#I feel like whatever this guy is doing warrants him going to hell immediately when he dies
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batterygarden · 2 years
more bf Denji hcs
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Afab gn reader; one small sex mention mdni , college age
He loves going to the park. And riding bikes and climbing trees and playing in snow—doing all the things he didn’t get to do in childhood due to his circumstances. You guys will go after dark to “avoid all the pesky kids gettin’ in your way,” as Denji puts it. You always end up on the swings, Denji trying to go super high to see if his foot can touch a nearby tree branch. He’ll ask you to sit on his lap while he swings since “it’d be better if we could go high together.” Then you immediately tumble backwards on top of him. 
Denji has to be taught the art of doing independent activities side by side. It’s just that everytime you walk in a room he’s all over you, he wants you to talk about what you’re reading, he wants you to paint his nails at the same time as yours, he wants to help you figure out your taxes (in theory). Parallel play has to be explained to him twice and slowly before he begins to understand. “Different activities next to each other…got it… but can we still be, like, touching?” 
Now he’s the king of playing video games with your feet on his lap and asking you real cutely if it should be “parallel play time” whenever you’re about to do something he deems boring. 
Denji comments more quickly and enthusiastically than any of your friends on your Instagram posts. “Aaaaauuugh you don’t know what ur doin to me😮‍💨😮‍💨”  “My jaw dropped so fast! 🤤🤤” “so GEORGUS!” “Took 🤲 my🧍🏼‍♂️breath🌬away🙊!” 
Revisiting the playing in snow thing, Denji originally hates winter. Old prejudice from having poor heating as a child. But once you introduce him to hot cocoa and building snow men and the extra cuddling it warrants, winter becomes his second favorite season (after spring). Askin’ you to take him sledding, holding hands in your pockets, ice skating—you name it, he is down. 
He’ll still find himself a little bitter on the first snowstorm of the year though. “God it’s cold. I think my nipples mighta just got hard.” “Fuck ooofff, Denji. But actually mine too.” “Wait really!” Then he’s grabbing at your chest to feel before you can stop him. 
He’s unbelievably touch starved. He always wants to be closer, he wants to be disgustingly close, he wants to be breathing the same air and sharing a single shirt at the same time close. So Denji is laying directly on top of you any chance he gets. 
He especially likes when you play with his hair, he thinks it’s cute how gentle you are. So when he doesn’t have you in his arms or when one of you isn’t suffocating the other full-body-style, Denji’s head will always find its way into your lap. He doesn’t have to ask before your fingers are combing through his messy strands, moving them out of his face and smoothing them over before they resume their permanent position over his forehead. It’s incredibly calming to him. 
But don’t think Denji won’t return the favor—he wants you to find his presence as comforting as he finds yours. So he becomes an expert on soothing physical touch; he observes what you like and what calms you down and he uses the hell out of it. Rubbing your back and massaging your hands at any opening, holding your shoulders when you seem anxious, moving your hair out of your face if it seems like it’s in the way. He’s not shy about PDA so his hands are all over you whenever you need them no matter the time or place. 
He’ll also reciprocate what he knows he likes back to you. He knows he likes his face on your chest so he’ll pull your face down to his. He likes his hair played with so he’ll carefully try and comb yours when you get out of the shower. He likes when you share your food so he’ll always offer you to try some of whatever he’s having. He likes when you cook for him… he’ll try to cook for you too. It’s a disaster but it’s the thought that counts.
He’ll definitely ask you to teach him to cook better. Food is a love language he wants to give, not just receive! He’ll put on your apron and ask you to walk him through it, tongue in his teeth while he stirs and pours and chops. It ends up more of a mess than it’s worth in your opinion, but he’s so proud you eat as much of it as you can with many compliments.
Speaking of compliments… this man Lives for praise. Please, please tell him you’re proud of him. It’s sweet the way he’ll take your advice on things and tell you all about it afterwards, blatantly begging for a kiss and a “good job!” Sometimes he’ll wait to tell you about his daily accomplishments till you’re cuddling at night, so it’ll be easier for you to hold him extra close and applaud his heroic efforts. Maybe you’ll even shower him in kisses like he’s not-so-secretly begging you to. 
Despite being perpetually horny, Denji manages to literally Never creep you out when it comes to sex stuff. 
He’s just so genuine and honest about it. It’s never a hidden motive; if his horniness is motivating him you will be the first to know. He is shameless when he’s trying to pipe and you know and trust that.
It still will catch you off guard sometimes though. You’ll be sitting on his lap each going on your phones, doing any casual activity that you’ve done together a million times before when he drops a “can we fuck rn please” and things pick up from there.
Denji loses whatever semblance of a filter he has when it’s just the two of you. You wouldn’t think that tiny handful of inhibitions he possesses would make that much of a difference when they’re gone, but they do. For example, letting you know every time his balls itch :(
Or he’ll make a real thoughtful face towards your tits for the longest time, then perk up saying “oh my god! You’re done with your period huh!” 
Denji will always answer any question you ask him truthfully, too. 
“Honestly… No, I don’t really vibe with your parents. I don’t know like they’re kinda weird.”
Denji will try and pick up your hobbies!! He will he will he will! Anything to spend more time with you. 
For example, painting. He really ends up liking painting with you. It’s cute how he turns from goofy and playful to serious artist mode once you two get into it, he really concentrates to try and make his work look good since he‘s always so impressed with the way yours turns out. He tends to sell himself short when it comes to artistic ability, but Denji’s actually so creative and capable; you always keep and cherish his paintings. 
He wants to get a tattoo ever since you mentioned how cool one of your mutual friends looked with their tattoos. But you’re the voice of reason, “Noo Denji I’m sure you would look hot but wouldn’t your regeneration make it pointless? Like what if you drink blood and your skin just ge-“ “You’re totally overthinking it. If it went away I’d just get it re-tattooed everytime. And now that I know you’d find it hot I gotta get one. Maybe somethin’ that reminds me of you…” “…” 
You’re eventually able to convince him to save the money and unnecessary pain and let you draw on him from time to time instead.
He does not know the lyrics to any songs and he will not attempt to learn. That’s all fine and good. But he still sings along to whatever’s playing constantly!! God it is your biggest pet peeve. The final straw before confronting him was singing “woman of fire” instead of “warm enough for ya” to Drew Barrymore by sza :/
link to denji sucking tits drabble mdni >:0
link to sassy bf denji hcs
Send csm asks or requests if u want!
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Soul Mates: Part Two
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.9k
Summary: A man is accused of rape and kidnapping in another state, so he moved across the country to get away from those allegations. Now, the same thing is happening but this time, it might very well be true.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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On the way back to the station, you informed your team there of the news that there is a partner. Spencer immediately goes to work on trying to decode the messages on Will's computer. He's using two different colored markers to determine who said what, but to everyone else, it looks like gibberish.
"Spencer, tell me you found something on his partner," you ask when you walk back into the station.
"It's all so cryptic. They wrote a cluster of others right after the first victim, Kim Groves, was killed."
"We need to figure out how they met. There's gotta be something in all this about their courtship," Derek says.
"It all seemed so hopeless, but I finally learned to rise above it," Spencer reads. "It sounds like William confessed he was feeling incomplete."
"He was. He didn't start killing until he met his soulmate."
"Faith should never be broken." That's another line from the journals. "The longer they got away with it, the stronger their relationship got. Sounds like these two aren't just obsessed with rape and murder. They're addicted to one another."
Jeff and Hotch return back from the crime scene you were at. You were eager to get things moving along which is why you got here before they did.
"We could have saved her," Jeff sighs.
"There were no signs of his having a partner until now."
"I guess that's why he's so cocky."
"Well, his arrogance is typical of a dominant personality. He's found a submissive who's willing to kill for him. We found bite marks on Missy. Will didn't do it, the partner did, and he's white."
"They never did that before," Derek says.
"Well, with William out of the picture, he's changed his behavior. Maybe the partner went back to something that's comfortable, something he's done before. I've got Garcia checking dental records against other cases."
Rossi and Derek walk back to the interrogation room, and you quickly follow them to observe their talk with Will.
"The D. A. was ready to charge him when Missy was still alive. How the hell are we supposed to keep him now?"
"I'm surprised you're writing all this stuff to a fella," Rossi says when they walk inside the room. "It sounds like you have a real special thing going on."
"I mean, I'm thinking if the two of you had just got it on, maybe these women would still be alive," Derek shrugs. "So, where'd you meet him? Chat room? Porn sites? Gay bar? Whoever this guy is, he's looking out for you and cleaning up for you. Missy Dewald is dead."
"Has he called yet? Lee Jarvis, the D.A., I mean. I saw his name on the warrant. He's got the best conviction rate in Florida. Do you know why?"
"I wanna know why your pen pal killed her when he could have let her rot," Rossi glares.
"Jarvis doesn't like to lose. He's not gonna ruin his record over this."
Will refuses to talk about his potential partner thinking the D.A. is going to get him out of this one. However, your team is going to do everything they can to lock this bitch up.
"Wow, this friend of yours wants to please you badly, doesn't he? He's protecting you, doing whatever he's gotta do to make sure that you're innocent. He killed Missy so you could be together again. It's only been a few hours, but he misses you."
"And you've gotten what exactly from all this?" Will asks in a bored tone.
"Proof that someone out there is just as sick as you."
Penelope works her magic and gets results from the bite marks left on Missy. The dental records don't match Will but they do match a reported rape in Manatee County earlier this year. The teeth marks belong to the same person, but they've never been arrested so she can't cross-reference. Connie Mayers is the victim of that rape, so if you're going to have any hope in figuring out who this is, then you have to talk to her.
Emily and Hotch went over to her job as soon as they got that information, but she wasn't too happy about it. No one else knew about what happened to her, but your coworkers did their best to keep it discreet. She works at a flower shop, so Emily bought some flowers as she asks her questions.
Connie's attacker knew what he wanted like he was confident in what he was doing. Connie thought he was a control freak. He wore a mask but she could tell he was shite, proving what you saw using Missy's energy. The partner choked her which took a long time for the bruises to go away. It's not as bad as the bite marks which are just scars now.
"Connie described an anger-excitation rapist just like William," Emily says when she and Hotch return. "We're looking at two dominant personalities."
"It makes sense. They have a similar discourse. They're equally well-written," Spencer says. "It's rare in criminal partnerships. If their personalities are the same, their lives probably mirror one another's as well."
"Harris goes to church, he's on the board of the PTA, he coaches his daughter's soccer team, and he rarely drinks."
"He sounds like a saint," Jordan says.
"With a dark side," Hotch adds. "That's what he connected to in his partner. Prentiss and I will go talk to the family and see if they know who it might be."
Emily and Hotch leave but you stay behind to help Spencer.
"Two alpha males won't be easy to break," Derek says. "The partner is definitely following the investigation."
"Let's do the talking for them," Rossi suggests, holding up a newspaper.
"I think a chatroom might be better. It sounds like they do most of their talking on the computer, but I like where your head's at," you say. "Plus, it's quicker."
"Why would he read it? He knows William won't be writing," Jeff says.
"These men are addicted to each other. Right now, he needs a fix, and the words they've shared are all he has to cling to. His partner wrote 'Faith should never be broken'. A betrayal could devastate him."
"All we have to say is that William's cooperating and then hopes he takes the bait."
Derek and Rossi give you and Spencer some time to come up with something you hope will catch the partner's attention. It's not easy, but you have the journal entries they've already sent to each other. All you have to do is work with the words and language they've already used.
"What have we got so far?" Derek asks after an hour of working.
"We were surprised that you injected yourself into the investigation. You risked a lot in order to help William," you read what you have. "Killing Missy tells us how close you really are. It must be devastating to learn that William is here with us."
Spencer doesn't like what you've come up with in fear the partner will retaliate.
"He's not gonna like that. It sounds like William's cooperating."
"That's exactly what we want him to believe so he'll doubt their alliance."
Derek and Rossi use this information on Will, and you follow them so you can pay close attention to Will. You can talk to Derek and Rossi through the comms just in case you notice something off about Will. After they tell him what they've done, Will just smirks in thought.
"What's that smirk for?
"Sharon is posting bail. I'm thinking about where to go for dinner. Maybe we'll go to Salvatore's."
"Rossi, play it off as if the partner is the alpha male. It might set him off," you say.
"You know, maybe we got it wrong. Maybe they're not both alpha males. The partner made the first move. He's the one with the balls."
"Yeah, and it was pretty risky, too. Think about it. What if you did turn in here? Or at least your partner thought you turned in here, hmm? Then he'd have no choice but to turn himself in. Your lives would be ruined," Derek adds. "That's the reason it works. You both have everything to lose."
"He's only cleaning up because he can't afford to get caught either. Am I right?" William doesn't answer. "How is gonna react to the entry we wrote? He knows we're reading your little love letters, so we decided to send one ourselves and let him know you're in here helping us out."
"He's probably feeling pretty betrayed right about now. If he is, what do you think he's doing about it?"
"William, you wrote, 'Thanks for the perfect place to play'. What were you talking about?"
"Right. What was it like?"
"Perfect," he smirks.
Will is so confident he isn't going to get caught that he's radiating energy that you can feel from outside the room. The energy is allowing you to see images of Will and his partner with a girl they've kidnapped. The girl is one of the girls who was reported missing and found dead. One of the girls was dead before you even arrived in Florida.
"Rossi, I see him and his partner with one of the three girls who were found dead. Keep him talking. The more he thinks he's getting away with it, the more I can use his energy to see more."
Derek sets out pictures of the three dead women since he heard everything you've said to Rossi. All of the women are happy and smiling as if nothing bad could ever happen to them.
"You probably don't recognize them like this, do you, William? Happy and smiling. All these gifts. All these girls."
"This is someone's child. You know, Missy Dewald was supposed to meet her parents for dinner. She was eighteen years old, an only child, and you just took her away."
"I feel sorry for those parents. I really do," Will says without emotion.
"Do you hear yourself? Not an ounce of sincerity. You just proved you were incapable of empathy just like your partner. William, you never would have done any of this without him, but you just weren't complete, right?"
Spencer walks into the room and hands you some papers. The pages are about the love between William and his partner.
"Rossi, we have something."
Rossi leaves the room while Derek stays inside, and you hand him the papers Spencer gave you.
"It's been so long, my heart aches. I need to see that face again soon," Rossi reads the papers when he walks back inside. "I mean, it's pretty obvious there's an emotional connection between you two, huh? You can't deny that, but this doesn't really sound like two buddies to me. Sounds more like two men in love with each other."
"You have no idea what you're talking about."
This strikes a nerve in Will, and this is what you need to get more information from him.
"You're right. I have absolutely no idea what it's like to be in love with another man."
"You know, everyone who goes into law enforcement has this air of moral superiority. For you, it seeps out of every single pore. Black cop in the FBI. You got a big chip on your shoulder with a lot to prove."
"Now who's the one who has no idea what he's talking about?"
"Derek, don't let him rile you up. This is just what he wants," you warn your friend.
"We're not so different, you and I. We choose the games we play because they make us feel powerful. So, what do you have, special agent Morgan? Prove beyond a reasonable doubt that I have broken the law, but don't you sit there with that smug look on your face and judge me, boy."
This pisses Derek off.
"First of all, I am not your boy, and this look on my face is a look of contempt because you disgust me. You and I are nothing alike. When we do find this friend of yours, there isn't a jury out there who won't find you guilty."
Derek leaves the room, allowing Rossi to be alone with him.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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allegra-writes · 4 years
"The Game"
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Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: Smut, daddy kink.
Golf is boring. You wanna play something else...
"Swinging on the front porch, swinging on the floor.
Swinging where we want, cause there ain't nobody home..."
Cherry Pie - Warrant
He should have known it was a trap. He should have known it from the very first minute. This was punishment, plain and simple punishment. Unusually cruel punishment. He didn't even know why he was so surprised, in fact, he should have seen it coming a mile away. After all, you were about as subtle as a train wreck. And that was exactly how you had hitted him. 
You had always despised golf, said it was snobbish and boring. But he always invited you to tag along just in case, because sharing one of his favorite activities with his favorite girl? That sounded almost like paradise to him. That was probably the reason why that morning, when you had jumped at the chance to join him at the country club, he hadn't suspected a thing.
Oh, how naive he was. How trusting of him. Because now, he had to play 18 while trying to conceal a throbbing, almost painful erection, watching you prance around wearing that. It was ridiculous. It was silly. It was cliche.
It was driving him completely insane.
Your little ensemble was straight out of some soft-porn movie set, he was sure of it: Keds, knee high socks… and a criminally short pleated skirt, especially designed to torture him. You guys weren't even half way through, and he was already about to snap, with his arms enveloping you, hands over yours on the handle of the club, as you bended over just a little, ass pressing against his pelvis just enough to tease him, to remind him how good it felt being buried to the hilt inside your tight, tight heat, the slapping sounds of skin against skin combining with your moans...
One of his hands let go of the club, subconsciously wrapping itself over your hip bone, when you moved, twisting, hips getting away from his. 
"Oh my god! I can't believe it, did you see that?" You turned around to face him, eyes alight with joy at having hit the ball for the first time in your life. 
And for a second, he felt bad. He was probably reading too much into it, chances were you didn't even know what you were doing to him. You were innocent in all that, it wasn't your fault not knowing just how damn irresistible you were, how hard you made him just by standing close to him…
Until he noticed the outline of your nipples under your white t-shirt, made almost see through under the bright sunlight. His eyes squinted in suspicion.
"Are you wearing any underwear?" He blurted out, cheeks immediately turning red, looking around to make sure no one had heard him. But there was no one around, not many people playing on a wednesday morning. In fact, you had the whole course pretty much for your selves.
His cock twitched inside his pants, but he shook himself, squashing the thought before it could take full shape.
You seemed to ignore him, as your face fell.
"I… don't think I was supposed to shoot it that way, though" 
Tom's eyes followed yours, but try as he might, he couldn't find the white dot he was looking for.
"Where the hell did it go?"
"I think it landed behind those bushes" You pointed to the far away patch of hydrangeas on the other side of the field. He couldn't help the snort that left his mouth,
"Yeah, that's not even close to where it should be!"
"Hey! Don't laugh at me"
"I mean, at least we know you have a strong swing" He let out between laughs
You rolled your eyes,
"Be gentle with me, this is my first time" 
The laughter died in his throat like you knew it would, as the innuendo hit him, eyes darkening as they roved over your body once again. You had to know what you were doing... 
You turned around so he couldn't see your smirk, as you started walking in big strides in the direction of the bushes, leaving him to struggle to follow you, carrying the bag full of clubs. 
It wasn't a bad sight, he had to admit, watching you walk ahead of him, your skirt bouncing with your movements, hips swaying gently from side to side. And it was even better as you reached the tall plants, parting the branches trying to see past them, bending over once again, your short skirt riding up your thighs, higher, and higher. He gulped, what little blood was left in his brain rushing south, as he saw the cleft where the round globes of your ass met your legs. You climbed on your tiptoes, and he choked on a groan: just a little bit more and the answer to whether you had or not any underwear on would be right before his eyes, literally…
"Found it!" You called out, victorious, falling to your heels again, walking around the lilac flowers, disappearing from sight, heedless to his disappointment. 
He knew it was a bad idea, as he trailed after you, like in a trance. But there you were, waiting for him behind the tall wall of bushes hiding you both from sight from every angle, mischievous glint in your eye.
The ball was nowhere to be found, and he finally understood.
Your stomach made a flip as Tom tugged at his glove with his teeth, discarding it on the green grass, his whole demeanor changing before your eyes, jaw squaring, eyes hardening, movements slow and measured as he circled you like a tiger stalking his prey. 
"You dirty little liar" He accused, watching the corners of your mouth twitch, trying to hide your satisfied smile, but it was useless: you looked every bit like the cat that got the cream. Well, he knew of another thing that looked great dripping down your chin…
"You think you're real clever, don't you? Really sneaky, teasing me all morning with this little outfit," He let his now naked hand trace your nipples, already hard under the fabric of your tee, making goosebumps erupt on your skin. He was right, you hadn't bothered with a bra, "making me hard with your little touches and smart mouthed comments…"
"Golf is boring" You shrugged, "I wanna play something else" 
He stepped back, away from you, leaving you feeling cold without his heat, despite the bright sunshine. 
"Too bad, baby girl, I'm done with games" His eyes were steel as he commanded, "Show me"
"Show you what?" You looked at him through your eyelashes, you knew how much he liked it when you played coy. But this time, he had told you the truth, the games were over.
"You know bloody well what" His south London accent was always heavy when his patience was wearing thin, "lift that little skirt and show me what's mine" 
You obeyed, and this time, he did groan, the wet patch on the simple white cotton of your thong almost better than his fantasies of your bare skin. 
He fell to his knees on the grass. God, he was so whipped! His plan had been to have you kneeling in front of him, choking on his cock as he fucked your mouth so deep and hard that tears would stream down your face. He would release himself down your throat, leaving you begging for his softening cock, his fingers, his tongue, his freaking golf club, anything to fill your empty little cunt. But of course all of that flew out the window the second he actually saw that pretty pussy through your panties, made almost transparent with your desire for him, the fabric clinging to every curve, every little detail clear for him to admire.
"Come here, baby girl" His tone was much softer as he spoke, "let daddy have a little taste" 
You did as you were told, never stopping to hold your skirt up high for him. Tom nuzzled the cotton, breathing you in before hooking one finger on the damp fabric, tugging gently to the side to reveal your most secret spot to him. He let his tongue poke out, placing kitten licks against your clit, eyes rising to meet your face. Your own were closed already, little frown between your eyebrows, as if the tiny shocks of pleasure coursing through your body confused you. So expressive. So responsive. 
How could he ever stay mad at you when you were so fucking perfect? It only took one taste of you to melt whatever was left of his anger, as he marveled of the angel whining so prettily above him, delicate fingers digging into his shoulders to support herself as her legs shook for him. It never failed to amaze him, to blow his mind. It had always been like that, he had put you up on a pedestal long before you had started dating. 
But now, he wanted to lay you down, and spread you open under the sun. 
He tsked at your huff as his tongue left you.
"No, baby, you don't get to complain today. You've been a very bad girl, so now," He helped you down onto your back on the grass, making quick work of your panties. Taking a hold of your ankles, he hooked them over his shoulders, aligning himself with your dripping center, "you're going to take my cock like a good girl" 
With that, he let his head breach you, entering you slowly, so slowly. Savoring every second, sliding in inch by inch, making you feel every millimeter of his thick, thick length as he buried it into your sweet pussy, stretching you to the limits of pleasure. He had you fold almost in half, as his pelvis finally met yours. You sighed, you had thought he would burst through your ovaries before he was completely seated inside you.
"Can you feel me, babygirl? Feel how deep I am?" 
You nodded, unable to form words. He relented, only a couple of inches, before surging back in. 
"Feel me stretching your tight little cunt? Fuck, it feels so snug…"
He drew back again, snapping back against you harder, making you cry out,
"Only I can fill you like this" He breathed, in and out again, and again. And again, establishing a harsh rhythm, "This pussy belongs to me…" 
"Yes, daddy" You sobbed, obediently. By now you knew exactly what he wanted to hear. He tugged at your t-shirt, sneaking his hand under it, massaging your breast. 
"These pretty tits are mine…"
It was hard to concentrate with him railing you into the ground, fast, brutal. Making sure the base of his cock dragged against your clit just right with every thrust.
"Yours, daddy" You managed, somehow, earning yourself a smile. If wolves could really smile at lambs before gobbling them right up...
He leaned forwards, bracing himself on one arm, the other travelling from your chest, to your neck. To your jaw. His tumb caressed your lower lip, and you opened up to him. Two of his fingers slid inside your mouth, pressing down on your tongue, you sucked them eagerly, hollowing your cheeks just the way he liked. 
"My princess… so pretty with your mouth full" Tom praised, hips never stopping, plunging his cock into you as far as it would go, over and over again, "wanna fuck your beautiful face… but this pussy… feels too good"
You sobbed around his fingers.
"So good… won't let me go… a slave" His thrusts were becoming messy. Erratic. Tom took his fingers out of your mouth to flick your clit with them.
"No, Tommy! Too much…" You cried, pushing at his hand, overstimulated. But he wouldn't budge. 
"Don't care. You're gonna take it" He growled, but sweetly kissed away your tears. He needed you to come, fast. Because there was no way he was lasting much longer, and you knew what to say if you really wanted him to stop anyway. 
"Fuck… yeah, just like that" he could feel you tensing around him. You were almost there, and he was right behind you, "so good… gonna come, baby girl. Gonna come inside you…" 
You shook your head, too delirious to express it with words, but he knew. You didn't like feeling dirty, didn't like the smell. But he fucking loved it. 
"Oh yeah… gonna fill you up… and you're not getting those panties back" His smirk was devilish, filthy. And you were sure that, even without his cock jackhammering into you, you could have come from that look alone. "Gonna see myself dripping down your thighs as you walk…"
His movements were downright sloppy now, as his words edged himself as much as they were edging you.
"Gonna have you sit in the car just like that… ruin your fucking little skirt… OH, FUCK" 
You felt his cock swell, pumping his seed inside your loins. You bit the inside of your cheek to keep from screaming, as his climax unleashed your own. Still, he kept moving,
"Gonna put your mouth around me while I drive…" There was no way the morning was ending without him having your mouth.
"Tom…" You could feel him begin to soften inside you, but he still wouldn't stop.
"Shhh, baby girl. Wanna make a mess…"
The end.
Buy me a coffee
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lolita-lollipop · 3 years
Hi hope you’re having a wonderful day! Could I please get a bnha coraline au story. So like y/n has had a pretty bad life like a whole bunch of stuff and now they have to basically parents their own parents at the age of 15 cause they’re lazy alcoholics who just go to work come back and drink. One day after they move in y/n gets curious and finds explores around the house while they’re alone and discovers the door to the other world and meets their dream parents. The parents are aizawa and present mic who just genuinely love the reader, they don’t want to take readers soul that just want to help them. They have a sister eri and a brother shinso and when reader tries to leave they all beg and threaten reader not to leave cause “your parents never cared for you anyways” and “we’ll love you more then they ever would” and force reader to be the new baby of the family gender neutral reader if possible, please and thank you ( 03^)~💚
-I do apologize if you wanted a shorter work, because this ended up being kinda long, sorry!
-there are a few grammar and spelling mistakes here and there, this is unedited, I will fix them :)
(I don’t know if you actually wanted the reader to be treated like a baby, literally like an infant, or just like the youngest in the family, I needed up doing the second option, tell me if wrong.)
You hummed a tune as you wandered the hallways, your footsteps dragging, you had tried to tell your mother to drink some water and put the strong bottle of vodka down before she ended up killing herself. She yelled at you, told you to “shut the hell up ya damn brat”, god knows where your father even is. It had only been a day or two in this house, and they had already made it feel like a prison for you, oh my, A SINGLE DAY.
In all honesty the house was nice, old, yes, but still nice. It seemed as if the last owners hadn’t been here for hundreds of years, let alone clean the place, as all embellishments on the walls were antique styled, and everything, I repeat, everything, was covered in dust. There were a few different pieces of furniture that looked as ancient as the neighbors, including a dresser filled with a different articles of clothing, a few dusty chairs here and there, curtains clawed away by... something, and little tables with droors filled with little trinkets.
One room in particular was exceptionally creepy in your eyes, it seemed like a child once slept there, probably long dead by now, the walls were covered in a striped floral wallpaper, chipping at the edges, various stuffed animals that hadn’t been touched in ages, what looked to be a changing table, and a smaller sized bed placed in the middle, fitted with dusty purple bedsheets, probably that color because of the gathering dust, you sat down on the mattress, inhaling the scent of the room. It smelled oddly of lavender, not a musty mildew smell you were expecting. You spent a moment just finding comfort in the warm smell, before noticing a small dent in the wall behind what you thought could be a changing table. Almost looked like... a tiny door?
“What the heck is that?” You questioned or yourself, narrowing your eyes at the wooden frame that looked like a small threshold, cautiously standing up form the bed, and making your way over to the door, you struggled to move the large piece of furniture, pushing back gains the groun and shoving it out of the way. It was indeed a door, and it was indeed tiny. There was a small cobweb strung across the mass of it, which you batted away with your little hands, pulling at the doorknob a few times to reveal the fact that it was locked, you let out an exasperated sigh. Well... it’s not like you have much to do, might as well find the key.
Surprisingly, it hadn’t taken long for you to find the small, heart shaped key that fit the locked door, it was tucked into one of the white droors of the small table in the corner. It was the first place you looked, almost as if it’d been calling out for you. It only took a few moments for you to push the key into the lock and turn, you let out a sigh of relief when you heard the satisfying click of the lock opening. Wondering what was going to be on the other side, you pushed open the mini door, to reveal a tunnel of sorts... today’s just full of surprises isn’t it.
“Man this tunnel is lo... whoah.” You stood, still balled up in a crawli mg position, shocked at your own surroundings. Everything looked so... new, and polished, you stared Jan absolute awe at everything, literally everything. Where are you?
“Oh, honey you’re finally here!” A male voice rang out from behind you, immediately large hands were lifting you off the floor from under your arms, holding you like a baby, this guy cradled your head in his chest, no matter how much you squirmed, the iron grip he had on you did not loosen. You snapped your head up to meet his eyes, only to be met with buttons of such a piercing yellow it almost hurt your own eyes. A shrill scream left your lips, as you flung your feet back and forth in attempts to free yourself.
“Oh, oh right. I’m sorry , I should’ve been a little slower, it’s scary I know, you’ll get used to it I promise. I’m hizashi, your other father, re you alright?” He questioned, backing up a little to give you space, bringing his hands up to tell you he wasn’t going to hurt you, ever. You were usually a calm person, but given the situation, like some random person living in your house with buttons for eyes, the reaction was warranted. You breathed for a small moment, inhaling the even stronger scent of lavender that was oh so comforting, before standing back up, giving whatever this was at a chance of explanation.
“Who- who are you?” The question left your lips faster than tryouts could hold it in, he gave you a smile and walked closer again, booping your nose and once again pulling you off the ground. He was tall, slightly lanky, and his hair was a bright yellow to match his eyes, little dangle earring wee attached to his ears, you just stared in awe at the inhuman man who was holding you.
“Silly little thing! I just said it! I’m your other father, like your real father, just perfect for you! Dinners almost ready, so let’s go meet the rest of the fmIly okay bubs?” He questioned m, speaking down to you like one would a child, even though you are a fully capable human. He grabbed your hand, and gently rigged you off into some hallway, you slightly dig your feet in, staring back at the little door that got you here in the first place.
“Honey, this is your reality, if it was perfectly fit for you! We love you, unlinke those scum who call your your parents, don’t your bat to be loved for once y/n?” He spoke, the two of you arrived at what was probably the kitchen, him explaining what was happening pretty thoroughly considering he had to do it in a few minutes, barging through the doors, a few other pairs of button eyes were scattered thievhiur the kitchen.
“Daddy! I helped bubba make dinner tonight!” A little girl, probably not even over the age of five, came running towards the two of you, smiling fully. She was sporting a pair of red buttons, which matched her little jumper, you had your face buried in this ma- hizashis chest, his arms wrapped around the entirety of you. He sent an exited stare towards the little girl, who jsut gasped and smiled even harder. She made little grabby hands towards you, so hizashi set you down on the ground, whispering a “time to get down” in your ear. Instantly, the little girl attached herself to your torso.
“Bubba/sissy!” She squealed, patting your stomach, as much as you would love to knock her off of you, she’s a kid, you don’t do that to kids. This young girl claimed to be your other sister, which at this point you were led to believe because apparently anything is possible at this point, she was pretty adorable.
“I-uh, yeah?” You spluttered, visibly flustered, you tried to get a grip of yourself, it was kindof odd, although the girl seemed much younger than you, the way she carried herself presented that she was much older than she came off, from the maternal glint in her eyes, to the planned movements, it just seemed... mature.
—————small time skip—————
It had been maybe an hour, you had been seated at a dinner table, quite the large one actually, in between a black haired man that you could tell was staring at you, and a purple haired teenager who looked to be a similar age to you. You sat there just kindof awkwardly trying to not touch any of them. At one pint. The purple haired guy tried to feed you, which was an unfortunate suprise because you were off in dreamland, and were ckmoemteky confused as to why he was even trying something like that.
“You’ll probably hurt yourself trying, just let me do it” he spoke, it is safe to say that this button eyed family is an odd bunch. First the woerd door, then a creepy guy tryna pick you up, then some little girl who probably wasn’t so little claiming you to be her “younger sibling”; then the offpdutirng glances front his beanbag guy, than this? What is happening.
Sooner or later, after the really odd display that was dinner had finished, and you had help washing your hands, because for some reason they thought you needed it, it was announced bettime, and with a snap of the man him you learned name was Aizawa, food was gone, along with all the dishes. If you were to be completely honest with yourself, you almost lied this, of course not the babying thing, but the fact that you weren’t cooking or cleaning or trying to snatch a bottle from your parents, it almost made you wnat to cry how perfect this family was. God how much you wished this was your own.
It’s sounds selfish, and unreasonable, but you never had a childhood, the day you were born your life was already sighted off as “servant of my own parents”, you lived them, you did, these people were so nice thiugh, they were odd, maybe a little quirky, but still jsut a perfect little family. Apparently one that includes you.
“ALRIGHT! time for bed!” The yellow haired man exclaimed, seeeping you and eri right off of your feet, holding you in his arms as eri giggled at the sudden swish sound. The two men on the other side of the large room cracked small smiles at the sheer adorable ness of the position, the two little ones of the family and their father! What a sight to see!
“Shhhhh, I think y/n is gonna sleep with us to Tonight okay eri?” Hizashi whispered to the young girl, loud enough for you to hear, she nodded and smiled one of her sickeningly sweet smiles, hr eyebrows raising before her button eyes. She motioned to be put down ‘, waving goodbye and latching her own hand onto shinsos, who also waved his hand.
“Goodnight daddy! And y/n!” From there, you walked alongside them to their room, or what you supposed it was. This was the first time you’d really talked to Aizawa, and it was pretty embarrassing because he asked if he was aloud to change you out of your day clothes. You were a little too scared to say no, so you let him, it was probably one of the hardest things you’ve ever had to sit through, and that’s saying quite A lot.
When all was done, you had brushed your teeth, and wrrrnchanged into a set of lilac pajamas, silken and slippery, you were pulled on top of the yellow haired man, who then wrapped his arms around your waist and started “shh-ing” you, patting your head while rocking back and forth slightly, the other man slipped in next splaying his arms over you, rubbing circles into your beck
Mans with that, the lights went out, and you fell asleep.
From there, everything in your life changes, you wake up the next day in the dusty lilac bed, wondering if it all was a dream, so the next night, you go back, and the next, and the next, until you started to spend your days there. Playing with eri, or cuddling with either of the three men, or just having fun without any worries or cares int the world. By that’s when it all starts, they kindof... changed.
They became overprotective, it showed in some more than others, but it was present either way. Al you wanted to do was check up on your dad to see if he was still alive or not, and eri had a whole crying fit, begging you to stay, and telling you she’d die if you left.
“No no! You can’t leave me! I-I I’m gonna die if you leave! I’ll die, please don’t keVe I promise il be good!”
It took a little shushing from you, but eventually you convinced her you weren’t going to leave, and so she went back to her normal self. You were with shinso once, and walked near the little door, he had immediately blocked it as if you were going to do something, then scolded you for going near such a “dangerous object”.
“You shouldn’t. Go close to that evil little thing, it might hurt you m, I don’t want you to get hurt, so stay away from it”
And then your other parents, they didn’t let you do anything by yourself, scared you would run off and get lost in the maze of nothing outside. You can’t even mention your real parents, you’ve been down here for at least a week now and haven’t been able to check on them, so when you did ask to go back for a day, hizashi slicks dying up and told you to cut out the nonsense, while Aizawa bubbles in anger, telling you that they lived you ten times better than your parents Eve could.
“They don’t deserve you, they don’t love you, we do, they’ll never live you half as much as we do, we can protect you here, why would you wnat to leave?”
Ans so one day, when your “other papa” or Aizawa, tried to take the key from you and lick you in here, you had enough. These people were supposed to be perfect, instead they turned obsessive, little button eyes showing up everywhere, watching your every move, you had thought your old life was a prison, now look at this.
You turned back, checking to see if anyone was watching, waiting to stop you, before pulling the key out of your pocket, ripping the boarding off of the door, pulling the panels of wood off one by one, shoving the key into the black door knob, you were just about to turn it, when a voice rang out behind you, no longer was the sweet girl who you played trains with, in the stead was something else just In ther body, you could hear it in her voice.
“Where are you going? You aren’t trying to leave are you?” She spoke, you froze on the spot, hands moving faster, ymtrying to get the stupid door to unlock, before you could even blink, the key snapped in half, not in your hold, in another sudden figure, your other brother. You didn’t even get the chance to speak before be t down and ripped the whole door knob off of it, giving you a knowing glance.
“I told you to stay away from it, I told you didn’t I? Now look, it’s broken” he hissed, throwing the iron knob somewhere else, you knew that I’d both of the siblings were here, the two parents were sure to be here along with them, you were proven right, as a pair of black and yellow buttons popped up behind the Eric girl, carrryijg... what is that?
“Oh my god... OH MY GOD” you screamed, the heads of your parents were in these men’s holds buttons sewn over the eyes, blood seeping out of their decapiated necks, you reMiedn screaming as the heads were discarded, jsut thrown off somewhere else. You were lifted up off the ground in your crying state, hizashi a hands stroked your hair, while his other hand went and wrapped around your butt to support you up.
“We told you baby, we tried to tel you at least. Now there’s nothing up there for you, there was never anything anyways, your safe now... they’ll never hurt you again. You’re ours...
Tell me if you liked it, I can change things if you want:)
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cloudninetonine · 3 years
A past that still haunts me
A/N: Hey guys, it's me (ya boi) I'm back with my still current hyper fixation Genshin Impact and a vent fic because I've been really stressed and well, it's hard living in my house :) It's a hurt/comfort fic because they always get to me and I needed to make something for myself
I am willing to do aftermath where the boys confront the abuser or do scenario but with different characters
Synopsis: You’re not a damsel in distress, you never have been and you never will be, but, well, sometimes you need a hero to rely on and that’s okay
Characters: Diluc, Kaeya, Zhongli and Childe
Warnings: Hints to past abuse, confrontation of abuser, violence, mentions of blood, threats, foul language
It had meant to be like any other menial day of an adventurer: sign in with Katheryne, complete your commissions, sign out with Katheryne with your payments - done and dusted.
But that wasn’t how it went, no, far from it - archons, so damn far from it.
“Thank you once again, (Name)” Katheryne’s smile was kind like usual, holding that familiar feeling of gratitude as she handed over your remission within a marked package, hand returning to the desk’s polished surface once you had taken it graciously, sending her a beaming grin back. “The Guild really appreciates your work ethic when it comes to the Ruin machines, it’s hard to come across adventurers who want to handle them anymore”
You sent her a shrug as you placed away the box “Can’t blame them really, they’re a hard bunch to handle- I was terrified of them when I first started too, but I had my vision to help me out, a lot of these folk only use there pure determination to eradicate them, gotta admire that!”
She laughed along with you politely “Have a good evening, (Name), I’ll see you again tomorrow?”
“Of course you will!” You backpedalled away from the guild reception, throwing the woman a polite double fingered salute as you did “Ad astra abyssoque as they say, my fair lady!”
She parrotted back her usual phrase before disappearing into the building, you walking further down the path of the city for your final activity for that day.
Of course, you didn’t reach that far, after all, it wasn’t that menial day you had expected, that you had wanted. Life was cruel sometimes, so incredibly cruel for no justified reason just for the sake of it all and you wished, archons, you wished you could rewind the clock and stop yourself from bumping into the body, to save yourself from all the repressed trauma bursting forth like a flurry of butterflies, well, more like moths, disgusting, ungodly, monster moths that aimed straight for the face.
“Sorry!” You yelped, too preoccupied with gathering your pocketwatch you had dropped in the stumble to see who it had been, after all, you were on a schedule and you didn’t want to be-
All of a sudden, time didn’t seem to exist, or maybe it was moving way too slowly from that horrid spike of adrenaline that shot into your bloodstream as soon as the voice registered.
You hoped to the Archons that it wasn’t, that it couldn’t, but did the gods hear your prayers?
“Oh Archons, it is you! It’s been such a long time!”
Of course, they did, they just didn’t care to listen. Ignoring the cries of your people were in fashion to them these days.
They stood there with a smile so excited it almost seemed to tear their face in half, with eyes sparkling with recognition after so many years away from them, they opened their arms welcoming you into their embrace like it was something just so normal for the two of you like you would come bounding to them like a lost puppy who had finally found their master.
The fear of your abuser dwarfed in comparison the pure feral rage and loathing to think that they even deserved to be breathing in the same space as you.
People were looking, of course, they were looking, you knew what they were doing, being bright and jovial, bringing others attention towards you both so that whatever scene you caused would be your fault like you were the bad guy. It was old tactics, of course, you wouldn’t dare do anything when you were younger, you’d just push through it, but this wasn’t old times, this wasn’t younger you, scared, smaller you afraid them, this was you now, a warrior, unwavering in battle, a person who smiled in the face of danger, who laughed at the pitiful fights that 2- no- 4 abyss mages brought to you!
To hell what other people thought, you’d stomp their head into the cobblestone if they had so much as poked you.
“Come here and give me a-”
You took a step back, mustering the deadliest face you could, but you wavered, it was only natural, no matter how much you could try to hype yourself up, this person was your first true experience of real-life nightmares, the first person to bring you true pain, no matter how many ruin guards, hunters, millachurls, mages- anything you faced, nothing could prepare you to face your first fear:
The fear of your older sibling.
“If you fucking touch me I’ll stab you-” The growl cracked nearing the end, you were always an angry crier but you were not about to fall back to this- this monster. “In front of all these people, I won’t hesitate”
Their face dropped followed by your stomach, though, the food you had for lunch sure did feel its way up your gullet.
“What’s with your language? We haven’t seen each other in four years and this is how you treat me? Your older sibling?” They laughed in disbelief because onlookers would think they were shocked, I mean, how could you speak to family like that? But they didn’t know, they didn’t know the words they had told you, the insults, the threats, those tight grabs, those beatings- they didn’t know, so they obviously didn’t know that the shock came from the fact that you had stood up to them.
You licked your lips to get rid of the dryness, but the problem you faced was that your mouth had dried out along with them, as did your throat.
Don’t let them turn this on you, don’t let them get the upper hand, you were better than them, so much better.
“You’re not my fucking sibling” You spat, feeling the air vibrate around you, a sudden shine from your cloak hinted you to the cause “You haven’t been for a long time, don’t fucking try that shit with me”
There it was, that familiar enraged spark, that look of hatred on their face, the thing that warned you about what you said had been the right thing to set them off, that they were just as easily triggered by the smallest act of rebellion just like when you were kids.
Of course, they hadn’t changed.
Evil never did.
They took a step forward but you didn’t back off, just hardened your resolve as they leaned in menacingly, as though their stupid little intimidation tactic still worked after all these years.
You told yourself it didn’t but you knew deep down that wasn’t completely true.
“Don’t speak to me like that, (Name)” Facade gone, they showed you what they really were, what they were really like after all, “Don’t you ever speak to me like that, you show me fucking respect”
Oh Archons, you were angry, no, seething from the thought that they ever deserved respect.
That pathetic piece of shit, that gruelling pleb, mere gum on the bottom of your damn shoe-
You’d kill them, right here, right now.
You felt the familiar materialisation begin to form in your hand when another voice called out, a familiar loving one that nearly made your throat swell from relief.
He could sense the tension. Of course, he could sense the tension, Diluc had faced this tension so many times before, he was practically the one that owned such a vibe anytime Kaeya even breathed near him for a second longer than necessary.
But being the one to witness it, to see you, the usual awkward, goofy sweetheart stare at another with such overbearing malice made him uneasy, caused his stomach to churn in ways he didn’t like, set him off in a way that was only reserved for the most chilling on moments.
Diluc wondered what exactly this stranger had done to warrant such a reaction from you.
“(Name)?” The redhead called, glancing around the many citizens of Mondstadt that watched the exchange with intrigue, guard and worry, eyes focused on the scene of this foreign stranger and fuming you, hand poised by your side with weapon particles dancing on your palm.
When Diluc finally made it over, his form seemed to curl protectively around you, hand landing on the small of your back delicately while keeping face with the person, eyes narrowed dangerously but still holding an air of civilness.
A true gentleman, even when you were close to merking some rando.
“Is there a problem?”
The stranger straightened immediately, backing up a few steps with their hands up in defence, sending Diluc a charming smile that the man could see through crystal clear.
“No problem, no problem at all” They glanced back at you, seemingly friendly despite his partner’s obvious ill intent that radiated off you in waves “Isn’t that right, (Name)?”
Diluc saw you tense up once again, the buzz from your Vision rising in volume with your obvious anger as you tightened your first, ready to just screw your weapon and go for the throat.
“If that is the case” The noble’s hand softly pressed against your back, gently but coaxing, knowing that conflict in the middle of the town centre would just bring the knights to meddle in affairs that they had no business attending “Then we shall be going”
“There’s no need to leave, after all, my sibling and I were just chatting”
He paused, shouldering a questioning glance your way but at the sight of your unruly expression, he pushed down his enquiries and once again began coaxing you away from the scene. Angel’s Share had already been open for a while, meaning the usual folk would already be settled in, but the storage room was sure to be a good place to chat and to calm you down, all he needed to do was get you away.
“We already had plans” The side glance had the stranger- your sibling, biting their tongue, brows furrowing in a known annoyance as the two of you began your way towards the pub, you still vibrating in anger. “Good day to you”
The two of you had made it a few feet when they called out once again “Don’t worry, (Name), I’ll see you again real soon”
Diluc’s arm tightened around you faster than you could react, tugging you away quickly “Diluc-”
“No, (Name)”
“Stay out-”
“Not here” Sharing a look, he softened at the shine in your eyes. “You’ll just attract the knights' attention”
You didn’t care, no, not one bit. If the knights had dared to interfere at that moment, they too would have been caught up in your blinded revenge, thrown aside or slashed down without single care just to finally eradicate the bane of your existence and you didn’t care about what consequences you brought about, you just didn’t and you made sure to tell Diluc that, as soon as you had the privacy of Angel’s Share’s storeroom, pacing up and down while he stood off to the side against the wall, watching silently.
“You had no right to get in my way!” You snapped, voice shaking from the pure emotions you were releasing “I finally had my chance, I was finally going to do it! They deserve to end by my hand, by my decision, after the years of torture they put me through! They deserved it! And you got in my way! How could you get in my way! I-”
Pushing off the wall, he slowly advanced towards you, carefully, hands out like he was approaching a wounded animal.
“I understand you’re upset-”
“I’m not upset!” You cried at him, stopping mid-step before dropping your head and tightly, grabbing your hair in your hands “I’m not upset! I’m angry! I’m so fucking angry! And I deserve to be fucking angry! I-”
The sob ripped through your throat despite you trying to hold it back, tears finally gathering in your eyes and rapidly falling down your cheeks “You should have let me kill them! I should have had the chance to rid the world of their evil! It’s not fair! It’s not- it’s not fair, I-”
You didn’t bother to fight him when his arms finally wrapped around you, just fell against him as you wept. The pent up rage, fear and sadness from years of repression taking its toll as you cried, your partner whispering sweet words as he raked his hand through your hair gently and leaned his head against yours.
“I’m sorry” His hand held your cheek fondly, ruby red staring back into your own eyes with a softness that made you melt “I didn’t know this meant so much to you, but if you’re willing to tell me, I’ll listen. I’ll always listen”
With another choked sob, you leaned into his hold “Please just hold me for now”
And he did just that.
The captain had promised to meet you at his office, a simple task really but with the lingering presence of Jean and the words ‘There’s so much work that needs to be done’ leaving her lips he bolted, hoping to catch you by the Guild and drag you to Angel Share for your date. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to help her, it was just he had already promised you this night and Eula could have always taken his place with paperwork, her threat of “vengeance” as she liked to call it could wait for another day.
It was also due to the fact he had no intentions of filing any paperwork for as long as he could avoid it, but that was his secret to be kept.
Being the perspective man he was, he could tell straight away he had walked into something tense, surveying the surrounding people of Mondstadt who looked on in concern, the unbridled rage upon your face, the obviously intimidating lean that the stranger held over you- something was wrong and he knew he had to put a stop to it.
“(Name)?” You glanced for a single moment before your furious glare had returned to the stranger, another flag waving right in his face as he approached, “My dear? Who might this be?”
Before you could snap, lip curling in disgust, the stranger stood back to their full height, switching quickly with a fake charming smile that practically mirrored his own, holding out their hand towards him “(S/N) (Last), (Name)’s older sibling. it’s nice to meet you”
Kaeya’s smile widened and despite the glare from you that was now focused on him, he shook your sibling's hand in-kind “Kaeya Alberich, (Name)’s partner-”
He made sure to tighten his grip with his last words “And Cavalry Captain of the Knights of Favonius”
Successfully, as he always was, Kaeya held back the smug, mocking grin that itched to climb onto his face when the neck of your sibling bobbed nervously, forehead reflecting the afternoon light as sweat gathered on their brow.
The man hadn’t obviously threatened them, surely, Kaeya was smarter than that, but then again, he could still present himself as a threat, a good one and well, his title was a menacing one when it came to the right moment. ‘Try anything and not only do I have the authority to kick your arse but the power to put you in a place many didn’t dare even step’ shortened into an innocent sentence with only 8 words.
“Cavalry Captain? That’s quite impressive” They laughed off, tugging away their hand awkwardly when Kaeya continued to keep a firm grip, his present eye focused solely on your siblings face. They glanced over to you “Quite an achievement for you, aye (Name)?”
You growled, “I’ll show you an achievement-”
Kaeya’s arm had wrapped around your waist not a second later, tugging you tighter to his side as the two of you turned, the man throwing your sibling a smile over his shoulder.
“As nice as it was to meet you, (S/B), we must be going”
And then without another word Kaeya dragged you away, heading in the direction of your home instead of Angel Share tavern, feeling your pure, unfiltered anger the whole way along with the citizens as they parted ways, rushing off from your rage.
It was only when you had returned to the sanctuary of your abode did you snap, jerking away from your boyfriend with angered strides and beginning your seething lecture towards him, moving up and down through the living room while he ventured off into the kitchen, grabbing 2 glasses and a bottle of wine.
“How dare you Kaeya! How fucking dare you! Do you have any idea what you were doing back there!? What was even happening back there!? So much for being the most observant man in Mondstadt because you seemed pretty dense to me the whole fucking time!” Your hands raked through your hair as you yelled, trying so hard to hold back the tears “I didn’t need your damn help, Kaeya! Nor did I fucking want it! Know to stay out of someone's business when it isn’t wanted!”
Logically you knew what he had done, you were smart like that and you knew Kaeya long enough to know what he was doing but your rage, fear and sadness blocked out everything in that moment, made you blind to reality, made you only think irrationally and Kaeya didn’t blame you for that. He could never blame you for that.
Though, it did hurt him to see you in this state.
You gawked at him for a moment, staring at him with shock and confusion as he held out a wine glass towards you, another held in his other hand and a sweet smile plastered on his face, before your moment morphed into rage, grabbing the drink from his hand and tossing it towards the wall, the red wine splattering over the wallpaper and glass shards falling to the floor.
“Well, that was a waste-”
“Do you think I’m an idiot, Kaeya!?” You cried, not even bothering to hold back anymore as the tears fell and your voice cracked, hand pointing accusingly in his face “Is this some kind of joke to you!? Huh!? Am I a fool in your eyes!? Some sort of blubbering idiot!? Why must you- why do you-”
The second glass was placed on the dresser by you both, Kaeya’s hand coming to hold your cheek fondly while the other came to grab your hand that dangled in the air, still poised at him “I don’t think you're either of those, my dear, in fact, I think you’re one of the brightest in the whole of Teyvat, nevermind Mondstadt”
You hiccuped “Then why-”
Brushing away the wetness from your cheek, he brought your hand to his mouth to place a fond kiss on your palm “Because you mustn’t cry, (Name), don’t waste your tears on someone like them”
“I’m not crying, I’m-”
He shushed you gently and you finally relaxed, falling into his embrace with a heavy heart “-I’m not, I swear-”
Within the familiarity of your home, you wept in his arms, exhausted from the whirlwind of emotions and the scenes that had transpired that day, ready to just curl into yourself and try to block the flooding memories of history. Although, having Kaeya at that moment helped more than he could ever know, having him to rely on made it all so much easier to cope with that day.
“Tell me what ails you and I’ll listen” Brushing back some hair, he pressed a kiss to your head.
“Can..can we just stay like this for a while?”
“Of course, my dear”
He had sensed the incoming danger like it had been revealed in some sort of premonition. Maybe it had been a skill he had acquired after his long, eventful life, maybe it was his connection to Liyue and his citizens, but for some reason, as he sat before Iron Tongue Tian as the man recalled his tales of ancient Liyue like usual, Zhongli knew that the crowd that was forming around Wamin Restaurant had something that he need urgently attend, especially when even Tian paused his story to glance around the corner of the restaurant building to see the commotion.
When the archon had finally borne witness to the scene, he paused within the crowd, surveying the surroundings carefully. You were the centre of attention, along with another stranger, both glaring at one another with anger and disgust, though your own anger seemed to double compared to the other’s, seeing as your weapon was slowly materialising in your grip. Zhongli could also see Guild Master Lan making her way down the steps leading to the Guild reception, a worried expression on her face glancing between you and the approaching Millelith.
Zhongli made his decision, politely pushing through the crowd until he had finally made it by your side, hand being placed gently on your arm “(Name)?”
Both you and the stranger glanced at him, but he paid no mind to them, only held eye contact with you when Lan appeared by your other side, glaring at the stranger with a hardened gaze.
“Are you harassing my guild member?”
Before the stranger could respond, the Millelith had also popped in, glancing between you and them “Is there a problem?”
Zhongli had taken up your view when Lan began her take, she had borne witness for much longer than he had of course and he was certain that you were in no state to talk to the guards. Your eyes were glazed with hatred, pupils pinpricks in a sea of (E/C) and your hands were shaking, balled into fists.
If anything, he needed to try and calm you down first.
“Get the hell out of my way, Zhongli” Your teeth ground together, words shaking with anger “Don’t push yourself into my business”
“I’m sorry, my love, but I can’t do that” He tried brushing your cheek but you jerked away, glaring at his hand before glaring back at him, in no mood to be coddled “I don’t want you to do something you’d regret”
“Trust me, I won’t regret this one bit”
Zhongli held his tongue for the question that almost rolled out, knowing now wasn’t the time for inquiries when the stranger’s voice rang out, condescending and snarky as they addressed you.
“Still need people to protect you, aye (Name)? Of course, you’re still the same pathetic bitch from years ago”
You were lucky for your reputation around Liyue, for the picture of the kind and caring adventurer that had swept through the town from your years of living here because had it not been for that, you pushing aside your boyfriend and materialising your weapon to aim it at your sibling’s throat would have had you in cuffs that instant.
Lan grabbed you, tugging you away as you screamed “I’ll show you pathetic you fucker! Let me go!”
The Millelith didn’t wait to drag your sibling away, much to their cries of dismay, one sending Lan a nod while you continued to fight against her, crying out in frustration.
“Kid, you have to calm down-”
“Calm down!? No! Get the hell off me!”
Zhongli watched as you finally broke away, huffing and puffing up a storm before glancing amongst the crowd, staring at their worried and concerned faces, your own eyes tearing up before you looked away pushing past the crowd to find somewhere to be alone.
When Lan went to call out for you, Zhongli raised his hand, the two sharing a look before the archon made his way after you, his longer legs keeping a steady pace to which he could catch up to you, just beyond the bridge that led into Liyue Harbour. There were no people where you stood, just the lush green plants and great mountains of nature, a perfect place for you to let out your frustration without the prying eyes of the citizens.
“Leave me alone!” You cried, curling into yourself with your back turned to him “I don’t want you here, Zhongli! Nor did I want you back there! I didn’t need your or anyone else's help!”
You knew he was here from a place of concern, and deep down you begged that your words didn’t harm him in any way, but currently, you didn’t care, you didn’t want to care, you just wanted to be numb, numb to the flashbacks of your horrid past and numb to the feelings that were dragged along with them.
“My love, please, return with me to our home, I will brew some calming tea-”
“Tea? Tea!? Does it look like I want any fucking tea?! I couldn’t care any less about some fucking tea, Zhongli!” Spinning around on your heels, you scowled at him, not bothering to hide your rushing tears “Don’t you get it!? I want to be left alone, I-”
Two gloved hands gently encased your face, your angered expression morphing into one of shock as your partner stared down at you with glowing eyes filled with a deep-rooted love, affection, worry and so much more that you couldn’t put into mere mortal words. At that moment, everything felt as if it had melted away, only you and him were in this world, nothing else, just the two of you.
And you felt as though your heart had been lifted from the pressures of this life.
“I do not think it is best for you to be left alone” His baritone voice was always so calming, so serene and in your sane moment, you finally felt its effects “I wish to stay with you, so please, let me stay”
With a whimper, you grabbed onto his forearms and leaned your face into his hands, tears continuing to fall as your eyes fluttered shut “Okay…”
“They have hurt you deeply, haven’t they?”
Hesitantly, you nodded.
“Would you be so kind as to tell me the details?”
“I-...” Sharing eye contact once again, you whispered “Can- can you just...hold me for now? Please”
Moving his hands from your face, he engulfed you in his arms, leaning his head against yours “Of course”
The Harbinger had just left the Northland Bank, hell, he was just about to make his way down the spiral staircase but when hearing the commotion, he paused, something in his gut telling him to check just before and he was glad he did.
Glancing over the elevated walkway, he felt a fiery pit roar in the depths of his stomach, eyes narrowing dangerously at the scene; you were snarling in some other person’s face, their own face nothing short of disgust and a crowd that only seemed to grow by the minute.
Who the hell did this person think they were? Did they even know who you were? To stand so close to you, with a look of threat on their face like you weren’t about to kick their arse? Like he wasn’t about to kick their arse? How did this insignificant speck of dross not know your connections with him, the 11th Harbinger? Or did he know and was just trying his luck?
“Seems like someone has a death wish” And a death wish they had indeed.
Ignoring the perplexed glance from his subordinate stationed outside the building's entrance, Childe made his way down the steps, murderous look stitched on the whole way to the circle of civilians, the mass parting ways for the man that was Tartaglia and continuing to watch the moment in silence.
“Who the hell are you-” You both turned towards him, you in shock while the stranger stared in confusion until Childe’s hand wrapped around their collar, tugging them closer to look down at them with a deep-rooted disgust “-And why the hell are you harassing my partner?”
They fought against him, obviously, they did, but the surprise came when you saddled up next to him, grabbing his arm “Stay out of this, Tartaglia”
What? It hadn't been your request, no, you were always one to finish your whole fights you weren't "A damsel in distress after all!" no, you were so much more, so much greater but that look on your face, murderous and downright cruel- he just couldn't believe his ears.
Childe stared at you in shock while the stranger struggled, throwing him a dirty look in their attempts “Yeah, this is between my sibling and I”
Childe straightened in surprise, feeling embarrassment flood his system. Had he seriously just grabbed and threatened his lover’s family member? Oh, Archons, his judgement had been clouded by anger at the look of the scene, I mean, why would your sibling look at you that way-
“But it’s really no surprise that you still need to be babied, (Name), how shameful”
His eyes widened but not a moment later had you tackled your sibling, the crowd crying out in alarm as you threw back your fist and crushed their nose under the weight of your punch. “I’ll show you fucking shameful, bastard!”
There was shouting and a glance showed the oncoming Millelith marching towards the circle.
Being Fatui always did garner the attention of the guards nowadays, especially for him, who had tried to lure out the attention of their Archon by summoning an ancient god that nearly drowned the entirety of the harbour, so it was no surprise that they seemed to hurry in the pursuit when they noticed his appearance at the scene. However, lucky for him, your reputation as a great adventurer preceded you and throughout Liyue you were seen as a trusted and well-liked individual, meaning whatever trouble you got in, containing his meddling or not, was usually waved away due to the trust of the people.
So, without another thought, Childe tugged you off of your bloodied sibling and held you close, even as you thrashed violently, shouting at him to let you go.
“What is going on here?” A guard called, slamming the hilt of his polearm into the ground as he surveyed the area, eyes landing on the sibling before following the small trail of blood to you, still fighting against your boyfriend with threats falling from your lips “Was there a reason for this brawl? Who started it?”
As your sibling raised themselves on their forearms, they scowled and opened their mouth to respond, only for Childe to put in. “It was them, sir, they were the one that started it, (Name) was merely acting in self-defence”
The Millelith scowled at him, raising a brow and once again looking you over “Is that so?”
He addressed the crowd soon after “Is this what happened?”
And as expected, they all glanced over the sibling, then to you and piped up in agreement. It paid to be a hero, it seemed, the whole harbour returning the favour of years of helping out the community.
“If that’s the case, please come with us” The sibling cried out, anger and fear laced into their voice, trying to argue for their innocence only for the guards to grab them, hauling them away to archons know where while Childe did the same with you, slowly dragging you away from the scene and back into the bank, you screaming and cursing the whole way until you had made it to his office, finally managing to push him off and storming to the opposite side of the room practically seething.
“Who the hell do you think you are, Tartaglia!?” You cried, throwing out your arms in exaggeration “I didn’t need your fucking help! And why the fuck would you pull me off them!? I had them right where I wanted them and you fucking did that! Are you a moron!?”
“You had a sibling” He breathed, watching as you began to pace, muttering in an angered state “And you didn’t tell me”
“-after all these years I finally had the chance to end their pathetic excuse of a life and you just got in my fucking way! I’d waited too long for this moment and you fucking ruined it! How dare you, how fucking dare you-”
“(Name), why didn’t you tell me you had a sibling!?” He cried, walking up to you and grabbing your wrist to stop you “I was ready to kill them right there! And why are you talking about them like this!? They’re your family aren’t they-”
“They are not my fucking family!”
The scream echoed through the room, chilling Childe to the core as you ripped your arm from his grasp, running your hands through your hair before gripping it so tightly it felt close to being ripped from your head. But you didn’t care, no, you couldn’t, you were so angry and you needed something to keep you grounded, to keep yourself from losing yourself and getting lost in those haunting past memories.
The Harbinger felt his chest squeeze painfully as the tears fell down your face, red rimming your eyes and cheeks wet as you sobbed, chest heaving from trying to breathe “Family takes care of you! Family thinks of you in the highest light possible! They love you for who you are and they love you no matter what! That bastard hurt me, made me feel worthless and they refuse to believe they could do no wrong and I hate them! They are the bane of my existence! They are not my fucking family! I hate them, I hate them, I hate them, I-”
Arms were around you instantly, Childe’s face pressed into your hair as you wept, grasping onto the lapels of his suit and shoving your face into his chest to muffle your cries.
“I’m sorry” He whispered, his own eyes shining slightly “I’m sorry, I was being insensitive. Please, don’t cry”
“No, I’m not crying, I promised myself I wouldn’t-” You hiccuped “I wouldn’t waste any more tears on them-”
Then you broke off into more wails, your boyfriend holding you close and letting you continue to cry in his arms, warm and comforting until you were finally reduced to whimpers, leaning into him heavily as the remaining adrenaline in your body began to wear thin when he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“Will...will you tell me about it?”
You sniffed “Later...just hold me for now, please, Ajax...”
His arms tightened protectively “Anything for you, my love”
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slitherbop · 3 years
.......Any papastuck hcs?
THANK YOU for giving me an excuse to publicly ramble about PAPA G AND CHUCK beware of Spoilers within ALSO HERE’S A PIC happy valentines day
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When they met and Chuck was still Stuck in the floor, like Post-Chicken-Feed-Missing-Scene, Chuck would be RUDE as HELL to Papa G. But Papa G took it as realizing he’s just A Guy and was like AH MAYBE I SHOULDA BEEN GIVIN HIM REAL FOOD and then he does that, but Chuck is still a bastard to him. Not to The Kid’s knowledge tho, he only found out that Papa G knew about Chuck’s existence in the second episode like we saw.
Papa G literally just looked at Chuck and how Evil he was being at the beginning and was like OH YES WE CAN BE FRIENDS I LIKE THIS GUY cuz he DID save him and want him to be redeemed and have the last ring to be on the team... Papa G’s Immediate Trust.. like if u agree
I like to imagine that Papa G actually did have da iced tea with Chuck to get to know him :] this was Post-Chuck-getting-Cut-in-Half. Papa G is Very Curious about Chuck but Chuck’s still a rude little man at this point and Papa G laughs off his behaviour. Papa G might be f*cked up enough that he does enjoy his company, bad vibes and all
Chuck has NO idea what to make of Papa G here because no one else has ever shown him kindness or wasn’t annoyed at him. It doesn’t stop him from being a force of negativity though cuz at this point he still Believes he’s going to conquer the earth.
This ended up being like a timeline of their relationship and not relationship headcanon UUHH OOPS!!!!!
OK, Chuck actually likes that he calls him Charles it’s the special name :]
I’m prepared to be proven wrong but it would be epic if Chuck started calling Papa G “George” because he was there to hear that that is his first name and Papa G like with Tuna Sandwich doesn’t mind being called it, it’s just his name. Also George is my real name and I’d love to hear Chuck say. Also Also George and Charles are gay old man names
Uh oh I’m talking more about timeline stuff but some time after the events of the big showdown and they’re dealing with the fact that Chuck is deciding to stay here on earth, Papa G and The Kid make him his own living space there in the junkyard with them. Not sure where or what it’d look like but it means a lot to Chuck (makes this face -> 🥺) I’d imagine since his species aren’t given their own names / have individuality he wasn’t given a space of his own to do whatever he wanted with
Since they no longer have the rings, Chuck helps Papa G as an extra hand doing work in the yard (Papa G had to get used to doing stuff without being his own company :[ ) and Chuck ACTUALLY LOVES HELPING imagine that one scene where Papa G and Chuck are working together to build the ice cream megaphone truck, they’re both really skilled at building stuff and enjoy it so it’s like that pretty often!
I swear to god Papa G needs to get Chuck a wheelchair / make him one, I want to believe that he does have one and we just didn’t see it at the end of the time skip -_- :prayer: but they totally deck it the hell out (you KNOW Papa G is capable of making deadly death machines and you KNOW Chuck would absolutely love that sh*t!!!!)
Anyway back to the time skip relationship development thing: PAPA G SHOWS CHUCK AROUND HIS HOUSE I wish we knew what inside the house looked like besides the kitchen sink lol but Papa G figured if he’s gonna be around here more often he might as well show him where HE lives! Papa G is SUPER excitedly showing him all the weird stuff he’s accumulated over his lifetime. Chuck doesn’t Get the specialness of physical possessions and calls it Junk but Papa G doesn’t mind! He shows things and Chuck is confused about certain things (being an Alien) and Papa G is happy to explain everything to him.
Papa G shares Chuck his art and is showing him painting ;_; once again Chuck is a bastard and doesn’t totally get it. Papa G would definitely call HIM an artist, pointing out that all the building that Chuck does is artwork, those comics that he spent all that time reading was him appreciating the art, and that changes the way he views it. Chuck makes his own dam comics, I’d imagine the way he’d draw is very unique and the text is written in his language, and then it’s Papa G who doesn’t totally get it but is ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT IT!!!
Also Papa G totally takes Chuck out to the middle of nowhere to go look for junk, this is probably Chuck’s Least Favourite Activity LOL but they do spend a lot of time talking about anything, I’m really curious about what the kind of things they’d even say when they’re not faced with any threat and are only with each other *looks up at the sky in thought..*
Chuck please go off about your previous life away from earth I feel like as soon as he came here he kinda just accepted himself being Stuck Chuck and therefore had no attachment to being a nameless body in an alien army. Also Papa G please open up about your messed up secret history that warranted the government keeping tabs on you and made you live almost completely isolated.
See^ I think whatever they got going on on a DEEP LEVEL could be wild and would have so much to unravel, Chuck’s life before this was probably just 90% seeing various people DIE and was simply made to Kill people for his leader. And. you KNOW Papa G has something Messed Up about him + Is Traumatized / got “bad flashbacks” + the whole seeing himself die and being numb to it. And now that they are people who are trying to save lives on their team they could Relate to each other as the two older guys with UNKNOWN HISTORY!!!!
UUUUH OK SO SHIP HEADCANONS RIGHT. RIGHT. They hold hands :] they rarely kiss it’s mostly Papa G who kisses Chuck on the face but Chuck is forbidden from kissing unless Papa G wants to go to sleep. Also Chuck likes to be held by Papa G, they hug a lot :D Papa G takes Chuck out to the diner and gets him everything he wants <3 they go to the house and watch movies and Kid joins them too as a family ;_; Papa G goes to sleep in his god forsaken hammock with Chuck, and Chuck is like So This Is Your Weird-Ass Cocoon Huh and Papa G is like HAHA YUP and its sweet.
I’m gonna end this here thank you for reading, this is the kinda stuff I ramble on and on like this in private but I hope u enjoy some of my thoughts about this I think it’s a genius ship with so much potential and is my favourite thing right now THANKS
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candychronicles · 3 years
heavens // t. keigo/hawks
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A/N: my take on the roommates theme for the bnharem collab! honestly didn’t know where i was going with this one and it seems a bit random/rushed so i apologize in advance but hope you enjoy nonetheless! 
CHARACTER PAIRING: Takami Keigo/Hawks x F!Reader
WARNINGS: oral (f!receiving), some language 
SYNOPSIS: despite his growing popularity, you two remained steady roommates, which confused you to no end. what was his true motive in keeping you around? 
And they were roommates! Click here to read more!
Hawks was an interesting character to say the least. when you first moved in, you weren’t all too sure what to expect. he was, at the time, a fairly popular hero, but nowhere near the status he held today. he was charming, suave, friendly and it seemed genuine at the time. things went downhill quick though as his popularity rose and along with it, his annoying, god-like tendencies. 
what you didn’t understand was why he kept you around after all this time. you didn’t necessarily need to live with him still, but as he got more popular and therefore gained more money, the areas he lived in grew nicer and nicer until you were on a gorgeous top floor penthouse with a stunning view, all for the price of your original, dingy apartment. what you could afford on your own would be nowhere near the luxury that he was offering. that’s why you stayed, but you weren’t sure why he offered to let you continue to stay with him after all this time.
sure, you were friends, got along for the most part and when you didn’t, stayed out of each other’s hair, but he didn’t owe you anything and you certainly didn’t want to feel like you were in his debt. yet something attracted the two of you together continuously despite it all. 
what you didn’t know was that Hawks very much enjoyed having you around. you’d deny it until you were blue in the face but he heard one too many times you touching yourself in your bedroom, muffled moans matching those of the girl or guy he was fucking that night. he often did his best to give you a show, cursing, spitting, hitting, anything he could do to rile you up, get you to hear the lewd sounds coming from the apartment. you acted like you didn’t know what he was talking about, scoffed when he invited you to join him or give you his own private show and acted like you didn’t know he was doing that all on purpose just to tease you. 
truth be told, you pushed all those thoughts aside when it came to him. he was attractive, very much so, and also very unattainable, in your eyes anyways. his god-like complex was annoying at times but also very warranted. he was popular with everyone he met-children, women, men, the elderly, hell, you don’t think he ever met a dog that didn’t like him. he was strong, powerful, commanding of the quirk he weld so well. his personality was nothing short of smooth, like honey over ice cream melting on your tongue. you felt so incredibly drawn to him that your brain absolutely shut out any idea of it, giving yourself no hope that he would ever reciprocate the pure feelings of desire you felt towards him. after awhile, your convincing became reality and you began to question everything, desperate to detach yourself from his enigmatic ways. 
hey sweetheart, will be gone for most of the day. left some money for groceries and a little extra for whatever you want. don’t miss me too much
you scoffed at the note pasted to your refrigerator, neon pink glaring at you in the morning sun trickling from the balcony window. he had been gone a lot lately, sometimes bringing home people at night, mostly crashing straight on the couch before he had even gotten a chance to change clothes. you acted like you didn’t miss him, miss his presence, the lingering touches that you swore were just him being an ass and making fun of you, but in reality, you missed the hell out of him. the domesticity that he showed when it was just you two vulnerable late at night, tired from a hard day of work, it made you realize that he wasn’t a god all the time after all.
that thought didn’t change your mind about his attainability, however. in fact, it only seemed to spur your ideals on more, convincing yourself that a man who could be so vulnerable and yet so strong was one who deserved more than what you could give. it would never be you and you were content with that fact, or so you thought.
your day was long and grueling, working patrols and small missions as a pro hero. you were likeable enough but when it came down to it, you didn’t care to be popular, didn’t care to make a ton of money or be interviewed by dozens of people a month. you just wanted to do your job and keep people safe and at the end of the day, that was what you accomplished. 
it was nearly midnight when you returned home, the elevator dinging closed behind you as you walked into the penthouse. the lights were still off, everything in place from this morning, which meant that Hawks had not arrived home yet despite him being gone for nearly the whole day. anger bubbled up underneath your skin. you knew he didn’t owe you anything, you knew you were nothing more than roommates, but sometimes feeling so isolated and alone in this big space with no one to talk to or do anything with left you antsy and annoyed. in simple frustration and retaliation, you locked the balcony window, forcing him to come up the elevator like a dignified man, bringing his nightly fuck in through the lobby instead of sneaking them inside like he often did.
it was nearly six am before you were woken up to a loud thud, the door smacking against the wall. you sighed, allowing yourself to calm down before you tried to go back to bed, but before you got a chance, a knock sounded at your door.
“what?” you asked irately, not in the mood to entertain him and his antics.
“why’d you lock the balcony window?” he asked simply, arms crossed. 
as you sat up to answer, you noticed his calm demeanor not so calm anymore. his chest was flaring up and down, body wobbly, and he reeked of alcohol.
“so much for a calm night,” you muttered. “i locked the door because i didn’t want to hear you fucking any of your whores while i was trying to sleep.”
“oh baby, you know you like it, like the sounds i make, the words i say. all you have to do is admit it and i can be all yours.”
“you wish bird brain,” you spat back at him, done with the conversation as you shimmied yourself back into bed, pulling the covers up to your chin and promptly shutting your eyes, ignoring the feeling of his stare burning into your brain.
“i do wish. i wish it were you i was fucking. i’ve wished that since the day i met you, all excited and doe eyed, ready to take on the world and all of its challenges. you never let my fame get in the way, never treat me any differently. you’ve been by my side throughout it all and yet you won’t let me get too close to you. why is that? afraid i’ll break your heart little one?”
you sat back up again quickly only to realize that he had moved to the foot of your bed. he sat down, taking off his boots and shucking them on the floor only to crawl practically into your lap, snuggling into your thigh.
“i won’t break your heart. i’ll only hurt you if you want me to, which i know you do, at least a little bit. but i’d n-never hurt your heart. you’re too precious for that princess, so sweet to me, so so angelic. and yet i can hear your moans through the walls, practically feel you arching off your bed as you chased your high, desperate for a release, wishing it were me who was touching you instead of your own fingers. i can do that you know. all you need to do is say the magic word and i’m yours. no more fucking other people, just me and you. i’ll spoil you rotten, anything you could possibly want and it’s all yours. you’d never have to worry about a thing again, yeah? what do you say?”
your heart hitched into your throat at his babbling confession. surely he wasn’t serious, right? it must’ve been the alcohol talking. you knew that if you said yes he was just going to tease you and tell you that he was joking and never wanted to see you ever again. you were just sure of it… but, in the off case that he was being serious… you couldn’t mess this up.
“yeah, okay,” you replied, voice hitching in your throat as you agreed with him.
you waited a few seconds for the harsh sting of a reply but nothing came. you cast your eyes down to see Hawks passed out, clinging to you as if his life depended on it. sighing, you flopped back down onto the bed, heels of your palms pressed into your eye sockets, brain full of thoughts as you tried to sift through your feelings. eventually you just gave up and passed out against the cool sheets of your bed, too tired to deal with the emotional turmoil you were putting yourself through.
when you woke up the next morning, Hawks was no longer against your thigh but rather plastered to your side. you weren’t sure how you ended up being spooned by the lanky man but it wasn’t necessarily the first time you had cuddled. your brain began working against you almost immediately, convincing yourself that the previous night's events were nothing more than a drunken spur from your roommate and that he did not, in fact, want to be with you.
with those thoughts in mind, you began to wiggle your way out of his grasp, nearly making it out of bed before you felt a hand shoot out and grab you by the wrist. 
“where are you going beautiful? sleep with a man and then ditch him before he even gets a chance to wake up? how heartless of you.”
“oh shut up, you know damn well that we did not sleep together. in fact, you came in here at six in the morning just to simply annoy the hell out of me. now that’s what i call heartless.”
“we didn’t sleep together but we could’ve,” he teased, fingers rubbing gently up and down your arm as he attempted to coax you back into bed, but your mind worked on overdrive, simply not believing that he was interested in you at all. 
“why do you always like to make fun of me, huh? does it give you some sick satisfaction to dangle hope like that in front of my face only to snatch it away from me if i ever say yes?” you spat, getting sick and tired of his games.
“princess, i’m not lying to you, nor am i making fun of you. i would never offer something like this if i wasn’t serious. i want to take care of you in any way i can-emotionally, sexually, financially, anything you need, i want to give it to you. i was trying to drop you hints, give you the space to come to your own conclusions but it seems that i miscalculated how that pretty little brain of yours works. instead of believing that i was seriously flirting with you, it seems as if you thought that i was making fun of you instead. how funny that the mind works like that sometimes. i must admit i was a fool for not seeing it sooner, but now it makes so much sense.”
“what are you rambling on about?” you asked, furrowing your brow in confusion as you tried to make sense of the fact that he was not only dead serious about wanting to be with you but also psychoanalyzing your thoughts at the same time.
“how you would always get mad when i brought people home but never said anything to me, how you always scoffed at my sweet words, would never take money from me despite me leaving it very clearly for you, never getting too close to me despite living together for years. i’m honestly dumbfounded that i didn’t realize sooner. you’ve been in love with me for a long time too, huh? except, unlike me, you truly never thought you had a chance.”
“u-uh, yeah, i-i just, Keigo, what are you really trying to say to me?”
“sweetheart, be mine, wholly and fully in every way possible. let me take care of you like i’ve always wanted, always tried to do. this isn’t some joke or elaborate ruse, i’m not lying to you or trying to hurt you in any way. i really, truly want to be with you.”
you exhaled heavily, not realizing you had been holding your breath the whole time, searching his eyes for any sign of a lie, not finding anything except sincerity and hope.
“okay,” you relented, nodding your head. “yeah, if you say you’re not lying to me, i’ll trust you. i just, i don’t know. i never realized that you actually liked me back. i never would’ve guessed it in a million years. never would’ve thought i would hear any words like that come out of your mouth let alone so sincerely.”
you looked down, twiddling your thumbs as you contemplated the situation once more, but before you could let your brain get the best of you, Hawks placed his slender fingers underneath your chin, lifting your face up so that you could peer at him. he leaned forward slowly, foreheads pressed together.
“is it okay if i kiss you?”
you nodded your head, squeaking out a quiet “yes” before surging forward to place your lips on his, desperate to feel him, desperate to quiet the negative voices in your head and surround yourself with him instead.
he matched your pace eagerly, wrapping his hand around the back of your neck to pull you forward even more, his own desperation leaking through the kiss. he was so enamored with you, the way you smelt, your mussy hair, the sparkle in your eyes, the feeling of your soft lips against his own. it was almost too much to handle. he hadn’t been with anyone in awhile, preferring to wait it out and confront you when he had the courage to do so, and he felt himself getting more and more antsy as time went on. he wanted to respect you, treat you with the dignity and honor that you deserved, but in that moment, all he wanted to do was ruin you and mark you as his own.
“baby, you need to tell me if i go to far, yeah? i just want to make you feel good, never uncomfortable. let me take care of you like you deserve,” he panted, adjusting himself closer to you.
“i trust you Keigo. i’m yours.”
he groaned at the sound of you, of how pathetic and weak you were towards him, how you trusted to be vulnerable around him, trusted that he would take care of you. he had never wanted to ruin anything so badly in his life and he was going to do his best to make sure you knew you were his.
the kisses turned more sensual, tongues dipping in and around each other, exploring one another for what felt like the first time ever. for you, it had been awhile, telling yourself that you were too busy to be sexual with someone else when in actuality you had been craving a certain blonde all along. for him, this was something entirely new and special. he never got the chance to be truly intimate with anyone, let his guard down, want to please his partner more than himself, but you were different, special in the fact that you loved him for him and no other reason than that. 
“please Keigo, i need more,” you whined, fisting at his shirt as you tried to pull him impossibly closer to your body. 
“anything for you princess.” 
his shirt came off first, a delicate process he mastered years ago. he reached for your own shirt, fingers playing at the hem as he once again asked permission. you replied by pulling it off yourself, exposing your breasts to him. he immediately latched onto your left nipple, hand coming up to pinch the right, gently coaxing you to lay back down on the bed as he followed, hands and mouth never leaving your body. he laved you with his tongue, leaving a trail of cool moisture in its wake, sucking and biting at every soft spot he could think of, wanting so hard to hear you moan. 
“that’s it baby, don’t be shy. i want to hear you moan, say my name.”
you responded with a groan as his hand came to rest on your clothed cunt, feeling the wetness through your shorts. he smirked at the realization that you did truly want him as bad as he wanted you and the thought had his cock straining in his pants. it wasn’t long before he had freed himself from his confines, watching the way your eyes drank up the sight of him through the filtered light. 
gently, you reached out your hand to paw at his cock, marveling in the way it twitched at the slightest touch. you were enamored by him, all of him. before you kneeled a greek god willing to worship you, a mere mortal. you didn’t know what you did to deserve this but you figured you’d spend the rest of your life thanking the heavens.
“don’t worry about me right now, yeah? let’s just focus on making you feel good,” he cooed, reaching down to gently tug at your shorts.
you lifted your hips up without question, allowing him to pull the fabric down your body, your underwear coming along with it. he greedily watched as your slick stringed against the fabric before snapping. he was amazed that he could make someone so wet just by kissing them and was more than curious to see how soaked he could get you by the end of the morning.
he slowly dropped himself down to the edge of the bed, positioning himself between your thighs. kisses were placed to the soft flesh on your legs, pinching and nipping along the way, relishing in the squeals and moans you let out of your mouth. experimentally, he licked up your slit, watching how your breath hitched and your hands grasped the sheets below you, desperate to hold onto something. he licked again, this time using one of his hands to hold you down and the other to come and open you up. you responded immediately, back attempting to arch off the bed at the already intense situation.
he started up a steady pace, watching each little movement, breath, moan, grasp of the blanket to analyze what you liked best. he was enraptured with you, everything about you. you were so strong, fighting crime like it was nothing, doing anything you could to keep citizens safe and yet here you were, putty in his hands, baring your heart for him, trusting that he would take care of you.
the pressure inside of you slowly built up. it was like an intense heat you had never felt before, white hot and pulsing inside your abdomen. you clutched the sheets, your thighs, his hair, anything you could to purchase yourself to this earth as he brought you closer and closer to the promised land. finally, with one final lick, you came, crying out his name in a symphony of praises, singing to the high heavens.
he watched as you came done around his tongue, how your breath labored, eyes screwed shut, face flush and face twisted in pure pleasure. it was a magnificent sight to see, you so relaxed and carefree, enjoying every feeling that flooded over you.
when you had finally come down and your breathing began to even out, you opened your eyes to find Keigo still nestled between your thighs, head resting gently on you.
“how are you feeling love?” he asked, pressing a kiss to your hip.
“like i just left this world and came back,” you answered truthfully, laughing at his proud expression.
“are you okay? is there anything i can get for you?”
“no, Keigo, i think i’m okay,” you answered truthfully.
for the first time in a long time, you felt at ease. your body was relaxed, your mind foggy from the pleasure and you had the man you loved staring up at you like you were the only thing in this world that mattered.
“good, i’m glad you’re okay because we’re not done here. lay back down baby bird, let me make you feel good.”
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nobodyfamousposts · 3 years
Helluva Deal (Miraculous X Helluva Boss)
Well, since Miraculous crossovers with Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel are a thing now, I figured I’d write my own on how I think it would likely go. Since this IS the Helluva Boss universe, expect mentions of death and the afterlife, allusions to violence, innuendos, and general inappropriateness:
“Let me get this straight.”
Blitzo stared down the demon before him.
Said demon simply looked back, unimpressed. The little thing was small with blue skin, dorky-looking round glasses, and uneven horns. It wasn’t even a notable demon. Just a random weaker demon who somehow got the funds to pay for their services.
And normally, Blitzo was hardly one to turn down money—or a job that offered money. But this…
“You want to pay us to kidnap someone from Earth—not murder, which is in our company’s name, but kidnap. Which is decidedly more difficult and less fun.”
Blitzo steepled his fingers together and held them up to his face. “And you want this person kidnapped—not so you can kill her yourself for whatever issue you may have, but because you want her to make you a jacket.”
“A plain old jacket you could just get anywhere here in Hell.”
The demon gasped in offense. “It’s not just ANY jacket! It’s an MDC original piece and I want one!”
Blitzo took a breath, getting the feeling he was going to regret this. 
This…made the demon pause and eventually shrug. “Well, I did say I would have died for an MDC jacket. And I’m dead now, so…gimme.”
Well, who was he to argue with that logic?
“That is going to require quite a bit more effort…” He started, obviously leading…
The demon gave a flat look. “I’m not paying you double. I need the rest to pay her for the jacket.”
“Why would you want to pay for it?” Blitzo demanded. “This is Hell! You’re a demon! Just steal one!”
“It’s a commission! I have to pay for it!”
Blitzo would have spit out his drink if he’d had one.
“What are you even in Hell for, anyway? You won’t kill. You won’t steal. You just want to pay some human for a jacket you could get anywhere. What’s the point of that?” He asked, giving the other demon a strange look because really, what kind of demon WANTED to pay for things?
The demon stared flatly at Blitzo, his tail flicking against the chair in apparent increasing agitation.
"Are you saying that a commission shouldn't be paid for?” The demon asked curiously, sounding a little...too polite. “Because the last guy who tried to skip out on paying for a commission died. Eyes stabbed out and everything. Do you want to risk that kind of thing happening to you?"
Blitzo paled.
The silence lingered to the point of long past uncomfortable as the demon continued to wait for an answer and Blitzo’s not so subtle attempt to desperately press his secret security button under his desk had no effect.
This would turn out to be because of Loona disconnecting the thing due to her hangover. Though in the moment, Blitzo would choose to blame Moxie.
After a good minute of no response from his team, Blitzo started to sweat when the determined artist demon seemed to grow bored and pulled out a pencil.
He jumped to his feet.
“We’ll take the case!”
And immediately fled the room.
Once on Earth, the problem came up rather quickly that they had no idea who MDC was or how to access them. The client only knew the target was a fashion designer in Paris, which narrowed it down to one city at least but still was little help when the city in question was one of the fashion capitals of the world.
Blitzo, naturally, took the lead in trying to work out a means of information gathering.
And by “naturally”, what was really meant was “horribly failing”.
“I’m telling you, the plan is foolproof. We hold someone for ransom until MDC trades herself.” Blitzo said with apparent glee.
“Sir, that would be the exact opposite of subtle and get us the wrong kind of attention!”
Moxie, for his part, was trying to come up with what he would call “sensible plans”. Millie was simply scouting the area while the two argued. Ever faithful Loona stayed behind to try using her own connections…a magazine.
Needless to say, Blitzo was the one carrying the team. Or at least in his not-so-humble opinion.
Blitzo rolled his eyes. “I don’t see you coming up with any plans, Moxie.”
The smaller demon gave his boss a disgruntled glare. “I already told you! We should just go back and ask the client for more information!”
“Hmm…” Blitzo paused, before pulling out his phone. “Hey, Loona. The client still in my office?”
Blitzo immediately closed the phone. “Yeah—nope.”
“He gouged a guy’s eyes out, Moxie! I need my eyes! I’m too pretty to lose them! They frame my face!” Blitzo exclaimed, bringing his hands up to his head in a fit of dramatics. “Is that what you want, Moxie? Do you want me to lose my precious, precious eyes?”
Moxie stared at the man like he was insane. Granted, Moxie had long had doubts about his boss’s sanity, but still...
“Hey, fellas?” Millie called, interrupting the two as she waved them over to the side of the building they had set up a temporary base atop of. “Listen to this!”
Blitzo immediately headed over, with Moxie following along behind looking annoyed. As they got closer, they heard what Millie had called them over about. Blitzo leaned over and peeked into the room in question.
Below them was an open window of the building where apparently a number of teenagers were gathered within for some inexplicable reason. And in this specific room, a group of the teens were gathered around one particular girl with a large forehead and hair that appeared to be made of meat. It was this girl who had their attention.
“—really friends with MDC?” One short blonde asked, looking overly excited like Blitzo did when he got a paycheck.
“Of course!” The meat-girl replied, looking smug. “We go way back! I was even the one who encouraged him to start in fashion and inspired his Heroes line.”
Blitzo looked back up at his team. “I thought MDC was a girl?”
Moxie shrugged. “If no one knows their real identity who's to say if they're a boy or a girl?"
“What else are they saying?” Millie asked, which returned the focus to the room.
More talking from below, using words that none of the demons really understood or cared about.
“—which was why he even made the Fox outfit for me!”
“Wasn’t that design based on Rena Rouge rather than Volpina?” One other girl with blue hair asked from the doorway of the room. She appeared to be rather annoyed for some odd reason.
The meat-girl looked somber. “Well, that was before he had to change it. After all, as bold as he is, not many people would support an akuma line, even if he had kept my idea to donate the funds to charity for the victims.”
The group “oo”-ed over the girl and praised her for her thoughtfulness. The meat-girl preened at the attention. The bluenette rolled her eyes. Some other blond guy looked on in disappointment.
“How amazing!” The little blonde exclaimed, clasping her hands to her cheeks. “I’d love to be able to meet MDC!”
“So would we!”
All eyes fell to the window which Blitzo, Millie, and Moxie used to make their entrance.
Honestly, he thought it was one of his better displays of dramatics. It certainly warranted some applause. Or screams of fear. Maybe one fainting.
Honestly, he was rather disappointed by the underwhelming response.
“I know we're demons and all, but I thought this place was French, not Japanese!"
“Nevermind that.” Blitzo replied to his workers before stepping forward to face the students.
Or rather one student in particular.
“Greetings! I am Blitzo. The two behind me are Millie and Moxie.”
The class stared as one of the two glared at them while the other waved cheerfully—or would be considered cheerfully if her teeth weren’t so razor sharp.
“We represent IMP, a for-hire group out of Hell. We take contracts, complete tasks, and make wishes come true!”
The teens looked at the demons in wariness and confusion.
“That sounds nice…” The little blonde in pink said.
“Those wishes generally involve murder.”
“I take it back! That sounds horrible!”
Blitzo grinned. “We are the ‘Immediate Murder Professionals’, dealing with the unfinished business of those poor wretched souls who are seeking some small vindication in their current status in Hell.”
“Then…why are you here?” The bigger male demanded.
Blitzo ignored him in favor of his true target.
“You! Ugly girl!” He shouted, grabbing the meat-girl.
“Hey!” She exclaimed, insulted.
He shook her. “Take us to MDC and we’ll rip out those sausage-links you call hair!”
“…don’t you mean ‘or’?”
He grinned ferally.
She shrieked in fear.
“Lila!” Others cried out in horror.
Ah, yes. There was the fear. This, Blitzo was good with. It made him feel better about the previous lackluster response to his entrance.
“Why do you want me?!” The girl—Lila shouted, looking panicked. “I don’t know where MDC is!”
He raised an eyebrow at this. “But you said you were friends.”
She glanced around, taking note of the fact that her cohorts were still in the room. Though he didn’t know why that should matter for her answer.
“We are! But…I don’t know where he lives now! He’s moved since his name got out there and hasn’t given me the address yet!”
A glasses-wearing girl frowned in confusion. “But didn’t you just say that he invited you to his house for fittings?”
“Yeah, you said it was for the latest line that just came out.” Another girl with multi-colored hair added.
“That was months ago. Before he moved.” Lila replied quickly. “So I can’t help you.”
“Sure, you can!” Blitzo replied jovially. “We can just use you as ransom until MDC agrees to hand himself over.”
Moxie approached the two, keeping his gun leveled at the other kids. “We can save some time and see if she can’t call him.”
“Hey, yeah!” Millie agreed, grabbing Lila’s bag off of her and searching for her phone. “If they’re friends, she’s gotta have his contact info!”
“It’s not in there!” Lila replied quickly. “I was worried someone would steal my phone to get his info so I don’t keep his number in my phone!”
Millie frowned, before holding the now open phone up to Lila. “Then just type in the number yourself.”
Lila glanced around the room in growing agitation. “I can’t! I don’t have it memorized!”
“Then where did you write it down?”
“I lost it!”
The demons were looking particularly vexed.
“When and where?”
“It was a while ago. I don’t know where.” Lila replied.
A girl with glasses looked at her in confusion. “But didn’t you say you just called him this morning to congratulate him on the new line? And that he promised you a free outfit as thanks for all your help?”
Lila paled. “I—”
“Then the number should still be in the phone under its call history.” Moxie noted. Millie grinned and looked back to the phone screen to look through the data.
“I deleted it right after!” Lila shouted desperately.
Millie looked up at her in irritation.
Then promptly crushed the phone in her grip.
Lila shrieked, though it would be up for debate as to whether it was in shock at the loss of her phone or in fear that she may soon share that same fate.
Blitzo seemed similarly put out, but ended up shrugging it off as he pulled Lila closer to him. “Then it’s back to Plan A to hold her for ransom. Or torture her to see if she can’t remember the details.”
“No, please!”
“Let her go!”
Lila grabbed at the arm holding her, panicked but not enough beyond reasoning. She couldn’t afford to reveal she lied now. She could only hope that these monsters would take her somewhere private where she could manipulate them with less witnesses.
Marinette, for her part, was also analyzing the situation.
These were three unknowns. Definitely not akumas. If they were to be believed, they were actual demons. From Hell. Which existed, apparently. And was where Lila would likely find herself in the next hour if she kept this up.
But from Lila’s expression, it seemed she was insistent on staying tight-lipped about her lies. Marinette figured as much due to her history. But she would have thought that Lila would have had some measure of self-preservation. Though perhaps that only applied to the preservation of her lies and manipulations rather than her own well being.
It was clear that Lila wasn’t going to get herself out of this. Not in any way that would spare her and everyone else in the room, at any rate.
As it was, the classmates were about to rally in Lila’s defense. While they had stood their own against akumas in the past,Marinette didn’t want to see how well they would fare against demons. Nor did she want to have to test if the Miraculous Cure would be enough to fix whatever would be left of them if they tried.
Marinette looked to the doorway.
No one was paying any attention to her right now. She could escape. She could go out, find a place to transform, and come back to deal with these…demons.
But by the time she returned, who was to say what could happen. The demons could kill Lila. They could kill all of her friends for being witnesses.
Ladybug may not be able to fix this.
But Marinette…as Marinette, she could.
“I’m MDC.” Marinette admitted.
Everyone froze.
“Come again.”
“MDC.” Marinette enunciated. “It stands for Marinette Dupain-Cheng. My name. I’m MDC. I’m the one you want.”
Alya stared. “Girl?”
Moxie looked at her in consideration. “That would fit with the client’s report of MDC being female.”
Millie, frowned in suspicion. “How do we know she’s really MDC?”
Marinette took a breath and slowly pulled out her tablet. “Well, my signature is in the clothes, so if you’ll let me pull up one of the shots, I can point it out and—”
Blitzo cut her off, grabbing her arm. “Yeah, I think we’ll just take you both and let the client sort it out. Sound good? Good, because we’re leaving.”
“Bye all!” Millie said, waving to the group. “Don’t do anything we wouldn’t do!”
Moxie rolled his eyes. “That’s a pretty short list…”
Blitzo ignored them an opened a portal, dragging both girls after him. Without a glance back, both Millie and Moxie followed him through the portal. Before anyone else could move, the gateway closed behind them.
A long pause followed.
“Not so fast!”
Suddenly, the door was kicked open as Chat Noir burst into the room.
The much less enemy-filled room.
“Um…did I miss the party?”
The room they soon found themselves appeared, for all intents and purposes, completely normal. It looked like an office of the sort they’d find anywhere in Paris. Complete with a secretary’s desk, a few chairs, and a table littered with magazines.
The difference was made quickly apparent, however, through the view out the window. The landscape the deceptively quaint room was mostly a collage of red and black, with a sunless sky above and a myriad of strange buildings. Also of note where the various denizens of…distinctly non-human appearance wandering the streets outside.
“All right, ladies! Welcome to Hell!” Blitzo announced with a flourish, causing the girls to pale.
Lila fell back with a screech, landing on her butt and immediately attempting to scuttle back away. Her path was quickly halted as she bumped into something. Looking up, that “something” was actually a wolf monster, making Lila panic even further.
Loona, for her part, was not having a good morning—ignoring, of course, that it was actually the afternoon. And as if it wasn’t bad enough that her hangover still hadn’t cleared, now some…thing had shoved into her, followed shortly by an ear-piercing shriek that only made her head feel worse.
Seeing the way the wolf demon growled, Lila opened her mouth, possibly to scream even more when Marinette quickly shoved a hand over her mouth with a smile to Loona.
“Oh my! Your hairstyle is quite lovely!” She lied. Blatantly lied to the wolf girl’s face.
“It’s bed-head.”
“I couldn’t even tell. It looks so sleek and shiny!”
“Whatever.” Loona grumbled and stormed off to the break room, slamming the door behind her (and then immediately regretting it due to the noise agitating her headache).
Marinette decided to take the initiative. “So…what do you want with us, anyway?”
“Our client paid us a pretty penny—”
“Basic contract.” Moxie interrupted.
“Pretty. Penny.” Blitzo continued as if he hadn’t heard. “For a chance to meet with MDC.”
Okay, they had mentioned that before.
“Then what?”
“If you are MDC, you can do whatever the client is wanting. If you’re not, you’ll at least make for a decent distraction while we escape and blow up the building.”
The humans in the room blanched at that.
“I know. She was a beautiful building.” Blitzo said mournfully as he actually wiped a tear from his eye. “And I just got my office arranged how I like it, too. But it
Marinette stared.
Lila whimpered.
“I second that ‘what’.” Moxie interrupted. “Nobody at any point discussed blowing up the building!”
“It was on page 3 of the handout I gave you this morning, Moxie.” Blitzo exclaimed, covering his eyes in exasperation. “At least read the mission briefings!”
“Sir, the ‘handout’ was a paper napkin. There was no third page!” Moxie insisted.
Beside him, Millie for her part was looking over the aforementioned napkin for the part that was supposed to mention the circumstances in question…or really any of the plan.
“We’ll discuss it later.” Blitzo said over his shoulder to Moxie as he proceeded to grab both human girls and drag them over to a previously closed door.
“Hey wait—!”
“Hang on!”
Within seconds, Blitzo opened the door and proceeded to shove both girls through before slamming it shut behind them, the last thing they heard being him mentioning where to buy explosives.
Hell was real. Demons were a thing. And the two human girls were getting a first hand view of the less than pleasant or holy side of the afterlife.
Marinette was…actually taking it all in stride.
Lila was less so. She was sitting ramrod straight in the chair, keeping a tight grip on her knees and trying very hard not to move as her eyes glanced quickly around the room at the assembled demons.
Marinette actually felt bad for her. And probably should have been panicking herself, all things considered. Maybe she would have been had it not been for her extensive experience as Ladybug.
Sure, it was Hell, but floating gods and people turning into monsters had already broadened her horizons of the possibilities of the universe. Plus despite the name of the company that had kidnapped them both, murder didn’t appear to be on the table. All in all, despite the circumstances, Marinette didn’t feel that scared.
The fact that the “client” in question who hired the group was actually a fan of hers wanting a commission helped quite a bit with that.
As did the flattery.
“OMG! OMG! I can’t believe it! It’s you! Can I get your autograph?! No—wait! I need to focus! Can I get a jacket with your autograph?!”
“Thank you.” Marinette said, somewhat flustered. Honestly, she hadn’t thought she had gained THAT much fame. Especially not enough for someone to want to commission her from the afterlife.
…was that a thing? Could that be a thing?
“What I don’t get is why the other girl had to tag along?” The demon asked, curiously. “Is she your assistant or something?”
Lila brightened, looking ready to speak—likely to try to lie her way out of this. Or mess up what little peace Marinette had managed to create.
“No!” Marinette interrupted quickly, ignoring Lila’s petulant glare. “No, she’s not. There was just a mix up since they didn’t know where I was or who to bring.”
Blitzo rolled his eyes. “Well, how were we supposed to know?!”
“You could have asked me when I contracted you.” Said the demon, somewhat annoyed.
“I have a website, you know.” Said Marinette, very annoyed.
They paused.
“…the fuck’s a website?”
Marinette coughed. “In any case, you wanted to commission me?”
“Oh, yes!”
It didn’t take long to make the arrangements. Marinette named her prices and the demon was more than willing to pay her for her services. They made use of Blitzo’s office to negotiate and fine tune some details regarding the arrangement. From determining the materials to writing up the contract to negotiating the costs, it was all pretty professional.
And ultimately involved the humans not being murdered and the building not being blown up, which was always preferable.
It finally came down to determining just how the demon customer wanted the jacket to look, and Marinette started drawing out some sample sketches on spare paper in the office that may or may not have been important documents for Blitzo which she may or may not have particularly cared given the whole “kidnapping and being used as a sacrifice” matter.
The only issue seemed to be that the demon customer wanted the jacket to be made of materials that were only available in Hell. Which made sense, she supposed, since she wasn’t sure how long anything she made on Earth would last in this environment. Millie and Moxie had been sent out to gather the necessary material in question, and what they returned with was a strange sort of leather. It was unique and of a color she had never seen before, and part of her really wanted to get a bit more detail about the make.
…given how pale Lila had already gotten, Marinette kindly decided to refrain from asking questions.
“Well then, let’s go over a few sketches and determine which one you like.”
The demon looked almost giddy at the prospect. The IMP team looked relieved. Except Blitzo, who still seemed to be pouting over their takeover of his office.
Lila was…less enthused. “WHAT?! What are you thinking?! He’s a demon!”
Marinette shrugged. “Well, I do have a non-discrimination clause.”
“That shouldn’t apply to demons!” Lila hissed lowly.
“The demons who have brought us to Hell and are currently our only way of getting back.” Marinette pointed out, dryly.
Lila huffed and went back to her chair.
So, with Blitzo and his team begrudgingly kindly being forced willing to donate their office for her use, Marinette sent to work to try and design a jacket to the client’s taste as quickly as possible.
The sooner she got done, the sooner they could go back to Earth.
Lila, for her part, was terrified and miserable and just wanting to go back to Earth. Immediately would be preferable. Even without Marinette.
Yeah, thanks Lila.
“Why do I have to stay here? Why can’t I go back home? Or do anything else?”
The client tilted his head. “Are you saying you don’t like art? Because the last person who told me they didn’t like art had their eyes stabbed out. With pencils. Would you want that to happen to you?”
“…can’t I like art and not stay in Hell?”
Lila paled and sunk lower in her seat, where she remained quiet for the next couple of hours while Marinette worked.
It was mostly in silence as Marinette drew one sketch after another. Asking occasional questions about preferred length, how many pockets, special embellishments, and which parts of the various jacket styles did he prefer. Eventually, they had come to an agreement about the set look he wanted, the materials needed, and when he wanted it completed by. And from there came the matter of payment…
“Um…I’m not sure what the exchange rate is for Hell currency.” Marinette said, looking at the coins he handed her.
The demon frowned, tilting his head in consideration. “I could always rob a human bank and pay you with that.”
Marinette paled.
“This is fine. Really. I can probably buy some things from Hell with this.” She said with a forced smile.
“There are tons of things you can only find here.” Millie said, brightening. “We could deliver them for you!”
Well, that was a good point.
“That’s true.” Moxie agreed. “You could make other things with the fabrics here. Hats. Shirts.”
He paused, looking over his shoulder at Millie who was busy chatting with the customer regarding the fabric he chose. Seeing she was suitably distracted, he turned to Marinette. “So…how much would it be to make a dress. Just out of curiosity.”
Aww. Even in Hell there was love.
She smiled. “We can certainly discuss it.”
The moment was ruined as Blitzo stepped in and slung an arm around Marinette’s shoulder.
“How about one of those sexy maid outfits for the bedroom? You’re French, right?” He asked before giving Moxie a nudge. “You could stand to have a little more fun in the bedroom.”
“Sir, I’m 14.” Marinette replied dryly.
“And what we do in the bedroom is none of your business!” Moxie rubbed the bridge of his nose. “Didn’t we just have a discussion about this last week?”
Marinette coughed as the two started to argue. “So…um…are we going to return to Earth so I can start working on this?”
Blitzo sighed. “Fine, fine. Killjoys.”
Lila heaved a sigh of relief. “Oh thank God.”
With an agreement forged between Marinette and IMP to have the customer’s order completed and delivered within two week’s time, Marinette and Lila were safely deposited back in their classroom no worse for wear.
…well, physically. Mentally, there were probably going to be a few scars.
Several of their classmates had apparently remained since the earlier incident. Perhaps it was out of worry? Or maybe classes had resumed after their disappearance—akuma attacks and strange circumstances had become rather common, after all.
Still, it was Alya’s cry of surprise and then being pulled into a hug that assured Marinette she was, in fact, back home.
“You’re back!” Alya exclaimed, relieved. “We were so worried!”
It wasn’t every day your best friend and classmate was dragged to Hell, after all.
“—and I’d been trying to reach out to Ladybug and Chat Noir, but only Chat showed up and Ladybug must be busy or maybe she already knew? Did she help you? How did you escape?”
Part of her wondered if Alya had even stopped to breathe. The rest of her was just basking in the happiness that they had made it back safe and nothing too terrible had happened in the meantime.
The absolute LAST thing she needed was to come back and find out Hawk Moth had let loose another akuma that destroyed Paris while she was gone.
Alya suddenly gasped as though struck by a thought.
“Oh my god, Marinette! I can’t believe you did that!”
Marinette smiled. “Well, I had to—”
“You claimed to be MDC just to protect Lila! And here I thought you hated her!”
Happy feeling gone. Gone like a punch to the face. Knocked out. Dead, even.
Alya beamed. “I’m so proud of you, girl! I knew deep down that—”
“Nope!” Came a quick interruption. “That’s not what happened. It was just a lie. Completely and utterly.”
The interruption was half expected.
The fact that it came from Lila was not.
Everyone froze.
“I never met MDC.” Lila explained, wasting absolutely no time with subtleties and just blurting it out. “I never knew Marinette was MDC. I just lied about knowing him because I thought he was the next big thing and I knew you would all believe me.”
Lila sighed. “I lied about knowing MDC. And being the muse behind his fashion line—well, hers. Since Marinette is MDC. She never lied. I did.”
The classmates were startled, but seemed to be taking in the information.
Rose, for her part, tried to be positive. “Oh...well, you didn’t have to lie about knowing MDC—”
“No, I mean about everything. Ever. In fact, there’s probably not a single time we’ve known each other that I was ever honest with any of you.”
Everyone stared.
“I’ve been lying since the moment we’ve met.” Lila continued. “I am a liar. Always have been. I am a horrible lying liar who lied about everyone I ever claimed to know and everything I ever said I did just to get you all to admire me because it was easier to manipulate you that way and get you to do things I wanted. From interviewing me for the Ladyblog to carrying my lunch tray to buying me things. I lied about having tinnitus just to get to sit next to Adrien and lied about not being interested in him to manipulate Nino into guilting him into letting me come to his house. Ladybug herself even called me out for lying. And when Marinette got upset that day I came back over the seat change? I threatened her in the bathroom because she was wise to me from the very start.”
A few stares were sent Marinette’s way. She didn’t have any explanation for them though. She was just as surprised as they were. More, even.
Lila shrugged. “Everything I’ve said. Everything I’ve done. All lies. Ever.”
Everyone gaped in shock. Nobody even really knew what to say.
Marinette started. “But why—”
“Because that was Hell, Marinette. HELL. The bad place you go to after you die, reserved for bad people. And until today, I didn’t even think it was real. Or that there could be a chance I could end up there. But I imagine if anything would warrant that, it’d be lying, manipulating, and trying to get revenge on a superhero.”
Nino blinked. “Wait…what was that last one—”
As if a great weight was lifted from her shoulders, Lila sighed. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go join a convent to try and save my soul now that I know I have one.”
With that, she promptly exited the room, leaving the group staring after her in complete bewilderment.
Alya gaped. “...what?”
Marinette completed her commission to the demon and later for Moxie. Her fame increased in both realms and she eventually did open up her own design house. The only issue came in the customers who wanted to pay her by removing her competition, which she was mostly able to prevent until IMP took a hit on Gabriel Agreste. While Marinette did stop the attempted murder, this did still reveal his secondary identity of Hawk Moth, allowing the Butterfly and Peacock to be recovered and peace to return to Paris.
The classmates were shocked at the reveal of Lila’s true nature, but were more bewildered than anything given how it happened. They did all feel foolish and embarrassed for trusting Lila, but considering what could have happened, they all chose to take it as a life lesson to be more cautious in the future. They all remained friends and moved on to live quite fulfilling lives.
IMP formed a contract with MDC and gained a secondary job of delivery service as well as assassins, which increased their profits.
And Millie loved her new dress.
Lila Rossi convinced her mother to send her to a convent, where she became one of the most pious and devout members, spreading the message of being good in life more than any other.
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dreamkidddream · 3 years
MC Doing the Peeling Glue Skin Prank on the Bros (Lucifer, Mammon, and Leviathan)
Hoorayyy my first post! I don’t know if any of you have seen the tiktok where they rub glue to look like their skin is peeling off but it’s both funny and horrifying. Also, this got a lot longer and fluffier/sappier than what I thought, but I’m not complaining. This will be done in headcannon format, and I think I’m going to split it up into 2 parts (Lucifer, Mammon, and Levi in the first part and the rest in the second) and I hope you enjoy! Also slight spoiler for lesson 16 (but it’s a blink and you miss it kind of thing in Mammon’s). Reader is gender neutral.
The Build Up:
Ever since you came back to the Devildom after the exchange program, things have been great! It was obvious that you were missing the demon lords, and even more obvious that they were missing you too. Things weren’t different, not at all. But the one day that you were bored out of your mind and they all had different things to handle, you turned to the one thing that could cure your boredom: the Devildom’s version of TikTok. Oh how the boys will forever regret showing you that app, as it had let to their current downfall... 
So unfortunately this man is ALWAYS busy
It doesn’t matter what time of day or night it is, he’s always filling out paperwork. Whether it’s for Diavolo, credit card bills that Mammon racked up, Asmo’s impromptu fashion trips, Beel’s black hole of a stomach, etc.
And he doesn’t like to be disturbed at all unless it’s an emergency
So when you burst into his office out of nowhere, he was slightly irritated (but not that angry, since it was you and your presence was hardly a nuisance)
But that quickly changed whenever he heard you moaning his name in pain and looked up to see what looked like your flesh flaking off by the second
His eyes widen and he is instantly panicking. He’s trying to keep it on the inside but you start to “panic” which makes him shoot out of his seat
Instantly is by your side, trying to delicately hold you and also trying to figure out what the hell is going on
“MC! Are you in pain? What happened? Did someone put a curse on you?!”
Now, you weren’t putting on a Oscar worthy performance but you think you were selling it pretty good. And everything was working out until he grabbed your arm and inspected it closer that he realized he got played
First, he realized that your flesh wasn’t falling in chunks on the ground. Then, he realized that these flakes were awfully thin, and that parts of your arm felt sticky
He fully realized that he got pranked when he peeled off your “skin” off your neck and you giggled, then covered your mouth to realized that your cover was blown
Needless to say, he was not a happy demon
And you basically just signed your death warrant
Before you could even think about running, he grabbed you again and “asked” that you have a seat
Cue another long Lucifer lecture, with him explaining how this wasn’t a funny prank (even for human standards) and that you need to understand how serious this is
Which is his way of saying that he cares about you and was actually panicked and scared. You knew his pride made it hard for him to openly express himself. And while he is getting better slowly but surely, it’s still hard for him to do so. Which made you feel guilty, so you did genuinely apologized
“You’re right, Lucifer, I’m sorry. This wasn’t my greatest idea, as you can see. I didn’t realize how severely this affected you, and it wasn’t right for me to take advantage of that. I know how hard it is to express how you feel because of your pride, but I know how much you care for me even without saying it. It shows in how hard you work, and how you still manage to be there for everyone despite how stress you are. I shouldn’t be adding on to that stress, and I really am sorry for that. You really are a good person, Lucifer, and even though you can be very strict- wait! Let me finish,- you mean well because you care for us. And you don’t get enough credit for that. So, thank you for all that you do. I love you, truly and deeply.”
Despite being a little skeptical in the beginning (he thought you were trying to get out of a punishment, ha! Good luck with that) and ending with a flustered look that he tried to cover with his hand (which was obviously too late to do, you already saw), he did appreciate and accepted the apology.
“I love you too, MC. Truly and deeply.”
So that was your cue to get your hug (and maybe a little kiss) and he pushed you away! You were offended for a second, but you saw the disgusted look on your face and forgot that you were covered in dried glue. Oh yeahhhh...ew
So while you were back in his good graces, you still got punished. A 15 page essay on why doing horrific pranks like that on your loved ones is harmful and no HellTok for your remaining stay?! You know you deserve some type of consequence but geez, overkill much?!
But, he did hint to you that you could make him feel better by spending the night with him in bed
After you take a much needed shower of course
As much as this tsundere tried to say he was “too busy” for you, we all know that’s a lie
Granted when you went to go bother him, he was busy
Busy with planning out new scams counting out whatever Grimm he had left, what items to sell and for what price: “maybe I could sell Levi’s golden Ruri-Chan vendor ring thing for some Grimm? He’ll flip but if I just “borrow” it for a little bit, he won’t know what hit ‘im!”
Seeing how focused he was, it was your time to shine
“M-Mamooon! Help me! Something’s w-wrong!”
That immediately got his attention
His head shot up and he rushed to you, panic clearing showing on his face and in his movements
“MC! What’s going on?! WHAT IS THIS!”
When you could physically see him shaking, sweating and on the brink of tears, you knew that it was time to stop while you were ahead
“Mammon wait-“
“We need to go to Lucifer NOW.”
And when he went to pick you up gently, and saw with his own two eyes the flakes slowly fall to the ground, was when hell broke loose
You have never heard him scream so loud before, and you were pretty sure everyone both in and out the house heard him
He lifted you up and you were pretty sure he was in his demon form when you both ran and/or flew (you couldn’t tell, that’s how fast you were moving) to Lucifer’s
Sometimes it was so easy to forget that you lived with actual demons, 7 of the strongest to be exact
When you both reached your destination (ie. barged into Lucifer’s room unprovoked) he was not pleased, but Mammon did not care.
You were one of (if not) the most important person in his life and he would be damned if anything happened to you again. He was your first man, your protector! And he was not going to fail. Not again. He would and will protect you with his life. At any costs
When you saw how serious he was , you tried to wiggle out of his arms, but all he did was just tighten up and say, “MC, quit squirmin’! I don’t want you to make this worse.”
“No, Mammon wait-“
“We’re going to fix this. I’m going to fix this and I’m not lettin’ anything happen to you again. Now stop moving! Lucifer, somethin’s wrong with MC! Look at how their skin is-“
It’s just a prank bro
“I’ve been trying to tell you, I’m sorry!”
While you were explaining the whole process (with Lucifer staring on in building irritation), you were still in his arms
You already felt like a terrible being, but the guilt was steady skyrocketing when you were looking at his face
He looked like a kicked puppy left in the rain with a broken paw
You just kept apologizing over and over, until you heard a certain someone clear their throat.
“If you two are done interrupting me, I would like to get back to work. MC, stay behind, it seems like we need to have a little chat about your so called prank.”
Mammon put you down and walked out the room, head hanging and eyes covered.
You knew you screwed up big time. Forget about the incoming lecture, you felt absolutely terrible about pranking Mammon. Especially after hearing the “again” comment.
Once you finally got released (ie. punished), you all had dinner, which Mammon skipped out on
Geez, this was not suppose to happen and you needed to make it up to him ASAP
So here you were, standing outside his door (after you cleaned up) with two Hell Fire noodle cups, knocking timidly
“Hey, Mammon? Is it okay if I come in?”
“You weren’t down for dinner and I know that you’re hungry, so I brought us-you some noodles.”
Again, silence
You sighed, you knew you messed up big time and you were going to fix it, no matter what. 
“I’m sorry, Mammon. I’m so sorry. What started out as a joke turned into something serious, and it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have did that. Hurting you was never my intention, I care about you too much to do that. When I heard you say that you weren’t going to let anything happen to me again, I knew that I messed up. I know that you will always protect me, and I don’t have any doubt that you won’t. You’re my first man, remember? I know that you’ll always have my back, and I hope you know that I’ll always have yours too. You’re not just the Avatar of Greed to me Mammon, you’re my first guy that I’ll love forever. I won’t ever mess with you like this again, and if you don’t want to talk now that’s fine too, just know that I’ll always love and care for you, okay?”
Ughh and now you were crying!
You sighed. You understood if he didn’t want to talk to you. I mean, he thought you were dying again. It’s easy to forget the events that happened with Belphie, since everyone is communicating and acting like a real family, but you can see now that it left a deep emotional wound in Mammon. He believed that it was his fault that you weren’t saved, and he still carried the burden all this time.
You put the cup down outside the door and started to head back to your room. You would give him as much time as he needed. You just hate that you made him feel this way, that you rose those feelings out of him. And you hated yourself for it.
You barely stepped a foot away from the door when he saw it swing out and a big blob tackle-hugged you
Here was Mammon, sniffling and tearing up, hugging you
“*sniff* You stupid human.”
When he pulled away, you saw the tears in his eyes, which he tried to rub away before you could notice (sidenote: you already noticed)
“Ya-Ya really love me?”
“Of course, Mammon! How could I not? You stayed by my side through thick and thin, through everything. You protected me, and I will forever be grateful for that. I wouldn’t be here without you. You’re not a selfish scum bag like everyone tries to make you out to be, Mammon, and I won’t let you believe that you are. You are my first man, the man that has constantly looked out for me, that has supported and cared for me, and most of all that has never failed to show how much love you have to give. I love you Mammon, always.”
Cue the blushing and cheeky grin
“Now come on the Great Mammon, our noodles are getting cold.”
It felt great to see that smile back on his face
And it felt even better to hear him say, “I love ya too, MC”
Levi was in his room, nothing new
He told you he had some sort of campaign that he absolutely could not afford to miss. Which he said about the other campaigns too but whatever
So when you knocked into his room, and he didn’t ask for the secret phrase, you knew he was in too deep to even pay attention to his surroundings
And the door was UNLOCKED
So you went in, ready to give him the scare of the decade, and-
He turned around in his gaming chair, raging and in his demon form
“UGH! How was that normie of a demon able to kill me with that move?! He has to be cheating! How is it that I’m one of the best players in the entire Devildom and I’m one of the first dead?! It’s not fair! It’s not fair, it’s not fair IT’S NOT FAI- huh? MC, why are you covered in *squints* dried up glue?”
You were honestly shook
Because 1: the third strongest brother was obviously furious and in his demon form which is not a good combination (your mind flashing back to the TSL quiz and whew was that not the best memory) and 2: how the hell was he able to know that this was glue?!
Okay, you weren’t scared of Levi, not at all! But you, just like everyone else, knew how serious he took his gaming
And you all knew how he could be when he was raging about it too
Not saying that he would ever harm or attack you, oh no. What happened at the beginning was just a...fluke! Yeah, just a little hiccup in your now longstanding relationship
But you were still just a tad bit hesitant to be caught in the crossfire of his rage
Really everyone was (except maybe Beel, but even he had his moments)
“LOL you look like one of the rotten magical zombie students from the anime “OMG I’m Just A Magical Girl in Training and Somehow I Turned the Whole School Into Zombies and Have to Fall in Love with a Demon to Reverse It!””
Okay, this was not the reaction you were looking for
“What the- but how-?
Then you remembered
Levi is a renowned cosplayer, the best in the game. It was obvious he knew what the dried up glue looked like considering how much he’s worked with it
You were of course disappointed, but oh well, you could always scheme to get him another way
And then it happened. Another devious idea popped into your head
“So you said I looked like a rotten zombie student huh?”
“Rotten magical zombie student . LOL don’t tell me that you don’t think you do- W-what are you doing MC?”
“Ughhh I’m a rotten magical school girl, and I’m not just hungry for brains, I’m hungry for love.”
“Gughhh that’s right and only kisses can satiate my hunger. Demon kisses.”
Oh boy 
The way that you turned red so quick was always a surprising sight for you to see
“I want my kisses, Levi!”, you said it in your best zombie/monster voice
Cue his famous “WOOAHHHH”
The campaign was quickly forgotten when you tackled him to the ground, glue and all
Then you remembered how sensitive he was with physical contact, and tried to get up
“Oh Levi, I’m sorry! I forgot you don’t li-”
Something was still holding you against him
Specifically, that something was his tail
His tail was currently wrapped around your waist, holding you tightly against the red-faced otaku
“Levi, you okay?”
“Y-y-yeah, I’m okay.” he said it in the tiniest voice you have ever heard.
“Do you want me to get-”
“NO! I-I mean yes! I mean no! N-no I don’t want you to get up. I’m okay.”
Today was just surprising you left and right huh?
But you weren’t complaining now
“But now we’re covered in nasty, peely glue. And what about your campaign?”
He looked at the screen, and then back at you
“It’s okay. It’s not worth it like I thought it was. It’s just a bunch of normies who either button mash or spam the same attack over and over. And I already got majority of the rewards anyway. Besides, now that another normie has me covered in icky cheap glue, I need to get it off.”
“Sorry about that, Levi. I was just trying to prank you but looks like that failed. I could do your laundry for you since it was my bad. Is that okay?”
“O-or you could m-make it up to me by having by binge watching some anime? If you want, even though I’m a nasty, icky, worthless ot-”
“Levi. Look at me.”
You gently grabbed and held his face in your hands
“You’re not worthless or nasty okay? And I love to spend time with you. We can definitely have an anime marathon. I’ll always be by your side, I wouldn’t be your Henry if I wasn’t.”
“R-really?”, the way his eyes light up every time you praise or show him love will never get old
“Of course. But I do have to say that you are icky.”
“But we both are. I mean I did kinda cover you in the flaky glue, and it’s starting to feel a little gross to be honest.”
“O-oh yeah. I-it’s your fault normie!”
“Yeah, yeah I know.”, you laughed. 
Atleast you somewhat pranked him
“So let’s get cleaned up, and I can bring some more snacks when I’m done. You wanna do the pillow fort like usual?”
“O-of course, normie!”
“Alright. I’ll see you in a few then!”, and you began walking out the room
He watched your trailing form, and honestly he didn’t want you to leave yet. That was apparent when his tail wrapped itself around you. I mean, how embarrassing was that?! But he couldn’t help it.
Levi cares about you immensely. You’re his best friend, his Henry! He didn’t know what you saw in someone like him, I mean damn, he was the Avatar of Envy! What’s attractive about someone being jealous 24/7?
He wasn’t outgoing like Asmo or Mammon, didn’t have the confidence like Lucifer or Satan, and he wasn’t good at building bonds like the twins (or at least like Beel)
What a human like you saw in him was still mind boggling, and he thought you were just tolerating him, just being nice. But, he saw how genuine you were as time went on. He saw you as someone special to him, you were his favorite real living person, his best friend, and honestly he wanted you to become more-
“Oh, Levi, one more thing.”
You quickly ran up to him and kissed him on the cheek
“I finally got my demon kiss, ughhh. My hunger has been satisfied!”
And ran right back out 
He blushed 100x more now, and he realized that maybe he wasn’t ready to take it to the next step just yet, but he was willing to be patient and work towards it
He was willing to make the effort because you’re worth it
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deanstead · 3 years
Too Close
Pairing: Kelly Severide x Reader, Jay Halstead x Reader (Platonic/Partners)
Warnings: mention of blood/injury, cursing, slight angst, fluff!
Requested by anon: Oooh can I request a Kelly Severide x reader? Reader is a cop in intelligence and her and Kelly have been together for awhile, but get in a big fight. Later she ends up getting held hostage and the building she is in gets set on fire so 51 shows up, chaos ensues and maybe a fluffy ending?
A/N: First Kelly Request is here! Hope this turned out okay, I’m still exploring my Severide writings and I hope that you like it! Feedback is always welcome and much appreciated and it really keeps me going! Kelly requests are open~!
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*gif not mine*
“Morning sunshine.” Kelly called, handing you your morning mug of coffee as you emerged from his room.
You didn’t say a word but smiled and moved in to claim your morning kiss from him. Kelly kissed the top of your head, before gently touching his lips to yours.
You gulped down your coffee, glancing at the clock behind him. “Okay, I really have to go. I’ll see you tonight?” You called, placing the mug in the sink and heading towards the door.
“Tonight? I’m on shift.” Kelly responded absentmindedly, as you froze in your tracks.
You spun around. “Seriously, Kelly?”
Kelly looked at you, confusion written all over his face. “What? I told you I was going to pick up some extra shifts. Besides, the overtime will do us good.”
You felt the anger almost bubbling up inside you. “What the hell Kelly, this is the third time this month you’ve blown me off. Do you even know what day it is today?”
Instead of backing down like he usually did, Kelly seemed to get irritated by your reaction. “It’s just a dinner, what is the matter with you?”
You nodded. “Yeah, just a dinner. Are you sure you’re ready to be in the long haul with me? You can’t even commit to one dinner. One.”
“You knew from the get-go that I’m on shift work. I don’t complain when you get wrapped up in a case, do I? I seriously don’t need this from you!”
You felt your heart clench as you looked back into his green eyes. “If you weren’t ready, you should have just told me, instead of taking the long way to blow me off.”
“I’m not blowing you off! What, don’t you trust me? Or do you want me to call Chief so you can verify my whereabouts?” Kelly’s voice was getting louder.
“You’re missing the point by a mile!” You shot back. “Whatever, I’ll cancel the reservation.”
Kelly turned his back to you. “I can’t even talk to you anymore.”
The disappointment and hurt welled up in your chest in one fell motion and you spun around, marching out the door. By the time Kelly turned around again, you were gone.
You marched up the stairs and towards your desk. You hoped you’d get busy today since that was the best formula for taking your mind off things, putting all your mind and energy into a case.
“Heya partner.” You looked up to see Jay smiling down at you. “Are you clearing out early today? Big anniversary dinner, right?”
The irrational tears that sprang to your eyes forced you to turn your head away from Jay.
“Y/N?” Jay asked, concerned that he wasn’t getting your usual quirky response.
You cleared your throat awkwardly. “Yeah, we’ll see.” You pushed up from your desk and slipped into the pantry.
Jay was annoying when he was worried. He followed you into the room and closed the door behind him. “You okay?”
You poured coffee into your empty mug and shrugged. “Yeah, just a bad morning.”
Before Jay could press you further, there was a sharp rap at the door and Adam stuck his head in. “We gotta go, guys.”
You nodded at him, looking at Jay who was already studying you. “Come on, let’s go.” Jay said, leading the way out of the room as you remembered how grateful you were that Jay picked these things up quickly.
Jay stopped the car a distance from the address you guys were heading for.
You were pretty sure this person was merely a person-of-interest and not guilty of the murder. Jay shared your sentiment but the team had enough probable cause to get a sneak and peek warrant. Which was something.
You got out of the car, both of you moving stealthily towards the back of the house and entering it quietly. You stepped in front of Jay, pointing your gun into the house and entered the first room that you reached, as Jay moved down the hall.  
That’s when you heard it. A click, before you immediately felt the nozzle of a gun against the back of your neck.
“Don’t move.”
You raised your hands slowly as the person holding the gun to your neck snatched yours right out of your hands and pulled you against him, the gun still touching your skin.
“Don’t move!” His voice rose a little in your ear as you heard footsteps approaching.
“Drop the weapon!” Your partner’s voice ringing into the room.
He spun around with you so that you were now facing Jay. “Drop the gun!” Jay hollered again, as he held his gun straight up.
“I will shoot her!” he screamed and you flinched as the gun shifted against your skin.
Jay froze as the suspect pushed the weapon harder against you.
“Get out.” He snarled.
Jay shook his head, “I can’t, you know that.”
You finally spoke. “Okay, everyone let’s take a breath, alright? What’s your name? Or tell me what I should call you.”
“Darren.” His voice trembled a little, you could feel him shake a little.
You took a deep breath. “Okay, Darren? My partner here is just a little nervous because you have your gun to my head, okay? I need you to put the gun down and we can all talk, alright?”
Darren seemed to be considering your words but straightened up again. “No!” His head snapped up to look at Jay again. “If you don’t get out, I’m going to shoot her!”
Jay put his hands up. “Okay, okay.” Jay looked at me again. “You good?”
You moved your head slightly in a nod. “We’re good.”
Jay moved backwards slowly, Darren following him all the way to the door. “I’m out Darren, don’t hurt her.”
Jay’s words were met with Darren slamming the door in his face, leaving you alone in the house with him and Jay alone out on the street.
Jay pulled out his radio. “Sarge, Y/N is alone with an armed suspect. We need everyone here.”
Darren roughly tugged you into the sitting room, pushing you towards a chair that was a distance away from the window. You eyed the window but looked back at Darren again quickly.
“Darren. You’re not a bad kid, come on.” You looked at him, thinking if you could talk him down maybe this didn’t need to end in blood. Darren, on the other hand, was pacing in front of you and you were worried that he’d lose it under the stress soon.
Out of the corner of your eye, you saw more cars pull up outside the house and Jay speaking to Voight urgently, before he headed to the car and pulled out his long-range weapon. Voight was sending Jay to standby for a long-range shot.
This was your only chance to talk him down.
“Darren. Was there an accident? Is that what happened? That changes everything.” You tried to slow your voice down, knowing it might only agitate him further otherwise.
“Shut up!” Darren shouted, his pacing getting quicker, his behaviour more erratic.
You were about to say something more when you heard the sound of sparks and you craned your head to find the source of the sound. In the midst of Darren’s pacing, you saw it. The plug was right behind him, at the entrance of the sitting room, obviously overloaded. One of the only perks of listening to Kelly’s never-ending stories of his day was that you could see this was a problem immediately.
“Darren. Darren!” You raised your voice to get his attention and he pointed his gun up at you again, moving closer and pressing the nozzle to your chest.
“I said shut up.” He snarled.
“Darren. The plug is going to blow. Look at it. Look at the sparks behind you.” You didn’t like this feeling. This whole place was going to go up in flames. You looked to the side again, where a line of aerosol spray cans sat not too far away.
“You need to turn it off Darren.” You repeated, looking him straight in the eye, trying to ignore the fact that he had a gun pointing right at your heart.
“You’re just trying to get me distracted! Cops are all the same!” He shouted, digging the gun harder into your chest.
You weren’t sure how much time had passed, you weren’t even sure what the hell was happening outside and for the first time that day you let the thought of Kelly seep into your mind. Kelly’s smile. The tinkle of his laugh. Even the glittering of his clear green eyes when he looked at you. Kelly.
Just then the phone rang and both of you jumped. You swallowed. “Darren, pick up the phone. My sergeant can help you.”
Darren’s eyes darted from you to the phone, weighing his options, trying to think about whether he should answer the phone or not.
“You have to answer it. Pick it up and they can help you.”
Darren continued to stare at the phone as the ringing died out for the second time. “Darren. Pick it up and tell them what you want. If anyone can help you, it’s my sergeant.”
You could hear the sparks flying behind him and watched in dismay as a couple of sparks flew further, ultimately catching onto the old curtain that was hanging past the window.
The flames danced effortlessly across the curtain. You glanced at Darren who was looking more panicked by the second before you glanced out the window at Voight who was already on his radio, the orange flames visible even from where he was standing.
Kelly twiddled his fingers in his office, still upset from his fight with you this morning. He was distracted enough that he was doing anything except what he was supposed to do - the incident report in front of him that was still blank except for the date.
“Hey.” Casey was leaning against the doorframe of Kelly’s office, watching him.
Kelly turned his chair around. “What’s up?”
“Is this about tonight? We can get a relief lieutenant in. I mean it is your anniversary.”
Kelly’s head shot up. “What?”
Casey shrugged, “What? Gabby tells me stuff.” He watched the expression on Kelly’s face and added, “Severide, you didn’t forget, did you?”
Kelly’s expression said it all. “Oh my god.” He ran his hand over his face. “I’m such an idiot.”
“I had a stupid fight with her this morning, I thought she was overreacting.”
Before Casey could respond, the all-too-familiar alarm resounded through the firehouse. “Squad 3, Truck 81, Ambulance 61, House Fire.”
Without hesitation, they looked at each other and jogged out of the firehouse, pulling on their equipment. As they hurtled towards the address Main had given them, Kelly looked down at his phone, trying to type you a message.
“Lieutenant!” Kelly’s head snapped up and looked in the direction Tony was pointing. A bunch of police cars were never a good sign but Kelly’s heart gave a squeeze as he registered Voight standing there and no sign of you or Jay.
Kelly was out of the truck before it had even come to a complete stop.
“Sergeant!” Kelly shouted, running towards them, Boden also reaching the spot where Voight was standing.
“Do we know how many are inside?” Boden asked as Kelly’s eyes darted around the scene.
Voight glanced at Kelly. “Two. One of our own. It’s a hostage situation, we were trying to get in touch when the fire started.”
The orange flames lapping at the house were no comfort at all.
“Halstead, do you have visual?” Voight asked into his radio.
Jay’s voice crackled on the radio. “Negative, Sarge.”
“Is she in there?” Kelly asked.
Voight nodded. “Just her and the suspect.”
Kelly spun to look at Boden who nodded. “Squad 3, rescue. Truck 81, get this fire under control. Be advised, we have an armed suspect in there.”
“Tony, Capp, back door. Cruz, with me!” Kelly barked as Casey nodded to his team, sending Otis and Mouch to vent the roof and heading towards the main door with Kelly.
You stood up for the first time since Darren had first made you sit on the couch. “Darren, we need to get out of here.”
“Don’t move!” Darren shouted, pointing the gun towards you. The smoke from the fire was starting to fill the room. You could feel the heat all around you.
“It’s a fire. We need to get out of here before it gets worse.” You took a step towards him.
You heard the shot before you felt the bullet pierce your thigh. The sharp pain shot up through your leg as you crumpled onto the floor. “I told you not to move!”
The shot resounded out of the house and Kelly felt his gut flip over in the midst of trying to pry open the main door. The pressure created from the fire wasn’t helpful but Kelly’s muscle memory allowed him to work on the door, although he could have sworn his heart had already fell to his feet.
You groaned on the floor and glanced at the flames that were slowly licking their way towards the aerosol cans. All you knew was that you needed to get as far from those cans as you possibly could, now on one leg. You pressed your hand on your wound and dragged yourself across the floor. The only benefit of being on the floor was that you knew that was where you where you were supposed to be in a fire – low on the ground. Kelly had told you that a million times.
You didn’t know where Darren was anymore but you couldn’t care as you continued to pull yourself away, the smoke starting to get into your lungs, making it hard to breathe.
Just as you were about to lose hope that you would find your way out, you heard it.
“Fire Department, call out!”
“Y/N! Where are you?”
With whatever strength you had left, you called out. “Kel…!” Your voice rasping.
“Severide, over here!” Herrmann called as he guided Kelly towards you. “Y/N!” Kelly pulled you towards him.
“I have another one over here!” Casey called as Herrmann headed towards the sound of Casey’s voice.
“Come on, it’s okay, let’s get you out of here.” Kelly called.
You grabbed his arm. “Kelly, the… there’s aerosol cans… there…”
Kelly’s head snapped around in the direction you were pointing as you felt his arms tighten around you.
“Casey, get out of here. Now!” Kelly hollered before he looped his arm under your knees and pulled you upwards, making quick strides towards the door.
“Casey!” Kelly shouted behind him.
“Right behind you, go!” Casey hollered back as they tugged each other out, rolling onto the lawn as the aerosol cans exploded.
You landed on the grass, wincing, not sure where the pain was coming from any longer but you could feel Kelly’s body above you protectively.
“Y/N. Baby, are you with me?” You gingerly opened your eyes and Kelly sighed in relief, pulling off his mask.
“Don’t worry, they got him, everyone’s out.” Kelly, reading your mind once again.
“Where are you hurt…” Kelly’s eyes fell on your leg mid-sentence and he looked up just as Sylvie reached your side.
“Main, we need another ambulance.” She called into her radio as Kelly helped you up and onto the stretcher.
You reached out for his hand and he squeezed it. “I’ll catch up with you…”
“Severide, go.” Kelly turned to look at his Chief who nodded at him. Casey patted him on the shoulder. “We’ll take care of things here.”
“Y/N!” Jay’s voice getting closer towards you. “Damn, I’m sorry. I…”
“Jay, I’m fine, we’re good. Did we get him?”
Jay almost rolled his eyes. “We’ll take it from here kid, you go get yourself patched up. We’ll see you later.” Voight said, squeezing your shoulder.
“Thanks, Sarge. Jay, I’m fine, okay?” Jay nodded back as Sylvie quickly pushed you into the ambulance and Kelly clambered in.
Kelly sat by your bedside, watching as you breathed evenly.
“Hey Severide.” Ethan called as he slid open the door. “We managed to get the bullet out, no complications. We’re also treating her for the smoke inhalation but her vitals look good, she should be out of here in a few days.”
“Thanks.” Kelly nodded to him as he smiled and left the room.
You stirred and Kelly’s head swung back to you, gently squeezing your hand. “Heya.”
“Kelly.” You breathed, his name the first thing that left your lips.
Kelly shifted, moving closer to you. “You scared me back there.” He whispered, gently running his thumb over the back of your hand.
“Thought you weren’t going to talk to me anymore.” You half-joked, your hand curling around his.
Kelly’s eyes flicked up to yours. “Not funny.” He paused. “I’m sorry babe.”
You tugged his hand a little, asking him to come closer. Kelly obliged, inching even closer to you, resting his chin on your hand, you could feel his stubble against your skin.
“No, I’m sorry.” You whispered.
Kelly shook his head. “No way. I keep thinking about it… If that had been the last thing that I had said to you… What if you really thought I didn’t want to talk to you… If I had lost you just like that…”
You pulled your hand out of his gently, instead placing it gently on his cheek. “But you got me out. My hero.” Kelly sighed, “That was too close. Way too close.”
“Kel… seriously… I only managed to stay calm in there because of you. I was determined to get out of there… alive… I couldn’t let that be our last conversation…” You trailed off.
Kelly smiled, wiping a stray tear you didn’t know had rolled down your face. “I promise, no more walking out the door until we have resolved any argument from now on, okay?”
You nodded back at him as he stood, leaning in once again to give you a soft kiss on your forehead.
“I love you babe, you know that right?” Kelly whispered.
You smiled. “I love you too Kelly Severide, even when you’re an idiot.”
Kelly smiled back at you. “Then I must be the luckiest idiot in the world.”
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You wrote your opinions on the Order of the Phoenix, what about the Death Eaters? That's another way of saying Lucius, Bellatrix, and anybody else. I honestly feel that we're running out of HP characters for you to write your opinion and reasoning about, so yeah~
We honestly are. When people start asking me questions about Harry’s nameless and faceless classmates I feel like we’re scraping the bottom of my barrel of Harry Potter opinions.
Though, that said, this is still a very large ask if you want me to analyze very Death Eater ever or even the Death Eaters as a whole (which is worthy of its own post).
So, we’ll compromise, and I’ll just look at the two you name dropped.
Lucius Malfoy
To me, Lucius is by far one of the more intelligent Death Eaters. He’s the guy who makes them almost look classy. I say almost, because Lucius is still a racist domestic terrorist and as the series goes on Tom gleefully drags him into being less classy by the minute (his house becomes a POW camp and housing for the dregs of society, Lucius just sobs, trying to be thankful he’s somehow still alive).
Lucius is rich, sophisticated, and is probably the most politically powerful man in the country. He has a beautiful wife he has... a son (sorry Draco, but you do not live up to your father) the guy has it all.
Which makes it very surprising that he got dragged into this mess. But you see, Lucius is paying for that tragedy we call youth.
Also, as a caveat, I’m about to headcanon hard and will not bother to get into the details of why I think x, y, or z in this post.
Ten years prior to the start of canon, Lucius is a very young man, probably very charismatic, certainly believes he’s intelligent and probably gets decent grades, but nonetheless the kind of stupid you see in men ages 15-25.
He’s likely chafing under his aging father’s strict guidance, knows he’s not going to be Lord Malfoy for years yet, wants to get out there, prove himself, and make a difference for his country. More importantly for Lucius, there’s this hip, exciting, new thing that all his cousins and friends are getting into called “The Death Eaters” (yes, I don’t believe the Knights of Walpurgis/Death Eaters 1.0 ever happened, I think it’s ridiculous that fandom and JKR does, I could go into why but not in this post). 
The Death Eaters are led by the single handedly most beautiful, charismatic, man in Britain. (Yes, I headcanon Tom’s still blindingly attractive at this stage, because it makes much more sense to me but we’re not getting into that here.) A mysterious man by the name of Voldemort, Salazar Slytherin’s long lost heir, who has come to resurrect the wizarding world’s true heritage and purge the land of the muggle stain. (Yes, I do believe that no one, not even Lucius who is later given the diary, knew who Tom really was. I believe Regulus’ had only the vaguest idea, informed mostly by Tom’s use of Kreacher to place the locket.) This is the most exciting thing to have ever happened, the rallies probably consist of rich kids drunk out of their minds and maybe even high on a little wizard cocaine, and Lucius is down for it precisely because his father says “Lucius, this is stupid, please don’t embarrass the family.” WELL LUCIUS IS GOING TO EMBARRASS THE FAMILY, DAD! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?!
And for a while, it looks like Lucius made the right choice. Things are happening, they’re actually going out and killing the mudbloods! Unlike Regulus, Lucius never has that “wait a minute” moment as he realizes that Voldemort’s actually far more efficiently eliminating pureblood families and sowing dissention in what was once a unanimous force among the Wizengamot (the other pureblood lords aren’t necessarily pro muggleborn, per se, but they get a bit queasy at the thought of blowing them up or Merlin forbid actually blowing up their own public venues wizards use). 
And then October 31st, 1981 happens, and it all comes crashing down. Lucius has to desperately lie his ass off, having only the flimsiest lie to rely on, has to hand out a shit ton of bribes, and manages to squeeze his way out of being imprisoned in Azkaban. 
I’m sure Abraxas looked at his son, with his tattoo on his arm that makes him another man’s slave, at the utter destruction of the Black family, and just shook his head going, “Clean up your mess, Dumbass Son”
And Lucius does to the best of his ability. While some will always suspect him of being a Death Eater, while some know it, he’s able to climb very high in influence in their ridiculously tiny community. Granted, I do think he messed up, and could never for example run for minister given everything (if Crouch can’t rerun then Lucius certainly can’t). He also shows us that in some ways he is not above the law, he’s very afraid his house will be searched without warrant in The Chamber of Secrets, and this is in part why he dumps Tom Riddle’s diary off onto Ginny.
However, he wields total control of the Prophet, has a seat on the Wizengamot, has the ear of the current Minister, is on the Hogwarts’ Board of Governors, and has his hands in pretty much every pie he can.
I imagine during this period Lucius grows up. He brushes the indiscretions of his youth under the carpet, gleefully leaving it all behind him, and the only real friend he maintains contact with from that period is Severus, the least zealot like of all of them. (Crabbe and Goyle Sr aren’t friends, they’re minions). 
Don’t get me wrong, he’s still a racist slime bag, and I don’t think he really regrets the domestic terrorism. He just regrets nearly getting caught and putting his entire family’s security on the line. He witnessed first hand what happened to the Blacks.
And then the worst thing happens: Tom Riddle rises from the dead. He rises, impossibly, from the dead when Lucius has his own hand caught in the cookie jar.
Lucius has been living a life of luxury and influence while his great master, the man he had pledged everything to, was dead. Worse, Lucius took what was described as a treasured item to be protected at all costs, and not only threw it away but sent it to Hogwarts where it caused massive havoc and was ultimately destroyed. 
And Lucius, I imagine, no longer wants to serve a master.
But he has no choice. And so begins Lucius’ descent into misery and hell as he’s given an increasing set of impossible, horrific, tasks in punishment that involve him watching as his wife and son are put through hell.
I believe Tom holds a special place in his cold, black, passive aggressive heart for Lucius Malfoy.
First, Tom makes Lucius’ house his headquarters. Oh, Lucius, you have a very nice, very large, estate? Why don’t you host your beloved, mad, cousin, her equally mad husband and brother-in-law? Oh, Bellatrix threatened to cut off your ear? Well, she’s just so passionate! 
Second, Lucius is told to go get the prophecy. Well, this is easier said than done. He nearly succeeds but then it all turns into the world’s largest clusterfuck that ends in two notable things. First, the prophecy is lost forever, shattered. Second, the government admits that Voldemort is truly resurrected. Both of these things are very bad in Tom’s book. And the blame can easily be put on Lucius’ head.
In response to this, Draco is now given an impossible task that Draco is too stupid to realize is designed to cause him (and his family) as much misery as possible. Draco is to assassinate Dumbledore. 
Likely, Tom was already informed by Snape that Dumbledore was dying. The blackened hand was too obvious a tell coming from too obvious a source for the pair to have hid it. I think trying to hide such information would have immediately blown Snape’s cover. So, Tom knows the man is dying, and doesn’t see fit to tell Draco this.
Instead, he tells Draco, “Kill Dumbledore as soon as possible or I deliver you to Fenrir Grayback.” Draco, however, is young and stupid, so he honestly thinks he is doing this to restore the family honor, earn glory for himself and for the cause, and is expected to do this entirely by himself. As a result, when Narcissa begs Snape to aid Draco, Draco blows them both off and only accepts help from Bellatrix because HE CAN DO THIS ON HIS OWN! DRACO IS A MAN.
This, of course, doesn’t work out either. Draco doesn’t deliver the killing blow, Snape does, but Tom decides to give him a pass.
Instead he moves on to his next plan which is making the Malfoy manor his torture chamber and POW camp. Even Draco, at this point, realizes this all kind of sucks. 
And then Voldemort finally dies a second time, and I’m sure Lucius just stares numbly at his malformed corpse, wondering if it will really take this time.
So that’s Lucius for you, paying always for his mistakes, and pretending he’s just as much of a nutcase as Bellatrix to fit in.
Bellatrix LeStrange
God, compared to the novel that is Lucius’ ridiculous life, I really don’t have much to say about her because I feel like there’s not much too her.
Bellatrix reminds me a lot of the Manson family, she gives off those same vibes. Point being, I think even before Azkaban (while Azkaban certainly didn’t help), she was insane and a little too worshipful of Voldemort.
I guess I can start there, I don’t think Bellamort is a thing, at all. 
Tom may have, probably did, have sex with her before he died but afterwards? In that body? Forget about it.
That said, I’m sure Bellatrix both wanted to have sex and is convinced she did have sex to produce whatever the hell Delphi even is. It just wasn’t with Tom, and probably was Rodolphous with a Halloween mask on his face as they got a little too into role play.
And there we go, I suppose, I can’t take Bellatrix seriously. You often see her portrayed as sexy femme fatale Death Eater, the most competent of all of them, if a bit of a sadist.
Oh she might be a very good duelist but she’s... Bellatrix.
She prances around in corsets, shrieking madly, and just what part of that is supposed to be femme fatale? I literally cannot take her seriously on any level. When I even try to write her seriously, in very serious stories, I end up with lines like the following:
"My lord, if there's anything you need… Anything from me, specifically, as a woman…" 
- Bright Eyes
That was my best attempt. That was the best I could come up with. It’s still something that belongs in a comedy.
So, I don’t think Tom really corrupted her. I think without Voldemort she still probably would have been blowing up Diagon Alley, just in a much less organized manner.
Even in canon she does ridiculous things. For example, Bellatrix, frankly, could have easily avoided prison.
For weeks after the dark lord fell neither she, her husband, Barty, nor her brother-in-law were arrested. Bellatrix in grief and utter disbelief that the dark lord could ever do something so mortal as die, said “remember that other house our lord mentioned, THEY MIGHT HAVE INFORMATION, LET’S GO MURDER THE LONGBOTTOMS!” They torture and kidnap Frank, demanding he tell them where their master is, THEY KNOW HE KNOWS. He doesn’t know. They go too far and torture the man into being a vegetable. “Shit, GET THE WIFE!” They go get the wife, do the same thing, with the same results.
They now have no information on the dark lord, two well regarded aurors tortured into brain damage, and are quickly caught and brought before the court with absolutely no “I was imperiused” excuse they can give out. 
How am I supposed to take her in any way seriously?
I mean, to end your life killed in a duel with Molly Weasley. That just says it all.
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bloody-bee-tea · 3 years
Devastation - All Star Xicheng White Day 1
This is for the All Star Xichen White Day and the prompt for that was Fashion/Modelling/Makeup. I only chose the first two though.
Jiang Cheng is acutely aware of the eyes that are following him through the room. He doesn’t dare to look over to check out if it’s a glare or not, but he can imagine that it must be.
People usually glare at him.
Even though this feels a little bit unfair, because it’s the first time he ever actually met Lan Xichen and he’s not sure what he did to offend him like this already.
He hasn’t even spoken to the guy yet.
Jiang Cheng huffs into his glass of water at that thought, because Lan Xichen is probably an overprotective older brother and it’s more than clear that Lan Wangji doesn’t like Jiang Cheng one bit—at least that feeling is mostly mutual—and so he’s probably angry on his brother’s behalf.
It’s the only explanation Jiang Cheng has.
Jiang Cheng tries to ignore the stab of disappointment he feels at that, and he scolds himself for expecting anything more.
He might have a little tiny crush on Lan Xichen, and while Jiang Cheng never deluded himself into thinking anything more will come out of that, he wasn’t expecting active hostility either.
Especially since Lan Xichen doesn’t even know him yet.
“You look upset,” Nie Huaisang suddenly says from his side and Jiang Cheng scowls even harder.
“How would you know?” he bites out, but he knows he’s being unfair to his friend.
It’s not Nie Huaisang’s fault that Lan Xichen clearly can’t stand him.
“You have a broad variety of frowns,” Nie Huaisang says, tapping his fan against his lips. “And this is your upset scowl. So tell me, what’s wrong.”
“Nothing,” Jiang Cheng tries, even though he damn well knows that it’s no use.
If Nie Huaisang thinks that something is wrong then he’ll definitely bother Jiang Cheng until he admits to it or erupts into his face.
It’s a tested method, and Jiang Cheng is annoyed to admit that it usually works too.
“Maybe you want to try that again and this time look a little more like you mean it,” Nie Huaisang teases him and Jiang Cheng sighs.
“Lan Xichen doesn’t like me,” Jiang Cheng finally whispers and goes hot in embarrassment at Nie Huaisang’s knowing little “Ah”.
They have been best friends for years, of course Nie Huaisang knows about Jiang Cheng’s stupid, unfounded, hopeless crush.
“Are you sure? Why wouldn’t he like you?” Nie Huaisang wants to know and Jiang Cheng shrugs.
It’s not like he knows how he offended Lan Xichen or what he did to make Lan Xichen dislike him. Lan Xichen is Nie Mingjue’s best friend and the brother of Wei Wuxian’s boyfriend—fiancé, now—but for all that their social circles should overlap at every turn, they have never actually met.
There were a few situations where one of them was leaving while the other was just arriving, but today is the first time they are in the same room for longer than twenty seconds.
“I mean, it’s not unusual for people to dislike me,” Jiang Cheng amends after a short pause, “but I didn’t even speak to him yet. Usually that’s the breaking point for most people.”
“Stop that right now,” Nie Huaisang chastises him and slaps him with his fan. “We talked about this. You’re not allowed to speak like this about my best friend,” Nie Huaisang firmly tells him and Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes at him.
“Doesn’t change the fact that he seems to despise me,” Jiang Cheng mutters under his breath, watching Lan Xichen from the corner of his eyes.
Lan Xichen is furiously scribbling something into a sketchbook before he turns the page with enough speed to almost rip it to shreds and then he’s glaring at Jiang Cheng again, before he turns back to his sketchbook.
“I don’t know,” Nie Huaisang muses. “He doesn’t seem angry.”
Jiang Cheng scoffs.
“Are you looking at the same guy I am? He nearly ripped that page in half, he’s so angry.”
“Or impatient,” Nie Huaisang gives back but Jiang Cheng won’t hear it.
“Look at him,” he hisses. “He looks as if he’s personally blaming me for his art block.”
“How do you know about his art block?” Nie Huaisang asks him with a frown and Jiang Cheng snorts.
“Please Huaisang. The statue is his brother and Wei Wuxian loves to overshare about everything regarding the statue. Including how he worries about his brother because he seems to have lost his muse and is even thinking about taking some time off.”
“You know, they are engaged now. You should probably stop calling Wangji that,” Nie Huaisang mildly says but they have had this conversation often enough that they both know nothing will come of it.
And besides; Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji have been together for long enough that Jiang Cheng actually says it with some kind of fondness now. Lan Wangji does make his brother happy, after all and Jiang Cheng can acknowledge at least that.
“I will, if he stops calling me sparkle,” Jiang Cheng give back, completely deadpan but he has to smile when Nie Huaisang bursts out into laughter.
“Okay, fair,” he says between his giggles right before he goes serious again. “But all jokes aside, I don’t think Xichen-ge hates you,” Nie Huaisang says again and Jiang Cheng sighs.
“Hate might be a strong word,” he finally amends. “Intense dislike would maybe fit more.”
“You’re being stupid. You said it yourself; you didn’t even speak to him yet. There’s no reason for him to dislike you. Maybe you should go over there and make some small-talk. Your brothers are getting married, you should at least make an effort to speak to him.”
Jiang Cheng can feel himself blush at just the mere suggestion but he has to agree that maybe Nie Huaisang is right about this. Maybe Jiang Cheng just has to talk to him, to either be completely sure that Lan Xichen truly dislikes him, or to amend his previous impression.
Either way, it will bring some clarity to the whole situation and with that thought in mind Jiang Cheng walks right up to Lan Xichen and sits down on the couch next to him.
He tries to keep his face smooth when Lan Xichen slams his sketchbook closed and then he tries to pretend not to be hurt when Lan Xichen leans slightly away from him.
“Hi,” Jiang Cheng says very eloquently and Lan Xichen jerks as if he’s a startled baby rabbit.
He blinks at Jiang Cheng a few times, before he finally manages to return the greeting.
“Hello,” Lan Xichen says and he sounds unsure and probably spooked to hell and back, and it’s Jiang Cheng’s time to stare in surprise as Lan Xichen suddenly gets up from the couch.
“Bye,” Lan Xichen rushes out and then promptly flees the scene.
Jiang Cheng can do nothing but stare after him. This is really not how he imagined meeting Lan Xichen for the first time would go over.
“That was strange,” Nie Huaisang says as he sits down next to Jiang Cheng on the couch, a thoughtful look on his face as he stares after Lan Xichen.
“I told you so,” Jiang Cheng says, trying not to let Nie Huaisang know how hurt he is over this reaction, but when Nie Huaisang pats his arm, he knows it’s futile.
“I’m sorry,” Nie Huaisang says and while Jiang Cheng was in the process of relaxing under his constant petting, he tenses when Nie Huaisang suddenly smiles at him. “I know how to cheer you up, though,” he promises and Jiang Cheng is not in the habit of calling his friends liars, but yeah.
Nie Huaisang is a liar.
“No,” Jiang Cheng says immediately, because he knows that whatever Nie Huaisang will propose now, he’s going to hate it.
“How about you model for me?” Nie Huaisang asks him and Jiang Cheng glares at him so hard, he hopes he sets him on fire.
“Absolutely not,” he gives back, because he will not model for Nie Huaisang.
“Come on, A-Cheng, why not?” Nie Huaisang whines and Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes, before he sinks deeper into the couch.
“You damn well know why. I’m not going to model for you. Don’t you have Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji at your beck and call for that kind of thing anyway?”
“But I don’t want them,” Nie Huaisang says and clings to Jiang Cheng. “I want you to do it. You would look magnificent.”
“I wouldn’t look better than Wei Wuxian and I can’t hold my composure like Lan Wangji so stop it.”
Jiang Cheng is very firm in his refusal of this, has been ever since Wei Wuxian picked up modelling as a hobby, and he won’t change his stance on it now. He knows that he’s nothing compared to Wei Wuxian and he’s not keen to see it in the photos or clips Nie Huaisang will make.
“You would be wearing completely different clothes, you can’t even compare the two of you,” Nie Huaisang tries but Jiang Cheng shakes his head.
“No,” he says and Nie Huaisang deflates against him.
“You’re a spoilsport, A-Cheng,” he mutters, but he snuggles into Jiang Cheng’s side, so he can’t be too mad.
“And don’t we all know it,” Jiang Cheng says with a sigh, because that is one of the many faults he has.
The rest of the party goes over relatively quickly and Jiang Cheng does his best to stay out of Lan Xichen’s way, seeing as the guy clearly can’t stand him. It almost doesn’t hurt at all, especially with how hard Nie Huaisang tries to distract him.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Wei Wuxian yells as he storms into Jiang Cheng’s apartment.
“Hello to you, too,” Jiang Cheng gives back, but he’s already on the defence because Wei Wuxian seems genuinely mad and Jiang Cheng can’t think of anything he did to warrant that reaction.
“Fuck you and your hello,” Wei Wuxian sneers and jabs his pointy finger into Jiang Cheng’s chest. “You’re a selfish, thick-headed idiot and I am so mad!” Wei Wuxian yells into his face and Jiang Cheng smacks his finger away.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Jiang Cheng bites out. “Get the fuck out of my apartment if you think I’m so stupid.”
“You don’t even care, do you? You’re ruining Xichen-ge’s whole career and you don’t even care. God, you’re truly so damn selfish,” Wei Wuxian tells him and Jiang Cheng frowns at him.
“What the hell do I have to do with Lan Xichen? I don’t even speak to the guy,” Jiang Cheng tells him because he has barely even seen the guy since he so clearly fled from him, but Wei Wuxian continues to glare at him.
“Yeah, right,” he scoffs and Jiang Cheng fights the urge to strangle him. “Is that what you tell yourself to be alright with what you are doing?”
“I have no fucking clue what you think I’m doing!” Jiang Cheng yells at him, completely fed up with Wei Wuxian’s accusations.
Wei Wuxian clearly wants to scream something back at him but before he can do so, Lan Xichen comes into the apartment. He frantically looks around until he sees Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng and then he rushes forward.
“Wei Wuxian, what are you doing?” Lan Xichen asks him, clearly trying for calm, but looking stressed as well.
“You said—” Wei Wuxian starts but Lan Xichen frantically shakes his head.
“I didn’t say anything!”
“What the hell is going on here?” Jiang Cheng snarls out, crossing his arms in front of his chest and shifting uncomfortably when both Wei Wuxian and Lan Xichen turn to look at him.
“I would like to explain,” Lan Xichen starts, but Wei Wuxian interrupts him.
“Why would you even still speak to him if he’s ruining your whole show?” he demands to know and Lan Xichen sighs before he pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Because he doesn’t know about it,” Lan Xichen mutters, and Wei Wuxian’s eyes go big.
“Oh,” he whispers and Jiang Cheng sends him a scathing glare.
“Yeah, oh,” Jiang Cheng says and then points at the door. “You’re going to get the fuck away from me now, I don’t want to see your stupid face until I calmed down, and then we will have words about your accusations,” he tells Wei Wuxian who presses his lips together and then scurries out of the door.
He closes it behind him very softly and Jiang Cheng glares after him for a long moment before he turns to Lan Xichen.
“Explain,” he bites out and does his very best to not find it fetching how Lan Xichen’s cheeks slowly turn red.
“What did he say exactly?” Lan Xichen asks him first and Jiang Cheng rolls his eyes.
“That I’m ruining your entire career,” Jiang Cheng gives back and frowns when Lan Xichen grimaces at that.
“He’s overreacting,” he then says but Jiang Cheng is not going to let him off without a proper explanation.
“About what?” he demands to know and Lan Xichen sighs, before his shoulder sag.
“I have a new collection ready,” Lan Xichen tells him and Jiang Cheng is surprised to hear that.
Last he knew, Lan Xichen was completely without inspiration and thought about taking some time off, so this surely must be a good thing.
“Congratulations?” Jiang Cheng asks, because with how the day has been going it cannot be simply something good, that much is clear to Jiang Cheng.
“Thank you.”
“Now what does it have to do with me ruining your career?” Jiang Cheng eventually prods when Lan Xichen doesn’t say anything else, and Lan Xichen blushes again.
“I refuse to let people who are not you model them,” Lan Xichen whispers and goes even more red in the face.
“Why would you do that?” Jiang Cheng asks with a frown. “And you didn’t even ask me about that.”
“I know,” Lan Xichen admits. “But I heard you talking to Huaisang once—during the party—and you said you’re not going to model, so I thought it futile to ask just for you to tell me to fuck off.”
“Why would you even want me to model for you if you have your brother and my gremlin at your beck and call? They are clearly the better choice,” Jiang Cheng says and almost manages to not sound bitter at all.
“Because you’re—” Lan Xichen starts and then can’t seem to bring himself to finish the sentence.
Instead he reaches into his bag and pulls out a sketchbook. Jiang Cheng recognizes it as the one Lan Xichen was drawing in when he saw him at the party and when Lan Xichen pushes it into Jiang Cheng’s chest, he takes it.
“Just look at it,” Lan Xichen says without meeting his eyes and Jiang Cheng frowns down at it before he flips it open.
He silently goes through every page, but his eyes get bigger and bigger as he goes along. Lan Xichen didn’t draw faces or anything, just sketched the absolute minimum to give it a human figure, but Jiang Cheng knows that it’s all him.
The clothes completely give it away.
They are all in various shades of purple, completely fitting Jiang Cheng’s style and he doesn’t know what to do with that at all.
“But you hate me,” Jiang Cheng says when he finally manages to tear his eyes away from the last page.
“Why would you ever think that?” Lan Xichen asks and Jiang Cheng thinks he must be imagining the devastation colouring his voice.
“Because you glared at me the whole evening! And then you fled like a startled animal when I tried to talk to you!” Jiang Cheng reminds him and Lan Xichen breathes out a soft oh.
“That wasn’t—" Lan Xichen starts and then shakes his head. “You’re so beautiful,” he finally says and frowns when Lan Xichen scoffs at that.
“You are! You’re gorgeous and captivating and seeing you in action, talking to people, it was like my muse had come back and hit me over the head. So I had to start drawing that very instant and it couldn't go fast enough with all the ideas I suddenly had, because you are just that inspiring. And then you came over to talk to me and I was just filling another page with clothes for you and I didn’t know what to do. So I ran,” Lan Xichen sheepishly admits and Jiang Cheng can only blink at him, because surely this must be a joke.
“What the hell are you on about?” Jiang Cheng finally manages to get out and he gives the sketchbook back to Lan Xichen, waiting for the punchline.
He’s not prepared for the look on Lan Xichen’s face though.
“You’re so beautiful,” Lan Xichen whispers again and it seems like he wants to reach out for Jiang Cheng before he remembers himself. “I’m sorry this made you uncomfortable, I wouldn’t have said anything if it wasn’t for Wei Wuxian,” Lan Xichen finally says with a sad, small smile when Jiang Cheng can’t seem to find his words.
“Please don’t let this—It doesn’t mean anything,” Lan Xichen finally finishes and that jerks Jiang Cheng out of his stupor.
“Of course it does!” he almost yells out and Lan Xichen flinches. “Fuck, you can’t just say that and then pretend that it doesn’t mean anything,” he goes on, voice a little bit softer and his heart is hammering away in his chest.
He fears that he’s going to perish on the spot if Lan Xichen keeps insisting that this doesn’t mean anything, and so he shakes his head vigorously when it seems like Lan Xichen is going to protest against his words.
“I’ve had a crush on you ever since our brothers started dating,” Jiang Cheng finds himself blurting out and Lan Xichen’s eyes go big. “So if this means more, then I’m not opposed to that,” Jiang Cheng finishes weakly, and is not prepared for the huge smile that breaks out on Lan Xichen’s face.
“That’s wonderful to hear,” Lan Xichen beams at him and immediately reaches out to thread their fingers together.
“It still doesn’t mean I’m going to model for you,” Jiang Cheng grumbles, completely taken aback by how happy Lan Xichen seems, but even that doesn’t seem to do much to dampen his mood.
“That doesn’t matter,” Lan Xichen reassures him and Jiang Cheng finds that maybe he would like to model for him, if Lan Xichen keeps looking at him like this then.
Jiang Cheng will have to wait and see, though. He’s not going to dive into this head-first. At least not into modelling.
“Do you want to stay for—” Jiang Cheng leans slightly to the side so he can catch a glance at the clock, “lunch?” he then asks and Lan Xichen nods enthusiastically at him.
“I would love to,” he eagerly agrees and Jiang Cheng can’t help the small smile on his own face.
They still have to get to know each other and see where this will take them, but Jiang Cheng is cautiously hopeful about this and he can’t wait to spend more time with Lan Xichen.
And by how Lan Xichen squeezes his fingers, he’s feeling the same.
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the-modernmary · 3 years
my best habit || aaron hotchner x reader (ch. 1)
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Summary: When Aaron Hotchner ended your affair with him, saying that a serial killer was going after him and his family, you were content with the idea that you’d probably never see him again. Two years have come and gone since then, but when you get dragged into an FBI investigation as a key witness, you and Hotch are forced to come face to face with all the things left unsaid.
Warnings: n/a
A/N: Thank you for all of the love on the prologue!! like WOW i couldn't have expected that big of a response so THANK YOU!!! As a reminder: I already have the first 17 chapters out on ao3, so I will be updating on here pretty quickly! This takes place two years after the prologue, and this is where the actual storyline starts!
masterlist || read on ao3
Anything you say can and will be held against you
So only say my name
It will be held against you
-Fall Out Boy, “Just One Yesterday”
Present Day- Two Years Later
You tugged at the handcuff that was attaching you to the interrogation table, hoping that if you glared at it enough, it would just go away. One minute, you were at your apartment and getting ready to go out with some of your friends, and the next minute Metro D.C. police were banging on your door, ordering you to go with them, no charges and no explanation.
So now you were just stuck, sitting and waiting for somebody to tell you what the hell this all was about. Law school had taught you enough about interrogation tactics, and they were pulling out all of the stops- turning down the room temperature, forcing you to sit in the most uncomfortable chair you’ve ever been in, and just making you be by yourself in the metal room. A small part of you was nervous, but mostly you were just confused. You couldn’t think of anything you’d done that would warrant your arrest.
Just as the isolation of the room was about to get to you, the door swung open and in walked two people. The first one was a petite blonde woman and following her was a younger looking man in a cardigan. You narrowed your eyes slightly at the site of them. You had expected the usual “good cop/bad cop” technique, but neither of these cops looked very intimidating.
“Hi there,” the woman spoke, sliding into the chair across from you. “My name is Agent Jareau and this is Dr. Reid. We’re here to ask you a few questions.”
Her name sounded familiar, but you couldn’t quite place where you knew it from. You raised an eyebrow and jutted your head towards Dr. Reid. “Is the handsome one not an agent?” you asked, leaning back in your chair.
Dr. Reid seemed unphased by your question, as if he was used to that question. “I am an agent. But I also have three doctorates,” he answered.
You just smirked at him before looking back at Agent Jareau. She had placed a file on the table, the seal of the FBI practically staring you in the face. Whatever they brought you in for was an FBI matter? Oh, you were definitely screwed. You tried to keep your cool. “So are you guys going to actually charge me with anything, or are you just going to hold me for 72 hours until you find something to stick?” you accused.
Agent Jareau shook her head, and you were still desperately trying to remember how you knew that name. “The faster you cooperate, the faster we can let you go.” It didn’t go unnoticed to you that she refused to answer your question. She leaned over the table slightly to slide the file towards you and you caught a glimpse of her ID. Everything came back to you at once.
Jennifer Jareau. FBI. Business cards. “You can set up a formal meeting with me at the BAU…” Holy shit, you did know that name.
You laughed softly to yourself and crossed your legs as the memories came flooding back. “Okay, I’ll cooperate,” you agreed, but you were looking directly at the two way mirror. “But only if I can speak to your unit chief. It still is Aaron Hotchner, correct?” Your voice was innocent enough to not be too suspicious, but you knew it would drive Aaron crazy. It was the same voice you would use when he had a fistfull of your hair and you were promising to be his good girl.
You could only imagine what was going on behind that two way mirror; Aaron’s team looking at him with complete and utter confusion, trying to figure out how you knew him, all while Aaron was probably clenching his teeth, red with anger. Maybe if you made him mad enough, he would bend you over the interrogation table once everybody else had left.
Jennifer and Dr. Reid shared a quick glance before looking back at you. Dr. Reid spoke first. “It would be best if we could go over our questions with you first.”
You bopped your head, pretending to think it over. “I get it, the two of you have a job to do and you have a strategy to stay in control, so I’ll give you guys a choice. You can let me speak to Agent Hotchner or I lawyer up and invoke the 5th.”
Like clockwork, the door swung open violently and Aaron stormed in. “I’ll take it from here,” he ordered, and the other two agents quickly shuffled out of the room.
He sat down in the seat across from you and you just raised the hand that was handcuffed to the table, wiggling your fingers. He was pissed, you could tell, and you loved every second of it. You leaned over the table, signalling for him to move closer to you. He hesitated, which earned him a roll of your eyes, but he eventually leaned over the table too.
“If you wanted me in handcuffs again for you, you didn’t have to go through all this effort. My phone number hasn’t changed,” you whispered, low enough so that the group watching on the other side of the mirror couldn’t hear. He refused to answer and instead just pulled back to his normal seated position. Ever the good agent, Aaron’s face went back to it’s normal, stoic look, and it made you pout. You wanted to get more of a rise out of him.
“Miss. Y/L/N,” he said cooly. “Why don’t we get started?” You realized with a sinking feeling that he was already starting to lose interest in you flirting, his attention focused back on the task at hand, attention that you selfishly wanted all to yourself.
You slipped off the heels you were wearing and stretched your leg out so that your foot could brush against his leg. If you couldn’t touch him with your hands right now, you were going to make sure he could feel you in some way. His eyes shot up to yours, giving you a warning look, as if to say “Stop right now or I’m going to make you.”
You knew that look too well, craved for it even. You just responded with a smirk and dropped your foot, relishing in the fact that he actually looked slightly disappointed that you stopped.
“How are Haley and Jack doing, Aaron?” you asked lazily, leaning back in your chair. “Visiting them more often?”
Aaron cleared his throat and ran his hand down his tie to flatten it, as if it had come out of place. He was always so put together at work. “Jack is fine. Haley passed away a while ago,” he said quickly, and guilt immediately engulfed you.
You lowered your gaze so that you were staring at the interrogation table. “Oh,” you mumbled. “I’m sorry.” And you really were sorry. Sure, your relationship, or lack of relationship, with Haley was weird. You were sleeping with her ex before the divorce papers had time to be fully submitted, and even though Aaron was well in his right to be with whoever he wanted, the two of you still found yourselves sneaking around with each other. But you never had anything against her personally- she seemed like a great mother and obviously made Aaron happy for however long they were married.
Besides, you could take a guess as to what happened to Haley. Your fling with Aaron lasted for a fun few months, neither of you ever expecting anything other than sex whenever you met up, so when you and Aaron had decided to stop seeing each other, it was completely amicable. He had explained that the BAU was closing in on a serial killer who was going after him and his family, and you did not want to be involved in that mess. The fact that Haley died right as a serial killer was chasing her… that definitely wasn’t just a coincidence.
The tension was thick in the room as the two of you desperately searched for how to continue the conversation. What were you supposed to say after finding out your fuck buddy’s ex wife was murdered?
You started talking before your brain could even process what you were saying. “Well, like told you, if you ever need somebody to help you pick up those broken pieces...”
He ignored you, electing to direct the conversation in his own direction. “You know, I read the paper you were working on,” he said casually, and that sure caught you by surprise.
“You did?” you asked.
“You piqued my interest,” he admitted. “Your professor and I worked on a few cases together, so he gave me a copy. It was good. You are much more professional on paper.”
“I could say the same about you,” you countered, and he gave you a hint of a genuine smile.
“Although I did notice that you didn’t mention The People vs. Michaelson anywhere in it.” There was something in his voice that put you on edge. You could feel yourself walking into his trap, but you couldn’t help yourself. You wanted to know more.
You shrugged. “Well, I got some shit information about the case.”
For a split second, you thought you saw a flash of the old Aaron, but just as quickly as it came, it disappeared, and he was business as usual. “What intrigued me even more, however,” he continued, completely ignoring your previous comment. “Was that you didn’t mention recidivism at all, which is what that case is all about. Your thesis was on jury selection. Why ask me about the case if you weren’t going to use the information for school?”
You glared at him and clenched your hands into fists, your nails digging into your palms. What a dick. He knew why you were interested in the case- it mirrored your father’s situation almost perfectly. You were 12 the first time your father was arrested. When your mom realized that your dad was involved with some shady people, she immediately turned him into the cops to protect you. The prosecutor barely even tried during the case and your dad was in and out of prison within two years. The day he was released, he came right back to your home and killed your mom out of revenge. He’s now rotting in a max security prison for life, but you were still angry that he even had the opportunity to come after your mom. It’s why you wanted to become a prosecutor in the first place, so that you could ensure these criminals were actually brought to justice.
Aaron knew all that. You realized as he began to inch the case file closer to you that he was just trying to knock you off balance. The actual interrogation hadn’t even started yet. “And you say that I’m the one who gets under people’s skin,” you snapped at him.
Aaron humed to himself, arrogance oozing off of him. If you weren’t so angry at him, you would have thought it was hot. “You’re currently interning at DuPont and Associates?” You nodded, annoyed at him brushing off your last comment. “What do you know about the recent string of murders in the area?” Aaron asked.
Your eyebrows furrowed at his question. “Um… Just what they’re saying on the news? Somebody has been killing a bunch of people whose cases were dismissed because of technicalities- their Miranda rights were read incorrectly and that kind of stuff. I haven’t really been keeping up,” you admitted, still unsure of why you were there.
Aaron flipped open the case files, and instead of gruesome crime scene photos, you just saw legal briefs. More shocking, however, was that they were all legal briefs you had helped write. “Each of these victims had their initial cases through duPont and Associates, and we found that you were the only person who assisted on every case. What did you think about those dismissals? Some of these people really should have been locked up, wouldn’t you agree?”
Your mouth opened and closed as you tried desperately to find the words to say. Unconsciously, you started to tug at the handcuff again, as if they would suddenly just release you if you fought it enough. “Maybe, but that’s not really my decision,” you said disdainfully. Then the fear and realization slowly creeped into you. “Wait you don’t… you guys don’t think I did this, do you?” Your voice was rough and panicky.
Aaron placed his hands on the cold metal of the interrogation table, his fingers interlocked. His FBI Unit Chief exterior melted away ever so slightly. “No, I don’t,” he said softly, and his use of “I” instead of “We” did not go unnoticed by you. You weren’t sure if you were comforted by that or not. “But you are our best lead right now, and I think you know more than you realize. We have reason to believe that the unsub works for the law firm you’re interning at and is playing out a vigilante fantasy and considering you are the only one who actually worked on every single case, we need to use you and your position at the firm to get more intel.”
We need to use you. He realized his slip before he even finished his sentence. It was innocuous enough that his team probably didn’t even notice it; He was just letting a potential witness know that they were going to be an important part of the investigation. But you knew Aaron better than that, and you could see the wheels turning in his brain as he tried to figure out how to go back on what he just said.
You gave him a smirk and brought your elbows up on the table, steepling your fingers. Of course you were going to help them, whatever they needed. You’d do that even if Aaron wasn’t involved. But after being forcibly brought to the interrogation room, you figured you could make him sweat a little. “Oh Aaron, I’m flattered that you think I could be an asset to the BAU’s investigation. But if you want something from me, you’re going to have to ask for it.”
You got him right where you wanted him. You knew he wasn’t going to be happy with the roll reversal, using his own words against him. But you missed the playful banter between you and Aaron, and nobody knew how to get you off the way he did. Aaron had quite literally ruined sex for you, much to your disappointment. The other people you had slept with since meeting Aaron all lacked the confidence and intelligence that Aaron brought to every meeting, and they could never walk that fine line of fucking you like they adored you and hated you at the same time.
The way that Aaron would demand you to ask and use your words was more than just a way for him to remain in control, although you knew that was definitely part of it. And it was more than just checking for consent- that always came earlier and you had your safeword. No, it was more than all of that. He wanted to hear you beg for the things you wanted, as if he wanted to be validated; He always wanted to know that you still wanted him, which you did. So you just kept asking him for things, and he happily kept giving them to you.
Aaron looked downright murderous, his eyebrows scrunched together and his breathing getting heavier. He stood up and slammed the case file shut. “I’m not going to ask for anything, because where I’m standing, I have the control here. In case you forgot, you’re in handcuffs and I can walk out of here whenever I want.” But even as he said it, he stayed exactly where he was, his hands on the table and leaning down so that he was closer to you.
In return, you just arched your eyebrow at him, waiting for his question. He had to ask you for the sake of his job and the case and you both knew it, and you got a strange satisfaction from watching him have to ask you for something for once. He stared at you for a few moments, jaw clenching, until he realized the entire BAU team was behind the two way mirror watching this situation go down. “Will you please help us with the case?” he asked through gritted teeth.
You gave him a smug smile, which only served to irritate him further. “I would love to,” you told him, your voice too sweet and too innocent. “Now can you please take my handcuffs off?”
Aaron walked towards you wordlessly, taking the keys out of his pockets. “You’ll still have to wait here for a few minutes so that you can sign some papers,” he told you, keeping his voice even, but it all changed as he kneeled next to you, slowly unlocking the handcuffs. His fingers lingered on your skin for far too long to be considered appropriate. “Don’t get too comfortable,” he whispered in your ear, voice low enough so that nobody could hear what he was saying. “You’re going to be in handcuffs for the rest of night while I punish you for that little show you decided to give everybody. Did you already forget how to not be a brat? Do I have to teach you again?”
His words made your arousal shoot straight to your core. You were released with a soft click! and you rubbed your irritated wrist lightly. “Yes,” you practically moaned, and you were sure that your face was flushed. And just like that, it was as if only a few days had passed since you and Aaron had last seen each other, instead of two years. The two of you fell back into an easy rhythm. “I still live in the same apartment. Five minutes from here.”
With that, Aaron stormed out of the interrogation room, already barking orders at the cops. “Get her processed and out of here quickly, I don’t want to spend anymore time on this,” he demanded, making a beeline to grab his stuff. Unfortunately for him, Rossi was standing right in front of Aaron’s bag, a knowing smirk on his face. Aaron stopped mid step and groaned in annoyance. “Dave, don’t.”
Rossi just ignored him. “Old friend?” he asked, stepping aside just enough to let Aaron grab his bag.
Aaron looked around quickly and was relieved to see that there were no other BAU members near them. “You could say that,” Aaron mumbled and started to walk to the doors.
To his dismay, Rossi just followed him. “She’s pretty,” Rossi hummed, and Aaron hated how easily Rossi was able to keep this conversation so casual. “Not your usual type, though.” It didn’t take a profiler to get the underlying comment: She’s young.
Aaron took an audible breath, keeping his eyes on the exit sign that seemed to be getting further and further away. “Yeah, well…” His voice trailed off, unable to find a good response.
“When did you meet her?”
Aaron paused, deciding how honest he was going to be. He figured that if anybody was going to find out, it would be Rossi, and if he was honest with Rossi now, they would be able to keep it a secret from the rest of the team. He cleared his throat. “An alumni event at George Washington. Before Foyet but after the divorce.” Another pause. “Right after the divorce,” he clarified.
Rossi just nodded understandably, a soft “Ah” coming from his lips. He would push the full story out of Aaron later, but it was obvious that Aaron was just desperate to get out of the police station. “Okay, well... I will let the team know about your emergency meeting with Strauss that she just called, which is why you’re leaving so quickly. And if they ask, from what you’re telling me, Y/N is just one of Sean’s old friends from before he dropped out of law school. I’m pretty sure you never got along with his friends, am I correct?” Sometimes, Rossi was too good at thinking on his feet.
Aaron turned to face Rossi, his mouth open and ready to argue, but he knew there was no point. With Rossi’s lie, it would keep the team from asking too many questions, at least until Aaron got his need for you out of his system. Just one night, he promised himself. That’s all I’ll need. So instead of arguing, Hotch just nodded at Rossi, a hint of a smile on his face. It made it all worth it, in Rossi’s eyes. Aaron hadn’t been this excited about a girl since Haley’s death. He deserved a night of fun. “Thank you,” Aaron breathed before swiftly stepping out of the police station.
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snowstark · 3 years
pay attention.
by @moodystark and @snowstark
Summary: Five times Bucky uses Tony’s credit card and one time Tony uses Bucky.
for @buckybarnesbingo
Ever since Bucky Barnes had moved into the tower, he couldn't help but notice Tony Stark. Of course, it was expected to see the man considering it was his tower after all, but there was something about him that made Bucky want to know more.
Maybe it was the way Tony Stark was the most sarcastic person Bucky had ever met, or how the man clearly had no self-preservation. Either way, Bucky was hooked and he had a plan to get Tony to pay attention to him, quite literally.
It all started when Clint taught Bucky how to play Mario Kart. The communal living space had a few different gaming consoles that they all shared and the Switch was no different. However, Bucky decided that he wanted his own so he could play other games. Of course, he wasn't about to spend his own money on something so expensive so he went to Tony.
Walking to the lab, Bucky opened the door, not even questioning it when JARVIS let him in. "Hey Stark, will you buy me a Nintendo Switch?" he called, making his presence known.
Tony didn’t even look up from his work, too focused on the holographic screen in front of him. “Mhm, yep, go for it, big guy,” he called back, then had the audacity to kick Bucky out of his lab.
Not the response Bucky was looking for.
A week later, Bucky was sitting in his room playing Animal Crossing on his brand new Nintendo Switch when the second idea came to him. Asking Tony for the Switch hadn't gotten him the attention he wanted so he figured he would have to ask for something even more expensive. He was sure this would work.
Saving the game, Bucky made his way to the living room where everyone was watching some TV show he wasn't interested in. "Hey Tony, do you think you could get me a first edition copy of The Hobbit? It's expensive though," he asked.
At Bucky's question, a whole group of heads looked at him, with Steve asking just how much a book could possibly cost.
"A hundred...thousand," Bucky replied, rubbing the back of his head with his hand, keeping his eyes on Tony to see his reaction.
Tony shrugged. "If it means a lot to you, Barnes, go for it. I wipe my ass with a hundred thousand."
End of discussion.
Tony didn't miss the way Bucky not-so-subtly stomped off to god knew where. In response, he called it a day and headed down to his lab.
He snapped his fingers, sliding a screen away from him, and said, "J?”
"Yes, sir?"
"If Barnes buys anything interesting... I want you to tell me." That was probably a breach of privacy, but whatever. The guy was swiping his card like it was his birthday, so it was warranted.
"Obliged, sir."
Bucky was happy with his copy of The Hobbit, don't get him wrong, but he was feeling defeated. If a hundred grand didn't get Tony's attention, what would?
Over the next few weeks, he came up with a couple of different ways to make Iron Man notice him. First, he started out by no longer asking Tony for permission. Obviously, the man had more money than he knew what to do with, so Bucky figured he wouldn't even notice if some of it went missing.
He did feel bad spending Tony's money recklessly, but the Harley he purchased was well worth it. Besides, Tony didn't even flinch when he told him that he had used his card to buy it.
The next time he used Tony's card, Bucky decided to get a bit weird. Like, purchase a life-size cut-out of Iron Man kind of weird. In his search for the cut-out, he also managed to stumble upon a bunch of merch, so he added two t-shirts, sweatpants, a pair of boxers, and some socks to his cart, all embroidered with Iron Man on them.
There was no way Tony wouldn't pay attention to that purchase or Bucky when he wore the items around the tower. Plus, the boxers made his ass look good.
Tony laughed when he saw what Bucky was wearing for the first time. He patted Bucky's shoulder. "If you wanted a signature, sweetcheeks, you could've just asked."
It was adorable, really, how Tony was turning a blind eye to all of Bucky's efforts.
And evidently, frustrating.
And maybe—just maybe—seeing that flash of yearning flit across Bucky's face was what kept Tony going.
After months of trying to get Tony's attention, Bucky decided to make one last purchase. If this one didn't work then it would be clear the man wasn't interested and he would leave him alone.
The purchase wasn't just any purchase though. Bucky had decided to look at spanking paddles, scrolling through multiple websites to find one he felt would get Tony's attention.
Finally, he came across one that was perfect.
An expensive red leather paddle with the word "Mine" engraved into the leather. It wasn't the kind of paddle where the words were marked into the skin with each spank, but Bucky figured the phrase alone was good enough.
All of the Stark Pads had Tony's bank account information attached and so, with no hesitation, he hit "purchase," not even bothering to ask JARVIS.
Tony had been alerted to his purchase immediately. He expected Bucky to buy a few interesting things but he hadn't expected this.
He had been working in the lab when JARVIS told him: "Sir, Mr. Barnes has made a purchase that I have deemed interesting."
"And what would that be, J?"
Tony grinned, expecting it to be something harmless like another book, but boy, was he wrong.
"It appears he has purchased a spanking paddle made of leather, Sir."
Tony's grin fell off of his face, a groan making its way out of his mouth. "A spanking paddle, really Barnes?" he wondered out loud.
"There's something else you should know, Sir. The paddle has the word "Mine" engraved into it."
Bucky Barnes was trying to kill him.
For a few days, there was only radio silence from Tony, and certainly no sight of him. That was disappointing. Bucky had thought the last purchase would've earned him some well-deserved attention. And, well, he supposed there was no more to it now. If Tony had gotten the hint, he would've come to see him about his latest purchase for sure.
That was until Bucky came back to the Tower with a Starbucks drink in his hand to see Tony waiting for him.
Tony flashed him a grin. "Hey, soldier. Good walk?"
A mute nod from Bucky, but his heartbeat picked up.
Tony sauntered forward, hands clasped behind his back. He tilted his head, appraising the man in front of him for a few moments, then drew out the very paddle Bucky had ordered a few days ago from behind himself.
Bucky froze.
Tony smirked.
He looked down at the object in his hands, turning it over to expose the word MINE. "Very nice choice," he commented lightly. "You have good taste."
Sputtering, Bucky was silent for a moment before speaking. "Yeah well, didn't think you cared for it much," he grumbled. He felt like a child standing there in front of the man he had worked so hard to gain the affection of. So sue him if he was a little grumpy about the whole situation.
Tony's eyebrows shot up. "Oh, so now you're giving me an attitude?" He shook his head, chuckling. "Look, Barnes. What do you want from me, huh?" He flipped the paddle over in his hand, then stepped closer to Bucky, tilting his head. "I can't know if you don't tell me."
"It doesn't matter, Stark. It's obvious you aren't interested," Bucky replied, starting the walk toward the elevator that led up to the Avenger's floors.
“Like hell, it doesn't matter." Tony yanked Bucky back by his shoulder and held the paddle out. "Tell me what this says."
Bucky paused, staring down at the paddle even though he knew exactly what it said. "It says "Mine."
Tony leaned closer. "Now tell me what it means."
"I want to be yours, if you'll have me," Bucky spoke softly, swirling around the straw in his cup.
“I said, tell me what it means.” Tony stared Bucky down.
"It means I'm yours and I-I want you to spank me… Sir," Bucky stuttered, tacking on the last part.
"That's what I thought." Tony quirked a brow. "So then where the hell do you think you're going? I mean, you used my card to buy this, and you're not even gonna let me try it out? What a waste of money."
“Up to your room?” Bucky asked hopefully. He was beginning to think he had this all wrong and Tony was just mad that he had bought the paddle using his card.
Tony grinned, and it was shark-like and hungry. “Bingo.”
It took them about 0.5 seconds to make their way to Tony’s floor, and the moment they stepped out of the elevator, Tony snapped his fingers and pointed.
“Get over the arm of the couch,” he ordered, twirling the paddle in his hands. “Time to pay your debt, sweetcheeks.”
Bucky let out a laugh before following Tony's instructions, bending over the arm of the couch. He wasn't nervous about the man using the paddle on him—Bucky could handle pain. He was more excited than anything else, finally, he was getting the attention he had been craving.
"Greedy," Tony muttered under his breath, then slapped the paddle against his palm, making Bucky jump—which, good.
Bucky's lips parted in a silent gasp of surprise when Tony laid down a smack without warning, making heat bloom in his cheek.
Tony grinned. "What, you like that?"
"Wouldn't have bought it if I didn't like it, doll," he replied cheekily, feeling more secure of himself now that it was actually happening.
Tony paused. "What'd you just call me?"
Bucky frowned, turning his head to face Tony. "I'm sorry, do you not like that pet name? I won't call you it again."
Tony stared back at him, then said softly, “Wrong name, pal. I’m not doll. I’m Daddy.”
Bucky shivered at that.
Calling Tony Daddy? Yeah, he could do that.
"Yes, Daddy."
"There you go." Tony felt a rush of satisfaction at that, and he rewarded Bucky silently with a small whack of the paddle that he knew had to be louder than painful. "You know, it's not my first time paddling a brat."
"Not a brat," Bucky mumbled, blushing lightly.
“No?” Tony’s eyebrows shot up, and he landed another crack, hard enough for Bucky to really feel it this time. “That’s not why you bought ridiculously expensive items on my card, huh?” Crack. “Not why you tried to goad me into doing this.” Crack! “I mean, was it worth it? Are you pleased with yourself?”
"I-I'm sorry Daddy. I just wanted y-your attention," Bucky gasped, whining each time the paddle made contact with his backside. The description for the paddle had been accurate when it said it would sting.
"Yeah? Are you enjoying it now? Because you definitely have my full attention." Tony paused, then ordered, "Get your pants and boxers off. I wanna see how red your ass is."
Bucky made quick work pulling down his pants and boxers, letting out a little laugh when he realized he was wearing the Iron Man boxers. A little shiver went through his body once his ass was exposed to the cold air in the room.
Although Tony had gotten a few decent swats in, Bucky's cheeks were only slightly colored, his jeans taking the brunt of the spankings. If this was how it felt to get the man's attention, Bucky was more than happy to continue his antics.
"Brat," Tony muttered under his breath. He rested the paddle on Bucky's left ass cheek, then pinched his right one, hard. "You're not learning a single thing, are you?"
Bucky yelped at the pinch. "I don't know. Maybe you should spank me again just in case," he sassed, wiggling his ass teasingly.
"Maybe I should," Tony agreed. He brought the paddle down in a harsh swing, the crack echoing throughout the room. "Maybe I should paddle your ass red until you're crying and your voice is raw from begging me to stop. Maybe I should paddle you to make sure that you learn some fucking manners. Or maybe I shouldn't paddle you at all, because that would just be rewarding your bad behavior."
"W-Whatever you want, Daddy. I'll be good," Bucky promised, focusing on the warm heat radiating throughout his ass.
“I know,” Tony purred. “I know you are. Gotta pay me back somehow.” He paused and rested the paddle on Bucky’s ass. “You ever done this before, Barnes? I mean, don’t we need like, a... safeword, or something?”
“The 1930s were kinkier than people expect,” Bucky commented before pausing to think. “Safewords are important. Mine is Brooklyn. Have you ever done something like this?”
“Yup,” Tony said shortly. “We’ll both stick with Brooklyn. Easier that way.” With that discussion done, he brought the paddle back down. “I’m gonna paddle you until your ass is red and you’re crying your throat raw for forgiveness.”
Bucky wanted that more than anything. “Please, Daddy?” he whined, pushing his ass against the paddle.
“Since you asked so nicely,” Tony snarked. “And because you deserve it.”
That was the last thing he said before properly getting into it, kicking Bucky’s legs apart before widening his own stance.
Bringing the paddle down over and over again onto Bucky’s ass brought a loud crack that resonated throughout the entire room. He kept going until Bucky’s ass was red, and he didn’t miss the way his cock was starting to chub up.
He snorted and rested the paddle on Bucky’s ass. “Look at you, getting off on this. Who would’ve thought? The big, bad soldier, about to blow his load because he’s getting his ass beat.”
"Daddy," Bucky whimpered, digging his fingers into the couch. Not only did he have a thing for spanking but he had a thing for humiliation and degradation as well. The combination of the two was almost enough to send him over the edge, especially when it was Tony fulfilling his kinks.
Taking a deep breath, he worked to stave off his orgasm, not wanting to embarrass himself further by coming so quickly and untouched.
Unfortunately for Bucky, Tony quickly realized exactly what he was doing, and made it his goal to get Bucky off, because he said with a grin evident in his tone, “I bet you could even come untouched from this.”
He laughed when Bucky let out a small, low whimper, and crack went the paddle. “See? I knew it. God, you’re so fucking filthy, Barnes. Daddy’s gonna make you come, right fucking now.”
Bucky let out a loud moan at that, digging his fingers into the couch even harder as he pushed over the edge into the white-heat of orgasm. His cock twitching, releasing his load onto the side of the couch.
He hadn't come like that in a long time and couldn't recall a time where he had come untouched. Breathing hard, he slumped forward, resting his entire weight on the furniture.
“Well, would you look at that?” Tony sounded simultaneously fascinated and turned on.
Bucky turned his head to watch and flushed when Tony ran his fingers through his come before bringing it up to his mouth, sucking obscenely.
He grinned when he caught Bucky staring. “What? I’m cleaning up your mess.”
Bucky groaned, running his hands down his face. "Fucking hell, Stark. You tryin’ to kill me?" he asked, pulling his boxers back up, hissing at the feeling of the tight fabric over his ass.
"What happened to Daddy?" Tony retorted, then ran three of his fingers through the mess again and held it out to Bucky, sending a shudder through his entire body from head to toe. "Now it's your turn. I can only do so much for you when you’re the one who made the mess, honey."
Bucky happily took the three fingers into his mouth, sucking them clean, all while maintaining eye contact with Tony. Releasing them with a pop, Bucky leaned in closer to Tony before whispering in his ear.
"Thank you, Daddy."
Tony's lips parted in a silent groan, and he closed his eyes momentarily before looking at Bucky. "I think we've done things a bit backward, soldier. What d'you say to being treated to dinner by me?" He raised an eyebrow. "Italian sound good?"
"Sounds perfect, although I'm sure I'd eat anything you suggested," Bucky commented playfully.
At Tony's eye-roll, Bucky looked around the room, smirking when he noticed his metal arm had torn the fabric in the height of his orgasm. “Hey Daddy, can I use your card to buy a new couch?”
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fandom-monium · 3 years
For the Holidays - Part 3
Summary: In which Spencer doesn’t want to go to his high school reunion, but you tagging along changes things. “Please, we're FBI agents. I think we have enough stealth training to get by.”
WC: 2k
Tags/Warnings: Spencer Reid x GN!Reader, fake-dating trope, pining (so much pining), fluff, descriptions of panic/anxiety (non-extreme), defensive Spencer, angst but not from unnecessary trauma, emotional-support Reader, reunion arc, song fic
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I'm at a party I don't wanna be at And I don't ever wear a suit and tie, yeah Wondering if I could sneak out the back Nobody's even looking me in my eyes Then you take my hand Finish my drink, say, "Shall we dance?" (Hell, yeah) You know I love ya, did I ever tell ya? You make it better like that
You shield your eyes, “Your class sure knows how to throw a party.”
Immediately, you’re blinded by white and gold, the strobe lights bouncing off the matching streamers and balloons surrounding you. Gingerbread and peppermint bombards your noses as Mariah Carey blasts from the overhead speakers, well-dressed men and women swaying all over the gymnasium. Others laugh, walk around, eat, catching up with old friends. It reminds you of a middle school winter formal, aside from the understandable sophistication that comes with age. And the alcohol.
However, there’s hundreds of faces; they’re worn, deep-set, and wrinkled over time but Spencer would recognize them anywhere.
Memories flood in. His heart rate skyrockets.
No, no, no! Not now!
You feel Spencer tense next to you before you see it. His eyes are unblinking and his breathing quickens.
You don’t hesitate, dragging him aside and sticking to the wall.
“I-I’m so-sorry,” Spencer manages between shuttered breaths.
"Sorry? For what?" You don’t look at him, gently guiding him with a hand on his back, eyes searching. You stop next to a Christmas tree. Perfect. Shadowed, private. No one will look twice at a couple in a secluded corner.
Spencer ducks his chin, “F-for all this.”
Although Underneath the Christmas Tree thunders overhead, you still catch the small whimper that escapes him. Your chest tightens; you knew he was bullied, but what the hell did these people do to make him react like this?
Knowing you won’t get answers now, you rest his back against the wall, shielding him from prying eyes. “Reid, it’s fine.”
“No, it’s not 'fine',” He rasps, shaking his head. He tries to focus on something⎼anything⎼but tears muddle his vision. So he shuts his eyes and presses a hand over his pounding heart, willing it to calm down. It refuses. “You came all this way to help me, and-and now I’m wasting your time⎼”
“Woah, hold up,” You grasp his free arm, stepping closer and trying to meet his eyes. Mindful of his aversion to touch and his germaphobic tendencies, you leave a sliver of space. 
It doesn’t go unnoticed. Spencer feels your warmth bloom even through the sleeve of his blazer. 
“You have nothing to apologize for. None of this was a waste of time, and honestly, I still would have come along had you asked, even if I didn’t have to act as your partner.” Your smile turns shy as you add, “And for what it’s worth, I had a lot of fun today.” 
Your words, while an attempt to comfort him, only sends his heart into hyper-speed. He finally meets your gaze, blinking through unshed tears. “Really?”
Your eyes, tender and earnest, sparkle in the strobe lights. Spencer thinks, if you keep looking at him like that, he might kiss you.
He doesn't even notice his heartbeat leveling as you lace your hand over his tentatively pulling it away from his pounding heart. He flushes when you don’t let go. “Reid, this can wait. Whatever your bullies told you, whatever they did, you prove them wrong every time you put a bad guy behind bars, every time you finish a geo-profile, every time you save a life. You can always try another time. If it really is too much, we can leave now and you can show me that first bar you went to, the one that gave you shots of apple juice?”
Your smile broadens as Spencer gives you a wobbly grin. "You think anyone will notice us leaving?"
You snort, "Please, we're FBI agents. I think we have enough stealth training to get by."
Spencer chuckles. Without another word you pull away from him, leading him towards the exit, hands still intertwined as the double doors come into view. Then you feel Spencer resist and you pause, glancing over your shoulder. 
He’s looking at you, and for the first time, you see him looking at you like he’s never done before. 
But he has. The only difference is it’s completely unrestrained. Spencer has looked at you like this time and time again⎼eyes soft and brimming with adoration⎼never to your face, always held back in fear of what it could mean, how’d you react.
Right now he doesn’t care. He just… wants you to know. To understand.
You chalk it up to the lighting. 
“I know I said this already, but,” His eyes crinkle and his voice, though wavers, is laced with such warmth, you nearly melt on the spot. “I’m really glad you’re here.”
… Oh dear. Only Dr. Spencer Reid could knock the air out of you with just words.
Not sure of what else to say, you bite your lip and nod, lips threatening to turn into a full blown grin. “Me too.” You ignore the way your heart pounds. 
Not now.
Satisfied, he moves to leave, tugging you behind him as you approach the exit.
“Spencer Reid? Is that you?”
You freeze.
We at a party we don't wanna be at Tryna talk, but we can't hear ourselves Read your lips, I'd rather kiss 'em right back With all these people all around
I'm crippled with anxiety But I'm told it's where we're s'posed to be You know what? It's kinda crazy 'cause I really don't mind When you make it better like that
It’s been over a decade. Her voice comes hesitant, deeper than he remembers but he could never forget.
Your voice shakes him out of his stupor and he glances at you.
Right, he’s got you. He’s safe with you. 
You frown. “Who’s this?”
Before he can conjure an answer (he’s not even sure if he wants to), the woman steps up, “Hi, I’m Alexa Lisbon. I was Reid’s… classmate.” She says it slow, like she’s not entirely sure either, offering a hand and a tight-lipped smile. You introduce yourself, taking her hand.
Spencer wishes he brought a bottle of hand sanitizer. 
Honestly, the one time he doesn’t bother? IQ 187, my ass.
Pushing down his discomfort, he inches himself between Alexa and you, despite the subtle tremble in his hands.
It’s actually her. She's aged just like everyone around them, wrinkles by her eyes and smile lines at her painted lips. What the hell could she have smiled about after what she did to him?
She's still pretty though. He hates that he still thinks she's pretty.
Alexa’s eyes roam over him, and his skin crawls. "Wow, it’s been so long. You’ve grown.“
“Thanks, it’s the trauma. You know, from working for the FBI, among other things,” He spits out the last part. He feels you press against his side, a warning. He doesn’t care. 
If his biting tone affects Alexa, she doesn’t show it. “Right, right. You’re in the FBI now. That’s amazing,” She trails off, rolling her lips anxiously and clearing her throat. “Hey… can we talk in private?” 
Memories flash like snapshots. 
The grass field. The sports shed. A blank-faced audience.
Spencer bristles, “Whatever you have to say, you can say it in front of (Your Name). Why? You want to laugh at me? Criticize me? Stri-” You adjust your hand in his, reminding him he’s not alone. He grits his teeth. 
He almost feels guilty when Alexa flinches. Almost.
“Okay,” Her tone is soothing, careful like she’s addressing a cornered animal. Her gaze flicks between you two, hesitating. “If it makes you feel better, you can bring (Your Name), but we really need to speak with you.”
Spencer’s brow furrows. “We?”
Alexa steps aside, nodding past the crowd of drunken dancing, waiting for him to decide.
“It’ll be okay,” You watch him from the corner of your eye. It’s strange; you’ve witnessed Spencer snap a few times, usually to unsubs, people who deserved sharp tongues and razored vocabulary. There were rare occasions when the two of you had your spats, but he never lashed out at you. Not like this.
You wonder what Alexa Lisbon did to warrant such hostility. 
“She’s not an unsub, Reid,” He shivers, your whisper brushing against his ear. He clenches his jaw as he stares down Alexa, but he leans into you, listening. “You’re going to be fine. I’ll be right behind you the whole time.”
And you swear if something happens to Spencer, you’ll kill everyone in the room and then yourself.
Apparently, that’s enough for him as he steps after Alexa, weaving through the mass of bodies. His grip tightens around your hand. Eventually, Alexa stops and you find yourselves at the farthest corner of the gym, by the dining tables.
Suddenly, Spencer wants to run. To throw up. 
Like Alexa their faces have aged, matured as he expected. Some have gained and lost weight, dressed completely different than back in the day, while others look like the world treated them so, so kindly. It makes him grimace. 
Of course the universe decided his tormentors didn’t need to suffer after what they did. He’d expect nothing else. Karma is nothing if not a bitch.
Maybe he can projectile vomit onto them.
Wait, he doesn’t have the abdominal strength to do that. Damn it.
“Spencer Reid,” Harper Hillman breathes, as if she’s testing the way it rolls off of her tongue. Like his name is new to her. Makes sense, considering all they’ve ever called him was anything but his name. She stands from her chair, smile tight-lipped like Alexa’s. “I didn’t think you’d make it.”
Spencer gestures lamely. “Well, here I am.”
“Yeah, um, would you like to sit? We saved you a seat,” Harper’s gaze switches between Spencer and the table. 
They saved him a seat? They saved him a seat? 
Who are these people? 
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Spencer shifts his stance, eyes flitting over each face but never lingering, unable to look them in the eye for long. “I’d rather stand, thanks.“
“Oh, no problem. You remember everyone, right?” Harper glances at Alexa, the few members of the football team that showed up, gesturing to them. 
“I have an eidetic memory and an IQ of 187,” Spencer’s face hardens. “What do you think?”
To his delight and astonishment, Harper has the sense to look flustered. “Right, almost forgot about that.”
Spencer nods, toeing the hardwood with his converses. The atmosphere is so thick. Seconds go by.
Alexa clears her throat, “Well-uh⎼”
“What do you want?” Spencer grinds out, one hand fisted in his pocket while the other grips yours tighter. He hasn't even been there for an hour, and already he’s tired and afraid. Whatever they had to say, he wants to get it over with.
Mouths open and close as they try to come up with an answer. Harper, Alexa, the entire group trade hesitant looks, like they had a plan and it wasn’t going accordingly. Like they’re not sure how to proceed. Or who should lead the assault.
Then a nod from Alexa and they stand almost in unison. Spencer’s eyes narrow when Harper smoothes down her dress and tugs at her collar, while Alexa wrings her hands together and bites the inside of her cheek. They all exchange looks between each other and the football team, even they look apprehensive, shoulders tense. Readied.
Oh my god they’re going to jump him. Pin him down and strip him naked again. 
“Reid,” Alexa starts, the group stepping forward as if backing her up. 
Waiting, probably for a signal, Spencer realizes. His stomach turns to lead.
“We want to say…”
Well, good fucking luck. The gym is packed with witnesses, and he’s 90% sure you’d risk your job, bust their kneecaps before you’d let them touch him.
It’s a bold but foolish move, really⎼
“We’re sorry.”
He braces himself.
…Wait. ‘Sorry’?
All his brain function stutters to a halt.
AN: 3/4?? 
guess who wrote 4k just to set up a song-fic?? *raises hand* 
yes this entire fic was inspired by I Don’t Care by Ed Sheeran and Justin Bieber okay dont come for me
we all need an emotional-support reader in our lives
also my first reid angst i hope i set the tone and pacing right, wrote it a lot differently :| 
If y'all notice the reference to starstruck by @spacedikut?? Just a small dedication/tribute thingy to them bc I love and appreciate their everything 😚💛
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