a funny face.
You laughed good-naturedly as a smile broke through his features.
He didn’t turn right back around this time though. He stood, both of you with a smile on your faces, each thinking the exact same thing.
Oh, how I love that smile.
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asordinaryppl · 1 month
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 13: Budding Spring - Episode 19: The Company's Freshman
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Employee A: The interns are coming today, aren’t they? I heard the president’s son will be amongst them.
Employee B: I wonder what kind of kid he is?
Employee C: Seems like he’s an actor for a theater company.
Employee A: Is he coming for an internship 'cause he’s looking for a job?
Employee B: Is he that unpopular as an actor?
Employee C: Ahhh, he’s second gen so maybe we shouldn’t expect too much.
[Knocks on the door, then the door opens]
Masumi: Good morning.
Employee A: — G-Good morning.
Masumi: I’m Masumi Usui, I will be interning here starting today.
Masumi: I may bring some inconveniences along, but your guidance and support will be appreciated.
Employee B: W-We’ll be counting on you.
[Flashback starts]
Masumi: Suits? No way, they’re too stifling. 
Itaru: If you’re gonna do it right, start doing so from the first day. What will you do if you get hit with unnecessary debuffs because of your equipment?
Chikage: If you don’t have any, I can buy some from the place I usually buy mine from.
Masumi: I do have one…
Izumi: A suit, huh~ You’ll look adult-like in a flash if you wear one.
Masumi: I’ll wear one every day. And I’ll have breakfast here and then leave.
Tsuzuru: Didn’t we just finish saying it’ll be faster for you to get to work if you stay in the company dorm?
Izumi: There’s no point in you stopping by here every single morning.
Chikage: You have to pack plenty of shirts and neckties.
Itaru: Well, you can leave that to us senior office workers.
Masumi: … I don’t really care either way.
[Flashback ends]
Employee D: That’s all you need to know about the industry and our company. Now, we’ll get to group work—
Employee D: In order for you to grasp a basic understanding of what promotions are, we’ll have you experience everything, from the planning stage to the presentation stage.
Employee D: Here, I have prepared a fictitious company with a problem that needs solving.
Employee D: Using this as reference, each team needs to come up with a plan to solve this problem, and make a proposal in the form of a presentation.
Employee E: Feel free to ask any questions if there’s something you don’t understand.
Masumi: … After examining the data, we came to the conclusion that this is the best solution to the company’s problem.
Masumi: Does anyone have any questions?
Masumi: If not, then we would like to end this presentation here. We would be grateful if you took this into consideration.
Masumi: Thank you for your time.
Employee F: W-Woah…  He’s an actor, alright… He’s dignified and persuasive.
Employee E: He cleans up well, and he seems to be built kinda different, like he’s already mentally prepared to represent the company one day. (1)
Employee D: It makes me want to bring him to the presentation this afternoon.
Masumi: I’ve finished this.
Employee E: Eh, already? Did you read all of it?
Masumi: I’ve also compiled a report.
Employee E: … Then, can you use this software? And I’ll have you compile this material next.
Employee E: Once you’re done, you can take your lunch break.
Masumi: Understood.
Masumi: …
[Keyboard keys clicking]
Masumi: … *sigh*
Masumi: (I need him to confirm these… Is he in a meeting? I’ll do it later. He said I can take a break once I’m done, didn’t he.)
Masumi: (Since I have the chance to, I’ll compile promotional methods that can be used for theater companies and ask for more information about them.)
Masumi: (Now that I’m studying and getting the hang of them, the promotion plans the Director and Sakyo are always hunched over seem interesting.)
Masumi: (Looks like the other theater companies also think of various ways they can use to let people know of their activities.)
Masumi: (Even though all of these should’ve been familiar to me, I wasn’t aware of them at all. I feel like I’m looking at this world from a different lens.)
Masumi: (Oh, right…)
Curry has entered the chat
Masumi: (No one’s on… I don’t like being the first one to send something, but…)
Curry: thanks for the suits
previous episode | masterpost | next episode
(1) the original line (スーツもびしっとしてるし、なんかやっぱりいずれ会社を 背負って立つって心構えからして違うんですかね) drove both me and my friend/proofreader crazy to the point we convinced ourselves nothing other than 'built different' works
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renhaswritersblock · 1 year
hello!! could you do w, i, and o for abner on the nsfw alphabet? i am so desperate for content abt him lmao 😭😭 thank u for still writing him
Abner Krill (Polka-dot-man) - NSFW Request (I, O, W)
Me: Oh boy, Abner! I’ve always been wanting to write something about this colorful dancing king queen since I watched TSS. This is going to be fun!
[Two/half months later.]
Me: *Staring intently at a bulletin board covered in pictures and notes with red string connecting to them, not knowing what time or day it is.*
Life [Walks in.]: Hey, uhh– friendly reminder that you still have that Government paper due tomorrow.
[Weeks later.]
Me [On the floor, defeated by the heavy mass of writer's block, reaching towards laptop to press enter.]: Finished– *Get’s crushed by an anvil of more writing tasks.*
A/N: I had made a Venn Diagram of Abs, Bob, and Lonny to differ the boys since they all fall under the meow meow category. So, thank you for the wait.
Ima say this takes place after the TSS movie – don’t care if he died, as James A. Janisse would maybe say, “No body, no count.” (Same with Flag. *kicks book of Necromancy For Dummies under bed*)
Warning: Usual NSFW stuff, nothing too extreme. Made some parts long (cause I do what I want). Some head cannons that totally didn’t come up to me randomly while I was halfway through finishing. No proofreading, I go down in style. Is there anything smutty in the first half? No, not really. Did I get carried away again and build a oneshot sort of story? Perhaps. Will I ever make a long smutty moment in any of the alphabet requests? Idk. Hotel? Trivago.
Leans toward female reader pov, but mostly towards gender neutral.
Anyhoo, happy readings!
I: Intimacy (*looks over at the letter C* Perhaps, I misjudged you.)
Abner lacks physical and emotional intimacy – and you can’t really blame him for it. Being locked up in Belle Reve and made fun of by the other inmates for so long – and to top it all off, his condition and past – he doesn’t have good social skills nor the confidence to approach someone for friendly/flirtatious banter. Even when he and his Task Force X friends go out to celebrate their new freedom at a local club, he still remains reserved and hidden. So he thought.
Throughout the night, Abner watched everyone have fun while sitting in a booth next to a large – totally not a man-eating shark – distinguish gentleman with a mustache, staring intently at a fish tank behind them. Cleo was out dancing wildly on the dance floor with a group of people, Harley sat across the room drinking with three intimidating women, and both Flag and Dubois went somewhere private to chat and drink alone. He consistently looks around the large room, scanning the neon interior and dancing occupant exotically swaying side to side, sipping his drink until his eyes land on a certain someone sitting by the bar. You.
You idly sat on one of the empty stools, swirling your drink in apathy and wearing the most eccentric, colorful outfit that made you stick out of the crowd. Abner nearly choked, spitting his drink through his nose, and erupted into a coughing fit. He didn’t notice Cleo returning to the booth, rushing to sit beside him, gently hitting his back. You were alone – in fact – you looked like you were waiting for someone, glancing at your surroundings and at your phone every minute. 
Supposedly, your date should’ve been here an hour ago. They texted you the address to this place to meet you at a time that was way past your curfew. Without a second thought, you agreed. You spend your whole evening prepping yourself to look nice. The only attire suitable for your first night out was the one that made it look like a clown puked on you. Looking around once more, you scan the room in hopes of seeing your date, not spotting Abner a few feet away staring gawkily at you, swiftly ducking his head to avoid glances.
Abner could feel his face burn red hot, he couldn’t hear Cleo’s muffled words over the sound of his heart pounding in his ear. He finally drew his attention towards Cleo when he heard her say, your glowing. Instantly, he slaps his face out of instinct to check if his glowing rash started popping up – knowing already he expelled the dots before they left. This is a first… Cleo gaped as his face began to flare up into dim hues of blue and red to green and yellow. His eyes move back to you, staring at your phone with a bleak expression. 
Honestly, you weren’t surprised when the screen showed they left you on read. You figured they would bail at the last minute, wasting half of your night to embarrass yourself. Thoughts began running through your head as you felt your chest grow heavy. I think that’s enough for one night. Holding back your tears, you took a shot of your drink and tapped the glass on the counter, going to spin your chair towards the exit when a tall man wearing what seems to be also a colorful button-up blouse blocks your way, startling you. Abner stood stiff as a board, nervously smiling at you. There was a moment of silence between you two. You watched as he glanced over and back at you, sending you mixed signals. Curious at what he was looking at, you turned and spotted two girls looking directly at you, one waving shyly, the other giving a thumbs up, and a– Wait is that a shark in disguise and a rat also waving at us?
You snap your attention back to the man in front of you, hearing him clear his throat out of discomfort before introducing himself as Abner, reaching his hand out towards you. To your dismay, you mindlessly took his hand, shaking it while telling him your name. Abner’s heart flutters at the sight of you smiling softly at him. You catch a glimpse of his cheeks glowing strangely, thinking it could be the lighting in the room. He takes a seat next to you, mumbling if he can buy you a drink, his smile widening when you accept the offer.
Shortly after your second drink, you hit it off pretty quickly, talking about certain things the two of you like, such as movies, and him introducing you to the group – keeping a very close eye on Nana– Bob doesn’t do anything to you. 
Soon you two were on the dance floor, swaying and bobbing your heads to the music, and before you knew it, you were face-to-face. Abner remembered sharing a long gaze with you, feeling as if time suddenly froze. He felt his cheeks boil achingly, noticing your expression contort into a bewildered look. Random patches of colorful glowing dots appeared and disappeared on his face. His eyes seemed to change color, following the primitive colors. 
Although you admired the way he looked, Abner on the other hand took it as a sign of being repulsed, causing something to trigger in his mind. But before he could let the imagery into his head, he hears you call out his name, slowly approaching him. You ask if you could hold his hand, reaching out for it when he accepts. You both stood in the middle for a while, only listening to the music playing on the speakers. Once he felt himself subside, he pulls towards him, wrapping his arms around your waist. You did the same, putting your arms around his neck, whispering reassuring words. He burrows his face into your shoulder, embracing the unknown feeling in his chest as his face emits a dim glow once again.
O: Oral 
*Abner: Clitoris?! Labia Majora?! Damn girl, how many pussies you got?!*
Abs is ok with giving oral to his partner. He’s a lil’ confuse at first, but he got spirit. He isn’t on the top 3, but somewhere around maybe 4-5. Krill prefers to use his hands to stimulate you than his mouth – since he can be flamboyant. It’s also a way for him to be slightly dominant and in control, edging you as soon as you near climaxing. 
When receiving oral from you, he melts into a whimpering puddle – he’s squirmish and restless at times, but only because you keep teasing his tip and shaft for revenge. To him, the sensation never gets old.
W: Wild Card (*cracks knuckles*)
There’s a hc I have for this guy, but I prefer not to say what it is since it’s quite…vulgar. That and it also goes with a letter that rhymes with see. So here’s two headcannons that are pretty tame. Also, I hc Abner to be a vers.
Whenever Abner is having sexual intercourse with his partner, showing his emotions can be rather complex than his platonic relationship with you. Thus when he’s trying to gaze into your eyes, all you receive is a wide-eyed stare as he thrusts into you. Another aspect of his is uncontrollable giggling. At any moment, when you're riding him, something in his head switches and causes him to be a laughing mess. You remembered briefly stopping to ask him why he keeps laughing every single time you ask that question his response is the same, it feels good.
A/N: Hope ya'll enjoyed reading, and thank you for liking/reblogging. I find it hard to express my emotions sometimes and overthink it. When I see that I'm getting positive remarks on a couple of stuff I wrote, I acknowledge and appreciate the kindness, but never respond to it. So again, thank you so much for the support. Next one's gonna be a Johnson request, and then whatevers on the to-do list.
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hepbaestus · 19 days
I was performing my ritual of sipping tea, shooting flirtatious glances and planning murder
2,356 words | purgatory angst with sad ending | TW's apply | ao3 link
TW: Blood and Violence, Body Horror, Character Death
Fit had not been able to think of anything else other than Pac's betrayal two days prior. This is his revenge. Exactly what he thinks Pac deserves.
There's a Spotify playlist that goes with this fic so listen to it while you read if you'd like to!
Fic underneath the read more
They had made a pact. 
Pac had agreed that neither of them would kill the other. Pac knew that Fit took promises from those he held dear seriously, and to have it broken? That would’ve caused irreparable damage to their relationship. 
It had been two days after their deal had been made and Fit knew, immediately upon respawning, that any friendships he had had before arriving on Purgatory Island didn’t matter. The only relationship that mattered was the relationship he had with his teammates in Green Gay Ninjas, as they had dubbed themselves. He lifted his hand to his chest, an ache having begun upon his respawn. It hadn’t been there when Bad, Tubbo and Pac had killed him. But he had felt it begin as he had felt the sand pour over his body from when Pac had thought he had been completely dead, and had started to bury him while the other two looted the surrounding area. He had choked, but that was drowned out by the sand. Would Pac have dug him out if he had heard? Or would he have alerted Bad and Tubbo and let them properly kill him as he spectated? He didn’t know. He should have known, he knew all about Pac before he arrived on Quesadilla Island. How dangerous he was. How dangerous he could be.
He sat on his bed, no belongings with him, and contemplated many things that all had one connecting point; Pac. Why had Pac joined in? Pac wouldn’t have joined in, so was he pressured into it by Bad and Tubbo? But they wouldn’t do that or would they? He rests his head in his hands as he thinks, the areas in which he was stabbed repeatedly by Tubbo and Bad aching awfully, he’d not been dealt that much pain in such a short amount of time by other people in many months. 
“Fit? You okay down there?” Bagi’s voice echoes down from the tea farm that they had set next up to the area that housed the beds. He makes a non-committal noise and the sound of someone walking towards him jolts Fit out of the whirlpool of different thoughts about Pac’s betrayal.
Bagi sits next to him on the bed, her main weapon of choice resting on the cold stone as she speaks, “I saw your death message in the chat. Are you okay?” She broaches the topic lightly, not wanting to set off the mourning man.
Fit shakes his head slightly, “no. But I will be.”
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
Still feeling the residual pain from two days prior, Fit awakens as he normally would on the island, taking stock of his inventory and any pertinent messages on both the global chat and the personal Green Gay Ninjas chat. He takes note of Pac’s greeting message to him on the global chat but does not respond. He gets up, greets his teammates before checking his missions for the day, sitting by the tea farm they’d quickly gotten prepared once Tina had accidentally discovered and leaked how overpowered the drink was.
He had one mission. Something about that fact gave Fit some comfort, being used to having a singular mission looming behind his every move. He should’ve been shocked at what the mission was but he knew what the people running this island were like; they thrived off the torture of the participants. He leaves the farm to join the other members of Green Team.
“What are everyone’s missions like today?” Fit asks nonchalantly, not wanting to divulge his lack of missions to the others just yet.
“The usual; kill pigs, collect three stacks of sand. Why Fit, do you have something abnormal?” Bagi asks, always having been the more vocally perceptive one of the group. The others hum in agreement, focusing on completing their tasks as Bagi walks closer, suspicious of Fit.
Fit looks quickly to each side of them, before tilting his communicator towards Bagi to show her his one mission. The moment is over quicker than it began, with Fit raising a single finger to his lips before tilting his head back in the direction of the farm to which Bagi nods. They walk to the farm, collecting any tea leaves ready to be harvested before the conversation returns once again.
“You’re going to kill him, aren’t you Fit?” Bagi almost states, knowing how the pair acted towards each other on Quesadilla Island, concern lacing her voice.
Fit sighs, resigned to the fact that he’d have to tell Bagi about what had actually happened the previous day, “I have to Bagi, think of the points. It’s a lot of points that would really help us out right now after my stupidity yesterday. Think of it as payback..” His tone of voice shifts, trying to figure out a plan on how to catch Pac off guard like some prey.
His communicator makes a sound once more, the Tazercraft theme tune playing, as he receives a private message from Pac. It reads, “I’m sorry. No hard feelings?” to which Fit scoffs.
He replies with a simple “sure” before putting the device back into his arm, lifting his head back to level with Bagi. Another notification sounds out but Fit pays it no attention. Bagi was rummaging in the chests against the walls. She makes a sound of recognition before reaching her arm elbow deep into the chest, pulling out some materials. 
”How about some chainsaws? I remember how thrilled you were to kill those eye workers with them when Empanada died,”  Bagi asks, eyes looking down at the reminder of her daughter’s loss of her first life. 
Fit ponders it for a moment, “we will get them back. You do know that Bagi. No matter what the collateral damage.” He swears to her, still foolishly believing that their children were still alive. She nods once in response, heading to a crafting bench to make him the chainsaws while he grabs his communicator once more.
He sees a cheerful response from Pac and with a twinge of guilt he doesn’t respond. He turns around at the sound of footsteps behind him, Bagi reaches out her hands and gives him several chainsaws to which he places in his inventory. Chainsaws were known to have terrible durability so it was best that he had multiple, in case it went south quickly and he needed to protect himself.
“So how do you plan to find him? Are you just hoping to stumble by and see him on accident or what?” Bagi questions, typing into her own personal communicator for a moment as Fit thinks.
“I hadn’t thought that far, maybe I can get Tubbo to leak the coords. He’s known to leak things easily.” Fit mulls. Bagi shakes her head in response, typing some more. They stand in silence as a notification rings from Bagi’s comm.
“You owe me once we get off this island. Maybe you can be the waiter for mine and Tina’s next date.” Bagi states as Fit receives a private message from her with a series of numbers; the coordinates for Soulfire’s base. He doesn’t question it, instead he nods his head to her in gratitude before heading to the main storage area to gather other items he may need.
He leaves to begin his hunt, coordinates and chainsaws prepped, and deems it surprisingly easy. He sips some of his tea, knowing that there would be someone who would come out of the tournament with a raging tea addiction, almost as bad as Phil’s avocado toast addiction back on Quesadilla. He’d have thought that with how Pac had escaped prison that he’d be better at hiding but there he was, standing in an open clearing, ready to be hunted. He stealthily makes his way to Pac, drawing out his crossbow and aiming at the knee joint of Pac’s prosthetic leg, visible due to how ruined his trousers were. He shoots the arrow, it soaring mostly quiet through the air as it hits the joint perfectly and Pac falls over in confusion. It is in that short window of time, of Pac’s confusion, where Fit speeds up and grabs a chainsaw out from his inventory, gearing up to pull the starter chord.
“O que? Quem é que disparou isso?” Pac spoke with his head turning in every direction other than the one Fit was coming from. He looks at his hands, now red from his attempt to stop his fall.
Fit sees that Pac doesn’t even reach to pull out the arrow, it still lodged deep into the joint where two plates of metal curve around each other. It is when Fit is a mere few steps away from Pac when he pulls the starter cord, the chainsaw cuts through the eerie silence of the field, finally alerting Pac of his presence.
“Fitch? O que? What? What are you doing?” Pac vocally stumbles in shock, scrambling slightly at the sight of Fit with a chainsaw.
“No hard feelings, right? Then you won’t mind if I?” Fit’s sentence trails off as he steps closer to Pac until he is able to press on foot on Pac’s leg, holding him in place, as he pushes the chainsaw into the middle of Pac’s chest without a second thought.
The roar of the chainsaw ripping Pac’s chest open almost soothes Fit, not having done something akin to this in a long time. Naturally, Pac screams as his chest is brutally opened and destroyed but Fit doesn’t take heed of it, continuing to mercilessly mutilate as he presses the chainsaw deeper into the opening he had made, arms only slightly shaking from the force he was using. Splatters of blood cascade down Fit’s face, almost completely blinding him, staining his teeth carmine as he smirked at Pac’s pain. Pac yowls in agony, hands scrambling to find purchase but lacking the function to do so as his nerves are obliterated, words escaping him. If Fit was not relishing in the brutal act, he would’ve noticed Pac’s eyes; how they filled with tears from both the pain and betrayal.
“There’s not going to be a bed of roses for you when you respawn, Pac,” Fit pushes the chainsaw deeper, “instead I will be there. As a bed of thorns waiting for you to lay down, ready to become your worst nightmare,” Fit speaks, almost growling out the words as he smiles, enjoying the sounds of the chain tearing through Pac’s organs with ease, feeling more splatters of blood fly and land on his face. 
Bursts of green and yellow momentarily blind Fit as Pac is forced to deplete all of his totems, trying to knit back together Pac’s skin only to be shredded once more by the chainsaw. The sound would have deafened him if he had not already been mostly deaf from the end crystal explosions of the Wasteland in which Fit had once called home. Fit had no doubt that someone could hear what he was doing to Pac but he did not care. He wanted revenge. Gurgles were the only sound that Pac could make as he choked on blood the colour of merlot as he fades out of his body, staring at Fit once more and likely for the last time.
Fit halts the chainsaw as soon as Pac’s death message is sent out in the global chat on their personal communicators. Fit’s rings out Tazercraft’s iconic song, having not reverted it back to the standard ringtone allocated after being killed by the man. He briefly looks at the responses rushing in, ranging from shock from those who had held out hope for their future union to congratulatory messages from some of his teammates who had been wronged the day prior and needed the points, because that’s all it was to them. Points to win the tournament.
He stands, but doesn’t loot the body, applying the same courteous action in kind as Pac had done, though he did not return to where his body lay after the attack. He doesn’t look back at the lifeless corpse as he heads back to Green’s base, making sure to clean most of the blood off his face with water from a nearby river. His chest heaved, still reeling from the adrenaline of mercilessly killing. He had felt right at home and that should have concerned him but it did not.
Entering the base, he’s greeted by Etoiles and Roier who are being playfully toxic towards one another, a brief respite from the events outside. He receives a pat on the shoulder from Etoiles before he heads to where their communal chests are, depositing the spare chainsaws and food that he had taken in preparation when he unceremoniously sits down on the cobbled deepslate floor. In the corner of his eye, not that he was looking as there was drying blood still caked onto his face, was a tall rose bush. He sighs, resting his head in his hands, finally coming off from the adrenaline high he’d been on and the surrounding sounds of people moving from one place to another fades into a light static as he passes out.
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
His eyes open, torso throbbing in pain as he sits up, hand lifting to gently touch the area with the most pain. Slightly disoriented, he looks around the secure room where Soulfire had placed their beds, each having a small trinket or token to remind them of home. Tubbo had a pile of redstone, Bad had some copper and Pac? He had the reddest rose that he could find in the time he had gathered the necessary basic tools for his survival. It was a reminder of Fit, having given him comfort during the time they were separated.
His head falls, shoulders shake as he sobs, his hands joined together where he knew, underneath his layers of clothing, would be a mottled array of scar tissue stark red against his tan skin. A permanent reminder of what Fit had done. 
He did not know how he would survive the rest of the tournament. He did not know if he even wanted to.
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