#I envy you guys so frickin much!!!
praphit · 3 years
Shang-Chi! and the Rings of Daddy Murder Death!
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When the trailer for this movie first came out, I was hyped! From the cast, to the bad ass bus scene, to Wong vs The Abomination,
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 I was sold! 
Of course you had the people who came out saying "This is Marvel trying to be woke again. Hate crimes against Asian people on the rise, and here comes Marvel with Shang-Chi" We know this to be crazy, because Marvel already had this in the works, but certain people still reacted that way. But, even if that notion were true, would that be so bad?
It wouldn't absolve the ignorance, hatred, violence, and toxicity. But, if someone in Hollywood said "We've screwed over Asian people in films for like... ever. What if this time we choose a popular Asian character to base a movie on, and we DON'T do that?"
Now, (being that this movie supposedly leans on Chinese culture, with Shang-Chi being Chinese) China might argue that they still did them wrong (valid racist historical ptsd, cultural splicing, the whole martial arts thing, plus the main character is actually Canadian). It's not my place to weigh-in. But, I will say that making Shang-Chi Canadian, NOT a martial artist, but instead a hockey player, who loves Drake, and co-starring another Canadian, like Micheal Cera or someone 
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probably wouldn't have worked as well for the MCU. Then, maybe Canada would have a problem with Marvel. I don’t envy movie-makers in this context. 
When I was a kid I was big into Black Belt Theater, Bruce Lee movies, 
Bruce Leroy, 
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and within my love for martial arts and fighting entertainment was 
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I liked it, though I remember it being a lil racist. It's weird going back in time to see your fav childhood shows and books that wouldn't fly today:
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I mean we've certainly been a lot more sensitive these days:
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Regardless, Shang-Chi is here! (played by Canada's main man Simu Liu) He goes by the name of Shaun! 
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Don't let that name fool you. Shaun will whup that ass! He says "Bleep all those super powers, and serums, a suits, and magic, and the rubber bones of Widow! That's some ol bullshit! All I need is my Wu-Tang style!" A style fueled by his daddy issues. And he's got some serious daddy issues. To be fair, his dad is the villain of the story. If your father was the active villain of your story, you'd also have issues.
Awkwafina is his sidekick
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(much better than Michael Cera would be), she plays as Katy. That's fun. Every Katy I've ever known has been fun... and a heavy drinker:) This Katy is here to drive fast and crack jokes.
Ladies and Gentlemen, your new Marvel duo!
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It's not just daddy issues for Shang-Chi, but mommy issues (she dead), avoidance issues, his sister kicks him in the balls. He didn't even seem shocked. I mean, his balls were shocked, for sure, but it seemed like she just did that all of the time. I'm imagining Christmas when they were kids. "Here's your gift, bro. KNEE TO THE NUTS Merry Christmas" What kind of relationship is that? And why?! - well, he did abandon her for like 10 years, but... you know, that's plenty of time for her to get over it, right?? So, we'll say sister issues, his daddy training him to be an assassin issues, and his friends have issues with him! - AND KATY! They don't respect Marvel's new duo. They think Shaun and Katy should be doing more with their lives.
They are both valets during the day, and at night they rock drunken karaoke. That seems like the perfect life to me.
But, Daddy and his power rings couldn't allow them to keep living the dream. I haven't mentioned the ten rings yet. 
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They give him super-duper-magical martial arts powers, and make him eternal. AND made him an asshole.
To be fair, he was probably already an asshole before the powers. He's been killing a lot of people. You figure he's been around for 1000+ years. His wife is dead, and he has no hobbies. It's not like he kills a few people and then goes home to read a book, or play video games, or make TikTok videos. It's sunrise to sunset killing all day, every day for generations. Then, he forms an evil terrorist group called "Ten Rings" to amplify his killing.
"Murder Death Rings" are what they should be called.
"Daddy Death Punchy Time"
""Dead Doomy Rangs of Killer Dad"
"The Legendary Killer Rings of Deadly Death Death Murder Pops"
"The... " sorry, I've been drankin a lil bit while I write... I lost my place.
I like "Daddy Death" Where was I?
Right! He can't have Shaun being happy! We've gotta get this plot going, so he sends the only white dude he can find in this movie to start some trouble for them. I guess, there might have been a couple of more white people in the film, but they all got the snot beat out of them in that bus scene. This white dude's name is "Razor Fist", yep... "Razor Fist!". 
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At least they didn't stick to the original design. 
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Ridiculous. How does he use the bathroom?
He's played by Florian Munteanu, who is a former heavy weight boxer. Yeah! Was also in "Creed" his nickname is "The Big Nasty". Isn't that a drink? A bartender once offered me to sample a drink called "The Big Nasty". I chose to go with a drink that doesn't have "nasty" in its title. ... I think he was offering me a drink.
"Daddy Murder Death" and "Sharp Fisty Man" spark this thang. And Shaun becomes Shang-Chi, beater of ass!
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The visuals in this movie are the best Marvel has done to date. The action is so good. I just got finished raving about the action in "Black Widow"; this surpasses that. I dug the cast. I know some people don't like Awkwafina, but... get over it. She was great in this; everybody was!
I loved the soundtrack! I'm not normally the "I loved the soundtrack guy" , but it was perfect. It begs to be mentioned.
No issues with the story. And the emotions that they're stirring in you. Whew!
One moment I'm enjoying the beater of ass, then Katy is making me laugh, then the slew of issues got me in my feelings, then the visuals wow me, then more swelling issues, back to ass beating - all the way through.
And the ending! True, Marvel has a formula (and this sticks to it), but if it ain't broken, why bleep with it?? The ending was Game of Thrones-ish, but with light so a brotha can see, and all the colors of the rainbow - like a Skittles commercial with martial arts.  Fun! - so not like GOT at all, I guess. The only fun they had was when there was torture or prostitution going on.
I don't have anything bad to say about the movie. They could have shaved 5-10 mins off, but I won't take off for that; there's just too much to love about this!
Grade: A+
Fun for the whole family! I can see the fam working through some issues after the watch.
Daughter: "You know, Dad. That asshole dad of Shang-Chi kinda reminds me of you."
Mom: "Daughter! You do NOT talk to your father that way!"
Daughter: “Just sayin...”
Dad: "That's interesting, cuz his ungrateful, bitch of a daughter reminds me of YOU!"
Mother and Daughter: *gasp
Son: *laughs
Dad: "All I want you to do is take your school work seriously and maybe date a guy who doesn't smell like weed!"
Daughter: "I'll have you know that's his natural smell! And maybe I'd focus more on school, if I didn't have to focus on YOU being such a BLEEPING ASSHOLE, DAD!"
See, that's healthy dialogue, right there. Maybe the family that watches this movie buys mommy a bunch of guns for protection, so she doesn't end up dead like the mommy in this movie. Like a ridiculous amount of guns!
And I could see brother and sister kicking each other in the crotch to resolve their differences. BUT, if they're close-by, fighting each other, then there's no time to abandon one another.
Marvel does it again!
Whichever of the Marvel films is your favorite, this one will probably be up there as well.
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sketchybeats · 3 years
Rating BHC characters by how likely we are to be friends
We'd definitely get along and be bros but I dunno I kinda feel like we'd be a little awkward as well? Really love this guy though and we both love the stars so ummm star gazing picnics maybe? 🥺
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I ADORE Papyrus and his energy is IMMACULATE but we don't really have a lot of similar interests. I think we'd still get along super well though! I'd love to cook with him 👉👈
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BLUUEEE MY LOVEE he's so wholesome and I feel like we give off super similar vibes but we also don't really have a whole lot in common except our intense love of mothman. We would definitely be cryptid hunting buddies 🔦👻
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AAA STRETCH PLEASE GOD BE FRIENDS WITH ME We are practically the same person like it's kind of uncanny. We have the same sense if humor, same interests, same energy level, we even both drink honey (I have literally done that since I was like 6) so yeah we'd be besties 👫
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Do not get me wrong I LOVE Red he's frickin AWESOME. But I just think we'd have a lot of trouble communicating? Also I get my feelings hurt SUPER easily so I have a feeling we wouldn't be the best match. Would watch him play video games on the couch though ☺
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In all seriousness though this guy just. AAAAAAA. I LOVE HIM. He gives me intense gender envy I WANNA LOOK LIKE YOU. I just know we'd get along. I don't even know why. We just would. Minus a point cause he'd probably say mean things to me but he'd also watch Disney movies and sing villain songs with me so I'm willing to overlook it 🥰
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Y'all finna hate me but LET ME EXPLAIN.
We have absolutely NOTHING in common. At all. I really can't see us having anything besides kind of an acquaintance sort of relationship. Don't get me wrong Nox is nice and all and I don't dislike him in the slightest, we just wouldn't really click.
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Ah yes another skeleton that is way too much like me. We'd probably have a bit of trouble warming up to each other because ya know, we both have intense social anxiety and are very NOT Neurotypical, but I know DAMN well we'd be INSEPARABLE after we got to know each other. We're both HUGE 80s song dweebs and I can just imagine the karaoke nights now. Also he'd definitely cuddle with me and we'd help each other with our anxiety so yeah (also I feel like he stims when he gets excited so we'd probably stim out together)🥺🥺🥺
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ASHHHHHHH. I adore Ash so much. We both just want silence, grass, dirt, bad jokes, and Bumble Bees. I'd love to just sit in his garden with him and watch the clouds roll by as we talk about our favorite bugs (would highkey move into a woodland cottage with him) 🐝🌺🌻🌹🌷
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I love Poplar he's such a goober! We wouldn't be like BEST friends or anything but we'd definitely be good pals! I love listening to people talk so I'd be a pretty good match with him I think! Also apparently he's artsy and I'd love to paint with him! 🎨🖌️💕
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Go follow @bonelyheartsclub and @owl-bones please and thank you<3
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #692: Teenagers React to Everyone Losing in Mario Golf World Tour (SSBU)
Mario gets hit by a Green She'll and turns into his little self on Screen.
Futuba: Wait. (Eyes Widened in Complete Disbelief at the Screen) THAT CAN ACTUALLY HAPPEN TO HIM!?
Ren: We've seen this man get stabbed, detonated, and knocked out many times than any of us can count. And none them ever resulted him into being little.
Lavenza: Perhaps it's the Green Shell's doing......(Place her Hand on her Chin and Starts Thinking) Hmmmmm.........
Futuba: (Turns to Lavenza) Anything on your mind, Lavvy-chan?
Lavenza: This might be hunch, but....How about we try devising a plan? Where we can try hitting Mario with a Green Shell ourselves.
Futuba: That way, we can see if he can turn into a small plumber or not. (Smiles Brightly and Excitedly) That's GENIUS!
Ren: (Has a bit of a Curious Smirk on his Face) Wouldn't mind being a part of that plan myself. I think my throwing skills has gotten better overtime.
Futuba: Mines too!
Makoto: (Immediately Gives the Trio Her Signature Cold Niijima Glare) We are NOT throwing a Green Shell at Mario.
Ren: There it is.
Futuba: (Starts Giving Makoto a Disappointed Pouty Face) Makotooo.....
Lavenza: (Genuinely Shocked and Disappointed) But why ever not, Ms. Queen?
Makoto: Because it's very rude and completely uncalled for. I mean seriously, what would Peach say if she saw you three going through with plan? She would be very disappointed. As I am with you three for even thinking about doing this.
Futuba: Come on, sis! Can't we just-
Makoto: (Stares Piercing her Glare) The answer's no and that's final.
Ren/Lavenza/Futuba: (Straighten Themselves Up in a Bit of Fear) Yes, ma'am!
Lavenza: (Genuinely Surprised) Goodness! I have no idea the Queen could be so terrifying....
Futuba: (Starts Shrugging) That's Makoto for ya. Her glares and motherly attitude are completely outmatched in our ragtag group. You know, besides Haru.
Haru: (Happily and Gently Scratches Under Morgana's Chin While He's Sitting and Purring onto her Lap, Causing her to Giggle Softly Altogether)
Lavenza: I see.... So I suppose nothing could ever try and faze her in some occasions, yes?
Futuba: For the most part.
Ren: (Smirks Like a Love Struck Dork) That's one of the million reasons why I love that beautiful woman after all~
Makoto: (Pouts at Ren) Stop trying to flattering me, Ren-Ren!~ The answer's still no!
Ren: (Chuckles Lightly) We know that already, 'hon~ I just wanted to tell you how much I love you is all~ (Kiss Makoto on the Cheek)
Makoto: (Lays her Head on Ren's Shoulder Once She Begins to Blush) Dummyhead~ (Hugs Ren Afterwards) Love you too~
Futuba: (Puts on a Deadpinned Look on Her Planned) Unless your name is Ren-Ren and try making her blush like a strawberry.....
Lavenza: Fascinating.....
Coco: (Writing Down Somthing on her Notepad)
Tails: Writing down possible theories and methods of any of this makes sense?
Coco: Yup!~
Luigi sadly slouches down onto the floor and gets licked by a Boo on screen.
Yoshi: I dunno which is sadder.... Seeing my Luigi being sad or seeing him getting licked by a random Boo.
Pit: (Starts Shrugging Slowly) At least he didn't call himself a loser that time.
Yoshi: Yeah.
Peach dramatically faints, with heartstrings playing in the background, on screen.
Sonic: ('Sigh') There goes mom being dramatic again.....
Amy: (Happily Resting her Head into Sonic's Shoulder) I feel like you've gotten that from her as of late.
Sonic: ('Heh') Yeah right. Like I can be a drama as well-
Amy: Ice cream on Chili Dogs.
Sonic: (Eyes Widened and Gasps Loudly From his Girlfriend's Sudden Words and Dramatically Points at her) How DARE YOU say those words in front of me!? Your own BOYFRIEND!
Amy: (Giggles Softly at How Adorable her Sonic is Being Right Now) I rest my case~
Yoshi went into his egg in a very sad manner and starts rolling around the area before falling down on screen.
Ann: (Place her Hands onto her Mouth) Oh my gosh! This is so hard to watch!
Shiho: (Hugs Ann's Arm) This is so sad....
Haru: And so adorable at the same time!~
Morgana: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes)
Futuba: (Raise her Hand) All in a agreement to hug Yoshi later on, say aye!
Ann/Shiho/Haru: (Raises Their Hands as Well) AYE!~
Lavenza: (Raises her Hand as Well) I would also like to join in this event as well!
Dark Pit: (Smirks Smugly at an Already Annoyed Yoshi) Guess who's back on his cuteness bullshit?
Ryuji: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah.
Yoshi: For the love of...(Gets Up From his Seat) Why does everyone in this room thinks I'm cute?
Ann: Because you are-
Yoshi: Okay. I get. I flutter jump, I turn into an egg, and I admit, I do have a cute face. But for GOD SAKES, I know Kung Fu! I-I know how to drive a car with little to no problem! (Got Out his Trusty Nunchucks) I even learned how to use Nunchucks and everything!!!
Ryuji: Come on, man. You're overreacting.
Coco: Yeah. There's nothing wrong having a little cuteness in ya. (Happily Gives Yoshi a Thumbs Up) I think it suits you perfectly well.
Yoshi: (Turns to Tails) See, even your girlfriend thinks I'm cute, Tails!
Tails: (Eyes Widened at What Yoshi Just Said) Wait.....
Tails/Coco: WHAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!?
Coco: (Starts Blushing Herself) B-B-But weren't not dating! We're best friends!
Tails: (Starts Blushing as Well) E-Exactly! A-And besides.....(Chuckles a bit Lately) I-I'm pretty sure Coco wouldn't really be interested in dating someone as boring as me-
Coco: ('GASPS') (Pouts at Tails) Miles Tails Prower, how could you!!?
Tails: (Taken Aback by Coco's Sudden Change of Attitude) What? W-What did I say?
Coco: How could you say that about yourself!? You are absolutely NOT boring to me at all!
Tails: Y-You think so-
Coco: (Grabs Tails' Hands and Gently Squeezes Them) I KNOW so, mister! You're the most smartest, brilliant, precious little cinnamon roll I've ever met and anyone who thinks otherwise are dumb and stupid!
Tails: (Almost at a Loss of Words) Coco.....
Coco: I mean it, Tails! I don't EVER wanna see you put yourself down like that ever again, you hear me!?
Tails: I won't do that anymore! I promise!
Coco: (Stares at Tails For a Brief Second Before Sighing) Good. (Gives Tails a Loving Hug) I'm glad we come to an understanding. I love you, bud.
Tails: (Chuckles Lightly While Hugging Coco Back) I love you too, Coco. Thank you.
Almost Everyone: (Stares at the Best Friends Hugging Each Other) (Yeah. They would SO be cute couple together.)
Daisy tries calming herself down before taking one look at the camera and starts angrily stomping and looking away on screen.
Ryuji: Sheesh. Even when she try to calm down, she still gets angry....
Yoshi: That's my mom for ya. Always a low-key bad sport.
Donkey Kong
Donkey Kong starts slapping the ground angrily before a random barrel came down and hit his head, causing him to fall down unconscious on screen.
Yusuke: That has to be a painful experience to go through.
Futuba: Tell me about it. I highly doubt that any normal human could survive a random barrel falling down on their heads.....or their entire body.
Ryuji: I envy that gorilla sometimes....
Diddy Kong
Diddy Kong lazily eats his banana, throws the peel on the floor beside him, gets up, ,immediately slips on the peel and fell on screen.
Ren: Yeah. No. He had that one coming.
Everyone: (Nodding and Completely Agrees to What Ren was Saying) Yeah./ Very True./ Uh huh.
Wario gets struck by lightning on screen.
Ryuji: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) JESUS! Where the hell did that lightning came from? It's not even raining outside!
Yusuke: Perhaps there's more to this universe than we originally thought....
Waluigi starts acting dramatic to losing before falling down into a black hole, that suddenly appears out of nowhere, on screen.
Futuba: Wha-Wha- WHAT!? How is even possible!? W-W-WHERE DID THAT BLACK HOLE EVEN CAME FROM!?
Morgana: (Shakes his Head Slowly) I don't even know anymore, Futuba....
Futuba: Damnit! (Looks Up Into the Ceiling in Anger) NONE OF THIS MAKES ANY SENSE!!!
Lavenza: There's a lot of things that doesn't make sense, Big Sister Futuba.
Bowser angrily punches a camera on screen.
Ryuji: WOAH WOAH WOAH! What the hell was that all about!?
Ren: A evil, giant turtle getting mad over a simple game of golf....Kind of sounds a lot sadder when I say it out loud.
Ryuji: Right!? It's just a frickin' golf game! Why do they have get so hell-bent over it everytime they lose!?
Ren: I don't think anyone really knows at this point, man.
Bowser Jr.
Bowser Jr throwing his usual temper tantrum on screen.
Morgana: (Starts Sighing While Rolling his Eyes) Here comes another Bowser Jr's cuteness hour.....
Futuba: (Teasingly Pokes Morgan's Cheeks) Getting jealous there, Mona?~
Haru: (Immediately Pulls Morgana into a Loving Hug) Oh my sweet, little Mona-Chan!~ Please don't be jealous of Bowser Jr-kun anymore! I promise I love you with all of my heart!~ (Begins Kissing Morgana's Cheek)
Morgana: (Starts Getting Ticklish by Haru's Kisses) Haru! Come on! I believe you already! Really!
Lavenza: (Turns to Futuba) What exactly is happening here right now? Is Mona-Chan really jealous of this Bowser Jr character?
Futuba; (Simply Nodded) Oh big time. He thinks Haru thinks that the little guy is more cuter than he is.
Lavenza: ('Gasps') That is crazy talk....(Turns to Morgana) Mona-Chan!
Morgana: (Turns to Lavenza) Huh? What's wrong, Lavenza?
Lavenza: (Gently Grab Both of Mona's Paws) There us no need for you feel any jealousy towards Bowser Jr. While it is true that his overall appearance is cute to look at, you are and always will a precious feline in my very eyes!
Morgana: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise While Blushing) Y-You.... really mean that, Lavenza?
Lavenza: Why, of course I do. (Joins into Morgana and Haru's Hug) I wouldn't be here, telling you this if I don't.
Haru: Lavvy-chan is absolutely right on this, sweetheart. You're a lot more precious than give yourself credit for. So please don't be jealous anymore, okay?
Morgana: (Sighs While Being Overwhelmed by the Group Hug) I'll try not to....(Smiles a Little) Thanks, you guys.
Futuba: (Smirk Softly at the Trio While Silently Taking a Few Pictures of Them ('Heh Heh') Dorks.
Rosalina faints....and accidentally fell down on the Lumas, who were trying to help her up, on screen.
Most People in the Living Room: Oh!
Yoshi: That has got to leave a mark.
Pit: I know. I kind of feel bad for those poor little Lumas....
Dark Pit: They're floating, magical stars with eyes, Pit-Stain. They'll be fine.
Birdo angrily shoots eggs at the camera on screen.
Ann: (Really Glares at the Screen) Really?! What is with these people and breaking camera screens!? Do they honestly even know how much those things cost!!?
Shiho: (Simply Shrugs) I guess they really can't stand the fact they've lost a game golf.
Ann: Right!?
Two Toads tries to cheer up the main Toad by cheerleading on screen.
Ren: Huh. Cheerleading Toads.... That's a new one.
Makoto: It's cute how they try to do whatever they can to support each other.
Ren: I agree. It's also ironic how this is the most normal reaction of losing out of everyone else we've seen so far.
Makoto: ('Sigh') Yeah.....
Nabbit hides under a bag....only to get eaten by a Piranha Plant on screen.
Dark Pit: Alright. I'm about to lose it in a matter of seconds, if someone in this room don't tell me why in the hell does that dumbass thought that having a Piranha in his bag was even remotely a good idea!
Ren: ('Sigh') Yeah. I think we're done here.
Sonic: Sheesh....That was a lot more insane to watch through than I thought it would be.....
Yusuke: Not the most cringe worthy event I have ever seen so far, but it was still rather.... interesting to watch, to say the least.
Amy: I know..... I had no idea they would took golf so seriously...
Ryuji: You're telling me. I mean, really, I can't believe these guys were making a huge deal about losing one single game of golf! GOLF!! Probably one of the most boring sports in all of the frickin universe!!
Ren: Well, knowing Mario and the gang, I'm pretty sure they found a way to make the sport more fun to them.
Ryuji: That might be the true, but that doesn't make what we just saw, any better, bro!!
Ren: ('Sigh') Yeah. It.... really doesn't.
Futuba: (Found Something Interesting on his Phone) Huh.
Pit: What you found, Futuba?
Futuba: (Shows Everyone Beside her Phone) It says here that Mario and the others are hosting an all new golf tournament next month. It's called the "Mario Golf: Super Rush Tournament"
Yoshi: (Takes a Look at Futuba's Phone) Yep. Seems pretty legit to me.
Everyone: (Nodded in Agreement)
Makoto: They're going to embarrass themselves in that tournament, are they?
Ren: I'd be surprised if they didn't.
Makoto: You're gonna record the whole thing, are you?
Ren: (Chuckles Lightly) Oho yeah.....
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diabloindigo · 3 years
Are you the person to open a box of cereal just to get the toy inside? As a kid yes. Right now, I don’t buy cereals with prizes anymore. Do they even stuff toys in cereal these days? 
Do you get scared easy? If it’s in the anxiety induced variety, yes. 
What was one of the stupidest things you cried over when you were little? Not sure, it could have been anything from not wanting to wear a fancy dress or dress shoes to a party or a broken toy. 
Have you ever drank milk from the carton? Despite having a working dishwasher and plenty of glasses, I “waterfall” milk and juice from the containers. 
Juice or milk? I go both ways, leaning more towards juice. Apple or orange. 
Do you ever turn off your computer properly? Once in a while. 
Do you wish you were a fish? Not really, though I kinda envy the blue Dory (Doctor Fish?) in the tank at my gynecologist’s waiting room. It likes to swim to the bottom of the tank and ride up to the top on a bubble jet. That damn fish has probably had more fun than I have in the past several months. 
Who’s your favorite super hero? Invincible (Amazon Prime). Along with Spider-Man (2002) and the Big Hero 6 movie, that character/series is a rare superhero show that makes me feel strong and vulnerable at the same time. 
Who’s your favorite super villain? Slade Wilson/ Deathstroke as seen in “Teen Titans: The Judas Contract” animated movie and the 2003-2006 “Teen Titans” cartoon series. 
Spiderman or X-men? Spider-Man. Tobey Maguire and Peter B. Parker from Into the Spiderverse. 
Movie theatre or stay at home movie night? Theaters. Alamo Drafthouse. I love ordering boozy milkshakes and finger foods.
Do you have a Blue Ray? I have one of those external drives for my Mac though I never use it. 
How about HD television? Yeah
Do you think HD television is kind of a waste of money? No. 
Do you get why people get so frickin’ freaked out during football season? I do not, and living in a state with a hard-on for (American) football makes it weird when I tell people that I do not have a favorite football team/player. 
Do you ever sneak scraps to the dog even though you’re not suppose to? I don’t sneak him food. If I cook or order too much to eat, then I scrape a couple of cup’s worth of leftovers in his bowl. He’s probably got only a year to live so let him live it up a little. 
Are you reading a book right now? If so what? A friend gave me a copy of “The Only Good Indians” but I can't get into it so I’m reading “Full Throttle” by Joe Hill. 
What was the last book you were required to read for school? It’s been so long I can’t remember. 
O donuts or jelly filled? Whipped cream filled. I love Krispy Kreme’s whipped cream filled donuts with raspberry filled donuts as a close second. 
If I’m feeling bland then I do like crullers. 
Do you like your ice-cream in a bowl or cone? Bowl unless it’s a tasty cone. 
Marshmallows in your hot chocolate or no? I could go either way unless it’s a tiny cup of chocolate. 
Do you like cherry coke? Hell yes. I love going to Sonic for a cherry-vanilla-lime Coke or this greasy little 1950s type burger joint for their cherry cokes since they load the cups with several cherries. 
Do you really think diet Dr. Pepper is the equivalent of a cupcake? No, it tastes artificial. Like a bastard child of a soft drink that wants to pass for cherry soda. 
Do you snore in your sleep? Drool? Talk? Snore and talk (I’m pretty stressed out).
Have you ever sleep walked? no
Are you a morning person? I am now. 
How do you wake up in the mornings? by alarm during the work week, naturally at 6-7 on vacation days. 
Do you think guyliner is hot? What is that? 
Is variety the spice of life? yeah
Do you think strawberry milk is disgusting? I like it. 
Have you ever drank after anyone? Like sharing a cup/bottle? Yeah, loads of times.  
Have you ever drank after anyone you don’t know very well? No. 
Do you have any limits on who you drink/eat after?
If we’re talking about sharing, then I will share food/drink with family and friends. If someone offers me bite-size pieces that are individually wrapped or can be torn off the main portion, I’ll eat it, but only from co-workers or acquaintances. 
Would you eat a sucker if someone already ate some of it? No. 
Would you chew somebody else's gum? Hell no. 
Do you know anyone who’s going to die of mono because of that? No. 
Do you enjoy school? My English and psychology classes. 
Are you a teacher’s pet? no
Do you have a job? Yes. 
How did you get to and from school? Parents drove me or I walked for elementary through high school. I drove when I went to college. 
Do you have a bedtime? And if so what is it? I’m in bed between 11-12 a.m.
What time do you get up? 6 am so I can walk/exercise before the sun boils the earth in full force. 
Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? Yeah in college. 
What’s more important? Beauty or brains? brains
Do you believe in yourself? Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don’t. 
Did you ever want to be an astronaut when you were little? No. Being a veterinarian or scientist were my highest ambitions as a small kid. 
How about the president? Never. 
What did you want to be when you were little? Veterinarian, scientist, cartoon character. 
Did you ever want to be a super model? no
Do you believe you’re attractive enough to be a super model? No.
Have you ever had an X-ray? Several in the past few months for pre-surgery and dental work.
What’s your favorite guy’s name? What’s your favorite girl’s name? Guys’: Shane, Mark, Tadashi, Austin, Cade, Trip.
Girls’: Quince, Sienna, Amy, Kit, Lizzie (Elizabeth), Raven.
Who’s your second cousin’s, grandparent’s, sister? The fuck...
Do you laugh to yourself whenever the ketchup bottle farts? No, in fact, I get annoyed when other people hear it and ask me if I farted. 
Do you have any real guns in your house? I have several. 
Do you know how to use nunchucks? No, I bought a pair at one of those Asian imports emporiums, but I donated them since I never learned to use them. They were these crappy foam padded ones with dragons printed on the handles. 
Do you know anyone who can use nunchucks? No. 
What do you want to be next Halloween? In better health and not shitting bricks about using up my paid time off to go to doctors’ appointments. 
Did you ever consider getting a job as a mall Santa? No. I’d rather be one of his elves or a reindeer. 
Are you the one responsible for taking out the garbage? Yes. Grosses me the fuck out sometimes with smelly discarded poultry trays or rotten food, but somebody’s gotta do it. 
Do you recycle? My city has the blue recycling bins, but I heard that since we’re an ass-backward community, “recyclables” and trash all go to the same place. I just place recyclables in the blue bin to help clear up space in the trash bin. Maybe I’m wrong and this city does recycle? Can’t hurt. 
When I was 11, I’d collect empty soda cans to take to the recycling guy since back in the day, they’d pay for aluminum cans. That’s how I scraped up funds for dollar movies and hot dogs. 
Are you a pyro? Yeah. I carry/collect Zippo lighters but mostly because the “click-click” is satisfying to hear since I flip the lids open and closed to relieve stress. And I burn a lot of old bills and letters with sensitive info on them. 
What was the last word/thing you wrote down? I was researching high fiber foods that are also low in carbs to make a grocery and dinner meal plan. 
Sleeping or eating? After my surgery, sleeping. 
Are you overall a positive person? I try to be realistically positive, if such a thing exists. The world will never be all sunshine and My Little Ponies, but I try to find some comfort and positivity when my world is a shit-show. Filling this survey out kinda helps. 
Do you hate hypocrites? Yeah, especially the “do as I say, not as I do” types. 
For instance, a certain family member is pushing good diet and health habits, but it aggravates the hell out of me if I see him drinking high sugar iced tea or eating ice cream. Or Door-Dashing Burger King, even if it is a Beyond Whopper with a diet Coke. 
Do you like to prank people? Yes, but I do benign pranks like leaving dirty riddles and meme drawings on their front doors. 
What was the worst prank you’ve ever done on anyone? I tried fucking with a telesolicitor but I could not stop laughing. 
Have you ever jumped on a trampoline in the ice? I don’t own a trampoline. 
Have you ever ice skated? No. I tried once after a local minor league hockey game. I got the skates on, but my ankles were bending/bowing out so I changed my mind.
Ever water skiid? No. 
Is vacuum spelled funny? Yes. 
Democrat or republican? I don’t associate formally with either party, but I hitch my pony a little to the left. 
Who’s the biggest asshole you know? My former boss circa 2013. Very unprofessional and a veritable loudmouth and a poor (shit) showman wannabe. 
Pen or pencil? Gel-ink pens. 
Should all paper have holes? nope
Speaking of holes. Swiss cheese, what’s the point of that? Fewer calories? Spinning slices in my hand like a TV cowboy spinning his revolver in the trigger guard with his finger? 
Have you ever been in a helicopter before? No. 
Own any airbrushed tshirts? Nope, not even in the nineties. 
Have you ever been suspended? No. 
Have you ever been in a fist fight? A few playground fights as a kid. 
Ever said something to someone that you didn’t mean to say? Yes. 
Do you forgive too easily? I don’t think so. 
What are you listening to right now? The AC running. 
Have you ever seen any of MCR’s music videos? Nope. 
Are you tan? No. 
Have you ever been in a tanning bed? No. I have no desire to look like a Cheeto or woo skin cancer. 
Have you ever played water volley? Once at my uncle’s neighborhood swimming pool. 
Ever had a sunburn? Yes, from neglecting sunscreen re-applications or underestimating the sun. 
How about wind burn? It hurts….. Nah, I don't live in a cold enough climate for that. 
What was the first word you learned how to say? I think it was “mama.”
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theshopislocal · 3 years
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corinth rains
New and improved Heaven may well be the Happiest Place (not) on Earth. But Dean, it turns out, is still Dean.
(also on AO3)
chapter three
Charlie’s place is frickin’ awesome.
That said, Dean doesn’t understand most of her decor. There’s a surprisingly beautiful oil painting of what looks like the bushy-haired girl from Harry Potter standing over the corpse of a monster with a face made of teeth; Charlie called it the Demogorgon, which clarified precisely nothing. On another wall, there’s a giant framed poster of the little shruggie emoticon dude, which, on closer inspection, is itself made of other shruggie emoticon dudes. In the center of the foyer stands a life-size marble statue of Poison Ivy, flanked on either side by two huge suits of armor, armed with iron flails.
Then, of course, the crowning jewels: a wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling flatscreen TV and a tiny blue console that ostensibly contains every video game ever made. Charlie calls it the Deus ExBox.
“I swear to Jack,” Charlie mutters, fingers smashing against the controller buttons, “if you say ‘get over here’ one more time—”
Dean shrugs as much as he’s able while spamming the square button. “It’s the best move!”
“Yeah,” Charlie snorts, “and you cheese it.” She presses several buttons at once, and her character - a skinny brunette in a hilarious and mildly sexy bathing suit - kicks Dean’s guy about thirty damn times.
Dean makes a frenetic motion with the controller and goes full button mash. “You cheese Mileena! With your stupid tele-drop—”
“Hey,” Charlie starts, turning briefly to glare at Dean, “Mileena’s my main, ok—”
Dean uses the moment of distraction to pull the joystick hard to the left, tapping square one last time. His character - a rippling muscled dude in a skintight suit with a yellow loincloth - casts his spear at Mileena, yelling a guttural ‘Get over here!’
Mileena’s health bar drops to zero, and she sways back and forth. Dean gives Charlie a smirking side-eye.
She shakes her head and points a blunt-nailed finger at him. “Dean, don’t you dare. Dean.”
Dean gives her a winning smile and moves the joystick side to side, thumb hovering over the X button.
“Dean, don’t you dare toasty me—”
He taps the X, and Scorpion spits a pillar of flame at Mileena.
Fatality, the screen reads. Scorpion wins.
Charlie stares blankly for a moment, slack-jawed and dull-eyed, before cutting a glare at Dean. “I literally hate you.”
Dean’s mouth pulls into a wide grin, and he raises his hands in a shrug. “C’mon, who could hate this face.”
“What face?” Charlie grumbles. “All I see is a butt.”
Dean gives a bark of laughter, and his cheeks ache. He’s learned that Charlie is an appallingly poor sport, and her swearing tirades in the wake of a loss amuse him to no end.
She gives him a mild glare, betrayed by the play of a smile around her mouth, and reaches for her giant pint glass - ‘it’s a stein, you philistine’ - only to frown down at the flat dregs. She shifts as if to stand, then her face lights up, and she smiles over at Dean. “Hey, check this out,” she says, and the childlike excitement in her voice has Dean leaning forward. She raises the stein overhead and bellows, “Beer me!”
Her glass refills itself, bottom to top, an inch of fluffy white head settling over translucent gold. Dean’s brows rise, and his lips tick up. “See now, that I could get used to.”
Charlie gives him a self-congratulatory smile and passes the glass to Dean. He tips his head in thanks and takes a gulp, face scrunching up at the taste.
“Ugh, god,” he sputters, setting the glass down heavily on the low coffee table. “What is that?”
Charlie’s lips turn down in a dramatic pout. “Stella Artois.”
Ugh. What are they, at a bachelorette party in the Hamptons? “Aren’t you supposed to be a lesbian?”
Charlie gives him an unimpressed glare and hoists herself off the couch. “I’m a chapstick power alpha, thank you very much.”
Dean’s sure he knows what all those words mean individually, but- “Yeah, I got no idea what you’re talkin’ about.”
Charlie rolls her eyes and skips towards the kitchen, tapping the Yoda bobble head on the bookshelf as she passes it. There are several other action figures on the shelf, and a bunch of other tchotchkes, most of which he can barely make out in the dim fluorescent light. He glances over at the windows framing the dining table; he figures Charlie’s gotta have a great view, being situated so near the lake. But the curtains - done in a deep, velvety purple that looks like some sort of magic fur - are drawn, the afternoon light pooling just around the bottom.
Dean feels his brow wrinkle. “Hey,” he calls, “why are your curtains closed?”
“What?” comes Charlie’s muffled voice.
Dean rolls his eyes and waits until she comes around the corner with two dark bottles of IPA. “Why are your curtains closed?”
She raises her eyebrows at him, flopping herself onto the couch. “Cuz the sun’s out? Duh?”
Dean takes a bottle from her hand, twists off the cap. “You don’t like it?”
Charlie gives him a dry look. “Dude. I’m a pasty code-jockey otaku.”
This time, Dean isn’t sure he knows what any of those words mean. He squints at her, shaking his head.
She sighs. “Sunlight could kill me.”
Dean snorts a laugh. “Ah.” He vaguely remembers a case he’d worked solo while Sam was at university: a teenage boy had spawned a Tulpa while writing a (surprisingly good) web comic. Dean had interviewed him in his dorm room - all empty Mountain Dew bottles and half-eaten bowls of ramen. Kid looked like he hadn’t seen the sun in years.
Back then, Dean had told him to pull the comic from his site and go the hell outside. Now, Dean feels mild envy for him and Charlie both.
“I miss rain,” Dean says, and it feels like a confession.
Charlie turns toward him and tilts her head, expression curious and bemused.
Dean harrumphs and adjusts his seat. “I mean, I like the—” he gestures vaguely toward the window, “—the picnic weather, too, I just...” he trails off, noting Charlie’s scrunched frown, and shrugs. “I dunno. Sam says there’re storms, past the mountain.”
Charlie’s brow smoothes at that, and she perks up, grabbing her stein with both hands. “Probably. All kinds of weird stuff over there.” She takes a long swig and gives a tiny burp that has Dean huffing a laugh. “You seen the mini forest in the field?”
Dean sobers and shakes his head. “He said that’s where the storm was.”
“Oh,” Charlie murmurs. “Huh. Wasn’t last time I saw it.”
Dean raises an eyebrow. “You’ve been over the mountain?” He tries to picture her with a bindle in place of an iPhone and hiking boots in lieu of her Converse, but comes up short.
Charlie smirks at him and takes another gulp, licking the foam from her top lip. “I may have spent my first afternoon here flying around on a broomstick like Harry Potter.”
Dean tips his head back in a nod. He really should’ve guessed that. He brings his bottle to his mouth, taking a cautious sniff to make sure he’s not drinking any more of that wimpy shit, and gives Charlie a sidelong glance. “Did you catch the snitch?”
Charlie beams. “As a matter of fact, yes.”
Dean shakes his head and smiles. “Attagirl.” He takes a long drink, enough to clear the neck, and savors the bitter hoppy flavor on his tongue. It’s a damn sight better than the swill he’s had with Bobby. Or whatever the fuck Stella Artois is.
“It was on fire.”
Dean swallows and cuts a glance at Charlie. “What?”
“The forest,” she says, smoothing a finger over the lip of her glass. “I mean, not the whole thing, just a couple trees near this, like, barn thing? They were all charred.” She tilts her head, considering. “Coulda been lightning, I guess? I dunno.”
Dean feels a pit open up in his stomach, strange and unbidden. He sets his beer down on the table, butting it up against his controller. “You tell the Arch?”
Charlie shrugs. “Kevin said not to worry about it.”
Dean’s eyebrows shoot up to his hairline, and he turns fully toward her. “You talked to Kevin?”
When he’d heard through the grapevine that Kevin had finally made it over, Dean had sent Jack a silent, thankful prayer. He’s thought about checking in on the kid, but word has it he’s top dog at the Library - the new and improved Scribe of Heaven. Dean figures that’s about as close to ‘advanced placement’ as the kid is likely to get, this side of the pearly gates.
“I stopped by the Library,” Charlie says, nonchalant. Then she gives Dean a mischievous grin, raising her glass to her mouth. “Wanted to see if they had Lady Death in Lingerie.”
Dean frowns. “Is that... Is that porn?”
Charlie smirks at him. “It’s a comic, but... yes, yes it is.”
Dean blinks hard and gives her an incredulous look. “You got Kevin out of the Library ... for cartoon porn?”
“Hey,” Charlie demurs, “you don’t get to say anything about cartoon porn, I’ve seen your browser history.” Dean rolls his eyes even as his face warms, but doesn’t offer a defense.
“And no,” she continues, eyes going shifty. “He let me in.”
Charlie’s posture is stiff, her eyes round with manufactured innocence. She was a shit liar when she was alive, and she’s an even shittier one dead.
Dean gives her a blatantly doubtful look. “He let you in.”
Charlie puffs her cheeks out and her eyes dart side to side. For a second, she looks like she might try to stick to her guns, but she blows out a sigh instead. “Okay,” she concedes. “Maybe ‘let’ isn’t the right word.”
Dean breathes out a mildly bewildered laugh, pressing his forehead to the bottle in his hands. “You broke into Heaven’s Library?”
Her tiny white hands rise in a shameless shrug. “You can take the girl out of the corporate espionage scheme...”
Dean shakes his head, smiling wry but wide, stomach aching with laughter. “Pretty hardcore,” he says, then faces forward. “For a nerd.” He takes another short sip, noting Charlie’s scowl in his peripheral vision.
“Well,” she huffs and grabs her stein, “you’re pretty ripped.” She lets that hang for a moment, until Dean looks over at her, brows raised. “For a handmaiden,” she smirks and takes a smug pull.
Dean rolls his eyes and nods around a dry smile. Charlie gives a tittering laugh that he can’t help but return, and he polishes off his beer, shoulder butted up against hers.
He stares down into the empty bottle, turning it between his thumb and middle finger. “So Kevin said it’s fine?” he asks. He keeps his tone mild so as not to betray his peculiar unease, but he can’t quite suppress the note of concern. “Tiny burnt forest with lightning and a creepy barn?”
She shrugs and chugs the last inch of her beer in a great swallow. “I guess?” she says, voice thick. “I don’t know.” She belches for a solid three seconds, and Dean turns his lips down, impressed. “Got the feeling it was kinda...” she tips her head side to side, “top secret? Maybe not, like, nuclear football level, but… something.”
Dean snorts and glares into the chasm inside his beer bottle. “What, you think Heaven’s got an Area 51?”
Charlie shrugs again, grabbing her controller to select a new fighter. “Stranger things, I guess.”
Dean nods absently and casts his eyes about the room. The shruggie guy is still shrugging, Yoda’s head still bobbing, Ivy’s white marble eyes staring sightlessly toward the door. Dean’s gaze settles on a painting he hadn’t noticed, tucked into the corner behind a threadbare recliner: an abstract composition of flowing indigo and teal, offset by swathes of pale yellow edged in pink, with a crooked pillar of white rising up the center. Dean’s not much of a one for fine art, but something tells him this is a masterpiece. Ageless and tragic and blue, it tugs at a rough-sawn edge in his chest. He thinks it might be a flower or a river. Or a cloud. Or maybe a bruise.
It looks familiar, like he’s seen it in a textbook or possibly a museum. Then again, in Dean’s very short - and very, very long - life, he figures he’s seen just about everything.
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Abstraction Blue by Georgia O'Keeffe
chapter two | chapter four
table of contents
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honey-dandelion · 5 years
Ron weasley in frickin adorable hipster glasses
I just woke up in a cold sweat. Guys. RON.WEARING.LARGE.BLACK.RIM.GLASSES. Like holy shit -Ron started seeing things a lot more blurry -him and molly goes to an eye doctor and prescribes him with some glasses for now before finding a potion of spell for it. -when he finally gets them-- -Holy shit. -Red ginger hair going well with his large black rim glasses,as it compliments his electric blue ocean eyes and adorable blush and freckles. -y'all everyone in his family starts cooing at him for being so cute and precious with those glasses on. -And when he meets up with harry and hermione diagon alley -Harry gets a "bi" awakening while hermione just staring at ron with a dark red blush -they literally can't not look at him without admiring how good it looks at him. -Rons all pink and red, scratching the back of his head.He thinks that it looks weird on him. -"D-does it look ridiculous? Blimey,Do i really look like an idiot?" -hermione is one inch away from slapping ron for being so ridiculously wrong -while it takes all of harry's will power to not snog him at that moment. -aND DONT EVEN GET ME FUCKIN STARTED WHEN THEY GO BACK TO HOGWARTS- -literally everyone heads turn, shocked that they didn't notice this hot, cute, and adorkable shy tall ginger until now. -even draco cant fricking help but stare at how good ron's eyes look with those glasses -hermione and harry burts with pride and slight arrogance as they walk with ron, receiving jealousy and/or envy looks from other students for being bffs with ron -like their showing off "you can look, but you cant touch" -and ron is sTILL FRICKING OBLIVIOUS THAT ALMOST 99.9% OF ALL STUDENTS ( except for his relatives and siblings) HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM. - im sorry, im just so obsessed with ron i- i just *sobs* i j-just love ron so f-frickin much-
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fuchsimeon · 5 years
On Good Omens and Love
I realized again, maybe after listening to too much Mumford and Sons (ya boi is basic, I guess) how Good Omens is about love and about how it sets us free.
Bear with me for a moment here, I’m not going to turn this into a shmoopfest, I’m simply stating that every little thing that leads to the Armageddon-that-wasn’t happens because of love.
It’s only mentioned once really in the series, but Aziraphale is overwhelmed by how much Lower Tadfield is filled with love. And since the general idea is that Angels are beings entirely made from love, that must feel like a baseball bat to the face except... not. As he says, it’s the opposite of dread filling your soul when you enter a horrific place. Lower Tadfield is so incredibly loved. And it’s because of Adam.
Adam who has not been meddled with by heaven or hell, not influenced by Aziraphale or Crowley. Adam who just lives with his parents who love him very much even if they sometimes don’t understand him, his friends who love him very much because he makes up the best games... but it’s not blind or mindless love.
Adam loves Lover Tadfield so much that he is content splitting the entirety of the world between his friends. He hands them entire continents, but he wants Lower Tadfield. It’s where he would spend the end of his days if he got the choice.
When Adam is taken over by the voices in his head, his friends are ready to turn away from him, because he is not their friend anymore - literally. They aren’t just stop being friends, they notice that the Adam they know and love is gone. But they still love him enough to run for him after he rejects the voices and crumples to the ground, even after everything he did. Still, they aren’t stupid, they take along a weapon to beat him down if they have to.
Newton has a pretty shit life and his ancestor definitely wasn’t a loving one. Thou-Shalt-Not-Commit-Adultery Pulsifer is our stand in for the entirety of the witch trials which were born from fear and not understanding women and hating everything about women in charge or power. The whole witch hunt ends in a bunch of dead people - including the ones Agnes blows up and it‘s really not a loving situation. But when he falls in love with Anathema, the antithesis to his entire raison-d’etre (probably spelled that wong but I gotta be pretentious for a second), everything he is embroiled in that sucks kind of... goes away. Can’t be a witchhunter if you’re kissing a witch, right?
Anathema as well, though. Newton is the one who suggests that she finally has the chance to be her own person and not just someone who carries out her great-great-who-knows-how-great-grandmother’s neverending to-do list. She finds love, not just in Newt but in herself and decides to treat herself more kindly.
Shadwell sort of goes through the same process as Newt does, albeit much later and with more gritted teeth. But Madame Tracy is gentle where he is prickly and somehow, it fits. They are both following professions that stopped bringing them joy and fulfillment and together, they are starting anew, probably in a cottage somewhere. (I envy the idea of going to a cottage somewhere and starting new. I envy Anathema’s liittle cottage big time.)
And finally, Aziraphale and Crowley. Now there are essays upon essays about these two and their love and whichever way you want to read it, they clearly have a lot of love for each other. Which is fine for Aziraphale, technically, but weird for Crowley. Then again, Aziraphale is weird too, since he got many vices considering the things he loves on earth, like good food and wine. Angels probably should not be affected by that, despite being made of love and all. Instead, their love for earth and humanity and each other is so gosh darn human. And to me, that was also always what the book was about. It was about being human, which means not being inherently good or inherently evil. Humans can choose, which is more than all of heaven and hell can do. They can be themselves and they can make decisions and choose and pick and be who they want to be. And they can love. Be it your little dog to play games with, your friends, your girlfiend, your boyfriend, your partner, your family, whatever. And even that love is flawed but it’s flawed in a good way.
It’s about Adam chosing to be Mr. Young’s son even though he knows, that he did something wrong and that Mr. Young is going to ground him. Because sometimes that’s what means being human, which he definitely prefers over being the Antichrist.
It’s Pepper, Wensley and Brian being ready to throw down, first with Adam and then in the name of Adam against the frickin’ horsefolk of the Apocalypse because hey, not only is this their home they have to protect, they also got standards.
It’s Madame Tracy bringing the grumpy old man who shouts “Jezebel” and “Whore of Babylon” some soup because the guy never eats otherwise and nobody seems to care about him and that’s a bit sad.
It’s Shadwell getting ready to fight a demon and an angel because they might harm Madame Tracy and who cares what she works as, this is not the way you treat a women.
It’s Newton thinking about his missed opportunities when he is faced with Armageddon because literally anyone has a list of things they would like to have done one day, wether they call it a bucket list or not. But it’s also Newton dragging a terrible joke around with him every day, hoping someone asks him who Dick Turpin is, because life can’t be serious all the time.
It’s Anathema looking at the other half of her legacy and deciding to make a campfire, because there is a time where you have to stop being what your parents expect you to be and decide who you want to be yourself.
It’s Aziraphale and Crowley looking at the world and then at each other and thinking, it would be a shame if all of this were gone just for a big, terrible war that decides which of our sides is stronger. How sad would it be to see it all in flames for the sake of that final question answered. It would be much nicer to have dinner at the Ritz or a picnic somewhere, or a good glass of wine or a plate of delightful sushi creations and what would become of the Bentley and the bookshop and the plants in Crowley’s apartment?
Human love can be pretty selfish. It can be misdirected or strange or unrequited. But it is what makes humans human and so interesting. And it is what would make it a shame to see it all end.
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk and I wish I started this with some version of “in this essay I will...”, but now it’s too late.
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theacrobrat-blog · 6 years
I just want to dance like a motherfu-
I wanna go get down You wanna come with me? My moves are world-renowned So good, you won't believe Oh, oh, oh Dance with me, dance with me, please I'm gonna shake my butt, yeah, that's a guarantee My moves are such good luck, you'll win the lottery Oh, oh, oh
Now Playing: Boogie Feet by Kesha ft Eagles Of Death Metal
Dina had been back in class for just a few days but it was like she had never even left. After a lot of explaining, her teachers minds were put at ease and they welcomed her back with open arms. Okay, almost all of them; Madame Jones had her doubts that she could catch up in time for exams and the redhead was hell bent on proving her wrong. She wasn't miles ahead of her class but she had been top of her class and being gone for weeks wasn't doing her any favors. She had to work her way back to the top yet again.
Her new nickname around the school was ‘Car Crash’, it was kind of in poor taste but she positively loved it and she didn’t want anyone to stop using it. It was way better than the last one. Dina had many masks, not just the one she used to wear while actually fighting crime but everywhere and the one place she had where she could forget everything and remove them all was right here.
If you want to see the real Dina Mary Grayson you have to watch her dance.
She doesn’t notice it herself but she lights up when she’s dancing, she can forget the world for a few minutes and let herself get lost in the performance. Whether it’s executing the Nutcracker flawlessly or just goofing off in the studio she always seemed to radiate happiness.
Sitting on the floor in a long sleeve leotard and leggings that hit her knees she had one leg outstretched to the side and she was leaning over to grab her toes with the opposite hand. She was done with pointe for the day and now she was supposed to be practicing one of her final routines but her partner was still MIA.
“Madame Jones was on the frickin war path earlier. What did you do this time?” A loud exaggerated whisper came from behind her and she stopped stretching momentarily to cast her narrowed gaze onto the blonde steadily sucking on a Blow Pop.
“I didn’t do a damn thing!”
The girl immediately burst into giggling, “It’s still so weird to hear swear words come out of your mouth. You clotheslined yourself on the barre when we were kids and yelled ‘son of a cabbage’ at the top of your lungs.” She gave a wistful sigh with an expression that showed she was thinking back on it, “...I will never forget that moment.”
Clear blue eyes narrow a bit more as she muttered, “More like you’ll never let me forget that moment. That was almost ten years ago.”
“Yeah...you’re right. When it’s truly hilarious it’s completely timeless,” the slightly younger girl grinned while she teased the redhead.
The door suddenly swung open to reveal a boy with dark hair and a grin of his own playing on his lips, “Are we discussing Grayson’s childhood acts? Do you remember that year at camp when we all went skinny dipping and she refused? She sat on the dock and when we weren’t looking she ran off with all our clothes.”
“Only to get caught stealing all of our clothes so she still got in trouble.” The two immediately broke out into even louder laughter than before. “She had to do all of our laundry for the remainder of camp.”
A finger was pointed at the blonde, “Cami...shut the fuck up and you.” Her finger moved to point at the boy as her expression stayed one of minor irritation but she couldn’t hold it and within seconds she was squealing, “Shawn! I missed you!”
Catching her effortlessly the older of the trio let her wrap her limbs around him like a spider-monkey with no complaints. His own arms wrapped snugly around her waist as he returned the display of affection and human emotion. “Missed you too. We thought you had really died this time.”
They had no clue.
“You being gone forced him to have to pair up with Natasha.” Upon saying the girls name Cami’s voice changed and she put on an overly fake russian accent, her hand resting under her chin as the other two rolled their eyes.
If you thought Dina took dance way too seriously then you’ve never met Natasha. That girl thought she was God’s gift to ballet and she hated Dina with a fiery passion. It got so much worse after she had landed the lead in Swan Lake but Dina just ignored her and carried on with classes. “Oh my God, Shawn. I am so so so sorry I left you with Cruella.”
“You should be. If I don't graduate because of you I'm gonna break your ankles. Both of them.”
“Shush.” Dina shoved his shoulder hard, catching a whiff of his shampoo she found her eyes closing as she leaned in…her fangs… then she was quickly climbing off of him, “So, how's class been? Doubt I missed much in hip hop but I know that's your thing so…”
While they had been talking Cami had gone over to the stereo in the corner and plugged her iPod in, within seconds music began to play and she started to dance terribly to it. “You know you're wasting time, guys. You only have the studio booked for a few hours. Better get on with the practicing.”
“Oh! Yes.” Dina clapped her hands once before they came to rest on her hips. “Any ideas on what you want to do? We've already done Romeo and Juliet.”
Cami chimed in while still dancing, “And Swan Lake. The look on Nat’s face during that performance was priceless.”
An impish smirk briefly crossed Dina’s face before she dissolved into giggling, “She looked positively green with envy.”
Shawn merely shook his head, a small smile of his own flitting across his lips as he spoke, “You two are terrible.” He paused. “It was pretty great wasn’t it? How about we put our heads together and think of a piece ourselves? Do our own work?”
Grabbing him by his hair she stood up on pointe to rest her forehead against his after bringing his head down a bit. “Like this?”
Cami stopped swaying long enough to ask, “What are you doing for your individual solo, Car Crash?”
“Yeah, what did you pick?” The male asked while chuckling at her childish antics and trying to lick her nose.
Dina released her dance partner and swatted at him, “You’re nasty and it’s nothing big, just…” She paused for dramatic effect and Shawn began a drumroll on his thighs with his hands which prompted another round of giggles from the redhead. “The Red Shoes.”
“Excuse me? I’ve been your partner since we were ten and you don’t tell me you’re dancing the Red Shoes until now!?”
“Damn, Dina. You really are trying to piss off Natasha!” The blonde laughed, but there was excitement in her eyes. This was a performance no one was going to want to miss. “Did you buy the shoes yet? I wanna see ‘em!”
“Me too, where are they?”
“Calm down. Calm down. You’ll see it all in time.” The redhead grinned devilishly before beginning to swing her hips to the time of the music still playing, swaying in an almost seductive manner she crooked her finger at her childhood partner. “Come on Shawn. Dance with me. No one else will.”
“What a shame. They don’t know what they’re missing...” The male suddenly darted forward and wrapped his arms around her waist, hoisting her into the air as she erupted into squeals. The two of them had a relationship that could only come from working so intimately together for nearly half of their lives. They’ve seen each other at their worst and best, they’ve had to pick each other up after rough critiques and there was a love like one had for a sibling. Dina was comfortable with Shawn and it showed in the way she acted around him. Lifting her into the air Shawn muttered, “We could always do the Dirty Dancing dance.”
Cami began to aw, her hands clasped to her chest as she practically cooed. “That would be so cute and...awww! I don’t think that’s what they're looking for though.”
Elbowing his shoulder to get him to release her she chuckled, “I agree with Cami.”
Releasing the redhead Shawn shook his head and murmured, “Their loss. We’d crush it.”
Flicking the tip of his nose Dina laughed with a small smirk. “We always crush it.”
The rest of the afternoon and well into the evening after Cami had to finally leave them to go home and spend time with her family and you know, eat dinner was spent trying to think up a routine. By about two in the morning they finally had a decent foundation and she felt pretty good about it. It would be a beautiful piece and surely worthy of passing marks. Sweaty, panting and grinning like she’d won the lottery she waved bye to Shawn with a towel in her hand, which she then used to wipe the sweat from her brow before returning to the barre which she grasped in her right hand and began practicing the moves she knew by heart but couldn’t bring herself to admit were already perfect.
She had to be the best, no, better than the best and no one can be the best without pushing themselves to the brink and then even further and go beyond that brink. Dina no longer needed to sleep and so she pushed on. Pushed until her feet bled and blisters formed but they simply healed and so she kept right on going until an hour before classes were to start and only then did she stop and finally hit the showers. She desperately needed one and to change clothes and as she let the unbearably hot water cascade over her shoulders she closed her eyes and let herself enjoy the wonderful silence of the morning.
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How about an au where Handsome Jack held a course for Hyperion dorks 'How to pick up woman/or anyone attractive', to which Vaughn, Rhys and even Tim attends to but in the end Rhys ends up in Jack s' bed for a sex marathon because he failed his first exam and ... LONG LEGS.
Dammit anon i should have been working on chaptered work today instead xD hahaha This labeled as Extra Credit. Also on my ao3 here :) My masterlist archive of bullshit i write can be found linked at the top of the blog or here.
Rhys shouldn’t have been here. The odds had to be a million to one that he’d be here. Pressed into purple sheets. Legs in the air. Knees over strong, sweat-slicked shoulders, nearly bent in half and getting the pounding of his goddamn life.
Enrolling in a class on how to pick up anyone, as the pamphlet had promised, run by a guy who called himself ‘Handsome Jack’ should have been the tip off right there. Even if Vaughn swore it was legit, Rhys had only gone along as a joke.
Everyone else in the class had taken to it like ducks to water. Even Vaughn was blowing him away in terms of pulling off the various pickup lines and confident swagger that Jack demanded they perfect. The older man with the mismatched eyes was tearing them apart to remold them in his image (his words, not Rhys’) and trying to play to their strengths.
He’d stripped Vaughn to the gasps of the others in the class, their shock at the serious abs his best bro had going the envy of everyone there.
“Timmy I could just eat you up,” Jack had told the freckled young man sitting in the back. “Come on, let’s hear your best line for seducing muscles over here.”
Tim was red-faced, a fact Jack took with much enjoyment to tease him about. “He’s uh…. He’s not really my type…”
“Bull. In this class, everyone is your type. You gotta practice somehow.” Jack turned his look from Tim to Rhys. “You. String bean. Seduce this beefcake.”
Rhys had snorted and Vaughn had glared and crossed his arms. There went his ride home. Rhys turned his attention to Jack. “Uh, we kind of already live together.”
“Damn, you work fa-ast kiddo,” Jack said sarcastically at Rhys’ attempt to get out of the exercise. “You should have loads of material to work with then. Seduce him.”
Rhys shrugged and got out of his seat with a sheepish look, though his eyes sparkled with amusement as he approached his best bro. Judging by Vaughn’s face, the shorter man knew Rhys wasn’t going to take this seriously.
“Uh, hey there, you.” Nope, Rhys wasn’t gonna take this seriously at all.
“God that is so unsexy. We’ve been over this,” Jack huffed, rolling his eyes. “Would you just hit him with the sexiest line you can think of?”
“Um, sooooo… I’ve got the rent check early.”
Vaughn’s somewhat aggravated look deepened while the rest of the class snickered and chuckled. “Would you take this seriously please bro?”
“Jesus crunch you suck at this.” Jack’s voice was exasperated, and the older man shooed Vaughn back to his seat.
“Can I–”
“Yeah yeah put your shirt back on. Your freakishly toned body is making me feel things,” the older man said dismissively before turning his attention back to Rhys. He looked the younger man up and down, one brow quirked. “Okay kitten, you obviously aren’t taking this seriously. Or if you are, then you are seriously never going to get laid I mean damn when was the last time you got your dick wet buttercup?”
Rhys at least had the shame to blush at being called out, ready to retreat back to his seat, but the intense stare Jack was giving him pinned him in place. The filthy leer that morphed onto the other man’s handsome face gave Rhys butterflies.
“Or are you the type that likes to wet other’s dicks, sweetpea?” Rhys ignored Vaughn’s snort as Jack entered his personal space, attention focused on the older man’s grin. Jack wet his lips, and his eyes sparkled in amusement as Rhys’ eyes watched the movement. Jack took the younger man’s chin in his hand, running his warm thumb under that full lower lip. “Bet you’re real good at it. Those pretty lips look reeeal capable. You don’t even need to try, do you sweetheart? Bet they all come to you like flies to honey.”
Rhys made a noise unmistakably needy, immediately embarrassed but his eyes focused on Jack instead of the snickers from the other members of the room. Jack’s thumb hovered just shy of being in the younger man’s mouth, pulling away before Rhys could make up his mind on how he felt about that. He made another noise as Jack was quickly stepping away with a dirty, satisfied chuckle.
“And there’s a lesson for all of you right there: any situation can be turned into seduction! Hope you kids are taking notes because I’m testing you in an hour.” He gave Rhys a look that clearly expected him to return to his seat, and the younger man did so, unable to look Jack in the eye for the rest of their ‘instruction’.
Rhys did not pass the test at the end. Not even close. And to make matters worse, Vaughn left him behind while Jack went off on him about being statistically impossible.
Vaughn passed with flying colors, and at least three-quarters of the class had absorbed enough of Jack’s tactics to answer in the manner the man expected. Rhys didn’t think open-ended questions like ‘what’s the best thing to compliment about your date’s appearance?’ could have a right answer, (let alone be ‘the size of your bank account’) so how he’d even failed at all didn’t register with him.
“Rhysie. Cupcake. Sugartits,” Jack began, trying to keep the exasperation from his voice. “In all of my time trying to get losers laid, you’re the only good-looking thing I was actually concerned about never getting his rocks off again.”
“Really kitten when was the last time you got laid?”
“Well, I mean, work has been busy and–”
“Oh frickin’ hell kid no.” Jack stood up and grabbed his jacket, pulling his arms through with a huff and seriousness that didn’t leave room for argument. “I have a one-hundred percent pass average and you’re not screwing that up for me. Come on.”
Jack was walking out the door as Rhys stood there watching blankly. “Uhh…”
Jack stopped to regard him with even further exasperation. “Come on kiddo jesus. Some of us have private lives they’d like to get back to.”
“I don’t–”
“Extra credit, dumb dumb,” the older man said with a roll of those green and blue eyes. “I’m not letting anyone say shit about my program not working. You’re gonna be a master of seduction of it kills you. Now come on.”
Rhys wasn’t sure if it was a boon to him that he was in bed with Jack, but Jack seemed to be under the assumption that it was Rhys’ fault they were in this situation– not that either of them were complaining for the matter.
“God-damn… little… cock-bait…” Jack ground out, every word punctuated with a thrust.
“Oh fuck yes Jack!” Rhys moaned, the older man’s cock brushing against his prostate as the Jack tugged Rhys’ hips more snugly against his thighs. Jack’s mouth crushed against his own, silencing his moans as Jack’s tongue writhed in the younger man’s mouth.
“You sexy little long-legged shit,” Jack ground out, grinding himself against Rhys’ ass as his thrusts took a haphazard rhythm and he began jerking the younger man’s cock with vigor. Rhys’ moans were loud and filthy, every sound the younger man made going right to Jack’s cock and winding him up further. “Don’t even… nghh… even have to try…. fffuck that’s good….” The older man nipped at Rhys’ calf up on his shoulder, and the younger man cried out at the scrape of teeth on flesh.
“J-Jack…. Jack I’m gonna come, I-I’m gonna, gonnaaaaah my gooooood yessssss…”
Rhys’ cock went off in spurts as Jack worked him through his orgasm, the little pitching moans and gasps as his warm and slick hole clenched around Jack wringing the older man’s own end from him with a harsh shout.
“Fuck! Rhysie… oh Rhysie…”
His cock lurched inside the younger man’s still-pulsating hole, gyrating his hips as he spilled and ground his cock and balls against the soft backside. Jack was groaning hard, still driving little thrusts into Rhys as he gave the younger man every last drop he had to give.
Jack let Rhys’ tired legs finally rest aside him off the older man’s shoulders where they laid limply open, Jack still between his thighs. The older man bent to kiss and lightly bite at Rhys’ neck as the younger man chuckled, both catching their breath and sweaty and satisfied. Rhys’ release was cooling on his stomach, but if Jack cared, he didn’t mention it as he lowered himself onto the younger man.
“You filthy little thing… letting some stranger come inside you,” Jack chuckled as he pressed kisses to Rhys’ neck and ran a firm hand from Rhys’ thigh to hip and back again. “These pretty legs should come with a warning…”
Rhys snickered. “Well it has been a long time, so why not?”
His cocky tone, though satisfied and lazy, didn’t go unmissed. “You little shit,” Jack snickered, biting his ear. Rhys’ recently-spent cock gave an interested twitch between them, and Jack huffed. “You’re lucky you’re so goddamned hot.”
“Do I pass?” Rhys asked with a light laugh.
Jack pulled off him to give him a frown and a quirked brow that took the younger man by surprise. “Hell no you don’t pass. You can’t seduce worth a shit,” Jack told him, head immediately dropping as Rhys’ body gave a surprised little clench around his soft cock still inside him. “Fuck, baby…” Jack bit his neck again, but pulled out of the younger man with a filthy wet sound. “You’re lucky you’re pretty much a walking wet-dream or you’d never get laid.”
Rhys snorted and rolled his eyes, but Jack grabbed his chin and crushed their mouths together in a kiss that resulted in Rhys getting half-hard and breathless.
“Seriously though, you’re shit at it,” Jack growled against his lips. “Irresistible little fuck… Anyone who looks at those legs for two seconds is gonna want them around their waist without you saying anything.”
“I thought the whole purpose of your class was to get me laid,” Rhys pouted out with a smirk, and he ground his half-hard cock against Jack’s belly, getting a moan of renewed interest. “I got laid, that should be a pass.”
“Hell no.” Jack’s voice was adamant but the look in his eyes was making him breathe harder already. Jack kissed him again and Rhys curled happy fingers into the older man’s hair, purring into Jack’s more-experienced mouth. He moaned when Jack took his lips between his teeth before letting him go. “I’m not passing you until you can actually seduce someone, kitten.”
“So if I can get you into bed again…?”
“No, I don’t count,” Jack said quickly, thumb brushing back and forth over Rhys’ hipbone. “My dick has a bias. We’re gonna stick a full face-mask on you and get you to flirt with someone at a bar.”
“I think that’s how you get arrested,” the younger man said with a laugh, moaning as Jack ground his thickening cock against Rhys’ used little pink hole. The younger man made a mewling sound of want and grasped at Jack’s back.
“We’ll wait for halloween then.”
“Halloween is ages away. I can’t wait til then.”
“I’m dedicated to having a perfect record, kitten. I’ll just have to give you free extra credit until I think you’re ready.”
The shit-eating grin on Rhys’ face made Jack certain that, even though he was the clear winner in this situation, that Rhys was the victor. “Extra credit as in more–?”
“Charm school, yep.” Jack stopped the patronizing laugh that trickled from the younger man’s mouth by kissing him yet again. Jack’s cock was a nice, firm weight against Rhys, and the younger man made a noise of want that Jack swallowed down. “Fuck, you really are sex on legs. You’re doing this on purpose aren’t you?”
Rhys’ chuckles didn’t help his case, and his amusement didn’t end when Jack resheathed himself in the younger man, muttering about how he knew Rhys was cheating at this whole seduction thing but he wasn’t sure how. They were both covered in Rhys’ tacky release that would only be added to by the time Jack was done with him, the older man upset that the results were still the same even if Rhys hadn’t used his tactics.
Rhys left with Jack’s number successfully entered into his phone, the older man scowling the entire time. Couldn’t find an answer for a nonexistent problem, after all.
He’d try to work things out further through more study sessions in the near future.
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81scorp · 4 years
Constructive criticism: Justice League (2017)
(Originally posted on June 9, 2018)
Ah yes, Justice League. The comic with some of DC`s greatest heroes coming together to form a team that made Marvel so nervous that they created their own superteam: Fantastic Four. Fast forward a few years later, Marvel started to not only make their own movies but they they also created a shared cinematic universe. Warner Bros, owners of the film rights to DC, became eager to strike while the iron was hot and make their own Cinematic universe. It could have gone well if WB hadn`t insisted on paying catch up with Marvel. I do not envy the makers of this movie. Filmed pretty much directly after Batman v Superman only to find out that Bvs did not sit well with audiences so the film makers were forced to do changes mid filming. Add to that a family tragedy that forces the original director to step down and be replaced by a director with a different style. Sure, I don`t think any film productions go flawlessly, all have a few hiccups, and in some cases they can lead to a better movie. This was not the case for Justice League. Personally I didn`t hate it, it made more sense than BvS and I found it more enjoyable. There has been talk of a "Snyder Cut" and people are convinced that it would be a masterpiece. Judging from Snyder`s previous work and his tendencies to always believe that "darker is better" I doubt that. I`m sure it would have been more in tone with Batman v Superman, but would it have been good? If I could run so fast that I could screw the laws of physics, travel backwards in time and change these movies, What would I have done?
Contains SPOILERS for Batman v Superman and Justice League
Secret identities
Bruce, Clark, Barry and Hal should have one. Victor, Arthur and Diana doesn`t have to have one. That`s right, Diana could be open about her superheroing and still keep her day job. (Hey, it works for Jennifer Walters.)
Wonder Woman and the Male gaze
Don`t do the male gaze on Wonder Woman. Nuff said.
The Amazons bikini armor
Give them practical armor that doesn`t expose their midriffs.
The Mother boxes as rare, super important Macguffins
The movie doesn`t have to be superfaithful to everything in the comics but this time I`m gonna be one of that "In the comics" guy. In the comics the Mother boxes are pretty common things on the world of the New Gods. One of their many functions is opening "Boom tubes" to travel long distances. Like the teleportation portals used in this movie. How about this instead: The rare Macguffins are round spheres instead of cubes, and they`re called "Worldbuilders".
The Parademons
Make them a little more green. Once when I watched it there were a few scenes where Cyborg was fighting them and, to be honest, I had trouble telling him apart from them.
Steppenwolf and Cyborg`s CGI
They could have used practical effects mixed with CGI. The metal on Cyborg`s face and the upper half of his torso could have been practical.
Superman being dead
Killing him off in BvS was way to early. Even if JL had been a better movie than it was I still would have written a CC bringing it up. This was also the hardest part of writing this CC. Coming up with a plot where Supes isn`t dead but at the same time keeping the stuff from the movie that could still work.
I`m biased here, but I`d like to think that I did OK.
3 years ago: A group of scientists dig up an ancient, otherworldly, seemingly high-tech, spherical artefact. Present day: Coast City, Ferris Aircraft: Carol Ferris has finished working for the day and is going home, she notices something (or someone) floating in the air above her. She looks up. It`s Green Lantern. He has been busy keeping order in the galaxy and has been away from Earth for some time. He wonders if anything interesting has happened while he was gone. As if to answer his question we get an opening credit scene to a montage of Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman, Flash and Aquaman doing what they do best to heroic music, in slow motion. (The style of Zack Snyder can be good if you know where and when to use it.) In one part of this montage Superman should save a kitten (or a puppy). Why? Because he`s frickin` Superman! That`s why!
Gotham: A burglar robs someone`s apartment, Batman shows up and beats him. Bats has the upperhand but gets attacked by a parademon. The parademon has the upperhand but gets attacked by Superman who tries to restrain it. The parademon, fights like a maniac to get out of Supes grip but realizes that Supes is much to strong, so it self destructs. Bats and Supes talk a little. The attacks by these flying creatures have been happening more and more around the globe. Possible invasion? Supes hears that he is needed elsewhere and flies away. The Burglar thinks that Bats has forgotten about him and reaches for his loot but Bats steps on his arm and looks at him as a way of saying "Oh no, my friend, I haven`t forgotten about you". The burglar is left tied up outside the nearest police station. Bats calls Oracle and asks if she`s made any progress. We see a woman in a wheelchair in front of a couple of computerscreens. One of the screens shows info about Barry Allen being the Flash (Yes, Batman knows Barry`s secret identity, because he`s Batman!) On the computerscreen there`s a photo of Hal Jordan (from when he saved Carol Ferris`s life) and a video log made by Silas Stone, where he documents the process of trying to save his son`s life by giving him cybernetic limbs.
Oracle: "Nothing new about the flying, green guy I`m afraid, but I`ve found something about the guy with robot limbs."
She tells him that the young man is Victor Stone, a promising athlete and very intelligent. He was injured in an explosion. The other man is Silas Stone, Victor`s father, who tried to help his son by replacing his lost bodyparts with cybernetic prosthetics. Cybernetic legs and arms (from Lexcorp*) and a bionic eye (from S.T.A.R. labs) to replace one that he lost. It`s rumored that Victor didn`t survive the procedure. She says she`ll look into it more.
Metropolis, S.T.A.R. Labs: Silas Stone is going home for the day, A janitor (let`s call him Bob) gives him his condolences (because of what happened to Victor). Silas goes home to his apartment where his son, Victor is (who is very much alive). Silas talks to him and tries to offer support. Victor tells him that he`s having trouble adjusting to his new body. We get a little backstory through a flashback. After the accident It took him some time, but eventually Victor started to adjust to the idea of living with robot limbs. Then came the day when some scientists brought some unknown, small, high-tech rectangluar device (a Mother Box) to S.T.A.R. labs. When it was put in the same room as Victor it came alive, grew in size, disassembled itself and reassembled itself as a robot body around Victor. The difference between his new cyborg body and his old cybernetic limbs is that the new body is changing, upgrading itself. Everyday he wakes up with something new, like the ability to fly for an example. He also has images of a sphere-shaped object in his head. He`s a stranger in his own body, and it scares him.
Central City: Barry visits his dad in prison and tells him that the investigation has reached a dead-end. His dad, having no hope of ever getting out of jail, tells him to not waste all of his time on his case and move forward with his life. But Barry is determined, he`s not giving up on his dad. Paris: Diana is working in the museum, talks a little to her co-workers, one of them shows her the news where a professor living in Paris is missing. Diana goes to investigate. She arrives at the professor`s apartment. There`s police tape on the crime scene, a big hole in the wall that leads out to the streets and the whole place is a mess. Suddenly she`s not alone, a parademon shows up. She fights it, binds it with her lasso, it tries to break free, can`t, selfdestructs. Wonder Woman knows what it is, and realizes she has places to go and people to see. Metropolis, S.T.A.R. Labs: Bob the janitor is about to leave and go home, hears something, goes to investigate, is ambushed by a parademon.
Central City: Barry is on the phone with Iris. He talks to her about the situation with his dad and how he can do nothing to help him. Iris wants to help. Her best suggestion is that he goes for a walk to clear his head. Barry thinks it`s a good idea. He goes for a run as the Flash, ends up on a rooftop, takes time to reflect. Someone is being robbed, Flash pauses his thinking, stops the robber and goes back to his thinking.
The next day, Maine, Amnesty Bay: Diana is standing on a pier waiting for someone. Arthur shows up. She tells him that they could use his help. Arthur has heard about the flying creatures and wants to help but his hands are tied by the Atlantean royal council who think that he shouldn`t care about the surface world and focus on Atlantis. He tells Diana that he`ll do his best to convince the council but he can`t promise anything. Then he dives into the ocean and hitches a ride on an orca.
Themiscyra: Steppenwolf shows up to steal the worldbuilder. The Amazons put up a good fight and do their best to keep the worldbuilder away from him but in the end he gets away with it. The Amazons send the flaming arrow signal. Diana (who is travelling through the US to tell Bruce about what she knows) and Oracle both see the signal on the tv news.
Bat cave: Bruce is working on a big airship, Diana comes in and wants to talk to him. Alfred reveals to Bruce that it was he who let her in. Diana tells the story of the first time Steppenwolf tried to take over Earth. 1000 years ago the Amazons, the greek gods, the Atlanteans and a guardian from the stars (the Green Lantern who guarded sector 2814 back then), joined forces to defeat him. The worldbuilders were kept separate and the one given to the humans was buried.
Gotham: Oracle is searching for info on Victor. He contacts her, tells her he`s aware that she`s looking for and wants her to stop. She manages to convince him to let her talk to him. He doesn`t want to leave the apartment however and she`s not very mobile herself, being in a wheelchair and all. She tells him that she`ll send someone to speak for her. After giving it some thought Victor`s OK with it.
Metropolis, Daily Planet: Clark and Lois talk a little, about the flying aliens that have shown up recently and people that have been kidnapped. Could there be a connection? If so, what do the creatures need the people for? Clark hears something and excuses himself (looks like a job for Superman), he leaves and Lois gets a phonecall. A little later Supes lands outside a building where a group of reactionary terrorists have taken people hostage. They believe that the invasion of flying creatures is a sign that the world needs to be purged with fire. Not only do they have a time-bomb but they also start shooting at the hostage. Superman is fast and protects the hostage from bullets, as he reaches the time-bomb there`s only one second left and... The bomb is suddenly surrounded by a green forcefield that takes the force of the explosion. It was created by a flying masked man in a green suit. It`s Green Lantern.
Silas Stone`s apartment: The person who comes to talk to Victor in Oracle`s place is Lois Lane.She tries to convince him to join in the fight and reminds him of when he helped her find evidence that saved Supes`s life. Victor`s final response is "I`ll think about it".
Atlantis: Steppenwolf invades Atlantis, fights, defeats and kills two guards. Fights and defeats Mera, Fights and defeats Arthur, takes the worldbuilder and boomtubes away. When Arthur recovers he tells the Atlantean royal council that now is a time for action. Mera supports him. The council admits that they`ll have to get more involved and not distance themselves too much from the surface world. Mera gives Arthur a trident and assures him that she can take care of Atlantis in his absence.
Metropolis, S.T.A.R. Labs: Silas Stone gets kidnapped by a parademon.
Gotham Police Department: Commissioner Gordon is, together with another cop, looking at police reports. He says that with the things that has happened lately he`s starting to wonder if Batman`s help is enough. Heck, soon maybe even Superman`s help won`t be enough. Might be a good idea to call Batman tonight, see if he knows something they don`t.
Metropolis, Silas Stone`s apartment: Victor realizes that his dad should have been home by now and accesses the internet. He hacks into the Police`s database and finds out that his dad has been kidnapped. He takes the big step of stepping outside his apartment.
Central City: Barry gets a call from Bats who tells him to meet him in Gotham. Flash suits up and runs to Gotham.
Somewhere in Russia: We see a town where people and families do everyday stuff, cleaning their houses, reading the news paper etc. In one of the families (lets call them the Dostojevskis) the daughter sees something in the sky. Parademons! Their little town is now under siege by parademons. The people hide in their houses.
Gotham City: Commissioner Gordon turns on the Batsignal. Bats, Wondy and Flash show up. Gordon hopes that Bats has figured something out, he has. Based on where the kidnappings have taken place Bats has deduced that they will most likely find what they`re looking for on an island outside Gotham.
"Count me in!" Arthur shows up.
"Me too!" Victor shows up as well. The gang`s all here it seems... except one.
"Mind if I tag along?"
They look up, it`s Green Lantern. He introduces himself and tells them that Supes is busy elsewhere and may come later. They travel to the island where they go through some underground tunnels. Some of them talk a little, Barry is bothered by the fact that Bats knows his secret identity but he doesn`t know Bats`s
Batman: "I may tell you someday in the future."
Flash asks Bats one last question.
Flash: "What are your superpowers?"
Batman: "I`m good at detective work."
They find Steppenwolf interrogating the kidnapped people. Among the hostage they find the professor from Paris, Bob the janitor and Silas Stone. Flash zooms in and gets a few of them out, Steppenwolf and the parademons react, a fight starts, Flash saves the rest of the hostage. Green Lantern gets knocked out. Steppenwolf realizes that Victor`s body is a Mother Box and uses his own MB to scan and extract possible info from Victor`s body about the whereabouts of the final worldbuilder. Victor`s robotbody resists, but doing that is painful to Victor. Steppenwolf gets the info he needs, blows a hole in the wall, causes a flood and boomtubes away. Things look grim for the heroes but Supes shows up and gets them out of trouble.
A secret base a few miles outside Metropolis: Steppenwolf shows up via boomtube, breaks through the safety doors, the parademons kill the guards, Steppenwolf gets the final worldbuilder and boomtubes away.
The Batcave: The heroes take some time to recharge and come up with a plan. Victor knows that it`s not his fault but he`s still angry that Steppenwolf found the worldbuilder through him. Determined to make things right he goes online to search for any info on where Steppenwolf could possibly be. Flash asks Bats:
"Didn`t you use to have a sidekick? I think I read something about it."
Bats opens up about how he adopted a young cirkus acrobat when his parents died. The kid found out that Bruce Wayne was Batman and wanted to fight crimes by his side. Bruce agreed to train him but made sure that the training would be hard and challenging in the hopes that the boy would give up the idea of becoming a crimefighter. The boy persevered and became Robin. Years later the boy grew up and he and Bats went their separate ways. Bats found a new kid who became the next Robin who sadly was killed by the Joker. This turned Bats down a dark spiral. Flash understands Bats`s pain.
"It`s Bruce by the way, Bruce Wayne."
Bats finally reveals his secret identity to Flash. Alfred shows up, is surprised that Bats has brought company but quickly adapts and asks if he can get them anything to eat or drink. Flash would like something to eat.
As he`s searching databases for info on Steppenwolf`s whereabouts Victor once again comes in contact with Oracle. She gives him her backstory: Batman inspired her to fight crime. She called herself Batgirl and wore a bat-costume of her own. Then Joker shot her and made her a paraplegic. She has fought crime from a distance in a wheelchair since then. The doctors say that there`s a small chance that she may be able to walk again (because in this universe Joker didn`t shoot her directly in the spine). Victor understands Barbara.
Somewhere in Russia: The russians (among them are the Dostojevskis) are still hiding from the parademons. Steppenwolf unites the third worldbuilder with the others and activates them with his Mother box. They start to charge up. We get a little backstory about how he once fought for Darkseid in a war against New Genesis. He made a mistake that helped the forces of New Genesis get the upperhand which lead to them stopping the forces of Apokolips from taking over their planet. Because of this Steppenwolf was demoted and would only get his general-title back if he conquered a number of planets in the name of Darkseid. (We get a flashback where we see Steppenwolf kneel before Granny Goodness, but we don`t get to see Darkseid.)
The Batcave: Victor has found Steppenwolf, the coordinates point to an old town near an old powerplant in Russia. The gang gets ready and they fly to the place in Bats`s airship. Victor tell them how to stop the worldbuilders during the trip. They arrive and come up with a plan. Supes and GL takes care of saving and evacuating civilians, the rest of the team attract the attention of, and fight the parademons to get to the worldbuilder. The League charge into battle. The worldbuilders are fully charged and start to terraform the environment around them. The Dostojevkis are in trouble
The League fight their way through the parademons, the terraforming continues, Supes and GL save and evacuate civilians, the Dostojevskis are still in trouble.The League fight their way through the parademons and reach Steppenwolf, the terraforming continues and it`s getting worse, Supes and GL save and evacuate civilians, the Dostojevskis are still in trouble and it`s getting worse. The League fight Steppenwolf, the terraforming continues, Supes and GL save and evacuate civilians, but it looks like no one is gonna help the Dostojevskis, they`re doomed.But then: Superman saves the Dostojevskis!
He takes them somewhere safe, far away from the warzone. He takes a moment to breathe and gather his strength before he gets back in the fight. The Dostojevski daughter says "Thank you" in russian. Superman says "You`re welcome" in russian. Steppenwolf fights the League, he`s getting the upperhand, GL joins the fight and gets the upperhand for a moment. Steppenwolf gets the upperhand back but then Supes joins the fight. The two of them are pretty evenly matched. While the rest of the league fight Steppenwolf. Victor (with a little help from GL) manages to shut down and separate the worldbuilders, ending the terraforming. Furious, Steppenwolf punches out GL and tears off Victors leg. The league fight him again and destroy his axe. Steppenwolf realizes that he has lost and boomtubes the hell outta there with the rest of his parademons. The heroes have won and the civilians are safe.
Later, somewhere in the U.S.A: Remember the scoutship from Man of Steel? Supes does. He`s found it, placed somewhere in a remote place in the U.S. and it`s gonna become their new HQ. Bats says they should have a round table with seven chairs.
"With room for more." adds Diana.Central city: Barry visits his dad and tells him that his case is moving forward again. His dad wonders how it`s possible. Barry tells him that he has a friend who`s good at detective work.
Metropolis: Victor has joined a kind of big brother mentor program where he teaches basketball to kids.
Batcave: Bruce is reunited with his old protègè Dick Grayson, who now calls himself Nightwing. Apokolips: Steppenwolf bows and apologizes to Granny Goodness, she reminds him that it`s not her that he should apologize to.
Earth: We get Lois`s speech about hope and darkness as a voiceover to a montage where we see Oracle, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Cyborg, Green Lantern and Batman and Nighwing in their natural element. The montage ends with Clark Kent walking the streets of Metropolis, he looks up, walks away from the crowd to avoid being seen as he opens his shirt to reveal the Superman logo. Superman flies off into the sky.
The end
Not great but hopefully not bad.
* In my CC I wrote that Lex mentions that a young athlete who got into a terrible accident is now able to walk again, thanks to Lexcorp`s advancements in the field of bionics. I felt I had to keep some of it because I want to have a little continuity.
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boysofcharm · 7 years
It had been an exhausting day to say the least and Stiles was about ready to pass out for the evening and be done with everything. His dad was working late again and considered there had been yet another supernatural attack that he was both trying to deal with and try and make up excuses to the town as to how everything was most definitely under control and there was nothing to worry about. Yeah, Stiles really did not envy his dad’s job on days like this. He’d decided to bail early for the day, really not feeling like going to lacrosse practice and warming the bench right now. So by the time he got home, he was too tired and annoyed by the entire day to even really think much about it the fact that he’d definitely locked the door when he left and it was now very much unlocked.
He’d dumped his backpack in the hallway as he walked in, door closed behind him and debating out whether to grab a snack for he inevitably went to his computer and played video games until exhaustion forced him to drag himself to bed and be done with the day. He didn’t get very far in that plan, only up to looking into the fridge and deciding a take out might be better when it happened. Turning around after closing the fridge, he was greeted by an unexpected and terrifying sight. A man towering over him, dressed in a tight black t-shirt that showed off thick arms and a powerful body just straining against the fabric of it all. A balaclava over his face, hiding his mouth and just showing off those piercing eyes, weapon in hand and boxing the boy in. Any chance to scream or desire to was cut off by the presence of the weapon, fear gripping the poor trapped boy as he looked up at the intruder with fear and horror - his little heart racing as he tried to find words. Even at this point he should be used to pointing guns at him, wasn’t this the third time in about two months? Not that it made this time any easier, though most of the time it was due to some supernatural presence - not his house being frickin’ burgled. 
“Okay, jesus I...right. You know I’m...really not a fan of this whole pointing a gun in my face, it keeps happening and I’d prefer if it didn’t become a trend” He found himself saying, already kicking himself for starting with a smart mouthed comment. Breath hitched, heart racing as he looked from the gun to the masked man holding it. “Just...for future reference, this is the Sheriff’s home and he’s on his way home so this probably isn’t your best pick” Stiles said, it was only half a lie considering this was the Sheriff’s house but he wouldn’t be able for hours - Stiles just had to hope the guy bought it. 
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Birthday Gift
Prompt : # 23 “Why did you invite him? No I’m not jealous. Okay, maybe a little.”
Request : Yes. Anon.
Summary : What happens when you invite your ex to your birthday party? How does a certain Buchanan Barnes react to that?
Author : Ash
A/N : The looks Seb gives in the GIFs is how I imagine Bucky would look at the reader. You’re welcome! It feels great to be back writing! I apologize for this being a bit weak. Can I say how amazing @caitsymichelle13 is for running this blog while I’ve been taking care of things!  Hope you guys enjoy!
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** 2 Weeks Earlier **
"You actually invited Brad to your birthday party?” Natasha said nonchalantly shrugging her shoulders as she flipped through some Russian magazine.
“Yeah, we’re friends. Minus the bad break-up. I’ve known him forever, even before we dated. Why wouldn’t I?” I casually asked. I looked over at her wondering what she was thinking.
“Well I just think considering B...” Natasha instantly hushed up as we watched Bucky enter the kitchen. She casually nodded at Bucky. I’ll never understand their silent head nods.
“Morning Ladies.” Bucky said casually as he shot me a sly grin.
“Buck, you’re coming to my party in two weeks right?” I said as I started to make my way out of the kitchen.
Bucky just smiled and I noticed a small hint of happiness in those otherwise steel blue eyes. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, doll.” He said.
I gave him a small wink and a smile as I continued out to the gym.
“You should just tell her ya know?” Nat said as she shut her magazine and looked at Bucky.
Bucky just turned to look at her giving her the “stop meddling in my damn love life” look. He nodded his head.
“Seriously, she invited Brad to that party too. We both know what that means.” Nat said grabbing an apple and heading to start the day.
Bucky instantly saw green.
** Present Day **
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Everything was perfect. You were sure there wasn’t a better way to celebrate your birthday, unless Bucky would make a move. You just shook your head as you sipped your drink. You knew that would take an act of War. You were just hoping the outfit you wore for tonight would do the trick. (x)
“Well, (Y/N) you just look as beautiful as I remember.” You gave the bartender a quick nod as you took your drink and spun around to meet your admirer.
“Brad! I’m so glad you could make it!” You say as your arms wrap around his neck and give him a close hug. You stepped back as his eyes raked over your figure. Even though you’d been friends forever it still hurt when your relationship ended.
“Care to share a dance with me?” He said with a small smile and laugh.
“Absolutely!” You said as you placed your drink against the bar and followed Brad out to the floor. You scanned the party hoping to see Mr. Buchanan Barnes but that was to no avail. You frowned in disappointment.
Brad took your hand and spun you lightly around. You were both laughing and sharing small talk. At one point, you buried your face in Brad’s shoulder laughing at the mention of the time you two tried to dance drunkenly on the balcony of his father’s house.
“You ended up puking over the rail and screaming how much you loved me for letting you dance to Celine Dion.” Brad said as his hand traveled lower. He placed his palm against the small of your back pressing you closer into him.
When you picked your head up to retort a comeback that’s when you noticed it. Bucky’s eyes were boring into you and Brad. Not just looking, but daggers piercing through the both of you. You watched his jaw tighten as he stiffened up and kept eye contact with you. He wasn’t even focused on the conversation going on around him.
“You could just go cut in, instead of being the creepy stalker.” Sam said.
“I’m not a stalker, I’m just....”
“Jealous.” Chris and Sam both stated.
Bucky took a deep sigh as he turned back to face you and your “lover.”
“You better hurry up...because the way (Y/N) looks tonight, someone is going to want to take that home.” Sam said as he pointed over at the two of you.
“He’s got the hand on the lower back ... he’s whispering sweet nothings in her ear. They have history, chemistry. She pressed up tight against him. He’s about to k..ki..”
All Sam felt was a smack against the back of his head from Chris before he realized Bucky had walked away, jealous and enraged.
Sam muttered a small “Oh shit.”
You watched Bucky walked towards the two of you, and if it had been a cartoon you knew he would be the green monster. Brad looked at your face of concern and before he could ask what was wrong he felt the hand grip his shoulder.
“Do you mind if I cut in, pal?” Bucky asked. You could hear the threatening tone his voice held.
Brad turned and looked up at him, not impressed and not scared. “What if I do?” he asked. Leave it to Brad to make things more difficult.
Bucky’s jaw tightened. “I’ll just make you move.”
When you meant an act of war, two guys fighting over you was not what you had in mind. Or was it?
You sighed while silently smiling to yourself.
“Boys, while this is every woman’s fantasy. There is plenty of me to go around. “ You said as you grabbed Bucky’s hand from Brad’s shoulder.
You watched as Brad took a step back and gave you a thumbs up while silently wincing and grabbing his shoulder to ease the pain. You laughed a bit as you saw him walk over to Chris and Sam who also threw a thumbs up your way.
“Why did you invite him?” Bucky looked down at you. He was searching your face. His eyes moved over your neck, your chest. You felt his hand tighten around your waist. He was holding you close as if he was afraid to let you go.
You felt yourself shiver under his touch. “Are you jealous Barnes?” You moved your arms around to his neck. Your nails lightly scraping against the exposed skin. You brought your face closer to his. God, this man was intoxicating.
“No, I’m not jealous.”
“Okay, fine maybe a little. “
“He’s a great friend. A previous bf, but he also happens to be married now. But you didn’t know that. I wanted to make you jealous. I wanted you to finally make a move. Nat let it slip how you felt about me, and I felt the same. But I understand you old men are set in your ways. Plus I wanted to make you work a little.” You said with a smirk.
“So I had nothing to worry about? You did this to tease me? To drive me crazy for two weeks?” Bucky said as he gripped you tighter.
“Yes sir. Guilty as charged”
You smiled up at Bucky as you pressed yourself a little bit closer against him. You felt his metal hand trail down your arm, down your side and over your thigh threw the slit in your dress. You were absolute putty in his hands.
You felt Bucky’s stubbled chin slightly graze across your jaw as he whispered how amazing you looked tonight. How soft you were, how intoxicating he found you. You ran fingers back up to Bucky’s hair and pressed his lips closer to yours before you passionately kissed him.
“Doll, you teased me. Made me green with envy over another man touching you. And looking at you in that dress..” Bucky bit his lip and you saw a glint of mischief roll around in those eyes.
Bucky leaned closer and softly whispered in a deep but sultry voice “I’m going to have to punish you..” before he placed a small kiss to your sweet spot.
“So much teasing to make up for .... having to think about and watch some other guy with his hands on you. Pressed against you. I’m going to make sure that never happens again.” He whispered.
You knew this was going to be the best birthday gift you’d ever received.
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chattegeorgiana · 3 years
Get your garbage out of the Sasuke tag.
"Like, for as much as I like also Sasuke as a character" stop lying bitch we know you don't. It's blatantly obvious.
"it’s like... the guy took everything that Naruto had - his motivations, the love of his life, the show... everything. Everything was taken and was given to Sasuke."
?????!!!! How did Sasuke took Naruto's motivations? Their motivations were always different. At no point did Sasuke wanted acknowledgement or whatever the fuck Naruto wanted. And you really out here saying Sasuke took "the love of his life" with your whole ass chest? Lmfao. Sakura was the one pursuing Sasuke, not the other way around. Stop acting like Naruto was entitled to get what he wanted just because he was the MC or that he was entitled to get with someone just because he happened to have some feelings for that person. It does not work like that. But then again, this level of entitlement is something you can only see in Naruto and Sakura/Narusaku wankers.
"Sasuke keeps taking, taking, taking and Naruto keeps giving, giving, giving. And the balance in this case isn’t right. It never is." Girl... are you normal? What does naruto keep giving? Last time I checked, Sasuke was the one who risked his life for Naruto, not the other way around. Deadass Sasuke literally sacrificed his goals, motivations, life for naruto against Haku and he was willing to do it again against Gaara.
"Because Naruto worked his ass of for everything while Sasuke went to Orochimaru to cut things short and what? He’s the one who gets it all, while Naruto’s hard work is repaid how? " And you think Sasuke did not work hard when he was with Orochimaru? Do you think he improved his genjutsu/taijutsu/ninjutsu that much and learned swordsmanship, as well as creating numerous tehniques by snapping his fingers and doing nothing???? Sasuke was shown to be an incredibly hardworking person ever since he was a child, his databook hobby is literally TRAINING and let me remind you that one of Orochimaru's training sessions literally involved Sasuke fighting against countless people, and you think Sasuke had it easy compared to Naruto??? You think him going to Orochimaru "cut things short"???? Bitch sit your ass down. Naruto is the one who does literally the bare minimum yet he gets 353423 power ups at once. He unlocks Kurama mode? Oh would you look at that, he's now one of the fastest ninja, despite his speed being otherwise mediocre, he's now good at taijutsu, and he also gets additional strenght and his jutsus are significantly boosted. And all he had to do for that was tnj Kurama with Kushina and Bee's help. Basically gaining access to KCM was one hell of a frickin shortcut for Naruto to make up for all of his previous weaknesses. Without Kurama, he would've had to train years to get that speed, he would've had to train years to get that level of taijutsu and strenght yet Kurama makes up for all of it. In Shippuden Naruto's just handed ridiculous power up after power up and his garbage fanboys and fangirls be out here talking shit about Sasuke when this Naruti fucker was even given the ability to fly and restore people's eye and heal them without doing jackshit at one point in the manga? Girl sit you ass down and stop spewing shit.
"What message is this in the end? That in this world the only way you will make it is by cutting roads, taking shortcuts and ‘cheating’?" If Sasuke is "cutting roads, taking shortcuts and "cheating" then so is your precious naruto, even more so than Sasuke.
Don't you ever put your crap in the sasuke tags. We don't wanna see garbage in these tags. Narusaku wankers like you better keep his name out of your mouths and sit in your fucking lane. Even better. Deactivate and find other purpose in life than bitching about your trash ship not becoming canon. Cringey, corney ass cunt. This is literally the first ask of this type that I'm ever sending cuz god bless it's hard as hell to get me this heated, but your corny, stupid ass somehow pulled it off. Congrats.
I pondered over whether I should reply to you or not. And decided to do it, because unlike you, I recognize the fact that you are entitled to have an opinion.
Ya know, like I do, too. But unlike you, I won't start calling you names, you see. Because dear God, although yes I am a Sakura and NaruSaku fan, doesn't mean I leave my brain at the entrance. One that unlike you, also knows that my favorite character(s)/pairings also have flaws. So whenever people have an opinion I disagree with, I just leave them be.
Instead of ya know, going into people's inboxes and acting like you did.
Like wow, doe... Take it easy. You think that if you came into my inbox and spewed all this wall of text filled with insults you're a better person or what?
You gotta learn in life that yes, people have different opinion than yours dude or dudette, whatever you are. And you know what? You're gonna have to learn to live with them, like it or not, cuz you don't live in a vacuum space.
Excuse me but since when someone dictates me what I am and what I am not? I didn't know I require your permission to be a fan of Sasuke in a certain way otherwise I shouldn't be called a fan.
You just saw a post here, read some few questions here and there and placed your judgement that oh, all I am is a stupid Sakura/NaruSaku fans who thinks like this just because of my ship. Well, news flash: I can separate my liking of a certain thing and analyze things outside of that. You know why?
Because I don't take things personally like you seemed to have done here. Yes, I have my opinions and I stand by them. But that doesn't mean that I can't judge things outside of those opinions.
I don't know with what kind of thinking and people you are accustomed to, but you've got me wrong here.
Everyone who is here along me for the years I've been on Tumblr (and elsewhere) knows that I've always said I have a love-hate relationship with Sasuke.
I hate some of the things he does (more like HOW he goes about them), while I LOVE how he's the one who truly challenges the status quo present in Naruto world.
But aah, here you are, coming into my inbox, telling me what I am and what I'm not. Chill yer self, will ya? I know very well who I am, I don't need your incapable of having a decent discussion self to tell me who I am.
Now to address your points
How did Sasuke take Naruto's motivations? Oooh, then you might've missed him wanting to become Hokage, which was Naruto's dream since this god forsaken story began.
Naruto journey was about 3 major things: acknoweldgement, Hokage and getting Sakura.
Minus the acknowledgement thing (which gets weaved with the bringing Sasuke plot along with the Hokage one), the other two are transferred to Sasuke.
Irrespective of Sasuke wanting those things or not. Because ya know, as I said, everything was taken and was given to Sasuke.
Which, I'm sorry but it's true. Sasuke's major plot and defining moment ended-up when he killed Itachi, so from there on Kishimoto needed to think about something for him.
Hell, Kishimoto himself admitted that he didn't know what to do with Sasuke in the Kobayashi interview, dude. Like chill your goddamn self.
Not to mention along the years he spoke about how Sasuke and Kakashi's popularities grew more than he envisioned. Hell, at some point the man purposely cut out Kakashi from the story because he was getting more popular than Naruto, so really, what are you getting pressed about?
For speaking about a valid critique of how things happened? Kishimoto ended-up giving to Sasuke what we all followed Naruto for.
And you say that he didn't give him Naruto's motivations? LOL MAY I REMIND YOU that Sasuke's POV in the last chapter is really similar to Naruto's? Him wanting to reach Naruto the same way Naruto wanted to reach him, him being envious of Naruto the same way Naruto was envious of him, though Naruto's envy and Sasuke's are so different in nuance.
As for Sasuke's skills... dude, I'm sorry but Sasuke's WHOLE arc was about searching power from Orochimaru. Which I am sorry BUT IT WAS CUTTING SHORT because ya know, the cursed seal??
Like I'm sorry but Naruto's Kurama power was a handicap to him until he had to train with Bee, so give me a break here.
I'm not taking away from the fact that Sasuke trained as well, far away from that. But as it's true that he trained, it's ALSO true that he cut things hort.
Him going to Orochimaru is the point to that whole thing. That's the whole plot point of him going to Orochimaru.
Ya know, cuz that's how darkness as a motif works in a story my dear.
It gives you power easily (AND SASUKE HIMSELF ADMITS IT TO SAKURA when he leaves the village that he is NOT like them aka Naruto and Sakura). Granted, there's always a reason behind darkness offering you that power and Orochimaru's was that he wanted Sasuke's body. That's THE WHOLE REASON Naruto and Sakura wanted to bring him back to the village??? Because in his quest for power he's losing himself.
But it doesn't retract from the fact that Sasuke DID do that. Hello, remember how he had to eat that pill to "die" once and then BOOM MAGICALLY level 2 curse?
Like don't give me that crap that Sasuke is a hard worker cuz it's not true. He's a talented one, I give you that. But NOT a hard worker.
There's a slight difference in nuance here. The motif of natural talent vs hard work has always been prevalent in this story. Guess on which side of the spectrum Sasuke was?
The one who always had to train more was Naruto because I don't know if your angry self absorbed self remembers, but having Kurama functioned as an impediment to Naruto rather than something helpful.
The fact that he FINALLY got to utilize Kurama's power-ups (which should be looked as a reward system after functioning as an impediment in the story), I'm sorry but it's not like he snapped a finger and went there and magically got it? No, my dear. He had to undergo training!
Not to mention, that wasn't the only power-up that Naruto got. Mind I remind you of Sage arts? The one he learned once again, by training hard?
Meanwhile Sasuke got his power-up because Itachi left behind his eyes. Then again we see Hashirama in the war arc giving him his chakra, and then again we have Hagoromo who gives him the seal. But that one is out of the equation because Naruto got it handed to him the same way Sasuke did.
So, like it or not, by the virtue of how the story was developed and the motifs it uses, Sasuke is the one who uses shortcuts, abandons his comrades and gets things handed to him.
While Naruto is the one who works hard because unlike Sasuke, he's not the talented Uchiha genius. His only talent is the fact that he is able to relate to people in more ways than one, unlike Sasuke.
Like dude, that's the story's premise ffs.
The fact that you don't like it, well, that's another issue. You're free not to, of course.
But you coming here in my inbox and insulting me isn't going to change the reality of those facts.
As for blaming it all on me for YOUR OWN actions, well, isn't that juicy?
I didn't make you come to my inbox and write these insults, did I?
You had so many other choices: come to my inbox and NICELY ask me to take it out because you see it as offensive to the Sasuke tag, IGNORE IT and move past it like I so do with so many things I see in the tags of the characters I like, or simply come and tell me that dude, I consider that you're wrong because this, this and that.
But no, instead you came here, wrote all this long ass ask, used foul language and you wanna make me the bad guy in this whole story because I dare to have an opinion?
Sure Jan, whatever rocks your boat and helps you sleep at night.
As for the last part, I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I won't do any of the things you said I should.
You're not the first, nor the last person who comes into my inbox spewing hate. I've been doing this for 10 years now.
You're not the first and probably not the last either, like I said. But let me tell you one thing: I don't care.
You hold no power over me and what I do on the internet.
So you can either accept that and move on with your life or keep continue acting all hateful like your fave used to do in his teen years.
Ain't gonna stop me from being me.
Like I said... This is the internet, my friend. You have no power over me.
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1-3 of those mun questions
Mun Meme | Accepting | @deafeningsound​
1. What makes you the most emotional about your muse?
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA more like what doesn’t make me over emotion XD. But naw for reals, Soul is like the most minimalistic muse I’ve ever rped but there’s so much depth to him that I think is kind of left up in the air for everyone to interpret for themselves. I think because he’s so nonchalant and you only get these tiny little insights that he has this ability to connect with everyone. I mean in the anime when Kid asked him about Crona and Soul just laughed at it and said something like “There’s no use being upset over it, besides if I was I’d only be alienating Crona more and Crona doesn’t need that.” and then proceeds to jump up and actually teach Crona how to play basketball.
And then in the manga when Black*Star is hurt after the final fight with Mifune, Soul was the one pushing his ass back in bed, and Soul didn’t pull punches either when he told Black*Star to grow the fuck up so there’s that.
And I mean, as much as I love him fiercely protecting Maka, what I love more than that is he KNOWS he can’t fight without her. It’s not like he’s trying to be this knight in shining armor, he knows she’s the warrior and he’s the weapon, but he uses his own body to shield her while she’s going through her own internal battle and even when he’s getting his ass kicked he’s still trying to get her to see how strong and brave and capable she is. I guess this is my long winded way of saying I love it when he puts other’s needs before his own XD
2. What made you decide to write this muse?
Soul is my frickin’ type. He’s somewhat different but ultimately he fits the trope of muses that I tend to write. The sarcastic/cynical/arrogant cool guy who is actually a frickin’ puppy inside and would legit sacrifice his entire being for the people he cares about and is a ball of anxiety that rarely let’s people see it. Just 10/10 that’s my kinda muse. I love all of the characters of Soul Eater but that’s why I chose Soul, because I was confident I could write him. Added Bonus for Soul: There’s so much gray area, so many things that are just kinda lackadaisically in the manga and the anime that I also enjoy being able to craft his character fully within the design that’s laid out.
3. If you could change one event in your muse’s life (in their main or canon verse), what would you change?
That he didn’t fucking LIE to Maka in Envy. I know I just finished stating that I enjoy the fact he’s very minimal but omfg Soul. That would have been a really interesting thing to see. Soul actually voicing his insecurities, voicing his cool kid demeanor is kind of an act (sorta, he is pretty cool XD) Not saying I need/want a drawn out, Soul having a breakdown scene. But just an acknowledgement, out loud, that he has a lot of stuff going on in his head. I mean c’mon he’s told Maka once in battle her courage is what inspires him to be brave and fight his own demons. Is it too much to ask that their relationship evolve to where he actually tells her what those demons are?? (I use Maka as the example but seriously Kid too because Kid and Black*Star got some quality interrelationship balancing going on and Soul and Kid didn’t XD))
OKAY I GOT ANOTHER sorry XD I wish there was more Soul being around Crona too. Like the whole “Fear of touching people, even I get that one.” and Soul being the one Crona almost killed, and Soul understanding (to a certain extent because omfg Crona bby) I just think interactions between them would have been really interesting. I think he connected with Crona too and we never really see that and it would have been different from how Crona connected to Maka so the facets of Soul’s characterization and Crona’s characterization would have both benefited buuuuuuuuuuuut I digress.
gd I’m a wordy mess.
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