#it’s such a late spring or early summer album for me so it’s on nonstop
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farfromdaylight · 7 years
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too much is never enough: a playlist for my 2016
quite belatedly, a playlist of songs i loved in 2016, as a follow-up to my 2015 playlist.
listen here. tracklist & thoughts below.
1. abnormalize -- Ling tosite sigure
2. Out of Control -- Nothing's Carved in Stone
in january i watched the anime psycho-pass, and immediately after fell in love with its music. to be honest, i spent the first half of the year watching a lot of anime, for the first time in about five years, which is reflected on this playlist. i ended up listening to all of the music from psycho-pass on repeat for months, and i still listen to it quite frequently.
3. nc17 -- Yoko Kanno
i watched zankyou no terror shortly after psycho-pass, and the two albums were in heavy rotation together. i'd heard of yoko kanno for years, but this was one of the first series i'd watched with her music, and it definitely stood out to me -- certainly more so than the series itself did.
4. Grain -- Kuniaki Haishima
monster is hands down my favorite anime series i watched last year. everything about it was completely up my alley, from themes to pacing to plot to characters. one of the things i really loved about it was its opening theme, which was the same throughout all 70+ episodes. the opening itself is very chilling, and effectively hides a ton of things in plain sight.
5. Photogenic -- Namie Amuro
i really like namie amuro's music, but i'm a very casual fan. i've been listening to her music for close to a decade, but i don't follow her closely, and can be a year or two late to a new release, as i was with this album. it's really fantastic, though, and it's always a good decision to put it on.
6. The Wander ~Theme of Summoner~ -- RiverSound
ocremix's long (long) awaited second ff5 album was just as good as the first. everything on it is great, but this is my personal favorite track.
7. Summer Love -- Ayumi Hamasaki
i listened to a lot of ayu last year, mostly because i was building a small personal fansite for her and part of the content was album reviews. shortly after i finished the site, a brand-new album came out. like most ayu albums, it's taking some time to grow on me, but this is easily my favorite song from it.
8. The Spine -- Darren Korb
i played transistor in may, and found it to be a beautiful (if somewhat confusing) experience. the game came with the soundtrack, and after adding it into itunes i found myself listening to it on and off whenever i couldn't decide what to listen to, until it was something i gravitated to on its own. everything about the game is worth experiencing, honestly; i highly recommend it.
9. Virtue's Last Reward ~Piano~ -- Shinji Hosoe
in the spring i played the zero escape series, all but inhaling each title in order to get to the bottom of their mysteries. the soundtracks of the series are largely ambient, but when they want to pack a punch, wow. this is a game series i'll never forget.
10. Battle -- Yasunori Mitsuda
in july i finally played chrono trigger for the first time, after putting it off for years and years and years. i actually had fairly mixed opinions on it; i didn't think the story and characters lived up to all the hype i'd heard for so many years. the gameplay, though, was spectacular, and part of my enjoyment was the fantastic battle theme. i found myself looking forward to battles just to hear the song, which is a rare thing in a rpg.
11. Volatile Reaction -- Kevin Macleod
also known as "that one fight song with the horns matt uses in critical role." yeah.
let's be honest, there was no way i wasn't going to include something critical role related on this playlist. it completely upended my year, giving me a world and story to lose myself in and something concrete to look forward to every week. i'm so, so thankful that critical role came into my life; it happened at just the right time.
12. Ending Story?? -- ONE OK ROCK
this is a song i've loved for years -- it's from their 2013 album -- but i had it in my head for weeks. not kidding, weeks. i wasn't complaining, really, because it's a fucking great song, but it was unreal.
13. Omnivorous -- Yuki Hayashi
i actually first watched haikyuu!! in the spring, right after monster, and thought the music was really good, but it wasn't until the third season started airing that i actually sat down and sought out the soundtracks. it was absolutely worthwhile, and i ended up with a ton of tracks i really enjoyed.
14. Heartache -- toby fox
15. Spider Dance -- toby fox
i actually played undertale on the first day of 2016, but i didn't get the soundtrack until close to the end of the year. when i did, i played it nonstop. i very well may have had it on repeat for days on end. thus, two songs, because i couldn't limit myself.
16. Calling for Rain -- Hiroo Nakano, Neo Liu, Koyo Sonae
i thought about including a song from ff15 (as this song is from the film, kingsglaive), as the ost was very good, but this ended up being my favorite song from both albums. who'd have thought?
17. Too Much Is Never Enough -- Florence + The Machine
i've loved florence for years, and in hindsight i should have realized what a perfect fit she was as a final fantasy vocalist. i ended up liking this song much, much more than the theme song, stand by me, but honestly, all florence is good.
18. The Dream Will Never Die (Uplifter Mix) -- Kuro
good heavens, when this song was released i think i listened to it for hours on end. i'm a huge tales of phantasia fan, and love the original version of this song, so to have a remix this good of it was an early xmas gift.
19. Yuri on ICE -- Taro Umebayashi
i was something of a latecomer to yuri on ice!!!; a great deal of my friends were watching it and yelling about it every week, and around halfway through the series i started watching just to find out what all the fuss was about. the show itself was a wonderful surprise, but i think this song was my favorite part. it's an absolutely beautiful piece, and becomes more so every time it's played in the series. a good way to send off the year.
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