#aaron hotcner smut
the-modernmary · 3 years
my best habit || aaron hotchner x reader (ch. 1)
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Summary: When Aaron Hotchner ended your affair with him, saying that a serial killer was going after him and his family, you were content with the idea that you’d probably never see him again. Two years have come and gone since then, but when you get dragged into an FBI investigation as a key witness, you and Hotch are forced to come face to face with all the things left unsaid.
Warnings: n/a
A/N: Thank you for all of the love on the prologue!! like WOW i couldn't have expected that big of a response so THANK YOU!!! As a reminder: I already have the first 17 chapters out on ao3, so I will be updating on here pretty quickly! This takes place two years after the prologue, and this is where the actual storyline starts!
masterlist || read on ao3
Anything you say can and will be held against you
So only say my name
It will be held against you
-Fall Out Boy, “Just One Yesterday”
Present Day- Two Years Later
You tugged at the handcuff that was attaching you to the interrogation table, hoping that if you glared at it enough, it would just go away. One minute, you were at your apartment and getting ready to go out with some of your friends, and the next minute Metro D.C. police were banging on your door, ordering you to go with them, no charges and no explanation.
So now you were just stuck, sitting and waiting for somebody to tell you what the hell this all was about. Law school had taught you enough about interrogation tactics, and they were pulling out all of the stops- turning down the room temperature, forcing you to sit in the most uncomfortable chair you’ve ever been in, and just making you be by yourself in the metal room. A small part of you was nervous, but mostly you were just confused. You couldn’t think of anything you’d done that would warrant your arrest.
Just as the isolation of the room was about to get to you, the door swung open and in walked two people. The first one was a petite blonde woman and following her was a younger looking man in a cardigan. You narrowed your eyes slightly at the site of them. You had expected the usual “good cop/bad cop” technique, but neither of these cops looked very intimidating.
“Hi there,” the woman spoke, sliding into the chair across from you. “My name is Agent Jareau and this is Dr. Reid. We’re here to ask you a few questions.”
Her name sounded familiar, but you couldn’t quite place where you knew it from. You raised an eyebrow and jutted your head towards Dr. Reid. “Is the handsome one not an agent?” you asked, leaning back in your chair.
Dr. Reid seemed unphased by your question, as if he was used to that question. “I am an agent. But I also have three doctorates,” he answered.
You just smirked at him before looking back at Agent Jareau. She had placed a file on the table, the seal of the FBI practically staring you in the face. Whatever they brought you in for was an FBI matter? Oh, you were definitely screwed. You tried to keep your cool. “So are you guys going to actually charge me with anything, or are you just going to hold me for 72 hours until you find something to stick?” you accused.
Agent Jareau shook her head, and you were still desperately trying to remember how you knew that name. “The faster you cooperate, the faster we can let you go.” It didn’t go unnoticed to you that she refused to answer your question. She leaned over the table slightly to slide the file towards you and you caught a glimpse of her ID. Everything came back to you at once.
Jennifer Jareau. FBI. Business cards. “You can set up a formal meeting with me at the BAU…” Holy shit, you did know that name.
You laughed softly to yourself and crossed your legs as the memories came flooding back. “Okay, I’ll cooperate,” you agreed, but you were looking directly at the two way mirror. “But only if I can speak to your unit chief. It still is Aaron Hotchner, correct?” Your voice was innocent enough to not be too suspicious, but you knew it would drive Aaron crazy. It was the same voice you would use when he had a fistfull of your hair and you were promising to be his good girl.
You could only imagine what was going on behind that two way mirror; Aaron’s team looking at him with complete and utter confusion, trying to figure out how you knew him, all while Aaron was probably clenching his teeth, red with anger. Maybe if you made him mad enough, he would bend you over the interrogation table once everybody else had left.
Jennifer and Dr. Reid shared a quick glance before looking back at you. Dr. Reid spoke first. “It would be best if we could go over our questions with you first.”
You bopped your head, pretending to think it over. “I get it, the two of you have a job to do and you have a strategy to stay in control, so I’ll give you guys a choice. You can let me speak to Agent Hotchner or I lawyer up and invoke the 5th.”
Like clockwork, the door swung open violently and Aaron stormed in. “I’ll take it from here,” he ordered, and the other two agents quickly shuffled out of the room.
He sat down in the seat across from you and you just raised the hand that was handcuffed to the table, wiggling your fingers. He was pissed, you could tell, and you loved every second of it. You leaned over the table, signalling for him to move closer to you. He hesitated, which earned him a roll of your eyes, but he eventually leaned over the table too.
“If you wanted me in handcuffs again for you, you didn’t have to go through all this effort. My phone number hasn’t changed,” you whispered, low enough so that the group watching on the other side of the mirror couldn’t hear. He refused to answer and instead just pulled back to his normal seated position. Ever the good agent, Aaron’s face went back to it’s normal, stoic look, and it made you pout. You wanted to get more of a rise out of him.
“Miss. Y/L/N,” he said cooly. “Why don’t we get started?” You realized with a sinking feeling that he was already starting to lose interest in you flirting, his attention focused back on the task at hand, attention that you selfishly wanted all to yourself.
You slipped off the heels you were wearing and stretched your leg out so that your foot could brush against his leg. If you couldn’t touch him with your hands right now, you were going to make sure he could feel you in some way. His eyes shot up to yours, giving you a warning look, as if to say “Stop right now or I’m going to make you.”
You knew that look too well, craved for it even. You just responded with a smirk and dropped your foot, relishing in the fact that he actually looked slightly disappointed that you stopped.
“How are Haley and Jack doing, Aaron?” you asked lazily, leaning back in your chair. “Visiting them more often?”
Aaron cleared his throat and ran his hand down his tie to flatten it, as if it had come out of place. He was always so put together at work. “Jack is fine. Haley passed away a while ago,” he said quickly, and guilt immediately engulfed you.
You lowered your gaze so that you were staring at the interrogation table. “Oh,” you mumbled. “I’m sorry.” And you really were sorry. Sure, your relationship, or lack of relationship, with Haley was weird. You were sleeping with her ex before the divorce papers had time to be fully submitted, and even though Aaron was well in his right to be with whoever he wanted, the two of you still found yourselves sneaking around with each other. But you never had anything against her personally- she seemed like a great mother and obviously made Aaron happy for however long they were married.
Besides, you could take a guess as to what happened to Haley. Your fling with Aaron lasted for a fun few months, neither of you ever expecting anything other than sex whenever you met up, so when you and Aaron had decided to stop seeing each other, it was completely amicable. He had explained that the BAU was closing in on a serial killer who was going after him and his family, and you did not want to be involved in that mess. The fact that Haley died right as a serial killer was chasing her… that definitely wasn’t just a coincidence.
The tension was thick in the room as the two of you desperately searched for how to continue the conversation. What were you supposed to say after finding out your fuck buddy’s ex wife was murdered?
You started talking before your brain could even process what you were saying. “Well, like told you, if you ever need somebody to help you pick up those broken pieces...”
He ignored you, electing to direct the conversation in his own direction. “You know, I read the paper you were working on,” he said casually, and that sure caught you by surprise.
“You did?” you asked.
“You piqued my interest,” he admitted. “Your professor and I worked on a few cases together, so he gave me a copy. It was good. You are much more professional on paper.”
“I could say the same about you,” you countered, and he gave you a hint of a genuine smile.
“Although I did notice that you didn’t mention The People vs. Michaelson anywhere in it.” There was something in his voice that put you on edge. You could feel yourself walking into his trap, but you couldn’t help yourself. You wanted to know more.
You shrugged. “Well, I got some shit information about the case.”
For a split second, you thought you saw a flash of the old Aaron, but just as quickly as it came, it disappeared, and he was business as usual. “What intrigued me even more, however,” he continued, completely ignoring your previous comment. “Was that you didn’t mention recidivism at all, which is what that case is all about. Your thesis was on jury selection. Why ask me about the case if you weren’t going to use the information for school?”
You glared at him and clenched your hands into fists, your nails digging into your palms. What a dick. He knew why you were interested in the case- it mirrored your father’s situation almost perfectly. You were 12 the first time your father was arrested. When your mom realized that your dad was involved with some shady people, she immediately turned him into the cops to protect you. The prosecutor barely even tried during the case and your dad was in and out of prison within two years. The day he was released, he came right back to your home and killed your mom out of revenge. He’s now rotting in a max security prison for life, but you were still angry that he even had the opportunity to come after your mom. It’s why you wanted to become a prosecutor in the first place, so that you could ensure these criminals were actually brought to justice.
Aaron knew all that. You realized as he began to inch the case file closer to you that he was just trying to knock you off balance. The actual interrogation hadn’t even started yet. “And you say that I’m the one who gets under people’s skin,” you snapped at him.
Aaron humed to himself, arrogance oozing off of him. If you weren’t so angry at him, you would have thought it was hot. “You’re currently interning at DuPont and Associates?” You nodded, annoyed at him brushing off your last comment. “What do you know about the recent string of murders in the area?” Aaron asked.
Your eyebrows furrowed at his question. “Um… Just what they’re saying on the news? Somebody has been killing a bunch of people whose cases were dismissed because of technicalities- their Miranda rights were read incorrectly and that kind of stuff. I haven’t really been keeping up,” you admitted, still unsure of why you were there.
Aaron flipped open the case files, and instead of gruesome crime scene photos, you just saw legal briefs. More shocking, however, was that they were all legal briefs you had helped write. “Each of these victims had their initial cases through duPont and Associates, and we found that you were the only person who assisted on every case. What did you think about those dismissals? Some of these people really should have been locked up, wouldn’t you agree?”
Your mouth opened and closed as you tried desperately to find the words to say. Unconsciously, you started to tug at the handcuff again, as if they would suddenly just release you if you fought it enough. “Maybe, but that’s not really my decision,” you said disdainfully. Then the fear and realization slowly creeped into you. “Wait you don’t… you guys don’t think I did this, do you?” Your voice was rough and panicky.
Aaron placed his hands on the cold metal of the interrogation table, his fingers interlocked. His FBI Unit Chief exterior melted away ever so slightly. “No, I don’t,” he said softly, and his use of “I” instead of “We” did not go unnoticed by you. You weren’t sure if you were comforted by that or not. “But you are our best lead right now, and I think you know more than you realize. We have reason to believe that the unsub works for the law firm you’re interning at and is playing out a vigilante fantasy and considering you are the only one who actually worked on every single case, we need to use you and your position at the firm to get more intel.”
We need to use you. He realized his slip before he even finished his sentence. It was innocuous enough that his team probably didn’t even notice it; He was just letting a potential witness know that they were going to be an important part of the investigation. But you knew Aaron better than that, and you could see the wheels turning in his brain as he tried to figure out how to go back on what he just said.
You gave him a smirk and brought your elbows up on the table, steepling your fingers. Of course you were going to help them, whatever they needed. You’d do that even if Aaron wasn’t involved. But after being forcibly brought to the interrogation room, you figured you could make him sweat a little. “Oh Aaron, I’m flattered that you think I could be an asset to the BAU’s investigation. But if you want something from me, you’re going to have to ask for it.”
You got him right where you wanted him. You knew he wasn’t going to be happy with the roll reversal, using his own words against him. But you missed the playful banter between you and Aaron, and nobody knew how to get you off the way he did. Aaron had quite literally ruined sex for you, much to your disappointment. The other people you had slept with since meeting Aaron all lacked the confidence and intelligence that Aaron brought to every meeting, and they could never walk that fine line of fucking you like they adored you and hated you at the same time.
The way that Aaron would demand you to ask and use your words was more than just a way for him to remain in control, although you knew that was definitely part of it. And it was more than just checking for consent- that always came earlier and you had your safeword. No, it was more than all of that. He wanted to hear you beg for the things you wanted, as if he wanted to be validated; He always wanted to know that you still wanted him, which you did. So you just kept asking him for things, and he happily kept giving them to you.
Aaron looked downright murderous, his eyebrows scrunched together and his breathing getting heavier. He stood up and slammed the case file shut. “I’m not going to ask for anything, because where I’m standing, I have the control here. In case you forgot, you’re in handcuffs and I can walk out of here whenever I want.” But even as he said it, he stayed exactly where he was, his hands on the table and leaning down so that he was closer to you.
In return, you just arched your eyebrow at him, waiting for his question. He had to ask you for the sake of his job and the case and you both knew it, and you got a strange satisfaction from watching him have to ask you for something for once. He stared at you for a few moments, jaw clenching, until he realized the entire BAU team was behind the two way mirror watching this situation go down. “Will you please help us with the case?” he asked through gritted teeth.
You gave him a smug smile, which only served to irritate him further. “I would love to,” you told him, your voice too sweet and too innocent. “Now can you please take my handcuffs off?”
Aaron walked towards you wordlessly, taking the keys out of his pockets. “You’ll still have to wait here for a few minutes so that you can sign some papers,” he told you, keeping his voice even, but it all changed as he kneeled next to you, slowly unlocking the handcuffs. His fingers lingered on your skin for far too long to be considered appropriate. “Don’t get too comfortable,” he whispered in your ear, voice low enough so that nobody could hear what he was saying. “You’re going to be in handcuffs for the rest of night while I punish you for that little show you decided to give everybody. Did you already forget how to not be a brat? Do I have to teach you again?”
His words made your arousal shoot straight to your core. You were released with a soft click! and you rubbed your irritated wrist lightly. “Yes,” you practically moaned, and you were sure that your face was flushed. And just like that, it was as if only a few days had passed since you and Aaron had last seen each other, instead of two years. The two of you fell back into an easy rhythm. “I still live in the same apartment. Five minutes from here.”
With that, Aaron stormed out of the interrogation room, already barking orders at the cops. “Get her processed and out of here quickly, I don’t want to spend anymore time on this,” he demanded, making a beeline to grab his stuff. Unfortunately for him, Rossi was standing right in front of Aaron’s bag, a knowing smirk on his face. Aaron stopped mid step and groaned in annoyance. “Dave, don’t.”
Rossi just ignored him. “Old friend?” he asked, stepping aside just enough to let Aaron grab his bag.
Aaron looked around quickly and was relieved to see that there were no other BAU members near them. “You could say that,” Aaron mumbled and started to walk to the doors.
To his dismay, Rossi just followed him. “She’s pretty,” Rossi hummed, and Aaron hated how easily Rossi was able to keep this conversation so casual. “Not your usual type, though.” It didn’t take a profiler to get the underlying comment: She’s young.
Aaron took an audible breath, keeping his eyes on the exit sign that seemed to be getting further and further away. “Yeah, well…” His voice trailed off, unable to find a good response.
“When did you meet her?”
Aaron paused, deciding how honest he was going to be. He figured that if anybody was going to find out, it would be Rossi, and if he was honest with Rossi now, they would be able to keep it a secret from the rest of the team. He cleared his throat. “An alumni event at George Washington. Before Foyet but after the divorce.” Another pause. “Right after the divorce,” he clarified.
Rossi just nodded understandably, a soft “Ah” coming from his lips. He would push the full story out of Aaron later, but it was obvious that Aaron was just desperate to get out of the police station. “Okay, well... I will let the team know about your emergency meeting with Strauss that she just called, which is why you’re leaving so quickly. And if they ask, from what you’re telling me, Y/N is just one of Sean’s old friends from before he dropped out of law school. I’m pretty sure you never got along with his friends, am I correct?” Sometimes, Rossi was too good at thinking on his feet.
Aaron turned to face Rossi, his mouth open and ready to argue, but he knew there was no point. With Rossi’s lie, it would keep the team from asking too many questions, at least until Aaron got his need for you out of his system. Just one night, he promised himself. That’s all I’ll need. So instead of arguing, Hotch just nodded at Rossi, a hint of a smile on his face. It made it all worth it, in Rossi’s eyes. Aaron hadn’t been this excited about a girl since Haley’s death. He deserved a night of fun. “Thank you,” Aaron breathed before swiftly stepping out of the police station.
163 notes · View notes
readerstories · 2 years
Family Reunion - Aaron Hotchner x male!reader 5/5
Finally, it is here, the last chapter of this fic! Hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have, and that you will enjoy this chapter ;) (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (AO3)
Warnings/tags: fake dating au, friends to lovers, fluff, flirting, smut, blowjob, handjob
Wordcount: 3931
Summary: A family reunion when you’re 40 is a big deal, and you love your family; but there’s no way you’re going in alone and single.
It had been a while since you had a hangover, but you are well acquainted with how it feels, so when you wake and feel the headache already forming and an uneasy stomach, you groan.
What isn’t familiar however, is the chest that is under you, the chest that you groaned into. Or, it is, but being this close to it is not how you usually start your mornings.
“You okay?” Hotch’s soft voice asks from somewhere above you. You sigh, resisting the urge to grab onto his t-shirt and just stay there, instead sitting up. Not opening your eyes fully just yet to be attacked by the lights sneaking past the curtains, you squint down at him.
“I think so, yeah.” Hotch hands come to rest on your hip, not doing anything besides letting warmth seep through the fabric of your clothes. “Although I must confess that after the dinner last night everything is a little... blurry.”
“I’m not surprised, you got very drunk at some point.” You close your eyes and sigh, rubbing the bridge of your nose as you feel your head remind you of that fact. “And also very cuddly.” You pretend that rubbing your face with two hands is you trying to negate your headache somewhat, instead of a bad attempt at hiding your blush.
“That tends to happen sometimes.”
“I don’t think I’ve seen it before.”
“Well, when I’m out with work, I tend to try not to get that drunk, and the few times it has happened, it has always been out with the girls.” You let your hands drop from you face, getting up and already missing Hotch’s hand on you.
“I’m going to take a shower; see you downstairs for breakfast?” You look down at Hotch, noting how soft he looks. Hair messy, wrinkly shirt, a sliver of skin showing above his hip where his pajama pants have slipped down slightly.
“See you there, I’ll have a coffee ready for you.”
“Thank you.” You grab some fresh clothes, and head for the bathroom, hoping a cold shower can help with your headache and the blush you can feel warming up your cheeks. You just hope Hotch didn’t notice.
When you get into the kitchen, Hotch does indeed hand you a coffee, steam rising above the cup. You inhale the smell deeply, taking a small sip, unsure if the somersaults your stomach is doing is because he remembers how you take your coffee or because of your hangover.
“Sleep well?” Your brother asks as he closes the fridge, apple in hand. Your answer is giving him the finger, walking over to sit down at the kitchen table, Hotch following closely behind.
“I take that as a no.” Your brother says as he settles in the chair across from you. You glare at him, leaning against Hotch as he sits down on the chair next to you.
“Honey, do you think any of your lawyer friends could get me off a murder charge?”
“Don’t think so dear, but I think they could get your sentence reduced since you were clearly guided to do so.”
“Hey!” Your brother tries again, and you just stick out your tongue at him.
“I’m pretty sure you’re one of the people at fault for this killer hangover.”
“Take an aspirin old man.”
“I’m only three years older than you! And I already have, but until it starts working, this is what you get.” Your brother gives you the finger as he gets up, which you return with closed eyes, already wishing you could return to bed and just pull the duvet over your face and stay like that for the rest of the day.
Luckily, you head does improve over time, so the day doesn’t fully go to waste, but you don’t have much energy really, so most of the day is spent on the couches in the living room watching the Golden Girls with Hotch, your mom, one of your uncles, and a few of the kids in the family when they want a few quiet moments.
You don’t talk much with Hotch, but he lets you settle in to his side as you watch the TV, even pulling you close when you get back from the bathroom one time.
Which you are grateful for, since even though last night was a bit blurry at best, you are sure you said some embarrassing stuff, and maybe even some revealing stuff about your feelings, so you’re happy he doesn't feel too awkward to keep up appearances in front of your family still.
Is it just appearances though?
For you at least?
Fuck, you don’t know.
Not that you really want to talk or think about it.
But at some point you almost have to, because even though you don’t remember everything from last night, Hotch most certainly does.
Which he reminds you of as he joins you in the kitchen as you fix some snacks for what has become an unofficial marathon.
“So last night...” Hotch lets the words hang in the air and you grimace.
“Yeah sorry about that, didn’t mean to get that drunk, and certainly didn’t intend to make you have to take care of me.” Hotch waves a hand, leaning against the kitchen counter as you try to not look at him while fixing snacks.
“Not what I meant.”
“Then what did you mean then?”
“Last night.... You told me I was special to you. Even during these weird circumstances.” Your cheeks get warmer, but you hum, trying to go for nonchalant.
“That’s true. Even as drunk as I was, I didn’t lie.” Perhaps being a little too truthful, you leave it up to Hotch to interpret what you mean. He doesn’t say anything, but hums, and accepts the bowl of chips you hand him, following you as you go back to the living room. When you sit down in the couch again, he’s the one who leans into you.
As the night approaches, Hotch doesn’t bring up the topic again, though he tries to keep close.
Tries being the keyword, as sometime during dinner preparations, you get dragged into actually helping with food as half of the family seems to be distracted and/or too drunk to make food, and Hotch gets dragged into a very serious game of hide and seek.
It’s only when the food is almost ready and you find yourself standing over a grill and watching steaks and burgers that Hotch finds you again.
He hands you a beer, which you only take a small sip of, wise after last night’s mistakes.
“Smells good.”
“Grandpa’s spice mix never goes wrong.” Hotch hums. “Hey, wanna see something cool?”
“Sure.” You grin, thrusting your spatula under one of the burger patties, throwing it up int the air. It spins a few times, landing back on your spatula, and you flip it over, the hiss of the raw side of the meat hitting the grill.
“Impressive.” Hotch comments and you grin, about to say something, but your brother interrupts you.
“If you’re done impressing your boyfriend, some of us would like to eat.”
“It will still be a few minutes, unless you want to eat raw meat you brute.” Hotch unsuccessfully tries to hide a grin behind a sip of his own beer as you start to bicker with your brother.
Stomach full from dinner, you offer yourself to do some cleanup, but you are promptly turned away, your father insisting that he has all the help he needs, so you can just relax since this is your last day before you return to normal life.
Ah, yes, normal. You pretend that the thought of it doesn’t make your heart clench, and go to locate Hotch instead.
You find him sitting on what you have come to think of as your bench.
Which is dangerous.
It has only been three days, and it’s all pretend.
Well, it was supposed to be, you try to remind yourself as you sit down next to Hotch, settling into his side with almost practiced ease. He lets you, quickly squeezing your shoulder before resting his arm on the back of the bench, the other resting in his lap. You glance at him, noting that he seems to be watching the kids running around on the lawn, playing what seems to be a very aggressive round of tag.
“How are you feeling?” You ask, a little curious about his mood.
“Full. The food was really good.” He glances away from the kids for a few seconds to smile down at you, before his focus turns back to them.
“Always is when my family has something to do with it. I thought you would have learned that by now.” He hums, seeming to be lost in thoughts somewhere.
“It’s been nice. Good even. They’re all such kind people, I see where you got it from.” That warms your heart to hear.
“Thank you.”
“And a little loud.”
“Hey!” You poke his ribs with a finger at the little jab, noting the small grin on his face. It falters slightly as he take a deep breath.
“You know, I’ve been thinking....” You don’t say anything, letting the silence linger as Hotch tries to find the words he needs to say. Which, it’s rare for him, as he usually is confident man that knows what to say more often than not.
“I’ve seen how good you are with your nephew and nieces, and I would actually like for you to meet Jack more often. If you would like that of course.” You smile at him, knowing how close Hotch holds Jack to his heart.
“I would love that. If you think he would like me that is.” Hotch snorts, moving his attention to you fully now.
“You’re kidding right? He already adores you. After the time you told him about the world's fastest car, he wouldn’t stop talking about it for weeks. He keeps asking for me to bring the team over, but also often just you.” A pause. “And I would like to bring you over sometimes too.” You open your mouth, but don’t say anything as the meaning of those words hit you. Or, at least what you think is the meaning.
“Is this you asking me out on a date?”
“Technically I think we are a bit past just that stage because of this whole thing,” He gestures around the both of you, “But yes.”
Silence, his eyes fluttering all over your face as he tries to gauge your reaction, and then you take his face in your hands and do what you have wanted to do for days (actually longer if you’re being truthful).
You kiss him.
Right on the lips.
Just a quick peck before leaning back.
“I would love to.” Hotch smiles, and you can’t help yourself, leaning in to kiss him again. One of his hands comes to rest over yours, the other landing on your hip.
He’s so warm, so soft, so tempting, so him. And though you can feel three words bubbling up in your chest, you don’t let them out in the air just yet, instead trying to convey it in the way you kiss him.
Lips against lips, sliding against each other, a barely there touch of his tongue against your lips.
However, before you can get much further than that, the thought of pulling Hotch into your lap already forming in the back of your mind, someone clears their throat.
“You know you have a room right?” Your sister teases, and you roll your eyes at her.
That night, when you get into bed, the air feels different. A lot feels different actually. Because now, you can unabashedly cuddle close to Hotch, no, Aaron, without worrying what he will think. Because you know what he will think, and you want him to.
You keep stealing kisses as you get ready for bed, and when you’re finally in bed, the kissing doesn’t really stop.
However, you seem to come to an unspoken agreement that nothing else will happen tonight, as little by little, the kisses slow down, and there is more time between each one.
You can almost feel your chest burst with how happy you feel, letting your fingers trace over Aaron’s chest, tracing unknown patterns over the cotton of his shirt.
He yawns, pulling you closer with a last kiss on your forehead, tucking you under his chin. You can’t help but smile into his chest as you close your eyes and slip into an easy sleep.
Next morning, you’re not the first to wake.
When you open your eyes, you’re met with warm brown eyes, which crinkles as he smile when you let out a yawn and stretch.
“Good morning sunshine.”
“Mhm, good morning to you too.” You move forward to give what you intend to be a quick kiss, but Aaron is quick to deepen it. You hum into the kiss, one of your hands coming to rest on his hip.
You can feel him smile, and seconds he moves the two of you so he is laying on his back with you on top. You break the kiss so you can lean back and look at him, and wow, fuck, does he looks good.
Messy hair, warm smile, rumpled pajamas clinging tight, his shirt riding up a little so you can see a little of his soft stomach.
He looks so good, so sexy, so yours, so you just have to lean down to kiss him again. His hands rests along your back, your own finding their way to his hair.
He’s an excellent kisser, and with the warmth of his hands ever so slightly pushing down on his back, you can feel yourself turn to putty in his hands.
Not wanting it to go quite that far just yet, you break the kiss once more, yet again leaning back.
“You’re so tempting.” Aaron’s grin is soft, but at the same time pleased with himself, which is going to make your mind run a hundred miles per hour if you’re not careful.
“I am?”
“Yes, very much so.” This time you manage to keep the kiss short, getting out of bed and stretching, almost feeling Aaron‘s gaze burn a hole into the back of your sleeping shirt. “We should pack.” All you get in response is a hum, and when you turn around you clearly catch him just looking at your ass.
“Stop looking at my ass.”
“Well, can’t help it, you’re distracting too.” Aaron says as he gets out of bed, giving you a peck on the cheek. “I’m going to take a quick shower, then I’ll pack everything.”
“I can pack my own things.”
“I know, but I feel like spoiling you.” He rummages around his bag for some clean clothes.
“Careful, or I might get used to it.”
“Don’t, special vacations only.” He jokes, winking as he disappears in the direction of the bathroom. You roll your eyes at his back and huff, but can’t help the small smile that settles on your face as you find your own clean clothes to change into.
When Aaron comes downstairs later, you hand him a coffee and give him a quick peck.
“Ready to leave already?” Your father asks where he’s cooking some bacon strips and eggs. You nod, padding over to steal one of the finished strips, snacking on it.
“It’s not that long until our flight leaves pa. And remember, you promised to drive us there.” He waves his spatula at you as you swipe another strip that you hand to Aaron.
“Yeah, yeah, I know, I’m almost finished here if someone doesn’t keep stealing food.” You grin and finish the bacon in your hand.
The journey home feels like it takes forever.
Not that it actually does, it goes perfectly smooth even.
There is almost no traffic on the way to the airport, your father dropping you off with you promising to call more often. The flight leaves on time, not even a minute delay. Neither you or Aaron notice, too busy thinking about getting home.
Not that you keep yourself back from giving each other small kisses when you can, although you try to keep them down somewhat. There had been some truth in you stating that you should play into both of you being private people when the discussion of your “fake” relationship had happened. And planes and airports are hardly private.
When you land, you get your bags as quick as you can, (not quick enough in your opinion), and make your way to the long term parking where your car is.
You drive to his apartment since that is the closest, and as soon as he has unlocked the door and both of you go inside, you shut the door behind you, grab him where he is half turned towards you, and pull him into a kiss.
Aaron is quick to return it, pushing forwards so you’re pressed against the door with a thunk.
You smile into the kiss, biting down on his bottom lip as your hands wander to start untucking his shirt.
“Bedroom?” Is what he says as he breaks the kiss, and you just nod as an answer before kissing him again.
He has to lead to the bedroom, since though you had been to his place a few times before, this was a new place for you. Not that you mind, getting pulled by your belt loops towards your destination is the hottest thing you have experienced in a while.
Wow, you’re glad you’re not single anymore.
Finally making it into the bedroom with only some minor stumbling, you only stop kissing Aaron so you can push him down on the bed.
He looks like a good damn snack. And you think he is thinking something similar as you, if the hungry look in his eyes is anything to go by.
“I think we’re wearing too many clothes.” You say as you begin to strip, and he’s quick to follow, his own clothes tossed away from him. You want to strip him yourself too, but that can come next time.
Or later.
You’re not too picky on the when and have a lot you want to do now.
You barely take time to take in the sight of him before you join Aaron on the bed, but again, that can come later. Now you just want to get your mouth on him.
You start with his lips, but quickly make your way down his neck as you drape yourself over him, feeling his hard cock press against your own.
“How are you with hickeys and biting?” You look up at him through your lashes, following the motion of his tongue licking his lips.
“Good as long as it’s not visible when wearing a t-shirt.” You hoped for an answer like that.
“Good, cause I can get a bit possessive.” You kiss the skin right above one nipple, and then bite down. He groans, hands flying to your hair.
“Ah, didn’t know that.” You hum, soothing the bite with your tongue.
“Well, there’s much more to learn.” You grin up at him, which he returns, eyes swimming with desire. He tries to tug at your hair to get you up, but instead you go the other way, making your way down his sternum and stomach.
Aaron lets out a little gasp when you find ticklish spots, but mostly he moans and groans as you shuffle downwards, settling when your mouth hovers above his cock.
“Feel free to pull my hair.” You say before diving down to lick a stripe from the bottom of his cock to the top. Aaron moans, and you got to say that you love how vocal he is as you take his cock into your mouth.
He’s normally not one to be loud, so this, this you are salivating in.
The moans, groans, and out of breath mutterings of you name that falls from his lips makes you want to just hear more and more, so you don’t keep yourself back, sucking him down and letting your tongue dance over him when you have to come up as not to choke yourself on his cock.
He is warm in your mouth and the hands in your hair pushes and tugs, not really guiding you, but instead offering another sensation to these wonderful moments.
You push his legs even more open as you let your mouth sink as far down on him as you can, curling your arms around thighs. You let out a deep breath that fans over his skin, making his stomach tighten as you grab his thighs and start to move up and down in a bit of an unsteady rhythm.
Your own cock is trapped beneath you, the little friction you can get as you move ever so slightly against the bed far from enough, but you pay it no mind, too preoccupied with making Aaron feel good and listening to the noises he makes, trying out different things to hear what responses he gives.
“I’m close, fuck, I’m close.” He mutters, out of breath and slightly frantic. You open your eyes, looking up at him with his cock resting on your tongue.
He looks fantastic. Wet lips, blown pupils, chest rising and falling in fast breaths.
You don’t give a verbal answer, instead just starting to move once more, this time as fast as you can muster. He swears, loudly, tugging on your  hair as he spills himself in your mouth.
You swallow around him, taking every ounce he can give you, letting him fall out of your mouth and licking up what you could not swallow.
He has let go of your hair to let his arms rest over his eyes, catching his breath as you rest your head against his thigh.
It takes a few moments and a gentle nibble on his skin from you, and then he moves his arms so he can tug you up.
He seems to pay no mind to the taste of himself in your mouth, kissing you hard as he spins you on your back, leaning over you.
A hand finds its way to your cock, circling around it, finding plenty of precum there. He thumbs your tip, making electricity shoot up your spine as you moan into the kiss.
He’s so warm and solid pressed into your side, and his slightly rough and calloused hand against your cock feels so wonderful that even with very little stimulation from earlier, it doesn’t take long for you to come, your cum covering your stomach and Aaron‘s hand.
You break the kiss to moan as you shudder apart against him.
Now it’s you who has to catch your breath, but you don’t close your eyes or move your attention away from Aaron at all, instead letting your eye wander all over him.
His hair is a mess, his lips are slightly swollen and wet from you kissing him, and there’s bruises forming several places on his skin.
He looks absolutely fucked out, and you love it.
“Where are your towels?”
“Hold on, I’ll get one.” He leans over to give you a quick peck and stand up, leaving you to bask in the afterglow of your orgasm, and the knowledge that you made him make a lot of glorious noises both before and as he came.
And the knowledge that you get to do it again.
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Honey Dipped Cherries.
Jamie’s Kinktober 10/1
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Kinktober 10/1/ 2020 - Popped Cherry (Virginity)  Warnings: Smut. Loosing virginity 
Pairings: Hotch and Hollie
Summary:  This is a short fic with my OC Hollie based on an RP with Snow. Literally this plot line is taken from our our RP and I elaborated into this particular scene Please enjoy.  Special Thanks too: Snow ( @agenthotchner​​ ) for being my beta reader and for hyping me up on this fic tonight because I was worried it wasn’t as good!   Word Count: ~1K Tag List: @gublergirls Please message me if you would like to be in the Kinktober Tag List. 
Aaron took one look at his new bride sitting on the bathroom counter in her dainty white lace lingerie. The nearly see-through white lace bra and panty set - complete with a matching garter with a honey-colored bow on it made her look delectable. He turned off the faucet to the tub leaving room to add more hot water later, “The bath can wait, I - I need to make you mine right now.”
Hollie lifted her hands up waiting for him to carry her over to the bed in the hotel suite. She was excited, albeit a little nervous for this moment, she had chosen the traditional route of waiting till marriage and she was about to change all that with Aaron. She blushed when he carried her over to the bed, even more so when he layed her back against the pillows.
Her eyes followed his hands when he started undressing himself, letting her watch him as his eyes devoured every inch of his innocent bride laying and waiting for him like the good girl she was. He set his tie on the edge of the bed, the color matching the bow on her garter, of course, it did -- Hollie wouldn’t miss that detail.
There was a smirk on his lips as he dropped his pants and boxers, seeing Hollie’s mouth pop open in a barely audible gasp when her eyes finally took in his full erection. She had felt it before through clothes while they were fooling around, especially when they were misbehaving at the hospital - after all hospital gowns aren’t thick, unlike the cock that was staring back at her.
Just looking at Aaron stark naked made the coil in her core tighten all the more. “Well, are you going to make love to me or just stand there?” She giggles playfully.
A deep smirk set over his lips as he grabbed his tie and took her wrists, gentle but firm when he bound them together with the thick silk, hooking the tie to a metal swirl in the bed frame. “Oh yes, I am. And I want you to lay there and take it - just enjoy.”
She looked up at her wrists giving them a curious tug before returning her gaze to him, “O-okay, just, just be gentle, I’ve never...”
“Don’t worry, I’m going to be gentle, and slow, just let me take care of you, Wife. I promise I’ll have you feeling so good.” His warm, calloused hands slid over her petite frame, hooking his thumbs into her panties before dragging them down her legs, careful to leave the garter in place.
He spread her legs apart and pressed a soft kiss to her lower stomach, trailing them down to her clit where he gently licked her a few times. His fingers probing to make sure she was truly ready for him. Once he was satisfied with hearing her soft moans of pleasure and her wetness, he kissed back up the length of her body.
He took a moment to press soft kisses to her face, whispering softly in her ear “I love you, Hollie.”
“I love you too - AH!” Hollie cried out as Aaron pressed inside her, slowly pressing the rest of his length inside her with a soft groan, “A-Aaron, oh!”
He held still for a moment, feeling her body tighten around the new feeling of a man inside her so intimately, “I love you sweet girl,” he murmured over and over again kissing the tears forming in her eyes away, ghosting kisses over her lips. He felt encouraged when he felt her deepen the kiss, using her legs to pull him closer.
“I’m okay Aaron, I love you, make love to me.” She smiled at him and he couldn't refuse her pleas. She knew there was a chance it would hurt at first, and when she saw his size she resigned herself to know she would be in a momentary amount of pain. She had been right but the feeling of him buried deep inside her also felt - right. The way he looked at her was so passionate, so full of love and so full of desire. She needed him. Needed him to have his way with her.
He rocked his hips back and forth slowly, trying to convey how much he loved her each time he slid home inside her. When he wasn't looking deeply into her eyes, watching how pretty her face looked as it crumpled in pleasure, he was kissing her. Kissing her everywhere, leaving small dark marks over her neck, shoulders, and chest. Each new purple mark he made reminded him that she was his now, his to love and pleasure and protect. His wife. His wife to have another child with, children with. Each thought drove him more crazy, he was insatiable with her, always had been, in every way imaginable.
Hollie couldn’t believe how amazing she felt. Every thrust of his hips made her call out for him. His name was a prayer on her lips as he quickened his pace, begging for love and for pleasure. “Aaron, oh please! Please”
“Come for me, Honey, I’ve got you.” He reassured her with sweet nothings as his hands curled over the curves of her body, trying to keep her close to him, make her feel safe so she could lose control and let him push her over that edge.
His words in her ear, the feeling of him inside her, was enough to send waves of pleasure through her body. Her core clamped down around him, milking his cock within her for his release. She pulled on her restraints, that golden tie keeping her from being able to hold onto her husband as she came for him. “Oh - Oooh! Aaron please, please! D-Dont stop!”
He had no intentions of stopping, not until he rode her through her pleasure, and filled her with his cum. That thought nearly had him finished right then and there but he regained his composure, watching her body start to settle. Her toes uncurled from the sheets, her arms stopped pulling and her breathing deppend, moans turning into soft mewling. He looked deep into her eyes before he kissed her deeply, pumping his hips a few more times before he filled her with his cum.
He stayed within her for a moment, continuing the kiss, so full of love and need to be with each other in this moment. When he finally ends the kiss, he reaches up to release her wrists and hold her close to him. He can’t help but smile, kissing her softly as her hands wrap around his neck finally able to hug him closer to her. They stayed silent for a while, hearing the laughter and music from their reception still out on the beach not too far away from the hotel.
“We better get ready, it’s almost time for our send off to the airport.” Her sweet pink lips curved into a smile, which she turned on him.
“Yes, but we still have time for that hot bath, and you are going to need it after that, especially before we sit on a plane for 8 hours or so.” Her smile was contagious, and he smiled back, strong arms picking her up gently, removing the last remnants of her lingerie before getting in the tub with her.
“I love you, Mrs. Hotchner.”
“I love you too, Mr. Hotcner.”
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the-modernmary · 3 years
my best habit || aaron hotchner x reader (ch. 2)
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Chapter summary: After the interrogation, you and Aaron go back to your place. Smut, this is all smut.
Warnings: smut, degradation, spitting, oral sex (m recieving), handcuffs, gags. If you are a minor, do not interact!!
masterlist || read on ao3
I'll be your temporary fix
You can call me
I'm always what you like
Let me be your good night
-One Direction, “Temporary Fix”
They couldn’t get you out of the police station fast enough. You mindlessly rubbed your wrist where the handcuffs had previously been attached, only half listening as another agent- Prentiss, you think was her name- came into the room to explain that you would need to report to the BAU tomorrow so they could brief you, or something like that. Your mind was too busy wandering, fantasizing about all the things Aaron would do to you.
“One of the uniformed officers will drive you home,” Prentiss finally said, and you jumped out of the seat embarrassingly fast.
What should have only been a five minute drive felt like hours, and your eyes were glued to your phone, hoping for a text or something, anything , from Aaron. With the exception of a few texts from your friends asking where you were, there was nothing. Part of you wondered if Aaron was just going to bail. Maybe he got to his car and decided that he wanted nothing to do with you now that he was healed after his divorce. Maybe he just had a moment of weakness in the interrogation room and once you were out of his sight, he came to his senses.
You got back to your apartment right as you were about to go into a full blown rejection panic. The cop asked you something, but you just ignored him as you slid out of the car, already planning on popping open that 4 dollar Trader Joe’s wine you had in your fridge. That is, until you saw Aaron sitting on the bench outside of your apartment, rubbing his thumb over his fingertips. You told yourself that the joy that flooded you when you saw him was just you excited at the prospect of getting fucked.
Aaron looked up at you as soon as he heard the click of your heels on the pavement. You just smirked at him as you took your keys out of your purse. “Wow, you really couldn’t wait, could you?” you told him, forcing yourself to not spare him more than a passing glance.
As soon as you got to the door, Aaron was immediately behind you, his hands exploring your body and his lips attaching themselves to your neck. You fought to keep your focus on unlocking your front door, but your hands were shaking as you attempted to get your key in the lock.
Aaron brought his hand under your shirt and let his fingertips drag over your bra, smirking as you let out a gasp. “What?” he whispered into your ear, and his lips brushing the skin of your ear sent shivers down your body. “No more smart ass comments? Does being around me make you stupid? Stupid and desperate is what you are.”
It took way too long, but you finally got the door unlocked and swung open. Before you could even make a move, Aaron had you inside and pressed up against the wall, caging you in with his hands. He took a moment to take you in, his hungry eyes running up and down your body, thinking of all the ways he was going to punish and pleasure you. “You must be really proud of that little stunt you pulled in the interrogation room,” he hissed into your ear. “You were so mouthy to my team and to me. Did you think you’d be able to get away with it without being punished?”
He watched your chest rise and fall as you took in uneven breaths. “No… no sir,” you panted, and Aaron just let out a condescending laugh. It was almost pathetic how quickly you submitted to Aaron- he hadn’t even kissed you yet for fuck’s sake- but he always knew the exact buttons he needed to push to make you putty in his hands.
Without warning, Aaron crashed his lips onto yours roughly, not even giving you a chance to catch your breath. Your hands immediately pushed off his blazer and tossed it off to the side. One of his hands stayed on the wall next to your head, but the other arm found its way around you and pulled your hips towards his. Your back arched as he deepened this kiss, his teeth tugging on the skin of your lips. The hand that was around your waist slowly moved across your body until it reached the button of your jeans, popping it open and letting his fingertips ghost across the waistband of your panties.
“Please…” you choked out, unable to form a full sentence.
A cheshire cat smile erupted across Aaron’s face as his other hand moved to the back of your head. “You lost all your nerve now, didn’t you? Use your words. Ask me for it. Beg me for it.” He punctuated his last order with a sharp tug of your hair, causing you to cry out. Aaron’s lips eagerly attached themselves to your neck.
“God, fuck, please touch me, please…” you whined, squeezing your thighs together to try and offer some release. Aaron shoved your legs apart with his feet and slipped his fingers into your panties, going straight to your clit. You moaned out his name, thankful he didn’t spend more time teasing you the way he usually did. You could feel his arousal pressed against you. Despite his collected exterior, it was comforting to know that Aaron craved this as much as you did.
“You’re so wet, all for me,” Aaron mumbled against your neck. “Which means you must still be my filthy slut. Or maybe it’s because nobody else can get you off. They were probably all too nice to you, telling you that you were a good girl.”
You gasped, nodding desperately. Aaron’s fingers worked faster on your clit and you could feel your legs start to give out. You were about to cum embarrassingly fast, and you couldn’t even be bothered to care. All the while, Aaron was still whispering to you. “But you don't get off on people being nice to you, do you? You want me to be mean to you, like the whore you are.”
The only words that could come out of your mouth was some combination of “Aaron” and “please”. You were writhing and desperate for him, a fact that only seemed to encourage him. You clutched onto his shoulders as he slipped two fingers into you, lazily pumping them in and out.
“Please, Aaron,” you moaned out, your nails digging into his shirt. “I’m so close, I’m gonna-”
He pulled his hand away from you, stopping your impending orgasm in its tracks.
“No!” you cried out, your breathing shallow. “What the fuck was that?”
Aaron pulled off his tie, ignoring your pleas for him to keep touching you. “Strip for me,” he ordered, and you did as he asked quickly, tossing your clothes to the side. As soon as you were fully naked, he flipped you around so that your back was to him, your arms pinned to your back and your chest pressed against the wall. You could hear the sound of metal behind you and you just smirked.
The cool metal of his handcuffs clicked around your wrists. “Do you think the police officer who had me in this position just a few hours ago was just as turned on as you are right now?” you mused, keeping your voice as light as possible. If he was going to deny you your orgasm, you were going to take the time to piss him off.
Once the cuffs were on, Aaron flipped you back around, pressing you against the wall with his hand around your throat, squeezing lightly. “Oh, so you want to be a mouthy brat, huh?” he hissed. You grinned, which only made him angrier and he tightened his grip on your throat. Aaron held you there for a few seconds, watching you as you gasped for breath. Once he was satisfied, he let go of you. “Get on your knees. I’ll show you what your mouth is good for.”
“Yes sir,” you whispered. Without ever breaking eye contact, you slowly lowered yourself to the ground. He made quick work of his own clothes, and you couldn’t help but bite your lip at the sight of him naked. You hadn’t realized how much you missed that view. His hand gripped your hair roughly, pulling it so that you were looking up at him.
“Do you remember our safe words?” he asked. His movements were harsh, but his words betrayed a sense of softness.
You nodded quickly but corrected yourself before he could punish you. “Yes sir,” you breathed, but he just looked at your expectantly. “Yellow to slow, red to stop.”
Aaron hummed approvingly, but his eyes glinted wickedly. “And if you can’t speak?”
You took a shaky breath, the unspoken promise of what he was suggesting sending shivers down your spine. “Two taps.”
Aaron smirked and grabbed onto your jaw, forcing your mouth open. “Good girl. Now I’m going to fuck that pretty little mouth of yours.”
It wasn’t easy with your hands behind your back, but you slowly licked his length from base to tip before wrapping your lips around him, never once breaking eye contact. You swirled your tongue around his tip, savoring the taste of him.
Aaron let out a low, guttural moan as he gripped your hair tightly. “Fuck, I almost forgot how good you are at that.” He pushed your head down a little further, forcing you to take more of him in, and you were happy to oblige.
Aaron immediately started at a brutal pace, thrusting into your mouth with no warning. Tears pricked at your eyes as you began to gag slightly, but that only seemed to encourage him more. Your wrists burned as you tugged at the handcuffs, desperate to be able to touch him. You could feel your spit running down your chin, and you wondered briefly what Aaron thought when he saw you like this- bound, crying, and gagging on his cock. The thought made your pussy throb.
“You’re so pretty,” Aaron groaned out, his thrusts becoming erratic. “My pretty little cock slut, so desperate to please.”
His words ripped a moan from your mouth. He pumped into you a few more times before pulling you off of him, making you whimper. There was a trail of spit going from your mouth to the tip of his dick. You tried to move towards him, wanting to take him into your mouth again, but his hand in your hair kept you in place.
“Oh, did you want me to cum in your mouth?” he mocked.
You wanted to sob because of how badly you wanted him. You wanted to do nothing more than to please him and have him reward you for it. “Yes, fuck. I wanted to swallow your load please, sir.”
You had hoped your begging would be enough, and for a second, you thought it worked. Your mouth was open and ready for him, giving him the most innocent look you could muster. But instead of finishing himself off, he leaned down and spit in your mouth. You kept your eyes on him as you swallowed, the way you knew he liked.
“Filthy bitch,” he murmured, but there was a hint of adoration in his voice.
He pulled you up so that you were standing. “Needy brats don’t get what they want, they get what they deserve. Now I want you to go to the bedroom and wait like a good girl for me. And don’t you dare think about finding a way to get yourself off or I swear to god, you won’t cum for a week. Got it?”
Your breath hitched in your throat. “Yes, sir. Whatever you want.” He gave your ass a quick slap as you made your way towards your bedroom on shaking legs. Once you got there, you sat nicely on the edge of your bed, not daring to make a move. You wanted nothing more than for him to fuck you, but you knew him better than that. Your punishment wasn’t over yet.
It couldn’t have been more than three minutes since you had been left alone, but already the need was taking over you. You rubbed your thigh together, hoping that the friction would relieve some of the tension you were feeling. You looked at the clock on your nightstand- five minutes had passed. You were starting to get restless as you stared at the door, waiting for Aaron to come in.
You realized quickly that this was his plan all along- handcuff you and leave you exposed and alone in an empty room. It was the interrogation all over again, except this time he could treat you exactly the way he wanted to. The thought made you wetter than you would have liked to admit.
You wanted to be good for him, you really did, but the anticipation was getting to be too much. Against your better judgment, you ground down on the bedsheets, hoping to relieve some of the pressure that was building up. But as fate would have it, Aaron came walking in at that exact moment, his tie clenched in his hands.
There was anger in his eyes, but there was also a flash of pride, like his plan had worked exactly the way he wanted it to. Knowing Aaron Hotchner, it probably did. “Looks like you’re such a needy slut that you couldn’t even wait for me,” he said, his voice dangerously calm.
You tugged slightly on your handcuffs. “I’m sorry sir,” you begged, eyeing the tie in his hand. “I just needed to be touched so badly, please.”
His eyes raked up and down your body, a thin sheen of sweat covering your body. He stepped closer to you and softly brushed the back of his hand across your cheek, giving you a false sense of security. Maybe he missed fucking you so much that he didn’t want to waste time punishing you. Although, you were never that lucky.
Aaron grabbed you by the back of the neck and threw you so that you were bent over the edge of your bed. “I’m getting tired of hearing your voice,” he practically taunted. “You wanted to be a brat and invoke the 5th, all just to get my attention? Well now you have my attention, and now I don’t want to hear another fucking word from you.”
The realization hit you half a second before Aaron forced your mouth open. He placed the tie in your mouth and tied it around your head so that you were effectively gagged. You let out little whimpers, but that was all you were able to get out.
Aaron used his foot to spread your legs apart before thrusting into you, not giving you a chance to get used to the feeling. A muffled moan escaped your throat, which seemed to amuse Aaron. “Fuck, you’re so tight,” he grunted, his hands pressing your shoulders into the bed. “So tight and so willing for me. Taking my cock so good.”
One of his hands wrapped around the front of your throat, pulling you up and off the sheets. His other hand went straight to your clit. You let out a tiny gasp through your gag. Your whole body felt on fire, as Aaron thrusted into you so roughly that you thought you were going to be split in half. And you loved every second of it.
He continued to pound into you as you gasped for breath. All you could think and feel was Aaron, Aaron, Aaron. The mixture of pain and pleasure was almost euphoric, and you could feel your orgasm creeping up on you.
Aaron could feel it, too, based on the way your pussy clenched around him. This only encouraged him to quicken his pace, his cock hitting you in all the right spots. “I’m going to fill you with my cum and remind you who this pussy belongs to,” he groaned, his hips starting to sputter erratically.
His fingers on your clit moved faster, staying right where you needed him, and you cried out through your makeshift gag. Aaron finally decided to take mercy on you as he bent forward to whisper in your ear. “Be my good little cock whore and cum.”
That was all you needed. Your whole body shook as your orgasm hit you, and you cried out his name the best you could. Tears fell down your face freely as he fucked you through your orgasm, your walls clenching around him.
Not much longer later, Aaron came, too, his grip on you loosening. You fell face first onto the bed, relishing in the feeling of him spilling into you, his cock twitching. When he pulled out, he pulled out slowly, savoring every moment he was in you. You stayed there, desperately trying to catch your breath while Aaron untied your gag. He threw the tie to the side, placing a soft kiss in between your shoulder blades.
“You did so good. My good girl,” he whispered softly into your ear as he turned you around so that you could sit on the edge of the bed. “I’m going to go grab the keys to the cuffs, alright?” He placed another kiss on your forehead before quickly shuffling out of the room.
Still coming down from your orgasm, Aaron was back in the room before you even fully realized he was gone. He quickly released your wrists, rubbing each of them softly to get the blood flow fully back. You had almost forgotten the best part of sex with Aaron- he was fucking great at aftercare.
You wanted to say something, but your brain was still trying to catch up with what was happening at the moment. Luckily for you, Aaron must have still known where everything in your room was, because, after a few seconds of shuffling around, he came back to the bed with lotion and pajamas. “Do you need a shower?” he asked, wiping away your smudged mascara the best he could.
You looked at him properly for the first time since your orgasm. “No, I’m okay,” you told him, thoroughly blissed out. A chuckle escaped your lips. “I just haven’t gotten fucked that good in… a while.”
Aaron smiled- a real smile that made your heart melt. “A while as in two years?” he teased, and you just shoved him lightly. He started to put the lotion on your sore wrists, but he never took his eyes off you.
You just laughed at his comment. Now that you were more grounded and you could actually think about what happened, there were a million things you wanted to ask him, but knew that now was not the time. Instead, you settled on keeping the conversation light. “I think I have an extra pair of guy’s sweatpants in one of my drawers if you were planning on staying the night.”
Okay, so not as light as you expected, but Aaron seemed to be intrigued at the offer. It wasn’t a new thing for the two of you at all. When you first started sleeping with each other, the two of you spent the night at each other’s places all the time. When he wanted to spoil you a bit more, Aaron used to book a nice hotel room for the two of you to stay holed up in for a weekend. You each kept extra clothes at each other’s places because it was more convenient than having to wake up an hour earlier. It wasn’t unusual.
But that was when the two of you had been an unspoken thing. This felt like new territory for the both of you. Luckily Aaron just nodded as he finished with your wrists. “Thank you,” he said. “First, let me help you put on your clothes.” You lifted your arms as he helped you get into an oversized shirt. Once that was on, you walked to your dresser and slipped on a pair of boyshorts before tossing Aaron the pair of sweatpants.
You slid into the bed and watched as he put on the sweatpants. They were just slightly too big, so they hung teasingly low on his hips. You loved seeing Aaron like this, calmer and more relaxed. It was like he could shed the “SSA Aaron Hotchner, Unit Chief” personality he had built up and finally breathe. He looked lighter and happier, like he could actually enjoy life. His eyes caught yours, and he just raised his eyebrows, a lazy smile gracing his face.
“You know, staring is considered rude to most people,” he joked, climbing into bed.
You just shrugged, stifling a yawn. “You won’t let me take a picture, so my memory is the next best thing I have.” You curled up into the sheets, the heat slowly leaving your body.
Aaron must have noticed this because he wrapped one arm around you, watching as your eyes slowly closed. “Go to bed, Y/N,” he whispered, his thumb slowly stroking your skin. “We’ve got a long day tomorrow.”
You were about to make a dirty comment back until you realized what he meant. There was a murderer on the loose, and you apparently knew them. Not the best pillow talk. You shoved it out of your mind, already feeling yourself falling asleep. “Goodnight, Aaron,” you mumbled, your head resting on his chest.
He probably said goodnight, but you couldn’t hear. You just let the sounds of his soft breathing and the feeling of his chest rising up and down lure you to sleep.
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the-modernmary · 3 years
my best habit || aaron hotchner x reader (ch. 3)
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Chapter summary: The morning after, and you and Aaron are getting back to your old routines, and you go to the BAU for the first time.
Warnings: mentions of smut, but nothing really explicit.
A/N: thank you all so SO much for reading this story!! i love that you all are enjoying it! icymi, i went ahead and put up an intro + blog rules that you can read here!! Please, please read these are they do apply to this story!
masterlist || read on ao3
And here we go again, we know the start, we know the end
Masters of the scene
We've done it all before and now we're back to get some more
You know what I mean
-ABBA, “Voulez-Vous”
You woke up the next morning to the smell of coffee wafting throughout your apartment. Still half asleep, you slowly blinked your eyes open and slid out of bed. You cursed to yourself as you stood up; your whole body was sore. A small grin grew on your face as you realized exactly why you were sore, the memories from last night coming back to you.
You walked out of your bedroom to your kitchen, where you were greeted with the gorgeous view of Aaron, hair wet and still in just the sweatpants he borrowed. Clothes from last night were scattered around the living room, untouched. “Mornin’,” you grumbled, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
Aaron, on the other hand, looked wide awake. “Good morning. I hope you don’t mind, I took a shower and made some coffee,” he greeted.
“It’s fine, as long as you made enough for me,” you told him through a yawn, although it was unnecessary, considering you were almost positive that he prepared you some coffee already. Mornings after with Aaron weren’t exactly domestic, per say, but they were efficient and friendly. Both of you knew you had your lives to get to, and you were willing to help out the other one to make sure they succeeded. The routine worked, and you had grown to look forward to it.
Aaron just chuckled and pointed to your refrigerator. “Already done. You still take it iced with caramel syrup, right?”
If the fact that Aaron remembered your coffee preferences after so long made your heart skip a beat, you elected to ignore it. It’s not like it was a complicated order. Instead you just sauntered towards the fridge, brushing past Aaron’s bare skin on your way over.
Aaron turned to look at you as you grabbed the drink out of the fridge. Now that you were more awake, you could actually take in Aaron in all of his morning after glory. Even with it damp, his hair was fluffier and falling into his eyes, free from any styling product he usually used. His shoulders were relaxed and, you noticed with a smirk, broader than they were before. So he had been working out...
It wasn’t until you got to his bare torso that a soft gasp left your lips, your heart sinking to your stomach. There were nine, almost identical scars, all raised and seemingly staring right at you. You had been so distracted last night that you hadn’t noticed them, but now you weren’t sure how you didn’t see them. They looked healed, but they weren’t faded much, and they definitely weren’t there last time you saw Aaron.
“Aaron,” you whispered, unable to take your eyes off the thick white lines covering him. “What happened?” Almost as if you were in a trance, you reached out to him, wanting to run your fingers over the scars.
Aaron moved to the side quickly so that he was out of your reach, his eyes hardening. He immediately went into defensive mode. “Nothing that you need to be concerned about,” he said firmly, signifying the end of the conversation.
Really, he should have known you well enough to know that you would keep pressing him. “Are you okay?” you continued, your voice barely louder than a whisper.
Aaron walked towards his discarded shirt from last night, putting it on quickly so that the scars could be out of sight. “These weren’t meant to kill me,” he said finally, sadness seeping into his words.
That’s what made you decide to drop the topic. If the scars weren’t meant to kill Aaron, then they were probably supposed to be a torturous reminder, and based on his reaction, it was working. You also figured that it wasn’t just any serial killer who gave those to him, and bringing up his dead ex-wife's murderer wasn’t part of the lighthearted banter the two of you had perfected.
Clearing your throat, you quickly shifted the topic to fill the silence that was hanging over the two of you. You lifted yourself so that you were sitting on the countertop. “So... what time should I be at the BAU?”
Aaron finished buttoning up his shirt and was now reaching for his slacks, his back still turned to you. But his shoulders looked like they relaxed, even a little bit. He was grateful at the subject change. “As soon as you can. We want to try and wrap up this case as quickly as possible.”
“Shit, I still have to shower and get ready. You should have woken me up when you woke up,” you mused, taking a sip of your coffee.
Now fully dressed in the suit he wore yesterday, Aaron turned back to face you, the corners of his lips quirking up in a smile. “I tried,” he explained, slowly letting down his defenses again. “It was hard to tell with the covers you pulled over your head, but I think you told me to go fuck myself or something?” His eyes twinkled with amusement as he made his way back towards you, placing his hands on the counter on either side of you and standing in the space between your legs.
You just shrugged, taking another sip of your drink. “What can I say? I was spent last night and needed my rest,” you told him, feigning innocence.
If Aaron was trying to hide the pride in his eyes at your comment, he didn’t do a very good job at it. His eyes flickered back and forth between your eyes and your lips. “I should get going soon,” he mumbled, more to himself than to you. “I still need to stop by my house to get a change of clothes.”
You placed your coffee to the side of you so that your hands were free to cup the sides of his face. “Probably,” you agreed, but you were still leaning towards Aaron. “But you’re the boss. Who’s going to get you in trouble if you’re a few minutes late?”
Your forehead was pressed against his by now and your thumbs were stroking his cheeks. You could see the desire in Aaron’s eyes, which you were sure was reflected in your own eyes, but instead of taking you right there on the counter like you were hoping he would, Aaron simply pressed his lips to yours, just long enough to leave you desperate for more.
“As tempting as the offer is,” he murmured, his lips still brushing yours. “I really do need to get to work to prepare for our meeting today. And... I’ll need the time to field all the questions I’m sure Dave will have for me about my sudden departure yesterday.” He added the last part as an afterthought, as if he just remembered that the entire BAU was watching the interrogation from yesterday.
You pulled away from Aaron ever so slightly, raising an eyebrow. “They know you’re here?”
Aaron shook his head, much to your relief. You weren’t sure if you would be able to face his entire team if they were all aware you had been sleeping with their unit chief. “Just David,” he admitted. “And that’s only because he figured it out before I could even come up with an explanation. But he covered for me and told the rest of them you were just one of Sean’s old friends, so if any of them ask…”
His words trailed off, but you understood what he was implying. You raised your hands in faux surrender. “Got it, don’t need to tell me twice. And don’t worry, no more flirting in front of your coworkers. I will be the epitome of a professional law intern. I can be a good girl when I want,” you teased, and you were rewarded as his eyes darkened.
“The way you said that makes me think you can’t,” he told you, his voice low.
You laughed and leaned in to kiss him again. The kiss was slow and deliberate and you could feel his lips curling into a smile. Aaron’s hand reached up to cup the back of your head, pulling you in closer to him. There was an unusual softness to the kiss, and you were surprised to realize that you liked it.
You pulled away reluctantly, looking directly into Aaron’s eyes. “You should go to work,” you reminded him. “I’ll be there in an hour or so.”
Aaron stepped away from you and made his way to the door, patting down his pockets to make sure he had everything. You slid off the kitchen counter, watching his every movement. Aaron hesitated as he reached for the doorknob and instead of just walking right out, he turned around to look at you. “When you said yesterday ‘If you ever need somebody to help you pick up those broken pieces’... Did you mean it, or was that just to get a reaction out of me?”
His words were hesitant and vulnerable, which was so unlike him that it took you a second to respond. You realized slowly what he was insinuating: He wanted to keep seeing you. The thought made you happier than you had expected, but that was something to unpack way later.
You kept your voice light in your reply, hoping to calm his nerves. “A little bit of both,” you joked, and Aaron gave you a small smile. “But to answer the inevitable next question, I also would like to see you again and continue this. At least, that’s what I’m assuming what you were going to ask, considering the amount of times you said I was yours last night. ‘My cock whore’ is a new one.”
Aaron let out a breathy chuckle, nodding to himself. He didn’t say anything else, he didn’t have to. The two of you knew the rules to this relationship, and it was already coming back like it was second nature. So instead, Aaron just opened the door, leaving you with a “I’ll see you at the BAU.”
Luckily for Aaron, his house was on the way to the FBI headquarters, so he was able to change clothes and be in his office in only 30 minutes. He wasn’t there as early as he usually was, but it was still early enough as to not raise any suspicion, and nobody questioned it when he made a beeline to his office, giving general greetings to the people he passed.
When he sat down at his desk, Aaron really did have every intention to do the paperwork that was slowly piling up and consuming his entire office, but his mind was wandering too much to focus on bureaucratic red tape. Flashes of the night before sped through his mind.
He remembered the way Y/N begged for him to touch her and how good his name sounded coming from her lips. He remembered her face as she was pressed against the wall and the almost animalistic smile she had given him when he had his hand wrapped around her throat. He thought about how beautiful she looked as she was coming down from her orgasm, mascara tears running down her face, hair tangled and sticking in every direction, her chest rising and falling as she tried to catch her breath, and the adoration in her eyes as he muttered praises to her.
Aaron hadn’t planned on asking to continue the situation he had with her. Last night was supposed to be the only time, considering the amount of baggage that came with that relationship for Aaron. He and Haley had technically been divorced when he first met Y/N, but it was just barely and it just toed the line of being a full blown affair. Going back to Y/N now could potentially complicate everything and bring up feelings about Haley that he had buried. But Aaron couldn’t deny that being with Y/N was a welcome distraction. There was no pressure to be “on” all the time. He didn’t feel the weight of the world on his shoulders. He felt more at peace than he had in a long time.
“He needs to know you weren’t always so serious…”
A knocking on his office door shook Aaron out of his thoughts. His head shot up to see Rossi, who was leaning against the door frame with a knowing look in his eyes. “You know,” Rossi started before Aaron could even get a word out. He walked into the office and made sure to close the door behind him. “Pretending to do work is more effective when you actually have a file in front of you.”
Aaron audibly exhaled, gesturing for Rossi to take a seat, although it was just a formality; Rossi was going to talk to Aaron about the situation whether or not Aaron wanted to. Rossi leaned back in the chair and quirked up his eyebrows. “How was your night?” he asked, holding back his amused laughter.
“It was fine,” Aaron said in his monotone voice, but it was no use. Rossi just stared Aaron down, patiently waiting for Aaron to elaborate.
“Are you going to see her again?” Rossi pressed, and this time it was hard for Aaron to hide his smile.
Instead, Aaron just side eyed Rossi for a quiet moment. “I am,” he said finally before reaching for one of the files. He really did have to start on that paperwork, and maybe it would send Rossi a hint.
It did not. Rossi nodded approvingly at Aaron’s declaration of seeing this woman again and placed one of his hands on Aaron’s desk. “I’m glad. I think dating will be good for you. Getting back out there is healthy, Aaron.”
Aaron went completely still, thinking of the best way to respond to Rossi. “We are… not exactly dating,” he said slowly, ignoring the shock that flashed past Rossi’s face. For as close as Rossi and Aaron were, their sex lives didn’t come up in conversation much, and Aaron certainly didn’t have the reputation Rossi did. “And I would appreciate it if this stayed between us, at least until after the case. I know how quickly gossip spreads in this office, and I shudder to think what will happen once Garcia gets this information.”
Rossi chuckled and made a zipping motion over his mouth. “My lips are sealed. I am happy for you, though. Maybe she will finally be the thing to get you out of the office on time finally.” Rossi laughed to himself, like he had a secret. “Even if you’ll still be up all night. At least you’ll be de-stressing.”
A knock on the office door spared Aaron from having to hear any more jokes from Rossi at his expense. “Thank you for that pep talk,” he said sarcastically to Rossi before calling out “Come in!” and putting his Unit Chief persona back on.
Emily opened the door, blissfully unaware of the conversation that was happening between the two men just seconds earlier. “Sir, Y/N is here.”
Aaron cleared his throat, ignoring Rossi’s eyes burning a hole into the side of his head. “Good. We will meet in the round table room, go ahead and brief her. Dave and I will be there in a few moments. Thank you, Prentiss.” Emily nodded and left the room just as quickly as she came in.
Rossi tapped on Aaron’s desk as he stood up. “That’s our cue, but mark my words, Aaron. I will learn all about this mystery girl from you, even if I have to lock you in the interrogation room to do it.”
Aaron laughed ever so slightly at that and just nodded. “I will fill you in before it gets to that,” he promised, and was surprised to realize that he meant it. Somehow over the years, Rossi had become his closest confidant, and it was comforting to know that Rossi was encouraging of this new relationship, as unconventional as it was. “But right now we have a case to focus on.”
You knew that the FBI headquarters was going to have high security, but three checkpoints seemed a little excessive to you. Nevertheless, you clipped the shiny visitor’s badge onto the waistband of your pants and waited for the elevator to take you to the correct floor.
It was weird to be going to the BAU, even if it was just for a case. It felt like you were encroaching on Aaron’s personal and professional life, something you never intended to do. You were happy being blissfully ignorant about Aaron’s coworkers. You knew a few of your names and that was all you ever needed to know. Being at the BAU was mixing up the carefully compartmentalized lives Aaron and you had built.
The elevator doors opened and you cautiously stepped out, trying to find your way around. You really should have paid more attention to Agent Prentiss when she was giving you instructions. Luckily, you were in a building full of profilers and one of them noticed your inevitable look of confusion.
“Are you Y/N Y/L/N?” they asked, and you nodded quickly. “I’m Agent Derek Morgan. You can follow me, I’m one of the agents on the case.”
You followed Derek through the glass doors and to one of the desks in the bullpen. He said something to another agent- Prentiss, you remembered- before gesturing for you to sit down. “Would you like a coffee or water?” Derek offered offhandedly, but his eyes were scanning you up and down, obviously trying to profile you.
Following on your promise to be professional, you had put on a nice pair of grey plaid slacks and a satin button up blouse- an outfit you had worn to your internship and to court a million times. But Derek’s gaze seemed more than just surface level profiling. It felt like he distrusted you. And then it hit you. He was probably watching you in the interrogation room yesterday, as you shamelessly flirted with Aaron. Everyone you were about to meet probably saw it, and they were all going to try and figure you out.
It had seemed funny in the moment, when you didn’t think you would ever have to see these people again, but now? Not so much.
You idly considered taking Derek up on his offer, just to keep him from profiling you any longer, but that would just give him the opportunity to share his findings with the rest of the office. It was easier to keep him close. “No thank you,” you said finally, giving Derek a polite smile. Despite what they had seen yesterday, you were excellent at networking, and you knew how to charm a room. Getting these profilers to like you wouldn’t be too hard.
Derek studied you a little closer, but your eye contact was unwavering. “How do you know Hotch?” he asked.
Thank God Aaron had warned you about this. “I was friends with his brother, Sean,” you lied coolly. “I met Aaron through him and he was nice enough to let me interview him when my studies revolved around an old prosecuting case of Aaron’s.”
Derek looked like he wanted to ask you more questions, but you were saved by Jennifer gathering the team and you to meet in a conference room.
Despite the fact that you had met a good portion of them yesterday while being interrogated, everybody reintroduced themselves to you, albeit much friendlier. Now that you weren’t in handcuffs, the team warmed up to you quickly.
You also chose to formally introduce yourself to the team, considering that you were still probably just a file in their minds. “And I apologize for making your jobs more difficult yesterday,” you added onto the end, only half joking.
JJ- which Jennifer insisted you call her- gave you a comforting smile as she walked to the front of the room. “We understand. Interrogation rooms are designed to get those sorts of reactions.”
You were about to reply when the sound of footsteps caused you all to turn your heads towards the door. “Good, you started,” Aaron interrupted, making his way to the front of the room. “Y/N, glad you could make it.”
You just greeted him with a polite nod, before turning your focus to David Rossi, who was introducing himself to you. He had a good enough poker face, but you caught a mischievous glint in his eyes. At first, you were confused, but then you remembered that he knew Aaron came over to your place last night. Maybe he knew even more, which was an uncomfortable enough thought. You didn’t have time to focus on that at the moment.
You stood up to shake Rossi’s hand. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, really,” you said simply, your voice light and polite. You had been around the DC law scene long enough that you knew exactly how to get people to like you. “I’ve written about you and your books for my classes.”
Rossi tilted his head to the side slightly. “I didn’t realize my books translated to law courses,” he questioned, sliding into the seat next to you. You took that as your cue to sit back down.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you saw Aaron watching the interaction carefully, causing anxiety to bubble up in your stomach. He had never seen you in a work or academic setting, with the exception of that first meeting, but that hardly counted. He had read some of your academic work, would help you with the occasional homework assignment, and even let you practice your mock trials runs with him while he gave you pointers, but he had never seen you truly in action. The thought unsettled you.
“I’m in a joint degree program,” you explained proudly. You had to make an appeal to the school to allow you to do this joint degree, and you’ve busted your ass ever since. “On top of my JD, I’m getting my masters in Forensic Psychology. I’ve studied your past cases and examined the ethical implications involving your interrogation techniques, specifically when working with offenders with severe mental health issues.”
You regretted the words as soon as you said them. To anybody else, it would have been impressive. Even some of the other profilers were intrigued by the concept, but saying it directly to David Rossi was a whole different ballpark. To his credit, he just chuckled good naturedly, seemingly completely unbothered by your comments. “I can only imagine what they’re saying,” he joked. “Interrogations are very different now than they were back when I started in the FBI.”
“Rossi,” Aaron interjected, and that word was a simple warning. He was obviously trying to stop the conversation quickly. Tension hung in the air briefly as Aaron, Rossi, and you all remembered the unspoken secret the three of you were sharing. “Let’s get started, shall we?”
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readerstories · 3 years
Magic Fingers - Aaron Hotchner x male!reader
I got so many other ideas for fics with Aaron and male reader, this was just an excuse to write some “shorter” smut while I work on some longer fics. (AO3)
Warnings: smut, clothed sex
Wordcount: 2978
Summary: Working hard on a case you offer to give Hotch a massage, because the man is as stiff and tense as a block of wood. (And maybe you want to get your hands on him, but that’s neither here nor there).
The case had been hard, challenging, brutal, and difficult, which had caused the whole team to work on overdrive for the last few days with very little sleep. Which was why Hotch had ordered everyone back to the hotel to get some sleep, as none of you were going to get anywhere being as sleep deprived as you were.
He had tried to stay behind himself, but you had more or less dragged him back to a car while reminding him that even he was human and needed rest. Back at the hotel, in your shared room (because of course with your luck there wasn’t any single rooms left in the hotel for anyone in the team), you stretch before sitting down on your own bed, Hotch walking over to his.
You could see how tense he was, how much he needed to relax. Which was easier said then done when Hotch took as much responsibility as he did, always making sure everything possible was done to catch the unsub and save anyone who might get in harms way. Which was an admirable trait of his, but you could tell by his posture how stiff he had gotten over the last few days. The way he held himself spoke volumes to you, even though you knew he tried to shield it from the world and keep it to himself.
“Hotch?” He looks away from his jacket, the only item of his suit he has manged to force himself out of so far, while your jacket, shoes, and tie was long gone. You pat the edge of the bed next to where you are sitting, Hotch looks skeptical.
“Come on, you need to relax.”
“What does me sitting next to you have anything to do with that?”
“Let me give you a massage.” He raises a brow and you sigh, shifting so you’re kneeling on the bed instead.
“You’ve seen my resume, you know you I thought about going into massage therapy at one point.” Still, Hotch doesn’t move, so you know you have to do more to convince him.
“Remember when Reid had slept on his neck all wrong that one time after staying up way too late and I helped? Or when Morgan messed up his shoulder when going after an unsub and couldn’t sleep for days, and after a massage he finally could? It was the closest I’ve ever seen the man to weeping. Or when JJ was pregnant and hurting, but after letting me give her a massage she joked that if she didn’t love Will, and I wasn’t gay, she would have married me? Hotch, at this point I’ve given a massage to everyone on the team but you, so, get.”
You make a grabby motion with your hands. Hotch sigh, seeming to finally get how serious and stubborn you were being in that moment. He takes off his tie and shoes on the way over to the bed, but doesn’t do anything else, which makes everything a bit harder, but hey, you’ll take anything you’ll get. As Hotch sits down you’re greeted by the lovely opportunity to stare at his back without him noticing or caring too much, which would have been great, if you couldn’t tell how tense he was without even needing a single touch.
When you touch his shoulders he almost jumps, but he forces himself to calm down. Which doesn’t do much, because the instant your hands are on him you can tell it’s going to take a while and some effort to get him relax.
You slowly, ever so slowly start to move you hand, starting out gently at first to get a feeling for him. And ho boy, those are some serious knots if you’ve ever felt some. Your thumb barely brushes over one with some pressure and Hotch winces. You take a breath in trough your teeth, Hotch truly can’t be feeling any sort of pleasant right now, or really, ever you suppose.
“Hotch, if I really didn’t know any better, I would say your shoulders are made of wood with how stiff they are and how many knots I can feel.” Hotch grunts and starts to move like he’s about to stand up, but you drag him back down so he’s fully sitting again with your hands on his shoulders.
“Oh no, none of that, you’re not moving off this bed until all of them are gone and you can you know, actually be a little relaxed for once in your adult life.” Hotch scoffs, but doesn’t try to move again, which you count as a victory.
For the next, you don’t even know how long, your hands wander, squeeze, and press all over Hotch’s shoulders, loosing muscles and knots as good as you can while kneeling behind Hotch. Hotch is mostly quiet, only letting out sighs and the occasional grunt when an especially hard spot is made pliant.
When you’ve done as much as you can in this position you withdraw your hands, noting how Hotch is slumping slightly more forward now than he was when you started.
“Up the bed please, I can’t reach more like this.” Hotch turns so he can look at you over his shoulder.
“You’ve massaged my shoulders, what mor-”
“If your shoulders are any indication, you need a full body massage, so up on the bed please, front down.” You stare down Hotch, not breaking eye contact for one second. You’ve decided that he needs that massage, even if you have to tackle him to the bed to give it to him. He seems to have sensed this as he sighs, and above all miracles, does as you asked of him. He’s on his front, arms tucked under his head to use as a pillow, you now kneeling next to one hip.
Pleased with yourself, you get to work. You start where you left off from before, somewhere in the middle of his back. The knots there aren’t as bad as his shoulders, you suppose Hotch takes ‘bearing the weight of the world on his shoulders’ literally sometimes, but still you do your best to let your hands work over them until they are smoothed out and the muscles beneath your palms relax.
Over time your hands move downwards, and at some point right above the waist of his pants and his belt, your hands on either hip, they brush a particular point or points which make Hotch draw in a breath. Your hands pause before you speak.
“Sorry, you ticklish there?”
“A little.” Hotch reluctantly admits, mostly speaking at the wall he has been staring at for the last few minutes.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” You say as you file that little nugget of info away in a part of your brain you’ve dedicated to Hotch. You make sure to avoid that spot when your hands starts up again, instead moving to his lower back. There you find a knot truly worth your skilled hands, taking several minutes before you can move your hands from that spot. You realize you’ve accomplished your goal there when Hotch lets out a loud groan as you fell his muscles loosen beneath your hands, which you gather was an involuntary sound by the slight redness on his cheeks.
“See, I told you I was good.” Hotch doesn’t responds verbally, but nods, eyes closed now. You don’t say anything else, instead moving to his legs. You start at one ankle, slowly, slowly moving your way upwards, careful not to go to high for both of your comfort. You can tell when that is by a small twitch on Hotch’s leg, just above where you can feel the start of his boxers through his pants, and then you move down. You do however at on point press on a muscle on the backside of his knee that causes the leg to move on its own, which causes you both to laugh.
When both legs are done, you take your hands off Hotch and lean back, noting how his eyes are closed, almost like he’s sleeping.
“Turn around.” This causes Hotch to abruptly open his eyes and look at you for the first time since he laid down.
“I haven’t done your front yet, and I’m not about to let you go with a half finished massage.”
“I-I’d rather not.” Looking over Hotch you quickly realize, with your profiling work and previous experience, why he’s not moving yet.
“If it’s an erection that’s nothing new.”
“Your body is just reacting to stimuli, happens a lot with men, nothing I haven’t seen before. But if you really want to stop, we can of course do that.” You can see Hotch’s mind at war with himself. You say nothing, pretending that there’s a very interesting spot on the wall above the headboard.
It’s the movement of the mattress that alerts you to the fact that Hotch is moving, as the man himself says nothing. When you look at him, he has his arms over his face, jaw and mouth barely visible. What is very visible, is the erction pushing against the front of his pants, and though you would have liked to look, you only give it a glance. Hotch jumps when you touch his ankle again, but you don’t start just yet.
“Relax, like I said, nothing I haven’t seen before. Happens a lot actually, my hands are just that good you know, like a god or something.” Hotch huffs out a laugh, a smile briefly on his lips. You smile back at him even though he can’t see you, and then concentrate back on the task at hand.
Like before, you start at his ankles, working your way up. Hotch gets less tense almost by the second, breathing deepening as your hands work their magic once more. You don’t go very high on his thighs, actually now you’re lower than before, not wanting to make Hotch uncomfortable in any way.
Next is his hips, you start at the one closest to you and work your way up towards his shoulder instead of across his stomach. He still has his arms over his face, so you poke him in the bicep to get his attention.
“Arm please.” Hotch’s sigh is deep, but he moves his arm so you can take it. You’re gentle, well, as gentle as you can be while kneading out knots from tired muscles. His bicep is firm under your fingers, needing a lot less attention than his shoulders luckily.
When you’re done with that arm, you let it go, tapping on his other so he can move that of his face and switch it for the one you finished with. The angle of it is a bit awkward, and you probably should move for easier access, but honestly you can’t be bothered as you’re very close to being finished. However, your knee protests, telling your body that hey, moving is good as not to let limbs fall asleep.
But instead of doing the logical and probably better thing of getting of the bed and walking around, your tired brain decides to just move one leg over Hotch waist, intending to just move the other one over and after. Hotch draws in a slight breath at the motion and then something in your leg fails you, causing you to drop down on Hotch, putting most of your weight on top of Hotch’s crotch. Hotch moans out loud as his hands flies to your lower thighs and you go stock still.
“Fuck shit, sorry Hotch-”
“It’s fine, it’s fine, it-” Hotch draws in a deep breath and licks his lips as you worriedly watch his face. You’re mortified, you just dropped yourself on Hotch’s erection, holy fuck, shit.
It takes a few seconds to realize that you’re not trying to move of Hotch’s lap.
But Hotch isn’t trying to move you off either.
If anything, he’s keeping you there, a deathgrip on your lower thighs.
You take a few terrifying seconds to take stock of the situation before experimentally rolling your hips against Hotch. A flex of his fingers, but he does or says nothing as he stares at the ceiling. You on the other hand, is watching his face for any hint of what he’s thinking.
“If you want me to stop, I’ll stop, and we’ll forget about it ever happening.”
“Ah, um, fuck, shit.”
Silence, one, two, three beats.
“Fuck, move.” You start to get off his, heart already dropping to your guts, but instead Hotch drags you down and rolls his hips against you. This time it’s you who gasps, as your own dick twitches in your pants with the feeling of Hotch grinding against you. Hotch throws his head back, eyes screwed shut.
You’re quick to find your balance and leverage by placing your hands on Hotch’s chest, grinding down, moving as best as you can with Hotch’s own movements. Hotch is letting out a few low moans, which you match with your own as you move and watch the adam’s apple on Hotch’s throat move as he swallows. You want to lean down and kiss his neck, but fuck, you don’t know if you even can kiss him, if he will let you.
Hotch answers that question for you, as just seconds later his eyes open and he moves so he can look at you, catching you staring at him.
“Ah fuck.” Before you can even ask, he’s sitting up. You yelp as the movement causes you to straddle his thighs instead, and then in seconds there’s a hand on the nape of your neck, and even fewer seconds later you’re kissing Hotch.
His lips are firm, but pressing against you with a desperation you’re sure to match. His hands on your hips, holding you hard. Your hands go into his hair, tugging him even closer of that is even possible at this point, which causes him to moan low into your mouth which holy shit, that is, fuck, you can’t even think anymore you think.
The world shifts around you then, and you find yourself on your back, Hotch’s erection pressed against your own. It feels so good, so big and firm, and you want to feel more of him, but you can’t muster the brainpower to do anything about it, so you just tug at his hair and grind against him. Hotch seems of the same mind, as he doesn’t move to do much more either, just moving his hips against yours while kissing you within an inch of your life.
Which should be ridiculous, because you’re both grown men almost fully dressed still, but fuck, that makes it even hotter you think. Or, you try to think, as your mind is mostly chants of ‘more, good, fuck, shit, hot’ over and over again, Hotch’s name thrown in the mix for good measure.
Hotch moves away from your lips, but doesn’t move far, instead peppering kissed down your neck on the little skin he can reach. You moan and gasp, moving one hand from his hair to his back, trying to press him even more against you.
“Fuck, shit, I’m close, so close!” You frantically confess towards the ceiling.
“Me too, me too.” Hotch breathes against your neck, one hand moving so he can unbutton your shirt and get his lips on your collarbone. He starts to suck and bite at a spot there, and that is what does you in. You come just seconds after your shirt is open for him, moaning loudly.
“Fuck!” You hear Hotch mutter against your skin, and then a mutter of your name as he comes, in a low baritone that you think you will remember for the rest of your life.
You lay there panting for several seconds, or perhaps minutes, you’re not sure, just a mess of limbs, most of Hotch’s weight on top of you.
It’s hot, in more ways than one, which is what forces you to push Hotch off you, to get some air. He goes willingly, flopping down on his back next to you on the bed. A few panting breaths before you both turn to look at the other, smiles, then laughter as the situation sinks in. You’re surprisingly the first to gain somewhat of a control over yourself, grinning as you speak.
“We just came in our pants, what are we, teenagers?” Hotch pushes his weight up on his elbows, wincing as apparently something pulls somewhere.
“I don’t know about you, but I certainly don’t feel like one.” Hotch smiles as you, which you return, letting your eyes wander all over him now that you can. His hair is standing in a million different directions, there’s a blush to his cheeks, his clothes are rumpled, a wet spot is forming on the front of his pants, and he looks as fucked and blissed out as you, and most certainly he, feels. You hum, your attention going back to his face.
“We should get cleaned up.” You state, which Hotch nods in response.
“I think you mean you should get us cleaned up. My legs feels like jello right about now.” You raise a brow and he grins.
“I think your massage turned off something in my legs.” You huff, incredulous, but sit up anyway.
“I’m good, but not that good.”
“Well, the sex certainly helped.” You laugh and lean down to give him a kiss, which is mostly smiling lips pressed against each other.
“Hey, what can I say, you got magic fingers.” You smack his chest and laugh as you get up to go the bathroom, your own legs a little shaky, which Hotch doesn’t comment on, but you know he liked by the way he grins at you when you get back to the bed.
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