#I need Thomas himself to look me dead in the eyes and tell me it wasn't intentional before I stop believing
lokiusmybeloveds · 7 months
pro tip: don't watch the first Thor movie when you are still heartbroken over the Loki finale because the Thor/Jane and Loki/Mobius parallels WILL make you feel like you're being physically torn apart <3
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cherry-cola-on-ice · 10 months
Can you write a story that has Thomas Hewitt getting jealous at a guy flirting with his S/O please love your work🙏🙏🙏🙏
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Jealousy Jealousy
It shouldn't bug him so much. Especially after all this time.
It wasn't your fault after all. Anyone with eyes could see how beautiful you were. Everything about you was crafted by some higher being, sculpted from the stars and the skies. And you were so sweet, so kind. You brought a smile to even Uncle Monty's face.
And most of all, he knew you loved him. He repeatedly told himself, saying it over and over again in his head like his own personal mantra. As long as you loved him, he didn't need anything else.
Thomas's eyebrows furrowed as you laughed at the joke. He couldn't tell you jokes. But this stranger could. This handsome, younger man with perfect teeth and perfect hair. He looked like one of those men on the front of the harlequin novels Hoyt steals out of suitcases.
You laughed again, head thrown back. God, you were perfect. Too perfect for him. This stranger was the type of man you deserved.
From the back room of the gas station, Thomas shifted his weight nervously. He knew he should have left you at the house. It was a bad idea, just like Hoyt said. You brought to much attention to yourself. Unknowingly and unwittingly, of course. Never your intention.
But you had a magnetic power around you, drawing people in.
Your soft eyes were what made him fall in love with you. When his family first found you, hiding out in their barn, crying your eyes out, he felt a pang in his heart that was new to him. You looked scared and you were alone. Everyone else had left you, all meeting their ends by his chainsaw.
He asked you why you didn't struggle and you always shrugged "I guess they were never really my friends to begin with. They tried to leave me for dead. "
And he didn't question it at first. After all, it all brought you to him. You were his now.
You should hate him. You should fight him. You shouldn't be able to stand the sight of him. You were better off with this man, this stranger who could give you the life you deserved. The overwhelming feeling of despair hit him like a shot to the stomach.
But then you turned to him. And smiled. That sweet smile, the one that lit up a room and light up his life. And it was directed at him. It was his smile.
And for a moment, all was right in the world. You chose him.
But then-
"So, I gotta wonder... What's a sweet thing like you doing in a shit hole like this?"
From afar, Thomas could see you bristle, your demeanor change from jovial to defense "What's that supposed to mean? There's nothing wrong with here."
The stranger laughed "Yeah, it's cute in tetanus shot kinda way. But nowhere such a hot piece of ass such as you should be. "
Thomas ought to punt this creep straight into a grinder. His fist balled up and he began stalking towards him-
Except you beat him to the punch. Quite literally.
The stranger fell to the floor, holding his bloody nose. Whimpering. Thomas was surprised, he didn't think this guy would go down that easily. The man wasn't as tall as him, but he was still a sizable man. And you floored him.
Looking back to you, he watched as you shook your hand out, cursing under your breath "Fucking hell, dude! Your face made out of concrete?!?"
"Yeah, and I'll do it again if you don't get your ass outta here!"
The man, holding his bleeding nose, lifted himself off the ground, shooting daggers at you. Instinctively, Thomas placed his body between the two of you, glaring back at him.
The stranger, though looking absolutely terrified, feigned confidence and scoffed as he walked by. You grabbed Thomas's arm, shouting as the stranger left the store "Yeah! Get out here, you-"
Thomas spun you around, grabbing your face in his hands. He looked you over, looking for any signs of harms. You scrunched your nose "I'm fine, Thomas!"
Thomas huffed, pulling you close to him. You laughed in his arms, standing up on your tip toes to press a kiss to his mask. Thomas looked down at you, taking in the lovestruck look in your eyes.
Yeah, he had nothing to worry about.
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catoslvt · 10 months
Gally (TMR) x Reader
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Death cure based with major spoilers.
You and gally were together back in the maze. It's been 3 years since he "died"
This is very long, but there is smut at the end 😜
As I stare at the masked man, I can't help but recognise him, well obviously not his face because he's wearing a gas mask, but I recognise his posture, his body language, just generally the vibes he's giving off, and it reminds me all too much of Gally.
But that's impossible, Gally died, I watched him die. I let him die.
As the van we were forced into goes over a small bump, it annoys me only more.
"Sit there all mysterious then." I grumble as I cross my arms and glare at the three of them.
"Are you guys just gonna sit there all mysterious, or are you gonna take those stupid masks off?" I spit at the three masked men, mainly aiming it at the one that resembles Gally, and Thomas and Brenda turn to me and let out small laughs whilst the masked men stay silent and continue to stare at the three off us.
Once we were let go from the vans, Jorge stumbles out of one of them, pinning down one of the masked men and hitting him across the face repeatedly.
"Where is she!?" He screams as I walk around him to reach newt, I know it's bad to have a favourite best friend, but Newt and Brenda are most definitely mine. He was there for me whilst I coped with Gallys death, and he never scolded me for grieving an "asshole" but gally wasn't an asshole, he was just misunderstood, I understood him though, and he understood me.
"Who are you?" Thomas asks as I wrap newts arm around mine and drag him to stand beside Thomas.
"Don't worry, we're all on the same side." The man says, and although his voice is muffled, it sounds like Gallys voice.
"What do you mean, all on the same side? Who are you?" Thomas quizzes, and suddenly the man takes his mask off, and my jaw drops.
"Hey, greenie." Gally says with a small smile, and my knees feel weak as I go to stumble backwards, but Newt quickly catches me, and in the few moments my eyes leave gally, Thomas has him on the floor hitting him.
"Frypan, hold y/n." Newt says, and frypan quickly holds my arm as Brenda clears her throat.
"I'm so confused. Who is he?" Brenda asks frypan and he shakes his head.
"My boyfriend." I gasp, and Brenda turns her head to stare at me, and I just shrug.
"An old friend from our maze." He tells her and I shake my head.
Once Newt has dragged Thomas off gally, I stare at him and he smiles at me.
"Hi y/n." He laughs, and I push frypan off of me and run to gally, pulling him in a tight hug as the tears begin to stream from my eyes.
"I thought you were dead." I cry as my arms tighten around his neck as his arms slowly make their way around my waist, and I just take a deep breath, taking in his new all too familiar but also unfamiliar scent.
"Without saying goodbye to you? Never." He whispers, and I just laugh before I remove my arms from his neck and cup his face with my hands.
"Holy shit it's actually you." I gasp as I stare at his face, it's been three years since I last saw gally, and as much as he's changed physically by shaving his hair, putting on more muscles, growing taller and well obviously aging, he's still the boy I met all those years ago in the glade.
"It's you too." He laughs before I roll my eyes and kiss him, and he kisses back before Brenda claps, and I awkwardly pull away from gally and stand beside him, facing my friends as Brenda smiles and shoots me a small thumbs up, she's heard every single detail about Gally and I, she heard every detail about gally himself probably over a thousand times, to the point where she said it feels as if she knows him personally.
"Why are you guys here anyway? Wckd is after you lot, like majorly." Gally asks as he looks at Thomas with his eyebrows raised slightly.
"We need to get into Wckd. They have Minho." Thomas answers and gally lets out a small laugh.
"Do you know how dangerous that is?" Gally asks and Thomas furrows his eyebrows.
"Look gally, can you help us or not? We need to get back to our camp soon, and if you're not helping us, then we're leaving." Thomas states, and I grab gallys hand and glare at Thomas, in a way that says,'I'm not leaving him.' And Thomas rolls his eyes slightly, but I just shrug him off as I turn my head to stare at gally with a smile and all the feelings come flooding back, all the feelings from when I was just a silly girl who didn't know anything, now I'm still a silly girl who knows quite alot after everything I've been through.
"Fine." Gally says as he grabs my hand and drags me deeper into wherever we are, Thomas and everyone else following us.
"After the maze, I got picked up by a group headed to the city." Gally tells us, as he's now at the front of the group, and I'm now walking with Brenda, still smiling at the fact my boyfriend is alive..
"They realised I was immune, patched me up, then brought me here. Lawrence. This group has been at war with Wckd ever since they took control over the city, but wckd couldn't hide behind those walls forever." He continued and I stare at him, Thomas or newts head ocasionally getting in the way but I don't care, even just being in his presence is enough to keep me smiling.
"The days gonna come, and they're gonna pay for what they've done." He finishes before he turns around to stare at the group.
"Listen. He doesn't get a lot of visitors, so let me do the talking, alright?" Gally asks, and we all nod.
"And try not to stare." He then adds which makes me scrunch my nose in confusion but we all follow him into the room anyways.
The room is a beautiful room filled with all types of flowers.
"Gally, glad to see you made it back. Jester told me what happened." The man exclaims as gally sets his gun down and walks towards the man.
"It was a slaughter. There was nothing we could do against those guns." Gally tells him as his hands reach up and sit on his vest, his fingers sliding underneath.
"No, but they can only poke a hornet nest for so long before they get stung." The man whispers as he raises a red rose to his nose and smells it, as Brenda, Newt and I all shoot each other a small 'what the fuck?' Look.
"Who are these people? Why are they here." The man asks, or more demands.
"we need to get into Wckd." Thomas says as he steps forward, ruining gallys full 'let me do the talking' rule, which makes me glare at him slightly.
Don't get me wrong, I love Thomas, but he thinks he's the leader of the group. All he thinks about is Teresa, really, Brenda is so clearly head over heels for him, but all he talks about is Teresa.
"Gally said you could get us through the walls." Thomas then adds and Gally just stares at him, clearly slightly annoyed.
"Gally should know better than to keep promises he can't keep." The man says, and I let out a small laugh, but I quickly stop myself before anyone turns to look at me.
"Besides, that wall is only half your problem." The man continues as he grabs the rack that is pumping something into him as he begins to walk to us.
"Getting inside wckd is impossible." He finishes and gally shakes his head.
"There might be a way now, but it doesn't work without Thomas." Gally announces.
"Is that so? You know what I am, Thomas? I am a businessman." The man says, leaning close into Thomas' face to whisper those last words
"Which means that I don't take unnecessary risks, why should I trust you?" The man asks and Thomas just stares at him.
"Because I can help you. You see if you can get me through those walls I can get you what you want." Thomas says and I turn to Brenda confused but she just shrugs her shoulders.
"So what is it that you think I need?" The man quizzes.
"Time, every last drop." Thomas states and the man turns his head to the side almost as if he's laughing.
"Is that something we both need?" The man sneers, and Thomas just continues to stare at him, almost as if he's staring through him.
"Wckd is something we both want." Thomas tells him, and he man just nods.
"I'll tell you what, two can go for now, the rest stay down here with me. Just a little insurance to make sure you'll find your way back." He tells Thomas and everyone in the group look at each other and shrug.
"Do we have a deal?" The man asks Thomas as he extends his hand for Thomas to shake, which he does, and he man just smirks.
"Gally show them the way." The man then says before gally quickly shoos us all out of the room and shows us the entrance to Wckd, which is a literal sewer drain,and I stare at gally with a smile as he lowers a ladder down into the drain, I quickly crouch on the floor next to him as he drops to the floor ready to climb down.
"Gally, take care of these two." Frypan says and gally just nods.
"Yeah." He says before he looks at me.
"Stay safe, don't get lost or hurt." I warn him and he smiles.
"Cmon y/n, you know me." He says before he kisses me and begins to descend down the ladder, and I smile and watch him go down, smiling to hide the nerves.
As one of the now non masked men lead Brenda and I into a room, he stands at the door with his arms crossed.
"This is where you'll be sleeping whilst you stay here." He says before he slams the door and leaves, and Brenda throws herself onto one of the single beds, me copying her actions.
"I can't believe I finally got to meet Gally." She says with a small laugh.
"You can't believe it!? I thought he was dead! I watched him die." I tell her with an even larger laugh and she just nods.
"You must really love him if when you saw him, you still knew the love for him was there." Brenda tells me and I just smile.
"The love for him never left, I had plenty of opportunities to find someone else, like when I was captured by Wckd there was a few boys who showed interest in me but I couldn't stop thinking about gally, in the glade I thought i loved him, but when I lost him that's when I realised I did love him." I quietly say, and she just stares at me, but then shakes her head.
"But, you thought he was dead, so why didn't you move on?" She quizzes and I shrug.
"I asked myself that almost every day, but a part of me knew he wasn't dead no matter how bizarre it sounded to say out loud." I tell her and she just smiles widely.
"I'm really happy you've got him back y/n, I could see how much you loved him when you spoke about him." She tells me with a genuine smile on her face.
"Even with him back, it doesn't mean I won't spend time with you. You're still my best friend, Brenda, you know that. You know i love you." I tell her, and she laughs.
"I love you too, not as much as I love Thomas, though." She says and I just laugh
As we sit around the table with paper spread all over it, Thomas shakes his head.
"Nope, there's got to be another way in." He says and gally laughs.
"But how? You've seen the building, she is our only way in." Gally states as I stare at him.
"You really think she's gonna help us?" Thomas asks but my gaze then falls on newt who looks as anxious as ever as he plays with his fingers.
"I don't plan on asking for her permission." Gally laughs and Brenda clears her throat.
"Am I missing something? This is the same girl who betrayed us, correct? Same dick?" She scoffs and gally looks at her with a smile.
"I like her." He tells us as he points at Brenda before he looks at me and smiles.
"What's going on?" Brenda quizzes as she looks at Thomas, and I can see the anger growing on newts face, somethings wrong with him, I can tell.
"What are you afraid that your little girlfriends gonna get hurt? Hmm?" Newt growls as he stares at Thomas through knitted eyebrows.
"This has obviously never just been about rescuing minho." He continues and I nod my head.
"Exactly." I agree, but nobody listens apart from gally who just chuckles.
"Who are you talking about?" Thomas asks as he approaches newt, who quickly slides off his chair so him and Thomas are both at eyelevel with each other.
"Teresa." He spits as if her name was poison.
"I mean, she's the reason Minhos even missing in the first place, and now we finally have the opportunity to get him back, and you don't want you because of her?" Newt asks as he's walking directly into Thomas, so Thomas has been pressed against the wall. If a deaf person was watching this play out, they'd definitely think that something else was going on here.
"Because keep down inside of you. Do you still care about her? Just admit it." Newt grumbles.
"Newt, no." Thomas answers and Newt grabs both of Thomas' shoulders and pins him tight against the wall.
"Don't lie to me!" He screams.
"Don't lie to me." He then spits and Brenda and I slap a hand over our mouths in usion, each for different reasons.
She did it out of shock, I'm doing it because I'm trying not to laugh.
Newt quickly steps back and shakes his head.
"Sorry." He mumbles.
"Sorry." He then says as he turns to face us all, and I remove my hand from my mouth and stand up from my chair and quickly approach him.
"Are you alright?" I ask and he just stares at me before he walks out, and I turn to everyone in the room, mainly pointing at Thomas though.
"I'm gonna go speak to him, I'll be back in a minute, alright?" I say to the group and everyone nods before I follow newt, quickly realising he's heading for the roof, and as I follow him I watch as he sits down and dangles his leg off of the building, clutching his right hand with his left.
"Newt, what's wrong?" I ask as I slowly sit next to him, my words coming out gentle, as I don't want to startle him. He says nothing and instead pulls up his right sleeve, revealing black veins, which you only get if you have the flare.
"I should've told you sooner." He mumbles, and as I stare at his veins, I feel tears brimming my eyes, but I quickly blink them away as i smile at him, trying to act fine even though inside I was breaking.
"No, no, newt, it's okay." I say as I grab his left hand in mine and give it a gentle squeeze.
"I'm happy you told me now." I say and he just nods at me.
"We're gonna get you the cure, okay? You're gonna be alright." I whisper, and he sadly smiles as he blinks away his own tears.
"Can you get Thomas, please?" He asks, and I nod but pull him into a tight hug.
"I really love you newt, you're my best friend, keep fighting for me, I'll get you better." I say as I stand up and run downstairs back to where everyone is and tell Thomas that newt wants him, and once Thomas is far enough away, I burst down into tears, nobody knowing why until I tell them.
"He'll be fine y/n, you know newt. He's a fighter." Gally says as he pulls me into a tight hug, his hand on top of my head as he gently plays with my hair.
"We're gonna get him the cure when we get into Wckd." Brenda calls before her, frypan and jorge all join in on the hug, which makes me let out a sad laugh as I hold onto them all.
Once I've calmed down, gally just grabs my face and stares at me, like I did when I first saw him again.
"I've missed your stupid face." He says with a large smile, and I just glare at him.
"I miss your hair." I cry as I stand on my tip-toes to feel at his now bald head which makes him scoff.
"It'll grow back." He remarks, and I sigh as I then burst out laughing.
"Actually, I think I prefer this hair." I state before Gally pulls me into a kiss, making frypan gag.
"Can you guys make out somewhere else!?" He screams before Thomas quickly runs in.
"I'm going into Wckd, gally you need to come with me, were getting Teresa." He states, and just like that, gallys gone.
Only an hour later, we all stand in front of Teresa, gally Ripping the bag off of her head as we all glare at her.
"gally?" She gasps but gally quickly quiets her by talking.
"Here's how this is gonna go. We're gonna ask you some questions, and you're gonna tell us exactly what we need to know. Well, start off simple. Where's minho?" Gally asks as he grabs a chair and slams it backwards in front of Teresa so that the back of the chair is facing her as he harshly sits down on it and throws his arms over the backrest.
"You guys seriously don't think -" She says as her eyes fall past gally and onto Thomas, which makes gally laugh.
"Don't look at him? Why are you looking at him? Look at me. He's not gonna help you. We know you have minho in the building. Where?" Gally demands, and I let out a quiet gasp as my knees feel weak when I hear how demanding gally now is.
"he's with the others we're holding. At level three." Teresa answers.
"How many are there?" Newt asks, and Teresa gulps.
"twenty eight." She tells us, and we all turn around to Brenda as she plays with cards.
"I can make that work." She tells us happily with a smile.
"No, no, you guys don't understand the whole level is restricted. You can't get in without a thumbprint ID." Teresa states, and Thomas stares at her.
"That's why you're gonna come with us." Thomas tells her, and I stand up from where I'm sitting and grab the scalpel that's on the table and begin walking towards Teresa.
"Well, I don't know. You don't necessarily need her, right? Not all of her. We just need her finger." I sneer, an evil smile growing on my face as I almost pass gally, but he holds an arm out, so I bump into it, him signalling I'm taking it too far.
"y/n back off." Thomas warns from behind me, and I turn to him and glare.
"What are you squeamish? I guarantee you she's done much worse to minho." I question, and he points a threatening finger at me.
"Not the plan back off." He warns yet again, and I groan and give gallys shoulder a comforting squeeze before I walk back to the table and hand Thomas the scalpel.
"it won't make a difference. Do whatever you want to me. You still won't get through the front door. The sensors will pick you up." Teresa says, now clearly panicking after the scalpel comments I made.
"we know. We're tagged, property of wckd. You're gonna help us with that, too." Thomas says as he holds up the scalpel.
As I sit on the chair in front of Teresa as she pulls my shirt down at the back of my neck, her fingers carefully graze my skin.
"Try to relax. This is gonna sting." She says slowly before gally walks over and gives me a warm smile before crouching on the floor in front of me.
"I don't want to see you flinch. You're my tough girl y/n remember." He says with a smile, and I nod, I remember.
As I run out of the maze, tears pouring from my eyes as I grab tightly onto minhos shoulder, trying my hardest to make it as far away from the maze doors as I can before I collapse, when i was running back from in the maze my leg got caught in one of the walls as it begun to move, i pulled it out but my ankle got caught and the wall got caught in it, making my ankle make the most deafening crunch noise you'll ever hear, and my scream got minhos attention as he spirited back and pulled my ankle free of the wall, and when I try to put my ankle on the floor I can't do it, so this is how minho has ended up carrying me back to the glade.
"HELP! Someone get Clint and Jeff!" Minho screams as he sets me on the floor, out of breath from running whilst practically carrying me.
Gally must've heard minhos cries for help, because he sprints over and falls to the floor next to me and when he looks at my ankle he gasps, and he's not even a medjack so it must be bad.
"Y/n, y/n, don't cry. You're my tough girl I don't want to see you cry." Gally warns as he presses a kiss to my head.
I'm snapped out of my memory with Teresa handing me a tissue.
"That's you done." She says, and I nod and get off the chair, allowing gally to climb on it as I sit on the floor like he done with me as I use one of my hands to dab the blood off of my neck using the tissue.
"How are you alive, gally? We watched you die." Teresa asks as she focuses on cutting his neck.
"I wish I knew." Gally says flatly as he reaches out one of his hands to cup my chin, lifting my face only slightly so he can stare at me, which causes me to smile and blush.
"I'm happy you two have each other again." She then adds and I laugh.
"We never lost each other." I say and gally begins to smile again.
When we all get ready for our plan, I smile at everyone.
"We're gonna kick Wckds ass." I exclaim as I do a small happy jump which causes frypan to laugh.
"Y/n, I've never seen you so happy to basically go on a death wish mission." He tells me with a smile and I shake my head.
"Nono, they're going on the deathwish mission, brenda and I are being the drivers." I say as I motion to Gally, newt, and Thomas with a smile.
As Brenda and I sneak our way into the carpark and climb on a bus, I stare around looking for any Wckd workers, but as of right now there's none so I smile slightly.
"Why did we agree to this?" I ask with a small laugh, and Brenda gives me the 'you know why' look and I just stare at her confused, I really don't know why.
"I just thought that if Thomas saw me doing something this brave, then he might actually like me." She sighs and I gasp.
"Thomas should like you anyway! You don't need to risk your life to be good enough for some boy." I state, and she shoots me a thankful smile.
"I wish that was true." She whispers and I shake my head.
"Brenda, you're already the bravest girl I know, you survived the fucking flare for god sake! That's braver than this." I tell her as I grab her shoulders and shake her.
"You're braver than me." She argues, and I shake my head yet again.
"It's not a competition, Brenda. If Thomas doesn't like you for you, then he's not worth it." I say as I give her shoulder a tight squeeze and she then smiles widely at me.
Minutes later, gallys voice rings through the walkie-talkie, asking where we are, and instantly, as he turns the corner, he almost runs face first into our bus, which causes me to laugh.
"Come on let's go!" I exclaim as Brenda opens the doors and the kids begin running in.
As I run to the other door and open it, I stare at gally confused.
"Where's Thomas?" I quiz and he stares at me confused.
"I was hoping he was with you." Gally says and I quickly step out of the bus, but gally grabs me and pushes me back in.
"No y/n, stay with the kids, wait here. I'll find him." He promises, and I just stare at gally, but quickly pull him into a kiss, which makes a few of the kids giggle before I break the kiss.
"Just wait for us, okay." Gally says as he pulls his mask down and then runs off.
I quickly climb on the bus as panic fills my stomach, I can't help but to think that something is gonna go wrong.
"Everyone, alright?" I ask as I turn to all the kids in the bus who just stare at me but all nod.
"I'm y/n, my friend who'll drive the bus is Brenda, were not a part of wckd and were here to take you somewhere safe, alright?" I ask, and all the kids cheer before Brenda gasps.
"Get down!" She exclaims, and I drop to the floor, all of the kids ducking in their seats.
"Stay quiet." She whispers, and i crawl next to her and watch carefully as armed guards approach the bus.
"Sorry, Thomas." I hear her say before she quickly jumps in her seat, me coping her because I know she's about to drive and i don't want to fly to the back of the bus.
As the bus starts, she screams to everyone to hold on as she begins to drive, bursting through barricades as she navigates the city seats, Wckd cars now driving behind us.
"We're fucked!" I yell as I let out large fits of laughter whilst all the kids behind us scream extremely loud.
"You'll all be alright! Just hang on!" I scream to them as Brenda continues to swerve and drive around.
"Jorge is a shit driving instructor." I tell her through large laughs.
"Oh yeah? Didn't he teach you how to drive too!?" She asks, and I just nod.
But whilst we're driving, Wckd cars behind flying at us from all angles and Brenda swerves the car, and now I'm panicking aswell as the kids, but we come to a stop on the middle of the road, and Brenda exits rhe car whilst I stay with the kids.
"We're gonna be alright guys, this is our plan." I tell them all, and they just let out worried cries and whimpers.
Our plan is set in motion once Brenda let's off her flare and connects the rod to our bus and screams to everyone to hold onto something, seconds before the bus is lifted into the air, dangling by the front as we crash into buildings and spin around.
But my laughing comes to a hault when I realise that the rod is slowly but surely Ripping the bumper off of the bus, meaning we're going to fall.
As we all begin screaming and crying, frypan quickly drops us, which sends us hurdling to the ground, but we don't actually fit the ground until the rod fully rips the bumper off of the bus, and the bus lands on the backdoors, until it tips forward and Brenda and I quickly motion for all of the kids to climb out and follow us, but first we had to wait on frypan.
Once we run back to Lawrence's lair thing, we run around trying to find everyone, but nobody is there.
"Where is everyone?" Frypan quizzes before him and Brenda take off in a sprint, leaving me with all the kids, I love taking care of kids, I think kids are funny.
"Is everyone alright?" I ask as I turn to stare at them, and they all nod.
"Thank you for saving us." The youngest boy of them all says, and I stare at him and smile. He reminds me of Chuck.
"Nobody deserves to go through what they put you through." I tell him with a large smile as I crouch down to his size, and he laughs and hugs me, which almost makes me cry as I hug back.
As we pull the kids into the main part, Thomas begins to talk through the walkie-talkie, but she's too far for any of us to hear, so I divert my attention to the kids again.
"Our safe space, is gonna be perfect. Much better than anything Wckd had." I promise as I look at all of them.
"Really?" A girl asks and I nod.
"Mhm, so much better, and you guys can help with building it. You can design your own rooms and pick who you want to share a room with. It's completely up to you." I say, and they all clap and cheer, clearly excited for this promised safe haven I'm talking about, and I hope it'll be as good as I'm making it sound.
"Will you be sharing a room with that boy you were kissing?" A different girl asks with a small 'oooo' rising from all of the other kids.
"Maybe, if he doesn't annoy me." I tell them and they all laugh.
"I used to share a room with him, well more of a hammock, and he always used to steal the blanket from me during the night so I'd wake up freezing." I groan and all the kids continue to laugh.
"Did you get them back!?" One gasps and I nod.
"I pushed him out of the hammock and took all of the blanket for myself." I answer.
Suddenly, I hear an aircraft outside and I run to check it out with Brenda and Frypan, and I realise Jorge has brought our ride, and all the kids quickly run out after us running inside, where we see Vince, and once we've flown near the tunnel we fall back down to the ground waiting for everyone to come, but they don't. So we all run out of the aircraft to see the Wckd city getting burned down.
"We can't stay here Brenda." Jorge states as he turns to her.
"Don't worry, they'll be here." She argues as she shakes her head.
Only seconds later, I hear Teresa's voice ring through the speakers, and I'm practically sick hearing her talk. Even though she helped us get into wckd, I hate her, I don't even listen to what she has to say. I just block her out.
As we get back into the aircraft I play around with the vial of the cure around with my hands, being careful not to drop it, when minho and gally run at the aircraft.
"Where's the serum!?" Minho yells, and I hold it up in my hands, and I instantly know what I have to do, I instantly begin running through the Wckd city, missing bullets only merely and jumping through fire as tears stream down my face, I need to get this back to newt, even if it kills me in the process.
As I twist and turn through alleys and different streets being so close to them, my ankle begins to hurt, as in the ankle I hurt four years ago by now, but I push through it, only to turn the corner and see newt, dead on the floor, Thomas crouched over him.
"No!" I scream as the tears begin to pour harder as I sprint to newts side, dropping to my knees on the floor as I cup newts face with one hand and shake his shoulder with the other.
Thomas says nothing as he stands up and walks away, giving me time to give newt the serum, but it doesn't work. He doesn't wake up and laugh, he doesn't even blink.
"Newt no, please. Please!" I scream as frypan, gally, minho and Brenda surround us.
"Y/n, he's gone." Brenda says from behind me, and I shake my head.
"No please! He's not gone the serum just hasn't kicked in yet." I cry as I continue to shake him.
"Newt, it's me y/n. Please wake up, please." I beg, although it's obvious he's dead, but it was also obvious gally was dead, so why can't newt come back too.
"Y/n, come on we need to go." Minho says through his own tears.
"No, I can't leave him here. What if he wakes up!?" I exclaim, my sadness now turning into anger towards everyone.
"You know he won't y/n, he's dead." Brenda says from behind me.
"He's not fucking dead!" I scream as I continue to shake him, my tears blinding me as everything continues to go blurry, as I feel my body being hoisted up off of the floor.
"Y/N, if we don't go, we're going to be burned alive." Gally says sternly as he throws me over his shoulder.
"Gally, please, no! I can't just leave him here!" I scream as I begin to thresh against gallys hold, but he's too strong.
"Y/n, it's okay." Brenda coos and I shake my head.
"No! You're all sick. You're leaving him here to be killed!" I scream, but I feel someone hit me over the head with something and everything goes black.
When I open my eyes, the room is so painfully bright that I let out a small groan as I shield my eyes from the light as I sit up and take in my surroundings.
"Y/n?" I hear Brenda say from beside me as she begins to stir from a sleep. And I turn my head to the side and see her sitting up and rubbing her eyes, and I realise I'm in a hospital room.
"Where am I?" I ask and she smiles and reaches out to grab my hand.
"We're in the safe haven y/n." She tells me with a large smile, and I just nod before she quickly stands up.
"I should go tell gally you're awake." She says before she runs out, leaving me questioning why my stomach is all bandaged.
When gally walks in, his eyes light up when he sees me.
"Y/n, are you alright?" He gasps as he quickly runs and sits on the edge of the hospital bed, pulling me into a hug whilst being careful of my stomach.
"What happened to my stomach?" I ask as I hug back.
"When you were running to give newt the serum, you got shot. We all noticed, but somehow, you didn't. Your adrenaline was too high. So when you were screaming over newt, making your heart race, it was pumping more blood out, but you still didn't realise." He tells me and I just stare at him and nod.
"I didn't want to knock you out, but I had to. Otherwise, you would've died due to blood loss, im sorry." He frantically tells me, and I sit up and rest my head on his shoulders.
"You saved me gally." I whisper before I gasp, which hurts my stomach, but I shake it off.
"So we're at the safe haven now?!" I exclaim and gally nods as he stands up.
"You want to see hm?" He quizzes before he takes my hand and carefully stands me up before he shows me around the safe haven, and I stop at the rocks with everyone's names carved into it, my heart stopping when I see Newts name, but my eyebrows raise in shock when I see Teresa's name.
"Teresa died?" I ask as I turn to gally.
"Saving Thomas, actually." Gally says as he slings an arm around my shoulder.
"Well shit." I whisper as I begin to feel bad for all of the grief I gave her after she betrayed us, all for her to die saving Thomas.
Suddenly, my eyes fell on minho, and I realised I totally forgot we saved him, so I ran at him full speed, throwing my arms over him in probably one of the tightest hugs ever.
"Careful there." He says as he hugs me back, also being careful of my stomach.
"It's good to see you again." He then tells me with a laugh and I just nod.
As we all sit around the bonfire, all of us, Vince begins to speak.
"We've come along way together. So many people sacrificed so much to make this place possible." He begins.
"Your friends." He continues, and our group all look at each other and smile, all of us nodding in agreement.
"Your family." He adds, and Brenda looks at me, as I turn to face her from infront of her, gally and I sitting infront of her, minho and Thomas and she grabs my hand, and she mouths 'my sister' which brings a few tears to my eyes.
"So here's to the ones that couldn't be here." Vince continues as he raises his glass, and tears begin to spill when I think of newt.
"Here's to the friends we lost." Vince says as I raise my glass high, everyone doing the same.
"This place is for you. it's for all of us." He continues and gally looks at me, and when he realises I'm crying, he wraps an arm around my waist pulling me closer to him.
"But this, this is for them." Vince says as he points at the rocks with everyone's names on them.
"Welcome to the safe haven!" Vince then screams and we all clap and cheer, and from the corner of my eye I see Brenda and Thomas kissing, which makes me snap my head to them, letting out a large 'What!?' Which makes everyone around us laugh, before I taste whatever in my cup, and I let out a massive gasp which takes all the oxygen out of my lungs.
"It's your drink!" I scream to gally, and he nods before pulling me into a deep, meaningful kiss.
"It sure is." He says with a small smile before we go down to the front with Vince and start the massive bonfire, where we all talk and laugh all night, but gally is way more touchy, infact he's toucher than ever tonight.
"You know, we have our own room now, no more sharing a hammock in front of everyone." Gally says once the bonfire has died down and there's hardly any people around us.
"Wait, really?" I ask happily, and he nods.
"Yeah, would you like to see?" He quizzes, and I nod.
"Are you sure you won't mind leaving the bonfire?" He asks and I just shrug.
"Hardly anyone here now anyway." I say, and he grabs my hand and leads me to our room, which I just gawk at.
"Holy shit it's so nice!" I exclaim as I jump on the bed, only paining my stomach a little bit as I smile, and gally copies me, but he grabs my waist and pulls me on top of him, pressing small kisses to my lips.
"Gally." I say with laughs in between kisses, yes sure gally and I have made out before, but this is different, I can tell it is.
And I'm really not complaining.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asks as he leans his head into the pillows to break the kisses.
"No." I state as I smile at him.
"Good." He tells me before he flips us around so he's on top of me, which makes me blush, and I slowly feel a pit in my stomach growing, and I feel myself becoming wet.
"God, you're so gorgeous." Gally mumbles before he presses lips against mine, this time not breaking it, and instead, he deepens it by pushing his tongue into my mouth, which causes me to let out a small moan.
I can't remember if I've ever done anything like this before the maze, but if i have, it'd be really weird seeing as I would've been like fourteen or fifteen.
Gally smiles into the kiss as his hand slides under my shirt and makes its way to my bra, where he gently gropes my tits through the fabric of the bra, which only makes my moans slightly louder.
"You like that, hm?" Gally quizzes with a small chuckle before his lips make their way to my neck, as he begins to suck and bite it gently.
"Oh my god, gally." I groan as I wrap one of my legs around his waist, trying to pull him closer, but he's clearly still being careful of my stomach.
When gally stops kissing my neck, he looks up at me as he takes his hands off of my tits as it makes its way down to the button of my jeans, and I quickly kick off the sliders I'm now wearing, god knows where my trainers are because I wasn't even wearing this outfit when I last remember being awake.
"I missed you so much, yknow, not a day went by that I didn't think of you." Gally tells me as he unbuttons my jeans and unzips them, my breath hitching when he begins to pull them down my legs, his eyes not leaving mine.
"I always thought of you every day. I knee you were alive." I say to him, and he smiles at me.
"Oh yeah? What did you think about?" He asks before he pulls down my pants and slowly presses a finger to my clit, gently rubbing circles on it.
"Oh god- I thought of us. What would've happened between us if you lived." I tell him, moaning after almost every word, I'm a full virgin, like I've not ever even touched myself, I mean, how could I? I've never been left alone.
"Oh? What would've happened if i made it out with you guys?" He teases as he raises one of his fingers to his own mouth and carefully sucks it, before he slowly slides it into me.
"I had always thought that we could've got married or some shit, no matter how fucked the world was." I tell him with a small laugh and he smiles as he slowly begins to slide his finger in and out of me, causing me to turn into a moaning mess.
"And what about this? Did you ever think about us doing this?" Gally teases as he adds another finger into me, causing me to throw my head back into the pillow.
"Yes, oh fuck yes." I cry as his fingers reach deeper into me and its true.
"When?" He asks with a small smirk.
"All the time at night in the glade, I used to think about us sneaking into the deadheads and just doing it there, and then the night where I first saw you again I wanted you there and then." I tell him.
"Awh." He coos before he kisses me, and I shake my head and break the kiss.
"Gally, I want you." I whine, and he smirks at me as he pulls his two fingers out of me and sliding them into his own mouth, still maintaining eyecontact with me as he removes his fingers from his mouth, and his hands begin to work on his belt, but I swat his hands away and begin to unbuckle his belt myself, and once his belts fully gone, I take off his jeans, and then his boxers, and I audibly gasp when I see his cock.
I always knew gally was big, we had changed infront of each other before and I always saw the outline of his cock against his boxers, but now that its there infront of me, I'm gobsmacked.
"If it hurts, or if you want me to stop, just tell me." Gally warns and I nod as I lean back into the pillows and spread my legs as gally positions himself ontop of me as he begins to position his cock directly with my enterance.
"Are you still sure you want to do this?" Gally asks, and I carefully grab his face and nod.
"I'm sure gally." I promise and he nods before he slowly begins to push his cock into me, and I bite down hard on my lip.
It hurts. Don't get me wrong. But it feels absolutely perfect. I squeeze my eyes shut once he's fully inside of me, and I let out small moans when he lets out a small grunt.
"Is this okay?" He asks, and I moan and nod as he begins to thrust in and out of me.
"Fuck, it feels perfect gally, faster please." I beg and I watch as he nods as he begins to thurst faster into me, reaching deeper each time which sends me into full bliss.
"Do you know how much I thought about this?" Gally groans as he continues to thrust into me, going at a pace that's comfortable for both of us, and it's absolutely perfect, I stare at gally with a smile as I continue to moan, my eyes not leaving him.
"My handsome boy." I quietly say to him, and he looks at me with lit up eyes.
"You think I'm handsome?" He asks, his thrusts getting slightly faster.
"I think you're the best-looking boy to ever exist, gally." I tell him truthfully, and he presses a hand next to my head on the pillow as he stares down into my eyes, he's sweating slightly now.
"I think you're the most beautiful girl. Nobody could compare to you." He states and I smile weakly, his words pushing me over the edge as I come undone, gally quickly groaning and pulling out just intime to cum on my stomach.
"I love you gally." I sigh as he presses his forehead against mine.
"I love you too. I'll love you forever." He promises with a weak kiss to my lips.
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astridthevalkyrie · 3 months
a weak heart | rafayel x reader
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“Let’s go all the way, tonight, no regrets, just love,” she sings, and her voice is a little pitchy but Rafayel could listen to it all day, “we can dance, until we die, you and I, we’ll be young forever!” How very wrong she is about that last part. It’s almost funny. Someone with such a weak heart shouldn’t be this cocky.
cw: reader has she/her pronouns, fluff, light angst, rafayel being bratty but also down incredibly bad
word count: 1.4k
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There’s a dip in the bed that alerts Rafayel to her presence. He’d already known she was inside, even though her footsteps were hushed. He’d heard her walk in and feed Reddie, and he almost gave up the vow he made to himself not to engage with her just so he could snark about how she was more invested in seeing the fish than in seeing him.
(Of course, she very well may have gone to the studio to look for him and decided to feed Reddie while she was already in there, but. He doesn’t want to be reasonable right now. He wants to be upset with her. And she gives him so little to get upset with because she is and always has been some kind of angel descended from the heavens with an embarrassingly weak heart, so he needs to take whatever chances he can get.)
A soft touch to the back of his neck is followed by a quick kiss to his cheek. “Rafayel?”
He doesn’t answer.
“I know you’re awake, Raf.” Well, his eyes are open so. Great observation, idiot. “You’re not even gonna talk to me?”
The window he’s staring through is so fascinating all of a sudden, all bright and stale with an afternoon light he’s painted a billion times. Literally a billion. That’s how old he is. One would think he’d learned to be patient in that time, but one would also think that after waiting for a woman for centuries, she could cut him some slack and not make him wait any longer.
(Not that she knows that but. Still.)
“It was really last minute.” She kisses his cheek again, hovering over him and he wants so badly to gaze up at her, because that will be something he’s never painted before—he’d title it Requiem For A Bland Thursday and Thomas would sell it for a couple hundred million and he’d tell her that and she would only ask him to buy her a rainbow popsicle because there isn’t a greedy bone in her body.
“I was going to text, Raf, I promise I was, but I’d pulled a night shift already and my phone was dead and Xavier and I both left our chargers at home, and we didn’t have a chance to stop and charge anyways.”
Always an excuse. Always a valid excuse that he can find no fault with. But it isn’t fair. The people she works with—Tara, Xavier, Captain Jenna who she’s definitely a little in love with—get her attention and her time every hour of every day. If there’s a mission to do, she’ll drop everything and do it. And Rafayel gets the crumbs, the vacation days and the after hours, whenever she remembers him enough to spare her time.
What’s worse than that is the fear. He doesn’t let it show through text, always opting to send whatever he thinks will make her smile, but everytime hours pass without a response from her, fear seizes his poor heart. All the twisted and cruel things that could possibly happen to her start playing on repeat in his head.
“Rafayel,” she pleads, tilting her forehead against his temple. “Please, look at me?”
His chest burns hot.
When he finally looks up, he finds he’s absolutely correct in his hunch. She presents like a masterpiece, hair mussed from whatever fights Xavier clearly couldn’t protect her from. Her eyes shine tiredly, lighting up when they gaze into his. And Rafayel’s heart releases a painful thump, thump, thump because if he could spend eternity with her looking at him the way she is now, he’d easily live the rest of his immortal life the happiest person in the universe.
She leans down and pecks his lips apologetically. “I’m sorry for making you wait.”
(It’s what she always does.)
“It’s what you always do,” he says, not harsh but definitely blasé enough to make her wince. “Why should this time be any different?”
A sigh escapes her, and he starts to feel that old guilt again. To hold her up to a standard because he fell in love with two other versions of her, and to give her grief for being late as though she wasn’t doing an incredibly important job keeping people safe—it’s not exactly fair. To either of them, but specifically to her.
And yet, it’s not like he spends his time with her imagining a princess running through the sands calling his name. This version of her makes his heart pound all the same, whether she’s absolutely beating his ass at the card game in the cafe, or resting her head on his shoulder from behind while he paints, or when she’s in his bed just like this.
The biggest similarity is that damn sick bleeding heart.
“What do I need to do for you to forgive me?” She tilts his chin up with her index finger, pressing a soft kiss to his jaw. Rafayel could never imagine being spoiled like this even if he was to be sitting on the throne in Lemuria right now, with jewels and gold surrounding him and beautiful maidens offering their hands. 
Somehow, this is more. Somehow, this is better.
“There’s nothing you can do,” he answers flatly, “and there’s nothing I can do. So let me be mad at you in peace.”
Her response is to brush the bangs from his forehead and drop a kiss to his forehead as well. “You make me feel like I’m in high school all over again,” she teases quietly, a small smile playing on the corner of her lips now. “My teenage dream.”
He groans. “Don’t—“
“Let’s go all the way, tonight, no regrets, just love,” she sings, and her voice is a little pitchy but Rafayel could listen to it all day, “we can dance, until we die, you and I, we’ll be young forever!”
How very wrong she is about that last part. It’s almost funny. 
Someone with such a weak heart shouldn’t be this cocky.
“Is this my punishment?” His nose wrinkles. “To hear you sing terrible renditions of already overplayed songs?”
Her giggle is the real music to his ears. “You’re an artist, you should know talent when you hear it.”
“I do,” he insists, realizing too late that he’s giving in. The lightness in his stomach is a bit frightening too. This is the same woman who carved out his heart. This is the same woman who needed to do nothing but flutter her lashes at him to make him give in to her any request. If, tomorrow, she were to ask him to rip his own scales from his body and place the bloody pieces in her palm, he’d do so without question.
Her hand comes up to rest on his cheek and he leans into it with a soft sigh almost on instinct. Such power she possesses, over the God of the Sea, and she’s the only person who would never even fathom abusing it. 
“You’re cold,” she murmurs, caressing his cheek. “Why do you always keep your house so cold?”
(So that she can warm him up so that she can warm him up so that she can warm him up so that she can warm him up so that she can warm him up so that she can—)
“It’s better for blood circulation.”
Her thumb gently brushes over his lower lip, like she’s mapping out her quest to treasure. “That’s like, objectively not true, Raf. My friend’s a doctor, he told me that cold is better for short-term pain and warmth is better for—“
“If you’re cold,” he interrupts, “get under the sheets.”
A brilliant, blinding smile lights up her face as she does just that, slipping under next to him and laying down at a slightly elevated level so she can tuck his head into her chest. Warmth runs through him like a flood, even the leather of her uniform is comforting because it’s smooth and light and smells just like her. Her lips press to the top of his head.
“I really am sorry,” she whispers, running her fingers through his hair, “I’ll do my best to text you and let you know next time, okay?”
And if she doesn’t, Rafayel thinks, curling into her more, they will still end up like this, quiet words and mutual teasing, memories of the past that he will forever be cursed by and she will never be burdened with, a heart that dances to the tune of her commands, wrapped up in each other, and absolutely nothing will change.
Because who really has a weak heart?
(It’s not her.)
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kairolee2004 · 6 months
I feel like this would be impossible but— HEAR ME OUT!
Imagine if- as a young child, you lived in Texas and had a close friend that you would even consider your best friend. Thomas Hewitt..
And when your younger teenage years came around, your parents moved you out of Texas and all the way to England.
You live there still in your mid twenties and decided to get a job. A Nanny job to an English family by the name of the Heelshires. Of course you thought is was for a real child but it turns out the nanny job is to take care of a life-sized porcelain doll. The two parents tell you that the “doll” is named Brahams… Supposedly, the real Brahms perished in a fire 20 years ago, and he had apparently rejected several nannies prior to being introduced to you. As Mr. and Mrs. Heelshire leave for their vacation, you are given a list of rules to follow in regard to their son.
Turns out, the bastard wasn’t dead but better yet, living in the walls and stalking you. He had become obsessed and in love with you. How couldn’t he? You were so damn perfect and gorgeous… you needed to stay forever. He tried to keep you all to himself. But you got away with only one suitcase.
You tried to think of a place where you know Brahams would never think to try and look for you. Somewhere completely different from where you were right now… how about Texas?
Making your way all the way back to Texas, you decide that it wouldn’t hurt to see some old family. And head on over to the Hewitt family house. When you arrive, you of course see Luda may and charlie (Hoyt) but you don’t see Tommy anywhere. You ask about him to Luda May and she calls for him… you weren’t ready for what you saw.
Tommy wasn’t the same old little boy who was shorter than you, smaller than you, quieter than you- no.
This was a full grown ass man with 2 feet towering over you and more than 200 pounds of muscle to over power you. And when you say he was “quieter than you.” You meant it. As kids he didn’t talk much and now he still didn’t say a word. It was his eyes.. yelled and screamed with ruthlessness. His eyes seemed as if he saw stuff. They weren’t innocent like they used to be. If looks could kill, you would have dropped minutes ago.
Yet his actions spoke other wise. When he first saw you, he was stiff, kinda like when a bull walks around in a china shop. With the intention of not breaking something so precious and fragile. He didn’t want to break you.
Next thing you know, your body without mind, walks towards him and hugs him. He is stunned for a second before he engulfs himself around you. In a protective manner, a way of saying ‘I’m not letting you go…’
You felt off when you hugged him. Sure it was nice when you saw your childhood friend once more but then again… he wasn’t at the same time. This place was different, this family too. They all were dark souls that were covered with a normal family persona. It was wrong.
Luda May promised that you could stay one night and in the morning you could hit the road again. You felt no reassurance behind those words.
As you got ready for bed, you opened the one suitcase that you took from the Heelshire house, you were frightened… you had some clothes in there and some essentials but one thing was out of place. Brahams porcelain mask. You knew how much this mask meant to him… and he would do anything to get it back. Even if that meant going 4,669.21 miles just to get it back.
Later that night in the bedroom, as you were about to fall asleep, you heard blood curdling screaming coming from the basement. As you made your way down from your room, you saw a young woman burst through the basement door and she was covered with blood. Not far behind her, followed Tommy. He looked at the pathetic women, then at you. He looked terrifying… you didn’t move, only stared.
The young woman screamed at you for help, that was until Tommy revived his chainsaw and killed her with it. This couldn’t be real- right?
Reality hit when all of a sudden, Tommy came over to you and held the side of your face softly. And looked into your eyes. He didn’t want you to be scared of him.
You over lapped your hand over his and held it without saying a word. Slightly leaning into his touch. He helped you stand up and held the back of your head, with the other hand on the small of your back.
You let your head lean against his chest. This was wrong on so many levels… you both knew it. Yet it didn’t stop both of you. This was a silent moment needed.
Well… that was until you heard his voice again. The fear of which you knew was bound to come once more.
“(Reader), Why did you leave me?” Brahams child voice appeared right behind of Thomas. When he turned around, he was there. Brahams of course didn’t have his mask but rather yet, pieces of the porcelain dolls face glued together. It was a sight to behold.
Both men stared at each other… you couldn’t tell what they were thinking but you could definitely tell what was about to go down.
Oh no …
Could you imagine that?
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I swear! These two men got me by the throat- ;/;
I absolutely adore these two masked men, and I mean come on how could you not!?! <333
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vvagustd · 1 year
✎ find a way - minho
[minho (tmr) x fem!reader]
synopsis - y/n runs into the maze after minho
warning! swearing outside of glader slang, mentions of death
is the tmr fandom still alive?? these movies were my whole childhood and i just rewatched the first one and needed to writeee
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Something was wrong.
"Are they not here yet?" The entire glade was standing by the door waiting for Minho and Alby to arrive. They were never this late before, and it was almost sun down. The doors would be closing soon.
"Are they going to make it?" The greenie, Thomas, asked.
"They're gonna make it." Newt said.
"What if they don't?"
"They're gonna make it."
The sun was dipping lower below the walls with every agonizing minute. Your leg bounced anxiously, checking every shadow down the corridor for signs of Minho. The worst thoughts started to fill your head. What if you really lost you best friend? What if the person that means the most to you is lying on the concrete of this god-forsaken maze fighting for his life?
Newt's reassuring hand on your shoulder did very little to reassure you.
Another minute passed and the gladers were started to lose hope. They we're getting restless, some were already leaving. You knew, you just knew he was still alive in there. Your Minho was a fighter, fighter until the last second.
"There!" Someone pointed. Everyone held their breath, searching the shadows. Minho emerged, dragging himself along with every last ounce of willpower. Everyone erupted into cheers of encouragement, but you knew something was up.
"Is that Alby?"
He was slung, limp, over Minho's shoulder. They weren't gonna make it.
The ground started to shake, the aching rumble of the stone sounded as the doors inched closer.
"No!" you cried, as if your screams would reverse the doors. "Minho, you can do it!" You saw the pained expression cross his face at your voice, he knew he wasn't going to make it.
The doors were on the verge of closing as you took a step forward. This door was the barrier between your life and your death and you were right on the edge, deciding your fate.
Your time was running out as your heart acted faster than your head. The boys screamed after you as you pulled away from the gladers, ripping away from your life and throwing yourself into inevitable death as you ran through the narrow opening towards darkness. Towards your fate. Towards Minho.
You barely made it, collapsing on the floor as the doors shut behind you. "Congratulations, you just killed yourself."
"What the fuck is wrong with you, Y/n?" Minho looked up at you with an unreadable expression. You stood up and dusted off your pants before taking in your surroundings. It just clicked how utterly stupid you are. You ran into a dark maze you've never even stepped foot in before, not to mention no one has ever spent a night in the maze and lived to tell the story. You must have been batshit crazy to run after Minho, that, or crazy in love.
"Minho, what do we do?" You asked, running your hand over some ivy that decorated the wall. It felt oddly.. fake.
"Nothing." He replied, letting his head fall.
"Are you serious?" You asked. You waited for him to give any sign that he was just joking, and that he had a plan.
"You did this to yourself, Y/n." He wasn't.
"I ran after you, Minho."
"No one asked you to do that." His voice was raising, yet he stayed calm and unwavering.
"You can't just give up, Minho!"
"Then what am I supposed to do, Y/n?" He looked up at you with tears in his eyes, his voice getting shakey. "I don't know what to do, Y/n. I'm scared. I'm scared, and lost, with no plan and no chance of surviving." He bowed his head again. "You ran after me and now were both here, both dead. You're dead because of me."
Your breath slowed as you approached him. "Living won't be living without you. We're not dead, and I will do everything in my power to get us through the night and out of the maze." You kneeled beside him and drew in a deep breath. "I ran after you because I love you, Minho. You being in here alone sounded like a nightmare, and I couldn't-" he cut you off by taking your face in his hands and pressing his lips to yours.
You felt the pressure of three years in the glade, three years by Minho's side every day and three years of liking him wash away in one kiss. "We'll have plenty more time to do that once we get out of here." Minho said, standing up and offering his hand.
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goldfish-afterhours · 6 months
Genshin Characters During Finals Season (College AU)
Characters: Zhongli, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Albedo, Bennett, Childe, Kaeya
Type/Genre: Bulleted headcanons, comedy
Warnings: Foul language, slightly suggestive humour/for comedic purposes
Calm and collected at first
As the days go by, Zhongli would start looking more and more like a tired dad
Walks around slightly frowning, bags under his eyes from all nighters, and clutching a mug of coffee so hard that people are afraid it’s gonna break, but even more afraid to tell him to be careful
Has heat compresses on the back of his neck and forehead to ease the headaches from the lack of sleep
Probably told Childe to shut the fuck up and mind your own business when he warned him about his cup
“Childe, if I do not kill this final I will kill you in its stead. Leave me be.”
Probably part of one of those student care organizations that makes care packages for other students
His smile when he hands out the packages is so bright and healing it could bring back the dead
Always motivating his peers and tries to keep everyone’s spirits up
Offers to get everyone in the study group coffee
He’s not the best at school but he has a lot of friends that are willing to tutor him and do his assignments help him with his work
Likes to snack while he’s studying
“No giving up yet! Let’s take a snack break, you’ll think better with something in your belly.”
Chills at a coffee shop with a big friend group to “study”
They do jack shit
Probably spends more time staring at the drink menu than his exam notes
Grade A procrastinator, does all his homework the night before it’s due and studies for exams the morning of
Due tomorrow do tomorrow amiright
Always seems to do okay tho?? People wanna scold him for his bad study habits but he actually does okay in school so they can’t really say anything
Doesn’t study hard but parties 100x harder
“Come on, live a little! If your exam is at 2pm, you can just start studying at 9 tomorrow morning and you’ll be fine.”
Pulls all nighter after all nighter after all nighter after all nighter after-
No one can ever find him during the day on campus or in his dorm—it’s like he despawned and just does not exist
Only time he is spotted by others is always at 3am in the morning like a cryptid and he looks like a zombie
He’s actually working a part time job along with going to classes and helping others with their work. An angry looking good boy.
Studies in the lecture halls by himself, blasting music as loud as he can on his headphones to keep himself awake
Mf going to go deaf is2g lower ur volume boi
“…hey. I’m getting a coffee, do you want one?”
Plans his time meticulously. Has an extremely organized planner where he writes out exactly what he’s going to do at every hour of the day so he can maximize his week
Includes mealtimes, breaks, and poop times relaxation periods
Usually studies in his room, but for some reason people keep barging in on him to ask for study help so he has to find different hiding places to work in peace
So far, the best place has been the graduate students lounge. No he does not belong there, but no one questions him because it looks like he does
“If you really need my help, I have twenty seven and a half minutes between lunch and my bathroom break this Thursday. Come find me then.”
(Rejected quote: “What’s my masters in? No no, the only thing I’m a master of is your mom.”)
The type of person to have the “please don’t talk to me I have work to do and if you talk to me I won’t stop” sign on his back while working in the library
Fell asleep while completing an assignment
Missed the midnight deadline for said assignment
Slept through the exam the next morning
At this point just let him sleep at least he won’t have to deal with it then
“That was a good nap…now I got the energy for my assignment and the exam!”
Would be a good student if he wasn’t bothering other people so often
Probably bakes when he’s stressed. His roommates are always awoken at 4 in the morning to the sound of the oven beeping and the heavenly smell of freshly baked cookies
Has a friendly rivalry with Zhongli. He always asks when Zhongli will be turning in an assignment, and what mark he’s aiming for for the final exam
Turns in the final paper at least a week before it’s due and aims for ten percent higher than Zhongli on the exam
If he needs bonus marks to reach that then so be it
Otherwise slacks off a bit
He’d be a really good student if he wasn’t so competitive with Zhongli all the time
“You good, Zhongles? You trying to squeeze a better grade out of that mug?”
This man probably used red bull as the liquid for his instant coffee
An absolute menace and loves messing with people
Tells them that the exam is on a whole other different thing than what they were studying for, or that the due date of a big assignment was changed
Nobody goes to him for help
If you do genuinely need help with a concept, though, he’s more than willing to help
Just make sure to provide adequate compensation for him ;)
By compensation I mean more red bull this man has drank 3 cans in ten minutes please stop him
“What? If they do shit, that only helps with our bellcurve, right? Their fault for trusting me anyways~”
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missmagooglie · 2 months
Prefacing this by saying this is not what I EXPECT to happen in 7x09 and 7x10, it's just one specific scenario that I feel particularly feral about right now... so with that said, I'm gonna throw out a dream scenario for the end of S7:
Tommy and Buck are dating and it's going well. Buck is just sort of blossoming in his new identity as a queer man. There's a self-confidence and assuredness to him that we haven't seen before
Meanwhile, Eddie has broken things off with Marisol and is quietly going through his own reevaluation of his sexuality. His awareness of his queerness happens pretty simultaneously with his realization that the way he loves Buck isn't entirely platonic, but he keeps it to himself because Buck is happy with Tommy
Episode 9 finds Eddie and Buck together off duty. Maybe they're having an argument. Maybe on the surface they're arguing about something small but somehow it feels much bigger
Mid-argument some emergency strikes. Buck and Eddie are trapped together and it's BAD. They're both in mortal peril, but it's worse for Eddie. Eddie hopes help will arrive in time to save Buck, but he's pretty sure he won't be alive to see it
(And I just want to stress - I feel like it's essential that they are off duty when this happens. They are in sync on the job, it's how they fit together outside of the job they're still figuring out)
So Eddie gets Buck's attention - because Buck hasn't given up yet. He won't. He CAN'T. He's frantically searching for solutions as Eddie repeats his name in a weakened voice, until finally he cracks and says, "Evan, please. I need you to hear this."
And in the final seconds of episode nine, Eddie Diaz looks Evan Buckley dead in the eye and tells him, "I love you"
Episode ten opens on an unrelated disaster, just to keep us gnashing our teeth a little longer
Maybe we throw some flashbacks in there for good measure
Check in on the rest of the firefam frantically trying to coordinate a rescue effort
But FINALLY they cut back to Buck and Eddie in mortal danger and replay the last few moments of episode 9. And believing these are the last words he'll ever say, Eddie tells Buck how much he loves him. He says he's sorry he realized it too late, but he could never, never regret loving him
Somehow there's a callback reference to Mitchell and Thomas, and the way Buck looked at their clasped hands as they died, and Buck realizing that dying together was never the point of their story. Living together was
And Buck is full sobbing and begging him not to give up yet because Christopher needs him and the team needs him and finally saying "and I need you, Eddie. You can't leave me. You can't-"
We get the sense that Buck is on the cusp of a love confession of his own, but before he gets the words out he's cut off by the sound of helicopter blades overhead.
Their miracle rescue arrives in time, led by none other than Buck's starting-to-be-something-serious boyfriend Tommy
After the rescue, we see Eddie in the back of the ambulance, stable and out of danger, and Buck's about to go over to him but Tommy comes running over and sweeps Buck up in his arms and kisses his temple and says, "thank god you're ok. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you"
And Buck lets himself be held, but his attention is over Tommy's shoulder looking at Eddie
Eddie, who's gonna be ok
Eddie, who loves him
Eddie, who is the absolute center of Buck's world, but Buck has never allowed himself to think of That Way
And Eddie meets Buck's eye over Tommy's shoulder and gives him a sad smile that lets Buck know he intends to go back to quietly loving Buck at just a little bit of a distance so that Buck can be happy with someone else
And just to really twist the knife, we get an overheard piece of dialogue in which Eddie refers to Buck as his "best friend" for the literal first time ever (I'm pretty sure? Up til now, any time the "best friend" label has been used it's been by Buck, but please correct me if I'm wrong.)
And the season ends there
Cue the entire fandom going APESHIT for the entirety of the summer hiatus
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severalforraelee · 9 months
The Wedding: Thomas Shelby x Reader
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Photo credit to the.shelby.followers on Instagram
Word count: 2,072
Written by raelee / Posted Sep 6
Peaky Blinders Masterlist
I stare at myself in the mirror, dabbing a bit more blush onto my cheek.
“Can’t you just say that you love me, Tommy?” The tears fall down my cheeks as I stare at him, desperation written all over my face. He just stares back at me with a blank expression. “You- you don’t even act like it.”
“What do you mean I don’t act like it, ay?” He asks, taking a step forward. His eyebrows furrow, showing anger, however it’s a hint of emotion. “I bought you that necklace you couldn’t stop staring at the other day.”
“Just buying me things isn’t the same thing as showing me that you love me, you use it as a way to shut me up every time this conversation occurs.” I throw my hands up in frustration.
I could repeat that a hundred times- in fact, I have, but Thomas Shelby is never going to understand what he doesn’t want to understand.
“You know what, I can’t do this anymore,” I stomp towards the door.
“Do what?”
“This, Tommy,” I shout, turning around to face him for the last time. “Be in a relationship with you. You’re too focused on your Peaky Blinders shit to ever pay attention to me, and I deserve more than that. Well, I’ll give you all of the time you need, because we’re done.”
I shake myself out of the memory, quietly cursing once I realize that I put on too much blush. My hand reaches for the brush to blend it in.
This is my wedding day. My wedding day to Oliver. Tommy is the last person that I should be thinking about.
Tommy and I had that passion and intimacy, everytime that I was near him he would reach for my hand to hold to rub his thumb on the back of, or wrap an arm around my waist to squeeze. I could always rely on Tommy to feel like I was protected.
But I can rely on Oliver to actually be protected. Tommy lived a dangerous life, head of one of Britain's biggest gangs, while Oliver is just a banker. But being just a banker is okay because I don’t have to worry about staying alive every single day.
I can go to school and teach without having my partner’s safety on the back of my mind all day, and then go home and spend my evening with him without having to go to the bar every other night.
A loud bang goes off on the other side of the door, followed by screams and shouts. I rise from the chair in front of the vanity, staring at the door with fear and curiosity.
Do I leave the room to find out what’s going on? Or do I stay in the safety of the room, waiting for the danger to find me?
Before I can make a decision, the screams and shouts stop and it’s dead quiet again. I still have a decision to make of when I leave this room. My feet turn me around and I’m staring back at myself in the vanity’s mirror.
My white dress is on, my hair is curled, my makeup is done, and my ring is on my finger. I’m ready to get married.
My heels click on the tiled floor as I make my way through the church to the great room. My father stands in front of the large wooden doors, facing them.
“Papa?” I call out softly.
He turns around and smiles lightly at the sight of me. That’s not what I’m focused on, though. I’m focused on his pale skin and the sweat covering his forehead.
“You look beautiful,” he compliments.
Despite it, I frown. I step closer to him, gripping the bouquet of daisies tighter in my hand. I don’t even like daisies, but Oliver’s mom grows them so they’re my bouquet.
“What’s wrong?” I ask him.
“Nothing’s wrong,” he stutters out.
“Are you sure? You just look… disheveled.”
“Everything will be alright, Y/N,” he tells me. 
His tone is reassuring, but it’s difficult to distinguish who he wants to reassure, himself or me. But why would he be trying to reassure me? What’s going on?
He holds his arm out and I lock mine in, both of us facing the dark wood now.
The doors open and the church music begins to play. My eyes are forward and a bashful smile is on my lips before it drops completely once I see who’s standing at the altar.
There’s not the familiar blonde hair or brown eyes of Oliver. There’s no shy smile that I’ve become accustomed too, or his tall, lanky frame. Nor the powder blue suit that we’ve been planning he would wear today for months.
Instead, I’m facing familiar brown hair and blue eyes. The cold, blank expression that he’s become known for is on his face- surprisingly, a cigarette isn’t hanging out of his mouth, but I’m sure in five minutes it will be. A full navy blue suit sports his frame, the chain that I got him for his birthday last year decorating his torso.
It’s Tommy Shelby.
“Papa, what’s going on?” I whisper softly, anxiety starting to flood through my veins as my eyes flit around the room.
My family and friends are still here- all seated on one side of the room and appearing petrified as they look back at me. On the other side, though, Oliver’s family is not to be seen. Instead it’s filled by Tommy’s friends and family and all of the Peaky Blinders.
My eyes return to Tommy and he gives me a small smile once he sees the gears in my head begin to shift.
“Just walk for now, darling, don’t think about it,” my dad’s words are reassuring but his voice breaks, telling me that whatever’s going on right now isn’t good. I could’ve guessed that by the way my stomach dropped as soon as I walked into the room.
I follow his advice, keeping my eyes on the cross behind Tommy as we walk down the aisle. I avoid eye contact with everyone, unsure of what’s going on and what everyone knows that I don’t.
“Tommy,” I whisper as we reach him and he reaches out for my hands. “What are you doing?”
“Let’s take that off,” he grabs my left hand, tugging off the gold band with a diamond on it, holding it behind him. “Arthur.” Arthur grabs the ring, throwing it on the ground and instantly stomping on it. My eyes widen at the action and I hear several gasps of shock from the people seated on my side of the aisle.
Tommy pulls a ring out of his suit jacket’s pocket, sliding the silver band with a much bigger diamond onto my finger.
Finally, he looks at me, smiling. “Marrying you.”
“Tommy, I-”I look around nervously, then speak quickly. “I’m supposed to be marrying Oliver, you and I broke up-””That doesn’t matter,” he harshly interrupts me.
I stare at him in shock, both from what’s occurring right now and the tone that he spoke to me in.
He clears his throat.
“None of it matters,” he speaks more smoothly now. “What matters is that we’re in love, we’re going to get married, and then we’re going to build a family and a life together.”
“I don’t know if I’m in love with you,” I confess gently.
His grip on my hands tightens then loosens. “What do you mean you don’t know if you’re in love with me?”
“It’s just, it’s been a while since I’ve seen you, Tommy. I mean, the last time we saw each other you couldn’t even say that you love me and now you want to marry me?”
His facial expression doesn’t change. “You’re right, I can’t say that I love you. But I can show it.”
I let out an exasperated sigh. “We’ve talked about this-””You’re right, we have. Fine. I love you. Is that what you want to hear?” He asks, anger lacing his tone.
“You shouldn’t have to be pressured into saying it,” I argue, “You should want to do it because it’s true and you want to tell me, not because we’re fighting about it.”
Like he read my prior thoughts, he pulls a box of cigarettes and a lighter out from his pocket, plucking one out and lighting it.
I’ve always hated it when he smoked, but I know that it’s a hard habit to break. He says that he smokes so much because he’s stressed all of the time- and I understand why this conversation is stressing him out.
But this conversation shouldn’t be happening in the first place. I’m supposed to be marrying Oliver today, god forbid he’s still alive, but Tommy says that I’m marrying him instead.
“I can’t marry you today, Tommy,” I confess.
He tilts his head, an unasked question.
“We have so many problems and a negative history. I’m supposed to be marrying Oliver,” I remind him.
His face darkens at the mention of Oliver. “Well, now you’re marrying me, love.”
“What if I don’t?” I whisper out.
His face darkens even more. “What if you don’t what?”
My breath quickens, unsure if I want the words to escape my lips. Tommy will definitely have a negative reaction, but just how bad I’m not sure of.
“Go on, speak up,” he encourages mockingly.
“What if I don’t marry you?”
His hand reaches out, gently caressing my jaw. Just by that soft action, I know how much I fucked up.
“Oh sweetie,” he talks softly, like he almost feels sorry for me. “I think we both know what will happen.”
And I do. I know that he would burn down my flat, get my father and brothers fired from their jobs, threaten the local grocery store into not selling to my mother, and have Peaky Blinders follow me around so that I’m constantly paranoid and checking over my shoulder.
In fact, I’m surprised that didn’t happen when I first broke up with him.
But I guess I didn’t matter that much until he found out that I was marrying another man.
“So what do you say? Do you want the priest to start the ceremony?”
A single tear rolls down my cheek as I stare back at the man that I once loved, his cruelty now controlling his personal life as well as his professional life.
“I haven’t gotten the chance to tell you how beautiful you look tonight,” he whispers in my ear, arms wrapped around my waist. Mine are around his torso, resting my cheek against his chest as we sway slowly to the gentle romantic tune that I had picked out as Oliver and mine’s first dance song.
“Thank you,” I whisper back.
Thomas Shelby is a troubled man. He has dangerous enemies all around the globe trying to find out his weakness to use against him, hoping to gain power and control.
Thomas Shelby has never had a weakness. He’s physically in shape and active so his body’s not weak. He’s cunning and intelligent so his mind’s not weak. His family is just as tough as him so they’re not his weakness. 
His enemies have been waiting for years for him to get married, hoping that a potential spouse and children would be his weakness.
And I know we will be.
It makes me angry that Tommy put me in this situation where I have to always be looking around for someone who might end my life. I want to be able to walk to the coffee shop and meet a friend, or go for a walk around the local rose garden without looking over my shoulder or having a peaky blinder assist me.
But… he’s Tommy. And he’s been my Tommy since the day that I first laid eyes on him. His cold exterior is what drew me to him, the curiosity of what hardened him, keeping me hooked on him for a year before our break up.
It still draws me to him.
When he gives me that look that he reserves just for me, I know that there’s a sweet man inside who just wants to feel my love surround him.
And that’s why I lean up, kissing him on the lips in front of all of our friends and family.
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hiraya-rawr · 1 year
so i betrayed you, my love– (3/5)
Xiao Version || Childe Version || Thoma Version || Gorou Version || Ayato Version
synopsis !! Part 2 of “You Were The Enemy All Along” featuring the aftermath of betrayal and confrontation, with more depth to their stories! (Part 1 of each character was also included to make reading convenient.)
contains !! some character lore spoilers / a little violence / dialogue heavy in some scenes / reconciliation but also complicated relationships mending together / cameos of other characters! / might be easier to understand if you knew the lore of the characters 
notes !! This was commissioned by the wonderful @mh8 who allowed this to be posted in public for everyone to enjoy! thoma's part was written on a plane and during my exams, so i hope the mood isn't too chaotic.
wc !! 1.6k
Stares at you in disbelief before trying to make sense of the situation; were you forced? Why were you doing this? are you in need of help? Even with how obvious your betrayal is, he begs you for an answer, desperately looking for any excuse.
"You know I'll take your side if you could just– tell me why," It's a plea from his lips. Even when you bring out your own weapon, he hesitates to fight you. He'll only do so in self-defense, blocking every fatal blow you throw at him but he's too distracted with the way his heart aches that you actually hurt him for real.
Even with an injury, he can't bring himself to use his vision against you. Ayato has to intervene, quickly coming to his aide and once you're gone and away, Thoma sits there feeling lost. The healers tend to him and he doesn't even flinch at their ministrations, eyes staring distantly at where you last were.
He thinks of you often.
No matter how much he tells Ayato and Ayaka that he's fine, that it's over with, and that he's gradually forgetting you ever left a mark in his life— he still thinks of you often. It's in passing moments and every close of his eyes, he sees you and remembers— not just your betrayal, but everything. You and him laughing, you and him doing chores, you and him carrying out classified missions at the dead of the night (missions you would eventually relay to an informant, who would then relay it to Watatsumi’s army. You traitor, you traitor, you traitor—).
“How is your injury, Thoma?” Ayato breaks him from his trance. This isn't good, he's thinking about you again. Sometimes he wonders if he could deal with this better had he been more sound of mind; less sensitive, less attached, more tough. If you were here, you’d scold him and say that he's amazing just the way he i— again! You on his mind!
“Thoma?” Ayato repeats.
“It's getting better, Waka. It doesn't even bother me when I do my chores!” He plays off and -as if to prove himself- he rolls his left shoulder in little circles, ignoring the tinge of pain it sends.
“Hmm. . . alright. I’d still rather you stop doing chores altogether and wait for a full recovery but I’ll trust your judgment.” Ayato sighs. No, it isn't that he trusts Thoma’s judgment— heck! Thoma would do chores even if the injuries made it impossible. The only reason Ayato and Ayaka agreed for him to continue working would be because he –with all the shame in the world– acted like a lost man. Recovering from his injuries meant sitting still, sitting still meant looking up at his bedroom ceiling, watching out the window, thinking.
“What if we decorate your ceiling?” You once asked, leaning on his chest as he gently strokes your head. It was an exhausting day which led to a calm night of cuddling. Simply basking in each other’s presence.
“Why would we do that? What would you even add to it?” He asks nonchalantly, almost humming.
“It’ll make nights like these more interesting. More things to see when we lie down together.”
Thoughts. It's you again. This happens every time he stops working, every time he gives himself a minute to think, you slip inside his mental barriers and try to break him down all over again.
He wonders when did he lose you. Was it the day he found out? The day you first met? Or perhaps, he never had you to lose you in the first place.
It was the beginning of the cracks; Watatsumi and Narukami, head to head with growing tensions. Nothing was clear about the situation, just that news of Watatsumi rebelling against the newly placed decrees turned the relationship between the two islands to turn sour. Kokomi, who always planned ahead for every “what if” scenario, placed you exactly for the likelihood of unexpected tension. You took the job believing you could foster peace. It was every hero's idealized dream— with you disseminating information to the army, perhaps this little rebellion could end without worries. 
But like cracks on the walls, you underestimated how much it would spread— and how terribly violent it turned out to be. Soon enough, people were dying, committing war crimes, civil feuds. The information you sent became a matter of life or death.
Death to Thoma’s side, Life to yours. Until—
“We're working with the Watatsumi army?!” Thoma exclaims, hand on the table as he looks at Ayato, baffled. “But– the Shogun! The Sakoku decree! The guards!” And you. Your name is on the tip of his tongue and it almost slips out. There's you and how you turned your back on them (on him). How could he just bury that? No way could Ayato have forgotten!
“I understand where you're coming from, Thoma, but this was a decision made after much consideration. Ayaka is already aware of it and even contributed to forming an alliance. Besides,” Ayato pauses to look at Thoma, almost deliberating whether he should say it or not, “We should not forget. . . Kazuha. Our families have been allies for generations.”
Thoma knows the name that Ayato was supposed to say to convince him, but he's a time bomb and even the young commissioner is unsure whether your name could bring good weather or cause a storm in Thoma.
So he relented, “. . . Yes, Waka.”
It's odd to transition from thinking about your betrayal in every waking moment to thinking about this. . . alliance. Regardless of the Yashiro Commission’s silent support, it doesn't change the fact that they stood on a fence, waiting for the best benefits. You betrayed them and that was that.
Breaking your loyalty was one thing. Never having any sort of loyalty to them was another.
It was unforgivable.
It's been a while since the fall of the vision hunt decree and the opening of borders; A month since the start of peace talks and trade relations. You've grown used to attending the long meetings, mostly fueled by tension and backhanded insults, each side wishing to reap as much benefits from the other as possible. However, this was the first meeting you get to attend in Narukami Island. Kokomi and Gorou insisted on needing your knowledge of the area and it proved useful for navigating and discussion.
While you were proud to be included, the role you played was insignificant enough to escape to the courtyard without notice. It was exhausting to even breathe the same air as those politicians in that room.
He sees you first before you see him. Dressed in his retainer uniform, it seemed like he dropped Ayato off at the front before taking a stroll through the intricate courtyard.
He sees you first and his heart clenches. Ayato once told him disloyalty was unforgivable and he repeated it like a mantra in hopes of learning to hate you.
He sees you first and you see him second but the world stops all the same– fluttering butterflies and falling petals don't exist in the space you've both made as your eyes met, the world froze over.
You looked terrified, if not drowning in your own guilt. Yes, you worked for a good cause, but that didn't change how you used them. What would he say? How will he say it? Your mind runs on anxiety as you replay all the times you broke his trust (his trust, Thoma’s trust! How could you do that to someone so kind? So loving?). Will he call you a traitor? Ask you brokenly why you did what you did? Coldly look away from you? (You don't think you could take it if he turns the other way. Please don't turn the other way).
His steps rush towards you, hurried and face void and indescribable. 
Do you hate me now, Thoma? You think as anxiety spikes up, your feet frozen in place. ‘Will you scream? Demand why I’m here? Ask why I did it?’
At the last moment, right when you readied yourself for the inevitable, his arms reach out to you instead.  An embrace that encompasses warmth, as genuine as his pyro vision. You can't help the violent flinch at his touch but he doesn't let go, reassuring. It was simply an embrace. 
“I missed you,” He whispers when you didn't think he'd say anything, his grip tightening, “So much.”
And the floodgates begin. It's nonstop, the way your tears stream down your cheeks as if you've been holding back all this time. You grieved when you lost him. It's guilt that builds in you; climbing from your stomach to your throat to the tip of your tongue. Guilt desperately tries to escape you in words, and it does—
“I’m sorry, Thoma,” You cry, gripping onto him with equal desperation, “I'm sorry, I’m sorry, I'm sorry,” You repeat like a mantra, “Archons, I’m so sorry, Thoma, I’m sorry I had to-”
He shushes you softly, cupping the back of your head to his neck. Comfort. “It's okay, I know, I know, I understand why you had to–”
“No, no,” You sob, shaking in refusal. Don't give me kindness now, you think, how dare you be so understanding? So sweet? “No, I hurt you. I hurt all of you and I’m really so, so sorry, Thoma–”
He falls silent, only resorting to gently rubbing your back with his hand, the other hand unable to release its grip on you. You're here now, you're back to him.
How could you ever deserve someone like him? Curse his empathy, his quiet forgiveness, how could he be so kind when you've beaten yourself up over and over for what you've done and how you've hurt him?
“I. . . know there's a lot we have to talk about. And a lot of things happened,” He starts clumsily, holding the back of your head to the crook of his neck in comfort. “But it's okay,” There's a lump in his throat which he tries to hide, “We’ll figure it all out. We have time.”
“And here I thought you despised disloyalty.” Yae Miko raises an eyebrow at the blue haired male as she looks away from the courtyard. They sat in the upper tearoom, the warm light contrasting the cool moonlight outside.
Ayato merely hums as he sips his tea, “I’m not as shallow as to disconsider the context. At the end of the day, Thoma is quite dear to me. I wouldn’t have planned this meeting otherwise.”
+ + +
thoma // honestly hard to write for because i was so stuck on imagining him mad, i completely forgot that thoma is capable of forgiving everything bc he’s selfless that way. He might run from his problems tho, which is why ayato makes such a good partner, helping him put everything together hnfjegni
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flavored-soda · 6 days
crawling back to you, if that's what i must do
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Mentions of death, injuries, blood, all that nasty stuff, panic attacks and anxiety
Word Count: 1.4k
Pairing: BuckTommy/Tevan/Kinley
Summary: Tommy's helicopter goes down and he is officially MIA for all of 17 hours. Buck panics until his lover is returned to him.
read on ao3 | heed the warnings and tags | posted for @bucktommyweek
“Mayday! Mayd–”
“This is Firefighter Kinard.”
“Coming from…”
“Crash-landing somewhere near…”
“RA units…ASAP.”
The line went dead. Static on the other end. 
“Firefighter Kinard.”
More static.
“Kinard, do you read me?”
There was a click and then the line cut off with a shriek.
Firefighter Thomas Kinard was officially M.I.A.
17 hours. 
That’s how long it took to locate Tommy’s chopper and send help. 
17 hours.
For nine of those hours, Buck was on shift, responding to calls and fighting fires, with his phone off and mostly away from him. He wasn’t even made aware of the situation until they got back from a call. The next shift was already there and clocked in, as the call ran over the end of the shift. They had all unloaded from the engine and ambulance, loading into the locker rooms to hit the showers and change.
Buck was talking with Eddie when Bobby came in and asked him to meet him in his office. At first he shrugged it off, thinking it was just something simple, something small about the shift like paperwork, but as he was making the short walk from the locker rooms, he started to spiral. It wasn’t until he was in the office with Bobby telling him to close the door that he really started to worry.
He had checked his phone after he got out of the shower, noticed a few missed calls from an unknown number. It wrote it off as spam, but as he heard the door click as it shut he started to think differently.
“So–uh–what’s up, Cap?” He asked. 
“Buck, sit down.” 
Bobby was sitting himself as he motioned to the chair across the desk. Slowly and reluctantly, he moved towards the chair.
“O-okay.” He mumbled as he sat down, rubbing his hands on his thighs.
Bobby paused for a second, looking down at his desk before folding his hands and looking back up to Buck. 
“I got a call when we got back from the station.” He said.
“Um…okay? I’m not–I’m not really sure what that has to do with me.” 
His hands went back to rubbing up and down his thighs, his leg bouncing. What was so important about this call? And why did Bobby feel the need to talk to him about it?
“It was from Harbour.”
Buck’s face fell. His movements stopped.
“Buck, Tommy is missing.”
There was a pause between the two of them. Bobby letting Buck process, and Buck trying to get his brain to stop moving at a mile a minute.
Buck spoke first, “How long?” 
“Since 11:00 last night.”
“He’s been missing for nine hours?” He replied.
“Nine hours?! And no one said anything to me?!” He was standing now, starting to pace as his voice raised in volume. 
“We were on shift. You didn’t have your phone–”
“I–I know that we haven’t been…together long, but…” He trailed off. “Nine hours?”
“They tried calling your cell when we were on call. Dispatch told them we were out and they called me when we radioed that we were back at the station.” 
Buck sighed, he was holding back tears. He sniffled before wiping his eyes.
“Do they–do they know anything? Are they…uh…close to finding him?” 
He was looking away from Bobby, watching the ceiling and trying to focus on anything other than the man in front of him. He knew if looked towards Bobby he would see that pitiful look on his face, one full of worry and sadness. He couldn’t handle that look right now. He just couldn’t. It would just open up the floodgates and he needed to stay put together right now. Needed to focus on Tommy, doing what he could to help.
Bobby had moved from behind the desk, walking towards Buck, slowly. He continued to stare at the ceiling, keeping his eyes off of his Captain, until he felt Bobby’s hand on his shoulder.
He shook his head.
“Buck, look at me.” 
He brought his eyes down to meet Bobby, eyes welling with tears and biting his lip. He watched Bobby shake his head before he let himself break down.
It was at hour fifteen that Buck really started to lose it. They had found Tommy and were going to get him now. Buck’s mind was racing of all the possibilities of what they would be walking into and what they would be bringing back. Every horrible call that he’s ever been on was coming back to him in waves, all the bad car wrecks and just how much damage they could do to a person. He couldn’t imagine what a helicopter crash could do.
Well, actually, he could imagine it.
He was imagining it.
And it was doing nothing to ease the panic he was currently feeling. His leg started to bounce more and he let his head fall as he tried to catch his breath. He felt a hand on his back as it started to rub circles into it.
“It’s gonna be okay, Buck-a-roo.” Athena mumbled as she pulled him in for a side hug. 
He started crying again, silently letting the tears fall as he waited by his phone. He was waiting for a call from Bobby or Harbour or a hospital, really anyone that would have any information for where Tommy was and how he was doing.
He sat there, shaking and silently crying for the last two hours. Athena rubbing circles into his back and offering reassuring words. Hen had come over at one point, offering the same comfort, but she had to go home eventually. Chimney and Maddie were blowing up his phone with texts and when Buck didn’t respond they called Athena and Bobby to check on him. He overheard the conversations but he didn’t ask to speak with them, too much on his mind to try to get his mouth to form words.
It was 4:30 PM when his phone rang. It shook him out of his state. He snatched his phone off the table and answered it before it could get to a third ring.
Athena offered to drive him, probably breaking too many traffic laws to count on one hand with Buck egging her on. He was grabbing the back of the driver and passenger’s seats, leaning forward and watching the road as Athena raced there. He would have started shouting our directions and orders if he wasn’t so focused on staying positive.
They told him that Tommy was alive. 
Not only alive, but responsive.
And that’s all Buck could’ve asked for, all he needed. 
Buck was out of the car and bursting through the hospital doors before Athena could stop the car. He didn’t wait up as he marched to the front desk. 
“I’m here to see Tommy Kinard.” 
His feet started moving before he even fully processed the room number he was given. He could hear footsteps following behind him, presumably Bobby and Athena. He grabbed the doorway as he entered the room to stabilize himself, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding when he saw his lover sitting up in the bed and alert.
Buck nearly jumped his boyfriend at that, the only thing stopping him was seeing the state he was in. Tommy had one arm in a cast and a sling. His foot was in a cast and it was elevated on some pillows. His lip was cut deep enough to probably leave a nasty scar and he carried a matching cut on his forehead through his temple. From the once over, Buck assumed that it looked worse than it actually was. There were a lot of bandages and bruises, but Tommy was alert and whatever head trauma he faced didn’t seem bad enough to cause any amnesia. 
Buck’s eyes welled with tears again, as he moved into the room. He reached out and grabbed his boyfriend’s face in between his hands and pulled him in for a soft kiss, resting their foreheads together when they pulled away.
“Thomas Kinard, don’t you ever do that to me again.” He let out in a half laugh, half hidden sob.
Tommy let out a breath of a laugh back before pressing a peck to Buck’s lips.
“You got it, baby.”
Yeah, everything was going to be alright.
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au-starss · 2 years
I never really saw stuff like this on your account, so how about reverse comfort for genshin boys? (any characters)
'𝗬𝗼𝘂'𝗹𝗹 𝗯𝗲 𝗼𝗸𝗮𝘆..'
𝗔𝘆𝗮𝘁𝗼, 𝗖𝗵𝗶𝗹𝗱𝗲, 𝗗𝗶𝗹𝘂𝗰, 𝗞𝗮𝗲𝘆𝗮, 𝗞𝗮𝘇𝘂𝗵𝗮, 𝗧𝗵𝗼𝗺𝗮 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗫𝗶𝗮𝗼 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 [𝘀𝗲𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲]
𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝘀 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗻𝗲𝘂𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗹
𝗜𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘁𝗼 𝗯𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗵𝗶𝗺 𝗮𝘀 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗺𝗶𝘀𝗲𝗱
𝗶 𝗮𝗺 𝘀𝗼 𝘀𝗼𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗻 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝘀 𝘁𝗼𝗼𝗸. 𝗺𝘆 𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗹 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗹𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗾𝘂𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘁𝗼𝗹𝗹. 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸 𝘂 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘂𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 ! 𝗺𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗼𝗳 𝗺𝘆 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗶 𝗰𝘂𝗿𝗿𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗹𝘆 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗳𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗼𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿’𝘀 𝗻𝗲𝗲𝗱 ! 𝗵𝗼𝗽𝗲𝗳𝘂𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗶𝘁 𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗹𝗲𝗰𝘁𝘀 𝗮 𝘀𝗮𝗳𝗲 𝘀𝗽𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗱 <𝟯𝟯!
𝗮𝗹𝘀𝗼 𝘆𝗲𝘀 𝗶 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗽𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝘁𝗼𝗵𝗺𝗮 𝗯𝗲𝗰𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲 𝗶𝗺 𝘁𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝗽𝗽𝗹 𝘀𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘀𝘁𝘂𝗳𝗳 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗶𝘁-
𝗖𝗪: 𝗩𝗶𝘃𝗶𝗱 𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗶𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝟮.𝟴 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗺 𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗮𝗹𝗰𝗼𝗵𝗼𝗹
𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗰𝗸 𝗯𝗶𝗼 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘁𝘂𝘀
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He was so tired from the day’s work as a commissioner
Even after heading towards his room, he was stopped every two seconds with some important information from whoever caught him
By the time he actually reached your shared room, he was frustrated and tired beyond compare
He walked into the bedroom and sat on the bed with a grunt
You asked him how his day was, and he immediately told you everything
Ayato nearly broke down from the weight on his shoulders
Once he was finished, you wrapped him in a tight hug on the bed
You assured him that you were here to help, as well as Ayaka
That this weight didn't need to be only on him
Once he calms down a bit, he prefers to spend a quiet night with you inside the estate
So you make it happen, even requesting Thoma to ensure nobody bothers the two of you
"Thank you, my darling. For everything you do. And for helping me a great deal."
Lately, the harbingers were putting a lot more pressure on Ajax after he didn't get the gnosis
He was being sent out on even more missions under the order of The Tsaritsa herself
It was all becoming too much for him physically and mentally
One day, he came home after not being home for nearly a week due to his orders
Upon asking where he had been, he let out a long sigh and began telling you everything
He felt disappointed for worrying you like this, but he couldn't bear such a burden alone anymore
Ajax told you how work was kicking him around and how he just wanted nothing more than a break
You listened as you held his hand, sitting closely by his side
Once he was done, he thanked you and apologized for what had happened
You assured him that it was okay and that you were there for him, and would do your best to comfort him when he needed and even try to help him get the break he needed
You kept your word and talked with your connections, and soon Ajax's enormous loads of work subsided, and he couldn't have been any more grateful for it
“Work has been a lot better! Thank you, [Name] for helping me out and being here.”
He found himself on Starsnatch Cliff, no one around for miles
Diluc, lost and confused, looked around, only to see you with your soft smile and happy eyes
He smiled in turn and began walking towards you
But stopped dead in his tracks upon seeing a fatui agent behind you, weapon ready
He yelled your name and ran, but he was too late
Diluc gasped as he woke up, sweat dripping down the sides of his face
His breathing was erratic and he couldn’t calm down
Until he felt your arms wrap around him
You whispered that it was okay and that it was merely a nightmare
It took a while, but eventually his breathing stabilized and he melted in your embrace
He didn’t want to explain his dream, and instead just wanted to lie back down, so that’s exactly what the two of you did
“My apologies, dear. But thank you for your help. Now, let’s try to get some more rest, shall we?”
Today was the anniversary of Crespus’ passing
The day only filled Kaeya with guilt and remorse, so he was very hesitant on visiting his grave
But after hearing your assurances, he decided to go anyways
The two of you went shortly after dark with flowers you grew in the garden
When you arrived, you allowed Kaeya to say his peace and gave him the space he neeeded
After a couple minutes, you could hear tears coming from Kaeya
Quietly, you squat down and wrap your arms around him while he continues talking
Kaeya soon starts blaming himself and saying how sorry he was for everything
You gave him quiet reassurances and told him that it was never his fault this happened
He managed to calm down soon after and the two of you finished your visit
Once you both stood up, he pulled you into a hug
“Thank you, my love. For helping me with this. You truly did help make this trip slightly easier to make.”
Poor drunk Kazuha couldn’t stop thinking about how he let his friend die
He knew deep down that ot wasn’t actually his fault
But still, that twang of regret comes up every now and then to haunt him
Especially now, when his mind was all over the place
As soon as you two made it to your shared room, he broke down in sobs
He continued about how it was all his fault and how he was scared that he would lose you too
You felt pain in your heart as you held him close, wiping his tears
You gave him quiet reassurances that you weren’t going anywhere
Kazuha had to ensure that it was true
That you were here and never going anywhere
In the morning, he vaguely remembers where happened and thanked you for everything
“My sincerest gratitude to you, my muse. I trust your every word and believe in us making it forever.”
He had always been eager to do anything the Kamisatos’ needed quickly
But that eagerness could also result in exhaustion after the day was over
It was a rare day where Thoma came home completely worn out from his work that day
However, he tried his best to push through and began cooking dinner like he promised that morning
He continously kept dozing off and even ended up burning his hand
He jumped and yelled as you came rushing to the kitchen
You turned off the stove and led Thoma to the bathroom to find out what happened and fix him up
Thoma admitted to how tired he was but truly didn’t want to let you down
He slouched down in defeat as you gave him a hug after bandaging his hand
You offered some comforting words and assured him that he was allowed to take breaks and that he could go and get some rest while you finish things in the kitchen
You finished up dinner while he took a power nap and enjoyed the rest of the night together
“I promise to be more careful next time. Thank you for fixing me up. And for being here.”
It was right after everything he endured in The Chasm
Xiao was still shaken up from everything he saw, whether he showed it to the group or not
Upon arriving home to you, he just completely broke
You tried asking where he had been, what was wrong, because it was so rare to see him in such a state
In fact, you don’t remember if you ever had seen him like that
Regardless, you tried getting answers from him in his frantic state
Xiao didn’t say much, instead sat on the floor and kept his face hidden
He hated how vulnerable he must seem, letting you see him cry
But you didn’t care, instead you sat right by him and whispered comforting words and held him in a hug when he was okay with it
Xiao managed to regain composure and went back to his normal demeanor as before
That didn’t limit him staying close to you for the rest of the night and even lying in bed with you to hold you close
“I’m sorry.. for crying like that. Thanks for helping me with all of that. I.. appreciate you.”
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𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗰𝗸 𝗯𝗶𝗼 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝘁𝗮𝘁𝘂𝘀
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zhongrin · 2 years
Girl no thoughts just my yan boys pampering me until i turn to mush from all the stress in my being rn,
Like Al haitham reading to me until fall asleep on his lap? Yes(even if he won't let me go from that spot for hours),
Diluc giving the best hugs when its so cold at night? Anything for that(even if he holds on too tight),
Dain threading his hands in my hair while he tells me everything is gonna be ok??? I WANT IT SO BAD RN(even when he threatens to erase anyone who caused me to feel so bad and stressed out)
Ayaka brewing me some tea while she hums a song i like, 10/10 would die for
most definitely yes sis they would spoil you rotten and cater to your every need without question
al haitham reading to you in that voice of his, right into your ears, as he rubs his fingers down your arm and tucks your hair away from your face. no one will ever be able to make you feel this safe and content, he murmurs into your skin as you slip into dreamland.
diluc with his buff arms cradling you close, using his pyro vision to warm your body and entangling his legs with yours so you won't get cold feet under the blanket. he's content to stay like this forever if you let him, and nothing else but your command will get him to move from this position.
dainsleif pulling you close and can't stop himself from staring into your eyes, a galaxy of stars that he swears to protect so it shines for eternity, even if he has to give his own life. his kisses are his silent promises to eradicate anything and anyone that stands in your path, and he's ready to give you thousands - no, millions of those, if you so wished.
and ayaka, shyly offering her lap so you can rest, her smooth fingers scratching your scalp as she plays with your hair, humming your favorite song and lullabies that help you relax. if looks could kill, thoma would have been dead on the floor the moment he stumbles in and accidentally disturbs the tranquil atmosphere. he's put on cleaning duty for the whole mansion for the rest of the month.
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evita-shelby · 5 months
The Ghost of New Year's Past
Or Polly decided to pop in and now its about Tommy & Diane(oc child) & ghost!Polly who has unfinished business.
Cw: Tommy’s canon depression and guilt over Polly’s death and baby's first contact with the dead(applies to both Tom and Diane)
Could be read as witch!Reader being Tommy’s wife or Eva since no name is mentioned.
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He can’t bring himself to drink anymore.
He died that night on the field because in his heart he knew Polly had died because of him.
He sees her and hears her amongst his family as they celebrate the new year and Tommy leaves before it becomes too much.
Tommy has no idea where he is going when he passes by the children’s rooms and hears his eldest daughter, Diane, whispering to someone.
The children had been allowed to stay as late as they wanted but most had already been put to bed by now. In fact he’d personally tucked his little witch into her pink bed and kissed her goodnight hours ago.
“Can I tell daddy you’re here?” the little girl asks as her excitement has her talking just loud enough for him to hear her as he stops at her door.
Tommy cannot guess who would be here with Di, but none of them would be a good idea even if they were harmless little girls. Allie Solomons, Bianca Sabini, Janey Dogs, the little Gold girl who hates him for Aberama’s death, that friend of hers from school, the list goes on as Diane is ---unfortunately--- everyone’s friend.
“Di, sweetheart, I thought you said you were tired.” He comes in to find her sitting on her little table alone with biscuits and cake that she’d somehow gotten downstairs. He knew it was a bad idea to let her learn ballet, now the little witch moved as silently as she got up to mischief.
A trait she inherited from both him and his wife.
There is flash of light ivory satin on the bed in the corner of his eye, perhaps a dress or shawl Diane had taken out to play, but the room is otherwise empty.
“I was, but Aunt Polly came in and I asked her to stay.” The little girl with blue and brown eyes smiles widely and looks at the bed and he follows her line of sight. “She says she can’t have cake and biscuits because ghosts don’t need food like we do.”
“Hello, Thomas, did you miss me?” the ghost of his aunt sits there on the pink bed in the French dress his grandma stole, smoking a cigarette as if nothing had changed.
As if he hadn’t killed her and Barney and Aberama a year ago today.
“How?” he asks doing his best not to panic but feeling every hair on the back of neck rise in fear.
“Hmm, even with a witch for a wife you still do not believe we have magic in our blood.” Polly smiles and gestures him to sit on the bed.
“See I told you he wouldn’t believe it even if he saw me.” She turned to his daughter who tries to calm him with her small doll like hand in his.
“It’s okay, daddy, it’s just Aunt Polly.”
He can’t speak, his tongue feels heavy in his mouth and his head spins. Tommy has never fainted in his life and now he tries to hold into something as he feels light-headed.
“And your dear old mummy thought none of you inherited her gifts.” The ghost woman chuckled but refused to touch him.
“How?” he asks again as he shut his eyes and hears Diane leave him alone here with whatever Polly is now.
“Our magical blood allows me to visit those with our gifts and sweet little Di is the most magical of all.” His aunt, his second closest confidant explained. “and I cannot ascend as I have unfinished business, dear nephew of mine.”
“What do you need to pass on?” he asks thinking perhaps if he helps her pass over to the other side he will have peace.
“I need you to swear you won’t kill my son. Even if my Michael believes you killed me, I need you to show him mercy and kill the fucking people who did.”
But that includes me, Pol, he wants to say.
“That is the guilt speaking, Tom. You didn’t kill us, or me least of all. Swing just knows how to get under your skin.” She reads minds now, but Polly always knew him better than he knew himself. “So, Thomas Shelby, do I have your word?”
“Will you never come back if he says yes?” Diane asked with a quivering lip from the door, she’d not left as he thought she did.
“No, sweetheart, I can’t leave until the bad people are gone. And when I go to heaven I will come every All Soul's Day.” The ghost answered softly and the girl calmed down long enough to rejoin them on her bed.
“So, Thomas Shelby, do you promise to do as I asked?” she turned to him again, a bit sterner somewhat impatient as they hear Arthur and John coming up with John’s children.
“Yes, Pol, you have my word.”
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charmingsoa · 3 months
✶ Where the Wild Things Are: One ✶ ■ 1960s Sons of Anarchy story ■
⌃ Jax Teller/ OC x Thomas Teller/OC ⌃
Warning: Please read with caution. This story will include: drug use, physical, verbal, and sexual abuse. miscarriages, sexual content, alcohol use, homicide, cursing, etc. ★ If You would like to be tagged in future updates, simply leave your username in the comments.
Taglist: @oskea93, @keyweegirlie
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I stared at the clock – the hands slowly moving as my packed suitcase sat below my bed.
The thought of leaving the ruling and hard hand of my father had been a pipedream of mine for a while. There were days when I convinced myself that today was the day. I was just gonna walk right out of the house – bidding my parents a big fuck you as I ventured into the new world. I always managed to talk myself out of it after an hour – too afraid of what my father would do to stop me. Before tonight, I never even had a bag packed or a plan for that matter.
“I had to hear from Fred Hastings that he saw you and Wilson Grady fornicating in the back alley of his hardware store. Do you know how embarrassed your mother and I are to have people know that our daughter – our only daughter – is nothing but a cheap whore?”
I winced as he roughly grabbed onto my arms, shaking my upper body in rage as my mother just sat back and watched. The belt that he had used so often was wrapped around his hand, the buckle dangling as he shook.
“You are nothing but a piece of trash – a cheap whore that will open her legs to any man on the streets.” I sniffed back tears, my red hair sticking to my face as it became wet. He roughly pushed me to the ground, standing over me with a look of disgust etched on his aging face.
I attempted to get up, only to be stopped by his heavy foot on my abdomen. “Don’t even think about getting up, whore.” I glanced over at my mother hoping that she would make him throw in the towel. Her dead eyes met mine, looking away quickly as father’s heavy hand made contact with my thigh.
The leather material of the belt hurt like hell, but he had moved past using that. His favorite – at least for me – was the buckle. I can’t begin to tell you how many scars I have on my upper thighs and bottom from the contact of the metal meeting my thin skin.
Blow after blow – derogatory words spewing from his mouth like venom with each strike. My older brother, Brian was finally the one to step in – telling our father that I’ve had enough. Brian didn’t bother helping me up or making sure I was okay, too afraid of father himself.
Out of breath, father’s eyes connected with mine. “You think this time was bad-“His face mere inches from mine. “If I even hear that you’ve looked at another boy – I will make sure you won’t see the light of day ever again.”
I must’ve laid there for 30 minutes before slowly walking back to my bedroom. The sun had set by this time – meaning that it was almost bedtime for Roy and Brenda. Father made it a rule that it was lights out at sunset – the mind and body needed at least 7-8 hours of rest. Plus, his famous words were that nothing good happens after sunset.
Without giving it a second thought, I just started to pack.
I kept the lights off, giving off the appearance that I was sleeping in bed. I just grabbed whatever I had, stuffing it into the large suitcase. I knew that I would have to leave most of my possessions – items that I had collected since childhood. My father would more than likely just throw everything in the fire since he’s already said it was all a waste of money…
The big hand hovered over the 12 as I quietly gathered the case. I held my shoes in my hands as I took one last look at my childhood room. The pink walls dulling with age – the room holding good and bad memories. Tears welled in my eyes as I walked away, tiptoeing past my parents’ bedroom door. The house was silent – the only noise coming from the clocks on the walls. For once, the steps that led downstairs didn’t creak – the energy of the house agreeing with my decision to leave for good.
Once I reached the outside air – the realization of my actions crashed down on me like a ton of bricks. There was no way I could spend another minute/hour in that house – under the rule of a father who only cared about himself. If I didn’t leave now, I would’ve found a way of leaving this world all together. I wasn’t gonna give him that satisfaction though – Roy Landry deserved to know that I was somewhere in the world living a life that he frowned upon. I wanted word to get back to him that I was running wild – enjoying life – and screwing anyone and everyone that I damn well pleased. He can take the shame and embarrassment that he said I caused the family and shove it up his uptight ass!
That would be the last time I would see my parents alive. Word came that my father died a few years after I left – a heart attack, I think. To this day, my brothers blame me for the decline of our father’s health – saying that the stress of me leaving put a strain on his heart. My mother couldn’t bear to live without my father – passing away five years later in her sleep. I remember trying to call her one day after finding out I was pregnant – a part of me thinking that she had the right to know. Before I could even ask how she was doing, she interrupted and told me to never call her again.
“Thanks for the ride.”
I exited the car, the rain relentless as it soaked through my clothes. I managed to hitch a ride from an older couple – probably feeling sorry for me as I stood on the side of the road. I had been thumbing for a ride for two days now – making it further than I thought I would. I was far enough from home that I didn’t worry about my father or brothers coming to look for me.
I looked across the road – a diner casting a glow through the weather. I hadn’t bathed in three days – the rain and humidity making my skin feel sticky and gross. I had a couple bucks from a man that picked me up yesterday – money in exchange for a quick blow job. He was your typical sleaze ball but he got me out of Arkansas so I couldn’t complain. When I left home, I didn’t have any money saved up. Roy and Brenda weren’t the type of parents to give cash for chores. I hadn’t eaten since dinner that evening, my stomach cramping from the hunger pains.
 I darted across the road, stepping into the muggy building. The older men at the counter watched as I made my way to the restroom – the sink my only option for getting cleaned up. I quickly washed what I could – getting the important bits and pits – pulling off my dirty clothes and replacing them with shorts and a halter top. I pulled my red hair into a ponytail – combing out the knots that had formed from the rain. Once satisfied with my work, I stepped back into the restaurant, taking a seat in an empty booth. I ordered a cheeseburger and fries – basically scarfing it down in record time. I left what was left of my change for the elderly waitress before stepping back out into the summer rain.
I managed to flag down a semi-trailer driver who was headed to Utah with a shipment of goods. He called himself Groovy Bill – a widower from Florida. He had also fought in the war, stationed in France for two years before he was medically discharged. He walked with a limp – the injury coming from a stray bullet that shattered his femur. Groovy Bill didn’t expect anything for the ride – simply enjoying the company. During our three days together, he told me about his wife, Jane and how he met her at the American Legion before he was deployed. They got married once he returned home and started their family. Jane was developed pneumonia after routine surgery and passed away shortly after. I could tell that Bill truly loved and cared about his wife – her picture kept close to his heart.
I was kind of sad when his rig pulled into the office’s parking lot. I waited until he was completely unloaded, wanting to thank him one last time for his generosity and kindness. He didn’t have to pick me up – Hell, he didn’t have to be the kind man that I knew he could only be. In the three days that were together, I felt more of a connection to this man than I did my own father. Bill had a heart of gold and only wanted what was best for his children and people in general.
“Well –“ A sad smile spreading across his bearded face. “ I guess this is the end of the line, chickadee.”
Tears clouded my vision as my arms wrapped tightly around his midsection. The smell of bruit filled my senses as he returned the gesture.
“You take care of yourself, you hear?” I nodded my head against his plaid shirt.
We stood there silently, still embracing, before he pulled away. His tired eyes looked into mine as a fathers would. “Just because the lights are bright, and everything seems perfect- “He paused. “Doesn’t mean that there’s a rainbow at the end.” Referring to my quest to reach California. “You’re a beautiful girl and people will take advantage of that, but it’s up to you to push past the bullshit and become the woman you were born to be.”
With a kiss on top of my greasy head, Groovy Bill climbed back into his truck, driving back into the foggy, morning mist…
I would like to say the rest of my trip to reach California was a breeze, but it was more of a hurricane. Instead of an easy ride like the one I had with Bill, I was forced to give sexual favors in exchange for rides. The men that had picked me up seemed nice at first but the question of what they got in return was brought up halfway through. A blow job here – sex in the backseat there. I felt like a used rag by the time the last guy crossed the California border. He dropped me off outside a gas station once he got what he wanted, dust spinning as he tore back onto the road. It was early morning – probably close to three in the morning – and there wasn’t a soul in sight. This wasn’t our agreement – he was supposed to take me to San Francisco – telling me that’s where he was headed.
I stood under the flickering streetlamp – my heart pounding as different sounds could be heard in the distance. Mostly animals but your fear heightens when it’s pitch-black outside. I didn’t know whether to just wait it out and see if I could hitch another ride when the station opens or start walking now. It was likely impossible that someone would be on the roads this late – especially in an area such as this.
“Fuck.” I blew out a sigh, picking up my suitcase.
My sandals had broken several states back – my feet raw from working the pavement and rocky surface. I couldn’t see a foot in front of me, but I didn’t feel comfortable waiting until daylight. As I walked, the thought of if this was worth it kept popping into my mind. The people on the evening news made this look easy – full of peace and love. Granted, there was a group hitchhiking together, but even then, it wouldn’t be a walk in the park. Besides Groovy Bill and the older couple who picked me up at the start of all of this, I witnessed the hold that a man could have on a woman in need. They were willing to help if they got a kickback in the end. Sex was the only thing I could offer, and I wasn’t proud of that. They got off and I got dropped off.
I lasted another 30 minutes before collapsing in a field adjacent to the highway. I couldn’t go on any further – my legs quivering underneath me. A content sigh slipped past my lips as the cool grass cushioned my aching body. Sleep had been a distant friend since my journey started – my body staying awake to stay vigilant. I was desperate for rest – even if that meant sleeping on the side of the road. My mind finally took over – my eyes fluttering shut as my body relaxed.
This wouldn’t be the last time I pass out on the side of the road.
The sky was still dark when the rumbling of engines startled me awake. I moved to a sitting position as the group of headlights drew closer – my heart beating wildly in my chest at the unknown. A part of me hoped that the dusky scene would keep me hidden – but the other hoped that they would sweep me away from the misery I had created.
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creativepawsworld · 3 months
Silence - Chapter 57
Pairing = Thomas Shelby x OC
Summary = The Long Awaited Wedding Day
Warnings = Language...Grammar...Death mentioned....violence implied...fluff...cute moments...wedding...alcohol
Word Count = 3,787
Note =Firstly, I am sorry for the wait. I am honestly considering ending this story here and there abouts because I feel I am not giving it the love and attention I have in the past and I know you are all frustrated waiting for updates or at least the scattered updates can be annoying and I get that and apologise. I do hope if you are reading this that you enjoy it and thank you so much for sticking with me. Love you all 💙
Always please give love to @forgottenpeakywriter aka Selene Shelby for the artwork for this chapter. She made this month's ago and I finally get to use it.
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Standing in my former bedroom in my parents’ home wearing a wedding dress felt surreal. It was truly happening. I was getting married. But it was so much more different than I could have ever imagined. I was now a mother, to the most perfect little angel. The relationship with my parents was much better than it was four years previous and my best friend, my true best friend was dead. My brother James Adler. But I knew he was beside me today. He wouldn’t let me go through this day on my own. 
I could just imagine his words now, ‘I can’t believe you fell for Thomas Shelby when I told you not to. And now you are marrying him?’. I can imagine him chuckling in my ear as he fixed the lapels of the suit he would wear to my wedding. He would talk me through my nerves for the day, assuring me everything was going to be okay.
Before he died he knew Tommy made me happy. Anyone could see how happy that man made me. I’d happily shout it from the rooftops if I wasn’t afraid of heights. I had truly and utterly fallen in love with that Peaky Blinder Devil, Thomas Shelby and I didn't see that changing anytime soon. 
Looking in the mirror I brushed down the beautiful lace of my dress. I was ready, all I had to do was wait for one of Tommy’s men to take me to the location. I didn’t know where the wedding was, Tommy wouldn't tell me. He kept everything about this wedding hush-hush. 
I didn't know if this was because he thought I might change my mind and say no or if it was just his need to have control after what happened at the Derby when he nearly lost his life. Either way, I was happy to let him take the lead, I was kept busy with our daughter. 
I walked down the stairs, my father looked handsome dressed in a beautiful hand-tailored suit he had created himself for the wedding, while my mother wore a beautiful blush pink dress. She was making tea, ushering a small piece of bread towards me, wanting me to eat it. But I shook my head. My nerves were too much, I couldn’t eat a thing. 
“Butterflies” I shake my head holding my stomach. I look down at my daughter's bassinet. She was sleeping soundly, small coos coming from her pink lips every so often. She was honestly the most beautiful little girl I ever laid my eyes on. I could stare at her all day and never get bored. 
“B…b…beautiful” My father tried to speak, walking over to me and placing a comforting hand on my shoulder. A proud look in his eyes as we looked at each other. He gave my shoulder a gentle squeeze as he nodded. 
Today was a big day for all of us. For my parents, it was the day they officially loose their daughter to a man. For me, it was the day I married the love of my life. The father of my child. Today was the day our families joined together and become one. 
After a moment of silence, a loud bang was heard at the door followed by a loud voice walking into my parents’ home. I looked around at the front door to see John walking into the living room. 
“Alrigh’ Ana ready to get hitched?” John grinned, nodding at my parents in acknowledgement. “Well shit, don't you look beautiful. Like an angel” 
“Thank you, John” I whispered. The butterflies had exploded from my stomach and were working their way through my body. I could feel tingling sensations in my arms, it was like electricity in my fingertips.
“Nervous? Aye, big commitment this “ John nodded reaching into his jacket pocket and pulling out a flask. “Want some? Might settle the nerves” He chuckled with that cheeky grin of his, blue eyes shining with mischief. 
“I’ll pass” I chuckled “How is Tommy?” I asked biting my lip as I played with my fingers nervously. 
John licked his lips as he debated how to answer the question. “Tommy is Tommy” John chuckled. “He seems cool, and in control but he is probably a nervous wreck under that stony face that you seem to love." John joked, licking his lips. "You’re a special girl to him Ana. I’ve never seen him like this over a woman” 
“Really?” I asked a small smile pulling at my lips. 
“Well no actually, there is one other girl he acts all goofy for…” John trailed off that cheeky grin of his growing. “And it is my perfect little niece sleeping all precious in that cot” He spoke looking over at Roselle. “I still can’t believe Tommy helped create something so innocent and pure” 
“Tommy is a good man, John, you know that” I smiled walking over and placing my hand on his shoulder as we stared at my sleeping daughter. “You all are” 
John pursed his lips before nodding his head. “Maybe” He sighed before rubbing his hands together “Alright we gotta move, cars out front I’m driving, Mr and Mrs Adler you can ride in the back with Roselle, Ana in front with me."
The drive felt like it took forever but when I looked at the clock it had only taken twenty minutes. John had driven us to an open field that usually lay empty, only today it was filled with different, brightly coloured vardos and several people. They were all around small campfires. There were people I didn’t recognise and a few I did. 
In the middle of all the vardos and people was a walkway, lined with candles and flower petals. At the end of the walkway was an arch, a beautiful arch filled with flowers of all different colours. Haybales lined each side I assumed for our guests to sit. I slowly exited the car in my wedding dress admiring the view, my parents got out behind me with my daughter. I noticed that she was awake and decided I wanted to hold her to help settle my nerves. 
I looked up at my mother and father who both nodded proudly. It was evident on their faces that they to appreciate Tommy’s efforts to make the venue beautiful. In the distance I saw, Arthur, Ada and Polly. They seemed to laughing and enjoying themselves, each one looking beautiful and dressed up for the occasion. 
It was only a matter of minutes now till we became family, officially. 
John whistled rather loudly drawing the attention of some of the men who in turned to alert the others. It was rather amusing to watch, as each man whistled to the next signalling my arrival, the guests all seemed to make their way towards the haybales to take a seat. 
When word had reached Polly she quickly walked in our direction, a surprised look on her face as she eyed me from head to toe. “Ana my dear I’ve never seen you look so beautiful. This dress is so you” Polly grinned the seconds she reached me. “My grand niece is awake I see, excited for the big day” She cooed stroking Roselle’s cheek. 
“Polly this place, how did you all get a field to look so, wonderful?” I asked softly. This setting was much better than I could ever imagine. It was better than a stuffy church wedding I always dreamt of, it simply surpassed it in every level possible. 
“Tommy, the boy has an exquisite vision when given the chance” Polly smiled “Alright almost show time, let me take the little lady, your mother can follow me and we shall see you at the other side Mrs Shelby” Polly smiled taking my daughter from my hands and walking with my mother to seat down. 
“You feeling good Mr Adler?” John asked offering him a sip of his flask which my father happily accepted. “Almost showtime, whenever the band starts playing just walk down the middle, Tommy will see you at the bottom” John winked, taking back his flask and going to stand next to Arthur. 
I bit my lip realising that John, Arthur and Finn were acting as groomsmen for Tommy and I had no one representing me. In that moment of weakness, I realised I probably should have spent more time making friends and trying to have a life outside of Tommy and even Roselle. 
My father gently stroked my arm offering me a small smile as he rubbed my upper arm carefully. Before I could open my mouth to speak we were joined by Esme, Ada and Lizzie. 
“You didn’t think we’d let you enter into this lion's den alone did you” Esme smiled sending me a wink. 
“You may not have chosen us to be your friends but we sure as hell are your family” Ada nodded.
“You’ll need all the support you can get marrying Tommy Ana. But there is no better woman for it” Lizzie smiled offering me a hug which I gladly accepted. 
My heart felt like it was about to burst out of my chest at the overwhelming support of these girls. Ada’s words in particular stayed with me, of course, these women were my family. We had been through so much over the past few years how could I have not thought of them as friends? I did have people outside of Tommy and Roselle, yes Tommy may have introduced us but our bond was much deeper than that now. 
Hearing music, the girls squealed in delight, making a show as they walked down the walkway John had pointed out earlier. When Lizzie finally moved aside I saw Tommy, he was standing at the other side his face stoic where he stood. His hands were clasped together in front of him, he was wearing a beautiful navy blue suit that just made his eyes pop. He had a beautiful white flower on the lapel of his suit, letting everyone know he was the groom. 
“R…ready” My father grimaced slightly in pain but smiled through it as he offered me his arm. I gladly took it feeling the butterflies float all over my body, images of falling entered my head so I gripped tightly onto his upper arm. We started to slowly walk down the pathway, I tried to keep my head up, and shoulders back and reach Tommy without falling and making a fool of myself. With each step I took I felt like it was lasting forever, the walkway seemed to be growing instead of shrinking. Would I ever make it to the end? 
I was so consumed with my thoughts that it was only when my father placed my hands in Tommy’s did the panic, stop. I instantly recognised his touch and I felt relief. The weight had been lifted and everything seemed right in the world. I look up at him smiling brightly as he gazed into my eyes, a small smile tugged on the corner of his lips. 
“You look beautiful” He smiled, reaching up and cupping the side of my cheek and jaw softly in his hands. His thumb gently stroked along my cheekbone. 
“And you look so handsome, I love the navy on you” I smiled a bright toothy smile as we looked into each other’s eyes. 
The moment was broken by Johnny's dogs clearing his throat. I glanced at him briefly before turning to Tommy, he was officiating the wedding? I asked with my eyes causing Tommy to chuckle. 
“He knows what he’s doing, he blessed John and Esme’s’ wedding I thought he could do ours too” Tommy grinned, sending a quick wink as he positioned us in the middle of everyone’s eyeline. Front and centre where the bride and groom should be. 
“Alrigh let’s get this wedding going before Tommy holds it off any longer eh?” Johnny Dogs spoke rather loud so everyone could hear. His statement made the guests chuckle in amusement. A small dig at Tommy for the length of time he waited before finally allowing us to wed. 
The wedding ceremony went off without incident, something I was grateful for considering who I was marrying and the gang I was marrying into. It seemed that everything was finally at peace. Major Campbell was gone along with all our problems, at least that's what it felt like. As far as I was aware we could now have a normal life. 
Tommy could continue his work with the factories and betting shop, yes he fixed races but he had police officers on his side it wasn’t something he would be arrested for now Campbell was dead. They would continue looking in the opposite direction. 
I hadn’t had any more threats of incidents with the Italians and Tommy seemed to be caught up with planning this wedding and keeping his business operating in both Birmingham and London to even consider going after them. Things were finally, as normal as they could be. 
After saying our vows and having a few pictures taken, the party had truly begun. The Shelby family, along with my own and our friends were celebrating our union. Whiskey, rum, beer and gin were all flowing. Where Johnny Dogs once stood was now a giant bonfire where people danced around. 
Tommy had invited most of the people from Small Heath allowing them to celebrate with us, showing he was still a man of his people. Each guest had brought food for everyone to share, members of the Lee family that Tommy invited brought meat that they cooked on the open bonfire. 
I took a moment to feed my daughter away from the madness that occurred after our ceremony. It wasn’t that I didn’t like it I loved it I just needed a moment to breathe and relax. A moment to digest everything that has happened today. I was finally Mrs Shelby. 
Mrs Thomas Shelby that was a lot to digest. I was now a wife. 
I sat humming softly to my daughter as she ate from my breast. It was hard manoeuvring myself from the dress while holding a small baby but I managed it. Lost in my thoughts I felt a presence sitting down next to me. I looked over finding my mother, a small smile on her face as she gently stoked Roselle’s head as she ate. 
We sat in silence for what felt like forever. The sound of my wedding was in the background, I could hear Tommy shouting at his brothers and his men that there would be no fighting at his wedding. He knew I didn’t like violence. There was still a part of me haunted by the time Tommy was being beaten to a pulp thanks to Sabini and his men all those years ago. It was one of the scariest experiences of my life, I truly thought I was going to lose him. 
After feeding my daughter, I looked over at my mother. “Would you like to nurse the wind from her?” I asked softly to which she nodded, taking the infant from me and rubbing her back as I got my wedding dress back on. “She’s getting so big already isn’t she?” I smiled with a small laugh. 
My mother nodded, she was happy that was the main emotion but there was also sadness in her eyes. “James would have loved to be here” She spoke. 
It took me a moment to realise that actual words had left my mother's lips. My eyes widened and I sat in shock I couldn’t believe it. I looked down at her as she nursed my daughter, feeling the need to pinch myself. I hadn’t heard my mother's voice since her attack almost a year ago. 
“Mother I…” 
“I know I wasn’t fair on you or James for that I can only apologise.” She whispered, tears falling from her eyes. “I said and did things I am not proud of. I tried to force my beliefs, and my ways onto you and I can see now that it was wrong. What your father and I did was wrong.” 
I remain quiet when she brings up the arrangement she and my father made with the Italians all those years before. 
“You have a good man now who will protect you from the mistakes your father and I made. We can’t apologise enough because it will never be enough but we will do everything we can to make it right.” She continued, saying the most I think she has ever spoken to me throughout my life. “I want to thank you for letting us be involved in Roselle's life” 
“Of course, she needs to know her grandparents, you’re the only set she has” I whispered feeling emotional at this conversation. It was a lot to process, there were apologies, truth and the fact it was the first time she had spoken since the attack. It felt like a lot to handle. 
“Go now and get something to eat. You must be starving” She spoke holding my daughter tight against her chest. “She is just so precious, I’ll keep her safe” 
I nodded leaning in to hug my mother “Despite the past, I still love you very much” I whispered in her ear before going to get myself something to eat. Due to my nerves all morning I didn’t eat and now the main event was over, I was starving. 
When I rejoined the wedding, I looked around finding Tommy laughing with his brothers as they drank their sacred whiskey. His tie was undone and his suit jacket was long gone. He looked so comfortable, so relaxed. I couldn’t help but admire him, for the first time in a long time, it seemed like his mind was at ease. 
There was no planning, no next steps. At least that’s how he presented. 
I got myself a plate of food when I felt his arms wrap around my waist from behind, his face buried into my neck. He placed soft kisses along the back of my neck, his teeth nibbling every so often.  
“I am a lucky ass man eh” Tommy chuckled into my neck. 
“I feel the same way Tommy” I smiled leaning into his arms, simply enjoying his strong embrace. 
“Where’s Rosie?” He asked going back to nibbling along my neck and shoulder. 
“My mother has her and Tommy…” I spoke turning around to face him and putting my plate of food down. “She spoke to me” 
“Who Rosie?” Tommy asked confused. I could tell he had a lot more than a few glasses of whiskey to drink if he was slow to catch on to who I meant. 
“No my mother” I chuckled “Are you a little drunk Mr Shelby?” I teased running my hands up and down his chest. 
“Only slightly” He chuckled holding me close, hands on my hips “Your mother spoke to you, words? Not hand gestures?” 
“Actually words Tommy” I nodded. 
“That’s…what did she say love? She didn’t upset you?” Tommy asked and I shook my head, explaining to Tommy the entire nature of our conversation. “But you're happy?” 
“I’m happy” I nodded, I loved that Tommy cared. He just wanted to make sure that I was okay, that nothing upset me today of all days. I loved his protective nature. He was truly everything to me. 
As Tommy and I spoke, my mother returned Roselle as she and my father were going home for the evening, a peaky blinder would be taking them home and staying with them for protection as usual. Just because things were quiet didn’t mean that Tommy let up on the security. 
“How do you feel about making a few more like her huh? I’m sure Polly will take her tonight for a few hours…we could make another and another and another…” 
“Easy Mr Shelby” I giggled at him, biting my lip. I loved this side of Tommy. The happy, carefree Tommy who smiled and was happy. 
“Ah, now Mrs Shelby you can’t deny a man, a groom his wedding night with the most beautiful bride in the world.” Tommy grinned leaning in close, cupping my face with his larger hand. “You can’t deny me, my wife, you are mine now… my property” 
“God Tommy when you talk like that you make it hard to resist” 
“That’s the point my love” Tommy grinned leaning in to kiss my lips carefully. “Let’s find Polly so I can take my wife in the way she deserves. You got it?” 
“I got it” I grinned. I felt so happy, so free. I couldn’t remember the last time I had felt like I was in heaven. On cloud nine. This night couldn’t have been more perfect if I had tried to make it so. 
Tommy had called Polly over passing over our daughter before tugging on my hand towards a vardo that sat far from the wedding. “We will still be close if she needs us my love but I need to make you mine tonight Mrs Shelby.” 
“I’m ready to be yours for the first time as your wife Tommy” I smiled leaning in to kiss his lips. "I can’t wait” 
As Tommy and I walked towards Vardo, we were cut off by Finn running past us like this life depended on it. I looked after him with confusion when I noticed Arthur coming up behind him, an angry scowl on his face. 
“Ignore them we have bigger things to worry about” Tommy shook his head with a sigh as we moved towards the beautiful red vardo with yellow and orange delicate patterns. Opening the door I could see a small frown on his face as he made eye contact with John, silently warning him to sort it out. 
“They are drunk and having fun Mr Shelby. Just let it go” 
“I fucking warn 'em love that’s what bothers me” He spoke as we entered the small vardo. It was beautiful inside. It looked incredibly homely and unbelievably comfortable. I lay back on the small bed looking up at Tommy with a sultry smile. 
“If you’d rather deal with that than be here with me…I understand” I whispered licking my lips. 
“That is never going to happen Mrs Shelby” Tommy grinned, his mood shifting as he fell on top of me making sure to land on his forearms so he didn’t hurt me. But I could still feel his body pressing into mine. He leaned down kissing my lips deeply as I relaxed into the mattress. "I love you, Mrs Shelby" 
"And I love you, Mr Shelby" 
@shelbyteller @seleneshelby @forgottenpeakywriter @babayaga67 @sweetmilkshakeluminary @slutforcoffein @sydneyyyya @happysparklingshadows @margew76   @midnightmagpiemama  @pierre-gasssllyy  @duckybird101 @muhahaha303 @thenattitude  @dolllol2405 @citylights31
Anyone wanting on or off the tag list please just let me know💙
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