#I hope people can get the point across that this is platonic
cxlamarisalxmi · 11 months
Being Miguel’s daughter and hosting Venom [2]
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[Platonic One-Shot]
c/w: fighting, depictions of violence and gore, angst, female pronouns (she/her), feminine gendered terms used to describe reader, Venom is a big softie, only for you though 🤭
a/n: this is marked as part two because the first one shot was the first part, the drabble was more of an introduction to the idea 😭 I understand there might be some confusion about how these parts are set up but yeah the drabble was intended to introduce the idea more than it was meant to be an actual part of the series— like an extended epigraph… sort of
It was raining the day your father had decided to return to your dimension— the dark and gloomy rain clouds above thick and heavy as they devoured the sky.
With them they brought raindrops thick and heavy in density that were spat out in a torrential downpour. Falling in copious and rapid quantities.
You had been sitting perched on the corner of a building’s roof, observant and watchful as you patrolled the streets from your perch.
The darkness that had followed the overcast night sky left the street lamps and starkly bright city lights bright and prominent in their glow. And your sensitive and finely tuned auditory perception picked up on the sounds of tires driving through rainwater on the pavement. The sound of particularly nocturnal people walking, bustling and moving about— the way their shoe soles stepped on the soaked through concrete of the sidewalk, some splashing as they came across puddles in the divets of the ground.
Everything that involved your senses and being aware of the world around you sharpened dramatically, now keen on focusing on the world around you. Listening starkly for any kind of traumatic event occurring.
“I like the rain.”
“Me too.”
“The atmosphere is relaxing. We feel at peace.”
You couldn’t help but agree, the weather more than accommodating in the sense your mood had improved drastically.
It had been two weeks since your father had made his appearance, and since then you had been tightly wound and more than a little hurt at his abrupt intrusion. Even more hurt at the way he had just left without so much as an ounce of effort in trying to get you to talk to him.
He had called your name, and he did speak to you— that was something you could acknowledge, but the fact he hadn’t bothered trying beyond that spoke a lot about what your relationship had come to. What it still was.
He didn’t care about you, he never had and the encounter from a little less than half a month ago gave you the impression that he never would.
A small part of you could admit that you had hoped maybe he would come after you, chase you down, take you into his arms and hold you tenderly. Lovingly.
An even larger part overwhelmed that feeling with a cold and bitter indifference that made you more angry than sad. Sparked to life when he left you behind in a home you didn’t know, with people you didn’t trust— and festered to much more significant levels as the years continued to pass with not a single word from him.
You shouldn’t have expected him to make an effort to fix your relationship, and you hated that you were so bothered that he hadn’t tried at all. You should’ve known that he hadn’t ever intended to be involved with you at all. And you should’ve just accepted that your relationship was beyond fixing— and there was no point in trying to repair something that had died a long time ago. Irreparable— damaged and broken.
And whilst anger and hate had spread and taken over most of your heart and soul, there was still a small part inside that was more hurt than anything.
That small child inside that had depended on her father more than ever in the wake of her mother’s death. A little girl that had quickly learned he wasn’t dependable, she couldn’t count on him at all. And she was quick to learn that there wasn’t anyone who had her back, was on her side. It developed into her trusting absolutely no one— “the only one I can really trust.. is me.”
“[Y/Name]? Are you okay?”
“Yes,” you murmured quiet and tame as you continued to watch over the city. The darkness and ache that had consumed your heart so very deeply at the remembrance of your father had dissipated when your friend had spoken to you. “I’m fine V.”
“Was it about him?”
You didn’t respond and they had expected that you wouldn’t, and didn’t say much after that. And you appreciated their understanding that you didn’t want to talk about them.
There was a moment of tranquility, peace in the loud bustle of your city as the rain continued to fall. But then your senses tingled as the familiar sound of a portal spinning open erupted behind you. There wasn’t a moment of stillness that you allowed before you were spitting webs at the wall behind the portal.
Miguel walked through the portal a moment later, it closed a second after and then you were launching yourself at him.
He may have not had the tingle at the expense he wasn’t even really changed like you had been. He hadn’t been bitten but had his genetic code changed, and his abilities came from a vial of liquid he injected directly into his bloodstream to keep his powers sharp and potent.
So, whilst he didn’t have the spider senses that tingled anytime danger was nearby, his natural instincts had been sharpened finely. Thus, he was able to bring up his arms as you drop kicked him into the wall you had slung your webs at.
Even though he was blocking his face protectively you had put enough strength behind the kick to hurt him, and he grunted as your kick connected sending him flying back.
[Y/Name] jumped to meet him against the brick wall and grabbed him by the throat, tightening her clawed fingers around his neck before she was pulling him from the wall and throwing him off the building to the street below.
The previous feeling of peace and content that had warmed her chest and blood had diminished, and was now replaced with thorough rage. Hot and ferocious.
[Y/Name] had sworn to Venom that she absolutely would resort to murder if her father ever returned to her universe, and here he was. So the alien didn’t falter nor make an effort to halt the anger that was slowly but surely filling his host’s body.
Another portal opened up behind her and she felt an itch of annoyance as she felt the familiar presence that made her senses tingle. Jessica Drew.
A snarl tugged at her features as she curled her lip and looked over her shoulder, a ferocious glare fierce and angry in her bright eyes.
“Of course.”
Jessica stared as a thick, black matter pooled from her back and slid across her lean and muscular frame. The alien-like viscous oil gliding across every plane of her frame, concealing her entire white and blue suit in a tightened black version of it instead.
“[Y/Name],” Jessica began soft and quiet— an attempt to somehow quell the furious fire of rage she could feel hot and angry from where she stood several feet behind the young teenager. “I know what you must be feeling—”
“You don’t know shit.”
“You want to kill him. And I can’t let you do tha—”
Her sentence was cut short when she was suddenly thrown backwards, her senses had tingled but not nearly quick enough. And she had been sent backwards to the brick wall in consequence, she gaped at the O’hara stood in front of her on the edge of the roof.
She had turned to face Jessica with her back, and the blackened webbing surrounding her body seemed to pulse and tightened around her body. Every time she squirmed attempting to loosen them, cut them or escape they would just tighten. She resorted to calling out to [Y/Name] instead—
“Spider-Woman doesn’t kill people!”
[Y/Name] willed her mask to peel away, the small and thin tendrils crawling up her neck and hugging her forehead only made the harsh glare she threw at Jessica over her shoulder much darker. The snarl she gave baring abnormally sharp canines seemed to make her even more intimidating— it made Jessica uncomfortable how a simple look made a chill rake down her back.
“You’re right. But we do.”
And she shivered again at the alien voice that rumbled from the young adult’s chest. The words she spoke only succeeding in making her all the more uncomfortable and frightened. The tone she spoke in was deep and ferociously monstrous. And Jessica stared as the O’hara glared back for a single second before she jumped disappearing over the side of the roof.
[Y/Name] landed on the sidewalk paved along the side of the asphalt road, she jumped forward flipping out of the way as her father shot a web at the spot she occupied previously.
But he had jumped to meet her midair and they grappled as they fell back to the road, she managed to wrangle a hold on the back of his suit and brought forth Venom’s strength to throw him down the road before landing on it herself.
Miguel’s sharpened instincts flared aggressively as his young daughter launched a car at him. He spun around extending his arm forward simultaneously— the long and sharp blade on his forearm cutting the car cleanly in half. But she had been there to surprise him, lunging forward after she had thrown the car knowing he’d cut it in half opening up an ambush as she erupted in between each piece of the vehicle.
He gasped silently in shock at her appearance through the split and grunted when her punch connected to his face. Enough strength from her abilities coupled with Venom to send him flying back. And he flipped midair to land on his feet several feet down the street, he dug the blades on his forearms into the pavement to halt his movement as he looked up.
“I suffered! Alone! For twenty years, because of your cowardice!” [Y/Name] shouted as she stormed down the street, the mask Venom provided peeling back to reveal a ferocious snarl tugging her lips back and baring abnormally sharper canines.
“Protecting the security of the multiverse is not cowardly!”
“You knew invading another universe at the expense of your variant’s death was wrong! You knew your presence could collapse the very fabrics of a dimension! You always knew!” She roared in exclamation to his rather weak defense, having stopped just a few feet in front of him to properly put her feelings forward. Give him everything she had bottled up inside that had erupted suddenly since his abrupt appearance in her dimension two weeks ago.
Miguel just stood there, he swallowed thickly at her statement as he held eye contact with her. There wasn’t any indication he was intimidated by her on his face, his expression blank and guarded with slanted brows and narrowed eyes. But internally he was dreading the fight that would no doubt occur, she was anomoly after all.
“But— when she told you she was pregnant, when she told you she was excited to start your family.. what did you do? What did you do? You. Ran!”
“She was never meant to bear children! Never meant to give birth to you— that was not my fault!”
The audacity he had to ruin her life and not even acknowledge it only made [Y/Name] all the more furious, her blood boiling beneath her skin as she tightened her vicious snarl. “Not your fault?!”
[Y/Name] advanced forward, she reached to her left— her muscular forearm flexing beneath the deep black Venom suit as she gripped the side of another car and effortlessly lifted it throwing it at him.
He jumped to the side to dodge but she was there to meet him once again, having leapt from her spot on the street to put her knee in his face. He couldn’t bring his arms up quick enough to block it this time, and she forced him backwards when she utilized Venom’s alien strength to really hurt him.
Miguel grunted as her strike connected and he was thrown into the side of the building off to the side. She followed right behind him tearing her arm back and throwing it forward the second she was close enough. The hit had enough power and strength in it to send him right through the brick wall and into the empty warehouse within.
[Y/Name] landed several feet away from the form of her father on the ground, he was slow to get back to his feet but once he had he turned to face her. And she could tear his throat out at the scowl carved into his features, the conversation that followed only making her all the more infuriated.
“I’m not here for any other reason than to capture the anomaly in your dimension.” He says, a still blank and guarded look on his face. One that his young daughter matched only to a degree that looked more like she was enraged rather than unbothered.
“There’s no anomaly here, Venom and I would’ve picked up it’s unnatural scent immediately.” She reasoned.
“You wouldn’t know of it’s presence. Because it’s you.”
“You are an anomaly, you were never meant to be born.. never meant to be bitten… never meant to host Venom. You don’t belong. You need to be contained.”
[Y/Name] froze, Venom inside stilling too as he and herself processed the words that had just fell from her father’s mouth. All was quiet for but a moment—
Miguel watched as a dark look overtook her features, from enraged previously to downright hostile as her eyes darkened to an unseen degree. He felt a shiver of fear and intimidation shuck down his back in a brief burst.
“You bastard.”
The snarled words growled from her throat sent another ripple down his spine. And he swallowed thickly as the deep black viscous matter of Venom returned, and then she bore the same appearance as before.
The same lean and muscular frame but now entirely black with a white spider insignia, her mask’s eyes now more monstrous-like as opposed to the regular diamond shape as most spider people.
[Y/Name] Venom snarled ferociously, Miguel watched as the alien bulked up his daughter. Not so much so that it wasn’t proportionate but enough to have him breathe out a brief exhale of uncertainty and anxiety.
His daughter had become powerful in his absence, and he had caused the black hatred to plague her heart. The fact she only looked at him with hate and a fiery light of murder and bloodthirsty rage was his fault and his fault alone. He had no one to blame but himself.
So, he really had no one to blame for this fight that would occur one way or another. He wasn’t sure he could beat her, and for the first time in a long while he felt a surge of anxiousness brew to life in his stomach. His heartbeat slightly erratic at the new feeling of diminished confidence in his chest.
He knew this would be hard, he knew he was walking into this fight with a significant power difference, and he knew for damn sure he wasn’t certain he’d keep his head. And Miguel had no one to blame for it—
But himself.
a/n: started writing out requests so expect to see those soon but don’t get too excited as I can’t promise when exactly they’ll be finished and posted, my classes are kicking my ass and my job fucking sucks so.. bear with me please and I hope you enjoyed!
Taglist: @violilaqrs @christinesdemoness1958 @erensbbg @nickey-diano @gamersansblog @ayyybee @raweggeater @shrekstoesblog @azzy-ozborn @nda-approval @9kaaulitz @jazjelspen @myconglomerateromance @sweetheartlizzie07 @nyx-does-stuff @krazy-kattzz @sparklyphantom @loser-alert @bath1lda
Sorry if I missed you on the taglist!
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xxzlushiez · 1 year
Can you do tom x f!reader who's in the band and they were always like bestfriends no feelings for eachother or anything but as they get older like around 2007/08 he starts to realize he's totally in love w/ reader and tries to get rid of his feelings by sleeping w/ a bunch of girls but nothing helps because he can only think of reader? And they end up going to a party together and having fun and shii and then they end up on a balcony outside just drinking out of solo cups totally plastered and tom confesses to reader and kisses her but reader is super shocked and surprised and doesn't really know what to say so she doesn't kiss him back and just stares at him, and he doesn't take it very well he's just like "...oh.." and then gets up and reader tries to stop him and he's like "no, no I'm just gonna go back to the party" and stumbles out w/ a broken heart but in reality reader liked him back too but didn't know she did until he confesses so over the next few weeks she realizes how much she's in love with him and she goes to his room to tell him all romantic and shit and they end up having soft sex (or not wtv you're comfortable with) ty sm!! I love your writing btw!
EEEHHHH THIS IS SO CUTE IM SO EXCITED TO DO THIS (and tysm for the compliment❤️)
T! Kaulitz x F! Reader
Synopsis: you and Tom have always been good friends, but he realizes he wants to be more..what’ll happen when those feelings don’t falter?
Notes: 18+, Name is in the band, flashbacks to ‘Devilish’, drinking, getting drunk, concerts, parties, jealousy, talks of unrequited feelings, Tom being a attention whore💀, insecurities, platonic! Bill x reader, oral, soft sex, underlying sub! Tom (I hate using that word but idk how else to describe it???)
A/N:tysm Anon for requesting and I hope this lives up to your expectations, I decided to right this in normal style instead of bullet points, I hope you don’t mind. This is was frustrated I wanted to get it out on the 3rd😭 bro this is a few days later and it took so long because i just hate the way it turned out im so pissed at myself rn
“I act like I don’t care, that’s cause I don’t care”
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For as long as you’ve lived you and Tom have stuck together like glue, you lived a few streets away but being one of the only kids their age in the neighborhood it was hard for you to not gravitate towards them.
You guys weren’t exactly alike, but more like you complimented each other, he was all brash and broody like almost every other boy going through puberty and you were kind and sweet always helping whenever it was needed.
Soon you were invited into a band that consisted of two other troublemaking kids you hadn’t met yet, you traveled around to small talent shows and state fairs to perform music. It was a rough start; you weren’t popular by any means and were made fun of for what you liked to do.
It didn’t get to you like it got to Tom yet you let him rant and yell about it to you because you knew, along with everyone else, that it was just a matter of time before you five would be praised for your talents instead of bullied.
And you were, your band became a hit, Devilish became Tokio Hotel, garage performances became studio practices, and backyard shows slowly became country-wide concerts. Tom also changed, from a little boy who would yell at anyone who messed with his friends to a teen that couldn’t even bother with people hating.
It was different, you were all different, but it was a good difference. Bill became confident, Tom became more open, Gustav wasn’t shy, and Georg was well…Georg was amazing to begin with, it just doubled. The few fans that consisted of you guy’s parents and a few old neighbors became thousands, girls and boys alike paid to come and watch the five of you perform live.
When 2009 rolled around you were known across all of Germany and a few other countries. You couldn’t have been more successful, as the years progressed Tom morphed into someone completely different. Everyone knew of his reputation, a boy who had a new girl in his car every day.
You guys didn’t drift per se, but you didn’t talk about all the things like you used to. That was okay, some things are better left unsaid, but it was weird. You both used to talk to each other about everything and it just changed so suddenly it left you confused for a while.
But you learned to accept the fact that he wasn’t the same and took advantage of that time to get closer to the rest of the band, especially Bill. He became your number 1, always there with you whether it be shopping to helping you get ready. This was one of those instances where you ended up in your shared hotel room with him and Tom.
“This is going to look really good on your Name I promise!”
You let Bill practice his makeup skills on you, a little hesitant at first because of the particular style but when you saw how his face lit up when you agreed you couldn’t say no. Bill also said the style suited you perfectly.
Tonight, was particularly special compared to other nights. It was a large party hosted by a company in celebration of Tokio Hotel’s rise to fame. Bill made it a goal to doll you up in fancy lipstick and glittery eyeshadow before leaving, which Tom wasn’t too keen on.
“Bill hurry up the party starts in like 20 minutes.”
You looked over a Tom from the corner of your eye. He was sprawled out on your bed flicking through the channels on the hotel’s tv. He was already ready and had been ready for at least an hour now.
“Be patient Tommy not everyone can just wear whatever they find on the floor.”
Bill let out a laugh when he saw how offended his brother got at your insult before turning back and applying pretty shade to your lips.
“Tom wah wah hurry up the party starts in 20 minutes blah blah blah!”
He mocked his brother in a high-pitched voice before pulling his brother from the bed and onto the hard floor with a thump! grabbing your hand and running out of the room leaving him behind as you laugh.
“What the fuck you two! Get back here, I’m literally your ride to the party!”
The party was boring if you were being honest. But that was probably just you. There was no one you knew except the band and some celebrities and they were all doing their own thing so you were stuck lying on one of the many plush sofas the company had lying around.
Your eyes trailed over to Tom as he walked towards you, handing you a vibrant red solo cup while he settled himself next to you on the couch, moving your legs to lay comfortably over his lap while you stared at the contents of the cup.
“What’re you doing just sitting here? You’re always in the mood to party.”
He was right, you loved to party. It was one of the only times you could let loose when on tour. Today you just weren’t feeling it like you usually were.
“I don’t know, I think it’s the fact that I ordered a Pina Colada and got vodka. But who knows.”
He hummed as he absentmindedly observed the area. Tom had an unusual habit of wanting to be around you but never talking, preferring silence, it never bothered you so you let your head lay against the armchair swirling the drink around in your hand as you observed him.
He was never really good at taking your compliments, always avoiding them in some way with a “What’re you talking about?” Or the “Name just shut the fuck up”. You figured it had to do with the whole ‘I’m too cool for compliments’ thing he had going on, but it never stopped you from slipping up and saying something every once in a while.
“You're so beautiful Tom” and he was, honestly. His eyes reflected the neon lights that flashed above giving him that euphoric effect, the curves and dips of his face were perfectly sculpted to him. His true smile was so unbelievably cute, one that only you and the band had the pleasure of seeing, and his laugh…oh my god his laugh. You were definitely drunk. Whatever.
He gave you a quick side eye at the sudden praise before getting up and grabbing the cup out of your hand successfully spooking you.
“Let’s go smoke.”
‘Let’s go smoke’ was usually his way of saying “you're being annoying, let's get high” but you nodded and took his waiting hand as he led you through the busy crowd and out some double doors.
When out on the fairly sized balcony he grabbed a joint from out of one of the side pockets on his pants, while you flicked open your lighter that you had found stuffed under some gum and candy wrappers in your handbag.
He always enjoyed it when you smoked together, the delicate flame illuminated your face just enough to see the features that he’d always admired. Maybe that’s why he hated it when you complimented him, because he always wanted to do the same but couldn’t. 
Nervousness wasn’t something he felt. There was no reason for him to be nervous. Nerves were for insecurity, anxiousness, that was bullshit to him, well until it came to you, and that oh so familiar feeling bubbled up in his stomach when you looked at him under the dim light.
He concluded that he had a thing for you pretty early on, when he was about 16. One time you pulled a fan on stage that you told the band you found particularly attractive. Bill teased you and Georg and Gustav laughed as you all made your way to the bus, but he stayed back. Deciding that the pit in his stomach wasn’t jealousy like he thought it might be and just that natural protective feeling for a friend.
He didn’t want to think about the possibility that he liked you. You’d always been best friends and that was how it was supposed to say. He remembers how Bill would always tell him “Being best friends with someone like Name isn’t a good idea” because he wouldn’t wanna be just friends. Bill was right and that scared him.
After that realization he took notice of who he gravitated towards in hookups, they all looked in some way, like you. He thought it was weird. It wasn’t like he selectively picked out the ones with similar features as you…right?
“-Tom, are you listening? Pass the joint you hog”
You plucked the blunt from his hand and he stared as you inhaled some of it, releasing the air into his face, looking at him with a weird expression. You watched him stride forward and suddenly his lips were pressed against yours.
You pulled away after a few antagonizing seconds and hesitantly looked at him. You saw the way his face dropped, probably realizing what he just did. Shit.
“Tom I... you're drunk. It’s fine, okay? You won’t remember this in the morning let’s just...let’s just go home, okay?”
That nerve quickly turned into frustration as he rolled his eyes turning towards the entrance and muttering something under his breath before pushing through the doors back into the party, leaving you alone on the cold balcony with a burnt out joint and heart.
It had been a few weeks since the incident on the balcony, and you concluded that he did remember it the day after as he wouldn’t talk or even be around you alone. It was fine at first, but by the time the second week rolled around it was starting to affect everyone else. 
His performance was slower than normal, and he brought more girls to the hotel who unsurprisingly leaked where he was were staying and crowded around the hotel to catch a glimpse of the five of you.
He was being so unprofessional; he didn't give you time to voice your feelings about what happened and just up and left you in the dark. Like how do you even bring that up?
“Hey Tom, yeah I know that I didn’t kiss you back even though you totally unexpectedly pounced on me and it looked like I rejected you because I thought you were full-on plastered but like I’m in love with you so could you stop ignoring me?”
Yeah, that’s a no. So, you just endured it for a while until he decided to lay off. That point happened around the 3-week mark when the band was on a small break from tour.
He made it his goal to stay inside his room the whole time, sulking as Bill told you. You were at ends meet, if he couldn’t just talk to you about it like adults then you would have to do it yourself.
This leads up to the moment where you’re standing in front of his door contemplating all your life choices.
Are you serious, the one time you were hesitant about your decision he just had to open the door and make it for you?
“Hey, Tom uhh..can we talk about the party?” This is so awkward. What the fuuck.
He stood there hesitant for a second before opening up the door for you to come in. You ducked under his arm and situated yourself at the edge of his bed as he stared at you from the doorway.
“Okay um..so I’ve been thinking a lot about that moment and I just wanted to ask you something.”
He gave you a small nod of acknowledgment and you continued. 
“Do you like me? Like I don’t know if the reason you kissed me was just heat of the moment and you just got upset because you were drunk and your feelings were all mixed or something but I really want us to go back to normal…I miss you a lot and it's weird not seeing you at our practices”
You watched him closely for any signs of discomfort but his face was unwavering except for a light smile at your words easing your nerves only a little.
“I like you; I’ve liked you for years And Scheiße I miss you too but don’t wanna be just your friend anymore and if that changes things between us just forget about this whole thing”
You smiled softly walking towards him and cupping his face with your hands, bringing your lips to his feeling him relax into you. 
His breath caught in his throat when you grazed your fingers against the front of his pants, slightly palming him through the jeans when he abruptly pulled your hand away.
“Name I wanna do this with you…but I don’t wanna have sex like I normally do. I want it to mean something because you really mean something, I just don’t know how”
“Let me show you, Tom.”
Tom groaned when your lips pressed against his pelvis, muscles flexing underneath you at the feeling. You hummed in contentment before coming back up to him and giving him a quick kiss and taking off his boxers.
He’d never had someone take their time on him, it was foreign, different, you looked so pretty as you toyed with his cock. Seeing what made him shiver and what gave him goosebumps. 
Laying your tongue flat you licked a thick strip up the underside of his dick watching the way his eyes roll back in pleasure.
“Mhm…just- just like that Name please mhm…keep going.”
Voice slightly weak, he begged you to continue, not like you’ve ever heard and it encouraged you to continue, hands slick with his precum you stroked him at a controlled pace, squeezing slightly at the head hearing his soft curses get louder.
“Let’s empty that brain of yours ‘mkay?”
While you made yourself comfortable on top of him you felt his hips shift under you, his hands finding place on your hips. You align yourself with his cock, sliding down and listening to the way he mutters your name like a prayer as his cock disappears inside you.
“Shit this is much better than I ever imagined… s’much better...” his eyes raked your body seeing his hips met your thighs. You push down on his legs to keep him steady and use them as leverage to grind against him. Not even minutes later did his quiet concealed groans turn into gasps and random obscenities.
Seeing your pace begin to slow he flips himself over taking you with him, letting your legs rest flush against his shoulders next to his ears. He experimentally rocks his hips finding a comfortable rhythm, laying his hand flat on your stomach feeling at the bulge.
Now it was your turn to be a noisy mess, covering your face with a pillow in an attempt to muffle yourself but it was quickly discarded somewhere on the floor by Tom.
“Don’t- don’t do that- you look so pretty writhing under me like that, I could stare at you all day…shit shit shit.. if you keep tightening around me, I won’t last long...”
You smiled as you looked up at him. His eyes were closed tight and his jaw was clenched tight, focused on how you squeezed around him. You let your hand travel to his face tracing his features. His eyes opened at the touch and he sucked in his breath, feeling his high approaching.
 You were glowing, your hair fanned out on the bed, your eyes slightly glassy from his pace, sweat collecting on your hairline, suddenly every part of him felt so sensitive and his lips connected with yours before his hips stuttered letting out a guttural moan making sure you had ridden through your orgasm.
You cried out in his neck holding him against you as he continued for a little longer before coming to a halt, collapsing on top of you. Holding you against him in a vice grip. 
“I love you Name, a lot”
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eternal-kosmo-ghoul · 10 months
Gimme your most stupid ghoul headcanons possible, like Sodo is scared of idk dust particles or something funny.
“silly ghoul headcanons”
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Synopsis: It’s in the title you silly goose. Just the ghouls with their silly little shenanigans
Pairing: Nameless ghouls (platonic or romantic) x GN!reader (they/them)
Theme: fluff ✿ , crack ✦
A/N: Heres my first fanfic to my Ghost blog! I gotta thank my bestie for making this request despite the silliness in it. I hope you guys enjoy it because I certainly had fun writing it. I might make a separate version for the ghoulettes cause I love my girlies <33
I also decided to add Aether in this one cuz I love him, remember to respect both him and Phantom as ppl because we don’t support that negativity and hate 🫡
TW: Swiss and Sodo joke about sex but it’s because they’re Swiss and Sodo
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Sodo, oh dear Sodo. He can be such a silly ghoul sometimes
He likes to act like he’s all tough and that he’s hot shit, but some of his habits you can’t help but laugh at
For starters, Sodo is the type of ghoul to be scared of really dumb stuff. Take hamsters for example
Sodo has this really inexplainable fear of hamsters. One day you picked up a cute little hamster from the pet store, and he hissed and erupted in flames the moment you brought it near him
“Sodo its just a hamster—“
Aether once pranked him by putting a bunch of hamsters in his closet and he let out the most unmanly scream ever, it was funny
Oh and we all know Sodo has a habit of slapping people’s asses
It’s basically his trademark at this point
But there was this one particular time where he tried to slap your ass, but he somehow missed and accidentally slapped Copia’s ass instead
Needless to say, he spent a good while trying to explain to the unamused Papa that he didn’t mean to slap him, but the other pair of cheeks that was in front of him in that moment
He once played Five Nights At Freddy’s and he had nightmares about Freddy for a whole week
No joke, he once thought that Swiss was Freddy because he was so disoriented from a previous nightmare and he socked the poor guy in the nose
You forced him to apologize to Swiss after that
I imagine he’s also the type of ghoul to write stupid little messages and graffiti with a sharpie on his fellow ghouls faces
He once made you help him literally knock out Aether just so he could write “number one cocksucker” in big bold letters on his forehead
Needless to say, you two got chased around by the angry ghoul who was holding a fly swatter for a whole ten minutes
Also we all know damn well this man has a dirty mind
Like have you seen him on stage? Of course he does
He has a habit of slipping in sexual jokes and in innuendos every now and then, because he snickers when seeing people’s reactions
Though there was this one time where he made a comment about your ass and he got slapped across the face
Idk Sodo has a weird obsession with your ass
He has toned down on the jokes, but that doesn’t stop him from slipping up every now and then. And it’s quite obvious he won’t stop with those jokes anytime soon
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Rain is such a sweetie and we all know that
But sometimes he can be a little bit of a menace, even to you and his fellow bandmates
To start things off, we all know Rain is a clumsy little guy
Like he’s a walking talking disaster with trails of chaos in his wake. He can hold a glass for someone and drop it like not even ten seconds later
Well there was this one time where you were giving him strumming techniques for the next upcoming ritual
Sodo tapped him on the shoulder from behind to ask him for something. When Rain turned around he accidentally slapped Sodo in the face with the neck of his bass guitar
Sodo then stumbled back in pain and literally destroyed Mountain’s drum set. You were just standing there processing what just happened, and Copia just looked… disappointed.
Rain also collects a lot of plushies
He has a literal pile of squishmallows in the corner of his room. Sometimes he likes to bury himself in that little nook of his room.
He made a little pillow fort in that area for him to snuggle in. Sometimes he’ll invite you to come and watch movies with him in there
However he once impulsively bought so many plushies so they were all flooding his room. You opened the door to his room and they all came flooding out, with a very euphoric Rain on top of them
“…. Rain what are you doing?”
“Feeling great. Thank you, Y/N.”
You helped him organize all of those little plushies in his room afterwards, even giving some of them to Phantom (who was new at the time) as a little “welcome home” gift
As a water ghoul, Rain naturally enjoys water
However he has this really cute habit of splashing around in pools/tubs like he’s a bird in a birdbath, but he gets embarrassed about this fact because the ghouls tease him for it
You once caught him playing around in the a storm in such a manner, it was so cute seeing him so happy and enjoying himself
The minute he spotted you, he immediately got all embarrassed and shy, but you reassured him it was all good and that it was fine to be excited about water
Needless to say, he’s a lot more comfortable showing off that side to you now
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Oh Mountain. Sweet sweet darling Mountain
Like Rain, Mountain is a sweetie. However he tends to have his silly moments.
I’d like to imagine that Mountain often bumps his head on doorframes or walks
The fucker is really tall, I mean it’s hard to not hit something along the way.
So he has a habit of sticking his hand over his forehead to avoid bumping into anything, the poor guy
I’d also like to imagine that Mountain had that light skin stare
Like he doesn’t even mean to look creepy. He just… has a habit of zoning out, so therefore he looks like he’s staring into your soul
Though this does make him really good at staring contests. One time Swiss challenged him, and they lasted for ten minutes
Swiss needed eye drops after that
Also he deadass looks like a sleep paralysis demon when he stands
One night you couldn’t sleep so you went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Mountain happened to hear the noise your footsteps were making, so he went to check up on you
He was just standing in the doorframe… staring at you, making sure you were okay while you grabbed something from the fridge
Needless to say, when you turned around, you dropped Swiss’s leftover cheesecake you were gonna eat upon seeing the tall earth ghoul in the doorframe
Also your scream was loud as FUCK
“… I don’t know. At least you’re okay.”
He apologized to you afterwards and promised to not accidentally spook you. Because for a moment you swore you saw the hat man
Mountain also rarely gets mad, the dude is as passive as a sheep
But the moment he gets angry… hide your children
The dude is scary as hell. Like, he’s even got Papa on his knees begging for mercy
There was one particular day during practices where Sodo and Aether were arguing a little too much. It’s normal for them to banter, but this particular day was getting out of hand
Everyone was already getting upset with them, even with Papa telling the two ghouls you knock it off, but of course they wouldn’t
Well, they didn’t until a drum from Mountain’s drum set came hurling towards both ghouls. Making the fire ghoul and quintessence ghoul yelp and duck instinctively
No one had noticed the fuming earth ghoul sitting in the corner up until that point. Everyone was speechless. Your jaw was on the floor even
Needless to say, Mountain apologized yet again, but now everyone knew not to fuck with Mountain after that
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Swiss is an… interesting specimen.
For starters he was accidentally summoned,
He was summoned at the same time as Aether. And they bonked heads upon getting summoned
It was rather funny seeing Papa being so confused as to why the ritual spell summoned two ghouls, and seeing said two ghouls yell at each other for bonking heads
But it all worked out because after Swiss showed off that he can literally do fucking anything, Papa just let him stay
And Swiss was the perfect flare of spice to add to Ghost, and he’s a sweet ghoul to be around
But that doesn’t stop him from being a literal menace to society
Swiss has a really strange habit of breaking into people’s rooms and just jumping on their beds to wake them up
All while he’s obnoxiously telling them to get up, much to the other’s annoyance
You once threw him across the room for waking you up, and Swiss was just laughing so hard on the floor when he saw your reaction
Since he’s quite literally known as the Swiss Army Ghoul, he’s good at almost everything.
Including cooking. He likes to cook a lot of meals for the people living in the ministry
Bro even has a stereotypical pink “kiss the cook” apron, he got it as a birthday gift from you
But the “cook” part is crossed out with a red sharpie and instead Swiss replaced with “dick”
Why? Because it’s fucking Swiss.
He also made it a point to bake everyone’s birthday cakes, but he’ll slip in something stupid to be funny
One time Cirrus was cutting her birthday cake and she got a whole ass doll head in there, which left her very confused
Swiss isn’t allowed to make people’s birthday cakes anymore because of that
Also sometimes Swiss will get high out of nowhere
No one knows what the fuck he’s doing because this ghoul is all over the place, but when he’s high he says the most out of pocket stuff
There was this one time he messaged the ghoul group chat while taking an edible saying “this edible is weak as shit.”
But then right after that message, he attached a picture of you and sent it with the caption “I’ve always wanted to fuck them.”
You could hear Sodo’s laughter from his room after that.
And when Swiss got sobered up, you asked him about the message, but bro literally refuses to acknowledge he sent it
“Swiss did you send that message from earlier—“
“Then who did?”
“The hat man.”
“Oh so this suddenly isn’t a safe space?”
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Ah Aether. We all love Aether. I mean who doesn’t?
We all know how much of a little psycho Aether can be, but he’s a lovable psycho that just exerts a lot of fun energy
That doesn’t stop him from being a little fucker however
He likes to pull a lot of pranks with Swiss, Sodo unfortunately being his main target
So there was this one time he asked you to help him prank the poor fire ghoul, and you said yes because you felt like messing with Sodo
(And also partly because you were kinda pissed with him due to the fact that he ate your leftovers)
So the prank was to put a bunch of sticky notes in Sodo’s room that all read “big cock energy” (because of course it did)
However during the process of putting the sticky notes in the room, Sodo walked in on two idiotic fools, those fools being you and Aether of course
And it’s safe to say that for a solid twenty minutes, the two of you were running around the ministry with an angry flaming fire ghoul hot on your trail, giggling like little children
(Sodo spared you, but Aether wasn’t so lucky)
“Because I hate them less than you, NOW C’MERE—“
Aether once fell asleep with a rotten ass banana peel
Like no joke— you once walked in his room to ask for something and his whole room STANK of rancid and rotten banana
And Aether was just sitting there, confused as to why you looked like you were about to throw up on his bedroom floor
Rain had to fucking disinfect the room (with a gas mask because it smelled that bad)
Oh and you Rain breaks things? Aether is so much worse
He once tried to clean up Swiss’s mic stand for an upcoming tour and the damn thing just- fell apart
Swiss was more bewildered than upset, because how in hell does that happen?
You literally do not let him touch your equipment because he’s gonna somehow find a way to break it all
When Aether departed from Ghost you were very sad
But then he messaged the group chat with this message “I’ll miss all of you fuckers. Be nice to the new ghoul, love all of you <33 (except for you Sodo, fuck you)”
Sodo then bursted out of his room tackling Aether, but it was more so out of love rather than being an ass
Needless to say, you all still keep in touch with Aether
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Phantom!!! We all love Phantom here
Since he was newer and the one of the more recently summoned ghouls, he had a hard time fitting in
But you and the other ghouls thankfully made him feel welcome, even if it took a little more time for some other ghouls to get used to him
And because of that, it didn’t take long for Phantom to start joking in the ghoul chaos
He is literally a walking meme
Phantom is the type of guy to quote old vines and also keep up with any meme trends
Part of being the youngest ghoul I guess
He often confuses Papa with his little antics (because he’s an old man), and you’re just silently laughing at Papa’s reactions to Phantom
Also Phantom has a habit of holding things weirdly
You thought it was just his guitar? Bestie no, the dude is holding things the wrong way all the time but still somehow makes it work
Like— he holds onto a pen like it’s about to grow a pair of legs and run out of his hand, but he still somehow has the most beautiful cursive handwriting there is
“…. Phantom— what are you doing? You’re holding that pen like it’s a—“
“Hush, Y/N. I’m writing everything I want for Christmas this year.”
Phantom can also be a bit of a nerd sometimes
Like— you know those kids in school that are so dorky and have that awkward teenager energy? But you can’t be annoyed at them because they’re so cute? Yeah, that’s Phantom
Man’s will ramble about the most nerdy thing so passionately that you can’t help but listen, it’s cute seeing him get all excited over… legos or something
Oh and if someone dares to insult his passion he will spread legos all over their room
(Poor Swiss was a victim of that unfortunately)
Oh yeah he almost once accidentally vacuumed Copia’s pet rat
The dude was just trying to clean up his room, and one of the little fuckers scurried in his room, and the rat’s tail got stuck in the vacuum
Phantom’s high pitched scream upon realization was enough to have you bolting in the room to check in on the poor ghoul
And you were met with the sight of Phantom desperately trying to pull out a screaming rat from the vacuum while the ghoul was on the verge of tears because he didn’t want to get scolded
You ended up helping him because no one wants to see Phantom sad
And it’s safe to say Copia now has one pet rat with no tail.
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thatdammchickennugget · 5 months
Hi! Could i request a Remus x fem reader, where the Marauders make a bet on who can stay handcuffed together for longer and Remus and reader get paired up, they constantly get into awkward and funny situations together.
You Bet
pairing - remus lupin x gn!reader
summary - remus and you find yourselves handcuffed together as a result of a bet against james and sirius. the mischievous duo thought it would be a hilarious prank, but little did they know it would bring you and remus closer than ever
warnings - handcuffs (not sexual), fluff
wordcount - 2.3k
a/n - thank you so much for the request love <3 sorry this took so long, I started writing it, didn't like what I had written and then let it sit in my docs for weeks :/ but here you go, hope it's what you had in mind <3
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James and Sirius entering a room cackling was never a good sign. Especially when they were trying to hide their laughter behind the closed fists pressed to their mouths, which could only mean that in the moment, they were laughing at your expense. There would be no reason to try and hide their amusement otherwise.
Remus had seemingly picked up on this as well, sitting up on the sofa next to you and putting down his book to muster the two troublemakers in question. “What are you up to?” he questioned with squinted eyes but his query was ignored.
James threw himself down on the cushions beside you, his elbow stabbing into your side in the process. In place of an apology, he leaned over to leave a smooch on your cheek. The mischievous glint in his eyes brought your attention back to the situation at hand. “Remus is right, you’re definitely up to something. You look way too pleased with yourselves right now.”
“Well, we are pleased. Because we just came up with an awesome idea!” Sirius proclaimed, arms behind his back as he took a seat on the coffee table in front of the sofa.
“And what idea would that be?” you questioned further, rolling your eyes at their dramatics. Why could they not just come out with it like normal people for once?
“Do you remember our little argument from last week? The one at the party after the quidditch match?” Sirius asked you with a smirk and went on when you nodded hesitantly. “We know how to test out who was right.”
You remembered the argument faintly, if you could even call it that. It was more of a small disagreement and had only gone on as long as it did because both you and Sirius had indulged in more than just a couple drinks that night.
James and Sirius had proudly stated that they were the greatest pair of best friends Hogwarts had ever seen, which offended you greatly and you quickly argued that Remus and you should get first place. The rest of your friends had been split, none of them agreeing or taking a side, which resulted in Sirius and you bickering back and forth about the topic for the rest of the night, Remus just shaking his head from where he was perched on the armrest of your armchair with his arm lazily placed on your shoulder.
“And how are you going to test it?” Your question caused the two to share a look, grins quickly spreading across their faces.
“Y/n. My dear friend. I specifically remember you saying that if James and I would spend any more time together, someone would end up expelled or dead,” Sirius went on, confusing you because you did not remember saying that. “But we believe we would be perfectly fine. You and Remus, however, could not even survive 24 hours of constantly being around each other.”
He might have a point there. Remus greatly enjoyed his alone time and regularly needed to be by himself for a couple of hours to recharge and you always embraced these moments with open arms, as they gave you the chance to let yourself sort through all the not-so-platonic feelings for your best friend you had been experiencing lately. Of course, you would never admit that to Sirius.
“I might have said that. But what does that have to do with anything?”
Sirius finally pulled his arms from behind his back in response, stretching them towards you, showing off the metal handcuffs he had been hiding the whole time. Your eyes widened slightly at the sight of them. “Where did you even get those?”
“I could tell you, but then I’d have to kill you,” Sirius said flatly, before brightening up again. “Anyways, they’re charmed to stay on until we have a clear winner. Once a pair can’t stand being attached to each other anymore, the other’s cuffs will open up and we’ll know for sure.”
You exchanged an unsure glance with Remus, before glaring at Sirius. “We don’t have to prove ourselves. And I’m not up for your bullshit if all I get out if it is bragging rights.”
“Ah, I had a hunch you would say that,” James snickered, sitting up. “That’s why the winners will get a favour from the other two. It can be anything you want. And I’ll even go as far and throw in 20 galleons worth of chocolate from Honey Duke’s to make the deal a little sweeter for our Moony.”
You looked over your shoulder to see what Remus was thinking about this and he just shrugged his shoulders. He would do whatever you wanted him to do. “Okay Black. We have a deal.”
As you sat at the dinner table, your mind couldn't help but wander. Being handcuffed to Remus was proving to be more challenging than you had anticipated, especially considering the secret crush you harboured for him since second year.
Every moment spent in this close proximity only fueled your feelings further, making it increasingly difficult to focus on anything else. Sure, the two of you had always been close and affectionate towards each other, but knowing that you could not easily step away to gather your thoughts if it got too much was kind of terrifying. 
The first problem you ran into was actually eating your dinner. Every time you tried to use your left hand to cut something on your plate, Remus was about to lift his fork to his mouth with his right. It resulted in a lot of food ending up on the floor and a spilled cup of pumpkin juice.
James and Sirius were still confident they would win, making a big show out of feeding each other. Trying to ignore their antics, Remus and you decided to take turns eating. And being the good friend he was, it was your turn first.
As you took your turn to eat, you found yourself stealing glances at Remus, admiring his features, your gaze running along the scar beneath his eye, you became more and more aware of his presence looming next to you, so much closer than normal. Every accidental brush of your hands or shared laughter felt like a sweet torture, stirring up a mix of excitement and nervousness within you.
Trying to hide your growing nerves, you focused on the food in front of you. It was a delicious plate of roasted chicken with savoury sides, but your appetite seemed to have disappeared along with your ability to concentrate. The clinking of the handcuffs against the table kept reminding you of your predicament, a constant reminder of your tangled situation.
As you attempted to cut into your chicken, your movements felt clumsy and awkward. With each failed attempt, a blush crept up your cheeks, aware that your friends were witnessing your struggle. Your heart rate picked up, noticing the knowing grin growing on James' face. 
The spectacled boy was well aware of the feelings you harboured for the scarred boy sitting beside you. The mischievous glint in James' eyes made you almost as nervous as the feeling of Remus's thigh brushing up against yours, afraid about what could be coming out of his mouth.
But Remus, being the understanding friend he was, tried to ease your discomfort. He encouraged you with a warm smile and supportive words, assuring you that it was just a temporary challenge. His kindness only intensified your feelings, making you long for a different kind of connection once again.
Deep down, you wished that the handcuffs weren't a part of some silly bet but rather a catalyst for revealing your true emotions. You yearned for the courage to confess your feelings, but the fear of rejection and the uncertain consequences held you back.
As dinner continued, you and Remus navigated the meal with a combination of shared laughter, understanding glances, and occasional moments of embarrassment. 
After dinner, you and the group of Gryffindors navigated your way into the common room. Entering the room last left only one seat left on the couch, and you stopped in your tracks. Remus did not notice you stopping at first, accidentally pulling you along with him. When he noticed your reluctance, he turned to face you, his brows raised in question.
"Where are we going to sit?" you asked, nodding towards the already crowded couch.
He just mentioned towards the small space left unoccupied, fondly rolling his eyes. "Right there?"
"But there's not enough space for both of us. Maybe we can just sit on the floor?" Your face was already heating up again.
Remus playfully pulled you along, sitting down next to Sirius and pulling you onto his lap without any hesitation, causing laughter to fill the room. Your cheeks were burning by now and James teasingly smirking in your direction was not helping.
Soon, your predicament was forgotten as you got comfortable, embracing Remus' warmth against your back. Sirius was challenged to a round of exploding snap by Marlene and the growing frustration at one of his arms being rendered useless was evident on his face.
Amidst the jovial atmosphere, you engaged in light-hearted banter with James, Lily, and Mary. Jokes and witty remarks flew back and forth, adding to the delightful ambiance. The air was filled with laughter and camaraderie as you all shared the amusing predicament you found yourselves in.
Eventually, Remus settled into a comfortable position, retrieving a book from his bag, resting it on your thigh as he started reading. You could not help but be drawn to the sight of him engrossed in the pages, the way his eyes softened as they flew over the words. It felt like a serene moment amid the cheerful chaos.
Seizing the opportunity to share this intimate moment, you snuggled closer, resting your head against Remus's chest. With the book held between you both, you followed along silently, feeling the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest. The world around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you engrossed in the story.
When it was finally time to retire to bed, you follow the boys to their dorm room, feeling a mix of awkwardness and anticipation. The challenge lies in figuring out how to sleep with the handcuffs and the nervousness of sharing a bed with Remus.
Inside the dorm room, you and Remus exchange unsure glances, uncertain of how to navigate the situation. The room is dimly lit, casting a soft glow on the surroundings. As you both settle onto the bed, you realise the closeness between you is both exhilarating and nerve-wracking.
With the handcuffs restraining your movement, you exchange sheepish smiles, contemplating the best way to sleep. Remus, with a gentle and understanding demeanour, suggests lying on your sides, facing each other. It's an unconventional arrangement, but it allows for a level of intimacy that sends a shiver down your spine.
As you lie facing Remus, your heart beats a little faster, unsure of what the night may hold. Closing your eyes, you try to focus on the sounds of your friends breathing as they fell asleep. But with the feeling of Remus' breath hitting your forehead and your hyper awareness of every single one of his movements beneath the shared blanket, you found yourself unable to drift off to sleep.
You were sure Sirius and James were long passed out, considering the loud snoring coming from their side of the room. In this vulnerable moment, Remus's whisper breaks the silence. "Are you awake?"
You hear his voice clearly even though he is being quiet, his face only inches from yours. His breathing is still slow and steady, so you nod in response, not fully trusting your voice as you opened your eyes to find him already looking at you, the moonlight falling in through the window reflecting in his eyes.
His eyes flicker over your face, scanning, as if looking for something. His gaze then lingers on your mouth briefly before returning to your eyes. You wondered if it had really just happened or if you had fallen asleep after all, your subconscious mind dreaming up the affection written over his face. 
He looks back and forth between your eyes and lips again, before leaning forward slightly and pressing his lips softly to yours. Your heart begins to race with excitement, which quickly morphs into butterflies in your stomach. As many times as you had imagined this moment, nothing had even come close to what you were feeling right now, your body warm with desire.
He pulls away first, leaving you breathless as he rests his forehead against yours, a faint smile on his lips. Your fingers find their way up to trace his features, coming to rest on his cheek, fingers lightly tracing the scar you had been admiring earlier that night.
He laughs lightly, a low rumbling sound echoing through the otherwise silent dorm room. It’s lighthearted and endearing, and makes your heart skip a beat. “Was that alright?”
“Yeah. That was perfect,” you mutter in a hushed tone.
Overwhelmed with emotions, you reach out your other hand, and cup Remus's face. The connection between you deepens, and without hesitation, you share another tender, heartfelt kiss. The world outside fades away, leaving only the two of you, locked in this intimate moment.
Unbeknownst to you, James, unable to sleep with Sirius's constant snoring, finds himself frustrated in his own bed. In an impulsive act, he kicks Sirius, causing the other boy to tumble out of the bed they shared.
Sirius awakes with a startled yelp, finding himself face down on the carpet. A quiet clicking sound caught your attention and you felt the handcuff around your wrist loosen. Sitting up to grin at Sirius still sprawled out on the floor, you hold up the handcuffs triumphantly. "Looks like we won the bet."
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lucysarah-c · 1 month
id honestly love it if ud write abt where u think levi would be toxic in terms of relationships, both romantic and platonic
Hi! How are you? Well, that silly reply got more attention than I anticipated, so here goes nothing.
Once again, when I mention "Levi's toxic traits," I don't mean anything like him being abusive or similar. Mostly certain aspects of his personality that may be challenging to deal with in a relationship with him. I think my whole headcanon about the idea could be summarized in two points: Controlling and Stubbornness.
The first one, I think I would summarize Levi's whole personality about it in a quote I think he says extremely frequently: "I trust you. I don't trust them." Because I'm confident in saying that Levi is a person who believes that relationships are based on trust—he trusts you, he trusts his partner… He doesn't trust the rest of the world. Levi is a person who has seen how evil humankind can be, and he simply does not trust people. You are the apple of his eye, someone who is allowing him to open up, etc.
This man only gets into a relationship if he basically already planned the names of his kids, if you two would have pets, and he had seen a house he likes. You are his cherry blossom tree flowering in the middle of a cruel winter. And that's where the controlling and possessive traits come in.
I think it would bring out the best in him. "Did you arrive safe?" "Levi, I went to the store that's at the corner of the street." "So you did?" "When is the night out with your friends? When are you coming home? At what time? How are you coming back? Who will be there?" Levi can't help but think that perhaps the second he's not looking after you, something may happen (I mean… this literally has happened to him multiple times across his life). If you explain to him that this attitude could make you feel like he's trying to control your life or it can be a bit suffocating, he would try his best to work on it… but don't expect miracles haha.
Stubbornness… Levi is used to doing things his way and his way only. The unluck of his life has forced him to grow up alone, nobody to be there for him but also nobody to tell him otherwise haha. I have this feeling that arguing with Levi may be like arguing with a wall. Once this man has made his mind about something, ugh, good luck with it. Is he mostly right? …yes, sadly yes haha, but even when he's not, god, the arguments. I think that if he was wrong at some point, he may take a day or two, go through it, and admit it.
As a side note, I think Levi can be possessive. Not jealous, but possessive. He's not "scared" someone would win you over… but you're his precious. If someone is getting too close to you, they can wash their hands and then fucking cut them off before laying a finger on you… Good luck if he gets bad vibes from a coworker or a friend, he simply doesn't like them, and that person could win a Nobel Prize of peace and Levi would look at them as he looks at Zeke and be like "… they are planning something, I know."
I'll think in more if I come up woth them! But I hope this was good enough!!
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @i-literally-cant-with-this @angelofthorr @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @flxrartsstuff @katharinasdiaryy @kikarouflames @levisecretgfblog @searriously Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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daisygirlwrites · 1 year
Rookie Mistake
Summary: Alternative title, How You Got Your Call Sign
Warnings: Descriptions of violence, minor character death
Pairing(s): Task Force 141 x fem!Reader (Platonic)
Note: No use of (Y/N). Only description of the reader is that she’s short
a/n: hey there! first and foremost, big thanks to @einno-arko​ for editing it! please check out her page! it has been a long time since i’ve written a fanfic so do forgive me for how rough this is. it is also 3 in the morning as im typing, woops. also, would love to hear feedback so i can make improvements in future works. thank y’all!
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Being short has its advantages at times. For your job as a sniper, you could be placed anywhere without being seen. During your basic and special forces training, where most people are at least a head taller than you, you were taught techniques for someone only your size can pull off. 
The man in front of you is probably the tallest person you’ve seen on the field. At least two feet taller than you and all muscle. ‘Tank’, his teammates call him. Truly matches the description.  You try not to think about how one of his hands can wrap around your neck and squeeze the life out of you.
Instead, you pull out your knife and charge towards him. He runs towards you, arms up and ready to take a swing. Expecting a punch, you lean your upper body forward, keeping your head low. On your last step, you push upwards with your foot. Tank misses you, his stance uneven and his legs still wide open.
For a millisecond, you thought about slicing the area between his thighs, making things easier for you in the long run. Instead, you stick with the training that’s been engraved into your head. Diving in the open space between his legs, you run your knife through his inner thigh, hoping it’s deep enough to at least damage the femoral artery.
Tank lets out a scream and staggers forward as you slide down on the floor. With his back to you, you push your body up and sprint towards him. The ideal situation is for you to get to him and pull his head back enough to slice his throat. But life isn’t always ideal.
To your shock, he quickly gets up onto his feet and turns around, facing you. As if his strength doubled, he knocks the knife out of your hand and, for a split second, your eyes follow the knife as it flies across the room. That was all Tank needed, grabbing both of your arms and lifting you up. Yeah, you should have just sliced his dick.
It was at this time that the rest of the team entered the room. The sight was almost comical; you being held up, legs dangling like a rag doll. Tank casts a quick glance from the corner of his eye. All four men with their rifles up, pointing towards the two of you, but it was the one with a skull mask that made his body break out into a cold sweat. Four against one are really bad odds, especially with an injured leg.
Tank still has you held out, practically using you as a human shield for the upper half of his body. But with your insistent wiggling and attempts at kicking him, it becomes more difficult for him to keep a grip on you.
He knows that he probably won’t leave this room alive, and he’d rather die than to surrender. Tank goes through his options, looking at the small soldier in his hands. ‘Should have grabbed them by the neck.’ As soon as he makes a move, the men in front of him will too.
“Just drop them mate!” A heavy Scottish accent is heard throughout the room.
Tank stays silent, eyes darting around the room, trying to find the means of escape. His train of thought became illogical. As he looks around his environment, he tries to avoid meeting the eyes of the man with the skull mask. ‘Ghost’ is his name. His dark eyes never leave Tank’s.
If he’s going to Hell, he won’t be going alone. Spotting the window to his right, his body moved before his brain could process what was happening. Tank twists his upper body and, with the last of his strength, he hurls you through the glass
During your time with the team, which was about six months when you first joined, you’ve kept quiet. Never raising your voice and only talking when you’re addressed. So, when they hear you yelp and let out a high-pitched scream as they watch your body crash through the window, they would have laughed if the circumstances were different.
As soon as your body stopped shielding him, Ghost took the shot. He watched as the large man slammed down to his knees, blood running down his face from the bullet hole on his head, before finally falling forward.
Getting thrown out the window sounds fun, besides landing on the glass and the very high chance of death. Any other person would have a couple of broken bones, but it seems like you had lady luck on your side today. For one, the warehouse is only one story high, and you’re all padded up. Without your gear and helmet, there would have been more puncture points from the shards. But the impact from hitting the ground doesn’t leave you unscathed. Something is probably broken, sprained, if not bruised. You don’t feel it now but it’s going to suck ass later. Laying on your side, you look around, trying to not move your body in the process. There are probably hundreds, maybe even thousands, of glass shards surrounding you.
“ROOKIE!” Soap comes running towards you.
You open your mouth, wanting to tell him to be careful but Ghost’s rough voice cuts you off. “Dammnit Johnny, watch out for the fuckin’ glass!”
Soap slows his movements, making calculated hops to avoid the sharp shards. “Heya lassie, how ya feeling?”
Not having the energy for a filter, you responded. “Felt like I got thrown out a window. Fuckin’ hell, Soap, what do you think?!”
Seeing his eyes widen, you immediately regret the words that came out of your mouth. “Holy shit, Soap. I am so sorry.”
He lets out a hearty laugh as he stops before you. He gives you a look over, trying to find any visibly large shards of glass embedded in your body. Seeing as there isn’t any visible, Soap sticks his hand out. Surprised to find how badly your arm is shaking, he gently grabs your forearm and pulls you up.
“You really are Ghost’s mini-me,” he chuckles.
“Already picking up his humor and stealing his catchphrase.”
“Oh!” You look down, thanking your balaclava for hiding your flushed face.
With his arm under yours, you lean on him, slowly limping your way towards the rest of the team. Price took another look at you, spotting at least a dozen little glass shards that punctured your jacket and pants. “Best to have the med team take them out of you. The heli will be here in five.”
You can feel Ghost’s eyes burning holes into your head. You realize that during your next training sessions, he’s going to roast the ever living fuck out of you about what happened today. Dread begins to sink in.
 With your left arm bare and the interior of the heli cold, you try to minimize your shivering so that the medic can properly do their job. You guessed that the guys would at least wait until you get back to base before they made jokes, but you were very wrong.
“Rookie, you literally got yeeted out the window.” Gaz was the first to break the silence.
“Yes, Gaz, I know.”
“We should have a contest to see how far each of us can throw her.” Soap barked out, joining in on the teasing.
“I would prefer not, Soap.”
And it went on for a little while longer, and you, again, were thankful for having your balaclava on so they wouldn’t see that you’re dying on the inside.
“Probably gonna stop calling you Rookie now.” Much to everyone’s surprise, they turn to Ghost.
You tilt your head, confused, before he continues. He stares at you, the heli quiet besides the hum of the wings. A beat later he speaks up again, “I think I’ll call you Crash.”
You follow with an immediate, “Oh hell no.”
At this point, Soap and Gaz are giggling like schoolgirls. Price turns away, lips pulled tight but his shoulders shaking up and down in muffled laughter. Ghost’s eyes narrow, but you can tell he has a smug grin under his mask.
“Crash it is then!”
“Don’t encourage him, Soap!”
“Sorry lassie, it’s law now, we outrank you.” He smiles at you.
You groan, hiding your face in your hands. Cheeks burning with embarrassment, you let out a quiet chuckle. Lifting your head up from your hand, you quietly say, “Fine. Just don’t tell anyone about this”
You watch Soap nod and Gaz give you a thumbs up before you pull down your balaclava, giving them a smile.
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ninanly · 2 months
“in another lifetime?”
pairings: teen! geto x teen! fem reader tw: angst a/n: this is my first post so bare with me (T▽T) part 2 → here
divider: @cafekitsune
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“love is the most twisted curse of them all”
they say, suguru was hurt to say the least, he didn’t think rejecting you would cause such a big outcome in the friendship. every text, call, or even voicemail he sent was never replied to, and it left him with an unexplainable ache in his chest.
he gave you the necessary space he knew you needed, but hours turned days, days turned into weeks, and throughout that time he grew angry. even if the romantic feelings you harbored would never be returned, he still had love for you— platonic love of course.
afterwhile days and hours of questioning himself, he finally manifests the courage to knock on your dorm room. 
“why are you ignoring me?” he asks straightforwardly, immediately getting to the point. he stands there with furrowed eyebrows and a nonchalant face, masking his true emotions. 
your heart drops as you’re greeted with the tall man, i mean out of all people.. him? “what do you mean?” you ask innocently, acting as if nothing is wrong,  holding on tightly to the door handle ready to close it on him once more.
he lets out a small annoyed groan and steps inside as if the space was as equally his as it was yours. “dont play dumb with me y/n.. you’ve been avoiding me for weeks ever since i—rejected you.” suguru says, his voice trailing off as he pauses to search for the right word. he shifts his weight to one foot and folds his arms across his chest, the movement bringing his eyes closer to yours. “you stopped answering my calls and texts. is it that deep? did i hurt you that much?”
your eyes widen and throat became numb, clearing your voice as you begin to speak, “suguru you’re a great friend truly.. but me hanging out with you isn’t gonna help me move on. every second with you i get butterflies, my words begin to stutter, i’m trying to protect myself before i get hurt even more.” you say your voice slightly scratchy.
suguru remains silent, his eyes not moving a millimeter as he listens to your words. every second your eyes are locked with his, another breath of air comes out of him. he knew you were right—spending time with him will only make matters worse. but the thought of not being around each other after all these years, losing all that friendship that meant so much to both of you, hurt suguru more.
with careful steps, he closed the distance the room put between them. standing only inches apart, he hesitantly speaks, “then why not date someone else?” he says blatantly which earns a sigh from you. “its not that easy suguru..” you answer softly. 
suguru sighs, lowering his head slightly. he’s aware that your feelings for him arent something you can just switch off with the snap of your fingers— at least now he is. dating someone might be a challenge, but even attempting to move on is better than giving yourself hope for a relationship that will never happen. 
he takes a step back, eye contact breaking with yours, his gaze now on the ground. “are you really sure you can’t get over me? that the thought of me even being with someone else doesn’t bother you?” he says not knowing how rude it sounded.
ouch. you stand there in disbelief, words struggling to come out of tour mouth but you manage, “i mean— of course its gonna bother me.. but its my fault i caught feelings..” you say in a slight mumble loud enough for him to hear. you move your hand up to his cheek, slowly rubbing the soft skin with your thumb. “you have rights to your own feelings, and you know yourself better than anyone. and that's the same for me. it's not your fault i caught feelings, but getting rid of such strong feelings for someone you desperately yearn for isnt easy, suguru.” you state firmly, still slowly rubbing his cheek.
he shivers at your touch, his hand curling into a fist, why was he so angry? he knew how much he missed this, your touch, your voice, your presence. how come your words cause his body to feel hot and cold at the same time?  why did it have to be this difficult? why couldn’t he just fall in love with you right back? the two of you seemed so compatible as is, so why couldn’t he bring himself to return your feelings?
so many questions running through his head, yet little to no answers. your touch bringing him back to reality once more. “there must be someone else for you.. i—am sure we can find someone for you..,” suguru says, refusing to lose his childhood best-friend.
you smile softly and nod, “there is.. i’m positive the universe has someone planned for me, it just hurts knowing its not you. but someday i will stop falling in love with you.., someday someone will like me like, i like you” laufey reference?? you say softly removing your hand from his cheek, still keeping your composure— refusing to look so weak in front of the man you thought was meant to be. 
his eyes drift away again as you remove your hand. he can’t help but feel a slight sense of relief, but at the same time a small tinge of guilt. of course, there would be someone better suited for you— you deserved nothing less than the best, he thought. 
the silence that follows hangs in the air between you two. there wasn’t any point in pressing the issue any further. if only those feelings would dissipate like they were supposed to. 
“im sorry.” you say, your eyes looking towards the ground as well. suguru looks up at you and shakes his head. “don't apologize” he says, voice softer than usual. you didn’t have anything to be sorry for. he was the one who couldn’t reciprocate your feelings. if anything, he was the one who needed to apologize. “just promise me you’ll move on and find someone who’ll make you just as happy as i did,” he says quietly.
you smile softly but your heart drops at the thought of it not being him. “I promise, but until then.. this, can't go on.” you say a tear streaming down your face.
his mouth tightens as he nods his head, trying to hide the bitterness that came with being reminded of the situation at hand. but in his heart, he truly wanted nothing more than to spend his one life with you by his side.
but he had already made the decision to reject your confession. it wouldn’t be fair to string you along with hopes of change. “i understand..,” says suguru, his voice hoarse as he takes a step back, he begins to turn around before you speak once more.
“in another lifetime?” you ask, tears streaming down both your cheeks now, you feel as you hit rock bottom. 
suguru’s body freezes, he turns back around as his eyes flicker towards yours. his heart skips a beat as he takes in your words… such a simple sentence carrying so much weight. he swallows hard, your question leaving him at loss for words and forcing him to fight the urge to close the distance between you two. if only it was that easy. “yeah, in another lifetime…  i would love that..” he says as he makes his way towards the door, leaving you there crying. forced to fight for your own battles,  against the enemy you once called love.
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somberauthor · 7 months
hello I hope ur request are open! If not be free to ignore this!! Okay so Jax x chaotic y/n? (The amazing digital circus)
Okay so y/n is WAYYYY more chaotic then anyone in TADC and is like a little gremlin to everyone and likes to prank anyone (including jax which earns being thrown across the room-) and I also see jax and y/n having prank wars on eachother or like y/n a siblings bond!! This is also platonic!
This one gave me like... immediate ideas so I just HAD to do it!! I hope this is good!
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You were a menace. You hid in the shadows, waiting for someone to jump on. You enjoyed jumping on people, if it isn't obvious.
Jax was the best to prank like this, because he gets really scared. To the point where now if you jump on his back, he'll grab you and pretty much toss you across the room. It would hurt, if you weren't in a literal digital circus.
You and Jax would prank people together, Jax being the distraction so you could jump on someone. (It was your favorite activity)
You also have an (unhealthy) amount of whoopie cushions. You're pretty much an expert on hiding whoopie cushions on any chair. Jax never expects it too, cause not even he can seem to know where you get them. You- You actually have no idea where all of the whoopie cushions come from.
If you were lucky, Jax would let you climb on him. Have... Have I mentioned you really like jumping and climbing on people? Fun! But if he did the wonderful thing of letting you climb on him, you'd try to never get off. Of course he'd shake you off like you were a child hanging on his leg (which... was not entirely untrue.)
You also have a biting problem. There's not much else to say other than that.
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Also... I'm trying to do everyones requests! I'm probably going to be closing requests for a bit so I can catch up. (You'll still be able to request, you may just be put off until the rest are done)
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nightdivinity · 4 months
Drink Responsibly! Prologue
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ABO!Vampire!Batfam x reader
Minors! Do! Not! Engage! +18 only.
Platonic! Alfred, Bruce x reader, Possessive! Batboys x reader
Warnings: Alcohol, bad choices, stupid choices, possessive behavior, a/b/o fic, there is slight blood and gore, it's a vampire au, age gaps, because they're all significantly older, it's going to get suggestive from here on out, reverse harem, slight proofreading
Writer's Note: I want to thank @sophiethewitch1 for inspiring me and talking me through posting my writing. I hope it doesn't let you down! This is also my first time posting my writing on Tumblr, please be gentle. English is not my first language. Also, this is a why choose fic. So, it's Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian x reader. Maybe even Duke. I think four is a lot. Got to draw the line somewhere. Chapter 2 will be posted tomorrow.
It was midnight when you finally stumbled out of the latest club. Your heels were long gone, as you had taken them off the first time they got stuck in a grate. You’re pretty sure you handed them to a nice girl in the bathroom while her friend held your hair as you threw up copious amounts of alcohol and bar food. She had been super nice, you liked the way her short black hair was spiked, and her blonde friend’s eyeliner was superb. Anyways, now you are shoeless and desperately looking for the next bar on your crawl.
Gin’s. Ooh, that’ll do. You reach out and grab your friend’s bicep, point at the neon sign, and do vague gestures. Of course, your friend is not as well off as you are, so it takes a while to get your point across. Only they start crying again over their bullshit bar fling, and the fact you have no shoes.
It didn’t matter, none of it truly mattered. Not a single thing. This was your one night off after weeks of back-to-back grueling shifts at a job that doesn’t care whether you live or die. Yesterday you even took a quick unintentional power nap on the toilet. All of this resulted in you being slightly crazed and a little deranged as your night progressed.
But hey, Gotham just brings that out in people. In your job's defense, no one could take any more sick or inclement weather days thanks to all the random villain attacks next to or at your office. You blame the monthly rut.
At least you didn’t get stuck on the subway taped to a bench by the Riddler this week as he awkwardly rifled through a notebook of pickup lines. Life was certainly looking up.
See, unfortunately, or fortunately depending on the propaganda you consumed, you were born an Omega. Which had never truly been an issue. Except for the fact that thanks to a few foul choices from the government, it was getting harder and harder to get access to affordable pheromone blockers. You wouldn’t have even chanced this outing if you hadn’t found that one pill that rolled a little under your cabinet. Hey, you were desperate for a night out.
“I’m going there”, you slur.
Yes, this was asinine, but you still managed to wheel yourself and your friend to Gin’s. You hardly noticed the dark shadows following you as your friends from the bathroom quietly herded you. As you and your friend jaywalked across the street, you didn’t notice the red-headed woman standing in the middle of the road, blocking traffic from actually hitting you. It also barely registered when the nice boy with flashing gold eyes took your hand and led you past the line and directly to the front. This. Was. Your. Night. Out.
“Hey man, she can’t come in here with no shoes”, the bouncer at the door complains.
He was going to say more until he looked at the man holding your hand so nicely. You could hear the slight choking noise, and in your drunken stupor, you stumbled a little into your guide.
“He’s going to shit himself”, you stage-whisper. Or what you think was whispering. You were screaming over the pounding bass spilling out of the door.
                “Shhh, Jackson, she’s with me”, your guide replies.
                “She can come in, her friend can’t. Sorry Duke, they’re way too fucked up”, the bouncer swears.
                You gasp and let go of Duke’s hand, instead reaching for your friend and pulling them tight into your embrace. While smashing their face into your chest. Even though you were the most drunk you’ve ever been, you didn’t miss the spike in pissed-off Alpha vibes that happened around you. Still, you smacked a hand against your friend’s ear in an effort to protect them from what was said. Then you got sidetracked by their hair. It reminded you that you wanted a pet. Although with your work and class schedule, it would probably die in a week. Three days tops. At least you had your emotional support friend.
                “I can’t leave them alone”, you say.
                “Hun, how about I call them an Uber, they look like they’re ready to pass out. They definitely can’t handle it anymore”, Duke replies.
                He gestures towards your friend, and you notice how they’re slowly swaying on their feet. Eyes half closed. Shit. It would be shitty if you left them passed out somewhere in the bar as you danced and drank. They were already on their fourth wind and fading fast.
                “Look, you see this nice car”, Duke continues.
                He turns you three, and suddenly you notice the nice black town car next to the road. You vaguely register the fact that it’s one of those high-roller cars. Ones that only the richest in Gotham could afford.
                “See, this is Killian, he works for Wayne Enterprises. He’ll make sure your friend makes it home. I’ll even have him text you when they get there. Won’t that be nice? You don’t have to worry at all (y/n).”, he tells you.
                You nod, and it all makes sense somehow in your drunken brain. He knows your name, so obviously you know him. He also knows your friend, since he rattles off their address and gently pries them from your clutches before handing them off to Killian.
You pay no mind to the mention of a name that would have sent shivers down your spine normally. Wayne. Mysterious and dangerous to all who get involved.
                “I need them back, don’t sell their organs”, you warn.
                Then he gives you a tight brisk smile as he turns away from you. A persistent thought is starting to nag its way through the cotton in your head. The slightest unsettling feeling. Maybe there was something wrong with that blocker pill you found on the floor of your kitchen. You were certainly feeling as though there were a lot of pissed-off Alphas near you. The undercurrent of anger was a tang you couldn’t escape. More and more you felt the need to run somewhere dark and quiet to hide.
                You ignore the persistent tugging by Duke as you watch your friend get loaded into the car and driven away. Well. That ends that.
                The next time Duke tugs on your hand, it causes you to slightly stagger. He easily catches you and spins you around and through the door before you can protest.
                “Can I have a Rum and Coke?”, you shout over the music.
                “Yeah totally”, Duke shouts back.
                It’s only until you are tugged past the bar that you realize that everything is not all sunshine and daisies. No. No. This is wrong. You want to go back.
                You put your heels in. Duke was not ready for resistance as your hand slid out of his grasp on the way to the V.I.P. section. He turns around to get a better hold of you, only to watch you slip into the crowd and get lost in the sea of swaying bodies. Fuck. He was told to bring you to them. You still had to be here, there’s no way you could have bumbled off far. Shit. One job.
                Duke ran a palm over his face as he scanned the crowd. There’s no doubt in his mind. Bruce was going to be pissed. He wasn’t supposed to know about your little excursion out. Everyone had agreed, they would watch over you as the day turned. You still weren’t used to Gotham; you didn’t know the sort of creatures that came out during the night. While the rest of the world was happy and filled with normal and meta shifters, Gotham was overflowing with the less-than-stable. All more than happy to take a bite out of the innocent. The only thing that kept it in check was the unspoken King and his disgraced hellions.
If you had been sober, you would have noticed the people slowly disappearing from the crowd. You would have noticed that tonight was absolutely not a good night to be out. One by one, shrieks of fear and pain were mistaken for fun. Jostling in the crowd was hardly registered as the violence spread. The whole night, you were in a sea of sharks feeding. Now you had finally ditched what you didn’t know was your only protection.
                 Not to worry, fear splashes hot and cold against your nerves as sharp claws grip your arm, your back slamming into the bar as a distended jaw hisses open in front of you.
                Yeah. Maybe you should have been drinking responsibly.
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byunpum · 1 year
Experiment 56 [part 7]*FINAL*
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Neteyam x Human reader ( like a mix of human and Navi )
Others pairs: Quaritch x reader (platonic) , sully fam x reader
Tw: neteyam baby , reader being mutant, neytiri being a sweetheart-mother, kinda Sad, Quaritch is an anti-villain?, soft stuff , all the characters are aged up 20's.
POV: Y/N is surprised that it is an indispensable piece for the human race. Her family will do everything possible to keep her hidden and safe…
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7
Experiment 56 sequel
Note: Well… here is the final part of this series. "Experiment 56". To be honest, I didn't think that so many people would like my idea <3 If you want an alternative ending. Or you want me to expand on a part. You can send me a message. And don't forget that the requests are open, and I work with all the characters. Well that would be all, I hope you like it a lot!!!
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"What do you mean she's pregnant?" asks Lyle as he looks at Quaritch. "You and her…" Quaritch hits him over the head. "don't be an asshole, how am I going to get her pregnant, I've barely known her for 2 weeks…idiot" say Quaritch, as he sits down on one of the aisle seats. "We need to get her out of here, Lyle" Miles speaks, as he plays with his fingers on his hand. "Colonel with all due respect… but are you out of your mind? What's going to happen to us? "Lyle says as he sits down in the seat next to him. "What's going to happen? Lyle, what are we doing here?" Quaritch confronts Lyle. "They order us various missions, we go and do it, we're like watchdogs for these shitty people. For what? For nothing… we are no longer human, even the memories we have don't belong to us" There was a silence between the two men, lyle knew it was true what the man was saying. "I don't know what I'm doing here lyle, I feel lost" Quaritch says. "And what do you plan to do with y/n?" Lyle gives up, he wasn't going to leave his boss alone.
They need to be quiet, they are conscious that there are cameras everywhere. Quaritch moves closer to lyle's seat. "We need to plan something… but she needs to get out of here. I have a feeling what they're going to do to her is not at all pleasant." Lyle pulls his sunglasses off his head, as he runs his hands back and forth across the back of his neck. The colonel had lost his mind. " It's okay, I'm in… you're lucky I actually like that girl" lyle says, as Quaritch smiles a little. The moment is interrupted when a nurse walks out the door. "You guys are accompanying experiment 56?" the woman asks. My god, how awful that sounded. "Yes" says Miles, as he stands up. "Can only one person go through" says the woman. Lyle signals Quaritch for him to come in. "I'll wait here, go!!!" says lyle. "oh, wait…give her this candy, she gonna love it".
Miles follows the nurse, down the cold hallway of the nursing area. "It's over there, in space 4" the woman points to the blue curtains. Miles heads in that direction, until she slides the curtain. You were awake, half sitting up on the bed. He noticed how your face lit up at the sight of him. "Miles!!! You're here!!!" you say with a big smile on your face. "Hi little girl…" miles comes over, he is surprised when you come over and give him a hug. You were little so you were hugging his trunk. A smile breaks out on miles' face. In just two weeks, you had moved his whole world. This confirmed to him that he had to help you get out of here.
"Thank you for helping me, I was really feeling bad" you say, as you settle onto the bed. You watch as Quaritch sits up and looks at you with concern. "Do you know the results yet?" the man asks. "What results? Am I sick?" you ask. "Well… if you put it that way, yes. And it will last you about 9 months." Quaritch says, as he continues to look at your face, studying your expressions. There is silence in the cubicle, until you understand what the soldier just told you. "I'm pregnant?" you look at Quaritch. "Affirmative ma'am" Quaritch waits for you to respond. "but…it was the first time I…" you look at Quaritch shyly, you didn't want to talk about your intimacy with the man, but it's not like you had a choice. "Well…that can happen. You were in your fertile days and boom…a baby" Miles says, trying to sound funny. But he sees how your face is turning red and tears are pooling in your eyes. "Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong?" Quaritch tries to comfort you. " I'm having a baby and I'm not with neteyam" you start to cry. "no, no, no, don't cry, relax. I have good news" you look at Miles curiously. "what news?" you say whimpering. "I'm going to help you get out of here, I don't know when it will happen… but I'll help you" Quaritch says, as he adjusts a strand of your hair. You two make eye contact for a moment, and for the first time you could see how their expressions had relaxed. And you could notice the sincerity in their eyes.
Mo'at had always said that you had the ability to communicate with eywa, before moving to the aquatic clans. You and Kiri were apprenticed to Mo'at. You were learning how to prepare medicines, and how to connect with and interpret eywa decisions. Mo'at always said that you two were talented, that eywa had chosen you. This must be some kind of sign from eywa. "thank you" you say as you continue to look at him, miles blushes a little. "Are you blushing?" you laugh a little. "no, it's just that…" Quaritch tries to apologize, you push him a little and get comfortable on the bed. "Don't worry soldier… I awaken low passions in people." You laugh a little. "oh yeah, yeah …. such a player" he jokes with you, and pulls a small piece of candy out of his pants pocket. "Here's a Cinnamon candy, Lyle sent it to you" Miles hands it to you. "Mmm what is this?" you've never seen anything like this before. "It helps with nausea…and it tastes good" you take the wrapper off, pop it in your mouth. "hey …. I like it…ohhh" you feel the spicy taste in your mouth. "it stings a little, watch out" Quaritch laughs, as he watches you continue to eat. "I wish neteyam, was here and knew the news…he would be so happy" you say as Quaritch looks at you. "neteyam is a great man" You say as your gaze is lost somewhere.
Quaritch could see how in love you were, and could even notice the hint of sadness in your tone of voice. "you can stay longer with me, I don't want to be alone" Quaritch laughed, and settled closer on the bed. At that a lyle peeks through the blue curtain. "May I come in?" he asks, as he enters and sits in the chair next to the gurney. "Well… did you get the candy?" lyle asked. " yes, thank you… do you have any more of those?" you ask lyle, he bursts out laughing and starts digging through his pockets for more candy. Maybe they weren't the best people in the world, but at this moment they were to you.
Hours later you arrive at your room, still feeling sick. You are sure that the tests and everything that was happening was affecting you. And now…now you had a creature growing inside of you. You knew that these people were going to study more about the pregnancy, that they were going to do painful tests. But you had to take quaritch's word for it, he said he would help you get out of this place. You had no choice. You were a little bored and started looking in the drawers of the different closets to see what you could find, and you saw a little black box. It had a note written on it. "Here are more cinnamon candies, I brought you a whole bag… and there is a communicator, if you want… try to contact your family. You only have a few minutes, but I hope that helps. With love… Lyle" You opened the box as fast as you could, and it was true… there was the communicator. You laughed and ran to the bathroom, you didn't want anything to be seen by the cameras. You turned on the communicator and set the signal codes of the neteyam communicator. You had these devices, as Jake had taken them in one of the altercations he had with the people in the sky. Everyone in the family had one. Your hands were shaking, you could finally hear his voice after almost three weeks. The signal was very bad, so you climbed up on the toilet, near a small window. Trying to look for a signal. " Damn…connect!!!!" you curse, while still balancing.
Meanwhile at the refuge, spirits were low. The days were not the same. Neytiri tried to be strong, but couldn't help crying when she was alone. Loak, kiri, spider and tuk were trying to go about their daily lives, but it was almost impossible. Jake was losing his mind, every day….. He spent hours trying to figure out what to do to rescue you, with norm's help. But neteyam… was a lost cause, or so said neytiri. He would barely eat, he would wander around the common areas, he would go to the spirit tree to pray for your return. And he would return to the hut to sleep. Neytiri watched her son… he was lying on his side. As she comes closer. "neteyam dear, you have to eat something…" says neytiri stroking his hair. "mother, i don't want anything, i just want to be alone" he settles back in and turns his back to her. Neytiri knew this was a difficult thing for him, the separation of a couple… it was almost the same feeling of mourning. She couldn't stop what he was feeling, she just bent down and gave him a kiss on his forehead. "I love you… you know that. Y/N is fine, eywa is taking care of her" says neytiri, as she walks away. Neteyam is heartbroken, he was upset, he had anger, he was lost. He was about to sleep until he hears the sound of his communicator, this device is lying somewhere in the hut. At first he didn't think anything of it, but it wasn't until he heard a familiar voice that he gave it his full attention. Neytiri also heard the voice, they both ran to grab the device.
"Can anyone hear me?" you say on the other side of the device. Neteyam couldn't believe it, it was you. His heart raced, as he tried to speak. "ma y/n is that you!!!!? Where are you?" he was so excited, he didn't know what to say. "I'm at the base…I'm fine" you speak, and just by saying you were fine Neytiri felt a burden leave her shoulders, you were alive. Neytiri gestured to her son and went out to find Jake and the other family members. "I miss you, love" you speak trying to hold back your tears. "I do too, I swear I will come and get you… but you have to tell me where you are…" just as you were about to answer neteyam, jake enters the hut and takes the device in his hands". My precious!!! y/n how are you? where are you?" shouts jake, you could hear everyone talking at the same time. You knew everyone was scared, nervous. But they had to stay calm. "Please calm down! Listen to me" you speak, as you listen as everyone calms down and pays attention. "I don't have much time, but I'm fine, and I'm safe. They are going to help me get out of here, I don't know when it will be but I promise I will be back. Don't do anything, mom, dad… neteyam. Calm down, just… wait for me I promise" you say between sobs, you wanted to get out of here, you wanted to be with your family. Before jake could answer the call, he falls down. "y/n, Y/N, Y/N!!!" jake shouts into the communicator. DAMN!!! Now he was really frustrated. "I need to get this to norm, have him look for the location source" says jake, before leaving the shack. Neteyam accompanied his father to norm's lab.
"Norm, NORM" jake calls out to the boy, the boy was running some tests. " I'm here jake" shouts norm, from the other side of the lab. "Y/N talk to her …. We got in communication with her" says jake as he waves the communicator in his hand. " What do you mean you talked?" asks norm, he can't believe his ears. " Yeah, she talked to us over here… she told us she was okay. And that they would help her get off the base." Says jake, handing the device to norm. He runs to his computer and plugs it in. "we need to locate where the original audio location is" norm says, as jake looks at the screen. Neteyam is standing next to his father. On the computer screen comes up the location. "I knew it, base 12… it's a 2 hour plane ride from here, we have to" Neteyam interrupts Norm, "y/n told us not to do anything. Neteyam looks at his father, and then at Norm. "Well… it's the best we can do. That base is the biggest one in pandora, I don't want to imagine how secure it is. I imagine there will be someone in there who is on our side." Norm says, while placing an arm on Jake's shoulder. "we just have to wait for her to communicate again…" Norm speaks, as neteyam walks over to his father, and neteyam hugs him. "She's going to be okay, she's a strong girl… look at all the time she's been through and she's fine." Jake knows you're okay, but he's wondering who it is that's helping you.
AREA 12, northeast of pandora:
You lost the communicator signal. "Neteyam!!! NETEYAM!!!" you give a scream of frustration, as you get off the toilet. You drop to the bathroom floor, hug your knees and start crying. You didn't know if what Quaritch said was true, he may be lying to you to get closer to you and then pull you in. But something in you told you to trust and have confidence. Eywa would not tell you something false. But it was hard… you had heard neteyam's voice. The voices of your parents, and sisters. . Shit, you missed them. You couldn't even tell them you were pregnant. "you just have to be patient" you thought to yourself. Meanwhile…on the other side of the base.
"What did General Ardmore call us for?" asks Lyle to Miles, as they both walked to the briefing room. "I suspect it's about y/n's pregnancy, I can already imagine what they're going to do" Quaritch says, before entering the room he stops Lyle with his arm. "listen, whatever it is… let's just act normal. No one has to know what we're planning" Lyle nods his head and they both enter. As they entered they could see several doctors, scientists and General Ardmore sitting around already talking. "Welcome gentlemen…have a seat" says Ardmore. "Would you like something to drink?" she offers the soldiers, they refuse with their heads and sit down. Their tails wag back and forth, Lyle literally hides his tail under his thigh. "Well, Today's meeting is very important… as you may know the navi-human 'experiment 56' is pregnant." Speaks the general as she walks back and forth in the room. "Doctor Smith, how is it possible for that girl to be pregnant? Humans can't have navi offspring?" the woman asks. "well…technically experiment 56 shares similarities with the female navi body, although not the same it is similar. Yes, if nothing is complicated, this pregnancy would be of great importance. Never seen anything like this before. The girl is about a week pregnant, so we can't say much about the creature," says the doctor, while he continues talking nonsense, or so Quaritch thought.
He was sick of this meeting, the scientists and doctors kept talking about how great it would be if this baby was a hybrid and blah blah blah. "What do you think Colonel Miles?" asked General Ardmore. Quaritch didn't know what to say. "I think it's no big deal, it's just a baby." The less interest he gave that creature, the better. General Ardmore analyzed Quaritch's behavior and spoke." I would love for you to keep watching the girl" the woman says as she turns to look at the whole team. "We'll see how the pregnancy develops and we'll make a decision along the way, but this child is as important as the girl. That said the meeting is over, everyone back to work" General Ardmore watched as Quaritch got up and quickly left the room. She could have dared to swear she was seeing another man in the room. But she decided to ignore that fact and returned to her work.
Three months later…
It had been three months since you were at the base. Daily life was strange. But neteyam still hoped you would come back. They hadn't communicated with you since that one time. But they decided to take your advice and keep a low profile. Jake, on the other hand, was losing his patience, but he wanted to control himself. He didn't want to do something stupid and then regret it. It was night in Pandora, and everyone was already in the hut, since you were kidnapped Spider had become closer to the family, so he was helping Kiri to arrange everything for dinner. Today was your birthday… the navi didn't celebrate this holiday like the humans, but Jake did, so neytiri got into the habit of doing it with her children. They all gathered together in a circle. Neytiri prepared your favorite food, and decorated the place with the things you liked. Kiri put on your favorite top. Loak put your favorite beads in his hair. Meanwhile neteyam was holding the bracelet you shared in her hand. "She would have loved all this… "loak says, you could see her trying to hold back tears. Neteyam gave his arm a squeeze. "she'll be back, you'll see!!!" says neteyam, neytiri couldn't understand how he was so sure. It had already been three months and they hadn't heard from you. You could have died or you just couldn't communicate. But everything was uncertain. Still she gave her eldest son a smile. " ok, let's go eat…I'm sure wherever she is she is thinking of us too. We love you y/n" said jake. And they all followed him. Spider saw how kiri had tears coming down her cheeks, he put his hand on the girl's cheek. Spider took Kiri's hand and said, "Don't worry, she'll come back". "I know… it's hard to be without her. We've always been together." Kiri said, squeezing spider's hand. It was hard… but they still had hope.
And yes, you were celebrating your birthday, but alone in the cold room. Your small stomach was showing, you're sure this baby was going to be big. You were fine though, and so was your baby. You were still sad, you had your dinner in front of you. You were sitting on the floor… the room was dark. Shit… this was not what you expected. It wasn't until you saw the door to the room open. "May I come in?" asks Quaritch, holding something in his hands. You had to admit, he had become your only friend here at the base, him and Lyle. But you were much closer to Quaritch. He used to spend afternoons with you, take you for walks around the base and the surrounding area. You knew he had changed, something about him wasn't the same. Never in a million years, you thought you were going to be drinking coffee, or so Quaritch called it while talking about the things that had happened throughout their lives. They also talked about how the "human" Quaritch was a bad father, how he never cared for spider. You knew that the "now" Quaritch was not exactly spider's father, but you were excited to see him pay attention to you, as you talked about how great spider was. His tail was going back and forth. "do you think i'll ever meet him" asks miles. "well… if you want someday I'll introduce you to him. He's a great guy" Quaritch gives you a warm smile, and offers you more coffee.
"what's that?" you ask, as he comes over to your spot and sits with you on the floor. "it's a cake, it's something symbolic, I remembered you had told me today was your birthday… so here's your cake. " You watch as his tail swishes back and forth, as he places the cake on the floor right in front of you. "Lyle couldn't make it, but he told me he wishes you all the best and he was going to send you more candy later" You laugh a little, but Quaritch notices your sadness. "I know I promised you to get out of here, but security is stronger…but don't think I've forgotten what I promised you. Give me a little more time" he said as he took your hand and squeezed it a little. "go on…blow out the candle" you bend down a little and blow. "I know you will keep it…eywa told me" you look at him and he smiles back. It was already late at night and you had already eaten the cake. You were talking about everything. Your conversations were always about the things you did with neteyam and your family. You talked about how much you loved neteyam and how you hoped he knew about his son. How the connection with eywa worked and how everything was connected to each other. Quaritch didn't know if it was, the fact that he now shared a body equal to the inhabitants of this planet, or was it the simple fact that you were talking. That kept him so interested in everything you were telling him.
Dammit… he had a crush on you. But you don't belong to him, and you never will. He had promised to help you get out of here and get you back to being happy with your family. Miles was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't notice when you approached him and placed a hand on his chest. Noticing the contact, he looked at you. "I know you can hear her… and you can feel her. But you must accept it. After all you are not that man" you say. The moment was very intimate, for a moment he felt that someone else was talking to him. You saw how some tears ran down his cheeks. "Yes I do" miles puts his hand next to yours. "Accept her and she will guide you" you say as you settle back. There was a rather long silence. "And if I accept her what will happen?" miles asks as he looks at you curiously. "you will be able to understand everything and you will feel complete" you say while eating some cake. "and I could change my name?" you look at him curiously. "you don't like your name?" you ask him. "well… it's not bad. But I don't identify myself when I'm called by it" Quaritch says, you could notice his anguish face. "And if we think of other names…something like rukoy or " miles interrupts you and says " I like noah't" he says firmly while looking at you, with a smile on his face. "I like it, it's very nice". He laughs a little and starts talking. "but I'll take Miles Quaritch". There is a small comfortable silence. "but I'll give it to you" you look at him curiously as he continues to speak. "It will be a proof that you were able to change the heart of a cruel monster" Quaritch says, you get up and hug him. He hugs you back. "I accept that… but you're not a monster, and I didn't change anything" you say as you get comfortable. Quaritch looks at his watch, and slowly gets up. "yes you did little one" he gives you a smile, as he leaves the room. "See you tomorrow" Miles says goodbye. The door closes, and you decide to pick everything up and put it on the table. You stand there reflecting for a bit, wow everything was so weird. You go to the bathroom to get ready, you were getting used to it, you settle into bed and fall into sleep quickly.
Miles was walking down the halls, he felt a sense of happiness inside him, he couldn't understand the feeling, but he liked it. But that feeling was interrupted, when he heard the voice of General Ardmore talking to a scientist. He was passing by the testing area by accident, and he could hear how the two people were trying to keep their voices low. Quaritch didn't want to be a gossip, but… he sensed that you were the topic of conversation. And he wasn't wrong.
He was hiding at the edge of the door, grateful for the hearing ability he had from the navi. At first he could only hear something about how the development of the pregnancy was continuing. But the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. "When the girl is about four or five months old, we can get the baby out. The sooner we get it out, the better," Miles felt his blood boil, "but the girl could die, this is a high-risk pregnancy, I think it is better for the baby to be born naturally," said the scientist. General Ardmore raises her voice. "listen to me, they have offered me an amount of money, which you have no idea… it is enough to create another base just like this one in pandora and finish this civilization, and all I have to do is to take that creature out of the mother and send it to earth" said the woman coldly. "but she can die!!!" the scientist tried to rationalize with her. "you have one week, to get that creature out of the mother's womb, prepare it and send it to earth." General Ardmore said, walking out of the room. Quaritch ran back, and hide in a wall. Miles couldn't believe what he was hearing…he had to get you out of this place now. And I had to do it fast.
Pandora's light came quickly, lately the nights were getting longer and the days shorter. Or so Neytiri thought. Today she decided to get ready to hunt, she hadn't done it for a long time. With everything that was going on, she was barely in the right mood. But today she felt it was a perfect day… so she took her bow and left the hut. The whole family was still asleep. He climbed into his ikran and set off. For the past few months, neytiri had spent near the base, waiting for a miracle to happen. Today she decided to hunt close to the area, not close enough to be in danger. On the other hand, you were already ready in your room, you already had a routine. By your calculations, Miles would be here with breakfast in about 20 minutes. You fixed your hair, put on your clothes and waited.
"Listen carefully Lyle, you will go to the hunt testing area, you will take blood from a thanator and put them in this container" Quaritch hands a glass container to Lyle. "and we will meet in the back area, in the storage rooms" Lyle nods his head. "As you order colonel." Quaritch had a plan in place, you were leaving this base today. He was going to make quite a scene. Since he used to walk with you lately, and take walks around… he was going to say that a thanator attacked them and took you. In his plan you would die, so they wouldn't have to follow you when you escaped. While they were making that scene, you would fly away with their ikran. It had to be quick, every day at 7:00 in the morning a herd of ikran used to fly near the base, towards the mountains, so you would be confused with the others. he had everything so organized, he knew this was going to work perfectly. Quaritch walked towards your room, his steps were quick but normal. He didn't want to arouse any suspicion.
Miles enters your room, you notice that he has nothing in his hands. "hey…and my breakfast…" you complain, but he grabs your arm. "we have to go, you're going home today" you looked at Quaritch surprised, you couldn't believe it. "are you serious?" miles looks at you and gives you a smile. "come, walk with me…we have to disguise" on the way to the storage area, Quaritch told you the whole plan, and you thought it was perfect. "but why are you doing this suddenly?" you ask, it seemed strange, he's been telling you to give him time to figure out a plan and magically now he's got one. Quaritch stops dead in his tracks and looks at you. "Y/n I didn't want you to leave…I liked you. I was trying to extend your stay here. But I heard about the plans General Ardmore has." He pauses and takes a breath, you can see beads of sweat pouring from his face. Quaritch liked you?. "She wants to extract your baby and sell it. No matter if you die, they only care about your genetics, and I'm not going to let that happen" Quaritch finished speaking. "I… I don't know what to say" you say as you touch your swollen belly. Quaritch stretches out his hand for you to take and you accept it. You both continue walking to the storage area.
When you arrive there was Lyle and Quaritch's ikran. "All ready sir, the clothes are full of blood and I put them in an area near here. The crime scene is ready" Lyle says, as you approach Quaritch's ikran, wow it was a beautiful specimen, but how were you going to ride it. "What's with those cameras?" you point to some cameras that were on the edges of the building. "shit" grumbles Miles. Lyle laughs a little and speaks "don't worry, I went in for a moment and deactivated them, we have about 30 minutes, before they activate you again". Quaritch walks over to you and looks at you a little worried. "This is my ikran, it's called 'cupcake'."
~~~~~~~~~~ silence~~~~~~~~~~
Lyle lets out a laugh. "cupcake? Are you serious?" you can't help but laugh, such a majestic beast, and what a name he has. "hey, don't tease….. The name isn't everything" Quaritch says, as he prepares his ikran. "I can't do it?" you say, as you step away from the ikran. "Why?" asks Lyle, the time running out. The ikran herd will pass in about 6 minutes. "I could never fly one of these things!!!" you yell a little. "but you can bond with them" speaks lyle. "yeah, but he's giant…" Quaritch kneels down and holds you by the shoulders. "well there's no time for that…it's now or never, little girl. Take good care of yourself, have your baby and take care of cupcake" You look into his eyes, and you could see the tears building up. "eywa has big plans with you, when you're ready…we'll be waiting for you." You say to Miles, then you look at Lyle. "And you too" You give Quaritch a big hug. "thank you" you see how he looks at you and hugs you back. "thank you to you" Quaritch says. You swear to see Lyle wipe his eyes. Quaritch removed a necklace with some badges on it from his neck, as well as Lyle. "Take this, it's for you to remember us" Miles says as he places the necklaces around your neck. "I love you guys so much" You smile, trying not to cry. "Go, go!!!!" Quaritch helped you up, You took your braid and connected it to the ikran. You had something special, the animals never got agitated with you." take care of cupcake!!!" shouts Quaritch, The two men walk away from the beast, while you start the flight. At that very moment the ikran herd are passing and you join him.
"You did well…. Very good" Lyle taps his boss on the shoulder. "We did good" Quaritch looks off into the distance, as you walk away. He still thinks you are the most beautiful creature he could have ever met. You look back, you couldn't believe it, you were free. You stroked the ikran and when you were far enough away from the base, you drifted to your destination. Your home.
After flying for a while you felt a little tired, this pregnancy was killing you with fatigue. And you felt that the ikran was getting uncomfortable because of your tiredness. So you decided to land on a tree, the landing was a success. "you saw that cupcake, I'm quite the expert" cupcake taps you on the head. You didn't have much time to celebrate, as you heard that distinguished noise. It was a shout, low but very firm. It was your mother's call, she used to do it to communicate with you, or when she went hunting. You couldn't believe it, she was close enough. You got down from the tree carefully and entered the forest. You were walking little by little following the noise. Until you saw in the distance, the figure of Neytiri, you wanted to cry, to scream… she was right there. Neytiri hadn't realized that you were right behind her. She was about to make her shot, when she felt something hugging her feet. When she looked down and saw you, her breath caught. "Mom, I got lost," you say, knowing she would remember that reference. Neytiri knelt down and hugged you. You could feel and hear her crying. "oh, thank you eywa… thank you!!!! My daughter has come home" neytiri kept hugging you, you shared her feelings. She pulled back, to look at your face, she was caressing your face. Until she looked at the bulge forming on your belly over the strange clothes you were wearing. "What is this?" neytiri put her hand on your belly. You lift up your shirt and show her your belly. "I am pregnant… neteyam" she looks into your eyes and you can see how neytiri's hand runs to her mouth, she is surprised. And she hugs you again. They were like that for about 10 minutes, it was a lot of information to process. "Let's go home!!!" says neytiri. "let me call cupcake "neytiri looks at you curiously." Cup…cupcake?" you look up at her, before whistling and the creature approaches the tree. "Mom, it's a long story."
Meanwhile back at the base…
Lyle and Quaritch called the rescue squad, they had reported a thanator attack. When the squad arrived, they looked at how the clothes were torn and full of blood, there was no trace of anything. "uhhh gross, it ate her completely" said one of the soldiers, while they were doing the routine tests. Quaritch was called to General Ardmore's briefing room. "What the fuck happened? You had a mission" said the general, not letting Quaritch fully enter the room. "Sorry general, but it wasn't that fast. We were taking a walk…you yourself authorized me to do off-base activities. And that creature came out of nowhere, I tried to stop it. But I didn't succeed, you know these creatures are very dangerous. I called the emergency team as fast as I could," Quaritch defended himself, good heavens… he was very good at lying. "What the hell are we going to do now? What am I going to do now?" says the general, while still cursing. "They couldn't find anything, the body is missing, he swallowed her whole. Poor girl, she had a great future" says Quaritch, while holding his waist. He was waiting for some response from the general. "'Miles… just go back to your station. Thank you" she says as she walks away towards her office. Quaritch leaves the room, as he pulls out of his pocket a seashell you had given him and a cinnamon candy. "I hope you are fine… little one" he says as he walks over to where his team is.
The trip to the shelter was short, you could feel your stomach turning, you were sure it wasn't the baby. It was just the nerves of seeing your family…and seeing neteyam. You two arrive, neytiri gets down from her ikran quickly and helps you down from yours. The first to notice who had arrived was tuk, the girl ran as fast as she could, "Y/N!!!!" she cried as she hugged you and cried. You were sure you would cry a lot today. Tuk dragged you towards the hut. As the girl dragged you, you noticed how everyone looked at you and waved. You saw someone run to the labs, you were sure they were going to tell Norm. As you entered the hut, you saw that Kiri, Loak and Spider were there. The boys looked at you and couldn't control themselves not to cry and ran to you. "You're here…I can't believe it" cries Kiri while hugging you. Loak didn't say anything and kept hugging you. "I knew you were coming back" says spider as you give him a tight hug. "You're still alive spider!!!" you say, all this time you thought he died. "well yes…here I am" he hugs you back. But then he notices something peculiar, just like your brothers. "are you…here's a baby?" asks loak, as he lifts the shirt off your belly. "yes…it's neteyam's" you look at your brothers, this made kiri start to cry more. The girl hugged your belly, while saying adorable things. "move aside… I want to hug her too" loak pushes kiri. These two were about to start arguing, until neytiri scolds them. " your sister has just arrived and you are already fighting!" Neytiri shouts. Spider laughs, and loak sticks his tongue out at kiri. You were so happy, you had missed them so much.
Out of nowhere, an agitated Jake walks in, he stands in the doorway of the hut in shock, he can't believe you were there. "Dad, I'm here" you say as you walk towards him. Jake walks over and carries you off the ground. "watch out!!!" complains neytiri. "my pretty girl, my sweet girl…. are you here!!!" jake looks into your eyes, as he examines you. And pauses, and then looks at you. "yes, she is pregnant" neytiri says. Jake hugs you again. "The important thing is that you are here!!!" jake keeps hugging you, and placing kisses on the top of your head. "we have to celebrate" says neytiri, as she joins in the hug. You were tiny in height, so your parents covered you completely. "I can't breathe!!!" you say, as Jake and Neytiri walk away laughing. You could see neytiri's smile, that smile… you loved her. You knew she was very happy. "mom, where is neteyam?" you asked her. " he is in the tree of spirits….. go, you are going to give him a big surprise" neytiri adjusts your hair a little bit. "hey, whose ikran is that?" asks jake, as he looks at the beast from the entrance of the hut. "it's mine… dad, it's a long story. It was given to me by a great friend" you say, as you run out of the hut. You want to see neteyam, then you would talk to your parents.
"Did they give it to her? The ikran can't only have one rider" jake asks neytiri. "yes, but… I don't know what to tell you" neytiri gives her partner a smile. She's too happy to worry about it. You go running to the soul tree, you had taken off your annoying shoes and could feel the grass under your feet. How you had missed all this… In the distance you saw the tree. And you kept getting closer.
Neteyam was sitting, he used to spend most of his time here. You came closer and could see him. His back was to you, he looked thinner and you swore he was taller. Neteyam had not noticed your presence, until you spoke. "Neteyam…" he looked up and saw you there. He stayed still for a while, he thought it was a game of his mind. He didn't move until he saw you waving your arms. "hello… ma nete" he interrupts you with a quick movement, he had knelt down in front of you and wrapped his arms around you. " ma y/n, you came back to me" you felt his tears fall on your shirt, you wrapped your arms around his head. " neteyam look at me" you took his face in your hands. you could see his dark circles under his eyes, how tired he was. Your poor neteyam, your dear neteyam. "You know I always come back to you" you pull him closer and give him a little kiss. Neteyam pulls you closer to him. It was not a perverse kiss, it was a kiss of "you have given me back my life" you separated from him to analyze his face. "So how come you're here? How did it happen?" asks Neteyam, checking every part of your body. You keep quiet for him to figure it out himself. The first thing he notices is the strange clothes you are wearing. And as he runs his hands down your side, he senses something in particular. You take his hand and bring it to your belly. "It's our baby, I'm about 3 months pregnant" neteyam was silent and then spoke. "That was at …." He asked, you reached over and gave him a kiss on the forehead. " yes, sir…. That day" neteyam hugged you again. you could see how his tail was wagging with excitement, his ears were perked up. Just then, loak arrives. "I don't want to interrupt you guys…but they're looking for you," says loak, as he approaches you. You knew he was happy too. You could see it on his face. Neteyam stood up and took your hand. When you approached loak, you also took his hand.
You went to the shelter, and you saw how everyone was preparing a party to welcome you. Kiri approached you and took you to the mo'at hut. When the woman saw you, she hugged you… and kissed you on the forehead. And said a few words to eywa. Kiri was already taking out of a drawer, an outfit that she had prepared for you. It was very beautiful, it had beautiful stones and corals. The women helped you take off your human clothes, while they dressed you in your new outfit. Mo'at caressed your belly, while drawing some white dots around it. It was a symbol of love and welcome to the new member of the clan. Kiri brushed your hair, you couldn't help crying a little. You missed these moments and here you were. Neytiri entered the hut and approached you. "Look… these are the items I wore during my pregnancies. They were mama mo'at's, then they were mine and now they are yours. When it is kiri's turn…she will inherit them from you" she says as she places them around your neck. "Mom don't say that… I'll never have a baby" complains Kiri, as she continues to fix your hair. "thank you mom" you caress her face, she leans into your touch.
When you came out of the hut, you could see that everyone was dancing and partying. Loak and neteyam were with their father. Spider was playing with tuk. And next to you were kiri and neytiri. They walked over to where everyone was. You looked beautiful, the men of the family looked at you with so much love. Jake took your hand and sat you right next to him. Neteyam sat on the other side of you and wrapped his tail around your belly. "Well family… now we are together" says Jake. You want to memorize this moment, everyone was together. Even spider was there…everyone. And they were happy. You feel neteyam give you a kiss just above your head. "i love you."
It was already very late and the party was over. You went back to the hut. Jake started asking you what happened in that place, and how you escaped. You told him the whole story, how Quaritch and Lyle had taken care of you and helped you get off the base. Jake couldn't believe what you were telling him. "y/n those men are dangerous," says Jake. "dad…they are not those men from before. Eywa has changed them. You have to believe me," you say as you look at him intently. Everyone in the family is listening. Neytiri looks at Jake. "It's okay… the important thing is that you are here and you are safe" jake gives your arm a squeeze. No one in the family was going to question what happened, they knew you had the ability to communicate and understand Eywa's decisions.
Everyone lay down to sleep, you and neteyam were lying together. His hand was on your belly. For the first time in three months, he was going to sleep in peace. The quietness of the hut was more than evident. "hey ma neteyam?" you say softly. "mmm?" neteyam's eyes are already closed. "how is my ilu Hì'i ? you have taken care of her, haven't you?" you ask, he can't believe you are asking that. "she is on the beach… she is fine and has eaten every day" says neteyam settling down to continue sleeping. "you saw that I have an ikran, miles gave it to me" you keep talking, neteyam couldn't be happier, for the first time in his life he didn't care that you were still talking. He wanted to keep hearing your voice all his life.
6 months later…
Your baby was born, he was a healthy baby, and he was completely navi, the only thing he had was the 5 fingers, someone that you, kiri, Jake and loak. They were all in the mo'at hut. Since you had returned things had slowly normalized. You were able to return to your old home in the forest, and the altercations with the humans were less. You knew Quaritch had something to do with this whole issue, and you were grateful for it…he was keeping his promise. "Let me see," said Neytiri as she took the child from your arms. You were tired…the delivery was difficult and painful, but you were fine. Neytiri held the baby carefully while jake took his little hand. "look at that…. Just like mom and grandpa. Welcome to the fraternity!!!" he said a little excited. Neteyam was next to you, he was stroking your hand. "thank you, love…" he said as he came up to your face, to give you a kiss on your cheek. Loak came in with spider and tuk. "make way… uncle loak wants to see his baby" neytiri hands him the baby. "watch out, loak if it happens to him…" says neteyam, as he gets up and goes to where his brother. Kiri had approached you, she was taking care of you. "hey, take it easy." Says spider, as he looks at the baby. "he is very beautiful!!!" spider looks at you, and you give him a smile. "now, hand over my son" neteyam says, taking the newborn out of his little brother's arms and carrying him to you. You take him, and neteyam settles down next to you. In fact, the whole family is sitting around you. "What are you going to name him?" neytiri asks you. You look at your son, keep silent for a moment, laugh a little and then speak. "his name will be… noah't".
p.s. What did you think of this ending? Did you like it? Well, in the end it didn't take too long to read. I had so many ideas, but this was my favorite. I hope I didn't disappoint anyone. I will be writing other stories, I have a lot of them. But if you want something specific, you can send me a message. <3
Neytiri babies: @st4rrry @valeriinee @inutheangel @gielrmn @sloppierjewel @purple7theparty @itscheybaby @ssc7514 @namorslit @ducks118 @tpwkstiles @elli-aesthetics @nao-cchi @uselessbutinteresting @msjae @austynparksandpizza @gamorxa @andyyy4444 @itssomeonereading @meivap @barbii04 @mm-nope @dorck26 @nessrin @purple7theparty @ssc7514 @sloppierjewel @yeosxxx @legendleopard100 @pandoragalora @jayzes-blog @ducks118 @kyriekurokami @heesoftiefreak @teamanime @d4rno @dumb-fawkin-bitch-bitch @burdeningbitch @allsouls-emma @aceofheartzzz @famousbagelhandspurse @fanficblogs @lilyofthetigers @mjnij @laylasbunbunny
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@neytirisgf @meivap @gamorxa @nuttyrebelflower @lovelyygirl8
If there is any problem with the tags, let me know. I have had many people asking me to be on the tag list, if you are not on the list yet you can send me a message.
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ramp-it-up · 11 months
Sugar Sugar
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Summary: You chose Bucky. But now he’s going 5000 miles away. And you were not consulted. Steve is right there and it’s his birthday. The competition isn’t over.
Word Count: 2.5K
Pairings: College grad Steve x Grad School Reader; College grad Bucky x Grad School Reader (Not Stucky); Various Marvel MCU Characters (in same age except for Stark) x Reader (platonic)
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. Not Beta’d. Read at your own risk. Roommate au, S MUT! Lovers quarrel before action starts, angst, flirting, Tony being Tony, lowkey voyeurism, a lil bit of fluff. drinking, flirting, crushes, an unsanctioned birthday picnic, ‘borrowed’ champagne, birthday “kisses” 😏, oral s ex (f receiving), cheating (maybe. possibly)
A/N: This is a sequel to last year’s Sugar. I know! 😫 I hope you like it.
I no longer have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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You were sipping your blueberry tequila smash and staring moodily across the water. It was supposed to be a festive day and an even better night, but that insanely handsome and inconsiderate roommate/boyfriend of yours ruined it all.
Or rather, you ruined it, thinking that you would be any different than any of the other girls he’d smashed and passed on. So what it had lasted a year? Bucky was leaving you now, so cheers to wasted time.
You downed the rest of your drink in one gulp as you thought to get another when someone cleared their throat beside you.
You glanced over to see your boss standing beside you, resplendent in a white suit and sunglasses. You straightened up and ran your free hand over your white mini sundress with blue polka dots and greeted him.
“Oh! Hello, Mr. Stark. This party is so nice. Great way to celebrate the Fourth!”
You plastered on a fake smile and aimed it at him. He smiled back at you.
“Cut the shit, Sugar. I know you’re not that happy. I saw you and Barnes had words and he stalked out. I warned you about fraternization.”
Your stomach dropped and you just knew that you would be fired and kicked out of Stark house, losing your graduate fellowship. Shit. Stark knew everything, even the nickname that your roommates, Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers had given you.
“Oh that? That was nothing, just a roommate disagreement.”
Stark leaned in. He smelled good. Real good. He smelled….rich.
“Listen. That rule is not because I mind co-workers getting it on…” 
He paused and winked at you, and instead of being creepy, it was funny, so you laughed. 
“It’s because most people, especially young people like you, can’t do it without all the feels.”
He nodded and you turned to see Wanda and Vis sneaking off around the house, hand in hand.
“That’s going to lead to heartbreak,” he said, indicating the sneaky couple.
Then looked you in the eyes. 
“And you’re going to be all twisted up into knots between those two grunts if you’re not careful.”
You looked at him quizzically.
“Two grunts?”
Stark sighed and raised his hand.
“You need to lay off the red, white, and blue drinks, Sugar.”
He looked you up and down and you don’t know if it was the drinks, but you weren’t mad at him. He was kind of charming.
“Barnes and Rogers. Part of the reason I keep you around, besides the fact that your IQ is within 20 points of mine, is the increased productivity around them when you are together. Competition is a wonderful thing for business.”
When the server appeared, he grabbed an elegant looking red drink.
“But lately productivity is falling. Hence Barnes’ new offer. It had to be done, Sugar. Now we all can concentrate on the work ahead.”
You frowned at what he was saying, not giving voice to your feelings on that subject. Stark sighed again and shook his head as he handed the drink to you, despite what he said earlier.
“Kir Royale.”
You accepted it and took a sip. Then you looked up at Stark.  You were beginning to think that he might have been pretty cute when he was younger.
“I was Sugar, and I’m a handsome devil now.”
You gasped and put your hand over your mouth as he winked and walked away, not knowing you’d said that out loud. You watched him walk away as he commented over his shoulder. 
“Nice dress, Sugar. It’s making several people all hard, soft, and wet.”
You gasped again, looking down. The dress covered everything, and you didn’t know what he was talking about. You turned toward the river and the afternoon sun again, finally realizing.
The sun was shining through your dress and everyone behind you could see everything you had to offer. And you hadn’t worn any underwear because you came with Bucky.
You quickly made your way down the lawn to the edge of the hedge maze to put the greenery at your back and to watch the water in privacy. Irritation was on the edge of your brain, but the drinks were making everything mellow. 
So what, your boyfriend had accepted a position in Romania for a year?
So what, you couldn’t go with because you’d won a coveted Stark fellowship that extended your housing and salary into while you studied in graduate school at NYU?
So what, Bucky didn’t consult you before committing himself?
So what, you were an idiot who thought you could have happily ever after?
You jumped at a noise behind you. You wheeled around and were stopped in your tracks.
“Hey Sugar.”
Steve was there, with a strange look on his face, but his bright blue shirt was making those eyes pop.
“Oh. Hullo Steve.” 
You pouted at him and he almost fell to his knees. 
Things had been different with you and Steve since you and Bucky had gotten together last year. You were still friends, but he kept you at arms length. You didn’t think much about it, because you’d been wrapped up in your relationship, but as you looked at him now, the guilt hit you full force.
“Oh shit, Cap! It’s your birthday!”
His Lacrosse moniker flew from your lips as you threw yourself into his arms for a hug. Steve was caught off guard and stumbled backward, but managed to break your fall with his body. His hard body. 
“Thank you. You remembered.”
You were both laughing as you untangled from each other on the ground.
“Of course I did! I’m your bestie, right?” 
You gave him your bightest smile.
“Bestie. Right.” 
Steve thought of the innocent kiss you’d shared last year. He thought of it every day, in fact. But you were Bucky’s girl. He looked at you and grinned. You made him so happy. You and Bucky were his only family, so he was glad to be with you today, if only for a moment. 
“I see you were trying to be alone. I’ll leave you be.”
The sight of you made him weak, so he made to leave before he said something stupid. Then, he felt your hand grab his.
“Just where do you think you’re going, Mister?”
“Um, nothing! We’re going to celebrate your birthday in style, Bestie.” 
Your eyes sparkled at him.
“Are you ready for your reconnaissance mission?”
20 minutes later, you and Steve met in the same place, behind the hedges. He’d completed his mission with table cloth and a box full of some hor’s d'oeuvres from the party. Steve had charmed one of the servers in the kitchen.
He took you in, a mischievous look on your face and your arms behind your back. Your nipples were pointed right at him through your dress and his mouth went dry.
“What do you have there?”
Steve’s deep baritone and his raised eyebrow did something to you, but you shook it off as you brought your hands in front of you. Steve barked at your audacity.
You’d swiped a bottle of Stark’s Bollinger Vieilles Vignes Françaises from the bar and the entire top to the strawberry and blueberry five tier sponge cake that was on the buffet.
“Only the best for my bestie!”
Steve shook his head at you as you set up the picnic.
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You and Steve talked like you hadn’t in over a year. You ate and drank and just relaxed, bringing your old vibe back. Everything was perfect, even the beginning sunset across the water.
Until Steve complimented your dress.
“This is nice.” 
He took it in his hand to feel the fabric, bushing his fingertips along your thigh. You shivered and looked down at his hand, leaving Steve to marvel at your eyelashes across your cheeks. Then, you looked back up at him and reached up to feel his beard.
“So is this. Been meaning to tell you.”
Steve’s new-ish whiskers were somehow stiff, but soft, and you let your fingertips linger against his face, eyes drawn to his lips, made even more red by the strawberries off the cake. You licked yours unconsciously, thinking of that 7 minutes in heaven last summer.
“So… what do you want for your birthday?”
You reluctantly withdrew your hand from his face and sat back on your knees, hands on your thighs. For some reason, that made Steve hot and bothered. He considered you.
“Today has been great. The food, the drink, the cake.”
He grinned.
“”Great’, but not ‘Perfect.’” 
You cocked your head at him and Steve wanted his hands on you. 
“What would make it perfect?”
Steve grabbed the bottle of champagne and took a swig because you hadn’t gotten any glasses.
“It’ll never happen.”
Your interest was piqued.
“Never say never, Cap.”
Was Steve drunk, or was your voice more sultry? He shook his head, partially to clear it, and partially in denial.
“I think I can say never with confidence on this one.”
You got up on your knees and grabbed his arm.
“C’mon, please, please, please! It’s your birthday. I’ll do anything to make it happen, pleaaaseeeee!”
You bouncing up and down begging on your knees made Steve’s reserve snap.
“I want to kiss you.”
You stopped moving and your mouth hinged open. Then you licked your lips. 
“That’s what I thought.”
Steve took another swig.
“Can’t do that. You’re Buck’s girl…”
Your reticence evaporated at the mention of James Barnes.
“Fuck Bucky.” 
And you threw yourself at Steve, causing him to drop the bottle, then blindly feel for it, making sure it was upright before pulling you into his lap.
The kiss was less innocent than the first, all lips, tongues and teeth, even biting as Steve sought to possess you. You found yourself grinding on Steve’s bulge as year old memories of what his casually swinging roommate cock looked like flashed through your mind.
Then you stopped, moved off Steve’s lap and lay back on the table cloth, eyes closed and hand on your heaving chest.
“That was great.”
You chuckled and smiled, eyes still closed. You missed Steve’s eyes roaming over your prone body.
“Great, but not perfect?”
“I wasn’t talking about kissing you on those lips….”
Your eyes flew open the now dark sky and you turned your head to see Steve lying next to you, a pained look on his face.
“I know… but… damn Sugar… I’m down bad for you. Always have been.”
You looked into those baby blues and you knew it was true. 
Instead of saying what you wanted to say, you shifted and pulled your dress up slowly, causing Steve’s eyes to follow every move, and an unconscious groan to escape from his lips. When you revealed your naked core to him, he got up on his knees.
“We’ve got to make your birthday perfect, now don’t we?”
Steve gulped.
“Oh, Sugar…Sugar…”
He looked up at you, eyes dilated.
“You sure…?”
“Kiss me, Stevie…”
You let your leg fall open, and Steve’s hands were on you, pulling you toward him as he leaned down toward your naked bottom. He put his hand under your thigh and propped it up and over his shoulder.
His hot breath against your pussy lips made you shudder. He looked up at you.
“I knew you’d be pretty everywhere.”
You smiled and put your hand in his hair, scratching his scalp. 
“You’re so nice, Steve.”
He raised his eyebrow.
“Nice? I’ll show you nice.”
And he leaned down and liked your pussy, tongue sweeping into your sweet tang and setting his world on fire.
“Fucking delicious…”
“Languagggeeeeee… Stevie, fuck!”
You couldn’t handle it as he dove in and pulled and sucked your clit like taffy candy
Steve chuckled, then looked up at what he was doing to you. Your head was thrown back, one hand still grabbing his hair and the other on your breast.
“Look at me.”
You brought your head up to see him and then gasped as he spit on your pussy and then licked it up. 
“Shit, Steve…”
His mouth had disappeared into your cunt as you replied.
“T-ththat wasn’t very nice. In fact…”
You had to stop speaking because now Steve had brought two thick fingers up and had entered your slick passage. The way he finger fucked you while sucking your clit made your eyes roll back in your head. You had his hair tight and the tighter you pulled, the more he groaned and licked you up. 
You grunted through your orgasm, still cognizant that people might hear you.
After you came, Steve looked up at you and curled his fingers which were still inside you, making you slap your hand over your mouth as you keened behind it. That extended your orgasm and had you searching for air as Steve’s hand ran up your dress to squeeze your soft breasts.
“That was great, Sugar. But you know what would be perfect?”
You knew knew what was coming next. 
You thought.
“If you rode my face and came in my mouth.”
You were sure that you looked like a fish the way your mouth stayed open in surprise.
You were sexy as hell to Steve Rogers.
He moved smoothly down to the ground and you took in the tent that was made through his khaki pants. You were a little disappointed. You wanted him inside you.
Steve chuckled and reached out his arms, grabbing for you.
“C’mere, Sugar, bring me that sweet, sweet sugary cream.”
You blushed, despite the debauchery you just participated in, and allowed yourself to be pulled up to Steve’s chest, your skirt fanning around him as he hooked his arms around your thighs and moved your skirt up for access.
“Now, I want you to sit on my face.”
“That handsome face with that big ass tongue?” 
You used to tease him about it all the time.
Steve smiled and nodded.
He stuck his tongue out and wiggled it.
“The better to eat you with, my dear.”
Then he turned and kissed your thigh. Next, his blue eyes bore into yours.
“Now, bring that ass here…”
You couldn’t help but obey as you raised up on your thighs and scooted up as he scooted down. He pulled you down so that you were seated perfectly on his face, his tongue spearing inside you. His hands held you apart as next he did a swirly thing and also a full lick from the top to the bottom of you, all the while watching you.
All shyness disappeared as soon you were grabbing his hair again and undulating on his mouth. Steve nodded and groaned, which encouraged you to go for the gold.
“Oh, my god, Steve…”
You fucked yourself on his face as he sucked and tweaked your clit, listening to his moans of pleasure. The thought that this is what he wanted to do on his birthday was getting you off.
Oh, and the stunning cunnilingus that this man was performing on you helped as well.
At first you thought it was your orgasm, but the fireworks that were lighting up the sky wasn’t from your own climax, but the thousands of dollars Stark paid for them. You allowed yourself to scream as you squirted into Steve’s mouth, and you collapsed over him as he scooted out, flipped up your skirt and licked you clean.
You lay shivering on the ground watching the lights in the sky as Steve lay down beside you and viewed the fireworks with you. 
He pulled you into his arms as you whispered, “What about that?”
You wiggled your bottom against his boner.
“That will get taken care of, one way or another.”
Steve leaned up and kissed your cheek.
“Right now, this moment is perfect.”
You smiled and relaxed, thinking that what you had given Steve was also a gift to yourself.
Stars sparked in the sky as you snuggled into Steve’s arms and Bucky turned away from the hedge, heading toward Romania.
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If you like it, reblog and let me know!
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the-guilty-writer · 1 year
A Prentiss Genius
Request from anon: Prentiss sibling being smarter than Reid. They work in England but is visiting their sister. And in the end it’s just Reid and reader playing poker and chess. (And freaking out the rest of the BAU)
Bonus points if it is an autistic reader
Emily Prentiss x sibling!reader, Spencer Reid x platonic!reader
Summary: When another Prentiss comes from across the pond for a visit, they give the BAU’s genius a run for his money.
A/N: this was fun to write. I hope it’s fun to read! Thanks for the request. Feedback is always appreciated.
CW: typical criminal minds things, mentions of a case, reader gets slightly overstimulated.
You put on your best headphones- the strongest noise canceling ones money could buy- and tried your best not to panic as you ducked through the busy airport. On the plane you were able to distract yourself by thinking about the mechanics of the aircraft and how everything was built and engineered. It had gotten you through the flight, but the airport was a different battle.
Emily had been precise about where she was meeting you- something you were grateful for. When it came to busy places like this you didn’t like guessing games. Someone brushed up against you lightly and you felt your body begin to tense. Physical contact was bound to happen in a place this crowded, but that didn’t stop the build of pressure inside you. If you didn’t relieve that pressure soon, you might explode.
Thankfully, your sister was exactly where she told you she would be- sitting on the silver bench closest to the baggage claim trolley for your flight. Just the sight of her helped you relax, and when you saw that she had already taken it upon herself to grab your luggage so you wouldn’t have to be in the crowded building any longer than necessary it helped you relax even more.
She smiled when she spotted you. After a whole year of not seeing one another she had changed her hair style, her signature lip gloss color, and had obviously bought a nicer pair of boots, but her smile never changed. She also knew better than to talk to you or touch you before you got someplace quiet- your sister knew you like nobody else and for that, you were grateful.
Once you were finally in the passenger seat of her SUV, you took off your headphones and took a deep breath. Emily swung herself up into the drivers side and looked over to you. She offered her hand to you and you gladly reached to lock your pinky finger around hers for just a second- a Prentiss pinky hug, something the two of you had invented when you were children and Emily discovered that sometimes a real hug was too much for you to handle.
“I missed you, Em,” you said.
Emily smiled. “I missed you too, (Y/N).” She knew better than to ask you how your flight was. “But now you’re stuck in the States with me for a whole week.”
“You should have seen Easter’s face when I told him I was actually taking a vacation,” you laughed.
“Yeah, well, you haven’t met my boss yet,” Emily said. She turned on the car and began to pull out of the parking space.
“Yet?” you asked.
Emily sighed. “Yeah. I’ve gotta go back to the office for a few hours to finish some stuff up. I can drop you off at the apartment if you need some quiet time. It’ll just be you and Sergio.”
You thought about it for a moment- weighing the pros and cons. Emily’s team had become a family to her. She knew all the people you worked with at the London Interpol office, so it only seemed right that you knew the people she spent most of her time with. Plus, if you were being honest, you didn’t want to be alone in a strange apartment right now.
“I’ll come with you,” you told her.
Emily smiled again. “It’ll be quick.”
But you knew Emily’s job. You worked a similar one back in England. Time at the office was never quick.
The BAU bullpen wasn’t all the different from the office back in London. Normally you would have felt overwhelmed in a new environment with phones ringing and people walking about, but the familiarity of it all was comforting.
You followed Emily to her desk and the two of you were quickly approached by a tall, buff, black man. Emily had already told you all about her team, so it came to no surprise when the first thing that he said was, “Well, Emily, aren't you going to introduce us to your friend?” in a playful manner.
“Oh, (Y/N), this is Derek Morgan, and Morgan, this is my sibling, (Y/N),” Emily introduced you.
Derek smiled. “It’s nice to finally meet you in person.”
“It’s nice to meet you too,” you said to him.
The glass doors of the bullpen opened and a woman in a bright yellow dress hurried in. Derek turned to her. “Baby girl, where are you in such a hurry?”
The woman didn’t respond. She simply shuffled quickly up the stairs and into someone’s office. You watched as she talked to a dark-haired man who was sitting behind a large wooden desk. His expression was stoic, but when he got up from his seat he walked with purpose.
“Team in the conference room, now. Even you, Prentiss,” the man said as he walked towards what you assumed was the conference room. Derek said something about gathering Reid and JJ- two names you recognized- and walked off.
Emily sighed heavily. “I’m sorry, (Y/N).”
“It’s fine.” You shrugged. “I get it. I had to flee the country so they didn’t pull me into a case.”
Emily laughed as she walked toward the conference room. “That’s why I usually come to you. Hopefully it’s just an emergency consult. Make yourself at home. There’s tea in the kitchen!” She disappeared behind the conference room door.
You made yourself comfortable at your sister’s desk. The star puzzle you had given her years ago sat at one corner. You pulled it from its place and took it apart before piecing it back together. Most people said it was impossible, but puzzles had always been easy for you and they should be considering you had an IQ of 188.
Out of curiosity, you looked up at the conference room. You couldn’t hear what they were saying, but you could see the images on the screen. A slim blonde lady with a remote was gesturing to the images. She pressed a button and the picture changed. It was a picture you had seen before- no. It was a picture of something you had seen before.
Your inherent curiosity carried you forward and before you knew it you were standing in the doorway of the conference room, the star puzzle still in your hand, your gaze unwavering from the screen.
“I’ve seen that before.” The words came out of your mouth before you could stop them. You were so entranced by the image you didn’t even notice all the people looking at you.
“Who are you?” The words of the stoic man broke your trance.
Emily stood up from her spot at the table and came to your side. “This is my sibling, (Y/N). (Y/N) this is Agents Hotchner, Rossi, Jereau, Penelope Garcia, and Dr. Reid.” She gestured around at the people at the table.
“How have you seen this before?” Rossi asked.
“I work for Interpol,” you explained. “The symbol carved into the wrist on the victim- it’s the same symbol that a European hacking group used to sign their viruses. We shut them down about a year ago but I had a suspicion that there might be more members outside of the continent we hadn’t found yet.”
“Well that narrows it down a lot,” Derek said.
“Tell the NYPD that we’re on our way, JJ. Wheels up in twenty. You too, Prentiss,” Hotch said to your sister.
“No, no wait,” you said. Everybody sat down and looked at one another. “The body was found in New York?”
“Yes,” JJ said. “Is there something wrong with that?”
“They’ve murdered two times before this; once in Brussels and again in Israel. They left the bodies in Antwerp and Tel Aviv, the largest cities, but the group’s headquarters were in the capital cities of Brussels and Jerusalem. It’s a forensic countermeasure. Chances are the group is here in DC. My guess is that you don’t have the right software to track them, but your counter intelligence division should.”
The team looked around at one another. “Garcia, go down to counter intelligence and see if they will allow you access into their system,” Hotch instructed. Garcia scurried from the room. “(Y/N), is there anything else we should know?”
You let out a heavy sigh. “This might take a while.”
Rossi smiled. “Then pull up a chair.”
It didn’t take long for Garcia to locate the headquarters. Soon enough, the team was gearing up to go out on a take-down.
“Prentiss,” Hotch said. You looked up at the call of your name, but he was talking to Emily. “We’re going to need you to come with us.”
Emily looked towards you. “Will you be okay here by yourself?”
Today had been a lot for you- between hours on a plane, then navigating the busy airport, and meeting and working with several new people. It was rather draining.
“I can stay with them,” Reid offered. “The medical doctor still hasn’t cleared my knee for running or climbing.”
You and Emily locked pinky fingers for a second before she followed the rest of her team out of the room, leaving you alone with the young doctor.
You were beginning to become bored with the star puzzle- you had already done it 23 times since you got there- so you looked up. Reid was playing chess against himself. You watched as he studied the board carefully, then moved a pawn forward.
“You should have moved the knight instead,” you said. “You’d have check in three instead of check in five.”
“You play?” Reid asked. You nodded. Without another word, he reset the board and moved it so you could reach the pieces better. He moved first with a conservative single pawn forward. You smiled- this was going to be too easy.
“It’s… freaky,” Morgan muttered.
“It’s uncanny,” Rossi agreed.
“It’s something.” Emily smiled. 
“It’s time to get back to work,” Hotch said. But nobody moved, not even him.
For the last hour the team had sat around watching you and Reid play chess- you had won 7 times and he had won 5- and now poker. Currently, he had won three games and you had won two, but with the hand you had it was surely going to allow you to tie up the score. Reid set his hand down and you smiled, setting down yours as well.
“But-” Reid looked at the cards. “The probability of that hand is-”
“0.0001%,” you finished for him.
“How in the world-” JJ started.
Emily laughed. “(Y/N) has an IQ of 188. Just one point above Reid.”
“Oh, our poor good doctor,” Garcia cooed.
“Pretty boy finally met his match,” Derek joked.
“You think we can steal them away from Interpol?” Rossi asked.
This time you answered for yourself. You turned to the team and said, “Not a chance,” just before Reid began dealing out cards again.
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honeyhotteoks · 1 year
this night together - chapter seven (j.yh + s.mg)
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chapter seven: any time now
chapter summary: things are finally back to normal, but how long can that really last?
warnings: references to a/b/o dynamics such as heat and knotting and designations, general reader horny thoughts, masturbation
notes: major love for everyone who's been so patient while i worked on this chapter and this fic in general. i've been going through it recently, but hopefully this is a little fun one before we get back to the smut and angst ♡
pairings: alpha!yunho x alpha!mingi x omega!reader.......... but we're also featuring some alpha!seonghwa x reader, omega!wooyoung x reader (platonic)
genre: smut, a/b/o/omegaverse, angst, fluff, romance, polyamory
word count: 9.7K
previous chapter | next chapter | AO3
“No, no I’m telling you,” Hongjoong asserts, his eyes full of passion as he leans across the table, “Bowie was the greatest artist of our time. Period.” 
It's at this exact moment that you can see Seonghwa’s eyes go fuzzy as he realizes he’s introduced two of the more argumentative and passionate people he’s ever met to each other, and now he has to live with the consequences. And it’s not even like you and Hongjoong disagree, in reality you’re mostly just agreeing with each other - just loudly and with excitable hand gestures. 
You start going down the deep rabbit hole of Hongjoong’s musical preferences again and Seonghwa starts to look for a natural place to cut in, you can see it on his face, but you’re too focused on debating which of Bowie’s albums is actually the greatest of all time to even care. It’s only the second time you’ve met him, but it clicked with him quickly, and despite barely knowing him, here you are. 
“Favorite era?” Hongjoong recaptures your attention and you lean back in your seat. 
“This is hard,” You admit. 
“Mhm,” Hongjoong takes a sip of his drink and leans forward on the table, “there’s a right answer.” 
“Are we talking style or music?” You counter back. 
“You two,” Seonghwa groans, “I’m getting a headache,” 
“Shush,” Hongjoong slaps his friend’s arm softly, “you wanted us to be friends, right?” 
“At what cost,” Seonghwa smirks as he knocks back his drink. 
“Style or music,” You repeat, nudging Hongjoong. 
“Style,” He narrows his eyes. 
“Thin white duke,” You answer with zero hesitation. 
“Oh,” Seonghwa laughs, “you would,” 
“What?” You laugh, “What could that possibly say about me?” 
Seonghwa shrugs but Hongjoong nods, “He’s right,” 
“Sure,” You roll your eyes. 
“You like a man in a suit, that’s what it says,” Hongjoong laughs, “but I would have picked Berlin era.” 
“So we both like a man in a suit,” You nod at him. 
“You got me there,” He laughs, running a hand through his shock of blue hair. 
“I never hear music like that anymore,” You comment and Hongjoong smiles. 
“I’d love to produce something like that,” He admits, “but you need someone with a much stronger vocal range for that.” 
Seonghwa nods along, and it’s clear it’s not the first time he’s heard this sentiment from Hongjoong. 
“Stronger than the idols KQ has now?” You ask, your eyebrow raised. 
He nods, “It’s not that they’re not good, everyone’s very talented and I enjoy working with them… but the chance to work with someone one in a million is different,” 
“I could see that,” You concede. You don’t know much about music production or vocal performance, but you know a one in a million voice when you hear it. 
“You won’t have to wait long from the buzz I’m hearing,” Seonghwa drops his voice to a bit of a hushed tone even though there’s considerable space between your table and anyone else. 
“I’m not holding my breath,” Hongjoong says, “I don’t want to get my hopes up,” 
“I know it’s a longshot,” Seonghwa offers, “but I’m hearing good things,”
“Me too,” Hongjoong says, “but nothing’s on paper yet, so you know how these things go.” 
“So…” You give them a pointed expression. 
“Right,” Seonghwa leans in, “KQ is currently courting a big name from a group that just disbanded,” 
“To take on a senior group?” 
“No,” Hongjoong shakes his head, “just one of the members, as a solo artist.” 
“Oh,” You drop your voice, “who?” 
“You can’t say anything,” Seonghwa makes a hand gesture as if to say you’re dead if you do, “but Choi Jongho,” 
The pause between the three of you seems weighty, but you don’t know him and you have to admit it with a little shrug, “I’ve never heard of him,” 
“What?” Hongjoong shakes his head in disbelief, “I mean that’s crazy,” 
“I don’t keep up with it as much as you’d think,” 
“I mean,” Hongjoong blinks, “he’s the one in a million, he’s the voice.” 
“I believe you,” You nod quickly, “I just don’t know him.” 
“Well,” He sighs, “hopefully you will. If our CEO can close the deal,” 
“You really want to produce for him that badly? He’s that good?” You ask. 
“Without question,” He sighs, “I would kill to write him some R&B,” 
“Oh, now there’s a thought,” You lean in. 
“You just need so much more vocal texture,” Hongjoong explains, “but if you heard him, you’d get it.”
You nod along. 
Hongjoong sighs and leans back in his chair, running a hand through his hair again, the silver of his many rings catching in the overhead light, “If he signs we could get an album together for early next year,” 
“You really want to work with him that badly?” You nod, “He must be amazing.” 
“He is,” Hongjoong hums, “so cross your fingers.” 
You do and show him your hand, “Done,” 
The server passes by your table and smoothly passes the check towards Seonghwa, but Hongjoong intercepts it with practiced ease and slips his heavier credit card into the billfold before returning it to the server’s waiting hands. 
“Thank you,” The server nods, “I’ll be right back with this.” 
“Thank you, Joong,” Seonghwa smiles, “next time on me,” 
Hongjoong waves his hand and you realize it’s much the same as the last dinner. You wonder just how well producers are paid if this is his casual attitude towards a bill for three people eating rich cuts of meat and having crafted cocktails, but judging from Hongjoong’s lack of concern at the check’s total, he’s paid pretty well. 
“Thank you, Hongjoong,” You echo. 
“Of course,” Hongjoong smiles, and then the bill is back in his hands to sign off before you’re all up and away out the door. 
You walk a little ways with them, in the direction of a much busier block so you can catch a taxi home, all the while Hongjoong and Seonghwa chat about people you’ve yet to meet at the company and old times. They’ve been friends for years, you could gather that even without the download of information Seonghwa gave you after your first dinner out with them. They have an easy way about them that makes you smile, and even though you’re not in on any of these stories or jokes, it still feels comfortable. They both exude cool, in their style and the way they walk and talk, their handsome smiles and the cut of their clothes, but they never stray too far into pretension and it makes you like them both all the more. 
When Hongjoong checks his phone briefly as he walks and hums quietly, Seonghwa makes a disappointed noise with his tongue against his teeth. 
“What?” Hongjoong glances up. 
“Stop thinking about work,” Seonghwa interrupts his brain, “it’s ten o’clock,” 
“Normally I’m still working, you know,” Hongjoong tucks his phone away and makes a face. 
“You do that to yourself, Joong,” Seonghwa comments. 
“I know, I know,” He shrugs, “there’s nothing wrong with working hard.” He swivels his head to you at the same time Seonghwa does. 
“Don’t look at me,” You throw up your hands in surrender, “I can’t help you, Hwa, I’m at the studio late every day.” 
“I have to stop attracting friends who do nothing but work,” Seonghwa says, but he smiles despite his words. 
“Speaking of work,” Hongjoong grins conspiratorially at you, “he said you’re on the choreography team for the new tracks,” 
“Yes,” You catch Seonghwa’s pleased eye, “I’m assisting with it,” 
“How do you like the title song?” He asks. 
“I think it’s an earworm,” You admit, “I’ve been hearing it in my head for days,” 
“Not too commercial?” He asks. 
“I said it was going to be popular,” Seonghwa groans, “not that it’s commercial,” 
“I’m just asking,” Hongjoong throws a hand out to his side to smack Seonghwa’s arm. 
“It’s not,” You shake your head vehemently, “it’s just good, and catchy as hell,” 
“I can’t wait to see what your team does with it,” Hongjoong admits with a sigh, “I’m proud of this album,”
“I’m looking forward to hearing the whole thing,” 
“When it’s finished you should come to the listening party,” He offers, his steps slowing as you make it to the curb of the busier street. 
“I would love to,” You smile, and Seonghwa nods.
“You’ll be alright to get home?” Hongjoong asks, turning towards you. 
“Let me,” Seonghwa steps past you to the edge of the sidewalk and raises an arm out to beckon a taxi over, and a yellow cab flicks its occupied light on and smoothly cuts over to the side lane. 
“Thanks, Hwa,” 
“Come out again soon?” Hongjoong asks, “I didn’t even get to my thoughts on 90s music,”
“Anytime,” You smile as Seonghwa opens up the taxi door for you. 
“I’ll send you some albums,” He adds.
“I love it,” You nod and move to the open door, catching Seonghwa’s eye as you do. 
“See you tomorrow,” He says as you slide into your seat. 
He waits for you to swing your legs inside the car and then shuts the door tight, tapping on the hood and backing away to stand next to Hongjoong. He waves, and as the taxi pulls away they turn to walk back the way you came. 
Things stay perfectly in this new status quo for weeks, your life so much fuller and richer than the first few months you worked at KQ and tried to find inroads of friendship. Now you have dinner from time to time with Seonghwa and Hongjoong, drinks with your new dance troupe trio, workouts with San, coffee breaks with Wooyoung, and a growing sense of normalcy with Yunho and Mingi as you get back to work with them. 
You’re just starting to get comfortable when your phone reminds you that normal never lasts. 
As ever, things change. 
The shift starts with the first real peace offering you get from Yunho, weeks after the first night back in the studio with them. You’re buried in your phone trying to map out the dates of your next heat, paying exactly zero attention to your surroundings as you go through the app on your phone that tracks out your cycle symptoms. One that sends you painfully patronizing push notifications like - Hey girlie! Your heat is scheduled to start anytime in the next two weeks! Be sure to drink lots of water!! - complete with a panting red faced emoji. The last person you really want to see at this second is Yunho, or Mingi for that matter, and to be reminded of everything that happened a few months ago, but you’re never quite so lucky. 
Yunho’s hand enters your eyeline, dropping a coffee on the table in front of you and you jump at the sudden break in your concentration as you snap your phone lock on and let it slip through your fingers. 
“Sorry,” He smiles, “I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
“It’s okay,” You take a steadying breath as you watch him reach for your phone that skid across the floor, “I was just lost in thought,” 
“Mm,” He passes the phone back to you and you’re infinitely grateful for your panic response that locked the phone and darkened the screen to save you any more embarrassment, “is everything okay? You seem a little stressed,” 
“I’m good,” You assure him. 
Adjusting the cap on his head he gestures to the coffee, “Well, either way you looked like you could use one of these,” 
“Thank you,” You smile, trying to let the moment be normal. You had missed him bringing you little things. Before your heat he was always checking up on you, delivering water bottles and protein bars and iced americanos. You can’t help but comment on it as you lift the coffee and give it a shake, “it’s been a while,” 
“I know,” He grimaces, “I’m sorry,” 
“Don’t be,” You brush him off, “I just meant it’s nice, I’m really glad we’re friends again.” 
He swallows a little tightly, glancing to his side, and you know being vulnerable like this isn’t really his favorite thing but he’s trying, “I am sorry though,” he says finally, “Mingi and I shouldn’t have let things get so weird. That was… I mean, this is work. We shouldn’t have let it interfere like that, we should have just talked to you.” 
“Me too,” You murmur, letting him off the hook, “it goes both ways.” 
“Yeah,” He breathes, and then his eyes come up, “but friends? That’s what you want?” 
“Of course,” You nod quickly, the sharp idea of going back to barely talking or looking at each other making you queasy, and the past few weeks of working together with them has felt like a weight off your shoulders. 
There’s a beat between you, and a noise to your right as the door to the break room opens and bodies spill in. Someone shouts your name, but your eyes are holding so tightly to Yunho that you don’t even know who it was, you don’t really care. You need to know that he’s on the same page. 
Yunho nods finally and smiles, “Good, okay, friends,” 
Mingi crashes into him from the side with an arm slung over his shoulders and his face lit up in a bright smile, “Hey,” 
“Hi,” You smile, watching as Yunho crosses his arms loosely and lets Mingi stay clinging onto him. You catch Mingi’s eyes, “You’re in a good mood today,” 
“I guess so,” He shrugs, “it’s a good day,” 
The chair to your side moves and your head snaps over to see San flopping down, a freshly mixed protein smoothie in hand, “You’re late,” he comments and you snap a look to your watch. 
Fifteen minutes late to your training with him, and you grimace, “Shit, I’m sorry,” 
“It’s cool, I’ll just have to remember this when you’re begging to get out of the last set,” His eyebrows quirk up at you playfully. 
Mingi makes a quiet noise and when you look back up at him he’s pouting, “You never let me give you training tips,” 
“That’s because you hate the gym,” You laugh. 
His nose crinkles, “True,” 
Yunho laughs at the exchange and shrugs Mingi off and he looks like he’s about to add something to the conversation, but the door opens again and Dahan and Yujin cut their way through the dining area. 
Yujin catches your eye and smiles, “Ready for today?” 
You nod and try not to seem too terrified, “Definitely,” 
“See you at four,” She says, brushing past your table and heading for the coffee stations at the far side of the room. 
You let out a shaky breath, one you didn’t know you were holding quite so tightly in your chest and Yunho’s brow knits together, “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing,” You assure him, “it’s just a big day for me,” 
“The meeting?” He asks, referring to the session later today where you and the rest of the crew will meet with the girl group members for the first time. You’ve been elected to run them through some of the point choreography, and while everyone will be working together, you’re first and that level of spotlight makes you buzz with anxiety. 
“Yeah,” You shrug, trying to stay casual about it, “it’s not that big of a deal, I know, but I’m still nervous,” 
“You’ve been working like crazy,” San cuts in, smoothing a hand over your fidgeting fingers to calm you down, “you’re going to be fine, when have you ever choked?” 
“You’re right,” You breathe, pulling your hand back and pushing your hair away from your face, “Yujin and Dahan are just very good.” You don’t elaborate, but the idea of teaching choreography in front of them makes your heart thump loudly in your chest. 
“You’re very good,” Mingi dismisses instantly with a noise in his throat. 
“Thanks, Mingi,” 
“It’s first time jitters,” Yunho smiles, “I get them every time we do something new,” 
“You do?” Your eyebrows shoot high. 
“Mhm,” He nods, “actually, I have an idea,” 
“Let’s go for a run,” Yunho checks his watch and then nods. 
“Yunho,” You glance to San, “I don’t know,” 
“It clears my head every time, trust me,” He presses, “something about running outside… it’s definitely going to get you out of your head.” 
“Go,” San nods, brushing off your unspoken concern about ditching him. 
“You don’t mind?” You check with him. 
“Nah,” He grins, pushing himself up to stand and offering you a hand to help you to your feet too, “I’ll just go bother Wooyoung,” 
“I’m sure he’ll thank me for that,” You laugh. 
“He should be so grateful,” San brushes your arm lightly with his fingers and then gives you a warm smile, “but you go, relax, and text me later.” 
“I will,” You nod, and he jogs off. 
You twist back to Yunho and Mingi at the sound of a throat clearing and Mingi shifts from foot to foot, “I’d join you on the run, but,” 
“You hate running,” Yunho finishes for him, “you’re good,” 
There’s a beat of silence between the three of you, and then Yunho clears his throat again, “Meet me out front in ten? I just need to change,” 
“Sure,” You have to do the same, and idly in the back of your mind you wonder if he’s a good runner, the kind of person who makes it look easy. 
“Great,” He smiles and then he’s off. 
Mingi watches him go and then shifts his attention back to you, “You’ll be great today,” 
“You think?” Your nervousness slips out. 
“I know.” He nods, pointed with no room for discussion. 
You swallow tightly, but agree anyway. 
Mingi guides you back out of the pull of your own thoughts when he claps a hand down on your shoulder as he moves past you and around the table, “Just chill,” 
“Chill,” You repeat dumbly. 
“Mhm,” He shrugs, quirking up an eyebrow at you as he pushes through the door and away. 
You’re used to his naturally flirtatious energy, but even a look that intense from him can send your stomach into little flip flops. Your phone dings again in your pocket, the familiar sound of your cycle app sending you another reminder and you don’t even bother to look and see what it says, your lingering gaze on Mingi is enough to tell you. 
Alone in the break room you sigh and run your hands through your hair before shaking the little interaction off and heading out to meet Yunho. By the time you’re out front he’s already there, and you think it’s quite possible that this is the biggest mistake you’ve ever made when you lay eyes on him. He’s dressed comfortably, in shorts and running shoes, but it’s the sleeveless black top that makes your pulse quicken. 
“Alright,” He says as he sees you approaching, “let’s do it.” 
“Okay,” You stretch out your arms in front of you and do your best to focus on your own body and not his and all the ways you’ve seen it move before. 
He waves you along and then starts to run. 
You set a pace together with ease, and you’re not sure if it’s Yunho accommodating you or you accommodating him, but either way you fall into step smoothly as you start jogging through the streets of Seoul. He adjusts the black cap on his head and settles his arms into a comfortable running position and he slowly starts to increase the pace, but you match him smoothly right back. 
“Do you have a route?” You ask between controlled breaths. 
“Yeah,” He nods, gesturing up ahead, “just follow me,” 
You murmur your agreement, and then refocus your eyes ahead and not on the man to your side. He’s right, you do need this. Your shoulders have been tense with stress for days, your body tired and feeling jittery, but the steady steps over the pavement and the cool air have your muscles relaxing already. You stay focused on your breath and the rest starts to melt away. 
“This way,” He directs after a little while heading straight, and he takes a smooth left turn across a busy intersection where the walk signs are lit up for you. 
In the distance is a block of trees marking the start of one of the riverside parks, and you’re sure that’s where he’s running to. You can feel him glancing down at you every so often, making sure you’re still at his side, and it’s oddly comforting to run with him and not alone for once. It’s been a while since you’ve been out like this, you’ve taken to sticking with San in the comfort of the KQ gyms, but with Yunho at your side it feels comfortable and right. 
“Good?” He asks as you push over the next street and into the entrance of the trail, hooking through two lines of trees. 
“Good,” You confirm, “you?” 
He smiles and laughs a little, but keeps running, “Definitely,” 
You push on and keep pace, moving down the pathway through the trees, nothing but the sound of each other’s breath for company. Being cocooned in trees, this close to the water, makes you feel insulated from the city and with every step your worries about the meeting later have started to fall away. 
You glance to Yunho and see that his eyes are still focused ahead, but you swallow hard at the pink blush across his cheeks and collarbones, the sweat now visible on his tanned skin. You have such a clear image of him above you, broad hand on your cheek and cock buried inside your body, looking flushed and sweaty just as he does now. 
“Feeling better?” He asks, not slowing his run at all. 
His voice jolts you out of your meandering thoughts, “Hmm?” 
“Are you feeling any better?” He tries again, “less stressed?” 
“A little,” You concede. 
He nods, but keeps moving. The lack of conversation between you both normally feels tight and unnatural, but lately it’s started to feel safe again. He’s always been a person you can just be around, nothing extra, just existing. It finally, finally feels right again. 
You make your way a little further into the park until it starts to curve around with the bend of the river. Yunho gestures up ahead to a block of benches that overlook the water and he glances down at you, “Let’s take a breath there and then double back,” 
As you approach the benches and start to slow, Yunho grins, “It’s gorgeous today,” 
“It really is,” You agree, chest heaving a little at the effort from the run and you focus on deep steady inhales and exhales. 
He walks past the benches and up to the railing at the water, leaning down and resting his elbows on the dark blue painted steel, “That looks fun,” he comments, gesturing towards a group of boats on the water. 
“Mm,” You sigh, leaning next to him, your arms nearly brushing, “especially on a day like today.” 
He nods quietly, his eyes closing for a moment as he soaks up the warm sun, and then he turns towards you and leans against the railing with his hip, “So,” he says, “is it first time jitters, or is something else going on?” 
“W-what do you mean?” His words break you out of your thoughts again, and you didn’t even realize your mind was slipping away somewhere else, but every time he interrupts you it’s painfully obvious to you that you can’t stop worrying. 
“I’ve seen you nervous,” He comments, “this feels like more,” 
You shift towards him and look up, “A little, maybe,” 
“Tell me,” He prompts you, extending his hand for a fraction of a second before he lets it drop back to his thigh. 
Your first thought is that you want to touch him too, but you resist it. 
“Teaching these girls,” You trail off, dropping your eyes again to the ripple of the water as it kisses the rocky shore, “something about doing it in front of Yujin and Dahan… and even you,” 
“Me?” His voice runs high. 
“It’s just scary,” You admit, “I’m sure I’ll get over it.” 
“I don’t want to make you scared,” He murmurs.
  “It’s not that,” You glance up at him, but it’s safer to keep your focus on the water, “I just…. I don’t know if I belong in that room yet, and today all the attention will be on me. I’ve never taught anyone like this before,” 
“Yes, you have,” Yunho finally does touch you, nudging your arm and getting your eyes back on him, “you came up with good stuff for this routine. You taught all of us, and I saw you practicing everything together to show them. You’re ready,” 
“You really believe that?” The words slip out. 
“y/n,” His brow furrows, “of course I do, I wouldn’t have suggested you in the first place if I thought you couldn’t do this.” 
He’s right, you can do this, and with flying colors too if you really set your mind to it, but the question still brews in the back of your brain and you have to ask. “Yunho,” You sigh, “why did you suggest me?” 
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“We weren’t talking,” You explain, “we were barely looking at each other in the studio, but you still pulled me into this project. Why?” 
He’s still for a moment, his eyes flicking over your face and then he sighs, “Because you’re good, and because I know how hard you were working even when we weren’t talking. And because,” he pauses, “because I wanted you there,”
“For me or for my skills?”
“For your skills,” He nods, “the fact that it’s you… well, that just made my choice easier.” 
“You really mean that, don’t you?” You murmur.
  “I do,” He nods, “so be regular nervous all you want, but never doubt your place in the room, okay? I wouldn’t do that to you.” 
“Thank you, Yunho,” 
He nods and looks back out to the water before checking his watch and taking a deep breath, “You ready to head back?” 
“Let’s do it,” You agree with a sigh, shaking out your limbs. 
“Did this help?” He asks as he pushes off the railing. 
“Yeah,” You smile, “I mean, I’m still a little terrified, but I think that’s normal.” 
“Mhm,” He smooths his hand across your shoulders and gives you a squeeze, “plus, I promise you can dance circles around these girls any day of the week,” 
“Oh, shut up,” You roll your eyes, “now you’re laying it on too thick,” 
“I don’t lie,” He grins, “you know that already,” 
You open your mouth to retort but he takes the wind right out of your sails when he starts to jog backwards and he sticks his tongue out to tease you. As he twists around he calls back over his shoulder, “Race you back!”
You scramble forwards, “Hey! No fair, you got a head start,” 
He keeps running, but you hear him laugh, “Catch up then!”
You pump your legs harder, moving as fast as possible as you try to reach him. You watch as he glances back over his shoulder, goading you into pushing yourself harder, something swells in your chest. He’s close, if you just pick it up a little more, focus a little more, you’ll reach him. Maybe pass him. 
“You still with me?” He shouts back, voice light. 
Your heart is pounding in your ears, blood rushing loud, and your chest is screaming with the effort of working your body this hard but you don’t care. You want to win, you need to win. You pump your legs harder, clear your mind, and race. You gain on him inch by inch and you grin when you hear him laugh again, catching you in his peripheral vision as you scream up next to him. He says something but you miss it, your head too focused on every step in front of you. 
When you finally make it back to KQ you all but skid into the back entrance with him, colliding shoulder to shoulder and having to brace yourself on the entryway wall so you don’t pitch right over onto the hardwood floor. 
Yunho’s hands close over your hips to steady you, and you hear his heavy breath above you before he laughs, “Jesus, you’re fast,” 
“You annoyed me,” You wheeze, pressing on your side where a painful, sharp stitch has taken up residence. 
Your fingers brush along his for the barest of seconds and he pulls his hands back instantly before giving you an apologetic smile and pulling off his ball cap to wipe the sweat off his brow with the bottom of his shirt. The quick flash of his abs makes you dizzy. 
“I still won,” Yunho sighs, leaning against the wall. 
You shoot him a look, but you’re still catching your breath and at this point it’s not even worth the fight. As you raise your head to look at him, you suddenly notice the crowded hallway towards the side of the door. Wooyoung and San stand close together, angled towards you but clearly just in halted conversation with Minseok, Yujin, and two of the other dancers. 
Wooyoung gives you a single pointed eyebrow raise. 
“Were you racing?” Minseok asks, glancing between the two of you. 
You make an affirmative noise, all you can do while you recover.
  “Fun,” Wooyoung laughs a little to himself and if you had the energy you’d smack him, but you can’t even bother. 
“Why?” Minseok asks. 
“Why not?” Yunho shrugs and then turns his attention back to you, “Good?” 
“Good,” You nod.
  For a second he looks like he wants to say something else, maybe give you one last encouraging speech, but he just settles on a smile, “See you in there,” 
You nod, smiling back up at him, and then he pushes through the little pocket of your coworkers to get back to the locker rooms. You take another second to catch your breath against the wall, Wooyoung making an expression you need to roll your eyes at, but then you realize. You feel great. 
The nerves from the whole day have dissipated, the surging rush of endorphins from pushing yourself so hard, drowning out anything in your body except adrenaline, joy, and a little exhaustion. You could kiss him. 
At four o’clock, when you walk into the room, you do it with a clear head. In the back of the studio, Yunho smiles. 
A week later, your app dings again and this time it’s right on the money.
You submit the paperwork on Thursday after practice, another lozenge tucked into your cheek as you start to feel the first signs of your upcoming heat. It’s already better than last time, a more familiar kind of cycle than what you last experienced. You’re used to it being mostly mild, a few times a year leaving you achy and sore, and insatiably horny, but nothing like the desperate cramping from before. 
This time you have things down to a predictable science, and though you might have a few moments of serious weakness or deeper feelings of heat, you’d be fine. This time there would be no dizzy desperation, no crying into your pillow in hopes that an alpha would soothe you and take it away. No begging to be claimed. It would be fine. 
You should be fine. 
You leave the paperwork on the back desk and hurry out to catch a ride back home before you start to really feel it, but all you can imagine is Yunho’s face when he picks up the papers and you need to not be in the building when that happens. 
At home you set yourself up for the next few days. Bedroom door locked, a stash of water bottles, a stack of towels, and a bedside table full of charged and ready toys. You get undressed out of your restrictive leggings and tighter clothes, and pull on a simple pair of sleep shorts and a loose oversized top. Fabric that won’t cling or make you hot, just comfortable enough to relax and take it easy as your body starts to sink into heat. 
For a while things are normal and fine, regular aches and pains. You watch a show on your iPad and zone out the feeling, but eventually every little shift of your hips feels sharper, and a low throb starts to pulse inside you. It’s evening when you start to lose focus on the drama you’re watching. Something about the male lead seems familiar to you and your mind keeps drifting. 
You settle back into the cushions to get more comfortable and to try and refocus on the show, but the ghost sensation of lips on your throat makes your eyes drift closed. 
Your hand is pushing under the elastic of your sleep shorts before you can even think it through. 
Your mind keeps replaying the image of Mingi pushing his glasses up into his hair and smiling, the way his hands ran over your body and landed firm on your hips. Yunho’s head between your thighs. Both their fingers searching your body, pushing inside you, pulling you apart over and over again. Their hot breath on your throat. Pretty omega, they called you. Something tumbles in your chest, knots build up in your stomach. Your fingers feel good but they pale in comparison to what you had before and you work yourself up and up but nothing quite comes close to the edge of pleasure you’re looking for. 
You’re my best girl. 
You bite back a moan and push two fingers inside yourself. 
You can almost feel their hands on you, their hot kisses, gentle nips of your skin, but you can’t find the feeling of them inside you. You quicken your hand and replay the images faster in your mind. You miss them, you need them, you want them. You come hard and fast with a shudder, your eyes snapping back open. 
There she is. That’s our girl.
“F-fuck,” You breathe to yourself, pulling your hand out of your shorts. Your chest is heaving, a light sheen of sweat over you, and your core throbs like your body wants you to go again. 
“Oh my god,” You breathe, pushing yourself off the bed and stumbling into the bathroom, “what is wrong with you, get a grip,” 
You shake it off, trying to ignore the fact that you just thought about them while you were getting yourself off. It’s just heat, that’s all it ever is with them, that has to be it. Hot alphas will always scramble your brain at a time like this, you just have to listen to yourself and get a grip.
With a sigh you wash your hands, crawl back into bed, and try to just fall asleep and ignore the images still looping in the back of your brain. 
You don’t sleep though, you can’t. 
You toss and you turn, and you ache, but you don’t sleep. 
Around the third hour of trying to soothe your cramps with a heating pad that you decide to say fuck it and ask for help. You have a small window of time to get to wherever you’ll be spending the duration of your heat, and even though you know with your suppressants this won’t be quite as bad as before, your body still wants.
For a second you think about Mingi. You miss his hands, his easy smile, the way he would slowly stroke your back and massage your hips. You miss his scent, his warmth, and his all encompassing comfort. But things have just started to get back to normal at the studio with him and Yunho and you can’t let a moment of heat weakness lead you back. 
You open your phone, flipping through social media in an attempt to distract your mind but before you know it you have Yunho’s contact open and you’re fighting the urge to call, just to hear his voice for a second. 
Your finger hovers over the button, you can hear his voice in your mind. 
Sweetheart, just tell me where you are, I’m coming to get you. 
You can see it. 
But it’s just your heat. No matter how much Wooyoung likes to tease you about having a crush, it’s just this. Biology you can’t control rewiring your brain and telling you that they’re your perfect match. But you don’t believe in perfect matches or scent pairings. You don’t.
A particularly tight cramp ripples through your middle and you clench your fist through the pain, shifting in your bedding once again, sweat building at your brow. 
In a flash of genius and panic, you close Yunho’s contact card and open another. 
The phone rings and rings. 
He’s busy, you’ve probably missed him, and when he offered he was drunk anyways so he probably doesn’t remember but then suddenly the phone clicks and connects and his warm voice fills your ear, “Hey, y/n,” 
“S-Seonghwa,” You sigh, trying to sound as put together as possible, “hey,” 
“Is everything okay?” He checks, and you hear a little background noise and hope to god he’s not still at the studio. 
“Definitely,” You press your eyes closed and bite the inside of your lip to keep from making a tight, stressed sound. 
“Okay…” He waits a moment and then adds, “then what’s going on? You never call,”
The cramp passes and you take a breath, “Sorry, are you busy? I can call later,” 
“No, no,” He says, “I’m just grabbing a drink with Wooyoung and Joong,” 
“Is that y/n?” You hear Wooyoung in the background, “Tell her to come meet us!”
“Woo,” Seonghwa’s voice sounds a little far from the receiver and then he comes back on the line, “If you’re free, you can come meet us? We were just thinking about dinner, Hongjoong has a new project for us, you might be interested,” 
“Oh,” For a second, in the space between your cramps you forget why you called in the first place, “a new song?” 
“Two,” You can practically hear the smile on Seonghwa’s face. 
“Exciting,” You smile. 
“So what do you say,” Seonghwa says, “come out?” 
You would, you wish you could, but you shake your head, “I can’t, I actually… I’ll be out for a couple of days. I submitted the paperwork this morning,” 
“Are you going somewhere?” He asks, not yet picking up on the obvious. 
“Leave,” You smile at his question. 
“Leave,” He repeats, “oh, oh leave!” 
“Say it louder, Seonghwa,” You groan. 
“Is that why you’re calling?” He says, and a little blush creeps into your cheeks at the thought that he’s with other people and talking to you about this like it’s nothing. 
“Kind of,” You admit, “I don’t know, you’re busy I just remembered what you said, but you don’t have to,” 
“How are you now? I’m at least thirty minutes away, is that too long?” 
Warmth blooms in your chest, “I’m fine, honestly, go have dinner,” 
You can practically see him rolling his eyes when he says, “Stop being a martyr. Listen, I’ll call you right back, okay?” 
“And don’t worry,” He assures, his voice honeyed and warm, “I will call, I’ll only be a minute,” 
“Okay,” You manage, “thank you, Hwa,” 
He says something more but you miss it with the light commotion in the background, and then the line clicks dead. 
It takes two minutes, but he calls you right back. 
“Hey,” You sigh into the receiver. 
“Can you text Woo your address?” Seonghwa asks first, “We’re grabbing a cab,” 
“Oh,” You flip the phone on speaker and start typing, “okay, yeah, I’m… Seonghwa, are you sure?” 
“Mhm,” He replies, “as long as you are.” 
“Give me the phone,” You hear Wooyoung and immediately laugh. 
“What do you want?” Seonghwa says, clearly not talking to you. 
“Phone,” You hear him say and then after a brief groan, Wooyoung’s voice is in your ear, “Hey, you,” 
“Hey,” Something about him calms you instantly. 
“How far gone are you? Should we pick stuff up on our way or can you come back to my place?” He’s straight and to the point but still gentle, and you’re starting to feel glad that you called them and not anyone else. 
“I’m fine,” You assure him, “I can make it to yours. My roommates are here, I think it would be….” 
“Got it,” He says, “well just rest, we’ll be there soon,” 
Tears well up in your eyes and you sniffle softly, trying to keep it to yourself.
He picks up on the soft sound immediately, “Hey, hey, what’s wrong?” 
You swallow and wipe away the gathering moisture, “Nothing, you’re both just being so nice,” 
“Aw,” He murmurs, “jagiya you’re one of us now, we always take care of each other.” 
“Is she crying?” You hear Seonghwa’s voice raise an octave in the background. 
“She’s good,” Wooyoung brushes it off, “alright, twenty minutes okay, get your stuff, take a deep breath, and I’ll text you when we’re downstairs.” 
“Thanks, Woo,” You manage. 
“Deep breaths,” He reminds, and then he’s gone. 
You must be insane. You must be fully crazy to invite this type of chaos into your life twice with yet another group of men, but something about this feels right. It feels safe and sure, and something about Wooyoung being an omega too is just making all of this feel so much simpler than last time. At least where your heart is concerned. 
It takes you all twenty minutes to get your things together, but you decide to focus on this instead of what all this chaos might mean. You pack a bag of necessities and then change into something loose but more presentable than your sleep clothes. When your phone buzzes again you don’t even look down at it, you just know that it’s Wooyoung arriving right on the dot and you slip out of your apartment as quietly as you can. 
Downstairs a car waits across the street and when Seonghwa emerges to greet you, he rushes forwards to take your bags. Your cheeks light up with blush and you have to take a half, staggering step backwards, already being outside and in the presence of an alpha your subconscious mind is reacting to him. 
“Let me get these,” Seonghwa says, pulling the bags from your hands, and the touch of his warm skin along yours has a shaky breath leaving your lips.
“Thanks,” You murmur, watching him pack them into the trunk of the cab, and then he turns. 
He takes a good look at you and nods, “Yeah, let’s get you to Woo’s,” 
“Is it obvious?” You cup your cheeks. 
“Not too much,” He assures you, extending his hand for you to take, “but let’s not waste time,” 
“Let’s go,” You nod, and he tugs you forwards gently to get you into the car. You settle into the middle seat between Wooyoung and Seonghwa easily. 
“Doing good?” Wooyoung asks you, trying to be subtle in front of the driver. 
“Mhm,” You nod, and you smile when he laces your fingers together and gives you a squeeze. 
Seonghwa gives the next address to the driver and you’re away. 
It’s quiet at first, all you can focus on is the way the miles slowly tick down on the map the driver is using, and you try to breathe through your mouth in the closed car full of competing scents but it’s nearly impossible. Seonghwa’s scent envelops you easily, especially in the closed air circulation of the car. Warm, like freshly brewed coffee. You close your eyes as a cramp passes through you and you try not to think of him even though his leg keeps bumping into yours every time the car takes a turn. 
The automated sound of a window breaks your concentration and you glance to your side. Seonghwa isn’t looking at you, but he’s cracked the back window a couple of inches, and the pulse of clean air leaves you able to take a shaky inhale and exhale. Wooyoung squeezes your hand again. 
The mileage counter keeps clicking down. Seonghwa’s scent stays present in your mind despite the fresh air. Your stomach tightens. The car takes a particularly curving turn and your body is pressed against Seonghwa’s from knee to shoulder and you squeeze Wooyoung’s hand back instead of letting the whine in your throat bubble out. 
Your stomach clenches again, and then you feel it. A rush of slick as your body prepares, a flushing flood of hot warmth rolling up your body and through your cheeks. Seonghwa’s arm crosses over you like a seatbelt and he closes his hand over your left thigh, his thumb drawing slow circles to keep you steady and protect you from anyone noticing. 
You let yourself glance up at him once more, but he’s still focused out the window, doing his best to comfort you without drawing an ounce of attention. 
“Out front?” The driver asks suddenly, and you realize the building ahead across the intersection must be theirs. 
“That’s perfect,” Seonghwa replies smoothly, “thank you.” 
The minute it takes to cross the intersection feels never ending, and then suddenly things start moving at two-times speed. As the heat cramps increase, Seonghwa’s arm is around your waist and Wooyoung is left hauling your stuff up into the elevator. They get you inside smoothly and as the doors close, Seonghwa lets out a sigh of relief. 
“I thought I was going to have to fight every alpha in the lobby,” Seonghwa laughs as the elevator begins to climb, “are you sure you’re on suppressants?” 
You can’t help but elbow him slightly in the ribs, “Yes,” 
“I’m kidding,” He squeezes you, “you just smell like an extremely edible cake,” 
“Mm,” You murmur as a small cramp passes, “well, you know, this is why I’m on the strong stuff,” 
The elevator doors open and Wooyoung steps out before you, glancing to either side down the apartment hallway before beckoning you both forwards. He gets out his keys and glances over his shoulder at you both, “Which?” 
You tell him the brand as you lean harder on Seonghwa who hushes you softly with a comforting squeeze. 
“Ah,” Wooyoung nods, “no wonder,” 
You open your mouth to ask him what he means by that, but he’s too busy pushing open the door to his apartment and opening it up for you both to slip inside. 
His place is overwhelmingly simple and clean, utilitarian with dark black furniture and gray moody accents, but it suits him. He drops his keys off on the kitchen island and beckons you inside, “Come on in, get comfortable,” 
Seonghwa steers you to the couch and settles you down on the middle cushion, “So, where are we at?” 
Settled onto the couch now, you honestly feel fine. Your back hurts a little, and your joints are a little stiff, but the aching, pulsing pain you felt back at your apartment has mostly dissipated, “I think I’m fine,” 
“I mean,” You cross your legs, your hands itching to wrap a cozy blanket around yourself but finding none, “off meds I was practically feral, this is…. manageable,” 
“Manageable is good,” Seonghwa smiles. 
Wooyoung settles his hand over your yours, soothing your little trembles and then he dips his head to catch your eyes, “I have a room all set up,” 
“You do?” Your eyes widen. 
“Mm,” He tangles your fingers together again and gives you a squeeze, “I used to have a roommate but when he moved out I just converted the second bedroom,” 
“Oh,” You breathe, and you can’t imagine the expense to maintain an apartment large enough to have your very own heat sanctuary, but you dream of the day you get to. 
“Let’s go relax in there,” Wooyoung nods, “maybe you’ll like it and get a little sleep,” 
“Should we talk?” You glance up at Seonghwa. 
“We will,” Seonghwa assures you as he shrugs off his blazer, “but go get comfortable, I’ll start setting up,” 
“Setting up?” You ask, confusion evident in your voice. 
“Ah,” Wooyoung bumps you with his shoulder, “our Seonghwa takes his caretaker responsibilities very seriously,” 
“You’ll want for nothing here, jagiya,” Seonghwa smiles and takes a slight bow, “Wooyoungie is the most pampered omega in Seoul, it will be nice to take care of someone less bratty for a change,” 
You laugh sharply and cover your mouth with your hand, “What have I gotten myself into?” 
“A fun weekend,” Seonghwa smiles, “now relax, let Woo show you the place.” 
Already this feels less stressful than before, and maybe that’s the level of your heat or maybe it’s them, but it feels easy. Wooyoung pulls you up and watches you carefully as you stand to make sure you’re feeling well, and then he guides you down the hall. 
Wooyoung’s nesting room is exactly what you’ve been looking for. The bed in this room isn’t necessarily large, but what it is, is covered in blankets and plush pillows. The second bedroom of his apartment has been so smoothly converted into an office and omega haven that you almost wish you had been here for your last, harder heat. 
“Okay,” Wooyoung walks you in, “there’s a robe on the back of the door you can use, the mini fridge is pretty stocked, and on that shelf by the bed there’s lozenges, wipes, towels, you name it.” 
“Oh my God,” You breathe, scanning over everything as he gestures. 
“And over in that bedside table,” He points out the single nightstand, “there’s pretty much any toy you’ll need.” 
“Oh,” You blush. 
“Hwa and I will be here, of course,” He assures you, “but I like a little extra something,” 
“Right,” You smile, “of course you do,” 
A gentle knock on the door behind you brings you out of your focus, studying every inch of his perfect heat sanctuary and you turn to see Seonghwa leaning against the door frame. 
“How are you feeling?” He asks gently. 
“Like myself,” You tell him honestly, “it’s starting, but it doesn’t feel too bad.” 
“Mm,” He nods, “it probably won’t be quite as bad as last time, but I’m certainly here for whatever you need,” 
“Thank you, Hwa,” You smile, “I can’t thank you enough,” 
His eyes light up with warmth and then he looks over you both, “This is nice,” he comments, “the two of you in here,” 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” Wooyoung laughs as he leans against the desk, “no one’s ready for your knot yet,” 
A throb pulses through you, but blissfully no one notices. 
“I just think it’s nice,” He shrugs, “two pretty omegas,”
You blush. 
“Oh,” Seonghwa smiles as he notices your pink cheeks, “you liked that,” 
“Hwa,” You protest weakly. 
“Ignore him,” Wooyoung cuts in front of you and leads you back to the bed, “get cozy, you’ll love this.” 
He all but puts you in the bed himself, but in minutes you’re relaxed against the cushions, under cooling sheets and downy comforters. Seonghwa waits in the doorway while you get settled, but once you are he smiles and crosses the room to sit on the edge of the bed. 
“You’re feeling alright?” He asks, reaching for your hand. 
“So far,” You nod, “and this bed is wildly comfortable,” 
“Good,” Seonghwa’s fingers smooth over your wrist, slowly stroking your gland and easing you further, “I’m going to go fix you both something for dinner, and if you need anything in the meantime Wooyoung will be right here,” 
“Okay,” You breathe. 
“I’m going to give Sannie a ring too,” His voice evens out in his chest, low and warm and tender to keep you melting into the bed under you, “is it okay if I tell him you’re here?” 
“Alright then,” He smiles, “just relax,” 
“Feeling pretty relaxed,” You tell him. 
The sound of your phone vibrating on Wooyoung’s desk draws your eyes, but you focus back on Seonghwa when he says, “I’m sure we can relax you more, don’t worry.” 
“You’re forward,” You nudge his thigh. 
“And you called me for sex,” He shrugs, “who’s forward now?” 
Wooyoung laughs sharply and claps his hands, “This weekend is going to be very fun,” 
Your phone buzzes again, then again, and your brows draw together as you look towards it, “Could you,” 
Seonghwa doesn’t let you finish your sentence, he crosses the room quickly and then passes your phone over to you, “I’ll be back in a little while, okay?” 
“Thank you,” 
He nods with a warm expression, and then leaves you and Wooyoung be inside this little cocoon. 
“Glad you called?” Wooyoung grins, cheeky and teasing.
  “Mm,” You sink deeper into the pillows behind you, “I might have to move in, just for this bed,” 
His nose crinkles, “We’ve got to update your space, you should have somewhere like this too,” 
“I’d like that,” You sigh, “someday,” 
Your phone buzzes again. 
“Soon,” Wooyoung dismisses, “until then you can always come here,” 
“Well, that’s really nice of you, but,” You tear your eyes away from him to finally illuminate the screen of your phone and your words die on your lips when you see the messages. 
Yunho’s name on your screen makes your breath quicken and you open the chat. 
hey I got your paperwork. of course it’s fine, but would you please let me know you’re somewhere safe? 
I probably shouldn’t have asked that. 
I just want to make sure you made it home safely, that’s all. If you need help getting home, you know I’m only a phone call away. 
Just… please let me know. 
“y/n?” Wooyoung’s voice breaks through your buzzing brain as you read Yunho’s messages over and over. 
“What?” You manage, glancing up for the briefest second to catch his worried expression. 
“What’s going on?” He asks softly. 
“Um,” You murmur, but then your phone buzzes in your hand again, this time not a message from Yunho at all. 
He’s freaking out a little bit, but I told him you’re probably already home and sleeping. 
Which you are, right? 
The two texts from Mingi hang in front of you and a tense feeling knots up in your throat. 
“Hey,” Wooyoung interrupts again, pushing his way into the bed beside you without preamble and sidling up to your side, “are you crying?”
“No,” You shake your head, “sorry, I just,”
He waits, holding your gaze with his warm brown eyes and attentive nods, and before you know it you’re letting the phone fall into his hands. 
He reads the texts quietly, and then hums, “They’re worried,”
“I know,” Your voice is small. 
“Do you want to respond?” He asks. 
“I don’t know,” You confess honestly. 
“You don’t owe them anything,” He murmurs quietly, locking your phone and setting it to the side so he can turn to you, “I know I keep teasing you about it, but if you wanted to be with them you would have called them. You know how you feel, not me,” 
He smooths your hair back and cups your cheek, gathering you a little closer under the covers. You take a deep, shaky breath, and the sudden scent of him all around you feels like a blanket. Fresh linen and summer salt, like falling into bed after a long day in the sun on the beach. His skin is warm against yours and familiar. 
“Do you really think that?” You ask.
“Mhm,” He all but whispers, “and either way, you don’t owe them a response right now. You owe yourself rest,” 
He gives you a minute, and then rubs his thumb over your cheek, “You want to watch something dumb? Maybe fall asleep on me?” 
You nod, lips locking tight as your throat stays tense. You feel like if you talk about anything else you might start crying, so you let him pull you closer and grab the remote for the TV mounted on the far wall. He doesn’t ask you what you want to watch, he doesn’t push you any further, he knows you need him to just take care of things before you crumble and text them back. 
He selects something funny without putting too much thought into it, and wraps his arm around you as you settle your cheek onto his chest. This was what you were missing so much the last time you went through heat, the steadying comfort of another omega. Your fluttering nerves fall away, and his scent makes you feel warm and your eyes heavy. 
“Woo,” You murmur into his shirt. 
“You’re the best friend I’ve ever had,” You confess. 
He sighs, fingers finding yours under the comforter, “And you’re mine,” 
You snuggle into him a little more, fingertips brushing the warm hollow of his throat and your heart slowing to a steady, easy rhythm to pump in time with his. Distantly as you fall into sleep, you feel the buzz of your phone again somewhere halfway across the mattress, but this time you don’t even open your eyes. 
Wooyoung silences it when it buzzes again, his words soft against your hair when he says, “It’ll all wait until tomorrow, babe, you just rest easy,” 
You nod, a yawn taking over you and he chuckles.
“Just sleep,” He murmurs softly, and you do, their messages left unanswered. 
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thefreakandthehair · 8 months
@eddiemonth prompt, oct 12th: Soulmates | Eight - Sleeping at Last | Perceptive a/n: steddie, soulmates au (phillia + eros). eddie & jeff as platonic soulmates, stobin soulmates mentioned always. un-betaed because I’m challenging myself to write these in under an hour. read on ao3 | link to masterpost on ao3
Soulmates, Eddie scoffs to himself as he doodles in his notebook at the back of the coffee shop. Bullshit. 
He knows it’s actually not, that people walk around every day hand-in-hand with beautiful, swirling tattoos that grow in intricacy and detail the more time they spend with their soulmate. Most days, Eddie doesn’t mind that the simple snake design on the inside of his wrist never so much as slithers, but today? Today, he minds. 
Dating in the world of soulmates is challenging. He tries to just focus on how feels, on if the person sitting across from him is compatible with his lifestyle, on if there’s any kind of spark, but it’s inevitable that at some point, both he and his date look down at their wrists to find nothing. 
His coffee date had gone well enough but, like always, was a dead-end. How many paths can one person try before the destination seems moot? 
So he sits and scribbles in his notebook, hoping that perhaps staying in the coffee shop rather than returning home to the apartment he shares with Jeff will provide some inspiration. That tattoo, the one that’d started as a small star on his ankle, has grown into a whirling galaxy since moving in with Jeff– a philia connection if he’s ever seen one. But if his eros tattoo won’t build upon itself naturally, he’ll do it manually with a tattoo gun. 
It also helps that the barista is perhaps the most beautiful man Eddie’s ever laid eyes on, enough so that it’s… actually a little intimidating, if he’s being honest with himself. Intimidating to the point that Eddie’s yet to approach him for a refill since the girl who’d given him his first sugary abomination finished her shift. Besides, the mystery barista must’ve already found his soulmate. His entire left arm, from fingertip to at least his elbow, is covered in delicate, colorful designs that twist and wind about his skin, curling around each finger and looping gracefully up his arm.
I can still enjoy the view, he justifies to himself, taking a sip from his cup and remembering for the third time that it’s empty. 
He sighs and sets it back down, clearing his throat. It’s as good a time as any, he supposes, as he stands from his little corner table by the window and strolls across the room to the counter. 
“Hi, what can I get started for ya?” The barista asks, his name tag now visible and proclaiming Steve. 
“Uh,” he starts. “Salted caramel mocha, please?” 
Steve’s smile is bright and he leans on the counter, leveling it straight in Eddie’s direction. All Eddie wanted was a refill on his sweet treat disguised as coffee and instead, it feels as though he’s smacked in the head.
“Comin’ right up,” Steve replies, turning around to get his order going. “You’ve been sitting over there for a while, how’d that date go?” He asks with the confidence and familiarity of someone Eddie’s known his entire life. 
“Watching me, were you?” 
Steve grins over his shoulder, shrugging. “A little.” 
“I’m flattered. Well, I’m still here and they’re not so that oughta tell you everything.” 
Steve hums and turns back to the machine, finishing up his order. Eddie’s heart beats rhythmically, somehow slowing and quickening all at once and his lungs feel buoyed by something more powerful than his breath. When Steve faces him again and hands him his cup, exchanging it for the empty one in Eddie’s hand, they both freeze. 
Eddie’s snake begins to move. 
A clear, serpentine movement at the center as small, geometric lines begin to appear in the background. 
“Holy shit,” Eddie whispers, setting his full cup down so he doesn’t spill it. 
“Yeah, holy shit.” Steve places his other arm on the counter, the blank one, and Eddie sees that it’s not blank. There’s a small, barebones tree on his forearm whose leaves begin to blossom and shake, different shades of greens and oranges appearing before his eyes. 
“But– your other arm?” Eddie chokes out, eyes flickering between his own wrist, Steve’s forearm, and Steve’s other, fuller arm. 
“Philia. That’s Robin. But this one, this is eros.” Steve smiles again, matching the one Eddie can feel spreading across his own face as he looks up from his forearm. “I’m Steve.”
Steve smiles again, matching the one Eddie can feel spreading across his own face as he looks up from his forearm. Eddie looks in wonderment, searching for any sign of lie or trickery in Steve’s eyes and finds nothing but warmth and familiarity. 
“I’m Eddie.”
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thisapplepielife · 5 months
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Written for the @steddieholidaydrabbles December challenge.
Taking Over the Neighborhood
Prompt Day 21: Snow | Word Count: 1000 | Rating: T | CW: Language | Tags: Fluff, Neighbor Meet-Cute, Snow, Platonic Stobin, Cat People, Eddie POV
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Eddie hates winter. 
It's cold. It's miserable. 
And the snow. 
The goddamn, motherfucking snow. 
He looks out the window, and he's not sure he's even gonna be able to get home by closing time. That's the shitty thing about working nights in the winter. Sometimes, when you're really unlucky, you get stuck at work.
They get a few more inches of snow, but he's determined to make it home, come hell or frozen water. His van can just suck it up.
He has to drive about ten miles per hour, but he does make it home. Then he gets to wade through his snow-covered sidewalk. Fantastic. 
His jeans are wet from the knees down, and he's freezing, so he jumps in the warm shower. Even if he'd really rather just crash.
The next day, he wakes up just after lunch, and while he's drinking his first cup of coffee, he notices that his walk has been shoveled. That's weird. He definitely doesn't know any of his neighbors that well. He hasn't lived here long, and his schedule isn't exactly ideal for meeting neighbors. Maybe it's some of the kids in the neighborhood, and he owes them money now. Which, he wouldn't mind paying, he definitely appreciates it.
Maybe he'll see 'em out working.
So, Eddie sits by the window and waits. Soon enough, a guy is walking across the street with a snow shovel. Eddie's never seen him before in his life. Doesn't know if he has a wife, a boyfriend, six kids or a dozen cats. No clue. Maybe all of the above, for all Eddie knows.
But, Eddie pours another mug of coffee, slides on his boots, zips up his coat and goes out to thank him.
The guy's just walking up the driveway when Eddie opens the door, and he freezes in his tracks.
"Hey, thank you, your handiwork is greatly appreciated!" Eddie hollers, offering him a big smile. "I'm Eddie."
"I'm Steve," Steve says, and Eddie smiles at him. "I kinda figured that either you worked nights, or were a vampire," Steve teases, "But look at you! Out in the daytime."
Eddie laughs, "Not a vampire. Bar owner, though, so lots of late nights," Eddie says.
"I hope you don't mind, I was doing mine, and just thought I'd help."
"I really appreciate that help, Steve," Eddie says, handing him the cup of coffee. Steve accepts it with thanks, and Eddie takes the shovel from his hands, and shovels up the small amount of new snow that fell overnight.
"So, a bar, huh? Which one?" Steve asks, and Eddie pauses for a second.
"Hellfire Club," Eddie finally says.
"Oh, that's cool! Small world. My best friend and I have been there a few times. It's great. We liked it a lot. There's not a lot of queer-friendly bars in the area, and a new one is always appreciated," Steve says, and Eddie relaxes.
"I'm glad you guys liked it," Eddie says, smiling, "it's taking up all my time. Hence, the rumors of me being a vampire, apparently."
Steve laughs, and Eddie leans on the shovel, just looking at him. He's very pretty, and maybe, some flavor of queer.
It's Eddie's lucky day.
"You hungry? I can make breakfast? As a thank you for all your manual labor," Eddie offers, and Steve actually nods, which sends a thrill through Eddie. He hadn't expected that, not really.
But he ushers Steve into his house, and they both take off their snow boots at the front door, and then Eddie leads him into his kitchen. "There's more coffee in the pot," Eddie says, and he watches as Steve refills his mug. "Milk or cream in the fridge if you want some, and sugar in the container right there," Eddie adds, pointing.
And Steve doctors up his coffee.
"I should have asked earlier, I forget not everyone drinks it black," Eddie says.
"Oh, I like it both ways," Steve says, stirring his coffee with a spoon he got out of the dish drainer. 
Eddie would be so lucky, if Steve likes it both ways.
Steve scoots onto the bar stool, and drinks his coffee while Eddie makes breakfast. 
"How do you like your eggs?" Eddie asks.
"The runnier the better," Steve says, and Eddie pulls his hands to his heart, dramatically. 
Steve laughs.
"A guy after my heart," Eddie declares, and starts frying some bacon, and puts bread in the toaster.
"How long have you lived across the street?" Eddie asks, glancing over his shoulder at Steve.
"Four, no, five years. My best friend, Robin and I, moved from a small town in Indiana," Steve says.
"I didn't know who lived over there. Single person? Family with six kids? A dozen cats? It could have been any combination," Eddie teases.
"Well, it's one bisexual, one lesbian, no kids, and 2 cats."
Eddie smiles, teasing, "We're taking over the neighborhood."
"The gays?" Steve asks, grinning.
"No, the cat people," Eddie teases, clicking his tongue and a big, black cat comes racing into the kitchen.
"That's Midnight."
Steve reaches down and scratches him behind the ears, and it makes Eddie smile.
Once the food is ready, they sit side-by-side and eat at the counter. Midnight eating his lunch in the corner, on the floor. They talk, and Eddie is happy he's making a friend in town. 
Then there's knocking on the front door, and Eddie gets up to go answer it. That's weird. Gareth would just walk in, so he doesn't know who it'd be.
He opens the door to a woman with a bob haircut, "Did you kidnap my best friend?"
"Yes, and I'm force feeding him breakfast," Eddie answers. "You must be Robin."
Steve laughs from the kitchen, then hollers, "How did you even know I was over here?"
"I followed your footprints. And I saw your shovel, dingus," she says, and pushes her way inside. 
Eddie steps aside to let her enter.
Maybe he'll make two new friends today.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @steddieholidaydrabbles and follow along with the fun!
If you want to see more of my entries into this month-long challenge, you can check them out in my Steddie Holiday Drabbles tag, right here!
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bearshideout · 1 month
Ahh hi I saw you are wanting request I just gave a question if you would write a Rhea Ripley x reader [Platonic] Or maybe a judgement Day x reader [Platonic]
(Only asking BCS ik some people only like to write romantic relationships)
(First Request! Thank you <3)
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Judgment Day x GN Reader (Platonic)
You are a new wrestler who has recently joined the main roster but is struggling to find your own group luckily for you a certain group wants you as a new addition and they cant wait to welcome you in.
Y/n sighed as they packed all their stuff away in the locker room, the sounds off chatter filled their ears. It seemed ever since joining a few weeks back they couldn't find their place, everyone had already made there friends and even though they were all nice they weren't accepting new people into there groups. Y/n had never felt lonelier hearing everyone making plans after the match, they had given up on asking anymore groups if they could join the rejection hurt every time.
As they were leaving the locker room they suddenly bumped into Rhea. "I'm so sorry Rhea I didn't see you there" y/n said panicked the last thing they wanted was to start making enemies especially not with the judgment day. All they got back in return was a laugh "Don't worry about it, actually I was just looking for you" As y/n went through all the possible things she could have done to make this conversation go bad they were interrupted but this time by a male arm being wrapped around their shoulder. They looked up to see Damian who was smiling down at them "Yeah we all wanted to talk to you if you don't mind" Y/n looked at them now realizing Dom and Finn had also stood with Rhea. Dom started walking to the Judgment day's room "Lets talk in there don't want anyone listening in" Finn followed behind him nodding, Rhea grabs Y/n's hand and leads her along with a cheeky grin "your not in trouble" she jokes.
Finn opens the door for them all to go inside "We don't bite... well I don't cant say same bout this lot" he jokes getting a laugh out of y/n. While walking in she can see Dom already sprawled across one of the sofas. "so what did you want to talk about" y/n asked looking at them all, Damian's arm still around their shoulder. "Well we've been talking and we think you'd make a perfect addition to the Judgment Day, we have already talked to Triple H and he thinks its just what we need as long as you agree to it" Damian says giving your shoulder a slight squeeze. Before y/n can even gather their thoughts Rhea grabs y/n's arms desperately "Please say yes I'm begging you I need to talk to someone about [same interest] with" she begs over dramatically to sell her point making Dom shake his head and laugh. "So what do you say y/n are you in" Finn asks with a slight hint of fear.
They all wait with anticipation until finally "Yes!" y/n smiles enthusiastically they had been waiting for this moment since they joined WWE they finally had a group. "Welcome to the family" says Finn giving y/n a hug which they happily gave back. "Not fair y/n is now my new best friend I should be hugging them" said Rhea joining in the hug. "Now I feel left out" Dom piped up jumping into the hug which gained a eye roll from Damian who wrapped his arms lazily around the group hug.
"Now the family is complete" Whispers Rhea with a huge smile.
(First request done I hope this was okay! I had so much fun writing it and hopefully overtime get to do more scenarios with the judgment day)
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