#I love her so much and being long distance besties is so sad haven’t seen her in 3 years but she is the best
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favorite corner of my room
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DanHwa Couple: Happy Ending versus Sad Ending
Note: I did plan to publish this post in conjunction with the last day of Run On Week when I came up with the idea for this post but I never thought this post would eventually be this long so I’m not going to ruin it for everyone 😂🙈
Previously, I’ve touched on the main theme of DanHwa’s storyline - goals & dreams.
Before I continue, I wish to extend my heartiest gratitude to @belsmultifandommess for taking my gif requests specifically so I could include them in this post ❤❤❤ You can click on “GIF by belsmultifandommess” to view the full sets from which the gifs I’ve included in this post were sourced. If you haven’t already, give some love to those beautiful gifsets.
This is going to be one hell of a long post so hydrate yourselves, get some snacks, prepare a box of tissues if you are a softie like me, and buckle up.
Previously in my series of write up on DanHwa storyline...
About Seo Dan Ah
Seo Dan Ah, Her Little Brother Seo Tae Woong, and A Planned Coup in Seomyung Group
Goals & Dreams - The Main Premise in the Live of Seo “Rapunzel” Dan Ah
Goals & Dreams - I Need You to Cooperate with Me
I have to be honest. The finale left me with so much feelings that made me struggle to understand how DanHwa’s storyline was concluded. There have been various takes on the conclusion of their storyline and I cannot totally disregard each of them because they do make sense in a way.
After seeing the preview for the finale, I did pose a question whether Young Hwa would agree to cooperate with Dan Ah’s potential goal to stop seeing each other, while still holding on to his dream of not breaking up with her.
As I was starting the finale, I saw the episode description on Netflix and giggled at how the storyline of DanHwa was described.
Mi-joo’s work gets a director noticed overseas. Yeong-hwa and Dan-ah achieve their own goals. Seon-gyeom officially becomes a sports agent.
Earlier, I did a write up about how Dan Ah was plotting a coup in Seomyung Group. Later in the finale, it was revealed that all along, she had been waiting for her father to pass away so she could take back what’s rightfully hers. I stand corrected. Dan Ah sweetie, I should have thought better than slandering you 🥺
True enough, she needed Tae Woong’s support in the coup, but she didn’t say the situation might call for him to turn against her because she wanted him to come clean about his paternity, but she said it because she knew how the bastard ‘older’ brother would blackmail Tae Woong into voting for him for the position of the successor in Seomyung Group by abusing his power and influence in Seomyung Group. I bet he was the one who started the rumour about Tae Woong’s paternity in order to control Tae Woong.
However, Dan Ah needed Tae Woong’s support as one of the major shareholders so that she could obtain enough support to be in a position of power in Seomyung Group. And thanks to his support, Dan Ah was promoted as the youngest Vice President of Seomyung Group. Yes, she was not yet wielding the power as the Chairwoman of Seomyung Group, but being a Vice President of Seomyung Group was itself a shorter-term goal, or a milestone towards achieving her dream of taking back what’s hers - her title as the rightful heiress of Seomyung Group.
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Just like what Young Hwa - bless his young, optimistic yet immature self - told Dan Ah when she first came to his college after he kept crossing the line; if a dream seemed impossible to be achieved, focus instead on shorter-term goals while working towards chasing that dream.
By the way when I think of it, it was never made clear if the ‘older’ bastard son was appointed as President of Seomyung Group. Imagine if he was, because it wouldn’t be surprising, but he could never have things done his way because Dan Ah would keep having his ass handed to him by convincing the board room just how stupid his ways were.
Anyways, the way the story of DanHwa was concluded could be open to various interpretation, and I now believe it was intentionally done so. Why?
Exhibit 1
Young Hwa telling Dan Ah that his new goal was to watch her from a distance neither too far that he could not see her, nor too close that his field of vision would be blocked, so that he could always see her wherever he was.
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He did so by asking her to just stay where she was. Of course the moment he said it, my alarms were buzzing because of how the story had compared her to Rapunzel living in a castle.
It was when Young Hwa looked “Seo Dan Ah” up on the internet when he later realised that he had forgotten how Dan Ah had been living in a castle that a peasant like him could never even dream of entering, since she was Rapunzel.
Exhibit 2
When Young Hwa and Dan Ah finally met again in front of his painting at the gallery, Dan Ah said that she was going to make that day to be her real birthday, before Young Hwa was finally able to wish her happy birthday.
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These lines did seem rather out of place, but when I think more about it, it was Dan Ah cooperating with Young Hwa’s goal for both of them to celebrate her real birthday together.
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This was in contrast to when she said her birthday was far away. This to me, seemed like both a literal and figurative remark.
In the literal sense, she was not sure at that point in time if they could still see each other when the day would eventually come.
Whereas in the figurative sense, celebrating her real birthday would symbolise a celebration of her successfully claiming her rightful title as the heiress of Seomyung Group - which seemed like a stretch to her at that time because she didn’t know about her father’s health condition.
But when they finally met again, she realised that there was someone who cherished her and kept her inside his radiant heart. And this person wanted to celebrate her real birthday with her because her being born was a miracle (just as other birth), because she was healthy, and because she was seeing him.
And he wanted to celebrate her real birthday with her as a way of expressing his gratitude to the heaven for all of these.
But ultimately, Young Hwa wanted to celebrate Dan Ah’s real birthday with her to get her heart in return.
And when Dan Ah decided to make the day they finally met again as her real birthday, it was symbolic that instead of obsessing over her dream of getting back her rightful title as the heiress of Seomyung Group which might require her staying in her castle, she finally gave her heart to Young Hwa, even though she was desperate to keep her heart intact due to her health condition. Maybe it’s just me but I think it’s poetic in a way.
And when she made the decision, it was symbolic to her accepting living with a fake birthday as long as someone truly cherishes her, because it may be fake, but her feeling was otherwise as real as it gets.
Exhibit 3
When the four besties met up and discussed about endings, Young Hwa told the group that his happy ending would be living well, giving birth to children like a rabbit with the person he loved (no joke that’s exactly what he said in Korean, hence the look of disgust on Dan Ah’s face).
And when he asked Dan Ah about what she wanted as her happy ending, he also asked if they could share the same happy ending, claiming their love would last forever (ah, the pure innocence of first loves).
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Dan Ah then argued that she even faked a coming out to her family specifically because she did not want to get married, so sharing the same happy ending with Young Hwa like what he imagined would totally be out of the question.
Exhibit 4
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DanHwa official Before poster
I’m sure many of us didn’t see this poster before the drama started airing. To be completely honest, I was not anticipating for this drama to air. There I was, minding my own business, when I saw gifs and screencaps from this drama’s first 2 episodes suddenly showing up on my dash. And then I read the usual caption spam by @dangermousie​ for those episodes and those caption spam actually piqued my interest.
You could see a sense of giddiness in this poster, as if they were playing a game of cat and mouse with each other. For those of you who don’t read hangul, the lines highlighted in this poster read as below:
“Don’t keep crossing the line.”
“But you came to see me because I crossed the line.”
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DanHwa official After poster
And on the day the finale aired, JTBC released this official After poster. In this poster, both of them were portrayed to be lost in their own thoughts, no longer giddy and teasing each other.
Again, for those of you who don’t read hangul, there was only one line highlighted in this poster which reads:
“Don’t get sick, my first love.”
Special shoutout to @its-chelisey-stuff for highlighting the differences in these two posters in a post of its own.
Exhibit 5
After everything was said and done, the two of them kept hanging out together and seeing each other. They even went as each other’s plus one to the premier of Yook Ji Woo’s movie, Killing Day. And it was a public setting where people could gossip about them going together too, so it was clear she was not bothered by the possibility of people gossiping about it.
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So with these 5 exhibits, it was clear that the drama was intentionally sending us viewers mixed signals about the conclusion of the story of DanHwa. But what exactly should we take from this intention?
Now, let’s talk about Young Hwa. Our precious little crybaby goof ball. We’ve seen lots of movies (or Young Hwa (영화), geddit??) with happy endings. Some gave us sad endings, but those sad endings were not unrealistic.
Throughout the drama, we could see the growth of both Dan Ah and Young Hwa since they first met each other.
In the beginning, Young Hwa told Dan Ah that he was too busy with what was in front of him (life of a college student coming from a small town in the rural area) that he never got to have a dream. When he finally had one, i.e., to not break up with Dan Ah, he gave her the assurance that he would make that dream comes true. He even tried delaying their breakup as soon as he realised that she would be breaking up with him. Not breaking up with Dan Ah was Young Hwa’s first dream ever, but he eventually learnt how hard it was to chase his dream.
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But going back to the episode description, why did Netflix say that both Young Hwa and Dan Ah achieved their own goals? I’ve argued earlier in this post how Dan Ah’s appointment as the youngest Vice President of Seomyung Group could fit in this narrative. Young Hwa’s goal to keep watching Dan Ah from a distance neither too far nor too close could arguably fit in this narrative too.
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I know, I know, the irony of me spending so much time thinking and talking about the ending is clear to me. But to me, the whole story of DanHwa was cleverly concluded. If we go back to episode 7, Dan Ah expressed her regret that she let go of her dream to play professional soccer (I much prefer the word ‘football’ but Koreans use the word ‘soccer’ so I’m sticking to it for consistency purpose) so easily and that she was still looking forward to having chances to kick the ball every now and then.
Later on, Dan Ah disclosed to Young Hwa how desperate she was to make time for her to go running to him despite time being of utmost importance to her, and how she desperately wanted to grab onto the little time she managed to make to be with him.
We also saw how despite being so desperate, she had initially tried to resist her urges to just run to him. Because to her, she could not afford to be distracted from running towards her dream. But she eventually ran towards him and gave in to her feeling nonetheless, albeit timing herself so she wouldn’t forget about her dream altogether.
I personally believe that their relationship would keep on going the same way it had been going - them chasing after their own individual goals, them cooperating with each other to make sure their individual goals would be achieved, Young Hwa keeping Dan Ah deep inside his heart with more subtlety just like how his painting evolved from a big drawing of Dan Ah to the silhouette of Dan Ah hiding in his painting which was displayed in Seomyung Art Gallery, while Dan Ah grabbing onto what little opportunity she would have to spend her time with Young Hwa, even if it was only for a short, sweet moment.
They might live the rest of their lives together, or they might not. But what Run On managed to tell me is we should not be too obsessed with our endings which may or may not be far away from us. Instead, we should focus on what’s right in front of us.
Instead of obsessing over our dreams and happy endings which may demotivate us if we keep stumbling onto boulders while chasing our dreams and happy endings, we should focus on shorter-term goals. Because who knows what great opportunities and sweet moments are standing right in front of us, waiting to be grabbed, if only we allow ourselves to cherish them and in return, being cherished ourselves.
And that to me, is the biggest takeaway from the story of DanHwa.
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MHA Headcanon: Being Apart of Both The Baku + Deku Squads
(Description: Wow! I’m so happy with the amount of praise my FatGum fic has gotten! I cannot thank you guys enough for over 100 likes/reblogs, you all mean the world to me. This idea struck me in the dead of the night and I just had to write it down. Love you!)
Requester: No One!
Reader Gender: Gender Neutral (They/Them)
Style of Story: Headcanon(s) // Just some funny ideas I had. Nothing extremely romantic about this one, unless you count Denki’s insatiable flirting attempts as romance!
Word Count: 2.7K Words
WARNING(s): None, just a few cuss words here and there.
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You were more than likely an OG of this group (with Deku, Uraraka, and Iida alongside you) and became fast friends on the first day of school together
You went to class early on the first day at UA (which was unusual for you since sleep is high on your priority list), but you wanted to make a good impression on the staff and meet potential new friends or allies in your career
You got there before most, sat in your designated seat, and people watched the unfamiliar faces in the classroom, trying to get a feel of the energy the kids presented. Not long after you sat down did a scene already break out between a stiff, but kind-looking bluenette who shouted orders at an aggressive blonde with spiky hair. They bickered for a bit, it was eventually calmed down by the teacher, but you noticed a few people at the doorway having a conversation
A brown haired girl and a green haired boy who looked like he was about to die from blushing too hard were standing near the door with the bluenette from earlier. They were all smiling so wide and all had such different personalities that it made you smile, deciphering in your head that there was no way you were leaving this school today without saying ‘hi’ them
Eventually, over the course of the school day (before the whole incident with the fake expulsion) you introduced yourself to the three, and you being the sweet cutie you are, were quickly accepted into the trio as one of them
And the rest is pretty much history! All of you became besties from that point on, dragging Tsu, Momo, and a reluctant Todoroki (at first) into the whirlwind that is your friend group!
What Do They Think Of You Personally
Deku: You’re one of his best friends, he can trust you with pretty much anything. He even considers telling you about One For All once, but sadly that is too big of a secret to tell (for now), but he’ll tell you basically anything else! Learning about your quirk, your goals and dreams, and just plain talking with you always puts him at ease. You help him with his life problems and stressors, even when he’s mumbling away and overthinking you give him a moment to let him get all of his thoughts out instead of interrupting him. He hopes to be heroes with you to the very end, never forget that!
Uraraka: She absolutely adores you! Smart, funny, sweet, you’re the whole package. You’re trustworthy and the drive you have in life keeps her motivated to be a hero with you. You help each other out, she values this friendship more than some others. She feels she can go to you for anything, she only hopes that you feel the same way with her because she has no doubt in her mind that she will go to hell and back for you.
Iida: For awhile he didn’t understand why Midoriya and Uraraka liked you so much. Don’t get me wrong, he found you fun to hang out with and nice, but he never really saw why they blindly trusted you. That is, until you came to visit Izuku, Shoto, and him in the hospital the weekend after the Hosu/Stain (but you don’t know about the villain) incident. You wished for them to get better, gave each of them a handwritten card and baked goods before leaving to get back to UA, parting with a wide smile and hugs for them all. He finally fully sees your kind nature and the open honesty you give to everyone, and is ready to be a hero with you for as long as you deem necessary. The kindness you gave him that day affected him more than you will ever know, as you helped him see past his plot of revenge and strive to be a hero not to hurt others but to change the world so tragedies like this never happen again.
Tsu: She noticed early on how you always brighten a room whenever you’re there, so she (along with many others) were drawn to that warmth. She appreciates your understanding and forgiving attitude, she feels like she doesn’t have to hide or be ashamed of who she is around you. The USJ incident really made her think about how precious life is and how quickly it can be taken away, so she is grateful that someone as generous as you decided to be friends with her and the rest of the DekuSquad.
Todoroki: Apprehensive of you at first (like he was with everyone), but after you showed your loyalty and dedication to not your work but your friendships, he wants to get to know you better. It’ll take awhile to get past his cold exterior, but if you stay he’ll consider you one of his greatest allies. Plus, you can teach him how to open up to others and learn to love again, who wouldn’t want to help Shoto?
Momo: She knows she’s smart so she’s more than happy to help you with school work (if you need it, that is). The first time she knew she could fully trust you is when Mineta was perving about her hero uniform and tried to inappropriately touch her, but you grabbed and punted him at least 50 yards into the distance while screaming, “Women's rights, perv!” and ever since that day you’ve been her knight in shining armour. She always thinks about inviting you as her guest first when she has to attend fancy dinners/parties with her parents. She appreciates all your help with protecting her and the other girls in Class 1-A, but also a great friend. If you ever need anything, she’ll be there first to help!
Hanging Out / Having Fun / Random Things
Group. Study. SESSIONS! Seriously. You have some of the smartest people in Class 1-A in the DekuSquad with you, if you don't use that knowledge to your benefit, I’ma slap you. They’re always willing to help one another out, no matter how immense the problem.
Mario Kart, Apples to Apples, even Hide-And-Seek (in and outside the dorms), everything is on the table for Group Game Night (and, yes, Group Game Night is a weekly event)
You train with Deku, Todoroki, and even Uraraka sometimes on the weekends and HOE BOI, you haven’t felt true envy until you jokingly test to see if a cutsie green-haired 16 year old can bench your entire body and feel your soul die as he actually lifts you up and over his head with ease
Your noodle arms could never. You just want to be sTRONG!!! (I feel that)
You cannot make a self deprecating joke in front of them. Ever. Even if you THINK about making one, you will be sat down on a comfy chair, given a glass of milk and a cookie, and counseled on your emotions and well being until the dorm’s curfew
They just love and care about you. Why can’t you see yourself the way they do? (K, I made myself cry with that one.)
Anyways, it’s wholesome, cinnamon roll energy 24/7. Finally, the serotonin we all need.
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You’re a little late getting into the BakuSquad, but you get there eventually!
You, Mina, and Kirishima are paired up for a group project in the middle of the year. Sad that you can’t be with your normal friend group in this project, you try to look on the bright side and enjoy their company.
You three end up having way too much fun. Opting to, instead of doing the homework, end up playing video games with Kirishima, Mina, and a flirty blonde named Kaminari, hanging upside down on the ceiling with the smiley blacknette, Sero, pretending to be “Spiderman” while relaxing with the spunky Jiro, and eventually getting caught by the angry blonde from the first day of school named Bakugou, who forces the three of you to sit down and finally get the work done before it was too late, but even that was fun!
Later that weekend, you all plan to meet up at the mall (Bakugou being dragged along by Kirishima) and hang. You ended up running around the different floors laughing like maniacs, getting way too many sugar highs from eating too much candy, somehow end up in a Taco Bell parking lot at 1AM screaming “Bohemian Rhapsody” to the moon while drinking Baja Blasts together, and having to sneak back into the dorms carrying a derpy Kaminari carefully inside because he blew out his power trying to impress you with a flirty pickup line.
You stumbled into your dorm after hearing a quick, “Night, (Y/N)!” from Kirishima since he had kindly walked you to your room to make sure you got back okay, and took a deep breath in while leaning against the door. You walked to your bathroom mirror and looked at your frizzled hair, colorful stained lips from the candy you’d eaten, the empty Baja Blast cup in your hand that you had used as a microphone, and smiled. You have got to stay friends with these idiots.
And that you did, the crazy BakuSquad has a new member!
What Do They Think Of You Personally
Bakugou: I’ll just say this, it takes guts to befriend a person like him, and he knows it, so he pretends to hate you and your determination to stay by his side (as he does with most people) for the LONGEST time. It takes him years to show you his softer sides, but when he does break down those barriers for you it’s well worth the wait. After that, he trusts you with his life, and him with yours. He hates to admit it because he has seen the crazy in you around the others, but you are caring and would take all the time in the world to listen to his or anyone else's problems. He knows you’ve seen the tough things in life and he respects you for it. You’ll be a strong hero, just not better than him!
Kirishima: Honestly after meeting the BakuSquad and now you, his self esteem has never been higher! He was struggling for the longest time with self doubt but after befriending all of you he knows that he finally has a place in this world and people who care about him for more than his quirk. You give him an even bigger reason to keep striving to be a hero, if he can meet amazing people like you in his career path then he never wants to leave. He sees that project as one of the best things that has ever come out of school!
Denki: Definitely tries (and fails miserably) to score a date with you an ungodly amount of times. He can’t help it, you’re so pretty and nice and if you were his significant other he’d be over the moon. If you’re not comfortable with his flirting, he will eventually lay off, but that won’t stop him from daydreaming of being with you. Fate or not, meeting you feels like a dream, and with you being kind to literally everyone around you, it would have been impossible for him to resist being friends with you either way. He loves you and admires your strength as a hero, you’re both gonna go far together.
Mina: She feels that getting paired together for that project was destiny in the works! You make everyone so happy and she feels blessed that she can help you learn how to let loose and go with the flow. You two have an infinite amount of gossip supply, the tea is never not hot or empty. You both have some righteous dirt (but you’re both nice enough to not cause chaos within UA, so it stays on the ground).
Sero: The life the BakuSquad gained from you joining is indescribable. You are like the cool parental figure who turned into a thrill junkie, and seeing that transformation was absolutely hilarious. He enjoys your company, where the room can be filled with noise or dead silent but still be comfortable, he lives to find those people. Plus, being non-judgmental means that he’ll open up to you about more than what others see. 10/10, you two vibe together.
Jiro: Best buddies. You fight alongside her in defending the women of UA from pervs, so that is already a huge gain. She loves sharing her music taste with you and you with her, you’ve opened up her tastes far more than she ever imagined (because of you she listens to the catcher pop songs more now than just straight punk 24/7, good for you!) Your opinion is one of the few she won’t brush off, so she’ll listen to what you have to say too.
Hanging Out / Having Fun / Random Things
The chaotic, feral energy you guys have is something else, my dude. Just thinking about it gives me shivers (I pray for Aizawa sometimes).
Intense battles of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, Just Dance, and Cards Against Humanity every weekend (Bakugou always wins because he gets all the nastiest/funniest cards)
Who you are with the DekuSquad (calm, careful, collected) gets YEETED away when the BakuSquad comes into play. You go batshit, and it feels good! Like, you’re still kind and caring, but you add a dash of crazy in there when Kaminari starts bumping the Crazy Frog song, so you finally decide it’s okay to let loose with them. It’s a full on identity crisis if I’ve ever seen one.
But don’t be mistaken, if ever someone in the squad needs help or is hurt in any way, you’re all over it. You’ll counsel, hug, and/or kill whoever you need to make sure your friends are okay (and vice-versa with everyone else too)
You sometimes train with Bakugou and Kirishima after school. It’s tough, so you don’t do it often, but when you do you never leave feeling you could have put in more effort. Bakugou’s taunts and Kiri’s encouraging words always compel you to give more and more, to the point of you feeling like passing out at the end.
Weird side note: Bakugou’s parents love all of you like you’re their own kids??? IDK why, but I have a feeling if he ever brought the BakuSquad (+ you) home to hang and meet his parents, they would fall in love and adopt you guys faster than Katsuki can say “DIEEE!”
~ ~
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Both Groups Together
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What Do They Think Of You Being In Both Groups
DekuSquad: They don’t care at all. You’re allowed to be friends with whoever you want. True, they’ll be sad when they make plans together but you can’t make it because you’ve already planned to hang with the BakuSquad and get nervous when they see your Snapchat story update that Denki got himself stuck in a trashcan trying to impress you, but that’s okay! They’ll just let you know if anything important or hilarious happens when you're gone! All in all, it’s great.
BakuSquad: They pretty much feel the same as the DekuSquad, who are they to choose who you associate yourself with, but Bakugou is still pissed to this day that you cannot/will not pick a “side”. He honestly sees it as a test, if he can make you officially be in the BakuSquad and not hang out with those “extras” anymore, then he beats Deku in yet another thing. He’ll eventually come to terms with the fact that your friendships and feelings aren’t a game, but he’ll still keep it a personal goal to try and make his group more enjoyable to be around so you potentially be on only his side. The rest of them don’t view you as property to be owned, your life is your life!
Both Hanging Out: Getting Bakugou to chill with “losers” who aren’t his own team is extremely difficult. He doesn’t play nice with others, even sometimes his own squad! But everyone else enjoys the opposite squad’s vibe, so if you guys wanted to have a group movie night or just a massive hang out, everyone would be down! Get ready for countless nights of gossiping with the girls and playing pranks on other students with the boys (and maybe running away from a furious Aizawa)!
~ THE END! ~
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bssaz97 · 4 years
Alternate RWBY Volume 6 Chapter 1
“Reunion” Day -May 28, 2020
*Mistral Central Station*
Sun: “Thanks for coming to pick me up man, gotta tell you I have a lot to tell you, Scarlet and Sage about these past few months. You won’t believe what’s been going on!”
Neptune: “I can imagine, although I still can’t believe you helped in the arrest of an entire White Fang faction.”
Sun: “Yeah I am pretty great, but that was mostly all Blake.”
Neptune: “WOW! You’re humble too now! Guess a lot has happened since you leeeeee....” *trails off as his eyes focus off elsewhere*
About five gates away from them, Neptune saw the familiar group of huntsmen and huntresses from before the Fall of Beacon. Although the one person he had his eyes on was the the only person with white hair that he knows of.....Weiss Schnee. The last time Neptune had seen her was when she told him that they could no longer be together as she had to return home to Atlas with her Father. He caught on quickly that the decision was entirely her Dad’s and not Weiss’ own, but she denied his claim and said some.... hurtful things that caused him to leave that final day they saw each other at Beacon. How much Neptune regretted his past action for allowing himself to be so easily sent away.
Neptune impulsively started to walk towards her but quickly stops himself. At this time he started to realize that he had no plan of action, he had no idea what he wanted to say to her. That was a lie, he knew fully well what he wanted to say to her but he found himself unsure about his standing with her now. Did she still want to see him? Had she truly meant when she said to him that she wanted nothing to do with a “womanizing, self loving, gold digging flirt.” Those were her words not his own, but they those weren’t the one’s that caused him to walk away that day. The words she said hurt far too deep.
“You actually think I dated you because I liked you. No... I used you. I only dated you because seemed easy enough to buy the fact that any pretty girl wouldn’t pass up the chance to date a pretty boy like you. I only did so because I wanted to know what I could gain from you. Turns out you weren’t even worth my time....”
Those words have been stuck on his head since they first came out of her mouth. They cut deep and hurt his pride but most of all it broke his heart. Neptune remembered that he wanted to forget all about her and her snobby face, but he never did. Even though they had been together for only a short time, Weiss was unlike any other girl he had ever met. It wasn’t just because of her looks or her money or even grades... although those were great too. No, most of all it was the small things he noticed were different about her from other girls. Her dedication to her team was admirable, her willingness to learn about new things despite claiming they were trivial and her laugh was like that of an little child who has been hiding for a long time.
As months went by he had realized just how much Neptune had missed Weiss. He wanted nothing more than to buy a ticket to Atlas and march right up to Weiss’ family mansion to confess his feelings for her and how much he wanted her in his life again. But of course with Atlas closing itself off from the rest of the world that was all but impossible. Many of his previous exes had attempted to rekindle old flames but he knew that what he had with Weiss couldn’t be replaced, even if he didn’t show it. It was actually why he had attempted to flirt with that Faunus girl, to try to make it seem like he was the same dashing intellectual he was back then, as embarrassing it was to find out about her orientation not long afterwards. Not his finest five minutes of his life. In reality he knew it was wrong to try and cover up his broken spirit but he wanted to talk about that later when they were back at Shade Academy. That is until he saw Weiss again....
Sun: *gripping his shoulder* “Nep, I know that face. You should try to go talk with her.”
Neptune: “I..... actually you know what, I forgot something at the gate I should go get it!”
Sun: “Hold up!” *tugs at Neptune’s back collar*
Neptune: “Sun! Don’t do that! It ruins the collar!”
Sun: “Why are trying chicken out?” *lets go of his partner*
Neptune: “Chicken? Actually you know what, food! I should get us food!” *attempts again to run away*
Sun: “Stop trying nerd.” *grabs Neptune’s tie now*
Neptune: “Gah! Sun! Choking!”
Sun: “You gonna wuss out again?”
Neptune: “Ok I give! I give!”
Sun: “Cool.” *lets go*
Neptune: “‘Gasp!’ You really need to watch how hard you pull.”
Sun: “It’s been awhile and it’s been pretty tense. Now why don’t you wanna go talk to Weiss?”
Neptune: “I don’t know. I’m just... worried. What if she’s moved on already? What if she really doesn’t want to see me anymore? What if she’s already with someone else?!”
Sun: “Like who? Jaune?”
Neptune: “Is he?”
Sun: “As far as I know no. Although I’ll admit, he has gotten pretty jacked since Beacon.”
Neptune: “How much so?”
Sun: *points to where Jaune was standing*
Neptune: *follows Sun’s finger* “Oh Gods he’s hot now!”
Sun: “Eh, he may have gotten a bit more muscle but I don’t think he’s using that to catch any eyes. Not that he knows how to use it mind you.”
Neptune: “Sun! Don’t you see! He’s blonde, tall and jacked, he’s as close to real life Fabio as you can get!”
Sun: *deadpans*
Neptune: “Listen you don’t count your eyes are on Blake not Weiss.”
Sun: “Dude would you stop trying to talk yourself out of this. She’s right over there! In front of you, seize the moment!”
Neptune: “I...I can’t. I’m... I’m brave like you are.”
Sun: “Dude! Being brave ain’t got nothing to do with it! It’s about showing her the real you!” *pokes his finger at Neptune’s heart*
Neptune: “...But what if-?”
Sun: “Look, look, look! Enough of the what ifs. Ask yourself, do you like her still?”
Neptune: “Yes. But-!”
Sun: “Do you wanna see her?”
Neptune: “Yes.”
Sun: “You wanna make things right?!”
Neptune: “Yes!”
Sun: “Then go get her! Because the trains almost here.”
Neptune: “What?” *turns to see that the train was fast approaching the train station in the distance*
Neptune: “Gods damnit Sun!” *starts running*
Sun: “Good luck Buddy!”
Ruby: “Look everyone! The train’s almost here!”
Weiss: “Well we should be off then.” *getting up from her seat*
Neptune: “Weiss!”
Weiss frozed on the spot as she clearly heard a voice she hadn’t in a long time. She looks to towards the sound of the voice and sees a fast approaching Neptune. Brothers, why did she not anticipate the chance that Neptune was going to be here! She should have prepared for this, she wasn’t ready to face him yet. Not after what occurred during their last time seeing each other went.
Weiss: “We should hurry! The train will be here soon!”
Ruby: “Don’t you wanna say hi to Neptune?”
Weiss: “I...”
Neptune: “Weiss!” *he stopped right next to the group*
Weiss: *looked at him for a moment and looked down quickly*
Neptune: “Weiss listen I-.”
Weiss: “Everyone. Could you please go wait at the gate, I’ll be there as soon as I can. There’s something Neptune and I need to discuss.”
Ruby: *looks between the two of them then smiles* “Ohhh read you loud and clear bestie. Come on gang, lets go wait in line.”
With that most of the group minus Weiss and Neptune have made their ways towards the growing line of people entering the train. With short time they have before the train departs, they would only have a short talk before the train would depart.
Weiss: “Neptune I-.”
Neptune: “Hold on Weiss. Before you say anything there’s something I’ve been holding onto for a long time and I just need to say it now.... is that ok?”
Weiss: ..... *nods*
Neptune: “Ok.... I missed have missed you so much! I don’t think words can truly express how much these last few months have been filled with nothing but thoughts about you and how much you mean to me. I know people say that I’m a flirt, a skirt chaser and I’ll admit I hadn’t been the most forthcoming boyfriend back at Beacon. You deserved so much better than that and more, and I let my pride, my need to be noticed get in the way of figuring that out. There’s so many things I would do differently if I had the chance to and I want to still take that chance. But most of all, my feelings for you haven’t lessened in fact they’ve grown and I will do anything to prove that to you. So if you would please-!”
Weiss: “Why do still want to waste your time on me.”
Neptune: “...what?”
Weiss: *trembling* “After everything I said to you... after everything I called you... basically telling you in your face that you were nothing... and you still want me.” *she started to sniffing and her face becoming lightly red, but not in anger but from sadness*
Neptune: “Weiss...?”
Weiss: “Your wrong Neptune! ‘Sniff!’ It’s me who doesn’t deserve you! I-I only said those things to you because... I didn’t want to waste your time on a girl who you could never be with, *tremble* a girl that’s too broken to even fight for something that she wants. ‘Sniff’ I didn’t want to burden you with a girlfriend that you might never see again so I let you go. My Father would have never let us be together and not just you but everyone! He told me that it was either you all or the company, that I couldn’t have both.... and I listened to him.”
Neptune was stunned, he figured things were bad with her father from what how little she mentioned them but he didn’t know it was this bad.
Weiss: “I-I should go the train will be leaving soon. I hope we can still be friends. But that might be too kind of you.” *begins walking away before feeling being stopped by her shoulder*
Weiss: *She frozed again when he pulled her into a hug*
Neptune: “You are not a waste of time. You have been such a blessing in my life, in everyone else’s. I can’t imagine how hard that must have been for you to make a choice like that and I’m sorry that you had to make it.”
Weiss: “How could you forgive me so easily? I gave you up for something I ended up losing anyway.”
Neptune: “You didn’t lose me Weiss, even if you stabbed me with Myrtenaster I wouldn’t have let that stopped me.”
The two separated and looked into each other’s eyes. Neptune lifted up his tie with one of his hands and started wiping away any of Weiss’ remaining tears. This of course caused her to laugh as she found the act extremely silly but sweet. Brothers how he missed her laugh.
Neptune: “You ok?”
Weiss: “Yes, I think I’m good now. Thank you.”
Neptune: “Anytime Snow Angel.”
Weiss: “Oh gods I forgot how much I hated that name back then.” *she giggled and face palmed*
Neptune: “Sorry is that Jaune’s thing?”
Weiss: “How did-?”
Neptune: “I heard from Sun awhile ago he used to call you that when he tried to ask you out. Is it weird?”
Weiss: “No it’s fine. It’s nostalgic actually.”
Neptune: “Geeat, because I was really trying to figure out a better nickname but man is that one hard to beat.”
Weiss: *looks over to see the others have already entered the train* “Apparently that will have to wait awhile. I must be getting going.”
Neptune: “Yeah you should go now before it leaves!” *he urges*
Weiss goes to leaves but stops, she turns around then jumps to wrap her arms around Neptune’s neck and gives him a chaste kiss on the lips then let’s go to start running towards the train.
Weiss: “Goodbye Neptune, I hope to see you in Vacuo next time we meet!” *she yells from the train door while waving*
Neptune: “Yeah... Yeah! I’ll bring you flowers and we can get ice cream!” *he waved back*
They watched each other from a pane of glass as the train departed from the station. Soon enough they were separated once again but in better circumstances then last time.
Sun: *walking up* “...Ice cream? In Vacuo?”
Neptune: “.....Aw gods damnit!”
- Fin -
A bit late to the party but I hope you all enjoy! This is not intended to trash the episode this story is based on by any means, just trying to explore what if you know. Iceberg is valid! Also don’t hate me if i made Weiss seem unlikeable at the start. We all know Jaqcues would tell her to do something like this.
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neshabeingchildish · 5 years
Hello Stranger.
A few different things went into the creation of this fic. One was a request: “A story 10 years in the future. Henry has not seen or communicated with Charlotte in years. His best friend, Jasper sets him up on a blind date with an old friend.” Another was a chat with the fandom bestie about various ideas we both have the mind for but not necessarily the time for. But, what really made me definitely go for it/make the time for this one was me rewatching Moonlight and remembering the classic goodie that is Hello Stranger by Barbara Lewis. It’s not very long and I don’t have the time to make it longer, so hopefully, it’s enjoyable.
Hello Stranger.
Jasper knocked on Henry’s door and wondered, “Are you cancelling the date?” 
Henry was literally in his boxers with a bowl of Frittles and about to turn on the Dog Judge marathon on the classics channel. “Ohhh… Yeah… I guess, I am!” He reached for his phone to text Jasper’s friend, but Jasper snatched the phone and texted instead, So sorry! Running late. Will definitely be there. “There! She’s expecting you to be a little late. Let’s get you dressed, now!” He took the bowl, much to Henry’s dismay and pulled him up by the wrists.
“Dude, just because you just got engaged doesn’t mean I need to go on a date!”
“No, it doesn’t. But, you’re certainly not gonna cancel a surprise date that I worked my butt off to arrange for you to sit in your underwear eating chips!”
“Some people would kill to have that option…” Henry complained. Jasper was hearing none of it. This was probably the best date that Henry would ever have. He had been sinking more and more into his work and becoming numb in every other area of his life. He barely noticed when Jasper stopped coming home, when Jasper fell in love, and when Jasper got around to being so involved with his partner that he was now engaged and getting ready to plan the rest of his life. He hardly even seemed to care when Jasper told him. He’d simply said, “Okay, well, I can move into the gift shop. That office in the back has room for a little bed.”
No! Jasper didn’t want to see his best friend die, a sad, lonely old man, or worse… Be a soulless manbaby like Ray Manchester. He wanted to see him happy and in love, or at least among a friend or two. It couldn’t be Jasper, right now. He would do what he could, but planning a wedding, contemplating children, and selecting a family dog were all his top priorities for now… If only he could get his worries off of Henry’s lack of a social life. So, he set him up on a blind date with an old friend and wanted it to be a surprise to the both of them.
His plan - to get them there to meet up and then voila! Seeing each other should do the rest. But, he didn’t want too much anticipation, so he just referred to them as “A friend that I think you’d like,” and gave them contact numbers and got them to text what they would be wearing. Now, Henry was so disinterested in this date that he forgot it was even happening; nevermind what she was supposed to be wearing! But, Jasper searched the text and found Henry’s outfit to fit the description… But it was “like a flannel shirt or plaid or something and jeans and boots.” Jasper rolled his eyes. 
But her response had been, “Okay. Sounds casual. Then, I’ll have maybe a floral blouse and khaki shorts. I’ll throw a flower in my hair in case the place is riddled with cutiepies in khaki.”
Jasper wiped his face, “It’s like neither of them even want to do this.”
Charlotte was already at the bar, with a virgin drink in a coconut. If Jasper’s little friend was gonna be all casual and stuff, she decided on a pretty casual place, but one with great ambience that wasn’t too far from her house, in case he was a loser. He was friends with Jasper, so… She chuckled and shook her head. That wasn’t nice. Besides, you dated him! But, that was ages ago. She and Jasper. And, it was honestly unexpected and probably just a move of convenience. They’d just gotten so close being in the background of all of Kid Danger’s things… She smiled to herself. Kid Danger. Henry Hart… Now, what the heck was HE up to?
She wondered if he’d kept in touch with Jasper. He certainly hadn’t kept in touch with her. She hadn’t seen or spoken to Henry in 10 years, despite all of those “friends always” declarations they’d made over the years as friends. It was surprising to her, but she got it. The guy was a superhero. Keeping in touch couldn’t be easy. She wasn’t even a hero and even keeping in touch with Jasper had been difficult for her, especially in the past few years. Engaged??? That was bonkers to her. He was probably still a great guy and all, but that somebody was ready to marry him forever… That was… Incredible. 
“Charlotte Page?” She heard a voice say and she turned and SPEAK of the Devil!
“Henry Hart?” her face brightened and she smiled and said, “Wow! HI! Good to see you!” She reached for a hug. “What are you doing here?” She asked. Then, she winced a little. It’s a bar and grill. He’s probably here for dinner, ya gunch!
Well, he didn’t want to say that he was meeting a date. In fact… Now, he didn’t want to meet his date! In fact… He had to cancel that date and Jasper would just have to be mad at him later. Charlotte obviously noticed his hesitation and filled in the space with her own plans, “I’m uh… I’m meeting someone for dinner, but I think he’s running late, if you wanna try to catch up for a bit?”
“Yeah. I do. I’d love that. I’ve just gotta run to the bathroom and wash my hands, then I’ll be right back to see what the ever-beautiful Charlotte Page is up to these days.” Henry rushed off and she smiled at his retreating back, noticing that he was in plaid and jeans. Wait… She took her phone out to check the text, because that was pretty much what her Jasper date was supposed to be wearing, and that would be quite the coincidence if… Hey. It’s Jasper’s friend. So sorry. Something really important came up and I can’t make it. Hopefully you have a great night though. She looked suspicious. More and more, this was looking like… She saw Henry returning, and tossed her phone into her bag and tried not to drool over him. 
He looked good. Like really good. And… his plaid was gone. Why was his shit gone? He just had on a t-shirt now. “Spilled water on myself, like an idiot and had to ditch my shirt,” he said. 
She laughed at that. “How do you spill water on yourself washing your hands?”
“I actually remembered that I had to wash my face too and also brush my teeth…”
“How and why would you even leave your home without doing that?” She asked, pretty disgusted.
“Enough about me! What’s up with you? You look good. You said that you’re meeting somebody?”
“Yeah. Well, not anymore. My schedule has freed, so - you wanna be my date tonight?” As soon as it came forth from her lips, she regretted it and tried to correct herself, “Not like date, but you know, like a date, an old friend date or whatever… Not… It doesn’t have to be a date, but…”
“I’d love to be your date,” he said, cutting her off and beckoning the bartender over. “What are you drinking? Something girly?”
“Something fruity and alcohol free.”
“No drinking for Ms. Page?”
“Not while I’m on a date. It hinders the decision making portion of the brain.”
“You won’t be obnoxious about it if I order a drink, will you?”
“Absolutely not. I do find it harder to trust people’s words and actions when they’ve hindered the decision making portion of their brain, but a great deal of my business happens because of those types of mistakes.”
“Morbid. What kind of doctor are you?”
She laughed, “What makes you think that I’m a doctor?”
“Well, I remember that you were going to go into engineering or medicine. I just haven’t talked to you enough to know which direction you went in.”
“Well, I was an engineering major, but I changed halfway through college. Never EVER bring that up to my parents, because they are both still pissed at me, to this day! I had gone through a bad breakup and my ex was top of our class and in the same field. I wanted both some distance and a change, so I let her have that world and I dove head first into political science.”
“Her? Your ex was a her?” Henry asked smiling.
“Grow up, Henry. People should connect at soul.”
“No, I agree. I just didn’t know. I knew you and Jasper dated in college. I thought that was pretty funny.”
“I don’t know if I like the word funny to describe that. It was definitely not perfect, but Jasper will always have a special place in my heart. He’s a good friend and he was a good boyfriend. He just wasn’t one for a long journey.”
“One for a long journey?” The bartender came and Henry said, “Yeah, I just need a licorice soda with a lime.” She grimaced at that order. That sounded disgusting. But, he went back to the conversation, “What is one for a long journey?”
Charlotte smiled and said, “Well… I don’t believe in eternity. I don’t believe in soul mates. I don’t believe in ‘the one.’”
“Great date topic.”
“Don’t interrupt. What I do believe is that individuals evolve and develop and the people that we interact with add to and take away from our lives, in order for us to become our best selves. We have to use every connection that we have as a means to grow. People are there so that we can take a journey together that nobody else is equipped to take with us. Sometimes the journey is short. Mine and Jasper’s was because we were friends stepping out into a bright new world and scared shitless. We needed support and wanted romantic connection in the meantime. It was great for what we both needed at the time. He helped me to relax when I was stressed and I helped him to take things seriously. It flowed until neither of us were getting what we wanted or needed and both of us knew that the journey had ended. But, then I met someone who… if I did believe in soul mates, she could have been that… But, a couple of years later, I realized that even though it was a longer journey than Jasper’s, it wasn’t an endless journey. I also realized that my journey needed a detour.”
“All of that is so over my head. Basically what I heard is that you love being in love but it's being committed that you’re unsure of.”
“You heard a different monologue than I gave, I assure you,” she laughed. “I am very committed, as a friend, a lover, or a business associate. My trustworthy reputation is how I keep clients.”
“You never told me what you do! You went into political science… Wait! Are you a lawyer?”
She smiled and said, “I thought about it, but I wound up working as a political analyst after becoming popularized by my commentary on social media and ran out of the time and energy for law school. I did eventually take the bar exam in a state that lets you do that without finishing law school, but I only did that to say that I did it.” She laughed.
“Same overachieving Char. So, you built an online rep and wound up doing well.”
“Yep. I went into crisis management a couple of years ago and recently started my own firm.”
“Crisis management…”
“Like what Olivia Pope does, but not as sensational… or as dangerous. Though, I have definitely gotten death threats…”
Henry suddenly looked alarmed and went into protective mode, “From who? They ever find them?”
She laughed and said, “Calm down, Hero. No need to blow a bubble tonight… Is that still how you do it?” She wondered. He raised an eyebrow and finally got his soda. “You know what? After 10 years, it's totally inappropriate of me to wonder about that part of your life. I’m sorry I asked.”
“No. It’s alright. I mean… I always presumed that you knew I was still working.”
“I am definitely a Captain Danger fangirl,” she said and blushed slightly.
“He’s alright.”
“Not according to my research. He’s expanded outside of Swellview, Bordertown, Neighborville, Rivalton, and I heard that he might be looking to expand even as far as Metroburg.”
“Jasper’s not supposed to be telling people stuff, Man.”
“He’s really bad at secrets when it comes to me, but he did good this time. I had no idea that he was setting this up.”
“Setting what up?”
“...This date. Didn’t Jasper send you here to meet up with a friend of his tonight?”
“Yeah… Wait… That was you???”
“Yeah. You totally ditched me tonight to go on a date with a more charming, hotter woman.”
Henry was bright red in the face. “I am so sorry! Why didn’t he just say that he wanted us to meet up? He knows I hate blind dates.”
“Maybe he didn’t think you’d want to see me. Last time we talked, it was pretty… uncertain how things would go. Then, we never talked again. Whenever we were dating, he would always ask, ‘Have you and Henry still not talked?’ and I’d tell him that you never call.”
“You never called, either.”
“I didn’t think it should be up to me. You were the one who was angry. I gave you space. I guess Jasper decided it was too much space.”
“Jasper decided that he didn’t want to see me move onto a cot in office of the florist and gift shop that I opened a floor above Junk n’ Stuff, because that’s what I intend to do since my roommate is getting married and it’d be a dick move to try to get him to move out of our apartment.”
“Jasper and Donovan are not moving into that apartment. They’ve got a house.”
“Jasper and Donovan have a house?”
“Donovan has a house and they’ll expect Jasper to move in, I’m sure…” She squinted her eyes and reminded him, “You know that Donovan’s pronouns are they, their, them?”
“Right. I do know that. Because, I was definitely told that. And I definitely can’t determine outside of that who Donovan might be.”
“You are borderline being transphobic. Donovan is nonbinary and they look androgynous, but anything beyond that is quite frankly none of our business.”
“I wasn’t being phobic. I just never really got a chance to be around this person much and now Jasper is marrying them? Like… Where did the time go? Where did my friends go?” He blinked a little and Charlotte reached out and held his hand. He looked at their hands, then into her eyes.
“Whoever you need on your journey will definitely be in your path whenever you do need them.” She smiled and squeezed his hand, “It feels good to be back…. You want to order something to eat?” His thumb caressed her skin and he nodded. She grabbed the menu that had been sitting in front of her this entire time and said, “I heard this place had a rockin’ jackfruit menu.”
“Jackfruit? They have a tomahawk steak called the Hunk o’ Cow… It’s like… It’s the best thing I’ve ever eaten.”
“I’m not eating a hunk of cow. Oooh, I see the jackfruit menu. This jackfruit poke bowl sounds good.”
“It absolutely does not!” 
After dinner, Henry walked Charlotte to her car and she was unsure if they should hug it out, kiss, if she should invite him to her place, ask to come to his… “Hey… I had a really great time. If this was a date with anyone else, I might wonder if they would like a nightcap. Me and you… There’s just so much history in the air. But, if you’re fine with us taking a different journey than we initially had before, my place isn’t far.”
Henry wrapped his hands around Charlotte’s waist and pulled her to himself for a hug. He felt her shiver in his touch and as much as he enjoyed that, she was right. There was a lot of history there and in his opinion, not nearly as much catching up as he needed in order to let his guard down with her yet. “That sounds amazing, but maybe another time? I definitely want some kind of journey with you. Just… Maybe a slow one, if that’s okay?” 
She smiled and nodded. “Of course it is.” She gave him a kiss on the cheek and got into her car. “You have my number now. Call me. Don’t wait ten years.” 
“You kidding. You might be stuck on a very long journey with me, now.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time,” she said and winked. “It was really good to see you, Hen.” She started her car and this song began to play on the satellite station she had on. She heard the words and wondered if that was some kind of sign as she drove home. 
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felicia-cat-hardy · 3 years
These 2 Best Friends Met On Twitter During The Pandemic
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Friends may come and go, but best friends are forever. In Elite Daily's Bestie Check series, we're celebrating the stories that make best friendship so special. Whether they grew up together or recently met through an app, this series explores the unique ways BFFs first bonded and how they maintain their strong friendships to this day. Did they hit it off instantly? What was their biggest fight about? Who's better at keeping secrets? If you thought passing the vibe check was hard, only the very best can pass the bestie check.
When Beatriz "Bea" Atienza tweeted about her love of a particular romantic pairing — Malex, for fans of the show — from The CW's series Roswell, New Mexico in April 2020, she had no idea she'd meet her future BFF on Twitter as a result. Yet that's exactly what happened after Alba B. J. responded to Bea's tweet "desperate to find someone" to talk to about the same on-screen couple — even if it meant talking to a stranger.
The self-identifying feminists — who live half a country apart, in two different regions of Spain — were both in lockdown amid the coronavirus pandemic when they first slid into each other's DMs. While distance could potentially hurt a lot of friendships, it's all Bea and Alba have ever known throughout the course of their year-long relationship — and they love it. They even became pen pals in recent weeks, hand-writing letters to each other whenever they get a chance. In Bea's own words about their letter exchange: "If we weren’t in the Bridgerton mood enough, we are now."
All it took was one tweet about a TV show ship to kickstart their fangirl friendship. Their shared love of books, graphic novels, and other series is how they continued to bond. Though they've yet to meet in real life (which they hope to be able to do this summer), how they view everything outside of fandoms — like love, politics, and family — is why they consider each other besties.
Here's their story:
Alba B. J.
About Me: Intense fangirl, food and music lover, devoted feminist, and human rights defender.
Age: 20
Current Location: I was born, raised, and currently live in Spain — 30 minutes outside Barcelona.
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Beatriz "Bea" Atienza
About Me: Aspiring teacher, chocolate lover, and your local feminist fangirl.
Age: 20
Current Location: I live in a town called Aranjuez — about 45 minutes away from Madrid, Spain.
Zodiac Sign: Hardcore Libra
How did you two meet?
Bea Atienza: I had posted a tweet in Spanish regarding my favorite ship from The CW's Roswell, New Mexico, Malex — aka Michael and Alex, played by Michael Vlamis and Tyler Blackburn, respectively — and Alba replied because, like me, she had never met anyone in the fandom who spoke Spanish before.
Alba B. J.: I was desperate to find someone to talk to about Roswell, New Mexico, and that's how I (thankfully) found Bea. We started talking about the show and other fandoms, and the rest is history.
What was your first impression of each other?
ABJ: That she was another version of me I needed to meet. Where has she been all this time? What an amazing girl!
BA: I thought she was very outgoing and super nice for replying without even knowing me. I hadn’t been a part of fandom Twitter that long and I didn’t realize how people who had never met could connect just like that. It was a nice surprise to see her reply and how nice and passionate about being a fan she was, because it reminded me of myself.
How long have you known each other?
ABJ: Over a year now. April 27, 2021 marked one year since we started talking.
How long have you considered yourselves best friends?
BA: I don’t think there’s a specific moment where we said, “Oh, we’re very close now.” It just kind of flowed.
ABJ: I really can’t say when exactly, but we bonded more over the last few months. Thanks for that, Bridgerton!
What initially sparked your friendship?
BA: I think it was the fact that we were both equally passionate about being fans. There are people who can watch a show or a movie or read a book and not become hardcore invested in it, but we do — it’s an important part of our lives. Bonding over pop culture pieces that you love can join two people as much as any other element or hobby. I didn’t have anyone around who lived the fandom life like that and who I had as many fandoms in common with, so finding Alba was special.
ABJ: Nothing brings two fangirls together like fangirling over the same things.
Do you know if you're astrologically compatible? Do you care?
BA: We’ve never really checked. I love to see Libra-related memes and stuff like that, but I’m not really into serious astrology.
ABJ: I really don’t know, but honestly, I don’t care. I know that we are compatible no matter what our astrology signs suggest.
What did you study in school?
ABJ: I studied cinematic production at school, and I am waiting to finalize it with an internship. While waiting to do so, I am working in a factory where my dad works.
BA: I’m almost finished with my third year in college. I’m studying to be a preschool and primary school teacher.
Have you ever lived together?
ABJ: Unfortunately, we haven’t met in person — but I think living with Bea would be marvelous since we’re so alike. I feel we would be on the same page about how the housekeeping would work and everything. I’d love to be roommates for some time with her, honestly.
How often do you text/call/FaceTime each other?
ABJ: We talk practically every day and we try to FaceTime, but sometimes it’s difficult to combine agendas. But we’re messaging, sending each other memes and fandom-related stuff all the time.
BA: We text and send audios to each other daily. FaceTiming is harder because we’re both quite busy during the week, and during the weekends either she’s out or I’m out. We’ve seen some movies together, though.
What was the last thing you texted about?
BA: My dilemma regarding my WhatsApp background. I currently have this beautiful shot of Jonathan Bailey (Anthony in Bridgerton) with a bunch of flowers, but I found a really cute pic of Shadow and Bone's Kaz and Inej that I also love, and I know Alba's the one who can help me.
ABJ: About Kate and Anthony, the main couple of the second season of Bridgerton, and the book I'm currently reading: Here the Whole Time by Vitor Martins.
What’s one TV show you both agree on?
BA: I can’t really choose one, because we generally think the same: Teen Wolf, Roswell, New Mexico, Bridgerton, and Shadow and Bone.
What's your favorite underrated thing about each other?
BA: Her style! I’ve seen many pictures of her outfits and I love her fashion — it’s casual, but cute and modern, and I envy that in a good way.
ABJ: The way we understand each other perfectly. Even from the beginning of our friendship, we have always understood each other, no matter the subject, the situation, or the "problem."
What is your favorite memory together?
BA: Either the time we watched Pride and Prejudice (2005) together — because Alba had never seen it and I’m a super fan — or when I sent her a Red, White & Royal Blue book pin and we started our letter exchange. (We’re pen pals, too!)
ABJ: It’s not one, per se — it’s the way I can always count on Bea. No matter the issue, fan stuff, important stuff, happy/sad stuff, she’s always there for me.
What’s one random memory you have of each other?
BA: It’s not really a memory we had together, but it has always stuck with me that Alba told me that when she watched Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, she started crying in the first five minutes and didn’t stop until the end of the movie.
ABJ: Maybe the way our friendship started, because I would have never thought that sending Bea that DM would have created this one-of-a-kind bond.
Which one of you is better at keeping secrets?
ABJ: I’d have to say it's a tie, because we’re both really good at keeping secrets.
BA: I’d say we’re both quite good at it. I’d never betray anyone’s trust, and I know she wouldn’t, either.
What was your biggest fight about?
BA: We've never really had a fight, hehe.
ABJ: We have never fought. Yay, friendship!
Was there ever a time when you considered not being friends?
BA: Nope.
ABJ: Honestly, no — more like the opposite. I want to be more friends, if that makes any sense. She’s such an amazing person, and we connect and understand each other so well, I still feel we could be closer.
What’s one word you’d use to describe your friendship?
BA: Serendipitous — finding something that makes you happy by chance.
ABJ: I’d go with fascinating. Every day with Bea is so beautiful and exciting.
Why do you think your friendship works?
BA: I don’t think we have a relationship like one you can have with someone you’re with every day, so of course the deeper bonds of physical contact have not arisen yet, but I think we work because we’re so similar in many aspects of life. It’s not just that we like the same TV shows, but also that we see love, family relationships, politics, etc. in very similar ways as well. We deal with certain situations in the same way and that makes me feel connected to her.
ABJ: We really understand each other and we are always there. We’re almost the same person. We feel and like things the same way. The same way we are there to fangirl over everything, we're there when more serious and mature events happen, too.
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from each other?
ABJ: That it's always OK to be yourself. No matter how intense or "too much" you are, there will always be someone who will understand you and share that intensity with you.
BA: I don’t think I would’ve let myself get immersed in fandom Twitter and met some other incredible people if it wasn’t for Alba. Getting to connect with other people who love what I love is a huge part of my life — if I hadn’t met her, I may have never found the community I have found.
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misssophiachase · 7 years
Tomorrow, When the War Began
So, this is my Klaroline fusion with an Australian series of seven books by John Marsden. It was also made into a film at one point and now a TV series apparently. This is my first foray into sci-fi. All chapter titles from the awesome soundtrack.
Caroline Forbes takes a post-graduation camping trip in the mountains with her friends only to return to nothing and no one. Can she find out what's happened, especially with arrogant Klaus Mikaelson along for the journey
Chapter 1: Steer
Feel it falling off like clothing, taste it rolling on your tongue. See the lights above you glowing and breathe them deep into your lungs (Missy Higgins)
Storm Lake - IA
"May he rest in peace," Bonnie murmured, looking at the fresh grave sombrely. The others in the circle had their heads bowed and eyes downcast, even Klaus.
Caroline watched stoically as Elijah shovelled the last of the dirt atop the makeshift grave. She had been playing with her beloved dog Jesse only four days earlier and now he was dead. How she had no idea. Caroline had found his lifeless body on the driveway and had run inside to rouse her parents but Liz and Bill had vanished. To where she had no idea either.
Looking back she realised just how young and naïve she'd been up until this point. Caroline's biggest worry was passing her final exams and graduating with the rest of her class. Once she achieved both of those things, Caroline was looking forward to a lazy summer with friends before her interstate college experience began. Little did she know what and who was about to come for them.
When she'd tried to call for help, Caroline discovered the electricity was cut, the house phone line dead and their cell reception was non-existent. It was frightening, paralysing and eerie all at the same time. If only she could go back.
Six days earlier….
"It's our last summer in town dad, the least you can do is let me take the jeep for a camping trip," Caroline pleaded. "Anyway, it's only four days, what's the worst that could happen?" Famous last words in hindsight.
She was almost 18 years-old and it felt so juvenile to beg. She was headed to North Western University in a few months and the least she deserved was some form of reprieve from her parents over-protectiveness. In all of Storm Lake, Caroline had lucked out, being the only daughter of the town's most prominent lawyer and the local sheriff.
Her best friends would tease her mercilessly, especially rebellious Katherine who would constantly flaunt the rules and sneak out with local boys past curfew. Caroline was jealous of her supposed freedom until her parents had decided to send her to boarding school in Des Moines. Caroline wasn't quite sure how sending her to a big city with more than her fair share of guys was considered a punishment.
She'd been sad to lose her friend so suddenly at the start of senior year but at least she still had Bonnie. Well, that's what she thought until the Mikaelson family arrived and threw their small town into a spin. The younger brother Kol had taken an immediate liking to Bonnie and they'd spent their time getting to know each other very well as it turned out. She'd been gushing to Caroline about her first time only days earlier.
There was no doubting their looks were impressive but Caroline decided early on that his brother Klaus Mikaleson was missing the personality gene unlike his sweet talking brother. He kept to himself, barely managing a mumble of response to anyone, too caught up in his art apparently. Bonnie had shared that Klaus resented his geologist father for bringing them to town for field research after growing up in busy London.
His oldest brother Elijah was already attending college at Princeton and their youngest sister Rebekah was at an exclusive music academy in Switzerland, leaving the two brothers in Iowa. Unlike Kol who'd made it his social responsibility to fit in, Klaus had chosen to keep his distance during his final year and Caroline wasn't complaining. It was guys like that who weren't worth her attention. Well, that's what she told herself anyway. The only annoying and equally irresistible part was those dark, blonde curls and crimson lips that had a tendency to curl upwards into an annoying smirk when she passed him in the halls.
"You're talking about going high into the mountains, what do you expect?"
"I'm a big girl," Caroline drawled. "I can handle a few bears."
"And what about those pesky males?" Liz chimed into the conversation.
"I'll make sure I have enough tranquilliser darts to subdue them too," she drawled sarcastically. "Seriously, besides Kat, Bonnie and me, it's only Kol and his older brother Elijah. From what I've heard he could rival you both in the uptight stakes."
"I'll take that as a compliment," Liz joked. "Just let them take the jeep Bill, what's the worst that could happen over four days?"
They'd set out two days later. Caroline drove towards Kat's farm which was a couple of miles down the road. She was looking forward to relaxing by an open fire and swim in the crystal clear stream with the bestie she'd missed all year.
"Hey, sexy," she cooed, throwing her bags in the backseat before jumping in beside her.
"What's with all the luggage?"
"You never know who you're going to meet."
"In the country? How long have you been away again?"
"Shut up and tell me everything," she murmured dismissively, checking herself out in the side mirror as they drove towards Bonnie's house to pick up the remaining passengers. "I've been gone for almost a year, it's the least I deserve."
"Well, besides Bonnie's recent emergence into womanhood there's not much else to share."
"You know I always thought you'd be the next."
"Why? I told you I was waiting for the right person and apparently I haven't met him yet," she mumbled. People might think she was silly but Caroline had always imagined her first time would be with the perfect guy. Unfortunately there was no one in Storm Lake meeting that description.
"How about these mystery Mikaelsons I've heard so much about?" Caroline felt her face redden at the mere mention of their family name. She didn't like the guy but couldn't deny he was gorgeous.
"You'll have to ask Bonnie about that, I'm sure she can share ample information with you on that front. Just don't ask in my presence, there's only so much I can take again."
"I heard there were two brothers that shared those fine genes as well."
"For someone who's been away for a year, you certainly know a lot about what's been going on in little old Storm Lake."
"What can I say? I missed you and this was my way to stay close." Caroline could sense the emotion in her voice and she leaned across to place a comforting hand on her bare arm. She knew the sudden move hadn't been easy on Katherine but she was just realising how much. Caroline always assumed she loved city life but it was certainly a huge adjustment to make. "Plus you know how much I adore gossip."
"Glad to see nothing changes with you, Kitty Kat," she grinned knowingly, turning up Bonnie's familiar driveway. Instead of just the two brothers she'd been expecting by Bonnie's side, Caroline was faced with a very unimpressed blonde, bags in hand. What the hell was he doing crashing her camping trip?
"Woah! I call dibs on the brunette to the left, you know unless that's Kol," she backtracked slightly.
"That would be Elijah," she offered trying to block out Klaus' familiar and disinterested stare as she said it, Caroline had never seen the eldest brother in the flesh but he was just as handsome in his pictures. "I should warn you that he's apparently extremely serious."
"Is that a challenge?" Caroline closed her eyes momentarily as they came to a stop outside Bonnie's family home. She really should have known not to provoke the feisty brunette. She didn't know Elijah but Caroline felt immediately sorry for him. "What's with the cute, albeit angry, blonde shooting you dirty looks? What did you do to him?"
"I might of, uh, kind of assaulted him on prom night," she uttered feebly.
"Ohhh kinky, tell me more." Trust Katherine to jump to that kind of conclusion. 
As they descended on the car, Caroline knew this wasn't the time or the place to go into that particular story. Plus she was far too intrigued as to why Klaus had come along at that moment.
As it turned out, Caroline hadn't found out why he was there immediately. He'd seemed entirely too annoyed to even bother asking. The trip up to the mountains had been surprisingly quiet given Kol and Bonnie were too immersed in each other and Katherine seemed to be sizing up her prey in the rearview mirror. Elijah was either blissfully unaware or ignoring her on purpose.
Caroline wasn't quite sure whether this campout was going to be fun and relaxing as she'd hoped or decidedly more eventful and not in the good way. They left the jeep on lower ground and descended the mountain, packs in hand. Katherine was struggling slightly but Caroline figured her oversized luggage was her own fault.
The scenery was gorgeous as they made their way over the green grass as the sun began to set lazily on the horizon in streaks of brilliant oranges and pinks. Tents were assembled by the stream, Caroline busying herself with the task at hand so she didn't have to be close to Klaus. At least his deep set frown had been replaced by something resembling exhaustion now. 
They ate some noodles for dinner (much to Katherine's dismay about the lack of culinary options) and rolled into their sleeping bags by the crackling fire.
"How about some truth or dare?"
"I'm entirely too sober for that, Katherine," Kol chuckled, stroking Bonnie's arm affectionately. "Unless you want to break out the tequila."
"Maybe tomorrow," Bonnie chided, slapping him playfully. "Eye spy?"
"It's dark Bonnie," Caroline chuckled. "Besides the flames and a few stars there's not much I can see this time of night."
"That's the Milky Way," Elijah offered, pointing above. Caroline was beginning to realise he was a wealth of knowledge and hadn't engaged much so far unless he was sharing some fact. Katherine however seemed undeterred from her mission surprisingly.
"The stars are definitely brighter from here," Caroline breathed. Instead of feeling intimidated by their brilliance, she felt alive and strangely excited for what the future held. A quick glance to Klaus wrapped in his blanket was enough to tell her he felt something similar. He didn't respond just let his gaze linger on her slightly longer than usual. It was times like these she wasn't sure whether he hated her or understood her.
They'd fallen asleep eventually, Caroline woke up a few hours later slightly groggy and attempting to gain her bearings in the limited light. The fire seemed to have burnt down considerably and she noticed the lack of wood, rising slowly to gather some more. 
Besides the flashlight in her right hand, visibility was low. She remembered a nearby clearing that had an abundance of firewood and made her way in that direction. She felt something snap under her foot and jumped in fright at the contact, running into something incredibly hard but also irresistibly warm.
"Are you going to hit me again?" He whispered into the darkness as she clung to his broad chest. After the initial fright and whatever else his touch had caused to course through Caroline's body she backed away and shone the torch in his face accusingly. "Obviously you're going to blind me instead."
"You scared the hell out of me," she growled.
"Well, that makes two of us," he shot back. "What the hell are you doing?"
"What are you doing?"
"I asked you first."
"Mature," she sniped. "If you must know I was getting firewood."
"Well, that makes two of us," he said reaching down to grab some kindling to add to his pile.
"So, where's your flashlight?"
"They're for girls."
"Your maturity is really impressing me, Mikaelson."
"And your inability to take a joke is certainly not impressing me," he growled. "My battery died if you must know, I was making my way back to camp before you decided to grab onto me for dear life."
"Excuse me?"
"You're excused," he replied smartly, picking up a few extra pieces of wood before making his way towards the partially dying fire."Just don't hit me in the meantime."
"I said I was sorry," she spluttered, following him blindly in the darkness. "You need to get over it."
"You accused me of sneaking up on you, I don't recall anything close to an apology in that," he scoffed. Caroline was getting the impression he didn't buy her excuse for the unprovoked attack. It had been rather weak but it was the best she could come up with on the spot rather than betray her feelings. "Much like tonight. I'm getting the impression you like to skulk around in darkened places."
"I don't skulk," she shot back. He may of had a point about dark places though given their two run-ins. "Anyway, what the hell are you even doing here if I'm such a creepy person?" Caroline hissed.
"Not everything is about you, sweetheart," Klaus muttered. "Maybe I just wanted to relax and check out the stars." She remembered his expression as they talked about the Milky Way around the fire.
"They are pretty spectacular," she agreed, looking upwards. The sky wasn't as clear now with only a few stars twinkling but it was still impressive. 
He seemed to follow her gaze and at that moment it felt like they were the only two people in the world. It was becoming more difficult to ignore his spicy scent and the way his white tank top was hugging his torso from this close proximity.
It seemed like everything stopped momentarily before Klaus finally cleared his throat. "Well, as charming as this has been this fire isn't going to keep burning by itself," he replied gruffly. 
Before he could move further a low humming sounded out above."What's that?" Klaus didn't respond immediately his eyes searching above. Caroline noticed one plane flying above soon to be followed by an entire fleet, the sound only increasing as they inched across the sky in large numbers.
"It must be the AirForce doing some sort of training exercise."
"With their lights off?"
"I'm not going to tell the military how to undertake their covert operations and I'm thinking this fire needs our immediate attention before it extinguishes itself completely." 
Caroline didn't argue just followed him and fell back asleep dreaming of stars and airplanes.
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hoynovoy · 3 years
These 2 Best Friends Met On Twitter During The Pandemic
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Friends may come and go, but best friends are forever. In Elite Daily's Bestie Check series, we're celebrating the stories that make best friendship so special. Whether they grew up together or recently met through an app, this series explores the unique ways BFFs first bonded and how they maintain their strong friendships to this day. Did they hit it off instantly? What was their biggest fight about? Who's better at keeping secrets? If you thought passing the vibe check was hard, only the very best can pass the bestie check.
When Beatriz "Bea" Atienza tweeted about her love of a particular romantic pairing — Malex, for fans of the show — from The CW's series Roswell, New Mexico in April 2020, she had no idea she'd meet her future BFF on Twitter as a result. Yet that's exactly what happened after Alba B. J. responded to Bea's tweet "desperate to find someone" to talk to about the same on-screen couple — even if it meant talking to a stranger.
The self-identifying feminists — who live half a country apart, in two different regions of Spain — were both in lockdown amid the coronavirus pandemic when they first slid into each other's DMs. While distance could potentially hurt a lot of friendships, it's all Bea and Alba have ever known throughout the course of their year-long relationship — and they love it. They even became pen pals in recent weeks, hand-writing letters to each other whenever they get a chance. In Bea's own words about their letter exchange: "If we weren’t in the Bridgerton mood enough, we are now."
All it took was one tweet about a TV show ship to kickstart their fangirl friendship. Their shared love of books, graphic novels, and other series is how they continued to bond. Though they've yet to meet in real life (which they hope to be able to do this summer), how they view everything outside of fandoms — like love, politics, and family — is why they consider each other besties.
Here's their story:
Alba B. J.
About Me: Intense fangirl, food and music lover, devoted feminist, and human rights defender.
Age: 20
Current Location: I was born, raised, and currently live in Spain — 30 minutes outside Barcelona.
Zodiac Sign: Gemini
Beatriz "Bea" Atienza
About Me: Aspiring teacher, chocolate lover, and your local feminist fangirl.
Age: 20
Current Location: I live in a town called Aranjuez — about 45 minutes away from Madrid, Spain.
Zodiac Sign: Hardcore Libra
How did you two meet?
Bea Atienza: I had posted a tweet in Spanish regarding my favorite ship from The CW's Roswell, New Mexico, Malex — aka Michael and Alex, played by Michael Vlamis and Tyler Blackburn, respectively — and Alba replied because, like me, she had never met anyone in the fandom who spoke Spanish before.
Alba B. J.: I was desperate to find someone to talk to about Roswell, New Mexico, and that's how I (thankfully) found Bea. We started talking about the show and other fandoms, and the rest is history.
What was your first impression of each other?
ABJ: That she was another version of me I needed to meet. Where has she been all this time? What an amazing girl!
BA: I thought she was very outgoing and super nice for replying without even knowing me. I hadn’t been a part of fandom Twitter that long and I didn’t realize how people who had never met could connect just like that. It was a nice surprise to see her reply and how nice and passionate about being a fan she was, because it reminded me of myself.
How long have you known each other?
ABJ: Over a year now. April 27, 2021 marked one year since we started talking.
How long have you considered yourselves best friends?
BA: I don’t think there’s a specific moment where we said, “Oh, we’re very close now.” It just kind of flowed.
ABJ: I really can’t say when exactly, but we bonded more over the last few months. Thanks for that, Bridgerton!
What initially sparked your friendship?
BA: I think it was the fact that we were both equally passionate about being fans. There are people who can watch a show or a movie or read a book and not become hardcore invested in it, but we do — it’s an important part of our lives. Bonding over pop culture pieces that you love can join two people as much as any other element or hobby. I didn’t have anyone around who lived the fandom life like that and who I had as many fandoms in common with, so finding Alba was special.
ABJ: Nothing brings two fangirls together like fangirling over the same things.
Do you know if you're astrologically compatible? Do you care?
BA: We’ve never really checked. I love to see Libra-related memes and stuff like that, but I’m not really into serious astrology.
ABJ: I really don’t know, but honestly, I don’t care. I know that we are compatible no matter what our astrology signs suggest.
What did you study in school?
ABJ: I studied cinematic production at school, and I am waiting to finalize it with an internship. While waiting to do so, I am working in a factory where my dad works.
BA: I’m almost finished with my third year in college. I’m studying to be a preschool and primary school teacher.
Have you ever lived together?
ABJ: Unfortunately, we haven’t met in person — but I think living with Bea would be marvelous since we’re so alike. I feel we would be on the same page about how the housekeeping would work and everything. I’d love to be roommates for some time with her, honestly.
How often do you text/call/FaceTime each other?
ABJ: We talk practically every day and we try to FaceTime, but sometimes it’s difficult to combine agendas. But we’re messaging, sending each other memes and fandom-related stuff all the time.
BA: We text and send audios to each other daily. FaceTiming is harder because we’re both quite busy during the week, and during the weekends either she’s out or I’m out. We’ve seen some movies together, though.
What was the last thing you texted about?
BA: My dilemma regarding my WhatsApp background. I currently have this beautiful shot of Jonathan Bailey (Anthony in Bridgerton) with a bunch of flowers, but I found a really cute pic of Shadow and Bone's Kaz and Inej that I also love, and I know Alba's the one who can help me.
ABJ: About Kate and Anthony, the main couple of the second season of Bridgerton, and the book I'm currently reading: Here the Whole Time by Vitor Martins.
What’s one TV show you both agree on?
BA: I can’t really choose one, because we generally think the same: Teen Wolf, Roswell, New Mexico, Bridgerton, and Shadow and Bone.
What's your favorite underrated thing about each other?
BA: Her style! I’ve seen many pictures of her outfits and I love her fashion — it’s casual, but cute and modern, and I envy that in a good way.
ABJ: The way we understand each other perfectly. Even from the beginning of our friendship, we have always understood each other, no matter the subject, the situation, or the "problem."
What is your favorite memory together?
BA: Either the time we watched Pride and Prejudice (2005) together — because Alba had never seen it and I’m a super fan — or when I sent her a Red, White & Royal Blue book pin and we started our letter exchange. (We’re pen pals, too!)
ABJ: It’s not one, per se — it’s the way I can always count on Bea. No matter the issue, fan stuff, important stuff, happy/sad stuff, she’s always there for me.
What’s one random memory you have of each other?
BA: It’s not really a memory we had together, but it has always stuck with me that Alba told me that when she watched Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again, she started crying in the first five minutes and didn’t stop until the end of the movie.
ABJ: Maybe the way our friendship started, because I would have never thought that sending Bea that DM would have created this one-of-a-kind bond.
Which one of you is better at keeping secrets?
ABJ: I’d have to say it's a tie, because we’re both really good at keeping secrets.
BA: I’d say we’re both quite good at it. I’d never betray anyone’s trust, and I know she wouldn’t, either.
What was your biggest fight about?
BA: We've never really had a fight, hehe.
ABJ: We have never fought. Yay, friendship!
Was there ever a time when you considered not being friends?
BA: Nope.
ABJ: Honestly, no — more like the opposite. I want to be more friends, if that makes any sense. She’s such an amazing person, and we connect and understand each other so well, I still feel we could be closer.
What’s one word you’d use to describe your friendship?
BA: Serendipitous — finding something that makes you happy by chance.
ABJ: I’d go with fascinating. Every day with Bea is so beautiful and exciting.
Why do you think your friendship works?
BA: I don’t think we have a relationship like one you can have with someone you’re with every day, so of course the deeper bonds of physical contact have not arisen yet, but I think we work because we’re so similar in many aspects of life. It’s not just that we like the same TV shows, but also that we see love, family relationships, politics, etc. in very similar ways as well. We deal with certain situations in the same way and that makes me feel connected to her.
ABJ: We really understand each other and we are always there. We’re almost the same person. We feel and like things the same way. The same way we are there to fangirl over everything, we're there when more serious and mature events happen, too.
What’s the biggest lesson you’ve learned from each other?
ABJ: That it's always OK to be yourself. No matter how intense or "too much" you are, there will always be someone who will understand you and share that intensity with you.
BA: I don’t think I would’ve let myself get immersed in fandom Twitter and met some other incredible people if it wasn’t for Alba. Getting to connect with other people who love what I love is a huge part of my life — if I hadn’t met her, I may have never found the community I have found.
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
What’s your hair like? Long, like down to my ass. It’s red...well mostly. My roots are quite overgrown right now and it looks gross. I need to get my hair done, ugh. Currently it’s in a side braid. Is there someone you can’t help but stare at? Alexander Skarsgard. ha. How do you feel about teenagers claiming to be in love? I don’t know, man. Sometimes I think it’s just infatuation and their hormones are just in overdrive at that age. Everything seems so intense at that time. I wonder if they really know what love like that is that young. But then I thought I was in love in my mid 20s, and now I’m not so sure. So, what do I know? Are you dating anyone? If so, for how long? No. Do you believe in long distance relationships? It works for some people. I think it does take some work, though.
Do you have unlimited texting? Yes, unlimited everything. What’s your favorite button on the keyboard? I don’t have a favorite one. Do you like your handwriting? No. It’s so bad. Your biggest fear? Losing my loved ones and things never getting better/getting worse. What’s on your walls? Some pictures, decals, and a huge Swedish flag. Do you like perfume? Certain ones, yeah. Are you a guy or a girl? I’m a girl. Do you prefer to have girls as friends or guys? It depends on the person, not their gender. What’s the top thing you look for in a S.O.? Apart from the obvious things like trust and loyalty, I would like someone who is patient and understanding as well with a great sense of humor. Last words you heard and from who? My brother just got home from work and popped into my room to say hi. Why do people cheat on each other? I don’t know. What’s your favorite brand of pencil? I don’t have a favorite brand. Do you wake up by an alaram clock? If so, isn’t the BEEEEEP annoying? Alarms are annoying and that’s kind of the point. The last song you listened to? I don’t remember at the moment. The person you go to for advice? My mom. Are you one of those people who just HAS to vent to somebody in some form? I do that in these surveys. Do you have Myspace, facebook, and myyearbook? I have accounts on all 3, but I only use Facebook now. I haven’t used the other 2 in several years, but they still exist. How do you feel about avril lavigne? What ever happened to her? Don’t you hate it when people don’t say your name right? I don’t get when people mispronounce my last name. Have you heard of Paramore? If not, look them up. :) Yes. Who’s your favorite sibling? I don’t choose favorites, but I am closer to my younger brother. Favorite Parent? Same thing, but I am closer to my mom. What do you want to do for a living? I don’t know. :/ Do you know anyone with down syndrome? No. Does anyone you know have a birthday this week? Nope. Will you save this quiz? (If you are a member?) I’ll post it on here of course. What do you think of the middle name 'Jane’? It’s fine. What’s your favorite name in the opposite gender? Alexander Skarsgard. Can you keep eye contact with everyone? Yeah, but I don’t hold it the whole time cause it gets awkward. I’ll look away and then back, etc. What color are your eyes? Brown. Do you curl or straighten your hair? I haven’t done it myself since I was last in school, so like 2015 sometime. I’ve had it straightened at the salon a few times since then after getting my hair done, though. Pro-life or pro-choice? Why? What shape is your favorite bowl? I don’t have a favorite bowl. Did you know the Salvation army was a church, too? I didn’t know that. I hate winter. What’s your least favorite season? “summer. its jst too hot here D;” <<<< SAME. Do you know the difference between a hoodie and a jacket with a hood? Yeah. Do you believe in 'hating’ anyone? Yeah, but hate is a very strong emotion and is reserved for very certain types of people. Like...they would have had to do something absolutely terrible for me to hate them. I think we often over exaggerate and say we hate things like I’ve been like, “I hate [insert celebrity]”, but obviously I don’t really hate them. Do you like Twilight? I used to back in the day. Do you know the difference between loving someone and being in love? Yes. I’m not in love with my mom, but I love her. What animal that is endangered is your favorite? Giraffes. That really makes me sad to say they’re endangered. :( How do you believe the Earth and life on it was created? God. What’s your religion? Christianity. How many fingers do you have? 10. What about toes? 10. Do you like your teeth? No. Do you need glasses or contacts? I wear glasses. Have you considered getting contacts that change your eyecolor? What color? I’ve thought they were cool, but contacts freak me out like I’d be too scared to put them in and take them out and forgetting to take them out before I go to bed and all that. Do you have allergies? No. Have you ever made a quiz? Don’t you love it when you’re on a roll? I haven’t. What time zone are you in? Pacific. Do you wish you lived some where else? Yes. Sometimes don’t you wish you could move away and start over? Yes. What’s the craziest color you’ve seen on a house? I’ve seen completely yellow houses, purple houses, blue houses... Do you like the name Trevor? Sure. How do you pronounce Bzoink? “bzz-oink?” <<<< Is Taylor Swift better than the rest of the teen singers? I’m not a fan. What time will it be in 3 hours and 2 minutes? 5:08PM. What’s your favorite brand of cereal? Post, General Mills, Kellog’s. Do you like to read? I love to read. What’s your GPA? I’m done with school. Isn’t annoying when you’re friends are different around different people? Yes. Do you want a phone with a keyboard? It has a touch screen keyboard? Do you go to church but you aren’t sure if you belive in God? I don’t go to church right now, but I do believe in God. What grade are you in? I’m doneeee. Are you shorter then most of your friends? Yes. Do you prefer a S.O. older or younger? By how much? Older. Just by a few years. Do you like popcorn? Yes. Why does corn get chewed up but come out in the original form? Ew. Are you pessimistic or optimistic? Pessimistic. What number do you think you’re on? I’m not counting. That was number 76. What’s your bestie’s name? Yolanda. What size shoe do you wear? 6 in women’s. Do you like lollipops? Nah. I get tired of them after a short while. Don’t you hate the texture of lotion on your skin? No. It makes my skin soft and I like that. Favorite movie? I have many. How many words per minute do you type? I’m not sure. Do you think it’s possible to meet your bestie online? Yeah. I had friends online who I felt closer to than the ones I had in “real” life. Do you blog or write in a journal? Blog. Isn’t health class annoying? I wouldn’t say it was annoying. Who’s your favorite teacher, if any? What internet browser do you use? Firefox. Isn’t it weird to like having butterflies? What. What’s the longest flower name you can think of? I don’t know. What year were you born in? 1989. What time is it, backwards? 11:02. If you had to shorten your name to 4 letters, what would it be? Step. Sam; a femine name or a male name? Gender neutral. What’s the prettiest cat you have seen? Hmm. Sorry, I had to ask this. Did you like the survey? Sure.
0 notes
Back to the Frollo, Chapter 18
Warning: Racism, sexism, and victim blaming to the point where it’s starting to actually make me feel sick. Really. The anti-Romanyism in this is appalling.
Claude Frollo came to me as soon as I walked through the door. He appeared worried, anxious, and sad, all the same time. "Danisha, darling", he began as he tenderly caressed my hand, "I would've forbidden this, but young Jules wanted to say something to you." Jules! Isn't that the kid I befriended last summer? Renée's brother?
Okay, so this takes place a year after that stupid party where Malus took the kids home from, then. It would be nice if we had ANY INDICATION AT ALL before that.
I was truly dumbfounded; then, upon quickly regaining my composure, said to Claude, "So, Jules do Chateaupers was you lieutenant. He's the one who caused you so much embarrassment." Claude nodded then led me into a small, cramped bedroom. Claude Frollo held on to me as I approached the bed where Jules laid. Just as Jehan said, Jules was critically injured; it took much fortitude on my part to keep a sudden wave of nausea under control. Jules' head was bandaged with an old cloth, which was already soaked with blood. His face was puffy and discolored; one eye was swollen shut. I've always praised Jules for being "such a pretty child", with bright blue eyes and a mass of dark hair.
What does this have to do with the plot at all? Why is he here? What is even going on in this story? There are about 20 different subplots, too many characters to count and endless filler that’s not funny, entertaining or nice in the slightest.
Many of our Parisian friends said that his cousin, Phoebus, has eyes just as blue; but, I'd never met Phoebus. I wondered, if that was Phoebus I saw approaching in the distance.
I have a feeling she’s going to go with drunken, womanizer book Phoebus, so she can paint Frollo in a better light. However, the rest of this is based on the Disney movie or the off-Broadway show, in which Phoebus was a good guy, so I’m going to be unhappy if she goes that route.
And where is Renee? Surely she'd be here with her brother...
If this takes place a year after the party, Renee is eleven. She should not be here watching her brother slowly die.
"Jules?", I whispered to him. He managed to stir; he was weak from a tremendous loss of blood. Jules opened his one good eye and stared at me; and, even in his critical state, it didn't take him long to recognize me. "Madame?....It's really you", he feebly said. I sat by the bed and held his hand, saying, "Jules, don't try to do too much, honey. What did you want to say to me?" Jules looked at Claude, then Jehan, then at me. "I want to thank you...for being so kind to me and my sister...Malus was horrid to you and.."
Malus was horrid because he took his siblings home at a reasonable hour? I feel like everyone is exaggerating this to the point of insanity. Am I going crazy or is everyone in this story nuts?
His voice stopped as he rode out another wave of pain. I had to admire Jules; for one so young, he developed a particular toughness, a quality that helped him through his short, difficult life. Then he continued, "... and to Minister Frollo...he...Malus...should've left us...me and Renee..." That said, Jules de Chateaupers passed out; even that short talk was too taxing.
This doesn’t make any sense. This subplot is so unnecessary and boring I’m running out of words to describe it. I’m using those two words so often even I’m getting annoyed.
I then turned to Claude and asked, "Where's Renee? And what did he mean - What did Malus do to you?" Claude Frollo fell strangely silent, then, left the room. What's wrong? Why is Claude so upset?
Because he’s OOC.
Jehan then said to me, "Go to him, for there's much he needs to say to you. I'll stay with young Jules." I looked once more at Jules, then, followed Claude outside. He was stroking Snowball's shiny coat, then led his horse to the water trough. I walked up to him and said, "Claude, what's wrong, honey?" Claude turned his eyes to me; they were full of pain, sadness, and anger. He took me in his arms; and, after a short silence, began to explain. "My love, I'm sorry if I seem...what is your espression....'out of it'?" He stopped momentarily to kiss me, then continued. "I had no idea that that young man was Jules de Chateaupers...he's changed so much since..."
What does it matter? Frollo’s a physcopath. He tortured and murdered indiscriminately. The first thing we see him do in the Disney version is try to drown a baby in a well after killing its mother. He shouldn’t care about Jules. Actually, he should actively dislike him, because he and Phoebus did not like each other.
, Claude's voice trailed off as I caressed his cheek. "It's OK, sugar", I reassured him, then I asked, "But where is Renee? She should be here." Claude replied, "She is at the chateau...Oh, darling, you don't remember...Renée's working for Mme. d'Arcy. A seamtress, no less, and a very good one." I knew Claude was attempting to soften things for me; but, no doubt about it, Jules was dying and Renee had to be summoned to be with her brother in his last moments.
This girl is eleven. She doesn’t need to see her brother’s horrific injuries; she’s going to be traumatized and upset by it. He’ll probably be dead before she gets here anyway.
I then asked, "What did Jules say to you - I mean - while I was outside?" As soon as I had spoken, Claude became visibly agitated, his eyes were hot with anger as he crisply said, "Danisha, have you've forgotten all that?! The conspiracy? Malus is dead ,and good riddance! The things he and his accomplices did to me!"
Well, I wouldn’t know, because exactly what Malus did is never specified.
Obviously upset, he briskly walked towards the road and stopped. At once, I followed him, and called out, "Claude! I'm sorry I mentioned Malus. And yes, I may have blotted all that out but...Is that what Jules meant?" Claude Frollo faced me, took a deep breath, and said, "My dearest Nisha, don't you remember what happened? On the day of the festival?" Claude needed to say no more, for I knew exactly what he was talking about. I remember all too well what happened. That man, once a 'friend', pretending to be Claude Frollo...and Claude would've died if I hadn't acted quickly enough...
So now there’s an imposter Frollo? What? Is she saying all the events after the Feast of Fools in the original movie were a fake Frollo and her boyfriend is the real one, and the fake Frollo is the one that fell into the lava? That makes absolutely no sense at all.
"Don't say anymore, sugar", I said. "Malus is dead; what more is there to add." Claude Frollo tightly embraced me, and kissed my mouth. "Sweet love, I don't know what I would've done without you." He continued to embrace me when, just then, he exclaimed, "It cannot be! Phoebus?"
Noooo! Don’t drag this poor innocent man into this disaster! Leave him alone! Poor Phoebus has been through hell. In the Disney version, he lost his job and got shot. In the musical, he lost his job and got stabbed and then nearly hanged, and then watched his girlfriend almost raped, then watched her slowly die, then found her again too late to even say goodbye, then couldn’t even carry her body because he was stabbed. He does not need to be involved in something as traumatizing as this.
My eyes quickly focused on the blond-haired man fastly approaching us.
Fastly is not a word. You’re looking for “quickly,” honey.
He was big, muscular, handsome in a pretty-boy-turned-jock way; to my mind, he appeared more like a Hoosier "good ol' boy" rather than the gallant Captain Phoebus I had heard so much about. He wasn't wearing the armor of his rank; rather, he was dressed in 'civvies', if there was such a word in medieval France.
Yeah, he’s a pretty boy… totally not a Captain and a soldier who’s seen combat. But portraying him as an actual war hero would take the spotlight away from Frollo for five minutes, so we can’t have that!
He was not alone, for riding with him was Renée; she appeared extremely upset. "Minister Frollo?", said Phoebus as he dismounted. He helped Renee down from his horse, Achilles; she immediately ran to me. "Madame! Is it true? My brother is dying?", she tearfully said as she threw her arms around me. I comforted Renée as Claude and Phoebus continued to converse.
Because Frollo and Phoebus have the best relationship ever! Nothing says “besties” like trying to murder and rape your BFF’s girlfriend!
"Phoebus", Claude began, somewhat alarmedly, "I haven't seen you since that day in Notre Dame. What has happened to you?" He then asked Phoebus, "And why are you here?" Phoebus, his expression a mixture of depression and disgust, replied, "Didn't they tell you? I'm the caretaker of the d'Arcy estate. I had no idea Jules was here; your sergeant at the Palace of Justice told me everything. I had to return as soon as possible."
Phoebus became a janitor? What happened to Esmeralda? Is she dead? I almost hope she’s dead, because I love her and I’d be sad if she was forced into this disaster.
Claude, after a brief silence, then asked, "You were in Paris? Why?" Phoebus, with a heavy heart and in a sad voice, answered, "I was looking for my wife." Claude and I were puzzled, for all we knew, Phoebus was still single. "I know you're going to be shocked when I tell you this, but...", Phoebus stopped, took a deep breath, then continued, "I married Esmeralda."
How did Frollo just miss this? In the time period, a white man in a position of power marrying a Romani woman would cause a stir due to class and race differences. It’s not like Frollo just wouldn’t know. And if Phoebus was looking for her, that means Esmeralda is still alive. Then where is she? Running from Frollo, hopefully, but then why isn’t Phoebus with her?
Immediately, Claude Frollo's mood changed from utter puzzlement to sheer rage. "You MARRIED her?! Esmeralda? That gypsy witch who caused me so much trouble? Oh, Phoebus!" Claude was livid!
Now this is more in-character. I bet it won’t last long.
Phoebus, sensing Claude's obvious disapproval, told us, "I knew you wouldn't be too thrilled; then again, my marriage to Esmeralda was nothing but a sham from the start!"
… of course. We can’t make Frollo and Danisha seem healthy unless we make every other relationship in the story unhealthy, a sham or nonexistent. Because Phoebus and Esmeralda never actually loved each other!
“A soldier and a gypsy, locked in an embrace, in our place of miracles… a miracle you brought to me.” Esmeralda and Phoebus, holding hands, from A Place of Miracles
“Someday, life will be fairer, need will be rarer, greed will not pay…” Phoebus in Someday, holding Esmeralda while she cries into his chest about her imminent doom
But yeah, they were never in love.
He went on to explain how he had married gypsy dancer, Esmeralda; he managed to secure the caretaker's job after he was "discharged" from his military duties. "After all, if I was to support a wife, I'd need a job, income." Phoebus told us that, after a while, Esmeralda soon tired of life in the country. "That's why I was in Paris...to find her. I had no luck, though."
So Esmeralda just ran away to Paris? What? Why? I mean, she could be visiting Clopin or any of her other friends that are still here that she was forced to move away from, and she could be not visiting Quasi because she’s (rightfully) afraid of Frollo, but still, going to the one city where you’re being ruthlessly hunted is just plain stupid.
Claude Frollo softened a bit, telling Phoebus, "So, she ran out on you. How typical of her kind." Phoebus nodded, adding, "I was a fool; I should've known better. She took advantage of everyone - You, me, Quasimodo - Oh no, I forgot how she duped Quasi! That poor kid!"
Okay, I don’t like to swear. You know I don’t. I try to control my language, as evidenced my me rarely cursing in any of the previous chapters, even when my brain is screaming “what the-!” But I give up. i can no longer maintain clean language. The only words I can say right now are WHAT THE FUCK.
This is the most unabashedly racist, sexist, offensive, victim-blaming thing I’ve seen today. Yeah, Frollo’s obsession with her was all HER fault! How dare she look pretty in public! She was just ASKING to be burned alive! This mentality is just disturbing, and the implication that all Roma are evil tricksters is such a load of racist crap I have no words. For someone who cares so much about the Civil War and anti-Black racism (which is absolutely an important topic, I’m not saying it isn’t) she’s horrible to other ethnic groups. This woman is the epitome of a hypocritical asshole.
At that moment, one of the guards called out to us, "Your Grace! Madame! You need to hurry! The young man is fading fast!" Immediately, we went back inside the cottage; Jules hadn't much time left. But in the back of my mind, I kept tossing about the name: Esmeralda. Esmeralda...Now I remember her! I encountered her the same day I had another, dangerous, run-in with Malus....
Oh, what did they do this time? Breathe too loudly? Blink too often? Some other normal thing that Danisha is going to treat like it’s worse than attempted genocide?
************ I can't believe it....three more days....then home... Fern and I had already packed up everything and closed our Paris house. Jacki and Kyle had already returned to the 20th Century, as well as Aunt Perle. Fern moved in with Madame d'Arcy for those last few days, and I stayed with Claude at the Palace of Justice. He had invited me to spend those final days with him. Fern and I would return home on Friday morning.
Let’s switch up the timeline again, randomly. This isn’t annoying AT ALL!
It was on Wednesday that I had asked him about Malus and his siblings. That morning, I had gathered the neighborhood children in the square for one last kickball game. I didn't see Jules, but Renee showed up, sporting a black eye and split lip. Claude said he didn't want to upset me with the "sordid details", but I finally found out what I had highly suspected. "Their parents died nearly five years ago", Claude Frollo began. "Malus, being the eldest, was responsible for the rearing of his younger siblings." "Malus beats his sister", I said, as Claude sadly nodded.
Of course he does. I mean, Frollo’s been emotionally abusing Quasimodo and cutting him off from the world for decades now, but Malus is obviously worse. Keep in mind, we’ve never actually seen this happen and Renee’s split lip is not definite proof this is happening.
Even in the 15th Century, child abuse was a problem - and not much has changed. Claude went on to explain how Malus fell under the influence of street thugs, most notably, gypsy street gangs.
The racism just never ends! I think I’m getting physically sick.
His siblings suffered horribly from neglect and abuse. "When Fern first came, she took the little ones under her wing, cared for them while Malus roamed the streets - He was seldom home." He then sighed, adding, "If Phoebus was here - but he's been gone nearly twenty years. He wouldn't know his cousins." Phoebus - that name again. Claude then embraced me and kissed my lips. "I should have done this long ago." "Done what, honey?", I asked. Claude held me tighter. "I'm taking Renee and Jules to the d'Arcy estate. Surely, Marie-Louise can find them a place." He kissed me again, saying, "I know the extent of your concern, and I am touched. It is why I am doing this - for you, my love."
Because Frollo just cares so much about the well-being of children. He LITERALLY MURDERED A MOTHER AND TRIED TO KILL HER BABY five minutes in the movie!
"But what's happened to Malus?", I asked somewhat apprehensively. Claude Frollo sighed again. "That I do not know. My men lost sight of him since the day of your party. But I have a feeling he'll show his face, perhaps make a serious blunder." A deliciously wicked grin lit up his face as he said, "And when he does - I'll be ready for him." Claude kissed me again, then warned me watch out for Malus; he could be anywhere.
So he’s mean to his siblings and part of a gang. What does this have to do with Danisha?
Claude left the Palace of Justice later that afternoon to take the children to the d'Arcy estate. "When I return, Danisha," he said as he kissed me good-bye, "I'll have a special gift for you." A gift? Now what could that be? I wasn't about to stay inside all day; I was getting a little restless. Besides, I had to get that book of Riley poetry from Quasi; I wanted to give that to Claude.
I don’t care. We don’t need another meaningless distraction to fill this story out more.
I walked in the direction of the cathedral, stopping to watch a performance given by a group of gypsy musicians. It consisted of a man on drums, a little boy playing a flute, and a woman dancing with her tamborine. Rounding out the group was a cute white goat sporting a golden earring. The crowd seemed to enjoy the lively music as the goat pranced around in time to the beat. This is so cute! She really has that goat well-trained.
Are we portraying Esmeralda and Djali in a positive light? Let’s see how long that lasts before it collapses back into sheer racist garbage.
The woman was young, and very pretty. Her jet-black hair flowed in the breeze as she whirled and gyrated to the music, and she had the most beautiful green eyes I'd ever seen. I couldn't help but tap my toes and clap my hands to the infectious rhythms. Just then, the boy whistled alarmedly. A few soldiers were approaching and the gypsies abruptly ended their performance, only to stop and collect the few coins that the crowd had tossed. I fumbled around in my pocket and pulled out a handful of gold coins. I caught up with the gypsy girl, handed her the coins, and complimented her on her performance, adding, "Cute goat. What's his name?" The girl looked at me with a curious mixture of gratitude and wariness. Then she said, "Thank you. And his name is Djali", then she disappeared down a narrow alley.
So it begins with Esmeralda dancing with her cute pet goat. I can’t see why Danisha hates her so much. She’s done absolutely nothing bad.
It wouldn't dawn on me until much later that the girl was Esmeralda, the one who would be Claude Frollo's undoing. If I had known that then, I could've....No...Just as Fern said...."Don't change the outcome."
This holds no narrative integrity. We already know you changed the outcome, because years in the future, Frollo’s still alive.
I had a nice, long visit with Quasimodo, but I forgot my book! Oh well...I can get it tomorrow. I then headed back for the Palace of Justice. Whew! It's almost dark...I shouldn't have stayed so long, but....I hope Claude's home now.... I decided, unwisely, to take a shortcut through an alley. It was a route that I had always taken in the daytime, but never after dark. I walked briskly down the alley, ever aware of my surroundings. Damn, it sure got dark! Just a few more yards and you're home..... I didn't notice the pair of strange men watching me, nor was I prepared for what happened next. I felt a hand grab me from behind. It all happened so fast; I had no time to react. The man held me fast; he covered my mouth so I couldn't scream. I struggled in his grasp, desperately trying to get away; then, the other man approached me. He wore a colorful outfit, complete with long black gloves, and a battered, wide-brimmed hat. I think he was a gypsy, but I couldn't make out his face because it was so dark. I definitely knew the other man: Malus de Chateaupers!
Of course the villains are Roma, because this story has quickly devolved from a bad fanfiction to a racist tirade against them.
The other man spoke. "Well, well", I heard him say in a heavily accented voice. "If it isn't Frollo's latest conquest." Malus, his hand still over my mouth, said through clenched teeth, "Minister Frollo took my brother and sister - to some fancy chateau. You had to come here, with your fancy New World airs." The other man laughed in my face as he took out a knife, letting the blade barely skim my face. My entire body trembled with fright; I kept hoping that Claude, or, maybe a soldier would happen to come by. Then the gypsy spoke, "I don't think you will be an FSM for too long, not after you find out the truth about your lover, Minister Claude Frollo."
What the hell is an FSM? What does that mean? I’ve seen that acronym so many times and I still have no idea! Also, I would be totally happy if they slit her throat right now. Totally happy.
Truth? What kind of sick game are these guys playing? And what are REALLY planning to do to me? Malus grasped me tighter, laughed, then said, "Where shall we begin? Hmmm....there was Aranxta, Minevera, Mal, Deliah, Evangeline, Belladonna....shall I go on?" WHAT? I already know about THAT! The gypsy laughed and said, "I do believe she'll come around to our side." Standing so close to me I could feel the hairs of his beard, he then said, "And I can just see you...confronting your lover. Perhaps killing him in a jealous rage. Pity." The man's voice was hideously sarcastic. I've got to do something....These guys think they're scaring me....I know all about the others...Claude told me....I understand....Please get me out of this jam.....
So they’re telling Danisha that Frollo is cheating on her with all these random people mentioned before, and she doesn’t care at all? Really?
A well-timed knee to the groin sent the gypsy screaming and writhing to the ground. Malus, alarmed at his partner-in-crime in such agony, suddenly released me. I took advantage of the confusion and tore out of the alley, not even stopping to see if Malus and his friend were following me. I ran out into the street and towards the Palace of Justice.Come on! Get me to the Palace! Have to tell Claude..... In a flash, I found myself pounding on the heavy doors of the main entrance. Jehan was already standing in the doorway when I knocked. "Whatever is the matter? Why so frightened?", he asked. With ragged breath, I told Jehan to "get me inside, I need to talk to Claude!"
I’m actively praying for Danisha to die right now, and hopefully take Frollo with her.
I told Claude everything: my unwise shortcut through the alley; Malus and that gypsy grabbing me -- I could've been hurt -- or worse. Claude Frollo, enraged that someone had the audacity to "lay a finger on my lover", summoned his Captain to "find Malus de Chateaupers, and that gypsy vermin. Bring them to me - Alive!" Claude then took me into his arms, kissed me, and told me, "I shall take care of young Malus. He shall torment us no more."
[long passage in which Malus gets publicly tortured and more racism happens, which I am not publishing because it’s completely appalling.]
Claude never found the gypsy, but vowed he would find their hideout, the Court of Miracles.
The Court of Miracles was found, which is when Frollo captured Esmeralda, remember? Or did nothing in the movie actually happen? I have no idea whats going on here.
But Malus.... Who'd have thought the evil plans that he and that gypsy were hatching would nearly cost Claude Frollo his life.
I hope it does.
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