#I just get bored watching them or I get so curios to know what's next that I just read the whole plot and spoil it for myself
The way I just open the wiki page of a show and read the synopsis of it after I get bored of watching it is so funny
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pinkypromisepascal · 1 year
𝙹𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚜 (𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝚆𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚡 𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛)
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request by @chloelouisejohnson: hi!! so boring and predictable but could we get a jealous dean x reader with plenty of angst and a healthy dose of smut?? mabye jealous over reader and sams friendship but sam and reader are only so close because deans a douche and constantly pushes reader away the second they start getting close?
summary: you are friends with the Winchester brothers and often help them with research for their cases, mostly working together with Sam because Dean always seems gruff towards you until you confront him about his behavior
content warnings: angst, jealous!Dean, swearing, smut [fingering, praise, p-in-v, unprotected sex], enemies to lovers I guess?😀
word count: 4.8k
author’s note: I really hope you like this one, I tried my best, wasn’t really sure about how their relationship would develop, but I think it turned out ok. Also, this is my first time writing smut, so be nice with me😂
/// this has only been proofread by myself ///
You had met the Winchesters about two months ago when they had been working on a case in your hometown. You weren’t a hunter yourself, but you’d always been a very curios person, especially when it came to things that didn’t seem easy to put into words, like emotions, some natural phenomena, or even the supernatural. Naturally, you had started working at the local library years ago after having worked a secretary job for what had felt like eternity, so you could bury your nose in the all kinds of literature you could get.
When Sam and Dean had been staying in a local motel for the case, you couldn’t help but do some research on your own. They had spiked your interest even more after showing up at the library to search for newspaper reports. Since you were working at said library, you had offered them to stay after closing hours if they needed to. Which had led to the three of you taking up a table for six people with what felt like one hundred books. You had talked to Sam about the case and had searched the library for more helpful literature.
Ever since, it seemed that you had bonded with the Winchester boys. You liked both Sam and Dean, but you sometimes felt like Dean wasn’t as easy-going as his younger brother. You figured he was just a more practical guy than Sam who wasn’t so much into digging through tons of literature, who preferred to just get the case done and head over to the next one. Which was completely understandable, theory tends to be the less exciting part. But Dean always seemed kind of on edge when he was around, and you just couldn’t grasp why. Sam and you spent a lot of time in the bunker’s library to gather information about the cases. You didn’t always need the books, you just really liked being surrounded by them. Dean never spent more than ten minutes around the two of you. He usually just came around to ask how the research was going and to get a quick heads up on the information you had gathered so far, only half-heartedly listening to you while sipping a drink.
But over the last few days, you felt like he distanced himself even more. When Dean was around, he didn’t really want to know anything if it wasn’t about a case. Sometimes, when Sam was gone, it felt like his eyes were piercing through you. Dean didn’t really talk much to you, he just… watched you do your stuff. You did try having small talk with him when you were alone, asking him questions about past cases or his family, which was a big mistake as you had noticed right after asking. “Alright, don’t you have something to do? You don’t have to force some small talk, ‘kay?”, he had spat. To be fair, you did know it would be bad idea to ask about his family, Sam had told you the most important things, but what else were you supposed to do? Another time after that, when you had offered to go take care of the laundry with him, he just told you get back to Sam and help him out. Was Dean annoyed by you? Didn’t he like you being in the bunker with them, although he had been the one who invited you to the bunker in the first place?
“Do you think Dean’s been acting weird lately?”, you asked Sam one day, both of you focused on the bright screens on your laptops. You were researching for a case about people disappearing in the woods a few towns over, and dogs barking at seemingly nothing. You had both thought about Ghosts, Rugarus or other flesh-eating creatures, maybe even a new one, some kind of hybrid, which would make it more difficult to kill. Sam was still absorbed in his notes and didn’t notice you asked him a question until you nudged his leg under the table and asked him again. “What do you mean? Isn’t he acting like he always is?”
“I don’t know. I feel like… I think Dean doesn’t like me. He’s never around when we’re doing research, he only shows up for food or drinks-”
“Well, Dean never really liked those research days, to be fair.”, Sam interrupted.
“No, I mean, yes, okay, but seriously. When you’re out to get groceries or something, he’s so… tense all of the time. It’s like he really wants to punch me in the face, but he tries to do that by staring holes into my head or something. He always seems so angry, it drives me nuts!” You ruffled your hair and groaned. “You know, I really like being here, and I’m so glad that we help each other out, but… you know? He was the one who suggested I’d come around when you guys got something going on, so why is he acting like he regrets that decision more than anything?” Sam told you that he didn’t really notice Dean had been acting like that, but he could imagine that Dean could act like that if something really got to his nerves. “Did you talk to him about it?” You cocked your head and furrowed your brows. “Of course I did! Well, not particularly about that, but I did try to have a normal conversation with him, but I think he’d rather poison himself than tell me about the stick up his ass.” Sam chuckled and shook his head. “Well, I don’t really know what to do about that, I doubt that he’ll tell me what’s wrong, he’s, uh… not a man of big words most of the time. Maybe he just doesn’t really trust you yet, even though it’s been months since we first met, but, um, yeah… Don’t know, sorry.” Sam gave you a sad smile. “He’ll come around, I guess. Maybe he just needs time. And maybe you shouldn’t think too much about it. If he doesn’t treat you how you wanna be treated, you can confront him or just ignore him. Give him a taste of his own medicine or something.”
You thanked Sam for listening to you and excused yourself to a little break. You went through the backdoor of the bunker’s garage, holding your pack’s last cigarette in your hand, fiddling with the lighter in the other. The whole situation just didn’t leave your mind. Should you try to talk to Dean again and apologize for anything you did, even though you couldn’t think of what you could’ve done to upset him so much? Or should you just wait for him to approach you? You took a drag of your cigarette and closed your eyes, trying to stop your thoughts from racing, feeling small rain drops cooling your skin. This is so stupid, you thought, so stupid and childish, my god, grow some balls, Dean!
Distracted by your own thoughts, you didn’t notice the Impala rolling out of the garage until the horn startled you. You turned around to see Dean behind the wheel, motioning at you to get out of the way. You just stared at him with wide eyes and spread your arms to the side in a what the fuck? motion, cigarette still sitting between your lips. Reminding yourself that he wasn’t worth picking a fight, you stepped aside, waving your arm to signal him to get going. As he drove off, you flipped him off, not really intending for him to see it, but still hoping he would. “Fucking dumbass”, you mumbled. You put out your cigarette on the nearest rock and headed back inside.
When Dean came back half an hour later with some fast food, you expected him to take his food and return to his room again, but to your surprise, he sat at the table with you and Sam. You and Sam exchanged looks, you tried to telepathically tell him that this was unusual compared to the last weeks, but Sam just shrugged. You didn’t expect him to do something about the tension between you and Dean, you just wanted someone else to see how weird it could get between you and him.
“So, uh, how’s the research going?”, Dean suddenly asked between bites, not specifically looking at any of you. “Well, we’re not quite sure what the case is about yet, we couldn’t figure out what creature might be causing the troubles, our best guess is something like a Rugaru, maybe a ghost that’s stuck in the forest for some reason, maybe even something like a Crocotta? You know, those things that can mimic human voices and lure their victims into traps. But, y’know, we’re not sure. Maybe looking for clues in the woods would help us out.” You shrugged and bit into your burger again. Dean looked at you and Sam. “So, that’s it? That’s all we’ve got so far? Man, we’ve been better before.”, he grouched, probably more to himself than to you and his brother. “Well, maybe we’d be faster if we had your help.”, you simply said. You immediately sensed Sam shifting in his seat and felt Dean’s glare on you.
“Come again?”
“Oh, you heard me, Mister I just sit in my room all day or drive around in my old car because I’m too full of myself to hang out with those boring bookworms.” Sam almost choked on his burger and mumbled a “Oh god, here it comes.”
You looked over to the older Winchester. He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it again. “Someone spit on your burger or something? The fuck’s your problem now?”, he asked.
“My problem is that you’re complaining because Sam and I haven’t magically solved the case yet! We’re working hard to get as many clues as we can before we show up there tomorrow while you’re just ignoring us! You never show up, and now you sit here with us to eat and pretend like you haven’t spoken a word to me in days? The fuck’s wrong with  you, Dean?! You were the one who invited me here and told me that I could help you guys out, and you’ve been rude to me ever since!”, you snapped, despite noticing that Sam clearly got uncomfortable at this point. That didn’t stop you from continuing your rant, though. “You make me feel like you just got me here so you can chill out or something, because you poor little boy don’t get enough rest! I get that your lives are tough, but that doesn’t justify you treating me like a stress toy you use to let your anger out on every once in a while. Sam clearly does a better job at making me feel welcome around here!”
Sam cleared his throat and before he could try to settle your dispute, Dean smacked his fist on his table. “I’ve had enough of you, y’know that? Yes, I did invite you to join us every now and then, but I knew I was taking a risk with that-”
“Oh, shut up, Dean, what’s that even-”
His fist came down on the table another time.
“If you don’t let me finish talking, I’ll make sure you regret ever coming here.”, he growled, his eyes turning a darker shade of green. From the corner of your eye, you noticed Sam shifting in his seat again.
“Listen close, alright? I’m not gonna say this again. You are allowed to be here because I allowed you to after you were really helpful for one of our cases. Right? Sam and I talked about that, and we both knew that it would be risky to let someone else in here, someone who’s not a hunter. You lack skill, alright? You can’t fight, you can’t defend yourself against other people, let alone monsters. If someone wanted our heads and tried to get to us through you, you’d be dead faster than you can name your favorite book. But we still took you in, because you were good to us, and we rarely get good company ‘round here.” Dean paused for a moment, but his eyes gave away that there was so much more he wanted to say.
“So, I’m just another face to look at until you get tired of it? You’re just gonna cut me out of your lives again when you get bored of me?” You tried to keep your voice steady, but it was still shaking. You were bouncing your leg under the table and felt tears build up. “You don’t even talk to me Dean… at least not in a… normal way. I tried to have a normal conversation with you, and I know that asking you about your parents was a stupid mistake, but… every time we’re alone in a room, you just… stare at me like I’m a failure, like you don’t even want me here. You never even thanked me for all the times I’ve helped you so far.” A few tears quietly ran down your cheek. You crossed your arms in front of your chest and looked down on the table again.
Dean ran a hand over his face while Sam took care of the dishes. Uncomfortable silence filled the kitchen. You were the first to get up. You wiped the tears from your face and ruffled your hair. “I’m gonna go to sleep, I’m too tired to drive, but I’ll be out here first thing tomorrow morning.” None of the Winchester brothers answered as you left the room, but when they thought you were out of range, you heard Sam speak up to Dean. You couldn’t quite figure out what he said, he spoke too quietly for you to hear, but you could hear Dean loud and clear when he barked back, making you freeze in your spot.
“We both know she doesn’t belong here, Sammy! She shouldn’t be with us, she should be leading her normal life, you know how it ends when we like people.” Dean had gotten quieter towards the end, he sounded… torn.
This is too much right now, I really need to sleep, you thought and went on to the bedroom they had offered you to use. As you dropped onto the mattress after brushing your teeth and changing into something more comfortable, exhaustion took over quickly and you drifted into a dreamless sleep.
About two hours later you were wide awake again, joined by a pulsating headache. You groaned and rolled around in the soft bed. “The last thing I needed today.”, you said to yourself as you massaged your temples. Luckily, you always carried light Ibuprofens for such cases, but you still needed water, so you trudged to the kitchen again. After taking the painkiller, you rested against the sink for a while and recapped every moment between you and Dean that had to lead up to the depressing dispute that evening. You remembered one day where Dean had offered to go grocery shopping. You had wanted to join him and pay for the groceries as a thank you for the boys taking care of you when you were there. “I’m fine, just go hang out with Sam, you’ve gotten pretty good at that.”, he’d said. You hadn’t thought much of that, you were too taken aback by him brushing you off like that, but now that you thought of that moment again, something seemed to click.
Was Dean jealous? Could that be why he’d been acting so stiff around you? But there’s no reason to be jealous, you thought.
Dean’s deep voice pulled you from your train of thoughts. “You okay?” You shortly looked at him standing in the doorframe and then massaged your temples again. “Woke up with a headache in the middle of the night, but other than that…” You shrugged, “Fine, I guess… why’re you up?”
“Fell asleep in the library. I, uh, I took a look at your notes. On the case.” Dean cleared his throat and rubbed his hands together, unsure what to do with himself. You looked at him with furrowed brows, and when he lifted his gaze to meet yours, you were surprised yet again by how green his eyes were. Because Dean had been avoiding you most of the time, you didn’t get many chances to take a close look at his pretty, chiseled face. But when you got the chance, you didn’t want to take your eyes off it.
“Listen, I, uh… I snapped at you earlier, and I’m… I’m sorry for that. I just- it just got too much for me in that moment.” Dean ran a hand over his stubble and cleared his throat again. After taking a deep breath, he continued talking. “Truth is, I don’t hate that you’re around, ok? I know I made you feel like that, and I get that you’re mad at me. And what I’m gonna say now will sound so cliché and shitty that you’ll wanna take another painkiller for your headache, but, um… I need to get it out ‘cause it’s been driving me insane.” Another short pause where neither of you knew exactly what to do. Should you take Dean’s hand to let him know that it’s okay? Should you hug him? Get him a drink?
“It’s just that… I love having you here with us, I love how you liven our life in here up. And I noticed how you and Sam were getting closer each day, because you’re both huge nerds who read books all day, so I- I thought I’d just leave you to it and not get in the way. It’d be too dangerous anyway. So I just… I don’t need to tell you what I did, you already know that part.” A light chuckle came from you. “I’m sorry for how I treated you. But I need you to understand that I was keeping myself from risking your life.” Dean almost pleaded. “Why do you always bring up that I’m weak, that I need protection or things like that? How would you be risking my life by treating me like a normal human being?”, you asked him calmly to avoid the situation escalating again.
Dean stepped closer, locking his eyes with yours again, resting his hands on the sink behind you, capturing you between his frame and the sink. “Because I don’t wanna just treat you like a friend. With the thoughts I’ve been having about you, I can’t treat you like just a friend. There’s so much more. But I’ve been stopping myself from acting on it because every single person I’ve ever cared about was taken from me. It makes me feel like I’m cursed or something. It’s like the moment I start liking someone, they’re doomed. And from then it’s just a question of time till I find them dead.” You couldn’t even focus on the last sentence he spoke, you were too startled. He was having ‘thoughts’ about you? Him? Dean Winchester? About you? Despite every encounter you two had had? It made no sense to you.
“Dean”, you started, not even knowing what you wanted to say to him. You looked into his eyes and took a deep breath. “Start fucking acting on it.”, you hissed. Dean cocked his eyebrow. “What?”
“You said you stopped yourself from actin’ on your feelings and thoughts ‘cause you were too scared and - apparently - jealous of Sam because we’re spending a lot of time together. Which is only because every time we have a moment to ourselves, you start acting like a complete douchebag. I like you, Dean. So please start doing what your mind’s telling you to do because I can’t stand douchebag-Dean anymore. I kinda hate him.” You started laughing at yourself and this whole situation. ��Oh, you don’t want that, sweetheart.”, he just countered. “Oh, come on, think I can’t handle you, big boy?”
“I just think you underestimate me. I like your smugness, but I’ll rid you of that quicker than you think. Once I got you in my hands, you’ll melt.”, he purred. “And after that, you’ll be mine only. I’ll leave you just as obsessed with me as I am with you.” Dean’s right hand came up to your face, his thumb gently tracing your lower lip. “But I need your permission for that.”
Too frozen in this moment to form a sentence, you just nodded and before you could think of something else, Dean’s full lips crashed on yours, lightly biting your lower lip. You sighed as you opened your mouth, his tongue slipping inside, exploring.
Dean’s hands squeezed your waist and pulled you closer to him, your hands running up his torso to grab him by the collar of his shirt. He kept kissing you, making you hungry for more. Between kisses, you asked him if he really wanted to do this here in the kitchen. “Good point.”, he mumbled and picked you up bridal style in one swift motion. You shrieked in surprise, Dean shushed you immediately. “You’re gonna have to be quiet if you don’t want Sam to hear us. Walls are kinda thin here.”, he said as you entered your bedroom. Dean lightly dropped you onto the mattress, earning a chuckle from you. He climbed on top of you, kissing along your neck and jawline. “I wonder what other sweet sounds I can get out of you.” You fumbled at his button down to shrug it off his broad shoulders, but Dean seemed to have other plans. “Patience, sweetie.”, he said as he kissed you deeply again, “I wanna take my sweet fucking time with you, till you’re weak in every single muscle.” Him saying such things already made you almost see stars as waves of desire flamed through your body.
Dean’s arm went under your back and he lifted you to sit on his lap. “Now be a good girl and take that shirt off for me.” His large hands cupped your breasts as soon as your shirt was gone and slowly kneaded them, rolling your hard nipples between his thumb and index finger. “Look how good they fit in my hands.”, he murmured against your lips. You eagerly rolled your hips against him, feeling his erection under your core. Dean groaned and captured your lips again. “Your turn.”, you panted with a smug smile. “Why don’t you do that for me, hm?”, he chuckled. With no hesitation, you clawed at his button down, finally shoved it from his shoulders and then put your hands under his t-shirt, slowly pushing it up while he sucked on your neck.
Both of you were still wearing too many clothes, so you decided to drop yourself on the bed again, pulling Dean with you without your lips breaking contact, getting hungrier and more eager with each kiss. Dean’s kisses started traveling across your body, licking and biting certain spots he knew would drive you crazy. You shuddered when he reached your lower belly. His fingers hooked under the hem of your pants, he slowly dragged pants and panties down along your legs, making sure his lips would reach every tingling spot on their way down. Your eyes rolled back and you arched your back lightly, impatient, wanting to finally feel him inside of you. Dean lifted his head to look at you. “If only you could see you goddamn pretty you look right now.” He pushed himself up to kiss you again, one of his hands drawing slow circles at your core. “And you’re gonna look even prettier when I’m done with you.”, he mumbled as he carefully pushed his index inside of you, making you inhale sharply. “God, so wet for me already? Hm, what did I do to deserve this?”, he cooed, looking deep into your eyes. “You okay, sweetheart? Tell me if you wanna stop.”
“If you stop now, I’ll never talk to you again.”, you panted and rolled your hips into his hand as you felt him pull out to add another finger. “That’s what I wanna hear.”, he chuckled. Dean fingered you in an almost agonizing pace, enjoying how smooth you felt, knowing exactly how much you wanted him to do more. Your hands started fumbling with his belt and unzipped his pants. Dean sat back and quickly slid his pants down and threw them aside, now only in tight boxers. Your eyes fell onto the outline of his thick cock. Dean grabbed your face and forced you to look at him. “Eyes up here, sweetie.” He grabbed one of your hands and led it down to his crotch, making it wrap around his cock through the boxers. You slowly pumped him as good as you could, not breaking eye contact. Dean groaned huskily, leaning his forehead against yours. His hand found your core again, two fingers sliding in and out of you while his thumb circled your clit.
Soon enough, Dean couldn’t hold back much longer. Drawing his hand from you again, he slid his boxers down just enough to set his cock free and positioned himself between your legs. “Do you want this? I need to hear it.”
“Yes, Dean, please.”, you whined and bucked your hips. Dean carefully pushed himself inside, keeping his eyes on you to see your reaction. He intertwined your hands and kissed your forehead as he kept pushing. You felt yourself stretch around him, felt yourself adjust to his size.
He bottomed out with slow thrusts, trying not to loose control of himself. “Fuck, you feel amazing.”, he growled and picked up the pace a little, “Can’t believe I finally have you to myself.” Your hand was pressed against his chest, desperately searching for any contact it could get. “Dean, faster, please.”, you moaned. Dean took his hand from yours and used it to lift one of your legs up, putting it over his shoulder and leaning down towards you as he started pounding into you, slick sounds and skin slapping against skin filling the room. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head and you moaned loudly at him fucking you like this. Dean shushed you once again. “As much as I love making you sound like that, you should keep quiet if you don’t want Sam to hear this.”
You grabbed Dean by his neck and pulled his face as close to yours as possible. “I don’t care, I just want you to keep doing this, fuck.”
“How could I stop when you’re taking me so well? Like you were made for me.” Dean’s hand slipped between your legs, pressing down on your lower stomach and getting you closer to the edge. He started kissing your neck again, running his tongue along the pulsating vein and lightly sucking on it. On his way down to your breasts, he kept biting your sensitive skin just enough to hear those sweet moans from you, marking you as his with the bite marks.
“Dean, please.”, you whined, slowly getting overwhelmed at the feeling of his cock ramming into you over and over, “I’m close.”
His hand went to grab your face again and he almost completely pulled out as he gazed at you, his breath coming shorter. He was close too. “Beg for it.”, he demanded. “Please make me cum.”
Right as you finished your sentence, Dean pushed himself in in one hard thrust and kept this harshness as he picked up the pace like before. Your nails dug into his back and shoulders as you held him close to you, almost screaming when his thumb circled around your clit again. You were so damn close to the edge already, and got sent over it as Dean grunted, “Good fucking girl.”
You came undone around him, his lips catching yours to keep you quiet as he kept penetrating with your walls squeezing around him. Dean cursed under his breath and quickly pulled out before coming on your stomach. You rested your foreheads against each other, needing to catch your breath again, coming down from your highs.
Dean leaned down to kiss you carefully, almost as if you could suddenly break apart beneath him. “We really just did that.”, you said to break the silence. Dean chuckled and nodded, “We sure did.”
You both sat up and Dean helped you get cleaned up. After a short trip to the bathroom, you both laid down on the bed again.
Dean grabbed your hips and made you straddle his lap, looking deep into your eyes, taking in all of your details. You caressed his face with your hands. “You know this wasn’t a one-time-thing, right?”, Dean asked, “I mean, I’m taking a big risk here, but fuck, the things you make me wanna do to you. I’m not gonna let you go.” “Easy, tiger, I’m not going anywhere.”, you chuckled, “I mean, I do have to get back for work soon, but… y’know. I think I’m gonna like being here even more from now on.”
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purringbookworm97 · 8 months
A little list
So I want to move out. Truth is, I already did once, left to study, but now I'm back at my parents, trying to leave by applying for visas and jobs and all the mumbo-jumbo needed to become an adult. And it sucks, really, cuz for all my good will and the help I've been getting, I still feel stuck and unable to get a move on.
So here's a list. Of things I want to do, and will do once I become the person I want to be. Because if I can't look forward to things then what's the point, amiright?
Here we go.
I want a balcony. I don't care if my place is small. One day I'll have a balcony, and I'll sit on it amongst my potted plants, with my cat next to me and a steaming mug of tea in my hand.
Big crystals on mys shelves, and more plants, and books I love to see and read so I can feel at home even if I'm just renting a place.
A real working station for mundane and spiritual work, because mixing the two is great, but I've missed having space to be whole in one or the other this year. So an altar, and tools i like to watch and use, and that won't break before a long time.
Curios gathered in nature and processed with respect. Shed snake skin, dry bugs, wild empty eggs, dried flowers and trinkets. Things that shine and things that don't. Treasures. A whole shelf to put them all on and be proud that they're mine.
A brother or sister for my cat. He gets bored alone. He'll be so happy when I bring a little sibling home. I'll curl up on the couch with them in my lap and read them stories, and when I don't have any, we'll just cuddle and fall asleep together. Things will be fine.
Funky earrings. Some I'll make myself, some I'll buy, some I'll get from friends who don't want them anymore. I'll put spells on them, an they'll be pretty enough for me. Necklaces too, and bracelets, and pins and badges, all unique because they're old or homemade.
A few more tattoos. A pride flag, a pair of wings, sigils to protect me and let me find my way in the dark. Maybe a full circle spell if I feel the need to carry one someday. Probably a few more piercings too, and spells on them to match
Top surgery. Might not happen right away, but I'll be lighter. Feel lighter. Maybe at some point the "ma'am"'s will cease. Maybe not. At least I'll feet better. Happier. I can't wait.
Queer friends. Friends who understand what I'm going though, who've been through the same thing, who can tell me about their life and remind me not to feel too sorry for myself when I forget I'm not alone.
Witch friends too. People who read cards and know some deities and have had encounters with spirits and don't necessarily take themselves seriously about it. People who are like me. People I don't need to save. Who I need more than they need me. People who are strong and happy despite the hardships, despite the loneliness.
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midday0nightmares · 3 years
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17 - like normal.
previous chapter changes (m).
warnings: this series contains themes of yandere\mafia, blood, mental health.
author note: this is pure fiction and it is not intended to romanticize any of the situations mentioned bellow.
 After that incident thing have started to change, they sat you down and  they promised changes, you have asked for your own room but since there wasn’t any spare rooms they have agreed to let you use the living room since nobody’s visits them anyway, they have also agreed not to be forceful with you in sexual terms an return you have to cooperate, other than that the same rule still applies, no leaving without permission, no contacting anyone outside this apartment.
One day jeno come back with a gift, a pair of shoes for you, it was a red converse, you were so happy that you leaped in his arms thanking him, jaemin have bought you a mattress and you’ve picked a spot for it in the living room, and after your wound healed and you regained your strength they took you to the store and they let you pick whatever you wanted, pillows, a cute bedside light, shampoo and conditioner, towels, coffee cup, nail polish, makeup, and all the snacks you wanted.. unfortunately the store didn’t sell any clothes but it’s ok, you didn’t mind waiting, you walked out of the store skipping with excitement, you finally started to feel alive, like you actually exist.
When you got back, jaemin helped you arrange your new belongings, he cleared a shelf for you in his bathroom, he arranged them for you, you couldn’t stop smiling all day to the point where your cheeks were sore, jaemin was in an awe with how he could make you this happy with simple things, he couldn’t resist the urge to squeeze you in his arms eliciting a delighted squeal out of you.
Jeno enrolled you in an online collage, after he let you chose what you wanted to major in and paid the full tuition, he got you your textbooks, pens and note pads. in your previous life, you wouldn’t have dreamed of completing your education in due to your family low income. And they didn’t stop here, they got you a gaming console for you when you feel bored, while jeno focused more on the practical side of your needs, jaemin focussed on what would make you happy, he got you pretty pajama sets, fluffy slippers, plushies. 
You filled the bathtub and threw in a vanilla scented bath bomb and you lite your new scented candle, you sat in the warm water enjoying your pampering session, you laid back and sigh in content feeling your muscles relax in warm waters, it took a while before jaemin barged through the door without knocking, your hand came to cover your upper half. “it’s nothing I didn’t see before” he laughed at his insensitive comment but dropped the smile when he noticed your stiff face.you remains silent as he cleared his throat and opened the cabinet, awkwardly looking for something before walking out but he didn’t close the door all the way leaving it slightly open, something about his behavior made you wary so you decided to end your bath and get dressed.
 When you walked out he was laying on his bed mindlessly scrolling through his phone, you went to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of tea, you open the cabinet looking for your brand new cup, you spot it on the highest shelf, you sighed and you stood on you tiptoes stretching your arm as far as you can, you struggle to reach it before you feel a presence behind you, his body pressed against your back side, his hand grabs the cup putting it down on the counter in front of you, he doesn’t move and keeps hovering close to you. “here you go” Jamin whispers in a low voice, involuntary shiver runs down your spine and you move away from him, his actions freaking you out, something about him seems off. 
You avert your gaze back to your cup and continue making your tea, he leans closer to you and sniffs your damp hair, “no thank you?” He asks you but you ignore him taking your hot drink and scramble away from him, your heart’s beating fast, the sweet but creepy gesture confusing you, you’ve never had a boyfriend or any close guys friends so you don’t know what qualify as normal, and what qualify as creepy, you can blame your traumatized perception for the confusion. 
The weekend was spent in peace, other than jaemin’s strange behavior, there’s nothing for you to complain about. 
Jeno suggested to try the new gaming console and challenged you to a game, the loser would have to do the dishes for the day, you agreed with much confidence that you will win, the game begins and your fiery competitiveness flare up, you both shamelessly cheat but you’er still winning before he snatches the controller out of your hands and beats you to the finish line making him the winner of the first round.. you shout at him and wrestle him for the controller while demanding a rematch, but something on his inner forearm catches your attentions, something you never seen before, a tattoo.
 you halt your attack and grab his arm to get a closer look before asking, “you have a tattoo? since when?” You pointed them out, “since always dummy” his eyes disappear behind his cheeks forming small crescents.
the tattoos looked odd, they were three vertical lines with one horizontal line crossing them on his left arm, and on his right arm there was two lines one of them looks recent, you frowned “what do they mean?” He shrugged, your fingers tracing the small lines, they must mean something, they look too plain for it to be decoration ,and they looked purposeful, and unlike jaemin’s interact back tattoos, these look unprofessionally done, adding to jeno’s mystery.
“did you do it yourself?” You realize you were being noisy but he doesn’t seems to mind, he hums. You still curios so you ask “did it hurt?” He pretends to thinks about it before he answer “mm not really, now let me beat your ass again”, you returned to your game this time you managed to win the next round.
After dinner you helped him with dishes, and they went to their rooms after wishing you a good night, you turned off the lights and made yourself comfortable in your mock bed, ready for slumber to take you away to dreamland, your eyes slowly close as the room around you dims until it disappear.
A warm sensation flows though you, your mind focuses on it as it gets warmer and warmer, it localize in one spot, in between your legs, a faint strokes of warmth generating a pool of wetness, the pleasure intensifies and you relaxes your legs to allow the warm strokes to reach deeper, your hands reach down to land on soft hair, you grip on it as a moan erupts from you, you grind your hips to aid the aching need, you look down and you’er er met with jaemin’s face in between your thighs, his jet black eyes watching you.
you jolt awake in horror, your mouth is dry as you pant, you tell yourself that it was just a dream, you close your eyes for a minute to calm your breathing, once you’ve calmed down your mind wonders to when he pressed himself to you earlier, his muscular body, his deep voice, his board chest and strong arms.. the pulse between your legs becomes too loud for you to fall back to sleep, your hands roam your body imaging if they were his, reality mixes with dreams, and in your disoriented state you reach down under your panties to be met with a mess of sticky wetness, your fingers slide with ease as your rub your folds, your breathing heaves as you dip your fingers inside your needy cunt, your eyes roll back as you moan his name, you desperately chase your release, pumping faster until you tip over the edge, your walls convulse uncontrollably as you cum hard, euphoric waves fill you, you bask in it while it lasts, your clouded mind clears up and you realize what you just did, your cheeks flaming in embarrassment, this is wrong, you shouldn’t think of him like this.
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theglitterypages · 3 years
Title: Till I Met You Part 4
Read Part 1, 2, and 3 Here
Pairings: Levi x fem! reader
Summary: You were the one who took care of Eren, Armin and Mikasa after they lost their parents. You're a doctor and you've been assigned to be the Scout's doctor after their encounter with the female Titan. You already expected to see your children, which is Eren, Armin and Mikasa but you met the Captain because he's injured what would happen next?
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1000+
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When Levi realized his feelings, he knew he had to make a move. Or else that Steve would make the first move and even if it was just a possibility but Levi already hated it.
But aside from that man whose name is Steve, Levi is bothered of how the brats would react once he starts courting you, as much as he wants to keep his feelings private, he knew he had to ask for the approval of your children.
He's been thinking about this for a week but his head is still empty.
“Levi, are you listening to me?”
Erwin snapped his fingers in Levi's face and the latter blinked, jerking out of his thoughts. He looked up at the commander with a bored look and Erwin sat back down with a sigh, “Alright, there's something wrong with you Levi.” the blond commented and Levi just sighed, Erwin is his best friend, indeed.
“You know that you can say anything to me right?”
“No, you'll tell Mike and Hanji in no time.”
“I don't have to tell them. They already knew about you and Dr. L/N,”
Levi looked at Erwin with a glare, “If someone's outside this room tryin' to listen in they can hear you. Keep your voice down.” he growled lowly and Erwin laughed as he clutched his hand onto his stomach.
“So this is about Dr. L/N...”
“It's not just about her, if I make a move her children from the 104th might feel awkward or whatever.”
The commander smiled and ran a hand through his hair, this is new, Levi is not denying anything at all. Before, the stern captain is always telling them to withdraw the topic whenever they'll tease him about you but now Levi is opening up. Talk about character development.
Levi was also surprised of himself but he needs all the help he could get to figure things out, he doesn't want to make the kids uncomfortable but he knew that once he stepped up his game and confess, things might change. “You do care for those kids too that's why you're afraid that they might treat you differently once they found out that you're in love with their mother.” Erwin spoke Levi's thoughts and the latter just stared at him before nodding his head slowly.
“I wasn't worried before because I feel like the brats are close enough to me but after what I heard last time I don't know anymore.”
“What exactly happened?”
“Oh I remember, Steve was inviting us to a dinner if everyone's free.” Mikasa was the first to react to your announcement, she snorted and glanced at Armin and Eren just to see that both also looked unimpressed of what they've heard.
As the one who raised these kids you've read their expressions and you sighed, “I don't know why you guys are like this when it comes to Steve.” Armin looked up at you with a pout before looking away, “He wants to marry you, isn't that obvious? He's been tryin' to be a good father figure but trust us Mom, the three of us knows he only wants you not us.” you are more than aware of your friend's feelings for you but you don't mind it because you don't feel the same and you've told him about it.
“Don't you want me to get married?"
“We do. But what you deserve is a man who's true to himself and to others and if we're lucky enough we want a man who would accept the fact that you have three kids.” Eren said as he made his way to you, wrapping his arms on your waist and hugging you sideways.
“You sacrificed your youth for us Mom and we want nothing but your happiness. You deserve more...” Mikasa said as she looked down.
“Don't worry, as of now my heart only belongs to the three of you.” you hugged the three of them and kissed the top of their heads with a smile on your lips.
But you have no idea that Levi heard all of it as he was on his way to talk to Hanji.
End of Flashback
“So you think she doesn't like you back?”
“I heard it from her own mouth. Do I have to retell that story again?” Levi snickered.
Erwin sighed and pat Levi's shoulder, “Do you think that a woman like Dr. L/N will make efforts to cook for you, make tea for you without any feelings involved?” Erwin is not blind not to see the mutual feelings between you and Levi and he's been tired of watching the two of you hide each other's feelings by making everything look like it is a casual friendship when the truth is it is more than that.
Levi saw hope after he heard that but the thing that's bothering him is what if the brats from the 104th won't see him worthy for you?
“If you're worried about the kids, they like you as much as you like them so stop sulking. Man up and confess, this is not the Levi that I know.”
“You suck in giving advice.” Levi snorted and stood up before leaving the room and Erwin was left laughing to himself, knowing that he might witness another chapter in Levi's life that is different from his cruel past.
Levi purposely stayed late that night as he knew that you're also working late tonight thanks to Hanji's help.
When he made his way to the kitchen and saw you making yourself a cup of tea, he smiled to himself despite of his fears of you not accepting his feelings.
“I hope you won't mind me intruding.”
“I won't, would you like a cup of tea? This might help you sleep.”
Levi smiled and nodded before sitting at the chair nearest to you. ”Here you go, Captain.” you handed him the cup of tea and sat across from him, silence filled the whole room after that and you don't know why there's an awkward ambience between the two of you tonight.
The two of you laughed at each other and just like that the strange awkwardness between you two have disappeared.
“There is a reason for my lack of sleep these days...” Levi began and you became so curios because he sounded so serious.
“Is anything bothering you? Maybe I could help.”
“I don't think you could help me in this one, Doctor.”
“W-Well forgive me for thinking so full of myself but maybe if you tell me it might lessen your burden don't you think?”
Levi gulped every single drop of his tea before placing it down as he fixed his gaze on you.
“Tell me what would you do to help me if you're the reason of my restlessness?”
To be continued...
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bkfics · 3 years
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The next morning you wake up earlier, so you go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone, but after a while Ryota wakes up too with Kazuhiko on his back.
‘Ohāyo Okāsan.’ your baby boy tells you with a raspy typical morning voice.
After you greet them, you wonder where your baby girl is, but then she runs with her open arms to you.
‘OKĀSAN!!!’ She screams with a worried tone, so you pick her up as soon she reaches you.
‘What’s wrong honey??’ You ask her with a comforting voice.
‘Okāsan…’ then she starts crying. Ryota starts worrying too and comes to you two and tries to get Kisara from you, but she refuses.
‘O-okāsan my… I can’t find my gel for hands.’ She cries harder.
‘Kisara it’s okay. Niichan will give Kisara his gel for hands okay?’ Kazuhiko tries to comfort her, but she shakes her head.
‘NOOO I WANT MINE! MINE HAD EEVEE ON TOP!’ She yells this time.
‘Yea.. about that.. I might.. hmm.. gave it to Sakusa yesterday…sorry.’ Ryota tells you scratching the back of his head.
‘Why would y-… nevermind’ You tell him sighing.
‘Kisa-chan, Otōsan will buy you a new. With an eevee one, or whatever you want ok?’
This time she nods and goes to Ryota to let herself get pick up.
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[Sakusa Kiyoomi POV]
After having breakfast I go to the bathroom to take a shower.
As the hot water starts hitting my head, I start thinking about her, and memories of when we were together in high school. I start smiling and laughing as I remember how I was the first one that fell for her and the first time I talked to her I said ‘Use this mask and stay away from boys... except me or else you’ll get sick.’
‘Why did I even leave you? If I could only go back time. I would go back to 4 years ago and tell you how much I love you.’
‘Whatever Kiyoomi, she already has a family, it’s time to move on.’
I start getting frustrated so I quickly finish showering and go run around the neighbourhood to clear my mind.
Time passes by and parents with their kids keep popping up left and right of my view, so I start running faster, but my shoes are so worn out that the soles are so consumed that a hole is formed.
‘Great! Now I have to go buy another pair. This day couldn't get any better UGH!’ I start yelling in my head as I make my way back home and start getting ready, putting on the necklace I can’t seem to let go of…
[at the mall]
I now just parked my car, making my way inside the mall and going straight at the sport centre, making sure I have my spray disinfectant and hand sanitizer-
‘What is this?.. A hand sanitizer with a Pokemon in it? Why do I have this? Ah right.. Y/N husband gave it to me.. Tch, whatever.’
I go inside and I hear three familiar voices, too familiar for my liking, they are: Atsumu, Hinata and Bokuto.
‘Shopping with my friends!’ Atsumu says taking a video to post it on his story.
‘Wait, you have friends?’ Hinata says with a mocking face while Bokuto tries not to laugh.
I seriously don’t wanna deal with them right now so I turn around, going to the opposite direction, hoping that they don’t notice me. Arriving at the running shoes isle, I grab their new released one, it’s even in our jersey’s color, it’s all black and there's a little stripe in gold, so I ask the employee if they could give me my size of this model. After she gives it to me, I go and pay for it and right at the exit, I get stopped by a woman and a man.
‘Hello sir! Our pharmacy has a new cleaning product and even a new hand sanitizer! It’s better than the previous one, it’s less stickier and has different scents! The new cleaning product cleans better than any other! We’ll be so grateful if you could at least have a look at it! Have a good day sir!’ The man tells me.
I just nod, those new products don’t sound bad, might as well have a look.
The mall’s big and after walking for a good 5 minutes, I see the pharmacy but I bump into someone.
‘Oh, nice to see you again Sakusa.’
‘Same here Wakatoshi-kun and Kageyama.’
‘Are you here to go to the pharmacy too Sakusa-san?’ Kageyama asks me as we start walking.
‘Yes, what about you two?’
‘We were bored so we decided to come here at the mall.. hmm what about having lunch together Sakusa?’ Wakatoshi asks me.
‘Hmm sure, why not.’ I answer him.
We arrive at the pharmacy and get in line.
‘Wow this guy’s so tall’ Kageyama says amaze by the man with purple hair in front of us, eating snacks as he was waiting to enter the pharmacy with his friend too, me and Wakatoshi-kun agree with him.
We then decide to eat first and come later as the line was long.
After finding for a good restaurant not packed of costumers, we order our meals and few minutes later we start eating.
‘Itadakimasu.’ we say at the same time.
While we’re eating, we start hearing whisperings from the people eating inside the restaurant.
‘They are so hot, omg.’
‘I know right!’
‘Let’s sit on the table beside them.’
‘Wait girls, aren't those Sakusa Kiyoomi, Ushijima Wakatoshi and Kageyama Tobio?’
‘OMG you���re right!’
‘Look! Sakusa-san is so handsome!’
‘I agree, but wait.. look at his necklace.. Isn’t that a ring?’
‘Oh.. maybe he has a girlfriend already…’
As they keep on whispering, we finish our meals and make our way to the cashier, then we go around the Mall to buy new clothes or things we need for our places. It‘s getting late, so I offer them a ride home since we live close to each other, Wakatoshi-kun is beside me in the passenger seat and Kageyama is in the back seat.
‘Sakusa-san, I’m curios too.. why do you have a necklace with a ring? Do you have a girlfriend?’ Kageyama starts a conversation.
‘Hmm no.. this ring belongs to my first love.. even if we aren't together anymore. I just can’t seem to throw it away and i wearing it became a habit.’
‘If it really means a lot to you, just keep it.’ Wakatoshi-kun adds.
‘Yea.. but, how are you guys doing?’ I ask, wanting to change the subject.
‘We’re doing good, tho our manager took a week of to spend time with Kise-san, since he just came back and will be going back to the States in 2 weeks for the NBA preliminaries.’ Wakatoshi-kun answers.
‘NBA? That’s cool, also who’s Kise-san?’ I ask.
‘He’s that blonde haired guy who was with her and the kids.’ Kageyama answers.
‘Ahh.. the father of that cute little boy.’ I say with a normal expression but feeling sad inside.
‘Ah no, he’s not the father.. he’s just Y/N-chan’s best friend..’ Wakatoshi-kun says..
‘The father left Y/N-chan..’ Kageyama continues.
‘The father left Y/N? He really left her to raise a son alone?’ I ask, irritated by the fact that a man left her alone.
‘A son? She has two kids. They’re twins. A girl and a boy.’ Says Kageyama.
‘Twins? D*mn, he still left them? He’s not a man. He’s a b*stard.’
After some time, I proceed to drop Wakatoshi-kun to his place first, then I drop Kageyama, but before he could open the door, I stop him and ask:
‘Kageyama, can I ask you for something before you go? ‘Cuz I feel like I won’t be able to do it if I don’t..’
‘Sure, what is it?’
‘Can I ask you for Y/N’s phone number?’
‘WOW. So you’re that type of guy, huh? That goes after women with kids..’
‘HUH?! It’s not, you weirdo. I have something to talk with her in person, so I need her phone number to set up a rendezvous.’
‘I’m just playing, no need to get so worked up, chill.. alright, it’s …’
‘Thank you, see you later.’ I say after getting the phone number.
‘Hey, don’t try doing something stupid, ‘cuz you’re not the only one with your head on the line. Also thank you for dropping me off. Bye and drive safely!’ He says while he enters through the door without looking back.
Well, now.. How should I even start a conversation…
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[Back to normal POV]
[2 weeks later. Kansai International Airport]
‘Well, I guess it’s time to board. I already checked-in..’
‘Otosan.. are you going away?’ Kazuhiko asks with tears in his eyes.
‘Are you coming back?’ Adds Kisara
‘Of course.. I’ll be back in no time and you won’t be able to notice that I’m back. I’ll be gone for a while, it’s not a long time.’ He tells the twins with a comforting voice while he’s on his knees hugging both of them.
‘So, while I’m away, I want you two to eat healthy, grow up faster, always help Okasan and always smile, alright?’ He adds before letting go of the hug.
‘Hai, Otosan.’ The twins answer simultaneously while crying and hugging him tighter.
‘Alright, alright. Kazu-chan, Kisa-chan. Stop crying or he’s going to be late. We don’t want that, right?’ Kuroko takes the kids with Momoi.
‘Kise-kun, good luck for the tournament. Also, say hi to the others from me. Have a nice flight!’ Kuroko says with Kazuhiko on his arms crying.
‘Say hi to them from me too! See you later!’ Adds Momoi with Kisara crying on her shirt behind her.
‘Ryota-kun, say hi to the others from me too, also, thank you for your help at the house and for the kids too. I hope you enjoyed your rest time here.’ You tell him with a little bow and a smile.
‘Of course I enjoyed it! Also, I’ll always be here for the kids, I’m their “Dad” after all.’ He says jokingly with a big smile.
‘You’re right! Then, see you later, Ryota-kun. Have a nice trip, call me after you land, alright?’
‘Alright, Y/N-cchi, stay safe when you’re going back. Kazu-chan, you’re the man of the house while I’m not here, alright? Kisa-chan, don’t cry and smile a lot, you’re beautiful eyes and smile need to be shown more!’ He tells the twin before he turns and goes to the departure gate.
You’re all still there watching his back between the crowds of people passing left and right in front of you. Before Kise makes his way to the gate, he turns one last time and stops to look for you. Once he finds you, he says something that really shocks the shiz outta you.
‘I-love-you, Y/N.’ He says it like a whisper and smiles at you, not knowing that you understood what he said, then he goes straight to the gate.
You keep thinking of what he just said, while your face shows how surprised you are, it’s probably something not important.. but you know what he said. You read his lips even though there’s an ocean of people you could read his lips once both of your sight met each other.
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masterpost | III. | V.
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Sakusa was pissed that a guy left you with two kids alone, but was also relieved that you don’t have a man in your life.. but he’s now hoping that you and Kise are just best friends.
Kuroko and Momoi are dating. 
Kuroko Tetsuya:
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Kise is in a NBA team with Aomine Daiki, Murasakibara Atsushi and Kagami Taiga. 
Murasakibara Atsushi: 
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Kagami Taiga:
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@rrroadkill @samwise-though @lola2001 @velociraptorenthusiast @mjade1321 @farmertoshi @kurosiee @googiembul @hohoshiumi @floralkawa @miwtze @crapimahuman
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ehwaryuns · 3 years
night skies
hiiii i finally finished a wip ✨
can be found at https://archiveofourown.org/works/31956910
Bam woke up with a start. As it always did on Friday mornings, his alarm clock went off at exactly 4:45 AM, loud and annoying enough that he wasn’t so inclined to go back to sleep.
He got up with a groan, crossing the room to turn it off. He both cursed and was grateful to Hwaryun for telling him to put it on the other side of the room so he would be forced to wake up faster. Sure, it worked, but Bam was very much not a morning person and grieved the loss of sleep. He’s just glad the walls were thick enough that the blaring didn’t wake Wangnan up.
However, there was a reason he made himself get up so early on Fridays: he had work to do.
The bell above the door jingled as the first customer of the day walked in, yawning as he did. Aguero didn’t know much about him, but he did know that the man was cute (adorable, some might say) and alternated between sugary sweet drinks and the strongest coffee they had to offer, depending on what day it was. Today was Friday, which meant today’s order would be as caffeinated as possible.
Aguero gave the man a sympathetic smile as he approached the counter. “Early morning again? Same as usual?”
The man nodded. “A large quadruple shot mocha, iced,” he rattled off tiredly, rubbing leftover sleep from the corner of an eye.
Aguero entered his order into the register, accepting the man’s payment with a smile and making his drink, as he always did on Friday mornings at approximately 5:07. He thought, as he always did on Friday mornings at approximately 5:07, I’m gonna do it this time.
However, as soon as he turned around to retrieve the sharpie he intended to use to write his number on the cup (cliche, but effective), the man caught his eye, giving him a sleepy smile, and Aguero’s heart skipped a beat. So instead of going through with his meticulously laid out plan, he just smiled back and pulled a stack of lids out from under the register, putting them in their designated spot on the counter as the coffee was brewing, mentally cursing himself all the while. Just as he’d done for the past seven Friday mornings.
Technically, he was supposed to ask the man’s name to write on the cup, but the first time he had come in he was the only other person in the shop so Aguero hadn’t really felt the need to do so, and he was in too deep to break the habit now. It’s been almost two months and he can go on until he gave the man his number, dammit.
Once the drink was ready, Aguero handed it to the man, whose golden eyes crinkled as he smiled another one of those warm smiles that made Aguero’s heart threaten to pound right out of his chest. “Enjoy, and have a nice day,” Aguero managed to say in a calm, normal, not strangled or high-pitched voice.
“You too,” the man rumbled before turning and walking out the door, taking a sip as he left.
Aguero braced himself on the counter once he was gone, taking a deep breath to calm himself down. Dammit, he thought. Next time for sure. Just as he had thought to himself for the past seven Friday mornings.
His coffee wasn’t as sweet as he usually liked it, but it woke him right the hell up, so Bam figured it was a fair trade.
Luckily, Bam was the only person aside from the driver on the city bus at the early hour of 5:23, so he didn’t have to worry about getting weird looks from other people for being up so early, visibly being a college student and all. Instead, he got to relax with his coffee, counting the stops in his head as he gazed out the window.
At one red light, Bam was met by the sight of a sprawling night sky spray painted on the side of a building, blues and purples and black swirling together and shot through with white streaks. He smiled, recalling the morning he had done that particular piece- it had been bracingly cold, but it was worth it, seeing his handiwork turn out so beautifully.
All too soon, the bus lurched back into motion, and the mural was left behind.
Bam got off the bus a few stops later, looking around for a good spot as he readjusted his satchel.
He was downtown, it seemed, with its brick buildings and curio shops and artisan restaurants galore. This was the perfect place.
He started wandering around under the guise of window shopping, though it wasn’t too long until he found a relatively clean alley to duck into. After checking to make sure the coast was clear, he pulled out a can of spray paint from his bag and started tagging.
He lost himself in his art, recalling the sketch he had designed in his sketchbook the previous night; he watched how the cyan faded into cerulean, cerulean faded into black, and black seemingly melted into the brick wall right before his eyes, just as he had envisioned. It looked damn good, he had to admit.
This particular night sky spanned half the wall, depicting a galaxy as viewed through a copse of trees, lines as sharp as Bam could make them forming their silhouettes. He stepped back for a moment to admire his work once he was done, breathing in the crisp morning air that was shot through with the chemical smell of the paint, before pulling out a can of bright red. In the bottom right corner, he left his signature: the letters JVG with sharp angles and a thin kite shape next to it.
He left before the paint stopped dripping, cans safely tucked away in the plastic-lined pocket in his bag, and checked the time. It was just after 8, which gave him enough time to get back to campus in time for his first class of the day, which was unfortunately at 9:30. It was a good thing he woke up early.
Bam slid into his seat moments before the professor walked in, thanking his lucky stars as he did. Beside him, his best friend Hwaryun raised a delicate eyebrow. “Almost late again, are we?”
Bam huffed, setting his bag on the floor next to him. “Whatever, miss half-an-hour-early. Missed you.” He leaned over to kiss her cheek.
If she saw the speckles of paint on his forearms when he pulled his sketchbook out, she wisely didn’t say anything.
It was Tuesday afternoon, just after peak hours, and the coffeeshop was painfully boring.
Aguero flicked yet another straw wrapper at his coworker, smirking as it hit its target-- the back of Hatz’s head. The shorter man flinched and turned around, glaring daggers at Aguero. He simply waved a few fingers, a mockery of a greeting.
“You better stop that, or I swear--” Hatz threatened, only to be cut off by the merry sound of the bell above the door chiming.
They both turned to look, and Aguero’s heart jumped into his throat.
The man came in--the one with chestnut-colored hair and honey eyes and the cutest smile when he’s tired from waking up so early--accompanied by a woman with long, bright red hair. Aguero distantly wondered if she dyed it.
The man brightened up when he caught sight of Aguero, pausing in his conversation to wave and shoot him a smile that rivalled the sun.
“Oi, quit staring and take their orders,” came from behind him.
Aguero shot back a low “piss off, I’m working on it,” before positioning himself in front of the register. “Hi there, I can take your orders when you’re ready.”
The woman observed him, crimson eye surveying him critically, before she gave a coy smile. “I’ll take a medium green tea, and a large strawberry pineapple coconut milk latte.”
He nodded, writing on cups what was to fill them before passing them off to Hatz. “That’ll be right out. And you?” Aguero asked, turning his gaze to the man he totally isn’t crushing on.
“I’ve been wanting to try that funnel cake frap,” he said, leaning over the counter conspiratorially. “Is it any good?”
Aguero leaned towards him, playing along. “If you get it with heavy cream instead of coffee, it’s fantastic.”
The man nodded decisively. “Then I’ll take a medium, extra whip and extra strawberry, if possible.”
Aguero would put all the freeze dried strawberries in the world into this man’s drink if he asked. Instead, he just gave a smile and pulled out another cup to mark.
Once the drinks were paid for and Hatz was busying himself, the redhead came back up to the counter and said in a low, husky voice, “you’re in Ehwa’s study group, aren’t you?”
He blinked. “How did you know?”
She just gave him another one of those knowing smiles. “I’ll be bringing Bam by for a study session soon. Don’t miss it.”
Before he could say anything, she was sashaying her way back over to the man--Bam, he guessed--and sitting down just in time for the frap to be called out.
A study session, huh? He idly thought as he started to restock cups. Seems innocuous enough.
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ex-vengeancedemon · 3 years
Averting Disasters and Other Ways to Avoid Your Problems
Chapter 3
Characters from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Mentions of things that occurred in Angel: The Series season 5.
Main Pairing: Buffy x Spike
Characters: Buffy, Spike, Giles, Willow, Xander, Andrew, Faith, Dawn
Summary: Set in 2008, five years after Spike’s resurrection at Wolfram & Hart. Buffy is living in Cleveland guarding the hellmouth. Spike has left Angel and company and is hiding out in Chicago. The Scoobies are scattered. When something starts going wrong with the slayers around the world, it’s time to get the gang back together.
Masterlist & Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Cleveland, Ohio 
Spike and Andrew arrived in Cleveland shortly before sunup, much to Spike's relief. Andrew was a bit of an erratic driver and if Spike wasn't already dead, he might have bothered to fear for his life. He had never been to Cleveland before. Never had a reason to. Sure there was a hellmouth, but why would anyone choose it over California? Ohio was a flyover state for a reason. What'd they even have in Ohio? Corn?
Andrew parked the car outside of what looked to be an abandoned warehouse in the industrial district on the outskirts of the city. The windows were all dark and Spike couldn't hear or see a soul around. There was a faint scent of iron in the air that smelled almost like blood, but Spike could tell it was actually emanating from the slowly corroding metal walls of the warehouse. Unlike Spike, the building wasn't timeless. He raised an eyebrow at Andrew, but the eccentric Watcher-in-training was already jumping out of the car. Spike followed after him, only hesitating for a moment. Could barely be called hesitation really. Just... taking a breath. That he didn't really need. Bugger it. It's not like Andrew noticed.
"If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were trying to off me," Spike commented as he looked over at the group of motionless cranes dangling equipment that likely violated several OSHA regulations.
Andrew laughed with a grating kind of chortle that for a second brought Spike back to a different time. At Buffy's house, back when they were still at war with The First. He waved off the memory. No point in getting all sentimental. What's done is done and over.
"No silly," Andrew replied. "This is where Willow said to meet."
"Nice digs. Perfect spot for a demon."
Andrew rolled his eyes at the quip and opened the rusting metal door, motioning for Spike to enter. Spike eyed the door, surprised it hadn't crashed down off its tracks. 
"Alright then," Spike said as he walked into the darkness. No point in arguing. 
Inside, the warehouse was completely empty except for the heavy coating of dirt covering the spalling concrete floor...and a strange rectangular pool of what looked like liquid silver situated at its center. Andrew's footsteps echoed behind him in the cavernous space as Spike moved to get a better look at the curious centerpiece. Despite the lack of light, the silver pool seemed to shimmer and emitted a faint glow. Probably radiation. Spike took a couple of steps back from the man-sized pool. 
"Now hold up a minute," he said, turning on Andrew. "Pretty sure the mercury baths went out of style." He held a finger up for emphasis. "And, if memory serves, Xander was the one with the syphilis problem."
Andrew ignored him and walked to the edge of the pool. "It's a portal. You coming or are you just gonna stand there?"
With that, Andrew stepped off the ledge and disappeared beneath the surface of silver. Spike stared after him. 
"Right, quick trip to hell. Was getting bored anyway. Well, if that git can do it," Spike muttered.
He ran after him and leapt into the pool. For some reason he had expected it to burn, like molten lava. Instead, he felt absolutely nothing, not even as his head sunk under the waves. And then everything was unnaturally bright.
Spike winced away before realizing it wasn't the sun, just orbs of floating white light scattered throughout the sizable room. He recognized the type. This was a magic shop. A multi-dimensional magic shop. 
The shop was quiet despite its size and selection. Spike recognized more than a few rare items that would fetch quite the price on the black market... if one was into that sort of thing. The shelves were fully stocked with spell books, grimoires, various herbs, crystals, and other magical curios. It made the old Sunnydale magic shop look like the kiddie leagues. 
Sitting at a long oval table in the center of the room was Willow, dressed in clothes that looked a day old with a cold cup of coffee sitting next to her. The red-headed witch was surrounded by books scattered around her on both the table and the floor. She didn't even look up at their arrival. It seemed that - apart from Spike and Andrew - she was the only one in the shop. 
"Hey Willow," Andrew said, giving her a little wave. "I got Spike."
Willow looked up from a particularly thick tome covered in a language Spike didn't recognize. She gave a small smile that did nothing to hide the worry on her face or the exhaustion in her eyes.
"Hey guys," she said. "Good to have you on the team."
"Any luck so far?" Andrew asked.
Willow shook her head. "Nothing. There's nothing about mass memory loss in slayers. Of course, there have never been multiple slayers before so. You know, we're back in uncharted territory."
Spike cut in hesitantly, "And Buffy?"
He thought he caught an odd expression cross Willow's face, but it had been a while since he'd seen her. Maybe it was normal.
"I still haven't been able to reach her," Willow replied. "I just got here last night. Called in a favor to a friend and got us a lease on this magic shop 'til we figure out what's going on. I'm hoping Giles will know more."
"Well we should go check on her then!" Spike said, throwing up a hand. "Slayer wandering around out of her head? It's a death sentence."
Willow pursed her lips and glanced over at Andrew uneasily. "We can't. Or...well we're not sure we should. It's not just memory loss."
She paused and Spike began to get more and more agitated. There was something they hadn't been telling him. Something bad.
"During the blackouts," Willow continued, "you know, the times they can't remember? Well, we think that there's someone...else. Someone else is controlling their actions, it's almost like they're possessed. But whatever is doing it-"
"It's a scary good copy," Andrew blurted out.
Willow nodded. "It knows about their lives, how they act, their friends. It even goes on doing the regular day-to-day slayage duties. But we've noticed some things are just a bit...off."
"What do you mean, off?" Spike pressed.
"Well...one of 'em did try killing Angel a few days back," Andrew replied. "They had been working together temporarily and apparently she just snapped one day."
"Well I don't see the problem there," Spike said with a grin.
"Another one didn't recognize her parents when they came for a visit," Willow added. "She hadn't seen them since becoming a slayer and just nothing. Freaked them right out. But she remembered everyone else, insisted they weren't her family though."
"Okay, yeah, a bit odd," Spike conceded.
"And then, two days ago, Giles was training with one of the London slayers when her fighting style switched from streetfighter novice to jujitsu master in the span of a minute." Willow sighed. "And that's when I did a revealing spell. There were was something in her that wasn't her. We don't even know when we're talking with the real person...or the other. Whatever it is."
"And that's why you haven't contacted Buffy," Spike stated.
Willow nodded. "We don't want to spook...it."
"Yeah who knows, it could run off to Timbuktu with Buffy's body," Andrew agreed with a vigorous nod.
"Andrew, could you get me some cannis root from the back storage?" Willow asked him. "I need to do a translation spell."
"Sure, of course!" Andrew replied as he scampered off behind the rows of shelves.
Spike pulled out a chair and took a seat next to Willow at the table without speaking.
"It's good to see you, Spike," Willow said without smiling. "I just wish you would've told us before disaster struck again."
"Yeah." He nodded slowly. "Well, being back in the land of the living has been one should've after another I suppose." He fumbled the pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit one up with a flick from his lighter. "Do you think-"
"I don't know if she'll be glad to see you," Willow said, answering the unspoken question. "I don't know."
Spike sighed as he exhaled a cloud of smoke. Andrew returned with a large jar of what looked like...well, roots. Willow took it from him and set the jar aside without opening it. It seemed the cannis root had just been a task to keep Andrew busy. Spike wasn't surprised. Andrew took a seat at the table and began perusing through some of the scattered books. Spike watched as the two continued their research. It wasn't really his forte. 
What felt like hours later - though he knew it had only been minutes - Spike heard the sound of footsteps behind him. Familiar tread. Instant irritation. Bollocks.
"No. Oh, no. No, no, no, no. No way. What the hell is he doing here?" Xander exclaimed as he squinted in the light.
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izzywrites57 · 3 years
Hello it me izzywrites57 and this is chapter 2 and 3 it will say maybe half way through the story chapter 3 in the comic with setsuko and akahito. Anyways enjoy.
P.s my idiot is Akahito, insomniac bitch is Setsuko, crazy yandare is Izu, quite child is Ty, waterfall is Aratani and Goddes is Akemi . Also sorry for the bad language. Enjoy
Izu's POV
Hi im Izu Toga yes im the sister of the yandare killer Himiko Toga but thats not important any way i woke up and did my moring routine then went to setsuko's room and i banged at her door multiple times till i heard mumbelling and foot steps then the door opened.
"Hey" i say exited
"...hey" she said tiredly
"Do you want to train with me and Ty before the sports festival arrives?" I asked the tierd freind of mine
"I can't im training with akahito, sorry" she said in a tierd tone
"Oh ok anyway do you want to wake up Tani-chan" i asked her
"Sure" she said with her monotone voice
"YAY" i skipped towards Aratani's room.
Aratani Asui is one of my other friends I sometimes hang out with, her quirk is hedgehog, she is also the daughter of red riot and froppy she also has a four year old little brother. (Izzywrites57-IZU TOGA STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL!!!!!! Izu- s-sorry) Me and Setsuko arrived at Aratani's room and I started banging on the door
"TANI-CHAN WAKE UUUPPPPP!!!!" I shout very loudly.
Setsuko's POV
As izu is banging on the door and shouting I look at my phone and I got a text from Akahito.
My Idiot: hey if your coming over to train wait for me at the gate
Insomniac bitch: okay
I put my phone away and I see Aratani and Izu starring at me with smirks plastered on their faces.
"What?" I asked
"Who you talking too, hmmm" izu said still with a smirk on her face
"I was texting akahito about what time i should go to his house to train" i said calmly
" Yeah right 'training' " Izu quotes the word training with her fingers
"For all we know you could be planning to go on a date" Aratani says in her usal calm voice
"First no we are not going on a date second have you confessed to Akemi your feelings yet, Ara-chan? hmm" i say with a smirk. Aratani blushes at the fact of confessing to Akemi. Aratani likes Akemi Todoroki a lot and i can't blame her Akemi is a nice, kind and a little bit shy and plus sometimes me and Aratani talk about our crushes but she mostly talks about hers.
(Time skip to class also this time skip is brought to you by toga simping over deku)
Izu's POV
I'm in class not really paying any attention to this lesson so i decide to throw a paper ball at Suou Bakugou. I have i crush on him and Aratani knows cause we talked about it anyway but i think he feels the same and i'm not planning on confessing cause i know he probaly doesn't like me so thats why i'm not going to confess, anyway he then turns around and glares at me uhh i think im going to die.
Setsuko's POV
I see izu throwing a paper ball at Suou Bakugou. The dude is scary as he speaks in a low rought grumbeling voice. But all i know izu shouldn't have done that i am sure she is going to die after class. As i was thinking of what kind of trouble izu got into i feel a tap on my shoulder from behind me and i turn around it Akahito.
"What do you want?" i asked annoyed
"Why so mean setsu-chan" he whined
"I'm not asking again what do you want?!!" i asked more annoyed
"Have you heard that Izu has a crush on Suou from what i heard from Aratani-chan"
"Is that so" i said as a smirk grew on my face
"Yeah..."he said as he was suprised of my response
"Your friends with Suou-kun right??" I asked Akahito curios
"Yeah why?" He asked confused
"Ok so heare is the plan..." i said with a smirk
Chapter 3
(Time skip after school ended brought by me because i'm lazy lol)
Izu's POV
I'm walking back to the dorms with Akemi, Setsuko and Tani-chan when a rough hand grabs my wrist and i get pulled behind the dorms building.
Then i saw who grabbed me it was Suou i widened my eyes in fear.
"Look im sorry i throwed that paper ball at you i was bored i had nothing to d-" i got intrupted from my babeling when he began to talk
"Look i will let you off this time but don't do it again GOT IT!?" He shoted at the end of the sentance. I nodded and then i left to go back to my room. 'I am never going to annoy him again he could of killed me but leted me off, i just got lucky this time' i thought to my self as im walking through the halls of the dorm rooms.
(Big time skip cause im lazy af)
Setsuko's POV
It has been nearly two weeks since everybody trained for the sports festival we only have three days left and everybody is finished training and everybody is in the common room bored nothing to do then going on our devices, then Izu-chan stands up and speaks
"We all should have a movie night as a class as we worked so hard training for two weeks"
"Thats a great idea Izu-san we should definetly do that" Akemi says as she agrees
"Okay so Izu-chan, Ty-chan and Akahito-kun should go to the store and get snacks along with Setsuko-chan and Tani-chan, you guys need to buy some blankets and pillows also and here is my credit card use it contactless to pay" akemi says as she takes charge and gives me her credit card.
"Everybody else if you need anything from the store you can go with them if not pick out some games and movies to watch later" Akemi continues giving orders to the class.
Then i see Suou walking towards us then he starts speaking
"Can i come with you guys i need some stuff for training" he says as he places his right hand behind his head. Suou can be a bit timid at times when he isn't angry or glaring at people.
"...Sure?" izu says confused
After that i feel wheight on my shoulder and i see Akahito's arm around my shoulder and i feel my self blushing
"Looks like we are spending quality time with me while shopping~" he says in a flirty voice i roll my eyes
"In your dreams" i say annoyed
"Your always im my dreams tho" he says not stoping with the flirting
"You pervert" i shout at him walking quickly towards Ty
"You okay?" She asks in her normal bored monatone voice
"Yeah...i'm okay" i say still flustered from earlier.
Akahito POV
I really like Setsuko but she always ignores me or what ever i do but when i talk with her or flirt with she blushes a little bit which i gusse it good but i known her since we were kids and it may seem cheesy to fall for your childhood best friend but she is so cute and i want us to be more then childhood best friends but i don't know if she feels the same.
Third POV
As the six students walk to the nearest mall they chat about their training and other stuff.
This is the first time the first years will have a class gather and rveryone is excited.
Back at the dorms Akemi and some other students prepares the common room with food, sweets and decaorating the common room abit.
Setsuko's POV
I get my phone out as i am walking and i start texting Akemi
Insomniac bitch: hey can you tell everybody to pick out a scary movie
Goddess: why?? Is it because you want to get close to Akahito😏
Insomniac bitch: 1. No 2. It not for me because i love scary movies and 3. It for some other people
Godess: oh so your playing cupid. Okay can i join? And who are these people??
Insomniac bitch: yeah, and these people are Izu and Bakugou Suou
Goddess: okay also everyone picked up lots of horror movies
Insomniac bitch: good anyway bye we arrived at the mall
Goddess: okay bye
I put my phone away and everyone walks in the mall.
"We will have two groups of three and we will meet here once we are all back" izu said and everyone nodded
"Okay group 1 Setsuko-chan, Aratani-chan and Akahito" izu explained and i send her a death glare she just chukeled. I know what she is doing she is trying to set me up with akahito.
"Group 2 is me, Bakugou-kun and Ty-chan" she explained the who was in the last group. After that me, Akahito and Tani-chan seperated away from Izu's group and we walked around talking.
Izu's POV
As we were walking we talked about different stuff and by we i mean me Ty as Suou was very quite not talking.
"So where do we go first?" I asked ty and suou
"Can we go here i need some dumbells for my training" Suou said pointing to the store next to us.
"Sure" i replied back
We entered the store and we walked for about two minutes trying to find the dumbells but never found them so we stayed longer in the shop.
"Hey guys i'm going to the toilet really quickly" Ty said as she started walking in some random direction to get to her destination, i just nodded and stayed with Suou. I went to see what i could find for my training so i just went to the next isle. I was looking through some stuff when someone grabbed my shoulders, i turned around and it was some punk.
"Hey, how about we ditch this place and go back to my apartment with me." He said in a very creepy way. I scrunched my nose allitle before i pushed him off but no he had to pin me on the wall, i hear foot steps getting closer from the isle from the right...
Suou's POV
I walked towards the next isle and when i entered it i saw something that made me just to blow up in anger. I saw Izu getting pinned by a punk. I don't what i felt but this feeling just flooded over me, so without thinking my body moved on it on and i started walking towards them then my hands started exploding little explosions
"GET AWAY FROM HER YOU BASTARD" i shouted at this man
"Go away kid and who are you anyway? Her boyfriend" the man spoke back
"I am your worst nightmare but if you don't let her go she will kill you" i said with venom
"And yes i am her boyfriend so back off" i continued
I saw her starting to get fidgety she really wanted to kill this guy but she was trying not to get her yandare side out.
"What ever kid, i could do so much better than him" he said as he turned towards her. I grabbed her wrist and walked out of that isle far away from that guy.
Then i relaised she was fidgety because she was scared.
"Are you okay dumbass?" i asked with concern linhering im my voice
"...yeah i'm ok, thanks" she replaied but she was still shaking. I don't know what camed over me but i hugged her.
"I'm glad your safe" i mumbled quitely. Then i felt her hug me back. We seperated from the hug and we went to get the dumbells then gone to find her friend ty. When we did find Ty we went to the cashire to pay for what i brought. Then we exited the shop.
We walked around the shop till we stoped
"Dumbass why did you stop?" I asked
"Riiight sooo i need to get some stuff from this shop so either you come with me and ty or you stay outside" she was pointing at a clothing shop i wanted to say no but i need some more t-shirts
"I'll go with you two i need some t-shirts any way." I said as i fllowed them.
(5 mins later)
We exited the shop after we payed then we went to the sopt we were supposed to meet with everyone but since we were early the girls decided to go to the near McDonald's so all three of us got some drinks and went outside waiting for the others.
Setsuko's POV
We walked back to the meeting spot while carring large bags with blankets and pillows and snacks.
Aratani carried the bag with all the snacks while me and akahito are carrying the biggest bag with lots of blankets and pillows so i held one of the handel and akahito held the other. Me and him were talking about our quirks and how crazy there are. After loads of walking we arrived at the meeting spot and we saw Ty, Izu and Suou they were waiting for us while drinking McDonald's drinks.
"Aww man izu-chan you should of got me one too" akahito whined
"Nah, suck it bitch" she said as she showed him the middle finger i giggled at their stupidness
"Tyyy-chan please tell me you got me a drink" he said
Ty just nodded and handded him a large coca cola out of no where.
"Thank you" he said as if he was dieing and camed back to life.
Everybody laughed at his stupidness.
Oh did i mention that Akahito , Ty and Izu are the three demonic kids in UA, their know as The Deamon Kids and let me explain what they do, so these idiots cause trouble from spreading rumours to pranking the staff and snicking out at night for a trip to McDonald's for food, you wondering how i know this well i was ith them when one othese happened at it was fucking 3 in the morning and i asked them if they do this often and said yes and they only get either milkshakes or hot chocolate nothing to heavy and only happens twice a week. (Anyway back to the present)
We were nearly back to our dorms and everybody was getting tiered as we all got the chanse of carying the heavy blankets and pillows.
(10 mins later)
We arrived at the dorm and Akemi opened it
"Ho guys what took you all so long it nearly seven" she asked concerned with the amount of hours we were gone.
"Sorry but we had to stop on our way to a convinace store to get more snacks cause some morans were eating the ones we got on the way here" i said as i send a death glare to Izu, Ty and Akahito
"So whats the movie did you guys picked?" I asked curiously also knowing that it a horror movie.
"We picked Chucky"
"Thats great" i said with a bit of fear in my voice. I love scary movies don't get me wrong but chucky is...well to demonic.
After 30 minutes of everyone making a big pillow fort for 12 people we started setteling in.
I was in the fort with Ty, Izu, Suou,'why yes this dumbass was here too im gusseing because of Akemi's brothers and Akahito. Anyway back to listing' Akemi and her bros, Aratani and...Akahito and the others were either on the couch or on the floor. Akemi pressed play and the movie began.
Couple of minutes of the movie a jumpscare comes up and i jump a little but then i feel something go up on my back i jump and fall on my vack on to something or someone.
"Ahh sorry setsuko i just wanted to scare you i didn't mean this to happen" Akahito whispered
(Izzywrites57- you wandering how she fell she felled on her back on Akahito's chest cause why not 😏😋)
"I-it o-ok d-don't worry a-a-about it >\\\<" i sturttered 'why tf did i stutter' i thought to my self
"Oh thank god i thought you were about to get mad." He whispered. I sat back up and i saw izu litrally kinda cuddeling with Suou. I took a picture then sent it to the group chat with akemi, aratani, ty and me.
Dumb bitches gc
#Insomniac bitch attached an attachment#
Quite child: whos that
Goddess: OMG is that izu with Suou??
Watterfall: wait whos that ?? 🤨
Insomniac bitch: it izu kinda cuddeling with souo because of the scary movie.
Waterfall: shouldn't you be cuddeling with akahito, setsuko?? 😏
Insomniac bitch: 😳 n-no
Waterfall: how the fuck do you stutter through text??
Quite child: lmao
Insomniac bitch: this is not about me
I looked around the tent to see akemi, aratani and ty giggling quitely then i looked at izu and saw her kinda asleep on souo's houlder and he kinda felt asleep on her head. I was about to take another picture when i felt a wheight on my shoulder, i looked down and saw akahito on MY shoulder, i felt my cheeks quicky warming up but then i relaised i didn't take another picture of izu and suou so i did take another picture after that i felt really sleepy and decided to put my head on top of Akahito's and sleep slowly took over me.
Akemi's POV
I saw setsuko put her head on Akahito's so i took a picture after i did that my younger brothers tapped my shoulder and i looked at them
"We are going back to our dorms now see you tomorrow sis"
"Ok, sleep well" i said as they left.
After that i took my phone out and texted izu
Crazy Yanedere
Goddess: i see you and suou cuddeling, are you scared of the movie
Crazy yandere: yea im scared because i hate horror movies so what is it to you
Goddess: woah chill im just teasing, but are you okay you seem flustered even through text.
Crazy yandere: uh yeah i gusse im just sleepy
I put my phone away and then i saw on my shoulder aratani sleeping. I blushed for a second then i turned towards the tv and continued watching.
Izu's POV
I felt sleepy so i put my head on Suou's shoulder and thats when i felt my eyes closing slowly.
Suou's POV
I felt a wheight on my shoulder so i looked and saw izu on my shoulder sleeping peacefully. I felt my cheeks getting warm so i put my head on top of hers and slowly going into slumber.
Izzywrires57 here sorry i didnt post alot but to make up for that here is chapter 2 and 3 and i am sorry for any spelling errors. Thank you for reading.
Stay safe and drink water i gusee (●w●)
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The Heart of the Sea pt. 2
June 10, 1922
The lantern room was filled with the warm, golden glow of the late afternoon sun. It bore down on Bard’s face, tiny beads of sweat forming on his nose as he squinted, his attention darting between the brass encased gauges and his log while he recorded the invaluable data. Outside his glass and steel cage, a pair of seagulls bickered noisily over a piece of bread on the catwalk, a series of metallic scrapes and clangs of their skuffle echoing in the otherwise silent room. It set Bard’s teeth on edge.
He growled, ledger dwindling to an illegible scrawl in his haste to finish, before slamming the pencil beside the thick book and stomping over to the metal door. Groaning in objection underneath Bard’s merciless grip, it opened with a bang. 
“Piss off!” he shouted, waving his arms exaggeratedly as he charged at the offending birds.
They squawked, immediately taking flight when he approached, and circled in the sky above him just to taunt him before setting off toward the sea. 
“Stupid birds,” he mumbled, kicking the forgotten scrap of bread off the ledge.
Leaning back against one of the connecting steel beams, he plucked a cigarette from behind his ear and lit it with a flourish of his lighter. He closed it, the lid giving a ringing click before he slipped it back into the pocket of his uniform jacket. Billowing wisps of smoke poured from his mouth as he sighed, a mournful smile on his lips, light blue gaze trained on the glittering horizon. It was funny, he thought, taking another drag, he’d never intended on taking up the habit. Hadn’t been tempted by them in the past--before the war. His left shoulder ached in remembrance, though it was nothing compared to the gaping emptiness in his chest. Yes, there were a lot of things that happened which he hadn’t intended. War was funny like that. 
He stood abruptly upright, coughing in a feeble attempt to seal off the swelling emotions that threatened to seep to the surface. He needed a distraction. Turning back toward the lantern room, he glanced down at his wristwatch, relief washing over him when he realized it was only half past seven. That was plenty of time. He had an hour before the lantern needed to be lit.
His hurried footsteps echoed off the brick walls of the spiraling staircase as he descended the great tower, only pausing when he snagged the stiff navy blue hat from the hook he had installed next to the entrance. He hated the thing, but he was a lighthouse keeper and people expected him to look the part. 
Upon exiting, he took one last drag from his gasper, extinguishing the still smoking stub against the heel of his shoe before flicking it into an empty clay pot he kept by the entryway for that express purpose and ran his fingers through his hair before donning his cap. Deeply breathing in the sweet salt air, he closed his eyes, relishing in the slight relief it gave to the unsettling irritation that had ensconced itself in his gut. He sighed and opened his eyes before stepping out from the shade of the lighthouse, his feet subconsciously leading him to the one place that would ease his agitation--the beach.
He didn’t know what had gotten into him. He’d been out of sorts all week. Since that stormy night, to be exact. And, though he’d not heard the mysterious hum since, the urge it bore remained, clawing at his insides like a rusty hook. An all-consuming, persistent yearning. 
Torturous as it was, Bard was secretly grateful for its presence. Otherwise, he would’ve thought he was going quite mad. There had been enough doubt that plagued his mind about that night. Even now, when he thought back on it, the memory was hazy and surreal, like a dream. Had it not been for the uncomfortable vestige the encounter had left with him, he would have chalked it all up to that, just a vivid nighttime vision. And the man he had met no more than a mere fantasy.
An image of the man flashed in Bard’s mind--brilliant eyes sparking, his plump lips curved in a smile while his soaked-through clothes sumptuously outlined his deliciously sculpted form--and he froze, heart fluttering at the memory. If he were fully honest with himself, the stranger was the reason he ventured down to the beach every day, combing miles of the shoreline. All for the ludicrous hope that he might catch a glimpse of the onyx-haired mystery. He had even asked around a few of the local hotels, thinking perhaps he might’ve been a tourist, but every time he left disappointed. 
It was silly, someone his age chasing a spectre like he was some lovestruck schoolboy. But he couldn’t--no, wouldn’t stop. For too long he had been empty, a husk of a man, devoid of feeling and purpose. But this...this sparked something in him, rekindled the dying embers of his soul with the whispering promise that he might have a chance at being something more than how the war had left him. And he wasn’t willing to give that up.
The breeze was gentle, the rolling of the lulling tide rhythmic and peaceful when he stepped foot on the beach. Gulls flew overhead, crying as they glided just above the surface of the water, dodging the few kites they encountered along their way. Sandpipers darted this way and that, frantically pecking away at the wet sand for food before fleeing the next oncoming wave. Along the shore, the white sand was littered with groups of people, tourist and local alike, who had come to enjoy the remaining sunlight before returning home. Children laughed and squealed as they ran about while their parents sat underneath the shelter of an umbrella, content to watch from afar, most likely thankful for a moment to sit undisturbed. Young couples walked arm in arm, casting wary glances behind them, hoping no one would catch them while they attempted to inconspicuously slip away to the shelter of Lover’s Cove. Years of attentive care had allowed him to create a place of safety, of refuge for any who came here. And, on any other day, such a scene might have brought Bard some sense of satisfaction, but not today.
He gave a brief smile, waving in passing to Mr. and Mrs. Midford, who sat beneath a large parasol while their daughter, Lizzie, kept trying to get her friend, Sieglinde’s, attention so she could see the beautiful seashell necklace she had strung together. The other young woman paid her no mind, too consumed with a chemistry book to be bothered. Bard snorted, shaking his head as Lizzie dejectedly bemoaned something to the effect of ‘If I had known you were going to have your nose buried in books all day, I wouldn’t have invited you to stay with us,’ and set off toward what had quickly become a familiar haunt, where he had first seen him.
He nodded, tipping his cap to those who greeted him along the way, and muttered a hurried “hello” as he passed. He even paused long enough to give a visiting couple directions to the Noah’s Ark pub. And though none of those interactions took any time at all, they made him more anxious, more desperate to break free, like they were taking up time he didn’t have to give. Even his steps felt sluggish, like his shoes were weighed down with sand. 
Cresting one of the rolling hills of the shore, a doubting voice nagged, not for the first time today, what are you doing? Did he really think this was going to change the reality of the way things were? Was he so deprived of real human connection that he was willing to scour the coastline to seek the company of a man he’d not even had a legitimate conversation with?
Growling to himself, Bard shoved those thoughts aside. Maybe he was right to doubt, to question the soundness of his thinking. But there was a stronger pull, as sure as instinct, which told him this time would be different. He had to give it a try, at least. Besides, it couldn’t hurt, could it?
He was so consumed by his thoughts that he hadn’t noticed it at first, the steady ebbing of the tension from his limbs, the slowing of the clawing. It wasn’t until his steps had stopped of their own accord that he looked up, heart thundering in his chest when his gaze rested on him.
He was a vision in white. The well-tailored cream suit fit his athletic frame like a glove, accentuating every angle, every curve in such a way that made Bard’s mouth water, the evening sunlight doing his visage more justice than lantern light could. His ivory skin glowed with the molten light as he looked over the glistening sea toward the approaching sunset, the same light gilding his onyx locks and catching entrancingly in his mahogany gaze. 
“Why, hello.” 
Bard froze, his brain short circuiting at the greeting, the man’s dulcet tone effectively erasing any coherent thought from his mind. Fuck! he thought, swallowing dryly, cotton-mouthed as the man turned to face him. Fuck! For all the time he had spent thinking back on their last encounter, Bard had never considered what he would say if he did see him again.
The man’s brows furrowed slightly at his silence and cocked his head in question, a subtly amused smile ghosting his lips. “You seem familiar. Have we met before?”
“Yeah,” Bard stammered once he found his voice and cleared his throat, doing his best to flash a confident smile, “I’m the bloke who saved you from gettin’ swept away last week. Don’t know why you thought it was a good idea to come down here in the middle of the storm.”
Bard wanted to slap himself. That was what he was opening with? 
To his relief, the man didn’t seem put off by his blunt introduction. Rather, he chuckled, his smile widening before taking a step forward. “Ah, yes, I remember now,” he said, his tone light with recognition, voice dripping like honey, “I hoped I would see you again so I could thank you properly.”
Bard could only blink, his stomach clenching with anticipation at the promise of the stranger’s words.
The man glanced down, coming to stand within arm’s length of the lighthouse keeper, his cream-hued loafers tracing aimless shapes in the sand, while continuing, “You’ll have to forgive my foolish curiosity. My work keeps me confined to the open sea and its depths most days, so I was intrigued by the possibility of seeing a storm from land.”
“Well, I can’t say that I blame ya,” Bard answered, clapping a hand down on the man’s shoulder and giving it a reassuring squeeze when their gazes met, “It’s dangerous, but it’s quite a sight.”
A strange, knowing look flickered in the man’s eyes, simply answering, “Indeed.”
At that, Bard lowered his hand, trailing along the soft sleeve of the man’s suit jacket. His fingers twitched when his arm came to rest by his side once more, a yearning ache in his chest in the absence of contact.
“Actually,” the man continued, “I’m new to the area. Do you happen to have time to give me a little tour?”
Bard mustered all his self control to hold his tongue when the man flashed him a breathtaking grin. Everything in him screamed to accept. However, one glance down at his wristwatch had him swearing beneath his breath.
“Is something the matter?”
Bard looked up to find the man staring curiously down at his watch. “Uh, yeah. Sorry, but I’m actually late for my shift. I can ring a friend of mine to see if he could take you instead, if you’d like.”
The man cast his gaze toward the waves, pouting ever so slightly before turning to look at Bard again. Smiling now as if in apology, he took another step toward him, rapidly closing the distance between them.
“That won’t be necessary; I can wait. After all, it was your company I desired for that adventure.” He paused, gaze never leaving Bard’s as he reached out and brushed his fingers over the buttons of Bard’s jacket, his voice dipping an octave lower, the sound making Bard’s cock twitch. “Surely you can’t begrudge me for wanting to spend a few hours in the presence of such a handsome man.”
Bard’s cheeks warmed at the unexpected turn, his heart fluttering, his resolve quickly crumbling beneath the intensity of the stranger’s gaze and the luring temptation of his words.
“Um, I could show you round tomorrow,” he offered, “Town’s not that big, so it won’t take all that long. Meet here ‘bout five?”
“Sounds excellent. I look forward to it, Mister…?”
“Oh!” Bard gasped, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck, extending the other to the man in belated greeting, “Name’s Baldroy, but you can call me Bard. Everyone else does.”
“Hmmm,” the man hummed, another smile lighting his face before clasping Bard’s offered hand, “It is a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Bard.”
“No need for ‘mister.’ Bard’s just fine.” 
“Very well, Bard.” 
He sighed, the sound just short of a groan, cock growing firm as his name fell from those full lips a second time. Though it had been uttered in simple conversation, there was something about it that seemed forbidden. Sinful. Enticing. And he would do anything to hear it again.
If the man had noticed how utterly disarmed he was, it didn’t show. Instead he gave Bard’s hand a gentle squeeze with his long, slender fingers and added, “I am Sebastian.”
He cast a checking glace around them before drawing Bard’s hand up in a fluid motion. Bard gave a shuddering breath, skin tingling in the wake of the feeling of Sebastian’s soft, warm lips against the back of his hand. Mahogany met sky blue. The air thickened with tense promise, their hands remaining clasped as they lowered and he added a second time, “Sebastian Michaelis.”
Part two of seven
Part one here
Another huge thank you to @plague-of-insomnia for beta-ing this chapter! You’re such a joy to work with and you’ve helped me learn so much. 
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t-lostinworlds · 5 years
If I Can’t Have You (Shawn Mendes)
A/N: Am I late? Pretty much lol then again I’m always late. I wasn’t going to but the song is still stuck in my head (cuz it’s a whole ass bop and I love it) and it created this whole concept in my mind and I thought I’ll just write to get it over with. Also got a little carried away with the length lol sorry. Kind of a different interpretation of the song but hope you guys like it! x
Summary: From Best Friends to being FWBs, Shawn puts a stop to it when he realizes that he’s falling deeper for you than he should and assumes that you don’t reciprocate, only to find out later that it was a huge miscommunication and that he wants all of you, all the strings attached.
Warnings: None but Typos
Word Count: 7k+
Masterlist in Bio
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Shawn shouldn't have went with it, better yet, he shouldn't have suggested it in the first place. He knew from the very beginning that it was probably a bad idea, but he couldn't resist himself, couldn't resist her. He never could when it comes to her.
So when she was complaining and ranting about how embarrassing it was that at her age, she was still a virgin, or "inexperienced" as she'd worded, and that she just wanted to get it over with but it was hard because she wanted to lose it to someone who she truly trusts, Shawn proposed an idea that he knew would eventually haunt him.
"What if I show you how?" The words had come out of his mouth before he could even stop himself. Shawn doesn't know if it was because of the alcohol he'd consumed earlier, or the way she just looks so irresistible in her simple sleep shorts and her–well, his oversized shirt.
His long time best friend, (Y/N), halted her movements, wide yet curios eyes staring back at him as if she hadn't heard him correctly. "What do you mean?" She asked slowly, heart racing as her mind thought of so many things in a span of a minute. Though she already knows a bit of what he was suggesting, she wanted to be a hundred percent sure that what's one her mind was the same thing that's on his.
Shawn shrugged, fingers picking at the white material of his couch where they were seated, the movie they were supposed to be watching was long forgotten as his eyes landed behind her, the beautiful view of Toronto at night staring back at him. He took a few seconds to contemplate the thought in his head, weighing in the pros and cons of what he was about to suggest and then settled for: it won't hurt to try right?
He heaved a deep sigh, bottom lip caught between his teeth before meeting her gaze again. "I mean, if you want to get it over with, but only if you're a hundred percent okay with it, I can help, with your inexperienced-ness I mean."
(Y/N) still stared at him with the same amount of surprise from before, her eyes showing how she puts two and two together until realization took over her whole face, a mixture of hope and fear glimmering in her eyes but Shawn only saw the fear, his mind jumping straight into a conclusion when she spoke. "Shawn, do you have–"
"No! It's not like that. You're my best friend, I love you, and I care about you a lot but not like that, I swear." Are you sure it's not like that? Shawn felt his cheeks heat up as he looked down, knowing that his inner voice was probably right no matter how much he says he doesn't see her in that way.
Because let's be honest here, (Y/N) has been the most amazing and kind-hearted person to have ever graced his life, who's been there for him through it all and has never doubted him even when he was doubting himself. To top it all off, she's breathtakingly beautiful in every way, a timeless beauty that Shawn just can't stop but be in awe of her every single time. Whether it's just her in a casual sweatpants and shirt or when she dresses to impress every ogre occasion.
Though he wants more, Shawn's never gathered the courage to act upon it, knowing that she doesn't feel that way towards him, only sees him as the best friend he's always been.
But what Shawn missed to see when he looked away from the girl in front of him, was the flash of hurt and disappointment that overtook her face, and just when he casted his eyes back on her, her expression was quick to change, masking what she was really feeling on the inside as she gave him a subtle nod and a shy smile. "Oh, right. Yeah, okay."
Shawn furrowed his eyebrows at her words. "Okay? You mean–"
"Okay, as in okay."
"You're okay with it? You're going to do it?" Shawn wanted to slap himself at the very obvious excitement tone in his voice, causing his cheeks to flush when she giggled and looked at him weirdly before speaking.
"I mean it does sound a bit crazy, but I do trust you with my life and to come and think about it, I'd rather lose it to you than to some other guy who doesn't give a shit. Plus, how bad can you be?" (Y/N) quirked a teasing eyebrow at him, hoping to ease some of the tension that hung in the air due to the fact that they were about to do something completely out of both their comfort zones.
"Oooh don't go there (Y/N). Remember, I'm not the virgin one here." Shawn retaliated with a tilt of his head, crossing his arms over his chest with a smug grin when he saw her cheeks visibly flush. "Shut up." A pillow was soon thrown in his direction making Shawn flinch at the impact with a throw of his head back in laughter which was soon accompanied by her giggles, but the noise was quick to die down, replaced by that deafening silence that made the both of them even more nervous.
"But I don't want things to get awkward between us Shawn." She admitted with a sigh, fear lingering in her heart because she just knows that when this is over, things might not be the same anymore, and she doesn't want to lose what she has with Shawn, even if it's the bare minimum of what she actually wants.
"It won't. This will only be a one-time thing. No strings attached." Shawn reassured with the best real smile he can muster, words contradicting to what his heart was screaming, his brain warning him that this wasn't going to be just as easy as saying no strings attached.
(Y/N) nodded slowly, lips pursed as she pointed an accusing finger at the curly boy, "and this is will only stay between you and me Mendes."
Shawn chuckled, putting both his hands up in surrender as he stared right into her eyes, grin on his lips as he said, "Not going to tell a soul. Only you and me."
Still a bit skeptical, (Y/N) held up her pinky in front of her with a playful glare, Shawn's heart warming at the sight since this has always been their thing for as long as he can remember, even until now when they were already grown adults. "Pinky swear?"
Shawn lets out a soft chuckle as he leaned forward, wrapping his pinky finger around hers with a bright smile, hazel orbs boring into her own and speaking with pure promise, "Pinky swear."
"So, are we doing it now?" She asked shyly once they pulled away, fingers now picking on the hem of her shorts, absentmindedly exposing her lap more so, Shawn's eyes flickering down on it for a second before he quickly shook his thought away with a deep breath, even if what flashed in his mind was probably going to happen next.
With a shrugged of his shoulders, Shawn leaned back on the couch with a calm, reassuring smile on his face, "Whenever you're ready love."
(Y/N) swallowed the lump that formed in her throat at the nickname, it somewhat holding a different meaning than most nicknames he just causally throws around, but she didn't let herself think about it too much. "Okay, well I don't really know how to start these kind of things Shawn, I mean I know it starts with a kiss or something but you get what I mean." She pointed out the obvious, earning a hearty laugh from the boy.
"Okay, okay, I'll start." Shawn nodded as he stood to his full height, her eyes following his form as he makes his way in front of her, both hands extended for her to take, and nervously, she did as she followed his actions, both of them now standing face to face, Shawn's large hands wrapped around hers gently, his thumb caressing the back of it.
Shawn knew she was nervous, her not meeting his eyes was a dead giveaway, along with the way her tiny hands were shaking in his hold, but he completely understands, hell he was even nervous himself.
"Hey." He called out softly, her eyes snapping up to look at him. "Don't be nervous it's just me. It's just Shawn. And if you don't want to do it, it's okay." Shawn gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, (Y/N) smiling up at him full of gratitude, heart melting at how much of a sweet boy he's being, and that only makes her want to do it more, knowing that Shawn will always take care of her no matter what the cost, even if it's just as a best friend.
"No, I want to do it. I'm ready." (Y/N) gave him a nod as she held his gaze, a go signal if you will, her eyes telling him that she was truly ready, that it was okay, so he continued.
Taking a step closer, Shawn let's go of one of her hand to cup her cheek, bodies only centimeters away from each other as she looked up at him anxiously while Shawn stared at her with an expression she can't quite put a finger on yet.
Shawn's eyes scanned her face, thumb grazing softly against her skin as he slowly dipped his head down, the tip of his nose now brushing against her own and the look that she gave him was an indication that she was getting too much into her head, making him let out a soft chuckle, "Don't stress about it too much okay? I'll take care of you, I've got you." He whispered, hot breath fanning against her lips and this drove (Y/N) crazy.
She closed her eyes to try and calm herself down a bit as her heart was pounding against her chest, so hard that she's afraid it's going to burst through.
Shawn was the same, head spinning at how close she is, her pretty lips just an inch or two away, and he just wants nothing more than to kiss them, that's all he's ever been wanting for as long as he can remember.
Once (Y/N) opened her eyes again after a few seconds, she gave Shawn a light nod, a nervous smile playing on her lips as she nudges the tip of her nose with his, Shawn's grin widening as he hummed at the cute gesture, "Don't overthink too much, just let it happen."
And without wasting any more seconds, Shawn closed the gap between them, lips pressed softly against hers as he felt sparks fly–as cliché as that sounds–with a kiss that's tender, passionate yet careful as he doesn't want to rush her. Shawn couldn't help but sigh in pure content at that taste of her, the feeling of her lips against his all too overwhelming for him.
(Y/N) was quick to melt into the kiss, her arms slowly wrapping around his neck as her fingers played with the curls on the back of his head, Shawn's arms taking home around her waist as he pulls her even closer, a desire growing and burning inside of him, a need of more.
Deepening the kiss with her consent, Shawn slowly picked up his pace, up until he was carrying her to his bedroom, ready to show her an amazing, beautiful night and treat her as she deserves and more.
(a/n: if u guys want me to write a detailed part of what happened, just let me know asdfghjkl)
But after that whole ordeal, they were faced with one problem: It didn't end up being a one-time thing.
They did it again and again, and again. In his bedroom, in hers, in the shower, the living room, the kitchen, pretty much Shawn's whole condo and a little sprinkle all around her place as well, all in numerous yet different occasions.
When she comes over for a movie night, after they go party at a club, when they're casually just chilling, or when he comes over at her place to keep her company, and it was consistently like that for almost a full month.
They didn't give it a label but to the world, it's typically called 'Friends with Benefits', or in Shawn's and (Y/N)'s case, 'Best Friends with Benefits' since they pretty much have known each other for majority of their lives.
But as expected in the likes of these kinds of situations, things got way out of hand, well, for Shawn at least. Because even if he said no strings attached, every single string was getting attached one by one as time goes by. Until it came to a point when it wasn't just casual sex anymore and things got more intimate than he had anticipated.
She'd make breakfast in the morning whenever she's over and Shawn would always come up behind her, wrapping his arms around her form as he places soft kisses on her neck, which then leads to a whole other activity.
Shawn found himself feeling all giddy every time he wakes up with her in his arms, her peaceful state when she's asleep so endearing as the soft morning light touches her skin, and when she slowly stirs awake, beautiful yet tired smile on her lips as she looks up at him, he knew that he was done for, that he was falling deeper and deeper into this hole. Shawn being as he is, his first reaction to everything was a coward's one.
He knew he had to end it, whatever it was between them and bring it back to what they were before, normal best friends.
Shawn knew–well he thinks–that she just doesn't feel the same way, she would've spoken about it if that was the case because (Y/N) was the one to always tell him what she feels. And to add to that, nothing changed with the way she treated him, it was all the same as how a best friend would, so Shawn wouldn't get his hopes up and assume that she feels something remotely different, because like he said, she sees him as the best friend and nothing more.
Plus, Shawn felt like he's holding her off, depriving her from finding someone who she truly wants and deserves. So, he had to do what's best for both of them, well, at least what he thinks was best.
"(Y/N) I need to tell you something." Shawn has been dreading this since last night, his mind running a million miles per minute as he rubbed his hand together, teeth getting caught between his teeth as he refuses to look at the girl who was stood across from him, the kitchen island putting some much needed space between the two.
"Okay, I need to tell you something too." She nodded with a nervous smile, foot tapping on the floor anxiously as she played with her fingers, the tension in the air almost suffocating as the two people radiated so much nervous energy.
With a purse of his lips, Shawn leaned on the marble countertop, trying his best to seem unfazed when in reality; he was scared as to how this would go down. "Well, ladies first."
The girl tilted her head at the curly boy with a raise of her brow, standing fully straight as she crossed her arms over her chest, "No, you go first."
A smile tugged at Shawn's lips, finding her stubbornness so adorable as he always does, he finds everything about her adorable to be honest. "(Y/N)." He warned playfully, narrowing his eyes at her as if that would intimidate her.
"Shawn." She mocked with a roll of her eyes, and this made Shawn throw his head back with a laugh, the sound easing the tension in the air as (Y/N)'s face brightened.
"Okay, okay fine, I'll go first." And just like that, they were back to their nervous ways, Shawn remembering why they were here in the first place.
(Y/N) waited anxiously as to what he had to say, but when Shawn did speak, she was nowhere near thinking the same as he was.
"Uhm, well, this whole, casual hook-up thing..." Shawn started, hand gesturing between the both of them so prove his point. He saw her face slightly fall, her lips forming into a tight line as she nodded for him to continue. Taking a deep breath, he blurted, "I think it needs to stop."
(Y/N)'s whole demeanor changed at his words, and Shawn was quick to catch this so he added, "It has nothing to do with you in bed I swear. You're good in that area now, like really good." (Y/N)'s face flushed at his words and Shawn mirrored this, the image of her in his bed doing wondrous things slowly clouding his mind but he quickly pushed the thought away as he cleared his throat.
"I just don't want this to ruin our friendship because I heard things like this doesn't always end up good. I also think that I'm holding you off to going out and date if you know what I mean?" He smiled shyly, hand coming up to rub the back of his neck as a nervous habit of his.
She nodded her head frantically, a smile now back on her face but Shawn wasn't sure if it was real or not. "Yeah! Yeah, I totally get it, that's what I was going to tell you too. Great minds think alike huh?" She winked with a small laugh but after that, she wouldn't meet Shawn's eyes anymore.
"Yeah, good." Shawn chuckled awkwardly, his heart falling to the floor, knowing that she in fact doesn't feel the same way or at least that what he tries to tell himself, because sometimes when you're in love with someone, you paint things in your head, and that'll end up hurting you in the process if that picture wasn't happening in reality, and Shawn doesn't want that for himself.
So it's better if he thought about the bigger picture that she doesn't feel the same way, rather than grasping on the tiny bits of hope and then he just gets let down in the future.
"Oh no something came up. I need to go." (Y/N) rambled as she checks her phone, there was nothing really on there but she needed an excuse to get out before she suffocates completely and before Shawn could even digest her words, she was already rushing to the door.
"(Y/N) wait!" Shawn called out with a confused look on his face, making her stop mid-step, hand rested on the doorknob as she turned her head back to look at him with a hum, hopeful yet sad, empty eyes staring back at him making Shawn frown, "Nothing will change between us right?" He asked cautiously as an uneasy feeling settled in the boy's stomach, and the girl only nodded, lips curved up into a small smile. "Of course, you're still my best friend dork."
Shawn wasn't able to respond because she was already out the door before he can get a word out, the frown still deep in his face as he stood there, eyes glued on the wood that hid his best friend from plain sight and hid her indeed since Shawn missed to see the tear that escaped her eyes and the sot sob that slip her lips as she rushed out of his building.
And no matter what they promised each other, things did change between them after that.
Shawn was at the bar with the crew somewhere in Europe, people enjoying their time as they rose their glasses up, him laughing occasionally and acknowledging anyone who throws a question his way. From the outside looking in, people would've assumed Shawn was just casually having fun with his friends, but if they actually paid him close attention, they would see that his mind was elsewhere.
"Shawn, you okay bro?" Brian asked as he noticed Shawn doze off for maybe twice that he's actually caught him doing so. "Wha – yeah! I'm great. Why?" The curly boy shrugged, avoiding his friend's eyes as he threw his head back to take another swig of his beer.
Brian chuckled at Shawn's poor attempt of lying. "You do know I'm the only person who knows you more than you know yourself right? Well, except (Y/N) of course." Shawn almost choked on his beer at the mention of her name making Brian's grin widen. "Bingo. Still can't stop thinking about her eh?"
"Shut up. I'm not thinking about her." Shawn scoffed with a roll of his eyes, though the blush on his cheeks was enough to give it away that Brian was telling the truth.
To say that Shawn misses her would be an understatement. Sure they texted occasionally but it wasn't as often as they used to anymore. They rarely even hang out whenever he's back home, and Shawn wasn't sure who was avoiding who the most, because despite saying that they were still the same old best friends, the other seems to reason all the time that they were busy and they couldn't come over.
Shawn tried not to avoid her but how can he not when every time he sees her, his feelings just get harder to control? He can't move on from his feelings if he doesn't put some much needed distance between the two of them. Besides, (Y/N) has been distant herself as well, no matter how much she says that she's busy, Shawn knows that it wasn't as much as she'd let on, he is her best friend after all.
He even tried to fly her out to Amsterdam for his first show but she said she had important things to do in school that she can't make it, and even though Shawn tried to understand, he was a bit disappointed that she wasn't there, it would've mean the absolute world to have her there. And now he wished he would've done things differently that night to at least save their friendship from burning to complete ashes.
"When are you going to man up and just confess your feelings dude?" Shawn blinked at Brian's words, his eyes narrowing at the ginger boy as he looked at him with a confused face, since Shawn told no one about his feelings, like not a single soul. "Oh come on, you've been looking at her with heart eyes since what, 7th grade? Like I said, I'm your best friend, gotta give me more credit than that."
"Then why can't she see that if it's that obvious?" Shawn grumbled, bringing the cold bottle up to his lips again as he swallowed the bitter liquid, the alcohol flooding his blood only making things even more complicated as his mind keeps wandering off to her and her only.
"It's not obvious bro. to the normal eye it would've just looked like a best friend adoring his female best friend. But I just have been very observant and I know there's something different in the way you look at her." Brian reassured his friend, and Shawn only nodded with a defeated sigh.
"Also why would I confess to her when I know she doesn't feel the same? She's going on dates now Bri and she's happy. Why would I embarrass myself and possibly ruin our friendship by saying I'm in love with her?" Shawn states the obvious even if it made his heart sting a little because it was true. (Y/N) has been back on the dating scene just recently and this just gives Shawn more reasons to get over his damn feelings.
Brian gave him a pointed look with a tilt of his head. "Isn't everything already getting there? Especially with what happened between you two?" Shawn choked on his beer for the second time tonight, his wide and horrified eyes staring at his friend as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, trying his best to regain his normal breathing.
Brian let's out an amused laugh at his reaction, proud grin on his face as boasted, "Oh yes Shawn, I know about your dirty little secret too. You guys aren't as sneaky as you think you are."
"How the fuck did you find out?" Shawn bemused, his voice raising an octave as he looked at Brian as if he's grown another head.
"Maybe you guys should check if all the guests have left your condo and none are still in the bathroom when you start going at it. Geez I still feel traumatized. I mean you guys are loud like, Yes Shawn yes." Brian mocked, a smirk plastered on his face as the curly boy turned extremely red, and it was not from the alcohol.
"Shut up Brian." Shawn groaned in pure annoyance, hiding his face with both palms, his mind going back to all the things they've done in that bedroom, or in his condo as a matter of fact.
And it's safe to say that (Y/N) ruined other girls for him. Shawn just can't find anyone else worthwhile to hook up with if it isn't her being that she just feels too good and amazing to even top. Yes he's tried to get with other girls, but they just fall short, they always do because she has set the bar high and Shawn knows no one could even compare to the feeling of her, nobody can ever compare to her period.
"Okay look, I'm just trying to say that you should tell her how you feel dude. It won't do any more damage to your friendship and I'm sure if there's anyone who'll understand it more, it's her. Just think about it bud." Brian gave Shawn's back a pat, the curly boy only frowning further at his best friend's words but didn't get any more context as the ginger boy walked away to talk with the rest of the group.
Shawn ran a hand through his hair frustratingly, very conflicted as to what he should do, if he should take Brian's advice or just let time settle in until he can finally get over his feelings for his best friend.
But judging by his state even a couple months in, Shawn knew he wasn't getting over her any time soon, especially when they still talk and dropping her out of her life was not an option.
Shawn just can't bear the thought of losing her completely, so having her in his life is a need for him, even if he only gets half of her, that being only his best friend.
The bustling streets down below and the beautiful Toronto skyline was ignored completely as Shawn sat on the couch with a deep frown on his face.
It was his first night back after the European leg of tour and the condo just feels the same as any hotel room around the world: cold and empty.
His phone was in his hand as he scrolled through the numerous text messages friends and family has sent him as they congratulated him with the success of this leg of tour. All of which were left unread as he searched for one particular conversation like he has spent most of his nights nowadays.
iMessage from (Y/N): Congrats on your tour rockstar. See you sometime soon. Love ya <3
Shawn ran a hand through his hair as he leaned back on the couch, a small smile playing on his lips as he scrolls even further to older messages, heart bursting whenever he reads something she said that just makes him smile no matter how much he tries not to, but sink at the same time whenever she mentions she's going on a date with some dude he already doesn't like.
Did they manage to get things back to the way they were? No. It was still the same thing from a few months ago, less communication and more avoiding.
With a sigh, Shawn turned off his phone and threw it on the cushion beside him, hand reaching out to the leather bound notebook that was sitting on the coffee table and flicking through the pages, most of which were songs written about and for her as he's always been the moment he caught on his feelings, and even before they had their little escapade in his bedroom.
Finally reaching the end part, Shawn was determined to finish this particular song which was almost done, some parts of it already recorded even. The melody that has been stuck in his minds since January – a month after he told her to end the FWB thing – coming back to him all fresh and clear as he adds a few changes to the lyrics, or final touches as some would say.
This was a way of Shawn to let all of his feelings out like how he's been doing it this past couple of months, but without actually going through the stress of confessing it to her face to face since he doesn't have the guts to do that yet.
Though knowing that this was going to be released in a couple weeks' time, Shawn needs to man up and grow the balls to do so, sooner rather than later.
"So this is where you've been hiding."
Shawn's head turned so fast at the all too familiar voice behind him, his sudden movement almost giving him a whiplash, but hell, just seeing her standing there in the flesh was enough to give him one.
"(Y/N), hi, you made it." A wide smile made its way on Shawn's face as he sighed at the sight of her, his whole body relaxing as she flashed him one of her bright smiles, one that he hasn't seen in a long time.
"Hey rockstar, and of course, wouldn't want to miss a free trip to New York." She joked with a tilt of her head, a hearty laugh coming out of the curly boy's mouth. "You sure it's not because you want to see your favorite person in the world?" Shawn spread his arms wide as if to showcase himself, but also to welcome her in his arms, her soft giggle making his heart skip a beat as it always does.
"Nah, Brian dragged me here actually so I didn't have much of a choice." She shrugged as she walked closer to him until she reached a cautious proximity, a shy smile now on her lips as she looks up at the gorgeous man who towered over her. "Of course he did." Shawn chuckled, wrapping his arms around her waist as he pulled her in for a hug, both sighing in pure content at the feeling of warmth that the other radiates.
"God I missed you." Shawn whispered against her hair, the smell of her invading his nostrils making his head spin, intoxicatingly stronger than any alcohol could even dare to do so. The need in his voice was so evident but he didn't find himself to care, he just feels so happy to see her again, to hold her again if even it's short-lived.
"Missed you too dork." She smiled at him once they pulled away, the girl walking towards the railing of the balcony, leaning her on it with her forearms as she casted her eyes at the beautiful lights that glimmered through the night in the city of New York. Shawn followed her action as he stood beside her, his gaze falling at the city below for only a second as it was quick to be back on the beautiful girl who was next to him, he can never seem to take his eyes off of her whenever she's near.
The two people stood there without uttering another word, the sound of the busy street below the only thing preventing the silence between the two from becoming deafening. "Why exactly are you out here when your own launch party is happening inside?" (Y/N) spoke after a couple of moments as she turned her head to face Shawn with an eyebrow raised.
Shawn squared his shoulders with a pursed of his lips, eyes now avoiding hers as he casted it back at the night sky. "Just needed some air and just needed to clear my head." (Y/N) nodded but decided not to question him even further,
"Congrats on the song by the way, it's a very good one. I really like it." Shawn couldn't stop the proud grin that formed on his lips, heart pounding as his nerves started to take him over, since the song if pretty much about someone who's close with him, like literally.
"Thanks. It has a very beautiful inspiration or should I say muse behind it so yeah." Shawn flashed her a smile with a quick side glance, not being able look at her straight in the eyes yet, knowing that he was going to do something that would make or break everything between them.
"Oh really? It's reality based then? Who's it about?" She asked casually, but Shawn noticed the sudden change in her body language, like she was shying away from him again, her arms wrapped around herself as she stood straight, eyes still glued at the tall buildings in front of them. Shawn tried not to think much of it, but he knows her like that back of his hand so he couldn't stop that little hope from growing inside of him, urging him to continue.
"Yup, every single lyric. And well, it's about this amazing girl, very beautiful like god every time I see her my heart just skips a beat but not only that, she has the kindest heart ever, so sweet and caring. She wouldn't hurt a fly, well, unless you hurt someone she truly cares about then this feisty girl comes out. She's thinks she's funny but her jokes are so dead but I love every one of them because when she tells them, her whole face just lights up and she looks even more beautiful. She's like the epitome of perfection in my eyes. I don't care if I sound like I'm exaggerating but fuck, I just can't stop thinking about her." Shawn gushed, a wide, giddy smile on his lips as he ran a hand through his hair.
(Y/N) shifted on her feet as she swallowed the lump in her throat, which she quick to clear out with a soft giggle, acting like it doesn't faze her, how he's talking so fondly about this mystery girl she doesn't seem to know anything about, well at least not yet.
"So who's the lucky girl that Mr. Shawn Mendes seems to be so stuck on and is head over heels for?" She asked calmly, still unable to look at him in the eyes in fear that she might lose her composure knowing that she was slowly breaking on the inside but when Shawn titled his head to the side with a shy smile eyes still on her, she was nowhere near expecting the words that left his lips.
Shawn blurted the word without hesitation, turning his body so that now he was fully facing her, (Y/N)'s eyes snapping back at him as she stared at him all wide-eyed, confusion and shock written on her face as the curly boy only looked at her with a nervous, yet bright and genuine smile.
"The song is about you (Y/N), most of my songs has been." He confessed, taking a step closer towards the girl in front of him, hands itching to reach out to her but he didn't want to push his boundaries.
"Shawn I–" She trailed off, eyes showing so many emotions and this only made Shawn's heart pick up the pace but there was no turning back now, the words has already left his mouth, he might as well back it up.
"I don’t know what this will do to our friendship but I just can’t lie anymore (Y/N). I tried to move on and just forget about what happened between us, and be like the normal best friends we always have been but who are we kidding? Things aren't going back to the way they were, you and I both see that. But no matter how much I try to deny what I feel for you, it just becomes harder and harder to control each time." Shawn tried to read her face, but it was a mixture of so many emotions all at ones that he was having a hard time pin pointing on what's really on her head, and when she stayed silent, he continued.
"I probably just ruined our friendship because I know you don't feel the same way, but I'm in love with you (Y/N). I always have and probably, always will." Shawn closed his eyes with a deep breath, opening them again to stare right into hers as he finished, expecting her to reject him, to just leave and be out of his life for good but what she said was nowhere near the things he was preparing himself for.
"Shawn, you are an idiot."
Shawn was taken aback at her response, his eyes blinking as he looked at her with his mouth opening and then closing again, unable to come up with words to say as confusion only settled in his brain.
"Who told you that I don't feel the same way?" She clarified with a laugh, shaking her head in pure disbelief at the not-so-smart boy and Shawn felt like he could breathe again, the whole weight on his shoulders being lifted as he looked at her with nothing but pure relief.
"I just assumed you didn't because you agreed with me when I told you to stop what we were doing." Shawn reasoned, shaking his head at the situation at hand, finding it so humorous that all this time, everything has always been a big miscommunication, and she's right, Shawn has been a big ass idiot this whole time.
"Well you ended things so I assumed you didn't have any feelings so I didn't continue to tell you what I really felt that night. I was going to confess to you that night but you beat me too it. And you're the one who said no strings attached Shawn." She countered, crossing her arms over her chest with a soft glare, though it was obvious that she was biting her cheek to stop herself from grinning ear to ear.
"I knew you should’ve gone first. And I know I said that at first but fuck I was lying to myself. I know it was never going to be that because I could never stop myself from falling deeper in love with you. And right now? I want all the strings attached (Y/N), every single one of them." Shawn hands came up to touch her elbows, his touch trailing up and down her arms in a soft and gentle manner as he stared her down with nothing but so much truth in his eyes, making the girl smile with gratitude knowing that this game of who can hide who’s feelings more was finally over.
"Are you seriously quoting your own song right now?" She teased with a giggle making Shawn's whole body relax as he chuckled softly with a nod, taking another step closer until there were little to no space between them, one hand coming up as he rests two fingers on her chin, his head dipping down slowly to let the tip of his nose touch hers.
"Is it wrong for me to now want half? I want all of you, all the strings attached." Shawn sang softly with a smirk, hands coming down to grab at her waist, a smile tugging on the girl's lips as she couldn’t help but roll her eyes at his cheesiness.
"I don't know who the bigger idiot between the two of us is right now when we could’ve just told each other what we really feel." Shawn whispered deeply. She shook her head with a giggle, her own arms taking home on his broad shoulders as she tried to steady herself because Shawn's intense stare and beautiful, handsome face was enough to making her knees wobble.
"You. Because you really had to release a goddamn song to the world to confess how you feel when you could’ve just told me straight up." Shawn only shrugged at her words, knowing fully well that she knows that he was never one to be simple about anything.
A soft giggle left her lips as she sighed, her heart melting at the thought of what he actually just did, her fingers playing with the curls on the back of his head as she added, "You really just wrote and released a song about how you feel about me huh?"
Shawn hummed with a wide smile. "Hmm, I had to let the world know that everything means nothing if I can't have you."
"Shut up you dork." And shut him up she did when she pulled him down to capture his lips with hers, a soft groan coming out of the tall boy at the feeling of having her so close again, his reaction making (Y/N) giggle between the kiss. Shawn's heart grew ten times its size as he wrapped his arms fully around her form, pulling her inhumanly closer since he just can't get enough of her, and to be honest? He probably never will.
"And next time when I say ladies first, you, my lady, always comes first, you got that?" Shawn added between the kiss, pulling away slightly to shoot her a warning look. (Y/N) bit her bottom lip, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she tilted her head at him innocently.
"Hmm, does that include in the bedroom Mendes?" She purred, earning a low growl-like chuckle from Shawn as his eyes was quick to turn a shade darker, his hands going from the small on her back to further down, resting it on top of the swell of her ass and giving it a playful squeeze.
"Oh, especially in the bedroom."
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jace-beleren · 4 years
I’ve fallen deep down the rabbit hole of D&D, and I’ve mentioned previously that I super ship my character Casrius with my best friend’s character Mellina (we never intended this but shit happens). And now I’m feeling a dangerous combination of bored at work and self-indulgent so here I present: a comprehensive (and mostly chronological) list of Significant Moments™ that power this ship.
1. A few sessions in, Mellina (who has been very quiet and reserved to this point) agrees to go out on the town with the rest of the party, looping her arm through Casrius’.
2. Mellina tries alcohol for the first time. Casrius helps her back to her bunk, and she mumbles “I’m sorry I didn’t write you a letter today, Reyna” referring to her deceased sister. “She’ll forgive you, just this once. Go to sleep.”
2a. The next morning: “So that was a bit embarrassing last night, and very private. Just forget you heard anything.” “I’ve already forgotten what we’re talking about.”
3. The party visits a curio shop, Casrius finds a pipe and tries it out, only to find that it blows bubbles. Mellina bursts out laughing, and he responds with “Now that’s a beautiful sound.”
4. Havatha is the goddess of life, death, or both, depending on who you ask. Casrius poses as a cleric of the Death church, while Mellina is a staunch believer in “the balance” of both sides. They run into each other at the temple, and noticing that Casrius has only put money in one offering bowl: “I think you missed one.” “Did I?” *a few minutes of small talk* *as Casrius turns to leave* “Casrius, I have a riddle for you. If I drop a gold piece, and it lands with one side up, does that mean the other side doesn’t exist?” “Not at all, it just means that was the side I was meant to see. *bows and takes his leave*”
5. Casrius comes downstairs in the morning to join the party. To the artificer currently in disguise self: “This looks good.” Then to Mellina, noticing that she has her hair down for the first time in the campaign: “This also looks very nice.”
6. The party is discussing having Casrius fake-marry a local who’s been helping the party in order to get her papers to leave town. The druid, only partially listening and thinking the conversation is about Casrius and Mellina: “Oh really? Well congratulations you two, I always thought you’d be good together. I wish you all the happiness in the world.”
7. After watching Casrius over-pay for a bunch of goods and make a significant donation to the local orphanage: “You’re very generous with your money to complete strangers.” “This is where I grew up. That orphanage raised me, and these people don’t have it easy here. It’s the least I can do.”
8. Mellina is in some kind of debt situation that requires her to fulfill assassination contracts on demand from her employer. After receiving one with minimal time to prepare, she asks Casrius to help her while keeping it a secret from the rest of the team. Despite being adamant that she go alone, she finds Casrius waiting for her a block away from the target, sitting on a bench in the snowfall. She tries to walk past, but “Does your telepathic connection reach this far?” “Yes.” “Then set it up and let me know if you need help.” “*telepathically* Fuck off.”
8a. After the contract is successfully completed, Mellina states very clearly that she doesn’t want to talk about it. But the next night, slips a paper under Casrius’ door that just reads “Thanks”
9. Mellina gets to be better friends with the party’s druid and starts reading to him every night. Casrius shares a room with the druid at this point and refers to the experience as “a bit strange, yet oddly endearing.” At of today, “oddly endearing” has made a few more appearances.
10. In response to Casrius asking how the party can help when Mellina is issued a second contract: “Goddammit Casrius, I can handle this myself. I’m a professional and I’m perfectly capable of doing this on my own.” “I know you’re a professional and I know you’re capable, but we’re your friends and we care about what happens to you when you go off on a dangerous assassin mission by yourself.”
11. Casrius has spent an evening trying to teach the druid how to play dragoncheckers, with no success. Mellina wanders past and starts explaining rules that make no sense, eventually explaining that her brother made up wacky rules when they were kids. Casrius and the party’s artificer spend the rest of the night studying those rules.
12. Mellina invites Casrius out for a midnight stroll, linking arms in a callback to #1. What follows is a very deep conversation about the morality of her assassination contracts, since all the targets so far have been very bad people. Mellina also expresses that she’s in this situation against her will, but cannot talk about it any further than that. On the way back, they chat animatedly about Mellina’s version of dragonchecker rules.
12a. Casrius spends several hours over the next 2 weeks practicing those rules with the artificer.
13. Casrius comes into contact with a tracking beacon that starts to burn and sink into his hand. When healing doesn’t stop it, he barely succeeds a STR check to just rip it out of his palm, leaving a gaping wound. While he’s gasping for breath and grimacing through the pain, Mellina gently reaches out to take his hand and bandages it.
13a. The next time the party is in town, Mellina asks Casrius out to lunch. She had gone out and commissioned a custom made set of fingerless gloves for him. “I know you feel uncomfortable about your hands, and now with that scar you might use these. You can still use your fingers for the blood hunter stuff but uh, yeah. You’re a practical person, I’m surprised you didn’t already have a pair.” Casrius, a bit embarrassed about the difference in scale, also has a gift: a bookmark, because apparently Mellina didn’t have one despite all the reading she does.
14. Mellina’s brother, who lives in the capital and works for her secret employer, finds out that Casrius has been asking about how to contact him without Mellina knowing. So they meet for lunch, and Casrius explains that he wants to know who Mellina is working for and the nature of her debt, so that he can pay it off or do the work for her. Mellina’s reaction upon learning of this exchange: “You absolutely foolish, honorable, adorable, tiefling man.”
15. The party is found by members of the Order of the Vein, who are tracking Casrius down. This has been an ongoing concern, and they find our camp while Mellina is on watch. She agrees to wake up the rest of the party:  “Casrius you need to wake up.” “Mmmm you said I didn’t need to take a watch tonight go away.” “*covers Casrius’ mouth with a hand* I need you to wake up. Calmly. The Order of the Vein is here.” eyes snap open, immediately reaching for sword “Nonono. *pins his wrist with other hand* they’re just here to talk. This is why I came to get you quietly.”
15a.  Casrius has to agree to have a tracker implanted, just like all the Order members do. So one of them sticks this thing in his shoulder close to his neck and used some flame magic to cauterize it, and it was specifically stated that as Casrius gritted his teeth through the pain Mellina visibly restrained herself from jumping in.
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sawienmoon · 4 years
Once upon a time... (Fairytale!AU-  Kylo Ren x Reader)
Pairing: Kylo Ren x Reader
Summary: When was the last time someone told you a bedtime story?
Words: 2964 
Warning: none
A/N: English is not my first language so it’s  possible that there would be some mistakes. If you notice something, please tell me so I can correct my errors. I would like this to be as enjoyable as possible, so suggestion are appreciated. Thank you! The plot is probably strange but I just wanted to write something funny, or at least I hope it to be
Her eyes lit up every time he walked into the room, furthermore his presence didn’t leave anybody indifferent and of course you are among those people.
That night he told that he would have been there for her and nobody would have bothered them.
She was sitting cross-legged waiting forward for him to come back, meanwhile her gaze was caught by the star that were glittering outside the window.
She waited.
She waited her once upon a time.
Suddenly she heard the door open and she recognized the figure standing at the doorway. He had a happy look on his face, slowly he walked towards the window where earlier she had placed her gaze, then he turned his head and he looked at her, a smile appeared on their faces.
That night no one would have bothered them and perhaps that night they would have their once upon a time.
Wait, wait, wait; what are you thinking about? And don’t try to hide behind that screen because I know you are there.
Were you hoping for some romantic moments with your favourite character? Probably the 90% of you were waiting for them, otherwise you are part of that 10% who was looking for something else, or maybe I was the only one who was thinking about it.
You probably read the title and asked yourself if the author was going crazy or you could have just shouted everything down without reading this part.
But I don’t want to bore you with this, so the only thing I ask is: when was the last time you heard a bedtime story?
(Warning! This chapter may contain nonsense and a small amount of spoilers if you have never, and I mean never, seen Star Wars, in this case consult the movies, if the spoiler persists it is recommended to consult Wikipedia.)
Luke Skywalker could have expected everything from life, but taking care of his five-year old nephew. He was old, retired and live in the suburbs of the city, his only desire was to spend his time doing whatever he felt comfortable doing.
He was watering his garden, thinking how the strong winter had ruined hit when he heard an engine in the backrground.
“Strange.” he tought, not many people when down that road in the middle of the afternoon.
He lifted his head observing the black car that was passing throug the street and he frown when the shiny grey car stopped exactly in front of his house.
A man quickly got out of the driver’s seat and with a swift movement opened the back door of the vehicle, two figures hand in hand stepped out of the car.
The old man recognised them immediately, he turned off the garden hose and moved to open the gate to let them in.
“Uncle Luke!”The mouth of a little girl turned into a smile as she saw his favourite uncle, she set her hand free and started running towards him.
Slowly Luke crouched down and opens his arms, ready for the hug she would have given him.
He was so happy to see her, a month had passed since their last meet.
“I missed you, uncle.”The girl said while hugging him tigh
“I missed you too, little lady.”He replied gently stroking her head.
“Good afternoon, Luke.”A woman joined the two at the entrance of the gate.
“Leia, what are you doing here? Something happened?”
“Let's say that there are some little... complications. But there's nothing to worry about. I came here to ask you a favour.-
“A favour?”He frowned listening to his sister's words.
“Yeah, can you look after Hanna for tonight? I'll come back tomorrow morning to pick her up.”
That’s how his sister charged Luke with looking after her nephew until the next day, pity that he had no idea hot to behave with children. Sure, he loved his nephew and he used to teach at college but taking care of a five-years-old can be quite different.
Hanna and Luke spent the afternoon taking care of his garden, watering the plants and the flowers, moving some pots froma a place to another and observing the birds that flew here and there.
“Okay little bean, I think it's time to get inside and make something for dinner.”The uncle get up from the chair he was sat on, while the gaze of his nephew was still fixed on a couple of sparrow on a branch.
“Hanna?”He called her again sweetly, asking himself if she didn't heard the first time.
Hanna nodded and got up from the little chair that uncle Luke has crafted for her last year, she loved that gift made only for her.
“Do you think they will be okay?” Hanna asked with a concerned look on her pretty face.
“The sparrows, they were so cute. I don't want anything to happen to them.”
“Don't worry, they will be fine. If you want, next time you come here you can help me make a little house just for them.-
She clap her hands as a sign of excitement -Yes! That's a beautiful idea, uncle. You are the best!” Then she took his hands and starts leading him towards the door of the house “I'm hungry! Let's go!”
Once inside Hanna headed straight to the living room, she turn on the big tv and sat on the soft carpet, watching one of her favourite cartoons, meanwhile Luke was busy coooking some pasta.
After dinner he sent Hanna to bed, the house had a spare room in case of emergency like this, saying that he would have come to say goodnight after having washed the dishes.
So the girl prepared herself for bed and she sat on it happy, she waited the moment when he would have come back to his room to stay with her. She couldn't have gone to bed without that special thing that her mother or her father did every night and today she wasn't even tired.
It would have been impossible for her going straight to sleep.
Finally her once upon a time came and Luke sat on the edge of the bed near her nephew.
“It’s bedtime, little bean.”he said tactfully.
“But I’m not tired uncle, look!”
The little girl stood up and began to bounce on the bed, man could not help but smile, who could have resisted to such tenderness? But the Skywalker had a duty to perform.
“Stop it, don’t jump on the bed, you are going to hurt yourself.” Luke tried to catch her, but with a bounce she moved away.
He had just been fooled by a five year-old.
“And now I’m going to jump up to the ceiling, look.”
Luke realized the danger in time and this once he managed to get her.
“Not a chance, little bean, for as long I am here with you, you won’t jump anywhere. I remember you that you are under my surveillance.”
“And can I jump on the bed when you leave the room?” she asked innocently.
“No.” he replied whit a stern voice.
“But if I don’t jump, I can’t fall asleep.” she whined .
“And since when do you jump on the bed before sleeping?”
“Always uncle.”
“You are not going to jump here, case closed.”
“Then… can you tell me a story?” she asked looking at her uncle with puppy eyes.
“I don’t know how to tell stories.”
He was not a storyteller, he used to teach facts, science, he didn’t tell babies stories.
“I can teach you. First thing, I go under the blankets. Like this,” Hanna crawled towards the pillow, moved the blankets and the slipped under them, laying her head on the soft cushion.
“Second, you sit on the edge of the bed and begin to tell. See uncle? You are already sitting, you learn fast.”
“Apparently.” he whispered.
“By the way, uncle… At home I don’t jump on the bed to fall asleep and not even up to the ceiling, usually mum or dad tell me a fairy tale.”
“I see, you thought to bounce so that I stopped you and told a story.” he deduced tossing his head amused.
“More or less. Now we can start.” Hanna sang happily.
“Is your dad good with bedtime stories?” He was really curios,he didn't thought Hanna's dad was the type to tell bedtime stories.
“Yes, and he's amazing at it. Now start, uncle!”
“This story takes place in a distant time…”
“No, uncle. Once upon a time.”
“Mum’s fairy tales always begin with once upon a time.”
“Once upon a time… that’s a good question, who was there once upon a time?”
“A boy and…”
“A princess.”
“A prince, no princess.”
“At your command, young lady.”
Once upon a time in a land far far-away that no one seems to remember there was the kingdom of Naboo. Everyone lived happily in that reign, there were no monster nor wars and peace ruled for a very long time, too much time…
All of its inhabitants were kind, friendly and loved each other, well, not everyone.
There was a poor guy named…
At that moment the ring of a phone could be heard in the distance.
“Uncle, someone is calling you!” Hanna said pointing a finger at the door. Luke puffed and got up from the bed. “Wait here, I’ll be back in a minute, little bean.”
The little girl nodded and Luke exited the room. She was upset that someone had interrupted her story. She waited for a little more than a minute but that time to her seemed like an eternity.
Going against the order of his uncle she get up from the bed and went to find him. She wandered down the hallways, step after step trying not to make any noise, she went down the stairs and saw her uncle sitted on a sofa with the phone in one of his hands.
“I told you to stay in your room, didn’t I?”
The little lady flinched surprised by his remark, but not bothered “Who is it?” She asked “Yeah, sorry Poe, I have to go now, it’s fairy tales time. Call me if you have any news Goodnight! ”.
“Goonight Poe.” Hanna shouted hoping that the man would hear her voice on the other side of the device.
Luke fixed his gaze on Hanna “Okay, now we can go little bean, so I can tell you your fairytale and we can go to sleep”
They didn’t even have the time to go back to the bedroom when the phone rang for a second time. Luke lt out s frustrated groan, he just wanted to end that night and go to sleep.
“Hello?” he said picking up the phone. He recognised the voice of the other man in an instant.
“Who is it?” Hanna asked curious while climbing on the couch trying to listen to the conversation.
“Yes Finn, don’t worry, Poe had already called me, I’ll tell her tomorrow morning.”
Hearing the name Finn the eyes of the little girl lit up “Can I say hello to him?” Luke made the mistake to look at his nephew and at the puppy eyes she was making. Resigned he handed her the device.
“Hi uncle Finn! How are you?”
“You know he’s not really your uncle, right?” Luke laughed but at the same time he felt also a sense of jealousy, Hanna ignored his voice and continued speaking with the other guy.
“Now I have to go to bed, uncle Luke is going to tell me a story, Bye!” she put the phone down and gave it to Skywalker “Ok, now we can go uncle.”
While they were going upstairs the girl asked something unexpected. “What do you have to do tomorrow?” The old man was caught off guard, he didn’t think she would have remember something like this. “I just have to talk to Leia, don’t worry.” He lied.
“Why don’t we take it from where we left off, Hanna?” he asked trying to change the topic while he opened the door to her room.
“Sure, but I have an amazing idea. We have to use real people, this way is funnier.”Quickly the little lady went back to the bedroom under the blankets and they continue their tales.
“I was saying…-
Once upon a time there was a huge and powerful kingdom named Naboo, it was so vast that it stretched high and low, giving the impression that that territory had no borders.
“Ok, ok, let’s go on, we were speaking about a boy, please use Finn, uncle!.”
Naboo had a lot of inhabitants who lived in joy and serenity, but there was a single exception and his name was Cinderfinn.
“I don’t like this name, uncle.”
“Then you can find a better one.”
Cinderfinn was a beautiful young boy, he was also stubborn, sometimes short-tempered but also loyal and honest.
He lived in country house, the spooky manor as he called it, that place was grim, so grim that the Addams family’s mansion was no match for Cinderfinn’s home.
“Who are the Addams?”
“An old tv-show, you are too young to know that.”
The boy would have been satisfied with that gruesome place if it weren’t for them..
Them, those harpies, the cruelest, the worst creature the reign of Naboo had ever seen: his great-uncle and his sons, who Cinderfinn considered as his step-brothers.
Finn, or Cinderfinn for evil step-brothers and old uncles, was an orphan.
His family left him in a orphanage when he was only a newborn, those were horrible times for everyone, not only for the baby, a civil war ignited all the kingdom, many people died and were hurt but at the end peace was conquered.
Some months after the end of the war Finn was adopted by a woman, a beautifuld, kind and wealthy lady… his future step-mother.
She gave him all the love that he deserved but unfortunately never received, he used to spend a lot of time with her doing different activities, reading, cooking, sewing, playing… and he admired her under every aspect. She treated everyone kindly, making no exception, the servants, the cooks, the flowers, the aimals and even the bugs.
She told him a story every night and at the end she kissed his forehead wishing him sweet dreams while he already was in the arms of Morpheus. Oh, how he missed those times.
But all good things come to an end and sometimes this happens sooner than later. Finn was sixteen year old when his mother feel ill and the freezing winter of that year didn’t help. Before the beginning of the spring she passed away in the arms of his son, who was crying out all of his tears. It was at the funeral of his mother where he met Count Dooku, his mother’s brother and the man who would have took care of him.
Little Finn was entrusted to her mother’s brother with two sons who moved to Finn’s mansion.
Day after day since their arrival the situation worsened, the money was running short and  they had to fire the servitude, this way Finn lost also his friends and all the chores of the house fell on his shoulders.
The count was a strict man, harsh and inflexible, respectful of the discipline, but the main thing was that he was terrifyng in everything: his walk, his way of talking and how he gave orders. He was part of the army and he took part to the war, he was awarded with medals for his strenght, courage and determination, but the truth was that he was rotten to the core, almost cruel. The war changed him forever
His two sons partially reflected his personality, the eldest named Sheev and the younger brother Evander, better known as Palpatine and Sknoke.
Every time the three of them tormented the poor Cinderfinn, giving him a mountain of chores to do and this once made no exception.
Cindefinn was passing by the hallway and in his hands he kept an empty laundy basket, he had already washed, pressed, folded and delivered their clothes toi his terrible step-brothes.
“Cinderfinn!” Snoke yelled from his room, then he appeared on the doorstep.
“How often have I told you that my khalat robes need to be ironed following the folds?”
The boy sighed and with a big amount of patience he went to his brother’s room to recollect the objects of his complaints to iron them again.
“Do you know where you can put your stupid glittering robes? They don’t even suit you, you can use them to gag you and shut your monumental ego.” Finn whispered while he went back to the hallway with a full basket.
“Cinderfinn!” that time the voice came from a room at the end of the corridor.
“Yes, Sheev?” Finn asked walking towards that room.
“These are my boots, polish the till I can see my face on them.” With these harsh words he dropped the boots he was grabbing with his hand inside the laundry basket, getting dirty all Snoke's robes.
Finn, distraught, turned his back on the other guy and continue his walking towards a destination which seems unreachable.
“You’ll see how I’ll polish your horrid boots, I’ll use your empty head." The boy with brown eyes thought.
“Cinderfinn!” the scream came from the hall. In a hurry Finn came down the stairs and found himself facing his uncle.
“I am going into town, get my horse ready!” the man commanded.
“And prepare dinner.”
"Cinderfinn here, Cinderfinn there, who do they think they are? I’m done living here, why do I always have to follow their stupid rules?”
But Finn didn’t know things were going to change soon.
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Why? ~ F.W. (part 4)
A/n: Remember what I said about this being a long series? Lmao yeah. Also, I PROMISE this is Fred/Liv (Friv?) lmao. Enjoy!!
Word Count: 5400+
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We all moved very quickly. Things were packed up into the ministry provided cars (it took three to fit all of us and it was still squished, with me and George giggling in the back as we bumped into each other at every turn of the car. Fred was on the other side of him, cracking jokes with his twin but with little to no enthusiasm.) and we were off to the station. We all piled out, transferring our things into a trolley for each of us, then heading to platforms nine and ten, through the barrier, onto platform 9 3/4. Once there, Mrs. Weasley kissed all of her children, Hermione, then me. I was surprised when she didn't even hesitate, grinning at me. It added to my good feelings and I felt even better- especially when she gave a kiss to Harry as well, throwing in an extra hug. He caught me looking and blushed but his smile gave him away. He was glad of it. Mrs. Weasley proceeded to wish us all good luck and then offer each of her children a sandwich.
I was busy admiring what a wonderful mother she was when I heard Mr. Weasley bid Harry come away for a quick chat. I shot him a look but he gave me a nod. It was okay. I paused by the train, waiting for him.
The conversation went longer than I thought it would and when the train whistled I hesitated before settling on leaving him behind, slipping on and moving through the train to look for the twins and Lee. I moved slowly, a bit worried about Harry. When someone caught my arm I turned. It was Harry himself. He stood very close to me, talking low so no one else would hear. He told me about what Mr. Weasley has just told him. As he spoke, my eyes widened. "He told me not to go looking for him. Why would he do that? Why would I go looking for someone trying to kill me? They don't think me a total moron do they?" I shrugged wordlessly, just as lost as he was. He groaned. "I'm going to tell Rob and Hermione, get their opinions." I shot him a panicked look, unable to form the words again when there were people that might hear. But he didn't need me to say anything. "Only about things that include me. THAT is not my thing to tell." I relaxed and he smiled a bit then seemed to have a thought, his smile turning to a grin. "What if you joined us? I mean, you know too. The more heads the more ideas. You could help."
I rubbed the back of my neck. "I would love to Harry, but I don't want to be talking about- about HIM with other people around who could... gauge my reaction and ask questions." Harry nodded, frowning. Understanding despite his disappointment. "But if you need any input on whatever you discuss, you can come to me alone if you ever want. I'm always open to talk to you, Harry. You're my friend."
That seemed to cheer him up a bit. We parted and he headed after Ron and Hermione, who were just noticing us at the end of the long hallway. They were with Ginny and seemed to be the only ones still looking for a compartment. I paused, seeing them speak a bit before Ron snapped something at Ginny who snapped back before rolling her eyes and making her way over after she spotted me, looking upset. As she met me, I sighed. "They kick you out?" She nodded. "Well let's find Fred and George. You can sit with us. And if they insist you can't, we can go find some of my other friends. If Cedric's too busy then Luna will be open to a new friend for sure." The youngest Weasley grinned at me, happy beyond belief to have someone want to be around her. I knew the feeling.
We found the twins with Lee, as expected. "Aw there you are Liv," George greeted brightly. I sat next to Fred and Ginny followed behind me, taking the spot on the other side of me. George sat across from Fred, Lee across from me. "We were beginning to think you wouldn't come."
"I told you I would, didn't I?"
Fred leaned away from me. "Well, we thought maybe you'd want to sit with Harry. And Hermione and Ron." He added the other two like it was an afterthought. I was only confused by his words- and the tone of his voice. He sounded bitter. Maybe angry. I couldn't place why in the world my friendship with the mentioned trio bothered him so much. The others, on the hand, looked between the two of us as if they knew exactly what was going on.
To clear the awkward air, I coughed. "Harry's boring." I smiled a little. "And he's a prick. Kicked Ginny out of their group because..." I looked at her, encouraging her to fill in the knowledge I didn't have.
"He wanted to talk to Ron and Hermione about something." She shrugged but my smile faltered, turning forced. "He wanted privacy so Ron kicked me out."
I motioned to her. "Secrets don't make friends. Poor Ginny." I put my arm around her shoulders. She began to smile. "I mean darling, really, with friends and brothers like that, you're lucky you have a friend like me."
My joking got George to jump in, us going back and forth about who loved Ginny more. Ginny was giggling as I ruffled her hair so George tugged her to his side, kissing her forehead. "My sister. I've been around longer. I'm automatically better."
Finally, I sat back, shaking my head and sighing. Fred had been unusually quiet but he smiled, seeming to enjoy the sight of me getting along so well with his siblings. Lee was chuckling too. The mood was finally in a good place. "I mean we can go back and forth for ages, but really it's Ginny who decides who's the best in the end." I looked at her, winking. Her eyes widened.
George pulled her into his side. "Oh come on Gin, tell her who's your favorite."
She looked at me for two solid seconds before I nodded, smiling. "Liv." She popped up from his side and sat next to me. Lee and I lost it as George pretended to be deeply offended, threatening to never forget and get us all back later. I leaned into Fred's side and on instinct, his arm went around my shoulder.
"While you guys argue about whether Liv or George is better, we all know it's me she likes the most," Fred eased.
I looked up at him. "Oh, you wish!"
"Not again!" Ginny groaned. We all broke into laughter again.
"Okay okay, we can decide who's her favorite later. Lee, you said you wanted to show us something earlier and you never did!" This was George again, who could sense that Ginny was enjoying this less and less.
Lee's eyes light up. "Oh! I sort of mentioned it before you two got here, but it's more something I wanted to tell you since George and Fred were in the class with me when I learned it." I tilted my head, curious. "We learned about patronuses in class last year. It was only a concept we'd heard about at the end of the year, but it kept popping into my head over the Summer. I finally asked my dad about it and he showed me his! They're these silvery things that fight dementors."
My blood ran cold and I pressed more into Fred. He looked at me, concern flickering across his face through the interested curiosity he'd worn before. "What's the matter?" Ginny asked, her eyebrows coming together as she noticed the short exchange between me and Fred.
I swallowed. "I know all about patronuses." I shrugged but I knew I wouldn't get away with leaving it there- I had four curios Gryffindors staring at me intently. So I just sighed and kept going. "When I was a kid in the orphanage, I was an... odd child." I flinched, scoffing. "I was a witch but I didn't know that's what it was back then. They gave me a nurse to watch me day and night, making sure I wasn't crazy when I claimed some of the things I used to. That I wasn't trouble, setting up pranks I didn’t do when I had no one to watch me to prove I hadn’t done it. It didn’t help when there was people around. I was completely innocent and weird things were still happening. It frustrated the staff so much they... lashed out I guess. Maybe they thought I was sneaking around at night. Whatever the reason, they made sure I was too scared to leave my room without my nurse." I paused. "They told me about Voldemort-" Lee flinched and the twins and Ginny shifted uneasily but I just pressed on, ignoring the reactions. "Told me about his followers and these things called Death Eaters. It turns out my Headmistress was a squib. I found three letters on her office desk from Hogwarts that she was refusing to give me. I had to work weeks for them-" I shook my head. "But the point is, she knew all about the wizarding world. That's why my mom had left me with her. She disguised the things she was having the nurses tell me as legends. Stories. Nightmare juice to fuel my obedience. But when I finally demanded she give me a letter, she let me read it and explained everything she hadn't told me. Like how all the stories I'd been told were real." I shivered and Fred's arm tightened around my shoulders. "I looked them up, the Summer leading up to my first year. Learned all about patronuses. It was an immense relief to figure out there was something out there to battle these manifested nightmares. I memorized the spell and the motion and used to practice the motions during my alone moments in the Summer. But... I learned other spells. Made friends. The things that used to hold me back in my childhood stopped mattering. Then I found out that Azkaban was far, FAR away and I wouldn't be sent there just for sneaking another dinner roll and I'd never had to worry about Dementors as long as I didn't go there, so I let it go." I shrugged. Lee and Ginny were speechless, so shocked their features seemed to bulge. George was horrified, worry more on his face than shock. Betrayal maybe? Regret? As if he had been the one to cause me nightmares as a child. Guilt? His expression didn't make sense to me.
It was Fred's that really shook me. He looked almost.. angry. His features were more closed and bunched up, tight. His hand was vibrating just slightly against my arm. In fact, his whole body seemed to be shaking just a bit. I reached out and grabbed his other hand but he still wouldn't look at me, even though he took my hand and squeezed it to let me know that he was there and recognized me. I wasn't sure what to say or do.
Ginny did. She suddenly gasped. "Liv, this year at Hogwarts. Mum and dad told us- I mean, we don't know why except that because Sirius Black is out-" My whole body seized.
"Ginny no!" George intervened.
Ginny shot him a look. "Well, she's going to find out eventually. We might as well warn her-"
"You're just going to make it worse than it already is!"
Realizing how Harry must have felt when Mr. And Mrs. Weasley were discussing whether or not to tell him, I snapped, unable to handle the memory of their parents as well as them talking like I couldn't hear them. "Um, I'm RIGHT here." They both looked at me and I waved. "Ginny, tell me." George shook his head but grew quiet.
Ginny frowned gently at me as if she pitied me. "Liv-" But then the light flickered. Which made no sense, until the world around me finally registered. Tucked into Fred's side and distracted by the conversation, I hadn't really been paying attention to the world outside of our group of five. Now I noticed the storm raging that had blocked out the sun, prompting the light in the train to go on so we wouldn't be locked in darkness. The train was slowing now though, and the lights were flickering, and it didn't make sense. I leaned away from Fred, reaching over to catch Lee's wrist to check the watch he wore. I smiled at him apologetically before leaning away again. "It's not nearly time yet. Why are we stopping?"
The others shrugged, unsure. Ginny stood and looked into the corridor. As the train got slower, the noise of the pistons got quieter- and the sound of the storm got louder. I thought of reaching out to Fred but something... felt wrong. I couldn't move.
The train stopped with a jolt and there was distant chatter and thudding and rising voices. There was a lot more noise than felt right for this confused, almost tense moment. Too much noise. It confused me. I didn't know why but it did. The lamps on the train that were providing light went out and there was sudden darkness. Ginny gasped, skittering away from the door. Then she suddenly steeled herself and pushed into the corridor, heading towards the back. I wondered if she was heading to Harry or if she was going to check on Ron. Whatever reason she had for leaving, I stood, worried about her. Fred caught my wrist, keeping me there, but I didn't sit down again.
Something was wrong. Very wrong. My whole body was tingling- my instincts were on fire. I felt like the Headmistress was approaching me with a long, thick switch, several hallways away. But I knew she was coming because the air changed when she was angry. As if I could already feel my skin tingling with the burning pain of a punishment I just knew was coming.
Someone whispered, "Lumos." I looked over slowly and saw Fred with his wand in the air. I looked back at the corridor. Someone gasped. Maybe Lee. My body started to ache with how sore it was. Just as my eyes landed on hallways ahead, I saw something black and whispy disappear, as if someone had passed the door and I'd just missed them. Or.. something.
My brain was SCREAMING and I yanked my hand out of Fred's hold to tear into the hallway. What I saw was so horrifying that I nearly threw up right then and there. In front of me, perfectly matching the description that I'd heard a million times, was a dementor. I froze in absolute horror as the door to the compartment I'd seen Harry, Ron, and Hermione disappear into what seemed years ago open slowly. My brain reminded me that Ginny was in there too. My heart was racing, roaring in my ears. Nothing existed outside of this moment. My life before this was suddenly like a dream. I wasn't real. I was going to wake up from this dream any second and I'd be back in the orphanage and all my time at Hogwarts would have been a dream. I was still nothing. No one. I was a girl whose mother hated her and nothing more. I would never measure up to anything even remotely important- I was just an orphan afraid of her own shadow.
Something snapped inside of me at that thought. My face set and I realized my wand was in my hand. I don't know when I'd reached to grab it off my person, but I was glad I had. I moved purposefully, slowly forward.
Harry was in there. Harry was in danger.
I thought of the night in the Leaky Cauldron. I was crying and he hugged me, reassured me. We fell asleep, warm and safe. I thought of his smile every time he offered me a place with him and his friends.
I thought of the exact moment that he went from an acquaintance to the only friend I had who knew my bloodline and... didn't care. His tear-stained cheeks as he whispered how hard it must be to hear all I had to about my dad. To carry his name. He understood me. He accepted me.
"Expecto Patronum." My words were stronger and louder than I'd thought and light burst from my wand. The dementor turned and faced me as a brilliantly white cat sprung forward, sinking its claws in the dementor's face.
A strong wind suddenly flew through the hallways, making my hair and clothes whip around me. The dementor was pressed into the opposite wall of the hallway, trying to get away from me and my Patronus and failing miserably. The sight was terrible and I gasped, my body filled with a sudden shock of fear and surprise and many other intense emotions that were heavy and dark- none that I could specifically place. My mind went blank and the brilliant light disappeared. The dementor faced me for what had to have been maybe a single second but felt like a mini-eternity. Then it began to come to me. I was frozen in stunned fear as it came within inches of me. My childhood biggest fear stared me right in the face, every level of ugly and terrifying that had been explained to me and then MORE.
All the happiness seemed to suddenly disappear from me. I felt nothing but cold emptiness and a strange worry that I'd always feel like this. I'd be lost in the dark silence of the dead train hallways forever. I'd die in this darkness.
My sight blurred and I fell to my knees, chin tilted up as there was an odd... pulling feeling. Deep in my gut, like something was swallowing my insides. Except it wasn't my insides per se. Not my organs or veins, Nothing physically inside of me. More like... my essence. My dreams and wishes and motivations. Like it was sucking out my soul.
There was a sound. High and loud, but also distant. It was too animalistic to be someone shouting. More like a... howl.
Another light, much brighter and stronger than mine had been, swallowed the darkness and I was blind in a whole new way. I didn't even think to close my eyes as the pulling feeling disappeared, but nothing that had been taken from me was returned. My head fell forward and I leaned with it, tilting from just my knees forward, my hands falling flat on the floor. I didn't think I was breathing...
"Hello? Miss?" A distorted voice was close but also far away. Everything seemed to be off, like the world was stretching and then squishing together. Like a bag someone was using to evening their breaths. With every inhale the bag grew smaller; with every exhale, it expanded. The words seemed to drift away and back again as he spoke them, almost echoing but not really. I felt lost.
A hand landed on my shoulder. I shrunk from it, pressing into the ground. "Don't touch her. That seems to upset her more."
"Someone go get Diggory. She- she stays with him during the Summer, he might know what to do."
There was a sound of running footsteps and then a new voice. "Liv? Liv! What's wrong with her?"
"Calm down, Fred, she'll be fine. She just..."
"She faced the dementor. Did some sort of spell. It was brilliant, really."
"Harry's passed out. Is she okay?"
"I don't know."
"Everyone please return to your compartments! You said her name was Liv?"
"Um, yes."
"What's her full name?"
"Um- Ylva Black."
There was a pause and then a lot of mumbling and muttering. "Please, return to your compartments. I'll take care of her." Fading noise until it was quiet. Someone was close again. Just one voice, deep and smooth and calming. "Ylva? Miss Black?" He cleared his throat, getting caught on that last word. "Can you look at me please?"
I closed my eyes hard before reopening them, looking up. He must have been a teacher- he was too old to be a student. I wondered what a teacher was doing on the express. I'd never seen one on the train before. He smiled as I met his eyes but it felt forced, like there was something that had him too bothered to properly smile. I wondered if everyone knew now. If everyone had made the connection between my name and the escaped convict. If they'd accept me like Harry did or if they'd throw me away like I'd always feared. He stretched something dark toward me. "Here, eat this. It'll make you feel better."
I stared at it for a long time before I found my words. He waited for me to speak. "Chocolate?"
He nodded, offering it to me again with a little tilt forward of the sweet. I tentatively reached out and took hold of it, supporting myself on one hand. I brought it slowly to my mouth, taking a small nibble. He smiled more genuinely. "There you are. Can you sit up for me?" He reached out, his hand hovering next to my shoulder but not touching me. When I didn't move away he softly placed it on my shoulder, helping me sit back. His hand dropped when I was sat up. I sat back on my ankle as he kneeled in front of me on one leg, the other propped up to help him to his feet when he needed to stand. The chocolate did help. "Better?" I nodded. He paused. "What you did. That spell. Where did you learn it?" I gave him an expression. He must have saw the effects of the story I'd told my friends, even if he didn't hear the words that explained the happenings in detail. He frowned, his face aging as I assumed mine had. It always did when I grew upset. "That's a very powerful spell. I'm very impressed that you could do it."
I looked down at my hands, which had fallen in my lap. I swallowed the bit of chocolate still in my mouth. "I don't want to do it ever again." I closed my eyes. "I don't want to ever face one of those things again." My voice grew emotional. "Why the bloody hell was it not the train?" I looked at him as if it was his fault.
He looked so sad. So very, very sad. "Ylva, do you know who Sirius Black is?" I almost glared at him and he nodded, dropping it. I didn't know what he thought the criminal was to me but he knew there was... something. "Because of his escape, they have Azkaban guards every place they can think he'd be at."
But I knew that was a lie. They were at Hogwarts especially, because they thought Sirius Black was looking for Harry. They practically knew. "What about it?" I snapped.
The Professor obviously didn't want to say whatever he was about to but decided it was necessary. "Do you know that they're at Hogwarts, right now?" I nodded slowly. He seemed to change gears. "Ylva, do you know what creatures guard Azkaban?"
It took me a second before the look in his eyes registered in my brain and my blood went cold again. "The Dementors." I stared at the ground, horrified.
He reached out again but I leaned away and his hand retreated immediately, respectively. "I'm Professor Lupin. I'm going to be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts this year." I thought about the rumors of that position and the pattern of teachers in that post thus far and wondered if he would last until next year too. "If you want, I can teach you how to do that spell better. How to make it stronger. If you wish. They won't hurt you while Dumbledore is headmaster. But if it puts you at ease, I can teach you."
I didn't answer. Before he could offer again, students returned. Cedric was among them. Lupin offered me the rest of the chocolate bar as Cedric kneeled down next to me. "Give this to Harry, would you? He was affected pretty badly too. I want to talk to the conductor about the train continuing on."
I took it and nodded. He left. Cedric helped me to my feet and I reassured him I was fine. "I'll tell you later, Ced, okay? I just need a moment. Go back to your friends." He opened his mouth to protest but I shot him a desperate look and that got him to begrudgingly agree after I promised him on my life I'd be honest with him later about what had happened with the dementor. There wasn't much to say so I was fine with it. I moved to the last compartment as the train began moving again, offering the chocolate to Harry. "Lupin gave it to me. He said chocolate makes it better." I held up the piece I was eating. "It does."
It was quiet for a long time. I turned to leave. "Liv." I turned to look at Harry. He was offering me more chocolate, making the pieces we'd each got even so we'd get the same amount. I smiled, taking it. We made eye contact, exchanged nods, and then I went to return to my compartment. "Did you hear the screaming?" I turned back again, confused. "The others said they didn't hear screaming. But I did. A woman."
I thought for a moment. "No," I didn't hear screaming," I admitted. "I heard..." I thought back to that moment I'd heard something before Lupin had stepped in and saved me. I looked away. "A howl."
That seemed to confuse them even more. After a while of no one saying anything, I returned to my compartment. The twins and Lee looked at me as if about to say something, but maybe my face gave away more than I was willing for them to know. Fred offered his arm and I sat next to him, burying my face in his shoulder. The rest of the ride was spent in silence. I felt guilty for it every second it lingered.
The train stopped. We got out. We got on carriages. We got to the castle. Sam and Beth had found me somewhere in the mix and had integrated with the twins and Lee so that it was the six of us on the carriage. Three Slytherins and three Gryffindors- five people all worried about me.
When we got out, I didn't really have to hear his voice to see the shock of white hair and recognize Malfoy, just to see Harry in front of him, Hermione and Ron ignored. Draco was blocking Harry from coming into the school. I set my face. THIS was a threat I could face with no problem. I jumped down from the carriage, storming up to Malfoy with determination. When he saw me, he stepped back. I got the feeling that word of my spell casting had traveled and if even half the students had anywhere near the same reaction Lupin had, perhaps Malfoy was a little intimidated by me. Perhaps quite a few people were.
"Back off Malfoy," I sneered.
He looked between me and Harry, slowly hardening in his stance and expression. "I guess Weasleys aren't the only traitors at this school." He squared up to me. "You and Potter are so very friendly, aren't you?" He words were low but clear. My hands curled into fists. "You half breed." I felt a pain hit my chest and I wondered how he knew I wasn't a pureblood." It hadn't gotten the outwards reaction he'd wanted though so he stepped even closer, raising his voice this time so more people could hear. "Ylva BLACK, huh?" My heart plummeted into my toes, hitting the bottom of my feet hard. "Who IS Sirius Black to you, hm? Big brother?" I glared at him, not speaking. "Dear old dad?"
It was Harry I think who gave me away. He moved, just a little, behind me. His arm jerked just slightly against mine. It made me take in a soft, sharp breath. Those combined reactions made Malfoy smile even wider. "I don't even have to say anything," he mused evenly. “You already know what you are. Daughter of a murderer. How does it feel to be the spawn of a leech like Sirius Black?"
"I don't know," I replied evenly. "How does it feel to be the son of a coward? Lucius Malfoy, a Death Eater who was too weak to even admit he was a true supporter of Voldemort. Too scared to take responsibilities for his actions." The smile wiped off of Draco's face. "The son of a man who threatens and curses and destroys lives and happiness and families in his pursuit of victory," I smirked, sticking my chin up. "Whose dad is worse, Draco? They're both just as evil. At least my dad stayed honest and loyal." Draco made a sound that was almost like a growl. "What, MALFOY?" I demanded. "Will your father hear about this?"
He jerked and I smirked wider.
"Is there a problem?" We all looked over to see Lupin striding over casually.
I almost relaxed except Malfoy was too close by. I noticed him give Lupin a patronizing glance. "No of course not... professor." He said the word like it was meant to mock, not acknowledge. Then it was over. We all moved away and inside. I pulled ahead of the whole crowd, moving as fast as I could to get away from all of them. I had taken notice of Hermione and Ron pulling away from me just as much as I'd been aware of Harry taking in a sharp breath of shock at how I faced Malfoy. They all disapproved and I was too upset to do anything with any of them at the moment.
I heard someone calling me and I looked over to see Professor McGonagall. I simply ignored her, rushing even faster to the Great Hall. I couldn't right now. Not with any of it. Perhaps she sensed that, or perhaps she just dismissed whatever she needed for later when she saw Harry (who was also calling after me) because she began to call for him and Hermione. I practically ran to get away from it all.
The Sorting was a blur. I ignored it all. Sam and Beth sat on either side of me, leaving me alone but guarding me against the other Slytherins who were eyeing me as Malfoy spoke as loudly as possible about what he'd learned at the front of the school about who my dad was.
Great. Just great.
I barely heard Dumbledore's speech. Avoid Dementors. Lupin. Hagrid. Wonderful. I didn't touch any food either, staring at it but unable to bring myself to even think about eating anything. Sam tried again and again but when I continuously ignored him, he finally let it go. Beth rubbed my back soothingly. At some point I caught Fred Weasley looking at me uneasily. I wondered if he had found about me and Sirius Black. I wondered if he was regretting our friendship, or if he was worried about me. It made my mood drop even more.
When it finally ended, I forced myself to walk with dignity and grace. Head forward, shoulders back, back straight. Proud and confident. Composed. I showed no emotions. Malfoy called to me. So did Ginny. I ignored them both as Sam and Beth exchanged looks between each other, keeping to my side. Beth and I left Sam in the common room after earning this year's password was 'Silverweed'. She didn't say anything as we got in bed, neither of us surprised to see all of our things situated. I relaxed upon seeing Echo on my bed. I changed quickly into pajamas and crawled in next to her, pulling her against me. To my surprise, she didn't fight it. I remembered how cats could sense emotions. Lots of animals could. I wondered if she was already so loyal and caring of me that her need for space and control was overturned by her need to comfort me. She didn't leave me all night. If she did, she was back by morning. I was grateful.
Tag List: @reddie-steddie-go
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out-of-this-town · 4 years
Just nail polish
Inuyasha, Inukag
Kagome introduces the group to the concept of nail polish. (ao3)
“What the fuck is this?!” Kagome yelped and nearly fell to her face, when Inuyasha suddenly yanked at her wrist.
“What are you talking about?” Kagome frowned as she tried to pull her hand free from where he was holding it up. 
“This!” he yelled and shook her wrist. The move nearly knocking Shippo from his perch on her shoulder, earning Inuyasha a glare from the fox-kit as Sango and Miroku gathered to see what the commotion was about.
“Wha-...oh. That’s just nail polish,” she answered and waved the blue tipped fingers.
“The fuck is that? Some kinda’ disease?” Inuyasha sounded worried as he tried to scratch away the color.
“Don’t do that!” She quickly yanked away her hand, before the half-demon could ruin her perfect manicure. Sure, she knew it wouldn’t last long while fighting demons, traveling on difficult paths and trying to stay alive in the feudal-era, but she had wanted to spend time with her mom before returning to the past, so they’d done each others nails, watched old movies and gossiped. Now the nails reminded her of the nice, relaxing evening she got to spend with her mom and she wanted to keep that for as long as possible. “And no, this isn’t dangerous. It’s just colored polish that’ll come off on it’s own in a few days.” 
“Why in the hell would you wanna’ put that on your hands, wench?” Inuyasha crossed his arms and looked at her like she was the idiot.
“Why wouldn’t I? It looks nice and using nail polish is very common 500 years from now.” 
Sango picked up Kagome’s hand in order to admire the color, while Inuyasha and Kagome kept glaring at each other. “This does look nice. Your time has so many amazing things,” the slayer said in awe.
“If you want, I could bring back some nail polish next time and do your nails.” Kagome turned to smile at Sango, already excited about introducing her friend to more modern luxuries. 
Despite being a total badass, growing up to fight demons and being comfortable with digging through their corpses, Sango very much loved hearing about and experiencing modern comforts. She had even wanted Kagome to dye her hair when she’d heard it was a possibility, Kagome though had refused that request since she was not familiar with the process of hair dyeing. She did not want to leave a dear friend with an awful hair color and no access to a hairdresser.
“You would do that?” Sango clutched Kagomes hand in her’s, eyes hopeful.
“Sure. Just tell me what color you would like.” Sango’s eyes crew in response.
“There are colors to choose from?!”
Two weeks later, Sango was admiring her pink nails in the light of their campfire as Kagome painted Miroku’s to be purple.
“Keh. You know that ain’t gonna last past the first demon we fight. Don’t know why you even bother.” Inuyasha scoffed and grossed his arms.
“You’re just jealous because Kagome’s not doing you’re nails,” Shippo teased and waived around his small hands. He had requested that they be painted with the same blue that Kagome’s had been.
“Why the fuck would I want that shit on my hands?” Inuyasha tried to take a swipe at Shippo, when the kid wandered too close. 
“Because it looks good.” Kagome gave him a glare that told him to leave Shippo be.
“She’s quite right you know. These do give you an air of importance,” Miroku hummed and went to show his nails to Sango.
“Yes, Inuyasha, you really should try,” Sango encouraged.
Unsurprisingly, Inuyasha’s answer was a snort. “Yeah, right. I’d rather let Sesshomaru chew off my arms than waist my time with that nonsense!”
A little later, when Sango and Miroku had left to find some berries she could use to make one of her slayer concoctions with, Kagome was finishing her own -now red- nails. She looked up from her work to see Inuyasha staring at her hands, head tilted to the side and looking like a curios puppy.
“You know, I’d be happy to do your’s as well,” she whispered, not wanting to wake up Shippo who was asleep next to her.
“I already told you -I don’t want that.” He looked away and blushed over having been caught watching.
“Really? It would make me so happy.” Kagome bit her lip and watched as his ear twitched in interest.
“Whatever. If it gets you off my back about it.” Inuyasha sniffed like he was the one doing her a favor, but the speed at which he moved closer and removed Tetsusaiga from where it was resting against his shoulder, told her everything she needed to know.
Kagome forced back her laughter and made sure to keep her voice steady, before speaking again. “What color would you like?”
“What you have is fine.” He didn’t even hesitate with his answer.
Carefully, Kagome picked up his right hand and inspected his claws, deciding to forego the nail file since it probably wouldn’t survive the experience. She wiped away the dirt on top of the nails and stared with the red.
Inuyasha sneezed a little at the strong smell, but didn’t comment on it like she expected. In fact, he was very careful about not moving or disturbing her work, while Kagome found it increasingly hard to focus on what she was doing. The combination of holding his hand, admiring his claws that had protected her so often and feeling his eyes on her, was releasing a whole swarm of butterflies in her stomach.
She tried to convince herself that the intense blush on her face was from the heat of the campfire.
“There, all done,” Kagome said after what felt like forever and pulled back, little sad that she’d lost her excuse to hold his hand.
Inuyasha inspected the read coated claws with a critical eye, careful not to do anything to smudge the color like Shippo had repeatedly done. Finally, he grinned and did a few experimental swipes in the air, watching as his quick movements left red streaks in the air.
Hey! These are actually kinda fun. Looks like I’ve got blood on my claws from tearing apart my enemies.“ Kagome didn’t even bother to hide her laugh this time.
“See? What did I tell you?”
“Yeah, yeah.” Inuyasha looked up from his swiping and gave her a little grin. “Thanks.” 
Kagome smiled back but didn’t respond as Sango and Miroku returned to camp. Inuyasha wasted no time in showing off his new nails, and during the next week he avoided using Tetsusaiga, in favor of slashing around his red claws.
It became a tradition of sorts for them. Every time Kagome returned from her time, she would bring back nails polishes and their little group would sit around the fire doing each others nails. 
Kagome was a little annoyed to discover that, thanks to his steady hands, Miroku was far better at painting nails than she was, but the fact that Inuyasha would only let her paint his claws never failed to cheer her. Now she always had a good reason to sit around holding his hands.
And even when, after a few months, Inuyasha grew bored of idea of colored claws, he never refused the chance to sit next to Kagome and watch as she painted his claws to be the same color as hers.
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snowbatsims · 5 years
Post 20: Strangerville, part 1
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So, before I really start, Kvikindi grew up.  
I’m not sure what happened here. Her RNG outfit had short pink hair, so I messed with that aspect a little. The whites in her eyes went fully alien black, while she kept the pink slit pupils (that the game kept removing for some reason. let’s just pretend they stayed pink the whole time). A few alien skin spots may have appeared as well. As it turns out, alien and vampire puberty are happening simultaneously.
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And the cake, as beautiful as it is, remains untouched. Nobody is around to eat it anymore.
It’s still winter, so they figured they might as well all take their free trip to Strangerville on the other side of the planet. Sure, why not. They expected to stay at some hotel, Father Winter said so, but…
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It’s just a dinky old motel. (built by @legasimmer; it’s on the gallery) RUNE: HE LIED TO US!!! BAT: Duh, it’s Father Winter. What, did you expect an entire hotel complete with swimming pools and that kinda nonsense? Come on. BAT: Working for Santa Claus obviously means you cannot get put on the naughty list, so he gets away with this shit! MORTEN: Well hey, we can still stay here. We’ve come this far. Maybe take a look around.. see how this small town lives up to its name? Like, I do see a couple of glowy plants here and… oh, what’s that over there?
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MORTEN: Holy heck, I can’t believe this is still open at these hours! ERWIN: Yup! Staying open until like 3 AM means I have a great excuse to watch all the potential weird activity going on here at night! ERWIN: Hey… Wait a minute… ERWIN: Are you guys vampires? ERWIN: Is that an alien with you??? ERWIN: YOU’RE ALL REAL?????
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ERWIN: THAT IS PERFECT. I decided a while ago that any supernatural folks would get a huge discount here, but I never saw any of you until now! ERWIN: Please, have a look around, I’m sure there’s something ya’ll might enjoy. EINARR: Why, thank you.
Mort grabbed some posters, a lava lamp, and a toy, Einarr got a few books, neither Bat nor Kvikindi were particularly interested at the moment, while Rune…
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RUNE: Dude, I think this might be a foreign plasma fruit. Look how it’s pulsating. It’s red like blood… MORTEN: Ooh, let me try!
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RUNE: Yikes… I don’t like this side effect.
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MORTEN: Ⱨł. RUNE: H-hi?? MORTEN: ₮ⱧɆ ₥Ø₮ⱧɆⱤ ₴ɆɆ₴ ₳ⱠⱠ. RUNE: Oh no…
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EINARR: What just happened here, Rune?? RUNE: O-oh, uh,, they just ate a strange fruit. It looked like blood! EINARR: Blood??? You thought that was a foreign plasma fruit??? RUNE: Y- yeah. I- EINARR: Child, no, foreign plasma fruits are much closer to a crimson shade of red. Not.. veiny and circular like this bizarre alien fruit!! RUNE: I’M SORRY, I DIDN’T KNOW!! EINARR: Okay, FINE! But if they’re stuck this way from now on, that’s entirely on you. RUNE: B-but!! They just grabbed it! I– EINARR: You’re the one who offered it, you infant. RUNE: Okay, true… I didn’t know it would–
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EINARR: …Hey, Erwin, do you happen to know if there’s any way to cure this condition? ERWIN: I dunno dude, you might wanna have to ask around. I’ve seen a lot of weirdos in military uniforms and labcoats in the daytime.. which might be a little inconvenient to you nocturnal people. Look in the library, maybe? ERWIN: Also, how did you know my name? Do vampires read minds? EINARR: Well, yes, some of us can, but you just so happened to wear a rather convenient name tag. ERWIN: Oh. Right. ERWIN: Well. Uh, wow, would you look at the time. I should really close up shop. Good night, folks.
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MORTEN: ɎɆ₴. ₳₦Ø₮ⱧɆⱤ ฿₳฿Ɏ ₣ØⱤ ₥Ø₮ⱧɆⱤ. MORTEN: ₲ⱤØ₩ ₴₮ⱤØ₦₲, Ⱡł₮₮ⱠɆ Ø₦Ɇ.
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EINARR: Such strange plants.. is that where these noises are coming from? EINARR: Hm. I see Erwin is heading this direction. We need to talk.
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EINARR: One more thing, mortal. ERWIN: Wha-
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EINARR: Tell me, why were you selling those weird fruits in the first place when you didn’t even know the effects? ERWIN: I.. I dunno?? EINARR: That is so incredibly irresponsible of you, child!!! ERWIN: I– I just found a couple of them scattered around! I just thought, since they were so peculiar, they would fit the theme of my Curio Shop very nicely- EINARR: And you needed money? Is that it? Is money on your mind??? Those weirdo fruits made my grand-offspring act all possessed!! And your excuse is money? ERWIN: I’m, I’m just trying to make a living! Is that wrong??
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EINARR: A living, huh??? Better be careful, or else I might just have to make you unlive instead! ERWIN: Wh– Okay, I’m going! Please don’t eat me, mr. vampire man. I really didn’t mean to get on your bad side… EINARR: Alright, human. You do seem like a good person, so I’ll let you go, but please use better judgement and get rid of those fruits until next time. ERWIN: Y-yeah, alright. I’m really sorry for this inconvenience.
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Looks like someone is back to normal.
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MORTEN: …What just happened? MORTEN: Where am I? Where is everyone? MORTEN: Last thing I remember was.. Rune gave me a blood fruit? MORTEN: …that wasn’t really blood at all, was it. MORTEN: Hm.. come think of it, I… actually don’t feel blood hungry right now at all. Weird. Is it a blood fruit or not???
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MORTEN: Huh. Another one of those glowy thingamabobs.
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MORTEN: Might as well snap a picture of it for the memories. I’ve never seen any of these at home… MORTEN: I’d better head back to that motel.
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EINARR: Are you aware of what happened to you last night? MORT: …not really. All I know is I woke up in a desert. And I stopped being thirsty. EINARR: Well, I am fairly sure you got possessed by that fruit you ate. MORT: O-oh. Possessed?? EINARR: Yup. MORT: But it’s all okay now, right? The possession is over…right? EINARR: It has been less than a full day since it happened. For all we know, this might just happen every night. MORT: D: EINARR: And actually… I think I do hear some odd whispers here and there when I look into your mind now… Those really do not seem like your own thoughts. MORT: Wh– what… ₵Ø₥Ɇ ₮Ø ₥Ɇ, ₵ⱧłⱠĐ MORT: Oh my god. I hear them too now…. EINARR: Honestly, you should go ask Rune, he got you into this mess in the first place. It wouldn’t seem right to leave before we’ve found a cure for this condition of yours. ₮ⱧɆⱤɆ ł₴ ₦Ø ₦ɆɆĐ ₣ØⱤ ₳ ₵ɄⱤɆ MORT: SHUT UP, YES THERE IS. GET OUT OF ME. ₦Ø EINARR: So, it has started talking to you now. I’m really sorry I brought that to your attention. MORT: Ugh.
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Meanwhile, it’s actually overcast outdoors. How handy. RUNE: Hello? Anyone in there..?
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Something is obviously very off about this place. LESLIE: ₩₳₮ɆⱤ ł₴ ⱠØVɆ. RUNE: NOPE.
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RUNE: Hrm.. this is useless. I should really ask around.
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SCIENTIST 1: Yeah, we just recently had to evacuate the secret lab in the crater! SCIENTIST 2: You know that’s supposed to be a secret, right. SCIENTIST 1: Who cares! It’s not really safe to go there anyway anymore. Best to stay away, am I right? RUNE: Any idea what this has to do with the weird plant pod things around town? SCIENTIST 2: That is classified information. Sorry. RUNE: Dangit.
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MORT: Well, hello Rune, I think might need a cure for whatever the hell just happened to me last night. RUNE: I’m… working on it. MORT: I heard something about a secret lab? SCIENTIST 1: Yeah!! We left in such a hurry! I think there’s something really nasty going on there now. MORT: Wow, okay. ₵Ø₥Ɇ ₮Ø ₥Ɇ, ₵ⱧłⱠĐ. ł ⱤɆ₴łĐɆ ł₦ ₮ⱧɆ ₵Ɽ₳₮ɆⱤ. MORT: …
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RUNE: Man, I don’t know… is it really that urgent? MORT: I dunno, I just think it would be great to get rid of the strange plant whispers in my head. They’re starting to bother me. A lot. RUNE: ….
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RUNE: Do we even know where that crater is? ⱧɆ₳Đ ₦ØⱤ₮Ⱨ. MORT: Augh, it’s that freaky voice again… RUNE: Wait, voice?? MORT: Einarr pointed it out to me this morning and now it won’t shut up. RUNE: Is it from that whole possession thing? Did it tell you anything?
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MORT: It wants us to head north??? RUNE: Is that where the crater is?
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ɎɆ₴ MORT: Y-yes.
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RUNE: Well. Alright. RUNE: I got you into this mess, I’m gonna get you out of it. Go find the others. I think we should try going there. Maybe there’s a cure. MORT: But the warnings??? RUNE: Screw those warnings, we can probably handle it anyway! What’s the worst that can happen? Death? We can’t die. We’re vampires, remember? MORT: I literally got possessed by a fruit last night. We’re not that immune to otherworldly nonsense. RUNE: Well, you still want to get rid of those whispers, right? We’ve got to find you a cure. ₦Ø!!! MORT: Yeah…. RUNE: Let’s find the others, alright? MORT: Alright.
They let the others know, and headed for the lab…
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BAT: Wait, why am I here again? She was right, this place is super boring.
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BAT: Bye, losers.
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MORT: Huh. Something about a meteor impact? No wonder we’re in a crater. ⱧɆⱠⱠØ, ₵ⱧłⱠĐ. ł ₴ɆɆ ɎØɄ'VɆ ₵Ø₥Ɇ ₮Ø ₥Ɇ. MORT: Argh, shut up!
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Back at home, Kvikindi decided to help out a little too. There are so many of these plants…
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Einarr went to the motel as well, and managed to break into a certain locked room at the motel. Vampiric entrance and all that, you know.
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RUNE: …we gotta figure out what’s behind this door.
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