#I just hide it super well and act just as normal on other platforms (my ass is writing paragraphs in discord chats)
marsmall0ws · 7 months
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Speaking of LMK, I've been forgetting to post my art style studies, AKA my excuse to look at and redraw my favorite monkies
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yakkolicious · 5 days
Call-Out Post
Hey everyone. Normally my posts are more lighthearted and fun, but I recently learned that someone I called my friend for almost two years is a dangerous predator hiding in plain sight. This person is "@nolantrio." He is not active on Tumblr, but he is very active on Discord under the username "lordkinesis." Before I explain more, this post is going to discuss grooming, so be warned and block nolantrio here and lordkinesis on Discord if he messages you to stay safe, ESPECIALLY if you're a minor. There are more usernames he uses on other sites at the end of this post, but his Discord is the biggest one to keep an eye on.
Night, which is what I am going to call nolantrio for the remainder of this post, is very charismatic. He uses lots of emojis, always acts super eager to talks to those he considers his friends, compliments them in the sweetest ways imaginable, and will even buy Steam games for his friends if they express interest in getting a certain game. I got all my Steam games from him. However, these are all tactics he uses to keep people by his side, and he has serious abandonment issues. He even admits to using emotional manipulation tactics.
One important thing to note is that Night is a cardiophile, a person who is obsessed with the human heart, heartbeats, and stethoscopes. NOT ALL CARDIOPHILES ARE BAD PEOPLE AND/OR GROOMERS. There is nothing wrong with being fascinated with heartbeats. However, there is something very wrong with soliciting recordings of heartbeats from thirteen-year-old girls. For their safety, their Internet handles have been blacked out of the screenshots I am going to share.
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As you can see, Night requested the recordings of heartbeats of two thirteen-year-old girls as well as a recording of my heartbeat. I'm 18, but I met him when I was 16, and again, he admitted to using emotional manipulation tactics and not being good at taking "no" for an answer. He admits to grooming, but then tries to spin it as his actions being unacceptable but not grooming. That's not how it works. He got close to me and these girls and then asked us for heartbeat recordings. Just because you didn't throw a hissy fit when I said "no" doesn't excuse the fact that you asked for that at all. Heartbeats may not be nudes, but when he gets close to someone, he will happily tell them about his interest in heartbeats.
Protecting Yourself From Night
Night is not active on most social media, but he is active on gaming websites, fanfiction archives, and livestreaming services. Here is every platform that I know that he is on. Please block him on all of these platforms if possible and DO NOT harass him, as that will only add fuel to the fire.
Tumblr: nolantrio (he is not particularly active here, but he does come on sometimes, so block him just in case) Discord: lordkinesis Twitch: lordkinesis YouTube: Lord Kinesis DeviantArt: Lord-Kinesis AO3: Lord_Kinesis Fanfiction.net: Lord Kinesis Steam: Jonas IQ
In addition, he can also be found on Amino. However, Amino is a bit tricky. Look out for variations of the names "Lord Kinesis" and "Night Cap." I first met him on the Lalaloopsy Amino (which has since banned him) and he went by Night Cap on there, hence why I refer to him as Night.
Night is in quite a few fandoms, and many of these fandoms are fandoms for children's and family shows or fandoms that contain large numbers of teenagers in their membership. Here is every fandom that I know with 100% certainty he's seriously into. Asterisks are placed next to fandoms with notably high membership to my knowledge:
Animaniacs (1993 only)* Wayside (mostly the cartoon) Strawberry Shortcake (2003 only) Lalaloopsy (2013 series only) Max and Ruby Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss* Undertale and Deltarune* Ace Attorney* Super Mario* Pokémon* Plants vs. Zombies Road 96 Papa Louie Assorted Flash games (I say assorted Flash games because unlike Papa Louie, when it comes to these games, he doesn't exactly partake in their fandoms as much as he takes the protagonists of these games and turns them into half-OCs. Notable titles he has done this with include Pumpkin Push, Bomb-It, Straight Bullyism, and Snail Bob) Scott Pilgrim (2010 movie only)*
In addition, there are some lower-risk fandoms. One user noted that his Steam profile picture is the Squip from Be More Chill, and while he isn't a theatre nerd, exactly, he has seen a lot of plays. Spamalot is one I know he enjoys, and he is also a Monty Python fan in general. Danganronpa is also a lower-risk fandom, as while he finds the fandom toxic and does not engage with it, he still enjoys the series and has written fanfictions for it that can be found on FFN. Be More Chill, Spamalot, Monty Python, and Danganronpa fans, you may not need to be as alert as members of the fandoms listed above, but be careful, and keep an eye out for people named "Lord Kinesis" or "Night Cap."
Anyone in these fandoms needs to keep an eye out for him and protect minors from him. I don't normally tell people to reblog my posts, but I would sincerely appreciate it if you reblog this post to spread awareness of this man. I was his friend for a long time, and I feel betrayed and disgusted now that I understand why he has done the things he has done. To anyone who has read this far, thank you so much and please take care of yourselves.
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kuiperoid · 1 month
Obligatory Autism Awareness Month Post;
My Neurodivergent Experience
[previously posted here, as well as other platforms]
[Post I made on previous social media platforms in previous years, so some bits may be a bit outdated]
It’s April so I suppose I need to make some obligatory post about my experiences as a neurodivergent individual, either about how proud I am that it makes me so super special or how awful everyone treats me. I can’t 100% give either of those, so I’ll just go into my experiences more generally.
It’s hard to say when the signs that I was “different” showed up. I had a tendency towards all-encompassing interests very young, but that’s normal even for neurotypical children. I was very particular about food, but once again, I can’t say that I did that more often than neurotypical children of other ages. I suppose the first sign was that whenever adults would ask me questions, they would get frustrated when I didn’t answer, thinking I wasn’t listening, when really I was just thinking about a proper response. The idea of answering right away when I couldn’t provide them with the best possible answer just didn’t make sense to me. As I got a bit older, I suppose I had the opposite problem. I would talk too much, interrupting my friends and giving them an earful about ferrets or spiders or whatever my current big interest was. My mother kindly informed me of what I was doing and how it wasn’t polite. This I actually understood the reasoning behind and I tried then and still try now to avoid doing this. I found an outlet to go on as long as I wanted about my special interests uninterrupted in the form of fiction writing, a hobby I have to this day. I was incredibly uncoordinated and bad at sports, which led to the little boys making fun of me quite a bit during PE. I was advised by well-meaning adults to practice so I would get better or stand up for myself, but my skills did not improve and, whenever I tried to say something in response, I just froze up.
Unfortunately, as I moved on to middle school, the fact that something about me was unmistakably “off” was still quite obvious, which led to me being pretty severely bullied, albeit by my neighbors in the classroom rather than sports field. I acted weird, I talked weird, I dressed weird on free dress days, I listened to music that the other kids hadn’t heard of while finding theirs unbearable. I wouldn’t learn until much later the extent of my issues with auditory processing, which have played a big role in my taste in music. One of my long-term friends, whose taste in music I have long shared, also has issues with auditory processing. I find it very interesting that many figures of the new wave scene, one of the few music genres I like - Danny Elfman, Gary Numan, the guy from Tears for Fears, and more - are neurodivergent, as are many members of the music scenes that I have become involved in. Writing and music were a big escape for the unpleasantness of my adolescence, between bullying, the fact that my other mental health problems were starting to become more apparent (namely, my OCD, which maybe I’ll write a big spiel about during OCD Awareness Week in October if I’m in the mood), as well as some other puberty-induced self-realizations.
I suppose that brings me to the statistic about the prevalence of LGBT+ identities in the neurodivergent community. People have tried to present all sorts of hypotheses about this, usually in a way that derides at least one of those, but I will provide a few of my own: first off, aside from the fact that the numbers are not that much higher, these statistics refer to out-LGBT and diagnosed neurodivergent people, neither of which represents the entirety of either community. Secondly, consider that someone in therapy for one of those things is likely to uncover other things. Lastly, and this is the one that I think is the most significant to me personally, it is harder for neurodivergent people to hide parts of who we are. While it is a myth that neurodivergent people cannot lie (my apologies to any neurodivergent people who have been using this myth to their advantage with their parents, bosses, et al), fact is, when you don’t internalize social norms the same way, you don’t see a need to pretend or, in some cases, you just can’t. My mom noticed pretty early on that I seemed “obsessed with gay people.” I was always talking about LGBT-related things in the news or celebrities. I got incredibly excited whenever I met adults that were in some way LGBT, flapping my hands and giggling like a maniac. I wonder if some of them thought I was laughing at them. She likely also noticed a pattern among the pictures I chose to decorate the wall by my bed with. Unfortunately, I underestimated the bigotry that still existed and I may have come out a bit too young. Between my social awkwardness and initially referring to myself as “pansexuelle” (I still don’t know what that was supposed to mean), it is no wonder that so many people in high school wrongly thought I had crushes on them. I always struggled making and maintaining friendships, so sometimes the ways I would attempt to pursue friendships came off as overly enthusiastic. I see now why people thought that, but at the time, it genuinely hurt my feelings when people thought that I was trying to romantically pursue them when I just wanted friendship and “people who thought I had crushes on them” became a whole new genre of villains in my adolescent writings. It was very hard for me to make friends and my strangeness pushed people away further. I won’t say that I or anyone is entitled to friendship, but it was hard. Some people complimented me for “not caring what other people thought,” but that didn’t feel right either. I acted the way I did because I literally did not know how to act differently, but I still cared a great deal about how people thought about me.
As a result of the various issues I was dealing with, I struggled academically. I always had trouble asking for help until it was way too late. I started to pick up on the whole concept of “don’t be yourself, people don’t like that person,” but rather than doing the whole social-blending thing that neurotypical people can, I invented entire new personas. I had a massive inferiority complex and felt that I was just bad at everything. A lot of the people who I became naturally attracted to just so happened to be much more academically inclined and often had some special talent and I joked that I had a “genius fetish.” Though people were attracted to me, no one seemed to want me on an emotional level and I understood why. I honestly became convinced that no one even wanted me as a friend. I went into a spiral of self-isolation.
One of my early relationships was with a status-obsessed narcissist who simultaneously told me how cute and interesting I was, but also fed into my inferiority complex. They would deride me about my awkward social behavior around their friends or if I dressed in a way they didn’t deem acceptable. I hear it is a common thing among neurodivergent people deemed “cute,” people like you because you’re adorably “quirky,” but don’t understand that your “quirkiness” comes at a cost. They were among the first people that I liked who I didn’t put on a pedestal and yet they seemed disappointed by that. On the other hand, I remember asking them if they’d had crushes on a few people who they seemed to talk about in a way that was, well, reminiscent of the way that I spoke about my crushes. Rather than saying, “no, they aren’t my type,” or even “yes,” they often said something along the lines of, “no, I couldn’t, they’re too wonderful and amazing.” This both confused me, as someone who had been attracted to many people who I had considered too wonderful and amazing for me, but also didn’t do much for my self esteem, for being attracted to someone seemed to be a form of debasement in this person’s opinion. I sort of let it slide because I had similar admiring feelings towards one of these people - they were smart, nice, and accomplished, but I wasn’t attracted to them, though that had more to do with them not being my type then them being too wonderful for me to allow myself to feel attraction to. Had they been more of a dark-eyed waif, perhaps I would have felt that way (maybe the fact that they were the only one of these people that my then-significant other would gush about this way that I never felt jealous of is telling). This was perhaps a preview of some more unfortunate things that would happen as that relationship continued that I won’t detail here. The most confusing thing, however, was the aforementioned status obsession. For all the concern about how I behaved around their friends, they didn’t even seem to like some of these friends. Whenever they talked about these friends to me privately, they always seemed to be complaining about them or even making fun of them. I didn’t understand why someone would be friends with people for any reason other than simply enjoying their company. This partner of mine was very into the idea of gaining some sort of status from these people, an abstract concept that my neurodiverse brain simply could not grasp. I won’t go much further into this particular relationship, which could be another several pages on its own, but I will say that that story has a happy ending and that, after we broke up, that person went to therapy, uncovered the Freudian source of all of their problems, and the world has one less unkind person as a result. Of course, the PTSD I developed as a result of that relationship was not a fun thing to add on to my existing problems, especially considering that I decided to move to another part of the state and go to “real college” after that.
For the many emotional struggles that I had during college, I am glad that I finally had a therapist that I was honest with (as opposed to the one I had as a teenager who I simply told I was “stressed about homework”) and received formal diagnoses. Now as an adult in the real world, diagnoses and all, I can’t say if things are better or worse. I remember being told that all the issues I had in high school, with people thinking I had crushes on them and telling a significant other of mine (people I barely knew, mind you) not to date me because I was “weird” would end once I was out of high school. Come college years, people still found my enthusiastic attempts to befriend them odd and someone else was warned to avoid me because of my “weirdness.”
Now, being twice as old, I still have to deal with some of those things, but I think I have navigated it. I don’t like the taste of coffee or alcohol, but that’s alright because my brain wiring means caffeine and alcohol don’t affect me the way they do other people anyways. I don’t like most pop music, but the genres that I do like have close-knit subcultures of interesting people. I still sometimes have to deal with grown adults acting like they don’t want me sitting at their cool kid table. At this point, when I hear that some family-adjacent person thinks I have some especial dislike for them, somehow different from the rest of the family, when I’m the one who probably defends them the most when they aren’t around and the person they think is their True Ally is the person I’m usually doing the defending against, I just laugh. What else can you do? My life isn’t perfect and, in the society we live in, it would probably be a lot easier for me if I were neurotypical, but why would I want that? If neurotypical society means answering questions quickly instead of meaningfully, bullying people who aren’t like you, listening to music you don’t actually like, hiding your excitement, basing friendship off of abstract concepts rather than mutual enjoyment of each other’s company, and a lot of buying into each other’s lies, I don’t see the appeal.
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duuhrayliegh · 3 years
my hero - request
request: anon: hi could you write a sebastian x female reader fic where she suffers from anxiety and feels bad because of it but he comforts her and tells her there’s nothing wrong with her and how strong she is even though she has this disorder
pairing: sebastian stan x female!reader
warnings: self-esteem issues, anxiety, toxicity in the fandom, language?
a/n: hey nona! you weren’t super specific on what type of anxiety that you wanted to reader to have, so if this isn’t what you had in mind, lmk and i’ll write you another fic! other than that i hope you like it!
p.s.: my requests and tag lists are open!!
xoxo ray
check out my m.list
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You and Seb met at a coffee shop in New York. It was totally cliche and seemed straight out of a storybook. You had somehow managed to spill coffee on that specimen of a man, and he was kind enough to let you pay for his dry cleaning. Your relationship didn’t grow until you ran into him again while you were at a bar with your friends. If he had any say in telling the story of how you met, he spotted you from across the smoky bar and he knew then and there that he had to get to know you. Truthfully, you liked his version, but the real one was just indescribable. It seemed, to you at least, that you were destined to be with this man. Seeing him twice in one week? Come on, that’s possible if you were in the small town you grew up in, but not New York.
You obviously had recognized him as an actor, but really you didn’t care. That’s what drew Sebastian to you in the first place. You treated him as if he was any other guy on the street, he was able to be a normal person around you. Now, two years later, you lounge on the couch of your apartment in LA that you shared with the man you love. He’s still auditioning for any role that catches his eye and you’re supporting him no matter what.
His fans for the most part adored you and your relationship with Sebastian. The fans who didn’t like you were your only issue with this whole affair, but they had nothing to do with Sebastian other than flood his socials with nasty messages about you. You weren’t perfect, that you knew all too well, and you tried to let the comments roll off your shoulders. Most of the time you were successful in your efforts, but other times they clung to your skin like an unwanted disease.
Sebastian was currently promoting his new project Endings, Beginnings. You were so unbelievably proud of Seb, he was doing something that made him happy. In this particular film, he was acting alongside Shailene Woodley, who was just amazing. Seb always came home gushing about the new inside jokes that they had come up with. One of your favorite things that Seb did with you was run lines. You liked having the inside scoop on his new works, but this one was harder for you. It had quite a few sex scenes between Seb’s character Frank and Shailene’s Daphne.
Not that it bothered you. Nope. Didn’t bother you. At all.
...mmm, okay maybe it bugged you a little. It wasn’t that you didn’t trust Sebastian, it was… well you couldn’t really describe what it was. Whatever the case may be, it was putting you deeper and deeper into a funk, one that you were having a hard time coming out of. And Seb’s fans who weren’t in your corner, weren’t really helping you any.
A few nights ago, Seb surprised you with a casual night out in LA. He texted you before he got home and told you that he was going to be taking you out. Did he give you a dress code for the evening? No, he did not (wonderful, thanks so much Seb). You decided to dress in a half business casual, half rail me when we get home outfit. You ended up wearing an adorable bustier top that was embroidered with pretty blue and pink flowers, a pair of destroyed jeans covered your legs. You finished it off with a pair of nude heels, when you looked in the mirror, you thought you looked hot as fuck. It was around seven when Seb picked you up, mouth hanging open, in awe of your outfit.
“Oh my god. You look so beautiful, Y/N.” He opened the passenger door of his car after he hugged you, giving you a small peck on the lips. Sebastian drove you to a restaurant a block off of Thai Town called Home Restaurant.
“Babe, this place is so cute!” You squeezed Sebastian’s upper arm, jumping up and down beside him. “How’d you find this place?” Sebastian shook his head, smiling at you.
“I asked Shai, actually.” He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck, and your heart sank a little. Why did it do that? “She said that the paps hardly ever come around here.” He leaned down pressing a kiss to your temple. “I thought that draga mea deserved a quiet night out on the town.” His voice rasped as he spoke in his native tongue, making a shiver race down your spine.
“Well, tell her I said thank you.” You offered him a small smile. He wrapped his arm around your waist, drawing circles on the exposed skin above your jeans. He spoke with the hostess as your mind drifted away. You were pulled out of your thoughts when he guided you to your table. Sebastian sat across from you, staring deeply into your eyes. You brought your hand up to rest your chin on it, staring back at him. “How’s everything been going?” You were genuinely interested in the answer and it made your heart warm watching his face light up.
“It’s been going really well. Everyone we worked with was real nice, it made all the scenes more comfortable.” Seb’s eyebrows rose at the mention of the scenes and you knew which ones he was referring to.
“Oh, right.” You tried not to let your emotions show.
“Yeah, we’re about to start teasing some of them to promote the show.” Seb sighed at the thought of having to use social media, you shook your head at him.
“I’ll help you with it, you dork.” You laughed to hide your discomfort. “Which scene did they approve for the posts?” Sebastian began to speak when he was interrupted by your waitress. After the two of you ordered your food, the waitress returned with your drinks. Sebastian took a large gulp of his before answering your previous question.
“They want me to post the trailer and then the scene between Frank and Daphne at the bar.” You tried to think back to the script, remembering the context. Frank and Daphne were meeting after Daphne had gone out on a date with Jack. Daphne was claiming that she didn’t want to be a wedge in their friendship, then proceeded to make out with Frank. If you were recalling correctly, Frank and Daphne’s first sex scene followed soon after.
“Okay, we can do that. Do you have any behind the scene pictures you wanna post too?” Seb got out his phone, scrolling through his camera roll to see. He had several different photos of him with Jamie and then him with Shailene. He showed you his phone on a picture of Shailene leaned against him on a couch, her arm over his waist. A red filter colored the photo, you had to hand it to him, it was a good one to use. “We can post it whenever we get home, love.” Sebastian locked his phone and shoved it in his pocket, to focus solely on you.
“How has your day been, draga mea?” You bit your lip as you thought about what you’ve been doing. You’ve been working towards your Master’s, so your days have been filled with preparing for your dissertation. On top of that, you’ve become a bit of an influencer on different social media platforms. Really, you believe your popularity came from your relationship with Sebastian. You’ve been giving his fans the content that they’ve always wanted. Not only that, but you’re active with them.
“My day was good today. I had to edit a few papers from my other classmates but other than that I didn’t do much. I did make a few TikTok videos, but really today was a bit of a lounge day for me.” Seb smiled at you, proud of how hard you’ve been working.
“I should be getting a few days off soon, so we can relax together in the apartment, if you aren’t too busy with your classes.” He stretched his arm across the table, palm up waiting for your hand. Seb pulled your hand up to his mouth, placing a sloppy kiss onto the back of it. His eyes settled on you lovingly. To Sebastian, you were the greatest thing that had ever happened to him.
The two of you managed to finish your meal in peace. No fans came up to Sebastian asking for photos, no paparazzi swarms when you left, just a quiet meal for a normal couple in love. After you got home and you were snuggled in your pajamas alongside Sebastian in your comfortable bed, he handed you his phone to read over his post for his Instagram. The paragraph was sappy, about his time working with Drake, the director, and working with the rest of the cast. Seb always was a softy, never was able to hide it, especially in promo posts.
“It looks good to me. Are you going to post it now? Or wait until tomorrow morning?” Seb debated, he probably should wait and do it tomorrow, but he was most likely going to forget to do it. He clicked post, putting his phone on charge and snuggling into you.
“Thank you for always being there for me, Y/N.” He kissed your jawline, nuzzling his face into your neck. “It really means a lot to me, baby. I love you so much.” He wrapped both hands around your waist, pulling you to his front. You smiled wide, momentarily forgetting all of your troubles.
“I love you too, Seb.” You turned your head slightly, pressing a kiss against the corner of his mouth. “Now let’s get some sleep, love.” Little did you know that a single post could ruin all of the progress that you thought you had made.
You woke the next morning, alone in bed. You could hear pots clanging in the kitchen of your home, bringing a smile to your face. Before you left the safety of your bed, you checked your socials out of habit. You opened Instagram first, seeing an absurd amount of notifications this early in the morning. Your smile dropped as soon as you opened the first post. Comments on Sebastian’s post about Endings, Beginnings and his chemistry with Shailene weren’t entirely out of the ordinary. They were to be expected, they were playing parts in a love triangle. People were ‘shipping’ Shailene with Seb and Jamie, so that wasn’t too crazy.
What hurt you were the comments saying, “living for shailene and sebastian! she’s a much better match for him than y/n.”
“never thought that y/n girl was going to last, glad he’s going w shailene”
“shailene and seb supremacy”
“yes! i’ve always supported seb in everything he’s done, but i rlly questioned him when he got w that y/n girl. what was he thinking?!”
Tears gathered in your eyes as you continued scrolling. You never thought you and Sebastian never fit. You knew that people had issues with your relationship, but you never let it get in your head this bad. You checked your explore page, pictures of you and Sebastian from last night were riddling the page.
Your heart dropped.
There were pictures of the two of you from last night with parts of your body circled. The exposed skin above your waistband, the excess skin on your neck and arms. You don’t know where they got these pictures, but your stomach was steadily sinking with each picture you saw. The door of your room opened, revealing a smiley Sebastian with a plate full of eggs in one hand and a cup of orange juice in the other.
“Good morning, baby.” You quickly shoved your phone away from you, wiping your tears away from your eyes to meet his. His brows furrowed immediately. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” You snuffled quietly, before answering.
“Uh, nothing. I’m just so proud of you.” You smiled at him, not wanting to bring down his already happy mood with your problems. Was that entirely healthy? Probably not, but you were doing it anyway, consequences be damned.
“Oh, well you don’t have to cry for me, Y/N. Even if you’re proud.” He walked up to your side of the bed, placing the cup and plate on your nightstand. He brought his hand up to your cheeks, wiping away your tear streaks. “You know that I only like to see tears whenever it’s me causing you so much pleasure you beg me to stop.” He winked at you, smirking at your rising blush. To say that didn’t lift your spirits for about half a second would be a lie. Sebastian brought the plate to your lap, waiting for you to start eating. At this particular moment, after seeing all those horrible pictures of your body, your appetite had gone out the window, but he was so smiley.
“After you eat, I want ya to shower.” Sebastian’s hand came up to your jaw, cupping it as you used it to chew the eggs. “We’ve got a long day of lounging and enjoying each other's company ahead of us.” Sebastian stood from the bed, throwing a wink at you as he left the room dramatically. You stopped eating soon after he left, the food tasting like ash on your tongue. At some point, you got into the bathroom, staring at the reflection in the mirror.
Your phone was in your hand again. The pictures flooding your Twitter feed. Shaky breaths left your mouth as you watched your reflection tilt its head. Tears began gathering in your eyes as it felt like you weren’t in your own skin anymore. You had worked so hard to be comfortable in your own body.
It’s amazing how just one picture can ruin everything.
You leaned forward on the countertop, hands holding up your weight. You shifted towards the mirror, examining every miniscule detail that your eyes could see. Your lids came down quickly, tears dragging down your cheeks. You squeezed your eyes closed, shaking your head back and forth.
“You are not going to let this get to you.” You took a few deep breaths as you turned on the shower. Not wanting to be around the mirror anymore, you kept your bath short, talking to yourself the whole time. By the time you left the bathroom, it was steamed completely, you couldn’t see your reflection even if you wanted to.
“He loves you.” You had a mantra and you continued to repeat it as you walked into your shared closet. “He loves all of you.” You pulled one of his old t-shirts off a hanger. “Sebastian loves you.” A pair of your underwear and his loose boxers covered your lower half. “Sebastian loves all of you.” You shoved your feet into a pair of fuzzy pink socks, leaving the closet still muttering to yourself. You tucked your phone into your waistband after checking your socials again. You know you shouldn’t have, but there was some part of you that just wouldn’t let you not.
The same shit covered your For You page on TikTok. Videos from the trailer of Seb and Shailene and then videos of you and Seb, comparing the two relationships. “They do fit well together.” You thought to yourself. A part of you wondering why Seb was with you in the first place.
“Did you say something, love?” Sebastian looked at you from the couch. A blanket was strewn over his lower half, his upper body inviting, waiting for you to join him. His smile dropped when he took in your glassy eyes instead of your usual happy expression.
“Oh baby, what’s wrong?” He started towards you, eyes running over your body for any outward injuries. An understanding look crossed his face when he saw your phone clutched in your hand. “Y/N, talk to me, baby.” Sebastian’s hands rested on your shoulders, lightly caressing your biceps. You recoiled from his touch, feeling uncomfortable in your own body.
“Just some stuff that some fans posted.” Seb’s thumb traced just under your eye, wiping away the tears. He held his right hand out for your phone, to understand what you were talking about. His brows furrowed deeply as he scrolled, not fully processing how destructive his fans could be. Sebastian always believed that they were the best fucking people in the world. He knew that they could be mean, but this was something else.
“They don’t know what they’re talking about, Y/N.” Sebastian’s voice was firm. It was almost strong enough to cut through the fog invading your brain, but not quite. You had officially zoned out. Dead to the world. Lost in your own thoughts. No matter how destructive those thoughts may be.
Sebastian noticed that you were already too deep, having experienced this with you many times before. He was aware that you were self-conscious, insecure, however you want to describe it. Your anxiety always got worse when you were stressed. Prepping for your dissertation was definitely a stressful time. Add on top of that, Sebastian was constantly pulling you from your work for various reasons. Had he contributed to this? Scratch that thought, he didn’t have time for that. He needed to bring you back down to Earth, back to him.
“Y/N.” His hands hovered over your hips. “I’m going to touch you for a second.” He directed you to the couch, settling on the coffee table in front of you. His fingers lightly traced circles onto your knees, as he assessed how he should approach this.
“Y/N. Baby?” Sebastian hesitated before bringing his fingers up to your chin, not wanting you to react badly. “I’m right here, Y/N, it’s Sebastian.” His left hand hadn’t left your knee, continuing to trace small patterns into your skin, giving you something to ground yourself with. He watched you blink and swallow harshly, inhaling sharply before opening your mouth.
“Why are you with me?” Your chin trembled with unvoiced sobs. “You deserve the world, Seb. I’m not even--” Your sentence was cut off by a loud whimper causing tears to start streak down. Sebastian wasn’t sure if this was a situation where you wanted him to be involved, so he waited for a sign.
“I’m not even worth a glance from you.” Your hand came up to wipe at your runny nose. “They’re so right. You need to be with someone like Shailene.” A bitter sob racked your body, making your body fold in half. Sebastian caught you before you hurt yourself.
“Y/N. I love you.” He always heard you say that to yourself when you thought he wasn’t listening. He knew that you suffered from anxiety, so he was always watching. Always paying attention to your little cues. The little things that he could use to help you as much as he could. “I love all of you.” He held one of your hands, running his thumb over the back of it.
“I don’t care what they say, baby.” He lifted your face to his, steel blue eyes locking with your cloudy pair. “I picked you.” He pecked your right cheek. “I want you.” A peck to your left. “I want only you.” One to your forehead. “It’s always been you, Y/N.” Another on your chin. “I love all of you, Y/N.” Sebastian landed a final short kiss to your lips, lingering for only a second.
“I want you to understand something, Y/N.” His gaze never left you. “I’m not going anywhere.” His brows raised as he hardened his voice. “I’m especially not going anywhere at the behest of my fans. I love them to death, but they don’t get to decide who I love.” Sebastian shifted to sit next to you on the couch. “Is it okay if I put my arms around you?” All he got was a brief nod in return, which was expected.
“I’m yours, Y/N. As much as you’re mine.” His arms descended around you, wrapping you in a loving embrace. You turned to face him fully, bringing your own arms around his waist, shoving your head into his neck.
“I’m sorry you have to deal with all my shit, Seb.” Sebastian almost missed your comment because you spoke into his shoulder and through loud snuffles. He backed away to look you in the face.
“I signed up for this, Y/N. I’m here for whatever we go through.” He tucked a stray hair behind your ear. “We go through ‘your shit’ together, Y/N. This is a partnership, a two-way street.” He looked at the weak smile on your face, heart warming slightly at the sight. His face turned serious, casting a glance at your phone on the coffee table.
“How long have you been sitting on this?” He knew how quickly your mind could twist things, so he wasn’t sure what to expect. You bit your lip, not meeting his eyes anymore.
“Just since this morning.” He held you away from his body, watching your expression.
“Is this why you were crying earlier?” You gave him a meek nod in response. “Baby, I thought we talked about this. We have to talk to each other when we think we’re going to go into a funk.” The two of you had talked about it before, but you didn’t think this was going to be a funk.
“I should’ve been able to just shake this off because I know you love me and you won’t leave me because of something that some people on the Internet say.” The words left your mouth before you could process everything, your mind quick to defend itself.
“It’s okay, Y/N. You don’t always have to be able to shake something off. We just have to keep each other in the loop.” Sebastian looked over your tear-stained face, pressing a kiss to your forehead again. “Let’s ditch the phones today. Just spend the day in each other’s arms, how’s that sound?” You smiled softly, nodding at the man in front of you. He got up quickly hiding both of your phones in the kitchen somewhere.
This definitely wasn’t a solution to dealing with your anxiety, Sebastian knew that. It also wasn’t dealing with the toxic people on the Internet, but you didn’t need that right now. You needed to be immersed in an environment that accepted what you were going through without judgement, Sebastian could provide that. Seb hummed happily when you snuggled into his side under the covers on your couch while he searched for a movie. He kissed the top of your head and he felt you smile against his stomach.
“I’m proud of you, draga mea.” You turned to face him, a confused expression lacing your features.
“For what, Seb?” He stroked your face with a single finger, mapping out your features.
“I’m proud of how you handle yourself. I’m amazed at how strong you are, even when you think you’re not.” He leaned closer to you, whispering his next words. “You’re my hero.” One corner of your mouth twitched upwards, not wanting to accept it. You rolled your eyes playfully, settling back onto his stomach before speaking.
“I love you, Sebastian.”
“And I love you, Y/N.”
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ellana-ravenwood · 4 years
“My fake boyfriend is a billionaire ?!” - Bruce Wayne x Fem!Reader
Synopsis : After a few shitty weeks of everything going wrong, you somehow find yourself faking a relationship with the one and only Bruce Wayne. 
That’s it. I did it. After 3 years posting stories on this platform, I finally succumb to one of the biggest fanfiction cliché of all time haha. The infamous fake boyfriend trope. And I really hope you will like it : 
My masterlist : @ella-ravenwood-archives
The Gap Year of Disaster
Today, you were an utter mess, and you couldn’t care less.
You know, this kind of days where you wish you would just have stayed in bed ?
Where everything goes wrong and you just want to hide under your blanket and pretend you don't have any responsibilities ?
Well today…Today was most definitely this kind of day.
It was suppose to be your first day at an exciting new job and you were so psyched about it, that you hadn’t been able to sleep all night. 
You finally fell into a deep slumber during the very early hours of the day, and…
Of course you woke up late ! You didn't have time to take a shower, or to do your make-up nicely or even to brush your hair. But worst of all you didn't have time to get coffee !
When you got out with your bike….it was pouring outside. Ah but of course, because when one thing goes wrong everything has to follow. Everything WILL go wrong. Murphy's law or some stupid things like that !
It's in those moments you wish you had a car ! Because when it rained in Gotham…It felt like Noah was ordered to built another ark !
So, sleep deprived, soaked, in a bad mood and looking like a mess, you managed, by some miracle, to arrive at your job on time.
Only to discover that this wasn’t at all what you were expecting. It was NOT what was promised to you, which was experience in an exciting workplace and a way to make the most of it. 
Instead, it was a desk job where you ran errand for everyone. Amazing. 
This was supposed to be your first try at “real life”, this was why you took that gap year from college. 
“I want to find myself, find who I really am !” You told everyone around you, ignoring those who were negative and telling you you should finish your study first. 
Now, as you were stuck in a tiny cubicle with an endless list of coffee orders you had to get for everyone else, you felt like maybe they were right, and that this wasn’t quite the way you were going to “find yourself”. 
Then again, wasn’t it through hardship that this sort of things unlocked ? Wasn’t it with great determination and knowing how it was to struggle, that you were going to thrive ? That’s what they said in TED talks dedicated to “success”...
So far in your life, things had been rather normal. Not particularly easy, but not hard either. You grew up in a small town in New Jersey, no troubles on the horizon. You then moved to Gotham for college as you had a scholarship for Gotham’s University, and as you were about to start your third year you sort of questioned wether or not this was your path...
One of your favorite professor told you to maybe take a gap year. A few semesters off, to think things through. Taking advantage of it to do some soul searching and try to know what you really wanted and...It sounded wonderful ! 
That’s when you started to have job interviews in many different fields, and it took you three months to finally find something. Three very stressful months of wondering how long you could live off of your measly savings, and wether or not you’d have to move back in with your parents (anything but that !)...Not a very good start to that gap year for sure. 
And when you landed what you thought was going to be a great job, things definitely were looking up ! Ah, but the fact that you were chosen while you had NO experience and such, should’ve been your first warning that this was too good to be true. 
You were trying to stay positive though. Maybe it was only for the first day ? Maybe their coffee person was sick or something ? It’d get more interesting later ? Yes. Yes let’s keep a positive outlook on everything. 
Except right now, as your entire morning was made of you walking up and down the building (the elevator was not working, but of course), to the coffee shop at the corner of the street, and bringing back orders for people, you didn’t feel in the mood to try and stay cheery. 
And the worst in all that ? You didn't even get ONE cup for yourself…This “real life” thing was not starting very well. 
And so here you were, during your lunch break, looking like a mess, bag under your eyes and still wet from the rain (your trips up and down the street for coffee runs not helping drying yourself off), your morale at its lowest..And…
"That'll be 3 dollars and 50 cents for the large latte with triple espresso shot, m'am."
Proof that things could ALWAYS get worst. 
As you were looking through your bag, you couldn't find your wallet !
Did you leave it at home ?! Maybe. 
People at your work gave you the money to buy them coffee (and not a single tips, bunch of cheapskates). And you didn’t notice you were missing that oh so essential part of your daily life...Your credit card. Or any type of money. 
Damn it ! 
“Um, excuse me miss, that’s 3,50 please ?”
“Oh yes yes, um, you know what I just-” 
“Here, miss, you dropped this.” 
As you were about to explain that in fact, you didn’t need coffee (even if when you asked for it you might’ve mentioned it being a question of “life or death”), too embarrass to admit you didn’t have the money to buy it, a...very handsome man handed you a twenty dollars bill. 
You were a hundred percent sure this wasn’t yours. You never carry lose cash like this. A quick look to his kind deep blue eyes, and soft smile, and you realize...
Oh. Great. A total (very handsome) stranger took pity of you. 
You probably looked even worst than you felt. You were about to say this was a mistake, but before you could, he gave the bill to the barista, and left with a last smile to you, taking his own cup of coffee away with him. 
Damn. You didn’t have time to say “thank you”. He vanished as fast as he appeared, disappearing in the crowd of the busy coffee shop. 
“Here’s your change, m’am.” 
“Ah you know what ? Keep it buddy. Thanks for the coffee.” 
“Wow, thanks !” 
You were pretty sure that barista never had such a big tip, and it oddly made you feel better, to make someone else’s day like that. Your grandma did always say that you found true joy from helping others...
Oh, yeah, ok, you just helped someone out, why was the universe so angry at you ?! 
As you turned around and started to leave, almost at the exist of the shop, mood a little better after this nice encounter with a (again, handsome) stranger, and the barista, you see him. 
Him. One of the reason you sort of decided to take a gap year. 
Your ex-boyfriend, Eric, who cheated on you with your friend Monica. Needless to say, it wasn’t a good memory. And you hadn’t seen neither him nor her since you left college, especially not since you heard they actually got together. 
Your FRIEND. With your BOYFRIEND. And it went on for a while, before you finally discovered it (that day was as shitty as today...). 
Oh. And of course Eric wasn’t alone. She, was there too. The one you thought was your friend, and who stabbed you in the back like that. Both of them discarding you like a dirty old sock. 
Great. Really. Awesome. This day was going from “bad” to “please kill me.” 
“(Y/N) !” 
He looks surprised to see you, although also a little pleased. And it makes you want to punch him in the face. You don’t care if it’s because he wished things ended another way, they both betrayed your truth and then never even tried to talk to you again afterward. 
You’re not sure you would’ve forgave them, but at least, it would’ve shown they still cared about you in a way. Nobody chooses who they’re going to fall in love with (that, you’d soon discover for yourself). But she was your best friend. And he was with you for over a year. 
She’s a little more awkward than him, and smiles, clearly embarrassed. You always knew she was a bit of a coward, if she wasn’t, she would’ve face you, right ? 
And that’s when it happened. The decision that would forever change your life.
In this great moment filled with despair and awkwardness.
From the corner of your eyes, you saw that nice stranger who paid for your coffee. The handsome one. He didn’t leave the shop, but instead went to seat at a table that was a little further away than the rest of them. 
His eyes were glued to his phone, and you thought : “Well, fuck it, all this can’t get any worst right ?”
You were sort of hoping that, since he had been nice with you once and offered you those twenty dollars without knowing you (although you were very aware it was probably just pity), maybe he could help again ? 
Maybe it was the fatigue, the fact you were getting sadder and sadder, that you had a terrible day, and that you just saw two people you loved and who threw you away like you meant nothing (oh but not before being super fake to you, pretending they WEREN’T cheating behind your back)...maybe it was a combination of all of that, that made you act crazy. 
But here you found yourself, sitting at that stranger’s table, and saying, as he looked up from his phone clearly surprised : 
“How are you guys ? As you can see, I’m great.” 
You don’t dare to look at the handsome stranger, and hope he’ll be too stunned to say anything, and you can make your ex-friend and ex-boyfriend feel embarrass enough they’ll leave quickly. But then Monica says something that makes your heart skip multiple beats : 
“You...You know Bruce Wayne ?!” 
You turn to the man who gracefully paid for your coffee, and your eyes go wide. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK. How did you NOT recognize him ?! Of course. Chiseled face, beautiful blue eyes, a suit that was definitely worth your entire year’s salary, a very charming aura...
Your hazy mind full of “fuck this day” didn’t register that THE Bruce Wayne, was the one who helped you out. How did you miss that ? His face had been plastered everywhere in Gotham for the past year, since he came back to the city, in fact. 
You hear yourself wish with all your might to be struck by lightning this instant, as the two assholes who hurt you so much are looking at you expectantly and are not about to live (of course, they just met celebrity BRUCE WAYNE !! Could someone be as unlucky as you were today ?!)
And that’s when you hear a chuckle, a beautiful deep chuckle, and finally turn to look at Bruce. He smiles at you, and takes your hand, saying : 
“Honey, who are your friends ?” 
Your brain go full “ERROR 404″, not quite able to grasp the fact that THE Bruce Wayne just ran with what you were trying to do. How ? How was this possible ? You initially went to sit with him in the hope that Eric and Monica would see you were totally ok and with a hot date, not quite sure still yet how you ever thought this was a good idea and...
It was turning out alright ?! 
HOW ?! 
“Oh um, I’m..Eric. And this is my gir...This is Monica.” 
What a piece of shit. Not even brave enough to call her his “girlfriend” when he cheated on you with her for months and months. You glare at him, unable to stop this gut reaction. 
And that’s something Bruce caught. 
In fact, as soon as you sat down, avoiding looking at him and nervously looking at those two people, Bruce sort of knew you were in an uncomfortable situation. One that made you take an irrational decision. 
And oh, he didn’t like the look Eric and Monica gave you. Like they felt superior as they caught you in a bad moment. Bruce hated, people who thought they were superior to others... 
And you clearly seemed in distress and in need of help so...He ran with it. 
Bruce had to pretend to be someone he wasn’t enough that it felt natural, to run along with what your hazy mind thought was a good idea. 
“Nice to meet you, are you friends with-” 
Damn it. He realized he didn’t know your name. Quick thinking saved him, and he managed to keep his tone even, as to hide his hesitation : 
“My love ?” 
His hand around yours felt warm and reassuring, and you still couldn’t believe that, not only a total stranger, but THE Bruce Wayne was helping you out like that. Especially after you had such a bad day. 
Him calling you his “love” made your exes feel very awkward, and they shake their head “no”, suddenly pretending they’re very busy and have to meet up with someone. They leave the coffee shop, clearly stunned, whispering things to each others that you knew were probably : “how did she get a guy like him ?!”
You can’t help but glare at them some more...But then your hand feels cold again, and you realize Bruce let go off it. Well. Duh. Of course he would. 
You turn to him, your feature softening, and say : 
“Are you an angel ?” 
Ah yes. Your defense mechanism. “Humor”. 
He chuckles, and says : 
“Well, I’m afraid not. My butler would think this is very funny. But thank you.” 
Awkwardly, you rub your neck, your free hand nervously turning your cup of coffee clockwise in your palm. You don’t really know how to end this, what : “thanks for that” and leave ? 
“Thanks for the coffee. And for um...Saving my ass, just there.” 
He smiles, and wow hello white teeth and charming dimples ?! 
“You’re very welcome. They looked like they were jerks.” 
“Haha oh you have no idea.” 
“Glad I could help.” 
“Thanks again. Really. This means a lot, especially since we don’t know each others. Well, I know you. Everyone in Gotham does haha. And ok I’m going to leave now, my lunch break is almost over and I don’t want to make this even more awkward.” 
You start to rise up, but he holds you back by catching your sleeve, and says : 
“Actually miss…?”
“(Y/L/N). (Y/N) (Y/L/N).”
“Miss (Y/L/N), you are kind of saving my life right now.”
“…I am ?”
A flash blinds you. Not a lightning, a camera flash. You turn, just in time to see a guy hastily hiding a camera and running away. 
“What the...” 
“A paparazzi. Good timing, for once.” 
“Huh ?” 
You wish you had some witty come back, or would just know what to say. But you’re confused. And this has been a really weird day. 
“I am sorry if this will seem forward, or like I helped you wanting something in exchange. But I promise I will make it worth your while if you just sit back down and listen to me for a few minutes.” 
You sit back down. More because you’re unsure your leg can still support you in this moment, than because he asked you to. With a smile he continues : 
“Thank you. So. Let me explain a little, and again, sorry if this is too forward. If you don’t want to help of course, I would understand. I’m about to ask you something rather odd, I guess. And I’ll clear things up with paparazzis. I also promise I did not help you with your “friends”-”
“They’re not my friends.” 
“I figured that much. And I promise I didn’t help you with them and ran with whatever you were trying, just so I could ask you this.” 
“Ask me what ?” 
“Well, you see…it’s arranged marriage season.”
“What ?”
“Every year, every single rich family try to make me marry their single daughters. It’s a very tiring season, but I’ve never been able to avoid it…I thought about having a fake fiancee before but could never find the right person.”
What he says does not register with you. His clear proposal doesn’t hit your brain. And you just stare at him, waiting for him to keep going. But he doesn’t, and by the way he looks at you, you slowly starts to understand where he’s getting at. 
You gasp, now pretty sure this is all a dream (or a nightmare) and say : 
“And I’m the right person ?”
“Well, yes. You seem to be a...“normal” person.”
“In that case it’s good. It’s very good. It means that if I’m dating you, a woman that has nothing to bring me, then it must be true love.”
“Wow, stop with the flatteries already mister Wayne, I can’t handle it…”
Ah, your slight wits are back. Good sign that you’re regaining your senses. Everything that happened in the last ten minutes still feel like a bad dream, but you’re back in reality now. 
“No no no, I didn’t mean it in a demeaning way ! But it’s just, you’re not rich, and you’re not famous or have political ties. You’re just a regular person. So they won’t think I’m trying to trick them, even if I am, do you know what I mean ?”
“Gotcha. My broke ass person cannot bring you any value, so it must be love and not just an arranged thing they can break. Cool.”
There’s a slight silence. And you find it a little fun, to play a little bit with the famous Bruce Wayne. He seemed so confident and cocky on TV, you never thought you’d be able to make him look so guilty. 
“I’m sorry if I offended you.”
He says, clearly meaning it. But you shake your head and smile at him (and oh why does he feel his heart tightening slightly at your smile ?), and reassure him instantly (you feel a little bad, actually, to mess with him while he did just really do a huge favor to you while he had no obligations to) : 
“Haha, just messin’ around with ya Mster Wayne. I’m not bothered by it, it’s the truth. I’m really broke, and I don’t think you could find more “regular” than me right now. So, and because you really did save my ass from an extremely displeasing experience back there. And also because you allowed me to see those assholes’ face of surprise and “how did she manage that ?!”, tell me more about your plan, and let’s see if I can help you back.”
And so Bruce starts to explain to you how, every year, this beginning of Fall is the worst time ever, as it’s a moment where everyone seems to want to marry off their daughter. And of course, Bruce Wayne is a good “party”. 
The plan was fairly simple. You’d fake a relationship with him, so he could avoid all of this, and in exchange...Well. You’d gain a lot in exchange. 
This is how you started to really feel like you had fallen into a “romcom” by accident...You and Bruce, became an actual living trope. 
“And then when the “marrying season” is done, you can break it off.”
“I ?”
“Well yes, I can assure you you’ll gain quite a rep if you break up with me haha.”
You raise an eyebrow, unsure you like that sort-of overly confident side of him. But you can see something behind his eyes, like a slight unsureness as he looks back at you, trying to see if you’ll agree or not.
“I don’t really need a “reputation”.”
Breaking up with THE Bruce Wayne himself. For sure people would talk about it a lot, and maybe it would help open some doors for you ? But you felt a little odd taking advantage of this like that. 
Seeing that he hadn’t convinced you quite yet, he adds : 
“Of course, I will pay you.” 
What kind of Pretty Woman sort of nonsense was this ?! You were about to protest when he added, realizing how he sounded : 
“I mean, you ARE doing me a great service. You ARE going to have to act, you know ? An...actual job ? And I will be honest with you, it won’t be easy, to find yourself in the public eye. I think it definitely justify a salary.” 
Put that way, you had to admit that, well, yeah it sort of did. Especially since you knew how crazy tabloids were about Bruce Wayne. Becoming his “girlfriend” would definitely put you on the front lines. 
“And it would truly help me tremendously.” 
Your grandma always said it : “True joy comes out from helping others !” So. What if you benefit from it a little ? If it helps you financially, and you can get a little network out of it ? First rule of Alchemy (what a weeb) : “equivalent exchange” ! Plus, he did really help you with your coffee, but also with Eric and Monica so...
And hey, this gap year was meant to help you find what and who you wanted to be. Help you go through this little twenty-something crisis. And this ? Living a literal romantic comedy cliche by faking being someone’s girlfriend ? Well, it definitely felt like the kind of adventure that could help you figure things out.  
With a smile, you finally nod and shake his hand, not knowing quite yet in which mess you actually put yourself into...
Like every “secret mission”, this one too needed a “briefing”. 
A little meeting to put all the rules down, and the goals too. 
And here you were, feeling very out of place in a huge conference room in the biggest and tallest building in Gotham : “Wayne Tower”.  
The concierge stared at you for a very long time, when you said you were there to see Mister Wayne. No “nobody” like you ever called for his boss. 
Suspicious, as it was his job, he called security on you...Until it was finally cleared up that you DID have a meeting with Bruce Wayne ! 
Both the concierge, and the security guys, stared at you as you left to take the elevators they indicated to you, wondering who the hell had the kind of credentials to go all the way up there to see their boss ?! They didn’t recognize you from anywhere, not a model, not a famous politician or CEO, just...A regular person ? 
That was odd. And they noticed, it was odd. Which you assumed was what Bruce was aiming for, but it felt so awkward, to walk through this huge hall under their scrutiny. 
You finally arrived on the right floor, and oh look, some more staring. 
From his secretary, this time. She was used to see women coming to see her boss. But they’d usually wear Prada, and have plunging necklines full of pearls and fanciness. They weren’t...like you. 
You felt like it was easy, to know that you were just a “normal” person. You were definitely not wearing any designer clothes, and you were pretty sure the way you carried yourself made you super obvious. 
Hence all the staring. You could clearly see in her eyes, that she was wondering who the hell you were... 
She had her answer when Bruce came out of his office, and made a gesture as if he was going to throw his arm around your waist, and kiss you (which made you downright panic). But then, he looked awkwardly at his secretary, and instead just shook your hand. 
Something that DID NOT go unnoticed by his secretary. 
You saw how her eyes widen, and how she clearly hitched to take her phone out and call everyone...and you realized Bruce did this awkward thing because he knew his secretary, and her tendency to be a little gossipy. 
You’d discover later, in fact, that he hired her entirely because he knew if he said something, she would pick up on it and it would help him control rumors and such. Clever. 
For the moment though, he took you to a large conference room with huge windows. 
“I’m sorry for the weird “hello” back there, I wanted Shirley to think I was embarrassed to display affection to you in front of her. Usually, I do not mind at all. So doing it would make her think that-”
“I’m someone special to you.” 
“Exactly !” 
He smiles widely as you understood his plan (not sure how you felt about it, then again, that’s why you were here for, making sure you knew where both of you stood in all this), and then tells you he’ll be back in a few minutes. 
You have time to feel anxious and stressed before he finally comes back. 
“Sorry for the wait.” 
“Oh no, I bet you’re a busy man.” 
“Yes well. Anyway. Let’s get to it shall we ?” 
“Ok. So. I thought we’d settle sort of a little contract, so neither of us ever feel uncomfortable ?” 
“Sounds good, mister Wayne.” 
“Yes well first, please call me Bruce.” 
“Only if you call me (Y/N).” 
Oh and you two were still on the path of “romcom cliches”, with this conversation. He smiles, nods, and continues : 
“Ok, then I thought we could-” 
And so your fake relationship started, with some little ground rules. Like he could only kiss you after you gave him permission, if you ever felt overwhelmed everything would be called off, etc etc. 
Most rules were in your favor, to be honest. And WOW the paycheck he was going to give you for this little farce...Hey, maybe this gap year was finally gonna get interesting ?
Meeting the Little Buddy. 
It was sort of necessary. By then, Dick had been his son, officially, for a few months. He wasn’t calling him “dad” yet (and Bruce didn’t particularly want him to, at the time...ah but everything change one day, right ?), but they were already family. 
And it was a needed step. 
It wasn’t in the little “contract” you made, and honestly you could’ve refused to meet him but...Well, you liked kids. In another life, it felt like you could’ve been a teacher (A/N : AH, like in this story ;) : “Can you be my dad’s girlfriend, please ?” ). 
And you’d feel awkward, to fake a relationship and not ever meet his boy. 
The first time he saw you, it was at the Wayne Tower, and his eyes widened as he exclaimed : 
“Wow you’re so pretty ! Are you Bruce’s girlfriend ? You’re too good for him, you know.” 
You could feel your heart melt, how adorable this little guy was, right ? You chuckled, and almost full on laughed as you saw how vexed Bruce was by the comment. 
Not that he thought he was too good for you, no, he was just a little unhappy his son was stealing the show, and thought he couldn’t land someone like you...Oh but that, you couldn’t guess at the time, of course. 
“Nice to meet you, Dick. I’m (Y/N). And...I’m not really his girlfriend.” 
“Can you be mine then ?” 
You laugh again. You and Bruce had decided to tell him the truth, Bruce assuring you that kid was good at pretending too. You answer : 
“No, I’m saving him from marriage proposal.” 
“Oooooh !” 
Good at pretending. Dick had no idea what you were on about, but he was very good at acting as if he knew. 
It’s only way later, that he finally got it. By then, he already accepted you as : “his dad’s girlfriend”, and even knowing the truth, there was no way to change his mind. And to be honest, out of everyone, little Dick Grayson was probably the most aware of what the situation truly was. 
He had a knack, to notice how people felt. 
A “family” outing.
Two months in, and it was going GREAT. Faking a relationship was actually pretty easy. All you had to do was hanging out with him (and he was very nice to hang out with), and when a paparazzi was around, quickly kiss his cheek, or hold his hand, or let him put his hand in your hair...All those cute things new couples do. 
Today was one such small date. 
You could see Bruce was nervous, though.
After hanging around with him that many times, you started to know him a little better. Started to know he wasn’t really that persona he portrayed publicly.
He was actually quite a dork. What a pity, nobody else would ever know his real self...Yet, it made you happy you were one of the few in on the secret.
“Ok, out with it mister, what’s up ?”
He looks at you with such surprise in his eyes, as if it was the first time someone guessed what he was feeling...and, well, yes. It was. It was the first time someone who wasn’t Alfred got it. Someone realized something was on his mind. And asked him about it, didn't just ignore and move on. Actually cared to know. 
“Well ? Come on, I think literally nothing can surprise me by now, given you know, I’m faking a relationship with a billionaire, and it’s like, my job now.”
He smiles, and he couldn't possibly know how soft his look was, as he gazed at you.
“I...well, people don’t quite believe in us because-”
“WHAT ?! With all the “dates” and kisses and lovey dovey shit we did ?!”
He chuckles at your reaction, loving how honest you always were, and adds :
“The problem apparently is that you weren’t seen with my son yet, so many don’t believe we’re serious.”
You met Dick. Because it felt like a necessary step to yours and Bruce’s scheme. And you knew he knew this was all fake...But neither of you wanted to confuse the boy in any way so he was kept mostly out of the plan.
“I talked to him, and it’s actually really up to wether you’re comfortable with it or not. I know he wasn’t part of our contract, and I should’ve probably thought about it, I’m sorry. But um...If you’re ok with it, we could..Do things with him, too ?”
Bruce is really nervous; And you’re pretty sure no one but you (and maybe Alfred) ever saw him like that. It’s kind of...sweet. But you let the silence linger for too long and he hurries to say :
“You really don’t have to ! It’s ok if they don’t think we’re that serious and I get some proposals. I can manage ! You’re still a great help right now. It was just an idea. Dick is a very social kid, he would go along with anything and loves to do activities outside. He would be fine. But if you’re not then we can-”
“No. No no it’s...It’s ok Bruce. The few time I saw him, Dick did seem absolutely a peach to be around. And I always have fun with you, so sure, let’s organize a little something and show those bastards we’re totally real.”
You chuckle a little, your smile and carefree face making his heart skip a beat, for some reasons...Bruce also decided to ignore how happy it made him, to know you were always glad to be with him, and instead, he smiled and settled a date.
And here you were. In one of Gotham’s biggest park, opening a basket full of delicious sandwiches made by the one and only Alfred. Pretending to have a great family outing.
“Hey, hey look !”
Dick was absolutely amazing, at acting as if you were really a thing. As if you were really a “family”. Right now, he was doing flips and cartwheels, demanding your attention with avidity.
Bruce made sure to always hide his face from pictures (he was GREAT at noticing where paparazzis were hiding, a life of practice, you assumed), as he wanted to keep as much as he could his son’s privacy (especially after he made all the headlines when he lost his parents).
It was quite adorable. And...You were really having fun.
Dick was such a lively kid, and he was full of talents. The food was good, and it was so comfortable around Bruce. It felt so natural.
This wasn't all that bad. To fake being a family. A good use of your gap year, really. 
You purposefully decided to ignore the glint in the boy’s eyes. The way you sort of suspected for him, this was getting real, and not only pretend.
You and Bruce purposefully ignored it, actually. And you both felt shitty for it. Because not only were you risking to break that little boy’s heart when it was all over but...It was too hard to accept that maybe, maybe he was right.
And that all of this ? Might’ve not been as fake as you’d love to repeat yourself.
First Official outing. 
First gala. You were terrified. So far all you had to do was hang out with Bruce in the afternoon, there and there. It mainly consisted in him buying you coffee, and keeping the addiction to caffeine real, while talking about anything that would come to your mind. The conversations between you two was always fluid and pleasant. 
Or you’d go out with him and Dick, to do some fun things like mini-golf or catching a movie. Nothing too big and scary. It was mainly just you guys, no one else. 
It seemed like he knew where the paparazzis would be (most likely because he was “anonymously” tipping them off himself), and he’d take you on random short dates when he had time in between his work, slowly fueling the rumors Bruce was not a heart to steal anymore. 
And that he was dating a “commoner” ! (He hated this name for you, while you really didn’t mind that much). 
And this gala, was what made it completely official. Finally. It was your idea, to take things “slow”, and hang out with him and his son BEFORE hanging out in public areas like this. 
It was clever, really. To make it seems like you were trying to “hide” your relationship by being low-key, to then finally announce everything in public like that, at such an event. 
Bruce went to get a drink for the both of you, and you were looking around you, horrified at the mere idea that someone would come talk to you. 
But for some reasons, nobody seemed to dare. Maybe Bruce made sure that people would leave you alone ? Even as if you were clearly the talk of the evening, all eyes on you, and not even trying to be subtle ? 
You knew he did the same with little Dickie. That he made sure he was safe from the paparazzi and that no unsolicited journalist would come around him.
Thinking of it, where was the little one ? Usually, according to Bruce, whenever there was a gala he would spend his entire time near the food table, eating as much as he could, and he would come home feeling nauseous because of it...Haha sounded like Dick alright. That kid was so-
Oh oh.
Who was that sleazy looking gal talking to him ? He seemed so uncomfortable, yet too polite to brush her off...Oh no, she wasn’t one of them, was she ?
Without thinking twice about it, wether it was your place to do what you were about to do or not, you resolutely walked towards them.
“-Think it’s because he relates to you ? As both of you lost your parents in horrific situations, you know ?”
“I-I don’t know m’am.”
When you saw Dick’s distressed face, and his eyes slowly filling with tears, there was no doubt in your mind.
This woman was not supposed to be there, and was definitely not supposed to talk to that child...
This woman was a - shiver of disgust- tabloid journalist.
Your blood boiled as you saw her take a picture of the teary eyed Dickie, and you were standing protectively in front of him before you could even think about it. When you felt the boy clutch to your sleeve, hiding behind you and holding on for dear life, you knew you wouldn’t regret it.
“Can I ask you why you’re talking to that boy, please ?”
“What, it’s illegal to talk to fellow guests now ?”
“Lady, you’re well in your thirties. He’s eight. You have no right talking to him. Not only is it weird, but I know what you’re doing.”
“Oh, and pray tell, what am I doing, lovey ?” 
“You’re trying to get a story out of him. And you should be ashamed of yourself. He’s eight ! And from what I heard, you were asking some very disgusting things back there !” 
“Shut up.”
Your words came out harsh and determined, and the woman was so shocked she stayed silent for a while. You crouch down to Dick’s level, and ask : 
“Are you ok, my little buddy ?” 
He nods weakly, and then burst into tears as he launches himself in your arms, clinging to you tightly. You turn your head towards the woman, glaring at her so fiercely she doesn’t dare to take a picture of the scene, even as she knows she could sell them for a golden price. 
“You should be ashamed of yourself. He’s just a child !” 
The woman was about to say something else, something you knew would fuel your anger further, when Bruce arrived, and it was clear from his face that he was not happy. 
A quick look to you holding his crying son in your arms, and to the lady with the camera in her hands, and he understand what happened. With a cold voice you never heard him use before, he says : 
“I suggest you leave the area now, before I force you to.” 
There was something almost scary, in his demeanor. Almost like...No. Impossible. In any case, you didn’t worry about it much, drawing soothing circles with your hand on Dick’s back, trying to calm him. 
People around quickly stopped staring as they met Bruce’s assassin glare. It was not secret, that he was very protective of his son. And of his new girlfriend, apparently. 
You picked the little boy in your arms (Dick, at the time, was still so tiny), and Bruce comes closer, trying to soothe him too. And it really looked like all this was real...
Dick fell asleep in Bruce’s arms shortly after that, and was still there when it was time for the gala official pictures. Not wanting to wake him up, for once, Bruce allowed people to photograph the boy, as long as they did not frame his face. 
He laid his free hand on the small of your back, and just like you got used to those past months, you pretend to be head over heels for him and have one of your own arm around his waist.  
“Would you please allow me to kiss you on the cheek, for the cameras ?”
His question is so sweet, softly whispered in your ears. And you felt like a tease tonight, and maybe a little tipsy too. You tell him : 
“On the cheek only ? Let’s give them a show no ? Let them forget about what happened with Dick.”
Of course, you’re only joking, but there’s a light in Bruce’s eyes you haven’t seen before and...It disappears quickly. He chuckles, of that low chuckles that would charm anyone in the world, and says :
“I don’t want to force you to do anything you wouldn’t want to. Actually kissing me, I realize, might be too much.”
You know he caught on your joke, but you can’t brush off that light in his eyes that ignited when you suggested to kiss him...You don’t know why, and it feels you’re not controlling your own words, as you hear yourself say :
“Oh because kissing you would be such a horrible thing wouldn’t it ? Oh my, you’re only one of the handsomest man in Gotham, a rather attractive fella, how could I handle kissing you ? So disgusting !”
Your tone is teasing, and a little bit challenging. He catches on that, too. He answers : 
“But I am merely here to serve. I will do as you wish. You only have to say the words.” 
His smile fills your vision. His face. And the way he softly holds your waist, even as his other arms is carrying his son (the man was BUILT). And you think...Well, fuck it ! It was time for the first (fake) kiss, right ? 
Right here, in front of the cameras, where everyone was seeing you. Making it go full circle. Making it “official”. 
“Kiss me then, if you dare.” 
You simply say. Releasing a breath you were unaware you were keeping in. And he feels his heart squeeze, and as if he’s sweating a bit. When was the last time he was nervous about kissing a woman ? 
He couldn’t remember. 
And then he kisses you, the flashes of cameras slowly fading away as his lips melt onto yours. 
Wow. What a perfect, and nice, first kiss. 
As fake as it might be.
Your room. 
Your room at Wayne Manor was bigger than your entire apartment. 
You and Bruce decided that sometimes, so you wouldn’t raise any suspicion, you’d sleep at the Manor. Paparazzi were so on top of everything, it would seem weird if he was in a “committed relationship” and you never slept at his place. 
So Alfred settled a room for you. 
Oh. Alfred ! You met him not long ago, and he was the best ! 
It felt like he could magically guess what you wanted when you wanted it, and magically appeared with that warm cup of tea you craved, or that meal you’ve been thinking about all day. 
But beyond that, he was genuinely nice and made sure to make you as comfortable as possible. He showed you around, and his conversation was so pleasant ! 
You could actually see a lot of Bruce in him. Or, rather, it was evident that Alfred had raised Bruce most of his life, because they had a lot of similar mannerism, and were both kind and caring (Ah, imagine if Superman knew what you thought of Bruce, how crazy it’d sound to him eh ? But of course, that you’d discover way WAY later). 
You never went to explore much when it was time to go to bed, too afraid to get lost. This place was huge, and you never quite had a good sense of orientation. 
One could only wonder, what would you have discovered if you ever dared to wake up during the night, and explore his home ?
Build a Bear. 
Sometimes, Bruce really had to wrack his brain for original date ideas. Ever since he came back to Gotham, his dating days consist of pretending to sleep with every model in the World. 
He’d take them to fashion shows, to galas, to charity events...All very public places, unsuitable for a “serious” relationship like he was hoping to make yours and his pass for. 
Enter : Clever little Dickiebird, who always had an idea (and who might’ve been the best wingman someone like the Batman needed...that, of course, he’d discover it way, WAY later) :
“You can take her to a build a bear !” 
“Build...a bear ?” 
“Yeah, you know. You go and you make your own teddy bear !” 
“I do know, I took you to get Chester - the name of Dick’s favorite plushie toy now, and maybe with which he slept-. But...For a date ?” 
“What ? It’s cute and intimate !” 
“Huh ?” 
It has been a long time, since Alfred Pennyworth had to hold his laughter in that hard, and try to stay impeccably neutral. And there, faced with his master Bruce, who was known as the “ultimate womanizer”, the “perfect playboy”, and who was currently taking advice from his eight years old son...It was really hard to keep a straight face. 
It was also incredibly adorable. Especially how Bruce seemed to genuinely listen to the little one, unaware that he seemed actually way too interested for things just to be for his “fake relationship” to be more convincing. 
Not that Alfred was going to tell Bruce anything. 
“Dick, you know (Y/N) isn’t really my girlfriend, right ?” 
The way the boy talked about taking you to a date, felt to Bruce like he was forgetting this was all fake. And it was important to remind him.
But Dick had to invoke all the efforts in the world to not roll his eyes as to say : “sure she isn’t”, by now, it was oh so obvious to everyone but you and Bruce that there was a very real thing forming between you two. 
Instead, he said : 
“But you’re suppose to make the public really believe it right ? If you take her to build a bear, I can assure you they will think you guys are the real deal.” 
Bruce pondered this for a little bit, and realized that his son was right. It did seem like a cute and intimate date to bring your girl to, even if she was your fake girl...
Ah. Bruce forgot his own words. “Dick is great at pretending.” He is. He really is. Just like right now, he was pretending his idea was completely innocent, while he knew it would bring you two ever so closer. 
That whenever you’d see those bears you were going to build in your home, you’d think of one another. And remember fondly of the memory. 
And oh. Oh that boy was right. 
Your bear was sitting proudly on your couch, and every time you saw it, you remembered how clumsy Bruce had been, filling his own bear up. And how cute he was, carefully thinking of his options. 
And every time Bruce saw his own bear, that Alfred, for some reason, settled in the Batcave on the “trophy shelves” (and for some reason Bruce didn’t take it off of it...), he couldn’t help but think how he had genuine fun that day. 
Genuine fun, for the first time in what felt like ages. And how your smiling and giggling face didn’t seem to leave his mind, whenever he saw that bear...
Conniving traitors. 
“We both agree, he’s in love with her right ? He’s just too dense to realize it.” 
“Oh yes, young Master Richard, he definitely is. And he is dense, at times.” 
“Should we do anything ?”
“No more than what you’re already doing.” 
“Which is ?” 
“Which is continuing to push them in the...Right direction.”
“Oh ! I get it ! I’ll keep going Al’!” 
“And I’m sure you’ll make miracles, young master.” 
Dick’s smile to the old butler was so pure and happy, that Alfred had a hard time keeping his composure once again. 
And oh. Oh how he wish they were right, and that his Master Bruce would FINALLY allow himself to be happy... 
Rumors and Truth 
Bruce was just a tiny bit older than you. 24, according to his wikipedia page. 
And you couldn't help but be a little jealous, as you were looking at the page to re-enroll yourself in Gotham’s university, knowing he was done with college.
Then again, he was obviously a genius and would’ve been done faster than you anyway, even if you were the same age, since he finished his PhD just the year before, while most people don't even START their doctorate until they're around 23/24. 
Mmmm. Made you think. Was this just yet another rumors about the man ? 
Maybe not, after all it was proven he started college at age 14, and in Ivy Leagues ones, all across the world. 
From Cambridge, to Oxford, without forgetting La Sorbonne (A/N : by the way, this is canon haha, Bruce really did start college that early and went to many different places, and honestly, is anyone surprised ?). 
This wasn't really something you absolutely couldn't believe, compared to other crazy rumors about him. And you knew he WAS smart. 
By then, you couldn't count how many things were circulating about him, and how hard it was to know the truth from just plain old rumors. 
He had over a thousand lovers, he had MORE than one PhD (impossible, right ?), he had died once but survived somehow, he was part of a cult, he often lost his status as a billionaire because he gave so much money to charities and such, but his companies meddled in so many areas that his bank account was always filled more and more…
Honestly that last part didn't really surprise you. You saw him gave his money away to things he cared about (like education and medical care) without a second thoughts, so the fact he constantly oscillated between "billionaire" and "multi-millionaire" didn't really surprise you, not when you knew him like you did now. 
You totally trusted the rumors that said that by now, he gave away more than he currently owned. It sounded like him alright…But how to know the truth from the downright crazy ? Did he really have a PhD or was this just an addition to how special and different Bruce Wayne was in Gotham ? What kind of PhD did he have anyway ? 1000 lovers, really ?!
So many questions. And not a lot of answers. Even if you grew closer (as friends, of course), Bruce was still somewhat of a mystery to you. 
He never really tried to dismiss rumors, even the bad ones (unless they touched his son). Which made you wonder if they were true or not. And you really, really, for some reasons, wanted to know more about him...
“Is something the matter ?” 
He asks. Oh goddamn you, day dreaming on one of your regular “coffee date”. 
You shake your head, sipping on your drink and say : 
“Was just thinking about...Tabloids.” 
He frowns. For understandable reasons.
“I was just thinking about wether some rumors were true or not.” 
“What do you think is not true ?” 
“I don’t really know, and you never really say a rumor is false so it’s hard to know.” 
“Do you want to know anything in particular ?” 
Bruce knows it’s dangerous, to let you enter his private life like that. There’s a reason, after all, why he never dismisses any rumors. 
It helped build his fake persona, and take away any suspicions that he might be the infamous Batman. 
But he felt weak, around you. As if he just wanted to please you, no matter what. Sometimes, he felt dangerously close to just tell you : “ask me anything and I’ll tell you the truth”, even if it meant revealing his night activities...
Crazy, right ? 
He knew it was. And that he shouldn’t let it happen. Yet here he was, asking if you wanted to know something. Craving your attention. It felt so unlike him. But...You seemed to unlock a certain part of him. 
The one that didn’t die with his parents, and remained hidden. The one that was the old little Bruce, full of hope, honesty and happiness. Full of wish for the future...Even if he knew there was none. 
“How was college, for you ?” 
You hear yourself asking, really wondering if it was true he was 14 when he started, and if it was...How different you guys were, right ? You were 21 right now, and taking a gap year after two years of college...When he was your age, he had already finished a master (or even maybe two). 
"My college years were actually pretty boring, and unlike some rumors say, weren't particularly wild. I was really young."
"Ah, I heard the rumors."
"Those are true, I'm afraid haha."
"Afraid ? You're a genius !"
Which is why you found, more and more, his "himbo" persona to be odd. WHat was Bruce Wayne trying to hide ? Mmm…
Bruce recognized that look in your eyes. The look of someone who was onto something, and it was too frightening to let it happen. So he said :
"Yes well, I feel I missed a lot, during those years. Which is why I make it up now hahaha !"
His boisterous laughter seemed genuine, and totally fooled you. You couldn't always be on top of everything eh ? And this, did answer your question about his himbo persona…Oh, Bruce was good.
And he knew it. He trained for years, to make sure nobody would ever even suspect him to be Batman.
But he had to be careful with you. He knew it. It was obvious. You weren't that easy to fool…
The Day Batman saved you. 
The fact he had to be careful with you was confirmed not long after. When, as Batman, he came to your rescue.
He should’ve known, that even with a voice changer, and a mask covering most his face, plus a demeanor that was completely different from his usual one, you’d still get suspicious...He should’ve known because he, by then, knew you quite well. 
But, what ? Was he suppose to just let you get mugged ? 
He couldn’t. 
Even if in the grand scheme of things, it would’ve been better, and he would definitely intervene if it got too rough...He couldn’t. 
He couldn’t bear the thought of you getting hurt, or feeling distressed.
He knew this was stupid. That he shouldn’t get so attached. That muggings weren’t really his area of expertise, that to stop them, he had to hit the big bosses. He knew. Small thugs weren’t his target. He had a much bigger vision. And rationally, he should be somewhere else right now. 
Yet he couldn’t resolve himself to. Because, and that was a dangerous thought and feeling, he was in l- 
“Why are we spying on your girlfriend ?” 
Dick’s voice takes him out of his reveries, good. It WAS getting dangerous. Still keeping you in his field of vision (you were slowly going back to your apartment, a few minutes still, and he could leave to do other things knowing you were safe and sound in your home), he answered :  
“We’re not spying on her, we’re making sure she’s safe. And she’s not my girlfriend, you know that.” 
“Oh yeah ? We’ve been following your “totally not girlfriend” since the night started, awfully looks to me like we’re um, you know, stalking her.”
“We’re not.” 
Bruce gives an annoyed look to his son, who had way too big a smug face right now, and says : 
“The night is calm, if something comes up we’ll go. But right now, it’s alright. And it has been made official, that she and I are a couple.” 
“Fake couple.” 
“Fake one to us, not to the public eye.” 
“Ooooooh !” 
Connections were quickly made in the boy’s head, and he understood why they were following her. After all, this was Gotham. And if THE Bruce Wayne had ONE known lover...Well, it was easy to know it’d attract some nasty business. 
Dick was about to make a smug remark of which he had a talent for, when it happened. He pointed at you, fear in his eyes, and Bruce focused your way again. 
“Stay here.” 
“What why ?! I wanna help her too !” 
“Because she’s too smart not to put two and two if she sees you with me. She knows us in our day lives. She’ll recognize us for sure, if we’re together.”
“Just stay still, ok ?” 
Without a second thought, Bruce jumped down in the street down below, under Dick’s worried eyes. If anything happened to you, he knew his dad would never be the same again. 
And he knew he couldn’t bear to lose yet another person he cared about. Even loved. Yes. Yes Dick loved you, as if you really were part of his family...
The months of “faking” family outings made it so. Your worst fear happened. Dick was getting attached, hardcore. And he really hoped you and Bruce would figure out you were actually in love with each others before the end of your “contract”, and before his sometimes very dense dad would decide to let you go...
For now though, he was anxiously looking at Bruce making his way to you, after he spotted a suspicious group of men genuinely stalking you. 
“Hey pretty girl, can we talk ?” 
You stop in your track, turning around, cursing yourself for not having the instinct to just take off running. Oh. But you can see at least one of them has a gun. You can’t run faster than a bullet... 
“Ah it is you, isn’t it ?” 
You don’t answer, knowing what they mean. Bruce sort of warned you against this. But you didn't take his warnings seriously, and here you were, going home at night, something he definitely told you not to do. 
You just couldn’t sleep that night, and needed a walk...And here you were. 
“You’re gonna come nicely with us, right ?” 
“I dont’ think so.” 
Uh ? You’re pretty sure that weird robotic voice wasn’t yours. Even if that’s exactly what you wanted to say. And that’s...oh wow. 
That’s when you see him. Batman. 
Immediately, the atmosphere grow even tenser. And you can see the thugs who wanted to take you with them fearfully looking at him. 
“This has nothing to do with you Batman, leave us alone, we didn’t do anything wrong !” 
“It has everything to do with me. Leave.” 
“We have to-You don’t understand. We have to take her to-” 
“Nowhere. Leave.” 
Even if he was protecting you, you had to admit that, that dude was frightening. He had his back to you, and even then, he looked so intimidating and tall and broad...
Bruce was tall and broad too. But he was soft and sweet, not scary at all.
One of the thug had a gun pointed at Batman. Right at his head. He didn’t have the time to enforce his helmet yet, and if he shot around his mouth, he was done for...
A rock coming out of nowhere hit the thug right in the face. 
Coming out of nowhere ? To you, maybe. But Bruce knew that this was little Dickie’s doing. “Robin always has Batman’s back”, he said often...
For the time being, the one taking his gun out being knocked out triggered a “fight or flight” reaction in the others, and as two took off running (and were mysteriously hit by rocks too, knocking them out), three decided to attack Batman. 
Bad move. 
Very bad move. 
In a matter of second, it was over. 
He turns to you, and it’s hard to discern any emotions with his lighted eyes and mask. He asks : 
“Are you alright, (Y/N) ?” 
“How-How do you know my name ?”
“Well, you’re Bruce Wayne’s girlfriend, right ?” 
There was no hesitation in Bruce’s voice as, as soon as he pronounced your name, he knew he messed up...but he trained himself to think quickly. And this “fake” relationship was a perfect excuse, of course. Everyone in Gotham knew about you two, by now. 
“Oh, right, ok.” 
You seemed a bit disappointed, and Bruce couldn’t quite understand why...
It only hits him later, as he was going to bed, why you looked like that. And it made hi heart beat widely. Because he was pretty sure that it was because you sort of hoped Bruce talked to “Batman about you...Oh...Oh this was getting dangerous. 
But of course, Bruce had a reputation to be the one funding Batman’s gadget (a really good cover for the fact he was actually Batman). So they’d know each others...
But right there and then, as he just saved you, you felt so stupid, hoping that Bruce would’ve talked to you to Batman. Why would he ? How the hell would your name even show up in a conversation between Bruce Wayne and Batman (but oh, if you knew you occupied his thoughts many times, and who he really was, maybe you’d feel less bad ? It was, in a way, Bruce talking about you to Batman, right ?). 
You smiled weakly and shyly at this impressive being in front of you, and thanked him one more time. He nods, smiling too (oh ?), and bid you farewell. 
Ah. But Bruce didn’t notice your eyes go wide, as he took off with his grappling hook, and you caught the side of his face in a certain light...
Fake ?
"You know, he smiles more when you’re around.” 
Dick tells you once, you look at him curiously, as he continues : 
“And before you say it’s “all pretend”, let me tell you there’s a difference between this smile and the fake one. Look, that’s how he pretend.” 
On that note, he looked at you and smiled widely, exaggeratedly, but his smile didn’t reach his eyes. And it was so like how Bruce portrayed himself in public, that it made you chuckle. 
It also scared you a little. 
Not because there was a possibility Bruce did smile more around you, but because as that little boy was being silly, and now imitating his adopted father further and oh so perfectly...You felt a surge of love for him. 
And that wasn’t good. 
Because the day, which was coming soon now, you’d have to “dump” Bruce Wayne, you wouldn’t be able to see that little one again...why would you ? 
It’d be too weird, right ? Someone like you, once “broken up”, would have no reasons or ways to ever interact with billionaire Bruce Wayne or his son ever again. 
That little boy was the sweetest child you ever met. He suffered a great loss so early in his life, and there he was, making you laugh and being nice by saying you made his dad genuinely smile. 
It hurt, to know that one day, you wouldn’t see him again. That he’d grow up, and you wouldn’t know what he became. 
You were sure he was destined to become a great man, and you wished you could see it...No. No this was bad. This was so bad. 
“I mean it you know.” 
His little voice brings your attention back to him. 
“I think you make him happy. With you, it feels he can be himself. He laughs more, really laughs. And it’s often that he tells me “oh this makes me think of (Y/N)” and calls you. He doesn’t need to call you for the fake relationship thing, right ? Yet he does. That means something. I think he likes you.” 
You shake your head, smiling at this little boy’s wild imagination. No way. No way was THE Bruce Wayne falling for you in any way. Were you guys becoming real friends ? Sure. But it definitely stopped there. Right ?
Oh but if only you knew Dick had a knack to see this kind of things, and to guess people’s real feelings. If only you knew, that yes, Bruce was starting to fall for you...It would make the next episode way less painful for you. 
“Catch me dead before you catch me catching feelings” - You to yourself, a few days before starting a fake relationship with THE Bruce Wayne. 
“Fuck you” - You to yourself, almost six months in faking a relationship with Bruce Wayne. 
This was...bad. 
Soon enough, you and Bruce will break this entire deal off, you will “dump” him, and you’d go on your separate ways. And...
This was bad. 
Catch those body shivering “feelings”. 
Not just for Bruce though. But for the little buddy too. 
You felt yourself fall for Bruce slowly, and as if it was completely out of your control. But you also felt like if Dick wasn't in your life anymore...You wouldn’t feel whole again. Like he was sort of your son, too, by then. 
This was so bad. How did you get yourself in this mess ? What was that FIRST rule you gave yourself when all this started ? 
Right, “Catch me dead before I catch feelings”. Damn it. 
Thanks GOD the “marrying season” was finally coming to an end. Both you and Bruce settled you’d wait a few weeks after it to make your break-up official, so nobody would be tempted to cancel any wedding plans to try and force their daughter onto him.  
And it couldn’t happen soon enough. 
Being around him now, faking being in love, was torture to you. 
Kissing him knowing he felt nothing. Holding his hand in public while you knew in your heart he was just putting a show still. And hanging out with him feeling that you had absolutely no chance of this ever evolving...
It hurt.
It hurt so bad. 
And you were slowly hoping you never agreed to being his fake girlfriend. Being a living cliche, the money and the fame were REALLY not worth the heartache. 
So not worth it...
The end...?
"Well mister Wayne, it has truly been a pleasure to be your "girlfriend" haha. Seriously, I had a lot of fun, and a little revenge on life. You know, I saw Eric and Monica not long ago. They tried to become my friends again, knowing I was with you. It was great, to ignore them like they ignored them. You’re right, they’re really not worth it. And honestly I still don’t think we’re even after they hurt me like they did but...In the end, they looked so outraged. Win-win, really. Thank you very much."
"Thank YOU, for playing along and doing more than you bargained for. You really saved me a lot of hassle and…I had fun, too."
Your taxi was pulling in front of the Manor, and honked as he parked. Clearly, not a very patient driver.
"Well, see you around, Bruce ! If you're not too busy, you know…I kinda consider you a friend by now ?"
"Me, too."
Bruce lied. A "friend" ? No, it couldn't cover and explain all his feelings for you. A "friend". How ridiculous.
As you walked away, giving him a last smile, Bruce felt a pang in his chest.
A painful and yet happy one. A longing one. One that told him that "friend" wasn't what he wanted to be…Not anymore…
But was there really a future for you and him ? Probably not. His nightly activities would get in the way. You deserve more than the life he could give you. Being his "fake" girlfriend, you only took part in his public matters. Part in a fake world full of nice things, that was far from his actual life.
"Friend", he wished he could be more to you than this.
But he knew.
He knew that for your own good, he had to stay away. And oh, oh how he wished he could be more than just your "friend" or "fake" boyfriend. 
Yet he watched as you walked away. Without doing anything. 
He watched you leave, and felt the hole in his heart expand a little more. But didn’t try to catch you, or stop you from leaving. 
And your taxi was already far, now. On its way to Gotham. 
"So you gonna run after her oooor…??"
Dick's little voice takes him out of his reveries.
“Mmm ?” 
“(Y/N). Are you gonna run after her, or stand there looking like a sad puppy for the rest of your life ?” 
“I do not look like a sad puppy.” 
“Yes you do, and you know it. Come on dad, why are you doing this ?” 
This was the first time Dick called him dad. Which didn’t go unnoticed to Bruce. It meant...It meant something was definitely happening. He felt it in his heart. Something that was dangerous. Oh so dangerous. 
Hope. Like the “old Bruce” had. Hope. Full of it. Before his parents were murdered in front of him, for no reasons. Meaningless. 
To have a family again. Ah. But...Being with you was impossible. And Dick would be enough. He would. He was already enough... 
“How long are ya gonna torture yourself exactly ?” 
That boy was too smart for his own good. Bruce said : 
“I’m not. I just...I can’t be with her.” 
“I cAn’T bE wITh hEr !! ...Why ?!” 
“You saw what happened, when it was made official we were together. She almost died.” 
“And you saved her. Your point being ?” 
“Don’t -he takes a mock Bruce voice- “Dick” me mister ! You’re afraid to be happy, and I won’t have it. You gave me another chance to have a family. A dad. And I’m not about to let my dad punish himself for feeling good. You told me yourself my parents would like for me to be happy. Well yours would too, you big idiot ! So now, you listen to me.” 
Dick, meaning business, jumps on the stairs’ bannister to sort of be on eye level with Bruce, and says, pointing his finger at him : 
“You take one of those fancy useless sport car, and you run after her. Capish ?” 
There’s a moment of silence. During which Bruce is unsure of what to do. And then...Then he smiles at his son. 
His son. 
“Capish”, he simply says, and he rushes towards the garage’s entrance, under Dick’s happy look. 
Bruce’s car was leaving the estate, when Alfred joined Dick at the front door. 
“You did it, Master Richard.” 
“I hope I did !” 
“Oh you did. You did. Thank you. Thank you for taking care of my son...”
Dick turned to Alfred, who couldn’t keep a straight face this time. Small tears gathered in the old man’s eyes, and sweet little Dick did not hesitate one second before jumping into his arms and giving him one of his famous “Grayson special” hug. 
It’s real. 
Back to square one. 
You. A bad day. Looking like a mess (this time not because of the rain, but because you cried a lot). Your gap year almost over and still not knowing who you were. With no coffee, but at least, you had a tub of ice cream. 
You already missed Bruce. And Dick. And Alfred. 
You couldn’t believe those six months of “faking” would end up meaning so much to you, and feel so devastating as they ended. 
You wish you had never met Bruce. And that you’d been ridiculed by Eric and Monica, that your life would still be pathetic...Pathetic maybe, but at least, your heart wasn’t completely shattered. 
You don’t hear the hurried knocks on your door, at first. Entranced by your own sadness. It’s only when they become loud and insistant you react. 
You really hope it’s not a journalist. They sort of tried to talk to you so many times, since you “dumped” Bruce...You knew he made sure that they’d stay away, but some were particularly persistent. 
Including that awful woman from the charity, who was asking Dick those horrible questions. “Vicky Vale”, was her name, apparently. What a witch. 
Clearly, the knocking wasn’t gonna go away, so you stood up, settled your tub of ice cream on your coffee table, and went to the door, ready to fight if need be. 
But there was no need for fights. 
At least, not in the literal sense of the term. 
“Bruce ?” 
He seems out of breath. Incredible, given how in shape he was. He doesn’t really leave you any time to say anything else, as he blurts out :
“I was wrong.”
He blurts out out of nowhere, and you’re even more confused. Before you could ask what was all this about, he adds : 
“I was wrong. When I said you were the right person because you were “normal”. You’re everything, BUT “just a regular person”. You’re the most fantastic woman I’ve ever met. You decided to help a total stranger just because. I know I helped you before, but it doesn’t compare to what you did for me. Especially on a matter that seems so silly to me now. You put yourself in a very awkward position for someone you didn’t even know. In front of the public, for a guy like me. You knew I was a “playboy”, and that I could very well use you. Yet you still put up with it. You accepted my son, even as you didn’t have to. Even as, just like me, you are so young. You were nice to Dick, even if all you needed to do was pretend. You’re...You’re...You’re just something else entirely. It feels like you know me, the real me. Like you can read my very soul. Like you’re the only one for me. I’ve known for a long time. I ignored it because I was afraid of what that meant but...but a certain little one made me realize this was time. It’s time to move on. It’s time to allow myself to be happy. And so, here I am.”
Was this...it ? The point of your gap year ? To discover that finding yourself...Meant finding your soulmate ? 
It sounded silly. While at the same time, not. Because you felt it. You felt it deep within you. From the moment Bruce handed you that twenty dollars bill, fate was in motion. 
You meeting Eric and Monica wasn’t bad luck. It was the opposite. It was the Universe’s push towards your real Destiny. 
Towards Bruce. 
“You’re not saying anything. Is this bad ? Or does it mean I blew your mind away ? I’m clearly hoping for the latter...”
Over the months, you discovered how huge of a dork Bruce Wayne could be. Even as if there was often a darkness right behind his smiles. Deep within his eyes. You discovered he wasn’t always this cocky arrogant man he portrayed himself to be while in public. How he was actually pretty funny and oh so empathetic. How...How so many things, the list seemed endless in your mind. 
And it only added to everything, that he looked so unsure. And so you smile. You just smile at him. And everything you feel is in that smile. 
You don’t even realize you’re holding each others now, and that you’re kissing...
It’s not pretend this time. 
A real first kiss. 
Though maybe all your kisses until now weren’t as fake as you pretended them to be. 
In any case, this, right now, is a real kiss alright. 
A real one. 
Full of all the pent up emotions. Free of all the fear and hurt you both felt as you realized you were in love with the other one, yet you thought things were all “fake”. 
Because it wasn't fake. It wasn’t. 
“I love you.” 
You don’t know who said it first. You, or him. You felt so in sync, that it didn’t matter. What is sure, is that you both said it. Before you closed the door to your apartment, leading him in. 
Before you spend the night in each other’s arms.
Bruce not even thinking about going out as Batman..
For the first time in years, he decided to fully embrace being happy. 
“You always told me my parents would wish for me to be happy, well yours too !” Dick said. And oh, he was so right.
By the way, I’m Batman. Surprise. 
“It’s not like I didn’t know, you know.” 
“Huh ?” 
Oh. Oh the delight to see that surprised expression on Bruce’s face. It was quite a rare one, really. And as he finally gathered the courage to tell you who he really was, risking losing you in the process but wanting to show you his full self...
It was particularly delightful. 
“Busted you on that night you saved me. As if I wasn’t going to recognized that jawline.” 
“Wait, really ? I really thought you bought my lies !” 
“Well now, you know not to underestimate me.” 
A natural smile reaches his face, and he approaches you, pulling you to him, and laying a soft kiss on your lips. Feeling fully accepted and loved, like never before. And he could see you-
“Oh NO EWWWWWW !!!” 
You pull away from Bruce’s kiss (noticing his slow grumble, displeased to lose  your warmth), and look at little Dickie (your son too, now !), staring at you two, looking disgusted. 
“Get a ROOOOM !!” 
This makes you laugh. A lot. And oh. Oh how would you ever guess, in that moment, that one day, this “get a room !!” said in such a disgusted tone would be the trademark of your children (SIX OF THEM) whenever they’d see you and Bruce display any sort of affection to one another ? 
You couldn’t guess, of course. But even in that moment, as you softly laughed, in Bruce’s arms, while looking at your son now making exaggerated noises and acting silly, you knew this...
This was what you’ve been looking for during this gap year. 
This was who you were. 
Right there. 
At the heart of a loving family, even if right now, it was just the three of you (four, let’s not forget Alfred !). 
The end. 
And here we are. I hope you liked it ? I feel particularly nervous about this one haha. Don’t hesitate to leave a little comment and reblog :),  It’s always greatly appreciated, and encouraging :D. Thanks in advance, and see you soon with a new story ! 
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dracowars · 3 years
can i request an imagine im so sorry if it’s too long for your liking but could it be a pureblood slytherin reader x draco imagine where the reader and draco are dating but after some bad news from home (maybe she doesn’t have the kindest parents like draco) she distances herself from everyone and keeps zoning out and finds herself astronomy tower thinking really dark thoughts but draco has constantly been watching over her and is super worried and maybe they have an argument at the tower and draco gets stupid and says something mean or even is dumb to think to accuse her of cheating at the end in which the reader maybe either slaps him (for dramatic effect) or if that’s too much she just says it’s over between the two and she walks off and draco is shocked and tries to stop the reader but she’s already gone and she doesn’t show up to breakfast or lunch and maybe in their class they learn about the boggart again and since they’re older their fears have changed and maybe the reader isn’t paying attention and she’s brought up to test her boggart and it’s draco saying those same things and maybe her parents come out as well and it’s essentially that draco’s unkind words are her fear because it’s the last straw for her until everything breaks because she was holding onto him and she runs out of class and class is dismissed because no one wants to go after that and the reader skips dinner and can be found in moaning myrtles bathroom having a panic attack and she gets really frustrated and hits the the sink really hard to feel something and you can hear myrtle begging the reader to stop and maybe someone sees her and runs to draco to get help but draco runs to the bathroom she’s not there anymore and he finds her at the astronomy tower feeling numb and he overhears her talking to herself and it ends in fluff because he can’t lose her and he figures out it’s probably her parents pressuring her too much again and he can relate because of his and they get back together and it’s just really fluffy at the end maybe they sneak in the kitchen for a quick minute dinner since the reader didn’t eat and draco has to be really kind to the elves heheh
darkness | draco malfoy
pairing: draco x slytherin!reader
word count: 3,1k
summary: where y/n's parents make her life a living hell and draco doesn't really help
a/n: normally i do not write about things like this but i actually really liked the request so i wrote it anyway. i don't mean to offend anyone with this if i misrepresented something, i did my best to get familiar with the topic <3
warnings: angst, major mental health issues including dark thoughts and self-doubt, hints of su*c*de, mentions of blood, cursing, very sensitive topics in general
universe: harry potter
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The cold wind blows through your hair and makes it swirl around the air and into your face, goosebumps spreading all over your body at the sudden coldness. To prevent your hair from flying around, you tame your hair with a hair tie, your gaze fixed straight ahead while your face is illuminated by the setting sun.
You really missed this place during the holidays. The astronomy tower.
Whenever you are stressed from doing a lot of homework or studying in general, this is the place you can hust go to and are somehow always able to relax. The view is breathtaking and you love to watch the sun - or the moon, depening on what time of the day you find yourself up here - shine.
And this special place also gives you the security that you so urgently needed.
The winter holidays were a living hell for you. You have extremely strict parents who see a great importance in your education, but that is basically the only thing that interests them about you. That you bring honor to your pureblood family. That they can proudly show you off to other pureblood families even though they know nothing about you and who you really are.
Until recently they did not even know that you are in a relationship. Unfortunately, one thing led to another and they found it out by an unlucky coincidence which consisted of them picking you up at platform 9¾ for the very first time since you have been at Hogwarts. There they saw you with a platinum haired boy, kissing.
This boy turned out to be Draco Malfoy, the son of the pureblood Malfoy family, who you parents cannot stand at all. To put it in other words, they loathe each other to death and that for probably no reason, at least you have not been able to figure it out yet.
So of course they were not very thrilled that you are in a relationship with a Malfoy, which they showed you straight away. They locked you inside of your room at home because you had to 'think about your actions and their consequences'.
However, when they realized that their behavior would not change anything, they began to put you down. They threw the worst swear words at you, wanted to force you to break up with him and told you what a terrible shame you are for your family. That Draco could never love you and that you are ugly, cheap and overall useless. That is how it went on for your whole vacation.
Your parents always treated you this way, it was not new to you. Nevertheless it hurts every time, even if you try to hide it. You would rather keep all the pain inside of you than to tell others about it, because they are not able to help you anyway. Unfortunately, you did the math without your boyfriend.
This morning at the Central Station of London, Draco immediately saw that you were not feeling well. Any attempts to get you to tell him what is going on with you had been useless though so he left you alone at some point, but you still noticed how he kept staring at you for the whole train ride to Hogwarts.
You would love to tell him, tell him about everything, but something inside of you is stopping you from doing so. An invisible barrier inside of your head, probably fear, that you simply cannot overcome. You know that Draco's parents are pretty similar to yours, but still you just cannot manage to talk to him and you notice how it slowly but surely destroys your deep bond with one another.
Continuing to look into the distance and watch the clouds encircle the beautiful setting sun, which colors the sky in reddish colors, your thoughts suddenly wander to gloomy places. Dark places where you usually only go to when you are locked inside of your own room at home.
But now they are even attacking you at your safest place.
You perfectly know yourself that you are not good enough for Draco. You do not deserve this incredibly great person as your boyfriend. You do not even deserve him as a best friend, no, you do not deserve him at all. You are worthless and for him you are nothing more than one girl out of many.
And still you keep on being selfish and do not end it.
Completely lost in your own dark thoughts, you do not even notice at first how the tears are already streaming down your cheeks like waterfalls. Sniffling, you rub your eyes, smeer your discreetly applied mascara, and wipe the tears from your face.
"Why am I still doing this to myself?", you sob and lower your head, looking deep down at the grounds of Hogwarts. The tears that are enriched with pain flow out of your eyes and fall into the dark depths, causing you to slowly close your eyes.
The sudden mention of your name from behind you makes you abruptly breathe out in shock and your head jumps up as you turn around. Your eyes lock with the gray, sparkling eyes of your boyfriend, who is currently looking at you with pity.
"W-What are you doing here, Draco?", you sniff and wrap your arms around your body in an attempt to hide from him so he does not have to look at you.
"Why are you crying?", he asks, ignoring your question, and before you can realize, he is already standing right in front of you and gently places his hands on your tear stained, puffy cheeks. Gently wiping away your tears with his thumb, he searches your eyes for answers that can explain your current terrible condition. He cannot bear to see you like this, so fragile and deeply hurt.
Whatever happened, he will make sure you know that he is and always will be here for you. And he will not let, whatever it is, continue to hurt you so badly.
"If you do not tell me, then I cannot help you", he softly whispers and brushes the strands of hair behind your ear that have escaped from your ponytail in the wind and then carefully lifts your head so you have to look him in the eyes.
"It's nothing", are the only words you get out, your throat thightening, but all you would like to do is to just finally tell him about everything.
"Do you even realize how worried I am about you, Y/N?! It is killing me!", Draco suddenly raises his voice at you, causing you to flinch and take a step back, your back now touching the railing. Noticing the power of his words, he sighs and looks to the ground in shame.
Your head processes his facial expression and his gestures and again makes you believe that his sadness is your fault. By not being able to control your stupid feelings, you hurt him.
"I-I really have to go", you stutter out and quickly run past him, pressing your coat around your body.
"Have fun with Blaise then", you hear him say and you abruptly stop in your motion. Not fully understanding the words he just said, you turn to him.
"What?", you ask with not more than a breath coming out, hurt evident in your expression as he suddenly stomps in your direction furiously, a disgusted look on his face while he looks into your eyes.
"Don't act stupid now, Y/N! You hardly speak a word to me anymore, you avoid body contact, you are totally dismissive in general and you can't even look at me anymore! Why do you not just admit that you are cheating on me?!", Draco accuses you out of nowhere, not knowing what he is even saying himself, and you could swear that at this very moment your heart has finally burst into a thousand splinters and your last hold has now completely disappeared.
Losing the control over your body for a second, your hand lands on his cheek with full force. There is a dead silence before you just turn and leave, leaving him behind on the astronomy tower. You can hear him say your name after you, but you block it out and run down the stairs, crying, your vision blurred.
Missing one of the last stairs in your hurry, you fall down onto the cold floor. You get up again as quickly as possible when you hear steps behind you and you run. You run for your life while you disappear into the endless corridors of Hogwarts, making your way to your dorm.
The next morning your eyelids stick together from all the crying and you have a aching headache. You did not close one eye that night and just laid there crying in your bed silently until at some point there were no more tears.
In front of the door of your prefect dorm room, you can hear how the other students are leaving your house on their way to breakfast, but your stomach makes a flip when you only think about food. That is the reason why you decide to stay in your warm, safe and comfortable bed a little longer and to skip breakfast, which is unnecessary anyway. Avoiding other people seems like the best idea for you right now.
Just in time for the beginning of your first lesson of the long day, you made it out of your bed and are now sitting in Defence Against the Dark Arts with Professor Snape.
Your thoughts are whirling around in your head and you do not understand a single word Snape is saying in front of the class, even if you are really trying your best to understand him. Furthermore does it not help your concentration that you see how Draco keeps staring at you from across the room out of the corner of your eye. However, you do not have enough strength for this anymore after a while and therefore focus your gaze out the window at the rising sun.
At least you are distracted until all of the students get up from their seats all of a sudden and you only watch them confused until you notice that they are only waiting for you to join them and you quickly walk, almost stumbling, to them. Ignoring the looks and laughter of everyone, you play around with the hem of your grey Slytherin sweater and ignore them while doing so.
"Well then, let us begin. Ms. Y/L/N, would you please do us the honor and start", Snape clears his throat as you look at him in shock, noticing by the expression on his face that he definetely knows that you did not listen to him at all and have not been present with your mind.
Since you do not have a chance to defy yourself anyway, you nod and go to the position he points at in front of an old, dusty closet. With confusion all over your face, you switch between looking at Professor Snape and the cabinet as he suddenly opens the door and you take a big step back, startled to death.
"Have fun with Blaise then", Draco spits in your face disparagingly and is now slowly walking towards you after stepping out of the cupboard, increasing your pulse. The tears find their way back into your eyes right away while you just keep looking at him petrified, frozen in your spot.
"Why do you not just admit that you are cheating on me?!", he yells at you again and your vision becomes more and more blurred, your ears start to beep while he shouts at you, bringing back the painful memories of yesterday.
"No! Please don't leave me, Draco!"
It is like you are back on the astronomy tower again, your hair blowing in the wind as he steps towards you. In the next moment he is gone all of a sudden and instead of him, two other people are now in front of you.
"You are a shame for our whole family, you stupid brat", your father insults you and you fall onto your knees, holding your hands against your head in pain.
"Stop it! Please!", you beg them, but of course they do not stop, they only make their words worse.
"Draco can never seriously love someone like you. I mean, look at you! You are less worthy than dirt", your father tells you and your entire body is now trembling when you finally see a black cloak in front of your eyes and your parents vanish into thin air.
"Please stay with me", you choke through your tears, words addressed to Draco who had to watch the scene in front of him with pure horror in his eyes.
Breathing heavily, you look up at Professor Snape, who looks at you in disbelief, but as your eyes wander around the room to see everyone staring at you, your legs automatically carry you out of the classroom in the next moment, unable to bear their burning glances.
You run down the empty corridor with a faint vision in search of a safe place to hide until you arrive at one of the girls' bathrooms and rush in, not thinking about someone possibly being in there.
Slamming the door shut behind you, you stumble to the sinks with trembling knees and support all of your weight with your hands on either side of one sink as your legs fail beneath you. Clinging to the edge of the sink, you cry bitterly. The cold walls of the bathroom echo your crying several times, allowing you to hear your own pain.
"What is wrong, Y/N?", you hear a soft voice next to your ear and when you look up it is none other than Myrtle. Apparently of all places you ended up in her bathroom and are not as alone as you wished for.
"I am fine", you say with a monotonous voice, forcing yourself into an upright position, but literally everyone would see that you are definetely not fine, even a ghost.
"Y/N. You look anything but okay. Can I somehow help you-"
"Just leave me alone!", you angrily yell at her and lose control of your body, only seeing a thick, red substance running over your hand when it is already too late. Broken pieces of glass lie around you on the floor, which flew through the air when your fist hit them and inflicted small wounds on your face.
"You need to stop, Y/N!", Myrtle commands, but you do not listen and let yourself fall onto the floor, kicking your foot against the sink and thereby unintentionally loosen one of the old pipes. The sound of flowing water fills the room, surrounding your body on the floor.
On the edge of passing out, you lie in the cold water and stare at the ceiling while Myrtle has disappeared without a trace.
What you do not know, however, is that Myrtle is already on her way to find help and comes across Draco, who is running back and forth through the hallways while searching for you.
It takes Draco a moment to understand Myrtle's fast explanation, but when he does he runs into the direction of the girls' bathroom without hesitation. He rushes through the door into the flooded bathroom and all he sees is the broken mirror and the slightly reddish puddles in the water.
But he does not find you in there and realizes that there can only be one place where you could be.
Walking through the corridors of Hogwarts at lightning speed, he finally reaches the staircase leading to the astronomy tower and goes them up in no time. Once he arrives at the top, he abruptly stops when you come into his field of vision.
There you are, completely broken, leaning your head against the railing, your knees closely drawn to your body while your painful crys echo through his ears.
"Why did you not listen to your parents, you disgusting piece of daughter", you talk to yourself, not noticing that you are not alone any longer. With your already injured hand you hit the pole of the railing once, immediately regretting it as the pain spreads through your body.
However, your gaze lands on a person standing directly ahead and your eyes widen, but unfortunately you lack the strength to stand up, to yell at him, or to resist as he slowly sits down next to you.
Neither of you say a word, but it does not take long before he gently takes you into his strong arms, providing you with the support you needed so badly, so you can cry while he strokes over your hair. He whispers repentances in your ear over and over again. That he regrets his words, that he takes them back and that he was such an idiot.
"You are so wonderful", he confirms and gives you a kiss on the forhead, careful not to scare you away, continuing to stroke your upper arm with his hand.
"Do not believe in what your parents told you, angel. I will stay with you", he shakily breathes and has to pull himself together to not let a tear slip out of his eyes at any moment. "I am sorry that I let you down."
His last few words pull a trigger inside of your head and suddenly everything pours out of your mouth at once. Your fears, your worries. Everything your parents ever said or did to you. You finally tell him about all of it now, even though you should have done it much earlier.
"I love you more than anything, Y/N. You are my world and the reason I live. Never let anyone make you think that I do not love or deserve you, especially not your parents", Draco explains to you sincerely as you stare at him, exhausted but happy.
You slowly put your head on his shoulder and close your eyes, letting the good and bright drown out all of your dark and bad thoughts. Meanwhile, Draco carefully examines your injured hand before scooping you up into his arms while standing up.
"No matter how much you hate me right now, you have to eat something", he tells you, but you do not answer and just enjoy his close presence while you wrap your arms tightly around his neck, letting him carry you away.
If he had known how terrible you were feeling earlier, he would have done something much sooner. He should have been more pushy and not let you get away with a simple 'i am fine'. But now that he knows, he definetely learned from it.
And Draco would have never forgiven himself if he had let you just go like that.
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mammons-tax-returns · 4 years
How would the brothers react to a very punk goth Mc like platforms and all black and just the whole shebang he’s very nice but also will throw hands (there’s not enough male Mc your doing the good work my dude)
Perfect way to start off the new blog !! Thank you for requesting, hope this is what you had in mind <3 (and that it’s not too apparent that i’m not super well versed in punk or goth culture ACK)
I hope that you guys don’t mind some being shorter than others, I’m still getting a hang of personalities!
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
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Lucifer is probably one of the ones that’s into the style from the very beginning.
As soon as he sees MC, his interest is clearly shown on his face.
Sometimes, he’ll drop compliments on his fashion. Depending on his reponses, he’ll start getting more apparent with just how much he enjoys seeing his outfit everyday.
GIFTS!! He’s not mammon level of stacks upon stacks of gift wrapped boxes, but he’ll certainly stop by your room every once in a while with a new accessory he saw while shopping.
MC will probably notice that he is especially keen on chokers :).
Stares discreetly, but consistently. When Lucifer invites him to listen to music in his room, he waits until MC is occupied with something like a book or the music. Then sneaks glances at him to see how his clothing moves every time he reaches over for something, or how the necklace he bought the other day glints in the light radiating off of the fireplace.
He knows that MC is nice, and grows increasingly more and more worried for his sake because of that. The exchange program is important, but his treasure perpetually adorned in black garbs is significantly more prominent in his concerns.
So when he sees MC readily defending himself against some low level demon with no hesitation? Holy fuck. He starts to panic, but there’s nothing surpressing his respect for him, as it only grows stronger.
Although, it becomes very apparent that he’d have to do something about all of his brothers’ staring at MC.
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Mammon is so into it. Like... So into it.
We all know and love that our tsundere boy has a problem with getting embarrassed, but how could he NOT get flustered everytime he’s face to face with an alternative KING
At first, he actually tries to tell MC how much he appreciates his aesthetic, but fails every time. Stuttering is a difficult thing to overcome when you can barely breathe out of embarrassment.
When he finally brings himself to actually get a compliment out, it’s accompanied with his signature bashful look. Downcast gaze and shifting posture and everything.
Upon recieving a positive response to his words, he takes it as a sign that he should start doing it more often. And so... That’s exactly what he does!
Compliments upon compliments, expensive outfits and accessories finding their way into his room, MC gets it all.
He ADORES the nice personality. So really. This MC is one of the people that Mammon can’t help but get along with. Nice, can throw hands, AND IS FASHIONABLE? Now you’re speaking his language.
They definitely get called a model power couple, even if MC isn’t a model.
Will definitely mention the idea of MC doing a photoshoot with him for work, but won’t press further if he says he’s not comfortable with it.
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Levi geeks out so badly
So yeah, his initial interest in MC is kickstarted by his fashion reminding him of a badass video game character, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t appreciate him for who he is!!
He actually doesn’t know whether to be sad that he doesn’t have the same amount of fashion sense or to be happy that he has MC as his best friend that does.
But after a bit of positive affirmation from MC, he’ll surely settle with the latter. (and also hope for them to become more than best friends :). )
He finds himself subconsciously posting about MC in his socials. Normally it’s filled with “Lucifer just did (blank)” but now, it’s ALL about MC. Nothing else. MC fan account.
We know that Levi draws, and so I have no doubts that he would be drawing every outfit he sees MC in.
At first, he’s only drawing faceless figures in the clothes, probably adding his own personal flair. But as time progresses and Levi gets closer to him, he starts subconsciously conpleting the figure’s appearance (hair, face, stature, etc). And before he knows it, half of his pages are filled with doodles of MC.
But if he were to ever find out that MC saw his art, RIP Leviathan 2020
And who’s to say he’s not drawing him in... Risqué outfits.
But if MC says that he doesn’t mind getting drawn, then Levi will activate cute fanboy mode again.
He’ll ask him to model outfits for him as he draws, sometimes in cosplay.
MC would just be chillin’ with him in his room, and when Levi finally looks up from his tv after finishing an anime, he’ll sometimes gasp and immediately say, “Stay right there, I HAVE to draw this!”
Although drawing wasn’t and will likely never be his favorite thing to do in comparison to video games/anime, it gives him an excuse to stare at his best friend with minimal blushing.
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Satan is good at hiding his appreciation for MC’s outfits. At least, he’s good at it to everyone BUT MC.
If anyone asks, he’s indifferent about MC and his dashing looks and fashion.
But as soon as MC confronts him... Oh boy.
Red-faced, he’ll compliment his clothing on occasion, then wave it off as “something everyone does”. Which is true, but we know that it’s more than just that.
Similarly to Lucifer, he finds himself staring at him secretly. Except, I like to think that he’s less careful about it. Often MC will look up to meet his eyes, before he ducks his head back into his book, acting nonchalant.
Not a single person can convince me that he hasn’t found a stray black cat and discreetly named it after MC.
He wouldn’t hide the fact, but instead would actually bring it up at the right time. Ex: Right before some dramantic moment like before proclaiming how much MC means to him. Both as the cat and human.
The cat’s collars are decorated similarly to the clothing that MC wears! Satan is a diligent worker (especially when putting lucifer through immense stress) and a lover of arts, so he’s pays attention to little details like that.
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This is Asmo we’re talking about.
He ADORES the aesthetic.
It’s not something that he himself would wear, but damn is it appealing to the eye.
Once you get him started on all the things he’d do if given the chance to dress MC up in whatever he wanted, you’ll never hear the end of it.
(^ especially when he starts talking about the undressing)
He loves a monochromatic color pallet, but every once in a while he’ll push for a pop of color in MC’s outfit for the day.
If MC wears minimal/no makeup, Asmo will constantly ask if he can use his face as a canvas for makeup experimentation while he rants about his nail tech.
Asmo’s favorite activity is going through MC’s closet. He gets to not only try things on, but he also gets to know what he has to work with when choosing MC’s outfits for their days out together.
Knows the perfect boutiques to bring him to
“You know, the color black really accentuates your figure... And if you look this good with it on, I wonder how great you look with it off~”
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Beel isn’t interested in fashion or anything related to it. He isn’t picky about the presentation of things (namely; food.)
So he wouldn’t be immediately enticed upon first meeting MC.
But that is not to say that he doesn’t find him VERY pleasing to the eye.
Our sweet boy is not afraid to express his love for those boots!! For the destressed fabrics!! He hangs around him often just so he can sit and ogle at how cool MC looks!! All the damn time!!
Asks MC to come with him to work out just so he could have some motivation by seeing him. And his GAMES. He’s gonna love to see him cheering him on in the stands.
Beel would admit that he himself couldn’t bring himself to care so much about his clothes or ‘aesthetic’ , and couldn’t imagine having such a consistent style.
^ And because of that! He’s dying to see what he looks like in other styles. Of course, if he doesn’t want to change out of the usual attire, just seeing him wearing beel’s huge ass jacket is enough.
Wouldn’t care to buy clothing items for him, but will most certainly stop by devildom’s no. 1 bakery, grab some sweets with that signature gothic devildom appearance and bring it back to the House of Lamentation for him. (Given that he didn’t already eat them.)
In comparison to his personality, MC’s closet isn’t very important.
Beel loves his kind nature! But he will always be there to defend him in any sort of risky situation, especially when any low level demons would like to try and take advantage of MC’s niceness.
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Belphie is taken aback the first time he sees him. In the best way possible.
It’s like he just knows that he’s going to be interesting to be with just by seeing his clothing style
He actually probably assumed that MC would be very different from what he’s really like. (Like how people will assume that everyone who wears dark colors often are always sad)
But both to his surprise and not, MC is nothing but kind to him! And he’s kinda like 😳. Damn. Alright. I can get down to this.
Fashion isn’t his expertise, so he isn’t as forward with compliments. It’s mostly, “As long as I’m comfortable when I lay on you, the clothes are fine. Right?”
“I had a dream about you last night... It was like you were some prince clad in black chain mail armor... I suppose we couldn’t make that a reality though, huh? You can be my prince in band tees and ripped jeans.”
The only reason he starts dressing similarly to MC is because of how many times he’ll fall asleep beside him. He knows MC will probably offer one of his jackets or extra shirts, and that he’ll likely get to keep it. (He gives it back eventually, it’s just nice sentiment.)
It’s also kind of entertaining to see some of his brothers go ballistic in response to seeing him adorned in MC’s signature clothes.
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namelesswolffreak · 3 years
I've been working on this story concept for....3-4 years now and I've finally managed to work everything out to the point I'm confident in posting this little blurb of the main characters. So, I hope you enjoy and feel free to ask questions about them and their world.
Context: This takes place in a world of super powered people heavily inspired by MHA / Marvel / Miraculous. Waker (Way-kur) Atlas is Dare City's main hero who is put through quite a lot on a daily to weekly basis trying to beat the baddies and Cyrus Fauthrin is his infamous thief arch nemesis turned lover and best friend who causes trouble around the city just to get the Hero's attention.
The melancholy of the day was waning on Waker as he patrolled the quiet streets of one of Dare’s many neighborhoods which was quite unusual considering every seven seconds a villain was after his head. The sun was barely above the clouds, no one was really awake yet and the only thing that accompanied him was his footsteps as he jumped, hopped and skipped to the next platform he summoned under his feet. He happened to be bounding over Lay Wind Park, the foxes fast asleep in their dens to his disappointment, but the Hero Monuments were still a sight to behold in the early sunrise as they shone with brilliance in what little light was filtering over the surrounding hillsides.
The wind blew past his frizzed locks as he stood above the park near a tree in the shade, expression steeled and focused as he watched for signs of trouble as he waited for a certain someone to arrive. Today was uneventful and rather slow, the kind of day Waker preferred if he were being honest. Heaven knew being bored all day was ten times better than returning home to the countless kitchen sink surgeries he’d have to do with worn needles and his mother’s thread pinching into his skin as he sewed up bloodied wounds full of shrapnel and debris. Much better. The birds were chirping a happy, lazy song as they flew by on the breeze and the distant hum of an awakening city filled the natural ambiance of cicadas and crickets quite nicely as he watched and waited. He dare let out a sigh as the scene took hold of him fully, a warmth washing over him that he hadn’t felt in the recent weeks.
Which wouldn’t be for long as the rustling of tree leaves and a “Boo!” have him falling off of his platforms and hurtling towards the ground with an embarrassingly shrill scream.
“Waker!” A concerned voice follows as a blue blur dives after him.
Ground spiraling as he falls, Waker braces for impact, too late to conjure any platforms beneath him to break the fall so, he readies himself, waiting for the hurt and pain that would surely follow with some scrapes and bruises…………...But it never comes. He unscrunches his eyes and removes his arms from his head to see a blue, sparkling light surrounding him.
Irritation and embarrassment take over him immediately.
His face turns a copious amount of red as he’s carefully scooped up in pale arms that hold him close and, humiliatingly enough, in bridal style. Oh god no, he curses mentally, murmuring a soft “No…” into his shield of arms. This was so not how he wanted to show up in front of his partner after their long and grueling few weeks of not being able to see each other outside of villain fights and breaks in between their testing week.
The sudden warmth of a chest presses against his side and the delicate rhythm of a frantic heart race beneath his one hand as the other quickly grabs for his cape to hide his strawberry cheeks. There was no way in hell he was letting ‘he knew who’ see him in such a state, there was no possible way he could let the witch-like thief catch him like this. A brave hero didn’t get scared or spooked by rustling leaves and the word boo! Absolutely absurd! Though a voice in the back of his mind said he already had.
“You are such a fucking clutz, I swear.” And a huge scaredy cat, the blue-clad ravenette doesn’t say aloud, but his tone implies anyways. “I should take you to my ballet classes sometime, maybe then you’d actually learn some balance.” The comment only makes him clutch the soft fabric tighter around himself.
He’s loathing the thought of unveiling himself now, but he knows he’s been caught, his normally stoic or serious persona now broken and practically burned away as he knows his cape isn’t doing much to hide his warm face or the tenseness of his grip. Plans to forever sink himself into a hole where nobody could possibly ever find him again after this mess are shortly abandoned for now and gaining courage Waker swallows the huge lump in his throat and tries to cleverly reply. “H-hey, what’s a-....What’s up, Witch Boy?” And he knows the intended playfulness doesn’t go through as he’s met with a narrowed glare.
The other isn’t amused. “Witch boy, really? Did I actually scare you that badly that you lost a couple of brain cells?”
“Shu-shut up, Cyrus!” He defends as this “Cyrus” just sighs at him, though his stare more sly than pointed now.
“Get out of that stupid thing so I can see your face.” He says with a tremble in his voice that Waker can definitely tell is laughter, the prick. “Or I’ll totally drop you again.” And like hell he will, Waker knows, but he takes the threat seriously nonetheless and loosens his grip on the cape just enough to see the Ravenette’s brilliant and ever playful smile.
For a moment Waker just stares and admires him, those brilliant blues sparkling, no, literally sparkling as he says something Waker doesn’t catch. The sun is framing his face so perfectly in the light, highlighting those perfectly red cheeks he would love to kiss every morning, and the slight upturn of his lips as he smiles down in reverence at him, and the slow flutter of his lashes that compliment his features nicely. Though braided off to the side Cyru’s hair never fails to make him look so ethereal as the gentle morning breeze brushes back his loose strands. Waker swears it looks like its made up of space itself when he lets it go during the night time, convincing himself he can see stars within the strands when he stands beneath the moonlight. It doesn’t take much to make the hero swoon regarding his partner nowadays. Daydreams of peaceful nights alone on the couch watching movies together after his nightmares keep him awake and alert run through his mind, or the times Cyrus has saved him from getting beaten to a pulp and they spent hours talking over stitching him back together about nothing at all, and every single time Cyrus has stuck up for him at school, reminding him of the warmth this person carries with them and all the love and affection he’s constantly showered in when they’re together. It’s strange how much Cyrus has changed over the past few months from raging emo to ride or die friend, but he wouldn’t change it for the world. He doesn’t even try to stop the lofty sigh that escapes his lips as more dear memories cross his mind.
And Cyrus is all too quick to recognize that dumb look on his face.
“Oh, hell no!” Is the only warning he gets before being promptly dropped, this time no blue aura to save him from hitting the dirt below, landing with a thud. “Not this early in the morning!” Though Waker could have sworn Cyrus was sharing the same look with him not minutes prior.
“Ow! Why’d you drop me, asshole!?”
Cyrus cocks his hips as he floats there, his wide brimmed conical now covering his eyes in an intimidating manner, making him way more menacing than he should considering his current attire. “Oh please, don’t even act like you’re hiding that stupid look on your face, Idiot! I ain’t dealing with your whole sappy dappy act this early in the morning.”
By “sappy dappy” Waker knows exactly what he’s referring to and scowls accordingly. Apparently, holding hands and having morning cuddles while complimenting everything about Cyrus is considered sappy and lovingly disgusting. Well at least to some people, it’s called affection and admiration!
“It’s a look that means I like you, asswipe!” Waker shoots back, malice nowhere to be found in his tone though, barring more on playfulness.
“Do you think I’m in love with you or something!?”
And they then stand there -well float there- in silence, both looking each other in the eyes, narrowed brows testing the other to make the next move or say the next snappy comment. And for a moment it looks as if the words really have cut too deep, but Waker isn’t one to remain serious for long as his shoulders begin to shake, prompting the other to clutch his stomach and stifle a grin as their eyes water over with laughter.
“Oh, no, not me, I could never.” Waker quips, leaning back and hugging both his arms, not caring for the dirt now caking his suit. Cyrus is quick to come back with his own natural snark.
“Pfft, as if! Absolutely not. Me and you, the orange haired frizz ball who kicks my ass more than twice a week over that one time I stole a candy bar? You gotta be fucking with me!” He bellows, Waker taking note of the boy flipping upside down where he floats in the air, his face a contortion of joy and happiness as his ripped dress flows with the wind.
He finds the display rather adorable, recalling that such a thing only occurred by accident when the thief was getting emotional. His inept ability to control his powers never failed to amuse the Hero. The little wrinkle of his nose didn’t quiet his thoughtful admiration either as he blushed in between bouts of giggles.
"I wouldn't have time to be your lover anyways!"
“It’s only 6am, when can I admire my boyfriend so it fits within your busy schedule?”
And the laughter is immediately quieted, a heavy silence filling the air, even the crickets and cicadas falling victim to it. The world is waiting in bated breath as if listening to the drama unfold.
Waker holds in a breath. Oh shit, oh fuck, he really fucked it up this time! Way to go, Atlas, you really did a number on today!
“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to, I just did-”
“It’s ok……” Cyrus breaths out, taking a long drag of air before finally finishing. “It’s….ok.” He manages to lower himself to the ground, dress falling at his sides, and crosses his arms in doing so. “We’re-I’m going to have to get used to it eventually.” He shrugs. “Right?”
There’s a weight to his words as Cyrus steps closer to the redhead that Waker recognizes near immediately. They’ve had this talk before, a talk that has led to a misunderstanding or two between them in the past and a verbal fight at that. The term “Boyfriend.” It was a touchy subject to say the least and while it had been a challenge for even Waker himself to start using it, it also seemed Cyrus was struggling to accept the lofty title. A long time ago before the two even met, the word had a different meaning to it for them both, but Waker had long since come to terms with it himself, but understood Cyrus’ hesitation in saying the word freely. He considered his next words carefully.
“I know you don’t exactly like the ter-”
“It’s not that I don’t like it Waker…..”
“I know, Cy, but.” Failing to put his thoughts into words Waker scrambles forward to catch Cyrus’ hands in his own, pecking each delicately, square on the knuckles, gauging his reaction whilst he does so. When Waker is met with a soft smile, he returns it, though his much softer and kinder in Cyrus’ eyes. “I shouldn’t have said it when you’re not ready. Just because I moved past it doesn’t mean you have.” Noticing his smile slipping he clumsily adds in, “And that’s ok! Really, it’s ok and I mean, and I love you and-uh, I get it and I mean I just say boyfriend because that’s what everyone else says, expects- wait no- I didn’t mean to phrase it like that uh-I don’t really get the need for a title for what we have anyways, like so dumb right!?”
Followed by more ridiculous rambling that has Cyrus covering his mouth trying not to giggle. It’s a nervous habit that has come to amuse the thief to no end. “And-it not like it means anything to us, its just there for other people so they know that um, we, us, you and I are an um item I guess wow that was cheesy and dumb and I am so sorry that you have to put up with me oh god I’m rambling and no, don’t look at me like that. I’m doing the thing again aren’t I-” Shaking with laughter again Cyrus has to put a hand on his shoulder to get him to shut up because he knows if he doesn’t Waker could go on well into the night and has before. It didn’t help that he could feel the tremble of the others fingers, realizing Waker was going to throw himself into an anxiety attack if he didn’t.
“Waker!” And Waker promptly closes his mouth, panic clear in his eyes that Cyrus quickly combats by brushing strands of orange out of his face and behind his ear. “Just take a deep breath.” And Waker does, following the instruction intently. “And let it out, slowly.” And Waker follows that too, looking that much calmer as Cyrus pulls him closer. “Slowly.” He rubs his thumbs over Waker’s hands. The trembling is still present, but less so. “There you go.” And doesn’t stop telling him to breath calmly until he feels Waker’s grip relax in his own.
Delicately and softly, each flyaway is combed back into place only to immediately pop out again, but Waker appreciates the sentiment anyways and Cyrus has no problem being given an excuse to keep combing through such lovely soft tufts. He loves the soft mane of fluff on his partner’s head that even since their first meeting has remained as untamed and wild as ever. -Such a shame he always ties it back when he’s on duty though- It just adds to the contrast between his actual self and hero persona, the sweet and endearing ball of anxiety vs the serious and battle ready hero of Dare city who couldn’t catch a break. And he wouldn’t be ashamed to admit to which one he preferred.
“You don’t need to tell me-er.” Waker quickly corrects, trying not to sound patronizing. “I don’t need you to explain yourself Cy. You-we don’t need to have a name if that’s what you want, that’s what I’m trying to say. Official or unofficial or whatever, I won’t treat you any different.”
“I know Waker. I…..I really want to call you that, just I-.......I just like what we have right now and-”
Waker just pecks him on the cheek quickly and pulls away to pat at a spot on the ground, looking longingly back up at him. A soundless “You don’t want to lose me.” goes unsaid as Cyrus complies, Waker taking the shorter one in his arms once more.
It wasn’t a matter of Cyrus being afraid to commit, though maybe it was, not even he was sure of what was going with himself anymore, but a fear that the wonderful friendship he’d built up with the hero would end or change or just not be the way it is now because they suddenly started calling each other boyfriends. He’s had it happen one too many times at this point, every one of his previous “boyfriends” changing everything once they started dating, acting as if kissing and romantic outings were supposed to be their only interactions from now on. They were no longer interested in the random silly things he found on the internet or just hanging out doing whatever, but were interested in using him, his body, parading him around and rubbing it in peoples faces, being denied having fun if it wasn’t their idea of “fun” and more. Cyrus' stomach curls remembering being ignored for weeks to months at a time because he wasn’t feeling up to being in bed with them or awkwardly sitting off to the side while his one boyfriend at the time showed him off to his friends and bragged. It was the same guy who he used to play videogames and eat cookies with on the weekends, talking about anything and everything…...It hurts him to realise there probably was never a friendship there to begin with. Just an elaborate ruse to get him into bed at some point.
And that was one thing Cyrus feared when they had held hands for the first time after awkwardly admitting to harboring feelings for each other after the high of a fight they were forced to join sides on. Never had the thief felt more relieved that his feelings were reciprocated, but also more scared that he had just ruined the one healthy relationship he managed to make in those many months spent together.
Cyrus removes his hat and huddles under Waker’s chin, placing his head right on his heart that gives out a steady, comforting rhythm and brightens when the taller of the two puts his head on him in return. No, Cyrus thinks, this is different.
A long silence falls between them as they cuddle in each other's arms, just watching the sun come up. Basking in each other’s presence, taking in the warmth of their bodies pressed together in this nice early morning, and relishing in the calm which was far and few in between with their double lives and they were thankful. There’s no need to exchange words now as a quiet understanding befalls them both.
It’s only after the sun seems to peak at the crest of the hillsides does Waker make himself heard again.
“Is that why you dropped me?” And Cyrus blinks for a quick second, processing the question before understanding and then playfulness cross his expression.
“No it’s because you’re a dunce.” He huffs. “And fucking heavy as hell.”
Waker chooses to ignore that last bit. “But I’m your dunce.” He boops his nose.
“Damn, straight you are.” And Cyrus retaliates with a kiss on his.
Boyfriend or just “friend who I like to kiss and hold hands with sometimes”, Waker loves him and Cyrus doesn’t doubt that for a second.
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starshine583 · 4 years
Crossing a Line
Part 17
(Ya’ll ready for the angst? Because I was not)
Part 1 / Part 16 / Part 18
Le Paon stumbled to a stop, his chest tight and his heart in his throat. He clutched the earrings in his palms, causing the ends to dig into his skin. 
I.. I did it. 
He took the earrings. After all the work Father’s put forward, Le Paon finally got a hold of Ladybug’s earrings.. Of Marinette’s earrings.
A sigh escaped him as he slumped against the Mansion walls. She sounded absolutely horrified when she realized what was going on. How was he going to apologize? Would she even listen to him after this?
Felix dropped his transformation and slipped inside the mansion, carefully searching for witnesses. He could return her earrings after the wish, right? Would that help? She wouldn’t be missing her kwami then..
Nathalie sat in her usual desk next to Father’s office, but she appeared engrossed in something on the computer, so he was able to slip by unnoticed. Felix quietly hopped up the stairs, a part of him wondering how Father would have handled this. How would Father proceed if he knew that his youngest son was fighting against him with a miraculous they needed? What would he have done to Marinette to get her miraculous afterwards? Would he have made the same choices?
Felix stopped in front of his bedroom door. Whether Father might have done something differently or not didn’t help him now. Felix had the earrings, and Adrien had the ring. It was down to this next conversation. 
Tentatively, he knocked on the door. 
No response.
Felix drew in a breath and opened the door anyway. The room was pitch black, and the faint sound of a fan fluttered around. Was he sleeping? Already? It was a little past midnight, but..
Felix closed the door, and ran a hand through his hair. What should he do now? He couldn’t just wake Adrien up to talk about this. “Hey, I know you just woke up, but let me tell you about our not-so-dead mother and the fact that your brother and Father are super villains. Also, can I have your ring that I know has been a miraculous this whole time even though you had no idea that I even knew what a miraculous was?”
Yeah.. he had a feeling that wouldn’t go well.
Felix turned on his heel to go back down the stairs. He would have to talk to Adrien about the wish in the morning. In the meantime, he could hide the earrings in the library. Even if Marinette didn’t know his identity, carrying her Miraculous around provided a flurry of plausible problems that Felix didn’t care to deal with.
Tomorrow. He promised himself, slipping the earrings into a pocket in one of the book shelves. He would talk to Adrien tomorrow, and they would finally have their mother back.
 Two hours. It’d been two hours since Le Paon came and took her miraculous. 
Marinette sat at the bottom of the ladder that led to her balcony, eyes puffed from tears. She couldn’t understand what went wrong. They were supposed to talk and work things out. He was supposed to surrender so they could heal his mother together. How did she let this happen?
Marinette sniffed, trying to think of what Tikki would say in this moment. Maybe she would insist that it wasn’t her fault, or that she did everything she could, but neither of those would be true. This was her fault. She didn’t do everything. If Marinette were really a good Ladybug, she would have swiped Le Paon’s miraculous the first time he visited her balcony. Or even the second time. Or all the other times she let him swing by. 
But she hadn’t. She let him inside, let herself trust him, and he betrayed her.
How long had he known that she was Ladybug? Did he know from the beginning? Were the times they spent together all a lie? A mere ploy to get close enough to grab her miraculous? 
Was his confession a lie too?
Marinette choked out another sob. Stupid, stupid! She should have known not to trust him. After his first betrayal towards Ladybug, it should have been obvious that everything else was an act. It just felt so wonderful, having Felix by her side. The quiet smiles he would give to only her, the endless praises on her crafts. She didn’t want to imagine a world without him.
And yet, he was gone.
And so was Tikki.
And she was alone.
Marinette wiped away another tear that spilled down her cheek and looked up at the trapdoor. He’s had her earrings for two hours now. Hawkmoth could do a lot in a mere two hours.
Despite the crushing weight in her chest, Marinette forced herself to her feet. There was no more time for crying. There wasn’t time in the first place, actually. She needed to get her earrings back before Felix went too far. She needed to talk to Master Fu.
Sneaking out was the easy part. Maman and Papa had been asleep for four hours already. As long as she got back before four in the morning, they wouldn’t be a problem. It was finding Master Fu that was hard. 
Marinette vaguely remembered a few turns, but she normally relied on Tikki for guidance. The address escaped her too, and her phone’s gps didn’t have a hit for “Fu’s Massage Parlor”. So, she ended up wandering around Paris for a while, avoiding dark alleyways and hoping she was going in the right direction. It must have been her last bits of Ladybug Luck that let her arrive at Master Fu’s around thirty minutes after leaving the bakery. 
Marinette let out a relieved sigh when she saw the sign and quickly started knocking on the door. The first few knocks were met with silence, but she was desperate. She knocked a few more times, and after the eighth round of knocks, Master Fu finally opened the door.
“Master! I’m so sorry to come here this late, but It’s urgent!” She all but spat out. “My miraculous- I didn’t expect him to, but- It’s gone! Felix- he took it and just ran off!”
Master Fu, through his groggy state, managed to pick up the gist of her ramblings and promptly ushered her inside.
“Are you sure you weren’t followed?” He asked, glancing up and down the street.
“Positive.” Felix had no ‘use’ for her without her miraculous. She imagined he wouldn’t even bother to speak with her again after this.
Master Fu nodded and closed the door. “Good. I have something that can help you upstairs.”
Marinette was brought back up to Master Fu’s massaging room where they usually practiced her healing magic. Once inside, he crossed the room and picked up an old phonograph. 
“Before we begin, I’d like to apologize.” Master Fu said as he sat the phonograph down in front of her. “It’s my fault Felix got close enough to take your miraculous.”
Marinette shook her head. “No, Master, you can’t blame yourself. I’m the one that let him inside my home without thinking of the consequences.”
“You don’t understand.” Fu responded. “I had his miraculous, but I gave it back.”
Marinette’s eyes bulged out of her head.
“You- you what? When did you have it?” She asked, dumbfounded.
Master Fu sighed. “A few weeks ago, I saw Felix running alone after the giant, movie akuma.”
Marinette pursed her lips. She remembered that night. If the akuma hadn’t appeared she might have kissed Felix for the first time while they ate ice cream. If only she knew then how dangerous he truly was.
“I pretended to be a victim of a mugging, and he offered to help me home. He even came inside and had a cup of tea, sitting where you sit right now.”
Marinette frowned. “If you had his miraculous.. why give it back?”
Regret painted his features. “When I talked with him, he did not seem evil, only desperate. I gave him the miraculous in hopes that he would change his mind and use it to fight against Hawkmoth instead, but..”
He trailed off, and Marinette cast her gaze to the floor.
But I guess we were both wrong about him.
“Tikki is waiting for you.” Master Fu continued. A renewed determination filled his eyes as he opened the phonograph to reveal multiple platforms of jewelry. “Marinette Dupain-Cheng, I am entrusting you another miraculous to reclaim your first one. Choose wisely.”
Marinette gasped, watching the miniature shelves pop out of the box. “You mean.. These are all miraculous?”
“Yes, and each holds a specific power.” He explained, pointing out a few. “For example, the fox miraculous can create illusions, and the bee miraculous can paralyze others for a short amount of time.”
“Create illusions?” Marinette pondered aloud. That could help her immensely if she was going to sneak into the Agreste Mansion. An illusion might be able to cloak her movements to the security cameras.
Master Fu nodded and held it up for her. “The illusions will look completely lifelike until someone touches it or you detransform. Then the image you’ve created will fade away.”
No one should be touching the illusion if it’s outside. Marinette thought as she took the miraculous. It was too late for anyone to be up.
“I’ll be back soon.” She promised, slipping on the necklace. 
An orange orb appeared around the tail pendant, and its glow brightened until a small, orange, fox-like kwami appeared.
“Hi-ya!” The creature greeted. “My name’s Trixx, and I’ll be your kwami. If you wanna transform, you just need to say one thing: Trixx, let’s pounce!”
“Good luck, Ladybug.” Master Fu stated as Marinette transformed.
Marinette offered a smile. “You mean ‘Jiāng húlí’.” 
This time, she’d be the one visiting Felix as an alter ego. Let’s see if he’ll be as hospitable as she was.
Running across the rooftops was extremely different compared to her usual mode of transportation via yo-yo. Nevertheless, it felt nice to have a miraculous again. A few skyscrapers even gave her a glimpse of her new costume. Her raven hair had been swept up into a long ponytail that trailed down to the back of her knees. The tips of her bangs and ponytail were stark white, and a pair of pointed, orange ears that were also white-tipped sprang from the top of her bangs. Contrary to her red and black spotted Ladybug costume, the fox miraculous bathed her in colors of orange and white. She had a jacket around her waist that was lined with black and had a popped collar, of which the inside was also black. The rest of the jacket was orange, save for the two blotches of white in the middle that continued in a line past her jacket and stopped on the inside of her upper thighs. The fox miraculous acted as a clip for the black zipper in the middle of her jacket. She had a pair white gloves and boots as well, with black lining around each. (Of course, the lining for the gloves was really the lining of the jacket sleeves) A thick, orange belt was also wrapped around her waist, cutting a line between the splashes of white on her midsection and holding her flute tightly to her side.All in all, it didn’t look half bad.
All in all, it didn’t look half bad.
The Agreste Mansion, being much larger in size than Fu’s massage parlor, was mere child’s play to find, and with her renewed, miraculous strength, Marinette managed to get there in a matter of minutes. 
She crept up to the dark windows, hoping the lack of light meant no one was in the room to see her. If Felix found a new miraculous holder sneaking into his house, she doubted that he would think of it as a coincidence, and her only leverage at the moment was his ignorance towards her knowing his true identity. 
Her claws clicked against the glass as she pushed on the windows for an opening. An evil super villain couldn’t sneak out of his house constantly without a way-
A window near the center fell open at her touch. Marinette smiled. 
Easy now. She told herself, carefully stepping into the room. The sound of a fan insured that someone was sleeping. It was best not to wake them up.
By the time her feet were firmly on the floor, her eyes were adjusted to the light, and she was able to make out furniture. A couch.. A desk.. A rockwall?
Marinette sucked in a breath and immediately started scrambling for a hiding place. This was the boys’ room, meaning Felix was probably in here sleeping. Sleeping! She thought, at the very least, that he would lose a little sleep from betraying her. He really didn’t feel guilty at all, did he?
She shook her head. Focus. If he’s asleep, that means the miraculous is unguarded.
The pads on her feet kept her steps silent as she crossed the room. The earrings shouldn’t be far from Felix, in a pocket, or a drawer, or something. She checked his pockets first- or rather, his clothes. Pajamas didn’t tend to have pockets -by carefully patting him down. It wasn’t easy. He moved a few times, and she was certain he’d woken up when she checked under his pillow. It must have been a miracle that he remained asleep. 
With pockets checked, she went to the drawers. The second and third were filled with nothing but clothes. The first drawer, however..
Marinette gasped, a swirl of bittersweet delight overtaking her at the sight of Felix’s miraculous. What a wonderful opportunity she’d been provided.
“Turnabout’s fair play, Paon.” She whispered to herself as she took the miraculous. His panicked face when he noticed his absent miraculous in the morning was going to be a horrible thing to miss. 
Marinette tucked the peacock miraculous away in her belt and turned to keep looking for her miraculous, but a certain sound stopped her in her tracks. A door. Someone was coming into the boys’ room. A sliver of light entered the dark abyss, quickly growing as the door opened further. Marinette rushed to the side of the room to avoid it, scurrying up a winding staircase. She pressed herself against the shelves above and tried to control her rapid breathing. Was someone coming to check on them or did Gabriel see her on the security cameras? Would she be able to fight off Gorilla and possibly more if that were the case?
A creak emitted from the door as it opened fully, and a single woman walked into the bedroom, straight and tall. Aside from her clicking heels, she was quiet as a mouse as she crossed the room to the boys’ bed. Strangely, she opened the very drawer that Marinette had searched through a moment earlier. When she opened it, though, she paused, almost like she expected to see something else. Then- curiouser, still -the woman started digging through the drawer. 
How interesting.
It took a few seconds, but the woman finally muttered some curses to herself and left the room, looking quite displeased. Marinette might have considered following her under different circumstances. Unfortunately, her time stamp didn’t allow it. In walking into the room, the woman caused the illusion to fade. The cameras might catch her any moment. Marinette didn’t mind. She now had more leverage than the knowledge of Felix’s identity. If he was dumb enough to go to school tomorrow, she would lure him into a private area there. He might not care to look at her anymore, but Marinette was going to drag him by the ear anyway. 
Mark her words, Felix was going to wish he never betrayed the hero of Paris.
Sunlight poured into the bedroom as Felix got ready. He fiddled with the buttons on his dark grey vest, too nervous to think properly. Adrien was currently in the bathroom freshening up. When he came out, Felix was going to have to find a way to tell him that their long-lost mother was actually in a coma under their house. (Seriously, couldn’t Father find a less unsettling place to hide her?)
Heaven only knows how his brother was going to react. Felix might have agreed to help, but Adrien has been playing hero during this whole fiasco. With all of those battles stored in his mind, the personal insults shot at each other and near-death experiences, he probably won’t be as easily.. persuaded. Not to mention, Felix was going to have to get Adrien down to the basement. Chances were, he wouldn’t be able to do that without Father seeing them. Ugh, so many obstacles!
The bathroom door opened, and Felix tensed. 
“Hey, Fe, did you move the toothpaste?” Adrien asked as he walked out.
Felix almost smiled. Such an innocent question for such a serious topic he was about to bring up. “No, but-”
“Oh, nevermind.” Adrien cut him off, spinning on his heel. “I just remembered that I saw it in the mirror cabinet.”
Felix stared as his brother closed the bathroom door again. He could already see how this was going to go. Heaving a sigh, he walked over to his bedside drawer to grab his miraculous. Maybe Duusu would have some advice. 
The drawer slid open, and a few of the contents inside rolled with it, but there was no miraculous. Felix furrowed his eyebrows and started digging through the drawer a bit. He could have sworn that he put it in there the night before. It’s where he always puts it when he takes it off. 
Maybe I set it somewhere else? He thought with a frown, starting to check under the bed and in the other drawers. He’d been a bit out of last night, but it couldn’t be far, since he’d definitely used it last night. 
“Felix? Did you lose something?”
Felix shot up at his brother’s voice, causing him to smack his head on the bottom of Adrien’s desk that he’d begun looking under. “Ah! Yes, I’m- everything’s fine. It’s nothing.”
It’s not like I need it anymore, anyway. Felix reminded himself as he rubbed the back of his head. I have the earrings, and soon I’ll have the ring too.
“Adrien,” Felix began, trying not to glance at his brother’s ring while he stood, “do you ever.. I don’t know.. Think about mom?”
Adrien hesitated, obviously not expecting the question. “Uh.. I mean.. Of course I do. All the time. Why?” 
“Do you ever wonder what would happen if we could bring her back?” 
Adrien furrowed his eyebrows. “Sometimes.. But that’s not possible, so I try not to think about it.”
Boy, are you in for a surprise. Felix refrained from saying. “What if you could? Would you do what it took to have her back?”
Adrien completely frowned now. “Felix-”
The brothers turned to see Nathalie in the doorway. When did she come in?
“Gorilla is waiting for you downstairs.” She informed. “Please hurry.”
Felix and Adrien nodded, and Nathalie left the room as quickly as she’d come. He turned back to Adrien, hoping to continue the conversation, but his brother had already grabbed his bag and started for the door.
Before he fully rounded the corner, though, Adrien stopped. 
“Felix, about Mom.. I miss her as much as anybody, but I don’t think she would want us to grieve over her like this. Having Mom back would be great, but would she really want us to go ‘above and beyond’ just to bring her back?” 
Adrien left before Felix could reply, though he’s not sure he would have had a response, anyway. Mother wouldn’t want them to obsess over her. She would them to live their lives and be happy.. 
Too bad it’s too late to back out now. 
School that day came with a whole new level of anxiety. He couldn’t help glancing left and right as he walked up the steps. Marinette could be anywhere, and she had to be worried for her miraculous, though she might not show it. She didn’t know his identity, so he should be fine, but the guilt that would smother him upon seeing her wasn’t an experience he was excited to go through.
He pondered not attending school himself, in all honesty. Alas, he didn’t have a good excuse to stay home. So here he was, carrying his bag to his locker and getting ready to burn through classes as fast as possible.
Goosebumps crawled across his skin at the sound of Marinette’s voice. Why was everyone sneaking up on him today?
He reluctantly turned to greet her and had to force a neutral expression when he saw her smile. That didn’t look like someone who was grieving the loss of a miraculous.
“I want to talk to you.” She said, the usual, perky tone noticeably lacking in her voice.
The hair on the back of Felix’s neck stood up. “Uh.. that’s very kind of you-” Very kind of her? How did that response make sense? “-but class is going to be starting soon, so I need to get going.”
He moved to pass her, but she grabbed his wrist, her grip iron-tight. “I wasn’t asking.”
She yanked him backwards, slamming him against the lockers. Felix gasped for air, his eyes blowing wide with shock. Was this really happening? Marinette has never been violent in her life! He glanced around the locker room for witnesses, only to find that they were completely alone. Something told him that wasn’t a coincidence.
Marinette pressed her forearm to his chest, pinning him to the lockers. “Where did you put them!”
Felix struggled in vain to pull her arm away. Had she always been this strong in civilian form? “Put what?!”
“My miraculous!” She hissed, pushing harder. “Where are they!”
Felix’s eyes snapped to hers. The miraculous? She was asking his civilian form about her miraculous? But that meant..
He stopped struggling. “..You know.”
Marinette’s eyes narrowed into a glare. “Yeah. And, apparently, so did you.”
Felix might have felt guilty towards the jab had his mind not been reeling. How long had she known that he was Le Paon? When did she find out? How did she find out? 
“Tell me you didn’t use the wish.” She spoke again, bringing Felix from his thoughts.
“Not yet. I still need the ring.” He answered honestly.
Her entire body seemed to loosen at the news. “Good. Where are my earrings?”
“They're hidden in the mansion.”
“Then you’re taking me there to get them.”
Felix shook his head. “I can’t.”
“You can, and you will.” She remarked, her voice dripping with venom. He didn’t know she was capable of sounding so threatening.
Still, Felix held his ground. “Marinette, you don’t understand-”
“No, you don’t understand!” Marinette shot back. “That wish is dangerous! It has consequences! If you use it to heal your mother, someone else is going to take her place!”
Take her place? “What do you mean?”
Marinette sighed. “The universe needs to be balanced. If you heal Emilie from an incurable coma, someone else will fall into an incurable coma as a result. Did you honestly think that I was fighting tooth and nail to keep my miraculous for the fun of it all?”
Felix furrowed his eyebrows. No, that.. That can’t be right. Father had never mentioned a consequence to using the wish. 
“..I had hoped that was the case.” Was all he ended up saying.
Marinette huffed. “You’re so infuriating! Call Gorilla or whoever drives you. You’re taking me to get my miraculous back, unless you want me to keep this..”
She pulled something out of her pocket, and though Felix swore he’d seen everything that morning already, his jaw dropped when he saw his miraculous in her hands. 
“How did-”
“That’s not important.” She cut him off sharply. “Call the car. Now.”
“W-Wait!” So many things were happening at once. “I can’t just take you to our house during school! Nathalie’s never going to let that fly.”
Marinette thought that over. “..I don’t trust you enough to wait till after school.”
The words sank into his heart like knives, but he couldn’t blame her. “That’s completely fair, but your plan will never work as is.”
“And what do you propose we do instead?” She inquired, raising a brow.
Felix swallowed. “We can go after school, and-” he emphasized the ‘and’ before she could interrupt “-to ease your mind, I will check in with you after every class period. Our class schedules are relatively the same. We can even have lunch together if that makes you feel better.”
Disgruntlement flickered across her features at the notion of eating together. Felix would be lying if he said that didn’t bother him.
“If I sense any sort of foul play-”
“You won’t.” He promised. “Heck, take my phone for good measure.”
Marinette’s expression leveled, and she held out her hand. “Deal.”
Despite still being pinned to the lockers, Felix managed to dig out his phone and hand it to her. 
Marinette, being satisfied, dropped him as she pocketed the phone. “See you after classes, Agreste.”
Felix watched her sweep out of the room, noting the fact that she kept an eye on him the whole time. She must truly see him as a monster now if she’s waiting for him to pounce like that. He rubbed his chest where her forearm had been, knowing it would probably leave some type of bruise later, and headed for his first class. 
Today was decidedly not going as planned.
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poliel · 3 years
Surprise Egg 9/13: Party Lights
Sitting on a rock on the beach, Buddy flipped through their journal. Surely they’d forgotten or missed something, right? No way they had actually done all of everything everyone had requested of them. There was always more, right? …
For once though there wasn’t somehow; they’d marked everything as complete. Other than for the task of keeping them all fed in general no one wanted anything from them. And… they’d all given up on their goals too, some after Buddy helped them catch a big legendary bugsnax – or more like caught it for them in Wiggle and Cromdo’s cases – some just because they’d finally realized bugsnax weren’t going to help. Even Shelda had dropped her purity act even if she still refused to eat bugsnax if they weren’t put into her box first. And that left them with… not a whole lot to do.
They’d already caught every single bugsnax that seemingly could be found on the island too. So all that was left was to find the Snaxsqautch and open the stone doors which would hopefully lead to finding Lizbert. The former seemed more and more unlikely as it was very good at hiding when it wanted to. The latter was mostly up to Eggabell and Triffany to figure out; the riddle was intriguing but not their strong suit especially since their mind seemed to have a permanent fog around it these days, making it hard to think clear enough to solve anything.
They snapped the journal closed and put it away before jumping off their rock and into the sand. A wave washed up around their feet, pleasantly warm thanks to the heat of the midday sun overhead. Today would’ve been a nice day to spend at the beach, relaxing in the sun and taking a nap, maybe going for a swim afterwards. But even though they could easily spare the time to they didn’t have the mental energy to do something merely for the sake of it. So, with a sigh and as the wave pulled away from them, they turned and headed back for Snaxburg.
Once there, they headed first for Shelda. She wasn’t mediating but instead sitting on the edge of her little platform, seemingly doing nothing. “You need help with anything?” they asked as they reached her.
She looked up. “Not even going to say hello, huh?”
“Hello. Is there anything you need help with?”
“You working customer service now?” Her halfhearted chuckle quickly trailed off. “But… no. I don’t think there’s anything you can help me with right now.”
“Are you sure? Because I don’t have much else to do.”
“No, thanks dear. You should go rest.”
Not bothering to reply to that, they moved onto Wambus who was tending to his garden as he always did at this time. “Need help with something?” they asked as they put their paws on his fence, leaning forward onto it a little.
“No thanks,” he replied. “You should probably go rest, you look uh… unwell. Not that that’s anything new these days.” The last part was muttered under his breath, barely audible from where Buddy stood.
With a frown, they moved on. But they got basically that exact response from everyone else too. No one needed or wanted their help with anything and thought they should rest. Which was a kind sentiment but… they couldn’t, they needed a distraction. Sitting or lying around doing nothing seemingly helped not at all anymore and only made them more aware of their own misery. And it felt like if they sat still for too long they wouldn’t be able to get back up. Which was silly but… felt true anyway and thus made them afraid and anxious about resting.
They could force themself to eat more. That might make them feel better but… they weren’t hungry, hadn’t been for a while now. Which was a blessing but also a curse as it made eating quite unpleasant. Stopping would be really bad though so they had to. And they could and probably should do so now because they hadn’t eaten anything at all since this morning… maybe. … They weren’t in the mood though so later. Instead they would do… what? There had to be something, right? …
Ah, Filbo! He never asked anything of them other than for them taking better care of themself because he was wonderful and amazing like that but maybe he might need help with something today?
They found him out behind his hut, taking his freshly cleaned and dried mayor sashes off the clothesline. He smiled as he looked up and caught sight of them approaching. “Hi, Buddy! You doing okay?”
“Yeah.” About as okay as could be expected anyway. “You need help with anything?”
“Hmm… yeah actually I do.” Draping the sashes over his arm, Filbo led the way back around to the front of his hut and then inside. He continued as he carefully put them away in his dresser. “What do you say about having another party tonight to celebrate almost everyone being back? Snorpy made some party lights and I could use some help hanging them up around town. … If you’re up to the kind of thing anyway. You could also just lie down for a bit and take a nap. In fact, maybe you should do…”
“Nah, putting up lights sounds great.” Better than lying down and feeling miserable until they feel asleep only to wake up feeling just as tired and even more miserable than before so what would even be the point? “Just tell me where to put them and how you want them to look and I’ll do my best.”
“All right. Let’s go then."
As they worked, they talked. Or more like Filbo talked and Buddy mostly just listened. Which was preferable as their mind felt too foggy to really make intelligent conversation. So Filbo chatted about this and that, catching Buddy up on what everyone had been up to around town since last he’d done so the other day. There of course wasn’t much new but that was fine.
Eventually he lapsed into silence. Before Buddy could gather the wherewithal to ask if he was okay he broke it. “So… I’ve been thinking about uh… when you leave. Which will hopefully be soon since… you know, the whole starving thing. But uh… anyway, I think I’d like to go with you when you do go. If that offer is still open anyway.”
“It is!” They wanted to just be happy he was coming but… “Are you sure though? I’ll come back of course with food supplies for Gramble and Shelda and stuff but… probably not super often outside that. And I won’t be able to stay long when I do visit most of the time. So… I wouldn’t ask you to abandon everything you have here just for me. Especially since you’re the mayor.”
“I call myself the mayor yeah, but… no one here is ever actually going to see me that way. Besides Liz is going to be back by then and she’s a far better leader than I could ever hope to be. So they’ll be in good paws. I’ll miss everyone of course, especially Liz and Egg but we can visit sometimes. And if we can eventually get internet and cell coverage out here, I can chat with them long distance. So… I want to go with you.”
“All right. It’ll be nice having you along.”
“Speaking of the whole you leaving thing though we should probably ask Snorpy and Chandlo to fix your airship soon so it’s ready to go when…”
“We solved the riddle!”
Filbo squeaked in surprise and almost topped off his ladder at the louder than needed interruption. After watching to make sure he steadied himself, Buddy carefully turned around to look down at Triffany standing by the foot of their ladder.
“We solved it,” she said again, smiling up at them. “It took a bit because Liz’s notes threw us off for a while but we figured it out in the end. So now we can go up there and open the stone doors. Or at least we should be able to, we could be wrong again but I don’t think so.”
Things just kept getting better and better today. With a grin, Buddy pushed themself off the ladder, jumping off. They landed a bit harder and more unsteady than intended but quickly shook it off before starting for Filbo’s hut at a jog. They grabbed their backpack from inside and only did the barest minimum checking to ensure everything was attached to it properly before turning around and jogging back over to Triffany and Filbo. Eggabell had come out from somewhere to join them.
“Let’s go,” they said as they reached the group.
Eggabell looked them over with a measuring look before frowning. “You haven’t been resting.”
“Incorrect. I rest often.” Though no more than had become normal. But now it wouldn’t be a problem anymore because they’d be getting their interview with Lizbert – or would have to give up on it – and then could be on their way back to the mainland to publish their story and everything would be better.
Eggabell shook her head in seeming defeat. “Let’s just go.” She turned and started leading the way towards Sugarpine Woods. She only took like three steps before she stopped though, turning to face Filbo instead. “Look Filbo I know you want to come too and normally I’d let you but…” she glanced over at Triffany, “well Triffany kind of helped me figure it out faster than I probably would’ve on my own so I feel like she should be our third for opening the door. And we only need three so…” she trailed off.
“I know it’s dangerous,” Triffany began, “with the whole threat of avalanches and whatnot but surely one extra wouldn’t hurt too bad now, would it?”
Eggabell gave Filbo a look for a couple seconds before looking back at Triffany. Before she could actually reply though, Filbo spoke up. “No, it’s… fine. Risking it wouldn’t be… uh, wise if we don’t have to. And I would only slow you guys down anyway. I can talk to Liz later when you guys bring her back and stuff. So it’s… fine. But uh… Buddy,” he looked at them, “be careful, okay?”
“I’ll be as careful as I can.” They could do that much for him at least.
“I’ll keep an eye on them,” Eggabell said, her tone making a promise. “Now let’s go.” She turned and started on her way once more.
Triffany hesitated for a moment, shooting Filbo a guilty look before following.
Buddy looked back at Filbo. “I’ll see you in a little bit. And I’ll hopefully have Lizbert with me when I do. We’ll probably be back in time to enjoy at least some of the party too.” They stepped closer to share a quick kiss with him before turning and jogging to catch up with Triffany and Eggabell.
“Yeah, see you in a little bit,” Filbo said behind them, his tone almost making them want to turn back and give him hug too. But they didn’t have time to right now, they had important things to do.
Even without Filbo they went at a fairly sedate pace through the woods and up the mountain because that’s the pace Eggabell set even though it wasn’t long before she looked impatient with it. Buddy would’ve normally chaffed under it and either insisted they go faster or just gone on ahead by themself. But this time, they appreciated it.
It was quickly getting dark and they were so very tired. When was the last time they’d slept? Was it last night? Maybe, they couldn’t be sure. They would’ve gone to lay down somewhere and sleep but… important things needed doing. So they continued on, doing their best to pay attention to what Triffany was saying to them to distract themself from everything else.
Talking to her was always a delight. She went on at length about how she and Eggabell had solved the riddle and what Lizbert had gotten wrong about it in her notes. She of course talked about other things she’d found out about the stone doors as well as stuff surrounding them and what it all might mean. She also speculated on what could be on the other side of the doors and what that might mean. All very fascinating stuff that unfortunately Buddy’s mind didn’t seem inclined to absorb much of right now.
They were nearing the top when the ground rumbled beneath them. Just a small tremor at first but it was immediately followed up by something much bigger, making all three of them lose their footing. Thankfully they weren’t on one of the steeper parts of the climb up so instead of falling to their deaths they were all sent sliding down hill on a thankfully for now small wave of snow.
Buddy scrabbled and clawed at ground, somehow managing to get a grip on rock outcropping. A quick glance around confirmed Eggabell and Triffany had found themselves in similar situations, though a bit further down. Buddy took a breath to shout to them but the sound died unuttered as they glanced up just in time to see the massive wall of snow right before it hit them.
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moonlit-han · 4 years
hate to love you ↠ seo changbin
genre: hate-to-love, fluff, gender-neutral reader word count: 2.7k warnings: swearing request: yes (for Mel—enjoy, dear!! @lordseochangbin)
✧ masterlist & tag list info in bio ✧
It was a chilly Thursday night and you couldn’t wait to get inside. Traffic had been bad and you were trying to remain calm before your performance. Yanking your hat further down around your ears, you hurried along the pavement. And, of course, the door stuck as you entered the small, dimly lit cafe, looking around to find your friend and the cafe’s owner, Mina. She’d opened the place as a haven for anyone who needed a safe space to chill or take care of themselves; in the evenings, the space served as a gathering place and small performance venue. The cafe was busy, probably because of the cold, and the crowd of regulars seated at round tables scattered around the room looked up as they saw you, some calling out greetings. Some even casually joked with you as you came in—you really weren’t in the mood, though, as much as you loved your regulars. As you moved along from the last table towards the bar, you saw Mina standing there talking to someone you didn’t recognize.
“Hey, Y/N,” she said as you approached. “This is Seo Changbin—he’s performing tonight, too. You don’t mind, do you?”
With a perfunctory “Hi, Changbin,” you turned on Mina. “Mina . . . what? You said I’d have the place tonight as usual. What the hell happened?”
“Changbin’s a friend of mine and since he was in town, I thought I’d invite him. He’s a well-known rapper in his own right. He’s really quite good, Y/N. Play nice, please.”
“Fine,” you growled. “Changbin, do your set and then watch how it’s really done around here. You might just learn a thing or two.”
With that, you set your shoulders and sauntered away, wanting to intimidate this Changbin guy. This was your space and you didn’t particularly feel like sharing. It had taken you quite awhile to be accepted as the area’s premiere rapper, and you didn’t need some random guy coming in and ruining it all for you. You darted into the curtained area reserved for performers and tried to calm down before heading back out into the audience.
As you walked away, Changbin said, “Well, that was a surprising amount of sass and vitriol. Is that normal?”
“Y/N has every right to be that way,” Mina said. “Works harder than anybody I know—even more than you, Bin. I didn’t think Y/N would react that explosively, though. Sorry about that.”
“Oh, it’s fine, Mina. Don’t worry about it. It’ll be interesting to see this set. I’m gonna get ready since, evidently, I’m going first. You gave the tracks to the DJ, yeah?”
Mina nodded, just smiling. She couldn’t wait for you to see Changbin perform, as she had a sneaking suspicion that you’d actually be impressed.
Instead of being the utterly uninterested rapper you’d already pegged him as, Changbin was excited to see you perform. He knew he was good and would be surprised if you showed him anything new. Nevertheless, he was definitely looking forward to having the excuse to stare at you during your set. He’d immediately noticed the intensity in your gaze—how you took everything as a challenge to do better and to prove yourself. He already admired you for that. He’d also noticed your figure and how the leather pants you wore hugged all the right places. And, the purple of your shirt played with the glimmers of red in your chestnut hair. Well, he thought, this was going to be an interesting evening.
Mina walked onto the slightly raised platform that served as the cafe’s stage to excited applause from the audience. It was your usual night and they were all there because they loved your music.
“Good evening, all!” Mina said brightly. “I have a little surprise for you tonight. My dear friend, Seo Changbin, is in town for a bit and graciously agreed to perform for us tonight. I think you’ll like him!” The cafe’s regulars immediately took to asking about you—you would still be performing, wouldn’t you? They weren’t getting cheated out of seeing their beloved Y/N perform, right?
“Settle down, guys, you’re still going to hear Y/N as usual. But first, here’s Changbin. Enjoy, my lovelies!”
You watched Changbin walk onto the stage and couldn’t help but notice how confidently he held himself. He was rather short in stature but walked like he was much taller. A steady back-beat started and Changbin coughed lightly into the microphone. Then, with a drawn-out “Yooooooh,” he began rapping.
He was good. Really good. His flow was even and he easily varied his tone, emotions, dynamics, intensity, and even body language to portray exactly what he wanted in each piece. He could do everything from hard, dark, almost angry rap to slow, lyrical and beautiful pieces in which he alternated singing and rapping. What was most amazing was how clearly he could get the words out even as he was spitting fire faster than you’d ever heard. Against your expectations, you were quite impressed.
At one point, he stared directly at you and winked. The nerve!! you seethed. And, he knew how to command the attention of each and every person in a room. It was more than a little hot. No, you weren’t going to think like that. This man was on your territory and you weren’t about to start noticing how his glossy black hair was styled away from his face in such a way as to highlight his eyes and cheekbones. You were determined to hate this Seo Changbin for being so perfect, damn it!!
He ended his set and the audience went wild. You could tell they were also impressed and that anyone would have a hard time following him. You cursed your foolhardiness as Changbin bowed and then beckoned for you to join him up on stage. You put on your best smile as he said, “Well, guys, enough of me. Here’s the one you’ve really been waiting for: Y/N!!”
Your wonderful audience cheered just as loud for you, if not louder, and you felt some sense of vindication. You were still their favorite—you had to be.
You performed your set, trying to add flourishes where you could, and knew that you’d done as well as you’d ever had. You refused to look at Changbin the entire time. You weren’t going to give him the opportunity to think you were looking to him for validation. You were just as good as him.
When you were done, you headed to the counter were you knew Mina would be waiting with a steaming mug of tea for you. As you settled into your usual spot, Changbin came up to you.
“Y/N, that was incredible!!” Changbin clapped you on the back, sitting down on the stool next to you. “You’re so good, holy shit. I especially liked that one piece about spring and renewal. I try to keep that theme going through my music, too.”
You wanted to snap at him with some witty remark, but he just seemed so earnest and honest in his compliments. You were surprised, having expected him to be aloof.
“Uh . . . Thanks. You did all right, too, I guess,” you said. You really didn’t want to admit that he’d been amazing.
“Just all right?” Changbin grinned. Even his smile was annoyingly perfect. You really needed to get ahold of yourself. You didn’t like him. He was in your cafe and was better than you. Not a friend or anything else.
“Yeah. Just all right,” you said. “And why are even being nice to me? Shouldn’t you be preening or something?”
“I don’t preen.” Changbin’s voice was low.
“I said, I don’t preen,” Changbin repeated. “What made you think I was stuck-up? I’ve done nothing to give you that impression. In fact, you’ve been the one acting off since we met. Why?”
You flared at that. You hated that he was right, and hated the fact that you wanted to hate him but couldn’t quite manage it. You were trying to so damn hard but somehow he kept disarming you with smiles or lyrics or just the way his shirt fit. What the hell. How?! How could one man look so perfect and be so nice and so talented. It wasn’t fair.
You were so caught up in your thoughts that you answered without thinking. “Because you’re too perfect. You’re super talented and you’re hot. No one’s allowed to be both. I mean, come on.”
As soon as the words left your mouth, you felt mortified. The way Changbin was smiling at you made you blush. Mina’s soft laughter as she slipped into the back room didn’t help either.
“You think I’m hot, huh?” Changbin said, smirking and leaning forward.
“Ugh, forget I said it,” you retorted. “Sure, you’re a pretty face but there are plenty of those around.”
“Hmmm, but none of them are me. Wouldn’t you rather have a hot rapper who can actually keep up with you than somebody with a pretty face but a flat personality?”
You couldn’t think of anything to say, so opted for sipping your tea.
“Baby, you know you can’t do better than me,” Changbin murmured, leaning even closer to you. “How about we get to know each other a little, then. We could go dancing—Mina said there’s a place down the street that’s pretty chill. You like dancing, don’t you?”
After a pause, you spoke. “Fine, Changbin. You’re right. You’re right on all accounts.” Turning to Mina, who’d just reappeared, you said, “Did you tell him I liked dancing?”
“Maybe,” was all Mina said.
You rolled your eyes. If you were being honest with yourself, the way Changbin had said “Baby” was what finally made you agree to go. You secretly wanted to him say it again. God, you were getting sappy.
“Shall we, then, Y/N?” Changbin asked as Mina handed him your coats. How had she known?
Stunned and trying to hide any emotions that might be betrayed on your face by burying it in your scarf, you nodded.
“Perfect!” Changbin exclaimed as he ushered you through the door.
As the two of you walked down the street, Changbin stole glances at you out of the corner of his eye. Too absorbed with your little “disliking Changbin act,” you didn’t notice.
Rounding a corner, you nearly jumped. “Changbin, why are you holding my arm?” you asked, glancing down.
“I didn’t want you to slip on the ice,” Changbin replied.
“I don’t see any ice . . ..”
“Hey, there could be some. You never know.”
“ . . . right,” you said, smiling softly to yourself.
You finally reached the club, and opened the door. While you’d known the club was there, you’d never spent an evening there, considering violently gyrating to music that was mostly bass beneath you. Plus, you’d never had someone with whom to dance. However, you seemed to have misjudged the place. As you and Changbin stepped over the threshold, tendrils of warmth rolled over you, pulling you inside. There was no thumping bass, no fog machine, no scantily-clad people. Couples whirled around the dance floor as individuals tried their best to fit in and avoid running into the couples. The music from a live band was loud enough to keep the mood excited but not loud enough to drown out conversations. It was surprisingly lyrical, almost like folk music.
“Are you sure this is the right place?” you asked, taking off your coat and scarf, and stashing them in a cubby by the door.
“Of course,” Changbin grinned. “We’ve gone dancing, not clubbing. Mina said that sort of thing is for the Friday night crowd, anyway.”
“Ah,” you said.
You looked around, taking in the sweet strings of lights, sashes of fabric, and soft lighting. It wasn’t what you’d expected, but you were glad for the airy feeling of the room. You didn’t think you’d have been able to stand a hot and stuffy club packed with people—not after the trying week you’d had.
“So . . . dancing?” Changbin had returned from—where had he even gone?—and came up to you, head tilted inquisitively to the side like a crow.
“Yes, that’s what you wanted us to do . . .” you said, a bit uncertainly. You were still hell-bent on making this guy work for your attention and favor.
Just then, the music stopped and a woman called to the room. “Time for a folk dance, everyone! Grab a partner and form two lines down the room.”
You looked at Changbin, bewildered and shaking your head, but he just held his hands out to you as he backed onto the dance floor. You’d been folk dancing only once before, but it’d been fun enough. Resigned, you took Changbin’s hands and let him drag you into the lines, standing across from each other. Once everyone who wanted to dance had partnered up and formed the lines, the music began again with a steady tune. The same woman who had made the announcement called the directions for the dance so that everyone could follow.
Forward and back the two lines went, then round your partner you circled. Then, forward and back again. All up and down the lines, squares of dancers made stars with their hands in the middle and around in a circle each square went, too. More directions were called and everyone moved forward and back, spun and strutted, and whooped every time a couple sashayed down the long line.
Whenever he faced you, Changbin held your eyes with his gaze. He’d smile and sometimes wink, making you more than a little flustered. As much as you tried to act like you disliked him, there was something alluring about Changbin and you couldn’t ignore it. You slowly let an inch of your protective walls fall and smiled back at him. Once you did, Changbin’s own smile could have outshone the sun.
And that was it: you were sunk like a ship at sea for Seo Changbin and there was nothing you could do about it. Fuck.
The dance ended and everyone clapped for each other and the band. As was customary, the band then played a waltz. Before you knew it, Changbin clasped your hand and brought it up to his lips. From the place where his lips touched your skin, a pleasant tingling sensation passed up your arm. You blushed. With that, Changbin drew you into his arms to dance, one arm at your back and the other outstretched to the side, palm up.
For a moment, you were too stunned to move against or with his movements. Then, taking a breath, you placed one hand in his and one on his shoulder.
Changbin led as you danced, surprisingly light on his feet and clearly familiar with a waltz. You let yourself relax into his hold a little and went where his steps took the two of you. You talked of little things, searching for the bits of each other held just below the surface—the things that once known, allow one to understand someone more than expected.
“You know, I’m glad I decided to visit Mina. I haven’t seen her in a long time. And, of course, I’m glad I met you,” Changbin said as he leaned back a little so he could face you properly. His eyes were bright and there was color high on his cheekbones.
“I know you’re just putting up with me, but thank you for indulging me in a dance,” Changbin continued. “You’re a beautiful person, Y/N, and I admire your intensity and determination. I’d like to get to know your softer side, if you’ll let me?”
You nodded, too shy and unsure of the whole situation to trust yourself to speak.
Bringing his lips close to your ear, Changbin asked, “Baby, are you having a good time?” The feeling of his breath so close to your skin sent shivers down your back. He smelled of citrus and cedar, a heady combination that almost made you drool. Well, that, and the fact that since you’d moved your hand to his back you could feel just how muscled Changbin was. By this time, you were dancing almost chest-to-chest and cheek-to-cheek. The closeness of your bodies as you swayed and gently twirled around your little corner of the floor made you nervous and excited. You were sure he’d feel just how hard your heart was pounding.
“Yeah,” you breathed, “I’m having a good time. Can you believe it?” you grinned.
Changbin smiled in response and pulled you even closer, placing a kiss to your temple.
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farleydiana · 4 years
red queen hogwarts au :)
so i’ve finally decided to bring this idea to life..... shoutout to the @redqueenetwork discord for coming up with cool headcanons and help with character sorting!! 
this is also my first fic ever DONT be mean. plot is basically mare goes to hogwarts forthe first time and makes friends its very happy. this was super fun to write so hope y’all enjoy.
Mare had always wondered what lied on the other side of the wall. 
Every year, since she was six years old, she’d seen her brothers run straight into it and fade into another dimension, to a secret platform and the train that would take them to Hogwarts. She’d heard insane stories about the place, stuff that belonged in fever dreams or myths. Staircases that moved, forests home to deadly creatures, a gigantic squid on a lake, ghosts that roamed the halls, portraits that could talk… it didn’t sound real. It couldn’t be. But when her letter appeared in their small mailbox one friday in August, she realized maybe her brothers weren’t toying with her after all… that this magical castle hidden in the highlands did exist, and that it housed all those things that came from your wildest dreams and nightmares. And now, she was going to be a part of it all. That didn’t feel real.
She was finally going to cross the wall. 
Her mother, Ruth, hugged each of her sons tight, one final goodbye before they left for school. They all hugged Gisa too, Tramy even lifted her up. He was getting stronger, playing that quidditch sport. And off they went. Bree first, pushing into the wall with force. He disappeared. Then, it was Tramy’s turn. Then Shade’s. 
Mare’s heart raced, this was really it. Her time had come. She said a quick goodbye to Mom, Dad, and Gisa, and grabbed her cart, which contained a trunk filled with books and a broom, and, with all her strength, pushed straight for the wall. 
Out of instinct, she expected a collision that would make her trip into her cart or maybe fall headfirst into the floor, but instead, she emerged in a bustling platform. Her brothers were waiting for her, and they cheered when she came out, high-fiving her. This whole thing was starting to feel like an adventure. 
They moved along, making space for new people who entered. Platform 9 ¾ was at its full capacity, with countless families saying goodbye to their children. They were all strangely dressed, in robes or very colorful dress suits. Mare found herself almost clinging to Shade, as Bree and Tramy went to meet their friends. They both stood awkwardly in the middle of the platform looking like lost children, searching the train’s entrance. Mare took this chance to look around. Her eyes landed on a woman, with blond hair elaborately tied in a low bun and a long blue coat (in summer!) whispering to a boy who was undoubtedly a first year like her. The woman stood up, and Mare could notice those around her standing a little straighter. Her icy eyes found Mare’s, and she too tensed.  She must be a really powerful witch, Mare thought, she certainly looks like it.
“Come on,” Shade said, grabbing her wrist and pulling them through the crowd. Maybe Shade noticed her staring at the woman.
“Who is she?” Mare asked. She figured she needed to know. 
“Elara Merandus. Works for the Ministry-- wizard government. Not one of the good ones there.” Shade explained. 
She wanted to know more, to know what the Ministry did, and why she wasn’t “one of the good ones”. But the crowd to the train was moving along.
They entered quickly, and the mumbling from the platform was instantly replaced by the sound of train engines and excited teens. Shade walked along the train, to check for carts they could sit at. Some were full, others had kids much older than them, and others had one or two kids with unfriendly looks on their faces who always answered “sorry, it’s taken” when asking if they could sit. Then, they came across a boy looking absentmindedly through the window. 
“Excuse me,” Shade said, “are these seats taken?”
The boy jumped, not having expected a visitor. “What? Oh, no… it’s not taken,” he said. He had hair the color of wheat and very green eyes. Mare and Shade entered the cart, seating in the bench opposite to his. There was an awkward silence for a few moments, Mare turned her attention to her worn sneakers. 
 The train started moving. A bunch of kids screamed last goodbyes, and Mare kind of wanted to join them, but she had already left her parents behind. Instead, she gripped the edge of her seat a little tighter at the sudden movement. 
“I’m Kilorn,” the boy said, “Kilorn Warren.”
Mare laughed a little on the inside. What kind of dumb name is Kilorn?
“I’m Shade,” her brother said, “and this is my sister, Mare Barrow”
Kilorn didn’t bother to hide his laugh. The same can be said about our names, she thought, a bit embarrassed. 
“Are you first years too?” Kilorn asked. 
“I’m on my second year, Mare’s a first year.” Shade replied before she could.
Kilorn turned all his attention to Mare. “This is all so crazy, isn’t it? The, you know… the train, the school… it’s magic,you know?” He was ecstatic, words spilling from his mouth, and Mare grinned at his enthusiasm. “I thought this was some prank when I got my letter, but… it’s not.”
Mare nodded, remembering when Bree first got his. A strange man with blue robes and close-cut white hair had appeared in their house one morning with a letter, and explained to her parents what this whole wizarding school ordeal was about. They were… shocked, to say the least, but would never refuse the opportunity of free education at a boarding school with all the amenities covered. So, the man had taken Bree to Diagon Alley to get his wizard things, and the Barrows sent him off on September 1st. Everyone after him had gotten just a letter. They were all surprised when Tramy got his, and convinced that everyone in the family was in some way magical when Shade got in too. Mare kind of felt she was, with the way her surroundings seemed to act weird whenever she felt angry, which was more often than she’d like. For that entire year Mare tensed, afraid of being the exception, of not getting her letter. Her parents already treated her like less than her sister, who was beautiful and ladylike… she would not stand the humiliation. 
“I was so relieved when I got mine,” she said. “All my older brothers got one. It would be kind of embarrassing if i didn’t”
“Wait, so you’re not… Your parents aren’t wizards?” Kilorn asked, brows furrowing in confusion 
“Our parents are muggles.” Shade said.
“They were born… normal, but their kids are all magical,” Mare continued. 
“You know what, I’m convinced at least one of them is a sorcerer in secret,” Shade said.
“If they were, they would’ve already thrown thousands of jinxes at us.” They both giggled. It was certainly strange, how all of them had magic inside them. Maybe magic just liked the family. 
“Are your parents wizards?” Shade asked Kilorn.
A long pause followed. Mare felt the answer before he said it out loud. 
“I don’t know who my parents are,” Kilorn said, his voice sorrowful. 
Mare’s whole body sank. She didn’t know what to say to this… ‘i’m sorry’ felt like too little. She had never met an orphan, but she could clearly imagine how sad it must be to grow up alone.
A grim silence settled in. Mare watched as the lush green hills passed by, taking her back to when she was younger, running around the prairies of home with her siblings.
“Uh, hello,” a boy suddenly said. He was at the cabin threshold, half hidden. Mare recognized him as the boy the woman was talking to. He had the same deep blue eyes. 
“Can I sit with you guys?” he asked. 
The three children looked at one another. Mare furrowed her brows at Shade, who was thinking the same thing she was. Associating with this kid was probably not good. But, it would be mean to not let him in. 
Kilorn, for his part, didn’t seem to notice their doubt, and said “sure! Come along.”
Reluctantly, the boy sat next to Kilorn, though a few inches apart. There was silence again, and Mare felt a bit… intimidated. But, why? The boy looked just as nervous as she was. 
“Are you a first year too?” Kilorn asked. 
“Yes,” the boy said. I was with my brother, who’s in his third year, but I didn’t like his friends very much. So I left.” 
“Oh,” Mare said. “well, hello.” She tried to smile, but it was an awkward fake smile. 
“Hey,” he said, “I’m Maven Calore.” Mare assessed him. He was wearing very nice robes, which made Mare feel kind of off in her old, overworn clothes. He was looking at her, too, though Mare couldn’t figure out what he was thinking. 
“Calore…” Shade said, with an inquiring look. “You’re Cal’s brother?”
“Yes…” Maven said with a sigh. “Unfortunately.”
Kilorn giggled. 
“Who’s Cal?” Mare asked Shade.
“He’s this Gryffindor guy…” he said, annoyed. “And all the girls in my year are obsessed with him and his fire-colored eyes.” He spoke in his mocking voice. Mare laughed. 
“That’s my brother.” Maven said. 
“And his name is… Cal Calore?” Mare couldn’t contain her chuckle this time. Why does everyone here have ridiculous names?
“No, it’s Tiberias.” Maven Answered. “Tiberias the seventh.”
Mare raised her brows at that. “The seventh!? What happened to Tiberias one through six?”
Maven laughed. “No, it’s this dumb family tradition. Our father is the sixth and his father is the fifth and so on.”
“Oh, so you’re like… the Royal Wizarding Family or something?” 
That Maven wasn’t expecting. He blushed, taken aback, and for a second Mare wondered if that had been too mean.
“They kind of are. I mean-- they’re pretty famous.” Shade said. “They’re famous cursebreakers or something.”
Mare nodded a small ohh. Kilorn raised his brows at the word “cursebreakers.” Maven just shrugged.
“And what kind of curses do they break?” Mare asked.
“I don’t know, like…” Maven furrowed his brows, thinking of a way to explain. “There are like, laws, on how to use magic, and they work in enacting that. They’re not all cursebreakers. Some are aurors.”
“Magical police.” Shade clarified. 
“They’re kind of annoying, if you ask me.” Maven said, “Everyone says i’m different to them. I’m not, like, super sporty and stuff. My dad says I should be more like my brother.”
“Oh, my mom’s the same,” Mare said. “She’s super proud of my sister because she can draw really well,and I’m not particularly good at anything”.
They fell into easy conversation, talking about sibling frustrations and family wishes. Kilorn and Shade, for their part, talked about the school, Shade explained the houses and house points and what Quidditch was. Kilorn decided he would like to play, it sounded fun. Mare eventually joined in, saying she’d like to play too (all her brothers did), beating balls while flying sounded fun. Shade also talked about the professors, who was nice and who wasn’t. He seemed to like Julian, the history of magic teacher, who was also head of the Ravenclaw house, which was, according to Shade, the best one. Part of Mare hoped she’d be sorted there just to be with her brother, but she felt she wasn’t brainy enough. There was also Anabel, the potions teacher, who wasn’t that nice to students that got on her ugly side. 
“Basically you have to one, be smart, or two, be a slytherin, if you don’t want her to be hard on you,” Shade explained. 
“Looks like she plays favorites.” Mare said.
“Yeah the slyths are quite literally snakes. Really. That’s their animal.”
Mare decided in that moment that she didn’t want to be in slytherin. 
Shade kept going over the teachers. There was Carmadon, the funny herbology teacher, and Davidson, the Defense against the dark arts teacher. According to Shade, he was really strict in class but outside class he would talk with the students, and was very nice.
The rest of the ride passed quickly, and soon it was time to change into their uniforms. The castle came into view. It really was huge, with bridges and pointed towers. Dark, yet strangely welcoming. 
All over the train, there were cheers and gasps of surprise as they got closer. Mare watched the school approach through the window with Kilorn and Maven, thinking woah, this really is real…
The descent from the train is hurried and messy. Shade leaves for his friends, a group of boys dressed in the same blue robes, and the trio of first years is left to be carried by the crowd. Maven gets lost, and Kilorn and Mare end up joining the cluster of other first years, who are indicated to follow a big man named Hagrid. He gives a brief tour of the castle grounds. They were at the Great Lake, where the huge squid resided. on the other side a little to the left was the forbidden forest, which Mare kind of wanted to enter, to find why it was forbidden. At second thought she decided it’d be a terrible idea. Then, very far on the other side, the quidditch pitch. The place was gigantic.
In small groups, the kids crossed the lake in carriages pulled by invisible horses. Mare and Kilorn boarded one with a boy named Thomas and a girl named Sonya, who didn’t seem to enjoy sitting with any of them. 
Once they were on the other side, the thirty-something first years continued into the castle. Mare couldn’t keep her jaw from dropping as she walked through the oak double doors and into a torchlit entrance hall. There was a grand staircase in front of them, and she could hear muffled talk from somewhere. She didn’t have much time to take in her surroundings, as the party was quickly moved to a room at the right.. Before she entered, she glimpsed four hourglasses filled with glittering stones, one for each house, she guessed.
So this is the Great Hall. It was the biggest dining room Mare had seen in her life. Her eyes went straight to the ceiling, it was open… bewitched, Mare remembered, from one of Shade’s letters, to look like the night sky. It was just as beautiful as she’d imagined. 
The great hall had four long tables, each occupied by students from different houses. Mare recognized them by color. The closest one was the green one, slytherin. Then blue, ravenclaw, where Shade was. Then came yellow, Hufflepuff, which was Tramy’s house. And the farthest one was Gryffindor, Bree’s house. 
The kids hurried to the right wall, where another long table stood on its own platform, overlooking the other four. The professors’ table. Right in front of it, there was a small stool with a very old hat sitting on it. 
Mare knew what came next, and it made her heart race. The sorting ceremony. The moment that would determine where you belonged in Hogwarts. Excitement flood the room, as hopeful students cheered for their houses, and the newcomers breathed heavily, a mix of nerves and adrenaline.  Mare spotted Bree smiling at her from his table and couldn’t help but smile back. The students stood in front of the teachers’ platform and the headmaster, a wizard with a long, white beard called Dumbledore, welcomed them with a speech. He was weird, Mare concluded. Even by wizard standards. 
Then it was time for the sorting. It opened with the hat singing a very off-key yet catchy song about the houses, how they were founded and what each house meant. Mare had no idea where she might end up. Maybe Gryffindor, people thought of her as brave-- but she definitely didn’t see herself as similar to Bree in any way. She had always been more like Shade… but she wouldn’t fit in Ravenclaw; she didn’t have a passion for knowledge and wouldn’t say she was creative. She wouldn’t deny she was smart, though… so it was a possibility. Hufflepuff was completely scratched, she was not hardworking nor kind. The only one left was slytherin… her brothers had joked she’d end up there, with her little revenge plans she pulled off whenever Bree or Tramy decided to get on her ugly side. Well, it was always her idea and Shade’s execution. But, from what she’d heard, a house of pretentious rich kids and mean teachers wasn’t that appealing to her. She ended up deciding to leave it to the hat.
The first kid to go up was Alice Zhang, hufflepuff. They were calling the kids in reverse alphabetical order, which meant she was going to be one of the last ones… great, she thought, mentally rolling her eyes. She wanted to get over it quickly but no, she’d have to wait. 
Kilorn was next. He grinned wide when the hat announced “Hufflepuff!” He had been eyeing the house, hoping to end up there. And so, one by one, the students stepped forward and sat in the stool to have their houses chosen. Most of them were happy with their new school family. Some had expected it. Others hadn’t, and were pretty shocked from it. But also the students didn't care about most of the newcomers.
The attention was on two students: Maven and Sonya Iral from the carriage. Mare couldn’t help but listen at people’s muttering about them.
“... with a family like that I bet you five galleons she'll end up in Ravenclaw or Slytherin”
“That boy’s definitely a Slytherin”. “How are you so sure? Every Calore ever has been a Gryffindor.” “He just looks like one. I can see it in his face.”
“... with a mother like that…” “I’ve never met Elara, but I hear that she could defeat he-who-must-not-be-named with her stare only.”
Mare’s eyes were suddenly very open. Who was this he-who-must-not-be-named person and why didn’t Shade tell her about him? It was certainly important. 
“Sonya Iral,” The professor, McGonagall, called.
The girl walked toward the stool. She looked like one of the mean girls who would call your shoes ugly in fourth grade, with long black hair straightened to perfection and deep tan skin, and moved with the grace of a ballerina. 
Mare startled at the loud cheers behind her. She would cheer too, she thought, if she had one of the richest people in the school in her house. 
“All the posh kids are making it to slyth,” she heard, coming from a table to her left. 
“It’s always the rich ones in slytherin… I don’t think I’ve seen a muggleborn in that house in years,” another student said.
“I mean, nowadays being a muggleborn in slytherin would suck…”
Mare swallowed hard. Maybe I could end up in gryffindor.
A few more students passed. Ravenclaw. Gryffindor. Gryffindor. Slytherin. 
Then, “Maven Calore.”
Maven walked slowly to the stool, all eyes on him. People were still betting on his placement, which made Mare mentally sigh in annoyance. She glanced at the Gryffindor table, all of them on their toes. Her eyes focused on a guy who was maybe thirteen, and had eyes literally the color of fire. That must be Cal the seventh, Mare thought. He was staring hopefully at his brother, hands clasped in front of his mouth. 
Maven, to his favor, looked calm. 
“Slytherin!” the hat declared. 
Gasps traveled through the whole hall. Jaws dropped to the floor and eyebrows shot to the ceiling as Maven walked to his house, which, to the shock of everyone who knew the Calores, was not Gryffindor. He was almost… proud? Or, looked like it, with his back straight and his strides long and confident. The green table roared, welcoming his new student, son of some… really powerful people. Mare was starting to think the Slytherin house wasn't a house of like-minded students, but an exclusive club of trust fund children. One she certainly could not belong to. Or could she?
She was about to find out. 
Mare felt her blood run down her veins like sparks, suddenly feeling very anxious. Rachel Brown, Ravenclaw. She breathed in, breathed out. Felt her leg shake. Edward Bennett, Hufflepuff. She braced herself. This was it. 
“Mare Molly Barrow.”
She hurried to the stool, hearing murmurs about her potential house. “Gryffindor, for sure.” “She looks a bit Ravenclaw to me.” “No, I know it. That’s a Slytherin face.” “She has the same look as Farley, definitely a Gryffindor.” 
McGonagall put the hat on top of her unruly head. She cringed when she felt the hat speak inside her mind. It’s looking through my brain…
“I see quite a bit of nerve in there…” it said. “Oh. oh, yes, you are a courageous one, child.” 
She smiled. Gryffindor, then? She couldn’t help it, bt a bit of disappointment fell on her shoulders at that. 
“No… i see that, while brave, you are twice as cunning. Intelligence sharp as a viper’s” Her eyes sparked, quickly assessing the room, finding Maven’s by chance. 
“It could not be more clear… SLYTHERIN!”
Mare grinned and walked toward her table, her house, while cheers surrounded her from all sides. A part of her sank when she realized the slytherin table was the one cheering the least. 
Still, they welcomed her with smiles as she sat. “Hey!” Maven said, shocked as was the rest of the house, whispering among them and giving her looks that ranged from confusion to plain disgust. Some, like Maven, were actually happy she was there. A girl with silver hair and dark grey eyes was surveying her intently. Mare couldn’t figure out if it was curiosity or malice in her eyes. She wanted to feel welcomed, she really did, but from what she’d heard about her new house, she wondered if she ever would. Everyone looked so composed and elegant… and there she was, straight out of a muddy village. She felt small, and off, so she decided to distract herself from her thoughts and focus on the ceremony… which was ending. 
“Hello! Welcome to Slytherin,” a voice said, taking her out of her gloom. A girl was standing over her, she had bright red hair which reminded her of Gisa’s, and wore a wide, welcoming smile. “I’m Mariella Haven. Prefect. If you need help with anything, you can come to me or any other Prefect.”
Mare smiled. She seemed… genuinely nice. “Hey, thank you,” she said. Mariella gave her and Maven a polite smile and walked back to her seat, which was near the edge of the table. 
“I feel strange here,” Mare whispered to Maven, as the table suddenly got filled with all kinds of foods. 
“Me too,” he whispered back. A small pressure released from Mare’s shoulders, knowing she wasn’t alone in her feelings of inadequacy. 
Eagerly, students started filling theri plates, and she did the same, helping herself to Turkey and a very colorful salad. This must be the most appetizing food she’d seen in her life, and her eyes sparkled with excitement. 
As the start-of-term feast went on, the six first years of Slytherin chatted eagerly about the train ride and what the hat had said and how happy they were to be placed in the best house. For some, it was a family tradition, almost. Sonya and Maven both said they felt kind of good for going out of their family’s norm. Mare didn’t speak much, but still she could feel a tight bond of loyalty forming between her and her housemates, no matter their differences. Maybe she’d make a place for herself here, after all. She had to. 
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softstarfire · 4 years
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Secret Apprentice: Chapter 2
Hide and Seek
Chapter 1 / Chapter 3  - (AO3) (FFNET) 
Synopsis: Starfire is having trouble hiding things from her friends. As she tries her best to act as normal as she can, she starts to let some things slide and they all notice how weird she is acting. Things get worse after she gets a call from Slade in which he assigns her a mysterious mission. She flies to meet him, leaving her communicator back home. The Titans are confused when they find out she has left it and Robin is filled with guilt because he thinks it's his fault. When Starfire arrives to meet the masked villain she finds out she won't be going solo for this mission. Starfire and her partner are going to do something that she never ever imagined she'd do.
Almost a week had passed since Slade’s and Starfire’s agreement. She hadn’t heard from him and at this point she was getting really nervous. An idea popped into her mind as her team fought an alien invasion of tofu like people: she would go back home and deal with her sister herself if she didn’t hear from him until Saturday, the day that marked a week since they spoke. Since today was Friday, she had to tell him about this no-plan plan she had just come up with asap.
That evening she went home with her friends while her mind tried to find a way to contact him without raising any suspicion from her best friends. Lucky for her, the alien invasion had left a lot of homeless cows in the tower as the Titans called every place they could think of that would take them.
In the main area, her friends were busy calling every farm they could find in their data base. Beast Boy was trying his best to feed the cows and keep the space clean. Starfire stood there, in the back, just a couple of meters away from the main hall that took them to the dorms. She cleared her throat before speaking. “I shall call from my bed. I am most tired”, nobody answered. She stepped back and the automatic doors opened to let her in.
She flew back to her room. When she entered, she sat on her bed. The communicator was under her puff seat. She stared at the device for a while. She sighed, defeated. She had to tell him. So, she bent down and tried to get her hand under the seat. Suddenly her door opened. She fell to the floor, on her knees, pushing the puff seat. The seat fell too, covering the communicator but the photo stayed on the ground. Raven stepped in. “Are you okay?”, the empath asked. Starfire quickly took the photo and hid it inside her hand, turning it into a fist. “Yes, friend, I am well”. Raven nodded at her answer. “Robin said that we both should fly the cows to their new home”, Starfire looked through her window. “One cow at a time?”, she asked. Raven shook her head. “Cyborg has made a platform with chains so we can carry the whole thing with as many cows as we can fit in it. Are you in a hurry?”. Starfire knew that lying to Raven was not a good idea. Her powers allowed her to feel other people in a deeper way, she could notice that Starfire wasn’t telling her the truth. She could even get into her mind and find out about Slade. “Yes, I am. Robin has arranged a new course of training for me to do at sunrise. We have to hurry so I can get the most needed rest”. Raven started walking to the door. “I’ll wait for you at the rooftop”, the half demon walked out of Star’s room. The doors closed and the darkness filled the room again.
Suddenly, something vibrated and made a strange sound. She sat on the floor and picked up the communicator from under the puff. It was ringing. She heard Cyborg calling Robin and Beast Boy for help with the cows on the corridor. It got pretty noisy outside in a second as her team got the cows to the roof. She opened the communicator; there she saw Slade. “Starfire, the preparations are almost done. I need your help for something else. I will meet you tomorrow. I’ll send you the coordinates when the time comes for us to meet. Be ready”. She didn’t even have time to respond. The call ended and she quickly closed the device. Starfire hid it back where it was with the photo. As she walked to her door it opened again. It was Robin this time. “Star, we are ready for you to take the cows to a new farm”, she nodded and was about to past him when Robin quickly grabbed her hand. “Everything okay?”, the question came purely out of curiosity, but for the first time Starfire didn’t want to talk. So, she nodded once more and flew to the rooftop still holding his hand. “Star!”, was the last thing she heard. “Hey, Star! I can get there myself”, the boy wonder laughed a little bit.
She only let him go when they got to the top of the building. “What was that?”, he asked again as their friends secured the last details of the delivery. “Nothing”, she answered. “Sometimes I get lonely when I am flying by myself”, she smiled at him before hugging him. Her arms were around his shoulders. He put his around her waist. “I am always there with you”, he took a step back to point to the communicator that was attached to the belt on her skirt. The one marked with the T. “See?”, she stared at it blankly. “Star?”, Robin didn’t understand why all of a sudden Starfire looked so lost.
“We are ready!”, Beast Boy shouted. Starfire flew to one side of the platform without saying anything else to Robin. Cyborg had made a platform made of metal strong enough to hold 20 cows. Starfire took one chain and Raven the other. The chains were attached to both sides of the platform. They both lifted the whole thing and Beast Boy cheered. “Cy, you made it!”, the shape shifter yelled as the girls flew away. Robin looked at Starfire, she was acting weird. She didn’t make a comment on the cows, nor Cyborg’s last-minute creation. It wasn’t like her to just fly off on a mission without saying goodbye to her friends. Why was she acting like this?
The mission went well. Raven and Star couldn’t really talk. The cows were moving too much and they had to concentrate on getting them to their new home safely. When they came back, they were too tired to even say a word.
At sunrise, Robin waited for the Titans on their private training camp. The whole team gathered there to practice. The leader had created a new course with Cyborg’s help, and this was a very difficult one. Since Starfire asked Robin for help to get better, he started designing a new training program for the whole team. The team wasn’t complete. Starfire wasn’t there yet. She was in her room trying to hide Slade’s communicator in her regular outfit. She didn’t really know where to put it. In her belt, she carried the Titan’s communicator. She tried to disguise it there but a quick look at her and you could clearly see it. She looked at herself in a full body mirror, turning around again and again, trying to see if anyone would notice it if she clipped it to her glove, to her top, to her skirt. But anywhere she put it, everyone would see it. “Starfire?”, Robin called her name from behind the door. She let out a small gasp. Quickly she hid the communicator in the first place she could think of: inside her top. Since it was tightly closed around her neck and on her shoulders, she figured there was no way that thing could fall off. And it looked kind of weird, but she thought that no one would be brave enough to comment how it looked on her chest.
She flew to the door and received her best friend with a big smile. “Greetings, Robin! I wish you a good morning”, she hugged him for a second and flew her way out to the training site. Robin stayed there. He thought that it felt like if she was trying to act like herself, but she wasn't doing well.
The training was about to start. Beast Boy wanted to go first; he was still very excited after he saved the world from the tofu aliens. He jumped to the control center on the side, where Robin was standing behind the computers. “You go second, I think Starfire should go first!”, Robin said to the team, looking at Starfire with a playful smile on his face. The teenage alien flew to the starting point. She looked back at her teammates who cheered on her and then at Robin. “Ready, Star?”, he asked. She positioned herself on the starting line, eyes set on the finish line. Her eyes lit up as she nodded. “3, 2, 1, Go!”, Robin yelled and she flew as fast as she could.
Five rocks came from the ground and flew right her way. She immediately wrecked them apart with her green laser eye beams. Then she avoided fire balls thrown at her from both sides. Two very strong cables tried to pull her back to the start, trapping her arms and legs. She struggled for a second and then used her super strength to pop out of the one around her arms. When her hands were freed, she shot starbolts to the one around her legs. As she did that, lightning bolts started shooting at her. She avoided each and every one of them until she was just meters away from the end.
She turned around to find her teammates cheering her up from the sideline and in that same moment her chest vibrated. Slade was trying to reach her. Her eyes met with Raven’s. The half demon looked shocked. Starfire held her stare on her friend and then she moved her head down to see a small red light shining through her top. She couldn’t think about it for one second more because one lightning bolt shot her in the back and she fell to the ground on her hands and knees. Robin ran to her. “Starfire!”, everyone yelled as they went to check on her.
She lifted her head and looked at Raven again, she could tell the empath had seen something and as the fear filled her mind, she stood up. She looked at her friends for a second, backing off and then flew back to her room.
“Wow, she is not okay!”, Cyborg pointed out. “Dude! She has been acting off for a while now”, Beast Boy added. Robin listened to his team mates carefully, he noticed the same thing about Starfire: she was not acting like herself since the night that Slade got inside his head. “I‘ll talk to her”, the boy wonder walked away. “No! I will, I think I can help her”, Raven stopped him, putting her hand on the leader’s shoulder. “It’s just that we talked after what Slade did to me, so I think that maybe-”, he explained, Raven could feel how tense his body got. “Look, Starfire has been weird since then yes, but I feel like that is not the main reason why she is acting that weird. I felt it when we went to the farm, she avoided talking to me. She has used my powers before, she knows the more she says, the more I can sense when she is hiding something. And even thought she didn’t say much, I know she is”, Robin chuckled and shook his head. “You know Starfire is the most transparent person, she wouldn’t hide anything from us”, Raven just shrugged her shoulders and levitated her way to the alien’s room. Robin came after her, running as fast as he could. And when he got there, Raven was inside looking through the window. She was alone.
“Where is she?”, Robin asked. “I don’t know, Robin. I am telling you-”, Robin opened his communicator and pushed the call button. Raven’s lit up and made a sound but they both heard another communicator in the room. It sounded muted, like it was hidden. They both walked to the bed, Robin picked up one of the pillows and there it was, Starfire’s communicator. He sighed, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Why would she leave it back here?”.
The rest of the team got there. “Something wrong?”, Cyborg asked. Beast Boy walked inside the room and immediately noticed Robin’s attitude. “She left her communicator”, Robin answered. “Why?”, Beast Boy sat next to the leader of the team. “You think she is in trouble?”, Cyborg asked. “It’s my fault. When Slade poisoned my mind, I hurt her, she said that. She asked me to stop and I didn’t let go of her”, Robin’s shoulders relaxed, he looked at the communicator in his hand and he tried his best to stay calm, to keep it together. “Hey, you know Star is a strong girl. She will be okay. Maybe she just needed some time alone to think. Maybe she thought she was okay but today she felt like she wasn’t and that’s fine, she will be okay”, Raven sat on the floor in front of Robin. “Yeah, man, you know she likes to go to the mall, maybe she is there”, Cyborg added coming close to his teammates. “Or she went to get more mustard, you know she loves mustard”, Beast Boy said, trying to make Robin laugh and he succeeded. They all joked around for a while before getting back to training.
Meanwhile, Starfire flew through Jump City’s sky for a couple of minutes just in case. Then she looked at the screen on the communicator to get the coordinates. She had to go to the woods, the threes covered most of that was in the ground, so she used the coordinates to get to the right place. After a couple of minutes using her speed flying abilities, she found a lodge hidden in the middle of the woods. It looked modern and very mysterious even though the windows were almost as big as the ones on the Tower. If the coordinates were right, she was looking at Slade’s place. She flew down and stepped on the entrance. As soon as she got to the door it opened. She entered the house and the door closed after her. Slade was there in the entering hallway. “Hello, my child. I am glad you made it. You kept our secret, right?”, he asked as he guided her to the living room. She nodded and walked with him. The living room had an amazing view of the hidden paradise that surrounded the place. The furniture was elegant, everything was either black or made out of a dark wood that looked so sleek mixed with the darker color. It looked like one of those modern houses she saw on magazines.
“How was your flight? Did you find it easy to get here?”, he asked. “Yes, it is very hidden even from the top, but your message helped me get here with less difficulty”, she answered. As she talked, she could hear a door open inside the house, she heard steps approaching and then a familiar masked face appeared. “Oh, yes! I forgot to mention that you will be having a partner for this particular task”. Slade pointed out introducing her to the guy in the black uniform. “Hi, cutie! Time we had a date just for us, right?”, Red X spoke offering Star his hand. She crossed her arms around her chest as her eyes lit up.
“Calm down, child”, Slade put a hand on her left shoulder as he stood by her side. Her eyes went back to normal and she sighed. “Why must he be here? I can go to any mission you want by myself. I do not trust him”, Starfire stated firmly looking angrier than every time she fought Red X. “He knows just what he needs to know for this mission, and this is a task for two”, Slade walked away from the teenagers. He went to the living area and stopped in front of the big screen in the middle. As he touched the screen to reveal his plan to Starfire he explained: “You see, for this plan I need a distraction but a really good one. Red X has a very powerful suit that will make him almost unstoppable and the skills to trick anyone who gets in his way. While Red X is distracting the people, who will be protecting our target, you will get it out of that place. You know this place; it will be a piece of cake for you and Red X will join you for the great scape”. Red X sat on the big black L couch in front of the TV. “What place is it that you are talking about? And what is the target?”, Starfire got closer to Slade, standing beside him as she looked at the files he was opening. A couple more touches to the screen and a detailed plan with graphics appeared. In the center there was a picture of the Titans Tower. “You two are going to get the T-Ship out of the Tower”.
A/N: I loved Red X’s interaction with Star in the episode X, so I wanted to pay tribute to it by adding the word “cutie” into his dialogue. I love to play with the way he speaks, later you’ll see a lot more of him. 
Let me know what you think! Hope you enjoy this episode <3 
Chapter 3 spoiler: Who is Red S?
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benhardyroger · 5 years
Before We Leave (Ben Hardy!Roger Taylor)
Summary: After missing your train, you find yourself stranded in the city late at night with very few options. Just when it seems that everything that could go wrong goes wrong, you meet a blond stranger that helps you through the night.
Word Count: 5.6k+
Warnings: Swearing, creepy alley scene?
A/N: This is super long I’m sorry and it’s pretty slow in the beginning, but it picks up a bit later on. I kinda loosely based this off a movie that I really love but with a lot of plot changes. This is the first fic I’ve ever written and it took me hella long and I hope you like it!
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The cold air was brushing across your face as you ran towards the train station, weaving your way through the people walking on the sidewalk. You pushed open the door and the heat from the indoors instantly melted the snow that had landed in your hair. You almost fell down the stairs as you rushed toward the platform. “Shit,” you cursed under your breath. It echoed slightly through the hollowed space of the empty platform. Your breathing was heavy and your lungs stung from the brisk air and in the stillness you could feel the warmth returning to your body.
Frantically, you immediately started trying to think of some other way to get you home, but that was the last train till morning and that was your last chance. You climbed back up the stairs in defeat and headed towards the door again wondering what the hell you were going to do now. Your hand fell to where it usually rested atop your purse, only it wasn’t there.
Your head flooded with panic trying to recall the last time you remember having it on you, but you couldn’t. In the rush of trying to get to the station you must’ve dropped it, or maybe you had it yanked from you without notice, or maybe you left it at the diner you’d been at before leaving in a hurry. Your only option was to go back to the diner and hope that by some stroke of luck it’d be there. Adrenaline allowed you to sprint back the way you came, and you almost rammed completely into some guy on the way there. When you got to the door you were met with a sign that said “closed”. Of course it was. You tapped desperately at the glass in the hopes that someone was still in there, but the room stayed dark and there was no answer.
A symphony of curses ran through your head. Nothing can go right today can it? That’s it, no money, no help, nowhere to go, nowhere to even spend the night. Tears stung the back of your eyes. What am I supposed to do now? you thought. In the helplessness of your situation, you simply put your back to the wall and slid down till you were sitting on the ground with your face in your hands and you let the tears slip from your eyes. You sat there for a while in the cold, trying to collect your thoughts and maybe by some miracle figure something out.
“Excuse me?” you heard a voice say, and you lifted your head to look up at the speaker. A blond stranger looked down at you curiously.
Embarrassed, you quickly stood up and wiped away your tear stained cheeks. “Yes?” you replied not looking up at him.
“Are you Y/N Y/L/N?” he asked.
Your eyes widened. How did he know your name? “Yes, yes that’s me.” You wondered if you’d ever seen him before, but he didn’t look familiar. He was very pretty.
“Alright well, I think this may belong to you.” His hand moved from behind his back and revealed the purse you thought would be long lost by now.
“Oh my god, yes! Yes that’s mine!” you exclaimed in excitement. You reached over and took it from him.
“Oh thank goodness, I’ve been looking pretty silly carrying that around. I’m just glad I bumped into you, literally.” he said.
You blushed, guess that was him. “Thank you so much—uh” you stopped, you didn’t know his name.
“Roger,” he said, answering your unspoken question.
“Thank you, Roger. But can I ask, where’d you find this?” you inquired, still confused as to how he knew your name.
“Right, yeah, I was at the diner earlier and I saw your purse at the table after you’d left. I had to look in it to find your ID. Hope you don’t mind, I didn’t see anything bad don’t worry. I waited to see if you’d come back but after a while the diner kicked me out so I’ve been staying around here hoping maybe you’d come back for it. Which, by the way, took you long enough.”
You tilted your head at that last part. “Well I’ve had one hell of a day,” you responded somewhat defensively. “Anyways, thanks for all your help, greatly appreciated, but I’ve gotta get going.”
You walked past him when he said, “Wait, you’re going to walk? By yourself? At midnight?”
Midnight? Has it really been that long? “Yes I’ll be fine, thank you,” you replied dismissively, hiding how much you actually hated the idea of walking alone at night. You kept going and turned a street corner into a darker alley populated by two men smoking cigs that locked their eyes on you when they saw you. You never really made a habit of walking about on your own, especially at night, especially in dark alleyways with strange men staring at you. You continued walking slower now and more tense despite trying to act as normal as possible. You could hear your heart in your ears loud enough to not hear Rogers footsteps trailing behind you.
An arm slung over your shoulder and you turned to look to the owner and to your surprise the same blond that returned your purse had appeared at your side. “Roger?” you whispered. “What are you-”
“Just hush and act natural,” he whispered back, giving you a wink.
You obeyed and, although he was a stranger, you felt relief as he walked beside you. He continued with his arm around you until you both turned another corner onto a busy street and you broke the silence. “Were you following me?”
He frowned at you and removed his arm from your shoulder, “You’re welcome,” he said, rather bluntly. “See, you shouldn’t walk by yourself this late.”
“I’m quite capable of taking care of myself, thank you. I was fine.”
He raised an eyebrow at you, “Really? Is that why you were practically shaking before I showed up?”
“I wasn’t-” you started. He tilted his head at you. You sighed then rolled your eyes. “Fine. Maybe you’re right. Thank you,” you admitted reluctantly.
“You’re welcome,” he said again, but kinder this time. “So do you have somewhere to go, a place to crash maybe?”
You bit your lip nervously, “Well I was supposed to catch a train...”
His expression changed to one of understanding, then pity. “Well where were you headed?”
“Nowhere we can walk,” you replied, annoyed.
“Okay what about a taxi?” he suggested.
“Do you see any taxis around? They don’t run this late,” you said with a bit of hostility.
“Okay calm down i’m just trying to help,” he said defensively.
“Why?” you snapped back.
He frowned at you. “Why what?”
“Why are you helping me? I’m a stranger you just met today, you have no reason to, so why are you helping me?” You knew in the back of your mind that he probably didn’t deserve the hard time you were giving him, but you were in the worst mood possible.
“Well if you don’t want my help I can leave, I have better things I could be doing anyways!” He walked past you, brushing your shoulder as he did.
You finally realized how awfully ungrateful and rude you sounded. You sighed and turned in his direction. “Wait.”
He stopped and turned just enough to look at you.
“I’m sorry,” you conceded. “You’ve been helpful and i shouldn’t have come at you like that.”
“Hmm, I’m not quite sure that was enough,” he said with a smirk forming on his face.
“Excuse me?”
“I mean believe me, the apology was great and all,” he strolled over in your direction till he was within arms reach, “but I would really like to hear a ‘Roger, you’re my hero.’”
You scoffed in disbelief, “Yeah, okay, like I’m going to give you that ego boost.”
He smiled. “Come on, you know that’s the whole reason i’m helping you, right? I just, like being the hero,” he said playfully.
You rolled your eyes at that. “Oh really? So that’s what’s keeping you from all the better things you could be doing, huh?” you retorted, a smile forming on your own face.
“Well…” he shrugged, “what can I say, priorities.”
You rolled your eyes once more. He let out a soft laugh.
His eyes lifted to meet yours. “So do you want to get a hotel room?”
You gave him an offended, slightly shocked look. You should’ve known that he would be that type, he looked the part anyways. Of course that’s why he was helping you. Someone as good-looking as him? He had to have been the ty-
“Wai- Wait no, Jesus, not for us, for you.” he clarified, noticing your expression and cutting off the internal monologue going on in your head.
Embarrassed, you felt blood flow to your cheeks and were glad they were already pink from the cold. “Oh yeah uh, I um,” you stuttered, then sighed and began again, “I was hoping I wouldn’t have to stay here. I really need to be home.”
He felt a smile come on from your stuttering, but he stifled it. “Alright well it seems you’re out of options, and I’m assuming you don’t want to freeze to death.”
You sighed causing a puff of vapor to form in the cold. This really was it. He was right, you were out of options. All the effort it took you trying to get home, down the drain, and you’d have to face the music when you actually did make it home. “Okay. Hotel it is.”
You opened your purse to see how much money you had left, but you couldn’t find your wallet. You kept digging, it probably fell to the bottom of your purse somewhere, only you still weren’t finding it.
“Areee you okay?” He asked, confused at what exactly you were rummaging for.
“Hold this.” You handed him the sketchbook you had in there that was occupying the most space, and continued to frantically look through your purse.
Meanwhile, he flipped through the book you handed him and saw your various sketches of people, children, strangers, anyone, all drawn in pencil or pen. “Hey, you’re pretty-”
“My wallet’s gone,” you interrupted, sounding panicked. “That has everything, my money, my credit cards, my damn license, everything!”
He handed your sketchbook back to you. “Woah, okay, hey it’s okay. Someone must’ve taken it before i found your purse.” He noticed what he’d said didn’t help your panic. “We’ll figure something out,” he reassured.
“How? Now I have no money and nowhere to go.” You felt the threat of tears in your eyes but you willed them back.
“Well it’s not the first time I’ve had to find my way around with no money, I know what we can do,” he said, “Follow me.”
He started walking and you trailed behind him confused, “Wait, does that mean you have no money? Where are we going?”
“Spent it all on a girl earlier today, not my best investment. And you’ll find out.”
You kept walking until you both found yourselves in the lobby of a nearby hotel. “Wait here,” he said. You gave him a questioning look, but did as you were told and took a seat on one of the couches available.
You sat in the lobby for quite some time, getting in a few sketches of people sitting in the room with you, a woman with coils of orange hair and her nose in a magazine, a man leaning against the wall next to the lift, and a few others.
You were beginning to wonder if Roger had ditched you when he came back and said, “Come on, I got a room.” He walked quickly over to the lift and you caught one going up to the 5th floor.
“What? How?” you asked in complete bewilderment.
“Just eavesdropped on a ‘Mr. Bowman’ talking to the front desk and used the phone to call and get them to give ‘Mr. Bowman’ his room back after he left and also asked that the room get cleaned so we can sneak in once the maid is done, pretty simple,” he responded in the most nonchalant way possible. “Now all we have to do is call the front desk from the room and say that we need a new key so we won’t get locked out.”
You looked at him complete astonishment, not even really caring how wrong what he did was. “Where’d you learn how to scam hotels?”
“You pick up a few tricks when you’re a broke college student,” he answered with a smirk.
You hopped off on the 5th floor and waited so you could slide in as the maid left, and after a little while, Roger called and asked for new room keys.
“Well, you’ve got yourself a place to stay for the night, I guess I can go,” he said, heading toward the door.
You grabbed his arm, causing him to turn around, “Thank you, Roger, really, for everything.” You paused. “But y’know, you don’t have to leave. I could honestly use the company after all the shit I’ve been through tonight.”
A gentle smile formed on his face. “Alright.”
He walked back to the chair he’d been sitting on and you sat atop the single queen bed and an awful awkward silence settled between the two of you. You both avoided eye contact uncomfortably aware of the lack of conversation.
“Now what?” he broke the silence.
“I don’t know, there uh, there isn’t much to do in here.” Your eyes scanned the room and fixed themselves on a small painting above the head of the table. You got up and stood on top of the bed to take it off the wall.
“What are you doing?” He looked at you quizzically.
“Have you ever seen hotel graffiti?” you asked. His expression answered your question. “Well, it’s something I learned about a few years back. These hotel paintings always seem to stay where they are, it looks like no one ever takes them down right? Well…” you trailed off and you dismounted the painting and flipped it over revealing messy drawings over all over the backing. “Ta-da!”
“Whoa,” he said taking it from you to examine the sketches, a badly drawn dinosaur, a couple of vulgar phrases, and an “F+J” written in block letters. “Figures you’d know something like this. Have you ever done it?”
“I bet yours were at least twice as good as these.”
You blushed slightly at the compliment. “It’s no fun if they’re not bad. You wanna try?” You took down another painting above the desk in the corner of the room and flipped it over. It was relatively un-drawn on, so you handed it to him. He found a pen in the drawer inside the nightstand and sat back down in the chair.
For awhile he worked on his vandalism and you took out your sketchbook and quickly captured him with a focused frown on his face.
A few minutes later he flipped the painting so the back was facing you. In the corner he’d added a small “R+Y/F/I”, which was probably a joke to mirror what was on the first painting, but you didn’t see it anyways. “Viola! What does the artist think of my work?”
The artist. You smiled, “Yes that’s very nice,” you replied as if speaking to a child. In truth it was pretty terrible.
“What’re you doing there?” he said gesturing to the sketchbook in your hands.
You closed it. “Nothing.”
He frowned at you, then shrugged. “Welp there goes the entertainment for the evening,” he remarked, hanging the painting back. “There’s not much left to do in here, do you wanna head out?”
You shifted uncomfortably. You didn’t really want to do anything. You really just wanted to cry out the events of the night that we’re still weighing on your mind, but that didn’t seem to be an option. “I don’t know, Roger. I’m not quite in the mood…” you sighed, “It’s been a difficult night, I’d just rather stay in.”
“If you’ve had that shit of a night the best thing you can do is go out and have a couple drinks, have a little fun. Trust me I know.”
“Mhm and how do we plan on paying for those drinks, genius. In case you haven’t noticed we’re not all that deep-pocketed right now.”
He gave you a look that told you what you said sounded ridiculous. “How could you even doubt me.”
When you got to the bar you still had not been informed as to how you were going to get drinks.
You both took seats on the bar stools when he suddenly turned to you and said, “Okay so here’s what we’re gonna do, we’re going to flirt with people so they buy us drinks.”
You looked at him with a shocked expression. “What?
“Come on it’ll be easy, most people’s first move is to buy you a drink.”
“You didn’t tell me this was the plan! I don’t wanna do that!”
“Well that’s the only way you’re going to get shitfaced. And it’s not like you have to do anything else with them, just wait for the drink, find some excuse to leave, repeat,” he said, as if it was something he did regularly.
You looked at him uncomfortably, anxieties running through your head.
Noticing your expression, he said “Okay listen, you don’t have to if you don’t want to. We can go”
You raised your eyes to meet his. “It isn’t- It’s not that I don’t-“ you paused, “I’m just terrible at flirting” you admitted. “I’ve never really done it like this.”
He looked at you sympathetically. “Alright, that’s not a problem. If you wanna do this, I can give you some pointers on how to cheat these suckers.”
You laughed a bit at that, and after weighing it in your head you decided that it’s worth a go.
“Besides, with your looks it shouldn’t be hard at all, this coming from a fellow sucker.” The corners of his mouth turned upward.
He spent the next bit of time telling you exactly how to act depending on what kind of guy you’re faced with, and you spent the time absorbing everything. He’d say things like “Make sure you stay interested” and “smile or laugh if they tell a joke, these guys love an ego boost” and you couldn’t help but feel like you were getting a manual to the male mind.
After a while, he figured he’d told you all you needed to know and sent you on your way to try it on your first guy and he promised he’d be nearby.
You waited until a man approached you and put everything Roger had told you into play, keenly aware that he was watching you. To your surprise, almost the first thing he did after introducing himself was buy you a drink, leaving not much room for you to mess up. The reddish liquid was fruity and sweet.
“Thank you,” you said, “But I have someone waiting for me.” You made your way back to where Roger was sitting.
He smiled at you, noticing your success by the drink in your hand.
“See? I knew you’d be a natural.”
Your cheeks reddened a bit, “Lucky shot,” you replied, smiling.
You spent the next hour repeating the process and Roger had tried his shot at getting a few drinks himself, though he was much less successful in comparison. By the time you reunited, you were pretty buzzed.
“I can’t believe you actually asked her if she was going to buy you a drink any time soon.” You giggled.
“Why not, the conversation was taking to long,” he shrugged with a smile.
“Yes and for that you got a face full of gin, I’m sure it was worth it,” you joked, gesturing at his wet shirt.
He shrugged. “Jokes on her, I actually got some of it in my mouth,” he replied cheekily. You both creased up laughing.
“You’re an idiot,” you said, shaking your head at him.
He tilted his head, “Maybe.”
In your shared banter, you didn’t see one of the men you’d flirted with approaching you and Roger at the bar. You felt someone behind you and you turned to see him looking at you with indignation. You opened your mouth to speak but before you could say anything, he slammed the glass down on the table beside you.
“Bitch.” he said, before promptly leaving you without another word.
You turned to Roger, who mirrored the shocked expression on your face. You stared at each other for a moment before collapsing into laughter, partially induced by intoxication.
“I guess you really broke that guy's heart,” he said between laughs.
“And he almost broke that glass,” you replied, “I guess we’re both ruining people’s moods today.”
“Yeah, but it’s fun right?” He looked up with a mischievous smile.
You turned away and scanned the crowd in the room. Bouncy music had been playing all night and you liked how all the people moved to this sort of rhythm. As you looked over them, your eyes locked on a face that you knew all too well. Your eyes darted away quickly so as to not accidentally meet eyes with him and you whipped your head around to look at Roger. You slid you hand into his.
You cut him off, “Roger I need you to laugh like I said something funny, do it.”
He obeyed without question and you let out as real a giggle as you could. Your smile faded as you turned to look back in the direction of the man you’d seen. Realizing the lack of attention being paid to either of you, you released his hand from yours. Roger gave you a confused look wondering what in the world you had him do that for.
“‘m sorry it’s just...” you lowered your voice and leaned in slightly, “there’s a guy here, he’s um- he’s an ex.”
“So I'm going to go out on a limb and say, messy breakup?”
You rolled your eyes, “That’s putting it lightly.”
“That bad, huh?”
“Can we just go?” you asked, with a deflated expression.
He looked at you like you were crazy. “What? No! You have to stick it to him, you can’t let him win!”
“Let him win? He’s just in the same room as me, I don’t even think he’s seen me yet.”
“Yeah but if you leave, you let him win, come on let’s go dance.” He got up and waved his hand in the direction of the crowd.
“Roger, no please-” you began.
“Look, if you really want to stick it to him, show him you moved on, there’s no better way to do that than to be seen dancing with a cute guy, and well…” He gestured to himself.
“A cute guy huh? You happen to know one?” you asked playfully.
“That hurts, really,” he rolled his eyes, “come on,” he said, grabbing your hand and pulling you over to the dance floor.
You stumbled a bit on getting up and even while dancing you’d almost fallen about 8 times. Roger had grabbed both your hands at some point, intertwining his fingers in yours, to hold you a bit more steady, and you weren’t quite aware of when he’d done so. He moved with you to the music that was booming in your ears, though you hardly noticed how deafening it was. You only felt yourself getting closer to Roger as you danced, but it was comfortable.
Realizing how painfully dry your mouth was, you broke off from Roger. “I’m gonna go grab some water.”
“Alright I’ll come find you in a bit,” he said, continuing to sway to the music.
You’d returned to the bar and chugged down a glass of water. For awhile you stayed there, head in your hands, sensing a headache coming on.
A couple of glasses of water later, you stood up to see if you could find Roger. Only when you turned around, you caught sight of a girl with curly blonde hair leading Roger toward the exit by his hand. You stared for a bit unaware of the fact you were doing so until he made eye contact with you, but only for a split second as you turned away as soon as you could. You planted yourself back onto the bar chair. He’s not yours, you reminded yourself. But you couldn’t help but feel stupidly hurt that he was going to leave you, and the alcohol wasn’t helping you keep control of your emotions.
You were sitting in pity when you felt a tap on your shoulder. “Rog?”
“Hey, you,” he said, smiling down at you.
“What about that girl?” you asked, not entirely meaning to, but not entirely having control over your mouth. “You don’t have to stick with me you know, I know you said you have better things to do.”
He shrugged. “Maybe, but she isn’t one of them.”
You smiled because it was funny, but also in a weird way it was sweet and you were being stupid. There was a bit of silence before you said, “Okay, we should probably go, I’m starting to feel like shit.”
You both got up and left and on the walk back to the hotel you continuously bumped into Roger, using him as a sort of crutch.
When you got back to the room, you practically face planted onto the bed and then flipped onto your back, lying diagonally, taking up half the bed.
Roger came in and flopped onto the half that was unoccupied laying in the opposite direction as you.
“I feel awful,” you said.
“I mean, you’re pretty shitfaced,” he replied staring at the ceiling.
You giggled. “Yeah, this does not feel good at all. It’s gonna feel much worse tomorrow.” Your smile faded when you said that last part.
“Yup hangovers aren’t fun either.”
“That isn’t what I meant,” you said glumly.
He propped himself up on his elbow to look at you. “What do you mean?”
You sighed, “When I go back home, my life will be in shambles, and there isn’t a damn thing I can do about it,” you chuckled lifelessly.
He looked at you worriedly. “Y/N, why did you have to get home so badly?” he asked softly.
You didn’t answer at first. Your eyes got misty and you found it difficult to begin speaking. “I uhm- I was going to get married to.. this guy that I’d been with for 4 years.”
He already knew how badly this story was going to end, he could feel it.
“He started- I would hear phone calls, late in the night.” Your words wouldn’t come out easily. “I knew what was happening for a while,” your voice cracked, “but i didn’t want to admit it to myself, because I loved him. But one day, I found this letter in his files, and it had an address on it. I thought that maybe I could come here and- I thought that I could go see her, confront her about what was happening… So I caught a train and found myself at a doorstep.. Only what I found out is that he’d never actually done anything with her, not really, and he called it quits on their communication long before I got there.” The tears finally fell from your eyes and your nose began to turn red. “I don’t know what it was, maybe he had a moment of weakness, I just-” you paused, “But it doesn’t matter. I had my mind made up before I left and I- I left a note on his pillow with my wedding ring and… I ran.”
“You needed to get home so you could get rid of it…” he added in understanding.
You nodded. “So now he’ll find it and it’s all over. His flight came back in around 4 am and it’s,” you checked the clock in the corner of the room, “4:47.” The tears were falling much faster now and you squeezed your eyes shut.
Roger’s expression was full of pity. His underlying sadness that you, the girl he’d grown so fond of throughout the night, had belonged to someone else was buried by his sadness for you. “Can’t you try and talk it out. If you were really supposed to be together and you love him, he’d understand, right?”
“You don’t get it, the things I wrote in that letter… they’re unforgivable.” You sniffed, and wiped away your tears. “I’ve spent all night trying to distract myself from the shit show that is about to become my life.”
Roger had realized how much you’d just told him, how personal all of it was. He knew deep down that you probably wouldn’t have told him any of it if you weren’t so shitfaced, and he felt guilty. “You shouldn’t tell me any more.” he said quietly, “You wouldn’t have wanted me to know this.”
You laughed dryly and propped yourself up so that your face was fairly close to his. “If I was sober I still would’ve told you, but with less crying.” Those tears were drying now and oddly you felt better having told him everything.
“Sure, okay, you need to stop talking,” he laughed.
“But, I like talking to you.” You met his eyes with yours. “I like you,” you said, following with a gentle smile.
He paused. “Y/N-”
Before he could continue, you pressed your lips against his, forcefully at first and then gentle. His eyes fell shut and he moved his hand to your neck.
When you pulled apart, his hand stayed where it was.
“Should we have done that?” he asked, worried about your commitment to someone else.
“I’ve wanted to for a while,” you replied softly, assuring him. The corner of your mouth twitched up slightly.
He let his hand fall from its spot on your neck and you broke eye contact.
“I’m gonna go uh wash up,” you said getting off the bed and heading towards the bathroom. You locked the door and cupped the tap water in your hands and rubbed it on your face, washing away some of the fatigue and blotchiness. You grabbed a towel and after patting your face dry you stared at yourself in the mirror. What are you doing? you thought.
You came back out of the bathroom and bounced back onto the bed.
“So…” he started.
“God, please don’t make this more awkward,” you pleaded. You didn’t regret kissing him, but you knew you shouldn’t have.
He laughed. “Well I’m sorry it’s just- what do you talk about after something like that?”
“What, you mean my tragic backstory?” you joked with a smirk, “How about your tragic backstory? I mean, hopefully not tragic.”
He smiled at the lightheartedness of your joke. “I don’t think I have a tragic backstory.”
“Well aren’t you a lucky bastard.” You both chuckled quietly.
You spent the rest of the night learning Rogers not-so-tragic backstory. He was a dental student. You said that was boring, and he took a lot of offense, which just made you laugh. He said he was also a drummer for a band called ‘Smile’ which only let you make fun of him for the dentist thing more.
The next morning Roger walked you to the train station. You were both wearing the same clothes as you were the day before.
When you reached the platform, you turned to look at him
“I guess this is goodbye,” he said, a sad smile on his face.
“I guess so…” You looked down at his hand and took it in yours. “Thank you, for everything.”
His hand tightened on yours. “Good luck, Y/N”
You remembered what you’d have to deal with when you got back, and it scared you. “What if I didn’t go back,” you said suddenly.
He looked at you, surprised at what you’d just said. He sighed. “You have to, Y/N. What you had with him... you need to go back and fix it, you love him.”
You looked at the ground, your head aching from holding back tears. “I do,” you said with tears welling up in your eyes. You let go of his hand and pulled him into a hug, squeezing your eyes shut and letting the tears fall.
As you loosened your embrace he tightened his. “Don't let go yet,” he said, “not yet.” He held you for a bit and then finally let go. You looked at each other with sadness, and you could see that his eyes were glossed over.
“I’m- I’ll miss you,” he said.
With that more tears streamed down your face. “I’m sorry,” you said, though you weren’t quite sure what you were sorry for. Sorry that you had to leave, sorry that you loved someone else, sorry that even if you felt something for him, you couldn’t say it, and neither could he.
You heard the train somewhere down the track and you knew you’d have to go soon. You took out your sketchbook and scribbled something in it. You ripped out the page and folded it in half. The train appeared at the platform and he hugged you one more time and when you released you shoved the paper into his hand and hopped onto the train.
You stood at the train's door and he stood opposite you on the platform. “Bye, Rog.”
“Bye, Y/N”
You smiled at him, holding on to these last few seconds you had left before the doors closed and the train left.
“You know my name, you can look me up in the phone book,” you added, right before the doors closed.
As the train started to move, Roger ran with it trying to stay with you. You waved to each other until the train disappeared into the tunnel.
Roger let out a sigh when he lost sight of you. He felt the lightly crinkled paper still in his hand. When he unfolded it, a smile creeped onto his face.
On the paper was the drawing you’d done of him with something written on the side in red ink.
‘You were the only thing that went right for me today’
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softspaceboibrian · 5 years
One More Present (Ben Hardy x reader)
Request: Can you write a ben hardy one where its the readers birthday and she celebrates it on the bohrap set and they have a party and ben proposes to the reader? (@kellysimagines )
A/N: I hope you like it!! I tried my best (and got very cheesy at the end lol). let me know what you think! and for everyone else, remember, don't be afraid to send in you requests!!
Warnings: none, just super fluffy and cheesy
Wc: 2312
Being Ben’s girlfriend had definitely its perks, such as being able to visit him whenever he was on the set of one of his new movies, meeting the cast and getting a few sneak peeks. And that was the case with Bohemian Rhapsody. As soon as he found out he was going to be playing none other than Roger Taylor in the new Queen biopic, he called you to let you know. He sounded ecstatic and you were thrilled for him, you were happy he was finally getting some recognition for his talent.
When the “band practice” for the movie started, he never missed the chance to bring her along with him to their usual get-togethers, dinners and so on, wanting her to get to know his new cast mates and secretly wanting to show her off. It goes without saying that you immediately grew close with Lucy and Priya, having girls night in and out. But a friendship that didn’t go unnoticed was the one between Gwilym and you. Ben found more than once the two of you chatting about something too clever for normal people to understand, as Ben and Joe would say. But luckily Ben never got jealous, not of him, at least. He trusted you and the feeling was mutual.
When your birthday came around, Ben thought it would have been nice to throw a little surprise party for you on set. He started organising everything almost a month prior, wanting everything to be perfect. Nothing too big, since he knew you weren’t that fond of surprises, but he wanted to do something special for you, something to celebrate the love of his life. He even went all the way and brought you a few small presents, something to show you how much he loved you.
When the big day finally arrived, you woke up in an extremely good mood. The previous night you had baked some cookies for the cast – and they loved your cookies. You rubbed the sleep out of your eyes, before sitting up, the smell of freshly made coffee and pancakes hit your nose, bringing a smile to your face. You pulled yourself out of the bed, dragging your feet down the hallway, yawning while walking inside the warm kitchen.
Ben was just placing your plate on the table when he saw you, walking over to you and pulling you into a soft yet firm hug, his lips gently pressed against your forehead. “Good morning, birthday girl” He whispered, his hand reaching for yours and guiding you towards the table, pulling out the chair for you. “How did you sleep?”
“Pretty well, thanks. My boyfriend never fails at keeping me warm” You giggled, holding his hands for a few more seconds, enough for you to place a quick kiss on his knuckles, before letting go.
Breakfast was good, as always. It might not look like it, but Ben was an amazing cook, and you were sure his pancakes were the best of London, if not the whole United Kingdom. After placing all the dishes in the sink, you ran inside the bathroom, wanting to be able to shower before him, so that you could have enough time afterwards to blow dry your hair and get ready. You had talked about it with Ben, telling him how much you wanted to spend your birthday with the cast, with your friends. And Ben was happy to have you there, on set, with him, for a whole day. Suspiciously happy. He had been acting weird for a couple weeks at that point, but you didn’t worry. You thought he was simply stressed out because if this role. Little did you know it was for a totally different reason.
You had decided to put on a nice, black shirt-dress with pink flowers all over it, cinched in with a belt, accentuating your curves. It was your day after all, and you wanted to look at your best. You slipped on your black platform boots and your jeans jacket, before walking into the living room, where Ben was standing, waiting for you, probably texting the boys. As soon as he saw you, his face lit up. He stepped closer to you, his arms finding their way around your waists. “A princess” he whispered, only a few inches away from your face, with that devilish smile of his on his lips. “I’m so luckily to have you”
“Shut up” you giggled, burying your face against his chest, trying to hide the blush on your cheeks. You loved when Ben talked to you like that, telling you how pretty he thought you looked, how luckily he was to have you in his life, and lately he had been doing it more and more often. “We should probably get going” you said, pressing a quick peck on his lips, before starting to walk towards the front door, Frankie tiptoeing right behind you, probably hoping you would take her with you.
“You sure you don’t want to stay here for a little longer? I mean, we could run a little late and say we just got lost doing breakfast or got stuck in traffic” He was right behind you in a heartbeat, hands lingering around your waists, pulling you closer, so that your back was pressed against his chest, his crotch against you ass.
“As much as I would love to do that, I think we should postpone our plans till tonight. Because, babyboy, not even Brian would buy that excuse” You giggled, turning around in his arms and pressing yet another soft peck against his lips, before taking his hand and walking out of your shared apartment, while Ben protested.
You had moved in with Ben a little over a year into the relationship. He had told you how much happier and relaxed whenever he got to fall asleep with you in his arms and wake up the following morning to find you there, still asleep, lightly snoring, your hair a mess. You had protested, saying that you didn’t look good in the mornings, and he replied by saying that you were a vision for sore eyes, even when at “your worse” – which, he reminded you of each morning by peppering your face with gentle kisses.
When you finally arrived on set, you walked to Ben’s trailer, wanting to leave there the cookies and the champagne you had brought to have with the cast during their lunch break. As soon as you reached the set, everyone immediately showered you with birthday wishes. Even Brian and Roger, who Ben had made sure would be there, hugged you and wished you “happy birthday”. And that was more than enough for you. You didn’t need parties, dinners at fancy restaurants, brunches and all that stuff, all you needed was your friends.
“Bunny, you think you could get going and pick up the stuff we brought from the trailer? We’ll be with you at the tables in the lunch room shortly” Ben said in his full on Roger costume, looking as good as ever. He pressed a quick kiss to your forehead, before going back to running a few more lines. You simply agreed, think it would be a smart move and you would also have time to call your parents, check in with them and thanked them for the sweet messages they sent you that morning. So, just like that, you wandered off, greeting a few people on your way to the trailer, thanking them if they wished you a happy birthday, until you finally reached your destination. You did what you had to do and picked the bag with the cookies and the champagne bottle. You were too lost in your thoughts to realise every one was already standing in the break room when you finally walked in. The only thing that brought you back to reality was everyone’s voice screaming in choir “Surprise!”, catching you off guard.
“What is this?” You asked, a bit confused, but with the biggest smile presses on your face.
“It’s for you, silly” Ben walked over to you, pulling you immediately against his chest, enveloping you in a warm hug. “Happy birthday, my love”
You couldn’t actually believe your eyes. Ben had done all of that just for you: he made sure they were going to be eating your favourite food, bought helium balloons of your favourite colour, even asked to have the afternoon off so that he could spend it with you. You didn’t deserve him, you thought to yourself, walking over to where everyone else was standing, thanking them for the surprise.
The lunch went great, you all had fun listening to Brian and Roger telling you about the good old days, about something stupid they did that one time with the band in that one city in the US. When you took out your cookies, everyone cheered; Joe even stole one of the two boxing, telling you he loved them too much and he was going to take them home and eat them that night. Then, it was presents time: you told everyone they didn’t have to, that their friendship was more than enough, but Rami replied by telling you that you needed to be spoiled, at least on your day. Everyone bought you something. Gwil gave you that book you two had been talking about lately, with a cute note inside; Lucy and Rami bought you tickets to the West End musical you wanted to see so badly; Allen and Priya got together and bought you a purse. Joe, wanting to be a bit more sentimental, gave you a beautiful picture frame with a picture you took all together at one of the first dinners that was hosted at Roger’s. Roger and Brian thought it would be nice to give you something of their own: Roger gave you an old fur coat he used to wear in the 70s and Brian one of his old jackets that had thought of lending to Gwil for the movie, but that didn’t make the cut. Last but not least, it was Ben’s turn. You looked at him, your head slightly tilted to the side “Is everything okay?” He looked nervous.
“Yes, I just hope you like my presents” he smiled, before handing you the slightly bigger of the two velvet blue boxes he was holding in his hands. You smiled, gently opening the box: inside there was a small necklace, with your favourite stone and an engraved pendant that said “like the sun loves the moon”. Your eyes immediately became glossy at the memory of the first time he told you that phrase. It was the time he told you he wanted something more serious with you, he wanted to go public, he wanted you to move in. “Because I love you. I love you like the sun loves the moon, that dies every night just to let her breath”.
“That’s cheesy” commented Joe, after you quickly explained what that phrase stood for.
“ Let them be, Mazzello. You’re just jealous” Lucy laughed, winking in your direction.
“That’s possible” he said, looking at Ben. They exchanged a few silent words, a quiet conversation that ended with Ben nodding his head, before turning it once again in your direction.
“There’s one more present” he said, giving you a soft smile, before handing you the other blue velvet box. You took it from his hands, feeling everyone’s gaze on you. You didn’t know why, but you started to feel nervous. You looked down at the box in your hand, opening it slowly. As soon as you saw what was inside, your heart skipped several beats: it was a beautiful ring, with a stone that matched the necklace. You turned around to thank Ben and you found him there, knelt down on one knee, with glossy eyes and his beautiful smile. “I wanted to do this since the day I met you. That was my plan all along. You know, like Jim from The Office, marrying you a long, long time ago, pretty much the day I met you” you could help but let out a watery chuckle, gently placing your hand on his cheek. “But then I decided to wait, to see where this would take us and, now, look at us. If I’m living my dream it’s because of you and all the times you told me to keep going, to keep working for it. So thank you” At that point you knelt down on your knees before him, your thumb gently stroking his cheek. “I want to have what we have for the rest of our lives. I want to wake up next to you, I want to fall asleep on the couch and having to pick you up bridal style to take you to bed, so that you don’t wake up. I want to surprise you with your favourite flowers and fight with you over who had to wash the dishes. I want to grow old with you and have a family, a real family. I want to be the father of your children. I want to take care of you till our dying days.” Tears were streaming uncontrollably down your face. You couldn’t believe it was actually going to happen. “Marry me. Marry me and make me the happiest man alive.”
You didn’t reply, you simply nodded and pushed yourself on his lips, needing to feel him close to you, in that moment more than ever. You could feel everyone around you cheer, applause, even whistle. When you eventually pulled away, he looked at you, his thumb gently brushing away the tears from your cheeks, before taking your hand and whispering a soft “Shall I?”. Next thing you know, the ring was on your finger and you were the soon-to-be Mrs Hardy.
Best birthday ever.
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reallifeandykang · 5 years
Skye x M!MC A Halloween themed story that I just randomly wrote up when I was bored.
Fall had to be Skye's favorite time of the year. She never stood out much around this season. Her normal outfits consisted of dark goth clothing with hints of red to compliment her hair; she looked like she stepped out of an edgy Cryptic Looks ad. Halloween was the best; she got to scare and scar children for life and best of all, it wasn't a family oriented holiday. No family gathers around the TV to watch It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. I mean some families might, but definitely not hers. Unfortunately for her, this year her family decided to throw a masquerade for Halloween. She tried to get out of it but like every other family function where the Crandalls have to impress other people she has to go. She dreaded every event she had to go to and pretend like she was the perfect daughter, but at least she could hide herself behind a mask like she does every day...
"Hey Bailey. I got an invite to the Crandall's Halloween party. Wanna come?" Bailey's phone dings with a text from Jordan.
"As in Brian Crandall??" Bailey replies shocked.
"Yeah! I know he's not the nicest guy, but guy throws awesome parties tbh. Me and my friends are going if you want a ride."
Bailey was a little skeptical but decided to go anyways. He replies and heads downstairs to see his twin sister Casey and her girlfriend Erin cuddling on the couch, binge watching Netflix.
"What's up Bailey?" Erin asks while Casey pauses the show.
"Brian Crandall's throwing a Halloween party and I wanted to see if you guys wanted to come. Jordan and his friends invited me."
"Normally, yeah but I'm feeling a little worn out after basketball practice today, but you have fun!" Casey says.
"Aww okay. You guys have fun." He says wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
“Shut up!” Casey says grabbing the nearest pillow and chucking it at him, but it hit the wall instead as he laughs and disappears up the steps to get ready.
The party's in an hour and Skye's in her room getting ready. She can hear her parents shouting at the caterers: "No! I said the hors d'oeuvres go by the jack o' lantern display!"
She rolls her eyes thinking how she'll never get used to her family and the way they act. She's in a black dress with lace around the collar with a silver choker with red jewels, black tights, and black flats. To top it off she's puts on a black mask lined with red lacing and adds a pair of sharp fangs in. She heads downstairs as she hears the guests fill in and classical music start to play. She sees her family standing on the small platform they have at the bottom of the stairs in the middle of the foyer watching the guests come in. Her father was wearing a standard black tux with a plain black mask and her mother was wearing a very shiny silver dress with a matching mask. Brian was just wearing his football uniform and helmet that he probably never washed since his last game cause it'll "wash off the good luck."
"Skye! What happened to the nice dress we had tailored for you?" Her mother says just loud enough for her and her family to hear.
"Mom it was pink. Not very festive for Halloween." She says with a straight face as she joins her family to greet the guests. An older gentlemen interrupts them, "Evening Mr. and Mrs. Crandall."
"Mr. Benning! Glad you made it. How are the kids?" Her father says with a smile. While they make small talk with Mr. Benning Skye turns her attention to the door watching the people come in. She noticed this one kid in particular walk through the doors dressed as a superhero... He was a little taller than her in a yellow and red body suit with a yellow mask on. She turns her attention back to Mr. Benning who is just listening to Brian talk about football again.
"Hearst just won the game against the Wildcats thanks to my winning touchdown." He brags; everyone else besides Skye seemed to be so impressed.
"Keep up the good work and you'll be going pro! And Skye! I can't forget about you. That costume is absolutely stunning. My wife would've loved to see you. She'd never let you hear the end of it." He says laughing.
"You have amazing children. I think I'll go mingle some more but I'll catch up later." Mr. Benning says before he disappears into the crowd. The smiles from everyone's face is wiped instantly.
"I swear sometimes... Fine. You are very lucky it's Halloween young lady." Her mother says frustrated. The party goes on, but the Crandall family had gone their separate ways. Her parents schmoozing some other rich people, and Brian trying to pick up their daughters and failing miserably. Skye on the other hand retreated to her room. She was drowning out the classical music from the party with her own music while doing some homework. Her stomach growls and she curses herself knowing she'll have to go downstairs for food. She was trying to wait out the party, but it's obvious the party wasn't gonna end soon. She puts her mask and fangs back on and makes her way downstairs.
The party's in full swing and Bailey was having a blast. Yeah parties weren't his thing, but with Jordan and his friends. It wasn't as bad. Apparently the party was thrown by Brian's parents, but they invited Mia's family and Mia thought it'd be fun to invite Jordan's gang and crash the party and actually make it fun. Man, was she right. The whole group was just talking, and Bailey intended to check out that food spread. He excuses himself and makes his way to the food. They had shrimp, fish, quiche, and even pumpkin pie! At least he thinks it's pumpkin pie. It kinda looked like pumpkin pie but a fancy chef with a French accent from the food channel disassembled it and reconstructed it calling it "rustic" Bailey reaches into the cooler of drinks only to touch hands with someone else.
"Oh sorry!" He says looking up and his jaw drops. This girl was stunning. She had a gorgeous black dress on and fiery red hair. She just stares at him waiting for him to say something.
'Say something dummy!' He thinks.
'Great. Real smooth!' He mentally face palms himself. The girl just walks away putting food on her plate.
‘Ugh great. There goes my chance to make another friend' He catches up with her, but she didn't seem to be in the mood to talk. Regardless, he tried making small talk.
"So... You come here often?"
"No." She lies.
"Oh, uh me neither. I'm just here with some friends."
"Um your costume looks great I mean- you look great. No. I didn't mean it like that. I just... I like your costume..." He says getting red and embarrassed. To his surprise the girl actually laughs a little. It's super faint but it was there.
"Thanks I guess. Who are you?"
Bailey flashes a super hero pose and flashes his best charming smile.
"I'm Kid Flash." He tries to say confidently. As much as she hates it, she smiles a little just due to how dorky this kid was.
"Well Kid Flash, I meant who are you in real life? Like the kid of some successful business people? I don't see why you would come to this party if you weren't."
By this time they had found a couch in a separate room to talk without being interrupted too much.
"Oh. Uh no not really. I just came with my friends who know Mia Warren. What brings you here?"
"My parents unfortunately. I'd rather be in my room reading and listening to music."
"Oh yeah? What kinda music do you listen to?"
They talk for what seems like hours but was only 30 minutes. The party is still in full blast, but they both seemed tired of it. Suddenly Bailey jumps up from his seat startling Skye a little.
"I have an idea!" He says happily.
"What'd you have in mind?"
"Let's go Trick or Treating! Think about it you're tired of this party, I lost my friends. Let's just hang out!"
"If my parents found out I left, they'd kill me."
"C'mon! The party's at full blast and it seems like you could use a break. We'll be back before you know it." He says holding it his hand out. Skye thinks about it for a second, but she knew he was right. She was tired of playing the perfect daughter. She took his hand and stood up and soon they were both in their way out.
"Oh wait." Skye stops before they could leave the house and runs through the crowd. She soon returned with two empty pillowcases holding one out for him. He takes it and they make their way out into night.
"Trick or treat!" They both say as yet another house dumps their whole bowl into both their bags for the night. Trick or treating late meant all the leftover candy for them and with the party being in a rich neighborhood they got the Holy Grail full size bars.
"Hahaha this is awesome!! I wish this night would never end!" Bailey says opening a chocolate bar to eat. Skye couldn't agree more honestly. Here she was, trick or treating at 14 years old with some boy she just met and doesn't even know anything about. She doesn't even know his name! On that's right. They've been so busy she's never even thought to ask.
They circle around the neighborhood and make their way to the Crandall's. They spot a few people leaving every so often so they decide here is where they part ways. As they stand outside the house, on the sidewalk a good distance away just in case Skye's parents are watching, they just savor the moment.
"So... This is it, huh?" Bailey says breaking the silence with a sad look on his face. He glances over at Skye; her face is usually hard to read, but he could've sworn she looked sad for a split second.
"What's your name?" She asks.
"Haha what's yours?" Bailey teases.
"I asked you first."
"I asked you second."
"Oh real mature." She says with a laugh.
"Mature's my middle name" Bailey says with the upmost fake confidence.
"But I asked for your first name"
"What school so you go to?" Bailey says changing the subject.
"What school so you go to?"
"Really? I go to Berry." He says laughing.
"I do too. Freshman?"
"Yup. Since we're in the same grade, same school, I think we'll see each other again."
People in fancy suits and dresses pass them by. Time's running out on them but they just wanted this night to last forever. Bailey really wants to tell her "my name's Bailey Jenkins and I'm that theater nerd who broke the most popular kid in school's leg. You may know my twin sister, Casey, who's on the football team and dated that one intense cheerleader for like two weeks." But somehow he figured that wouldn't be the most charming thing to say, so he'd rather keep quiet.
Skye was thinking almost the same thing. She didn't wanna introduce herself as "Skye Crandall, as in Brian Crandall's sister. You know the one who betrayed Berry and threw a baseball at a girl for not going to prom with him. Also, the daughter of the people who threw the party and would flip the hell out if they found out that I left the party with you."
"It's weird to think I just spent the whole night with a stranger trick or treating." She says.
"Hey, I think this masquerade thing worked out pretty well. The magic's in the mystery and once the mystery's gone, so is the magic." He says with a sad smile which she returned.
Without another word she heads towards the door and disappears into the house. Bailey takes out his phone and let's Jordan know that he's waiting out by the car.
It's been a week or so since the party and Bailey cannot stop thinking about this mysterious vampire girl.
"Maybe that's her. Or no. Her!" Casey says pointing at all the redheaded girls that pass by while they sit at the park. Bailey just laughs as he watches his twin play ispy with Erin.
"Oooh! That has to be her. I call it." Erin says pointing to a random girl.
"She definitely wasn't taller than me and I have a feeling that she'd never wear pink on purpose" Bailey says before pulling out his phone to photograph the autumn leaves. He snaps a picture of the scenery, but he notices there's a girl reading beneath a tree in the background. Something about her just seemed so familiar. The two girls weren't paying too much attention, so he slipped away towards the tree. As he approaches, the red headed girl doesn't pay too much attention to him.
"So, R.L. Stine huh?" He says trying to make small talk.
"Yep." She says never looking up from her book.
"Hey random question, but how do you feel about Kid Flash?"
The girl looks shocked for a second, but she smiles back at him.
"He's okay, kinda dorky. I prefer Marvel." She teases.
"Ouch... That's okay I think I prefer werewolves over vampires anyways." He says laughing as he take a seat next to her. He extends his hand out to her, "Bailey."
"Skye, with an e." She says as she shakes his hand. They just talk for the rest of the day watching the leaves change.
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