#I need SOME form of surgery I swear I do
etoilelafleur · 1 year
Looking at my selfies and NONE of them are good. I am so fucking UGLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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milksuu · 7 months
Don't Worry. I'll Support You. | PT. 01
❥ prompt: Your HEARTSTEEL boyfriend has to undergo minor surgery, and they chose you to be their caretaker for the day. Let's see how they are before and after anesthesia. ❥ content/warnings: fluffy fluff, drugged behavior (all medically safe), mention of needles, mild profanity, minor angst ❥ characters/pairings: v!Heartsteel! (aphelios, ezreal, kayn) x girlfriend!reader
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an: i don't know why this was tumbling around in my head. wow, this post got longer and longer the more i wrote. i swear I'll write for the other babes too.
Unfortunately, this wouldn't be the first time Aphelios had to undergo surgery. Happened when they had to remove the nodule from his vocal cords. And he doesn't remember a single thing from that day. Alune took care of him at the time, but she never mentioned anything beyond how he slept most of the day (probably to spare him from embarrassment).
He appreciated you taking a day off work to take care of him and be his interpreter. He was fine with all his consents and paperwork. But when it came to more detailed questions concerning his medical history, he would have you translate his sign language to the medical staff. Thanks to you, the process went smoothly.
IV's were never fun to have. Especially when it had to be in the hand. Aphelios couldn't lie and say he wasn't nervous about it, despite his aloofness. But all he had to do was shift his eyes away for a moment, and look at your cute, bubbly face. He could tell you were rambling on trying to distract him, and he guessed it worked. By the time he looked down again, the IV was in. He denied the golden star sticker usually meant for the pediatric patients, but you took it for him as a momento.
When it was time for him to go into the OR, the medical team gave you two a moment. You slipped a hand into his and gave him two love squeezes. He smiled softly and gave three love squeezes back. A quick peck to his lips and you left to sit in the waiting room.
When he was brought to recovery and awake, you were taken to his bedside. When you stepped through the curtain, you saw him resting as if he were asleep at home. Slowly, he opened his eyes, glazed over with mild recognition. Although he felt lethargic, he signed sloppily with his hands.
Is this heaven?
You bit your bottom lip to keep from smiling too much. You shook your head and reminded him where he was.
Oh. Really? Because you look like an angel to me. And if they want you back up there. Forget it. I'm keeping you.
You covered your mouth to keep from giggling too loud. You weren't sure if he was being serious or actually trying to flirt with you. It wasn't common at all for him to be so corny, but you blamed the anesthesia for that. When the nurse came to the bedside, she went over discharge instructions while you held his hand. He kept giving you light squeezes and rubbing his thumb gently against your fingers. Just to make sure you wouldn't fly away. Of course, anytime you had to let go and sign a paper, he sighed heavily (almost a whine if he wasn't careful), until your hand floated right back for him to take. Then he was sighing with relief again.
While at home, it was just the same. Aphelios didn't want you to leave his side for even a moment. If he had his way, you'd be sleeping next to him, still holding onto his hand. You had to remind him many times that you had to take care of him, so no cuddles or naps just yet. You also had to remind him he needed to eat and take fluids after fasting for so long. If there was thing you knew, he was a picky eater. Aphelios seriously thought ketchup packets counted as a full meal and satisfied his daily fiber intake. Luckily, you were able to spoon feed him some soup with a couple of crackers.
After you had him take his first dose of medication, you could finally indulge him. You settled next to him in bed, and he took no time to wrap himself around you, nuzzling your chest. A small, sleepy smile formed against his lips. Maybe you weren't a real angel. But you couldn't convince him you weren't his heaven on Earth.
Oh, boy. This was the first time Ezreal had to have any kind of surgery. Even though it was supposedly minor, that didn't stop the nerves itching underneath his skin. Is it normal to be this nervous? He wasn't sure, but he tried his best to hide his chattering teeth behind a forced smile. He really didn't want you worrying about him more than you had too. You were already doing him a big favor by taking care of him. He just hoped he wouldn't be a wreck before and after.
Apparently, signing consent forms and answering medical questions became a challenge. His hand trembled so much, his usual confident signature looked like a preschooler forged it. And when it came to answering medical questions, he found himself stuttering, feeling like someone stuck cotton balls inside his mouth.
When it was time for the IV, his whole body was ready to collapse in on itself. Was it always so hot in here? Sweat dampened the top of his skin. W-What's the big deal anyway? Not like he was afraid of some tiny, sharp...needle....OK, the room was spinning now. Great—awesome. Man, he felt so lame.
Seeing the color drain from his complexion, his head drop back, and his eyelids fluttering close, you politely asked the nurse to give him a moment with you. She laid him down in the stretcher and brought you a wet cloth. Wiping at his damp face and neck, you rested a comforting hand against his heaving chest. "It's okay to be afraid, Ez. It's not easy to have surgery. You're brave for even being here." He shook his head weakly, clenching his eyes tight. "B-brave. Yeah right, babe. I mean, look at me. I'm practically comatose and the nurse barely even wrapped the tourniquet around my arm."
"Brave doesn't mean not being afraid of anything. It's doing something even knowing it's scary." Another wipe of his cheek and you planted a reassuring kiss. "There's no one braver in my eyes right now." Ezreal swallowed the ball of anxiety nested in his throat. A couple of more inhales and he gathered his remaining courage for the next step that had to be done.
You held his hand the entire time the nurse worked to get his IV started. You told him to close his eyes and take big breaths, and it would be over before he even knew it. He did as instructed, and just like you said, it was done. He admitted to you that it felt a bit itchy, but that he could deal with. Oh, but was it so worth it when the nurse offered him that golden star sticker. He slapped it on the chest of his gown like a badge of honor.
When the medical team arrived to take him in the stretcher, he gave you that million dollar smile and peace sign. Granted, you whispered to the anesthesiologist to give him some relaxing medication before he went in. The anesthesia provider was way ahead of you. When he started giggling, waving, and blowing kisses like he was out the sunroof of a limo driving down the boulevard—oh yeah. You knew he was feeling it.
When it was all over and they called you back to recovery, the nurse informed you he couldn't stop talking the moment he opened his eyes. And all that he was talking about was you. "Babe! Babe! I did it—I can't even believe it's over. I don't even remember them putting me to sleep. Crazy, right? Like, did I count down from ten? Did I make it to zero? I bet I made it to zero." He practically wiggled himself over the safety rails on the stretcher. You sweetly instructed him to keep still so that the nurses could get a decent blood pressure on him. "Okay. Okay. I'll be good. Promise." He forced himself to lay back, but that didn't last long. While the nurse was going over instructions, he was tugging on your shirt sleeve, calling your name, interrupting every moment wanting your attention. Apparently, he had a lot to say to you in the span of thirty-minutes you were separated.
When you arrived back home, by some miracle you were able to have him settled on the couch once you put on his favorite K-Drama. While sitting next to him (and making sure he didn't get up) he rested his cheek against the top of your head. "Thanks for everything, babe. Honestly, you make me feel like the bravest guy. Like Indiana Jones....or Captain Kirk...maybe even that...one actor from National Treasure...." before you could say anything back, you felt his body relax further into you. His light breaths signaling he dozed off seamlessly. With a warm smile, you pulled the blanket over the two of you, and snuggled closer before you joined him for a nap.
GOD DAMN IT'S EARLY! Kayn wanted to shout when you woke him up for his 6AM arrival time. Instead, he grumbled, kicked on his crocks, and went in his pajamas. He was too tired to really argue and complain. He just wanted to get this done and over with so he could move on with his life.
Kayn didn't diddle-daddle with his forms and medical questions. He wanted to put on his gown, toss himself into the stretcher, and possibly get a few more winks before his surgical time. You sighed—this was going to be the longest hour before surgery.
Although still in a foul mood, Kayn eased a bit when you worked up a distracting conversation with him. And when the nurse came in to do his IV, Kayn didn't bother blinking. He probably stuck himself countless of times with other—probably sharper—and deadlier objects. Actually, he took it one step further. When the IV was inserted, just to mess with you (and the nurse), he made a loud, and seductive moan. You pinched his arm for startling the nurse. Poor thing didn't even know how to react to that nonsense. "Ow. Ow. Nurse—nurse, she's hurting me." He said, cowering away from you. "You deserve that for almost giving them a heart attack. What if they missed and had to stick you twice?" Kayn smirked, rubbing at his nipple line. "More of a good time for me, then." You rolled your eyes, begging for him to behave for the next half-hour.
When the surgeon came to the bedside, he discussed the procedure at length and a few expectations afterwards. When he finished, he asked if either of you had any questions. Kayn raised his hand like the serious kid in math class. "Yeah. Question, Dr. Shen. When can I have sex again?" You almost spat out the complimentary coffee the front staff so kindly gave you. You couldn't believe he had just asked that question so casually at...let's see.... 06:50 in the morning!
You apologized on his behalf, but Dr. Shen merely dismissed it. "That's quite alright. It's a fair question. And one I receive plenty of times from my male patients. Even ones well into their eighties, and surprisingly, nineties." Kayn nodded with a grin and you rubbed your warming forehead. Of course. What else would they bother to ask? The surgeon went on to say; "As far as any kind of exertional activities, that will all be discussed and cleared at your follow-up appointment in two weeks."
TWO WEEKS!? Kayn almost fainted right then in there. He looked at you with such concern, as if someone told him a Pentakill concert sold out before he could even buy a ticket. He reached over and grabbed your hand, holding tight. "Listen, kitten. I don't think I want this surgery anymore. Can we go home now?" You shook your head disapprovingly. After hearing such news, and you not bailing him out, Kayn sulked as if he was getting surgery to forever castrate him.
When it was time to take him, he begrudgingly let you kiss his cheek. Otherwise, he didn't reciprocate your affection. He tossed his chin away and said. "Whatever. Let's just get this crap over with." Once again, he had you shaking your head, and you apologizing to everyone in the room.
When the nurse came to bring you back into recovery, you noticed he was sleeping on his side, back turned to you. You wondered if he was still upset by the whole ordeal. When you reached out to touch his shoulder, he tensed, but slowly turned over. "Kayn. Are you feeling alright? If you're in pain, I'll tell the nurse—" Before you could finish, Kayn reached forward and grabbed you, pulling you into the tightest hug. You felt him bury his face into your neck and shoulder, hands desperately clinging to you.
"Oh, thank you, thank you." You heard him choke up. You brought a hand to gently comb through his hair, asking him what was wrong. He shook his head. "I...I don't know. I thought— just before everything went black—what if I never saw you again. And the way I acted before they took me..." he squeezed tighter, burying his sulking face deeper. "I'm sorry. I love you, okay? Just, trust me on that. Please."
"It's okay. I love you too," you hummed and stroked his back, continuing to assure him. "You don't have to worry anymore. It's all over. You're still here. The doctor said you did so good, and there were no complications." Pausing, you planted a kiss to the top of his head. "How about we get you dressed so we can go home, hm?" He nodded against your shoulder, and you helped the nurse dress him for discharge.
When you brought him home, Kayn wanted to do nothing but turn off the lights, close the blinds, and lay next to you in quiet darkness. Breathe you in, feel your warmth, and listen to the softness of your pulse against his ear. Focus on the fact that he was alive and you were alive with him—nothing else.
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starsandhughes · 11 months
Penalty Box— Cruel Weather (End)
story/original request based off this ask: Reactions to Sissy Getting Hurt
warnings: swearing, accident, mentions of injuries, surgery, mentions of pain medications, crying, anxiety, overall angst
word count: ~7.9k
General Series Masterlist
part one — part two — part three — part four
a/n i did not edit this much at all so excuse all typos!
You started to hear quiet voices, and then a really pissed off Quinn. You drowned it out, but you couldn’t drown out the pain that shot through you when Trevor was shaken awake. Everybody was suddenly on guard when you cried out in pain. Trevor slowly sat up and smacked Quinn on the arm, “Look what you did!”
“Sissy, I’m–”
“Not your fault,” you grunted out through twinges of pain. You gripped Trevor’s hand with all your might, trying to breathe through it. Your body felt heavy against the pillows when the pain finally dulled. You took deep breaths to relax as Trevor rubbed circles on your hand with his thumb and ran his fingers through your hair in a calming motion. You nodded at him with your eyes closed when you felt better.
“Go back to sleep if you need, sweet girl,” Trevor whispered. “We’ll still be here when you wake up.”
You opened your eyes to look at Quinn, who looked scared out of his mind.
“Come here,” you told him. Quinn carefully stepped towards you, and once he got close, you could see the tears forming in his eyes. “You didn’t know. It’s okay. I’m okay.”
Trevor relinquished your hand so Quinn could hold it, “You’re awake.”
“Something like that,” you said drowsily. You turned your head to look at everyone else that was in the room, and you were surprised at how many people were actually here. Your mom, dad, Jack, Luke, Cole, Alex, Jamie, and Matty. “Hi.”
There wasn’t a dry eye in the room. No one could believe it. Luke shoved his way through the small crowd to the side where Quinn and Trevor were and sat down on the edge of your bed. You looked at Quinn, and with that one look he knew that your big sister mode was kicking in. He let go of your hand and you reached out to Luke, who gripped on with both of his hands.
“I’m here,” you said softly. “I’m okay. Okay? I’m not leaving you.”
“You–” Luke got too choked up.
“I know, come here,” you said. “Lay your head down on my chest. Trevor did it last night, it doesn’t hurt.”
Luke was taller and lankier than Trevor, but with Trevor and you guiding him, he got settled. You took some deep breaths and told him to feel your heartbeat, just as you did for Trevor.
“See? My heart’s beating now. I’m here. And I’m not going anywhere,” you whispered as you ran your fingers through his curls.
“Promise?” Luke squeaked. He was crying and it broke your heart.
“I promise.”
You couldn’t fight being asleep anymore, and everyone could tell.
“Luke, let’s get off of Sissy so that she can sleep,” Jim said.
You shook your head, “He’s fine. Trevor did it last night. I’m okay.”
And with that, the drugs pulled you under.
– – –
Luke was letting silent tears fall, “Trevor?”
“Yeah, bud?”
“You sure she’s okay?”
“She’s okay,” he assured him.
“Then why do you have an IV again?” Jamie asked him.
Of course Jamie would be the first one to notice. Or the first one to call him out at the very least.
“I uh… they made me step out of the room while they were doing tests and the thing attached to her finger that reads her heartbeat got knocked off. I lost it when I heard the flatline again and couldn’t see her, so I got sedated again,” Trevor explained. “It wasn’t real, it was just…”
“You’re going to be going through this a lot, aren’t you?” Jamie asked him. Trevor sighed and nodded, “Probably.”
Jamie walked over and put his arm around his friend, a simple motion that let Trevor know that that was okay. That they’d get through this together. Not just between everyone, but them specifically. They live together. They’ll be the ones majorly helping Y/N when she’s released from the hospital. Jamie will be the one with him when they have to go on their first away game. Jamie and Trevor will be each other’s rocks.
“You doing alright, Lukey?” Jack asked his brother.
“She’s here,” was all he said.
Quinn patted his back in an attempt to comfort him, “She sure is, Lukey.”
“Mom? Can you go talk to a nurse to get some updates?” Jack asked. She smiled and told the pack of boys that she’d be right back.
The weight of the world fell off everybody’s shoulders. Seeing her awake and hearing her speak was a marvel of a sight. Not a soul in the room could believe it. Not a soul in the room didn’t feel relief.
Ellen came back with a nurse who could update the room on Sissy.
“Everything is looking good for her. Her vitals are great, and we’re keeping her on high, but safe, levels of pain medication. That’s why she’s in and out of consciousness. And all of the medication that affected her from waking up from the anesthesia is out of her system, so she’ll be just fine when it’s time for her shoulder surgery,” she said.
“Woah, woah, woah– next surgery?!” Trevor shouted. “She almost died after your last one and you want to put her under again?!”
Trevor felt like he couldn’t breathe again. He almost lost you to a surgery that was supposed to be no big deal, and they wanted to do it to you again?
“Z, breathe,” Jamie said to him, but Trevor yanked his arm away from his touch.
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no,” Trevor repeated. He was slowly backing up against the wall.
“Trevor,” Quinn tried. He wanted to calm him down, but him freaking out was freaking him out, too. Everyone almost lost you. Not just him. “I don’t like the idea either, but she needs this surgery. You don’t want her to be in pain, do you?”
Quin was treating him like a child, but Trevor was looking like he was close to another freak out.
“Z, we can’t sedate you every time you’re feeling like this. You need to learn how to get through this so that you can do it at home. Now, look at me, and breathe with me, okay?”
It took a few tries for Trevor to actually get it together, but he was still crying.
“I don’t want her to be in pain. I love her, but I can’t lose her,” Trevor said.
Quinn nodded and brought him into a hug, “I know. Us, too.”
Since Quinn was able to calm Trevor down, he asked for the IV to be removed since it had drained out anyway. Trevor was exhausted and Ellen told him to go lay down again in the recliner. Luke remained attached to Sissy and was slowly drifting off, too.
“Is anyone not scared about Sissy going in for another surgery?” Jack asked, keeping his voice down for Luke and Trevor.
“I’m trying to focus on the fact that she needs it,” Jamie answered.
The consensus was clear, everyone had at least a sliver of concern for the possibility for things to go wrong. Jim and Ellen remained strong and comforted the boys with the fact that the doctors now know what to use for her so that she wakes up safely and in a reasonable amount of time this round. But even they were worried for the girl that has become their only daughter.
“Remember when we first all played against each other when I was in college?” Quinn piped up, looking for any means to distract himself.
“She wore a shirt that said ‘I just hope both teams have fun!’ How could I forget?” Cole laughed.
“I’m just glad she doesn’t do that now,” Jack said. “Although, for once I’d like her to wear my jersey when we play against the Canucks or Ducks!”
“That’s not going to happen and you know it,” Alex teased him.
“She wears your jersey when we play against you,” Cole offered.
“Yeah, but she wears mine whenever we play against any of you,” Matthew smirked. “Except against Quinn or Trevor. Then it’s theirs.”
“What does she wear when we play against the Canucks?” Jamie asked.
“Z and I have to play air hockey to decide it,” Quinn told them, sending everyone into a fit of laughter. “But she might add you into the mix.”
“She’s something else,” Jamie said.
“You have no idea, Jamie. She’ll get worse,” Jack told him. “But it’ll only make you love her more.”
“Now that, I believe.”
– – –
You woke up to the muffled sounds of your friends talking and laughing. It brought a smile to your face that now that you were awake, your friends could relax a bit. You just hope it sticks.
What is sticking, however, is the dull pain. A dull pain that’s growing. You never tell Luke to let go or to go away if he needs you, but it was too much right now. You felt extra guilty because you were pretty sure that he was still asleep.
“Quintin,” you said. Your voice was strained and so quiet that you weren’t sure that he heard you. You tried again, but when you did the dryness of your throat made you cough, which just added to the pain and you cried out. That got everyone’s attention. “Quintin, I need you to get Luke off me, it’s starting to hurt.”
You were visibly in discomfort, and trying to move was not your friend. Ellen stepped in and eased you while Quinn carefully woke up Luke.
“It really hurts, mom,” you whimpered. She gave you a sad smile and brushed back your hair, “I know, Sissy. It’ll pass. Quinn’s waking him up.”
Luke felt tremendously guilty, and it took you multiple times to assure him that he was completely fine before the pain medications slowly started to wear off. And because you were on such high doses, it wasn’t time for you to safely have another round. So you had to wait.
“Can I get you anything, little mouse?”
You looked over and smiled at Matthew over the nickname, “Water?”
Matthew got up to find you some water, and you looked around the room to try and get a gauge of everyone’s emotions. You were pretty good at reading your friends and family, but the one who stuck out the most to you was Alex.
“Turc? Do you need a moment alone?”
“What?” he asked, caught off guard. “No, I’m fine…I’m–”
“Hey, can I get a second with Alex?” you asked the room. You could tell Alex was embarrassed, but no one else said anything as they left. “Come here.”
Alex got up and moved to the chair that was right next to you. You grabbed his hand and smiled at him in an effort to let him know that it was okay.
“You need another surgery,” he blurted out.
“That’s not all of it and you know it,” you said. You knew him too well.
Alex sighed and bounced his leg, trying to calm down enough to actually tell you what was on his mind.
“Yesterday when you were still in the coma, I couldn’t come talk to you alone. Everyone else did it days before. Yesterday Cole and Matthew did, but I couldn’t. It felt like I would be saying goodbye to you, and I didn’t want to face that,” he admitted.
“So tell me what you would’ve said.”
Alex took a deep breath, “I would’ve told you how much I miss you. And that you mean the world to me and have ever since high school. I would’ve told you that the first time I met you, and I saw how you and Trevor were acting, I knew you were going to be in my life forever because you two are perfect for each other and I knew it before he admitted his feelings to us. I would’ve told you how much I love you. How much I was trying to keep it together but was slowly failing to. And I think I would’ve told you goodbye just in case you flatlined again in the middle of the night and I wouldn’t get a chance to.”
You squeezed his hand when you noticed his tears, “Good thing you get to say hello then.”
“Hello,” he breathed out a small, forced laugh.
“Hi,” you said right back. “You’ll be okay. I’m okay. We’ll all get through this together, alright? And I love you, too.”
– – –
It wasn’t fun hearing what everyone else told you while you were in a coma, but you felt like it needed to be done. Maybe it shouldn’t be your job to help everyone, but you would get the help you’ll need in return. It broke your heart hearing that Luke couldn’t figure out how to be the strong one like everyone was telling him to. It broke your heart hearing that Jack was trying to hold it together for everyone and that he was terrified of having to go back to Jersey before you woke up. How Jamie felt guilty for being one of the reasons you were in the car in the first place. How Quinn was losing his mind and felt so defeated when you squeezed his hand and he learned it was nothing. How Matty was sent here by his coach because he wasn’t playing well. How Cole told you that his life changed forever when you came into it and that his break was hard because he held it in.
Trevor broke your heart the most. It broke you that he was plagued by nightmares when he was only sleeping because he knew you’d want him to. It broke your heart that he went catatonic for a few hours. It broke your heart that he watched your heart flat line. It broke your heart how guilty he felt. You couldn’t bear the thought of your forever getting cut short with him. Trevor almost had to experience that.
You didn’t get much time to be with everyone as a group before a nurse and a doctor came in and asked for everyone but “your emergency contacts” to leave. That meant that only Trevor and your parents could stay in the room.
The doctor began to go over your next surgery with you for your shoulder. It was a shoulder replacement surgery, and you didn’t really pay attention to any of the details. All you knew was that the fractures were bad enough to need it, and that it was scheduled for tomorrow at 1pm.
You just woke up from a roughly two day coma post a surgery and now they wanted to put you under again? And they were just going to hope that if they used different sedatives and started the treatment they used to wake you up immediately it would be okay?
You felt terrified. But you knew everyone else did, too. Probably more than you were, since they were the ones that had to sit idly by while you were unconscious.
You held all your fears in.
For Ellen.
For Jim.
For Jack.
For Cole.
For Alex.
For Matty.
For Jamie.
For Luke.
For Quinn.
For Trevor.
For Trevor. For Trevor. For Trevor.
You could do anything for Trevor, and this will just have to be one of those things.
“Are you okay?” he asked you. He sat on the edge of your bed and held your hand, rubbing circles with his thumb on it. “Do you need a minute before we let everyone else back in?”
You shook your head, “No, I’m alright.”
Trevor eyed you suspiciously, “Don’t lie to me, sweet girl.”
“I’ll be okay, and having everyone in here will help,” you told him. It wasn’t a lie. You will be okay, eventually. And everyone in this small little room will be a lovely distraction. Your surgery isn’t until tomorrow, so all you had to do was make it through the day.
“Sissy, I got someone who wants to talk to you,” Luke said smiling as he came back in.
“Who?” you asked, smiling back. Luke said nothing and just handed you his phone. “Duker!”
“Hey, Sissy, how are you? I’ve been worried sick,” Dylan said.
“I can definitely say I physically haven’t been worse,” you told him.
“That’s the most Y/N answer I’ve ever heard,” he laughed. “Glad the coma didn’t change you!”
“It’s gonna take a hell of a lot more than that to change me,” you assured him. And the rest of the room. And yourself.
Mainly yourself. Lord knows you needed it.
“I’m coming tomorrow, okay? I know you miss me!”
“I really do,” you laughed. “Be good, Duker.”
“I think I can make that promise for once,” he joked.
You were getting tired again after finally being given more pain medication. You made grabby hands towards Quinn and motioned for him to lay next to you like Trevor did before visiting hours started.
“Are you sure this doesn’t hurt?” Quinn asked as he cautiously laid down next to you.
“You’re just next to me, Quintin. I promise you, it’s okay,” you told him.
You kept motioning for him to come closer to you until you could comfortably lay your head against his shoulder.
“You haven’t called me Quintin in a while,” he said low. “Not much since you left middle school.”
“Middle school was hard,” you mumbled sleepily. “This is hard.”
Quinn turned his head and kissed your temple, “Quintin it is.”
– – –
Jamie cautiously stepped towards the bed when he knew that Y/N was asleep. He slowly sat down in the chair closest to the head of her bed, right next to Quinn.
“Can I?” Jamie asked him. He took her hand in his when he nodded yes. “I know I haven’t known her as long–”
“That doesn’t matter to her,” Quinn cut him off. “The day she met you, she called me and said I should be worried about you taking my place as her best friend. Sissy loves you, and she knows that you love her. She doesn’t care that you met what, three months ago? She loves everyone fiercely, and you’ve been deemed lucky enough to make that list.”
Trevor got up and placed his hands on Jamie’s shoulders, squeezing them supportively, “It was her idea to move you in.”
“She probably would’ve moved your stuff out from Lindholm’s with or without your permission,” he laughed.
“I’ve even heard about you from her,” Matthew told Jamie. “You’re here for her. You’re going to be one half of the two people taking care of her most of the time. And trust me, she cares about you. As long as you never wrong her, she’s going to be there for you for life.”
Jamie looked down and tried to hide a smile as he played with her fingers. He didn’t know what it was about her, but the second she met somebody, they loved her. Her charm, her humor, her boldness. Sissy is something special. And when she lets you in, truly lets you in, she makes sure you know you’re loved and that she would drop everything for you if you need her.
She loves being needed.
She loves being wanted.
Not everyone knew that this was killing her. Not everyone knew that her needing help and barely being able to do a thing for anyone else was going to be detrimental for her. But Jamie does. He hasn’t known her long, but he knows her. He knows that he might need to act like he needs her for something, even if he doesn’t, just to make her happy.
Jamie would do it for her. He will do it for her. Because everyone was right, once you know her, she’d drop anything for you, and he intends to do the same thing for her.
“Is she scared, Z?” Cole asked. Trevor pursed his lips. He didn’t want to expose her, but he was a terrible liar.
“She won’t tell me, but I saw the look in her eyes. I could feel her fear. I asked if she needed a moment and she told me that she’s fine and everyone back in the room would be a good distraction, but I know she’s petrified.”
“That’s a big word, Mr. Boston,” Quinn teased him. Trevor rolled his eyes and flicked him, not being able to do anything else since Y/N was laying against his shoulder. “She has you, Z. You’ll get her through it.”
“She has you, too. She has all of us,” Trevor added.
“And we have her,” Luke said. He still looked scared.
Jack threw his arm around his little brother, “And we have her.”
— — —
Today’s the day.
Today’s the day you have to go under for another surgery.
And everyone had the same fear. For some, it was slight. For others it was more than slight, but they know she needs the surgery. But the rest? The fear had taken over their entire being. And who are they? Trevor, Quinn, Jack, Luke, and you. They were internally losing their minds. They felt sick. And every tick of the clock made their chests feel tighter and tighter.
Trevor hasn’t done well with you out of his sight and he knows it’s going to be worse this time. He’s determined to not have to be sedated. He’s going to have away games. He’s going to have roadies. He’s going to have to learn how to cope. He can’t be eased into it. You’re going to be gone for hours, and he’ll have to sit by your bedside and wait for you to wake up again. He knows you’ll wake up, but that quiet voice deep inside his head telling him that you won’t is eating him alive.
Quinn had taken over the “Sissy” role. Jack had practically snapped, Luke was a mess and was dead silent when he wasn’t, Trevor couldn’t breathe half the time, and you need him, too. He’s the oldest. He feels like it’s his job. He’s always stepped up. He’s always been the big brother. He’s always done whatever he can and more for you. There’s just no one helping him.
Jack feels like he’s useless. He can’t do anything for you, and he’s going to have to go back to Jersey eventually. Scratch that— he’s going to have to go back soon and he won’t get to help you. He feels like you don’t need him when you have Quinn. You always need him. He’s your best friend, your better half, you’re everything to each other. You won’t need him when you have Trevor. Your boyfriend, your entire world. The person you live with. The person who needs you just as bad as you need him. The person you’ll get through this with. The person who’ll be there for you the entire time. Hell, you won’t need him when you have Jamie. You love him, and you barely know him. And he’s going to be with you the whole time. He doesn’t have to leave.
Luke could barely wrap his head around it. Everything was going too fast and he could barely keep up. He just got you, his sister, back and in a few hours he was going to have to go back to wondering when you’re going to wake up. He couldn’t hold on to your hand. He couldn’t fall asleep on you. He felt like he couldn’t be vulnerable. Not when everyone else is screaming, too. He just told his best friend that you’re going to be okay. He just told his best friend that he’s okay. One of those is a lie. The other one could be, too, only he doesn’t know that answer, yet.
And you? You don’t know that’s how everyone is feeling, because you can’t think of anything else other than your intense fear of not waking up. You couldn’t escape the cage the thought of dying was putting you in. You need this surgery. You need to get better. You know the doctors are prepared this time. You know that your medication has more or less left your system and that everything should be okay. But you don’t want to see everyone’s faces when you wake up again. Full of shock, almost as if they were seeing a ghost. And you know that a couple days after this surgery, you’ll be released. Which means everyone will have to leave you again. You’ve never had to experience anything this traumatic without your brothers. Never. You didn’t want them to go most of all. You’re beyond grateful that you’ll have Trevor, and Jamie told you he won’t be leaving you, but you need your brothers. Facetimes won’t be enough this time.
You were pulled out from your thought prison by a nurse informing you it was almost time for surgery and that everyone will need to clear out so that they can prep you. Everyone said their goodbyes, some longer than others, and Jack was the last one walking out the door. The heart monitor signaled that panic was taking over you and you felt like you couldn’t breathe.
“Jack!” you screamed. Tears were streaming down your face and your free hand was shaking. “Jack don’t–”
Jack pushed aside the nurse in the room and sat on the edge of your bed and gripped onto your hand.
“She just needs a minute! Please,” Jack begged her. The nurse saw how close you were to a major freakout before Jack got to your side and left to stand outside the door. Jack took your hand in both of his and squeezed it tight, “It’ll be okay, Sissy. It will be. We all asked the surgeon every question possible. He’s done this surgery countless times.”
“Will you be here when I wake up?” you asked shakily. “Right here. Holding my hand. Not Trevor or Quinn. You.”
Jack smiled and leaned over to kiss your forehead, “In the chair, or on the bed?”
“On the bed,” you answered.
“Then on the bed holding your hand is where I’ll be the second you open your eyes, Sissy,” Jack assured you. “I promise. Now you gotta be strong for us. Don’t fight the lovely nurses and doctors and surgeons that are here to help you. Just breathe, and now I’ll be sitting right here when it’s over.”
The nurses that came to wheel you off to the surgery unit told Jack he could walk with you until you reached the double doors, so he did. He held onto your hand and called out once again that he’ll be right next to you when you wake up when the doors came. You held back your tears. You wanted to be able to tell Jack that you were strong.
– – –
“Where did you go?” Luke asked Jack when he finally joined them in the waiting room.
“Sissy called out for me, so I calmed her down and walked with her to the surgical unit,” he explained. “I don’t know why–”
“She loves and needs you, too, Jack,” Ellen interrupted her son. “Just like everyone else.”
Jack smiled slightly, semi hating the fact that his mom knew exactly how he was feeling.
“She asked me to be sitting on her bed holding her hand when she wakes up,” he said softly, still happy that she wanted him. That she needed him.
“I’m only allowing that because she asked,” Trevor teased him.
“Of course you are, bud,” Jack laughed.
Jack sat down between his brothers and leaned back in his chair. All that there was to do now was wait. Something that was way too familiar to everyone here.
– – –
It was a long surgery, over four hours. But Jack was true to his word and parked himself on the edge of your bed and held your hand as he waited for you to come to. Every minute passed was agonizing. The doctors told everyone that you’d be waking up within an hour but that you’ll be very out of it and might not be awake for long. At the forty-six minute mark, everyone let out a breath.
Your groans caused all ten heads to snap towards you. Jack inched closer to you and used his free hand to pet your hair in the same way he used to do when he had to wake you up for school when you were sleeping through your endless alarms.
“Sissy?” he whispered. “Are you with us? Can you open your eyes for me?”
You tried to pull away from him but felt a surge of pain when you did. Jack worked to settle you back down and looked to Trevor for help.
“I normally kiss her to wake her up,” Trevor told him. “She calls it ‘waking up Disney princess style.’”
“Be my guest,” Jack laughed.
Trevor softly placed his hand to cup your face and bent down to softly kiss you, “Good morning, sweet girl. Can you open those pretty little eyes for me?”
You clenched your eyes once more before opening them up.
“Are you a Prince?” you asked dreamily. Luke had to hide into his mom’s shoulder to keep from laughing out loud.
“Sorry, sweet girl. I’m just your boyfriend,” Trevor replied.
You looked down when you noticed a hand was holding your hand. You followed the hand to the owner, and it was not the man who just told you he’s your boyfriend.
“Then who are you?” you asked the hand holder.
“I’m Jack, your brother. You asked me to sit on your bed and hold your hand for when you woke up,” the hand holder told you.
“I don’t have a brother,” you said, shaking your head.
Jack’s grip on your hand tightened and you could feel his fear.
“You– you don’t?” he asked tentatively. He was worried that the drugs had temporarily taken your mind back to before you moved in. Before you were old enough to know that family doesn’t have to be blood.
“No. I’m a cloud, I can’t have any brothers,” you said seriously.
“But you can have a boyfriend?” your boyfriend asked.
“You’re a cloud, too,” you told him. “You have fluffy cloud hair, Prince.”
“Trevor,” he told you with a soft laugh.
“No,” you shook your head. “I’m pretty sure your name is Prince. Prince of the clouds. And I’m Princess of the clouds.”
“Clouds can have brothers,” Jack insisted. “You have three.”
Jack was starting to make sense. As you looked around the room at everyone else in the room, you saw two familiar faces that matched Jack’s story.
“I do have three!” you gasped. “Quintin, Jacky Boy, and Lukey Moosey!”
Jack lifted your hand and leaned his head against it, shaking his head and laughing, “I’m Jacky Boy, Sissy. Look at me.”
You looked at him again and really focused this time, “Jacky Boy! I missed you!”
“I missed you, too,” he laughed.
You looked around the room and your smile grew exponentially at every person you saw. You couldn’t believe your whole world was here.
“Hi Mom, and Dad, and Coley, and Turcs, and Quintin, and Lukey Moosey, and Jamie Baby, and my rat! Matty! You’re here! You’re never here!”
Matthew moved over to the end of your bed and placed both hands on the edge of it, “I was worried about you, Little Mouse. That’s why we’re all here.”
Quinn came over next to Jack and Trevor, “You got hurt, remember? You just had another surgery.”
“No, Quintin,” you argued. “I’m a cloud. I can’t get hurt.”
“Well then you’re a medical marvel,” he said. “Because you got super hurt. Are you in pain?”
“Quintin, listen! I just told you, I’m a cloud. And Prince is a cloud. And Coley. I don’t know what the rest of you are, but we’re clouds.”
“What type of clouds are we?” Cole asked you.
“You and Prince look sad, so you’re nimbostratus clouds. But me? I’m a cumulus,” you told them, full of confidence.
“Did she just… use scientific cloud names?” Alex asked, laughing in disbelief.
“I think she did,” Luke said.
“We look sad because you’re hurt, Ms. Cumulus Cloud,” Trevor said. “But I’m really glad you don’t feel it.”
“I’m just doing my cloud thing,” you said as you yawned.
“Sleepy?” Ellen asked.
“Yeah, I’m a sleepy cloud,” you nodded. “But Jacky Boy needs to lay next to me so I can nap.”
“And why’s that?” Jack asked.
“You’re holding my hand. You need me. So you need to sleep next to me to fix that,” you said matter-of-factly.
Trevor and Quinn stepped out of the way so that Jack could carefully lay beside you.
“I’ll protect you,” you told him. “I need everyone to give me a kiss goodnight! Do you need any, Jacky?”
“I think I’m alright,” he smiled.
Jack leaned over and kissed your cheek. You smiled and nodded your head side to side in a dance-like motion as you made everyone else kiss your cheeks and forehead goodnight.
“And you, my Prince, need to kiss me on the lips four times,” you told him. “Because we say something to each other with four words. I don’t know what, but I know there’s four words.”
“I–” kiss. “Love–” kiss. “You–” kiss. “Forever.” kiss.
“What do I say?”
“You say ‘I love you, always,’” he smiled at you.
“I love you, always, Prince!”
“I love you, forever, Princess.”
– – –
The second time you woke up, you were much more lucid and aware of the situation. You weren’t in agony, but you weren’t exactly having fun. You lifted your head off of whoever’s shoulder you were laying on and groaned at the brightness of the room.
“Somebody needs to turn off the sun or I’m going to shoot it down myself,” you grunted with your eyes squeezed shut.
You didn’t know who, but someone fixed your problem, and you were able to slowly open your eyes. You looked out to see the window’s curtains were open and that it was actually dark outside.
One new face was in the room, Dylan.
You smiled at him, “Hi, baby boy.”
“I was kind of hoping I could see you shoot down the sun, but seeing you awake works, too, Sissy,” Dylan joked.
“Are you still a cloud, Princess?” Trevor asked you.
You turned your head to look at him, also acknowledging the fact that it was Jack next to you by a simple squeeze of his hand, confused.
“You were still out of it when you first woke up,” Trevor laughed. “You called me Prince, and you were hellbent on the fact that you were a cloud and that you couldn’t possibly be injured because of it.”
“Were we… all clouds?”
“I wish,” Quinn joked. “Only Z and Cole were clouds. Nimbostratus, to be exact. Not sure why you remembered the types of clouds.”
“Clouds are fucking cool, that’s why,” you sassed him.
“You’re lucky you’re hurt,” Quinn said in a jokingly warning tone.
“Or what? You’d lightly shove me? I’m so scared,” you teased him back. “You’re just jealous because I didn’t deem you a cloud. Suck it.”
It was nice finally feeling calm for the first time since you woke up. No one was terrified about the upcoming surgery now that it’s happened. No one was worried that you wouldn’t wake up again now that you have. It was almost fun being with everyone, it was just calmer than it normally is when you’re all together.
You shoved Jack aside so that Dylan could lay next to you because “you’ve missed your baby boy.”
“I’m your twin!” Jack protested.
“You’ve been laying with me,” you told him. “I’ve gone without seeing Duker longer and he’s my baby boy bestie brother!”
“I’m her alliteration,” Dylan said, smiling cheekily.
“Yeah, he’s my alliteration,” you copied his grin.
“That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard,” Jack countered.
“You’re just jealous,” Dylan stuck his tongue out at him.
“Alright, alright,” you cut them off. “You’re both my boys, so calm down. You’ve had your turn.”
“Do we all get a turn?” Luke asked jokingly.
“Do we have to reserve times?” Jamie asked, laughing.
“You and Z will get me all season, but the rest of them? Yes. Someone make a list and play rock paper scissors for the order.”
“You’re a mess,” Trevor laughed. “My beautiful mess.”
“Damn right,” you jokingly smirked.
– – –
It wasn’t too long before visiting hours ended and you had to tell everyone goodbye. Trevor now had a bigger blanket for you two in the bed since you’d been cold and he wasted no time crawling in next to you when Quinn (the last one on the list to be next to you) got off the bed.
“Be good!” Quinn called out.
“We physically have to! Otherwise we would not!” you shouted back.
“I didn’t want to know that!”
“You’re welcome! I love you, bubs!”
“I love you, too, Sissy!”
“I’ll never understand you two,” Trevor laughed.
“Quinn and I are something I’ve never seen before. Not even in movies,” you said fondly. “I’m gonna keep it that way.”
“Are we?”
“My love, we’re everything.”
Trevor took your hand and brought it to his lips, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to it. When he dropped it, you tapped four times on your lips. Trevor smiled and repeated what he did when you first woke up.
“I–” kiss. “Love–” kiss. “You–” kiss. “Forever–” kiss.
“I love you, always,” you whispered to him. “How did you do while I was under?”
“Jamie helped a lot. I don’t know why watching The Hunger Games helps, but it does,” Trevor admitted.
“Because it’s my favorite series, obviously,” you smiled.
“No, I think it’s because there’s a lot of Katniss in you,” he told you. “You’d do anything for those you love, especially your brothers. You stick up for what’s right. You’ve been through hell and you’re still surviving. You’re Katniss.”
You blushed and played with his fingers, unsure of what to say to that.
“Does that make you Peeta?”
“I was thinking I’m more like Finnick,” Trevor laughed.
“Well, he was my first love. So, I guess that’s fitting.”
“Your first love?” Trevor teased you. “Am I nothing to you?”
“Hey! Quinn officiated a wedding for me and Finnick!”
“Then I guess he’ll have to officiate ours,” Trevor smiled.
“Trevor Zegras, are you talking about marriage in a hospital?”
“Not right now, but if this experience has taught me anything, it’s that you’re the one.”
“Sap,” you smiled.
You were beat, and surprised that you’d stayed awake for so long with all the pain medication in you. But now that it was only Trevor with you, you felt safe. You felt at peace. You felt at home. You laid your head on his shoulder and let yourself drift off to the sounds of Catching Fire in the background. You weren’t scared to fall asleep tonight. You weren’t scared that something was going to happen to Trevor. For the first time in three days, you felt good.
– – –
At 9:34am, all of your paperwork was finished and you were free to go home. You, Jamie, Trevor, Ellen, and Jim were all given a breakdown of how to take care of you, pain medication times, and other stuff like that. Jim and Ellen would be staying a little longer with you in the beginning before they’ll have to go back home. Trevor and Jamie would be the ones doing it the most after your parents left, and they needed to be fully prepared to teach Dani when she’d come to help you on roadies. Ellen volunteered, but Dani was quite persistent.
You were sent off with some strong sedatives to help with the car ride home. You were glad, too, because even with them you were still in some major discomfort. You couldn’t imagine what it would be like without them.
Everyone was staying one more night before they had to go back to their own teams. You really didn’t want to have to be moved much, so Trevor and Quinn got you situated in yours and Trevor’s room and everyone would be in there until you decided it was time for bed.
First thing first, however, was a nap. The medication had made you so tired and you couldn’t keep your eyes open anymore. You had to lay pillows in between you and Trevor, which was terrible, but you could lay directly next to him while you napped since he would be staying awake. Everyone else went to the living room while Trevor gently held your hand and kissed your forehead to send you off to sleep.
– – –
Quinn didn’t wait too long before slipping back into the bedroom, “How’s she doing?”
“She hasn’t had to have the lower pain medications yet, so she's okay,” Trevor told him. “I’m not excited about that.”
“I’m not excited about leaving her,” Quinn said softly.
“Trust me, she isn’t either.”
The two boys talked quietly for a while to distract themselves from the predicament. Trevor couldn’t imagine what Quinn must be feeling. Trevor gets to stay with you; Quinn doesn’t. That’s been a common feeling throughout all of this.
“You’ll take care of her, right?” Quinn asked Trevor with tears threatening to fall out of his eyes.
“I’ll do everything I can and more for her. Always,” Trevor assured him.
“You better,” Quinn said softly.
All Quinn could do was look at you. Your bruised face looked better, but you still looked so frail and small that it hurt him. He had to make tonight and tomorrow count, but he knew that you’d be sleeping through a lot of it.
“Um… listen, if Luke needs her, she will kick you out of this bed. Same if she needs me or Jack or Luke or–”
“You can sleep next to her until you have to leave,” Trevor cut him off. “I know that’s what you really want. I’ll take the floor.”
You roughly heard the last of their conversation as you were slowly waking up, “Did you say Lukey needs me? Trevor, move your ass for him.”
“See?” Quinn laughed. “He doesn’t need you, but I’m sure he’d love to lay with you. Do you want everyone back in here?”
You sleepily nodded and continuously held your arm out until Luke came in.
“Lukey!” you cheered when he entered the room at the end of the herd of your loved ones. Luke laughed as he crawled into the bed and snuggled up close to you, “Good nap, Sissy?”
“Very,” you said.
“Oh! I want in on cuddles!” Dylan shouted. You laughed even more as he settled next to Luke and laid his head on his shoulder.
“You two are a mess,” you shook your head. “I love it.”
“This gonna be us when everyone leaves, Z?” Jamie joked.
“It better be!” you exclaimed.
Because you’d been in a coma for your weekly movie night with Cole and Alex, you decided that you’d watch the movie with everyone in your room. Blankets and pillows were handed out and people were all around the room. Jack and Jamie brought in the two arm chairs from the living room for Jim and Ellen to sit in, and everyone else was roughing it on the floor.
You sent Matty, Quinn, and Cole to get snacks and drinks for everyone, and Alex set the movie up.
“What movie have you deemed worthy enough to watch that’s not The Hunger Games, girly?”
“Top Gun,” you said with a grin.
“Yes! Finally!” Trevor cheered.
You barely watched the movie. You watched your friends and family instead. This experience is just as hard on them as for you, if not more. They deserve peace. They deserve a moment of calm, a moment of happiness. Before they all had to leave and, undoubtedly, worry.
“You okay?” Luke whispered to you.
“Yeah, I’m okay,” you whispered back.
And for once, you were.
– – –
The goodbyes were hard, because they lasted all day. First Matty left, then Cole, then Dylan and Luke, then Jack, then Alex. Alex could’ve stayed, and he’ll be back frequently, but Quinn leaving last meant a lot to you. It was needed.
“You’ll call every day, right?” you asked him. Your lip was wobbling and you couldn’t stop the tears from falling.
“Every minute that I can. I promise,” Quinn answered. “Be good to Trevor and Jamie.”
“Now that, I can’t promise,” you tried to joke.
Quinn kissed your forehead and squeezed your hand one last time before he left with your parents to go to the airport. You immediately started to sob when the door closed. You couldn’t hold it in any longer. You’d been crying all day as people left, but Quinn made you lose it. Trevor hated it because he couldn’t pull you into his arms and hold you to comfort you. You hated it for the same reason. You had to settle for leaning against his chest with his hand holding your right, and his other petting your hair.
“It’s alright, sweet girl,” Trevor cooed. “He’ll be back soon. We play against the Canucks the first week of November. I know his coach will let him stay here instead of at the hotel. It’s gonna be alright.”
“Say it,” you cried.
“Say what?” he asked, confused. “I love you?”
“No, my name. Say it,” you choked out.
Trevor felt a pang in his heart. This has never happened. You never needed Quinn so much that you wanted Trevor to call you by your nickname.
“It’s gonna be alright, Sissy. I’ll make sure of it,” Trevor said low. “I promise.”
“Do you need anything?” Jamie asked you warily. He’d never seen you cry this hard.
You rapidly shook your head no as you clung to Trevor as much as you could.
“Some ice water,” Trevor said. “With a straw, please.”
Jamie got up and went to the kitchen while Trevor continued to try and sooth you. Jamie was back quick and Trevor gently guided the straw to your mouth.
“Drink for me, sweet girl. That’s all you gotta do.”
The ice always helps. The sudden coldness triggers some slight pain receptors to pull you out of a panicked state, so it was a quick fix when you weren’t too far gone.
“There’s my girl,” Trevor cooed. “It’s okay.”
You calmed down, but some tears were still falling.
“I’m sorry,” you sniffled.
“What for?”
“I need you, too. Not just Quinn. I really need you and I don’t want you to think that I–”
“Woah, woah, woah,” Trevor interrupted. “I know you do. Quinn’s been with you for the hardest parts of your life. You always cry when he leaves. This isn’t any different. I love you, okay? Forever. You needing Quinn isn’t going to change that.”
“I love you, always,” you whispered.
You were worn out and were falling asleep against Trevor’s chest.
“Jamie Baby,” you weakly called out. “Come to bed. It’s nap time.”
Jamie smiled and slowly got into the bed next to Trevor. He leaned over and kissed your forehead, something you once again demanded, before laying against the pillows.
“I love you, Jamie Baby,” you said. “So, so much.”
“I love you, too, Y/N/N,” Jamie said back.
“And I love you, too, Trevy. Always.”
Trevor tilted your head towards him, “I–” kiss. “Love–” kiss. “You–” kiss. “Forever–” kiss.
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shelbystales · 8 months
Best Aid - Part Seven
Modern Tommy Shelby x Reader - Masterlist
Previous parts: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
Summary: you are a young doctor in Birmingham. After a crazy incident, Thomas Shelby shows up at your hospital. You don’t know much about the man everyone seems to fear, but you definitely will.
Warning: swearing, mention of torture and panick attack
A/N:  Comment and interact, tell me what you think! it means a looot.
English is my second language so I apologize in advance for the grammar mistakes.
"Hey, you good?" Jeremy asked, easing into the break room for hospital staff.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" you replied, not looking up from the trauma textbook you were reading.
He pulled up a chair and sat down beside you. "You think it was him?" he asked in a hushed tone, as if it were some kind of top-secret stuff.
"Can we not go there, please?" you requested, turning the page of your book.
"Come on, seriously?" He paused, waiting for a response, but you stayed tight-lipped. "Y/n, seriously, what's going on? You usually spill the beans about everything, even your weirdest quirks. Even when you were peeing green for fucks sake. Youre making me worry here. Did he do something to you? Hurt you?" he asked, his voice all business, a tone he rarely used with you.
"No," you shook your head, "he didn't do anything to me," you replied calmly and took a deep breath. "Not directly."
"What does that mean?" He frowned.
You sighed deeply and told him everything about the apartment, the bomb. It felt good to get this off your chest. As you spoke, it was as though weights were being lifted off your shoulders one by one.
When you finished, Jeremy gave you a tight hug, and before you knew it, you were tearing up. These last few days, living in fear, with so much anxiety, had been consuming you. Being able to share and be comforted by someone was all you needed.
"What are you going to do now?" he asked. "Are you going to stay at his aunt's hotel for how long?"
"I don't know," you shrugged, moving away from the hug and wiping your tears.
"You can come to my place," he offered.
"Are you crazy? I'm not putting you and your fiancé at risk," you said.
"Okay, but if you need anything, I'm here," he said
"Thank you, Jer. I needed this," you smiled as Jeremy left, allowing you to focus on your studies.
Later, you decided to check on the man Thomas had brought to the hospital. As you entered the room, your heart skipped a beat. The patient's face was heavily bruised and battered, his body showing signs of severe torture. It was a grim sight, and you couldn't help but feel a wave of sympathy for the man, imagining the horrors he might have endured.
You approached him and began your examination, checking his vitals, the medications he was prescribed, and the results of his blood tests. Your eyes fell on the schedule at your tablet, he was set for surgery tomorrow, likely to fix his jaw.
While you were listening to his lungs with a stethoscope, you sensed a presence at the door. Looking up, you saw Thomas, and a lump formed in your throat.
Your eyes locked with his, and for a moment, everything else faded away. You couldn't help but confront him, your tone laced with sarcasm. "Came to finish the job?" you mocked, removing the stethoscope from your ears.
He remained silent, his gaze fixed on you, his jaw clenched tightly. His presence, once so comforting, now made you sick. Ignoring him, you resumed your examination of the patient's lungs, doing your best to focus on the task at hand.
As you continued your examination, the tension in the room was palpable. Thomas walked to the small sofa in the room, still watching you in silence. It was as though an invisible wall had erected itself between you, separating the two of you in a space filled with unspoken words and unresolved emotions.
You couldn't ignore his presence, nor the turmoil it stirred within you. A mixture of anger, fear, and a hint of lingering attraction made your heart race.
He had crossed a line by coming here, by defying your wishes to stay away. And yet, part of you was somehow relieved that he was standing there. 
“I’m finished. I need you to leave” Thomas frowned and raised an eyebrow, refusing to budge. "You think I'm going to leave you alone with him? Are you delusional?"
He chuckled and shook his head. “And what do you think I’ll do if you leave?” he challenged, looking at the injured man on the bed.
“Do you really want me to say it?” you asked, but he ignored you. After a few moments, you couldn't bear the silence any longer. "So, is this some kind of sick game to you?" you asked, your voice quivering with a blend of frustration and vulnerability.
Thomas's gaze burned onto you, an intensity you'd never seen before. "What kind of man do you think I am?" he retorted, the heat in his eyes making you shiver.
“The kind of man that could have done this” you pointed at your patient and he chuckled, rolling his eyes at you.
You struggled to find your voice, your own fear and doubt surfacing. "Did you?" you managed to ask, your words drawn out as though pulled from the depths of your throat.
"What?" he replied with a hint of mockery in his tone, challenging you. 
"Torture him?" you whispered, your head nodding involuntarily. Your hands shook, and your entire body quivered with the intensity of the situation.
Thomas's gaze remained locked onto yours, his blue eyes unwavering as they bore into your soul. "No," he asserted, his voice firm 
Your uncertainty remained, and you found it difficult to trust his words. "Why do I not believe you?" you whispered, your voice barely audible
“if I wanted him dead, I wouldn't have brought him here, eh?” he stated. His response was cold, a frigid wall that seemed to surround him. "But you believe in whatever you want,"he continued, making no attempt to soften his words “can you just walk out? pretend you didn’t see me".
"What? Why would I do that? What are you doing here, Thomas?" you inquired, your eyes narrowing as you regarded him.
He met your gaze, his expression unyielding. "I came to visit," he replied curtly. Your skepticism grew as you couldn't help but wonder what had truly brought him here, you just watched him. Then, he made a request that caught you off guard. "Can you check him out?"
Your initial reaction was a resolute refusal. "There's no way he's leaving this hospital," you retorted, your voice firm.
Thomas, however, didn't seem fazed by your refusal. He gazed at you with a stark intensity and asked a question that sent a chill down your spine. "Will he die if he does?"
"Yes!" you nearly yelled in response, your voice laced with frustration and indignation
Thomas's resolve didn't waver. He spoke with a calm determination that sent shivers down your spine. "Look, I need to check him out. He can’t stay here. He needs a safer location."
You couldn't hide the frustration in your voice as you firmly stated, "He can't leave! he has a severe infection and a surgery tomorrow"
“If he stays, he’ll die” he said, his voice firm “do you want that?”
“What kind of question is that? Of course not! But, If he leaves he dies” you said, feeling your heart race in a weird rhythm “Why do you do this to me?” you whispered
“I’m doing nothing” he shook his head and shrugged “you are here because you want to be. You can leave and have nothing to do with this, y/n”
“This man is my responsibility, Thomas” you said, your voice shaky as your breathing got harder “... he can’t be discharged” 
Thomas's expression remained resolute, and his tone didn't waver. "Then what's the alternative?"
The tension in the room reached its breaking point, and you couldn't contain your frustration any longer. The pressure and uncertainty of the situation pushed you to the brink, and you snapped, your voice rising with exasperation. "How the fuck am I supposed to know?!!" you demanded, your words coming out in a rush, the weight of the moment pressing heavily on your shoulders. 
You tried to take a deep breath to calm, but somehow you felt like there was no air around you.
Your heart raced, pounding in your chest like a drumbeat, and you could hear the blood rushing in your ears. 
Your hands trembled uncontrollably, and you clutched at your chest as if to quell the suffocating pressure that had settled there.
Your thoughts scattered like leaves in the wind, and you struggled to hold onto a semblance of control.
In the midst of the chaos, you desperately attempted to take a deep breath, but the air around you felt thin and elusive, slipping through your fingers like grains of sand.
Panic had taken hold, and you were caught in its relentless grip, unable to break free.
Your vision blurred as tears welled up in your eyes, blurring the edges of the room and making everything seem distant and surreal. 
The room, once filled with tense conversation, had now transformed into a suffocating void. You longed for a way out of this paralyzing panic that had seized you.
It was as though the walls were closing in, and the world had grown smaller, more claustrophobic.
With trembling fingers, you reached out for anything to ground you, clutching onto the edge of your patient’s bed. But the room continued to spin, and your legs felt unsteady beneath you
In the midst of your overwhelming panic, you suddenly felt a hand on your arm. It was a firm yet gentle touch. You looked up and Thomas' face slowly formed in front of you. 
"Y/N," he said, his voice steady and reassuring. "Focus on your breathing, ey. In and out. You're going to be okay. You're going to ok"
His words cut through the chaos that had enveloped you, and you struggled to follow his guidance. He caressed your arms as he insctructed you.
Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. 
It felt like an eternity, but gradually, your breathing began to steady, and the world around you started to regain its shape.
Thomas continued to speak to you in hushed tones. His presence, once a source of tension, had now become a lifeline in your moment of need. He remained there, a calming presence, until your panic attack began to subside, and you could once again see the room clearly.
As the storm of panic receded, you felt a mix of emotions… embarrassment, relief, and a strange gratitude toward Thomas. You hadn't expected him to come to your aid, but in that moment, he had shown a side of himself you hadn't seen before.
After your breathing had steadied and the panic had subsided, Thomas remained by your side, his gaze filled with concern. He asked in a soft, genuinely worried tone, "Are you okay?"
You looked into his eyes, still filled with uncertainty and turmoil. You didn't have a straightforward answer. "I... I don't know," you admitted, your voice trembling.
Thomas regarded you with a mixture of concern and guilt. He had brought this unsettling chaos into your life, and it was evident in the way you now struggled to find your footing.
"I'm sorry," he confessed, his voice heavy with remorse.
You furrowed your brows and asked, "Are you?"
Thomas locked eyes with you, and for an instant, you glimpsed a flicker of vulnerability in his gaze. "Yes," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity. "I didn't intend for any of this to happen to you." He gently brushed a stray strand of hair from your face, caressing your cheek. But as if awakening from a dream, he abruptly withdrew a step, putting distance between you.
You watched as he retreated. Instantly missing his touch. The tension in the room was palpable, and for a moment, neither of you spoke. There were questions about you two that hung in the air, unspoken but heavy with meaning. You wanted him to stay away. This was your wish. right? 
Finally, Thomas broke the silence, his voice softer than before. "I'll leave you to your work," he said, gesturing towards the patient you were examining. It was clear that he was stepping away not just physically but emotionally as well.
You nodded, your voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you... for helping."
As Thomas turned to leave, you couldn't help but question your own desires. Did you want him to stay away, as you had insisted? Or did you secretly crave his presence, despite the chaos and danger he seemed to bring into your life?
“Thomas” you called and he turned to you
“I’ll leave in two hours'” you said and took a deep breath “at least take him somewhere with a heart monitor… If he means anything to you… hire a nurse… i don’t know” 
he took the longest deep breath you’ve ever seen him take and then he nodded, before leaving the room.
@deanlovescassie @hellstears @randomfanfics02 @literishdegree99 @watersquirtpewpewboomm @hellstears @rito4ka @alexxavicry @atomicsoulcollecto @Violet_19999 @lyarr24 @woofgocows @milkshakelol @knowledgefulbutterfly @watercolorskyy @redhead7799 @star017 @stuckinmylittlebubble @bat-luna-cat @babaohhhriley @scullys—alienpussy @kassieesworld @deepangelstudentsworld @batgurl42 @starlitjellyfish @velenzia @lyarr24 @Sweetiecake180 @musicsweetie21 @lostgirl219 @slaypussypop-21 @nyenye @izzwizz774 @ooldcardigan @kielsegur @nikkialex @1nterstellarcha0s @mariamx1 @swingingmusicalfunnydragon @illuminwtesz @lazyylover
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tearsucry · 1 year
— °˖ ⊹ ꒰ 🌿 ꒱ tearing up old wounds ; addison montgomery (grey’s anatomy)
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#.                   ( season 3 episode 14 ) you woke up after inhaling the neuro toxic from the colon cancer patient’s surgery, and addison was stupid enough to run in after the patient’s anesthesia was wearing off, ripping up bandages from old wounds
content warning;      suggestive content, afab reader, implied homewrecker! reader, age-gap (reader is in the same intern year as meredith), mention of surgeries, blood, intubation,
a/n.                                        I had this little idea while rewatching the show, I fell in love with addison all over again, ugh she is so hot- enjoy
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everything was foggy, you still felt nauseous, you were still shivering even under the thick blanket, and the oxygen mask on your face felt more suffocating than the heavy feeling in your chest. blinking, moving your head around and trying to figure out where the heck you are.
“I thought you were on burk’s service today.” you heard an all too familiar voice coming from your side, faint, and sort of mumbled, but you knew who it was, you knew exactly who it was. you felt weak, struggled to move your hand up to your face to rub your eyes, to help yourself to see better.
“you went in there…” you croak, taking a shaky breath in as you spot her green eyes in the haze of your vision. you gulp again, trying to compensate for how dry your nose and mouth feel because of the oxygen mask. she is right in front of you, if you could just
you can tell by her blurry appearance and her messy red hair. she looks so tired and worn out, like every muscle in her body aches, just like yours does, and just like that realization makes you wonder if maybe you should have requested to stay on her service, maybe this whole thing wouldn't have happened with the two of you. “I did.” she whispers, her throat hoarse and scratchy.
“but i couldn't watch her suffer, fight against the intubation like that..."  her voice trails off, and her hand reaches out for you, as if she wants to touch your face, caress your cheek but can't bring herself to do it. "i couldn't let her feel so scared, miserable." she sits up and leans on the bed next to you, reaching out to tuck some strand of hair behind your ear. “what do you mean?” you ask, not understanding whatever she is hinting at. you'd know because you were in her position once after your surgery, the surgery you had to get after a psych patient went rogue, dressing up as another surgeon then going around, and stabbing people in the stomach.
but then you remember-
she was there when you were fighting against the intubation, you remember it clearly. the same green eyes were staring at you, frightened above the rim of the surgical mask. the same lips formed the words, "you will be okay," over and over again. you try hard not to cry as you recall the events, because even though you are happy, you're also afraid.
"can we... can you lay next to me?"  you finally manage to say, because you're starting to become restless from being trapped under this blanket, sitting still isn't really appealing anymore. "of course, i'm here darling." she smiles softly, and you could swear you're seeing her tears glisten in the dim light of the room.
addison shifts in her bed again, putting the green strap around her head then getting up to lay next to you on your bed. you catch doctor bailey rolling her eyes at the nurse's station before coming over and closing the curtain around the two of you.  your breathing has gotten steadier, your heart feels calmer, and you close your eyes slowly as you settle into her embrace, inhaling deeply the scent of her scrubs, smelling like a freshly sterilized operating room.
her heartbeat slows down to match the beat of your own and you sigh contently, relaxing in her arms. “thank you.” you whisper quietly. she kisses the top of your head. you don’t think there is anything she wouldn’t give to make sure you are alright. “no need to thank me, sweetheart.” she murmurs softly, wrapping her arm around you tighter. your fingers are laced together now, her thumb rubbing soothing circles on your skin.
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qveerthe0ry · 4 days
Lions Ain't the Kind - Part 3.5
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Summary: Frankie asks you about transitioning Pairing: Frankie Morales x NB/Gender-fluid! AFAB! Reader Rating: 18+ Explicit Warnings: 18+ mdni, talks about gender non-conformity, talks about gender dysphoria, mentions of transitioning, mentions of HRT and gender affirming surgery, chest binding, use of packers A/N: I said I wasn't going to post anymore of this series until July but I was WRONG! I wote this for @romanarose 's Pride Event. Week 2: Transitioning. I realized that writing this little snippet would actually add a lot of depth to reader and explain more about what their gender identity means to them (while also reiterating that Frankie is a perfect little sweetie pie)
“Do you ever want to get surgeries? You know, like, gender affirming ones?”
You pause Netflix to turn to Frankie, shirtless and looking at you with genuine curiosity. 
“Why do you ask?” 
His brows draw up.
“Just wondering. This is all kinda new to me, I guess, and I’ve done some research… I just know it’s an option and— yeah, I mean— I really am just curious.”
The backs of his knuckles trace your arm, and goosebumps form there. 
“That’s a bit of a loaded question, honestly. Do you want the short answer or the long answer?”
He smiles, soft, and you swear he’s an angel with that halo of curls framing his head. 
“I wanna know whatever you wanna tell me.”
You smile too, tangle your legs with his under the sheets and get relaxed for the conversation you’ve never been so comfortable having before now. 
“So… basically, I think the pros and cons completely stalemate each other. You know? There are things about hormones and surgery that I’d enjoy. But… because I’m so fluid, I’d also sometimes not enjoy them. Does that make sense?” 
Frankie nods, “I think so, yeah.”
“And that’s the thing— Right now, there are things about my natural body that sometimes I like, and then sometimes those same things make me uncomfortable.”
“Dysphoria?” He asks, a timid and sad tone weighing down the word. 
“Yeah— exactly. Look at you, Mister Research.” 
A bashful dimple appears as he ducks his head. 
“So, there’s things I have that help. They’re temporary… but… so is the dysphoria. I think, for me, the best decision is to lean into those temporary aides. I mean for one, it’s cheaper. And much less invasive. Why go through all of that just to be in the same boat, y’know?”
“Yeah, I get that. I’m sorry you have to compromise, though. Sounds… Not easy.”
You shrug, but you’re smiling, because it’s quite thrilling to have someone so understanding in your corner, and your bed, and your life. 
“Thank you. You’re right, y’know, it isn’t easy. Especially when it comes to dating. So it’s really nice that you’re… Well— that you’re you.”
A surprised breath leaves him as his eyes light up. 
“It’s nice that you’re you, too. I like you, everything about you.”
It’s silent for a moment as you stare at each other, smiling, sunny, giddy almost. 
“What— umm… What are those things that help? You don’t have to tell me, but… If you want to, I’d like to know.”
You nod. 
“Yeah okay.”
You take a deep breath and debate on what would be easiest to start with. 
“You know how you asked me what those marks were on my back yesterday? In the shower?”
“Yeah, you said it was just indents from your blanket. Were they not?”
You shake your head. 
“I use this stuff called transtape. It’s used to bind your chest, you know? So it looks flat? Sometimes it leaves little marks— like a bandaid would.”
“So it’s like a binder? But… tape, instead of a garment?”
“Exactly. I was wearing it that day you… it’s why I haven’t really let you touch, yet. It’s kind of unsexy to explain in the moment.”
“Why didn’t you wear it in the shower? Should I not have looked?”
Worry creases his brow, but you huff a laugh and grab his hand. 
“No, it’s okay. I wanted to shower with you, and I needed to replace it anyway. It— I mean, like I’ve said, sometimes it bothers me and sometimes it doesn’t. I felt like we were in a rush, and it wasn’t… sexual. And I felt comfortable with you like that. I knew you wouldn’t gawk or… comment, or anything. I liked being able to just be myself with you, and having you still see me as me.”
“Oh, okay. I mean… I liked what I saw. Is that… okay to say?”
You roll your eyes and laugh.
“Yes, you’re allowed to like my tits, Pretty Boy.” 
He flushes, but his eyes glance down to your chest in a brief flicker. 
“You’re wearing the tape, now?”
“I am. Do you wanna see?” 
“I— I mean, yeah. If you wanna show me.”
So you do. You slowly slide your shirt off, and you bare yourself. You feel confident, which is new, in a situation like this. 
He stares, like he’s studying you. His eyes take catalog of the different pieces, the way they’re shaped, the way they hold everything up and back and flatten. 
His fingers twitch under yours, and you squeeze them before letting go. 
“You can touch,” you whisper. 
He does. In an instant, his fingers gently trace the edge of the tape, then his palm covers it all, right over your heart that’s pounding. 
“You’re so… fuck, I’m sorry, I don’t wanna be weird. You’re just really hot.”
You do preen a bit, even if you don’t want to admit it. He makes you feel so good about who you are. 
“That’s not weird. I think you’re hot too, so it’s good we’re on the same page.”
He hums, traces his middle finger down the center of your chest, so light it tickles. 
“What else?” 
“There’s more, right? More… aides?”
You nod slowly. 
“You know what a packer is?” 
He nods slowly. 
“I’ve read about them. I haven’t seen one.”
“I haven’t worn one around you. It could be confusing at first, right?”
You feel sweat start to prickle at the back of your neck. 
“It could be, yeah. I get that. You can, now. You always could have, you know?” 
“Yeah, I know, now.”
He clears his throat, and gives you a signature Frankie grin, and the room starts to feel a little less stifling. 
“If you want to show me, I’d like to see. I wanna know everything about you, when you’re ready for me to.” 
You debate for a minute, how to show him, which one to show him, before you get out of bed and duck down to grab the box that’s under your bed frame. 
“I have a few, they’re all different,” you start to explain. 
You set the box next to him, then crawl into bed too, and unhook the latches on the lid. 
He sits patiently as you open it, and you’re afraid to look at him when they’re revealed. 
“That’s a lot of penises. Peni?”
You choke on an awkward, startled laugh and shake your head. 
“I know, I know.”
“No, it’s cool. I wish I could have a different dick for each occasion.”
And he’s laughing with you, not at you, and you finally brave a look at his face. 
His eyes run curious circles around the inside of the box, but when he notices you watching him, his gaze falls on you again. 
“Tell me about them.” 
So you do. 
You explain that the smaller one is easiest to wear in public without feeling awkward, but still feeling euphoric. The mid-sized one is usually for the odd occasion where you go out to clubs or bars or other queer spaces. The biggest one, you tell him, is for when you’re just at home, and you want to be able to look in the mirror and see you, on those days where you need to be as masculine as possible. 
“What about this one? It’s smaller too.” 
“It’s uhh… well, it’s a 3-in-1.”
“What does that mean?”
You pull it out of the box to show him the back of it. 
“So this is like— so I can pee standing up. And then this” you say, grabbing the rod that’s lying in the box, “is to make it hard. So I can penetrate, or ‘jerk off’ with it. I don’t wear it out much, except for maybe when I’m gonna be out all day and I don’t know the bathroom situation.” 
You look up to find his eyes and mouth both wide. 
“That’s sick,” he says, then swiftly adds— “in a good way. I didn’t know that was a thing.” 
You hum and nod. 
“Do you… wish you were wearing one? Right now?” 
And it’s kinda weird, the way he asks so innocently, but you really do. Especially with the way you’re shirtless and taped up right in front of him. 
“Kinda, yeah.” 
“Can I see it? You can say no. But— how does it work? Like, is it secure?” 
You place your 3-in-1 back in the box, and grab your medium sized one. 
“Let me show you.” 
You’re already wearing your favorite briefs to pack with. You have a lot of pairs and they’re comfy with or without. So you shed your sweatpants and get up on your knees to show him.
“There’s a secret pocket in here,” you tell him, “these aren’t good for the 3-in-1, since the pocket is between the packer and my skin. But I have different underwear for those.” 
He nods, and watches you pull the waistband down to show him the pocket. 
“You could keep snacks in there, too.” 
You laugh at the silly look in his eyes. 
“Not sure they’d be that good, all pressed up against my crotch.”
“I’d eat ‘em,” he says, and wiggles his eyebrows for good measure. 
“Noted,” you joke, “so— yeah, I just, put it in here.”
And you do, sliding the packer into place and fiddling the waistband back.
“I mean, usually I look in the mirror to make sure it looks right, adjust it so it doesn’t pinch anything when I walk.” 
He nods as he stares at your crotch, and his hand reaches out to wrap around your thigh. 
“And it feels good? To have that there?” 
“Yeah, when I’m dysphoric. Just having that weight there, it feels real and right.” 
He smiles at this, so wide, so sweet. 
“Wear it around me. When you want to. I want you to feel that way, always. Okay?”
Your throat feels a little thick, and your eyes sting a bit, but you still smile. 
“Okay,” you whisper. 
“C’mere,” he whispers back. 
You close your box and place it on the floor, as quick as you can. He pulls you to him tight, and it feels incredible, to have all of your bare skin against his own, finally, nothing but your tape in between you. 
He kisses you without a bit of urgency, just lax and syrupy. His hand is firm against your spine, pressing you to him, and you feel dizzy when he pulls away. 
“Thank you for showing me everything,” he says.
“Thanks for… just… being cool.” 
He chuckles, then coaxes you on your back, so his head can take its coveted position back, over your chest. Your naked, flat chest. You hold the remote toward the TV, intent on unpausing your show, but he stops you. 
“Can I hold it?”
“The remote?”
“No— your dick. Just to keep it warm? No funny business.” And he’s looking up at you with those damn eyes again, and how could you say no to that?
last part/next part
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billys-pretty-babe · 9 months
Piece of You
Pairing : Billy Hargrove x Fem!Reader
Summary : Billy had gotten into a car accident on the main street of Hawkins. No one besides you, Jim Hopper and Joyce Byers know about it considering you're his emergency contact but he needs surgery.
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Warnings : Swearing
Word count : 1,346
A/n : My lovely friend came up with this idea 💙
You remember getting the phone call, your mother speaking to you with urgency. She was with him at the hospital, she was assigned to his room, she had to legally call you considering you were his emergency contact. You nearly left the house with two different shoes, tears in your eyes.
She didn't tell you over the phone his condition but you could hear how shaky her voice was and that was enough to tell you that it was bad. You rushed out of the house and sped to the hospital with no regard for your own safety. As soon as you made it, Jim and Joyce stood with your mother, Joyce's own eyes teary as you walked over.
You listened as Joyce told the story of how she was standing in the window of Melvald's, taking down the banner when she saw Billy get t-boned by an eighteen wheeler. You knew she was hurting, as a mother to two boys, one being Billy's age along with yours. "I ran over to him as fast as I could, Hop was with me in the store. He was awake and he was in so much pain, my momma heart hurt to see him in so much pain and to hear a teen curse that much." Your mother softly laughed at that.
"Oh trust me, I know." They both softly laughed. You tapped your mom and she looked down at you, "Come on, let's go see him." You nodded and followed her to his room as she opened the door, doctors and nurses in the room as they injected things into his IV. Your eyes grew teary. "Does Neil know?" She shook her head, "You're his emergency contact, Neil can't know unless Billy tells him, it's against HIPAA." You nodded.
"Is he gonna be okay?" She sighed and pulled you outside, to the break room as she sat you down, going over his injuries. "Something happened to his liver and we can't get him a new one right now." You nodded, "Can't he live without it?" She shook her head, "His blood won't clot properly if he doesn't have one." You nodded.
"Does he need a completely new one?" She shook her head, "They have to remove some of it, it was damaged in the accident." You nodded, "Can I do it?" She bit her tongue, "We'd have to test your blood type. I don't know his but I know yours." You nodded, "Do you have his wallet?" She nodded and looked through the bags with his things and handed it to you.
You searched through it and looked at the little card, something he had from school when you all tested for your blood type. You handed it to her, showing her your own. "I just need your permission for me to do it," you said to her. She held your hand, "Do you absolutely want to do this?" You nodded, "He'd do it for me." She nodded, "Okay, let's get you ready then." You nodded and followed her back to Billy's room.
She talked to the doctor, pointing at you and nodding. You were given a gown and your own room. You sat up in the bed as a different nurse came inside, making conversation with you as she connected you to a vitals machine and sticking an IV in your arm. A doctor walked inside, the same one that was with Billy.
He went over the procedure with you, making sure you still wanted to do it and you nodded and signed the papers and your mom walked in and signed off on the consent form. "Her OR is prepped, let's go ahead and take her. He's already in his." The nurse nodded and unlocked the wheels as she pulled the bed. You remember getting into the cold room and a mask going over your face but that was it.
Billy's ears pulsed loudly, making his brows furrow and he shivered slightly, the room cold. He jolted up before groaning in pain, his heart rate going up as the machine beeped at him. He looked around, the room was dark, the moonlight on the floor. He had no idea where he was and why he hurt so badly.
He went to move his left hand but he couldn't, something was blocking it. He looked down, seeing the black cast on his arm and the smell of rubbing alcohol hit his nose. He found the button and hit it as a nurse walked inside and he recognized her face, a slight smile on his face.
"Does she know I'm here?" Your mother laughed and nodded, "Sure does, she's in the room next to yours." He furrowed his brow, "She wasn't in the car." She shook her head, "She wasn't," she sat down in one of the chairs, "she was your emergency contact and you needed some of your liver to be removed but it was too much for you to be able to regenerate on your own. She donated you part of her own liver so she's recovering in another room." He processed her words.
"She did that for me?" Your mom smiled and nodded, "Sure did. That's how much she loves you." He nodded and lifted his gown, the blanket covering his lower half as he saw the scar under his pec. "Do you remember what happened?" He looked back at her, "A little, I don't remember much after I was hit." She nodded, "You blacked out from the pain, Joyce Byers and Jim Hopper were there with you." He nodded.
"I remember that but nothing afterwards." She nodded and rubbed his hand. "I can see about putting her in here with you so you're not stuck talking to the wall." He laughed but quickly regretted it as he groaned, holding himself. She left the room and came back around fifteen minutes later, your bed behind her as you were still asleep as another nurse pushed your vitals machine.
Your mom moved the curtain that was used for privacy so Billy could see you. "Does my dad know I'm here?" Your mom shook her head, "I don't think so. We can't legally tell him but Jim may have told him you were in an accident." Billy nodded and the two nurses left the room. He looked at you, looking down at his scar once more, knowing you now sported the same scar on your body. For the first time in his life, someone cared that he lived, someone loved him enough to save his life.
Recovery was long and hard for the both of you, him more than you considering he had broken bones but now it's been nearly two months since the accident, his hair had slightly grown back out in the spot they had shaved to get glass out of his head. Now, the two of you laid in your bed, Billy shirtless as usual and you in a simple shirt.
"Can I see it?" You looked at him, "My pussy?" He laughed, gently pushing your head away from him, "The scar." You nodded and pulled the right side of your shirt up, showing him the elongated scar, as it matched his completely. He brought his finger down to it, gently tracing over it. "I still can't believe you fucking did that." You hummed, "I wasn't gonna let you die, they couldn't find a donor. I'm luckily a universal donor." He nodded, "Thank you." You smiled, "I'd do it again, but for the love of God, don't make me." You both laughed.
He held onto you tightly and kissed your head, "I'd do it for you." You nodded, "I know, thank you." He nodded and rubbed your scar. "Looks like we're stuck together." You laughed, "I don't think I'd have it any other way, B." He smiled and kissed your head and nodded.
"Good, I wouldn't either, just maybe without the near death experience part." You both laughed and for the first time in both of your lives, you believed in true love.
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missvelvetsstuff · 2 months
With Friends Like You, Who Needs Enemies?
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Reader is a mutant with the ability to turn sound into light who was 'adopted' aka stolen as a child by Baron Von Strucker to use for experimentation. She was given a form of the Super soldier serum so in addition to her mutant abilities she also has super strength, enhanced senses and healing. When he starts experimenting on his volunteers, the Maximoff twins, she tries to convince them to escape with her but they tell the Baron that she's planning to escape so he doubles her cell security. Steve and reader met when the team recovered Loki's scepter from Strucker.
She falls in love with Steve and becomes good friends with Nat but they aren't the friends she thinks they are.
This story is canon adjacent except that Thanos never happened.
Chapter 11
Warnings: swearing, angst, injuries
Notes: I'm totally obsessed with another story and have had a rough time writing because I'm too distracted. Sorry it took so long and I hope it's not terrible.
****READ 'Unwanted' by @scoonsalicious So good, seriously****
As Rainbow was wheeled away Bucky followed until Wanda stopped him. He flashed her a dirty look and tried to keep going.
Wanda stood her ground "I know you're worried Bucky, we all are but she will be in surgery for a bit so you need to shower and eat." She gently pulled him towards the residential wing "I'll whip up something for us to eat while you clean up. Then we'll go wait together." She looked at him with a soft smile and nodded.
Bucky sighed and nodded before going to his room, rushing through a shower and throwing on some sweats and a t-shirt. When he entered the kitchen, Wanda was already filling a bowl with stew and setting two warm biscuits on the side. He sat at the table with Sam and Tony, all eating without a word or even looking at each other as they tried to process what happened. Clint had gone home to Laura and his family, to mourn his friend and the woman he thought she was.
Helen Cho and Bruce were racing to repair the damage from the knife that Nat shoved into Rainbows gut. The knife was long, wide and serrated on one side so did more damage coming out than going in. Rainbow died again on the operating table and needed 2 pints of blood.
Once she wasn't bleeding out anymore Helen worked on the multiple cuts all over her face and body. Then she transferred Rainbow to the cradle to help her body heal itself.
It had been a few hours since they landed, everyone had eaten and most of the team was in the waiting area outside of the med bay when Helen came out with an update. All eyes turned to her.
Helen tried to smile reassuringly "Y/N is stable and has been moved to the cradle to help accelerate her healing. We had to remove her appendix and some of her large intestine but not enough to cause any long term problems. One of her ovaries was nicked and I tried but couldn't save it. That will affect her future fertility. We will have to see how she heals since she was given a version of super soldier serum. She will be unable to do any strenuous activity for at least a month. The first week or two will be on bed rest and a soft diet so someone will have to play nursemaid."
Everyone, including Helen, looked at Bucky who blushed and shrugged "Obviously I'm gonna take care of her, no question." He looked up at Helen "Can I see her?"
Helen nodded "Just for a few minutes until she is out of the cradle."
Bucky went to see her and he was glad to see that her color was improving. "I can't stay for long doll but I'll come see you when you can leave the cradle. I'll be in the waiting room, if you need anything."
He stared at her for a few minutes, his heart aching at the thought of how close he came to losing her.
Bucky went back to sit in the waiting room, just staring at the wall until Friday spoke up "Mr Stark? Captain Rogers is asking for you and threatening to tear his door off. Shall I tell him you're unavailable?"
Tony sighed and shook his head "No, I'll go talk to him. This oughta be fun."
Sam quickly stood, "I'll go with you." He patted Bucky's shoulder on their way out reassuring him "We got this."
When they arrived at Steve's room he could be heard yelling but they couldn't understand what he was saying.
Tony pinched the bridge of his nose "Alright Friday, open up."
As soon as the door opened Steve tried to push his way past Tony and Sam who pushed him back into the room.
Steve was obviously pissed "What the fuck Tony? You hit me with a tranq dart and lock me in here for 2 days? What's going on? Did you find them? Is Natasha alright? I mean did she hurt Y/N?"
Tony scoffed "Don't be such a drama queen Capsicle, first it's barely been 24 hours. Second, it's telling that you asked about Nat first. We found them, Y/N is alive and out of surgery but will take awhile to heal. Nat is gone."
Steve tried to rein his temper in "What do you mean Nat's gone? Did she get away from you?" He almost sounded hopeful.
"Gone as in never coming back. She's dead and I can't bring myself to feel sad about it."
Steves eyes narrowed and "You killed her? What the fuck happened, Tony? How could you do that to her?"
Tony sighed "I didn't personally kill her but after what she did to Y/N and the absolute lack of remorse for the damage she caused the team, there wasn't much choice. Having her in the wind and able to come back and cause more trouble didn't seem like a great option."
Steve laughed sadly "Of course it wasn't you, you don't have the nerve to do something like that. Bucky did it, didn't he?" He clenched his fists.
Tony shrugged "Doesn't really matter at this point. She's gone and won't be back. Now we need to focus on Rainbow, she has a lot of healing to do."
Steve nodded "I'll go down to see her and-"
Sam shook his head "No, man, that's not happening. You need to leave her alone, you've already caused her enough trauma."
Tony nodded "Friday, please allow Rogers access to his room, the gym and the common area but absolutely not the med bay or Rainbows room."
"Of course Mr Stark."
Steve glared at both of them "You can't keep me away from her forever."
Tony smirked "Not forever, just until she's healed enough to join the discussion about your status in the team. Hopefully in a week or two."
"My status with the team? You gonna try to boot me too? I'll talk to Fury. I'm not going anywhere."
"Sure Cap. We'll see what the team decides."
Steve grumbled and went back into his room to sulk and plot. He spent the next few days stewing and working out, trying to find the angle to keep his place on the Avengers.
Rainbow was transferred from the cradle to a regular bed later that day and Bucky didn't leave her side, anxiously waiting for her to wake.
Y/N felt herself being dragged awake, like being pulled out of molasses, heard a beeping sound and smelled bleach. She felt lingering pain in her stomach and groaned before realizing that someone was holding her hand. She squeezed the hand and tried to speak which made her cough. She tried to open her eyes but it was too bright.
Then she heard him "Rainbow? Doll? Are you awake honey?"
She nodded and opened her eyes, squinting immediately "mmhhmm."
Everything was still fuzzy when she saw a blur with brown hair in front of her. She blinked a few times until she could see his ocean blue eyes looking her over.
Trying to ask for a drink made her cough again.
Bucky sat up and offered a straw for her to drink from. "Easy sweetheart, just sip so you don't shock your system."
Rainbow drank most of the water before trying to speak again, she looked him over carefully, noticing the tears in his eyes "Are you ok, Jamie?"
She closed her eyes as her head throbbed "I don't, I can't I....what happened?? I remember dancing and then. I was floating? Then pain."
Bucky squeezed her hands and chuckled softly "You've been out for almost a week and are worried about me? I'm just happy you're ok, you scared the Hell outta me doll. We almost lost you."
His voice choked.
Rainbow reached out to caress his cheek, feeling butterflies from how his eyes closed and he leaned into her touch.
"I'm ok I think. Still hurt in my belly. And my face feels tight." She paused to touch her face gently, there were multiple healing cuts "What happened? I really don't remember."
Bucky sighed "Dr Cho will be here in a minute. She can tell you the details but the short story is Nat kidnapped and tortured you, we saved you."
"What about Nat?" She asked quietly.
Bucky rubbed her hand "You don't have to worry about her any more."
Rainbows brow furrowed "What do you mean by that? Buck-"
Helen Cho entered the room "Hello Y/N, it's good to see you awake. How are you feeling?"
Y/N shrugged "Apparently like I was tortured by a crazy Russian assassin."
Helen chuckled "That's a fair assessment. What do you remember?"
"Nothing really. Dancing, floating, pain."
Helen nodded "Yes. You were drugged at the gala and she took you away to torture you. I've been told there were no demands made, she just wanted to hurt you. She pulled all your nails, made a number of incisions and impaled a large hunting knife into your torso."
Rainbow paled a little as a hazy image of Nat standing over her wondering if Bucky would still like her damaged, flashed behind her eyes. She felt her mind and her heart speed up, she started hyperventilating until Bucky soothed her "Rainbow, hey it's your Jamie. doll you're ok. It's all over and your safe back at the compound. I've got you. Just breathe with me."
Rainbow latched onto his voice and let it flow thru and calm her.
Helen made a note in her chart "I'm going to refer you for counseling, going through something like this can cause PTSD. We need to be sure you're ok before returning to active duty.
As far as the physical damage, your nails will grow back fine, the cuts on your face should heal without scarring. Your abdomen was a little more difficult but you're healing very well. The only really long term damage was the ovary that was nicked. I couldn't repair it and had to remove it. Now, you still have one left so should still be able to have kids if you want but it will be a little more difficult."
Rainbow sat quietly and took it all in, feeling overwhelmed.
Helen tried to reassure her "I know it seems like a lot but we'll take one step at a time and you'll be out chasing bad guys before you know it." She smiled at Bucky "You're lucky to have a very attentive and dedicated nurse."
Bucky blushed "Only right for a man to take care of his best girl."
A few weeks had passed since Rainbow woke up and she was back in her own room one morning when Tony came in to talk to her. "Looking good kid, I hear you're healing faster than expected.
Rainbow smiled "Well I have a top notch doctor, a very attentive nurse and the best health coverage in town."
Tony chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck "I hate to interrupt all the laying around and being waited on hand and foot but we need to have a team meeting to discuss Rogers. You're part of the team and the one most affected by his actions so we'd really like your input."
He looked at her hopefully.
She smiled "I knew we would need to deal with that whole thing eventually and it's not like I'm busy so just say when."
Tony smiled "Atta girl. Is lunch today ok? He won't be joining us until a decision is made."
She sighed "Sure, I just need to get cleaned up. What's for lunch?"
"Anything you want, doll." Bucky tossed out as he walked into her room, really it was their room but he still had his room even though he never slept there.
Tony glared at Bucky but it was a softer glare than he used to give the super soldier "No tinman, we're having a lunch/team meeting to discuss the status of your buddy as an Avenger. So let your girl take a shower and we'll see you in the dining room." Tony quickly left, calling Pepper to have her order lunch.
Bucky went to help Rainbow stand up, she took the hand offered with soft protests "Bucky, I'm almost better you don't need to wait on me hand and foot any more."
He pulled her up and close to him, kissing her softly before responding "Yeah but what if I want to wait on you hand and foot? What if I want my hands on you all the time? What if I want my hands, and my mouth, on every part of you all the time? Then what do we do doll?"
His eyes turned stormy.
Rainbow felt her face heat up and hoped Bucky didn't notice. "I seem to recall promises of a proper date and romancing." She flirted "We will have to find a way to accommodate you but let's get this meeting over with."
Bucky smiled "As you wish, muya lobov."
Chapter 12
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Temporary Relocation Ch. 3
Read the previous chapter here MASTERLIST Basic premise: You've been on TF141's base during recovery from an experimental surgery, and you've made friends with Gaz and Soap since arriving. You have some concerns that you bring to Price.
In the past few weeks, you'd learned firsthand why it was so important for you to stay on a military base. Sitting down, laying down, leaning against walls, even just hopping over small obstacles you would totally pick up later caused small jolts of pain to shoot up your spine. Lately you'd been trying to expand your range of movement to get your new appendages used to existing. If this was hell, you didn't want to know what actual training would feel like. So most of your free time was spent wandering the base.
Today in particular while you were walking around, you noticed Gaz was missing from the base. You decided you'd ask Soap about it the next time you saw him, which was in the gym, that he knew you weren't supposed to be in.
"Ay, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be resting." He crossed his arms as he stood in your path, blocking your way to the equipment. "Those new instincts of yours won't do us much good if ya aren't properly healed up."
"Actually, I was looking for you," you hoped it wasn't obvious how nervous you were getting caught by Soap, since he was the type to report this if he felt actual concern, "I've been walking around all day and I can't find Gaz."
"He was instructed to join the Captain; they're looking for assets that are supposed to be ours. Can't tell you any more, sorry kit."
"Kit?" You echoed.
"Y'know, like a Kit-ty Cat? Because of the ears and tail?" MacTavish had a playful tone, and as he spoke he made flicking noises at his own head, where cat ears would be if HE had them instead. The combination had you laughing.
"You look ridiculous doing that," you commented. "And, that nickname had better not stick. Find something a little... pun-nier?" You gave a cheeky smile and slipped into the hallway as Soap gave a snort at your joke. And bumped right into Ghost.
You weren't sure what was up with that guy, but you could tell he hated you the most out of everyone on base. His eyes boring through your gaze and what you could swear was into your soul made it glaringly obvious.
"Sorry," you finally got the courage to mumble, the lieutenant simultaneously shoving past you. It almost hurt, in some roundabout way, that someone who is supposed to protect your life on the battlefield had so little approval towards you. It wasn't a feeling you found relevant, but you knew it would fester into anxiety without some form of comfort.
So your mind drifted to Soap, who, despite having to say goodbye for a mission at one point for a few days, you had grown to be nearly best friends with. You knew Soap cared enough to protect you, and you knew you cared enough to protect him. Hell, even if Ghost needed saving, he was still your teammate. You'd help him too, even though you thought it'd just piss him off.
With a sigh, you redirected your path to the debriefing room, which was kept completely empty when no one was using it. You didn't have to worry about bumping into angry lieutenants or avoiding hearing information above your paygrade in there. The quiet was welcome, sun barely streaming in through the blackout blinds, and you found a seat against the wall between some filing cabinets. No one would even see you if they were to come in here. It was nice. For the first time in weeks, something was nice.
You leaned your head back against the wall, closing your eyes, and let a small smile grace you. This is so nice... you thought.
The next thing you knew, you woke up when the lights turned on and boots thumped in. At first, you thought you would have to find a way out, then voices spoke. Soap's and Ghost's.
"L.t, what the hell's been goin on?" Soap asked with a tone of irritation unfamiliar to you.
"I have no idea what you mean, Soap. We're in the middle of a fucking recovery mission we can't identify the start to, our primary target is in a country no one thinks he'll be in, and now terrorists and the cartel have decided to sit in a circle making friendship bracelets. Who do you think they'll send to handle that, Soap?" Ghost's words reminded you of something he would have yelled, but instead there was a waver underneath the barking tone. It seemed you weren't the only one who noticed it, either.
"Simon, they'll send us because we can handle it." The sergeant said firmly. "Now, let's go, Laswell will probably be back with more information soon." You weren't sure how or why, but even with as little as John was saying, it was enough to convince Ghost. Their footfalls started and faded just as suddenly as they'd come in here. You waited a moment, and when you figured you were safe, treaded in the opposite direction from them.
You had no idea Ghost was actually that worried about all of this. You knew he was somewhat worried, anyone would be, but that was the most you'd ever heard it. You figured Soap was his direct second-in-command on the field a lot of the time, so Soap would need to know what is lieutenant might be liable to respond like under active fire.
Later that day, Soap met up with you to let you know Laswell had given him more information that meant he would most likely be scheduled for departure soon. He mentioned that the whole force was having dinner together tonight, the first opportunity they would have in awhile now that Price and Gaz were apparently returning soon, and invited you to join them as their official new member- even though you couldn't be on the field yet. You happily accepted, momentarily forgetting about Ghost's utter hatred for you.
It was when you sat down at the dinner table in the canteen when you finally remembered. Ghost's glare thoroughly reminded you of it, though you'd only noticed out of your peripheral. When you actually took a glance around the table, he was already visually focusing on something else.
Everyone else was engaged in what sounded like riveting, but separate, conversation. Ghost and Price were discussing something quietly, Soap and Gaz were engaged in a conversation about which species of cat was the cutest, and a blond boy you had never seen before was just... sitting there. You made eye contact with him for a solid two seconds, felt awkward, and looked away when you couldn't seem to find words.
"So, y/n, it's been a little bit yeah? How are you getting used to your new ears?" Gaz piped up when conversation between the rest of the group dulled. All eyes turned to you. You smiled nervously, but kindly.
"Pretty well! The ears don't hurt as much anymore, it's my tail that's really bothering me. Since it's supposed to help me enhance my center of gravity they connected the nerves to my spine. Everything my tail feels, it travels upwards and gets more intense. I'm still getting used to standing up and sitting down."
"Can you move it yet?" Soap asked. You shook your head.
"No, the doctors did tell me that one might take awhile, but they said as long as I heal and train properly my tail should be able to help me naturally when it comes to balance." To excuse yourself from having to talk more, you took a large bite of food. The conversation took another pivot.
"So, how did y'all come to..." the blond started, gesturing to you, "this, anyway?" He looked around as he finished his question. You met Price's gaze and nodded, signaling he could tell... whoever this was, about your situation.
"Well, Graves, Y/n here is a soldier who was selected to participate in some medical research testing that's going to help our soldiers on the battlefield. They're going to temporarily be on the task force with us while they heal and train. We're going to spend that time gathering data, and if we determine the results good enough, test out their abilities on actual missions." Price finished, and Graves looked back at you. You had, unfortunately, swallowed your bite of food already.
"Seems like we'll get to fight on the battlefield, kitten." Graves winked at you. It was very unpleasant.
"Please don't call me kitten," you stated before continuing to eat. The rest of the table seemed to find it as a good point to change topics again. Everyone split back into their own conversations until the end of dinner. Once all plates were cleared and returned to the canteen, the leftover food was stored, and everyone returned to their quarters- except you. You made your way to Price's office and gingerly knocked on the door.
"Come in." Price said simply. You did. "Ah, l/n, what do you need?"
"I was, kind of worried? About the force's interest in me," you admitted. "I find it so nice that they aren't assuming anything about me based on my cat features, but... they're not going to stop wanting to talk to me, or anything, after the curiosity wears off, will they?" You asked. Price chuckled softly at the nervousness in your tone.
"Y/n, the last thing any of my boys do is lose interest in a teammate. They'll warm up to you beyond your medical adventures, and you'll be one of them before you know it." You nodded, bidding Price good night.
"Good luck," you called on the way out. "I hear there might be another mission soon." You added when Price looked confused. "Soap told me you have to hunt something of yours down, said he couldn't say more," you continued. A look of recognition crossed his face before he smiled softly.
"Of course, y/n, thank you."
Surely enough, the next morning you found out that there was a departure scheduled in a few days. This one was just going to be Price and Gaz, you didn't know much, but you knew they had to meet Laswell somewhere. You hoped nothing got too nasty, but in your heart you remembered this was still special ops. They could handle it, you convinced yourself, as you anxiously awaited their departure.
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hopelesswritergall · 10 months
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Taglist: @howyouloveyourdragon / @simp-aholic @daenerysapologist
Thank you @sapphire-writes for giving me inspiration. Your thin ice series was truly a Masterlist
Thank you @daenerysapologist for making me write this
Thank you @valeska-fics for beta reading this and reminding me that comma’s exist…….. You’re a legend
And of course my love @simp-aholic for being there for me :))
Let me know what you thought of this in the comments or hey… maybe even reblog and follow??? WOWOWWWW
A rather peculiar meeting
Cregan was one of THE star players for the White Stags. The ice hockey team that belonged to the university of Kingslanding
He had been playing ice hockey since he could remember. His first few memories he has were of him on the ice. Him getting his first skates, scoring his first goal and receiving his own very custom made Jersey.
Now this brings us to the modern day. Cregan Stark, the star player. He was a centre-sniper. He had the insight and intelligence (so he says himself) to be at the centre, he was the leader of the team. And of course he had to stand out and be a sniper. Making the most important goals.
All of this meant that he was adored by fans, not just from the university, but from everywhere in King’s Landing. They would come to your university just to watch him play.
You were never the biggest fan of ice hockey, due to not understanding it mostly. But eventually Helaena convinced you to come and see a match, because as she said “You need to have a social life. You can’t be a hermit forever.” Which you countered with “But I like how I am now.” At that response she just gave you the look.
So here you are, at the match of the White Stags, totally voluntary. Cough cough
It was during the second period that it went wrong. About ⅓ done with the game and at the 23 minute mark. It all went south
The sound of the crowd was almost deafening, they were cheering very loud for their beloved star player, Cregan Stark. You hadn’t seen much of him yet during the game so you didn’t exactly get the hype around the man. As the crowd began to go silent, you saw a tall man approaching the goal with the puck at his stick. He was weaving, dodging all the defending players of the opposing team. He pulled his stick back ready to swing and score… when he saw you. His heart stopped and he could swear everyone else around him disappeared and it was only you two. He didn’t think and with all his force he shot the puck at the goal only, he wasn’t looking at the goal anymore. He was looking at you. Without you or him noticing flew the puck with an abominable speed right at your face. And then it hit you. No literally the puck hitting your nose sent you backwards. As the crowd goes completely silent and Helaena looks at your face, her eyes widening and Cregan now realising what happened. As you slowly reach up to your nose, afraid of what you’ll find. When you retract your hand it is crimson coloured. Your nose wasn’t the shape it used to be.
“How bad is it Hel?” you asked her, afraid of what she would answer.
“Well, you didn’t like your nose anyways right? Plastic surgery wasn’t off the table yet?”
“Hospital?” “Hospital!”
And as much fun as you were having watching a game you initially didn’t like, you and Helaena rushed outside the stadium and she grabbed your car keys off of you.
“Omg it’s not an automatic?? BABE, I CAN'T DRIVE WITH A SHIFTING STICK!!”
One hell of a car ride later.
“Remind me to never let you drive ever again…”
You walked to the emergency room and you got some forms to fill out. Name, age, birthday, how it happened and your insurance were all asked. As you handed them back in, you and Helaena sat down waiting for a doctor to come and help you. After what felt like an eternity, it was only 70 minutes, a doctor came to take you for some examination to see where the broken bone was and what they’d need to do.
After everything was done and they had manually readjusted your nose, they’d bandage it up. You’d gotten a nice gauze around it and secured it tight. You’d have to walk around like that for 3 whole weeks. Guess who’s skipping classes? No, not you, we aren’t that irresponsible…
So you went to all your classes and you just put up with all the weird looks people gave you. You hadn’t, however, seen or spoken to the hot guy who caused it all. You did door his friend, Jake? Jame? Jacle? Oh, Jace! Yeah, you did spot him a few times, but never his other half. It was the day that your gauze could come off that Jace spoke to you, which was weird considering he never did before.
“Uhm hey.. I don’t know if you’d still like to, but my friend would like you to come to another one. He promised he wouldn’t hit you again at the.. Uhm. Well you know.” He gestured to his own nose. “Fine. Sure, I'll be there. But I swear to god Jake,” “Jace” “I swear to god Jace if another puck hits me I’m done. And I don't care how cute your friend is, I won't see another match again.” With that said, you left to go study in the library. As you were walking away you could hear Jace say “I told you man. The Jace way always works!”
It was Friday and the day of the match. You were slightly excited to see the game, as that would mean you would see the cute guy again. Sure, he has broken your nose, but every couple has been there. Right?? As you entered the stadium and found a seat, you couldn’t help but think if he actually liked you, like that Jace guy had hinted at. Well, no more time to think about that. The players were coming to the rink. When Cregan came to the rink, everyone cheered, and that included you as well. He glanced up, and saw you sitting in the stands. He couldn’t help but make a plan to show you he liked you.
After the game was over, and won by the White Stags. Cregan skated over to where you were sitting. Hetook off his jersey, which had gotten whistles from a few people, rolled it into a little ball, and threw it at you. It hit you again…… this time it wasn’t as hard as a puck, but it still caught you by surprise. “What the?” As you looked down, you saw Cregan giving you the most adorable grin you’ve ever seen. He might look like a big confident guy but he wasn’t always. You gave him a smile as you put on the jersey. You would be going to a lot more games after that one.
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wjehfshs · 1 year
So Imma SIMP for Avatar:way of the water and call of duty MWII so I thought maybe some headcanon of call of duty reacting to Na'vi reader that has dark blue skin due to a genetic mutation.
Like they were taken from their home got sent to earth but they escape and are now on earth trying to find away back home.
and the task force 141 end bumping into you during their night mission and maybe reader saves them but causing reader to get injured.
Also do this when you have some motivation and don't stress yourself buddy
I love this idea I love it when people combine fandoms
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Na’vi reader + cod characters reacting to reader (141 + Köing, Keegan, Horangi, yes Ik Keegan is from a completely different game but I love him sm I needed to add him) reader self sacrificing, combined fandoms, Omatikaya reader, reader has a skin mutation. This genuinely had to be one of my fav requests ever, I had so much fun writing this I think I got carried away, a lot of swearing, violence
You where Na’vi, one of the forest people, although the Omarikaya had dark skin, due to some genetic mutation you had darker skin than normal
You fought in the first battle against the sky people aside Jake Sully and Neytiri, you saw their first born Neteyam, then they adopted Kiri, then they had Lo’ak, and then Tuk.
You where good friends with the Sully family, that’s why when the sky people returned as Avatars, they targeted you
When you where out hunting they caught you in a net and sedated you
The next thing you remember was waking up on a ship (let’s just pretend it doesn’t take 5 years to get back to earth anymore they developed new technology or smth)
You looked through the bars of your cage, you new English fluently due to being part of Graces school and Jake teaching you more after Graces passing
It had been weeks until you finally landed, they handcuffed you and walked you back to their base
During your time on the ship they did experiments and surgery’s on you, you don’t know exactly what you did but after tests you found you could breathe human air now
You where like their lab rat
After some time they threw you into a new enclosure and returned to their human forms
You knew this was your chance
You stole some keys from a guard, unlocked your cage, and booked it for the nearest exit
You ran until your legs hurt
You found yourself at a military base
It was crowded with men in gear
You hid behind the building and tried to find food
CRACK. Shit. You had stood on a branch
“What was that?” A man with a funny accent and cloth over his head said
“Let’s go check it out” another one said with a blander looking version of an ikran helmet over his eyes, you had heard Norm talk about them sometimes, sunglasses? You think they where called
You tried to run somewhere but everywhere was blocked
Before you knew it the funny cloth man had spotted you
He had his gun raised at you
“Holy fucking shit what the fuck is that?!”
He pressed a button on some device on his clothing, it made a static sound, maybe a device to talk to other people? Like those special necklaces Jake and his family had
“Get the fuck out here in the back, everyone. Now.”
The sunglasses guy had his gun also raised at you in a defensive stance
You had learnt from Jake that if anyone where to point a gun at you, to raise your hands and look as harmless as possible
I mean it wasn’t like you could do anything, the sky people took your weapons
You where crouched down in the dirt, hands up, head down, ears flat on your head
Soon all of these other men ran out here, hands on guns, worried looks on their faces
“You’ve got to be kidding me” a man with darker skin compared to the others and a funny hat on his head with some, flag? On the front of his hat. “This has to be a fucking dream” he stammered
The man with the cloth seemed to be the tallest but compared to you, he was nothing
“Who are you?!” Another man with a wide brimmed hat and weird facial hair said
You opened and closed your mouth trying to speak but it felt as if there was a string in your throat holding the words back
You where shaking, your heart beating fast as you struggled to keep yourself from falling over, even if you where crouching
There seemed to be nine men looking on at you as if you had 20 eyes (Gaz, Köing, Roach, Alex, Price, Ghost, Horangi, Keegan, Soap)
Finally the words came to you “I’m [name] I. I was taken by the sky people to your star. I, I mean no harm.” You said in a thick Na’vi accent, almost on the verge of crying
They all looked confused, sky people? Star? Was there something they didn’t know?
All of them seemed to take note of your three fingers, tail, ears, and most importantly, blue skin
“Stand up. Now” a man with a skull mask said in a heavy unrecognisable accent
This was their first mistake, asking for you to stand up
You gingerly complied and straightened out your body
That’s when they saw how unbelievably tall you where
This didn’t help the situation as they where already scared of you, but now seeing how tall you where it only made them more defensive
“Bloody fuckin’ Jesus” a man with shaved sides and spiked hair mumbled
They took you inside with their guns still pointed at you
When you got inside they locked the doors and windows and ushered you to sit down, on a table.
You sat eyes still fixated on the cold ground as the pain in your feet started to kick in
Earths ground was a lot more painful than Pandoras, a lot more sharp objects in the ground
“Ok well first of all we don’t know who or even what the fuck you are” the brimmed hat man said
“But, we’ll introduce ourselves. I’m Price, this is Ghost, this is Keegan, Köing, Horangi, Soap, Gaz, Alex, and Roach” he ushered towards each of the men as he said their names
“Now you gotta explain what the fuck you are doing here” he said, almost angry
You took a deep breath and steadied yourself “I’m [name] I am from the star Pandora, or as I think you call it, planet? I am part of the Omatikaya clan, the forest people, I fought in the great battle agains the sky people with Jake Sully, we where victorious however the sky people returned and captured me, I am their prisoner…”
They where all silent for a moment “…ok, well… Jesus what am I supposed to say” Price mumbled the last part
“Sir, if I may speak freely, I think this, thing, is being serious” Gaz whispered to him
“O-oh I am Na’vi, that is my species I think it’s called”
“What the fuck how did you hear that” Gaz was astonished how you heard him whisper that
“Oh well us Na’vi have heightened senses”
“Oh. I see”
“Ok uh, look, what are we supposed to do with you lad/lass?” Soap asked
“I apologise, I had escaped from the sky people and I ran here. I did not mean to cause you any harm” you said almost ashamed
“Ok who the fuck are ‘the sky people’” Keegan asked frustrated
You took a moment to remember the word “ah! Humans, I mean humans, they came down from the sky when they attacked us”
Suddenly they heard a crash from outside
It was the sky people coming back to retrieve you
Immediately everyone grabbed their guns as you had to duck and weave under the roof and doors.
And so the attack begun
As everyone was shooting at the cars and helicopters you panicked and thought of what to do
You noticed a man trying to sneak up on Price, immediately you ran up behind him and attacked him, biting his neck and holding him down
All Price could do was watch on in fear, I mean you where this unknown creature who just showed up and now your ripping a man to pieces with your bare teeth right in front of him
That wasn’t to say he wasn’t grateful you saved him but he was still scared
Before he could process anything you sprung into action asking him if he had a bow and arrow anywhere, he ushered towards the archery room and you bolted towards there, grabbing the biggest one you could find
It was still too small but it was the best you could do
You ran to the back of the building where Keegan and Ghost where catching there breath and without batting an eyelid, you climbed up the building onto the roof
Shooting at the sky people the best you could with everyone else shooting at them
You finally beat them
It was over just as quick as it started
It felt like it happened in a heartbeat
Blood was all over the front area of the Barracks but at least everyone was safe
You all gathered back inside as everyone was sweating and breathing heavily
Ghost finally spoke up “I don’t know if anybody else saw it but that [name] just fuckin’ climbed onto the roof and shot those people dead with a bow and arrow alone” he seemed stressed but grateful
They all seemed to notice the blood residue on your mouth as you wiped it off and licked the rest of it off
While everyone else was on the brink of passing out, you where just fine, completely calm and collected.
Maybe a little shaken up but that seemed to be it
Price looked at you, “Thank you, for earlier? If it wasn’t for you I’d be dead by now” he gestured towards you as he said this
You couldn’t help but let your tail move up and down when he said that, you felt appreciated.
He took notice of the gashes on your body as blood dripped down your torso, but you seemed to not notice somehow?
The question was, what to do with you now?
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Engineer, Medic and soldier (platonic) with a reader that sees them as a father figure? Reader likes to help them with anything they do, theyre a people pleaser so they clean their stuff or their room for them, Reader didnt grow up with good parents and was abused as a child, and they almost cry when they get praised.
(also i have a question, do you have a character limit?)
this is super cute, also yes but no? like if you were to request just the team as a whole i’d be willing to do it for a simple-enough prompt, however i’m not going to do an insane amount of characters.
Engineer, medic + soldier with a reader that sees them as as their father figure
Has always found your behavior rather endearing until he found out WHY you’re like this, he swears his heart physically shattered once he heard your story.
He’ll pull you into a gentle hug, giving you a comforting rub on the back as he just holds you there, as if he just wants to take away all that pain you had to experience.
Frankly he already refers to you as ‘kiddo’ and ‘little buddy’ as it is, so he’s clearly fond of you and rather protective! there have been many times where he’s scolded you for rushing too fast into battle- not out of genuine anger, but of worry.. he’s a tad bit of a mother hen.
Literally you and his sentries are his babies, he takes a lot of pride in his ‘kid’ and his creations, and there’s never any room for doubt with that.
Speaking of mother hens, this man will always be nervously checking in on your health and admittedly healing you more than the others during a battle, you’re the closest thing he has to a child.. he doesn’t wanna give that up!
I truly and deeply feel like medic would’ve wanted a kid of his own, something to love and nurture.. of course he has his doves, and the occasional experiment but.. you’re like the real deal, and he becomes insanely protective of you as a result of that.
He will refuse to do any experimentation on you, even if you volunteer! And if he ever does need to do surgery on you or any medical procedure for that matter- he is incredibly careful, not just throwing organs around like toys.
And he will ALWAYS give you anesthetic so you’re knocked out the whole time.. just don’t tell the others he has it- he always lies and says he doesn’t so he can use it for himself on nights where he can’t sleep lmfao
This man? is so soft for you, he won’t let it appear that way during battle for the sake of not coddling you.. but afterwords? he’s giving you an affectionate slap on the back and telling you ‘Good job, private!’
You instantly upgrade from ‘maggot’ to ‘private’ he admittedly shows some favoritism with you compared to the others, but he’s a proud papa now- so of course his kid is better than the rest!
He will genuinely refer to himself as your dad, like not just your teammate that you see as a father figure- nope, he’s your father and there’s nothing much you can do about that.
He relentlessly praises you, which is mostly his favoritism showing through- but also he just wants to show you in his special soldier way that you’re doing a great job, and you deserve to feel good about yourself.. even if it’s in the form of ‘Now that’s what I call fighting! keep it up private!’ just continuously military-esque but hey, he cares!
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idontknowreallywhy · 3 months
WIP Wednesday
As an antidote to all the angst I’ve been posting, I offer a very silly scene that forms part of a 5 & 1 I have planned out in my head but not quite got around to writing much of yet. It is set some way in the future, as will become obvious…
“Scott Carpenter Tracy, I swear if you don’t stop whinging I am going to End you.”
Her husband responded with sad blue eyes and made pathetic grabby hands at the cup of coffee she had brought him. She held it slightly out of reach but he didn’t move an inch to make the effort to claim it.
“I’m not sure toddlers should be allowed caffeine.”
“But I’m recovering from surgery!”
“It was a 15 minute routine procedure under local anaesthetic and you didn’t even need stitches!”
He managed to look even sadder.
“And it was two weeks ago!!”
“But it still huuuurts.”
There were no complications! The doctor has checked twice since! You’ve medically recovered.
He pulled the blanket over his head and sighed pathetically.
“You took less time to get back to work after being in a coma!”
A muffled whine from under the blanket drew some distinction between a mere head injury and this which was far worse.
“Can you at least get dressed to accompany the heavily pregnant mother of your SIXTH child to lunch?”
“Do I have to wear pants?”
She threw a pillow at his head and left the coffee on the far side of the room.
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yjano · 1 year
All of me.
Part 26.
Pairing: Jake x Mc.
Warnings: slow burn, swearing, angst, a little fluff, smut, violence and other pairings.
Words: 3.2k
Author's note: Although this story is not related to the Duskwood game, I will add some of our beloved characters. Please read it only if you're into angst prison stories, slow burns, etc. A little hint: You will get to see some similarities to Jake and his gang from "Never The Same" fic.
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As soon as Jessy disappeared through the doors of the first surgery room with Lex, Dan and Asher followed her to assist her. A determined look became visible on my face, and my nurse mode turned on again. There was no time to lose, Kaden needed me.
"Jake!" I screamed while walking towards the stretcher Kaden was laying on. Immediately, Jake turned his head around, a questioning look on his face.
"I need you to assist me." I said once I noticed the confused look in Jake's face. Without an assistant, Kaden could as well be considered a lost case. I only had two hands, I needed someone to provide me with another two. An understanding look quickly became visible on Jake's face, and he nodded.
"I'll do my best." He answered me. Kaden was his brother, and I was sure he would do anything for Kaden. Immediately, I grabbed the stretcher on one side while Jale grabbed it on the other side.
"Sam, keep putting pressure on the wound until I tell you to let go." I instructed the red head who was still trying to stop the bleeding.
"After that, I want you to keep an eye on Kaden's vitals." I spoke once again, and Sam nodded, indicating he understood what I was asking of him. Suddenly, I looked up again and looked both my assistants straight in the eyes.
"I need both of you to put in everything you have. We can't afford to make any mistakes." I spoke in a serious tone before beginning to push the stretcher towards the big doors of the second operation room. It didn't take long for the three of us to get everything ready for surgery, and before we knew it, I was standing next to Kaden's shot shoulder, ready to take the bullet out.
"Okay, Jake, I'm gonna sterilize the wound, I want you to hand me everything I ask." I spoke in a bossy tone. I didn't care if I sounded rude or bossy towards the other two. I was in charge of this room.
"Sam, slowly remove your hands from the wound and focus on the monitor behind Kaden." I spoke towards the red head, who immediately did as I told him to.
"You see the numbers on the monitor?" I spoke as I began to lean over Kaden's wound, getting a good look at it for the first time. "They need to stay the same. If they change, tell me."
A smile began to form onto my face underneath my mask as soon as I looked at Kaden's wound. Jessy had been right. This looked very familiar to the wound Jake had a while ago. There is no doubt in my mind that I could fix this. Immediately, I began to sterilize the wound thoroughly while Jake handed me everything I asked of him.
"Okay, Jake, once I remove the bullet, put pressure on the wound immediately." I spoke while slowly lifting my head to look at Jake. Immediately, he nodded, indicating that he had understood what I was asking of him. This was the most important step of the whole surgery. Fucking up here would cost Kaden his life.
"Okay, I'm gonna remove the bullet now." I spoke, getting slightly nervous by being in charge of the most risky thing of the whole operation. I began to calm myself by steadying my breathing and doing exactly as Jessy had done back when it had been Jake, who had been shot. Get the bullet out, put pressure on the wound, sterilize, stitch it up. I could do this.
With ease, I took out the bullet followed by Jake, who immediately began to put pressure on the wound. Kaden's wound was bleeding a lot less heavy than Jake's had done back in the time, but nevertheless, I was scared. If he would lose more blood, he might not make it. Kaden had already lost so much blood.
As soon as the bullet was out, I began to sterilize the wound again before stitching it up as precisely as I could. A proud look quickly became visible on my face while looking at my masterpiece. I had done it, Kaden was still alive, and the wound was fixed.
"Sam, vitals?" I asked while briefly looking at the red head who smiled in return.
"They haven't changed!" He happily exclaimed.
"Alright, all that's left now is to bandage him up." I spoke once I had gotten the answer I was looking for from the red head. Immediately, I went back to work again, and with a little help from Jake, it didn't take long for me to bandage Kaden's shoulder as good as I possibly could.
"We are done. Let's bring him to one of the rooms in the hospitalwing." I spoke, relief clearly lacing my voice. I hadn't fucked up. I had saved Yoongi.
Within a few minutes, Kaden was placed on one of the white hospitalbeds, still unconscious. A nervous feeling suddenly began to creep up to me, and I looked at the older guy with worry in my eyes. What if I missed something? Maybe he would never open his eyes again. I wasn't a surgeon, after all.
Since Lex was still receiving surgery and Kaden hadn't woken up yet the three of us who had performed Kaden's surgery had decided to watch our friend by joining him in his hospitalroom while waiting for him to wake up. All of us were now sitting beside Kaden's bed, except for the ones who were still busy with Lex.
It had been a few hours since Kaden had received surgery, and he still hadn't opened his eyes. Of course, I knew that sometimes patients needed some more time in order to wake. However, it made me nervous as hell. Why wouldn't he just open his eyes?
Suddenly, some grunts began to leave Kaden's mouth, and it didn't take long for him to start moving his body a little, followed by his eyes slowly opening. Immediately, Jake sprung up from the chair he was sitting on and rushed to his brother's side. Tears began to form in his eyes, slowly rolling down his cheeks upon noticing his brother moving and making sounds...
I myself slowly began to cry, too. I was exhausted. It had been a very eventful day for me. I had a gun held against my head, I had killed someone, and I had performed my first surgery alone. The fact that Kaden was now showing signs of life was the final straw I needed to let it all go. I didn't care anymore. My only concern now was Lex. Jessy was still busy with her. It had been hours since Jessy had taken her into that operation room.
"Goddammit, who the fuck ran me over with a truck?" Kaden softly managed to bring out as soon as he had opened his eyes. Immediately everyone in the room began to laugh upon the word choice of the injured guy.
"You got shot in your shoulder, Kaden." I decided to say before walking up to him in the white hospitalbed. Immediately, Kaden focused on me completely.
"I removed the bullet from the wound and fixed it. You should be fine in a couple of weeks." I finished, a big smile on my face. Immediately, a confused look became visible on Kaden's face, and he looked at me shocked.
"You performed surgery on me?"
Softly, I nodded, becoming a bit shy. However, Kaden immediately began to smile brightly while shaking his head softly.
"Is there anything you can't do, crying baby?" Kaden spoke, amusement clearly lacing his voice. Softly, I began to laugh before looking at everyone in the room. Everyone was clearly very happy that Kaden had survived his shot wound, but worry was visible on our faces too.
Lex's fate was still unknown to everyone in the room, and it wouldn't take long before her boyfriend would notice she was missing too. As if Kaden could read my mind, a worried look became visible on his face.
"Where is Lex?"
I immediately turned around to tell him about his girlfriend still receiving surgery, but Jessy beat me to it by pushing another bed in the room. A very pale looking Lex was laying on a white bed similar to the one Kaden was laying in. Everyone in the room immediately got quiet upon Jessy entering the room, looking at the small girl adoringly.
"Lex suffered some internal bleedings, but I managed to fix them." She spoke loudly for everyone in the room to hear. An exhausted look was visible on her face, and she looked like she would pass out anytime soon. Lex had been on the verge of death when Jessy had started the surgery. Thank god she was quick enough to stabilize her again.
A big smile, however, began to form on Jessy's face once she noticed Kaden moving and breathing. Apart from Kaden's bandaged shoulder, he looked like he was fine, and that meant that I had been able to fix him. Immediately, Jessy turned towards me and took me in a tight hug before whispering in my ear.
"I knew you could do it."
The rest of the evening, all of us spend inside Kaden's and Lex's hospitalroom. The shock had been big for everyone today, and thus, we needed each other right now. Lex was still unconscious, but Jessy had told everyone that she could wake up any moment now, and thus, everyone was keeping an eye on the girl, hoping that it wouldn't take too long. We needed to be complete again.
As if on cue, the small girl began to softly grunt while slightly moving her arms and head. Kaden immediately sat up right and looked at his girlfriend in the other bed, worry visible on his face. He couldn't live without that girl, Lex meant the world to him.
Slowly, Lex began to open her eyes, only to close them immediately again due to the brightness of the room. Upon noticing Lex opening her eyes, tears began to stream down Kaden's cheeks, and he looked at his girlfriend with a small smile on his face.
"Wake up, baby." Kaden spoke softly, to which Lex began to grunt again.
It took her a few minutes, but she slowly began to open her eyes again. The first thing Lex noticed was her boyfriend in the bed next to her, and a smile began to form on her face.
"I knew you would come and save me." Lex spoke softly while a small smile began to form onto her face. Immediately, Kaden climbed out of his hospital bed, even though Jessy had told him to stay in it, and rushed to his girlfriend's side before grabbing her hand. Tears were streaming down his face, while a small smile was visible on it as well.
"Always." Kaden answered his girlfriend before softly lifting his good arm and caressing the girl's cheek.
I looked at the two lovebirds lovingly before looking at the rest of the people in the room. In the short amount of time I had spent with them, these people truly became my family. A small smile slowly began to show up on my face, and I softly closed my eyes. I loved these people so damn much.
It had been three months since the day when Mr. Dalton had almost ruined multiple people lives. Ever since that day, everyone has become closer than ever before. Luckily, Lex and Kaden had recovered well and were completely fine. The same goes for Asher. He was fully recovered from the injuries he had gotten back when the team had rescued him.
Even though I myself had never been someone who would have thought I would be able to kill someone, somehow I had managed to fire the bullet at Mr. Dalton. Surprisingly to myself, I hadn't had trouble with that fact at all, I was fine with it. Hell, I for sure knew that I had done the right thing.
In these three months a lot of things had changed. Jake had officially inherited the gang from his father, and even though he had been running it for god knows how long he was now officially its leader too. Due to all the heavy moments all of us had been through.
Dan had decided he wanted Jessy to be his forever. Of course, Jessy had been his before, but he had never felt much for the whole marriage thing. Now that they had almost lost three of their friends, Dan had changed his mind, and thus, he had proposed to his ginger haired girlfriend. Of course, Jessy was the happiest girl alive and said yes.
Lex and Kaden were going stronger than ever before. Both of them had been scared to death of losing each other that moment in the hospital. Luckily for everyone, both were completely fine again, and they even talked about getting a small dog together, as a little extra company.
Sam and Asher were doing amazing as well. Both guys were always busy with their jobs but made sure to spend every evening they had together, going on dates and stuff. Sam had been super happy ever since he had been told that Asher had made a full recovery, and it was almost like happiness radiated off of him.
As for Jake and me, the two of us had never been happier. I spend almost all my days in the hospital wing together with Jessy. Ever since I had successfully performed the surgery on Kaden, Jessy had decided to make me an actual surgeon. By now, I had done multiple surgeries on my own, with Jessy as my assistant, of course, in case I needed help.
Jake had been busier with work than ever. Since he didn't need approval from his father for everything anymore, he could do whatever he wanted, which was something Jake liked a lot. Our relationship was amazing, too. Who would have thought that we would go from cellmates in prison to being in love?
Currently, Jake and I were on our way to Jessy and Dan's apartment since she had invited everyone to come over for dinner. I was proudly holding my boyfriend's hand while a happy smile was plastered on my face. My life had truly turned out to be amazing.
"Why are you so happy?" Jake asked, a smile visible on his own face as well. I slightly turned my head to look at my boyfriend's face while the smile on my face widened.
"I'm just thankful for everything that has happened in my life." I answered my boyfriend before sending a wink his way. Softly, Jake began to laugh before softly shaking his head.
Mc had grown from the shy girl Jake had gotten to know back in prison to the caring and happy girlfriend he loved so much and truth be told, he wouldn't change a thing about the brunette girl. Mc was perfect just the way she was.
Soon, both of us reached the apartment of Jessy and Dan, and immediately, I happily pressed the button on the right side of the door. Immediately, a ring sounded through the room. Followed by someone screaming.
"Dan honey, can you get it?" A loud footsteps sounded through the hallway, and it didn't take long for the door to open.
"Come on in, we were all waiting for you two." Dan spoke as soon as he opened the door, already knowing it had to be Jake and I since we were the only two still missing.
Both of us politely thanked Dan for letting us in before walking through the front door of the apartment. Immediately, a delicious smell hit our nostrils, and my eyes grew big. Jessy was the best cookout of us all, and it showed. I didn't care that I had no idea what it was that she was even cooking. It smelled absolutely delicious, and I couldn't wait to try some of it.
"Mc!" Lex exclaimed as soon as she noticed me coming in. Immediately, Lex jumped up from the chair she was sitting on and sprinted towards where I was standing. Immediately, the two of us hugged each other and began to talk enthousiastically. A small smile began to form onto Kaden's face, and he slowly shook his head.
"Judging by their eagerness to see each other, you wouldn't say we're their boyfriends, huh?" Kaden spoke, loud enough for both of us to hear it too. Lex only reacted by sticking her tongue out to her boyfriend before focusing on me again while I didn't react at all.
Jake, however, softly began to laugh while walking over towards where Kaden, Dan, Sam, and Asher were sitting and softly patted his brother on the shoulder.
"They're soulmates. What did you expect, bro?"
"Dinner is ready!" Jessy happily spoke as she put some delicious looking plates on the table. Immediately, everyone stood up from where they were seated and walked over to the dinner table.
Jessy had absolutely outdone herself this time. Her dishes looked like they came straight out of a magazine, and I couldn't help but look at the dishes as if my life depended on it. This looked absolutely amazing.
As soon as everyone was seated around the table, Jessy told everyone what she had made, and before I knew it, I had a plate full of delicious food. Slowly, I looked around the table, and a loving smile became visible on my face. I loved these people so damn much.
Ever since that damn judge had sentenced me to life in prison, I had thought that my life had officially been over. I had been convicted of the murder of my own sister, a girl I had always loved dearly. However, somehow, I was also thankful for being convicted. If the judge had never sent me to prison, I would have never met Jake.
I wouldn't have met the world's most stubborn person who had a habit of pissing off the guards back in the prison. I wouldn't have escaped together with the jet haired grumpy guy. I wouldn't have met anyone sitting on this table. Sure, there were some things I would do differently in my life, but going to prison? I wouldn't want to miss it if that meant I would have never met these amazing people.
Ever since I had met Jake, my whole life had felt like a rollercoaster, but it was worth it. I had gotten a new family and a whole new life. These people showed me that family didn't always have to be related by blood. Family is anyone who loves you unconditionally.
And that's it! This is the very last real chapter. I want to thank you all so much for everything! This has been so fun to write, and I truly love it from the bottom of my heart. I never thought this story would get as much attention as it has. Wow. Thank you all for that. Hopefully, I'll see you around when I come back with something! As for now, I'll read all of your amazing works, and hopefully, we will see each other around soon! Love you guys.❤
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msookyspooky · 2 months
OH MY GOD SPOOKY ‼️‼️‼️‼️ thAT CHAPTER 13?????????? A MASTERPIECE!!!!
The "my girl" partmhjnjjhahhahahhuhuhaha I SWEAR i was brushing my teeth while reading and when my EYES SAW THOSE WORDS I JUST STOPPED??????? i stopped there with toothbrush all over my mouth for a good minutE TRYING TO COMPREGED TAHT!!!!!!!! UHHHHHHHGGGGGG
I have no words to explain how much i loved loved loved that chapter!!!! i have been craving for that reveal since i started reading when you were still posting the part set 1 movie and IT DID!!! NOT!!!!! DISAPOUNT!!!!!! IM SO FUCKING EXITED FOR THE REST OF THE STORY LMAOOO 💞💞💞💞💞💞
Yn, in my opinion at least 👀, def had the chance to play dumb, act as if she didnt knew, act as if they were forcing her to do whatever accusation dewey trew at her. but she didnt‼️‼️‼️‼️ and im just freakibg outtttttt she cares so much that AGAIN she put herswlf in front of Billy. After all the pain that doung that all those years ago brought to her, she did that and didnt even think about it. even after stu literally shot someone in the chest she cares so fucking much that the death of that person donest affect how she feels about him anymore (judy didnt actually dieee but yn doesnt know itt( they didnt need to get try to get jill before she hurt yn, they couldve literally just ran away from the hospital. But the choose to stay‼️‼️‼️ for stu i wont eve.n elaborate because my. Girl. My. Ficking. Girl. Was enough for me lmaooo‼️‼️‼️but billy didnt need to say athing! In fact, it would be better for him if he didnt bc he knew dewey woukd recognize him the second the spotlight was on him. But.he did. He defended yn the second he could. He defended her even if he knew no one would listen to him.
Im 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 anywaysssss hahaha i love your writing a normal amount............
Alsooo you wrote jill so so well that i wanted to go inside my phone and strangle her myself lmaoo
Oh YN definitely cares and so do they there's just so much turmoil and difference in morals that it's a rough road but Billy and Stu saving her (To "kill her god knows when" yeah right 😒🙄) And her deciding to follow that moral compass and save Billy before her own ass because it was the 'right thing to do' (mm hmm 🤨😒) is just another layer they didn't know this situation could have!
Fr YN could have played dumb but I ain't gonna lie when I came out of anesthesia I slept SO HARD it was insane I was fucking out of it and barely formed thoughts so I can't imagine some bitch waking me up a few hours after my surgery trying to strangle me THEN trying to make coherent thoughts to justify why Billy is there 😣
And I think as the author writing it (And the girl reading it lol) like...YN is fucking tired.
I mean, her best friend and honestly only true friend died and she found his corpse and has that weighing on her conscience that it's her fault they seperated. Gale was never her friend 100% fake af and YN lowkey knows it. Karla is a friend by being Ray's wife but not on the level her and Randy are.
And other than Dewey; Billy and Stu is all she's got. In one night, she was truly stabbed for the first time not counting her arm or hand. Good and only Friend is dead. She's being framed AGAIN over fame she never wanted to begin with.
Dewey, as much as she loves him platonically, has changed because of that badge and being married to Gale and in Woodsboro (I noticed it from 3 to 4 with Dew to Sid and was shocked tbh) and has done nothing but make YN not trust him with her safety this entire installment.
Stu pointed it out in TT. That he was there no matter what, toxic or not. He knew the worst and best of YN and stayed there for his own selfishness but still for her as well. When Randy and Dewey only knew what YN revealed but she was living a double life that they UNDERSTANDABLY would be hurt and enraged over but Billy and Stu have been known and don't care
ISTG it's why I fuck with enemies to lovers sm bc your enemy sees your worst side, weakest side, you see there's and yet you still fall in love?
I think Billy has never seen these sides of YN and when he did in TT he was in a shit place in his life and still bitter over what she did in Set Up and Sequels Suck.
But Stu? He was in her life from Windsor to Hollywood on and off and got over her betrayal before Billy so it's easier for him.
And I hc Stu as fucking nuts to be blunt. Flys off the handle, impulsive, delusional, arrogant, has little value in peoples lives, doesn't discriminate with killing, sadist, possibly even a bit of a high functioning individual with a form of ASPD or just good old narcissism where he doesn't love like a normal person does so he forced himself into YN's life as a form of control but that doesn't mean he doesn't care for her he just cares for his own self preservation first and always will. While I hc Billy as an introverted guy with fucked up morals and possible hallucinations like his daughter Sam / he's more likely to snap than most people same with his Mom Nancy. But I think he feels love and emotions the same as anyone else he just has trust issues and cynical af.
It's why after so long...I mean, aside from money, Billy got what he wanted. YN is alone, isolated, depressed, anxiety, PTSD, no friends, everyone she cares for is dead or hates her, getting attacked by conspiracy theorists that claim she helped them. And I think he's realizing slowly but surely that maybe her suffering for trying to turn him in while saving him isn't what he wanted after all.
Thank you for the review and listening to me rant I just love these in detailed ones because sometimes you guys see things about the characters I don't even!!♡♡♡
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chronicallymargaret · 3 months
the beginning
One morning in February of 2012, my mom had knocked on the door to wake me for breakfast and I told her I didn’t feel well. She went and grabbed the thermometer and it read 102℉. There was a sickness going around the high school at the time, so she told me to take some meds and rest. The next morning, my mom woke me up again to check my temperature and it had barely gone down. I stayed home again and followed the same regime. After my fever finally broke, my body didn’t feel right. I thought maybe I was just overly tired from being sick or maybe it was just the cold medicine wearing off. Eventually, I got to the point where I really didn’t think about the pain because I didn’t want to worry anyone. The family wounds were still healing from losing my first best friend, my grandpa, six years prior to cancer. Plus, I never liked people worrying about me because I knew that no matter what, I would always be okay - or so I thought.
High school was hard enough - let alone having a medical condition that not a single doctor in the tri-state area knew a single thing about. I kept my symptoms away from my parents for a very long time. Eventually, like most parents, they caught on that something wasn’t right with their kid. In December of 2012 along came the typical parental questions: “Margaret, are you doing drugs?” “Come on, kid, just tell me what’s going on with ya.” “Kiley Mae. Sit your ass down and start talking.” And then the never ending conversations and tears started to flow. I explained that, no - I was not doing drugs (I really was quite innocent here, Ma and Pops. Only a couple of times, I swear.). I finally broke down to my parents and told them the truth: Ever since that February morning in 2012, I’ve had a headache and chronic pain nearly every day.
Next thing I knew, my mom started researching and researching and more researching. She tried countless times to get clinics/doctors/specialists - you name it, she called them - to even listen to her. She called Mayo Clinic nearly EVERY DAY - practically begging on her hands and knees to fit me in to be seen by someone, anyone. She was my voice because no doctor or person took me seriously. I was “craving attention, a drama queen, drug addict/seeker, hypochondriac, lazy, not good enough, problematic, selfish, waste of money, time, and space.) I watched my dad’s hair slowly turn more and more gray as he worried about whether he should go to work to make money for the never-ending medical bills or go with his wife and daughter to find out the answers. (I hate how corporate America works. Since when has money become more important than one’s health? It’s disgusting and I wish we could change the system.) I watched my sister lack the attention from my parents that she deserved because they were constantly worried about me. (I am in no way, shape, or form calling out my parents. They have ALWAYS done their best in EVERY situation and that is why I am so proud to call them my parents - my heroes.) My high school friends secretively raised money to buy me a miniature pet pig to try to help make me feel better - my parents appreciated the kind gesture but said no because I needed to focus on my health. (I WILL own a pet pig one day - Dallas has already approved.
I have had a majority of my POTS symptoms under control over the last 10 years, but 2023 really screwed up my body. Due to all of the trauma and stress from not only everyday life, but miscarriages, surgeries, and mental health episodes as well - my body has been in FULL overdrive. I've been struggling trying to keep my life going and trying to ignore my health because I don’t want to give in to the fact that my POTS is getting WORSE and not better like I had been telling myself - and everyone I know - since the day I was diagnosed in July of 2012. Back then - yes, this was a frickin’ decade ago .. totally gross, I know. [“POTS was only seen in approximately 500,000 Americans. (https://www.aafp.org/pubs/afp/issues/2012/0901/p392.html)."] Imagine being 15 years old and you're a literal drop in the ocean of people who have something medically rare. What in the frick are the odds of that?
Flash forward to now, February 2024, I have nearly every symptom back plus new ones. My chronic symptoms are headaches - different intensities and locations, lightheadedness and dizziness, severe brain fog - I try not to drive on these days as I typically forget everything, insomnia, anxiety (omg .. I said the BIG “A” word), and depression (oooopps, I did it again bahaha). My new symptoms are: chronic abdominal pain - intensity and location has varied over approximately three months now, dry heaving, hot and cold intolerance (I told my work mom’s I feel like I’m going through menopause with how many hot flashes I have .. they giggled and said “Ohhh Kiley Mae, you have no idea what you’re in for - this is hardly nothing.” Also, can we talk about how important work relationships are? I love my work moms and work family - I’m very blessed on that front.), and vomiting.
The news that I learned today was that due to the dry heaving and vomiting, I now have a large hiatal hernia - part of my stomach is on top of my diaphragm. I’m currently waiting for a call to schedule a barium swallow test and I have a referral in with the University of Nebraska Medicine with a POTS specialist. I personally believe that I’m going to have chronic headaches and abdominal migraines - but I’m holding onto a little bit of hope that the doctor I currently have is going to confirm that the abdominal discomfort is from the hernia, not POTS. I plan on keeping this updated regularly because after I figure out what’s going on with me - I want to share my path of life so no one has to go through the medical trauma that I have.
Medical trauma is a huge part of not only who I am as a person but talking about it is the therapy that I am working through right now. I will eventually spill all of the emotions, but for today I’m going to talk about today. Because today was a very good day and I deserve to celebrate it.
My parents have become “snowbirds” and fly to southern Texas for the winter. Unfortunately, my endoscope ended up being scheduled while they were gone. I told my parents they didn’t have to come back home because it was a simple procedure, and everything was going to be okay. (Yes, I’m 27 and still take my parents to certain medical appointments because I’ve been hurt - I’m working on it.). I don’t know if it’s because I finally did it by myself or if the staff was told to be extra careful with me or what - but I had the most relaxing experience ever. No one looked at me like I was weird when I stated that I had POTS and would need an extra bag of saline. The first anesthetist actually shared with me that she also was diagnosed with POTS. I immediately got a smile on my face and asked if she was kidding. Coming from a small town, not very many people understood what my diagnosis is and again - I’ve been used to being a single drop in the ocean.
The anesthetist made sure to mark my charts and inform the rest of the care team my condition, what to expect, and what I would need after I woke back up. Anesthesia tends to send me into a flare up - especially with cutting off food and water after midnight. Once I got taken into the operating room, my actual anesthetist started asking me questions about POTS. He stated that he had heard of it, but only until recently. I started to explain how long I’ve had it. Then I just started word vomiting because this was a whole new experience for me - how I just want some answers but I’m sure they wouldn’t find anything. I had already come to terms with the abdominal migraines starting. He looked at me in the sincerest way and said, “Wow. You’re a strong woman. You’ve been through a lot but you’re so cool about it.” That statement right there hit me. I realized in that moment that, holy shit, I’ve persevered. I’ve climbed a huge hurdle today and I can’t wait to keep climbing.
If you've read this long - just know that I see you and I love you.
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