#I also don't have much of an idea for these three like robin
slumbergoblin · 2 years
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Updated Stratos and Oscar’s hypothetical kid’s designs!
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flamingpudding · 4 months
I love your writing so much but I'm here with a crack idea just imagine deage Dan is Klarion.
Dan was able to find out who he is outside of Danny then he was able to change his name Klarion Jackson Fenton/Nightingale he is still a little villain boy also now a mom boy.
Ghost King Danny is his mom young justice was so confused when Klarion you're the best gifts get your mom after not talking to him for a while to also begging them to pretend to be his friend . Justice League dark is panicking in the background about the electric being that just shows up.
Danny in full ghost king attire standing there with a plate of cookies ready to meet his son's new friends.
Thanks so much! I am glad you enjoy my writing!
Also thanks because I absolutely love this Idea/Prompt! Sooooo please enjoy this piece inspired by it! Also I haven't consumed a lot of DC material lately so i am basing this all on my memories. In other words.... I went with Tim's little team here.
Hope that's okay and that this won't disappoint.
Dan, who was going by Klarion for some years now, had a massive problem. It was the huge kind of problem build on small bubbles of lies that then turned into this one giant bubble that was about to pop just because of one little question asked by his mom when his sister decided to throw him under the bus to deflect from herself and the fact that she was dating a demon. Don't get him wrong he still loves her, but man did he want to strangle Danielle right now.
"So Klarion, Ellie is right. When will I get to meet your friends you told me so much about?"
It was such an innocent question from his mom. And while his moms titles don't scare him, cause at some point in time they could have been his too, the happy dopey smile like nothing was wrong in the dimensions with little expectations directed at him was the scariest thing his mom could ever direct at him when he had asked THAT question.
So now Klarion was in need of a quick solution. When his mom had asked he had mumbled out a quick: "Next week maybe. We won't be busy with hero stuff then." He had started to form a plan. First of all, he needed to remember what all he had told his mom about his new and redeemed life on Earth 43 he had build for himself with the name Klarion Jackson Fenton-Nightingale.
Which fuck. There was a lot he had told his mom just so he wouldn't worry.
Cause now he also remembers that whenever he had gone out to cause some chaos he had made it seem to his mom like he was going out to bond with his new friend or help them with their hero duty. Well, in a way maybe his chaos causing could be seen as bonding. The ghostly kind, that is. And as for helping with the hero duty... he did give them work, something to do with their hero status. Anyway Klarion tried to remember all possible names he had dropped. Shit why did he also mention to his mom that he was working with heroes to make her proud? He should have name dropped some villains instead but nearly all of them were adults. He knew his mom would have frowned if he had only adult friends and no one around his age.
He was pacing his room in their castle. He need a plan, a good one at that. He knows he name dropped Robin, now Red Robin, Superboy and Impulse on a whim once. Superboy more so cause his mom had been interested in the Alien Heros of the Earth of the dimension he was partially living on now. He had mentioned Robin for the joke of knowing that there is a Dinner in an other Dimension with the same name. And because his Grandfather didn't like the Flash-clan which meant his mom didn't like them too much because of their messing with timelines either, he had mentioned being friends with Impulse on pure spite because of a punishment one day and to see their reactions. So he had to get these three on board anyway, and because for the heck of it he would get Wonder Girl involved too. It was never bad to have a girl in a friends group.
Klarion stopped his pacing. Turning towards his demonic ghost cat companion, kind of what Cujo was to his mom now. "Teekl, I think I have a plan. I will convince these Idiots, that shouldn't be a huge problem. Most of them are normale little flesh sacks." Teekl and him stared for some time at each other and after a moment Klarion huffed turning away with crossed arms. "It's a good plan don't be so sceptical, they are heroes right? They will not refuse my request!"
Well maybe Klarion should have planned this a bit better.
The next day Red Robin blinked at the witch boy up from the ground in the living room of what looked like to be an normal apartment. He had just been in Gotham, working on a case and now he was here? Looking to the left he also noticed that Superboy (the older), Impulse and Wonder Girl were also with him. They all looked stunned he observed and partially disoriented. Additionally they hadn't heard from Klarion since the last time they had foiled his plans on raging chaos upon the earth, that had been weeks ago.
"I have summoned you heroes here. For the moment it is fruitless to try to leave because of the magic barrier." Okay rude to be cut of but that explained why he suddenly wasn't where he remembered to be last anymore. It was now Superboy who opened his mouth first but before he could even make a sound Klarion decided to speak over them again. "I have presents."
Four young heroes collectively blinked, confused, stunned and weirded out. As the which boy before them waved over to wards a table filled with boxes and packages. "I come in peace today, to proof that I brought these are presents, filled with various goods from different dimensions that should be to the liking of you all. Technologie, accessories, snacks, weapons, as well as clothing styles."
Red Robin shared a glance with his friends, a silent communication but before he once again could say anything Impulse was already by the table going through the stuff. They could here his 'oh's and 'ah's, which inevitably made them curious and they wandered over too. Klarion was not acting hostile at all yet but Red Robin did not trust that so he kept the which boy in clear view the entire time.
"Rob! You gotta see this! That actual futuristic Tech!"
"Look at these snacks."
"These accessories don't look to bad..."
His eye twitched when he noticed Klarion was sporting a smug look. Red Robin had to ask now, because this was not normal for the other. "Okay usually you would have started some big shot chaos plan by now. I don't buy this peace offering act and your way to formal talking. So what is going on?"
The other three, thankfully in Red Robins opinion, finally looked away from the tempting gifts and also turned their attention fully on Klarion. Who's smug smile falter as he let out a sigh and stared at them with what they could only describe as a frustrated look.
"My mom is planning to visit me."
"And?" Impulse asked between munching on three different bags of chips that where on the table.
"And he believes I am friends with you idiots."
They stared slack jawed. Impulse was pinching himself like he couldn't believe what they had just heard. Did one of their Villains, just informed them that their mom believes they were friends? Red Robin was starting to think he might be in a sleep deprived Hallucination.
"Why would she?" Wonder Girl questioned next to which Klarion glared at her with fire in his eyes.
"First of, my mom uses the pronouns he/Him. Be rude to my mom and I will find a way to make your life a permanent hell on earth." Wonder Girl blinked lifting her hands as in a sign of peace. "Second, my mom is under the believe that i work with heroes not against them. I do not have the heart to disappoint him after everything that happened in the past. So I embellished the truth a little."
"A little?" Superboy retorted sarcastically, to which they caught a light blush dusting the which boy's cheeks.
"Look my sister threw me under the bus and my mom wants to meet my friends now! So I need you idiots to play nice with me for when he visits!"
"And we will do that because?" Red Robin crossed his arms, watching their villain sceptically still not really buying this entire act. This was to strange of an behaviour change. Something was up, and he was going to get behind it.
Klarion on the other hand was starting to panic internally. His plan was not as he had hoped. The presents he had specifically gotten from other dimensions with what he believed was their interests did not work to make them simply accept his request. This was the last time he would listen to old man Vlad on how to bribe humans, he wasted his entire week on getting all that stuff. His mom was going to show up soon enough he need to have them act as his friends by then so he could remove the magic barrier. Or else his mom would notices he faked everything.
They left him no choice. He would have to throw his pride away for the sole reason to not disappoint his mom.
All four Young Justice Heroes blinked as Klarion suddenly threw himself on the ground before them into a pleading position.
"Please! I beg you, just for the time my mom is here. Please act like my friends!"
"I didn't think Klarion was a mama's boy...." Impulse whispered to the rest of them in pure disbelief as they stared stunned at the kneeling witch boy.
Cut to the heroes that noticed their teens were missing.....
"Where is he?" Batman growled at the Constantine who was sighing tiredly.
"Look mate, the way you and the other Spandex wearing friends explained it, made it sound like they got summoned by a being of the Infinit Realms." The blond man sighed lighting another cigarette eying the four heroes, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and Flash. Zatanna was behind him pouring over a book about the realms and trying to find a tracking spell to trace it back and to where they could have been summoned.
"Don't you have something like a tracker on your boy?" Batman only growled something under his breath to which the Brite couldn't help to arch and eyebrow. Constantine was going to say something sarcasting as Deadman suddenly appeared a panicked look on him. "The Ghost King has chosen to come to our dimension."
"Say bloody what now?" All attention that had been on the heroes and their problem of missing teenage heroes turned now to Deadman and the news he brought with him. "The ghost, shades and spirits talked, for the king has decided to visit our Dimension. They are in an uproar, no one knows of why our King is on his way."
"Bloody fucking hell!" Constantine cursed. "We are fucking screwed! Isn't that guy a fucking tyrannical eldrich war maniac?!"
Deadman nodded solemnly and Constantine uttered another hearty and colourful 'fuck'. While the heroes present exchanged worried glances, not only were their kids missing but now a, by the sounds of it, highly dangerous being decided to appear in their dimension? Batman couldn't help but think that there had to be a connection to the missing teens and this.
Meanwhile in the Infinite Realms the Ghost King Castle...
Danny smoothed out his fur trimmed cape and adjusted his crown so it was floating nicely and evenly on his head. Today was the day he would get to meet his sons friends. He needed to make a good first impression. That was why he had chosen to take on his Ghost King form for this. With the wave of his hand he made an ice mirror appear before him, checking how he was looking once again. Once satisfied he nodded to himself looking over towards Fright Knight who was holding the plate of cookies he had baked himself. It was the fifth batch, and the only one that didn't turn out burned. He had needed Jazz help for this one to turn out well. It was only proper if he brought some cookies for the kids. Also he would have loved to bring his families fudge but... the last time he had tried making them had turned into a disaster.
"Thanks Frighty. Do you think Klarion's friends will like these? Wait don't answer! If they don't like them I will just get something else to thank them for taking care of my boy." Danny rambled on as he glanced at the plate of cookies in his hands. Why was he so nervous? He was just going to get to meet his little boy's friends. Sure his boy had dropped some stories about them and his adventures with them here and there. But hearing stories and meeting the kids were two different things.
Shaking his head Danny put on his best smile as he summoned a portal to Klarions apartment in the 43th Dimension of Earth. It was time to visit his boy in the place he had made his second home and thank the people that looked after his kid.
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eustasskidagenda · 7 months
Okay, this post is not based on a request. I kept thinking about it for hours and finally decided to write it down: how the OP characters would text their s/o. So here are some texting headcanons for some of my favorite characters: Eustass Kid, Zoro, Sanji, Law, Sabo. I'll probably write a part 2 with my other beloved characters: Luffy, Marco, Killer, and Robin. :D
☆Texting HCs for Kid, Law, Sanji, Zoro & Sabo
CW : g/n reader, MDNI, Kid is cursing, fluff, funny, partly nsfw, mention of alcohol for Zoro 
WC : 2k
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Your name/photo in his contacts: mine. With a photo of your ass, obviously. And when he's mad at you, he renames you mid(ge).
Such a brat.
His wallpaper: a cool photo of his motorbike (I'm sorry but Kid is that kind of man in love with his own bike/car. But it's okay, he's still my favorite.) Or, a pic of your ass.
What kind of pictures are in his gallery: your ass, random photos of your face when he’s teasing you, his bike, and some punk stuff (music, makeup, outfit etc.)
His fav emoji : none.
He likes to send really, really shorts messages. Like : 
"Hi" "u know" "i have an idea" "So listen:"
Goddam Kid, just write the WHOLE sentence in one message.
He's sending you random pictures of his torso, just to flex with his big tiddies.
And you have to respond with a heart emoji and praise him each time.
If you want, he's more than willing to send dick pick too. 
Again, you have to praise him. Even if the pictures are absolutely non-aesthetic. He's blessing you with his cock after all. 
"Babe, you don't know how to take beautiful pics of your dick." "WTF SHUT UP???????? It's MY dick???!!! OF COURSE IT'S BEAUTIFUL??!!!" 
Yeah, Kid is clearly using extra punctuation. 
Oh, sure, each morning, you receive a mirror selfie of his outfit of the day. Such a punk fashion icon. "Rate my outfit on a scale of amazing to amazing" 
He doesn't use emojis because they sound too soft and stupid. "em0teS aRe f0r s0fT b0ys Y/N"
If you complain about his messages looking cold, he might use random emotes to annoy you like "UgH iF U wAnt 🦬" (with that stupid dumb sponge bob meme)
Whenever he calls you, it seems like he's yelling through the phone. 
He likes using caps lock like "HEY Y/N, WANNA FUCK TONIGHT??????" 
He's sending you random punk/rock music. And you have to listen and react to every single music, otherwise he's so pissed off. He is sharing his world with you, the less you can do is interact with him. 
He also loves sending some pics of what he's working on, because Kid likes to repare/custom some cars or motorbike. 
And last thing, I like the idea of Kid Pirates being a punk music band, so sure, Kid loves to send you some videos of him playing guitar. "My fingers are skilled in three things : music, crafting and fingering you all the fucking day long"
His phone is so damaged because he throws it every time he gets angry (like every two minutes).
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Your name/photo in his contacts: y/n-ya. With a cursed picture of you. Just to tease you with it. 
His wallpaper: nothing, just the random by default home screen. In his view, wallpapers are useless and pointless.
What kind of pictures are in his gallery: random pictures you took of him, emo memes, and boring stuff about medicine or basic hygiene rules for Luffy. And a guide to "how to stop screaming and how to control your anger: a guide for children" for Kid. 
His favorite emoji: 🖕🏻
Whenever you annoy him with a stupid joke or a prank you saw on TikTok, his immediate reaction is to block you. He's so annoyed, please, leave him alone. He is immediately aware that it is a prank. Luffy always does the same to him before you do.
He's never using capital, it's for the emo aesthetic, like 'I hate bread'. Nope. But ✨"i hate bread."✨, yeah, much better
And yes, he uses "." everytime, it's for the dark and tired emo aesthetic. 
He always leaves a group conversation as soon as you include him. Please, he's so pissed off by those kinds of things. 
He's able to leave your message seen for days. Just because he was busy and forgot about what you said. If you need an answer, sure, try to call him. He always keeps his phone in silent mode. 
He likes to send you cool articles that he reads. Especially about medicine, tattoos or nerd stuff like movies, books, games etc.
"wanna go to a date tattoo with me tomorrow?" 
That kind of question is clearly his love language
He enjoys teasing you with random photos of his tattooed fingers or chest. "I bet you miss these fingers." And yeah, he's clearing curling his fingers on the pic like he would do when they are inside you. He's really good at teasing you with photos. 
Kid and Luffy steal his phone whenever he's with them. So be ready to receive a lot of ugly pictures of Law (taken by the chaotic duo), middle fingers from Kid, and blurry meat pictures from Luffy. 
Poor Law deserves a break.
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Your name/photos in his contacts : 💗💘🛐Mon Amour (my love)🛐💘💗 With the most beautiful picture of you. 
His wallpaper : a cute couple photo.
What kind of pictures are in his gallery : a lot of cooking videos or photos, you, aesthetic pic of the sky and a private album with some hot nudes that you sent to him.
His favorites emojis : 💘💗💖🛐💍🧎🌺🌸🌹🫦🥰😘🧑🏻‍🍳🍽🍷🥘 (yeah, Sanji LOVES emojis)
He's always texting you back. If he can't reply within a second, he won't open the text. Sanji, leaving his beautiful s/o with that awful "seen"? Never. 
All the mornings "good morning sweetheart 💘" and all the evenings "sleep well sweetheart, dream about me 💖"
He wants to take a cute and aesthetic pic of the both of you all the days. 
He bombards you with pictures of his cooking. It's cute, but also annoying because he can't help but send extra long texts. He describes every single action he did, along with recipes and tips. 
He enjoys seeing your outfit of the day. He can attempt to match his clothes to yours. 
Random "I love you 💖" and "if no one told you you were pretty today : you're the prettiest 🥰" 
He enjoys sending you cooking videos. "We should eat this tonight. What do you think? 🧑🏻‍🍳"
He's pretty good at sexting. He knows how to take aesthetic photo of his hands, back, or mouth. Not just an ugly dick pick (Kid, Zoro, I'm looking at you). And he also likes to leave you some message like.
I would sit you down on this table if you were with me right now. You know, the one in your kitchen where he had dinner with your parents yesterday? I would gently kiss your neck, fondle your chest, and slowly kneel between your legs until you shout my name. You would pull on my hair, begging me to keep going until you cum repeatedly on my face.  👅 "
And if you send him a nude, well, he's going to die from a nosebleed.
Rest in peace, Sanji. 
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Your name/photos in his contacts : "y/n". You pick a picture for him because Zoro and phones are not compatible.
His wallpaper : a cool katana
What kind of pictures in his gallery : gym selfies, katanas and alcohol (all with ugly quality)
His fav emojis : 👍🏻 and 😴 Like:
"hey Zoro, you're alright" 👍🏻
"Zoro, wanna hang out?" 😴
"Babe, what are you doing?" 😴
"… am i annoying you?" 👍🏻
He can responds to absolutely anything with those two emojis. 
Zero is so oblivious, so let's be honest: he is not good at using phones. Almost every day, he forgets his phone at home. And even if he didn't forget about it, it's probably on silent mode or just off.
He doesn’t know how to use the keyboard, so prepare yourself for coded-message like "o!. @= sp⛑t t🧹day???/!df🆎e !!"He can't even use the excuse "my cat walked on my keyboard", he just sucks with technology.
Your messages are often "seen ✔️" and that's all. Not because he wants to be mean, just... he didn't understand the concept of answering every text. He takes all of your messages as random information. Like "Hey, I'd love to see you tonight!". Well. OK. Message understood. That's all.
The only application he has on his phone is Google Maps. Even with it, he still gets lost. "Turn left." Without a doubt, he turns right. 
Once, he tried to please you with a dick pic. But the photo was just terrible: bad luminosity, an ugly close-up of his cock, blurred as fuck, and you can see the dirty tissue behind him.
He doesn't answer when you call him because he's either asleep or at the gym (or drunk).
Once, he also tried to send you a voice message, but it was just the sound of the wind. He forgot to talk closer to the microphone.
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Your name/photos in his contacts : "my revolutionary 🎩💛". With a beautiful pic of your smiling face. 
His wallpaper : a symbol of revolution. 
What kind of pictures in his gallery : petition screenshots, his brothers, you, anti-capitalist memes and a private album with some hot pic of you (naughty Sabo)
His fav emojis : 🔥✨🖕🏻💛✊🏻😡😏😎🤩👉🏻👌🏻🫵🏻
Sabo is... complicate. Sometimes, he doesn't answer for WEEKS. And sometimes he's extra chatty. And when he's chatty well...
Sabo is always spamming you with petition links. "Save the dolphins", "save the monkeys", "fuck capitalism", "for the resignation of *insert random politician name*" 
"Hey sweetheart, manifestation tomorrow. See you there!! 🫵🏻" 
When it's not petitions, it's probably videos or articles. Sabo is a pure revolutionary. Be prepared to receive lengthy texts when he wants to fight for a cause. It's cute, honestly. He's really involved and passionate. 
"You, me, on a trip tomorrow?! 😏"
Sabo has a knack for surprising you with trips, so prepare yourself. This man craves adventure and surprises. He wants you to join his crazy journey. 
Sometimes, he's using proper grammar and punctuation, sometimes he's using a lot of !!!!!!!!??????? And caps lock. Especially when he's furious about something.  He makes a lot of typo errors because he's always in a rush while typing.
Let's fught  *figrt *fijkt *FUCK *LET'S FIGHT (and fuck)
He enjoys taking pictures of you unexpectedly because it makes you seem more natural. 
"So… sweetheart… we have a new roommate" with a cute pic of a dog/frog/duck/snail/whatever. Sabo has a kind heart. If he sees a wounded or abandoned animal, he feels obliged to adopt it.
And regarding spicy texts… 
Sabo is a kinky boy. So sure, he's thirsty when it comes to sexting/nudes. As a revolutionary, he is also very careful. He always asks you first before sending you nude or spicy texts. If you're willing, then prepare yourself.
A bunch of nudes. Since he's good with them, he won't display his dick in a weird and unattractive angle to you. He enjoys showing you his hands when he's wearing his gloves. Or a mirror photo of his back.
"I know you will scratch it when I'll fuck you tonight 😏"
You're not forced to send him nude or spicy texts back. He respects your boundaries without exception. And if you send him a photo anyway, he's also really nice. Always a comment like "your ass is soooooo good with this angle. I can't believe I'm that lucky 🥵" and if he wants to save a photo for his collection, he's always asking if it's okay with you.
"Sweetie, i have a new toy for you… 💛"
We all know what he's talking about. Naughty Sabo.
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brucewaynehater101 · 26 days
Hear me out for something. You love Tim Angst right? Hear me out for this.
Tim is not a human. Tim has never been a human. This is one of his most closely guarded secrets. He holds this closer to his soul than even the fact that he is Robin. Not even Bruce or Dick or Alfred know that Tim is not human. He dares not even consider dreaming of them knowing what he is. Only three people alive know exactly what Tim is, Tim himself, Billy Batson, and John Constantine. Only five others know that Tim is not human, Raven, Diana Prince, Zatanna Zatara, Klarion The Witch Boy and Doctor Fate. All of these people only know that Tim is not human due to an aura of magic that he can not fully hide. He masks it well, enough that those who don't know think he simply has a few drops of dragon or Fea blood in him, perhaps a grandparent or great grand parent? Just enough to ping on their magical radars as Not Human.
Billy knows exactly what Tim is because Solomon went "oh by the way you can naturally see through all Glamor spells, look there. That one has wings." while pointing at Tim. Constantine knows because he's the only magic person in the JL and/or Titans (and Klarion) who decided his curiosity over what Tim is and out weighs both his manners and sense of danger and dispelled the Glamor spell when they were alone. Tim very nearly tore his throat out with his razor sharp teeth before John swore on his life that he would never tell anyone what Tim is. All he extorted out of Tim was one feather nearly the length of his forearm, a couple of downy feathers, and vial of blood.
As for why Tim hides what he is well. He's something that can be considered very, very valuable to certain people. A source of parts that are so very, very hard to come by that the idea of having one is so very, very appealing. Appealing enough that many of the more corrupt magic users in the world would happily pay out millions of dollars to have Tim locked in a cage in their study, a constant source of so many things they need for spells and rituals.
Tim uses his glamor spell to hide what he is, both for his own safety and the safety of his family. He knows what happens to creatures like him, he's heard stories of what happens to them. He knows that his family would come looking for him and they would never stop and they would be hurt, or worse. He wishes he could use the curse of his species to protect them but giving each of them even one of his feathers and saying he "found" them would rat him out.
The only person who has one is Jason and Tim told him that it's just a contingency plan, not to look into it. Jason thinks Tim spent a fortune to buy him a single Phoenix Feather, a flight feather no less, and keeps it on him always. After all, while a downy feather can only heal a single fatal wound before turning to ash, if applied to the wound directly before death, a flight feather can resurrect the newly dead by simply placing it on their person, or them already having it in their pocket.
Hmm... I wonder how far this would go into the myths of Phoenixes. Does Tim also respond/come back to life? How much is well known about those myths (is it known that they can hide as humans)?
The pure angst from Jason being the only one to get a feather (Tim wants to make sure he never dies again because he can't handle that. His own emotions aside, he can't save Bruce again).
Does Tim die as Robin and come back because he's a Phoenix? Does he lose his spleen but gets it back when he dies again? Do his scars and callouses stay with him if he rises from the ashes again?
Anyways, I love angst where Tim hides information from the Bats for them despite how it hurts Tim.
I'd also be curious about Tim's heritage. Are the Drakes Phoenixes too? It'd be hilarious if some distant ancestor named themselves "dragons" to hide the fact that they are Phoenixes
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sweatervest-obsessed · 4 months
Sick Summer Days
WC: 2.6k
TW: Dry-heaving, Indiana Jones Spoilers, headaches/migraines.
A/N: Some comfort for our Steve. But also I tried something new and different with my writing and I don't know if I like it yet but oh well!!
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If Steve could murder an idea, it would be this one.  
Dustin talked him into throwing a major pool party at the end of the school year for all of the little twerps that he was forced into babysitting. They had been passing around themes all month before Steve had butted in and told them that they have access to the pool, and he’ll grill some food, and that was the party they were getting. Maybe, since they were all sixteen now, he would let them have a singular beer.
But the morning of, he woke up on the wrong side of the bed. His hair was sticking up in all the wrong ways, his chest ached, his head felt like it was filled with fluid, and to make matters worse, he stubbed his toe twice in the kitchen. His bagel had burnt, the OJ was the kind that had pulp in it (Steve is not a pulp guy.), and the banging on the door was the final straw. 
As he swung open the door to curse out Henderson, he saw you. Sure, the little shit was there, along with Max and Lucas, but you were trying to corral the group into being a little quieter.
“Woah Steve, you look like shit man.” 
“Thank you so much for that Henderson.” 
You looked over at him, a smile across your face that immediately transformed into a frown at the state of his being. Steve usually was shirtless around his house, something you quite enjoyed, but today he was wearing an oversized hoodie along with the sweatpants, and his hair looked like it had not only been entered into an Einstein look alike contest, but won.  
While you pressed a quick peck to his lips, the three teens pushed their way into the Harrington Household, booking it to the back doors to get to the pool. 
“You okay there Steve?” 
He just nodded and ran a hand through his hair. “Yeah….just—hasn’t been my morning.” he rasped, not realizing how shot his voice was until now. 
“If you want to go lay down while I set up the coolers then I will gladly—”
“No, no, it’s fine. I don’t want you to suffer outside with the delinquents by yourself, that’s just cruel. Plus it’s nothing.” Steve gave you as close to a flirty smile as he could given the circumstances, and squeezed your waist.
You nodded and smiled at him, “Then go clean yourself up Harrington, everyone else is not far behind.” 
And like always, you were right. Just as Steve had made it upstairs to change into his swimsuit the rest of the gang had arrived. He could hear them all piling out of their cars, like a wave of sound ready to crash over him and drag him out to sea. 
You had been outside, wearing some form of a short sundress, to cover up the bathing suit you were wearing since it was only 10 am, and unlike the kids, you didn’t need to be in the pool right then and there. 
Instead, you pulled off your dress, made Robin put sunscreen on your back, and grabbed your sunglasses. You sat down on one of the lounge chairs that you had draped your towel over, pulled out the book you had been reading, and started the sun’s rays on your skin. You didn’t really need to tan, but this process of “warming your body down to the bones” was the best way to start the season out. You were ready to enjoy your day in the sun. But the universe had other plans. 
Steve fucking Harrington stepped out of his house in his old Lifeguard swimshorts, the bright red catching your attention. It caused you to miss the fact that his eyes were still tired and he moved a little slower than usual. You moved the book up slightly, trying to cover your blatant stare as he walked by. 
He picked the lounge chair right next to you, and sat on it, legs facing you. He couldn’t take his eyes off of your body, almost drooling by the way you looked in your bathing suit, hugging you in all the right places. 
He cleared his throat, and smiled when you turned your head to look at him. He had been out in the sun before the summer started, and you could tell because more freckles had popped up, all over his chest, his shoulder, his nose. 
“What are you reading?” 
Robin snickered from the pool, watching as he tried to play it cool, when all he was trying to do was think about anything besides the things he wanted to do to you while you looked like that. 
“Oh, um. It’s part of the summer reading for one of the classes for next fall.” He nodded as you continued. “I’m taking this Dramatic Literature course, you know, like plays, and so we’re starting with this play called Faust, or Doctor Faustus. It’s kind of interesting. It’s about this like twenty-five year old who decides that just being a doctor and smart and hot isn’t enough, so he gets into witchcraft and summons a demon and makes a deal. Basically this demon, Mephisotpheles, or Meph, becomes his servant for like twenty years, or something, and the two of them go back and forth wreaking havoc and everytime Faustus gets a little too ‘God Save Me’, Meph basically throws another sin or indulgence at him and –” 
You quickly closed the book and shook your head. “Sorry, I’m probably boring the shit out of you with this.” 
Steve smiled at you, “Trust me, you are the last person here I could find boring.” 
Dustin and Eddie let out a respective protest, but Steve ignored them because a slight blush had risen to your cheeks, and that was much more interesting than those two. 
“Don’t say that too loud or your head will be on a pike before the day is over.” 
Steve just smiled and shook his head, placing his hand on your thigh. “Trust me, if I can handle the past three years of our lives, I can handle the two fucking idiots over there.” 
“Just be careful then Steve. If I get caught in the crossfire, I’m blaming–” You sat up slightly and pushed your finger against his chest. “You.” 
Steve bit his lip and nodded. “Yes ma’am.” He muttered and you rolled your eyes, settling back down into your lounger, reading your book. 
He was about to say something, but then felt an ache in his chest. Quickly, he excused himself form your side and went into the house, trying to cover up the cough in his throat. 
You exchanged confused looks with Robin before looking back at the slider door where Steve had disappeared behind. 
Steve was now in the bathroom, dry heaving like his life depended on it. The ache in his chest was making it worse since he felt like he couldn’t fucking breathe, and to make matters worse, the headache came back worse then before. It was one of those migraines that would have caused him to stay in bed all day and disappear from the world. Perks of being constantly bashed in the head. 
You knocked on his bathroom door gently and waited for a response. Steve groaned and leaned back against the tub, not really answering you. 
“Steve, can I come in?” 
When there was no reply, you gently opened the door and slid into the bathroom. You took one look at him and shook your head. 
“Harrington, when you aren’t feeling well, you have to tell us. You would make us do the same.” You spoke quietly, almost like you could sense that the problem was his head. Maybe it was the way he was quite literally cradling his head between his knees, but maybe it was because you liked to say you were just really in tune with Steve. 
Steve felt as you stood over him. “Steve?” 
And when he didn’t answer, he felt as you squatted down next to him; your leg brushing against his. 
“Why don’t we get you to lay down for a little bit yeah?” 
Steve grumbled an “I’ll be fine.” but did not move from his position. 
“Okay big boy let’s not be stupid.” You huffed and very gently placed your hand on his arm, squeezing it ever so slightly to indicate that you were going to win this. 
On a better day, Steve might have huffed and puffed, maybe he would have given you lip and told you that he would be fine, but today? Today he just moved one of his hands to yours, a silent plea for help to get up. 
“It’s that bad huh.” You whispered, smiling when you saw the ghost of a smile on his face, before another ripple of pain flashed across his face and took the smile away with it. After a minute or so, you had managed to get Steve standing, and leaning against the counter. You hadn’t turned the lights on so the bathroom was still relatively dark (since the curtain was pulled over the window). 
“Can you open your eyes or does keeping them shut like that help.” 
“I’m fine.” He whispered, opening his eyes, and almost immediately regretting it. He already hated the fact that you had managed to weasel your way into caring for him right now, but now he was trying to shove whatever pain he was feeling into the back of his mind so that you didn’t have to worry so much. 
He couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you were when your worried over him. 
“Thank you?” You blushed slightly and kissed his cheek. 
“I did not just say that out loud.” 
“Yeah you did sweetheart, but I appreciate the sentiment.” 
Steve thinks you have magiucal abilities or something because he swore the two of you had been standing in the bathroom, but suddenly he was sitting down on his bed. And then when he blinked again, he was laying down in his bed, with a blanket pulled over him. But when he blinked a third time, and his headache was gone, that when he knew he was going to have to have you tested for witchraft since suddenly it was now three in the afternoon, and you were nowhere to be seen, and his headache had all but subsided. 
He sat up slowly, and double checked the time on his clock, as well as the date because he had no fucking clue what day it was. When he apparently went to sleep, it was ten am and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, but now it was three pm, and pouring rain. 
What tipped him off that maybe it was the same day was the scream that came from downstairs, followed by an immediate “COME ON” from one Maxine Mayfield. Steve almost started to run for the stairs, but then heard all of the kids arguing. 
Eventually Steve slowly made his way down the stairs, eavesdropping into the kid’s conversation about the fact that in the first Indiana Jones Movie, Indy is completely useless—
You and Steve made eye contact when his foot landed on the bottom stair; an amused look was plastered on your face as the kids continued to argue about the necessity of Harrison Ford. 
You had all made them change into dry clothes so that they didn’t get the Harrington’s furniture soaked and moldy, which is something Steve was going to have to thank you for later. You were standing in the door way, clearly moving back and forth from the kitchen to the living room to keep an eye on the kids. He followed you into the kitchen where Jonathan, Eddie, Robin, and Nancy all were sitting at the island, drinking and talking with one another. 
“There’s sleeping beauty. How ya feeling bud?” 
Steve flashed a quick look of annoyance at Eddie before turning and looking at you, hoping for some explanation. 
“Started to pour so we saved as much as we could. You fell asleep around 11, and were out for a few hours.” You explanation was simple was you wrapped your arms around his midriff and looked at him. “Feeling better?” 
He nodded and kissed your head. “Y-yeah, sorry just…” 
“I know.” 
He could not be more grateful for you and the way you treated him—with such love and tenderness. But you never babied him, it was something he despised really, and so when you showed him love and care without treating him like a toddler, he started to accept it more and more. 
“There’s some pizza left in the fridge for you, but I did have to literally almost stab Dustin for it so be grateful.” 
Steve hummed slightly and kissed your lips. “I would have been okay if you ran him through with the knife.” 
Dustin yelled an ‘I heard that’ from the other room, causing the group in the kitchen to let out a collective amused hum. 
“Who’s idea was it to put on a movie that causes so many arguments between Max and Dustin?” 
You smirked and shrugged. “It keeps them all really engrossed because Max has a crush on Harrison Ford but sees how pointless he is in the film.” 
“And this upsets Dustin.” Eddie chimed in. “Which then causes Lucas to get caught inbetween because he also gets offended by what Max says, but sees her point.” 
“Plus he’s jealous about her crush.” Robin laughed slightly and took a swig from the bottle in her hand. 
“Then Mike joins forces with Dustin and Lucas, while El joins in with Max because she’s not wrong. And then Will tries to calm them down for the whole movie, which then leads to the suggestion of watching the second one, and whether or not Indy is truly relevant to the series at all..” Nancy finished out for you. 
“You willingly set them up to argue?” 
“If it gives us a reprieve then…Yeah.” Jonathan nodded. 
Steve nodded. “Works for me. What happens when the finish with the second film?” 
The five of you in the kitchen all chimed in at the same time: “Star Wars”. 
You had this down to a science, and handed Steve a beer. ���I bet Eddie ten bucks that Dustin’s head wouldn’t burst until the second Star Wars Film. If I win, I’m takin’ ya out ta dinnah babe.” 
Steve chuckled at the accent and nodded. “You’re going to lose since Dustin freaks the fuck out every time Luke and Leia kiss.” 
You glared over at Eddie who was in conversation with Robin. “That sick son of a bitch.” 
Steve kissed your cheek and smiled. “You know I love you so much right?” He whispered, only for you to hear, causing your cheeks to tinge pink. “I appreciate everything you do for me. I don’t tell you that enough.” 
Since you might as well start crying if you opened your mouth, you settled for a kiss instead, your insides melting at the way Steve talked to you. 
It was a quick kiss since you all heard as Dustin started to lose his cool, before the second Indiana Jones movie had even ended. 
“You all forgot one thing, Dustin can’t standing the scene where Indy drinks some sort of magic potion that causes him to almost fry up Willie.” Robin smirked and held out her hand, as Eddie handed over the money to her. 
You grumbled but did the same, making sure to not step out of his reach to hand her over the money. 
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supermarketbae · 9 months
Could you do a cute Billy Hargrove x fem reader were they are secretly dating and the party are slowly figuring it out. Like max is confused why Billy is being a lot nicer. Eddie, Steve, and robin wants to know who keeps calling reader when they hangout at her house.
You can write the end however you like! Love your writing! Have a great day!
OMGGGG THANK U SO MUCH LOVE!! (also i'm back taking class courses again so sorry if I've responded late. bAcK To SchOOl FolKs *nerdy goth noises* this can be read as a part three but its fine on its own.
Billy Hargrove x fem reader
What's Best?
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Naughty and not so nice the series
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The sun had just set, leafless trees casting long shadows around the warm room as their spindly woven branches wafted softly against the windows a sound accompanied by joking and stupid dares. Your friends were oblivious to the sun starting to sink below the horizon. Everyone was happy to finally find some time to hang out together. How late it was getting was a small, trivial matter that was forgotten in the spirit of laughter and much needed relaxation. Max was thoroughly appalled when Billy made no objection in bringing her along to your house, and you thought she had keeled over when, instead of leaving he walked right in with her.
Robin glanced at you questioningly through the night. But you paid it no mind. Billy was starting to be roped into your little group of misfits, and there was nothing you would rather have more. "Soooo what's this talk I hear of my little baby having a boyfriend?" Eddie drawls smacking your butt playfully as he grabs a coke from the counter "Never thought you'd have it in you doll." he continues smirking sarcastically. Your heart shudders for a beat as you subtlety make eye contact at Billy from across the room, you scowl gently as you see his shoulders shaking in silent laughter "Bitch." you say pointedly turning back to Eddie to slug him in the shoulder.
"Wonder who he is, since you practically skip when the phone rings." Eddie smiles grabbing at your hair musing it up. "I do not!" you say wide eyed a light blush settling on your cheeks. You don't dare to look at Billy again to see his reaction. But to your relief, your embarrassment falls on deaf ears as the others continue enjoying themselves. You lean back on the counter as you watch the sight before you; Nancy and Robin talking together on the couch, Robin blushing lightly as she talks animatedly, Nancy grabbing her arm. Dustin, Mike, El, Will, and Max geeking out about some intricate thing. You find yourself smiling softly, blissfully unaware of Billy's approach behind you, that is until strong arms wrapped discreetly around your waist.
"What's up doll." his gravelly mumble tore at your chest causing your heart to constrict. "Nothing much, handsome," you whisper back voiced honeyed but still drooping low. "hands to yourself while you're at it too." you chide teasingly, pinching lovingly at his forearm. Your giggle echoes louder when Billy nips at your shoulder. The sound traveled sharply, catching the attention of your observant friend, Max glances up briefly surprised at the sight of you. She cocked her head in elegant confusion noticing Billy's usually scowling face in a radiant grin. Even more so that he was that close to you.
You caught her eye. A silent promise lay in them.
A soft smile.
She wanted what was best for him too.
And as she watched his face crinkle in laughter as you kissed his cheek secretively, she knew that you were, inevitably, what was best.
AHHHHHHH im sososososoossoso sorry i started up classes and OMLLLLL @unamused-boss thank you so much for requesting and I hope this brought your idea justice mllll thank you darlingggg
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fcthots · 8 months
I'm literally tearing up this morning at the idea of Tim sitting in the cave, trying to get some important work done like usual when suddenly a wave of darkness ascends upon the cave. Like something out of a horror movie, dread washes over Tim as he fearfully creaks his head around to see Gus sitting on the chair, looking over Tim's shoulder—MENACINGLY.
I had so much fun writing this.
It was 5 am and everyone else had gone to bed. There was a fear gas attack and while no one had been unable to put on their rebreather, the manor was still on lockdown, though, just to monitor in case of any delayed effects. Tim wasn't supposed to be on the batcomputer but it was important! He was doing research on the new chemicals Scarecrow had added to his toxin and if their addition changed the effects of the formula as compared to the original. As it turns out, he was right. It seemed that now prolonged exposure could cause delayed effects. Fuck, Tim loves being right! He starts recording any other new effects the toxin may have.
A chill hits him. The hairs on the back of his neck raise. He can feel eyes with malicious intent watching him. After being robin for so long, he knows what the stare of a real threat feels like as it watches its prey. Fuck. Someone must have gotten into the cave. He thinks of yelling for Kon, but Kryptonians can't hear into the cave. His family is all asleep in their respective bedrooms, and there's no one that can get to him in time. He hasn't acknowledged their presence yet, so he could pick up his phone and pretend to send a funny text to a friend but actually text the other bats, but that could also backfire if his intruder swooped in while he was vulnerable.
Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Maybe his rebreather was cracked. Maybe this is all just delayed fear gas effects. Maybe one of his siblings hadn't handed all of their gear off to be washed and he's just getting a mini whiff of the gas, and that's why he feels the eyes of a predator on his back.
He hears something rustle.
Ok, so not a hallucination, probably. Auditory hallucinations usually take exposure to copious amounts of gas, but maybe this was all part of the new strand.
He could feel them getting closer. He slowly wraps his hand round a battarang that was left on the desk. He can't see anything in the reflection of the screen. On the count of three he has to turn around and face his opponent.
Three. Fuck, he's exhausted.
Two. He's too tired to be doing this.
One. Bruce is gonna kill him if he dies.
He turns around and stands all in one motion, staying as low to the ground as possible. He doesn't have long to take in all of his surroundings, so he does it quick. This would be so much easier if he had his mask, which can track the heat of body signatures, but he took it off so Alfred could clean it. He really hopes Alfred isn't the one to find his body.
He doesn’t see anything in his immediate line of sight. He keeps his body moving, so he's a harder target. He looks everywhere else. Nothing. Maybe it's an LOA assassin. Ra's needs to get off his dick already.
But he looks even in the spots where a ninja would be trained to hide, and... nothing. Nothing at all. An alarming amount of nothing. By his calculations there was an 85% chance that it wasn't a hallucination. He drops his fighting stance. He did forget to factor in his sleep deprivation...
As soon as his guard is down, he is immediately attacked from behind. He whirls around and drops back into a fighting stance. His training kicks in. Don’t look at the affected area first, look at your attacker first. He ignores the pain in his leg and looks to where they would have to be standing and...nothing. He looks down to his leg.
Fucking Gus.
"Get off of me, asshole!! Why are you even here? Can Jason seriously not sleep without his cat fucking night?" Tim tries to peel Gus's claws out of him where Gus's limbs are wrapped around his leg. "Ow! Fuck! Don't bite me! This is why I don’t pet you. Get. The. Fuck. Off. Of. Me."
He finally tosses Gus off his leg and Gus runs away impressively fast for a cat if his size.
Tim yells out across the batcave, "I never thought I could hate a cat until I met you!"
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normansnt · 11 months
The tailor (sanji x male tailor! Reader)
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Warnings: the reader cuts himself with scissors. I don't know if thats a warning but yeah.
The strawhats docked at another island for the logpose to reset. As usual everyone went their way. And Sanji obviously went with Robin and Nami clothe shopping to carry their bags.
They were walking around town when they spotted a shop standing alone. It wasn't too big nor small. The first thing that someone felt when they saw it was calmness. It was a cozy little store. First Nami wanted to ignore it due to its simple looks. But Robin felt like the little shop had great things to offer.
"I find it rather adorable, I wouldn't mind going in" said Robin in a calm voice.
"Well all right we have time after all" gave in Nami looking at the log pose. Sanji didn't say anything but he had a little cheer in his mind that the girls decided to go in.
It was a small shop with unique and beautiful clothes put on display. The closer they got the clearer they could see how amazing the clothes put on display in the shop window were.
When they stepped into the shop the little bell over the door gave a light "ting" sound letting whoever was in there know that they had entered. The smell of lavender greeted them. The shop was only slightly bigger on the inside then it looked from outside, but it was not too small as though not having enough space.
Two clothing racks stood in the middle and if you walked to the other side of the store three mirrors greeted you with a small stage in front and a table besides them. The walls, which had clothes hanging on racks neatly organized, had a comforting light blue color. There was also a staircase leading to a door, a closed door so they had no idea what was behind it.
"Aughh damn it" came from behind the closed door.
"I will be down in a minute" yelled a mans voice.
Nami and Robin started looking around while waiting for whoever it was behind that door to come down, Sanji kept analyzing the place. All though he had to lie if he said that the clothed there didn't catch even his attention.
They seem to have been made with utmost care due to every stitch being very clean and the pieces of fabric complimented each other well very well.
The door opened suddenly and a man not much younger then Sanji stepped out. He had a big smile on his face and glasses on his nose which were held together by duct tape.
The man had h/c h/l hair and e/c eyes. These looked lovely with his s/c skin. He was a handsome man by the looks of it and based on his outfit he knew his way around clothing as well. He was wearing a white button up shirt with brown suit pants which had red squares detailed on it, around his neck was a tape measure and on his middle finger a thimble showing that he in fact made these clothes with his own hands. To top it off on his feet were black loafers, he looked very sheik.
"Oh hello" greeted Robin politely "are you alright we heard cursing before?" Asked the raven haired women kindly.
"Oh, I apologize for that, I was just cutting some fabric and the bell startled me so I cut into my finger a bit" smiled the man sheepishly while holding up his index finger which was bandaged all the way.
"Must have been a deep cut" muttered Sanji.
"Anyway I apologize again, what can I help you with ladies and gentleman?" Said the man while flashing a big smile. 'Adorable' thought Sanji, his smile had a child like innocence to it and the glint in his e/c eyes made it all the more sweeter- what? Since when did Sanji think like this about a man? He admits when a man is handsome, of course, but he never went into detail describing his attraction towards one- attraction? What is going on today?
"And for you sir?" Asked the man who he still didn't know the name of because he wasn't paying attention to the conversation he was having with the girls, who, disappeared,now realized Sanji. The man must have noticed his confusion so he said hastily
"The ladies went to try one some pieces" said the clothing shop owner while pointing at a door beside the three mirrors on the opposite side to the little table.
"And my previous question was if you are looking for any clothing?" Said the man smiling kindly. Sanji didn't want to be rude he wanted to get the handsome mans name at least.
"Please excuse me but I seem to have zoned out previously, do you mind telling me your name?" Asked Sanji red in the face.
"Oh no problem, of course, my name is Y/N L/N it is a pleasure to meet you" smiled Y/N while putting his hand out for Sanji to shake. He did just that while introducing himself as well.
"So are you looking for any clothing? I can tell by what you are wearing that you know a thing or too about fashion" he flashed his handsome smile again.
It was true Sanji did put a bit more care into what he was wearing than oder man but compared to Y/N he probably couldn't tell the difference between velvet and chiffon.
"Oh no, thank you, Im just here to carry the ladies shopping bags and assist them any way they need" smiled back Sanji. All though he liked the clothes in this shop, he didn't want to waste money, not to mention it was hard to find something that fit him because of his build, he was skinny but very muscular at the same time.
"Are you sure? I can tailor something for you as well" said the man hopefully.
Sanji saw the glint in his eyes, it looked similar to when he was about to cook a new meal or try a new recipe. Passion, passion for ones work. Sanji liked that about Y/N he seemed very eager to work, just like him. Also the thought of having his own tailored suit sounded lovely for Sanji. Finally something that fits perfectly.
"I actually think that's a really good idea Sanji you have been wearing the same suit for forever" Said Nami suddenly standing beside Sanji. She walked out of the fitting room with the clothes she wants to buy in her hand just a minute ago. Sanji didn't notice her walking out. But how could that happen? Sanji not noticing Nami? Its true he was focusing on Y/N but not this hard! Right?
"Yes, getting a new suit might actually be useful but I don't want to waste money that could be spent on food Nami-san" said Sanji.
"Its not a waste of money its clothes, we have enough money for food, its just one suit it cant even be that much money" said Nami looking at Y/N hopefully.
"Oh no its 50 berry" Said Y/N hoping they are ok with that price. Nami's eyes turned into berry icons showing how happy she is that she will be saving this much money.
Y/Ns clothes had amazing quality and were cheap as well. This showed how kind the male was he never thought much of money. He just sold his clothes to make people happy and of course he needed to eat something.
"Very well," gave in Sanji "I would love to have you tailor me suit" finished Sanji smiling at Y/N.
"All right we will leave you to it then" said Robin also coming out of the fitting rooms. And with that the girls paid for the clothes they wanted and left. Weirdly enough, Sanji didn't mind this, of course it would be amazing to spend more time with the lovely ladies of the strawhat crew but staying alone with Y/N was an idea he didn't oppose of.
While Y/N was taking his measurements Sanji could feel his hands touching his body slightly. Y/Ns feather light touch left goosebumps on Sanjis skin for some reason even though it was only through fabric.
Naw, Sanji was no fool. He has noticed in the past that Ladies are not the only ones who capture his attention, he wanted to sleep with man as well in fact.
However what Y/N was doing to him was completely new. The man made Sanji flustered and now he understood those butterflies in the stomach everyone was talking about. They had just met but Sanji was smitten. Even more so when they started talking, while Y/N was making his suit.
"Yeah, I love cooking Im not really good at it though" said Y/N a little red in the face. "The last time I tried to make breakfast I left the omelette on the stove because I got distracted and well lats just say I had to get a new kitchen." Smiled the e/c eyed male sheepishly. Sanji loved when he smiled like that it was rather adorable.
"I can teach you if you like" said Sanji perhaps a little fast. Y/N stopped his movements and looked at Sanji with a slightly red face and a small smile
"You would do that? Thats so kind but you guys will only be on this island for so long Im afraid we don't have time, I mean pirates have to move right?"
The interesting thing about this sentence is that Sanji never mentioned that they were pirates. That means Y/N must have known the entire time. And yet... and yet he was this nice to them showing nothing but kindness. Thats it, he had to have you, at least on the crew.
"Well... we don't have a tailor on our ship yet..." started Sanji hopefully. At this point he didn't care if you couldn't fight he would protect you, he didn't care he has to clear things with Luffy he will threaten to not give him food for a week.
"Oh, Im sorry, I would not be a good pirate, I hate fighting..."
"You don't have to I'll protect you" Y/N smirked a little bit. "I didn't say I couldn't protect myself I just said I hate fighting, lets just say me and fighting have a...problematic past." Y/N was searching for the right words. "You see if I were to be a pirate they would find me and well I do not fancy that" smiled Y/N embarrassed hoping Sanji wouldn't question him further.
"They? Who is they is someone after you?" Sanji was shocked. You, an innocent angel, had a past with fighting? Not to mention someone was after you?
Y/N was contemplating what to do. On one hand he trusted Sanji even though they had just met he took a liking to the blond. But he is risking a great deal if he finds out about his past.
Oh what the hell he has been in hiding till now even if Sanji decides to hold this against him he can just flee.
"Sanji have you heard about Ciper pol?" What? Yes he had he fought them not long ago...where is this going?
"More specifically Cp9?" Oh no, what is Y/N about to say?
"I was part of them" there it is, exactly what Sanji feared. "Im not anymore, I fled, they raised me to be a monster who knows nothing outside of fighting, but thats not me, I hate fighting, I decided to flee not long after an old lady showed me how to sow" a sad smile spread on Y/Ns face. "She thought me in thanks for not killing her family, I was supposed to kill them. Thats why after I stayed with them for a long time and she thought me how to make clothes I ran away and lived in hiding since then"
There it was, out in the open. Now Sanji can run away, make a disgusted face, curse him. These are the reactions he got before this.
But instead Sanji took out a cigarette and lit it up. He took a drag and then said
"My crew just fought Cp9 not long ago" Y/Ns eyes widened 'and they are still alive??' "In fact we declared a war against the government, then won the fight against them." Sanji looked at Y/N who's expression showed absolute shock.
"Listen it doesn't matter how your story begins you had no say in that, your decision afterwards matter. And you fled, you ran away from that horrible life and that was your decision and that shows the person you really are--" before Sanji could finish his sentence Y/N was clinging to him, hugging him with almost unbearable strength, almost. "Thank you..." whispered the slightly shorter male.
He meant thank you for them defeating his past comrades, Sanji knew that. He hugged back. It was a very comfortable hug, Y/N smelled like clean clothes and lavender, just like his shop.
After hugging for a good two minutes Y/N pulled away.
"I'm sorry its just... they deserved it" chuckled Y/N slightly "they needed an ass whopping to get them in the right mind just a little" continued Y/N while taking the cigarette from Sanjis hands and taking a drag. "Fuck I needed that".
Sanji got tomato read. The way Y/N inhaled the deadly chemical and then tilted his had back to blow it out. His adams apple visible and his neck exposed.
"Anyway where is this pirate crew who declared a war on the government? The handsome cook said they needed a tailor I would like to check it out" smiled Y/N kindly again. Sanji got even redder. This is going to be interesting
WHAAAAA- two posts on one day😗
I told you my next fic is gonna be a Sanji fic😍
I tried to not like this man due to his pervert behavior but I just have to end up falling for him🙃
ANYWAYS I love how this fic turned out I tried to make it longer now, and I successfully did so, Im happy🥳
I hope you guys like it Im sorry for any grammatical mistakes I made if I did please correct me🙏
Well, I hope you enjoyed your reading ladies gentlemen and others, good afternoon good evening and good night🧡🦖
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Hi, could you please do a Dick Grayson x M!Reader x Wally West? If it's not a bother.
I feel like how close Dick and Wally are, whether it be in animated series or comics, they've always been really close. So I feel like if one of them got a partner, the other would still be around at every turn.
So maybe Dick and Reader are dating, have been for awhile, and they have no problem with Wally thrid wheeling on dates or hanging around their apartment with them. Even, joining in on cuddling with them. But, after awhile Wally gets romantic and sexual feelings for both of them.
Dick and Reader are dating, Wally starts off as the forever 3rd wheel. Then it becomes a polyamory relationship.
If you don't want to because of the ship, then it's okay. You can just have tumblr eat this request.
- Crow
Dick Grayson x Wally West x Male Reader
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Birdflash is one of my fave ships, so I was happy to write this. Reader is Hal Jordans sidekick, so lantern reader.
Dick and Wally had been friends longer than you had known the two of them, as they were two of the original sidekicks at the time. But when Hal showed up to the league with you, the youngest lantern in history by his side, you three quickly became close.
It started out as the three of you being similar aged, back when Dick was still Robin and Wally had just started out. Because you three became friends it also wasn’t unusual for you to stay with the bats or the speedsters when Hal had to go off planet on missions you weren’t allowed because of your age.
The experience that made you a lantern was very tough for you as you were still very young at the time, which lead to Dick and Wally being people you could lean on when things got tough, or you got nightmares.
The three of you started cuddling because you all had nightmares or night terrors to some degree, and you all found comfort in one another. It became a system for your guardians to text each other if they couldn’t find you in your rooms, because 99% of time, you were having a sudden sleepover at someone’s place.
Its also around that time you three all start having a crush on each other, of course none of you have any idea the other two feel the same way, and your guardians are all quite entertained by the obvious puppy crushes you guys have on each other.
I could very much imagine Hal teasing you using Dick and Wally during training to break your focus and weaken your structures.
At one point you have to leave earth for a longer mission with the lanterns, meaning you’ll be gone for a few years. Both Dick and Wally are heartbroken, but you guys all promise to stay friends when you get back.
When you come back years later Dick has become Nightwing, and you learned he had and lost a little brother, and that there is a third Robin now. Both of your best friends greet you when you land, and to your surprise Dick grabs onto you and kisses you.
Of course, Wally is heartbroken that he lost his chance with both of you but seeing you two happily dating also makes him happy, plus he doesn’t feel like he’s neglected or forgotten in the friendship.
Your friendship feels like before, though all three of you have grown into men and have all become much more skilled heroes. You still have sleepovers, and cuddle and hold each other. There’s no jealously from Dick or you if either of you are snuggled with Wally, or wearing Wally’s clothes of Wally wearing yours.
Some of your other friends definitely joke that the three of you are in a relationship together and that its not just you and Dick. Wally happily accepts the chronic third wheel disease, though he still yearns for the two of you, and you two feel the same way about the speedster.
You three are always connected at the hip, and if one of you aren’t there, people tend to question what’s wrong, since seeing you three without one of your members is like seeing someone with a missing limb.
Your guardians and friends can all tell the three of you like each other equally, but they also know it isn’t their place to force it, but some of them will drop hints.
More time passes and you and Dick have dated for years, Dicks family has gotten a lot bigger, and you have met Damian, who begrudgingly puts up with you because of how skilled of a fighter you are.
The feelings between all three of you have never dulled, and have probably only gotten stronger or more serious. The three of you act like a married couple, though Wally is still just a third wheel.
Knowing these two it would probably be after almost losing one of you that the confession happens, maybe you and Dick both got really hurt, so Wally has to get you to safety, where he would ramble in a panic about how he can’t lose you two since he loves you both so much.
It would need some clarification what he means by love, since you three tend to be very open with affection to each other, but when he confesses, he’s always been in love with the two of you, he expects backlash.
Instead, he gets relieved sighs from both you and Dick, and before Wally can ask about it, you both take turns kissing him.
After that your relationship becomes official, and no one really notices the difference since you three have always been close and affectionate to one another. Its only when they catch the three of you kissing that it all clicks.
There’s definitely some of your teammates and friends who just roll their eyes and go “fucking finally.” And your guardians just nod and smile and say they have been waiting for this day for years.
Not much about your guy’s relationship really changes since there’s always been a lot of love and communication, so the only difference if you can kiss now and do a lot more personal things.
You most likely already lived together with Dick, so Wally moves in easily since he probably already lived there half the time. So, its very easy, and you guys are just happy you don’t have to keep your crushes hidden anymore.
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Some thoughts I have on cute story line/au
Wally and dick are dating took them forever to actually admit they got feeling for each other even if everyone else alrighty knew.
Wally is the flash berry is still alive and the flash. They kind of both are at the same time. No it's not confusing unless your arent from key stone or central city. If your from bludhaven you are to scared to ask due to seeing Nightwing and flash kissing. If your from anywhere else then you are probably confused.
Bruce gets lost in the time line
Dick unfortunately has to take up the mantle of Batman
Wally doesn't like that but support his boyfriend in any and everyway he can.
Dick moved back into the manner makes Damian Robin and works closely with him. Wally just about spends every night there even if he isn't living there technically. Since his name is on their old apartment and they don't fully want to lose it yet.
Dick and Damian become close. And thus Wally and Damian become close.
Damian starts seeing them as his parents. Calling them dad in different languages they don't know
Dick has an idea of what's Damian is doing. He knows his Damian even if they don't say it. Dick and wally refers to Damian as their kid.
Wally and Dick go to all meet the parents and Damian art shows and just every and anything they can. Damian will not say it but he is glad to have them there. He gets so upset if anything wrong happens cause he doesn't want them to think he not good enough anymore.
Wally and Dick get engaged Damian knew it was happening. He when with Dick to help pick out the rings. Well he when with Dick to help look at rings and get an idea of style. then waited as Wayne enterprises made something that would work for a speedster. He also inspected the ring very closely to make sure the people who made it didn't mess up.
Bruce comes back
Damian thinks he has to go back with Bruce and Wally and Dick won't want him anymore. Bruce of course thinks he is entitled to Damian. Wally and Dick are heart broken but think its best if Damian stays with Bruce.
Everyone but Bruce cry
Bruce is a bad parent and doesn't see Damian as anything but the killing machine he was trian to be and how he was right when he was dropping off at Bruce door step a few years ago.
Damian is the ring bearer for the wedding of course and hoes with them on wedding planning.
Alfred hates how Bruce is not showing love and how excited Damian is when Dick and wally come over. And how sad he gets as soon as they leave.
Alfred prints out adoption paperwork for what feels like the millionth time and instead of giving to Bruce puts in Dick pile of papers.
Wally and Dick almost cry when they find it and fill out what is their part. They take Damian out for ice cream. And ask Damian if he wants to be with them. Damian of course says yes and how their his dads and please don't leave him again.
They go back and start packing up stuff and go to the bat cave to get Bruce to sign the papers.
Bruce says no he will not and that they baby Damian and he needs to be watched carefully. Dick and Wally are going to get killed if they trust Damian so easily. And he will not let them take him.
Dick and wally are so upset dick gets mad. And yells at Bruce about how he been gone and Damian been hurt so much by him. Wally ends up being like Bruce you have 3 days otherwise we are taking this to court and taking our child back the hard way.
Damian doesnt understand why he can't go with them now. Wally unfortunately understands that it looks worse if they kidnap Damian by taking him now. They promised it only going to be a little bit and they get him very soon.
Damian spends the next three days packing up everything when he not busy. Alfred brings him boxes. Bruce tried to unpack things saying he not going anywhere. Alfred starts moving the boxes to a safe space that Bruce can't get to. But isn't Dick and Wally's place.
Bruce doesn't sign the papers
They go to court Dick and Wally get a lawyer for themselves and one for Damian. Bruce says it stupid for Damian to have his own one. And it's actually Dick and wally having two.
The judge ends up picking Damian a new lawyer and whoever wins have to pay for Damian's.
A lot of Damian's teachers are called in. Damian art teacher is one of the ones who help a lot. She brings up a project about their family tree and how Bruce and Talia are on there. But also Wally and Dick are on it. And Damian has put himself under them but arrows to Bruce and Talia with blood parents.
Talia ends up showing up. Which no one really knows how she knew what was happening. She says wants her son with Bruce that's why she drop him off at his place. (To train with the Batman)
I need to go to bed about 40 minute ago I'll come back and finish my thoughts
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wolfjackle-creates · 9 months
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 13
Happy Wednesday! This arc is over 20k already. How many of you didn't realize that? I've got a longer segment for you this week. There wasn't really a good place to end it and this brings us to the end of the scene. If you like banter, this segment is for you.
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
First, Previous
Word Count: 2.2k
Jeremy couldn’t help but add, “Be sure to mention us to your dad, Timothy. It’s been ages since we’ve last been able to meet at a gala!”
“Yes, sir,” said Tim. Not that he’d be following through. Assholes. Danny pushed him up a wide staircase that framed the entranceway to get to the second floor.
“Exactly like my parents,” he told Sam.
“I swear, if I didn’t have Gradma Ida, I’d go insane. My room’s this way.”
Sam’s room was so large that not only did she have a double bed and vanity, but also a couch and enough cushions that they were all able to spread out comfortably. Tim and Danny took beanbag chairs next to each other. His friends took the couch while Tucker took a space on the floor and promptly pulled out a laptop and two PDAs. Sam settled in a rocking chair.
Tim laid out the goodies they’d gotten from the corner store. “We brought snacks.”
Sam grabbed a bag of chips. “Thanks. So what’s on the agenda for the night?”
Cassie asked, “Is there anything we can do about the ghosts?”
Danny buried his face in his hands. “I don’t know. I can’t get a close enough read on them to see where any are. And there’s so many that even if I knock one out of a human, another would just take it’s place.”
“Any idea what they might be after?” asked Tim. “The ones last night were wearing uniforms like police officers. And we saw the news report from your school earlier. That one looked like a werewolf.”
“He was wearing a collar,” added Bart. “And his outfit also appeared to be a uniform of some sort, though not a police one.”
All of them stared at Bart.
“You don’t think he was there willingly,” said Sam.
Bart shrugged. “Didn’t look that way to me.”
Danny groaned and leaned over until he was resting his head on Tim’s shoulder. “What am I supposed to do with that? What do I do if he’s not here to attack the town?”
Tim wrapped his arm around Danny to hold him steady. “How much sleep were you able to get between last night and now?”
“Unno,” mumbled Danny. “Three, four hours?”
Cassie clicked her tongue at him. “How about you get some rest tonight and we can figure it out tomorrow. We’ll take the night in shifts and if there’s a large-scale attack again, we’ll wake you up.”
Tim sighed. “Much as I hate to admit it, Cassie’s right. You need to sleep.”
Danny snorted into his neck and Tim couldn’t help the way his cheeks heated at the feel of his breath. “Like you’re one to talk.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Tim rolled his eyes. “We all know I’m not a good role model. Do as Alfred says, not as I do.”
“Wayne family moto!” Conner teased. Tim gave him the finger.
“Just one thing to do first,” said Bart.
“Yeah,” added Tucker. “I need to fix up Conner’s phone.”
“Two things, then,” amended Bart.
“What’s the other thing?” asked Sam. “I feel like I’m out of the loop.”
Cassie leaned back and looked up at the ceiling. “The Fentons gave us a tour of the lab. We want to arrange a system to get Danny out of Amity if things go bad.”
Tim noted how both Tucker and Sam tensed and exchanged a look. Then Sam nodded. “We’re in. And since you are who you are, which, Danny, we will be talking about how you kept Justice League connections from us later, we’ll trust you to be able to do it.”
“Don’t be mad at him,” protested Tim. “I made him promise to keep my secrets. It wasn’t safe for him to discuss it.”
Tucker waved a hand in the air. “We understand. Doesn’t mean we’re not frustrated with him. Don’t worry about it, though. Your secret’s safe with us.”
Tim bit his lip. “Please. It’s vitally important for my family’s safety that nothing gets out.”
Conner snorted. “Plus Batman would murder you dead if he found out you let anything slip.”
Tim groaned. “Don’t remind me. I’ll have so much paperwork. And would probably be benched for forever.”
Bart laughed and flicked a chip at him. “We’d kidnap you and help you prepare a new hero identity!”
With Danny still leaning on him, Tim couldn’t even catch the projectile and it hit him on the forehead. “I’ll take you up on that if I ever do get benched permanently.”
Sam cleared her throat. “As amusing as this all is, what’s the plan with Danny?”
Danny groaned, but didn’t move. “I don’t need one, guys. It’s not as bad as you think.”
Bart snorted. “Dude, your parents showed us an iron maiden.”
Danny shook his head. “Dad’s the only one who’s been shut up in that. And that was for threatening me and Jazz with it.”
“Um… what?” asked Cassie. “Why does everything you say make me feel more concerned?”
Tucker spoke around a mouthful of jerky. “Because his parents are mad scientists.”
Sam nodded. “No one lives in the houses on either side of his. And the value of every building on the street has plummeted due to proximity.”
Cassie shook her head. “How the hell have they been allowed to do all that? And why haven’t their driver’s licenses been revoked? We saw how they drove that tank of theirs.”
Tucker snorted. “No cop or city official is brave enough to go up to Jack ‘I can run through brick walls’ Fenton and tell him he’s not allowed to do something.”
Sam laughed. “And even if they were, Maddie Fenton has a blackbelt and will hold a grudge.”
“Last night it also seemed like she knows her way around that arsenal she’s got,” said Tim.
“Yeah,” said Danny. “Mom’s the one you’ve got to watch out for when my parents go on the hunt.”
“Okay.” Tim was already thinking up ways to neutralize them. “Us four should be able to handle them. What about Jazz? Is she someone we’d have to worry about?”
Danny pushed himself up and made sure Tim could see him rolling his eyes. “Jazz would never do anything to hurt me.” It was clear Danny believed his statement completely. And, honestly? After all the stories Danny’d told him and meeting Jazz in person, Tim was inclined to believe him. Though Danny wasn’t done. “And my parents would stop if they had any idea I was Phantom.”
Neither Tim nor Danny was as certain about that statement. Glancing around, everyone else seemed to have the same doubts.
“Well,” said Tim. “You know me. And I’ve told you about B. ‘Backup plans’ is my middle name. I’ll feel more comfortable if we have one.”
“Fine.” Danny flopped over until he was laying across Tim’s lap. “But don’t expect me to help.”
Now it was Tim’s turn to roll his eyes, but his fingers were gentle as they brushed through Danny’s hair. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. So, it’s Maddie we’ll have to outsmart. I doubt Jack’s strength is any match for Conner or Cassie.”
“I can get you access to the Fenton house,” said Tucker gesturing to his laptop. “Even if they activate the home defense system.”
Tim nodded. “Thanks. I’ll also get you communicators so you can reach me in case of an emergency.”
“Perfect,” said Sam. “We’ve each other’s cell numbers, too.”
“Yep,” said Tim. “But phones should only be used for civilian identities. If you need the help of heroes, please use the communicators. It’s best to keep things as separate as possible.”
Conner nudged Tim’s foot with his own. “Yep. Tim here won’t let us refer to him by name when he’s in costume. Even if we’re all alone in our own base behind two dozen layers of security.”
“Need I remind you who trained me?”
Cassie laughed. “He’s even worse. You should hear my aunt go on about him.”
Tucker was watching them with interest. “Who’s your aunt?”
Bart disappeared from his spot only to reappear next to Tucker to whisper in his ear.
Tucker’s eyes widened and he stared at Cassie in wonder. “That is so cool! Could you get me an autograph?”
Cassie laughed. “Why so surprised? You know who I am. Did you think I wouldn’t know her?”
Tucker blushed. “Yeah, well. Excuse me for being distracted by the ghost invasion we’re dealing with.”
Tim cleared his throat. “I think we’re getting off topic. Now, we have a way into the Fenton house. Tucker, could you get us all the way into the lab?”
“Easily. I’m fully in all their systems and they’ve no idea.”
“How will we know he’s in trouble?” asked Bart.
Tim bit his lip. “Danny and I already have a system in place where if we don’t hear from each other within seven days without prior warning, we reach out to someone. For me, it’s B’s butler. For him, it’s you Tucker.” He nudged Danny only to realize he had passed out his lap. Tim couldn’t help the fond smile he gave and shook his head. “Tomorrow I’ll propose decreasing that to three or four days.”
Conner nodded. “If none of us hear from one of you for more than four days, we’ll come. Probably me, Bart, or Cassie since we can travel faster.”
Tim grimaced, but nodded. Sometimes it really sucked being the only baseline human in the group.
Bart gave a thumbs up. “I can usually be somewhere in minutes if I’m not tied up doing something else!”
Sam looked them over critically. “You know he’s gonna insist that goes both ways. If you guys don’t check in, he’ll go to you if he can.”
Tucker began typing away on his laptop. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of this sooner. I’m setting up alerts on the Fenton lab. If they start recording any experiments on an actual ghost, I’ll get a notification. If there’s any indication it’s Phantom, I can have the alert forwarded to you.”
Tim nodded. “Good. Do that.” He looked at his team. “We’ve seen the Fenton’s weapons and some of their fighting skills by now. I don’t think we’ll have any issues subduing them if necessary.”
“Nah,” agreed Cassie. “We can handle them.”
Back to Sam and Tucker, Tim asked, “Do we know what their weapons can do to humans? What risks they pose?”
Sam grimaced. “The small blasters are fine. But some of the bigger weapons? Like the bazooka or the missiles? Those have caused damage to the roads and buildings beyond what the ghosts do.”
“Have there been any casualties?” asked Cassie.
Tucker shook his head. “No. Thank God. It’s all been property damage so far.”
Sam nudged him. “Not quite. You’re forgetting Wes’s brother. Jack broke his arm two weeks ago when he shot at the Box Ghost and knocked over the pile of bricks that was being used to rebuild Mr. Nguyen’s store.”
“Ugh, right. I think I was trying to block that debacle from my mind.”
Tim sighed and shook his head. “I knew it was bad, but Danny really downplayed it.”
Sam shrugged. “Yeah, well, this is life in Amity right now.”
“I suppose so.” Tim looked down at Danny who was frowning even in his sleep. “I think I’m gonna get him in a bed. Where will we be sleeping?”
“Probably a good idea,” agreed Sam. “Do you want to share a room?”
“Yeah, if you don’t mind. We haven’t had any one-on-one time yet. Which is a shame for our first in-person meeting!” Tim laughed and ignored the looks his friends were shooting him as well as the grins Sam and Tucker were exchanging. “Though with our lives, I should’ve expected something like this rather than a purely civilian meeting.”
Sam laughed. “Yeah, probably. This is about par for the course for us. Take the room across the hall. If you need the bathroom, if you exit my room, turn left and it’s two doors down on this side of the hall.”
Tim shifted so he could lift Danny up. Despite the shuffling, Danny didn’t open his eyes, though he did grumble indistinct protests.
“Just getting you in a bed,” said Tim.
Conner grabbed the bag that had their belongings in it and opened the doors for Tim. While Tim settled Danny in the bed, even having to remove shoes and socks, Conner separated their things so he would have everything he needed.
“Thanks, Kon.”
“Anytime, Tim. Get some rest yourself, okay?”
Tim huffed a laugh. “Sleep is for the weak.”
Conner shook his head. “You say that and yet at the end of basically every mission, you pass out for twelve hours and are useless for two days.”
Tim stuck out his tongue. “I do have homework to do. And I want to keep my eye on the local news channels. And I need to check in with Bruce again before he flips. Let me know when your phone is working?”
“Will do. See you tomorrow.”
So! They now have a working system for how to find out if Danny's in trouble and to get him out. Hopefully they won't have to use it! (I mean, we all know where this is going. I presume you've all read the original prompt and fill that started this mess.)
Also, thanks to a comment on the last post, I wanted to clarify the relationships in this fic. If you've gotten Core Four (Tim/Kon/Cassie/Bart) vibes from this... Yeah. You did. If you've gotten Everlasting Trio (Danny/Sam/Tucker) vibes from this... Yeah. You did. I'm going to write those groups as a sorta QPR. Eventually, we will have romantic Danny/Tim (hence I've been tagging this Dead Tired) on top of those QPRs, but that won't really happen for a while. First Danny will date Val and Tim will date Steph. Danny will have another relationship, too, that I'm keeping secret for now. None of those are likely to get any page time as I am planning a time skip after this arc. But they will be referenced by characters. The actual Danny/Tim won't happen until after the rescue scene from the original fill. (Which I'm sure you can imagine will be changed quite drastically now that all these characters know each other.)
I no longer do tag lists, but if you head to the Subscription Post, you can set up notifications for when this updates!
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patchworkgargoyle · 5 months
with a bang 🎊
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A gift for the lovely and talented Joey (@matchingbatbites) as part of our STuad server holiday gift exchange! I hope you enjoy, and have a lovely new year <3
Based on the prompts: impact play, secret relationship, and "don't be mean to me." Fingers crossed I did them justice! Rated: E || 4.7k words || CW: impact play, unprotected sex Full tag list on ao3!
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Eddie was going to combust. He was also debating whether he should plot Robin’s untimely demise or send her a Thank You bouquet. Dressing up for their New Years party had been her idea, after all, and once she got Nancy on her side there was no swaying either of them, no matter how much the rest of them had hemmed and hawed. Eddie didn’t see a point to it; he’d thought they were just calling it a New Years party as an excuse to hang out without the rugrats for once, but then Robin wanted to make it a party party. With champagne and shit. And fancy clothes.
Once Argyle had confirmed he could wear whatever colours he wanted, so long as the clothes were dressy, Eddie knew his fate was sealed. He’d been the biggest—and loudest—nay-sayer, but with Jonathan, Steve, and Vickie being more or less neutral, his hard-fought battle against a dress code had been lost.
And jesus christ, is he ever glad he lost.
He got to Steve’s place last after he hit up the liquor store, the three bottles of the cheapest sparkling wine in his arms bought with their pooled funds. They nearly smashed on the Harrington stoop when Steve opened the front door he’d obnoxiously kicked looking like… well.
Steve owned a suit, apparently. A nice one. God, it must be tailored or some shit with how well it fit. His shoulders were so broad in the suit jacket, the black tie looking at home around Steve’s throat under the pressed white collar. Black dress pants made his legs long. Even that signature swoop in his hair was perfectly coiffed. Eddie’s eyes devoured the sight before him, and the first and foremost thought in his mind was that he wanted to get Steve out of that suit as soon as goddamn possible. Especially when Steve began to smirk at him knowingly.
His second thought was that he was so screwed.
They’d been hooking up for a bit now, was the thing. It was new. They hadn’t told anyone yet because they wanted to keep it to themselves, figure it out a little, have fun before the kids learned about it and got nosy. When they’d started talking about going on dates, though—and if his past self knew he’d be planning a date with Steve Harrington he’d blow a gasket—they’d agreed to say something once New Years was over. But how the hell was Eddie going to keep his mouth shut, not to mention his hands to himself, when Steve looked like that!?
“You’re wearing that?” he hissed. “This is cruel and unusual, Steve. This is torture. Why are you dressed like that when I can’t do anything about it!”
Shrugging, Steve whispered, “It’s my only suit, it’s all I had to wear.”
Eddie felt he was being too nonchalant about this and narrowed his eyes. He opened his mouth to complain more but then he heard Nancy’s voice from inside. “What are you guys doing? It’s cold out!” she said with a laugh, and Steve cocked an eyebrow and stepped aside so Eddie could come in.
Steve took the bottles so Eddie could get out of his coat, and he did notice, with no small amount of satisfaction, that Steve’s eyes were on him too. Eddie might not have a tailored suit, but his black dress shirt and slacks fit him pretty damn well, he figured, and the way Steve was looking at him made it clear he thought the same. Eddie stuck his tongue out between his teeth and wiggled his eyebrows at Steve suggestively and earned a dark, desirous look from him that promised later and sent a thrill down Eddie’s spine.
But later was getting harder and harder to wait for. As their little party went on, Steve found more ways to drive Eddie up the fucking wall, when he’d rather be pushed into the wall, secrecy be damned.
It was all the little touches, the fleeting looks. Steve developed a habit of tugging on Eddie’s belt loops when no one was looking, or the sleeve of his shirt; something that would grab Eddie’s attention and pull him just a smidge closer. When they’d ended up sitting next to each other on the couch Steve gradually shifted into Eddie’s space and their thighs kept touching, and Eddie couldn’t stop thinking about how it felt to have his legs tangled with Steve’s in his bed. And then, when their eyes met, Eddie swore Steve would check him out. It was always quick, but he could practically feel it when Steve looked at his lips, or where his shirt collar was undone. Eddie went red every time.
Eventually Eddie decided to give as good as he got, though that may have also been fueled by the cheap wine. He’d watch Steve over the rim of his glass until Steve caught on and licked his lips when Steve’s eyes flicked downward, only glancing away after a few seconds of holding his gaze. Letting his arm drape casually over the back of the couch so he could brush his fingers down the nape of Steve’s neck was absolutely a risk, but it was worth it when Steve’s breath hitched and he stumbled over his words. He was talking to Jonathan, though, who was high as a kite and didn’t notice. Hopefully.
They kept upping the ante all night and Eddie was a stiff breeze away from getting hard from all the tension by the time midnight crept up on the group. Five minutes before the countdown, Nancy herded them all out to Steve’s backyard in a rush. The town stretched out in the distance, lights glittering in the dark winter night. An occasional screech and flash of colour from premature fireworks interrupted the anticipatory silence that hung over Hawkins. Vickie helped Robin uncork the last bottle of champagne, and the teens passed it around, refilling their glasses as they huddled close to fend off the cold.
“Did we really have to stand outside for this?” Steve grumbled. He stood between Eddie and Robin and kept bumping shoulders with both of them.
“Duh, we can’t see the fireworks from inside, dingus,” Robin said, even though she shivered the hardest out of all of them. Vickie was tucked into her side and had her arms wrapped around Robin’s waist to try to keep warm.
Steve crossed his arms and glared out across the snowy lawn. “We could’ve grabbed our coats at least.”
“I did mean to give us more time to get ready, but it’s too late now.” Nancy looked at her watch. “Two minutes until midnight.”
When Eddie shoved his free hand in his pocket and shivered extra hard, Steve leaned into him, and it took every bit of willpower to not give in to the urge to rest his head on Steve’s shoulder. Or kiss him. The idea of being openly affectionate with Steve made Eddie feel all fizzy inside in the best way. He was glad they were going to tell everyone after this. As fun as it had been, keeping this between themselves, he was getting tired of having to hide how he felt. He wanted their friends to know, wanted to touch and kiss his boyfrie—Steve without having to sneak around.
“Anyone got a wish they wanna make?” Argyle asked, and everyone else shot him confused looks.
“I don’t think people make wishes on New Years,” Jonathan said haltingly. “Do you mean resolutions?”
“Nah dude, I think wishes are better. Less pressure, y’know?”
Eddie tipped his head thoughtfully. “That’s a good point,” he said, and Argyle beamed at him.
“Yeah, that sounds like a nice idea.” Vickie agreed. “We should all think of a wish!”
“Just don’t say what it is or it won’t come true. Told my sister that I wished on a dandelion that my skateboard would never break but the next day it snapped like–” Argyle mimed breaking something over his knee, complete with sound effects. “It was a total bummer, man.”
“Wasn’t that the one you cracked and duct taped over?” Jonathan asked, bloodshot eyes narrowed as he tried to remember.
“Yeah, but like, with the good tape.”
Nancy gave an amused, but pinched, smile when she said, “Half a minute.”
Steve shuffled and Eddie looked over at him. He was so unfairly handsome tonight, freckled cheeks and nose flushed from the chill, and though his hair wasn’t quite as perfect anymore it just made him look roguish. Eddie wanted to get his hands in it. He wanted to kiss Steve so much it hurt. Subtly, Eddie slipped his hand from his pocket and wiggled the tips of his fingers in-between Steve’s, and Steve looked down at his feet to hide his smile, giving Eddie’s fingers a brief squeeze.
His heart beat a rapid staccato in his chest and Eddie knew right then what he was going to wish for.
“Ten seconds!” Nancy announced, then counted down, and everyone joined in, grinning at each other excitedly. Five seconds, three, one, and–
A whole chorus of screeching, banging fireworks from the town almost drowned out their cheers of Happy New Year! A riot of colours burst across the sky, spilling over the untouched snow and lighting up their faces, and Eddie silently sent his wish up into the sky with them.
Steve didn’t look at anyone but him, his face soft with affection. And Eddie couldn’t take his eyes off Steve. The fireworks looked better reflected in his eyes anyway.
“Hey, can you help me grab something from inside?” Steve asked, and Eddie nodded frantically.
Robin snorted when Steve and Eddie scampered off, but Eddie paid her no mind. He was too busy following Steve through the house filled with the loud music they’d forgotten to turn off. When he realised they were heading upstairs, heat began to burn low in his belly and anticipation buzzed under his skin. He wasn’t sure if they were out of view yet, but he didn’t care, giving Steve’s ass a light smack and smirking when Steve shot a glare over his shoulder. How could he be expected to resist? It was right in front of him!
They hurried down the hallway to Steve’s room, and Eddie was barely through the doorway when Steve shut it and crowded him up against it to kiss him. Eddie groaned hungrily and parted his lips for Steve’s tongue, the kiss turning messy with their enthusiasm. He felt Steve yanking his shirt out of his slacks and flinched, gasping, when Steve’s cold fingers touched his scarred sides.
“Been driving me nuts all night, Eds,” Steve muttered against Eddie’s lips, his hands inching up Eddie’s shirt. “You look so good all dressed up, god. When you touched my neck I almost caved and pinned you to the couch.”
Eddie laughed. “I couldn’t help myself,” he purred.
“Yeah well, it was a dick move.” Steve reached Eddie’s chest and swiped his chilly thumb over Eddie’s hardened nipple before pinching and rolling it, making him whimper. “Kinda think I should get some payback for it.”
“Don’t be mean to me, Stevie,” Eddie said, but his tone was deliberately teasing even as he squirmed a bit under Steve’s hands. He loved pressing his luck with Steve, pushing his buttons and seeing what it got him.
Steve arched an eyebrow, then shoved his knee between Eddie’s thighs, pressing into Eddie’s rapidly hardening cock. His mouth fell open and he rocked into the pressure. But then Steve’s hands grabbed him by the hips and held him still, pinned to the door, and Eddie whined.
“You teased me all night, and you think I’ll make it easy for you?” Steve smirked before he leaned down to kiss Eddie’s collarbones, nipping at Eddie’s skin to make him twitch ineffectually in his grip. All the while, he kept lightly grinding his thigh against Eddie’s dick, barely enough movement to taunt him.
Eddie groaned. “You teased me too!”
Steve slapped Eddie’s thigh and the shock of it, more than the light sting of it, made Eddie bite his lip to muffle a moan. “You made it worse,” Steve whispered into his ear as he soothed the spot he’d slapped with a gentle touch. “So yeah, I’m gonna be a little mean.”
Teeth caught his earlobe and Eddie shuddered, unable to contain a triumphant grin. Holy shit, he was excited for this. He fucking loved it when this side of Steve came out to play.
Straightening up, Steve let go of Eddie’s hips to work at the knot in his tie. “Ride my thigh,” he said as the knot came free and he whipped the tie off, flinging it somewhere into the room. Eddie nodded and started rolling his hips. The relief at being able to move was almost as powerful as the surge of arousal he felt at the command. His slacks were tight over his cock but the friction was so delicious. Steve’s strong thigh kept Eddie’s legs apart enough that he had to brace himself on Steve’s shoulders. It gave him enough stability to really grind, and jesus christ, between all the flirting and teasing and touching all night, and this, Eddie could already feel his orgasm building. Shit.
And the way Steve looked wasn’t helping anything. A lock of hair had come free over his forehead, making him look more artfully dishevelled, and Steve had unbuttoned the first few buttons of his shirt, dark curls of hair peeking out. Eddie wanted to eat him, be eaten by him. He dug his fingers into Steve’s shoulders and pulled him into a demanding kiss, licking into his mouth and swallowing his low moan.
While they kissed, Steve made quick work of Eddie’s shirt, and as soon as it was gone Steve’s hands were on him again, greedy and grasping. One wide palm held the back of his head, tugging lightly at his hair, and the other guided Eddie’s hips faster. Heat blazed in his gut and Eddie’s desperate grinding was starting to lose its tempo.
“S-Steve, oh fuck, gonna come in my pants i-if I keep going,” Eddie rasped.
“You can keep going a little longer,” Steve replied, no, insisted.
“I can’t,” Eddie whined. Steve slapped his thigh again, harder this time, and Eddie’s whine went embarrassingly high and reedy.
“Might have to be a little mean if you can’t keep going. Do you want that, baby?”
Oh yes he fucking did. “Yes, yes, fuck, Steve, yes I do,” he babbled, and Steve clicked his tongue like he was disappointed. But all Eddie saw in his face was devoted hunger, hazel eyes intense with it, making something swoop in Eddie’s gut.
“Your choice,” Steve said casually. Then he slapped him again, on the same, still stinging spot, and Eddie threw his head back as he came soundlessly, making a mess of his boxers, immediately feeling warm and sticky as he gasped for air and clung to Steve.
Steve held him through it, made sure his head didn’t smash into the door, muttering, “So pretty when you come, Eddie. Couldn’t help it, could you? S’okay. You’ll make it up to me.”
“I will, I will Steve, whatever you want.”
“Good boy,” Steve said, low and confident. Eddie shivered at the words and his eager groan was silenced when Steve kissed him, taking him by the hand and leading him with teasing, bitey kisses to the bed.
Eddie’s knees hit the bed and he let himself fall, bouncing on the eyesore of a duvet and quickly scrambling to get his slacks off, cringing at the way his cum made his boxers stick to him. At least he had a spare pair here. Steve grabbed the lube from his nightstand and chucked it onto the bed, then stood between Eddie’s legs and stared, swallowing at the sight of Eddie sprawled out on his bed. Smirking, Eddie spread his legs further, tilting his chin back as he tossed his hair. Seeing Steve still fully clothed, in a suit no less, hard cock bulging in his dress pants while Eddie was bare fucking naked below him made Eddie feel electric. He wiggled a little just to ease the frisson skittering along his nerves.
“Like what you see?” he asked.
Reaching out, Steve trailed his big fingers along the sensitive skin of Eddie’s inner thigh reverently, goosebumps rising in his wake. “Always do.” 
How Steve managed to sound turned on and sincere, Eddie had no idea, but it made his heart do flips in his chest.
Steve started slowly undoing the buttons of his shirt as his eyes lingered over Eddie’s body. “Turn over for me,” he said, and Eddie obeyed quickly, getting on his knees and elbows. Stretching out across the blankets, he looked over his shoulder at Steve and wiggled his ass in the air.
“C’mon Stevie,” he urged, drawing out the syllables, “I wanna know what you’re planning in that pretty head of yours.”
“Jesus, you’re impatient.” Steve shook his head, but there was a fond smile tugging at his lips and he did speed up. Once undressed—and Eddie would never get over the sight of Steve naked, or the sheer size of his cock, jesus christ—he stepped closer to the bed and yanked Eddie in by his hips, making him yelp. “Maybe you should ask me politely,” he said.
“Pretty please, Stevie, with a cherry on t—aah!”
The slap to his asscheek rang out in the room, the sting radiating out all warm and tingly. Eddie made a short, whiny noise as his dick gave a valiant twitch. There was a click from behind him and Eddie jumped when he felt cold lube drip over his hole, then down his taint. Steve dragged his thumb through it, then rubbed soothingly over the ring of muscle.
“Count them for me.”
Eddie nodded and counted that first slap, then the next two, alternating sides each time. Steve kept massaging his hole, then pressing in gently when Eddie relaxed between each smack. By the fifth slap Eddie’s cheeks were prickling painfully, and his cock started to fill out again, hanging heavy between his legs and twitching almost painfully at every slap. He knew his pale skin must be so red.
Steve paused and brushed his free hand over Eddie’s heated, sore skin. “You doing okay, Eds?”
“Yep, oh yeah, so fucking okay,” he breathed, “green, golden, whatever. I’m so good.”
Laughing, Steve bent over and kissed the small of Eddie’ back. “Such a good boy for me, baby. Now keep counting.”
With each smack, Eddie felt his belly tighten further and further. He was so fucking aroused he’d began to writhe and rock back onto Steve’s thumb, then his fingers when he started stretching Eddie, prepping him. By the time they got to nine, Eddie was shaking, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes.
“Oh god, Steve, please, I want you to fuck me already, please please please,” he begged.
“I dunno. You think you’ve made it up to me yet?”
Another slap, and Eddie sobbed out, “Ten! Yes, please Stevie, I’ve been good!”
Steve’s fingers pulled out of Eddie’s hole and he sobbed again, clenching around nothing. “You’re okay, Eds, you have been good, I’ve got you,” Steve reassured. There was a wet sound, and soon enough the blunt head of Steve’s slicked-up cock pressed against Eddie’s stretched hole. He rubbed his clean hand down along the curve of Eddie’s spine, the tender touch almost overwhelming in comparison to the hot pain in his cheeks. “Ready?” Steve asked.
“God yes.”
Eddie muffled his guttural moan in the covers as Steve pushed in, also groaning in relief. And he didn’t waste much time. Eddie was loose enough that Steve’s short, sharp thrusts brought them flush together with little effort, though Eddie still felt stretched out and so fucking full. They stayed like that for a moment, adjusting to the feeling together. The way Steve breathed, heavy and quick, told Eddie that he was getting control of himself. That Steve was close to coming just from slapping him around made him grin and squeeze around his cock like a tease.
“Eddie, that’s unfair,” Steve grunted and grabbed a small handful of ass in retaliation. Pain burned deliciously under his hand.
“Sorry, sweetheart,” Eddie said only a tiny bit insincerely. He felt Steve laugh more than he heard it.
Then Steve started to move again. The slow drag of his cock made Eddie shudder, able to feel every vein before he plunged back in again. Groaning low in his throat, Steve said, “Fuck, Eddie, wish you could see yourself.” Both his hands grabbed at Eddie’s ass, and he jerked and whimpered at the pain. “So pretty and red.”
Eddie just whined wordlessly, and Steve’s thrusts sped up. Fists white-knuckled in the covers, he rocked back eagerly, desperate for the feeling rising like a tide about to crash over him. Steve’s cock felt so fucking good, but then Steve got a knee up on the mattress and he draped himself over Eddie’s back and the angle drove him right into Eddie’s prostate, over and over. Eddie couldn’t help the sweet, needy cries that tumbled out of his mouth as his pleasure mounted.
Fingers entwined with his. It was Steve’s favourite thing to do during sex and it’d quickly become Eddie’s too. One more point of connection, a soft gesture no matter how hard they were fucking each other, and it made Eddie melt every time. He squeezed Steve’s fingers, maybe a little too hard, but Steve just fucked him faster, the sound of skin slapping against sweaty skin mingling with their moaning.
“Steve, gonna come, soon, holy shit. T-touch me? Please, want you to touch me,” Eddie said.
“Me too, god, I’ve got you.”
Reaching down, Steve wrapped his hand around Eddie’s aching, dripping cock and jerked him in time with his thrusts. Eddie was fucking overwhelmed. Steve’s hand, Steve’s cock, he didn’t know which feeling to chase, couldn’t tell the difference as he sped towards the crest of his climax. Fresh tears sprang to his eyes, his legs shook, the only anchor he had was Steve’s hand in his and he clung to it as he moaned Steve’s name.
“I’m so close, wanna come with you,” Steve begged raggedly. “Come for me, Eddie, please baby.”
The urgency in his voice and the way Steve’s rhythm grew sloppy and rough pushed Eddie over the edge finally, gloriously. His orgasm crashed over him and he came with a choked cry, rutting into Steve’s grip as he spilled on the duvet. Steve’s forehead dropped onto Eddie’s back and with a few hard pumps of his hips he came too, warm and deep inside Eddie.
Eddie’s legs gave out and he collapsed on the bed, grunting when Steve came down with him. They both laughed breathlessly, and Steve rolled off him, lazily scooting up the bed and trying to pull Eddie along too. Though he felt like a limp noodle, Eddie gave in and fumbled his way up and into Steve’s sweaty arms. Head resting on his chest, Eddie could hear how Steve’s heartbeat steadily slowed to something calm, and could feel his own slow to match.
Music was still blasting downstairs, and fireworks were still going off here and there outside. One flashed close to Steve’s window, a shower of green and gold that lit up Steve’s gorgeous eyes.
“Happy New Year, Steve,” he whispered.
Smiling, Steve kissed Eddie sweet and slow, then said, “Happy New Year, Eddie.”
Eddie returned the smile, but it grew into something cheeky when he got an awful idea. He saw the suspicion grow across Steve’s face. “I guess we, uh… really started the year off with a bang,” he said, and Steve’s head fell back onto his pillow with a pained groan.
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When they both woke up, Steve eventually managed to coax Eddie out of bed so they could get breakfast started for everyone. It didn’t take much coaxing when he reminded Eddie that he planned to make french toast just for him. Dressed in Steve’s borrowed pyjamas, Eddie blearily trudged downstairs with him.
Their friends must have found their ways to the various guest rooms, because the living room and kitchen were empty. It looked like half of the mess from last night had been tidied, and Eddie shook his head with a smile when he imagined Nancy trying to clean before being convinced to go to bed.
Eddie took up his usual spot, seated on the counter—despite the soreness from last night—and mostly out of the way while Steve got everything together. He looked so soft in the light and his old, worn Hawkins High Basketball shirt, his hair ravaged by sleep. Sighing, Eddie propped his chin in his hand as he watched him move around the kitchen.
Steve caught him staring and put his hands on his hips. “What?”
“You’re just sooo handsome,” Eddie cooed, “I’d eat you for breakfast instead.” He snapped his teeth and Steve snorted and rolled his eyes as he closed the distance between them.
“Probably healthier to eat french toast,” he said. Hands on the counter at either side of Eddie’s knees, Steve looked up at Eddie. “And Robin would kill you for killing me.”
Clicking his tongue, Eddie tilted his head in agreement. “Yep. Probably. She’d have to enact some sort of best friend revenge clause if I murdered you and I don’t think I want to incur the Wrath of Buckley.”
“I don’t recommend it. She’s clumsy but if she does manage to land a hit she can kinda pack a punch.”
Eddie leaned in and wiggled his eyebrows, letting out a low, suggestive hum. “So do you,” he said, and even though Steve rolled his eyes again he also smiled. He barely had to tip his chin up to reach Eddie’s lips, and they traded a few kisses in the quiet morning sunlight. Eddie wrapped his arms around Steve’s neck, his hands inevitably finding their way into Steve’s hair.
They were both so distracted that they didn’t notice someone walk into the kitchen.
“Morning, brochachos,” Argyle said cheerily, and Steve and Eddie jumped away from each other, red faced and wide eyed. “Oh shit, sorry, didn’t mean to interrupt the love fest!”
“Wh-huh?” Eddie said eloquently.
“It’s—uh,” Steve followed up.
Robin peered around the doorway next. “You two done or are you gonna burn breakfast?”
“It’s not gonna burn, Robs,” Steve frowned, but then said, “wait. Why aren’t you freaking out?”
The flat look Robin gave him made Eddie snort, even if it was kind of about him, too. “You’re kidding, right? I had my suspicions, Steve, but last night confirmed everything. You couldn’t keep your eyes off each other all night, it was ridiculous. And then the whole, ‘can you help me grab something from inside’ thing was the most obvious excuse ever.”
“And you didn’t come back down after that,” Nancy said as she and Jonathan walked in. “Morning, Eddie.”
“Uh. Uh-huh. Good morning. So, hold on, none of you care?” Eddie asked.
“Like I said, kind of already knew. We were just waiting for you to tell us,” Robin said as she poured coffee into two mugs. “I gotta tell Vickie exactly how right I was, be right back. And the french toast is burning, Steve.” Steve swore and jogged over to the stove.
Jonathan pulled a mug out of the cupboard as he spoke next. “I think it’s great you guys are boyfriends. It’s a good fit, y’know?”
Eddie’s heart thumped and he looked at Steve, who turned around from trying to save the first batch of breakfast from incendiary doom. Steve’s cheeks were a little red, and he was smiling shyly. Shrugged a bit, like a question. Beaming at him, Eddie said, “Yeah. Boyfriends. I think it’s great too.”
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Dividers by @/saradika and @/cafekitsune
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prazinos · 1 year
Warnings ! ~ Angst (a lot tee bee hach) | Possible grammatical errors |But there is comfort at the end and more to come
Steve x Eddie x Reader
y/n used briefly
Request Something ! {} Masterlist !
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You couldn't have been happier in your relationship with Eddie and Steve.
They were so sweet and caring, always knowing when you were having a bad day, not to mention the sex was amazing.
But as of late you couldn't help but have a slight change of heart. Because the boys, your boys, have been hanging out a little bit too much with Chrissy Cunningham.
It was infuriating really.
Every 'Stevie can we go out today?' was met with a 'Gotta take a raincheck hun, Chrissy wants to go see a movie'
'Eddie? Do you think you could come home? You haven't been home all day' was met with 'Sorry sweetheart, Chrissy isn't doing too well.'
This has been going on the last three months, you had no idea why you were still around at this point. And no, you haven't been fucked in three months.
And yes, you did have suspicions of your boys fucking Chrissy but you soon found out that Eddie and Steve were too busy fucking each other.
You had spoken to Robin and Nancy about it, about moving out of your shared apartment slowly.
And slowly you moved into their apartment, and you noticed that as you moved out, it seemed like Chrissy was moving in.
Most nights you cried in the cold sheets of your large bed. A bed meant for three people.
You blew a piece of hair out of your face as you dumped the final moving box into Nancy's car. Trying to supress the tears that had built up over the past hour.
The past hour of you packing things into a box without Eddie and Steve noticing because they were too busy watching a movie with Chrissy.
Your body shook with a sob as Robin rubbed your back soothingly, helping you into the car.
You were thankful that Robin and Nancy had a two bedroom apartment, so that you did have a bed to sleep in, rather than a couch.
And as you lay in that bed, you couldn't help but curl in yourself, crying because you knew that the boys wouldn't notice you're gone for at least a couple days.
Chrissy fucking Cunningham, with her bouncy blonde hair, strands falling effortlessly but in a perfect way. She always had a smile on her face, her cute personality making you want to vomit.
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You woke up the next morning, going into the bathroom, feeling bad as Nancy and Robin glanced at you pitifully, clearly having heard you crying last night. And you tried your best to rub away the dark and puffy circles under your eyes, but to no avail.
'Swear, that dingus isn't my dingus anymore' Robin said, shoveling cereal into her mouth.
'I cannot believe them, they're head over heels with you and then they don't notice your moving out? AND they haven't even called?' Nancy added, stirring her coffee a bit more aggressively than usual.
You prodded at your cereal, agreeing with them before Nancy continued.
'I think I'm just gonna go back to bed, thanks for breakfast Nance' you smiled softly before retreating back into the dark room, being once again enveloped in a numbing cold.
Robin was at the local grocery, picking up a few things, groceries of course but also some snacks and treats for you to hopefully make you feel better.
Robin mumbled to herself, trying to read Nancy's cursive, she turned a corner, shopping trolley making an awful squeak.
She looked around for something that looked like 'tovato suuce' and saw three people she really didn't want to see right now, knowing her temper would get the best of her.
The fucking trolley wouldn't move, Robin always had to get the trolley with the broken wheel.
'Robin!' shit.
Robin pretended she didn't hear Steve's voice, trying to find what she had figured out to be tomato sauce.
'Rob' Steve said, clearly closer.
Brave face.
Robin turned around to see Steve, Chrissy and Eddie, as said, three people she really didn't want to see. Especially when Chrissy was wrapped around Eddie's arm giggling at something he said.
'Jesus, looks like you're going through a breakup' Steve chuckled looking at Robins trolley, currently filled with chocolate, chips, and ice cream.
'Oh my God' Robin gawked. Steve seriously was dumb.
'What?' Steve asked
'You know what, nothing. Just know, you and Eddie are real fucking assholes' Robin said, finally pushing the trolley away, ignoring the protests of Steve and Eddie.
Nancy knew the look on Robin's face. She'd seen it during their arguments, she winced slightly when Robin shut the door a bit too hard.
'Are you okay?' Nancy asked delicately.
'Saw the fucking assholes at the grocery store, and Chrissy was with them! Clinging onto Eddie like she was his girlfriend' Robin seethed.
Nancy had never seen Robin so mad, her face red, breathing heavy.
'Alright, it's okay, they'll realise their mistake soon. Trust me' Nancy comforted, Robin nodded her head slightly, feeling horrible for you.
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It was three days until they got a call from Steve.
Robin had picked it up at first, before promptly slamming it back into the receiver. To which Nancy ushered her out the kitchen, knowing Steve would call back.
'Nancy! We can't find Y/n! She's missing! Oh my God! Eddie's freaking out, I'm freaking out, have you seen her?' Steve shouts into the phone.
'She's with us. She's fine' Nancy responded simply.
'Oh thank God! We'll be there soon'
'No Steve, you won't. You aren't coming near her' Nancy said, the rage she felt starting to bubble, only calming slightly when Robin rubbed her neck.
'What? Why? We have to bring her home!'
'Fuck me Steve, if you really paid any fucking attention you would realise that your apartment isn't her home anymore. She's been living here nearly a week and only now you're realising. God she was moving her stuff out of your apartment for weeks! Weeks Steve! And neither of you two noticed' Nancy grumbled.
'Nance I-'
'Goodbye Steve' and the line cut, Robin putting it back into the receiver, rubbing Nancy's shoulders.
You hadn't left the room. Only eating every once in a while. Your sobs being heard from the living room and kitchen.
It was a day later the boys showed up at the apartment.
Frantic knocking could be heard on the door, Robin answered it, thinking it was one of the kids, before promptly slamming it shut. It was only recently that Nancy realised how much Robin loved to slam things.
Nancy ushered Robin once again out of the way, opening the door, faced with a red eyed Steve and Eddie.
'Can I help you?' Nancy asked
'We need to see her' Steve said, it was pathetic the way his voice cracked mid sentence. Nancy full well believed that Steve had no right to be as upset as he seemed.
'Sorry, she's not here right now' Robin intercepted.
'Come on Robs, we can hear her crying' Eddie said.
The girls rolled their eyes, and Nancy pointed at the boys.
'You say anything wrong, do anything wrong, even look at her wrong, you two are out of the here' she warned, and the two nodded, before rushing into the apartment and into your bedroom.
Your body jolted when the bedroom door burst open.
'Oh sweetheart' Eddie said softly.
All the sadness quickly escaped your body, being replaced with white hot anger.
'Don't you dare sweetheart me'
'Come on honey, we're sorry for whatever we did' Steve mumbled, moving closer to you, to which you shuffled against the headboard of the bed.
'For whatever you did? So you two don't even know what you did?' you asked. Unbelievable.
'Just tell us what we did wrong so we can fix it' Eddie offered.
'Oh my fucking God you two are such assholes! For the past three months it's been Chrissy this Chrissy that. You two haven't touched me sexually in three months, too all over each other probably thinking about Chrissy' you scoffed.
'Hey, that's not fair-'
'Oh it's not fair Steve? You know what's not fair? Being sick and having neither of your boyfriends notice because their new friend was having boy troubles. You know what's not fair? finding her stupid scrunchies everywhere. A constant reminder of the fact that she's always around'
You could see the look on Eddie's face, he was getting more frustrated by the second. Unbeknownst to you, he was mad at himself and Steve. He felt like a total fuckwit, he was infuriated with himself and Steve. mentally punching himself.
'Yeah? Well maybe if you actually put a smile on once in a while, we wouldn't be with Chrissy so much. You would wake up, go to work, come home, me and Eddie would try and cheer you up but oh no, you just had to be in a shit mood all the time' Steve seethed.
'Fuck you Steve'
'She's probably a better fuck than you anyway'
'Alright that's fucking enough. Get out' Nancy said, walking in.
You stared at the disbelief on Steve's face, and the hurt on Eddie's.
'This is between us and her-' Steve tried to interject
'No, out. Get the fuck out' Robin said.
Steve scoffed and walked out of the room. Eddie following close behind, but Robin and Nancy saw the hesitance, but also the look of pure anger.
'Who does she think she-' Steve was cut off by a left hook to the cheek.
'What the fuck is your problem?' Eddie growled.
'You know how shitty I feel? I feel horrible for making her feel like that. She's the love of my life, and you are too Steve. But you aren't going to be if you keep up this shitty attitude' Eddie continued, staring down at Steve on the floor.
'God we are such cunts' Eddie huffed. Dragging a hand down his face.
Steve was about to say something, before seeing the look Eddie gave him. It was nothing he had ever seen before, something that struck a lightening of fear throughout his entire body. So instead he scrambled off the floor and left the apartment. Leaving Eddie breathing heavily.
Eddie calmed himself down, feeling the piercing glare that Nancy and Robin were giving him, unaware that you had opened the bedroom door slightly and were watching him.
He walked over to the kitchen, grabbing the phone and dialling Chrissy's number.
'Hello?' you heard her sickeningly sweet voice say.
The apartment was dead silent.
'Chrissy. It's Eddie'
'Oh Eddie! Hi! Are you still coming over later with Steve?'
'I don't know what Steve's doing, but I'm not coming. In fact I'm not going to be talking with you again, it's really affecting my relationship and I put my partners above anything else. So, we can't be friends anymore. And I'm not sorry.'
'What? Eddie! No wait!'
And the line went dead.
You watched as Eddie composed himself, Robin staring at him rather than glaring. Seeming somewhat happy with what he did.
You shut the door carefully, crawling back underneath the covers, feeling a small bit of joy crawl back into you, knowing Eddie still cared.
The bedroom door creaked open slowly, and you heard the familiar thumping of Eddie's boots, and then the mattress dip.
'Sweetheart I know how upset you are, I'm so fucking sorry. I don't agree with what Steve said at all. I just, I just love you so much and I don't know why I was such an asshole, and I know that's not an excuse, trust me. And I don't know if you heard but I kinda punched Steve, I'm sure he didn't mean it honey, you know he talks before he thinks, just like his asshole dad. And I'm not excusing him either-shit this is not coming out how i wanted'
'I forgive you' you mumble
'Well telling Steve and Chrissy off is a start'
'I don't know what's wrong with him' Eddie mumbled
'Me either, but I think I'll find forgiving you a lot easier'
You rolled over and really noticed how disheveled Eddie looked.
'Yeah sweetheart?'
'When-when did you realise I was gone?'
'Soon as I heard that door close, I knew if I tried to go after you that it would make things worse, so I let you be for a while before basically yelling at Steve after running into Robin at the grocery store'
'You seem to be doing that a lot lately-yelling at Steve'
You watched him smile, a breathy chuckle escaping his chest.
'Robin-Robin said that Chrissy was holding your arm and laughing at something you said'
'Yeah, she thought I was joking when I told her to let go of my arm'
'Yeah, I'm really sorry sweetheart'
'I know, can tell by your hair' you smiled into the pillow
'Oh! You wound me! Not the hair!' Eddie pretends to be shot in the heart, falling back and into you.
You laugh at his antics and shove him under the blanket with you.
'You owe me hugs Munson, I haven't slept properly in nearly a week'
Eddie smiled, trying to ignore the pang of guilt that flooded him.
You felt his arms wrap around you and smiled into the pillow, faintly hearing Nancy yelling at somebody before falling into a deep sleep
Part 2 !
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Oh boy Bozos have I had a rough day, as in I didn't have a rough day I just forgor to take medication and couldn't figure out why i didn't feel right!
Steve being a cunt instead of serving cunt </3
btw guys I love Chrissy's character, I just made her bitchy because I have the power to do that ig
cough its coming out later tonight aka 9th of april aka 8th for yall americanos
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alchemistc · 2 years
You can find part one of this headcanon that I should really just fic at this point (but won't because that's a commitment I will 100% abandon 120k words in when there's still 10 more chapters to go) here.
Have some more "Eddie befriends a concussed Steve after season 2 headcanons-that-are-basically-fic-at-this-point"
Steve gives himself two blissful weeks of Eddie Time before he starts his job hunt, and Eddie pouts about it like the world is coming to an end. Offers to pay for Steve's gas and insurance himself because he really, really enjoys the bubble they've built themselves full of kissing and fucking and talking until six in the morning about nothing and everything and Eddie is only marginally more well-adjusted than Steve is about Love.
"Sure, yeah, my dad throws a fit because I don't get into college, and you think he'll react to 'hey in the same vein, I'm also a raging homo and my drug dealer boyfriend wants me to be his kept man' with anything but violence."
Eddie rants about capitalist greed while Steve gathers applications from shops in the mall, glares at the Sam Goody sign going up and doesn't shut up about how fucking stupid he thinks the mall is the entire drive home, but he changes his tune the first time Steve tries on his uniform. Then immediately rethinks that idea because "Steven, I will pay you to quit right now and keep the uniform, no one else is allowed to see this much thigh on display on the daily, these are my slutty thighs."
Robin nearly quits the first time Scoops has a staff meeting and she finds Steve Harrington lounging in the backroom in the stupid fucking outfit they all have to wear. Begs not to be put on shift with him and then isn't super surprised when she checks the schedule and nearly all of the shifts with Buckley listed have Harrington right next to them, because absolutely fuck her life.
He's kind of a fucking dweeb, if she's being honest, and way less of a flirt than she remembers him being, and every time he strikes out with a pretty girl (because of fucking course she notices exactly how cute they all are) he doesn't actually seem all that put out about it and sort of laughs at her little You Suck marks like there's a joke she's just not in on, which is categorically unfair.
And - he's weird, actually, the more she thinks about it, because sometimes Robin will go on a tangent about a band she's into who just put out a shit album, and Steve will nod along like he knows a thing or two about the band in question (but he can't because this particular bands music is super fucking queer and they're not popular, certainly not in goddamn Hawkins), or she'll start in on one of the popular girls from school once the girl leaves the shop and Steve will tell Robin fucking secrets about all the dumb shit his old crew used to get up to and he'll whisper all the embarrassing stories he has about them like she's a good buddy and he's always secretly wanted to gossip about those dickheads.
And, like, the one thing they do actually have in common is their attraction to girls, not that she's ever telling him that, only - only once, some dude from the jazzercise class came in and Robin is seventy-three percent sure she caught Steve checking out the guys ass when he left, which - no way. Right? He'd just zoned out, or something.
As it turns out she actually kind of enjoys being around Steve, who seems to have a few working braincells beneath all that hair and is surprisingly funny when he's not thinking too hard about it and hangs out with the weirdest people, like - Robin could have tossed the names of the entire population of Hawkins into a bowl and pulled out names at random and still wouldn't have chosen a weirder group of people for The Hair Harrington.
She can't decide if the more inexplicable is the revolving door of children who come to visit him nearly daily and often charm a free cone or a sneak through the backdoor to the theater - or the trio of metalheads here nearly as often. Eddie Munson buys them all cups of ice cream and then they sit in the corner booth menacing terrified suburban moms and hounding Steve until his break and then Steve saunters over with a dopey little grin on his face and argues with Gareth E for five full minutes about something that makes Munson boom in laughter.
And - okay, so Robin is firmly in the closet where she's safe and so is everyone else queer in Hawkins but Munson's never actually denied all the snide comments that get tossed his way and you can't ever assume but like - he doesn't exactly hide the way he ogles Steve Harrington in his stupid uniform and Steve - notices? She thinks he notices. He'd have to be an idiot not to notice, she thinks, but then - well, he's definitely an idiot because sometimes when he gets up at the end of his break Munson shoots a pining look his way and gets an elbow in the ribs from Jeff or Gareth and Robin is actually like a little desperate to know how the hell that particular dynamic was struck up but there's no way she's letting Harrington know he intrigues her.
Eddie learns about the You Rule You Suck board and has a minor freak out about it while pacing a hole into Jeff's bedroom carpet because "He's bi, Jeff, and Buckley's totally his fucking type, they spend literally all day together, Jeff, he's going to leave me for a band nerd, Jeff." and Jeff has to remind Eddie that Steve is ass over tits in love with Eddie and spends every moment not at his literal job either carting around his merry band of kiddos or with Eddie.
Eddie demands secrecy from Jeff about the freakout and Jeff crosses the fingers of one hand behind his back as he runs his fingers over his lips like a zipper, so the moment Eddie leaves, Jeff calls Steve to give him the scoop, and maybe Steve lays it on a little extra thick and does some stupidly romantic shit but it's not like that's far out of his wheelhouse, he romances the fuck out of Eddie whenever he can and Eddie totally knows Jeff spilled his secrets but actually this is sort of okay too.
Eddie picks Henderson up the day he gets back from camp, drives him over to the mall and gets caught by Buckley making cow eyes at Steve when Steve and Henderson get to the lightsaber part of their little handshake.
And. Okay. Sure, Eddie's always kinda figured there was more to the story behind Steve's journey into Being A Better Person but he didn't expect the Russians.
So, when it all goes to hell in a hand basket Eddie's tucked in the backroom of Scoops with the rest of them listening to a Russian recording and handing a coin off to Steve so he can listen to the sound of the Indiana Flyer and -
Fucking. Russians?
And then they're sneaking into a secret base because they got trapped in a secret elevator, and they're sneaking through an underground lab and the Russians are boring a hole into the inside of the world and "Babe, we don't really have time for Twenty Questions when RUSSIANS ARE CHASING US but I promise I'll tell you all about it if I make it outta here alive." and it's the sort of ridiculous bullshit he'd throw into a campaign if the players were really pissing him off so of course, of course they get separated, and Eddie nearly bites Dustin's head off trying to figure out how they're gonna fucking save Steve and Robin.
Steve goads the torture guy into fucking him up so he lays off Robin and Robin is high as shit but like, she knows, okay, she knows what he did for her and that's.
"Have you ever been in love?" Robin asks later, after she's already sort of laid her heart out hoping he won't stomp on it and Steve doesn't hesitate.
"Yep. Nancy Wheeler," and he mimes a gunshot to the heart, makes the sound effect because even though he's found something different and heartstoppingly epic, sometimes that still stings. "And-" but Robin's scoffing and calling Nancy a priss so Steve gets sidetracked from telling Robin he's head over fucking heels for Eddie goddamn Munson. For a second, anyway.
"Are you still in love with Nancy?"
"Why not?"
Because - because the sun shines out of Eddie Munson's ass and Eddie looks at him like Steve hung the moon and the stars and because somewhere along his journey of self discovery he realized how very much he wanted to love and be loved in return and that Nancy probably was never gonna be the person to share that with him the way he wanted, and damn the world and his parents and his former shitty friends for thinking there's anything wrong with that but also - shit, he likes Robin, thinks she's great, thinks maybe if things were different he'd probably be harboring a terrible fucking crush on her but that doesn't mean she's gonna want to stick around once she finds out he's already planning out the rest of his life with the metalhead she barely tolerates hanging out in the store until closing time three nights a week.
So he tells her about this person he's super into and how weird and cool and so not the type of person he would have gone for in high school they are, and she goes quiet, and he slides under the stall and settles his weight across from her and she's looking at him like she's terrified and - yeah, okay, yep, this fucking sucks. Anyone else who already knows had learned how to not be shitheads about it from Eddie long before Steve had his revelation, or they'd never been the type of people to judge that kind of thing anyway and - and he'd told Gareth that Eddie was worth the hassle and he is but this sucks.
And then she's telling him about how she'd hated him because Tammy Thompson was obsessed with him and - and it takes more time than he's proud of for everything to sort of click in his head but he's got at least a few broken ribs and he's pretty sure that stinging feeling in the side of his skull is gonna amount to another fucking concussion so at least he's got a hookup for good weed - "But Tammy Thompson's a girl," comes out of his mouth anyway and he blinks half a second later because - holy shit. Holy shit.
Because if she - and he - and Steve laughs and calls Tammy Thompson a muppet but then he's laughing harder and pointing to himself and saying "Listen, okay listen, Eddie - Eddie Munson, yeah, I didn't say it earlier because - I didn't mean you, Buckley, I meant Eddie."
And - he'd called Eddie babe and Robin hadn't really noticed it at the time because, like, running away from Russians but - god she's been an idiot because if she'd paid a lick of attention she probably could have put two and two together, like Steve eying the lines on the You Suck board with a secret smile and Steve leaping over the counter like a showoff every time he took his break with Eddie right there across the way, like Eddie leaning across the counter and pressing a finger against the skin and hair on display above the line of Steve's uniform shirt , like Steve blowing off a cute girl to lean across the counter and call Eddie a nerd wasn't the gayest shit imaginable.
And then Eddie and Dustin and Erica are pushing through the bathroom door and Robin is cackling and the comedown from Russian truth drugs is gonna suck but maybe Eddie will smoke them both up if they survive the rest of the night.
Eddie doesn't call him out on attempting vehicular manslaughter because he'd seen how fucking long it took Steve to actually recover from the last go 'round with Billy Hargrove, and when the dust settles and they're all sort of reeling because - because Hopper was like a superhero, alright, and they've got an actual superhero in their midst but Hopper-
Eddie and Robin sit across from each other on the end of Steve's bed and Steve drinks his water and tries not to whine too much about the fact that Eddie is taking Robin at her word that they should at least make sure he's not gonna die of a brain bleed before they get him high and then they're laughing about the fact that Eddie was fully fucking convinced Robin was gonna steal Steve out from under his nose and it's - they wake him up once an hour as soon as he starts to nap and Steve's pretty sure they're just gossiping about Steve half the time but he doesn't mind that much.
Because Robin's, like, the best, the best person and the best friend and just the best thing, and she's gonna hate it so much that Steve trusts her because she's going to hear so many truly horrible things about how stupid in love with Eddie Munson Steve is but it's important to Steve that Eddie and Robin give a shit about one another and if they've gotta bond over his ability to injure the shit out of himself any time he's given the chance then he'll nurse his bruised ribs and grin dopily every time Eddie leans over to place a fresh pack of frozen peas on his eye.
Robin isn't sure she's ready for anyone else to know and Steve gets that, he totally does, because the few minutes he'd thought she'd judge him for the person he's given his whole heart to were the worst minutes of his life. Gareth clocks her in about two days anyway, keeps it to himself until he can't stand the awkward silences every time Robin and Steve get handsy and they realize it and leap away from one another but it's the same kind of handsy Eddie gets with the band when he's feeling a little lonely and he knows he can trust them to not be total fucking dickheads about it.
"How is it that the only totally hetero one is the only one with a fucking gaydar?" Jeff asks and - okay, so the thing is maybe watching Eddie and Steve fall in love made him realize a few things and he's - well, Hawkins is small and close minded and until Steve he hadn't realized that liking both was a thing you could do.
At the end of the summer Steve arranges a trip up to Indy and Robin has to make up a ridiculous lie to her parents about a camping trip with a few of the band kids because there's zero fucking way they're letting her go up to the city with four fucking dudes but she pulls it off and only has like, two freak outs about being in a club full of women who are also into women.
Babyfaced Gareth is a hit and Jeff definitely maybe makes out with a dude in the alley when he steps out for a cigarette and Steve makes Eddie dance with him until Eddie complains his toes are bleeding and it's actually kind of a perfect night, a perfect trip, a perfect way to end the summer.
Steve and Eddie take turns driving Robin to school in the mornings and Robin couldn't explain to a single soul how they've become the most important people she's ever had in her corner but the thing is she doesn't really have to, because that noise is for people who haven't seen Russians try to jumpstart the apocalypse, haven't been administered torture drugs by horror-movie looking 'doctors', haven't gotten their asses handed to them to protect one another.
By mid November Steve calls a meeting of Gareth and the Gays because Robin's crushing hard on a redhead from band and as previously established only one of them has a working gaydar. Gareth takes all of thirty seconds watching Robin and Vickie interact before he's giving her a thumbs up from across the gym.
Gareth fucking hates how catchy Gareth and the Gays is.
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suzukiblu · 4 months
So I'm teetering on the edge of the rabbit hole because of your writing, because I never used to care much about DC aside from that 2004 batman series, but now I'm curious about the Core Four? And does Cassie not have her own series????
You know, I don't know if she's ever even had a LIMITED series, tbh? Kon's had at least two solo titles and also had Superboy and the Ravers, Tim's had I think three or four solo runs between various Robin and Red Robin and okay-now-we're-Robin-again personas, and Bart's had one, and the three of them and also YJ have all had specials/shorts/stuff like that, but the closest I ever remember seeing Cassie get to a solo of her own is her getting an issue or two of Wonder Woman to herself.
. . . honestly you could probably just read Young Justice's original run and a few of the specials and crossovers that led up to it and happened during it, like World Without Grown-Ups and Sins of Youth, and get a pretty good idea of a lot of things about them? Also I guess the post-YJ Teen Titans run, but honestly I just wasn't that into that so I read very little of it myself and mostly just mine it for the occasional interesting idea (cough cough TRAUMA).
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when the clock strikes 12
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Summary : while awaiting for the new year countdown, Eddie had an idea to blow your mind
Word Count : it's for the mini fics section soooo lengthwise? probably solid
Warnings : 18+ (MDNI)SMUT‼️Eddie Munson x FEM!reader, language, slight alcohol consumption, reader and Eddie are both (20), slight somnophilia 🫠, aftercare, no use of y/n, reader is slowly waking up and Eddie asks for permission and if you're still uncomfortable with that please don't continue to read, that's just it really
What to Expect : SMUT and FLUFF, Eddie being a silly goose, set in modern era (of course, there's still a touch of 80's in there), UPSIDE DOWN & VECNA DON'T EXIST IN THIS!
Note To Reader : GIF for this because I'm missed seeing him moving on my fics lmao, also the divider is made by me hehe- I'm literally exposing myself out here, please forgive for my salacious thoughts 🙏🏻 (if you know me in real life? no- you don't 😃)
Author Note : I know I've been long gone for a while but I'm trying my best to post new fics as much as I can! there has been a lot of happenings with my life especially we're having a lot of events like family reunion 🫠 (but it's so much fun tho ngl)
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The preparation for new year's is going so well
So well, that you haven't realized how tired you really are
You're so productive that you've used too much of energy on yourself for working to prepare for the party
You wanted this to be perfect
You want everything to be settled in according to your plan
Eddie knows that you're always so "serious" when it comes to decoration and especially when there's an occasion
He loves you for it though, you just don't throw parties
You throw the greatest parties all the time and you never missed
All of your friends are in there, Steve, Robin, Jonathan, Nancy, Argyle and the freaking kids that you always adored so much
You looked around at everyone in the room
Jeff and Gareth are bantering at each other with some album, Dustin and Lucas fight over which 80's fantasy film is the best, Steve, Robin and Eddie surprisingly getting along with the same pop music artist, you could see the three of them geeking at each other
Max and Jane do makeover at each other which aches your heart of seeing them so close to each other, it's really so sweet to have a real girl bestfriend like that
"I'm gonna refill your glass" Nancy pasts over to you snatching the glass on your hand so swiftly that it makes you snap out of your head
You slowly trying to register what just happened and you smile finally
"More wine? really?" You say as you watch her fill your glass with wine
"Uh, yeah?" she replies with a dramatical jerk to her head as you chuckle
"But it's only 9pm!" you exclaim with wide eyes but a fond smile on your lips
"are you saying that we should only be drinking when the clock finally strikes 12?!?" she says while she fills her cup, she takes glances at you and back to her glass
"Ah- yes, that! exactly!" you point to her using your index finger as you holding your glass of wine
You could already feel yourself getting drowsy a little bit from the wine
Red wine will always make you feel sleepy
You don't even know if it's the alcohol or you just really need to doze off for a minute before you could scream at the top of your lungs for 2024
You don't even know how many glasses that you already take
"Did we just finished the whole bottle?" You feel the world is spinning on you
Nancy, your bestfriend- raises the bottle in front of you as she snorts at your disapproval look
"Kinda?" she says slurring as she smirks at you
"What do you mean? Kinda?!"
"Hey- woah!"
Jonathan passes by and bless him for his instincts because Nancy would've been knocked her head on the counter as she starts stumbling from her stance, he catches her on time
Nancy giggled as you rolled your eyes in annoyance, massaging your forehead
He saw the look from your face as he chuckles
"She got too far again, huh?"
"Yeah, she always does, Jonathan, nothing's new" you reply as you also can't walk properly
"Wait- don't move- should I call-"
Before Jonathan can finish his words, the voice of your boyfriend booms out of nowhere while Argyle tails behind him, looking at you and Nancy
"Sweetheart- how you've-"
Eddie clocked the wine bottle from Nancy hand
"Did you dr-"
"Don't even try it, Ed's" you placed your palm over his mouth as you stumble forward, he immediately wraps his arms around you as you started pressing all of your weight against his chest making the male laugh as he gently hold the back of your head
"Y'all getting drunk already? It's not even 12am yet" Argyle with his iconic tone, you seriously have no idea which one of his voice is normal
You've never heard him talk in normal voice before so you're used to him having that voice that sounds so freaking high as fuck
But, he's a good bud tho, so hilarious
"Blame her, not me! Eddie tell them!" You defend yourself as you put your chin onto his chest as you look at him with a pout on your lips, he smiles as he ruffles his face against yours making your face scrunch up from his action, he laughs again
"What's with all of the commotion?" Steve arrives with hands on his hips
"The two got their selves drunk again" Jonathan points to you and to his girl
"As if that's new" Robin appears in the corner with her arms crossed leaning against the side of the wall
Steve chortles "Wait- you got hustled by Nancy again?"
You groaned from Steve's teasing "yeah, I always fail to see that, thanks" you say
"I told you, you shouldn't brought the wine here, you moron!" Robin uncrosses her arms finally figuring out where the wine misplaced her eyes widen when she saw Nancy holding it, she snatches it making her bite a laugh as Jonathan also connecting the dots at the scene
He pressed his lips together to not burst from laughter
Argyle watches both of his friends having a fit of unnecessary argument
"I think I need to grab a popcorn for this" he leaves abruptly as he looked at your kitchen cabinets and came back munching in a bag of popcorn, very entertained at the scene
"I-I don't know how she got it!"
"Did you hide it properly!?"
"Look- Robs-"
Robin clicks her tongue as she asks "Nancy, how did you get the wine bottle?!"
She turns around with a lopsided smile as Jonathan steadys her
"I just saw it hanging around but-"
"I think Steve" she points at him as she chuckles making the boy winces as he finally remembered of what he's done
"Forgotten about it that he left it out there, soooo" she giggles again making Robin grumble as she raises both of her eyebrows at Steve
"Oh- come on!" Steve runs his fingers through his hair as he decides to turn back leaving all of you
"Hey! don't you walk out on me! I paid for that expensive shit-" Robin follows him as she starts pointing everything on him
Argyle, Jonathan, Nancy and Eddie all laughing at the scene while meanwhile you, Eddie could hear you chuckle a bit but you made a little hum
He draws back his attention at you, he looks down at you
"I think I need to doze off for a minute" you say to him with your sleepy eyes
He smiles as he kisses the top of your head he put his arms around you "Yeah, sure"
Eddie says to Jonathan and the rest that you and him will be out for a while, they all nod and said "Don't be late for the countdown"
Your boyfriend leads you to your bedroom as you throw yourself at your bed as he closes the door walking towards you, you lay behind your back as you stretch your whole body, Eddie chuckles at your tipsy behavior
"I love my bed"
"Yeah, you always do"
"Uh huh"
He snickers "Okay, honey, are you well? are you sober?" He leans down at you
"Eddie- you know the alcohol hits harder at Nancy right?"
"I'm just checking you know to see if my girl's alright" he shrugs as he put his hands inside of his pockets
"I'm very much, okay, eds- I'm sssleepy" you yawn as you feel your eyes dropping until it shuts completely
He chuckles as he shakes his head he leans down as he kisses your forehead you smile at the gesture as it makes you even heavier to fall asleep
Eddie watches you sleep as he stands over at the window
The neighborhood outside is quite a watch, everyone is having fun, everyone is having a blast
The music outside is dull but he can hear all of his friends laughter and the screams of excitement from them
He shifts from where he standing as he tears off his eyes from the outside of your window and goes back at you
You turned on the other side, so you're now facing him as you snuggle against your pillow
Eddie smiles to himself, he feels so good having you in his life
He walks towards you as he moves the fallen hair strand on your face
His eyes softens as he sats down beside you
You stirred up from the movement on the bed as you try to open your eyes, you smiled when you realized it's Eddie
You pulled him closer beside you as he lets you take him laying down with you
He put his other arm over you as you cuddled against his chest almost hugging him in the process
You feel more cozier and even more sleepier than before
The moment you move your leg over to his
Your skirt rise up exposing more bare skin to him, his breath hitches at the sight of it
He looks down at you, he double thinked- maybe- it's a bad idea to do this but he wants you so badly right now
He shouldn't even be thinking that you will get mad because hell-
You trust him
He starts sinking down beside you, you moved slightly as he continues to do his work
He plants hot kisses over your neck when finds your sweet spot- you hum lightly
He's now on top of you, holding your hips, he's positioning you laying on your back, your head is on the side, still sleeping peacefully
He goes over to your chest, you're wearing tube top with a zipper in front, so he has a access to your bare chest, he kisses more and more
Your body couldn't even register what's going on
You felt hot and cold all over because of the midnight's weather and from your body heating up from the tension that your boyfriend is giving you
You feel him going lower and lower but you can still feel your eyes tired
He watches your soft heaves from chest rising up and down, his eyes darkened when he puts his hand inside of your skirt, he slowly reaches at the hem of your panties
He licks his lips, your skin feels on fire because of his fingertips, your stir from your sleep once again but still not opening your eyes
He doves onto your lips, kissing you, and you hummed as you lazily kissed him back
"May I?"
You move your head onto the other side, you catch a glimpse of the clock, it says 11:20pm
"Ed's, we might get late-" even though, you want him to do it
You're not even opening your eyes yet but you can see his pleading eyes being directed at you
"Yes, Eddie, you can have me, take it all" you sank down further making Eddie groaned when his fingers touched your center, it's drenched
He hook his fingers on your underwear along with your skirt discarded on the floor
You shudder at the cool air as Eddie positioning himself comfortably
He smears kisses on the inside of your thighs as he goes closer and closer to your core
You moved your head on the other way as you try to close your legs when you can't help but feel the arousal that's coming in
But he places his palms on the sides of your legs spreading you open as you can feel of your insides burning from his touch
His hands are everywhere, when the moment he swiped his fingers at your core, you released lewd noises as your breathing goes quicker
He licked his finger cleaning it off with his tongue, he grins down at you
He holds your hips as he leans down
Before you can finish your sentence, he doves down lapping at your juices as you gasp from his sudden action
His eyes are glued to you as he continues to do his work, watching your once peaceful slumber turns into pleasure
He devours you so satisfying that it's making you close your legs, he smirks as you can feel his tongue go lower inside, you mewled
He holds you tightly as you grip on the sheets, he sucked more and more of you until your can feel your legs shake
You can feel his hand reaching on the hem of your top, you slightly open your eyes as you find the zipper as you pull it down
He grunts when he saw your breasts that he worships everyday, you loved the way he admires your body
You're now naked so divinely displayed for him
His free hand kneads your boobs as you moaned, he dives back down as he starts to bully your clit
You can feel your body tremble from the sensation forming up in your stomach
You reached for his hair as you pull it making his eyes grow hungrier and eats you like man starved for days
"Oh- Eddie-"
He carries the back your butt as his tongue digs deeper earning a squeal from you when he reaches the spot that you didn't know it existed
Your eyes are heavy-lidded, you try to watch him but you can't when your brain can't place your emotions whether is melatonin or oxytocin
you're not sure at this point but hella you feel so fucking amazing right now
He abruptly stops and when he does, you finally open your eyes
"Wha- what- don't stop!" You whine
"What about the countdown?" His lips are covered with your slick and his saliva altogether not caring a single shit that it's literally dripping down on his chin
You gasp at it as you moaned, he chuckles darkly, you know what he's doing he's teasing you
"Do you know that you're frickin' beautiful without even trying?" He goes at his usual antics as you beg for him to come back down
"Eddie, please!"
"Not until you see stars"
Before you can utter another word, he goes back in but this time he places your legs over his shoulders another spectacular angle making you shiver from his touches yet again
He grips your legs, thighs, arms, your belly, he squeezes your boobs and it's literally fucking everywhere
One thing, you know it's for certain that you really would unashamedly come from his simple touches
He pokes his tongue down on you but when he curled it, you chant his name like a prayer, you have the ability to scream his name without being caught in action inside of the room because of the loud noises from the people and the music
Your eyes burn from the threatening tears but Eddie is not having it, he wanted you to fall apart completely for him
You moaning louder and louder when he swipes his tongue on your entrance when he puts your legs down on the bed
"You're still not seeing it, I see"
"D-Don't stop- please"
He opens your legs again as he resume to his mission, he tongue fucks you as he digs in and out, you squirm at it as he starts picking up the pace as you let out a ragged breath
Goddamn, he is killing you right now, you can already die right then and there heavenly
Your mouth falls open without noise coming out of them as you yank his hair, he growls as you couldn't believe that he could reach every spot inside of you
You arched your back as you start grinding against his face, his eyes flashes devilishly mischief as he didn't stop this time
He laps once more until you cry out his name
You jolted when the fireworks exploded booming the entire neighborhood
You come on his tongue as the same time the fireworks started
Your legs are spent, you feel boneless but a sickly smile is now sitting on your lips
He let you get back on earth for a while as he cleans you up, he dresses you up not leaving single skin left behind without his kisses
"You saw it, huh?" He grins like a devil that he is but you love him, he holds the door open for you letting you first outside
You saw all of your friends jumping on to the music and celebrated very happily
"I did" you admit ignoring the rosy tint on your cheeks "and it was much more better"
"Than?" He throws his arms around your shoulders
"The fireworks" you smile as he chuckles as he kisses the top of your head as he squeezes you to his side
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