#I am not great at the Really Good value placement
melchinafan · 11 months
I'm looking around for posts to read up more on alt text/image IDs/etc., trying to figure out what is preferred and how best to handle them. I've recently seen some posts using alt text instead of descriptions in the body of the post, and I remember something about alt text being fiddly for some folks though maybe not for others? But that was a bit ago so maybe there's been a tumblr update that made it better? Still not totally sure on that. (This article is pretty good so far, with clarification and examples of what each type of description is and what they're for. This one is also excellent, with a ton of thorough examples, though it's specifically art-focused. Tumblr-based link hubs I've found include this which has stuff about the why and how for various situations, and this which has even more, for both users and businesses.)
And part of my brain is going "my spoons, there's So Much involved here and AAAA..." (Both because I do try to make my descriptions Accurate and Interesting which takes brainpower to write...and also because I'm reading so much right now that my brain is currently full, so the mere concept of Having Spoons feels absurd at the moment.) But also I think...I think the basic flat starter sentences I keep doing are...what could/should go in the alt text section? (Like, "screenshot from [game]" and "stylized illustration, fanart for [thing].") I'm still reading, but if that's the case, you can chill, brain! We already do the alt text bit, we just gotta put it in a different spot.
It still does cost me spoons to also describe something after I've spent too much time drawing it. But I'm prone to sitting on things for a day before posting them, so I use that sitting time to at least start a description! Which I can then refine before posting, going back and forth between both image and description to double-check each for missed errors/potential improvements. AND sometimes I'm too lazy to pull out my tablet, so I'll start an image as a mouse-based doodle "note" to have the file ready to work on later...so sometimes I'll start the description then, if I've got a good idea of what I plan to have it look like! (Then it's doubly-important that I edit the description before posting, to make sure it matches whatever the actual end result was. But my perfectionism requires double- and triple-checking anyway, so it works out fine.)
Bonus benefit to image descriptions, besides increased accessibility (which is the point, and should be incentive enough to do them): I can indicate little details or intent in my drawings that might not be immediately obvious to everyone. Like, that Disco Elysium fanart I did had the swirling musical lines as a hugely key element that I pondered over and reiterated SO MUCH, trying to visually capture the audio differences I was imagining in every subtle way I could, even though the end result looks very simple. (Respective colors, different line thicknesses, and steady wave vs swooping swirls were obvious to me, but might not be to folks looking at it, yanno? Or they'd get the vibe, but not be able to explain why, so that could help make it "click.") Plus, I used the fuzzy edges and color fadeout as a nod to the Pale, which I also had the chance to add bonus hints about in the description (without having to go "HEY IT'S A REFERENCE" in the post itself). Or like this fanart of Ryou, I got to point out that the lineart placement and lighter areas of color not only served to indicate lighting, but also his slow movement and the fact that he's kind of dissolving. So yeah. Describing my stuff is also a nice little bonus to help everyone get in on what's going through my brain.
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kakiastro · 9 months
Chiron: Past/Early life wounds that need Healing
Hey y’all! Today I’m going to discuss how you can start your healing journey by doing shadow work with your Chiron placement and house.
Shadow work is just a new age term meaning working on healing your traumas and starting your inner growth journey. We’ll always have shadow work because we’re constantly growing and changing into hopefully the best versions of ourselves.
Chiron can be a really great way to start this journey. Why? Chiron in astrology represents the wounded healer. Which means this is the area that we were hurt the most in past lives and in this lifetime during our early stages (childhood, early teen) years. Chiron is our greatest lesson. And through our healing journey, we can help others on there’s too.
To understand your Chiron; look at the description for your sign + house + degree sign. Break it down and start your healing journey.
Example: Chiron Taurus 9h 7°(libra degree)
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- in past lives, who you are as a person might’ve gotten wounded, demonized or shut down. This gives me wounded warrior energy. You’re a fighter and you may have lost some battles. In this life, people still put you down. You may have been seen as “too much.” To start this healing journey, ask yourself “who am I really?” Make sure this is who you are and not what you been told what to be.
-in past lives, your self worth, morals and values were wounded someway. You may have had money issues. In this life, this may have continued. Also people might of been mean to about your looks, may have issue with money and spending or you hoard money because you’re afraid you won’t make enough. Taurus rules the throat so you’re probably self conscious about your voice. To start healing this wound, tell yourself “ I am worthy and abundant.” Release this fear that you’re not worthy of owning nice things. You’re beautiful, and enough. Start listening to upbeat music to make you feel good about yourself.
Gemini/ 3h
-past lives, people didn’t listen to what you had to say. They didn’t understand where you were coming from so they told you to stop talking. This caused a deep wound. In this life, you might’ve been the child “talk too much.” Thus you were told to be quiet. You may struggle with collecting and speaking your thoughts due to the fear of being judged. To start your healing journey, start journaling. Write down your thoughts and feelings. start sharing your opinions, even if it’s small like discussing your favorite show.
-this is known as the mother wound. You may have been one of your ancestors in your past lives. You may have been hurt emotionally, they were never validated. You may never had that safe home space. In this life, you are the generational breaker in your family. How you feel is important but no one (especially family)ever made you feel safe. To your healing journey is really a special because your healing your bloodline. Finding or creating family/home that you can call your own. You have to get use to being the black sheep of your family. They don’t understand because they are carrying that trauma for several generations and here you are breaking that trauma. It’s like letting a toddler sit in front of the tv all day. When you shut it off to encourage playing outside, the toddler throws a hissy fit but you know it’s beneficial for them in the long run.
-you were a star that shined bright but others didn’t like that and diminished your light from the world. The way you expressed your creative self was shunned. This can indicate having problems with children, maybe you didn’t like being around them or couldn’t have any of your own. In this life, you may have struggled as a child. Other kids didn’t get you. You struggled being openly creative. You may struggle with having the light on you. Well I’m here to tell you that the world needs your creative spirit. The way you express yourself help heal others. Start accepting compliments gracefully without acting weird about it. Surround yourself around children. they will bring out that fun inner child and you’ll learn to have fun.
-you’re re a healer and your healing abilities have been looked down upon. This is also a mental wound. You may have judged and may have had people be really critical of you. In this life, you may have developed perfectionist tendencies. You may work work and experience horrible burnout. You may have problems with co-workers. To start this journey, I just want to say that you don’t need to overextend your body to prove yourself. You’re perfect and the way you heal others is beautiful to see.
-people have abused your kindness for weakness. You may have been the type who didn’t confront people who were in power and tried to keep the peace. You may have had problems with marriage partners or business associates. In this life, you may have developed people pleasing tendencies, scared to get into new relationships due to past life situations. To help you understand how to heal this, I need you all to realize that it’s okay to disagree with people outwardly. You guys are so scared of confrontation that you don’t tell ppl how you really feeling and this is causing inner resentment. You may also with some Co-dependency tendencies that you need to work through.
-people have betrayed your trust in past lives. You may have suffered from sexual abuse, or your sexuality was demonized by society. You may have been involved with the occult and punished for it. In this life, you may suffer from intimacy from people especially lovers. You may have a hard time really trusting people and opening up. I think this is one of the most painful Chiron placements because Scorpio is that deep inner wound. To start this healing journey, you need to understand that the world is not out to get you. You guys block so many of your blessings due to the fear of being hurt and betrayed. Be cautious of people but don’t push them out. Work on your intimacy, let your partner hold you hand and kiss you in public without feeling bad about it
-your ideals were not supported by people your past lives. You may have had problems with religious people. You may have had a different philosophy from others. In this life, I’ve seen it manifest in 2 major ways. You push your ideologies on people and not listen to theirs due to past lives of being rejected or you don’t share them at all. You may have a fear of traveling abroad because change scares you. If you want to start combating this then embrace all the changes. Share you ideologies and philosophies but please listen to others because it will expand your worldview on life. Embrace new cultures and let them inspire you.
-just like how cancer is the mother wound, Capricorn is the father wound. You may have been an ancestor on your father side in a past life. You may have struggled in your career. You may have had bosses who were severely unkind to you. This could have damaged your public image. In this life, you may have problems with authority or you don’t like working for people. There’s a father wound that you need to heal. You are the generational trauma breaker for your father side. you may have abandonment issues. Standing up for yourself against your bosses will help with the start of your healing journey. Start being okay with realizing that not everyone is meant to be in your life long term. It has nothing to do with you either.
-y’all were some rebels in your past lives. You were the ones who went against the norms of society. This caused you to be shunned by society and alone. This caused a deep wound because you wanted that community feeling. In this life, this has caused you to be severely antisocial. You may have been seen as the weirdo growing up and shunned. Here’s the the thing, you are a weirdo but you need to embrace this about yourself. The day you wake up and realize that life too short to care what “society thinks of you” is when you will start to really heal. Dye your hair different colors, buy that stuff animal, do that silly dance in the rain. In the words of Beyoncé “UNIQUE!” You’re and alien superstar
Pisces /12h
-this one’s tricky, your spirituality were demonized. You may have been sent to the psych ward in past lives. You have gifts that were not acknowledged or praised. This caused a deep rift between you and the divine. In this life, you may struggle spiritually on where to go. You may have used unhealthy substances to help you cope. You guys are really the biggest healers because you are connected to the divine. One of the best ways for you all to heal is listening to frequency music, go out in nature. Boundaries are a big one for you guys. Don’t let people gas light you, your intuition is never wrong. Meditate and remember who you are.
Thank you for reading
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torialefay · 4 months
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🌕 Moon in Libra ♎️
bangchan as your boyfriend series!!! (pt. 4)
(based on astrology)
✨bangchan x reader (f); fluff & sad chan :(
✨word count: ~3.5k
✨4th part in a series!!! together, let’s take a look into chan’s natal chart to see what type of boyfriend he would be!
✨i will give a synopsis of what each chart placement means throughout the series (for all my non-astrology friends out there <3) and how that would affect channie in a relationship. head to my masterlist to check out the rest of the series <3
✨ author’s notes:
(1) i am doing brief (just bullet points/highlights) astrological compatibility readings if anyone wants one! if you’re interested, message me your birth date, time, and location OR lmk your placements. i’m gonna limit the reading to include you x 1 skz member only! just specify who you’d like.
(2) the aspects in this reading are based solely on my opinions and interpretations! nothing about a person is set in stone simply because of astrology. please don’t use anything i say as canon :)
(3) there is mention of another fandom in a not so great light. this is purely fictional and no offense was meant by including them. it’s simply for the storyline.
✨warnings: none
✨tldr: chan just wants to be loved.
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Moon in Libra:
The Moon represents the deepest parts of yourself, the parts you are usually not even cognizant of. It is the basic energy that resides within you and what you radiate in the most still of situations. Your moon sign usually controls you in ways you aren’t aware of and draws you to certain people that you cannot explain.
• Moon in Libra has a deep NEED for love and beauty in their lives. This can be seen in the deepest parts of them. They are able to see the beauty in every person, and usually can see each person as who they really are instead of the mask they are showing the world. Because of this, he prefers to get to know people well before pursuing them in a relationship.
• Moon in Libra also highlyyyy values balance and peace in their lives. If they suspect that you are bringing drama into their lives in any way, they will most likely (very kindly) cut you out of their life. They will feel bad about it, but they need to protect their peace in order to feel comfortable in the world.
• Because of Libra’s tendency to be people pleasers, they truly seek external validation… they can take criticism very harshly. They do not like the drama and do not want to be involved in a scandal of any kind. It can, in fact, crush them, but they are too self sacrificing to say anything. They just want to make sure that people are pleased with them and they will do whatever they must do to get that.
Chan’s Moon in Libra is also in the 6th house (the house of work, routines, and health)
• Because of this, the balance in his life likely plays a largeeee role in how he performs during the day in work, in carrying out his plans for the day, and in how healthy he is staying.
• His Venus (beauty, love, and sensuality) and Mars (aggression and resolution) are also in the 6th house, meaning that if any aspect of his romance, emotions, or conflict are out of whack, so is he. He simply cannot get his work done or perform well. He is too in his head. That makes him push even harder.
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*Important tidbits I learned from analyzing Chan’s natal chart!!! If you take ANYTHING away from this series, please let it be this:*
• Chan has a Libra placement for his Moon (emotions), Sun (personality), and Mercury (communication). This makes him a SUPER LIBRA. He basically identifies with it on another level.
• Here’s the problem: Libras are totally giving of themselves. Completely. They quite literally turn into whoever you want them to be. Because of that, they can really struggle with self image, not only in terms of wanting to be seen in a good light, but most importantly from the perspective of not even knowing themselves.
• Since they don’t have any one SET personality that they present to everyone, they don’t know who they are. Not fully. They may have some idea. They may know that they love people and that they think they are good people, but when it comes down to it, they feel lost.
• So what happens when you have this Libra energy in Sun, Moon, and Mercury? You feel hollow.
• It is very likely that at the end of the day, when all is said and done, Chan feels like the shell of a person. He works so hard for everyone around him, but who is he without that? If he were on his own, and if he didn’t live to please others, who would he be? Nobody. There would be no person underneath the mask. And that scares the fuck out of him.
• He NEEDS to be needed. It isn’t that he likes the attention, but he needs it to survive. Because without it, he is nothing.
Focusing in now on only the Libra Sun (personality) and Libra Moon (emotions) for Chan:
• As I’ve previously discussed a million times, Libra suns need to be liked. They need harmony and balance, and they feel this through blending fully with others.
• Libra MOONS on the other hand, have a deeper desire. They don’t necessarily want to be loved on what they do, but for who they are and the way they think. Libra moons truly believe that they ARE good people who want to help. Because of this, their harmony and balance instead comes from KNOWING they are good, so they shouldn’t care what other people think of them.
• This manifests in Chan as having this war within himself of caring so much about how other people see him vs. knowing that he shouldn’t give a fuck.
• But at the end of the day, he does give a fuck. And that kills him too.
• So now, not only does he feel hollow on the inside, but he also KNOWS that he cares too deeply about shit that doesn’t even matter. But he can’t. help. it.
• He lives by the mantra “Just enjoy”, because it is something he so badly wants to be able to do.
• He likely manifests this in severe anxiety and not being able to sleep because of it. Throwing himself into work, because who is he if not the producer that his fans know and love? Laughing as much as he can to attempt to fill up the void inside of him.
• He only knows himself in relation to others. The worst thing he could ever experience is being on his own.
• This is likely why he struggled so bad in his trainee days. When everyone else got cut and he was the only one left.
• I’ve heard him explain before that it was a very dark time in his life, and that Stray Kids coming into his life is the only reason he is alive today.
• He is not over-exaggerating. Stray Kids literally gives him life. Without them, he feels like he is nothing.
• He simply cannot exist without them.
The last thing that I will add:
• Chan wants SO BADLY to learn how to not give a fuck. He NEEDS someone who can teach him that.
• He NEEDS someone who can show him how to find himself. He NEEEDS someone who will see the parts of him that he cannot see.
• If he can find someone to do this, this person will be his soulmate, I promise you.
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As your boyfriend:
• “Hey there, pretty girl.” “You look so beautiful today.” “How did I get to lucky?” Chan tells you these things every day, leaning in to peck your forehead. Words of affirmation are his love language, so he would make sure you got them constantly.
• If you’ve had a long week at work/school, Chan is taking you somewhere beautiful on the weekend. Somewhere that the two of you can enjoy the beauty and the calmness together. Aka, he’s definitely taking you to a giant botanical garden, just to walk around and look at the flowers together. Walking hand in hand, he’d make sure to take breaks occasionally to get a candid photo of how pretty you look with the flowers in the background. You’d wonder off to a tiny side path, taking you to a small fairy garden with lights and a small bench. You would sit, just admiring the lights. Even though you weren’t supposed to, Chan would pick a flower off of the ground next to him and trim it down to just the right length. He’d place it in your hair, resting in the crook of your ear. He’d giggle at how cute you looked. Just like a little garden fairy.
• Chan would adore being your center of attention. He says he doesn’t, but it absolutely makes his heart melt to know that you were thinking about him. Whether it’s a painting, a song, a poem, a muse in any form, his inner self can’t help but to feel so seen.
• He loves it when you obsess over him. No, like actually he loves it. Again, he says he doesn’t, but the way it makes him feel is like none other. The fact that you think that highly of him to pour your entire self into him fills him up with love to the very brim. And he would absolutely be the same with you.
• He LOVES when you ask for his help or his advice. If you ever include the phrase, “I just wanted to know your thoughts because I really value your opinion”, then boom, he’s in love. Feeling needed gives him purpose in life.
• He would adore when you would dress up for him. No occasion, just to look pretty for him. Even though he thinks you’re always beautiful, the fact that you put in extra effort just for him to have something pretty to look at would really make him feel loved. Bonus points if you tried a style or a new item that he talked about really liking.
• If he had a hard day at work and came home to a home-cooked meal and a warm bath waiting on him, he would probably get so excited he wouldn’t even make it to the bathtub, being too busy hugging you.
• Chan is absolutely the type to avoid drama, and especially avoid you having to get involved in any drama at all costs.
• But your boyfriend was no novice to how cruel the online communities could be towards him.
• The week’s newest scandal: that he was saying nasty things about ATEEZ behind their back.
• And damn, did he get a lot of flack.
• What was the proof you may ask?… A tweet. A fucking tweet some random account (that was created 7 hours ago) sent out saying that she had been behind him and heard him saying awful things while on the phone with a friend. As “proof”, she posted the back of a man’s body who had on a black beanie, black hoodie, and black sweatpants.
• You had to give it to her, that was the iconic Channie outfit.
• But what she failed to realize: your man is literally 171 cm… no way in hell is he towering over everyone else like in the picture she posted.
• STAY knew that, but you know how the internet goes. One bad word, and the world is trying to cancel you.
• Well that “you” is now Channie. There’s been an all out fan war between STAY and ATINY to the point that it is now trending worldwide. ATINY trying to trend “#bangchanisoverparty” and damn, it was kinda working.
• When you both saw, you talked to Chan about it. He assured you that he was fine and it was nothing to worry about. He knew who he was and that’s all that mattered. If things got out of hand, JYP would make an official statement saying that it was not him in the photo and they would investigate into the account that posted about it.
• You were so proud of your boyfriend for how much he had overcome to be able to feel that way. You knew he struggled with a lot, and although you were helping him, you were so happy knowing that he was okay.
• Well, until you woke up in the middle of the night to hearing Channie crying softly, lying in the spot next to you.
• You listened quietly, pretending to still be asleep, so you could check on your boyfriend while still allowing him to have his own space.
• Your heart almost shattered as you heard him start to actually sob, reaching his hand up to his mouth in order to stop any sound from coming out.
• Even in his most desperate hour, he didn’t want to wake you. He didn’t want you to know.
• So you just laid there, eyes darting off to focus on the moon, while your back was turned away from him. Listening. Just listening.
• After a couple of minutes, you heard the sobs start to resolve, and deep breaths in began. Good, he was finally starting to feel better.
• You heard the bed sheets rustle a bit as he made the tiniest, slowest movements to reach for his phone on the nightstand.
• You knew that’s what he had to have been reaching for, as you saw a quick, bright flash of light coming in from behind you. You relaxed into the mattress as you heard him typing in his passcode, hopefully to play some light, soothing music to fall asleep to. You didn’t hear anything for the next couple of minutes.
• Content that Chan had successfully cried himself to sleep, you rolled to your other side to curl your body into his. You wanted to feel the warmth of his back pressed up against your chest. To rest your hand at the nape of his neck and hold on for as long as you could.
• To your surprise, your roll over did land you on top of Channie, but a very much awake and very much still on his phone Channie.
• He looked just as startled to see you, dropping his phone down onto his chest. His eyes were red and puffy. The rest of his face followed suit. You hated to see him cry, but you had to admit that he looked like an adorable little fluffball like this, especially with the curly hair all fluffed out from “tossing and turning” you guessed.
• “What are you doing up?” you whispered, playing dumb. You relaxed your hand on top of his chest and heaved your face down into him. You lifted your eyes up to look at his. So beautiful in the silver moon’s light.
• “I thought I heard my phone go off,” he lied.
• “Oh yeah? Who would be calling in the middle of the night?”
• “Minho. He probably went out for a few drinks, I don’t know. I didn’t answer it and was gonna text.” Damn, this boy was gonna do everything in his power to not admit to you that he was just crying.
• “Okay baby, let me know what he says,” you nuzzled into him, ready to watch this shit show of a lie go down.
• You watched as he quickly snatched up his phone, bringing it to rest right in front of his face. Not before you saw what he had actually been doing though.
• He’d been on twitter reading through comments. “#bangchanisoverparty” was pasted into the search bar at the top.
• You felt your heart shrivel up. Why does he do this to himself? Why does he care so much about what other people think about him?
• You sat and stared off, not sure if you should mention anything. You didn’t want to make things worse. But then again, what kind of girlfriend lets her boyfriend lay there and cry himself to death?
• “There,” Chan said, turning his phone off and laying it back on the bedside table. “I texted to see what he needs. Hopefully he replies back soon so I don’t fall back asleep and miss it.” This man is one good ass liar. Kinda scary now that you think about it, but whatever, that’s besides the point.
• “You’re a good friend Channie,” you scooted up to make sure your face was resting into the side of his neck. One arm extended around him to cover him in a light hug, and you just held him there for what seemed like an eternity. Finally, your eyelids got heavy again and you fluttered them closed.
• No more than 10 seconds later, they shot back open. You had felt a singular drop of water hit your face. A tear. He couldn’t lie now.
• You raised up to be above Chan, one hand still over his torso, and the other propping you up on your elbow. There were a few stray tears covering each cheek.
• The one hand moved up his body and slowly wiped at the tears on one side, making his perfect complexion visible once again. You kissed over the area with a touch as gentle as a feather.
• “What’s wrong baby?” you whispered while your head was just over top of his own.
• “Nothing baby, please go back to sleep,” he choked out, letting a light sniffle escape him.
• “I’m not going back to sleep until you talk to me.”
• “Please, y/n. Please just go back to sleep.”
• “No. Talk to me. Why were you on twitter?”
• He looked mortified. He didn’t answer. He just laid there, looking off to the side with an expression on his face like he could start crying again at any moment.
• You relaxed off of your elbow and sunk back into him again. You tangled your hand into his hair and started playing with it. Rolling it around in between your fingers. You started combing your hand through it in tiny strokes. You were learning to relax into the silence.
• You let the whole weight of your hand rest onto his scalp, running down it and to the nape of his neck. You repeated this a few times, hoping that he would get some light tingles over his body and start to perk up.
• You slowly moved your hand to caress the top of his ear, running a finger along the outer rim. Your touch was so slight that he couldn’t tell if he was imagining it, but it did soothe him. He thought about how reminiscent it was of what he would always do- touch his ears to calm himself. You knew this too of course. That’s why you were doing it.
• Chan knew why you were doing it too. You knew him better than he knew himself.
• You continued to stroke along his ear, adding more fingers and more pressure until you were massaging his ear lobe. Pressing your fingers into the skin of the area right behind where his ear met his skull. You massaged a low place here, rubbing small circles with just enough pressure.
• You slowly continued to drag your hand down to his neck, working again now in light strokes to feel all up and down the side and front. So smooth, you thought.
• You followed suit with your lips, pulling them to the area just between his ear and jaw. You planted a slow, low kiss to his most sensitive area.
• You felt the familiar sensation of wetness again. The taste of salt. Of course it had been another tear resting there for you to find and take away. You wished you could take away all the pain.
• You finally moved your hand all the way down to find his. You gave it a small squeeze, and then brought it up to relax over your own situated on his chest right over his heart. You sat in silence, feeling the strong beat inside. Just enjoying the warmth of his body underneath you.
• “You are so perfect,” you kissed his arm, admiring how hard his bicep was.
• All of a sudden, his stillness turned into a sob again. He tried to break his hand away from yours so he could cover up his eyes and the rest of his face.
• “No baby, you let me keep this hand,” you whispered. “It’s okay to cry, but at the end of it, I need you to know how loved you are. How so many people would kill just to see a smile on your face. How you can make a person’s day better just by being in it. How every time I look at you, I think that there must be a god, because how could there be something as perfect as you without a creator to make it?”
• You heard his tears stifle. He let out a weak smile. Your heart reciprocated the gesture.
• “There’s my beautiful boy,” you kissed his temple.
• “Now tell me baby,” you leaned back up to rest your forehead just on top of his, noses almost touching. “Do you think a life so full of love like that is worth crying over?”
• His tiny smile turned into a big one, leaving his bashful dimples on display. He took a moment and wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.
• He let out a small giggle. “No,” he looked into your eyes.
• “Good answer,” you leaned your face in the tiniest bit to touch a kiss on top of each eyelid. Satisfied, you resigned to your position of curling up next to him, head positioned to fit perfectly to his neck, two hands holding both of his own.
• “I love you,” he murmured.
• “I love you too Channie. And I wasn’t lying, you really are perfect. The last person left to convince is yourself.”
Moon in Libra.
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organicastrologytakes · 10 months
Astrology Observations 🌙 the moon signs pt 1
astrology? psh, who looks this crap up? definitely not me
I do, it's me. I'm the culprit.
#1 Aries moons can be very conflicted internally. They often struggle with conflict in their minds and in their everyday life, especially with close family like their mother. Having a mars ruler in this luminary could be a sign of being bullied or bullying others at a young age. They may struggle with change in their emotions as well or not be accepting of it. They also can hold grudges for extended periods of time and need extra time to process their emotions about a situation. This moon sign does love fiercely though and full heartedly. They get along with individuals who have similar placements like an Aries Venus who can match their fierce nature.
#2 Leo moons are not as conflicted internally, but they can have a very strong sense of morals. Having another luminary like Leo who rules the sun in the moon, ruled by Cancer can be more harmonious depending on the house placement. They can be more action oriented like Aries moons, and can struggle a lot with anger. Fire moons often process a lot of their emotions with a lens of anger when it may be another emotion underneath. Leo moons, especially paired with a Leo sun have a significant strength in morals and values. If someone conflicts with their morals and values, they are brutally honest about how wrong that person may be or can strike with physical violence if it truly violates their code. All fire moon signs often love very deeply and fiercely, they're very physically affectionate and love, love, love having that reciprocated. They love compliments and love giving them back. They want someone who is sure of themselves as friends and partners. They best pair with a Taurus Venus with fire placements with add that extra passion they crave.
#3 Sagittarius moons are truly playful at heart, similar to the other fire moons. They enjoy playful banter with their peers and especially love arguments or debates. They are usually a bit more easy going than the other fire moons but still can struggle with conflict because of their brutal honesty. Don't let them fool you with a good time, these are probably the most judgmental of the fire moons. They give you side eyes if you don't get things right, but if you ask for their help or recognize your issues with a laugh, they will enjoy your company and let their judgement of you slide. They only gossip with those close to them and keep a general distance from people they don't trust or care for. These moons will not take too much seriously often, they are a let loose and freedom seeking moon, they are often popular among their peers. They are the easy, breezy covergirls of the fire moons. They do great with a variety of signs, but especially Gemini moons that have that go with the flow element and playfulness they crave.
#4 Taurus moons, as a Taurus moon myself I am definitely biased, but we are pretty great lol. No but in all seriousness, Taurus moons are a great placement because of their exaltation in this beautiful luminary. They can come off to others as pretty easy going, grounding, and enjoyable to be around. Taurus moons are stubborn on very specific subjects that apply to their character. For example, they can struggle with fixed habits and not be aware of it, but if you try to bring it up to them they are not apt to take your advice unless they deeply respect you. They may also discover these issues later and solve it themselves once they feel it is disrupting their peace. They really value patience in themselves and in others, although they may struggle the most internally with frustration for others not doing things correctly, and may have a hard time not feeling their emotions or showing their emotions around their loved ones. They may want to stay positive or be a ground for people to land on when they are hurt themselves. Overall the Taurus moon is a tough individual who can flow with the changes of the moon, they tend to do best with water moons, especially Scorpio and Cancer.
#5 Virgo Moons are definitely not as easy, breezy covergirl. These moons can tend to have a tough time expressing themselves. Virgo is a feminine sign that represents Mercury and mutability. Although on paper it sounds like a harmonious connection between the moon and mercury because of their mutable, feminine powers, this can be a difficult placement for the moon. Mercury is a ruler of chaos and virgo is good at deceiving others into thinking they are always in charge of the chaos and put on a fantastic front. They may struggle a lot with the chaos of their inner world but are great at grounding themselves whether that be to put on a front for others or to do it for themselves. Their routine might be very important to them and they may have a sense of justice. They will probably struggle letting themselves breakdown or come off as anything other than perfect. They also probably won't share their emotions as much with others. Virgo moons are probably similar in handling frustration with others, they may have a tendency to have an attitude to do things right or don't do it at all. They are overall gentle souls though who just need a loving hug and a nice cup of hot chamomile tea to take the edge off. They are best surrounded by other Virgos and Capricorns. Honestly all of the earth moons find harmony within each other and feel most heard and seen with their sister elements.
#6 Now I've already talked about Capricorn moons, but I do think they deserve a paragraph on here too. Capricorn moons struggle and need a hug BAD. This placement is in the feminine Saturn ruled Capricorn, meaning it will struggle a lot with their inner world, deciphering what is best for them and following their intuition. (this placement is in detriment) They often have a distaste for any type of change, similar to Taurus moons and may stay in situations or relationships that no longer serve them. Capricorns don't want change, but sometimes they know it's bad so they'll complain about it and not change anything because it can be too much of a shake up in their world. They also don't like taking advice and won't share too much of what is going on emotionally. Let Capricorn moons go what they need to go through in order to embrace change and find themselves. A lot of Capricorn moons are also extremely emotionally intelligent once they've tapped into their moon sign and embraced their need for acceptance. They can be phenomenal leaders and help others discover themselves and their own emotions. A Capricorn moon that enters your life is a special one indeed, never take them for granted and let them come to you when they are ready. They are very compatible with other earth moons tbh and some water moons like Pisces, that may help them tune into their emotions.
Air and Water moons will be done next part! let me know what you thought! What moon sign are you? Did this resonate with you?
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crazilust · 5 months
My Impressions on the Signs vs how I used to see them (part 1)
as i’ve met tons of different people this year and I’m approaching my 25th year and I feel like I’m becoming this completely new person (and honestly feeling a bit like i’m going insane) these are my new and reformed opinions on the zodiac!
1. Cancer
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How I used to see them:
I used to see them as complete cry babies, which is not a shock because it’s stereotypically what we associate with Cancers, in general. More than that, I used to think they would often use their emotions as weapons and be overly sensitive. As an Aries sun with lots of Mars dominance, I had never gotten closer to a Cancer because I simply couldn’t deal with the constant flow of emotions.
How I see them now:
I still see them as very sensitive, but now I am more careful with my words because I’ve realized how fragile their self esteem can be. As the years went on, I was able to form meaningful relationships with Cancers and most of them had a really fragile self esteem. They’re not just sensitive for the sake of it, as it turns out lmao, but because they’re already pretty critical of themselves. Another thing, I’ve also met more developed Cancers and man, they are some of the most self assured, bad ass individuals. Very inspiring, if you ask me. Lots of ambition and would be great leaders imo.
My favorite “Cancer” placement : It has to be rising. Very lowkey, reserved individuals, but man when they care about you, they care about you very deeply. Again, very sensitive but I’m more cautious of it now.
2. Virgo
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How I used to see them: I was always a very big fan of virgo. I lack earth element in my chart and Virgos used to be my favorite earth placement to hang out with. My best friend was a virgo, I had a virgo boyfriend. I just loved their dependability, their work ethic (which is something I value and admire in someone) and I always found them to be so.. perfect!
How I see them now: As time passed, I had some fall out with some Virgos and it was mostly because I realized that what they said about themselves didn’t really match the actions they did. It’s easy to say you hate messy people, but then how come you’re always in dramas? I’ve realized how much I had idealized Virgos and put them on this pedestal. I’m not saying Virgos are bad friends or anything like that, but in my experience, it was good to humanize them a bit and realize that this whole perfection persona was simply a facade I had fallen for.
My favorite “Virgo” placement: The sun, for sure. Even though I have way less virgos in my life, Virgo suns will remain my favorite of them all. Bonus: they’re hilarious.
3. Sagittarius
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How I used to see them: Another one of my favorite: Sagittarius. From literal birth, I’ve been surrounded by Sags. Again, as an Aries, I feel like Sag and us just get together easily and it’s a lot of fun. But, just as I had a lot of fun with them, I always felt like I couldn’t quite get to know them, that they were quite non-comittal and with very big egos. It created a lot of friction in pretty much all of my relationships with Sags and most of the Sags I knew, we had a fallout. It’s like it was best if we stayed friends from a distance, because whenever we would get closer, we would hurt eachother. The main thing would be that we both wouldn’t feel enough love from one another.
How I see them now: So, I’ve dated a Sag this year and he’s the one that changed my whole perspective on them. I mean, it hasn’t changed that much, but it made me understand the blind spots I had with them. First of all, I hadn’t realized how sensitive a Sag is. Now before you go all “Naaah, Sags don’t gaf about anything and no one”. Sure. But also, false. They care. Alot. They have the biggest of hearts. But their defense mecanism? Carelessness. Nonchalance. “It is what it is” might just be tattooed on the inside of their eyelids because they live by that. And by dating this man, I realized that it was, in fact, a defense mecanism. To cope with the fact that he was hurt. And scared. Also, they put a unhealthy amount of pressure on themselves to succeed. Hadn’t realized that either. Another thing, some of them are incredibly lonely, while being popular… When I was younger, I really couldn’t understand the whole “Wise teacher” archetype of the sagittarius. But I get it now. Because some of them are truly alone and scared and in need of answers, and in order to have those, you have to go down that road alone. And become this wise sage. Not sure if I’m making any sense, but you got this, Sags!
My favorite “Sag” placement: Again, has to be sun. Although, I’m starting to be very fond of Sag moons. Like a less chaotic (or the chaos is more hidden) version of Sag sun.
4. Gemini
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How I used to see them: I always had a lot of Gemini friends, because whenever there’s a Gemini, I’m gonna be attracted by them (only platonically though, weirdly enough never had a crush on a Gemini and I had lots of crushes). I used to think there were two kinds of Gemini: the lowkey, overthinker, kinda silent weird kid that everybody either loved or didn’t care for and the stereotypically loud, fun, crazy popular Gemini. I was friends with both of these kinds, but as it turns out, our friendship was never longer than 2 years, and if it was, it was never close friendships, just mostly acquaintances. I never really cared for the “two faced” stereotypes as I feel like some signs are way more fake than Gemini. But I did feel like there was a part of them that was hard to reach/see.
How I see them now: I’m kinda realizing that there’s no “two kind of Geminis” but that every Gemini has those two kind inside of them (Which is pretty obvious to anyone since they are the Twin archetype but listen, bare with meeeee, will ya). Some of them decide to put on the popular, loud, crazy kid persona and other decide to be more in their head, introverted but quite intelligent. Oh, another thing I hadn’t realized! They usually switch that persona based on people-pleasing tendencies. Hadn’t realized that all that overthinking could result, for some of them, in people pleasing tendencies. I always thought they didn’t care about that, but oh boy, they do. They love to feel included even if it means, bending their own backs sometimes. I’m growing very fond of them.
My favorite “Gemini” placement: I have quite a few. Sun, obviously. But I also love me a Gemini moon and rising. Esp rising. I find them very fun, and entertaining and they bring out the more chaotic side of me which I just love. I wish they would just be more accepting of themselves, just like they make me feel!
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borisbubbles · 1 month
Eurovision 2023: #02 & #01 (Finale)
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02. CZECHIA Vesna - "My sister's crown" 10th place
Decade ranking: 5/116 [Above Daði Freyr, below Käärijä]
Finland over Czechia seems like a no-brainer. Some midcarding bitches vs ~K*Ä*Ä*R*I*J*Ä~ come on, how hard can it be? Who is Czechia even for?!
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ME, motherfucker. This entry is for ME, and FOR ME ALONE!!! and since this is MY ranking, that made the decision very difficult. It took me MONTHS to settle who to put at the top.
Vesna are often cited as one of the more overrated acts in the year. Overrated by whom? Who overrates Vesna? Isn't 10th a correct placement? i've met NO ONE who would even consider putting them as high as second? - and I obv don't count since it took me AN ETERITY to out myself as a Vesna stan!!
I'd counter that Czechia are THE MOST UNDERRATED by the fandom (not by placement - that is Slovenia, as always) and absolutely deserved all the good things that happened to them ^_^
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So obviously, there are multiple factors at work here. The song is a fantastic earworm. Like, defo one of the best in the year? In terms of sheer replayability, "My Sister's Crown" is on the same level as "Edgar" (studio only :-/) and "Carpe Diem", and you know how much I value those. The song has four languages (including Bulgarian) and none of them clash. The lyrics are quotable and fun. This is a track with ATTITUDE and ZEST, that managed to criticize the war in Ukraine without beating us over the head with it via a poorly hidden, clumsily written political message. The song is SMART, and respects its listeners.
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However, going into the year, there were issues - Vesna were messy and dissonant, and the six girls often gave the impression of competing against each other for attention. They were not a UNIT. Although "My Sister's Crown" was always one of the best songs, many (including myself!) were sceptical it could come together.
And it did, spectacularly.
See, one of the things about this year is that the good performances and good songs were often mismatched. Albania, Estonia and Poland had great on-stage glam-ups, but they were severely hampered by the songs being what they were. Other countries such as France and Austria had good songs, but required really good acts to tie them together, and failed or, in case of say UK, has good acts that were performed badly.
If you made a Venn Diagram between the best songs and the biggest growers, there wouldn't be much overlap. Except for Czechia.
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To quote Matteo Lane's pearl of wisdom; if there's only ONE GAY, everything gets done! Ahmad Malloun was the One Gay and channeled his bossbottom energy to fuss Vesna into shape. Suddenly, the girls were harmonious and disciplined and that made all the difference. Suddenly, Czechia had an act with a clear vision - Six women united visually through their outfits. Vesna had become a UNIT, united through sisterhood.
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It really doesn't get mentioned nearly often enough how amazing the Czech staging was. Sure, Loreen and Käärijä, both top notch. But this is my personal favourite of the bunch. It's a visually stunning, avant garde act that fits the music, that fits the thematics, that pulls you in and tells a story without overtly complicating matters. They start as a group of angry hexaplets and then burst into joyful sororian rapture at the end. The staging is both aesthetically pleasing and intuitive. They hit the gold standard for acts that everyone should try to strive for!!
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There are times where I wonder whether I really should rank Vesna above Käärijä. My Sister's Crown fully morphed into a me-coded entry. And perhaps, if and when I watch 2023 again, I may do exactly that. For now though, I've decided against it. The argument for Finland is less complicated, so I went with that. And now for the winner of this ranking I am sure NOBODY saw coming ever:
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01. FINLAND Käärijä - "Cha Cha Cha" 2nd place
Decade ranking: 4/116 [Above Vesna, below Chanel]
It's Käärijä, bitch.
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I rest my case for ranking Finland first. I don't think anyone argues this as invalid? Good, let's pick it all apart because if there's anything Käärijä deserves, it is being talked about. 😉
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So um, where to start? Maybe it's best to start with the song - "Cha Cha Cha" was that rare 1-in-500 entry. I always say that novelty always tends to become stale over time - once in a blue moon however, it endures. "Cha Cha Cha" is a novelty song that is also an excellent song in its own right, and it stil holds up very well. It's a fun song to listen to, even without all the circus and theatrics.
The circus and theatrics though, omg <3 Talk about a DELECTABLE act, once again. This is yet again an example of how staging compliments the song and makes it digestible. Cha Cha Cha is entirely in Finnish with only a few loan words tossed in - difficult to get into on paper. The staging however, brings the plot points home.
The song's about wanting to overcome anxieties to dance? So break from the crates
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Confront the inner Dance Demons that harass your psyche
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make your way to the dancefloor while dodging decapitation via errant wires.
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and then, when you overcome all fears transition to that godly, campy key chance, ride your them, having overcome your inhibitions.
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The act is BRILLIANT. The ballroom dancers with their creepy pearly-whites, the dorkopotamus choreography, the styling, the overwhelming sense of triumph once the key change hits... It's the same deal as Vesna and Loreen, just a handful of visual cues that visualize the song's themes (anxiety, rather than sisterhood or desolation) are easy to understand and don't further complicate matters. THIS is how it's done. This is how you Eurovision.
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The magical ingredient that tied it all together was the man, the dad bod, the bolero himself - Käärijä. Talk about a personality so massive everything gravitated towards him. It's hard to put the extent of his likeability into words - he's just so disarmingly himself. The key here is that Käärijä doesn't see himself as anything special. To him, he's just "boy from Vantaa who likes queen Loreen". He's just self-aware enough to realize the effect he has on others, but not self-aware enough to understand what exactly endears him to so many people. So when Käärijä plays up for funsies, he magnifies all aspects of his personality which makes him... even more endearing. 😍
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(it's the same magic dust that has people flock to Baby Lasagna this year, really.)
It's rare to have a contestant who managed to completely warp the meta around him to this extent. It's even more rare that the contestant in this position then loses the competition. I remember telling my friend André, who was behind on NF news, that Käärijä had won UMK, and he replied with an innocuous "great, I haven't been this excited for a contestant since Verka!". I think I realize in that moment, that was to be Käärijä's destiny. Verka was the Hot Favourite in their year, the breakout star of 2007 - and Verka placed second to a more competent entry (Molitva <3). It was in that moment that I knew that Käärijä's inevitable fate was to come second to Loreen.
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And I feel like, we all knew deep down that was where we were headed. We all wanted Käärijä to win as much as we did, because we knew that he would not. He was blissfully cruising towards a loss, and that was too much of an injustice to accept it and not manifest a reality where he beats Sweden.
It even got to a point where some people are now retroactively trying push the notion Tattoo is better than Euphoria (that statement is more offensive than anything I've ever commited to print or speech, including the one time I called Lesley Roy frumpy on cam <3) and the best entry ever (excuse you?) largely because it beat Cha Cha Cha.
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So if Käärijä is this great, then why the doubt? Why only fourth for the decade (for the moment)?
Well, it's same deal as Cornelia for me. The best live of Cha Cha Cha that we received was the first one, at UMK, and every other performance we've had since then was not as good. The one in Eurovision had terrible vocals and slightly less impressive staging compared to UMK. I know right? The ESC staging did MORE and yet accomplished LESS. They got rid of all the wrestling references? Where's the close-up at the end? The arena? THE LIFT?
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Sure, these inaccuracies didn't detract from my personal enjoyment of Cha Cha Cha. They however did allow for Käärijä to fall behind far enough behind Loreen in the jury vote so that he could no longer catch up with her in the televote, like a death by a thousand paper cuts.
It was a great live, but it wasn't great enough to win. Eurovision Käärijä was not Käärijä at his best, while Vesna without question gave their best performance in the Grand Final. Hence my doubts.
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However, I ultimately went with Käärijä anyway because he did something Vesna could not - he gave a concert in my city, and I attended. HE MADE ME LEAVE THE HOUSE AFTER DARK. And god, if you've not been to a Käârijä gig before, absolutely fucking go if you're able to - IT'S CRAZY IT'S PARTY is the perfect catchphrase for this hyperactive, sexually amorphous, adorkable gremlin.
He was his unadulterated self, slapping his belly only vaguely aware of his sex appeal, swooning over a group of Slovene attendees because they reminded him of The Love Of His Life Bojan Cveticanin, ripping one of his merch t-shirts in half and then wearing it as a jacket, airdiving a wayward balloon that floated its way on the stage. The music was also excellent. Exposed to to the FULL scope of Käärijäness, made all the good memories of the 2023 preshow flow back, how could I not rank him anywhere other than first? Maybe I will change my mind and rank Vesna first in a few years from now, but for now, let's savour him while he's still fresh in our minds.
(May I just name this as my fave song from the 2024 nf season MAY I????*)
He WAS 2023. He WAS Eurovision.
He may have lost the contest, but he has won life. (and paid his taxes.)
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The RANKING (completed)
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"Novo, Bolje" was my fave 2024 NF also-ran. Obv.
Yeah, obviously i'm not going to do a pre-show ranking. With all the poison and controversy going on, it's just not the right time. I delayed this ranking specificially so that I wouldn't be temped to do the 2024 one later. (Unlike a certain broadcasting institution, I possess a modest amount of insight, foresight and self-awareness. 🙂 )
Hopefully, ESC 2024 goes down without too many incidents, and I'll able to start my post-show ranking the week after the Grand Final.
See you there, hopefully, if Eurovision isn't dead and buried by then! 💚
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rainy-astrology · 1 year
Mercury signs
My view on mercury ruling different signs. Mercury is the planet of communication - the way you talk, the way you think and make decisions. May change/add to this later.
Aspects to Mercury, house placements, and degrees can affect how your mercury expresses itself
If you like kpop and astrology, I do chart readings on idols. List is here
Aries mercury people seem to be very blunt and straightforward. Although, all fire mercuries are like that...Honestly can't tell which one is more honest: Aries or Sagittarius lol. Not afraid to argue, seem easy to anger and saying anything in the name of "defending" themselves.
I have a sibling with an Aries mercury and another with a Sag mercury... They can both be quite mean ngl. I think Aries mercury is more prone to getting mad and yelling, whereas a Sagittarius mercury will just sass and insult you. In my experience anyway...
Such nice voices. Often make for amazing singers (iirc, a lot of singers with amazing range and tone have Taurus mercury). They like to take their time to think through things and make firm decisions. They are decisive and may be stubborn.
Mercury in Gemini is domicile. Curious and knowledge seeking individuals, always wanting to learn and do new things. Lots of mental energy, their brains never shut off. They prefer to detach from their emotions and remain rational and logical.
Cancer in mercury are often very intuitive and sensitive. Can read other's moods and emotions very well. Soft spoken and quiet. People often seem to be very comfortable with sharing deep, personal stories with us even if we've just barely met. Also may have lower/deeper tones.
Cue all the times people have randomly trauma dumped on me lol. Not too long ago, I had a customer tell me a traumatic event from their childhood while smiling. I didn't say or ask them anything that would have led them to tell me that. Mind you, I am just training as a nail tech, not a therapist or anything. Funnily enough though, I did consider and still do consider becoming a pyschologist...I think a lot of Cancer mercuries are just a natural at drawing people's deeper emotions out.
Honey type of voice, loud, and noticeable. Have loud laughs especially. Voices are usually deeper. They can be natural leaders who don't mind taking initiative and center stage. They may be really creative people. They're emotional people and don't mind showing it.
Mercury is exalted in Virgo. Studious, particular way of speaking, and perfectionistic. Articulate and detail oriented. They can have great focus and motivation when it comes to working on anything. Can be quite meticulous.
Very friendly and smooth, can definitely be flirtatious. They just know what to say to get others to like them, very charming. They can also be good at calming tense situations down, since Libras value harmony and peace. They may be a bit indecisive as they see every side in situations.
Investigative and deep, wants to know everything. Don't lie to them. Often have good memory, so definitely do not hurt them in any way. They will remember for life and hold that against you. They're prone to overthinking.
Detrimental under Mercury. Sagittarius likes to focus on the big idea and go on from there, while Mercury wants the little details and to be exact. Blunt and honest people. Also very funny. Open minded and honestly don't really care what other people think.
Capricorn Mercuries are generally quiet. Disciplined and always ready to achieve whatever they set their minds to. Realistic and maybe slow speaking. Likely the type to give you advice and solutions rather than be emotionally comforting.
Can be a bit judgemental, make strong opinions and judgements. But they are willing to change them if they want to. They're somehow both stubborn yet flexible about their beliefs.
Mercury is fall in Pisces. Pisces mercuries seem...confused whenever they talk. Tendency to space out and get lost in their inner world. They seem to struggle with articulating their thoughts. May be forgetful or remember things incorrectly
Reminds me of a post I read some time ago...The person mentioned having a Pisces mercury in their chart and how it was a struggle for Pisces Mercuries to word their thoughts precisely. I could tell bc that person's explanation was very confusing. They could have explained it in one-two sentences instead of a messy paragraph... I don't mean to be mean though - that was just a really good example of how disorganized a Pisces Mercury's mind can be.
If you like kpop and typology, I do typology profiles for idols on my main blog @rainymbti
Other planets
Rising | Sun | Moon | Venus | Mars | Jupiter
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elysiansparadise · 1 year
Hi! I subscribed to your blog, it's very interesting, thank you! 🤍 I have a prominent 12th house, but I am a sociable person who really likes to spend time with other people. What can you advise us, 12th housers, not to feel isolated from people? After all, the twelfth house is not social at all. Thank you very much :)
There are many reasons that lead a person to isolate themselves from the rest, this may be due to betrayals, bad experiences, perceiving negative things from other people, or even fear. Each of these reasons are valid and should not be questioned by anyone, because the struggle is something real and it is something that only the person with 12th house placements understands. I would like to be able to advise both an astrological point and one that is not so much.
Non-astrological advice:
🟫Not all people are the same. When we have experienced betrayal many times our defense mechanism is to close in ourselves, but let me tell you that there are also very good people out there. The experiences that you have gone through were difficult and I know that you are constantly fighting against them, but what you lived through helped you to be stronger and to realize what behaviors are wrong in a relationship of any kind. You are a wiser person and this can help you better choose the people you want by your side.
🟫Love yourself by healing yourself. Whether it's going to therapy, making yourself aware of what triggered this tendency to isolate yourself. Lots of people struggle with loving themselves, they want to but don't know how. The first thing you can do for yourself is to realize that you want to improve and heal, and believe me that is such a genuine and valid show of love that you can give yourself. Once you heal, you allow yourself to get rid of the people who do not contribute anything in your life and what/whom causes you insecurity to finally allow the new things to enter your life, and when these come into your life, you will know how to decide what is best for you.
🟫Wanting company is not a symbol of weakness. Some people believe that wanting to have someone by their side is synonymous with weakness, and not love, it is not. Wanting company is completely normal, it makes you human and can be of great help to you. This desire is usually repressed by them for fear of being perceived as weak. You are a strong person because you moved on after what you have been through and what you’ve felt, you are right to feel that you want and deserve a trustworthy and reliable friend/companion/partner.
🟫Opening up to others is not something to be ashamed of. No, you are not weak for wanting to tell someone what happened to you, you are not an attention-seeker for wanting to vent or for taking the word of someone who offers you their ear to listen to you. It can be difficult, especially if you feel that you were not heard or understood in the past, even if you felt judged for expressing what you feel, let me tell you that the problem was not you. Relating with other people requires sincerity and trust, and although the latter that I mentioned is not given to anyone unconsciously, you will have to observe and discern with whom to talk about deep and important issues such as how you feel and with whom not.
🟫Being yourself is a wonderful thing. Being authentic and being yourself is not something to be ashamed of, it is something crucial in fact, because if you allow yourself to be yourself you can vibe with people similar to you, allowing you to be more comfortable. When we hide or repress some parts of our personality, we feel sad, because we don't have anyone to talk to about it or we don't feel free. What is the point of establishing relationships if in them you cage yourself in playing the same role always? Being you is something that many of us will value, something that will make you attract people who vibe with you and it’s something that no one can ever match.
Astrology advices: Understanding your placements.
🟤Study your Moon sign. When you do this, you understand what your needs are in every way, but it can also be in your relationships. Moon sign also tells you with what situations or people you feel comfortable and that is something crucial when it comes to breaking this isolation, since if being with a group of people causes you disgust and discomfort, you would prefer to be on your own. Surrounding yourself with people who by chance in life make you feel good, comfortable and calm will be an option that you will consider.
🟤Analyze 7th house. This house tells us about what we are looking for in our relationships and the criteria we take into account when having a long-term relationship. The sign and planets present can also tell us about the people we may prefer to surround ourselves with or with whom we see ourselves in the long term.
🟤Understand your boundaries with Saturn's help. Knowing the sign and house where your Saturn is can help you understand what is difficult for you and identify the boundaries you may have. For example, someone with an Earthy Saturn [by house or sign] or Saturn aspecting Rising can be very careful with their personal space, in the same way it can bother them to spend a long time without seeing or knowing about the other person, because what they What they want is stability in any aspect of their life.
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tea-cat-arts · 1 year
Ranking the “mostly white + 1 main color and maybe gold” designs because I’m trying to collect my thoughts and see which I want to redesign. Also, I’m only going to ranking ones that are currently in game (both because I’m taking how the gameplay interacts with the design into account and because I think lore + execution of lore should be taken into account when judging designs), so no Susannah.
Disclaimer: I’m trying my best to look at these objectively, but this is still art and my subjective biases will probably factor in. I’m not trying to convince anyone to feel the same way as me about these designs. Feel free to argue why you think something should be placed higher or lower. Also, spoilers lie ahead
S tier (excellent, wouldn’t change a thing)-
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Strategic placement of black, more battle suit like parts saves all the parts from blending together
Keeps bits of the more mech-like armor seen earlier in game. Helps her look thematically consistent with the rest of Kiana’s designs
Nice range of values. The strong red cape really helps the white dress (?) stand out, while the little splashes of orange help keep it feel unified
Lovely evolution of the Void Drifter design
In actual battle, her mostly white outfit saved her from getting lost in all the glowy fire
I think having most of the colors being reflected off her is a fun application of her moon motif
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Lines up well with the lore
Free pass on just wearing a regular dress since in lore, she was never a fighter
White dress with splashes of paint on it plays into the “Griseo is like a blank canvas that takes on other people’s colors” motif nicely
The dark blues and black are eye catching and contrast nicely with her dress and hair
A tier (good design, minor changes could make it a great design)
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So the thing about white is though it is used as a wedding color in the west, in a lot of East Asian countries, it’s actually used as a funeral color. Idk if that was hoyo’s intention here, but the double meaning is fun none the less
The purple of the dress and pink of the hair keep the suit looking vibrant and colorful
Same thing with Flamescion where all her skills are very bright and colorful (mostly in origin form? I think that’s what it’s called?), so I think the white keeps her stand out
There is very little variation in tone between the pink and purple. One of them needs to be more saturated
I feel like it could use more variation in fabric texture
B Tier (good design, muddled lore)
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Would be ranked higher if I didn’t have to google why this battlesuit exists. Her in game intro was messy
Has the unfortunate timing of being introduced in the middle of a bunch of other lore dumps and buried underneath the more important to the plot ones. I think it’s introduction would be much more powerful if it was just Rita becoming the Herrscher of domination (I am willing to elaborate via asks)
Like, imagine if she got some sort of a string weapon instead of the sword? I think that’d be neat
So basically I was just confused by the space theme till I googled it (and based on my Reddit findings, I wasn’t the only one)
Beginning of the not looking like a battle suit era, but the inclusion of gold bits and a couple under layers keep it from being a full departure from the usual motifs, but it does lack the mech bits
I think there’s more Rita battle suits that lack the mech bits than actually have the, so I’m fine with them being missing here
Good tone variation, clear segmentation
Elegant design for an elegant lady
C tier (saved by the gameplay)-
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Her knight for straight up looks like lingerie, but her guardian form looks great
Having her armor switch to black in guardian form was a good call
Unlike Rita, most of Durandal’s battlesuits look like armor, so it’s weird this one doesn’t.
I’m ok with the mostly white color palette since it contrasts nicely with the horse
Speaking of the horse- I have no idea where he came from, but it looks sick so I’m completely fine with it being here
Though for a rewrite, I think a potentially fun explanation would be “unlocking both of her stigmata allowed her to use a divine key at its full potential and said key just so happens to have a horse/armor mode” (cuz if you need weird shit to happen, Vill-V is always a valid excuse)
It’s inconsistency in comparison to Durandal’s other designs + my very mixed feelings about her being the original Kiana and that process of awakening the Kaslana stigmata are mostly why I put her bellow Rita. I don’t really have any huge problems with this design
D tier (even great gameplay can’t save this)-
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So for the design where Kiana is “no longer just reflecting others light, and instead becoming the sun itself” (or something like that), the decided to give Kiana the coolest color palette we’ve ever seen her in, take away her signature orange and Himeko’s red, and have her primary colors be Mei’s purple and Brongo’s blue… ok
Yes, I know blue stars exist and that they’re very hot. Honkai is a story set on earth though so it’d make more sense if she was becoming like our sun, not some one billions of light years away
The inclusion of HoV’s magenta accents is kinda nice though
That is a junior prom dress, not battle suit (the Fanny packs are based though). Where’d her mech parts go?
Instead of the skirt and wings by legs, I think it may of looked like a cleaner transition if the put wings it the same shape/area as HoF’s cape
After seeing how brights and glowy her abilities are, I’m ok with this design being mostly white
This designs just a whole lot of “ok, but what does that have to do with Kiana?” Why the junior prom dress? Why the flowers? Why she so urple?
F tier (the only one on this list I actively dislike)-
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Since I’ve been pretty vocal about my dislike of Dr.MEI, I just want to start by making this clear: I like Raiden Mei. She’s cool. I don’t just have some anti-Mei bias. She’s at the bottom of this list though because she deserved so much better than this design and story (and I’ve been using her a lot in ER lately, so I’ve had a lot of time staring at her design)
Designs like these are why I have the “wait till it’s introduced in story” rule. I was sorta just “meh” on this design until I saw it in game
I hate this designs introduction. It’s just another case of the writers retconning the PE and glorifying the flame chasers/ forgetting why they existed in the first place
Mihoyo, Elysia’s been dead for 50,000 years! You can stop shooting her now!
Also another instance of Mihoyo forgetting Mei is an independent person and centering her narrative around her relationship to another character. Why’s it gotta be about becoming like Elysia and the other flame chasers instead of acknowledging their mistakes and learning from them so Mei can avoid their pitfalls and forge her own ideal future
Mei is so much fun to watch when she’s thinking for herself and forging her own path, so it’s frustrating to watch the narrative force her to walk down the path Elysia laid.
If I keep talking about this point I’m gonna go into rewrite/fanfic territory, so on to the design from a more technical standpoint:
There is next to no variation in tone (aside from her hair). Everything is just incredibly light. Her abilities in game are also incredibly pale, so she ends up getting lost in all the flashy lights
There’s so much texture throughout the outfit that there doesn’t really end up being a place for the eyes to rest
Though I understand why she’s blue, I think it’s inclusion was incredibly clunky. Including it as gems on the outfit or the underside of the skirt(?) may have helped the distribution look more even
If I went with the underside of the skirt being blue, I’d probably also say make her boots black (or just give her black tights or leggings with white ankle boots)
Orange (or at least Kiana’s shade of orange), blue, and purple are admittedly hard colors to make look good together, but there really needs some orange in there. Maybe sort of a deeper rose gold could’ve worked
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I’m thinking like edae98 or fbbc93 (two on the top right)
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^These things just need to go. The white skirt(?) over white boots just causes the whole bottom half to bleed together. Having so much weight on the bottom of the outfit also causes her movements to look incredibly clunky. Removing these parts would help to streamline it a bit
I like the idea of Mei sorta becoming Kiana’s dragon, but the wings and tail in the skirt get lost due to all the overlapping textures, and the wing sword doesn’t do anything. Girl has 3 swords but only uses 1. Why
Rather than basing her off a western dragon, I think they should’ve made her an eastern dragon. (Turn her HoT hands into Claws instead of wings, keep the “tail” of the skirt streamlined with a little flair at the bottom, turn her HoT horns into antlers). This way, they could keep the iconic elements of HoT while reframing them into something positive (for those who don’t know: it’s a lot more nuanced and complicated than I can really explain here, but eastern dragons are generally associated with good fortune)
So, ya- that’s all I got for now. If I left anyone off the list, they’re ranked lower than HoO for being that forgettable just let me know and I’ll add them on. Again, this post is mostly just me trying to collect my thoughts
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myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 5 months
before nhk i didn’t care about shoma’s placements this season especially after seeing how happy he was at the cup of china, but now i want him to win out of spite to all the people who have never treated him like the champion he is. even jackie (who’s opinions i usually value) had him off the podium in his predictions? how??? and he absolutely should be first after the sp, no debate. I would have ilia third. i know 4A, big deal, but i’m sorry, he still skates like a junior to me.
Same! I can only agree.
I thought before NHK every comp as a bonus and I really don't mind Shoma not winning if it's fair like at CoC but NHK just wasn't fair. So I really also want him now to win just every competition out of spite! But ofc if Shoma doesn't perform good and others do, it's fine if he doesn't win.
But maybe NHK had something good to it, Shoma seems as motivated as hardly ever the past year. And having Yuma back is a great thing for Shoma.
I also think Shoma should have won the SP, but Ilia is just a few tenth away, not even one point with a much higher BV than Shoma, so I am ok. I was really worried how they'd score Shoma after NHK (and guess what the Jpn judge would have put Yuma in first) but now that he hasn't been scored badly I am fine with it. The SP is important in the matter that you don't start with a disadvantage like Adam now. You can't win on the SP alone,but you may lose because of it.
Ilia's basic skating is just not that good. And his PCS were way too high even if he just had the 5th highest, but he should get 40 at most, not 44. Unfortunately high TES will give you high PCS, nit how it should be,but how it's valued. I think Ilia got better than last season,but nowhere as close as the scores make it look like. I hope in the free skate the PCS difference will be more apparent.
I mean I know where Jackie is coming from with his predictions because Adam and Ilia have been putting out performances and scores that Shoma didn't get. But I mean Yuma's scores didn't match either and atm Shoma has a much higher BV than Yuma and it's also not like Yuma was throwing out clean performances in the free skate so far either... anyway it's 4 "real" contenders and one will not medal, but after the SP it looks more like it might be Adam, not Shoma.
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astroismypassion · 1 year
Hi lovely! How are you? 💖
I always read your answers and interpretations and i honestly learn a lot from them! So please keep up the good work ✨
Recently you analized few placements in a synastry chart, and i wondered if you could interpret some for me too (if you can't that's totally okay 💖)
I have been very confused by this friend/crush i have (was a HS schoolmate), and now it's been quite a bit of time we haven't seen each other, however we have mutual friends, and we reunite few times during occasions. I just wanted to ask you if you could help me understand if they feel something for me (because even if we don't see each other much, i am thinking about him quite often) or if it's an unrequited love 😂🙈
They have their Mercury, Sun and Moon all in my 1st house, Mars in my 2h and Venus in my 12th house. I have Sun, Mercury and Mars in their 10h, my Moon in their 9h and my Venus in their 11h.
We discussed about our life goals last time and they told me (and i was kinda shocked because i didn't know) they wanted to take a path i also was interested in,i wonder if maybe further on our life path we could recoincile again and see each other more frequently, but still, idk how they feel about me
Thank you for your time if you'll answer, i truly appreciate all the work you do! 💖
I wish you a great day! ✨
Hello dear,
I'm a bit tired today. But other than that quite alright.
Right off the bat, with you being the Venus person and they 11th house, you give a lot of love to them. A lot. You encourage their goals, ambitions, nurture them. You give them consistency and stability that they don't get from others. You could have different values though. You could be good friends as well, you are always kind and pleasant to each other. They could be a bit flighty, inconsistent with you though. Maybe they prefer much more independence and are more individualistic than you. But they still like to help if they have time and are generally quite charitable and humanitarian. You might also feel like this is a crush that turns off and on. Or that you don't see them on a regular basis. You never know when you will meet them next in person.
Hmm, yes so I would be interested how your connection looked like when you were still in high school. Was this ever a close friend of yours? I don't know, I would give up as quickly. But I wouldn't really say you like or love this person too soon, because you could discover some differences. I would just suggest more hanging out or a date, but definitely don't say too soon that you like this person. Try to really understand and grasp them as a whole person.
Moving on, along with Venus in the 11th Mars in the 2nd house shows confidence level around each other is fluctuating. Sometimes you feel almost arrogant or self-absorbed around this person and other times you are scared and anxious.
I really do think that you nurture their goals a lot. But there is also some envy going on or friendly competition. Mars in the 10th house can go either or. If things don't end on a good note (look at the composite 12th house sign), you could turn against them or seek revenge honestly. You might try to go for their reputation or online.
I think there is really really good friendship here. Might not be sustainable for an actual healthy, fully functioning long-term relationship. I just don't think it would be as sustainable. You could be long-distance. But also why do I get the feel this person (not you, but your person) is highly unpredictable? Is this person like an Aquarius Sun or something or like an Aries, Gemini Sun, maybe Virgo Sun? I kind of feel this person is much more extroverted than you are and just someone that does whatever they want no matter the consequences.
Ahh yes, the other overlay is Venus in your 12th house. Depending on the sign, this person can very possibly be even jealous about something you can do, like a talent or items that you possess due to Mars in the 2nd. Perhaps you are the one that doesn't fully want to make this relationship open and exclusive? Like you might not want it to be so public. But solely based on these placements you sent I can't quite figure it out why. Yeah, 12th house Venus, it would be hard to start something with this person and sustain it.
I think they could have some positive feelings for you due to them being the Venus person that they are hiding, playing it cool or not let you know. But then again the specifics of their feelings and WHAT EXACTLY they like about you are unknown to you and me both as an astrologer. I noticed with 12th house planets there are always really really specific things that the person likes and the reasons why they are hanging out with 12th house person.
You could even negatively affect their reputation or I don't know, maybe some sort of rumours could be going around?
I don't know, the more I interpret this the more I'm starting to think it's better to live it in the past and move from this if it wasn't already meant in high school/during that time. I kind of think this person could turn into a secret enemy, could be someone you don't even 100 % like. You might really really dislike some of their traits honestly.
I know I know, with 12th house placements there is always that "what if...everything turns out alright", but remember it's just hope and blind faith, optimism for now, you are not even sure with 12th house whether something is fully reachable or it's just as an illusion that feel manageable, but is not even practical and rooted in real life.
With Moon in the 9th house, you would definitely need to commute to see each other and relationship would be long distance at some point for sure.
To conclude, reading with the other placements, my final words on this matter are that you could very easily change your mind about them even in a month due to you being the 12th house person. You could be feeling them these days, but then forget about them next month. Also beware that we entered Pisces season so you will be more reminiscent about people you share 12th house synastry.
I genuinely think better, bigger things are meant for you that are much more suitable and compatible with you. I think you might be feeling about this now, because with 12th house synastry is hard to let them go or forget them, because you also have 1st house synastry, which makes physical chemistry still strong even after years, so you might think is more doable or remain hopeful. But in reality they could be very much in and out of your life. Definitely not as consistent and not as a reliable connection.
But that's just my view on the few placements you've sent me.
Wish you focus on yourself, more self love and connecting with new people that spark your interest.
P.S.: Also, are you like a water Sun and this person an air Sun? Or you earth and this person air Sun? It's giving off this energy... one craving stability and the other just unpredictable as hell.
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twisted-tales-told · 7 months
hiii i remember you being into astrology because you interpreted my birth chart once and i come into your askbox with a silly little question…
what would you think about the compatibility between someone who was an aries sun, cancer moon, taurus venus and gemini mars and someone who was pisces sun, taurus moon, aries venus and sagittarius mars..? (also obviously you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to!! you don’t owe me an answer lmao /gen /pos)
sending you good vibes i hope you’re having a great day and enjoying one of your very aesthetic looking meals 😌 (they always look divine!!!)
I love talking astrology & I want to make a point before I get into this
Astrology is the correlation between planetary aspects & events/traits . HIGHLIGHT CORROLATION. The planets are not a “cause” for anything. All this is just a silly fun little thing. A data base for Nerds if u will.
For example, we see more Taurus men in the military than any other sign. This does not mean taurus men would do well in the military/want to be in the military etc etc. it means “that’s funny, Taurus is a very stubborn, “militant” sign, and combined with the way men are raised in society, that is an interesting thing to note.”
So anything I am about to say PLZ PLZ take that into account.
The biggest thing about this combination is the mars signs. Sag & Gemini work in a lot of instances, but conflict isn’t one of them. There could be a lot of passive aggressiveness & brushing off topics that NEED to be talked about.
As for the moon signs…cancer moon is a really, really tough placement. There’s a lot of really big feelings and very little tact in communicating them. Taurus moon is direct, stubborn, and really emotionally independent. That could cause a lot of conflict—specifically the cancer moon getting their feelings hurt and the Taurus moon feeling the rug pulled out from under them a lot.
Aries Venus & Taurus Venus to me is a great combination simply because those signs have similar values! They move around each other well and have a lot of chemistry.
Pisces and Aries is a weird combo and I have never thought about how they would interact to be honest, but I think they could balance each other out!! Aries would get Pisces out of their comfort zone for sure!! Pisces might help keep Aries from exploding.
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torialefay · 4 months
Hii, been loving your work with the readings!! If it's not too much to ask could I have a reading with Felix? I have sun in pisces (11th house), ascendant in aries (1st house), moon in virgo (6th house), venus in aquarius (10th house) and my birthday its 21/02/00 (02/21/00) 🥹
I just want to point out how absolutely cute it is that you put your birth dates in both formats bc i am from the states and use month/day/year so it was the most adorable thing i’ve ever seen wow ❤️
Ascendant in Aries (1st house):
With ascendant in Aries, you probably come across on first meeting you as someone who is very sure of themself and independent. You probably also come off as someone who is very passionate or has a strong passion in life (you could even be passionate about living life itself. In some aspect, people probably think on first meeting you that you are very skilled at one or a few areas in particular. In my opinion, Aries Ascendants make great activists, so if there is a cause you are passionate about, definitely consider it!
Since there’s no birth time for Felix, we can’t know his Ascendant, BUT from what I’ve gathered about him, I think he would actually really vibe with your initial energy! I think we all know Felix is a sweet guy, but he also has this sort of “charming?ish” nature to him when first meeting him that can also be mistaken for a subtle confidence. I think he is probably attracted initially to someone who holds a lot of confidence too. Especially looking at your Sun in Pisces, I think it’s fair to say that you will balance that independence with introspection, which would be an alluring quality to Felix.
One more thing to note is that Felix’s moon is in Aries… the Moon being the most subconscious part of yourself. Likely he would be drawn to you/resonate with you initially and he wouldn’t even know why lol.
Sun in Pisces (11th house):
The 11th house is all about our connections, groups we belong to, and how we fulfill our dreams. Having your Sun in Pisces here is a super cool placement :)
Sun in Pisces really values creativity and individuality. You probably highly value self-expression and may show this through clothing, art, music, literature, etc. Pisces are definitely about emotions and about understanding others. You know how to make people feel SEEN. I also always associate Pisces on the axis of “service” (along with Virgo on the other side of the axis… and Virgo is your moon!) Being in your 11th house, it is likely that using your Piscean nature through social networking or through groups will lead to accomplishing your goals. In other words, try to channel your ability to see the good in others THROUGH working with other people, and it will ultimately give you fulfillment in life. In your Aries section, I talked about you being a great activist. I think your Pisces placement here realllly supports that statement. Just from looking at these 2 placements alone, I think you’d make a great activist in an area such as mental health or counseling.
Obviously this is a great placement with Felix. Felix is a Virgo, which I previously mentioned is on the “service axis” (aka that’s just the vibes I get from it lol but technically it just means they are the houses in opposition). So what does this mean for you two? You probably have the same goal, but you go about obtaining it in different ways. You both want to be helpful. You can dream up what to do, and Felix can help put it into action. I think he would also be great on that activist train, even going into what I talked about with mental health.
Moon in Virgo (6th house):
Your moon in Virgo in the 6th house means that you probably put a large emphasis on self-development. You are more than likely always finding ways to better yourself or to keep yourself well-informed. But you are able to do this maybe without even realizing it. You are also able to do it in a practical way- you know your limits.
I’ve said this time and time again, but to ME, the Sun/Moon match up is the MOST IMPORTANT indicator of a long lasting couple. Your Moon (emotions ) in Virgo matched perfectly with Felix’s Sun (personality) in Virgo… meaning that he would really feel like you UNDERSTAND him… because you do! Lol you operate on that plane with him.
Felix’s moon in Aries would be a good match for you as well because I think it could inspire you to keep wanting more for yourself. Kind of like a flame to keep you going.
Venus in Aquarius in Midheaven:
Okay literally your placements just keep confirming what I’ve already said 😂
Venus represents love, balance, and beauty… An Aquarius represents individuality, uniqueness, and freedom. You likely find beauty in very unique individuals. You also support others to be their TRUE selves, even if it goes against societal norms. You probably think moreso that people who ARE different are actually more beautiful (sometimes lol).
The 10th house (midheaven) governs our career path and who we are seen to the public based on our career choices. I feel like at this point, I don’t even have to say it lol. In your career, you would literally be known as someone who is an activist for finding beauty in uniqueness and self-acceptance… like babe, that is you. If you aren’t in that field, pls go into it bc the planets are calling for you apparently.
Felix’s Venus in Libra also means that he is able to see beauty in all kinds of people and really reallllly values it on a deep, personal level. He needs to find that in order to find peace within himself. With the two of you paired, I could see you as having a cool and honestly fun sex life. Both of you WOULD need a level of devotion tied into it, but definitely not all the time. I could see you all trying a lot of new stuff, but things would be mostly light and airy.
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moonlight-yuyu · 1 year
hi!! how are you? ^^ i wanted to participate in the special ship game :D with jeonghan from seventeen please
my big 6:
sun: libra
moon: gemini
rising: cancer
mercury: libra
venus: scorpio
mars: virgo
btw this is ⭐️-anon, in case you remember :D
ahhh my ⭐️-anon of course I rememver!! I'm so happy that you requested for this and I'm happy that I can do something for youuuu. Thank you so much for coming around and leaving good energy and positives vibes in my inbox!! much love to you and here we goooo! <3
Ohhhhhh I already love this. At one point both of you wouldn't be able to live without each other and would feel incomplete when not together. Harmony would be the most important part in your relationship and you would try EVERYTHING to keep peace between the two of you. If I would have to give your relationship one word it would be equality at this point (like no one is dominating in any part of the relationship). your common interest would be in beauty, style and fashion and oh lord shopping dates would be FREQUENT. You two would be such a beautiful couple/ the fashionista couple!! based on your moon you're an emotionally smart person who loves to communicate with others. You'll especially vibe with other air placements in moon and you know what??? jeonghan's moon is also in air (surprise). Fellow air placements are also great at communication and both of you would stimulate each other intellectually and arguments would be solved pretty quickly because you both are able to see things from a different perspective. Also while speaking about arguments both of you would be really open-minded and would have a desire for justice which would make arguments disappear quickly or not even happening in the first place. OML I'm in love with this every placement just fits perfectly ahhh. You both would also value commitment and would focuse mainly on your relationship and being together in general. It's not like that you just need to be together but you two would have to connect on a soul levle as well (am I sensing some soul mate stuff going on here?!?!). In some parts in the relationship (like how you're showing love) could bring some tension at times but because you have that common ground of stability and commitment AND that you can communicate so well with each other I think that these problems would solve itselfs actually.
My lovely ⭐️-anon I'M IN L OVE WITH THIS. I actually have that one special song that I keep close to my heart because I love it so much and it means so much to me and I just have to give you this song for the relationship between the both of you.🥹
every day, every moment - paul kim
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roguedeck · 2 years
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Do I even like Everdell?
This question has been eating me up for three days. And I still don't have an answer.
Everdell is beautiful. Everdell is pleasant. Everdell is a mediocre game.
But do I like it?
I played Everdell for the first time this weekend, and walked away really disliking it. And then proceeded to not stop thinking about it for the next four days.
What is going on here?
The Good
Let's start with the stuff that is good about Everdell.
The production value is top-notch. The cards are gorgeous. The theme is resonant. I'd have preferred wooden resources, but I can't actually complain about the resource tokens.
The worker placement and recovery mechanism is clever. Having a limited number of workers is par for the course, but being able to dictate when you reclaim them add a nice level of interaction the the game.
The resource curve feel really tight. At first I was frustrated by how little I could do in the early game, but by the autumn phase I came to see the resource limitation as a feature not a bug.
The Bad
Everdell is almost a really great mid-weight game. The core conceit of an engine builder with asymmetrical pacing is really strong. I don't even mind the randomness of the card draw. You have plenty of tools to work through the deck and mitigate the randomness. But there is one thing that leaves a really strong distaste in my mouth.
Let's call it the Fluxx problem.
If you've never played Fluxx, imagine a card game where you draw random cards hoping to hit a specific two-card combination that doesn't interact with any other cards in the set. If you hit it, you win. If not, you lose when someone else does.
Everdell, unfortunately, does this two ways.
If you build a construct, you can play it's paired critter FOR FREE later in the game. In a game with resources this tight, getting a free action is backbreaking. If this happens early, you get extra runs of your engine AND you can maintain your pace in the current season while your opponents have to pick up their workers.
Similarly, there are special goal cards that you can only claim if you have both of the random cards. In the best case, the entire table ignores these victory points. In the worst case, one player gets access to them through no effort on their part and the rest of the table is disadvantaged.
Everdell has some unforgivable sins baked into its design.
And yet...
I haven't stopped thinking about all week. I think my wife and kids would love this game. And there are some nuances in the expansions that look really fun.
I'm at a loss. Is Everdell actually worth playing? Or am I just getting wrapped up in a pretty picture with no meat on the bone.
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ruvigapo · 2 years
Another personal post today bc i feel like i just.. am better able to think when i know someone's listening.
Remember blog culture?? I'm channeling That right now 😂😂
It's occured to me lately all the ways on which my adhd really has inhibited my ability to draw, and i just wanted to write it all out in a bulletpoint format and go through them to see if i can't find a solution to some of them.
Boredom - i get bored doing the same thing for too long and will rarely finish something if it takes me more than a week to finish.
Computer runs on 4GB - My computer is, sadly, shit. Which means a lot if waiting and hassling to save files on external hard drives.
External validation - not unique to adhd but i've been told we react much more strongly to other people's opinions of us, which sounds about right. So if i don't feel other people enjoy what i make, or even one person doesn't, whose opinion i value, i lose motivation.
Going outside - drawing from life is something i enjoy but it's very hard for me to do, which has led to me feeling very stuck in a single mindset for a very long time even though i would like to get inspiration from other sources. The insp bank is just very empty.
Starting and stopping - it's just such a hassle to navigate hyperfocus. To an extent i know how to trigger it, work with it, make the most of it, etc. But it still just takes a Lot of energy to manage.
Back pain - having a hard time exercising and stretching regularly has made it so my back pain is stopping me from drawing even if i want to.
Too tired all the time - everything is much more exausting when u have adhd so even if i wanted to work on åersonal projects or whatever, the physical and emotional toll is just too high.
Probably not an exaustice list lbr but at leadt i have it.
So a few things are more existential in nature like: "what do i want to spend my limited time on this earth making?" "Why do i feel like what i am doing is not enough?" Etc. Etc. And probably can't be solved in one sitting.
A couple things can rly be aided by a better settup though so once i move in i'm going to need to start thinking about a better settup:
A better computer with a RAM that doesn't actively want me dead.
(And good screen placement to go w that, so im not actively murdering my neck).
(And a new tablet that's not 10yrs old and a safety hazard).
Established places for all my tools so i can work with minimal effort.
Smaller usb sticks labeled by year would be nice. Computer folders drive me mad.
An inspiration board (and planning board) would be nice. Being able to visually see all my projects in action at all times. Worth a try honestly.
Moving in and settling down will aid on a few fronts:
Generally not being constantly worried about moving in to a new appartment will be swell. Love that for future me.
Exercise will happen more regularly once i move in and am not constantly stressed. Also i'll live rly close to a gym so.. fingers crossed that solves That problem.
Going back to work will help with that.
Fingers crossed ill have energy for parkour again soon🤞🤞🤞
Genuinely no solution for the Too Tired problem. I'll likely just have to let myself rest once in a while even if it means giving up on exercise and drawing for a week or more at a time. Which is probably healthy lbr.
Which.. that leaves the three biggest issues (shocker).
Going outside would help with boredom but going outside is hard.
I think i'll have to invest in some better outdoorsy bags. Like those rly cool leather hip pouches. Those would be great. Just.. a way to easily carry equipment qith me so i can just draw when i feel like it and don't have to dig around a bag just find a pencil.
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Like this lol. Big enough to fit an a5 sketch book bc that's my preffered size snd like.. one water colour set and a pen. Imagine that. I think that would be Swell. I don't need a bunch. Just enough that i can carry the essentials anywhere i go.
The dream.
Another reason to marry a leather worker.
And honestly like.. i think taking a break from fanart and social media and just going outside to draw and see the world.
I think that's what i need rn.
Then there's the issue of external validation, which isn't anyone's fault, it just kinda Is.
I figure quitting social media can help with that too. Sorry to say.
The rest is probably just processing what i want to do and stuff. Ya kno. The existential bits.
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