sugdensdingle · 54 minutes
Happy birthday!!!
Thank you Lorna! I always see you wishing they would do a robron at pride thing so I drew you the whole family.
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sugdensdingle · 13 hours
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a very thirsty man indeed
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sugdensdingle · 19 hours
I told you we’d make good time. I’m an excellent driver.
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sugdensdingle · 19 hours
They just can't help themselves, can they?
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sugdensdingle · 2 days
What happened in the night before the wedding…
(Sorry, not beta read 🙈, all mistakes are mine)
He’s tossing and turning and tossing and turning. It’s too hot and when he pushes the blanket down it gets too cold. Nothing’s right here, the bed too small, too hard, somewhere is a clock relentlessly ticking and it drives him mad. Aaron is ready to jump up and throw the goddamn thing out of the window.
He’s back in the flat above the pub. In the guest room, mind you, because his old room was supposed to be Gracie’s nursery.
Aaron sighs and rubs his face exasperated. Now he’s thinking about her and his heart aches. The little sister he never met, but is going to miss forever.
His mum’s a mess. She tries to hide it, the attempt is bad though and his dad isn’t doing much better. Aaron’s not sure how they’ll make it through tomorrow if he’s honest.
Bloody hell, he isn’t sure how he’ll make it through tomorrow!
Marrying Robert.
He’s really going to marry Robert?
It seems so unreal after all that happened. Sometimes, when he thinks about it, like now, it’s a little overwhelming. The thought of how far they’ve come. What happened in those past three and a half years was the stuff of those stupid soaps Diane loves to watch. And yet, here they are. In only a few hours he’s going to meet Robert at the altar.
He’s really going to marry Robert.
Like, for real this time. With a vicar and flowers and matching suits and all. Aaron folded invitation cards and table decoration. This is happening. And in front of the whole village no less. A gay wedding in Emmerdale. With Aaron Dingle and Robert Sudgen as grooms. Who would have seen that coming, eh? Not Aaron, that’s for sure. His mind wanders back to his teenage years, ten years back, when he was that terrified kid, lost and confused and so damn angry at the world.
I’d rather live a lonely life than a gay one, he once shouted into Paddy’s face. The memory brings a sad smile on his face.
If he’d only known then what he knows now.
Love isn’t scary, love isn’t a mug’s game. And in the end it doesn’t matter if it’s a gay love or not. Robert is his friend, his home, the anchor that keeps him from spiralling and ultimately the reason why he’s still here.
And Aaron is going to marry Robert.
How is supposed to sleep when his heart keeps hiccuping in his chest, his hands are clammy and his brain won‘t give him a break? Aaron groans in frustration, tossing and turning once more, rearranging the pillow, but it still doesn‘t feel right.
He‘s missing Robert.
This is pathetic, seriously, it’s only night! Aaron knows that, technically, he can‘t change the feeling though. There is no pillow like Robert‘s chest and no godforsaken ticking watch can replace the steady thumping of Robert‘s heart.
Minutes turn into hours, stretching endlessly.
At some point, Aaron hasn‘t even noticed, he must have dozed off, because the next thing he notices is that his head is lying on something solid, something warm and moving. Something familiar.
Long and strong arms are wrapping around him, holding him tight and Aaron grins. They are supposed to stay the night apart - his family insisted, because of bad luck or whatever and he thinks if this is a dream, it‘s a very pleasant one and he doesn‘t want it to end.
“Are you real?“ he mumbles.
“Couldn‘t sleep without your stupid beard giving me a rash,“ Robert mutters and yawns.
“Shut up,“ Aaron smiles and rubs his head contently against the body underneath him.
This is so much better.
“Go to sleep, Mr Sugden,“ his fiancé says. His soon-to-be-husband. He sounds like he‘s smiling himself.
“…‘kay.“ Aaron pauses.
He‘s going to marry Robert.
"Mr Dingle.“
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sugdensdingle · 2 days
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sugdensdingle · 2 days
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Danny Miller’s instagram (2023) & Ryan Hawley’s instagram (2024)
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sugdensdingle · 3 days
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“You just shut your mouth for one minute. Let me say something, right? You are a disaster. You’re smug and you’re arrogant and cocky, you’ve got terrible taste in music and you dance worse than paddy and that’s saying something. But I’ve got nothing to figure out, okay?
I know you, I know exactly what I’m getting myself into. And you’ve tried so hard for me, for the people you love and not everybody sees that but I do.
You got me to talk about Gordon. Then you listened to me and you got me through the impossible.
Liv, Liv, my little sister, you found her. You found my little sister. You. And even though she drove you nuts and she reported you to the police, you took her in as if she was your own.
You saved my life. You got me out of that car in that water and you saved my life. 
You planned this mental wedding. You built us a home and you got me out of prison early.
And then you told me the truth about Rebecca instead of trying to hide it.
And the you stepped up for your son and you fought for him and you loved him and you loved me. You loved me like nobody ever has before.
So, please, Robert… Will you… Will you just come home with me? And let me help you this time.”
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sugdensdingle · 3 days
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sugdensdingle · 3 days
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Happy Pride Month!
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sugdensdingle · 4 days
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sugdensdingle · 4 days
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Robron + snuggly ‘let me bury myself into your neck’ hugs
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sugdensdingle · 4 days
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sugdensdingle · 4 days
And I meant it… about us being mates.
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sugdensdingle · 4 days
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sugdensdingle · 5 days
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sugdensdingle · 5 days
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